#I think felix would be suspicious of natalie and then get to know her
eldritch-ace · 11 months
natalie ships are so funny to me, like stop fucking adriens family.
They’re all so fucking funny. Girl is out here pulling all the Graham de Vanilys and Agrestes. I can’t decide if she was just a third for Gabe and Emelie or if she rebounded with Gabe after Emelie and then rebounded with Amelie after Gabe. Either way it’s gold. Adrien is chill with it though.
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miraculouslycool · 4 years
The enigma that is the Agreste family
1 Was Origins the first time Gabriel began to use the moth miraculous?
Yes. Absolutely. There was no sign of an active miraculous before Origins, and Hawkmoth’s appearance triggered the activation of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Also, we can see Nooroo explain the miraculous’ powers to Gabriel as well. Even when Emilie was using the peacock, Gabriel never used the butterfly.
2.Why did Emilie use the peacock?
We have no idea why. But we do know that she did it in secret, and her using it was only known to Gabriel and Natalie. Even Master Fu wasn’t aware of its use. The real question is, was the peacock always damaged since Fu lost it? Did Emilie use it knowingly? If she did, were the stakes of whatever she was facing that high? Or did she accidentally break it? Why would she continue using it if she knew it was broken?
One thing is for sure, Gabriel had no idea it was broken until Emilie succumbed into a coma. He loved his wife, and he would have in no way encouraged her to use it. He was downright horrified when Natalie began using it in ‘Mayura’.
3. Is Emilie the saint everyone makes her out to be?
No. I know a lot of people may disagree with me, but I wonder if everyone hyping her up is them just trying to surprise with the fact that she is even worse than Gabriel.
Oh no, I am not saying she didn’t love Adrien. She definitely loved her son dearly, and paid more attention to him than Gabriel ever did. BUT, wasn’t Adrien literally enrolling HIMSELF in school his first act of rebellion? We all know Adrien always wanted to go to school and make friends, but why did he never act on this while his mom was there? From how Adrien speaks about her, Emilie should and would have let him go to school.
Emilie showered Adrien with so much love and affection, that Adrien never wanted to leave. A part of him still wanted to branch out, but he was so content with his mother’s love that he just wanted to give in and stay. Gabriel neglected Adrien, but Emilie spoiled him. And as devastated as Adrien was with what even became of his mom, he finally felt like he had a chance at being free.
I strongly believe that the fault with Adrien’s stunted emotional growth and social awkwardness lies not with Gabriel, but with Emilie.
4. What’s up with Amalie Graham de Vanily?
I’ll admit it. I don’t like Adrien’s aunt. She seems too passive agressive and fake nice for my liking. I mean, she ‘Let it Go’s’ her way into Gabriel and Adrien’s personal space on the day they are supposed to be grieving about HER sister.
Speaking about grief, where is hers? She is way too chipper for someone who lost her TWIN sister. A twin bond is something that is unbreakable, and when death breaks it, it is something you don’t get over.
My reasoning goes in both extremes. Either way she is trying to cover up her guilt/grief by acting too chipper or......she just isn’t guilty at all. Either way, she is hiding spmething, and I wouldn't be surprised if she secretly had something to do with her sister's coma.
5. How on earth does Felix know about Hawkmoth and the miraculouses? Felix Graham de Vanily lived in London all his life. The few times he came to Paris, Hawkmoth, Ladybug and Chat Noir never existed. And more so, he is a child in a city which has no interaction with the Miraculous whatsoever. Fu was the only guardian who survived, and he lived in Paris. There is only one way he found out about the workings of the Miraculous, and that must be through his mother. Amalie is the only one in his family to have a direct connection to a miraculous holder, and I assume Emilie (probably not Gabriel, he hates her) must have told her sister about the wish one could make with the Ladybug and Cat miraculous. He is in a similar position with Adrien. Both of them have lost a parent they were close to. I wonder if Felix wants the miraculouses to get his father back. One thing is for sure, Amalie doesn't know anything about his plan. We were only shown Felix's sinister face at the end of his episode.
