#I tried to be impartial even when I dislike some characters
thebrisingamen · 6 months
Total Drama Island
AKA the reboot reminded me of this ridiculous series so I did a stupid thing and made them all Pokemon/Pokemon Trainers. So here's a crossover no one asked for or cares about but I wrote up anyways
Beth, The Wannabe
As a Pokemon: Grumpig, due to her growing up on a Farm and being somewhat aware of her surroundings, since Grumpig is a psychic type. It's also a very bizarre pokemon and can be useful, even when people underestimate it, so I thought it would be fitting for Beth.
Her Team: As befitting her backstory, I gave her Grumpig and Miltank, some pokemon that can be powerhouses when used correctly. Dedenne due to her excitable nature and again, being underestimated and kind of easily manipulated. The same for Combee; a go with the flow, follow the leader type. Ditto for her desperate desire to fit in.
Sandshrew is the star of her team, as Sandshrew would be Beth's pokemon that shows her burying her feelings and curling up into a defense, but eventually evolving into Sandslash, a powerful ground type, reflecting Beth's nature as being more down to earth eventually.
Sandshrew -> Sandslash (in TDA)
Bridgette, The Surfer Girl
As a Pokemon: Floatzel, feels pretty obvious. Kind and goes out of her way to help people, pretty decent water type but not much of a fighter and has a very chill personality. A bit more responsible than our other surfers, which you'll see down the list.
Her Team: Obviously, I went with a water based team for Bridgette. Mantine and Dewgong being chosen as both of them are pretty chill types of pokemon, and you can surf on Mantine in Alola, to carry you from island to island. Spinda is representative of her incredible clumsiness on land and the constant running gag of Bridgette in physical comedy. Comfey also represents her soothing and calming nature in comparison to her teammates. Pelipper is Bridgette's powerful side coming out and probably her best pokemon.
Honestly I don't have a reason for Vaporean, other than it is an Eeveelution and Bridgette strikes me as the type to pick a popular pokemon and just evolve into a water type.
Cody, The Geek
As a Pokemon: Magnemite, as its a more modern pokemon, but like Cody, still "young" for a pokemon and according to the pokedex, can cause a lot of damage. Tends to show up and appear randomly when needed. Can be useful but hasn't "grown up" quite yet.
His Team: Cody's team I decided to keep mostly electric and strange pokemon, to reflect his nature. Magneton and Porygon reflect his kind of geekiness and general desire to try to be useful, but ultimately isn't as much. Phanphy and Treecko are more of a reflection of his kind of naive nature that grows overtime. Klefki represents his inability to respect boundaries. Beheeyem is Cody's intellect, but again, a weird pokemon that most people forget about/don't really respect.
Courtney, The Over-Achiever/Type A
As a Pokemon: Espeon. Mainly because Courtney doesn't actually grow as a person until she gets actual friends in the series, and to tie-in with her intelligence and drive. Psychic type because while Courtney is competitive, she is not underhanded enough for me to think on her being a dark type. An Eeveelution due to her popularity as a character.
Her Team: Courtney's Team is reflective of parts of her personality. Tyrogue is often trying to better itself and constantly training. That she would make sure it evolves into the most balanced of the Hitmon's is 100% Courtney. Oranguru's entries commend it's command abilities, but in actual battle, this doesn't seem to come up, reflecting Courtney's need to have authority. Wigglytuff reflects her massive ego that can be easily injured, and the anger that comes with it. Ninetales follows the same footsteps, with the grudge to match it. Salazzle evolving shows Courtney's dedication to winning, using some tricks to distract others, but unlike Alejandro, Mal and Heather, they never go beyond distracting. She'd also pick "pretty" pokemon that are useful for her main team.
Oh and she EV trained the shit out of every pokemon. Courtney came to win.
Tyrogue -> Hitmontop
Salandit -> Salazzle
DJ, The Brickhouse with a Heart/The Teddy Bear
As a Pokemon: Audino. DJ is definitely a healer/support type Pokemon, but it had to be Audino, as the Chansey line is ALWAYS female. Audino fufills the same purpose and is SURPRISINGLY strong in battle, making it a force to be reckoned with at times.
His Team: DJ's first three pokemon represent elements of DJ from Island; Buneary for Bunny, the pet Bunny he found. Pachirisu for the squirrels and Stantler for the deer episode. Blissey represents his caring and kind nature that can also manifest into being able to punch you into submission, if he's pushed to do so. Tsareena represents DJs ability to eventually stand up for himself and again, despite being a grass type, doing well despite everything. Cyndaquil is his buddy, and represents DJs connection to everyone he meets; Cyndaquil would also be chill and help him with his cooking.
Duncan, The Delinquent Heartthrob
Jeez, he's had the most titles! Like Duncan has Four different introduction titles, according to the wiki.
As a Pokemon: Houndoom, because of course. An extremely popular character, Duncan would be reflected in an extremely popular pokemon--being Dark type was a necessity. Houndoom has been depicted as 'not all that bad' before, and that it looks scarier than it actually is.
His Team: Also would have a Houndoom on his team, as well as a Nidorino, reflected of his constantly tough persona and needling of others. Haunter and Purrloin allude to Duncan's prankster nature and kind of 'its not like a care' attitude, while also being able to help with the reflection on his criminal record. Krookodile is also an allusion to his 'tough but can be sweet' attitude. Granbull is the same thing, and honestly was the last member of his team, gotten after he met Zoey.
Eva, The Female Bully
Wow they like...made her cardboard, huh. Ah Well. It's Eva, everyone.
As a Pokemon: Surprising no one, she is the angriest of all Pokemon, a Primeape. It's really hard to find too much to say about Eva. A lot of her team is going to be like this as well.
Her Team: Poliwrath and Primape should be obvious; angry, aggressive pokemon whose wrath cannot be stopped. Hitmonchan and Steelix show her side that constantly works out and tries to improve. Charizard is quick to anger, but quite popular; an allusion to her return to the island that no on expected and her odd friendship with the E-Scope team. Stufful. Stufful is Eva's very rarely seen sweet side, though still incredibly destructive, albeit just by its nature and not because it is trying to be.
Ezekiel, The Home-Schooled Guy
Again, a pretty low bar character. I mean its total drama I don't expect much, but c'mon y'all.
As A Pokemon: Sableye. Just. His storyline basically fits him turning into a Sableye, living deep in the caves and being obsessed with treasure.
His Team: Mudkip, one of the most hated pokemon designs of Gen 3, at least when it was coming out; reflects Ezekiel's standing amongst the rest of the cast, especially the girls. Kecleon shows Ezekiel's ability to fade into the background and hide, especially in WT. Drilbur, Dunsparce and Sableye reflect his descent into the darkness, living in the Caves of the island in ROTI. Macargo is the volcano he fell in.
Like does any one pokemon reflect him? No. his personality is about as much there as Eva's.
Geoff, The Funniest Guy Around
As A Pokemon: Surfing Pikachu. Geoff is basically super chill, super likable and no one on the island seems to actually hate him at all. Like. It's kind of hard for even Chris or Chef to hate him? Up until the clip show later, Geoff is shown to be a pretty nice guy
His Team: Ludicolo and Togetic reflect Geoff's just likable, partying nature. Lapras shows his care for others and ties him to Bridgette more. Corsola is Geoff's environmental nature, and Kingdra can be where Geoff gets a bit full of himself. Surfing Pikachu is the same; Geoff's ego is his downfall more often than not.
Surfing Pikachu
Gwen, The Loner/Goth Girl
As a Pokemon: Frosslass; She's kind of cold and off putting, a strange person who prioritizes her alone time and freezes out people she doesn't like.
Her Team: Her team was a bit difficult; I gave her Cofigarius to relate to her fear challenge in TDI. Gothitelle, because obviously they keep calling her Goth Girl and it is able to predict the future and is often a loner. Smeargle to relate to her sketching hobby. Frosslass for the same reason; a lonely pokemon who doesn't seek others out, but can be fun. Liepard, because it is beautiful and moody, and unexpectedly vicious. Dusknoir because it is scary and kind of alien, receiving transmissions to transport the dead, and goes along with her "goth" aesthetic.
Harold, The Dweeb
Ah yes, Napoleon Dynamite joke character. Another pretty one-note dude.
As a Pokemon: Nincada, due to his obsession with Ninjas, and the annoyance he causes everyone.
His Team: Ninjask and Ferrothorn to call to Harold's Nunchuk "skills" and ninja obsession. Parasect because it is a strange and odd pokemon, reflecting how Harold is a strange and odd person; the same with Clefable. An inability to relate to others at times. Cradlily, because its useful and kind of creeps people out. Heliolisk, because Harold does a lot of posturing and is quick to claim he's good at something, without having the firepower to back it up.
Heather, The Queen Bee
HBIC herself, Heather. How these kids didn't figure her out earlier is beyond me.
As a Pokemon: Vespiqueen; lots of minions, kind of aggressive and can kick ass where she needs to, when she has to do things herself.
Her Team: Beedrill and Vespiqueen, because of course she'd have the Queen Bee pokemon. They're also quite aggressive and powerful bug types. Salazzle and Dragalge, her other Poison types that show her manipulative and toxic side. Seviper because it is ruthless, like her and Heracross, as a powerful fighter that she usually has on her side.
Izzy, The Insane or The Psycho Hose Beast
Again, TDI didn't really know what to do with her; Izzy is kind of nuts. there's a lot and then again not a lot to work with here.
As a Pokemon: I settled on Kecleon, since Izzy changed her name and identity several times over the shows, and that is kind of Kecleon's thing to do.
Her Team: Kecleon and Dodrio, to reflect her constantly shifting names and personas she takes on, as well as her escaping the RCMP. Ariados and Ursaring as a call backs to when she was pretending to be a giant spider on ROTI and her rivalry with the Bears on TDI. Haunter for her playful but scary personality and Gourgeist for the same, but also with her kind of crazy tied in.
Justin, The Jaw-Dropping/The Eye Candy
Once again, very basic but also a lot to work with here.
As a Pokemon: Very obviously, a Milotic, Shiny as Justin is one of the prettiest players in canon.
His Team: All of his team is based on wealth, popularity and appearance of said pokemon. Mienshao is there because while beautiful, it can be deadly and Alolan Meowth is Dark Type, alluding to Justin's manipulative streak on TDA
Alolan Meowth
Katie & Sadie, The Besties
Listen these two were easy because they are about as developed as Eva and Ezekiel.
As Pokemon: What do you know, it's the worst Pikachu knock-offs, they're Plusle and Minun. Can't function without each other. Their teams reflect this. They Specialize in Double Battles.
Their Team(s): As you can see, most of these pairs are already twinned pokemon or pokemon that evolve from a similar first starter, like Beautifly & Dustox. I had to get creative for the last three sets; Pachirisu and Emolga SHOULD have been an evolution line, but it wasn't and they're similar, so they became part of Katie and Sadie's set. Clefable and Pyukumuku also had a similar problem; I had to pair them with similar pokemon, but not quite the same. It does give these two some differences.
Plusle & Minun
Illumise & Volbeat
Beautifly & Dustox
Clefable & Wigglytuff
Pinchurchin & Pyukumuku
Pachirisu & Emolga
Leshawna, The Lively
Very good, made it easy to create her team.
As a Pokemon: Leshawna is a pretty powerful pokemon, and with all the new ones out, I think she'd be a Tsareena; powerful, tough and graceful.
Her Team: Zangoose, as a rival to Heather with her Seviper. Pangoro, as Leshawna is not afraid to throw down, but only if you make the mistake of making her your enemy. Charizard as Leshawna is incredibly likable, but not always having the same presence as Geoff. Tinkaton, because she's very powerful and will smack everyone down, and looks good doing it. Larvitar because Leshawna never gets the chance to evolve it into it's final form due to the network, but shows her popularity and ability to stand against this crap. Hydrapple, for Leshawna's ability to do teamwork and how well she works with others.
Lindsay, The Ditz
Her title is mean but true. This girl is dumber than a box of rocks, but she's really very sweet.
As a Pokemon: Ponyta, because she's very clearly a rich girl who loves Horses, based on her bike, and Ponyta is very much a 'head empty, run in field' type which suits Lindsay.
Her Team: Galarian Ponyta, as Lindsay herself is pretty pure as a character, not really wanting to hurt anyone or get into a fight with anyone. Alcremie, the style because it is rare and hard to get, like her nail polish. Honestly, She just found the last four of her team and got them to join James' style; with love and affection. Her team is more fairy type as Lindsay is truly one of the nicer characters...Ever.
Azumarill & Altaria are Lindsay losing her cool and actually being mean, for once.
Galarian Ponyta
Alcremie (Rainbow Swirl w/ Love Sweet)
Noah, the High IQ/The Schemer
Not very schemey; he often thought himself smarter than he was and was pretty insufferable. But I thought about his team and hope it reflects him.
As a Pokemon: I started Noah out as a Natu; a future-seeing bird, who eventually evolves into a Xatu, as he reappears on Ridonculous Race.
His Team: Natu and Abra represent Noah's self-importance and complete lack of wanting to participate in the team based challenges, which ultimately got him kicked off said team, as well as his over reliance on his intellect. Pidgeotto and Donphan for when Noah actually got to doing things in RR and Wyrdeer as Noah strikes me as the type to somehow evolve Stantler first and act like he meant to do that the entire time.
Natu —> Xatu
Abra —> Alakazam
OWEN, The Big Guy/The Party Guy
Owen was a little tougher, as there is the low-hanging fruit to go for, but also at least something there to work with beyond one note. At least there are two!
As a Pokemon: Munchlax, to go for the low hanging fruit and evolving into Snorlax by the time RR happens, to showcase his growth.
His Team: To slightly subvert expectations, instead of putting a Snorlax or Munchlax on his team, I figured Swalot would work for his insatiable hunger. Being poison type is also fitting, considering Owen's running gag. This is also why he has Skuntank on his team, as well as Vileplume. Quagsire is a call to Owen's very open and friendly demeanor, Musharna to represent his sleepwalking and eating, and Misdreavus to showcase his 'fun' side that can turn sour when he goes too far.
TRENT, The Cool Guy/The Deep & Mysterious
TDI did him dirty and once again, there's not much to work with here. But I tried.
As a Pokemon: Gogoat. Trent is supposed to be pretty cool, lots of people like him but...that's where the buck stops. Unlike a lot of other characters, he doesn't get to have a shining moment beyond physical comedy and the canonical ship with Gwen. But, he's cute! and sorta popular!!
His Team: Obviously, he'd have a Gogoat. Espurr is there for Trent's reliving of his horrors. Lapras because he, like Geoff, can be caring and supportive. Shuckle to represent his odd fears and the obsession with the number 9. Flygon as Trent In-Universe is supposed to be a super cool dude. Now.
Zubat. Zubat represents the show and fandom reactions to Trent, as well as tying into his penchant for getting poisoned/stunned/etc. TDA it evolves in to Golbat and finally, in WT, Crobat because Trent FINALLY ended a lot of his personal drama and got...Crobat.
I didn't use any of the musical pokemon for him, as I felt that would be too obvious.
Zubat —> Golbat —> Crobat
Tyler, The Jock
Tyler, oh Tyler. Kind of forgotten about, and once again mostly used for physical comedy.
As a Pokemon: Passimian, which is the sportiest pokemon I could find and thats how Tyler would define himself.
His Team: Passimian and Machamp to represent his passion for sports; Bewear and Linoone, both useful pokemon that are described as kind of klutzy, especially Linoone (can't break and can crash...often). Wooloo, for the same reason. Tyler is not kept down by his injuries. Armarouge, for Tyler's dedication to constantly trying, and often being a good sport.
Alejandro, The Arch Villain
And boy does he deliver this well!
As a Pokemon: Oricorio, Baile style most of the time, but he can switch between all four, depending on who he is needing to charm/talk to or what moves he needs in the moment. As one of the few pokemon capable of this, I felt this suited him; he never fully transformed into a different person, which is why I didn't go with Ditto.
Also, WT definitely leaned into his Spanish/Latin origins, which this pokemon also does.
His Team: Alejandro is a threat and that's why he has our most powerful starter, Blaziken. Also representative of the fiery volcano he faced in the finale. Sneaseler and Meowstic (F) are the pretty pokemon that are quite powerful and ruthless on their own. The same can be said of Galarian Linoone, but that is representative of Alejandro losing his facade. Zorua and Meowscarada are similar reasons; Meowscarada because it's whole thing is luring other pokemon into a false sense of security before ambushing them with it's moves, and Zorua due to the illusion ability it has and it's cute and disarming appearance (hence why not Zoroark).
Galarian Linoone
Meowstic (Female)
Sierra, The Obsessive Uberfan
Oh Sierra, she's a funny character.
As a Pokemon: Mimikyu; constantly obsessed with and wanting to have everything ever of the TDI team, to the point of being creepy about it all, and surviving attempts to pry into her own backstory.
Her Team: Mimikyu, for her obsessive tendencies. Nickit, to steal "Keepsakes" from the people she's a fan of, Cosplay Pikachu to showcase her obsession/fangirl tendencies again. Morpeko represents her quick switches from 'Nice' to 'MEAN' rapidly when it involves Cody. Dragapult as its entries paint it and its line as kind of crazy and obsessed with their interests, which is definitely Sierra. Flareon is more because Sierra's aggression is not obvious, but can be deadly when unleashed, and its cooling off ability only works for so long.
Shiny Nickit
Cosplay Pikachu
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olderthannetfic · 9 days
Okay, I need advice: I'm in a very tiny fandom (like less than two dozen active people and everyone knows each other) and one of the women in it is kind of freaking me out.
We became mutuals because we had some good discussions on some of the characters we liked, but I soon became sort of uncomfortable with a lot of her online behavior whereas simultaneously she's DM-ing me more and more.
She's one of those people who's a hardliner on the issues she cares about (mostly feminism- and SA-related) while talking over people when it comes to issues she doesn't care about (mostly racism and related things). And I see a lot of her trying to intrusively police how other people talk/act, derailing people's posts, arguing with people online over the most stupid shit (where not even her own opinions come off as overly coherent - this week she'll argue something along the lines of "men are evil" and the next she'll argue that people are "demonizing masculinity" - I'll add for clarification that she's not a TERF and supports trans rights but boy... Does she sound like one sometimes) and then digging through people's profiles to find and publicize minor transgressions and bad takes, passive-aggressive vagueposting, and going into mental breakdowns over the most innocuous of online interactions.
