#I think y'all are shitting me? either that or u really liked that joke I made about the titles
restinslices · 8 months
Would u be down doing earth realm boys or Lin Kuei boys doing karaoke? U can write whoever you want first
It is currently 9:32am and I have not been to sleep since 6pm yesterday. I feel delusional. If something doesn’t make sense, blame that.
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Moving on-
I’m joking but Bi-Han gives me the vibes that he only moves his arm during Just Dance and complains because “it only tracks your arm! You don't have to do anything else!”
That's not the point. Have some fun and bust a move 
If you beg enough, he just might crack depending on the day
Thing is though, he's not really speaking. He's just saying the lyrics
Y'all are also not doing this in public. This is something y'all would do at home with a youtube video in the back 
You're singing your heart out (even if you can't sing) and he's literally just speaking 
Him: The feeling in it😐
Honestly idk why you'd even wanna karaoke with him
Telling him he's killing the vibe won't work either. He's either doing it his way or not at all 
He's also picky when it comes to songs
Prefers slower songs 
Which is wild because like?? You're hardly participating 
A short karaoke session. Only does a few songs or one long one 
Only long song I can think of rn is American Pie 
And he'd pick that one specifically so he can be one and done 
Also probably picks random ass sad songs. Bi-Han I do not wanna hear that right now 
He says he doesn't like it but gets offended if you ask Kuai Liang or Tomas instead of him. He wants to be asked and say no. Don't just ask them 
Give him a little performance. He'll roll his eyes but if you don't then he'll think something is wrong 
Prefers karaoke with just you two. I know I said private beforehand but he means it. Just you two alone in a room. He refuses to do his lackluster ass singing in front of people 
However, if his mood is better than it usually is, you could talk your way into letting his brothers join. Especially if you promise he won't have to sing as much 
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Yes on occasions 
It's not frequent but that's just because he's busy. Not because he doesn't like it 
Idk if he can sing and I'm not getting a certain vibe but he'll do it anyway 
Cannot do any fast songs or faster parts because he'll have an aneurism
Pulls out the most random old song his father showed him when he was younger 
Likes duets because he can sing lower than you, so he's still participating but can't be heard 
Not a short session but not necessarily long. He just gets tired at some point 
Will gladly listen to you though. Even if your voice is straight ass 
It's bonding so it's fine and you're happy 
Also does it privately but for different reasons. Bi-Han is “I refuse to let anyone hear this”, and Kuai Liang is “no one should have to suffer and hear this”
Also idk how often they leave their home for casual shit so going to an actual karaoke place is foreign to him 
Probably likes love songs as well 
Giving him or Tomas a mini concern will result in lots of laughter even if he tries to hide it at first 
He's not singing his heart out but he's not just saying the lyrics. He's doing a decent job 
Enjoys listening to you more than he enjoys actually singing because of how expressive you are 
He'll never turn down free entertainment 
Idk why but I feel like he'd wanna sit by you while doing karaoke or have you sit on his lap
I just imagine it's really cute and the karaoke video is playing on your phone while cuddled next to him 
Idk, maybe I'm just a simp for him 
I just think he's a little romantic at heart fr. Singing stupid ass corny shit while being close 
Sometimes it'd be spur of the moment. If you start, he'd listen 
It's an activity he’d be down for every once in awhile 
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Willing to do karaoke the most often 
Probably feels bad for being busy so when he's not he's like “yeah totally”
The one brother to not do only slow songs 
I think he also will have an aneurism if he tries to do faster parts of a song 
But he can sing songs at a so called normal pace 
Invites his brothers to join
Probably invites the Earthrealm champions and Syzoth too. It's turning into a party 
He hardly does anything fun so he's taking advantage of this 
Is probably also cuddled next to you
It's disgusting to everyone else 
Tomas either has a very heavenly voice or a voice that would frighten the most vicious monster 
Either way, he's hitting a high note 
I don't think he's been to a karaoke place either so it's probably not there 
It honestly could be at Johnny's place. Johnny didn't kick his ass so he doesn't feel rage in his heart when he sees him 
I think he's a pop girlie
Enjoys karaoke because it brings everyone together and it's an activity that won't cause some sort of trauma or death 
He's isolated and bored all the time 
I don't think it's frequent because his schedule but if you want to and he's free then he's down 
Also cool with private karaoke between the two of you 
Doesn't necessarily have a preference 
Probably doesn't have a favorite song either. It changes depending on the day 
I have not been able to sleep properly since last week or so. I’m losing my grip on reality 😀
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td-scenarios · 1 year
OMG OK SO UHHH may I request some Scott fluff? 👉👈 Something like how he would go from being friends with y/n, to crushing on them, and then how he would realize he has fallen completely in love?
I am ESTATIC to have found your blog AAA💕💕💕
ahhhhh yes!!!! i LIVE for scott just being a silly guy sometimes. u r literally feeding me tysm <3333
Scott going through the stages of falling in love with y/n
I think that you and Scott would eventually start getting along since you had overheard his plans and instead of calling it dumb or telling every other camper about his plots, you confronted him about them and developed the plans a bit more.
ur an antagonist now sorry (not rlly. youre more like a really supportive best friend)
For the most part, at the beginning, he'd just come to you to double check what he thought of made sense (he's pretty sure he didn't make any mistakes, but a second opinion never hurts.)
But eventually, y'all are hanging out more just for the fun of it than anything to do with the game.
Scott is kind of funny. And he thinks you're not all that bad either.
Despite being on opposite teams, you guys sit with each other during meals just because you are one another's preferred company.
"So, Y/N, would you rather be stuck shoveling cowpies the rest of your life, or-"
"Does everything have to do with cow shit for you?"
And similar back n forth for pretty much most of your guys' conversations.
You make the island genuinely bearable for him.
This is the thought that eventually makes him realized he's screwed
Your laugh? More lovely than he remembered it being
Your jokes? Suddenly 10x funnier
Your smile? He can hardly make eye contact anymore
TL;DR you make his heart go skittles color
It's fine though. It's containable.
He wouldn't let anyone get his head out of the game
Just because he liked his first best friend ever didn't change much. Back on the farm, he would've never had this issue so of course he thinks he can push through.
So the routine between the two of you continues on except his cheeks stay tinted the same pink. That's the only difference.
Everything will be fine. He'll get over it
He doesn't get over it.
Everytime you speak, he gets this far off look in his eye. Maybe even a dopey smile.
"Are you even listening to me, Scott?"
"Hm? Ya, of course. I love....rats?"
"You suck."
At this point, it's hard to have a coherent conversation with him.
He's a bumbling stumbling mess around you. Nothing like what he was like before. He's really bad at handling his emotions that aren't negative. He's a growing boy let him live.
Scott can't believe he'd ever say this, but he thinks that he has fallen in love with you.
Jokes on him, you thought he was cute from the start and him being all shy and lovestruck around you has only made that affection grow tenfold
Disappointingly, u two are UNBEARABLE and won't do anything abt your feelings
Clearly, you can see he likes you back which should make it easy, but it's the principle of the matter that scares you
and, just look at scott, he can barely get a word out around u. he's just a pathetic guy let him live
So what eventually makes this all work out?
"Ugh, you two losers just kiss already!"
That sure helped you make a move
Scott is still utterly tongue-tied around you, but once you two start dating he clears up a bit
He's actually just a big softie since he wants his first relationship to go really really well
And, well
He does really love you
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makipedia · 1 year
OKKK maki dating head-cannons🤗
love best girl maki smsmsmsmmmsmsmmsmsmsm <33
-this can be gender neutral (but im imagining the reader as a female for myself just cuz ima girl but otherwise it's gender neutral, except for when i'm mentioning afab/amab)
-always angry
-she's not angry at you,,, she's angry at the world. primarily because panda and toge WILL NOT stop teasing her about it
-but she's very nice to you, even when she doesn't think she is. it's like she hates everyone and loves you (why can't she be real </3)
-even after you two started going out, it took a LOOONG time for her to get used to the affection u give (if u do like giving affection. if u dont then ignore this and pretend ur the same as her/j)
-UGH she's so cute whenever you hug her, cuz she isn't used to all the affection since she never really received it as a child. that poor girl- i wanna give her all the love she deserves :( can u tell i love maki
-when she does get used to the affection, forehead kisses are vv common! and they're so cute gn. you two could be tired from training all day and you're sitting together while drinking water and she'll randomly give u a forehead kiss or maybe a cheek kiss idk. and when u turn to smile back at her she's always blushing, and you just can't help yourself so you lean in to kiss her cheek as well. her face turns even more red as she mumbles little strings of curses under her breath.
-live laugh maki. <3
-for afab readers, maki defo seeks advice on how to ask u out from either shoko (if u decide the relationship starts in the time jjk 0 takes place) or nobara if u haven't seen the movie yet. all those hours she spent talking with shoko/nobara just for u to be the one asking her out LMAOO
-yeah. toge and panda always joke about it and she'll threaten them with the least scary threats like "i'll kill you!1!1!! >:(" and they'll just die laughing along with u
-for amab readers she defo didn't expect to fall for a guy after being treated like shit from the zen'in clan which it mainly men😃 (i hope that's a valid reason to hc she's wlw but i dont want criticism so i'm adding amab readers <:)) tho she didn't go to any of the boys for help (not even yuta LMAO)
-she's more dominant hotter than you, no matter the gender. you could be the sexiest actress in the world or the most majestic bro on tiktok and she'd still be hotter LOL (accept it losers/j)
-being hot doesn't always come with confidence (but most of the time it does and it takes a while for her to embrace that) and once she actually does embrace it, she's a TERRIFIC flirter i want maki to flirt with me
-she loves seeing u blushing and embarrassed, again, no matter the gender. tho she did reluctantly pick up tips from gojo whenever she'd see him rizzing up some girl on the street LMAO
"hey there, hot stuff."
"are you trying to rizz me up again?"
"no, would you like me to?"
IT WORKS EVERY TIME??? if that sucked im sorry i have no rizz shamefully and it always ends up with u blushing (if y'all are aged up idk where u wanna take that...😓)
-and if y'all r making out expect things to go her way (you'll be busy for a while so put ur shit on do not disturb) with her shoving u against a wall not me projecting my daydreams
-lemme stop b4 i get out of hand.
-ANYWAYS dating her would be super fun if she wouldn't be TRAINING ALL THE TIME!!! that girl is always training and it takes 5 sacrifices to god and one spar to get her to stop </3. then u guys hang out in y'alls rooms, varying from hers or yours (mainly yours tho idk why just go with it)
yeah idk what else to add LOL
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
You know, even non shippers have noticed that tae can't do a vlive without mentionnig jk
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2 minutes into the live and boom!
