#I told him if he cared so much he could reset them himself
itislils2004 · 3 months
Alr guys pt.2 of this, if I do more it'll be about Narinder, Lambam and Ratou. (no promises)
Here's another long rant of headcanons of my Shamura and Kallamar :) !
Heket and Leshy
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As much as I like to joke about him, he's actually quite talented and meticulous. He prefers to not venture to spaces that could be remotely harmful to him (because he gets sick, really easily), unless the pros outweigh the cons. He's full of himself at times, but he does NOT have NPD (Narcissist Personality Disorder). Simply has a very strong sense of self, and absolutely hates being told what to do (even if it benefits him, and even if he already planned to do it).
He's also quite artistic and has an eye for things, despite not working for the cult he does take charge when organizing events and decorations. He's a perfectionist down to a fault, although he'd never force anyone to fit his criteria he's pushy about it at times.
Smaller character details:
Leshy has a lot of fun hanging out with Kallamar, and likewise for the squid. In fact, Kallamar often has him running errands for him or asks him for help whenever he's trying to make something or simply wants to rant.
Because of his nature to not go out much, he's rarely seen outside of events. But even then he leaves a marking impression on the flock due to his ability to multitask, and his talents.
Gets on well with the Lamb, in his head that is. He's super laid-back whenever he speaks to him. The feeling might not be mutual, but at least he cares for them, a bit.
Sozonius is also a close friend of his, but Leshy wins when it comes to who Sozonius feels more comfortable with, since they were friends even when he was parasite.
^ Either way, Sozonius helps him a lot during research or on the rare occasion they do go out (they both hate Anura, so there's no worries about one of them wanting to go there).
He refuses to learn ASL although he's partially deaf (unless The Lamb provides him better auditory capabilities, very much like Heket. This can be applied to all Bishops except Narinder.)
So whenever he cannot get a grasp on what's going on (although he's gradually getting better at reading lips) he has either Leshy or Heket to help him understand what's going on.
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Quite the forgetful arachnid, ever since they got indoctrinated, it tends to slip their mind to ACTUALLY take care of themselves. Often forgetting to eat or to wear an extra layer since they can barely regulate their own body temperature. Heket and Kallamar always try their best to make sure they eat properly and not get sick. The lamb tries to do the same, but many times it is unsuccessful since they deviate from the matter at hand. They actually spend a lot of time with the Lamb, often talking sentences that do not have a coherence to it, or simply tales of the past that come unprompted. The Lamb makes little to no effort in stopping them, and allows them to do as they please.
Smaller character details:
Because the lamb actually never really learned how to groom their wool (or simply able to shear it) it tends to get matted and heavy overtime. When that happens they simply unalived reseted themselves to come back to their form, because before they got executed, their wool got trimmed by heretics before getting sacrificed so that the axe would be able to do its job in one swing.
Thankfully though, Shamura (in their right mind) helps the Lamb, and maintains their fleece voluntarily. The lamb has no comment on this action. But they are one of the few people who lets them touch them to such an extent.
Shamura is no (morally speaking) monster, but they don't actually harbor any genuine affection for the Lamb outside of some pity. Their ministrations come from simply Shamura's nature, which leads to them helping the Lamb in minor ways or even offering comfort in little amounts. The lamb prefers it this way. They'd actually reject the help if it was in the name of "affection" or "pity".
However, they have a hard time understanding complex emotions and underlying meaning. They're very literal, but also have a way of explaining things through metaphors. It's their way of understanding complex things, by associating information they already know and molding it.
Loves making jokes!! They tend to be very old/unfunny but they still enjoy it. Narinder always plays along with the jokes and sometimes laughs at how bad they are. They also use a cane/walking stick with the form of a serpent, old relique.
Tries to help around the cult as well, but is often stopped if attempting too hard when it comes to manual labor. They're awfully tall which difficults things, and due to their complexion they have a hard time standing up on their own for a long period of time without the cane (walking normally that is). They do however, work a lot on clothes and such, with Kallamar sometimes helping on the sidelines.
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jacketsareyellow · 14 days
Guys there’s another doomed theory that I made up, whilst re-watching season 1.
What if…in order for the hargreeves to fully set things right, they have to die for the peoples lives that were taken, by them not being careful enough in their own timeline.
Specifically I was on season one episode 4 where detective patch dies. For eg, What if Diego dies instead of her, seeing as she was doing him a favour by freeing klaus, she didn’t have to.
So I’ll go in order of sibs.
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He will die for Sloane, he wasn’t technically meant to ever meet her or let alone be married to her, so therefore he’ll need to sacrifice himself to set things right, because to my knowledge she just ceases to exist now.
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As I’ve stated, he’s gonna die instead of Eudora. Lila could cry bc of that???? I always assumed her death struck him with so much regret (EVEN THO HE HASNT MENTIONED HER ONCE!) but anyways, this could be his “hero” sacrifice.
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For the same reason as Luther, she wasn’t meant to meet Raymond. Or have any sort of life in Dallas, so maybe as a reset? She also told him about the future and her powers which could’ve interfered with the timeline.
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Dave, my theory is that klaus died before Dave in the war, but since he is immortal he woke up just as Dave got shot, maybe as a “I have nothing to live for way” as he just saw klaus die.
So maybe he was meant to live, and klaus dies for him to survive?
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This guy may survive, in order to fulfil the commission future and the “don’t save the world” speech that older five gave him. All his siblings die and maybe nothing changed so it was all pointless. I think the worst punishment five could get is living.
Orrrrr he could die for killing Lila’s parents………
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This man is dying for Jennifer whether he likes it or not.
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There is multiple people he could die for, Harlan, sissy or leonard(Harold). Any could suffice.
Unlikely outcome but a cyclical one. I think I’d be satisfied with it. Bittersweet.
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yayakoishii · 9 months
Before I send my request your way lemme tell you how much I loved reading your recent Sanji Fics!! I enjoyed them a lot!!
And as for a request, I don't have anything specific but a vague scenario in my head. The strawhats dock at a lone mysterious island. And they as usual disperse off to do their own things when Sanji happens to stumble upon the reader. Perhaps caught in some trouble, going around with a hidden identity? I'm sorry this is cringe. But it's been in my head for a while now. Whether this ends up interesting you or not, I just wanted you to know, it's been a lot of fun reading you! Have a good day! Or night :D
Unfortunate Encounters | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 5,997 (that's practically 6k)
Genre: Light Fluff, more Angst, happy ending ofc!
Warnings: Plot heavy, light swearing. Slightly ooc crew maybe? I'm still new to writing for OP, please excuse any mistakes!
A/n: First off, thank you so much for the sweet words anon ;-; they really made my day <3 As for the request, this was not cringe at all!! I got super into it and I had like 3-4 mental drafts of how this fic could go (the og ending was even more angsty lol, but I decided to cut back...) I may have focused too much on the 'lone, mysterious island' part because this was more plot heavy than romantic. The inner plot writer in me emerged because of your prompt; I'm not a romance writer so I struggle with that in this fic >< However, I did enjoy writing it so I hope you enjoy this one too! Thanks for sending such a fun request ❤️
also available on ao3!
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The log pose had brought them to another island, but even before they had touched down, Sanji could feel something was up with it. The island just gave off some vibes he couldn't place and he wasn't one to chalk it off to a mistake. His intuition told him something was going to happen here.
"There doesn't seem to be a town here," Nami frowned, looking at the island. All they could see for miles and miles was a dense tropical forest, with trees that seemed larger than their usual size. When they got off the Thousand Sunny, Sanji realised that it was too silent. There were no sounds of birds or any animals that he could hear from the shoreline. "Be careful, guys."
They decided to separate and cover the island quicker. The log pose needed time to reset and it was a curious little island anyway. They could cover it within a day, maximum. Something in Sanji's gut twisted in protest but until he could explain it, there was no way he could stop the chaotic crew. So he let it be and started hacking a path to somewhere.
The trees were dense and the forest was dark, lit up on random intervals by sudden sunbeams that looked like nature's spotlights. Sanji hummed to himself as he studied the plants around him. He walked for a while, noting all the things he could use but not picking anything because the island just rubbed him off the wrong way. It felt dangerous to pick any part of it.
Sanji walked for a while, pausing only when he felt he had heard something – something that sounded like a rustle of leaves, but he couldn't sense a person. He couldn't sense anything but the wind, a gentle breeze drifting through the trees. Strangely, he had not yet come across any of the other Straw Hats either, even though he had been walking for well over an hour and the island wasn't that big in the first place.
There was another rustling, but this time, Sanji could feel a presence. Multiple ones, to be precise. He tensed and cautiously moved aside the curtain of vines blocking his views. The clearing revealed in front of him shocked him– it was like all the animals of the entire island had gathered in one place. And they were all looking at something that he couldn't see.
The moment he stepped in, the animals all turned to him, some of them baring teeth or growling and it was so much sound after so much silence that even Sanji couldn't help the shiver running along his back. A human shout of, "It's okay guys! I'm okay now!" distracted the animals and they turned back to whatever– or rather, whoever, they had been looking at.
Sanji held back, not quite sure what to make of the whole situation, until he heard a barely audible, "Disperse."
Almost like a flip was switched, the animals scattered and Sanji was left incredulously staring at the vines in the middle of the clearing, from where a figure gracefully jumped down. You straightened up and patted at your hair to check for any stray leaves or twigs before you walked over to him.
"An intruder?" You asked, smiling amusedly. "Been a while since we had one."
"That's a harsh word, beautiful," Sanji couldn't hold himself back from calling you that way, after he had gotten over his shock enough to note your features.
"Would you prefer 'uninvited guest'?" You cocked an eyebrow, not cutting eye contact as you straightened out your clothes.
"Ah, you hurt my poor heart," he said, a little bit dramatically as he leaned closer but still at a respectable distance. "Am I unwelcome in your home, goddess of these woods?"
"Wh-?" You couldn't help the chuckle that left your lips at his words. "You're quite something, alright. And as fun as you are, you really are unwelcome here, sorry."
"Why?" Sanji asked curiously. The entire experience felt like some weird fever dream to him, and he couldn't quite make head or tails of anything that was happening but the one thing he was sure of was that there was something about you that piqued his curiosity in all the ways.
"You can't stay on this island," you shrugged and walked past him, expecting him to follow you. Sanji did not fail, falling in step behind you as you started walking somewhere. "2 days, that's all you get. Any longer and… well, it's better if you don't find out."
"Alright, then I guess I'll let my crew know," Sanji sighed, figuring he wasn't getting any more out of you after seeing your guarded expression. The moment he finished his sentence though, you froze in your step and turned around to face him in horror.
"Did you just say… crew?" Your voice sounded a little hoarse and Sanji paused, looking at you in concern. "Please tell me your crew is not on the island."
"If I said that, it would be a lie, sweetheart," Sanji's brows furrowed even as he said it. Something was wrong. Your expression melted into one of full-blown panic, anger and horror.
"Not again!" You cried, burying your face in your hands.
"What's wrong?" Sanji would really, really like some answers today. The entire day had been confusing and eerie vibes and the growing chill in his stomach was now an unnecessary addition.
"What's wrong," you snapped, looking wild and terrified for a second, "is that your entire crew is fucking loose on a cursed island! If they do not get off this island in 3 nights, they will turn into animals and never, ever turn back to humans."
Sanji just stared at you for a few seconds before he dropped the unlit cigarette he had pulled out of his pocket. You were pacing around in circles and he had so many questions that he didn't even know where to begin.
"Then I'll just tell them when we all meet back?" He said unsurely except you turned to face him with eyes full of unshed tears.
"That's a great plan," you said a little sarcastically, "except for the part where this island is cursed and anyone who isn't an animal can't find their way out. Ever. They literally cannot find the way back on their own."
Sanji's jaw dropped. He stared back at you in equal parts horror.
"This has to be the Moss Head's curse spreading," he whispered to himself.
Half an hour later, the two of you were making your way through the dense foliage, exchanging questions and answers– although Sanji was the one doing the asking the most.
You had calmed down after finding out that the crew only had 9 members. You could probably find 8 people in less than 3 days. The island wasn't that big.
Sanji's first question was about how you weren't affected by the curse.
"Because I'm not fully human," you had replied off-handedly and not offered more. It only added to your mystery but despite all your secrets, Sanji could somehow feel inside him that you weren't a bad person. You were going out of your way to help out so that their crew won't turn into animals– if the curse didn't affect you, then you could have very well done nothing.
Then he asked about the other things on his mind. Were the animals in the forest also humans? To his horror, you had replied with a sad yes.
"The log pose doesn't take pirates to this island much," you had explained as you expertly and gracefully made your way over the thorny plants and overgrown roots. Your movement was almost like a mystical dance and Sanji couldn't take his eyes off of it, thankful that you were walking in front of him and couldn't see his ogling. "It's rare but it happens sometimes. Mostly single man boats tossed through storms end up here, but there's been two small crews who came here after me. There were already some animals on the island before though, and I'm pretty sure they were once humans too."
"And there's no cure for this?" Sanji swallowed, his heart hammering from a weird mix of fear, nervousness and excitement.
"Nothing as far as I know," you confirmed, pausing to close your eyes and feel something. "That direction, I can sense someone."
You ran over without waiting for Sanji and he was left to catch up by taking long strides. Before he could show himself though, he felt the presence close in on you and automatically moved in to defend you. His boots rammed against the blunt hilt of a familiar katana.
"Love cook?" Zoro's eyes widened in surprise and he immediately tucked his swords back in. Sanji ignored him in favour of ensuring that you were okay. He found you staring behind him curiously at Zoro, as if the swordsman fascinated you. It didn't mean anything, but it left him feeling a little irritated at Zoro. "Who's this?"
"Um." Sanji realised he had never asked you for your name. Or given you his.
"Inconsequential," you waved it off. "It's not like we're to know each other longer than a day or two. Let's just go and search for the rest. Blondie here can explain everything to you on the way."
"Sanji," he blurted out, reeling back when he saw your surprised face. "Forgive my insolence, sweetheart. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Vimsoke Sanji."
"Well, Sanji," you smiled at him, already walking like you knew where you were going, "get your friend to join us and follow me."
Gladly, his heart answered for him.
You knew this was a mistake. It never ended well when you met other people and liked them. And as you collected more of the Straw Hats, you couldn't help but like them all more and more. You knew this was a mistake, but you couldn't bring yourself to regret it because you knew that if you didn't help them, they would be cursed too.
You had eventually acquiesced and given them your first name, careful not to offer your last name in case any of them recognised you. Zoro seemed to be staring at you quite frequently, but maybe it was just a Straw Hat thing? Sanji had been staring at you the whole time too. Or maybe you looked hideous and they were all politely staying quiet. You didn't quite know, but the thought of looking terrible in front of them (in front of that beautiful blonde boy) was a little mortifying to you.
All those thoughts took a backseat though, because you were on a mission. By the time evening rolled around and the sky had turned to pitch black darkness, you had found a cyborg and a rubber man called Luffy, who was the captain of the ship. He didn't really feel like a captain, or somebody who commanded everyone, but the Straw Hats didn't seem like a typical group of people. They were… unique.
"Let's stop for tonight," you said after assessing the darkness. Of course, you could see everything clearly even in the darkness, but they didn't need to know that. The less they knew about you…
"Shouldn't we keep going?" Zoro asked, looking around.
"Trust me, we're better off waiting the night out," you answered, already settling into the clearing for the night. You had to get a fire going and find food and there were things to be done.