TBH she scares me. As someone who suffered through toxic people getting overly attached to me, I genuinely sometimes get a physical reaction when I see her lashing out on the dash.
And she keeps initiating conversations! And sometimes I don't reply or bring the conversation to a natural closure and she keeps at it, or sends me random fics of hers to read that I don't have the heart to tell her don't interest me or whatever. And recently when she disagrees with something I reblogged she direct messages me to rant about it - with a lot of sort of indirect language because she doesn't want to offend me but I can see the intent. The last couple of times I replied politely because I cared about clearing misunderstandings on the topic but next time I'm just gonna tell her I dislike it when she does that.
I really want this person to stop interacting with me, to be honest, and all my polite hints to the effect go unnoticed. But the fandom is so small I feel awkward and uncomfortable about unfollowing or blocking her. I don't think she's too bad of a person, she just comes off as very... Mentally ill, I guess? And since I've tried to be polite so far I feel like it might come out of left field for her?
TBH I feel like something about her behavior also triggers some kind of freeze/fawn reaction inside of me that I don't often get and consequently don't know how to deal with.
So I need impartial advice because I don't see the situation clearly myself
To summarize, a person who is a walking red flag wants to be friends, and you can't easily ghost her because the fandom is small.
I think you have to accept that there is no low-conflict way out of this.
That's what's holding you back, right? You don't want more drama and you know it's coming. I think you already know in your heart of hearts that you need to get away from her even if it's a pain in the ass.
Step one is to stop responding to her DMs. That will probably make her reach out more, but you should keep not responding. If she escalates and attacks you over it, block her.
The more you offer reasons or try to gently hint, the more that will encourage her. I don't think that's true of everyone, but I do think it's the case here. This is both because it doesn't sound like she's good at perceiving or respecting boundaries and because she inspires a bad lack of ability to assert boundaries in you.
I agree that it's unfortunate that you can't stand up for yourself or tell her plainly when she's out of line, but since you can't and that probably won't change any time soon, you'll need to protect yourself a different way. Sometimes, we just have to avoid people who are bad for us even when it's an us problem. (And here, whoaaaa red flags, so I don't think it's just a you problem anyway.)
There are many sad, lonely, needy people in the world. Some of them are officially mentally ill in some way with a diagnosis. Some just need things they aren't currently getting. That sucks...
But it's also not your job to fix.
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kurov1864 · 4 months
Opinions on Milgram characters
I've actually been wanting to do this for some time now lmao. Btw this is just my interpretation of each character, followed by my opinion on said interpretation. Feel free to disagree, I love to discuss with other people. (also cross-posted on Reddit)
Haruka: Okay so what I think happened for him is that he very obviously has a developmental disorder of some sort. I'm not sure exactly what, and I don't really wanna speculate because I'm not an expert. So he, as a child, was neglected by his mom and didn't receive enough attention. This led him to become extremely attached to his childhood best friend, which didn't really affect anything when they were both children. But then, she grew up, yet he didn't. She started to act more maturely, and he didn't. They grew apart, and Haruka couldn't understand why. Or maybe he did, and blamed himself. Anyways. Yada yada, he tried getting attention from his mom by killing animals, he did get attention (the wrong kind), kinda went off and killed his ex bestie as well, either out of frustration or for literally more attention.
Now, my general opinion of him? Neutral. I don't love or hate him. Maybe a very mild dislike, but that's only because I find it kinda disturbing how he calls Muu his mom.
Yuno: Abortion. I like Yuno. Not because of the whole "omg girlboss slayyyy you have total control over your body yas queen" thing, because honestly yall have got to stop saying stuff like that. I like her because she wants to be recognized as a "mature adult" who can actually take responsibility for her actions, instead of being degraded into this poor innocent girl who knows what the shit is. She's so impartial to everyone, even herself, yet she knows and acknowledges the fact that she's still human who has emotions and empathy, which is why she sometimes tries to help out. Yet, she doesn't deny the fact that she seeks interesting and new things, leaving behind others when most would feel guilty. 10/10, relatable character.
Fuuta: HATE. He is so... thoughtless?? I absolutely hate people who gets so caught up in their cause that they literally cannot see anything else. They don't stop to think, "oh, maybe what I'm doing is wrong? Maybe there is a better way to go about this?". Now, to be fair, I don't know much about Fuuta. So please, feel free to disagree with me about him, but I cannot stand the way he didn't stop to think that maybe cancelling others would push them to suicide. That just shows his naivety. I acknowledge that his passion is admirable (passion for what I'm still thinking about), but passion without the knowledge to help is just being a stubborn idiot. His impulsiveness is also another very strong ick of mine.
Muu: I don't have much of an opinion on her character, but I do enjoy the concept that she represents. My personal theory is that she represents how somebody can be both a victim and a bully at the same time. She is at her very core, human, but without all those polite manners and social skills drilled into her. She turns pitiful and desperate when disadvantaged, but turns cocky, arrogant and confident when she has power. She is so, undeniably, human. And yet she can also be kind at times. She has such a f-ked up perception of everything, so maybe yall didn't catch it, but she's still trying to be nice in her own warped way.
Shidou: Eh. He's like, okay?? Not gonna comment on his crime because I don't feel anything towards it. But his attitude is sort of annoying. The way that he clings to his role as a doctor in prison after trying to forsake his life, the way he keeps trying to bring up age with Es (yes I know age is a valid point but bringing that up just makes it seem as if you're looking down on Es only because of their age. it's degrading), all that stuff just kinda gets on my nerves a bit. I appreciate what he's doing for the prison,,, but I don't really like him.
Mahiru: Love her. I love the way she tries to stand up for her ideals, no matter how much society + Es tells her it's wrong. She's been hurt so much yet she's still so optimistic, bright and hopeful about love. I love her. Granted, it may be because I also have fucked up views of love like her which is why I gave her such a high rating compared to like, Fuuta.
Kazui: Neutral. I would have wanted to scream at him about just,,, not telling lies, but I can acknowledge how hard it is for some people to not care about their image, especially if they grew up in a traditional household.
Amane: A bit positive and negative at the same time. I dunno, I just kinda like the way that she found a way to adapt to her horrible circumstances. Although that way is by weaponizing her religion to protect herself, but yeah. Unhealthy circumstances calls for unhealthy coping methods. What I dislike is how she doesn't even want to give other thoughts a try. Like she won't stop and think about other options, not even for a little bit. But then again, it's literally been drilled into her since childhood to not betray that religion, so I guess that makes my point invalid.
Mikoto: Why, why is he so popular?? What?? I'm so confused. Honestly I just think he's neutral. Just like, oh look, another victim of the toxic work environment who found a terrible way to cope. I don't have any feelings about John either, although I do admire his dedication to Mikoto. He's just so,,, uninteresting?? Someone please tell me why he is so popular, because I gen want to try to understand and see his appeal.
Kotoko: My wife. I'll try not to let bias get in the way of this one.
Okay I'm gonna be so fr rn I absolutely detested her at first. She's like Fuuta,,, but so much worse. She takes her ideals to the absolute extreme, pushes down all guilts and feelings about others to carry out her "justice". She's so unwilling to admit that she likes the feeling of beating bad guys up, the moral high ground it gives her. She's not only hurting other people, but also herself. Mf thinks she's in an edgy movie where she's the anti-hero who goes against the government and is constantly misunderstood, like girlie stop. Stop and THINK about what you are doing, see the death, destruction and harm you've brought about not just to others but also yourself?? Goddamn.
I'm not even sure why I like her LMFAO. All my opinions about her is just, she's human scum who needs lots of therapy to stop hurting herself and others.
Es: Love my non-binary guard. They care so much for the prisoners, trying their absolute best to understand them while coping with their body and mind being infiltrated by us. I always feel so guilty having them bear the burden of explaining the guilty decisions to the prisoners,,, just want em to be happy and work-free. I admire their dedication to truly, truly feel for the prisoners, try to understand the entire context instead of the one on the surface. Yeah, they act immaturely, they're a 15 year old who has no memories, no clue as to where they are, clinging onto their role as a warden even if it makes them look pathetic because that's the only thing they've ever known. It's their only sense of "identity" they have that gives them power and pride.
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im-not-here-im-dead · 2 years
hmm let's go with... Toriel? for the analysis thingy? :P
(also very tempted to ask about Berdly- and also asgore but-)
ask game
I’ll do Toriel first !
My overall opinion on the character:
Someone pleeeeease get this woman some therapy please stars I am begging you !
Okay but in all seriousness she goes through a whole heckin’ lot (and no one talks about it ???) like, she losses her kids, her husband starts a war she knows they can’t win without so much as consulting her (not to mention the possibility that the both of them could have lived through the previous war), she decides to flee to the ruins where she is almost completely isolated for who-knows-how-long, she develops a binge-drinking problem, she ends up losing six more children!!! And she does all that she possibly can (in her mind) to avoid losing a seventh. She’s even willing to sacrifice her life so Frisk can have a way to go home. I can only imagine how betrayed, how guilty, how miserable, and how hopeless she must have felt going through all that. She tries so so hard and still fails. Still makes mistakes. Still grieves the loss of eight children that she could have protected if only she was a little more watchful, or strict, or whatever. And I think that’s why she acts the way she does with Frisk. I think she’s a very complicated and tragic character (which I appreciate greatly) and I really hope that she gets a chance to heal from all the extremely traumatic things she’s gone through. And I trust that she will.
One virtue they have:
She’s just. Really freaking strong! Like in general. She’s a really determined and resilient person despite having gone through so much. It feels a bit… odd? to praise her for something that she had to be in order to survive/cope (I know I feel that way about a lot of my own attributes) but it’s something about her that I admire a lot.
One flaw they have:
She can be really strong-willed. For better or for worse. I think it was a major detriment to her during her time in the ruins, and I think it’s most evident when we try to leave the ruins. If she’d been more flexible or impartial, things might’ve gone down differently, but that’s not what happened. I don’t know how much of her rigid thinking can be attributed to personal flaw or maladaptive coping mechanisms, but either way, it’s something that she’s gonna have to work through. I dunno what else to say. This isn’t something that I’ve thought about a lot tbh.
Favorite moment from their arc:
I think in those moments between when we leave her in the ruins and when we see her again in the true pacifist route is where she truly shines the most. I could talk about this all day (if given the energy) but I think this post sums it up better than I could.
Least favorite moment from their arc:
The scene where she confronts Asgore in the true pacifist route -_-
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t exactly dislike that scene. For what it’s worth, it is funny. But that’s the problem. I think it would have been so much better if it had been a more serious and emotional scene and it could have really shown just how tragic their estrangement was. How they once loved each other more than life, and now they can hardly bear to look at each other. I also think there would have been less mischaracterization of the two in fan works with Asgore being overly clingy and Toriel being overly mean-spirited if things had been done differently. But oh well. It’s not like you can change canon anyway. That’s what fanfic is for after all ;}
One relationship they have with another character:
Her friendship with Sans makes me melt TvT
They just click so well with each other. And I think, in a way, they’re kind of what the other needs. A companion they can confide in and share a good laugh with and a reason to keep going/get better. They’re so. Great. They’re great. Their interactions are so wonderful to hear about. I think they should start a prank war. They would absolutely start a prank war.
One relationship I’d like to see explored with this character
I’d like to see more of her and Flowey! He obviously cares about her at least somewhat. Maybe she’ll eventually find out who he used to be, or maybe she never will. Either way, things will never be the same between them, but I’d really like it if they started to form a new sort of mother-son relationship. Mostly I wanna see all the twists and turns and things that their dynamic takes.
What I would have liked to see happen with them in the media
Honestly, I just wanna see her. I wanna see her being happy and being herself. I think she deserves that.
I’m gonna put the other two under the cut :]
Next up, Berdly !
My overall opinion on the character:
When I first got into deltarune, I unfortunately jumped on the bandwagon trend of hating him for no reason ☠️
But that changed soon after chapter 2 came out. I think he’s a really fun, delightfully obnoxious, and surprisingly relatable character. What more can I say? He’s like a little brother to me :>
One virtue they have:
He really cares deep down. We see it in the neutral route where he overrides Queen’s mind-control and fries his wing to save his friends. We see it in the weird route when he drops the act and puts himself on the line the moment he notices that Noelle is truly in grave danger. If we squint, we can see it in every route when he talks about and interacts with Noelle. Sure he’s extremely annoying about it a lot of the time (most of the time actually) but he really does care about her a lot. He cares.
One flaw they have:
He’s really self-centered. I don’t necessarily mean in the self-important way. I mean in the has-a-hard-time-taking-other-peoples-perspectives-into-account kind of way. He frequently talks over Noelle. His rivalry with Kris seems to be pretty one-sided. He’s at least partially aware that Queen does not want him around and still tries to kiss up to her anyway. Instead of asking people what they think, he assumes based on his own narrow frame of reference, which causes him to have a lot of very awkward and unpleasant interactions. It seems to put a lot of strain on his friendship with Noelle as well. To me he seems like what a younger Papyrus who never got proper support might have been like :( Let’s hope he’ll learn some gosh dang communication skills! But for now, I suppose we can appreciate the character development he’s gotten so far.
Favorite moment from their arc:
I think the bluebird of misfortune sequence was really. Yeah. I didn’t know what to make of it at first, but now when I look back on it, it’s such a sincere moment of vulnerability and accountability. Course, he still has a lot to learn and things to work on, but it’s a start. I’m really proud of him for opening up like that. That takes guts.
Least favorite moment from their arc:
“If I can’t base my entire identity around being smart anymore, I guess now I’ll base my entire identity around being stupid!”
Buddy. My dude. My guy. You missed the whole friggin point !!!
Well, I guess I can’t expect him to do a whole one-eighty just like that. But still. Urrg! I think it’s another one of those moments where I feel like it might have been a lot better if it was taken more seriously instead of being unnecessarily played for laughs, but it’s fine. It’s fine and it’s funny! Aaah!
One relationship they have with another character:
His friendship with Noelle is so… ;-;
They study together. They play video games together. They feel like they can be the most themselves around each other. They’re terrified of letting each other down. They’re attached at the hip. They drive each other insane. They’re inseparable. They care about each other so much and they’re always there for each other no matter what. They’re besties.
One relationship I’d like to see explored with this character:
I’d say him and Kris, but that’s too easy. I’d like to talk about him and Susie! I think they have a lot in common. They would absolutely be the kind of friends who are constantly (playfully) butting heads and roasting each other. They know it’s all in good fun, but maybe once in a while, one of them might go a bit too far and the other would lash out and they’d both feel really crappy about it, but they’ll make amends. They always do, and their friendship grows stronger for it. They also would do a bunch of ridiculous daredevil stuff together. Sometimes Kris joins if they feel like it. It’s hard to say whether Noelle or Toriel has gotten more gray hairs from these two heeheehee
What I would have liked to see happen with them in the media:
I wanna see him let loose! I wanna see him just being a kid and not feeling like he needs to put up a front all the time. I want him to be able to just relax and have a good time. I want him to take a freaking nap.
And last but not least, Asgore !
My overall opinion on the character:
I think Asgore’s story is a heart-wrenching one that is (besides the one scene) wonderfully written, and one that is sadly under-appreciated. My feelings about Asgore himself are a wee bit complicated, which makes sense as he is a complicated individual. To put it briefly, he makes me feel a lot of feelings, and I mean A Lot. He’s a guy with a big heart who went through tragedy after tragedy and a kind ruler who cares so so so much and that’s exactly what led him to do awful things that I can’t ignore even if I wanted to. He loves flowers. And gardening. And tea, and puns, and floral-patterned shirts. He’s gentle and patient and soft-spoken. He’s such a goddamn pushover. He’s worryingly prone to denial. He’s so painfully self-aware to the point of self loathing. He’s a misguided and incredibly traumatized old man who wants only the best for those he cares about and thinks only the worst of himself. He did every single bad thing that he did, and he is not a ‘bad person’. I care about him a whole dang lot. I guess cause a lot of what he goes through hits surprisingly close to home. Not everything of course, but some things. Particularly feelings of profound hopelessness and self-hatred. In my mind, if there’s hope for him, and there is, then there’s gotta be hope for me too, right? And that means a lot to me.
One virtue they have:
His tender-heartedness. He regularly visits his people. Teaching kids how to take care of flowers, dressing up as Santa for Gyftmas, giving his friends cups that look like them, things like that. He gets nicknames like ‘King Fluffyboy’ and ‘Big Fuzzy Pushover’ without any kind of animosity behind them. In a no mercy run, when faced with an entity who will most certainly end his life, he offers them tea. And in a neutral run, when spared by the person who brought him to his knees, he offers them a place in his home. Beneath all the terrible decisions he has made and the tragedies he has endured, he really is a big softie with a big heart, and that’s what I appreciate most about him. Complexities.
One flaw they have:
While Toriel is strong-willed to a fault, I think that Asgore’s fatal flaw is his passiveness which stems from his indecisiveness. When he finds himself in a difficult situation, he’s paralyzed by his doubt and apprehension. And he just. lets things happen. Even when the world is ending, he remains in standstill. To be fair, the situation he’s put himself in is a very difficult one, to put it mildly. He’s working with what he has. I highly doubt I would have done better in his place. Sure, he might have handled things better in theory, but, well… that’s not what happened. His actions as well as his inaction had and will have grievous, lasting ramifications. And he knows that.
Favorite moment from their arc:
The moment where he destroys the mercy button. It’s such a phenomenal moment. It’s the moment where you realize that it really is kill or be killed this time. One of us has to die. And he does everything that he can (in his mind) to make sure that Frisk is not the one who dies, starting with showing them that giving him mercy is not an option. It gives me chills every time.
Least favorite moment from their arc:
Well, I already covered the scene where Toriel confronts him in the true pacifist route. I’d feel bad to leave this section basically blank, but the only other scene that I can think of that I could put here is not necessarily bad story-wise, but it is my least favorite because of how upsetting it was for me to witness. I’m still not sure if I’m ready to talk about it directly. If you’ve seen/played a route where neither you nor Flowey kills Asgore, then you already know what I’m talking about.
