#I used a generous person's template but updated it to be fitting
shaywrites-ifs · 1 year
We're over 10,000 words, with coding as well as basic editing, with the first part of the prologue, which is what I want to finish before I start sharing any sort demo.
So, am tentatively planning in May to have an intro post made up and a demo to share! Because of all the problems I've had, I really didn't want to get anything up official without something to show for it, this time.
But here, something to actually look forward to!
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arrozconlecheeee · 9 months
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I finally finished yippieeee~ the template is by @amoexii (thank you!) ((updated?))
Riley is willing to break rules to keep his friends safe, gain an advantage or just for fun. He shows his affection through teasing and tends to be generally playful. Most of all Riley likes caring for his appearance and coordinating outfits together! Huge romantic at heart and unafraid to show affection platonically and romantically! He feels validated being able to express his love by being allowed to be affectionate. He DOES respect and understand boundaries of course!! If Riley notices the person is reserved and dislikes being touched, he shows affection in others ways like praises and gift giving. He’s a very passionate person! Riley is a very tricky person when it comes to his emotions. He is easily upset and quick to lose temper if he feels like he’s being mocked or humiliated. He holds grudges and he WILL let you know. Sneers, roll of eyes, sarcastic comments and nasty side eyes. Riley is actually quite a considerate person and tries to be patient but he is still young and immature. When Riley gets older he starts to slowly heal from past bad experiences and starts to be much more relaxed and less quick to anger. He feels his emotions intensely and it manifests in his magic control. When he loses control sometimes his spells won’t cast from lack of concentration or he accidentally casts destructive bursts of magic around him. Glass and objects flown around are typically at the scene after a really bad temper episode. But these are rare. Riley feels shame immediately after these. They were what started ‘the rumors and the whispers’ around him before he started attending hogwarts.
Slytherin traits(cunning, ambitious and a drive for success)-
Riley could have easily been placed in gryffindor due to his bold personality and decision making. But he best fit slytherin because of his unashamed ability to resort to manipulation and deception in order to get ahead of others or get what he wants. He’s aware of how important it is to make connections in order to get ahead in life. He keeps in mind everyone’s secrets that he discovers and information he gathers for future use(Just in case…). He’s not above blackmailing either. When he has his mind set on something he will see it to the end no matter how long it takes. He hates failing but he hates not taking initiative more. ‘What ifs’ and ‘but’ are things he tries actively to ignore.
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twisted-in-underland · 5 months
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“You’ve never had a friend like me? Hehehe, I seem to get that a lot!”
Unique Magic:
Friend Like Me: By entrusting their lamp to another person - or “master” - Maram is able to access near cosmic powers. The spells must be made in the style of a wish by the “master” that Maram then fulfills. Due to the strength of the magic, Maram can only fulfil three “wishes” before to much blot is accumulated.
Info template belongs to @unfinished-projects-galore!
Side note: Maram is not a student at NRC or RSA, I’m just using the Scarabia template because it fits the aesthetic of the character in general 👍🏻
Other info: Concept sketch & information
[image updated due to unnoticed spelling errors]
(More info under the cut)
I know I said I was going to work on Yuri and Roma’s sprites…but Maram has been on my mind and I needed to get them in colour 🫣
For those who are new, Maram Grant is twisted from Genie from Aladdin and takes inspo from both animated and live action versions! I mention someone named “Ali” later on (like once lol), that’s my TWST!Aladdin; his full name is Amir Ali but he often goes by just “Ali” or “Al”.
Much of Maram’s basic info is available in the concept sketch post linked above, so I’m going to try to just clear up a few other things I’ve thought of.
Maram doesn’t attend traditional mage schools like NRC or RSA. I’m really leaning towards the idea that genies have their own schooling system. This is primarily because they use their lamps in place of mage stones. I imagine young genies start learning to control their magic early on through their parents (so they can attend elementary/middle school with other kids) and go through more structured learning in high school.
