#I thought it would be Jimin but we haven't heard or seen anything
peachjagiya · 6 days
I hope you don’t take offense to what I am about to say cuz i’ll speak freely. I think the issue here is, so many taekookers kept talking about how much Jungkook didn’t want to do the show and even went as far as claiming that he was forced to do this show no matter how much Jungkook verbally proclaimed how much fun he was having and how he loved the show. Let’s also be serious here, does anyone really believe that Jungkook would have continued shooting in other locations if he hated the first experience in NY? Before someone comes up with the contract excuse, I need to remind everyone that this show was never the company’s idea. It was Jimin who thought of it, told Jungkook about it and then pushed at the level of the company to make it happen. I had never gotten chance to watch ITS friendcation with Tae because honestly I am more a music fan and their variety shows or other healing shows kinda bore me but I recently watched Friendcation and it was Tae too who wanted to film the show with his wooga squad and from what I understood from what they said at the beginning, he was the one who took the idea to the company and they let it happen. So I don’t think it’s fair to claim that Jungkook couldn’t back out of the show even if he didn’t like it because he was contractually bound.
Right now if I were jikookers I would gloat too because so many people have claimed that Jk looked miserable, looked disinterested, didn’t want to do the show at all or didn’t see the point but from his own words we know that is far from the truth. Not only did he declare how much he loved the show and how free he felt during the show, he also thinks that out of all the trips he been on in his life, these trips for AYS were the best. He also mentioned wanting to go back to the start of their trip so anyone still claiming that Jungkook didn’t love being on that show is not being realistic or reasonable at all. He could have just not said anything if he didn’t feel that way because ofcourse he couldn’t say he didn’t enjoy the trip if he didn’t (or maybe he could) so knowing how blunt Jk can be if he said he loved it, then he loved it. So I think it is wise to just stop with all the stuff about him not liking it or not not wanting to be there because nothing we have seen and heard from him supports that line of thought. He clearly looked bummed that the trip was ending, him and Jimin, and someone wouldn’t feel that way if they didn’t enjoy the trip. I feel like those trips to him, were an opportunity for him to break away from his excessive work load for a few days and just unwind, have fun and eat to his hearts delights. In hindsight, I think it was a great Idea that the show was there to film as after watching his documentary and seeing just how much he worked and pushed himself, I think those few days inbetween schedules to just have fun did him some good.
This is just me stating my honest opinion and I hope I didn’t say anything condescending or rude.
Honest opinions are fine and you're welcome to them.
The only thing I want to query is that jimkookers should gloat. What is this victim storyline? Oh well they're only gloating cos we were so mean to them?
They spent a couple of weeks saying JK visibly hated Tae, laughing at misinterpreted jokes to make it look like JK wanted him gone, mocking their short lay down. Did they all bow at our feet when he finally said it was better with Tae? No they absolutely did not. What they did was just carry on. Cos they perceived events a different way. And I couldn't give a fuck if they do that.... until they get pissy when others do it.
I have never, in my life, been to a JMKK space to "gloat." Or to say anything actually. I've often wondered about their thoughts on things and I just haven't ever. It's not my space.
Imagine if the tumblr Taekookers reacted to, for example, Hawaii this way. Ran into Jikook spaces to "gloat". Because as you say here, we had plenty of reason to. After months and years of "JK can't stand being around him" and "Tae just lies" that became too much even in the short time I've been around, there was vindication. Yeah, we could have gloated.
I bet if we'd done that, the first thing the jmkkrs would say would be "why hasn't this made you feel good?"
What actually happened is we just had a couple of exciting days being dorks about it, feeling good and happy in our "community" here.
So they should go do that.
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captain19cb97 · 2 years
I Can See It All :: JJK
Pairing: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 819
Genre: Fluff. Pure, unadulterated fluff. Best Friend to lovers
Warnings: None
A/N: This is my first time posting anything so please be kind. If you like it, please don't be afraid to tell me or reblog! Requests and commissions are welcome. Anyway! I hope you enjoy my little slice of Jungkookie fluff that's been sitting in my mind for forever :)
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"Can you really see us getting married?"
Jungkook nodded in an instant, pulling you closer to him in your shared bed. Your chest pressed snug into his, and his arms wrapped tightly around your body as he smiled.
"I can see you walking down the aisle, in a beautiful white dress that's made just for you and a bouquet of your favorite flowers in your hands. I can see Jimin, Jin and Yoongi next to you and Tae, Namjoon and Hobi next to me. I can see us both spending weeks writing our own vows and the tears in our eyes as we read them to each other, in front of everyone. I can see your bright, beautiful smile as I slide a ring onto your finger, and that same smile when you slide one on mine. I can see your cheeks turn red as the pastor tells me to kiss you for the first time as my wife."
He barely paused long enough to take another breath.
"I can see fairy lights twinkling in your eyes like stars, while we ignore everyone else in the room during our first dance. I can see more happy tears in your eyes, as you dance with your dad and laugh with your mom and smile at your brother and sister. I can see the smile that I love so much, as each of the boys asks you to dance. I can hear you laugh as each one of them spins you around the room while they tell you stories you somehow haven't heard yet, of all the stupid things I've done when you haven't been with me. I can hear the pride in their voices- and the slight threatening undertones from them, too- when they tell me how happy they are for us, and that I better treat you right for the rest of our lives, as if I'd ever do anything else."
Somehow he managed to smile even wider than before, "I can see myself staring into your eyes before kissing you in front of everyone again and again throughout the whole night, because I already see forever with you every time I look into your eyes, but you'd officially be my forever. God, baby, I can see it all."
You felt like your throat was closing as you looked up at him, tears gathering in the corners of your eyes as a million and one thoughts swam through your mind. "You've really thought about it that much to have the whole night planned out in your mind?" You asked softly, slightly surprised at the man below you, as your heart fluttered in your chest.
He grinned that big bunny smile that you had seen more times than you could count over the years you two had known each other, as he nodded, "I wasn't kidding when I told you that if you finally agreed to date me, that you'd be the only one I ever wanted." He cupped your jaw, "Y/n, I've loved you, like really loved you, since we were 18, how could I not think about what it would be like to marry you? To get to spend the rest of my life loving you, and be loved by you?"
He gently swiped his thumb under your eye, wiping the rogue tears from your skin as you let out a soft giggle, "You're such a hopeless romantic." You sighed, leaning into his touch again.
"Yeah? Well, you're dating this hopeless romantic." He grinned, leaning up just enough to press his lips to yours in a sweet kiss.
"And I'm glad I am because I don't think I could ever watch you fall in love with someone else." You admitted softly, pulling away from his lips a moment later.
He shook his head, his eyes peering up at you with so much love and adoration, he looks like he's about to wax poetry about you. Which, given that it's Jungkook, it's a 50/50 chance that he might. "The minute I realized that I loved you, as more than just my best friend, was the minute that no one else mattered to me. Or even compared to you. No one else, ever stood a chance with you around. And they never will."
You couldn't stop the smile that spread on your lips or the blush that swept across your cheeks at the declaration. You ran your fingers through his hair, pushing his black bangs back and away from his face as you leaned down to kiss him again, "I love you, so much, Kookie."
He met you halfway, his breath fanning across your lips as he softly whispered, "I love you more, baby." Before he closed the gap between you both with a searing kiss, his hands flattening on your back to press you closer to him, as if it was possible to become one with each other.
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phenomenalgirl9 · 2 years
Don't Do that- Jungkook x Reader
A/n: it's just a short drabble. I took inspiration from this youtube short I watched
It was late, like really late when Jimin heard a knock on the door. Who would visit someone at 12:20 am?! He thought as he grabbed a nearby baseball bat and looked through the peeping whole and sighed and opened the door.
"Hi Hyung" the younger boy said.
"JEON JUNGKOOK! WHAT DID YOU DO NOW?!" Jimin asked in frustration.
"Nothing. We just argued and she threw me out. Of our own house?!" Jungkook said as he just entered and took a seat on the couch.
"But why?" Jimin asked carefully to not be pushy or interfering. To that Jungkook just shook his head with an adamant look. Jimin knew he had a better shot at you than Jungkook, but it's late, he'll just deal with this in the morning.
"Hyung?" Jungkook called
"Whats with the bat?" Jungkook asked looking like a confused bunny
"I thought- never mind. Just go to sleep. Good night"
In the morning, Jungkook went to the washroom with the change of clothes he always keeps in his car for emergencies, right after Jimin came out of his morning routine and shower.
"I'll be out for the day, I have schedules" he informed the elder boy who nodded.
As soon as Jungkook left, Jimin called you up "Hey Y/n. How are you?”
"I won't let him in until he apologizes himself" you said sternly.
"But, tell me what happened?" He asked
"What happened! WHY DON'T YOU ASK THAT RASCAL WHAT HE DID! And he dared defending. Ah! I'm so angry! Ask him" you said
"Okay okay. Calm down" Jimin said
The two of you talk about other stuff and work a bit more before you hung up.
What can I do? If neither will speak? Jimin told himself and decided to not meddle.
"Jungkook, it's been four days! You won't speak to her. You won't tell us. Do you wanna break up?" Jin asked as all the other 6 heads whipped towards him, even Yoongi's who everyone thought was asleep.
"What? No! She will talk" he said smirking "She's probably on her way right now"
"Oh my god Jungkook. Just WHAT did you do?" Namjoon asked.
Of course, everyone loved you, but god forbid when you were angry. Even Yoongi lowkey dreads an angry Y/n.
"But why DID you fight?!" Jimin asked curiosity eating him up "Tell us. By now this is a group agenda!"
As if on cue the door slammed opened and as anticipated, an angry Y/n was visible.
"Hey Y/n-ah" Jin said but you didn't pay a head.
"Yes love" he said with a smirk, now normally you'd just drop everything and hug him, you haven't seen him for four days after all, but not today!
"Okay! Okay. Y/n calm down, Tae shut up" Namjoon stepped in and made you shit on a couch, Yoongi now sitting up straight.
"Take deep breaths" Namjoon demonstrated. "Yes. Just like that. Now tell us. What happened"
"He came to the apartment today, when I was in the washroom. I had made a beautiful sandwich, kept it ready to eat when I'm done showering and dressing up. This bitch ate it!" You said pointing at Jungkook.
You found his smirking and rushed with your purse "YOU. EVEN. TOOK. MY. KIMBAP. FROM. THE. FRIDGE!!!!" Hitting him with the bag with each word and finally sitting down on the chair beside.
"That's mine too! It's my house too!" Jungkook protested.
"Wow" Yoongi said.
"Can you please tell me why you fought? What did Jungkookie do?" Jimin asked.
"He didn't tell you?" You asked in shock.
Right then Jungkook entered with a sandwich and a juice.
"I'm so sorry babe" he literally kneeled down in front of where you were sitting. "I am really sorry"
"He cut the matress" you said grabbing the sandwich and taking a bite, it tasted like heaven after only drinking coffee and water for the whole day
"He did what? Why?” Hobi asked in shock.
"It was big for the new bed we got, it was just a little big so I altered it. Big deal?!" He said shrugging.
Before you could say something Jin already said "Why didn't you return it and get a new one?!"
"That's exactly what I asked" you said
"It's a lot of work" Jungkook said with a bunny smile.
"You're buying a new one!" You said "And taking that one to your game room!"
"Okay, fair. But why my game room?!" He asked.
"Cause it's your fault!" You said.
"Fine" Jungkook deadpanned
"Let me help with ordering the new matress" Jimin offered.
"You threw him out for that?" Taehyung asked.
"Of course not. This idiot was arguing with me and left the house himself!" You said.
"JUNGKOOK!" Jimin and Jin scolded together.
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5and3nevermind · 9 months
I was looking at your pinned post and from the descriptions I didn't see it, but I didn't go into each one, so sorry if you have already talked a bunch about this, but I wanted to ramble on about and see if you had any thoughts/feelings/etc about Yoongi's surgery and the way Jimin acted pretty much throughout.
Like, of course all the members missed him, but I don't think anyone was as vocal as Jimin was about how much he felt Yoongi's absence during group events, and even lives where he talked about it and seemed worried or sad, we know he was pretty sad in general around that time but it really felt like Yoongi's absence affected Jimin a lot. And then, we heard from Yoongi himself how Jimin called him before and after the surgery to make sure he was ok, and that Jimin watched him do physical therapy. I guess that could mean a few things, but I think the general consensus among Yoonminers (honestly, I don't think I've ever seen a non-Yoonminer even acknowledge the physical therapy thing) is that Jimin was there for some of Yoongi's appointments and was maybe taught how to help (going by that one Run episode where he lifts Yoongi to stand and holds his arm in the correct way to keep from hurting him, which signified to a lot of us that he was at least made aware of how to do that).
And then, I haven't actually seen these two things connected, but I have had the thought of how I can't remember who told us, but Jimin or Yoongi telling us that they have been working out together, I have sort of wondered if, other than enjoying spending time together, Jimin having at least some knowledge of what Yoongi may need assistance in regarding working out makes him a good workout buddy for Yoongi, because he was there in the early days too.
That whole time, and the connecting instances feel so important in regards to their relationship, whether you see it at romantic or platonic, I just don't understand the people who say that Yoongi and Jimin aren't that close, or wave them off as nothing special when we have moments like these that I just don't believe can mean anything less than an extremely important and close relationship.
If nothing else, I'm just very happy these two have each other in their lives.
Hi anon! I’ve talked a little bit about surgery era. You can see the posts with that tag here. You also might find this post interesting since it relates to yoonmin and health issues. (I’m still trying to figure out what to put in my pinned post so that it’s actually helpful. 😅)
You’ve brought up a lot of great points here! I agree that all of the members missed Yoongi, but Jimin definitely seemed the most vocal. And I think it’s important to note that Yoongi was very vocal in return about Jimin’s support. That shows us it wasn’t simply an issue of Jimin being sad or emotional in general because we see the connection through Yoongi’s words too, not just Jimin’s. Which means that while Jimin seemed particularly affected by Yoongi’s absence, Yoongi also seemed to focus specifically on Jimin’s support.
Your point about working out together is excellent! I hadn’t thought of those two issues being connected, but they certainly could be! I think the first time they discussed it was festa 2021, which would have been post-surgery, so the timing makes sense.
Another thing noteworthy about surgery era was that Jimin seems to have been put in charge of “Yoongi updates and phone calls.” That role could have gone to Joon as leader, but instead it was Jimin who called him during the award show, during the BE-era group live, etc. Jimin served as our source for updates, besides those from Yoongi himself. Like so many yoonmin moments, we can’t say that’s proof of romantic feelings, but it certainly sets Jimin apart as being uniquely familiar with how Yoongi was doing.
I agree that whatever they are—romantic or platonic—their bond is very special. It’s too bad that some people don’t see it, but I think certain parts of the fandom avoid information that doesn’t correspond to what they already believe. I could go on, but this is probably a topic for another post! Anyway, there’s really no way to deny these two are close. The evidence is scattered everywhere across 10+ years!
Thanks for the ask and happy new year!
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Looking at jm’s tracklist for FACE got me really surprised because the a lot of producers that posted pics with him aren’t on there (except for pdogg ofc lol)… it got me wondering if jm’s has plans on releasing whatever they worked on down the line if it wasnt scrapped… really glad abt the credit though because not only does it seem like FACE is fully in house project but we got Rm writing too (minimoni collab 💜💜💜) and most especially JM has writing credits on all of the tracks except for interlude!!! jm worked really hard and judging from the snippets we heard from the behind video, I know I’m gonna fall in love at first listen… sad that there’s no yoonmin tho, altho set me free pt 2 is potentially a callback for d2 interlude set me free. I’m looking forward to JM’s spin on it!! Some people are disappointed that the album is gonna be short but tbh jm has the least experience in writing/producing his own solo songs so I wasn’t surprised but i know for sure they’ll be quality tracks because of his historg of producing bangers. I had also been guessing that jm will be doing full promo and seeing that he has an eng vers for a track makes me certain that there are plans for us promo too!
Ive been laughing at your reply to the anon abt FACE all day bpp but it also has me delulu that maybe he’ll release a makeup line because that man can definitely sell out just from his face alone and the colors for the album itself def very similar to what brands are releasing these days… army twt def makes me delulu with all the edits too… like didnt nwjns release some kind of limited ed bag for their debut album??? imagine if one of the tannies did that…
Ask 2: addtnl bec i accidentally pressed the button to send the ask without finishing
seeing pdogg in the credits for FACE tho makes me kind of wary that he’ll have jm use his higher register again but seeing that this is jm’s solo album and they dont have to worry abt his voice harmonizing with the rest of the members to make tracks that work i am very hopful that we’ll hear jm’s lower register more…
i’m hoping that at least one of the dance performance will have him doing some pole work too… maybe not the whole song but like a segment of it… i’ve been watching a lot of pole dance videos and there’s a lot of beauty that can be created in it it’s truly an art form too and jm has the muscle strength to execute those moves perfectly too… i really cant wait for march!!!!
Hi Anon,
I loved reading this. Thanks for taking the time to lay out your thoughts so fully. But before anything else, and because I've seen this in a few places, I want to start off with one thing:
"Looking at jm’s tracklist for FACE got me really surprised because the a lot of producers that posted pics with him aren’t on there (except for pdogg ofc lol)"
It's possible those people still worked on the album. Visiting another producer can serve a myriad of purposes - those producers could have worked on the arrangement, Jimin could've used their sound engineers, recorded vocals in their studios for processing, etc. It's also possible you're right and these were initial meetings to discuss ideas and establish a relationship on which Jimin can leverage for his later music. But I'm saying this to point out we haven't seen the full credits yet. Pdogg as main producer and Jimin working with RM who has supported every solo venture Jimin has ever done, is obvious too, but we won't see the full credits until the album is out.
As for the make-up line, I think I've been saying forever that in my head, Jimin already has a fragrance house. What I want for Jimin is for him to delve headfirst into releasing a whole line of perfumes (sorry, make-up lovers). I know he loves flowers but for some reason, I imagine he smells more gourmand and musky with a hint of citrus and chypre, rather than floral scents. But yes just his face alone on any sort of palette would sell it out instantaneously lmao.
I think we're also getting a standard BTS cardboard album packaging lol. NewJeans is under Ador, not under BigHit, and we know that Ador and BigHit are fully independent sub-labels under HYBE, meaning what NewJeans does has zero bearing on anything BigHit does... for better or worse.
Your mention of pole dancing reminded me of that edit that dropped after Jimin mentioned wanting to do it for a Run episode.
(This non-Jimin is doing such a superb job)
Yes let's have Jimin in a skintight mesh piece showing off his full back tattoos doing an inverted crucifix move with black hair and black nails. All our synapses will misfire (and this likely has an 80% of not happening), but after writing out my own outlandish wish list for PJM1 (now, FACE), who am I to say nay?
