#anyways fanart makes him look so good. and the main point
what-the-fuck-khr · 2 years
absolutely enamoured and obsessed now with the way someone drew Luffy with huge as fuck canines that he just shows off bc he has a big as fuck grin and likes to stretch his cheek to show em off. fucking so into that actually. what a design feature that could’ve been on him. I’m never gonna shut up about this
edit: here is the fanart in question
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tenowls · 1 year
Tumblr media
teacher getou au...... wauh
#jujutsu kaisen#geto suguru#gojo satoru#itadori yuuji#kugisaki nobara#fushiguro megumi#teacher getou au#satosugu#fanart#very funny how gojo leaves both yuuji and yuuta on their first mission hssdjshjdd#i know hes technically watching but. these kids do not know anything abt jujutsu at that point and theyre also KIDS. worst teacher HKSDKSD#anyway. been trying to look for fics but haven’t been able to find one i wanna read so i was like ok I’ll do it myself#however i am not a good writer so. DRAWINGS OF RANDOM LITTLE SCENES WILL HAVE TO DO#i want a plot focused fic w a side of shipping…. blease if anyone out there has any recs#as in like. the shipping written in a way that’s relevant to the plot#i want to see the rammies explored. yknowyknow#what happened differently in the aftermath of rikos death to make getou want to be a teacher instead#how is jjk0 different without him as the main antagonist and who does kenjaku take as a host#how does shibuya play out#how are both he and gojo different as characters#having grown up into adulthood together#getou as gojo’s moral compass etc#YKNOWYKNOW#i am aware that to explore all of that would be a monster of a fic which is probably why it does not exist (to my knowledge) but#IF THERES ANY FICS OUT THERE THAT EXPLORE EVEN SOME OF IT. PLEASE SEND THEM MY WAY#EVEN A FUN LITTLE CASEFIC WHERE THEY GO ON A QUICK MISSION OR SMTH#AS LONG AS THERES PLOT#another theoretical fic i would like to read is canonverse post-shibuya but like with a plot that makes sense#jjk my favourite mediocre shounen battle manga. could be so much better. has anyone attempted this#that one post thats like im not a hater im a dismayer. thats me
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rayclubs · 4 months
Which tf2 merc do you think gets mischaracterized the least?
Good question! Let's do a rating.
In my opinion, there are three aspects to characterizing someone.
Facts - you have to get basic character backstory right. This includes all objective canon truths, events, and, well, facts about said character.
Behavior - you need to understand how the character acts, how their interpersonal relationships function, what they're like in their day-to-day life. This is the nitty-gritty of fanfic and fanart, this is dialogue, line-to-line characterization.
Integrity - you need to understand the character's core beliefs and principles, what their values are and how they view the world around them. This isn't something you can easily quote or point to as a mistake in fanfic, it's more of an overall idea of a character.
Each of these is going to be worth up to three points, with zero for terrible characterization that gets everything wrong. This would ideally total to nine points. I'll be awarding an additional bonus point for character interpretation that doesn't make me scream "he would not fucking say that". Let's go.
His backstory is fairly simple. He has an absent father, half a dozen siblings, and a crush on his boss who doesn't reciprocate. People mostly get this right, except they also call him a virgin despite the fact he canonically lands the fried chicken queen, and seems to do it with ease. 2/3.
His behavior is also mostly portrayed accurately, in that he's loud, obnoxious, self-absorbed, and can be kind of a dick, though not completely without endearing qualities. The fandom is, admittedly, guilty of making him more insecure and self-conscious than he actually is, to amp up the drama. 2/3.
His core values, however, are completely off. The main interpretations I see of him are "depressed Scout", "homophobic Scout", and "baby Scout", neither of which is true to his character. This is a grown man with a force-a-nature complex. The homophobia is just projection and internalized prejudice, but that phenomena is too complicated for me to dissect here. I talked about it before and might make another post later. Anyway, 0/3.
Scout does not get a bonus point. He would not fucking say "poggers" but he would say "daddy-o".
Overall characterization score: 4/10
Very little is known about Soldier's backstory so there isn't really any room to be wrong about it. What we do know is also vague and unreliable, so it's open to interpretation. Given how little room for error there is, I'll give him a 3/3.
His behavior is completely off in most cases, often shown to either be overly aggressive or so dumb you start to question how this man functions in his day-to-day life. Canon Soldier has plenty of endearingly stupid moments but a lot of them can be read as deadpan jokes on the character's part, and many turn out to be secretly clever moments, such as him infiltrating the robot base with a goofy cardboard disguise. Likewise, canon Soldier has plenty of aggressive and mean moments, but he's not cruel and very clearly not a threat to his teammates, which isn't captured at all in fanworks that decide to go that way. 0/3.
Soldier's core ideals are mostly captured well, as in - yeah, he calls people communist as an insult in fanfics. I feel like he should mention God more often than he does in fanon, it's, like, one of the two ideologically meaningful things he ever talks about. The importance of "America" as a concept to him is mostly preserved but left unexplored. 2/3.
Soldier does not get a bonus point, he would not fucking say [homophobic slur] yet here we fucking are.
Overall characterization score: 5/10
His backstory is nonexistent yet people still fuck it up. His technical knowledge is clearly extensive and impressive, as shown by the complexity of his weaponry - which, mind you, looks HAND MADE - but people treat him as if he's altogether incompetent and maniacally stupid all the time always. He also ran an engineering company for hell knows how long and people just forget about it because they're allergic to adults or something. God this pisses me off so much. I mean for fuck's sake, people act like his full job description is "Pyromaniac" and not "Pyrotechnician". I'm so tired. 0/3.
His day-to-day characterization and dialogue is also completely off. People treat him as if he's INCAPABLE of communication, make him obsess over childish things he's only shown a moderate liking to in a manner that's borderline creepy and insulting, and take away his whole entire agency in everything he ever does. I will literally not give y'all a single point, you do my man Pyro so dirty. 0/3.
His ideology is complex and vague in canon, and I don't blame people for getting confused by such things as Pyrovision, but FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. In my time on Ao3 I've seen animal Pyro, cryptid Pyro, monster Pyro, alien Pyro, evil mindless maniac Pyro, incompetent baby Pyro, nonbinary Pyro (HENCE MY PROBLEM WITH THE HEADCANON, do you see how it looks next to all these other interpretations?) but I've rarely, if ever, seen competent adult Pyro with actual hopes and dreams and agency. 0/3.
Pyro does not get a bonus point because he would not fucking say "uwu" but he would say "fuck", let Pyro say fuck.
Overall characterization score: 0/10 are you fucking surprised
Oh poor lad what have they done to you. So, Demo's backstory is arguably the most detailed and fleshed-out in the entire canon. Too bad nobody fucking read it. Admittedly, in the recent years I've seen people mostly manage to remember he has several jobs and is overall a competent and successful man, but it's rarely - if ever - explored, I've seen exactly one fic where the author bothered to explore what one of his other jobs might be (and it was not a good fic for many other reasons, don't ask me for a link), and it honestly feels like people don't want to dwell on it? Like, they mostly mention it to fill a quota, y'know? Here, I'm not racist, I've acknowledged one of this character's achievements, leave me alone. Also the subject of him being fucking adopted as a kid never comes up. 0/3.
His day-to-day characterization suffers a lot because people think alcoholism is the most morally repugnant thing that can ever happen to a human being. This man honestly barely even has a presence in the fics he's in. Are you wondering where Demo is? Well, he wasn't there! He was BUSY! He couldn't come! There is a handful of writers who bother to write his actual inner monologue and point of view, and this point goes out to them only. Also there was a pretty good Boots and Bombs fic in which Demo was a dick to Soldier but then got better, and it stuck with me. 1/3.
His core character is fucked up by fandom because he's either all flaws or not allowed to have any flaws, and there's no in-between. Ever since I joined the fandom I've seen a lot of critique floating around, and people mostly seem to listen and realize they've been mistreating the man for long enough, but it created a whole separate problem of Perfect Demoman which is bland and boring. People don't want to write an offensive caricature but don't feel like fleshing him out either, so they just make him great at everything and never let him fail and grown in ways that are meaningful. Except that one fic I mentioned earlier, but I've already awarded a point for that. 0/3.
Demo does not get a bonus point. I couldn't find a meaningful example of bad dialogue because, like I said, he has no presence in any of the fics he's in. He would fucking say something.