6.So is Felix the new Hawkmoth? NO. I do think he plays a part in causing the battle in the future, but I don't think he will possess the butterfly miraculous. Being Hawkmot means being dependant on your akuma victims. Gabriel has been shown to be competent on his own, but most of the time he relies on his akumas. Felix is the kind of villian who prefers to work alone. He would want a miraculous that would enable him to control his own soldiers which he is capable of creating and destroying ANY time he wants according to his convenience. Felix isn't going to become the owner of the butterfly. He is going to become the owner of the peacock.
7.So who is the new Hawkmoth? I am mostly sure it is Lila. She is extremely intelligent when it comes to making people do her bidding, and thus, Lila is more of a people person than Felix could be. Besides, using the butterfly requires empathy - figuring out what people want and giving them exactly that. "I only tell people what they want to hear." She said it, not me. Besides at the rate at which she is going, she is going to HATE Marinette and Adrien in the future, and the feeling seems mutual. A tiny part of me feels like it could be Natalie too. She was the one who said in Timetgger that the future isn't set in stone. I am living for the day she dumps Gabriel's ass. It is definitely not Emilie. I don't think she would side with her sister's son, against whom she clearly has an agenda. I'm still very suspicious of her though.
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Hi! Have you seen the season finale of mlb? If so, what are your thoughts on what happened to Nathalie? Do you think she's now in a coma like Emilie or not? If so, I can't even imagine Gabriel having to break those news to Adrien, he was already connecting Nathalie's illness to his mum... I feel like season four is going to be heartbreaking. I always love to read your theories on the Agrestes.
Yes I indeed have seen the finale, a while ago actually and I have alot of thoughts on Natalies situation and what the future holds so this might get longer (edit several hours later: jup it got longer, enjoy! xD)
I don’t think Natalie is now in the peacock coma but the episode gave me the impression that it was literally 5 to midnight concerning her health. So they really dodged her fate by an INCH by having found a solution to the peacock problem through Fu in this very episode.
I honestly can’t tell you how things will continue from here with Natalies health but I can tell you what I think and would love to see!
For season 4 concerning Natalie I hope she actually stays sick and/or damaged now, the peacock may be fixed (even if I’m having the feeling that it’s not quite as fixed as we think it is. Duusu is too suspicious to me but I digress.)
She and her body got gravely insured and “withered” in season 3, I think it would be a waste and a cop out to just let this situation disappear without letting it have an lasting impact on her because that would take alot of the urgency from Natalies creeping doom in s3 and the finale in particular. Also in my opinion it would be weird if Natalie were to get healed through the fixed Peacock but Emilie stays in her coma. Her being healthy again in s4 just feels wrong to me, she got damaged by an broken object that gets powered up by a God, the damage on her body should be permanently just like Emilie.
But I actually have alot more reasons to believe that she will still be sick in season 4 than just “it feels wrong and would undermine the urgency”.
Let me explain
Why I think this could very much be possible for s4 is (beside the cop out etc reason) is that “the battle for the miraculous” finale was a “save point” mile stone which ended the first status quo from s1-s3. Alot has changed for the future and it’s has changed for good (actually so many little and bigger things have changed that I noticed Im starting a new post here when I tried listing them, so I’ll just keep them out of this post)
So why not Natalies health too? Of course she’ll get quite a bit better again, she will have to be able to do something nonetheless. But concidering that we already know that Natalie WILL end up as a villain worse than Hawkmoth it’s save to say that we have witnessed the origins of her villain story in s1-s3 and that she’ll only get “worse” from here. Alot of factors can come into play with this, from all the set up and forshadowing we have gotten by now I would say it comes down to 4:
Adrien leaving his families side (so her too) after finding out the truth (can we please just accept this now, it’s been literally forshadowed to hell and back). Natalie is shown to have grown into the mama bear/parent role for Adrien and we also know from “Felix” that Adrien would accept Natalie with open arms as his new step mother. So him “betraying” his family would not only hurt Adrien and Gabriel, it would also hurt Natalie like hell (likely Natalie would even be the adult to be more sad-betrayed, I can’t see Gabriel as anything but angry-betrayed. Both of these portrayals are depicted like this in “Chat Blanc”)
“Chat Blanc” has shown us that Gabriel would very much turn even more abusive once he finds out Adrien is Chat Noir (and I personally didn’t find it out of character at all but that’s a topic for an other post) and since Natalie cares alot about Adrien and already doesn’t approve of the risks Gabriel takes with Adrien and how he neglects and treats him often, this change can very much start a fight between her and Gabriel and giving Mayura room to truly stand as her own villain because Natalie betrayed Adrien as well so I hardly doubt they will be on the same side. This family is going to break apart into pieces.
