#I took it lightly but still - what a fucked up thing to say to anyone
causeimanartist · 1 year
You are a ray of sunshine in this world full of darkness and demons. Do not worry about the ones that screech at you. They're only jealous of you cause after all, only demons are made of negativity. It is your light that makes me smile.
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I don't have the right words to express how happy this makes me, but the Tom Hanks gif is a good substitute
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bloodyhoon · 27 days
7 minutes in heaven. [pt. 3]
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pairing: fuck boy! sim jake x female! reader.
genre: smut & fluff.
warnings: virgin reader, a lot of kisses because jaeyun is clingy, oral, mutual masturbation, protected sex, and other things that I am too lazy to mention. english is not my first language so there may be grammal or spelling errors.
words: 4.9K
part 1.
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The sound of the hands of the clock above your head rang repeatedly while your attention was on the shelves in front of you, you were looking for a book to complete your subjects and you couldn't reach it, so on tiptoe, you leaned against the shelves.
"y/n" hearing your name whispered made you awkwardly move away from the shelf, a taller figure behind you reached for the book and set it down for you, your breathing hitched when the presence of that pale boy landed next to you with the book in his hands. "this book?" he asked you.
"Oh yeah, thanks" with a frown you looked at the book in his hands which he didn't seem to be offering you, so you just waited wondering to yourself, why was Park Sunghoon helping you pick up a book? The boy never approached anyone or talked to anyone, although he was very popular he was also very low profile and was not interested in helping or talking to anyone. The boy looked at you for a few seconds, from head to toe with some curiosity, but then he looked at the shelves next to him.
"This is not the section I need" he ran his fingers over the backs of the books arranged alphabetically. "But I saw that you needed help, maybe now you can help me find the anatomy books?" He asked his question this time looking at you, who without realizing it, was still staring at the book he had in his hands, wanting him to give it to you quickly and having no interest in talking to him. You didn't want to associate with sunghoon, he was the last of the popular boys that everyone needed to associate you with and you were already starting to get tired of that. You were used to everyone talking about you, making up rumors about you and it went in one ear and out the other, but lately the rumors were too much, for example: you fucking all the most popular boys in your school, among them sim jaeyun and his group of friends, which even one was heeseung, your best friend's boyfriend. Yena didn't mind, in fact, she knew the truth and Heeseung also ignored it and they both told you not to give it importance, but you couldn't stand it if it already involved other people you loved.
"The anatomy books are at the other end of the library, very far from here" a voice and footsteps came next to you and when you two looked, jaeyun was approaching and giving you a smile. "Hi guys"
"Hey man, what are you doing here?" Sunghoon gave his friend a smile. You knew that Jaeyun and Sunghoon were very close since they were often the ones who were seen together the most and it was something that caught everyone's attention since they both had very different personalities.
"I was just passing by here" of course was a lie, who was "just passing by" the library? But he shrugged his shoulders and when he looked at you, he noticed your gaze on Sunghoon's hands, so subtly took the book from his hands and pretended to skim through it superficially.
"Ah, that's her-" Sunghoon pointed his head at you, you were now looking at Jaeyun with a slightly indescribable look and Jaeyun continued playing with the book in his hands, but without stopping holding your gaze. Sunghoon understood that it was time to leave, since he had already noticed how Jaeyun had not stopped talking about you or looking for you all the time, so he sighed lightly trying to hide the amused smile on his face and after saying goodbye to you, he left to look for what belonged to him.
“Hello Y/n” Jaeyun extended his hand that was holding the book and you reached out to take it, but he raised his arm and left it out of your reach, forcing you to come closer to him. A smile formed on his face when he saw you confused, you tried to take the book again and he pushed it further away. "You know, I discovered that I don't like seeing you with other guys, especially if he's one of my friends. I know his intentions." His voice was deep and conveyed so much tranquility that it didn't seem like he had made such a possessive comment, so you were perplexed. You didn't know how to respond to that confession before. "I want all your attention for me if possible. I'm very jealous" accompanied by those words he put an arm around your waist and pulled you slightly. You rested your hands on his chest and looked at him with trembling pupils, making him laugh and leave a kiss on your cheek. "I love it when you are speechless"
"What are you saying?" You rolled your eyes, completely trying to look disinterested and pushed him with your hands that were on his chest, he stumbled slightly and without wiping the silly smile off his face, he walked away, lowering his arm and allowing you to take your book. "Why are you here?" you asked, holding the book to your chest and searching in the shelves next to you even if you already had what you needed.
"I was looking for you" he put his hands in the front pockets of his pants and watched you search through the shelves. "I wanted to talk to you"
"Talk to me?" You left your place and began to walk slowly through the corridors of the large library heading to your place where you had left your things. Jaeyun began to walk next to you, not wanting to miss even a moment of being able to see your face.
"So Yena and Heeseung are going to your house tonight and you didn't invite me?" his voice was loud because the library was quiet. You stood in your place for a moment, looking ahead while jaeyun analyzed every part of your profile.
"I thought you'd be busy? I mean, you always have someone to hang out with, especially on a Friday night" you gave him a look. If you were honest, you had it in mind to ask him if he would like to accompany you, but you were also embarrassed by the idea of ​​asking him and looking like a fool. Deep down, you were afraid that he would reject you and disillusion you.
"It offends me that you tell me that, I'm not interested in hanging out with anyone anymore, you know?" He put an arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him. "I just want to hang out with you"
You didn't know if he was serious, if he said it lightly like everything he used to say, or if he was just being flirty like every day he talked to a girl. At this point you didn't know how to react to him. Jaeyun had been following you and accompanying you everywhere for the last few days, paying you more attention than you expected and looking for you every chance he had. You didn't know why he acted like that but it didn't bother you, at first it did bother you a little because you were still a little embarrassed with him because of everything that had happened between the two of you, but gradually you got used to his presence and you were already comfortable with seeing him or having him around you. As you also discovered that he wasn't just a flirtatious fuck boy who lusted after all the women around him, in fact, he was someone fun, respectful and kind, very attentive and easy to get along with. You liked spending time with him.
“Okay, then come tonight” you continued walking causing his arm to fall from your shoulders. "Come spend time with us, not just with me" you tried to make your words clear, but with his silly smile on his face he interpreted those words as he wanted.
"Yes, of course I'll go spend time with you" with a smile he followed you to pull your arm, bringing you closer to his body again. He loved having you close to him. "I'm looking forward to spending time with you" he approached you and gave you a kiss on the forehead "see you tonight, sweetie" with those words said, he walked away from you happily and left the library, leaving you alone and confused, a little blushing and eager for the night to come.
That whole scenario had happened that afternoon and you had spent the entire day repeating it in your head over and over again until the moment the boy rang your doorbell and you let him in. If someone had told you just a month ago that you would have Sim Jaeyun on a Friday night in your living room hugging a pillow and lying on the couch playing with his phone, you would never have believed it. At the time in which you had met him in the library and you had told him to come spend time with you, you had been very brave with your attitude and your words, but now you were desperate looking at the screen of your phone waiting for a response from Yena who hadn't sent you a message all afternoon.
Yena: babe, did you really think that we would be there ruining your chance to fuck sim jaeyun? don't be naive and enjoy it a lot <3
A gasp stuck in your throat and your legs shook uncontrollably, you found yourself forced to hold on to the back of the chair next to you to keep from falling. Your gaze went up and landed on the back of the boy's head, who was still in his place on the couch, still looking at his phone and waiting for you, who had gone to the kitchen with the excuse of offering him something to drink. Seeing him so relaxed and comfortable running his hand through his hair without stopping to look at his phone screen, which he was looking at with a somewhat bored expression, you thought about the conversation you had a few days ago with Yena.
"You are winning Sim Jaeyun's heart, no one ever believed that would be possible." You stopped in your place suddenly as you walked through the school hallways and she looked at you. "What's wrong?"
"Winning his heart?" It seemed like an exaggeration to you to hear her say that. Why would you of all people win his heart? You didn't have problems with your self-esteem or your physical appearance, but you knew what the girls Jaeyun used to date were like and they were very different from you. In fact, it even seemed strange to you that Jaeyun had noticed you even if it was for something at the moment.
"Well, yes" she shrugged. "You've seen. He rejects all the girls who try something with him, he always looks for you to talk to you when you two meet somewhere and when you don't, he also looks for you. When I see him with Heeseung he always asks about you. He's blind because you" Yena couldn't hide the smile that formed on her face just remembering Jaeyun's silly look when he heard your name.
"You're delirious, Yena." You let out a laugh and continued on your way. "He must already be stuck in some girl's sheets recovering his fuck boy reputation, there's nothing to worry about." You sounded disinterested, but deep down in your innocent heart after seeing how he treated you when you were together, thinking that he was with another girl disappointed you deeply.
"No, you are very wrong." Yena sounded serious with her words. "He hasn't even talked to any other girl again, he told heeseung himself, he said he can't find any girl that catches his attention and then he only proceeds to talk about you. Don't you dare say he doesn't feel attracted to you, y/n"
You sighed and walked towards the living room again, the boy stood up in his place and without taking his eyes off you, he watched you leave both glasses on the table in front of you and sit on the couch quite far from his body.
"Are you okay? You're a little pale" the boy laughed at the absurd image. When he had arrived, you had received him very cheerfully and you had even been sitting together talking for a long time, but suddenly you began to get nervous and disappeared, only to return in that state. "What happened?"
"It's nothing" you responded quickly, you turned your body to face him and noticed how his eyes traveled all over your face analyzing each of your features. "Yena and Heeseung aren't coming" you shrugged, desperate to show yourself disinterested, but Jaeyun already knew how to read perfectly when you were nervous. He let out a laugh and approached you, practically sticking his body to yours, which was cornered against the backrest and arm of the chair.
"That's good, don't you think?" He moved the hair out of your face and rested his arm on the backrest behind you. "I was dying to be with you alone, don't you want to spend time alone with me?" His hand behind your back played with your hair that fell loose, causing you to shiver from his soft touch. You nodded, you felt that if you spoke your words would fall halfway. "Are you nervous?" A slightly arrogant smile hung on his lips as he continued to corner your body, leaning over you. "Do you want me to get away from you?" When he said those words, his body leaned back a little, but you rested a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He smiled in agreement and held your hand that was on his shoulder, intertwining his fingers with yours.
"I like spending time alone with you" you admitted, in a way you felt a little exposed to reveal that, but you couldn't help it because that was how you really felt with him. The moment you received Yena's message, despite your nerves, deep down in your heart you were immensely happy because you had wanted to receive that message from your friend. "You make me a little nervous, I don't know why" his eyes that continued to wander over your face were accompanied by his hand caressing your cheek.
"I like to make you nervous" his face had a smile, but not that typical seductive smile that you were used to seeing so much, it was a different smile. "I like your innocence disguised as the confidence you have" his body got even closer to yours and his face getting closer to yours. "I like you" were short and simple words, but they had a great weight that you couldn't finish processing. You looked at him for a few seconds, waiting for him to add something more and then joke, but you noticed how sincere he was and that made your stomach twist with nerves or excitement, that feeling made you jump into his arms and kiss him. Jaeyun couldn't help but smile at the kiss and putting his hands on your waist, he leaned over you, laying your body on the couch. "I'm serious, I like you a lot. I thought I only liked knowing things about you that no one else did, I felt like it gave me a certain power to see you vulnerable, but then I discovered that I couldn't stop thinking about you and that damn naive smile accompanied by those innocent eyes." He attached his lips to yours again, this time with more force, making you moan into his mouth. As soon as he laid a finger on you, you became a mess with your heart racing and your skin becoming sensitive to his touch.
His arms wrapped around your waist and your legs around his body, he effortlessly lifted you off the couch and you guided him to your room at the end of the hallway. His lips were still glued to yours while he held you against his body and you clung to his shoulders tightly. He gently placed your body on the bed and crouched between your thighs, his hands on your waist going under your shirt caressing your hot, prickly skin as he looked into your eyes. You put your hands on both sides of his face, holding him gently and your hands traveled through his hair slowly, not being able to believe the beauty of the boy who looked at you as if you were what he was waiting for all this time.
"I really like your eyes and your lips... and your whole face" you told him, your hands gently tugged at his dark hair and he giggled, then leaned down and placed a soft kiss on your thigh. You were wearing shorts so the entire skin of your legs was exposed.
"You're so pretty." His hands caressed your thighs and went up to the waistband of your shorts, feeling the elastic as he waited for your reactions. "Can I take it off?" He asked, you swallowed and felt the nerves run through your body, but you still nodded and leaning on your hands on the mattress, you raised your pelvis off the bed allowing him to slide your shorts down your legs.
"You really are so beautiful, I can't believe I have you like this all to myself" his fingers slipped into the elastic of your underwear and he began to slowly lower it, without stopping looking into your eyes, his gaze telling you to trust him. "I want to kiss and worship every part of you, will you let me?" His hands squeezed your knees, prompting you to open your legs wider for him. At this point your entire body was completely flushed and tense, your breathing slightly labored. You could only nod, lost in his gaze that was so convincing. "Lie back and relax, okay?" Jaeyun approached you and placed a kiss on your lips before gently pushing you by the shoulders and returning to his spot, where he positioned his face between your legs. His lips left short kisses on the inside of your thighs, hands caressing your legs as you squirmed under his touch. “Calm down” Jaeyun left one last kiss on your thigh. "Are you sure you want to continue?" he asked, his voice calm and low, without any pressure as patiently waited for you to accept or refuse. You loved that, that he always asked you before doing something and that his attitude didn't change depending on your answer.
"I'm sure" you leaned on your elbows and saw him between your legs, his eyes were so expressive that you thought your heart would stop. When his gaze made contact with your shiny and wet pussy, his eyes were shining and he licked his lips, you let your body fall to the mattress again trying to hide your shame and you closed your eyes tightly when you felt his eyes on your most sensitive part.
"Will you let me touch you? I want to eat you out." When you heard him, you couldn't help but moan and nod embarrassedly.
"Yes, yes. just do it" you felt his hands press your thighs apart, lifting your legs that rested on the edge of the bed and his face buried in your pussy, feeling completely happy to finally be there. He left a kiss on your pussy and you felt faint, it being the first time you had experienced something like that, without time to say anything, his warm tongue pressed against you and you moaned loudly. Jaeyun reached for one of your hands that was clinging to the sheets beneath you and intertwined his fingers with yours and your other hand went to his hair. You pulled his hair hard as his tongue moved and he couldn't help but be more aggressive with his mouth, wanting to taste and have more of you, also bringing his fingers to your pussy "Jaeyun-" you sounded desperate as he continued to eat you out and touching you fervently. "I think I'm close- ah" you were very sensitive and his touch was too much for you, so it was quick and easy to bring you over the edge. A loud moan escaped your lips as his fingers entered you and his lips closed on your clit. Your head was spinning as you pulled his hair tightly, making him moan against your core. His hand, which held yours tightly, gave small squeezes at times and at other times, his thumb caressed you, giving you peace of mind. Your body shook and moved against his face helping you reach your climax. Your back arched against the bed and you could feel Jaeyun's kisses on your thighs as you fell back against the mattress with your breathing and heart pounding.
"Are you okay, baby?" His fingers drew patterns on your bare legs, completely comfortable with your fluids staining his mouth. You leaned on your elbows again and the image of the boy in that state between your legs overwhelmed you, so with the hand that still held his, you pulled him, making him come closer to your face, your hand holding his face as your thumb ran over his shiny bottom lip, his big bright eyes watching you intently as he leaned on his arms on either side of your body. You caught his lips, feeling the tongue that had previously plunged into you, was now in your mouth rubbing against yours. Your own taste in his mouth made you feel things you had never felt before and made you want even more. "Do you want to continue? Because we can just keep kissing the rest of the night and believe me, I will be the happiest man in the world just by being by your side." He planted a kiss on your lips as his body rose and leaned over yours resting on the mattress.
"Yes, I want to continue" you nodded as you hugged his body to yours. "I trust you for this, I really want this with you." Those words were enough for Jaeyun to grab the hem of your shirt and take it off, leaving your breasts exposed. His arm wrapped around your waist and he spread kisses all over your torso, touching your breasts and nipples with his lips and tongue, your head fell back as you let out a gasp of pleasure. His body separated from yours and he got rid of his clothes, you felt your mouth go dry at the glorious image of his well proportioned body naked in front of yours.
"God, you don't know how much I want to be inside you" he kissed you again needily, feeling like he couldn't take his lips off yours, and his hand went to your crotch, caressing your still sensitive and swollen pussy. "I don't want to hurt you, baby" his fingers caressed the entire length of your pussy, spreading all your wetness that was almost dripping down your legs. Your body writhed beneath his and you whimpered almost desperately.
“Please, jaeyun, I’m ready” your hand went down between your bodies and you wrapped your hand around his hard cock, going up and down slowly. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead against yours, letting out a quiet moan. "I want to feel you inside me" your barely soft touch made him feel on cloud nine.
"Please don't do that" his voice sounded like a plea. “I feel like I'm going to cum right now” you tightened your hand around his cock, pumping a little harder. You heard him moan almost painfully and his fingers that were still in your pussy slid easily inside you, making you moan into his mouth. “Y/n” your name sounded weak in his voice as you continued to jerk him off a little harder and he pressed on your clit, forming that knot in your stomach again. You both moaned loudly as your bodies erupted in orgasm and you felt his hot fluids run down your thigh. "You're so good, I need to be inside you" he desperately separated himself from your body and approached his pants on the floor, taking a condom from his pocket and after opening the small package, he wrapped it around his cock. His body was back on yours and again, looking into your eyes to read every expression on your face, he came up to kiss your forehead. "Are you ready?" His hands went to your waist and your arms rested on his shoulders and you wrapped them around his neck, bringing him closer to you and you smiled shyly at him.
"I am" you nodded and your voice sounded shaky, you didn't know if it was because of the continuous waves of pleasure that your body was receiving or because of the fear of the unknown experience that you were about to live in those moments with the boy in your arms. You didn't distrust him because you knew that he would be careful with you and would do everything possible to make you feel good. You watch as Jaeyun guides his cock to your entrance and closing your eyes you cling to his body, his other hand caressed your back as he slid the tip inside you, a hiss escapes from between your clenched teeth and jaeyun held you tightly.
"Tell me if it hurts, I'll go slowly" he warns you, you nodded to his words containing a sigh and jaeyun nodded with you, keeping his word and sinking very slowly and deliberately inside you. You tremblingly hang on to his shoulders and he, wrapping his arm around your waist, lifts you from the bed and presses your chest against his, hugging you tightly. “Relax” he murmurs into your hair and kisses your head. You feel it completely inside you and you feel uncomfortable as your walls expand due to the intrusion, a small pain accompanies the sensation but it wasn't as bad as you thought. You hear him let out a weak moan when he is fully inside you and you take a deep breath.
"Are you okay?" You make a small noise of affirmation that is enough for him to stay calm. “You're so tight, god” your walls clench around him and you elicit another moan from him as he rests his head against your shoulder. "Do you want me to stay like this?"
"Move, please"
"Okay, pretty" nodding, he moves his hips back and slides into you again this time without pauses, easy to slide into you as if your body were ideal for his. The uncomfortable feeling slowly begins to leave your body as you feel your walls stretch and clench around him with each gentle thrust. "You're doing so good. You feel so so good, fuck, this is incredible" His words sounded weak and were lost in the air between your moans, you hid your face in his neck while you felt your body shake by his movements, your nails dug into his shoulders when one of his hands went down between you and brushed his fingertips against your clit, making you feel strong pleasure.
“Ah- wait jaeyun, I-” you closed your eyes tightly feeling the words get stuck in your throat. "I'm- I'm close, oh god, please" your legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer to you as your body began to shake and you tightened around him, his lips placing kisses all over your blushing face as you pulled away from his neck.
"That's it baby, keep going" he took a deep breath and increased his pace, taking you to your limit. "Come on, cum for me, you can do it" as he continued moving inside you, you hear him say a couple more nonsense words and how he moans deeply. "I'm cumming" he groaned. A couple of thrusts and you feel his cock tremble inside you, both orgasms hitting at the same time and you desperately clinging to his body, gasping and moaning against each other, both of you feeling your bodies relax. Your head was somewhere else and you felt your completely heavy body fall onto the bed as Jaeyun let go of you and pulled out of you letting out a hiss, walking away and leaving you on the bed with your eyes closed and your breathing heavy. You hear his soft laugh in the background and a soft damp towel is passed over your thigh where he had previously cummed. You open your heavy eyelids slowly and see Jaeyun next to you, his hair messy, his face a little flushed with his red, swollen lips and his eyes bright as well as his big smile. "How do you feel?" he asks in a low, somewhat raspy voice.
