#I tried to keep all of these fairly platonic vibes tho
fruityfroggy · 5 months
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Anyways…oh Verdigris, I’ve come up with so many extra bits and pieces to her lore in the past month or so and I didn’t really get to talk about her in the first place, so I’m glad that someone’s interested (this is gonna be so long, I can feel it)
First things first, we’ll get the big thing out of the way: her arcane skill. Kind of a big part of her story is how she is a “plant whisperer”, which means that she’s able to hear the voices of plants and therefore communicate with them. This made her form a prominent sense of empathy for plants, as they are unheard by everyone except her.
(Now, a lot of the things I’ll mention about Verdigris will make a lot more sense)
So a fun little fact is that plants have a “way of speaking” that sounds more poetic than your normal speech, since they’re just describing things based off of what they know from nature. And because of her arcane skill, Verdigris does talk like them a little (which just comes off as being poetic/dramatic). Another thing that comes with this “way of speaking” are “Titles of the Plants”, which is the thing that you remind the plants of, that they therefore refer to you by (Vertin is “The Wandering Wind”, Sonetto is “The Shade in Daylight”, etc).
Why am I mentioning this? Well but of course it’s for yuri reasons! Because this is the perfect way for Verdigris to subtly and sapphic-ly pine for a certain arcanist by the title: Ray of Sun (and who this refers to is not disclosed). She mentions this “Ray of Sun” quite frequently in her diary, which I’d imagine could be one of those pages of text you can find between stages, as well as in her intimacy voiceline (which I haven’t written, but we can imagine, okay).
Anywho…when it comes to interacting with other arcanists, Verdigris is very much the most likeable out of my three ocs here (she’s just a cinnamon roll, not toxic or hard to communicate with). So she gets along with basically everyone in the suitcase. Chaotic or calm, she’s patient enough to talk to them. Tho she’s the closest with Lilya I’d say, since they’re bonding over a shared language/heritage and shut up, it’s adorable. Especially since Verdigris didn’t have anyone to speak Russian to for a long time (she lived in Spain, that’s why) and Russian was her mother’s language (she never got to meet her, so it holds special significance to her (things are getting angsty haha)). This problem was the whole reason she created her own critters actually. But hey, now she has someone and the vibes are good again.
As for their dynamic, it’s obvious that they have a “balancing each other out” situation, and I like to call it “Lilya and her designated driver” as a joke. But truthfully, Verdigris is surprisingly down with most of her shenanigans and no one understands why. Lilya kinda just wants to show Verdigris all the “fun stuff” she usually does, and she just goes along with it while some of the other arcanists watch them in horror (they’re just having a good time tho). When Verdigris is busy, Lilya would go visit her workshop to see what she’s doing like: "What you making, Verdie?:]" (she finds it interesting).
Considering what she does, I feel like Verdigris would probably be crossing paths with Medpoc kinda often as well (hehe). Verdigris just isn’t super affected by Medpoc’s hostility, and still treats them very well after getting yelled at. Once they warm up to her tho, she kinda becomes their emotional support (aka the person they rant to while she hands them a cookie or smth), and they’d pass out together while working across from each other, since neither of them remember to sleep (or do anything else).
I also think that she could help Shamane repair and/or upgrade his mechanical arm (since that’s kinda her specialty), and in turn gain a new father figure. Shamane would definitely like her Dendrogues and greet them when he sees them hopping around as well.
Some honourable mentions are the other calm healers (Dikke and Tooth Fairy). Dikke would grow fond of Verdigris for how fair and thoughtful is, but she'd tell her to not be so tolerant of everything. As for her and Tooth Fairy’s situation, they actually have pretty similar vibes, so they’d probably do some somewhat questionable things together that aren’t so questionable if they’re doing it, like baking together (there’s definitely no tooth fairies in the muffins they’re making, don’t question the taste of plums) and going out into the forest to look for teeth.
Oh right! Verdigris also has a small interaction with Pristine after implanting the new heart she made for her, since Pristine’s original heart (crystal) is the thing that makes her body possessable to Arcana (there’s some context from this post that is needed to understand what I’m talking about). This is a big plot point in Pristine’s story, so guess who’s growing attached to Verdigris. Yeah, she kinda just follows her around whenever she sees her from there on out, maybe even tugs on her sleeve saying “Where art thou headed to? Let me go with thee!” (Welcome to motherhood, Verdigris!)
