#thanks to everyone for being so supportive and sending some truly lovely messages
causeimanartist · 1 year
You are a ray of sunshine in this world full of darkness and demons. Do not worry about the ones that screech at you. They're only jealous of you cause after all, only demons are made of negativity. It is your light that makes me smile.
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I don't have the right words to express how happy this makes me, but the Tom Hanks gif is a good substitute
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
hi, thank you sm!!🤍 this was really fun to write, hope you like it!
i’m so chill, but you make me jealous — jack champion
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word count: 1,059
pairing: jack champion x fem!reader
summary: y/n and jack are invited to read thirst tweets and jack gets a little jealous of the compliments his girlfriend receives.
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“HI! I’M Y/N Y/L/N AND I PLAY JULIET ON SCREAM 6” the girl said to the camera with a big smile.
“And I’m Jack Champion and I play Ethan Landry on Scream 6” he did a little wave while showing his perfect white teeth.
“And today we’re here with Buzzfeed to read…” Y/N said, waiting for his boyfriend to finish the line.
“Thirst tweets! I’m scared, Twitter is one wild app” Jack chuckled.
“I love twitter” Y/N told the cameras, emphasising the word ‘love’.
“She really does, she spends hours on it. And sometimes I can hear her laughter from the bedroom when I’m in the living room” he smiled, looking at her in adoration.
“People are very creative in there!” she defended herself. “Anyways, let’s start this!”.
it’s just rude how jack champion walks around being cute and i’m not there to witness it
Jack smiled “That’s actually really adorable. Thank you so much!”
“It’s honestly ruder when you actually witness it because you can’t just comprehend how someone this cute exists” Y/N said faking annoyance.
“Aw, stop it. You’re making me blush” he let out a nervous laugh, covering his face.
“My favorite hobby: making my boyfriend blush” she’s smiled proudly.
“I just love how supportive people are about our relationship. Like, especially the fans, they’re always sending us adorable messages and commenting how we make them happy. Honestly, thank you so much” Jack said in a grateful way.
“Yes, they are awesome! And you don’t have to do that to makes us happy. Just send us fan edits of us with Taylor Swift songs, and we’ll be the happiest!” she winked at the camera.
y/n y/l/n in scream 6 is so fine, like she could gaslight gatekeep and girlboss me and i would let her
“Thanks! I guess… man I love this! My self-esteem is going to be on the fucking sky once we’re finished!” Y/N laughed.
“I don’t know how I feel about people thirsting over my girlfriend… but at the same time I get it, look at her!” Jack said, turning his face to look at her profile. She truly was an angel—inside and out. And he honestly, even after a year of dating, still can’t believe how lucky he is.
jack champion has the cutest smile ever i cry forever
“I feel you!” Y/N said loudly. “He says he never had braces but I don’t fucking buy it. No one naturally has that million dollar smile”.
“Thank you for the compliment. And I swear, I never had braces”
“I don’t buy it, but okay. I love you so I’ll let you gaslight me”
y/n y/l/n could stab me 781 times and i would still be screaming thank you!
“Woah! You have some serious kinks, but I won’t judge you” Y/N laughed.
“Y/N! Oh my god” his boyfriend laughed. “I honestly don’t know how to take this tweet, let’s just quickly move on”.
if you don’t find jack champion hot, you’re lying!
“I mean, everyone has a different type, so” Jack shrugged.
Y/N rolled her eyes “Bullshit. You’re everyone’s type. If you know someone who doesn’t find him hot, send me their address, I just wanna talk”.
“I love you” Jack laughed, kissing her knuckles.
“I love you too” she smiled.
no one talks about scream 6 without mentioning how hot jack champion is
“I mean, it’s true! I think we all felt some type of way during the train scene… and when he took his mask off???? I forgot how to breath” Y/N said. She will never shut up about how gorgeous his boyfriend was, because his factions were just too good to not be talked about.
“I’m starting to think you sent these tweets, love”
“I didn’t. But you know what? I’m opening a Jack Champion fan account to tweet about your pretty face every day”
“I’m honoured” he laughed. Jack just loved how she was always complimenting him, it made him feel really loved by her.
i would let y/n y/l/n split me in half like a pistacho send tweet
Jack widened his eyes “Can we leave now?”
“No!” Y/N laughed.
“I feel like every tweet gets dirtier and I won’t be able to handle it”
“Are you seriously jealous about some random people on the internet?” Y/N chuckled “You’re so cute. Thanks for the tweet, by the way! But I have a lovely boyfriend who would definitely not appreciate me doing that!”
“That’s better” he smiled proudly.
i want someone to look at me the way y/n and jack look at each other
“That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard” Jack said, touching his chest.
“We really are part of those annoying couples who can’t keep doing heart eyes to the other. And honestly, I’m not even embarrassed by it, I love loving my boyfriend”.
y/n is so fucking fine i hope her cheetos are FLAMING HOT like her
“And we’re done!” Jack said, doing one big loud clap. “Thank you for watching!”
“Thank you for the compliment and sorry about my jealous boyfriend. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and suscribe!” Y/N gave one last grin to the camera before it stopped recording.
“Everybody wants you” Jack frowned, wrapping his arms around her waist.
Y/N laughed “Sorry for them then, because I only want you. Now, can we go to the dressing room so we can make out?”
Jack nodded, and Y/N swore she had never seen him run so fast.
buzzfeed here you go! your favorite couple reads thirst tweets! ❤️
y/nxjack this should be called “y/n and jack read thirst tweets while thirsting over each other” tbh
y/nslover omg the cheetos tweet is mine!!! y/n.y/l/n you are the love of my life
jackchampion no she’s not she’s mine🤬
y/nslover jackchampion can you fight??
y/n.y/l/n i love you you’re a sweetheart y/nslover 💕 JACK STOP IT OMG
devyn_nekoda i love how jack’s jaw clenches more and more as the video goes on😭😭😭 by the way, the pistacho tweet… i relate
y/n.y/l/n tell me time and place gorgeous :)
jackchampion we are over y/n.y/l/n
y/n.y/l/n okay jackchampion
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the-blue-fairie · 7 months
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Art by @shes-an-iso – commissioned by me and posted here with permission
It is ten years ago and I am watching Frozen.
It is ten years ago and I am watching Elsa transform herself into her truest self, watching her spin threads of blue around herself, seizing power for herself – radical self-actualization.
The glint of Elsa’s ice dress reflects in my eyes as I watch Elsa strut into the sunlight – and I do not have words for why I am so moved.
I do not have words, but the shimmer stays.
It is ten years ago and I am choosing to become a part of the Frozen fandom.
I have lurked in fandom circles before, but never posted a thing, never made an account.
It is my first time being part of an online fan community – and, as awful as fandoms can be at times, this fandom – for me – ten years ago – is truly a community.
I begin to make friends in the Frozen fandom.
Some of these friends are trans.
The gleam of Elsa’s hair in the rose-gold dawn shines again in my eyes, and shyly, I begin asking questions of my friends.
Realization is nothing without the words to process it – and my friends give me words, my friends help me to understand.
I am a trans woman.
It is in this online space that I first take the name Liza for myself, since this online space is the only place that I can allow myself to be.
I build for myself. My blog is my own ice palace. What I cannot sculpt in daily life, I carve within online spaces – offering my writing, my thoughts, my edits, my soul to the world.
Everyone here knows me as Liza.
Even as I’m in the closet to my family for years, in here, I am Liza. My friends know me as I am, and as Liza is all they will ever know me.
But I am in the closet. For years.
(It’s why Do You Want to Build a Snowman still breaks me.)
In the closet more out of some misplaced sense of duty to my family than out of dread, though I am scared. Always scared. And then in the closet because I feel it’s better if I bury this. Not better for me, but for them. If I’m bleeding inside, it doesn’t matter. I can put on a show. I have fine-woven gloves. Well-taught decorum. Be the good girl you always have to be, etc.
(Maybe it’s my fault I’m in the closet for years. Anons on this site have told me that in the past. I don’t have it as bad as others in the closet, I’m just a coward, the fault is mine, the fault is mine…)
Fuck off.
(People blame Elsa for the thirteen years in the same way, placing the blame on her and not the tutelage that trained her, because her parents loved her, you see, and love becomes a convenient means of shifting blame to the victim.)
In June 2016, after the Pulse shooting, I make a post about how I’m never going to come out. I am terrified, heartbroken, mangled by grief – but my friends are there for me. My friends send me messages of support, of compassion.
I still cherish the memory of those.
Years pass. When I finally come out to my father, I can barely say the words, barely look him in the eye.
It is ten years since Frozen and I have come out to my family – far too late. I have been on HRT more than a year now.
(My dad still misgenders me when he thinks I’m out of earshot. He resents when I get frustrated with him over this.)
It is ten years since Frozen and I am Elsa on the North Mountain, staring into the whirlwind of an uncertain future, defiant and scared.
And I know – I know – that I didn’t process I was trans because of the film – it was because of the friendship of fellow trans people, trans people who happened to be Frozen fans a decade ago – but my journey of self-realization, my time in the closet, my creation of a sense of self, are so entwined with memories of Frozen that I can’t help but think of it when thinking about my own transition…
Can’t help but think of Elsa, hips swaying, arms outstretched, flashing, radiant –
Happy tenth anniversary, Frozen.
And thank you. Thank you.
(This is okay to reblog. In fact, please do. It is a sliver of my soul that I offer to the world.)
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nurse-buckley · 1 year
Tomorrow Holds Such Better Days
Fandom: 9-1-1  Word Count: 2,472 Characters: Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz, Bobby Nash, firefam (mentioned) Warnings: major trigger warning for depression, suicidal thoughts, suicide and overdosing with pills. If you are not in the right mind frame to read this please skip this one. Summary: After your depression worsens, you decide to take things into your own hands and end your life, but will a message to your family be enough to save your life? Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @alexxavicry (if you want to be added or taken off the list, please let me know)
Thank you @floralbuckleys @firemedicdiaz and @bucketofbarnes for all of your help, support with writing this <3
If you or anyone else is struggling with thoughts of suicide please reach out to someone you trust or alternatively try these helplines (x) If the link is broken, please let me know. You don't have to suffer alone.
You were no stranger to depression, having struggled with it off and on for a long time. The constant, agonizing feeling of sinking, as if you were watching everyone around you swimming up for air but there was a constant weight dragging you down. You didn’t want to die, but sometimes it just felt that going to sleep and never waking up or an accident on the job taking you out would make it easier. 
Life had just gotten to be too much. Truly, sometimes you just thought maybe it wasn’t for you. Maybe you were just one of the unlucky ones that life didn’t work out for. With those constant thoughts plaguing your mind for days, you had finally made up your mind to end your life and made peace with it. If self-preservation had taught you anything, it was that maybe you should be terrified. But no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t bring yourself to care. 
Usually you would have reached out to someone before it got to this point. You would have phoned Eddie, Buck or Bobby, or even the family you’d gained through them, knowing they’d all been through their own struggles. Any one of them would have dropped what they were doing to help you. But again, no matter how hard you tried to pick up the phone, typing and backspacing messages asking for help, the voice in your head was just too loud and fed you all the usual lies. 
‘You’re a burden,’ ‘No one cares.’ ‘Why are you so needy?’ ‘They have their own lives and issues to worry about without adding your burdens to them.’ 
You didn’t want to put your issues on them anymore, scared of the judgment, the looks and the pity they might give you. Not when they had their own problems and lives to deal with. If you were being truthful to yourself, maybe you didn’t want to tell them because if you did they would stop you and you weren’t sure if that’s what you wanted. 
This just felt like the best option; for you, and for them. 
