#I think the Anemo stuff is interesting
honeykaes · 2 years
I think I’m just very anti-leak. I’ve seen so many leaks just not happen because people bounced onto misinformation.
Like I understand why there’s leakers and stuff but idk the Scaramouche stuff is frustrating me since it shows a clear lack of understanding that his model cost money and time and they wouldn’t sacrifice more to change his whole look.
Especially when they delayed the game like three+ weeks already lmaooo they are legit behind their original schedule
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nyxyxx · 5 months
Godly Desires - Part 5
Disappeared for a while for holidays and stuff. Happy New Year folks. This chapter is quite short but the good parts come next so that's exciting. (Also with a little bit of lore hehe). I. II. III. IV. V. Warning: This series will contain yandere content and religious themes.
"The City of Wind"
In the woods, stirring from its ancient slumber was a darkness so wicked and vicious, the very life that surrounded it began to wither and decay, rotting away from its presence alone. This darkness, it had a mind of its own, yet had no name to accompany it. Perhaps it once had a name, but said name has been long lost in the archaic oceans of time. Sunk deep within the waters of the world, lived a name so egregious, that uttering it would only bring about misfortune.
There was a prophecy to be told about this darkness. An ancient prophecy, one that was older than the gods themself. A legend told from within the land, an old story that was soon to be unearthed. Though this story would very soon present itself, discovered in the depths of the sea, now is not the time.
"It is the calm before the storm, my love."
"Stop right there!" A young girl emerged from the trees and promptly ran towards you. Dressed in red, white and brown, alongside the pyro vision at her hip, it was the ever-so recognizable Outrider Amber. She stood in front of you, with an air of justice and gentleness. "May the anemo God protect you, stranger!" She announced, suspiciously gazing over your strangely dressed self. "I am Outrider Amber, of the knights of favonius, and who are you?"
"Oh uh...I'm [___]"
Amber simply stared at you in silence, looking a lot different than her typical self. Almost like she was thinking really hard about something, but also staring at you. Noticing how weird she was being, she kinda just turned away from you, her ears tinted a little pinkish.
There was somewhat of an awkward silence following. You gave her a fake name, as Diluc had mentioned it may be a good idea to do so, though you found it to be quite strange. Still, this was just way too awkward. Why wasn't she responding? Did you already do something wrong?
"Oh um...right. Where was I..." Amber snapped back into her usual persona, and thus you carefully explained your situation to her, keeping a few things hidden, but otherwise being truthful. She seemed to relax after a while of talking to her, even opening up a little bit.
"If you'd like, I can take you to the city, there have been lots of monsters in the area recently." She said, a little bit shy. It was uncalled for, but since she was offering you her company, you accepted happily.
Reaching the gates of the city, you glanced up at the sky. Though you had seen Mondstadt many times it looked so much more beautiful in person. Maybe your dream just had such great detail to it. Amber hastily showed you around, though it was mostly unneeded, as the entire city felt so familiar, to you. She quickly mentioned that she had to get back to work, and hoped that you had a good time while you remained in Mondstadt.
You couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something that you were missing. Some important reason that you had to come here. Like you had been sent here for some purpose that you can't quite remember. You tried really hard to think of what that could've been, but attempting to do only led to your head hurting.
Well, you were here anyways. You might as well try and find something fun to do. So, swallowing those strange feelings, you decided to try someplace that might be interesting. The local tavern, perhaps.
Taglist: @justyoureader; @mmeatt; @iamapotatoe; @clavichordcleffa; @yu-ulda; @c3rtifiedsimp; @eravariety; @vianitry; @dulcedelechenginamo; @reveihehe; @liansh3ng; @angelofdarkness2; @yarabutterfly;
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yourheart-inmyhands · 7 months
craving smthn soft with yan venti and freminet........ just... sweet words about how theyll never let you go, or think badly of you while holding you in their arms all snuggly in bed (whether you like it or not)
i love the contrast between venti and freminet, such gentle kind souls whilst also being entirely different at the base. A five star, anemo bow user, from mondstat versus a four star, cryo claymore user, from fontaine XD
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Warning: this post contains yandere-themes, including obsessive behaviors, a little bit of delusional behaviors, the rest is just soft stuff :D, and other potential topics. Please read at your own risk!
Yandere!Venti is in his element here, soft and sweet words whispered into your ear as he holds you close. The two of you laying together in bed as he keeps your head tucked onto his chest, his fingers tracing shapes that you don’t recognize faintly over your shoulder blades.
While he isn’t entirely opposed to using it, Venti prefers to keep violence and force out of the relationship, he wants you to naturally seek his company, to want him as badly as he wants you.
It’s why he never fuses or fights when you want affection or attention, gladly dropping whatever he’s doing to put all his attention on you. You are the only thing that really matters in his mind, all other things are lost among the absolute that is you. The way your every thought consumes him whole, his false heart seeming to beat out of control for you at just the thought of your presence.
His poetic nature only makes his words much sweeter, lips spewing endless trains of sugar coated symphonies that only your ears get to bear witness to.
Hours have passed feeling merely like minutes as you laid there, curled up in Venti’s embrace as his lips moved continuously. You didn’t know how he seemed to come up with such endless thoughts, and when asked he only replied that he could talk about you till the end of time. A silly, poetic answer, but one that carried still a lot of weight. A hum of content leaves your lips as you feel his fingers pick up their motions again. You weren’t familiar with the symbols Venti traced, even as you tried to reimagine them in your mind, it still never even came out to anything remotely legible to you. Whether it was just random patterns and swirls or something deeper to Venti didn’t matter much to you, just so long as he continued to love you so devotedly.
Yandere!Freminet is not good with words. He doesn’t know how to say all the sweet frilly stuff that couples say to each other. His fluster and stumbled words always tripping him up when he even thinks about what to say to you.
What he doesn’t mess up on talking about though is machines, because he knows machines. He knows how they work and what should and shouldn’t be with them, they have absolutes, something that words of affection sometimes don’t
So in his own, loving way, he talks about you as if you were a machine. If you were a robot that he built, how would he build you? Where does he start, what kind of material and parts does he use and what would you be built for. He explains it all in detail to you. 
He tells you about the kinds of repairs and maintenance you might need. How often you might need a good polishing or a new coat of paint. If it has anything to do with machinery he will talk about it. It’s almost weird, but endearing in a way. To have someone think so deeply about you as an individual, discussing every small detail and piece of you with such invested interest. It’s strange, but so genuinely Freminet.
You could listen to Freminet talk for hours, laying beside you on the grass, hand holding yours as he gazes deeply into your eyes. Occasionally he sits up, leaning over you to trace down a specific part of your body, using the real you to explain the pretend machine you as a concept. It’s cute, the way he focuses so intently on describing every detail for you, running over the same part over and over again in his head until he’s certain you can picture the same thing he sees. He’s a little strange, but he’s so devoted to you, to everything that is or in relation to you. He’s Freminet, your dorky partner.
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insult-2-injury · 1 year
A Worthy Distraction
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Header by my wonderful and talented friend @drawlypsy. Please go check out their work, they're fucking amazing.
AO3 Link NSFW Dottore/femReader, murder couple, dirty talk, fingering, questionable coping mechanisms, over the pants feelies, villains will be villains, trauma
[This is a Genshin OC one-shot I wrote for friends and then rewrote into a reader insert. Some tenses and stuff may be a little wonky here and there, but I think I caught most of it. It is only a tad OC-centric, as reader does have a backstory, but it's minor and shouldn't make a difference. Idk. There's smut.]
The lowdown: reader has anemo vision w/ pyro delusion, has one metal claw hand and PTSD to match
You lay on your side, sprawled out across an uncomfortable-looking exam table like a cat in a patch of sun, yawning and stretching as you awoke from a short nap. Head twitching to the side, Dottore acknowledged your entry into the waking world with a rigid nod and a tiny quirk of his lips, something that could almost be categorized as a rigid smile, before turning back to the subject on his table. 
You shot him a cheeky grin, unruly tufts of your hair falling across your face as you did so. Your socked foot tapped a rhythm onto the metal beneath, warm now with the prolonged heat of your body. Your head thumped back against the metal… Bored. So bored.
Archons, you were just as ambitious as he when it came to testing out new ideas and just as prone to getting lost for hours in the mental process of it all. But he had been at this experiment for days, barely sleeping, hardly eating. Your best friend Ana was off on some secret Fatui mission, his more tolerable clones were deployed in Sumeru, and chatting up the locals was apparently a non-starter. Besides, it wasn’t your fault anyway that the local creperie burned down. And, unrelated, what kind of creperie ran out of fucking crepes?
You were bored. So completely and utterly bored. You sat up, criss-crossing your legs beneath you in order to better watch the Doctor work.
