#I took a look into the tumblr tags a few days ago and got immediately confused /lh
sammy8d257 · 2 months
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Sans Undertale cost me my run of Pantheon 4 in Hollow Knight
What a bastard /j /lh
This happened like a week ago and I'm still (silently) suffering the effects of "The Skeleton Appears"
I should replay/actually download and play and not just watch a playthrough of Undertale
Maybe after I beat the Pantheons alskdjglsdg
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thesakuragarnet · 6 months
Good Graces (Dabi X Fem!Reader)
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Summary: When you miss your meeting as a member of the Violet Regiment, your recent boyfriend comes to check on you.
Tags: sickfic, sick reader, Fem! Reader, hurt/comfort, swearing, Dabi X Fem!Reader, caring Dabi, fluff
Word Count: 940 words
Tumblr Original <3
You toss and turn, unable to get comfortable in your bed at the Gunga Mountain Villa. You were supposed to be up four hours ago, but the pit in your stomach and the ache in your bones was enough to keep you bound to your bed.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"You in there, princess?" Dabi's voice trills gruffly through the closed door, and something inside you twitches. You and Dabi hadn't been dating for very long; you'd merely caught his eye as a member of the Meta Liberation Army when the merger happened. He saw you in the crowd and immediately took to liking you. A few weeks later, and you'd been exposed to a side of him no one ever saw. Now, he was at your door because he'd noticed your absence at his Violet Regiment meeting.
Your throat is scratchy and dry, and the moment you open your mouth to speak, you can't help but go into a coughing fit. You hear your door creak open, and light from the hallway floods the darkness. You sit up, looking through watery eyes to see your lover's silhouette.
"You sick or somethin'?" Dabi grunts, walking to the foot of the bed and putting his hands on the wooden frame. You can't help but whimper in pain and discomfort before nodding, hot tears threatening to slide down your face. Dabi's facial expression softens, his tight jaw relaxing as he takes a good look at you.
"Go away. Don't wanna get you sick," You manage to croak out, but Dabi just shakes his head.
"I don't really get sick," He mutters offhandedly before walking around.
"I'm all gross," You cough, and Dabi's lips press into a thin line. He seems to ponder something before tearing back your covers. Immediately, you start shivering, scrambling for the blanket, only to watch him kick off his shoes and shrug off his jacket before climbing into bed with you.
Before you can protest, he's pulling you into his arms, nuzzling your face into his low-cut tank top. He doesn't say a word, just squeezes you tight and traces his fingernails in circles on your back. You hadn't realized how badly you needed his hug until now, and you swallow the urge to dissolve into another coughing fit.
"I got you...it's okay," He rasps under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear. "Have you gone to the infirmary yet?"
You shake your head. You thought you were getting sick for a few days now, but waking up today was the nail in the coffin.
"Come on then," Dabi sighs before scooping you up in his arms. Your face reddens, and not just from fever. You're just in your pajamas, and Dabi is fully prepared to carry you all the way to the infirmary.
Dabi gently sets you back into bed as he fumbles with the pill bottle in his pocket. The doctor thought you had some kind of virus, and all they could give you was painkillers. He forces two pills in his hands before handing them to you, along with the water cup on your nightstand. You take the pills, still shivering. Dabi's touch was so warm, and it was so easy to fall asleep in his arms. Hell, you'd fallen asleep with your face buried in his chest for a few moments as he carried you to the infirmary. Now that he isn't snuggling you, you feel impossibly cold. Dabi notices, and his eyebrows furrow as he peels back your covers, kicking off his shoes once again to get in beside you.
"Come here," He huffs, wrapping his arms around you and caressing the back of your head. You sniffle and cough, half expecting him to come up with a sarcastic comment, but he just kisses the top of your head, whispering sweet nothings to you.
"It's gonna be okay, baby," He whispers, his gravelly voice laced with genuine love and concern. Only you ever heard that tone in his voice.
"I don't feel good," You bitch shamelessly, hating how pathetic you sound, but, once again, Dabi doesn't seem to mind or notice.
"I know, I know," He murmurs, pressing another kiss, this time to your forehead. Through your congestion, you can barely breathe in his scent...charcoal...ashes...cologne...faint isopropyl alcohol, most likely from changing his staples recently. It smells like...home. Dabi has become your safe place. Your home. You two have been hopelessly in love...it's inevitable. You'd overheard Himiko Toga teasing him about it in the hallway. That's what it had to be, after all. The way he treated you...so delicate and tender compared to his usual cold, hard gaze. He pulls the blanket over the both of you.
"You lemme know if you get too hot," He mutters before clearing his throat. You let your eyelids flutter closed and fall asleep to the sound of his breathing.
When you open your eyes again, you hear faint snoring directly above you. You look up to see your boyfriend fast asleep, snoring softly. Dabi looks so peaceful, which is a rare sight. He mumbles something under his breath before sleepily pulling you closer, nuzzling into the top of your head. The painkillers seem to have kicked in at this point, but you still feel sickly. You just focus on the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, and the way you're using his pecs as pillows. Either way, Dabi seems completely content with you in his arms, and you don't see any need to disturb him. You yawn and snuggle deeper into his embrace, allowing yourself to drift off in your lover's arms.
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liasadventuretime · 2 years
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PROMPT  ➜ you missed him. you missed his cologne, his breath, his everything. but with tate’s sweater on, you find yourself craving something more. 
TAGS ➜ oral sex fem receiving, degradation, edging, masturbation, tate’s a bit mean.
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you and tate have been dating for a few months now. he’s been overall very sweet, patient and caring. 
you always talked a lot about many things, since it’s your first relationship and still need to discover what you like and what you don’t. 
you knew pretty much everything about him, from the school shooting to his mommy issues, and saying that his problems with his mom turned you on is way too little in comparison to what goes thru your mind when he sobs in your arms and acts like you’re his mom. 
you liked to keep that sweet and innocent version of yourself, that knew nothing about sex and needed to be reached everything, but you and him knew you weren’t like that at all. 
tate knew everything, everything you were into, everything you liked doing in bed, everything that turns you on. 
he knew everything, he knew you were a little slut that gets wet when he accidentally calls you mom and cries. his clothes where basically yours, but you’re favourite sweater in the whole world was the striped green and black sweater, had his tobacco and clean smell which you loved. you were laying on your bed, only wearing a pair of lacy black panties and his sweater, scrolling thru your laptop on your favourite social, Tumblr. 
after a bit you got bored and tate told you a few days ago he had something to do, you don't know exactly what he was doing, but you trust so there was no problem. it was probably going to take a few more hours before he gets back, so you took your chance to something fun. 
tate had the most beautiful hands in the world, so it wasn’t your first time fantasising about them. you started touching your inner thigh caressing it, before slowly making your way to your clothed pulsating clit. 
you delicately started touching it, drawing little circles, with your eyes clothes to keep the image of Tate’s hands in your mind. after a bit you started gradually going faster, and you couldn’t keep in your moans anymore. as you were staring to climax, you accidentally moaned his name softly almost a whisper as if you were scared someone could hear you. 
“didn't know you were that much of a needy slutty whore” 
you almost had a heart attack while immediately opening your eyes and lifting yourself up, only to notice that tate was carefully watching you with a bit of rosy cheeks. 
you didn't know what to say, you just got caught pleasuring yourself with his sweater on, while he was bare chested. you felt so embarrassed and humiliated, acting like such an angel all the time and now being seen doing such lustful and sinning things. he smirked. 
“I was looking for my sweater, but I guess I found something better than it. why did you stop ?” he says in an almost mocking voice. you lower your gaze not knowing what to do while you’re feeling tears form in your eyes. god, this is so humiliating. 
“it’s almost funny because two minutes ago you were full on moaning my name in my sweater, and now you’re suddenly too shy to speak ? what the fuck is wrong with you ?” it was too much, you felt the hot tears roll down your cheeks trying to not desperately sob. 
“fucking answer me when I talk to you” he suddenly moved near you, grabbing a fistful of hair, pulling it to make you look at him. you were so beautiful, eyes red from the tears, rosy cheeks and nose, with the doest eyes possible. he started getting aroused, but this was not about him, this was about you. god, he wanted to fucking destroy you. 
he slapped you, leaving you both shocked and aroused at the same time. he was progressively getting more and more angry. “when I ask you something, you need to fucking answer, and don’t even try to hesitate because you didn’t hesitate a second to get aroused in my sweater and fantasise about me. you get it ?”
“yes what ?” 
“yes, tate.” 
“good girl” 
he carefully pressed his lips into yours, but it wasn’t enough. it wasn’t fucking enough. you started to go down his neck and start kissing. you stopped immediately when you felt him yank your hair while you were still trying to decide if you liked it or not. 
he looked down on you with disgust. “god, you can’t even wait a second ? be patient, I'm already being way too nice.” you nodded, but you couldn’t help but cross your legs a little bit, trying to apply more pressure to the desired area. you thought he was fucking dumb and wouldn’t notice it, now did you ? 
he pulled you by your legs positioning them around his waist, and when you felt the cold air hit your clothes clit you flinched. he rolled his eyes and tried to keep your legs as open as possible. he didn’t say anything and palmed your panties, getting a whine out of you. 
he suddenly slapped your pussy ( oml using this word is the most embarrassing thing ever ) as you opened your mouth in shock and started getting flustered. you started to shake a bit so his cold hands traveled on your thighs keeping you still. 
he used one of his fingers to bring your panties to the side. you noticed that he started breathing heavily, while his finger got in between your wet folds. you tried to keep in your moans but it was too fucking much, you weren’t used to this much teasing. 
“are you a virgin ?” he asked with a breathy low voice as you nodded in response. he teared your underwear apart, and least to say you didn’t expect it. this man is dangerous, a psychopath but if all psychopaths were this good at sex, you would’ve started taking trips to the asylum instead of using dating apps. 
“lay down” he said, while guiding you on how to position yourself, while his face was resting in between your thighs. he slowly started kissing the inside of them with slow soft motions, but you were about to fall apart, and it was embarrassing to say that you were about to cry. 
“please” it only took you to say this word for him to immediately look at you with the biggest smirk of all times. 
“what did you say ? speak up I can’t hear you” 
“please, it hurts” you couldn’t help it anymore and started basically sobbing while he was laughing at you. 
he slowly licked from the bottom to the clit with his tongue, like a cat drinking milk. 
you immediately felt a bit more relieved, but you were hungry for more now. he crawled down the bed, stood up and started looking for a sweater in his closet. 
you were surprised and incredibly frustrated, he sometimes could be such an egoist. you stood up even tho your legs where shaking like there’s no tomorrow. 
“what the fuck was that ?” while wearing a sweater, he replied in a dry tone “next time maybe you’ll learn to wait for me instead of trying to compare my fingers to yours.”
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ice-cap-k · 8 months
Glassy Eyes
This is where I start getting carried away.
Fanfic of a fanfic. Based on Sixteenthdays' "From the Archives" series. Supposedly takes place after their story Immersive Story Telling.
Their tumblr
Seriously, their stuff is good. It puts this story to shame. I highly recommend you go check them out.
Cross-posted on AO3 here: Glassy Eyes
Huh. Would you look at that? Did someone drop off another statement last night? Scar? Scar!
[Sound of door opening.]
What’s happening?
Did you leave this on my desk?
[Crinkling of paper.]
Hm? Oh, that wasn’t me. That was Impulse. He said Ren came in yesterday and dropped it off in a box at the front desk
(Indignantly) I was here yesterday too. Why didn’t he just come on in for an in-person statement like last time? It’s so much more satisfying when it’s in person. 
He showed up after you left. And even then, it sounded like he was in a rush. Impulse seemed worried about him. It was like he just dropped off the box and ran out the door.
(Scoffs) Fine. Fine. I’ll have to talk to him about it later. Thank you for telling me.
Any time!
[Door squeaks closed]
I suppose a new statement is still better than a stale one. Statement of Ren D. Dog regarding an escape room experience. Original statement recorded yesterday, apparently, October 5, 2023. Statement begins.
Before I get to the important bits, I just want to apologize at the beginning for the handwriting ‘cause I’m going to write this in a rush. I probably shouldn’t be taking the time to write this at all, but you people listened and believed me when I told you about my escapades in the sewer and you’re the only ones I can think of who might know something about what I saw or have some sort of connection. I really hope so. I could really use some direction here.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. You’re going to want to know everything, so I’m going to start with the group chat. Er, ok not exactly the chat, but there’s a group I’m in where a bunch of friends plan out fun little outings. I’ve known most of them for years. Good people. We’ve had lots of fun times together.  Sometimes we make a day of fun little games. Simple stuff like tag with Nerf guns and extra steps. Other times it’s a huge event that takes a lot of planning,  organizing, and a venue. 
Two days ago was our last meet-up. It was one of the bigger events we had planned for the year. Some of the fellas in our group had never been to an escape room before, so I figured we had to do something about that. I’ve been to a handful myself. Escape rooms are just good fun, honestly, and are great for big parties. The best places know how to break up big groups of people into littler groups and space them out so they can work through each room without catching up to the people who went first. 
I took it upon myself to take charge of the planning. Nobody seemed to have any issue with me handling it this time around so as far as I was concerned it was up to me to throw the grooviest get-together of the year. 
I found the place immediately. There was an ad that popped up in my “recommended” section on the forum I use to do research for my podcast. It was for a brand new escape room about to open up on the edge of town. There wasn’t much information available, but that made sense. It was a brand new business. There wouldn’t be any history on the company that a quick Google search would be able to provide. But there was a phone number on the ad, so I made a few calls. Talked to the owners about renting the place out for the day. It sounded like a good one. Cool concept. They were more than happy to set it up and stagger us out in groups as we went through the challenges. They sounded so excited to have so much interest this early into their launch. We got everything all squared away, and I let the fellas in the chat know the date and the time.
Everyone else seemed really into it, too. They pitched in their share of money to cover the costs. It didn’t come out to be that much per person since there were a lot of us and the company only charged a single lump sum for renting the place out for a day. 
But the day before we were supposed to go, one of my friends had to back out of the arrangement. Poor thing fell sick and didn’t want to expose us to something nasty. I felt bad for the dude. The least I could do was offer them their money back. I could have covered their share on my own but they didn’t want it back. They just told me, “go ahead and take someone else in my place. I don’t mind.” At that point, everyone in our group chat who wanted to go was already going. Then someone suggested that, since I planned this one out, I should ask a friend of mine who wasn’t already part of the group to join in on the fun. Everyone was cool with it. Excited at the idea of a possible new addition to the group, even.
So I called up my good friend BigB. We used to hang out a lot back in university, but I hadn’t seen him in a while. This felt like a good opportunity to catch up. BigB said, “sure thing, man,” and we were set for fun times ahead. 
So the big day rolls around and we get to this place and meet up with the others. Greetings and introductions go around, and we get ready to rumble. The host comes out to meet us. She explained the game and what we could expect. Our whole party would be divided up into groups of two. There would be timers running for pairs to try to solve all the puzzles in a room. Either they passed in the time limit, or the time limit would run out and they would be ushered to the next room. Either way, it would free the place up for the next pair to come in and try their hand at the reset puzzles. Then they walked us through the safety measures. Each room had a buzzer by the door that could be hit to let the workers know that you needed to get out. It would unlock the door and deactivate any machinery or whatever fancy doohickies they had in the place. Sometimes people get claustrophobic or anxious in a confined place. Especially when put under pressure.
It was all super chill and fun at first. A bunch of us hung out in the lobby while we waited for the first few pairs to go. When it was me and BigB’s turn, the host waved us over and we went in the door together. 