You opened your phone, sending a text to Bobby first to let him know you couldn’t make it to work again. It was the second shift in a row that you’d missed, and even now you hated the fact that you were letting the team down. A few moments later, your phone started pinging with a few notifications from your friends.  
Hen: ‘I hope you feel better soon <3’
Chim: ‘Feel better, let me or Maddie know if you need anything :)’ 
Buck: ‘Me and Eddie will swing by to check on you with some soup after shift, do you need anything else? xx’
You cursed yourself for lying to them, once again forcing the attention on yourself. The guilt only added to your decision and with one last text to the group, that was it. 
‘Thanks for always having my back guys. Appreciate and love you all.’ 
You hit the send button, leaving the phone on your coffee table along with a hastily scribbled note explaining your decision and apologizing.  
To everyone else, the message you’d sent seemed normal. They’d pocketed their phones and gone about their normal duties, checking inventory and cleaning, but something in Buck just didn’t sit right. He’d read the message over and over, trying to convince himself that everything was okay, but he just couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t right. 
You’d opened up to Buck about your past a few times, your parents, even your therapy. He thought you’d been doing better but he’d noticed your downturn in mood lately; how quiet you’d been, how your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, even as you laughed at his and Chim’s jokes.
Buck made his way to Bobby’s office. “Hey Cap, is it alright if me and Eddie swing by y/n’s place?” 
Bobby didn’t miss the concern plastering Buck’s face, being able to read him like a book and knowing something wasn’t sitting right with him. 
“What’s going on?” 
It didn’t take him long to quickly explain his worries, the warning signs, and that he wouldn’t feel okay until he checked on you. 
Bobby mentally kicked himself for not putting it together sooner, knowing the warning signs from his own experiences when Hen and Buck had almost had to break his door down for him years before. “Take one of the med kits and keep me updated.” 
Buck practically flew out of Bobby’s office, calling Eddie as he ran to grab one of the spare medical kits and monitors from the storage closet. 
“I’ll explain on the way, we need to go. Now.”  
“Y/N, can you open the door for us?” 
Buck pulled out his phone, willing his hands to stop shaking so he could unlock the screen and call your number. Eddie leant in closer to the door as they heard your familiar ringtone. With no answer or signs of movement, Eddie pulled out the spare key you’d given him. 
As the pair walked in, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The place was relatively tidy but there was no sign of you being there. Buck called out your name once more, his worry only growing as he was met with silence. 
“Buck…” Eddie’s heart felt as if it were in his throat as his eyes landed on your phone sitting on top of a folded piece of paper on the coffee table where you’d left them.  
Buck’s feet carried him towards your bedroom before his mind could even fully comprehend the note, not even caring to knock as he swung open the door. His breath caught in his throat as he saw your body lying prone on your bed, the small orange pill bottle lying empty and open on your bedside table. 
He couldn’t even hear himself screaming Eddie’s name for help over the pounding in his ears as he ran to the bedside and dropped to his knees. He pressed his fingers into your neck, relief washing over him as he felt your pulse beneath his fingertips. It was slower then he’d have liked, but it was there. 
You felt as if you were floating, vaguely aware of voices around you, hands jostling your body and flipping you onto your back; but your body was too heavy to fight back, the pull of the drugs still keeping you asleep. You felt another set of warm fingers press into the side of your neck, but the darkness was safe. Comforting. 
It wasn’t until you felt the painful sensation of knuckles rubbing up and down the center of your chest that you became more aware of your surroundings. The pain caused you to let out a groan as you sluggishly came back to your senses. 
“That’s it. Open your eyes for me, we’ve got you.” 
Even through the haze, you could recognise that voice anywhere. “Ed…?” 
The knuckles continued to try and rouse you and you would have given anything to smack him away if your arms weren’t so heavy.  
“Yeah. It’s me, I’m here. Buck’s here too. Open your eyes for us.” 
When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with the two men hovering over you. It didn’t take long for the memories to come rushing back; the text messages…the note…the pills. You suddenly became aware of the enormity of what you’d just attempted. You’d tried to kill yourself, and without Buck and Eddie there you very nearly could have succeeded. There was no coming back from that and you knew you’d have to explain yourself. 
You shot up, crashing into Eddie as you wrapped your arms around him, fisting your hands into his t-shirt as every emotion that had built up over the last few weeks burst out. He wrapped his arms around you in return, holding you as you cried, whispering words of comfort and reassurance. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” you choked out between sobs.  
“Shh, it’s alright, you’re okay. We’ve got you,” you heard Buck say as you felt him rub soothing patterns up and down your back. 
Eventually the sobs died down, turning to small hiccups and you pulled away. Shame suddenly overwhelmed you, your hands and gaze dropping to your lap, not being able to look at either man.    
Eddie reached out slowly, giving you time to back away before he gently squeezed your hands and ducked his head to try and gain your attention. “Y/n?” 
You weren’t sure what you were expecting when you looked up at him; Anger? Annoyance? Disgust? But you were only met with his soft and understanding expression. 
“I’m really sorry sweetheart. I know this is the last thing you want right now, but with the pills you took I need you to let me or Buck take a look at you. I know that you know what kinds of effects they can have on your body and so I know you know it's important we get a set of vitals on you and see what’s going on with your heart and breathing. Do you think we can get you settled on the couch so we can check you over?” 
You looked between him and Buck, being met with twin concerned expressions and nodded, knowing it needed to be done. 
“Thank you,” Eddie replied as he gave your hands another squeeze. 
The pair moved to either side of you as they helped you swing your legs off the bed and kept you steady as you stood. They stayed still for a moment, letting you gain your balance, before leading you to the couch in the living room. 
Once settled, Buck pulled the blanket from the back of the couch, wrapped it around your back and took the seat next to you, offering out his hand. You took it gratefully, needing all the strength you could get to get you through Eddie’s exam. 
He began with a few questions. How many pills you took, how you were feeling physically and if you had any symptoms. Thankfully the vitals were quick and after a few more tears, he set the equipment off to the side and took your other hand. “I’m happy your vitals are stable for now. I’d be happier if you got checked out at the hospital, but…” 
“No…” your panic began to rise at the thought of hospitals, doctors and nurses. 
A squeeze from Eddie’s hand grounded you enough for him to continue, “But,  I understand if you don’t want that,” he added quickly, knowing your previous experiences with hospitals. 
“Me and Buck would come with you and we could call it an accidental overdose, no one would need to know the details. It’d just be so we can get you checked medically, but I can’t and am not going to force you.” 
“I can’t.”  
“Okay, if we’re not going to the hospital then I have a few conditions. I’m going to keep an eye on your vitals until the pills wear off, but if anything changes we will have to call an ambulance. I’m also going to set up some fluids to help flush your system and make you something to eat. How does that sound?” 
You were terrified at the thought of more vitals, needles and eating; but you knew the alternative would be a lot worse. You trusted Eddie and Buck with your life, and another glance between the pair had you agreeing to his terms. 
Buck was next to speak, offering distraction as Eddie began gathering the supplies he needed to start the IV. “Have you got an appointment with your therapist coming up any time soon?” 
“Yeah. I’ve got an appointment the day after tomorrow.” 
“That’s good.” 
He kept up the conversation, talking about anything that came to mind, Eddie chipping in here and there.  
“Almost ready here,” Eddie interrupted, “Where’s best for you to have the IV?”  
You held out your preferred arm, turning away to Buck for distraction as he cleaned the area. Before you knew it, Eddie had the fluids up and running. With nothing more to do for the moment, the room fell silent. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Eddie asked, being the first to broach the subject. 
You fiddled with the tape on your IV for a minute, not sure whether you wanted to open that can of worms or not. “Not really. I don’t know. I’m a little embarrassed and know it was dumb and I could have come to any of you, but I just couldn’t see a way out for a minute there.” 
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I’d be surprised to find someone today who hasn’t been affected by poor mental health,” Eddie replied, “and I don’t need to tell you that any of us would have dropped everything to help you.”  
The three of you talked more while the fluids ran through. Buck had already updated Bobby who’d promised to come by after shift, asking Eddie and Buck to stay with you as he called in cover for them. Buck made you all something to eat so you wouldn’t feel alone, while Eddie kept an eye on you and got a few more sets of vitals. 
True to his word, a few hours later Bobby appeared, taking the seat beside you as he pulled you into his chest and held you close. “I’m sorry I didn’t notice you were struggling sooner,” he whispered only for you to hear.  
“Do the others know?” 
“No,” Bobby shook his head, “and they don’t have to know, unless you tell them. They just think you’ve got a bad case of the flu.” 
“I’m sorry,” you let out after a few moments of silence. 
“You don’t have to be. I’ve been there before. After my family died I had a plan and if it weren’t for Buck, Hen and the rest of you…I wouldn’t be here. They got me through and we’ll get you through. It’s what family does.” 
You let out a shaky breath, “So. What happens now?” 
“That’s up to you. Do you think it would be a good idea to take some time off work?” 
“No. Isolating myself just makes things worse. Not having anything to do tends to make me spiral a little.” 
The pair of you agreed on a plan. A few days off to recover, continuing with your therapist and checking in with either him, Buck or Eddie if you felt yourself slipping again. Buck offered to let you stay with him, not wanting you to be alone and wanting you where he could keep an eye on you for the night. You knew the road to recovery was only just beginning, but you felt a little lighter with your family by your side. 
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
| Lo’ak x F!Avatar!Reader |
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Summary: Sully's always stick together, but is there room for one more?
Warnings: fluff, some angst and family drama
Notes: I just want to take a second to thank each and every person who has interacted with this series, it’s truly meant so much. I’ve read and re-read every comment, message, kind word. You’re all incredible and the support means the absolute world. I can’t believe this series is coming to an end already, it’s been so much fun to write. I have a little surprise at the end of this chapter that I’m super excited about and hope everyone will like! I LOVE when you guys talk to me so don’t be shy and let me know what you think! Until next time MWAH
dialogue in Italics is Na'vi translated to English
chapter eight
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Chapter Nine — The End
The sun has long breached the moon, warm afternoon light blanketing Pandora by the time you approach Home tree.
Your fingers, interlocked tightly with Lo’ak’s, tremble as anxiety surges through your chest. Wide eyes dance over the huge, overreaching leaves of the place you so recently considered home, the sound of the clan’s morning activities fluttering to your ears.
“Wait!” You suddenly jerk to a halt, free hand latching onto Lo'ak's bicep.
He stops beside you, just before the tree line breaks into the wide gathering area. Your eyes round with unease, searching for comfort within his warm gaze.
A soft breath falls from his lips, chest tightening at the sight of you so on edge. A large hand cradles the side of your head gently. You instantly lean into his touch, a fraction of tension releasing.
“Hey...” He coos, guiding you forward so he can place a kiss in the center of your forehead. He leans back slowly, head dipping to catch your eyes. “Nothing, and no one, will take you from me. Okay?”
You’re nervous, no, terrified to face his parents. You haven’t spoken a word to them, haven’t seen so much as a glimpse of them in nearly a week. Not since Jake so harshly yelled at you, so cruelly accused you of being a traitor.
Lo’ak‘a gaze remains steady on yours, unwavering in his love for you. He's completely serious, if any of his family members argue against your union, he has some choice words ready. Now that you're his for life, he won't let anyone disrespect you, no matter who they are.
“Okay.” You agree lowly, sending him a smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
He nods reassuringly, fingers tightening around yours as he guides you forward, back toward the place where you’ll build your new home together. He barely makes it a step before a tall figure approaches, walking briskly through the brush.