Genies primarily live in small communities like towns or villages similar to humans. Some communities are more nomadic than others and enjoy traveling around the Scalding Sands. The bulk of genie communities are located in the Scalding Sands, but there are some scattered communities in other areas of Twisted Wonderland. Maram claims her uncle lives somewhere in the Sunset Savannah, and that they have a friend who goes back to the Shaftlands when school is closed for breaks.
The big thing I wanted to touch on is that “Friend Like Me” isn’t technically a unique magic like what we’ve seen in game. This particular power is something all genies have access too, but because Maram is friends with a number of mages (i.e. Kalim, Jamil, and Ali) they decided to give the ability its own name. It’s just a little bit of Maram’s fun loving nature poking through.
Aside from the obvious risk of overblot when casting such powerful spells, there’s a lot of trust that goes into casting these spells. I mentioned in the concept post that to genies their lamps are everything to them; it’s how they monitor and recover from blot and they can act like little homes for the genies if they want. The big thing is that each genie revives a lamp and pair of bracelets when they’re young and is special to the individual. Genies can’t enter the lamps of another genie unless they’re given permission which is rare. The bracelets can be replaced if necessary as they’re closer to the concept of magical pens. The lamps, however, are nearly impossible to replace if lost or broken. Given the fact that the lamp has to be given to another person, there has to be a lot of trust between both parties.
Likewise, the genie has to be sure that the person they are entrusting their lamp too isn’t going to make any stupid “wishes”. This includes things that the genie could conjure up easily, without the need to access such powerful magic. The risk of overblot is not worth conjuring up money, food, clothes, etc. which they could normally do with ease
Ngl between Kalim and Jamil, Maram trusts Jamil with their lamp much more than Kalim. As much as they love Kalim’s friendship, Maram feels like Kalim would make an impulsive request out of excitement 😅
And just a silly little fact about Maram, they really like the colour blue and enjoy big Ol’ pants like jupe-culotte/harem pants.
And that’s all I wanted to clarify! Like always feel free to ask any questions, I’ll try to answer as best I can with what I have already figured out!
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nebulaic147 · 4 months
Gender Update
Lots of questioning has been happening over the past couple of weeks (indeed, over the past year), and because this blog is meant to document my experience as well as share my journey, my works, and my philosophies, I have chosen not to omit any original introductions from this page.
I will always pin posts and tag them #mypresentjourney to keep people in the loop.
I was finding it especially difficult to gather a sense of how I could convey both the manifoldness and specificity of my identity. Considering pronouns and titles was surprisingly unhelpful because it was focussed on external perceptions rather than attempting to describe my experience. I found much more ease exploring through lists of identities.
If anyone else wants to try this, I had a general realm of what I roughly lay in and amalgamated a bunch of congruent terms (for example, nonbinary umbrella - just finding all the different nuanced forms; or seeing what and if feminine associated titles were all right). I added ones I also had never considered, ones I had felt uncomfortable with in the past, fun ones I found delightful, ones I would never use in public but were descriptive. I was both trying to challenge myself and really hone on how I'd feel comfortable presenting (and also if you're new to the community, it's a great way to see the diversity therein).
The list came out like this (you are free to use this template/make yours prettier/etc.):
~ ~ ~
Tuesday, February 6, 2024 - 11:14am
Most liked:
Gender expansive
Very Much Liked:
Gender nonconforming
Middle of the Lane:
For My Personal Amusement:
Gendery Bendery (or, wibbly wobbly gendery bendery)
Absolutely Not:
~ ~ ~
I listed them all and wrote down explanations about why I did, didn't, or maybe liked them the evening before, then reordered them like this while I had breakfast in a café.
For example, demigirl was a term I didn't mind a year ago. Now, I realise that was me clinging to womanhood and doesn't actually have resonance with who I am.
Here is my current standing:
Nebulaic and nebulous will always be terms that make me happy.