"I'm perfectly fine" you stretch your arms forward and he leans back on you lightly, letting you wrap your arms around him, his fingers caressing your hips lovingly. He leaves a kiss on your neck and takes the blanket next to you, covering both bodies. Your hand caresses his back while you feel how he leaves warm kisses on your chest, your neck and your entire face, as if without saying a word he was thanking you.
"I have something to admit to you" he said. You murmured for him to continue. "I told Yena not to come because I wanted to be alone with you. I hope you don't get angry with her or with me" You let out a laugh and shook your head, how could you be mad at him if he just made you have the best night of your life? He smiled when he noticed that you were okay with it and kissed your forehead gently. "Listen Y/n, I don't want this to be just a casual thing" you open your eyes and look into his eyes, his gaze sincere as he said those words. "I want to keep seeing you but I would like us to have something... more, I can't just see you from time to time and pretend that you don't cause me anything. I like you a lot and I don't want to see you with anyone else other than me" he admitted, catching her lower lip between his teeth with some nervousness and you gave him a tired smile as you nodded at him, while you felt those typical butterflies flap their wings in your belly, something you had never felt before with anyone.
"I like you too, Jaeyun" you felt that saying that was enough. He let go of his lip that he was biting nervously, he approached your face and kissed your lips tenderly. You closed your eyes again and felt the heaviness and exhaustion hit your body.
"Don't faint, baby, you still have a lot to experience" he let out a laugh and buried his face in your neck, your stomach turned with nerves and your heart was pounding in your chest, matching the accelerated and excited heartbeat of the boy who couldn't stop smiling happily.
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god, you can't imagine how many times i wrote this. i'm sorry, i'm just a capricorn who is very hard on myself. well, i guess this is the end of this story that was only supposed to be a single part. thanks for asking for more and reading🫶🏻
tags: @secretlyapartofthisfandom @icepshrince @laurradoesloveu @sunpov @simhinata @irenereiii @primroselover @jakehooni @kodaunknown @cinnamon-won @hoonieluv @jindoriyam @riyuukii @csesamis @lycxee @kumiyoe @kashuannn @jaeyunpinkyring
there are some people that idk why but I couldn't tag 💔, I mentioned them anyway.
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uluvjay · 8 months
Beach Getaway- O. Piastri
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Oscar Piastri x fem reader!
In which your boyfriend can’t take your little bikinis and constant teasing much longer
Warnings?; SMUT, some sub! Oscar, dom!reader, kissing, oral(f receiving), fingering(f receiving), unprotected sex(use protection), cursing, teasing, bratty Oscar, praising, pet names, porn with a plot
Sorry for any errors, also part of my 1k celly:)
The Australian boy wasn’t sure how much longer he could take you parading around in your little bikini. The two of you were staying in a private Villa far from anyone and any land, only accessible by boat.
After your Grease vacation last year and getting paparazzi pictures taken non stop you’d chose somewhere far off from any people, and while Oscar was enjoying the privacy he wasn’t expecting you to constantly wear the littlest bit of clothing possible.
If you two didn’t have plans to go into town you’d been either wearing Oscar’s shirt or one of your bikinis and today it just so happened to be that tiny white one.
He was in the water below your villa while you were laid out on one of the chairs tanning, your body was glistening in the sun thanks to your tanning oil and from your position on your stomach Oscar had a perfect view of your plump ass.
“Oscar” you groaned when you felt the sun that had been shining on your body disappear and cool droplets of water hit your back.
His beamed down at you as you flipped over to lay on your back, “hi baby” he smiled as he leaned down and placed a sweet kiss upon your lips.
“Wanna lay with me?” You questioned as you noticed the small look of need in his eyes.
“Yes please” he blushed.
You moved up a bit to make room for the tall boy to lay between your legs with his head resting on your boobs. It was sweet and relaxing for a while, your hands running through his hair and nails lightly running along the skin of his back. It was innocent until you felt light kisses against the top of your left breast.
“Oscar” you warned lightly.
“M’ not doing anything, just giving you kisses” he whined into your skin, you gave his hair a small tug to notify him to drop the attitude, and he did.
His lips stayed still for a good bit longer until you heard a small whine escape his throat and his lips start a trail of kisses on your chest.
“Oscar what did I say? Don’t be a brat” you warned the boy again.
“But baby I can’t take it anymore! We’ve been here a week and I’ve been good. I haven’t tried to fuck you no matter how bad I’ve wanted to” he cried out sitting up on his knees to look at you.
“You’ve been a good boy Osc, don’t start being a brat now” you scolded, you knew what you’d been doing to the poor boy but what he didn’t know was the surprise you had organized for tomorrow night where you’d finally let him take the lead and be on top.
He didn’t reply just got up with a groan and jumped back in the water below you. You couldn’t help but laugh at his slight brattiness, while Oscar was known for being calm and collected things were very different when it came to sex.
The boy was often impatient and wanted to get things done quickly which is why you were the dom in the bedroom. Oscar took care of you outside of the bedroom, making sure you ate correctly, got enough sleep, had anything and everything you needed, but in the bedroom you made sure he came so hard that he cried.
You didn’t mind his distance for the rest of the day, you could see his hard on through his shorts and you felt bad as he whined when the comforter brushed against it as he climbed into bed that night.
Part of you wanted to give to give in and fuck him right then and there, especially since you knew he had taken a cold shower in attempt to get his hard on to go away but it was no use as when he returned from his shower he found you laid on on the bed with his shirt hardly covering your bare ass.
You woke him up the next morning with kisses along his chest as your nails traced along his waistband.
“Mm, don’t tease please” he mumbled as he opened his sleepy eyes.
He was met with a smirk as he looked down at you, “I have plans for us tonight” you smiled.
“What kind of plans?” He hastily asked, voice full of hope and desperation.
“Dinner at six and then a surprise” you smiled sweetly.
“What kind of surprise?” He pried.
“It’s a surprise for a reason Ozzy, now get your trunks on I wanna go swimming” you beamed as left a peck on his nose.
You two spent the day in the water, snacking on fruits and a nice lunch before returning into the beautiful clear water.
You both retreated back inside the house at four-thirty to shower and begin to get ready for dinner, you had a chef boat out to your small villa to make Oscar’s favorite with a few desserts
You two found your ways to the small kitchen at six, Oscar was dressed in a nice white shirt and khaki shorts while you sported his favorite white sun dress.
The table was set and the island held a few other treats for later, you saw the chefs boat heading off in the distance as you both took your seats.
“God this is delicious” Oscar moaned and you found yourself clenching your thighs at the sound. Despite it being your idea to tease and deny Oscar you were suffering a bit yourself.
You’d spent a week at home with his family before this and before that you two had been apart due to races and work, meaning you two hadn’t had proper sex in about a month and a half.
Once dinner was finished you and Oscar stood in the kitchen, him doing dishes while you stood against the island watching him.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer” he giggled, feeling your eyes bore into his back.
“Oh trust me I have plenty” you retorted as you pressed yourself against his back, your arms wrapping around his waist.
Oscar smiled at the feeling of your warm body pressed against his-until he felt your fingers teasing the button of his shorts.
“Baby I can’t take anymore teasing” he whined, cutting the water and turning to face you.
“Don’t have to” you smirked, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“Want you to fuck me tonight Osc, you can do whatever you want”
“Wha-really?” He asked looking down at you with wide eyes.
“Yes baby, you’ve been so good the last few months and especially this week, you deserve it”
The boy didn’t reply, instead he pressed his lips against yours and picked you up by your thighs. The kiss was dirty and desperate, tongues attacking each others and breathy whimpers escaping both of you.
“The bed” you breathlessly spoke as you pulled away from his mouth.
Oscar made his was to the bedroom, dropping you down onto the soft mattress before he dove down, attacking your neck with his lips. He left light nips along the column of your throat, he hands running under your dress to trace over your panties.
Pulling back the boy looked down to find your papaya colored panties soaked with your arousal, “So wet baby” he groaned as he pulled your panties off, tossing them somewhere in the room.
He laid himself between your thighs, leaving kisses along the insides. He smirked at the whines escaping from you, usually it was him in you position. Pathetic whines and whimpers leaving his throat as you teased the sensitive skin around his hard cock, but not tonight.
“Want me to eat you out? Gotta beg for it first” he teased, throwing the words you’d used countless times on him back at you.
“Fuck, Osc please-wanna feel your mouth on me” you begged the Aussie.
“Mm, I’m not sure baby. You were a bit mean this week, gonna have to do better than that” he tutted as his lips trailed dangerously close to where you needed him most.
“Please Oscar, I’m so sorry for teasing you all week. Just wanted tonight to be special” you whimpered out as he blew cool air along your dripping folds-breath play-something you’d taught him a few weeks ago.
“I accept your apology baby” he smirked before he dove into your core like a starved man. His lips attached right to your clit, making out with the bud like you’d taught him.
Your moans were pathetic but you didn’t care, Oscar used his mouth in ways you’d never thought possible. Spelling his name out over and over with his tongue before he started to do his racing number.
Your fingers were pulling so hard on the boys hair you were scared you were going to rip it out. “Taste so fucking good” he whined as he pulled back for air, slipping two fingers in to keep you going.
“ah, fuck, so good Ozzy, always so good to me” you praised, knowing just what he was looking for.
He dove back in, fingers splitting you open while his mouth relentlessly sucked and licked at your folds. His nose was nudging your clit while his tongue ran down to join his fingers.
“Gonna-oh shit..I’m gonna cum baby” you cried, feeling the tightness in your belly getting stronger and stronger.
But just as you felt yourself about to tip over the edge of glory-everything stopped.
You shot up on your elbows to look at the dark haired boy who had removed himself from the bed in order to strip his clothes off.
“Sucks doesn’t it?” He smirked but it quickly dropped at your next words.
“Don’t forget who’s really in control here Oscar, I’ll still gladly fuck you stupid”
He offered an apologetic smile before climbing over you, he hooked your legs around his waist as he ran his cock through your folds.
You both released a shared moan at the feeling of him slipping inside of you, “Feels so good” he cried dropping his forehead to rest against your chest.
“Slide all the way in-uh-there you go-good job pretty boy” you instructed, a deep cry escaping Oscar’s throat as he filled you completely.
Oscar started slow, little pathetic thrusts that had sweet little whines coming from his mouth, your sweet nothings and praises encouraging him to speed up.
“So tight” he moaned
“I know you’re doing so good though, M’ so proud of you baby” you moaned as his thumb slipped down to rub your clit.
This wasn’t like your usual teasing and drawn out sex, this was much more intimate and you were loving it.
“Shit Osc, m’ getting close baby” you cried out, feet hooking behind him to draw him even closer.
“Me to, I’m almost there” he replied, thrusts getting erratic and sloppy, the room was now filled with loud skin slapping and pornographic moans unlike the sweet cries that had just filled it.
“I’m cumming, can I come inside? Please” he desperately cried above you.
“Yeah baby, c’mon, cum for me” you told the boy feeling your own orgasm approaching quickly.
“Oh fuck” he whined as he felt the knot in his stomach come undone, his warm cum coming out in ropes, filling you to the brim.
“Shit Oscar, m’ cumming” you cried quickly following right behind the boy.
Oscar fucked you through your orgasm until you were crying and pushing him away, he pulled out looking at you with a smirk.
“What?” You breathlessly questioned looking up at the flushed boy.
“Nothing it’s just I’m usually the one crying from overstimulation, and I can’t lie I like how you look like that” he blushed looking into your fucked out eyes.
“Mhm” he smiled as he laid with his head tucked into your neck.
“Did I do good?” He questioned after a few moments of silence.
“So good Osc, that felt amazing” you smiled giving him a sweet kiss.
“It wasn’t to slow? Your pace is usually a lot quicker”
“It was perfect baby, I enjoyed having you so close. Got to hear your pretty little noises as you took care of me.” You smirked
“I’m glad I could be good for you”
“Your always good Oscar, always”
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archiveluna · 4 months
being in a weird situationship with farleigh... <3 inspired by the song boyfriend by ariana grande ft. social house
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WARNINGS ✧ none i think? ooc farleigh maybe, situationship? my bad writing… it’s been 7 years. written on my iphone at 1am while sleep deprived </3 sorry in advance! i also suck at writing endings ◡̈
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ︶︶︶⠀⠀୨୧⠀⠀︶︶︶
‘you ain’t my boyfriend and i ain’t your girlfriend but you don’t want me to see nobody else and i don’t want you to see nobody’
you could feel him glaring at you from all the way across the room but made no move to look his way. if he could go around hooking up with random people, then you had the right to do as you please also.
wether he’d like to admit it or not, farleigh was a jealous man, especially when it came to you and there was only so much he could take before storming your way, his long legs reaching you in record time and dragging you away from the confused boy who you’d been previously talking to.
‘even though you ain’t mine, i promise the way we fight make me feel like we just in love’
“what do you think you’re doing?”
you couldn’t hold back the laugh that escaped your mouth. was he being serious? the only thing holding you back from causing a scene being the people around you guys and the not so subtle eyes of his cousin and friends watching everything unfold. god.. you knew coming to this party was a bad idea. “not sure what you mean.” you shrugged.
he nodded his head in a mocking way, pursing his lips. “hm, right. so this isn’t you getting back at me for the other day, is it? because i told you-“
“getting back at you?” you cut him off shaking your head in disbelief. “get over yourself farleigh. am i not allowed to talk to other people? not everything’s about you, you know.” except this totally was about him. you almost groaned when you saw the smirk forming on his lips. that bastard. he knew, of course he did.
‘i know we be so complicated lovin you sometimes drive me crazy cause i can’t have what i want and neither can you’
you refused to meet his eyes when he called out your name, arms crossed looking at the people dancing around you. farleigh chuckled, taking a step closer. you took one back in return. “if i didn’t know any better, i’d say you were jealous.” his tone was teasing, and you didn’t have to look at him to know he still had that infuriatingly attractive smirk on his face. i am. “of what? you’re not my boyfriend, you can do whatever you want.” you looked up at him, doing your best to appear nonchalant. farleigh laughed, throwing his head back like you had said the funniest joke he’s ever heard, which only served to agitate you more.
his eyes were practically sparkling when he looked down at you, his hands reaching to cup your face despite your failed attempts to push him away. “i didn’t fuck her. if that’s what you’re pissed about, all we did was make out...” he trailed off unsure if he should say what he was thinking. the way he was looking at you made your cheeks warm up, but you refused to speak. you wanted him to say it. you knew what he wanted to say, and as stupid as it sounded, you refused to be the first one to break. “i haven’t slept with anyone for months now actually.” his hands now resting on your hips squeezed them lightly.
farleigh admitting that shouldn’t of felt as good as it did, but it was as if you could feel a weight lifting off your shoulders. you hoped for a different kind of confession, but this was also nice to know. although you weren’t all that happy that he was still going around shoving his tongue down other peoples throats you couldn’t exactly complain either. he wasn’t your boyfriend. you had to remind yourself of that.
‘but you ain’t my boyfriend and i ain’t your girlfriend but you don’t want me to touch nobody else baby, we ain’t gotta tell nobody’
“like i said, farleigh, you’re free to do whatever you want. nothing is stopping you.” farleigh let out a mixture of what sounded like a groan and laugh, pulling you closer to him without you attempting to push him away this time around. “you” he paused to pinch your cheek softly. “are so fucking stubborn, did you know that?”
you couldn’t hold back the giggle that escaped your lips as you looked up at him, finally giving in to his touch. you had only been ignoring him for a few days, but it felt like a lifetime to you and even if he wouldn’t say it, you knew he felt the same way if the way he was gripping your hips was anything to go by.
“were you really going to fuck that loser to get back at me?” farleigh suddenly asked, looking over to where the guy whose name you’d already forgotten now sat talking with a different girl, his face in that permanent scowl he seemed to have when he wasn’t around you or his friends. “i tuned him out the moment he opened his mouth to be honest.” you could feel your cheeks heating up once again as he laughed at your honesty. “yeah, i figured once you wouldn’t stop eye fucking me from across the room.”
“shut up!” you groaned, swatting his chest. “you’re the one who has a staring problem, you creep. seriously, you’re worse than that fucking ollie kid.” farleigh huffed, somewhat offended that you would compare him to oliver but said nothing else as he pulled you towards the table where felix and the rest of his posse sat, all of them immediately pretending like they hadn’t been watching when you both approached except for felix, who gave farleigh a not so subtle smirk when he pulled you to sit on his lap.
‘if you were my boyfriend and you were my girlfriend i probably wouldn’t see nobody else’
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ︶︶︶⠀⠀୨୧⠀⠀︶︶︶
i suck at endings can u tell ꃋᴖꃋ i know i said i wasn’t gonna write and i probably won’t for a while but i had to get this idea out of my head! i ♥︎ farleigh start. also sorry for any errors! i’m nervous just posting this, bye
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boyfriendstevie · 6 months
may i humbly request…. 15. Character A hiding their face into Character B’s shirt because they can’t keep the noises at bay, and hoping to God they’re not being too loud. i can’t think of anything to keep it wintery but… maybe a handsie moment at a work christmas party? hehe whatever u like!
Jay my angel baby love <333 thank u for this & im sorry it took so long, pls enjoy having to be quiet while staying at the harrington household ft menace Steve hehe; 18+!!! mdni!!! fem!reader, fingering, hand job, use of nicknames like good girl
“Baby…” Steve coos softly from somewhere next to you. It’s hard to tell… hard to focus. All you know is that his body is pressed to yours, and he’s got two long fingers in your cunt. “Gotta be quiet, honey. Don’t want anyone to hear you, do you?”
Being home for the holidays is always nice, but staying with family makes things difficult. In a number of ways, but it makes being intimate with your boyfriend particularly challenging. And after staying with your family for a number of days, in a small house where sound would definitely travel, you’re feeling pent up when you make it to the Harrington household. It didn’t take long for you to excuse yourselves to Steve’s old room where you were staying, and end up under the covers together. 
A kiss presses to the crook of your neck as you shake your head, Steve’s breath hot against your skin. You’ve only been at it for a few minutes, but between the kisses and all of his attention, you already feel like you’re going to melt, and besides, you don’t have much time anyway. You whimper again and his hand stills as he huffs out a quiet laugh and says, “Babe, I’m serious… can’t have my parents catching us.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” you whine, squirming under his touch as his free hand roams up your torso to cup your breast, squeezing not-so-gently, “I’ll be quiet, please don’t stop, just— need you, please—“
You can feel the curve of his lips on your shoulder and he shushes you again, this time more reassuringly as his fingers curl inside of you, “I gotcha, baby, shhhhh.”
But then, his hand pulls away completely as he shifts away from you, leaving you clenching around nothing and hissing his name angrily, “Steve! What the fu—“
Your complaint dies on your lips as he rearranges both of you so you’re on your side facing him, only mere centimeters separating you. One of his arms curls around your shoulders to hold you close while the other maneuvers between your bodies until his hand can cup your cunt, the palm of his hand brushing against your clit. His middle and ring finger dip between your folds to find your dripping entrance, fingertips circling it lightly. Teasingly.
Before you can complain again, his fingers ease into you, making you sigh softly, a quiet, content noise. Your leg hitches over his hip as you press closer, relaxing against him. Steve noses against your temple, a small laugh escaping his own lips as his fingers push deep, “Told ya I gotcha, honey.”
“Mhm,” you breathe out absentmindedly, all high-pitched and whiny in your attempt to stay as quiet as you can, which feels nearly impossible with his fingers fucking in and out of you. Especially hard when his fingers spread wide, stretching you open for him. His thumb finds your clit with practiced ease, rubbing over it in just the right way, making your hips roll into his touch. 
He keeps saying you can’t be too loud, but it seems like he’s doing everything in his power to make you fall apart, to make the loudest moans possible fall from your lips, “Stevie— fuck, Steve, need—“
A particularly loud moan escapes you, and you instantly worry he’ll stop again, but instead, his arm curls and tightens around your shoulders, pulling you into his hold. Your face presses against his chest, the fabric of his pajama shirt soft on your cheek. When you moan again, this time at the way his fingers crook, brushing against the most sensitive spot inside of you, the sound comes out muffled into Steve’s chest. You can hear the smirk in his voice as he asks, “Feel good, baby? That’s what you wanted, huh? Such a good girl, letting me know exactly how you feel.” 
Steve’s words, the smug sound in his voice, makes you whine again, though it’s barely audible against his chest. Your own fingers curl around one of Steve’s biceps, digging into his skin a bit more harshly than you intend to, though he doesn’t seem to mind, reveling in the reactions and noises he can draw out of you from his fingers alone. You’re desperate to cum after so long, and you’re so close, the coil in your gut twisting tighter and tighter, but you still need more. But he knows you better than you know yourself, and so before you can even ask, a third finger pushes into your tight heat. 