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Tbf. Apart from the fact that he's made a habit of it, no one should be getting mad at this one. He was in a dark room so he said he would get a candle like JK. That....doesn't sound bad to me. Or problematic at all. What did make me go ❓❓❓was that 2 minute live he did at JK's place. He turns on the live without asking, and then after the live is on is when he goes "should I turn this off?" Like my dude, what do you want JK to say, yes? 🤨
But listen. Maybe I'm not the best person to speak on this. Unlike most I have 0 issue with what V is doing or not doing. I mean he could have said something about Jimin's BB history moment but whatever, this is about Vminkook. When it comes to this particular subject I have no issue with it whatsoever. I see where people are coming from, I hear what they're saying, and sometimes I even agree. However, my feelings for Kim Taehyung are the same as they ever were. I mean have u seen this man?
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Damn 🥵 I ain't holding nothing against him why lie? 🤭🤭
Real talk though, here's how I see it. Jimin doesn't take anybody's shit. Like we know that. We have seen it. And we have heard it from him. He cuts off people from his life when he feels its time. But alas! Latest content we have go10 Vmin seem to be okay. Great infact. (Run BTS busan concert hug)
Then there's JK who loves Jimin more than life itself and would NEVER ever let anybody hurt or disrespect that man. Have we forgotten he was about to give Suga a beat down?? Did u see the panic on RM's face? Did you see Jhope getting ready to referee? It was about to go down y'all 😂😂
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So no, JK would never let anyone getting away with hurting Mimi. No fucking way. Idc what anyone says JK would have thrown V to the curb (fuck BTS) a long time ago if he knew Jimin was getting affected *badly* by V's behaviour. So the fact that Tkk are still hanging out, The fact that Vmin are still joking around and seem to be okay, that right there makes me believe that either a) its not as bad as people think or b) Jikook still care about V in which case I still care about V. It's really as simple as that. For as long as Jikook continue to be okay with him, so will I.
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The end.
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years
So sorry you have dual illnesses rn and I hope you feel better soon! What's your take on some of the fandom assuming that Emily outed Tara to the team? It seems like everyone except JJ already knew when Emily told her, leading me to think that we didn't see Tara telling the others.
Oh god, I have complained about this endlessly to my partner. YES, I understand that PERHAPS Tara told everyone else and JJ was simply the last to know.... BUT that still doesn't change the fact the viewers literally saw this...(we're going to look at this through a cishet lens because let's be honest, the show is mostly consumed by cishets who wouldn't understand queer nuances here.) 1) Emily sees Tara smiling at a woman and IMMEDEATLY 'clocks it'
Why I hate it: The fucking jokey line of 'Ohhh you two are SO a thing!' is just really annoying to me. CISHETS DO NOT DO THIS???? Like we all fucking laugh about 'they're just gals being pals!' Cishet people go out of their way to explain two women being close to each other, they don't INSTANTLY see two women just SMILING at each other and go 'Oh you're dating!?' "But Kit! It's because Emily is gay!" No. Emily is NOT canonically queer. As far as any of us know, Emily is canonically STRAIGHT, so this in itself was a type of forced-outing. This entire 'coming out' scene with Emily was unnecessary. Why did someone else have to 'clock it'??? Why couldn't they just have Tara say "Hey, Emily...if Rebecca is going to help us out, cards on the table. We're dating." << This makes the coming out part Tara's CHOICE. 2) "Oh we're so going to give you shit about this" - Emily
Why I hate it: It really read as "We're going to give you shit about DATING A WOMAN" and I fucking hateeeee it. They could have EASILY made the line more specific "Can't believe you've been dating and we didn't know!" Like??? Why do they need to make jokes about giving her shit???? Queer people get bullied and teased (and assaulted and murdered) just because they're queer. The whole "haha Tara's coming out is going to be a point of joking in the team!" is such garbage imo. It's really damaging in the implication that her dating a woman should be joked about AT ALL. I know people reading this will say "Oh, but the team always teases each other when they date people!" Sure, they tease STRAIGHT people about it. But the implications of teasing Tara (A BLACK QUEER WOMAN) AT ALL is completely unnecessary. 3) "Did you say...girlfriend?" - JJ
Why I hate it: YES I 100% felt like this was Emily just casually outing Tara. And I really hate how they used that as a 'punchline' moment. All the press releases talked about how JJ/Tara worked as the only two following up on ALL consults for a YEAR. That to me indicates out of any of the team who might have ALREADY know...it would be JJ???? "But Tara probably already told everyone else!" Okay, AGAIN... let's look at this through the lens of the main viewership (cishets).... they aren't going to get that nuance or come to that possibility. They're going to see this scene and be like "LOL this was a funny punchline!" or "Wow, outing people is a fun joke!" No, FUCK THAT. It would NOT have been that hard to INSTEAD, have Tara bring Rebecca into the round table room and preface it with 'This is Rebecca from the DOJ, who is also my girlfriend, but that's unimportant right now...." Personally, I think a lot of (queer) fans are desperately trying to look at Tara's coming out as a 'perfect' scene. But y'all do know that even if you enjoy a piece of media, even if you're hyped that Tara is canonically queer.... YOU CAN STILL REMAIN CRITICAL of how that was played out in canon!!!! I mean the very next episode they have Rebecca and Tara moving in together or the 'u-haul' stereotype. It is ESTABLISHED that Rebecca doesn't HAVE to move back to the city (if she stays with Tara in Virginia) so why not just have that?? Sure it's a commute, but she's going to have a commute either way???? If they had been dating longer than 'a couple of months' and were talking about moving in together, I'd probably be okay with that??? But I really felt like it was YET ANOTHER stereotype being played out and I just....I'm tired, y'all. I'm so tired of seeing most queer media play out in harmful stereotypes. I don't know why it's so impossible to just have queer characters who have regular, healthy, wholesome relationships?? (Probably because MOST showrunners/producers/writers are cishet and don't understand that these relationships exist....but that's a whole other rant post in itself) So, Anon.... I guess to answer your question: Yes, I feel like Emily outed Tara and I'm quite angry at how that's played out. (I haven't watched E3, but as far as I know....Tara never (on-camera) came out to anyone else???) >> [More Thoughts] [About Tara's] [Coming Out] << These are my opinions. You're allowed to have other points of view, but make your own post. Because I'm not here for discourse.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
Tales of Ba Sing Se Re-watch
Alright, I ain't even gonna lie to you guys this is yet another re-watch post made after a couple glasses of wine. I really don't have anything too deep to say about this episode though, it's just fun. This is also one of my most highly re-watched episodes so I don't even know why I re-watched it again for this re-watch. Just the completionist in me, I guess. But I literally do watch this episode all the fucking time lol it's a comfort episode for me & good background noise plus it's one of my sister's faves so she literally always has either this or 'The Beach' on.
(Yes I know my sister has good taste. Please comment about it so I can tell her. She is 12 & would be delighted & validated to know people on the internet think she has good taste.)
Already this post has gotten off track! I swear I used to be a party girl y'all I used to be able to drink anyone under the damn table at any time now literally only 2 glasses of red wine on a weeknight & I'm loopy lmao. Okay, what was I saying? What do I have to say about this episode? Look, basically, it's a slice of life & it's kinda like a fluffy fanfic to me. Like, it's not relevant to the plot but I love it so much. It's so important to me. Every show needs at least 5 episodes a season in this vein, I think that would fix modern TV I'm being completely serious.
Alright, so first of all the beginning is hilarious & precious. I just love all the kiddos getting ready in the mirror, & Toph being a hot mess who's ready to go & doesn't give a fuck about dirt.
Katara & Toph's segment is just so fucking cute.
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I always completely forget until watching this episode how hard I used to ship Katara & Toph lol! Now I no longer ship them romantically but they have such an adorable friendship. I really love how Toph is hesitant at first but goes along with Katara's idea, & even sticks around after they touch her feet - the one thing she asked not to happen (don't blame you, baby girl, this is Nickolodean after all.) Toph freaking the attendant out with her silly mud mask face & making Katara laugh gets me grinning like a fool every time. I of course love Katara & Toph showing those mean girls what's what & sharing a soft moment. Best girls. I love them so much. Oh shit, the iconic behavior competition. They get +500 each for sending those mean girls down the river.
Alright & Iroh's adventure!!! Wow, I have like, nothing deep to say about it but I love it so much. I love Iroh helping people selflessly. The interaction with the would-be mugger is great. But the juxtaposition from Iroh singing to the crying kid on the street & singing as he plays tribute to Lu Ten.....I get emotional every time. Iroh's little tale says a lot about the way he interacts with the world around him & I love it <3 Also, +100 iconic behavior points for changing the mugger's life so easily.
Aang's adventure is funny but I have no deep analysis? Sorry guys I'm lacking in the deep analysis area right now. I mean, there's not much to say. It's entertaining. I'm a little confused about how there can be a zoo outside the walls of Ba Sing Se? Isn't it....kinda tricky to get in & out? I don't...ok.....anyway...
Sokka's adventure is hilarious. I love the slam poetry moment. But I don't have much to analyze there other than "haha funny."
Zuko!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't know if you guys knew this about me, but I love Zuko. I know, I know, shocking. I love Zuko's little date with Jin. I saw the headcanon that Iroh purposefully made Zuko's hair into a 'do that would cause any girl with any sense to immediately ruffle it & that's just so cute, I totally read it that way from now on. "Zuko can't lie" as a character trait will forever be important to me. Zuko juggling even though he can't juggle will never not be funny & endearing. But I have to tell you guys, I was joking with some of you about how "Zuko has no game" before but like.....if u think about it Zuko did get a girl fully simping over him & trying desperately to get a lil kiss on the lips DESPITE his consistent fumbling so I MEAN. Say what you will but Jin was into him.
Also, I remember the first time I watched this episode I could not focus on anything else after Zuko lit the lanterns 'cause I was STRESSED. I was certain Zuko had given him & Iroh away.
Momo's segment just makes me sad 'cause it reminds me what episode is next & my heart is not ready.....