In his haste, Neteyam nearly rams right into you. He’s the perfect picture of a poised leader on a mission, brow furrowed, shoulders square, bow slung tightly across his chest. He rears back in alarm, narrowly missing the two of you.
“Eywa!” He curses under his breath, eyes widening a fraction as he takes in the scene before him.
His spine straightens, tail flicking to attention at his back. His eyes narrow, trailing over the two of you scrutinizingly. At first, he’s surprised that you’re standing before him at all. After that day in the forest, when he stumbled upon you and your Ikran, he fully expected to never see you again.
But now, here you are. With his brother, the day after he disappeared without warning. The pieces start falling into place, Neteyam’s thoughts racing as he dissects in the sight of the two of you together. Together walking from the woods, with your hands clasped and—oh, shit.
“Baby bro, you didn’t.” There’s a rough warning beneath his words, head tilting to the side almost pleadingly.
Lo’ak forces down a hoarse swallow, lifting his chin in defiance. His hold on you is firm, bordering on painful as he meets Neteyam’s glare with one of his own. Daring him to challenge the union. The older Sully groans, eyes falling closed as he pinches the bridge of his nose in irritation.
“I shouldn’t be surprised.” He sighs heavily, molten eyes shifting to you.
You’re tempted to curl inward, to crumble beneath his judgmental gaze, but you remain strong. You have no regrets about mating with Lo’ak. You’ve chosen him as your partner for the rest of your life, and nothing anyone says or does can change that now.
With a dismissive shake of his head, Neteyam turns to go back the way he came, seemingly abandoning whatever he was about to do.
“Wait! Where are you going?” Lo’ak steps forward, arm outstretched and ready to stop him from getting to their parents before he can.
“As far from here as possible.” He doesn’t stop, doesn’t even spare a retreating glance before disappearing through thick foliage.
Your brows furrow worriedly, sharp teeth catching your lower lip as anxiety quickly mounts. Lo’ak groans quietly beside you, irritated that your first greeting wasn’t a pleasant one. Before you can dwell on it, he’s pulling you behind him, over the last remaining barrier between you and your future home.
The second your foot touches warm soil, a loud, ear-piercing scream echoes through the base of Home Tree. It makes your shoulders hunch, muscles pulled taunt in alarm. Your eyes widen, as do most of the clan's as they whip around to see what the fuss is about.
A moment later, you crumble to the ground under the weight of a tiny body colliding with yours. Your hand is ripped from Lo'ak, who bursts into a fit of laughter beside you. Your arms instantly curl around Tuk’s middle, turning carefully to ensure you'll take the brunt of the fall.
“You left me!” Her face is scrunched into a deep scowl, nose wrinkled, small lips pulled into a frown.
She pouts down at you from her new position, perched on your stomach. You can't help but smile, heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. Despite the clear anger pointed your way, nothing but joy floods your system at having her close again. You didn’t want to dwell on it while convincing yourself you’d never see this place again, but you missed her like crazy.
Slowly, you sit up, pulling her into a tight embrace in the process. She tucks into you without hesitation, face smooshing against your chest. Her little arms wrap around your waist, returning the hug with her full strength.
“I’m sorry, Tuk.” You murmur soothingly, head falling to rest on top of hers.
A huge, boyish grin splits Lo'ak's face, arms crossing as he watches the scene unfold. Warmth blooms in his chest at the sight of the bond you share with his baby sister. He knew she missed you, couldn't escape the constant questions about where you'd gone and when you'd be back every moment you were away.
“You skxawng (idiot)!” A new voice interrupts, your head instantly tilting up in recognition.
Despite the insult, a soft smile pulls at Kiri's lips as she approaches casually. You match her expression, moisture prickling at the corners of your eyes. You're quick to blink away the tears, a surge of embarrassment bringing color to your cheeks.
You didn't expect to feel this swarm of emotions, didn't anticipate being overwhelmed by the sight of your two closest friends welcoming you home with open arms. Kiri leans down, offering a helping hand. Your fingers slide into hers easily, gratitude brightening your expression as she pulls you up from the ground.
Tuk bounces to her feet beside you, hopping up and down excitedly. A giggle bubbles in your chest, tension gradually releasing the longer you're in the presence of her playful spirit.
A sudden, quiet gasp has your attention snapping back to Kiri. Her fingers twitch against yours, grip tightening to an almost painful degree. Her eyes pop wide, flicking between you and her brother.
“Did you...?” She pulls you in by the firm hold on your arm, words a breathless whisper into your ear as you stumble against her chest.
The color of your cheeks deepens, heat blanketing your neck and chest. Of course, she’d sense it, long before you could even formulate a plan to tell her. All you can do is nod, stomach flipping with unease. Your heart soars at the way her mouth pulls into a slow grin, relief flooding you when she doesn’t appear upset.
“Tuk, Y/N is our sister now.” She peers down at her with a hint of pride, the youngest Sully’s eyes popping wide in shock at the declaration.
Warmth swells in your chest, heart fluttering between your ribs. The whisper of belonging tickles your insides, weakens your knees. Threatens to bring you back to the ground with wave after wave of intense emotion.
“Is it true? Is it true?” She jumps up and down, beaming at you with such adoration, it makes tears spring to your eyes all over again.
The huge grin on your face must be confirmation enough because she lets out another scream, the excited wail echoing through Home Tree. You’re quick to shush her, gaze hastily scanning the area. You force down a thick swallow at the sea of concerned eyes that are already trained on your little group.
A low rumble has begun within the clan as they notice your presence. Many have paused their duties, instead openly staring as you’re greeted by the Olo’eyktan’s children. The weight of their judgement, the mounting questions you know you’ll soon be forced to answer, settles onto your shoulders.
The tightness around your spine returns in full force, muscles already aching from being pulled so taunt.
“Girls.” At the sound of a familiar rough voice, your smile falters.
Kiri’s hand drops yours, instead tucking against her chest as she folds into herself protectively. You realize she’s bracing for impact, steeling herself from the predictable wrath of her father before it arrives.
“Go back to your chores.” Jake’s expression is all hard lines, brow furrowed, lips pursed, eyes narrowed as they seem to dissect each one of you in the little circle.
“But dad! Y/N is—” Tuk begins excitedly, still beaming despite the obvious shift in everyone else’s demeanor.
“Now.” He barks, using a tone usually reserved only for his sons.
Lo’ak shifts at your back, long fingers curling around your bicep. You send him a questioning glance over your shoulder, but he only shakes his head before gently pulling you against him. You don’t fight the motion, instead relying on his stability as you lean into his chest. One of his arms slides along your stomach, holding you against him firmly.
Tuk deflates, not used to receiving such harsh orders from her father. Her shoulders slump, tiny lips pursing in irritation. Kiri is quick to wrap an arm around her, murmuring softly as she all but drags her away. Her eyes round as they slide toward you one last time, silently wishing you good luck.
Your heart rate instantly skyrockets at the impatient click of Jake's tongue. Hesitantly, your gaze meets his, stomach churning with unease. A long breath falls from his pursed lips, hard eyes sweeping down your form quickly.
“Believe it or not, I'm happy to see you in one piece, kid.” His voice is deep, rough despite the kind words. It's clear that something dark is brewing just beneath the surface as his attention snaps over your shoulder, tone sharpening. “Is what your brother says true?”
He chooses to speak in English, hoping to maintain a semblance of privacy for this conversation. The clan has no shame in the way they watch their leader with curious eyes, slowly forming a large circle around the three of you.
Fucking Neteyam, Lo'ak hisses internally, stiffening against you. He pulls you in closer, narrowed gaze shifting over the crowd, ready to piece at the slightest movement toward you.
“We are mated before Eywa.” His chin lifts confidently, words strong as they leave his lips with conviction.
Quiet sounds of shock roll through the clan, hushed murmurs making your ears flatten against your head. Jake lets out a short hiss of displeasure, expression tightening before it’s replaced with the usual hardened mask of dismissiveness. He looks away briefly, as if assessing the audience that continues to surround you.
“Listen close, son.” He leans toward you both, voice dropping to a tense whisper, pointing a finger right in Lo'ak's face. “I get it. I really do. Back in the day I would’ve done anything to be with your mom. But there are rules.”
Your breath hitches, ice cold dread seeping into your bones at the insinuation. There's no way he would...would he? You silently pray he’ll show you mercy, or at least try to understand where you’re coming from. You’d never forgive yourself if mating with you was the downfall of Lo’ak’s relationships with his family. His clan.
His fingers twitch against your stomach, pressing you further into his warmth. A low growl rumbles through his chest, vibrating the overworked muscles of your back. Your eyes pop wide at the threatening display he’s just showed his own father.
“I don't care. I love her, dad. I would do it again.” Your ears twitch at his affirmation, cheeks warming. You sink impossibly closer to him, needing the reassurance of his skin on yours in as many places as possible.
Jake suddenly stands to his full height, hands landing on his hips, an exasperated look crossing his face. His jaw clenches as he fights the urge to lay into Lo'ak for his blatant disrespect. The entire clan has now gathered in the area, and though he's disciplined his son many times in front of them, he doesn't want to cause a scene right now.
“Alright, let’s go, you two.” Long fingers pinch the bridge of his nose, another heavy sigh of disappointment leaving his lips. He turns in the direction of the Sully family tent, glare piercing straight through Lo'ak's questioning gaze. “I’m not facing your mother alone.”
With that, he stalks forward, expecting you to follow. You glance at Lo'ak nervously, the cord of panic squeezing your heart cinching tighter by the second. His lips quirk into the ghost of a smile, though the gesture doesn't reach his eyes.
He plants a quick kiss along your temple before shifting to your side. The arm that's been protectively wrapped around your waist doesn't waver as he guides you forward, following his father's lead. Your eyes cautiously trail over the dense sea of eyes as they part for you, before falling to the dirt, finding the scrutiny too much to bare.
Within a few short steps, the woven flap of their shared home slams shut behind you. A tremor wracks your body at the sight of Neytiri, hunched over a pile of fruit in the corner. Her rhythmic chopping halts instantly at the sudden presence in her home. She looks up, eyes widening when they land on Lo'ak.
She's on her feet in an instant, crossing the tent before anyone can even think about speaking.
“Oh, my youngest son.” She coos, relieved to see him whole and uninjured. He’d run off without so much as a goodbye, and she’d been worried sick, even ordering Neteyam only minutes ago to look for him.
Her expression drops, hardens when her eyes scan his form, catching on the way you're so tightly wrapped up against him.
“What is this?” The question is full of accusation, her gaze sharpening into the ferocious glare you've been dreading all day.
All you can do is watch as realization dawns. As she takes in the intimacy between you and her son, the way he holds you so protectively, like only a mate would do. She sees so much of Jake in her youngest boy, recognizes the defiant square of his shoulders all too well.
A soft gasp lodges in her throat, a shaky hand covering her mouth as she rears back as if she's been struck. Her eyes widen, utter horror darkening the usual bright glowing yellow. They jump between all three of you, as if unsure who to blame for this.
“Lo'ak, do not tell me...”
“It is done.” He instantly defends, voice even though his jaw is already clenching in preparation for the fallout.
Neytiri hisses aggressively, taking a few steps to the side, then back the way she came, pacing in front of you. Her tail flicks upward, standing at attention against her spine. She looks every bit the fearsome hunter she is, steely glare piercing straight to your core as she zeroes in on you.
“You have brought shame to this family!” She spits, looking at you like you've just committed the most egregious sin. Like her family is falling apart, and you're the cause.
“Don’t act like you didn’t do the same thing with dad.” Lo'ak growls, pulling you tighter against his side, the harsh tone of his accusation earning another hiss from his mother.