"So I can't eat the animals?" Luffy pouted for the fifth time, asking the same question.
"No, Luffy," you sighed, waving a stick at him. "They might look like animals, but they are people. Please don't kill them or try to eat them."
"They won't attack our crewmates, would they?" Sanji asked, looking worried. You finally managed to light a fire and carefully structured a ring of stones around it to ensure it won't get out before answering.
"The curse lets them have their brain for most of the time," you fidgeted on the spot. "But sometimes, if you harm them, or if they get really hungry, or, y'know… their animal instincts kick in and then they are more animal than human. But it's rare, and won't happen if you don't harm their survival."
The crew fell silent and you watched them whisper amongst themselves a bit. They probably wanted to talk things out, so you got up and said you would go grab something to eat.
"Please don't leave this clearing," you warned them as you walked away. "Finding you again would be so much trouble."
You heard footsteps following you though and turned around to find Sanji trailing behind you.
"Sanji?" You asked, confused. His tall, lanky figure in the forefront of the golden orange light spilling from the fire you started was a picturesque scenery that left your heart thumping a little louder than usual.
"Would you be okay with some company?" He asked quietly. "I'm a chef, so I could probably help you gather some food."
"Alright," you nodded. The two of you walked a while in silence until you found the spot where there were a bunch of large fruits and flowers that you started gathering. Sanji observed what you collected in the little moonlight that was shining through the trees, but you could see him struggling.
"You can see in the dark?" He asked after a beat of silence.
"Mm," you were exhausted from the day. Lying and avoiding things was tiring as it is, and you really weren't in the mood to play the game. If Sanji knew who you were… would it really be that bad? He had been kind so far, always at a respectable distance but with honeyed sweet words that tugged at your heartstrings. You had never had anyone flirt with you, but Sanji was the first. And it left you feeling giddy and warm, the attention he gave you without losing any of the respect and your need for secrecy. If he knew… would he hate you?
Sanji didn't say anything for a while, just offered up his arms for you to stack all the food you had collected.
"Who else is remaining?" You asked, finding the silence was eating at your insides. You had spent so long in silence. And now that you had people around again, you wanted to make the most of it before they had to leave. Just for a while, you could forget and pretend that you're one of them. Just for a while.
"Nami-san, Robin-san," Sanji said, "Brook and Chopper. Wait, Chopper!"
Sanji clapped his hands like he had just thought of something. You looked at him curiously.
"Chopper is a reindeer," Sanji said hurriedly.
"You have a reindeer in your crew…?" You were confused. The Straw Hats were definitely one of a kind, alright.
"He ate the Hito Hito no Mi so he can talk and walk," Sanji explained. "He's our doctor but that's not important right now. He's an animal, right? So he wouldn't be affected by the curse?"
"Highly likely that he isn't," you confirmed.
"Which means he must be the only one back on the ship," Sanji murmured to himself. That's one person (animal?) less to search for, you mused. "He must be scared."
"I hope he's okay," you said quietly. The animals on the island knew each other well. If Chopper ran into them… You didn't really know what would happen. Animals could be scary when they were territorial.
The two of you finished collecting as much as you could carry and walked back, and you asked Sanji to tell you about their adventures. He indulged you, colouring a vivid and humorous picture of the crew in the short while it took you two to get back.
You came back to find Zoro sleeping on his side while Luffy was springing around in the clearing, howling about being hungry and crying for Sanji. Franky sat against a tree, fiddling with something on his body that you didn't wait to see despite your curiosity.
As Sanji started portioning the food to serve to everyone, you stood back and watched the crew interact quietly. It was strange, how at home you felt with them despite not knowing them– but you attributed it to your loneliness.
Even if you wanted to be one of them, you could never curse them like that.
The next morning, you found Nami at the top of a tree. You had seen her when gathering some flowers for breakfast, asleep. You decided to get Sanji to recognise her before you woke her up and got her down. Seeing Sanji fawn and fret over her made you insanely jealous; but you forced it down under a smile and led them back to the camp that had already been cleared up.
You gave the crew a few minutes to catch up and celebrate before you started the search again.
"So…" you searched for a topic as the six of you trudged through the forest. "A reindeer, a cyborg, a gum man, an ex-pirate hunter… Who should I expect next?"
"A skeleton!" Luffy excitedly yelled as he swung past you on the vines, nearly making you stumble from the shock.
"A… what?!" You turned to stare at Sanji in shock, who just smiled softly and shrugged.
"Brook is…" he explained the whole story without getting tired and you couldn't help but be fascinated by everything. The more you learned about them, the more they intrigued you, the more you wanted to beg them to let you join them. But you didn't let those thoughts come to life in words, just helping them find the said skeleton from where he was surrounded by some of the island's animals growling at him.
"Down, guys," you shouted and the animals immediately backed off, all staring at you with innocent eyes that made you huff in laughter. "Don't pull that on me, I just saw you. I know you mean well but it's a little scary when you're surrounded by animals."
One of the deer whined and bumped its snout into your hand. You could feel the Straw Hats staring as you petted it and whispered it to leave the skeleton to you. When the animals had dispersed, you shot a grin at Brook.
"Hi there!" You held out a hand, "It's my first time meeting a skeleton!"
Once the pleasantries were out of the way, you started covering the northern part of the island. It was the only place remaining, aside from the centre. You found Usopp and Chopper there, the two of them hugging each other and bawling.
As it turned out, Chopper had in fact gone back after finding nothing on the island only to find out that no one else had returned. So he had stayed the night in the ship and then came back in search of the others even though he was scared.
"That was very brave of you," you patted him on the head. The reindeer blushed and glared at you.
"I'm not pleased by that at all!!" So he said, but you could see the smile on his face. With almost all of them collected, you started your way to the centre of the island when you heard the clouds rumble.
The sky was full of grey clouds and you were ready for rain, since this was the season on the island.
"There's an underground cave near here," you told the crew as you led them through the thick canopy of trees. "I usually go there when it rains so let's wait it out before we search for… Robin, was it?"
Zoro grumbled something about constant waiting but you chose to ignore it. You knew this island better than any of them. Rains were harsh and the droplets were like bullets on the skin. You couldn't find Robin on the way to the cave but when you reached its opening which looked like a hole in the ground, surrounded by overgrown grass, you felt a presence inside.
The last Straw Hat member was inside the cave, much to all of your relief. This time, you truly stepped back and let the crew reunite, feeling like a true outcast for the first time. Your time together with them was over. Once the rain was gone, they would be out of here and you would be alone again.
Except Sanji turned to you and offered you his hand to invite you into their awkward group hug that Usopp had initiated. You didn't want to intrude but they all looked at you with similar grins and smiles and you couldn't hold it back. You joined them, savouring your first hug in years.
As it turned out, the runes you had found on one of the walls of the cave actually had some sort of meaning that Robin had been able to decipher in the while she had spent in the cave. She had apparently found the cave the previous night and stayed in, then worked on the runes in the morning when she found them.
"It's about a curse on this island," she explained. "Like (y/n) already told us, if anyone spends 3 nights on this island, it turns them into an animal forever. There's a piece of it missing at the end, but the last line says 'the answer lies in the satisfaction of life and a prayer answered'."
"What does that mean?" you asked, confused.
"I'm not really sure," she admitted, running her fingers over the runes. The whole crew mulled over the words as you waited for the rain to stop. You didn't join into the conversation, just letting your mind work quietly with their suggestions as background.
Satisfaction in life… A prayer answered… None of it seemed to make sense. The Straw Hats didn't need to help the animals out, but they were still trying to figure it out. The crew was clearly good at heart and you were glad that you helped them out, even though you would only be left with hurt after they were gone. That pain was worth it.
A squirrel scampered up to you while you listened; the rain outside seemed to be slowing down. You knew the squirrel was the girl around your age who had ended up on the island after a shipwreck. You scooped her up and let her sit on your hand, where she tried to shake off the water from her soaking body. The water sprinkled onto you and you let out a fake indignant "hey!" that made her laugh. Not that you had ever seen squirrels laugh, but you could always understand the animals on the island.
"We found something here," you said quietly to her, bringing her close to wipe off some of the water from her body. "It could be an answer to turning you all back to humans."
She tilted her head and stared at you.
"But none of us understand the riddle," you continued, feeling apologetic to them. You had been the only person on the island who was unaffected by the curse, so you felt like it was somehow your responsibility to help them all turn back. And yet, you had failed at that over and over again. Saira, as the girl's name had been, simply shook her squirrel head and placed a tiny paw on your chest where you had tucked her close.
"It's alright," you could hear her saying in your head. To the others, it probably sounded like a bunch of squeaks. "It's not that bad. I long gave up hope of turning back. Being a squirrel is not that bad. Being able to spend everyday with you who looks out for all of us… I'm happy. All of us are."
Your chest swelled with the emotions and for the first time in a long while, tears streamed down your cheeks. You had held it all in for so long, not wanting to burden the helpless creatures that always kept you company. But knowing their faith in and love for you made your insides warm.
"All we want is for you to be happy too," Saira continued, turning her head to look at the crew. You glanced at them, noticing that Sanji was looking over at you two. "I know you. Go with them."
"I can't," you said in a choked whisper. "Even if they let me, I can't do that to them. I'm not… I'm a curse, Saira. I can't risk it."
The squirrel looked at you helplessly as you cried a little more. Eventually, you wiped away the tears and let your eyes shut to listen to the pitter patter of rain outside. Saira scrambled off your body and over to Sanji, who had watched you the whole while but hadn't heard what you had said.
When you opened your eyes, the rain had stopped. You looked around blearily, and found the Straw Hats all lying around, looking upset.
"You guys should have woken me up when the rain stopped," you said, rubbing your face as you stood up. "Come on, you must be missing your ship, yeah?"
"(Y/n)," Sanji started, looking a little nervous. You looked at him quizzically, but Zoro spoke up before he could say what he wanted.
"Or should we say Kuroneko no (Y/n)?" The familiar words made you freeze in horror. "Harbinger of Death? A 30 million bellies bounty."
"That's…" You took an involuntary step back, bumping into the cave wall. They knew. They knew the secret you had tried so hard to hide. They knew… and they were still looking at you with badly hidden curiosity and grins. None of them looked scared, or upset anymore, like they had been when you were asleep. "I'm… I don't want to lie. That's me. But I swear, I'm not going to do anything. I mean, I don't even actually do anything, all of those incidents just happened–"
"(Y/n)," Sanji placed a hand atop your head, effectively stopping your rambling. You looked up at him, afraid to see him look at you differently, but if anything, his eyes had only become softer. "It's okay. I wish you had told us before, but we get it."
"You do…?" Somehow, it felt too good to be true. People were usually upset when others lied and kept secrets. The secret of who you were could essentially have been a matter of life or death. Kuroneko no (y/n), or rather, Black Cat (y/n) was a name based on your Devil Fruit powers that let you turn into a cat. But they were also a result of you being the only survivor in 4 separate incidents– the annihilation of your home island, the mass genocide in a war town country and the two small crews you had once been a part of. Every single time, all the people had died and you were the only one alive left behind. You had never belonged anywhere, so how could you believe now would be any different?
"It must have been very lonely," Robin's sorrowful eyes reflected that she understood you on some level. You didn't know what to think or feel, unwilling to let yourself hope for anything beyond acceptance.
"It was," you admitted, more to yourself than to them. You had never let yourself truly dwell on the thought, but you had been so, so lonely. "I won't stick around for long. I'll take you to your ship and you'll be free of this island's curse, and of my own. So if–"
"Your curse?" Sanji looked at you, confused.
"It's not exactly a curse," you hesitated, "but there's nothing else I can call it for why… the people I care for end up dead."
"That's not true," Luffy frowned, walking over to you. "Everyone here is still alive. Everyone on this island is alive, we are alive. You are not cursed."
"You were like a blessing in disguise," Usopp said from where he stood, not looking you in the eyes. "I was of course not afraid at all, considering my heavy list of achievements, but you brought us all back together."
"I'm…" you didn't know what to say, feeling overwhelmed.
"You're not cursed, sweetheart," Sanji gently held up your hand, squeezing it to comfort you. "You just had a string of… unfortunate events."
Sanji's struggle to find the right term made you let out a small giggle. Maybe you should extend a hand. Maybe this time…
"Maybe I'm not cursed?" You said hopefully, looking up into his clear blue eyes. Sanji nodded, carefully tucking back a lock of hair behind your ear. The action made you flush, suddenly realising the proximity you two were in.
A flash of light startled all of you and you turned around to find Saira, the human, standing in the place of where the squirrel was. The girl was staring at her own hands and body, like this was a dream. You blinked, unable to believe your eyes either.
Outside the cave, you could hear shouts. Human shouts.
"What just-?" You ran out to find the people who had been turned into animals were back to human. "How…"
"Satisfaction of life and a prayer answered," Robin's voice from behind you was startling. You turned to look at her, and she smiled down at you. "Perhaps the answer was just for the animals to be happy with who they are, with no regrets."
"Then… Then why didn't it change them back before?" You said, voice barely above a whisper.
"Perhaps their prayer wasn't answered back then," she placed a hand on your shoulder and patted it. Did she mean that it only happened now because your one wish through life had been answered? To be free of the curse you had…
With much enthusiasm, the crew got out of the underground cave and everyone was celebrating. The sight of everyone back made you feel like this was the happiest day of your life. You participated in it, letting yourself enjoy the moment without worrying or thinking of anything.
The sun was already setting when the party started and it went on for hours as everyone laughed and danced and ate. (If you were fascinated by how much Luffy could eat, you kept it to yourself to be polite.) It was probably getting close to midnight when Sanji sought you out to where you were sitting by yourself and just watching everyone with fond eyes.
He didn't say a word at first, just sat down next to you. At that distance, you could feel the warmth of his body and you subconsciously leaned closer to the source. For the first time in a long while, your heart felt at peace.
"How did you end up on this island?" Sanji's question made you look over at him. He wasn't demanding an answer, just looking down at you with deep blue eyes that seemed to flash golden as they reflected the bonfire.
"I was on the run from the Marines around a year ago," you hummed, feeling safe and comfortable enough in his presence to finally talk about yourself. After years of not being able to share anything with anyone, it felt freeing to tell him something even as simple as this. "I had just escaped the battle between the crew I was in and this one big pirate ship that I don't even remember anymore. I was wounded but I reached this island on a small boat somehow with a half broken log pose. I shifted into my cat form, which looks less like a cat and more like a black jaguar if anything, to ensure that no one recognised me– because my full transformation is not known by the Marines. I stayed in that form for quite a while, too scared and shaken at that time to turn back into human. Only after a few days of exploring the island did I realise there are no humans here.
"I thought… if there was any place I could not affect anyone with my curse, it would be here. Away from any humans who would get affected by it. At that time, I didn't know about the curse. Looking back on it, I suspect that maybe the curse never affected me because I was in my animal form for 3 nights. Or maybe it was just because that form is like my second skin. I was never disappointed or dissatisfied with it. I only found out about the curse after Saira came on the island and turned into a squirrel. And then two other pirate crews."
"That must have been hard for you," Sanji's voice was quiet but there was no way you could miss the low timbre of it over the excitement all around you. Not when it was the same voice that set your heart off; you wanted to hear everything he had to say. Wanted to know him more and more, as much as he would let you. "(Y/n)-chan."