Anyway!!!! I love this cute little episode!!! That is all <3
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thetypingpup · 2 years
tysm for answering my questions!! tbh i asked cuz i'm goin thru my own bouts of insecurity. my imposter syndrome is so severe i still think every like/reblog/follow i get is a bot, someone is playing a joke on me about anyone rly reading my stuff, much less liking it
omg that's so wild that u feel like ur not a big writer or that ur fics go unnoticed t-t i think ur such a good writer, such amazing prose, so many amazing ideas
and tbrh i think a lot of writers feel what u feel. i rly feel it sometimes. feeling like, how come what i write doesn't seem to have anyone into it?? are my kinks/tastes that rare/boring/weird? rly??
for me yeah some things i just can't write cuz either i have no interest to write it or it's something I don't think i can write well and like, that's ok. i used to wonder if I should write stuff I'm not feeling but tbh i just can't. gotta have passion to get me going. keep doing u! u've got readers who love ur stuff!! better to get readers who get u and ur passions than to write things u don't like imo!! <3
it's been like that in whatever writing sphere i'm in. in the fandoms i write for on here, i have a certain amounts of followers and get a certain amount of notes, and my moots get way more notes and have way more followers. i used to be caught up in that for a while and admittedly it took me a long time to get out of it. it's easy to get caught up bc i would watch damn near everyone around me get hundreds or even thousands of notes, and meanwhile i was lucky if i broke 300.
the other part of it is for me, i've always found that the more effort i put into something, the less notes it gets. the "how dream would eat pussy" post is the highest amount of notes i ever got, and admittedly that was me halfheartedly throwing thoughts together. meanwhile in the years i've been on here, i never even made it to 600 before. the only reason i haven't deleted it yet is bc of the amount of notes it got bc i've never gotten that much before and i just keep it around to remind myself that it's possible. but honestly it's always been like that, where the work i actually like and put a lot of effort into doesn't get much interaction, but the random bullshit i scribble out and frankly don't really care about and lowkey wanna delete gets all the notes. it's been like that for years i just had to begrudgingly accept it. as long as i'm proud of it then that's all that really matters, and of course i can keep reblogging it like "hey! look at this! i like this thing i wrote! please read it!" until people get sick of me 😅.
i 100% get feeling out of place based on personal taste and kinks and the like. i know for me, i look around like "oh wow, this is the wave people on, and i've very much not with that shit is something up with me?" y'all know me, my pet peeves and triggers get real specific and it makes it difficult to find stuff i can enjoy, so being surrounded by the opposite of what i want damn near all the time has had an effect on me i cannot lie. i always feel like i'm alone in my thoughts and what i like until i have people come in and tell me they resonate with what i wrote. that's the shit that keeps me going and reminds me that i'm not posting to the void and that i'm not alone, so to anyone out there, please interact with and talk to your local writers. you have no idea how much even something simple as some kind words or expressing interest motivates us. we need comfort and reassurance too 😭
at the end of the day it's always better to stick to what you're comfortable with, bc if you don't and you get whatever attention you're gonna get, at the end of the day you're gonna be the one unhappy and feeling some type of way and you shouldn't do that to yourself. i've done that, and i would end up deleting popular shit bc i wasn't satisfied with it, and that's truly all that matters. speaking of which, i gotta do another quality control purge see what work i actually still stand by 🤔
i can assure you that the people who do support you definitely aren't bots. they're people who genuinely like your work and wanna let you know how much they enjoyed it. cherish those. imo those comments and reblogs of people telling you what they liked about your work and why are always better than numbers. save them for when you have those days where imposter syndrome or insecurity pop up, to remind yourself that you're doing a good job and other people think so too. i'm wishing the best for you anon!
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🌻 hi it’s been a while i just read the last two chapters of laig (i’m only referring to it by initials now to save characters, tho this parentheseses phrase took more characters than it would’ve to just say the whole title) and i am still absolutely in love with ur writing but like that’s not news to anyone soo,, also love your absolute ESSAYS of ANs so much dude wtf i don’t understand why they appeal to me so much but they do. final note is that i’m not ready for the angst but dancing? yes pls
hey hey always nice to hear from u! ye dw I only type the whole thing bc it’s like a compulsion, not related to my OCD tho actually I think it’s related to the autism? but that’s besides the point
Aaaa as always thank u sm, tbh I can hardly remember what I wrote about yesterday but I think I complained about French? I always do so since when is that new lmfao. The ANs are so intimate bc like... I’m sharing with you all my immediate unfiltered thoughts as I edit and scramble to get all my shit together, and most of it’s written after my meds wear off so I have like NO control over what goes in there
But yeah when ppl tell me they like it it... Worms Me Harte somethin fierce
YEAH BABEYYYY THE DANCING SCENE IS MY FAVE PART AS U ALL KNOW!!!!!!! I’m so weak for pre-relationship slow dancing. I feel like it’s become my trademark, and I really hope so because I’m so so so in love with the concept, like the intimacy!!! The need to collaborate for something so mundane!!! The hyperawareness of where the others hands are and the nerves and the secrecy of a conversation shared a mere few breaths apart I’M SCREAMING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I hope the angst wrecks y’all a lil bit. I’m always afraid the angst is gonna miss the mark and it’s gonna just read like overreaction. Although Nanners taught me early on that if u believe in what you write your readership will believe it too, and lemme tell u I believe what’s about to happen warrants the Angst tag lol
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skinnyducky · 3 years
unexpected visits // v.h.
I got this idea from a movie (She's Out of My League). This scene in particular was one that nearly made me piss my pants and I knew I had to write something similar to it. I just really wanted to do something so kooky and funny and I felt this definitely fits that. I categorized this as fluff but idk. N E ways, here it is. Hope y'all enjoy it!
link to part 2
Word Count: 1420, slightly edited
WARNING: sexual themes, heavy make out session, language (once again...I think), mention of alcohol, and a very flustered vinnie
You threw your head back in laughter as Vinnie had cracked another joke. You two had just left your date at BOA Steakhouse and due to the night being so great, you decided to invite Vin back to your apartment to hang out. Granted, you had no intentions of giving him the goods, at least not yet. You didn’t want to rush into that with this relationship. With so many of your previous relationships, you’d give it up and then they’d leave. You didn’t want that with Vinnie. Hell, you at least wanted him to meet your parents before any of that.
“You are a mess,” you giggled, stopping in front of your apartment door.
“Eh, I try to not to be.” He replied, making a funny face.
You rolled your eyes and pulled out your keys. You fumbled a bit before finding the key to your apartment. As you opened the door, you immediately dropped your bag and headed straight for the kitchen.
“You want anything to drink? A soda or water?” You asked, opening your fridge. “I think I may even have a White Claw or two.”
“Just a water’s fine.”
You nodded and grabbed two waters. You watched from behind the kitchen island as he glanced around your apartment, admiring the décor.
“This is a really nice place.” He gasped. “It’s even nicer than-…”
He stopped mid-sentence, staring at the horse of a dog that stood right before him. He gulped and backed away as the male Doberman began to growl at him.
“What the hell is that?” Vinnie asked, holding his hand out in defense.
Giggling, you walked out from behind the counter. “That’s Mac. I’m watching him for a while until my family gets back from Puerto Rico.”
“Oh wow,” Vinnie replied, “he’s got some teeth on him.”
“Yeah, you should sit down. He hates when people stand up; makes him antsy.”
Vinnie wasted no time taking a seat on your sofa. Mac took note of this and laid down. Taking your place on the sofa next to Vinnie, you passed him his water before taking a drink of yours. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to do or talk about. That was until you grew tired of the quietness and decided to make a move. You leaned in close to him and grabbed his chin to make him face you. The two of you stared deep into each other’s eyes, slowly moving in closer until your lips brushed against each other, but before you could get any closer, you pulled back.
“Wait…wait,” you breathed. “I’m really want to, but I don’t wanna move too fast, y’know?”
“No, no…I get it, I totally do.”
“Believe me, I want to so bad, but…I just don’t want you to leave.”
He furrowed his brows. “Wha-…Why would I leave, Y/n?”
“Because everyone else does. Every time I meet someone nice, I get pretty generous and give it up within the first couple of days and then never hear from them again. I just don’t want that with you.” You explained, cradling yourself.
Vinnie sighed, wrapping an arm around you. He gave you a comforting smile and pulled you into his side.
“Y/n, I like you so much, I didn’t even think it was possible to like someone so much. So, regardless of whether or not we do anything, I have no plans on dipping anytime soon. Heck, I tend to be pretty generous too.”
You smirked to yourself. Never once has someone made you feel so secure, so warm inside. You knew Vinnie was definitely the one, and you also knew that you wanted him here and now. Without a thought about, you straddled him—much to his surprise. You tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear before attaching your lips to his. As expected, the kiss was better than you ever could’ve imagined. All you could focus on was how amazing his lips felt against yours. It was like they were sculpted for each other. Not to mention, his were so soft, it made you nearly faint at the slightest touch.
His hands gripped your waist tightly, causing you to whimper in pleasure. Your lips then found their way to his cheek, to his jawline, and then ended at the base of his neck. He groaned and moaned, wrapping his muscular arms around your frame. You continued to nip at his neck, all while steadily grinding in his lap.
“Oh my god,” he breathed against your ear. You mentally smiled at this and kept up with what you were doing.
Poor Vinnie felt helpless against you. Never had been with someone who could make him feel the way he felt with you. It was as if he was merely nothing but putty in your hands. And he like it.
He swallowed a large lump in his throat, feeling himself nearing the edge as you proceeded to roll your hips. He couldn’t help it, he knew the longer you worked your magic, the sooner he would burst.
And that’s exactly what he did.
Though, as he practically creamed his drawers, the doorbell rang. You immediately stopped what you were doing and hopped off of Vinnie. To his dismay, he glanced down at the crotch of his jeans to find a small dark spot. With a groan, he tried rubbing his hand against it, hoping the spot would go away.
You were completely oblivious to what was going on with the boy. You had adjusted yourself and then ran to open the door, revealing none other than your grinning parents.
“Mom, dad!?” You squealed as they pulled you into a hug.
Vinnie nearly lost his shit as he heard those names leave your mouth. What the hell could your parents be doing here, especially at this hour of night. “This can’t get any worse,” he thought to himself.
“I thought you guys weren’t coming back until tomorrow?” You said as you led your parents into your living room.
“Well, we were but your father’s job called, and we had to leave earlier than expected.” Your mom spoke. Her eyes went around the room before landing on Vinnie, who now sat cross-legged on your coach. “Y/n, who’s your little friend?” she smiled.
“Oh, this is Vinnie!” You laughed.
Your dad stepped up beside you sticking his hand out at Vinnie. “Y/f/n Y/l/n,” your dad greeted, obviously trying to intimidate Vinnie.
Instead of getting up to shake his hand, Vinnie remained seated with his arm out. The distance between the two wasn’t small enough for him to reach, and knowing your dad, he wasn’t about to move. Once Vinnie figured this out, he retracted his arm and shook his head.
“U-uh, nope. I’m not really a, uh, a handshaker. You know, germaphobe and all of that.” said Vinnie. “I’m sure you guys are uh…tired and worn out from your flight. You should, um, take a seat and…stuff.”
