#I think it's useful to understand that just because you have a reaciton
sarafinamk · 2 months
Fallen Angel Incorrect Quotes Part 2: Electric Boogaloo
Warning: Cursing
The Smiling Critters Space Riders Au and the character "Z" belongs to @onyxonline
If you haven't checked out the Fallen Angel (Reader Insert) series, you can check out the Masterlist here. The reader will be referred to as both (Y/n) and Archangel. Enjoy!
*Archangel trying on a new outfit*
Crafty: Do you or do you not feel bonita?
Archangel: I feel bonita.
Crafty: Wonderful! Because you look bonita!
Bobby: The reason why you hate physical contact even though you're extremely touch deprived is because it's been so long since you felt loving physical contact from another living being that your brain misperceives it as a threat.
Bobby: So Picky brought home this raspberry lemonade-
*One of the many, MANY fights before the events of Fallen Angel*
Archangel: You'd be stupid to lay a hand on me.
Hoppy: Oh, you'd be surprised how much stupid shit I do.
Archangel: If bees can be fish and boys can be girls, then why can't my dad love me?
Hoppy: I thought I was going to have to yell at you, but now I think I should hug you.
Bobby: A party is a celebration of life, bringing people together to let the guest of honor know how much they're loved. (Y/n) has done so much for us. This is our chance to do something for them.
Bubba: By forcing them to have fun at a party that they don't want to be at?
Bobby: I knew you'd understand.
Archangel: Still not over how yesterday when we landed, Hoppy said we arrived 50 minutes early because she took some "shortcuts."
Archangel: Excuse me, we were in space, what do you mean???
Archangel: I desire moisture.
Picky: Please just say "I want water" like a normal person.
Hoppy: (Y/n) is mad at me, and I'm not sure why.
Bubba: Okay, did you talk before they got upset?
Hoppy: ...yes?
Bubba: That's probably it.
Some fan: I wanna be an archangel!
Archangel: What the fuck do you want this shit for? I kill people, all right? Their blood is on my hands! Every night, when I go to sleep, I see their FUCKING faces staring at me! Their families weep, and I FEEL NOTHING! I'M DEAD INSIDE!
That same fan: Man, I want some of that in my life!
Bubba: Don't weep for the stupid. You'll be crying all day.
Archangel: There is no future. There is no past. Don't you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that people insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every fact.
Picky: ... All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first.
Archangel: What is love?
Dogday: An emotional minefield.
Bubba: A neurochemical reaciton.
Kickin: Baby don't hurt me.
Bubba: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!
Hoppy: You left me, (Y/n), and Catnap in a Walmart parking lot at 2 AM a day ago.
Bubba: I did that on purpose, try again.
Archangel: I'm not funny, I'm just really mean and people think I'm joking.
Z: You're alive.
Archangel: No need to sound so disappointed.
Dogday: I'm going to ask you to be respectful.
Archangel: I will politely decline.
Archangel: And I'd love to be sorry for that, but we all know I've done much, much worse.
Picky: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Archangel: I think you mean cards.
Crafty: She did not.
Picky, pulling out knives: I did not.
Archangel: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.
The Space Riders: Awwww.
Archangel: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything."
The Space Riders: Oh.
Archangel: Who the fuck-
Dogday: Language!
Archangel: Whom the fuck-
Dogday: No.
Author's Note: Now that I made a lot of progress with my thesis paper, I'm going to focus on finishing Chapter 3. I don't have an exact date, but it is coming soon. Thank you for your understanding.
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pennamenotfound · 1 year
Was rewatching highlights of C3 ep42, the one right after the Chetney werewolf fight, and the moment when Laudna takes Fearne aside to ask her to teach her to use fire magic really stuck out to me.
First of all, there’s got to be that moment where Fearne thinks Laudna is going to confront her about the coin toss. We know from four sided dive and from what she literally says to Laudna in that conversation that Fearne feeling super guilty about it.
And then Laudna goes, like, hey I have magic but your magic is really cool and will you teach me?
And Fearne goes ‘oh, I would absolutely love to help with that,’ and she follows it up with a mountain of compliments: what a good idea. you’re going to be so good at it. It’ll totally work with your aesthetic. I’m excited about this
And then she takes a breath and she looks down and she goes ‘how does it feel to be alive again?’
Like it’s the only thing on her mind. She can’t stop thining about it. It throws Laudna for a loop and Fearne says oh I was trying to just slip it in there. And that’s just... what? Like, oh you like my magic? oh, yes I’d love to teach you fire magic. you’re gonna be awesome at it. what a good idea. It’ll fit right in with your aesthetic HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE ALIVE AGAIN.
And to me it fits with Fearne’s impulsive nature to not be able to stop herself from bringing it up. Not when she’s feeling so guilty. 