One relationship they have with another character:
Him and Undyne! I think their sort of father-daughter relationship is criminally underrated! He practically adopted her right after she had just tried to murder him! And then they bonded through combat training and tea making! And the way she looks up to him almost as a father-figure! It just! Ngaaaahhh! It warms my very soul TvT
One relationship I’d like to see explored with this character:
Him and Chara! The two were clearly very close. And then after everything that went down… well. they’re gonna have a lot to unpack. I think it’d be really interesting to see them together post true pacifist, each thinking that the other hates them. should hate them. But in reality, they just hate themselves. And they both blame themselves for everything that happened. I wonder if they’d slowly, tentatively talk it out over time, or if they’d avoid the inevitable and bottle it all up until they can’t anymore and have a very emotionally charged discussion that comes to a mostly healthy conclusion that isn’t perfect, but it’s a start. I dunno. I would also just like to see them gardening together
What I would have liked to see happen with them in the media:
I want to see him recover. I want to see him learning to forgive himself and let go of his self-hatred. I want to see him learning to love life again and I want to see him genuinely happy and content. Mostly I want to see him with an emotional support cat. He will have an emotional support cat.
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Just had some headcanons about Machi pop into my head that I wanted to share with yall. So we know this poor girl struggles with "perfect"/neat things right? Well I was thinking about some healthy coping mechanisms she could develop to replace the whole 'breaking property/living in a dump' thing & here's what I got so far -
1. She always tries to wear odd socks (unless she's invited somewhere nice)
2. Ayame & Mine help her find cool asymmetrical stuff to wear, how to make clashing colours/patterns work for her & teach her how to sew up her old clothes in a more "punk rock" way (after Yuki & Kakeru explain some of her issues with perfection)
3. Tohru gently points out that she dosn't have to tie her laces the same way on both shoes if she dosn't want to
4. Haru & Rin (awkwardly on her part) teach her the power of acessorising (ie. wearing only one earing, putting on an uneven amount of bracelets/rings/necklaces, adding paper clips of different sizes & colours to your clothing & Machi later ends up adding stuff like buttons to her outfits/belongings as well which Haru & Rin are tottally surppotive of despite thier difference in style) & hair/makeup which (thanks to Yuki's advice) they make sure to keep slightly messy (Kimi laughed at it at first until Momiji made her feel bad after he told her that Machi had gone to the bathroon & wiped off all the make up & undid the hair style so Kimi bought her some limited edition Mogeta merch, after asking for Yuki's advice, in apolgey & started referring to Machi's new hair/makeup style as "punk chic" whenever anyone tried to mock Machi about her new look)
5. her & Momiji go on a crazy tie dying adventure (much to Hatori's grumbling & Mayu's amusement)
6. Kormaki gets her into collecting second hand fridge magnets which she then later uses in her work (my version of post-serise Machi is an artist) once the magnetism finally wears off
7. Kagura teaches her how to fix up old plushies (Machi likes creating Mogeta inspired characters) & gives Machi all her old cat ones to work on (Machi descides not to ask why Yuki's cousin was seemingly once obssesd with orange cats because she looks rather embrassed & a little sad when she hands over her collection)
8. Kyo reluctantly teaches her how to cook a few simple dishes (Tohru comes over as well & Yuki insists her food is better but Machi prefers Kyo's simple style of presentation so it's eventually descided that Kyo & her will do the cooking & Tohru & Yuki will deal with the cleaning which Yuki agrees to becuse cleaning is still difficult for Machi but Kyo says it's actually because no matter how much Tohru tried to train him rat boy knows he would never be able to do anything in the kitchen but burn water)
9. Kakeru teaches her the skills of 'excessive badge & sticker decorating' as well as giving eachother fake tattoos (Kisa congratulates Hiro on not saying anything rude to Yuki's girlfriend about her appreance after they first meet her)
10. Cuts her hair short (she delibretly makes it very choppy) once she enters university, where the rules are less strict about your apprence (at least it is if your at art college), & she also regulary wears diffrent coloured wigs (her favourites being a dark red one & a rainbow one) whenever she wants to temporarily change her appearance (beacuse she didn't want to commit to just one look, still wanted to have the ability to quickly "become invisable" again & she heard from Kimi that exsseive hair die-ing could permantly destroy her hair & scalp) it takes her until she's 30 to try out shaving all her hair off (she worried she'd look sick/crazy or not feminine enough) & everyone's really surppotive (though Kimi dose cry a bit, Rin & Haru aren't there when her hair is being shaved & Kyo is a slightly confused as he'd always thought women liked having longer hair then guys) especially Ritsu (who's growing out thier hair again) & they all throw her a big party (Haru & Rin are there for the party bit just not the hair removal bit because it brought up some bad memories) where Kakeru films it & posts it (with Machi's permission) & they give her cut off hair to a charity chosen by all thier followers (despite her disbelief Machi has manged to gain a small group of loyal fans from all her art stuff & her apprences on her loved ones social media), Kakeru also later uploads a video where they help Machi rainbow dye her buzz cut, (she later explores many diffrent types of buzz cut patterns such as flowers & geometric shapes but, at Kimi's insistence, gets them done by a professional)
11. She recycles & D.Y.I's like crazy (Momiji started singing Do Re Mi from The Sound Of Music after she told him that her new dress was actually made from curtains & Yuki cried when she gave him a little rat plushie made from felt, after he came clean to her about the curse)
12. She almost never wears an apron while working on her art because she likes getting messy
13. When her & Yuki go out to eat she loves things like fondoe (both the chocolate & cheese kind), eat N mess & is genreually just a fan of finger food & it becomes a tradition between her & Yuki (& later Mutsuki) to go on a stroll through the park after thier meal & (if it's autumn) look for piles of leaves to jump in (Machi & Yuki also like playing a game where they try to look for the weirdest looking leaf to give eachother & whoever wins gets to pick what they'll eat for dinner that evening & the looser has to cook it, Mutsuki is the "impartial" judge)
14. Machi is amazing at scrapbooking & collarge making (Tohru is more of a dream journal kind of girl)
15. When it's Summer her, Yuki & Mutsuki go down to the beach to see who can find the weirdest looking rocks (the less impressive ones often get used in Machi's art work, the coolest ones Mutsuki gets to keep & any that are too perfect get tossed back in the ocean & Mutsuki likes to score the splashes they make on how big/loud they are)
16. She loves helping Yuki out with gardening for lots of reasons (it's therapeutic & she loves seeing Yuki happy) but she can't deny it's also just fun getting muddy
17. Machi, thanks to Kakeru, devolpes a love of paint ball (but instead of using guns they just throw the paint at eachother like in 10 Things I Hate About You because apparently the gun pellets actually hurt) & will bring it up as an activity idea to her loved ones any chanse she gets
18. Decorates as much of her flat (& later her home with Yuki & Mutsuki) with Mogeta merchandise, random things she collects & her own art work as a big fuck you to her bitch "you have 0 personality/hobbies or talents" of a mother
19. Kisa (happily) & Hiro (reluctantly) introduce Machi to the magic of glitter
20. Machi & Rin eventually become proper friends due to bonding over being abounded by their asshole parents & one of the things they like to do together is work on thier seprete art peices while listening to music (Machi dosn't do any of her "aggressive" art, like plate smashing, around Rin though thanks to Yuki & Haru warnings)
21. When stuff gets to be too much & none of thier other coping strategies are working (like watching Mogeta stoned- which Kisa, Tohru & Momiji do not partake in) Machi & Haru bond by going to rage rooms together to destroy shit & scream (Haru obviously dosn't want Rin around for any of that though so Momiji, Tohru, Kagura or Hana will often take the opportunity to hang out with her, one time Yuki offered & it wasn't bad but it was definitely awkward as they had never really hung out without Haru before & Haru teases her for ages afterwards about her ending up liking Yuki once she actually spent some time with him which, like the precious tsundere she is, Rin will forever deny)
22. (I actually made a whole seprete post about this ages ago but now it seems to have vanished so in case other Machi fans are unable to find it l'll add it here) on the days that it's supposed to snow but dosn't Yuki takes her (& later Mutsuki) skating so she can enjoy scratching up the perfectly smooth ice (they would have gone on double dates with Tohru & Kyo if Tohru wasn't freaked out at the idea of having blades on her shoes & Kyo hadn't claimed to "not trust" ice, he's dislike comes from all the times Kagura had forced him to ice skate with her on the lake near Kazuma's place in the winter when they were kids, so they would instead go with Haru & Momiji - they had thought about going with Haru x Rin & Kakeru x Kormaki once but he proudly revealed that he'd been banned from thier local ice rink years ago for trying "perfectly safe" Olympic level stunts in he's attempt to recreate one of he's favriote episodes of Power Rangers, much to he's fiancee's anger, & Machi reminded Yuki that though Haru & Kakeru were fine with eachother Rin isn't reall able to stand Kakeru for longer than 5 minuites)
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writing-wrxngs · 4 years
Character Guide!
(Just a little guide to how I personally depict the characters I write about and their roles in my stories.)
The father of Techno, Wilbur and Tommy. I know a lot of people make Phil just a much older brother, but the Dadza content is just too much for me to ignore
He’s always tried his best for his sons. He’s a good father who tries to balance his sons desires with what’s best for them. His boys mean the world to him.
As a father, he’s firm but never strict. He wants the boys to be their own people, but knows he needs to teach them lessons and give them structure to do so.
He is NOT impartial when the boys fight. He will decide who is in the wrong and give them a lecture. If all parties are in the wrong, everyone is getting sat down and talked to. For some reason this does not deter them from fighting.
He loves seeing the boys flourish. He enjoys being wanted and parenting his sons, but seeing them become independent men is amazing to him. The day that he feels all of his sons are completely self sufficient will be the best day of his life.
His wings are just prt of him. Why he has wings isn’t fully known, he’s just a human with wings. I just like that he has wings. Whether he can fly or not is unknown.
Age has been tweaked to be a year older that Wilbur, give or take. He might be even less than a year older than Wilbur, but he’s older. I chose this for him simply bc Wilbur is far too chaotic to be the eldest. The vibes were off.
He’s simultaneously arrogant and awkward. He loves attention (clout) and being the best but cannot do social interaction.
Likes his chaos and anarchy, but has a line. He knows where to stop and knows when to stop his brothers.
Quite responsible. As responsible and willing to care for his brothers, he still does NOT act like a parent to them. He is nowhere near as gentle with them as Phil, and also often gets in over his head with them.
He’s the most skilled fighter around. He is infamously ruthless, and never holds back, even if his opponent is a loved one. Whether it’s swords, bows, or fists, he will come out on top. He’s had this title for quite a while.
I’ve personally interpreted his mc skin as a pig mask that he wears often. When he’s out or when he’s fighting, he wears it over his face. In company of his family, or very close friends, he wears it up on top of his head.
He played violin when he was younger, his lessons starting when he was young, and he still can play, but does not often.
Extreme middle child energy. He’s his own sort of unstoppable chaos. He can equally be the shitty little brother to Techno and the jerk older brother to Tommy. He also desperately craves validation in spite of how much he’s cared for, and would die for praise.
He’s well known for being well spoken and charismatic. He’s charming and always says the right words. He is amicable and gets along with almost anyone.
He’s still terribly insecure, though, and uses this as a front, putting up walls that sometimes fall if someone, usually his family strike the right place. On the opposite side of the same coin, he still has a big ego at times.
As mean or abrasive as he can be at times, he still genuinely cares about the people he loves. Even as skewed as his morals get at times, he still can be humbled at times and be his true self if something cracks him.
He is also a musician, since he plays guitar and sings, however he also writes songs and places this above performing. Being able to create as compared to Tecnho who simply plays is something he’s very prideful of. Still, writing does stress him at times, especially if he has writer block.
Pogtopia Wilbur is a man who’s lost everything. He’s grasping at straws and no longer cares about who he hurts in achieving his goals, his narcissism shining full through. He’s extremely far gone, but is not yet lost.
Side note, to differentiate between his character and irl, I use Wil for in character and Will for irl.
Chaotic youngest sibling to the max. Every day he wakes up and chooses to be a problem. Is a bother, and loves it. Can be overly blunt sometimes and often says the wrong thing or doesn’t read the room properly. His energy never matches the others.
He’s considered the funny one of the family, but slightly dislikes this moniker as he feels like it’s far too one dimensional compared to Wil’s charisma and Techno’s violence. He wants to set himself apart but hasn’t found it yet.
Really wants to be on the same level of his brothers. There’s a significant age gap and Tommy is still just 16, but he’s already chomping at the bit to be independent.
Is fiercely loyal to his family, but especially Wilbur. When they were younger, Tommy was practically Wilbur’s shadow, and honestly, he still idolizes Wil a bit.
Tommy knows how to cut through bullshit like a champ. He is especially good at breaking down Wilbur’s walls and bring him back down to earth when he’s inflated.
Also Tommy is absolutely the main character of the DreamSMP, maybe even in general. Main character energy.
I try to keep my Tubbo usage as little as possible, since I know he’s a bit uncomfortable with fanfic in general. I keep him as a side character. Never about him
He’s Tommy’s best friend and will always stand by him. Tubbo simultaneously matches, increases and dampens Tommy’s chaotic abilities.
He’s a bit smarter than Tommy, and better with things like sympathy and tact.
Canonically has died once. I don’t count deaths that don’t move the plot forward as deaths due to the nature of Minecraft. He was resurrected using some special hand wave magic that I’ve used to explain respawning. It’s not quite healing nor is it necromancy. (Okay, maybe it is necromancy. I had to go check bc I didn’t know off the top of my head. I main paladins it’s not my wheelhouse)
Post festival Tubbo is covered in scars from the burns. They’re mostly on the right side of his body, and sort of start by his torso and stretch like tendrils up his neck/face and down his arm. He’s not insecure about them at all but they are a bit painful.
Tubbo does not have parents. Well, he once did but he can’t remember them. I’ve kept it vague but he likely lived with a family and was separated from them at a young age but was able to take care of himself especially after befriending Tommy some time ago.
She is incredibly kind, sensitive but equally so is she outspoken and strong willed.
She’s a healer, and is one of the few people capable of resurrecting others, though she is not the most skilled as she only learned how to do this after moving to the SMP.
She’s a bit idealistic and sees the best in everyone, unless they’re completely evil. She believes if she’s seen the good in people, they can be good.
She’s 100% the most level headed in the whole of the SMP. God help you if you cross her, though.
Like I said in my FYI, I don’t ship her with anyone!!! She’s just really sweet and lovey and if you accuse me of making ship content I’ll literally cut you.
Everyone else will probably just make cameos based solely on their SMP characters, but with the way things are looking, I actually might have to get to know more mcyters to write about them.
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piracytheorist · 3 years
thoughts on killian's redemption arc vs regina's redemption arc?
I don’t anymore think it’s fair to compare two different characters’ arcs, especially when we can’t be impartial judges.
Like, I’m super biased towards Killian and his story. I try to be more open-minded, but in general, I like the dude, I connect and sympathize with him, so even though I’m like “Yeah he did some really messed up stuff” I still think he deserves his place in Storybrooke. And we’re talking about a guy who even up to his last scenes was killing people in cold blood (see him running a random guard through in 7x02. Bro what if he had a family?) Bad guys, maybe? But still people.
On the other hand, I never connected much with Regina, and the tumblr crowd didn’t help, cause even now for some fucking reason people are still like “uwu I’m allowed to dislike stuff” and like, while that’s valid, it normalizes spending way too much of your time focusing on stuff you dislike. This is what the anti-Regina (and anti-anyone, pretty much) crowd did, and it reeled me in, and I spent nearly two and a half years obsessing over how I hated Regina instead of enjoying what I loved. Anyway, all that’s to say that I don’t have the most unbiased opinion about Regina either even though I’m way over my hate for her now.
All that said, I still don’t think it’s actually possible to compare the two characters and their redemption arcs - cause by and large, those two characters have different target audiences. There are overlaps like your average Venn diagram, but overall the two characters work differently. They’re two different people, going by their lives on different worldviews, different experiences, and different needs. Of course, there are similarities; hence the overlaps in the two target audiences, and hence people who can connect with both characters at the same time.
And since on that Venn diagram I exist only on the “Killian Jones fan” side, I don’t feel I have the berth to delve into how I see his redemption arc in comparison to Regina’s. And that’s not only because I’m not a fan of Regina, but because of another problem the show had.
The show never allowed us to see the actions of the villains from the viewpoint of the heroes, or the victims. That was especially true from season three onward. The stories focused on how tewwible the villains’ lives were before they turned villains, then they showed them murdering in cold blood, and oh who the fuck cares about this random peasant, we have a problematic fave to romanticize!
Seriously, that was a big issue. I love Hook, but seeing how from s3 on his victims (direct or indirect) weren’t allowed their own stories, and only got closure just so Hook wouldn’t have a burden over his guilt was really weird. Like, think about it. With Neal he was like “LOL remembered when I took care of you” and Neal was like “LOL yeah bro good times” and then he got killed. The real Ariel never heard Killian’s apology. Ursula’s story is introduced and concluded in one episode, never mentioned after. The Apprentice just gave him one stern look and then got killed. Merlin didn’t get justice. Belle threw him an “Oh you changed!” when he never directly apologized to her. Liam II rushed through forgiving him and bonding with him, then he disappeared off the face of the earth. David was barely even mad at him for killing his father. “It was a long time ago” Bruh he killed your father, not your favourite pet frog. And again, the only time he uttered the words “I’m sorry” was to Zelena posing as Ariel*. Those stories existed to give Hook angst and to justify the existence of an ex-villain to the audience, because yeah we know he murdered in cold blood but look how sad he is for that now. The characters and their pain for what Hook caused to them didn’t matter. Hook’s angst and character development did.
* I get that you can feel sorry and not say the words, but actually saying the words is a step towards taking accountability for your actions. Saying the words is actually part of making a good apology. But why did I even think the ouat writers would bother reading some social analyses.
And that was the same with Regina, Rumpelstiltskin, and Zelena. Take any of their victims; they are either forgotten, or forced to forgive them, or sometimes even vilified themselves (see Greg Mendell, Milah - or even Regina herself - and s7!Hansel respectively) because the ex-villains are sad and are trying to do good now! Bro I see that but you don’t need to put a victim down to show that!
In general, from a moral standpoint, ouat was a mess. They made the villains so deeply flawed and then tried to brush their crimes under the carpet by showing them do one (1) good thing then their victims forgiving them because the villains felt bad now most of the time.