You and your family stared at the boy in confusion for a minute. After a few seconds of awkward silence, your mom took a seat at the end of the couch.
“Germaphobe.” Your dad huffed to himself, sitting next to Vinnie.
You contained your embarrassment—not only for Vinnie, but for yourself—and sat down in the armchair. Vinnie began at attempting to make small talk, hoping that he could still win your parents over, but that was cut short when Mac found his way over to Vinnie. The large dog began sniffing at the stain as if he was smelling a homecooked meal.
“Oh no, Mac.” Vinnie whined.
You and your family watched in bewilderment as the dog proceed to growl during his sniff session.
“Mac.” Your dad said, snapping at him to get his attention.
Trying to push Mac away didn’t help either in Vinnie’s case; Mac was too determined to get to the bottom of what he was smelling. So, doing the only thing he could do, Vinnie stood up onto your couch and stepped over your parents. Reaching the end, he hopped off and turned to look at the frowning couple.
“I, uh…thank you for having me. This has been really great.” He said, turning to look at you. “Goodnight.”
And with that, the boy rushed out of your apartment, nearly tripping over himself along the way. You could do nothing but look at your parents with a worried grin.
“That’s, uh…that’s Vinnie for you.” You chuckled.
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kozu-chan · 3 years
in honor of my one and only mutual and their latest smau 😌😌
kuroo x manager!reader headcanons
( @littlexbimbo i'm v proud of you, my love <3 )
content warnings/things to mention: gn!reader, kuroo and u flirt but as friends, food mentions, swearing, kuroo is a little shit, kenma uses he/they pronouns
🏐you and kuroo are childhood friends
🏐when he met kenma, he forced the three of you to become a little friend group
🏐when kuroo found out that the two of you both got into nekoma, he begged you to be their manager so of course, you agreed
🏐it's not like you're that interested in anything else. plus, you get to spend time with your best friend.
🏐once kenma came to nekoma, you made sure to take extra special care of them and make sure he stays on track.
🏐you're a pretty great manager (because you're awesome and talented and perfect baes <3). you take good notes and you take very good care of the team
🏐you always get kuroo extra snacks though. as much as you love kenma and would do anything for them, you may or may not love kuroo just a littol bit more.
🏐you say that kenma's your favorite because he's chill and not a flirt like kuroo, but the three of you know better lol
🏐that being said, you and kuroo are close close friends. you nap with each other and lean on each other a lot and you're not afraid to playfully and casually flirt with each other.
🏐they include but are definitely not limited to:
🏐"hey cutie, can i take you out?" "only if you give me your science notes and math homework" "fuck you... but fine. make sure to give them back before class starts"
🏐"you must be an atom because you make up my whole world"
🏐"wow that spike was so sexy of you" "not as sexy as the person complimenting me"
🏐"hey, nice ass you got there kuroo" "thanks, l/n. feel free to grab it" *wink* and then cue the two of you laughing
🏐at first, the team (minus kenma of course) thought the two of you were dating, but after seeing the two of you fake gag at the thought and then clearing it all up, they never made those jokes and they make sure to clear it up with other people who think you're dating each other
🏐you're not safe from the old married couple jokes though lol
🏐he's very much like a dad though. or at least a really attentive uncle. he makes sure kenma eats and doesn't spend too much time on video games and he makes sure you eat, stay hydrated, and don't overwork yourself.
🏐he gets you food when he knows you don't have any or haven't been eating much lately
🏐he's also somehow really good at knowing what to say, so he's your personal rant bank as well as who you spill all the tea to
🏐oh right... so i've mentioned how you and kuroo flirt a lot? well you also have a ton of roast battles.
🏐"fuck you, docosahexaenoic acid lacking ass." "at least i'm not built like a rooster!" "talk to me when you have something more original to say!" "that's rich coming from you when you use the same insult over and over again. i'm not taking shit from a bitch who looks like a skyscraper and albert einstein had a baby"
🏐"hey y/n. your hair looks good... for a wet cat!" "bold words from someone who looks like they spent too much time rubbing their hair on a balloon"
🏐sometimes the team thinks y'all can't stand each other
🏐but then the next day they see you walking into the gym together either flirting or with snacks for each other and everything is all good again lol
🏐in conclusion, y'all are besties <3
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Hii<3 Can i request a NSFW alphabet for aged up Leo Valdez?
pairing: leo valdez (18+) x fem!reader
warnings: smut → NSFW alphabet
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smut night has finished for the week - thanks for participating!
requests are open🖤!
request guidelines here✨!
🌻masterlist🌻 (includes both smut masterlists)
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
omg leo is very big on aftercare
he'd run you a bath, clean you up, make you tea - literally will anything to make sure you're feeling okay (especially if the sex was super rough too lol)
he loves pleasing you in every which way and of course this includes looking after you before, during and after sex
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Leo loves being between them
whether you're laying on your back or on a chair and he's eating you out
or you're sitting on his face (a big turn on for him btw)
he loves when you wrap your legs around his waist when he fucks you
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
i've spoken about this before (here), but leo loves denying your orgasm
why? because the way you scream, beg and fall to his utter mercy to let you cum - the way your legs, and whole body for that matter, completely shake as you cum
i feel like he'd try and get you to squirt??
like he wouldn't be mad if you couldn't - but that can't stop him from at least trying, right?
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
omg so idk if you guys will agree, but i feel like he might have a thing for seeing you in the camp half-blood shirt lol
but i can definitely imagine him having a thing for seeing you in his clothing though lol
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i would not not very before he met you
like the most he'd probably have done would be making out with someone
and then when you and him go together, y'all just really went out and tried everything
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
okay so i'd say a few:
classic missonary
face riding!
maybe even reverse cowgirl too omg
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
i've also mentioned this before, but leo would have such a sultry sense of humour (here's what i wrote in "what sex would like with leo"):
"he doesn’t take things too seriously, and would crack a joke in between to lighten the mood if things got too nerve wrecking - especially throughout the first few times of the two of you having sex
he’d have a sultry sense of humour too - one that is shown throughout the books too (though to a lesser extend given it’s a children’s novel lmao - imagine how he’d be if it was a ya book ahah)"
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
idk i'd say pretty groomed
leo looks like the type of person to care for his looks lol
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
i've also mentioned this before, where sex with leo is not always rough and kinky
sometimes, it's slow and sensual
moments where you're holding each other close, whispering praises and sweet things in each other's ears
nothing but love
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
idk i feel like he doesn't feel the need since he has you??
but it's when you're out of town or swamped with college stuff and neither of you can see each other will he jack off
haha omg of course he'd send a sneaky video to you lmao
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
hair pulling
semi-public sex
leo's both a giver and a receiver lol
i can imagine he'd like cockwarming too
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
in either of you cabins!!
the couch of your apartment (especially when you're supposed to be doing a college assignment)
restaurant restroom (i mean who can blame him when you look so damn gorgeous?!)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
when you win a fight (especially against clarisse lol)
sparring with him
when you lift your arms up to fix your hair and the bottom of your shift rises so he can see your stomach
literally anything you do lmao
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
definitely anything you're not comfortable with lol
idk really because i feel like he's openminded and up for trying anything at least once
but i mean if it had to be at least one thing he would not try i'd probs be anal idk?
or maybe degrading idk - depends how you feel about that
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
homeboy would eat you out as if his life depended on it
he'd suck, lick, kiss your clit - he'd do anything to get to taste you
but i mean as much as leo loves eating you out, he loves when you go down on him
my god, he'd have his head tilted back as little pants and moans escape his lips
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
i think usual sex with leo would be rough and hard, incorporating some kinks here and there
idk i feel like it'll be unpredictable and depending on mood
if you've been on a date, leo would love to spend the time to worship your body for all its glory
he'd be slow, sensual, extra loving
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
hahah omg yes always lol
before training, after training
if you're on a quest with him and the others, being in your own hotel room with him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
um yes!
leo would at least like to try anything at least once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
oh girl, leo would go until you're completely fucked out lol
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
vibrators, cuffs, maybe even gags are what i'd imagine him to be into
he'd introduce them to you slowly, asking your general opinion on them before even consider buying one
and then one day he bought a cute wand vibrator and when he showed it to you, you were so excited to try it
"but babe, we're gonna have to charge it first," he chuckled at your eagerness
"ugh fine, just eat me out then."
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
leo is such a tease.
i've spoken about this before, but with his sultry humour and kink for begging, the bitch would love to tease the shit out of you
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
i'd imagine grunts in your ear, gradually growing louder the closer the got to his orgasm
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
leo can be really nervous at times
especially when trying out new things
i feel like he's scared that he'll break you or something
or maybe do something that'll really hurt you
so he's sometimes a little too cautious
and it's not until you reassure him again and again that you're okay, that he'll calm down a little lol
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
leo is one toned boy okay
and idk i feel like he'd love when you rub your hands over his stomach (especially when you ride him lol)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
idk i'd say pretty high but he's always patient with you
if you weren't in the mood, he'd respect that and not try and do anything
though i can imagine him being pretty needy though
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i feel like it depends on what the sex was like
if it was slow and sensual, probably pretty quickly as he'd spoon you
but if it was rough, he'd probably wait for you to fall asleep first so he can get some reassurance that you're definitely okay and not uncomfortable from how rough he was
i can imagine lots of forehead kisses and playing of hair here too
tag list: (click here to be apart of the tag list!)