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kasey-writes-stuff · 3 years
No one asked for these but they’ve been rotting in my notes for a good month or so, so I updated a few with my updated opinions or additions so yea
Bad- Giggles along with you and sometimes is teasy but isn’t trying to be just like is genuinely complimenting you will definitely do tickle hugs but not mega often? Don’t get me wrong he loves them but also just loves normal hugs and actually he prefers tickle cuddles because then there’s no risk of you falling to the floor because yes some people just instinctively fall like their knees buckle no matter where they’re tickled and so with bad valuing his lees safety and comfort more than anything else he just prefers the safer option but sitting tickle hugs like you sitting on his lap and him holding you and tickling your tummy or your sides? And platonically kissing your neck or giving you neck raspberries now that happens fairly often
Karl- Giggles along A LOT but can also be so freakin teasy like omDjhxhxhx tickle hugs 24/7 altho sometimes he gets very flustered thinking you’re going to get him back so- he can definitely be very evil when he really wants to though like if you’re talking to someone he will not hesitate to sneak behind you and just go “boop” *insert side squeeze/poke/ETC...* but if it’s a very serious convo he won’t but if it’s a casual one he will and he will also sometimes casually just sneak up while you’re talking to someone IE Chandler and start lightly tickling you just to see how long you can keep your composure, and if you’re like me and light tickles don’t affect you much but instead just feel really nice he’ll come give you gentle tickles when you’re having a really stressful conversation with someone not like IRL though unless it’s someone y’all are obvs very close with but I mean like if you’re on a very stressful phone call he’ll just let you sit on his lap as he gently tickles your sides...anyways he’s very dead middle leans either way mean or soft just depends on the situation and your mood because he values your comfort so much (I mean everyone on this post does but some just are way more conscious about it and verbal about it)
Dream- TEASY TEASY TEASY WILL USE EVER TEASE POSSIBLE ESPECIALLY SAYING THE WORD A LOT tons of tickle hugs and will definitely be like “that’s my name don’t wear it out” when you’re unable to do anything but laugh and say his name he definitely will do softer tickles tho whenever you want not a lot of tickle hugs surprisingly but will definitely sneak up when you’re hugging someone else and nod and point to them and like make them hold you tighter as he sneaks up and twords you but I mean when he does do tickle hugs it’s very out of nowhere and at the very end of the hug he’s just like “nope your stuck here you can’t leave I got you now hahahahahah!” He doesn’t like doing them often because he doesn’t want you to become too used to them, he definitely does that thing where when your stretching he just boops your tum or scribbles a hand into your armpit. He will also squeeze your sides as your reaching for things so be extra careful when grabbing breakables! Constantly reassuring you that it’s fine that you like it and that it’s cute whenever he can tell you’re feeling self conscious about liking it!
Wilbur- Will be very soft and will sometimes giggle along but can also be very teasy and ruthless depending on what vibe he can sense you giving off tons of tickle hugs like please he’ll just pout and be like “huggies?” And you just smile and roll your eyes going to hug him and then he just holds you and holds you and holds you and then he’s like “Aha! I have trapped you! The tickle monster wins again!” And he either does rougher tickles or softer ones depending on what he prefers at that moment but also depending on what you’re okay with! Please the tickle monster tease is a fave also the just casually doing things like oh Phil’s calling ? No no he’s not gonna stop tickling you he’s just gonna talk to Phil as if nothings going on! Tommy suddenly shows up? Nope not gonna stop him! In fact he probably ropes Tommy into helping him smh gremlins both of them... you suddenly get a call from sapnap ope welp good luck talking through your giggles and laughter! If it’s a serious convo tho he’ll stop instantly and leave you alone but if it’s casual then he won’t unless you ask him to. Side note he can not take what he dishes out!
Tommy- Definitely can be ruthless and teasy but also can definitely be soft and teasy or just soft doesn’t really giggle along tho just smiles a lot and cuts down on the cursing as well as focusing more on gentle and slow tickles. He likes hugging you from behind and then tickling you if that makes sense?? He really likes being able to target your stomach and also that way your giggles and laughs and smiles can’t be hidden?? He doesn’t mind front facing tickle hugs tho?? Like he enjoys you having your head buried in his chest and your arms wrapped around him and then him tickling your sides and you just squeaking and your arms coming shooting down! He’s really about even when it comes to tickle hugs but actually would usually give the advantage to front facing tickle hugs because he just likes front facing hugs in general better but also note he likes side hugs especially when taking pictures because then he can wiggle his fingers on your side or squeeze it to get you truly smiling...
