#I am charmed by his stupidity and lack of awareness
what-the-fuck-khr · 2 years
absolutely enamoured and obsessed now with the way someone drew Luffy with huge as fuck canines that he just shows off bc he has a big as fuck grin and likes to stretch his cheek to show em off. fucking so into that actually. what a design feature that could’ve been on him. I’m never gonna shut up about this
edit: here is the fanart in question
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acey-wacey · 6 months
Jealous of Their Tsum
Feat. Deuce, Azul, Jade
A/n: In honor of tsumderland 2!!! (though it took me the entire event to write it). Kalim, Rook and Lilia in the future if there is demand
♠️ Deuce Space ♠️
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He gets along with his tsum though it's quite the troublemaker sometimes.
It doesn't have the same honor student drive that he does.
Though sometimes it gets into mischief, it's lack of proper inhibitions also make it bolder when it comes to you.
Deuce has had a crush on you for the longest time and never said a word because he was too scared.
His tsum however is not at all scared and has no problem launching into your arms.
You were initially startled by the little plushie that threw itself at you but once you realized it was Deuce's tsum, you giggled and let it bounce up to your shoulders.
It nuzzled the side of your face and you patted it's head affectionately.
Deuce --who had been running after the tsum to keep it from causing too much mayhem -- stopped short when he saw you cuddling with the little creature that looked so much like him.
"You're just a little sweetheart, aren't you?" You cooed at the tsum, squeezing it in your arms and holding it close to your chest.
Deuce couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the affection you showed the tsum.
Why didn't you ever hug him like that? What did Deuce-tsum do to deserve your cuddles?
"You are just so cute," you said as you pinched the tsum's little cheeks. The plushy bounced with happiness. "Almost as cute as the real Deuce!"
Deuce's eyes widened when he heard you.
You thought he was... cute? Cuter than the tsum even?
His jealousy was replaced with swelling pride.
He smiled to himself, knowing you weren't aware of his presence.
Maybe his dreams of confessing weren't so hopeless after all.
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto 🐙
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His tsum had mostly been helping out at the Mostro Lounge, being cute and attracting customers.
Azul knew how good the adorable little plush was for business but he never expected to see you drawn to the crowds.
"What brings you to the Lounge on this fine day, dearest prefect?" Azul asked you with his signature charming smile.
"Everyone's been talking about the tsum that's working. He's just so cute!" you responded enthusiastically, looking to where Azul-tsum was filling up a customer's water glass.
Azul's perfect smile faltered for just a second, not long enough for you to notice.
"So even you can be tempted by our most adorable new staff member?"
"Seems so," you shrugged with a smile.
"I'll ensure it is sent to your table then," Azul smiled before turning away.
He secretly scowled at the tsum before walking back to his post.
He didn't hear you mutter "I can think of a more adorable staff member" before he left.
A few minutes later, there was a bit of a commotion in the dining area.
"What's going on?" Azul asked Jade when he saw the franticness buzzing around your table.
"It appears the tsum has attacked a patron," Jade said, though his smile was much too sly for that kind of news.
Azul was much too startled to notice the eel's ulterior motives.
He pushed his way through the crowd to find your table.
"I am terribly sorry about any violent behavior by our resident tsum. If anyone has been attacked in any way, I assure you, you will be reimbursed..."
You interrupted Azul before he could finish.
"Nonsense! I wasn't attacked so much as glomped by this little cutie!"
Azul couldn't tell if he was more startled by the attack accusations or the fact that his tsum was nuzzling itself into your chest. And you were cuddling it back?
Azul found himself becoming increasingly worried that his tsum shared the same feelings he had for you.
What if you discovered that he liked you because of his tsum? You would probably hate him and then he'd never see you again and all because of that stupid ball of stuffing!
First it was going to steal his job, then his crush. Sooner or later, Jade and Floyd would completely replace him with the thing!
Azul collected himself enough to take a deep breath and offer you a hand.
"My deepest apologies for this unprofessionalism. May I offer you a VIP seat while I get everything sorted with our clingy little waiter?"
You smiled and took Azul's hand holding the tsum against your shoulder with the other.
"I'm really not bothered but I'll never say no to a better seat."
While Azul walked you to your new booth, he put on a customer service smile just for you.
"Say, Y/N, you seem to enjoy cuddling with the little tsum quite a bit."
"Can't deny that," you chuckled and squeezed the puffball tighter. It wiggles its stubby arms with joy. "I've grown fond of the little fellow."
Azul's eyes narrowed slyly.
"I have a proposition for you, Y/N. You may cuddle my tsum as much as you like, with a few conditions of course."
"Of course," you repeated with a roll of your eyes.
"I don't even ask much of you," Azul continued as he summoned a contract with his magic. "Just sign on the dotted line and the tsum is practically yours."
You narrowed your eyes at the fine print before chuckling.
"For every cuddle Azul-tsum receives, twice as many must be returned to the original Azul," you read aloud with a smirk on your face.
"A tempting offer, is it not, prefect?"
You smiled and set the tsum down on a nearby table much to its dismay.
Before Azul could react, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace.
"Very tempting indeed."
🍄 Jade Leech 🍄
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You were walking peacefully back to Ramshackle from your afternoon classes when you tripped over something soft in the road.
You spit the dirt out of your mouth and looked up to see a mini Jade hopping around on the road.
You sighed and stood up, dusting off your uniform.
"You did that on purpose, didn't you, you little schemer?"
The tsum stopped its gleeful hopping to wink at you.
You laughed and squatted down to be roughly eye level with the plush.
"Well don't think you can indebt me to you. I'm a lot bigger than you after all," you said before realizing the irony. "Huh, that's funny, it's usually the other way around with Jade."
You continued on your way home but noticed the tsum still bouncing after you.
"What? Did Jade send you to collect a payment?"
The tsum shook its head, or at least it would have if it had a head. More like it just shook its whole body.
"Do you need something?"
Another shake.
"Are you gonna follow me all the way home?"
An enthusiastic nod.
"Just like the normal Jade. Can never take no for an answer."
You sighed and held out your hands to the tsum.
"Come on, let's get going. I can't have you tracking dirty stub prints all over my shiny nice desecrated wood floors."
The Jade-tsum hopped eagerly into your hands.
Before too long, it started to rain.
You groaned and looked at the little tsum in your hands.
"Guess we gotta make a run for it, eh, Jade-tsum?"
The tsum bounced in excitement.
You held it close to your chest and made a break down the dirt road to your dorm.
By the time you made it back, the tsum was stuck to you like glue.
"Come on, little Jade, I'm all wet and muddy, I need to take a shower!"
The tsum stayed stuck to your shirt no matter how much you tugged at it.
"Guess this is my life now."
After your fourth lap around the dorm, trying to dry off with a plushie attached to you, you got a phone call from the Jade's cell.
"Y/N," you answered tiredly.
"How fortuitous I was able to reach you, prefect," you heard Jade's easily distinguishable voice from the other line. "Would you have happened to see my little lookalike anywhere? I'm afraid it's gotten away from me and it's much too difficult to search in the rain."
"Yeah, actually. It's kind of attached to me."
"Attached, you say?" Jade's voice perked up with interest. "Whatever do you mean?"
"I mean literally attached. It latched onto me like Velcro and I can't get it off for the life of me which is quite inconvenient."
You heard Jade chuckle.
"That does sound quite characteristic for a version of me," he mused, making you wonder what the implications of that statement were. "I shall be right over to remove it."
About 20 seconds after he hung up, you heard a knock on your door.
"That was quick," you said as you got up to open the door.
Jade was standing in your doorway, soaking wet with a sneaky smile on his lips.
"How did you get here so fast?"
"Oh, I was already on the way."
You laughed as you stepped aside to let Jade in the door. As per his usual polite self, he took off his muddy shoes before following you to the dying room (it's in such poor shape you don't bother calling it a living room).
"Why'd you call ahead if you were already coming?"
"It is polite to give warning of one's arrival, is it not?" Jade cocked his head in fake innocence. "I would never wish to be unexpected."
"Jade Leech, you are always unexpected."
He smiled at you rebuff.
"I shall take that as a compliment," he cleared his throat and turned to you. "Now for the matter of our other unexpected guest."
Jade looked at his tsum double who was still firmly snuggled into your chest.
He bent down to look the tsum in the eye and you didn't quite hear what he said to it but from the way it released it's hold on you and scampered off to the couch, you assumed it was a threat.
"Thanks, Jade," you said exasperatedly though you knew there was going to be a catch later.
"I accept your thanks, prefect, but your payment would be much more appreciated."
You sighed and grabbed your wallet from your pocket.
"If you're going to make me work shifts at the Mostro, I would much rather pay you in cold hard madol."
Jade pushed your hands down and looked at you with a dangerous glimmer in his eyes.
"I'm afraid your little leech has not been removed, prefect, only replaced with a larger one."
You backed up as Jade approached you with a sharp toothy grin. Eventually, he backed you up against the couch and you fell over backwards.
"Poor helpless prefect," Jade tutted, looming over you, his dark silhouette outline by the flickering light of your ancient chandelier. "Who would be able to help you if a slimy eel decided to... latch on?"
Your breath caught in your throat as the wind was knocked out of you by a crushing weight on your body.
You waited for Jade to keep squeezing the life out of you but for some reason it never came.
Instead you felt the nuzzle of a much larger head into your neck.
Once you recovered from the shock, you smiled and began stroking Jade's hair.
He growled under your touch.
☕Buy Me A Ko-Fi! ☕
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pinacoladaz · 1 month
Roommate Sukuna shows you how to play video games!
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A sly smile appears on your face when Sukuna arrives from college in the evening and slams the door, noticeably tired.
"You look like shit."
He rolls his eyes and drops the backpack, throwing himself on the individual sofa "I'm not in the mood, bastard"
Seeing Sukuna this tired was, well, abnormal, and he had been like this for a couple of weeks. Student exploitation must have been tough on his career these days.
Seeing him in that state moved something inside you, you almost wanted to hug him and cuddle with him to take the stress off of him, but hey, it was Sukuna, he probably thought that a train above him was a better relaxation technique.
You look back at the TV, thoughtful. "Hmm... well, are you in the mood of teaching me your video games?" you take a quick look at him, not wanting to be obvious in your concern, maybe he could bully you if he noticed "you told me i need to know real games, whatever that means it might put you in the mood to be unbearabl-"
"Charming" he corrects you, then processes what you just said and freaks out, making a face "why do you want me to be, anyway?"
"Why not?" you pause the TV and look at him quietly.
"Why, though?"
"Why not?"
His eye twitches and you sigh in a complaint at his murderous gaze "I am bored Su-ku-na!"
With a grunt he stands up, ruffling your hair on the way to his room. "Give me 20 minutes, i'll take a shower and turn on the PC."
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Said and done, he called you 37 minutes later, because if there's one thing Sukuna absolutely has, it's a bad ability to estimate time. He doesn't seem to care, though.
When you enter his room it is a bit messy as usual, he has his back to you leaning over the computer, clicking. His hair is wet and he only has pajama pants on, no shirt; and it makes you wonder if he is aware of how shocking his appearance can be to mortals like you.
"Listen pet, you have a maximum of 20 minutes to learn how to play Fortnite, at that time my friends will call to do a group game, and you will play pretending to be me" he stands up straight and turns to look at you "understood?"
You take a moment to process his stupidity, then scoff "With all intent to offend, are you insan-"
"I'll talk, not you, i just want to know how much you can ridicule me" shrugs bending down to the computer again.
After a while of mutual insults, while you stand beside him he shows you how he plays so you have an idea of the game, which looks pretty crazy.
When you sit on the edge of his knees to do the training level, you are not even halfway through it when he takes you by the waist to make you stand up and moves the chair to take a pillow, putting it on his legs. You raise an eyebrow when he comes close to make you sit again.
"You are as low as a goblin." He explains neutrally, bordering on the line of mockery, screaming internally at God for you to know nothing about the barely concealable erection between those pajamas.
You follow the training, and you do horribly, the high sensitivity of the character is lame, the lack of aim and of the ability to make many movements at once is also lame. Sukuna puts his hands on yours trying to facilitate the learning process, which actually distracts you and does the opposite.