With his thumb rubbing small, quick circles on your clit, and his fingers pumping in and out of you, pleasure twists in your tummy. You clench around his fingers, face buried into your boyfriend’s chest as you finally tip over the edge. Your body writhes against his, moaning and whining into Steve’s chest, and you distantly hope that you’re not being too loud, though you can’t find it in yourself to care too much. 
“That’s a girl,” Steve hums, kissing along your jaw and neck as you come back down from the high. The leg hitched over his hip shakes and Steve pulls his hand from your center to grab at your thigh, squeezing your flesh gently, “Y’alright?”
“Yes,” you murmur softly in reply, face hot against the fabric of his shirt, “Your turn? Been too long…” You trail off as you move just enough to get your hand under Steve’s boxers. Precum leaks from his tip, and he hisses loudly as your thumb rubs over his slit, spreading the wetness down the length of his cock. 
Your fingers wrap around the base, and you stroke him once — just enough to pull a deep groan from his chest. You’re more than pleased, and a little smug, as you repeat the same thing he’d said to you earlier, “Gotta be quiet, love, yeah?” 
“Shut up,” he laughs, jaw clenching when you squeeze him gently, “Maybe I need to hide my face in your chest, too.”
“Be my guest,” you grin at him, free hand tangling into the hair at the back of his head, pulling him in closer for a kiss that leaves both of you dizzy. 
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messylxve · 5 days
old flame | aaron hotchner x reader
part two
content warning: angst, yearning, sad hotch, tension is THICC, mentions of abduction, guns, pregnant character, angry cops
pt1 pt3
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Aaron still thinks about you most days. There was not much he clung onto from his years before, but you were one of the few he couldn’t let go of.
He supposed it was because you were one of the few things he never got closure for. You had just disappeared one day, completely untraceable as if you never wanted to be seen by him again.
And he didn’t know why.
It was a rather quiet day in the BAU. Morgan and Prentiss goofed off while Reid rambled on about…something. Aaron stuck it out in his office per usual.
He should have been doing paperwork, but his mind wandered elsewhere. It wandered to the picture in his wallet. He gazed at it sadly, wondering when it all went wrong.
The picture was of you and him: a selfie taken on a camera from when the two of you went to a store late at night and decided to cart each other around in the shopping carts.
Strange how some of the happy memories he had left, were of you.
He flipped his wallet shut, his attention now on JJ as she stood at the doorway of his office. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he cleared his throat. “What do you have?”
“Multiple abductions in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Two girls, a woman, and a boy. All ranging in ages, but all related to officers under the police force.”
“What’s the time difference between each?”
JJ shook her head, flipping through one of the folders. “Three days.”
Hotch quickly pocketed his wallet and stood from his desk. “We’ll do the debriefing on the jet, alert the others. Wheels up in 10.”
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To say it was chaos in Harrisburg Police precinct was an understatement. Phones rang endlessly, people rushed around and the sound of arguing echoed from the chief’s office.
“It's not usually like this,” one officer greeted. “This has become personal for a few of us and they aren't taking it lightly.”
Hotch scanned over the precinct, the uneasiness in the air radiating out to his team. “I suggest you take those officers off the case. We can't afford any distractions from anyone to interfere with this.”
“That's what were working on,” he nodded over to the office where four uniformed individuals crowded around a desk. “They aren't making it easy.”
Hotch’s frown deepened before looking around. “Do you have a space for my team to set up?”
“Yes, right this way,” he motioned for the group to follow him before turning back to Hotch. “Chief wants you in her office before we begin breaking things down.”
“Thank you.”
Hotch didn't know why he didn’t suspect something when he heard the shouting the first time. Walking closer, he realized he knew that voice. It was the voice that had haunted him for years.
“Do not question my authority again. The four of you are suspended from this case. If I hear another complaint, argument or so much of a whisper about my decision your guns will be confiscated until the case is closed. Am I clear?”
Aaron’s heart stuttered. His hand found the doorframe to grip as he watched in awe.
A small chorus of ‘yes chief’ followed your reprimand from all but one officer.
“Am. I. Clear. Smith?”
The man grit his teeth, staring you dead in the eye. “Yes chief.”
“You’re dismissed.”
Each officer left the room, leaving the two of you alone and suddenly you felt like kids all over again.
“y/n,” he breathed out. “I didn’t know—,”
“Neither did I,” you interrupted, knowing exactly what he was talking about. You felt your defenses slip away for the first time in a long time in his presence. You hated to admit it but it felt good. Seeing him again despite all of the years away.
But that look in his eyes, the pain and heartbreak. It took you right back to the day you fucked up.
It was almost as a spell was casted, Aaron saw your walls form again.
You cleared your throat and folded your arms. “There are only so many officers I can have on the field for this, so I thank you and your team for being here.”
“I- of course.”
Aaron had never felt so unsure during a case.
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“Agent Smith says he was on the phone with her right before it happened and she hung up quickly,” you mused, standing in the front entryway of the Smith home with Hotch and Morgan. “Jessica Smith was 8 months pregnant when taken…”
“Which means she couldn’t have put up much of a fight,” Hotch finished your thoughts. Your eyes found his for just a moment and your heart stuttered in its chest. Had it been so many years ago, the two of you would have laughed about it, or shouted jinx, but not anymore.
“But she still would have put up some semblance of a struggle. She didn’t fight at all.” You cleared your throat.
Morgan looked oddly between the two of you, crossing his arms. “Right, so is it possible the unsub had a weapon. Threatened her to let him in.”
Hotch shook his head. “I don’t think so, the unsub had to be someone she trusted.”
“But didn’t want around the kids,” you muttered, eyes staring down the entryway.
Morgan furrowed his brows. “What makes you say that.”
Your eyes flickered up to Hotch, that’s where they wanted to go, but you trained them on Morgan instead. “The other kids were home, would’ve ran to the door to see who might be there.”
Hotch watches you carefully as you walk over to the door, your gloved hand closing it. “Mom makes it to the door first, sees the unsub through the peephole and recognizes him, but thinks it might not be a good idea for the husband to know he was there.”
You turn away from the door, facing the men. “She hangs up the phone abruptly, tells the kids to go play and leaves her phone right here on the table before opening up the door.”
You open the door slowly and step outside, noting the mud on the welcome mat leading to the the first few feet of the house.
“The mud from the prints match the ones at the other scenes, but they don’t run through the house…they stop here.”
“She didnt want him far into the house at all,” Hotch finished off again.
“So that means the unsub is someone each family knows and Jessica recognizes, but is a sore subject, not wanting her husband to know he was there,” Morgan theorizes.
“Someone who was fired or discharged,” you realized.
Hotch furrowed his brows. “Have you recently let go of officers.”
You nodded your head. “A few. But there’s no way to go through files like that without getting unneeded attention from other officers.”
Hotch turned to Morgan. “Call Garcia, tell her—,”
“No need,” you interrupted. “I have direct files saved to my personal computer. It’ll be faster.”
Hotch eyes stayed on you, contemplating his choices.
“Morgan, get back to the precinct, update the others. l/n and I will retrieve the files.”
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The car ride was…awkward to say the least.
Hotch had a million things he wanted to say, he needed to say. But somewhere between his heart and his voice, it died upon delivery.
“Spit it out,” you blurted out suddenly, forcing his attention to you.
“You’re twiddling your thumbs and biting the inside of your cheek. Every time you look at me you take this gasp of air. What do you want to tell me?”
So many years had passed and yet you could still read him like the back of your hand.
“That was impressive back there…” he swallowed hard. “You’d make a good profil—,”
“Please don’t tell me you cooked up all of your guts just to tell me I’d be a good profiler,” you laughed.
It sounded harsh, but there was something in your tone that eased Aaron’s heart. He laughed too for the first time in a long time.
“No I guess not.”
However just as easily as the moment eased up, it easily tensed back into that painful silence.
“Why did you leave,” he blurted out finally.
Your smile dissolved so quickly, it pained Aaron to be the reason it was even there.
“I got an offer from UPenn. Full ride.”
Aaron frowned. “Congratulations.” It was genuine, despite how hollow his voice sounded. “But that’s not the real reason is it.”
Your voice suddenly felt very raw as you attempted to swallow back your emotions, but just as quickly as they left, it came back. “No…”
“Because,” you burst out. “After that night, when you begged me to…” you couldn’t bear to finish that sentence. “…what we did…I couldn’t go back to what we were. It hurt too much to. I was ready to tell you everything when I saw you again but…you and Haley. She… I couldn’t do that to her.”
You were bearing your emotions out, on the verge of tears releasing every pent up emotion since that night and Aaron never felt more stupid in his life.
They had finally come at a red light when Aaron spoke up. “What night? What did I…what did I ask you to do?”
He was terrified of your answer.
But you. Everything in you stopped. Your heart, your brain, even your breath. Everything was so silent when you turned your head and finally looked him in the eye for the first time in ages.
“You really don’t remember?”
He shook his head. “No.”
His single word reverberated through your bones, sinking deep into your soul. What do you mean no?
You turned to the road, a humorless chuckle falling from your lips. “You don’t even remember.”
“y/n,” Aaron called your name with such desperation. “Please.”
You looked back at him, hearing that tone in his voice. Suddenly you were taken back to that night. Between the pleas in his voice and that depressingly sad look in his eyes, he looked just the way he did all those nights ago.
God how long is this light?
“You were drunk. Haley accused you of being in love with me. You begged me to kiss you to prove it was a lie.”
His heart squeezed in his chest and his lungs felt as if it was wrapped in barbed wire. It hurt.
“Did I?”
Your eyes flickered over to him for just a millisecond.
“Yeah. Oh.”
part three out now!!
taglist: @mackannkees @gghostwriter
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arafilez · 5 months
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜[ skz ot8 x any reader ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤangst, fluff ㅤ warnings insecurities, arguing, crying, cursing ㅤ﹢ㅤ300 per member wc
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Silent treatment, that one thing you hated from the bottom of your heart. And Chan was giving it to you, for a small mistake.
Well, you wanted to transfer some pictures from his laptop to your phone and you almost deleted his song drafts. Almost! But he caught you in the act of restoring everything and screamed so loud it could be heard down the street.
Then an argument broke out where he argued about you being careless and you argued about how they are not deleted and that is what matters. He argued back about how they could have been and then it led to a cold war.
Right now, you were both just giving each other silent treatment, both of your egos too big to back out. But now you were contemplating whether you should because you missed him, it has been two days since you both talked.
Just then Chan entered the room as you swiftly got up and you both simultaneously spoke, "I am sorry." You were beyond relieved at this as you jumped into his embrace and he stumbled back trying to hold you.
"I am so sorry, I am stupid," you said as he stayed silent. You looked at him narrowing your eyes as he shrugged saying, "If you are waiting for me to disagree, it will be a long day."
"Well then Chan, fuck you," you said as he smirked, "Yeah we need to make up for the two days."
Placing a small kiss on your lips he said, "We need to make up for the kisses and cuddles not done in two days too," and you nodded in agreement.
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You hung your head low thinking of ways of apologising to him. Even though it was not your fault you wanted to apologise first because it was too much for you to handle.
It was not your fault that the bartender was flirting with you, you did try to wave him off.
But that persistent person did not leave you alone which made Minho pretty angry. He stared at the bartender poking his tongue inside his cheeks before he left dragging you out with him.
And you two didn't even have any argument before he started the silent treatment.
You have poked him, literally, many times and stood in front of him blocking his way trying to make him talk but all was in vain. So now you were thinking of newer ways.
You made some cold coffee for yourself and sat down sipping on it lightly and suddenly Minho took it out of your hands and took a sip sitting beside you. "You know we are indirectly kissing," you half joked wanting him to break but nothing.
What tortured you more was the fact he was doing everything he usually does, except talking to you and of course, was depriving you of any physical affection.
You clung your body to him, hugging him sideways and you thought he would get away but he made no attempts to. "Come on, forgive me already, it was not my fault," you whined right beside his ears but he acted like he was deaf, eyes glued to his phone.
"Min please, you know I can't handle silent treatment, my mom did it too and trust me it hurts, like a bitch. It is one of the reasons I never give anyone silent treatment. You know these," hurt was evident in your voice as you said all those.
Still, when you got no reaction you just had enough and got up going to your bedroom. Tears pooled your eyes because you always thought the worst and now you felt like he would leave you.
Minho, on the other hand, realised he had gone overboard and with your overthinking mind you had now broken down. He threw the phone on the sofa ran up the stairs and urgently knocked on your door.
Before doing the second knock he pushed the door, seeing it was already unlocked just to see you standing on the balcony, blinking your eyes rapidly to stop the tears.
He went up to you and hugged you from behind he kissed your neck. He felt you relax in his embrace and cleaned your tears dry before kissing you on the nose.
That was enough for you to realise he was joking and he would never leave.
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"How about you ask Seungmin to give you a ride home?" were the last words Changbin said to you over the phone. Now you were sitting in the car with him staring out the window.
There was an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air and you knew why. All because he was angry and jealous. And angry Changbin is scary Changbin.
You were laughing along every time Seungmin decided to destroy his members with his sarcastic lines, especially Changbin. But Seungmin accidentally made fun of him for being chubby which hurt him.
What hurt him more was you laughed along before you realised it now after that Seungmin hugged him which made him forgive him at once but when you decided to try that he just walked away.
And then after spending another half an hour with the 00' liners you decided to go home and here you were, in his car, when he is still angry.
"Changbin I am sorry, I didn't mean to," you said apologising to him again but he ignored you, again. You sighed throwing your head back on the car seat.
You gazed at him longingly, your eyes tracing his every feature as you put your hand on his which was free. "You look hot, driving with one hand," you voiced out unintentionally before widening your eyes in realisation.
He chuckled lowly before saying, "That is one way of making me talk." "Oh my god, you talked," you screamed in delight and you saw him pull the car to your house.
"Changbin I am sorry we joked about your insecurity, it was cruel of us," you said, being truly sorry for what you and Seungmin did.
"It is okay, mistakes happen, just I hope you don't repeat it," he says looking at you and smiling, dimples visible on his lower cheeks as you melted due to his smile.
"I promise, we won't, ever," you assured tracing your fingers along his knuckles. "Good," he smiled before leaning in and kissing you as you held his cheeks firmly, kissing him back. He parted for air but then you pulled him back, his laughter dying down in his throat.
And inside the safety of the metal bubble, a beautiful love was growing.
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Hyunjin was being overdramatic, again! It was a regular phenomenon by now, but this time it was getting out of hand. He was screaming his lungs out just because of his hair.
You both went to the grocery store before to buy some ingredients and when you were walking home rain started pouring. Now, there was no shadow in the alley and thus you both started running. But, by the time you reached your home, you both were fully drenched.
He started screaming as soon as he entered saying he was wearing an expensive hair product and now his hair will be all ruined due to it getting wait. He blamed you for not taking an umbrella to which you replied that you were not suitable to know it would rain.
Your constant sarcastic replies and eye rolls pissed him and thus you both broke out in a big argument. And then you both were screaming curses at each other forgetting what the argument was about anyway.
And now you both were sitting across each other on the couch giving the very infamous silent treatment since both of your egos were too big.
You were aware that Hyunjin was a sensitive person and constantly feared if he would start crying. If he did, then you would break instantly and you knew it very well.
And he did break down after a few minutes, sniffing lightly, trying to keep as quiet as he could. That broke your heart. All the times before he had wailed out loudly like a child.
But this time he was quiet, trying not to gain your attention and make you feel guilty. But now you were feeling guiltier than usual.
You got up from your side and sat down beside him and saw his tear-stained face. "I am sorry," he croaked out and you instantly hugged him repeatedly saying that you were sorry too.
You kissed his tears dry and placed a kiss on his nose, his two eyelids and a longing one on his lips. You pulled back but he pulled you back making him sit on his lap.
"Works like a charm," he smirked as you groaned but deep down you knew those tears were real. "You don't have to hide your pain like that Hyunjin," you whispered as he smiled at you.
"I love you," he blurred out and you replied, "I love you more." "Impossible," he said as you laughed lightly in his embrace.
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You and Han were throwing angry remarks at each other because of a stupid argument. At this point, none of you even remember what the argument was about.
After one point a very sudden stop came to your argument when you received a call from your mother. When you finished talking with her you noticed Jisung had already gone to bed.
You sighed softly before you made your way towards the bedroom and saw him sleep on one corner of the bed face turned away from you. You quickly did your night routine and sat up on the bed flicking the light switch off.
The cool breeze of the air conditioner blew in the darkroom as you contemplated your sleeping positions for a few minutes. Then you scooted closer to him before placing a hand on his hair.
Gently stroking it from the back you put another of your arm around his waist. "Ugh, I hate arguing with you, you are too irresistible to resist," you murmured as he turned towards you taking you by surprise.
"Yeah, you scared me," you laughed but he gave no response as you realised he was giving you the silent treatment. "No, please, not the silent treatment," you whined as his eyes bored into yours.
"Come on Ji, please," you threw a small tantrum throwing your body into his arms but he didn't hug back. Suddenly you thought of a plan as you started tickling him.
"Oh my god, stop," he screamed out throwing you off his body as you laughed heartily which he joined soon after. "You make it very hard to stay angry," he said in between his laughs.
He jumped over your body kissing you all over your face as you lay on the bed giggling. Giving a longing kiss on your lips you both smiled like two teenagers in love.
You loved the way you loved him, and you would gladly do it for life. So would he.
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"Well sometimes Mr Brownie Lee, I would like a brownie too," you screamed at him as he briskly ignored you flipping through the television channels.
"Oh do not even think of silent treatment," you whined as he gave no reply or acknowledged your presence. "You know what, I will make some myself," you said as you left the room gloomily.
Felix got a little concerned about you using the kitchen but let you nevertheless. After a few moments, he heard a scream as he ran towards the kitchen.
Walking inside he saw you holding your hand under cold, running water and a knife with a little blood beside it. "Why can't you be safe?" he grumbled holding up your hands and gently rubbing them underwater.
"Hey, you are talking," you exclaimed happily as he sighed kissing your forehead softly murmuring a soft 'I am sorry' in his deep voice.
"It is okay," you hummed out as he suggested, "Let's make them together after your finger is healed." You nodded in agreement, your insides bubbling in happiness.
"By the way, what were you doing with a knife for making brownies?" he asked being genuinely curious as you laughed nervously saying, "You do not have to know."
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"No Seungmin you do not understand. I have nothing with you not holding hands or any other affection in public. But even behind the doors, you do nothing. It is not fine, I have given you three months to loosen up but sometimes I will get impatient too if you keep being so unresponsive to every affection," you screamed finally getting rid of all the frustrations in your mind.
For the first two months, it was okay, but now you felt impatient. You just wanted a simple kiss or just a hug but he did nothing. Nothing.
Seungmin stayed quiet, absorbing your every word before he left the room and slammed the door after entering the bedroom. You sat down on his couch contemplating whether you should just leave and go to your apartment or you should apologise right now. But your alter ego said otherwise as it felt you did nothing wrong.
You clutched your head in your hands thinking of ways to approach him because he would never do it to you. 'There you go, making the first moves again,' a part of your mind screamed and you just wanted to cry at that moment.
It was already two hours as the fight had ended and you were still there. You went up to drink a glass of water and after drinking you made your way towards his room.
Entering it you started talking, not exactly apologising but profusely trying to make him understand all your points as he stayed silent, not even looking at you.
"Fine, if you want to give the silent treatment, it is okay, I guess I deserve it," you sighed and left the room, well, tried to.
Seungmin quickly pulled you by your hand making you sit beside him on the bed as he said in a loud, clear voice, "I am sorry."
"Oh," you were surprised at the suddenness as he continued rambling on about how he should have been more compassionate and tried to understand how you feel. He also said that he would be more affectionate from now on.
His never-ending speech was boring you so you quickly pecked his cheeks and he stopped talking, staring at you with those puppy eyes.
You thanked the gods for making these kinds of ideas actually work in real life but the thinking process was cut off again.
Seungmin leaned in towards you, his lips ghosting over yours as he asked with a whisper, "May I kiss you?"
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"You are always busy, you either have a big project coming up, or you have tuitions, or you have college classes. I realise it is hard for you and thus I do not meddle with anything you do. I do not drop you off at college because you are afraid of scandals. I do not meddle when you mix with your friends. I just want some time for myself, please. Is it too much for you to give? Because if it is then we should break up. I mean I am an idol who hardly gets any time and whenever I do, you are busy. In the next months, we will be on tour and I will not see you. But you know what? Nevermind!" Jeongin inhaled sharply after the long speech.
He left the room leaving you dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Your mind has stopped working as you thought of multiple ways to make this up.
You closed your laptop and scurried towards your room only to find it locked and you could hear Jeongin's sniffles from inside which broke your heart.
You felt guilty for what you have done because he was right. He was not those annoying boyfriends who were all over their partners' lives.