Sapnap- Very teasy and ruthless and definitely prefers that but doesn’t mind soft and teasy and will definitely use the tickle monster tease constantly and will for sure sneak up in you as your working and poke you and then just leave like it didn’t happen and will do it repeatedly a few times before stopping and just likes seeing you on edge waiting for a full attack or even just for the next poke lots of tickle hugs like will just pull you on his lap and hug you and then tickle you definitely when with the guys will do this but subtly like he’ll have you sit on his lap and then just start at your neck which in my case would be fine because my neck isn’t sensitive but then he would start going to your shoulders and down your back and edge ever so closely to your sides and would also definitely teasingly whisper about how you shouldn’t move so they won’t notice but then if one of the guys does notice you wiggling and asks if you’re okay sap will smirk and but and say “Yea you good babe? You’re awful wiggly you got a itch or somethin? A tickle perhaps?” With the biggest smirk or else most casual face ever and there is no in between! If you’re around like Dream and George or even Punz who probably know about you liking being tworded he won’t hesitate to just casually start tickling you like he’s just talking about valorant with punz and also just going to town on your sides and ribs..
George- Def giggles along but also very ruthless and teasy as well at times loves loves loves embarrassing you in front of the others by exposing your ticklish ness and will subtly drop hints about you liking it until one or all of the others catch on okay let’s face it they all love tickle hugs just some more than others and George is one who doesn’t love them as much as others but will still do them sometimes, he’s also one to just give you a quick poke as you’re stretching or reaching for things... also uses the “really you’re ticklish here?” Tease a lot
Tubbo- Definitely ruthless and teasy as freakin heck like djxhxh hxhxhx Aahhh dead dead jjst dead and he won’t hesitate to immediately tell whoever you tell him not to tell unless like he genuinely can tell that you don’t want him to then he won’t he’s also a big one for tickle hugs like yea he’s smol but still he finds them so endearing just holding you closely and then wiggling his fingers on your sides! He also lives for tickle cuddles like just watching tv and cuddling and he’ll just ope tickle fight, or just gentle tickles it depends on his mood also he uses the “really you’re ticklish here? Interesting I didn’t even know that was possible honestly!” A lot definitely giggles along with you and is like “hahahaha ddiihhiidddd yoouuuu juhuhust ssquuhrhehaahahkkk??” But if he sees you genuinely seem self conscious or upset about it he’ll stop giggling and say how he found it rather adorable or rather cute
Quackity/Alex- So teasy so teasy I can’t even and he’s def sassy as well but will sometimes giggle along with you if your laugh is contagious enough but usually just teasy as heck his favorite is def just “You like this don’t you? *insert name mixed with lee* yea I know you do it’s so cute” definitely also does the tickle monster bit like 24/7 and also definitely does tickle hugs a lot he loves them especially if you have a ticklish neck because he loves just leaving breathy kisses on your neck (platonic in this case but if you wanna take it romantic that’s fine) he definitely will sometimes sneak up on you as you’re talking to people like say you’re meeting sapnap and Dream for the first time he’ll just come up to you as you’re talking to sap and drag you down to the floor and start tickling you and he’ll be like “oh you didn’t know they’re ticklish?” (Unless you’re uncomfy with public tickles then he won’t) and he’ll like pause after he says the first bit and look for confirmation that he can say the next part and if you give him the subtle confirmation then he’ll say “oh and they like it” and he’ll rope sapnap,Dream,ETC... into helping him tickle you, he also enjoys soft tickle cuddles a lot whether giving or receiving
Eret- Definitely giggles along with you but can also be very teasy really it’s a good mixture of both and depends more on whether you provoked him or asked or at least tried to ask him, on whether he is more teasy or more giggly he’s def one to do the tickle monster “oh no y/n it’s here... and it’s hungry.... and ... and and.. ITS GONNA GET YOU RAWR!” Def uses height as an advantage and holds you in tickle hugs 25/8 like pls he also just likes hugs in general and cuddles also tho he can not take tickles for the life of him so revenge is easy
Phil- tickle hugs all the time definitely very teasy like my gosh he’s so good at it again of course loves the classic tickle monster tease I mean come on what did you expect he’s literally a dad to so many people like come on- definitely will be the type that if someone else is tickling you and not doing it right he’ll make them stop and he’ll come show them how or he’ll just tell them what spot to go to for a better reaction also another one to just casually tickle you as you’re talking to someone he won’t do a full on attack tho just distracting little side pokes or running his fingers along your neck or back
