#the love outweighed the hate
causeimanartist · 1 year
You are a ray of sunshine in this world full of darkness and demons. Do not worry about the ones that screech at you. They're only jealous of you cause after all, only demons are made of negativity. It is your light that makes me smile.
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I don't have the right words to express how happy this makes me, but the Tom Hanks gif is a good substitute
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utilitycaster · 6 months
There's this weird phenomenon where the people who are really, really invested in Campaign 3 being The Best try to argue that it's the most closely bonded party. when in fact the absolute strongest material with Bells Hells thus far is them realizing with a shock that they've spent almost three months alternating between "my way or the highway" and smoothing things over to the point that they almost shatter along with Ashton and realize that they absolutely cannot go on a time-sensitive, mission-critical journey to save the world without stopping to take a team-bonding vacation.
And to be clear, this rips, but it feels as though while Campaign 1 and Campaign 2 fans might disagree on their favorite campaigns, they do like their campaigns for what they actually are and simply have different preferences with regards to what kind of story they like. This particular flavor of Campaign 3 fans, and there's a decent number of them, only care about winning on the most kindergarten-ass "all you need is love 🥺" axis (also, shades of the bean-counting/points approach to media analysis) but as a result they put forward an idea of the campaign that's simply not the reality and it's like, do you like Campaign 3? Or do you like the fanfiction version of it you wrote in your head based on the first 10 episodes and into which you have slowly dissolved your brain? There's plenty of valid reasons to enjoy or even prefer the campaign, but it's easily the most dysfunctional party and that's fine!
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diazevan · 2 months
The instagram comments are anger-inducing and just so sad, at the end of the day. We need bisexual representation. Epesically for people in their thirties, and older.
The majority of these people seem to believe that Buck kissing a man, now implies that he has never liked women, and therefore the show has fucked up. Bisexual people have always existed and they do NOT deserve to be erased constantly!
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frazzlecrazzle · 9 days
Holy crap North victory and Geelond defeat on the same weekend. God save the King 💙🤍💙🤍
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scootarooni · 1 month
o i forgor to talk abt miku expo!!
DUDE it was one of the most fun things I've been too aaa my calves are still sore from all the standing and dancing I did lmao. I hope it didnt annoy anyone near me that I was singing along to everything aahahaha (but also everyone was singing to Miku and World is Mine so I don't feel that bad abt it)
Sat next to a super sweet person who lent me and my friend spare lightsticks ; w ; and it was just. so awesome being around other vocaloid fans wow
The merch line was waaay too long both before and after the concert and I had like a little over an hour of driving back home to do so I didnt even bother
my friend that I brought with me had a blast as well!!! which was super reassuring becos he knew next to nothing abt vocaloid going into it.
OH ALSO THE LIVE BAND? SPECTACULAR. We were close enough that we could see them and aa they were singing along too. Seeing them get super into unknown mothergoose was the highlight of the night tbh (and yes i cried during it yeah yeah)
my camera is garbage🚮so the image and audio quality is blugh but here's a sweet little vid some of us singing to world is mine ^_^ (VOLUME WARNING)
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asoulwithadream · 10 months
I would very much like Ed to think that Stede is dead. My probable masochist self would enjoy that level of angst
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ortustheninth · 2 years
Don’t think any of us are appreciating the horror of Crux being left in charge of the Ninth at its time of replenishment, when it is being filled with hundreds of new penitents aged 17-40 who are completely unpenitent just because they do not know who or what the locked tomb is.
All those ‘imagine being killed in a nuclear fission chain reaction and then waking up on a goth catholic cult on pluto where the only allowed hobbies are devotion, violence, and suffering. would that suck or what.’ joke posts were very funny but also now that that is actual canon. I am thinking about that sullen teenage girl with the spear from Nona, and how many times Crux tried to murder Gideon, how he really DID murder Ortus; I am thinking about these things and I am filled with the spiritual craving to be able to call space Child Protective Services
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queermania · 1 year
Why does everybody hate Berens? What did he do?
apart from the j1/w*ncest crowd, i don't think people really do at all. he's kind of beloved in fandom. there is a (very small) group of us hellers, however, who have noticed that he is largely responsible for some of our least favorite things in dabb era specifically (but really just in general with how he writes). most of the angry!dean stuff comes from his episodes (he seems to be under the impression that dean is just angry and there's nothing else to it which is in stark contrast with the general dean thesis of 'i'm not mad. i'm worried.'). he also wouldn't know subtlety and nuance if it hit him over the head. and then there's all the racism, most specifically in regards to kaia, but it's in other places too. the racism is obviously the biggest issue, but it kind of gets glossed over for reasons i can only guess at but i'm sure include 'omg he's the destiel warrior! we wouldn't have destiel without him!' (which is simply not true. does robbie 'goodbye stranger' thompson mean nothing to you?)