He did give you space, a lot. But you have just been increasing that every day. You sat down outside the door leaning on it as you could still hear him crying.
You patiently waited for him to open but he ignored all your calls and messages. An hour later he did open the door.
But he wasn't talking. You made multiple attempts to get him to talk and make him stop giving you the torturous silent treatment but none worked.
"Please Innie, I am sorry, I promise I will make up for every single moment I have missed, just please don't leave, I can't live without you," you choked out as a tear rolled out of Jeongin's eyes.
He turned to you hugging you before saying, "Do you know how much I love you to leave you?" you cried with him as his shirt got wet and whispered 'I love you too'.
Maybe, this time, you both will give effort to this relationship.
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ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ ara's notes ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤit was supposed to be really angsty but meh i can't write without fluff ꔫㅤㅤ ❜ [ taglist ] ㅤ⋆ ㅤ@haneagerr @jeonghanfr ㅤmain mlistㅤ skz listㅤ navi ㅤ add to taglist
© arafilez on tumblr. please do not copy and repost my work as your own.
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It's not so bad? | EM
Pairing: Eddie munson x reader
Summary: You and Eddie have your first very big fight.
Warnings: angst, mention of sex but nothing happens. Slight hurt/comfort towards the end. Mean!Eddie, Eddie calls the reader a bitch and it's alluded that he says worse things, but it's not described. Toxic relationship.
Word count: 1.1k
A/n: probably a little shorter than I wanted. I haven't written anything in over a month, so I'm trying to get back into it again. Divider made by me.
Not proofread 18+ no minors
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The trailer was quiet now except for the low hum of Eddie's a/c in the window. You were curled up on his side with your head on his chest. He was fast asleep now, but you couldn't.
Not after what transpired just a few hours ago. Your eyes still burned, and your heart still ached a little. You both said your sorrys, but there was something still lingering inside of you. Even though he was the main one apologizing since you truly did nothing wrong.
The way he screamed at you and got in your face. You never said a word back. You just let him unleash what he had pent up inside him. You tried to walk away, but he just followed you. Spewing hurtful things again and again.
You kept telling yourself it was the alcohol mixed with anger that made him this way. Even though in the back of your mind, it felt like he had been waiting for this opportunity to tell you how he really felt.
The moment his voice kept raising octave after octave and his face flushed red with anger. You knew there was no point in fighting back, so you just took it. Hoping he'd give up and leave you alone. You guys have fought before, but it was nothing like this. You've never been scared of him.
Until he backed you up into a corner and just laid into you. You shrunk down desperately, trying to make yourself as small as possible. The smell of various types of alcohol on his breath filled your nose.
He called you all sorts of names "bitch", "dumb" and various other hurtful insults. He grabbed you roughly by the arm to stop you from leaving and so you were forced to listen to him berate you. Any moment now, you were waiting for the cops to show up. You were sure the neighbors could hear him and would call them.
You didn't know accepting a free drink from a guy at the bar Eddie was performing in would set him off. Apparently, the guy is a long-time rival of his. Someone Eddie seriously hates, and Eddie doesn't usually hate anyone. He dislikes people, yes, but he doesn't hate them.
You noticed something was up when we marched over to you and downed the drink himself. You didn't get a chance to take a small sip of it. He barely even looked your way when he did it. Then the next thing you remember is being pulled to the van, and that's when the shouting started. Each word that came from his mouth was laced with so much venom.
"You're really fucking dumb you know that."
"You're such a bitch I don't even know why I give you the time of day."
"You're lucky someone like me even looked twice at someone like you."
Those lines still rang in your head even now as you're curled up next to him. He did eventually calm down. You guessed once the last bit of alcohol wore off, and he sobered up. Maybe when his voice became horse and he couldn't scream anymore is when he decided to stop.
The moment he was done, his face immediately softened. He wasn't mad anymore, but you were still upset. You still wondered if his voice didn't give out, would he still be yelling at you right now. He tried to pull you to him at first but you resisted.
He shushed you as he rubbed your back, and you eventually caved and melted into his arms. You cried in his chest as he hugged you to him tighter. When you noticed, his body was lightly shaking. You pulled back to see tears streaming down his face.
His voice croaked. "I'm so sorry, baby."
"You know I didn't mean any of that stuff," i said, right?" His voice is soft, and his touch is gentle.
You gave a weak smile "yeah I know you didn't it's okay."
You both stood there in the hallway by his room in eachothers arms for what felt like hours. Neither one of you said a word too tired to even talk it out yet.
You just wanted to sleep, and you wanted to be okay. He always made everything okay, and now it's feels different. You feel embarrassed, and you feel as though something is still lingering in the air.
Like there is more to say, but you're too afraid to ask. Eventually, you both somehow make it to bed. Your mind is groggy, and your anxiety is still high. You can't even remember getting undressed and into bed with him.
You tossed and turned all night long while Eddie was fast asleep. His arm draped around you, keeping you locked in close to him. You remember him wanting to have sex but you rejected him opting to just cuddle instead.
Eddie was fine with that. He seemed a little hurt, but he's never pressured you to do something you didn't want to. You felt guilty for rejecting him. There was just something there that stopped you. This lingering presence that you can't even describe.
You were hoping it would be gone by morning, but you're still sensing it. Maybe it was the lack of communication you were so used to having with him. Maybe it was the mean things he said that somehow confirmed your insecurities. Eddie told you he didn't mean them, but you just couldn't shake that,"What if?"
Now you're just laying here on his chest, counting his heartbeats. The feeling of sadness still consuming you. You want him to wake up and have everything back to normal again. You also don't want him to wake up because you're too embarrassed to face him.
Eddie stirs a bit in his sleep, but he doesn't move away from you. Instead, he manages to pull you closer to him. You can feel him squeeze your hip and give it a light little tap. His eyes slowly open as you pretend to still be sleeping.
You heard him groan a bit and cough, probably from the pain in his throat now. He stretches out, and you can hear the little pops his toes make when he cracks them.
You notice tell he's trying his best not to disturb your sleep. Each movement he makes is thought out and careful as he does it. He's trying his best not to startle you awake. He feels bad about how he treated you earlier tonight, but he's not as remorseful as you think. He loves you so much and didn't ever want to hurt you like this. But he couldn't control his temper with you any longer. The alcohol in his system didn't help either.
Does he regret how he went about it? Yes. Did he feel like this fight was a long time coming? He sure did. Next time, he might try to go about it differently if he ever caught you doing something like that again. He knows he can't control his emotions well, and sadly, this time, you were on the receiving end of his anger.
"I love you so much." Eddie spoke in a very raspy horse whipser. He kissed your temple and very slowly got out of bed. He didn't want to wake you at all.
That little moment is enough reassurance you needed. He does still love you. He didn't mean what he said to you last night. You hear the shower turn on and his muffled voice humming through the thin walls. Slowly but surely, everything felt normal again. Even if you haven't spoken yet.
That uneasy feeling you had before was gone immediately. Well, that's what you're trying to convince yourself anyway. His cracked voice singing from the bathroom as he showers calms your mind. Eventually, sleep finally takes over you, and you know everything is going to be okay.
But maybe not.
The shower turning off grabs your attention. You could hear him slowly creeping back into the bedroom, trying not to wake you up. You're in and out one minute you're calm the next you're not. You think you're fine but are you really? Eddie got right back into bed and pulled you in close again. His arm holding you tight against his chest.
He leans forward, pressing yet another kiss to your temple before whispering, "Stop being sad, sweetheart. You love me, and I love you more."
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
i need joel x f! reader friends to lovers 😩🫶🏻
i took this and ran with it
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Birds of a Feather
joel miller x f!reader
joel masterlist
joel has met his match, and though he's trying to keep things platonic, his brother has other plans for him.
warnings | 18+ smut, drunk tommy miller requires his own warning, angst, and a little fluff
wordcount: 4.1K
Joel Miller has finally met his match, and he knows it. He had balked at it initially, when Tommy assigned him to patrol with some woman. But it wasn’t just some woman. Folks around town call her Sunshine, a running joke since she’s anything but. He didn’t know anyone could be more standoffish than him, but that first shift together, the steel in her stare and the tick of her jaw had thrown any of his ideas about her right out the window. Is it any wonder they became friends so fast?
He doesn’t like to talk much, she doesn’t either.
He has a dry sense of humor, but hers has to be even drier. 
She refuses to suffer fools, and he enjoys watching her put men in their place.
He’s slow to thaw toward people, and so is she, both of them melting in each other’s presence.
Where he’s from Texas, she’s from Tennessee, the remnants of their drawls twining up in easy conversation.
He likes a stiff glass of whiskey at the end of the day, and she’s always game to join him.
But maybe one of the things he likes best is that while he’s good at pool, she’s fucking great at it, and he doesn’t mind getting his ass handed to him on Friday nights at the bar, not when it’s her doing the handing.
“Are you asleep, Miller? Or are you really just that bad at pool?” Her grin flickers under the dim lights of the Tipsy Bison, and he knows that it’s a sight not many people get to see. She cocks her head to the side, spinning her cue stick lightly in her hand as she smirks at him.
“Easy, darlin, gonna make you eat those words one of these days.” She’s not Sunshine, not to him, he refuses to call her what everybody else does. She had confessed to him once, on a long patrol shift, that she hated the nickname, but was too proud to ever say anything about it. In turn, Joel had told her about how growing up, Tommy managed to get everyone at their highschool to start calling him “Skip,” something he hadn’t told anyone in close to thirty years. His residual embarrassment had been worth it to see her smile in that moment, and it was about then that Joel realized he had made a certified friend. Though everyone else seems convinced that something a little more is going on.
“Shit.” He completely scratches his next turn, sending the cue ball right into one of the pockets as she snickers.
“What was that about me eating my words?” He’s distracted, just a little, but who could blame him when she’s wearing a pair of cut-offs that should be illegal and a tank top that turns downright obscene when she leans over the table for her own turn. So maybe there is something a little more going on, but it’s one sided, he reckons, and he’s not about to fuck up the first friendship he’s cared about in years just because he’s thinking with his dick. But, apparently, that’s not the only thing he has to worry about.
“Well, howdy, if it ain’t Jackson’s favorite tag team, frick and frack.” Joel hasn’t seen Tommy this drunk in decades. The town council had been celebrating that night, though he’s not quite sure what. Regardless, Tommy is sloshed as he loops and arm over Joel’s shoulders, a lazy grin on his face as he looks between him and her.
“Joel, Sunshine. How are we this fine evening?” While she snorts at his slurred-out question, Joel is less than amused, shrugging his brother off of him with a huff.
“Touchy, touchy, big brother. What’s got your panties in a twist? Did you break his heart already, Sunshine?” Joel can feel his face blanch at Tommy’s drawling words, glancing between him and her. While she’s still smiling, the crease between her brows suggests she’s as thrown off as Joel is.
“What’re you on about, little Miller?” Tommy lets out a hoot of a laugh at her question, leaning up against the pool table and grinning at her.
“What I’m on about is the sweet little crush this big guy right here has on you. It ain’t healthy, really, Joel’s got it bad for you.” If they weren’t related by blood, Tommy wouldn’t have teeth in his head by now, but instead, Joel settles for letting his jaw all but drop to the floor as he looks between his giggling brother and her. She doesn’t look so amused anymore.
“It’s true! Ain’t seen his eyes get like that in a long time, those big ol’ puppy dogs of his are for you and you only, Sunshine.” Before the horror of it all can really settle in, Tommy sighs, slapping Joel on his shoulder and shuffling off with a low murmured “where’s Maria?”
Her eyes are wide when he finally looks at her, lips parted, complete bewilderment splashed across her face. And before she can say anything, Joel is turning heel and booking it out of there before everything comes crumbling down around him.
She’s stunned. By the whole thing really. Tommy’s ridiculous musings, the way that Joel didn’t deny any of it, and then the way he booked it out of the bar like he wanted nothing to do with her. She wouldn’t have guessed in a million years that her night was going to turn out like this. Not that she would tell anyone, but she loves Friday nights, pool nights, when she gets to spend just a little more time with Joel than usual. So for it to turn so sour so fast, she finds herself at a loss, clutching her cue stick in her hands, stuck standing where Joel left her.
There’s no two ways about it, she likes him. Things feel easy around him. She hadn’t met anyone else in town who she could talk to like she can him. He gets it, being on the road, not always having a warm place to sleep, what it means to kill. They’ve both seen a far different life than the one they’re living now, and talking to him makes her feel a little less crazy. And yes, maybe she also likes the strong cut of his jaw, the way his deep brown eyes crinkle up when she talks to him, the broad span of his shoulders, and how he squares them up when she challenges him. You could call it a crush, but she’d call it stupid, something that would only ruin the friendship, the one big good in her life, that she has with him. 
But now all bets are off. She’s got nothing to lose, and she’ll be damned if she doesn’t get the truth from him.
She knows him well enough by now to have a pretty good idea of where he stomped off to, and she doesn’t waste any more time standing around with a dumb look on her face, heading out of the bar and into the hazy light of the summer evening.
There’s a bench tucked away behind the stables, partially hidden by a small thicket of trees. A while ago, they had set it as their meeting place before patrol shifts, always getting there a few minutes early to set a plan for the day, or just to talk quietly before they had to head out. She had caught him there a few times on their days off too, an easy slump in his posture, his arms stretched out over the back of the bench. He told her he liked the quiet of it, and when she attempted to apologize for intruding, he had said that she couldn’t bother him if she even tried. It’s where she finds him now, his elbows on his thighs and his head in his hands, though his eyes jerk up when she clears her throat.
“We gonna talk about what just happened?” He lets out a long sigh, sitting back on the bench and squinting up at her.
“I’d rather not.”
“Oh, c’mon, Joel. You know I’m not gonna let this go, not until you talk to me.” With that, he gets up from the bench with a huff, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Don’t have anything to say, except I’m sorry that my brother is such a fucking idiot.” She calls after him as he trudges away, but it’s no use, he doesn’t so much as look back over his shoulder at her. Knowing him as well as she does, she can easily tell when it’s time to stop prodding, when he’s shutting down and she won’t be able to get anything out of him, so she drops it, at least for now. 
She knows that they’re going to have to face whatever this is eventually, most likely the next morning when they’re set for a patrol shift together. With the hope of a clearer conversation on the horizon, she goes home, her mind still spinning from the strange evening. She lays awake in bed with her thoughts, the only conclusion she reaches being that she just wants the truth now, knowing that there will be no going back to the way things were, regardless of what he has to say.
When she gets to the bench the next morning, eyes bleary from a night without sleep, it becomes clear that Joel is going to make this more difficult than it has to be, as he is nowhere to be found. And he doesn’t show up either, not even when it’s time for their shift and she’s mounting up at the stables. She lets out a bitter laugh, though, when she sees who does show up.
“Did he send you down here?” Tommy huffs, leaning up against the door to the stables with a sheepish grin.
“Would you be less pissed at him if I said he didn’t?” 
“What? He ask for a new patrol partner already?” She knows it sounds harsh, but she doesn’t care, anger starting to feel like the appropriate response for how childish Joel seems to be acting. Tommy just sighs.
“Look, Sunshine, I feel awful for what I said last night. I was so fucking drunk I didn’t know up from down. But it’s true what I said. Reckon he thinks you hung the moon in the sky or some shit.” That makes her pause, but she stifles the kick of her heart with another scoff.
“What’s your point, Tommy? I have a shift to cover.” 
“No you don’t.” 
“Huh?” Tommy lets out a breathy laugh at her furrowed look.
“I’m covering your shift– figure I owe you both for messing shit up so bad. I got a buddy of mine coming down in a few to patrol with me, but you’re off the hook. And I think you oughta go talk to him.” 
“Joel made it pretty clear last night that he didn’t have anything else to say.” Tommy’s frown deepens at her clipped words, and he takes a few steps into the stables, leveling a surprisingly serious look at her.
“My brother is a stubborn ass, I won’t deny that. He doesn’t really like people, or feelings for that matter. But I know him well enough to see that he’s different around you. And maybe it’s selfish of me to say this, but you’re good for him, and I’ll be damned if the only reason you two don’t wind up together is my big fucking mouth.” His words stun her silent long enough for him to step forward and place a hand on her shoulder.
“Just go talk to him, please? If anyone can get through to him it’s you.”
He has to admit to himself that he was hoping, just a little bit, that it’d be her knocking on his front door, his chest tightening when he sees that it is. Though she doesn’t seem all too pleased to be looking at him, her arms crossed over her chest and an edgy arch to her brow.
“We gonna talk like adults now? Or are you gonna keep sending little Miller to do your bidding?” He knows this tone of voice. It’s the way she speaks to people, usually men, that she’d rather not give the time of day to. He’s always been amused by it, the stiff jerk of her chin, the eerie calm of her words. But it’s never been directed at him before, and suddenly there’s nothing amusing about it. 
“I– yeah, yes. Let’s talk.” Real smooth, dumbass. She doesn’t wait for him to open the door any wider, brushing right past him and into his living room before turning on her heel to look at him.
“Well, there’s no real way around this, is there?” Her question hangs between them, a drooping thread threatening to snap, though even now, they still move comfortably around each other, sitting down on opposite ends of the couch and mirroring each other’s posture, elbows on thighs, heads tilted toward the other. 
“Where do you wanna start, darlin?” She huffs out a laugh, more like an exasperated sigh as she looks at him, the steel gone, only a quirked worry left in its place.
“The truth– I want you to tell me the truth, Joel– about what Tommy said last night.” He figures he’s got nothing to lose at this point. That either way, whether he’s straight with her or not, their friendship isn’t ever going to be the same, so he takes a deep breath, and lets the words come rushing out. 
“He wasn’t wrong– I mean, what he said? It’s true, I feel– I, uh– I like the way I feel? When I’m around you? And, um– Jesus christ, what I’m trying to say is– I feel very– fondly toward you.” He’d like to disappear now, to dissolve and slip down beneath the floorboards so she’ll stop smiling at him like he just made a complete fool of himself, because he did. 
“You feel fondly toward me, huh?” And now she’s making fun of him, a light laugh on her lips as he grumbles at her question. But she’s quick to catch his despairing spiral, scooting over and placing a hand on his knee. 
“I’m sorry, Joel. I don’t mean to tease. But for the record, the feeling’s mutual.” Oh. He can feel his eyebrows shoot up at her words, and her grin broadens at his reaction.
“You mean– you– what’s that word? You mean platoni–” She’s kissing him. She’s kissing him and his brain is going blank but he doesn’t need to think, not really, moving like he knows, like he’s been waiting for this. She’s as stubborn as he is, and it shows in the way they struggle against each other, pulling on clothes to get closer, teeth clashing just a bit as she slips into his lap, pushing him back against the couch as he drags her as close as he can. When she does pull away, he doesn’t let her go far, his hand holding her steady by the hilt of her neck, breathless and smiling.
“No, I don’t mean platonically. Not at all.” And then she’s kissing him again, and it’s quickly becoming his favorite feeling, though the way her hips are pressed up against his is a close second. Joel is starting to realize that they share a few other things in common as well.
They both have a hard time keeping quiet, his low groans mixing and mingling with the pitchy sighs she looses in between kisses.
And they both seem to want to get impossibly closer, his nose mashing up against the slope of her cheek as she winds her arms over his shoulder blades, holding him chest to chest.
Where he tries to get the upper hand, licking into her mouth, squeezing at the swell of her thighs, she just does the same, tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck to hold him just how she wants him as she ducks down to mouth at the arc of his neck.
Where he demands more, she’s happy to give, and to take in turn.
How they make it up the stairs and into his bedroom is beyond him, greedy hands peeling away clothes on the way up, leaving a trail of desire that they’ll have to trace later. 
She’s strong, just as strong as him, and she likes control, just as much as him, handily flipping them around on the bed so that she’s straddling him once again, leaving him wide-eyed and breathless at the sight of her. He’s got scars, and she does too, their hands running over the silvery marks, prayers that there won’t have to be anymore. Her bare cunt is a hot drag over his pelvis, and he’d like more than anything for her to shift her hips just a little lower, a little closer. But instead she ducks her head down, eyes flickering up to his as she lays a smear of kisses over his chest that begin to trail lower until she’s kneeling between his spread thighs. Joel thinks he just might die as he watches her spit into her hand before wrapping her palm around his throbbing cock, a hiss spilling between his teeth as she deftly sweeps her wrist up, her thumb swiping over his slit to smear the pooling pre-come there down his length.
“S’pretty, Joel. Prettier than I imagined.” He can’t help but groan at her words, scrunching his eyes shut and pressing his head back into the sheets.
“You– fuck– you thought about this, darlin? About me?” She smiles at his question, her lips just grazing the underside of him.
“Mmhmm, thought about you a lot. About this. We’re so alike, you and I. I couldn’t help but think that if anyone would be able to handle me, it’d be you.” And with that, she licks a salacious stripe up his length before taking him into the heat of her mouth.