Dottore was a straight line– seemed perfectly content staying in one spot for an entire day, his mind single tracked and obsessive. You, on the other hand, took the path of a crack of lightning, your interests branching and changing rapidly, new revelations branching into new ideas and new ideas springing into new experiments and it was a wonder you ever finished anything at all. You always did benefit from someone who could help organize the near constant fusillade of inspirations in your head. 
You used to have someone. Now they were the ghost in every corner.
You needed distractions. And a man possessed could provide no such thing. Your fingers twitched and the pyro delusion warmed on your hip. Then burned. You inhaled sharply, your heart rate picking up.
You blinked away at the encroaching visions that threatened to steal you, usher you inside. The disembodied voices and the ghostly feeling… the familiar mourning of the fiercest kind of love expanding in your chest but with no vessel, no discernible memory to hive it away in. So full yet so terribly out of reach and–
“You’re fidgety tonight,” Prime said calmly and you gasped, your eyes shooting open in time to catch the fire blossoming at your fingertips, having singed a small hole through the thin fabric of your shorts. Cursing, you swatted at the smoke as he continued evenly. “Go take a walk outside if you must.”
You allowed the span of a few centering breaths to pass as your gaze fell upon Dottore’s raven mask laying on the counter behind him. Your gaze darted back to his uncovered features and you found yourself drawn in, and not for the first time. It was a recent breakthrough, one he’d made no announcement of despite the shock when he’d removed the thing in front of you; a promising sign of trust from a man who so lauded in the unsettling air of mystery he exuded.
You fiddled with the mask in your own hair as you observed. The ancient scar that crossed the bridge of his nose and extended up to his right temple, eyes untouched, the rest of his face pale, smooth, and unscathed. The scar that he could easily remove with his scientific prowess yet he kept it just the same. You’d always reckoned it was a reminder of something; a tether of sorts.
And Celestia knows a mind without a tether was a dangerous thing. Yes, you thought, Celestia would know, indeed.
You let out a sudden shriek of laughter, unprovoked.
“Ah, shucks. You’re always trying to send me away,” you chided finally, rolling the singed fabric between your thumb and forefinger. “Besides, it’s the middle of the night, bozo.” 
The stiff, weary shake of his head was indicative that he was now only slightly bothered by the plethora of nicknames that you’d coined to get under his skin. Good, you thought with delight, he’d better get used to it.
“I mean, heck,” you continued, throwing up your arms, “who knows what kind of monsters are skulking about out there?”
Dottore’s piercing, crimson eyes latched onto yours and you smiled at the clear meaning within.
Worse than me?
A familiar shock of yearning racked the length of your spine. You gnawed at the inside of your cheek, noting the way his eyes flicked to the motion of your lips before slowly drawing back up, almost expressionless. But you knew his little intricacies by now; the indiscernible twitch of his eyelids when you toed the line with him, the drumming of those long, elegant fingers against any available service whenever he was in deep thought. 
How he studied you when he thought you weren’t paying attention.
You had always been attracted to the dark; where flame cast light upon a brick wall you were drawn to the shadows that slid effortlessly in between, morphing and making their quiet nests within the cracks in mortar. Yes, Dottore was indeed a darkly beautiful thing, you thought, not allowing your gaze to stray from his.
“I was under the impression you could handle yourself,” he said coolly, but the bladed glint in his unflinching stare was bright and calculating, even beneath the eerie shadows cast over his features by the medical lamp above. “Was I wrong to think so?”
Hmph. All work and no play made the Doctor cranky. Your nose twitched and you cocked your head, lips curling coyly.
“I can handle myself just fine,” you said, baring your teeth. “But you’d miss me, wouldn’t you?” You placed your chin in your palm to drum fingers against your cheekbones but didn’t wait for his answer. “So I’ll stay right here. For the good Doctor’s sake, of course.” 
You winked.
“For my sake. Of course,” he murmured, examining your wide, inciting grin and the butterfly flutter of your eyelashes. A tiny quirk of his lips betrayed his forced impassivity before he put a pin in the expanding balloon of tension by turning back to the body on the table silently.
You swallowed down the uncharacteristic dryness in your throat.
There were different routes you could take to get your desired result, one that would ease the ache between your legs and provide you a worthy distraction from the ghosts in every corner. You were used to people winding up putty in your hands, pliable and needy; even the self righteous ones. You just had a gift about you, an impulsive need for control in all senses of the word that people just responded to.
Except him.
To have Prime in your greedy clutches would be nothing short of euphoric. But there was something ancient and omniscient about him that made him effortlessly superior to them all, as if he would slip like sand through the fingers of anyone who tried to hold him. He was patient, unhurried; a lone viper coiled atop its rock, full-bellied and confident in his supremacy, so many leagues above that he had all the time in the world.
Your lips twitched. But, so did you now, didn’t you? Cursed with immortality and ironically bestowed the power to alter time; a power that centuries ago you would have used to pulverize the very forces that had granted them to you in the first place. But time just wasn’t enough for you. You were a creature starved. You wanted to devour and destroy each moment now until nothing remained but the burning foundation. And even that must go.
Your mind strayed again and you fought to ground yourself. All must go.
You hissed between your teeth, leaping off the table to take up space beside Dottore, shoulder pressing into his as you studied his bloody work. You viewed his profile in your periphery; his bladed nose, the soft, steel blue curls that framed his face, the slight, disapproving curl of his lips downward as he was jostled.
“Need any assistance?” you said brightly.
“I do not.” His hands began to move carefully across the corpse, but you knew enough about his craft and were observant enough to see that his focus wasn’t on the experiment before him. 
 “Hm… You want a drink or something?” 
“No,” he said shortly, and then as if remembering himself, “... but thank you.”
“Well, you must be hungry at least.” Your long fingers dared to wrap his elbow, fiddling with the rolled up arms of his blue linen shirt before trailing up to his bicep, squeezing. “Goodness, you’re all skin and bones, crazy you can even hold that scalpel like you are. It’s almost like… like… like holding a flimsy little test tube…”
Dottore’s chin dipped, the slope of his nose tipping down toward your mocking countenance, which faltered slightly when his gaze dropped briefly to the two fingers now trailing over the sharp buckles of his arm bands. You hadn’t touched Prime before besides the occasional brushing of shoulders and on the surface, he didn’t seem the type to enjoy such things. Maybe all it took was the right button.
But Prime only hummed, crimson red eyes rising.
“Your actions suggest you desire to take this man’s place.” His voice was soft but rife with danger. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and you cocked your head to the side like a mischievous crow. You seemed to share the same steady breath back and forth as you studied each other for a short moment.
“Suit yourself, old man,” you chirped, conjuring a gust of anemo to tousle his loose, hanging locks of unruly hair before releasing his arm abruptly and in a blur of motion swinging around to his other side. “You’re loads of fun, you know that? Have your harbinger friends ever told you what a dream you are?”
Friends. Maybe there was a segment of him that had what one could call a friend but Prime, you had observed, seemed to have no interest in any social dealings that didn’t involve the business of sinister diplomacy. The only person who came around here often enough was Pantalone, and you could hardly call a wallet a friend.
Not that you had many tried and true friendships besides Ana. There was, of course, the pink-haired stick bug that was a package deal with your best friend and he seemed to be warming up to you a bit, but on the whole, people just seemed to tolerate you. Not your fault. Social skills were a fucking bitch.
“Has anyone ever told you how exasperating you really are?” he retorted and then continued, softly mocking, like he was speaking to a child. “This experiment is a particularly sensitive one that requires a certain amount of space and time to complete. Space and time that you seem unwilling to provide.”
“Provide?” You giggled and leaned in close, voice a low purr in his ear. “You get awfully mean when you’re frustrated, Doctor.” And you swung from him, sauntering away.
On a shelf across the room, a little radio sat playing quiet soul music. With one slow stroke of your forefinger across the dial, you turned the volume up, wiggling your hips to the music as you bent across the counter. But when you peeked over your shoulder, he was paying you no mind. Worse, he was turned completely around, vials clanking as he fiddled with something in the depths of his cabinets. Your sly grin turned into a wrathful frown as you glared.
Taking the radio beneath one arm, you spun around to bow comically low, your free arm splayed out like the spread wing of a bird about to take flight. A gust of anemo slammed the cabinet door in his face and he paused, hand still mid air. Then, terribly slow, he turned, eyes hooded and serpentlike but otherwise expressionless. You waited for his full attention with a feral grin on your face before you flicked the volume up another notch and spun out of the stance.
Your socks slid clumsily across the rubber floor as you moved with exaggerated motions, using the radio as a dance partner, swaying to the egregiously loud music. And to add insult to injury, you sang along, too, belting out the words like you were doing all this to save your own life. 
Dottore’s eyes were all that moved as they followed, crimson glowing in your periphery as you twirled. And even if he had raised his voice above the cacophony, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him. But his gaze challenged just the same.