Techno- teasy teasy teasy but also if your giggles/laugh are contagious enough he’ll giggle along he’s definitely one to be like “you know I don’t understand why you like this” but then he realizes how what he said could sound mean “not like in a bad way! Not at all I didn’t mean it like that! It’s cute it really is I just don’t understand it I mean I like doing it to other people but I’m just not big on having it done to me” he’s not much for tickle monster but he’s down for a good chase and like most everyone else he’s down for some tickle hugs not too too many but he’s not against them per say he also probably goes for a methodical more stoic type of teases
Punz- TEASY FREAKIN PIECE OF CRAP OH MY HECKIN SHIZ I CANNOT STAND THIS MANS HE CAN GIVE YOU ONE LOOK AND YOU ARE RED AS AN APPLE DJHXHXH PLS So definitely says things like “Wow you really do like this” “you’re so cute liking this so much” *giggles* “it’s so adorable how I can just say tickle or ticklish or tickling or sometimes even just tick and your face gets all blushy and you start fidgeting” he will definitely do punishment tickles more then reward tickles and he is also so down for tickle hugs will also hug you and then just keep like hugging you so someone else can come tickle you ahem dream..... gosh the amount of times these two and also him and sap have teamed you are uncountable he also likes just having you to himself tho and being the sole person making you laugh an squirm so much and like Phil he will also sometimes tell people your spots but he doesn’t directly tell them he just gives hints or even like does the hot and cold thing he definitely sneaks up on you when you’re reaching for things and says boo as he grabs your sides and also will scratch your armpits as you’re reaching for things and say “You know it’s kinda difficult to get things from a shelf with your arms down don’t you?” “What’s wrong babe why’d you bring your arms down? Don’t you want your favorite cereal?”
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clanonadventures · 3 years
𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻𝘀
Dutch anon - dutchy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Preferably goes by she/her
-They/them would also be fine
-Fairly tall
-M e s s y a s s h a i r
-Struggles to speak English
-Her room is full of orange, red, white and blue
-First option to anything is just violence
-Very athletic (but competitive)
-Gets hurt a lot while sporting
-Overworks a lot, so she barely get sleep
-Don’t insult her s/o if you enjoy not having someone go apeshit on you
-Give her a tulip and she’ll melt
-good friendship with rhinestone 👌
-Loves all pets of the other anons
-Pls pet her tail, she loves it <3.
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Squid anon - Squiddy
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-19 years old
-Works at Anon city (AC) Aquarium
-Obsessed with sea life and pirates
-Is bi
-Occasionally wears a squid hoodie
-Was kicked out of the house at 16
-Loves musicals
Her eyes are purple
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☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
"A chaotic trickster entity with a dark and mysterious past that takes a form resembling that of popular character ENA. ENON shares many similarities and mannerisms with her counterpart, but is know to be more brutal. A lawful evil type to be sure. Her moral compass is a roulette wheel. Just wants to be entertained.
Come to think of it, I don't really think ENON had an "original form" Like she just kinda existed as a spirit/eldrich demi goddess who had it really rough before deciding to join the physical world like 'all I know is cause problems on purpose- what is love and friendship'"
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Satyr Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Loves horror movies and scary video games
-18 years old and already wasted her entire life-
-Aspiring Therapist/Psychologist, is the mom friend ™️. Very sweet, with sarcastic and wise advice whenever she's needed
-Never gets enough sleep, ever.
She is actually a Satyr (goat ears, goat lower half with mostly human top half, long tail, horns, etc) with thick mane of white hair.
Peacock Anon - Viernes
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-24-doesn't have a gender, but goes by she/her
-shapeshifter of sorts
-if she becomes overly stressed (which is somewhat often) her face begins to crack and give way to static
-only reveals her true form to people she trusts a LOT, and even then, she'll only reveal her true form in private
-somewhat energetic, full of herself and sarcastic
-can change her appearance to some extent (can't change her clothes tho)
-underpaid tv host
-actually quite introverted when off stage
-sounds like ruby vocaloid
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Rhinestone Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Has had a bad past with relationships so it's hard for them to trust anyone
-Comes off as cold and unapproachable but once they trust you then they are sweet, affectionate, honest, and cuddly
-They're really fucking tall (9'3)
-They're a cuddle-bug
-Really soft hair
-Love language is physical touch
-Has never shown anyone their true form
-Big history nerd
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Bug anon
☑ Platonic - ☒ Romantic
-Average height (5’00”)
-Really nice but is quiet and likes to lurk. Really shy.