More frequently, though, I really love transandrogynous. Realising I'm trans for me is finally embracing that I'm not a woman and I don't have to force myself to fit into that anymore. I can transition into that androgyny - it's incredibly liberating.
Nonbinary is always a comfortable term - it's well-known, it's easy to describe to people without getting into details, and it's nebulous enough to be fluid. It also implies rejecting strict binaries which I like.
Gender expansive indicates the encapsulating nature of how I bring in masculinity and femininity and other beautiful pieces into my androgyny, and that I'm not confined to a box.
I'm still figuring out my relationship with femininity and masculinity, I'm still exploring who I am, but I've realised that I'm definitely predominantly (as the list probably indicates) most comfortable with androgyny.
Wherever you are at, you are lovely and deserve so much love and respect, and you will find your way. Hopefully this little exercise helps you like it did me.
With love, T.C.
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glassfullofsass · 1 year
Job application tips
job applications SUCK but i have made my personal process easier and I'm going to show you how
i hate updating and tailoring and editing my resume so it fits perfectly on the page and then still having to input each bit of information individually to the online application, but back in college when my brain worked better, I did this:
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[id: a screenshot of my documents folder with seven word document names visible, two have been edited to hide my last name. The documents are titled:
Master Coursework, Master Experience, Master Publications, Master Skills, Name Resume 2023, Name Resume, Template. end id]
When I need to build a resume for a specific job, I make a copy of the 'template' and put it in a folder named "Specific Job"
I name that template copy 'Name_Resume' then I open it up.
The top has my name and contact details, formatted how I like.
Then there are sections that are empty except for the headers "Skills", "Experience", and "Publications"
I've got my template set up, now I just need to fill it in, to do that, I go to the 'master' documents and cherry pick the pieces that are relevant to the job I'm applying to.
I've had pretty consistent employment since graduating, so under "experience" I'm going to include all of those jobs, but I might bulk up or pare down the descriptions that go with them.
I might not include any publications, and skills are where I'm going to spend the most time.
Each "master" document includes all the things I've done that fall into that particular category.
I can probably do away with 'Master Coursework' but if you're a recent grad, or you've taken a few classes here and there, or you take online seminars or whatever, this might be a good one for you. I have grouped mine by topic instead of when I took them. I have an unofficial copy of my transcript for the timeline of my college career if I need it.
My experience document includes every job and volunteer position I had in college, all the way to now.
I list the job title and company and dates of employment on one line, and right underneath the title, I list the location. Underneath that is a bullet point list of responsibilities I had at that job.
The document also includes a complete list of just the job titles, companies, and dates. If you ever have an inch or two at the bottom of your resume, pad it with that kind of list.
Publications includes the papers I wrote in college and their academia(dot)edu location. I was also in the school magazine a couple times, and in a regional publication. All of those are listed, as are my college presentations. Everything is in a specific citation format. I don't remember which one that is, but it's consistent.
My skills document is a mess, but I've grouped it into categories like "science", "office", "interpersonal" and "art". I include things I've learned at work (instruments I'm familiar with, tools, and processes I've learned to use), and life skills like communication and cooking. You might come across some weird job postings. If you have the skills they're looking for, it doesn't matter where or how you gained them.
Those two resume documents in the list are fairly generic but already filled out resumes. If I were going to a job fair, that's what I would take with me to hand out. I have also started from here instead of the template on occasion.
When building your resume, keep in mind you want either one full page or two full pages (print front and back!)
After you've got your resume ready for the specific job, start a document for your cover letter in the same folder. When you upload all your 'relevant documents' later they will all be exactly where you need them.
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manonamora-if · 2 years
UX anon here - thank you for your response! I didn't realize the lack of resources in the community tbh. Would it be helpful if there was a master post of basic mobile UX principles to follow? Or would it be more helpful to gather a bunch of pre-existing twine templates and iterate them to be more in line with said principles? Or both?