Overall characterization score: 1/10 and honestly it's too generous on my part.
Okay so Heavy's backstory really confuses people. I've got like a dozen asks in my inbox when I called his father a revolutionary AND a counter-revolutionary. Wait till I call him a royalist, it'll blow your tits clean off. I don't feel like explaining the history of the communist regime in the USSR on this post, let's just say people are mostly faithful to canon but don't really "get" Heavy. 2/3.
His day-to-day characterization is plain bad. He's treated like a mother hen to the mercs when he's more of a stoic friend with a mean streak and a crude sense of humor. I think the main problem is the dialogue, people just can't give him the dignity of speaking in an intelligent manner. It's honestly also pretty bad in the comics. 1/3.
His core ideals are fine, if oversimplified. He's not a complicated man, he loves his family, his guns and his doctor. People rarely give him any more depth than that but it's not offensive to his character or anything. I feel like he should have more political opinions than people give him. I also feel like people make him way more protective of Zhanna's romantic pursuits, to a creepy degree. I mean, yes, he's annoyed by her marrying Soldier, and seems horrified for a brief second, but it's not like he's against it or anything, he's just kinda surprised? Anyway, 2/3.
Heavy does not get a bonus point because he would not fucking say "da". Pizda.
Overall characterization score: 5/10
Yeah people mostly get him. He's got 11 Ph. Ds. Some treat him like he grew up as an actual cowboy or something but most remember he's a nerd. I'd actually give all the points here because Engie's backstory is NOT complicated. 3/3.
His dialogue and day-to-day characterization is also okay, though people really mellow him down a lot. I had a bit in one of my fics where he said something like "let's teach those sumbitches how the real killin' is done" and like three different people commented on it saying they liked or were surprised by his mean energy. It's not even that mean, I think it kinda shows my problem with his interpretation. 2/3.
I asked about mischaracterization once and a lot of people replied "Engie is the most mischaracterized because people treat him like he's good but he's actually evil" which I think pretty much covers it? It's hard to write someone who is not implicitly strictly good or strictly evil. Engie treads this balance really well, I'm actually convinced his demeanor is not a facade, he is nice at times and mean when he wants to be. Fanon Engie can only be one of two things and neither is right. 0/3.
Engie gets a bonus point as an exception. I actually can't tell why, people just have his voice on-point. Is his accent and manner of speaking really that easy for you? I struggle to write him a lot. I think he should say "bitch" more.
Overall characterization score: 6/10
People focus on the fact he lost his medical license more than on the fact he HAD a medical license in the first place. Other than that he really doesn't have a backstory. I dislike that people try to give him a sad one, I think he grew up loved and maybe even a little spoiled, but I can't fault others for not following my headcanons, so. 2/3.
His dialogue is the WORST because it's written phonetically. His goofy yet self-confident energy isn't captured well at all. The best I can put this is "people wife him" but it sounds kinda mysogynistic so really I'm at a loss. Submissivepilled breedablemaxxer. 0/3.
His core values are also all over the place. The complicated thing about writing Medic is that he actually doesn't come with pre-packaged drama. His backstory is vague, his demeanor is optimistic, his vibes are fun, and the worst thing that happened to him in canon was working with the classics for a bit - people amp it up to squeeze hurt out of it, which is fine, but not many people actually like going there. Thing is, fanfic writers aren't that good at writing drama when it hasn't been established before. They have to warp his character, make him edgy, self-conscious, or plain mad evil without redeeming qualities. I remember really struggling with my big Medic fic because I wanted it to be dramatic but had to put a lot of work into actually building up the emotion, because Medic is fine. He's fine. He's alright. He's fine. He's doing well. 0/3.
Medic does NOT get a bonus point, he would not fucking say "babygirl" and I'm not even sure if he would say "yass queen slay" I'm SORRY
Overall characterization score: 2/10
People mostly get his backstory right, probably because it's the most well-explained in the comics and it gets the most "screentime". It's also literally a Superman parody which is funny and memorable in concept. 3/3.
People can't find a good balance between stoic professionalism and social anxiety. I think Sniper is actually pretty simple, in that he's a little self-conscious which pushes him to actively better himself as a professional, but also makes him a little awkward so he comes across as standoffish and a little mean. He's a solid bloke that's balanced and feels real. Fandom has to go for the extreme every goddamn time with him. It sucks. 0/3.
People kind of get his drama, his relationship with his family and whatnot - mostly because a lot of us losers can relate, I bet - but, again, go for the extreme in making him anxious, whiny, and sad as a wet kitten. Unless it's a porn fic in which case he's an absolute freak that growls at people. I don't know what it is about Sniper that makes him so difficult to characterize. Manic pixie dream boy. Dark and moody lover love me like no other. 0/3.
Sniper does NOT get a bonus point because he doesn't say "cunt" nearly as often as he should. Also send me asks about my Sniper takes I want to stir up some shit.
Overall characterization score: 3/10.
The only piece of his backstory we actually know is that he fathered the blight of the earth that is Scout TF2. 3/3.
His obnoxious and insufferable demeanor is mostly captured well. A lot of his portrayals aren't nearly as classy as people think they are, but that's because most authors are themselves proletarian, myself included, which is fine. Not many make the effort to pepper his speech with French words it would actually be natural for him to say, and blame it on the nonsensical complexity of the French language, but I'm not buying it as an excuse. 2/3.
His core values are off in regards to Scout - he's often portrayed as soft, mellow, overbearing, and critical of Scout's love life to either a comical or an uncomfortable degree. His fandom portrayal often also lacks the self-confidence he's demonstrated in the comics. Spy is not above strangling a man with a chain that holds the shackles around his ankles, he wouldn't consider it a blow to his dignity to fuck any of his coworkers either, come on. He's also funny and goofy but the fandom tends to neglect that. 1/3.
Spy does not get a bonus point because he would not say "perchance" but he would say "your mother".
Overall characterization score: 6/10
The final scores are:
Spy - 6/10
Engineer - 6/10
Heavy - 5/10
Soldier - 5/10
Scout - 4/10
Sniper - 3/10
Medic - 2/10
Demoman - 1/10
Pyro - 0/10
There we go! Pyro is the most mischaracterized, Demoman is a close second, and nobody is characterized well. Cheers!
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alma-amentet · 2 months
Why do you dislike the DLC main story so much?
Not to argue or something, just wondering after seeing you ranting in the tags.
I just don't like it. It didn't meet my expectations. In the end, yeah, it comes down to preferences... Though I agree on 'bad writing', and it's just good to know I'm not alone in this.
You know, I'd like it. After all, I knew what I was messing into and didn't expect a happy ending, Age of Abundance (though it was in cut content, so...) or something. It could've been a beautiful tragic story of Miquella loosing parts of himself as a last desperate attempt to fix things but failing.
There are good rewrites, this is one of my favorites
But there are major things that I'll never accept as canon.
Promised consort Retcon. Makes no sense. Bad writing, and I will really die on this hill. Bc no evidence of this in the base game and a weird idea in general. Also how drastically they ruined the battle of Aeonia. Like... really? This feels like fanservice/trollery (assuming fandom's past fights). Horseboy's story should have ended with the festival (for me it did).
'Mohg beating allegations' and all that evil charm thing. First of all, no way he did, he's still an evil bloody cultist. Secondly, him being charmed makes it actually more problematic in some ways. I liked him as a well-designed villain acting on his own and Formless Mother's behalf, the new reveals ruin his character for me. Third, there are known plotholes (like others not acting this way under the charm or why would he travel to the Haligtree and back - could've stayed there or something). In the end, I think it's Ansbach who's a real charmer, charming the fandom. Luckily I'm not into handsome old men, so not buying it. He's devoted to his lord, that's all, no matter how wise and reasonable he may seem (still devoted, mind you).
There are other new bits of lore that look more OK... Though they have plotholes and contradictions, too (questioning ideas of godhood and the Shattering itself - that's what I can remember).
Much's been said in general, not gonna repeat (you can find it in my older posts and reposts). I see people analyzing and rationalizing new lore, enjoying the DLC. Good for them. Even envious at some point. As for myself, no matter how I miss my prev happy times in the fandom, now I see not much sense in discussing it, finding deep meanings etc. Loved to watch lore vids, now I mostly can't even if I want to. Maybe rewatching my older fav ones, but not most new ones. Some content is just upsetting. I'll need it anyway for my own AU and headcanons, so hope I'll find strenght, but not now.