"No no, hold it like this" he leans close to your ear, resting his chin on your shoulder "slower... mhm, yeah"
Even if you made the stupidest of achievements, he would still mutter things.
"You learn fast"
You thank God that you are turning your back on him so he doesn't notice your ridiculous blush, and the most fucked up part is that you don't even notice a malicious note in his tone, it's purely teaching.
There you consider the church your mother mentioned.
Before you notice it it's already time for the group call and you're STRESSED with a big S; in contrast Sukuna sounds amused every time he points out an advice to you "It's just a game, brat, have fun"
"I don't know Ryomen, who will be on the call?"
He stays silent for a moment. "Choso, Yuji and i don't know if Gojo has time, why the concern?" he hits you on the head with his finger "Do you like any of them?"
The audacity.
"Isn't Gojo the one you threatened to kill a while ago? And actually- actually what the fuck! Why do you relate everything with me liking someon-"
The conversation is interrupted by the call notification, Sukuna answers by putting two fingers on your mouth so that you shut up.
After a scandalous greeting and a confirmation of Gojo's participation, the game starts, not even three minutes have passed when they are already throwing shit at Sukuna.
"Why are you so useless? you had it literally in front of you??? what the fuck Sukuna" Although Gojo started out mocking, he ended up insulting him (or you lmao) mercilessly.
"Why are you going to the other side? pick up the box, ASSHOLE!" Yuji was getting anxious, and so did you, Sukuna only made excuses saying that the wifi was weak while pinching you, amused, and Choso said nothing for a while, but at some point finally spoke.
"Bro why are you playing like you're gay."
There was a moment of silence which was broken by the screams of Gojo and Yuji, taking advantage of the moment you made a sign to Sukuna that you gave up.
"Be gentle, dickheads" Sukuna murmurs in a mock taking control of the PC, but without taking you off, his arms simply surrounded you "there's a lady present"
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a/n: sorry, i'm really bad at video games, i don't know anything about them, i gave it my all🙏🏻
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lavenderarie · 3 months
The temptation to make a huge meta post about Caspar is insane… like I was trying to write a fanfic from his pov and I felt like I was making him too analytical (cause I’m too analytical and I project onto characters I write) so I did a little character study… and then did further character studies… and I was like… wait… why is Caspar so fucking interesting????  Like I already liked him…he’s half of my favorite ship for a reason…but like…holy shit…the development put into his character is insane…. 
Like how he’s not that close to his family but feels personal guilt over his father’s actions… or how incredibly observant he is…or how he cannot pick up on people’s emotions at all…but he’ll notice subtle changes in behavior…which makes his intuition sharp as hell…or how he acts impulsively based on what he believes to be right in the moment without considering consequences…but will reflect on consequences after the fact and take other’s advice into account when he recognizes he needs to change something…
Or how I am super certain he’s not into girls just from the lack of awareness of multiple girl’s romantic feelings towards him…and the fact that the two biggest female charmers (Hilda and Dorothea) don’t even try to charm him because they know it won’t work… or how two separate guys will travel with him to the ends of the earth post-game…
Like I’ve seen so many people call Caspar stupid…like SO many…I even thought of him as “simple”…but like…being impulsive and having straightforward values…isn’t stupidity????  They’re character traits???  I am the dumb one for thinking less of him!!!  Caspar is a fascinating character!!!  What the heck!!!
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beauty-and-passion · 3 months
Why you should listen to Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium
I didn't expect to truly write a post about this album.
Anons introduced me to its genesis, production and themes and they seemed interesting... but was there enough food for thought?
I had no idea. My expectations were positive, so I imagined I would listen to something good: I just didn't know if this album had enough for me to talk about and say something new - considering that the CCCC fans already did a great job analyzing every detail of the songs.
But when I listened to them (and read more theories/explanations), I noticed some interesting things. Things that stirred my brain and made me think. Things I wanted to talk about.
So here I am, writing a post about Chonny's Charming Chaos Compendium Volume 1. I am not pretending to explain the lore or the songs in detail and I don't want to bother you with an extremely long post. All I want is to give you some material to decide if CCCC is worth a try.
And, if you've never heard about it before, I hope my words will spark your interest, because this album deserves more attention.
One last thing: please be aware I will talk about all sorts of themes, from love to suicide, because those are also the themes of the album.
A simple plot
I can hear you, fans who have listened to the whole album: simple story?! It's complicated! It's open to interpretations!
And yes, you're right. But if we consider the core foundation on which the songs are built... well, that's quite straightforward. With this album, Chonny Jash is telling us about his struggles and how they led to a psychological split inside him into Mind, Heart and Soul. Then these three parts start fighting, until they find a way to reunite again.
And yes, we can also add that this is a time loop and things are destined to repeat themselves, but the structure is still simple, clear and concise. As clear as the tripartition of the album into Calamity, Cacophony and Concord, three parts that correspond to the story's three main points: the split, the fight, the reunion.
And this simplicity isn't a bad thing, oh absolutely not. This is perfect.
There's a common misconception that a good story should be complicated. The plot should be complex and convoluted and the more complex and convoluted it is, the better the story will be. I made this conceptual mistake too and it took me years to realize how wrong it was: the better stories are not the most complicated ones, but the simpler ones.
Why?, you may ask. Isn't a simple story proof of amateur writing - or even worse, lack of creativity?
Actually, it's quite the opposite and there are four reasons why:
If a story has a simple, clear foundation, it will be easier to build on it: a simple foundation is stable and strong, it won't break down too easily. You can add layers and metaphors and hide your plot points behind different interpretations, but your public won't get lost, because the foundation would still be clear: there are three figures, they fight, they reunite. Everyone can understand it.
If everyone can understand your foundation, your story is universal. Everyone can approach and experience it, from an old person to a child, and everyone will find something inside: a message, a feeling, a piece of advice, anything.
If your story is universal and the foundation clear, your vision is also clear. And if your vision is clear, you know what you're doing. And if you know what you're doing, your story will be much more organized too: there won't be dull/useless parts, filler, or moments in which you're just dilly-dallying, waiting for the right idea to strike.
Since your story will be more organized, the flow will be better too and the events will make sense, the public will be more prone to welcome the suspension of disbelief and immerse themselves in the story. People aren't stupid, they can subconsciously feel when an artist is confident and the story is strong. And once they feel it, you win. The public is yours now, you can guide it into your world and show your vision as you intended. And people will let you do it, because they know they're in good hands.
This is what I experienced too, the more I progressed with my listening. There was a lot of care behind every word, the lyrics kept explaining and expanding the plot and everything showed the confidence of an author who knows what he is doing and how to do it.
And there's nothing better for a story, than a confident author.
Clear elements despite the ambiguity
Even if the foundation of CCCC is very simple, the story is enriched by a ton of ambiguities and things purposely left very vague. They may be better explained when/if Volume 2 comes out in the future, they may be left open to interpretation forever. It doesn't really matter: having a full understanding is good, but leaving everything behind a veil of mystery is a good choice as well. It depends on Mr. Jash's choice - and if my previous point wasn't clear enough, I trust this guy's choices.
However, despite the ambiguity, I also really appreciated how there are a lot of extremely clear elements in this story, starting from some events, to specific details of the main characters involved.
Some examples?
Heart tried to shoot/kill/destroy Mind
Heart's breakdown is due to something love-related
The whole series of events is stuck in a loop
Mr. Jash threatens suicide if the parts of himself don't reconcile
Mr. Jash frequently talks about how he keeps making covers of songs others made before him
And what about the details? For example, we know that every character has a specific set of elements associated with them:
an object: a blindfold (Heart), a crown (Mind), a trident (Soul)
a name: Artemis/the moon/Juno (Heart), Apollo/the sun (Mind), Atlas (Soul)
a color: black+purple (Heart), blue+white (Mind), gray+red (Soul)
And those are all elements we get from the songs and they get stuck with you, while you progress with your listening.
Again, this is a very clever choice: considering everything is open to interpretation, having some clear elements serves as "anchor points" in a sea of ambiguities. By doing that, the listeners won't get lost in a maelstrom of possibilities, but they will keep being guided down a clear path - the one traced by the main points of the album (breakdown, fight, reunion).
Also, having some fixed elements keeps everyone's attention too: some people might like to get lost in pure ambiguity, but most lose interest in a too-vague story. Even if the author had a clear plan, if everything is too obscure, people will inevitably think: "It's incomprehensible, so the author had no idea what they were doing" and ditch the story entirely.
Mr. Jash handled the ambiguity aspect very well, by balancing the obscurities with the clear elements. And this proved, once again, how clear, strong and detailed his vision is.
Favorite character?
Ooof, that's hard.
Each character has a specific personality and that alone proves how carefully Mr. Jash planned every element related to them.
Heart is sad, desperate, apathetic, prone to self-pity, sick and tired of everything. But he's also strong enough to try and oppose Mind out of fear of what he could do. He tried to attack someone as powerful as him and take him down, just to preserve the Soul and save their vessel.
And that proves he's not weak at all: he's a lot more powerful than he seems. And, as he said, he's not a child: he felt Mind could've been a threat, so he took the matter into his own hands and tried to find a solution.
And it makes sense his solution was so drastic, because it was dictated by feelings. Because the Heart is influenced by feelings. It's perfectly coherent with the kind of character he is.
Same goes for Mind: he's cold, harsh, a threatening figure because of his design/nature. He takes control of the situation, he appoints himself as the new leader, he wants to react, do something, move forward and ignore the element he sees as the weak link.
And he definitely doesn't hold a grudge towards Heart, nope nope: my bro spent a whole song saying "Look at Heart, he's an idiot". And then, if this isn't enough, he ended his song, by calling Heart "akaryocyte": which is a cell without a nucleus. Hence, a virus.
I'll admit it: this sick burn is the sickest burn that ever burned and probably the most clever insult I've ever read and that made Mind top #1 best character of the album - sorry Heart, but Mind is too sick. (Also, I am a cold logical person too, so I ended up thinking the guy wasn't so bad after all.)
Last but not least, we have Soul. And Soul is basically shut down all the time by these two motherfuckers arguing, to the point he looks more like a shadow, rather than a real character... until he decides that you know what, time to show how confident he actually is:
You must be so arrogant to think that either of you Can control The Soul so wholly When to be one whole you can't hold solely
One song was enough to show Soul's true colors. He's stronger than the other two, he's more in control than them and he's the only one able to draw a line and make an actual threat: if they do not find a way to reunite, he will kill them both.
A couple words and Soul's picture got flipped: he's not just a background voice anymore, he's the leading figure now. And if he is sick and tired, then these three are facing the real shit.
But just like the other two, Soul isn't just that and we see it in The Bidding.
Here happens something incredibly beautiful: once Heart and Mind find a way to harmonize, Soul immediately rejoices: with the impatience of a child, he asks them to do it again, "One more time, go again/No, this can't be the end". Soul, this powerful figure who threatened suicide one second ago, begs them to try again, to do it "for me", because they can finally harmonize, because "I don't know how much more I can take".
Once again, with a couple sentences, we learn how heavy this whole situation has been on Soul and how eager he is to try again, once the other two find a possible harmony.
This doesn't just show how deeply Soul has been affected by the whole situation, but also (on a higher level) how strong hope is.
Soul was ready to commit suicide: a few verses before he said this was the day "we'll tie the rope". But one small step in the right direction, despite being flawed and made out of spite and resentment, was all he needed to change his mind and drop the idea of suicide entirely.
That also proves how human Soul is. Because this is what humans feel too, especially when they play with the idea of suicide. Most of the time, this idea is the result of desperation and inability to find a way out of a situation that seems impossible to overcome. But once these people find even a teeny tiny fragment of hope, the will to live overcomes desperation and people latch to said hope, no matter how small it is. And, just like Soul did here, they try to have it again, to repeat it, to feel that spark again.
Because the will to live is always much, much stronger than the desperation that leads to suicide.
The choice of a time loop
These three characters are stuck in a time loop: things are destined to repeat themselves. And believe it or not, but this is extremely human too - and a clever choice as well.