I'm not the type to analyze album covers, concept photos, or even album/song descriptions so I don't have much to say right now, until I actually hear the music. After the initial excitement, I'm now stuck in this 'let's wait and see' limbo, but I do have certainty about one thing:
Jimin is coming to fuck all of us up.
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hwanduu · 8 months
february 11, 2024 ㅡ 2:29AM.
i was going through my journal the other day and realized that i feel pity for my old self. pity in a sense of i would sit down and hug her without saying anything and not pity in a way i know we both would hate - the kind of pity that you see in people's eyes knowing that we don't grow up in the same environment as they do.
truth to be told, i don't know when it happened, it was almost like a switch but i have been looking forward to living these past few years. maybe it wasn't a switch.. maybe it was gradual. it was gradual but could only see the changes when the hard work was already laid down seamlessly.
i remember during the first months of dating dojun. the memory was still vivid till this day. it was just me, in the bathroom - he was sleeping soundly in the other room - sobbing and grieving badly of the life i used to live. it was my second year being in therapy by then but because i haven't dated in so many years, the problems i thought i had dealt with and accepted were still prominent and taking a toll in our relationship. maybe it wasn't too obvious to him but it was obvious to me. i have to be honest and admit that most of my relationships aren't in any way, healthy so to be in one and bringing all of these heavy baggage from my childhood up until that age, it was.. it was something that i wasn't prepared to go through.
i felt very shameful, very scared, very pitiful of dojun to be in this situation where he has to deal with me, someone with so many deep wounds. there were many times where i wanted, so deeply wanted to self sabotage this relationship. normal people belongs with normal people. that's what i wanted to believe.
i have never told anyone else of what went in my head at that moment, that night except for jimin as i have always been scared of being seen, being heard and being honest of my own feelings. i have always been scared of hurting others in my life because it would be unfair to treat others with wounds that was cause by people in the past. but these days, i think i have been slowly letting myself to be in the uncomforting void of letting people misunderstood me.
i have been in that space where i am not afraid to show my love even when i'm scared. to love loudly and to love proudly. with dojun, with my family and my friends. i had been an observer for long enough that i have forgotten to live so the only time i want to live and be loud is now.
so i do want to live. i do want to love and i do desperately want to be seen and heard. to be seen properly and to be understood firmly.
i hope i have many more years to make up of the lost time that i lose to these traumas.
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94erz · 2 years
This in between period of Hoseok content and Namjoon content is heaven. I went from so much content of my bias, now content of my bias and my OG bias, into content from my OG bias. 
Like the only way this could get any better is if Yoongi dropped his shit right after Joon does for the perfect rap line trifecta. I mean he’s dropping stories on IG of being in the studio, so he’s on his way. We’re getting more previews from him versus anyone else honestly so maybe we’ll get rap line albums first and then ML albums after? I mean I’m up for it, I know we won’t be getting it until 2023 anyway since there’s only a few more months in 2022 and we still don’t even have RM’s album yet so that has to happen first.
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minniepetals · 3 years
Rose & Thorns: 09
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— summary: a lone rose, a little broken, until Jungkook came along and the two of you saved each other. and in doing so, Jungkook showed you a world where he shared with his six other mates.
— pairing: dragon!bts x reader
— genre: fluff / slight angst / poly!au / fantasy!au / dragon!au
— word count: 8.3k
— warnings: none
╰ part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 / part 9 / part 10
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"Hi there."
Just two single words are uttered from your lips and Jungkook is reminded of everything that has happened from the very first moment you spoke those exact first words to him.
He remembered those eyes of yours, so lost, so lonely, yet still having that kindness within to try and reach out a hand in order to ease his pain even if it meant just a small dose. Little did you know you'd end up as a true keeper of the dragons, lover to the seven princes of the East Sky and Mountains. But knowing the rewards, in the end, had never been anything you were seeking for at the time, and his heart warmed at the single reminder of how truly kind your heart is. After all, before you could even come to that moment of happiness with them all, you had to face serious consequences all because of that kind heart of yours.
Looking back on it, Jungkook only wished he could have dealt with it all in a better sense. If he were there for you like you were always for him, if he had gotten to his lovers a little sooner to make them see that nothing about you had been false, if he had been there through your pains and tears, maybe you could have reached that dream of freedom and happiness so much quicker.
"Jungkook?" Yet no matter what he thought, you were always there gracing him a sweet smile with such precious eyes that he knew he would forever hold dearly to.
"Back from taking care of the little whelps?" He asked, driving his thoughts away from the memories in order to look at what was in front of him instead. Jungkook knew he couldn't keep dwelling on the past no matter how much it had hurt him. Because here you were, lips curled into a brighter smile and he knew then that no matter what he thought, you'd never blame him for anything.
But perhaps that was what was hurting him even more.
You walked into the castle, feet having light bounces to them with a basket full of laundry. "I'm fairly certain Namjoon will hold an apprentice ceremony for Haeun soon. Who do you suppose her mentor will be?"
He grabbed you by the arm to pull you back in front of him before you could walk right past him without a second thought, surprising you just a bit.
"I'm sure Namjoon will make a wise decision on that but," the young dragon drew both his hands to hold you firmly by the shoulders as he expressed a disappointed face, "don't you think you're forgetting about someone else first?"
You giggled under his adorable pout. "Don't you have to get ready for the afternoon hunting patrol soon?" You reminded him, causing him to let out a grunt.
"Why is it that Taehyung and Seokjin are the ones to have you by their sides every day? Why can't it be me?"
"Kook," you laugh, "you know your hyungs would never let me go out there to support the patrols. For one, it can be dangerous especially for a simple human like me, and two, I don't have a clue on what to do during a patrol."
He sighed, allowing his hands to drop by his side again. "It's unfair. Sometimes I wish I wasn't a warrior."
"Don't say that. The clan has both you and Hoseok to keep us protected and that is something I would never want to take away from you."
"I know. I just want to spend more time with you" He looked up to meet your gaze again. "But for now this will do." Without any warning, he leaned in to give you a quick kiss to your lips, causing your cheeks to brighten in an instant as he strolled away with a giggle, knowing exactly what your expression would show without even looking.
You were too adorable for your own good.
"Have you ever had scented candles before?"
On one of the rarer days when you were free from your duties and didn't have the little whelps demanding for your attention almost every second you turned your head and Seokjin was well on his own, you accompanied Jimin in the lonely dungeons as he made his rounds as head of the guards, making small talks ever so often.
There weren't many prisoners locked up for their bad deeds just as the time you spent there a prisoner yourself so you knew Jimin often got lonely making his rounds all alone each time. Taking that into consideration, you weren't going to let the opportunity of your free time be spent doing nothing.
"Scented candles?" You tilted your head slightly to the side with innocent eyes that always got him every time and Jimin chuckled lightly after dropping his clipboard on a table from finishing his rounds with you by his side and turning to elsewhere. "I've heard of them before but they don't necessarily exist around here do they?"
"They don't but there are tales of the scented candles being of great help to be of comfort for anyone in need." Your eyes widened at his words, feeling quite intrigued, and when Jimin turned back around with a few things in hand, your breath hitches. "The first person that came into mind was you when I heard about them," he told you with bright eyes smiling as he brought them on over towards the table at the center of the room. You followed him curiously, rounding yourself to stand beside him as he displayed the candles for you. "So I had one of our traveler dragons to bring them back when they had the time."
"Jimin..." You felt so touched by his kind thoughts for you you almost didn't know what to say towards the sweet gesture. But when he graced you with a tender smile upon your gaze on him, you were sure he understood your thankfulness towards him.
"If only we had these at the time when you were our prisoner." His face fell with slight dejection but you were quick to shake your head lightly.
"Having you to help me then was more than enough, Jimin, I promise. Then again," thinking back to that time, you giggled upon the memories, "would you guys have really wasted such precious things on me at the time?"
He sighed. "I'm glad we can joke about it now but looking back at it, we were so horribly rude to you I can't believe I let my emotions get the best of me."
"You were just worried for the little one."
He chuckled upon your words with a tousle to your hair. "I don't think Jungkook would appreciate someone smaller than him calling him the little one."
You gave him a pout. "And why not? You do it to him all the time."
"Because I'm his hyung. Though he does often tease me about it from time to time." You giggled knowingly, already picturing their small bickering when it came to the two of them and their banters. Having seen that, Jimin smiled from where he stood beside you and brought his hand behind your head in order to pull you close and place a sweet kiss on your forehead, surprising you and making your cheeks flare up at the sudden gesture without warning. He found it cute how you had yet to get used to their kisses whether unexpected or not but returned his eyes to the candles despite the shocking state you were still in.
"Shall we try one of them?"
With his question, you blinked in a daze before shaking your head to return to the subject, and with your cheeks still slightly flushed, your eyes darted back to the candles laying on the table. "There are so many different kinds," you observed with a slightly opened mouth of astonishment to which Jimin found adorable.
"I didn't know what kind of scent you'd prefer so I got the dragon to get a couple different kinds."
"Lots of them are flowery scents," you beamed under the lowlights of the dungeon as you went on to pick up the candles in order to observe them up close. Pulling them up close to your nose, you waft at them in order to get a sense of how each of them smelt, your expressions clearly pleased each time you got a new scent to try as Jimin simply stood there watching you, happiness blooming in his chest at just the sight of you so content. "They all smell so great even without it lit up."
Your face fell with furrowed brows as you stared at each of the candles, having a hard time choosing which one to try first and Jimin let out a laugh. "You're so cute," he said. "We can try every one of them now if you still have time to spare."
"I have all the time to spare!" You exclaimed almost a little too happy for someone who had come in the dungeons declaring the desire to help. But he knew that was just the way you were and for that alone, Jimin wasn't at all dissatisfied by it.
"Well then, since you're having a hard time choosing which one to try first, just close your eyes and choose."
"Good idea!"
Upon Jimin's suggestion, you quickly closed your eyes and hovered your hand over the candles, blindly searching over each one before you finally settled with the one to the far right. With that, you opened your eyes again and held that one up.
"Lavender," the dragon beside you stated.
"Lavender's wonderful!" You were quick to say with your eyes lighting up at the chosen one. "It helps relieve stress and anxiety," you let him know and his brows furrowed a little at your words.
"Are you having trouble, little one?" He asked, concerned.
"Oh no, not me," you quickly said with a shake of your head. "I want to share this with Namjoon because I know being a leader to a clan isn't always the easiest. He comes home later than every one of us after all and most times I'm already asleep by then. I haven't seen him around lately so I'm a little worried."
His eyes softened at your innocent kindness that never seemed to ever leave your heart no matter what and for that alone, Jimin almost believed that he was falling in love all over again. "We're so lucky to have you by our side."
You looked up at him and gave him a humble shake of your head. "It's the other way around," you smiled. "Do you think he'll appreciate it? Oh, but you got these for me as gifts."
"Don't worry, it's always best to share gifts like these with each other," he said while gently stroking your head. "I know Namjoon will be more than happy to receive this."
"Then shall we also choose candles for the others as well? I think it would be really incredible to build a storage room for scented candles so that whenever one of us needs it, we can always—"
"Before that."
Innocently, you looked up from the candles to meet Jimin's gaze only to have your lips captured in a sweet kiss, leaving your breath to hitch and your eyes to widen as you froze right there at the unexpected kiss.
Jimin leaned away just enough to give you some space with a chuckle. "Your reactions will always please me."
"But," his brows furrowing slightly, he brought his hand over to slowly swipe his thumb along his lip as you simply stood there, staring at those plump lips of his, not knowing what to do, "I want more, little one."
"J.." Your cheeks brightened even more as your eyes were quick to avert to the ground upon meeting his eyes, causing him to let out another throaty chuckle.
"I love you."
He found it amusing in the way your face only seemed to flush even more each time he did and said something. Your eyes were shaking, not knowing where to look, and he was sure your head was swarming with thoughts of how to respond to him. Surely you were panicking upon whether to return those sweet three words or not and it brought a tug at the corner of his lips.
"Well?" He raised a brow, waiting for your permission.
You bit your lip, still contemplating, but Jimin went on to take the lavender-scented candle away from your grasp to place it back onto the table as he inched towards you in a sly manner.
"I..." You opened your mouth shyly.
"Yes?" He urged you on.
"I-I..." You stepped back out of panic but he followed right away. "Well..um..."
Bravely, you looked up to meet his eyes head-on and Jimin smirked, satisfied with that. But still, he waited to hear your words and despite how slow you were with it, hearing it made him happy nonetheless.
"I love you too." You told him and he smiled, letting his hand trail down your face in a gentle possessive manner before leaning in and pressing his sweet lips to your own.
It's a gentle kiss like the gentleman he is and not long after your thoughts are filled with him and him alone.
"I can't wait to become an apprentice! I just know prince Namjoon will choose the perfect one for me!"
You giggled fondly at the little dragoness who sat beside you helping you with your duties as the two of you fold the blankets for the whelps together. "But before that, you will have to let him know what you want to be first, right?"
"Ah," she said, almost as if she had forgotten about the beginning steps first.
"Well?" You urged her on. "What would you like to be as part of the clan?"
She looked away thinking, her hands coming down to a stop on top of the white blanket that laid on her lap, her thoughts going on to stray away to the different duties every dragon has as a member of the clan.
"Unnie how did you choose what you wanted to do?" She asked you instead of answering, her decisions still unclear.
"Well," you started, ready to help her to try and decide, "I chose to be both Seokjin's underling and helping out with the whelps because I love helping. I guess it was easy to decide because, for one, I enjoy taking care of the whelps' needs, and two, I'm used to the herbs and remedies as I've often had to learn them myself without relying on others to help me heal when I needed it. Plus it comes in handy when the princes need to be tended to."
"You don't like just watching on the sideline and would rather be of help, huh?"
You nodded with a smile. "Tending to them makes me feel useful. I can protect them in that sense while they help to protect the clan as warriors themselves. I'd hate to just stand back and watch them in pain, not knowing how to help them. It'd feel worse than anything"
Haeun broke into a beaming smile at your answer. "Unnie, that sounds just like you."
You chuckled at her words and went on to tousle her hair. "You'll find your purpose one day soon. Take your time, no one is rushing you."
"Oh!" She let out a cute little gasp. "What if I worked as a caretaker as well? That way I can be of more help here in the roosts!"
"That sounds—"
The two of you turned at the voice to find Taehyung walking up with a slightly displeased expression as he handed little Kihyun to Haeun before shamelessly pulling you against his chest right in front of the kids.
"T-Taehyung!" You quickly gasped and were ready to push him away at the unexpected gesture. Only he wasn't going to let you go.
"You already spend too much time with my princess, you can't keep taking her away from me. I'm supposed to be the one who spends more time with her than anyone else, Haeun!"
You couldn't believe this was the reason for his refusal of Haeun's help but rather than taking him seriously, the dragoness let out an exasperated sigh as she stood from her spot with Kihyun in hand before purposely sticking her tongue out at the prince. "Sucks to be you then, my prince, because unnie likes me more than you anyways!"
He let out a dramatic gasp with the grip around you only tightening. "How dare you say such lies."
Yet she made no comebacks and simply ran away before Taehyung could scold her anymore.
You giggled at their little banter and turned around to face your lover with a sigh. "I would appreciate it if you kept the affections to a minimum in front of the little ones."
"Why should I? Those little dragons are already trying to steal you away. I'm just marking my territory so they know not to steal someone else's mate, especially one that belongs to a prince."
"You know they're just playing around."
"That's what they'd like you to think, those mischievous little brats."
You burst out laughing at how ridiculous he was, jealous of the little dragons and even having quite the serious pout plastered upon his face. You didn't know what to expect walking into the relationship but even so, everything had been so well you were glad to be able to laugh and smile along their sides no matter how many times you'd get flustered by the things they did.
Frowning at you for not taking him seriously, Taehyung grabbed a hold of your face in both his large palms and brought himself right in front of you, making your laughter cease almost instantly.
"Is it fun making me jealous?" The prince asked with a raised brow, suddenly giving you a deadpanned look you weren't sure what to think. "Hm, princess?"
Your eyes panned away from his out of panic, already afraid to be caught by the poor little dragons in case they stumbled upon the two of you. "Tae—"
"I'm right in front of you yet you're focusing on something else?"
"If the whelps catch us like this, I—" He brought your face forcibly back to face him again with a displeased expression that is quick to bring your voice quiet all over again. "Tae..." Seeing him like that was a little surprising to you. After all, despite the many months spent in the dragon clan, there was still so much you had yet to know of including how the princes would act as your lovers, and now that you were with them, it still felt a little unbelievable they would feel such love and possessiveness over you.
Maybe that was just the nature of dragons. Just as you've heard stories of them being quite possessive with their treasures, perhaps mating was just as if not more important.
Your faces were so close you were sure Taehyung could feel the heat of your cheeks against his palm. It made you even shyer so you looked away, not brave enough to keep eye contact for much longer, and just for that, he let out a knowing chuckle.
"You're so cute." His voice was low, quiet. "I don't want anyone else to see this side to you, princess. You're ours after all, aren't you?"
You ignored his words in an attempt to hide your embarrassment. "Don't you think, um...you're being a little too brave doing this right here?"
"I'm sure Haeun's got us covered."
"That's not—!" You grunted. "We can't let her watch the whelps all alone, you know that."
"Eh," he shrugged, not caring one bit, "she's a good kid. She'll take care of it. In the meantime—"
You were quick to gasp and pushed Taehyung away as soon as you heard the young voice calling your name. "Do you need something, Minho?" You asked, turning around as the little one ran up to you while you both ignored the cry of agony and frustration falling out of Taehyung's lips as he leaned back into one of the beds of the whelps, holding his face against his palm at the missed opportunity that was now ripped away from him.
"Noona I wanna play with you!" The little dragon exclaimed with a bright innocent grin plastered on his face but Taehyung knew it was anything but. As if to provoke the prince further, he grabbed ahold of your hands and dragged you off, not even sparing Taehyung a single glance, knowing fully well what he had just done.
"Namjoon!" He saw you quick on your little feet as you ran up to him with a beaming smile that was just enough to slowly ease the weights resting on his shoulders. But he knew it wouldn't last forever despite wanting to keep seeing that precious smile of yours even if it meant for just one whole night, dreading for the time that was coming. "I was just looking around for you!"
He gave you a tender smile as he drew his hand along your face, stroking it gently. "Did you need me for something, dear one?"
"Mhm!" You took his hand, ready to run off. "Come here, I—"
But Namjoon pulled you back to stand right before him again, he himself not having moved one inch despite you just about to drag him away. "Can it wait?" He said, causing your smile to fall with a slight concern.