Laudna responds ‘it feels incredible. I’m still grappling with the lengths you all went to to get me back. I’m still not sure if i’m free of Delilah. I’m not easily afraid but I’m still afraid of myself.’ 
Fearne responds ‘I understand the feeling.’ And i like to think this is Fearne feeling if not fear exactly then hesitation about giving into her impulses from this point forward. Because for the next few episodes, Fearne isn’t really stealing that much? like it used to be just all the time. And maybe Ashley is just forgetting because, you know, moon aliens and Ludinus Da’leth and airport casino, but... I like to see it as Fearne realizing that her impulsivity can do real harm. She’s stepped on her proverbial rake, to call back to Orym and Dorian’s conversation from episode one.
And the next thing she says (at least in the marisharaygun highlight video i was watching) is ‘I feel pretty terrible that I flipped a coin for your lives. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to make the decision myself and then it felt so flippant and terrible.’
That backs it up, in my opinion. She thought she was being flippant. She saw that it caused real harm. She’s being less flippant now.
And then laudna goes, ‘I support the decision.’
This is the line in the marisharaygun video that made me start writing this because oh my god ahhhhhhhhh.
I should preface that there’s obviously the theory that Fearne didn’t flip at all. She never showed the coin to anybody, and then she tried to keep it, which could be evidence that Fearne chose Orym, that Orym is, in her own words, her best friend, that she’d never let him die. I don’t know if I believe that, but my theory about laudna’s words here works either way. 
I don’t believe Laudna was talking about the coin flip, or at least, not entirely. I think she was talking about saving Orym. It was Fearne who cast the Revivify, after all. Laudna is saying here, not only ‘I support your not choosing, leaving it up to fate,’ but also saying, ‘it is right that Orym got to live.’
And it’s just more kindling on the pile of Laudna doesn’t see her life as worth as much as the people around her. 
And I think Fearne sees that too. because the next thing that happens, when Fearne teaches Laudna to cast Fireball, Fearne’s immediate reaciton to Laudna asking where she should aim is ‘AIM AT ME.’
Sure, she’s a circle of wildfire druid with a fire elemental spirit monkey, sure, she probably didn’t think Laudna would be able to conjure much fire on her first try. But also, I think there’s some part of Fearne that feels like laudna should get the chance to be angry at her; to punish her. To take something out at her for making the choice---or not choosing, for that matter. 
And of course laudna doesn’t want to hurt her. That isn’t Laudna’s way. 
But anyway, that scene made me go fucking apeshit and i don’t know if any of this is coherent. anyway enjoy i guess
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I totally understand your point about biological fatherhood vs. familial roles and relationships vs. the stories people tell. We simply don’t know how much Freddie knows about the situation and what he’s being told. I guess my concern is the way he’s being put on display for Briana and Louis’ benefit. Briana has used Freddie to gain followers and stir up fandom drama (remember when F had a temporary tattoo of an anchor, in the same spot Harry does?). The arcade video of Louis and Freddie appeared shortly before the Away from Home Festival. The Tomlinsons being very public about Freddie spending Christmas in Doncaster comes a few months before Louis’ first world tour as a solo artist (and maybe the release of new music). The timing is not mere coincidence. Whether Louis is the father or not, I am troubled by the way the adults in Freddie’s life expose him on social media. Compare it to the way we don’t even know what Bear or Khai’s faces look like and, well, the difference is striking. As I said, we absolutely do not know what is told to Freddie in private. But publicly, Louis is his father. And it’s this disparity that worries me. Even if Freddie is in the dark about this situation right now, it’s not going to stay that way forever. Louis paying Briana’s bills doesn’t give him the right to use a kid as some weird sort of promo. Louis being the biological father doesn’t give him the right to use a kid as some weird sort of promo. That’s my concern: This child’s exposure on social media (for the benefit of other people) when he doesn’t understand the implications and is too young to consent.
So I'm going to pull out a few different threads from here, because I think you're rolling quite a lot of things together.
First of all a general principle - I think it's a pretty shitty thing to do to make up a story about someone and blame them for your story. Therefore if you're going to get into judging people (and even more if you're going to ask other people to join in) you have to be really sure that you know what's going on. Otherwise you can say 'if this is true'.
What really stands out to me is that you're making some huge leaps. You seem to be assuming that Louis being filmed at a distance must have been something he intended and that this video that was only seen among the most engaged was somehow intentionally connected to a gig that was happening a month later.
That seems wildly unlikely to me. Not just 'there are other options', but 'there is absolutely no reason to think that's true'. I've always thought the most likely explanation for the video of Louis and Freddie in the arcade is that they did hang out, and this was just the first time it was caught on camera.
I would make similar points about a lot of other connections you're making. Just because Harry is pretty central to your world doesn't mean he's central to other people's. Why would you assume that a really common fake tattoo of Freddie's had anything to do with Harry?