Again, It feels like a joke or trollery, and if the authors themselves treat it this way, why should I bother wasting my time/energy?
There are some other details that are still interesting (like Marika's backtory n stuff), yet again, could've been a beautiful tragic story... but oh.
I used to be in kids/tween fandoms, which were silly by default, neither deep meaning nor dark complex philosophy. Yet some of them were making even more sense in writing, while others were not given high expectations right from the start, that's it.
Not leaving the fandom bc it's not done so easily, will even do some fanarts (finally. hopefully). I think I'll dwell solely on AUs / fixes / rewrites and some visuals without much context. Also on things I liked before the DLC and things I still like (like Maliketh/Marika), and filtering unsettling content as much as I can. But yes, you'll see me venting and supporting other people's rants. Untill my passion fades naturally and switches to something else.
I'll pick up the base game back when I can (my current PC won't run it by any chance), but will notbe buying the DLC. At least, for now.
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i swear to fucking god im not a hater but if i see another fucking badly-made thumbnail boring neurotypical straight guy with lame monotone voice talking over buncha mfb clips video of the worst metal fight beyblade takes ive ever seen with the unfunniest jokes im gonna rearrange the DNA sequence of the closest person to me to that of a Doto greenamyeri nudibranch because i swear to god just shut the fuck up.
how the fuck do you meatheads base how much you like a character over powerscaling and win ratio. would you prefer a wild bear over your own mother because the bear is stronger than her? thats how you fuckin sound like. i gotta rant this shit out because i had enough if i hear another fucking "ryūga da goat🥶🐐" "beyblade really is that serious🤣" "This show is so acoustic😵" "did you know that moses split the sea with a be-" WE FUCKING KNOW THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS AT THIS POINT. ALSO IF YOU DEADASS USE AUTISM AS AN INSULT LET ALONE USE THE WORD ACOUSTIC OR ARTISTIC FOR IT STAY 7 KILOMETERS AWAY FROM ME AND ALSO DONT WATCH METAL FIGHT BEYBLADE EVERYONE IS GAY AND AUTISTIC YOU KNOW WHY⁉️ which cishet neurotypical out there makin spinning tops fight with neon green or blue whateverthefuck hair half the cast looks like they been hiding in closet before their debut episode.
PRIME example of these bad takes is , because of powerscaling again the hate on masamune ? i thought people hated him because they thought he was annoying (like how i did when i first watched it when i was little) (FOUR YRS OLD) and like id get that as in he talks alot or whatever but people hate him because. fucking. "he has a low win ratio and claims to be the number one blader" BITCH THATS A 15 YR OLD. or like around that age somewhere you get the point. so what if the taco doritos colour palette guy a little confident in himself bitch you hate fun you hate sillyness. people also use him as like a tool to praise kenta? constantly i see takes like "kenta is like masamune if masamune didnt suck" or something as in they both try to rise to the top and get stronger but one of them doesnt talk shit like did you know you can praise a character without putting down the other one motherfucker. another one is "masamune isnt a legendary blader because he talks shit but cant actually back it up" Hey my brother in Allah lets play a little game. which one of the fucking legendary bladers talks big about himself. you have ten seconds. 10...9...8....KING. KING IS RIGHT THERE .
also saw someone say damian shouldve been a legendary blader⁉️⁉️mf that boy was on rearrangement stereoids the effects of that wouldve already worn off by the time of metal fury how does that even WORKK😭😭 he was probably off with 3 big fucking pet dogs to eat custard pudding or sumn idk .Ryūga dickriding has been a thing for for ever but right now for some reason people decided they didnt talk about that guy enough. theres so many videos on him guys there are other characters to talk about i can write a three billion word essay on damian but i dont think i can say anything about ryūga that hasnt been said at this point. also the people who claim hes alive BECAUSE hes alive in the manga is crazy like yall cant see those as two different universes? im not saying wether if i think hes alive or not this isnt about that dont miss the point. i wanted to make text posts about mfb for forever but i was embarrased for god knows why so i just posted my mfb fanart on my main but i cant take it anymore (eatina burger with no honey mustard) must speak this time im afraid
also sorry if this is hard to read im not good at ending sentences where i should punctuation jumpscare. powerscaling mfs will hear u say u like a character like for example tsubasa or sumn and immediately bring up ryūga like shut the fuck up this shit happened on twitter i dont even use twitter i opened the app for 000.1 seconds. you just jelaous ryūga will never serve like did mf also im not a ryūga hater anyways i reached the character limit fuck
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mulletmitsuya · 9 months
I hated the tr ending so badly. Not because it was rushed or anything. Wakui could have fleshed out the last timeline so thoroughly and logically and I would still hate it because the ending itself goes against what I felt the story stood for in the first place. He replaced all the characters for fakes, none of the characters we were intoduced to had happy endings because they either are totally different people or re lived their life to avoid healing. The ending basically proved izanas last words right "there's no saving me" yeah I guess not if the only way to help everyone is to make sure their lives never happened the way it did. Horrible I hate it so much. Also one ship I hate is rinzu or ranzu because they don't even interact once and it's so popular for no fucking reason other than "its hot" and tbh they would prolly hate eachother like petty bitches, they would NOT get along at any point. Also Koko and amane ship because if people actually read the manga with their eyes open it would not make sense. Anyways thanks for letting me be a hater in ur askbox, I love your blog btw
This is long, also tw for typical tokrev themes and sa
I think you're the first person who has the same opinion as me lmao😭. I also didn't believe it should have had an ending like that at all because of the themes that had been set up during the entire story. I understand people's perspectives of "It's Wakui's manga and it's his ending he can do what he wants" but media is supposed to be talked about, discussed and even criticized at times. That's like, the whole point of publishing stuff. As an enjoyer and supporter of Wakui's manga, I feel like I have the right to question some inconsistencies and contradictions (not directly attack him tho, that's never okay. like people who send death threats over ships and stuff that's messed up) that showed up in the ending. I also believe lots of people didn't really take it seriously as a manga idk. It had some very serious topics that people seem to forget about. For example: suicide, abuse, abandonment, child neglect, substance abuse, extreme violence, rape, prostitution etc, and I think people just kinda see it as a silly manga that has cool characters they like. And that's okay. It's okay to not take a piece of media seriously and enjoy it for the sake of enjoying it, not everything needs to be critically analyzed, but stop shitting on the people who take it seriously enough to question why the fuck it ended how it ended. Lots of the discourse took place between critical analysers who wanted an author to finish the manga by sticking to the themes and messages he has set up the entire time versus casual enjoyers who just wanted everyone to be happy for the sake of liking the characters. And I completely agree with the Izana thing!!!! You cannot claim to have saved someone by rewriting their entire life!!! Takemitchy was not supposed to be god!! Also, isn't the moral story of time travel that you should never ever do it? Because you win some, you lose a whole lot fucking more. I thought Draken dying was setting up that narrative. That saving Mikey, was gonna fuck up a whole lot. Isn't that why Chifuyu broke down?
Idk about you guys, but dark impulses being a curse disappointed me quite a bit. I thought it was supposed to be a symbol of Mikey being deeply mentaly ill. And that he had to deal with it head on and not run away all the time (this was Takemichi's entire storyline basically and the the main theme of TR). I just feel like it sucked because the message of the ending, whether Wakui intended it or not, was that you can't be fixed without magical time traveling. Although the story had some fictional aspects, it was realistic at least. I thought they'd deal with everything that wasn't time travel realistically.
Any ship with Sanzu and the Haitani's is hilarious to me and although I don't ship any of them seriously, the fanarts fun to look at some time (and you're right I think they look good together cause they're hot😭). You are completely correct about them not liking each other tho. It's actually canon. Idk if you remember during the three deities fight when Ran hit Haruchiyo with his baton? Nothing but pure malice between their eyes😭. The Koko and Akane ship actually triggers me because one thing about me? I'm not comfortable with large age gaps. Akane was 5 years older than Koko💀. And I didn't know people took what she said to him seriously. I thought she was just trying to not hurt his feelings? Koko and Inupi were around 7/8 when the fire happened. Meaning Akane was like 12/13. Uhhh Idk bout y'all but I don't think a 13 yo would be attracted to someone that young. And waiting for them to be of age is...😶. Be fr.