From a psychological perspective, Mr. Jash can "break" again anytime. Life is full of stuff and events, so... who knows? Maybe in the future, he will face another heartbreak and his Whole will break down into three once more. Or maybe it won't be because of a heartbreak: maybe something else will happen and lead to a new split, a new fight and a new reconciliation. Maybe even the lack of confidence that starts to shine in Concord is proof of a future split.
But if we think about it, the time loop works from another perspective too: a meta one.
Every time you listen to the whole album, every time to replay the songs, you are relieving the split. Every time you listen to them, Whole splits into Heart, Mind and Soul. Every time you trace their history, they split, fight and reconcile.
In other words: every replay is a new loop, a loop in which these characters are stuck - not just because of their humanity, but because they're characters and this is their story. They cannot escape from it, because that's their entire world.
I don't know if Mr. Jash thought about that while making this album... but he gave me this thought and that's just another proof of what I said at the beginning of this post: if a story is very well made, everyone can find a message inside it. And I'm sure you will find something too.
EDIT: You will find the whole analysis of CCCC Vol. 1 starting from HERE
(How about a coffee? ☕)
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doodle-pops · 7 months
A Love That Burns
Celegorm x reader
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Request: I'M SO GLAD YOU OPENED THE REQUESTS NONNY!!!!!! You are an absolutely wonderful writer, I eat every one of your writing like the best steak ever🥺🥺 I live for angst, so👉👈 Can i request a fem!reader x celegorm or carantir? Reader is the human wife of one of our angry boys, and although she loves her husband very much, she still feels insecure in relationship with the elf because of societal prejudices(( And the boy is tired and doesn't want to deal with anything and the reader has been subjected to some taunts and tries to tell her beloved about it(( But doesn't have time and her elf snaps at her and they fight a lot... And this hothead forgets to control his stupid mouth and says he regrets marrying the reader((((( Of course he didn't mean it, but now he still has to deal with the consequences of his words and his lovely wife's low self-esteem(( Happy or unhappy ending, your choice! – anon
A/N: This was different from what you requested anon, and I���m terribly sorry. I do despise not writing what someone requested, however, I got lost in the writing because it was ANGST, a beloved theme of mine. I did try my best to stay on the part of the dispute and angst theme, but the reasons were entirely different from what you described. Apologies in advance, yet I hope you all enjoy it!
Warnings: heavy angst, breakup, dispute, mentions of Tyelko’s physical altercations, hurt/no comfort or happy ending
Words: 2k
Synopsis: You've decided after years of following the leader, to make your own stand and create a new path in your life.
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As you stormed into the cosy room, the door slammed shut behind you, capturing the attention of your husband. He sat there, aloof and unperturbed, even though the anger coursing through your veins was impossible to miss. You shot him a fierce glance, and he casually raised a wine glass to his lips before turning his attention back to the dancing flames in the fireplace. Curiously, Huan, his loyal companion, was absent from the room this time, offering you a rare moment of solitude to confront the silver–haired, nonchalant elf.
With the room now yours alone, you felt liberated to unleash a torrent of fury and horror upon your husband. “You certainly left your mark today,” you seethed, your voice dripping with suppressed rage as you rifled through the closet, yanking clothes from drawers and shelves. Celegorm’s back remained turned, allowing you to carefully plan your approach without escalating the impending argument prematurely.
A scoff escaped his lips, followed by an eye roll and a leisurely yawn. It was a familiar scenario, one that played out every time he committed some outrageous act that grated on your sensibilities. Tonight was no exception. He seized the opportunity to make it a grand spectacle, leaving some unfortunate young elf languishing in a jail cell, beaten and bruised. While his actions might have warranted a more measured response, your husband was hardly one to concern himself with propriety when his adrenaline surged.
“I’ve always had a knack for leaving a lasting impression, my dear. It’s part of who I am; you ought to know that by now,” he retorted with a snide undertone. He exuded an air of regal charm and charisma as he spoke, seemingly immune to the consequences of his deeds, convinced that they were merely lessons in “respect” and “superiority.”
A surge of disgust welled up inside you as you shot a sidelong glance at him while continuing to stuff your clothes into his hunting bags. His utter lack of self–awareness and compassion left you bewildered. The Celegorm you had once known, a carefree, compassionate, and admittedly stubborn elf, seemed like a distant memory. Well, the stubborn part was still very much intact, but the night he had sworn that ominous oath had marked a turning point. It was as if you had witnessed the elf you once loved killed a part of himself, only to be reborn as a living nightmare. At times, you had even tried to convince yourself that this transformation was a necessary response to the darkness lurking in the world.
Day after day, night after night, you made promises and excuses for his behaviour. “He’ll change, he’ll change. This isn’t truly him,” you chanted to yourself after every heated confrontation. Yet, Celegorm had a knack for shattering your hope and turning it into a cruel mirage. You had lost all your friends, and any family who had wished to reach out had distanced themselves, fearing Tyelko would turn their presence into yet another issue. Jealousy had never been an issue before, nor had paper–thin insults. Things that could have been brushed off and ignored were now carefully nurtured by him, allowed to fester and destroy your life.
You were utterly alone, with even his presence feeling non–existent.
“It’s quite fascinating how your idea of making a lasting impression involves beating up those who dare to voice their whimsical comments. Must you inflict harm upon people for their veiled statements?” you snapped, unable to contain your thoughts any longer, your frustration with his demeanour finally bubbling over.
“Are you still dwelling on about that?” he retorted, irritation lacing his voice as he tightened his grip on the wine glass, causing a hairline crack to snake its way along its delicate surface.
Furious and fed up, you flung the clothes onto the ground, your anger and frustration boiling over. You spun around and shouted at him, “Yes, I am! And I won’t apologise if it bothers you, since you never bother to do the same for me!” Your inner turmoil had reached a breaking point, and you longed to shake some semblance of compassion into him. His obliviousness to the pain his thoughtless actions caused you only added more fuel to the fire. “All you ever do is harm people for senseless reasons and act as if no one should ever dare to criticise your actions!”
Growing tired of craning his neck and straining his ear to hear your grievances, he abandoned the sofa and turned to face you. He remained by the fireplace, enjoying the warmth it offered. He stared at you with his piercing forest green eyes, a silent warning that seemed to say, “Choose your words carefully.”
“No one has the right to speak about my family and our actions! They have no idea what we’re going through—”
“Well, I do, because I live it every day with you, and your methods of releasing your frustrations are unbearable!” You yelled in frustration, your voice rising in pitch. “I’ve tried to help you, and you’ve pushed me away, so now you resort to displaying your insecurities.”
“Insecurities?!” His right eye twitched, and he strode across the room to confront you, his fists clenched in frustration. His bewildered expression betrayed genuine hurt at your accusations, as if he couldn’t fathom you taking jabs at his struggles. It was a side of you he hadn’t expected; you had always been the compassionate and thoughtful one. “How is me defending you and my family from naysayers an act of insecurity?”
He shifted his weight to his left leg, his hips rolling in a display of astonishment. You locked eyes with him, your anger still burning as he threw a seemingly irrelevant question your way, acting as if he had no knowledge of the answer. He had witnessed your slow withdrawal from him and his circle, even from his family, but he seemed oblivious to anything beyond power, glory, and the oath. The Tyelko you once loved and grew with had faded away, and it wasn’t just the oath that had changed him; his true ambitions had rendered your presence obsolete, especially if this was the outcome of your arguments.
“Tyelko,” you began with an exasperated sob, “I’ve loved you for so many years, through thick and thin. I stood by your side even when your father was wrong, and I was foolish not to see it. I endured the silent suffering of Formenos, standing with you through your transformations. You think I wouldn’t recognize your insecurity? You only lash out when things don’t go your way to make yourself feel better.” Tears welled up in your eyes, and a few escaped, staining your clothes. Ignoring his judgmental gaze, you lowered your head to wipe your eyes and nose, sniffling as a mixture of tears and snot streamed down your face.
“That still doesn’t explain anything,” he snapped.
Casting him a look of disbelief, you realised that explaining this to him like he was a child was futile; he refused to see your perspective. “You’re becoming just like your father in the later years of his marriage, and I’m forced to walk in your mother’s footsteps. I have no friends left because of you; they’re terrified you’ll harm them if they speak up about my new life. I’m lonely, and you’re not listening. I take part of the blame for following you, but you...you’re tearing apart the rest of my life.”
“They’re not your friends if they’re worried about me making advances,” he retorted, his tone dripping with an air of self–righteousness, as if he had just uttered the wisdom of the ages. “But seriously, how am I ruining your life when I’m just clearing away obstacles?”
A surge of rage erupted within you, the lid of your patience finally blown off, and your words spilt out uncontrollably. “Because you never listen to me! You always believe what you’re doing is for the best, even when I’m clearly unhappy! I’m lonely because you drive everyone away; you don’t offer me the comfort and support you used to! You dismiss my concerns, telling me I’m complaining too much or that I’m a bother. You pick fights with anyone who disagrees with your family’s actions, and it terrifies people! I can’t go on like this anymore, and I’m exhausted!”
He stood there, silent and immobile in the doorway, his face contorting in a mix of confusion and disbelief. His expression seemed to ask, “What are you saying?” as he gingerly placed the wine glass on a nearby shelf in the closet. He opened his mouth to respond, but then hesitated, a deep frown furrowing his brow as he watched you spin around and begin gathering the clothes scattered on the floor, stuffing them into a bag. “W–What are you doing?” he stammered, his voice tinged with concern.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” you groaned, forcefully shoving another set of clothes into the bag, your frustration evident. “I’m leaving. This life here isn’t for me.”
Your words hit him like a ton of bricks. Leave? You couldn’t be serious. Your home was with him, your lives were intertwined, and the idea of you leaving him was incomprehensible.
Stumbling forward in a state of shock, he cried out in anguish, “Y–You can’t leave me! We’re married, we have a bond, a life together! You can’t just abandon me! Tell me this is some kind of cruel joke, my love?” Your silence only fuelled his panic, pushing him toward hysterics. He knew that when you fell silent, it was a grave sign of your seriousness, and the waves of displeasure and dissatisfaction coursing through your bond were tearing him apart. He wanted to reach out and shake you, but he had no idea how you’d react.
“Y/N, please answer me, darling? I beg you, tell me you’re not leaving, that you’re just taking a break, perhaps some time away in the cabin?” His voice was filled with anguish and guilt, only now realising the gravity of your pleas as reality crashed down upon him.
You breathed heavily as you continued to gather your belongings, doing your best to avoid eye contact with his anguished performance. Where was this reaction when you first voiced your concerns? “I have every reason to leave, Your Highness. Removing myself from your presence is what I need, and I hope it brings me peace.”
“No! You can’t leave me. I—I love you! Can’t you see that? All those fights I got into defending you from insults and harm, it was because I love you! There was more to them than what meets the eye!” He pleaded with a heavy burden of guilt and regret, willing to get down on his knees if it meant you’d stay, but his pride seemed to hold him back.
Finally gathering all your belongings and slinging the bags over your shoulders, you didn’t bother changing into travel clothes. You’d do that later at a tavern along the way. As you moved toward the exit, Celegorm’s presence blocked your path. “I—…You have every right to be upset with me right now, and I know this, but… Give me a chance, just one chance to make things right! I can change.”
“Why didn’t you change before when you had the chance, instead of now?” He stood there, mouth agape, speechless. “I’ve had wonderful moments with you for most of my life, but these last few years have tarnished everything. And as much as I blame myself, you bear a share of responsibility. Now, step aside and let me leave in peace.” With that, you pushed past him, determined to embark on a new chapter of your life, leaving behind the turbulent past that had brought you to this point.
You didn’t spare him a glance, even though your heart ached with the weight of your decision. It was a wonder how his mother had managed to stand her ground and leave his father, but now you understood what separation felt like. You weren’t sure whether you wanted to leave your heart at the doorstep or cast it aside entirely. All you knew was that making the right decision for the betterment of your life was a painful, but necessary, choice. You only prayed that you would manage successfully on your own without crumbling to the floor.
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Taglist: @lilmelily @ranhanabi777 @mysticmoomin @rain-on-my-umbrella @asianbutnotjapanese @batsyforyou @sakurayaxd @ladyenchanted @involuntaryspasms @stormchaser819 @aconstructofamind @addaigio @lamemaster @hermaeuswhora
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
I started writing the Loki is Sally Jackson AU and would like some thought because I feel like I am having trouble pinning Loki down as a PJO fan first and a ROR one second.