Hi again Anon! :D
Yeah... it's kind of a common feeling. You [general you] don't know how much knowledge/resource/time/etc you need to invest until you actually make the thing you are enjoying. I've done the same when watching movies/series, believing I could write better dialogue... lol the audacity of my brain honestly...
I did make a Twine resource list some weeks back, with all I knew/could find, but I don't think there are any resource focused on mobile only. Though I do think most templates have some sort of mobile formatting/scaling in mind (even if not perfect). So this is definitely a niche to fill!
When it comes to the nitty-gritty of things, I can't really tell you which path to take (I am just one creator in the sea of many). You could send a poll to other authors, see their input.
I would advise against, though, reiterate pre-existing twine templates without the explicit consent of the creator (it might go without saying, but just in case). They might even prefer editing their templates with those advice instead of seeing their "updated" templates available out there (that's def the case for me).
But I do think the idea of a Master Post of Basic Principles with clear instructions (and images of what is good/not good!) would definitely be helpful. It leaves you open to go in more details about other principles in the future (if you want to do so, obviously you shouldn't feel pressured).
Last bit of advice, maybe check out Twine and how the different formats have built their visuals. It probably help you understand the limitations creators face when editing their UI. Theoretically, you could do anything on Twine, especially with SugarCube/Chapbook/Snowman (Harlowe is... wonky). But there are some class that have different rules depending on them being built through CSS or JavaScript.
I'm also going on a bit more rambling, because I've realised I've had more feelings about the topic. PS: not directed at anyone in particular, just letting some steam out.
This is also my personal opinion, but I don't think (non-physical) IF was ever intended to be on mobile in the first place (ahem parsers/point-and-click...). When IF became a thing, there were no mobile (so that question was moot anyway). You just had a computer (maybe) that would run a program. I feels like it's been more of an evolution towards mobile use, as smaller/touch screens became the more prevalent device for entertainment (in general, not just IF). You have apps like CoG or HostedGames or those Story ones (they kind of look like VNs) that are very popular (and are incidentally fit for mobile...). And now we expect this of everyone that start with IF.***
While IF programs/format do allow for mobile support (to different degree), I do think we have to remind ourselves from time to time that IF creators still often create as a hobby, with often limited knowledge and resources. The fact that we sometimes/often uphold some IF to standard as high as actual game companies (who have headcounts and resources and knowledge to make things better) is just mind boggling to me (the number of asks/comments I get about my UI not looking professional because of a few mistakes...). Even trying to go through actual big company website is sometimes dreadful on mobile. Unileveeeeer *raise fist to the sky*...
Resources to make things more accessible (especially program/format specific) should be available to people, but we should leave some leeway to people who can't implement things or just don't want to. It might suck, but yeah... Think of it as computer exclusive projects (like you'd have with consoles :P ).
***Little side note, but we had a similar-ish discussion on the forum about Twine games during the IF Comp. It wasn't about mobile accessibility but the game being unstyled, and how many expected Twine entries to have some sort of styling and not just use the base UI, while the expectation was not as present (or not at all) for other programs. It is very interesting to go through.
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Hey everyone! 
Here it is! We’ve finally put together the policy post for fandom OCs, and they will be open for application as of November 21st, 2022. As it stands these rules are not final, and if we feel there are developments that may necessary require us changing or adding policies we can and will do so. As a result you must get staff approval to app your fandom OC before you submit an application for the time being. More information on this is below the cut!
And as always if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us via the masterlist, feedback form, or through the group Discord server!
A fandom OC (short for fandom original character) is more or less exactly what it sounds like. An original character rooted in an existing canon, which is different from the usual OCs which we usually expect to not be based in any canon whatsoever barring a few outliers. These characters are rooted in existing series and may have backgrounds and abilities inspired by this series. 
As of this update, we will be considering gijinkas of things like Pokémon to technically be fandom OCs. You can also app fandom OCs as things like monsters and creatures from series provided they aren’t unique.
