#I understand we never get a sense of how well Sebastian got along with the other clerics
breadedsinner · 1 year
Fenris, Isabela, and Sebastian, at some point, all mourn a group of people the player never meet.
I like to think they still meet up post campaign and toast to them.
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Francis Drake Main Story
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors.
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Drake: "Hey, Mitsuki. Did you tame everyone in this mansion with your blood?"
Mitsuki: "Huh?"
I simply stared back at Drake, not understanding the meaning of his words.
Drake: "I've heard about your situation and the people in this mansion from Comte. After talking to them, I realized they're not bad guys."
Drake: "But I just don't get it."
Mitsuki: "What do you mean?"
Drake: "Because they're vampires, right? No matter how you look at it, they're different from humans."
Drake: "They're creatures driven by the urge to drink blood and capable of taking lives like beasts."
Drake: "Well, it seems I'm a half, too. But..."
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Drake: "It's hard to imagine that vampires and humans live together under the same roof and get along well without one side having control in the background."
(He's right. I've been living with everyone for a long time and forgot, but vampires are objects of fear in normal senses.)
They fed on human blood and posed a threat to their lives.
Drake: "At first, I thought you were just being used as prey, and the butler might have been silenced."
Drake: "Vampires are said to prefer the blood of young women, but the people here seem to treat you well."
Drake: "There's also the possibility that you're controlling the vampires in exchange for your blood, like a queen bee."
The carefree and nonchalant demeanor he had just moments ago was replaced by a sharp gaze, sending a slight shiver down my spine.
(So he was thinking about that behind that smile.)
It felt like I caught a glimpse of his wariness.
But I guess it was only natural to be that cautious when he suddenly arrived at a mansion full of vampires.
Mitsuki: "I've never been bitten by a vampire, and I've never given blood to anyone."
Mitsuki: "There's no one-sided dominance going on. We're just living and supporting each other."
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Drake: ".........."
Mitsuki: "You may have concerns, but please trust us. Everyone here is trustworthy."
I conveyed my feelings, hoping he would take off his armor-like caution.
Drake: "Trust, huh? People can easily betray you. You never really know what someone's thinking deep down."
Drake: "Well, that's what I think."
Drake: "But if you're saying it like that, it's probably true. You don't seem like you'd be good at lying."
Drake's smile returned, and I let out a sigh of relief.
(I'm glad. Maybe his guard has loosened a bit.)
Drake: "Sorry for saying weird things."
Mitsuki: "No, it's okay. I'm just surprised you thought I was controlling everyone."
Drake: "Yeah? Even without the blood, those guys might still like you enough to be willing to change their fates, little fawn."
His almost sinister smile from up close caused me to catch my breath.
At that moment, someone knocked on the door.
Sebastian: "Excuse me. Is Mitsuki still here?"
Drake: "She's here. We were just flirting."
Mitsuki: "Drake, don't say that!"
Drake: "Haha! Sorry, sorry. Well then, goodnight, little fawn."
I left the room and found Sebastian waiting outside.
Sebastian: "If you don't mind me asking, what kind of flirting did Drake do to you?"
Mitsuki: "No, it's not like that. We were just having a serious conversation."
(But I feel like I touched on his true feelings just a bit.)
(Come to think of it, we were a little bit close.)
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Sebastian: "You got close enough for your cheeks to blush."
Mitsuki: "Don't you dare write that in your diary!"
I stopped Sebastian from taking out his diary and briefly explained my conversation with Drake.
After hearing my story, Sebastian's expression showed a hint of surprise.
Sebastian: "I thought you guys were having a friendly chat, but to think he was considering such things..."
Sebastian: "I guess it's only natural that he has a composed side, considering he originally led naval forces into battle."
(That's true, but...)
Drake: "Trust, huh? People can easily betray you. You never really know what someone's thinking deep down."
---------Flashback Ends---------
His voice at that moment felt cold, as if he didn't want to believe me.
(19th-century Paris was relatively peaceful without any conflicts. I wish he could become even more at ease in this mansion.)
I hoped for that, remembering the cold voice that lingered in my ears.
After that, Drake fully joined our everyday lives, spending more time with everyone at the mansion and even going to the mall.
Comte: "It's not good for you to keep using the guest room, so I'll prepare a room for you, Drake."
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Comte: "Is there anything you need? Just let me know, and I'll get everything for you."
Drake: "Oh, in that case, I'll make a request."
Drake: "How about a luxurious chandelier? And a top-quality fur carpet? And..."
(T-They are all expensive stuff!)
Leonardo: "Are you thinking of selling them?"
Drake: "Oops. You caught me."
The next day, while observing a match between Drake and Jean一
Jean: "Hah!"
Drake: "Whoa! My turn!"
Jean: "You're quite good, Drake. It's a different kind of challenge compared to Napoleon."
Drake: "It's fun, but I never thought that the Maid of Orleans was a guy with incredible swordsmanship."
Mitsuki: "I think everyone would be shocked by that revelation about Jean."
Mozart: "Discrepancies between what is known and the truth are common throughout history."
Jean: "Drake, I'll make some marorons for you later to thank you for the training."
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Mitsuki & Mozart: "!!"
Drake: "Marorons? I don't know what that is, but I look forward to it."
Mozart: "I'll warn you, Drake. Jean is the most terrifying when he's in the kitchen."
Then, on another night, when I brought tea to the parlor room一
Arthur: "Checkmate."
Drake: "What the?"
Drake: "Did I lose again? I thought I had a chance of winning at some point."
They were playing chess, and Drake seemed to be on a losing streak.
Arthur: "You're relying too much on brute force. Chess is a game of strategy."
Drake: "If it were a battle at sea, I'd send a flaming ship charging in."
Isaac: "It's scary how a pirate thinks."
Dazai: "Ahaha! Looks like Drake lost to his fellow countryman by a long shot."
At Dazai's words, I suddenly realized...
Mitsuki: "Aside from Drake and Shakespeare, you and Arthur were from England too, right?"
Isaac: "Yeah. Although the time periods we lived in were completely different."
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Arthur: "I lived during the glorious era of Queen Victoria."
Arthur said that proudly, and Drake blinked curiously.
Drake: "Arthur, do you admire the queen?"
Mitsuki: "Well, he named his dog Victoria."
Arthur: "Yes. Although, when I found out later that he was a male, I felt frustrated because he was so cute."
Arthur: "Anyway, Queen Victoria was charming and beloved by the people. Wasn't Queen Elizabeth the same?"
Arthur: "England prospered during the reign of the queens because of their great achievements."
Drake: "........."
Drake: "Well, she was certainly a cunning queen. She thoroughly eliminated any threats to England in the shadows."
Drake: "I was used like a pawn, too."
Drake chuckled sarcastically and shrugged his shoulders.
(It doesn't seem like he admires her as much as Arthur does.)
According to the history book I read before, it stated that the queen favored him. But considering she sent him to war, there might have been hardships that didn't make it into history.
Drake: "Anyway, let me have a rematch from earlier. Arm wrestling this time."
Arthur: "OK! I accept. Isaac here will be the referee."
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Isaac: "Why me!?"
Drake: "Alright, let's do it, Isaac!"
Dazai: "Go, Ai-chan."
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After those fun few days, a week had gone by since Drake showed up.
Under the clear blue sky, while taking down the laundry, I reminisced about the events with the other residents over the past few days.
(It looks like he became close with everyone. I guess I didn't need to worry.)
Since Drake and I had met, there had been an atmosphere of mutual wariness. But that wasn't the case now.
(I'm glad Drake already feels at home here.)
Feeling relieved, I suddenly remembered the time when I first came to the mansion.
(Back when I first came here, I was eager to return to my original world as soon as possible.)
(I wonder if Drake ever misses his homeland.)
Lost in these thoughts, a gust of wind suddenly blew through.
Mitsuki: "Ah, my handkerchief!"
The handkerchief I had placed on top of the laundry got blown away, and I hurriedly chased after it.
Then, a bird swooped in from somewhere and skillfully caught the handkerchief with its feet.
The bird's entire body was red, with hints of green and other colors mixed into its feathers, creating a vivid display of colors.
(That's a parrot, right? I feel like I've seen it somewhere before.)
The familiar parrot gracefully circled the sky, seemingly enjoying itself.
As I followed its movements with my eyes, the parrot suddenly let go of the handkerchief, and the person it was hovering near raised a hand and caught it.
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Drake: "Is this what you dropped, little fawn?"
The parrot perched on Drake's shoulder.
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Mitsuki: "Thank you for helping with the laundry."
Drake: "It's no big deal."
He helped me carry most of the laundry, leaving only the sheets to be delivered to his room.
Drake: "Well then, welcome aboard my ship."
He opened the door to his room.
Mitsuki: "Sorry for the intrusion. Wow, your room looks like this now!"
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His room, which I entered for the first time, had a different atmosphere compared to my room and everyone else's.
Drake: "I asked Comte to make it as comfortable as a ship's cabin, and this is what I ended up with."
Mitsuki: "A cabin, huh? It suits you."
As I looked around the room with great interest, the parrot perched on Drake's shoulder, flapped its wings, and moved to the deer antlers hanging on the wall.
Mitsuki: "I guess that bird is your pet? Thank you for picking up my handkerchief."
Drake: "Glad my partner could be of service. I guess he wanted to look good in front of a lady since he's a male."
Mitsuki: "Hehe. You looked quite dashing, Mr. Parrot. Um, what's its name?"
Parrot: "Draco, Draco!"
Mitsuki: "Wow, it talked!?"
Drake: "Yeah, he can talk. His name is Draco."
Mitsuki: "Does the name have any special meaning?"
Drake: "In the past, I was called El Draque by my enemies."
Drake: "He somehow picked it up and started squawking 'Draco, Draco,' so I just made it his name."
Mitsuki: "El Draque...?"
Drake: "It means demon."
(Is that because his opponents feared him?)
It was kind of hard to imagine since he said it so casually, but I guess he was really that scary to end up with a nickname like that.
(And he boldly used that as his pet's name.)
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Drake: "Draco, meet Mitsuki, the little fawn. Get along, okay?"
Draco: "Fawn, fawn!"
(Hehe. Regardless of the meaning, Draco is already an important partner's name for him.)
Mitsuki: "By the way, there's something I've been wanting to ask. Why do you always call me little fawn?"
Drake: "Hm? Because when we first met, you were trembling in my arms like a fawn."
Drake: "Also, the name of the ship I used to sail on was the Golden Hind, which means golden female deer."
Drake: "So, it somehow felt fitting."
(So that's why. Maybe it just resonated with him in his own way.)
When I think about it that way, it feels like something special.
Drake: "You didn't like it?"
Mitsuki: "I don't mind. I'm glad you answered my question!”
Drake: "That's good, then. To be honest, you were trembling back then because I scared you."
Drake: "By the way, Fawn, can you take your hand out?"
I extended my hand as instructed, and he placed beautiful red-feathered earrings on my palm.
Mitsuki: "Wow, it's cute."
Drake: "Take it. I made it using one of Draco's feathers. Don't worry, I properly washed it."
Mitsuki: "Can I really have this? You even made it by hand."
I tilted my head in surprise at the sudden gift.
Drake: "Remember how I scared you and accused you of taming vampires?"
Drake: "I realized I've been giving you a hard time, so consider this my apology gift."
(Even though he had his reasons at the time, he still cared about how I felt.)
His feelings, along with the earrings, reach my heart without delay.
Mitsuki: "I'm so happy. Thank you, Mr. Drake!"
Drake: "Great. Now that we've made up, I have a suggestion."
Drake: "How about we drop the formalities? I mean, I'm calling you by your first name freely."
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Mitsuki: "Then, Drake."
Drake: "Hmm, that's okay, but why not try calling me by my first name?"
Mitsuki: "Francis?"
Drake: "Perfect. I like it, Mitsuki."
(Suddenly calling each other by first names feels a bit embarrassing.)
He playfully deepened his smile.
Drake: "Come on, try calling me by my first name more, Mitsuki."
Mitsuki: "What!? You're teasing me, right?"
Drake: "Come on, of course not."
Mitsuki: "Don't tease me, Francis."
Drake: "You don't have to be so reserved. Just call me normally."
Mitsuki: "Geez. Francis!"
Drake: "Haha! Well done. You're so straightforward."
He laughed out loud at my somewhat embarrassed and half-shouted words.
(It feels like he's playfully manipulating me.)
But why did I feel ticklish even though it seemed like I was being rolled around in the palm of his hand?
Mitsuki: "Well, calling you by your first name alone is a little embarrassing, so I'll stick with Drake."
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Drake: "Back to formal language, huh?"
Mitsuki: "Let me call you Drake."
Drake: "I wanted it to feel special, but okay, call me whatever you like."
He seemed satisfied and nodded with a smile.
Feeling my cheeks blush, I directed my gaze back to the earrings in my palm.
Mitsuki: "Can I try wearing this now?"
Drake: "Of course."
Drake: "It's difficult to put it on without a mirror, so sit on the chair. I'll do it for you."
I sat down as prompted, and he brushed my hair behind my ear.
Mitsuki: "Ahh..."
His finger brushed against my earlobe, causing my body to twitch involuntarily.
Drake: "Did that tickle?"
Mitsuki: "Just a little."
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Drake: "Is this your weak spot?"
He playfully leaned closer to my ear, his voice and breath tickling me.
Mitsuki: "H-Hey, stop fooling around..."
Drake: "Sorry, sorry. I got carried away there. But bear with it a little longer."
Drake gently touched my earlobe and inserted the earring.
Drake: "Now, the other side."
(It feels strange to have someone put earrings on me.)
(I didn't realize my ears were this sensitive until now.)
Maybe I was feeling more sensitive because of his playful teasing earlier.
Coming to that conclusion, I held back the trembling sensation that almost overwhelmed me.
Drake: "Okay, there you go, Mitsuki."
I looked at my reflection in the window since we didn't have a mirror and saw vibrant feathers swaying on both of my ears.
Mitsuki: "Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you so much, Drake. And Draco, too."
Draco: "Fawn and Draco, together!"
Mitsuki: "That's right, we have matching feathers."
As we exchanged words, Drake suddenly turned serious.
Drake: "Just to make sure, you're not in a romantic relationship with anyone in the mansion, are you?"
I vigorously shook my head, startled by the sudden question.
Mitsuki: "Absolutely not! Everyone in the mansion is like a roommate and a friend to me. I don't have that kind of relationship with anyone."
Drake: "Heh?"
Drake: "Well, I was just worried because I gave you a gift. I didn't want it to create any misunderstandings if you had a boyfriend."
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Drake: "If that's not a concern, I don't need to hold back. It suits you well, little fawn."
He took a step closer and placed his large hand on my head.
My heart was beating like crazy as I felt his gentle hand and gaze.
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abybweisse · 1 year
What makes a soul more delicious for a demon?
⚠️ I end up going off on a tangent! ⚠️
Tasty souls for perverted gourmets
It might differ from demon to demon, but Sebastian seems to like putting his master through painful experiences. Not so much the physically painful kind but the emotionally painful kind. But he's seeking out flavors he's never tasted before -- or are at least still considered somewhat novel to him -- so perhaps his previous masters, who were all much older, lacked such experiences in their lives. Or perhaps they were just more superficial and didn't let things get to them, while our earl has very deep emotions. Judging by what the demon cultists asked for, like money and fame, those might be the more typical wishes people make. Not revenge for the sacrifice of his brother, the torture they endured, and the deaths of their parents and household.
Generally speaking, I'd say that demons who have given up on "messily sampling" souls have developed a palette of sorts and start to seek out the flavors they love best. And, like Sebastian, they might pick up the idea to manipulate the experiences of their masters, so that they can create flavor combinations that are new to them.
Young masters are best for this, because they are still learning about themselves and the world. Demons can therefore manipulate the souls of masters, especially younger masters, and create the souls they find particularly tasty.
Tangential information under the cut, including Undertaker's goals, as well as references to Jujutsu Kaisen and The Promised Neverland.
It reminds me of Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen because that Curse can manipulate souls, changing the actual shapes of those souls and the bodies they inhabit.
Which is why I wonder if Undertaker got the idea of "aptitudes" for F. O. L. Orphanage from his dealings with demons like Sebastian. Perhaps specifically from watching Sebastian and our earl... and then taking real Ciel along to witness as much of his twin's doings as possible. This makes the twins' souls as alike as they can be. Similarly, forcing all these orphans to fall strictly into four categories that match their star lords -- Pomeranians to real Ciel, Corgis to Doll, Mastiffs to Polaris, and Collies to Layla/Al -- and seeing how well they match their "aptitudes", Undertaker will see which kid from each class ends up matching their respective star lord best. The top student from each class is likely to be used in experiments to see if their souls are the right shapes to be transplanted into their respective star lords. All the "failures" in each class are likely just the blood supplies... until each top student is deemed ready for harvest... when they will likely be bled out just before their soul is harvested.
Even Undertaker has vaguely hinted that his approach might be similar to Sebastian's -- that only their goals are different. At Weston, in ch84, Undertaker says:
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And in ch141, Undertaker explains that he's been taking real Ciel to see what our earl has been doing. Real Ciel had a blank stare at Kelvin's Manor, was a bit mindless on the ship, and seems to have been a quiet viewer at Weston, but you can see how he was being "improved" over time. Real Ciel could only take in a limited view of the activities, but he retained them and committed them to memory. And it makes him claim to have been by his brother's side the whole time.
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In ch155, Jane talks about the shapes of souls, but she apparently doesn't really understand it and thinks that Heathfield is talking nonsense. Unless she's lying about it not making sense to her....
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In Jujutsu Kaisen, Mahito explains that souls are tangible to him, as if they are any other body part. And when he changes a soul's shape, the body changes to match it. We get this scene:
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In s2 of the anime, Claude uses various techniques to deepen and emphasize the similarities between "Ciel" and Alois/Jim before putting Alois' soul into "Ciel's" body, despite the fact that "Ciel" still had his own soul. And I'm half expecting Yana-san to eventually let Undertaker give us a scene where he explains how he's been manipulating those children's souls to prepare them for transplant. Maybe she'll even let us have an in-story explanation for why Sebastian looks a bit like Vincent (or more like grown-up Ciel?). Though I'd be happy if she even just got down to the truth of it in a tweet or a future Artworks book.... I figure it's much as Mahito says: the body conforms to the shape of the soul. This could also be used to explain why reapers look the same as when they were human... if they are reborn, as I theorize.
Ch200 has The Promised Neverland vibes all over it, as does the entire F. O. L. Orphanage assignment. In TPN, some children are kept in orphanages until they are fed to demons. In Black Butler, these kids are possibly being kept in an orphanage until their souls are ready for a reaper to transplant them (instead of getting eaten by demons). But the concept is very similar. Sebastian would possibly applaud the basic idea in TPN, as if the orphanage could be used as a demonic culinary institution... or something. (I've also just realized the kids in TPN have tattooed or branded numbers on the fronts of their necks, much like Finny's "S-012" on the back of his.)
In ch200, Theo even says that some "pervert" is "manipulating" the children.
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He might actually be talking about Undertaker and not even know it. It's quite possible that none of the kids have met him or even seen him, since orders are being sent by telegram. But they have to assume the person running the place is a pervert of some kind.
And we know that Sebastian and Undertaker are being depicted as foils for each other. Ch111 vs ch200:
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So, if Sebastian is a "perverted gourmet", as Yana-san calls him, perhaps Undertaker is a perverted... physician? Perverted surgeon? It takes me right back to the parallels to Dr. Andonuts in the Mother game series... and Josef Mengele, the Nazi "Angel of Death" who had a particular interest in (obsession with) studying transplant technology on twins.
Though Undertaker might actually leave the medical side of it all to the Viscount of Druitt -- and we know how big a perv he is! -- or to someone else, now that Stoker is dead, the transplantation of souls would have to be attempted by a reaper.
Yeah, I definitely think Undertaker is using oddly similar methods to shape young souls -- by the experiences they are allowed/forced to have -- but just with different goals in mind.
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achillieus · 4 years
let you down. (sebastian stan x reader)
summary: it's a universal truth but it's worth repeating; feelings eat us raw. or just an actor and a girl falling in and out of love over the course of three months.
(this was inspired by sebastian's visit to greece for his movie, monday, and is based on that, so that means in the story we’re in 2018. also i have this posted on ao3 too but while i’m writing the last parts i thought of posting it here too)
pairing: sebastian stan x reader
warnings: alcohol, sexual references, implied depression, sebastian desperately needs to hug the reader, it's kinda slowburn because i love the yearning
(pinterest inspired board)
part: 1/6
(other parts)  (masterlist)
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The day it happened, it wasn't a significant meeting at all, you barely even talked. In fact, when he opened the door of your neighbor’s flat that day with a beer in his right hand and his hair messy, he didn't have any effect on you. You always knew that living next to a director meant that sooner or later you’d bump into the pretty faces of well-known people. Sure, you didn’t expect them to be Hollywood actors like him, but to say you were starstruck by the man, would be the overstatement of the year.
The building you’ve lived in for the last three years has five floors; you live in the 4th, he lives in the 5th. He’s a quiet person, usually spending his evenings out of his apartment. You’ve talked sometimes, about the weather and the weird lady that lives in the 1st floor. You’ve never told him you find his directing style a little pretentious.
You’ve never been to his place until that annoyingly warm August evening, when you find a white button up shirt on your balcony. You can clearly see more clothing when you look up and you’re certain the item you’re holding belongs to him.
He’s not there though. Instead you find a different face behind the door. Lighter eyes and darker hair. The man in front of you is definitely younger than the director. You don’t bother to notice what he’s wearing.
“Can I help you?” His voice is deeper than you expected. Stronger, with a touch of European accent. The sound of English surprises you at first but soon you realize he must be another foreign coworker that came to visit your neighbor
“No, I just think Argyris dropped this and it ended up on my floor.”
He looks at you and then at the shirt, in your hands.
Then he says “Sure, I’ll take it.”
Then it ends. He doesn’t even ask your name. You don’t have to ask his. You figure out, as soon as you walk down the stairs, that it’s Sebastian Stan that you just talked to.
And while being a big fan of marvel movies, you think nothing special of him at first. You just wonder how a mostly unknown director from Greece got an actor like Sebastian to come here so they can work together. It makes no sense to you, but you forget it when your phone starts ringing.
It would’ve been easier if you never saw him again, yet you do. You see him trying to understand what the old lady from the first floor is trying to tell him. You already know. The elevator is not working. The next day you see him walking up the stairs.
You exchange a quick hello, how are you and then off you both go.
The same night Argyris invites you to have a drink with them in the terrace. Part of you wants to just stay in bed and binge watch some Sherlock episodes. Part of you already thinks of what to wear.
There are around ten people there when you show up. They’re all sitting down in huge pillows drinking and talking loudly. You don’t know most of them.
You sit next to a blonde girl, across from Sebastian. This time you notice he’s wearing a plain black shirt and holds a glass of whiskey.
You don’t share any direct conversations but you learn that he’s afraid of growing old and that he thinks Taxi Driver is one fucking masterpiece, as he says.
When you mention that you’re probably the least artistic person in the room right now, you hear him laugh.
A curly haired woman starts dancing with him at some point. You decide he’s not a good dancer.
He leaves the same time you do, following you down the stairs.
“I thought you live here.” You say when he doesn’t stop at the floor you expect him to.
“Ah no, I stay at a hotel near the centre.”
He keeps talking about his suite until you reach your door.
You part in a blur, with a short goodbye.
He still doesn’t ask for your name.
It makes you feel genuinely offended.
Two days after, he is the farthest thing from your mind, until you find him sitting in front of your door, his eyes roaming the place with despair. And then he sees you.
“Ah finally you are here.” He starts casually. “Thank god.”
You just nod.
“Argyris told me to wait for him with you. We had a meeting but he got stuck in traffic.”
You give him a look.
“He said you’re always at home so you won’t mind.”
Ouch. Yeah sure, your social life wasn’t something to brag about but for some reason the way Sebastian said it, it sounded like an insult.
“Okay, come in.” You shrug, clearly not feeling comfortable and turn around to unlock the door.
You hear him call your name. You thought he didn’t know.
He offers you an easy smile.  “Thank you.”
Sitting in your couch he’s eyeing the entire room, while you put some groceries in the fridge.
“Argyris says you’re a great girl.” He clears his throat. “But he thinks you’re too quiet for your own good.”
You look at him, your eyes flicking up and down his face.
“And from what I can tell, he’s right.”  You hear him laugh.
It felt weird to see him laugh while he was leaning back at your cozy pillow. He had entered your life so suddenly you didn’t even have time to react to it.
“I’m sorry but I barely know you.” Your words are sharp. He sits up.
“Okay then let’s get to know each other, what’s your favorite Disney princess?”
Defeated, you laugh. “Are you kidding me?”
“No, this is an important question.”
You wait for him to crack up but then you remember he’s an actor.
“I don’t know.” You think for a second. “Mulan?”
“Oh my god. Mulan is amazing.” You smile at him. “My favorite is Jasmine, she’s just so badass.”
You share your favorites that day, having almost nothing in common rather than your everlast love for animated movies and buttered popcorn.
When it’s time for him to leave, he stops and looks at you in the eye.
“You should talk more often.”