BigB might not have been to an escape room before, but the man was absolutely brilliant. We made it through the first two rooms at lightning speed. The challenges weren’t too difficult, in retrospect, but they weren’t super easy either. It seemed like every time I got stuck in a rut, too caught up on a detail to figure things out, B would pat me on the shoulder and point out something I missed. We never went past the time limit. He was always a pretty observant guy when we hung out at the theater, but I never really stopped to appreciate it until now.
 I kept marveling at how different it was compared to other places you see nowadays. It was honestly pretty clever. They modeled the inside like some big dollhouse. Fancy decorations and plastic furniture and all. There were mannequins set up to look like a setting with people. A few of the figures that were supposed to be little kids even had dolls of their own in their plastic arms. 
It was in one of these rooms that B first pulled me aside. I had been trying to puzzle over a lock on the fake kitchen’s fridge. I’d assumed it would be like before, and that he’d blow my mind with some silly detail I had missed, but instead, he told me that the doll was looking at us. He pointed to this little glass doll in the lap of a mannequin kid. Its head was sort of tilted towards us. The glassy eyes glittered.
That creeped me right out. Sent a shiver right up my spine. But I also figured it was just a prop. Maybe even part of the puzzle. So I took what he said pretty seriously. I think that might have surprised him that I believed him so easily.
I tried waving my hand in front of the doll, moving around the room, I even picked the thing up. It didn’t seem to follow me as I moved, and there was nothing I could find that was off about the doll, so I shrugged it off and said maybe it was just a red herring. He didn’t look too convinced, but he didn’t argue. We ended up finding the key in a cake and moved on to the next room. 
It was a bathroom. It was kind of small for the two of us, but we searched the place for the next set of clues. At some point, I opened a cupboard under the sink and nearly jumped out of my skin. There was another doll, sitting pretty on the shelf facing outwards to smile at some unsuspecting fool like me who opened the door. It spooked me so bad, that I bumped into the full-body mirror hanging against the wall and it came crashing down. 
Broken glass got everywhere. I was ok. No cuts or anything. BigB was spooked something fierce. He looked me over to make sure I was ok. I mostly just felt bad about damaging the place's property. I was already rehearsing an apology and coming up with a payment plan to present the owners with when BigB got distracted. I asked him what was up, and he turned me around. 
Behind where the mirror was hanging was a small door. Only a few feet wide. Maybe two feet tall. It reminded me of the house I grew up in, where my bedroom closet had a little door for easy access to the plumbing in the bathroom on the other side of the wall. It looked like those tiny maintenance doors. You couldn’t walk through it, but it was big enough for someone around our size to crawl through. There were no cobwebs like the one back in my old closet. This one looked nice and clean. Almost like it was well-used.
BigB thought we should hit the button near the last door. We could contact the hosts, let them know we broke the mirror. Our round would be forfeited, though. I wasn’t ready for that. We were only halfway through, and up until then, our rounds had been fantastic. The stuff of legends.
If I’m going to be honest, the little door also got me curious. We were in an escape room. How was I supposed to know it wasn’t part of the game? For all we knew, we had accidentally skipped a bunch of steps that would have eventually told us to move the mirror. I said as much to BigB. He seemed hesitant, but then I said that if the door ended up leading to nothing more than a bunch of pipes, we’d move on. I was at least hoping we could finish up with this room or go until our timer ran out before we contacted the hosts. Just to make things go a little bit longer. Beat one more riddle for the sake of my own satisfaction.
He actually agreed. So I kneeled down, brushed some of the broken glass bits out of the way, and he opened the door. 
There was a whole tiny corridor on the other side! Like a mini hallway. BigB saw that and elbowed me in the side. “Looks like you were right. We just skipped an entire room.” He crawled in first, and I followed. 
The hallway ceiling sloped upward almost immediately so we could stand back up and start walking again. This part of the building was noticeably different from the rest. Up until then, the rooms had been homely and tacky. Plastic and overstuffed. Full of dolls and cheap props. The walls and floor of this hall were grey concrete and hard edges. 
The dolls were still around, though. Mostly the smaller ones. None of the mannequins. A mix of plastic and porcelain faces stared blankly out at the wall from lines of shelves. 
The further we went, the less put-together the dolls seemed to be. There would be a cracked cheek here and a few missing strands of hair there, but before long entire swathes of shelves were full of doll bits. Not even entire dolls. Just their arms and legs and heads all lined up.
I had also noticed that the hallway seemed less well kept than the rest of the building. The door had seemed clean, and I suppose the hard floor did too, but clear strands of what looked like spider silk were hanging from the ceiling. Memories of what I saw with Doc were still pretty fresh in my mind, so when I started noticing doll parts tangled and left hanging in thicker knots of strands, I could feel myself losing my nerve. 
I tried suggesting to BigB that we turn back. I’m pretty sure I made some excuse about how we must have accidentally found the storage rooms. We hadn’t seen anything that looked like a clue or puzzle since we came through the door. But by now BigB seemed hooked. He begged me to go just a little further with him. He just wanted to check the place out. If it was just storage, then as long as we didn’t mess with anything there was no harm in being there. We could always go back once we got to the end. 
I couldn’t say no to him. I just couldn’t. His reasoning was sound, sure, but there was a spark in his eye that I just didn’t have it in me to douse. He was really curious about this place for some reason I could no longer fathom. But I was the one who suggested going through the door in the first place. I could ride this thing out a little longer. 
I tried. I really did try. 
We didn’t go very far when BigB took the lead. He mumbled something I didn’t hear. When I asked him to repeat, he called back a little louder, “The dolls are watching us again.” 
Every hair on my body stood on end. I looked at the dolls hanging from the ceiling and at the ones lined up against the wall, and rows upon rows of eyes stared down at us. The plastic faces remained unchanged, but this time I could visibly see the painted marbles in the eye sockets moving to keep pace with us. Disembodied doll heads turned in place to continue staring.
But BigB kept going. Even as I tugged on his arm. I asked, no, demanded to know how he wasn’t freaked out, but he just shook me off. “We’re almost to the end of the hall,” he said. And he took my hand. “There’s something there. I can see it. Can’t you? Don’t you want to know what it is?”
I don’t know what came over me, but it was almost like the moment his hand touched mine his excitement sort of rubbed off on me. I don’t know how to fully explain it. It was like I was feeling what he was feeling. My fear was still there, but now there was also a burning curiosity. I couldn’t see what was at the end of the hall like he could. I didn’t see the end at all, but I didn’t run away. I let him drag me forward until we passed the threshold of another doorway. This one was normal-sized. There was no door, just the opening. I couldn’t see anything past the doorframe, but I trusted BigB. He seemed to be able to see ahead of us. So it came as a complete shock when I took a step forward and the ground was just gone!
The place had no floor. Both me and B dropped screaming into the black. I don’t know how deep it was or how far we fell, but if there wasn’t a bottom, there at least had to be a ceiling because a lot of those cobwebby strands hung down deep in clumps. They caught at us like vines, dragging at our limbs. My arms are still littered with tiny little crisscrossed cuts from falling through them and having them break across my skin, but they did manage to slow our fall. The two of us hit a point where there were so many little strings that they wrapped around us like a net and kept us from going any further. 
I just hung there for a moment, catching my breath, trying to figure out what the hell had happened. BigB was hanging next to me, struggling for a handhold on the strings holding him up. And I think it was right then that I realized that this stuff wasn’t spider silk at all. It was too thick. Not stretchy enough. I think it might have been fishing line. It felt like that. Like thick, clear, plastic lines. They felt about as comfortable as you’d expect a fishing net to be.
We couldn’t see the bottom from where we hung. Couldn’t see the top where we came from either. I could see other things hanging above us and below us. Caught in suspension by the hanging strands. There were a few more dolls. And some rocks, curiously enough. Big rocks, little rocks, literal statues. I didn’t try to make sense of it. What was happening didn’t make sense. I also didn’t spot the human skeleton until BigB gasped and pointed it out.
It was hanging in front of him, maybe two yards away from him and even further from me. It had to have been there for years. The flesh had long rotten off its bones, making it impossible to tell if it was once a man or a woman. Only a few scraps of cloth hung from their arms and legs. It hung splayed out, supported by the plastic wires looped around its wrists and ankles. Another loop wrapped under its chin and around its neck like a noose. It kept the skull upright. Almost like it would be looking directly at BigB if it could, but there were no eyes in those sockets.
As silly as it sounds, the skeleton almost looked laughable hanging there. Sure, it probably spelled doom and gloom for the two of us if we stopped to think about how long they had been down here without anyone noticing. But the way it hung there suspended by its arms and legs, it was like a kid’s puppet. Tossed aside, limp and small and waiting. 
“This is it. We’re going to die down here,” B wailed. 
I tried to calm him down. Talk it out and come up with some sort of plan for both our sakes. I needed to believe it as much as he did. I started struggling. Some of the strings shifted as I pulled on them, which wasn’t very comforting. Still, the lines were sturdy enough to hold us. Maybe we could climb them? We could go back up and out the way we came. Or if we couldn’t get up, we could work our way down. There had to be a bottom. Once we got down there we could figure something else out. 
BigB didn’t really like that second idea. “Don’t go down,” he begged. “Down is so much worse.” Frankly, I was inclined to believe him.
I managed to convince him to try climbing up. I was starting to make some progress myself. The strands weren’t the most sturdy things. I could feel some of them snap or give way above me as I dragged myself up a few inches, but there were tons of them. Even with a few breakages, I was still able to hold myself relatively steady. I think seeing that helped him calm down. He started pulling himself up after me. As he moved, the strings swung a little. He found himself shifting back and forth, swinging closer and closer to the skeleton. He didn’t seem too enthused about it. I tried suggesting he shift his weight a little to the other side. He did, but by then he already had momentum. He swung really close to the skeleton. Within a foot or two, and my stomach dropped as the strings holding its right hand began to quiver.
I thought maybe BigB had shifted something loose above us, and it was hitting the strings holding the skeleton, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. To my horror, the thing moved forward. It hung limp, but its limbs moved independently like a marionette under the skillful hand of a puppeteer. One dead hand lurched forward, wrapping around a clump of the strings holding BigB in a way that would have been downright painful if the thing had had any muscle or nerves left. And then the strings holding the skeleton’s other arm aloft twitched and swung forward to wrap around BigB’s shoulders. The head leaned in, the jaw opened, and somewhere above us a voice said, “What good timing. I’m always looking for good replacement parts.”
BigB screamed. I’m pretty sure I screamed too. Bones rattled as B tried to throw the skeleton away from him, but I could only watch in horror as the puppet strings controlling its arms twisted around B and wrapped him tight. He thrashed. I screamed at him to hang on. I wasn’t sure what I would do, just that I had to do something. The only thing I could think of was getting to BigB, so I climbed. I grabbed at strings and clumps and whatever else I could to drag myself over to him.
In my desperate desire to help, I stopped paying attention to how sturdy the strings were. They were giving out like crazy in my hands. Things above me shifted. I remember reaching out to BigB, but then B shoved the skeleton back and screamed at me to look out. I looked up and saw one of the sharp rocks that had been hanging above us start to fall. I watched as it came down at me. I felt it slam into my skull, and that was the last thing I remembered. It all went black after that. 
When I opened my eyes, I was back in the fake little bathroom. I was lying on the tiled floor next to the broken bits of mirror with some dudes’ faces blocking out the light. My head hurt something crazy. 
My friends and the hosts had come to get me and BigB when we didn’t respond to the buzzer signaling time had run out. They saw me on the ground next to some broken glass and a gash on my head and panicked. I felt bad. I must have been a sorry sight. They picked me up and started patching me up. And I was grateful for the help. But then one of them asked where BigB went.
I freaked out. I started to point at the wall, shouting that he was still behind the little door, but everyone just looked at me like they were confused. I tried explaining what had happened, how we went through the little door behind the mirror in the storage room, but as I started describing the hall, the owners of the establishment cut me off and told me there was no door there.
The really freaky thing was that there wasn’t. I went back to that bathroom and the space on the wall was empty. I even ran my hand along it, but there were no seams or edges that I could feel. The one owner was even nice enough to peel back the wall paper after we searched for BigB for an hour with no luck. There was nothing there. It was like the door had never been there. Maybe I had just hit my head when I broke the mirror and dreamed it all. But dream or not, we never did find BigB. 
Everyone, me, my friends, even the owners, we all practically tore that place apart looking for him. And when we ran out of places to look inside the building, we started combing the area outside for him. We weren’t able to find anything. When it started to get dark, someone called the police. A few officers came out to check the place out. They asked us a few questions and took our numbers, but it’s not like they came up with anything we hadn’t already found. It was like B vanished without a trace.
I’ve been at my wit's end trying to track him down since then. I don’t think I’ve gotten any sleep these past two days. I’ve even started putting up posters asking if anyone’s seen him. Everyone else is pitching in, but I can’t help but feel responsible. I’m the one who asked him to come along on this trip, and I lost him when we were partnered up. If there’s a chance that my dream wasn’t actually a dream, then I even convinced him to go down that creepy hall with me. If anyone should have gotten got, it should have been me.
I know what you’re probably thinking. Doc already left because of something freaky we saw. And now BigB’s gone too. This is different from when Doc left. Doc can handle himself. He’s crazy strong and smart. Doc avoided me, but he didn’t completely vanish. People still saw him. 
This isn’t Doc we’re talking about here. It’s BigB. BigB wouldn’t hurt a fly. BigB can stick to himself sometimes, but he doesn’t get lost in projects and vanish like Doc can. He’s just gone.
Well, most of him is. While we waited for the police to arrive, I stuck my hand in my pocket and found something that hadn’t been there before.
I didn’t know what to do with it or how they got there. It makes no sense. The police didn’t bother with them, so I’m leaving them with you on the off chance they might be some sort of clue.
I think they’re BigB’s eyes.
Statement ends.
[Increasingly panicked breathing.]
I… I can’t. I just- I have to go call-
I tried calling BigB. I tried a lot. He’s not picking up. Despite Ren’s questionable honesty about his own name, he’s proven to provide accurate statements. At least as far as we have been able to tell. And as much as I wish it wasn’t true, much of what appears in this statement has been backed up with follow-up research. 
An inquiry to the police station confirmed that Ren and a handful of others had reported BigB missing two days ago, and considering BigB is a fully grown adult with the right to come and go as he pleases without telling anyone, I wouldn’t be surprised if they continue to drag their feet on an investigation. 
As for the escape room establishment, Ren had left an address and printout of the ad he had found online in the box he left at the front desk. I asked Scar to look into it and he managed to contact the owners. They claimed they have no clue how Ren and BigB managed to find the room with the dolls. The walls have been inspected, but no traces of a “small door” are to be found. The wall is solid. There’s no possible way they could have gone through, or that BigB might have ended up in the walls, though they have since reviewed the blueprints they received upon purchasing the building. Upon further inspection, they found that on the opposite side of the same wall where Ren described the door is an empty space. No room is indicated. Or anything, really. Just empty space. They’re currently looking into having a contractor take a look for signs of a boarded-up room. The sooner, the better.
They also provided a little information on the building’s history as it was told to them upon purchase of the premises. This information we later confirmed after searching through public records. Apparently, the building used to house the production of doll parts, which would explain a lot. It wasn’t a full production plant. Too small for that. Rather, it was a hub for touch up work and assembling the doll pieces before they could be sold to local toy shops. The new owners took it upon themselves to use some of the leftover products they found lying around as props in their escape rooms. 
Pearl dug through a few newspaper articles in the archives and found that the previous owner had died in a very peculiar accident. I’ll, uh, spare you the details, but it appears they were caught in the wires used for assembling puppets. The place had been left to rot for almost twenty years before the current owners bought the property.
Oh yeah! As for the other gift Ren left for us in the box… 
[Dull rattling]
He wasn’t lying. There were a pair of eyes in there.