Canon characters, obviously, as well as OCs that are founded in their own original world. We also do not consider customizable characters that fulfill a specific role to be fandom OCs, such as Warriors of Light from FFXIV, or the Dragonborn from Elder Scrolls.
Because these rules are developing and we can’t plausibly predict every possible scenario, for the first little while we ask that before applying a fandom OC to the group that you send a submission to the masterlist with the form below filled out. This is to prevent someone writing an entire app only for us to have to reject it on the grounds of an issue we couldn’t see coming, as well as to help us fully shape the more definitive list of rules. We will answer these as quickly as we can, but it will depend on the number of requests we receive.
The latter two sections only need to be a few sentences long each, though for the abilities please make sure to include mention of what these abilities are founded on in canon (if they’re a Shinigami from BLEACH for example, just mention you draw the abilities from other Shinigami).
You can send your submission prior to the November 21st acceptance day!
The form for fandom OCs is the same as the regular OC form once your idea had been approved, just make sure to include a section listing the series they are from and any relative information as to how they fit into the canon world.
Your fandom OC cannot have any relationship nor history with a canon character already. While you’re free to use the setting to create your character, having them be acquainted with canon characters puts the writers of those characters in an awkward place. They cannot have any history with the canon characters even if you have permission, because if that character drops and is apped by someone new it puts the new one in an awkward position.
Your fandom OC cannot have ties to any major story events. The only exceptions would be events with far-reaching consequences or events that could not be missed in canon. Ties to major events that are discreet or kept to only a small group of characters must remain that way.
The only exception to the above rule is “template characters” or characters that have so little relevance in the series that they would be considered fandom OCs when apped. If these characters are seen in the background during story events like villain team grunts in Pokémon games but have no personal information they can be apped as fandom OCs. But while they can have awareness of events they plausibly could have been part of, they still can’t personally know any canon characters.
Your fandom OC cannot be notorious in canon in any way. This means not making them a famous hero or a renowned villain. This is so no one is expected to respond to them a certain way, and to avoid it causing potential issues with canon events.
Your fandom OC cannot have access to any information that isn’t available to the public in canon. These means your character cannot know, say, a character’s secret identity or the source of that power unless that information has been made public in canon. They can have awareness of events that have taken place in canon if those events were world-changing enough, however.
Your fandom OC can have pre-established relationships with other OCs from the same canon. Provided you aren’t tripping over any of the other rules, feel free to have them know each other!
Your fandom OC cannot have powers that rival those of the main characters. That is to say you can’t look at a shounen series and create a character that is just as strong or stronger than the MC. We’ll be accepting abilities that are seen as common within the series, but you can’t bring in anything that wouldn’t be plausible and might be seen as overpowered or powers that are knocked off versions of those of canon characters (if those powers are unique to them).
Are there any limitations to what types of characters can be written as fandom OCs? While we are generally open to anything for the most part, we will not be allowing some due to series limitations. Fate Servants come to mind immediately, because they are based on real people / legends and anything could be added to canon at any time. This also applies to other games that are ongoing where characters are based on real life things (like ship girls, sword boys, horse girls, etc). If we think of more specific cases, we will update the policy.
Is anyone required to write with a fandom OC? While we’d hope everyone will do their best to try and give them a chance, we do not require anyone to write together in the first place and this is not changing for fandom OCs. 
Are these all of the guidelines? As noted previously these rules will likely change in the near future to better note things we didn’t think of ahead of time or adjust things that need adjustment. We will keep you posted when things change!
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jazzeria · 2 years
Pre-Sweater Agreement
When I decided I would make a sweater for my partner, we made a “pre-sweater agreement.”  This was a response to the dreaded “sweater curse”, but I didn’t like the idea of calling it a “sweater prenup”.  This also isn’t something we want to try enforcing in a small claims court, so I avoided using the word “contract” in favour for “agreement.”  