"Oh. Are you busy?"
He hated doing that to you. "I was just about to have Yoongi call for a clan meeting."
"Ah," you said, nodding. "Then I will wait for you in—"
"I want you to attend the meeting."
That took you by surprise as your eyes widened a little, totally unaware that Namjoon would ask you to attend a clan meeting. Usually, he would have all the princes and his most trusted dragons together for a meeting first before letting the rest know of any news that would be important to announce. You've never attended any meetings before and there hadn't been one for a while so surely the things he had to discuss had to be important, right? So why would he ask you to attend?
Seeing the confusion written on your face, Namjoon began to explain. "You're our Keeper now, remember?" He said, reminding you of the ceremony that had taken place just a few weeks ago. "Must I keep reminding you that you are now very important to the dragon clans?"
"Well..." They've mentioned that but you have yet to know what exactly that title meant for you. "I haven't exactly done much, have I?"
"I know," he nodded, understanding. "Truthfully none of us truly understands how a human would prepare for this role but I need you to begin seeing this title as your new duty. I know you have the whelps to take care of and also work alongside Seokjin but being a Keeper will begin to take up the majority of your time now. I need you to be prepared for anything, Y/N."
"I..." The serious gaze he held for you made you understand how crucial it was but still, you couldn't find the answer as to why. "I don't understand."
Namjoon nodded again. "It is best to let everyone know first before you ask your questions." He took your hand and began leading you towards the one room you hadn't exactly been to before; the meeting hall. "But just know that from now on, the Keeper will be attending every meeting that is to be held."
Knowing your questions would be answered soon, you gave him a nod. "Okay."
The meeting hall was a grand hall that laid a large table right in the middle with twelve chairs surrounding it all together. Seeing it up close and personal itself, you could understand just how serious the meeting was going to be. Even Taehyung himself who had already taken his place towards one of the ends held a grim expression.
But upon seeing you walk in with Namjoon at your side, his face lit up just the slightest bit.
"You look tense," he joked as if trying to ease your nerves with his little jokes. "It's alright, princess," the dragon assured you with a soft smile as he held his hand out to offer you a seat beside him. You easily took his hand, allowing him to guide you to the chair beside him as the others began to file in.
Hoseok took his place on your other side with a grin. "First time here?" He asked almost flirtatiously and made you let out a giggle.
Not long after the meeting began.
"The three clans have gotten news of me declaring Y/N as Keeper of the Dragons." You could feel all eyes turning to you at the report that left Namjoon's lips and just for that, you felt a weird feeling drop within your stomach but you weren't sure exactly what you were supposed to feel.
Was it a good thing? Or not?
Weren't the Clans all connected in one way or another despite them ruling their own skies and mountains? Questions swarmed in your head and you were suddenly realizing just how much you didn't know about lots of things that were important to the clan.
Sensing your confusion, Namjoon began to explain. "There are four main clans. The East, the West, the North, and the South. The other clans that exist are the smaller clans that protect other areas that are not covered by the four major clans. The warriors live protecting our territories in order to maintain the lands that were given to us from the first beginning wars many years ago. We are allowed to go to war with any smaller clan to gain land if we wish to do so, but none of us are allowed to attack any of the major clans so that no one clan becomes one over the other and dictates the rest."
"Hence that's where gaining a Keeper poses a problem, doesn't it, my prince?"
You turned your head at the warrior that had spoken. "It..does?"
He sent you a conflicted expression. "Us major clans may not be allowed to attack the others to maintain order but there are other ways to gain power and look slightly better than the rest."
"And one way by doing that is having our ancestor warriors accept a Keeper into one of the clans," another warrior added.
You were posing a problem as a Keeper already? Just by existing? Did that mean you'd have to leave in order to not cause more problems and potentially be the reason the clans may go to war?
Seeing those worried brows furrowing, Seokjin turned back to Namjoon. "The clans have given you their answers, I am sure. What did they say?"
With Seokjin's question, the attention returned to the high prince once again.
"They will accept the Keeper as long as we grant them the permission to use her in the case of any major wars."
Jungkook abruptly stood up in protest. "No!" He said in a thunderous tone with a face filled with rage at the thought of even bringing you to the wars. "I will not allow anyone to use Y/N in any way shape or form even if it comes to our own wars."
"But the Keeper has her powers to protect herself and the ones beside her."
"Y/N doesn't know how to use her powers yet," he was quick to dismiss the thought.
Meanwhile, you look at Hoseok and Taehyung beside you with confusion at this so-called power of yours. You really possessed powers now? And as if reading your thoughts, the two of them gave you a silent nod both firmly to let you know that all of this was real.
"She can learn."
"And she will."
"Whether she learns it well or not does not mean I will let anyone take advantage of her and put her life at risk. Y/N's already gone through so much, you can't just expect her to suddenly be thrown into the middle of our clan's problems."
But you were the root of the problem so it only made sense. And you were sure you weren't the only one thinking that as you looked around the room, noticing the hesitation in the warrior's expressions as some of them felt conflicted on whether to voice their true opinion on the matter or not since they all knew you were the lover of the princes.
Sighing silently with worry, you spared a glance towards Namjoon who seemed to be the one in the most conflicted position. After all, as leader of the East Clan, he had to consider both sides to the problem while also needing to take in the other clan's words without dismissing it so easily.
As you sat there while the debate continued on, you realized that the only way the clan could have accepted you at all was to become a Keeper. That was the only position available to you as a human in order to be someone not only the East Clan could trust but the rest of the clans as well. Which also meant that this was Namjoon's way of protecting you. Because as Keeper, you were given the power to protect not just the people around you but yourself as well.
"Hyung." Jungkook turned back to Namjoon, wanting the leader to declare the words of declining the other clan's orders but you knew it wasn't going to be that easy of a decision.
The room fell silent again as the youngest of the prince addressed the leader who sat tall in his seat at the end of the table. His gaze remained grim with both his hands clasped together in front of him with silent thoughts swarming in his head.
It remained that way for a while, the room waiting for Namjoon to speak.
He closed his eyes for a second before sitting back tall against his seat and looking up to rest his gaze right on you. Your heart skipped a beat, not knowing what he was going to ask of you or if he had come up with a decision, and whatever it was, you knew you had to be prepared.
"Y/N," he called, voice uttered in a low octave.
"Yes?" You were almost too afraid of what his next words were going to be but this was Namjoon you were talking about. You knew you could trust him with your whole life. The two of you went through danger together, helped each other up, carried one another, and made it out alive in the end. You knew more than anyone that he wouldn't purposely lead you to danger. After all, even though he had hated you then, he still protected you from that great fall because he knew you were special to Jungkook.
If there was anyone you could trust, it would be Namjoon.
"The wars that the dragon clans may involve themselves in can be quite brutal," he told you. "There will be enemy dragons far more dangerous than the ones that had attacked both you and Seokjin. You have to, however, be rest assured that our own warriors are far stronger than you can ever imagine. I will do all that I can to negotiate with the other three clans but be prepared to know that you may be needed in one of the wars in the future."
He held a hand up to silence Jungkook without ever diverting his gaze from you. "No dragon that belongs to the clans, whether that of the major clans or the smaller ones, will ever dare to harm you. Every dragon knows not to try and harm a Keeper who lives to protect them. So if and when the wars ever come, will you give your complete trust to us in due time just as the clans will do the same with you?"
Seeing that complete resolve in Namjoon's eyes which hides no lies upon his vow to keep you from harm's way, you knew your answer.
"More than anything, I will entrust my life to the clans."
Proud with your reply, Namjoon let himself give you a faint smile in return.
"This will mean the clans will want to meet her, won't they?" Jimin spoke up upon the possibility and returning to his serious expression once again, Namjoon gave a nod.
"The Keeper has much to learn then."
"That's right."
Customs and courtesies along with the history of the Clans and their origins. Adding along with your training as a Keeper, the need to protect the dragon clans. You had much to do but you knew running away from it wasn't going to happen so you sat there with a resolved look in your eyes, letting the dragons know that you were going to do it all if it meant protecting them.
They smiled knowingly, proud to have you as their Keeper.
"Can't sleep?"
Namjoon's eyes turned tender upon the sight of you joining him out on the balcony later that night. He held out a hand for you to take and you gladly accepted it with no protest, allowing him to bring you forward and wrap his arms around you to keep you warm from the night breeze.
It remained silent for a while with the two of you just basking in each other's warmth, comfortable with just the sound of the crickets chirping under the night sky filled with the light of the twinkling stars.
"I'm sorry," he whispered a moment later and you turned to look up at him with confusion.
"For what?"
"When I gave you the title as Keeper of the Dragons, I should have asked you about it all first instead of just deciding it all on my own," he told you with a grim expression resting on his face. "Now you're going to have to face some challenges that you weren't prepared for."
His voice was soft against the wind, but you could hear the guilt and heavy stress weighing against him, letting you know that he had been worrying about you with all of this now going on. The other three clans weren't going to give in to his negotiations that easily but Namjoon would be working hard just for the sake of you and for that you knew all you wanted to do at that moment was to ease his burdens.
"It's okay," you told him softly as you leaned against his chest to let him understand that you weren't blaming him for any of it. "You gave me a place in your clan and that is more than enough."
"Being a Keeper is not going to be easy on you. Whether it was the only title I could give you as a human or not, this will only make things harder on you."
You chuckled a little at those words. "You know more than anyone nothing has been easy for me in the first place."
"Exactly." He let out a sigh as his arms around you tightened with worry. "This isn't exactly helping."
"As a Keeper, no one can hurt me, right?"
"You're going to have to learn to defend and use your powers first."
"Mhm," you nodded. "And I will."
"I know you will Y/N, and I trust you with all that I have," he acknowledged without any doubt. "I know that despite the situation you're suddenly placed in, the burdens you will have to face as a Keeper, you won't let any of that get to you and will do all that you can do for the clan. But," he gave you a squeeze, holding you tighter as if to silently tell you how afraid he was knowing he had no choice but to send you away as a leader who had to make the best decisions for everyone, "truthfully I wanted to agree with Jungkook and straight-up refuse the thought of even involving you in any future wars. The little one knows you best. He's seen through it all, feels the most guilty out of any of us for not being able to protect you as well as we should have. And I know you don't blame him, none of us does, he was after all the one who fought so hard for your life. But because he had to go through that, Jungkook will be the one to suffer the most when we have to send you off to fight."
You understood that. You understood the fact that Jungkook's heart was so big he wanted to protect everyone he could with his power. He was there beside you, always feeling helpless he couldn't do much to help you in your situation knowing he had been less powerful than the rest of his hyungs, but even then, you would never blame him because none of it was his fault.
He was a kind, gentle, and loving dragon who refused to let any of his lovers get hurt. But you understood where Namjoon was coming from and knew this wasn't going to be easy at all.
"I will tell you this though," you looked up at the leader whose eyes were already on yours with a firm resolve in his eyes. "As the leader of the Eastern Clan and as your lover, I will not let anything happen to you no matter what we will face in the future. So can you place your faith in me and do your part knowing I will be standing right beside you in all of this?"
"Namjoon..." Dealing with the Clans and potentially needing to be used in some of the future wars would not be easy, you knew, but you also knew that you weren't going to be alone. So you gave him a firm nod, knowing more than anyone that you could trust him. "Of course."
He leaned in to place a kiss on your head. "That's all I need to hear."
The days grew longer and longer as you took your duties off as Seokjin's assistance and the caretaker of the whelps in order to begin your training as the true Keeper of the Dragons.
You were given a teacher who taught you the history of the Clans and common customs and courtesies to prepare you for the meeting of the other three clans and had to face a challenge in trying to understand how the previous Keeper had lived.
None of it was easy, knowing you would be alone throughout most of it because the dragons themselves had no idea of how to train someone with a position they've never had to face. So you spent most of your time in the large library mostly to yourself with lessons after lessons on the history of the Clans and the first Keeper of the Dragons.
Given the ability to wield the power to physically protect someone while having no idea how to use or control it was hard for a beginner like you, but you knew you couldn't give up so easily because this was now your duty. You couldn't let your clan down nor disappoint anyone.
Everyone believed in you, it was your duty to show them that you were capable of this position without any doubt.
If the other three clans blindly trusted in you to the point of potentially asking you for aid in future wars then you could not let them see you as a weak and vulnerable human who would make excuses on how hard it was. You had to prove yourself to everyone.
Not just your princes, not just your clan nor the other three clans, but to yourself as well.
You were going to face this head-on, knowing it was your duty to protect the dragons now as Keeper of the Dragons.
You quickly shook your head as you headed back to the private chambers after another long day of studying. With a big smile plastered on your face, you knew you couldn't let them worry over you so much.
"I'm perfect!" You said to Yoongi who held on to a skeptical expression.
"Well that's true but," he held his hand up to stroke your hair with eyes that didn't blindly believe you so easily, "you know it's okay to say when you're tired, right? You have it very rough right now, after all. We can all see it."
"Well I'm a little tired," you admitted sheepishly, knowing you couldn't hide anything from them as he brought you in to hold you in his arms soon after. "But it's been going well, I promise."
"I don't doubt that." Seokjin came up from behind you to place a kiss on your head. When you looked up at him, his eyes were just as concerned as Yoongi's. "I know you're a smart girl who is stronger than anyone I've ever met, however, you must remember to not push yourself too hard."
"You often go to the extremes for others, that's why we're so worried, princess," Taehyung said.
"If it becomes too difficult to face this all on your own, you have to tell us," Jimin chimed in. "Preparing for battles is not easy but doing this as a Keeper is something beyond our own imaginations. We may not understand some things but we're right here for you, okay?"
"Once you're done with the first steps of knowing how to defend and use your powers as a Keeper, the next step is learning how we fight our wars."
"I'm sorry," Namjoon said after Hoseok, looking the most worried out of them all since he was the one to have given you the title. "This is a lot more than I thought it'd be."
"I promise I'm alright," you said with sincerity at their concern for you. You hated seeing them like that but you knew it was coming from a good place. "Learning to protect the Clans is a privilege. I'm honored to be a Keeper. I won't let you down."
You turned to the sound of the last prince to speak and saw the way he stood a bit further from the rest of you, an unsettling uneasiness clear on his face as his brows furrowed while he refused to look at you at first. It was silent for a moment as you waited for Jungkook to speak.
When he finally managed to look up and meet your face, you could see how much this was affecting him and felt your heart drop at just the sight alone. Jungkook was so worried about you.
He held his hand out, eyes averting from yours again but still, you took it without hesitation, letting the youngest prince have his way with pulling you into his strong arms. You couldn't see it from where you stood just seconds ago but now that you were in his arms, you could feel the way he was trembling slightly as he held you.
"'Please," he whispered as he let his cheek rest against your head, "if it's too hard you have to let us know. You can't lie to us no matter what. If you don't want to do this anymore then just say the word and we'll take care of it. But I know that is not something you'd ever do because you are much too noble for that so please...please don't push yourself too hard for any of our sakes. If you go too far you'll hurt yourself. So this time, this time I won't let you get too far. I promise I'll uphold my words and protect you. So please rely on me. Okay?"
You knew to some extent that Jungkook worried the most out of everyone but hearing those words coming out of his mouth, feeling the slight trembling of his body, you knew how scared he was right now. So worried, so afraid.
He loved you so much so you knew you couldn't do something that would make him think you were only going to make things harder for yourself.
You stepped back just enough to face him again where you reached up to hold his face in your hand. His eyes were filled with so much grief you wished you could just take all those worries away in a blink of an eye. But it wasn't going to be that easy. Despite that, however, you knew you had to do something to ease the pain even if it meant a small dose.
"I promise, Jungkook. I won't go too far this time."
"Good." He said and buried his face against the crook of your neck, his breath shaky as he let out a sigh. "Good."
"How about this?" Witnessing that moment between the two of you, Namjoon spoke up. "You should take a break tomorrow. You've been working non-stop these past few weeks after all."
"Hm?" You turned to Namjoon with a slight confusion while Jungkook remained in your arms, refusing to let you go anytime soon. "But—"
"The clan haven't seen you in a while since you've been buried in the library almost every day since your training started. I'm sure they've missed you."
"That's right," Taehyung let out a sigh at just the reminder of the little whelps demanding him questions after questions on when they were ever going to see you again. "You know more than anyone how much those little whelps love you. They've been asking for you since the day you started your training and Haeun isn't making things any easier. She's gotten so grumpy I can't keep handling all of them on my own."
You laughed lightly upon the mention of the little ones, already picturing them complaining to Taehyung and bouncing around him for answers about you.
"Everyone knows you're working so hard right now," Yoongi stated with a firm nod. "You should take tomorrow to catch up on things and take things easy. They've all missed you."
"I suppose a day wouldn't hurt."
"Then it's settled." With that, Namjoon gave you a faint smile as he walked up to both you and Jungkook, giving you a kiss to your head before gently patting Jungkook's head. He looked up, still slightly upset about this whole thing. "Y/N's going to be okay," the leader vowed firmly. "Everyone's looking out for her."
"Mhm," you nodded with a smile. "So don't worry too much, okay?"
He took a moment to stare at the kind smile you gave him and seeing how sincere you both were, Jungkook began to look relieved as his face relaxed for the first time in a while. "Okay," he sighed with a small smile of his own. "I'm proud of you."
Your heart blossomed with love.
Two weeks later, you were to leave to meet the three clans of the North, South, and West.
Dressed in formal wear, you took a deep breath as you stared out at the view of the horizon from the mountain top, knowing this would be the first time you would be leaving the mountain and being gone for a while.
"Are you ready?" You turned at the voice of Hoseok who stood tall beside Namjoon as the two of them would be the ones to accompany you on the journey. Behind them stood the rest of the princes and the clan to bid their farewells and wait for your return. Scanning the crowd, you could see some faces of worry and decided to give them all your usual kind smile.
"I have Namjoon and Hoseok with me, you can all stop looking at me like I'm already going out for war," you said with a small laugh to lighten the dampened mood. "I will be alright," you give them the vow with confidence in order to ensure that they did not have to worry too much.
It seemed to have worked since many of their faces began to lighten up again.
"We will be waiting for your return."
"Please stay safe."
"Send word if anything goes wrong. We'll be ready for anything."
You laughed again. "You all worry too much."
"For good reason." Seokjin walked up looking slightly grumpy. "We're sending our Keeper away after all."
"They won't do anything to me, I'm just going to be meeting them so that they will know who the Keeper is," you reminded him.
"I'm surprised you can be so calm." Truthfully despite Jimin's words, you were quite worried but you knew you couldn't show that now. It wouldn't be the best thing to do knowing the clan themselves were already concerned. "You're so brave, little one."