“Christ– I  can– can handle you, darlin. Handle you however you want me to– fuck, that mouth of yours is a dream.” She hums at his praise, the vibration shooting straight down his cock as she bobs her head. It’s messy as hell, the slick sound of spit, her palm pressed flat against his stomach to hold him still, the drag of her tongue along his length, and the way her eyes stay on him, hooded and hazy under her lashes. 
“Thought about you too, y’know, like-like this.” His words make her stop for a moment, pulling off of him with a sigh, her hand picking up where she left off.
“And? Am I living up to your expectations?” Her words are lilted by her grin, and the sight of her lazily stroking his cock, her head tilted as she looks at him is nearly too obscene to be real.
“S’better– you’re so much better– fucking perfect.” It’s like he realizes all of a sudden how bad he wants to touch her, and then it’s all he wants, all he needs, coaxing her back up to meet in a kiss before rolling them over, swallowing the peel of laughter she lets out as he hovers over her. 
He wants to be the only one who gets her like this, the only one to hear her sighs, soft and melty in his sheets, sweet only for him as he swipes his fingers through her folds, dragging her pooling slick up to draw circles over her clit.
“So wet for me, darlin. S’just for me, huh?” Her chin jerks in a nod, whatever control she had now held in his hands, her hips canting up into his palm. 
“Just for you, Joel. All for you– please.” She doesn’t have to say anymore, he knows what she wants because it’s what he wants too. More. He presses two fingers inside of her, unable to stifle the groan he lets out at the feel of her cunt clenching around him, muffling the sound with a drag of kisses across her chest. She keens up into his touch, back arching when he takes one of her nipples into his mouth, tongue laving over the peak before letting his teeth just barely graze the delicate skin. And he learns her, all of her, the dips and swells of her body, the spot he can press against inside her that makes her brow crumple, the scrape of her nails down his back, the little whimpers she tries to silence, biting down on her lip, the way she tightens around his fingers when she’s close, and the broken sound of his name on her lips when she finally unravels for him, panting and twisting in pleasure. 
“That’s it, darlin. Feels good, huh? I did good for you?” Maybe it’s a little selfish, what he asks, but she’s happy to answer anyways.
“So good– did so good for me, Joel. Fuck, I really want you, baby.” He can feel the heat flushing up his face at her words, his mind going dizzy with the praise, and all he can do is give her what she wants, slotting his hips against hers and notching his leaking tip at her entrance. 
It’s unreal, it’s gotta be, the way she spreads open around him, close and pliant, her knee hitched up along his waist as he presses into her, both of them sighing at the stretch. For a moment, they’re still, just feeling each other, pressed so close, sweat-damp skin sticking from the contact, choppy exhales cooling down their shared heat. And then, Joel learns that they have something else in common. They both like their pleasure with just a tinge of pain.
It starts slow, the rock of his hips into hers, but she makes it clear with the press of her heel into his low back and her hand tugging in his hair that slow is the last thing she wants, and Joel is more than happy to oblige. The thump of the headboard against the wall, the slap of skin, harsh grunts and crackling moans twine around them, wrapping them up in a desperate symphony with each harsh grind of his hips against hers. 
He wants to leave marks, wants her to remember this when she runs her hands over the bruises he leaves, a purple and blue mosaic of where he touched her, where he wanted her most. And she seems intent on the same goal, nails scratching down his shuddering back, pulling him closer so she can mouth at his neck, her teeth nipping just a touch unkindly, making his eyes roll back from the sharp suggestion of pain. 
“Fuck, darlin– made just for me, huh? So good like this– wanna feel you like this– want you to gimme another one. Be so good for me, honey, c’mon.” 
All she wants is him. The hot drag of his cock inside her, his hips mashing up against hers, the heavy grip of his hand cupping her ass, pulling her hips up to meet his. His scruff, scraping against her chest, lips a smudge against her skin, each grunt a vibration that runs through her bones. The way he keeps her head from hitting the headboard with his forearm protectively curled there, holding himself up just enough to move his hips against hers, to look at her when she comes for a second time, spasming around him.
She feels like liquid beneath him, undone by pleasure, only vaguely aware of the breathy chant of please, please leaving her lips with each exhale. But he knows what she’s asking for, and Joel gives it to her, pulling out with a groan, his spend smearing across her heaving stomach as he pants over her. He flops down onto his stomach next to her with a sigh, one arm slung heavy over her waist, turned on his cheek to look at her. 
“Get you cleaned up in a minute– just need to not move right now– shit.” She has to laugh at his breathless exclamation, catching the crook of his grin out of the corner of her eye before turning onto her side to get a better look at him. Hair wild, sticking up all which ways, and cheeks flushed under his altogether boyish smile, she can’t help but lean in for a kiss that he gives up willingly to her. 
“Remind me again why we waited so long to do that?” That makes him laugh, squeezing her hip to pull her closer as he turns onto his side
“Because I was an idiot.” She hums at his answer, brushing his hair back out of his face before letting her palm settle along his scruff.
“It takes two, we were both idiots.” 
“Some pair we make, huh, darlin?” 
Some pair indeed.
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dark-and-kawaii · 3 months
Thank you for writing such good breeding kink. 🫡 This war needs good soldiers like you. Raphael and Haarlep breeding is my actual kryptonite.
Bred By The Incubus & Devil
-Separate Stories-
Haarlep x f!Tav/Reader - Raphael x f!Tav/Reader
⋆˙⟡♡ Notes: You are so so so welcome!!! Thank you for the love and support you beautiful babe!!! I’m happy to provide!! And because we are both weak when it comes to Raphael & Haarlep breeding I wish to bestow this gift to you!!! xoxo have a beautiful day/night!!! I hope you enjoy xoxo
⋆˙⟡♡ NSFW | Creampie | Breeding | Lactation | Pregnancy | Possessive
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⋆˙⟡♡ Raphael ♡⟡˙⋆
“Mmmm, Raphael?” You whispered, “My devil, I’m achy again.”
Your pregnancy was the result of his desire, his deliberate act of claiming you, breeding you until your form swelled with the successor he sired. The early arrival of your milk, too, unfolded by his command, for he would lavish attention upon you, coaxing the initial droplets into constant flows that ensured your thoughts were filled only with him, marking you unmistakably as his own.
Your hand drifted to one of your hard nipples, your breast so swollen it was already starting to leak. You whimpered quietly to yourself before nudging Raphael softly, “my king~” and he began to stir. You bit your lip while watching him, his hair disheveled, his brows furrowed, he was so beautiful like this, and it was a sight only for your eyes.
You leaned into his warmth, pressing a kiss against his collarbone and then the base of his neck, his scent so thick here. Your hips rocked slightly against his thigh, your heat slickening his leg. 
You knew his cock was already hard, ever since you had given him the crown the thing always seemed to be hard when you were near him. It was like an unspoken instinct for him to fill you up with his seed, to make you round and fat with his child.
“Always such an eager little pup,” he teased, his voice still heavy with sleep. He moved without hurry, his movements precise and practiced as he pulled you on top of him, the way he liked you best.
It wasn't long before he was deep inside of you, filling you completely. You were still a little tight, but with your pregnancy and constant fucking, your body was quickly becoming accustomed to the intrusion.
You rocked back and forth, rolling your hips just the way he liked, the way that drove him absolutely wild. You gasped and moaned, his hand gripping your hips so tight they would certainly bruise later.
“Such an obedient mortal,” he said through gritted teeth.
You whimpered softly, his praise making you gush.
“Do you wish to cum, pup?” He asked, his voice teasingly soft.
You nodded, your hips never stopping their steady rhythm, “Ye-yes my l-love~ b-but my breasts~♡“ you panted and moaned.
He grinned, his smile devilish, “Please articulate your desires with grace. Should your request be presented with courtesy, I may be inclined to fulfill it, little mouse.”
You flushed a deep shade of red, the nickname he gave you only adding to the effect, his words were like fire on your skin, you could never get enough of them.
You took a breath, steadying yourself, before finally speaking, the words falling from your lips in a sweet song, like honey, “I- I wish for you to relieve me, my Archdevil~. I wish for you to taste the fruit of your labor, and drain the nectar from my breasts~.” Your cheeks were a deep red, embarrassed by the things he made you say.
Raphael smiled, he loved the way you submitted to him, the way you obeyed, the way you said what he wanted you to say. You were so perfect, so beautiful, and it was his will that you would remain by his side for eternity, his precious little mouse.
He had chosen you, after all.
He could have anyone, yet he chose you. Such a gift was not one to be taken lightly.
“Very well,” is all he said before you felt his tongue upon you, the flat of it gliding against the swollen skin, before his lips enclosed around the pert little bud. You moaned and writhed, your fingers digging into his shoulders, your hips moving erratically. The feeling of instant relief and ecstasy overwhelming you. 
It was a taste Raphael would never grow tired of.
You tasted sweeter than the sweetest wine, better than any of the delicacies the world had to offer. His tongue swirled around your nipple, his mind drifting to the thoughts of impregnating you again after this child was born. Would you let him? You had no choice in the matter, he would take what he pleased, as he was entitled to do.
You were his and his alone.
You were his Queen.
His little mortal.
His precious, precious little mouse.
⋆˙⟡♡ Haarlep ♡⟡˙⋆
With Haarlep now accompanying you in Baldur's Gate, their presence by your side in public spaces became constant. The sight of strangers eyeing you as if you were available incensed them deeply. You belonged to Haarlep, solely theirs, and they were determined to make that clear to everyone in the city. If demonstrating their exclusive claim over you was what it took to deter prying eyes, then that was precisely what Haarlep would do...
Haarlep was relentless. 
“Beg, little dove-" they hiss, hauling your legs up so easily to your chest, “beg to be filled yet again~”
“Hgh~ Haarlep! P-pleeeease~ ♡” you whined, tears rolling down your cheeks. The stretch was always unbearable at first but gods did it feel good once you grew accustomed to it.
The strong grip they had on you was definitely enough to bruise where their fingertips dug into your soft flesh, “Nhh’~ M-more, please~ F-fill me with your thick, hot cum~ ♡ P-please, I need it~ I wan’ it- Hhhngh~"
"They stare at you with such hunger-," his thick thighs heavy on your body, “but their precious savior belongs to an incubus,” Haarlep smirked, “a vile creation that feeds off of her soul and pleasure-“ another snap of their hips, “Would they still stare at you with such preying eyes if they knew what was about to be growing within you I wonder~”
Your eyes widen, a fresh wave of arousal and excitement washing over you. 
"I'll make sure the whole city knows whose precious hole this is," the incubus hissed, a low chuckle in their throat, “that their hero was defiled by a fiend, impregnated by a creature of the Abyss~ How delicious indeed~”
In all truth, there's so much of Haarlep’s cum in you already, that you were probably bloated by now- at least you felt like you were. Haarlep had never been inclined towards gentleness, only on rare occasions… This was not one of those rare moments. This was about their sense of ownership over you, and it had escalated to unprecedented levels… Especially after watching a halfling man eyeing you for far too long for their liking… 
Your little whines are enough to provoke a growl from the creature, sliding their stupidly large cock back into you, their thick body heavy against yours, “You are mine, my little dove~ Solely my hands have the right to claim you in such a manner, only I can elicit those cries of my name from you, hm?"
"M’yours~ All y-yours~" your hands reach out, gripping onto their biceps, trying to hold onto anything, trying to ground yourself.
Your body was shaking, the feeling of your cervix relentlessly fucked made you a whimpering mess, the only word you knew was their name, and even that was a struggle.
Your walls clench and cling to their thick, long cock when they pull back out before pushing in again, much faster, fucking their last load of cum into you again. The ring of cream around their cock and the wet, sloppy sound of their hips meeting yours was a filthy symphony.
Haarlep chuckled darkly, “You will look so radiant while bearing my offspring~"
It was a fantasy of yours, one you had only recently brought up with the creature .
"Hah- ah~ ♡!!” 
It was all so perfect. 
The sloppy sounds of your cunny being destroyed by an incubus, their threat- no, their promise to fill you with their  hot seed until you were swollen with their child- children, your body covered in sweat, tears, and bruises. It was the life you wanted, the life you craved after bringing them back with you.
"I want all the devils of the nine hells and all the mortals in this realm to know just who you belong to!”
They noticed how your eyes fluttered back at the mere idea of bearing their child. It was a fresh fantasy Haarlep harbored and was eager to realize… 
And so they did.
And again.
Three children later, your beauty and suitability for the incubus remained as impeccable as when they first made you theirs. Your abdomen, once again enlarged with another child they had sown within you, didn't diminish your allure.
Haarlep, with a smile at the vision of your curved abdomen, declared, “I will ensure that you always remember who reigns over you~”
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clockwayswrites · 8 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green, Part 5
WC:1063, Masterpost
CW: dissociation, self esteem issues, (past) dehumanization, referenced torture and experimentation
Danny flinched, again.
He felt bad for it, Red Robin was being as careful as possible sliding the rubber fabric between the collar and Danny’s skin, but it was just that having hands on the collar like that freaked Danny out. He closed his eyes and mentally ran through the numbers of pi. He used to know over a hundred of them. Now he was only certain of about seventy-six or so. There were a lot of things that used to be so much clearer in his memory than they were now.
“Just the overlap now,” Red (the others just called him Red), said.
He flinched again as Red pressed lightly against his neck to overlap the fabric, but the hands pulled away after.
“Do you need a little break?” the other one, Nightwing, asked.
“No. I just want this off, please,” Danny begged. He had gotten used to begging in the last year. Years?
“We’ll get it off,” Red said confidently.
Danny tried to trust that. He kept his eyes closed.
A gloved hand slipped into Danny’s, giving him something to cling to other than the sheets. Danny recoiled at the touch at first, but when the hand started to pull away, Danny twisted their fingers together and held on tightly. He didn’t open his eyes to see who’s hand he was holding.
As Red started to work on the collar, Danny couldn’t help but tense. He’d been shocked by it so many times. He was like Pavlov’s dog, collar and all, he thought bitterly.
“Almost there,” Red warned.
Danny could tell the instant that the seal of the collar was broken. It was like moving a limb that had fallen asleep, but the pins and needles were everywhere, inside and out. It was agonizing.
It was a relief.
A damp cloth was dabbing under his nose.
He blinked rapidly and Nightwing came into focus. The hero looked so concerned.
“Wha…” Danny croaked.
“Nose bleed,” Nightwing explained. He folded the cloth and set it aside.
Moving slowly (though Danny still struggled to follow the motion) Nightwing reached out and places his hands on either side of Danny’s face. Gently, he tilted it this way and that. “You didn’t exactly lose consciousness, but you… went somewhere else.”
“I do that, I think,” Danny said. The hands started to pull away and Danny swayed after them. One returned to help keep him upright. Danny’s eyes fluttered closed. “It was easier… to be away than there.”
The thumb stroked gently across Danny’s cheek.
He could feel himself tearing up. When was the last time he had been touched with kindness? Why was he now? They didn’t know what he was, that’s why.
“You’re safe here, I promise. You don’t have to go away anymore.”
Jason looked up from the cutting board when Dick came out of the bedroom. Dick did his best to offer his brother a smile as he took a seat on one of the slightly rickety stools at the kitchen counter.
“How is he?” Jason asked. He had swapped his helmet for just a domino. (To Dick it was a pretty clear sign that Jason has already claimed the kid as theirs.)
“Better. The nose bleed stopped and he was fully conscious again,” Dick said. “He says he does that, goes away like that. It sounds like it was a defense mechanism for whatever those bastards put him through.”
“Fucking hell,” Jason muttered.
“Yeah. I’ll let the others know so that anyone looking over him knows to watch out for it. Especially if anyone takes him out shopping or anything…”
“Right,” Jason said with a grimace, clearly picturing how badly that could go.
Dick just gave a little nod. He dragged the table that Tim must have been using close and opened it to check on the rest of the family.
“You, me, and Cass?” Jason asked a few minutes later.
“One of us three should always be here, right? Or Babs if we move to a different safe house.”
Dick hummed thoughtfully. “There’s something to be said for moving safe houses if the kid plans to wait awhile before wanting to see Bruce.”
This safe house was bearable, but it really was one of their worse ones. It didn’t even had a table to eat at or a television. They could deal with the one bedroom and a couch, but Dick got the feeling there would be a lot of Bats stopping by whenever possible and that it wouldn’t quite cut it.
“We can see how Kid is tomorrow after rest and food,” Jason said. “If he’s up to being in a car with us we can easily move to any of them.”
“Maybe the one on Rosserie Street?”
“Which one is that?”
“Upper East Side.”
“Ah, yeah,” Jason said with a little nod, pushing the things off his cutting board and into the large pot on the stove. “That one would work. More space and better stuff.”
“That’s what I was thinking,” Dick said. It was one of their apartments set up for a long term hideout if one of them was too injured to be seen in public or supposedly out of town as cover. “And big enough beds people can share.”
Jason snorted. “I’ll stick to the couch. The demon brat kicks.”
“Do you think he’ll stop by?” Dick asked as he picked at the thick rubber case on the tablet.
With a heavy sigh, Jason crossed his arms and leaned a hip against the counter. “Yeah, I think he will. I think he’ll need to, for his own sake. I’d rather it be when you were here, you’re the only one of us who can really control him if he gets… territorial.”
“He’s been better,” Dick pointed out.
“This is different and you know it. This is blood, even if it’s green. Hell, it being green might actually make it worse.”
Dick groaned and let his head thunk onto the tablet. “Yeah… I’ll talk with him and try to get B and A to also.”
“Yeah,” Jason said and reached over to pat Dick on the back.
Why did being a the oldest have to be so exhausting? And now there was another one. Not that Dick would trade any of them away, but he could really use a vacation, a drink, and a long nap.
I no longer tag, but you can subscribe to the masterpost.
AN: Dick really really wants to hug Danny but is really really afraid of scaring him. Don't worry, he'll get hugs.
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bulletswithribbons · 20 days
Loving and fearless
TateLangdonxFem!reader // NSFW
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Summary: You find out your boyfriend is a mass murderer. He's worried about what you will think of him but he never knew you weren't a good girl from the very start.
Warnings: Smut (obv), unprotected piv, sex with feelings, implied murder...
Word count: 1.7k
a/n: Ok so sorry I took really long to write a new fic I was working on a Part 2 for my Kai one but then thought of this. Had to write it down to satisfy my pookies since I didn't take so long writing it. Basically why it's short.
𝕱𝖚𝖑𝖑 𝖋𝖎𝖈 𝖚𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙 ⋆⭒˚.⋆𝜗𝜚
“Are you scared?” He asks. He wasn’t trying to hide it, nor deny it. He just wanted you to accept it as it is. He was no saint, but so weren’t you. No sugarcoating things for this once at least.
You shook your head slowly, “no.” You said, and it wasn’t a lie. At least yet. You weren’t afraid of him, you knew him better than anyone. Or maybe that’s what you chose to believe. You didn’t want to change anything about him or live in a deluded world of your own thinking of him as someone he isn’t. As fucked-up as it sounds, you liked that psychopathic trait of his.
Tate tilts his head partly to the side, daring you to say that thing you were desperate to.
“I doubt it,” he replied, regret somehow dripping from his tone. You knew he didn’t regret shooting up his school nor all the murders he committed, rather of the way you found out. He had already apologized, what else would you need? Him to get on his knees and beg you to forgive him? He would gladly do that.
“I want you to embrace it,” you finally said, the thought lingering in your head for a while now. You just didn’t know how to express it without sounding like a weirdo. 
“Embrace it?” He repeats after you, confused, a hint of surprise in his voice.
You nod.
“You killed them. There’s nothing you can do about it anymore. You’re troubled Tate. Stop hiding that side and accept it as a part of you. You can’t run away from your past and you being trapped here actually proves my point.” Your tone was comforting, all loving. You were one of the very few –the only one– that actually cared about him in a non-twisted way. He wasn’t ready to lose that. He would never be.
“But would you accept it as a part of me? You want me to go around killing people and then come back to you so you can clean the blood of others from my own hands?” He asks, his voice quavering, a bit shaky and unclear, he was upset and you knew he's on the verge of crying.
And Bingo. There it is. Those poor souls, he doesn’t care about them, but rather what you would think. Nothing matters as long as you’re still there standing by his side. Was it unhealthy? Maybe. But for you it only made your relationship stronger.
“Isn’t that what you would like?” You ask, your hand darting to his face brushing his blonde strands of hair away from his face as you cup his cheek.
A single tear runs down his cheek as he smiles lightly. His dimples looked more adorable than ever. All he ever wanted was to be appreciated. And he is.