"Loki Pov (6 months post-banishment):
He would be the first to admit that he perhaps did not take it as seriously as he should have. How could he when this world seemed to operate on farcical principles? Gods relied on humans who were not even permitted to know of them. Others who weren’t even truly immortal had to rely on fruit, some of whom even bore his own kin’s names. What a jest!
So, perhaps, he had been a little lacking in his preparations. And, as the mortal “nurse” attempted to coach him through “the options available to a young woman in your situation”, he could feel the cold tendrils of unease starting to wrap around his ribs as he considered what it would mean to bear the child of such a being. Not that he regretted this dalliance by any means. He did not consider himself someone who should know the meaning of the word regret, after all, was he not a trickster god? And Poseidon, the Poseidon of this world that is, was hilarious. An absolutely delightful distraction from the boredom that set in after he invented Sally and overcame his initial disgust with this world. The god had produced more bastards than Zeus while wearing Birkenstocks. Truly a god lacking self-awareness and shame. Exactly what Loki needed (and honestly falling for him was well within Sally's established character …He was just so charming while she was a young and “inexperienced” woman, who could blame her. and Loki? Loki needed an in to start gathering information on the gods of this world and their convoluted system). At least he was going to get a good laugh the next time he looked at Poseidon standing in Valhalla’s halls from these memories.
But…buuuut (now he was getting annoyed, how long could this go for, was she going to start praying for his chastity? Oh what he would give for the ability to kill these filthy mortals without consequences, alas the American healthcare system had managed to come up with tortures that would surpass Beelzebub at his most creative) there were politics. Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon had a deal going from what he could grasp, children too powerful, needing to protect mortal lives, Zeus murdering his brothers' spawn and lovers for sport, and a lot of other drivel he had ignored (they also seemed to be pretending the other Pantheons did not exist, he should poke at that some more, not using Sally though, too risky). See! He did understand actions and consequences, uncle’s stupid punishment was completely unnecessary, and nothing he was learning here was of value (wait what was an epidural? He gave birth to a horse; how bad could a human pregnancy possibly be? Stupid oath. Stupid Styx )
His biggest concern was the baby, the little alien-looking shrimp thing keeping him locked into Sally’s form. Poseidon had apparently sired gods before (He married a daughter of Nereus! A woman no better than a slave as his queen if he remembered correctly. Had the old fish managed to cling to power somehow? How funny, Poseidon the Emperor would sooner castrate himself than let a rival live like that) but most of his children were half-bloods, children seemingly cursed with more drawbacks and difficulties in exchange for their divine blood. Loki was starting to suspect he was missing quite a bit more important information than what this useless woman was babbling about… (What was Medicaid and SNAP? Now this insect was just making up words).
Ah, he was getting out of character. Sally was, of course, delighted to have her child and would love them regardless of the difficulties they would face. She, of course, wanted to know more about the assistance programs the city was offering to single mothers. Please go on. (And Loki, Loki was mortal and lacking most of the powers. Loki was starting to feel unease.)"
Thought? I like world building so I was planning to use Loki to explore the differences between RORs world and PJOs. I feel like he is very critical but I also wanted to capture how silver tongued and tricky he can be. I also feel like he is a caring parent which is another layer of complication to his character. So I have been really struggling with his voice (Odin's internal monologue is even worst the man has so little dialogue and I'm pretty sure Thor's head plays Wii music when he's not fighting, at least the Greeks have personality)
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"The god had produced more bastards than Zeus while wearing Birkenstocks. Truly a god lacking self-awareness and shame"
"alas the American healthcare system had managed to come up with tortures that would surpass Beelzebub at his most creative"
"What was Medicaid and SNAP? Now this insect was just making up words"
this is so fucking perfect dude, YOU ARE SO GOOD LMAO I LOVE THIS
also, i 1000% agree that he is a caring parent! he's a silly little guy but he loves his babies (he's just super embarrassing about it). he's definitely the type to grant his kids a lot of freedom too. but i feel like, sine percy is half-human, he'd be more paranoid and worried about her especially since her universe is pretty harsh towards demigods. so i think he'd be struggling a lot about the fact that:
he's supposed to entrust his baby to a camp full of psycho kids (thats how he sees them lmao) that could kill her???
she's gonna be sent on QUESTS
a bunch of gods and monsters want her dead???
and "where's my child support????"
the rules and restrictions the pjo gods face are also very baffling to him too
rip loki, good luck raising percy 😔
ALSO, i got a recent ask from an anon that i haven't replied to yet, but they wanted to know what ur ao3 account is!! i wanna know too cuz i really really REALLY wanna read your works once you're finished (you're the one who asked to make an ao3 fandom tag for arsenic blues right?? if not, pls ignore this oops)
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gale-gentlepenguin · 1 year
Gale’s Top Ten: Least favorite episodes of Miraculous Ladybug (as of season 5)
With Season 5 finished and my posting of my top 10 favorite episodes, it’s time I crank the meter the other way. Now some rules
1. Like always this is my personal opinion, and if you liked these episodes, that’s great. I would love to hear your reasoning
2. I will be judging them SOLELY of what was shown in the episode, not by any leaks that came out before or after. I’m solely judging on what is seen and confirmed
3. Word of warning, I will be pretty vicious with my critiques. Also profanities will be thrown.
Now before I go into them, I should give some congratulations to some episodes no longer in my bottom 10
Captain Hardrock: You are still a lame episode, but not the worst you are actually decent in comparison to some of these.
Stormy weather 2.0: Clip shows still are awful, but there are worst things
Frozer: In the grand scheme of things this episode really wasn’t important and there are worst character writing
10.Sole Crusher
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Revisiting this, it really isn’t a good episode for ML. I don’t know what was more Shoehorned in, Zoe’s character arc of replacing Chloé or the lucky charm.
It also makes little sense that Marinette would be the one pushing for Zoe considering her experience with Chloé and her family (especially after Season 5 revealed her trauma).
Now Zoe isn’t a bad character, but she will always be seen as the replacement Good bee, and she deserves better writing.
Honestly it could be argued Queen banana should be here, but that episode is too much of a s***post that I get more enjoyment out of it. This is trying to play this straight and it don’t feel right.
9. Qilin
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This episode has a some things going for it, great akuma design, decent action. But it also has a ton going against it. It’s in a series of episodes I like to call “Thomas’ gets political” and I will tell you this, he sucks at it.
I would try and explain further but I am aware I would butcher the topic, all that should be said is, racism tackled poorly and Marinette says she will pay for a ticket that her mother didn’t deserve to get in the first place.
Also the animation looks off in the episode, it just looks so bleh. 
8. Migration
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Remember that whole reveal that Luka knows both Ladybug’s and chat noir’s identities and how he kept that to himself?
Well that FINALLY gets addressed. And are Ladybug and chat noir mad at him? No. No consequences for him.
The whole episode acts like he is such an important character but this is one of 2 episodes he’s in where he has more than 2 lines.
Then he gets to travel the world with his dad because monarch found out he knows.
Kagami got akumatized twice and she knew Ladybug’s identity, step up your game Luka.
Also the fake out with Rose was bulls*** and everyone knows it.
Also the entire episode had everyone but Luka lacking brain cells.
I don’t rank it lower because while it annoyed me greatly, there are worse offenders on the list.
7. Animaestro
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Astruc complains for 22 minutes that nobody cares about him anymore.
Also Marinette teams up with her bully which after watching Derision, WOULD BE THE LAST thing she would do.
This is the worst example of the Creator calling out the audience, There are other episodes like this but this one is the least entertaining. And if the ending of season 5 is concerned. “I’ve seen your writing, so I can FUCKING CRITIQUE IT YOU ARROGANT PIECE OF…”
Okay, I’m calm. Point being. It’s his call out the critics episode and it sucks
6. Furious Fu
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I HATE Su Han.
He is a worse version of Fu in every stretch of the imagination.
The episode where Su han shows up and starts making demands is stupid. The only thing he has going for him is his fighting style which he never teaches the two people that could have needed it!
The episode isn’t lower because despite Su Han’s impact, he really doesn’t do much and he is just there to be a nag later on. Also Fu’s akuma looks dope as hell and gave Fu some slack.
5. Feast
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So remember how Su han showed up in the last episode. Well he and all the other guardians were gone for over 100 years because they lost to a 4 Foot blue dog made by a hungry child.
This episode isn’t as bad as the others as a stand alone, but knowing the lore makes it sound so completely stupid. Like Fu was HAUNTED by his past and we find out it was because he was hungry when training and the guardians COULDNT handle that? All trained to fight miraculous users should they go rogue, couldn’t beat ONE DOG. The mysterious order is incompetent as heck.
It’s just so stupid. Also Fu was acting irrational af over all this didn’t help.
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I want everyone to know how massive this is, Reflekdoll is no longer my least favorite episode.
For anyone that follows me, my SEETHING hatred of this episode is well documented.
I won’t go on about how the tropes were horribly done or ignored, how off the banter was, or even how stupid everyone is this episode. Because I’ve discussed it in length.
I will simply say, Thank God there is Passion, so if people want a GOOD kwami swap episode they can watch that one.
3. Miracle Queen
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I’ve talked about this episode to death on here. But really the only flaws with it are the last half of the episode.
The drama of the first half is great. But the ass pull of a memory wipe, the clear degradation of Chloé’s character, and just the simple giving up of Hawkmoth, he could have easily still won if he pushed a bit longer. The ending was depressing but also a clear example of how the writers put themselves in a corner with no way out.
The only thing that makes it worse is Fu’s replacement (Su han) ends up being a worse teacher.
Also considering how they spent season 4 quickly getting Marinette and Adrien out of the relationships with the love rivals, even they realize it was a dumb call.
2. Ephemeral
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Hey, let’s make an episode to explain why Adrien can NEVER know his father is the villain.
This episode is the go to justification of the writers on why Adrien will always be sidelined. It was also the unofficial reveal of the sentimonster theory before it was said pretty much outright in season 5.
The worst akuma design. Marinette gaslighting, gate keeping chat noir at its worst.
Gabriel wins and gets his wish.
And none of it mattered and no one remembers it except I think Sass. So it was pretty much pointless.
Not even the ladrien and cute reveal could save it.
And don’t even get me started on how pointless and avoidable it is.
It’s almost funny because despite how pointless this was, it’s still better than number 1.
1. Re-creation
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So many cool concepts, great designs. Marinette dropping a piano on Gabriel. So many great things. But it also had some flaws, like having Adrien sidelined, and the focus on heroes from the specials for practically no reason. But all of that could be forgivable if the ending lands…
It really shows how an AWFUL ending can fuck up everything.
Imagine having 5 seasons of fighting to stop a villain from getting the miraculous to make the wish only for him to WIN! Yes he wins. He gets to make the wish, you know the wish that was said should NEVER be used. Of all the stupid, asinine, Shark Jumping BULL SHIT. Who the fuck APPROVED THIS HORSE SHIT?!
So he gets his wish, and he gets a statue HONORING HIM. What the fuck? Adrien, who was ABUSED now sees his abuser as a hero and EVERYONE THAT KNOWS THE TRUTH IN HIS LIFE IS HIDING THE TRUTH FROM HIM. Nathalie, Marinette, Felix, Kagami. Even PLAGG!
And the whole utopia crap, everything is just perfect now, because the villain got what he wanted.
That’s a great lessons for kids! (Blatant Sarcasm)
But let’s really dig in, the ending left a LOT of things vague. And hilariously ALL OF THE POTENTIAL OUTCOMES ARE SHIT.
1. Emilie was revived and Nathalie got healed.
So Gabriel gets everything he wanted from the wish, justifying everything he did and he gets treated like a hero and another person hiding the truth from Adrien. Marinette knows everything that brought this about and is keeping that from Adrien, but is justified slightly because it could encourage Adrien to try and get his father back with a wish. Also brings up the question of who took Emile’s place.