@dylanobrienhehe // @jermaee // @boxofsteampunkplaces // @bailaycantaconmingo // @mollyknm // @angelcbf // @perseajohnson // @anything-forourmoony // @chasingpj
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
how do u think the boy would be in a party😈😈
SYNOPSIS: blue lock at a party
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: isagi, bachira, nagi, reo, rin, chigiri, naruhaya, niko, nanase, gagamaru, kunigami
WARNINGS: mentions of underage drinking and weed (but no one actually takes anything), swearing, mentions of throwing up and food, again pretend they're all friends and go to the same school because it's more fun to think that way. ooc rin maybe? idk i like pretending he's not as miserable as the manga makes him out to be 🤗 he deserves to have fun i think
A/N: no cause this was soooo fun to write tysm anon, i got through this in a flash cause i loved this suggestion sm :') literally one of the most fun requests i've ever gotten eeee!!!!! also this made me miss my irls bye corona can suck my balls fr
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i feel like this would be his first big party aw lol, so he’s kind of nervous LMAO.
gets handed a beer by someone, has his first sip of it ever, and immediately spits it out. mutters “how the hell can anyone drink this?” and “discreetly” pours the rest into a bush.
mainly stays with nagi, chigiri, kunigami, and bachira and they just talk throughout the night
(bachira only sits down and talks after his energy dies down. i'll elaborate on this below the cut).
keeps asking nagi “what song is this?” throughout the night LOL. makes a mental note of what songs to add to his playlists.
slightly nods his head to the music, aw cute. goes a little harder and lip syncs/raps along when he really likes the song, though (i stand by my word when i said he loves “neon guts”)
does accidentally bump into someone, but isagi starts a convo with them after he apologizes, and they hit it off right away 🥰
but, the person left early and isagi, ever the dummy, forgets to ask for their number.
and he's actually so disappointed in himself when he realizes, too 😭
not drunk or anything at all, but boy, the way he’s acting makes it seem like he is.
the self proclaimed “life of the party.”
can be found “dancing,” though i use that word generously because to classify whatever he’s doing as “dancing,” is a stretch, to every song, even if he doesn’t know the words LOL
really likes when throwbacks come on!!!! he does dance to the lyrics and not the beat sometimes, though 😭
but, bachira looks like he’s having so much fun, it’s so cute, he’s definitely been waiting for this moment his whole life 🥰
if you were dancing with him, bachira would 100% take you by the hand and spin you around
also forces gets isagi to dance with him but isagi’s so awkward 😭
bachira also ends up jumping in the pool sometime later that night. yells “cannonball!” and everything, like, okay michael phelps 😭
he doesn’t have extra clothes so reo has to give him some and they're so fucking big on him LOLLL
texts the groupchat “i was sooo crazy last night😂” in the morning LMAOO, okay babe calm down
takes it upon himself to make sure none of his friends die LOL
only drinks water and diet coke 👍
his mom calls in the middle of the party to ask how he's doing and bachira and nagi are doing stupid shit like yelling “pass the weed” and fake moaning 😭
isagi and chigiri tell him to tell her they say hi LOL
really likes when the dj puts on 90s/2000's r&b/hiphop songs (i'll die by my hc that kunigami's an oldies fan)
mostly sways side to side to the music, but he did also dance a little, per request of bachira, and ended up talking to a cute person a for little, too 🤗
offers to help clean up in the morning
at least two drunk girls have mistaken him for their friend, and another four have asked to touch his hair.
tried to use one of reo’s many bathrooms, found a couple making out, outwardly said “gross,” and then left to find another one 😭
nods his head and taps his foot to the music, not much of a dancer.
also a people-watcher, and he points out things he sees are happening to his friends.
“guys, i think misa and her boyfriend are breaking up, look.” leave that poor girl alone bro 😭
finds himself laughing a lot that night because damn! his friends are funny, whether they try to be or not.
not really a party person, but chigiri actually had a lot of fun 🥰
also on the dancefloor! doesn’t really dance, per say, but he jumps up and down and does the fist pump thing 😭 he has the spirit, let's give him that.
drank a lot of soda, so he’s filled with energy. also pees in at least three of reo's bathrooms.
talks to his friends, but also makes new ones! also i feel like he takes a lot of pictures LOL. he needs the finsta content 😭
plays truth or dare, or something like that. ends up having to do some stupid shit like smack raichi’s ass and run away, but naruhaya did make out with the girl next to him, so fair trade, he thinks.
also ends up in the pool, but he’s playing chicken with gagamaru and some other people. does not win a single round, but he had fun 😇
leaves with like four plates of food and one of reo’s decorative towels for some reason???
goes through a bunch of reo's shit 😭 he's not taking anything, but he's just curious LOL
strikes up very, random conversations with a bunch of people out of nowhere, good for him!
weirdly good at darts, very good aim.
although one round, naruhaya accidentally distracted gagamaru and one of darts ended up in reo's wall 💔
“it's fine, he has the money to fix it,” naruhaya shrugs as he walks away from reo's now punctured, wall. so true bestie!
gagamaru somehow ends up giving some drunk stranger some “life-changing” advice. (whether it's good or not is debatable)
they thank gagamaru for changing their life and he never sees them again
irritates the fuck out the dj because nagi keeps asking him to play one specific song over and over again.
it was good the first time, don't wear it out for the rest of us bae 😭
doesn't really dance, just nods his head, maybe raps along a little, too
when he talks to the girls that come up to him, nagi says stuff like “yeah, the host and i go way back, we’re best friends.”
“way back,” my ass, but whatever nagi 🤨
knocks out in one of reo’s guest rooms. someone finds him when they’re trying to look for the bathroom and they draw a mustache and a bunch of other stupid shit on him 😭
tries to leave before reo makes him help clean up in the morning. does not work 👍
dumbass also ended up losing his phone (reo bought him a new one so nagi doesn't really care)
gasses himself up sooo much when he’s trying to hit on girls.
“yeah, i'm about to go D1 after high school, just wait on it,” yeah, okay raichi 🙄
also tries to show them his highlights, bye. babe, i mean this in the nicest possible way but, i do not care, can we just kiss 🙏
i feel like he’s one of those boys who likes to take his shirt off for no reason, so raichi most definitely ends up shirtless at some point of the night 😭
takes pictures with reo’s fancy cars in his garage to flex 💀 gets annoyed when reo says raichi can’t drive them. raichi doesn't even have his license 😑
plays pool and is actually not that bad. does almost accidentally blind isagi with his cue, though.
he's with some girls but, he’s a dummy and he didn’t know his other hoes would be there, so imamura had quite a few drinks spilled on him here and there.
still somehow leaves with like three new girls snaps, four numbers, and a bunch of lipstick stains. not even gonna lie, i respect his game.
actually a really good dancer, and he knows he looks good, too. knows the words to every drake song that comes on, argue with your mom.
lip-syncs the words to you when you dance together and it makes you more flustered than you would think 🙄
the type to pull you close and wraps his arms around your waist or around your neck
actually really fun to talk to. always in the loop with drama and stuff, so he's always got some interesting conversation topics. and he's funny 😭
obviously, the party’s at his house. what’s the point of having a rich teammate if you can’t exploit them for their possessions?
jokes, but reo did offer to throw it at his mansion house in the first place.
actually really likes throwing parties lmao, so he jumped at the opportunity.
posted on his snap, “party at my place su for address‼️” LOL
natural charm + raised with good manners = reo being an amazing host
but, reo does have a little group of girls following him around the entire night 👎
and it irritates the hell out of whoever reo’s trying to talk to because they’re all up on him, making it hard for reo to pay attention 😑
also doesn’t help that he entertains them and flirts back and dances with a couple of them, too
and looks good when he dances, too UGH!!!! he's the type to run his hands up and down your body while he dances with you 😣
i hate this man 👎 /j
practicing. he didn’t come. sike! rin has a social life, too, come on now, y'all 🙄
talked a big game about how he wouldn’t show up then he still came anyways, like rin, what 😭??
super good at cup pong and he knows it. he keeps beating ryusei and if you look closely, rin has something reminiscent of a smirk on his face.
a foot-tapper, not a dancer, which sucks because he’s not even bad at dancing, either 👎
a couple of girls come up to rin to flirt, but rin doesn’t give them the time of day. no response or anything just a little side eye 😭
rin just talks to his friends and that’s it, really.
actually internally glad for the chance to kickback and relax for once, tbh.
but, he refuses to admit he had any semblance of fun. (he did, rin’s just a weenie 😒)
the team forced him to come 😭
niko’s already a homebody and he doesn’t like loud noises or large social scenes, so he wasn’t too jazzed about going somewhere where the both of those things combine.
also he's picky with music so LOL. does like that one remix to the pursuit of happiness, though
he’s a wall-stander, i hate to break it to y’all. just watched everything from a distance and didn't talk to anyone except for isagi and his friends.
bye, if you don’t get off the damn wall and dance (he'd dance with me i'm different 🥰🤗)
keeps opening and closing his phone so he looks busy but that mf is literally just going through the settings app 😭
called his mom to bring him home an hour and a half in 👎
i hate to admit it, but he’s the annoying first year that documents everything on snap bye
he’s just excited to be there but like, there is no reason for his story to be half an hour long.
i'm not watching all of that! sorry that happened to you or good for you 🤗
probably playing games like spin the bottle or seven minutes in heaven. is very proud of himself for kissing four people in one night #bigmoves 🥳
stays with his group of friends and they're sooo loud and rowdy LMAOO. #firstyearthings
you can literally hear them laughing over the music, but they're having fun, so it's fine (at least of those kids hits people when they laugh too)
also dances, too! has super good energy and a natural sense of rhythm surprisingly 🥰 also a good hypeman!!!!! honestly, he's just really fun to be around tbh
overall, has a lot of fun, as you can tell by his story 😇
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ablednt · 2 years
yeah and we also need to talk more about the edgy "jokes" to overt bigotry pipeline esp in cluster b spaces. i feel like alot of it is kinda waved away bc ppl will go "that's just how i am and i cant help it. if you disagree youre ableist." like they conflate ableism with being held accountable and non cluster b ppl that dont know better just eat it up. and those same ppl will be the ones who talk about how they had a bullying phase but they grew up. like sorry but you dont just get to usse other other kids for your growth. like its such a white mindset to objectify others like that. and kids of color and intellectually disabled kids are already subjected to enough w/o being treated like. idk almost like pets and then being told, "its just a joke" we didnt hurt you that bad, get over it etc. like no i will always be angry about that shit. and you cant hide behind symptoms either not only bc life doesn't work like that but also. the ppl they did that shit too had the same symptoms they did. they can't be like " you just don't get it you don't understand my struggle" bc we dealt with the same shit and didnt use it to abuse our peers.
Yeah that makes total sense! Also not as extreme (though it's connected imo) I noticed a lot of cluster Bs (and not always white but I'd say it's majority white) tend to fall pretty heavily into exclusionism and harassing other mentally ill people + systems and such because of that "I'm reclaiming being evil(tm) by being an asshole to everyone" phase and yeah the like. complete dismissal of their "bullying phases" as if that wasn't also intense bigotry that they need to unpack lmao. Like I feel like a lot of them go like "oh well I'm different now" and then turn around and are like "ok but I can be racist and also ableist as hell against anyone I want as long as I have a justification for it such as they're inconveniencing me <3"
And then there's the equally bad flipside that's like. The goddamn obnoxious thing white NDs do (that I very much did in the past and absolutely have to take accountability for cause it's cringe as all fuck of me/srs) where they're all like "i'm so Nice being too nice and empathetic and sweet and kind is my whole personality haha" and then when they're racist and someone points it out they're like hhow could u :((( my rsd is going off!!!! :(((((( im always so nice to everyone how dare you. And it's like please shut the fuck up if you were genuinely a kind person you wouldn't have to reassure everyone and yourself every other minute and you'd be actually listening when people are uncomfortable around you.