"Mm?" You turned to look at him, breathless at the proximity from where you could no longer smell the perfume he smelled of the first time you met. The smell coming off him now was something purely him. It was a little intoxicating when coupled with the warm atmosphere and the gooey feeling in your stomach.
"Would you… like to join us?" Sanji seemed a little nervous asking you that. The question gobsmacked you and you stared at him. He… wanted you to join them? As a part of the crew? "I asked Luffy and he said that if you want it, then he's all for it."
"Sanji…" you bit your lower lip, unsure once again. Even though you felt free of the curse, the mentality couldn't be erased in a day. The what ifs, the fear, the apprehension was all still there. "What if we're wrong, though? What if I really am cursed and this has just been a really long build-up to something worse? I might be a risk to your–"
"You're not," Sanji interrupted you for the first time since you had met. The quiet but firm determination blazing in his eyes surprised you. "I believe in you. (Y/n)-chan, if you would let me, I would gladly prove it to you by staying by your side for the rest of your life. I'll stay alive and well, and show you that it's not your fault. I'll be by your side to the very end, so place your fears in my hands and… trust me on this, even if you don't trust anything else."
That little crush you had developed on him at the start seemed to blow up in that moment into a gigantic furnace of emotions. He was ready to take the risk of death, and saying every word with such sincerity that any inhibitions you had went out the window. You couldn't stop yourself from wanting him any longer– he was like the sun, taking your world by storm.
"Really?" You didn't realise when the tears started streaming down your face until his gentle hands came up to wipe them. "You'll stay?"
"I will," and that genuine sincerity was something you couldn't help but believe in. "I will be there for you, as long as you need me."
"Sanji." His name felt both urgent and at ease from your lips.
"(Y/n)-chan," he whispered, voice open and vulnerable again. "Do you… want to be a part of the Straw Hats?"
You swallowed and wondered if you really deserved this much happiness after everything. Yet the moment you looked into his eyes, you felt like there was nothing you could do but be a moth chasing the sun– running after something that you knew will only end up in flames.
"I do."
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tsams-confessions · 3 months
Monty is the worst character in the Security Breach Show world, or at the very least between SAMS, LAES, and MGAFS. And I mean that: I have never hated a character in ANY media more than I hate Monty.
Monty is rude, aggressive, greedy, and doesn’t give a fuck about the people around him. From the very beginning, when he was shown in SAMS, he was an asshole: they destroyed Sun and Moon’s mini daycare area after Sun hired them to take care of it, scammed Sun with their space business thing, and exploited Moon for his money. And you would think that during the Eclipse arc(s) that she would improve because people she interacts with are getting hurt, and their world could potentially get destroyed, and yes, she did do some good things and had been a big help for the celestial family, BUT none of those “acts of kindness” were truly long-term.
When Earth was introduced as a character — who, by the way, is the only damn reason I want Monty to stay alive and well because I know that Earth will be upset should something like that happen — Monty immediately pined on her, but in the worse way he could’ve: he set himself and Earth on dates when Earth had absolutely NO CLUE that the dates they were going on were romantic and deliberately lied about his past to keep Earth from finding out the terrible things he’d done. Actually, I hate Monty x Earth as a whole because Earth is much too good for someone like them. Monty is an absolute simp for her, and usually that can be cute and stuff, but he’s ONLY nice to her.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but Monty quite literally BEAT OLD FOXY SO HARD that his memories hit reset, to which he rebuilt him and essentially made current Foxy his best friend. But the minute Earth came into the picture and they started officially dating, Foxy was abandoned and is still consistently treated like garbage by the person who was deemed his greatest friend. I mean, in the episode where Monty gets her more feminine body, she goes to Foxy’s house to APOLOGIZE for being a shitty person to him, and what does he do the VERY NEXT EPISODE he’s with Foxy in? HE KNOCKS FOXY UNCONSCIOUS AND TURNS HIM INTO A FOX PLUSH TO GET BACK AT HIM FOR SOMETHING THAT WASN’T EVEN HIS FAULT.
Not to mention, Monty had straight up THREATENED both Solar and Ruin all because of her own rage against Stitchwraith. I understand she was going through a hard time, but NEVER has she taken responsibility for those outbursts nor has she even APOLOGIZED. In addition, she MURDERED a helpless version of Stitchwraith from another universe all because he was a Stitchwraith, and she didn’t get the information she wanted out of him EVEN THOUGH PUPPET EXPLICITLY TOLD HER NOT TO RESORT TO VIOLENCE.
The way he ignores people’s advice, well-beings, etc. for his own selfish reasons make me genuinely hate Monty as a person and as a character, especially because he’s supposed to be a “good guy” that has “improved” since the beginning of SAMS. I could honestly rant forever about how terrible Monty is, but then this would be far too long. I honestly hope to god that Earth eventually puts her foot down and corrects Monty about their behavior because that seems like it’ll be the only feasible way that Monty can truly improve since Earth’s the only one they listen to in some capacity
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (Part 31)
Tw: heavy rape, blood, choking and dead dove do not eat, pain, violence, non con, vomit
Part 32
You woke up to the gentle sounds of ambient chatter. It's not unpleasant, but it was unexpected to have around ten people in your room at this moment.
You groaned and rubbed your eyes, turning around to see Yves elegantly sipping on a cup of steaming hot tea while watching you.
You saw him set his cup onto the saucer.
"Good morning, (name)." He greeted you.
You greeted him back with a croaky voice.
"You should always take a sip of water once you wake up. Where is your flask, dear?"
Oh. You forgot.
Yves has laid out instructions for you to refill your flask everyday with drinking water. You haven't done that since he left and now it's empty. Truth be told, you have no idea where it is. Your room has become quite cluttered too.
He was expecting this, so he simply hummed in acknowledgement. Yves picked up a quaint, traditional english tea sandwich from a curate next to him. You assume it has smoked salmon in it.
"What are your plans today, my love?" Yves asked as he tore a small piece of his sandwich, he placed it into his mouth and covered his lips while chewing. The pristine plate beneath his hands caught all the crumbs.
You felt your heart skip a beat at the upgrade of your pet name. You tried to ignore the fluttery feeling because it shouldn't be that big of a deal.
But Yves knows the effect it has on you. He enjoyed watching you attempt to hide your bashfulness.
You told him that you don't know. You truly don't. It's too hot to go outside and you don't have a place you wanted to explore without Yves. It's boring to have a friendless life, you wished Evangeline didn't turn out to be a weirdo.
He took his time finishing his bite before answering. "That's a shame." Yves commented.
There were at least a hundred ideas Yves had swirling in his head and a thousand others more in his hard drive about how you could spend your day. All of those that he could have recommended, you would have loved doing it. But he stayed silent, hoping that you would rather be on the phone with him the entire time.
But that wasn't likely. You would get suspicious how he didn't need to sleep or eat. Just like how you're asking him if he slept in the airport.
"No, dear. I had my sleep before coming here. I was awake the whole time." He answered before taking another sip of his tea.
You yawned and flopped your head back onto your pillow, which made Yves smile.
But that glee of his was short lived when he noticed signs of you getting sick of his presence. The twitches, the miniscule movements and even the change in breathing. Yves had no choice but to cut off his interactions with you for now, or else his plan to 'reset' your Yves-quota will be all for naught.
"(Name). I have to go."
He was saddened that you didn't bother to even ask him why, you just said goodbye and waved awkwardly. But at least he didn't need to think of an excuse.
"Goodbye, dear. Feel free to call me whenever you want."
Yves blew you a kiss. "Take care."
He ended the call himself, you blinked when he expressed a crestfallen look on his face. So you missed it.
You released a breath of relief. Finally, some privacy.
You brought your arms behind your head. Pondering what you should do since the day is still extremely young. Definitely not going to class though.
You got out of bed and stretched. You need to freshen up.
Yves felt like that was the wrong move, there was this nagging feeling that he shouldn't have left you alone. And his gut feeling is never wrong.
Yves contemplated for a bit before picking his phone up again and texting a handful of numbers.
You got out of your room holding an empty bowl. Your brunch was delicious despite being four days old in the fridge, Yves preserved it well and it's definitely much healthier than takeaway or instant noodles.
However, there was a knock on the door. Usually that means one of them has forgotten their keys, or they came home severely hungover with heels in their hands. You sighed, set the bowl down onto the coffee table and head towards the door.
You twisted the door knob and pulled it open. Grumbling for your housemate to get in and complaining about their drinking habits.
"(Name), we need to talk."
You whipped your head up so fast that you almost pulled a muscle in your neck. Your eyes met a certain, teary baby blue ones.
That's right. Evangeline knew where you lived. You didn't expect that she would come and visit, though.
You told her no, you're busy. She's surprisingly fast, as she wedged her hand and foot between the door and it's frame before you could slam it against her face.
"(Name), please! I beg you, I-I lost all my friends, I don't want to lose you too!" Her desperation was almost tangible as she clawed through the gap. She ended up overpowering you and invading your living room.
You took numerous steps away from Evangeline, creating distance between you and the girl. At least all she did was stand there and watch you through her wet eyes, in her hands held a napkin which she uses to dry her tears.
"I'm sorry. I-I didn't know that I hurt you. I promise I won't do it again. I'll do better." Her apology sounded too general to you, it's as if she didn't even know what she did wrong in the first place.
You're extremely put off by her. She purposely made the trip all the way to your place, to beg like a dog for a friendship that lasted for a maximum of four days? You don't think you would do that even if you're in Evangeline's shoes, you would rather keep your dignity and be isolated from the world.
You told her you appreciate the apology, but you need her to get out of your house. She's creeping you out.
She crumbled to her knees and wept. "(Name), please. I would do anything for you to be my friend again."
You noticed that her phone was suddenly blowing up with calls. But she disregarded it just so she could plead for your forgiveness.
You told her you will talk to her tomorrow. Which you actually wouldn't. You would just bait her into leaving so you could feel safe in your home again.
"I have to talk to you now." She got up and marched towards you. Which made you walk backwards, but she kept going. "Please, (name). I need this. I need you."
Tears stopped falling from her pale eyelashes, but her eyes were glazed over. Her eyes contained nothing but something dark and sinister directed towards you.
You jumped a bit in your spot when your back hit something flat and hard. You looked behind you to see that it's the wall.
You put your hands in front of you to try and stop her, but to no avail. Evangeline trudged on with empty eyes.
She kept getting closer and closer, until her chest is pressing against your palm. Your eyes widened in horror as you watch them sink into her plump mounds. It was also the first time you realized that she wasn't wearing a bra.
"It's soft, isn't it, (name)?" Her voice was gentle and monotone. As if she wasn't in control of her own body. She closed the gap between her crotch and yours, grinding sensually against your groin. You gasped realizing that she wasn't wearing any underwear either, there is only a thin sheet of fabric from her sundress shielding her damp genitals against your home shorts.
The adrenaline being pumped through your veins charged up your contracting muscles, your fingers curled up into a fist and before your brain even greenlit the thought, you swung at her with all your might.
Much to your surprise and terror, she caught it effortlessly with a hand. A hand that you thought was only capable of picking seashells and tending to delicate flowers. What you didn't know, is that she had to deal with pesky vines, weeds, pests and sometimes even tree logs.
You tried hitting her with the other hand, but she also restrained it. Rendering you defenceless because she immobilized your legs with hers.
So you tried to scream, to expel all the air in your lungs and shatter windows with your voice. Before it could erupt from your throat, Evangeline thrusted her warm, freakishly long tongue into your mouth, making you gag and squirm in her hold. Like a wild animal, you thrashed and tried to bite it off, but maybe it was your first time being (forcefully) kissed like this, you found that your jaw strength is no match for her experience. You didn't know how was she forcing your mouth open for her to explore as freely as she wants, but it is straining the muscles on the side of your face.
She lets go of your wrists momentarily, but only to have a hand wrap around your neck. Squeezing it until you couldn't breathe, let alone shout for help despite evacuating her tongue away from your orifice. You instinctively had both hands trying to pry it away, so you could fill your lungs with the fresh air, this allowed her to open the door to your room; it was the closest to the entrance, after all.
She coerced you inside by the neck, her fingers serving as a sturdy collar and her arm as a unyielding leash to drag you by. Your face is turning red from the restriction of air and bloodflow to your head, you find it hard to even open your eyes with the way she's choking you, but all you could see is the bulging veins in her fair, sun-spotted arm.
Evangeline, almost robotically, locked the door behind her. You should have opened your curtains instead of camping in your room like a vampire, at least the neighbors could see what was happening. But the only light source in your room is the rays of sunshine escaping the fabric blinds through various moth-eaten holes. That was enough for the blonde to see.
She threw you onto your bed. Your neck felt extremely sore and you found it hard to swallow your spit. Any sound that you tried making came out as a pathetic whimper or strained croak. You winced at the pain; You didn't have time to flee or fight back, because when you opened your eyes she was already on top of you. Her legs straddled your hips as you struggled under her, trying to fight her off but she was too strong and fast for you to even think of landing a punch.
She dove down to bite the curve of your neck and shoulders, you let out a cracked yell, but it wasn't as loud enough to alert anyone. Your hands went to her head, trying to pry you off by yanking her by the hair. Such a shame, it was so silky, so fluffy. You would have loved playing with it if she was your friend. But this isn't the actions of a friend.
She seized the chance to subdue both of your hands, vigorously shoving them above your head. Her teeth left deep marks with pooling blood, staining the sheets beneath you, crimson. You're already dizzy from the suffocation earlier. Still, she's exacerbating it further by pressing her lips against yours, biting your lower lip until it also draws blood, prompting you to open your mouth in reflex.
You kept gagging as she violated your inlet, you even felt the burning sensation of bile rushing up your esophagus. She must have tasted it judging by how far she was stuffing her pink muscle into your throat, but she didn't care. Evangeline kept going until your brain panicked enough to surrender some of your control over your own limbs.
You heard loud banging on your window. "Evangeline! Evangeline, no!" You could hear Mr. Jones's heartbroken screams. She paid no mind to her father trying to reason with her, he wouldn't understand. Or, perhaps she was in a different plane of reality entirely, not registering anything around her. Because she did not react upon the initial strike of her father's fist on the glass pane.
She utilized your blanket to tie your wrists up, the cloth was tight enough to give you rashes, but Evangeline knew that was something trivial compared to her ultimate goal. She thinks you're guaranteed to forgive her as soon as she shows how good she can make you feel.
She let go of your swollen lips with a pop, and you gurgled with the accumulation of spit and stomach acids. In the end, you opted to cough it all out. Soiling her once beautiful, floral dress, your home clothes, and the mattress.
You screamed for help no matter how it felt like you were swallowing broken glass. Mr. Jones could be heard hysterically shrieking and sobbing for his daughter to listen to reason, the striking of his fists on your window increased in frequency and intensity.
She slid down, temporarily freeing your lower extremities. You tried to kick her the best you could, but Evangeline captured you by the ankles without batting an eye. It was almost like she could predict your moves! You twisted and jerked around, trying to shake her off. But she was unmoving in her quest to undress you.
You and she are covered in blood, drool, tears, and vomit. It does not phase her one bit as she eventually manages to pull your shorts off. Exposing, your genitalia to her. Nothing was left to cover your privates, you're completely at her mercy as you cried in humiliation and utter fear.
"Doesn't this feel good, (name)?" You wailed as she gave you no time to prepare. She plunged two of her fingers into your hole, vigorously pumping in and out in a rhythm. "Aren't I making you feel good?" She was eerily unemotional throughout all of this, you think she looks nothing like a human, there is no soul behind those breathtaking blue eyes of hers.