You shrugged, turned the volume up to max and watched his eyelids twitch in contemplation before he started to carefully put the corpse before him away, zipping them into a body bag before rolling the table away and into the walk-in freezer. He returned, surprisingly gloveless fingers casually brushing down the front of his pants.
All the while, you danced closer, singing and laughing with frenzied glee, winding up to perform a full running slide toward him. But a small, abrupt twitch of Dottore’s wrist paired with a warning, devilish tick of his lips had you dropping the radio in order to conjure your polearm, spinning it elegantly above your head. 
The cogs of a clock rotated before your eyes, a secondhand wheeling at an impossible speed. With practiced ease, you whirled it swiftly back, resetting the clock. You slid to a steady halt in front of him.
The giant needle, half the size of you, that would feasibly have torn into your flesh floated innocently now beside his head, gleaming in the fluorescent light. You searched him with razor eyes, a cocked grin on your face as you reached out with the deadly point of a clawed finger to prop under his chin while the other wiggled beneath the center strap of his harness to pull his face closer. “You weren’t actually going to use that little pin trick on me, were you? I was looking for a dance partner, princess,” you tutted, “not a fight.”
And not taking your gaze off his, you stretched out with your free hand to slowly turn the point of the intimidating needle away from yourself. “Ooh, that is sharp, though!” you remarked. “Very impressive, doctor, I should fashion you up a fancy shmancy corkboard to match. Because you know, I’m nice like that. Now, wanna tell me why you’d go and ruin my good fun?”
“Your good fun…” He hummed regretfully. The finger beneath his chin dug in and he chuckled, a dark blaze of interest in his eyes. “You are right, my dear, I may have overreacted. Well, I am sorry, for all that my word is worth. I simply had the strangest inkling you weren’t listening to me. But now…” The corners of his lips twitched just slightly. “Now you must think me quite uncivil.”
You grinned and met him in the middle of the playing field, the claw beneath his chin falling to round his neck. “You did forget your manners there for a second, huh?”
Dottore hummed, leaning unexpectedly forward and into the grip of your unmoving talons. It seemed every segment of the Doctor favored a nice side plate of anguish, and Prime was no different. They really were just flowers plucked from the same garden. 
The talon of your thumb dug into his pulse point and he let out the softest groan, his breath tickling the strands of hair across your forehead. 
One of his hands peeled your hold carefully from round his neck, holding it instead against his chest. You swallowed down a secret, hidden delight born of being held by a being who did not often seek out the pleasures of touch. In this moment, he was yours. Your Prime.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Doctor,” you said, “I can think of several ways to atone.” 
Clawed hand laced beneath his, your free hand trailed down to his lower abdomen, pausing so as to peer up at him through your eyelashes. His breathing remained practiced and steady but there was no mistaking the muscles that twitched and jumped beneath his shirt as your fingers danced innocently from hip to hip. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and his eyes rose to meet yours.
“I shudder to think what punishments a mind such as yours could dream up,” he said lightly. 
Too lightly. Too unbothered. 
“I’d only give as much as you’re able to take, of course.”
“Ah, of course.” 
Dottore huffed out a dark laugh, his free hand rising up to almost tenderly stroke the ticklish outline of your jaw before falling to cup beneath. “I’ve been told I’m long-winded but you don’t give up do you? An admirable trait in some circumstances, I suppose. But you are a horribly impatient thing.” 
His thumb pushed into the plush of your bottom lip, quietly admiring the give of it, the shades of red warping under his shifting pressure. “Although I suppose I have been quite busy, haven’t I?” he crooned and you felt a bright flicker of irritation at the implication that your entire time here had thus far revolved around a one-sided pining for him.
No, no. That wouldn’t do.
You had intended on taking him quick once he showed interest, but something bright and oddly delicate within the depths of your chest had you slowing down. Besides, you supposed a bit of teasing wouldn’t hurt. 
“Being elbow deep in your funny little corpses all day makes you awful ornery. I just think you could use a break.”
Your hand dropped those final fatal inches, brushing along the front of his pants, fingers dragging a slow, lazy rhythm across the twitching hardness beneath. Archons, he was big. And he knew it, too. Had no reservations about pushing his hips forward and into your grip just to watch your eyes widen.
With a centering intent, you located and swiped across the tip, pressing there to savor the bead of precum wetting slowly through. His grip tightened painfully on your jaw and his own thumb jerked forward, sliding between your teeth. His eyes dipped closed almost as if to center himself, his finger resting on the pad of your tongue.
Dottore’s crimson gaze reemerged and fell transfixed upon the digit you pinched between your teeth before releasing. His voice was surprisingly even when he spoke again. “Tell me what you want.”
“You on your knees,” you said candidly, stroking along his length again, so hot against the palm of your flesh hand. “Some begging would be nice.”
His chuckle was a roll of thunder, sinister and foreboding. “Oh? How forward,” he remarked.
“And just a liiiittle bit of your time. Since like you said, you’ve been so busy. Then we can go back to pretending you haven’t wanted this since the very beginning. Is that so much to ask?”
The slow, wicked curl of Dottore’s lips would have sent anyone else running for the hills, but not you, a vicious thread of want unspooling between your thighs at the sight. To have such villainous lips pressing not only to yours but to your legs, your breasts, your everything.
The thought gave you pause, if only for a moment, a lapse that he took full advantage of as he dragged his palms up your sides with the leisure of a man with unlimited patience, his presence hot and solid, thumbs brushing, swooping purposefully along the outside swell of your breasts before trekking back down to settle on your hips. 
“You just want a little bit of my time,” he repeated, nodding, “of course.”
You frowned. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. With a sudden, urgent need to unravel him, you yanked his hips closer with a tug of his belt buckle. “Then why don’t you kneel, hm? Or better yet, pet, why don’t you get on all 4’s for me?”
Dottore’s chest rumbled against yours. “You know,” he said gently, “you were right about me.” Something about his tone had your brows knitting with unease, stomach twisting.
“Was I?”
“I do get mean when I’m frustrated.”
With a single toss of his head, three things happened in sequence. 
One, the needle beside Dottore’s head, the one your elemental skill had been holding in place, impaled into the tile behind you with a deafening crack. Two, there was a terrible sound of something whirring to life. And three, a cloud of winged darkness descended upon the two of you.
Ravens. Too many to count. With bright turquoise eyes and mechanical cries. They were jet black with gold stitching; the man couldn’t help but put signature pieces of himself into every one of his creations and these were no different.
A sudden, predatory step forward by Dottore sent you pedaling away, movement stalled by the backs of your legs hitting against the flat head of the embedded needle, too low to sit on, too wide to skirt around. Instinctively, your fingers found a stabling purchase in the center strap of his harness before you could topple backwards as he drove forward still.
In a terribly awkward mimicry of a ballroom dip, you hung off him, head whipping to the side to ward off the flurry of winged creatures that swept viciously past your faces like an ocean riptide. Spinning, they.painted an almost ethereal backdrop of black wings behind him for but a moment before they fell in a swirling formation around the two of you.
A tempestuous wind, one that matched the power and complexity of your frenzied mind, built with a vengeance around your feet as you swung your sharp gaze to his. Your taloned hand gripped into the blue linen of his shirt as you found an awkward balance, teetering backwards still, knuckles digging punishingly into his chest as you glared up at him.
“This isn’t fun for me,” you complained. “I’m not having fun.”
“Pity.” A thick laugh at your expense flowed like a dark lullaby from his chest as he addressed you with a sharp-toothed grin, ignoring the anemo tantrum even as his hair swept wildly across his face.
“Do you like control?”
“Yes,” you wheezed up at him, neck straining from the effort of holding your head up to glare at him. “I do. I really, really, do.”
“As it happens, so do I.”
“Oh well boo you, you absolute bore. You know, I was wondering where you kept that backbone.”
Both time and an unquelled fury had afforded you the capabilities to destroy a village with a single spin of your polearm. You both knew you could level the playing field if you wanted. And quite literally, too. But despite the terrible yearning to pin him into the nearest wall, to see him come apart at your hands, the storm remained strangely controlled. Even as you clung to him while he explored the notches of your spine gently, the movement clashing with that familiar lilt of cruelty with which he spoke.
“What was it you were searching for, hm?” he crooned. “For me to shirk the integrity of my research just for a meaningless dalliance? You seem to quite fancy the notion of vexing me into compliance, seeing how you’ve been trying to get this spine of yours bent over one of my exam tables for how many weeks now? You spoke of punishment earlier, well I’d like to subvert that notion entirely. Of what use are you having around at all if you only seek to meddle in my work?”
“Four,” you said simply and then in the following silence supplied, “four weeks I mean. And you’re in no position to be tossing around death threats. Not with those arms.”
“Aren’t I?”
Punishment came in the form of his fingers withdrawing from your spine, instead languidly dragging around to your lower stomach. Crimson eyes observed your reactions carefully as he slid a wriggling middle finger across the thin fabric of your shorts, mapping out and nestling between the hidden folds there. His eyes darkened with hunger at the intoxicating sound of your breath hitching. He pressed upward with the pad of that finger, carefully avoiding where you needed his touch most, circling your clothed entrance and basking in the heat emanating between your thighs.