He is a large human being, so a sweater for him will take a long time and a lot of material.  I wanted us to be on the same page in terms of expectations.  (eg: I can’t assume that he will understand how big a deal it is to receive a handmade sweater, unless I make some effort in explaining how it’s a big deal.)  
We also want to avoid resentment (eg: “You never wear it!”, “Why did you give me something I’d never wear?”, “I hate wearing it but want you to feel good”, “I feel burdened because you gave me something so expensive,” “I feel like I have to keep workng on it even though it’s become a chore,” etc) and set some general guidelines for what might be reasonable in the event of a breakup.  
With some sensitive information removed, here is generally what we agreed: 
Time expectation
Approximately 12-18 months?  Could be more, could be less.   (note: it’s now been about 25 months, and it’s nowhere near done!) 
Yarn will be about $90 after tax  I'm comfortable spending that on this project.  If (at some point when you find yourself able to) you want to contribute money for materials, I won't say no, but I am definitely not asking for money, and will also refuse any money you try to give me before you can afford to.  
Washing instructions
Machine wash on gentle cycle 40°C / Don’t use fabric softener / Dry Flat
Sweater ownership and breakups:  
1.  If we break up before I've given you the sweater:
I don't owe you a sweater.  (I may owe you money for yarn.)  
Anything more than that: we can talk about.  (It doesn't make sense to try to plan for this contingency from where we are right now.)  
2.  If we break up after I've given it to you:
You would not be bound by any other agreements about the sweater, but I hope you would continue to take reasonable care of it.  
Other than breakups:
You agree to:
be involved in the process: let me take measurements, provide me feedback on how something looks or fits along the way;
wear the finished sweater only when you want to, ie: please don't pity-wear it;
any time you feel moved to do so, lavish praise on my skill and labour!  (Please don't lie, but feel free to "turn up the volume" on any genuinely-felt appreciation.)  
take reasonable care of the sweater: avoid staining/tearing/burning/etc (it will be washable; but like most 100% wool garments, washing is can be rough on it; better to avoid soiling in the first place);
let me know if it needs repairs--I'll see what I can do!  
If at any point you have an issue with it: let's talk.  
If at any point, you really can't stand the sweater any more (don't like wearing it, don't want to take care of it, or any fundamental reason that can't be fixed), please give it back, and I will repurpose the yarn.  
I agree to:
be receptive to your constructive feedback and do my best to tailor the garment to your needs and desires;
work on the sweater when I am genuinely motivated to do so--if it's starting to feel like a chore, I will do something else instead;
as much as possible, be a reasonable person.  This is meant to be a gift and not a burden (eg: I agree not to guilt you into wearing it, etc).  
I will probably text you photo updates every so often as I'm working.  
I will happily receive sweater selfies!  
Things have been going well so far?  We’re still together; it’s been about 25 months, and I’m about 10% done crocheting.  But that’s also because I’ve only worked on it when I’ve felt genuinely motivated to do so.  
Feel free to modify this template to your own yarny gift needs.  
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gear-project · 2 years
So, now there's rumored talk that Ishiwatari may be leaving ASW after DLC and gameplay updates for Strive are completed. I know he has said that he wants to work on other projects and that he may leave GG to Team Red in an interview, but I honestly don't trust the idea of leaving a series that he conceptualized, wrote and programmed to the hands of others. That typically doesn't go over well.
Rumors will be Rumors.
Even if Mori retired for his own reasons, that probably isn't the same case OR setting for Ishiwatari.
Ishiwatari has been involved in several micro-projects that had nothing to do with ARC System Works in the past, so it's not like he doesn't have his own objectives still.
As for Guilty Gear itself… it's been heavily expressed in previous interviews that they WANT a new generation of developers to work on GG as a project… they WANT fresh blood to develop the game and take it to new heights.
Ishiwatari did admit that a lot of GG as a project was an indulgent aspect of his ego and personal direction, but I do not believe that was entirely his intent… (and considering the fact he did NOT write for the majority of the XX Series and that series still ended up okay is a testament to what ASW can do even without Ishiwatari directly at the helm).