As to the larger question, I do think that social media and children is very fraught. But there's nothing unique about this particular case. While some famous people hide their children's identity there are lots who don't. And in this era it's not just famous people who are risking that their children might be exposed in ways that they cannot consent to, every parent who posts about their child is taking that risk. In particular, what you see to be judging here is motivations, but you have no idea of their motivations. I'm not particularly into judging the way parents use social media, because it seems complex and hard to navigate to me. But I'm not going to argue with people making those judgements based on what they can do. I will look sideways at people who assume someone else's motivations without evidence and judge them for it.
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Thank you for your wonderful writing! Could you please do ennoshita and spin the bottle? I hope you have a wonderful week!
The Second Mother of Karasuno? Love him! And of course, love! Thank you for enjoying my writing!! And thank you so very much for requesting! -Admin Satori
Ennoshita Chikara: Spin The Bottle
“I didn’t think you guys would be… interested in this kind of game…”
“Why not? It’s part of the ‘young life’ experience, isn’t it?”
You blushed and scratched the back of your head, “Well, yeah.. But.. You guys don’t go to Yuuji’s or Ryuu’s parties…”
It’d been a secret invite. Given to you by your friend Kenma. A secret invite to a more or less secret party that wasn’t to be shared with anyone.. No matter how curious or hard they pried, absolutely no one but those invited should know about this party.
The moment you’d walked in, and even leading up to the actual arrival time, everything felt a bit… off? A little weird?
“They’re too loud for use to enjoy anything…” Akaashi’s calm green gaze had you taking your seat across from him - almost like a prey caught in a snakes gaze. Your movements were slow, worried if any sudden movement would have some kind of animalistic negative effect. But this was Akaashi. Calm, cool, collected Akaashi…
At a secretly made second year of college party.. Where the invite list was short, but the amenities had all that was involved at a regular party. Drinks and snacks in the kitchen, some random TV show on in the living room, conversations between friends and nervous glances between crushes… Just….
Minus the drunkard actions of the loud friends.
“So…” You glanced around at the attendees, seeing they were all… generally quiet unless provoked. Kyoutani, Narita, Shirabu, Kenma, Kinoshita, Osamu, Yahaba, Watari, Aone, Fukunaga…. Thinking of them individually, you realized they were within the spectrum of socially adverse to almost mute… The girls that had decided to show up, interested in the quiet brooding types, were a few of the book worms you’d seen practically living in the library. “So pretty much… This is just…”
“A calm party, yes. What’s so hard to understand about it?”
Before you could answer though, or rather defend your very real surprise, the front door opened, “Sorry, sorry… Yuu and Ryuu were following me after class for some notes… I had to throw them in the air to make an escape…” You met Ennoshita’s eyes as he turned to assess the room, “Uh.. The-The notes… not- Anyway..” He cleared his throat, and you couldn’t help but smile as you turned back to the set up before you…
Spin The Bottle. With the brooding bunch.
Of that bunch… You had your eye on one in particular…
Ennoshita set down his personal things before taking his seat, the two of you were friends as it was so you weren’t surprised when he sat beside you. He gave you a sheepish smile, “If we’re lucky, they decided grades were better than following me for tutoring.” You smiled almost sadly, knowing you weren’t a very lucky person - but he nudged you to gain your attention once more, “I’ve got enough luck for the both of us, don’t worry.”
“You don’t mind sharing, then?” He chuckled at your hopeful, teasing, question and shook his head.
“With you? Not at all….” His brown eyes glanced at the others, “The rest of you have to find your own luck.”
Kenma shrugged, “We wouldn’t be playing this game if we weren’t lucky.”
You spun the bottle, deciding to hurry up the process and start the game already. It spun and spun, “Let’s see if you’re lucky, Kenma.” He was interrupted mid-eye roll as the bottle pointed at him, “Ooooh~ Very lucky.” You giggled as you leaned over the table and pecked his nose. His golden eyes stared at you, surprised you hadn’t gone for an actual kiss, but you shrugged, “You’re too cute to steal a kiss from.”
“Not cute enough to get a real kiss, though.” A heavy, playfully irritated sigh left your lips at Kyoutani’s playful jab. While his voice made it rougher than it needed to be, Kenma seemed to relax some - the light jab at his appearance somehow correlating to his social anxiety being wiped out. He was among friends, and you were a friend. A kiss to the lips would have made it awkward on his side, so while his pride took a beating at the absent kiss… He was thankful you hadn’t pushed that onto him.
Going down the line, everyone had a chance to spin. Kyoutani landed on Ennoshita, a rough kiss having the latter rubbing at his lips with the collision. Akaashi landed on one of the girls Yahaba had brought with him, a soft kiss from him having the girls face flushing with embarrassment. Osamu landing on the same girl, though his half-assed kiss didn’t seem to give her the same reaciton.