“Shall I proceed?”
“Shall I proceed?” you mocked in a gruff voice. “What is this, open heart surgery? Pass me the scalpel, Doctor.”
“That could be arranged,” he responded, voice tight.
A quiet whine loosened from your throat when his arm slid around your lower back to better support his endeavor as he pressed his thumb into your clit. In a launched counterattack, you slashed four thin strips into his shirt with a flick of your wrist, then hoisted yourself up to his ear by wrapping the back of his neck.
“You want to look at my brain, too?” you said breathlessly. “You can finger fuck that, too, if you want.”
The arm around your back tightened painfully. He continued his exploration of the shape of your cunt, picking up a slow rhythm with two fingers circling your clit. The hand on your tailbone dragged up until it tangled into your hair, holding you there in the crook of his neck while he turned to whisper against your cheekbone.
“I wouldn’t put such temptations into my head, pet.”
“Nothing that wasn’t already there.”
“You are dangerously drawn to the profane, I’m afraid. Hm. What to do, what to do… I think the only way to silence such a perverse mind is to deprive it of what it craves most, wouldn’t you agree?” 
He paused in his ministrations.
You were sure the glare you yanked back to sear him with could've taken out a small village. “No. I would not.”
Dottore chuckled low, but the tone was something you’d never heard, so tattered and almost restrained. Your eyes flicked down to the space between them and you smirked when you saw just how restrained he really was. He snatched your jaw and pulled your focus back to him, squeezing into the meat of your cheeks when you bared your teeth at him.
“You’re not incorrect, though, I have weighed the merits of studying such a specimen as you.”
“Ooh,” you grinned. “Intimately?”
He turned your face to the side to examine. “By and large, people are just a complex sum of their parts but you…”
You’re a person of jagged, scattered pieces I haven’t quite figured out yet.
“-You’ve been useful to me thus far. But all things fade and my patience wears thin.”
The murder of ravens dove back toward you with the command of an unseen signal and you closed your eyes and giggled as talons caught in the mask in your hair, knocking it completely off your head. But when the cold strike of metal wings slit into the sleeve of your shirt, slicing a thin crimson line across your shoulder, your eyes narrowed onto his with a deadpan, lethal focus.
“Do you want to know what happens if you keep pushing? Hm?” His fingers retreated until they splayed across your lower stomach instead.
“Do tell.”
“The bite of a single raven is painless when compared to, let’s say the bite of a scalpel against unsuspecting skin,” he murmured and his lips curled into a razor smile in response to the shiver that drove down your spine even as you vowed not to react. 
“But just imagine in that creative head of yours… the onslaught of hundreds of tiny blades clipping away at flesh. Talons tearing into skin, muscle, perhaps even bone, reducing you to nothing but your base components in none but an instant. A deplorable thought, isn’t it.” The birds dive bombed again and you vibrated with the strangest kind of fever, your eyes fluttering shut as you teetered with the adrenaline, the hypnotizing lull of his voice as he spoke of Death.
Death. That big old thing with wings. Shy and sweet - that shadowed creature that flitted just there at the corner of your eye. Always there, gone no matter how swiftly you turned to look. Soft and unforgiving, a small comfort, as light as the feather of a single raven. That’s all they were, just feathers across time. 
“Open your eyes.” You did with a whine, locking onto Dottore with a furrowed brow, your hands trailing up to bury into his shoulders, recentering yourself with reality. “After all, those would go first, I’m sure. Ravens are inclined to burrow, build their nests in high places. Ah, perhaps I’ll put your skull on my bookshelf. What a pretty sight that would be,” he crooned. His thumb swept up and smoothed across your brow almost comfortingly, circling down to rest on the crest of your cheekbone. Your head buzzed and a deadly impatience gnawed at the place his hand rested unmoving on your belly.
“It is a pain beyond the bounds of human comprehension, to die in such a way, at least from what I’ve borne witness to. Is it Death that you crave? I wouldn’t allow a creature such as yourself a tedious end, you know. No, you deserve something more… remarkable.” With an uncharacteristic bout of submission that had his head cocking in satisfaction, you allowed his hand to wrap your neck, the experimental squeeze like a trigger, your hips rolling needily into his. 
“So I’d beg you the question, what comes next?” he asked. “What happens if you continue to push and push?”
Dottore’s erection dug into the soft of your stomach when you pressed forward, your palms rising to cup his face in wonder. Your eyes followed the track of his swallow. 
Such a beautiful distraction he was. 
“Oh, Dottore… Oh, please, Dottore,” you sang out like a damsel in distress before lightning quick, you wrenched his head to the side to hiss in his ear. “So poetic. Romantic, even. Death by a thousand cuts and all that. Listen, I’ll tell you what happens,” you panted, a pyro fervor rising quickly to the surface of your skin. “Birds or no birds, if you don’t make me cum, I’ll call every last scrap of power you so sweetly bestowed upon me just to incinerate this place to nothing but the ashes of your hard work. What a fucking waste that would be, hm? No punishment quite like the consequences of your own actions is there? Oop! Hello karma, let me introduce you to my good friend the Doctor!” You tittered when the muscles of his jaw clenched beneath your grip.
“And then, Doctor, when we’re both standing here in the rubble of this archon forsaken place, I will go out of my way to abuse the laws of time just to make sure you suffer over and over again and then I will burn you, Prime, I will burn you if you don’t move your fucking fingers right now-”
The rest of your sentiment was cut off by a fist clenching into your hair, tearing your lips away from his ear and crushing them against his own. With a shattered groan, he poured his frustration down your throat while he did exactly as you requested, picking up an intensely fast rhythm against your clit that had you clawing at his biceps, startled from the sudden friction, your squeal of surprise swallowed whole by the violence of his kiss.
There was nothing gentle about the way he moved against each you, hips grinding a relentless rhythm, lips bruising yours as he nipped and licked, hand fisting so tightly in your hair you swore he’d take a good bit of it with him if he ever decided to remove himself.
And nothing could have prepared you for the peculiar sensation - an uncharacteristic feeling of being completely unsure of what came next. Of being knocked completely sideways whilst never feeling more balanced. Like there was a pulsing thing in your sternum running parallel to your heart, some melancholy sensation that centered and secured. 
That tethered.
Wind howled around them. Birds cried. And somewhere, somewhere in your addled mind, there was quiet.
Pleasure recycled from your mouth and into his as he drove you toward a climax that came fast but ferocious in its intensity. The borders of your vision faded until all you could do was wrap your arms around his shoulder and hold on as you shook against him, a high pitched whine spilling from between your lips. And his crimson gaze, glazed and almost desperate, remained open to study the way in which you unraveled; how your eyes screwed shut, your fingers finding purchase in his own hair, tugging it terribly hard to prove some semblance of control over him even as you came apart with nothing but his fingers.
Time, with no assistance, seemed to stand still as you came to, your nose pressed into the soft crook of his neck, arms still wrapping his shoulders. Papers were scattered, tables overturned. Some ravens flew still, riding the leftover anemo current above, while some perched, eyeing the two of them with a cold, mechanical disinterest.
A song played on that little radio somewhere, broken and skipping but still pushing through as he swayed back and forth.
“Are we… dancing?”
Soft wings brushed across the hollowness in your chest and you nuzzled further into him without much thought. Holding your breath, you dragged your fingers down his chest, intent to undo him in the same way, his cock still hard and insistent against you, but he swatted your fingers away. Once, twice.
“Hey. You haven’t even-”
“Be quiet.”
“Why do you get the lead?”
Dottore didn’t say a word, but his weary sigh tickled the back of your neck and you fell into the silence that comes with newness.
“Did you know ravens usually work in pairs to acquire their food?” you said suddenly.
There was a long pause. “...I did.”
You said nothing else, and if he noticed the unsubtle way in which you stole back the lead, he didn’t say a word.
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First thoughts on Wanderer's (Scaramouche) Design
It seems that the outfit overall is not too different from his Fatui one. The base seems to be the same (with the shorts and hat), with just a few colour changes and accessories.
I think this was a good way to go about it. As everyone knows, his Balladeer outfit was fairly iconic, so it would have sucked if Hoyo changed it too much.
I know some were disappointed about him not being electro (I was too) but anemo fits him much better. It's an element all about freedom and choosing your own path, something that I think will embody Scara's next chapter in his life. Also not being electro helps to show he is his own person; not just a puppet of Ei.
Also the switch from the harsh red palette to the more calmer blues and purples is another great way to indicate a new beginning. It's also very pretty.
What is interesting that it's a Sumeru vision not Inazuma. This kinda shows that he probably got it in Sumeru, maybe during the archon quest? Or perhaps it was an old vision he brought to life? Possibilities are endless.
