#I swear the quality looked better on my computer :(
inappropriations · 1 year
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Kaz, he's just a kid!
So was I.
Shadow and Bone season 2, episode 3
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kozachenko · 8 months
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I swear to god, Zanmu has just been on my mind recently, she's taking over my fucking brain please send help
Artist's Note:
Why is it that everytime I do a drawing of Zanmu I always make the canvas size fucking huge and it ends up being a living nightmare to fucking export. I swear to god I had to go from 1200 DPI to 600 to 350.
Exporting hell aside, I loved working on this piece. With Zanmu's design, I wanted to combine all the design details that I love and have seen in other people's drawings of Zanmu and give them my own personal touches. First of all, her sleeves were inspired by @amemenojaku's design for Zanmu, and I absolutley love that detail because not only does it make her feel more regal, it also can be a callback to Satori and old hell, and also gives me the idea that Satori's fashion sense was inspired by Zanmu because IRL a lot of historical fashion was inspired by what the nobles were wearing at the time, and since Satori was around since when Old Hell used to be Hell, she probably took some wardrobe inspo from her (or it could be my headcanon that Satori could've been Zanmu's royal advisor or she was in her court or something but that theory is kinda grasping at strings from other headcanons I have, but that's for a different post). Also, the eye makeup she has was inspired by @jothelion's drawings of Zanmu, and like, I fucking love that detail because it just adds so much like omg I just love it sm.
And now for the design details I put in. I gave Zanmu tassel earrings because I think they'd look great on her. I also really like to exaggerate her hair and really try to make it look wild, as well as having little grey hairs here and there. I also try to add some wrinkles to the corners of her eyes, but TBH I don't know how visible that detail is, since the image is pretty fucking big. I also really exaggerated the tassles/strings on her outfit, since I really wanted to play around with the potential flow they could have. Also, big fan of giving Zanmu longer sleeves and pants. IDK why but I just like how it flows better. Also big fan of making her taller, idk why a lot of fanart makes her short. Also, I placed her horns closer to the front of her head as I just think placing horns in that position looks cool.
Also, if you're wondering about the halo, I took some inspiration from a few of Caravaggio's paintings where he often depicts saints with this very thin halo around the top of their heads. I just liked that detail a lot so I thought I'd include it.
Fun fact, I was originally gonna make the four skeletons Chiyari, Biten, Enoko, and Hisami but I didn't like the prospect of having to draw four more characters, so I chose to replace them with skeletons (if you wanna get silly with it, Zanmu got Hisami to kidnap Aya, set up some skeletons with bones from her bone collection and told her to take a picture of her).
I kinda gave up on Zanmu's feet and the one skeleton's hands (as if drawing hands normally is hard enough but NOPE, HAD TO MAKE IT LIVING HELL FOR MYSELF BY MAKING IT A SKELETON) and the quality of the image may suffer because of how much I had to fucking compress it (Zanmu's presence alone was enough to make the computer lose all of it's desire and motivation to export the drawing of her lmao), but I have been hacking at this piece for a while now, plus I need to learn when to call it quits when it comes to drawings). Also as I was fixing up the hands there was one spot where I forgot to clean up with the sketch and I can't fucking unsee that now and it's going to fucking bother me until I fix it but fixing it requires going back and putting my computer through hell so yeah.
So yeah, that's about all I have to say with this drawing, it was fun but also a nightmare lol
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notmorbid · 11 months
dialogue prompts from sweetlust: stories by asja bakić.
i tend to expect the worst of people.
shit. i'm even competitive about intimate feelings.
i haven't even started and i've already lost.
i don't care what i look like. i just want to survive.
do you want to eat me?
you sound like a precocious child.
you're different. better.
sex can't rehabilitate anyone.
fear is essential to survival. the body fears with reason.
i don't like crying in public.
this place brings out the worst in all of us.
a destructive idea can be more dangerous than bacteria.
am i the beauty or the beast?
what do you look like when you have no audience?
sadness can't be turned off like a computer.
i have complete confidence in you.
you never come home empty handed, even when you should.
out of sight, out of mind.
is there somewhere i could rest?
i can't explain why, but please listen.
some dreams have the quality of memory.
i called you, but you didn't pick up.
motherhood, more than anything else, personifies death.
if this is motherhood, i never want to be a mother.
what are you thinking about right now?
even in winter, life has to go on.
i've been lying my entire life.
i don't know what i'm feeling.
there's always been space for you.
'for the greater good' is such a tired phrase.
abstract ideas have concrete consequences.
you've gone silent again.
you blame your mother for everything but global warming.
i look like a villain. i know that.
i don't even know where you're from.
i could have helped you, but i didn't want to.
no one wants to get out of here more than i do.
i don't trust people who don't lie.
you have scruples. that's your biggest weakness.
i can't remember ever laughing so hard.
what's your name? can i at least know that?
i wasn't completely honest.
it's not appropriate to swear.
stay. the bed's big enough for the both of us.
no one who sees the future clearly can believe in god.
you're not stupid. you just act like it.
i want you to fully know me.
i don't want to play house.
everyone suffers. you're not the only one.
i won't tell you how to feel.
you know how much i hate that word.
there's no reason to lie anymore.
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tparker48 · 1 year
Request for adit10-1
It was in the middle of the Evening as Sarah made her way through the house. Texting her friends to check in on the latest events. There’s gotta be something to do today, the afternoon’s been so slow. She panned through the mountain of text to see if something caught her eye, but when the screen reached the bottom, She groaned as she tossed her phone away. skulking to the kitchen, she slumped into her chair and turned on the Tv. But a door opening soon drew her attention, her brother, Dan stepping inside with a couple of boxes. 
"Finally it came!" He announced.
She eyed him curiously, he hasn’t been that happy since he went to that science fair last month. "What did?" she asked.
"My Shrink kit arrived in the mail! I finally have the whole set!"
"A shrink kit? Sounds like a dumb name."
"You're dumb!” he barked, hugging the boxes close to him. “This here is a high quality shrinkage kit bestowed to me by the size guild committee. Something that your tiny brain can't comprehend!"
That airhead, always quick to belittle her brain at a first glance. She slouched in her chair, leaning back as Dan continued to yap about the guild. Each sent her mind into a spiral, her mind imagining her somewhere else than from this conversation.
"Hey!" Dan clapped, shocking Sarah from her dazed state. "Are you even listening?"
"Yes and no." She replied, knocking the drool from her lip.
"I said I'm taking my shrinking kit to my room. Do not come near it, or I will destroy you!"
"Yeah yeah, go and have fun with your science project already." She fanned him away. Looking toward the TV, she heard him scoff as he left the room, leaving her mind to wonder. Who does he think he is? He can't order me around like I'm a child. 
And she was going to prove it to her. She got out of the chair before her way to the end of the hallway, peering around the corner as Dan walked to and from the room with boxes. How many does a guy need?  she watched as he came toward her direction, hiding behind the laundry door as he went into the kitchen. When his shadow left the corner, she made her way into the room, closing the door behind her. 
Boxes were everywhere inside the room, stacked upon the bed while others rested along the computer chair. "It’s like a storage room in here. Is he trying to move?” she asked, making her way to the boxes on the bed. “I swear if he thinks he's getting out of his cut of the rent he's.." She peaked inside as comics rested below, girls in bikinis plastered upon them as they came in stacks.
 "Pig." She scoffed, shielding her eyes as she closed the box. Noticing a few bunched together on the bed, she carefully peeked through them as she analyzed the contents.
Tea sets, jockstraps, was this the collection he was talking about? She got to the further boxes as she opened the one on the drawer, the shrink committee logo placed along the edge. There’s Dan's box he brought in, wonder what’s in it? She moved closer as she noticed a flap already open, edging her finger inside as she pulled it away.
She searched through the box as flasks scattered along the edge of the cardboard, science posters placed at the bottom with a wrapped in the middle.
 " careful, serum inside" the sign in bold letters.
 Curiosity got the better of her, opening the plastic where a red vile appeared inside, no bigger than her thumb as she hovered it in front of her. "Heck's in here?" She asked as she popped the cap. A sour scent scorched her nose, her thumb quick to clog it as she gagged. "What is this cum?"
The door began to jiggle, her gaze turning toward it as Dan's shadow appeared in the frame. "I know for a fact I didn't close this. Sarah! I know you're in there!"
"Crap!" She whispered. She raced to put the cap back on, but the thick cap slid across the cylinder opening as she pushed harder. a portion of the fluid spilled into her thumb, its stain quick to sink into her skin as she drew it away. "Ah gross." She cursed.
She reached for a napkin as she wiped down her, but the bangs grew louder before a key jangled into the knob. With no time left, she placed the vile back into the box, closing the lid as she raced to the closet and closed the door.
 The main door slammed open as Sarah peaked through the wooden blinds, Dan’s skinny build marching past as she stopped at the drawer.
"The boxes are moved! Alright Sarah, where are you?!"
This isn't good, there’s boxes in here too. If he finds me in here I’m a sitting duck. She held her mouth as she eyed her brother, watching as he traversed through the room. He tossed over a pile of boxes off the side wall, peering along the corners of the bed before he moved away. "You can't hide Sarah!" Dan said firmly, making his way toward the opposite closet as the hinges nearly came off.
Dan moved back to the center of the room, looking around for any clues. As he took a step, her heart skipped a beat as he looked toward her direction. As he approached, she slinked between the hanging clothes, the wall meeting her back as she slid down.
Well, It was fun while it lasted, let this day be known as the day the consequences come for ass. awaiting for the doors to open, a pulse came from her body, forcing her gaze downward as her body became numb. "What’s going on?" She asked herself, another pulse pushing through her as she clutched the wall. But slowly, she felt the space grow bigger, the suitcase she rested on overcoming her legs as she sat in the center. "What the..what's!.."
A stronger pulse moved her, her size diminishing as she suspended through the air. When she started to fall, she clinged to a shirt hanging above, dangling through the air. She noticed a box of fleshlights below, their lips extending out to her like rose buds. No..absolutely not. She was daring, but there was no way she would even touch those disgusting things.
"Nowhere to run, Sarah!" Dan's voice grew closer.
She looked to the door ahead of her, before looking back to the box below. "Ugh, I'm gonna regret this." Looking at the shirt, she let go as she descended toward the box below, curling herself into a ball as she slipped between one of the fleshlights' vaginal lips.
"Gotcha!" Dan announced, the panel door swinging open as he peered inside.
Sarah paused as silence filled the room, staring at the puffed lips as shadows loomed over it.