"Mhm," you nodded at his words with a confident grin. "So trust me a little more, hm?"
"Stay safe, princess," Taehyung told you as he gently tousled your hair.
"I will."
Meeting both Namjoon and Hoseok's gaze, there seemed to be some sort of a silent conversation going on as Yoongi met their gazes before he turned to you with a small smile. "We'll be waiting for you."
"Mhm," you smiled.
"I love you," Jungkook whispered before turning to Namjoon and Hoseok. "You too," he said. "Be careful out there."
"Of course," Hoseok nodded.
"Shall we go? We must reach the Southern Clan before the sun sets." Upon those words of Namjoon's the clan tensed up again along with an odd feeling dropping along your stomach. But you knew you had to do this whether it was scary or not. It was important to the future of the clans after all.
Once both Namjoon and Hoseok transformed into their respective dragon forms, you gave the clan a formal bow of respect. "I shall return in time."
With that, you climbed onto Hoseok's back and the two of them took off riding into the sky, leaving the Eastern Dragon Clan behind.
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missvifdor · 2 years
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DR MCU hypothetical scenario:
Steve: MissVifDOr, follow us, we have a mission and your help is needed! 
Me having put on my most beautiful outfit and being equipped with my ARMY BOMB and my signs with an encouraging message: Now? 
Tony: Yes, now!  We have finally managed to locate our target who is hiding very nicely in Siberia. 
Me: Ah yes but no, it will not be possible!  *Shakes my ARMY BOMB in front of them* I'm about to go see BTS and I'm definitely not going to cancel an event like this! 
Natasha was half amused but still serious: You can always go to another concert, MissVifDOr.  I heard that they were going to stay in the United States for a while to do performances and promotions for their new song. 
Me having the appearance and powers of a celestial being: No.  I refuse.  Do you know how long I've been waiting for this concert?!  And you are telling me that I must miss one if not THE most beautiful moment of my life for a dick who will end up at level 7 of the infernal and eternal barbecue?! 
Loki trying to resonate with me even though the whole thing amuses him madly: Darling, would you be willing to give up on us to see your favorite band while we arrest this man with multiple bombings under his belt? 
Me: And missed the opportunity to have eye contact with Park Jimin?  One of the most beautiful people I've ever seen walked on this abandoned planet? 
Loki: I thought I was the most beautiful person in your life, Love...
Me a little more tenderly: And of course you are Loki.  But BTS has a very special place in my heart too and I still won't miss this concert. 
Steve: *Annoyed* You put civilians in danger, you know that right? 
Me: Argh!  All right, I'll get it for you, man!  Do you have a photo? 
*Clint showing the target's photo*
Me: I'll be back in a second... *Disappears*
*Me coming back two seconds later with our target bound and gagged*
Me: And there's a villain delivered in a hurry!  Can I go to my concert now? 
Tony: ...I guess so, thanks kid. 
*Me about to leave*
Me turning around to talk to the tied up guy: If I'm ever late to see BTS because of you, I'll curse you for life to end up alone, helpless and loveless until death end of your life and I believe that you know that I have this kind of power.  *Speaks to the team* But don't worry, I haven't cursed him like that yet, I've just condemned him to have semi-erections all his life. 
All: That's...good to know. 
Loki: Have fun at your concert, Darling.
Me: Aww, Thanks Loki! When I get back I'll show you the videos and the memories I've brought back. And then we can both sit quietly to watch Bridgerton, I can't wait to see how Daphné and the Duke will end up together! On your side, have fun with the interrogation!
*Me checking that I haven't forgotten anything*
Me: Well I'm going, see you later the team!  *Leaves for my concert*
*The silence has returned to the living room of the Avengers tower*
Natasha: At least we know that the delivery of our targets will be faster if MissVifDOr has already planned to go somewhere *Catch the tied up man to take him to the interrogation room*
Tony with a nervous laugh: And you heard?  She condemned this guy to no longer being able to have an erection for the rest of his life... It's...
Thor who just arrived but waited for the end of the conversation before I left:  Absolutely terrifying!  I have to remember not to make angry the little feather fairy !  Brother, consider yourself lucky to be one of his favorite people! 
Loki: I realize the extent of this luck in times like these... But I have to say that I have the best girlfriend in the 9 realms! *Extremely proud*
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peppertaemint · 2 years
Good day, Peppertaemint! I sent this to you because I know how straightforward, unbiased, and honest you are when it comes to stating your thoughts towards things and BTS. Actually, @bangtan-media-thoughts is the same with you, I think? So, she is welcome to answer this and I would really love to know her thoughts to this too☺️ Thankssss!!!!
As I am a Jungkook-biased, I always notice and tend to really focus my attention to his interactions and his relationship with the BTS members. So, as you are Jungkook-biased too, I want to know if you notice this too. Jungkook doesn't seem to be really close to Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jin offcam? That's why his interaction with them that we see and watch on stage and oncam seems too force and is hard to watch? Especially on Jungkook's part, he seems to be forcing himself on them? In his relationship with Namjoon, both of them just kept repeating what they say and compliment to each other. Ex. Jungkook will say that his inspiration is Namjoon, then Namjoon will say that without Jungkook, there is no BTS. I'm really fed up with this. Ackksss!!!🤐😫 For Yoongi, the same thing happens, every time he describes Jungkook, he has nothing else to say but how talented Jungkook is. Especially on Let's BTS! I'm expecting that at least he will not said shallow things, like some trivia and unfamiliar but also surprising things about Jungkook that is different from what he said before, but what happened? Nothing changed!😭😞 And as for his relationship with Jin, especially now, it is really obvious to me that they are not as close with each other as the ways they seems to be. I think, honestly, the reason why they used to joke and tease each other before is just for the enjoyment of fans and for them to promote the brand of the "oldest-youngest relationship". But, maybe now they got bored and tired of pretending as we rarely see each other interacting and mentioning each other anymore. Good for them, actually. At least they don't fake anymore. That's why also I'm really wondering about the Jungkook stans and some Armys who were surprised when Rm and Suga themselves said that HopeKook is really the closest to each other since trainee days. And for now, just so I can't see the awkwardness, I automatically close my eyes when Jungkook interacts with these three hyungs.
Are you the same with me? Please be honest!🤞💜
Hi Anon, thanks for writing in and I'll give you a very honest answer.
I haven't been watching any of the PTD stuff because I dislike the song and the bits I saw of the first PTD concert that was livestreamed was rough and unpolished and not my jam. That being said, I'm hoping it's all going well for them.
Considering the above, I can't comment on their most recent dynamics because all I have seen is bits and pieces from VLives. Do I think JK is "forcing it" with some? Well, no but only because he never bothers to force anything really. From what I've seen, he can't hide his reactions and tends to say what he really thinks whether he should or not (lol, me too, me too). Like, take the whole boxing thing. He proclaims that "yay Jimin is now boxing so I have a partner" yet Tae was all, "what about me? you taught me?" and he was like nah dog. He legit just shut him down saying it wasn't like that. Okeeee. JK just does his thing.
One of my classic gripes about the group is that they repeat the same sentiments ad nauseam. What you mention about NJ is part of this; "there's no BTS without JK" or "NJ was my inspiration" -- yes, we've all heard this 1 million times and we'll probably hear it till the end of days unless BH/Hybe rewrites their talking points. I stopped reading and watching their interviews during Butter era because, legit, it was the SAME talking points over and over again. One of BH/Hybe's most brilliant media strategies is teaching the guys how to talk without saying anything. It's perfect for personal questions, but when it comes to art/their work, it doesn't work. If you don't believe this is happening, read a couple BTS interviews then read a couple SHINee ones.
So I don't necessarily think JK is faking it with Jin or RM or anyone. I think he's behaving how he's been trained. Don't go off script etc. Do I think the entire group is as close as their brand tries to make consumers think? No, not at all.
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smut4bangtan · 4 years
Genie's Home Service (Jimin, One Night Only Anthology)
...GIRL. Once again, I’ve got a new favorite. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! 😉
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The cold breeze seeping in through the slightly open window made you shiver. The more time ticked away, the less your dinner looked appetizing. Still, though, you forced yourself to eat a few spoonfuls. You'd be needing energy later.
For the fifth time in two minutes, you checked your phone. There were two messages: one from your best friend Jian and the other from an unknown number. You clicked on Jian's message first.
[Jian: Sooo excited for you, girl!!! Just go with the flow and don't get too nervous. Trust him. He's a professional. Also, don't hesitate to contact me immediately if anything goes wrong, alright? Good luck and enjoy the night! 👻💦]
[You: Thanks, girl. Will you come home tonight?]
[Jian: No. I'll stay at my boyfriend's. Feel free to use every corner of the apartment except my room! Okay?]
[You: Got it. 😊]
[Jian: You're on your pills, correct?]
[You: Yes ma'am]
[Jian: Okay. Now stop texting and get ready!]
You checked the text from the unknown number next.
[*********: Good evening! This is Genie. I'm already here at the lobby. 😊 Wearing a dark blue shirt.]
Your heartbeat raced upon seeing the message. Even just the mention of his shirt color was already making you feel dizzy.
[You: Hi! I'll come down right away. 😊 Thanks!]
You recognized Genie as soon as you went down to the lobby. He was just sitting at the waiting area, using his phone. Aside from receiving his photos a few days ago, his sharp features and firm built made him naturally stand out from the others; picking him out from the crowd was not hard at all.
You walked towards him with light steps as if you didn't want to wake a wild animal up, but it was no use. Genie looked at you just as you were about to reach him. With a smile, he stood up. He must have recognized you with the photos that Jian sent. "Hey there."
"Genie, right?" You asked. He just nodded.
The two of you proceeded to the receptionist to record Genie's required information on the guest list. He listed his name as Park Jimin.
Is that your real name? You wanted to ask him, but you only mustered up the courage to actually do so when you rode the elevator.
"Is that your real name?" You asked. Genie just looked at you, puzzled. “Park Jimin, I mean. I peeked when you were writing. Sorry.”
Genie just chuckled. “Yeah, that’s my real name. And don’t apologize. That’s our little secret now.” He winked, making you catch your breath.
“Then, that’s what I’ll call you starting now.” You flashed a smile, hoping that it looked natural and definitely not nervous.
“Go ahead as you please.”
The two of you got off at the fourth floor and stopped at unit four hundred and seven. With sweaty hands, you stuck the key in the door knob and pushed it. In a while, I would be like this door knob. Filled in, you thought.
“Can I use the bathroom?” Jimin asked as he placed his black duffel bag on the sofa.
You nodded and pointed on the door beside the kitchen. “There.”
“I’ll be waiting in the bedroom with the yellow door.”
“It would be nice if you remove everything except your underwear.” You just looked at him upon hearing what he said. In return, he just smirked at you and proceeded to do his business.
Like what Jimin said, you took off everything except your bra and panty. You suddenly didn't like how your plain white bra looked, so you quickly threw it into the hamper and changed into a black underwire. Anxiety continuously grew upon seeing yourself in the body-sized mirror in front of the bed, but you didn’t think much about it and just trusted his words. He knows what he is doing, you reminded yourself.
You barely sat on the bed when Jimin entered the room. He was now wearing a plain black shirt and khaki shorts that almost looked like swimming trunks. Even though it was dim with only the lamp on, his bulge was clearly visible from where you were. His eyes scrutinized you from head to toe with an expression one would see at a predator looking at his prey. “So, shall we start?”
You just gave him a vulnerable smile and made room for him on the bed. Don't get too nervous, your head repeated in Jian's voice.
Jimin joined you on the bed with a mischievous smile. It was obvious that he's trying to hide his reaction but was incredibly failing. "I noticed that you're a little stiff. Would you mind if I massage you?"
"Please lie on your stomach."
You did as Jimin said. He placed a bottle of massaging oil on your side table. Upon seeing that, you closed your eyes and let the situation sink in. What was about to happen didn't seem real. It's finally your turn to ride this scary and exciting roller coaster. Everything was unpredictable, and all you could do was enjoy the ride. Once it's finished, boom! You're a part of a whole new world. Nothing's the same again—for your body, at least.
"So, how did you become friends with Jian?" Jimin asked. His oily hands started to run freely through your back.
"University. You?"
"We're childhood friends."
"Oh, you must be very close then."
"We are. Jian's the type of friend anyone would want to have. She's just so accepting and open-minded even about my job."
He slowly slipped his hands under the clasp of your bra, making your breath tremble a little. "That's why when she opened up about you, I immediately agreed." You just chuckled, not knowing what to reply. For some reason, your cheeks heated up. It was definitely about what he said. "I heard from Jian that it's going to be your first time."
"Yeah," you replied.
This time, Jimin slipped his hands under the straps of your bra. Your nipples slightly hardened. You kept getting goosebumps every time it scratched against the bra cups
"May I ask why?"
"It's just that I think I've waited long enough. I'm not really confident about showing my body, especially when I was younger."
"Why? You're so beautiful. I was actually astounded a while ago. You look even better than your photos."
Your lips wanted to form a smile, but you stopped yourself. He's one of the best-looking people you have ever seen in your life too, and such a compliment from him means a lot. "Thanks," you just replied with a slight giggle.
Without a word, his hands once again slipped under the hook of your bra. "I can remove my bra if it's getting in the way," you said.
He was silent for a while but eventually replied, "got it."
When Jimin finally unclasped the hook, you pulled it from your chest and threw it on the floor. You were dead sure that he caught a glimpse of your breasts, including your hard, rosy nipples. He moved on to massage the sides of your breasts, as well as your underboob. Now, you felt your nipples reach to its hardest and biggest form. The touch of your sheets against them was slowly making you wet. "Haven't you tried to at least give a blowjob?"
"I have. A lot. But that was the farthest that I could go."
"Mhmm. How about using dating applications to set up one night stands? Why didn't you try?" He asked.
"I don't trust any of those men."
"So you trust me," he confirmed.
"Jian knows you. I trust her with everything."
You felt his nod. "Don't worry. I won't let you down." The two of you let out a giggle in unison with what he said. That was so cute of him, you thought.
"I'll proceed to your legs now." Jimin placed himself on top of you and started to massage your thighs all the way to your calfs. His rock-hard bulge was rubbing on your buttocks, making your stomach and breasts sweat. You felt your vagina release a huge amount of discharge. This made you feel a little nervous. What if he notices?
"You're so wet already, huh?" He teasingly said. Of course he would notice.
"You caught me."
Slowly, Jimin slid your panty off. He then went on to slide his hand from your asshole to your pussy. "Ah," you moaned with your hips slightly rising on its own.
"Can you sit down for me?" Wordlessly, you sat in front of him, legs apart. He took a glance at your bouncy breasts and pinkish pussy. "Beautiful."
You pointed at his shorts. "I want that out."
"Take it off for me, then," he said, kneeling in front of you.
Making sure his underwear was included, you gently pulled his shorts off, revealing his hard cock. It looked so angry and ready to fight. That's how you like it best. "Better," you said.
Jimin took the massaging oil and sprinkled a generous amount on your breasts. His hands ran from your chest to the stomach and pussy, spreading the oil all over your body. You let out a sigh as you tried to conceal the pleasure that was generating all over your body.
"Feels good?" He asked. You just nodded, looking him directly in the eyes.
He came back to your breasts and started to twist and pinch your nipples. You couldn't help but bite your lip and moan. "Fuck," you whispered, looking at the reflection of your breasts and Jimin's cock on the mirror. Your pussy throbbed so hard as it rushed to get more wet.
Jimin suddenly slid a hand down to your pussy and massaged your clit as soon as he touched it. Slowly, he bowed his head down to your breasts and started to lick your nipples.
"Just like that," you said, grabbing him by the thigh. "Oh, fuck. Please."
He gradually played faster with your clit, making your hips rise on its own and your discharge slowly drip from your pussy. "Yes, faster! Faster!" You yelled. In no time, his mouth was already sucking your breasts and he finally slid his middle finger inside you. "Mmm, yes, yes, yes!"
You stretched your vulva out as he slid his ring finger next. It hurt you for a short while, but it felt good as soon as he rocked his hand.
"Do you like that? Huh?" He asked, almost whispering under his breath.
"Mhmm," you replied, rocking your hips against his hand.
Jimin lifted his head to kiss you. Your tongues fought and your lips sucked each other. You could hear your discharge making a sound as he fingered you fast and deep.
"Oh, I think I'm going to squirt!" Before either of you could do anything about it, you already did. He slapped your pussy as your vagina uncontrollably let out everything you could. The squirting reached the lower part of the mirror.
Without a word, you took Jimin's cock and licked the head as you looked him in the eyes. Slowly, you stuck it in your mouth and sucked it like a lollipop. You made sure your tongue was on it, too. "Ah," he let out with his eyes closed. "You're good." He finally removed his shirt, revealing nothing but his bare body.
He placed his hand on your head and pushed it deeper. You then held his hips and pulled him closer. His cock has finally reached your throat. He slowly pulled your hair, making his juices flow down from your mouth.
Ultimately, he held your head and started to thrust in and out of your mouth. You sat there helplessly, getting facefucked. His cock was secreting so much discharge that you could already could swallow a great portion. "Fuck! I'm gonna cum!" He exclaimed, suddenly pulling himself out of your mouth. Discharge and saliva flowed out of your mouth once again. It looked like it could fill up a small perfume bottle.
You lathered your finger on the liquid and tasted it again. "Sweet."
"Pineapples, baby."
Jimin pushed you gently to the pillows and went right in front of you. As he was slowly inserting his cock inside your pussy, you stretched out your vulva once again. "This might hurt, but I'll be gentle."
"It's okay. You got me."
He finally inserted the head, and then the body—slowly. It started to feel a little sore, but you did your best to keep it in. He rocked his hips a little more, until his whole cock was already inside. The pain tinged a little greater than before, but it's manageable. "Does it hurt?"
"It's alright. Fuck me," you replied.
As Jimin started to push and pull himself in you, he played with your nipples to lessen the pain. The head of his cock could be felt sliding inside. It felt so good that it might be your new favorite feeling. When your vagina seemed to have adjusted well, he gradually improved the pace.
Jimin pulled you closer and sucked your breasts. You started to massage your clit, matching his phase. Your eyes rolled up in pleasure. "Ah!" you moaned every time he pushed himself inside you.
Suddenly, his cock slid out of your vagina. "Shit," he said, wiping the sweat on his temples with his palms.
You crawled on the other side of the bed and bent over, showing your vagina and asshole to him. "I've always wanted to try getting fucked doggystyle."
With a naughty expression, he slid his cock into you and rock his body hard against you. "My favorite position," he said.
You could feel his cock better with this position and for some reason, it felt more pleasurable. He was hitting the right spot every time he pushed his cock into you. "Deeper, faster," you commanded, so he did as you said with a slap on your butt cheek. "Ah, fuck. Yes!"