His Hat!!! He has one. It doesn't have the veil, but I think that was for the best. It may have been to difficult to animate that in game so they just didn't do it. He does have cool tassels. It also looks like the top the hat is a different design. Maybe a flower?
His clothes look pretty much Inazuman. But there is also some Sumeru elements as well, particular in some of the patterns.
If you look at the bottom of where his vision is, there is a feather. Which is a direct nod to the feather that Ei left him with. It may even be the feather.
That's all I can see for now. I'm sure when he finally gets released there will be tons more stuff to unpack. Overall, I really love his new design. It has both some of the old elements but with new things added.
Can't wait to get him in my hands.
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redheadloverr · 10 months
sub vs dom headcanons
basically just whether i think theyre the dom or sub! (entirely sfw)
gn!reader x anemo boys!
a dom but in possibly the worst - best way ever
he’s the type to brag to everyone that he is the dom but no one believes him, everyone thinks youre the dom but he gets his way every single time.
hes a bit stubborn so he takes things like this almost like a competition, he has to prove to you, and the world, that he is in fact a dom. it gets tiring at times but you laugh at it.
its an interesting dynamic, no one believes he’s the dom but as some would say “he has you wrapped around his fingers” and you honestly dont mind. hes sweet and compassionate when he needs to be, serious and stern when he needs to be as well.
although you are his special person; and trust me you are, sometimes he’ll do or say things that make you two seem like mere friends but you know he doesnt mean them that way. he looks out for you. he knows you dont need him to but hes happy to do it anyways.
at the end of the day, you know what type of partner you’re coming home to. he may be a bit overprotective and overbearing at times but thats what you love about him.
soft dom. 100%.
kazuha’s the type of dom to let you go around telling people you’re the dom and people would believe it because of how soft spoken he is and how easy he is to give in to your request.
kazuha practically created the “princess treatment”. he would never disrespect you, never raise his voice at you, never even touch you unless you told him it was okay / you wanted him to. he respects you and your personal space as well as your personal opinions, ideals, morals, so on and so fourth.
kazuha does have a downside tho, he never knows how to necessarily bring up his own emotions or opinions. kazuha is a closed book, his book hasnt been opened for years its practically full of dust. you try your best to mkae him open up and he does! you know him better than anyone else but even then he still keeps his secrets.
kazuha is absolutely terrified or harming you in any way shape or form. he goes out of his way to protect you from stuff you couldnt even possibly think of. you have his full attention and admiration, though you wish he’d pay attention to you when you’d tell him he needs to focus on himself and what he wants.
he typically says “dont worry about my feelings.” or “this isnt about my feelings.” on the rare occasions you two do have disagreements.
100% a sub. a bratty sub.
hes the type of sub to be such a brat at times you genuinely just want to throw them in the lake and leave them there. you don’t obviously but he gets on your nerves lol.
if people asked who wore the pants he’d say it was a mix of the two of you, though you know its all bs.
scara is like a little kid having a temper tantrum because he couldnt get ice cream for dinner. if he doesnt get his way hes pouty and moody until you somehow “make it up to him” with basically anything
hes moody and a lot of times has mood swings every five seconds, he really is like a kid. he’s fussy and whiny but you know at the end of the day you love him and he loves you, you two would never want your dynamic to be shared with someone else nor lose this dynamic.
venti is a bit of a wild card! he’s definitely a switch
i feel like venti is confident in certain aspects of the relationship and with other aspects he just lets you take control if youre more confident.
i feel like a relationship with venti would for sure be 50/50, probably the most balanced relationship but a bit of a hectic and chaotic one to be sure.
venti wouldnt necessarily know how to answer someone if they asked who wears the pants, hed probably say you just to throw them for a loop but you both know youre equals in this relationship.
definitely a sub but behind closed doors.
he pretends to be hard on the outside but really all he wants is to be the little spoon and be pampered with love and affection!
he secretly loves when you take the initiative; whether it be planning dates, holding hands out in public, showing PDA, ect.
he’s definitely the type to have acted like a “badass” or a “bully” in highschool but in reality he just wanted a hug and for someone to tell him theyre proud of him.
he has absolutely no mercy for anyone who even attempts to hurt you, however. youre the only one who has and is able to see his soft side.
he shows you off to his friends and worships the ground you walk on, it doesnt bother you one bit that he pretends to wear the pants in the relationship to his friends and fellow acquaintances.
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whispereons · 9 months
So I sit here thinking about Ayato, right? Like.. i see him as the silent but pretty kinky guy. He has tried some dangerous stuff, not some much that his reputation is tarnished. No, this guy would have calculated something to that the situation would have been safe to do something really kinky. So, this guy would have things placed under his suit, you know? maybe, it's just me, but i can see one being a butt plug and he would be sitting through a meet with a straight face.
Yet, he meets you, the apprentice. Of course, he knows he is meet someone from overseas but that won't stop him from trying to excite the meeting. In the beginning, he is just mainly talking to your boss and you would glance at him, though out of boredom you look around with elemental sight and decided to play around with your anemo vision. You though no one would notice after all the window was open, and you weren't strong enough to do a storm, just barely be able to control the winds so the wind would feel like a light touch.
It was just silly things at first playing with your bosses hair and than you decided to see if Ayato had weapons on him, and prove the rumors wrong. There was no way this guy, with so much power at his hands, not walking around with a secret weapons somewhere. Only to find something else. Immediately, you stopped and focused on the meeting before you, but you couldn't help it. Your eyes glanced to see Ayato only to panic as he was already facing you with a closed eyed smile.
Anyways, that is just me. I just here with my brain rotting. some bits were far stretched, i know, but it is my fantasy and i wanna share. we both can be writing cringy and weird stuff together, don't worry-
_ Kaeya Anon _
A bit ironic that the Kaeya anon's first ask is about Ayato but it's the silly type. I hope you don't mind that I made it yandere, it would be almost weird of me to not make it yandere. This wasn't a fully NSFW ask so I didn't go all the way either. But seeing as you're my first ask about writing, I wanted to give it proper attention! But at the same time, this was very much not proof read.
The marks and grooves of the meeting table suddenly seem very interesting as your boss rambles on about one thing or another. A bad habit of his that really seemed to bite you in the ass this time.
Ayato shifts in his seat and you want to die now fully aware why he's moving. Was this some strange justice served to you for being too nosy? Maybe Ayato will send the Shuumatsuban after you for discovering his little secret. You can never trust that naturally curved smile on his face after all.
"-but we're getting off track at this point. I only need to show you the last trade route for the months supply and then we can end this meeting. I'm sure I've taken more then enough of your time!"
Your chest is a thousand times lighter at your master's words. The thought of finishing up and sailing back to your home nation gives you the energy needed to get through this meeting.
Your boss goes to grab the last file out of his bag but frowns before properly looking into it. "I must have left it with my stuff in the guest room. I'll leave for a few minutes to fetch it."
Trying to hide your desperation you grab your bosses sleeve with a wobbly smile. "Don't worry, I'll just go and get it for you. You can continue speaking to Sir Kamisato in the meantime."
Getting up in a flash, you rush to open the door and escape the room. But the sounds of metallic armor shifting follows you as you open the door and look behind to see a smiling face.
"I'll accompany you there as my office is right next door." Ayato's voice gives no indicator of his less than professional activity. "My sister is going to a restaurant with many of the Kamisato clan's partners. Why don't you go along and let your apprentice finish up the meeting for you?"
Internally screaming, you resist the urge to take back your offer of getting the files. Happily your boss stands up and smiles widely, the old man would never give up the chance of a free drink. With slumped shoulders you walk silently with the two men as they converse ambically.
Ayato cleanly passes your boss on to Ayaka, who gives you a sympathetic smile at your visible awkwardness. There's no doubt she's aware of your uncomfortableness around Ayato, it's just not for the reason she thinks.
That's probably why your face scrunches up when he pats your shoulder with a coy smile once everyone else left.
"Should we get going now Y/N? We should do our best to wrap the meeting up." Stiffly nodding you follow him through the halls.
The walk is silent which could be either good or bad. But there's still no sign of punishment or silencing as you enter your boss's room and grab the pesky file. When you exit, Ayato stands there with that same relaxed smile and professionalism.
His gloved hand gently presses against the middle of your shoulder blades pushing you to keep up with his long strides. It's... uncomfortable but not bad enough to cause a fuss. Even still you pat your thigh where your anemo vision is safely secured for good measure.
Violet eyes traces your hand movements and twinkle at the way you gulp back your nerves.
His office really wasn't that far to your boss's room, at least you couldn't dub him a liar. He holds out the door for you with a kind smile that you return awkwardly.
Stepping inside you notice how dim the light is, it makes it hard to see the interior. Not wanting to be rude by searching for a candle, you walk deeper inside until you see a large beautifully designed divider.