"Damn it..this is so stupid!" He cursed above. A slam rang through the air, the lips darkening as his steps went away. 
That was a close one, he nearly had me there. taking to the corner of the fleshlight, she pushed into the folds rubber surrounding her, Her stomach fluttering as the sextoy wobbled around. "Alright, I think I've had enough of this for one day." She steadied herself, making her way to the lips. "Now, let's get out of this thing."
Grounding her feet into rubbery flesh, she pushed against the lips as they sunk between her palms, but they wouldn't budge. " huh?.." She puzzled, placing her palms against it once more. She moved her palm toward the center of the lips, the space between was ever thicker as her fingers barely pierced through the first layer.
 “Come on..you!” she used her head to push against the slanted opening, the blubbery surface sinking forward as a breeze blew into her hair. But her feet gave way as they slipped from beneath her, the elastic lips rubberbanding and sending her to the back of the flesh light.
"I'm..I'm stuck!" She yelled. Racing to the lips again. "No, I Can't be stuck! Not like this!!" she clawed between the lips once more.In a panic, she pounded against its entirety as its force echoed through the like a drum. "No No, no, no!" She shouted, slamming her forearms into the vaginal lips before she slumped to her knees.
Was this how things were gonna be from now on? Trapped in the confines of one of her brother’s sextoys. No, she can’t give up that easily. She rose as she got up from the floor, taking a few steps to the back as she eyed the opening. This time, this time for sure. Digging her feet into the floor, a squeak pierced the space as she charged forward, forced to crouch as the lumpy ceiling laid at her back. 
Holding her elbow out, she jumped as she aimed toward the faint crease in the middle, but the floor suddenly tilted as she collided against the bottom, bouncing off as she tumbled to the back. "Ooow!"
"I got way too much energy to think right now, the conference is about to air." Dan said beyond the walls. The chamber continued to sway as Sarah held onto the walls, the rubbery bulbs too soft to grab as she collided against the walls.
"Conference? what conference?" She asked.
A nozzle suddenly pushed through the lips above. When the fleshlight adjusted, translucent fluid squirted out from the top, spilling over the side walls like lava before they splashed onto Sarah. "Ah! What the-!" She tried to speak, but fluid caught in her mouth as she used her hands to block its path.  But more layers toppled over her, creating a puddle along her knees as she slipped into the pile. When a burst of air blew through the tube, the fluid finally ceased as nozzle retracted from the sealed tube.
"What the heck is this stuff?!" she asked, finally clearing the fluid from her face. A musky scent drew her nose to the chamber, along with..strawberries?
The walls shook as Sarah toppled over to the walls, the slick substance making her roll and collide at the bottom of the fleshlight. Gravity shifted as the puddle flowed to the slitted lips, but she clinged to a space above as her legs wedged into a fold of leather. "I got a few moments before it starts." Dan said.
Before what starts? She looked to the bottom as movement began to stir, a mass filling inside as it overcame the lips. It was hard to tell what it was as its pink surface blended with the walls. But when its round edge squeaked closer, and a smaller slit stared at her from the pink abyss, her suspicions were confirmed. It was her brother's cock. "Oh no.."
As the fleshlight lifted, the cockhead started to climb,  burrowing through the walls as its thick girth swelled and filled the tube. "No no no-"
Dan's hand gripped at the side of fleshlight, corkscrewing the lips to his base. "Alright, set up the livestream and it should be.. There!" He clicked on the link as the screen turned to a dark screen, a time limit placed above as it slowly counted down. 
He sighed and sat back in his chair, his attention drawing to his fleshlight below. He could feel his cock climb, pulse after pulse sending its length to the top. He twisted around its sides, pumping his hips like a stirring a barrel before he dug his cock deeper. But something felt off when he got to the middle. It was stiffer than the last time he used this, has it been that long since I had a go at this thing? He cushioned the head against, ramming it into the stiff object to give his cock room to breath. He was on a deadline, and this occurrence wasn't going to delay him. He pumped harder, letting the stimulation from his cock ease his mind into bliss.
"Dan!" A distorted voice pierced the air.
He snapped out of his trance before he looked around the room. Sarah? I thought she wasn't in here? He got up as he held his fleshlight in hand, checking the doors before checking outside, but found nothing there. the distorted voice pierced again, but he scoffed as he returned to his desk. "Very funny Sarah, you think your voice shouting is working? What are you gonna start banging too? Please."
He sat back down and focused on his strokes, his built up stress transmitting to his arm as he pumped harder. Clapping came from the sextoy, fluid spilling onto his lap as he smeared into his skin. The muffles appeared again, this time catching dan's attention as he slowed down. This is starting to get irritating, the clocks almost up. He heaved his cock inward, swirling his cock around as to lose himself into the wall's touch.
Another muffle sound. But this time..from his fleshlight? He halted before hovering the fleshlight to the middle of his cock, nudging the tip inside as the slick walls glossed at the head. Pushing deeper, he found the stiff surface from before, poking at it as a muffle responded.
"You are such a child.." He scorned. "Putting a microphone inside my sextoy. Very funny Sarah. Let me show you something else that’s funny.." He jerked his hand back before he sent the fleshlight down, twisting at its side as he humped into the vaginal lips. Clap after clap, he heard the muffles insides grow stronger, feeling the stiff object toss around and grind beneath his meat. Pulling himself back, he looked at the lips to admire his cock, a finger wedging from the lips before it slipped back in. This girl, she put a doll with a microphone to mimic her voice. Probably to scare him no doubt. Unfortunately for her, he was looking for something to take his stress on.
He pumped faster at the fleshlight, its once graceful squelches becoming sloppy as the lips loosened around his cock. Stroke after stroke, he climbed his cock higher until the tip tackled at the bottom of the tool. He huffed as he looked at its side, the distant feeling of limbs now almost faint as he grinded over them. 
"Yeah..yeah that’s it. That's.." His body locked as he humped forward, seed expunging from his shaft as it washed inside the chamber like a tide. Clumps of cum raced through, its flow coming in bursts before it finally reseeded. Dan took a breath as eyed the lips of the fleshlight, the warmth of his seed drip into its pants. "There..that should take care of that." He huffed.
He catched his breath and adjusted his seat, but paused when the muffles appeared. They were weaker than before, his ear barely able to pick it up. "Huh, the damn thing still works. Sarah must've bought a waterproof one. No matter.." He said, the clock on the screen reaching zero. "it's time for it to return to sender."
 Dan opened his door and went down the hallway, opening Sarah's door to chew her out, but found only an empty room. She's probably out somewhere, he thought, typical. He made his way to her desk, taking a sticky note as he pried the fleshlight from his cock. Sticking it to its side, he tossed it to the center of the bed.
 Closing the door, the fleshlight wobbled as Sarah moved around, muffled sloshes stirring from the surface as the lips pouted. Upon the fleshlight, the sticky note remained as it swayed in the air.
"Next time, keep your stuff out of my room." It wrote.
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northwest-cryptid · 23 days
The future is now, and a lot of people really don't like it.
It's something I've noticed, I was born just before the turn of the century, and I grew up with a lot of talk about what the future would be like. Computers, the internet, technology itself was still fairly new at least to the everyday consumer. Sure my father had been programming for years, but cell phones were still bricks we had to carry around in our pocket. This isn't a put down, so please don't think I'm using Zoomer as a derogatory term or anything but; Zoomers may not really grasp the fact that our first cell phones were these really chunky bricks that had 2 toned small screens that literally could just make calls or play snake. Texting was a pain, you had to literally hit the same key multiple times to cycle through letters and then wait for it to move to the next slot if you needed a letter on the same key.
And yet, almost everyone around me, and everyone I spoke to online was excited about technology; about the future. Integration of tech into the daily lives of those around you was the coolest stuff you could see, we had classes in school that taught us not just how to type and use the computer, but also things like internet safety and even really basic stuff about how to program. We're talking about elementary school by the way, I was playing computer games in the lab and learning how to type properly, how to stay safe online; and in some cases even how to make games. It was uncommon for anyone even in middle school to own a cell phone, and if they did it was a Nokia. You had people who would swear by Apple products because "they made the iPod!" Which yea, you read that correctly; not the iPhone; the iPod. The iPhone was still just this sort of concept back in the day. The idea of a future where our phones could do more than play snake, send texts, and call people.
You had a lot of people online who made their own websites and were lamenting how easy the internet was becoming for "just any schmuck on the street" to use. It used to be a utopia for only the biggest nerds with their text based computer games and personal websites. However it was quickly becoming more and more accessible to the every-man and people were divided on whether or not that was a good thing. Some didn't care for the direction the internet was going, and others enjoyed the attention the internet and technology by proxy was finally getting.
With more people being able to use technology effectively, the demand for better and better tech was growing. At the time, the capitalistic nature of the industry was fine, it prompted companies to compete for the biggest and the best new stuff to show off. If you were going to spend your money on something; it really had to be quality made. This isn't just about cell phones and computers either, if you look back at how much advancement was made in game consoles back during the time of the Gamecube or Dreamcast eras, you'll see that no one in the console industry could stand by and make sales by just being a brand name. Everything from computer parts to gaming consoles to even software was becoming better, whether that meant faster; higher definition, or even just sometimes having bigger numbers. I mean hell the Nintendo 64 literally put the number in the name to tell you how big of a deal it was.
This was the golden age for technology, and I am genuinely sad that a lot of Zoomers never got to really experience it. We shit-talk Zoomers for growing up without tech literacy, or being iPad babies, but the truth is; they're not taught like we were. Most of the older Millennials, or gen Xers had a lot more understanding of tech because we either were literally raised on it, or we were making it. Zoomers never got to experience what it was like to know the what and why of new tech coming out. The market has become so taken over by capitalistic greed that no one is really happy about it.
We wanted a world where tech made people's lives easier, integration of tech into your daily life was meant to simplify things. Not to advertise 20 different products to you before you can request an uber to come pick you up just so it can ask you if you want to upgrade, only for your uber driver to be so distracted by their phone and the reek of marijuana that they can't drive safely. Which mind you, isn't to say phones or weed are necessarily bad, but hey don't drive under the influence you piece of shit, especially not with passengers; you make the rest of us look bad! Now I gotta go online and complain about this on social media, of course I'm talking about like, maybe one of five social media sites people actually use. Yes it's highly censored and what isn't censored by the people running the site is likely to be caught in the net of the social culture around the website, so of course I have to watch what I say and over explain myself. Then I think I'll reblog that post about how we're all explaining ourselves too much and being too nice and we're too afraid to speak our minds and we really need to stop doing that. Then I'll answer the anon hate I got for speaking my mind and trying to not over explain myself because the social culture net is so broad it encompasses significantly too many different kinds of people who won't see eye to eye...