You stare at him with confusion. “I talk,” you raise your eyebrows. “When I have something to say.”
“Good.” he says, still looking.
Later in the evening, you’re eating some yoghurt when he comes knocking on your door.
He’s different. The white tank top he was wearing this morning is replaced with a dark shirt and his face looks tired. You assume they’ve been working since he went upstairs.
“Hiii”, he says dragging the i, “Am I interrupting anything?”
You desperately want to nod. You want to tell him that you were doing the most exciting thing in the world, before he came but you were never a good liar.
So you just tilt your head and take a step back.
That’s when he enters and is met with some loud rock music blaring from your laptop.
“You like AC/DC?” he asks, almost wide-eyed.
“Well, I can tell it’s them when I hear their stuff.”  For the first time that day, he seems to be in loss of words. “Why are you so surprised?”
He sits in the same spot in the couch as earlier and laughs.
“I just didn’t take you for the kind of girl who likes this music.” It’s your turn to laugh.
He shrugs. “I don’t know. Quiet girl who loves animated films and eats kids’ yoghurt” he looks at the carton in your kitchen table, “and also likes metal music? Doesn’t add up.”
“We’ve basically just met; you shouldn’t make assumptions about me.”
“Fair enough.” He sits back, fidgeting with his fingers.
You take some time just looking at him
There was a certain vibe about that man that made you wonder how it’d feel to cruise down a dessert highway in a convertible mustang with him. In the summer. With him wearing that white tank top.
The color of strawberries emerges at your cheeks just at the thought of it.
You wish he doesn’t notice.
You’re glad to find him looking the other way, before he speaks up.
“We’re going out tonight.” His voice is warm now. “Argyris says you should come along, even though I’m quite sure there’s no hardcore music where we’re going.” He laughs again.
I can’t. You almost say. But then anxiety slips away from you and out of sudden you want him to stop being so freaking arrogant, going around and acting like he knows exactly what kind of person you are.
He thinks you’ll say no. You can see it in his eyes.
“Sure, when should I be ready?” you say, surprising both of you.
He looks at you for some time and then trying to hide whatever he was thinking he says the first thing on his mind.
“How old are you?” He sounds pitiful. He knows. He wishes he could hit a wall; with his head.
“Twenty-one.” His eyes scan yours, unsure of what they’re looking for. “Why?”
“No reason.”
He inhales deep.
You try to blink. You’re at a party in a little bar you’ve never been before and a lot of people are wearing black. Alcohol. You can still taste it on the back of your tongue. You don’t remember how you end up pressed against a dark skinned man, but you can tell he smells of cigarettes and despair.
You sway your body to the beat, close your eyes. Breath in. And out. You think the music deafens you for a second but you open your lids and see Sebastian and he’s watching you, unashamed.
He’s not that far, though it feels like it with countless bodies in the way. The music melts. His gaze is almost angelic. Or devious. You can’t really tell.
He’s dancing with that curly haired woman again. You wonder how intimate their relationship is.
The red neon lights make his skin glisten. His muscles move divinely. It makes you think there’s an entire world inside him, his flesh barely keeping it hidden. Out of sudden you get the urge to walk towards him. You want to see him up close under this dim lighting. But you don’t move.
The man that’s groping your waist asks for your name. You tell him you need to flee. He doesn’t understand.
You sit outside with the sweet summer breeze touching your bare arms. The bass of the music in the background syncs with the beating of your heart. You can feel your ribs grow with every breath you take. Until you stop breathing because the door opens and his eyes suffocate you.
You can’t fathom the effect he has on you. He was a pretty face on screen some days ago. But right now he steals distance and stays near you.
You don’t look his way. He doesn’t say a word. Nicotine and smoke surround you as he exhales. His fingers hold the cigarette butt with care.
“Do you want some?”
You turn to look at him.
“I don’t smoke.” He laughs.
“That doesn’t mean you don’t want some.”
You want to know if his breath has the taste of sulfur. You want to pretend it’s the alcohol or the loud music that makes your head hurt.
“What’s the best part of being an actor?” The blue in his eyes glows.
There’s silence but he seems to be thinking about it.
“Do you ever feel things too much?” He says, his voice hoarse. “I mean, when you feel something so intensely it becomes a part of who you are.”
You nod. You understand.
“Acting allows you to let go of these feelings,” he starts. “You share the burden with the audience until it becomes light and you can hold it again.”
You look at him, shaking your head.
“I don’t think I could that,” you close your eyes. “I don’t think I could share what I feel so easily.”
He stands up. The wind hits you again.
“A lot people can’t. That’s why everyone is heartbroken,” he takes a breath, “Feelings eat us raw.”
You both go to bed alone that night. Tomorrow there is a hole next to you.
the morning after, search history
(02:45 PM) hangover recovery
(03:00 PM) best food after a hangover
(03:10 PM) sebastian stan
(03:30 PM) sebastian stan girlfriend
(06:00 PM) xanax side effects
You follow him on Instagram. He doesn’t follow you back. You remember he probably gets tons of followers every day and decide not to let it bother you. Instead you study for the exams of the following month.
The subject of your studies doesn’t interest you. Another poor decision you made under pressure. Sometimes you feel as if your life is borrowed from someone else. Sometimes you feel as if you haven’t found your home yet.
Feelings eat us raw.
His girlfriend looks beautiful in the pictures you find online. The media isn’t certain if they’re still together but you like to think so. It makes it easier to avoid him.
But the universe seems to be oblivious to your thoughts and you see him that same day. You’re taking the garbage out and he’s coming down from the top floor. You meet in the elevator.
“I’m glad to see you’re still alive,” his eyes are smiling as he talks “you looked kinda drunk last night.”
You fidget with the hem of the bag you’re holding.
“I wasn’t drunk.” You notice he’s growing some stubble. You’re not sure you like it.
“Whatever you say, doll.”  You bite your cheek trying to devour any sign that might give away how his words make you flinch.
He turns his body a little so now you’re facing each other. He’s so pretty. He’s so pretty in a way that doesn’t hurt. You try not to stare at him, but you fail sometimes. You’ve never noticed how slow the elevator moves until you want to get out. You can’t stand being so close to him for much longer.
He’s an arrogant rich actor who loves Disney and smokes a lot, you think. I have no reason to be affected by him.
“Ah! Argyris said we’re leaving for the weekend.” You eye him curiously. “He wants to show us some small villages in the south. He thinks we should get to know the country a little more before we start.”
You’re stunned by your neighbor’s dedication to his work. Sometimes you wish you had something you could be passionate about too. Sometimes you think you’re never going to find it.
“That’s great. I’m sure you’ll like it.” You give him a smile.
He leans his back at the wall. The elevator stops. Finally.
“I like your eyes.” You grab tight onto the bag. “But they don’t smile when you do.”
He opens the door and he’s gone.
They tell you that it’s fun to meet a famous person. They tell you, you can ask for a photo and a hug. They tell you celebrities don’t talk a lot but that doesn’t mean they’re rude.
But he’s not like that.
He’s fire. He’s burning heat and scorching flames. His words are his thoughts; raw. You don’t like it.
late night search history
(00:38 AM) blue valentine movie soundtrack
(01:15 AM) is sebastian stan a bad person
(01:30 AM) acting classes for amateurs
(01:50 AM) cheap leather boots
(02:10 AM) sebastian stan eyes
 You find it annoying; how he’s present even when you’re alone.
Thankfully he’s leaving for the weekend, you think.
The weekend, however, is two days away.
You think you can get away without seeing him. And you do. Until it’s late at night again. And they’re all upstairs with music so loud you’re certain the lady on the first floor is going to be rude about it in the morning.
The music tempo has you unaffected. All you think about is if he’s dancing with that woman again.
He’s such a bad dancer, he should not be dancing.
There’s a subtle knock on your door. You know it’s him. You hope you’re wrong.
“Do you feel like dancing?” His face is all flustered. It’s a good look on him.
“You can’t come knocking on my door at 2 AM and ask me to dance.” His gaze is filled with confusion.
“So you don’t feel like dancing?” You roll your eyes. He notices.
“That’s not the point Sebastian.” It’s the first time you call him by his name. You let it slip away slowly, testing the way it sounds coming out of your mouth.
He takes a step closer. You are suddenly aware of your pyjama shorts and your exposed skin.
“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to irritate you.” His eyes are the cliché blue of the sky. “I just thought you might want to dance, that’s all.”
Suddenly you feel guilty and embarrassed. He’s oblivious to it.
For a moment you feel his eyes linger on you. It feels surreal.
You nod at him.
He’s ready to say something when Argyris comes down the stairs, his shirt slightly unbuttoned.
“Ah man, I thought you got lost or something.” You lower your eyes. “Stop messing with the poor girl. People are looking for you.”
He throws a smile at you and Sebastian takes a quick breath.
“People are always looking for me.”
He gives away that he’s carrying a burden. Your expression softens. But then you look at Argyris and you see he doesn’t really pay attention to these words.
You share a quick look before you’re there standing alone at your doorstep, trying to grasp the idea of him.
When you wake up you feel like running. You can’t fathom where the feeling comes from but it starts like a liquid running down your veins and soon you can’t stay in bed even for a second.
Feelings eat us raw. Only if you let them.
i really appreciate feedback, it motivates me tons and also tell me if you’d like to be tagged in this six part story :)
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azaleavi · 3 years
Mrs. Stan
Requested by anon: hello!!! love your seb fics!!! could you write a fic where seb proposes???
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: Thank you for requesting! This was super cute and I like how it turned out.
Feedback is always appreciated and don't forget to reblog and like if you liked it and want to see more. Thank you!
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The warm night was quiet as you walked along the shore hand in hand with Sebastian. The sun was going down giving the earth an orange glow, illuminating the footprints in the sand behind you. The man next to you silent, just enjoying being in your presence. Your eyes were on the small waves crashing with the ground, their calming presence following you along, calling you to dip your toes into the water. Giving in to the temptation, you played with the waves, running back as they came forward. Still holding Sebastian's hands, laughing, your eyes turned to him as he was smiling at you fondly. You pulled him to play with you and he stumbled forward, letting you drag him along. He lifted you up bridal style, acting like he was going to throw you into the water. Your playful shriek was the only thing heard in the night as you buried your face in his shoulder, your arms around his neck.
"Stop it" you screamed, laughing hysterically. "You are going to drop me!"
"Oh yeah?" he teased faking dropping you again, making you let out a cry, kicking with your legs. He carried you away from the water, putting you down on the dry land, his hands on your waist. You turned to face him, arms going around his neck.
"I love you" faces illuminated by the orange of the sun, you smiled at him, noses touching.
"I love you too, pretty" he beamed back at you, his eyes full of love and affection, your heart melting at the sight. Pressing a quick kiss to your lips he pulled away to walk further down the beach.
"You haven't actually told me where we are going." you said holding his left hand. It was your last day in Greece and Sebastian wanted to make it special by having dinner at a seaside restaurant. After you finished your meals he took your hand and lead you down to the beach for a walk. You've been walking for a few minutes now, the people around you getting fewer and fewer until there was no one around except for the two of you.
"I don't have any place in mind, I just want to spend time with you when no one is here to disturb us" he seemed to be going forward with a sense of purpose, but you didn't question him, believing his words. Walking for another few minutes something appeared on the horizon. All you could see was the light coming from it so you thought it was a house, but it turned out to be a little gazebo as you got closer. It had fairy lights all around it, making the space well lit. Nobody seemed to be around which made you confused. It was the perfect romantic setting by your standards so you couldn't understand how no one was using it. You remembered telling Sebastian how you thought these things were the epitome of a romantic gesture. You turned your head to him, raising your eyebrows in question. He looked back at you confused. So it wasn't him who did this? you wondered as you made your way to the cute area, watching out in case someone was around and intended to use it. You would have hated to be the one to ruin someone's evening plans by snooping around. You walked up the few steps, into the middle of the space, Sebastian behind you. Facing the ocean you placed your hands on the railing. closing your eyes you enjoyed the late night breeze hitting your face.
"This is so pretty" you sighed, waiting for Sebastian to answer you or stand next to you. He never did either of those things, making you turn around. The sight in front of you almost making you faint. He was on one knee, a small velvet box in his hands. Your jaw dropped open, eyes almost falling out of their sockets. Your heart beating rapidly, you gripped the railing behind you to keep yourself steady. Was he doing what you were thinking he was doing? "Seb" tears welling in your eyes, your hands going up to your mouth. He opened the box in his hands revealing the most beautiful ring you've ever seen. You gasped.
"We've been together for three years now and there wasn't a day when I wasn't completely in love with you. I love you to the moon and back and I'm eternally grateful for meeting you. We haven been through a lot of things together and my love grows for you every day. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives so my question is: Will you marry me?" by the end of his speech you were a sobbing mess, barely being able to get out your answer, which you had the moment you saw him on his knees.
"Yes, yes, yes! Of course! Yes!" you chanted as you threw yourself on him, going down on your knees, hands going around his neck, his grabbing your waist. He pulled away long enough to stand up and slid the ring on your finger. Your other hand on your mouth you watched him, tears still falling from your eyes. He also had tears running down his cheeks as he brought your face to his, passionately kissing you. "I love you" you chocked out when he pulled away.
"I love you too baby." he brushed his nose against yours "Mrs. Stan" he mumbled. You closed your eyes, liking the way it sounded.
"So did you plan this?" you pulled your head away to get a better look at your surroundings.
"I might have" he grinned.
"Oh my god and you just acted like you didn't know what was going on" you hit his chest, laughing. "I don't have any place in mind" you mocked his voice playfully.
"Wouldn't I be a bad actor if I couldn't sell this to you?" he laughed at you deepening your voice.
"I mean, yeah I guess" you shook your head.
"So how does it feel to be the future Mrs. Stan?" he smirked, pulling you closer.
"I like it... a little bit." you taunted.
"Only a little bit?" he feigned offence as he lifted you up by your waist, spinning you around.
Your laughter was the only thing sounding through the night. Two people hopelessly in love with each other, now ready to declare their love in a completely new way.
Feedback is appreciated!
Permanent taglist: @byatomoe​​
(let me know if you want to be added)
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Ooooh can I do positions with Sebastian Stan???
Omg hi!!!🖤 Thank you sm for the request, I hope you like it!🥰
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Thank you for the requests!! And thank you for the support love! I hope you enjoy this and my other requests (which I need to do soon)!🖤🥰 @its-izzys
a/n: Decided to switch it up for this one and made the song about Seb’s feelings towards the reader:)
warnings: Some smut for you filthy animals😉
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Heaven sent you to me
I'm just hopin’ I don't repeat history
It has been known that Sebastian has poor judgement in romantic partners. Now, that doesn’t apply to everyone he’s dated but there are a few who were just out of line. Everyone knew he wasn’t the best at relationships. His family, friends, heck even his fans could see through the facade of his so called “girlfriends”. He could never tell the difference between someone who’s using him and someone who genuinely liked him. Sebastian was one to be intoxicated with his feelings and loses himself in the moment. Which was probably why he never found anything wrong with the ‘candid’ paparazzi pictures or the constant posting of proof that someone was with him.
You were different from all the other girls he had dated. You were like Spring to his Winter. You symbolized a new beginning for him. Like how Spring would mark the beginning of a new season with its blossoming flowers and the awakening of animals, you brought liveliness to his cold and dark life. You actually terrified him to the core. He was afraid to fall for you because you were well off on your own. In his head you didn’t need him, but he needed you. You kept the grown man on his toes and without you he was not sure how he would survive.
Unlike the other girls, he was scared to loose you. Not only were you the most loyal, selfless, kindest, and caring person he knew. But he knew you genuinely loved him for him. He knew that you could care less about the fame, his social status, or the money. You wanted him for him. You wanted him at his worst, at his best, all parts of him. And it terrifies him that he could fuck it all up in an instant and loose you completely. If that happened he wouldn’t know what to do because he’s never experienced a love like yours. Compared to the others, he wasn’t going to repeat history and make stupid decisions, this time he was going to try and not fuck it up.
Boy, I'm tryna meet your mama on a Sunday
Then make a lotta love on a Monday (Ah, ah)
Never need no (No), no one else, babe
’Cause I'll be
Sebastian would do anything to make you happy. Seeing that contagious smile on your face always gave him butterflies in his stomach that made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“Hey Sebba?” You asked as you knocked on the wall of his home office one day. Sebastian’s eyes leave the script he had been reading for the past hour and a half as he turned to your figure leaning against the doorframe. You were cladded in one of his sweatshirts and a pair of those biker shorts that made your bum look incredible.
“How was your nap, draga?” He was about to get up from his swivel chair when you motioned for him to stay. You settled yourself onto his lap and wrapped your arms around his neck.
Resting your cheek against his head you began to play with the ends of his hair at the nape of his neck.
“It was good. Except someone wasn’t there when I woke up.” You softly answered as Sebastian pressed light kisses along your neck.
“The bed was cold without you.” You frowned against his hair. The scent of his shampoo filling up your senses.
“I’m sorry, I got excited when the script came and I couldn’t help myself.” He apologized as his squeezed your hips.
“Yeah, I know.” You chuckled as you leaned back to look down at him. He stared up at you with those ocean eyes that you just wanted to constantly dive into.
“Oh! I forgot to ask you.” You jumped in his lap as you remembered the text your mother had sent you earlier that morning. Sebastian nods at you, “What’s up?”
He saw how you slightly shrunk into your body and how your arms unwrapped around him so you can fiddle with your fingers. A little tic you had when you were either nervous or embarrassed. Sebastian comfortingly pressed his large warm hand against your back as the other took one of your hands into his.
“So...um. My mom’s birthday is during the weekend and we’re planning on having a dinner party with the family.” You started as you looked at your and Sebastian’s connected hands.
“My mom said she’d like it if you came along. She wants to finally meet you and she thinks the rest of the family would too.” You finished as you glanced up at him.
You were quick to tell him that it was his choice. You didn’t want to pressure him into suddenly meeting your family. Though it would be nice for him to finally meet everyone, you had to respect whether he was ready or not.
“Yeah! Yeah, I’d love to come!” He immediately agreed, a wide smile on his face that made the sides of his eyes crinkle. Your head snaps up to him in shock. You were expecting to find a playful glint in his eyes but it was nothing but sincerity and joy.
“Wait, you want to meet my family?”
“Of course I do, draga. It’s your family we’re talking about! They’re the most important people in your life and it’d be an honor to meet all of them.” He explained as he gripped both of your hands. Sebastian felt himself smile when he saw the corners of your lips raise to your cheeks.
“You have no idea how much this means to me, Seb. Thank you!” You excitedly wrapped your arms around him again pulling him into a suffocating hug. You felt his chest vibrate against yours as he chuckled.
He hummed as he savored the feeling of your limbs wrapped around him and how elated he felt when you were around him. Wrapping his arms around your figure he mumbled into your ear, “Plus, I should finally thank your parents for creating the love of my life.”
Switchin' them positions for you
Cookin' in the kitchen and I'm in the bedroom
I'm in the Olympics, way I'm jumpin' through hoops
Know my love infinite, nothin’ I wouldn’t do
That I won't do, switchin’ for you
The aroma of spices lingered around the house after the delicious dinner Seb had cooked. You guys decided to have an at home date night since the two of you weren’t in the mood to get all dressed up for a restaurant. Plus Sebastian had just gotten back from the airport after months on end of filming in Atlanta.
The two of you were now out on the balcony of your shared apartment sipping on glasses of wine. The two of you looked out towards the city as you leaned against Sebastian’s chest. There wasn’t much talking, just the sounds of the city and each other’s breathing.
“Thank you for dinner. Although, it should’ve been me cooking for you, because you literally just came back from filming.” You turn around in his arms as you admire the man in front of you.
“No, I wanted to cook for you. You’ve been so understanding with my job and the hectic schedules. Plus we had to be apart for so long, I owe you.” Sebastian explained as he moved a strand of hair from your face.
You shook your head at him, “You don’t owe me anything, Seb. You’re just doing your job and I understand that.”
“No, I do. I get that we had our night time calls and FaceTime sessions but it just isn’t the same as being in person with you.” He started.
“You’ve been so supportive and patient with me. While I’ve left you waiting here for so long.” He shook his head at himself before looking down at you. His blue eyes now dark with longing and lust. He leaned down to brush his nose against yours. His plush lips leaving a lingering kiss on your own.
“Let me take care of you, (y/n).”
Perfect, perfect
You're too good to be true (You're too good to be true)
But I get tired of runnin', fuck it
Now, I’m runnin' with you (With you)
Sebastian laid you down gently on the cool comforter of the bedroom. The atmosphere around you two felt heavy as your lips clashed together with desperation and passion. Though the months of not seeing each other were miserable, it began to all feel worth it when you felt his touch for the first time again.
Your hands roamed his body, only stopping when they were hovering over his sweatpants, where a bulge was starting to form. Sebastian pulled away from your lips and took your hand, placing it to rest along his shoulder.
“No, don’t worry about me. This is about you, I just want to focus on you.” His voice was soft and quiet compared to the events that were about to go down between you two.
He gazed down at you for a moment before his palm came up to rest against your cheek. He latched his lips onto yours, nipping at your bottom lips to grant his tongue access into your mouth. Your tongues poked and licked against each other. The heat below you was getting hotter and hotter, making your heartbeat race and a thin layer of sweat to form on your body.
Sebastian moved on to kiss along your jaw and neck. He stopped at your neck, nipping and sucking on the skin until a mark began to form. He helped you take your shirt off, throwing it aside to land on the floor. He watched as your breasts bounced in your red lace bra as you landed on your back again. He sucked in his breath as he looked at you through hooded eyes.
“Take this off, Sebby.” You voice was low with sultry as your nails teasingly dragged on his abs. He yanked his shirt off and threw it to the side. He dived down to claim your lips again, his hands running down to grip your thighs and wrap them around his torso. He ground down on you causing you to softly moan as his clothed crotch pressed down on your mound.
His mouth teased your nipples through your bra. He grazed his teeth along the lace material before sucking on your clothed nipple. He repeated the same action on your other nipple. You pulled on his soft hair as you watched him concentrate on pleasuring you. Your nipples were now peaking against the lace, wanting to be freed from the material. One of his hands flatten on your back and fiddle with the bra until it comes undone. His warm tongue attaches to your breast as soon as they’re exposed, giving them both the attention they needed.
He helps you take your shorts off before removing his sweats. He shifts himself so he’s laying in between your legs with your soaking heat in front of him. You feel his breath against your core causing goosebumps to form on your arms and legs.
“Draga I could smell you all the way here. I’ve been making you wait for too long, huh?” His voice teased you with hints of dominance. He enjoyed the effects he had on you. The way you instantly opened your legs for him and how he was the only one who could make you dripping wet without even doing anything.
You nodded against the pillow and looked down at him. A smirk was on his lips as his nose swiped along your clothed slit. He pressed a searing kiss above your mound as his eyes remained connected to yours.
“Who made you this wet, baby?” He asked huskily against your heat. He felt you clench around nothing as he kissed the wet lace that covered your pussy.
“You did, Seb.” You breathed out.
“Damn right I did.” He pulled your panties off you, the cold air meeting your heat. His mouth was agape as he was met with your heat glistening with arousal. He moaned at the sight and stuffed his face between your thighs. You let out a moan as your eyes fluttered shut.
His tongue flattened against your folds until he found your bud. His mouth latched onto it, sucking and licking at your clit. You emitted a moan, your back arching, as his mouth helped release the tension that was building up in you. He hummed in approval as he brought his fingers to spread your wetness through your folds. His finger teased your entrance before it smoothly slipped in. Sebastian groaned as he felt you clench down on his finger. He moved his finger in and out until he felt you ease up around him. He added a second finger stretching you out a bit more. He made a come hither motion with his fingers as they rubbed against your walls. When his fingers began hitting a familiar spongy area, your toes curled as you hips rutted against him.
He wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you down. You were a mess above him. One of your hands gripping the sheets as the other pulled on his hair. Your head was thrown back, your hair sticking to your face as you moaned at the immense pleasure Sebastian was giving you.
“I can feel you. C’mon baby, cum on my fingers.” He rasped out before his tongue flicked rapidly at your bud. Your knees had came up to your chest as the tension in your body had reached a peak. With the harsh and fast movements from his tongue and fingers, you came with a loud choking moan as your body trembled above him. Your cum spilling all over his hand. Sebastian licked you clean as you came down from your high. He kissed your thighs before coming up to rest his forehead against yours.
“I missed the taste of you. Missed you so much.” He muttered as he licked his fingers. He left some of your cum on his fingers so you can have a taste of yourself. You sucked on his fingers until they were clean of your juice.
Sebastian pressed a sweet kiss to your lips as he lined himself up with you. One hand interlocked with yours while the other led his cock into your sensitive entrance.
“Te iubesc.” He said as he pushed himself into you. Your breath hitched as your walls hugged onto his length. You were filled with him to the brim. You felt the veins along his length and the weight of him in you.
“Si eu te iubesc.” You whimpered as he pushed even deeper into you. His eyes intensely locked onto yours as his hips rocked back and forth. His cock pushing in and out of you. He was dizzy with the feeling of you around him. You were like a drug and he was addicted to you. Everything about you was perfect. He fit into you like a puzzle piece, like you were meant for him, and he didn’t need anyone else. Just you.