Momentarily you stumble on a small cushion on the floor and barely avoid falling. Bare hands slide up your body starting from your waist up to your chest making you shudder. Turning around in shock, your body feels both heavier and lighter.
Ayato waves your anemo vision by its strap tauntingly. His narrow eyes seem much more predatory in this light and those upturned lips are now sinister.
"Now, what's that look for Y/N? You'll get your vision back, I just can't promise when."
"Sir Kamisato, I'm not sure if this is some Inazuman culture I'm unaware of but I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable. You can look over the file yourself and I'll be going. Just send someone to return my vision tonight."
Dropping the file on the table without concern you step around Ayato. Leaving your vision behind was a small sacrifice, your stubborn boss will make it nearly impossible for Ayato to keep it. The scolding you'll receive from your boss would be worth it.
Ayato watches you from his spot as you move past him. Grasping the door handle, you tug and are met with resistance. Your stomach drops simultaneously with your expression before you tug harder.
As a catalyst user, you didn't have a weapon to break the door with. Your vision was the only option, and you had no chance in beating the skilled hydro swordsman in combat.
A sword glints in candlelight as it presses against your neck. Strong arms wrap around your upper body and pull you closer to Ayato. Leaning to speak into your ear, hot air fans your earlobe making you shiver.
"You've seen something quite embarrassing of me. Surely you won't mind showing me something embarrassing in return."
Your body is frozen as the sound of clothes shuffling can be heard and even felt behind you. Wrists easily maneuvered from your side to your back are wrapped with something. A braided gold-colored rope ending with a tassel binds your upper arms to your chest.
"I'll return both you and your vision in time for your departure. Although, I can't say that I'll follow through with that."
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ticklystuff · 4 months
Heyyyy my Genshin team is:
(Aether was in my main team until very recently so if you run out of ideas for some you can use him)
ask game is closed!
hiiii, thanks for sending your team hehe
who’s the most ticklish character
omg it would be lyney and he'd get so flustered about it too and claim that his reactions are only an act so that the others don't feel bad about how they react when tickled but luckily everyone else is smart enough to not fall for that
who’s the character that most people would assume isn't ticklish, but actually is
hmmm maybe faruzan bc she was trapped in the desert for so long like is she technically a zombie?? do her nerve endings still work LOL (they do) but i can't really blame people for raising doubts bc she was gone for 100 years
who’s the character that everyone gangs up on and tickles
oh it's absolutely heizou because he is the ler of the group and annoys everyone with tickles but everyone can only tolerate him for so long. it's like something collectively snaps between kokomi, lyney, and faruzan and they all get the same idea to go after heizou at the same time. it's super difficult to catch him because of how floaty he is but also satisfying when they finally pin him and the first of many helpless giggles pour out
who’s the character that somehow knows everyone else’s tickle spots and reveals them to others
this one is a little bit hard but i don't think any of them would know each other's tickle spots right off the bat. however, i do think heizou would be able to deduce them just off of how his teammates react to certain stimuli (kokomi giggling whenever her fish friends nuzzle against her, faruzan reacting to the wind from her own anemo vision, etc) and he may or may not reveal his findings, depending on how much he feels like embarrassing his team at the time lyney would also be really good at guessing based on vibes! he's an older sibling so he's just good at stuff like that
who's the character with one specific tickle spot that only one other person knows about
imagine kokomi losing her diary and someone like heizou finding it and it just so happens to be flipped to a page that's like "one of my fish friends swam past my shoulders.. didn't know they could be ticklish (-5 energy)" and heizou is like "mwehehehehe very interesting"
who’s the most likely to win gang tickle wars
oh hmmmm this one is a little bit difficult. i think kokomi would tap out super fast because she's one of the most useless lers in my head alksdjfasdk and faruzan probably has granny limbs so it's between lyney and heizou. i think if it were a one-on-one tickle fight, then heizou no doubt, but he'd probably lose all concentration when having to deal with multiple lers so i think lyney would probably come out the winner by like a tiny fraction of a margin
which character has a kink for tickling
which character didn’t even know they were ticklish until another character tickled them
okay so before faruzan got trapped in her little pyramid thing she probably was ticklish but then after she got out she did start to wonder about whether her body would still behave the way a normal should. luckily, when she joined the team, she witnessed heizou bullying lyney and kokomi with tickles and was like "ME NEXT" and heizou was super confused bc normally lyney and kokomi try to run away but faruzan actually wants to be tickled??
which two characters have tickle fights all the time
i think faruzan would tickle kokomi a lot! the two like to read and study together and faruzan often goes on long lectures/rants about whatever has piqued her interest in the moment and kokomi will just start nodding off to which faruzan might give her a jab or two to keep her awake heizou and lyney would have tons of tickle fights too! heizou is the ler of the group, but lyney is one of the older siblings of the house of the hearth, so he has a reputation to uphold and can't back down (he loses every single tickle fight though aslkdjfl) UNLESS lyney offers heizou the chance to be his temporary magic assistant and heizou agrees except there's no actual magic and heizou ends up in a pair of those fake handcuffs that lyney uses for tricks sometimes and lyney makes sure to pay him back for all the tickles that heizou has given him during their time spent together
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ppnuggie · 2 years
I Love your 'Decpticons x reader/raiden shogun'!.
I absolutely love it and I just keep reading it! Is it alright for me to request u a 'decpticon x reader/venti or zhongli' ?. You don't have to do both.
Have a good day/night!
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      CONS x gn human reader
    『 megatron ,, starscream ,, knockout ,, breakdown ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> cons w/ a venti like s/o
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, mentions of wine n alcohol
  — tysm !! im glad you liked my crossover 🥴😎 i did venti for this one but i can do zhongli too in a separate post ! :D i chose four cons though since you didnt specify ^^
megatron ::
• hes not quite happy having you onboard his ship with your frantics ,, making a mess of things instead of just standing by like he assumed you would
• whilst you do provide a lot of fun and excitement towards the vehicons ,, he’s still not all that okay with you onboard
• he just huffs and puffs ,, giving you glares from across the room whenever you start singing and telling tales ,, he finds it unnecessary and silly
• but ,, the work ethic from the vehicons has gone up ,, and you do help out a bit when you use your anemo powers to lift stuff for you
• the thing megatron does take a liking to is your fighting style ,, your crossbow style and how neat your anemo powers look when mixed together
• he feels and thinks that you could be better ,, but when you use your anemo powers down in the energon mine ,, hes quick to provide a small nod of thanks
• when he catches wind of you slipping up and talking about a certain nation you and a few others destroyed ,, he starts to rethink his view of you
• he wishes to hear more about what happened ,, but doesnt push it as you get quite stiffy when you slip a certain nation through your speeches
starscream ::
• he finds a lot of things about you infuriating ,, your silly songs ,, little fairytales ,, your somewhat obsession with wine and getting a bit tipsy ,, he honestly doesnt see why megatron even allowed you onboard the nemesis
• he does notice you help out the vehicons and eradicons but that doesnt mean he likes you !! he just ,, happens to know how nice and gentle you treat them ,, and help them
• he does like your anemo powers ,, never seeing that in a fleshy before ,, but he brushes it off and gruffs about how a little wind and air does nothing to help the cause
• only when youre too tipsy and gone do you share your most gruesome stories ,, how your first friend had died horribly and how you were alone after that
• starscream overhears it when he gets his daily energon ,, not meaning to eavesdrop ,, yet his wings droop as he can easily synthesize with your pain
• he ,, too ,, have lost those quite dear to him ,, optics gazed at the floor before decided he’s had enough and leaves
• he does change his attitude towards you a bit ,, only being a little more nicer then before ,, but that doesnt mean he likes you !! stop teasing him fleshy !!
knockout ::
• knockout is more then pleased to meet you ,, already a fan of how nice you are to everyone around you ,, despite being on an alien ship with even ruder aliens
• you and knockout tend to hang out often ,, showing him your anemo powers and sharing your tunes with the mech ,, he’s delighted to hear your stories as well
• knockout makes for a good friend ,, supportive and interested about you ,, helping you with things along the way of being on an alien ship
• he notices your kindness towards the vehicons ,, and just smiles to himself ,, glad to have at least some sort of positivity on this hell of a ship
• definitely appreciates when you use your anemo powers to help him buff himself 💀
breakdown ::
• breakdown is absolutely head over heels about you ,, so fascinated with everything you do and say ,, hes quite the friendly guy ,, probably the most friendly mech onboard
• loves your little harp and your songs <33 always clapping when you finishing singing or telling a tale ,, asking questions and all
• when he first sees your anemo powers ,, hes super impressed ,, as if he couldnt be as impressed beforehand
• he is appreciative of how nice you are towards the vehicons and eradicons when they work ,, knowing full well that they get injured a lot and deal with a lot of negativity already
• all in all ,, he makes quite the nice friend
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peach-m1lk · 5 months
JJK characters playing Genshin Impact
Work and School are taking the majority of my time so here's this ig :/
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Gojo Satoru:
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I know for a fact he plays Kazuha bc Kazuha is good in every team ever. He also likes playing Ayato sometimes.