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crows-home · 2 years
Nobody asked but here are my thoughts about Infinite and the president’s sonadow fanclub because i haven’t stopped thinking about it for WEEKS and if I don’t get it out there I will implode.
More of a lighthearted, crack treated seriously type of thing.
So if we’re sticking with the main Sonic Forces timeline, i think that the jackal squad didn’t die or anything. They just got real beat up by Shadow and fired by Eggman as a result. the loss stings everyone’s pride, but none more than infinite.
He sees his team sulking for days and thinks “how can i embarrass Shadow the same way?” and Sonic is doing the whole Twitter Takeover with Eggman and Shadow and he’s like. Oh yeah. I’m gonna embarrass you all in front of so many people.
So the whole “a file called Sonadow.” thing plays out and it’s funny!! Infinite spent a few days searching for sonadow fanart and fanfiction around the web and compiled a folder and sends it to Eggman live. (and it’s surprisingly hard to find any sonadow content. apparantly its a rare thing.) He and his crew get a laugh out of it.
And then:
It’s like one of those things where you start doing something ironically. saying a phrase or doing a mannerism in the day as a joke. He’ll see a pepsi can and a coca cola can together and laugh and point and say “haha. sonadow.” and his crew will laugh too. He’ll find fanart and tag Shadow in it to annoy him.
Then I think this leads down a pipeline to him actually reading fanfiction and theories. “For fun,” he says.
“Look at this,” he says to Vanish, gesturing to his tablet screen. They’ve just collected a bounty in a snowy mountain and are taking a rest in their tent.
Vanish squints and reads over his shoulder. “What...”
“There’s a small community of people that genuinely believe Sonic and Shadow have a secret relationship and go out on cheesy dates.”
Vanish laughs in disbelief. “That’s crazy.”
Infinite nods, absently rubbing his knee because the cold makes his joint ache. “I know. I mean, if they were actually in a relationship they wouldn’t meet at a restaurant for a date. Obviously. These people don’t know anything.”
Vanish stares at him for a moment, but Infinite has continued scrolling.
“Whatever you say, boss...”
Anyway. Time passes and it’s. Not a joke anymore.
the more he reads, the deeper he gets, until one day he’s fully onboard like. “Woah, hang on. This actually makes a lot of sense. Are they really together? They have to be!”
I like to think he saw fics and art and scoffed like. “The characterization is so off.” and “He would never say that.” and “I bet I could do better.” so he starts creating his own stuff and putting it online. maybe he started with crack fics and his team just smiled awkwardly when anything was brought up because. well, Infinite is still a damn good leader and his hobbies aren’t really hurting anyone.
but infinite is really miffed because no one will take him seriously!! like, his crew is not as invested in this as he is and whenever he gets a good conversation going with someone online, they either move on from “sonadow” really quickly or they have a different view on their relationship than he does.
until he’s browsing forums and notices a single user that has been posting continuously since like. almost 2001???
so he hits up the user “Sonadowfan1″ and they talk EXTENSIVELY and holy shit. It’s like he and this person are on the same wavelength. this person GETS IT.
Sonadowfan1: I’ve believed in their relationship almost since day 1
User69420: Wow, you were there since the beginning?
Sonadwofan1: I was. And let me tell you, the way they worked together, the way their chemistry works, I have never met another pair of beings so closely intertwined. But they love to dance around each other.
User69420: Exactly! Did you see the clips of their time at the Olympics?
Sonadowfan1: I was there in the audience! It was quite something to see in person.
So Infinite has a new internet friend that he can share his ideas with. Sonadowfan1 recommends fanfiction and sends their favorite clips and they have some damn good taste since they’ve been around for a while.
Meanwhile Infinite’s crew is just happy he’s not coming to them every time he needs to vent his frustrations. They hear his phone ding and see him grinning a minute later, typing away like a kid.
Months pass and he and Sonadowfan1 decide to meet up. It’s the middle of the night, and Infinite is hesitant. But Sonadowfan1 insists that it’s the only time that he’s able to step away from his job. But he makes Infinite agree to come alone.
User69420: Why? What are you playing at?
Sonadowfan1: I have a very recognizable face. I trust that you won’t reveal my identity, but only you.
Infinite frowns. It’s a dumb statement, really. Infinite thinks he would sell this guy’s information for a price in a heartbeat. But, whatever gets him the meeting with the only other person that believes in this as much as he does- maybe even more.
“Should we...?”
Eclipse points to Infinite, who is getting ready to head out and meet with his online friend.
Rumble blinks. “You want me to stop him? He can handle himself. Let him get this out of his system or enjoy himself. At least it’s not affecting his work.”
And just. Long story short that’s how Infinite comes face to face with the fucking President of the United States. They agree to have monthly meetings. The pres shows Infinite his own Sonadow files and the picture he keeps on his desk. They go over their interactions and break them down, frame by frame.
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doodle-pops · 1 year
oh yeah same one who sent the bullet point list for the balrog anyway
Tall, dark, handsome
That Gauntlet!!
No face? Mysterious ooooo
Probably humanoid, makes things slightly easier
Tall, sorry did I say that already??
Second in command, so not he main baddie but he still a baddie
Def be the type to treat you right,
Would probably call you his queen or consort or smth
The crown tho
Smart boy
Sexc af
No face??? Mysterious
Dark color scheme and flowy clothing
Easy to match outfits
Quotable lines
He knows how to ride
Rides a fucking fell beast how much more attractive can he get
I have to stress this, invisible face, so it just looks dark
Like that is perfect character design
Won't die to any man so lessened chance to leave you
Flaming sword
Sexy no visible face
THIS WAS A LIST!!!! @someoneinthestars have a look
Why are all these options so good though 😳. I want to say they're attractive traits/features but I don't want to simp. Like it's nice but not to make me SIMP.
Why are so many of them tall, dark and handsome?? The fanart is beautiful and did make him attractive and I'll admire from a distance. . . . .😗
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imtrashraccoon · 10 months
Is this angst? I am not sure but it's definitely more of a quiet and thoughtful chapter. Kind of interesting to see the parallels between their date last chapter and here, and what happened in the main timeline I wrote.
Future Tumble Edit: Fanart from my friend!
First Day, Previous Day, & Next Day.
Day 27: Stars
Rather than take the ferry home, Papyrus decided to take you through Waterfall instead. From what you'd seen on your way to the resort earlier, Waterfall was a quiet but pretty place, so you'd agreed.
You could tell Papyrus was in oddly high spirits ever since leaving the resort. In fact, he had a near permanent smug smile on his skull and kept looking at you in a way that you could only describe as infatuation. It was enough to make your heart flutter.
To top it all off, he had occasionally made flirty comments as you walked through Waterfall. The main issue was that they only served to fluster you further, leaving you with no way to respond.
When the precipitation picked up, Papyrus retrieved a red umbrella from a container with several and opened it up. You practically had to walk so you were touching each other in order to stay dry, but you didn't mind in the slightest. So, you linked your arm around his and leaned against his shoulder.
You were quite familiar with rain, but compared to the often chaotic storms on the surface, Waterfall was almost downright peaceful. Even when you had to travel through a downpour and avoid the really deep puddles so as to not get your shoes soaked, you couldn't help but revel in the sheer atmosphere this area created.
"The rain is nice down here," you murmured softly. "It's warm and there's no wind to damage your umbrella either. There's also no loud thunder or lightning which I guess is nice too."
Papyrus hummed and nuzzled the top of your head tenderly. "What Is Thunder And Lightning?" he asked.
"Lightning is like a streak of bright light that can start at the ground or from the clouds. I'm frankly not good with explaining technical stuff but it has to do with an area of high energy and low energy. When the energy builds up too much, it is released in a bolt of lightning, and the resulting heat from the lightning is what causes thunder."
You chuckled and shook your head. "My explanation can't come even close to the real thing. You'd really have to experience it to know what I mean, I guess."
"Sounds Crazy," Papyrus mused thoughtfully. "Sans Would Probably Get A Kick Out Of How That Works. He Is Really Into The Whole Science Stuff, Kind Of Like Alphys I Guess."
"I guess not to the point where he'd want to be the Royal Scientist though?"
He chuckled and shook his skull knowingly. "No, Too Much Responsibility For Him. Maybe He Used To Though, Back When We Were Kids At Least, I Am Not Sure What Changed His Mind. He Definitely Has The Talent For It Anyways."