“Hey! Watch your mouth, boy.” Jake takes a step forward, narrowed eyes catching his son's pointedly. He stands at the ready only inches away, prepared to step in if things escalate.
“I did not mate with your father until he became one of The People! You will throw away your future for this—for her?” Despite the reservations she still harbors, she can't bring herself to call you a vrrtep (demon) any longer.
She recognizes everything you've done for the clan. For her family. You've brought Kiri out of her shell, given Tuk some direction, calmed Lo’ak’s rebellious spirit. Mo'at never stops singing your praises, even going so far as to suggest that Eywa would bless a union with Neteyam—had you not been so smitten with his brother—due to your skill within the Tsahik tent.
But you are still other. No matter how much she has secretly grown to tolerate you, she would never choose such a match for the son of Toruk Makto. Every union their children commit to holds weight, impacts the perception of the entire family. They must be strong to protect the clan, to be effective leaders.
“Okay, you know what? I'm just going to say it.” You release a tense breath, jerking free of Lo’ak’s tight hold as anger licks up your spine.
There's only so much you can take, so much judgement, so many harsh words before you have to stand up for yourself. For your relationship with Lo'ak. The thinly veiled restraint you've been desperately holding onto lays at your feet in tattered shreds as you take a step forward, ignoring the quiet plea from behind to calm down.
“Your mate used to the human! Used to be an Avatar!” A finger points harshly in Jake's direction, though your molten stare remains locked on Neytiri. “I have learned your ways, just like he did! I claimed an Ikran, just like he did! I have as much right to be one of The People as he did!”
Neytiri stills before you, fists clenched tightly at her sides, lethal glare blazing a hole straight through your tough exterior. Truthfully, you're terrified, trembling where you stand, heart clattering between your ribs harshly.
“You do not speak of Ma Jake!” She hisses, chin dropping menacingly, tail flicking back and forth harshly.
“I have been nothing but kind to you, and you have refused to even try to see me.” You're a bit breathless, surprised yourself at the way you've just spoken to her.
You never wanted it to be like this, never imagined this kind of tension could exist simply because of who you are. Who you love.
“I cannot see what does not exist.” She grunts, hard eyes slicing to Lo'ak, still wound tightly behind you. “All you do is take.”
“It won't be me that takes your son away, Neytiri, but your own prejudice.” A humorless laugh falls from your chest before you can stop it, stomach flipping with anger and frustration.
At the snap of your harsh words, the dam breaks, an animalistic snarl cutting the thick silence before Neytiri pounces. She lunges for you, hands raised to strike, face tight with rage. You rear back instinctively, but it's useless as Jake and Lo'ak rush to step between you.
“That's enough!” Jake roars, one hand wrapping around his mate's shoulders while the other locks around her waist, hauling her against his front.
She growls and fights against his firm hold for only a moment before allowing him to drag her away. Meanwhile, Lo'ak covers your body with his, crouching as he hisses at his mother dangerously. It feels foreign, wrong, the action shattering a fraction of his heart.
Under normal circumstances, he would never dream of disrespecting her in such a way. But now, he has no choice, he would die before allowing anyone to lay a hand on you in his presence. Even his own family.
When his parents are safely on the other side of the tent, he turns to you, both hands cradling your face tenderly.
“Tam, Tam (there, there), baby, mawey (calm).” He murmurs, lips caressing the skin of your forehead before he tucks you into his side.
Every one of your muscles is tense, trembling with pent up emotion. Your chest heaves against his, ragged breaths attempting to soothe your racing heart. Your arms wrap around his waist, looking for stability as you try calming raging emotions.
It's given you a tiny sense of release, having finally defended yourself the way you've been aching to since the moment you arrived in Home Tree. But still, it hasn't made anything better, hasn't relieved even a touch of the hostility that's palpable within the small space.
Lo'ak turns to face his parents, brow pinched in anger. He doesn't want to choose between you and his family, but he will without hesitation. He openly glares at Jake and Neytiri, something he'd never dare before this moment. Before everything crumbled right in front of him.
“Muntxa (mate),” He coos the term of endearment pointedly, sending a clear message as one of his hands trails soothingly down your spine. “Why don't you tell them what you told me?”
Your face jerks toward his as you lean back, creating a few inches of space that allow you to gaze up at him in question.
“I don't think now is a good time, Lo’ak.” Your words drip with uncertainty, completely lost as to why he would bring this up now.
“Tell us what?” Jake is already on high alert, spine straightening as his hold on Neytiri loosens a fraction. She's calmed in his arms, resigning herself to glaring at you from across the room.
A rough sigh leaves your lips, anxiety rearing its ugly head once again. You planned on delivering this news gently, over dinner or maybe even a warm fire. Definitely not like this, when emotions are already so high. Truthfully, you wanted to have this conversation privately, first sharing the information between you and Jake alone.
Lo’ak nods encouragingly, hoping you’ll follow his direction. He wants to show his parents that you’re on their side, that you’re fully committed to the clan. He knows this will help, and even if it’s not the best time, you don’t have much of that left anyway.
With another deep breath, your shoulders square, muscles tight in preparation to drop the bombshell.
“Two days ago, when I was at the lab, we received a correspondence. From an incoming ship.” Your voice is quiet, even as you brace yourself for the worst.
Jake drops his hold on Neytiri instantly, stalking forward a few steps in shock before reining in his rising emotions. No, no, it can't be, the words echo through his mind like a prayer. With two simple sentences, his worst fear has just come true.
“What are you saying?” He rasps, fists already clenched as every one of his muscles coils painfully tight.
“It was a hostile branch of the RDA. They were sending out feelers, trying to see if any humans survived the last two decades.” Your chin dips, apprehension clouding your mind at the look of pure horror on Jake's face. Your voice drops to a low whisper as you deliver the final piece of information you have. “They're supposed to land in five days.”
“No, no.” He's the one pacing now, eyes wide as they flick wildly around the tent, looking for something solid. He turns on you, a sudden gleam of accusation beneath his glare. “If that were true, Norm would've reached out.”
“He did.” Your brow pinches with confusion as you watch the always poised leader practically have a panic attack right in front of you.
He stops suddenly, recalling with agitation that he hadn't checked the tech tent within the last day. He'd been distracted, looking for Lo'ak.
“Fuck.” He rasps, turning on his heel to flee the tent in a few quick strides.
Just like that, the conversation is over, the issue of your union with Lo’ak seeming so petty now.
Silence blankets the room, palpable tension the only thing remaining in Jake’s absence. Your eyes sweep toward Neytiri cautiously, but she merely hisses before stalking through the door after him.
You’re left standing there, stomach turning with unease. Though Lo’ak instantly pulls you into him, wrapping you in the warm strength of his embrace, it does little to fill the gaping hole in your chest.
Because, after all this time, you’re no closer to belonging than when you first arrived.
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A frustrated huff leaves your pursed lips, brows pinched in concentration as you try—and fail—to focus on the task at hand.
Your fingertips are raw, skin battered by constant wear. The last several days have been a flurry of preparation. You've done little else but sit, hunched over well-used tools as you sharpen spears and arrowheads.
With one final swipe of stone against wood, you lift the jagged weapon up close for inspection. It's not great, but it will do. You toss it to the side, ignoring the sharp clatter as it tumbles onto the pile of finished products.
Your head lifts for a brief moment before grabbing the next log, eyes scanning the open area of Home Tree. A tiny breath of relief falls from your lips when they land on Lo'ak, dutifully helping Jake fit the newest group of warriors with their own woven chest pieces to mark their rising rank within the clan.
You haven't seen much of him since the fight in his family's tent. You've chosen to remain in your hammock at night. Traditionally, mates sleep together in the family home until they are ready to build a tent of their own, but there's no way you could subject yourself—or the rest of the Sully's, frankly—to that level of awkward.
He visits you at night, showering you with kisses to make up for lost time, even falling asleep in the cramped space with you once after a particularly grueling day. Things are changing fast, and the Recombinant's, as you've learned they're called, haven't even arrived yet.
It's scary, not knowing what to expect. Not knowing how you fit into all of this, despite the effort you’ve put into finding your place.
Your ears twitch at the sound of soft footsteps approaching. Your spine straightens, relief flooding you at the welcome distraction. You’re expecting Kiri, or even Tuk, but quickly deflate at the sight of Neytiri. Instantly, your eyes fall to your lap, hands busying themselves with another log before she sits down beside you.
You're tucked away in a corner, near the tree line, enjoying some much needed quiet as you work. It's just been so hectic, the constant bustling around Home Tree grating on your already fried nerves. So, when Jake asked for your help with this, you immediately found the most secluded spot that left Lo’ak within your line of sight.
You desperately try ignoring the way Neytiri's eyes bore into the side of your head, urging you to look at her.
“It is time.” Her voice is surprisingly soft as her eyes dance along your features, lips pressed into a firm line.
You can’t help but glance up at her in question, the cryptic phrasing making your heart leap with anxiety.
Unbeknownst to you, or anyone else, she has been watching you. She would never admit it, but your words from that day have stuck with her. They've nestled into the back of her mind, prodding each time her gaze finds you, rushing around her home to help in any way you can.
She has seen you prepare salves and balms with her mother and daughter, skillfully mixing ingredients almost as fluently as they do. It hit her, that day, how hard you must've worked all those weeks after Mo'at took you under her wing.
She's watched with careful eyes as you tend to the children, calming and entertaining not only Tuk, but now her friends by the raging fire each night. The other women have noticed, too, gazing upon you with soft smiles, and a hint of adoration.
Most importantly, she has seen how Jake guides you under his diligent instruction, looking after you as if you are one of his own. She sees the parallels between you, can understand why he's defended you all this time. Your dedication to the clan is clear, so obvious in fact that she's kicking herself, wondering how it took so long to realize.
“I will only say this one time, so listen close. I am sorry.” She knows she's been too harsh, too rigid. Eywa, even her youngest has been more welcoming.
She doesn't regret the protective instinct that drove her judgement, she would do anything to keep her children out of harms way. But at this point, she does recognize that maybe, just maybe, she let the fact that you're different cloud her mind, prevent her from seeing you as she should've a long time ago.
Your eyes pop wide in surprise, breath catching at the words you never imagined hearing from her.
“I can’t promise to always make the right decisions, but I will try.” The admission is gentle as she peers at you with rounded eyes, nothing but warmth shining within the bright yellow. “I know how Lo’ak feels, it is how I felt about Ma Jake. Though I wish you would have waited to mate, I should not expect anything else from my son.”
You're stunned, completely frozen as your brain slowly processes the words you've been dying to hear for weeks.
“I know I have not been fair to you, but for as long as you treat my son well, I will be happy to call you my daughter.” One of her hands rests gently on your shoulder, a tiny smile pulling at her lips.
A ragged breath leaves your quivering lungs, vision blurring. Your heart soars, chest caving with a quiet cry as tears slip freely down your cheeks. Finally, the last piece of the puzzle has clicked into the place. The last thing you needed to feel whole, to fully step into your new life—whether you would admit it or not—is her acceptance. And now you have it.
Your hand moves to cover hers, a wobbly smile the only response you can muster. For the first time in your twenty years here on the moon, you feel seen. Truly and fully seen by everyone that matters.
Now that you have her blessing, the only thing left to do is become one of The People in the eyes of the Great Mother, before the entire clan.
Excitement coils in your stomach, eyes glittering at the prospect of completing your own ceremony. Of emerging from this turbulent time better off, closer to the most authentic version of yourself.
There’s no doubt in your mind as Neytiri eagerly jumps into action beside you, helping to finish the last of the spears before eclipse blankets Home Tree in darkness, that you’re exactly where you were always meant to be.