-Likes bugs, drawing, video games, reading, going on walks, sunsets, forests, cats, sweets and plushes!
-Has ASD!
-Tired (™)
-Drawing later
-Tries to be optimistic when she can
-Uses she/her, they/them, it/its and bug/bugs (in no particular order)
-Asexual and aromantic!
-Age unknown, but is a teenager
-Backstory: A sentient bug who dreamed of being an Anon so they could make friends, who’s wish was granted by a strange Higher Being/entity of light and rainbows. They live among the anons now as an anon, trying to adjust to their body and life.
-Her “hair” is her antennae- DO NOT PULL ON IT!
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Coke Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
-Unspecified age
-Has no concept of personal space
-Someone referred to coke by they/them and they took off w/ that
-Their body is like jello in their blob form
-Their voice is autotuned on command, they do it to annoy people
-The red bit is a shirt
-Was originally named E-304 but changed their named to Coke
-Can shapeshift with no known bounds
-They CAN turn into other people, but you can tell its coke by a chunk of their hair being white/red
-Kinda stupid
-Enjoys bone marrow
-Also enjoys icecream
-Was kinda lonely for a long while
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Mask anon - Melian
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- She/they
- 8'7 ft tall
- she's 19
- e n d e r m a n
- friendly, aggressive is looked at in the eyes
- wears sunglasses out in public bc for some reason she doesnt mind eye contact with them
- is only comfortable with eye contact with people they're comfortable with
- has terrible memory
- sleepwalks a lot
- loves to collect toys like dolls, plushies, action figures and small toys
- s o m e h o w manages to break an exact block of anything, even concrete
- if you mention you want something, she'll bring it to you, may or may not have stolen it
- doesnt understand what is means to steal
- can purr
- changes to enderman language when talking too fast
- knows how to speak Portuguese and will change to it when curssing at something
- used to have a brother
- knows how to play the piano and acoustic guitar
- adores calm songs like Cavetown, Mitski Mitski, etc.
- has a few pet moths that live in her pockets and two cats
- t o u c h e d s t a r v e d
- treats most of the other anons like her siblings
- only the ones closer to them can call them Meli
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Bamboo Fox
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
- A shapeshifting fox [REDACTED]? that guards and tends to a sacred bamboo forest on a mountain somewhere in the astral sea, I don't know.
- Has no concept of gender or age, but enjoys the sound of being referred to as he, or they.
- Is very small, like about 2 feet tall when standing on back legs in fox form.
- Has a very comforting aura to them, very chill vibe
- Will invite you in for tea
- Their rapping sounds like little yips. They can't speak, no matter what form they are in.
- If he likes you, he will offer you a single piece of bamboo with sticky rice inside
- If he does not like you, he will eat your soul
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Basil Anon
☑ Platonic - ☑ Romantic
Is 7' tall. Hes a tall boy
Goes by he/they pronouns though is also agender.
Can shapeshift to an extent. Cannot shapeshift his eyes though.
Isnt even really human but doesnt talk about that, like ever.
Eyes are pitch black- like completely flat black- hair covers eyes always. (unless they really trust you)
Cheerful baby! But gets depressive episodes alone! Tries to keep a smile on his face. When in those episodes he is more likely to isolate.
Has a pet chicken named fluffy. Is actually immortal. Literally. The whole anon fam loves fluffy, and he keeps a chart to see who gets to pet fluffy, and who needs to be watched (coke).
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Part 2
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leedluna · 5 years
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hello, hello !! some of you may know me already but if not, hi ! my name is mel, 19, she/they. i play so!ar’s resident gremlins luna and sunhee. i don’t have any pages up bc i’m garbage but you can find some connection ideas at the bottom if you want ‘em. legend says if you press the heart i will tumble into your ims for plotting and friendship. note: discord ( korinna #0085 ) is the best way to keep in contact with me but i’ll see y’all in ims too if that’s ur jam <3
˗ˏˋ  ( kim jisoo. twenty four. cisfem. she/her. ) lee luna is a 95 liner + has been at so!ar entertainment for ten years. they have been a soloist since november, 2011. they are known by their fans to be ambitious, warm + diligent but they can also be arrogant, over critical + detached. i hope that they can make it in this industry. 
tw for brief mentions of suicide attempts ( at the bottom, it’s marked. )
luna is the only child of a former anchorwomen ( jaein moon ) and idol-turned-music producer ( lee hyunwoo ). needless to say, she was the apple of their eye ! their cinnamon apple ! thei-- i’ll stop. 
