#I think Luffy has such a cute boyish charm to him
what-the-fuck-khr · 2 years
absolutely enamoured and obsessed now with the way someone drew Luffy with huge as fuck canines that he just shows off bc he has a big as fuck grin and likes to stretch his cheek to show em off. fucking so into that actually. what a design feature that could’ve been on him. I’m never gonna shut up about this
edit: here is the fanart in question
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bunny--ships · 3 years
😍 😘 🎤 💤 🌌 💐 for Sabo ~ rebeccaselfships
thank you rebecca!!!
😍: Name your three favorite things about your f/o
UGH i'm totally outting myself here but. i really like the chivalrous/princelike type trope. like. an absurd amount, and it's what i think first drew me to him. i also love his ideals and how he's very vocal about his anarchist, anti-government nature (that part where he says "these claws are made for tearing apart the authority of an arrogant government" i just 😳😳)
but i think most of all is his relationship with luffy that makes me love him. the way he puts his baby brother over everything else in his life is something that i think says a lot about him. if you're family, if he loves you, he'll literally raze the earth just to make sure you're safe.
i have way more than 3 favorites this was so unbelievably difficult A
😘: What’s your f/o’s favorite thing about YOU?
UGH sabo's a little shit he'd love how easy it is to fluster me. my s/i, jackel, is kind of um. "tsundere"-ish (my sincerest apologies for uttering that term in this house of god btw) and tries really hard to suppress her affection for him, but like. all he has to do is act charming and flirt just a little and she just curls up into an embarrassed little corn cob its awful actually . he thinks it's cute, though, and loves seeing the exterior crack to reveal how much she actually cares for him
🎤: Describe your f/o’s voice
> guy whose only seen the dub im so sorry im a horrible multitasker i cannot watch subtitles and pay attention at the same time
sabo is currently voiced by johnny yong bosch in the funimation dub of one piece, and i know people have this weird vendetta against dub actors, but i really think johnny fits sabo perfectly. it's a great mix of boyish charm and his voice literally radiates confidence and really gives off the impression of a protector and a leader while still sounding appropriately fitting for a guy still in his early 20s.
also johnny yong bosch voiced like. one of my very first f/o's when i was in high school so i think i may have a slight bias..
💤: Do you sleep together? If so, describe your sleeping positions and patterns (E.g. who steals the blankets, are either of you insomniacs, etc.)
jackel and sabo are Rarely ever physically together, what with sabo being in the revolutionaries and jackel being a pirate. but i am extremely soft for him and i really like to imagine tropey scenarios where he's joining the straw hats on some sort of adventure and he likes sleeping together with jackel literally anytime the opportunity presents itself.
sabo's a cuddler for sure, he likes to hold jackel close and rub her arms while he drifts off. it's heaven for him but also he's quite literally a human fucking furnace so jack never gets any sleep this way and has to fucking wiggle her way out of his death grip so she doesn't die of heat exhaustion. sabo gets so unbelievably pouty everytime this happens.
🌌: What was your first date like?
so i actually have this extremely unrealistic and self-indulgent au where jackel was at baltigo with robin during the timeskip and he grows really close with sabo after they trade stories about luffy together while sabo recovers from his sudden memory resurgence.
at some point in the au, sabo literally climbs up to the window of where jackel sleeps at the base and basically strongarms him to come along with him while he sneaks out for some reason. when jackel reluctantly agreed, sabo lifted him bridal style and just jumped from the window which actually nearlyfuckign caused jackel to die of a heart attack.
it turned out that there was a meteor shower going on over the beach. sabo had overheard some officers say that they were expecting a very unique one that only happens once in a lifetime, and he wanted to see it with jackel. it was pretty much right there while they were under the moonlight together that the two realized "oh"
💐: How did you two meet?
*sweats as i stare at the above au*
canonically, they met at dressrosa, specifically in the coliseum. jackel could feel some sort of disturbance in the building because of his haki, and when he went to go investigate, he found himself face to face with donquixote grunts that were harassing sabo after catching him sneaking in, and he rushes in to defend him cus well fuck those guys.
sabo's pretty unbothered with the whole situation, and doesn't really do anything until jackel steps in just in case he gets hurt. it's after the grunts are taken care of that sabo grins and introduces himself as luffys brother and jackel just stares at him like
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