That you’re exactly who you were always meant to be.
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Coming soon…
Neteyam x F!Avatar!Reader Series
You’ve been recruited by the Omatikaya clan. Finally given an excuse to use your Avatar for more than field tests and experiments. With the threat of war looming overhead, tensions mount, but it’s not the approaching hostile forces that keep you on high alert. A certain Olo’eyktan’s oldest son has been ordered to train you, so that you might be of assistance in the coming battle.
He’s determined to keep you at arms length. Distraction has never fit into his painstakingly structured life, and he surely has no time to entertain it now. Despite his best efforts, his restraint is tested beyond previously known limits. No matter how infuriating every interaction seems to be, he can't escape the fact that he's never been met with something quite as tempting as you.
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@bajadotcom @darksxder @fanboyluvr @dakotali @kaymarnun @mxshrooms009 @violet-violenc @neteyamforlife @cleverzonkwombatsludge @dazecrea @lcovelymaria @faeraella @bxbyalixo @nurayastories @emoballs69 @little-bunnybabe @callsignhotshot @idga-fudgeicle @alexandra-001 @avidreader3107 @goddesslilithmoriarty @ihonestlydontknowwhattonamethis @gwolf92 @danyxthirstae01 @dreamimix @dreamersbelieveinus @lovekeeho @wtf-why-do-i-gotta-do-this @abbersreads @jakesullyssluttt @keii-nn @hopelesslydevotedloser @quest-for-pluto @liyahsocorro @wingedghostpepper @ricecakeslove @gretesstuff @deserticwren @behindthearcane @neteyams-wifee @tomhreader @eywas-heir @lovedbychoi @b0rednb1tchy @neqeyam
@jackiehollanderr @belos-simp69 @daeneeryss @mazemymirror @daughterofthequeen @b-tchymoon @audrinawf
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cyncerity · 2 months
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i’m so happy i’ve been a part of this little community for as long as i have. everyone is super nice and inspiring and unbelievably talented, and im so glad to be posting content with people like y’all.
it’s absurd to think i’ve been doing this for 3 years and that i almost have 800 people here seeing it, but the love and support i’ve received over these years has been incredible. given that this is such a small community and i’ve either spoken with most of you or have at the very least interacted with your content, i feel confident in saying that every single person here is incredible in their own right and truly are the reason i stay here. you guys are genuinely the best, even if i forget to answer your asks or sometimes leave you on read for a while (i do that with everyone i’m so sorry) i mean it when i say that i do consider a good portion of you my friends. even if it’s been a while since we messaged or talked, you’re all awesome. and if i don’t know you personally, please feel free to message me! i love making friends, especially in a community like this that has time and time again proven to have some of the genuinely nicest people on the internet <3
i love writing and drawing and i’m not leaving here for a long while yet. the asks i’ve received saying that i inspired people to write, draw, or post are some of the nicest things i’ve ever received, and i truly mean it from the bottom of my heart when i say that those have changed my life. the self confidence and love for my craft that i’ve gained from being here is immeasurable, and that’s thanks to all of you, whether you’ve been here for years or are new to this blog.
given that this is an anniversary thing, i wanna thank @bittydragon, @baka-monarch, @wendy130, @darkeninganon, and @awesome-slime-lover for introducing me to this community. i was stalking their blogs on google far before i had an account here, and i only made an account so i could send them fanart, so you have them to thank for dragging me here lmao
i also wanna tag @plant-gt-thought-box, @kayla-crazy-stuffs, @blurrybunnie, @apersonstories, @funtimemoth, @mysticalblue09, @corysmiles, @pixy-stix-art, + some others who are not on tumblr anymore for being friends with me and actually being some of the kindest and funniest motherfuckers. Ik i haven’t spoken to some of you in forever, and i hope this isn’t coming off as parasocial, but you guys are awesome and i wish you nothing but the best (and if you wanna message more or get on vc again some time please lmk cause i am a social wuss)
and if i’m gonna list people i might as well tag the people who even if i don’t know as well, are all super talented and leave me marveling at everything they post on here (whether or not you post mcyt g/t anymore, you’re all still incredible creators who make me want to improve my own work): @eyes-eye-eyes (my /p wife <3), @wren-writes68, @jkknight98, @arc852, @brick-a-doodle-do, @oh-i-need-a-name, @quotemenevervore, @melissa-s23, @i-am-beckyu, @random-tinies, @archaxwii, @itty-bitty-rainbow, @goosedawn, @beansthough, @make-a-memory, @aslitheryprinx, @avengerofsquids, @thatoneteadrinker666, @shushiyuii, @x-pair-o-dice-x, @jammanthejam, @trouble-off-grid, @lunar-but-little, @frickfrackiwastakingabath, @chequered-career, @bio-nerds-corner, @dingbatnix, @cottoncandythetrashpanda, @sprite-addicted-artist, @colossal-red, @sheena-yuet, @quackxolotl, @local-squishmallow, @nobodywritingao3, @deity-of-keys, @astraymetronome, @a-xyz-s, and tumblr has now told me that i’ve hit the max of 50 mentions so i will have to reblog this with the rest of you (crazy to think that there’s that many of y’all but i really do want to shout out everyone) (also if you’re one of these blogs that doesn’t post mcyt anymore and don’t want yourself associated with it, just lmk and i will remove your tag from my list, just know that your previous work in this community was admired and appreciated <3)
also can’t forget the anons and the followers that aren’t outwardly a part of this community (don’t have g/t blogs, don’t have mcyt blogs, or just don’t post in general). i’m lucky enough that i’ve never received hate from an anon before, everything you guys have ever sent is so nice and you also have great ideas! I am so sorry if it takes me forever to share those ideas publicly, but know that each of you are appreciated. and for my followers, i truly wouldn’t be anywhere without you guys, so thank you for supporting me <3
anyway, i might be getting over sentimental about all this, but 3 years is a long time, and over that time i’ve grown very attached to this little group of creators and i just wanted to let you know how loved and appreciated you are
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coqvttes · 7 months
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i hit 1k followers today and i just want to say thank you so so much, everyone. all the moots i’ve met on here are absolutely amazing and so so kind! i love every single one of them to bits and all the anons in my inbox are sweethearts too. thank you for making this a positive space for me so far. i really appreciate everyone and i’m so happy that people enjoy what i write and what i post, i can truly be myself on here. i truly love you all and i appreciate every single one of you. xx
i want to say special thank yous to some of my lovely mooties. (≧◡≦)づ ♡
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@bearieio, spencerr, you were my first ever moot. you've just been so sweet and so so warm to chat with. you’re sooo pretty?? and really sincere! thank you for being my first friend on tumblr. (:
@dizzyntrr : maxine! my british bestie! i do LOVE seeing what you post on your blog and hearing about how your day went! your poetry is so lovely and so are you; i love your choice of vocabulary haha.
@yonphilia : you're truly amazing, mio! you’re always checking up on me and sending me lovely asks! you’re so so so energetic and kind and supportive.
@cigsnfilms : my supporterrrr. one of the first to interact with me and please we need to talk moreee. i LOVEE all the stuff you reblog i live for it!
@poisonedprose : you are such a talented writer, i remember reading a fic of yours before i even started this blog and i just remember it all. vira, you truly have a wonderful way with words and you’re just super nice!
@arthursgf1 : i love the aesthetic of your whole blog and everything you post and reblog (live laugh love arthur morgan). and dev, you're so so sweet! i'd love to talk to you more!
@konigceo : lala my love, your blog is SOO cute and pretty and pink and lovely and aheioshzh. your writing makes me blush and kick my feet up in the air literally!!
@solutopia : solana, i’ve always loved your name soooo much! and your blog themes are always gorgeous i love seeing your new ones. thank u sm for sending me asks often you’re really kind, darling.
@spiderst4rgirl : belle, you are just spontaneous and a big bundle of energy, literally, you make me burst out laughing so often. i love how pretty your moodboards are AND YOU ARE SO PRETTY TOO.
@starzu : you're blog is so so so lovely and so are you, you post nearly everyday and you work yourself so hard! i love all of your ideas in your fics and you deserve a big hug and i'll give it to you!
@norafaye : i just love how you've done up your blog so much! nora, you're so so creative and i love that so much! you're super supportive and real it's so nice to have a moot who loves f1 too!
@angedetoile : you're my bae, i love how you message me all the time and send me stuff all day. you are literally an angel and a total sweetheart. your goofy tiktoks make me laugh too omg.
@kasumitenbaz : kassandra! we've literally just met and all but i have to mention you. you are really sweet and your blog theme is so adorable and so are you. can't wait to talk 2 you more!
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
New York | J.Hughes
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part two of vancouver
Don’t know what this is, I may re-write
“Silly text and said the jackets are getting into town a couple days before the game next week, his girlfriends playing at the garden if you wanna go?” Ty shouted through the house.
“Yeah sure man, whatever!”
Ty had been trying to do things with Jack to keep his mind off you. He was a good friend, trying so hard but nothing worked when Jack was so caught up.
When the day came to go to the concert Jack regretted agreeing to it in the first place. He didn’t have the social battery for this.
“Come on man, smile. It’ll be fun”
“Yeah, Yeah”
Cole hadn’t stopped gushing over Tate and how nervous she has been for this performance, Jack just blocked it out. He didn’t intend to be rude but he simply didn’t want to be there.
The lights dimmed and screams erupted as Tate appeared on the stage.
“Hey everyone thank you for coming out tonight! I wanted to personally come on here to introduce my support act! I don’t doubt you’ve heard her already and adore her sound as much as I do. So please let’s hear it for Y/N”
For the second time Jack felt like he couldn’t breathe.
Ty turned to him “Man I didn’t know-“
“It’s fine” he snapped, watching as you walked into his view.
He hadn’t seen you since that day in his apartment.
You hadn’t really changed but you had changed everything all at the same time.
That song that he knew all too well started. He had listened to it so many times.
Jack never went out with everyone else after the show, excusing himself to go home. Nobody questioned it anymore, just being grateful that they managed to get him out in the first place.
You hadn’t gone out either, opting to go back to your hotel room with Netflix on.
Your phone was sitting beside you on the bed taunting you to text, you tried desperately not to give in to the urge to reach out. Your heart gave in, snatching the phone up and opening iMessage.
Jack was almost asleep when his phone went off, reaching out blindly to open the phone, sitting up and blinking wildly when he saw your name.
i saw you tonight.
He read the message over and over again as if it wasn’t just four words.
silly invited us. nice song btw
He immediately regretted hitting send, overthinking if the message was too snappy and rude, it was too late to delete it.
The three dots on your side appeared and disappeared over and over causing Jack’s heart to beat faster and faster.
thanks, wrote it about this guy I love or whatever.
Jack stared at the message. love.
I think that guy misses you or whatever.
… goodnight jack.
Jack kept thinking back to your conversation the next day, running it back at every chance he had.
During practice, getting ready for the game, even in the locker room. You truly hadn’t left his mind since the moment he saw you again.
He tried to shake the thoughts off during the game, trying to throw himself into it and play as best he could.
Jack was on the bench watching the jumbotron as it panned over excited fans until it stopped on a familiar jersey. It was his jersey, his first Devil’s jersey.
You’d taken it one night he was playing away, wanting to wear some merch but not having anything in Michigan accept the jersey he’d left before he moved.
You smiled and waved to the camera, seeing yourself on the big screen. Jack couldn’t help but smile too. It all felt right.
Game ended with a win, Jack was on a high right now feeling better than he had all year.
He never saw you, deflating him slightly after the game. He’d hoped to find you outside the locker room or in the foyer. No luck.