My point with that whole paragraph is to say that even someone like me, who adores technology and wants it to progress and wants it to integrate more into my life; still doesn't agree with what has become of it. I think the worst part about it is that some of it is inescapable while other parts can be fixed but every time I say that I get yelled at for it. It's like people would rather believe they're trapped here than understand they still have a lot of power over the use of their technology. It's easier to accept the world around you when you don't feel like you could do anything, when you understand that you could do something rather than merely complain it creates a dilemma. Suddenly you know for a fact you could fix your problem, but that requires a certain amount of effort on your part. I've heard people tell me they can't learn to code in HTML for reasons branching from trauma to disabilities. Which is baffling because if you can literally make a text post on tumblr, or send me anon hate to yell at me about how you can't possibly learn HTML; you could easily type out HTML or copy paste it.
However I'm not here to point fingers, I'm here to say I've noticed that the places we can't escape from are getting more and more aggressive, and no one feels like we can do anything. It's rough, because I know if we did try to do something it would be a hell of a lot more effort than just getting people to figure out they could make their own websites if they don't like the ones they are on.
The majority of public transport, businesses, and restaurants have apps that require you to have a smart phone. I sit down and ask for a menu, I'm told there's a QR code on the table I can scan. I once told a waitress my phone couldn't scan QR codes and she made a big fuss about how they don't have physical menus anymore and she wasn't about to tell me what all they had as options. It was my fault for being too poor to afford a good enough phone. Something that was once considered a luxury is now a necessity to eat at an establishment. If you're curious, it was a waffle house. A fucking Waffle House decided to do away with their menus and opted for QR codes. Thankfully I've not seen this catching on with other Waffle Houses, but consider the target audience of a Waffle House. This isn't some fancy classy restaurant, this is a 24/7 diner where you stop in at 3 AM to eat some poorly cooked hash-browns and eggs that were made by a poor college student who isn't paid enough; and hope no one starts a fight because the only other two people in this place are drunk off their ass and getting a little loud with the waiter. When I asked the waitress for literally just hash-browns, a couple of eggs, and bacon; a typical breakfast you could get just about anywhere that serves, you know; breakfast. I was told that's not a menu item and that I'd need to order off the menu if I wanted to actually buy anything. We went back and forth for about 5 minutes and I was doing my best to be polite about the situation because I've worked food service before and I understand too well what it's like to just want a quiet, simple shift. Finally the manager came out, charged me about $7 and made me some food. When they told the waitress to leave me be I heard her remark "alright but they were being rude as fuck" as she walked off. Mind you the only thing I asked for was a menu, then some food; and then asked what the menu item most resembling my order would have been and to just charge me for that. As the waitress stood off in the corner of the Waffle House she literally pulled out her smart phone. Not once did she offer to just scan the QR code for me and help find an order closest to my request, or any such thing. The situation was simple in her mind, I didn't have access to their QR code menu, so I couldn't order anything; end of story.
For many if you take public transport and you need an app for it, your phone needs to be able to run that app. If it can't you're out of luck, it doesn't matter if you have the money for the bus, it doesn't matter if you could pay a taxi. You need to have the app on your phone to travel, you need to scan a QR code to eat, some apps will literally ask for your ID or driver's license, so that's fun. I've literally had apps ask me for my social security information. Yea, remember kids don't give out your personal information to anyone online... unless it's this fun app you use, because remember the guys at [business] are your friends! I know you may believe that they're a business and therefore they have to use your data responsibly, but the truth is that's just not how it works. The people working at Google, at Tumblr, at Uber, they're all just people; people like you and me. Except they have access to your cloud storage, they have access to everything you've ever posted, they have access to your location, they have access to any pictures you've taken that get automatically backed up to your phone with metadata that lists the exact place it was taken; yes that includes your nudes. "For your eyes only... and like all the google employees who see this, and that one creepy guy who screenshot it and shares it with his friends uwu"
Not to be a boomer, but back in my day we were literally taught internet safety in school; and a lot of people cared deeply about this sort of thing. They weren't so apathetic to it all just to get through the day, I hear people say "oh I don't care, I know they're watching, listening; they know everything about me, targeted ads are real; etc." Hell I've been there myself, it's hard to care about it all because it feels like it's everywhere. I understand you may not want to really concern yourself with it, but when you're aware of it you can actually take measures to prevent it where you can. That's literally WHY we were taught this shit in school.
Truth is, I still have those hopes of a future where tech is part of the daily life of those who want it. I love the idea of convenient apps and fun websites. I love the idea of tech advancing and everyone finding new ways to enjoy life. Things like Vtubers, VR/AR tech, video games, and yes even the good things about shit like cell phones, and smart devices. That's all great, but I want it without all the bullshit. I hate using AR tech and going "hi random Meta employee who's likely viewing my data, location, and possibly has random access to my cameras and what I'm running on my own personal tech!" People call me paranoid, they bitch at me for being cynical; and I can't blame them. I really can't, because I know I'd enjoy life a lot more if I didn't think like this, if I didn't know what I know. It's that age old saying that ignorance is bliss.
However, when I see things like the Old Web Movement, and I understand people are trying; they're fighting the good fight and I'm just sitting there? I can't do that. I have to do my part, I have to try as well; or else I have no right to complain, to want for better tech; safer tech, more private tech. I can't scream about something as simple as discord suddenly telling me about everything my friends are playing, or what they're watching in a server I'm not even a part of; unless I'm actively actually doing my part to spread awareness and fight against the violations of privacy that so many tech applications are imposing upon people. I have to speak up even if people hate me for it.
If I was alone on that front, I'd probably let it die; I'd just be some hermit living my own way and not even care. However when I see people trying to fight for others to make their own websites, to give that power back to the public. When I see people trying to teach others how to jailbreak their tech, how to fight back against the automation of data mining and AI stealing your every word to teach some multi-billion dollar waste of electricity. I have to do my part, because I was born just before the turn of the century; and while I'm sure people would tell me it's not that deep. I still dream of the future that was promised to me when I was young, and if I can't have it in my life time, I'll fight for Zoomers; and if they can't have it in theirs, I want them to be armed with the knowledge necessary to help the next generation.
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sometipsygnostalgic · 10 months
Steamdeck OLED review/impressions
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Thought I'd leave some points to my experience as I have been fiddling with it a couple of days now.
This is also, in some ways, a review of the Steam Deck as a system.
The Steamdeck has a screen which is pretty small by tablet standards today, but about the same size as the screen on the Nintendo Switch.
The OLED screen is nice and colourful. I no longer have my LCD to compare it to, but the extra few centimeters helps a lot.
I wouldn't recommend you upgrade just for the screen, however, as it is not that different from the LCD in terms of quality.
I have noticed no issues with my screen, I have seen lots of people report problems but I have identified no dead pixels or glare issues.
I am using a glossy screen with a glossy protector. I tried a matte screen protector, which helped significantly with glare, but it gave a glittery and grainy effect on the screen, so it had to be removed. The glossy protector did not affect image in any way. It was fiddly to apply all the protectors, but I got there in the end.
The good news is that the screen can go very bright, and if it is on high brightness then glare is never going to be an issue. So don't worry about which screen type you buy.
The Steamdeck has a pretty weak battery if you are running most PC games.
The LCD only lasted me an hour if I was playing Monster Hunter World or Balder's Gate 3, and if I played it to depletion, it would bug out on me. More on that shortly.
The OLED seems to have a much better battery. I have been doing a lot of low performance stuff, but I played L4D2 for over an hour earlier, and it only ate maybe 20% of the battery. I played some World today and it only ate another 20% in half an hour with a high performance game, so I think that this unit will do more comparably to the original Nintendo Switch. In all cases I had brightness maxed out.
On emulated games, if you're running gamecube or PS2, it is negligible, however if you run Wii U games it will eat a lot more power (understandably). The fastest drain for me so far was Xenoblade Chronicles X. The other Xenoblade Chronicles games can drain my Switch in an hour, so this isn't a surprise.
This was the main reason I upgraded. I don't mind having the original Switch with its poorer battery performance, but with the Steamdeck LCD it was so bad that the console was barely usable. This change may seem small, but it will make the Steamdeck much more usable for me. Especially as sometimes I am taking 6 hour flights on low voltage planes that struggle to charge my deck.
The Steamdeck can do most older games very well, but if you're aiming at something released in the past couple of years, it is going to struggle. It plays Monster Hunter Rise like a dream, and I swear that it runs Monster Hunter World better than it used to (the game was updated for deck), but Baldur's Gate 3 will look very ugly texture-wise. Then again, that game looks horrible on any computer that came out before 2021.
You will be playing most demanding games on the low to mid settings.
The irony is, while it looked horrendous, Baldur's Gate 3 performed better on deck than on my PC, and I believe this is because the game has high Memory costs. While my PC's processor and graphics card are superior, it only has 8gb of memory to the Steamdeck's 16gb.
I never played a game where the 8gb was an issue until Baldur's Gate 3. It only affected me if I was connected to lots of streams on Discord. I will compare again when I have my new mid range 32gb memory PC next week.
On the OLED, a game with low performance costs like Left 4 Dead 2 will happily push towards the 90 frames per second limit. Of course, you're going to struggle to get Monster Hunter World over 30fp unless the graphics are very low.
So the Steamdeck is about the equivalent of an entry level or mid range 2018 Gaming PC. It is outdated but it plays most of the classics well.
The steamdeck's control sticks are quite large, so they're not the best option for people with small hands like myself. However I reckon this makes the unit popular with its primary audience (adult men who struggle with the small controls of the Switch, which are perfect for me).
The haptic mouse pad is okay, but it is obviously no replacement for an actual mouse. It's slightly worse than a laptop trackpad, I think, but at least it continues to move a bit if you swipe it like a ballpoint mouse would, rather than only being "on" or "off". I report no issues with this item, it does everything you will need it to when controlling from desktop mode or with a pointer-based game.
The buttons are okay, I think the right hand buttons are too small and close to the joystick for comfort, and I think the back paddles are too large and the L5/R5 buttons are too low down. It's not exactly easy to click L5 with your baby finger if you have tiny hands like me. The xbox controller is a better option than the steamdeck base controls. It is unfortunate the console doesn't come with a stand like the Switch does, and you have to buy third party options.
