#I swear I’m trying
corinnetheanime · 1 year
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Wip of Danny gritting his pointy teeth because he’s in pain and I like making these expressions particularly “not pretty”
Just to prove I’m actually making progress on the page.
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kissingghouls · 5 months
Just in case you’re wondering:
It has been a real struggle to find my creative energy in the new year after horrible terrible bullshit holiday season. Burnout is hard and it’s hard to recover from. If you’re feeling the same way, please remember to be kind to yourself.
I have been working on The Prince. I have been working on a follow up to soft prompt Mary. I have been working on my secret society fic. I just haven’t found the spark or focus I sometimes get. I appreciate all of you for being patient. It’s a kindness that can’t be repaid. Hopefully I will have actual updates for you soon (the last part of the Prince is up to 5500 words already and there’s so much more to get to.)
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chaosduckies · 1 month
I’m actually going to combust and explode. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO WRITE THIS CHAPTER OF RESTORATION OH MY GOSH. I’ve made three separate drafts and I don’t know which one to use, so I might just redo it again.
I swear I’m trying guys but I want these last few chapters to be amazing. So sorry for the wait 😞
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im-gonna-explode · 3 months
Literally just trying to draw some queer platonic besties for Ace Alastor week and my computer’s just like “haha, f u.”
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*through gritted teeth* fucking up is a part of life and you have to learn from it fucking up is a part of life and you have to learn from it fucking up is a part of life and you have to learn from it
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bluerin17 · 2 years
It’s hard to know, at least on a theoretical level, that you’re smart, hard working, creative when in reality you’re so far behind all of your peers. It feels like every year you fall further behind people the same age as you, and then you’re falling behind people younger than you, and you know that you should be able to keep up—to get better grades, get a good job, work towards all the goals you had for yourself—but it’s like wading through mud while everyone else runs on dry land. Nothing works until you’ve tried and tried and tried and tried and put every ounce of effort you can manage into it. Your stubbornness and persistence refuse to let you give up on anything, so instead you fall further and further behind, and you don’t know how to fix it. If you can fix it. Maybe you’re doomed to perpetually watch people pass you by as you barely claw your way through life.
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flowers-that-sing · 1 year
OH my GOD wait half my old friends cut me off because of symptoms of personality disorders they knew i had I JUST REALIZED THAT. i thought i was just a toxic bitch
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berriesandjunnie · 2 years
Don’t worry too much about doing the request! Take your time! We just want a happy, healthy lia :]
😭 thank you )):
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sabiekay · 3 months
It’s been about a year since I started writing Another Life….which I started because I got the idea while having writer’s block for *a different WIP* 🥲
I’m nearly done with my second draft, but maaaaaaaan writer’s block and busy work schedules suck
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enigma-the-anomaly · 3 months
Idk what’s worse: failing a class or all authority figures being assholes about you failing a class
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imonabitchparade · 4 months
I just came from my Italian class where we had to write 40-50 words from our beginning Italian vocabulary about a celebrity we like. I chose Zendaya because why not.
I’m not proud of what I wrote because I don’t think I did a very good job. But I am proud that I didn’t mention Tom until the last sentence because I was running out of things I knew how to say.
I realized as I was leaving that class that all I wrote for that sentence was “boyfriend e Tom Holland” instead of “Ha uno regazzo. Chiami Tom Holland” or something like that.
Now I’m kicking myself.
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emeow-blog · 5 months
Do you ever just like tell people you’re committed to doing something and make up a whole story of how you are doing with it and then secretly you are working on something else on the side
because yeah that’s how I feel right now working on a fanfiction that is already 100K+ words for my FUCKING JAPANESE TEXTBOOK instead of the works I promised I would write in mid December that people are waiting for 👍
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mr-fizzy · 1 year
In the way is my least favorite place to be and yet somehow I am always there :(
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ninyard · 2 months
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Exy fans on Twitter (championship final edition pt2)
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 1 year
I apologize in advance for not being as fast updating/ putting out new content. I started a new job today in the ER and my schedule is a bit wild at the moment. Trying my best though ❤️
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