He’s gone home alone with Ty finally getting a car he’d driven himself but offered to take Dawson home first.
So being the only one home supposedly it gave Jack quite a shock to find someone infront of the apartment.
He could see his surname plastered across the persons back and it didn’t take a genius to work out who it was.
“I never thought I’d see you here again”
You spun around to the source of the voice, a smile softly playing on your lips.
“Yeah, um- neither did I”
Jack awkwardly played with his hands “What are you doing here?”
“I just- does he miss me?”
“Does that guy really miss me?” You asked again, Jack smirked when he question finally registered.
He nodded slowly “So much”
You took in a deep breath “I miss him too”
There was a single beat of silence before you lunges forward into Jack and he did too, holding onto one another and kissing like your life depended on it.
Pulling away you looked up at him and smiled “God I love you”
“My names Jack babe, not god”
The Hughes’ were ecstatic to hear you were back together again as was Ty who was just grateful his roommate wasn’t going to be so angry all the time.
You’d done long distance again with your work you had to but you made strict rules of no working in the off-season so your album was produced by then.
So a year on you were sat with him now on the Fourth of July with your friends. The speaker played the local radio while you two cuddled up on a chair.
“And now we have a new chart entry from Y/N Y/L/N, this is her first song since the number one hit vancouver and we’re sticking with the geographical theme with her new hit - New York”
The song was an open love letter to Jack, detailing everything you’d gone through. You could feel him hold you tighter throughout.
When the song was close to finished you felt him lean into your ear and whisper “I love you but you gotta stop writing songs about me”
You chuckled “But you’re my muse baby”
“I’ll be your muse forever just stay writing love songs ok?”
“Got it, happy songs only you just can’t make me sad”
He looked so serious when he replied “I’ll never ever make you sad again”
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hiddenwashington · 3 months
** insert the yearly disclaimer that everything is fine and this is just maig being an absolute sap **
hi :)) somehow, by some miracle, we have made it around to yet another anniversary, and i can say with utter disbelief and overwhelming gratitude that hidden is now SIX YEARS OLD. i feel like a damn grandmother telling y’all a story here but, when i started this place in a 2am spite fueled, sleep deprived rage, and then hit the tags that same morning at nearly 5am, never once did i look at a main and think i’d be making a six year anniversary post. that we’d even stay open for that long, that this would grow to be… bigger than me, bigger than the team or hidden  itself. hidden is a home to so many, a place where people can be themselves and find a community together, and that has everything to do with all of YOU.
the members who have been here for 6 days, or 6 years, those who have been here and poured their hearts out onto the dash, who have been here just to play a joke character.. the members who have come and gone, the members who are here now, all of you are the reason hidden is the way that it is. you all have created this incredible community with each other, that sometimes all i can do is just sit back and admire all of you. the way everyone has been so welcoming and warm to every new person who has joined, that you all have welcomed people in with open arms and genuinely like ?? no prompting from us ?? just from being yourselves. not only is this a home, a true real home in such a difficult world, but god the TALENT ??? i have never seen such amazing writing, or editing, the absolute joy you all have in writing your characters comes across so easily, the support you all have for each other. the events that we have, i don’t think could ever be pulled off with another group. i truly am sitting here just consistently in awe of all of you. i really could not do this without all of you here, you are the heart of hidden. the warmth in this place, the joy, the backbone, everything is you, friends. thank you for allowing me to be your head admin, allowing me to be utterly odd and strange and still loving me the way i love all of you, thank you for supporting this team, and this place. thank you for all the time and energy you put in here, and know that it does not go unnoticed. truly, just thank you.
and now, for 5 people’s absolute favorite time of the year, the moment when i gush like a proud mom about my admin team. please allow me to highlight these people, to lift them up for everything that they do, to show them the gratitude i truly hope they feel every other day of the year. sunny: gotta always start with you, my day one, the other half of my brain. i don’t know what i would do without you, genuinely. hidden would absolutely not be here today without you, without your support of me and my absolute batshit ramblings that i send in your dms, the way you have been able to look at a situation and calm it down with just one message.. for being the voice of reason that i need, for being the best friend i could ask for. finding each other wasn’t an accident and i’m so glad that i have gotten to know you through this weird fucking hobby and found so many more to share with you. also?? thank you for being there during my wedding, for keeping my head on straight that day. i love you so much. ♥ jodie, i just fucking love you fam,  the absolute heart of the team. you are one of the kindest, most fiercely loving person i have ever met. if someone is struggling, i know you are right there to offer any kind of help you can (even if it's biting someone). you are always the one who i know will be there to have someone’s back, to support everyone when they need it. and i hope you know that that goes both ways. you are so loved on this team, thank you for all the research you do, thank you for taking all the marvel questions, for being the other teacher of my star wars school, for always laughing with me when we’re about to do something utterly ridiculous to get us yelled at. i am just so thankful for you, and i know i would’ve gone nuts if i didn’t have you here making me laugh. kasey, my player 2 (or i’m player 2?? idk), my bluetooth connected bitch. i swear people think us being the same person different fonts sometimes is a bit, and really it’s not. our shared braincell just doesn’t know how to function alone. thank you for always being there when i need to vent, for being able to offer a kind way of telling me to chill tf out, for being my platonic life partner. i know you hate the sappiness but i just need you to know that i couldn’t do this without you either. also a quick thank you for also being there during my wedding, for allowing me to be unapologetically myself and keeping me calm and laughing during all the insanity that was going on that week. just thank you. really, i love you so much, bitch, i won’t make you suffer with being loved on more.
aria, the actual owner of the braincell, the powerhouse of fc suggestions and research. your knowledge and ability to find suggestions and solutions to complex situations always has me in awe. i know when i see you typing in the chat, we’re going to get an answer, a solution or something new to consider that helps us fix whatever is going on. you truly are the reason things get solved around here. and also thank you for being the other face on the main, the way that you and ollie clear the inbox so fast always has me dumbfounded. and thank you for every check you have done, every moment you have spent here with us. i hope you know when i see little guys in shows, i always go “oh aria would love them”. your icons in the chat / your names always have me dying. you’re truly so fucking funny fam, the comments you make in dnd take me out. i just hope you know how loved and appreciated you are. thank you for being my friend, i love you a lot. and ollie, i don’t know what the fuck we would do without you. seriously, like only a year and a half in and you are ???? the reason the main gets cleared out most days. i don’t know how you do it, one moment it’s full and the next the entire mains cleared, the pages are updated, you and aria are working through their list of fixes and the entire check is done (INCLUDING MY PARTS :(( ). despite all of our teasing about changing the password on you, i hope you know that none of the work that you do EVER goes unappreciated. i also am just so glad that i have gotten to know you better over the past year and a half, that since you joined the team i am so glad that i get to call you my friend. also, i always know when i send a new frog, you’ll come in yelling about loving them and it always makes me smile. you’re so loved by me and the team. thank you for everything. okay, i’m done now.
i’m making myself stfu friends i promise. just, hidden you have no idea how utterly blessed we are to have these five as our admin team. i know i barely even know sometimes, because fuck i couldn’t do this without them. i just am so filled with love and appreciation for every single one of you, those who are here now, and those who may be lurking and have come and gone. know i love you all. and just THANK YOU. it is the greatest joy and blessing in my life to call myself your head admin. thank you for making hidden your home. here’s to SIX FUCKING YEARS and all the ones after it!
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all the love always -- admin maig ♥♥
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pralinesims · 2 years
Uhm, hi. Hello?
First of all, I am sorry for worrying some of you guys so much. I truly can't express how grateful I am to everyone sending me messages, trying to get in touch with me, supporting me, etc... I read all of your messages, I will try to reply to them piece by piece. I am so sorry that I can't do that immediately, but currently I am not in the capacity for that. Please forgive me, and know that your words reached my heart, I seriously mean it.
How should I start? Recent months were... Rough. Damn rough. Mentally, I've been the lowest I've ever been in my life. Even lower than usual. Bottom-pit low. It's uncomfortable talking about it, but it was... hazardous, if you understand. Won't say more about it. Around christmas holidays, my depression started getting more extreme. Main catalysts were probably the feelings of abandonment, issues with myself, loneliness + social disappointments, family deaths that happened, experienced sicknesses, world events, etc. All this stuff kept piling up with time, bad things never seemed to end, day by day I felt more awful and wanted to disappear. I also deleted all social media from my phone, plus I changed my phone number. I just was sick of everything.
After a few months of feeling like shit, I thought I would get a little bit better. Nope. Covid had to strike 2 of my immediate family members, and me. Worsening my mental health again, plus physical health after thinking I maybe recovered a bit. This put a real blow to my mental health once more, after desperately attempting for years to not catch it. And it still got me, while being 99% only at home. FML.
That virus lasted 3 around weeks, it was horrid. Had all kinds of different symptoms in a limbo, when thinking it would get better, it got worse again. Coughed like a madman, and still do. Some symptoms don't seem to disappear yet, even after testing negative for weeks now. My asthma got worse aswell, breathing is way harder and I get dizzy real fast.
I still don't feel good mentally at this moment, but at least not as severe, and a bit better to allow myself to go online a bit and interact here a little. Baby steps, right? I can't promise I will be online now all the time, but it's been first for me now since a few months. I realize I have to adjust to this again. Feels nice, and a bit scary too if I'm being honest. Kinda unfamiliar to do social stuff again. I really missed being here, but not being online also felt good. It was what I needed, everything else would have overwhelmed me.
Not everything was completely negative though, during my abstinence, I got into some new interests while trying to stay sane and keep myself distracted & occupied (or you could say, reawakened some old hobbies): I've really gotten into fragrances, baking, collecting dolls, decorating with flowers, and drinking tea. Yes, me. Some might remember my rants about tea tasting like warm water. During covid, after losing my taste and smell senses, I learned to appreciate softer taste profiles. I'm consuming almost every day something that contains tea leaves. Call that growth.