What impresses me most is the gyroscopic controls built into the device. I thought playing a shooter like Left 4 Dead 2 would be impossible, but because of the gyroscope, my aiming is as good as any keyboard and mouse player! Just like when playing Breath of the Wild or Ocarina of Time 3D. Even though I can't control the joysticks very well. I don't need them for those fine little movements anymore.
I must add that the Gyro only works on its default settings if you are touching the centre of the right joystick, or the trackpad. I did not like this at all because I needed to move my thumb to press different buttons. Fortunately there was a community layout which enabled gyro at all times. I was able to change the sensitivity on the game's steam options. You may also be able to enable it or disable it permanently by messing around with your own settings.
The biggest obstacle to Steamdeck is the Linux operating system, which upon the console's release, had very little compatibility with most normal tools. Wii USB Helper, the Wii U emulation tool, was completely incompatible. And the reason most games need to be optimised for Deck isn't because of their actual performance costs, it's because they don't run well on Linux.
Originally when playing Devil May Cry 5, the game would crash for no reason, and playing Monster Hunter World, the textures would crash and you would be left surrounded by a glitched out void if the monster you were fighting did a move that the system didn't like.
I think that over the past year, with the popularity of Steamdeck, a lot of developers have taken to making their games run better on Linux. As for the above Wii USB helper tool, there is something called WiiUDownloader which does the same thing and is Linux compatible. So I have had a much better time.
It was a huge pain in the ass setting everything up and troubleshooting, especially because of the closed-off technical lingo used in emulation circles. But Emudeck has been a great help in getting everything set up. It is all you need for Gamecube.
I have issues with emulation tools not searching the SD card where Emudeck is installed. They keep searching the "Home" directory for things like their BIOS. Either I need to manually write in the correct path, or it's impossible and I need to copy the bios onto the main Deck. I am not sure if this is an issue with steamdeck or the emulation tools themselves, but it was a pain.
The good news is when you finally have these games running, they play very well. I think some of them perform better on a dedicated gaming unit like the Steamdeck than they do on a Windows computer which has dozens of processes running at the same time.
Lots of work has been done with emulation tools since 2021 to give them maximum compatibility with Linux and Steamdeck, as they know this is the main portable platform for those tools now.
I have had plenty of success with PS2 games, Gamecube games, and Wii U games, once everything was set up to Steam ROM Manager and saved to Steam. You can use community controller layouts on Steam that make things way easier to set up than they would be on a Windows PC.
I haven't had any success with Yuzu, the Switch emulator. This isn't necessary for me but it just seems like it isn't finding the keys that Emudeck set up.
Docked mode
I have mostly experimented with this on my LCD prior to the latest update, but I have fiddled with it on the 3.5 update this Sunday.
I have a Toshiba LED Flatscreen TV from ten years ago. It has no issues with any consoles of any kind, though I've never tested it with a PC before.
It is 50/50 as to whether the Dock works. At first it wasn't reacting at all. Now it seems to be compatible on Gaming mode, this could be because I forced lower resolution for screen compatibility.
However, on Desktop mode, when I used the automatic settings, the screen was flickering black and turning off altogether. I searched online for a solution, but unfortunately nothing I saw was helping.
I saw that it was trying to run at 24hz 1080p. I couldn't change the framerate, but I lowered the resolution to 720p and it became locked at 60hz.
This seemed to fix the issue, but now the resolution is too small and there doesn't seem to be a way to force it to change without also lowering the framerate to unusable levels. Odd as I am pretty sure you can force Windows to a massive resolution and the text will just look very tiny on your screen.
I will attribute this to my TV being too old for a modern computer, and maybe it's just a 720p tv, as I have had no issues with the two LCD tvs that my dad owns. I'm not eager on the idea of replacing my TV just for the steamdeck, but if it has no issues in Gaming Mode, it's not going to be a priority anyway.
As for the controller connection, well, it was initially pain in the ass trying to get my xbox series x controller connected. For some reason the bluetooth wasn't doing the job. But after a firmware update on my controller, it went a lot smoother.
What I did not like was you couldn't wake Steamdeck from sleep with the controller.
I have heard this isn't a problem on the OLED, but I am sure a firmware update on the original Steamdeck could have solved the problem. And if not - Why? We have been using bluetooth controllers to wake consoles since 2006! I saw someone claim you can't wake a PC from sleep with a bluetooth controller, so I immediately tested it and... woke my PC from sleep. Why does the Steamdeck LCD have worse wireless functionality than the Nintendo Wii?
People ask on this sub if the console will replace their gaming PCs. In my case, no, as it has to be a very old gaming PC for the steamdeck to be more powerful.
Generally it hasn't replaced my Switch, either, as the Steamdeck's battery life is too limited for long sessions (or cafe gaming as I like to do), and it is a worse Multiplayer console than the Switch. Especially as I had to get the dock separately. The console's portability is limited by its great size, too. I have bought a special case that is smaller than the stock one, but it can only do so much.
However i have found the steamdeck to be useful when I am travelling with access to power outlets and want a gaming PC on the go when I am staying with my partner, or when I simply want to sit in a different room of the house and play Monster Hunter.
The OLED also has a nice screen that makes me choose to play some games on there instead of on my PC screen.
The gimmick of playing demanding Pc games on such a tiny console is fun, and the gyro functionality has opened a lot of options for me that I hadn't previously considered. Maybe it is time to return to DOOM.
I love my steamdeck. After I was happy with my OLED setup, I said goodbye to it and traded it in at CEX. I will transfer that love over to my OLED and even though it isn't immediately that useful, I will find a lot of use for it over the next year with my travelling.
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rainbowspinch · 1 year
I have a quotes page that me and my partner have been trying to keep up with for the past 5 years. Here are some ones that I love
“The girl mosquitoes are just blood sucking leeches, like look around the room it’s like real life”
“I would ride all over their graves”
“The core is....oh that’s a lot of hot”
“Just because the computers are as fast as I am, they think they rule the world. They DON’T.”
“If ankles are the price I must pay to convince everyone I’m not cheating on my boyfriend, then so be it”
“Stop twisting my words before I start twisting your neck”
“T: that shit was like my cocaine
LY: cocaine is my cocaine”
“If you expect me to stop being stupid, you need to lower your expectations”
“If the school is gonna take such shit photos for the smart riders, they should atleast get a better camera so it’s shit but in good quality”
“The whole world was ruled by jellyfish”
“Did you know that there’s still dinosaurs around? Like cassowaries”
“When you say that orange is the best zooper dooper you’ve entered the argument area”
“Usually people like you, who get bullied, grab a knife and go around stabbing people”
“I don’t wanna die from a NUT, that’s just pathetic”
“My shoes look like a fucking bionicle”
“Why are you wearing a speedo, what is WRONG WITH YOU”
“I will swivel chair into your head, move bitch”
“Due to technical reasons I have ADHD I think”
“It’s because I’m Italian. OUI OUI!!”
“We have to run to both the base lines?? Go kill yourself!! Consider MY feelings!”
“I think being autistic and having a nut allergy is a great combination”
“Get out or I’m gonna COVID kick your ass”
“How do you even survive my presence? My virtual presence. Social distancing.”
“Thank you ma'am, you are my favorite person, much homo *insert gay flag that android doesn't have*”
The meat man is coming in the morning”
“There’s a spider on me, i should kill myself”
“His 5 hearts have been shot”
“Sprout some fucking legs”
“The year is...the year is 2”
“Haha, you thought you knew what I would do, but alas, I am unpredictable”
“Get your fingers out of the mud, boy”
“Stop fondling the worms”
“It’s fucking Shaggy, do you know what he’s capable of?!”
“Why do I have mind dreams from another timeline”
“The unborn babies news report”
“I’m feeling served hot and fresh”
“They’ve been through a lot, these ankles of mine”
“L: I feel like a sub species of human
LY: You are, you’re- *hand gesture* you’re really down there’”
“You walk into his house and the jazz stops”
“I found my father by the way. Just a heads up”
“I trust Jesus to look after my hot wheels”
“It meant he hadn’t been crunchin’-a-munching on my lip balm”
“Oh there’s a spider. Come closer :]”
“The 2 second rule in driving is how much time you have to eat your car after you drop it”
“Longing to reality shift to kiss some boys”
“The secret ingredient is cheating”
“You can date on Tumblr I just can’t guarantee it’ll go well”
“A: you’re an accomplice!
LY: Grease lightning-“
“I’ve got a tongue twister for you. FUCK”
“If the shoe fits? If the shoe fits up your ASS”
“You move like a transition slide”
“S: Jesus can FUCK off
H: Jesus has fucked off twice already, Sarah”
“My concept of linear time is not very linear”
“Hold on I’m sending a man to court”
“I promise, but only until I change my mind”
“Being attracted to me is healthy”
“Mood. Not that I’ve been hit by a car, but I do eat cucumbers”
“2 blonde bitches fighting for the throne and she’s not even a real blonde”
“You have so many issues and they’re all unresolved”
“I am my own target audience, and that audience has been met”
“I swear on my nana”
“I started drawing and suddenly I was Christian”
“Get these blonde molecules out of me”
“Lucy, your camera roll is filled with yourself, what do you mean Shame?”
“The Dreamscape is leaking into reality and it’s making me an asshole!”
“Terrible news, the statues are in a dick out mood”
“Toes out to that bro. Cheers” -Spinch on this day (Saturday, 14th May 3:17pm)
“You put your whole tiddies into saying something nice”
“Cry me a goldfish”
“You have skin boy! Are you excited?”
“If you ever touch his spider polycule, he’ll bite you”
Money not well spent, so I have to keep it there as a reminder”
“White walls purple bed kind of bitch”
“Breaking someone’s legs is not very kawaii schoolgirl of her”
“Are you thinking with your brain ma’am? Or are you thinking with your feet?”
“All the left handed people will be turned into grain”
“My autism tried to give me a new gender and I had to talk myself out of it”
“Get these blonde molecules IN me”
“Caution I am choosing”
“And I take off my wig. And I take off my wig. And I take of my wig. And I take of my bald cap. And I take off my bald cap. And I take off my wig. And I’m bald”
“Don’t headcanon my parents as transgender”
“You must have talent to be able to draw this bad”
“I liked it so much that my reaction was to tell you I don’t like it”
“You pick him up by the lungs a lot”
“I wouldn’t trust you with a fetus”
“Do you have parents? Not on purpose”
“She’s timeless, she’s stagnant”
“You get your autism backpack and you can fill it with acronyms”
“LY: I hate the continental drift
L: Like the dance?’