Does that mean things will go as anticipated? Will ARC System Works get a good team to work on GG in the future, even without Ishiwatari?
Knowing Ishiwatari, he's already laid the groundwork for that sort of eventuality… in other words, the "base" of what needs to be done is already there, they just need to execute it in a way that fits GG's basic guidelines (which they've analyzed and re-analyzed countless times already).
Not only that, but GG's evolution also hangs on the influence of not just the developers, but also the userbase (that's US), so it's not like Ishiwatari had the "only say" in how GG is developed… we get a say as well!
I think in the end it will end in a way that best suits what GG needs as a game.
With or Without Ishiwatari, the groundwork and foundation is there… and that was Ishiwatari's intent to begin with.
When you create a world, it's up to others to populate it. That's what it means to lay a foundation or guideline. A template, if you will.
Of course it's not entirely that simple, but at the very least, no matter WHAT happens with GG moving forwards, I have no doubt that things will get done in a satisfactorily manner.
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FlexiSitesAI Review - Create Beautiful Websites Without Any Coding Skills
Welcome to my FlexiSitesAI Review Post, This is a genuine user-based FlexiSitesAI review where I will discuss the features, upgrades, demo, price, and bonuses, how FlexiSitesAI can benefit you, and my own personal opinion. 1-Click Powerful and Easy to Use ChatGPT4 is a powered website builder that creates beautiful membership sites and funnels in any niche and boosts leads, traffic, and engagement.
Today, you can create professional and local business websites without any coding, designing, or complex editing using just a keyword or website import. The Most Powerful and Easy-to-Use Website Builder That Creates Beautiful Websites in Any Niche Using Just A Single Keyword or Using HTML-Zip Imports In Just 60 Seconds Flat. The streamlined drag-and-drop website builder features 14+ themes and a range of essential modules. Customize dynamic pages, menus, forms, and widgets effortlessly with our user-friendly interface. You can choose from 950+ Google fonts, unlimited color options, and a responsive design for a personalized touch. Enjoy lifetime updates and quality support for a cutting-edge and functional online presence. Manage your site seamlessly using a powerful admin dashboard, multi-language support, and a flexible user role permission system. The modules also help in all aspects of business, like hotel booking, which is very good in business life; real estate is also a very helpful tool; and the food ordering module is one that the world today likes to use the most.
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FlexiSitesAI Review: What Is FlexiSitesAI?
FlexiSitesAI is a cloud-based website builder that leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline the website creation process even if you have zero coding skills. Imagine a drag-and-drop editor packed with pre-designed templates, but with an AI assistant whispering design ideas and even crafting content in your ear. That’s the magic of FlexiSitesAI.
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It caters to those who want a user-friendly solution, especially beginners. Key features include AI-generated content to ease writer’s block, ChatGPT4-powered website and HTML builder image selection to save you time, and mobile-responsive design to ensure your website looks great on any device. The one-time payment model is attractive, but be aware of potential upsells for extra features. If you crave complete design control or rely heavily on specific third-party plugins, FlexiSitesAI might not be the best fit.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Overview
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FlexiSitesAI Review: About Authors
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Ali Blackwell created this magnificent FlexiSitesAI, is your number one partner in storytelling revolution. Ali’s expertise and passion for creativity and detail provide smooth communication and excellent outcomes.
Ali goes above and beyond to understand your requirements and goals, providing customised solutions and experienced advice to help you succeed. Ali can help you increase brand awareness, audience reach, and income using cutting-edge tools and techniques.
With a focus on simplicity, customization, and viral impact, Ali has crafted a tool that not only meets but exceeds the diverse needs of users across various niches. He has gained a reputation through a lot of launches like AI Viral Kids Stories, AI Vista Studio, Visual Vault AI, AI ViralFunnelz, Scriptio, CourseX, A.I ViralVid, A.I Pro Domain, A.I Viral News, VidStockGraphics, VidAIGraphics, and many others.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Features
Instantly build your dream websites using AI for any business!