Anyways, thank you for reading this. I don't know how to end this, and this text just doesn't need to be longer. I'm so happy for you having interest in me as a person, and not only as a CC creator and Sims player. Much love to you 🤍
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kimtaegis · 6 months
✨Dear Annie!✨
🌟I truly love your “Christmas at Annie’s” FESTIVAL of LOVE! ❤️💜💞✨✨✨
Especially now with our boys being away and everything. 🥰💜💫💗💫✨First of all, I would like to tell WONDERFUL YOU, how much I enjoy your beautiful work, wise words & your eternal kindness. 💗🦄🌟❤️✨✨Even without knowing it, you helped me through a lot in the last year. Thank you so much.☺️💞🌟 You’re forever in my ❤️, lovely Annie.✨
💗I’m also so glad having met @always-is-always on here. Dear Teresa, I‘m so grateful that I can call you my friend, even in real life, despite us living on different continents. 💜❤️🥰💗💞With Bangtan, nothing is impossible. Thank you for working with me sending light and protection to them and all in all spreading the love. You give me strength. Love you lots!❤️✨💜🌟💗💫✨
😇 Dear @sweetjikook! I‘m so happy to have met you through Bangtan. ❤️💞💫Thank you so much for your friendship, humor, wisdom and the amazing photos from SK. And for being a dog lover. 🐶 Hopefully, we can go together to one of the concerts in 2026, Hon. Love you!🥰✨✨❤️💜💫😘✨✨
💗Lovely Sky @jung-koook! ��🌟💜💞❤️💗I‘m forever grateful for your incredible work and being here for all of us. 💜💫✨💜❤️✨It‘s so wonderful how you are keeping it all together, all of us informed, all the while being so lovely, patient and kind.☺️❤️💞💗✨💫
🌟Dear @daffyjjk! I‘m very happy and honored to have met you on here, feeling so connected through our FOREVER-LOVE for BTS. 💫❤️💫💜✨❤️🌹✨I just love it when you show glimpses of your beautiful culture. 🌸🌺🌼✨Big hug! 🌹💐🧚‍♀️
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✨Dear @jmdbjk! I sooo enjoy your beautiful write ups. Thank you so much for all you do! 💗💞💫💜❤️✨💫✨
💜My dear Artie @chikooritajjk, thank you so much for your incredible posts, full of wisdom and love. Reading you is always so enlightening and fascinating. 💗💫💐💫❤️💞🌟🧚‍♀️💞😇I‘m very grateful for our friendship. Love you so much. 🥰
😀My lovely, hilarious @bucky13, I just love your posts! So funny. ❤️💜💞🌟✨💫They singlehandedly helped me through some hard times. Thank you so much!💜💗💫🧚‍♀️🌹❤️💞
✨💗Dear Joy @joyswonderland1108! 🌹Even if you post less at the moment: I will forever be grateful for our friendship and your insight into everything Bangtan. Love you!🎄🌟💫💜❤️❤️💗✨💃✨💞✨
I also wouldn’t enjoy being an ARMY half as much if I hadn’t @mimmi1963, @andy-wm, @chimstarlight, @kanmom51, @mariajmajesty, @roo-bastmoon, @irmi3454, @akookminsupporter, @irishhorse-blog, @marengogo, @carolinamountainthyme, @jkjmbtsarmy, @bangtanboizz, @bookscandlesnbts, @atxn8, @juliapark13, @monismochi, @everkook, @julietapark, @jimin-updates, @mimikoolover, @verseziam, @kaylee9597, @jikook-married, @hon3ymo0n, @aricastmblr, @jimimn & @seoul-bros in my life. And I miss @whysojiminimnida. 🥰 Knowing you all makes the current heartbreak a bit less painful. Love you all so much! 💗 We will go through this together, waiting patiently and not so patiently for our beloved Boys to come back. Big hug!💞💫💗🥰💜🌹🌟❤️🌸✨💗✨🌸✨💫
✨Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays to all of you and ESPECIALLY to our AMAZING ANGEL ANNIE.😇🎄💗💫🌟✨❤️💫🌟✨🧚‍♀️
dearest janeli, what a special letter 🥺 you have such a big heart and I’m so happy for all of these amazing people to receive so much love from you, I hope it’ll always return to you to the same extent. thank you for sharing your generous kindness, it truly means a lot to have such supportive, sweet people like you here who will always go out of their way to make everyone feel happy and loved. I wish you the most wonderful christmas time, darling, you deserve all the good things in the world, no matter what time of the year! please stay healthy and keep being the incredible angel you are for all the years to come. I’m sending you all my love!!! 💖🤍🎁💝
also let me try to tag @everkook again for you, so they see this beautiful message too 💓
Participate in Christmas at Annie’s 🎁
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buckys-wintersoldier · 5 months
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First of all, thank you to everyone who joined me and helped me with that idea. For finding those nice words, even when she knows that you appreciate her, even when she knows that you love her work. And a special thank you also to @lives-in-midgard, without her, I would not have found the courage to really do this. You helped me when I was just a minute before I threw that all away.
Skittle? @mrsbuckybarnes1917
Finally, you are allowed to know about the surprise. I made this to thank you. I know you already know that I appreciate you, but I wanted to show you that not only I do, but also other people do, and it’s a better way than just telling you.
But thank you so much for always being so kind and helpful. You’re not annoyed, and even when the day isn’t perfect, sometimes it never changes your kindness. Not many people are like you are, and I hope you know deserve all the good and the best and that you’re worth it.
It’s an honor to be your friend and get your support personally and with fics. It's always fun to talk to you about ideas and add details, but it’s also fun to talk to you about everything else. I hope you know that I will always be there for you and support you as much as I can. The moment you started following me and whenever a notification with your name appeared in my notification, it made me so happy because it was and still is such an honor.
And I’m not the only one who thinks like that, so here are some people who think so too. Enjoy their messages for you.
@ellemj: You were the very first writer to ever reach out to me on Tumblr and honestly, I freaked out a little when I saw your user and realized I'd definitely read your work before. It was like I was living out some kind of dream. You're so kindhearted and willing to talk to other members of the community, it's inspiring. I feel lucky that I've gotten to be on the receiving end of your kindness. Thank you for being a friend and thank you for sharing your amazing works with us all!
@lives-in-midgard: Dear Skittle, I want to let you know that I really enjoy reading your stories and always love to see what you came up with! 💗 Beside that I also really love to see you in my notification or on my for you page. Reading your comments on my fics always makes me smile! I'm sending you hugs! 💞
@buckyysdoll: hon, you truly seem like such a genuinely sweet person. the way you interact with the fics you love and reblog on your page is honestly heartwarming, and you can see even from an outsider’s view how affectionate and encouraging it is. keep up your kindness hon, & happy belated new year too! we need more people like you in this world 💛🌻☀️sending love & hugs from a stranger xx
@sergeantbarnessdoll: I love her. She always has something nice to say, even when you’re having a bad day
anon: I love your work, it always puts a giddy smile on my face and brightens my day. When I see a new post I do a wee happy dance in my seat (or bed).
anon: Hi Skittle I love reading your stories! And I always get excited when I see that you have a new one shot!
@rogersbarber: such an incredible and talented person!!🖤
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never-be-tamed · 17 days
I find myself often reflecting on the incredible journey we've shared, and I am filled with immense gratitude and love for you. There are not enough words to express how much you mean to me, but I hope this message captures even a fraction of my appreciation for you. From the very beginning, you have been my anchor, my rock, and my constant source of strength. Your unwavering support and belief in me have given me the courage to face even the darkest of days. You see the best in me, even when I struggle to see it in myself, and for that, I am eternally grateful. Your humor lights up my life. I love how you can make me laugh even in the most serious moments. Your jokes, your playful teasing, and even the way you pout when things don't go your way – all of these make my heart swell with joy. You bring so much happiness into my world, and I cherish every laugh we share. I am also deeply touched by your kindness and compassion. You have a way of making everyone around you feel valued and loved. Your generosity knows no bounds, and I am constantly in awe of your ability to give so selflessly. You inspire me to be a better person, and I am proud to stand by your side. Even more, I am moved by your strength and resilience. Life has thrown many challenges our way, yet you face each one with grace and determination. Your courage in the face of adversity is nothing short of extraordinary, and it reminds me that together, we can overcome anything. But perhaps what I love most about you is your heart. You love so deeply and fully, and it is an honor to be the recipient of that love. You make me feel cherished and adored, and I want you to know that I feel the same way about you. Your love has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible, and I am forever grateful for the bond we share. Alex, you are my best friend, my confidant, and my everyrhing. I am so proud of the man you are and the man you continue to become. I am incredibly lucky to have you in my life, and I promise to always stand by your side, just as you have stood by mine. Thank you for being you, and for loving me so completely. I look forward to all the memories we have yet to make and the adventures that await us. You are my everything, and I love you more than words can say.
I— PLEASE send some love and appreciation to this wonderful woman, she deserves the whole load, the whole package of affection and kindness I MEAN SHE IS JUST WOW, SEE i am speechless again. 🤯
You are such a wonderful soul, I JUST WISH THAT YOU COULD SEE HOW WONDERFUL YOU TRULY ARE, I adore everything you are, shadow and light, good and bad, every aspect of you inspires me to be the man that you deserve and I'm trying my very best to be that man for you. And I love love love our honest and pure communication about anything and everything. I am so happy to have you with me, I wouldn't trade our bond for anything in this world. You showed me that it's okay to not always be that strong, that I don't always need to make sense, that it's okay to have days where I don't feel my best, to let the mask fall that I was wearing for so long, that it's okay to make mistakes that I can grow from in the end. You show me so much. And I love love love our journey so far and I'm sure I will love everything there is to come. Everything we went through, lead us to each other. And I would do it all again, in a heartbeat, all that struggle, heartbreak and shit just so I can be with you and near you in the end. I love you so much Babes. Thank you for being you, for being by my side through thick and thin, THANKS TO YOUR PARENTS FOR BRINGING SUCH A GREAT SOUL INTO THIS WORLD, INTO MY WORLD, I LOVE YOU ENDLESSLY, WHOLEHEARTEDLY AND TRULY.
And... since you love it so much and it makes you laugh (🙄) :
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bunnakit · 6 months
Not Me Episode 4 Music
Flares - Life in Colour
We immediately jump in with Flares as Sean is experiencing a nightmare. Stretch time but I guess if you wanted you could read this as Sean subconsciously sending up a signal flare for help.
Last Night, Last Night, Last Night - Well Then, Goodbye
This kicks in as Black is leaving Sean in the flashback; this could be a tie in with the 'Last Night' title as in it's a memory Sean is recalling that might feel like they just happened OR there could be a tie with the band name being 'Well Then, Goodbye' as Black very unceremoniously leaves Sean to his fate. (Either way, my ears don't particularly like this song, the reverb gives me ickies. Thank you misophonia.)
To Whom It May Concern - Rap Against Dictatorship (ft. Liberate P, Nazesus, and GSUS2)
The first time I saw the dance scene I got goosebumps and I could tell the show had done something big here. Allow me to infodump a bit. Rap Against Dictatorship uses their platform and their music to bring attention to the ongoing state of Thailand under military rule, especially during election time. They were founded in 2017 and released their first single in 2018. After the release of their single the members were threatened with arrest by police who later backpedaled after the music went viral and the group gained the support of the public. In 2019 they were awarded with the Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent* at the Oslo Freedom Forum. During the 2020-2021 Thai protests one member was arrested with other pro-democracy activists and later charged with sedition. Their music is often censored in Thailand due to it's anti-goverment and anti-monarchy message. (I love them so much, your honor.)
*Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent is an award established in 2012 by the New York City-based Human Rights Foundation (HRF). According to HRF President Thor Halvorssen, the prize recognizes individuals "who engage in creative dissent, exhibiting courage and creativity to challenge injustice and live in truth"
Downloaded Truth - Marten Moses
As White and Todd are discussing Eugene and Todd is persuading White to reach out to her this song comes in. It could be just a neat song, it could be that White found this downloaded little piece of truth in the video on Black's phone.
Crushed by A P O L L O
I'm fairly certain this, or a remix of it, is what is playing as White is on his phone texting Eugene? I know I've heard the song before and I have it stashed somewhere, Crushed sounds very close but I can't tell if it's quite right? Sometimes they put a little filter over the song or play an arrangement that's midway through the song and it trips me up a bit. If it isn't Crushed then it's very likely another Apollo piece (though none of the ones on that album, I checked.)
As Gram and White discuss the aftermath of the fire we get a little more Downloaded Truth.
As Nuch, Gram, and White all meet in the garage a bit more of Crushed's beat plays in the background.
3 (Instrumental Version) - Bambi Haze (ft. Lu Ni)
Just as White is hugging Eugene and trying to placate her this song comes in. There are truly no connections to be made here, no leaps or stretches to be found. (Though both this and several of Marc Torch's songs are on Epidemic Sound, a host for a lot of royalty free music, so this could be where GMMTV sources a good chunk of their music.)
Closer - Morphlexis
As Eugene climbs in White's lap this song plays and it could be a nod to Eugene wanting to be closer to Black or that she is physically closer to White, again, if we want to make some big stretchies.