This some shit that I usually don't do (Yeah)
But for you, I kinda, kinda want to (Mmm)
'Cause you're down for me and I'm down too
Sebastian would do anything for you. If he could, he would take you around the world to show you new places that you’ve been dreaming of visiting. He wasn’t afraid to show you off. Of course, he was private when it came to your relationship, but when he had the chance to show you off he always took it. He was proud to take you to premieres and introduce you to his friends and co-stars. Everyone could see how deeply in love he was with you. They’ve never seen him so entranced with someone. From the way he looked at you to how his hand was always protectively on you.
Sebastian thanked his lucky stars as he watched you lean against the balcony railing of the hotel you two were staying at in Paris. You were watching the city below you as the wind blew against your hair. The sun shined on you enhancing your natural glow. You looked so relaxed and carefree as if you’ve never had experience a day of stress in your life. He saw a small smile on your face as your fingers skimmed the rail.
You turned around to see Sebastian sitting on a chair inside the bedroom. He was staring at you, a dreamy look on his face. You smiled at him and giggled.
“Get over here and look at the city with me.” You motioned for him to come over as you held your hand out for him. He got up and took your hand, bringing it up to press a kiss on your knuckles. You turned around to lean against his chest as his buff arms wrapped around your figure. His head rested on your shoulder, pressing kisses against the bare skin every few minutes.
He could stay there for eternity. You in his arms as you both silently watched the hues of pink, purple, and orange take over the sky in Paris. You were all he needed, it didn’t matter where he was, he just needed to have you with him.
draga ~ darling
te iubesc ~ I love you
si eu te iubesc ~ I love you too 
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chaos-caffeinated · 4 years
Emotions can help you remember Part 3 (Sebastian Michaelis x reader)
 Okay this is it, those words say everything you need to know, enjoy!
update: Oct/06/2020: To compensate for the part, I completed the story. 
Like I said -did I even say it?- I am an overachiever...and a sucker for plot
Not requested (Tagging @naniky​)
NSFW/T - 18+
Smut, lemon
One more thing: Do not forget I am not the only author, my brother and I share this blog for the sole reason of creating content together as well as maintaining an easy access to our stories. Just look under #caffeine for more stories from him, the media he does, previous works, requests/commissions/, and what he is willing to write and not write. 
Okay, NOW onto the story: Enjoy!
I wrote this part incredibly long that I just had to make another part, which will be uploaded in the next hour (October 31, 1pm). If you would like to be reminded, just click on the button on the top right corner (if mobile) and select “get notified”.
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“Though it’s good, it’s not fluent enough. Again.” Sebastian ordered, his facial expression was laced with the strictness of his voice. His eyebrows were knitted behind his delicate oval glasses that were chained for easy access. He held a short whip that caught your attention each time he smack it onto his hand, sometimes wondering to ask him if it hurt to whip himself. 
Flinching from the sound, you involuntarily let out a whimper before gazing at the text before you, “Ce soir, je serai donné à l’obscurité, je n’ai que moi-même au prince des ténèbres. Oh Crow permettent à mon corps d’aider dans votre plaisir que votre vie s’est propagée avec la douleur que l’humanité comme elle l’a-a...a...^1” You felt burned out, your voice no longer being able to read off the text that Sebastian had you reading, emphasizing the importance of pronunciations. 
Sebastian, on the other hand, was enjoying the moment you were casting yourself off to him, simply smiling behind his façade of strict teacher. Once you finished your speech you would his for the night, but he flinched when you stuttered towards the end, his attention towards you made him realized you looked tired, “Sebastian...I’m sorry, but I...I am so tired...French is not my strength, I am so sorry.” You gazed downwards, too ashamed to even look at him in the eye. You felt the constraining corset shift underneath as you crossed your arms, disappointed at yourself.
Before he could sigh subtly, his brain had racked up the idea to try something. He smirked widely, his eyes glinting the mischief with the intertwined lust. 
“It is unfortunate, Miss. (L/N), but you have four days before the ball, and I’m sure you want Miss. Hopkins to be delighted upon your return without a language barrier, right?...”
“...Y-yes.” You confirmed, saddening at the fact that you may potentially be upsetting her. 
“Well then, I hope you realize I have a couple tricks under my sleeve, however, some may deem it as unorthodox because of its-” he used the thin stick in his hand to whip the desk, his free hand placed on the mahogany desk leaning over slightly, hovering over your body. Your head whipped upwards where you immediately came face to face with the handsome butler/tutor, to which your cheeks were tinted with a slight pink hue from the closeness between you. 
“Physicality.” He finished with a smirk, “Of course I need your permission, but time waits for no one my lady.” He adds as he rose the tip of baton from in-between your collarbones up to your chin with a light tap. You subconsciously tipped your head back lightly in response to the baton to which he responded with a subtle smirk. When you heard his sultry voice, you almost swore to hearing a purr at the end. 
Entranced by his proximity, you gulped subtly and let out your respond:
“Then we shall start immediately.” And he closed in by pressing his lips against your lips, one second secure and passion, the next dominant and rough. You let out a soft meek as you were trying to push against him, but he was strong. You sensed he wanted more, hence why he was rough enough to lean you back. 
He removed himself, smirking and revealing the fang as he lick his lips lightly, “I hope you are ready, Miss. (L/N), for I am not lenient.” And he stood up, “Stand.” He commanded, raising the baton to visually represent his command as you obeyed. 
You watched as he made his way behind the desk, but you looked ahead as you were afraid of anything sudden.
He made his way to where you sat and the chair scraped along the floor. 
“Sit.” He ordered, and you sat down to an unfamiliar seat when you realized the firmness and slight shift underneath. You blushed as you realized you sat on his lap.
You trembled softly as you felt as he placed his hands on your hips as he adjusted both of you, “You will read and translate the words I point, if you fail, I will punish you accordingly. Ready?”
You nodded, “Yes, S-Sebastian.”
With a smug look, he pointed at a word of ease to get you comfortable. This went on for a couple dozens of words before he began to challenge you: adding feathery touches to your back, causing you to flinch. 
“And this one?...” He leant by your ear, his voice having a slight rasp as he ushered.
While his gloved finger lightly traced your back, your body shivering from the touch, your voice faltered from it, “Uhm...eh...p-plaisir^2...”
“A stutter, Miss. (L/N)? When the ball is in session, I’m sure you’ll have someone like this as well. You can’t be distracted with this simple touch.” He took his forefinger and traced down your spine, making your cheeks blush again from the vulnerability. 
“...S-so what’s my punishment, then?...” 
“You want to be punished? Hm~...I’ll speak two paragraphs in French and you’ll translate them.”
Groaning as you had trouble listening and understanding, you took a deep breath and sighed, “Fine...”
“Good. Now...Dès que je t’ai posé les yeux, j’ai étré enchanté par ta beauté. J’avais espéré que vous travaillions pour Mlle Hopkins, et vous avez fait votre preuves devant elle ainsi que le jeune maître; talentueux et belle, je te voulais. Je vous ai dans mes mains, votre cœur bat vite, votre corps est à la chasse d’eau- Je sais que vous me voulez tout aussi bien, et à tout moment vous vacillez dans vos leçons Français, je vais m’assurer que vous souvenez de mes mains, mon corps, ma voix. Vous ne m’oublierez jamais aussi bien que la belle langue de Français.^3“
You couldn’t concentrate while he was caressing your back. Images flashed in your mind and you were shy to even have them possessed into your brain. You were fantasizing about being fondled, his hands caressing in other places, to have your own hands running through his raven locks. You wanted it all. However, when he spoke you understood some wording, his distinct pronunciation brought the sense of familiarity which gave you the confidence to translate his message, making you blush in the process as you processed the message. 
The more you spoke, the more Sebastian grew with anticipation. As you finished, he had held your hip, without moving his digits and whispered into his ears, “Good, now for a reward. (Y/N). Tell me, are you in any way against of my teachings?”
“...N-no...” you shyly confessed, “Please...keep it going...I do believe it’s helping me.”
His smirk widen, enough to reveal the fangs, “Good.” He whispered, “Then from now on...nous parlons dans Français ^4.”
(From this point on, it will all be english, I promise. I just thought this was fun)
You let out a gasp when he rose his hands, groping your breasts as his lips grazed on the back of your shoulders; he let out whispers you were able to catch, only to respond with the same whispered voice. Each word he spoke out you would be given a kiss from his soft, yet rough lips onto your warm flesh. His hands lingered over your breasts, his fingers rubbing your clothed-areolas triggering them to harden. 
“Tell me how are you feeling, (Y/N). Describe it.” He pulled back his hands as he teasingly, irritatingly, slowly removed your dress to expose your soft skin to his greedy mouth and hands. He removed his gloves to expose his black nails and the Faustian contract that linked his current master and him as property as he was currently ready to devour a mortal body in front of him, “Tell me, (Y/N)...what do you want me to do to you?”
“I...I feel like...my skin is on fire, like I want more just to get rid of it, but...but I like it...I like the feeling of your hands on me...I never want it to stop... I know I want more, I want to feel you everywhere...” You let out shaky breaths as you tried to muffled your moans in, your chest heaving as you gazed down to see his right hand placed on your abdomen area and you gently grabbed it, leading it back to your breast. His touch alone was driving you wild, craving for more as you tried so hard to hold back; believing that you were strong only to fall back.  
Sebastian hummed in response, "Then so be it." Where his hands were located, he easily held you down while bucking his hips, earning a few mewls from you, and your head lulling back as your chest arched forward. You hated how your body betrayed your logical side, falling into the temptation that you thought you had handled, but it was only destroyed from his presence, from his words, from his eyes. 
He bunched up the skirt so your clothed womanhood would be pressed against his clothed bulge, your moaning raised slightly to place your hands on the top of the desk, immediately interrupting the craze. You were panting, you were blushing, you were craving for more of his hot touches that got your body to get tingles, “...It is overwhelming...how is it that your so good to get me so desperate like this?...You are like the devil everyone warns to stay away from...” You attempted to take control of your body again, but you felt something pressed against you as you not only felt a hand on your hip, but another placed in front by your hand. 
Sebastian was even more entranced, while you felt he was responsible for your craze, he blamed you for his craze towards you. Other people would feel guilt while in the bliss of pleasure, others feel a sense of betrayal for their partners, others feel used when the Head Butler of Phantomhive seemed to be intriguing enough to have his attention, but when there isn’t a direct order from Ciel to gather information, to get them to cooperate, he feels a sense of ferality since his interest is purely internal. His plans were to make you his; you can be feisty, you can be yourself, he was most amazed that a simple being such as yourself can manage to stir a demon with their core motivations. He just wanted you, but there were instances where he believed he was doing this because he was to be yours, and that did not sit well with him, which is why he would do everything to get you to submit to him first.
When Sebastian stood up, the chair sliding back, he pressed against you, "Are you scared of me?" He whispered into your ear, "Because I can assure you that even the devil can open your eyes to reality...” He taunts as he raised his hand to caress your exposed arm with his fingertips then grazing them with his black nails before placing on top of yours, interlacing with your fingers.
You whined desperately, turning your head slightly to glance at Sebastian who was smirking. Once again your flesh burned with passion as you feel him start discard your undergarments, the idea that you two were getting closer and closer to bond was filling you up with anticipation, with more shivers down your back. What surprised you was to see each piece of your dress in front of you as he asked you what they were called: he wanted you to continue to learn despite the situation you two were in.  
"What is this?" He asks as he takes off each material. You grunted as he was testing your French by having you name every single material. Each time he removed something he would ask you and it was getting annoying. It was torture, hell, trying so hard not rip anything apart to get closer to become one.
After what felt like an eternity of hell of torture, you were naked in front of him. You realized how vulnerable you were in the position, offering yourself to the Head Butler of the Phantomhives and that made you cower slightly. Trembling, you tried to close up when you felt two soft hands placed on your back.
"Such a magnificent body you have, it's no wonder why everybody else wants you. Beauty like this deserves to be shown off...,but at this moment, and moments like these...you are mine alone." He whispered to you only, his ushered tone had a growl towards the end, like a predator growling in victory towards its prey. His fingers trailed up your back to the nape of your neck and held it in place as the other groped your breast.
You wondered when he had the opportunity to unbuckle his pants, but you shivered once you felt the head of his cock rubbing against your clit, a wanton moan releasing as your body pressed against him almost out of instinct.
"Mmm, desperate for more?~" Sebastian teased as he smirked devilishly, holding you in place as he rejected to further your pleasure.
"Please....please, Sebastian." You begged, tearing up, "Please..." you panted as you swayed your hips in an attempt to tempt him further.
Sebastian smirked and remained like that only to hear and see you move less and less. You tried waiting patiently, tried, but you simply closed your eyes and imagined the scenarios that made you blush. As you imagine him, your thoughts were quickly interrupted as he guided you to bend over the desk as he held your hips, "Distracted yet again, Miss. (L/N), my my. You are one persistent student, aren't you?" He snapped his hips towards, his cock rubbing against your entrance which startled you, "Patience 'will get you anywhere and everywhere', my dear." He reminds you before he proceeded to enter.
As you stiffened from the pressure of his member stretching you, you let out a strained moan as your hands gripped the edge of the table. Even Sebastian groaned subtly as you tightened around him and he calmly rubbed your back in a soft manner, "...W-was...Was this your first time?" He caught his breath as he eased the thrusting by removing himself until the hilt.
You involuntarily let out a breathy moan as he returned, thrusting in a steady pace. Each thrust felt more good and pleasurable than the last before you your hips pressed back against him. You even arched your back as you press back to feel his hips slap against you. The pace was increasing ever slightly, his breaths were audible as he let out breathy moans with your vocal ones. He had an immense grip on your hips that bruises were going to appear, but you didn’t mind. You would have to deal with that in the near future, at the moment you getting taken care of very good by the butler. 
Sebastian let out a soft chuckle as he removed himself and proceeded to sit on the chair. You gasped and whined from frustration when you looked over your shoulder to see him sitting, his erection was resting against abdomen; the image alone was an unholy sight, for he had achieved his core motivation. 
The way his hand rolled over to curl his finger into a “come hither” motion made you and your body responded by flowing with his hand. You turned around and watched as he accommodated his sitting position for you to sit on him once again. Facing forward, you rested your knees beside his thighs and remained uplifted as you stared into his enchanting crimson red eyes. His smirk widen -his bloody smirk- as he leaned forward to nip at your flesh. His arms entangled you in an embrace, but he held you down; he had successfully trapped you fully, he had you, not the other way around he thought you intended. 
You took a deep breath as you felt him once more, but this time it felt different. The way he held you, the way he gazed into your eyes as your back arched and your head leaned back, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. He leaned forward once again only to lick at your mounds and made suckling motions over  your harden nipples. His right arm wrapped around your waist and held you down as he thrusted into you unexpectedly with a steady speed. 
Moaning and instinctively placing your hands through his raven locks, you tilted your head down only to look straight into his devilish eyes. He pulled away from your nipples as you tugged at his locks; his eyebrows twitched subtly as they furrowed slightly; lips were agape as he panted softly. There were sweat beads decorating his pale face as he let out soft moans, your blush darkening from the mysterious man himself, 
“Are you e-enjoying the view, Miss. (L/N)?” He asked in his best attempt of a flustered tone, “You’ve gone back to your head once again, and just how would you feel good if trapped in there?” He bucked his hips which made you buck your hips in response. He pulled your body at an angle which trigger a hyper vocal activity, even your hand left his hair to cover your own mouth, closing your eyes to sense him intensely than before.  There was an intense tingling sensation as your body took over control to reach their goal too. 
As the speed and pressure built up, you had the courage to not only sit back up, but wrap your arms around his neck, curving forward so your mouth latched onto his neck, biting into it as he stiffened from the sudden move. 
You had reached a point that you desperately wanted to increase the speed from how close you were, grinding against him; knowing him already, you were the one that had to obtain it instead of asking. 
Sebastian was completely thrown off guard from the bite, his nails puncturing your skin as he stood up with you in his arms and laid you on the top of the desk, his hands gripping on your thighs, bruises would be appearing in a while, but he didn’t care as he aid in your goal, “A naughty girl indeed..” He panted, his eyes darkening, “Marking me in such a way is unforgivable...now I have no choice to reciprocate your feelings-”
Before you can even comprehend his intentions, you felt a sharp pain on your shoulders, your back arched forward as you cried out in pain, “S-sebastia-”
A hand covered your mouth, your voice muffled as he moaned as well into your shoulder. 
As you came onto his girth member, he remained still as he tried to hold off, even his body shivered from the denial- the torture he put himself into when he purposely holds himself from pouring his pleasure into you. As your body shivered and bucked into the pleasure, you simply held onto him as you rode out your orgasm, the sensation of the building pressure continue to overwhelm, the feeling of pushing him off whilst holding him close was a dilemma. 
As your eyes closed, you can feel him shift, you hear the rustling of clothes in a quick, yet slow manner. Instead of the clothes, you focused on yourself: your legs slightly shaking, your chest heaving as you breathed heavily, your cheeks burning, your body freezing from the sweat that had gone out to refresh you from the hot man in front of you. 
Slowly, you opened your eyes to see him dressed up already. His deep red eyes maintained fixed on you as he fixed his tie, his smirk plastered on his facial features, “Miss. (L/N), I do believe the lesson over for now, I think it’s best for you to rest.” He offered his hand towards you while you just had come down from the high. You felt queasy, but it wasn’t it. No, you felt lighter, you felt fresh for some reason. Could the taboo act made you much bolder, could it have made you more experienced?
“...My dress.” You managed to croak out in English, your voice sounded hoarse and you blushed from embarrassment as your hand hovered over your mouth.
“Oh my...I think overstepped my boundaries a bit, my apologies my lady, I will prepare some tea to soothe your voice...We don’t want our lesson to go to waste.” He spoke in a matter-of-fact. You blushed as you averted your eyes from his as you nodded, “Y-yes...”
“Yes?” Sebastian’s eyebrow quirked slightly which you quickly corrected, “I mean, ‘Oui, monsieur’.” 
When you saw him smile in a satisfied manner, you nearly sighed in relief, but you were now flustered and quiet from the ‘lesson’ that he performed to help you learn French. Without a doubt it left an impression you, an act of intimacy and vulnerabilities in a lovemaking surely stirred things up to help you remember words -events- more effectively. 
While you were thinking, Sebastian helped you back in your dress, “I have to say, I didn’t know of such a strong bite from you, my lady. It was certainly an eye-opener.” He explained as he helped with a few items. When he got to the corset, he lifted you onto your  feet and turned you around, “Hopefully you don’t forget about our time like...this” he whispered as he guided his hands across your abdomen which you instinctively let out a breathy moan, “Y-yes...I’m sure I’ll never forget about the event...” you stabled yourself as he pulled on the corset only to make you gasp from how tight he was pulling. 
After a couple minutes, you both cleaned up the area and headed to your room to rest. Your voice felt raspy, nearly gone. When a surprise visit from Ciel caught your attention to ask about your lessons, Sebastian intervened for you, “I apologize young master, but realizing that Miss. (L/N) is tight on schedule for the ball, I had a trick under my sleeve to ensure she would capture the lesson, but...I believe I was too harsh on her.” He smirked lightly which you forced yourself to nod.
“...L-lost my voice a bit...” you confirmed, “But it’s not like a cup of tea won’t help.”
Ciel nodded slightly, glaring at Sebastian, “I’m sorry as well, I know Sebastian can be too rash with his studies, but if he does it again you can tell me. I’ll be in my office if needed- Sebastian, I want cake when you’re finished.” and he proceeded to walk to his study room. 
“Yes, my lord.” Sebastian responded before guiding you to his bedroom.
“Couldn’t have been more obvious?”, You bit as you rested your hand on your neck.
Sebastian chuckled behind his fist as he arrived to the room, opening the door for you, “If you wanted me to, I could have.”
“You really have no shame, Mr. Michaelis, but please...I ask that you keep this our secret...I don’t want you to get in trouble as well as I...” You asked of him as you entered the room to sit on the bed. 
Sebastian placed a hand over his chest as he leaned forward wit his eyes closed, “As you wish, I will keep it between us.” He stood up once again with his eyes open halfway. 
You smiled small as you leaned against your hands behind you, “You’re so...intriguing Sebastian. One moment you are a shadow, the next...uhm, you are almost a beast, and right after that you are....back to a shadow- how?...” You sat up, “I’m...beyond tired- very tired- and you are still up and going to complete your duties.”
Unnecessary to withhold his smirk, his half-lid eyes glanced on your way, “Your observational skills never cease to overwhelm me, Miss. (L/N), however..” his voice got more stern as he got closer, “ I have mentioned before that if you look into someone, you might regret it later, so I advise you my lady to keep at bay..”
The closer he got, the more you look up to stare into his eyes, challenging him, “Temptation rises when provoked, so I suggest you stop provoking me, Mr. Michaelis. Because we...intertwined in a forbidden act, you opened the doors to temptation, my... I even have to take care of myself in order to walk through those doors again...”
The corners of his lips curved slightly, Sebastian took your statement into consideration, but as entertained as he was to continue this conversation, his duties in the manor made him realize he had to cut it short, “I do have a few ways to cure that, my lady.” he suggested, his tone completely changed from the previous ominous tone to the mischievous one he possessed earlier. 
“Keep your tricks in your sleeve, please. I’m already exhausted from...your lesson there.” You huffed with a flustered face as you avoided eye contact once again. However, you failed to realize just how close he gotten. He reached out to your chin and pulled you close to him, “My lady, I have many tricks under my sleeve that I am not afraid to show you...four days is all I need.” He smirked darkly as he pulled away with a cheerful smile as he closed his eyes for the moment one again, “I will be right back with the tea as promised. In the meantime, please do relax and rest your voice...madam.” he added and proceeded to close the door behind him.
He left you speechless, knowing full well that his tricks were just promises ready to occur.
When Sebastian reached to the kitchen, he couldn’t help but rest against the door for a moment. After taking a deep breath, he chuckled darkly as he placed a hand over his face, “Sweet, sweet (Y/N), you drive me into a deep craze.” The hand hovered the side of the neck you bit him at. He was serious when he said you had a strong bite, and it wasn’t just that of muffling your moans. He strolled over to the counter and took out a knife to use as a mirror. He lowered his collar and managed to see a bruised bite-mark on his neck. His smirk widen and he clicked his tongue as he placed down the knife, “You’re a feisty one; I admire that.” He smiled darkly as he removed his coat to prepare the young lord his dessert. 
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
The music was soft and inviting, a subtle siren in your head to set the atmosphere of the ball. It was a slow drag from the violins which gave you strength to take a deep breath and walk forward to the crowd whom were laughing. 
Ciel was conversing with a man -the truth being the other way around-, commenting and opinionating of events that bore the young master to a tremendous level, but he remained to act as if he was in interest to the best of his ability to focus on capturing a special guest. When the nobleman excused himself after recognizing an acquaintance, Ciel called forward Sebastian who stood behind him, “Sebastian, keep an eye on Miss. (L/N) and anyone she is speaking with, there may be a chance that she’s talking with him at this moment-” as he gave him his order, Ciel spotted you with someone casually talking in French. He stood there slightly impressed at your proficiency and commented instead, “Miss. (L/N) has a lot of confidence with her French, she even looks different from before.” 
Sebastian smiled with his eyes closed as he respond, “Thank you my lord, it took a little more effort due to the time restraint, but additional teachings were added to ensure proficiency.”
Ciel eyed him for a moment, “Additional teachings? It didn’t involve something like close proximity did it?” He asked with a near disgust that his demon butler would go that far, but not surprised if he revealed the information. 
Placing a finger over his lips, Sebastian responded, “Miss. (L/N) has asked me not to disclose any information regarding our situation young lord, but that should already tell you.”
Ciel’s eyebrow twitched before releasing a sigh, “...Unfortunately, it did.” 
When he turned back to look at you, he audibly gasped when he didn’t see you there anymore, “Sebastian, track her.” He ordered  with a slight urgency in his voice, 
Bowing his head, Sebastian replied, “yes, my lord.” and he walked from his master to find you.
While the dynamic duo were talking, you were having a conversation with someone that was visiting a friend. It became so casual and so friendly that the two of you had walked over to the table to take a few pieces of snacks. 
His name was Jacque Arias, born into a family that dealt with the fabric industry in South France, you thought having a good friendship with him would help Miss. Hopkins with future business after you explained to him that you worked as a tailor for her. 
As you took a drink from your glass, he spoke: “I am so relieved to finally have something to go to, if I had to stay in the office one more night I would have gone insane.”
“So you like parties to distract yourself from work?”
He nods, “Yes, and to meet lovely ladies that could potentially be my future wife, like yourself.” He smiled small with a slight tilt of his head.
You blushed from hearing this, stiffening slightly, “Searching for a wife? Me? Surely you gist, sir. I am merely just a tailor intern.” You explain to him, ‘At least for the time being, I like having those small arguments with Sebastian,’ you admitted in thought. 
He reached forward to your hand only to caress, "A beautiful intern no less-...it maybe my imagination, but perhaps the party has tire me out. Shall we go somewhere more...silent? Somewhere we can be more intimate?"