You tried to squeeze your thighs together to restrict access, but she made it almost impossible to. Your legs are hooked around her waist as she uses her other hand to dig her thumb into the back of your knee, it is excruciatingly painful and it renders you immobilized. She puts her body weight on your other leg, making it bend at an awkward angle and also subduing it.
"I'm taking what I'm owed." Those were her last, icy words before she plunged her head down to engulf your privates in her warm, slick cavern. Her tongue swirled around your folds and flesh, and her digits remained inside of you, writhing and stretching until you saw stars. She is making a mess out of you, letting your fluids pour out onto her hair and the bed.
The sounds of police sirens permeated throughout the neighborhood. But that was still wasn't enough to deter her from raping you.
She slurped you up, stimulating every nerve in the area where you're the most sensitive. Her grip was so harsh, that it was already leaving bruises on your thighs. Evangeline wanted to continue enjoying her time ferally sinking her canines into your inner thighs. Your viscera mixed with the cum she vehemently extracted out of you tasted particularly delicious to her, but she did have half a mind to know her time was running out. Especially when she heard the booming voices of police demanding her to come out with her hands in the air. They surrounded the property, she had nowhere to escape and she had to face the consequences regardless if she completed her mission or not.
You panted and sobbed, begging her to stop. You're in agony and covered in filth, but it's obviously futile. Your suffering is clearly arousing her further as she discarded her dirty dress, being completely naked above you.
"I know I'm your first. No one else can take your virginity away from you because it's mine." You howled when she lowered her drenched pussy onto your crotch, rubbing erotically with the smell and sound of sex in the air. She moaned as she leaned forward, smothering your face in her pillowy breasts, you tasted her sweat and the leftover juices from below that dripped onto her.
She bounced and kneaded her cunt onto your aching dignity. Her movements were so potent that the bedframe shook along with her thrusts and jerks. Her body mass alone pinned you onto the springy mattress, you were already stimulated beyond belief with the screaming outside, the violent ramming on the door and glass panes as the authorities tried to force their way in, Evangeline's brutalization, and the asphyxiation from her mammaries.
Why does this happen to you? How could you be so weak against her?
She ruts into you, noisily moaning and panting. Her hands are firmly planted on the sides of your head for support as she pleasures herself at your expense. Her damp fingers gripped onto your sheets, wrinkling them and creating extra sensations on your skin. She loves it, she loves it all. Your patheticness, her ownership of you, and the idea of you being her little fucktoy. Where your job is to stay still while she rapes you senseless, Evangeline liked the fight though, she would never turn down a good challenge.
In the end, she did get her reward. Her release and the fulfillment of her most depraved fantasies. She screamed in pleasure as she reached her own climax, spraying her fluids onto you and between your legs.
Even then, it merely took her a few seconds to compose herself before she went back to fucking you. She wanted more, more and more. This time, you weren't suffocated by her tits anymore, she lifted her upper torso just so that she could crush your windpipe with both hands. Her nails left cuts and marks that decorated the sheets even more.
"You're my reward. And I am going to use you as much as I can before they take you away." She snarled. Seemingly fighting with something within her, but you couldn't hear her insane ramblings. It was just chaos inside and out. Nothing is discernible anymore, except the sounds of your erratic heartbeat and the ringing in your ears.
In the end, a deafening crash startled you as the policemen were finally able to break down your door and the window at the same time. Fragments of wood and pointy shards flew across the room, cutting you and Evangeline in the process. But as if she's possessed by the devil, she kept going like a machine. Nothing was stopping her, not the yelling, not the pairs of hands trying to separate you from her;
And for a moment, not even the taser delivered debilitating voltages through her body, had any effect. They had to tase her multiple times only did she loosen her hold on you, her eyes were rolled back to her skull, and froth was formed in her mouth. She was convulsing and shivering as she fell out of the bed, freeing you from that entire ordeal and allowing you to take a dramatic gasp of air.
The fuzz in your eyes cleared up and all you could see was red. Red and red. You lifted your arms, seeing that the blood from your neck and lip managed to trickle down to your palm. The state between your legs wasn't any better either.
You didn't want to see a bloodied Evangeline half-struggle against the policemen anymore. So you turned your head to the broken window. You caught a glimpse of Mr. Jones absolutely devastated, crying into his hands which visibly had blood and glimmering glass fragments stuck onto them.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry (Name), I should have paid more attention to Evangeline, I'm Sorry!" He yelled out in between sobs and hyperventilation. He was on his knees, hitting his head on the grass as he shouted out repeatedly; "I'm sorry! Please forgive us, please forgive Evangeline! I'm sorry!"
That's where she gets it from. Her apologies to the point of ad nauseam.
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potionsprefect · 5 months
Broken Heart
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 645
Summary: They’re so near yet so far from each other
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Angst
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Victoria thought it would be easy. He came back from the Amazon and it would be a fresh start for them both. But her heart ached and it always would.
How she thought that distance would be a good thing over time was unimaginable. Victoria wanted nothing more than to be in Ethan’s arms. But she couldn’t and knowing so made her sad.
She could tell Ethan too was struggling. He forever gave her longing glances, like he wanted to approach her but then stopped and reset himself. As if he knew he would be breaking his word if he gave into her.
She wanted nothing more. And she could tell he did too.
In the days after he returned from the Amazon, they had to remain professional. Keep a fresh line between work and leisure but leisure did not involve the two of them together. Instead, Victoria was left to go back to her apartment and ponder on what might’ve been.
It was another day for the Diagnostics Team and Victoria wished the seating placement was better. Having to sit next to Ethan was a nightmare. Maybe if she was sat opposite him it would be better. Although that way every time she looked up she saw his face, that would make it worse she decided.
Victoria could tell that Ethan was finding it difficult too although he seemed to hide it well in front of others. However, Victoria knew Ethan well and could spot the signs as to when he was struggling.
Today she would ask him about it. And see if she could get some closure. She couldn’t do it in the hospital. Too many people might gossip and the one thing Ethan hated was gossips.
So she decided that she would go to his place. Maybe she could change his mind. Maybe he would see sense.
It was a long shot but she had to take the risk. And Victoria was always a risk taker.
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Victoria took a deep breath standing outside Ethan’s apartment. She must be mad doing this. Why was she doing this? Had she completely lost her mind?
Mentally preparing herself, Victoria pressed the buzzer, there was a long pause before she was allowed in, she didn’t even need to say anything. Maybe Ethan knew it was her.
Victoria headed to the lift and made her way to Ethan’s front door, knocking confidently. He opened the door, a confused look on his face.
“Victoria what are you doing here?”
“I’m here because I want to change your mind.” Victoria strode confidently into his flat.
Ethan muttered something along the lines of “come in why don’t you.” before closing the front door. “I know what this is about.”
“Good. I know you’re so persistent and final in your words but you’re wrong about this. About us.” Victoria folded her arms.
“And what do you mean by that?” Ethan raised an eyebrow, folding his arms.
“I know you want me. And I want you too. Who cares what others think? Why should we hide?” Victoria said.
Ethan hesitated for a moment before speaking. “It’s complicated.”
“So uncomplicate it. I want you Ethan. Can’t you see that? You broke my heart when you ended things. It doesn’t have to be like this.” Victoria took a step closer.
“I want you too. But we can’t do this. Your reputation means too much to me to be damaged.” Ethan headed to the door and opened it.
Victoria couldn’t believe how cold he was being. Why was he making her leave like this?
“Fine. But I’m not giving up on you Ramsey. You’ll come to your senses soon enough one day.” Victoria huffed as she walked out of the apartment, the door shutting swiftly behind her.
She had said her peace. She would get him back one day. She would make sure of it.
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Told you it was angst and short lol
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thepaperpanda · 2 years
Time For a Picnic || Jake Lockley & Khonshu x fem!reader
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Summary: In spite of many pleas, you manage to convince Jake to go on a picnic with you. Little do you know you're going to be joined by an unexpected and very fluffy guests 🐰
Warnings: none but Khonshu being himself 🤭
Word count: 1912
Author: Rouge
A/N: today’s prompt: Picnic ♡ green italics indicate Khonshu, orange italics illustrate Jake speaking Spanish ♡ below the fic you will find Spanish translations
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Jake was certainly not keen on your idea of a picnic in the woods, even though he knew you'd complain for a few days if he didn't agree. 
Despite the fact that it was late October, the weather was surprisingly pleasant; there were many sunny days with no rain and no cold wind. 
He was driving his limo and checking on you in the rearview mirror from time to time; he couldn't help but smile as he saw you going through the list you'd made of the items that were about to be taken from your apartment; you were making sure you didn't miss anything. "Is it okay?" He asked casually, looking back on the road; his tone surprisingly calm and sweet as he spoke.
You nodded, looking in the rearview mirror and tucked a strand of your loose hair behind your ear. "I believe so. When you stopped at a gas station, I bought crackers and pickles because I didn't have any at home. The list is now complete," your lips were curled up in a smile.
As Jake parked his limo, he turned off the engine and got out of the vehicle, rushing to open your side door. His next move was to open the trunk, and he pulled out two big, wicked baskets and a plaid that he tucked under his arm.
As you closed your door, you suggested, "Jake, leave it, I can take it."
His head shook, indicating that you wouldn't be allowed to carry anything.
Since you wanted to be at one with nature and far from people, you chose a park located at the edge of the city. Jake knew there was a long walk ahead; in spite of the parking lot's proximity to the park's entrance, Lockley knew you chose a specific location near a little lake on the west side of the park for your perfect picnic spot.
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As soon as everything was set for the picnic, the blanket was placed on the ground, the baskets were unpacked, you sat on the blanket to make sandwiches with Jake.
For him, putting so much effort into preparation seemed a little ridiculous, and he was certain he could do without them.
Khonshu chuckled to himself as he formed himself next to Jake who was trying to use his cellphone, yet there was no signal. "See how hard she's working, your little bug has been working like a little bee just to make you happy," he told Jake. "It would have been nice if Steven and Marc had done the same for me, little idiots."
Jake hid his phone in his jacket pocket and stared at the scrawny figure with a loud huff. "Stop being so dramatic, Khonshu."
Jake's words immediately caught your attention, and when you looked at him you asked with great anticipation, "Is Khonshu here, with us?"
“Él está aquí con nosotros,” Jake replied. “Come on, pal, Y/N would like to see you too, it’s easier this way.”
Khonshu manifested himself to you unwittingly, poking your side with his crescent moon staff, "Y/N."
Greeting the God of the Night Sky with a head tilt, you returned to preparing sandwiches. After you were done, you offered them to your boyfriend.
As Jake wasn't hungry per se, he accepted them and took a bite; oh, you knew exactly how he liked his sandwiches prepared, he thought to himself. “Gracias, cariño.”
"I see you are very adept at taking care of my friend, Y/N," Khonshu said, circling the blanket carefully, checking the surroundings. "Ideally, we all need to reconnect with nature in order to reset our frustrations. Isn't that right, Jake?"
Jake stopped chewing his sandwich and narrowed his eyebrows as he looked at Khonshu. "I'm far from being frustrated, why do you ask me this?"
You could not help but chuckle when they had their brief conversation; you admired Khonshu for being an entity beyond comprehension, yet truly protecting those who helped him; you could always count on Khonshu to provide you with any assistance you needed.
Khonshu took a seat on the blanket, saying, "We all know you're the most frustrated person among us, Lockley."
As Jake was about to start an argument with his godly friend, he heard you squeak so loudly he thought his head would explode. "What the fuck, nena?"
With a hand gesture you pointed towards the closest bushes; Jake and Khonshu looked there as well.
There was a small and round wild rabbit peering out of the shrubs, its nose twitching continuously as it was observing the gathering carefully.
“A rabbit,” you whispered, barely moving your lips. “Oh my God, what a beautiful baby. Tsss-tssss, come here, little one,” you slowly leaned forward, reaching your hand out to the rabbit.
"Perfect, a fucking rabbit is what we need now," Jake said with a roll of the eyes.
"Shush!" As you hushed him, your tone grew a little angry; you didn't want to scare the rabbit away.
Khonshu mocked Lockley, "And who claimed to be a haven of peace just a moment ago? It's just a wild rabbit, and you've already got a problem."
“My apologies, Khonshu, but Y/N is a freak when it comes to sweet, little animals y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida," Jake said with a frown.
"Shut up, both of you, I'm luring this little baby to us," you hissed.
Even though Jake hated being around animals because you immediately turned your attention away from him, he remained silent.
Observing your attempts to attract the rabbit closer, Khonshu chuckled deeply; he knew your purpose was to pet it. Whenever he observed humans, he was surprised by their nature and the things they found attractive, such as petting animals.
Soon, the rabbit hopped close enough to nose the blanket and plastic sandwich bag; after that, it sat on the blanket and sniffed your jeans.
“Oh my God, oh my God, it’s so close,” you whispered, feeling your heart beating faster with happiness and excitement. 
“Nena, it’s just a wild rabbit,” Jake tried to explain, looking at you; he saw how narrowed your brows were as you slowly turned your head towards him - it indicated that you were growing angry with him, like never before, so he raised his hands in the air, shrugging his arms, silently apologizing to you.
As the rabbit raised its tiny head to gaze at you, you reached out a hand to touch its soft fur on the back, but the animal simply jumped into Jake's lap and soon started cleaning its tiny face.
The man froze and looked at you. "En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño?"
Your mouth dropped open; you couldn't believe the rabbit had chosen Jake over you! Although Jake liked animals, he wasn't very emotional about them, so your surprise at seeing the wild rabbit curled up on his lap was even greater.
Khonshu chuckled lowly and said, "Well, well, Jake, if I had bet on Y/N touching the rabbit first, I would have lost my hand."
Angry and upset, you turned your head towards Khonshu and huffed angrily. "Shush, Khonshu."
This elicited a loud chuckle from the God of the Night Sky.
Jake began slowly petting the rabbit's back, risking being scratched by it; apparently, the animal enjoyed all the attention, as it rolled itself in a ball and twitched its nose as it observed the surrounding. “Pet it, Y/N,” Jake encouraged, giving you a brief glance. “Move your hand slowly.”
You frowned at his words at first, but soon followed his advice and began gently stroking the rabbit's back and head. "It has such soft fur!" You exclaimed. "Jake, will we be able to keep them?"
A frown crept across Jake's forehead. "¡De ninguna manera, nena!"
As you sighed loudly, you lowered your head.
Suddenly, you heard some noises in the bushes and soon a few more wild rabbits joined you.
You gasped loudly, looking around, as you hadn't expected anything like that to happen.
Bunnies had a variety of fur colors, from black to beige.
"When it comes to adopting a rabbit on Jake's lap, you need to consider getting them all, Y/N, it seems they're a family," Khonshu suggested as he reached for one of the sandwiches and pulled a piece of lettuce from it, offering it to the nearest rabbit with black fur who gladly accepted the treat; unfortunately, another rabbit hopped closer and took the lettuce directly from the black rabbit's mouth, chewing it quickly.
A few of the rabbits even allowed you to pet them without getting bitten, and it made you smile brightly. "What a day! It is such an honor to commune with nature in its purest, fluffiest form!" You exhaled, looking at both Khonshu and Jake.