They’re not really BigB’s eyes. They can’t be. They’re made of glass. They’re those freaky kinds of weighted marbles they use in porcelain dolls. The ones that are made to blink at you when you tilt the things back and forth. I can see why he said they were BigB’s eyes, though. They’re the same shade of brown as his. And have that same gradient effect at the edges where it gets a little darker all the way around his irises. The resemblance is kind of uncanny. 
They were definitely made to look just like BigB’s. 
I can’t find it in me to have Impulse take them to storage. I don’t like them looking at me, but it feels wrong, somehow, to have them locked away in a dark room. I’ll probably just keep them in one of my desk drawers until we find him.
I’ll call Ren later if he can stop his search long enough to let me help.
Heh. We should keep a nickel jar for whenever one of us goes missing. Between me and my friends, we’d make a fortune. 
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abtheb · 2 years
What are some pieces you're particularly proud of?
This is a really great question and I wanted to give it a thoughtful answer so it took a few days.
I'm most proud of the art I made when I first started learning Blender a little over two years ago so I could do gamejams with friends.
Very early on, I remember thinking that I wanted to save and keep all my progress so I could look back on it one day -- so I saved more or less everything I've ever made, in chronological/numbered order, so it's easy to look back fondly and get a snapshot in time of what I was making and how goofy it was.
This is the first thing I made after fumbling with Blender's sculpting tools, and realizing I could make muscly-men-shaped things and also bird-shaped things.
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I would try to keep sculpting things for a while and get super frustrated at my computer not being good enough to handle the files. Eventually this would nearly cause me to quit learning altogether, convinced that my computer was too underpowered -- not that I was working in absurdly high-poly without realizing it.
This attempted gimpsuit Bowser I tried making for a friend, for example:
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75 million triangles!!!
Not really knowing any better, it took me a long time and a lot of trial and error doing gamejams and working with my smarter, more wizardly gamedev friends to start getting an understanding of poly counts and optimization. Eventually, with a lot of practice and models, I would get better at working in low-poly - a style I really like. By comparison, my last model was 33,116 triangles (7mb)
I can tell from looking at my pile of projects that something clicked after our third gamejam. I started having a better understanding of how Blender worked as software, and how 3D modeling worked conceptually. At some point, I started seeing misc art ideas on tumblr etc. and thinking "i think I know how to do that!", and some of the time I actually could (or at least, a bootleg quality version of it)
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But the biggest turning point for me, and the closest I can get to answering the question about projects I am most proud of, were these two models.
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I had started playing Dragon Quest 11 some time before I started learning art, got bored/burned out on it, and unknowingly quit right before the big mid-point events of the game. It wasnt until a year or so later that I picked it up again, and immediately saw it with the noobie "cube eyes" I'd been developing over the last few months.
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I realized that the art style was beautiful yet simplistic enough that I could try and copy it, and was indeed able to make pretty decent versions myself (though unusably unoptimized it has to be said). It was also my first deep dive into Blender shaders, something which would take me another year or so to even scratch the surface of.
That moment not only empowered me a ton as an artist, but it also opened a whole new way for me to play and appreciate games that I had never experienced in my like 25+y of viddy gaming up to that point.
Honorable mention:
I went through a BOTW phase earlier in the summer when I replayed it looking for art to make. My eye crimes are buried deep in my #my art tag, but tldr I made a rito first, then zora, a goron... building up to the big man himself - whom I was afraid to try making because I was afraid I wouldn't do him justice.
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Kass was easily the most complicated model I had ever made until that point - involving handpainting his colors and patterns, a complex rig for animating both the body and the accordion, and just a lot of decor and misc outfit accessories. I cut some corners from the original design, but I was still really happy with both the result, and myself for being able to have achieved it.
Thank you for the ask!!
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untethereddreams · 2 years
The Lady in the Moon
[Story starts with a brief intro after the “~~~” if you want to skip the backstory and go straight there]
I floated the idea of translating/retelling stories from ancient Chinese history, folklore, and myths and posting them on Tumblr and on Patreon here and got a bunch of responses so, as promised, here’s an example* of what the retellings could look like. I’m tagging everyone who interacted with the original post; if you don’t want to be tagged anymore, please let me know so I take you off the list. I’ll be looking at engagement here and for the next few “sample” posts to see if there is continued interest and if people like my writing style so please interact if you’d like me to continue with the project!
*at the time of the linked post I had forgotten that the retellings I have on-hand were all written for live performances so my rhythm, syntax, and overall style were all specifically geared toward oral storytelling. This piece in particular was written for a storytelling competition that had a three minute limit on length so it’s very condensed (it also won second place so I am quite proud of it despite the limitations). For some examples on what my writing voice sounds like you can check out my Wordpress or my “my writing” tag here. A lot of my stories link back to Wordpress but I will be reposting them without the links here soon.
The Man in the Moon is a figure familiar to many, his face looking down at us from above the clouds. But how many have heard the story of the Lady in the Moon?
It is a tale from many months ago and many miles away and I am honoured to share it with you all.
Once upon a time, there was a hunter named Hou Yi. He and his wife, Chang É, lived peacefully together until, one day, something unimaginable happened. When the darkness had passed and the dawn arrived, what rose in the East was not one, not two, but ten suns. Soon, their relentless rays wrought havoc upon the land, drying up rivers, cracking good earth, and everywhere you looked plants and animals were dying.
The Gods tried to convince the suns to go back from whence they came – to no avail. Desperate, they turned to Hou Yi, the greatest hunter there had ever been. Hou Yi, eager to put an end to the suffering around him, strung up his bow and one by one he shot the suns out of the sky until only the original remained.
Everyone rejoiced as the world began to heal. The Gods in their gratitude granted Hou Yi one bottle of the Elixir of Immortality to share with his wife so that both may join them in the Celestial Palace.
Upon his triumphant return, Hou Yi told Chang É all about his incredible adventure and the gift from the Gods. Chang É wanted to ascend immediately, but Hou Yi had unfinished business left on earth, so he asked Chang É to wait until his return before setting out to tie up loose ends.
Anyone familiar with the myth of Pandora can guess what happened next: before long (and certainly before Hou Yi returned), Chang É opened the bottle and drank it down in one big gulp.
The truth behind her actions has been lost to myth and time, but several differing accounts remain. In one, it was merely a case of miscommunication: she had thought, perhaps understandably, that the tiny bottle was too small to hold enough Elixir for two and that Hou Yi had hidden his own portion away. She was simply leaving a little earlier to prepare their new celestial home for his arrival. In another account, Chang É drank the potion out of greed, and in a third her actions were a desperate attempt to keep the godly gift out of the hands of an intruder.
Whatever her motives, the results were the same: the Elixir took effect immediately and she felt lighter and lighter. Soon, she watched as the ground fell away beneath her feet and the Celestial Palace drifted closer and closer. Her joy quickly turned to terror, however, when the potion – intended for two – took her far above the Palace, higher and higher, until she landed on the moon.
She begged the Gods to allow her to return to earth, but they were displeased with her actions and ignored her pleas. But the people remember her pain. That’s why, every year on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar (what else?) we celebrate the moon. We gather and lay before her shining face a smorgasbord of fruits and pastries, waiting for her to bless them with her light before sharing them with friends and family, each one hoping for a brighter, fuller future.
Tag List (ask to be added or removed): @aninkwellofnectar @mjjune @booksontheflowerpot @andromedatalksaboutstuff @sashki4 @friendlyneighborhoodwizard @birbs-n-cats @eqqautor @mintchipsundae @alwaysastrophel @mintydressing @flash-fixation @asushunamir2051 @phantomnations @arcticmoon19 @satansspikeybutthole @cream-and-tea @jonmyblaze @wowkalak @theeyesarewatching @thatcoloradosunrise @captainreset0 @avyannaspunfables
(I couldn’t tag some of the accounts if anyone knows why that could be happening please let me know so I can fix it!)
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camaro-and-smokes · 1 year
Dream a Little Dream of Me
Chapter 15: Stormy weather
Chapter tags: heavy angst continues
Summary: Billy faces Eddie about the mysterious photos
Links to all chapters on tumblr on Chapter 1 post >>
Read on AO3 >>
"What the hell is your problem, Hargrove?" Eddie said as he opened the door of his hotel room half-asleep wearing just his sweats. "And what the fuck are you still doing here? Rob said you were leaving to the airport hours ag..." Billy pushed the door open and marched past Eddie into the room. "This! These fucking photos!" He shook the phone in his hand towards Eddie. "It was a god damn good thing that I decided not to go so that I can now beat your ass myself. Don't try to tell me that it's just a convenient accident these to be sent to me right now." Eddie looked at Billy utterly confused. "Billy, I honestly have no idea what you're talking about." "Well, take a look. Do these look exactly what you were aiming for? To get me see who Steve is for real? Huh?" Eddie took the phone and looked at the photos. In them a man, who very much looked like Steve Harrington, was standing in front of a window, kissing a woman who was wearing only thongs. His brow furrowed. "These must be old. Like, from the time he was with someone else. Before you." "Look at the fucking timestamp. They were taken two days ago!"
Eddie gave the phone back to Billy and lifted his hands up as he took a few steps back to get out of Billy's immediate vicinity. He knew that when Billy got really worked up, he got physical and not in a good way. "Billy, I would never do something like that to you. I might mess up things with my own actions or inactions, but I'm not cruel like that. I could never do something like that to you. Never. You should know that much."
Billy's rage turned into a horrible realisation that his beloved might actually be cheating on him. His chin quivered, and even though his eyes hurt from all the crying he'd done over the last twelve hours, the tears just started falling again. "If it's not you...then who? And if this is real... What am I going to do now? I just moved in... What if you were right all along?" he babbled, and broke down on Eddie's couch - like so many times he'd done in the past. Eddie sighed and sat next to Billy, pulling him into a tight hug - just like he'd done so many times before. "There must be an explanation to those photos, I'm..." "What other explanation there can be than that he's cheating on me with someone!” Billy growled. “It's obvious even to the blind what's going on in those photos!" "I know, Billy, I know. Shh, just calm down," Eddie said stroking Billy's head. "It was too good to be true," Billy cried. "You need to ask him what's going on. To sort it out," Eddie said calmly. "I don't want to talk to him," Billy whined. "Right. As if not speaking did ever anything good." "It kept me around you."
A silence fell around them.
Eddie sighed heavily. "Billy...you told me that you love him. That message was received, loud and clear." "What if I don't have him anymore? What if I never had him? I'm all alone! Again!" Eddie brushed Billy's cheek with his hand. "I've met the guy. I'm sure - wait, no - I know he loves you. This is just some bullshit someone from outside is trying to stir up. Blackmail him, maybe, a payback, or something?" "But how is he kissing her like that, and how is she naked if he didn't do it on purpose?" "Billy, I don't have answers to your questions. He does." "Stop saying that." "It's true and you know it."
Billy leaned his head against Eddie's shoulder and sighed. Eddie's hug felt safe, something he could trust. "You kinda predicted this though. Telling me that you'd be there when everything eventually fell apart." "I'll always be there for you, I'm your friend. But when I said that I didn't mean or want this." Billy looked up at Eddie's dove eyes. He took Eddie's hand in his and laced their fingers together. Eddie pulled his hand away. "Billy, I said your message was received loud and clear," he said quietly his mouth twisting. "So, I called Chrissy, and she's joining the tour in Paris for the second gig. Billy, I'm going to ask her to marry me at the Eiffel." Billy turned away and started to shake with sobs. Eddie stroke Billy's back with his hand. "Billy, you need to talk this through with Steve. There has to be another explanation to those photos."
Steve woke up to the alarm clock. He'd had only nightmares all night of things that could go wrong with Billy. And when he took a look at his phone, a cold chill ran through his spine.
There was a notification of one message from Billy that had just one word: Cheater!
"What the hell..." Steve said out loud, and dialled Billy's number. When he remembered that Billy was on a plane coming home he almost hung up immediately - but when the call connected, meaning that Billy wasn't on a plane, dread filled his gut.
"So, what's the explanation?" Eddie asked as he answered Billy's phone. Steve felt rage burning in his veins immediately. "Why the FUCK are you answering Billy's phone?" he growled. "Give the phone to him right now." "The tour doctor gave Billy Ativan, he's sleeping it off." "But you're in the same room with him! Get the fuck away from him, he's with me!" "I have his phone with me in my room so that he gets to sleep in his. Steve, he made it very clear to me that he's with you. If you want to know. Nothing you need to be concerned about happened between us." Steve was still fuming. “What then happened between you?" he asked menacingly. "It's really something that Billy should tell you, not me. But as he's sleeping..." Eddie sighed. "There's history between us, I think you knew that much. I kissed him. But that's all, and it's all on me. Billy loves you and that he's committed to you." Steve bit his tongue to keep his head straight even though his vision was red with rage. "You and I, we're not done, just remember that." "Duly noted," Eddie replied. Steve frowned. "Why was Billy given Ativan? And why wasn't he on the plane?" "Dude, you seriously have no idea what's going on? Billy was kinda wound up, so the doc just helped him to get some sleep." "What is going on?" Steve asked confused. "The photos that were sent to Billy last night from an unknown number? Of you with a lady wearing nothing but a thong? Taken just a few days ago?" "What?!" Steve asked, stunned. "Do you want me to send them to you?"
When Steve saw the photos, he groaned. "Oh god! That bitch!"
Chicago, Illinois, two days earlier.
It was way past nine pm when Steve drove the Merc out of the parking hall and onto the street. He was pissed at Carol, the head of accounting of his firm, for making him drive all the way to her place, almost thirty miles outside town, this late in the evening. She had some contracts with her from her trip to Germany she wanted Steve to have immediately as she was flying abroad again the next morning. Steve didn't understand why she had insisted that he should come, she had her own staff who could’ve brought the documents to him. And of course it was the night of all nights when Steve's own assistant Brian was sick, and Dave had a free night. So, it had to be him.
He parked in front of Carol’s house, and saw that there was only one car parked on the driveway. Her husband must've been on a work trip. The Merc flashed its lights as the doors locked when Steve walked outside the car’s locking perimeter and to the front door.
“Hi, come in,” Carol said. “I’ll just quickly throw some laundry to the washing machine, I’ll get the contracts then." Steve closed the door behind him. “Why couldn’t you send someone to bring them to me? I don’t appreciate needing to do something like this myself, especially at this hour.” Carol didn’t answer, so Steve walked to the living room and stood by the window. The yard was nicely lit, so he remained there, looking outside.
After a while Carol came back. “Here you go,” she said. Steve turned around, and to his shock, saw Carol wearing nothing else than skimpy thong. “What is this?” he asked confused. “This,” Carol said, “is me taking back what’s mine.” She jumped on Steve's lap, her legs around him and kissing him hard. Steve struggled to get her let go and pushed her away. “No!” he shouted while he wiped his mouth into his sleeve. “I’m in a relationship! I’m not interested in you.” “You were interested just a while back. Why not now? That pathetic man of yours can’t give you what I can.”
Steve's insides boiled. “You happened a long time ago, not just a while. And you know nothing about my partner, and it’s none of your business anyway. Well, he actually knows how to give a proper blowjob, unlike you. Now, where are the contracts? Get them to me and I’ll be on my way.” Carol looked at Steve still slyly smiling. “You left me.” “I left you because you cheated on me and then married the guy you cheated me with. You chose him over me,” Steve growled. “I no longer care what happens to you. So, how about those documents?” Carol scowled at Steve, but got moving. She took an envelope from her bag that was on the coffee table, and gave it to Steve. He walked directly to the door with the envelope. When he opened it he turned to look at Carol. “I don’t want to hear about tonight, ever. We’re done. Got it?” “Fine. Got it,” Carol shot back, her arms crossed on her chest.