I guess either way it's just that white people are raised thinking that we deserve to be coddled and that the privilege we have is somehow something we earned or something we're owed when it's so very much not lmfao
And yeah!!! Like it's actually so goddamn infuriating that we're always like "well you don't know what it's like!!!!!!" as if POC aren't often neurodivergent and also like they don't go through things that we will never have any semblance of a clue about just because of the way that racism and ableism intersect. Like just? the audacity that a lot of white nds have to act like mental illness and neurodivergency is a white people thing or like it somehow cancels out their privilege and like it's not entirely our responsibility to make sure that mentally ill and neurodivergent people of color aren't being silenced/talked over in our spaces. ESPECIALLY when so much of the rights we have now we owe entirely to y'all like it's really ungrateful and cringy.
Like the state of the wider nd community and especially the cluster b community is honestly just fucking embarassing and I think a lot of that is due to racism and that's not really surprising since so many forms of bigotry are directly tied to it in the first place. Like it's just a lot and I can't even imagine what it must feel like to have to bear the brunt of that.
All that said I hope that you're able to take care of yourself/g and that you have the support that you need you deserve so much better than you've gotten from us that's for sure/srs
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interact-if · 3 years
Umm hi 👉👈 I realized that most of the asks you guys get are about games and rec lists. You guys deserve so much recognition for the work you put in this blog, so I wanted to ask if I can do a little get-to-know-the-mods thing? If that's okay!
1. Besides writing, what are your hobbies?
2. Do you have a niche interest right now?
3. Any fave songs/artists/bands?
4. Any fave movies/tv shows?
5. On a scale of 1-10, how likely would you survive in your wip's world?
You can totally ignore this if you guys want, no pressure. Anyway, much love to all the interact-if mods! You guys are incredible! ❤
We saw this ask and we went 👀 👀 👀 so we’re happy to answer! Thank you so much for the fun ask!
 We also rated our survivability in all of our collective games, since Mars isn't an author! Fun stuff! Spoilers, though: it’s really not looking so great for me (Dani) but that’s fine!!!  😌
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1. I’m a photographer as well as a graphic artist (but not like. A painter/drawer kind of artist!) and, on a general level, a maker and a tinkerer!
2. Fountain pens! I only write with ink, and only with fountain pens, and I use bottled inks/converters!
3. I’m pretty eclectic with music, but my top genres are alt rock, indie, indie pop, etc, as well as top 40s and some rap.
4. I feel like this is the hardest one for me to answer? Favorite movies/shows? Avatar: the Last Airbender has been a favorite show of mine since I was a little kid, but I have a harder time thinking of shows I would call a favorite in recent years. There are shows I’ve liked, and a lot of shows I’ve watched. But I’m picky! And demanding! It takes a lot to earn a place in Dani’s Trophy Case of Favorites. 😌 I would say I quite liked A Quite Place (movie), and I liked Us (movie). When it comes to TV shows, I have a hard time being pleased with them if they don’t end well. As a result, I have a penchant for a good limited series/miniseries (because they’re stories that have an end in mind and the plot reflects that, dagnabbit).
5. Heh. Okay.
In The Goodfellows? I think I stand I chance. I can exercise my sparkling wit and lovable personality to the best effect. I’m gonna give myself an 8/10 survivability rating. Even if I don’t have the right skills, I can go crying to the person who does and they’ll save me. Maybe.
In Creatures’ Cradle? I’m super $**!%d. 😌 1/10 survivability rating. And that 1 is me being nice to myself. The day the apocalypse breaks out I would probably be patient 0. I am self-aware. I would not do well in an apocalypse. Zombies care not for aforementioned sparkling wit and lovable personality, and I have all the muscle of a boiled spaghetti noodle. So it’s a no go.
Greater Than Gods (Cruz): Well. I’m going to be optimistic. And say that I have the wisdom not to do things I shouldn’t do and not to rock boats I shouldn’t rock. I’m going to give myself a 7/10 based on insider information, but also based on reckless optimism!
Vardir (Cruz): Cruz says this is a lighthearted game, so 10/10 LOL.
When it Hungers (Roast): I’m giving myself a nice, mediocre 5/10. I think I could put my mind to work here; I joke that I’m the village idiot, but I’m actually pretty smart! Unfortunately, I’m also curious, and maybe a little bad with authorities who won’t answer my questions. So I knocked off a lot of points due to the fact that I’d probably poke the metaphorical bear. So it’s a real coin flip as to whether I’d really make it or not.
Orthall Bay (Nines): Considering the genre is “horror” and the game intro includes the words “monster” and “maim,” I’m giving myself a whooping, enthusiastic 3/10. Yes, folks, I am that confident in myself! Once again, I can’t charm the socks off a monster (or can I?), so one of my greatest weapons is snatched from beneath my feet. Alas!
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1. Beloved I’m a college student in the middle of a pandemic... i can hardly even write LOL i do draw at times which u can see in my personal blog (nothing too good really) and i used to do karate before things went to shit <3
2. Nothing niche I believe? All I do is leave Netflix as bg noise every day n play popular videgames (genshin)
3. Porter Robinson <3 I love Bea Miller a lot as well but lately I’ve been feeling Porter a lot
4. The Good Place <3
5. My WIPs:
Greater than Gods: Highly situational, the world GtG is set in is as broad as the real world LOL so I don’t have an universal answer. But keeping it vague, and knowing my own personality, I feel like 5/10. depends on my luck.
Vardir: 10/10 no one dies in Vikgade, unless you’re a hunter but I wouldn’t be a hunter <3
Others’ WIPs
I'm gonna give myself a solid 5/10 in all other WIPs because y'all aren't writing lighthearted stories either. I feel like as long as I avoid the role of the MC I will be mostly fine. I hope. But as Dani said I'm also prone to fight the wrong person and dig my own grave so 😌
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1. Well, writing is a very, very, very, distant hobby since Words Hard, but I like to crochet and sculpt a little! Anything to do with fiddling with my hands and I’m good to go. And like, debatable but graphic design is my passion [insert clown emoji here since Tumblr said No]
2. Oh yeah a bunch! DnD yelling at people, thinking of arson, crocheting, rock climbing and simply vibing. I got into podcasts a few years ago and I’m always looking for more recs, so if you have some, hmu 😤
3. Pls,,,,my music taste is,,,so weird do not let me expose myself with lack of consistency but uhh. Current songs that are stuck in my head include; Cult of Dionysus , Achilles Come Down and The Last Shanty  
4. If you’ve ever spoken to me before, I probably yelled about Pacific Rim to you or at you. Plus I love all The Mummy films and really enjoyed Castlevania (s3 excluded, we do not perceive that) as well! 
5. Ah, mod survival simulator pt. 3
Alright, let’s go!  I don’t have a WIP because again, words hard, but like, considering how feral I am when not tryna seem professional hm... 
The Goodfellows: I wanna say a solid 7/10 because I’d hardcore vibe with the Traveler and probably instigate so much nonsense. I can also bribe with blueberry cake so maybe. 
Creature’s Cradle: maybe a 4/10 and only because of pure spite keeping me alive long enough to smack someone. I’ve prepared for hypothetical  zombie apolcapyses and I won’t hesitate to bap, but will be bapped back because I’m weak as hell. 
Greater Than Gods: a toss up between 2/10 and 7/10! I can vibe and be chill but I also have terrible impulse control so... 
Vardir: hm....I think pretty good survival rates all around? If you ask me to fight then like, okay sure, your knees are mine. So maybe a 8/10? 
When it Hungers: .......8/10 just because I’d refuse to die if I can be a cool creature. Living for the aesthetic can and will drag me outta hell. But I’m also clumsy as hell so I’d probably crash as a porcelain or hold a rooster and perish (aka, real rating is a good 3/10) 
Orthall Bay: 2/10, nope. Nope I’d be taken out in a heartbeat. Monsters can go pspsps and I’d head straight into the dark creepy forest like a fool if someone comes @ me. Half the time I’ll just assume it’s sfx makeup and vibe until it’s too late. 
god, never put me in a universe where I cannot squawk like a bird and throw pebbles from a window. Oof
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Anon, you're so sweet! I give you a forehead smoomch <333 As for your questions...
1. If I'm not writing, I'm usually watching video essays on Youtube. My go-to channels as of right now is Disrupt and Aperture! I just really like their videos. Aside from that, I recently got into podcasts. Currently going through Hello From The Hallowoods and Shelter and Warning, which are made by queer creators!
2. Oh oof, there's quite a bit so I'm just gonna put down one thing. For some reason, I really got into collecting tiny astronaut things? I recently bought this astronaut desk light, and I've got a package coming in for the miniatures I ordered. No purpose for them other than I think they're neat <3
3. I'm a bit private with my music taste (even tho I have Spotify connected on Discord lmao), but there's 5 songs that I'm currently obsessed with. I keep replaying them over and over again. Just squeezing all the serotonin I could get outta them.
4. I can't really say I have a fave TV show or movie because I can't really just pick one, but my current fave is 9-1-1 and Resident Alien. 9-1-1 because I just really love the found-family dynamics and how the show tackles sensitive topics, and Resident Alien because it's lighthearted comedy. My all-time fave movie is Flipped! I have the book too and I like rereading from time to time <3
5. You're in for a doozy, anon, because we're rating each other's games <333
The Goodfellows: 7/10
Listen. Shenanigans with the Traveler. I would get up to so many of them and that is what'll get me possibly bodied, not the actual environment itself <3
Greater than Gods: 7/10
I like to think I have enough common sense to uhhh not recklessly flip stones that should not be flipped <3 I'm a cautious and skeptic person irl so I think I'll hold up well? Then again, it's a vast environment change and while I can adapt pretty quick, I wouldn't like the lack of control in the unknown.
Vardir: 10/10
Going off what Cruz said, Vardir is lighthearted and focused on personal growth so I think I'll be okay! Self-growth here I come, babey!
Creatures' Cradle: 8/10
Maybe I'm overestimating myself, but I think I'll be able to survive in a supernatural post-apocalyptic world! Ah, but it depends on the motivation though. I like the idea of rebuilding communities and eventually societies, but the survival turmoil would be a constant battle I'd have to overcome. If we're talking survival itself though, I think I'll do well.