I... digressed. A fuck ton. But yeah, I did have a point in all that.
In general, I do feel that Hook’s redemption arc was the only one that was unprompted by someone else, and he only took it because he himself wanted to. The other three had something to “win“; particularly, Henry and Belle all but threatened Regina and Rumpelstiltskin respectively to stop being bad or they’ll go away, and if you can’t see how fucked up that is then I don’t know what else to say. Zelena had kind of a... ready place to fit in once she killed Hades to save Regina. I will admit I cannot judge her completely because I skipped all her scenes in s6 so like, I don’t know.
But Hook had everything to win and nothing to lose by staying a villain; in s2 he could’ve simply fucked off in the end and enjoy the fact that Rumpelstiltskin was dead. Instead he came back with his ship at the end because he wanted to do right by Baelfire’s memory (and because he had realized that his revenge would never bring him the peace he was searching for). In 3b he could’ve simply not cared for anyone else, instead he sold his ship, left his secure pirate life behind to save Emma and her loved ones. All without a promise or demand of someone accepting him in the heroes’ circle. And in a way, that seems very genuine to me and it’s why I rooted for him.
But again, overall, the morality of all the redemption arcs in OUAT is totally fucked. So even though in my own biased opinion, I liked Hook’s redemption the most because it felt the most self-prompted and genuine... the bar is still very low.
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I remember in an earlier ask you said you disliked Hooch and I was wondering if you could elaborate. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone have any strong feelings on her, so to say. Any other characters you have a similar feelings towards (in the game or the books)?
Oh, I can, for sure. It’s honestly more of a gut feeling than anything else. 
I don’t hate her, my negative feelings aren’t as strong as they are for someone like say, book Snape. But ever since I was a child, she just rubbed me the wrong way. (Which is funny since I love the actress, she was also on Doctor Who.) Speaking of live action, a bit of a disclaimer: Philosopher’s Stone is the one installment where I remember the film better than the book, because the first film was how I originally got into Harry Potter and I watched it more times than I care to admit. So maybe this conversation is slightly different in the book, but nonetheless...
Hooch totally dropped the ball on that first Flying lesson. Like, she screwed up so badly. The students are her responsibility, and if the brooms aren’t safe for first-time fliers, that’s a pretty serious problem from the ground up. Neville was completely unprepared and clearly afraid. When he tried to do something as basic as kicking off, his broomstick took him on a joyride. Seriously, how did that happen? Maybe he was “steering” maybe not, but either way...I feel like Hooch should have like, done something about it, rather than yelling “Come back down this instant!” Like...can she really not tell that he doesn’t know how to do that? And again, at least based on the film’s blocking...it is pure luck that Neville did not die. If his clothes hadn’t caught on that torch, that fall would likely have killed him. As it is, he had a broken wrist and the torch’s spikes probably scratched up his back. 
But it gets worse. Hooch then escorts Neville to the Hospital Wing, leaving all of the First Years behind with their broomsticks. Look, I understand, Neville needed immediate medical attention. But that’s why you cancel the lesson or fetch another teacher to take over. Well, as long as you’re doing that, you can have them take Neville to the Hospital Wing...the point is that she’s out of her mind if she thinks threatening expulsion is enough of a deterrent to stop these cocky, wide-eyed children from playing with their new toys and showing off for each other now that there’s no adult supervision to stop them. As Harry and Draco prove within seconds. Even if every single first year was like Neville, timid and unassuming and not wanting trouble, well...we saw his broom kind of take on a life of it’s own and take him for a ride. So I would argue that it’s not safe either way. 
Throughout the rest of the books, she takes on a backseat role. There isn’t much she does that bothers me. I like the sequence where she tries Harry’s Firebolt and starts reminiscing about old types of Broomsticks. I thought that was funny, and I still want to see the Silver Arrow make an appearance in some capacity, even if they go out of production...trying to think if there’s anything else from the books that I didn’t like. I can think of one thing, but I’ll freely admit that it’s more of a personal problem. In OOTP, she uses the Impediment Jinx on Harry. Granted, she does this to stop him from beating up Draco. I...I don’t know why this has always bothered me as much as it does. The jinx didn’t hurt Harry, all it did was stop him from hurting someone else. Yet I just...am very uncomfortable with the knowledge that Hooch used a jinx on a student. I might just be weird that way. 
Moving onto HPHM, that “gut feeling” that I talked about only got worse. I don’t know what it is...but the game’s Angry Expression plugged into Hooch’s character model...it just does not look right. She comes off looking scary, and far too mean. I don’t want her to come within ten feet of Luca. HPHM Hooch does have her moments, like I will never not laugh at the story of McGonagall heckling Quidditch games and challenging her calls. But then there are moments like her aggressively accusing MC of lying, admitting that she has no proof, and then ending the conversation with “Don’t ever let me catch you in a lie again.” I’m sorry, what do you mean again? You didn’t catch MC in a lie. Sure, you happened to be right, but you have nothing on them and you know it. That sequence has always bothered me. And it’s very satisfying later on, to have that conversation where MC insists that they didn’t fly out of the forest because that would be breaking the rules. Practically gloating about the rule-breaking that no one caught them doing. 
Moving onto Quidditch, I’ve made long posts before about how in Season 2, Erika Rath has every reason to resent MC or not trust them...and one of the points I referenced was that the supposedly impartial Madam Hooch helped chip in to buy MC a broomstick. This is on top of how Murphy is pretty blatant about how he’s not actually impartial. Hey, far be it from me to complain about MC getting a free broomstick, but Hooch really shouldn’t be balancing the scales like that. Then comes Season 3, still young of course, but people are already complaining about how unfair it is for Rath, Skye, and MC to face punishment for the actions of their teammates. 
Wow this got longer than I expected. Seriously, she’s not a character I have particularly strong feelings about. But as I wrote Luca’s growing distrust of the Hogwarts staff (sans Flitwick) I found it was pretty easy to justify them disliking Hooch. She’s just not very nice. 
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princepondincherry · 4 years
The Tragedy of “The Wrong Jedi”
The first time I watched the Jedi Temple bombing arc in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, I was kind of uncomfortable with how it played out. I felt like it misrepresented how the Jedi Council would have handled the situation, that Anakin was going too far and uncomfortably close to the Dark Side, and that Ventress was handled strangely. But after reading a whole bunch of posts by tumblr user gffa and others about how the Jedi didn’t handle it too terribly, I’ve had to rethink my view. Thinking about it more, it’s definitely even more tragic than I realized.
I’ve got a lot to say (seriously, a massive wall of text) and, even though this is a really old show, I might as well put spoilers under the cut.
Okay, first of all: Ahsoka might not have been found innocent if she stayed in jail, but I bet she would. Barriss knocked out the guards and left Ahsoka a keycard to break out of her jail cell. As soon as she used it to break out, Ahsoka fell into the trap. If she’d just sat in the cell, eventually order would have been restored in the prison, and there would have been some sort of evidence that someone else was trying to frame her. Unless Barriss managed to spin it so it looked like Ahsoka broke out, killed some clones, and then returned to her jail cell? Seems unlikely. The genius of the trap was that breaking her out was exactly the sort of rule-breaking she’d expect Anakin to do, so I can’t blame her for falling for it.
Actually, taking a step back, the frame-job only worked because Ahsoka was an impulsive Padawan. I tried imagining how other Jedi would have reacted, and a few of them would have ended up much better. Anakin probably would have been screwed too, but a lot of more-experienced Jedi would have just begun meditating calmly in the cell and been able to follow the promptings of the Force to end up with a better outcome. In particular, Obi-Wan probably would have laughed about the key card and managed to talk his way to some sort of advantage with the clones who came to investigate. (And, of course, someone like Yoda might have just sensed Barriss like Tarkin said Ahsoka should have been able to.) None of this is Ahsoka’s fault, of course--she’s a great Jedi; she’s just in training still, and not the calmest.
Moving on, the Jedi Council expelling Ahsoka *really* bothered me, and I don’t think that’s an uncommon opinion. Other people (gffa, again) have talked at length about how they were under great pressure from the Senate, and so it wasn’t entirely their fault, but I still thought it was a terrible, if understandable, decision. They brought that the Senate was concerned they wouldn’t be impartial, but I thought, “Let the Senate be concerned. The Council *know* they’re impartial, so if Padawan Tano is guilty, they’ll find her guilty and punish her. Which, of course, is what the Senate wants. And if she’s innocent, they should support her no matter the political consequences.” But then I realized that the evidence against her was so strong at that point that the Council was probably assuming any trial would find her guilty, and the only real point of contention would be the punishment. The Jedi would probably decide on a punishment that wasn’t strong enough for the Senate’s liking. So instead, they decided that expelling her from the order *was* their punishment. It’s my opinion that this was either discussed in offscreen Council deliberations or just understood by the Councilmembers, who’ve worked together for a long time. The episode probably just didn’t make this explicitly clear because we’re intended to emotionally be on Ahsoka’s side, feeling betrayed like her, and only figure out the larger implications later with more thought and analysis. If this is true, it totally worked on me. You could definitely make a good argument that they still should have made a stand, but with public opinion and the opinion of the Senate turning against them, they had to pick and choose their battles.
                                                     THE TRIAL
The real thing that convinced me to write this post was the emotions and framing of the end of the trial, when Anakin brings Barriss forth and gets her to confess. The whole trial makes masterful use of oppositions. First, Tarkin and Padme are prosecutor and defender. They literally enter from opposite sides. Symbolically, since we know these characters, this is Grand Moff Tarkin supporting his vision of punitive control (he calls for the death penalty!) versus Senator Padme Amidala, supporting the rights and freedoms of an innocent. The symbolism and conservation of characters is nice enough that I can overlook how stupid it is that an Admiral and a Senator are the ones arguing this case or that the Chancellor of the Republic is also overseeing a trial. (Also, a Jedi accused of sedition is a BIG DEAL.)
Palpatine, of course, gives a grand speech about how Separatists have fooled the Republic before, laying on the irony as thick as he can as he accuses Ahsoka of being part of a plot to tear the Jedi Order apart. There’s an interesting interaction when Anakin breaks his stride right before he declares Ahsoka guilty, and I imagine he was torn between annoyance and his desire to have Anakin like him. And then when Barriss starts her big speech about how the Jedi have lost their way, he must be thrilled that these sentiments are getting such traction among the populace that even a Jedi espouses them and gets such a public stage to proclaim them.
Because--and this is the important part--Barriss is WRONG. - “The Jedi are the ones responsible for this war.” -- INCORRECT - “We have so lost our way that we have become villains in this conflict.”--INCORRECT. One thing that bothered me is that so much of the anti-Jedi argument is that they’re killers, but we almost always see them fighting droids. This is the most bloodless war ever, even assuming there’s a ton of offscreen collateral damage. ONSCREEN we see the Jedi avoiding collateral damage as much as possible. - “We are the ones that should be put on trial; all of us.”--No, literally just Barriss should be put on trial, for her senseless crimes. - “My attack on the Temple was an attack on what the Jedi have become--an army fighting for the dark side.”-- Incorrect on two counts. Others have explained how the Jedi are CLEARLY the good guys in this show, and more than that, her attack on the Temple was pointless murder that failed to even make a clear statement. She killed Jedi, non-Jedi workers, and clones, so I guess she was just symbolically opposing the war effort, but considering she had to explain herself before anyone guessed her motives, I don’t think she did a very good job.
Once you accept that Barriss is wrong, this becomes extremely tragic. - Anakin’s clearly struggled with the dark side over this whole arc, but he hasn’t Fallen. He’s still firmly a Jedi, firmly rooted in the Light. He lets Ventress go when he realizes she’s not responsible (which may have been a bad decision ethically, but it was probably better than just killing her), tries talking calmly to Barriss first, and sees justice done. He works within the system by making sure Ahsoka is arrested. - The music is just SO GOOD. When I was believing Barriss, the dark, dramatic music just made me more uncomfortable (”ahh, the bad guy is right?!”), but now it’s just sad. - This trial has been taking place in a Senate courtroom with the Imperial logo prominently displayed on the wall, Tarkin prosecuting, and the future Emperor presiding. But when justice is truly served, it’s by Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight opposing Palpatine, and four Jedi Guardians escorting a prisoner. And...look, in terms of iconography, those guys are awesome enough to challenge all the Imperial paraphernalia, with their masks, armor, and special yellow lightsabers. Seriously, I’m surprised over the strength of the feelings I’m having about the clash of icons here. The failing Republic/future Empire is about to perpetrate a great injustice, but in march the traditional guards of an ancient peacekeeping order in full dramatic procession to bring true justice.
Barriss and everyone else taken in by anti-Jedi propaganda fail to realize that the Jedi aren’t the cause of the problem--they’re just a bandage struggling to help people like Padme hold a failing Republic together as crime syndicates, the Sith, and more base forms of evil such as corruption tear it apart.
I’ve written waaaay too much already, so I won’t talk about it too much, but Ahsoka’s arc in season 7 supports my thoughts. Basically, that arc starts with her realizing how the common people often have at least semi-legitimate reasons to dislike the Jedi, and it ends with her realizing that she’s been acting like a Jedi the whole time (and the one hostile Martinez sister realizing that since Ahsoka’s basically a Jedi, she’s been judging the Jedi too harshly).
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tetrakys · 4 years
Sweet Elite - chapter 10
I finally played the episode on both my active accounts, review below the cut.
The episode starts with Scholar reminiscing the Halloween party and finally openly admitting to themselves they have a crush on the person chosen in the previous episode. As you probably remember I’m currently on Tegan’s and Axel’s routes.
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I... am destined to suffer with this game.
After this realisation we decide that the most important thing is to focus on our studies to be sure we’ll be able to remain at the academy. After studying we go to the cafeteria to have dinner and we find there the person we are in love with, we have a lovely dinner together 
They talk about school for a bit
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(Babe I forgive you only because you are cute, and also because you are teasing, your file says that math is one of your strengths, so cut the crap. )
Then he talks about him leaving school to go on tour.
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(LMAO his face)
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(!!!!!!! YES PLEASE!!!! but admit you’d do it because YOU want to see ME day and night 😏)
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Ah! Someone who understands that scholarship students are brighter than the average Arligton student. It doesn’t take a genius to figure it out... I mean... someone would have to be veeeeery stupid and close minded to think the opposite... wouldn’t they...  🙄
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Funny but... I’m sure we can come up with another form of punishment 😊😏
There’s not much to show about the dinner with Tegan, as I said multiple times until we literally jump on him we’re going to get nowhere with him.
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Then he makes his back crack and Scholar gets spooked and they talk about being weird and true to themselves.
I’m a bit sad that in all the cute moments with Tegan you can rarely tell if they are flirty or just friendly. I know they reflect his personality, but it’s disappointing.
At the end of the dinner we agree that we had fun and we should do this again after the exams.
And this is where the episode ends.
Okay, no, I’m jooooooooking
This is where most interactions with our crush end and Karol/Neha’s arc begins (still not sure if the arc is only about Karol or both, I’d say both). 
Someone took a picture of scholar hugging Tadashi to console him during his arc and it got viral for some reason, so now Arlington’s sweetheart is again getting attention and the school board has decided to use the free publicity to raise the school’s profile in people’s eyes, so scholar is going to be one of Faxion’s judges. Scholar and Tadashi are called in Lady A’s office to talk about this, but they have to keep the secret until it’s publicly announced.
There is a very funny group chat scene where people try to get information out of Scholar and Tadashi, the picture comes out and we get no reaction from Tegan (he is the one who shares the link, so he might have at least brooded about it for a bit I hope), but we get a small cute scene with Axel
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(Also, apparently he’s a dog person. Nice.)
Scholar, my child, could you try to use a bit of this sass with Tegan? You’re gonna die alone if you don’t.
After this, Faxion is announced and Scholar’s role too. You would guess that the smart thing to do is to treat well ALL the people who are going to to judge your work, right? Right? With respect, like any other human being deserves at the very least. But noooo of course not.
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I’ve tried really hard to like you Karolina. I really did.
But you are a bitch.
Someone who defines people’s worth by how much money their parents own is even less than stupid. 
She even tries to show she has some higher moral ground respect to another model who is just as an asshole as she is. I can’t see much of a difference between the two.
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What’s the difference with Karolina? I see none.
Scholar tries to make peace with Karol and be an impartial judge. We meet the other judges, among them there is a Luis Vuitton knock-off who is apparently friend with lady A and knows things about both Scholar and Neha. They are really fishy. In fact they out Neha as a scholarship student in front of the whole school. This is where things go to shit. Up until this point Neha and Karol where a great team and way ahead of everyone else, but now Karol can barely stand Neha’s sight.
I see how Karol can be hurt that Neha has lied to her all this time, but it doesn’t justify the shitty way she treats her at this point. Also, try at least to be smart and civil until the competition is over instead of actively sabotaging everything because now that you know Neha is not rich her ideas are worth less in your eyes. But no, why be smart when you can be completely stupid.
In all this we also find out that Karol is anorexic, which we suspected since episode 2, and that Neha is in love with her, which we knew since episode 1. We talk to Raquel, Claire, Tegan and Neha about Karol’s eating disorder and the episode ends with the winners about to be announced (Karol and Neha of course) but Karol faints in front of the entire school.
A few comments:
- I appreciate when the writing is solid enough to make the reader see where the plot is going, instead of pulling things out of nowhere for pure shock value. Surprises are good only when they are well planned.
- I also liked that Scholar had an active role. I didn’t expect them being a judge and even if it’s a bit of a stretch I liked seeing that we are not a secondary character in our story. However I’m still turned off by the fact that scholar’s department makes no difference in the story. A scholar in the fashion department can’t be considered the “general population” vote. I know that the excuse for them not being in the competition is that they don’t have a ranking yet, but it makes no sense in my opinion. Even blaming it on the school board is a stretch. But this is not the only instance something like this has happened, a scholar in science needing someone to explain them the science lecture. A scholar in math teaming up with Tegan and Ellie to only end up shopping for computer parts online. I wish these things were better thought.
- I’m calling out whoever in the dev/art/writing team has a CLEAR preference for Neha. She is the only one we can raise the meter this episode. In my gameplays the only one we got a romantic interaction in one of the past episodes. The only one we have an extra solo illustration with. And I assume we have a 1-1 illustration with her here because this is her arc (same as what happened with Tadashi), so I’m expecting a 1-1 illustration with Karol next episode. However I feel the bias for Neha, same as what I felt the last episode with Axel, and no one can change my mind.