Steve sat down on the Merc, and took deep breaths. He was shaking all over. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. Yes, he’d had a thing with Carol, but it had been almost a year and a half ago. She'd broken his heart, and then he just had moved on.
Steve sighed as he looked at the photos on his phone. "I hoped that would've been it. She must've had a photographer to take photos while I was there. These were sent to Billy because in them it looks like I'm kissing her. But it was all over in seconds. She jumped on me, and I pushed her away, immediately." Steve shook his head. "She probably wanted a quick cash on the photos, or maybe she saw a chance for revenge. Maybe both, just like Billy's father." Eddie nodded. "I believe you. Man, I told Billy that there was another explanation to the photos. That you wouldn't cheat on him." "I could never do that to him," Steve sighed, his anger all gone and replaced by anxiety. "Are you staying in the city you're now for long?" "No, we leave today for Paris. We have two gigs there on two consecutive days. If you're thinking of coming to see Billy." "I most definitely am,” Steve said emphasizing each word. “Uh, hey, when he wakes up, could you convince him to call me? I want to sort everything out." Eddie chuckled. "Sure, I can try. But you know he's stubborn as an ox.” After a short pause he continued. “So, you're gonna marry him or what? Or what are your plans concerning him in the long run? I mean, despite the mistakes of the past few days, I'm still kinda his oldest friend and all, you gotta be accountable to someone." Steve couldn't help but chuckle as well. "I'll make a decent man of him when the time is right, I promise."
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yellow-the-alien · 7 months
(just wanna preface this by saying that i’m yellow from @rainbowlemonslices and i made this blog so i can ramble about my stuff without clogging up the system blog lol)
ok so as a first post on the side blog, i wanna rant about a possible star wars kintype and hearthome that i might have because i think it might interest people? i dunno but it’s very long so imma put it under the cut
so this whole star wars thing that’s going on all started with the fact that we’re vacationing at disney world, which has a place called something along the lines of star wars land. prior to this trip, i had no idea what star wars land was, and hardly knew anything about star wars. however, my fellow headmates had been talking about it so i decided to ask about it. the moment i was shown what it looked like i was shocked because it looked so familiar, despite the fact that i had never been there before. i did some research on a lot of different things, such as star wars species and planets, and learned that the place where star wars land is set is called “batuu”. everything felt so familiar, but i wasn’t sure if this star wars thing was right.
so, all throughout the day i only had one thing on my mind, and that was batuu. my idea was that going into batuu would help me know if this star wars thing was actually true. it took a little while, but eventually we were able to go in. and the moment i entered i just felt like i was at home. it was so overwhelming that i was just in shock the entire time, and had to have a headmate help me mask. i could’ve sworn that i’d been there before, and it was such an exciting yet slightly terrifying feeling. for the first time since i got on earth, i felt like i was home. the ships, items and and environment just felt so real and so comforting. i felt like i had know that place my entire life. i still am not sure how to put this experience into words.
after we had to leave, i realized what had happened and that hit me like a train. i had been to my home, and i had no idea (and still have no idea) that hen i’ll ever be going back. that was the most homesick i’ve ever felt in my entire life. i was so happy and yet so upset at the same time. it was incredible.
however, this still brings up complications. i found a species that really fit with me, but there very little information on them and i have no clue how or why one of that species would even get to batuu, much less how one would feel like their home is batuu.
i have many more questions that i want to find answers to, and that’s okay. if you’ve decided to read this entire post, the basic general message of this is that sometimes, when you think you know yourself, the world will throw something new at you, and that’s okay. you don’t need to immediately know everything about yourself all the time. not knowing all there is to know about yourself is perfectly okay, and everyone is trying to figure themselves out, so you’re not alone, if that makes any sense.
please lmk if i need to change anything about this, or if you have any questions! i’m still not 100% sure how tumblr works or anything so yeah:)
also it took tumblr several days to actually let this show up in tags so i’m reposting it, this was written a few days ago
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
Can I please please request one where Natasha and Yelena have another younger sister (Y/N) and she gets badly injured and her older sisters are hysterical since they’re afraid to lose one they love the most
A Race Against Time | romanoff fam fic
Summary: Natasha and Yelena do their best to help their hurt younger sister.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting!
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
MCU Masterlist #1 | MCU Masterlist #2 |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/twitalents
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“Everybody alright?” Natasha asked as Alexei and Melina approached her and Yelena. The redhead herself definitely hadn’t gotten out of the whole ordeal without injuries. In fact, from Dreykov punching her to the fight against the Widows, and the fight against Antonia (not to mention the injuries from the past few days that she hadn’t taken care of), she was in some pain. However she didn’t worry about herself, she knew she’d be fine. She always was.
Natasha glanced over and spotted Y/N making her way over to them, too. From the distance, Natasha couldn’t tell that she was limping and was very hurt.
“I am clearly injured,” Melina deadpanned, causing Natasha to look back over and send her adoptive mother a smile as an apology. With a quick glance, Natasha could tell that she’d be okay, she’d just need a cast on that ankle and-
The sound, accompanied by Yelena’s loud gasp and yelp, broke through Natasha’s thoughts and caused her to whip around suddenly. The sight her eyes landed on instantly sent what felt like an ice shard plunging into her chest. No. No.
By the time she snapped out of it, Yelena was already by Y/N’s unconscious figure, which the thump must have been - her plummeting to the ground - and Alexei was helping Melina over as fast as he could. Natasha sped past them and dropped to her knees, her brain wired to already be processing the situation and formulating a plan, while she lightly stopped Yelena’s wrist to prevent her from going to shake Y/N.
“You don’t move someone who is unconscious unless necessary - it could injure them,” she breathed out. Yelena, who could see that her older sister was in autopilot mode, sat back and let her do her thing, opting to look up at her parents, instead.
Both their eyes were glued to Y/N. Alexei’s eyebrows crinkled and, after taking a big breath, muttered (just loud enough for them to hear), “There’s blood on you.”
Natasha’s eyes snapped down and sure enough, her knees were bloodied. She quickly looked up only to see blood beginning to come from Y/N’s stomach where she had fallen on her side. Closing her eyes for a moment to allow herself to think, Natasha carefully and gently pulled up Y/N’s shirt, only to see an open gash in the shape of the Widow hourglass.
“Wha-?” She said, barely forming a word, and Yelena leaned over to see.
She immediately began shaking her head and pushed Y/N onto her back. “I-I know what this is, I think. I remember hearing about a weapon that’d leave that mark,” she rambled out.
Melina peered over Natasha’s shoulder and when she saw it, her face went pale. “That-that weapon, it ejects a blast that makes that mark when it meets the skin. It was made as a precaution in case any of the Widows went rogue - it was made years ago. But only a few were made because they were so confident in themselves. It-it goes along with a process they constructed to re-brainwash the Widows. The blast gets under her skin, in her body, with a chemical that’s in it, and that chemical starts the brainwashing process,” she explained.
A park of hope entered Yelena’s eyes. “So she won’t be fully brainwashed?” She asked.
“Not without the rest of the procedure,” Melina began, but then her eyes widened when she remembered something and horror quickly flashed across her face. “But if the process isn’t completed within a certain time period, the chemical will wear off its brainwashing effects and instead will start hurting her . . . A lot . . . But I have an antidote-” her tone sped up now, “-It’s back at the house. We need to get her there.”
Natasha and Yelena nodded, both having gone through a great wave of emotions throughout Melina’s words. Yelena, while racked with worry, still remained hopeful, and Natasha did her best to be, too, but her tears were drying and she was sniffling.
“The jet is-” Alexei began to say, when the sound of the engines of cars rapidly approaching cut him off.
Natasha looked over. “Shit, Ross,” she said, regretting even tipping him off to their location in the first place.
Melina bit her lip. “You girls go. Take Y/N home. The antidote is labelled ‘Ant-Widow,’,” she told them firmly.
Yelena’s lips parted to protest, not wanting to split up, but catching Natasha picking up Y/N out of the corner of her eye stopped her. She nodded, rising to her feet.
“We’ll distract them. They won’t want anything to do with us when they realize you’re not here,” Melina insisted.
Natasha sent her a look that she could only hope was conveying everything she wanted it to. A million thoughts whizzed about in her mind, none making room for each other. She wondered, would they leave them alone? Or would they be taken into questioning? Shouldn’t she be the one facing Ross - since she called him there? Is Y/N going to be okay? Will they get there in time?
By the way Melina looked back at her, Natasha thought that her message had been received. There was no time to go over the plan any longer, if they stayed even a couple more seconds they’d get caught by Ross, whose army of cars headed to a halt.
Natasha bolted off in the jet’s direction, Yelena quick on her heels. They rushed inside and Natasha took her time to gently put Y/N down before going to the pilot seat. Yelena sat down in the back, wanting to watch over their little sister.
Neither of them said anything until Natasha had gotten them off the ground and away from the field. Yelena could hear the engine whirring and she knew that Natasha was going as fast as this aircraft could probably go.
“Natasha,” she said, her voice small and hesitant, reminding Natasha of her own self when she was younger. The redhead braced herself for her sister’s words. “Do you think we’ll get there in time?”
Natasha let out a slow yet steady breath, fighting back the urge to tell her not to say that. She wondered the same thing, and she hated it. She didn’t answer, though, because she didn’t want to lie. She didn’t know herself, and she also hated that.
Yelena looked down in defeat when she didn’t get an answer and continued watching Y/N. She couldn’t stop herself from worrying and when she spotted the other injuries — bruises, cuts, scrapes — littering her body, she got up and went to the back.
The blonde grabbed the med kit they had stored and went back, quickly opening it up and getting everything she needed. First, bandages. Yelena put pressure on the wound even though she knew it wouldn’t bleed out, and a twinge of guilt hit her when Y/N moved and groaned unconsciously.
She then wrapped up Y/N’s stomach and tended to her other injures, every so often glancing at Natasha, who she could see by the way she was sitting up straight that she was tense. Upset. Worried. Yelena had to admit she was feeling those same things but busied herself by taking care of Y/N.
This carried on and they were about ¾ there when everything shifted. Y/N, who had been mostly quiet throughout the journey, suddenly rolled onto her side, eyes opening with a startled gasp.
Natasha frantically looked up at Yelena and the latter jumped to resolve the situation. Gently, she put her hands on her younger sister’s shoulders and tried to turn her onto her back, but Y/N fought her off and scurried back, against the wall.
“Y/N,” Yelena said, slowly putting her hands up in a “surrender” gesture.
The younger one shook her head as tears began to flow down her cheeks. “It-it hurts,” she got out, wrapping her arms around herself.
Yelena sent Natasha a frightened, desperate look and the glint in Natasha’s eyes held tears in them. “I can’t go any faster!” She cried out in frustration, her anger at her helplessness beginning to grow.
Yelena turned back to Y/N. “Take deep breaths with me, okay?” She said, and took a couple deep breaths to show her. It took Y/N a second, but she followed along. However, the pain didn’t take a break for long, and quickly came crashing back to her, like a magnet.
She let out another cry, but this one filled with that much more anguish, desperation, a pure rage from wanting it to be over, a rage that nearly caused her to vomit. Y/N leaned forward, hoping that there was something - anything - that could relieve this pain for even just a second. The warmth she was soon filled with from her older sister’s arms wrapping around her and pulling her close did nothing to soothe pain, but she found someone to have a steady grip on, someone to hold.
This continued on. In every cry let out, Yelena could’ve sworn each one was louder than the last. She didn’t know what to do so she did the only thing she could and stayed there. After  a particularly loud cry from Y/N, Yelena couldn’t stop a “Natasha!” from escaping.
“I’m trying!” She shouted over the engine and over Y/N, doing her best to blink away the tears and focus, but everytime she was on the brink of it, something tore her away.
After what felt like what could only be described as eons, Natasha managed to touch down in the same spot she had just a day ago. The moment they made contact, she leapt out of her seat, nearly tumbling to the floor, and practically fell against the door.
“Stay with her,” was all she said to Yelena before pushing all her weight against the door and breaking off into a run towards the house.
Natasha had run fast before. To escape Antonia, on countless SHIELD missions, and even to beat Sam in a race, but none amounted to this. The mountains and trees whipped by so fast that she felt like she was in a race car and it made her head spin. Nonetheless (and she thanked her extensive training for that), Natasha’s stamina held out and she ran through the house, tripping over things and knocking others over, until she reached Melina’s office.
At first, everything looked like a normal office space for a normal business woman, but the underlying science and spy secrecy that she knew had to be inside was revealed. Cabinets upon cabinets filled with vials upon vilas and files upon files. She scoured the entire room and nearly dropped the green-filled file when she saw its label. This was it.
A moment of victory passed until Natasha remembered the weight of the situation and she got back on her feet, running like the wind, and leaving behind the office looking like some raccoons had gotten inside.
By the time she reached the top of the hill, Natasha could make out the outline of Yelena carrying Y/N (who was draped over her like a curtain, by the way) toward her.
They met in the middle and Yelena put Y/N down, the older sisters kneeling beside her. Y/N was half-conscious at this point and Natasha moved at the speed of light to get the vial lid off. “She was getting worse, I couldn’t wait!” Yelena yelled.
When she got it open, Natasha pushed it towards Y/N’s lips. “Y/N, honey, c’mon, you gotta drink,” she encouraged, hand trembling as Y/N attempted to fight her off. It was only Yelena running her hands through her hair that calmed her down, and she took a small sip of the vial’s contents at first before gulping it down.
When she stopped squirming and seemed to no longer be in pain, instead falling into a peaceful sleep, that’s when both Natasha and Yelena had calmed down. It had been a rollercoaster, but they did it, and she was okay. The two held each other, relieved.  
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Reason to Come Back (Bucky Barnes x reader)
Reason to come back
Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 3574
Request: "can you do something where seb(or one of his characters)and reader used to date and one day he broke up with her and after a short time he comes up with a new girl(not cheating)and the reader thinks that she’s worthless and not beautiful or good enough and that’s why he broke up with her and tries to be better(you know what to do•_-) and silently suffering etc. and with a happy ending where they get back together"
Warnings: mentions of a breakup, angst, depression, very slight mentions of disordered eating and exercise (very slight, not like most of my other fics), general feelings of worthlessness, angst
Tags: @buckys2thicc @mardema @stucky-on-spiderman @abitgryffindorky @freigeistundanderes @barnesplums @thatfangirl42 @buckfics @babyboibucky 
A/N: I AM SO SORRY TO THE ANON THAT REQUESTED THIS SO LONG AGO AND THAT IT TOOK SO LONG! I don’t even know if they’re still here, I feel so bad. I got an anon request for this fic and I did not know about the inbox for Tumblr accounts until just recently because I’m incompetent. There’s no excuse for me taking so long to write it, but I wanted to even though it’s been 9 months since they sent it. If you’re still here anon, thank you for sticking with me!
NEW NOTE 06/04/21: I rewrote this to be for Bucky as opposed to Sebastian. It is still mostly the same, just reworded in some places. This is meant to take place in reference to the timeline of tfatws and mentions moments from the show. I am referencing “the time he was gone” as the series episode 1-6. I don’t know how much time passed but I assume it was at least a few weeks if not longer (especially between episodes 5 and 6). That’s how I wrote it.
It was a quiet night, you under some blankets on the couch watching a movie. There was an empty bowl aside from a few popcorn kernels on the coffee table in front of you, the movie more for background noise than entertainment. You were scrolling through your phone mindlessly, looking for a distraction that would keep you occupied.
Not that it was working too well. There wasn’t much that could distract you from the fact that you were alone.
9 months. You had dated for 9 months. Not that he had been around for much of it. He had been with Sam on an extended mission, and he had been gone for a few weeks. You didn’t know much about the mission, Bucky wasn’t allowed to tell you. For your safety. You understood. It was his job, you knew that, but it could be lonely most of the time. He would call or text you if he could, but he couldn’t compromise his location. You were always happy to hear from him, but it wasn’t the same as when he was around.