2. Only Nathalie was healed.
Gabriel ended up with Emilie like he wanted, gets treated like a martyr, Adrien is technically an orphan, Marinette is knowingly lying to him about his father and Adrien continues to get Gaslit.
3. Emilie is revived, Nathalie is healed, and memories were altered
Gabriel’s wish basically shaped EVERYTHING how he wanted, meaning he is still in control of Adrien’s life even in death. Even his own wife. So while this removes Marinette covering for him intentionally, it just means Gabriel was so much worse.
4. Nathalie’s healed and memories altered
Gabriel gets to be with Emile and has shaped Adrien’s life even in death. Everyone basically puppeteer by him as he died. Sure he’s dead but he also retconned for his redemption, which is bullshit.
Now there are people that defend this ending/potential ending.
I’m sorry but, unless they revive Gabriel and he gets exposed, Adrien finds out the truth, and he gets held accountable for his actions. I can’t feasibly imagine this ending being good.
The writing staff aren’t going to do Anything about this, they are just going to move on to Lila as the main villain and say the Agreste plotline is over.
If they Do, do something, I’ll happily take back my words and alter my view of the episode but right now.
It’s one of the WORST season finale’s I’ve seen in my life.
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thousand-winters · 2 months
I hope YOU'RE doing well pal! 💖💖💖 I'd love to hear your Laios and Hooty thoughts
Actually now I'm thinking about them interacting and how cursed it'd be haha
I am today!!! It has been a good day for once haha. I hope you're having a good day today, and that your cats are doing good!!!
Oh, my gods, I can't decide if they would get along like a house on fire or if somebody would end up dead ahahaha. Or if Laios would consider Hooty looks stupid considering his reaction to Marcille's sky fish lmao 😭 I'm sorry, Hooty, you technically ARE a worm.
Okay, getting into it now, starting with Laios:
How I feel about this character
I love him!!! He ended up not being my favorite because I adore Marcille with my whole heart but he's such a good main character, honestly. I wasn't thinking too much about it when I started watching, I was just having fun and I think it showed already that he wasn't just a silly character or anything, but man... the moments he got the most serious, he had me in shambles haha.
I enjoy him very much, it's really cool to see the ripples in his relationship with both monsters and humans. There's so much to him that I'm yet to see too and I'm looking forward to it, he's definitely not the kind of main character you're kinda sick of and want to leave already haha.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I have been swayed to the Labru side, finally, haha. I think they have a fascinating dynamic and while I certainly haven't seen everything they have to offer, the push and pull there makes it very compelling. Plus I'm not immune to cool fanart and funny posts, not gonna lie, but the main reason is that they seem to have a very compelling dynamic, not exactly direct or straightforward in its development and that really has me dying to see more.
I have been seeing Lashuro recently too and ngl, I've been going 👀 at that too. I remember I had talked with my friend Isis about how it was sort of funny that the Toudens do have very similar traits when it comes to how they view the world sometimes and yet Toshiro finds one annoying and the other charming. Probably in part a mix of attitude and gender, I'm not sure. Although in all fairness they seemed to be pretty at peace at the end so... I think it can be fun.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Marcille!!! Oh, they have so many good scenes with one another, they have such a fun dynamic, I love how much Laios trusts Marcille despite also knowing she can do shit like pour boiling water on an Undyne lmao.
In general they're very fun, the mix of them bickering but very obviously valuing each other's opinions and caring about one another is really good. Also I think it was you who said once they had siblings in lae energy and I can't unsee it ever since, they really do haha.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I haven't seen this much around tumblr or such, and I know the Dunmeshi Spanish fandom has the worst takes known to mankind but man, he's not dumb, come on now.
I doubt this is really unpopular and I especially need to actually read the full manga to understand his character more, probably, so I don't have too many complex opinions about him but... I feel like it's somewhat common to see him depicted as stupid but he's such a smart character, actually? He doesn't have to be the tropey nerd character to be smart, he has been shown to be very perceptive, even if he might be lacking on that department when it comes to social matters.
I just think writing him off as just being clueless and dumb is doing a big disservice to his character. He does have his struggles when it comes to general awareness and specific types of it but he's far from dumb.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I truly cannot speak on this one since I'm not done with the manga, haha. I have been spoiled a bit by some really cool fanart and animatics, I'm not gonna lie, so I have the gist of some big things that are coming but since I have the idea and not the actual development of it, I don't feel like I can speak on any of it, nor do I have any concrete ideas there anyway.
So far I'm pretty content with everything I have seen, both anime and manga wise.
And now onto Hooty:
How I feel about this character
I love him. I get why he annoys a lot of people in and out of universe, he's one of those silly cartoon characters that's not supposed to be super deep (although what's up with Papa Titan having a Hooty in his eye? I still need answers about that), but I like that he's always sweet and loves his people even if they're mean to him. I'm so happy Lilith came along and started appreciating him, it's what he deserves!
I think he's fun in general. I definitely would love to think more about the deeper implications about his existence, how did he even meet Eda and all about that, but I have to admit I don't think enough about him most of the time to even have ideas in that department. He's just silly and I appreciate that.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
None, this is how you get the cursed image of Hootlets. Does anybody wants Hootlets? This is how we get them.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
LILITH!!! Their friendship makes me SO happy, they're adorable. I definitely didn't see that one coming but I like how they ended lowkey balancing each other with Hooty reminding Lilith to care for herself and that she should depend on others and Lilith remarking upon Hooty's own worth to the point he's not seeking attention desperately anymore after they become friends because he's far more content with his friendship. It might have been more about how the writing around him changed too, but I liked to think the fact they became friends also helped the rest of the Owl Fam to soften around him and appreciate him more.
I love that in the end Hooty is living his best life just going around with Lilith.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He's not THAT annoying except in the Spanish dub. And I'm saying this as a chronic "obnoxious cartoon mascot hater" haha. Hooty is obviously supposed to be a little much but I don't think it ever goes to the point in which you actually want to strangle him or wish he wasn't even in the show in the first place.
At least that's what the experience was for me, I'm aware opinions differ but I think Hooty is pretty fine as he is, honestly.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Going back to that thing with Papa Titan and the Hooty eye... hey, what was that? Can we go back to that real quick? I really wish we had found out what was the connection between titans and... whatever Hooty is. I know Dana said at some point a specific youtuber had made the right theory but I could never figure out who was it and what did they say haha.
Anyway, yeah, I wish they had gotten into that. It would be Hooty AND titan lore all in one.
Thank you for the ask!!! From this ask game
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redflagfan · 16 days
"Him, The Smile & Bloom" / Hanakare Review
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I just think it's funny that my first review on this blog, called redflagfan, with a Yang layout, is the most wholesome game
Please note that I am following MintLip's rules for publishing content. This review contains some light spoilers!
The Game
Hanakare is based off a series of drama CDs following four men who work at a flower shop called Fill Flower. Each love story focuses on a different MC, so each LI has his own MC. They also each have their own flower which the story revolves around.
Basically...this game is a super trope-y slice of life story. There's no common route, just a brief intro, and each of the four stories (Hokuto Ichige/Anemone, Wataru Tori/Tweedia, Ginnosuke Sugawa/Mimosa, and Tenya Minami/Nandina) don't really have any serious conflict or drama. It's a very fluffy, cozy romance!
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The Routes
I started on Hokuto's route, because I love Makoto Furukawa hahaha. There's no recommended route order. As each LI has their own MC, there's no spoilers or anything really, and nothing is locked. This is how I played: Hokuto -> Wataru -> Ginnosuke -> Tenya. I have no strong feelings on that order; it's just how it happened for me. Feel free to play as you wish!
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"Now that I'm in love with you, I'm going all in. I hope you're ready."
Anemone: Fuuka and Hokuto have been friends for more than 20 years. Fuuka has been in love with him for a long time, but Hoku only sees her as a little sister. She’s determined to change how he sees her. 
I started with this route because I love Makoto Furukawa and I was not disappointed! I also love the childhood friends trope and this delivered and more. Their relationship was so cute. It was so funny that everyone else saw how clearly they were in love but Hoku didn’t. Both Fuuka and Hoku are a little stupid, but it works for them hahaha. Their lack of communication was a little annoying but they worked it out. I loved how Hoku’s protective “big brother” nature flourished as Fuuka’s boyfriend and I loved how Fuuka was lowkey toxic as hell in high school lmao. 
Also…the spice in this route was everything! The FuruMako moans seriously had me blushing and giggling! Wear headphones or just be entirely alone for that scene…just…hnngh!!!! It made all the money I spent on this game and the length of time it took to arrive physically worth it. Just for that sweet FuruMako goodness alone. 
Also I had no idea there was a flower called anemone til now! But then I looked it up and found out they also go by windflower which then I was like, duh, I know that from Animal Crossing! So…who says video games aren’t educational?
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"The one I want to see smile the most, and the one I want to make smile, is you."
Tweedia: Serina is a full time employee at Fill Flower. She has a chance encounter with 19-year-old Wataru - five years younger than she is - and he quickly falls in love with her (seriously, he confesses the second time they meet, lol). He begins working part-time at Fill Flower and takes every chance he gets to tell his senpai how he feels. 
I did not expect to love this route as much as I did! This is pure, unadulterated fluff. There’s no major conflicts or drama. It’s just wholesome and cute! Wataru is so insanely charming, it’s impossible not to love him. He’s so enthusiastic about working (and pleasing his senpai!) and he’s so earnest and open about his feelings. He definitely wears his heart on his sleeve. He’s a lot like Nayuta from VariBari, if Nayuta actually had self-awareness.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the great job Ryohei Kimura did voicing Wataru. He infused so much charm into the character that made him impossible not to love. Major golden retriever energy - no wonder Serina is always calling him cute and giving him headpats. I don’t think he would’ve been as lovable without the amazing work of KimuRyo. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just the way he spoke was so adorable! But I do love Nicola Francesca and Gill Lovecraft so I’m probably biased lol. 
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"Can you hear my heartbeat? It's pounding so hard it's almost funny. You're the only one who makes me feel this way."
Mimosa: Ami is a young interior designer who gets assigned the refurbishment of Fill Flower. Ginnosuke, aka Gin, is the “poster boy” of Fill Flower, known as the prince of the store who attracts all the young ladies to come in. He’s also the playboy type, who isn’t interested in serious relationships. 
Okay, I really had no expectations going into this route. But I loved it so much! The progression of Gin and Ami’s relationship felt so natural to me. It was so cute to see how she had crushed on him two years ago when he delivered flowers to her workplace, and then found out his more true self, which is pretty blunt lol. His “prince” self and his self with Ami felt kinda gap moe to me which is probably why I loved it so much. It was so cute how bad he was obviously crushing on Ami and she had no idea. He made the cutest flustered noises. 
Gin is also a very thoughtful boyfriend and I liked how the two of them set healthy boundaries after some (kinda irritating lol) miscommunications. His possessive side was also very cute. Also…this is the horniest route! The kissing sounds were straight up OBSCENE. And Gin just can’t get enough of Ami! Ugh…they’re so cute and sweet! This, surprisingly, ended up being my favorite route!
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"Today I love you more than yesterday, and tomorrow, I'll love you more than today. Every day I grow more love for you."
Nandina: Tenya and Miku were high school classmates who had a significant chance encounter that impacted both. Now, seven years later, aloof and quiet Tenya is working at Fill Flower, while anxious Type A Miku has just returned from two years working abroad in Canada. The two reunite after another chance encounter. 
The moment I saw Tenya in Hokuto’s route I knew I’d have to save him for last because I was looking forward to his route most. I love him! This route was so captivating. Tenya, the bad boy and popular guy at school, having a crush on class president Miku for so many years was so adorable. You thought Wataru was crazy confessing his love on their second meeting - once Tenya and Miku reunite he immediately asks her out and tells her he loves her!
And Miku was such a relatable MC for this route. She’s anxious, she has low self-esteem, she overthinks everything. She was my favorite MC in the game because of this. I just loved the two of them together. They suited each other so well. And there’s something about the quiet guy who’s so devoted to his lover…it makes me go crazy every time.
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Overall, each route was enjoyable in its own way, and I loved them all! I guess my ranking would be as follows: Gin > Tenya > Hokuto > Wataru. But they were all great!