When Eugene wakes up we're gifted with another appearance from Tripping over Danger which also wraps up the episode.
thank you so much to everyone who reads these! i recommend checking back at some older posts as i have made some updates (sometimes i miss songs and realize it later.) i promise to make a masterpost of these once we're done and i'll put together a little list of my favorites!
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deleteddewewted · 2 years
Could you do Male readerx Mount Lady x Miruko Sweat and sour. R is tired of Yu publicly denying that she is in a relationship because of her "brand". When she is confronted, Yu asked how people would react that she is sleeping with a quirkless nobody. R gets upset and leaves to his friend Rumi's house. She comfort him and suggests they make a sex tape as payback. Maybe end it with a, "He's mine now, bitch." (Could the smut be from the perspective of Yu watching the tape?) Thanks.
Sweet and Sour: Revenge Tape
Mirko x M! Reader x Mount Lady
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event (May 21 - June 26)(JJK, MHA, KNY Characters Only!)❤️🖤
❤️🖤Sweet And Sour Event Masterlist❤️🖤
W: Breeding Kink, Sub! Mirko, Angst, NSFW, Dom! Reader, Male! Reader, Impact Play, Overstimulation, Daddy Kink, Revenge, Sex Tape
If you'd like to support my work (Check my Ko-fi and Throne!)
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Takeyama didn’t know what to think of you after you ignored her texts for the past two days. She knew she messed up and she knew she embarrassed you but you always came back to her. You always answered when she called, always responded to her texts when she’d send one. But, after a disastrous night out where you tried to pull her into a kiss after eating out at a restaurant she’d been dying to try, you hadn’t responded to any of the messages she had sent.
“For the love of fuck, Y/n. Answer me!” She grew frustrated with you. It wasn’t normal for her to be ignored. What could be so important that you felt the need to ignore her?
More days went by and eventually, she gave up on calling you. You ignored all attempts to be contacted and didn’t bother to interact with any of the mutual friends you both had.
“Yu, have you ever thought of going to your ex’s house?” Nishiya rolled his eyes at his roommate and sighed when he watched her deflate.
“Yu, do you even like Y/n romantically?” Takeyama’s eyes widened, offense clear on her face.
“Yes! Of course, I do! Why would you ever assume I didn’t?” Takeyama yelled. She felt her eye twitch as Nishiya judged her with his gaze.
“Are you serious right now?” He sighed. The stress of having to deal with her complicated emotions was too much for him.
“Yes! I love Y/n. He’s my boyfriend!” She whined.
“If he’s your boyfriend then why don’t you let him kiss you in public?”
“Because-” She tried to clarify herself but Nishiya cut her off.
“Why don’t you let him hold you or hug you, then? Why isn’t he able to call you or acknowledge you as his girlfriend while you’re both out, huh?” He raised his brow at her all while looking smug.
He knew every single detail and event of your relationships. It was embarrassing how much he knew about you and Takeyama. He knew how much you devoted yourself to her and how little she gave back. He watched how Takeyama spent hours on the phone talking to you about something that caught her interest and how attentive she became any time you spoke. He had to watch how you both cuddled on the couch during a movie night and how loud you fucked in Takeyama’s bedroom afterward. It disgusted him to hear how casually Takeyama dismissed you for quirkless nobody when I’m public and during interviews.
“Oh, him? Yeah, no, he’s just some mega fan who I like to take pity on. Poor guy is quirkless so he likes being around heroes.” The mocking and annoying laugh she would let out was just as vile as her words. He could see that she loved you, that she truly wanted something with you besides getting a quick lay. He saw it but so did her manager. 
Everyone around her told her that she had to pretend not to know you. Being seen with a quirkless was mildly disapproved of but dating willingly was the biggest insult to modern society. The hero world expected her to do her duty and to bring children into this world who would best her capabilities. But if they found out that a quirkless had managed to breed and fuck her full of their cum, the hero world would implode in a mix of joy and disgust. You were no one and nothing in their world and because of that, you were not allowed to be recognized as her partner.
“You know why. Do you think I’m happy with this? I want to be able to go out with my boyfriend on cute dates and be able to kiss him without feeling shame.”
“So you are shamed of him?” Takeyama covered her face as she thought to herself.
She wasn’t ashamed of you, not at all….at least that was what she told herself to cope with the circumstances. She was raised in a society that valued quirks and the type of quirk you possessed. She was practically destined to be a hero the moment her quirk manifested and spent her time being praised for doing the bare minimum. When she got with you, she was looking for an adventure, something new and foreign to her. She loved the simplicity of your life yet how difficult it was for you. The way you navigated life without a quirk made her completely enamored with you which sold her in the idea of committing herself fully to you. You were the “it” she had been looking for and once she got you in her bedroom after a night of clubbing, she knew that no one other than you would be able to satisfy her. 
Takeyama still remembered what her first time with you was like. You were gentle with her even as you noticed all of the scars and cuts that littered her body. You kissed her softly, your hands wandered over her body as your mouth made its way towards her breasts. You sucked on her nipples and played with them as she gasped. You relished her broken moans and made it your duty to take care of her in every way. Your fingers slowly plunged inside her and thrust at an even pace. She remembered arching her back and squirting all over your hand and face. She had never had someone touch her so softly and treat her like a princess. So when you finally had your sex inside her, when you finally had her pussy lips spread and wrapped around you, she couldn’t help but scream for you. You felt right, so, so right inside her. You made her realize that ambition of fame and adoration from nameless fans meant nothing if you weren’t by her side.
“I’m used to being around people who are like me. We don’t live in a place or time where having a quirkless partner is acceptable by most.” She wanted you with everything she had
“I love him. I want all of him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him.” Nishiya watched as the blond cried to herself. He would offer comfort but he also knew that by doing so he would be enabling her behavior and minimizing the seriousness of the situation. You both needed to talk and that was up to her to do.
Days went by and there was still nothing from you. She reached out, she even visited your apartment but you didn’t answer her. She spent most of her time going from work and then heading back home to cry over your absence. She couldn’t drink no matter how much she wanted to drown her feelings in alcohol and it sucked because the more she looked at the pictures she had hanging on her walls of the two of you, the more of an asshole she felt.
Takeyama was daydreaming of the date you were supposed to be on but was quickly snapped out of it once a package was shoved in front of her by Nishiya.
“What’s this?” She grabbed the small package and turned it around to see it was addressed to her.
“I have no idea but it’s for you.” Nishiya sighed before leaving the shared apartment.
Tired and battered after a long patrol, Takeyama took off her hero costume before heading to the bathroom to bathe, the package still in her hand. She made sure that the water was scolding hot before making herself comfortable in the bath. She relaxed and basked in the warm water and closed her eyes. She thought of what you would do if you were there to see her. Would you join her or would you sit beside the tub and massage shampoo into her hair? She opened her eyes and reached out for that package that she had placed on top of the toilet cover. She ripped the thing open, not caring that water splashed out onto the tiled floor.
“What?” It was a display hologram that contained a video. Confused, she opened the hologram and pressed play. 
The scene on the holographic screen was of you cuddling with Mirko. You had your head leaned against her own and your legs were tangled together. It looked normal apart from your hand that had wandered into Mirko’s underwear. She was in a sheer white top with panties and your hand was clearly playing with her clit. Mirko gasped as you quickened your pace and leaned into you in search of a kiss. You reciprocated and kissed her passionately. Takeyama watched as you slipped your fingers inside Mirko’s cunt with tears in her eyes.
Mirko screamed your name, her body responds to your every touch.
“Y/n, please. Make me yours. Please!” The dark-skinned woman moaned. You didn’t answer her but you instead shoved your tongue into her mouth before getting on top of her. Your back faces the camera but by the way, you brought your hand up to your mouth, Takeyama assumed you cleaned up your fingers with your mouth.
You pulled yourself out of your pants and moved Mirkos panties to the side before slapping her sex. The white-haired woman let out a yelp before lifting her legs up and flushed against her before reaching down and spreading her pussy lips for you.
“Fuck me, Y/n. Breed me, baby.” You grabbed her by the throat and shoved your dick inside of her slicked cunt.
You snapped your hips hard, the sound of your balls hitting her ass resonated throughout the entire room and was difficult to ignore. You growled as Mirko moaned like a bitch in heat and begged for your babies. Takeyama watched as you slapped the rabbit hero’s tits and cunt before sucking on her nipples with vigor. Slick drooled out of here while cum coated your cock as you continue your relentless pound into her now puffy pussy.
“Yeah? You want this dick to breed you, slut? You want daddy to fuck this cunt full?” You slapped her across the face and let out a growl when she only managed to choke out half of your name.
“Answer, slut.” You spat.
“Y-yes! Plea-se!!!!” Mirko arched as you continued to pound into her. 
You changed your positioning so that your thrust would go deeper and began to unexpectedly snap your hips to get her to yell. Mirko grabbed onto you, her legs now pressed flush against her by your hands, as she obeyed all of your orders. You told her not to cum until you thoroughly bred her pussy full and she happily obliged because she wanted to feel your warm seed inside her. She thought about having your babies before, cute little hybrids that were a mix of you and her that she would show off to the world. Cute babies that you could both build a nest with and raise together. Children who she could show off to Takeyama since the blond never publicly acknowledged you. 
Mirko begged for permission. You told her to hold it because you were close. She nodded and clenched so that her walls hugged your length and she quickly felt the urge to squirt. The knot that formed in her stomach began to loosen but with a quick spank to her leg, she tensed up and caused you to cum. You snapped your hips before completely burying yourself inside her wet and puffy cunt. You rubbed her clit and slapped it which got her over the edge too. She squirted all over your pelvis and came on your cock before collapsing and shaking under you. You laid on top of her and turned the both of you over so that she laid on top. This position allowed Takeyama to see that you had bred Mirko, your cum oozed out of the muscular woman’s sex. Mirko’s legs twitched and her tail wagged as you gently rubbed her ass and spread her. You groaned out loud before chuckling. Mirko turned her head around and weakly spoke to the camera with a dick-drunk grin.
“He’s mine now, stupid bitch.” You spanked Mirko’s ass and told her to cut it out before bringing her down for a kiss which she happily reciprocated.
Takeyama dropped the hologram onto the tiled floor and made herself comfortable inside her tub. She was crying in pure humiliation and horror at what she watched but she also hated the burning feeling she felt below her waist. She had played with herself while she watched you fuck another woman and impregnate her. She continued to clean herself before solemnly making her way to her bedroom. She would spend the rest of the night crying over you and how much of an amazing father you will be to Mirko’s children. 
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ovaryacted · 7 days
hi nic 🌸
the other day, i was sitting under a tree at the park, barefoot on the grass. it was warm but there was a slight breeze that made it all bearable (you know the kind?) and that little moment made me realize how good life felt. and it hadn’t felt good for a while so the fact that i managed to find this again kind of made me want to share some goodness with everyone. because we all deserve it.
so first and foremost, remember to eat something (even something small—it’s better to eat an apple or something that makes you happy than nothing at all) and to stay hydrated.
summer is near, better days are to come and whatever you may be struggling with, you’re almost there. i know it’s hard but it’s all going to be okay very, very soon.
if no one told you this today: you are so loved, so valued. thank you for being here with us, this community would not be the same without you in it <3
sending so many hugs, kisses and lots of good vibes ✨
much love,
anna 💗
On my god Anna, this was so nice of you to type out and send to me like?? I’m so happy and honored that you took the time out to send this message truly. Thank you for your consideration and your support and kindness. it’s people like you that make Tumblr a fun space to be on and give all of us a better sense of community on here.
I am really hoping you had a good day, and wishing you a good week, a great month and an even better year. I pray the summer welcomes new energy for the both of us. Thank you once again. 🫶💕
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