“I feel splinched”
“I think he’s been crying, he looks freshly born”
“He looks like what the conservatives are protecting”
“LY: I’m very tan today
L: you’re tan every day
LY: yeah it’s like it’s my skin colour or something!”
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mariaurore · 8 months
Hello and G'morning o/
(OOC) I ended off yesterday with my restaurant post, so let's pick back up today with another restaurant post 😄
As suggested via a tutorial I watched, I opened my restaurant from home a couple minutes prior to travelling to it first. When I got there, it already had a couple tables seated.
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Keep in mind this is Day #1. Numero Uno. Shonichi. (You get the point)
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I'm sorry this will get to me every time- I love seeing my friend's Senju clan in my game 🥰 and it's even more amazing now that Mari has a restaurant because it's more opportunity to interact with all of the sim households I've specifically placed into my worlds/game. Imo, if you're looking to get your sim out and meet people- to be extroverted at least a little bit- this is a good way to go.
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I believe it was after I "welcome"d her table that this bubble popped up over her head. There's another type as well:
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And that'd be this one here 👆🏻. Pops up after they place an order, or sit at a table? I forget which, but I think it's placing an order.
I had all intents and purposes to be home before Takashi got home from school but there was this one couple where things kind of went wrong and I'm starting to wonder if that's why people don't like this DLC much.
So what happened was 1 of 3 things:
They ordered food, ate, and continued to stay till the restaurant closed.
The restaurant bugged out and they just sat there indefinitely and I thought they never got their food. (Or maybe they did and it didn't register? because it bugged?)
They never ordered anything to begin with, and I thought they did, so I waited indefinitely until their order came out- until I finally gave up waiting.
This being my first day, I wasn't sure what would happen if I "close"d the restaurant with people inside. But time was escaping me quick. Takashi was home from school, Hitsu was home from work... my chef and host were starting to get insanely bored... (he just busts out with a Rubik's cube 😂)
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I said screw it and hit the button. Consequences be damned at this point, lol. Mari- me, I, have a son and husband at home. Need to leave~
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The people remaining in the restaurant simply left. No harm, no foul. I don't know if anything negative would have come from it if they had placed an order or were midway eating though.
At the end of the work day, you get a "report" of sorts. My first day wasn't a total train wreck. If I were to look at my Business Funds as a whole, yeah I lost Simoleons. But if I were to look at the day on its own, we made a narrow Net Profit. It came down to that one problematic couple I couldn't make heads or tails of. This was a learning curve and I will be more mindful of that in the future.
In comes Day #2, and sure enough...
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Just keep welcoming tables... checking on tables. If things get overwhelming, disallow customers at the host stand. I've been helping out my waiter with dishes here and there because if I don't- Mari goes straight to the bar and it's like Woman! 💢 You don't need to be making drinks and dipping into the restaurant funds *sigh*
I also make her "view" pieces of art everywhere that I can but I swear she has ADHD like I do- and that doesn't preoccupy her long.
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Oh look! Another special guest! 😄
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It was around this point that she goes home and gets a Want Bubble to research recipes on the computer to make the menu better 🤔
I had her complete the Want, but I never went back and checked the menu.
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I'm curious if anything did change to the menu. That's something I should check *nod*
Day #3:
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These stars went much faster! I got 2 food critics in one-day. Pay them extra attention if possible. It was on this day I was also able to afford the Patient Patrons Perk. That helps a lot~
I know I have a lot more Perk Points to buy something else. Like Increased Quality or an Additional Waiter but I'm undecided which to grab first. Probably the quality 🤷🏻‍♀️
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From here it's just- keep doing what I do, slowly tack on Perks and more staff. I need to train my staff, give them promotions. Upgrade my menu items when my chefs are more skilled. But I think I have the general gist of it *nod* 😄
Oh, and I'm noticing my restaurant can handle a "morning rush" of customers before Takashi gets home from school, almost perfectly. I get a wave of 3-6 tables and then I disallow new customers. (That's where it's been the first 3 days at 1-3 stars, it may increase now that I'm at 4 stars 🙃)
Guess that makes my restaurant kind of like a breakfast and lunch bistro (aka Brunch), 8am-3pm.
0 notes
2d-platformer-dw · 11 months
Artists and Animation
yes, again. I missed this
Eadweard Muybridge
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Muybridge [I swear I'm not adding letters to his name] was an English photographer who created rudimentary animation. He is credited with pioneering animation through his photography.
Stephen E. Wilhite
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Wilhite was an American computer scientist who lead the engineering team that produced the GIF [actually it's pronounced greg] in the late 80's. This format would serve as the default for all web images due to its small size and quality of supporting animation
WANEELLA pixel art (tumblr.com)
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WANEELLA is a pixel artist and animator on Tumblr. They create highly detailed landscapes [in portrait, ironically] with a low frame-rate animation. You can't see the animation because you can't copy/past GIFs, at least not with ctrl-c/ctrl-v. Their pieces are often oriental in theming and nearly stationary.
Paul Robertson
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Paul Robertson is a pixel artist, also on Tumblr, whose works I felt I shouldn't be going through in a class. He creates cartoonish characters of various sizes and themes with no rhyme or reason. I really don't have much to say, I just think they're neat.
Ivan Dixon
i love this
Ivan Dixon is a pixel artist on Tumblr [look, I'm doing my best alright. They're all on Tumblr. Well, not the first two. They're dead] alongside artist and illustrator. He has worked for a number of studios in the past [even on Fallout 4, the one better than 3 but not NV. I will die on this hill.], creating animations and ideas for shows and games. He also runs Cursed Shirts — Ivan Dixon which is the source for the images below
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he just like me fr
Pedro Medieros
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Pedro is a pixel artist and animator WHO IS NOT ON TUMBLR [FINALLY]. He leads the art direction team for EXOK games [Extremely OK games - the team behind Celeste]. He also runs Saint11 and has a number of Very Cool educational videos on the aforementioned site with advice on creating [predominantly pixel] art.
0 notes
the-fandom-fuckup · 2 years
5, 8, 30 👀
Oohh these are some tastey ones ndkskkaks
5. Estimate how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
My thing isn't so much keeping art for myself as it is me just not wanting to post until it's "finished", and then forgetting about it entirely, but the amount of stuff I have posted here is way less than what I have saved on my computer. I do not have the energy for numbers, but if I had to guess I'd say I maybe post 25-30% of my wips (maybe that'll change after this, who knows)
Another thing stopping me from posting is mourning the quality when I do post stuff. It's annoying spending so much time on smth n then posting it for it to get all fuzzy around the edges when it's uploaded. I know people can click to see the better quality but my brain is like "they won't bother and they'll miss all the tiny details you included" and I get sad lmaohdj
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
I get ideas all the time but rarely ever finish bc more keep piling on and they end up forgotten, so I had to go to the idea graveyard to answer this
A small handful of ideas that have been collecting dust include a comic with All Might teaching class 1A english swears while covering for Mic's english class, a Ressy 8 au with Enji as Chris Redfield (the through thread being they both kick ass in slutty black turtlenecks) and Aizawa partnering as Ethan Winters, stoner bros Sero n Shinsou (with a high-as-shit Baku who ate their weed cookie by accident lmaofjfj), and a short BotW comic with a funny misunderstanding my sister had about Prince Sidon. There are many many more, but this also asked for one so four is a good compromise
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I know audiences here vs Twit are super different, but the fact that my MinaTetsu/KiriBaku shitpost comic didn't pop off here like it did on Twit makes me so sad lmaofsjjsj
The good part of it is I had so much fun drawing it and I still get a grin out of myself looking at it (bc I think I'm hilarious) so that's what really counts, but ngl the fact that it didn't even get many likes had me contemplating if I should keep it
(pretty sure the fact it has a full ass and tiddies on it contributed to the flop, since it was before community labels so it probably got nerfed bc nudity, but still.)
Thanks for the asks!!
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the-august-axolotl · 3 years
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Pov you made him smile
Nightmare my beloved :,)
Click for better quality, keyframes under the cut
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dejoovu · 6 years
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all in - aesthetic
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saw-x · 2 years
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Hi so I’ve had a couple of anons asking me how I make my gifs (some specifically hsmtmts gifs lol) so I’ve decided to write up a tutorial of the basics of how I make my gifs. I’m going to try and make it as detailed and clear as possible - but I have been pretty busy with uni and stuff so if I miss anything or anything isn’t clear just lmk and I will do my best to clarify. I’m going to try and include any resources or other tutorials which may be useful as I go along. This is going to be quite long and detailed so tutorial follows under the cut. For some basic steps I know of good tutorials for - I will link tutorials rather than re-explaining :)
Before we begin with the tutorial part bear with me there are a couple of screencaps which I took out of sequence because I forgot to take them at the step I did it - and the final gif colouring result looks kind of different from the rest of the screencaps because when I was adding the gif to the gifset I was making it for I decided it needed to be brighter because the s3 scene was much brighter than the s2 gif I made for this tutorial (none of this really matters, just explaining the slight discrepancy in some of the caps).
To make all of my gifs I use Photoshop CS5 (this is the version I use). Any version of Photoshop should work with the methods in this tutorial and you can find a masterlist of cracked photoshops here
When making gifs I always use 1080p video - but not all 1080p is created equally. Generally remux files and larger file sizes will produce better quality screencaps so this is what I search for when giffing. I know a lot of gifmakers who swear by using 4k, but personally I find 4k is more trouble than its worth in my opinion (screencaps always come out weird on my computer - like with a full on green tint, and they take forever to download). For HSMTMS in particular I like to use the release labelled 1080p SALT.
In terms of finding videos, this is a good guide on downloading.
I use mpv player to take screencaps for my gifs. This is a tutorial on how to use and install mpv. When taking your screencaps make sure you have continuous screencaps and no frames are skipped or duplicated. These missing/extra frames will make your gif look choppy and the animation won’t be smooth.
After finishing my screencaps I put them all in folders and move the folders to my desktop (but it can be anywhere you easily can access the folder) to import into Photoshop.
Open Photoshop. Open the Menu path "File > Scripts > Load Multiple DICOM files” and select the folder where the screencaps for your gif are. 
Click the ‘Crop’ button on Photoshop (the little button shown in the screenshot below). Typically I like to use a preset so that all the gifs in the set I make are the same size. For this set I used the 4x5 crop preset because that is what I typically use.