As Khonshu held the rabbit in his hands and took a closer look at it, he nodded, remaining silent; the rabbit dangled motionless in Khonshu's hands for some longer moment, but soon started wriggling, trying to make its way free. Khonshu then put the bunny back on the grass. “I’m not going to hurt you, little, fluffy bug.”
Despite the many treats you gave them (apples and bananas you brought with you for picnic purposes), the bunnies soon became bored with you, and they hopped into the bushes, disappearing among the leaves.
You waved your hand farewell to your furry friends, yelling, "Bye, babies, stay safe! Oh, boy! It was so exciting and nice!"
"That was nice indeed. A little odd, but nice. I'd never seen wild rabbits so close to humans. Perhaps they had rabies?" Jake shrugged his shoulders casually.
Khonshu got up from his seat and improved his grip on his staff as he said, "If they had rabies, you'd be bitten by those little beasts already, Lockley."
You tilted your head, looking at Jake after eating your sandwich. "How can you say such a thing? Nothing odd about that, they were looking for friends, and they found us. I bet they sensed good vibes from me."
Lockley snorted loudly and shook his head in disbelief. “Would you mind if I reminded you that the first bunny chose me over you?"
You crossed your hands over your chest. "You're being cruel to me."
"Y/N, I'm just telling the truth."
"Stop arguing, kids," Khonshu said as he returned to the blanket. "The only way to make Y/N happy again is to get her a bunny."
Jake rolled his eyes, snorting louder. "There's no way I'll let a bag of bones and furry flesh roam around my apartment."
Making the cutest puppy eyes you could muster, you looked at your boyfriend; you knew Jake couldn't refuse them. “Baby, I promise I'll keep the flat tidy, and I'll care for the bunny, and I'll prevent it from destroying the walls and cords, and I'll feed it, so you won't have to worry!" You finally earned a loud groan from Jake after staring at him for a few minutes.
“Bien entonces, déjalo ser,” Jake sighed.
Immediately, you threw yourself on Jake's lap, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting kisses all over his face with a loud squeaks of happiness. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best!"
As Khonshu observed the scene, he chuckled to himself.
"Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro,” Jake whispered deeply, giving you one of the tightest embraces you have ever experienced. “I love you, my little bunny.”
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SPANISH TRANSLATIONS: Él está aquí con nosotros - he’s here with us
Gracias, cariño - thank you, sweetheart
Nena - babe
… y ella quiere adoptar todos ellos y consentirlos con buena comida - … and she wants to adopt all of them and spoil them with good food
En serio, Y/N, ¿qué coño? - seriously, Y/N, what the hell?
¡De ninguna manera, nena! - no way, babe!
Bien entonces, déjalo ser - well then, let it be
Te juro, vas a matarme un día de estos, estoy seguro - I swear, you're going to kill me one of these days, I'm sure
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magic-hcs · 1 year
Part two of the how the boys react to their s/o’s death after 15 years of being together and if they’ll take a new partner or not. The ‘taking a partner afterwards or not’ is very much just situational and stuff. It’s pretty much not a 100% guarantee. Except for some like crest and Thatch for example.
Part 1 is here
Warmings: angst, death, grief, anger, bad coping mechanisms, pretending to be fine when they aren’t
Time to cast some magic and see what we’ll get!✨
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Sky: Sky’s smile hasn’t been as bright and genuine for a long while now. It doesn’t quite reach his sockets and feels strained to all who know him. His chipper attitude feels forced. And whenever he’s asked, he always replies with the same answer and a big, reassuring (fake) smile:
It was obvious Sky was failing at pretending to be fine - which if he puts effort into it, he does a great job at it - and it worried everyone around him. But especially his brother.
Syrup sees how the loss breaks his brother’s soul every day. He sees the pain Sky is in. He sees how his brother refuses to let himself mourn to let himself heal. He sees how he goes around pretending to be fine as he helps everyone around him with their issues, helps everyone except himself. Syrup tries to reach out a hand to his brother, tries to help him, tries to be there for him like how Sky has always been there for him. But Sky refuses every single time. Until one day of Syrup pestering Sky, following him around until he gave in. And giving in Sky did. Syrup had only seen his older brother cry thrice in their entire lives.
The first time; Syrup was just barely in stripes and Sky was still a kid, both just having lost their father.
The second time was a time Syrup wants to forget.
The third time was when the both of them confessed having some sort of knowledge of the resets.
And now, the fourth time, where Sky just breaks down, finally releasing his grief from the cage he had been forcing it in for so long. It is after that day that Sky finally begins to mourn healthily and heal. (With some help from Syrup every now and again when Sky tries to clamp up again.)
It is a big maybe if Sky will ever find a new partner. He won’t be looking for it that is certain.
Syrup: Syrup is soulbroken and needs time to process everything. He isolates himself in his room for a while, only going outside to eat and show his brother that he’s still alive. It isn’t the best nor healthiest coping mechanism, but for Syrup it works. In the time that Syrup isolates himself he often watches videos and pictures of you. Even rereading prior text messages to make it feel as if you’re still near.
Once Syrup leaves his room and doesn’t return to it to hide, he is sorta ready to face the world again. He’s still hurting but he gets through it slowly. Going outside really helped with this. Nature seemed to give him serenity, peace between the storm of pain and grief. There’s a willow tree Syrup often goes to, sitting underneath it or on the branches. It grounds him, it helps him think, and reflect and remember you.
Syrup doesn’t care to find a new partner, if it does happen then that happens.
Raven: To Raven your death will hit him pretty hard. He hadn’t expected it, he didn’t think that there would come an end to you being together. And then, it happened. And Raven is devastated. He had a rough time as he went through the five stages of grief.
Denial: It was slapping him in the face but still Raven couldn’t believe it . It had to be some sick joke or-or a nightmare or something. It couldn’t be true after all, you were meant to stay with him forever. No matter what everyone else said or told him, Raven refused to listen. Reality only really hit him for the first time when he was at your funeral. And Raven felt numb. And once he got home that’s when the anger set in.
Anger: This was the shortest stage for Raven. He cussed out the heavens and fate for playing such a cruel trick on both you and him. He got mad whenever fate or destiny got mentioned in any kind of way. His feathers ruffled and puffing up in agitation and anger. He never destroyed anything, only feeling betrayed by the world.
Bargaining and depression: These two happened at the same time together. It took the longest out of all the stages. Raven locked himself up in his room in solitude. Plagued by the voices whispering inside his mind the questions of ‘what if’, ‘he should have’, ‘if only’ and ‘could have been’. Whenever Crest or someone else tries to get him to open up he’ll attempt to avoid them by flying away. And yes even through an open window. It is only when Crest corners him with no way to escape. Making him open up and go outside again. It’s an unwanted push in the beginning, but one Raven really needed. Slowly he starts to heal again.
Acceptance: Raven visits your grave/ place where your ash was spread out often with your favorite flowers and or plants in hand. Lining the plants up in a gorgeous wreath at that specific place. The wreath will look different every time he visits.
Afterwards, Raven will sit down - it doesn’t matter if it’s dry or wet (after the first time Raven came home wet Crest forced him to take an umbrella with him if it rains.) - in silence. Thinking about many things, what has been, what could have been and the future. Raven hopes you watch over him from wherever you are with a look of pride and love.
Raven won’t get a new partner.
Crest: Crest is quite like Papyrus in this regard. He doesn’t mope about, he wants to honor you and the life you’ve lived. He can’t do that when he’s down in the dumps. Yes he’s hurt, yes he’s grieving, yes, he misses you so much. But it could never be greater than the honor and devotion he has for you. And Crest believes that the greatest respect he could give you is by living his best life. To look forward and honor those who had passed.
Crest will not take a partner. He’s the kind who takes on a soulmate only once.
Rust: The day you left the world was the day the sky shook with a wail filled with heartache and sorrow. The world is unfair, Rust knew of this well. Fate had played cruel tricks on all that he is, on all that he cared for. His soul filled with ache he fulfills your last requests. Rust refuses to let anyone else do it except for himself. He wants to be the last to send you off to your eternal resting place. Rust will be closed off for a long time, tired by it all, however he won’t let life leave him behind like your death would do to Red. Rust’s soul will continue to ache for decades more, but he has learned to survive. Has learned to fight on and continue on.
Rust regularly visits your final resting place to talk to you, to feel like you are watching him, to feel like you’re there with him. Rust won’t take a new partner.
Thatch: You got ripped from him so swiftly. So fast and so sudden. He never got to say goodbye. Left behind broken and in pain. His magic overwhelms his soul, his body and he loses control of it all. Destroying his surroundings until Rust manages to override Thatch’s magic with his own.
To put it simply, Thatch is a wreck. A wreck that pretends he is functional.
He has taken on the same tasks as Charon, he fulfills any unfinished business and last requests you have left behind. All the while there are more times where his magic becomes too strong for him to handle. Sometimes Thatch’s own mind gets too much for him to handle, preventing him from getting anything done. Until Rust finds him and brings him back down to earth.
It is those times where Thatch can’t put up a front to his brother and has to accept the reality of it all. He couldn’t do this on his own, couldn’t get through this alone. It isn’t long until Rust sets his foot down and forces Thatch to accept help. To accept he can’t live like this anymore. Thatch relents and slowly, he finally gets to truly grieve.
Thatch won’t ever take a new partner. He just can’t deal with the pain of possibly losing another mate.
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Thank you for participating in this spell, I hope it was to your satisfaction.
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
(part 3 of the not-hallmark fic, now tentatively titled grace coming out of the void)
It’s not too long before Robin tumbles through the door in a whirlwind of apologies.
“Don’t worry about it,” says Steve, wrapping her up in a bear hug. “Eddie kept me company.”
It’s true, actually. There’d been a few minutes of awkward silence, before Eddie’d visibly steeled himself and started making small talk with the grim determination of a general heading into battle. It would’ve been funny if it hadn’t made Steve feel like dirt just a little bit.
He’s trying, Steve had told himself firmly. Yeah, it sucked that Eddie clearly still had some kind of problem with him, but if he was willing to try this hard to get over it…well, the least Steve could do was try, too.
So they’d filled each other in on all the stupid unimportant details of their lives, the stuff that was easy to talk about, and gradually the talking got easier. They’d never been strangers, not really, but somehow over the years it had gotten so Steve could forget that Eddie was fun to be around. There hadn’t always been a weird sour feeling in Steve’s stomach that had to be ignored; there was Eddie’s hands looping in big descriptive shapes as he described some new student who has absolutely no idea why she’s in my class, Steve, I swear someone’s blackmailing the kid to be there, she just shows up and like, grimly struggles through whatever I give her. Won’t even tell me what she wants to play, and I’ve tried everything. I arranged Cyndi fuckin’ Lauper for this kid, Steve!
Eddie’s face, relaxed and bright-eyed, never happier than when he’s telling a story. The way Eddie cares so much about every little thing. Just being around him feels like sitting at a fireplace, soaking in the warmth and light. And when Steve manages to make him laugh, it feels like winning the damn lottery.
So they’ve managed to get on pretty well in Robin’s absence. Steve’s hoping it doesn’t take them another few years before they can have a real conversation again, like some kind of timer that needs to reset.
“Good,” says Robin. “Because you two are like my favorite people, and it would really suck if you couldn’t get along.”
“Favorite people?” Eddie drawls, raising an eyebrow. “Can’t wait to tell Ronnie that.”
“Oh my god, don’t you dare!” Robin shoves at his shoulder until he moves over so she can squeeze onto the couch with them.
“Am I finally going to get to meet the famous Veronica?” asks Steve. Robin’s been going on about her for a while, but he knows the relationship hasn’t been official for that long. So it’s fine, it’s normal that he hasn’t met his best friend’s girlfriend yet, and Eddie has.
“Yeah, of course,” says Robin. “She’ll be here in like an hour to set up for the party.”
Of course there’s a party. From what Steve hears, Robin and Eddie seem to be constantly throwing parties and having people over, a rotating cast of quirky personalities with artistic inclinations and improbable backstories.
This one’s not even really a party, Robin assures him; it’s just the new girlfriend plus a couple local friends. Or, one local friend and one Hawkinsite who’s in town for the holidays.
“You remember Jeff, right?” says Robin.
“Oh sure, Jeff, yeah,” says Steve. “And the other one’s…Hannah?”
“Helen, she’s an artist who’s been working with Eddie on an installation. She’s great, you’ll love Helen.”
Steve does not love Helen.
“Wait, it’s true?” Helen cuts in. “People actually thought Ed was a cult leader? Our Ed?”
Steve breathes through the flicker of annoyance. Eddie doesn’t belong to Hawkins anymore.
“Yeah,” he says. “It’s, you know, a small town. Folks were just scared, is all.”
“Aww,” she coos. “It’s just so tough to imagine anyone being scared of this guy.” She ruffles Eddie’s hair and Eddie slaps her away, laughing.
“Yeah, it was a whole torches-and-pitchforks thing,” Eddie says. “I met this guy when I was on the run from some villagers who wanted to burn me at the stake. Me! Can you imagine?”
Steve huffs, amused. “Think I remember something about that meeting. Something like…you threatening me with a broken bottle at my neck? Ring any bells for you, Ed?”
“Wait…that’s not how you got those scars, is it?” Helen’s looking a little more hesitant, like she finally realizes there’s something here she can’t ever understand. Steve’s viciously pleased about it, then tries not to be. He doesn’t like strangers talking about all that shit like they can relate or something.
All he says is: “Nah. That was a little later. Eddie’s the reason I lived long enough to let this—” He rubs awkwardly at his neck, fingers skidding and pulling at the ugly ridges. “—scar at all.”
“Don’t listen to Harrington, he never wants to admit he’s a fuckin’ action hero. I barely did anything except freak out and almost get murdered. He saved my life for real, like, at least three or four times—think at this point he just owns my entire ass.”
Steve is tempted to ask why Eddie’s been avoiding him for the last six or seven years, if that’s the case, but he knows that’s not totally fair. Steve’s been doing a lot of avoiding too.
“Shoot,” says Helen. She’s still got an arm tucked into Eddie’s. “We’re all very grateful, Steve.”
Instead of saying I didn’t do it for you, Steve says, “Just, uh, glad I was there. I’m…gonna get some more wine.”
Robin catches him in the narrow hall leading to the kitchen. It’s a nice apartment, yeah, but Steve thinks the layout’s weird as hell compared to the right angles and neatly aligned walls of his place back in Hawkins.
“Everything okay, dingus?” she asks. The way the hall bends, they’re sheltered from the living room. It’s a soap bubble of privacy, fragile but whole.
“How do you handle people asking about—stuff?” Steve blurts out.
“It’s actually been easier here,” says Robin thoughtfully. “Because in Hawkins, people always think they know a lot more than they do. Remember how Vickie and I used to get into those big fights?”
Steve nods. He hadn’t really understood what was going on at the time, and Robin hadn’t been great at explaining. She’d talk up a storm, get all worked up, and at the end of it, all he’d get was that she was mad and Vickie didn’t understand why.
“Well, later on I realized that they’d always kick off when Vickie said something like, I know what you mean, or I was there too. Because she didn’t, and she wasn’t. With Ronnie, it’s like…she doesn’t get it, but she knows she doesn’t get it. It’s easier with her, I guess. How did you handle it with Laura?”
Steve shakes his head. “I didn’t, I guess. But she wasn’t, y’know. The One.”
“Still holding out for that fairy tale romance, huh?” Robin smiles. She’s just teasing him; she doesn’t mean anything by it.