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What I Liked, What I Didn't 
My favorite thing had to be the “Flower Book” system. Beautiful art of the flowers with adorable chibis, and fun information too! I love glossary type things in games and this was no different. I loved unlocking new flowers and getting to see them! Plus, I actually did learn a lot about flowers!
Speaking of art, Yuuya is such a talented artist. There were a great number of CGs with tons of variations in them. It was amazing! And the sprites were great too. I loved how many outfit variations the boys had!
On the flip side, I wish the girls at least had portraits on the side of the dialogue box. That’s just something I prefer personally. It helps me feel more engrossed. 
And I wish they had voiced lines for the girls’ default names, too. I don’t self-insert so I like hearing that stuff! 
My biggest concern going into this game was the translation. And it was…eh. I’m super nitpicky about this stuff because I literally write and edit for a living. I don’t think it’s enough to like, say you shouldn’t get the game, but it’s something you should be aware of. 
The translations were really inconsistent. Sometimes it seemed straight up machine translated while other times it felt like a human was definitely involved (one route used the phrase “read to filth,” lol). Wataru and Gin’s routes had a lot of dialogue that felt very stilted and was poorly translated, with incorrect pronoun usage and Wataru’s last name being spelled like three different ways. On the other hand, Hokuto and Tenya’s routes made more sense in English and were translated better. 
To be honest, while it was annoying, it didn’t really impact my overall enjoyment of the game. The errors weren’t egregious or anything. You could still understand what they were trying to say. So, irritating? Yes. But it wasn’t unreadable, so it’s just something to keep in mind if you’re interested in this game. 
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Final Thoughts
I'd say this game was an 8/10 for me. I just finished playing Olympia Soiree, while also flipping between Piofiore and Bustafellows. So taking a break to play Hanakare was definitely a breath of fresh air! If you're looking for a game that's romantic, fluffy and super cozy, I definitely would recommend this one. It's the perfect refresher between playing more heavy games, plot-wise. It was also the perfect game to sit back and relax with after a difficult day at work. I can definitely picture myself replaying these routes when I need a break.
To purchase Hanakare, you need to either buy it digitally from the Japanese E-Shop or import it online to have a physical edition. I got the Special Edition via PlayAsia!
Thanks for reading! :)
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fatestayyuri · 1 year
thoughts under the readmore
You can say a lot about wildbow but you can't say he isn't making Choices. Actually i can say that i'm pretty sure most of this is the grim cowardice of not actually examining his biases and just writing "what comes naturally" to a liberal poisoned by toxic yuri discourse.
God, where do i even begin? how about the thing that first stuck out to me, and also the 6 other people i for some reason ushered into this Stupid Fucking Journey: the prose. the prose is bad. it's really, really bad. it stretches longer than it should and lacks the earnest charm of like. all of the VN authors i read almost entirely because it drips with flecks of irony-poisoned Marvel Ooze.The mean thing to say is that he definitely writes like he writes WAY more than he reads; the more cynical analysis i've gotten from his other work is that he's gotten into a very comfortable rut. words and descriptions drag, there's a general roughness of typos pointed out in comments untouched, and on the whole it reeks (and requires me to put on the prerequisite filters) of sloppy translation.
But that's just one facet of the writing; I am a big proponent of roughness adding to the emotional resonance of the work. I uh. The actual happenings are... certainly something, alright. It's impossible for me i think to read this outside of the context of wildbow's Amy Dallon Brain Poisoning, where the recent interviews colour my perception of his work (insisting Victoria is not a cop) for the worse. I am also unlike Wildbow Not A Liberal? so the whole spiel about Justice and Punitive Measures flies over my head. It's a bit weird since I do think the specific unreliable narrator of Victoria is a fascinating mindset to read through, and her trauma relating to her sister is rather elegantly depicted at times.
The problem is that these depictions are in fact, ruined, by my knowledge of this work as Wildbow's Hit Piece on a 17 year old lesbian. Like, i cannot stress enough how much it all falls flat considering this is Victoria's Cop Pain shown to show us that actually Amy Dallon is irredeemable. maybe if i had read worm first? idk that might make me less sympathetic to this
Oh, right! the racism! one of the ways victoria's cop brain manifests is in weird word choices like "urban" and "troublemakers" / "mischief" but like. i'm not actually sure wildbow is aware of the character he is writing, or the territory he is in? the general feel of this is one where If this was done with intentionality and a materialistic analysis of the world it could be really good! unfortunately it's written by a liberal so like. it's not.
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^ why. why. why. why.
i think the way that our book club is going (where everyone reads exactly (1) of wildbow's novel) is showing me the true breadth of wildbow's uh. Beliefset? worldview? worrying tendency for race science? anyways.
I feel like there's a skeleton for a really compelling story here. I genuinely like some of the depictions of trauma, the way that parental dynamics chafe, of being treated as a burden as a patient, of being laden with a really fucked up punitive mindset. I just wish like, it wasn't these characters, and it wasn't this writer.
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madaboutmunson · 1 year
Hell Raiser - Part 3
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 |
"Ok, ok, you know what. You got me, 'm drunk. But theeee only-eee reason I am, 's becuz of your stoooopid carnival. So you can lemme in, orrr you can call the paramedics and have a big ol' scene when I try'n scale the barriers." Eddie slurred and swayed at the window reflection of the person in the ticket booth. 
The tooth-braced, acne-riddled teen rolled their eyes, "You know what? They aren't paying me enough to deal with this. I'm gonna let you in, but just go in, get your shit and leave. Otherwise, I will call the cops!" Eddie followed the sound and actually faced the kid in the booth. Narrowing one eye and slapping his hand on the window, he pressed a kiss against the glass.
“May the gods bless you in this life and the next, kid!” Eddie yelled back as he tried to vault over the barrier that, unfortunately, the kid had opened at that precise moment, and there was a rapid meeting of Eddie’s whole body and the ground. He quickly jumped back up, well, if you could call it a jump, and swayed on the spot for a moment as some giggling girls passed him by. He pumped his eyebrows at them, “Ladies,” He said with a low bow that almost sent him careering towards the ground again. He gave them his most charming smile, or at least that's how he thought it looked, but it was useless. They just kept walking.
Eddie reached into the front of his jeans, retrieving his hip flask.  He had decided that pockets would be stupid in case he got searched, not thinking that hiding it there would also look highly suspicious, possibly giving them more reasons to kick him out.  He took another huge swig of vodka, which honestly might as well have been paint stripper from its aroma and taste, and began the trek to the tent that had ruined his life.
The walk over was a dizzying mix of emotions for Eddie. He was pissed, first and foremost. This fucking scam had othered him so that even the guys that looked up to him now pitied him, and that would not do. No way. Eddie was the leader of the Hellfire Club. Eddie was the leader of Corroded Coffin. No lack of a girlfriend was gonna change that. That weird guy was gonna fix this, he’d get his girl, and everything would go back to the way it was. And that was where the second strong emotion consuming him from the guts up came into play. Every girl that passed his way, he’d give them a sweet smile and flash them his big soulful eyes hopefully, but all he got in return were looks of disgust, patronising laughter, or for a guy to step in between them. He didn't have to do this if he could find her before the tent. Each rejection fueled Eddie’s anger, not at the girls but at this carnival guy. Eddie was more than aware he wasn't a pin-up for the Hakwin’s female population, but at least he wasn’t an asshole. At least he wasn’t some hump-em-dump-em guy. At least he gave you who he was from day one.
By the time he got to the tent entrance, he had planned at least ten ways to ruin this guy’s life. He stopped for a moment, for a smoke, before he would unleash his wrath onto this creep. His eye bore holes into the ground. He wondered if he made them big enough, it might swallow him up, and this embarrassment would be over. He felt a nudge in his ribs, and a sweet smell filled the air around him. He squinted his eyes a little to find Donna, a recently graduated member of Hellfire Club. He gave her a sloppy salute as he swayed involuntarily. "Ho-ho, well, If it isn't Donna, the Delinquent," he chuckled, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. It's all a bit of show for her, "Thought you would have left this shitpit by now, dearest, for more accommodating shores," he dropped his head into a tilt. Her happy-to-see-him expression dropped to concern as her eyes studied him.
"Yeah, was gonna, but er, can't resist a carnival, you know?" She dragged her words out, still analysing him, "You ok? Because you look like hell, Ed," she said, shuffling closer.
"Oh yeah, I'm fine, just sauced," he work-laughed and tapped his hip flask.
"Well, I'm not blind, buddy. I can see that. You're just… on your own," she frowned, draping an arm around him, and it caused a wolf whistle somewhere off in the darkness.
"Even The Freak is getting his girl back," a distant voice dripping with minimal IQ shouted, and if that didn't punch him in the guts again, because he knew that absolutely wasn't true at all. Donna wasn't interested in him. She never had been. Donna wasn't interested in anything remotely like Eddie, but for appearances and comfort, he leaned his head on her shoulder. He wasn't about to tell her what was wrong. That's not how it works when you're the leader. The problems come to you, not the other way around.
Eddie still remembers the day he'd seen Donna at the cafeteria table, entirely not herself. No make-up. No zingers. No innuendos. No grand scheme for the upcoming gaming session. She stuck out at the hellfire table. She looked like she belonged elsewhere in the cafeteria and could have. She was on the cheer squad. She was stunningly beautiful, which had not escaped Eddie's notice, but people didn't often ask to join Hellfire. They'd recruit them. Except for Donna. She arranged a business exchange for drugs she didn't want just to ask Eddie privately, and for a few minutes, he couldn't believe his luck. A girl, a beautiful, popular girl, wanted to join his team, and though that wasn't impossible, it was against the odds, and there was something he couldn't quite put his finger on, so though he might flirt a little, he never pushed it, or asked her on a date. Eddie thought for a while, maybe she had a little crush on him, she absorbed his mannerisms, started dressing a bit like him on non-squad days, and Eddie wasn't above being charmed by imitation, the highest form of flattery, and as time passed, she grew more vibrant and outspoken in her own version of Eddie's shell. Until the day she made a discrete pass at the wrong girl. Looked at her a little too long and touched her arm a little too softly, and when confronted with disgusted homophobic slurs, Donna told a lie. A whopper and she was too embarrassed to tell Eddie until he'd dragged it out of her. 
Donna liked girls. She'd never had a crush on a boy. Sure, she said she'd had them, but she learned quickly her boy crushes were not romantic. They were idolic. She didn't want them. She wanted to be like them. So she had gone on dates to keep herself safe, claiming she was saving herself for the right guy or marriage, whatever kept her current beau at bay. Lucky for Donna, she wasn't the first non-straight person Eddie had ever met. Quite a few of his little flock had confided in him over the years, so though a little disheartened, he took no issue. Then she'd told him that to defend herself, she'd told the locker room, she was actually dating him, so what the other girl had rightly accused her of couldn't possibly be true, and Eddie, true to his role in the Club, simply said Ok. So they played pretend for the rest of her last year, holding hands in the halls, pretending to whisper sweet nothings to one another, but really telling the crudest joke they could, going on dates, which were really just friendly hangouts, but because of the level of their friendship, to an outsider, they looked like the most connected couple in school.
It was easy to play the part. Eddie was a great actor, as was Donna. She'd been playing a role her whole life. If he was candid, he loved the way he could see it eating away at the jocks when he'd be allowed to plant a kiss on her cheek, and they'd never been granted so much as a greeting from her. It wasn't hard for Donna to gaze lovingly at Eddie because she did love him, platonically. No questions asked he protected her in whatever way she needed, and when the time came for graduation, they staged a very meticulously planned and scripted public breakup. Releasing both of them from one another before prom, that due to not graduating, Eddie had no intention of attending, but Donna was. Then he received a worried phone call from Donna two days before the event, which made him reconsider or rather gave him an excuse to go back on his statement. On the condition Eddie could "win her back" in the most theatrical way possible. Which he did on a "borrowed" horse and a costume suit of armour when Donna was on the field for practice. Flipping the bird at the coach and the other people on the field as they rode back to the stables giggling. Despite the occasional sneer or whisper, they'd had the best time at prom together, and then Eddie had thought she was gone.