when luna was nine months old the three became regular cast members of a family variety show ( think ‘superman returns’ ) and the public loved them. just, completely adored their dynamic and most importantly --- luna. 
the family ( and again, most importantly -- luna ) began getting commercial offers left and right. and then, when luna was five, she’d got offered her first movie role. her parents, not looking to pressure their daughter into anything, asked her if she wanted to do it and she said yes ! after all, what child doesn’t want to play pretend ?
she became the child actress, almost every movie or drama she was in won awards, she occasionally sung osts, and homegirl was just living the life tbh
then she kind of just, fell off the face of the earth ?? no one really knew what happened as there was no official announcements or anything, until someone photographed her entering solar’s building with her dad ( who, fun fact, is a producer at solar :D ) and rumors began to fly. like, is she going to act again? is she going to debut in a group? ( spoiler: the answer is neither. )
she did meet with the company with the intentions of joining as an actress, however her father and the ceo talked her into becoming a vocal trainee. not looking to disappoint her dad, she took the offer
she trained approximately for one year and eleven months. hardly ready, but the company -- with a little push from her father -- decided to just, sorta... throw her to the wolves lmao
her debut was fairly successful, with people checking the song out purely due to recognizing her name but she wasn’t really established as an artist in the public’s eye until her third year + first ep, across the lunaverse. the title track reached #3 on the charts !
things were going great, until she went on a hiatus that lasted two years - there was never a clarification for why but luna has hinted it was due to poor mental health. when she came back with her 2nd ep in 2016, she kinda ??? acted like the hiatus never happened and she’s since been #onthegrind 
 tidbits that didn’t fit into the above ramblings:
personality wise she’s kind of????? a mess
tries her best but she’s just...really pompous, which is honestly the after effect of being in the spotlight since birth basically
acts like a bad bitch but if you say something mean chances are she’ll sob in the bathroom. treat with care
the company banned her from vlive because she tends to talk without thinking and that gets her into A Lot of shit lmao
has that stopped her tho? no
“my company says i’m not suppose to do these but what are they gonna do? fire me? bet.”
basically the embodiment of this
highkey jealous of people in groups ( which is 100% my fault i’M SORRY LUNA ) but also ? enjoys the solo life because it means she gets more control
speaking of control - she writes all of her music !! as if right now she hasn’t written for any groups or other soloists but she’d like to
festival queen !! she’s aLWAYS performing at events
real tea (also tw for: suicide attempt mention ): the reason she went onto a hiatus after her first ep was basically because she kind of just...fell apart in a moment of weakness. despite how she acts, luna has a poor mentality and she was hit with this epiphany that she’s never done anything for herself Ever and she’s basically been controlled since birth so she kinda spiraled and tried to kill herself. her manager ( or someone else?? this could be a connection??) found her, so!ar found out, and sent her to a mental health facility 
hasn’t really been the same since she came back but she tries
some connection ideas for luna !
friends !!!!!! in this house we stan platonic relationships and listen,,,,luna needs friends because homegirl rly just be out here wildin
speaking of, a good influence !! like i said luna is a mess and needs to be reeled in sometimes. pls help her.
on the flip side i’d also like a bad influence connection!! with luna being the bad influence or someone else being it for luna
frenemies, enemies, rivals, etc !!!! luna’s pretty salty about everything and everyone and i imagine there’s a few people that don’t Vibe with that. also she’s just annoying so. lots of material to work with here
a partner she broke up with in 2013 just before her breakdown?? like maybe they were dating or just liked each other and then one day luna was like “sIKE !!!!!!!! see ya!!!” and things are still awkward between them
young idols / trainees that she’s taken under her wing and sort of “adopted”.......let luna baby someone...
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lisatelramor · 6 years
I’ve been reading homestuck fic for like the last week so apparently that’s enough for my brain to do weird things and so if anyone finds it interesting, thoughts on detective conan characters if they were trolls. Yeah. I... I don’t know where this came from either, and fuck no, I am not writing a fic for it. Just take these ramblings and amuse yourself with them.
Okay, so DCMK characters as homestuck trolls.
Shinichi’d be teal-cerulean range, obviously still a detective (detecterrrorist??) who was fairly well off and gaining a bit of a reputation before he investigated some adult trolls and got slipped something questionable. And then he ended up like just past grub-molt and (maybe) with a mutation. He has low key empathy psionics that help him on cases. Strife specibus is football-kind (or. Whatever the troll equivalent of soccer would be. I dunno) Sylladex is ‘casebook’ and required writing down descriptions of things to store them and concluding out loud what the item is to retrieve it.