- This episode made me dislike Karolina a lot. I assume I should be nicer with her because she has an eating disorder, but her being a bitch has nothing to do with her anorexia. The two things may come from the same issue, her needing to be perfect for whatever reason, and I’m sure we will get a teary explanation at some point that will make me forgive her, but still... she deserves take accountability for her own actions. I hope she looses the award.
- Neha doesn’t deserve to loose, she is talented and works hard, she deserves to find another partner. Don’t worry Neha, there are lots of people who can walk in a straight line in the world, there’s no need to attend an elite school for this. However she is also quite spineless, but there’s still hope for her, I understand why she has been lying all this time if she was trying to build a business in such an elitist world. I hope this serves her as a lecture and she learns to stand up for herself and others when such things happen.
All in all I liked the episode. It’s not perfect but as a character arc episode is thousands times better than Tadashi’s was. I just hope we’ll be done with Karol quickly and move on to better things.
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stilemawillow · 4 years
Fairy Tale NOT Like [Levi | Reader]
Sequel: Romantic? More Like NO
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Levi felt just so irritated.
Firstly Hanji had to break his favourite set of tea cups in the morning just because 'I had to take Eren's sample to the office as fast as possible!' Yeah, as if that would magically ressurect his precious china.
Then Eren fucking Jaeger just had to go and make a tantrum about not being invited to the ball that was to be held tonight in the near palace. And from where the fuck did he even know about the ball? That kid had enough problems, he shouldn't have acted like a witty girl just because he got no annoying velvety piece of shit in front of his door at six fucking in the morning. Then after he calmed the teen down, he had to go and do the usual training session with the cadets. Fair enough it seemed.
It was followed by a good time of afternoon tea and then he planned to do some paperwork, rest, maybe even visit town and buy himself some tea or even a new broom because the old one was getting worn out. However, Erwin fucking Smith just had to ruin his peaceful alone time, burst his bubble and tell him he had to go to tonight's ball. He had to look pretty and talk politely and blah, blah, blah. The reason? Levi had no fucking idea.
So now he was here - dressed in a tux with a bouquet of flowers for who damn knows - walking down the streets of the town square because he got partly lost on his way to the palace. Just great. This wasn't how his evening should’ve been spent.
If he was lucky he could’ve been reading a book in the mess hall just near the fireplace with no brats around because it would be after curfew, a cup of tea in hand and a peaceful mind, away from his everyday problems for five to fifty minutes. But no.
He was forced to attend this frilly ball, to get "pretty" as Erwin had said, then buy flowers - again an order from Erwin - and actually interact with living people and not insult them, then eat properly, talk no bullshit and make no frowns. To top it all off, he wasn’t even given permission to get drunk. So unfair.
As Levi made his way through the crowd that was to either go to the ball or go back to their homes, he accidentally bumped into someone and said someone was going to fall before Levi caught his hand and pulled him back up. When the raven-haired man looked who the person was he found himself face to face with a woman around her mid-twenties, exactly two inches shorter than he was with a bewildered look on her face.
He let go of her forearm as fast as he had gripped it but the woman was in no haste, so she took her time eyeing him up and down before apologising for being a goddamn klutz.
"I'm really sorry for my recklessness, sir. I didn't mean to bump into you." She stated, her tone high-pitched in supposed nervousness. Her voice, however, held very little of the regret she tried to convey.
"You don't really sound sorry."
"I do bump into people everyday, so apologies have turned into a life for me." She shrugged and he snorted. He should be on his way to the fucking palace, not here talking with whoever this woman was. His mind made an abrupt connection. A brilliant idea. He could use her. Not just as an excuse to arrive late, no. He could really use her.
"And where were you going?" He questioned, making the woman frown.
"I was just taking a walk. I just quit my job so I’m looking for a new one."
"You could always work for the palace."
"I’d prefer not to get involved in something I consider my greatest nightmare, thank you. The snobs inside the palace get all my money as it is, I don’t want to serve directly under them too." The woman huffed and knotted her eyebrows in spite, making Levi slightly hum in satisfaction. This was definitely a feisty one. But he would have to make it work. God how he hated interacting with people.
"I can get you a job." He stated straightforwardly, making the female gape at his uncaring scowl.
"Wherever you want."
“Really?” Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms, bringing his attention to her tattered button-up. In another life, it should’ve been white but it was grey and worn-out, just like the pants she’d clearly cuffed herself, judging by the sloppy handiwork. Levi eyed the neatly braided (h/c) hair over her shoulder and the clear (s/c) skin contrasting the (e/c) hues currently judging him. A bath was all that stood between her and the adjective ‘pretty’.
"Of cour---"
"And what would you exactly want in return, Mr. Complaisant?" She responded to his glare with one of her own, almost making him roll his eyes in exasperation. He should’ve known she wouldn’t be naive like most women with how poverty-stricken she looked. She was probably one missed paycheck away from becoming homeless and people like her rarely took kind to unreasonably generous offers.
"You got me." He stated boredly, making her snort as he pretended to turn and resume his walk to the palace. He needed not start at all, for she blocked his path with her body less than a second later.
"So?" Her inquiry coincided with the bump of their shoulders as Levi was almost surprised at the lack of disgust he felt at the unintentional contact.
"What?" He asked and she repeated her question with a sigh.
"What would you want in return? Just because someone comes up to me with a suspicious job offer doesn’t mean I’ll be missing out on the opportunity. Let me hear that favour you'll want and I'll decide."
"You seriously don’t know me if you dare question my word, much less if you bargain with me." He glared as she stood across from him as unfazed as she could be. Great, apparently he couldn't intimidate her enough as to use his authority on her. Just great. His plan was crumbling and he had no back-up one. 
"Right now, stranger, you're simply the newest addition to my collection of people I’ve bumped into. Not bargaining with you is simply not me, nothing personal." The woman’s explanation made him roll his eyes, then click his tongue and fix her with a glare.
"I want you to go to the ball tonight with me."
"That was sudden." However, she didn’t seem one bit surprised. Was she used to having men invite her to balls left and right all day or was she a mind-reader? 
"Do you accept or not? I don't have all night." He tried to keep the insults in, seemingly as he'd have to do it for the rest of the night anyway.
"Sure thing. But the job offer stays?" She looked at him in a suspicious way, making his insides gurgle with irritation at her character. He’d experienced instant dislike lots of times in his life but this individual sparked curiosity too. She was too interesting to be entirely disliked.
"Don't question my words."
"Fine, fine. I'll just have to change."
"We don't have time for that. I'll buy you a dress as we go." He grabbed her wrist before she could turn and headed towards the only dress store he knew of, which was the one where he’d gotten his tux from earlier the same week. The female let herself be dragged after him with suspicious ease, though he could feel her glare piercing the back of his head.
Less than three minutes later, he was knocking on the door of the dress store, hoping for it to be open at this time. The owner’s irritated countenance showed, incoming insults halting at the tip of his tongue at the sight of his client.
"M-Mr. Ackerman. What a pleasure. W-Why are you here?" The man asked as Levi shoved the silent woman at his side through the door with a mean glare.
"Take her measurements and give her a nice dress. Erwin Smith will be paying. I’ll be outside." With a last glance to the confused face of the female and the panicked one of the owner, he exited the store and stiffly considered leaning on the dirty wall before deciding it wasn’t worth it.
Of all things he could be doing right now, he was waiting for a woman he didn’t know so she could accompany him to a ball. Levi had no idea why he’d decided to take her along but he guessed he could only face the consequences of that from now onwards. The minutes he spent silently waiting were uncountable but they paid off well when he saw the store’s door open. He felt the woman who walked out now was not the same as the one he’d shoved in. He blinked at her for a short while in wonder, then motioned for her to follow.
She made no comment on his demanour, she didn’t ask how she looked or what he thought, she didn’t speak at all actually. It was the first time Levi felt discomfort at not being pestered with questions. Because, in this special case, they would be justified. It could be said, they had to be there. But they weren’t and that was strange. Almost as strange as the fact she’d accepted his request without giving it much thought.
"What's your name?"
"(Y/N) (L/N). You don't need to bother remembering it." He hummed at her words and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye. "Why did you ask me to come to that ball with you?"
"To piss somebody off."
"I guess we're even then." His perplexed look spoke volumes on his actual confusion. For all he knew, he was using her - not the other way around. "I agreed to come with you to get back at an old friend of mine since I’m sure he’ll be there." (Y/N) stated, making Levi huff whilst trying not to cringe at how muddy the streets were.
"So it wasn't only for the job?" He asked, not curious and not impartial, just for the sake of avoiding silence.
"Oh, I do need it. I’m just taking more advantage of your offer than I should." Her dress was a darker colour in the light of the setting sun as she spoke, making Levi click his tongue.
"It's amazing how manipulative some women are." His statement was nonchalant. She only nodded.
"And how uncaring some men can make themselves seem."
"Your implication?"
"You're not actually that cold, are you? You cared enough to use me at least. You could’ve easily brushed me off." Levi couldn’t understand where the word ‘care’ wrote itself into the manipulative act he’d performed but he couldn’t deny she was being observant.
"I'm not usually like that." He reassured boredly. He could see her shrug with his peripheral vision; the temptation to look at her was tickling his neck but he was the tiniest of bits put off by the fact he might just see the smirk he somehow knew was on her lips. “Now, I’m not going to be lecturing you on etiquette. You can go embarrass yourself in whichever way you want for all I care so long as you don’t say I’ve basically bought your escort." He changed the topic with a deadpan as she nodded, smiling just slightly.
"Sure thing." His stomach took an unpleasant turn. What was happening? Had he become nauseous without even noticing? Was it the food he’d eaten? He opened his mouth to speak again when she exclaimed: "Oh, look we're here! Come on!" She grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the palace's entrance. He quickly yanked his hand from hers - clothed contact with her he may have tolerated, but this here was a no-no for his cleanliness.
"I can walk perfectly fine on my own." He stated and (Y/N) only snorted in responce.
"Then please do walk faster." With a roll of his eyes, Levi kept his pace just as slow as it had been before, if not slower on purpose. The guard at the entrance took his invitation and let them in but only after attempting to get a look at (Y/N)’s cleavage - an attempt Levi instantly compromised by vouchsafing him a glare. Much to the raven-haired male’s displeasure, they had to hook hands before walking in so that was exactly what they did.
The raven held back the cringe that was to make itself visible over his sharp features as his gaze faced the frilly decorations hanging from the marble columns and the high ceilings, not to mention the pompous lace ribbons all over the place. His nose was scrunched up in mild disgust as the woman at his side let out a distinct puke-imitation sound that summed up both’s impression of the hall.
"I agree." Levi’s statement made (Y/N) chuckle whilst fiddling with her braid. He guessed discomfort had gotten to her in the crowd.
"What do I do now?" She voiced out her childish concerns, to which he responded with a snort. Levi let go of her hand and handed the bouquet he was holding to the nearest woman visible, which was an old lady less than a foot away from him. She showed shock, then a smile as he bowed and turned back to his escort.
"I can introduce you to some people. We are half an hour late anyway. They must be all here already." She nodded and he led her away into the crowd. People stared at him as he walked in front of her and partially shielded her with his body from other people's contact as she furrowed her eyebrows in embarrassment and uncertainity while being eyed up from all directions from both women and men.
Finally reaching his destination as he witnessed Erwin ahead talking with Nile-the-bitch-Dok, Levi made sure he was noticed quickly by the blond who seemed to get paler by the second he saw the raven and his escort walk his way.
"Good evening.” The raven greeted informally, but the blond had all his attention on something behind Levi's back. Looking back he witnessed (Y/N), hands on her hips and a slight smirk playing on her lips.
"Miss me, boys?" Nile had already turned around and seen the woman himself, which made him the second besides Erwin to nearly gape at her. Levi could wholeheartedly say he didn't understand one bit the happening.
"Look who came back from the dead." Nile eyed (Y/N) with a whistle while Erwin cleared his throat, pale face slowly regaining its normal colour.
"You know I wasn’t dead to begin with, Nile. And you, Erwin - you look a lot worse. Not enjoying life?" The female closed the distance between herself and the men, snatching a glass of wine from the passing waiter.
"More like stuck-up as ever." Nile corrected before Erwin could speak for himself and the woman smiled.
"I'm happy to hear it. But---" she threw Nile a glance before locking gazes with Erwin, "I wasn't talking to you, Commander Pony." The title made Levi's teeth gnaw on the inner side of his cheek as to prevent a cackle. He'd never heard anybody besides himself and Hanji deride Nile in such a manner and even they rarely did it to his face. Humanity’s Strongest Soldier might’ve been clueless as to the happening but he certainly had nothing against the nicknames.
"I see you haven't changed." Erwin stated after chuckling, making (Y/N)'s smirk soften into a genuine smile.
"How could I? Change comes with people and surroundings. Mine haven't changed since you two left."
"A shocker, really." The dark-haired commander added as the woman shot him a playful glare.
"As witty as ever, Nile.”
"What leads you here anyway?" Erwin asked and (Y/N) shot Levi a glance, then turned back to the blond who might’ve come to the conclusion it wasn’t really a ‘what’ that had brought her there - rather a ‘who’.
"A soldier, I’m thinking he might be up in the ranks with how imperative he is. Guessing the name’s up to you." Her slyness made Nile chuckle as Levi shot daggers into his head. Erwin only raised an eyeborw at his at his strongest soldier.
"Is it true that she's your escort, Levi?"
"Sort of." The raven’s statement made the blond sigh before turning to (Y/N) with a smile.
"Can I have the first dance?" Levi didn’t need to hear the words to know there was something more to those two then either let show. He felt irritation at his side. Why? No idea. Before he could feel himself moving, the raven was already standing between the (h/c)-haired female and the commander.
"Actually it's already reserved. She's my escort after all." He tried to keep his voice down, steady and cold, and, well, it went out like a growl he wanted to punch himself for. He turned to look at (Y/N)’s big uncertain eyes and it dawned on him this was exactly why he shouldn’t have brought her along. He was ready to step aside when she laughed.
"I guess Levi's right. I'm reserved. Sorry, Erwin. I'll save you the next one." With that and a pat at the tall blond’s shoulder, (Y/N) smiled at Levi and took his hand - a gesture he was too confused to fight. They were in the middle of the hall and soft violins were playing, echoing off the walls and surrounding all the dancing couples.
There wasn’t an exchange of words - Levi just grabbed (Y/N)'s hand and waist and tried not to bruise them as her small palm glued itself to his shoulder. The fingers he was clutching were delicate and cold and it seemed to him even the gesture of squeezing would break them. Her feet moved swiftly under his command but she made the mistake of being hasty which resulted in the soft sole of her boots repeatedly coming in contact with his shiny dress shoes. Thankfully, her dress was long enough to cover up their clumsiness.
To his own utmost surprise, Levi didn’t feel the need to complain or even speak despite the fact she made it a goal to profusely apologise for her poor dancing skills
"That's why I always refuse dancing. I’m really sorry." She mumbled and Levi looked down at her with uncertainity before meeting Erwin’s gaze among the crowd over her shoulder.
"Who’s the friend you wanted to piss off?"
"Erwin, of course. He's always been the jealous type."
"Such a coincidence." Levi clicked his tongue and (Y/N) quirked an eyebrow at him as he spun her once and then pulled her back to himself.
"He’s your target as well?" She asked and he spun her again under his hand, he was sure she'd step on his foot any seco---
"Indeed." He hissed out slightly towards the end as her boot was yet once again met with his toes.
"Shit, sorry. Well, I can’t say I pity him." She mumbled after apologising hastily, catching back onto his shoulder as he sighed to calm the slight numbness in his toes.
"He'll get over it." The raven stated and the woman in front of him smiled softly, looking down at her feet. Well, not at least there was a possibility she'd prevent another stomp over his feet. "How do you know him anyway?” Levi tried to sound nonchant even though he had no idea why. He didn't care that much for anything but he knew silently spinning along to the violins would be more uncomfortable than this.
"Both he and Nile are my childhood friends. I wish Mike was around here as well. I'd love to see if him and his nose have changed." She snorted at that sentence as Levi rolled his eyes and remembered the morning accident and why exactly Hanji had broken his precious china. Mike was everywhere and if he didn't frighten you the first time you met, it would surely happen afterwards when he appeared out of the blue trying to smell the samples you held. Or in Hanji’s case it was that way since the majority was properly freaked out by his impression and hence didn’t show up around him again.
"Not in the least."
"That's great." (Y/N) laughed heartily, eyes sparkling with glee. Levi thought it very strange that she would be so happy, furthermore over something this insignificant. It wasn't like they lived in an utopia.
"So, childhood friends?" He redirected the topic, pulling her closer when another dancing couple came too close for comfort. (Y/N)’s chest bumped into Levi’s and her forehead hit his chin. He regretted preventing the collision with the other couple when he heard her breath hitch.
"Technically they were already in the military when I was a child, but I consider them that." She straightened out and blinked a few times, staring at his lips and trying to ignore the way he was watching her do it. He nodded weakly, to which she held her breath and looked down at her feet. She cleared her throat, clearly uneasy and he could almost see the question at the tip of her tongue.
“Spit it out.” He commanded, receiving a heavy sigh in return.
"Why did you invite me here when you could've invited literally anybody else? A colleague or a random woman or your girlfriend. I’m not into gossip but you are a popular topic amongst females."
"It’s you because I want to piss off Erwin. Nothing more, nothing less." The raven snorted. Not only was this woman irritatingly observant, but she had a big mouth and now she was butting into his personal shit. He couldn't let that happen.
"The song ended. I think I should go." She let go of him quickly before turning and disappearing into the crowd in search of Erwin as far as Levi could guess.
He didn’t know what it mattered that it was Erwin and not Mike or somebody else. She wasn’t important. He’d met her today. He realised that. Maybe she was just too happy, too evasive with her answers and too involved with his superiors for it to be normal. Maybe Levi just needed to unvail the mystery around her relationship with his colleagues in order for her to become uninteresting.