On and on it went, spin - kiss. Spin -  kiss. Over and over. You’d been kissed by Aone, soft and awkward, by Narita, shy and short, and one of the girls, Mio.
Now it was Ennoshita’s spin. And you couldn’t help but feel…. Anxious. You’d had a crush on him for… well, since you first met him. And while you’d been good at being his friend, making your way into his list of people to trust…. You hadn’t been able to make it past that and into his heart. You hadn’t been able to gather the courage to confess.
And if he landed on one of the girls, or even on Akaashi because lets’ face it… You had no competition if it was against that silent angel… You were worried you’d loose that chance altogether. You’d lose him to a possible spark he’d have with someone else’s kiss.
But who were you to challenge luck? You weren’t lucky… You wouldn’t get-
The bottle pointed at you. Directly at you. As if you’d physically turned it to face you.
Ennoshita turned his head to follow the bottle, a smile… with some meaning you couldn’t place… lit his expression. He was pleased, at the very least… Was he happy? You met his eyes and almost hiccuped as he casually leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. Easy. Quick. You hadn’t even had time to count your blessings before his soft lips were against yours.
Then they were gone and you were left wanting for more… Your eyes still closed, the ghost of his taste still lingering on your lips…. “Wow… Chaste… Kind of robbed, huh?”
You opened your eyes, finding it hard to contain your slight disappointment at the quick kiss before you noticed Ennoshita shrugging easily, “She knows I love her… She’s my girlfriend, remember?”
Silence filled the room. Awkward silence. Awkward coming from you, silence coming from them as you struggled to catch your breath. Girlfriend? Since when? You set your hand on his arm, his eyes meeting yours almost immediately. Your entire expression showed your confusion. Your mouth moved to show you wanted to ask, wanted to form your questions of loss. But all you could come up with was, “Wha…?”
Curious eyes focused on Ennoshita as he glanced around the room, “We’ve… been dating…?” He met your eyes again before a blush overcame his face, “oh….. Oh, my God….” He covered his face with both hands before laying his head down on the table, a quiet whine escaping him at the realization of what he misunderstood.
His embarrassment. His absolute shame at his faulty social queues… had your laugh turning into a snort as you struggled to hold in your amusement. Eyes on you now, you couldn’t help but letting that contained laughter free. Ennoshita groaned, not appreciating your humor in the situation, but the wobbly smile you spied on his face had you leaning against him, “Awww, so you’re my cute boyfriend, now?” Another groan had you giggling, “You really did share your luck with me.”
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 years
5:49 PM 4/23/2021
The Falcon and The Winter Solder ep6
So when Marvel Movie Marathons return to movie theaters, are they going to include Falcon & Winter Soldier (and WandaVision)? Because The Falcon and The Winter Soldier is pretty much like 3 movies.
I'm kind of glad this ep begins by kind of quelching theories about Sharon being the Power Broker. They needed another hand to help for this mission. So no use complicating things by making Sharon a secret bad guy. Still, why did she hire that French mercenary Batroc?
It's really cool how Sam throws the shield then catches it mid flight. *o*
Karli is really escalating, but it happened so gradually, you can feel her followers didn't know how they got to this point.
Wait. What? I gotta pay attention vs typing notes. ...Oh, the NYPD chopper got clipped.
"I don't wanna hurt people that don't matter." Ouch.
Maybe it's just me, but I like that they got an Asian woman to play the random extra with the helicopter training. Ayla. Especially now that AAPI community is trying to get visibility vs the hate crimes lately. And I really like this idea of Captain America working with normal people. It gives a sense that he's really part of the community, represents it, and will fight for it. And he'll best represent the will of the people.
I don't know how I want this fight between Karli and Walker to go. Man...
Oh, she brought the hostages to Bucky. How convenient.
Oh, I guess we gotta have some pathos for Walker. I gueeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssssss~ -.-
Oh wow. The vehical got caught again. By Falcon---SORRY. I mean Captain America. Goddamn, how did I make that mistake when that's what this whole series is about?!!!
I know the crowd reaction---the extras aknowleding that Sam is no loinger "Falcon" but "Captain America"---is cheesy, but I'm crying. I love sincerity. ;u;
"You of all people bought into that bullshit?" I love that the antagonist and the protagonist of this series recognize their ideological connection. So that Karli can speakwith camraderie and disappointment when she has a fight with Sam, instead of fights just being "Argh~! I hate you! *violence*!".
Maybe Sharon is the Power Broker. Wait. Did that mercenary Batroc just arm Karli? Oh, the smoke screen was just Flag Smasher backup.