"Oh, I'm gonna cum," he said, suddenly pulling himself out. You immediately turned around and saw him masturbate. It was the hottest thing you've ever seen.
You leaned in and put your face in front of his cock. Just in time, his fresh, hot cum splattered all over your face.
He leaned on the headboard, panting hard. His legs were spread out, exposing his smooth asshole. "It's still hard. Do you wanna?"
You nodded. "I think I can squirt again." You sat on his cock, your back facing him. "Shit," you whispered as he filled you up again.
You bounced on top of him as you played with your nipples. You could see him watching you on the mirror with a smirk. Upon seeing that, you spread your legs wide so the two of you could see everything.
Jimin hugged you from behind and billowed his body against you. His hard cock was widening your vagina in the most pleasurable way. Meanwhile, his hand made its way to your clit. You pulled his head closer and kissed him on the lips. "Oh, God. Harder," you commanded in between the kiss. The two of you increased your pace.
Finally, you could feel that your pussy was almost full. "I'm cumming!" A big squirt came out of you as soon as you said that. "Ah!" You yelled, your hips shaking.
"Yes, yes," Jimin seconded as he slapped his cock on your vagina.
Your body dropped on top of him when you finally let everything out. Your back could feel his heart beat.
"You're so perfect," he whispered on your ear in between his panting.
"And so are you."
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20moonchild21 · 4 years
๛Starting our Future
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Gif by @jeojungguk
Pairing: poly!BTS x girlfriend!reader
Warnings: hardcore fluff at the end, baby talk
Words: 2000+
๛匕he one where everything changes∙ꨄ
ㄚou sighed heavily, as you scrolled through all the new feed on your Instagram channel. Since you and the boys had the talk, it seemed like everyone around you wanted to provoke you by getting a baby first.
First, the boys' stylist and your close friend, Jina, announced that she and her husband would expect baby within the next weeks. Then your co-worker, Jisoo, found out three months ago, that she was pregnant with a small baby boy and lastly, your cousin dropped the baby-bomb 6 weeks ago.
Of course, you were more happy for all of them, but somehow it made you sad at the same time, that all these people were about to start a family by their own, a wish you had for a long time. So four weeks ago, you had decided to start to bring up the baby-topic to your 7 boyfriends.
They were surely speechless in the first moment. Of course, it hadn't been the first time the eighth of you talked about your future plans, but this time they knew it was serious to you. You were more passionated when you told them about your friends having babies, or how your eyes would tear up when you talked about how you wanted to take care of a baby of your own.
That was until your heard the sentence you hoped so badly to not hear: "We are on the peak of our careers"
Like someone rammed his fist into your stomach.
You didn't show them how much this sentence hurt you. Instead, you smile and told them that it was fine, and that you could understand the dilemma they were in, which you indeed understood.
You knew how much the boys loved going on stage, performing in front of people and just enjoying their free life. So, you found yourself accepting the fact, the you would not carry your own baby within the next 5 years.
Why 5 years, you're probably asking yourself right now? Well, today was the day the boys would sign their contract to continue BTS for another 5 years.
5 years of concerts and world tours. 5 years of them staying up till late at night to work on new music. 5 year of them being not able to take care of a helpless baby.
Like someone punched you into the stomach, again.
And harder.
It hurt, but you couldn't be mad at them. They had honestly told you their concerns and worries, and you had to respect this. After all, you couldn't force them to make you a baby, and after all, you didn't want to be the one, who had a baby and was sitting home alone, because you husbands were touring all over the world. And lastly, you didn't want to be the one who destroyed their dreams.
So you decide to wait for them to be ready, don't matter how long it would take, and even though you know it would be hard.
You sighed again while you turned off you phone, before throwing it onto the couch. A look at the clock told you, that you husbands of 2 years would be home every minute. You thought about cooking something special for the to celebrate their contract extension, but the you guessed that they would already had ordered a table at your favourite restaurant.
Mentally, you already strolled through the restaurant's menu, when you heard the familiar clicking of the front door, followed by friendly and joking voices.
Unwillingly, a smile came up you face. You had been together for more than five years now, and had been married for almost two years, but every time they walked into the room, it was like you saw them for the first time again. Their auras lighted up the room, and every time you ask yourself how you deserve to be their girl.
Jimin was the first one to spot you standing at the kitchen counter. The corners of his mouth rase up immediately, and his eyes formed the two beautiful half moons you madly fell in love with.
"Aaeeiinn (Honey)!" He called out before he closed the distance between the two of you, by wrapping his arms around your way smaller body and spinning you around.
You giggled and laughed wildly, as he sat your feet back down on the floor and covered your face in small kisses.  You weakly tried to pull away from him, even though the both of you knew that you enjoyed this kind of affection.
"Jimin, let go of her." You heard Jungkook's soft voice beside you. "I want to kiss her, too."
He kept nudging and pulling onto the fabric of your (Namjoon's) shirt, until Jimin finally let go of your waist. The taller boy slide his hands up onto your body, and placed them under your armpits to lift you up. Loosing the footing, your wrapped your legs around Jungkook's slim waist, and wrapped your arms around his neck.
„Hello, na sarang (my love)." He whispered as he nudged his nose against yours, giving you an Eskimo kiss. "I missed you today."
"I missed you too, Kookie." You whispered against his soft lips, before pressing your own lips onto his.
One by one, the boys entered the kitchen, giving you sweet kisses, hugs or lifts as their very own way of saying 'hello' and 'I missed you', but you loved everything about it.
While Jungkook would always lift you up into his arms, Namjoon was always the one to pull you closer to his chest and bending down towards you height, to kiss you with his soft lips, and Yoongi would be the one to cup your face in his larger hands to kiss you, while his thumbs would stroke your cheeks.
But somehow, something was odd about their kisses today. They were more...passionated and somehow too intensive for just saying 'hello'.
Those kind off kisses, you usually share when you are in bed together, or when you haven't seen each other in a very long time. You thought about it for a second, but then decided to not complain about it.
That was until you pulled away from Taehyung's lips, and saw all the other 6 boys looking at you with loving and smirking eyes.
"Heeeyy!" You called out when Tae suddenly sat you onto the counter top. You looked at all of them suspiciously. "What is going on with you, guys? Did you break something? Oh no....you did break something, don't you? What is...."
"Shhhh." You were stopped in you mid-sentence when Hobi stepped forward and put a finger to your lips. "Just listen to what we are going to tell you."
Your left eyebrow cocked up when Jin took both of your hands up to his hands and pressing a kiss onto them. He the turned around and grabbed something from Yoongi's hands, before pushing it into yours.
"What is this?" You asked confused as you looked at the pile of paper in your hands, that Jin had gestured you to read.
You shoved the numerus sheets of papers around your hands, trying to get what was written onto them. The first thing you read was the headline:
"Contract for the extension of 'Bangtan Sonyeondan' (2021-2026), under the leadership of BigHit Entertainment"
"Look at the last page." Jimin gestured for you, as you flick through the pages.
You felt your heart skip a beat, when you took a closer look at the last side of the contract, where you saw 10 lines, each one with a name under it.
The first 2 lines were signed by the two highest leader of the company, the third one was signed by the boys' manager, Sejin, and the last 7 lines were...not signed, but crossed?
It took you a while to understand what finally understand what that meant. You mouth hung open slightly, as you looked at your seven boyfriends in front of you.
"Why didn't you sign the contract?" You gasped shocked, while you looked again at the sheet of paper to make sure you weren't tricked by your brain. "Oh my god, you quit BTS? Why would you do this? Why did you...why? I don't understand. And why are you grinning like this?"
You mind was racing with questions. The boys just quit their future, their passion, and they were just smiling about it. You didn't know what was going on with them, because the boys who left the apartment this morning would have done anything to keep BTS together as long as possible.
"You are right, yeobo (darling)." Namjoon laid a hand on your knees as he looked into your eyes. "There will be no BTS anymore, and that's okay, because we want it like this."
"But why?" You whispered, laying your hand on top of his.
"The boys and I – " He pointed at the rest of your husbands, who had sat down around the kitchen counter. "We had many talks over the last few weeks. About you, and us, and our future and everything that includes our lives, together."
He emphasised the last word, as he winked his eyebrows at you.
"We just thought about what you said about us starting a family and finally settling
down – " You eyes lighted up as you realized what he was talking about. "We just – we were a little bit overwhelmed when you suddenly came up with you wanting to try for a baby, that we just rejected you. But we talked about this after our conversation and we – fuck – we want this too, jagi (darling)."
"But you love BTS." You whispered again, as a tear slide down your cheek, dripping onto your shirt.
"But we love you more." This time, it was Jin to talk. He stood up from the barstool he was sitting on, and made his way over to you. He then lifted his hand and whipped the streaming tear off of you cheeks. "We love what we're doing with BTS, but every story has to end at some point. We feel like it is the time right now to start a new chapter of our life, just the eighth of us."
He leaned down and pressed his lips onto your wet and salty lips. You were so overwhelmed in this moment, that all kind of emotions rushed through your body.
On the one hand, you wanted to be mad at them for giving up there careers for you and your outbursts of emotions, but on the other hand you just wanted to ripped their clothes off of their bodies and drag them to bed with you.
"Are you crazy?!" You suddenly spoke loudly at them (mostly at Jin because he stood in front of you), as you push Jin away from you. Somehow, you felt mad right now, so you began to slightly hit his chest with each following word. "You. Just. Quit. Your. Future. You. Idiots!"
When you stopped, you grabbed Jin by the collar of his shirt to pull him down until your lips smacked against each other.
"You are crazy." You whispered again as you leaned your forehead against his. "You idiots, I love you so much."
Big hands made their way over your hips from the side, when you suddenly were pulled away from the dark haired boy in front of you. You easily slide over the edge of the marbled counter top until the next boy stood between your legs.
"We love you more." Yoongi whispered as he captured your lips with his.
You were so caught up in the kiss, that you forgot the other boys around you.
"Jaaaagggiiii!" You heard Jimin and Jungkook whining beside you. "You wanted a baby! Let's make one. Now."
The maknae line was already pulling and grabbing the oversized shirt you were wearing, wanting to shove it over your head. You grew more and more impatient, as all the hands were roaming over your body, teasing all the right parts.
You disconnected your lips from Yoongi's and pushed him back slightly, before jumping off of the counter. You grabbed Taehyung by the hand and began to drag him behind you, as you made your way over to the bedroom, followed by the other boys.
You and your husbands spend the next weeks at home, making love whenever there was a free minute to bridge.
And well, what should you say, 12 months later, you held your firstborn baby-girl in your arms.
So this is my first poly!BTS story. I think it is quite cute.
Let me know when you like it.
But don’t worry, BTS will still be existing until 2026, so we have still 5 years left to drool over them!
By the way: If you like The Maze Runner, you can visit my Wattpad account (20__moonchild__20). I am working on a story.
Stay healthy and safe!
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Lock & Key
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Genre: Best Friends to Lovers, Fluff, Angst
Pairing: Jungkook/Reader
Warnings: cursing, dirty jokes
Synopsis: When Jungkook ditches you on your birthday, your friendship looks like it’s about to crumble. Your friend group becomes tired of your bickering and decides to take the matter into their own hands. Somehow, you and Jungkook find yourselves handcuffed together.
"Have you guys found a present for Y/N yet?" Jin asked, picking up his third pizza slice and taking a large bite, the cheese stretching as he pulled it away from his lips.
"You haven't gotten it yet? Her birthday dinner is tomorrow," Taehyung said. His eyes were tired, but he'd still insisted on joining the party despite having just gotten off a long train ride, as he hadn't seen his friends from high school for months. "I got her the first two manga in that series she's been wanting to read."
"Mmm," Jin said, seeming to consider Taehyung's choice of gift. "I need mine to be really special. He finished his pizza to the crust and turned it 180 degrees and bit into the end. "Jungkook, you're closest to Y/N. What are you getting her?"
Jungkook turned, wide-eyed towards Jin. The younger's face was already a bit flushed from the beers and from the mention of your name. "I'm paying for her part of the meal tomorrow and I got her tickets to that musical that's only in town for one night."
"Woah, that's gonna be hard to beat," Jimin said, "Y/N hasn't stopped talking about that musical since they announced it. Remember how she went crazy over it in the group chat?"
"I'm sure Y/N will like whatever you get her," Jungkook said. "She isn't very picky and she'll appreciate it because it came from you."
"I know. I just have something special planned and I want it to be perfect." The six other guys looked to the eldest expectantly. Jin sighed. "Gosh, fine, I'll tell you. I plan on confessing to her tomorrow."
"What? You like Y/N?! Since when?"
"Woah, congrats man!"
"You'll make such a cute couple."
The group fell to chaos, but Jungkook was notably the least excited. At the mention of Jin's plans, he sunk back against the wall and took a large bite of his pizza, followed by a gulp of beer.
"I'm not sure when I started liking her," Jin said. "I just kind of realized that I do. I figured we are friends and I'll regret it if I don't give it a shot."
"Are you sure her birthday is the best time to confess?" Jungkook asked, finally piping up. "What if things don't go well and you ruin it? Are you going to do it in front of everyone?"
"I thought about it and I'm going to wait until after the meal. Maybe I'll be able to steal her away for a few moments after she opens our gifts."
Jungkook's nose wrinkled and he was obviously unsatisfied with the answer. Yet, he dropped it and reached for another slice of pizza. "Why does it matter to you Jungkook? It's not like we all still won't hang out or that you'll never see her."
"Y/N's been hurt before. I'm sure you remember how upset she was after Minsung. I had to sleep in her bed for two weeks because she'd wake up crying. I never want her to feel that hurt again."
"Jungkook, I won't hurt her. She's more likely to hurt me. Why do you care so much about her heart being broken anyway? You're not the one who broke it and you aren't responsible for fixing it. Y/N's a big girl, she can handle herself."
Jungkook pouted. "I have to pee," he said, standing up and leaving the room, carrying his pizza slice with him.
An array of appetizers were spread across the table, a few bites taken from each. You were just waiting on the last three to show up: Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. You expected them to come together as they had been nearly inseparable in high school. As Jin finished off one of the appetizers, you spotted Jimin and Taehyung walking in. You got up and rushed towards them.
"Happy birthday!" Jimin and Taehyung said, nearly tripping each other as they ran to hug you. "It's been too long, Y/N!" The two boys had moved out of the city for college and you rarely got to see them. You didn't know what you do if Jungkook--your best friend--had gone with them.
"I'm so glad you guys could make it! Come on and sit down, we're just waiting on Jungkook."
The appetizers were gone and the missing chair at the table remained. Worry grew in your throat and you glanced down at your phone for the umpteenth time to see if he had texted you. Even, just a simple "Running late!" or "Stuck in traffic!" would calm your nerves.
"Have you guys heard from Jungkook at all?"
The other guys all shook their heads and gave you sympathetic looks. You'd put off ordering, but it'd been nearly an hour since most of you arrived and you didn't want to keep the staff waiting any longer. "All right, let's order."
"I'm sure he just got stuck in traffic or something, Y/n," Jin said, reaching out and tapping your hand.
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Your heart dropped as you read his last reply. You felt tears stinging your eyes, but you pushed them back before the other guys could notice.
"He's not coming," you said.
"What?" you heard someone ask, but you were too focused on not allowing your spiraling thoughts ruin your birthday and holding back tears to register who it was.
"He said he got a date or something. I don't know, but come on, we can enjoy this without him."
Due to the solemn looks on their faces, you knew they saw right through your facade. You and Jungkook had been best friends since elementary school where he accidentally trampled you when he was racing his friends. Despite ending up with a badly skinned knee and a couple of bruises, you were fine, but Jungkook had insisted on taking you to the nurse's office anyway. He pretended to sprain his ankle just so he could sit and keep you company.
What had happened since then? You'd never felt like your friendship was dwindling when it came to Jungkook. Whenever either of you dated, it didn't make a difference. High school graduation didn't separate you. Not even when Jungkook forced you to a haunted house in high school and laughed when he saw the stain on your jeans and realized you'd peed your pants in fright.
Despite ignoring for Overwatch or coming to your apartment just for the free food, he always ended up doing small things to make up for it. You often found chocolate bars stashed in the odd drawer or cupboard to make up for all the food he steals. After he finished laughing, Jungkook allowed you to wear his sweatshirt to cover it and bought you new jeans. You still had that sweatshirt stashed in your closet somewhere.
The tears stopped by the end of dinner, but now anger ran down your spine. How dare he skip your birthday for someone he just met? He'd never done anything like this before, he was the one person in this world that you could depend on, and now he's not. You feel a pang of sadness in your stomach and reach out for your portion of the bill, which Jungkook had promised to pay for.
"Stop," Jin said, reaching for the bill you'd just barely wrapped your fingertips around. "You're not paying. We'll split yours." You nodded, powerless to the eldest's tone.
After the bill was paid, everyone got up and starting readying to leave. You had taken a taxi, expecting Jungkook to take you home afterward. Jin seemed to notice, his brown eyes melting when they met yours.
"Hey, come on, I'll walk you home."
You nodded and waved goodbye to the other guys as you all walked in opposite directions or climbed into taxis. You didn't catch the other guys thumbs upping Jin and giving him reassuring smiles.
"Thanks for coming," you said. "Even though it kinda got ruined."
"I'll always come, Y/N."
"Oh, when I get a hold of his bunny ass--"
"Go easy on him, Y/N. I'm sure he has a better reason than he told you."
"He better be on his death bed then."
Jin let out a snort, which caused you to smile, but the smile soon faded and so did the fake happiness the anger made you feel. Now you just felt hopeless and felt the tears stinging in your sinuses again.
"Do," you said, already your voice faltering. "you think I'm still enough?"
Jin stopped. "What do you mean?"
"Am I still enough for him? Maybe he found a better friend," you said, your gaze painting the sidewalk. "I mean, I always rely on him. He's always my shoulder to cry on. Maybe he finally got tired of it. Got tired of me."
Jin placed a hand on your shoulder. It felt odd, as Jin wasn't one for skinship, but his touch was comforting, even if you were imagining it was Jungkook's. Except you couldn't, Jungkook's touch was old, familiar, warm. Like the fireplace at your grandparent's house or when your car is completely heated on a snowy day. Jin's--sure, it was warm--but it wasn't Jungkook.
"No, no, of course not," Jin said, moving to hug you, your cheek hitting his chest. "That could never happen. You and Jungkook have been friends for years. If he was gonna get tired of you, he would've already."
You scoffed, half in laughter and half in fear. "Thanks."