"Fair enough, the amount of pressure she must go through on a daily basis isn't for everyone," you commented.
A few minutes later, Papyrus suddenly stopped at a small crevice in the rock that was barely wide enough to shimmy through. He stared at the passageway for a moment in a thoughtful sort of way and you couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.
"Paps? Is something wrong?" you whispered and stepped slightly closer to him.
He didn't respond immediately and closed the umbrella instead, thankfully it was only sprinkling right now. "Do You Want To See Something Cool?" he asked and turned to you again. His eyelights flickered with what you assumed was excitement, so how could you say no to that?
You grinned, "Of course I do!"
"Follow Me Then." Papyrus gestured for you to come with and stepped into the crevice. He had to kind of crouch down to do so because he was so tall, which you knew couldn't be comfortable.
Nevertheless, you followed him as closely as you could. The passage wasn't very long and you both soon emerged into a much larger room.
This room was a bit darker than the previous one but there was plenty of glowing light sources to make up the difference. There were hundreds of the very same glowing blue flowers Papyrus had used to propose to you growing everywhere, along with other kinds of bioluminescent flora. To top it all off, the ceiling was dotted with tiny, twinkling crystals of varying colours, some of which, were arranged to vaguely resemble a few star constellations you recognized.
"Woah..." It was all you could say as words couldn't even begin to describe the sheer awe you felt right now. Slowly, you turned around and scanned the room, trying to memorize every little detail.
A soft click drew your attention back to Papyrus again. He'd apparently found your reaction rather adorable and decided to take a picture, but you couldn't be mad at him this time. Instead, you felt a little embarrassed and rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly.
"Sorry, I Could Not Resist, Precious," he whispered and put his phone away again.
You shook your head and chuckled. "No, it's fine." Changing the subject, you asked, "What is this place anyways?"
"This Is Called The Wishing Room. Monsters Used To Come Here To Make A Wish On The Crystals In The Ceiling Since We Cannot See The Real Sky Down Here." Papyrus sounded much more somber now as he glanced up at the crystals.
"Used to?"
He nodded slowly, "Yes, I Am Unsure How Many Monsters, If Any, Still Uphold The Tradition."
You frowned and looked up at the crystals yourself. It had been so long since you saw the real stars, yet you couldn't imagine going your whole life and never seeing them. It was ironic really. There were so many things you'd taken for granted back on the surface, and just being able to look up and see the stars was yet another thing to add to the increasingly long list.
"I Cannot Speak For Everyone, But I Am Tired Of Fighting, Rihanna. I Just Want To Have A Peaceful Life And Now That I Have You, I Want It More Then Ever..."
You wrapped your arms around his ribcage and hugged him. "I want that too..." you whispered.
Papyrus' hands found their way to your shoulders and he soon returned the hug. "Still, I Would Not Trade Having Met You For Freedom. You Mean Everything To Me And If I Have To Wait The Rest Of My Life To See The Real Stars, I Will Gladly Do So. As Long As You Are With Me, I Will Have The Strength To Get Through Each Day, Until We No Longer Need To Hide Anymore."
You stayed there for a little while, just holding each other. Eventually, your legs started to get tired though, so you both walked a little further into the room until you found a dry patch of grass to sit down in.
Besides the hundreds of large blossoms, there were even more smaller blue flowers that grew closer to the ground. They seemed to be the same variety so maybe they were just younger?
"What kind of flowers are these, Papyrus?" you asked.
He smiled and gently ran his phalanges through your hair before responding. "We Call Them Echo Flowers. As You Discovered Previously, They Repeat The Last Thing They Heard Until They Hear Something Different."
"That's so cool," you murmured. "We don't have anything like them on the surface..."
"I Would Think Not As They Are Quite Literally A Magical Plant," Papyrus chuckled.
You smiled and leaned up against him a bit more as he continued to play with your hair. If you didn't know better, you would accuse him of never touching someone else's hair before, but you held your tongue and chose to just enjoy the moment instead. He seemed particularly interested in the texture of your hair and how strong it was. Thankfully, he was being careful not to pull too hard and his gloves served to keep the individual strands from getting caught between his finger bones.
"We'll get out soon, I know it," you said, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between the both of you. "There's so many things I want to show you when we do..."
Papyrus hummed softly and wrapped his arms around you from behind. He also pressed a soft skeleton kiss to the top of your head before just resting his chin on you.
"I think my family would love to meet you too..."
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
Pls gush about Kyman (⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)
I feel better now lol. This post in particular won't be detailed because I feel like I've already said everything about Kyman (at least, most things, or others have already covered them sufficiently).
But yeah Kyman! As I've said plenty of times, I find them very entertaining, and it was the ship to get me to appreciate...well, the yaoi side of the fandom lol. When I got into this show I went into it without any ships in mind (spare I guess Creek, since I heard a lot about the Creek episode prior and obviously there's a lot of fanart and fanfics for it...I actually expected Creek to be my OTP and while I still enjoy Creek I wouldn't say it is). So there wasn't anything shipping-wise I was really looking for while watching the show, and I didn't interact with the fandom until I had watched every single episode/special/ect. up to that point.
I just love how I shipped Kyman ironically before actually shipping it. I love how much fun it was for me to rewatch episodes that focus around them and to really indulge myself in this ship...I haven't really had that experience with any of the other ships of South Park despite wishing I could feel similarly about others. I kind of did with Stendy but it left me wishing M/F couples were better in the show, and the women in general. (I still love Stendy though lol, but mostly in fanon I guess because canon doesn't really show their full potential).
There was a bit of time where I didn't really give Kyle as much attention as the other main four boys and considered him my least favorite, but Kyman actually helped a little bit in appreciating him more, since his rivalry with Cartman is a notable part of his character and the show overall. Y'know when I was first getting really, disastrously deep into this ship, I had a dream that basically told me "Cartman and Kyle are South Park" and I think my subconscious had a point lol...to an extent. It helps knowing that Trey likes playing around with characters that are opposites, such as Kyman and Buttman.
Is Kyman perfect? No. Do I like all their episodes and moments unequivocally? No. This is kind of a show that's easy to pick and choose from. I'll admit I do it sometimes. Shipping Kyman isn't a matter of looking at them as characters realistically (in regards to all of their actions/traits). If you really want to interpret Kyman as "abusive" then sure, you can, you have a right to that interpretation as I have a right to my own. I disagree with it though, at least the way I like to go about the ship...which yes, does kinda involve Cartman improving (especially in regards to his bigotry) but not to the extent that he's an entirely different character.
Anyway, I guess the way I see Kyman is that couple that enjoy bickering and its usually entertaining for others to watch...or completely unbearable if you're anyone other than Kyle and Cartman. This also applies to other aspects of their relationships like how PDA they are, which they absolutely do not hold back on lmao...this is truly why you see so much fanart where Stan and Kenny are just there to witness the absurdity of Kyman, because that's really just how it is, all of us are just watching the insanity of their relationship unfold.
I think I've gushed enough for now, if you want good analysis this is definitely not the place for it. Kyman is still very special to me though, in a way that will probably always transcend other South Park ships to me. Ultimately they make me laugh a lot and I love them.