Natalie is madly in love with Gabriel and something kinda starts blooming between them (“miracle queen” once again depicts this change the best) but this doesn’t change the fact that Gabriel wants Emilie back and Natalie knows this. For now I can’t see it happening any different but since we one day will get Emilie back(duh) Gabriel will be in a predicament between Emilie and Natalie but will choose Emilie (all of this is happening because Gabriel wants her back, it would imo make little sense to let him go “I did it all for you but I want a divorce” like, no, just no) and Natalie will not handle this rejection well because after everything she did and risked for him. (I also don’t think Emilie will stay with Gabriel either. I think Gabriel will in the end stand all alone, having driven away Adrien, Natalie and Emilie with his actions, behavior and decisions. Mr. man-with-nothing-to-lose will face his comeuppance but that’s not the point now)
And of course Natalies health. Concidering the points I  listed above of what I think will happen Natalie will turn into a full fleshed villain out of betrayal, loss, desperation, spite and revenge. All the puzzles pieces are in place, it just has to escalate. Throwing in the factor that Natalie has damaged herself and her body so much and irreversible (only Ladybug could heal her but I can’t see Natalie allowing her to heal her once we have reached this level) and the villain backstory and motivation of betrayal is complete. Cuz yes, even if she is a villain by own choice she is also still a victim of certain circumstances. The bad decisions Natalie made are her own choices, she knows what she is doing and is frankly having a damn good time doing it, no doubt, but they are still rooted in Gabriels decisions and full control of the overall situation as I’ve already stated my opinion to this in THIS POST. Natalie staying damaged and having it as a constant reminder of Natalies devotion to Gabriel and to the entire Agreste family who could have become her own new family only to end up alone and with nothing because of Gabriels and her own choices and actions while she drifts deeper into villainy and is bloody brutal and one hell of a villain story I want to see!
Another reason why I don’t think Natalie gets healed any time soon (if at all) is this moment in “Feast”.
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Adrien has made the connection between Natalies and Emilies conditions and he’s clearly worried for Natalie. This is a set up for future plot and character development handed on a silver plate. It’s a whole new point of view and will bring us more information about what happened to Emilie and the Agreste past. Everything happening in this show is dealt with in, let’s call them little story arcs, introduced and dealt with when the plot development calls for it. Not every Arc gets continued all the time, some only in special episodes dedicated to this Arc and some (like the love square) are a set in stone Arc for every episode.
THIS was the beginning of a new Arc. A Adrien-Natalie Arc where we see him deal with Natalies illness that reminds him so much of his mothers. Season 3 had so much else to close up, introduce and develop that this Adrien-Natalie Arc was only introduced in “Feast” and that’s alright. But this also means this Arc has to be continued in season 4 and it couldn’t be continued if Natalie were healed after the s3 finale. Therefore she is still sick.
Alright, I don’t know why I escalated so hard here but it was actually quite nice to get this out now and rearrange and collect my thoughts.
I hope you didn’t mind this text wall xD
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hopewithoutcravings · 5 years
Chapter Eight
She finally succumbs to sleep around 3 in the morning. Even closed her eyes are rimmed red and puffy. I hold her close to me not that it would matter, she was clinging to me like her life depended on it. The phone ringing breaks me from my thoughts.
“This better be good Pax.”
“I wouldn’t call you if it wasn’t. I’ve been following Festus all day like you asked. There hasn’t been anything suspicious until about an hour ago. He called Jericho and they plan to make contact. I figured you would want to come with me to listen in.” He rushes out.
“I’ll be there in 5.”
I hang up and pry myself out of Natalie’s grip, quickly getting dressed. I slip through the shadows following the directions Pax sent me to me.
“Psst, over here Master.”
I creep up next to Pax and look at him expectantly.
“Did they make contact?”
At that moment Festus comes out of a warehouse looking around. We duck down hoping he didn’t notice us.
“Sorry I’m late.” Jericho pants trying to catch his breath.
I fucking knew they were up to something.
“It’s fine. Did you run here?” Felix asks almost incredulously.
“Uh...yes sorry.”