You were ready to say no, already losing the interest of a business partner potential. If he wanted to marry you, for some reason you felt it was your choice to choose, and you wanted to choose someone that perhaps wasn't necessarily available to be taken, and you responded, "I don't want to offend you, but-"
He took your hand in his and lightly started guiding you out, "Then let's enjoy nature together." He suggested, "I...I don't-" You glanced around to see the mysterious man himself offering glasses to the guests, but he also glanced at your way. You noticed the faint smirk before he tilted his head forward, 'Go.' You felt him say before he went back to attend with the rest of the guests.
Almost feeling your body going light, you then followed the man ahead of you with a light smile.
It was chilly, your skin shivered to make some warmth, "Are you cold? I'll call up my carriage." He offered as he took off her coat, "In the meantime, here." He placed the coat over your shoulders, "I'll be right back." And he walked with a rushed speed.
You were surprised to see his nice side as he was going to get the carriage. You were suddenly curious about taking his offer, but you wanted to reject by the interaction at the table. Giving him the second chance to see him truly, you decided to wait outside than inside where it was warm.
Waiting patiently for a couple minutes, you felt your body shiver once again, but you subconsciously glanced around. You felt like someone was staring at you- stalking you. It felt uneasy for you, your hands tightening the coat around your body while you made your way back to the manor so you would at least be with someone before you spotted someone in pitch black. You almost called out his name until your eyes widen at the revelation.
While the ball was still in place and everyone was blissful at the moment, with the earl holding in his disinterest in people and balls overall, Sebastian kept a close connection with you. He immediately recognized the man you were with and knowing how humans seemed to be believe they were mated with one intense session, he just had to play the role of the silent lover, granting the permission for you to be with the next chaperone, 
The atmosphere was filled with a wave of chattering, the laughter whether genuine or filled with arrogance, Sebastian could listen to all with depth. He listened to the piece played by the string quartet and multi-task with his butler duties. Suddenly, he heard a change in the quartet, a new piece was to be played and he listened.
The violins and violoncello were stroked rapidly in the next piece that it threw people off guard. They were not expected such an allegro tempo from the players: notes raised, dropped, the moments of silence, the notes raising a subtle anxiety from the audience even Sebastian felt it. He felt the anxiety, he felt -for a moment- his heart beating faster and faster and he turned to glance at the young master only for him to just watch the quartet as well. In that instant, he heard your panting with his demonic ears, it was the only thing that stand out from the silent crowd and the musicians ahead of him. 
He strolled to the head of the family and bent over at his height only to whisper by his ear to prohibit eavesdropping. While Ciel watched ahead, his full attention was for the demon. 
“Sebastian, I order you to find him and bring both of them back here after the ball.” He ordered with the ushered tone as the butler replied: “Yes, my lord.” before smirking at the slight liberation in his current state.   
Previous Part/ Final Part 
1: Tonight I will be given to the darkness, I have but myself to the prince of darkness. Oh Crow allow my body to help in your pleasure as your life has been done with the pain that humanity as it (cut out: brought/ apporté.)
3: “Good Now...”The moment I laid my eyes on you, I was enchanted by your beauty. I had hoped you worked for Miss. Hopkins, and you proved yourself in front of her as well as the young master; talented and beautiful, I wanted you.
I have you in my hands, your heart is beating fast, your body is flushing- I know you want me just as well, and at any moment you falter in your French lessons, I will make sure  you remember my hands, my body, my voice. You will never forget me as well as the beautiful language of French is in your possession.”
4. we will speak in French
A/N: Tell me why I spent over 45 minutes searching the music sheet for the Diabolic Waltz and Danse Macabre (Can you blame me? It’s amazing work.) only to confirm or learn from parts where in the music because I am an overachiever and I go all out when I attempt to describe the music without being “the music played louder” come on, I didn’t spend two years in the marching band and be discriminated for being a woman and a semester in Music Appreciation in college for NOTHING- TEMPO, FORTE (Brother save me, this is my call for you to save me, this has gone way too far even for my own sake).
P.S. I am saying it again: Do not forget about my brother, Caffeine, he makes exclusive and waaaaay better stories than I. Just look under #caffeine for more of his content as well as a list of the media he covers for any requests/commissions.
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Afterglow - 2.
Mob!Seb x Surrogate!Reader.
Part 2 of the Afterglow series.
Run-through: The mob boss had everything one can ever want from life; power, money, fame. He was well respected and had people almost worshipping the ground he walked on. And yet, each day he came home to an empty, cold house; no warmth, no love around him. And each day, he tried changing that. Until one day he finally figured out how to; and he met you along the path. Having found each other, nothing in both your lives is ever the same again.
Themes throughout the series: mob!seb, surrogacy, fluff, smut, angst
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Within your first month of living together, things changed for the better.
You were almost halfway through your first trimester, and Sebastian and you were just as inseparable as ever. And over the first week or so, you had developed a little routine.
And you still followed it, both of you. Breakfast in bed became a thing. And he always made sure you ate right, and made sure you had healthy snacks in between each meal. He tried limiting your junk food intake but he couldn’t resist your puppy dog eyes and ended up giving in each time.
You had doctor’s appointments, which he took you to and again, glared at the doctor the moment he laid his hands on your skin.
Sebastian pampered you a lot. Too much even.
“Keep treating me like this and I won’t know how to be on my own when I go back.” You joked while Sebastian made the two of you dinner in the kitchen.
He mentioned that he liked having you around when he cooked, so you sat at the kitchen island and watched him move around.
“You don’t have to go back.” he mumbled under his breath, with his head hung low as he chopped veggies on a board.
You didn’t quite hear him. “I’m sorry I didn’t catch that, what did you say?” you asked.
And he just chuckled and shook his head. “Oh nothing.”
 He had been thinking about it a lot lately. Between sharing the same bed, and waking up to your face each morning, to having you around at all times and feeling like he belonged there, beside you; he didn’t want you to leave even after the baby was born.
He’d think about it often, while you slept safely by his side at night. He thought about what it would be like to raise this baby with you. He could never stop smiling at how great of a mother you would be. You would probably raise the best-behaved child; one who would share you love for reading and poetry.
Or maybe the baby would turn out to be a little trouble maker like himself, and you would love the kid anyway.
Sebastian knew he was moving a little too fast perhaps, or that he needed to control his emotions better, but with you – everything felt right. Things made sense.
This, whatever he was feeling, wasn’t lust, or infatuation – it was something deeper. Something more meaningful. It was an unusual but comfortable bond.
 He’d spend a lot of time just walking up to you and placing his hand on your tummy during the day, always very respectful still. And he always had one question;
“When are you going to start showing?” he’d always ask.
You’d always laugh and tell him “Not until the beginning of the second trimester.” and he would pout slightly.
 He could be so adorable at times. Like each night when he’d help with getting the bed ready; removing all the decorative pillows and fluffing others to help you sleep better. Or how each morning he’d make sure that you are well looked after.
And how each night he’d help you rub oil on your belly, in sensitive spots to reduce the formation of stretch marks in the near future. Or how he’d always say, “Good night, doll.” before going to bed. And how, thinking you would never notice, each night as he slept he’d just inch closer to you.
He’d even help you with your morning yoga, even though you didn’t need any help yet. He would always assist you with everything he can. And you genuinely liked having him around. Because just like him, you’ve never ever been this close to anyone, or shared such a magical bond with anyone before.
He told you all about his life, once, when the two of you were curled up on the couch in the living room; a movie playing on the screen but neither of you paid much attention.
“I’ve never really…had anyone all my life. Friends, yes. Close friends even. But nothing I could call family, you know?” he confessed, looking down at his lap.
You felt the need to place your hand on top of his and tell him hey, it’s okay now. You’re not alone anymore, you won’t ever be alone now. But you didn’t say it, worried that it might be too soon to overstep that line.
“Well, that makes the two of us. I have a family, but we’re not close. Never have been.” You two had that in common.
Sebastian laced his fingers with yours and gave your hand a firm squeeze. But look at us now, we’re not alone anymore. We don’t have to be. You can stay with me, and we can be so much more. But he didn’t say it, scared he might cross a boundary.
Yet somehow, the two of you felt what the other wanted to say. And that’s one of the many reasons why you were always on each other’s mind. This pull, the fact that you didn’t have to voice out what you wanted to say, yet having the other understand perfectly, this invisible thread which undoubtedly linked you to one another – it drove both you and him insane.
But the two of you were too careful to even talk it out. Both of you wanted to clearly figure out your emotions and feelings, rather than dive into it head first and ruin what you have.
 Another month and a half went by, and you were in your second trimester, and had just begun showing. A little, very little baby bump. Barely there yet, but Sebastian was already obsessed with both you and the bump.
You began having late night cravings and felt a little nauseous at times. Also, since you weren’t having caffeine anymore, you were beginning to get somewhat grumpy and broody at times, and Sebastian surprised you with how well he handled it. He remained calm, and patient and everything one needs to be while dealing with a pregnant woman.
And all of it just showed how much he cared. Some days were great, some days not so. But he stayed by your side through it all.
However, as some more weeks went on, his protective manner; his possessiveness was a quite a lot to deal with. Like this one time you went out with your close friends, and accidentally didn’t pick up some of Sebastian’s calls and he went crazy when you got home.
 “Where were you all day?” he asked, quite bitterly, as soon as you stepped inside the house. You could read him well now that you had lived with him for months, and you could tell he wasn’t his usual sweet self right now. He wasn’t Sebastian, he was the mob boss at the moment, interrogating you.
You could hear the worry, the fear, the anger and the slight hint of protectiveness in his voice.
“Sebastian, I was only gone for a couple of hours. I went to meet up with some friends.” You remained calm but you could see him getting more upset.
“You weren’t picking up my calls, you didn’t reply to any messages, that’s completely irresponsible. Don’t ignore me like that next time.” He sounded like he was trying to contain his irritation, and made it seem like you had done something terrible by missing his calls. He sounded a little angry.
You sighed and looked down at the, now slightly bigger, growing bump you had. You placed your hand over it instinctively, shielding it from its dad’s sudden change in behavior.
We got this, baby. Don’t worry.
“I wasn’t ignoring you. I was living my life, Seb. I have the right to see my friends.” You hated how you had to defend yourself for doing something so ordinary. This situation wasn’t so grave, but your hormones were acting up lately and you were very sensitive.
You felt your eyes starting to water and you felt even more terrible.
“I get that. I just needed to make sure my baby’s fine. I have the right to know!” he argued, still keeping his emotions under control, still he sounded a little bitter – maybe more than he intended to. His tone was very authoritative. And the slight change in his voice made you tear up.
Also, he said ‘my baby’ which seemed to you that he only cared about the baby, which he a hundred percent should but it hurt. It felt as though you meant nothing to him, and that hurt. It created an invisible distance between you and him.
“I get that I’m carrying your child. And you’re worried all the time, but I have a life too. I wouldn’t go anywhere which would put your child in danger, I’m not stupid.” Your tears fell, rather big ones so they didn’t go unnoticed by him despite the large distance between you and him.
You purposely laid emphasis on ‘your child’ and it hurt him just as much as it hurt you. He felt the distance being created as well. And he hated it. Sebastian cared about you and the baby equally, but he had phrased his previous words wrong. He wasn’t just concerned with the baby, no. He was worried about you as well.
He opened his mouth to say something but at the sight of your tears, all his anger vanished and the guilt settled in.
Oh no. He didn’t mean to upset you, he was just worried.
“I may be pregnant with your baby, Mr. Stan, but you don’t own me. You don’t get to have a say in what I should and shouldn’t do. I’m here because we signed a legal document, nothing more.”
Not Seb, but Mr. Stan. And that caught not only his attention, but the guards’ as well. And your last sentence hit him like multiple bullets at the same time. And he’s been shot in the arm before so he knew what kind of pain he was talking about.
It hurt after you said it. You didn’t mean it. But the hormones amplified everything you felt inside and the bitter words just slipped out, no filter.
You crossed the living room, placing a hand on your bump pretending that you were blocking out the bitter words from reaching the baby, and you walked over to your room. And just before you stepped inside you turned around and faced Sebastian again; who now stood in the middle of the living room, hating himself and regretting everything he just said.
“I get that you care about your baby but don’t try to control me like you own me. The baby might be all yours, but I’m not!” You said and rather dramatically slammed the door shut.
The sound of the door echoed in the living area. And not only Sebastian, but the guards were just as stunned as him because they had never seen this side of you. The guards knew the kind, gentle, sweet you. No one had ever seen the fiery side of you.
To a point where even the guards gave Sebastian a slight glare because he was being too much and too possessive.
Sebastian noticed the dirty looks he got from his own people, and he sighed and faced the one guard he’s known the longest.
“I just fucked up, didn’t I?” he asked him. And the guard just nodded slightly and Sebastian felt terrible. He lingered around the living room for a bit, drowning in guilt but he didn’t hear you cry so that was good.
 He figured you wouldn’t want to join him for dinner so he had his people order your favorites and had someone bring it to you in your room. He didn’t go near you, because he was certain that he was the last person you wanted to see right now.
But when one of the ladies who worked in his kitchen went to give you your food, Sebastian caught a glimpse of you from afar and he wanted nothing more than to just get on his knees and beg for your forgiveness. But he didn’t want to rile you up anymore, anger was bad for both you and the baby. So he kept his distance; drowning in guilt.
Seeing you accepted the food made him feel loads better, but that relief was temporary because he realized that he wouldn’t be sleeping in the same bed as you tonight.
He tossed and turn in his cold bed at night, upstairs in his bedroom. Far from you, and his little baby. Sebastian was miserable, he missed your warmth, and your little quiet snores which he had gotten used to. He missed how you shifted around and stole all the blanket and how he’d always have to grab the spare one.
Or how you would gravitate closer to him in your sleep and how many times he had whispered, “I think I’m falling for you, doll. Hard.” and kissed your forehead before drifting off to sleep. Or how many times he had woken up in the middle of the night just to make sure you’re okay while using the bathroom. And then waited for you to come back to bed again, so he could sleep again.
He missed the smell of the oil you used every day; which he didn’t get to rub on your bump today. And the sweet smell of your hair, and your favorite body lotion. Or how sometimes you’d get up and walk to the kitchen for ice cream and Sebastian would follow, trailing behind you and starting to notice the very brief change in the way you walk. He thought it was adorable.
He missed you. All of you.
Alright, fuck this.
 He got out of bed and walked downstairs quietly. He got worried for a second, seeing that the door to your room was still slightly open and the dim night light was on. But then he calmed himself down because the guards were all there. So maybe you had just returned from the kitchen, after a late night snack. Perhaps you went for the dark chocolate ice cream you’ve been loving lately.
And his heart ached at the very thought of what he did and said to you earlier. You didn’t deserve to hear that. You were perfect, you could do no wrong.
He sheepishly walked over to your room and leaned against the door frame.
You sat on the edge of the bed, on the side where he usually slept. And you had your back to him so you didn’t notice him yet. And he caught you talking to your baby bump and he melted instantly.
“… come on now, baby. Let’s just try to go to bed. We can’t trouble your daddy for every little thing now, can we? Besides, your daddy was a real butt today. And him and I are not friends right now, but he still loves you so much. He loves you more than anything, okay? Let’s just go to bed, honey.” He saw that you caressed your bump while you talked to it.
And then he remembered that as you neared your fifth month, you said that baby was beginning to move a little. And some nights, you had trouble falling asleep. And Sebastian felt like shit again because judging by the sound of your voice, he could sense that you were a little tired.
He walked into the room and shut the door behind him. The sound of the door let you know that he was in here with you. And your heart fluttered. Your anger had vanished, and so had his. So the two of you were just mushy for each other at this point. Either of you too scared to tell each other that nothing made sense when you were apart, or when not talking.
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry.”
Both of you apologized at the same time. And you began standing up but Sebastian rushed over to you and knelt down in front of you while you remained sat on the edge of the bed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled.” He said, lowering his head and reached out to hold your hand in his.
“I shouldn’t have either.” You said, squeezing his hand gently.
He looked up, his eyes glossier than earlier. He felt terrible, but didn’t glance down at your bump even once; which you found weird because normally he was obsessed with it. But Sebastian needed this moment to be between you and him. And as much as he loved his baby, he needed you as well. And he needed you to know how much you mean to him, and why he’s possessive sometimes. Or all the time rather.
He took a deep breath and began.
“My dad was… never good to my mom. Made her suffer a lot.” He took a pause and although he tried to hide it, you noticed the slight crack of his voice. And you began tearing up as well as you read in between the lines.
“He took her for granted. Things were never good between them, ever. And then one day, she just up and left.” He continued and stared deep into your eyes while he spoke. “I don’t blame her, because God knows my father was terrible. And she didn’t deserve the life he gave her, so she left him. Left me.” You could tell he was having trouble talking because you figured maybe he has never allowed anyone to see this side of him, ever.
“He didn’t cherish her like she deserved. And I was pretty young, I was barely an adult but I made a promise to myself that I will never, ever mistreat the mother of my kids like my father did.” He spoke, without breaking eye contact. And you knew what was coming.
“I can’t help what I feel for you, I just do. And I know I’m a lot to handle, and I get jealous and possessive but I- I don’t want you to leave me. I just want to keep you safe.” His voice cracked again.
And you had hot tears streaming down your face again. You were unable to find your voice to tell him that it’s okay, you’re not going anywhere.
“I love you.” he finally confessed, and looked down at your lap – where your intertwined hands laid on your warm skin. “And I’m so sorry about earlier. I got scared.” He looked up again and you saw the sadness in his eyes. “There’s a lot of… bad people out there. People who are willing to hurt everything and everyone I love. And if one of them ever hurt you and I wasn’t there to protect you, it- it would kill me.”
He brought your hand to his lips and gave it a kiss, letting his lips linger on your skin. “I got scared. I got so scared, I’m sorry.” He apologized again and kissed your hand again.
And you finally stopped crying and spoke up. “Hey,” you ran your other hand through his hair gently, affectionately. “I’m sorry too. And I love you.” You finally confessed and noticed how his entire face lit up. “But you need to calm down just a little bit, okay? I’m not careless with the baby, I promise.”
He nodded quickly and inched closer to you. And he immediately felt loads better when he caught the smell of your familiar scent; it calmed him down. “I know. You’re perfect, I shouldn’t have said that.” He admitted and you gently caressed his face to let him know that it was okay.
“I need to know, doll. Please tell me we’re more than just those legal documents.” He pleaded. And you cracked a little smile and looked down, wishing you could take back what you said.
“We are more.” You confirmed and he smiled.
 He leaned in and touched your forehead with his; it was an innocent, intimate gesture. You stayed like that for a while. Nothing had to be said, you both understood what the other meant.
“Be mine.” he said, after sometime and pulled away to look you in the eyes again.
You giggled and decided to lighten up the mood a little.
“I’m already pregnant with your child, what else do you want?” you joked, leaning in to gently rub the tip of your nose with his.
He had a big smile on his face as he finally looked down at your bump and leaned in to kiss it, caressing it with his other hand.
“Speaking of who, I heard that someone wasn’t letting you sleep.” He referred to what he had heard when he walked into the room. Sebastian gave your bump another kiss and looked up at you.
You smiled and nodded. “She’s being a bit of a trouble maker today.” You replied, looking down at your bump as well.
Sebastian gave you a funny look. “She, huh?” he pointed out.
“I have a feeling it’s a little girl. I don’t know how to explain it, but I feel like you’re gonna have a daughter.” It was true, something told you that it was a little girl in there.
Sebastian smiled and kissed the bump one more time, his soft lips lingering on your skin. “We, doll. We are gonna have a daughter.” He corrected you and when he looked up at you again, you sensed a shift in the air.
Everything felt warmer, and brighter. Like someone had flipped a switch and suddenly, everything was much clearer now. Like being in the shadows for long and just now discovering daylight.
“We.” You repeated.
 Such a small word, but it meant so much to the two of you.
 Sebastian seemed like he was lost in his thoughts for a moment, and you could almost see the mischief in his eyes when he looked back in yours again.
“Well, guess daddy has to make sure both his girls get some much needed rest.” He said, voice barely above a whisper as he leaned in close to you. “Do you trust me, doll?” he asked, needing your consent before he showed you just how much he loved you.
And as soon as you said yes, he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours; kissing you deeply and passionately while still being soft and gentle. His hands reached up to cup your face and he tilted his head to deepen the kiss while he gently pushed you down on the bed.
He kissed you deeper again and then pulled away to look into your eyes. His body leaned over yours and he admired you for a moment, with a lovesick smile on his face. Then he got off you and knelt in between your legs again.
He gently lowered your satin PJ shorts down your legs; getting rid of it and kissed your bump again.
You giggled and tried sitting up, but he pushed you back down gently and leaned in to kiss your inner thighs. He placed both his hands on either one of your knees and separated your legs, settling in between them like he belonged there.
His hand slowly dragged your underwear down your legs and threw it around somewhere behind him as he inched his face closer to your already dripping core.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” He mumbled and brushed his soft lips along your inner thighs, making you giggle and moan quietly under your breath.
Your bump hid half of his face but you could feel his warm breath hit your wet skin. He kissed his way up to your bump again and held your stare as he peppered your skin with kisses.
He kissed his way down to your core yet again and you moaned out loud when you felt his warm tongue lick from your entrance up to your clit. You felt your heart flutter and a warmth washed over you immediately.
Your hand immediately flew to his messy bed hair, and you grabbed a fistful of it, tugging on it gently as his mouth teased you. His tongue slowly circled around your clit and he earned another moan out of you. As though your senses were heightened, you felt even warmer and tingly as his mouth moved against you.
There was not an ounce of shame in his actions, he ate you out eagerly; satiating both your hunger. He looked up at you and you saw the pure hunger in his eyes. And he saw the need in yours. So he gave you his all. He had you squirming, moaning – a complete mess under him in no time.
He would alternate between kissing his way up to the underside of your bump and back down to where you needed him the most. Your skin was warm, and your scent was familiar and he was hooked to your taste almost immediately.
He did ask you the occasional, “You okay, babe?” and you would reply by tugging on his hair and he’d smirk and get back to it; pleasuring you and making up for all that happened earlier.
Your eyes shut and your legs trembled as you felt his tongue against you, and he locked his arms around your thighs and pushed your core further into his mouth and making you cry out of pleasure. The lower half of his mouth was drenched with your wetness but he still couldn’t get enough.
With a couple more strokes of his tongue, he had you coming undone; gushing out all over his tongue as he lapped up whatever you gave him; making you gasp and moan. The wet sounds erupting whenever his mouth sucked on your sensitive clit were downright sinful.
You felt tingly as the warmth washed over you. You felt him kissing his way up your body; leaving warm, wet kisses all over your skin, especially around your bump, until he reached your mouth again. His kiss was gentle. When he pulled away, you finally opened your eyes to stare into his blue orbs.
“You have no idea how much you mean to me.” He whispered, looking deep into your eyes, body hovering above yours. “You’re all I have, babe.” He spoke again, and leaned in to kiss along your jaw and down your neck.
“You’re all I have too.” You whispered, sliding your hands into his hair. He pulled away from your skin and looked into your eyes again.
“I love you.” he said again.
You smiled.
“I love you too.”
He leaned in for a kiss again. He kissed your skin; from your mouth to your neck as he lowered his sweats and carefully slid into you. Your walls welcomed him perfectly and he moaned under his breath as he filled you up entirely, inch by inch.
He knew he had to be just a little more careful and gentle, but that was okay. That only gave him more time to feel all of you, and bask in your warmth.
He gave you a few seconds, watching you intently to see if you showed any sign of discomfort or pain but when you didn’t, he slowly rocked his hips against you. Gently, removing himself from you and then pushing back into you again, just as slow as the first time.
You whined in pleasure and your back arched off the bed just a little as you felt his thick cock filling you up; snug inside you. Sebastian felt your warm bump press against him while your walls wrapped around him just right, and he wished he could spend forever there on that bed with you.
He laced your fingers together and pinned both your hands above your head as he sped up just a little into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head once he started rocking in and out of you. He leaned in and kissed your lips again, groaning and panting against your lips as he fucked you slowly.
The air around you got warmer again, his movements were gentle, and passionate and loving. His hips rolled against your body perfectly, and his body weight pressing down gently on you was comforting. His grip around your hand tightened each time you’d moan his name out loud; something told you he liked it.
He stopped at some point and let go of your hands and lifted his upper body off yours momentarily. He kept his cock buried deep in you while his hands unbuttoned the top of your PJs in a haste. As soon as the top was unbuttoned, he leaned in to kiss your skin from your collar bones to down your chest. And you giggled when he took one of your sensitive nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue.
You lowered your eyes to look at where his mouth latched on to your body, also the mere sight of his cock being buried deep within you was enough to make your arousal flow out of you even more.
His mouth left your breast and his reach out to gently massage both of them with his hands as he leaned in to kiss your lips again.
“You’re mine.” he whispered against your lips, and leaned in to kiss you deeply as he started moving his hips again; rocking in and out of you again.
You felt all of him; each inch of his skin, each vein on his cock against your walls as he deliberately stroked your walls as slowly as he could just to make you whine and whimper in pleasure.
You moaned as you looked into his eyes; his stare was intense, but loving. His lips were parted as he looked down at you like you were as important as the air he breathed.