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ryutarotakedown · 10 months
susato for the character ask game! if she’s already been sent in then olive/viridian :^)
AAAAAAAH THANK YOU!!! im doing both because i feel like i say everything i think abt susato immediately on here lmao so i probably have more olive thoughts than anything
headcanon A: realistic
susato is autistic. sososo autistic. and as a result she learned most of her Way of Speaking (and english in general) from the herlock sholmes zine serials, which i think is actually pseudo-canon according to an interview with the localizer janet hsu? but anyway at one point she says something like “it is a great joy to know what emotions lie behind that cold mask” with the utmost politeness to, like, maria or somebody, and iris is like. ohh susie! i think i know where you got that from! ^-^ and susato has the delayed realization that half of her prepared lines were written by a ten year old
also susato has really good sea legs considering she's spent like [thinks] eight whole months at sea by the time she arrives in japan post-canon
i really like that one fanart with the headcanon that olive needs glasses!! i also think that she had severe anxiety as a teenager (and still does, it just manifests in a different way now) such that she had trouble speaking at all at times (selective mutism) which is how she got to be so fast at painting arrows on her palette thing. it's lessened a bit by the time we meet her but she likes doing it for emphasis anyway
headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
i cannot find the fanart for the life of me but please know i am always constantly thinking about that one comic where susato flies away with her hair loops flapping like a bird's wings. i am haunted by it.
on a more original note i think susato should consensually steal iris's smoke gun so she can go try to shoot her initials into the walls of the mikotoba mansion again. "the problem with the Real gun, naruhodou-sama, was the recoil! but this one should do the trick :)!" she succeeds and also dyes her father's hair blue in the process. hey at least he matches with sholmes-of-two-months-ago now
oh god let's see, do i have any good olive headcanons? i think her middle name is viridian and the difference between her original and localization counterparts is that viridian hates the color olive and olive hates the color viridian. they're both so glad their parents gave them two options.
headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
maybe i should have put this one in "realistic" but: consider the fact that susato arrives to london early the second time because she didn't get on the same boat as her father. consider that after they find out about him, both ryuunosuke and susato think it's possible that yuujin knew kazuma wasn't dead (even though this is disproved immediately after they tell him about it). consider susato running away from ryuunosuke after telling him she has to leave in 1-5. anyway i think avoidance is susato's main coping mechanism and she chose to spend 2 more months alone on a ship with no one she knew because she couldn't bear to look at her father for more than three seconds without making herself sick with wondering what he was hiding
i thought for so long about olive but the thing is. i genuinely don't think i could make her story more tragic than it already is without making it just, horrifically dark, you know? i thought a bit about whether she would be executed for attempted murder but i do think the system of tgaa is more lenient on that than the actual modern ace attorney universe, so. let's see — canon says she has parents and that she and duncan were waiting to graduate before telling them about their engagement, so i think they tried to talk to her after she dropped out but the selective mutism kicked in for like. a very long period of time. while she went to briar road every day, pretending not to hear them calling after her that this wasn't healthy. she heard them talk about possibly institutionalizing her behind her back and figured, what's another straitjacket. after she gets placed in prison they do come visit her and try to hide that they're horrified that she would ever go so far as to poison someone for that ross boy who they never did approve of that much, but she can tell. she doesn't speak much to them. they still visit every week.
headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
i have said this probably a million times already but susato should have Exploded in 2-5!!! she should have blown up!!!! she should have had a meltdown!!!! why don't we have a susato breakdown sprite other than her trying to chuck her book into the ocean!!!!!!!!!! also she spills everything to haori once she gets back and they kiss about it.
ALSO also this isn't "unrealistic" exactly but it is unbelievable to me that susato & haori are not canonically childhood best friends so i am just. going to canonize that. one extra word. there
while in prison olive keeps drawing anywhere and everywhere and more and more people join in until it's a whole underground movement thing, and 200 years later textbooks will say that the term and practice of "art therapy" originated from a felon convicted of attempted murder whose name has sadly been lost to the annals of history (her signature was stylized in all-lowercase like "olive green" so as to be Emo, and so they thought she was just making a statement about color theory)
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marine-indie-gal · 3 months
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So considering that I've introduced my Friend, @djinarocks to this Character from "Space Goofs" (whose actually one of the Central Antagonists according to its Video Game adaptation, "Stupid Invaders"), Lucien Bolok (or just only by his last name, "Bolok" cause he's only famous in "Stupid Invaders" that much unlike on how he was first introduced in the Show).
For those who might've forgotten about this Character, he first appeared in the Episode, "The Pro" where he was sent by some Mailman to hunt down some Garden Gnomes (which had been mistaken for of a Dog) and that the Space Goofs figure out a plan on how to get rid of Him from destroying their own Garden. Oh, and his Mentor is his Pet Fish (which is Silly, but hey, it's a Cartoon, so what do you expect?).
His Role in the Game however got expanded more when he was hired by Another Character in the Show from Another Episode (Dr. Saccharin from the Episode, "Zero Stuff") to capture the Aliens and bring them to the Doctor in order to have some more Money but unfortunately, being betrayed by Saccharin, he ends up ending the World through a Nuclear Bomb Rocket Ship in which the Space Goofs finally drive their way home.
In my Personal Headcanon, I see Season 1 and the Game being the Only Chronological order of the Franchise (even despite that the Game's Adult Humor is different compare to the Show's more "Family-Friendly" humor) while that Season 2 is an Alternate Universe of its Own where if Stereo was never part of the Main Gang. Even if I may grew up watching Season 2 in Childhood like I've mentioned before, I still now prefer Season 1 (even if 2 may have had some of its Good Episodes I still have doubts at looking back at my First Exposure to the Series. Granted, I don't HATE Season 2, but it's really not that bad to begin with considering that it was in the Same Era as Other Xilam Products like "Ratz" and "Tupu").
That being said, among the very First Visitors of Season 1, what really caught my attention towards both the Show and the Game was this Guy, considering on what he does on the Opposite of the Most Unwanted Guests (especially along with most of the Human Characters) feels so...Unhinged to Me. Like, OK, he may be from Another Obscure Foreign Cartoon but what really draws so much attachment to Him is how that Bolok (IMO) is seriously The Most Indifferent House Guest out of all of the Other Ex-Neighbors that the Goofs try to get rid of from their Entire Countryside of Earth. Like, he is so Mysterious (despite his Funny Moments) as he is literally a Bounty Hunter that won't stand anyone who tries to Manipulate Him in his own Way (which, honestly probably wouldn't be a Big Surprise from most Anti-Villains, but I think you get the point).
After seeing @gingaswag (Aka @gingacd)'s Space Goofs fanart on this Site, I had to took the perfect time before my Graduation started that Day as I drew a Slight Personal Interpretation of what Lucien would look like if he was an Extraterrestrial like the Main Alien Cast instead of drawing his Canonical Appearance if he wasn't born a Human. Because I've been on a major thinking of these whole "Role Swap" ideas between Two Certain Characters where if the Story was completely different in a way (which I happened to be a Massive Fan of "What Ifs"), is that What If the Space Goofs and the Humans reversed both their own Roles and Species like say where if the Goofs were the Humans lost on an Alien Planet and that they have to get themselves out of an Alien Planet but still use the SMTV to disguise themselves to blend within the Space Society just like in the Show?
I know that keeping the Original Concept would kinda be a bit 100% Boring and Cliche but I was thinking more of an "Aliens Conquer the Earth" type where if the Earth-Born Space Goofs were the Ones to stop Evil Aliens from taking over their World.
Anyway, for the drawing itself (since I used it on Paper rather than on MS Paint), I decided to make Bolok more "Death-like" as if he were to be the Galactic Personification of Death itself (since he is a Professional Bounty Hunter) with the Pink Skull Mask (that's supposed to be part of his Alien Skin) beneath his Mouth as I did added in some more Rough Scales as well as Horns and Fish Ears (as a callback to his Ex-Mentor) as I made him somewhat of a Skeleton/Fishman Alien.
The Main Inspiration behind this design probably drew a lot of the Fishman from "The Shape of Water" or a Wendigo but mostly Pedri Nanezgani from "Ava's Demon" (example of the Main Inspiration that I drew from; https://avas-demon.fandom.com/wiki/Pedri_Nanezgani) (since obviously, with an idea of Bolok as an Alien, I just can't unsee him in an AU where if he was Pedri and Nevy's Son).
It may have felt tricky to do considering that this is the Very First Time drawing a Character in an Extraterrestrial Species (even if I may be a huge sucker for the Whole "Swap" things kind of trope), but yeah.
I sorta do feel proud of this a bit, but I would like to know your own personal thoughts in the Comments or Reblogs to see if I did capture Bolok's Nature within his Alien form or not.
Lucien Bolok (c) Xilam
Alien Interpretation of Bolok (c) Me
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kimikiui · 2 years
Why You Should Vote for Hakupo
Hello. Good evening, morning, afternoon, brunch, sleepytime whatever time it is for you right now. I am here to sell my little autism creature to you. This is going to be a fairly long post so, just sit tight.
The second round of polls will not be out for a couple of hours. I wanted to reblog the post with this, BUT- I have class at 3 when the polls are released. Plus, gotta get those non Hakupo believers before they vote for anyone else, amirite?
Also the stickers used between catagories are the official line stickers by Pikomaru ➜ https://store.line.me/stickershop/product/3951590/en
Reminder; It's only Shinji sweep until its Hakupo sweep.
No, I'm not putting a section breaker because even if you don't read it, I want you to see the sheer size of this... It's an essay at this point. Let's get started shall we?