Shouldn't Bucky go with Sam since Sam isn't a Super Soldier? Can't leave Walker alone because he's going to do something crazy, huh? Anyway, Sam is Captain America now. It shouldn't matter if he has super strength or not. He's got the character and brains.
Oh man, Sharon really is the Power Broker. Ug. Kind of weird to hear that Sharon wants an Empire.
Oh, they're going for the sacrifice-redemption route?
"I'm not gonna fight you!" I like that that's what a shield is for. And I like that it demonstrates that Sam believes in negotiation and people understanding each other, more than just fighting. It reiterates that Sam believes that violence is a last resort, and has a character we can believe in. Or at least a character I can admire and believe in. Throughout this series, I've really liked the emphasis on Sam's skills as a soldier counsellor. It's those skills, reiterated on his purely defensive fighting style vs Karli in this scene that have convinced me he is best to be Captain America.
"Stay down". Ooh. Reference.
Before you die, tell Sam that Sharon is the Power Broker! I like that Karli's last words were "I'msorry". I really think it captures the dichotomy of her motivations. She wanted to do good things, but she was doing bad things, to do good things...
Wow. Angelic pose.
I'm surprised this episode is short. Feels a little cut short. But it's an action and stunt heavy ep, they can't afford too much. No, wait. I forgot that Disney+'s mintue counter is different from Netflix's. The number on the right is how much time is remaining, now the total episode length.
Sam's monologe was beginning to feel a little bit cheesey or rather, artificial, but that reaction shot to Isaiah really got to me. Crying again. ;u;
Bringing it back to the plot, reminding them to ask why Karli did what she did, really help ground this monologe too.
I liked that Sam equated the decisions the council would make, to having the same impact as what Thanos did.
So is Sharon going to walk-off a gunshot??? lol Superhero logic! lol
I'm really in denial about Sharon being the Power Broker, because I just don't want it to be true!!! ;O; Tho, I am a sucker for the ambiguous, "on no one's side" female character. Plays into the Universal Mother Goddess archetype that I love from mythology.
GASP! When that military guy told the Flag Smasher prisoners their motto "One world, one people", I thought that meant they were going to be rescued from the Raft. Not exploded! O.O!!!
Wait. So is this old guy the *real* Power Broker? The statement that Sharon was the Power Broker was said by Karli, afterall. Not an admission straight from Sharon herself.
Oh,it was Zemo's butler.
"Or did I?" Stop it, Elaine. lol
It's probably the helmet. lol I'm sure the costume department designed that first helmet to make him look goofy on purpose, when he first appeared. So you'd recognize "Captain America, but ASKEWED". So I guess they gotta fix that now that he's going to stick around and in a different, US Agent role that better suits him.
I must be color blind because I didn't notice his suit was black. I thought it was just the scene'slighting, shadow.
And Disney+ crashed. omg. At least it was during the epilogue scenes.
Oh..Here we go. Bucky is going to confess to killig Nakajima's son. ;~;!!!!!!!
I like that the shrine to his son is visible whenever he opens his door. I wish I could be thoughtful enough to shoot compositions like that. Today is Figure Friday.
Well, if Nakajima wants to hit him or hate him, that's fair. Wow. They cut out his reaciton to Bucky's confession. Well, more than that "Why?" and silent reaciton.
So Bucky just gave away Steve's book?
Well, at least the waitress is keeping Nakajima company.
I like how Isaiah is so old but he so easily picks up that GIANT potted tree. So casually portrayed too! lol
I mean, it's a great gesture if Sam got the Smithsonian to put Isaiah into the museum. But isn't publicity going to get him killed by some shady organization trying to cover up what they did? I'm afraid for him! Aw, but it means so much to Isaiah! ;O;!!!!!!!!!! Maybe the exhibit only mentions how he saved that group of POWs, and not that he was part of a Super Soldier program.
So is this ending theme a Marvin Gay song? After all that dialogue setting up how much Marvin Gay's music means to Sam, it would only make sense to use it as the ending theme.
Is there a post credits scene...?
So is Sharon going to use her pardon as just freedom to move into more territories as the Power Broker? Mysterious slow motion! ...Kind of sad that she's a "bad guy" now tho. But hey, they got to use the ironic line, "The Carter name has always been synonymous with service and trust." to add so much intrigue. Well, it's very possible something big with her character could happen in one of the movies and she'll then stop being the Power Broker. I mean, SHIELD was revealed to be infiltrated by Hydra in one of the movies. I mean, being the Power Broker wouldn't be bad if she wasn't arming criminals...and stealing art to replace with replicas so that underground elite could buy the authentic art...And probably lots of other crimes that hurt people... Ugh. She's a bad guy now. o_o;
Y'know, a lot of the powerful authority figures in the villains side have been women in this series. The crime boss that Zemo met with, Contessa Val, and now Sharon Carter. It's a nice inclusion. If this was a few decades ago, all those characters would have been cast from white male stereotypes of 1950's Chicago mob bosses. Female representation!