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Position the crop where you want the gif (typically I like the character in the center).
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Then push enter (or the tick next to the crop buttons) to confirm your crop.
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + I to resize your image. This will bring up a little pop up like this:
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Resize your gif accordingly based on the width. It is important to use the correct dimensions for the size of the gif you wish to make. These are summarized in the below image.
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When you change the width to the correct size (e.g. in this case 540px) the height will automatically change as well.
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Click Ok to resize.
There are quite a lot of steps to turning your frames into a timeline animation. They are covered in detail in this amazing gif tutorial (which is the main one which helped me learn to gif).
It would be useful to have a read of how the process works, but to speed things up for myself I use a Photoshop action (shared here) I made that does all these steps for me plus my sharpening😊 (Here is a tutorial explaining how to create & install Photoshop actions)
I just highlight the word animate click the play sign and it does all the tedious steps in a couple of seconds. Note it is important to keep the reverse frames one unticked as shown in the screencap otherwise your gifs will move backwards
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After that runs through we have our gif in timeline mode sharpened and ready to colour :)
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My basic colouring process is very simple and honestly it may shock some people but I primarily colour my basic scene gifs using only the curves and vibrance adjustment layers. There a few reasons for this – 1) The curves tool is a powerful tool and you can do a lot with it 2) Less adjustment layers = better quality gifs 3) This works for me and it is what I find easy. Essentially, I like to keep things simple where ever possible.
First I add a curves layer by clicking on the highlighted adjustment layer
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This gives you a menu that looks like this:
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The great thing about Curves is that Photoshop will do a lot of the work for us if we use the eyedropper tools.
First I click the white eye dropper – then I pick a white point on the gif and see how it goes. This can take a few times to get right and often I will try a few times to see which I like best.
For this gif I selected the white light in the background but it looks a little green to me
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After I have selected my white point I will usually do the same thing except with picking a black point of the gifs. I don’t always pick a dark point it kind of depends on how much I like what Curves has done with the white point and if I think the gif needs more contrast.
For this gif I picked a black point of the area behind Ricky. This is what the gif looks like now with the dark point chosen:
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This looks a little better to me than just the white point – but the screencap still looks kind of yellowy and dark to me. So what I do now is I go into each colour channel for the curve and manually adjust it to my liking.
Since this gif is yellow I start in the blue channel and add more blue. I do this by changing the drop down menu on the curves screen from RGB to blue. This gives me something like this to work with:
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Essentially I adjust the amount of blue in the gif by sliding the white arrow down the bottom up or down to add more or less blue to the gif. For this gif I am going to slide white arrow at the bottom to the left to make the gif more blue (i.e. neutralise yellow). If I think I have added too much blue I slide it back to the right to add yellow back in.
This is what I adjusted it to and it already looks a lot better
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I am actually pretty happy with the overall colouring of this for the moment and I don’t think I need to go into the red and green curves. But I will briefly explain what they do/how they work by showing what some adjustments to these curves looks like.
Red curve – here is our starting point
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Dragging the curve to the left will introduce more red into the image
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Dragging it back to the right will take out red (the gif will become more cyan)
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Green curves: this is our starting point
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Dragging the green curve to the left will add more green to the image
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Dragging it to the right will take green out (adding pink/magenta)
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So after I am happy I have coloured the image in curves If I want the gif to be a little brighter I go back to the main RBG Curves screen and drag the white arrow a little up to the left to add some additional brightness
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After colouring with Curves I add in a Vibrance layer (highlighted adjustment layer)
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Typically I set the vibrance somewhere between 50 and 60.
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This is what the gif looks like now:
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At this point I also have another quick look at the gif and see if I think I need to go back into curves and tweak the colouring a bit and add a bit of extra brightness. When I add in the Vibrance I find it easier to see if there is any underylying colours I want to go back and neutralise/adjust in my curves layer again.
This is what I end up with after making my adjustments post vibrance layer:
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Another step I do sometimes is grabbing the black slider on curves and dragging it just a little bit to the right to add some depth and contrast to the gif. As s2 of hsmtmts is really dark I didn’t do it for this gif because I don’t think it needs it. But I will show an example of what this might look like:
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This is basically it for my basic colouring. Of course there are a lot of different steps to making my colourful gifsets, but this is just a basic tutorial for the way I gif standard scenes so I will move on to subtitling gifs.
My go to subtitle font is Arial Rounded MT Bold. I have Faux Italic and Faux Bold Selected for this. I like bigger font sizes because I have bad eyesight so usually I will opt between 20 – 24 pt font size
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I click the T button to add text then I type out my caption.
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Obviously we don’t want our text here so I align it to the bottom and centre of the gif I do this by first selecting the move tool then going ctrl + a (this selects our gif as the boundary for our alignment). You will know this is done based on the border that comes around the gif (also please ignore that drop shadow and outline settings have already been applied here lol – I added this in because I forgot to screen cap/ explain this part initially)
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Then I align my text using the following menu buttons:
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Next I Ctrl +D to remove the selection (you need to do this to be able to nudge your text up for the next step). This is the result of the alignment:
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Now I nudge the caption up by selecting the text layer and pushing ctrl + shift + up
This is the result:
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This looks ok, but I always add an outline and dropshadow to make the text more readable. To do this I go into the blending options for the text layer. You can do this by right clicking the layer and selecting blending options or by double clicking the layer (but not on the text).
First I add Stroke with these settings
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Then I add Drop Shadow with these settings:
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To save your file use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S to open the save for web settings. You will get a screen like this. The settings shown in this screen are my typical save settings (except it should say ‘Forever’ on looping options)
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However, Tumblr’s gif limit is 10mb so the size of this gif is too big to upload (it is nearly 12 mb) so we have to go back in the timeline to shorten the gif a bit so we can upload it to tumblr.
I do this by dragging the red preview thingy (idk what else to call it) around till I find a point where I feel the gif has a natural end. Then I grab the timeline bar thingy (idk what it’s called but the silver gray bar at the end of the gif) to the red bar to shorten the gif.
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Now press Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S again to save your gif and make sure you set the Looping Option to ‘Forever’. Sometimes I have to shorten the gif a few times to get it under 10mb - but luckily I got it first go this time :)
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Now your gif is saved but there is still one step left to do. Photoshop has a glitch where it automatically sets gif speed to 0.7 after saving from the timeline function – we don’t want that! The gifs look very slow and are not very smooth.
So what we do is we open the gif that we just saved and this will open in the frame format. All we have to do is select all frames and set the gif speed to 0.5 – I also have this in my action so I go back to the actions and highlight the line that says ‘set frame speed’ and play the action through
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Then we just save the gif again as we just did 😊
This is the end result:
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and what the gif looks like without any colouring or text:
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One other helpful tip:
If you are giffing from the same scene you can do your colouring and text manually as per the tutorial on the first gif for the set and then drag what you did across to the second (after cropping, resizing and animating it). All you need to do is drag the colouring outside to a different window then highlight your adjustment layers + text and drag them to the new canvas off of the gif (If you drag it on top of the gif it will place it where you put it. Make sure to go off the canvas to so it will keep you positioning/alignment of the text you made 😊)
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Basically - you drag the text, curves, vibrance (and any other layers you need) to the gray area of your photoshop document and your colouring will be applied and your text will be placed in the same position as your source doc.
Ok so that is my super basic gif tutorial - if anyone has any questions feel free to ask!
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tmntxthings · 2 years
If you’re up for it can we get some comfort headcanons of the Rise!turtles x GN!Reader (separate ofc) who has a bad habit of overworking themselves all the time so the turtles have to take care of them until they feel better?
Thank you!!! I love your writing sm! 🫶
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author’s note: FINALLY ! request complete ✅☺️, i hope this was what you had in mind
for those who don’t know @b00tyshakerr9000 they write amazing tmnt content, if you’re looking for a good fic, go and check out their work, i absolutely adore their writing <3
warnings: established relationships, hurt to comfort, fluff, angst, cursing, small wounds
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Raph had been in a relationship with you for a good two years, he was used to your determination it was something he loved and admired about you most
But lately, he noticed it was becoming too much even for you. You were going to college, taking seven classes already, you had come to him wondering what he thought about you getting a job
Raph hadn’t thought too much of it, you explained your reasons wanting some spending money for Raph’s upcoming birthday, he thought it was sweet, “As long as you can fit it into your schedule I don’t see why not,” he had encouraged you since you seemed so excited at the prospect
He saw you less often but the two of you made up quality time with a bunch of text messages, phone calls, and FaceTime calls
Suddenly those stopped happening too… Raph would send texts, and wait hours before you would respond. You’d always apologize for the wait but it seemed to him that the reoccurring excuse was work
He eventually found out that you hadn’t stopped at just one job, but had gotten two more jobs! Three in total on top of all the school work you had?! Raphael didn’t think it was healthy especially when you didn’t need to work so hard
“Y/n can I meet up with you, it’s important” Raph spoke into his phone getting ready to leave the lair to go talk to you in person. He needed you to see how much this was affecting you, how he hadn’t seen you in forever it felt like!
“Of course, it’s been awhile huh? I just got back to my apartment!” Your voice sounded the same, the usual happy chipper that rushed out like you couldn’t wait to tell him something
When Raph knocked on your door, he heard some commotion before the door opened quickly, “Raph!” You jumped up into his arms and he smiled immediately. He had missed you so much, he took a deep breath, and one of his hands cupped the back of your head. Your hair was wet, and you smelled like your shampoo
“I missed you too,” he chuckled as he set you down and you immediately turned walking back into the apartment, Raph followed behind you, closing the door. Your apartment was a mess! This surprised him because you were usually embarrassed about even an unfolded blanket
“How’ve you been Y/n? I haven’t heard from you as much lately,” Raph watched you as you headed to your desk. “Me? Oh I’m pretty busy, but you know getting by, I’m really sorry about not texting as much,”
You started typing something on your computer as he approached he realized it was for one of your classes. “It’s not just that Y/n… why didn’t you tell me you got two more jobs?” Your hands stopped typing. Your shoulders slumping.
“I swear I wasn’t trying to keep it from you.. it just seemed like a good opportunity.. a way to keep building my resume.. I don’t know I just couldn’t say no when they offered,” you sighed and your voice finally matched how you felt.