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What is a Hakupo?
Hakupo Tsukishiro is a energetic and powerful masculine voicebank for Utau (and amadeusy but we dont talk abt brunnnoooo). He was released all the way back in 2010 and has had many important milestones in his 13 years of distribution. Four compilation albums, 7 voicebanks, 2,500+ fanarts (that i all have), and uses by really awesome people *points to the crowd*. That's all of you guys out there. <3
Hakupo as a character is inspired by moe, thanks Clarice. Like most moe characters, he's a bit air headed and happy go lucky person. His positive attitude is sometimes brought into original songs he's featured in, which just makes me smile- girlbosses love a good pick me up song.
Also he has a stupid little coat and pants. This is all you need to know to vote for Hakupo, but I will continue forward incase you are still on the fence.
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Cool Hakupo Facts
He almost has the same exact suggested range as Miku (C3 to E5)... His is actually larger... he goes higher (C3 to G5).
The "Do Re Mi FâåÁaæ↓" incident of Christmas 2020, contact me I will elaborate further.
There is a little bit of an evil twin thing going on. Yeah. This is a win.
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His genderbend design Kohaku is revealed when you turn down the brightness of his official reference sheet (he pulled a scott cawthon guys).
He hates to be called cute and have his head patted... which is cute.
Despite looks- His description says he has curly hair come on guys- LITTLE FLUFF.
By looking at his official Twitter bot, there's a few extra things we can learn about him. He is very stupid, very impatient, has a horrible sleep schedule, bad at multitasking, and can't stand still (I can elaborate more on these if asked).
I wrote a 43 page Utau cartoon pilot script with Hakupo as the main character. Shameless plug.
I also wrote my college admissions essay about Hakupo. Thanks for getting me into college Bobo!
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Sick Bobo Uses
Get boboed.
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What does Bobo mean to me?
I found Hakupo 7 years ago now, sitting in the middle of an Utau melody. I told myself I would just turn off my tablet and listen to the music. Yeah that worked- guess who was next after the screen turned off. BOBO! I needed to see the little creature creating this melody. I turned on the screen, and was not disappointed. Fancy twink in a oversized tailcoat with weird pants. I remember rambling to my mom later about how cool he was, why he was so unique, and why this one specifically caught my attention.
He's been my special interest since then, everyone around me knows Hakupo wheather they like it or not. He's about 80% of everything I draw, 50% of what I talk about, and 100% of my little creature I snuggle up with every night.
I have a Hakupo bodypillow. Can't sleep without him.
Anyways, he's helped me find a lot of my best friends *coughcoughmeatcoughrevcough*, never fails to make me happy, and helped everyone around me realize I'm extremely autistic. The least I can do is write an ungodly long propaganda post while drinking my coffee at 9 am.
Stan Bobo Oobieero.
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Hakupo Memes for Propaganda
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Thanks, have a nice day.
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enigma-absolute · 1 year
What is Eddsworld about?
3 British idiots (and occasionally an additional Norwegian one) have silly misadventures in a long-running animated webshow. There’s been zombies and clones to fight, movies to make and even a trip down to hell AND Atlantis. It’s a bit of a wacky show.
To make a short story long, Eddsworld was made initially in 2003 by Edd Gould, and featured him and his friends as the main characters. Over the years after Gould passing from leukaemia in 2012, the show, show crew and fandom has seen some rocky times (I could make a tome of lore about all this but NO THANKS), but is still a fond spot in many people’s hearts - including mine. Without coming across it in late February 2013, I genuinely wouldn’t have a foundation for my current art style and the push to pursue my passions in animation.
That and if you come into Eddsworld fandom (not recommended if you go into the main body, just find a few folks and stick with them), be expected to draw a LOT of hoodies and develop an annoying (affectionate) habit of making puns.
So who are the three British idiots anyway? Keep in mind: while they were initially based off IRL Edd and his friends, they’re not the same as them and are seperate things. It’s seen as VERY disrespectful to keep using IRL surnames for the characters, so we often substitute our own made-up or similar-sounding ones.
Edd: Head of the trio, brown hair, green hoodie. Looks like the most normal. Is not, really. The artistic one and pun-maker. Loves cola to a fault, to a point where in canon, his future self went back in time to kill his past self because cola got banned globally. (And it’s the highest ranked Eddsworld episode and the one with the most views.)
Edd is my personal favourite character and I will fight on the hill for him to have a good Edd-centric story that isn’t about shipping him with the other lads or as an angst punching bag. He doesn’t even get enough fanart as the title character of his own show! Let my boy have PEACE AND A FUN TIME FOR ONCE.
Tom: Blue hoodie, spiky hair, weird eyes. The grumpy ‘voice of reason’, but he is also not immune to the Shenanigans. Often the alcoholic, but less so in canon. Has a beloved monster form since it was seen in the eddisode PowerEdd. If you’re asking why his eyes are Like That, we don’t have a concrete answer either. Are they voids? Portals to other things? Just black? Who knows? (The void though is my favourite bc it’s funny.)
Tom is one of the more popular characters of the fandom, and I can see why! However, as an Edd girlie myself, I will admit that it has been a bit TOO much to see over the years. Him and the Norwegian character, but that’s another story.
Matt: Ginger, purple hoodie and green overcoat. Highly narcissistic, with (and I quote the theme song here) ‘the intelligence of a kitchen shelf.’ Can often be found admiring himself in mirrors. Surprisingly has the highest body count of all his friends from over the episodes. Was at one point, a vampire from a Halloween special - that has still carried through into many fanon designs of him. And he was also leader of a zombie army too.
I remember a time when Matt wasn’t so popular as Tom and the Norwegian one, but now he’s just very shipped with the rest of his mates and given plenty of fanart as he likes. And good for him! Now at this point you'd expect me to talk about the Norwegian.
And you know what? No.
I respect him, I can enjoy him as a character and part of the unit with the boys, I can enjoy some takes on the concepts his latter days brought to the table, but overall? I would like to see him Goncharov'd OUT of relevancy.
That character has done too much damage on the fandom, tbh. The days in the fandom where he was basically nonexistent were peaceful. The final episodes of the Eddsworld Legacy season were a flashpoint (derogatory) and while it did unearth old (metaphorical) cursed relics from under the surface, I'm becoming more convinced by the year that he and his last two episodes have done MORE harm than good - stretching even into now!
I'd rather be careful to talk about him. And we don't make any mention of the person he was inspired by, just for the sake of the IRL man to be LEFT ALONE. As should most of the others and their families who played these characters.
Speaking of these kinds of things: A warning.
As for the more recent episodes in the Eddsworld Beyond season: tread with caution. From the first proper episode, people from the crew have been kicked off for genuinely serious reasons that are too dark to explain here and discourse has been rife about the current showrunners.
If you decide to take a look at what had happened - take everything with a grain of salt and come to your own conclusions. The bias can be easy to fall into one group or another so I strongly don't recommend to go looking for it. If you're here for a fun time, do NOT go near the discourse. Especially on tumblr.
So, rant aside, I'll stop myself here. If you want some recommendations on where to begin on Eddisodes:
The Zombeh Attack Trilogy (yes it's spelled like this on purpose): The lads encounter zombies. Not all of them will survive.
Ruined: The lads investigate an egyptian temple.
Spares: The lads get cloned by an evil director. Who is also an idiot.
Hello Hellhole: The boys go to hell. For a vacation.
Moving Targets: The boys join the army.
The Zanta Claws Trilogy: The lads encounter and fight against a Zombie Santa Claus. Shenanigans ensue.
Matt Sucks: Halloween special in which Matt is bitten by a vampire.
Moviemakers: The lads make a movie.
WTFuture: Edd and his friends are chased after his murderous future self. Fan favourite, and if you only watch ONE Eddisode, I HIGHLY recommend this!
Hammer and Fail (Parts One AND Two): The lads try to renovate due to Matt's kleptomaniac tendencies. (Also the introduction to fan-favourite side characters.)
Space Face (Parts One AND Two): The last of Edd Gould's work and animation before his passing and the start of the Legacy season. The lads get abducted by aliens.
Hide and Seek (minisode): Matt tries to play the titular game.
Fun Dead: The lads go to a zombie-infested theme park.
Mirror Mirror (minisode): We meet the genderbend version of the lads and spend the time with the girls, Ell, Tamara and Matilda! (I've also lost count how many times I've cosplayed as Ell. Best girl, you can't change my mind.)