You knew this would happen, and you had accepted that. It was hard, but you could manage.
You hadn’t heard from him in a weeks, but you didn’t think much of it. He and Sam must have gotten closer to the answers they had been looking for. You could only hope that he was safe. it took a toll on you, worrying about him, but you had been so happy when he had said he was coming home. But when he walked through the door, he didn’t seem excited at all.
You had wrapped your arms around him, and he had hesitantly hugged you back gently. You had known something was wrong almost immediately, pulling back and trying to meet his eyes. “Babe? Are you okay?”
“We should talk,” he said, struggling to meet your eyes.
You pulled your eyes together with concern. “Yeah, yeah what’s wrong?”
“I, uh… I don’t know if this is gonna work out.”
You shook your head, surprised. “What do you mean? What happened?”
“I just don’t think you and I work with 1,000 miles between us.”
“What?” you said in disbelief. “You’re the one who has to leave and I told you that I’m okay with it, and I am. I never thought you’d be the one with the problem with it.”
“Y/n -”
“We can work this out, Buck. You said it yourself, you don’t normally go away for that long. I’m not going anywhere, I - ”
“I can’t ask you to stay, y/n,” he said, cutting you off. You shut your mouth and shook your head. “Where is this coming from, what happened?” you asked.
He cleared his throat. “I should go.”
“You don’t get to walk away from this like that!” you exclaimed, nearly yelling.
“And I don’t have the right to expect you to wait for months while I’m out trying to save people. I thought it’d be fine but I couldn’t stop thinking about you here, alone. There’s going to be more missions, more danger. They recreated the serum. Who knows what else they’ll be able to create? You shouldn’t have to deal with that.”
“You don’t get to make that choice for me! I told you I’m okay with it and I still am, Bucky! I know the risks!” you said, tears pricking your eyes.
He looked away. “You deserve much better than me. Someone who can be there for you.”
You walked up to him and cupped his face. “You’re all I could ever want Bucky. Distance be damned.”
He sighed and pulled you into a hug, squeezing you tightly for a moment. “I have to go y/n. I’m sorry.”
He let you go and turned around, not even looking back to say goodbye.
That had been a couple of weeks ago. You had been crushed at first, devastated. But you were still able to function in your day-to-day life. You had a few friends to hype you up or cry with you, whatever the day was. You were able to still get to work, try to move on. And it was getting better, but the nights were still hard. It wasn’t the same when you knew he wouldn’t be coming home.
During the day you could pretend like you were waiting for that night when he would be able to call you. But at night, it was dark and you didn’t have a person you wanted to call.
You weren’t bitter, in a way you understood. You had known how relationships could be ruined by distance and work. But being a super soldier wasn’t a typical line of work. You had been okay with it, but you hadn’t thought that it would’ve affected Bucky as much as it seemed to. You had been emotional at the time, but looking back on it you could understand where he was coming from. Relationships were two-sided - just because you felt okay didn’t guarantee he was.
You knew what he did was dangerous. You had accepted that there might not have always been a happy ending. Maybe he hadn’t.
But then one day you had walked into a bar, only to see Bucky flirting with another girl, laughing away..
That was all you needed to see.
You didn’t want to read too much into it, any kind of situation could be misread. But him laughing with a very attractive girl over drinks shortly after becoming single - you couldn’t help but wonder.
You tried to tell yourself that it didn’t matter, that you were reading everything wrong, but your heart still felt as though it was breaking.
She was gorgeous. Much more so than you, you had thought.
Was that why he left? Was he just wanting to get himself back out there? Had he met her and just needed to get rid of you?
You didn’t want to think that way, none of it was true. He wouldn’t do that, he was a good man. But still…
Maybe if you were different it would’ve been harder for him to leave.
Maybe you hadn’t given him a good enough reason to stay.
And maybe, if you were better, prettier, he would come back.
It started small - making more of an effort to go to the gym, not ordering takeaways every night, that sort of thing. Not that you had much of an appetite to begin with. But you didn’t realize when your days had become full of going from work to the gym, nor why you had freaked out so much when you had sprained an ankle and couldn’t do your normal workout.
You had decided to work your arms those next few days to supplement the cardio you had missed. You had kept this up until you woke up one morning struggling to turn over because you were so sore. You decided that that day, you could take a rest day.
A rest day turned into a rest week, and soon enough you were only leaving your house to go to work. And only because you needed money.
You had cut yourself off from most of your contacts, still replying every now and then so they wouldn’t be concerned. You didn’t go out with them or call them because you were worried they would see right through you. Better to stay home. Your bed would never judge you.
You had become familiar with the spots on the wall, the streaks from god knows what, the way that light would filter through your window as the sun ascended and descended the sky. Hours could pass and you could still be in the same position.
You had to keep up a front around everyone. Letting people know how much you were hurting was not an option for you. Then they would ask what was wrong and pull you aside and look at you with this concerned face that you couldn’t deal with. It was the one that everyone always gave when someone was having a bad day, the one people put on when they wanted you to think that they cared. Sometimes they did, but most of the time a person with any sense of morals would put that face on to make a person think that they cared. It’s the same way “How are you?” is more of a greeting than a genuine question.
There were people who cared, but you didn’t want to have that conversation. You didn’t even know what you were doing anymore. It was an honest thought of bettering yourself, but it was for the wrong reasons. Trying to be better for Bucky made you realize how much you missed him. How angry you really were at him. But you couldn’t take it out on him, he didn’t deserve that at all, he didn’t earn that. But you were angry at...something, and maybe it was yourself, at letting him walk out that door, of not calling him and leaving him messages. Maybe if you had fought for him he would’ve stayed. If you had said something when he distanced himself.
You felt like this was your fault. And maybe if you changed something about yourself, you would learn from your mistakes.
Not that you knew exactly what you had done or what isolating yourself would fix, or teach you for that matter.
At some point, you must have fallen asleep because your ringtone jolted you awake. You groaned, shutting your eyes again. You would let it go to voicemail, just like all of the others. If it was that important they would text you.
You let it ring, sighing when it had stopped. You readjusted in your bed, trying to fall back asleep. It was a Saturday morning, you had until Monday morning to sleep. You were going to make the most of it.
But then your phone began ringing again.
You opened your eyes again, picking up your phone to see who it was. You dropped the phone when you saw the name
Bucky Barnes
Why the fuck was he calling you? What could he possibly have to say to you?
You watched the phone ring through to voicemail, soon after seeing a voicemail was left. You didn’t bother listening to it, you didn’t need to. You simply rolled over in bed. If it were that important, he would have called sooner.
Bucky’s POV
As the call went to voicemail again, Bucky was confused. He had never known you to miss a call, ever. It wasn’t like you, he knew you would drop anything to take calls. You had said you hated people leaving voicemails because you hated them having to listen to your voicemail message. You had thought your voice had sounded weird. It was one of the little things he remembered about you that made him smile
And realize how royally he had fucked up.
Being away on a mission wasn’t anything new for him, but maintaining a serious relationship for him was. He had never met anyone like you, and he had missed you so much when he had left. He hadn’t felt anything like what he did when you smiled at him since the 40′s. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but all he could think about was how much he had missed you. And that made him think about how much you must have missed him.
He felt like he was holding you back in some way. He was used to being away in dangerous situations for periods of time but you weren’t. And no matter how much you had assured him that you were okay with the long-distance relationship, as the months went on he felt guilty for not being able to be there in the way that he wanted to.
In the way you deserved.
He broke up with you because he thought you deserved better than relying on phone calls and texts for months at a time. Someone who could be there all the time for you. Someone who you didn’t have to worry about getting shot when he left for a mission. Someone predictable and reliable. Something he couldn’t always do.
But God, did he miss you.
He regretted walking out that door. He regretted not giving you a better reason, for not calling you or texting you until now, weeks later. The more time went on, the more he felt it would be inappropriate to call you to apologize.
But he couldn’t take it anymore, so he dialed your number. And when it went to voicemail, he had gotten a little worried.
He knew he didn’t have much of a right or reason to be worried, but he had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right. So, he decided to reach out to one of your friends.
Hey, is y/n alright?
Why do you want to know?
Look, I know I messed up. I just wanted to apologize and give her the answer she deserves. But she’s not answering my calls.
She doesn’t do phone calls anymore.
What do you mean?
She won’t answer calls. She won’t even come out with us anymore. Something’s up but she denies it.
When did this start?
When do you think?
Bucky’s heart sank to his stomach. This was his fault. And he had to go make it right.
Your POV
You were still in bed, wondering why Bucky had called you. It didn’t make sense to you, for him to call after all of this time. What could he possibly have to say to you? Did he want to inform you of a new girlfriend before the news caught wind of it? Did he want to come up with some dumb excuse to tell you he was sorry?
It made you scoff slightly, but the tug at your heart let you know that it wouldn’t be unwelcome.
You couldn’t deny it. As much as his leaving had hurt you, you missed him more than anything.
You wanted another chance with him, one that you weren’t sure you would get. And the thought of him coming back to you was comforting. Like maybe it wasn’t your fault. Or maybe you had done enough to win him back.
Wishful thinking.
You had lost track of time, once again, but were snapped out of your daze by knocking on your door.
What? Why would anyone be here?
You sighed. It was probably just some random person selling some random product or something.
More knocking. More insistent. You sighed, standing up and silently groaning at the soreness you felt in your body. Not necessarily from overuse, but more so from underuse. You stood you slowly, walking quietly over to your door.
More knocking.
You made it to the door and glanced through the peephole you had, eyes widening and a small gasp leaving your mouth.
Why the fuck was Bucky here?
More knocking.
You ran a hand down your face. Knowing him, he wouldn’t leave. But why did it go from calling straight to ‘I’m coming to your door’? As if he hadn’t been the one to leave you?
More knocking.
You swallowed dryly. “Why are you here?” you called out through the door.
Bucky let out a breath. “I just want to talk to you”
You shook your head on the other side of the door, wondering if you should let him speak. As if he wasn’t already living rent-free in your mind.
“Please y/n.”
You set your face hard, pulling the door open. At least you would get to say your piece to him.
“Now you wanna talk? Fine. Let’s talk.” you said, coldly.
Bucky was slightly taken aback, though he couldn’t blame you. He took in your appearance, exhaustion seeming to overtake you. Dark circles under your eyes, pale skin, you just - all life seemed to be drained from you. He scratched the back of his neck nervously before he asked quietly, “Can I come in?”
You stepped to the side, silently allowing him in, closing the door behind you. You crossed your arms over your chest and shrugged slightly. “What do you want Barnes?
“I’m sorry,” he said. You scoffed slightly, shaking your head and looking away. “Y/n look at me, please. I fucked up.”
“Well it took you long enough to figure that one out didn’t it?” you snapped, looking at him.
“Y/n please -”
“Tell me, when exactly did you figure out that maybe, just maybe, you should say you were sorry?”
“Y/n please - “
“Who was the girl? The one in the bar from a few days after we had broken up? The one you were hitting on over a couple of drinks?”
“The… what?”
“When did you feel the slightest bit of regret? When did you change your mind and decide that you didn’t want to leave?”
“I never wanted to leave you!” he exclaimed. “Can you please just listen to me?”
You looked at him, anger in your eyes but you closed your mouth. You gave him a look that said ‘I’m listening.’
He took a deep breath. “The woman at the bar was an old friend of Sam’s. He had introduced the two of us at one point. I was at a bar one night and and she came over to say hello and stayed for one drink. It’s nothing more than that.”
You took a breath. Situations could definitely be read wrong. You knew it had probably been nothing.
“When we first got together we had talked about me leaving for missions. Long-distance, unpredictable times, dangerous missions. A lot of people have a hard time keeping that going.”
“And I knew that and was okay with it.”
“Let me finish, please.” he pleaded. “I knew you knew the risks but I’m not sure I was as ready as I thought I was. I left and suddenly I couldn’t talk to you because I was worried for your safety. I couldn’t be there for you in all the ways I wanted to be. In all the ways you deserved. I just...you didn’t deserve that. You deserved so much more than that.”
You felt tears prick your eyes. “You already told me that. When you left. What’s really going on?”
He shook his head slightly. “ Sam’s sister had gotten a call with a threat towards her and her children. I couldn’t put you at risk. These people, they were super soldiers just like me. I had a few close calls with serious injuries. And I realized that if I got hurt I couldn’t protect you. I couldn’t let you get hurt and I couldn’t let you worry about whether or not I would come home alive. I thought… I thought it’d be less painful for both of us if we stopped seeing each other before that happened.”
You shook your head slightly. “Why couldn’t you tell me that?” you said, a little more softly.
“I don’t know”
You shook your head. “You’re gonna have to do a lot better than I don’t know.”
“I - “ He sighed slightly. “I was scared. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I was scared that I was going to lose you.”
“So you gave me up?” you asked.
“And made the biggest mistake of my entire life.”
You looked to the side and bit your lip slightly. “You know I thought it was my fault?” you turned your face back to Bucky’s confused one. “I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. That if I was enough you wouldn’t have left. Or if I was better you would’ve come back.”
He shook his head and started walking towards you to comfort you. “It was never your fault angel -”
You backed up slightly. “You don’t get to call me that. Not right now, not yet at least.”
He looked hurt slightly, but he nodded. After a few moments of silence, you scoffed slightly.
“You know, as much as I hate to admit it, I fell apart these past few weeks. Told myself that the only thing I wanted and needed was having you come back. And here you are and...I don’t know, Bucky.” you shrugged. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do or think, you broke up with me because you were afraid of hurting me? I - “ you rubbed your eyes. “I just… I get it, but I just wish we could’ve had this conversation weeks ago, Buck.”
“Does this mean we’re done?” he asked timidly.
“I… I don’t know. I just…. I think i need a little bit of time. Please. Just some time to think.”
He nodded, though he looked slightly disappointed. “Yeah, of course.” you nodded, walking him over to the door, opening it. He turned around. “Is it okay to give you a hug, y/n?”
You thought about it for a moment before nodding, letting him wrap his arms around your waist as you looped them around his neck. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, tears forming in your eyes as you realized how much you missed this. How much you needed this. When he went to pull away, you held him a little more tightly before letting him go.
He smiled at you before turning to leave. “Take as much time as you need, y/n.”
You gave him the smallest of smiles back. “I’ll see you later Bucky.”
And with that, you closed the door behind you, not having a clue what any of this meant. This didn’t make it okay by any means, but maybe, just maybe, the two of you could start fresh. Together.
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tyonfs · 4 years
under the rain.
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❝ it’s hard to believe that you want me too. ❞
PAIRING ▸ boyfriend!jaemin x fem!reader
GENRES ▸ smut, some fluff, established relationship
WARNINGS ▸ dirty talk, praise, car sex, orgasm denial, overstimulation, exhibitionism, some aftercare
WORD COUNT ▸ 1912 words
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ this was an impulse-write i started a few days ago but i basically wrote 75% of it after the nct end of the year party video came out. jaemin is literally sososo pretty and omg seeing the new members and xiaohenyang with the rest of nct was everything ♡ i hope you guys enjoy this !! also psa this is reposted bc tumblr tags hate me
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The two of you were always too busy to see each other during the week. From college classes to football practice, Jaemin could barely squeeze in time for you. Rare moments like today, however, were when you could spend some quality alone time with him, away from friends and college lectures. Jaemin dedicated the entire day to you and only you, only for it to be ruined by the rainfall as you were walking back to Jaemin’s car from the movie theater.