The sight of him taking two steps closer to you had your heart speeding up, even though he's your boyfriend you can't help but feel like a silly little girl with a silly little crush. Except it wasn't little, nor silly. His hand grips at your waist as he pulls you to him, getting rid of every inch that separates your bodies. His head tilts slightly before he attacks your face with his lips embracing yours in a hungry lustful open-mouthed kiss.
Your hands quickly find the back of his neck, pulling him even closer and deepening the kiss while his tongue pushes through and fights yours for domination.
He was completely teasing you, or maybe not, maybe he just craved you so bad. His covered erection was tempting your core, begging for release. One of his hands slides down your shirt and cups your boob, squeezing tightly. A soft moan escapes your lips and onto the kiss.
At that time, you thought maybe a somewhat evil spirit took over your boyfriend as he aggressively pinned you against the wall, too impatient to hop on the bed. But you know it was no evil spirit. There was no need to keep on finding why’s to his actions.
He yanks your shorts down to your knees then grips at your thigh lifting it up to his hip, probably to get better access. Meanwhile his other hand unzips his jeans and pulls them down along with his boxers freeing his rock hard dick. Yeah now it's confirmed that it was to gain better access. Tate always gets hard easily, that was a fact you knew. Whether it was a silly little cuddle session or you whispering the randomest topics in his ear. It didn’t bother you, you actually loved it. It enthralled you.
Your arms wrap around his neck while his breath fans against your nape. Each passing second your pussy screams for him to fuck the shit out of you even louder.
His digits found their way to your inner thigh, trailing toward your center. Once they reach your clit, his pointer finger runs up and down the thin soaked fabric of your underwear. He taps on the wet spot a few times, teasing you or maybe to later remember how desperate you were for him inside you. “This is my way of thanking you, y/n.” He whispers in your ear, your body shuddering at the sound of his voice, excitement surging through your entire temple. Every second passing by the atmosphere gets even hotter.
You nod, “mhm.”
His finger curls at the edge of your panties pulling it to the side, baring your pussy to him and the arousal glistening within.
Tate leans over you even closer, capturing your soft skin between his teeth sucking in deep; while he uses a hand to line his cock up to your dripping entrance. His tip caresses your sensitive bundle of nerves. “I’m not waiting any longer,” He mutters under his breath to your ear as he pushes himself deeper into your cunt and slams into you. 
Tate has never ever hidden the fact that he craves you desperately. You loved that he would kill for you but hated how you would too.
You let out a loud moan, if he didn’t know you any better he would’ve thought that was a scream for help. Your hand grabs a fistful of his hair. Your moan made him groan quietly. He loved the sound of you squirming beneath him, and even the sound of your voice when you talk about anything no matter what it was. He couldn’t stop himself, of course not since he couldn’t even wait to hear you screaming his name. Your legs curl around his hips as he thrusted in you deeper, moaning uncontrollably as he feels your tight warm wet walls wrapped around his thick length. “My cock.. Is pure love..” He breathes out. Your eyes hardly widen, Tate isn’t used to dirty talking. Not at all. If anything he was actually nice and making sure you’re ok nearly between every two thrusts. Unless he was jealous or upset with you. But mostly that’s it. Your eyes barely stay wide for 2 seconds before they roll to the back of your head once his tip hit a spot in you that made your moans louder than they already were. “Oh fuck, Tate!” You scream, He slides out slightly then back in forcefully. He didn’t recognize mercy, and your pussy wasn’t getting any of that. His cock pounding into you merciless, unsympathetically, inhumanly. All of the above. Abusing that same specific spot of yours. 
His intense tightening in his chest made him hungry for air as he breathed heavily, humping you remorselessly. Your pussy swallowing every inch of him and lubricating like crazy, your own arousal leaking down your pussy and out to your thighs. Such a slut you are for him. Problem is you were shameless about it.
Your grip on his hair tightens, holding on as hard as you can but making sure not to hurt him. You would never. Soft moans are whispered in your ear as he presses his mouth a little harsher against your skin, his fingers tightening on your thighs. His lips trailing kisses up and down your neck, leaving small bites here and there as he slowly makes his way up to your jaw. His hands slide up your thighs and stop at your clit, rubbing it as if his life depends on it, all the while his hips are pounding into you as fast as they can. You arch your back involuntarily immediately once you feel the contact. He groans softly as he feels your arch into his touch, his fingers going inhumanly faster than before. 
Seeing how it is, it wouldn't be long for you until you came.
Shockwaves of pure pleasure began to ripple throughout your body. Legs trembling and eyes rolling back. Your face was bright red and a wheezing sound came out of your mouth with every inhale. The perfect combination of his fingers stroking your clit and the fast paced abuse on your cunt was enough to make you see stars. He was chasing his own release and you were begging for yours. You knew you were close.. Real close.. “Tate.. Please.. I’m so fucking close..” You whimper, not knowing what exactly you were begging him for. Tate knows your body well enough to know you were close, he speeds up. Judging by his breathing, you can tell he was getting tired. You let out your moans freely as you feel your orgasm crashing down. A complete mess leaking down your thighs. You can’t hold your back arch anymore but it didn't matter, waves of ecstasy and euphoria taking over your body. Tate wasn't done yet, and although your lips were already burning up, you didn't protest. “Hmph..I love you,” He moaned in between thrusts as they were getting erratic, feeling you cum around his cock was enough for him. But that didn’t stop him from abusing your swollen red cunt until he was fully finished. Tate thrusts into you for a moment longer before you feel his ejaculate drowning your pussy breathing heavily, his release splaying across your walls in ropes. Tears had stained your cheeks.
Tate had you still pinned against the wall, with your legs wrapped around his hips and his hands grabbing your thighs. His now softened dick still in your abused pussy. Why isn’t he pulling out yet? This is the first time he lasted this long. Usually he doesn’t stay so long.
His head was resting on your shoulder, nose burried into your neck. His breathing slowed down steadily and went back to normal.
It felt weirdly comforting.. Him being so close, you didn’t even want him to pull out. Your legs still crossed behind your boyfriend’s back.
“You want me to pull out?” He whispers to you lovingly as he brushes a strand of hair away from your face and tugs it behind your ear.
“No, let’s stay this way for a while..” Your arms wrap around his neck, hugging him close. You can feel him nodding.
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loving-barnes · 3 months
A/N: CHAPTER TEN is here! I'm sorry it took me so long. I just had a lot on my plate. Enjoy!
Pairing: Logan Howlett x mutant female reader
Warning: I have decided to not give any warnings. Please remember this story is 18+.
Summary: Things move forward between Logan and Y/N.
Please, do not read if you are under 18. This story is suitable for mature audience. MINORS DNI!
Words: 4300+
Important note: Again, Logan is a tall MF, because they fucked up in the movies. Also, Hugh Jackman!Wolverine. This is set in AU.
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Jean stood next to a hospital bed, looking down at unconscious Y/N. She had a chart in her hands, checking the data she collected the past three days. Three days - that’s how long Y/N was out of the present. 
Logan didn’t want to leave her side once they removed the collar from his neck. The wounds immediately healed, and he became a new person. Jean managed to send Logan away. He insisted on staying by Y/N’s side until she’d open her eyes. Luckily, Jean persuaded him quickly. Even Storm wanted to remain by her side all the time. The friendship between her and Y/N blossomed fast. 
When Storm arrived with the rest of the team, she was horrified when she found Logan wounded and weak next to an unconscious body. There was a slight fear Logan wouldn’t be able to heal from the wounds. When Hank and Jean freed Logan from the collar, the healing happened quickly. No one would tell he was fighting for his life hours ago. 
Jean enjoyed the silence in the medical room. The only thing she heard was the beeping sound of a heart monitor. 
The door to the room opened. Charles wheeled in, followed by Hank, Logan and Storm. Before anyone could ask anything, Jean gave them an answer. “No change. She’s stable, well, but still out.” 
Charles was the first to approach the bed. His hands caressed Y/N’s exposed forearm, where he kept staring at the lightly radiating skin. It was fascinating. Charles didn’t have an exact answer for that. All they knew was that it had to do something with her mutation. 
“You said it happened before?” The question was for Logan. 
“Yes. It was the day we saved the boy and came back here. I noticed her eyes glowing.” 
Charles thought about it. “Mutations can evolve. It is one thing you get to master your powers and manipulate them. In some cases, more abilities can be developed. I think this could be the case. Y/N’s mutation is evolving. I believe ner powers will rise to the surface very soon.” 
“So, what? You will test her like a lab rat,” Logan scoffed, not fond of the idea. “Hadn’t she had enough of that?” 
“I’m not saying we will test on her. That will only happen if she’d want to,” Charles said. “We have to wait until she awakes. It can be minutes, hours, or even days. Her mind is locked. I can’t get inside, no matter how much I try.”
“You said she created a force field around the whole school,” Storm looked at Logan. “Her energy got drained to the last bit. No wonder she’s been out for three days now. She’s never done anything like that before. She could have died.” 
Jean approached the woman on the bed. She grabbed her hand, scanning the skin. “Why has this been happening for three days?” 
“I forgot to mention one thing,” Logan cleared his throat. He crossed his arms over his chest. It got everyone’s attention. “The leader of the Trask unit that came to school was Y/N’s mother.” 
“What?” they all said in unison. All eyes were on him.
Logan nodded. “After the accident with Y/N’s sister, her mother joined Trask Industries. She wanted revenge for her lost child. Turns out, she became a respected, high-ranked person there.” 
There was silence. The information about Y/N’s mother was shocking. “That is a plot twist,” Storm commented. 
“Y/N didn’t know about it, just to clarify,” Logan added strictly. 
“She had her eyes on me since I escaped the lab in Salem,” said Y/N’s voice from the bed. 
They all turned to the voice. Logan was the first by her side, staring at her face. Her eyes were open a crack. She was getting used to the light. Y/N blinked a few times before her eyes moved to look at Logan. He saw that her irises were glowing like the colours of the force field - silvery and blue. When she blinked again a few times, they turned back to normal. 
“JJ was a trap,” she continued. “It gave away my location.  Because of me, the children were in danger. Everything that happened was my fault.” 
“No,” Storm walked to her from the other side. She grabbed Y/N’s hand. “You couldn’t know that would happen. All you wanted was to save the boy. And you did it. How could you know it was a trap? Also, you protected the whole school. The building is standing still because of you.” 
A yawn escaped Y/N’s lips. “Is everyone okay?” 
“Yes,” Jean nodded. She had a gentle smile on her face. “They are all back in school. Colossus took them away just in time. The building is standing, and it is all thanks to you.” 
“Good,” Y/N closed her eyes. “I’m glad no one got hurt.” 
Charles opened his mouth, ready to ask a question. Quickly, he shut it, dismissing what he wanted to ask. “We’ll talk later. Rest,” he suggested. 
As they walked away, Y/N opened her eyes and found Logan staring at her. His face was filled with worry. She winked at him. It was a sign to stay. Everyone left while he remained by her bed. The door closed. They were officially alone. 
Slowly, she pushed her body up until she was sitting. She stretched her arms. Logan got closer to the bed. Her eyes traced over his body. She realised he wore a simple black T-shirt that perfectly showed his muscles. Her mouth opened, almost dropping down on her lap. Damn. There was an urge to touch his stomach, to feel the abs underneath her touch. She clenched the bedsheet tightly.
“How are you feeling?” Logan’s voice brought her back to reality. 
Y/N gulped. “Tired,” she replied. “It might be because I’ve been out for… how long?” 
“Three days.” 
“That long? Shit,” she shook her head in disbelief. Y/N moved her body. She sat at the edge of the bed, legs hanging in the air. “How are you? What did I miss?” 
“A stamp of approval from Scott,” Logan laughed when he said that. “And I’m fine.”
Y/N’s mouth dropped. “Wow, I was expecting everything but that. Wait ‘til he hears about my mother being a part of Trask Industries. He will hate my guts once again. If not more.” 
Logan’s eyes took in every detail of Y/N’s face. She had an amused smile on her face. Her eyes were shining with her natural colour. Her hair was all messy and tangled. And yet, she was the perfect thing he ever saw. Logan couldn’t believe he was able to kiss her that night. That dammed night when they were attacked. 
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her. Y/N noticed it. She took a deep breath, trying to prepare herself for what was about to come. She could feel it in the air. It got thicker and heavier with lust and something beautiful. She didn’t have the time to whisper his name. Logan’s lips found hers in a feverish kiss. One hand grabbed her by the neck to pull her body as close to his as possible. He had to lean down to reach for her lips. 
Y/N’s left hand was feeling the hard abs on his abdomen. The other hand pressed against his cheek. She could feel the beard scratching the skin of her palm. How come he was so hot with that mutton chops beard? He could pull it off.
Logan broke the kiss. He sighed, annoyed. Y/N raised a brow. It was a silent question. She wanted to know why he stopped. “You’ll have a visitor in a few seconds.” 
“Ah,” she chuckled. Y/N found it amusing. Logan was visibly unhappy someone had to interrupt them again. On the other hand, she admired his advanced hearing. No one needed to know something was happening between them. It was too soon to show. The first thing they needed to do was to talk about it and define what this thing was between them.
As he stepped back, the door opened. Kitty walked in with Jerome by her side. Y/N’s eyes lit up when she saw him. “Hi, JJ!” A smile spread across her face. 
“He wanted to see you,” Kitty said when they approached the bed. “He heard us when we talked in the hallway. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is,” Y/N nodded quickly. Her eyes trailed to Logan. He had his arms crossed over his chest, glaring at the child. Y/N wanted to laugh at him. It was funny he was jealous of a kid. When JJ sat on the bed next to her, she patted his head.
“Are you feeling okay?” JJ asked her. “I’ve heard what happened. Everyone knows what happened. You saved the school!” 
Y/N blinked a few times. She didn’t know what to say to that. “Yeah, she did,” Logan stepped in. “She got to warn us before the attackers came.”
“That’s badass,” Jerome said excitedly. “How did you know about it? Do you have a new mutation? My friends asked about you,” he kept talking fast. “You are like a celebrity among the students. You are a hero,” he explained. 
“Oh,” Y/N was not pleased with that information. She didn’t want to be a hero. “There are better heroes out there. Look at Professor Xavier or Storm, Kitty… they are the real heroes here. I just did what was necessary.”
“I wish I could see it,” JJ sighed, upset that he wasn’t there. Colossus took him and the children to a safe place before the soldiers marched in. 
“I’m glad you managed to get to a safe place with Colossus,” Y/N dishevelled his hair. 
“How are you feeling, Y/N?” Kitty used the silence to ask her. 
“Tired,” she gave her the same answer as she had said to Logan. “Thanks for bringing JJ here. At least I know he’s well,” and she pressed a gentle kiss on top of the boy’s head. He slowly became the little brother she never had.
When Kitty took Jerome away, Logan was relieved to be alone with Y/N again. This time, he sat next to her on the bed. His hand found the back of her neck. He started to massage it. Y/N’s eyes closed. She almost purred. A moan escaped her mouth. Logan’s eyes widened at that sound, and he grinned. “That was a pretty sound. You should make more.” 
She glared at him. “Dirty mind.” 
When he stopped, he leaned closer. “Let me take you back to your room,” he whispered. He kept breathing in Y/N’s scent.
“Again, dirty mind,” she chuckled. 
Logan pressed a soft kiss on her forehead. “You are the one with a dirty mind. I didn’t mean it like that, princess.” 
Y/N watched as he got closer, wanting to kiss her again. She pressed an index finger to his lips, stopping him. “I need to do one more thing before we leave,” she said, staring into his eyes. She reached for one of his hands and brushed her fingers against his knuckles. “Scratch me with your claws.” 
Logan raised his brows, pushing away a little. “What?” 
“Please, do it,” she begged. “I need you to scratch me with them. You’ll see why.” 
“No,” he shook his head and pulled away from her. His eyes focused on the floor, frowning. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes. “You will not hurt me, I promise you. I need to see something. Either you will scratch me with a claw, or I will find a knife and do it myself.” 
He growled like a wolf. When Logan clenched a fist, one of the claws slowly came out under his skin. He then turned his body to her. Y/N prepared her forearm. Before he could change his mind, Logan cut into her skin, making her bleed. A second later, the wound lit up like the colours of her forcefield and started closing in front of their eyes. 
“Shit,” she mumbled. “I didn’t know I could do that. That’s new.” 
“Damn,” Logan sighed. “That explains why we didn’t find any bullet wounds on your body. There was blood but no gashes. You can heal.” 
“I can heal,” she nodded. Y/N buried her face into her hands, sighing loudly. “Holy shit, I can heal. That might explain why I could remain alive all these years in the labs. I know it happened when they attacked us. I remember being shot. I remember the pain. When I looked a few seconds later, the wound wasn’t there. I just needed to be sure that it wasn’t a hallucination.” 
Logan grabbed one of her hands and pressed a soft kiss on top of it. It was a sweet, loving gesture. “Come on, princess. I’ll take you to your room.” 
“Aw, such a gentleman,” she patted his beard-covered cheek playfully. “I should get wounded more. You’ll treat me like a princess every second of my life,” she teased. 
“Very funny.”
They left the lowest level underground. Logan kept her close to him but didn’t touch her. They kept some distance between them in case someone decided to appear out of nowhere. He kept an eye on her in case she would show any sign of weakness. 
The atmosphere changed when they arrived at the main level. The students were walking around the hallways, chatting. None of them were holding books. It meant only one thing - it was already afternoon. 
One by one, they turned their attention to Logan and Y/N. When they found their teachers walking down the hallway, they stopped talking. The attention was now on them. Fingers were being pointed at them, as well as whispers spreading around. 
“That’s her,” someone said. 
“She saved the school.” 
“They protected us.” 
“She teaches English.” 
“I want to be as cool as them.” 
“Miss Y/L/N can make forcefields.”
All Y/N could hear in her mind was freak, weirdo, murderer. You killed her! You killed my baby!
Y/N closed her eyes and stopped walking. The attention was unpleasant. Logan noticed her face. His hand found Y/N’s lower back. It was a gentle gesture. He pressed his fingers lightly against her. Logan kept watching her face. He could see how her breath quickened. “You okay?” he asked. 
Y/N gave him one gentle nod. When she opened her eyes, they started to travel around the place. They captured every single child that was staring at her. Their looks were different. The thoughts that were screaming inside her mind eased. They were barely whispers. Before, she’d feel like the biggest weirdo on the entire planet. Now, the feeling was different. She didn’t want to run away from it. Y/N was aware that she and Logan protected the whole school. 
Y/N continued to walk through the crowd of students. She headed to the stairs with Logan close behind. No one asked a thing. No one wanted to talk to her. Y/N appreciated it all. 
“The kids look up to ya,” Logan said when they climbed all the stairs to the third floor. They stopped in front of Y/N’s room. “They always do when someone becomes a hero,” he made a face. 
“I’m no hero,” she shrugged. It made her feel uncomfortable. “I only did what was necessary.” 
Logan sighed. “You sure you’ll be fine?” 
She leaned against the closed door and smiled. “Yes, I will. Thank you, my knight in shining armour. I shall give you flowers for your bravery,” she bowed to him a little, laughing. 
“Text me if you need me, and I’ll come to you, princess,” he winked at her.
Y/N walked into her room. She closed the door, sighing. Logan left without a kiss. Why was she so upset about it? Rolling her eyes, Y/N walked to the bathroom. She needed to shower the last three unconscious days and a fight where she came face to face with her mother.
. . .
It was ten in the evening. The whole school was silent. The students were in their rooms, already asleep. During school days, they all had to be in their dorms before nine. 
Y/N was inside her room the whole time. After a long hot shower, she changed into fresh clothes. She then fell asleep on her bed for a few hours. Her body was tired. It called for a nap. Now, she was sitting on the bed, finishing a French braid. Y/N could smell the coconut shampoo on her body. Her mind kept wandering to Logan, her mother and back. 
How is it that when something nice was happening, a shit from the past had to appear at the exact moment? Shaking her head, she tied the end of the braid with a rubber band. 
There was a knock on the door. Before Y/N could open her mouth, the door slowly opened. Logan walked in, frowning. When he noticed her sitting on the bed, his face softened.
“What’s with the face?” she asked, grinning. 
He closed the door behind him and approached the bed. “I was worried, okay?” 
Y/N kneeled on the bed, laughing. “Aw, that is so sweet. The big bad Wolverine was worried about me.” Her eyes watched as he took a seat next to her. “I’m sorry for giving you wrinkles. I fell asleep after the shower.” 
Logan huffed, nodding. And then, in a mere second, Logan grabbed her into his arms. One held her by the waist while the other was behind her neck. Their lips connected in a sloppy, passionate kiss. At this point, Y/N wasn’t even surprised by his sudden action. All she could do was think about him - his lips, his touch. Their tongues pressed together, mouths sliding hungrily. They got lost in their passion. 