“I’m really not,” says Steve. “Listen, I’m gonna—” He holds up his empty glass and escapes to the kitchen.
Jeff’s there, pouring some wine into his own glass, and fills up Steve’s without being asked.
Steve nods at him in thanks. It feels a little rude to just turn around and leave immediately, so he leans against the counter and takes a drink.
“So, uh,” says Steve. “How’ve…you been? Since, uh, Hawkins.”
Jeff gives him a wry smile. He definitely knows that Steve doesn’t remember him at all. “Not bad,” he says, drumming his fingertips on the counter. “I’m just in town visiting family for the week; I’m actually at Michigan right now, studying to be a doctor. I want to specialize in geriatrics—like, taking care of old people? But right now I’m in the part where they shuttle you around to different specialties to get a taste for everything.” He makes a face. “Surgery definitely ain’t my thing.”
“Shit. A doctor, huh?” Steve shakes his head, surprised for no real reason. It’s not like he hadn’t known that people from Hawkins could be smart; hell, he’d dated Nancy Wheeler. But this seemed like the kind of smart that just didn’t fit into his memory of Hawkins High. Other than Nancy, who—last he’d heard—was still sharing an apartment with two other girls and fighting her way up the ladder of some paper in Boston, nobody he’s kept tabs on has really gotten successful in a big-city way. Like, the kind of successful that could be on a TV show.
“Yeah, I was always into science. Used to keep caterpillars in my room, see if I could get ‘em to turn into butterflies. Drove my mama crazy, ‘cause she hated having critters in the house. But I just thought it was so wild how the caterpillars could have a whole life crawling around on the ground, and then their insides just rearrange, and suddenly they can fly. I was such a dramatic little shit, I was so damn sure I’d grow wings too.” Jeff laughs. It’s surprisingly nasal for such a broad-shouldered guy, and Steve decides he likes how unselfconscious Jeff is about it.
Steve reaches out to clink their glasses together. “Hey, you did, didn’t you? Got outta Hawkins, got to chase your fancy doctor dreams.”
“Guess I did.” Jeff nods and takes a slow sip of his wine. “Look…tell me to fuck off if this is too much, huh? But I gotta ask. Why’d you stick around? Why not get outta Hawkins too? Not that we knew each other or anything, but…even from the Hellfire table, it didn’t seem like you were having the greatest time, either. At least, not by the end.”
Hellfire, right, that’s how Jeff knows Eddie. A vague, blurry memory of seeing them both in those dorky shirts is surfacing.
“It’s not too much,” says Steve. “I don’t mind you asking. Don’t know that I’ve got an answer, though. I just didn’t have a plan like you guys, I guess.”
“Buddy.” Jeff laughs in that nasal way again and claps Steve on the shoulder. “None of us had a plan. I guess I did, a little more than the rest of them, but—I thought I wanted to be an ER doc, you know? Which, damn. Definitely not my scene, as it turns out. You don’t leave your hometown because you already know what you want out of life, even if you think that’s what you’re doing.”
“Getting philosophical in the kitchen?” Eddie appears in the doorway, empty glass dangling from his fingertips. “Congrats on being a cliche, guys.” He’s smiling, and it looks real. Happiness looks good on him.
“What’re you drinking?” says Steve. “Let me top you up.”
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spine-buster · 2 years
That Which We Are, We Are | Nathan MacKinnon | Prologue
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A/N: HERE IT IS!!!!!  I’ve been waiting so long to post this and I’m SO excited to get this story going!  Though it’s only the prologue, I hope you enjoy!  Let me know what you think!
Nathan MacKinnon would rather be in Halifax than anywhere else in the world, but at this particular moment, he would have rather been playing in the Stanley Cup Playoffs.
That dream was clearly not meant to be this year.  Despite a strong showing and a hard-fought effort, he couldn’t get it done.  He blamed a lot of the failures on himself.  Though he was part of a team – a very good team, filled with friends and mentors and guys he considered his brothers through the ups, downs, and battles they faced together – the pressure he put on himself was immense.  Because of this, he thought it was his responsibility, and his alone, to get it done.  To advance in the playoffs.  To get over the hurdle of the second round, which it seemed his team was perennially stuck in.  Alas, he came short.  As was the story nowadays.  The Colorado Avalanche couldn’t get it done.  Nathan MacKinnon couldn’t get it done.  
Being back in Halifax was always his favourite part of the year, because he loved his hometown and city with all his heart.  But this time around, things stung a little bit more.  Things hurt.  Not anything to do with the city – the city was beautiful, and in the summer, it was even better.  Mentally, things hurt.  The mental weight of not being able to get it done lay heavy on his chest and in his mind.  It started the second his flight landed.  It continued as he passed through customs, got into a taxi to his parents’ house, and walked through their door.  It continued as he woke up in his childhood bedroom the next morning, got into his Range Rover, and drove to his house on Shubenacadie Grand Lake.  It continued as he stood in his house, alone with his own thoughts and deafening silence, not knowing what to do with himself.  
There was only so much he could do.  Plus, he could only wallow for so long until he became a caricature.  It would be on the back of his mind the entire summer, until he got back to training camp and his mind reset – he knew that.  But he also knew he needed to find happiness somewhere.  An equal balance.  Something to focus on other than hockey and his shortcomings.
It would be hard.  
Hockey consumed him.  It was his life.  He was like one of those racehorses with blinders on, not being able to truly see anything around him – especially during the hockey season.  Part of it was that it was how his mind worked; the other part of it was that he knew he needed to be that way.  People like that succeeded – they were able to attain the highest level of glory, which he wanted.  Sid certainly did, which people liked to remind him of constantly.  He reminded himself of it constantly.  Sid already had a Stanley Cup by his age, and was on the road to getting his second and third, which he would win by the age of thirty.  He, at twenty-six, still had more than most – he’d won a Memorial Cup, the Calder and the Lady Byng, and a World Championship – but he hadn’t won the Stanley Cup.  That was Nathan MacKinnon – always coming up short of the ultimate prize.
He stayed in his house alone for a few days, eating whatever healthy food his parents had stocked for him when he told them he was flying home.  He took calls from only them and his sister – his agent knew to leave him alone, as did his nutritionist, trainer…basically everybody else.  It would take a while for him to feel normal again and want to communicate.
It was only after he’d been home for a few days that he ventured to go back outside – to Halifax, specifically, and its downtown core.  Despite it being busy, with people out for work lunches and the like, he flew mostly under-the-radar.  It was why he liked Halifax so much.  People knew who he was, so they left him alone.  They took care of their own.  Of course people still came up to him occasionally, especially people with kids (and he always accommodated the kids), whenever he was back in Halifax, he was left to live his life.  He had parallel parked his car on Bedford Row and began walking with no end in mind.  When he didn’t like the look of the buildings, he walked a block down and found some he did like; when he couldn’t see the water, he walked south so he could see it as the blocks opened up.  
He was wandering.  And he was a guy who didn’t exactly wander.
His stomach began to grumble, so he knew he needed to find a place to eat.  Not willing to go into a restaurant and blow his cover, he slipped into a tiny, unassuming café on Granville Street, along the cobblestone streets of Granville Mall.  It was in a very artsy area of town, near the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, so he knew being recognized was slim.
He got a table alone.  His waitress was nice, and he ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with fries, and he just kept to himself and his own thoughts.  The café wasn’t too busy – he’d say about half full – and it was only when he was about half-way through his meal that he noticed his waitress interact with another person – a woman, alone just like him, sitting closer to the front display counter and till.  His waitress gabbed enthusiastically with the woman, who had a head of long, long curly hair that was impeccably kept and styled.  She wore a fashionable outfit of a long, sleek blush-coloured blazer (currently hanging on her chair), black dress pants, and a white shirt.  On her feet were a pair of flat, ankle-laced shoes.  Nate was in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, and kept his baseball cap on inside.  
Every member of the staff was kind to her.  They all approached her to say hello, apologized about distracting her from her work (she had an iPad Pro perched on the table behind her plate) stayed for a quick little chat, then went on their merry way.  
“What are you working on now?” one waitress asked.
“I’m still working on curating the upcoming exhibit I mentioned last time,” the woman said with a smile.  “It’s almost done!  I’ve been working on it for so long now – I feel like it’s my baby or something.”
“My friends and I are going to get tickets.  When it was announced, we were so excited!”
“Good!  It’s going to be great, if I may say so myself.”
Nate felt like he recognized the woman’s voice.  There was something about it that made it sound familiar, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on where he’d heard it before.  Then, she turned around in her chair to get something out of her purse, and he was able to see her face.  Even her face looked familiar.  Fuck.  She had makeup on, but not so much that it completely covered her features – it was well-done and professional.  He swore he’d seen her somewhere before.  He swore he knew her.
But he couldn’t figure it out.
Nate continued to eat and continued to listen to her interact with the waiters and waitresses.  When he was done and it was becoming socially unacceptable to just be sitting around at his table listening in on conversations while he tried to pinpoint exactly where he knew her, he got up from his seat to approach the till and pay for his meal.  As he waited for someone, he looked over at the woman.  She didn’t notice, as she was focused on her iPad.  He did it a few more times until he was able to tap his card.  He left a hefty tip and put his wallet back into his pocket.
He was supposed to leave.  He was supposed to walk right out the café doors.
Instead, he approached her.  
“Um, excuse me?” he said softly, just loud enough to get her attention.  When she looked up at him from her seat at her table, her eyes were wide and beautiful.  “Hi, I—I’m sorry to bother you,” Nate stuttered out.
“That’s alright,” she said in an equally soft yet confident voice.
“I just—I—do I know you?” he asked.  
“Nope, but I know you!” was what he was expecting to hear.  Everybody said it to him, because he was home in Halifax, because, well…mostly everyone knew him.  But this woman, whoever she was, looked him dead in the eye and shook her head.  “No,” she said definitively.
Nate was slightly taken aback by her directness.  He couldn’t help but let out the slightest of chuckles, mostly out of nerves.  “Sorry, I—I swear I recognize you and your voice, but I don’t know from where.”
The woman smiled – grinned, really, since she showed no teeth.  “I must have one of those faces or voices,” she said politely.  “Sorry I’m not who you’re looking for.”
Nate accepted the reality.  He nodded his head quickly, bringing his hand up as if to wave off his own behaviour.  “Sorry to bother you,” he apologized.  “E—Enjoy the rest of your lunch.  Have a great day.”
“You too, sir.”
Sir.  He’d just been called sir in his hometown.  He wanted to shudder.  
He left the restaurant without another word.  He knew he was in an artsy part of town – and the woman was clearly involved in art, since she was speaking about curating something – but Nate still found it a bit odd that she didn’t recognize him.  Most people did, even if they were polite about it and pretended not to, or only showed they knew who he was at the end of the conversation by calling him by his name or Mr. MacKinnon.  But she didn’t do any of that.  She denied knowing him, didn’t recognize him, had no ideas who he was.
But he was determined to remember where he knew her.
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starvonnie · 1 year
One More?
This fic is for a trade with @xstrawberry-sorbetx !  I hope you like it :D
Rating: Explicit Tags:  Overstimulation, Praise Kink, Sticky Sexual Interfacing (Transformers), Multiple Orgasms, Aftercare, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Summary: Rodimus often doesn't know his limits, but Megatron always knows just how far he can push his frame. And he never leaves him unsatisfied.
Also on AO3
Rodimus had long since screamed himself hoarse.  His lover's name croaked from his overused voicebox between shaking ventilations and gasps.  Their plating rattled together and created a never ending cacophony of ecstasy.
Megatron was the only thing keeping him in place.  His huge, hulking frame dwarfing his own, his sheer weight making his strength moot when Rodimus had no chance of dislodging him. 
And he tried to no avail.  Not willingly.  No, he wanted absolutely everything Megatron was giving him—more even—but his cursed frame kept trying to squirm away.  Too much, too much, it complained.  His node throbbed to the point of numbness under its constant abuse from the vibrator strapped there.  
He was on his third.  The first two had run out of batteries and had given him brief reprieve.  
But even then, he’d begged for more.
“Megs, please, I can’t—I want—nnh!”  Rodimus' words came fast and disjointed.  Unfinished thoughts from a processor on the fritz from overbearing pleasure.
“Shh…”  Megatron’s voice, in stark contrast, was calm and static-free.  It flowed into Rodimus’ audials and soothed the chaos he’d been enduring.  “Yes, you can.  Because you’re my good boy.  You’re doing so well, Rodimus.”
He thought he might lose consciousness.  Every passing moment felt like too much for his mortal frame, burning ever hotter.  One of his cooling fans had spun itself to oblivion, while the others roared in vain.  His plating, too, puffed out—or attempted to—trying to rid him of this excess heat.  But he’d only find relief once Megatron allowed him relief.
Overload crashed through his systems and forced him into a hard reset.  When he came to, Megatron hadn't stopped the push of his hips, pressing him deeper into the berth.
"How many was that?  Five?  I think that's a new record for you," Megatron purred in his audial.
Rodimus could do nothing but whimper.
"I bet you could do one more."
Rodimus made a choking sound as tears pricked at the corners of his optics.  His calipers rippled from the abuse, lubricant gushing from his valve as Megatron's spike slammed home again and again.  
"Would you like to come again for me, my love?" Megatron asked in a sweet voice to the depraved display beneath him.
Rodimus nodded emphatically.
Despite the many warnings littering his HUD, Rodimus felt safe in the strong arms that wrapped protectively around his frame.  Though he wiggled, his frame trying to escape the too-much feeling, Megatron held him right where he wanted him.  And right where Rodimus wanted to be.
Megatron slipped from his valve as he flipped them.  Rodimus sobbed with relief, but clenched down on air as he mourned the emptiness.  Never one to leave him unfulfilled, Megatron easily sat Rodimus down on his length.
Rodimus stuttered through Megatron's name.  He clawed at whatever he could get his hands on, but he couldn't get any purchase.  Held firm by his thighs, Megatron all but used his frame as a frag toy.
"I've got you," Megatron whispered.
Rodimus shuddered.  He felt wonderfully out of control.
"F-fuck, Megs, mm…"
With all the focus on his array, Rodimus flinched at the kiss Megatron planted on his finial.  He let out a high pitched note of pleasure while his thighs quaked, but Megatron held him steady.   
He'd lost complete control of his frame.  Completely at Megatron's mercy.  But he knew he'd take care of him.  He knew the mech holding him—the mech ravishing him—would keep him safe.  Even as Rodimus' frame told him that he needed to stop, Megatron knew his true limits.
And he hadn't reached them yet.
"Look at you," Megatron whispered in his audial.  "Dripping for me.  You take me so well, Rodimus.  Such a good boy."
Another overload, this one not as intense, surged through Rodimus’ lines.  Megatron didn’t even notice with all the noise Rodimus was making and how his calipers twitched and clenched even between climaxes.  But it left Rodimus strutless, his limbs becoming dead weight.
Megatron’s spike met no resistance as he thrust up into the sopping metalmesh, splattering lubricant across their thighs and adding to the debauched mess that was their berth.
With every hit of his ceiling nodes, Rodimus lost more of what little sanity remained.  The world around him turned to static.  His existence began and ended with scarred gray plating and hands that nearly wrapped around the entirety of his slippery thighs. 
“I want to see your face,” Megatron decided aloud.  