The only things he knew about her was she knew his superiors and her name was (Y/N). Had it been any other woman he would’ve heard her whole life’s story by now. (Y/N) had a big mouth and lots of comebacks at the ready but she shared nothing about herself, which made Levi wonder what in the holy grail of fuck she was hiding.
Annoyance building up, Levi told himself to stop reading into everything and headed for the punch table. On the way there, he kept reassuring himself that the mysterious (Y/N) was actually normal and plain, and she just hadn’t the time to sing out all her problems to him yet. His mind was overwhelmed by boredom and had obviously decided to imagine a common peasant girl as some alluring puzzle to be build, a mystery to be unravelled. Which was stupid on so many levels he could not begin to describe it. She was normal and stupid, and girly. She had to be. They all were. All he’d met until now anyway.
And here she fell upon his gaze once again, engaging in a lively conversation with Nanaba, Dita, Ness, Hanji and Mike around the punch table. Great, just when he actually wanted some alcohol.
The (f/c) dress she had on herself, he had to admit, looked beyond appealing when on her. Would look even better off her, he was sure. Had this been his Underground-self, he could bet he’d landed her in his bed and then kicked her out the door already. If she could walk properly that is. Brushing the thought off and nearing the table with a snort, he could hear a part of their conversation.
"I can eat it. Come on, give it to me." (Y/N) challenged and Hanji smirked.
"We start on three." The brunette's hand prepared to stike for the hors d'oeuvres on the silver plates next to the table they were near to as (Y/N) narrowed her eyes. "You could never beat me, (Y/N)."
“I'm betting on Hanji." Ness stated as Dita snorted in support.
"I'm for (Y/N)." Nananba commented and Mike nodded along.
"Why don't we bet on it, Zoe? It's always funnier that way." The (h/c)-haired smirked as the mad scientist narrowed her eyes.
"What is it this time?"
"Why not a bottle of that wine you're hiding in the lab?" (Y/N) inquired casually, making Levi’s brows furrow in confusion. Hanji wasn’t allowed to have alcoh---
"I’m not hiding any wine." Hanji’s forehead was covered in sweat.  Levi would make sure to note the fact she’d snuck alcohol behind Erwin's back. That would make her shut up if she wanted to blackmail him about Eren’s experiments.
"If you say so.” (Y/N) chuckled with a nod.
"Then whatever the winner wishes for."
"Deal. It's fair." (Y/N) and the others around the table voiced their agreement as the brunette nodded and shook hands with the other female.
"Mike, count down. Dita, count my chocolates. Nanaba, count (Y/N)'s."
"Sure." Nanaba went to (Y/N)'s side and watched as Dita made her way to Hanji's. Levi just assumed they were crazy. They weren't really going to have an eating contest in the middle of the ball right?
"Three." Mike started, making Levi step closer but still out of sight for the contestants. "Two." The dirty blonde took a step back, set on being a referee whilst watching the tension grow with Ness at his side. "One." Both women began stuffing their mouths with chocolate candies, making Levi blink in bafflement.
Disgusting. How could two women - not only one - be so unfeminine for God's sake? His face scrunched up and then he felt a hand come in contact with his shoulder. He turned around to face Erwin who was observing the two women stuffing their faces as their friends counted the number of sweets that had already disappeared down their throats.
"Isn't it extraordinary how there's a second woman in the whole world who wishes to have an eating contest with Hanji when even that new cadet Braus doesn't?" The blond questioned, making the raven snort.
"It sure is disgusting."
"Quite a lot actually." Erwin chuckled, making Levi quirk an eyebrow.
"They've done that before?"
"All the time."
"It was always a tie."
Someone can eat as much as shitty glasses. It would've been amazing had Levi not been extremely repulsed by the fact both women were being total pigs while performing it. That was one of Hanji's charms indeed, but (Y/N)---
"Some shit happened between you two?" Levi asked as Erwin looked down at him, then his gaze directed itself to (Y/N).
"(Y/N) never held interest in me like that. You're more her type."
"Her type?" He spat the words like venom. Levi hated being categorised like an object.
"Delinquent who breaks the rules. She never fell for the good guy." Erwin smiled nostalgically as if recalling a bittersweet memory as Levi's face scrunched up in confusion and displeasure. Even after all those years Levi'd been following Erwin, his stupid orders and his beliefs, he still thought he was the same thug - the bad boy - he’d pulled out of the Underground?
"You're the good guy, I suppose."
"Kind of. I wouldn't have been a good pair for her anyway. We both knew it and while she got over it, I couldn’t."
"Did Commander Pony have the same probem?" Levi personally thought it was a bigger possibility of himself sleeping with a donkey than (Y/N) and Dok hooki---”
"No, she and Nile slept together once but neither’s willing to admit it up to this day because they still think it a mistake. Anyways - I think the contest finished." Erwin redirected the topic when witnessing the shock on Levi’s face, then left him staring blankly ahead with the words: "I'll go see the results."
"Cavities here we come." Hanji mumbled.
"I was sure I was going to win this time." (Y/N) groaned as the big group of friends passed Levi. Hanji and (Y/N) were rubbing at their jaws and their disappointed entourage followed while Erwin tried to reassure them it was a tie before it’d even started.
Finally grabbing a drink, Levi tried to keep his mind blank and noticed a few women throwing him slutty glances in passing. Naturally, he ignored them since he wasn’t in the mood for a careless fuck even if it would be with a tall blonde with a perfect body. On his fourth glass of wine, the raven-haired male found himself staring at (Y/N) as she excused herself from her group of friends and headed, for some strange reason, his way. The earlier blonde he’d noticed had also began approaching him.
Levi watched (Y/N) stop in her tracks, eye the blonde and snatch a glass of white wine from a passing waiter. She sipped on her drink, patiently waiting for the blonde to get to him. The conclusion made Levi’s brows furrow just as the gifted female started sweet-talking him into a good time without even introducing herself. Displeasire had settled at the bottom of his stomach as he observed (Y/N)’s unmoving figure.
"So, what do you say we go somewhere else? I hear soldiers are exceptionally giving when it comes to the people they protect.” The blonde took a step forward and Levi tried to step back but his waist had long hit the edge of the punch table. In addition, he would like to see what his escort would do when he was getting sexually harrassed in public.
When the blonde had left no space between their bodies, (Y/N) passed her empty glass to a waiter and quickly approached them before grabbing the tall female’s bare shoulder. The blonde squeaked and turned only to meet a very fiery (e/c) glare.
"Excuse me, I think if my partner hasn’t already dragged you into the nearest closet then he’s not really in the mood for sez right now." (Y/N) was calm and the blonde was obviously not having that.
"How would you know?"
"It's written all over his face. Now go steal some married man from his wife instead of messing with the wrong woman at the wrong table full of objects which have the potential to become a weapon." The blonde was scared shitless, guessing by the smirk Levi witnessed on (Y/N)’s face. She was gone in less than ten seconds, leaving a loudly cackling (h/c)-haired female and a bored Levi, feeling his stomach churn unpleasantly.  "God, I love their faces so much!" She exclaimed, then smiled at Levi. "You wanted to bang her or I was right to say you would’ve led her away already?"
"I'm not obliged to answer your dumb questions."
"Yeah, it was a dumb one."
"What happened? Got tired around so many of your ol' friends?" He asked, clearly irritated with her behaviour, which on the other side covered up the fact he wanted to know the answer to an extent.
"I was actually going to ask if you'd dance with me. I noticed you falling in love with the feeling of my boots crushing your toes." She smirked playfully and leaned on the table next to him, making him stare her down in slight bewilderment. He considered the possibility of her being tipsy if not drunk already. He was rolling his eyes when she grabbed his forearm and dragged him towards the middle of the hall. He didn’t complain but he wasn’t bursting with enthusiasm either.
"It's a faster song this time, though." His hands had just settled on her waist as she voiced the warning.
"Twice the fun for me." Levi dragged out sarcastically while (Y/N) curved backwards with a laugh, making Levi's face soften just slightly as she picked herself back up and wrapped both arms around his neck.
"I'll be leading you around the room like crazy." She stated with a smile on her lips, the braid already coming undone above her shoulder as it tickled the soft skin of her neck.
"Leading me?"
"Totally." She grinned at him when the music played and her hands tugged him along, wherever she wanted him to go. Before he knew it they were spinning and he wasn’t in control, but he knew he was either drunk or this woman was truly as interesting as she seemed.
The latter would be rather troublesome for him.
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"You must be drunk." Levi concluded.
He was yet once again so irritated.
And not at anything else. This time it was at himself.
What in all of his right senses and logic had made him fucking escort her home at the end of the night he didn't know. He told Erwin and the others to leave, then went back to the town square knowing nothing of the location of her home as she was slightly limping against his shoulder, laughing at stupid jokes and insults he said, then looked as serious as she could, going back to her gooey mood less than five seconds later.
It was an unending circle and he was getting so annoyed with it. And with himself. Why couldn't he just get this over with?
"Nah. I rarely am." She stumbled and almost fell in that tight dress she wore, but he caught her and rolled his eyes. Both of them reeked of alcohol, but at least he wasn't truly drunk.
"Where do you live?" He asked and she looked around, her narrowed eyes searching for something.
"Why isn't Erwin here? Where is Erwin?"
"Stop asking questions and answer mine. Where do you live?" He repeated this time more harshly. It wasn't because she asked where Erwin was, more because of the fact that she was taking some of his own time for sleeping and rest after such events - not that he would rest anyway, he'd probably start his paperwork or something.
"Oh, I live near the dress store, just at the right alleyway and ahead until you arrive at a pub. Turn left there and look around for a green barrel in front of an old house." She was in serious mode and he thanked the Gods for that, then started leading her away in said directions.
When they arrived at the place, Levi looked up at the old building, reading out the words above the entrance and then looking back at the female that was leaning on him. He would've probably thrown her away until now, but he wasn't that bad.
"This is a pub."
"Oh, yeah, I forgot that I quitted. Well, just leave me off in the street there and I'll go to sleep a little." She wasn't making fucking sense with that sentence.
"Are you fucking mad? Isn't there anywhere else you can stay? At a friend's house or something?" He asked and she laughed, back in gooey mode as he waited for it to wear off.
"I think not. I usually live wherever I get a work at, so I try to find another job before actually quitting the previous one, but this time it was just on impulse and I have nowhere else to go. But really you don't need to bother because of it. I have slept on the streets before. Just leave me off and let's say our farewells." She smiled at him and he scoffed, then let go of her body and she almost fell down, making him roll his eyes and sigh as he picked her up once again, literally throwing her over his shoulder and going back to the town square.
She didn't comply, just giggled from time to time as her hair was swinging from left to right and she was fading in and out of consciousness, making him take deep breaths and try to ignore the urge to do what she had requested of him earlier and leave her on the street.
After he called a carriage and ordered where to, he set her on the seat across from him and she literally fell asleep immediately. He scowled at her and pursed his lips at her peacefully sleeping form, calculating things as many times as possible to make sure he wouldn't be caught in the act with what he was going to do.
It was going to be hard to sneak her in and out of the headquarters, but taking the fact she had no home to go to he could do that much. The HQ wasn't a charity home for people from the streets however, so he would have some problems if anyone were to learn about this. Maybe at the ball Erwin, Mike and the others were long lost friends of hers, but on their territory they were soldiers that had to keep rules, so he couldn't trust them about it either.
Throughout the ride, Levi just took his time to space off while looking either at the night sky through the carriage window or at the woman's sleeping face.
That was until the carriage actually took its stop and Levi paid the driver, then picked (Y/N) up - this time in bridal style - and asked himself how would someone not fucking notice him as he enters. But at last, somehow he managed to get himself and the woman in his arms through the doors of the infirmary, laying her down on a lone bed at the corner of the room just under a window, but just as he was to turn around and leave, unfortunately enough she woke up and looked at him with those big (e/c) eyes of hers in slight confusion and surprise.
"Where are we?"
"I brought you to the HQ. Sleep here and early in the morning I'll come to wake you up."
"I guess it'll be for the best. Wait--- where will I be going afterwards?" She asked and he snorted.
"Nowhere. I'll get you a job at the stables. Or even set you as a cook if you can actually make something that doesn't taste like shit. We'll see." He headed for the door.
"You're actually going to find me a job? Here?"
"I told you not to question my word a lot of times." He clicked his tongue just as his hand went on the doorknob.
"Yeah, I guess you did."
"Just don't let your dumb ass be seen until I come in the morning." He ordered and didn't even need to look at her to know how her face looked at that moment.
"Hey, Levi."
"Hm?" He turned around and his stomach took yet once again an unpleasant for the short corporal turn. He shouldn't have turned. Her grin was facing him - form as messy as it could be on the bed, dress in creases, hair let down, eyes shining more than the fucking moon out of the window - the moonlight was making her visage look as if glowing in a way.
"Thanks for everything." She stated and he stared at her in a slight trance before snapping his head back to the dark hallway outside. With a deep hum resonating in his throat, he nodded and then exited the door, ready to head for his office then finish all work he didn't get to in the afternoon.
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He was walking down the hall with a cup of freshly brewed coffee in hand already knowing that the moment (Y/N) wakes up she would---
"Ah, fuck, my head is splitting in two!"
He heard a loud groan from inside the infirmary and with a sigh, a big check standing in front of the thought he didn't even get to finish before he got there, he entered inside the empty infirmary and his eyes were immediately glued to the figure of the woman on the bed he had left her on last night. Her form was frozen in mid-sit-up, hand to her temple, hair a mess, the sleeve of her dress slipping off her shoulder and showing her skin.
As Levi neared the bed, he caught the smell of soap from her hair and the one of alcohol still coating her body. He sat at the edge of the mattress and she looked at him with a groggy smile, half-lidded eyes grinning in their own way as he handed her the coffee with the words: "Drink some before you get up."
She caught the cup and lifted it to her lips with a pair of shaky hands before pausing and grinning at him.
"Thank you, Levi." He hummed in appreciation. She may have looked like a disaster, her breath may have or may have not smelled, her clothes may have reeked of alcohol and he may have been partly forced into helping her when he could dump her somewhere along the way - and he definitely would have if he was his old self - but something on the inside made him think in that single moment that she was very very beautiful. And he didn't feel so irritated anymore.
And that was so not him.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
Hi, i loved your general hcs about Kuroo 💞 Could you write for oikawa and kageyama too, please?
Author note : Hello there ♡ Thank you for your request and your kind work it means a lot for me !  it took me a long time I’m sorry about it.  I hope you’ll enjoy it those two dorks are my favorite (honestly I can’t dislike a character from Haikyu). Again I tried to be as impartial as possible. 
Warning : None just me daydreaming about them / Spoiler-free i base my G headcanon on the anime for now
i do not own those gifs credits to their owner (the Oikawa”s one comes from tenor) 
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General headcanon Oikawa edition aka pretty boi ... How am I supposed to be impartial ? 
A lot of people tends to think he is a lady boy which he is not. Sure the man is handsome, he is very nice and pretty funny but honestly he is married to Volley ball.  
Have you seen his reaction when his girlfriend dumped him ? He asked himself what did he do the wrong way. It doesn’t mean that he is blind, that he doesn’t care about you. But Volley ball is his passion. You need to understand that, he is breathing volley, he is eating volley, he dreams volley, he literally went as far as to hurt himself from training. You need to understand that he craves for Volley Ball 
It doesn’t mean he won’t take care of you, when this man let someone getting close to him it’s means the world. Have you seen him ? He is self-conscious, he has a low-opinion on himself even when he tried to be cocky it’s just a way to brush off his own insecurities. 
He thinks he is not a good setter, he is probably doubting his leadership even his own ability as an athlete (it probably started when he hurt his knee) 
I won’t be surprise if he got some trust issues too, despite being pretty popular he is only around the same people which include his best friends Iwa-chan (which he knew since he is child) and his friends from his team that he knew since 3 years. So I don’t think he was in relationship with a lot of people. 
Speaking of relationship, i think he will talk with Iwa-chan about his crush you know just to be sure he doesn’t misunderstanding things
He got a tone of buddies but don’t have much friends, it means a lot for him
I do think he is the kind of people to run into your house if you say you’re feeling down, probably because he’ll appreciate if you do the same for him 
I highly doubt he can take care of himself, I’m not saying that he can’t live on his own but he tends to forget a lot of things because of volley ball. I do think he’ll skip meal time to time especially night meal because he is too focused on analyzing a match but I also think he is smart enough to know how to stay healthy. 
Honestly he needs someone to domestic him, I’m sure he’ll crave for it 
He really loves his fans they’re nice with him but sometimes he wish he could be less popular. They put so much hope in him and he is… well him. How is he supposed to support them while he can support himself ? It melt his heart to see how cute they are but it puts much stress on himself 
I do think he struggles for sleep because of his anxiety especially when he is fighting a good team 
When he got hurt, he was afraid he might no be able to play anymore. He never thinks about what kind of job he would have if he can’t play volley ball. But I can see him being good into social science or something related to language. 
I don’t how I know that but I’m 100% sure he smells something sweet like vanilla don’t ask 
Despite having some childish attitude, I think he uses it to hide his resentment. Especially when he is with Kageyama, he knows the boy does nothing to hurt him. But the fact he is literally made to play volley ball while Oikawa has to work hard, even hurting his body, is pissing him off. He is jealous of him. 
Since he is very close to his nephew I think he is family guy and was probably heart broken when he has to leave his family. I’m sure he FaceTime them as much as he can. I think he bought them ticket so they can travel to see him when he can’t travel. 
Probably the kind of people of doing aesthetic things on his instagram, remember the time when he nephew took a picture of him ? We can see a selfie with Takeru, a picture of a Sunlight, a selfie and a tone of picture of his nephew. His instragram is tidy. 
He is hard-working, he isn’t afraid of what he takes to achieve his goal. It could be a quality or a fault. 
We knows that his previous girlfriend dumped him because he was too focused on Volley ball. It probably means that despite his Monday, he can’t afford much time to date someone. But that doesn’t mean he won’t care about his significant other, maybe sometimes he’ll need you to tell him that it’s okay to live for his passion but that you need to have some times alone together. 
He won’t mind quite contrary, he’ll feel so relieve knowing you miss him but at the same time he’ll blame himself for not being able to notice that you were a bit sad lately. 
Speaking of notice, don’t even think you can lie to him. The man is able to adjust to anyone he is playing with. That means he is pretty good with people and especially good at reading them. Within a couple of weeks he’ll be able to read your body, he’ll know what makes you feel happy, what bother you and when you lie to him. 