"Okay, but seriously, Jungkook cares about you. A lot." Jin paused and sighed. You looked up, noticing his eyes weren't on you, but rather he was looking up. His eyes looked glazed, but you didn't remember him having any drinks. "He wouldn't allow himself to lose you, Y/N. Trust me."
The rest of the walk was filled with a comfortable silence. It was only a few more blocks from where you'd stopped, so you reached your apartment in just a few minutes.
"Thanks for walking with me," you said. "Sorry, I got kinda sad halfway through."
Jin shook his head and reached to move a piece of your ponytail that had escaped from the hairband and fallen roguishly over your head.
"You don't need to apologize for your feelings, Y/N. Just promise me you won't kill the kid. I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding."
You nodded, although you weren't convinced that Jungkook didn't now hate you for reasons you didn't know.
"Thanks," you said. "For everything."
Jin nodded. "You're welcome." He turned and walked into the night and you turned your back before he disappeared.
"How did the confession go?" Jimin asked, as soon as Jin walked into the small apartment he shared with Yoongi, which was now cramped with six bodies.
"It didn't."
Jimin and the other faces in the room all contorted in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"I didn't confess."
"But, why? Wasn't that your plan? Don't you like her?"
"She loves someone else," Jin said, his voice deeper than usual, his heartbreak captured in the back of his throat. "And, someone else loves her."
Two Days Later
You hadn't heard anything from Jungkook since the night of your birthday and you weren't sure what hurt more--the fact that he didn't care enough to explain himself or that he had seemingly replaced you. His Instagram was full of stories and posts of him with the girl you assumed was the one he skipped your birthday for. She was beautiful with large dark eyes and curly hair. His arm was around her shoulders and then eventually her waist. He must really like her because you remember how it took Jungkook nearly two years just to feel comfortable placing an arm around you.
You huffed and threw your phone onto your bed as you ran your hands through your hair. You were still mad, but you didn't want to lose your best friend. You remembered Taehyung mentioning how all the guys were getting together for Overwatch.
You hardly thought as you headed towards Jin's and Yoongi's apartment--the largest of the apartments belonging to those in your friend group.
You didn't bother knocking as you entered the apartment. You found the seven guys all crowded onto two couches and watching Taehyung and Jungkook. They didn't notice you until you slipped in and placed your hand  on Jimin's shoulder—who jumped at your touch.
All seven heads turned to look at you. Most breaking into smiles and friendly greetings and offering you snacks.
"What are you doing here?" Jungkook asked, his voice breaking through the revelry. He was normally so soft-spoken, but at this moment, his voice grated through the air.
"I was hoping we could talk."
"You weren't invited here."
Your stomach turned. He'd never spoken to you like this, ever. Jungkook was normally the happiest when you showed up unannounced.
"Since when do I need an invitation, Jungkook? This is Jin and Yoongi's place, not yours."
Jungkook didn't respond but instead unpaused the game. Taehyung barely had time to close his mouth from watching the two of you that he fumbled with the controller as he realized Jungkook had restarted the game.
"Oh, so you're just gonna ignore me then?"
You rolled your eyes at how typical this was of all your ex-boyfriends. Towards the end of the relationship, they always ignored you for something else. Sometimes it was someone else, others it was their job. And yet, others, it was video games.
Jungkook had been there with you for all of these failed relationships. He said you deserved someone better, someone, who would never leave you or ignore you. You thought he was the only constant in your life, the one person who would never leave you, but now, he was just like all the rest.
Tears stung your sinuses. You dug your feet into the carpet and grabbed onto the back of the couch, trying to focus on the game. The guys had gone back to talking amongst themselves, eating, and watching the game. Yet, the air felt different, you caught concerned glances flicking your way and Jin silently offered you a slice of pizza which you declined, only eliciting another puppy-eyed look from the eldest of the group.
Jungkook was close to winning and the tears were soon beginning to simmer and your hands balled into fists. Before you could think or stop yourself, you marched around the couch and reached for the cord that was connected to the Xbox. The screen went black and all the eyes in the room shifted to you.
"Y/N?! What the fuck?!" Jungkook said, his voice rising. "I was about to win!"
"Jungkook, we need to talk and you're being an asshole."
Jungkook's ears were red and his eyes hard as steel. "This is ridiculous, Y/N. You came here uninvited to talk to me and when I go back to playing games because that's what I'm here for, you unplugged the system and demand I talk to you. And, I'm the asshole?"
You wanted to scream and pull your hair out. Yet, the thing you wanted most was to cry into Jungkook's oversized, black T-shirt because you knew it smelled of his cologne.
"Jungkook, you skipped my birthday party and you said we could talk about it, but it's been two days and I just want my best friend back."
"Y/N, why can't you just take the hint you're not wanted? This was supposed to be a guy's night and now you've had to come in here and ruin everything. You're way too clingy, like, this is why they always leave you."
"Jungkook!" Jin said.
You barely registered as the other boys chastised Jungkook as your vision blurred from the tears. You swore you saw his face soften before your eyes were totally filled with tears, but you couldn't be sure.
"Y/N," Jin said. You felt his hand come to rest gently on your shoulder. "Come on, I'll take you home."
A few days later you found yourself standing outside of Jungkook's apartment. You knew Taehyung and Jimin were staying with him, so you secretly hoped one of them would open the door.
The hallway was silent and dimly lit. It felt like midnight despite being noon. You softly knocked on the door, the sound--while quiet--seemed to echo down the hallway. You weren't sure what you were going to do or say when he opened the door. You were only sure that you missed the way he used to show up at your place at midnight with ice cream sandwiches or the way he let you borrow his sweatshirts when you were cold or couldn't sleep.
Thirty seconds passed and you knocked again. Firmer this time, each knock ringing out in the empty hallway.
"Jungkookie," you said softly.
You heard footsteps on the other side of the door. They were faint, but you recognized them from when he slept over at your apartment when you were sick or going through a rough time.
You listened as the door unlocked and slowly opened. He only opened the door a crack, just enough to peak out, as if you were an unknown person knocking on his door. As if you didn't know the layout of his apartment or that he kept all his mess concentrated to the common areas and his bedroom immaculate.
"Y/N...what are you doing here?"
His voice was softer than the last time you spoke. You knew Jin had told Jungkook how much you cried as he took you home and how you didn't answer his texts all night.
"I just wanted to see you," you said. "We don't have to talk or anything. I just miss you."
Jungkook didn't say anything. His eyes scanning over you. Your hair was unwashed and pulled into a bun and you wore sweatpants and a T-shirt. Dark circles outlined your eyes and even though it had only been a few days, your face looked thinner and your skin languid.
Another set of footsteps approached and the door swung open wider. Taehyung stood there in just his boxers and munching on a piece of toast. His eyes widened when he saw you and he glanced over at Jungkook, who's eyes were looking down at your feet.
"Hey, stop being a dick and let her in."
"Put on some clothes then," Jungkook said, his voice quiet and low, almost a growl. He swung the door all the way open and disappeared into his apartment.
Taehyung met your eyes and shrugged. He offered a small smile as you walked into the apartment. You hadn't brought anything with you, not sure exactly what would happen.
"I won't stay long," you said. "I just wanted to see him."
"At least have breakfast with me," he said, dropping two pieces of bread into the toaster.
You nodded and fell onto the couch. You'd done this countless times. At 4 in the morning after a night out, you'd collapse on Jungkook's couch still in your heels and your makeup slowly wearing off. You usually woke up the next morning in Jungkook's bed, your heels set by the door and your makeup at least mostly wiped off. At 6 pm as you leaned against Jungkook's shoulder as the movie started, your hand diving into the popcorn bowl in his lap. Most of your favorite memories happened on his couch.
"I hope you like Nutella," Tae said, handing you a piece of toast.
You laughed. "I love it," you said. "How do you stay so fit eating like this?"
Taehyung was still in his boxers. While he didn't have a six pack, he certainly wasn't hard to look at and the slight toning of his stomach showed he was putting in some effort.
"I'll gain five pounds just from eating this," you said, and despite your words, you took a large bite.
"Then you should have another," Jungkook said from the other side of the room. You hadn't noticed him there, he must've slipped in when Taehyung distracted you with the toast. "You're getting too skinny."
"I didn't ask you, Jungkook," you said. You crossed your arms over your chest and sat back, your toast abandoned on the arm of the couch.
"I'm just worried about you."
"Since when? When you stopped texting me? Or, when you ditched my birthday party for someone you just met?"
Jungkook's eyes turned soft in the way that would usually make you melt. But, you kept your eyes off of his and your spine straight.
"Listen, Jungkook, I might've come here cause I missed you, but that doesn't mean I've forgiven you."
Jungkook didn't say anything. Silence filled the apartment and after what felt like an eternity, he left to his bedroom.
"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked.
You nodded. "I think I just need a nap or something. I'm getting a headache." You looked around the apartment. There was only one bedroom and both Taehyung and Jimin were staying with Jungkook during their visit. "Where are you sleeping?"
Taehyung nodded and gestured toward the couch. "There," he said.
"Oh," you said. "Can I borrow it for an hour or so?"
"Be my guest. But, you know, even though you two are fighting and all, I bet Jungkook would let you have the bed."
You shook your head. "No," you said. "I'm not asking him for any favors and the couch looks more comfortable anyway."
Taehyung shrugged. You laid down and turned your back to him, missing the knowing smile as he cleaned up. You listened as he cleaned up and got dressed before leaving the apartment. It wasn't long before the tears came and you sobbed into the couch cushion as quietly as you could. The last thing you wanted was for Jungkook to emerge from his bedroom and find you like this.
He'd seen you cry dozens of times and you'd even held him as he sobbed into you. You didn't mind crying in front of him, but you knew it would destroy him to see you like this and to know he was the cause. Even if you mad at him, even if you were losing him, you didn't want to crush him.
You didn't remember falling asleep, but when you awoke, his scent was everywhere. You pressed your face into the pillow and stretched out your legs comfortably. You sighed until a thought crossed your mind. Pillow?
You opened your eyes and found yourself in Jungkook's bedroom. It was dark and the covers were pulled up to your chin. Jungkook wasn't in the room and from the empty feeling in the air, he wasn't in the apartment either. Your phone was next to you on the nightstand and plugged into Jungkook's charger.
You glanced at the time and realized your nap had lasted three times longer than you anticipated and you sat in bed as you realized that you probably needed to go home. However, before you could pull your eyes away from your lock screen, a text notification from a couple of hours ago caught your attention.
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"Hey, sorry, I'm late," Taehyung said, walking into Jin and Yoongi's apartment where the other five boys were already crowded on the twin couches. "Y/N showed up at Jungkook's and I needed to see what happened."
The others all looked at Taehyung expectantly. "Jungkook doesn't know about this, right?"
"We didn't tell him."
Taehyung nodded. "Well, they're definitely in love with each other. Jungkook was jealous as hell and Y/N's heartbroken. I could practically see Jungkook splitting in half when he realized how upset she was."
"Well, didn't you all notice how when she started crying after he got mad at her for unplugging the Xbox, how he just broke? I don't think he cared about the game anymore, but then Jin swooped in and stopped it before he could apologize."
All eyes swiped towards Jin and he shrugged. "What? She was to the point of crying. I didn't know what he was going to do and I didn't want to upset either of them more."
"Does he know that you never confessed?"
Jin shook his head. "He never asked."
"Jin!" all the guys said at one.
"That would change everything! He probably thinks you and Y/N are together."
"It's pretty obvious we're not."
"I don't know the way you intervened during the fight and walked her home. It could be seen as you protecting her."
"Well, whatever, what's the plan? We have to get them to make up somehow. And confess, cause they're gonna drive us crazy pining after each other." Jin looked around at the other faces and all of them were, in turn, watching him.
"Well, we need to force them to be alone somehow," Namjoon said. "We could try locking them somewhere, but that's gonna be difficult cause the party is here and none of the doors lock." Eyes wandered as they tried to find a solution and eventually, Jin's eyes fell on the TV where a cartoon cop was catching a criminal, the handcuffs snapping down on the culprit's wrists.
"I think I might have an idea."
Taehyung and Jimin were taking the train back to their college town in the morning, so that meant you'd all spend the night before getting drunk and gorging yourselves on all the pizza you could.
Jin and Yoongi offered to host the party and a few of their neighbors offered up their apartments so everyone could spread out. You all invited your extended friends and neighbors if everyone came, you didn't doubt the party would probably get out of hand, but that was half the fun.
As you brushed on your blush and primped your hair for the final time, you felt butterflies in your stomach. Jungkook was going to be there. There was no way he would miss out on a good party and the opportunity for free food and drinks.
You wore a short white dress that was admittedly a little shorter than you would normally wear. But, with Jungkook ignoring you, you wanted attention and you didn't really care who it was from. Plus, you liked the way it hugged your curves and how when paired with the perfect heels, made your legs look longer.
You arrived a few minutes early to the party with the expectation of helping set up, but the party was already in full swing. When the elevator opened, people crowded the hall with cups in hand and music blasting from Jin and Yoongi's apartment. At this rate, the cops would be called in a couple hours, unless Jin and Yoongi had talked to all their neighbors beforehand, but you highly doubted it.
You waded through the bodies and found your friends all invested in a game of beer pong. The younger three on one end and the older four on the other. The older ones were currently winning and you smirked as you remembered just how good Yoongi was at the game.
"Need help?" you asked, placing your arm around Taehyung's shoulders, the heels allowing you to do so easier, although it still looked slightly awkward.
"Ah, finally! Someone who can rival Yoongi!"
You laughed, trying not to allow your eyes to wander over to Jungkook who was standing closer to you than he had for weeks. "Who's turn is it?"
"Yours if you want."
You nodded and walked up to the table. You angled your arm and aimed for one of the back cups, even if you missed, it may still land in one of the front cups that remained. You tossed the ping pong ball and it sailed perfectly into the cup.
"Yes! Drink up, Min Yoongi!"
Yoongi smirked and took the cup and downed it. You two had played this game countless time, both won and lost countless times, to the point that it was no longer about winning, but rather, who could get the other drunk quicker.
Yoongi aimed his shot and tossed it flawlessly into the cup right in front of you. You took out the ball and downed the cup. The beer was pretty much tasteless which meant it went down easily but left a bad taste in the back of your throat.
After a few shots back and forth, you had drunk twice more and Yoongi once. You were aiming up another shot, intending to tie it up when you felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked behind you and caught Jungkook's eyes.
"Are you gonna let us play?"
"Do you want to win or not?" you said, turning back and aiming up your shot. You were already a little tipsy and your head ached as you concentrated.
"Y/N, it'll be no fun to get drunk so early," he said. "Come on." His voice was soft and familiar. He'd done this dozens of times. Prevented you from getting too drunk or going home with the wrong guy. He brought you back when the alcohol began to take over. This time--however--you turned away and aimed the ball. Missing.
Yoongi tosses the ball in what appears to be a haphazard fashion, but it sinks straight into a cup. You pick it up and bring it to your lips, but before you can drink, the cup is being knocked from your hands and the beer spills almost entirely onto your dress.
You see Jungkook staring at you wide-eyed--the obvious culprit--his hand still gripping the cup.
"Jungkook!" you yelled, people turned in your direction, but your yell was soon forgotten as the music continued. All but your small group turned back to their own conversations. "Would you stop trying to be my friend? You made it quite obvious you no longer wanted our friendship and you just keep screwing everything up!"
"Y/N, I..."
Tears were beginning to fill your eyes and the only thing you wanted to do was get drunk and forget this night happened. You stepped forward to push through the crowd when someone grabbed your wrist. You knew from the touch that it wasn't Jungkook and when you glanced back, Jin's lips were upturned in a small smile.
"Wait, Y/N," he said. "I'm really sorry about this."
You cocked your head in confusion, but before your lips could form words to ask Jin what he was apologizing for you felt something click onto your wrist and found a handcuff locked around your wrist and you noticed the other was locked to another wrist. You followed the chain and met Jungkook's dark, confused eyes.
"Have fun, kids. We aren't unlocking you until you talk everything out."
Ten minutes later you stood in the kitchen as Jungkook tried to work a kitchen knife into the lock. The beer was slowly making your dress more and more see-through and you glanced around the room.
"Jungkook, can we try this somewhere else?"
He looked up at you with his brows furrowed in confusion. You hadn't managed to say anything before his eyes widened and he quickly shrugged off his flannel. It caught on his cuff and he struggled to get the sleeve over the handcuff and chain.
"Fuck it," he said, taking the knife and cutting into the seam where the sleeve met the shoulder.
"Jungkook isn't this a bit drastic? We can just go into the bathroom or something."
"No, it's okay. I can just cut off the other one later."
He brought around the uncut sleeve and brought over your shoulder and brought the cut sleeve over the chain and up your arm. The way the flannel hit it ended up covering your entire dress and draping across your bare thighs.
As soon as you were covered and comfortable again, he once again tried to unlock the handcuffs and your hand was at his mercy as he moved the knife point back and forth in the lock.
"Jungkook, this isn't going to work. You're just gonna end up hurting one of us."
Jungkook sat the knife back on the counter looked down dejectedly at your cuffed wrists. You couldn't help the pang of hurt in your stomach. Jin had handcuffed the two of you so you would talk and all Jungkook could focus was on how to get the handcuffs off without talking.
"Maybe we can break the chain," he said. "If we both pull, our combined strength might be enough."
Your wrist was already starting to become red and raw because Jin had accidentally snapped the cuff on a little tight, but before you could protest, Jungkook began pulling on the chain.
You immediately yelped in pain and your wrist attempted to escape the pain, causing your body to fold in on itself. You found yourself crouched and leaning against the counter, your arm almost straight above your head to remain close enough to Jungkook's so that it didn't dislocate the joint.
"Y/N?" Your name was barely audible over the music and the people around you many of which shot odd glances or coy smiles your way.
"It's tight, Jungkook. Jin accidentally locked it too tight. Can--can we just go talk and get these things off?"
Jungkook nodded, seeing your teary eyes from the pain and helping you to your feet. His free palm came to rest on your shoulder and his handcuffed hand grasped your wrist and he slipped two of his fingers between your skin and the cuff. It was the first time he'd touched you since before your birthday and you felt your knees go weak and something shifted in you with his touch. The plate tectonics of your heart shifting suddenly and with no warning.
"Let's go to the bathroom, first."
You were confused as he pulled you into the bathroom and situated you against the counter. He reached into the cupboard behind you and pulled out some lotion and squirted it onto his handcuffed hand. He rubbed it softly onto your wrist where the handcuff had rubbed the skin red and raw.
You nodded and looked up at his face which hovered not far above yours but was focused down on your wrist. His jaw was clenched and his features were stiff. He reached into his back pocket and pulled out the sleeve he'd cut from his flannel.