"You're not here for a carn'val," Eddie slurred. "You got scared out there didn' ya." He put his hand to his heart, "Without your Sir Edward, righ?" She smiled, shook her hair, and Eddie knew he was right on the money.
"I did. It's much different when you can act on it. When you can go somewhere and approach the people you’re actually into…in that way…when it’s allowed, or at least tolerated. You know how it is. So I came here tonight for some normalcy, but that didn't work out" She looked around nervously, her eyes landing on the tent, which currently had Van Morrison blaring out of it.
Eddie frowned. You know how it is. It swirled in his head, and slowly but surely, his drunk little brain cells started stumbling around, putting together the jigsaw of words and their meaning. Then, finally, he sat up straight, his frown deepening, "I do NOT know how it is!" He thundered, and Donna frantically tried to calm him down or at least to quiet him. "I'm not like that!" He defended.
Donna quickly tried to shush him, as he sparked up a cigarette which illuminated the anger in his eyes, "Eddie, I'm sorry I got it wrong. I just thought because, you know, you were never in a long-term thing, and then you helped me, I thought we were…in the same boat," She said quickly in a panic.
Eddie looked furious, "You know what?! I'm sick of this shit. Sick of everything. I'm sick of being the leader. I'm sick of being an outsider. For once, I just wanted what everyone else had, but guess fucking what? I couldn't have it. Not even magic can break my curse." He pulled the plush monkey out of his pocket and pushed it into her chest, not as hard as he wanted to. He still didn't hate her entirely, "Here, take everything." He says, emptying his pockets into her hands, "Eddie doesn't need it. He's nothing, right? Doesn't deserve any of it anyway." Donna stared at him with pity in her eyes.
"Eddie, sweetheart, that's not true," she said sadly in an attempt to make him see he was so wrong.
"Well, you know what. If I'm gonna be the freak show, I may as well give the people what they want, right?" He said with a sarcastic smile and bowed to Donna, whose face contorted into pure sadness, and she ran back into the tent. Eddie turned to face the entrance to his latest nemesis and started barging people out of the way until he got through to the creep and his book of songs.
As he stormed towards the book, fueled by pure ire, the strange vendor leered over their lecturn and unabashedly sniffed the air as Eddie stomped towards it.
"Ah…Mediocre performance Munson has returned," the caped one hissed into the air like a snake tasting the air, "You think loading yourself with alcohol is going to improve anything? Tut tut Edward, you know that's not the problem. The problem is you and your barricades."
Eddie glared up at him like he was trying to set him ablaze with his mind, "Give me m' song. I sang and I got nothing. You're othering me. You're-you're pushing me outside of everyone." Eddie's pickled mind couldn’t find the words, but it found the rage as he gripped onto the podium, shaking it.
The eyes of the peculiar man above him widened impossibly large, and an unnervingly thin grin stretched their mouth wider than it should go. Eddie should have been afraid, but he was too furious and glared back, not budging an inch. Then, above, he tilted his head so sharply that Eddie was surprised his neck didn't just snap, "Oh, is little Eddie Munson finally ready to give them a real show?"
"I did last time! I sang for ya sssstoopid crowd las' time!" Eddie bites back.
The voice above him began to warp. It seemed to have added creaks like old floorboards, "No, Eddie, No. You gave me a performance with a mask, with restraint, with nothing of you in it, and that's precisely what you got in return!" He almost seethes the words at Eddie, like he's the angry one now.
Eddie thumped his fist down on the book, "I'll give you a fucking show! A show so electric it will tear the roof right off this fucking place!" He expected the angry eyes still on him, but instead, he saw the man above him nodding along with Eddie's every word, his tongue at the corner of his mouth, and much to Eddie's disgust, he noticed he was drooling. A string of it began to travel down until it hit the table the book rested on below. Eddie's eyes locked back onto him with renewed gusto.
"Then…choose, but no faking this time, else you will get more of the nothing you already have," The man said delightfully and composed himself finally. 
Eddie closed his eyes and let whatever and whoever appeared in his mind to come and go as they pleased. This time he heard the flurry of pages that he must have been flicking through so fast they began to heat up until suddenly his eyes sprang open, and between his fingertips, he was holding a page of the book, the edges of which were burnt and the man above him squeals with delight and claps his hands.
Eddie reads the paper.
 Hell Raiser by Sweet
Eddie smirked up at him and crumpled the still-hot paper in his hand, "Buckle up, freakazoid. I know this one front to back." 
Eddie pushed past the curtain. Did not wait in line. His chest was heaving. He felt charged with something, but it was not the alcohol anymore. If anything, his mind felt razor-sharp, like something had sobered him up but left him with all the bravado booze provided.
He stomped onto the stage, grabbed the mic from the person singing and bared his teeth, so they ran off down the stairs. The multicoloured Christmassy-looking lights of the tent cut out for a split second, and he heard the crowd gasp. When reilluminated, the place was bathed in a red glow, and smoke filled the floor at his feet.
Eddie stomped a foot out slightly to the side and adopted a solid stance. The crowd was enraptured. All eyes are on him. He lifted the mic to his mouth, screwed his eyes shut and screamed the opening line….
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grlsavior · 5 months
@leagueofdccm ; alden / cont.
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     𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆  𝗵𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱  𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀  𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴  𝘀𝗼  𝗺𝘂𝗰𝗵,     it  was  something  that  she  wasn't  the  best  at  hiding  and  what  was  worse?     she  also  knew  that  there  was  no  reason  for  it.     there  was  no  lack  of  trust  for  alden,  she  knew  that  he  wouldn't  look  for  anyone  else,  but  it  was  other  people  that  clearly  weren't  scared  to  show  their     𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁     and  it  bothered  her,  more  than  she  wanted  to  admit.     of  course  other  girls  would  take  notice  of  alden,  he  was  an  attractive  man,  an  incredible  dad  to  adam,  could  handle  himself  and  most  of  all,  he  was  kind  and  open  hearted  in  a  way  that  a  lot  of  people  weren't  in  this  world.     tilly  was  well  aware  of  how     𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗸𝘆     she  was  to  be  with  him,  she  trusted  him  more  than  anything  and  yet  there  was  a  still  a  part  of  her  that  felt  like  she  didn't     𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗲     him.     she  was  so  used  to  being  dismissed  by  people,  pushed  aside  and  ignored  due  to  her  dad's  actions  and  it  got  to  a  point  where  it  was  easy  to  just  believe  what  people  said  about  her  because  how  could  she  do  anything  to  prove  them  wrong  when  they  already  made  their  minds  up  about  her?     except  alden  never  did  that,  he  gave  her  a     𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲     in  a  way  that  very  few  people  ever  had  and  that  was  why  she  would  always  love  him.     so  yeah,  maybe  she  got  jealous  when  another  girl  paid  him  attention.
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     𝘀𝗵𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴  𝗵𝗲𝗿  𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗱  𝗮𝘁  𝗵𝗶𝗺,     hazel  eyes  rolling  as  she  crosses  her  arms  across  her  chest  as  she  refused  to  look  at  him.     clearly  the  both  knew  she  was  being     ridiculous     and  what  was  worse  is  that  is  that  clearly  he  thought  she  was  too.     looking  over  at  him,  the  jealous  feeling  just  making  her  feel  a  little  frustrated  and  she  was  just  willing  herself  to  stay  calm  about  this,     "     fuck  off,  i'm  not  cute,     "     but  he  just  had  a  way  of  making  her  smile  softly,  shaking  her  head  again,  running  her  hand  over  lose  blonde  strands  of  hair.     he  was  always  such  a     𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴     influence  on  her  and  even  now,  she  could  feel  the  frustration  that  she  had  been  feeling  slipping  away.     she  knew  that  she  had  to  be  honest  with  him,  he  was  someone  she  knew  that  she  didn't  have  to     𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗲     anything  from  him.     letting  out  a  soft  sigh,  looking  down  for  a  moment  because  she  couldn't  keep  looking  at  that  charming  smile  on  his  face,     "     you  don't  get  it     -     people  like  you  and  respect  you,  they  always  have,  they  trust  you  and  they  want  to  be  close  to  you,     "     tilly  admits,  not  wanting  to  add  that  it  was  something  she  never  experienced,  she  had  worked  hard  to  get  the  small  amount  of  people  who  did  trust  and  like  her  to  get  that  and  she  was  grateful  for  them,  but  it  was  just  proof  that  even  after  all  these  years,  some  people  still  saw  her  as  the  daughter  of  negan,  leader  of  the  saviors  and  nothing  more.     looking  up  at  him,  her  face  just  calm  for  a  moment  as  she  shrugs  her  shoulders,     "     so  yeah,  maybe  i  am  jealous  and  i  know  it's  stupid,     "
     𝘁𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘆  𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘀  𝗵𝗶𝗺  𝗽𝘂𝗹𝗹  𝗵𝗲𝗿  𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲,     her  arms  dropping  from  being  crossed  over  her  chest  as  she  wraps  them  around  him  instead,  looking  up  at  him,     "     i  know  you  do.     i  don't  worry  about  you.     i  just     .     .     .     i  don't  know  what  i  did  to  deserve  you  okay?     "     teeth  catch  on  her  bottom  lip  as  she  looks  up  at  him  because  she  had  never  felt  like  this  for  anyone,  she  hadn't  let  anyone  in  the  way  she  did  with  alden.     maybe  that  was  why  she  was  feeling  like  this  in  a  way  that  she  shouldn't,  especially  since  he  had     𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿     given  her  any  reason  to  be  jealous.     sighing  softly,  leaning  her  head  against  his  shoulder  and  with  all  the  uncertainty  with  everything  going  on  after  the  war  with  the  whisperers  and  maggie's  return,  the  only  thing  she  was  certain  about  right  now  was  alden,     "     shit  is  just  intense  right  now  and  i  just  feel  all  over  the  place,  i'm  sorry,     "
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
my wife my life, i have ojv brainrot -- will you please go into crazy amount of detail about what the style boys look like to you in the ojv? what kind of outfits they like to wear? comfort sweaters/shirts? <3 also i love you i am waving $50s and shouting louder than everyone else to be noticed i'm the ride or die bi disaster ojc kenny of the irl
ASHFVGKKVHLJK MY DARLING WIFE HI AND FUCK YEAH!!!!! Helllll yes!!! Ok ok I’m bouta go *rm Jersey voice* AWF!! (This is gonna be so long im sorry)
So OrangeJuiceVerse style my BELOVEDS!!! Ohhhhh my god these two own my entire goddamn soul! And smh they’re so pretty in their own right!!!
OJV Stan… he is a fucking stereotypical DREAM MAN! Kyle is down astronomically bad. Like I’m talkin tall dark and handsome, total sweetheart, inherently boyish charm that just makes everyone adore him! His heart of gold and that deep melancholy he sometimes gets behind those sapphire eyes make him all the more alluring! So this is what our affable Everyman looks like to me:
He is TALL (hit his last growth spurt between sophomore and junior year), like tops off at a lil over 6’2 and is the second tallest of the ojverse Star Seven also he’s BUILT AS HELL?!? In high school his physique could be attributed to the myriad of physically demanding hobbies he cycled through (football in particular when he started dreaming of going pro rip to that) and work on Randy’s Fuckass Farm (fuck u randy). But when he’s older he gets softer, sure (best pillow ever) but keeps working out JUST so he can hold every animal ever like a BABY!!! If you want an approximate art reference of young adult OJV Stan, @bunytime ’s drawings on here for SURE! Like he is tall and strong and BUILT FOR HUGS!!!
Blue blue BLUE eyes like not scary stare into your soul but this soft deep shade that reminds you of calm waters and gemstones peeking from the depths of the shadows of his brows. Just gentle waves and clear dusk light.
Ojv Stan didn’t go through the ever popular bleached hair headcanon, most of my Stans didn’t, but this one bc on the brink of a SadSack episode he mentioned getting Kenny to pierce his ears and dye his hair and (this was before they were dating) Kyle was like NO!!! Bc he always loved Stan’s classic all american look and knows him well enough to know that he would’ve hated it a few days later.