“Were you with the girl?” He asks, his voice rising with excitement.
“About that...there seems to be complications.
Without warning Festus backhands Jericho across the face.
“We had a deal.” He snarls.
Jericho cups his cheek and gives Felix a disdainful look.
“I’m trying to uphold my end. But something has changed.”
“Changed with who? The girl? Just buy her flowers or some shit. Human girls love that or so Anthea tells me.”
“Satan is the one who’s changing. I think he loves her.” Jericho mumbles.
Felix looks at him for a beat before he roars with laughter. I bristle in anger and force myself to breathe deeply to remain calm.
“He can’t love anyone. He’s never even loved his own family. He’s never loved me......or any of his other followers. How can he love her? She’s a useless human.”
There’s something in his tone. Something I’ve heard in my own voice. Is that jealousy?
“I’m sorry, I didn’t anticipate this happening. I’ve been stepping my game up with her, but I feel as if I’m failing.”
“Well try harder, your life is on the line.” Felix snarls.
Jericho gives a jerky nod and Festus sighs.
“I would hate to take matters into my own hands. Once the girl is out of the picture master will finally be free to cause chaos with his followers again.”
I grit my teeth as I watch them both go their separate ways. Pax lets out a long whistle once Felix disappears from our sight.
“That was something.”
“I’m going to have to take care of this. I’ll kill Festus if I have to and the boy as well.” I murmur.
“You really care about this girl don’t you?”
I fix Pax with a steely gaze. I won’t acknowledge that with an answer. He nods in affirmation but says nothing.
“I’ll keep my eyes on them like I said. If anything comes up you’ll be the first to know. I’ll talk to you soon.” He slips away into the night.
Jericho shows up bright and early in the morning.
“Natalie my love.”
My eyes narrow and the girl gives him a blank stare.
“I know it’s out of the blue but I want to take you to breakfast. I know I haven’t been the best boyfriend but I’m trying to change for you!” He bubbles.
“How delightful.” I hiss.
“Stan be nice.” She murmurs.
I go to shoot her a death glare but she gives me that all knowing look. When she sticks her tongue out at me I lose my resolve. I chuckle and shrug; letting her run the show.
“Can Stan come to breakfast with us? His parents have been going through some things and he’s had to stay here.” She lies smoothly.
Jericho stares at me; there’s something behind that stare.
“Yea sure, he can come.”
“Cool wait here! We’re going to go get dressed.”
She lets him in and drags me to the room, totally implying that we are getting dressed together. The minute she closes the door I’m on her. I crush my lips to hers hungrily.
Her protests sound half hearted. I pull back just a little to gaze into her eyes.
“I’m sorry; it was kinda hot watching you manipulate him, usually you’re so meek.” I laugh.
“Thank you Lucifer.” She deadpans.
“He knows about us by the way.” I say slowly.
“He what?” She whisper yells.
She whirls around, eyes wide. I shrug nonchalant as always.
“In all honesty, I don’t care what he does or doesn’t know.”
Felix has no idea I’m two steps ahead of him and his little spy.
“What the fuck Lucifer?” She’s angry.
“It’s fine, please trust me.”
She sighs and we finish getting dressed. Let’s just get this stupid date over with.
I’m zoning out all throughout breakfast. Honest to father this shit is fucking boring. Jericho is gushing about whatever the fuck and has his hands all over the girl. She’s letting him, of course she has to play a part, but my jealous brain is telling me she likes it. I’m tired of these human feelings. I look up just in time to watch him kiss all over her neck. I growl low, my jaw clenching and ball my hand into a fist. In a movement to fast to be human; I flick the water cup so it spills all over him.
“Oh no Jericho!” Natalie gasps.
I scoff, what a fucking drama queen.
“Damn you should get that cleaned up.” I sneer.
He shoots me a look that I think is supposed to be intimidating. I flash him a sinister smile, making sure to flash my sharp teeth. I’ll rip out his jugular in front of everyone.
“Stan’s right! You need to go dry off with the hand dryers! We’ll be right here when you get back!”
“How did I get so lucky with a girl like you Natalie? You treat me so well.”
He turns to look at me. “Maybe one day you’ll get lucky too Stan.” His voice is flat.
I snarl, almost too loudly, and Natalie kicks me under the table.