He's also definitely a whale- he spends so much money on Genshin and has multiple 5 star characters and their weapons at C6 R5.
He doesn't have very high exploration though because he doesn't have a lot of time to play. He's a very casual player despite the amount of money he spends on it. Just logs in to do his dailies, perhaps fights a boss or two.
HATES the Aranara quest because he can't find any of them and refuses to use any "cheats" (looking up where to find them)
His favourite element is most likely Anemo and his favourite region is Fontaine.
Suguru Geto:
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I highkey think Geto likes morally grey characters bc he can kinda relate to them.
He likes Raiden bc of the archon quest and her character quest. In other words, he just likes her lore involving Makoto and the other archons.
He's spent some money on genshin. Like buying the Welkin or a character skin or two, but nothing too crazy.
His favourite events are Windtrace and the Golden Apple Archipelago. He also doesn't care too much for the Aranara quest but he likes the primos he gets out of it. He has a few areas at 100% exploration but most of them are between 80%-95%.
his favourite element is Electro and Dendro and his favourite region is Inazuma.
Megumi Fushiguro:
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Megumi's favourite 5 star is Xiao bc he has a cool character design. He likes Xiao's tattoos and he likes his skill and burst, as well as his lore and his ties to Zhongli.
Bc of this, his favourite events are the annual Lantern Rite events. He didn't care too much about Xiao at first but then liked him after the story quest where he saved the traveler from falling.
Highkey he's saving up for Cloud Retainer
He's f2p and gets most of his primos through exploration.
Favourite element is Anemo and his favourite region is also Liyue but likes Inazuma too.
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Inumaki is a Nilou defender for life! He also likes Ayaka and is an Ayaka defender too.
He just likes the characters that are constantly mischaracterized- esp the ones that are dumbed down to "traveler's harem".
He likes any event involving Itto bc he's funny. But he especially loves Itto's Onikabuto battle events bc he likes mini-game type events.
Also another f2p bc he doesn't like spending much money when he doesn't have to.
Favourite element is Cryo and Hydro and his favorite region is Inazuma.
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Panda likes Itto bc he's funny (he's the reason Inumaki likes Itto) and he likes Ushi.
He's gotten his highest crit using Itto and likes his character design. He just thinks Itto's a cool character all around (he's right).
Bc Panda is a Panda, he likes exploring Liyue even though he forgets he's supposed to open chests. He just plays to fight a bunch of things tbh. He often joins Inumaki on Co-op and they go around fighting bosses.
Favorite events are also anything that have Itto in them including his beetle battle events. And the events where you just have to fight stuff, like Misty Dungeon.
Doesn't have a favourite element but his favourite region is Liyue.
Okkotsu Yuta:
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He doesn't play Genshin that much, if at all, but he only started playing because he saw Panda and Inumaki playing together one time and thought it was interesting.
He likes Chongyun bc of his relation to spirits and pure-yang energy. He once thought something like that could benefit him but quickly let that go.
He's probably only up to Mondstadt and Liyue tbh :/ Barely started the second archon quest with Zhongli and Liyue.
He likes the combat in the game but sometimes he just goes around and picks resources like the corolla mist flowers and dandelion seeds.
His favourite elements are Anemo and Cryo and he doesn't have a favourite region.
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otaku553 · 1 year
So you're free to ignore this if you want but I love the genshin worldbuilding in your fics. And like im just going to scream about my own genshin worldbuilding. Specifically WEAPONS AND GEMS. notice how gems are often in our genshin weapons?? Well I personally think that it's because they have a certain property that enhances the user's power. Depending on the gem and how long its been in an enriched environment it could lead to higher levels of power. Stuff from monstadt tends to have a colour that looks like anemo and their weapons have more gems than other areas. I think it has a high gem count essentially a lot more gems than other areas. And because they're growing in mondstadt certain gems like ones from hypostasis inherit anemo properties simply because of the ground and in old mondstadt leftovers from the God that died there could enhance Mondstadt gems further more. In liyue. A lot of swords have a yellow gem. Cor lapis. It inherits the power from old battles and enhances it. I've also noticed some dont have gems in liyue so the gold from mora could also enhance weapons. I just spat this out so sorry if it doesn't make sense-
That’s so cool???? I love these ideas and there’s also canonical precedent for minerals and crystals with elemental power because of the electro crystals that you find everywhere! The idea of elements enriching the environment corresponding to their region also makes a or of sense because in a lot of ways we’ve seen the archons literally shaping their region with these elemental powers, I.e. Barbatos using wind to reshape mondstadt or the Guyun Stone Forest or the crack through Yashiori Island or the Sumeru rainforest!
That said, I’m curious now if the elements corresponded to the region first or the archons first, since it seems like the winners of the wrchon wars are the gods? The question is, did the regional element follow the archon’s element and ideal or did the archons mold themselves to fit the regions they came to rule over? Because Stormterror existed before Venti and both correspond to wind, I wonder if the elements of these regions predate the archons that rule over them. But the rainforest seems to have been grown entirely by Rukkhadevata on the other hand, and the desert doesn’t seem conducive to the dendro element.
Though going back to the topic of the gems, I would somewhat expect Liyue to have more gems growing on account of the region’s association with the geo element, which I would assume includes minerals that gems are often made of. It’s a bit of a stretch but I think it would be interesting if some Mondstadt weapons are embedded with Liyue gems because that would convey some distance in the weapon’s journey and some connection between the nations in the time the weapon was created. With the expanding map it makes increasing sense for Mondstadt to be connected in trade to Liyue, since the two countries are so close together and have a direct route between the main cities. I could definitely see Mondstadt exporting wine to Liyue and importing precious gems for trading between them, though that’s just my own headcanon!
Definitely send me ideas if you feel comfortable doing so! I love reading them and they’re always fun to think through :)
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boy-above · 3 months
tagged by @vespertin-y to share three random facts abt myself sooo
1.) i have a big phobia of lakes or just dirty water in general, and submechanophobia, i can't stand looking at like cars submerged in water. i don't seem to have the same fear of the ocean, for example i would never swim in a lake and i'd probs have a panic attack if i fell in one, but i went to the beach for the first time in my life a couple years ago and i got in the ocean just fine. i didn't go very far out bc i was afraid i'd get pulled in, im very small you see and i can't really swim, but i enjoyed it and my friend got seaweed for me to touch ajdjf. despite not being afraid of seawater i do Not like boats and wouldn't get on one on the sea or in a lake. i'd probs feel Better about being on a boat in the sea but the feeling of being in a boat in general feels Wrong to me, like my primal monkey brain is like "humans shouldn't be able to float above water like this".
2.) i have very repetitive stress dreams every night of my life, i don't think i've ever had a Good dream before and im not joking. usually the mundane stuff like being back in high school and not knowing where my classes are or my locker combination etc (which is wild bc that's never something i actually needed to worry about in high school, like i never once forgot things like that). also losing my phone or having it stolen seems to be a theme lately as well. HOWEVER when a dream isn't mundane, i manage to have REALLY weird dreams. the first nightmare i ever remember having was when i was like three years old and i dreamed a tree was chasing me. like a legit tree. i never saw it walk, it would just move when i wasn't looking and would be closer when i looked back. i ran home and still have the vivid memory of slamming my front door and looking behind me to the window where the tree was "looking" inside at me. it didn't have eyes or anything im just assuming it must have been looking at me lmao. anyway i was Terrified of this tree but hindsight that's literally so funny. a tree. also had a dream where my trash bag climbed into bed with me. and one where it was "emu hunting season" in my neighborhood and everyone was hunting emus. i probs don't have to clarify that there aren't emus anywhere near my midwestern city.