You were drenched by the time you and Jaemin made it to the parking structure where his car was parked. Although the day had been perfect, from Jaemin taking you to your favorite coffee shop and then walking around with you downtown, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat gloomy because of the rain. You weren’t aware that you were visibly showing your exasperation until Jaemin wrapped his arms around you from behind, pulling you into his warmth.
“I’m sorry,” Jaemin murmured into your neck, “I didn’t know it was going to rain.”
You shivered a bit at his touch and put your hands over his. “It’s okay. I just wish we could be together for a little longer.”
You knew he was disappointed, too. Jaemin always complained about not having the chance to see you whenever he could, so simple things such as weekend dates were precious to him. On top of that, he absolutely hated not seeing you happy. Na Jaemin didn’t exactly have all the time in the world, but he did everything in his power to not let things end on a sour note.
The rain pattered outside of the empty parking structure, so Jaemin pulled you closer and opened the door to the backseat. You weren’t very sure where this was going to go but, regardless, you let him slide into the seat and pull you onto his lap, closing the door as soon as you were inside.
“Jaemin?” you asked, voice dropping to a whisper.
“Shh.” Jaemin silenced you and slid his long fingers over your clothed clit, rousing a surprised whimper from you. He smirked at your immediate reaction and brought his lips to your ear. “You like that?”
“Fuck,” you breathed out and looked around your surroundings, a sudden spike of anxiety rising at the thought of being seen. Yet, somehow, it got you even more excited. “What if someone sees us?”
“Then let them enjoy the show.”
Jaemin was always so shameless when it came to things like this. When you met up before classes once, he tugged you into a bathroom and took you in one of the stalls; on another occasion, you visited him during football practice and he snuck away to make out with you behind the bleachers. It wasn’t like you were opposed considering you were often just as sexually frustrated as he was.
Now, you both needed this. After barely seeing your boyfriend all week, you had kept everything pent-up, and you knew he felt the same way. Jaemin ran his free hand up and down your body, feeling what he had longed for.
“You’re so gorgeous, Y/N,” Jaemin whispered, blowing air against your ear. “Absolutely fucking beautiful.”
He slipped his hand past your waistband, tracing his fingers along the v-line of your pelvis. You shivered at the feeling of his fingers grazing your skin, traveling down to rub your clit in slow, teasing circles. You rutted back against him, craving more friction, more touch. This only encouraged Jaemin to speed up his pace, fingers rolling around your tiny ball of nerves in a way that made you go crazy.
“Jaemin, we shouldn’t—ah!”
“What was that?” he cooed sickeningly, knowing the effect he had on you.
But this time, you weren’t going to comply. No matter how horny you were, you knew it wasn’t a great idea to go at it in a parking lot. You were ready to—
Jaemin slid two fingers along your soaking slit. “Do you have something to say, Y/N?”
—completely give in.
“P-please,” you begged in a whimper, “more.”
“Such a good girl.” Jaemin slipped a finger inside of you, his free hand sliding up your shirt to feel you up. He slid his finger in and out of you, getting you more wet until he asked, “Want another one?”
You nodded quickly, breath hitching as Jaemin slid another finger in. Your walls tightened around his fingers but Jaemin didn’t slow down his pace. He pumped even faster, rousing a moan from you when his long fingers hit a certain spot that made your head go fuzzy. You felt a tingling sensation all over your body, warmth knotting in your stomach. You just wanted Jaemin to finish you off, but you knew that wasn’t his style.
You let out a moan that sounded about an octave higher, and Jaemin took it as his cue to pull his fingers out. You immediately whined, rolling your hips back against his. Your boyfriend tutted at your impatience and lifted his fingers to your lips.
“Suck,” he ordered, wanting you to taste yourself. You obeyed and held his wrist to suck on his fingers, and Jaemin bit back a groan. “Such a pretty mouth.”
He pulled his fingers away from your mouth once he was satisfied and tugged at your hips. You swiveled around so that you were straddling his lap, sitting on top of Jaemin’s painful erection. He reached up to move your hair out of your face, just admiring your features for a moment. It seemed as if he was frozen in time then, as if the world was just you and him in his car.
“It’s hard to believe,” he murmured, tracing his finger along your collarbone, “that you want me too.”
“Of course I do,” you whispered back, pouting at his statement. You wished he didn’t have to feel so insecure, but you understood that it was hard when you couldn’t see him all the time. “I love you.”
Jaemin smiled at your words, mumbling an “I love you too” as he grabbed the back of your neck to pull you down for a kiss. You kissed him back fervently, allowing him access to every part of you, letting his tongue roam your mouth and his hands roam your body. When you let out a gasp at the feeling of Jaemin’s hands gripping your ass, he seized the opportunity to kiss down to your neck.
“Jaemin, please,” you whined. “I need you.”
He pulled away for a moment, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear before unbuttoning his pants for you. You moved off of him to take off your pants, too, and when you came back to him, you were dying for his touch again.
You both were silent for a moment, just heavy breathing and chests rising and falling before he said, “Ride me.”
You hesitated because you had expected him to take charge tonight. Now, you were feeling a bit nervous, but you stepped up to the challenge. Nodding, you tugged down his boxers to let his cock spring out. He was so fucking hard and you were so wet and ready to take him.
“Easy,” he murmured, guiding your hips down on him. A gasp escaped your lips as he entered you, adjusting your position several times before you could take him in fully. “No matter how many times I fuck you, you’re always so tight and perfect for me.”
Jaemin groaned as your walls clenched and unclenched around him. Jaemin tucked his head into your shoulder, holding the small of your back as you moved your hips up and down on him. Your boyfriend greedily groped every possible place he could pleasure you, and when he got to pinching your nipples, you felt like your head was spinning.
You thought Jaemin was getting unsatisfied by your careful movements because he held your hips with a bruising grip and pulled you down. You moaned, curling your fingers into his hair as you bounced on his cock. Jaemin groaned into the crook of your neck, dragging his lips up to whisper words of praise into your ear.
He was rough sometimes, yes, but Jaemin loved to love, and he showed it during sex. Despite how rough he liked to get, it was the simple gestures that really showed how gentle he could be. He would kiss every inch of your skin that if he thought he held you too hard, stroke your hair while he was pounding into you, and hold you close to him because more than the sex, he just wanted you in his arms.
“Might cum—gonna cum, gonna cum,” you moaned out, nails digging into his shoulders as Jaemin fucked up into you.
He held your hips as he angled his hips again to hit that one spot that left you in the clouds. Your arm shot out to the side, attempting to grab anything for leverage, which was when you noticed how the windows started fogging up. Jaemin pressed his thumb against your clit, sending waves of pleasure that dared to make you spill over.
“Hold it for me, pretty girl,” Jaemin ordered in a gentle voice, rubbing your clit in circles as he grinded his hips up into you. “Don’t cum all over my cock just yet. I wanna do it with you.”
You closed your eyes shut, biting your lip and nodding. You let out a loud whimper each time Jaemin thrusted up into you, complete with you bouncing up and down on his cock. Jaemin’s voice was raspy, growling filthy words into your ear that made butterflies flutter in your stomach, edging you even more.
By the time you had tears streaming down your cheeks, Jaemin decided he had overstimulated you enough. He pressed down on your clit a touch harder as he circled the little ball of nerves. Paired with his intense thrusts, you were losing your hold over yourself.
Jaemin looked up at you, desperation over his face. “Go ahead, Y/N. Be a good girl and cum for me.”
You didn’t waste any time and unraveled right in front of him, crumbling into his hold right away. Jaemin groaned, filling you up to your brim, and relief washed over you when you remembered you were on the pill. But Jaemin continued fucking you through your highs, hips stuttering to a stop when you both had grounded yourselves again.
The only sounds in the car were the distant pattering of raindrops and the heavy panting from you and Jaemin. You bit your lip as you got off of him, his cum dripping down your thighs. You frowned slightly at the mess because you knew he had nothing to clean it off with.
Jaemin looked solemn for a moment when you got off his lap. You both knew that once you two got back to your college campus, this dream would end and you would get back to the cold reality of schoolwork and club activities.
He held your hand, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin. “Will you stay the night?” he asked gently. “I want cuddles.”
You smiled at his words. “Of course.”
It was true that you and Jaemin rarely had time to see each other recently, but right now, under the pouring rain, it didn’t matter because you had each other.
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moonflms · 3 years
➷。˚surprise? — nct jeno
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PROLOGUE ༄ — the surprise of getting your boyfriend's dream dog for his birthday became a bit ruined knowing that another samoyed came home earlier than expected.
PAIRING ༄ - boyfriend! jeno x fem! reader
GENREs ༄ - fluff, puppy boyfie, puppy son, renjun supportive bff
W. COUNT ༄ - around 1k+
WARNINGS༄ - swearing (do i have to add this i literally swear in my stories JHSDKJS)
TAGS ༄ - @cupfullofjeno @jungwon-luv-bot-pt3 (if you wanna be tagged in my stories then feel free to reach out to me ! <3)
➷。min's letter ༄ - rushed bc i honestly lost the ability to write HJSDHJSDH btw help me with tags bc my tumblr won't allow me to add more tags???
do not repost. copyright belongs to @moonflms 2021. reblogs and likes are deeply appreciated! originally posted on my wattpad (@johnsparrot) . enjoy reading!
"okay, so here's the plan. you're staying in the guest room until jeno's birthday which is in three days. you'll make it, right?" you glanced at the passenger's seat beside you, talking to the 9 weeks old samoyed puppy you got just a few moments ago from the pet barber.
"plus, jeno's not supposed to come home 'til friday." stopping on a red light, you petted the puppy, who was bunched in a blue blanket. "jeno hasn't stopped yapping about how he really wanted a samoyed y'know." the puppy yawned as he stood on his seat, scratching his ear with his hind leg. you smiled as you mumbled a small 'good boy' then continued to focus on driving. you were close to the condo you both lived in, just a few more turns and you're home.
your samoyed was unplanned, to be honest. both you and your boyfriend jeno were huge dog lovers. with jaemin who introduced the breed to him as his twin, jeno simply fell in love with the bear-like dog. although you both were ready in raising a dog, the plan of actually getting one never pushed through, more like being set to the side a couple of times.
but recently hearing that jeno's friend taeyong had his samoyed give birth to a litter of small cub-like puppies, you seized the chance to get one for jeno, just in time for his birthday. and guess what? it only took a few boxes of ferrero rochers and a new dog mattress and bam! you got the puppy without spending thousands.
pulling up in the parking lot, you carried the puppy from his seat on one hand and carried his small dog crate on the other, you were ready to head up the elevator until you saw jeno's car parked a few slots across yours.
"huh?" you stopped in the middle of your trail and looked at the plate number, it was exactly jeno's. you immediately moved to the side placing the crate down and got your phone out of your pocket, calling jeno.
"are you upstairs?" you sounded rushed. "yep! we came back from the resort earlier than expected. surprise!"
. .
"sweets?" jeno called out as you lowkey panicked. "y-yeah! hold on uh, the parking is a bit crowded so i'll have to park farther than usual, i'll head up in a bit." you quickly ended the call as you looked at your puppy.
crap crap crap crap
plans were a bit ruined knowing how jeno's back from his trip with his friends earlier than expected. your worry was how would you bring the puppy in without surprising another samoyed who's waiting by the doorstep of your door. you can't leave the puppy in the car, nor you couldn't sleep in the car just to accompany the puppy. time was ticking as your boyfriend was expecting you already upstairs.
but oh thank god that your prayers were heard. walking away from his car, you saw a familiar red-headed guy. it was none other than your friend and neighbor, renjun.
"hOLY SHIT YES!" you quickly ran to renjun juggling the puppy and crate on both hands. scaring the man with your loud voice and footsteps, renjun halted for you to arrive. "did you seriously miss me that mu— awwee how cute!"
quickly putting the crate down, renjun took the puppy from his arms and cradled it, "how cute you are!  what's your name-" the puppy sneezed as renjun smiled and muttered a 'bless you'. " 'sneeze' it is then."
"he's nameless as of now, but please do me a favor." you quickly asked as renjun continued to play with the puppy's paws. "depends, what's your boon this time, y/n?"
"can the pup stay over your room? like, for at least until jeno's birthday?" you clasped your hands together trying to persuade him. "woah, woah, hold on. first, i'm more of a cat guy. second, i'd love to but the puppy would end up chew—"
"taeyong gave me a few of his toys and he got his own bed and food and pad and—"
"just please, it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." renjun knowing how his buddy loved a cute samoyed (obviously he's a witness as well of jeno's constant spazzing) his soft heart ends up agreeing. "if he chews on my slippers, you're getting me a new pair. just saying" he shrugged as he took the dog crate from you as well. "thanks a lot 'junnie!"
"hold on, the dog food?"
"i'll bring it don't worry"
the dog food was hidden inside your kitchen's cabinet.
you headed up ahead to your room, once you did you were tackled in a hug as soon the door opened. "what took you long?" jeno patted your head as he continued to cling to you. "parking was crowded, plus i had a talk with renjun just a while ago." jeno hummed an oh as he continued to stick to you.
"was supposed to surprise you when i got home but you were out, so i took a nap. and also, you smell like dog perfume?" jeno sniffed your shirt, it was the puppy's perfume that stuck to your shirt. "i helped taeyong bathed his puppies, so... yeah."
jeno whined as he starts his spazzing once again, "y/nnn let's get a dog pleasee" you giggled as you remembered you still had to sneak a huge-ass dog food pack to renjun which momentarily was impossible, having a boyfie who was y/n deprived.
"how about after your birthday, hmm?" jeno's signature eye smile showed as he continued to hug you but much tighter. "alright, i'll  head up to pick up a few things."
as soon jeno grabbed his phone and left, you took out the small sack of dog food and rushed to renjun's floor.
finally calming down after changes to your surprise, you excitedly walked over to where renjun and your dog were.
standing in front of the door, you placed the pack down and took your phone; before you could even dial renjun, he called you first.
"i'm in front of your door" you waved to the peephole thinking that renjun was looking through
"uh hey y/n i kinda— wait WHAT?"
the door quickly opened while you motioned to pick up the dog pack. now carrying the dog essential in your arms, you faced renjun.
who was sitting by the living room.
and a jeno who answered the door.
your jaw dropped at the sight of your boyfriend.
"close your mouth, sweets! it's my surprise, not yours. hmm?" jeno taunted as you whined as the surprise backfired.
you stepped into the room as you immediately went for renjun.
you plopped to the floor beside jeno, who was playing with the puppy. "well, surprise love!" jeno giggled as you felt a bit glum, hugging you almost instantly. "i named her cloud~"
you pecked jeno's cheek, you were now raising two samoyed babies.
"jeno sweetie, it's a male though" renjun bursted out laughing as you patted his head, still processing how he finally had a fluffy son who takes after him.
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sweetcathedral · 3 years
🕸Haikyuu! — The Butterfly’s Ripple Effect🕸
Note: Currently a developing short story as I’m trying to figure out how to format it on tumblr, so that it’s easy to read (might take me a few months for the rough draft). The plot and ending is solidified, just need to piece together the scenes. Of course all Haikyuu characters are post-timeskip, it’s easier for me to write them as adults. It doesn’t make sense, but it will when I have the whole story down!
⚠️: blowjob, raw, forceful (?), cheating, giving in to temptation
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The warmth of the sun gently wakes you up, making you flutter your lashes and wince at the brightness of the room. Memories of last night play back in your head as you pull the covers over you, but you look around to see that there was no sign of Kuroo. You hesitate to go back to sleep or look around the house to see if the others were okay from last night, since it wasn’t as loud as it should be.
“G’morning,” Kenma was leaning at the doorway with a cup of tea in his hand and a plate of omelettes in the other. “May I?”
You nodded, rubbing your eyes to fully wake you up.
“It smells nice. How are the others?”