Now I can watch everyone's reactions and browse Twitter without worrying about spoilers. ^_^
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ddtriohub · 7 years
“What’s this Farce?”
((I mean it was stated that even if you didn’t attend, you can think of it as the ideals being put on the newspaper or something. I’d assume that includes her being able to see the threads and so I mean, here is a thing, I guess. This includes both Ponsol and Shugarl’s thoughts on the matter because I wanted to be compact with this. Vasco and Mizumachi will not be added because they don’t exactly... follow the news...;;;;; ))
[Readmore because you know why]
“Bro, did you read the news? About Alaine?” Ponsol flipped the page of the newspaper in his hand, calling out to his brother who was watching the television. It was a lovely morning for the two of the brothers and they were spending some time together. 
Mainly because Ponsol had sent his brother an emergency call... to help him not burn down the kitchen. How one could royally fuck up that badly was beyond the older Geripeta. This was a very common occurrence, wouldn’t you know? This brat... so troublesome.
Contrary to what most believed, the two brothers did get along for the most part. They may bicker, they may talk ‘smack’ about the other, and they may end up fighting each other physically when they meet (a common habit between the brothers to relieve stress by sparring), but they did love the other. 
They just had a tougher way of showing it was all. 
Sipping on the coffee that Ponsol had prepared for him (don’t worry, he knows how to use a Keurig) he looked away from the TV to ask, "Who?"
"You know, that woman who is all over the news. The one saying something about abolishing fate?" Ponsol had to jog his brother's memory as he had the tendency to omit everything from his mind that was no of any use to him.
This, was not of any concern to him, obviously.
Nothing was jogging his memory. Perhaps it was and he was only acting as though it hadn't registered. It was hard to tell. Shugarl set his cup down on a coaster and looked over at Ponsol and flicked his eyes over to the cup.
"Yeah okay, sugar?"
A single grunt in reply.
So that answers that question. Ponsol started to prepare another cup of coffee for his brother and made sure to put the sugar away so he woudn't accidentally add in any. His brother did want any this time around.
The older of the two men stared off into the distance, reading the captions running across the screen of the TV. Ah... that's right. This was the woman who caused his colleages to ask him the question about fate and soulmates, wasn't it?
Why this was getting so much publicity and regard was beyond him. It was stupid then and certainly IT WAS STILL STUPID NOW. What a farce.
Soulmates were real but you were trying to abolish the system because people were fated to criminals and the like? What low percentage of people were? Secondly, if they were, they could certainly get out of it.
Many people probably were married to the wrong people. Could they still lead happy lives? Yes they could. There is no reason to abolish anything. What a ridiculous farce.
Ponsol returned to the room with a cup of coffee in hand and sat next to his brother on the couch. "What was your opinion on soul mates? Do you think it exists?" He was curious as to what his brother thought on the matter. Most likely the answer was what he was expecting: No.
"You can't scientifically prove such a thing, and thus it's stupid to believe in it. It's much too convenient and there are too many variables to consider. Moreover you could never know for a fact if you were truly with your fated one. If one of you were to die, would you then be fated to be single forever? Would you gain a new fated partner? Who is to truly say. What if you stole someone else's fated partner, does it then cause a chain reaciton of misplaced fated partners? You couldn't tell me that this process is more efficient than DNA Replication." Shugarl spat out these words as he accepted the coffe cup from his brother with a quiet word of thanks before he took a sip, hazel eyes still glued to the screen.
Ponsol could understand where his brother was coming from and it was true that there was some truth and insightful thinking to his words. These were reasonable questions and concerns. It was hard to truly say that such a convenient concept could be true. However, he thought differently-- for the most part.
"I think that soulmates aren't limited to just two people. I think it just goes to show that there is someone out there that is very compatible with you. Some more so than others. There could be a group of people you are very compatible with and they could be in a sense your 'soulmates'. It's like how you could fall in love in multiple people. This is why some people are just very comptabile with you. You love the way they sound, the way they look, love their scent... and more. I don't think it's wrong to think that Soulmates is just some title given to the ideal that someone is compatible with you and you could come to love them so much you'd believe it to be fate."
While a bit different from the concept of soulmates that the legend in Rouves raved about, it was an interesting spin on things. As expected of his brother. He grew worried at first that his brother had slowly become one of those mindless idiots who believes in anything the government may spew to control your mind.
It seemed he put some thought into things at least. He wouldn't blindly beleive in nothing. He had properly contemplated on the idealization of soulmates and came to his own conclusion. As long as his brain was consulted, that was enough for Shugarl.