Rodimus could do nothing but groan as he was left mercifully and horribly empty.  Megatron didn’t leave him wanting, though.  He carefully laid him down, even avoiding whatever mess he could, and sheathing himself inside his rippling channel.  He fucked him hard, but not carelessly so.  Each slam of Megatron’s hips sparked his ceiling nodes and dragged more desperate moans from Rodimus’ voicebox.  
Megatron grabbed Rodimus’ legs under his knees, folding him and getting just that much deeper.  It was impressive that he kept his grip, given how they were shaking and slick.  Rodimus’ plating rattled wherever they touched.
“Megs, p-please,” Rodimus said desperately, not even knowing what he was begging for.  “I need—need!”  The static in his voice made his words nearly indecipherable.
“Hush, my love,” Megatron whispered to his mewling little Prime.  “I know exactly what you need.”
Coolant streaked his cheeks and dripped into the mess of oral solvent.  Rodimus’ HUD tinted the world red with warnings, but he knew he didn’t have to worry about any of them.  Megatron had him.
Rodimus was given little warning before he was shrieking in overload, his aching calipers clamping down on the relentless spike spreading him open.  He writhed in the condensation-soaked sheets, babbling incoherently.  But no matter how he moved, Megatron held him, never stopping.
When he got the slightest control of his frame, all Rodimus could do was cry out his lover’s name in quick succession while the aftershocks rippled along his array.  At some point his spike had sprung free, dribbling prefluid.
Megatron wasted no time in wrapping his hand around it and bringing Rodimus to another climax, coating him in his own transfluid.  It stayed erect, still twitching and spurting out whatever remained in his tanks.
“Beautiful,” Megatron whispered.  “I love seeing you like this.”
Rodimus tried to meet Megatron’s gaze, but he couldn’t hold it.  His vision blurred as the ecstasy forced them to roll back into his helm, panting.
“Not done yet, are you?” Megatron purred to his shivering, fluid-drenched mess of a conjunx.  “What do you think, hm?  One more?”
Rodimus’ processor and array ached at the prospect.  But no matter how tired, how sore, how delirious, when Megatron asked for one more, he’d give him one more.  
Even if it was the third “one more.”
“Keep fucking me,” Rodimus managed to string together.  
With a pleased hum, Megatron lowered himself, hips still pistoning, to give Rodimus an incredibly chaste kiss, given the situation.  “Good boy,” he whispered against quivering lips.
Rodimus wasn’t even aware he was moving until he was once again sat in Megatron’s lap, this time facing him.  He only noticed how his valve ached from emptiness, and then ached from Megatron’s girth filling him up.
“Hold on,” Megatron gently instructed.
Little strength found his limbs, but Rodimus readily obeyed, wrapping his arms around his neck.  He clung on like his life depended on it.
“So good for me,” Megatron praised.  He tenderly stroked Rodimus’ spinal strut and sent a shiver running down his back.  “Don’t let go or hold back.  I’m going to fuck your pretty little valve until you overload for me one more time, and then I won’t stop until I come inside of you.”
In spite of his overwhelming exhaustion and numbing nodes, Rodimus rocked his hips.
“Don’t move.  Just hold on.”
Rodimus did as he was told, choking out a sob when Megatron started with slow, methodical thrusts.  Each and every aching node protested.  He had half a processor to beg Megatron to pull out, but he would never voice such thoughts.
“I’ll be so good for you,” Rodimus whispered.
Megatron gripped his aft with need as he moved a little faster, but not fast enough.  Never enough.
“Please, please, I’ll be so good,” Rodimus begged.  “Please, please, please.”
Rodimus choked on Megatron’s name as he gave him what he wanted—what he needed.  His valve felt molded to the shape of Megatron’s spike.  Like he would never be complete without it.
He shook violently.  His strength ebbed, but he held on.
Megatron’s arms constricted around him, holding him flush.  He pounded into his abused valve, mouthing at his finials.  Between kisses and licks, he whispered Rodimus’ name over and over.
“Come for me, love,” Megatron said, his voice finally showing some strain.
Rodimus’ frame betrayed him and did its level best to squirm away from the too-good feeling.  But he didn’t let go.  He relished in how full he felt.  In how Megatron’s ventilations grew ragged and his movements less careful.  He slammed into his valve with reckless abandon and Rodimus could do nothing but shake and moan.
The wave of his overload crashed into his systems, and whatever words Rodimus intended to say were lost as his voicebox finally gave out.  Not even static escaped his mouth, open wide in a silent cry.  He felt his consciousness slipping, but before he shut down, he felt hot, thick spurts of transfluid stuffing his valve.  
Rodimus came online slowly.  He became aware of Megatron’s hands on him before he could see him.  He blinked sluggishly, lifting his helm.  It took nearly all of his strength to do just that.
Megatron’s hand moved from his waist to his cheek, which made it much easier to look into crimson optics glowing with love.
“How are you feeling?”
Blinking a bit more, Rodimus shifted slightly, feeling the blanket wrapped around his frame shift along his plating.  His clean plating.  But he also felt just how much he ached.
“Sore,” he said.
“Bad sore or good sore?”
Rodimus smiled.  “Fucking amazing sore.”
Megatron chuckled.  “You were so good for me.”  He pressed a kiss just next to his audial, then whispered, “And incredibly sexy.  I love watching you come undone.”
A fresh burst of arousal made Rodimus groan.
“And I love you,” Megatron said.
“I love you, too.”
“What would you like to do?  Watch a movie?  Take a bath?  Go right to sleep?”
“Movie and cuddles,” Rodimus said.
“Done and done.  I already have Die Hard ready, if you wish to subject me to that again.”
“You know I’m always down for Die Hard.”  Rodimus snuggled closer, shutting his optics.  
It truly didn't matter what the movie was, though, because he always fell asleep before the end of the first scene.  Then Megatron would carry him to berth, pull him close, and they'd drift off together.  And Rodimus would wake the next morning, wrapped up with his conjunx, with pure bliss coursing through his lines.
These sessions were one of the few times that Rodimus would wake up first, but he'd always pretend to be asleep until Megatron stirred.  Because then Megatron would pepper his face with kisses, gently rousing him.  He'd also bring him his morning ration in berth and they'd slowly wake up together, knowing that they had nowhere to be for the rest of the day.
It was these mornings—these moments—that Rodimus was eternally grateful to be in a universe that didn't know their names.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
i agree that a lot of the critiques of s4 are baseless, but i haven't seen a lot of people acting like stuff is coming out of nowhere. like the consistency of themes doesn't seem to be the issue. i guess it's that the dialogue feels a lot less nuanced and you can make arguments either way for that. the thing for me is it doesn't feel like we're covering new ground. everything they're telling us we already knew. i am biased bc s2 was my favorite (which seems to be a common sentiment) but it feels like s3 onwards has just been reiterating points we already knew without building upon them that meaningfully. the decline of empire stuff has come into play a bit more in s3 and s4 which i like and they built towards it really well, but character wise i don't feel like we've learned anything that valuable in the past 1.5 seasons?
i disagree with that. kendall spends season 3 trying to play knights on horseback, leading to him finally offloading his guilt about the waiter to his siblings, leading to season 4 where he seems to have lost that shred of humanity that made him feel guilty over it; i think that's pretty important information to learn about him. roman went from proposing business-marriage to his father (season 2) to deluding himself into thinking he could just playact as the chosen son (season 3) to actually gaining the corporate position he wanted and going insane over it. shiv is working out an actual viable way for her to survive in this world beyond "go through dad," and everything between her and tom this season is new ground. even connor has had some critical beats in very little screentime (the wedding convo with willa, buying logan's apartment, etc). i acknowledge greg has been foundering for a while and im sorry to greggirls for your loss but frankly i personally never really cared about him the way i do the siblings.
also, i can't really read the political storylines and the psychological explorations as being separate from one another. like, roman and mencken is political commentary, but also a really important psychological beat for roman. same with shiv and matsson; same with kendall and his new tech infatuation; same with connor and the developments in his presidential run. if the political commentary is accomplishing something, it's because the character writing is accomplishing something, and vice versa. to me this sort of political-psychological monism has always been what makes succession tick, both in these storylines and in the broader way the show situates familial abuse as a function of the larger capitalist social matrix.
in general i guess i would question what type of character development we expect from a show whose psychological premise is that people don't fundamentally change. to me this was what made an episode like 'honeymoon states' so brutally effective: it's a reset in many ways, only with the centre of the universe gone forever, and the remaining characters finding new ways to make many of the same old mistakes. i think this does convey new information about the characters, and i think that sense of cyclical psychological claustrophobia is very much on purpose. you might still think it's executed poorly, or you might just dislike it as a narrative engine for a tv show—fair, i'm not going to try to talk you out of that. but i disagree that this season hasn't told us anything important, either about the characters or the political realm they operate in.
like i said, i do have more sympathy for dialogue critiques and i won't pretend none of the convos in season 4 have been clunky. i also do have some issues with season 3 (misuse or underuse of guest stars and secondary characters, a few episodes i don't think go anywhere, etc). personally though, i think season 4 has been stronger and tighter overall so far.
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memento mori
When Magnus died, there was this sudden realization that Lucretia would be next.
Subconsciously, it seemed as if all the birds were waiting until the year was over. As if everything would reset, and Magnus would be back. Young, strong, and eye black from a bar fight, one which seemed like a thousand years ago now. 
But, of course, he didn’t. Because this was permanent. Taako knew that, logically. But it wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair, he thought to himself, as he knocked on the door to Lucretia’s home.
The caretaker lady opened the door. She was a halfling, dressed in blue. Her ebony brown curls fell to her waist, and she regarded him with a soft, pitiful expression. Taako’s face soured, and his ears flattened down against his head. He didn’t need pity, especially not from a woman he barely knew.
She was… an employee for the Director, that much he knew. When the Director retired, this halfling woman was nice enough to take care of her… is what Taako was told. In his opinion, though? It wasn’t nice at all. It wasn’t generous or heartwarming or loyal or… anything that anyone wanted to tell themselves it was.
The Director didn’t need to be taken care of. She didn’t. She never did. Ever since her year alone, the Director was as stubborn as a goddamn mule. For better or for worse, she got things done with her head stuck up her ass. Refusing to ask for help. Refusing to let people do things for her. Refusing to admit she was ever wrong, even if her actions caused a person to forget their second half. 
And yet, despite himself, Taako was in her home.
The halfling escorted him to the living room. She offered a glass of water, but Taako turned her down. He didn’t say why he was here, but apparently, he did not need to ask. The halfling just looked down sadly when he rejected her offer and turned on her heel. Taako stared at the rug. Has she always had that pattern?
The Director was wheeled in. Taako didn’t look up. 
“Taako,” the Director began, but quickly erupted into a coughing fit. Taako continued to stare down the carpet like it had wronged him personally. Seriously, medallion? Who was the Director getting her style from, anyway?
“Still alive, eh? ‘S stubborn as ever, I see,”  Taako laughed, not unkindly, but not familiar. The tone in his voice was distant, and the Director could tell that Taako had something on his mind. She pursed her lips thoughtfully, and she quickly dismissed the halfling from the room. 
“Taako, as much as you know I always love it when you visit, more than I can properly put into words, why now?” 
“Can’t an elf see his family once in a while?” Taako moaned dramatically.
“It’s my day off.”
“Lup wanted me to.”
“Good fucking hell, Taako!” the Director snapped, forehead creased. She sighed and her face fell, too old to argue. She sat up straight and folded her hands over her lap, her back popping as she did so.
“Don’t fuck around with me, Taako. I’m 109 years old. It’s a miracle I lasted longer than Magnus.” 
Taako flinched like he’d been slapped. She continued.
“I’m too old to play games, so I’m gonna make this short.” She paused, as if considering her next words. 
“I lived with so, so many regrets. I don’t want to die with just as many. It’s been years since… since the day of Story and Song,” Lucretia said. Even all these years later, none of them have been able to speak of what happened in full. “Every time I take a breath, I hope it isn’t my last. Each time I close my eyes I beg the gods that I’ll be alive to open them. It’s not fun being old, Taako, and it’s not fun dying for a final time.”
Taako tapped his arm impatiently. “So? What’s your point?”
“Wh- What’s my point?” the Director repeated tiredly. She ran a wrinkled hand down her sagging face. “My point is that whatever you want to say to me, say it, because there is going to be a point where I’ll be gone, and you won’t be able to.”
Taako isn’t one for feelings. Never has been. For two centuries he hasn’t been, and he won’t be for as long as he lives. But when he thinks back to the day Magnus left for good, all he can do is remember how it felt. How it felt to lose someone important like that again. He’s lost Magnus before. He’s lost the Director. He’s lost Lup, in more ways than one. 
But there is nothing like the empty white walls of a hospital room. Being helpless as you watch a loved one slip through your fingers like water. The first time Taako was forced to face loss like that was when he and Lup were 75. The only difference is that they were alone. They held each other’s hands tightly, and Lup sobbed into his shoulder as strangers ushered them away from their aunt one last time. 
They didn’t want to be separated from each other like they had been from their aunt, so they ran.
Taako can’t run from this. He knows he can’t. Magnus is dead and he isn’t coming back, and he and Lup can’t run like they did when their ears were too big for their heads and their hearts were too big for the world. 
“Fuck, Luce!” Taako sobbed, wiping his face with the back of his hand. Lucretia just stared at him expectantly as he struggled to spit out his words.
“I know I fucked up, alright? But don’t pretend you didn’t either!” Taako snapped, jabbing a finger in her direction. She didn’t even blink. “You didn’t reach out once!”
“You know why,” Lucretia responded coolly, just as accusatory. The two of them stared at each other. Taako conceded and his shoulders slumped. Lucretia wheeled over and took Taako’s peticured hand in hers. For once, he didn’t fight her. Taako waited for her to say something, but she just gazed at him patiently.
“Fuck,” Taako emphasized again, this time with a laugh, his shoulders shaking. He pulled her into a tight hug.
“Oof, Taako, I’m ancient,” Lucretia laughed back, but reciprocated, nonetheless. 
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m sorry for… everything.”
“Hm? Sorry, I didn’t hear that. My old human ears. Was that… an apology?”
“Shut the fuck up. I’m trying to be heartfelt.”
The two stayed in silence for a little longer. Taako was the first to pull away.
“But, uh,” Taako began, “yeah. I’m, uh, sorry for… staying away. From you. Even after all this time.” He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts, and Lucretia watched.
“I mean, I know it’s partly deserved, you know? That’s what I’ve been telling myself for 50 something years. That you… deserved the cold shoulder for this long. I mean, for anyone else, I probably would have given them the cold shoulder for longer. But then it… it really hit me. How fucking short human lives are,” Taako sniffed. He wiped his face again.
“It’s not fair that the babies of the family are the first to go. The rest of us are still kicking. Good lord, Luce, you look older than Merle, for Pan’s sake.” 
“You wound me, truly,” Lucretia said, voice flat. Taako forced a laugh.
“I think I... forgave you a while ago.” His brow furrowed, like that wasn’t how he wanted to say it. “Or, I don’t know, got over it at least. As much as Taako can get over something. I just… held out this long because of principle, you know? And by the time I was over it, I didn’t know how to… talk to you anymore. I told myself you deserved it because I didn’t want to admit to myself that I was wrong,” Taako admitted. He felt uncomfortable, suddenly, like something in him came undone and everything he has been holding inside for not even a quarter of his life came pouring out. Lucretia, however, held him steady, like his words were something she had been waiting for all of hers. She waited for him to say anything else, but when she seemed to realize he had finished, she let out a sigh. 