“Y/n?” Raph touched your shoulder, he didn’t understand why you wouldn’t look at him. Slowly you faced him and his heart clenched, you looked so worn down, your face was thin and lacking its usual glow, you had dark circles around your eyes, hinting at your lack of sleep
“C’mere” Raph gruffed full of emotion. He had known it was getting bad, but seeing it in person hurt much more than he had thought possible. When you got up from your chair, it got even worse
Your nose started bleeding and you swayed from side to side, “Raph?” You said confused as his worry and concern was etched onto his features. Your hand went up to your nose and came away with blood on your fingers, “that’s not good,” you said as your body careened to the floor.
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“Y/N!” Raph lunged forward, knocking down your chair to get to you before you hurt yourself further. “I’ve got you don’t worry,” he said as he held you close, carrying you to your bed.
He got tissues, cleaned up your nose and hand. Eventually the nose bleed stopped but he was still on edge. He made you a hearty meal, chicken and rice with some veggies and a tall glass of water.
As you ate he got to work washing dishes and cleaning up your apartment here and there. Each time you got up trying to help he would say, “Don’t you dare! Lay back down and get some rest I’ll be done soon,”
And he was, he came back into your room, watching as your eyes opened and closed sleepily. He got in bed next to you, “How about you put in a two weeks notice?” Raph hummed in question as you snuggled in close to his plastron. “Okay,” you yawned in agreement.
“For both jobs you got without telling me!” Raph clarified and you couldn’t help your sleepy smile. “Thank you Raph, for looking out for me,” you murmured and it warmed his heart. “Of course Y/n that’s what I’m here for” he kissed the top of your head gently as you fell asleep curled up next to him.
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Leo had never been happier than the moment you had agreed to become his partner, literally ecstatic, though of course he was too cool to start jumping up and down like Mikey would
No he was way chiller, spending every waking moment portaling out to see you, no matter where you were, one time by accident it had been your bathroom
As soon as you saw the blue sparks behind the shower curtain you knew he was there! To which you shrieked and threw a loofah at him to “GET OUT!”
Still pretty chill… and lately Leo was portaling in on your self-assigned study sessions. “Y/n this is boringggg let’s do something fun, oh! like roller skating”
He was good on a skateboard but he could just imagine a date with you holding onto his arm as the two of went in circles, music playing in the background the both of you smiling, him cracking jokes and you laughing at every one
His eyes had stars in them as he envisioned the date from beginning to end, planning out everything and totally being down for the unexpected too
But you shook your head, “Sorry Leo, I can’t I’ve gotta do this homework” Leo huffed silently as he trudged over to your bed and fell back on it dramatically, one of these days he’d convince you to let loose a little, there was no way he would be able to wait til summer break
A week later and he portaled into your apartment, about to announce his grand entrance when he heard the worst cough in the history of coughs
“Y/n? Are you there? I think I heard a monster or something just now,” he said peering into your room to see you at your desk. You turned to him laughing slightly only to be cut off by another cough, “that would be me,” you rasped
“You sound horrible!” Leo whined in worry as he hovered over you. “Yeah I think I’ve got a cold, hopefully it passes, cause I really can’t afford to-“
Leo knew exactly what you were gonna say, “take a break” he said along with you, and you nodded at him. He sighed shaking his head. “Y/n what if this gets worse? You are only gonna hurt yourself if you don’t get some rest!”
You were still determined to study, “I’ll be okay Leo, I promise” the rest of that night had been filled with coughs, it was hard to ignore and continue to joke around whenever you sounded so sick
The next day Leo portaled in only to find you in a worsened state than yesterday. Tissues piling up on the floor, coughing even more, yet you were still at your desk. Leo gritted his teeth not liking this one bit, it hurt him to see the lack of self-care you had for yourself
He portaled back out, you not noticing with headphones blocking out the sound, if he had to guess it was probably your study playlist. He headed to a drugstore, he would need a bunch of stuff to get you feeling better
Leo bought everything he could think of, all the remedies, three cans of soup, a bunch of drinks he heard other than water, things like gatorade/powerade would boost your system, a thermometer, pain relievers, antibiotics for coughing and runny nose symptoms, a new fluffy blanket, after a couple more things he felt prepared
“Y/n!” Leo said as he portaled in, “oh hey! I was wondering when you wou-“ you stopped mid-sentence as you saw his hands full and brimming with stuff. “Ugh should’ve gotten a bag” Leo grumbled as he dropped a can of soup and it rolled away from him.
“Leo! You didn’t have to get me all of this!” You said feeling bad about how much it must’ve costed. “Shush” he reprimanded as he took your temperature first. “A HUNDRED?!” Leo hollered in fear. “Y/n you better not argue, get in bed right now, please!” Leo half begged
You listened, finally, Leo thought as he got busy, heating up one of the soups in your microwave as he handed you a water and a power drink. Then he got out the fluffy blanket, “doesn’t it feel soft?” Leo smiled as he tucked it in around you, “the softest” you agreed, your heart swelling at how much he cared
After you ate the soup, he gave you medicine and hopped in bed next to you. He sighed,“Y/n you can’t keep doing this, pushing off your health to study… it’s dangerous.” He finally said after thinking about how to word what he thought, “I’m sorry Leo, you were right,”
He smiled, “yeah this totally isn’t the time to say I told you so but… I did tell you so,” you half coughed half laughed at that. “Go to sleep my sickly, I’ll be here for you,” Leo said as he got comfortable
“Thank you Leo, you’re the best,” his ego flew up, up and away. And wouldn’t you know it, he nursed you right back to health! If he wasn’t such a badass crime-fighting turtle he’d be a doctor!
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A week later Leo portaled into your room and you were excited to finally go roller skating! You were dressed in jeans and a nice shirt, ready to head out but Leo seemed off. He looked to be holding his breath and would sometimes stop talking midway… it was really weird until you heard it
*Cough* you gasped, “Leo!” He looked back at you sheepishly, “don’t worry it’s just a cough, no heavy symptoms,” he said in a hurry already trying to hold back his next cough until tears swelled in his eyes and he coughed for a second time
Shit! Leo thought as you crossed your arms, “Leonardo Hamato, get in bed! I’ll go start heating up some soup,” Leo groaned and complained about the plans and how it would be forever til you two could get back to them
“Leo don’t worry as soon as you feel better, we’ll go rollerblade the hell out of that rink,” you reassured him, “Really?” He asked with big doe eyes making you giggle, “Yes silly, I promise,”
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Donnie always thought back on when he had first left a comment under your work. He was a huge fan of your writing, he came across it while scrolling aimlessly one day and always wondered about the coincidences. How he usually didn’t read stories like yours but it had intrigued him, how he never left comments yet there he went typing out his appreciation
If he hadn’t done those things, he wondered if the two of you would’ve ever met. He thought realistically no, probably not, New York was a big city with millions in it, the fact that you just happened to be there too was an amazing feat in itself. Idealistically he thought the two of you were meant to be, so sure, if not then somewhere in the future the stars would align
After many comments, eventually private messages, and phone calls later, the two of you were going steady. You came over to the lair on most days, Donnie loved having you over, no matter what he was doing if you messaged him asking to come or mentioned thinking about coming he would immediately start cleaning
Cleaning every surface even though he and his brothers knew he was the cleanest among them, he couldn’t help it, everything had to be absolutely perfect for your arrival. “Hey Donnie!” he had one of his robotic arms from his shell hold up his phone to his ear as he continued cleaning “Hey Y/n? Are you at the manhole already?”
“No no not yet, I just wanted to give you, I guess a forewarning..” you chuckled to yourself, though Donnie’s disinfectant spray stopped spraying as soon as you said it, he didn’t understand, he waited for you to continue, “what I mean is, is it cool if I come over to write? I can’t get this idea out of my mind and-“
“OF COURSE!” this would be a first! Donnie was excited, he wanted to pick your brain, ask you about the thought process and where you started when story building. Cleaning forgone as he grabbed the phone with his own hand. “Awesome! I just didn’t want to ruin any plans if you had any,” you said, he heard honking and cars flying by in the background
“Nope, no plans! I can work on a few projects I’ve yet to get to while you write,” he said happily, and he could practically hear the smile in your voice, “Sounds lovely! I’ll be there in a few!”
You surprised him with his favorite pizza! Donnie kissed you on your cheek for your thoughtfulness and protected each and every last slice with his life, keeping it away from his brothers, even as you said you didn’t mind sharing, Donnie surely did, it was his pizza that you bought for him
The two of you worked late into the night once settled in with full bellies, when Donnie checked the time he couldn’t believe it, 6 a.m.? And you didn’t even look tired! Donnie yawned as he put down a tool and stretched in his rolling chair, “I think I’m gonna call it a night!” He groaned as he got up heading towards his bed
“Okay! I’ll be there in one moment just gotta find a stopping point,” you were really concentrated on your work Donnie noted, as you didn’t even look up when speaking. “Alright well don’t take too long, it’s pretty late” he commented again and watched you slowly nod
He fell into bed, and before he knew it he was falling asleep, to the sound of you typing in the distance..
Donnie woke up with a start, eyes shot open as his hand reached out feeling for you, he turned over feeling deflated, had you left? Without a goodbye? Without a kiss? He thought this was a first… one he didn’t really like
Then he heard it, fingers typing at an incredible speed. “Oh no,” he said under his breath as he rolled out of bed. Walking into the lab to see your hunched figure over your computer. “Y/n…” Donnie said slowly
“I’m coming I’m coming,” you said not looking up from your screen. As if hours hadn’t already passed. Donnie walked behind you, and grabbed the rolling chair he had made perfectly to your specs. Pulling you away from the table, away from your computer.
“Donnie!” You said in surprise and he twirled the chair to face him. His mouth dropped open as he saw the state of your eyes, you had beautiful (your eye color) eyes. They looked red and puffy, he thought to himself how irritated they must feel, you blinked a couple of times your eyes trying to adjust to something other than your screen lighting
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“Y/n, you never came to bed, it’s 1 in the afternoon,” he said softly. It was your turn to look surprised, “but I think a more pressing matter, is how long you’ve been awake… your eyes shouldn’t be this red after just one sleepless night,”
You sighed, he was too smart for his own good, or maybe it was for your benefit. But you felt horrible to have been caught like this, “it’s been a couple of days,” you admitted and Donnie’s eyes bugged out. “How come last night your eyes weren’t as red?” He questioned you but already had a guess
“Eye drops,” you muttered embarrassed. Donnie shook his head as he crouched down. Putting his hands on your knees and rubbed them. “Y/n that’s not very safe, if you deprive yourself of sleep the effects can be devastating,” he could list at least 20 bad things that could happen off the top of his head but kept it to himself, you already looked pretty upset
“I know… I just sometimes when you’re writing and in a groove it’s hard to stop. Especially since I had that writer’s block. I don’t want to stop and not be able to get back into it,” words were pouring out of you and as much as it physically hurt at the moment, tears started streaming down your face
“I understand, but I don’t think it’s worth it,” Donnie said one hand reaching up to wipe away the tears. “You need to sleep, and if you get writer’s block I’ll be there to get you through it,” you gave him a teary-eyed smile and he picked you up bridal style.