“Sometimes I think I’m the lucky one.” She blows him a kiss.
I gag loudly. I want them to fucking hear my disdain.
Jericho shuffles out of the booth and rushes to the bathroom.
“Lucifer quit it.” She hisses.
“Me? You two are basically fucking at the table!”
She reaches over the table and slaps me across the face. I snarl at her, my eyes flashing angrily.
“What the fuck girl?”
“The only person I ever fucked and will ever fuck is you. You can be so dense sometimes. This was your plan anyway.” She huffs.
I don’t even listen to her anymore. A thrill shoots down my spine hearing her use such explicit language. The thought of such dirty, harsh words coming out of those pink, plump lips makes me fucking twitch.
“Wh....what did you just say?” My voice barely louder than a whisper.
She gives me a peculiar look before her eyes light up in understanding.
“Do you want me to fuck you Lucifer?” She breathes.
I groan and lean back in the booth.
“Yes, please.” I beg.
I’m such a fucking bitch. She wets her lips before sinking her teeth into her plump bottom lip and suck it back into her mouth. My brows furrow, she’s teasing me and fuck if it’s not working.
“You’ve been a bad angel Lucifer. What should your punishment be?”
I suck in a sharp breath, my body wound tight in anticipation. I’ll take anything she gives me at this point; I just want relief.
“Got my shirt dry!”
Fuck, he’s back and there goes my mood. Our moment is severed by Jericho’s reappearance. Natalie plasters a smile on her face as she looks at him but I can’t be bothered to pretend.
I watch Jericho for the rest of this date. When we get ready to go he pulls me aside. My eyes narrow in disgust at his touch, filthy human scum.
“Stan the man! I need to be honest with you.” He whispers.
I pry his hand off me forcibly. “First off, don’t ever fucking touch me again. Second what is it you want?” I snap.
“Look I appreciate you being Natalie’s best friend and all, but I would love to spend some alone time with her. She is my girlfriend you know.” He says the last sentence slowly, waggling his eyebrows.
I give him a blank stare, trying to be calm as possible when I go to answer him.
“That’s something you should ask her isn’t it?” It comes out through gritted teeth.
I’m not the girl’s fucking keeper.
“I just wanted to make sure were cool Stan!” He pats my shoulder.
A hiss escapes me as my hands twitch. Relax Lucifer. You can’t kill him. Yet. He says nothing else and rushes back to Natalie’s side. He whispers some shit in her ear and I see her look back at me before looking back at him. He mumbles something else and then they’re both gone. The girl being dragged away from me.
I have a phone call to make.
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ljones41 · 5 years
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"DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" (1971) Review I might as well be frank. After my recent viewing of "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER", I have come to the conclusion that it just might truly be the worst or second worst Bond movie ever released by EON Productions. I certainly view it as an unworthy follow-up to the superb "ON HER MAJESTY’S SECRET SERVICE". Yet, despite my low opinion of the movie, I also found it to be very funny. 
The movie’s pre-credits started the movie out with a montage featuring Bond’s search for Ernst Stravos Blofeld, head of SPECTRE and the man responsible for the brutal murder of the agent’s wife of a few hours, Teresa Bond. And yet . . . the movie had never clearly stated that Bond wanted revenge for his wife’s death. Rather curious. I suppose that Broccoli and Saltzman wanted the audience to forget about "ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE" . . . and at the same time, remember that Bond had a reason to seek revenge against Blofeld. The movie eventually unfolded a tale featuring a diamond smuggling operation from South Africa to Amsterdam and finally to Las Vegas. Apparently, the operation seemed to becoming to an end, since two assassins – the very funny Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd, played by Bruce Glover and Putter Smith – seemed to be killing every courier/link that formed the smuggling ring. Her Majesty’s government, worried that the stability of the diamond market might be threatened if all the hoarded diamonds are released at the same time, ordered MI-6 to investigate. M assigned Bond to investigate the matter. At first, the British agent (along with diamond smuggler Tiffany Case, Felix Leiter and the CIA) discovered that a reclusive American millionaire named Willard Whyte might be behind the smuggling operation and the murders. But this proves to be a red herring and Bond finally realized that Blofeld (whom he thought he had killed in the pre-credit sequence) had taken control of Whyte’s business operation to use the diamonds to create a satellite with a powerful