Messy hair, a thin layer of sweat covering both your bodies, swollen lips and marks of his adoration all over your neck and chest; you were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. And in that moment he knew, that he would protect you with his life and never let you go.
You felt his cock hit all the right spots each time he moved against you, and his lips parted and he groaned the moment your walls started clenching around him.
His brows furrowed as he tried so hard to hold back and make you cum before he did, but it was hard. Sebastian knew he wouldn’t last very long the moment his name left your lips; sinful and hot – but also so innocent and pure; like you needed him more than anything.
He smiled and leaned down to whisper in your ear. “I’m here, babe. I’m right here.” He whispered, voice strained and gravelly; which sent chills down your body.
You felt the pressure building in between your hips. Sebastian noticed how your walls squeezed around him and he smirked as his hands reached down and grabbed your hips gently and kept you in place as he sped up into you; his cock slipping in and out of you with ease. Your bodies moved perfectly against each other.
He held you as close to him as he could, pushing his face into you and nuzzling your neck as he made you cum around him.
With a few more strokes of his cock, you came undone; gushing out all over him. You came around his cock with a loud moan; grinding against him hungrily while he moaned against your lips as he came right after you.
You felt his beard tickle your skin as he kissed your forehead and covered your tangled bodies with the soft blanket. You sighed in his arms and instinctively snuggle up to his side, and he held you close.
“I think she likes your scent. She always calms down whenever I smell your cologne.” you whispered and Sebastian chuckled and leaned in to kiss your forehead again and his hand caressed your bump gently.
He then slide down the bed a little to talk to bump like he had the habit of doing ever since you began showing.
“Think she is daddy’s girl already.” He said and gave your bump a kiss again. “I love you so much.” He said to the baby and did this adorable thing where he pressed his entire face against your bump. You giggled when he did that and you slid your hand through his hair; playing with the dark lengths of his soft hair.
“But we have to let mom sleep. She’s tired, and I upset her today. Which I apologized for, don’t worry mom and I are talking again so, we’re all good here…” Sebastian went on to talk to your bump, filling the baby in with all that’s going on but you zoned out.
Guess with all that was going on you didn’t realize that given you and Sebastian end up together, that meant that he wouldn’t be the only parent anymore. You would be a mom as well. And you hadn’t realized that you had been silently crying at the thought of all that.
The sound of you sniffling caught Sebastian’s attention. And he gave your bump one last kiss and slide his body up to you again.
“What’s wrong, babe?” he asked softly, wiping away your tears.
You bit your lip and looked at him. And you began overthinking again. What if he’s just attached to you now because of the baby? What if that goes away once the baby is here and not a part of you anymore? What if what he feels for you changes?
And you ended up asking him all those questions, unable to hold back.
Sebastian just sighed as he heard you, and wrapped his arm around you and pulled your bare body closer to him.
“Hey, don’t you dare doubt my feelings for you.” he said softly, his tone calm and gentle. “I’ve liked you since day one. So technically I fell for you even before our baby happened.” He sounded just a little playful. And his choice of words made you crack a little smile.
“I’m not in love with you just because you’re pregnant with my baby.” he caught your full attention. And held your stare while he spoke.
“The baby just amplified all that I felt for you since the beginning, babe. When I met you for the first time, I knew deep inside me that I needed you to be in my life, for a long time. I didn’t know it was love, then. But I do now. You’re all I’ve ever wanted, babe. The fact that you’ll be giving birth to my baby is just bonus at this point.” He explained and gave you another kiss on your forehead.
“I know it feels like we’re moving fast babe but, I’m sure about us, okay? I need you to stop questioning what we have. We’re okay. We’re gonna be okay.” He gave you the reassurance you needed. And you wrapped your own arm around him and pushed your face into the crook of his neck.
You sniffled again, no longer tearing up. “I love you, Seb.”
He smiled and rubbed your back gently. “I love you more. It’s late babe, go to sleep,” he mumbled under his breath and that was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
It wasn’t long before Sebastian heard your soft snores, and he made sure the blankets covered your bare frame well, and he held you close to him. He was grateful that you were here with him, thanking fate, or the universe or whatever it was that helped him find you.
He had never felt so happy, warm and content. He looked down at you, safe in his arms. Then he looked at the bump you had; inside which his baby was safe and growing steadily. He smiled at how he would soon have a little family.
“I love you. Both of you, more than anything.” He whispered and kissed the top of your head before he drifted off to sleep as well, excited for the coming days.
Afterglow Tag List (OPEN):
@weirdvishy @i-will-be-there-one-day @moowaa-us
Seb Tag List:
@almond-butter @chontellaa 
Permanent Tag List:
@james-buchanan-bcrnes @babyyysucc @supernatural-fanfic @buckybarnesplumwhore 
Everything Tag List:
@cherryslibrary @kenzieam
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awesomerextyphoon · 4 years
That was really something, huh Sebastian? Great fic!!
Age gap filth with Seb pls😩 innocent!reader and overstimulation
principesă ✪ s. stan
summary | you meet your idol, sebastian stan, outside of his hotel. when he realizes you’re just an innocent little doll, he decides to take you back with him.
warnings | innocent reader, virginity loss, unprotected sex, naivety, age gap (reader is 19), masturbation, vaginal sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, daddy kink, overstimulation, breeding kink, edging, hair pulling kink, choking kink, rough sex, absolute filth, + more?, SMUT, 18+
pairings | sebastian stan x innocent!reader
a/n | fan!innocent!reader x sebastian (this isn’t dark, seb just really cares for you)
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Sebastian ushered you into his hotel room, before following behind. He shut the door behind you and watched you adoringly. You looked around the lavish room in awe. “You can admire the place all you want, but I don’t want you to go home alone, alright? Stay the night, please?” He reasoned, taking you into his bedroom.
You naively followed him, trusting him completely. “But why? Why do you want me to stay safe?” You curiously pondered. “Because you’re my innocent principesă, and I don’t want anything to happen to you” he reasoned, his hand moving up towards your face.
His thumb lovingly stroked your cheek, and you felt tingly at your apex. Your brows furrowed together, confused as to why you were feeling that way. It wasn’t the first time. The first time was when you watch Sebastian fight as the Winter Soldier, and you felt tingly throughout the whole movie. Sometimes, after you watched his movies your panties would be wet, for some odd reason.
You looked around the room and found that there was only one bed, which was for Sebastian. He sensed your realization and caressed your hand with his other one. “We can share principesă, you can trust me” he smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He was almost taking advantage of your innocence, but at least it was him instead of some creep.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be rude and take up your bed” you questioned, rubbing your thighs together to try and alleviate the tingles. But they only grew stronger. Sebastian watched and cleared his throat, feeling a rush of blood flow down to his cock. “I’m sure principesă” he reassured.
His voice was husky, dominating, and it had you rubbing your thighs even harder. You couldn’t control yourself, and neither could Sebastian. He tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to your lips. He moved his lips against yours, and you tried to keep up with him. You had no idea what you were doing, but you were trying.
Sebastian’s hand moved between your legs and he rubbed your pussy through your panties. “What a naughty little girl, hmm? Wearing just her soaking panties under such a short dress” he teases, making you whimper. Your legs had a slight tremor to them as he touched you, and you felt weak in the knees. He laid you back into the bed and pulled away from the kiss. He wasn’t going to stop, even if you were begging him to.
His hand pulled the dress off your body, but in shreds. Your tits bounced out, making you shy away from embarrassment. He chuckled and leaned down to suck a pebbled nub into his mouth. Your back arched off the bed and you whimpered softly. “W-Why does it feel so good?” You asked, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“Because your body loves me, my little principesă” he smirked up at you. You were only left in your panties, which were evidently soaking with your arousal. He moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. When he was facing his pussy you tried to shut your legs, embarrassed of the scenario you were in. It was seldom to all the fanfiction you had read about him that left you with tingles and butterflies.
You felt your heart clamour in your chest as he pressed kisses on your inner thigh. “I would go down on you, principesă, but tonight it seems like we’re both a bit too eager” he pulled down your panties and the feeling of his lips on your thighs lingered. There was no way you were going to forget about it. “Fuck, principesă, you’re soaked. All because of me, right?” He smirked as he looked up at you. You whimpered and nodded your head, looking away.
Eye contact was too intimate for this. “Daddy never said you could look away, principesă” he spoke with absolute dominance, which made you squirm slightly. You looked back at him and he no longer was the soft Romanian actor you adored. He pulled off his clothes and you watched him with no shame. You could see the bulge through his boxers, but you didn’t know what it was. “What’s that?” You innocently asked, pointing at his large erection.
He gave a sultry chuckle and slowly pulled down his boxers. His large cock was revealed, and you still were confused. “This is Daddy’s cock, and Daddy is gonna fill you up with it. You would like that, wouldn’t you, principesă? My little needy girl” he husked. You bit your lip at the size, how was something so large going to fit you?
He pushed your thighs all the way up to your chest, making you hold them in place. You watched as he stroked his cock a few times, his face frowning in pleasure. “Fuck, principesă, you’re all spread out for your Daddy, aren’t you? Say it.” He bemoans, and you watch him suck his bottom lip in. “I- I’m all spread o- out for my D- Daddy!” You sputter, feeling an overcome of excitement. Adrenaline courses through your veins, and Sebastian simply smirks.
He can see the neediness in your eyes. He trails a digit up and down your soaking, sensitive folds. His finger found your pearl of nerves, and you immediately jerked when he put pressure on it. “T- That feels weird” you admitted, but you still wanted more. “Call me Daddy, principesă” he growls, pushing down harder on your clit. You squeal and try to move away, the sensation was too much. He growled and pulled you back to him, this time rubbing your clit in hard ministrations. You moaned at the feeling, not at all embarrassed at how good it felt.
He stroked his cock faster, and his movements on your clit sped up. “Daddy! I feel like I need to use the washroom!” You whimpered. “No baby, you’re gonna cum. Don’t you wanna cum for Daddy?” he cooes, and you feeling even more wetness drool out of your hole. He stroked his cock as he slowed down his digit on your clit. You whined as the pleasure got weaker, making him let out a sultry chuckle.
“You wanna know what Daddy really think/ of you, Pisoi? Well I'll tell you. You’re nothing more than a jucărie dracu that I can dispose of once I’m bored of you. The only thing you are to me is my own curvă personală. So, be glad that I’m giving you any of my spermă.” You didn’t understand, but when he sped up his finger on your clit — you mewled and nodded. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you? Cum for Daddy” he growls, making your cunt spasm. You felt wetness gush out of your cunt, electricity running throughout your body. Your heart clamoured in your chest and you moaned continuously.
Sebastian moaned as white ropes of cum painted your pussy. The warm, foreign feeling made you moan. His finger scooped some up and he opened your jaw. “Say ‘ah’ principesă” he cooes. You opened wide and he stuck his finger into your mouth. “C’mon, suck Daddy’s finger clean” he demanded. You obediently did so, lapping up his cum from his finger. You didn’t know what you were doing, but his asserting nods made you grin like the Cheshire Cat. The musky, yet salty taste filled your mouth, and you didn’t know if you wanted more or not.
He pulled his finger out of your mouth and stroked your cheek. You smiled, but when he pulled his hand away your grin fell. He lightly slapped your cheek, making you whimper. “Such a good little slut” he muttered against your lips. He situated himself between your legs, his hands groping your gorgeous swells. He pinched your nipples and twirled them between his fingers, making your back arch off the bed. You pushed your chest towards Sebastian involuntarily, a way of begging for more.
“Patience, principesă” he pulled his fingers away and reach down his body. His cock was still impressively hard as he dragged it up and down your pussy. You jerked and tremors were sent through your body. “Daddy! Feels so good!” You mewled pathetically, hey still confused at your body’s reaction. You felt his large hand wrap around your throat, squeezing at the sides. You grabbed his wrist tightly, but you didn’t try to pry his hand off.
It was new, debauched, yet you didn’t mind. All the air in your lungs left as his cock filled you up with no warning. He pulled out all the way, before snapping his hips forward. He set a relentless pace, your grunts and moans filling the room along with the smell of sex. He fucked you hard, his cock poking at your cervix every now and then. “Fuck yes. You love getting fucked, huh? You love Daddy taking away your innocent” He grunted, squeezing your neck a little tighter.
You nodded your head at his words, your legs tightening around his waist. Black dots sported your vision, and you thought you were going to pass out under him. He pulled his hand away from your neck and slapped you on the face, making you squeal. Your cunt clenched around his thick cock, and he slapped you again. You shouted, “Daddy!”, and came all over his cock. Your release hit you like a truck, and it was almost painful. Your entire body shook, and you knew that the other guests in the hotel hated you both.
Sebastian continued to fuck you through your orgasm, making you overstimulated. You babbled absolute nonsense, making him chuckle. “Daddy, it’s too much!” You cried out as if you were in agony. “Be quiet, or else Daddy is gonna have to pull out and put you over my knee. I’ll spank your ass raw, do you understand?” He spoke, stopping his thrusts. You pouted and nodded.
“Good girl” he praised, before turning you onto your stomach. He pulled you onto your knees and watched your count clench around nothing. He filled you up in one motion, making you moan his name. His fist tangled itself in your hair whilst he fucked you hard. His balls slapped against your sensitive clit again and again. He tugged on your hair harshly, the feeling sending you over the edge. You gushed your release all over his cock, some of it getting on the sheets.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” He asked, pulling his hand out of your hair. His thrusts became more powers and you felt pleasure searing through your abdomen once again. “Yes! Yes Daddy!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face. The overstimulation melted your mind, and you came all over again. You squirted everywhere, on yourself, on the bed and on Sebastian.
“Fuck that’s so hot, you fucking squirted everywhere!” He shouted, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He slapped your ass a few times and watched it ripple back at him. He grapped you by the throat and pulled you up against his bare chest. Your back had the meanest arch and he began to slow down his thrusts, edging the both of you.
You whined loudly, craving another orgasm. He tilted your head back and spat on your face, before snapping his hips into you. You both came at the same time. You gushed around his cock as his warm cum painted your inner walls. You moaned at the sensation, savouring it before he pulled out. He laid you back on the bed, before laying down next to you. You felt his cum trickle out of your channel and onto your leg.
He pushed his cock back into you, plugging you up with his cum. “Can’t have any of it spilling out, or else I won’t be able to breed you properly” he smiled down at you. You grinned back up at him, admiring his steel blue eyes. “But we aren’t done for tonight, principesă”.
TAGLIST (tagging the people that really wanted to read this too!) — @okbuchanan @champangebucky @mariessecretfantasies @addikted-2-dopamine @sarcasmqueendominika @venus--babyy @sebbbystaaan @devilxanax666 @darcyglewis @spicylangdon @lollypop-lam @lousocean @parker-barnes-af @anxiousamandapanda @jianawoods @marvel-mania27 @xoxabs88xox @sillyqt @hv-chw3 @notyourtypicalrose @mushyjellybeans @littleprettykitten @rayche776 @royally-rogers @marvelsangels @grayxswan @livsheph @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @hoseokchild @evanssgi @babyboyjames
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A Poem In Flowers
PAIRING : Nicky x Joe
PROMPT : Flower Shop AU
(now on ao3 !)
“Oh-oh, he’s gonna pay for that!”
“Booker, we can’t just barge in, we don’t even know how—“
“He stole them from you! Isn’t it clear enough?”
Nicky frowned, listening to the loud voices coming from outside. It was usually a quiet neighborhood, especially at that time of the day.
“Let’s just go inside!"
He was startled when someone opened the door of his flower shop with more strength than needed.
“Booker, can you please calm down a little? You’re going to scare him.”
Nicky looked at the guy who had just spoken, feeling more intrigued than afraid. The fact that the newcomer was also incredibly handsome was definitely a plus.
“Mr. Di Genova, I believe?,” the other man said, in a pissed and totally unfriendly way. Nicky took an instant dislike to him.
“Yes, it’s me. Are you here for a bridal bouquet?"
Not-nice jerk was caught off guard by his question, while cute-dude just chuckled. Of course, Nicky couldn’t help but find it extremely endearing.
“No, we… Okay, let’s start this properly. Nile, my assistant, came here a couple of days ago to pick up a bouquet for my wife.” If Nicky didn’t like this 'Booker' guy before, things only got worse after the last sentence. He appreciated the fact that Very Handsome Man (well, wasn’t his crush escalating quickly) seemed to give his friend a very nasty look at that. “There was a little card attached to the bouquet, a card that contained a short poem.”
Nicky nodded briefly.
“Yes, that’s my customers' favorite part of the bouquet and the very reason why they keep buying here.”
He felt a wave of pride while saying those words. After all, It had been his idea when he had first opened the shop, and he wasn’t going to take lessons from some uneducated asshole just because the guy couldn’t stand poetry.
Extremely Attractive Man (yep, that was it, no going back) gave him a contemplative look, almost as if he was trying to make sense of… something.
“Well, isn’t that nice? Stealing someone else's art and then using it to make a profit?,” rude-dude retorted.
Nicky felt his blood run cold. He didn’t like the tone nor what was being implied, and he was starting to get extremely pissed.
“Look, I’m sorry for Sebastien here, he can be very nasty when he wants.” Nicky noticed that Unbelievably Hot Guy had also Incredibly Nice Lips and Absolutely Gorgeous Eyes, and he was almost starting to forget why he was pissed in the first place, while oh-so-not staring at him. “We just read the card and found it  very similar to… well, one of my poems. And since it wasn’t signed, I just wanted to understand what was going on, find out if maybe someone was taking credit that wasn’t theirs?”
The revelation had Nicky almost drop his jaw. He knew he should focus on the accusation, but all he could do was stare at the guy who was apparently responsible for keeping Nicky up more nights than he could remember, thinking about the brilliant mind behind those perfect words.
“I actually bought them," was all that came out of Nicky’s mouth. 
He realized that maybe he should have added more when the two friends shared a look, seeming rather confused.
“I haven’t published any of them, yet.”
“No, I mean… they were in a jar. I bought the jar.”
For a couple of minutes, there was only silence in the shop. Poet Guy - who was still very hot and still without a damn name to go with his face - opened his mouth a couple of times, but didn’t seem to know what to say, until his eyes widened. Nicky was pretty sure he’d had some sort of epiphany, and he wasn’t the only who had noticed.
“Joe? Joe, are you okay? What is he talking about?”
Joe - Nicky was secretly beaming, he'd finally gotten the name of the man who would haunt all his future dreams - looked very close to an existential crisis.
“Do you remember during college, when I used to live with Andy?” Sebastien nodded, but Nicky was too concentrated on Joe to even notice. “Well, there was this big red jar on the table, in the middle of the living room. Whenever I was struggling with a short poem, instead of throwing the paper away, I would just fold it and put it in the jar.”
Well, if those were Joe’s definition of failed poems, Nicky couldn’t wait to find some way or another to date this guy just so he could read the good ones.
“When she moved in with Quynh, she took the jar with her. I didn’t even realize at first, and after a while I sort of forgot about it. I also didn’t really care because I was sure she’d keep it, since she took it in the first place.” Joe seemed lost, and looked at Nicky as if he was the only one who could make sense of it all.
“If it helps, I can tell you that I bought it from a woman, long hair, mischievous smile, who said she was glad her wife was away for a while so she had time to get rid of the - and I quote - “atrocious bloody colored vase”?” Nicky finished the sentence with a sheepish smile, feeling himself blushing all of sudden.
“I don’t know what I was expecting, but this was definitely not it.” Sebastian shook his head and looked at Joe. “I don’t even think we can force him to stop, since technically he did buy the jar."
“I will definitely stop if Joe is uncomfortable with it.” Nicky raised his voice, slightly insulted by the insinuation. “I would never try to harm or profit from someone else’s work. Especially if that someone is an amazingly talented poet."
Joe was staring at him, looking entranced.
“But you said it yourself, this is what makes your customers coming back. I wouldn’t want to be the one to do the damage to you.”
Nicky was so going to marry this guy. On the spot. Damn it, he would even accept the obnoxious dude as the best man if he had to.
“Maybe we can work out a good compromise?” Nicky’s voice softened, almost as if he was about to share a secret. “I could still put the cards in the bouquet, but with your signature underneath each poem. And I’d give you a percentage over it, of course.”
“I, uh,” Joe’s cheeks were turning a lovely shade of red, and Nicky was torn between feeling pride in being the one who was actually responsible for that and wanting to melt at the sight of it, “what can I say, you do make it sound like a win-win situation. But, as I was saying before, those aren’t exactly poems I feel very confident about.”
“So why not write some new ones to go along with my bouquet?” Nicky knew, deep down, that he was pushing his luck, but he'd found that he really didn’t care that much, especially if he could find a way to get Joe to come back to his shop.
“Oh my God, I’m done. I’m not gonna stand here any longer watching the two of you shamelessly flirt like teenagers.” Sebastien threw his hands up in the air and started walking towards the door, turning around only to yell at Joe, “if you get laid tonight, remember to send me a 'thank you' note!"
“Once again, I really, really do apologize for him. He can be unbelievably crass, but he’s a good friend.” For the first time since he'd entered the shop, Joe gave Nicky a full-on smile, all teeth and dimples. And that’s when Nicky realized, once and for all, that he was utterly fucked.
“No problem,” Nicky let out in a croaked voice, finding it rather difficult to put together a coherent though, “I hope you’ll consider my offer.”
“I most definitely will.” Joe ran his fingers through his hair, looking almost embarrassed. “Maybe we could talk about it over a cup of coffee? I know a place nearby.”
And that’s how they ended up in the coffee shop owned by Quynh, who was absolutely delighted when they told her the whole story and didn’t even try to apologize to Joe, since she had just given him “the single most exciting meet cute of his entire existence”.
(Two years later, at their wedding, Booker and Quynh were still arguing over which one of them was responsible for such a lucky encounter. Nicky secretly spent his days thanking them both).
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mangolover · 3 years
Creature of The Dark part 3 (Theodorus van Gogh x reader)
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Find part one here
Find part two here
Title: Creature of The Dark (part 3)
Fandom: Ikemen Vampire / Ikevamp / Ikevam
Pairing: Theodorus van Gogh x gn! reader, Vincent van Gogh x gn! reader (platonic)
Genre: Angst, comfort
Warnings: nightmares, not eating properly, mentions of losing job, mentions of being homeless, argument, dark thoughts, mentions of a unhealthy relationship (lack of comunication), depression(?), swearing, shouting, breaking glass, breaking porcelain, humilation, betrayal, snow, mentions of time
Spoilers: Theo’s route
Word Count: 2600+ (six pages...)
Description: He broke yet another promise and you cut ties with the whole mansion, trying to live on your own in city. Losing your job and getting kicked out, you didn’t know where else to go but to the art gallery.
Part 2: Going to the gallery was a bad idea and you become aware of that after the same mistakes got repeated and sparked an argument. Now you are sitting on a bench in the park, feeling hopeless until a faimilliar figure comes to your aid.
Part 3: You secretly came back to the mansion with the help of the Vincent, and as much as he helped you, it all came crashing down when you were discovered by Theodorus. Now all that’s left is to finally find the shadow in the darkness.
This has some first person perspective, but it’s mostly 2nd perspective.
Dark thoughts are going to be present throughout whole series, so proceed with caution.
Only nightmares are explored a bit deeper, everything else is pretty much just mentioned, but if anything is triggering to you, please skip this one.
Also, when somthing is writen like this ('example'), it's from the suitor's point of view or their thoughts, not reader's.
I am making this in multiple parts, temptation won this time.
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Pointing to the place on bench next to you, he asks “may I sit here?“ And you just nod while scooping away, wanting to give him as much space as possible. “Thank you, Y/n!”
Vincent was always a reliable friend and a sense of comfort would wash over you whenever you saw his angelic smile. He and Theo were like hell and heaven, polar opposites. However, you were glad to have someone like Vincent to call your friend. ‘Or is he your friend anymore?’
“How have you been?” you looked up at Vincent who was staring I front of him, his hands placed on his lap and you mirrored his actions, straightening your posture and averting your gaze before answering.
“I’ve been good. I found a job and a place to stay. But I think it’s time to go back to my own time” you tried to sound as casual as possible, hoping you hid your emotions well, just like Theo always did.
“And how are you doing now?” but Vincent could see through a mask even as good as Theo’s.
“I…” you considered your next words, “I could be doing better. Some obstacles came along the way, but don’t worry! It’ll be better soon!” you turned towards him and gave him a strained smile, not knowing who you are trying to fool exactly. You were lying to both of you, but that was for the best.
Vincent turned to look at you with a worried expression. He was suspicious because you stayed there last night and now you didn’t even go ‘home’. “How about we go pick something to eat? For old time’s sake.”
You were about to refuse before Vincent gave you a dazzling smile and extended his hand out to you, “I’m not taking no for an answer, Y/n.” That was the end of the story as you took his hand and Vincent took you to get something to eat in a nearby café that was surprisingly still open.
Once you were seated and ordered your food and drink of choice, after Vincent insisted it was his treat, you fell into a somewhat comfortable silence. There was still tension in the air, no doubt, but it was better than when you were with Theo.
“I’m sorry for leaving without a proper explanation to all of you except Comte” you broke the silence with a voice barely above a whisper.