Ran is rust-blood. Strife specibus—fist-kind and knife-shoe-kind. She and Shinichi are circling flush for each other but are terrible at getting anywhere. She’s moirails with Sonoko. It’s a bit of a caste difference between her and Shinichi and Sonoko but they’ve never made her feel like it mattered. She can and will kick the ass of people twice her size and way up the hemosystem. No psionics, but abnormally strong for a rust-blood.
Sonoko is purple-blood, not quite tyrian fuchsia but more on the pink end than the indigo. Very willing to throw her weight around if it means helping those in her hate-friend group. Tolerates Shinichi. Ran joked once that they had pitch feelings and upset both Shinichi and Sonoko so much she was apologizing for a week. It’s platonic dislike, geeze Ran. Fell for bronze-blood Makoto and honestly despite using her blood color to her advantage at times, she couldn’t give two shits about the hemosystem. God, what even would her strife specibus be?? Handbag-kind?? I dunno. She’d probably just go at you with her claws than use a specibus really. She doesn’t do highblood rage often tho.
Heiji’s olive-blood, sword-kind. He had a pitch crush on Shinichi when he heard of his existence because, damn, rivalry!! Fuck that teal guy, olives could be sweet detecterrorists too! But then he met Shinichi and was all fuck. Pale as SHIT for him once he realized the whole Conan situation. But there’s the whole awkward thing of the current age difference so he’s trying to be cool about it but. Yeah. He sometimes gets weird looks, like, the fuck you wanting a moirail a kid for, you’re almost adult molt?? That’s not cool?? He and Kazuha have a red/pale mess going on for years and at first Kazuha’s pissed about Kudo right up until she and Heiji start moving toward more red than pale. But she sometimes still flips. Heiji’s worried he’s coming on too strong with Shinichi but Shinichi’s a dense shit. He has too much going on in his head to notice Heiji’s pale crush flashing neon lights at him.
Kazuha’s a bronze-blood, and a mess over Heiji. She alternates between bare-hand fighting and knife-kind (apparently there is some weapon use in aikido? Or at least knowing how to use a weapon once you’ve disarmed someone if you can get your hands on it). She’s really possessive of Heiji’s red quadrants because he can’t seem to decide which he wants from her for the longest time—and she can’t decide either. But yeah, more flush than not. Hates Shinichi a lot longer than she did in canon and was threatened by Ran until it was clear Ran had ZERO interest, her flush being aimed toward Shinichi and already in a moirallegiance with Sonoko. Lower end of hemospectrum and a bit indignant about it, ready to fight. Ends up friends with Ran tho, she needs more friends.
Ok, so Kid. Kaito. Blah, what even is Kaito? Like Kid is this semi-mythic figure for sweeps and no one knows who he is or his blood type. Like lowblood mythos has him as being a goldblood with psionics that help him stick it to the highbloods. Mainline propaganda paints him as a mutant to be culled on sight. Meanwhile there’s also theories that he’s in the indigo range and has a variation of chuckle-voodoos that cloud awareness or heighten susceptibility to suggestion/misdirection (allowing Kid to more easily impersonate people, even in your own quadrants, how horrifying!!) As much as I love the idea of Kid as someone with psionics, I kind of think it would be hilarious if Kaito was indigo-range. He’s hemononymous. No one knows but Aoko what his blood color is. (blah, I could make an argument for any color, someone give me a good reason for one over the other) But he has his fear of fish from a bad encounter with a sea-dweller's lusus. Poor Kaito. Vacillates between red/pitch with Aoko, and has plenty of people wanting him for either of those quadrants. Because he just gives off either red vibes, or bite me in a sexy way vibes I guess. (So many people would punch him in the face with their face??) Kaito has a solitaire modus that also has a shuffle mode. His strife specibus is prank-kind when himself, and card-kind as Kid. He also has a huuuge pitch crush on Shinichi. Which is more or less reciprocated. It was kind of idly there when he thought Conan was practically a wiggler, but he realizes he’s actually about the same age as he is and yeeeah, they flirt pitch a lot. Though Shinichi’s a bit dense on that too. Granted there’s only so many times a guy throws a heist with you in mind before you catch on. Hakuba’s freaked out by it. NO! HE IS A CHILD!!!! And sort of goes ashen for them which pisses Kaito off. All the more so because Hakuba pitch flirts with Kaito sometimes when Kaito is Kaito and just. Stop quadrant smearing black feelings in Kaito’s direction!! (Hakuba is going down with this ashen ship. He won’t put a name to it because fuck, it’d be ILLEGAL to be in quadrant with a criminal. But he wouldn’t say no to privately showing up and interrupting one of Shinichi and Kaito’s pitch moments)
Aoko’s blueblood. Could be something else, but. Yeah. She’s blue because Aoko. Strife specibus is mop-kind. She really can’t decide if she’s pitch or flush for Kaito. Because one moment he’s filling her with pity and good and the next he’s such an ASS. Yeah. Shit’s hard when you’re in the middle of your puberty cycle. She platonically hates Kid with a passion. She’s all for the law but couldn’t give a shit about the hemospectrum. Testing waters for a moirail relationship with Keiko, but sometimes has a pale crush on Saguru which baffles Kaito. Saguru’s so awkward though that she can’t help it.