"I think if we roll this down we can put it between the cuff and your wrist. It might make it feel tight, but it won't hurt you so much."
He rolled the sleeve down under it was a single cuff which he carefully slipped over your hand and under the cuff. It did work, your skin feeling relieved from the lotion and the cloth, although it did still feel slightly too tight.
"Thanks," you said. "But, maybe we should get out of here. I don't want your girlfriend to get the wrong idea."
Jungkook met your eyes. "What? Girlfriend?"
"The girl you went on the date with?"
"Oh, it uh, didn't work out."
"Oh, I'm sorry."
"Don't be."
There was a long pause as Jungkook continued to adjust the cuff to ensure it stayed. His eyes were focused on your wrist.
"I'm sorry," he said. "For saying you were clingy and bringing your exes into this. I'm sorry for everything."
You looked down at him, your free hand coming to play with the hairs that grew around his ears. His hair was longer than you'd ever seen it and you smiled as he seemed to lean into your hand.
Jungkook finished adjusting the cuff and looked up at you. "I think Yoongi's room is empty. He didn't want people in there, but I bet he won't mind if it's us."
You nodded and followed closely behind Jungkook as you walked through the crowd to Yoongi's bedroom. It--like Jungkook had said--was empty. The two of you flopped down on the bed and despite laying a foot apart your fingers continued to brush against each other as you adjusted your wrists in the cuffs.
"I can't figure out why Jin handcuffed us," Jungkook said. The music was just a series of thumps now and even though it was still loud, you could no longer make out the lyrics and could hear Jungkook's voice without him having to raise it. "I thought he wouldn't want us to hang out anymore."
"What?" you asked. "Why would Jin care if we hang out?"
Jungkook turned and looked at you. His hair was wet from sweat and his hair curled in thick tendrils over his forehead. "Aren't you and Jin dating?"
"What? No! Jin and I are just friends. What makes you think that?"
"Jin told me he was gonna confess to you at your party."
Jungkook pulled his gaze from you and focused up at the ceiling. You thought back on that night. Jin had been acting more generous and gentlemanly that night, but you just chalked it up to it being your birthday.
"I didn't even know he liked me. Is that why you've been avoiding me? You thought I was with Jin and you didn't want to interfere?"
"That's part of it."
"What's the other part of it?"
His eyes came back to yours and you felt his fingers brushing against yours. But, it wasn't just the millisecond brushes as he adjusted. No, his fingers were practically intertwined with yours.
"Y/N, we've been friends so long...I don't want to ruin it..."
"Jungkook, it's already ruined."
There was a long tense silence between the of you. His fingers fully intertwined with yours. It was far from the first time you'd held his hand, but it felt different. It was softer, yet more intense at the same time. As if your hand were porcelain that could break at even the slightest touch.
Jungkook moved so quickly that you have no idea how he came to hover above you. His free arm resting above his head and the one handcuffed to you still intertwined with yours to the side. "What would've happened if Jin had confessed to you?"
"What would've happened?"
"I-I would've turned him down."
"Cause I'm in love with someone else."
His lips were on your before you even finished the sentence. He was gentle but urgent as if he'd been waiting two thousand years to kiss you.
"I'm still mad at you for skipping my birthday party," you said when he pulled away. "I don't care if you're in love with me, your cute ass still has a lot of making up to do."
Jungkook smiled as he leaned down placed a small kiss on your neck. "Well, I never got to give you my gift."
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out two tickets. You grabbed them from his hands and you smiled as you realized it was for the musical you'd been dying to see.
"It's tomorrow," he said. "Pretty good first date, yeah?"
"Hey, don't get cocky yet!" It was hard for you to hide your smile and you didn't want to give him the satisfaction, so, you just leaned up and kissed him.
You woke up the next morning enveloped in Jungkook's arms and his one-armed flannel. You looked up to see him scrolled through his phone, but when you squirmed, he looked down at you.
"Good morning, baby," he said.
"That sounds so weird."
"What, baby?" He smirked and giggled as you reached up and playfully hit his shoulder.
"Wait," you said, looking at your unbound wrist. You looked down and found the handcuffs on the bed. "They must've uncuffed us last night."
"I hadn't even realized," he said. A blush appeared on his face. "I didn't want to let go of your hand."
"Aww," you said, reaching up and ruffling his hair. "You're such a softie."
Jungkook smirked and grabbed your wrists. "Hey, I'm not completely a softie."
He held your wrists and glanced down at the handcuffs. "Maybe, we should keep these."
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bteezxyewriter12 · 3 years
Teach 3
Pairing- Namjoon x Named Reader x Jungkook
Word Count- 2.6k
Includes- discussion about Jungkook's confession, sex, laying down facing each other sex (don't know what this position is called), riding, multiple orgasms
Part 1. Part 2
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I've been avoiding Namjoon for the last week.
I still see him during practices and in the dorm but I either stick to Tae or Jimin or I'm just in my bedroom with the door locked.
I can't face him. And I definitely can't face her. I haven't seen her in a week although I know she's been at the dorm.
I hear her talking and laughing with the guys. I just can't see her. I'm still so in love with her but I can't have her
And I'm scared she's going to ignore me or tell me off for loving herI know I can't avoid them forever but for now it's all I can do
There's a knock on my door the next morning. I sigh, what now?
"Kookie. It's me", Joanne calls
Oh god. Fuck. What do I do?
"Can I talk to you?", she asks
No no no. I don't want to talk. I know what she's going to say. That she doesn't love me, she loves Namjoon, she doesn't want me. I already know, I can't hear her say it too
"Please Kookie?", she asks
Fuck. I can't say no to her. It's not fair. I want to tell her no, but I don't have it in me to do it
I get up from my bed and walk to the door. I take a deep breathe, steeling myself for whatever she's going to say. I slowly open my door to her beautiful face.
And to Namjoon whose behind her
What the fuck? He's going to murder me
"Can we come in?", she asks
"I...uh...yeah", I relent, moving aside to let them in
I close the door after them then go sit on my bed. Namjoon sits in my computer chair and Joanne sits next to me. God, I just want her in my arms
"Look about last week", Namjoon starts
"I'm sorry", I cut him off, "I know you're pissed off because of what I said-"
"Jungkook let me finish", he says
I close my mouth and nod
"Do you love Joanne? Was that something you just said in the moment or is it true? Don't lie"
He's looking at me and I know he'll know if I lie
"Yes. I...I'm in love with her"
He nods, "How long?"
"When I first met her"
"That long?"
I nod. They've been together for four years. So that's how long I've loved her
"Ok so I'm going to tell you we're not mad, so don't worry about that", he explains
What? They're...he's...not mad I told his girlfriend I love her?
"Joanne and I talked about what happened and what you said."
"Uh ok", I answer
Where is he going with this?
"So we decided that if you want to, you can be in our relationship too.", he says
I blink, unsure I heard what he said
"You can be her boyfriend too", he says
"I....I...", I trail off
I can wrap my head around this
"Look I'm not saying this is permanent ok? We've never done this before and we don't know if it's going to work. But we're open to try it and see how it goes", he explains
"Uh how would that work?", I ask
She'd have two boyfriends? Would he be a higher boyfriend than me because they've been together for so long? Is he going to make all the decisions?
"Uh I'm not sure. All three of us have to communicate well with each other or it won't work. If you want to be with her or take her out or whatever you have to let me know so I don't plan anything that day. And I'll let you know if I'm going to be with her. It's not just you doing what I say. The only thing is that me and you are just friends. We just love the same girl and are with the same girl. I'm not into guys so I'm letting you know that right now"
"I'm not either", I reply
"Ok that's good. The only thing I'm going to say right now is that you treat her good. You don't yell at her, hurt her or hit her. If you do, you're dead. She's the love of my life and I'll kill you if you mistreat her", he tells me
Hit her? I'd never hit her I don't hit girls. I would never hurt her. And that's what I tell him
"I would never hurt her. Ever", I answer
"Good. I'm trusting you with my baby"
I nod, my mind blown. Again. I never thought this would ever happen. Or that he'd be ok with it
"Whose idea was this?", I ask
"Mine", Namjoon answers
"Yours?", I ask incredulously, "Why?"
Why would he do this?
He shrugs, "Because we let other people in when we have threesomes, so this isn't a big jump from that. You love her and I know you. And she likes you"
What? I turn to her
"You do?", I ask shocked
She smiles and nods. I turn back to Namjoon
"And that doesn't bother you?"
"No because I know she loves me", he answers
Should I ask this? Will it piss him off?
"But what if she falls in love with me too? Like she is with you?"
"As long as she loves me, it doesn't bother me.", he says
"Really", he says, "But if she wants out of this and only wants me, then you need to back off. And if you want out, tell us and you can leave. And if it's not working then sorry but you're out"
"What if she only wants me?"
He glares at me, "Not gonna happen but on the extreme off chance she does, I'll back off"
Fuck, I pissed him off
"Don't worry Joonie.", she answers, "I'm always going to love you. I'm always going to be with you. For the rest of my life"
"I know baby. I'm always going to love you too", he smiles at her, "I'm always going to be with you too baby, even when we're old and wrinkled"
The smiles she beams at him is gorgeous. They really love each other
He looks back at me, "So do you want to do this?"
Do I? I get to be with her, love her, possibly have her love me. And I'm not against being in their relationship
Just like Namjoon, as long as she wants me, maybe loves me, I don't care if she loves Namjoon too
"Yes", I answer, "I want to do this"
He nods, "Ok"
"What about the guys? Are we keeping this a secret?"
"They know. We told them what we were going to talk to you about", he answers
Uh ok
"They know?"
"Yeah they were weirded out at first but they accept it", she answers
Uh ok. I guess it's ok they know
"Ok well I have to go to my studio to work on some songs.", Namjoon says getting up, "I'll see you later"
He's leaving? He comes to Joanne, leans down and kisses her
"Bye baby. I'll see you later. I love you"
"Bye Joonie. I love you", she says
He turns and leaves my room. I have no clue what to do now
"So uh if you're busy now, I can go. We just wanted to talk to you about this.", she says standing up, "I uh guess I'll see you later"
She starts to turn away but I grab her hand
"Stay", I ask
"Oh uh ok", she answers
I pull her to me, putting her on my lap and kiss her. God it's just like the first time. Fireworks going off
She kisses me back, my tongue in her mouth, her hands in my hair. I start kissing her neck all over
"I want you", I moan
I want her so much. I want to feel her again. I want to make her feel good
She answers me by pulling my shirt off and kissing me starting from my neck down to my shoulder and chest. Her lips leave fire on my skin everywhere they touch
I take her shirt off, then I'm able to get her bra off without being an idiot about it.
"God you're so fucking sexy", I praise her, taking her nipple in my mouth and sucking
"Fuck Jungkook", she moans
"Yeah baby fuck. I love hearing you moan my name"
Holding her to me, I turn, laying her on my bed. She reaches up to me, holding onto me tightly. Leaning down, I catch her lips in a kiss again, while I pull her pants and panties down
I get them off and throw them somewhere in my room. Her hands move down my body and get to my sweatpants
She slides her hands under the waist band and pulls both my pants and boxers down. I help her and kick them off . She gets as close to me as possible, her chest against mine, pressing her body against mine
I didn't realize how much I love just feeling her skin on mine until right now
"What baby? What do you want. I'll do whatever you want", I answer
"I need you", she moans
Fuck, she can have me. Anytime she wants
"Ok baby, you have me whenever you want. I promise", I answer, putting her leg over my hip
"Please Kookie", she pleads
"Ok baby"
I slide inside her, going all the way in, my body shivering. She sighs, like I'm supposed to be in her. Like she I'm all she needs
I like that
I move, sliding in and out of her, her pussy getting tighter on me, keeping me inside
"Fuck baby, you like me in you this much?", I ask, "You want to keep me inside?"
"Yes Kookie. I love you in me. I don't want you to leave", she moans
"I won't baby, I promise. I want to stay", I whisper
I move harder and faster, making her yell out with each thrust
"Baby, you feels so good, holding me tight. Fuck I love you", I groan
I don't care about saying it anymore. She knows and I just want to say it. I feel her getting ready and I never wanted her to cum on me as much as I do right now
"Cum on me baby", I whisper, kissing her neck
"JUNGKOOK", she yells, coming and shaking in my arms
"Good girl, fuck, you're so beautiful baby", I murmur
She looks up at me and smiles, "Jungkook you are so beautiful you don't even know"
I have no idea what to think. She thinks I'm beautiful? Oh my god. She kisses me, gently pushing me back until I'm laying on my back
"My beautiful Kookie", she whispers kissing me all over my face
"My baby", she says, trailing kisses down my neck and chest
God her kisses are amazing. I love feeling her lips on my skin
"My Jungkook"
Fuck I love hearing her call me her Jungkook. I am. From the second I saw her, I was hers
She kisses back up my body, whispering in my ear, "I'm going to make my baby feel so good"
I moan loudly. She climbs on top of me, sliding down my cock, my body trembling. Fuck, going inside her is like the first time everytime. My body just reacts to her
She puts her hands on the wall above me and she starts bouncing on me, starting off slow, then going faster and faster
Pleasure blasts through my body. Watching her ride me gets me so much more horny
"God baby, you're so good at this", I moan
"Kookie, you have no clue how much I've been wanting to ride you"
Fuck me
"What?", I whisper
"I wanted to last time we we're together but you ran away"
"I'm sorry baby. I just panicked"
"Shh baby. It's ok. I can ride you all the time now"
Oh god she can. I just realized, I can be with her when I want, when she wants
"Yeah baby, you can. Whenever you want, you can have me"
"You can have me too baby. Whenever you want", she answers
God I'm happy. She slides up, squeezes my head so tight then slides back down
"Oh god", I yell
She keeps herself tight while she slams down on me
The pleasure is so goddamn good. I run my hands up her legs, touching her hips and sliding up her body. Sitting up a little, I plant kisses all over her stomach, sucking and licking her skin
"Mmmmm Kookie"
"Baby girl. Cum. Please. I want it"
"Yeah Kookie", she moans, sliding up and coming on my head
I watch her cum run down my cock, and I swallow hard. Oh fuck that's so hot
"God baby, you're fucking perfect", I moan
When she finishes, I grip her hips, slamming her down on me. As she comes down I thrust up, going in so deep
"Yes!", she screams
I thrust up again when I bring her down and I slide into her, making her scream
"There Kookie. Fuck there!", she pleads
Did I just find her spot? Oh my god
"Where baby?", I ask, slamming her again, "There?"
I hope I didn't lose it
Good. I love the reaction I'm getting from her, so I keep slamming her there over and over. It doesn't take long before she orgasms again, getting tight on me
"JUNGKOOK!", she screams
God I love her orgasms. The pleasure from them is so intense and I want to feel it over and over
Bringing her down again, I slam her spot causing another orgasm right after the first one
Oh my god, yes. I want her to have more
"Again baby", I moan, thrusting into her, making her explode again
I keep going, every few thrusts causing another orgasm, her screams music to my ears. I lost count of how many I've given her
"C'mon baby girl. One more", I ask
She nods. I slam her the hardest I have so far and she screams, her body shaking violently on top of me
The pleasure is overwhelming as I cum inside her, screaming her name and enjoying the pleasure
"JOANNE, oh god baby!"
"Good Kookie, good boy", she murmurs
When I finish, she climbs off and lays next to me. I turn to her automatically, pulling her in my arms. It's the first time I'm holding her and I fucking love it
She turns to me and reaches out, running her fingers in my hair. She's looking at me, smiling
"I know I'm going to love you Kookie", she whispers
She will?. Oh god I hope so
"You are?", I ask
She nods, "I don't know how long it'll take but I just know I'm going to fall in love with you too"
"But Namjoon-"
"I love him. In love with him. But I have room to love you too."
"As long as you love me Jo, I'm more than ok", I whisper, kissing her
I really don't care. I just want her and if she loves me, I'm good. I can do this with her and Namjoon.
Because she's worth it
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Hi… uh… I’m rarely on Tumblr and when I do, I rarely read fanfiction so idk how to do this but yeah, i just want to say that one day one of your writings just came through my suggestion like it’s fated and i absolutely love the way you write. I exceptionally love how you write the takeover and bon voyage and have been regularly checking if they’re updated. I won’t ask about any update schedule, though. I just want to say that to make a muggle like myself enjoying them this much, you’re definitely an amazing writer. I just want to know if you had fun writing? Cause for giving me such pleasure in life, I hope you do. Please have a good day! :)
I'm so happy you love the takeover!!!! That story gets the least amount of love so I haven't thought about it as much, but I'll work through some scenes with your sweet comment in mind. 💗💗
Do I have fun writing? Short answer, yes lol. Long answer...
Most of my stories start with me fixating over a dream or particular idea until I feel like I'm going crazy, like the story is just clawing at my brain to be released...recognized...heard. Some of those dreams are good ones, exciting, really fun to write stories (Like Bon Voyage!). Some are devastating, painful to write, but do I still have fun writing them? Yes, because it's like a release, even if I'm bawling my eyes out, it's still fun. If you laughed at a line, I probably laughed at it for five minutes straight and then again when I edited it, if you cried over a scene, I probably sobbed over it for an hour, if you yelled at a character I probably imagined a hundred different ways to get payback on them lol. I'm having a lot of fun, but a month or so ago when my follower count doubled out of nowhere I was having a lot of trouble because I felt like all these new followers expected something of me and I felt guilty about writing anything else, so I would force myself to keep editing a story when I really wanted to work on something else and I could barely write and it became this awful cycle and then I realized, why am I doing this? Me writing what makes me happy is how stories like RRR came to be and yep Bon Voyage and also Yoongi is a Rock and so many others. So writing has become this like tug of war, where I try to make readers happy but also myself 😅 I'm okay with this situation, I've seen it happen to lots of writers I just never expected it for me, I used to imagine I was in a room with all my readers, now it scares me too much to do that lmao. AHHHHH I've been holding that in, now yall know.
Thank you again for going out of your way to reach out to me lovely reader, it means so much. I hope you are having a great day!! Eat some good food and have fun today! 💗 Because you did this for me, I'll do this for you: here is a sneak peek of the takeover for you! 🥰
Yoongi’s voice begins to break up in your earpiece until only static remains.
Green light floods the laboratory with only the backup generators now working. You, Jimin, and Jungkook move as a unit, slow paced and alert for any movement in the dark corridors. The doors are all open except one. One with light coming from its small transparent glass window.
“How are we going to get in?”
You hold out a key card. “Swiped it,” you whisper. You hold the metal card to the blank keypad and the locks start moving, “Well, look at that.”