“It’s alright” to your surprise Vincent didn’t sound mad, his voice and face were full of understanding. “We were worried when even Comte couldn’t find you but considering how Theo was acting when you left and today’s situation, I understand.”
You let a smile grace your features, “thank you Vincent.”
“But please, don’t disappear on us again. The mansion is not the same without you” he looked sincerely sad. “Do you have a place to stay the night?” his voice was low and warm.
“O-of course! I told you I found a place to stay” you are sure your stutter sold you out.
Vincent didn’t even need to say anything, he just gave you a stern look and you lowered the gaze, embarrassment painting your face. “I don’t…”
“You can always come back to the mansion; I’m sure Comte would understand.”
“That is not an option. I left and cut contact with everyone” you let out a sigh. “Why do you even want to have anything with me?” Vincent looked at you in surprise. (‘Just how much have you suffered this 4 months Y/n?’)
“Because you are my friend. And we all care about you.” His reasoning was simple, but you couldn’t understand it. ‘Just why?’
“I don’t think going back to the mansion is a good idea” Vincent was ready to hear you out, always a shoulder to lean on. “Arthur will be there and he might be upset with me because Theo is his best friend. And I left Sebastian when he needed me the most. Isaac just started opening up to me and then I left. And Mozart will be annoyed by all the commotion.” You dreaded to tell who you feared to see the most, “and Theo will be there and I doubt it’s a good idea for us to see each other again.”
Vincent went quiet for a moment before speaking again, seemingly trying to work out the best solution. “The door doesn’t open for at least two more weeks. And I can’t let you sleep outside, so how about for at least tonight stay in the mansion?”
You felt uneasiness even if you knew Vincent just wanted the best for you. “I could sneak you in and you can stay in my room so others won’t notice you.”
Even if he knew that explaining why he was sneaking someone into his room last night was going to be tough and that he’s going to have to lie, he was ready to do anything for you.
“Do you promise I am not bothering?” you wanted to make sure he is one hundred precent sure about what he’s offering. Vincent nodded firmly just as your food came to your table and you both dug in, for once in so long you didn’t feel so alone.
Once you were both done eating and Vincent settled the bill, you made your way outside. Snow started falling outside and both you and Vincent enjoyed the view of the first now of a year for a bit. The snowflakes danced around the sky and landed everywhere, one of them landed on the tip of your nose which made Vincent laugh.
To him you looked like an ethereal angel in that moment. He understood why Theo had fallen for you, but to him you will never be more than a friend or a sister that he so desperately wants to protect from this cruel world, no matter the price.
Eventually, you fetched a carriage and started to make your way deep into the woods where Comte’s residence stood tall and hidden from the eyes of common folk. The long ride continued into the night, to which you were grateful as it gave you a bit more of a cover. Now all you needed was to be sneaky and you could go unspotted. Vincent draped his coat over your shoulders to conceal you even more. Wrapping his hand around your wrist, he guided you into the mansion and into his room, checking that the path was always clear of any other residents.
Everything was going smoothly until he opened the door of his room and saw Arthur down the hall, quickly he pushed you into the room and shut the door behind you signaling you to keep quiet and all you two could hear was a whistle and a quiet chuckle as Arthur’s footsteps faded away.
“That was close” Vincent let out a breath he had been holding before smiling at you.
“I’m sorry Vincent,” you were feeling embarrassed and guilty, “knowing Arthur, everyone will know you sneaked someone in the next morning and Theo will not let you off the hook so easily.”
Vincent gazed at you for a bit before bopping the tip of your nose and letting out a giggle. “I told you it was alright, now go get settled for the sofa. I’ll sleep on the floor.”
“You can’t be serious Vincent. I was ready to sleep outside on a bench, even the floor is perfectly fine for me.”
In the end, you two agreed that he can sleep on the floor, but he gets the blanket and the pillow from the sofa. He turned out the lights and you stared through the big window in his room. The moon cast its light and illuminated everything. ‘Maybe this was why Vincent became a painter? So he could etch the images like this onto the canvas, marking them for all eternity.’ Sleep won’t be coming to you anytime soon, but you just hoped nightmares won’t chase you once again.
However, your hope was all in vain.
Nightmares of losing Theo to L’Académie. Him yelling at you while you are shaking in the corner, his fangs out making him look like a monster. Each time you opened your eyes from one nightmare, another one came as soon as you closed them again. The last one was everyone you knew, even your own self laughing at you as you were freezing, telling you it’s your fault for burning bridges and trying to act like you’ve got it all together. You woke up with tears in your eyes and you gasped as you woke up, you started hyperventilating and it must’ve woken up Vincent because he was crouching next to you in a flash, one hand holding yours and other on your back, rubbing in soothing motion.
“That’s right, just deep breaths Y/n, it was just a nightmare” he probably had experience when Theo had nightmares when they were kids. “I’m here okay, just relax.” Your breathing got regular in a few minutes before you flung your arms around Vincent and sobbed in his shoulder. He only pulled you closer in his embrace and let you cry it out. You were under a lot of stress and it was normal for you to break at one point. At least he was there to be your rock.
“Do you want me to go get you something?” he asked you in a soft voice once you got a hold of yourself.
“No, thank you, I don’t need anything.” You smiled at his kindness. “Thank you for helping me calm down.”
“Always Y/n, that’s what friends are for” the warmest smile was on his lips.
“Could…” you were embarrassed to ask him, but maybe that would help you finally get some peaceful sleep. “could you sleep with me on the sofa? You don’t need to if you’re uncomfortable, you’ve already done so much-“
“Scoot over” he picked up the blanket and the pillow. Covering you with the blanket, he wrapped his arm around you and leaned into your back. “Sweet dreams, Y/n.”
“Thank you, Vincent, sleep well!”
This time you had a dreamless sleep, but you were grateful Vincent made sure you were comfortable, even if it’s only for one night. Now the pressing question was, what to do in the morning? It will be harder to leave and what if Arthur recognized you? He was extremely smart individual. You let out a sigh as you woke up when the sun has already started climbing the sky. ‘Damn it! I missed my chance to slip unnoticed!’ But what to do now? You hoped Vincent had any idea, but he wasn’t here?
If anyone walks in, you are doomed. Even worse if they see you laying on his sofa. You were Theo’s old lover, not his brother’s. As you stood in the middle of the room panicking, regretting every choice that got you to this point, the door started opening and you froze on the spot. ‘Come on God, kill me now so I don’t have to suffer any longer.’ However, to your surprise it was just Vincent, bringing you breakfast.
“You startled me” you let yourself relax a bit when Vincent closed the door behind him.
“Arthur asked about ‘the mysterious person that went into my room last night’.” Oh no… “I asked him not to tell anyone and that nothing happened.” Knowing Arthur, Theo already knows and is just trying to process everything.
“Don’t even think about apologizing. It’s okay” it’s like he read your mind. “I also asked Comte about the door and about you.” He handed you the breakfast and you gladly accepted it.
“He told me that if any of us has seen you, we can bring you back to the mansion if you ever need anything. Our home is always going to be your home too.” You carefully mulled over Comte’s alleged words in your mind. Still, there were 9 more vampires who probably didn’t want anything to do with you. “I haven’t seen Theo, though.”
Once again you felt like you hit a dead end. Only this time, there was a wall behind you and you had nowhere to go. Whatever you choose, it’s not going to end well. But you know you are going to have to confront either the residents or Theo once he barges into Vincent’s room.
Maybe it’s better if you go and thank Comte before leaving, new day’s a new chance after all, right?
“Could we go see Comte?” you were ready for rejection, but to your surprise Vincent beamed with happiness. (‘That’s it Y/n, baby steps.’) “I want to thank him for everything and apologize for coming unannounced.”
“Sure, but first finish your breakfast” he sat down on the sofa, looking relaxed as ever. “You need to regain your strength.”
You wanted to answer, but your mouth was full and you didn’t want to accidentally spit some food onto the angelic painter that got you this far. Vincent laughed as you struggled to swallow and reply.
“You are going to choke if you don’t eat it properly!” Vincent scolded you.
“Sor-“ however you were cut off by door slamming open and Theo and Arthur barging in.
You jumped out of surprise, the plate in your hands fell out of your hands, porcelain shattering into million pieces, just like your heart. The color was drained out of your face as if you saw a ghost. A lump came to your throat and restricted your breathing, your heart threatening to jump out of your chest, a cold sweat coated your body.
Vincent jumped as well, a deeply rooted panic only getting worse when he realized just who has come unannounced. His younger boer and his author friend. The same shock could be seen on Theo’s face, eyes darting between you and Vincent. What is he thinking? ‘Does he think me and Vincent slept together? Or worse, does he feel betrayed? And what about Arthur? Vincent can hold Theo off, but I have no chance against the two of them.’
Even if the old clock kept on tickling, the precious time getting lost like sand in wind, it seemed as if everything stopped. No one moved a muscle anymore. Breathing stopped. Even Arthur was speechless, his emotions finally out in the open, he seemed confused, almost hurt. ‘But that’s just your mind playing tricks on you, right Y/n?’
Theo finally broke the trance and Vincent instinctively took a step back towards you, trying to shield you from their eyes.
“What?” is all Theo muttered, however. It seemed like he wasn’t even mad, just utterly confused, betrayed. “What’s the meaning of this? Boer what is Y/n doing in your room?!” He raised his voice and you flinched. But neither you nor Vincent found the voice to explain just what’s happening. Letting out a sigh and casting his glance down, Theo walked away, his pace fast, his strides long and his nails cutting into his palms. The commotion brought Leonardo and Sebastian to Vincent’s room and you felt like you might pass out. Your worst nightmares came to life and now Vincent needs to pay the price as well.
One casted glance from Vincent over his shoulder was however all you needed to find the strength and courage to run past the stunned vampires and the butler, following into the direction Theo went.
You don’t have a plan; you almost never did. However, all you know is that Theo needs to understand and that silence won’t bring you two anywhere. You followed him out of the mansion and into the woods.
There are shadows in the dark, you finally remember that and you are ready to show that to your lover as well, it’s now or never.
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chibimyumi · 4 years
🍵Japanese Reactions☕ Kuromyu 2021
Dear everyone, I received overwhelmingly many questions about Japanese audience reactions, so here you go!
For this post I logged out from Twitter to avoid any bias because of my own user algorithm, and just simply searched the term “kuromyu” (生執事) , and selected “latest tweets”. As you can see, all posts have the word 生執事 in bold, meaning that was my search term.  There are a LOT of reactions, I can’t possibly discuss them all. What I did was just search at any random point of time, and take every other comment. I censored the usernames of the commenter to protect some (ceremonial) level of privacy.
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I watched the Kuromyu costume rehearsal and cried, this is not it,,I think it might be better to go to Osaka [performance] without expecting too much I shouldn’t expect the Kuromyu of until last time
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Honestly no matter how often I watch [the musical] this time’s Kuromyu is fantastic... as someone who knows the energy of the original comics, I really enjoyed it...
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In Kuromyu Violet and Chesslock were the real thing
Like Violet’s way of walking being so slothful it was like the real thing, and the rapping of Chesslock in the cricket scene was cool
The reception of this time’s Kuromyu is entirely polarised, and indeed [this production] has a very different taste than the ones until now so I also understand the people who criticise it, but I think that’s fine.
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Click “keep reading” for (a LOT) more reactions. Don’t lie to yourself and not click it, I know you all want the tea. Here’s the tea (ÒvÓ)ノ☕
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There’s so much thought going on now I have seen the PV of Kuromyu. Eh? Because he [probably Konishi (Ciel)] has roots in Tennis [Probably prince of Tennis] once he holds the cricket it just looks like he’s swinging a tennis racket.
Bocchan is just too big, I’m not sure about that.
I only watched until half way ー
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Calling it the Prince of Cricket is too befitting😂 Such singing and dancing, the youthfulness is exploding. They sure have stamina. #Kuromyu
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Ah ーSomehow a lot of memories just popped up tears really are welling up... even though my deep-seated grudge has now passed, my obsession for Kuromyu surfaced, and it felt like it got beaten to a pulp by its big brother...
My heart is recovering through the Kuromyu DVD but the big brother is still the big brother... sob...sob (the dirty wailing of an otaku)
TLN: Big brother here means something’s superiour or better.
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It became this production that made me think: Never mind the actors but is it the problem of the makers? Erm. I think it’s a waste. Is it because it’s the footage of the first day performance?
I don’t have the feeling that it’s not that, but that it somehow became cheaper? Is a really strong thought I got from this performance. With this line-up [of cast/staff] it should have been able to create the high quality of Kuromyu, but the impression is that it was a mess.
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I finished watching kuromyu. Erm... somehow... it was a theatre production that strongly reminded me of the first Lycoris (the cheapness of the set), felt like they tried to create the feeling of🎾but failed, and tried to do something trendy (🎤) but then the production lost the sense of unity.
Well Mr. Tate’s [Tateishi] Sebas was good, and Undertaker’s acting was good (make up...)
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I’ve watched the stream of Kuromyu countless times and gotten used to the songs, and even though I miss the old Kuromyu, maybe it’s not so bad that somebody who can’t let go is rewatching something countless times. If next time they will do the Cult Arc or the Witch Arc I’d be pursuing it. Honestly I want them to stage Lycoris again ←
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Kuromyu was this place where I got stimulated by Yuta’s TOHO quality, Ms. AKANE [Madam Red] and Ms. Son [Akisono, Frances]’s Takarazuka quality. The synergy of everything, the original manga’s story, actors, music, directing all were so perfectly done in the past three productions they sure have become a tremendous bar. Once again Yuta, thank you for playing Sebas for us for three times 🥺✨
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Kuromyu really was too fun, I’m in trouble
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Honestly ------------- Kuromyu was so fun !!!!!!!!! Yasue-kun, you also go watch soon!! Ah, you going tomorrow???
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It might be quite unsatisfying for people who only watch Kuromyus that are like Imperial Theatre grand musicals, but I think it’s good that it’s a bit like the Kuromyus of the beginning of before when they adapted the manga arcs
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I watched Kuromyu and had fun 😊
I cried, I laughed, it was amazing anyway!
It was the first time watching a musical for me but I think I’ve been sucked into it...
Shall I buy the DVD, I’m indecisive 🌀🤔💭
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Now I’ve seen the PV of Kuromyu I don’t think it’s worth going at all... Even in the PV the vibe of 2.5D was ridiculously strong...
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My friend went to watch Kuromyu and gave me the review: “I’ve seen all sorts of 2.5, why did they do this for Black Butler. It’s trivial.” I’ve only seen the PV so I won’t say anything, and I really get what I’m refraining from saying. But Mr. Kuma once tweeted the descriptions of Black Butler, I guess it’s fine that the Boarding School Arc feels like this 🤔
Click here for the translation of this tweet. The description of the Weston Arc is as such:
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(To the people who will be going to see it I’m sorry)
They did say that the staff along [with the cast] would entirely be renewed, but I feel like they’re actively trying to shake off the fans of Kuromyu until now   I’m a bit sad but I guess I won’t be watching [Kuromyus] anymore... I feel like      But I am buying the stream    I’ll think about it after I’ve bought it...
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Anyway about Kuromyu, my mom said she wanted to watch it too so I watched it again with her yesterday, and she sure had a lot to say 😶 My father pulled this weird face of “what is this even” and I had to see him off halfway 😑 I thought about buying the stream of the final performance, but I guess I don’t need a second viewing. I don’t feel like watching the archive either. I really liked the Kuromyu of until now, my shock is too big.
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At the beginning [of the musical] we looked back on Lycoris, Circus and Luxury Liner... kinda like some sort of recap, but I thought “huh?”... now I just want to watch that. I used to like Kuromyu, I really have trouble accepting it this time it’s painful.
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But honestly when talking about Kuromyu it’s the Sebas with the superb voice who sung about the dynamic with the little lord full of emotion and built the world view, and for better or for worse the world view of Kuroshitsuji is maintained through Sebaciel, the songs, the directing of Sebaciel, but what happened there. Whether you should watch it or not. The past 3 productions were masterpieces、、、
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But Sebas is not Mr. Furukawa, Ciel is not Reo-kun and even Mr. Izumi’s [role] of Undertaker was unfortunately changed, this is the new Kuromyu huh...
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I watched the stream of the first performance.
I liked the songs so I checked, and I knew it.
This time has a lot of laughing factors, and I thought it was good it had a fresh cast.
I didn’t expect the cricket scene to be taken that far. I thought it was Tenimyu.
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Kuromyu, this time be it the story, script, directing or casting, I thought: “it’s more enjoyable to take up this [musical] while temporarily erasing the memories of until now ~🎶”, and I watched the theatre piece without looking back to the past productions, and that was the right decision   To the people who came to love Kuromyu of until now, it’s safer to watch it while temporarily erasing the memories.
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Did Kuromyu turn into Tenimyu half way?! I thought,
and the Elite Musical → 2.5D Musical transformation I also felt
Konishibocchan being cutesy was cute, and the P4′s desperate faces resonated all went by in a flash
Above was the report from the theatre ☺️
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I went to Kuromyu
I went into it knowing it’d surely be something different from the past productions so it indeed turned out to be so
There were parts that made me go “erm the script....” and also this part that made me go “was it really necessary to make Undertaker descend into that dream in Act 1 just because you wanted to give him stage time??”
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I went into 2 shocks gradually
Sebas doesn’t sing He only sings properly at the very beginning of the beginning Even though he’s Sebas There’s no ending solo Even though he’s Sebas
You’re the ♪ah~a~a~ number-one main character though!! That’s why this one!!! Is the N・E・W production--!!!!
I am in shock
I   A M  I  N   S  H  O  C  K  ANGER!!!
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I watched the Kuromyu stream!
It was TOTALLY 2.5D~❕❕😁It was also a school setting and the Tenimyu vibes were strong (laughs)
It’s a bit of a shame that Ciel isn’t played by a child actor anymore, but because he has more stage time than Sebas has this time I caccept it.
Sebas and Ciel’s visuals are also good ~ ☺️ 
It’d be even cooler if they increased the fight scenes with Sebas though.
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@ivvy_toshiki [Tateishi Toshiki (Sebastian)’s Twitter account]
Thanks for the hard work in the performance.
Today I saw the “first viewing of Kuromyu” of my dreams 🥀😆 Regardless of what I could say Sebastian’s beauty is from beginning to end spellbinding ☺️  My eyes were very happy. moreover, the songs and the killing were also AMAZING 😍 my eyes were nailed to Sebastian. I want to watch it again 💕☺️  I wish that the performances will go without a hitch until the final performance ❕
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I was so happy to see the recap of the past productions
I really liked the Circus Arc (original comics), and even though it was comedy it really dived into the darkness! That was the story I also didn’t expect to see the Luxury Liner Arc So Undertaker, for real... for
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Up to the last time there weren’t that many songs in total, but there were songs like I shall become your pawn and sword and the contract that made me go BATHUMP--- I have to rewatch this number!!! It’s a shame that this time there were no songs like that.
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Calling it the Prince of Cricket is too accurate 😂 They sang and danced so much, the youthfulness was bouncing off it. What stamina they have. #Kuromyu
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What’s different from the last time is the strong 2.5D vibe...... Until now the ages [of the characters] were fairly faithful [to canon] and in a good way there was no 2.5D-ness and I could just enjoy it as a proper theatre piece This time both the casting including the music had a strong 2.5D vibe for better or for worse #Kuromyu
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Very personally! Matsushita’s Sebas was “heavy as the evil of evil and beautiful”, and Furukawa’s Sebas was  “evil, strong and unapproachable and beautiful and gorgeous”, and Tateishi’s was “light hearted and beautiful and a florid kind of evil”!! (My vocabulary is failing me) All Sebastians have a different aura about them it’s fantastic!!! #Kuromyu
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The new Sebas is good
It’s this arc so that it’d get a chit-chat idol? vibe was within the expectation The cricket of the second half had a bad vibe and I was sick of it It might have been different had I watched it live I don’t like the Boarding School and Green Witch arc that much to begin with I am looking forward to the appearance of the real Ciel That's it for now
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I don’t know why I’m mentally dead but it must be that, I watched the Kuromyu stream and I am thoroughly dead, mentally dead, but as I managed to say this I’ve reached a level that I recovered a bit??? I am too tired but I don’t feel like sleeping, but if I doze a bit then I realise my fatigue and feel like sleeping unnecessarily
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This time’s kuromyu... erm I guess I’ll quit 🤔
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I’ll be rant-puking for a bit
I’ve seen a lot of Tenimyu and A-stage [Mankai A3] but it’s not like I wanted to see that in Kuromyu... What I wanted to see was Kuromyu...
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I watched the video of the Kuromyu PV? but it’s impossible. Watching the PV [I thought] children should be played by children... and as I watched their interaction it’s not the character building I had in mind... and there’s no wound on the vice principal’s forehead. I planned to watch the stream of the final performance, but I’m hesitant about spending more money to watch that... If I can’t accept Ciel and Sebastian I can’t watch this, that’s just me...
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Now I’ve read the reviews of Kuromyu all are saying it went back to 2.5D, and I think that it’s not worth going after all. It’s probably because the Kuromyus until now far surpassed the quality of 2.5D... I guess it’s fine if one were to go for the cast, but I really loved the Kuromyu of until now.
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hansensgirl · 5 years
Age gap filth with Seb pls😩 innocent!reader and overstimulation
principesă ✪ s. stan
summary | you meet your idol, sebastian stan, outside of his hotel. when he realizes you’re just an innocent little doll, he decides to take you back with him.
warnings | innocent reader, virginity loss, unprotected sex, naivety, age gap (reader is 19), masturbation, vaginal sex, spanking, slapping, spitting, daddy kink, overstimulation, breeding kink, edging, hair pulling kink, choking kink, rough sex, absolute filth, + more?, SMUT, 18+
pairings | sebastian stan x innocent!reader
a/n | fan!innocent!reader x sebastian (this isn’t dark, seb just really cares for you)
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Sebastian ushered you into his hotel room, before following behind. He shut the door behind you and watched you adoringly. You looked around the lavish room in awe. “You can admire the place all you want, but I don’t want you to go home alone, alright? Stay the night, please?” He reasoned, taking you into his bedroom.
You naively followed him, trusting him completely. “But why? Why do you want me to stay safe?” You curiously pondered. “Because you’re my innocent principesă, and I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he reasoned, his hand moving up towards your face.
His thumb lovingly stroked your cheek, and you felt tingly at your apex. Your brows furrowed together, confused as to why you were feeling that way. It wasn’t the first time. The first time was when you watch Sebastian fight as the Winter Soldier, and you felt tingly throughout the whole movie. Sometimes, after you watched his movies your panties would be wet, for some odd reason.
You looked around the room and found that there was only one bed, which was for Sebastian. He sensed your realization and caressed your hand with his other one. “We can share principesă, you can trust me,” he smiled, feeling a bit guilty. He was almost taking advantage of your innocence, but at least it was him instead of some creep.
“Are you sure? I don’t wanna be rude and take up your bed,” you questioned, rubbing your thighs together to try and alleviate the tingles. But they only grew stronger. Sebastian watched and cleared his throat, feeling a rush of blood flow down to his cock. “I’m sure principesă,” he reassured.
His voice was husky, dominating, and it had you rubbing your thighs even harder. You couldn’t control yourself, and neither could Sebastian. He tilted your head up and pressed a kiss to your lips. He moved his lips against yours, and you tried to keep up with him. You had no idea what you were doing, but you were trying.
Sebastian’s hand moved between your legs and he rubbed your pussy through your panties. “What a naughty little girl, hmm? Wearing just her soaking panties under such a short dress,” he teases, making you whimper. Your legs had a slight tremor to them as he touched you, and you felt weak in the knees. He laid you back into the bed and pulled away from the kiss. He wasn’t going to stop, even if you were begging him to.
His hand pulled the dress off your body, but in shreds. Your tits bounced out, making you shy away from embarrassment. He chuckled and leaned down to suck a pebbled nub into his mouth. Your back arched off the bed and you whimpered softly. “W-Why does it feel so good?” You asked, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“Because your body loves me, my little principesă,” he smirked up at you. You were only left in your panties, which were evidently soaking with your arousal. He moved down your body, leaving a trail of kisses behind. When he was facing his pussy you tried to shut your legs, embarrassed of the scenario you were in. It was seldom to all the fanfiction you had read about him that left you with tingles and butterflies.
You felt your heart clamour in your chest as he pressed kisses on your inner thigh. “I would go down on you, principesă, but tonight it seems like we’re both a bit too eager,” he pulled down your panties and the feeling of his lips on your thighs lingered. There was no way you were going to forget about it. “Fuck, principesă, you’re soaked. All because of me, right?” He smirked as he looked up at you. You whimpered and nodded your head, looking away.
Eye contact was too intimate for this. “Daddy never said you could look away, principesă” he spoke with absolute dominance, which made you squirm slightly. You looked back at him and he no longer was the soft Romanian actor you adored. He pulled off his clothes and you watched him with no shame. You could see the bulge through his boxers, but you didn’t know what it was. “What’s that?” You innocently asked, pointing at his large erection.
He gave a sultry chuckle and slowly pulled down his boxers. His large cock was revealed, and you still were confused. “This is Daddy’s cock, and Daddy is gonna fill you up with it. You would like that, wouldn’t you, principesă? My little needy girl,” he husked. You bit your lip at the size, how was something so large going to fit you?