“I was worried about you,” said Logan when their lips disconnected. “I was going crazy watching you unconscious on that damn bed,” he admitted. “I’d be really pissed if something happened to you.”
Her finger gently stroked the bridge of his nose. “When I saw you with that collar, powerless, I knew I had to do anything to protect you. You became a simple mortal human being. It wasn’t nice to see you all wounded and defeated. I was worried that…”
Logan’s brows raised. “What?” he asked softly. 
“We wouldn’t be able to start whatever it is between us,” she looked away. 
Logan sat on the bed and brought her onto his lap. His hands held her by the hips, gripping them tightly. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her breasts to his chest. “Oh, princess,” he sighed, staring into her eyes. They travelled to her lips. “Good thing we survived. We can now continue where we left off.”
Y/N felt the thrill rushing through her body. However, her face heated up. Suddenly, she was shy. Logan saw it all. One of his hands rested on her cheeks. “Don’t go shy on me now, sweetheart,” he chuckled. 
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. “Well, the last time I had something with a guy was over five years ago,” she made a face. 
“We don’t have to…”
“But I want to,” she stopped him by pressing a finger to his lips. “I want to, Logan. I-” Her eyes scanned his green ones. There was something on her lips she wanted to say. It was too soon to confess. Y/N knew what she felt for him, but she didn’t allow herself to say it out loud. After she swallowed the truthful words, she said, “I want you.” 
The air changed in the room. With a gentle touch, Logan traced the curves of her body, feeling the tremble of excitement beneath his fingertips. As their lips met in a tender kiss, they both felt the rush of passion surge through them, melting away any lingering doubts or inhibitions. 
The first pieces of clothing were gone in mere seconds. Logan took off Y/N’s T-shirt, showing her exposed chest to his eyes. He licked his lips as his eyes observed her beautiful breasts. When Y/N took off Logan’s white tank top, her nails lightly scratched his chest, enjoying the feeling of him under her fingertips. Slowly, they undressed each other, savouring the unveiling of skin, each moment building the intensity of their connection.
Y/N expected that, at some point, Logan would become rougher and impatient. She was surprised when he took his time and didn’t rush things. His touches were gentle and loving as if she were a fragile doll that would break under his touch. 
“You smell so good, princess,” he growled. His mouth wrapped around her hardened nipple and sucked on it. He was rewarded with a moan. He sucked on it, circled it with a tongue. When he let it with a pop, Logan looked at her, grinning. “Next time, I will fuck ya like the naughty girl I know you are.” 
“Logan,” she whispered his name. 
He continued to lavish attention on her breasts. His mouth moved from one nipple to the other, alternating between bites and licks that sent shivers down her spine. He loved how she responded to his attention – it only fueled his passion further. 
The moans kept escaping Y/N’s lips after every touch, every stroke and lick. The sound of her moans and gasps filled the air, making Logan’s dick throb painfully.
He grabbed her by the waist and laid her down on the bed. He positioned himself between her legs. “What a beautiful view,” he commented, eyeing her naked upper body. 
Her hands reached for the big belt he wore. Y/N unfastened it, unbuttoned the jeans and pulled down the zipper. She realised he wasn’t wearing any underwear. Y/N’s brows raised up, and she grinned at him. She was met with his semi-hard length begging to be taken out of the jeans.“You like going commando?” 
“I was in a hurry,” he said, grinning. 
Y/N took him out, stroking him slowly from tip to base. She felt him twitch under her touch. He had a nice dick - perfect length, veiny, and he trimmed his pubic hair around his penis and balls.  She heard him moan and curse under his nose. 
“Fuck, baby girl,” his eyes rolled into the back of his head when she squeezed him harder. He stopped her movements.  Logan took her hand off his throbbing member. He brought the hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to her knuckles. “I want to be inside of you.” 
Logan took off his jeans while his eyes remained on Y/N’s movements. He followed her hands - how they reached for the hem of her shorts. She took off the fabric with panties, and she exposed her pussy for his eyes to see. “Fuck,” he growled. 
Once they were both naked, Logan positioned himself at the entrance of her wet pussy, looking down at her face with a mix of determination and desire burning in his eyes. He ran his thumb along her clit, making her squirm. 
One last kiss before he positioned himself at her entrance and slowly pushed in. He watched Y/N’s reaction carefully, seeing the way her face contorted into a mixture of pleasure and anticipation. “Shit,” he cursed. “So tight.” 
He started to move slowly, allowing their bodies to become one. Logan didn’t want to hurt her. His eyes were locked with hers with every move he made. He wanted to take his time, to savour every moment of being inside her, feeling her surround him completely.
“Fuck,” she gasped. “Faster, Logan. Please.” 
Hearing her pleas, Logan's feral instincts kicked in, and he responded by increasing the pace of his thrusts, driving into her tight pussy with forceful strokes. He watched her breasts bounce with every snap of his hips. “You are so fucking pretty like this,” he praised her. 
Another loud moan escaped Y/N’s lips. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pressed him closer to her body, pressing her lips against his in a feverish kiss. It was sloppy and dirty, all tongue and teeth. One of his hands sneaked between their bodies. His thumb found her clit, and he started to toy with it. 
Her walls clenched around his length. “Ah, fuck!” she gasped. “I’m so close.” 
“Good, baby girl,” he said hoarsely. “Don’t hold up and come for me, pretty girl.” 
He heard her cry out and felt her body tense as she approached climax. Logan increased the tempo of his movements even further, driving himself into her. He watched as Y/N reached her peak. Her eyes closed, walled gripped his cock tightly as waves of pleasure ran through her body. 
Logan’s release followed a few seconds later. At the last moment, he pulled out and spilt his seed over her lower belly, grunting. “Ah, fuck, fuck,” he cursed. 
Logan’s chest heaved with each laboured breath. The scent of sex and sweat filled the air around them as they lay there, spent and satisfied. Y/N turned her head to look at him. She watched as he breathed heavily. A smile appeared on her lips. 
“Damn,” she whispered. 
He turned his head, catching her eyes. Logan grinned at her. “That’s it?” he teased. 
“I am speechless. Isn’t that enough?” Y/N winked at him. She rolled to her side, snuggling her naked body to his. Her fingers absentmindedly started to stroke his chest, brushing through some of the hairs. 
Logan managed to capture her lips in a gentle kiss. “How are you feeling?” 
Her eyes locked with his. “Happy,” she replied simply. 
“How about one more round?” he suggested.
Y/N smacked his chest playfully. “Insatiable man.” 
He grabbed her hand and led it down his body to his hard length. Y/N wrapped her fingers around his cock. “What can I say. I can’t get enough of you.” 
She giggled. “Cheezy. Fine, one more round.” 
“This time, you will ride me, pretty girl.” 
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wosoamazing · 5 months
Negative Thoughts & Beach Days
Summary: Based of this request.
Warnings: Eating Disorders, R calling themselves fat, RED-S syndrome.
A/N: This took longer than I expected sorry. I hope you like it, might do a part two where R talks to Leah and Jonas etc. I took forever to come up with the title - don't be surprised if I change it.
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“She’s so fat” “She’s ugly” “Literal definition of nepotism, search it up in the dictionary and you would find her, she is so unfit and a bad player, screams nepotism.”
Leah had always told you there are two main rules to being a professional sports person. Number one do not read the comments on any posts about you, and number two if you don’t listen to number one and do read the comments don’t let them get to you. But these three comments weren’t alone, they were three of millions, it had been going on for a month, its hard not to let them get to you, you open social media, and they were plastered all over your screen. You tried to ignore them, block them out of your head, but they always managed to find a way to wiggle in and eventually they were all consuming thoughts.
The girls first noticed an odd change in your eating habits one morning at breakfast, you didn’t stop at your routine stop in front of the cereal instead you continued over to the fruit picking up a fruit salad, you also had decided to have wholemeal bread instead of white bread this morning for your toast, these decisions received a few confused looks from the girls as you sat down, no one knew why, they just thought maybe you wanted to try and be healthier, so no one thought much of it and just shrugged it off.
You were 16, turning 17 in 2 months and had never had your period. Leah said you were lucky, that you didn’t have to deal with it. RED-S syndrome was what every single doctor you ever spoke too yapped on about, along with exercising less, which they all regretted saying the second after, exercising was your job, you couldn’t really stop it, plus it kept you skinny. You didn’t really listen to what anyone said, nor did you care, in your mind not having a period meant that you were skinny enough, you were thin enough, you were fit enough. This was far from the truth but in your distorted reality it was the truth. So, the day you got your first ever period your whole world collapsed, in your reality you were now classed as fat. In reality you weren’t, you were insanely skinny. But you weren’t in reality. You stopped eating snacks, you thrived off snacks or at least that’s what the girls said, but you had stopped eating them, that did concern them, but you were still eating your three full meals a day so no one was too concerned, well except for Alessia, she would always ask “You sure you don’t want some?” in regards to popcorn on movie nights, or “What happened to your snacks?” you knew somewhere deep down that she was concerned and just trying to help but you didn’t take the comments that way, it felt like she was having a go at you, and one day you snaped, “Alessia, why do you even care, it’s not like you’re in charge of me, you’re not my Mum, my Dad, you’re not Leah, you don’t fucking get to constantly nag me about food, you have no fucking idea what is going on. Just leave me alone” she stood there in shock that day and so did you, before you ran up to your room and locked it, she did know what was going on which is why she was trying to say things lightly, however she forgot that you wouldn’t have taken them lightly she had been in your position a few years ago and felt so bad that she forgot what it felt like when someone said something like that, so she stepped back.
You also started to wear obviously baggier clothes after your first period, you loved to wear anything with spaghetti straps that’s coverage stopped at your ribs, Leah referred to your clothes as ‘non-clothes’ saying you may as well just wear your underwear. But now you would always be found in a baggy overside hoodie or shirt and a pair of sweats, to be fair it was winter, however even in winter you would wear your Nike Pros and a cropped hoddie or cropped rugby jumpers, so the girls were confused and they didn’t really understand why you started wearing trackies and hoodies but the one day they had discussed it Alessia told them to just leave it be and she would deal with it. She wasn’t sure how she would deal with it, however the moment arrived on your team trip to Ibiza.
It was the fourth day of your holiday trip with the team and today it was decided that you were all going to the beach, you had managed to suggest other activities, and avoided the beach for the previous three days. The girls were slightly confused as to why you were avoiding the beach as usually you were the one to suggest it and you always jumped at the idea. You loved to wear the skimpiest bikini Leah (or your Mum – depending on whether it was a team or family trip) would let you get away with, lounging on the sand for half of the day getting a good tan before turning into a four-year-old and splashing everyone in the ocean. You even once filled up a bucket of water and tipped it over Katie’s head when she was sleeping on the beach, it was safe to say you regretted that one.
“Come-on, Y/N lets go to the beach.” Alessia said as she pounded on your door, she waited a bit “If you don’t come out in the next minute, I will assume you’re sick and I’ll come in, whether you are dressed or not”.
“I’m still getting ready” you told her.
“How? Just choose the aquamarine bikini set, the side tie and triangle bikini ones, as I’ve told you before it definitely has the least coverage and Leah lets you wear it, and you always wear it, it’s your favourite, every time after I tell you to put it on you thank me, just chuck it on and let’s go” for some reason these words caused a tear to roll down your cheek, as you stared down at the bikini set that was laid out on your bed in front of you, the exact set Alessia said to put on, however there was one problem, it didn’t fit anymore, you tried it on last night and it didn’t fit, you had developed slightly since the last time you wore it and now it would be considered inappropriate to wear, you didn’t see it that way though in your mind you were too fat to fit into your own bikini.
“Less, just go down and meet the girls I’ll be like 5 minutes, I promise,” you said trying to get Alessia off your back, you felt as though you would break any second and you didn’t want Alessia there when you did.
“No, I’m waiting, why aren’t you ready yet though? You’ve had all morning, quite literally. Are you okay?” Alessia said back, she had some idea of what might be happening behind that door, she could feel it in the air, you were going to break, and she promised the girls she would help you and that they didn’t need to worry.
“I just can’t find them, I-I’m fine ” You said whilst your voice broke a little, ‘shit’ you thought to yourself, she will know something is not right and she won’t leave.
“Well, I hope you have pants on because I’m coming in,” she said half-jokingly, half seriously, whilst flinging your door open. “Um… what are these?” She said as she picked up the bikini set off the bed. Tears started streaming down your face as she looked over to you, you were caught. “Hey, what’s up?” She asked in a soft tone, you didn’t reply and slid down the wall, your knees were up near your chest as you hugged your legs, your head placed on your knees, your body started shaking from your sobs.
You heard Alessia’s footsteps, and then the creek of the door, then her footsteps stopped, maybe everyone was right, maybe no one actually liked you, Alessia just saw you start sobbing and left, maybe you were just a burden, maybe no one cared about you, maybe they wanted you gone, maybe …. “Y/N” your thought train was interrupted, Alessia was back, she sat down next to you and pulled you into her lap, at first you resisted but you gave up, she lightly pushed your head into her neck, and immediately you let your body relax against hers, you were still shaking from your crying and Alessia just let you sit there while she held you tightly rubbing your back. “Hey, can you drink some water for me?” Alessia said, her voice laced with concern, it had been at least five minutes, and you hadn’t calmed down, reluctantly you took the water bottle of her and took some small sips. “Thank you, now I think we both know what is going on here, but I would like to hear it from you,” she said, you knew this was coming honestly you expected this conversation weeks ago when you snapped at her but it didn’t mean you were prepared for it at all, you let out a sigh, “I promise I’m here for you, I won’t leave you alone, I’ll be here for you every step of the way, I’ll help you, your like my little sister, I care about you and I want to help, but I need you to tell me what’s up,” she said, a tear rolled down her check she knew the pain you were feeling and wished she could make it magically disappear but she couldn’t.
“I’m f-fat,” you cried out.
“That’s not true, you know that”.
“Yes, it is, I got my period, I don’t fit into my bikini and I-”
“Oh baby girl,” Alessia cuts you off pulling you in tighter, she didn’t need the rest, she had seen it, they girls had seen it, but they had hoped you hadn’t but obviously you had, “I promise you, you are most definitely not fat, getting your period just means that you’re getting healthy, and maturing and every girl grew out of their clothes at one stage, I grew out of multiple bikinis at your age and I still do but that doesn’t mean I’m fat does it? I promise none of us think that your fat, or unfit and I swear on my life that every single girl in this team would do anything for you, we all care about you so much and we all love you so much,”
“Okay, I-I’m sorry” you replied to her, you had slightly calmed down but tears were still streaming down your face.
“For what?” Alessia asked confused, “Being a burden”.
“Baby, you know you’re not a burden, this isn’t your fault, we will get you help okay, I can talk to the girls, to Leah but you will also have to talk to her yourself, I’ll help you, I can come with you to see Jonas, we can make a plan with Leah, and I promise every single girl on the team will also be with you every step of the way okay?”
“Okay, can we stay here for a bit?” You ask.
“Well, I think the girls are getting a little worried, what if we go down to the swimwear store and I buy you some new swimmers, whatever you like and then we can go to the beach, and you don’t have to swim if you don’t want to, I can stay with you if you want, but I think we should at least go down to the beach.” Alessia said as she dragged you up, she grabbed you both towels, hats and she grabbed her sunnies. You followed her down to the swim store and bought a nice set of bathers.
You made your way to the beach, Leah stood up and walked over to you, “Are you okay?” she asked as she gave you a hug, looking at Alessia for an answer as to why your face was puffy and tear stained, “She will be okay, we’ll talk about it later, let’s just enjoy our beach day first” Leah’s brow furrowed but she nodded her head, Leah trusted Alessia, so she decided to leave it until the end of the day. You were nervous for the conversation that was to be had at the end of the day but for now you decided to enjoy your beach day, but it was a bit more relaxed today you sat and talked with the older girls rather than messing about with the younger girls, you even fell asleep while tanning, you woke up to Leah reapplying your sunscreen and as promised Alessia stayed with you all day.
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starbabyg · 7 months
Juraj is possessive of his girl.
Pathetically Possesive | Juraj Slafkovksy Smut
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warnings: smut duh, jealous boyfriend, might seem toxic to some, words that make me squirm
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
There are many levels to Juraj’s possessiveness. It all pans out the same way in the end though. First he starts off quietly, maybe some guy is chatting with you. It’s just a friendly chat so he can’t be too mad at you. After all you’re the most interesting person in the world to him, so why wouldn’t other people want to strike up a conversation with you? It starts off with nonverbal cues. Juraj’s hand will shift your legs towards him. He keeps a steady hand on your knees, softly caressing them to show you he’s still right there. You’re so used to it at this point it doesn’t even phase you when you’re preoccupied with something else. Slaf’s love language is physically touch so it was just second nature for some part of him to be attached to you. Juraj can be in a whole different conversation, but every so often he’ll turn his head towards you and the guy you’re talking to. He’ll eye the guy down, then look at his hand on your knee, then back to the guy. Fully intent on getting the guy to notice that he really should exit the conversation quickly. It frustrates him when the guy talking to you is oblivious to the whole thing. If looks could kill the guy would be dead ten times over. His fingers now tap your knee as he becomes more and more impatient. Soon after Juraj will start whispering in your ear in the middle of your conversation.
“Mmm, you smell so good tonight. Is that the perfume I just bought you?” His lips will softly graze your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. If he’s feeling frisky enough he might even inconspicuously nibble at it. “I could just eat you up right here in front of everyone. You smell delicious, probably taste just as good too.” All you could do is widen your eyes and blush as to try not to let anyone know what Juraj is up to. As the night goes on so does his hand. No longer is it on your knee, but making its way between them. You have to squeeze his hand when it reaches further between your thighs. A little higher and he’ll be palming your pussy. Still being bombarded by the guy talking to you, you push Slaf’s hand away. It’s too intimate to be doing in front of people especially in such close proximity. Juraj scoffed, no fucking way she actually did that.
Juraj pulled your seat closer to him, trying to tell the guy to fuck off without actually saying the words. Althoughhh maybe that would have been better in this case. The chair made a loud screech, startling both you and the guy talking to you. The stranger shifted his head and looked at slaf cluelessly. A tad bit awkward much?
“And you must be?” The stranger asks. All Slaf could do was mentally laugh.
“Juraj Slafkovksy. Also y/n’s boyfriend. You know, the girl you’ve been talking to all night,” Juraj responded condescendingly, squinting his eyes and forcing a smile. His arm snaked around your shoulder as he absentmindedly squeezed you.
The guy’s mouth went agape, “Oh? Well you sure are lucky. Just from this conversation alone I can tell she is a wonderful woman. Better treat her right, or else I might have to come and snatch her from ya.” Of course it was supposed to be a joke, kinda, but Juraj never took things like this lightly. Not when it came to you.
“Oh really?” Juraj shifted uncomfortably in his seat, wanting to just get up and sock the guy right in his jaw, “Well we have to go now. I gotta be reminded why I’m so lucky,” Juraj took your hand and dragged you away. Now muttering under his breath, “Fucking dickhead.” You just followed after him in shock, your wrist tightly held in his grip.
“Seriously Juraj? You always do this,” you whined. This wasn’t the first time he had dragged you out of an event. At first it was cute, him getting bratty and jealous and begging you to leave so the two of you could get take out and watch movies together. But this was a few too many times now.
“Well it was either leave or beat his ass. And I know you don’t want to be banned from these events so I think I went with the safer option.” He continued to lead you through the crowd. Every so often muttering ‘excuse me’ to the people standing in his way. If he could tell them ‘move, you’re in the damn way,’ he totally would, but he still had manners even though right now he wanted to throw them all away.
“Juraj please stop. I have to go to the bathroom now. I’m gonna piss myself if you keep dragging me along,” your brow furrowed. You just couldn’t keep up with his fast pace, especially being in heels. His legs were too long and moving too fast.
Juraj rolled his eyes, “Fine we’ll take a little detour.” He changed his course of route and started looking for a bathroom. Still holding on to you he lead you to a bathroom down an empty hall. He motioned towards the restroom as he let go of you. Instead of going into the bathroom you glared at him and crossed your arms.
“I don’t actually have to go to the bathroom. I just got tired of you pulling me around like that. How dare you pull me out of a conversation and do that? That was so rude of you. I’m gonna go back there and apologize.”
“Apologize? To him?” Juraj’s eyes were wide with jealous anger. He couldn’t imagine you softly apologizing to the guy, asking for forgiveness in that sweet voice of yours.
“Yes, what else am I supposed to do?” You scoffed at him with attitude. Juraj couldn’t admit it to your face but you being upset started to turn him on. His mind started racing with a million dirty thoughts.
“Apologize to the person who actually deserves one,” he stepped closer to you and tipped your chin up to look at him. All the anger in him had seeped out, now replaced by love and lust. God how you could change this boy’s mood in a flash.