Don’t lie to him honestly. As I said before I’m pretty sure he suffered from lack of trust on himself and everyone, he got trust issues. So don’t hide something to him, don’t lie. Tell him when something is wrong. It might not be good, maybe you’ll argue but at least you told him the truth and in the end he’ll be back to you. 
Lying means you don’t trust him and if you don’t trust him why would he date you ? I can see him dumping someone because he knows they’re hiding something. Of course if he noticed you hide something because you wanted to buy him a gift he won’t be mad and he’ll act like he didn’t notice (he is a great actor you won’t know he knew) 
Despite not being able to date you as much as he wants, he’ll be sure to be around you. If you two went into the same high-school, he’ll have lunch with you, he’ll walk you home, probably text you a lot (morning and night text are the most, he can’t sleep if you do not send him a have good night text)
Like Kuroo, I think he won’t mind getting married earlier. He is part of people who knows when they met their soulmate you know ? 
He will never give up on his career though, that means you’ll have to move with him If you want to spend the rest of your life with him. 
It’s kinda selfish but volley is too important for him, you need to respect that 
I also think he wants children, I can see him being a good dad (he claims he wants only boy but he’ll love his daughter with his life) 
At this time, we all know he is fan of science fiction. He is probably interested on everything related to space. 
X-files is his favorite shows. 
Deep down I think he’ll study to become astronaut but he fells in love with volley ball 
He loves to show off about his knowledge on space (and if you praise him about it … damn he would never stop) 
I need to talk about Glass!Oikawa cause he is too handsome, since he used it to watch a match. I think he might be short-sighted and wears contacts when he plays otherwise he won’t see shit. 
Since his favorite meal is milk bread (can relate buddy don’t worry) if think he has a sweet tooth 
To conclude, Oikawa is really great character with an interesting development and he is not as « superficial » as people tends to think he is more deeper than that. 
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General headcanon Kageyama edition 
Another volley ball’s addict 
You’re all pictured Tsukishima as a tsundere which is 100% true but do not forget this boy 
He is obsessed with volley ball and is own skill, he looks like Oikawa more than he would like to admit. Both of them are perfectionist, both of them are hard-working, both of them are passionate about volley ball to the point they might forget everything else.
Oikawa tends to not really taking care of himself while Kageyama struggle with relationship, we all see that he is not good with people. Not that he didn’t try. 
For now I know nothing about his past, but I think he used volley ball at some point to counterbalance something about his life. He worked harder to forget a situation who hurt him. Especially during his junior years. 
I do not think he is the nasty type, I think he is someone shy who struggle with relationship. All he needs is some help, he is completely aware of his lack of skills when it came to socialize, he tends to talk a lot with Sugawara because he is capable of talking with everyone. I won’t be surprised if they talk a lot you know to help him relax around his teammate. He even worked hard so he’ll be nice with Tsukishima 
I think we all know that the reason he hates being called « King » is because it reminds him times when everyone left him, when everyone decided they will be better without him. I think he got so abandonment issues which tends to stop him from making friends. 
After all why will he bothers making friends while he knows they will leave him eventually ? 
At the same times, he loves being surrounded by friends so that’s why he worked so hard on his social skill : cause he knows not everyone could be as easy-to-live as Hinata can be. Not everyone can’t see beyond his « king »’s behavior 
I think he loves animal especially dogs and the fact that he is afraid that animal might not like him prove it. Just picture him with a Shiba while going for a run ? 
I think he sees Hinata as a best friends or at least someone close, he helps him going through some of his fears, forces him to do better In order to be a good setter for his teammate. They are rivals but they are friends too. 
Deep down I think he would be a great friends with Tsukishima both of them haves some issues, but if they went through this they would be great friends
The CD-Drama confirm this, but he is very popular ; girls really like him probably because he is an athlete with dark hair and blue eyes (or it’s just me fangirling over him ?) 
Like Oikawa I don’t think this man he thought about an alternative job if he couldn’t be an athlete unlike Oikawa he is not good at school. So it was volley ball. 
Despite his inability to make friends, he can talk to people as we saw during his training on Tokyo with Atsumu he is pretty easy to talk as long as you’re talking about volley ball. 
I’m pretty sure people of his class tries to talk with him but since he only talks about volley ball they just stop. I wasn’t lying when I said he is obsessed with volley ball.  
Nonetheless, since he is pretty strict when it came to health ; I won’t be surprise if he studied so he could have a healthier way of live. I’m sure he knows a lot of things about food, what kind of food he needs to eat before running etc, I won’t be surprise if he would send some text to remind his teammate (especially Hinata) to eat properly … in his own way. 
Yeah he insults them but not in the mean way more like « you don’t know you need to eat banana after running ? How stupid are you » 
He would be a great nutritionist for athlete 
Despite everyone calling him special, he doesn’t see himself as a genius. That’s why he was so jealous about Hinata because to him he was the genius, cause he got so many potential while he barely has to work to be like this (Kageyama despite being awesome, worked hard to be how he is). 
The truth is he is too lazy for school which is a shame considering the memory he got and how dedicate he can be when is interested on something 
I also think he never date someone unlike his teammate he isn’t ashamed on that. He needs someone special, and he is too busy with volley ball to think about it. 
For what it worth I think he is into someone kind, not the mummy type but some who is into domestic things. I can picture him being overwhelmed every time he saw you cooking for him 
He is probably the type of guy who can break you if heard you talking shit about someone he cared about 
He isn’t very talkative especially about his feelings so he uses his action to show people he cares about them. For example the fact that he knows how to give you the ball so you could spike it’s his way of telling you that he consider you as someone close to him (don’t disappoint him) 
If he’ll stop yelling he would be a good teacher, he can analyze almost everything quite quickly so he can tell you what you’ve done the wrong way. 99% of the time he came with a solution. 
During his junior high, one of the reason of his behavior was the fact that he became a setter after Oikawa, we all know that he is still his biggest rival because Oikawa is everything Kageyama isn’t. He had to become setter for his team while they all know Oikawa, he probably felt like he had to so much better so he could beat Oikawa even if he left for high school. Kageyama was already a perfection before he met Oikawa and his obsession became stronger after Oikawa left. So yeah it could explain why he was such an asshole to his team and how he looked so shocked and kinda depressed when his team left him. 
Even if he actually beat Oikawa, Oikawa still win a match so there is a draw between them. However Oikawa is still a better setter at Kageyama’s sight, no matter how hard he will work it won’t be enough. And he knows that. 
But his insecurity is also his strength, it’s because he is insecure about his skill as a setter than he is working hard to be even better. While people would give up he stands up and work harder
I’m pretty sure he is addict to milk and yogurt because he believes it’ll help him getting bigger (also because he loves the taste of it and I couldn’t agree more)
I’m not seeing him being the type to get married or having a baby, but he’ll easily settle down with someone if he believes you’re made for each other 
I think he is dog type (probably into Shiba or Husky) 
Since his room is pretty empty judging by what we saw, I don’t think he is materialist. I think he tends to buy things if he really feels like he needs it. 
Apparently he run earlier in the morning and since he is very strict about his health I believe he doesn’t need a lot of hours of sleep. Probably something like 7 hours are enough for him maybe less. 
He valued punctuality a lot it probably bothers him when someone is late ; no matter what time it is he will be there, he isn’t afraid of waking up at 4am if it’s important for him. Besides we saw that he can sleep even on Saeko’s car so I guess he can sleep everywhere he just has to want it. 
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Tangled Salt Marathon - One Angry Princess
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There’s two halves to this episode. The first is a well constructed, if over simple, mystery for the kiddos to solve. The other is a failed attempt at being ‘deep’ and ‘mature’.  
Summary: Attila is finally opening up his own bakery, but people generally don't want to stop by because of his scary helmet. The next day, Monty's Sweet Shoppe is destroyed, and Attila is arrested. He is about to be banished from the kingdom, but Rapunzel makes an appeal to investigate the matter further. 
The Episode is Meant to be a Homage to 12 Angry Men, but Misses the Point of the Original Film
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So for those who haven’t seen the movie, (though really you should) 12 Angry Men is about a jury trying to decide if an accused person is guilty of a violent crime. At first the evidence seems clear, but one lone juror refuses to vote guilty until the evidence has been gone over again. One by one he convinces the other men to vote not guilty as they each have to face they’re own personal biases.
Sound familiar? 
In the show Rapunzel is the sole believer in Attila’s innocence despite evidence to the contrary. She insists on investigating herself while challenging everyone else’s personal biases. 
The difference?
12 Angry Men is a hard hitting look at how privilege, prejudice, and cognitive bias can interfere with the American judicial system. None of the jurors are named, but they are all middle class, presumably Christian, white guys. And that is the point. They are all different from the accused; a young, poor, arguably non-white teen (the play is intentionally vague about the kid’s race so that you can slot any minority in there) who has a history of getting into trouble. If you were to change the ethnicity, race, gender, class, or age of any of the 12 characters then you would suddenly have a very different story. It’s their backgrounds and pre-formed opinions that inform their decisions. Even the main protagonist is not exempt from re-examining his own personal biases. 
Meanwhile the writers of Tangled: the Series are too busy showing off how clever Rapunzel is to actually deal with the themes of injustice and bigotry that they added in themselves in the first place.
Rapunzel Knowing Attila Before Hand Weakens the Message
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In 12 Angry Men none of the jurors know the accuse. In fact, they can’t know him. It’s against the law. In order to have an impartial jury, no one can have any ties to either the defendant or the prosecution, and they must not have knowledge of the case or have had specific experiences that might cause them to be biased or unfair. 
Rapunzel being Attila’s friend means that she already has her own bias and an invested interest in making sure Attila goes free. She’s not acting out of the simple goodness of her heart here. She’s doing something that directly benefits herself. 
I don’t expect a children’s fantasy show to recreate the US judicial system with all of the complexities there in, but I do expect it to uphold it’s heroine as the selfless person it claims her to be. Yet the show constantly undermines this supposed character trait by only having her help the people she befriends, and only if that help doesn’t require anything emotionally challenging or mentally taxing from her.   
How much more powerful would this episode be if Rapunzel was defending a stranger or someone she actively disliked? Imagine if it was Monty who was being accuse and Raps had to swallow her pride in order to do what is right. But that would require the show having Rapunzel actually learn something instead of placing her on a pedestal. It would also mean giving Monty a reason to exist rather than keeping him around to be a convenient red herring.      
Rapunzel Shouldn’t Have to Prove Attila’s Innocence 
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Rather than have a courtroom drama the show opts to have a ‘whodunit’ story instead. This unfortunately gives the implication that Corona’s judicial system runs on a ‘guilty until proven innocent’ mantra, which is backwards to any humane legal system. ‘Innocent until proven guilty’, ‘reasonable doubt’, ‘due process’, are the cornerstones of our modern social ethics. 
In 12 Angry Men, we never find out if the accused actually committed the crime or not. That is because his actual innocence isn’t the point of the story. It’s about whether or not the system is working like it should or if it’s being compromised by human error. 
Once again, I don’t expect a recreation of the US judicial system, but if you’re writing a story for a modern audience then you need to reinforce modern morals. Simply crouching Corona’s legal system as ‘of the times’ or ‘fantasy’ while ignoring why we no longer have such systems in place reduces the story to puerile fare. 
It also means that show’s writers didn’t put enough thought into their world building. 
No One Calls Out the Obviously Corrupt System 
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The show has interwoven throughout its ongoing narrative themes of classism, injustice, abuse, and authoritarianism, but then fails to follow through on those themes by not having any of the protagonists actually examine any of these issues. They just sit there in the background, even as the show tries it darndest to present Rapunzel as an arbiter of reform. However a person can’t bring about change if they can’t even admit that there is a problem to begin with.   
In this episode alone we have
Banishment is considered a reasonable punishment for an act of vandalism. A crime that is usually considered only a misdemeanor unless the damage goes over a certain amount. Keep in mind that not even most felonies would be given such a punishment in the real world
Introduces the prison barge that regularly carries away convicts. In the past ‘undesirables’ would be shipped off to prison colonies as a form of persecution. Attila and every other person we see subjected to Corona’s legal system are of a lower class. 
Many prejudge Attila based off his appearance, lower class, and past upbringing. However, it is either Attila who is expected to change or Rapunzel who is expected to win people over. At no point is anyone told that they shouldn’t be prejudiced to begin with. 
There is no judge, jury, or lawyers. The king alone decides the fate of criminals, the Captain is expected to be the both the prosecutor and the ‘executioner’, which is a conflict of interest, and the defendant has no one to represent them unless they so happen to know a kind statesperson. Meaning you have to be either rich or well connected in order to even have a chance to defend yourself. 
Oh and there’s this...
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Uh, yeah you do. You’re the flipping king. You make the law. You’re the one to bring charges against Attila, and nearly every other criminal in the show, in the first place. 
The show constantly wants us to view Frederic as simply an everyman who is only doing his job, but he’s not. He’s a ruler and as such he has powers and responsibilities that no one else has or ever will have. The series gives both him and Rapunzel all of the privileges of being in charge without holding them to account for the consequences of their actions. 
By not pointing out how wrong these actions are, the show winds up avocating them instead. When I call Tangled the Series authoritarian, this is why. Because authority is never questioned even when clearly wrong and nepotism is presented as the solution to conflicts as oppose to being the problem itself.
The Show Introduces Complex Issues but Then Oversimplifies the Conflicts Surrounding Those Issues
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The creators of the show have constantly declared that the series is ‘not for kids’. That they were shooting for an older audience than the pre-school time slot they were given. Now ignoring the fact that Tangled was always going to have a built in audince of pre-teen girls and ignoring that children’s media can be mature, TTS lacks the nuance needed to viewed as anything other than a pantomime. 
As stated before, this episode alone ignores the very real issues interlaced within the conflict in order to give us an overly simple mystery that anyone over the age of five could figure out.  
It’s frustrating to watch the show constantly skirt towards the edge of complexity only to see it chicken out and go for the low hanging fruit instead. As a consequence the series winds up being for no one. Too shallow for adults and older teens, but too confused in its morals to be shown to small children and younger adolescents. 
I wouldn’t recommend this show to a parent, not without encouraging them to view the series either before or alongside their child in order to counteract it’s ‘lessons’ and I know parents within the fandom itself who’ve stopped showing newer episodes to their kids; stating that they want their child to be old enough to point out the harmful messages to before doing so. 
Once Again No One Learns Anything 
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Rapunzel doesn’t learn that the system is flawed. Attila doesn’t learn to open up to people. Nobody learns to treat people with respect and to not judge others based on appearances alone.
The whole point of the episode is to just show off how much ‘better’ Rapunzel is than everyone else. The show constantly feels the need to tear down other characters in an effort to make its favs look good as opposed to just letting the mains grow as people. 
Tangled the tv series is no 12 Angry Men. It’s no Steven Universe/Gravity Falls/Avatar:TLA/She-Ra/Gargoyles/Batman:TAS either. It barely reaches the same level as the likes of DnD, Sonic SATAM, or Voltron. Interesting ideas but poor pacing, build up, and lack of follow through, with some naff decisions thrown into the mix bring things down in quality. And unlike the Dungeons and Dragons cartoon from the early 80s, TTS lacks the benefit of being a pioneer in the field of animation, where such flaws are more forgivable. 
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excusemyobsessions · 4 years
Soccer team captain JB
Word count: 2100 words
Scenario: From anonymous: “hiiii could you write a JB scenario type with him being the captain of soccer team and y/n being captain of swim team in their high school and both sport teams don’t like each other but they are secretly dating and no one knows thank you”
Genre: AU Scenario, Fluff, Soft, Gender neutral
Little note: This is very long, pardon me... Hope you enjoy it either way! (he kinda looks boyish in that gif, I couldn’t find a better one)
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You’d always loved swimming. Ever since you knew yourself really.
As soon as you had been able to walk and talk properly, your parents had thrown you in a pool and you’d been hooked ever since.
As a child, you were always told how you���d make a great swimmer. You were disciplined, loved being in the water, and were a fast learner. You’d often hear your teacher at the time praise you to your parents. Of course, as young as you were, you didn’t really care. All you wanted was to be in the water.
As you grew up, things got more serious. Especially after you joined your high school swim club and became their captain. The truth was you were always unsure of whether you should be the captain but your teammates and the coach seemed to trust you fully. That trust only made you try harder to be a good teammate and to be a responsible person. Your parents were overjoyed as well.
That day was yet another practice day. You had practice three days a week but had full access to the pool every day.
You had all warmup exercises memorized by now so your coach’s voice was only another sound in the background as you held your elbow above your head, doing a good tricep stretch. That until you started hearing murmurs all around you when your teammates were just quietly doing warmup exercises before.
“They’re so shameless.” You heard from your left.
“Look at them sitting there again.” You heard from behind.
You looked back at your teammate who motioned with her head towards the bleachers when she noticed you had heard her. You allowed your gaze to travel to where she had pointed only to find most of the soccer team lounging comfortably on the benches. You couldn’t help the long sigh that came from deep within as well as the eyeroll.
The soccer club usually had their practices on the same days as the swim club, only they finished practice an hour before you even started. Which gave them more than enough time to shower, drop by the cafeteria, and then head to their lounging spot; the bleachers inside the gym. That would be fine, only you knew for a fact they were there just to annoy your team.
Even before you had become the captain of the swim team, both clubs already had an ongoing grudge. As far as you knew, it was exactly because of this very same behavior.
The soccer club had reclaimed the gym bleachers as their hangout spot a long time ago. Why? Because they could thirst over people in swimsuits after practice.
However, the swim club had reclaimed the field bleachers as their hangout spot. Why? Because they could thirst over people in shorts before practice.
Surely enough, it wasn’t just thirsting that happened during those hangouts.
From both sides, the feeling of annoyance by the other’s presence started to grow and develop, eventually becoming a desire. The desire to annoy the other club became gradually the reason why any of the two would hang out at those two specific spots.
You, however, had never engaged in such behaviors. In fact, you’d never been to neither spots unless it was to gather your team whenever they were running late.
“Ignore them, guys. Focus on the practice,” you told your teammates.
Soon enough you were all being scolded for not keeping your head focused on what you were doing, being this accompanied by some scorning and amused giggles in the distance.