He pushed your thighs all the way up to your chest, making you hold them in place. You watched as he stroked his cock a few times, his face frowning in pleasure. “Fuck, principesă, you love being all spread out for your Daddy, aren’t you? Say it,” he bemoans, and you watch him suck his bottom lip in. “I- I love being all spread o- out for my D- Daddy!” You sputter, feeling an overcome of excitement. Adrenaline courses through your veins, and Sebastian simply smirks.
He can see the neediness in your eyes. He trails a digit up and down your soaking, sensitive folds. His finger found your pearl of nerves, and you immediately jerked when he put pressure on it. “T- That feels weird,” you admitted, but you still wanted more. “Call me Daddy, principesă,” he growls, pushing down harder on your clit. You squeal and try to move away, the sensation was too much. He growled and pulled you back to him, this time rubbing your clit in hard ministrations. You moaned at the feeling, not at all embarrassed at how good it felt.
He stroked his cock faster, and his movements on your clit sped up. “Daddy! I feel like I need to use the washroom!” You whimpered. “No baby, you’re gonna cum. Don’t you wanna cum for Daddy?” he cooes, and you feeling even more wetness drool out of your hole. He stroked his cock as he slowed down his digit on your clit. You whined as the pleasure got weaker, making him let out a sultry chuckle.
“You wanna know what Daddy really think of you, Pisoi? Well I'll tell you. You’re nothing more than a jucărie dracu that I can dispose of once I’m bored of you. The only thing you are to me is my own curvă personală. So, be glad that I’m giving you any of my spermă.” You didn’t understand, but when he sped up his finger on your clit — you mewled and nodded. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you? Cum for Daddy,” he growls, making your cunt spasm. You felt wetness gush out of your cunt, electricity running throughout your body. Your heart clamoured in your chest and you moaned continuously.
Sebastian moaned as white ropes of cum painted your pussy. The warm, foreign feeling made you moan. His finger scooped some up and he opened your jaw. “Say ‘ah’ principesă,” he cooes. You opened wide and he stuck his finger into your mouth. “C’mon, suck Daddy’s finger clean,” he demanded. You obediently did so, lapping up his cum from his finger. You didn’t know what you were doing, but his asserting nods made you grin like the Cheshire Cat. The musky, yet salty taste filled your mouth, and you didn’t know if you wanted more or not.
He pulled his finger out of your mouth and stroked your cheek. You smiled, but when he pulled his hand away your grin fell. He lightly slapped your cheek, making you whimper. “Such a good little slut,” he muttered against your lips. He situated himself between your legs, his hands groping your gorgeous swells. He pinched your nipples and twirled them between his fingers, making your back arch off the bed. You pushed your chest towards Sebastian involuntarily, a way of begging for more.
“Patience, principesă,” he pulled his fingers away and reach down his body. His cock was still impressively hard as he dragged it up and down your pussy. You jerked and tremors were sent through your body. “Daddy! Feels so good!” You mewled pathetically, hey still confused at your body’s reaction. You felt his large hand wrap around your throat, squeezing at the sides. You grabbed his wrist tightly, but you didn’t try to pry his hand off.
It was new, debauched, yet you didn’t mind. All the air in your lungs left as his cock filled you up with no warning. He pulled out all the way, before snapping his hips forward. He set a relentless pace, your grunts and moans filling the room along with the smell of sex. He fucked you hard, his cock poking at your cervix every now and then. “Fuck yes. You love getting fucked, huh? You love Daddy taking away your innocence,” He grunted, squeezing your neck a little tighter.
You nodded your head at his words, your legs tightening around his waist. Black dots sported your vision, and you thought you were going to pass out under him. He pulled his hand away from your neck and slapped you on the face, making you squeal. Your cunt clenched around his thick cock, and he slapped you again. You shouted “Daddy,” and came all over his cock. Your release hit you like a truck, and it was almost painful. Your entire body shook, and you knew that the other guests in the hotel hated you both.
Sebastian continued to fuck you through your orgasm, making you overstimulated. You babbled absolute nonsense, making him chuckle. “Daddy, it’s too much!” You cried out as if you were in agony. “Be quiet, or else Daddy is gonna have to pull out and put you over my knee. I’ll spank your ass raw, do you understand?” He spoke, stopping his thrusts. You pouted and nodded.
“Good girl,” he praised, before turning you onto your stomach. He pulled you onto your knees and watched your count clench around nothing. He filled you up in one motion, making you moan his name. His fist tangled itself in your hair whilst he fucked you hard. His balls slapped against your sensitive clit again and again. He tugged on your hair harshly, the feeling sending you over the edge. You gushed your release all over his cock, some of it getting on the sheets.
“You love my cock, don’t you?” He asked, pulling his hand out of your hair. His thrusts became more powers and you felt pleasure searing through your abdomen once again. “Yes! Yes Daddy!” You cry out, tears streaming down your face. The overstimulation melted your mind, and you came all over again. You squirted everywhere, on yourself, on the bed and on Sebastian.
“Fuck that’s so hot, you fucking squirted everywhere!” He shouted, his thrusts becoming more erratic. He slapped your ass a few times and watched it ripple back at him. He grapped you by the throat and pulled you up against his bare chest. Your back had the meanest arch and he began to slow down his thrusts, edging the both of you.
You whined loudly, craving another orgasm. He tilted your head back and spat on your face, before snapping his hips into you. You both came at the same time. You gushed around his cock as his warm cum painted your inner walls. You moaned at the sensation, savouring it before he pulled out. He laid you back on the bed, before laying down next to you. You felt his cum trickle out of your channel and onto your leg.
He pushed his cock back into you, plugging you up with his cum. “Can’t have any of it spilling out, or else I won’t be able to breed you properly,” he smiled down at you. You grinned back up at him, admiring his steel blue eyes. “But we aren’t done for tonight, principesă.”
TAGLIST (tagging the people that really wanted to read this too!) — @okbuchanan @champangebucky @mariessecretfantasies @addikted-2-dopamine @sarcasmqueendominika @venus--babyy @sebbbystaaan @devilxanax666 @darcyglewis @spicylangdon @lollypop-lam @lousocean @parker-barnes-af @anxiousamandapanda @jianawoods @marvel-mania27 @xoxabs88xox @sillyqt @hv-chw3 @notyourtypicalrose @mushyjellybeans @littleprettykitten @rayche776 @royally-rogers @marvelsangels @grayxswan @livsheph @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @hoseokchild @evanssgi @babyboyjames
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Fluffy Surprises
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: Seb finally makes one of your life long dreams come true.
A/n: I haven’t written a full length imagine in like forever, so if this is a bit rough I’m sorry ya’ll. But I hope you enjoy it💜
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Growing up you have always wanted a dog. You absolutely loved dogs and just formed heart eyes whenever you would see one. When you were younger, you constantly begged your parents for a dog. Although, they said adopting a dog took a lot of responsibility and cost a lot of money. Which resulted in you never having one. All your life you would admire dogs from afar, asking strangers if you could pet their dogs, or just hanging out with your friends’ dogs and pretend they’re yours.
Fast forward to now. You’re a grown adult in a very healthy and serious relationship with your boyfriend Sebastian. You guys have been together for a few years now, meeting at a mutual friend’s party and ended up hitting it off. After that, you guys would always bump into each other at other parties and end up spending the whole night talking to each other. Now you guys took a big step in your relationship and bought your first penthouse together! Since Seb and you both found NYC as your home, you guys bought a place in Manhattan. The both of you were very excited to finally be living together, it was a new chapter in both of your lives.
Unlike your previous apartment, the penthouse allowed pets to live in the building. Seb remembers the moment the real estate agent mentioned it to you guys while checking out what would be your new home. He remembered the way your eyes lit up and how your lips formed into a small grin. When you two left and were back at his apartment, you wouldn’t leave him alone with the puppy eyes and constant hints.
“So, I really liked that last place we checked out. It was very spacious, had a nice view, they even allow pets to live there..” you would casually bring up as you two eat your dinner.
“Seb, look at this puppy I found on Pet Finder!”
“So Golden Retrievers make really good house pets. They’re great protectors and get along with kids.”
“Honey, we don’t have kids.” Seb would look up from the current script he was reading and tilt his head at you in confusion.
“Yeah, but like our future kids, you know? I want them to have a dog growing up.” Your response made his stomach feel light and fluttery. The fact that you thought about having kids with him made him love you even more.
“Seb, can we adopt a dog.” You randomly asked him one day as you two were watching some movie on Netflix.
“You didn’t even try on that one.” He chuckled as he peered down at you. You pouted as you looked up at him from your position on his chest. “Yeah, well I wanted to make sure you were getting my hints.”
Sebastian knew you’ve been wanting a dog of your own since you were little. If he can get anything that would make you the happiest girl in the world, it was a puppy. And of course, being the amazing and most loving boyfriend ever, he wanted to do nothing but make you happy. So he did his research and looked for some nearby shelters around your new neighborhood. He found one just a few blocks away from your shared complex and went to visit it. Obviously, he did this on the down-low, not wanting to spoil the surprise he had planned for you.
The sound of the iPhone alarm pulled you out of your sleeping state. You glanced at the time on the digital clock on your nightstand and grunted. It was currently 6 am, the usual time Seb would wake up to go on his daily jog. How he managed to wake up and instantly be in the mood for running? You had no clue. But you did know he did it to avoid the crowded streets as not many people will be out at that time.
“Go back to sleep, sweetheart.” You heard Sebastian’s deep morning voice coax you back to sleep. He always made sure to take a few minutes to just lay in bed and hold you while you drifted back to sleep. When he was sure you were sleeping again, he slowly unwrapped himself from you and got out of bed. He made his way to the connected bathroom and freshened up for the day. He got dressed in sweatpants, a shirt, and some sneakers, his usual jogging attire. But he wasn’t going on a jog. He was actually going to that shelter not too far from your penthouse and picking a little something up.
About two hours later, Sebastian returns home with bags full of pet supplies and most importantly the new member of the family. In his right arm was a 5 week old Golden Retriever puppy. Seb knew that one of the breeds you loved were Golden Retrievers, so when he saw the familiar golden furball at the shelter, he immediately asked for the adoption papers.
Once he shut the door and placed the bags down, the puppy began to squirm in his arms.
“Alright, alright,” Seb places the puppy on the ground, “There ya go, welcome to your new home, buddy.”
Seb watches as the small chubby puppy sniffs its way around the house. He quietly giggles as the puppy bumps into the coffee table. He lets the unnamed puppy (He wants you to name him.) wander around as he starts to set up the dog’s food and water bowls. As he poured the puppy kibble into the bowl, he heard the little taps of the puppy’s nails against the floor. Looking down, Sebastian sees the puppy looking right back at him wagging his tail.
“This is where your food’s gonna be from now on. Unless (y/n) changes that, but for right now your food’s here.” He softly explains to the puppy as if it can understand him. As soon as he placed the bowl down, the dog hurried to the bowl and shoved its face into it.
“You stay right there and eat, I’ll be right back.”
Assuming that the puppy would stay put, Sebastian leaves the kitchen to check on you.
“Babe, it’s time to get up.” you let out a huff as you hear Seb try to wake you up. You let out a sound of disagreement.
Sebastian chuckles as you cling tighter onto the pillow you were hugging. Which happens to be his pillow. Seb presses a kiss to your exposed shoulder and gently presses his body against your back.
“Come onnn, I got you something.” He sings as he pokes your side.
“Is it food?”
“Not quite.”
“Then I don’t want it.” Today felt like a lazy day so you were going to do nothing but stay in bed all day.
“I swear it’s worth it come on, baby.” He tried to persuade you. His fingers against your sides slightly twitched making you jump a bit. Finally coming to your senses, you sat up and stretched your arms out. Sebastian smiles brightly at you and leans in for a kiss, but you stop him before he can come closer.
“No, morning breath.” You hand comes up to block your lips.
“I don’t care.” His response came out muffled as he pulled your hand away and pressed his lips against yours. When he pulled away he excitedly pulled you up from the bed and dragged you out the bedroom.
“What did you do?” You guys arrived in the kitchen only to see...nothing. Sebastian’s eyes widened as he internally freaks out. He subtly (not really) looks around the kitchen. He quickly glances at the front door and sees that it’s still closed. Trying to come up with an excuse he uses the first thing he sees.
“Uh, the sun looked really nice today.” He pulls you towards the window in the living room all while looking around the room.
‘Where the hell could that puppy be?” He thought to himself.
“Seb, we could barely see the sun from here.” You said as you tried to look past a building. You noticed how he got a bit antsy, but didn’t think much of it since it was probably the after jogging energy pumping through his body.
“Hmm you’re right. Hey, why don’t you go back to bed and I’ll cook some breakfast. Your surprise should be ready by then.” Seb suggested as a way to get you out of the room as quick as possible so he can find that puppy.
“Don’t have to ask me twice.” You winked. Before you can leave the room you pressed a kiss on the corner of his mouth, “Try not to take too long.”
“Yes ma’am.” He swatted your bum before you walked away from him. When he saw you enter the room and close the door he began to search the whole penthouse for the puppy.
When you entered the room, you headed straight for the bathroom to do your morning routine. While you were in the midst of washing your cleanser off your face you heard a bark. The sound itself made you stop what you were doing and quickly dry your face with a towel.
“Hello?” You whispered.
Suddenly from behind the bathroom door came a Golden Retriever puppy.
“Oh my god.” You gasped at the puppy in front of you, questioning if it were real or not.
“Hi baby.” You cooed as you got down to your knees in front of the puppy. The puppy approached you and pawed at your knees making you audibly “aww”. You gently pet it’s head as it leaned into your touch.
“How did you get in here, huh?” You asked as you lifted up the puppy. Holding it in your arms like a baby, you leave the room and headed straight for Sebastian.
Seb jumps from the sound of your voice, making him hit his head on the counter he was under of.
“Yea—,” his mouth gapes at the sight of the puppy in your arms.
“Why is there a puppy in our house? Wait, is it a stray? Can we keep it?!” You began to question as you walked towards him. Seb only smiles at you as he sighs in defeat.
“Well of course you can keep him, he’s yours.” He answered. You looked up from the puppy in your arms and looked at Sebastian in disbelief.
“What do you mean?”
“This little troublemaker ruined my surprise. I know how long you’ve been wanting a dog and since we have our own place that allows pets, I decided to surprise you with a puppy.” He explains as he ruffles the puppy’s head. Tears began to form in your eyes as you held the puppy closer to you.
“You’re not lying right?” You asked just to make sure this was real.
“I would never lie to you, draga mea.” He reassured you, resting his hand on your elbow. With one arm you pulled Sebastian into a tight hug with the puppy squished between you two.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! Oh my goodness, I love you.” You rambled as you hugged both him and the puppy as tight as you can. Letting him go, you squealed as you held up the puppy like Simba.
“I HAVE A DOG, OMG SEB IM A DOG MOM!” You jumped excitedly as Sebastian laughed at your excitement. The whole day all you could do was play with the puppy and continuously thank Sebastian for the surprise. You ended up naming the puppy Bucky.
Draga mea: my darling
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Go to the ends of the earth for you - Part 3
One more part after this...at least that's the plan. Hopefully this week! I decided to fix a bit more of the current Emmerdale that I don't like ;)
(AO3 link)
“What the hell were you thinking?” He barely lets Robert say hello, he’s so angry. It’s taken two days for him to call and he’s been both going out of his mind with worry and angry at him for telling him the wrong date.
“Still mad then.”
“Did you think I wouldn’t be? Why Robert?” He sits at the kitchen table, resting his head on his hand. He’d come to bring his stuff to the house before going out to buy anything else he’d need. The social worker was expected sometime during the week and he wanted everything to be just right.
“Because you couldn’t do anything, and it was Seb’s birthday.”
“That’s not…I wanted to be there. You knew that. You know I hate it when you think you know what’s best for me. You were on your own.”
“You would’ve been too, in the gallery. How would that be any better. This way I knew you were with Seb, you were having fun and so was he. That’s why I did it, and if that’s me knowing what’s best then I’m not sorry.” He was right, he knew that, he couldn’t have done anything from the gallery, but even so he’d wanted to be there, so they could at least see each other.
“I hate you some times.”
“Nah, my charm wins through every time.”
“So you say. Don’t do anything like that again. Promise me, don’t shut me out.”
“I promise.” It’s barely a whisper. “Any regrets?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You don’t have to deal with my family where you are.”
“I should be thankful for small mercies I suppose. I mean it though, do you regret it?”
“No. It’s going to be hard I know, but after this we can be together, a family and then we can go wherever we please with no one looking for us. You can get through this Robert, I know you can.”
“I’m not as strong as you.”
“Yes you are. I know you don’t think it, but you are. You’ve got me through the hardest time in my life, you couldn’t do that if you weren’t strong Robert, and I’m going to be here, I’ll visit every second I can, be by the phone whenever you call.”
“Ok.” He’s quiet and all he can hear is the noise in the background, the everyday sounds of prison and he hates it, hates that Robert’s stuck there and there’s not a thing he can do about it. “I have to go.”
“Yeah. I love you.”
“Love you too.” He can’t let go of the phone even when Robert’s hung up. It was already much harder than he’d expected and it wasn’t even a month without him. He had no idea how he’d last a year.
“Well Mr Dingle, this all looks very nice. I see no problems at all and it shouldn’t be long at all before Sebastian can come home.” He’s so nervous he barely hears the social worker speak as she wanders round the house. It’s still so bare looking, aside from some of Seb’s toys left the last time he’d visited.
He’d thought of going to Mill and see if Liv had kept the stuff they’d left behind, but then he reasoned it had been a year, they’d likely have been chucked out long before and as he didn’t want to see her or the house he’d left it. He’d have to go shopping, something else he didn’t look forward to.
“Er, thank you. So, um, do you know how long it might be?”
“Officially a week but I really have no objection at all if he were to stay here from now on.” He wants to laugh with relief. Finally something seemed to be going right. “You have all the childcare arrangements sorted so I see no reason to keep you apart any longer.”
“Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means.”
“Oh I think I do. Anyway, you can expect a call to confirm everything but, enjoy having your son back with you.”
He feels like he’s floating on air as he sees her out, as he walks up to Vic’s and he can’t wait to tell Robert that everything is sorted out. All he has to do now is talk to Seb, to try and explain why he’s going to another new house.
He’s helping Vic in the kitchen when he gets to Keepers and she can immediately tell by the look on his face and he gets a blinding smile in return.
“Dada I’m making cake!”
“I can see. When you’re done can me and you have a little chat?” Seb nods even though Aaron’s not entirely sure he understands but he’s content enough to sit and watch him and Vic for a while.
When they’re finished he sits the little boy on the sofa and he crouches in front of him, Vic’s supportive smile helping him work out exactly what to say.
“So, you know how you’ve been living with Auntie Vic while me and Daddy were away?” He gets a little nod. “Well now we’re back, we thought perhaps you’d like to come and live with me in my new house.”
“And Daddy?”
“Well Daddy has to stay away a little bit longer, but when he comes home then yes. What do you say?”
“I still play with Harry?”
“Yes mate, all the time and you’ll still see Auntie Vic loads and loads.”
“Of course you will, I need my little chef helper don’t I?” Vic sits beside him on the sofa, exchanging a glance with Aaron. Seb seemed to be thinking everything over, and he was a little nervous he was going to say no. “What do you think?”
“And Daddy’s coming?”
“As soon as he can, promise. He calls me too, not for long, but maybe you can talk to him sometimes eh?”
“Yeah? That’s great.” He looks over to Vic once more, surprised to see her looking a little upset. “Hey mate, why don’t you go upstairs and sort out a few toys to take with us, while I talk to Auntie Vic.” When he’s gone Aaron sits beside her. “Sorry, I’m taking him from you aren’t I?”
“Don’t be silly. I’m just being daft.”
“No you’re not. Do you want to wait, we can leave it a few days.”
“No. He’s yours Aaron, yours and Robert’s. He should be with you. How are you anyway, you never say much.”
“I’m just…getting along, sitting by the phone every night, wondering if we made the right decision. Coming back here, it’s…a lot harder than I thought it would be.”
“Have you spoken to Paddy yet?” He looks at her in surprise, he didn’t know she knew what had happened. “Robert told me, made sure I looked out for you. Told me to do what I could to keep Paddy away. But, maybe you should talk, not to make it all ok again, but to stop yourself feeling like this, like you shouldn’t be here. This is your home Aaron, yours and Robert’s and nobody should make you feel like that.”
“I don’t know. I think he’s avoiding me and I kinda want to keep it that way right now.” She nods but doesn’t look convinced. Anything she’s going to say is cut off by a thump from upstairs. “I think I better get up there in case he’s trying to pack the furniture or something.”
It’s his first day back at the garage after taking a couple off to settle Seb in at home, and it’s just him and Cain. He prefers it that way, Cain is just as content as him to work in near silence, unlike Dan who insists on inane chatter all day. With Cain he can just get on with his job and the quicker he does the quicker he can get Seb from Vic’s and take him home.
In the few days he’s been back with him he’s felt lighter than he has since they came back, the little boy managing to lift his mood no matter what. He’s full of questions, about Robert, about where they were and all sorts and Aaron loves telling him everything he can about his Daddy Robert and their house in France.
The shouting makes him stop and look up, seeing Jimmy and Nicola having a full on row in the street. He’d heard rumours that things weren’t good between them but he’d thought it was just that, village gossip.
“What’s going on there?”
“According to Charity, Nicola’s going to hand over half the haulage to her and Jimmy knew nowt about it.”
“What? Why on earth would she do that?”
“Who am I, Pearl?”
“Can I take my break now?” He was worried, about Jimmy, about the business. Robert still had his shares and if things were that bad then he felt he ought to keep an eye on it.
“If all you’re going to do is gossip then you may as well.” He grins as he takes off his overalls, heading in the direction he’d seen Jimmy go. He finds him sitting on a swing in the playground.
“You alright?”
“How did you deal with Robert doing stuff behind your back? When he took no notice of what you said?”
“Shouting mostly. Is this about the haulage firm? Cain told me.”
“Charity of all people! I can’t work with her!”
“You said that about Robert once, remember?” He vividly remembered the ranting in the portacabin when Charity handed her share over. “Is this really about Charity?”
“The police charged me, Juliette is trying to take my son away and all the time Nicola’s going behind my back with Charity!”
“She hasn’t actually signed anything yet has she?”
“No…well I don’t think so but then she doesn’t tell me anything these days.”
“Can you get her to hold off for a couple of days?”
“Because me and Robert would be a better option than Charity.” He hadn’t even given it a thought, but seeing how distressed Jimmy was, the idea had popped into his brain. They had the money, they still had most of the proceeds from the sale of the scrapyard. He’d need to talk to Robert though. “I’m seeing him tomorrow, I could talk to him.”
“You want to buy us out?”
“Well, no. Not completely, but Robert’s still a partner so it makes sense. You wouldn’t have to deal with Charity and to be honest it’d be a bit more income for me and Robert until we know what we’re going to do. It’s up to you.”
“I need to talk to Nico.”
“Of course, and I need to talk to Robert. I’m serious though Jimmy.”
“Well, thanks.”
“You know Nicola and Robert are pretty similar aren’t they? For all I used to be mad at him when he did this kind of thing, it was usually for good reason, for us. Is that the case with Nicola? Does Charity taking over mean you’ll have money to fight for Carl? To get you a decent lawyer?” Jimmy doesn’t say anything but Aaron can tell he’s got through to him. “For everything Robert did, scamming Kim, Joe, hitting Lee, he did it for someone, to protect Vic, to try and get us money for our surrogacy. Not that you shouldn’t be angry, but if it was for good reason then maybe you can find a way to forgive her. The two of you belong together Jimmy, you know that. Don’t throw it all away.”
“I thought we did.”
“Here.” He reaches into his pocket, handing him his house key. “Go to mine, calm down. Stay as long as you like and then go and talk to her. If you need to send the kids over and they can help me keep Seb occupied when I get him from Vic’s. Don’t fight in front of them.”
“You don’t need to do this.”
“It’s what Robert would do and you know it. He’s not here so…” He shrugs, he’s not used to having heart to hearts with people, but he knows Jimmy’s been a good friend to Robert and that he’d want him to help.
“Is he getting on ok…I mean…”
“As well as he can. You know, I think he’d really like to see you, see someone other than me.”
“I doubt that.”
“I’ll ask him tonight and then we can talk tomorrow. If we do this he’ll want to talk to you anyway and he might be more help than me, the business, Carl…the police.”
“You’d give up a visit for me?”
“I’m not saying I won’t miss him, but yeah, if it’ll help. You and Nicola were two of the few people who didn’t treat him differently after…who haven’t tried to tell us what to do. You’re his friend, and if he can help then he’ll want to. Like I say, go back to mine, have a cuppa and calm down. It’ll help.”
Jimmy just nods and he watches him go, staying on the swing for a little bit longer, enjoying the sunshine even if it was still cold.
He’s just about ready to go back to work when he hears footsteps and he sighs when he looks up he finds Paddy standing there.
“I’m busy.” He gets up and starts walking away.
“You don’t look it. I thought you would’ve been over to see us by now.” That makes him stop, turning back and just staring at Paddy.