PowerEdd: Edd gets superpowers and has a rivalry with his neighbour.
Saloonatics: The radically different art style and some of the story was quite divisive among fans upon release, but has now become a beloved cult classic. A spiritual sequel to WTFuture, we go back in time and encounter 'ancestor' characters of the lads in the wild west.
Surf and Turf (Part One): (Shh part two is currently in production) The lads go to the beach. What could go wrong?
Should be all I can wholeheartedly recommend to a first-time viewer. If you decide to take the plunge, good luck!
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Anyway. I don't actually know how well they could work in canon, but the idea for the fic is that Hidan has been around for a long, long time (in canon it's never said for how long he's been immortal iirc and I love potential immortality-based angst, also we never really see him use any chakra except for like, sticking to trees I think? So I like to think that he's been around from before the chakra people started to be born) and he used to be some sort of mercenary hired to kill people, and one day he was sent to take care of the army of a kingdom where Shisui (maybe I'll use some different name for this past version of him but I have yet to decide) was the ruler
Used to being unmatched in a fight, Hidan finds himself stopped by Shisui who is able to fight him somehow equally and so Hidan gets basically obsessed with Shisui and they eventually end up being lovers
One day Shisui, who knows will eventually die and leave Hidan alone, performs a ritual to link their souls together and make them soulmates, making Hidan promise he'll find him in every single one of his future lives (and I think I'll put some kind of soulmark on both of them as a result of the ritual to show that they're linked)
The main story takes place around the time the Uchiha coup should happen (with past memories sprinkled here and there once Shisui starts remembering his past lives) when Shisui meets Hidan during an ANBU mission and they fight since Hidan had been hired as a temporary mercenary/bodyguard to protect Shisui's target, however during the fight something happens (to be determined, I'm not super good with writing fights but I'll come up with something) that makes it so that Shisui's soulmark is revealed, after which Hidan refuses to fight him anymore
Shisui doesn't think much of it at first, but he starts meeting Hidan on every single mission after that first one (Hidan knows he can't exactly walk into Konoha, he's not stupid and I think I'll make him a bit less psycopath as well, so he waits until he sees Shisui leaving and then follows him, and since I'd put him as someone from before the chakra times he'd have no chakra for Shisui to sense him) and after a little while Shisui decides to confront him about it
I have a bit of a bullet point list after this (Hidan telling Shisui they're soulmates, Shisui not believing him, Shisui starting to have dreams/remember his past lives etc...) but that's as far as I got and it's, like, two chapters truly fully written? And that's it (because all the past stuff will be later on so I haven't actually written it as chapters yet)
It all started because I saw a fanart with Hidan and Shisui together (not romantically, they were just in the same picture) and my brain just couldn't stop thinking about them being actual lovers
I plan on making it a bit dark and go quite heavy on Hidan's romantic obsession with Shisui, and after Shisui will realize the truth I'll probably put in there some good Uchiha-obsession as well. Not on 'yandere' levels (I don't like the yandere cliché too much) but still enough to make it clear that their relationship isn't all roses and flowers (is that a saying in english? I just kinda translated a saying from my og language 🤣), they're both very unhinged and quite co-dependant with each other
And now that I talked about it with you I feel like I wanna go write more of it, so now I need to find the WIP...
Anon, look at me, right in the eyes: we are talking about fictional characters from the most ridiculous hair-brained series that has somehow gripped us all for donkey's years. Don't let anyone make you feel bad for how you're playing around with canon, it's all make believe anyway and we should be allowed to be as unhinged as we like haha
Have fun and screw the haters!
1) this whole idea is super cool!!! I'd love to see where you go with Hidan's religion and the morals of his human sacrifice and blood letting etc (there is a fascinating Sakura-centric fic out there where Sakura is converted to Jashinism, the author has some extremely interesting takes on the religion) and how it interlines with Shisui's own dubious morality within the bigger picture of Shinobi morals being fucked up like crazy to begin with...!
2) Shisui somehow beats Hidan and gets his interest? Ayyyy Hidan can't draw blood and kill him if he's not fast enough to catch him first~
3) toxic evil murder husbands... Nice, brings to mind-
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Hidan kills people for his homicidal religious zealousness... Shisui looks like a saint in comparison but that's just because he rewrites the minds of his opponents so no one even knows how bad he is (🙏🙏🙏 Shisui deserves to be a human monster, as a little treat 👉👈)
4) Also this has the potential for that whole "A fell first but B fell harder" dynamic because Hidan has been loving Shisui as a lifestyle for DECADES but Shisui gets bulldozed by memories and pitches headfirst into obsession after fighting Hidan's claims for a little too long... 😩
Thanks for sharing, Anon! And good luck with the WIP, if you do decide to continue!
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Okay, browsing another fandom-tag, (the thing I am newly becoming RE-obsessed with, my longstanding decades old fandom re-emerging due to shiny new material)... well... I found something that made me think of THIS fandom and how ridiculous it is sometimes and how ridiculous fandom can be about certain things.   Take a look at this reblogged image on my other sideblog: Classic Trigun Official Art.   Its kind of spoilery for those who haven’t seen the 1998 original anime series, but it’s non-canonical at, anyway.  At least, I think it’s non-canon art.  However, it is official, as in, it’s not canon art / not an image from the actual anime, but it is promotional, a kind of post-series funsies thing done by crew.   The pale-haired guy in the space-suit there?  The one who’s got the smiling spiky-haired guy’s arm wrapped around him?  He’s the series’ main villain.  He’s also a genocidal maniac with a deep hated of humanity who has murdered millions of people.  He of course is here, in this funsie official / adjacent art shown in the trope of a “reforming villain” with heroic-characters including the main (Vash with his arm arround him - twin brother) gladly hanging out with him.  Anyway, my point is that - hey, look at the actual official although non-canonical art of the “defanged villain” trope - done for fun, to show a villain being begrudgingly good / implied to be on his way to reformation post series, etc.  Silly promo / bonus art.   It made me think about how She-Ra fandom had the Catra vs. Hordak wars and how some people / factions were just AGAHST at the idea that some of us fan-critters loved to contemplate redemption arcs and do fanart and fanfic that defanged the villains and so forth.  While people don’t seem to mind it much for Horde Prime - people doing sexy or silly fanart with him to scratch that itch for a “defanged dark lord” fun time, people got really bent out of shape for a while for both Hordak and Catra, didn’t they?  In the Hordak fan-faction (hi there, where I make my bed, or my clone-pod, as it were) there were a lot of people who hated Catra, thought of her as taking time away from their blorbo and who considered her “too toxic” for Adora and made this big honking serious deal out of it.  Fanfics about Catra fucking off to the Crirmson Waste alone and whatnot... I actually don’t mind pairing Adora with other people, it’s just that some of the “Catra cannot be redeeeeeemed!” stuff got a little obnoxious for me, even though I, myself, got sick and fucking tired of overzealous Catra-stans calling me a genocidal colonist for liking Hordak.   And of course, um, Hordak.  A villain portrayed with some sympathy and human emotions, despite being an actual dictator trying to conquer a planet. Yeah, Hordak’s done a lot of fucked up things, like employing torture and execution-by-exile in his reign.  I like him, anyway, because of those sympathetic points - the clone-cult stuff, the sense that he has a desire to be wanted and loved despite everything (thank you, Entrapta).  And, well, I LOVE the idea of post-canon, of “Lets let him live a cute domestic life with Entapta and lets dress him in sweaters and have him discover how delicious mangoes are, the poor cult-denied big fruit bat!”   And, well, there was a big row among people about liking these characters, something of a sympathy-contest of who “deserves more sympathy” and whatnot.  I was sitting here the whole time going “Let me enjoy my defanged dark lord trope in peace.”   Meanwhile, back in my old fandom, which I have returned to... it’s like “Oh, yeah, there’s official art of the actual literal genocidal maniac who canonically has a very graphic 100K+ body count being domesticated by the good guys, not to mention what the fandom does and the thirst some fans have for this guy”  and it’s like.... “Whoa, anime fandoms just be more chill than American cartoon fandoms, don’t they?”    No one accuses you of wanting to erase humanity because you enjoy Millions Knives, so why do people accuse you of being a real life abuser or colonial apologist if you enjoy Catra or Hordak?  
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