laser on board in order to blackmail the world. And of course, Bond destroyed Blofeld’s operation before the villain could blow up Washington D.C. What is it about "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" that made it such a terrible Bond movie? One of the main culprits had to be Richard Maibaum and Tom Mankiewicz’s screenplay. Their first mistake came in the form of Bond’s search for Ernst Stravo Blofeld in the movie’s pre-credit sequence. It all seemed so vague . . . almost pointless. In fact, it seemed as if the screenwriters and producers Cubby Broccoli and Harry Saltzman had been torn between a desire to make fans forget about "ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE"’s tragic ending and a fear that those same fans might not forget. Which would explain why the movie’s opening found Bond traveling from one location to another in search of Blofeld. He even managed to nearly strangle one contact with her bikini top, titillating certain fans of the franchise. Yet, not once did Bond ever mention his late bride or her murder – obviously the main reason behind his search for SPECTRE’s leader. I could not help but conclude that the entire sequence was nothing but a cop-out. And the story had failed to improve following the opening credits. I never could understand why Her Majesty’s government had deemed it necessary for MI-6 to investigate a diamond smuggling operation. Why not seek the assistance of an agency like Interpol or something? And why would the CIA be interested in such a case? Both MI-6 and CIA’s interest all came about before the revelation of Blofeld using the diamonds to create a weapon to extort the major superpowers. And I never could understand this. Bond’s investigation took him to Amsterdam, impersonating one of the links in the smuggling operation – Peter Franks. From this point forward, a serious of implausible moments appeared in the story. After a fight with the real Peter Franks, who had appeared at Tiffany Case’s Amsterdam apartment, Bond planted his own wallet in the dead smuggler’s jacket. Tiffany discovered the wallet and expressed dismay at the idea of someone killing 'James Bond'. Could someone please explain how a diamond smuggler would know about a MI-6 government agent, yet have no knowledge of Blofeld or the fact that he had been her actual boss? And there are more implausible moments to follow: -After Mr. Slumber prevented Bond from being incinerated, Bond accused him and Shady Tree of giving him bad money (they saved him, because he had switched the real diamonds for fakes). Yet, he pocketed the ’bad money’and used it at one of the Vegas hotel/casinos. -Bond and Tiffany found dead prostitute Plenty O’Toole in the latter’s Vegas swimming pool. Apparently, there had been a scene in which Plenty (who had been dumped out of Bond’s hotel room and into a swimming pool by gangsters working for Tiffany) had returned to Bond’s room and found Tiffany’s purse. If this is true, I can see why this scene had been cut, because it lacked sense. But why had EON Productions failed to cut the scene featuring the discovery of Plenty’s body, as well? -The stunt featuring Bond’s two-wheeler driving of Tiffany’s Red Mustang through a narrow alley seemed . . . questionable. -Why on earth did Bond bother to wear a tuxedo in order to break into Willard Whyte’s penthouse? -Since Blofeld had left instructions to Bond (impersonating as SPECTRE minion, Burt Saxby’s voice) over the telephone to kill Willard Whyte, how did Saxby learn of the assignment in order to appear at Whyte’s house to do the job? -Why would Tiffany be suspicious of a Blofeld in drag and tail him, when she never knew how he looked in the first place? And I doubt that she knew about the cat. "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER"’s script had ended in a rather disappointing showdown on a SPECTRE-controlled oil rig off Baja California. Come to think of it, Blofeld’s "death" and Bond’s showdown with Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd seemed equally lame. The movie had also marked Sean Connery’s last appearance as the agent in an EON Productions’ Bond film. He returned following George Lazenby’s decision not to continue with the Bond role. Granted, Connery’s performance had its moments. He seemed to be at his funniest in this movie, displaying a true flair for comedy. And his elevator fight with Joe Robinson (portraying Peter Franks0 made it apparent that he had not lost his touch with action films, following a four-year hiatus from the Bond franchise. And yet . . . I could not help but wish that Lazenby had continued his tenure as James Bond, following "ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE". Perhaps the Australian’s presence could have guaranteed a more serious follow-up to Tracy Bond’s death. Then again . . . perhaps not. And despite Connery’s comedic touch, he seemed to have lost some