He laid you down gingerly and as he turned away to go grab another blanket your hand reached out holding onto one of his arms, “can you stay with me until I fall asleep?” even as you said it your eyes looked so heavy, it was a matter of seconds before you would pass out
Donnie chuckled, “of course” not mentioning how he would’ve been right back. He got into bed next to you and you cuddled close, kissing him on his neck sweetly, “thanks for this,” you murmured into him. Donnie felt his cheeks flush warm, “only for you,” he said softly as you fell asleep.
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Mikey sighed as he looked at his phone. Refreshing it once, twice, three times a charm? Nope. No new messages. He sighed again, louder this time. He felt lonely, he had his brothers of course but that wasn’t the company he was seeking
Ever since you had gotten this job, you had less and less free time, until one day it was completely gone. He felt like he only ever got a good morning and a good night message from you and it hurt
He hoped it was only because of the job and not the two of you drifting apart and as soon as the thought came into his mind he whimpered
No never the two of you were inseparable! He reminded himself, not letting his mind take a dark turn when you were the brightest light in his life, you were perfect, you worked so hard for everything you got in life, Mikey couldn’t be more proud
He boasted all of your achievements to his brothers, to April, and to Pops! Even the petty criminals when they were all tied up, with the sirens blaring in the distance
Mikey sighed again as he refreshed just one more time, hoping against all hope. Nothing! His frown deepened, what should he do? He was getting worried! It couldn’t be healthy to be working so hard for so long! Didn’t your bosses see that?
“I’m heading out!” Mikey called out to no one in particular, a few acknowledgments came from different sources throughout the lair and he climbed up the ladder to the surface. He’d just go check in at your job, make sure everything was okay, one could never be too careful in New York!
It looked to be a hectic day at the adoption facility. Animals of of all kinds being brought in and out by humans and mutants alike. Mikey walked up to the counter, clearing his throat as he asked, “Is Y/n in today?” He gave the person across the counter a big smile
“Y/n? They just left a few minutes ago!” Mikey looked back at them as if they had just said something in another language. “Really? Ah okay thanks!” He quickly left, pulling out his phone to call you.
On the third ring he groaned, you weren’t picking up! His worry was increasing, he hoped you had made it back to your home by now as he dashed down the sidewalk to your place. He had to call out apologizes as he pushed past others or turned a corner and almost ran into somone
He rang your doorbell twice as he leaned down holding onto his knees. He had ran the whole way there! Mikey was becoming impatient and started knocking on the door calling out your name. “It’s Mikey!” He added on just in case you maybe forgot his voice (it hadn’t been that long)
The door opened suddenly and Mikey looked down to breath a sigh of relief, you were here and not still out on the street possibly in danger! But that was as far as his relief went because as you opened the door wider Mikey saw long gashes along your arms
“What happened!” He asked immediately grabbing at your arms to have a closer look. They looked so painful! “We had some issues at work,” you sighed with exhaustion. Issues was an understatement Mikey thought as he turned your arm over gently only to find more horrible cuts.
“Tell me everything” Mikey prompted as he stepped into your apartment and kicked the door shut with his heel. You explained how a coworker of yours hadn’t been careful enough when and a couple of animals had gotten out and started fighting. You couldn’t help yourself when you heard the commotion and went over to help them. Eventually they just let you handle the whole situation. You sighed as Mikey continued to listen
“These other cuts are from scared or vicious critters, I’m usually the one to care for those too,” Mikey frowned, “Why are you the one who has to do it?” You shrugged explaining how you never really told anyone no when they asked for help. It sounded like your coworkers weren’t the best people, to him it seemed they were taking advantage of your kindness.
It made him sad because it was hurting you, these cuts should be shared not put all on to one person! “I wonder if they’re hiring,” as the thought had passed his mind he realized he had spoken it aloud. You smiled kindly at him, “I can ask”
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He wondered why he hadn’t thought of this before! It would be like hitting two birds with one stone, being able to protect you from the crazy animals while also being able to spend more time with you. It was perfect! “Alright, I’m gonna go get you some cream and bandages I’ll be right back!”
Mikey said as he let go of your arm and turned to head back to the door. Only he heard your footsteps following him, he twisted his head to look over his shoulder to see you reaching out your hand to him, “Can I come with you?” you didn’t need to explain further, he knew exactly how you felt. You had missed him just as much as he had missed you
“If you’re feeling up to it!” Mikey nodded and took your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips to kiss the back of it. You blushed at the sweet gesture. It was a quick trip to the convenience store around the corner before the two of you were back in your apartment.
You were sitting perched on the side of your bed as Mikey applied the cream, you couldn’t help but hiss a couple of times from the sting, he then wrapped up your cuts in the bandages. By the time he was done your forearms looked like a mummy’s and you couldn’t help but giggle.
Mikey smiled at the sound and sat down next to you on your bed. “Until I get the job, can you promise to be more careful?�� Mikey leaned back until his shell rested against your comforter, “I was worried about you today,”
You leaned back onto the bed as well, turning your face to the side to look at him, he did the same, “I promise to be more careful,” you said sincerely not wanting him to worry anymore. Then you leaned forward quickly and gave his lips a peck, leaning back just as swiftly
“Thank you Mikey, for caring about me,” Mikey blinked in surprise, he hadn’t expected the kiss, “I’ll always care about you,” He gave you a mega watt smile as he went in for seconds, he met your lips just as you had done, quick and light
You were blushing and so was he, as the two of you continued to smile and gaze into each other’s eyes lovingly
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soobin-blues · 2 years
TXT reaction to you falling asleep while he’s talking
He was telling you about this new restaurant that he went to with the members that supposedly had the best milkshakes in the world.
"The members almost bought every flavour, I swear they have the best milkshakes you should have it with their signature doughnuts" he waited for you to say something but eventually saw that you where sleeping.
"I'll make it a surprise date then"
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He was talking about something exciting that happened on his way back home from work, he was so excited that he didn't notice you nodding off to sleep on the couch.
"Then when I looked up I saw a mommy bird teaching the baby bird how to fly! Isn't that ama- hey!" He exclaimed when he saw you asleep on the couch
"Did she even hear a thing I said?!" His mouth agape in disbelief
"Wow, I can't believe this idiot" he stood over you with his hands on this waist
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He had something that he wanted to show you that he has been working on so he had his back turned to you while he was looking for the file on this computer and talking about his project.
"So I was think of putting this bit over this one, I think it will be better. What do you think?" He waited for you respons but when he noticed it was too quited to turned to look at you.
"What? When did you fall asleep?!"
"Then you complain saying that I never show you my work" he rolled his eyes and join you in bed.
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He was talking about a theory that he had about life outside earth but he could tell way before you fell asleep that you where tired so he keep glancing at you while talking.
He eventually asked you if you wanted to go to bed but you kept telling him that you were listening so he brushed it off and kept talking and really got into his hypothesis
"I was on a roll too, you didn't even hear my final thoughts" He sighed in defeat
"I told you to go to bed but you never listen" he kept talking to your sleeping form
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Huening Kai
It was movie night and kai kept going on and on about this new movie that he wanted you to watch so let him pick the movie for the night. You were going good well for half of the movie but the tiredness crept up on you and you passed out.
"Look this is my favourite part" he said excitedly unaware of you unconscious state
"Ha ha ha ha did you get it? He meant-" his giggling coming to an abrupt end when he saw you sleeping, he gave you a deadpan look and sighed
"You could have told me you were tired" he mumbled and kept watching the movie with a pout.
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Finding a gif was way harder than I anticipated. I'm so sorry Taehyun's gif is so low quality he looks really good tho, low quality gif high quality content😌
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blacktobackmesa · 2 years
Streamman Series: Mod Squad
Here’s something a little different. Instead of making a framing piece of fiction or just storing ideas in my writing notes, I thought I’d share a little breakdown of some background details in my The One True Streamman fanfic continuity. If you’d like to see more of this kind of stuff or have questions, be vocal about it! 
Today’s topic: Who are the admins keeping the AIs’ Home Program running?
When you’ve got a community living in what’s essentially a cobbled-together video game made from whatever works, it takes diligent care to keep things working. It’s too much work for one person to handle on their own, so let’s get into the details of who has admin status and what they bring to the table.
As the Science Team Plus Premium DLC’s resident window into the world beyond their world and the person who, y’know, pays the electric bill, Gordon is obligated to make sure his friends lives are comfortable without getting too invasive. He doesn’t know too much about programming, and has to look for help with others often. He’s the communicator, keeping track of what’s needed and making sure the right people are able to help, whether that’s one of the other admins or a freelance contractor. 
G-Man Coolatta
When Gordon first extracted the AI, but before the program was complete, G-Man found that his unusual programming allowed him to be active and aware even while not running in a program or interacted with by a user. After making contact with Gordon, he used this gift in tandem with the working instinct his status as the G-Man gave him and his ceaseless drive to protect his son to help put the new universe in working order. Once the world was put together, he continues to run maintenance, and it fulfills him as a job. Perfect enrichment for him. 
During the program’s creation, G-Man even worked his own “DNA”, so to speak, into the foundations of the program, making him something between a blood donor and one of those autonomous spaceship computers from scifi shows in terms of control. This was necessary on two fronts; for one, they needed to be sure that this world was an environment the AI characters could survive in natively, and this could make sure that happened. In addition, since the program needed to incorporate a bunch of different things, it needed to be as adaptable as the AI living there. 
Gordon’s first choice for a trustworthy admin whose name doesn’t start with G. Darnold has a far better grasp of the way things are supposed to be compared to Gordon, and he’s no slouch behind a keyboard. While G-Man can alter and stabilize things by sinking into the void and doing things manually, Darnold accesses things through his PC at home. Being more or less coworkers with Gordon has helped the two see eye to eye, and Darnold has been able to implement plenty of quality of life improvements. 
Does not have admin access. They don’t know how he keeps modifying things. Nearly crashed the program by installing thousands of mods to his house. Needs to be stopped. Put down that Minecraft Shader Pack or I swear to God
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