Saguru’s also a blueblood, but unlike Aoko, he’s big on both letter of the law and hemospectrum. He likes to see himself as enlightened, but he’s the sort to make backhanded insults without meaning to based on blood type stereotypes. Kaito’s hemonymity is annoying as hell to him. He has SUCH a pitch crush on Kid, but he’s too rigid in his beliefs to ever consider pursuing it, so it sort of sublimates to extremely intense efforts to catch Kid that frankly unsettle Kaito. But then he meets Heiji. And bam, pitch crush. He can see how Heiji would be such a good detective! But his methods!!! Are sloppy!!! (Meanwhile Heiji’s the same way back but has no emotional awareness and is just going on rants about how Hakuba’s such an ass and how he hates him and Shinichi’s just listening to it all with complete embarrassment like, oh my god Heiji. OH MY GOD STOP TELLING ME THIS!!) Hakuba and Heiji’s pitch clicks so well that Hakuba practically sees them as an item and is already drafting hate-date ideas. Only Heiji finally gets the memo that people think he’s pitch for Hakuba and rather than putting two and two together with his own emotions goes WTF?? And breaks Hakuba’s spade. How insensitive. He made Kazuha have to flip pale to deal with that fallout. How dare? Hakuba may or may not end up having a spade fling with Kaito in a rebound attempt. Which goes about as bad as could be expected. Eventually Heiji figures his shit out though. Heiji’s bad with emotional wisdom. Hell, give him gun-kind as a specibus, but he’s good at hand to hand too.
Akako’s a rust-blood, scepter-kind strife specibus. She has psionics that make people attracted to her and manipulates the shit out of them. Kaito, by miracle of mutation or blood color, is immune. And a little annoyed at how she’s like a walking rust hemonormative stereotype with her sexy vibe. She pisses him off in a platonic way and yet she keeps trying to get him in a quadrant. Flush fails, then pitch fails, so she tries for pale and that freaks Kaito out even more than the other attempts. Stop caring!! No! (She keeps on the pale route eventually because that boy’s a disaster and needs someone watching his back. Though it’s fun to flirt with him concupiscent. )
Ai’s hmm. Not sure what Ai would be. She’s poison-kind for strife specibus, though she can use gun-kind in a pinch. The reason her poison worked to turn back the clock on her and Shinichi is a rare mutagen that they both have. Woo. Troll genetic bullshit. Has the same low-key empathy psionics Shinichi has and it lets her sense hostility directed at her. Her moirail got killed (her sister in canon?) and that kind of pushed her over the edge. She’s ruthless and will flat out cull you no mercy. As much as Heiji WANTS to be Shinichi’s moirail, she functionally is one more to him more often than not. But in her words she doesn’t do quadrants these days and so she’s not going to label anything. It’s survival, nothing else. (Shinichi doesn’t buy this. But he’s fine not labeling things)
 Ayumi=>olive, Mitsuhiko => gold, Genta => bronze. All three are barely old enough to be outside of their hives without lusus care for goodness sake. They haven’t settled on strife specibi yet or even proper modus types. Since meeting Conan, they’ve taken an interest in detecterrorism. :P  The boys are having pale/flush crushes on Ayumi but she only has eyes for Conan flush, and it’s a shitshow but they’re too young for it to matter much yet.
 I don’t think adults would be in here the same way. Like. Maybe as ancestors? Mentor figures? I dunno. I don’t really care to figure it out. Still this was a fun thought exercise. I think what I love about Homestuck is the quadrant fuckery the trolls brought to the table. That just lends itself to so much. The drama ^_^
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