#I think this is it
ofmd-alsaurus · 8 months
songs to listen to on repeat for the next week
I Love My Baby - Nina Simone
Fantastic Man - William Onyeabor
Strawberry Letter 23 - Shuggie Otis
Pygmy Love Song - Francis Bebey
Run From Me - Timber Timbre
This Woman's Work - Kate Bush
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tiktoks-we-like · 2 years
Genuine question: do yall by any chance have the video of the small crabs investigating the scuba divers hand with tts on and they just keep repeating "crab" "frighten" "food" if yall don't it's all good it may not even be a tiktok but it just launches so much serotonin into my skull
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dante-in-odd-places · 6 months
dante in katana zero (specifically the "you're fucking subhuman scene" with the therapist if you can dig it up)
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noway subhuman is that a devil may cry 5 reference
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nothidd3n · 3 months
im so fine about patrick stump playing allie for the 2ourdust medley no im so fine actually and so so so happy for the people who saw it live yeah its great everything is fine and dandy and great
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putting-vox-in-places · 3 months
put him in an isolation room
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seagreenstardust · 1 year
It’s the yearning.
It’s the mutual, oblivious pining
It’s you’re everything I want but I can’t have you
It’s there’s no way you would ever want me
It’s I don’t deserve you
It’s I’ll be close to you however you’ll let me
It’s we make each other better, stronger and you’re my person and everyone knows it but us
It’s the yearning.
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deesi-academia · 1 year
Tumblr: we have no life but we vibe forever
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bracken from lethal company
Bracken from Lethal Company hates diet culture!
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dokidokitsuna · 2 years
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Mapop Magical!
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jcams88 · 1 year
My final (and actually serious) guess on the secret is that Carlos doesn't have as much money as he portrays himself to have. The reason Andrea knows about the secret is that Carlos didn't actually have the money to buy the loft himself. He went to his parents for a loan. He's paying it back but now that he and TK will be married and, I assume, will have some kind of joint bank account, he's going to need to tell TK where the large chunks of money that are being withdrawn are going. And even more than that, if they're combining finances, TK is gonna have some questions about why Carlos doesn't have as much to his name as he assumed he did. In that new clip, Andrea mentions a "magazine cover venue." That is not something that sounds cheap or affordable in any way to me. When he thinks he has a year and a half to save up for it, he's fine but when faced with an 8 week timeline, he knows there's no way he can pull together the money for this and now has to come clean to TK.
This also lines up with them wanting to keep things simple for the wedding... they literally can't afford anything other than simple.
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ohnoitsjetster · 4 months
I like fruity looking boys who point a gun at me :]
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housewifebuck · 3 months
The brand new thing buck and eddie will learn is prostate massage that they can try on each other
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edd-ska · 8 months
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1.) Tom x evil director
2.) Matt x evil director
3.) Matt x pat
4.) Eduardo x Matt
5.) mark x Jon
6.) Eduardo x Todd
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dudewhy3 · 10 months
For the Director's Cut:
In Chapter 9, when they hold hands and talk about how nice it feels T////T
Hi Moon, thank you for asking!! i'll try to tell you as much as i can about those without spoiling too much sdfgh
the falling in love montage scene was what started the whole fic– i was really into romcoms at the time (summer 2021) and i was obsessing over aruani, so i thought oh they need a romcom of their own, how could i make that happen? and this popped into my head. that scene was one of the first ones i ever wrote when planning wpts, along with chapter 17 (all of it but we can’t talk about it right now lmao) and the conversation that led to them holding hands.
they're both quite trivial moments: the falling-in-love montage scene is the one that sets everything in motion, the whole story just builds itself around it, everything from that point on (up until a certain point much later into the story) will trace back to this one scene. it's the start of all nice things and most of the conflicts, both internal and external. if i were to pick, i'd say it's the first most important scene in the whole story. (yet i'm not quite happy with how i wrote it and might go back and edit it at some point)
then, the holding hands in chapter 9... well, chapter 9 is filled with easter eggs. it gives you all the information you need to piece together the rest of the story without actually spelling it out to you, especially the conversation that led to them holding hands. that’s when they start understanding each other a bit more and realize that they want to be there for one another.
also, it was originally set in a coffee shop! they were eating cake and drinking coffee while having that talk and holding hands, but then i came up with the walk and it just made so much sense sdfhg
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hey-kae · 1 year
ROAST THEM! please, i am begging
I didn’t mean to ignore this, i just got sorta busy and now idk where to start anymore but i still wanna roast them so here we go.
Big rant incoming. I warned you.
I just found it so disrespectful that they were practically mocking racing in a room of people of literally give and have given so much to it, let alone everything that juan manuel correa went through. That alone should be enough to indefinitely shut them up and show them how much racing can mean to the drivers.
The comment asking for a gift absolutely made my skin CRAWL. Just unnecessary and weird and entitled. If they meant it as a joke, they have shit humor.
I don’t watch f2. I’ve watched like three f2 races in my whole life and i still know more than half the drivers. You have to consume absolutely zero motor-racing related media to not know them. Be for real, some of them are f1 reserve drivers.
The part where they said they didn’t know who juan manuel was? How? Just how? I’ll take it into consideration that maybe they don’t know his own story, cause that’ll take research beyond their mental capabilities to do. They hear about a racing driver that passed away racing, do they not feel ANY compassion? Or curiosity to understand why that happened? Who was involved? How they were affected? Beyond me.
Minor things and errors and penalties happen sometimes and i go google regulations and mechanics and aerodynamics to understand what happened and why. Come on, bffr.
This is the part that literally enraged me. They literally said they see f1 as an opportunity to be famous without having a real interest in it. They literally said the races are always boring and they took up f1 as the topic to do a podcast on because football had already reached its peak when they started and f1 is just on the way to reach its peak popularity.
For once, i found that people who say DTS did more damage than good have a point, and it wasn’t girls who fan girl over drivers who caused the world to realize that. It was grown ass men who are there for the drama and would rather watch DTS than the actual season (they said that fr). Don’t get me wrong, that wouldn’t be too bad in case of someone who watched DTS for entertainment, without disrespecting anyone, in case of people who haven’t unrightfully earned such a big platform in f1 just by being white cis men who pretended to know a lot about the sport.
Lastly, according to what they said previously, i’ve been watching f1 for about the same time as them and it blows my mind that i, someone who doesn’t have a platform in this sport, know wayyy more than them. Nico Rosberg was champion in 2013?! I could take not knowing what years seb won his championships, but keeping up with the memes part of this community is more than enough to know Rosberg won in 2016. I had to do 0 research to find that out! The jokes about it are enough.
When people called them out last year, will buxton defended them. Now maybe people can realize how idiotic it is to give such people a platform.
I just think people who don’t actually love and enjoy the sport and aren’t even passionate enough about it to understand its basics should not be such known figures in it.
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 year
im sorry, but eddie answered for buck and im supposed to be normal!!!!! huh!!!!!!!!
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