“Some things really don’t change,” she muttered, clearly intending for Taako to hear her. He smiled wearily. 
“Gotta stick to what the fans love, right?” he joked, and Lucretia smiled back tiredly. He felt his heart sting. Why did everything with humans change so fast?
It suddenly hit Taako that when he becomes a pile of bones, he won’t have Lucretia. Or Angus. He won’t even have Merle or the captain. They’ll be dead, long buried in the ground. It will just be him. And Lup and Barry, of course, since they’re reapers now, but they’ll still look exactly the same. Taako’s beauty will have long since withered while his twin will be as sharp as ever, and Barry… Well, Barry’s jeans will be as crisp as ever. And Kravitz… 
Taako jerked when Lucretia brought her hands to cup his face, but otherwise didn’t resist. This was really it, huh? The first and last time they’d ever have a heart-to-heart like this.
“I wish we had gotten more time together,” Lucretia professed, and Taako broke in her arms.
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
Volume 9 Jaune bothered me. I wasn't a fan of his random age increase only to de-age at the end of the volume, I didn't enjoy his new Grimm dark personality (which also seems to get reset at the end of the volume), his design was nice and I'll always enjoy them actually giving long hair to guys, but overall his arc wasn't that enjoyable.
I've been sitting on it for a while as I try to figure out how I'd alter it slightly, and I think I've finally figured it out. But we would need a bit more build up. (Note this also follows an idea that Nora falls instead of Weiss). This is a rough idea.
Starting after the fall of Beacon/death of Pyrrha there needs to be a strong focus on him almost being willing to break himself if it means keeping others safe and alive. Pyrrha is always at the forefront of his mind but he never opens up about it. When Weiss nearly dies and he unlocks his semblance this behavior intensifies because now he can actually help people who are hurt.
In a concept for volume 6 I like the idea of a battle breaking out in Argus and Jaune is both defending and helping heal people but running himself ragged in the process. Same thing in Atlas.
When Penny asks him to kill her we fully are aware it's not in him to do this, but he does. And it breaks a part of him.
When he makes it to Ever After is when he meets the rusted night. Our white rabbit stand in who had previously helped Alyx and Lewis, someone Alyx promised to help but never came back for. They were waiting patiently for a traveler to take their place as protector of the land so they could journey to the tree and be reborn. The prospect of saving people, keeping them alive, that's what makes Jaune take the job. But in doing so he's stuck in a loop for a bit.
Not as long as in canon, just a handful of years. He's doing the job until the rusted knight returns and and the others show up. The entire time he's pretending he's fine. He's pushing down the grief and guilt. Pretending he's not affected like usual because once more he has people to help and he can't focus on the pain. When rby and nora show up, he's so elated.
And from here we follow a similar but slightly altered story, he's trying to help them, not wanting to lead them to the tree because he can't go until the knight returns. But all the while he's being same old Jaune as always, slightly older but still Jaune.
The paper pleaser destruction is the moment we get that breakdown that shatters his facade. He lashes out uncharacteristically at Ruby when normally he's supportive. Nora defends ruby and finally Jaune opens up about his grief and guilt. How he never actually properly processed Pyrrha's passing, how every time someone dies he blames himself because he has the power to save them, the guilt over what happened with Penny. Blake and Yang go on ahead to look for Ruby but Nora takes time to help Jaune. She's already been well on her way to processing her grief over Pyrrha. They agree that they have to move forward, that he made a promise to the knight but that he has people who miss him. And that she wants to go home to family.
And when the team makes it to the tree, finishes the fight with the curious cat, the knight is the one Jaune speaks to instead. He's told that he did a good job, they apologize for saddling him with so much responsibility. But they say they're ready to take the mantle back.
Jaune doesn't de-age in this version. He keeps the years he lived. But he is changed even slightly. More mature, a bit more serious. But still, he's the Jaune who cares enough about people to help, and happy moments he has don't just cover up bottled emotions.
At the end he comes to understand not being able to save everyone. That sometimes people will die and he can't blame himself. It's a lesson that will take time, but its one he would need.
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thecatamaranlad · 9 months
((Written for Strawbarrow Week in the discord. Inspired by HoloFeather's AU, where Kodya's Gyrus gives up his humanity to become Masiosare.))
“Can I come with you?” Kodya asked, long after there was nothing else to say.
Gyrus looked at him. “Why would you – Kodya, I told you. I’m not changing my mind. You already asked for one more day, and I’m giving that to you.” The unspoken message: just let it end on a good note. It was the last thing Gyrus had to give him.
“I just – I don’t want you to have to do it alone.” His voice was raw. He’d been crying off and on all day. Gyrus – Gyrus supposed that perhaps he was practicing what it would feel like when he had no feelings left. He’d felt numb. Like an automaton, carried forward by the weight of his decision, trying to perform the loving boyfriend for Kodya for one more day. A parting gift.
“I can’t – I can’t guarantee he’ll let you go again, when we merge. I won’t have control of the black box anymore.” I won’t be me anymore. But I’ll be someone strong enough to keep you safe from Don.
If only one of them could live, he wanted it – needed it – to be Kodya. If a sacrifice was to be made, it was to be Gyrus’ alone. They’d discussed this. Kodya had already made it clear he’d never agree. But it wasn’t his choice to make.
“I’ll take the risk.” Kodya crossed his arms. He wasn’t looking Gyrus in the eye. His lip was wobbling. “Please.”
Gyrus supposed Masiosare wouldn’t consider Kodya a threat. And he… found he didn’t really want to be alone. He knew how the merge process worked. He’d done it before with reset versions of himself. And the version of him that had lived longer tended to drown out the other one. He would come close to forgetting he had ever been anything other than Masiosare.
So in these last few hours of being himself… 
He still didn’t feel sad – didn’t feel anything– but Kodya brushed a tear away from his cheek. “Gyrus. You don’t have to do this.”
“I do, though. There’s no other option.” Masiosare had shown him the timelines. He knew. “Reality – reality won’t stand up to Don much longer, if I don’t do this.”
The cracks. The planets falling to pieces right before his eyes. Kodya cupped his face with his hands and Gyrus realized that he was shaking.
“I love the parts of you that care this deeply,” Kodya said softly and sorrowfully, like he was speaking a eulogy.
“You can come with me. Just – just don’t say anything. And do whatever Masiosare says, after I’m –” Gone. Submerged. Subsumed.
Kodya kissed his forehead. “Thank you.”
“I just – I don’t know why you want to see that.” For that to be your last glimpse of me.
“I told you. I don’t want you to be alone.”
But Gyrus was going to be alone. Forever.
But for now – for this one last night on this one last day – he wasn’t, not yet. So he held Kodya tightly, purposefully, and didn’t let go until the morning came.
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temporalbystander · 2 months
Okay it took a while, and devolved from a story you could read while listening to the song, to a story inspired by the song. But I still like it. My earlier post still stands btw, if you can guess the song/animatic that is behind this story you can force me to make a gacha video for Faybon for it. If you wanted to, you don't HAVE to do that.a
He could feel the darkness pounding away at the mask he wore. He could practically hear the flapping of the Akuma wings echoing inside his brain as he struggled to calm his breathing. He'd pulled away from everyone the moment the thoughts started. It was easy, nobody ever noticed when he disappeared, he'd done it too often for them to be concerned anymore. He had found a spot to be alone and collapsed to the ground, burying his face into his knees. He was used to being on his own, he couldn't operate if he didn't have this peace.
Pushing the darkness back he tried to think of his friends, the bubbling Rose as she smiled just to see him participating. He thought of the kids at the orphanage, living and laughing and him being there to help them enjoy it as much as possible.
“Yet who can say they'd be any different if you weren't here? The timeline must stay the same, remember?”
Just like that his throat tightened and he struggled to swallow, he needed a drink, why did he always think like this? Why couldn't he enjoy this happiness? Why did he always come back to what Bunnyx had told him? That an entire life had already been lived by all those people and she had seen it. Nothing had changed, she had made sure of that with all her interference… and once again the anger hit.
Sure future Alix had said she never regretted bringing him back here. That she enjoyed the time with him explaining what other timelines with him had become, that she'd correct things a million more times if it meant he would stay with the rest of their friends. She was doing so much for him when she didn't have to. When he messed everything up because he thought he knew better than the time traveler. That he could fix things if he just had a Miraculous or if he let himself get akumatised or if he confronted Gabriel to get him to look after Adrien better.
Still… he wished he could have kept Talli… he'd have promised to never use her powers if he could have just had someone to talk to. Someone he could vent to, who he could be honest with about everything. Seeing the little kwami, forced into being as yet another one of ShadowMoths ploys to get his wish… had made his heart ache. He could only imagine how that timelines version of him felt as he took her in, named her, cared for her and kept her safe. His first secret… even as Ladybug asked him to keep a lookout should he spot anything he had kept the Miraculous covered.
Bunnyx had shown him all that and more. How Talli had begged him to hand her over to Ladybug once they realised her powers were incomplete. How she couldn't keep him safe while transformed… he'd just smiled. He was finally able to help in a way only he could. He could take over for Ladybug or Chat without Shadow Moth ever noticing, thus keeping their identities safe. He could pretend to be any of the other Miraculous holders even if Ladybug couldn't get away to grab them. Any pain was worth it if he could help them, that's all he’d ever wanted…
Then he pushed it too far. Pushed ShadowMoth too far. Being backed into a corner the purple villain did the only thing he could think of, he created a sentimonster whose sole purpose was to beat Ladybug and Chat Noir. Then he akumatised it to give it all the limitless power it could need. Destroying the object did nothing at that point, its power stretched beyond that now, it crossed into Bunnyx’s realm and every possible timeline it could before she shut it down. All to anchor itself… To win she had to reset time again, go back before ShadowMoth got the idea to create Talli because that's as far back as the akumatised sentibeast had gotten.
But the moment she opened a burrow it was there… so that version of me went to stop it. He pushed Talli well past the limit…. Which meant there was no protection from what the beast did. Again and again he transformed to hold it back until Bunnyx hit reset… and being unable to see what that version had done to himself was the only thing Bunnyx had been grateful for… if even having powers meant he couldn't make a difference without it all going terribly wrong then why did he keep trying? Why did he keep putting himself out there when his own darkness became so hard to hold back? One slip up and he'd become an Akuma impossible to stop… he knew that… Bunnyx had shown him how that had happened many times before.
“You okay there little paradox?” Speaking of time travelers… Faybon sighed and lifted up his head more than ready to see the redhead’s teasing grin beneath her bunny ears. What he hadn't expected was to see the vast whiteness that was the burrow surrounding him. “You seemed like you needed a little space.” She said, smiling more softly than he ever recalled her doing before.
With the fear of an Akuma no longer hovering above his head the mask he was wearing broke. The hateful feelings swarming now that he was in the place outside of time, the place that proved just how little his wants mattered. “Why Alix? Why me? Why do all this for someone who’s not supposed to be here.” His voice cracked as he said it. “It's not like I'm close to present you, so you don't get anything out of it.”
“Fluff. Counterclockwise.” He looked up as the transformation ended, staring at the future form of his classmate as all the windows around them went still. “There is a method to my madness you know.” She said as she took a seat next to him, leaning against the blank wall that didn't really seem to be there. “My powers are a last resort for a reason, I don't normally get do overs if something goes wrong, I'm not like Viperion. Sure I can reverse damage and change the timeline but what I saw? What I experienced? It all gets erased, I'm the only one who remembers it all.”
“And?” Faybon asked slowly, eyes widening in surprise as she handed the pocket watch over to him.
“Take it from me, I know exactly what type of misery you're going through, being unable to change things for the better because there is a timeline I have to stick to.” For the first time Faybon could ever remember Alix looked vulnerable. She looked scared. Sure he’d seen Bunnyx look like that when he was shown the events of Chat Blanc but Alix herself? Was completely new to him. “I've just had several more years to grow numb to it.”
“That can't be healthy…” he said softly, still not taking the Miraculous from her.
“No… it's not. But I have to keep going. I have to keep the timeline on track.” She tried to smile but Faybon had been around enough girls on the verge of crying to see the tears she was holding back. “And every time I need to change things it's because you have to help your friends and I get hit with that same regret that I can't let it happen.” She held out the watch more earnestly this time. “I won't undo what I did with you Faybon, I can't be the only one remembering the type of person you are. I couldn't bear to talk to minibug or kitten Noir and have them suddenly not know your name.” She swallowed and Faybon knew she was feeling the same tightness in her throat as he had. “But if you did it? If you went back right before I dropped you off and placed yourself somewhere else? In some other time? I'd forget too.”
Reaching out he took the watch from her and saw her slump down further, but it wasn't from relief. “You never answered my question Alix. Why do you go through all this for me?” He asked as he stood up.
“Because you reminded me that time is just a bunch of pit stops. That you could keep the end destination the same while still making the journey more bearable.” Alix took a deep breath and looked up at him. “That if we get caught up in what we can't change we stop trying to see what we can, and at that point why even bother living.”
While Faybon understood the sentiment there was something about her smile that seemed… odd. “Who gave you that advice?” He asked, taking a shot in the dark.
She chuckled and gave him a smirk. “You did. The first time I came back to undo a timeline you'd made.” Her smirk widened at his shock. “You were quick to agree once you saw what had happened, the relationships between everyone were all types of messed up. But you just shrugged and said you'd try something else.” She continued before he could voice his thoughts. “I’d done so much to try and make it work, before finally accepting that it couldn't, that hearing you say that kind of made me snap. I was so stressed out that you'd hate me and want nothing to do with me and here you were saying you'd just mess up something else?”
“I take it there's a reason I don't remember this?” Faybon asked as he passed the Miraculous between his hands, thankful that Fluff had stayed quiet so far.
“You waited until I calmed down and then gave me the advice I just gave you. After which you told me to go back earlier so you wouldn't remember the conversation.” Now Faybon was really confused, it was rare when he asked for his memory to be erased. Even rarer for Bunnyx to agree. “You said it was because you didn’t want to remember the timeline I showed you,” she smirked again and stood up while pointing over his shoulder, “it's why I kept you from that window over there.” He didn't bother to look. “But I think we both know that wasn't the actual reason was it?” Alix’s voice softened again and Faybon realised just how big a weight had been placed on her shoulders with the Miraculous.
He didn't hesitate in answering her. “If I had known you felt like that I would never have let myself breakdown like I just did.” He said firmly. “Knowing there's a chance you could see it as you peered through the timelines I would have kept to myself even harder. The last thing I'd want to do is cause you any more pain.” Faybon took one more glance down at the Miraculous before handing it back to her. “I think we both can get a little too lost in our heads. So what do you say we push past our faults and imagined monsters and keep being the bad asses we are?”
Alix chuckled before transforming again. “Oh I agree one of us is awesome. But both?”
Rolling his eyes, Faybon turned to the window he came in from, his fears and worries laid to rest for now. “If I kept you on track all these messed up timelines later I think I must have done something right don't you?” He asked as he waited for her to open it up so he could step through.
Always needing the last word Bunnyx's voice carried through the burrow just before it closed. “Like I said, I agree with you, go cause some more trouble king.”
Faybon stared at the wall where the burrow had been in shock before he started to laugh. He’d thought of Bunnyx as overbearing many times before but he couldn't deny having also felt safe. Having someone who would always be there for you was something special, he just hoped she knew the reverse was also true. Shaking his head he returned to his friends, humming a little tune to himself.
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