“Stay behind me!” Jungkook hisses, pointing the rifle at the enlarging gap into the next room. The frightening green light casting over his features slowly becomes overtaken by serene blue fluorescents, until finally you're all in the light, able to see the truly horrifying scene in front of you.  
“What is that?”
“Is that?”
“W-What do we do?”
“Get them out!”
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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JUMP CUT ALERT: This is a continuation of an ongoing discussion behind the scenes.
Article 19, UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Every person has the right to freedom of opinion and expression which includes the freedom to hold an opinion without interference through any media.
Misinterpretation of my opinion, my words constitute a violation of my human rights. Please do not take my words out of context, share it on another platform in furtherance of your own agenda. If you do hold yourself accountable first. You are the author of your own intentions and interpretations.
I do not intend malice by my words nor do I seek to be disrespectful of any member mentioned in here. I simply enjoy mentally stimulating conversations and thought provoking discussions.
Let the records show.
Thanks to everyone that's shared your thoughts on this matter with me and thanks to that person that brought this matter to my attention.
I haven't looked into it and I don't know how severe this issue is.
I think people have the right to believe in anything they want to believe in. Personally, I don't think Santa is real but clearly others do, doesn't mean I'm sane or that they are crazy.
I don't think discussions of this nature should be about who is right or who is wrong. Everyone's opinion is valid and holds true to their own delusions. Lol.
Frankly, I prefer this kind of ship wars to the slurs and abuses and they are distributing hard core porn now?? What is going on! Chileee.
I have never believed JK and Tae to be anything more than friends. At one point, I wondered if they were even friends at all lol but since they admitted to having had a falling out themselves at one point the topic is now moot.
Tae and JK have- had- have a really special bond. To me anyways. I always saw them as the evil power twins of BTS due their ability to come together to wreck havoc especially on Bang PD's scripts. Lol. I think I have mentioned this a few times now.
I smiled to myself when I heard them call themselves partners in crime. The bond is there no two ways about it- you either appreciate it for what it is or you don't. personally I love their bond. Can't stand their shippers but I love their bond. They keep the drama going for me- love it. Lol
The question has always been whether their bond is as profound as their shippers make it seem. I argue it's not and I will always argue it is not. Lol
I think it's only fair that they also question whether Jikook's bond is as profound as we make it sound. I really can't be mad at that. All is fair in love and war- at the very least we can agree to disagree.
I mean even Jikookers themselves question the extent of JK and JM's bond. Some think they are just very special friends and nothing more. I think I talked about this in my is Jikook real post when I mentioned labels and the degree of love between JK and JM?
We know JK and JM have a unique bond. The question then is how far does that bond go. Is it just platonic, romantic or something in between?
This is the question I was aiming to answer with my is Jikook real post. My objective was to try and dismantle all the nuances that keep us from seeing the 'truth' about Jikook- that they are real. At least the way I see them.
I talked about unrealistic expectations we have of Jikook, false conditionings that often leads us to see Jikook as something more than they are- the amplified Jikook. We get used to highlight reels of Jikook's interactions in edits such that we feel there is something wrong with them when we see them in real time.
I mentioned that Jimin's nurturing nature often also estops people from reading more into his relationship with JK. He is nurturing of everyone, JK ain't special- they argue, just as this person is doing.
I talked about Jimin's Idol persona, the facade of the boy in love with JK- Jimin's role within BTS since debut and how that can equally blind us into thinking Jikook is something more or less than they really are. I have a post dedicated to this topic sitting in my drafts so I will not go into the details of it here. Please look forward to that.
But this person's post touches on another aspect of Jimin's personality that I feel is one of the things that often keeps us from seeing his relationship with JK for what it really is- his inclination for professionalism.
I keep saying this, several times now, that Jimin's Idol persona to me seems well developed, elaborate and very elusive.
I have mentioned a few times how I think during Jikook break ups that they keep it civil and professional for the sake of the team and that you might not even notice the difference especially if you place high value on their skinship.
The skinship would be there, the cordiality and civility would equally be there- except for moments when they are fighting, that gets bloody. Lol. They are best friends at the very least. It is why it's important to reevaluate the metrics we use to determine whether or not they are a couple.
I wish I could dialogue with this person to understand her assessment of Jikook and what she is using to determine whether or not Jikook are a couple and what makes her think Tae and JK are. Know what I mean?
What makes her think Jikook were a couple before 2017? What makes y'all think Jikook are a couple at all? I would like to hear from y'all- but come at me with the skinship bit and I'll block you deadass. Lol
So on this person's post, I think I agree with her assessment of JM's persona but I don't agree with the Jikook have been broken up since 2017. And I think I understand where this is coming from... I think some of us do. Yes they had a few fights that year especially leading up to Jimin's birthday- August was it? but we all know JK more than made up for it with the damn GCFs. Lol. kindly visit the timeline, peruse as many content as you can and form your own opinion on it. This is just mine.
Are Jikook Jikooking all the time? Absolutely not. They are human too. They fight, they make up, they break up they get back together, they have introverted, extroverted moments, they go up, they go down- have bad hair days, it's all part of their dynamics I'm afraid. From my point of view of course.
I feel some people notice these things too and when they sense Jikook aren't in a good place they bow out and Jump ship- I don't blame them. They are shippers not supporters. What Jikook need are supporters not shippers- or maybe both, do you.
Could this person be one such people? DNF shippers? Given up on Jikook before the end of their story? I don't know. May be.
Jikook is not a fantasy that you ship. It's a relationship that you support. You can't escape into them. They are an ongoing love story- chapters close, chapters open, you just have to ride it out till the very end.
I think the challenge of their post for me is whether or not Jikook is a performance. Her post leans into the whole Jikook is fanservice bull especially in light of the recent photoshoot video which some are using as evidence Jikook don't 'click' when the cameras are off- the lies they tell on Beyonce's internet!
I think I have speculated on this and shared my thoughts on this whole Jikook is fanservice bit. I will delve deeper into it in my next post on Jimin's idol persona but as I've already said, Jikook is fanservice is equally a misnomer.
Yes Jikook does fanservice sometimes, but they are not fanservice. Fanservice is the cover for their relationship. It's their glass ceiling- nothing to see here folks just two snakes under glass. Keep it pushing. (Sorry. Couldn't help myself. Lol)
But you do raise a valid question, what is Jikook like when the cameras are not filming?
Is the mood of Jikook in that footage the general mood of Jikook behind cameras as Tuktukkers are claiming? They barely interact, JM doesn't pay much attention to Kook, yadda yadda yadda?
And the part that gives me a complex, that JK only interacts with JM when they are the center of attention. Huh???????????
I feel caught between a rock and a hard place on this one.
The theory you pointed out in support of this assertion isn't mine and I think I made it clear I didn't share the same thoughts on it. I said it was valid nevertheless. Chilee, this is hard. Lol
Yes JK is an introvert, Jimin is an extrovert, JM doesn't live for JK, all that is true and some Jikookers have said that too- so when you ask, if this is who they are when the cameras are off does that mean what they do when the cameras turn on is fanservice-
I don't know the thought process that went into that theory so I can't confidently defend it. I'll ask? Lol.
Personally, I'd like to know whether or not they see the tension in that footage as tension in the first place. Chileee I don't know.
I see it as tension. Not a very serious one though. So we'd have to agree to disagree on that one.
But the part I can argue, the part I agree with is Jikook aren't hyper super duper lovey dovey on each other all the time. They aren't cuddly all the time. They have their moments of quiet- Jimin seems like the more affectionate kind who'd rub all over JK in the comfort of their homes but still...
If you ask me though, I think Jikook are tamer on cameras than they are behind scenes. I always talk about the fear and panic in the members' eyes when they see Jikook gravitating towards each other- it's probably because they know the extent of Jikook's shenanigans. They know how worse it can be because they've seen it all.
And when JK panics sometimes when JM gets closer too you just know dude is scared perhaps because of his Mochi chick's devil may care shamelessly in love policies- Jimin wild. Bless him.
I did say also that Memories 2019 is equally eye opening. These were censored bits. BigHit was holding all of that and giving us crumbs- stingy mfs. Bless.
All that said, again I don't think Jikook are hyper lovey on eachother behind the scenes. Another part I diverge from that view is that this is not exactly off camera. It was just behind the scenes of a photoshoot. Something we've seen a countless times.
This is not BTS's first ever behind scenes photoshoot. It's just a different angle that's all.
They were working. They were at work. This wasn't an alone private space for them so they can't base on this to say Jikook don't interact when the cameras are off.
The cameras were rolling. We saw them interact, JM was interacting with everyone the way he always does on camera all the time except he wasn't interacting with JK the way he does all the time, grainy footage or not- I mean let's call a spade a spade and not a big fat spoon. Lol
As to why he was doing that- let's just say there are many schools of thoughts.
My thought as I've said is JM was freezing JK out. I think with anyone that's recognized and is familiar with Jikook fights, that mood is all too familiar as I mentioned earlier.
If JM was being courteous and not mad at his man then he would have kept it 'professional' and done the 'fanservice' bit with Jk as per usual just as this person is saying since the cameras were still rolling.
Jikook is not fanservice. They are real.
I have refrained from providing a detailed analysis of that '5 minutes' footage for reasons I will explain later when I do share my thoughts on that footage- eventually. Some day.
But my hypothesis remains the same that I think Jikook were fighting or had a minor issue. As to why they were fighting, chileee I don't know. The confirmation bias in me feel it had something to do with JM's birthday but honestly it could have been over anything at all- dumplings, microphones- we all saw that slap on stage, a certain Iphone notification perhaps, did JinMin make a secret VLive without Kook again? Lol
There are plethora of reasons, I can only speculate on a few. And I think we've all seen Jimin when he is not 'Jimining' with the others, JK included. Take his mood with Tae at GDA for example- since this is not a VMin post I won't go into it.
But it seems they squashed whatever beef they were having on stage when JM extended his hands to Tae and they shaked it out.
We've seen him and Suga bicker too- which again, I am not gonna to get into out of respect for their shippers but I can point you to the On comeback VLive early this year when Suga touched JM and JM mouthed Hajima to him- which I think had something to do with what was going on with him and JK at the time but that is besides the point. Every shipper for themselves.
I contrast his 'fights' with Suga and V to show you the difference between Jimin being professional and courteous and Jimin being rah rah. He was sat next to suga, talking and laughing with him but snapped the moment Suga held his back.
He did the same in the Dynamite MV Vlive, smiling and laughing with Suga but the moment JK teased him with the Yoonmin comment his countenance fell.
Jimin is not that good of an actor if you ask me. I have said he is very Kumbaya in nature, often makes compromises for the sake of the team but that don't mean he is a pushover or one to trifle with- he scares me when he is mad. Lmho.
The scene in that footage didn't look to me as that he was being nice and courteous to JK- is that y'all's definition of professional courtesy? Damn.
If they were having a lover's squabble then the 'icy' mood of Jikook we saw in that footage is not the general mood of Jikook when the camera's are turned off.
I have to state again that I don't know much of what goes on behind the cameras and most of the things we see sometimes are equally missing context.
That been said we have seen enough of Jikook 'behind cameras' and they are more intimate than we can imagine. A certain cozy selfie at the back of an abandoned truck comes to mind. Whatever they were doing at the back of the track wasn't intended for the cameras judging from JK's reaction.
We've had glimpses of Jikook when they are not the center of attention enough to have a fair idea of what they are when cameras are off and I don't think it is that mood we saw in that footage.
We saw them at Jingle ball bell, towards the end of 2019. We saw them in their own space doing what they do best- making us feel single as fuck. Bless them.
We've seen them at awards, we've seen JK eating Jimin's ear nom nom to calm him down- like I would have just bought him icecream to calm down his nerves or rubbed his back but whatever JK. He is your man; you know him best. Good for him. Good for both of you. Now come back and feed us.
And the bit about JK only laughing with JM when he noticed he was on the Bangtan Bomb cameras in that footage- now that's nasty below the belts phony ass ass! I felt that one straight in my chest, shit. Lol
Dude was in a doghouse it seemed and I noticed them stealing glances at each other and.... sigh.
I just think JK was looking for an opening to warm his way back into JM's good graces- it's really nothing we haven't seen before.... sigh.
This is 2020 that narrative of JK hates Jimin, JK doesn't like JM needs to stop. It's dead. Pack it up. Chileee, y'all tried it with this one.
Jk is nice to JM only when the cameras are on him? Nice try.
JK is so fake and fraudulent he glared RM down till he stepped away from Jimin- again, in the very same photoshoot footage y'all swear to God is proof Jikook is not real.
Find it. RM stood next to JM. Looks up see's something- or someone. Does his tell- the hand to head thingy he does when JK glares at him over Jimin. He backs away inches from JM.
Cut to JK. Dudes a mood. Jin bumps into him, stares at him but JK wouldn't even look at him and then deadass looks away grumpyly- talk of professionalism. You doing great swidy keep going!
You can hide a relationship, fake it on God but you can never hide the intimacy. Taekook just lack that intimacy, I'm sorry. Even in that 'estranged' moment Jikook's intimacy was still there-
Even in whatever mood JK was in- which again, I believe was just due to their lover's squabble- JK still was claiming his man and exercising his right of authority over him. That's how you know they are not broken up. In my opinion. Chileee. I'm gonna get in trouble. Deep sigh.
Y'all think JK was hovering over Jimin because he was preparing to strike him down like a censored censored censored? Yea, he was preparing to strike alright- All the corners of Jimin's heart. Y'all better stop before I find you. Lol
I said I wasn't going to analyze the footage in this post but damn. This man out here serving us all kinds of brooding assorted jeonlous as his man takes a time out or two to wiggle wiggle wiggle on him Malfroy style and y'all are out here peddling nonsense. Strike one.
He was a mood alright. Did y'all see Tae rubbing his chest, arms and legs, ears did y'all see any body else in there doing that for him? Y'all's falcon cannot hear his falconer give it up and sorry, Jikook can't relate.
As I've posited, JM I feel was mad as hell for whatever reason and wasn't in the space to be that person JK needed him to be- in that moment. Doesn't mean they are like that behind scenes all the time.
And before I get attacked again for causing drama, being toxic etc by Jikookers understand that I am just a delusional person shipping these two in a way that makes sense to me. Write me off as delulu, and go please.
Whatever ambiguity surrounds that moment, to me, Jin and RM's reaction to JK clarifies things a bit. Jikook were boiling hot. JK was still keeping an eye on his man. Lol. Bless them. That's my conclusion. I'm running miles with that. Catch me. Lol
Feel free to come up with your own theory in a way that makes sense to you.
I'm not sure how long that fight lasted but from the rain day incident I'm hoping it wasn't that long. Jikook are fine I believe- I hope. Judging from the way JM drew JK out in his VLive with the whole I miss JK comment? Did that not sound familiar to y'all? And that Mickey mouse thingy- JM ain't slick. Bless him.
JM is the perched akekeke whisperer whispering all kinds of things in JK's ear, feeding JK news of what goes on on social media and what not. Dude don told his man they won a BB on his birthday, told his man Jin wasn't happy he chose his bag over his- definitely told his man Army was missing him- what? I'm going with that too sue me. Lol
Did you or did you not see Jk coming out to do a live log afterwards? And JK seemed less grumpy, in very high spirits? Wedding bells- I'm manifesting it for JK. Manifest with me.
Remember when JM did a log and talked nonsense about JK, and JK did a rebuttal log to respond to JM and address some of the things JM had said about him? Remember that? It's a jikook thing and it's back😌
I have said JM uses social media to connect with Army while JK uses it as an outlet to express himself. Through out his Live he kept talking about how he wasn't prepared to do a live and it shows in the way he kept saying it was awkward, he just kept it business and didn't know what else to share... I wonder who put his paws on him, dragged his ass to turn on the camera because Armys had asked of him- a certain quick tempered chick who dragged his man out on social media to do the whole Chuseok greetings 2020 on Twitter perhaps?
And JK is so whipped he'd do just about all the hoops to appease his man- Jikook AU written by Goldy. High five. No but seriously...
Behind the scenes, JK sneaks into JM's bed at night- Taekook does it too? Please! The look on JM's face when RM spilled that tea is enough said.
There's only two people in BTS that panic and don't want us to know they lay one on God in bed and it's not Tae Kook.
JK: Jimin hyung and I will sleep here
JM: how about we let the others choose first
Everyone shares a room:
JIKOOK share a room:
Footage: 🚪👀
Behind the cameras Jikook sneak into each others bed- camera caught them live. You saw JM's face, I can't make this shit up. Lol
Behind the scenes, Jikook do laundry at 1am. *insert JM pervy face meme.
Chileee, y'all making me trip with this one. Deep breaths.
Jikook have their moments. This was one of them. Can they be human? Please. Thank you.
At this point, these folks are not even shippers. They is shoppers shopping a man for their bias. Lol. Just admit y'all want Jeon thick thighs strong butt for your bias and go. Just admit you want some tall glass of Tiger charming face husky voice strong chest for your bunny and go. Lmho
Chilee, when we say Tae and Kook had a falling out we don't mean they freeze eachother out behind cameras. Hell, we don't even mean they fake their bond or interactions. C'mon! Tae and JK admitted they are not lovers and y'all is bitter. That's why y'all is making up this nonsense about Jikook. Speak the truth and shame the devil. Peter would be proud.
When we say Tae Kook is not real, We just mean JM spends JK's birthday with him while every one including Tae is out there cruising for Jesus with friends. We just mean Jikook claim eachother even when they beefing. That ship beefed and didn't even know they was beefing and they are real? Damn.
We just mean Jikook make efforts for each other even when they are having bad days- Had it not been for Jimin they'd still be gnashing on these cold streets. Place some respect on his name, y'all's ungrateful. Lol
Tae and JK don't want each other they both want Jimin- there. I said it.
Thanks for attending my Tedtalk. 👁👄👁
Now where was I? Never mind. I'm just gonna go burn some sage. There's too much negativity going on around. Hakuna matata!
There is nothing wrong with Taekook as a ship. Personally, I'm a multishipper I ship all the ships but I support Kookmin. I don't mind their shippers calling them whatever, but my eyes twitch when people who claim they support Jikook act wishy washy with Jikook. Lol. Like are you going to withdraw your support of Kookmin if JK sits on Tae's lap?👀 Yall make me nervous. How can you think Jikook is real but then look at Taekook and go huh??? What are y'all seeing that I can't see?
Like those are two completely different dynamics. It's the skinship isn't it? Talk to me. Jikookers who see something nonplatonic in Taekook honestly give me trust issues. Y'all have me out here looking over my shoulders.
I am delusional but I'm confident in my delusions because to me it is about the love and support for JM and JK as LGBTQ plus couples. Please stop shipping Jikook, stop shopping JK and JM for eachother and start supporting them because they are real.
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