DIMPLES!! TWO OF EM!! And his smile is SO sweet his whole face splits omg my sweet boy!!! And he has tiny, almost imperceptible random scars in various places from childhood tomfoolery, especially on his hands bc he sometimes rivals Kenny in recklessness, and those hands are so rough but so TENDER when they touch you and he’s so aware of his own size and inherent ruggedness that completely juxtaposes his personality and it’s so!!! (God forgive me I’m thinking about nsfw ojv style hcs now)
Aight so OJV Stan IS greasy to some extent, c’mon he’s very Boy, but (this is important) only when he’s having a rough time mentally. Like he’s one of those people where while his horrendous lack of style doesn’t change much, you can tell by the stubble and the gross hair when he’s not doing well. Uhhh later down the timeline he has a beard tho. The bear jokes definitely emerge.
And for his style choices ohhhhh my god this man CANNOT fuckin dress!!! I’m constantly putting ojverse Stan in my clothes bc WHAT is this guy doing wearing the “Bigfoot is real I made s’mores with him” shirt and he is GENUINELY confused when he can’t wear jeans to something formal. His socks are STUPID and GIMMICKY and never match, and his wallet has a million keychains HIS BACKPACK omg like every stereotypical veggie boy he has alll the vegan loser pins and patches. Animal activist Stan forever.
A very casual dresser tbh, t shirts and jeans, sweatpants, hoodies (that have mostly been confiscated by Kyle) like he truly sucks at clothes unless he’s going stupid abt a Halloween costume. He kinda relies on Ky to know what looks good on him irl, bc Kyle is VERY reactive when he’s dressed a certain way and Kyle climbing him= ah yes I look Not Disheveled right to jail for both of them.
Oh KYLE!!! From Stan’s pov??? OJV Stan is a huge fucking fantasy loser and he only knows the word “ethereal” bc he’s a nerd and it describes Kyle. On GOD OJV Kyle is so pretty!!! Like Stanley Down Bad Marsh is ENTHRALLED!!! Always, like since he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle.
Ojverse Kyle keeps his hair a little past his shoulders since like freshman year of high school, his HAIRRRRR lord those gorgeous red curls, Stan simply cannot get enough of them, that ponytail, the half bun, the little braids Marj used to do when she and Ky would hang solo… dear god Stan will not shut up about his beautiful elf kings hair. Like hair wise if u want a reference picture the homie @grimsbane ‘s long hair Kyle EXEPT
My guy, OJV Kyle is TINY. Not as short as Kenny and Tweek, but close and definitely skinny to the point where if he misses a meal EVERYONE is on his bony ass bc 1) diabetes and 2) they all know his past with eds and no one’s gonna let that shit get its claws on him again! Unfortunately, OJV Kyle has a really hard time gaining weight, but as an adult he’s fully recovered, just kinda slim and at risk of health problems from the damage he did, but he’s mostly ok.
Ky topped off at 5’7 and was the tallest of the m5 in 7th grade and then EVERYONE but Kenny surpassed him WHICH he was pissed abt for a while. But he kinda stopped caring once he and Stan got together bc Stan wasn’t thattt much taller at first (and then this mf got huge) but Kyle was… VERY INTO THAT! It’s so unserious bc when they’re older Kyle’s like dude just fuckin toss me around and Stan WILL NOT because he’s NERVOUS and also traumatized from the ONE time he reinjured Kyle’s bad knee during Super Best Spicy Time (yes that’s what his loser ass named the sex playlist) but when Ky gets in the mood he wants to be manhandled frfr (I will do a nsfw headcanon post prolly) like the SIZE DIFFERENCE kyle is so spicy 100% calls the shots out here climbin Staniel like a tree.
He’s pale as fuck, cannot tan at allll this dude will not go outside without sunscreen bc he IS Sheila’s son and had it drilled into him that they are pale redheads and uv rays are not their friend, BUT his freckles are faint and so prettttttyyyyy he doesn’t even hate them bc Stan loves them and Kyle loves Stan (losers) he’s got a little group of them on his left cheekbone that Stan INSISTS looks like a heart aaaaaaaaaa
Good lord those eyes. Like you look into them and you are LOST in the most beautiful woods you have ever SEEN!!! I’m serious his eyes look like a forest, green and threaded with occasional brown like tree trunks and they are MAGNETIC!!! He is POINTY too like his features are sharp but his eyes are comfortable and it’s just a beautiful balance.
I’m fully of the belief that this lil redhead is a CHRONIC CLOTHES STEALER!!! Sneaky lil fox like if he’s comfy at home he’s 100% wearing Stan’s lame ass “earth day 2013” hoodie or some shit BUT!!!
His actual clothing is VERY much hot professional dark academia vibes the sweaters, the reading glasses, that hair, like he’s so cute in his button ups and when he stops wearing cargo pants so much in college (man likes pockets change my mind) Stan is SALIVATING bc he can see the sbf’s lithe legs better and he wants to SNAG him smh down horrendous. Kyle wears a lotta green, bc we ginger losers know that’s our COLOR and he looks GORGEOUS in jewel tones what a PRETTY BOY!!! Favorite item of clothing is DEFINITELY Stan’s Peace Love Pine Trees hoodie!!!
They do have friendship (lovers) bracelets that Kenny made them btw
Ok I THINK that’s what I got for now on what they look like but lord knows I’ll probably be more insane later NINA MY BELOVED WIFE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS
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fandom-hoarder · 2 years
Watched the new Walker first thing today. Basically I was mentally yelling at everybody except Mawline this ep.
* I'm really glad to see mawline angry with bonham for telling cordell to move out, cuz wtf. She TOLD him to live there. What about family? I hate when families leave the homestead for no goddamn reason. I hated it on og Charmed and I'll hate it here if they push it through. Bonham needs smacked upside the head.
* why the fuck is cordell so goddamn trusting? This drives me crazy so often but especially rn wtf. She's a REPORTER, Cordi. Can you keep some shit close to the chest? Why is *she* trustworthy???
* there had better be something undercover going on with this trey situation or I'm gonna start BITING after all that "this is where you're supposed to be" (also the whole "had to fight hard for this so don't blow it" and the fact a new black ranger is the one to lose his job on his first fucking dps hearing ever). But im not sure, this could be for real real. Trey did get warned twice about following the orders he was actually given and following CHAIN OF COMMAND
* Liam, you are a lawyer, why do you seem so fucking stupid about legally binding decisions lately?? You're gonna ruin stella's life making her sign on as partner at 18 when you didn't even figure this shit out before getting the fucking charity label!!
* Stella, you need to talk to some DIFFERENT ADULTS ASAP
* i am sus af of julia and kevin
* julia is either in on something or just plain reckless and gonna get cordi in big trouble
* actual "romance" storylines (people becoming couples or shippy and the dynamic changing, rather than building up unspoken tension) really squick me out, and i wasn't fully aware HOW MUCH lately because spn (and merlin, to some degree) catered directly to me. Or maybe the quickness and lack of buildup is the real issue for me. I have no feelings there. It feels like when kids would couple up on recess in elementary school. kevin/cassie was fine cuz I'm sus of him, but im really glad she put her foot down this ep. Stella/colton was cute until it happened. I saw comments about cordell/julia somewhere and gagged cuz it's a possibility with this show! She's pretty, but i don't care!! That's not what i require to care. Meh. At least she's not Geri. I will never get my cordri feelings back because they opened the oven too soon and the souffle of tension deflated so much it sunk in and made a hole
* I'm sus of the whole damn squad and im even sus cordell's mentor isn't dead
* i would really appreciate it if cassie would stop talking rangers into problematic decisions. she doesn't have to stop trying, but it's getting frustrating that NO ONE has conviction to follow orders they've been given for a reason
* idr what else i was gonna say. I need the next ep right now.
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Liveblogging notes from Ep. 4.
Evidently Porsche was still pretty drunk. Whoops! Such a pretty kiss, too. :(
Oh hey, more mirrors. Who you trying to fool today, Kinn?
Obviously smoking is terrible and no one in real life should do it, but it so useful for writers. Enter Vegas (drastically unhinged, I am aware, but his cheekbones are unreal) with a handy lighter and instructions from his father to find out more about Porsche. Porsche appears relieved that Vegas doesn't want to kill him and is ready to be charmed.
Water again. Kinn you kissed the guy once and you are jealous? Porsche is like "WTF is your problem? Until a month ago I worked in customer service okay?? Don't piss people off for no reason."
Kinn's face through this whole conversation LOL. On the one hand I find this kind of plot tedious; on the other, confused and uncertain is such a different look and honestly it serves him right.
Khun's first hangover. Poor guy really has been sheltered.
Porsche's refusal to respect the local hierarchy is very Disney princess of him. However, this is SO AWKWARD although thematically it combines the fire/water elements which is neat.
Ooh, the tattoo. Oh no it's a mom thing. :(((
Kinn why are you so competitive about stupid stuff is this your dad's fault. Also what is up with this close-enough-to-touch-but-definitely-not-touching thing. This conversation is almost normal getting to know someone? Which under the circumstances, makes it weird. Ironically.
Never mind, it is no longer normal. Kinn has never had to flirt with anyone in his whole life, huh. And yes, this is his own damn fault but at least he looks amused about it.
A view through bars is always interesting. Oh no, look who's still here. And who's keeping an eye on him (or on Porsche, they're the same picture). Vegas is telepathing "you just don't want me to have ANY fun" at Kinn. That's right, asshole, we do not.
If the West inflicted processed cheese slices on Thailand I would like to formally apologize.
Vegas you are trying to recruit Porsche right in front of all of his co-workers and Kinn? Good thing the bodyguards aren't allowed cell phones, they would all be texting each other CAN YOU BELIEVE HE JUST? OMG IK???? and excited emojis under the table. Porsche is the only one who doesn't know what Vegas is talking about, right? Everybody else has worked there a while?
You go talk to him for me and how about you drop dead could we arrange that? Thank god for Tankhun and his absolute lack of filters.
Big, you need to move on. You and your sassy haircut deserve better.
OMG Porsche don't be a snoop, I know you were orphaned young but I'm sure your parents taught you better than that. "I don't know a damn thing" may be the most honest thing you have ever said, and also congrats on finally realizing that you are literally the only straight (for the moment) man in this entire impractically large building except for possibly Korn.
OMG did Pete bat his eyelashes. He is cute.
As "I Kissed a Boy" freakouts go, that was pretty mild. Can we move on from this now please?
Finally checking in on Chay! At least he hasn't starved to death since Porsche disappeared into Mafialand.
He is improbably beautiful. Whoever contributed the other half of the Therapeenyakul genes must have been inhuman.
Chay going right for the gold ring, good for you.
Kinn back in Weird Mode, and now there is Subtext. Is this the first time since the first episode we've seen him in anything other than black/white/gray? First blue, then a little later back to red.
Porsche clearly does not know what the hell he wants at that moment, but with that whole would you want me back question it's just as clear there are wheels turning that he didn't suspect existed until quite recently.
Vegas, why are you making it obvious that someone on the staff has been gossiping with you?
Aww, look at Porsche being almost professional. You'll get there!
Kinn is likely wondering who in the room is going to try to kill him this time, but at least his friends are teasing him about Porsche. They know what's up. Seriously, it delights me when a character generally played as cool isn't isolated and opaque to everyone except their love interest. And these two are like Kinn you are so fucking predictable just go be nice to him idiot?
How many things did teenage Kinn get away with by blaming Khun?
Did Porsche just get fucking roofied. Betrayed by a fellow bartender, that hurts.
This show has a lot of scenes in bathrooms.
So as I was saying about weird competitiveness, which is clearly not one-sided. Being stupidly rich must be fun.
I like how nobody assumes Porsche is just being dumb again, we've got past that.
That went from zero to squick central in a heartbeat, yikes.
Aw. Everybody is so worried!
Wait are you saying Porsche isn't nice? Rude and untrue on two levels, but we'll forgive you a final moment of denial here. Kinn making terrible decisions. Porsche making terrible decisions right back now that his inhibitions have been deep-sixed. The occasional ticklish flinch, omg?? All the slo-mo? Porsche clinging onto him for dear life? Problematic and hot, thanks, show. Hope Porsche at least remembers this in the morning!
Speaking of problematic, once again: yikes.
I have to say that despite the occasionally frequently bonkers material they're working with, the acting in this is solid.
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