"That is an interesting way of seeing it. A very realistic and biological way of thinking of love which is, as i'm sure you agree, a series of chemical reactions in the brain. It would make sense that some people out there are much more in-tune wiht you on a biological level and therefore you may naturally come to feel more attracted to them. No higher being was set into play here. It was just that: natural."
Pleased to know that his brother could understand him and his standpoint on the matter. It was at rare moments like these that Ponsol could enjoy being in his brother's presence. "I should have known better to think you would believe in soulmates." He snorted, sipping on a cup of tea that he prepared for himself.
Stopping mid-sip, Shugarl's eyes lowered to stare down into the darkness of the bitter coffee that was sitting in his cup. "That's where you are wrong. I did have a time when even I believed in fate and soulmates."
Honestly? This came to be a shock for Ponsol. He oculdn't begin to fathom the idea that his brother would even consider such a fallacy. However, when he thought on it, he could recall a time when his brother was very much unlike himself. No, he was starting to become like himself again, but was also staring anew.
It was HER, wasn't it? "Was it... Jenny? It certainly couldn't be Clarice." Ponsol was sure if anyone was able to get Shugarl to consider in such a thing like soulmates, it would have been Jenny. The girl back in highschool that Shugarl dated for a time, and he truly loved her. A lot.
The breakup hit Shugarl hard and he's never been the same ever since. Much more moody, and a lot more pessimistic. He couldn't trust people easily and he pushed everyone away.
The silence grew thick in the air aside from the distant mumbling sounds coming from the TV. That was all Ponsol needed to hear (or rather, not hear) to know that Shugarl had confirmed that only when he was dating Jenny did he start to believe in soulmates and the like.
Of course, with the way they broke up, that was another story entirely. Hazel eyes gazed over the words of how the idea of fate should be abolished as there were people who were fated to the wrong kinds of people. They were fated to bad people. Criminals. Those who were not suited for them.
Those words hung deep in Shugarl's subconsious.
Bad people. those who were not suited for them.
A certain picture of a blond came to mind. He wasn't suited for that person. A monster like him. He didn't deserve to be given any love. He wasn't meant to be loved. If such a thing as fate existed, then Shugarl was fated to give anyone who loved him pain.
Perhaps, before things got any further with Arashi, to prevent history from repeating itself he should--
"Don't be fucking stupid."
An irritated voice cut through the air, shocking Shugarl out of his mental reverie. Curiously, Shugarl turned to gaze at his brother who was now sporting and irritated look which was rare for anyone out in public to see. However, it was a face that Shugarl saw often.
With one leg crossed over the one, Ponsol was bouncing his leg up and down impatiently. "I can see it on your face. Your thinking something stupid again. You're getting into one of your pessimistic moods again. Stop that. It's fucking annoying when you do that. You turn out to be even more of a drag to be around. I was finally enjoying your company for once."
What a cheeky brat. Shugarl wasn't even mad. It was true that he was thinking negatively. It was also true that the two of them didn't have many favorable interactions. Not after... that time.
Things have changed and became strained after THAT happened.
Still, they cared very much for each other, but they were now hesitant to show this. They did not know how to act out their brotherly love for the other. "Amazing, to think you could look at someone long enough to see what they were thinking. Did you mistake me for a mirror, you narcissistic brat?"
"You freaking monster." Ponsol huffed, rolling his own hazel eyes into his head. Of course his brother would have something to say to him. He knew that Shugarl was merely teasing him and that's why it was even more annoying.
Shugarl's lips curled upwards to an off-centered smile. "And you, an intolerable demon." He flicked Ponol's forehead with his index finger lightly.
Silence drifted between the two before a quiet bout of chuckles were shared between the two. That was an inside 'joke' of sorts between the two. Ponsol appeared approachable and affable, but he always hid his darkest thoughts inside of the deepest part of his mind. Shugarl was a Genius with numbers who was so good, he had to be some kind of monster.
Horrendous sounding nicknames that they've given the other from their very early years. They could only accept being called such things if it came from the other. From anyone else, the Geripeta brothers would instantly launch into a tirade-- and if you weren't lucky, you'd be physically reminded why the Geripeta's were a force to be reckoned with.
"What were you even thinking about anyways? Thinking about who a monster like you could be paired up with? I feel sorry for them to have to deal with someone like you." A snort leaves the younger of the two brothers, unknowledgable of the truth behind one of the biggest moments in Shugarl's life. Though he knew a lot of what happened as he was a part of it-- he did miss a big part of what caused Shugarl to turn out this way.
He had no way of knowing that those words had hurt his elder brother. He didn't mean to hurt him, and only meant to give his brother the usual Geripeta 'tough love.' They showed affection to each other by making wise-cracks at each other.