“Oh, Kuroo’s driving them back to Sendai. The others wanted you to tag along on their road trip, but I told them that you’re probably jetlagged and needed the rest. They helped unload your stuff at the entranceway though,” he settled the tea and omelettes on the nightstand before pulling out a bed tray table from one of the drawers.
“I didn’t know you were the type to have breakfast in bed.”
“I’m not. A friend left it here last year, forgot about it and told me to keep it in the end. I just thought you’d like breakfast in bed today,” as Kenma was about to unfold the table, he paused in hesitation. It looked like he wanted to say something, but instead he lowered his head onto your lap. Thinking nothing of it, you run your fingers through his soft hair,
“. . . I guess . . . I don’t know . . .”
You started humming the tune Kenma used to sing to you back then, when the two of you were still normal. The familiar feeling began to cloud your judgement, letting your fingers trace down the nape of Kenma’s neck. He immediately grabs your wrist, startling you from your trance.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he lifts his head.
“I—, sorry, I didn't mean—”
“Your food’s getting cold,” he changes the subject and continues to set up the bed table, arranging the tea and omelette. Before he was able to leave the bed, you reach for his hand,
“Kenma, wait . . .” the words you’ve always wanted to tell him is caught in your throat, “. . . I’m sor—!”
His hands clamp over your mouth as he gently kisses your forehead, softly dragging his cold fingers down to your throat. Unable to shake off the way it made you feel, he left you in silence.
After closing the door, Kenma briskly walked towards the bathroom, turned the faucet on and locked himself in. He leans against the door, slowly sliding down to the floor and pulled his hoodie completely over his head,
“. . . what am I doing? . . .” he sighs, pressing his head into his folded hands.
A moment later, the sound of your footsteps makes him jolt back up to turn the faucet off. He opens the door to see you standing there, knees clasped together.
“Don’t just stand there, move!” you push through him to get to the toilet and quickly kicked your panties off, landing at Kenma’s feet. “Phew, okay, you can leave now.”
Just as you finished cleaning yourself up, he picks up your wet stained panties.
“Hey! Give me those!” you tried grabbing them back from him, while covering yourself.
Fuck it. Kenma decided to cross the line he drew for himself. At this point it didn’t matter to him anymore, nothing mattered to him anymore. Everything that’s been holding him back has reached its limit, and he was more than ready to risk it all.
“What, it’s not like this is my first time seeing you naked.”
“Kuroo can walk in at any moment,” you argued back.
“He left two hours ago. It takes a total of eight hours driving to and from Sendai, plus the amount of stops he probably took to settle them down,” he quietly closes the door. “Which means I’ve about six hours to have you all to myself.”
The weight of Kenma’s words dawned on you. The sound of your heartbeat echoes in your ears, racing at the pace things were moving in. It’s only been a day since you got back, but Kenma had been displaying signs of temptation. You knew he was selfish, but you didn't know he can be this selfish—to the point of sleeping with his best friend’s girlfriend. Maybe you should’ve set the boundaries right then and there when you and Kuroo told him about your relationship. But you’ve been sleeping around with Kenma for so long that you didn’t realize that these things weren’t normal for someone in a relationship. It wasn’t right at all, especially to Kuroo. It’s cheating, but—
“Don’t worry, it’ll just be between you and me. I promise,” Kenma cups your face so that your eyes meet with his and draws you into a kiss. You quickly pull away from him,
“Kenma, we can’t. You know we can’t, I’m dating Kuroo, and . . .this is cheating—”
“Only if we get caught,” his fingers trace up your thighs.
You grip his wrist with trembling hands.
“Kenma . . . please, I—I can only hold back so much,” your voice begins to break.
“Do you trust me?” he pauses, waiting for your reply.
With guilt, you shyly nodded.
“That’s my good girl,” he lifts you up onto the edge of the sink. Kissing you along your neck and collarbones.
“Not there, you’ll leave a mark,” you stop him.
“Right, . . . sorry,” he pouts. With how far you’ve already taken the situation, you decided to let go of all senses of your morals.
“Come here,” you reach for his face, pulling him back into a kiss. Shocked that you took the lead, but relieved, he places his hand on your wet spot. The feeling of his fingers brushing over your clit makes you throb inside.
“Look at how messy you’re getting and I haven’t even put my fingers in you yet,” he crosses his fingers. “I know you like it when I do this.”
The twisting motion inside you sends waves of pleasure throughout your body, making your toes curl. Hot breaths escape your wet lips, feeling yourself come closer to ecstasy. Before you could reach your climax, Kenma pulls his fingers out.
“No, no no,” you whined.
“What’s wrong?” he cocked his head, knowing damn well what he’s doing. “You know begging doesn’t work on me, you need to show that you want it.” He leans in closer to your blushing ear. “Now get on those pretty knees of yours.”
The glazed look in your eyes catches Kenma’s attention. A smirk tugs across his face, gently gripping your throat, embracing you into another wet kiss. His teeth softly grazes your bottom lip as he pulls away. Reluctantly, you get on your knees.
You work your tongue, stroking up and down his cock. “Fuck,” he grunts, giving you a sense of pride. Impatiently, you start to touch yourself to relieve that aching feeling,
“Ah, ah, ah,” Kenma pulls you by the hair to get you off his cock. He grabs both of your wrists and pins them over your head against the edge of the sink, preventing you from touching yourself. “I’m not gonna let you take that satisfaction away from me. Now open your mouth nice and wide, and stick your tongue out.”
Your hips squirm and tremble, doing as he says.
“Hrmph!” the impact of his cock thrusts to the back of your throat, his grip tightening around your wrists. Tears stream down your cheeks and saliva dribbles down your chin, taking in every thrust he gives you. You choke on his load, filling you so much that you can’t do anything but swallow.
“You think I’m done?” he pushes you to the floor and turns you over, pinning one leg to your chest. The glint in his eyes tells you how long he’s been waiting for this moment. A single, long, moment to put you in a sloppy daze. You can feel his thumb brushing over your slick folds before pressing it in. Although you’re already a soaking mess down there, he wants to make sure you're fully prepped before going in raw.
“Don’t forget, I have you all to myself for more than a few hours,” he says in your ear as he slowly penetrates you. The tip hits you in the right spot making your walls flutter. Only the sound of your panting and moaning escape your lips.
You forgot how rough Kenma gets when his stress builds up and he has nowhere to vent it off on, but that privilege was taken away from him when you and Kuroo started your relationship. Admittedly, you miss Kenma from before he knew about your relationship with his best friend. You didn’t know how he truly felt about it and didn’t want to ask. You avoided wanting to ask ‘cause you’re scared about knowing how he really feels. The day you confronted him about it was also when he started to become distant and detached from you. 
Slowly, your mind enters a daze, getting lost in the comfort you find from his guilty pleasure.
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romioneficfest · 3 years
Title: Defender Prompt/Day: Hogwarts (Day 13) Tumblr name:  Rating: PG-13 Brief summary: During rounds, Hermione sees something that gives hope. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Curse words
Hermione's pace slowed, boredom and loneliness taking hold as she patrolled the castle. All too often she'd felt the pull of self-pity, though she detested moping and feeling sorry for herself.
She could trace the feeling back to that evening months before, when Ron and Lavender became a couple—and she lost her best friend. Ron had tried to make up with her, his efforts intensifying as of late, but she couldn't do it.
She couldn't be happy for him, as horrible as that was.
Not when he'd crushed her heart, and certainly not after she'd made a fool of herself with her petty attempts at revenge; the cattiness, name calling, and efforts to make him jealous. She felt sick that she'd stooped as low as taking Cormac to that party. Where her feelings for Ron were concerned, she seemed to lose all semblance of logic.
She sighed, half-heartedly checking a few classrooms for wayward students or snogging couples, her mind slipping to memories of better days.
One of the best things that had come from being a Prefect was that she got to spend so much time with Ron. They'd really gotten to know one another during their nightly walks around the castle, often sharing things they didn't tell anyone else… Funny stories from their youth, their concerns and fears, and even on the rare occasion, their hopes and dreams.
Since their falling out however, they had been avoiding each other like the plague, even on patrols. She hated it, and it was severely affecting her enjoyment of having such a key responsibility at Hogwarts.
A noise at the end of the hall startled her, and she briskly strode to the source. It sounds like muffled voices, and she immediately suspected who it might be.
Hermione heard the voices again, her ire rising. She'd reprimanded the two Seventh Year Gryffindors more than twenty minutes ago during her rounds, but she would have to do so again. She was about to turn the corner when she heard a third voice, this one achingly familiar. She immediately stopped and hid, flattening herself against the wall before peeking out from her spot.
"What are you doing out at this time? It's past curfew," Ron asked as he walked up to the two other boys. Though he towered over them, she could see his reluctance at confronting students older than him, perhaps because they were also known to be close friends with McLaggen. However, as a Prefect, it was his duty.
The two boys, Branson and Smith, gave each other a quick look before replying. "We were just going back to the tower, I swear," Smith began, before nudging his mate. "This one has a bird in Ravenclaw and was saying good night. It's always the smart ones, eh?"
Hermione rolled her eyes at the idiotic boys and their ridiculous excuses. She wanted to scream at Ron to do something and not let them off.
Ron eyed them suspiciously, before addressing Smith. "If he was saying good night to his girlfriend, what were you doing then?"
"Oh, I'm keen on her friend. Was trying to get a good night snog of my own. Valentine's Day is coming up after all." He gave Ron a friendly punch on the arm, a transparent attempt to buddy up with him and avoid trouble. "Know what I mean, Weasley?"
Ron frowned, but didn't reply.
"Besides," Branson pleaded. "Granger just caught us out and took away points—for the third bloody time this week."
Ron eyed them with reluctance. "Well, if Hermione already took away points, I'll let you off with a warning. Just hurry back to the Common Room and I won't do anything else."
Hermione wanted to stomp her feet and give them all a piece of her mind. Those scheming boys, and Ron for believing their lies.
"Thanks, mate."
"Yeah, thanks." Smith piped up, a smile on his face. "Granger's been on the warpath for months. You know, ever since you started up with Lavender Brown, she's been a real bitch."
Hermione stifled a sudden sob. She'd been called horrible things before, and while that caused her pain, the thought of Ron agreeing with them hurt her heart tremendously. She placed her trust in him that he was better than that, and her fears were quickly disproven.
"OY!" Ron's face was murderous, his ears flushing red as he brought his wand up threateningly, pointing it at them. "Don't you ever talk about her like that again! Hermione is the best person I know. She's smarter than you two tossers combined, brave, beautiful, and an amazing friend. Fifty points from Gryffindor."
They had cowered back at Ron's sudden fury, unable to even defend themselves or complain about the harsh penalty. They too had misjudged Ron's feelings about her and were now paying the price.
"Get back to the Common Room before I report you to McGonagall," Ron ordered through gritted teeth, his eyes narrowing. "And watch your mouth, Smith. "
They turned around, grumbling to themselves as they quickly retreated down the corridor.
She could see Ron trembling from the confrontation as he slumped against the wall, trying to catch his breath after the rush of adrenaline. He let out a groan and banged the back of his head repeatedly against the stone as he looked up at the ceiling. "Yeah, always the smart ones."
He laughed mirthlessly, continuing to talk to himself. "Stuck with the girl you don't want and hated by the girl you... How did I fuck this up so badly?"
She pushed down another sob, this one out of happiness. She would've hugged him if they hadn't been on the outs, knowing that he did feel something for her. He had called her beautiful and she'd never heard him speak about her with such passion. Even though there was no reason for him to, he still defended her. He didn't know she was listening to the exchange. How could he?
It meant that he still cared about her, that things between them weren't completely unsalvageable.
She almost squeaked as he pushed himself off the wall and walked past her hiding spot. He was so close, she could hear him mumbling something about 'barmy girls', his head hanging down and his shoulders slumped. Had he just glanced up, he would've seen her.
He was missing her as much as she missed him, that much was clear. She could feel an inkling of hope—a feeling she had been suppressing for a good portion of the year—bubbling up and lifting her spirits. After everything that happened, Ron was still her staunchest defender.
If their friendship could be saved, perhaps there was a chance for them yet.
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stars-self-ships · 3 years
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Y'all wanna see how hard I can gush over Centaurworld?
First of all... wow. Ever since I had made that post about expressing interest in starting Centaurworld when the weekend rolled around, I literally could not wait until Friday night to eventually sit down and watch as much as I could until I knew I had to get to bed. I was growing more and more intrigued as to what the show held, and knew full well that, worse case scenario, that I would think Centaurworld would be 'just alright'.
Centaurworld is phenomenal, and I'm not even done with it.
As I'm writing this, I'm halfway through the series, being on the fifth of the ten episodes of the first season. With that being said, I ask anybody who intends on interacting with this post to please not spoil anything, as it's super rare that I not only find a modern animated series that I like, but am as invested in it as I am.
Centaurworld tells the tale of a warhorse named Horse that is separated from her rider after a near-fatal fall. Somehow, Horse is transported to a strange, colorful world that is inhabited by centaurs with an affinity for singing. Horse immediately wants to find a way back to her own world to reunite with her rider, but finds that it's necessary to enlist the help of Wammawink and her herd if she wants to get anywhere.
I usually don't tend to listen to a lot of music with vocals (Or partake in musicals in general), but trust me when I say that the soundtrack for Centaurworld is, no joke, exclusively made up of absolute bangers. I think my favorite musical number so far is the one at the start of the second episode, Fragile Things, which I HIGHLY recommend you give a listen.
You might also notice that in the video I linked above that Centaurworld also possesses some nice animation; I find that the fluidity of Horse's animation is absolutely stellar. Before I watched Centaurworld, I wasn't expecting the animation to look as nice as it does, and in all honesty, I think that was because of how the show's general artstyle looks.
Which, need I remind you, goes from the first image below to the image underneath it in the span of five-ish minutes.
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Like, how are these even from the same show? It's amazing.
Some people aren't very fond of the artstyle of Centaurworld, and while I can understand why, I personally find it endearing and befits its whimsical world. Between the immensely creative designs of the centaurs and the really cool scenery design, I quite like how the show itself looks.
Plus, there's a great deal of facial expressions throughout each episode's runtime that are nothing short of hilarious. Just look at these.
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That last one comes completely out of left field and it actually got me to laugh embarrassingly loud when I first saw it.
Centaurworld's main cast (And characters in general) is just so good, too. It's really hard to pick a favorite from the six main characters, because there's something I like about just about all of them!
Wammawink (The pink alpaca taur) is high up on my favorite list because of how caring she is as well as how expressive she can be, and Ched (The finch taur who's in the second image under the cut) has a really good voice actor and boasts an outright hilarious 'tough guy' personality. Dude's signature magic power is that he can look handsome for eight seconds. Now that's comedy.
Though my interest in watching Centaurworld to begin with would not have blossomed if it weren't for one man... or, in this instance, taur...
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One single piece of fanart of him was all it took for me to realize that not only had I fallen for him, but that Centaurworld also warranted a watch. Legitimately every second he's on-screen, I can't help but smile like a dork. I cannot get enough of his overly extravagant and egotistic personality.
Zulius was indeed the character I was referring to in the original post I made about Centaurworld a few days ago, and I can say with full confidence that he'll absolutely be on the F/O list in a good few days— really all I have to do is finish the ten episodes to narrow down the perfect image to use for his icon and think up a tag for him.
Once I finish Centaurworld, I plan on designing a S/I for its universe— how could I not? I feel like the artstyle would be very easy for me to replicate, and before even watching the first episode I had a pretty solid idea on what my Centaurworld S/I would look like; I'm thinking it should be a taur with a fauna-based bottom half, kind of like what Glendale has. I was going to settle on a sheep bottom half, but I've got plenty of sheep-based S/Is already.