“You think you deserve an apology from me? I deserve one from you!” You stomped your foot. You could not believe the way Juraj was acting like a complete brat right now.
“I think we should apologize to each other. And I know just the way.” Juraj shoved you into the bathroom and locked it behind him. All you could do was look at him in disbelief before he pushed you against the sink, planting himself in between your legs. Your dress started to ride up your body, the bottom bunching up as his knee rises.
“Juraj, what are you doin—” He laid his forehead atop yours.
“Shhh, just let me say sorry,” he mumbled against your lips. You were taken aback, but hearing those words come from his lips made you melt completely into the kiss. You wanted to be mad, but how could you when Juraj was frenching you so good right now? Add in the pressure of his leg slightly grazing your clit and you were in heaven. Juraj had one hand on your waist and the other behind your neck, supporting you as you started to feel light on your feet. He lifted you up on top of the sink, right on the edge so he could have easy access.
Juraj kneeled down a bit, face to face with your panties, which at this point were starting to soak through. He smirked when he saw the little wet spot that had made its way through. You could just feel your juices pooling between your legs. Which made you upset at yourself because how dare he act like that and think that he could get away with this afterwards? But all those thoughts went away as soon as he pulled your panties to the side and just went in on you. Juraj was usually so gentle and articulate when it came to going down on you. But this time he was fast and swift with it. He gave you no time to adjust as he quickly slurped and flicked his tongue around your clit. Juraj knew just all the right spots to hit. Your legs started to close against him, squeezing his head until he used his brute strength to reopen them and hold your legs in place. You moaned against your palm, trying to conceal your cries. Who knows who could hear you from outside of the bathroom door? It was hard to hide your whimpers especially when Slaf was purposely trying to force them out of you. It’s like he wanted everyone to hear you. He sped up the rhythm of his movements, bringing one of his hands to play with you now. As he lapped up your juices he curled a finger inside of you. Exploring your silky walls, feeling every single crevice inside of you as he tried to find your sweet spot. It was all too much for you. The fast movements combined with the deep pressure, you could just faint from pleasure. It made it all the worse knowing you had to be silent through it all. No matter how much you squirmed and writhed, how much you pulled Juraj’s hair or squeezed his shoulder, her persisted in his pace.
“Oh my god just give it to me already,” you managed to purr out between mewls. From under your hazy lids you could make out that sly smirk Juraj had while he was still latched onto you. It didn’t take any more convincing for him to get right up to fuck you.
Already hard from just the sight of you alone Juraj unbuckled his belt from his dress pants. He pulled down his boxers, appendage springing out excitedly. Oh how fucking good he looked standing there with his disheveled hair and lips plump and slick from your juices. Out of yearning you reached for his dick, giving it a few strokes as you guided it inside. Your head was tilted up, keeping eye contact with Juraj as you watched his face contort with pleasure. His lips parting as his tip slipped inside of you. Brows furrowed as he let out a little wince. It was as if the angle you sat at had made you ten times tighter. If he hadn’t got you dripping wet beforehand it most definitely wouldn’t have been able to slide in. The new angle didn’t just make you tighter, it also had Slaf hitting a certain spot inside of you. And every time his tip hit that spot you wanted to scream as if to say ‘fuck I love you’. It was pure heaven. You were tightly wrapped around Juraj, legs pulling him in so you could feel every single bit of him. Hands clawing at his chest, a button popping off of his dress shirt. More of his chest was exposed and at this point you wanted this man naked. Even while you were drunk on love you somehow managed to properly unbutton the rest of his shirt, pulling him in by the collar for a kiss. Pulling Juraj in closer only made him go deeper, which in result had you biting his lip to conceal the deep moan that wanted to escape.
Juraj on the other hand didn’t give a shit about being loud groaning an “oh fuck” against your lips. His moans were gutteral, reverberating through the acoustic walls of the bathroom. There was no doubt that anyone passing by the bathroom could hear Juraj. His hands were gripped around the flesh of your hips, no doubt going to leave red marks on you that will last a week. Juraj’s head fell into the nape of your neck, muffling his moans as they echoed in your ear. The sound was music to your ears. You kissed his temple, just wanting to love on him any way you could. His echoing moans were replaced by the little nips he was leaving along your neck. You couldn’t help but react to these little love bites, soft mewls escaping your mouth as you held onto the back of his head. Your fingers interlocked with his tousled mane.
Juraj was now going at a steady but stern pace. It was slower than when he was amped up on jealously, but hard enough to make you jolt every time he filled you up completely. You were starting to unravel with each pump fueling your orgasm. It was getting more and more difficult to keep quiet, your pants and squeals starting to gain volume. A couple more strokes and you’ll be a screaming mess.
“Baby, I’m gonna cum,” you panted out breathlessly. You felt your legs giving out as Juraj had to keep them in place. Juraj took that as a challenge. His grip around you tightened, pulling you closer into his embrace. Keeping that same solid pace his strokes got rougher, your eyes rolling back each time you felt him in the hilt of your cervix. At this point you were a mumbling mess, words you didn’t even know you were saying spilling from your lips. To Juraj it sounded like you were saying ‘more, more’, and he gave you just that. He turned a bit selfish, now wanting to chase his own orgasm. Juraj lifted you from the bathroom counter, trying to wrap your legs around him as you went limp in his arms. Steadying your weight he started to bounce you on his cock, the snacks of your ass on his skin echoing through the restroom. You just hummed in content, riding out your high as he rushed to finish himself off. The straps of your dress were now falling off, your breasts exposed as you had been braless. Juraj leaned over and took your left boob in his mouth. Already fucked into bliss this was overstimulation. Your bottom lip perched out as you started to shake from his suckling at your nipple. It didn’t help that he was swirling around your nipple at a fast pace. Your head dropped back, your whole body just losing feeling aside from the shocking stimulation he was giving you. Juraj’s stroked sped up and you could feel his dick twitch from inside of you, which was always a sign that he was close to cumming. You leaned in closer to him, lips pressed against his ear.
“Cum for me baby,” you mewled as you swiped your tongue against his lobe. Just with those simple words you sent him over the edge. Juraj places you back on top of the counter, now slowing down in pace as you felt him spill his load into you. His moans were raspy and low, his breath hitching as he shuddered. All you could do was drunkenly smile as you saw his seed drip out of you.
Finally coming down from his high, Juraj placed a kiss on your forehead as he grabbed some paper towels to clean you up. He patted you dry and he placed your panties back onto you. Giving both of your tits a kiss before slipping the straps of your dress back on your shoulders. Slaf tried his best to make you look more presentable. Wiping the smudged lipstick off of your face. Finger brushing your hair so you don’t have that “I just got fucked” hairstyle. You just sat there on the counter, letting him take care of you as you were too hazy to even think. Boy did he fuck you good. You watched him as he fixed himself up, rebuttoning the buttons that were still attached to his dress shirt. Fixing his tie and buckling his belt.
“Ready?” He asked as you gave him a soft nod. He lifted you up princess style, making sure your dress was nice and neat. Your face made its way into his chest. You couldn’t face anyone from the gala after just getting fucked in the bathroom. Juraj opened the door and carried you out. Telling anyone who asked that you must have eaten something bad and that you didn’t feel good. He had to make sure his dirty nasty girl still had the cleanest of reputations. And it will be the two of yours little secret that Juraj’s possessiveness will always be a turn on that always ends in the two of you fucking.
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average-dilf-enjoyer · 8 months
Day 5: Virginity + Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 2.7K
Warnings: Oral (f receiving), PIV sex, fingering, lots of pet names, insecure reader, pre-outbreak Joel
A/N: Sorry I've been late with writing! I had really busy few days. When I get the time I'm gonna do multiple fics in one day over a couple of days to catch up, just bear with me for a week or so while I get back on schedule
You didn’t know what the hell you were thinking, letting Joel take you to his place. It was a terrible idea, really. Because you knew you wouldn't be able to stop once you started.
But you let him drag you inside anyways. You let him push you up against the door and kiss you hard and deep, and you nodded when he pulled away to whisper, "Is this okay?" because as much as it terrified you, you fucking needed Joel Miller.
You also didn't protest when Joel brought you to his bedroom, laying you down on his sheets and kissing you over and over again.
"Joel," you whispered against his lips, trying to get his attention. He didn't answer, just kept pressing kisses to your lips. "Joel," you mumbled again. Another kiss. You pressed your hands into his chest, pushing him off you. "Joel."
"Yeah, baby?" he cooed, cupping your face in his hand and swiping his thumb tenderly across your cheekbone.
"I need to tell you something, but you gotta promise not to laugh," you muttered nervously. What if he thought you were weird?
"Can't promise that if I don't know what it is," he said, that gorgeous smile of his on full display. "But I'll try my best, honey." He leaned down to press a gentle kiss to the space below your ear. "What's on your mind?"
"Um..." Stupid. It was fucking stupid. Twenty-six years old, and you were still a virgin. The whole thing was so dumb. You'd had boyfriends before Joel, and you easily could have lost your virginity to any of them, but you didn't want to. You were scared, to be honest. Not to say that you weren't still fucking terrified, but you had a feeling Joel would be good to you. "I... damn it."
"Take your time, honey..." Joel murmured, lightly kissing at your neck and rubbing your sides in a soothing motion.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself, and then blurted it out before you could think about it any more. "I'm a virgin."
Joel immediately lifted his head to look you in the eyes. He could see the fear in them, and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of it. "Oh, honey," he sighed. "You should've told me sooner, I would've taken things slower. We can stop if you want. Don't gotta go any further if you ain't ready."
"No, no, I want to," you assured him. You really did, as much as it scared you. If anyone was going to take your virginity, you wanted it to be Joel.
"You sure, darlin'?" he asked, concerned. "We don't need to do anything toni-"
You cut him off with a kiss. "I want it. I want you," you whispered. "Please, Joel."
Joel groaned, kissing your jaw. "Fuck, honey. Gonna be the death of me, I swear." His hands moved to the hem of your shirt. "Can I take this off?"
You nodded. "Yeah." You'd never done this before, let a man see you like this. And even though you wanted Joel to see, you were still nervous. Insecurity flooded you, suddenly all too aware of each of your flaws.
Joel seemed to sense your nervousness, because he stopped. "You alright there, honey?"
You sighed. "Yeah, just... never done this before, y'know?"
Joel nodded. "You don't gotta be nervous, I gotcha. You just relax."
"Okay," you mumbled. You had to remind yourself that this was Joel. The man that didn't kiss you on the first date out of respect. The man who made time for you even if he had a long day at work. The man who told you how beautiful you were every time he saw you.
"Okay," Joel agreed with a soft smile. "You wanna leave the shirt on, then? Don't gotta show me, but let me tell ya sugar, I'd fuckin' love to see what's hidin' under it."
You shook your head. "No, you- you can, I want you to.”
“Alright. Tell me if you’re uncomfortable with anything I do, okay?” he asked as his fingers began pulling your shirt up your lower stomach.
“I will,” you breathed, lifting your arms to help him slide the shirt over your head.
“Good girl,” Joel cooed, his hands moving to your now bare torso, rubbing his hands along the skin. “Shit, you’re gorgeous, honey.”
“Joel…” you giggled, squirming as his hands brushed along your sensitive skin. “That tickles.”
“Oh yeah?” he growled playfully, his hands purposefully tickling you now.
You laughed and smacked his hands away. “Joel!”
“Alright, I’ll stop. But only ‘cause I like ya,” he joked, pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Can I take off your bra? Wanna see your beautiful tits.”
“You haven’t seen them yet, how do you know they’re beautiful?” you quipped.
“Because every part of you is beautiful, baby,” Joel whispered, and you just about melted on the spot. He was so sweet, so gentle, so Joel, and you could barely handle it.
“Honey…” you breathed. “Please. I want you to see me. I trust you.” And you did. You trusted him more than you had ever trusted any other man. You trusted him with this precious part of yourself nobody else had ever had the privilege of seeing before. You trusted him to take your virginity.
“I told you, I gotcha. You don’t gotta worry about a thing when you’re in my bed, you got that?” Joel said as he unclasped your bra, gently sliding it off your arms and discarding it on the floor with your shirt.
“I know,” you agreed with a nod of your head. “You got me.”
“Oh, sweetheart…” Joel breathed, completely in awe of you. “So fuckin’ perfect. I don’t deserve ya, I really don’t.”
You giggled. “Are you kidding? I don’t deserve you. You’re the sweetest man I’ve ever met.”
“Darlin’ you deserve every good thing in this world and then some,” Joel sighed, his hands moving to rest just below your breasts. “Can I..?”
You nodded eagerly. “Yes.” You had never wanted so badly for a man to touch you until now. You felt like you would explode if you had to wait even another minute.
His hands gently, tentatively rested over your breasts, his thumbs swiping over your hardened nipples. “So soft…” he murmured, lightly squeezing them. He smiled when you sucked in a sharp breath. “Doin’ okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. Feels good.” He was so gentle with you, soft and sweet as his hands kneaded at your chest. “Don’t stop.”
“I won’t,” he assured you, moving to kiss at your shoulder. “‘M gonna try somethin’, tell me if it feels good.”
“Okay,” you breathed, waiting for whatever he was planning for you with bated breath. You couldn’t imagine that whatever he was about to do wouldn’t feel good. You were quickly proven right when Joel took one of your nipples between his fingers and lightly pinched it. “Oh, fuck-“
“Good?” He mumbled, his mouth never leaving your skin.
“Very. Do it again,” you insisted, and he huffed a laugh against your shoulder.
“As you wish, darlin’.” One of his hands continued to play with your nipple while the other drifted from your breast to your hip, holding you to him while he toyed with you.
“Shit,” you panted, tingles of pleasure coursing through you. “Joel, oh my God.”
“I had a feelin’ you’d like that,” he whispered, his kisses moving from your shoulder, down, down-
“Fuck!” you yelped when he pulled your other breast into his mouth, tongue swirling around the sensitive skin. “Feels so good, Joel, don’t stop,” you begged, running one hand through his hair while the other grasped at the bedsheets.
And he didn’t. He sucked and licked and touched and didn’t stop for one moment, playing with your body and pulling sounds you didn’t even know you could make from your mouth.
"Wanna see what's under these jeans,” he begged, and you took his hand and guided it to the waistband of your pants.
“Please,” you whispered, sounding almost embarrassingly needy, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to worry about that when he was touching you like this.
His hands eagerly pulled at the waistband of your jeans, tugging them down along with your panties. He had to have you, he couldn’t fucking wait any longer. “Fuuuck…” he groaned, his eyes drinking you in as you laid completely bare under him. “Gotta taste you, baby. Will ya let me? Let me lick your pretty pussy till you’re comin’ on my face?”
You swore you nearly came right then. “Yes, fuck, whatever you want, honey,” you panted as he kissed down your body, stopping just below your belly button.
“You sure?” he rasped against your skin. One last chance to back out.
“Yes. I need you, please, Joel.” You were desperate, clenching around nothing.
He positioned himself right between your legs, looking directly at your bare heat. "Y'know, I think it's kinda hot that you're a virgin, if ya don't mind me sayin'," Joel mused as his hands grasped your hips, tugging you closer.
"Why?" How could he possibly find that attractive? A whole-ass adult woman who's never been laid? What was hot about that?
"Because, darlin', I get to be the first one to see how beautiful you look when you come, and I get to be the first to touch this pretty pussy," Joel explained, kissing your inner thighs. "Pretty goddamn special, bein' a woman's first."
"Oh," you breathed, lost for words.
"Yeah," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your clit.
You gasped, bucking into his touch. “Oh my God,” you whined.
Hearing you whimper like that, Joel had to restrain himself from completely devouring you. ‘Go slow,’ he reminded himself as he licked a stripe up your slit. “Taste like fuckin’ candy, sweetheart,” he groaned, kitten licking at your clit.
You fisted your hand in his hair, lightly tugging on it, and he let out a low grumble of approval. Of course he liked getting his hair pulled.
“Just like that, fuck,” you moaned as he circled your clit with his tongue.
He continued like that, driving you closer to the brink of ecstasy with each passing moment. He ate you like a man starved, his eyes never leaving you as he took in your reactions to what he was doing, learning what you liked best.
"F-fingers. Please," you whimpered, and he obliged without hesitation, sliding his middle finger into you.
His ring finger followed not long after, pumping in and out of you. Oh God, his fingers were so much longer, so much thicker than yours. He started slow as he let you get used to the feeling, but he quickly sped up, relishing in your moans as he crooked his fingers into you, hitting that spot that had you seeing stars.
"J-Joel, I'm gonna come," you managed to get out between pants, the feeling of his tongue on your clit and his fingers inside you overwhelming in the best way possible.
"Go ahead, honey, I wanna feel it," he groaned, his movements not letting up for even a moment as he brought you closer and closer to your release.
A moment later he had you coming on his tongue just he had promised, licking up your release as your thighs trembled around his head. “Holy shit,” you gasped, affectionately running your hand through his hair as he finally took his mouth off your pussy, instead settling for kissing your inner thighs as you came down from your high.
“Good?” he asked with a knowing smirk.
“Amazing,” you corrected him as you bent forward to kiss him, tasting yourself on his tongue. You moaned softly into his mouth as he laid you back, once again climbing on top of you.
"Good to hear," he said gently, running his hand down your body from your chest to your pussy, running a finger through your slick folds. "You gonna let me fuck ya, honey?"
"Yeah." You couldn't wait any longer, any fear you might have felt overwhelmed by lust and need.
He nodded, grabbing a condom from his bedside drawer and sliding it over himself. “Okay. You tell me if you need me to stop, you got it?"
"I know. Just... please, Joel."
And, well, how could he resist that?
"Gonna go nice and slow, alright pretty girl?" he mumbled as he lined himself up with your entrance. "Don't wanna hurt you."
"You won't," you assured him, leaning up to kiss him.
He kissed you back sweetly, gently grasping your hips for leverage and slowly pushing the tip of him into you.
You whimpered against his lips at the burn of him stretching you open in a way you never had been before.
"I know, baby," he whispered, peppering your face with kisses. "You're doin' good. Doin' so good, honey."
"Ow," you hissed as he pushed deeper, ever so slowly.
"Need me to stop?" he asked, his eyes not leaving yours as he gauged your response.
You shook your head. "No, just... keep going slow."
After a minute of pushing slightly into you, stopping when you dared make a noise to check that you were still doing okay, and then moving a little more, he was finally fully sheathed within you. And it felt fucking incredible.
“Oh, Joel…” you moaned. You felt full in a way you never had before, feeling like you could barely breathe as you adjusted to Joel’s cock inside you.
“Pretty girl…” he whispered, brushing his hand across your cheek. “You feel so good. Fit me like a goddamn glove.”
You giggled and leaned up to kiss him, running a hand through his hair. “Move,” you insisted, needing more of him.
He only hummed in response, his lips staying latched onto yours as he pulled out almost entirely and slowly pushed back into you. He just repeated that for a while, letting you get used to it all, and eventually the burn faded. You bucked your hips forward. “More, Joel.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled, his thrusts picking up speed as he pulled away from your lips to look you in the eyes.
“Baby,” he gasped, his brows furrowing in concentration. “Tell me, s’it feel good? Am I makin’ my girl feel good?”
“Yes, fuck, don’t stop.”
“I won’t, sugar,” he grunted, pressing deep into you and slowing his pace to a roll of his hips, and it had you seeing stars. “Won’t stop until you’re comin’ all over me.”
Joel held true to his word, never letting up as you writhed and whimpered under him, that familiar knot of pleasure building inside you.
“Joel- fuck, need your fingers.” You were so close. His fingers on your clit would have you coming undone around him in seconds.
He answered with a low groan, his hand reaching down to rub tight circles onto your clit.
“Oh, fuck!” You were nearly shouting now, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Your head fell to the side, your eyes fluttering shut.
“Shit, you’re squeezin’ me, honey. You gonna come?”
You nodded eagerly, grasping at his shoulders.
“Look at me, wanna see that pretty face when ya come,” Joel cooed, cupping your face in his hand.
You met his desperate, hungry gaze and that was all you needed to fall over the edge, moaning his name as pleasure overcame you.
He fucked you through it until he couldn’t anymore, seating himself deep inside you as he came a moment later.
You gazed at each other silently as you came down from your highs, sweaty and sated. You stayed like that for a moment before he pulled out of you, discarding the condom in the garbage.
“How’re you feelin’ sweet girl?” Joel finally asked.
“Incredible,” you sighed, your body relaxing into the mattress.
Joel crawled back into bed, leaning in to kiss you. “Glad it was good for you.”
“Of course it was good,” you whispered, running a hand along his chest. “And for the record, you’re amazing at oral,” you added.
He chuckled. “Why, thank you, sugar.”
You were asleep not ten minutes later, and as Joel looked down at your sleeping figure, he felt peace for the first time in years.
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