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oifaaa · 1 year
Is the current joker book the mpreg joker one or another one because I can’t have mpreg joker story have any redeeming features.
It's in the same book but not the same story mpreg joker was part of the extra story at the back of the comic
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skeletonfumes · 26 days
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buckttommy · 1 year
Going to preface this by saying that this post actually is not meant to be mean or slanderous toward Kristen so if that's your beat, go find someone else to share it with. But here's the thing: it is very clear to me that Kristen has profound respect for Buck and Eddie's dynamic. As friends. Multiple times, she's made it very clear that she views their relationship through a strictly platonic lens. She's even said, paraphrasing, that the will scene (for example) was drawn from her life since her mom (I think?) made her best friend her legal guardian at one point. Kristen very clearly respects who/what Buck and Eddie are to each other, and she treats the intimacy of their dynamic with the gravitas it deserves, but she seems very invested in keeping them platonic, so I don't really trust her to give us canon!buddie. Honestly, with the way she feels about Buddie as romantic partners, I'm not even sure I'd want her to give us canon!buddie.
Now, I know there's the added layer of misdirection; she's never going to come out-right and say Buck and Eddie are soulmates on a crash course to each other, and I get that. I wasn't born yesterday, I know how PR works. But I think it's also fair to reserve a hefty dose of doubt considering nothing in her speech has given any indication that she even likes the idea of Buck and Eddie together as romantic partners.
I'm happy to be wrong. Honestly, despite all appearances, I'm not even really saying I don't believe Buddie is going canon because, to me, that still seems like the logical conclusion to both of their stories. But with Kristen at the helm, if at one point I was 99.9% sure of canon!buddie, I now sit at a solid 50% sure. I'd love to see it, I still want to see it, and we still might see it... but I'm going to keep a big dose of doubt kept in my pocket just in case.
#jack.txt#An anon asked me a couple months ago what I thought the differences between Tim/KR's styles were and it's taken me all this time to piece#my thoughts together. In all honesty I still don't know if I can fully articulate my thoughts because they exist more as ideas than they do#as fully flushed out concepts but one thing I can say concretely is that - regardless of what other problems Tim might have - he knows how#to weave a story together expertly. When Tim tells a story - even if the narrative is fractured initially - he always manages to piece it#back together in a very cohesive way.#I don't see that same attention to detail in Kristen's writing. Which isn't even to say that her stories are bad! She *does* manage to#weave overarching plot points and details together but not with the same meticulous attention. I think that's the thing I miss most about#Tim's imprint on 9-1-1. He's so detail-oriented from the largest details to the smallest and it shows with how smoothly the story flows.#Another difference between Tim and Kristen's styles is that - because of Tim's attention to detail - he is able to weave seamlessly between#both lighthearted and heavy storylines. My guess is because - to him - both the light and the dark exist as part of the same story#(which - to be clear - it IS all part of the same story).#With Kristen there's an almost visible and palpable distinction between 'this is heavy' and 'this is light' with no unifying cohesion to#unite the two as being apart of the same story.#I know this must sound like I hate 6A; I don't. I really really don't. Every week with my weewoos and my firefam is a good week for me#and the criticisms I have this season do not even come close to outweighing the things I've enjoyed.#But as I sit here and reflect on Kristen and Tim as well as the direction of the show#(all of this before 6B airs of course)#this is where I am so far.#I love 9-1-1. I miss my blorbos. I'm ready for them to come back lol
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my feelings about the boy are very complicated but here you gooooo
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rogersstevie · 2 months
am soooo close to being able to start reading my books chronologically as i have them on my shelf which ik is gonna take forever especially bc it’s not like I’m ever only reading books i own but anyway I’m just really hoping for some things to crap out bc right now between books and dvds it’s more than I’d like
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oreoambitions · 2 months
Boop you and your community are awesome, thank you for being a consistently safe space for everyone queer ❤️
ANON my HEART. Thank you for hanging out, on tumblr and on our lil queer discord. Y'all are the reason I have not thrown my laptop into the sea and become a fulltime hermit.
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alwritey-aphrodite · 10 months
Just saw a Tillies edit to Bigger Than The Whole Sky… I need 3-5 business days to recover
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daydadahlias · 9 months
i'm so sorry about this fandom jess <3
thanks rory <3 i appreciate it <3
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