You weren’t known for being a stern leader however, everyone seemed to respect you. As a result, when you shot a glare towards the bleachers, they quieted down for a bit.
 After practice was over, you sent everyone away to the showers, telling them you’d check if everything was in place before you headed there yourself. You’d always do that every time you had practice.
As you were picking up a kickboard off the floor, by the corner of your eye you saw a figure come into the gym and head straight towards the bleachers. You peeked towards the bleachers, a little smile coming to adorn your lips although you couldn’t see anyone. That same smile remained upon your face as you went back to tidying everything up.
When you went into the locker room, you went straight to your locker to check your phone. Sure enough, there was a text expecting you saying “I’m here”.
With your heart beating excitedly against your rib case, you tried your best to conceal yet another smile as you got ready to take a shower, saying goodbye to each one of your teammates that were ready and started leaving one by one.
You waited for everyone to leave before you yourself left the locker room and headed straight towards the bleachers. There was a little blocked off area right at the top so you skidded up the stairs, not even your heavy gym bag tiring you up. On the last few steps, you could already see him.
Im Jaebum, captain of the soccer team himself, was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed under himself, earphones in, and a notebook resting on his lap. He was wearing his club’s tracksuit, with his hair freshly dried parted in the middle and freely falling over the sides of his face. His hair had gotten so long.
He noticed someone coming and lifted his eyes off his notebook, melting into a soft smile upon seeing you.
“Oh, you’re here,” he said, reaching up to pull out his earphones.
“Finally,” you huffed.
That earned you a little chuckle from him while you stepped over, dropping your bag and yourself onto the floor right next to him.
“How was practice?” he asked, half turning his body towards you.
“Tiring. Coach caught people messing around and decided to punish us all.” You sighed, dropping your head onto his shoulder.
“That sucks,” he said, resting his head on yours.
You let out a little hum in response.
“You?” you asked.
“It was peaceful,” he answered with a one-shoulder shrug.
You responded with yet another little hum, peeking towards his notebook and soon reaching for his hand that was resting upon the one open page to gently push it out of the way so you could see what he was studying.
“Your people were here again today,” you said after a while, moving your head so you could sit straight, which he also did when he noticed you moving. “Can’t you tell them not to come here?” you asked, looking up at his face, your voice already gaining a bit of a whiny tone.
“Your people were at the field again today as well. Can’t you tell them not to go there?” he responded calmly, he himself looking straight at you.
“I’ve tried!” You full-on whined.
“So have I,” he answered, his eyebrows lifting as he offered you a shrug. “I don’t think there’s much we can do about it.” He added, shaking his head.
You pursed your lips for a moment, eventually letting out a long sigh.
“Guess you’re right,” you agreed.
You watched his lips slowly curve into a soft smile and his sharp eyes become smaller, one of his hands reaching up to tuck your hair behind your ear. You couldn’t help but melt into your own smile, reaching for his hand so you could intertwine your fingers with his.
Im Jaebum, captain of the soccer team and yourself, captain of the swim team, had found yourselves utterly in love with each other.
You could still remember the first time you’d met him.
As captain of one of the main sports teams, you had to attend anything that was related to sports in the school, which meant being there for most of the council meetings. That day was the first time you’d be attending a meeting as the new captain.
You were well aware of which clubs were friends and which were not as you’d been part of the swim club for a while even before being chosen as their captain. Needless to say, you were already on the fence about meeting him.
You’d seen the captain of the soccer club several times before in the hallways. You knew he was a respected figure among the school for his integrity and friendliness. He was also quite popular for his looks.
As you weren’t one to take part in any club wars, you’d only heard about him from your teammates. Some didn’t like him, mainly because of the simple fact that he was the captain of that one team, and some others were impartial. However, you’d never heard anyone in your club specifically say they liked him. You had always wondered why.
You had never seen him in the gym along with the rest of the team when they came over specifically to annoy your team. You had always wondered if he had ever set foot in there with that specific motive. However, you yourself had never set foot on those specific field bleachers either. It just wasn’t something you agreed with.
You couldn’t lie, when you met him, his blatant friendliness caught you off guard. It was as if he didn’t know who you were or full-on ignored the fact that you were the captain of the swim team. He was as friendly with you as he was with every other team captain, even inviting you to sit next to him while explaining the captain of the swim team had always sat right there during council meetings.
He was so mature and friendly that there was absolutely no chance for you to have any unpleasant feelings for him. How could you dislike someone who was being so considerate towards you?
 The more you met, the friendlier you got towards each other. At some point, you started exchanging little greeting nods in the hallways, which slowly started including the exchange of little smiles as well. After council meetings, you’d also sneak away to share a cold or warm drink, depending on the weather. You’d also often find him at the library.
He was an utterly curious character. A soccer player who liked to read books. Engaging in conversations with him, in a neutral territory and peacefully away from your respective teams and positions as captains, he’d tell you about the books he’d read and the classes he was taking and you’d find utter comfort in listening to him and discussing everything and nothing with him.
The way you two fell in love was quite natural, quite peaceful, quite visibly mutual.
Of course, you knew better than to be openly in love. The captains of the two sports teams that despised each other the most? In love? Everyone would go crazy. Who knew if they wouldn’t try to come between you two? Or if you two would even lose all credibility and respect?
Both you and Jaebum knew that was a sensitive topic and that you needed time to think of a way to break it to everyone. And while you tried to think of ways to do so, you’d just be together secretly. Although it was tiring and annoying to constantly sneak around to meet each other, there was also some sense of thrill to it. It was even funny at times.
 “Should we go for a drink?” he asked you after a while.
Your fingers were still between his, his gaze as gentle as could be.
You hummed with an affirmative nod in response which caused a little smile to tug at the corners of his lips. He also nodded and gave your hand a gentle little squeeze before he let go of it to put away his things in his backpack. When he was done, he finally hopped up, stretching his hand back down at you.
“Come on then, captain,” he incited, with the cheekiest little smirk.
You couldn’t help but let out a little snicker at his cheeky self, reaching up to take his hand.
“Let’s go, captain,” you offered, with your own little smirk.
Both of you soon started laughing quietly so you wouldn’t be caught, Jaebum helping you up with a little tug.
And so, both of you captains threw your things over your shoulders and sneaked away to share your usual drinks.
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a-damn-good-medic · 4 years
Really Long Character Survey
RULES.  repost ,   don’t  reblog  ! tag  10 ! good  luck  !
TAGGED.  Stolen from: @cromwellharvests​
FULL  NAME :   Charlotte Beatrice Samaritan NICKNAME :   Lottie, Trixie (older brother only), Samaritan, Samari AGE :  21 (1915 – She turns 22 after the Promised Day) BIRTHDAY :   17th August 1893 NATIONALITY :   Amestrian-Aerugian – though born and raised in Amestris LANGUAGE / S : Amestrian, conversational Aerugian SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :  Heterosexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Panromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :   Single HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Limoux (based off of this map), South Region, small town roughly 25-30 miles east-north-east of Fotset CURRENT  HOME :   lives in military barracks near to where she’s stationed, she’ll often say she’s “going home” when visiting her family PROFESSION :  a medic to her core
HAIR: Black, 2a/2b wavy/curly hair, down to mid-back/the bottom of shoulder blades; pulled into a pony tail or bun for work reasons EYES :  Honey brown – her father’s FACE :  heart-shaped, light freckles across bridge of nose and cheek bones; somewhat baby-faced; fresh-faced LIPS :  slightly thinner than average, upwards tilt on either side COMPLEXION :  warm skin tone, freckles as mentioned above, skin tends to go through patches of dryness every few months BLEMISHES/SCARS :  medium sized one on her left temple acquired from injury during active duty, but it’s mostly covered by her hair; a few smaller ones on other parts of her body acquired in a similar manner including one in the middle of her left pinkie finger TATTOOS :  I have been toying with the idea of having a red cross (like the medical symbol) on the side of her left shoulder HEIGHT :   5′2″ WEIGHT :   112lbs. BUILD :   neat hourglass shape, toned arms and legs, well built FEATURES :   none particularly stand out ALLERGIES :   None USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Whilst at work, pulled back into a ponytail or a bun; outside of work tends to leave it down unless doing something where it needs to be/it’s better to keep it out of the way USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  looks either busy in thought or bored, there is no in-between; she’s also an occasional victim of resting b!tch face; however will brighten up when approached by someone USUAL  CLOTHING :   military uniform is worn regularly; she loves her boots and will often wear them with other pairs of trousers; relatively simple clothing, rarely goes shopping for clothes, if she’s wearing something new most likely her mother sent it to her; dislikes long-sleeved shirts and prefers no sleeves altogether, tends to stick to three or four outfits which she cycles through; favours trousers, saves skirts and dresses for special occasions or good weather
FEARS :   despite her profession death is a big one; emetophobia (fear of vomiting, especially in a public place/away from home); despite loving the appearance of lightning, thunder during storms triggers varying levels of anxiety ASPIRATIONS :   to help as many people as she can, to improve awareness and treatment of mental illness which are often overlooked (especially the effects military service has on individuals) even if it’s just on an individual basis, to settle down with someone and raise a family POSITIVE  TRAITS :   sweet, charming, protective, compassionate, level-headed, genuine, dedicated, perceptive, ballsy, cheeky, forward NEGATIVE  TRAITS :   overemotional; gets attached too easily; unforgiving or (depending on circumstance) holds a long-standing grudge; unsure of her position when in a new place so feels she has to justify herself and her abilities/work, leading to her being very short with some people; can be rash and impulsive when it comes to her patients, would rather throw herself into danger with them than leave them on their own MBTI :  ISFJ-A – the Defender ZODIAC :   Leo TEMPERAMENT :   phlegmatic SOUL  TYPES :    server, priest ANIMALS :   turtle, dog, snake VICE / HABITS :    losing track of time and taking very long showers; staying up too late; shakes her head side to side when she yawns, as if waking herself up; chewing on the end of a pen; repeatably pops on/off snap poppers on clothing, especially if they’re on the end of her sleeves FAITH :  agnostic though will often fall back on religion when she can’t do anything to help a situation (e.g. she’ll resort to praying if a situation is dire) GHOSTS ? :   nope  AFTERLIFE ? :   wants to believe in the afterlife but can’t quite bring herself to REINCARNATION ? :  wants to believe in reincarnation more than the afterlife but again, can’t quite bring herself to ALIENS ? :   probably, but accepts that that question won’t be answered in her lifetime  POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  wish-washy; goes through periods of being furious with the political climate (often when issues arise) whilst remaining up to date, and times of just ignoring it/not being too involved; however, stands (and somewhat fights) for equality across the board as well as protesting to protect the freedom of choice EDUCATION  LEVEL :   due to growing up in the middle of nowhere, she only attended a small school which obviously limited her education to the point where I argue that she probably left school at 14 (due to context of schooling in the early 1900s) like everyone else who lived in the area; received specific training when she enlisted to become a medic; spends time reading up on other medical techniques/treatments that she wasn’t taught at the academy; some basic knowledge on how the family business is run, but she never expected to inherit it and therefore didn’t spend much time considering it
FATHER :    Lucian Samaritan MOTHER :    Silvia Violetta Fontana SIBLINGS :  she’s the second eldest of seven with six brothers, Andrew, Samuel, Seth, Kent, Isaac, and Wyatt EXTENDED  FAMILY :   Henrik and Eleanor (paternal grandparents) NAME  MEANING / S :    Charlotte – female version of Charles – meaning “man, army, warrior”; Samaritan – following Arakawa’s lead, she’s named after the FV104 Samaritan, which is an armoured ambulance.
BOOK :  fiction, often books from her childhood which are mainly coming-of-age stories; she does also have a soft spot for biographies or journals of people who have similarities to her (whether that be type of job, favourite hobbies, Southern region background/childhood, etc.); keen to read any medical journals that she can get her hands on 5  SONGS :  her favourites tend to be country or folk-songs, songs with a story or meaning; she also holds a soft spot for swing DEITY :   although she relies on religion in dire situations, she doesn’t believe in the afterlife because she doesn’t believe in a supreme being/creator HOLIDAY :   tries to get time off to go home to visit family on holidays, but will conspire with her older brother to make sure that they are either both home or both away; because of this, holidays get ‘postponed’ in the Samaritan household until the two can find time to get away; tends to be a busy household due to numbers, with Lottie being liable to drag a couple of friends with her if they have nowhere to go MONTH :   September SEASON :   Autumn PLACE :    the large barn at Willowbranch Acres, the family home; the narrow top floor was claimed by the kids soon after it was built, with it being full of cushions, blankets, rugs, as well as a couple of hobby items; it’s always there when you need time to think and space away from the likeable chaos WEATHER :    sunny, clear skies but with a mild cooling breeze, not too hot, not too cold; lightning on a dark, cloudy night, despite dislike of thunder that is too close SOUND :   humming from down the hall; light playing of a piano; muffled voices and music of a tavern/pub as you walk by; crunching of leaves and heavy footsteps as you run through the woods SCENTS :    warm bread, lilies, apple blossom, TASTES :    chocolate, orange juice, apple cider, well-done buttered toast FEELINGS :   long hot shower, the first gust of wind after a stifling train journey, a dog curled up beside you, forehead kisses and touches ANIMALS :    love dogs with a passion, wanted one desperately as a kid before she received Sven on her 16th birthday, has a soft spot for donkeys, cows, and horses as well due to their present back in her hometown NUMBER :  8 COLORS :   white, beige, black, all kinds of blue and fall colours (specifically the oranges)
TALENTS :  deescalating or delaying conflicts; decent with a pistol; scarily good with a bow and arrow; telling when someone is lying or telling a half-truth; coincidentally getting away with only telling half-truths instead of outright lying whilst having the same effect BAD  AT :  keeping herself healthy (well-fed, good sleep schedule, enough liquids); going to bed at a decent time when she doesn’t have to get up at a particular time the next morning; taking out someone in order to ensure her safety; shutting up when someone is threatening her; remaining impartial; cooking or baking more than the three dishes she has down; keeping a straight face after saying something that she thinks is ~hilarious~ TURN  ONS :  really enthusiastic about a hobby; susceptible to gingers/redheads for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯; also susceptible to short beards, van dykes and goatees; confidence; good sense of humour; ideally intelligent (not necessarily academically though, can be on a very niche topic) TURN  OFFS :   when they won’t take a hint that she’s not interested; people who insult the person they were just hitting on because they got rejected; shallow but if they’re shorter than her; honest to god, bad mustaches (the roystache I’m looking at you (≖ ‿ ≖ )  ); HOBBIES :    Soapbox/Baby cart races; swing dancing; violin; piano; running; sparring; singing; walking in the countryside; archery TROPES :   Girl Next Door, Loyalist, Farmer’s Daughter, The Reliable One, Big Brother Instinct, Good is Not Soft, The Heart, Technical Pacifist
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setoandjewel · 4 years
Jewel Yamazaki (wip)
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Full Name:
Jewel Yamazaki
⤷ [C’hyvia]
Sugar Cube 
37th day under Storm [Sa’mrl]  
49 cycles (~25 years)
Mental Age:
49 cycles
Female equivalent
⤷ Carries eggs
⤷ [Ilanera]
Mental Illness:
Micro or Macro:
Born on:
Icathae V, home planet of the Anhemite species.
Currently lives on:
I’d say some kind of counsellor helping out Varied families, with members of different sizes or species.
Anhemitian religion
Theme Songs:
General: ?
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Scale Hue: Red ochre, darker to the ends of her hair and forming markings scattered around her body.
Scale Shape: Granular
Horns: Below her eyes along the cheekbones, down her spine
Hair: Falls over her shoulders - dewlap like extensions of skin so cannot be cut.
Eye Color: Green
Height: 5’7” in giant terms, would appear 96 feet to a human.
Scars: None
Apparel: clothes!
In A Few Words:
Jewel tries hard to be her own supporter, and it often works, making her the sunshine of any group. 
Good Traits:
Impartial to many issues
Bad Traits:
Gets distracted easily, even though she tries to deny it.
A little bit of a perfectionist
Helping others and listening to their problems to try and figure out a solution. More often than not, she ends up just listening.
Negative comments or teasing about her appearance or race
Gossip that degrades others
Negative comments about what she personally enjoys 
Dark humor that makes light of terrible events
Overstepping her boundaries, the main one being physical contact.
Being touched without her permission beyond what’s socially acceptable for an acquaintance. For an Anhemite, even simple touches are regarded as quite intimate and reserved for mates. She will initiate any physical contact.
No known phobias.
Breaking Points/What Hurts Them:
Not fitting in with others, Anhemite or human. She just wants to be liked and accepted by others.
Feeling alone, overlooked, or ignored.
Any member of her family being hurt, or hurting within themselves.
Tipping Points/What Angers Them:
Her older brother Kalam is quite stubborn, and it can get on her nerves when he fights with Seto or herself.
Being called cute/adorable because of simple habits.
Not being able to go to sleep at night, not having insomnia
Listening to music
Reading, although she finds more time thinking about needing to read than actually reading.
Watching animal documentaries.
Bad Habits:
Procrastinates on things she really should be doing.
Unknown - this is common in Anhemitian society, as on Icathae V, many of a third transitioned sex necessary for birth were lost in a disaster. Thus the remainders were protected and used in surrogacy for the families who had been attempting to start a family.
-i’m sorry-
Any Siblings?:
Kalam [Zalvis] is her eldest older brother
Nauru [Thalvi] is her older brother
Yoko [Kylla’n] is her younger brother.
Relationship with Family:
Jewel has a very close relationship with her family.
-so sorry-
Seto Yamazaki
Gabriel Knight (adopted)
How They Interact With Giants Or Tinies
Any Special Abilities?
Backstory/Key Facts
Life on Terra:
Meeting Seto:
Early Life on Phasma:
Meeting Seto...again:
Current Life:
Main Backstory
-I just have no ideas-
The majority of this OC template belongs to @blametheeditor​ but I added the “Family” section and a few other bits. I hope to make these for all my characters, maybe to help me write my story or just other one-shots into his life.
I do know how Jewel acts as I’ve played her in RP with Blame a lot, but it’s hard to put it into words for me right now. So just bear with me and let’s hope that it’s full quickly. ;-;
EDIT: Hey, I’m still @paracosmic-gt​ just trying out something new! Hope to put more of my own stuff here.
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