“You’re joking, right?”
“No. You have a baby sister Aaron.”
“Which no one told me about.”
“We couldn’t just pop in. We didn’t know where you were.”
“I had my phone and when I ditched that Cain knew how to contact us. I text Mum at Christmas and got no reply. You obviously didn’t try that hard.”
“Why do you always have to make things so difficult. You broke your Mum’s heart leaving like that. You’re not a teenager anymore Aaron, running off because you can’t get your own way all the time.”
“My own way? What part of this is me getting my own way? Can you even hear yourself.”
“No. You wanted to talk so you’re going to listen. All I wanted was the support of my parents, for them to understand that I couldn’t let my husband go, that it would break me if I did. I thought they would understand that. I can’t believe how wrong I was.”
“Now wait a minute, it wasn’t like that.”
“No? What was it like then? First Mum, using the baby as emotional blackmail to stop me leaving, and you know what I got that, I really did, after everything with Grace I understood. But you, I won’t ever understand what you did.”
“It was for your own good.”
“What was? Locking me in my own home?” Paddy just opens his mouth. “Because it wasn’t just that. That house, that was the one place, the only place I have ever really felt safe. It took me until I was twenty five to have a place where I didn’t have to hide or I didn’t feel like I had to be ready to run, and you know who gave me that? Robert. The man you seem to hate so much. He made me feel safe, he made me a home. You took that and you ruined it.” He starts to walk away but he stops. “And you know what’s worse? According to you, he’s the bad guy. You should look in the mirror.”
This time he does walk away, head down, hands stuffed in his pockets. He waves at Cain, a quick nod of the head in Paddy’s direction tells him everything and Cain nods back. There’s only one thing that will calm him down right now and it’s not work.
“Aaron! Wait. You can’t just walk off like that. You’re not even letting me explain.”
“Because there isn’t anything you can say to make this better. I told you I wouldn’t forgive you but you went ahead anyway. There’s no excuse for locking me in, none at all.” He sighs. “I will always be grateful to you for being there when I came out, when I…” His eyes flick to the garage, memories swirling around, “But that doesn’t give you the excuse to treat me like you did. I’m not that kid anymore. Just stay away from us.”
He doesn’t stop this time, not when he tries to grab his arm, not when he calls his name, he just carries on walking until he reaches Vic’s, letting himself in, resting against the door when he’s closed it, letting the sounds of Seb and Harry playing in the living room calm him down.
“You want to buy them out?”
“It was just an idea.”
“Aaron…last week you were talking about moving away.” Robert looks and sounds exhausted and he hates how he’s adding more stress but the more he thinks about it the more the idea is a good one.
“There’s nothing stopping us doing that. You didn’t see him Rob, I’ve never seen Jimmy looking like that, like there was nothing left to hope for. They’re our friends.”
“I know but…”
“I’m still happy to move, but you’re here for months yet, and then on licence so we can’t go anywhere right away. I’m not exactly making fistfuls of money at the garage. This way we get a little more coming in, and when you get out you have a job. That’ll look good for you.”
“Ok. So, say we do this, what if we want to move away in the future, what do we do for money?”
“I’ve been thinking about that too.”
“Of course you have.” There’s something in his voice. “I feel like everything is moving on without me.”
“It’s not, I swear. I’m still here, I’m just waiting for the day you come home you know that, but our friends need our help. Look, just talk to Jimmy, the two of you know more about this than me, but would you really subject them to Charity?” Robert chuckles at that and he takes his hand. “I said he could visit, you can work it all out.”
“You don’t want to visit?”
“No. That’s not what I said. Of course I do, but, and don’t take this the wrong way, but he’s feeling really guilty about Paul, although goodness knows why from what I heard. I just thought that you could probably help him with that more than me.”
“What do you mean?” He frowns at him and pulls his hands away. “Katie?”
“No! I was talking about Max. You told me how guilty you felt, even though there wasn’t anything you could’ve done to get him out. I think Jimmy’s feeling like that. One visit, and you can bet I’ll be counting down the days until the next one.”
“Hmm, ok. You remember me talking about Max?”
“Of course I do.”
“You know, I think he was the first real mate I had in the village, someone I knew I could rely on. We were leaving together. He hated the village as much as I did.”
“Ever wonder what would’ve happened if the crash hadn’t happened, if you’d gone with him? Reckon you would ever have come home?”
“I don’t know. We’d both had enough of our families, maybe if I’d had him I would’ve made different choices…but if I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have met you would I?”
“Nah, we would’ve found each other.”
“Oh God, I go to prison for five minutes and here you are believing in fate. Who are you and what have you done with my husband?”
“Shut up!”
“Right go on then, this grand idea of yours of what we do for money.”
“I’ll sell my half of Mill.”
“I told you before, it’s not our house anymore. I wouldn’t feel comfortable there any more you know that so it seems stupid to hold onto it.”
“But selling half a house, that’s not easy. Who’s going to buy it? Liv can’t afford it.”
“I don’t know…Cain, maybe Debbie. Even Charity when we do her out of the haulage yard. I honestly don’t care. I’d never take it from Liv but I have no need to hold onto our share if we can use it for something else.”
“She’s going to hate it.”
“Yeah. When she stops avoiding me I’ll try and talk to her, warn her, but the longer I spend in the village, the more I feel like it’s not the right place for us anymore. As soon as we can I want to get out of there.” Robert nods, he knows he feels the same. “But whatever happens, we’ll decide it together. Me and you, no one else, not any more.”
“We’re going to get through this, aren’t we?”
“Course we are.”
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Afterglow - 3.
Mob!Seb x Surrogate!Reader.
Part 3 of the Afterglow series.
Run-through: The mob boss had everything one can ever want from life; power, money, fame. He was well respected and had people almost worshipping the ground he walked on. And yet, each day he came home to an empty, cold house; no warmth, no love around him. And each day, he tried changing that. Until one day he finally figured out how to; and he met you along the path. Having found each other, nothing in both your lives is ever the same again.
Themes throughout the series: mob!seb, surrogacy, fluff, smut, slight angst
a/n: This is it! We’ve reached the final part of Afterglow. Thank you to everyone who stayed till now. This story is special to me, and I’m so glad to see that you guys liked it as well! Thank you so much, I love you more than anything!!
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After that first night together, the following months were pure bliss.
Sure, some days were rough and others were terrible but for the most part; life was just better than it ever was for both of you, now that you were together.
You and Sebastian talked things out and worked on his possessiveness regarding you and the baby. He promised to calm down and let you be on your own whenever you wanted to. And he was indeed, improving. He wouldn’t call you as much when you were out with your friends, and he would even give you alone time in the house when you asked for it.
During one of your appointments to the doctor, they confirmed that you were indeed having a baby girl and you and Sebastian couldn’t be happier.
Yours and Sebastian’s relationship morphed into something much more solid as well. And then Sebastian felt like there was one more thing he needed to do to solidify what you had.
One day, while you were returning back home from a day out with some of your friends, you saw the cars of both yours and Sebastian’s lawyers coming out of the gates and you rushed inside to ask Seb all about it.
You liked how his entire face lit up each time he saw you after not having been around you for quite a while.
“There you are, babe!” he left whatever paperwork he was handling and rushed to hug you. “I missed you.” he mumbled and leaned in to kiss your lips.
You giggled and kissed him back before pulling away to look up at him. “I missed you too. But what were the lawyers doing here?”
He held your hand and led you inside and into your bedroom.
“I talked to our lawyers, regarding the contract. I want to terminate it, and you don’t have to work with the agency anymore.” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead. “I don’t have to share you with anyone, you’re all mine.”
You agreed and hugged him back. Given your bump was bigger now, it always got in the way of your hugs. And you always looked down and smiled, because no matter how close Sebastian tried to get to you, he never could.
He groaned and looked down. “She’s starting to get between us.” He pouted and you leaned in to kiss him.
A few days later, after a couple of signatures and more paperwork and calls, the contract was terminated and Sebastian was the happiest he’s ever been. Because he never told you, but ever since the day you argued and when, in the fit of anger, you told him that you were here only because of the legal contract, those words had been tormenting him. And he needed the contract to be gone as soon as possible.
After the last phone call with the lawyers, he beamed as he walked into your bedroom; where he found you curled up on a couch, reading in the sun room. Winter was coming, and there was not so much sunlight anymore but the scenery of the yard was to die for.
“Congratulations babe, you’re not my surrogate anymore!” he smiled big and lingered around, not walking up to you yet because he wanted to memorize the sight of you like this – pregnant and glowing.
You giggled. And placed your book down when he finally walked over to you and leaned down to kiss your bump and then your lips.
“Well what am I now?” you asked as he made himself comfortable on the couch as well.
“Just my pregnant girlfriend.”
Your relationship with Sebastian was comfortable, like it was meant to be. And you liked the domestic side of it more than anything.
“Babe, what color do you want the nursery?” Sebastian asked, the day he decided that you two should probably start on the nursery.
“Not pink please. Anything but pink.” You said, refusing to put your daughter in a stereotypical pink nursery.
Sebastian nodded. “Purple?”
“Green then?”
“How about yellow? Yellow’s nice, no?”
He sighed, and placed the magazines down; in which he was looking for inspiration. “Come on babe, the guys will be here tomorrow. We need to decide on a color scheme. The furniture have to match.”
You giggled at him and caressed your bump gently. You had been doing that too much lately.
“What?” he asked, sounding stressed out.
“Nothing, it’s just funny to see you all stressed out over paint and nursery and furniture.” You laughed and he playfully rolled his eyes at you.
“Okay seriously, what color?”
“Beige.” You answered. Sebastian gave you a funny look for a couple of seconds, but he agreed right after.
Some days were not the best. You felt terrible, and very emotional and just miserable. But with Sebastian’s help, you always got through it. His face was what kept you going.
On days when you’d just curl up in bed, refusing to get up and do anything; he’d be right there with you. Always making sure you ate, and were hydrated enough, and would always give you back rubs and spoon you whenever you wanted him close.
All his affection made you tear up sometimes.
“Why are you crying? What’s wrong babe, should I call the doctor?” he’d always panic each time he’d see tears in your eyes.
You sniffled and wiped your tears away, and looked up at him with teary eyes. “I’m okay. Don’t worry. It’s just… I don’t think I deserve someone so caring and loving as you sometimes. I’ve been alone all my life, and now all of a sudden… I don’t know.”
He smiled and hugged you closer, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
“Hey, I’ve been alone too baby. But we have each other now, and that’s what matters. You’re all I have, so you’re gonna have to deal with all the love and affection, I don’t care.” He said and it made you laugh a little.
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
 It wasn’t doubts about your relationship, or your feelings for each other. But there were days where neither you nor Sebastian could help but let the insecurities in.
Especially him, given his job.
You found him in the living room one night, it was late and he was just sat there in the dimly lit room, on the couch – lost in his thoughts.
You walked over to him and ran your fingers through his hair, making him look up at you. He smiled faintly when he saw you in his sweater.
“Hey babe, did I wake you up?” he asked, circling an arm around you and kissing your bump.
You looked down and smiled.
“No. What’s wrong?” you asked softly, grabbing the nearby pillow and sitting down on the couch as well, right beside him.
Sebastian turned to face you, then reached out to lace your fingers with his.
“What’s wrong Seb?” you asked again, seeing there was something different about him. He seemed scared almost, or maybe just overthinking and worried about something.
“Are you ever scared?” he asked, and you had an idea of what he might be talking about, but you weren’t entirely sure.
“Of what?” you questioned, squeezing his hand just a little bit.
He shrugged.
“Of everything. Of living here with me. Just, being with me in general. Are you scared of what I do?” he sounded like he was on the edge of a cliff and your answer would determine whether he’d fall or remain safe on land.
“Of course not, I trust you with everything in me. We both do.” you placed a hand on your bump. “I’m safe with you. We both feel safe with you around.” You reached out to cup his face. “I’m not scared of what you do.” you spoke slowly, making sure he listens and understand.
He nodded, leaning in to kiss your forehead. He was silent still.
“Why would you ask me that me that, Seb?” you asked again, gently pulling his face away from you so you look into his eyes.
“I– I don’t know.” he sighed, giving you soft eyes. The kind that makes you want to pull his closer and shower him with a thousand kisses. “I promise you babe, I will protect you with my life.” He said, looking deep into your eyes.
You smiled and leaned in for a kiss.
“Always so dramatic.” You mumbled against his lips and he chuckled. His mood lightened up instantly the moment your lips touched his.
He meant what he said.
Sebastian personally loved the stage where you were at with the pregnancy. You were due in January. And it was only a couple of months away, and he loved watching you walk around with your bump. Mainly because you always called for him; needing his help with the most simple and little things – shoelaces, or reaching shelves, or picking things up when they fell on the floor.
He liked being needed.
He also liked seeing you in the kitchen. You had developed a love for baking recently, and he was your very own taste tester. And he loved it. Mainly because while you were in the kitchen, you wore nothing but oversized shirts and his sweaters – because the smell of his cologne calmed you down.
He came home one day, after a meeting and found you in the kitchen. He smiled and took in your appearance from afar for a little bit before he walked over and wrapped his arms around you from behind.
He showered you with kisses and then noticed that you were much more quiet than usual. He could sense the shift in your mood.
“Bad day, babe?” he asked, ready to let you be if you asked him to.
You shook your head and kept on kneading the dough you were working on. He figured you were making a pie. “No, I was having a great day actually. Then my parents called.”
Sebastian was a little surprised and a little worried. You had told him that you hadn’t spoken to your parents for over a year now.
“Why did they call?” he asked, taking a seat at the island.
“They were worried about who’s gonna take care of the family business after them because, I don’t have any siblings. And then I told them, I can’t come home right now because I’m pregnant, but...”
Sebastian could read between the lines.
“But you’re thinking about going home afterwards?” he questioned, already not liking the sound of it. “Babe, you can’t leave me.” He sounded so vulnerable when he spoke. Like he was afraid that the one thing he loved the most was about to get snatched from him.
You turned around quickly. “I’m not leaving you.” You gave him a reassuring smile. “But Seb, after the baby I can’t just be at home and do nothing all the time. I was thinking, I could work from here as much as I could and maybe once in a while I could fly home and keep the business going, you know? I know I took off and ran from it basically, but I don’t wanna be a terrible daughter and let my parents down at this age.”
That didn’t sound so bad to him.
“Okay. Alright we can do that, under one condition. That whenever you travel, we’re coming with you.” he said, and suddenly the idea of you and your little family travelling together was so exciting. The thought of getting to show your daughter where you grew up and where you spent your childhood sounded incredible.
“Sounds good to me.”
As time went on, you realized you began wanting Sebastian around more than usual. Just the smell of his cologne was extremely comforting. But you did realize that he had other stuff to take care of; work and meetings, and God knows what else the mob boss did.
So while he wasn’t around, or while he was upstairs or out for meetings, you’d make do with his sweaters which smelled like him. It calmed both you and the baby down.
One time, he told you he had some paperwork to take care of and that he’d be back down to you a little later than usual. You understood, but your baby didn’t. And she wouldn’t let you sleep either so you slowly, carefully walked up the stairs and found Sebastian in his study; drowning in paperwork.
You knock on his door and waited for him to notice you. And when he did, he looked surprised.
“Babe! What did I say about stairs?” he playfully chided.
You walked into his study and rolled your eyes at him. “Oh please. I’m just pregnant, not sick. Pregnant women can do stairs Seb, chill.”
He watched you as you walked over to him and he wrapped his arms around you and pushed his face against your bump.
“Not letting you sleep, again?” he asked, referring to how the baby troubled you at times.
You shook your head. “No.”
Sebastian stood up and pushed you against the edge of the table. “Can I help?” he spoke in that teasing tone of his and you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer.
You pressed your lips to his. He smiled into the kiss and slowly grabbed you by the waist and carefully walked you to the nearby couch and laid you down. He pulled away to let you breath for a bit before leaning in to kiss you again.
He rapidly took off the oversized sweater you were wearing and his lips were on your skin once again. You felt his lips kissing each and every inch of your skin; your collar bones, your cleavage, your rib cage, your core where his tongue teased you; making you moan and whine in pleasure.
“So beautiful.” he whispered against your skin, and lifted his mouth off you, lowered his pants and quickly lined himself right at your entrance.
You moaned out loud when you felt his tip teasing your entrance. You moaned, unable to bear the teasing due to the sensitivity. You felt like your head was spinning already, and he was barely in you yet.
He kept brushing his tip against your heat. Rubbing his thick cock from your clit to your entrance, and over and over again with his pulsating length – driving you crazy with pleasure.
You giggled when he leaned down to kiss your neck and slipped his length into your entrance and he groaned at how warm and perfect you felt.
He slipped in and out of you perfectly, gently, allowing you to feel all of him. His hands roamed your body and he made sure to touch you everywhere he could, kiss you everywhere he could as he fucked you slowly.
Your nails sank into his skin as you felt a pressure forming around your lower region. Sebastian quickened his pace and pushed deeper than before into you; making you cry out.
Your legs trembled as you wrapped them around his waist. The new position was much more pleasurable for the two of you; the tip of his cock touched your most sensitive spots and your back arched off the couch – your chest pressing against his.  
“Fuck…” his voice cracked as he groaned right against your cheek, his warm breath hitting your skin and sending chills down your spine.
You felt your walls clench around him, and tightening around his thick member; making him swear out loud. Sebastian lost it at the feeling of your warmth wrapped around him so perfectly; he kept mumbling how much he loves you right in your ear while he laced your fingers together and slow fucked you.
He didn’t slow down as you felt your orgasm wash over you, he kept rocking into you as your eyes rolled back and you moaned out his name as you came – hard. He panted and groaned at how good you felt and wished for this moment to last forever.
Your body trembled under him as you came; gushing out around his cock while he came right after you as well. His moans muffled as he bit down on your shoulder while he came, hard. You always made it hard for him to last for too long anyway.
“You okay, doll?” he asked, worry all over his face as he looked down at you; his cock still buried deep in you. He was always worried after sex, scared that he might have hurt you in some way.
You nodded; caressing his face and focused on calming down your breathing while your heartbeats rang in your ear. His blue eyes made you feel safe.
“I’m okay.” You reassured him.
And he smiled and leaned in to kiss your forehead. Then proceeded to give you a hundred more kisses and made you giggle uncontrollably.
“You wanna sleep upstairs today?” he asked, pulling away to look at you, waiting for your answer.
You smiled and nodded, already feeling too lazy to walk down the stairs again.
Sebastian had been obsessed with making love to you lately. Even if it was just going down on you to wake you up in the morning, or to put you to sleep at night. Or randomly deciding to join you in the shower and help you out and taking his time and caressing your body and kissing every inch of your skin.
He’d just be horny all the time.
 He walked into your bedroom one evening, and saw that you were in the bathroom; sat on the edge of the large bathtub waiting for it to fill up.
And needless to say, he ended up joining you for the bath.
“Isn’t your bath much better with me in it?” he asked, caressing your bump and sneakily slipping his hand in between your legs.
You sighed, your back leaning against his torso and you giggled when you felt him toying with your clit and slipping his fingers easily past your entrance, gently stroking your core.
“Are you ever not horny?” you asked, gasping at how easily he could turn you on. You wouldn’t lie, you’ve been craving him more recently as well. You always wanted him snug, deep inside you as well.
Sebastian laughed and pushed his face into the crook of your neck and nibbled on your skin while he made you whine and cum around his fingers in no time.
Between doctor’s appointments, getting the nursery ready and endless shopping, you didn’t realize how close Christmas had gotten. And Sebastian was very excited that he gets to spend Christmas with you this year. And that next year, it’ll be with his complete, little family.
He was so excited to have a tree this year that he went and got it himself; the biggest, tallest one he could find.
“I feel like I haven’t celebrated Christmas in decades.” He said, when you two were finally done decorating the entire living room and the tree.
You chuckled. “Me too.”
He turned to look at you, and you were looking down at your bump. The light from the fireplace made your skin glow even more than usual and Sebastian was completely and utterly enamored.
He reached out and touched your cheek lightly, his knuckles caressing your skin. “Thank you babe.”
You finally turned to look at him. “What for?”
He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “For making my life complete.”
 You two didn’t have much planned, so Christmas morning was pretty chill, other than the fact that Sebastian bought you way too many gifts and even more oversized sweaters and socks. You two just spent the whole day together, talking about everything in general and arranging and rearranging the nursery constantly until it was perfect.
You and Sebastian spent a lot of time debating over baby names as well.
 As your due date got closer and closer, Sebastian began getting more and more nervous. Much more than you at times.
You could visibly see how stressed out he was, and you’d have to reassure him each time that everything will be okay and he doesn’t have to worry.
And he believed you.
Until the big day itself.
It seemed like a blur to you. A painful blur. Your water broke, and Sebastian rushed you to the hospital and you were immediately admitted.
And you were in labor for quite a lot of hours before you finally gave birth. And Sebastian was there with you, through it all. He didn’t move from beside you even once. Even held your hand while you had intense contractions.
He hated seeing you in pain, but there was no other way to do this.
And you both shed tears of joy when you saw your daughter for the first time, as she drew her first breath.
After giving birth, you needed your rest and Sebastian held your baby while you took a little nap. He silently cried again while you were asleep, wondering how in the world did he get so lucky to have two amazing, beautiful girls in his life.
Coming home with your baby for the first time was a little messy and hectic. Both your routines had changed. You were both very much sleep deprived but you thanked God for Sebastian, and how patient and calm he was with both of you.
He was always the one who would run around and get you what you need. He had a team of people do everything in the house, from cleaning to cooking to assist you in any way. He pampered you a lot.
Between getting used to having a third little person in the house, and running on very little sleep, and falling deeper in love with one another; you didn’t realize how quickly the first few months passed by.
Your baby girl soon turned 3 months old and life sure was bumpy at times, but it was beautiful.
 “Is it too soon to ask?” Sebastian asked you one night, while the two of you were in each other’s arms, on the couch in the nursery, just watching the baby sleep.
“Ask what?” you asked back, whispering and leaning into Sebastian’s touch.
“Another baby?” he sounded hopeful.
And you smiled and looked up at him. “I’ve always wanted a big family, you know?”
Sebastian smiled and kissed the top of your head.
“I have as well.”
You two wanted to wait for at least two more years before trying to have another baby, but you ended up giving birth just a year and a half after your daughter was born. And this time you had twins; a boy and a girl.
Then according to Sebastian, you two needed to have another baby to even things out. So you gave birth another year and a half later, again. It was a little boy this time.
Having that many kids was hard to manage at first, but you and Sebastian only got better and better with each passing day. Some days were more stressful than others, but each day was filled with love.
 And the first few years went by in a blur.
 -Three years later-
 You joined Sebastian on the balcony upstairs, as he looked down at the front yard; where your kids were making the most of some last few minutes of play time for the day before coming in for dinner and movie night.
The sun had set already, the afterglow of sunset lingered in the sky. And it was beautiful, yet he believed there was nothing else in this world which he would find as beautiful and perfect as the family around him.
“Are they growing up too fast, or is it just me?” you asked, wrapping your arms around him from behind and giving him a kiss on the back of his neck.
He smiled at the sound of your voice and placed his hand on yours. “They are.” He replied.
You smiled as well, looking down at your kids; running around and chasing one another. Some fell down on the grass and counted on their sibling to help them up. The twins were, at this point, the main trouble makers. Your youngest son was an exact replica of his father, just much more gentle and soft spoken. Your eldest daughter was the leader of the little gang, a little more mischievous than everyone else but also the kindest of them all.
“It’s crazy how some time back I had no idea that I would have a big family in just some years.” You still couldn’t believe it sometimes, all the gifts and happiness life sent your way.
Sebastian chuckled and pulled you forward and wrapped his arms around you. “I knew.” He boasted, all proud of himself.
You giggled. “Really?”
“Yup. Right from the moment I met you. I knew I wanted a big family with you.” he answered and kissed the top of your head.
You stayed like that for quite a while, until the sky began getting really dark and you looked up at your husband and he understood the look and what it meant perfectly.
“You go deal with dinner and set up the table while I help the little monsters shower?” he got it just right.
You nodded. “I love you so much, Seb.”
“I love you more. But just this lifetime isn’t gonna be enough for all the love I have to give you.” he said, pulling you closer and preventing you from walking back inside.
You smiled at him. “Well then, better find me in the next as well.” You say as you pull away and finally start to walk back inside.
He chuckled, looking into your eyes and silently thanking the universe for helping him find his way to you in this life. “I will find you, babe. I promise.”
Afterglow Tag List (CLOSED):
@weirdvishy @sorryidontspeakgrounder-world @dancingalone21 @bcarolinablr @yourwonderbelle @depressed-overlyobsessed @hellhoundskaz2y5 @okietrish @amber-rozzay @satellitespidey @cosmoeticss 
@yagirlsmuchelle @ammylia-x-everything​ @cheeseedreams47​
Permanent Tag List:
@james-buchanan-bcrnes @babyyysucc @supernatural-fanfic @buckybarnesplumwhore @aesthetical-bucky @nickyl316h @aroyaldarknessblr @fizzahocleirigh 
Seb Tag List:
@almond-butter @chontellaa
Everything Tag List:
@cherryslibrary @kenzieam
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