"I'd feel bad for them too. Wonder if there is a way to break away from your fated pair. You should look into it too, because your partner will constantly be jealous of a mirror." Though hurt, he chose to make a joke of his own to not alert his brother to the inner turmoil his mind was going through.
Turning to look away from his brother, he placed all his attention to the TV screen so Ponsol wouldn't be able to read his eyes. His brother was so sharp with his observational skills, it was hard to hide much from him.
"Whoever you end up falling in love with next, I want to meet them so I can approve of them. I don't want a repeat of the last time. I don't want to see you break down like that again."
A quiet nod of the head let Ponsol know that Shugarl agreed to those terms. It didn't matter if he agreed or not, because he highly doubted that he could come to love someone. Even if he did... they would leave him soon enough.
He wasn't meant to be loved by someone.
"Same to you, brat."
Once again, silence.
Something his elder brother never knew about him was that Ponsol did have a complex towards his brother who had 'everything' going for him. He was more intelligent, more athletic, charismatic, and his personality, at the core level, was a good one.
Shugarl often thought that if anyone were to meet both of the brothers, they would eventually gravitate towards Ponsol, because he was the more 'friendly' of the two brothers. This made him something akin to being the 'second choice,' something that hurt his pride immensely. He got enough of that even within the company. Everyone bemoaned the fact that the more talented and intelligent of the two brothers should be the heir rather than him.
Upsetting, but it spurred him to try harder. He WAS worthy of the spot. he COULD do this and prove to all that he could be every bit the leader his brother or grandfather could be/was.
He wasn't some cheap knock off replacement for his brother. Even though people would eventually end up preferring Ponsol over his brother, he was still nothing but a replacement.
Growing tired of inferior goods, they lose genuine interest in him and only look to him in order to use him.
Those that his brother actually kept around him were genuine people. Those who truly cared for him. Jupiter being the prime example of such a thing.
As much as he hated to admit such a thing, he was jealous of his brother. He had people who cared so much about him. They could see past his cold icy walls and love him regardless of his attitude. They loved him. People admired him and sought him out for help.
On the other hand for him, people only saw him as a useful commodity. He knew this, but for the sake of making networks, he'd pretended he hadn't seen it. Thought he was inferior goods, he was still high quality. As long as people hadn't met his brother, they kept their interest in him.
However, once they've met Shugarl, they slowly become more interested in Shugarl, but his attitude scares them away.
How ironic it was that the brothers envied the other for what they had, unknowning how the other wished for what the other had.
'If I showed you my lover, you'd end up charming them away from me.'
"Yeah, I'll introduce them to you, so try not to scare them away, will you?"
This time it was Shugarl's turn to roll his eyes at something Ponsol said so he knocked on Ponsol's head with his knuckles lightly. "I was being serious."
'So was I.'
"The day you can truly find someone you love is the day you've truly grown up to be an adult, Ponz. I hope you can find someone good. You may be a hassle of a brat, but you aren't bad. Anyone who can't see that isn't worthy of you."
Somehow, those were comforting words.
"I'm sure if soulmates do exist out there, they would be happy to be fated to you. I bet you are thinking you'd want for you to break things off with your fated pair, but that's unfair to them. You should let them make that choice. You shouldn't be scared to get yourself out there again. There is someone out there for you who can make you forget about her."
If only that were to be the case. He could only hope.
"What do you think about those rallies or whatever? Did you go to any of them?"
"Are you serious when you ask me that?"
A laugh erupts from the younger of the two. Nodding his head, he understands the answer with that question he got hit with. Of course, his brother wouldn't bother going down to some rally. Not for something like this. Not even Ponsol had gone so of course his brother wouldn't have.
"I would rather grade papers for hours on end than attend."
"As I would rather water my cacti."
So this time the theme was cacti. Last time it was something else, what was it again? If he recalled, he had a thing for raising blue flora the last time.
"How do you suppose they want to abolish fate? Sounds rather impossible to me. It says that it's suspected that she can see the threads?" Ponsol wondered what his brother thought of this.
Finishing his cup of coffee, he set the cup down on a coaster to see that Ponsol handed him a newspaper. Scanning over the words quickly as he had a fast reading speed, Shugarl folded the paper and flung it across the room onto the other couch.
"For all we know she's delusional, or that's just something she's saying to brainwash people into joining her stupid cause. Even if it were true that she could see threads, it only proves the fact that it may in fact exist, and trying to abolish it when it's known to be true will prove to be a fruitless endeavor. It's only going to backfire when you tell people you can see the thread. It will only strengthen the idea. Saying that some are fated to the wrong people only shows a small percentage of people will suffer through such an ordeal. There is no point in abolishing the damned thing for a small percentage. What you can do instead is to SAVE those who were fated to pain. That's much more productive than to try to convince everyone to abolish their thoughts, and relinquish the chances of meeting their fated one."
"For once, we both agree on something."
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