of the fire that had made his earlier performances as Bond so memorable. In fact, he seemed to have sailed through the entire movie without any true depth. There seemed to be a split opinion amongst fans regarding Jill St. John’s performance as smuggler Tiffany Case. Some viewed the red-haired Tiffany as a funny, smart and sassy woman. Others regarded her as nothing more than a bubble-headed bimbo. Personally, I agree with both views. I liked St. John’s sharp portrayal of Tiffany in the movie’s first hour or so. She portrayed the smuggler as a sharp-tongued woman who was shrewd enough to keep Bond’s paws off of her, until she needed him for her advantage. And she helped Bond infiltrate Willard Whyte’s desert laboratory. But once Blofeld was revealed to be alive, Tiffany became this idiot bimbo who allowed herself to get caught by Blofeld; and who helped Bond on the oil rig and later against Wint and Kidd with great ineptitude. Her character seemed to have lost its steam by the movie’s last half-hour. Charles Gray, who had been last seen as a murdered MI-6 agent in "YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE", became the third actor to portray SPECTRE leader Ernst Blofeld on screen. I have to give points to the British actor for being the wittiest villain in the franchise’s history. Although he had spent most of his on-screen time in the movie’s second half, more witticism streamed out of Gray’s mouth than any other actor or actress. And as funny as he was, this abundance of witticism had also lessened his impact as a villain, I am sorry to say. This seemed rather odd for an actor like Gray, who has proven to be more intimidating in other roles. "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER"’s supporting cast had seemed at best, a mixed blessing. Not many Bond fans have been impressed by Norman Burton’s gruff performance as CIA agent Felix Leiter. Frankly, I found his gruffness rather amusing and witty . . . in a deliciously acidic way. Speaking of gruffness, Bernard Lee seemed downright acerbic and hostile during his brief appearance as M. Neither Lois Maxwell and Desmond Llewellyn as Moneypenny and Q, respectively, came off as memorable in this movie. Marc Lawrence and Sig Haig had portrayed two of the gangsters who popped up during Bond’s first day in Las Vegas. Unfortunately, they came off as movie gangsters from a 30s crime melodrama, instead of modern day thugs. Donna Garratt and Trina Parks portrayed Willard Whyte’s bodyguards, Bambi and Thumper. I must admit that they were memorable, although Ms. Parks had struck me as a bit of a drama queen. Lana Wood (Natalie Wood’s younger sister) portrayed the unfortunate Plenty O’Toole. And honestly? I now feel that Ms. Wood was one of THE WORST actresses to appear in a Bond movie. Okay, make that the second worst. I consider the actress who had dubbed Marguerite Le Wars’ voice (the actress who played the photographer in "DR. NO") to be the worst. Speaking of bad acting, who on earth had the bright idea to cast Country-Western singer, Jimmy Dean, as Willard Whyte? No wonder he had never pursued a movie career. Dean must have been the biggest ham in the movie, considering his tendency to bellow nearly every word that came out of his mouth. Hollywood star Bruce Cabot ("KING KONG" [1933]) seemed like a waste of time in his role as Blofeld minion, Burt Saxby. What a shame, especially since "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" was his last film. The movie’s bright spot came in the forms of Bruce Glover and Putter Smith as Blofeld’s assassins, Mr. Wint and Mr. Kidd. Glover and Smith portrayed these two hitmen (and possible lovers?) with wit, style and a delicious touch of menace. It seemed a shame that they were killed off in one of the lamest action sequences of any Bond film. I am trying to think of a Bond movie directed by Guy Hamilton that has really impressed me. So far, I cannot think of one."DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" is certainly not that movie. Granted, it has its bright points – the witty humor, a sassy Tiffany Case in the film’s first half, a great fight scene between Connery and Robinson; along with Bruce Glover and Putter Smith. I would also like to add that I also enjoyed the film’s musical score by John Barry and the theme song, performed by Shirley Bassey. Granted, the song lacked the excitement and brashness of "GOLDFINGER" and the lyrical beauty of "MOONRAKER", but I still managed to enjoy it. But considering some of the second-rate performances found in this movie, along with poor editing and piss poor writing by Maibaum and Mankiewicz, "DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER" strikes me as being the complete nadir of the Bond franchise. And that is saying something about a movie that I still enjoy watching . . . much to my continuing surprise.
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