2.5.) interesting combination of the first two facts, which is why this is a bonus fact™️. i realized a recurring aspect of my dreams is something highly specific to me and not normal. i didn't realize this from conversations with people or anything i just suddenly was like "oh that's actually very weird and specific to my particular phobias". the aspect in question being that in multiple dreams over several years there's been partially submerged roller coasters in my dreams. like the roller coaster is like 1/4 submerged in a dirty lake and i either just see it and am like "eugh" or i'm actually forced to ride it and have to deal with the horror of both the anticipation of the dirty water part plus the actual contact with the dirty water. i'm not afraid of roller coasters or anything i guess my brain just found a way to tap into my submechanophobia. very weird brain thing that sounds very stupid and it is ajdjr
3.) on a lighter note, i have five genshin impact accounts, although i don't use two of them anymore. i have my main account, an anemo only account, and a new gimmick account that is a secret. my other accounts were just a replay account to experience exploration again, and one that i was gonna call carrot run where i only used xingqiu. i might still end up playing on that one again eventually given that i have xingxiu and sac sword on that account already in very early game with was lucky 4 me.
this was longer than i thought it would be i just decided i like talking about myself apparently LMAO
i don't rly have anyone to tag bc i'm afraid of bothering ppl so AJDHDHFH will leave off the post here
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dearestspirit · 1 year
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-> jean x gn!reader
-> fluff, reader is specified to not have a vision
-> wc: 1039
-> note: happy birthday jean <3 i made up a bunch of stuff about the knights of favonius to fit this because why not. also she's a little ooc/flirty in this but i don't care i like thinking about her being confident and having a love at first sight moment with someone so. here's that
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you are a simple person. life in mondstadt was also simple: wake up, work, pay rent, so on and so forth. on days off, heading outside the city gates was something you loved to do. the breadth of nature greeting you was fulfilling each time. and even despite your lack of vision or knowledge in terms of weaponry and combat, you had managed to find safe trails to explore; or at least you figured out the best way to stealthily travel.
whistling, you enjoyed the feeling of the fresh breeze. shoes scuffing in the dirt, you could already see windrise in the distance. you figured that would be your destination today. it had been a while since you'd been there, despite your appreciation for the area's beautiful scenery. you held tightly to the pack strapped over your shoulder, full of everything you felt you needed. and even though you weren’t an experienced fighter, you still had a small dagger attached to the belt on your waist. for safety’s sake, of course.
you just didn't expect to ever find yourself in a situation where you’d need to use it.
until you're stopped, frozen in your tracks as a samachurl and a few slimes surround you. you were sure there'd be more hilichurls to follow the little shaman, already hearing the faint noise of their wild yells. gulping, you frantically tried to unsheathe your dagger, hands shaking. you'd never really trained for any sort of combat scenario, which is apparent by the way you clumsily point the blade towards the group of enemies. it's as if they can sense your fear and uncertainty, not even hesitating to inch closer towards you. with a swing of it's staff, you squeeze your eyes shut before you can feel the impact of it's electro energy.
that is, until a strong arm wraps around your waist, pushing you backwards. you land on your butt in the grass with an 'oof'. bewildered, you open your eyes to see a burst of anemo easily slaying the monsters that were trying to attack you. almost as soon as they had appeared, they were gone, so were the hilichurls that had followed the samachurl. chest heaving, you look around, eyes landing on the acting grand master of the knights of favonius.
she leans over you, reaching a hand out. her body catches the light of the sun behind her, framing her with a halo of brightness. in this moment, she truly looked like an angel. with warm cheeks, you graciously accept the help. jean rests a hand at the small of your back, steadying you as your legs are still wobbly with anxiety.
"are you alright?" she asks, carefully trailing her eyes over your form to assess any damage.
"i think so," your voice is a little shaky as you exhale. "thank you so much, acting grand master."
"of course, though there's no need to be so formal. why were you out here all alone?" jean asks, an eyebrow raised.
"well, i was visiting windrise…" you mumble, embarrassed that you had to be saved.
"i see," jean nods. "though it is beautiful out here, it's not uncommon for groups of monsters to be found. if you wish to keep coming here, you should seek guidance to help protect yourself."
"yes, i'll consider it," you sigh. "i'm sorry to have caused so much trouble for you. i'm sure you're busy enough as it is."
jean smiles gently, shaking her head. "it's quite alright. it's my duty to protect the people of mondstadt," she steps back, now that you're able to stand on your own. "if you're interested in getting some actual use out of that dagger of yours, i can see about getting you assigned to training with the knights of favonius."
"the… the knights?" you gulp. "i'm not sure if it's that necessary, is it?"
"you wouldn't be on the front lines or anything," she chuckles a bit. "there are lower rungs of the knights that provide these sort of combat lessons for civilians like you, who don't have someone close to them who can keep them safe on their travels if they must leave the city."
"oh, yes, that makes sense then," you nervously rub at the back of your neck. "sorry, i'm not well versed in that sort of thing, but… it does seem useful. i like going outside the city, and i've only gotten by by being stealthy…"
"consider it, then. if you come by the headquarters later tonight, i can help get you signed up and sorted," she looked down at you, grabbing one of your hands. "maybe you'll even get assigned to the unit i check in on from time to time."
"o… oh! that'd be nice." one of your palms comes up to rest on your cheek, hoping you can hide your flustered expression.
her cheeks are a light pink, though you aren't sure if it's from the sun or exertion of fighting or if she actually feels a hint of joy at you being around. with a gentle sigh, she brings the back of your hand up, placing her lips against it for a brief moment. you have to do everything in your power to not faint, feeling as if electricity is coursing through you.
"i have to return to the city, but if you'll let me, i'd like to escort you back. i'm worried that some more monsters may show up if they figure out some of their forces got wiped out here." she tells you, and you can see the concern in her eyes.
"i wouldn’t mind that at all!" you say, a wide grin on your face. "thank you for being so courteous."
"it's nothing, really." her smile beams. she holds out her arm for you to take.
interlocking your arm around hers, you two share conversation as you stroll along the trail. you come to find out that lisa and kaeya had convinced her to go take a moment to herself when she came across you– part of you feeling guilty for disrupting her time off, but the other part of you grateful for the new sides of her you got to see as you two got closer.
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wiggledude · 4 months
Xianyun headcanons:
-Likes showerng under a waterfall → isn't ashamed if someone does see her→ it's normal for her
- is proud of her human form, even though if she could tweak it a bit she would
-Is obsessed with skin tight clothing but it has to be breathable and good to move in. She has to look good in battle and serving while she's shopping
-as she likes looking good, she wears her hair in different styles
-If you're sick or don't feel good she'll make sure to take care of you/ make sure you rest properly and eat the right stuff, so you get healthy quickly
-Also if you're just slightly interested in machinery she'll just teach you all about it what there is→ after all it has been her passion for centuries
- I think she likes all seasons but loves summer most. But I think it doesn't matter too much since she can use her anemo vision to create a warm wind
-Misses her friends dearly (Guizhong)
- Is very proud of her daughter's/likes kids in general
-Would she like biological one? It doesn't matter to her
- Will talk a lot of given the chance→will do it over machinery or her family
- goal orientated
[-She makes a lot of inventions, sometimes even ones that are stupid but oh so endearing. Will also do surprising ones
- If you request something, whatever it may be, she'll try her best to fullfill it
-Treats her disciples(cough children) to food→ she'd treat her friends and partners too
- Her love language? Definitely taking out a loved one on a flying trip. Flying alongside her? Might be possible
-Could be considered a sugar Mommy
-If she loves someone(be it romantically or platonically) she goes all out. By that I means she'll be over the moon for you
-she has lived for too long for her to care with whom she's together. As long as she loves her significant other
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thatonecatcat · 5 months
gonna be posting more hilda x genshin impact au stuff but more on the “if she were canon in the storyline” side, just for fun
since this isint much of an interesting post yet, let me leak some lil info about my au under the cut bc slight spoilers
weapon: catalyst
vision: dendro
region: sumeru, but moved to mondstadt
faction: eremites
affiliation: mercenary
background: she was raised in lokapala jungle with her mother, but had to relocate due to their house being trampled by a group of sumpter beasts. (is that what theyre called?) before hilda and her mother moved to mondstadt, she wanted to make a deal with the emerites to join their group and scout other regions for them. so in the present, she studies biology and trades items from sumeru with other goodies from mondstadt. one day, she managed to defeat both the cryo regisvine, and the anemo hypostasis with her fists ALONE while patroling the mountains, thinking they were a threat. after picking up the crystals dropped by both of them, hilda realizes that along with the crystals, was a dendro vision.
note that i will change her story DRASTICALLY when i draw her “concept art”
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honorary-fool · 5 months
did the Caribert genshin quest recently, & not only was my mind exploded into a bajillion pieces at the plot twist and piecing together lore
imagining my current team as if they were actually traversing the ruins was fun and really cute so here's my various iterations:
(really it's only 2 bc I forgot the rest but)
Xiao: at the head of the group; strongest amongst my team, keeping watch for any enemies that would be provoked by the group's presence
Yoimiya: alternating between carrying Qiqi and walking with her, depending on if the little one got too tired or if Yoimiya's body heat was becoming too much to handle in close proximity
Albedo: staggering behind slightly, busy observing things and writing things down in his lil pocket clipboard (/j bc of his idle animation with the clipboard)
Albedo's in the front of the group, still observing/noting things down but also ready for combat if needed (I think I started with him a lot in fights absentmindedly, that's why)
Yoimiya's prepared with her bow, often looking around and asking Albedo a bunch of questions about stuff he's writing down- maybe some would be interesting to tell the li'l guys about when she visits her li'l gaggle of kiddie friends in Inazuma
Xiao and Qiqi behind them both, both as backup and because I've always liked the thought of adepti having much lower body heat temps; comfy silence, Qiqi's content with the cold from Xiao, and there's always anemo when it still gets a li'l too warm for her
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