When it Hungers: 8/10
That's probably my wishful thinking but I think I'll be fine. Maybe. Possibly. Don't like the idea of being regulated by an organization so if I was a non-human creature that could pose a problem but I can roll with it <3
Orthall Bay: 6/10
Assuming I'm not playing as MC, my chances of survival uhhh changes quite drastically. Not enough to guarantee an untimely demise, but certainly enough that it would constantly keep me on my toes. I think that's the safest answer I can get without spoiling anything lmao
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Thank you so much for asking! It's super sweet of you <3
1. Too many :'D I knit, I sew, I do carpentry (well, learning), I bake, I'm hammering away at HTML and CSS, my job kind of encourages learning new things and I take that to picking up new hobbies!
2. My time is kind of consumed with school work and work work and WIP work so not a lot of time to pursue niche interests right now. I've been watching a lot of horror game playthroughs, true crime youtubers, and an adorable show on Netflix called the Repair Shop <3
3. My taste in music is "what am I vibing with atm?" I've been listening to a lot of 80's music atm (don't @ me), but also Lo Fang and Kaleo, and whatever spotify recommends me on my discover weekly which is usually complete chaos.
4. I love the Mummy even though it hasn't aged 100% well (I'm a librarian, of course it's one of my gotos LOL), Legally Blonde, Leverage, Jumanji (the original), I'm....very bad at having recent tastes... and very bad at remembering my favorites when asked.
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The Goodfellows: I'm a creature of comfort, 5/10 if I can just luxuriate in town and not actually interact with the story sfjkdbsdkf
Creature’s Cradle: I'd like to think I have a 50/50 shot XD 5/10, I want to think I'd be decent at a zombie apocalypse but ultimately would suffer an early fate.
Greater Than Gods: 10/10 if I'm just vibing, less so if I'm involved in the actual story XD
Vardir: I'd still suffer without technology but I can also knit for a living in this world so I'm down 8/10
When it Hungers: I feel like I could vibe here, there's tech if dated, hot showers, telephones are around by now... might still get bored. 7/10 though it'd be cool to be another creature....I should make a 'what creature of snv are you' quiz!
Orthall Bay: 7/10 idk I feel like after the first monster of the week I'd just skip town XDDDD I'm the worst protagonist, I see danger I just leave.
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kyodzuken · 4 years
boyfriend headcanons - soul evans
a/n; my soul evans inspired playlist!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1YntdhOZPg1wMzYBwymwWR?si=JnHvKUWRSKGghG_dDakXGA
- you and soul started off as friends
- you'd joined the dwma halfway through the year and immediately hit it off with liz and patty
- and inevitably the rest of the group
- you're shy; so seeing this big group of loud - and very talented - weapons and meisters threw you off a bit
- but don't judge a book by its cover bc they were acc vvv warm and welcoming
- 'any friend of liz and patty is a friend of ours!'
- your partner was the first to realize tbh
- you and the gang were playing basketball
- or rather you, patty and your partner sat and watched as the rest played basketball
- when they caught you staring at a certain white-haired weapon a lil too long
- and patty;; being the girl she is;;; brought it up instantly when your partner nudged her shoulder.
- '(y/n)-chan!!! i never took you as a lovey type!'
- you rolled your eyes and denied it
- but they knew
- and so did you
- that night,, maka invited everyone over
- and ofc luck was on your side
- and you were squeezed next to soul during the movie marathon
- and it didn't help your case when he put his arm behind you, resting it on the couch.
- you thanked god it was dark because liz would definitely bully you for how red you were lmfao
- you excused yourself to the bathroom
- nearly shat your pants bc ????? uh????? you were just next to ur crush???
- and he smelt rlly nice wtf y/n snap out of it
- so after composing urself and one too many splashes of water on ur face;;
- you exited the bathroom to see the group sitting down in a game of 7 minutes in heaven
- and you wanted to cry
- you either got stuck with death the kid, literally the worst dude in the entire group (blackstar), crona, or your crush.
- lose/lose situation,,, maybe except crona bc theyre a cutie
- and lowkey you were wishing you picked up a specific hairband
-  and u did lol hahahah
- so u were stuck in this small cramped closet
- and u were so deep in thought
- u barely heard when the poor boy called ur name
- ' uhh,, listen,, this is so uncool of me to say here but,, if you say no i'll just kick you out of my house.'
- jeez ok albino
- 'i like you.'
- you swore you stopped breathing
- wtfwtf????
- did he just???
- nawl
- 'uh... i like you too..' you muttered
- which ended with a 2 minute long makeout session
- his hands travelling somewhere they shouldn't
- before blackstar slammed open the closet doors
- exposing the two of you; lips puffy and hair messed up
- the teasing didn't stop for months lol
- but das okay bc deep down they knew yall were couple goals PLS
- soul has a playlist
- filled w bangers
- and everytime he's over and the playlist starts....
- whew heated makeout sesh
- he definitely has some led lights in his room
- set to red
- wink wonk
- he's the type of boyfriend to always have his hand around your waist
- and y'all are best friends doe
- cue maka getting jealous / mad bc soul started ignoring her lowkey<//3
- deserve
- ANYWAYS you guys are literal SOULmates (hehe)
- you have so many inside jokes
- the group is honestly surprised bc they didn't think you two would get along at first
- soul is the type of boyfriend to have sm memes on his phone
- like you'll text him the most specific scenario ever and he'd have a wendy williams meme for it
- and he teases u,, sure
- but it always comes from a good place yktfv
- soul is the type of boyfriend to hold ur head and give you forehead kisses
- he'd give the best hugs too
- he'd wrap his arms around your torso and place his chin ontop of your head
- whenever ur sad just text him a lil frown face
- he's at ur door in record time
- w takeout, some snacks he possibly stole from maka's stash, and his netflix password
- sometimes you guys just lie there
- basking in each other's presence
- u might hold hands but
- mostly just enjoying each other
- soft rnb or indie playing in the background (peep my soul inspired playlist juicyoh)
- soul isn't good at doing ur hair
- but he'd try
- stupid little braids while u two are watching a movie
- netflix and chill except yall acc chill
- like he literally falls asleep in ur arms awe
- and you'd sometimes ask to do makeup on him if u wear makeup
- put his hair back w a lil hairband as he mutters some shit like
- ' this is SO not cool '
- shut up white boy you love it
- expensive dinner dates are few and far between
- but thats just bc yall are not that kind of couple
- you'd rather just get takeout and watch a good comedy or horror
- you'd be the couple to start a youtube channel
- and it'd be acc funny content like,,
- people would subscribe for the couple and stay for the content
- once you did a fnaf lets play
- soul literally left halfway through bc he got scared
- cue the 'bestfriend vs girlfriend tag w/ maka and y/n'
- if ur a meister
- you've probably tried wielding soul in his weapon form
- let's say,, it didn't go too well,,, and now theres a big mark in a wall in the city
- you and soul would 100% play pranks on blackstar and death the kid
- especially death the kid
- with help from lizzy and patty you'd make the poor boy regret ever introducing you two
- but it's all in good fun and the black haired boy has gotten y'all back multiple times too
- soul loves it when you wear his clothes
- like just seeing u in his hoodie makes him ❤️ 💓 💕 💖 💓  💖💕 ❤️
- one of ur biggest pet peeves tho
- is hes constantly undermining his struggles
- and you sit him down like
- 'babe,, youre important to me,,, you need to tell me if somethings wrong okay???'
- baby bursts into tears
- you and maka are some of the only people he's open to.
- he'd definitely play you piano
- or teach you if you don't know how
- maybe you'll sing along a few times
- when you fight it's usually over silly things
- like maybe maka was being maka and he's stressed so he lashed out
- or you didn't kill the kishin you were meant to and got told off by lord death
- it always ends in apologies;; you two don't really let it get between you
- soul is the type to tuck ur hair behind your ear when making out
- or the type to give u hugs from behind
- like imagine omgomg
- you're just chilling in the hallways at the dwma
- talking to patty
- when soul just
- he just
- ugh hugs u from the back, his head on your shoulder, a soft smile on his face as he kisses your cheek.
- cutie asf y'all r cute cute cute
- all in all
- he rlly does care ab you and you just
- "right back atcha babeyy!!"
- fr though
- y'all are bestfriends but also lovers
- goals af
- manifesting a relationship like that brb
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
What you think of fetus V who said in front of everyone "You seem to really like men" to Jimin? Youthful ribbing? Or a moment of insensitivity ? FWI saying you like girls or guys? Or calling close same sex friends u a couple? is actually common where am from. This has happened in my friend circle too actually. Except all of us are hets so no one take it seriously. Cant think a closeted person would find it that funny. Jimins lack of denial or even laughing it off always stood out to me tho.
What do I think of that comment?
I think we both know very often when people say they think a man likes men, they mean to say they think that man is Gay and very often when the g-word is used in a sentence, it is not meant as a compliment- imma give it to you straight, no bs. Lol.
The parlance gay and variations of it, in my opinion, is often used ubiquitously and traditionally as a slur slang among ignorant, non-progressive, anti homosexual individuals and is often rooted in malice.
And when malice isn't intended, ridicule is. The sad fact is, people adopt the terminology as ammunition to blatantly attack, dehumanize, belittle and strip away the dignity of queer folks and when the term is used in reference to non queer people it has a similar effect. It degrades them as well through the irony and humor of comparing them to gay people.
Gay jokes, if you will, is a subtle art of passive aggressively slurring gay folks if you think about it. I mean let's be honest.
Personally, I don't think Tae's intentions in that moment were malicious at all. I don't think he blurted out those words with the intension to ridicule Jimin either- stay with me. It will make sense in a bit.
But he called Jimin gay nevertheless. His comment if a joke, I'm afraid, reinforces these bizzare stereotypes of masculinity and promotes toxic rhetorics prevalent especially within Kpop shipping communities where every Male idol interaction is hyper sexualised and romanticized thus, suggesting a man cannot love another man, be affectionate or be fond of them unless they secretly lusted after them and harbored a desire to lay down pipes in their behinds- which, honestly is crazy coming from a guy with a cultural background such as the Korean culture where kinship is commonplace but more on that later.
I think whatever which way we want to look at it, it was an insensitive comment especially if you believe he meant it as a joke. It was definitely not his most woke moment, socially and culturally- and that's putting it lightly.
That 'gay' comment to me is right up there with all the problematic statements some, if not all, of the members have made over the years- the colorism, racist jokes, the ' eww, you too black,' 'akekeke- you too tanned shoo,' implying if you're black or tanned you are ugly. The fat jokes, the misogyny and misogynior- please don't ask me to give you examples of these. I don't want to ruin BTS for you. Lol.
There are commentaries on these out there on the internet. You can look it up for yourselves- You welcome. Lol.