Overall, what more can I say but what has already been said by a majority of those on tumblr who have given the series a chance: go watch Centaurworld. You will not regret it.
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angryschnauzer · 3 years
Just What I Need - Part 2
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Summary; Working in a coffee shop you meet all sorts of people, but one customer in particular is always friendly, a local Detective from the nearby precinct. When one night he orders through a delivery service rather than in store, you get more than a tip when you make the delivery.
Part 1
Fandom; Nomis (Night Hunter) Movie, Henry Cavill
Pairing: Detective Walter Marshall x Female Reader (no race or size specified)
Trope: Coffee Shop Meet Cute
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Flirting, unprotected sex, Vaginal Sex.
I do not operate a tag list but instead please pop over and follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, then you’ll get an alert every time i post a new story. My Masterlist got too long and tumblr ate it, so all my past stories can also be found on my AO3, link HERE
I don’t plan on expanding this story any further at this time.
Part 2
Walter pushed the bike through the door to his apartment, resting it against the back of the couch before looking up and realising you weren’t sat on the couch where he’d left you just a couple of minutes ago.
“The snow is really beautiful”
Turning to the sound of your voice he grinned as he pushed the door shut. You’d pulled the net curtain up and was kneeling on the other couch that sat in front of the window, your head tucked under the curtain to watch as the feathery flakes of snow fell on the outside world.
Walter’s attention however was trained on the way your ass was perfectly framed by his t-shirt where it has ridden up as you’d bent over. With your long woolen socks pulled up to your thighs he’d started to grow hard again in his soft sweats, and as if on a SWAT raid he quietly snuck across the room and got to his knees behind you. 
The first touch of his lips against your pussy were a shock, but as his large hands gripped your hips you relaxed and arched your back, widening your stance as you knelt on the chair and presented yourself to him like a bitch in heat;
“Someone will see!”
He pulled away for a moment, rising to his feet before kneeling on the chair behind you;
“Its the middle of a blizzard. If anyone is even outside, they aren’t going to be looking up to the fourth floor”
With his body pressed to yours he rutted into you from behind, the obscene bulge in his sweats fitting perfectly in the crease of your ass. Pulling the curtain out of the way you let it drop down to the floor before turning your head, Walter catching your lips with his own for a fierce kiss, before he moved his attention to your neck to suck at the soft skin where it met your collarbone;
“Come to bed, let me keep you warm”
Clumsily getting to your feet, there were kisses and caresses as the pair of you bumped into furniture, neither leading but both eager to get to the soft confines of his massive bed. When you finally reached your destination Walter tumbled first, falling back onto the bed;
“C’mere and sit on my face” he quietly ordered, but you just grinned and slid to your knees, your fingers curling around the waistband of his sweats and tugging them down.
“No, its my turn, Detective”
At the use of his title his dick twitched and grew harder, and as you wrapped your nimble fingers around his hardness he let out a shaky breath of anticipation. Pushing himself up so he could watch, he damn near blew his load the second your warm mouth engulfed him, your tongue working on the thick vein that ran the length of the underside, your hands keeping busy by grasping his shaft and cupping his balls. 
You didn’t hold back, hell with a dick this good it would be a crime not to. Once Walter realised you were really going for it he pulled some pillows behind his head so he could lay back and the show, a smile on his lips as he watched you force more of his length into your throat, and he couldn’t help but to lay a hand on the back of your head as he rained down praises;
“Holy fuck your mouth is fucking amazing… Yes, do that thing with your tongue again, oh OH Fuck yes, that… so fucking good… knew you’d been good that this when i watched you inhale that marshmallow cake pop you guys were doing for Halloween…”
At his last comment you had just pushed down as far as you could go when your immediate response was to laugh, as you remembered him walking in just as you were attempting to win a bet with your colleague that you could fit the whole thing of four large marshmallows decorated as pumpkins into your mouth at once, and had managed it just as Walter had walked into the coffee shop.
Pulling off of him you coughed and spluttered, a large hand coming down on your back to pat it before you were pulled up onto the bed and onto his chest;
“You’re fucking adorable, you know that?”
“You’re only saying that ‘cos i can deep throat you”
“True, but you do it adorably. Now come and sit on my face so i can hear some adorable squeals…”
He pulled the pillows away and you straddled his head, his massive hands immediately pressing to your ass and pulling you down onto his waiting mouth, his tongue eager to burrow between your lips. Leaning forwards you wrapped your hand around his dick and took him back into your mouth, the grunts from between your thighs telling you he hadn’t been expecting it but it wasn’t an unwelcome development. 
It was now a race, who could get the other to cum first, and as good as Walter was at eating pussy, you were determined to get him to cum before you did. Taking him as deep as you could you swallowed around him, internally smiling to yourself as you heard whimpers from between your thighs as your throat constricted around him. As your hands worked on the rest of his shaft you were a woman on a mission, and when you finally felt that tell-tale tremble you pulled back just a little so he could release into your mouth without suffocating you. His shaft swelled and his hot salty seed flooded your mouth, swallowing around him as he filled it again before finally with a shudder finishing. Lifting your mouth and ass at the same time, you smiled at the string of quiet expletives coming from his lips, moving until you were laying beside him, your head on his chest and his arm naturally around your shoulders;
“You are a devil”
“Yes Detective” you grinned, your smile widening as he rolled you onto your back and kissed you, his hand pushing between your legs and he slid two thick fingers into your soaked hole.
“I just wanted to eat that pussy, and there you go distracting me with your amazing mouth”
You wanted to reply, but his thumb had found your clit and a third finger had slid in alongside the first two, Walter playing your body like a musician played well tuned instrument. His mouth found your breasts and he took one peaked nipple into his mouth, his beard brushing against the soft skin as his tongue worked over the hardened bud. He curled his fingers within you and found that delicious spongy spot, rubbing against it with the pad of his finger, his lips curled into a smile when he felt you getting closer and closer to your orgasm. Pressing kisses to your chest he worked up to your neck, his lips brushing against your ear;
“You gonna cum for me? Can feel you squeezing my fingers, feel so fucking good, gonna soak my hand? Such a pretty little pussy, taking three fingers so well…”
With a scream you came, your body shaking and he immediately kissed you to swallow your cries of pleasure, his hand stilling between your legs before he carefully and gently pulled his fingers out. Tracing a pattern up your stomach with your juices he finally brought them to his mouth and you watched as he licked each one clean as if it was frosting on a cupcake, before leaning forwards and kissing you again. 
It was late and in the glow after your orgasm you could feel your eyelids dropping, and with a strong arm draped over your waist Walter pulled your back flush with his chest as the both of you soon fell asleep, the world outside being blanketed in a soft quilt of snow.
Walter lay in bed, one handedly scrolling through his phone, the other hand wrapped around your shoulders where you slept soundly curled up to his side. Apart from a trip to the bathroom around 6am, it was the longest he’d spent in bed for months, even years, and he wasn’t minding it one single bit.
At some point in the night you’d stripped yourself of his loaned t-shirt and your long socks, and when he’d returned from the bathroom he’d seen your ass peeking out from the duvet, and as much as he’d have loved to give it a squeeze, he settled for a few seconds of gratuitous staring before he climbed back into bed beside you sporting a semi.
You stirred beside him, a smile forming on your lips as he watched you stretch and feel your muscles protest after the nights activities. Setting his phone down on the nightstand he ran a fingertip down your cheek, before pressing a kiss to your lips as you woke;
“Mmmm good Morning Detective”
“How is my little muffin this morning?”
Stretching again you winced;
“Sore… but a good sore…” you finally opened your eyes and smiled at him, before your gaze went wide when you saw how light it was, sitting bolt upright in bed; “What time is it?”
Walter glanced at the clock on his phone;
“Almost Nine”
You lept out of bed;
“FUCK… i’m late…”
In a panic you ran around the room trying to find your clothing, pulling your skirt and socks on, before finding your bra hanging from a set of drawers. Pulling at the duvet you scanned the floor;
“Walter, where are my panties?”
“Muffin…. Stop…”
“WALTER, i’m going to be LATE!”
“ARUGH! I cannot go commando all day in a skirt!”
“Oh i don’t know, i like the sound of that…”
You turned and glared at him, but before you could say anything he was out of bed and standing in front of you, his hands resting on your arms;
“Check your phone… the blizzard has shut down half of downtown, the coffee shop’s facebook page said they were closed today around 7am this morning”
You visibly relaxed in his arms, nodding before you quickly ran to the other room and pulled your phone from your coat pocket, smiling when you saw a message from your boss that the shop would be closed due to the snow.
A large pair of arms wrapped around your waist, and you leaned back into Walters embrace;
“You have any idea how horny it makes me knowing you aren’t wearing panties under that skirt?”
Pushing your ass back against him you could feel he’d put sweatpants on, but his meaty dick was growing impressively hard against you;
“I think i can feel how horny you are”
He spun you and lifted you into his arms, walking you back until he could rest your ass on the counter. His lips were on yours as he one handedly pulled his sweats down and you felt the meaty slap of his erection against your inner thigh. Widening your stance you wrapped your hand around him as you pulled him to your core, gasping as his hot flesh speared you. You gasped into his mouth, sharing breaths as he filled you, his forehead pressed to yours. With the tiniest thrusts of his hips he skillfully brought you to orgasm, fucking you straight through it as he angled his hips to drive you crazy again.
Your gaze fell to his naked chest and stomach, watching as his muscles moved as if they were fluid, waves of power rolling as he used the power stored in them to push deep inside you. Snaking a hand between your bodies he rubbed quickly at your clit, his breaths growing short as his thrusts became erratic, pushing you to meet your peaks together so he could relish the feel of your walls gripping him so tight as they milked him of his seed.
With one final thrust you were cuming hard, Walter throwing his head back as he came inside you as you felt him swell and release another load in your waiting womb.
You’d showered alongside Walter after your kitchen escapades, hand and lips exploring each others bodies, but it didn’t go any further than fondling, both of your bodies and minds an equal mix of sore and sated. 
Eventually you’d managed to find all your clothing with the exception of your panties, but you had eventually given up on that idea and just accepted you’d have to head home commando much to Walter’s amusement;
“Not to worry, the seats in my truck are heated” he said with a grin as he poured you a cup of coffee and set it onto the counter; “I have to go check on my Daughter later, but can drop you off on the way if you like?”
“Thanks” you smiled before pausing; “You have a daughter?”
Walter let out a quiet laugh;
“Yeah; Faye... sixteen years old and full of attitude. She’s amazing. Lives with her Mother - my ex and the new husband”
“Nice… its nice you’re still on good terms”
“Yeah. So what about you?”
“Me? Oh, no kids. Not really any ex’s to talk of… there hasn’t been anyone important since i moved here eighteen months ago”
“Important… so how would one become important?” he smiled and inched closer to you
“Dinner would always be a start.... And something that isn’t delivered by me is even better…”
“Out or homecooked?”
“You cook?” you laughed as he feighed shock
“Yes, i just don’t always have time to go shopping for groceries…” he wrapped his arms around your waist; “So can i get your number so we can arrange dinner?”
“You sure can”
Two Weeks Later
Cleaning the milk steamer you glared at it as it hissed out hot water, not helping your mood. In fact the mood had been steadily growing over the last ten days.
Walter had shovelled the snow from around his truck and loaded your bike into the back, before carefully driving you home after your night at his place. A heated kiss on your doorstep had only ended when your roommate had opened the door to take the trash out and had interrupted the two of you. You’d swapped numbers and he’d said goodbye, and that afternoon you’d gotten a facebook friend request from him. Three days and nights of messages and chatting had ended with a short ‘new case, speak soon x’ from Walter.
And then nothing. You’d tried not to be offended, you’d spent more hours than you’d like to admit trawling through his sparse facebook profile, seeing that all 26 of his friends were either colleagues or family; and you’d seen his daughter Faye’s picture too. She had his dark curly hair and bright eyes.
Trying not to read too much into it, he was a Detective after all and it could be all manner of things, but what if he was hurt? Or worse? Or… he was just ignoring you? But why would he have added you on social media? You’d spent far too many hours overthinking the whole thing, far too many nights losing sleep.
The sight of a customer standing at the counter drew your attention away from the milk steamer, instead wiping your hands on the cloth that hung from your apron before greeting them with a smile;
“Hey, what can i get for you today?”
“Could i get a non-fat soy latte, with two pumps of hazelnut sugar free syrup?”
“Sure thing, anything else?” you asked as you scribbled her order on the side of the paper cup
“That’s it, thanks”
The young girl went back to looking at her phone as you rang up her order, swiping it over the Apple Pay reader before walking to the end of the counter to the pick up station, still absorbed in her phone.
You were on auto pilot, working through the drink before setting it on the counter;
“Order for Faye”
She looked at you, a grin tugging at the corner of her mouth and you realised what you’d said;
“Yeah… i never gave you my name”
“Dad says that… a lot”
You were thankful the coffee shop wasn’t busy and there were no other customers waiting to be served as you stumbled on your words;
“I’m so sorry… i’m… friends, with your Dad”
“Yeah i know”
“We… kinda went on a date…”
“Yeah… I know”
“And he added me on facebook… and then hasn’t called. I’m sorry, i just recognised you from your photos of the two of you he has…”
“I. Know.” she said with a grin; “Firstly, you liked one of the photos i was tagged in, so i got the notification. Secondly, i follow you on instagram”
“You do?” you said, shocked.
“Yeah. This shop is on my way to school, i saw the chalk art you did on the windows a few months back and followed you ever since”
“And Dad kept talking about this one coffee shop girl that he liked, and i’m glad he finally asked you out”
Your mood suddenly deflated;
“Yeah, well we had… coffee… and then urh… well he ghosted me”
“No, he’s on a case… he’s undercover”
Faye leaned forwards on the counter;
“He really likes you. He told me. And the case, whatever that is, i only know because he was meant to be taking me to visit a college last weekend and he had one of his work colleagues get a message to my Mom… he isn’t ghosting you”
You let out a deep breath, the tension slipping away from your body and mind;
“Thanks Faye”
She took her drink a smiled, pushing her ear-bud back in as she started towards the door before calling your name;
“It was good to finally meet you”
Nodding you smiled; “You too Faye… take care”
That night you were settled into your comfiest pyjamas, enjoying the fact you had the apartment couch and TV all to yourself, your roommates catching up on work in their rooms or simply sleeping, so you were surprised when there was a knock at the door. Setting the bowl of popcorn down you called out to ask if anyone had ordered takeout, but with negative answers you frowned before checking the peephole… and letting out a gasp before flinging the door open;
Standing in the hallway was your favourite detective; SWAT vest still on, the metallic tang of gunshot residue hanging in the air from his sweater and hair. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously;
“Hey Muffin…”
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and pressed your lips to his, the kiss deepening before he finally pulled back just enough to speak;
“Wow… now that’s a warm welcome…” the smile on his face growing; “Seeing as i kinda left you on read without any explanation…”
“Yeah, well Faye came by the coffee shop today and explained…”
“How do you know…?”
“I recognised her from your photos on facebook, and she follows me on instagram, and…” you walked fingers up his chest; “And she told me she had encouraged you to ask me out”
He threw his head back and laughed;
“Kids, they aren’t great at keeping secrets”
Before you could say anything else, one of your roommates called out;
“Hey either take the delivery or refuse it, you’re letting all the heat out of the apartment!” followed by the slam of their bedroom door. Walter turned his attention back to you;
“Well, are you going to accept the delivery or refuse it?”
Taking his hand you pulled him into the apartment;
“I’ll accept it… but don’t expect a tip, the order updates were awful”
“Oh don’t you worry about a tip, i’ll make sure you leave a five star review after what i deliver tonight”
With a slam of the door it was the start of a very sleepless night… for you AND your roommates, but for wildly different reasons.
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