For the record, BTS have since retracted, acknowledged and apologized for most of these questionable moments throughout the years and so we cannot hold it against them, forever- not to make excuses for them but they are human too. They learn, they unlearn, they make mistakes, they correct them, they grow and as NamJoon said, they really were a bit 'unsophisticated' and rough around the edges in their earlier years- even if it was just five years ago from now, chilee. They is a mess. Lmho.
I think it's all part of the human process honestly- don't worry BTS, I have a lot of space in my heart for y'all to be human and still love ya. Keep going sweeties. Y'all's doing greatness de la grande kind!! Bless y'all.
In V's case he was, since that incident, put as a judge on a show that allegedly featured queer folks and he seemed more welcoming of them than the other judges on the panel, excluding RM of course.
A year later, he would make a song that the LBGTQ plus fraction of Army would rally behind as a highly pro gay song- Stigma, which I find debatable but whatever. I mean, just because JK has stars, clouds and the sky in his lyrics don't make him an astronaut or an environmentalist fighting the good cause for the climate but to each his own.
Stigma was still something, I'll give him that.
Flashforward to five years later, and he would be recommending songs by gay artists, appreciating and promoting gay art and the artists behind them, sporting rainbow outfits, designing a BT21 character that is genderless, incorporating sign language in his speeches- he polished up. Woke the hell up. Politically correct. Yadda yadda yadda.
I think, like some of the others, he too learned his lesson. It's not ok to trivialize the oppression of others or make light of it-
Now that we've gotten the woke bit out of the way, on to our shipping business. Follow me, chop chop. Lol.
Firt of all, I don't think that moment is a big deal. But I find it interesting nonetheless.
Do I think Tae was teasing Jimin in that moment when he made that statement? It's not quite easy as yes or no.
Personally, I think he was clocking him.
This interview was conducted at a point in the timeline where I feel Jimin was shedding his image as the Maknae obsessed hyung in the group. He was coming into his own and embracing himself for who he is and that I think included his sexuality.
Prior to, he had in my opinion, since debut, slipped into the role of the queer jest of the group supplying queer humor and entertainment for listeners at radio shows by offering himself up for ridicule as the 'gay guy' within the group- I hated every bit of it. Lol.
You'd often hear the members refer to him as the one good with the guys, the boy in love with the Maknae- There is still a fraction of Army that see him as this persona but he has since outgrown that label and that phase.
RM was basically the Black jest of the group, offering himself up for ridicule for his darker skin tone right down to his blaccent. Can you do your black accent? They will ask him at interviews and he would proceed to deliver a walmart version of the Black American English. Sigh.
Compared to the previous year where he literally gasped and panicked when the members hinted at his sexuality or made statements that put his sexuality into question, Jimin seemed more in control and mentally prepared during this interview.
When the question was asked of him, the question of why he liked JK, his instincts it seemed was to steer the conversation away from his sexuality- a tactic the rest of the members would employ to avoid discussing Jikook a few months from that interview...
I mean, when Tae asked Jimin on JK's birthday that same year what he wanted to give JK, RM cut in before JM answered. Jimin had done the same thing when in an interview JK was asked if Jimin wasn't his style and JK was stuttering not knowing what to say in response. JM asked him not to answer the question.
When interviewers ask these questions, they do so for entertainment purposes- because who doesn't like gay jokes, amirite?
For heterosexual idols I assume it's not slippery slope for them to engage in these kinds of humor. They can play gay without risking exposing their heterosexuality and when they do play gay it's for jest.
It's not the same for queer idols I think.
Jimin was basically done being the butt of the gay jokes in 2015, he was done selling himself as the JK shit rainbows and I'm the unicorn fixated on him kinda person and it reflected in that conversation.
'I don't like everything about this boy. He ain't all that. But he is the Maknae and he cute so whatever' lol.
Like I said, I think Jimin was steering the conversation away from his sexuality but Tae's comment steered the conversation right back to it. 'I just think he likes men.'
Most South Koreans I've met in person and on the internet spend a considerable amount of time and energy trying to dispel the western notion of gayness projected on to Korean men for their skinship culture.
We like to glamorize gayness in these streets but in reality gay is stigmatized especially in places like South Korea. People don't readily read gay in Male interactions unless they were being homophobic or socially unaware.
To me, Tae's statement was more of an observation about Jimin, one which he felt a need to contribute to the discussion they were having, perhaps to provide insight into the inner workings of Jimin rather than as a joke or jest- or may be he did both.
Jimin managed to avoid opening himself up for the gay jokes and to this Tae then responded, I just think you is gay sir- The emphasis has been mine. Lol.
The thing about Tae is, in the earlier days he used to have a habit of 'exposing' Jimin whenever Jimin told half truths and what not.
For example, in 2014 during an interview when JM was asked what he wanted to do on his free days he had said he wanted to spend time with his family or something and Tae immediately checked him saying he was lying. Jimin then said he wanted to be with Jungkook which had JK fuming.
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Was he teasing JM when he called him out for lying about his true desires? May be but I think he meant it too. Know what I mean?
He did the same thing when during their Paris VLive, Jimin got nervous when JK was singing 'know you love me boy, so that I love you,' in the background and Tae asked Jimin if he was nervous. Jimin snapped out of whatever whipped trance he was in and asked 'why would I be nervous' or something along those lines.
Why would Tae assume JM was nervous listening to another man sing? And why would Jimin be nervous in the first place?
And if at an interview Jimin is asked, why don't you like listening to the Maknae sing and JM responded that he is cute but he can't sing and Tae says well I think listening to Jk sing makes him nervous- would that be youthful ribbing or tea? Do you see where I'm going with this?
I see Tae as very observant- If not more observant than Jk. Their jokes are punchier because it is rooted in truth. He is stating his opinion, his observations and when he felt JM's answers were dishonest or inconsistent of his general notion of him, he called him out on that.
It's like him saying JM likes to pretend to be drunk in order to tell Tae he loves him- allegedly. Was it funny, yes. Was it a lie? I don't think so.
Jimin likes to pretend, we been knew. His boyfriend don spilled that tea already. I mean Jk said JM faked being asleep when he noticed the cameras filming him. He said also JM knows he is cute so sometimes he intentionally acts cute.
Tae used to tease Jimin a lot- hell he still teases him a lot to this day. Lol. Had Jimin looking at the back of his head like he wanted to quick punch him in the throat in the recent run, chilee. Lmho.
But you gotta ask, where is the lie in all those jokes?
The question I ask myself, and I think we ought to ask ourselves as shippers is, what about Jimin gave Tae that impression of him in the first place?
What made Tae, coming from a culture and background where 'gay' is a taboo and skinship is prevalent assume that if Jimin liked JK then it was because he liked men or was gay?
Even if Tae meant it as a Joke- no one laughed. Lol. That awkward silence that ensued... now that's how you know he had deadass made a 'gay comment' for real. Lmho.
They were all silent, waiting for JM's response and only laughed when JM responded to Tae- isn't that how it usually goes when you are the one queer person at the het dinner table? The tasteless jokes, awkward silences and stares? Just me? Oh, never mind then. Keep reading. Lol.
Imagine if JM hadn't responded or had gay panicked like he did a year before that interview, when RM revealed JK had been sneaking into JM's bed at night?
Dude was legit ready to throw JK under the bus had it not been for the shady camera guy behind the cameras. Deadass, Jimin was pointing accusing fingers at JK and everything- so much for gay love. Lmho.
The question still remains, what makes you look at your heterosexual friend and go- hey, that's gay. Think about it.
If Tae thought Jimin liked men, even as a joke, it's probably because Jimin had been giving him a reason or reasons to believe he actually liked boys beyond the usual daily doze of gay prevalent within K-culture.
It's similar to JK feeling uncomfortable when Jimin in 2014 described their relationship as one between love and friendship. Jimin responding with male friends can love eachother too without being gay would imply JK was interpreting his words and actions towards him as laced with romantic and sexual subtext or intent.
Now why would JK assume this if men touching men and feeling up on eachother in their culture was a normal thing?
There are gay men in Korea you know?
Tae and Kook were both hyper aware and curious of Jimin's sexuality in that period- for different reasons of course. In my opinion.
Not sure if Jimin's androgynous features played a role in these suspicions and assumptions they had of him in the early days because androgynousity in men is often ignorantly profiled and stereotyped as queer.
Tae seemed convinced JM was queer at least and JK was projecting his own queerness on to Jimin a lot- cough, cough.
It seemed to me also that Tae for whatever reason had the impression JM had a thing for him? I'll save my VMin agenda for delulu Fridays but chilee I don't know, Jimin has been on an agenda to friendzone that man since those manly mans thawed off his chest. Lol.
VMIN... ok.
I mean Jimin's response to Tae was more to deflate Tae's ego than to deflect or evade the issue and I wonder why. 'You are so full of yourself' 'I may like men, but I don't like you' and Tae responds with 'really' as if he's been challenged or dared- ever had your straight friends assume you like them just because you are queer?
Anywho, for whatever reason, Jimin seemed to be the only member in the group around the early days whose words and actions were put through the queer litmus test.
Also, I think a distinction ought to be made between calling two same sex friends a couple and calling them gay.
Calling two friends a couple is inconsequential- except when their sexuality is on the line. Calling two same sex friends you know are straight a couple is nothing but a gay joke.
BTS do this all the time. Jimin called Namjin a couple, Tae kook a couple, himself and Suga a couple, himself and JK a couple.
Jk has equally referred to others within the group as a couple, made heart signs above them, and have even held his chest and said he never thought he would fall for a guy.
In none of these instances did he or any of them imply that they or the persons they were referring to were queer or liked men and I wouldn't make much of such comments.
When JK was called out for gifting a present to Jimin and not the others, Tae teased JK as well and his gestures implied to me, 'it's ok to like him, I know you like him, you like JM don't you, uWu' and other variations of these.
But he in no way hinted at the sexuality of JK explicitly or implicitly- not in a way that prompts a response or rebuttal from JK like it did in Jimin's case.
I guess what I'm saying is that, that moment is nothing but something at the same time. You look at Tae's personality and his reputation within the group as the one with no filter who blurts out things that often has BTS running helter skelter- that 'I want to see your children" comment at Festa almost gave RM an aneurysm. Lmho.
Then they had to literally take his mic away from him when he started talking about meeting a pretty chick or something at a fansigns.
You consider the history between him and Jimin, the context behind that comment and the things that was said after that comment- the interviewer said 'well JK is really handsome...' which means he took the 'joke' Tae had made to mean JM had romantic interest in JK- something I feel JM was trying to avoid.
I don't think Tae meant anything by it. I don't think he knew at the time JM was queer but I do believe he suspected he was.
Hope this helps,
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