Launch Unlimited Jaw-Dropping, Traffic-Pulling business websites, membership sites, funnels, landing pages and more like magic!
Access High-Converting 100+ Page Templates in Trending Niches.
AI based inbuilt image and text generation in the editior
Drive Instant buyer Traffic to your AI websites from search engines!
100% Blazing Fast & Reliable Web Hosting For Your A Lifetime To Your Websites
SEO-Optimized: Dominate Google’s First Page
Commercial License included: Launch Your Profitable Website Agency Now!
Save time and money and stop paying 1000s of dollars monthly to expensive website creators like Wix.com, Convertri, and others.
Beginner friendly — Zero Skill Required!
ZERO Upfront Cost or Any Extra Expenses
Pay Just once Not Monthly — No Hidden Fees, No Surprises!
Risk-Free: 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee!
FlexiSitesAI Review: How Does It Work?
Unleash Your Website Empire And Get Ready For The Massive Income Boost + Triple Your Business You Are Just One Click Away
Step 1: Buy & Login
Grab the software, Login, access the dashboard and start right away.
Step 2: Create
Choose from our built-in 100+ premade website templates, use our drag and drop builder & create your fully functional site from scratch within minutes.
Step 3: Publish & Profit
Once you create these gorgeous websites, watch traffic and commissions rolling in, Sell to clients on freelance platforms and pocket huge commissions.
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FlexiSitesAI Review: Can Do For You
Choose from 100+ Pre-Built Templates Across Multiple Niches: Which you can easily upload into the editor. Just choose your business niche from 100+ DFY templates and create a site in 60 seconds.
Advanced AI powered Drag & Drop Editor: FlexiSitesAI has a premium Drag and drop editor with stunning features that makes creating sites super easy.
Free Unlimited Hosting: No domain needed, no monthly hosting fees, zero ongoing cost. Everything you need is included.
Multiple Languages: Create AI-powered sites in multiple languages for your audience across the world and reach them with ease.
Advanced Site Analytics: Get advanced Google Analytics Integration in sites.
Flexible API and Autoresponder integrations: Connect seamlessly.
Scheduling software: Offer your services and deliver a seamless booking experience for your clients.
Built-In Appointment Booking: If your business requires setting appointments, FlexiSitesAI does that for you with its powerful appointment-setting features.
SEO optimization: Add Meta information — Title, Description, Keywords to make your website SEO Friendly.
Branding Tools: Establish a strong brand identity with customizable colors, fonts, and text themes, and more.
Faster loading: FlexiSitesAI is designed for performance, so your site loads faster./p>
Security: Get your website hosted securely on our dedicated servers with FREE lifetime SSL encryption!
Commercial License: Offer high quality Website creation services for clients and easily set up a profitable venture.
Training Videos: You get complete step by step training videos. Everything you need to know is explained.
24/7 Dedicated Support: Need guidance? Just reach out to us and our dedicated support team will solve your problems.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Verify User Feedback
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FlexiSitesAI Review: Why You Must Grab It
Create a Fully Functional website from scratch.
Create AI-Website/Sales pages in Any Niche for Any Offer.
Create membership sites and funnels.
Create websites for local businesses.
Promote and sell your Products with style.
Build High Converting Squeeze Pages.
Generate SEO optimized websites.
Boost Sales and Engagement.
Land High paying clientele & make money.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Who Should Use It?
Product Creators
Blog Owners
CPA Marketers
Web Designers
Digital Marketers
Affiliate Marketers
E-commerce store owners
Software consultants
Startup Entrepreneurs
Business & Personal Brands
FlexiSitesAI Review: OTO’s And Pricing
Front End Price: FlexiSitesAI ($17)
OTO1: FlexiSitesAI Unlimited ($37)
OTO2: FlexiSitesAI SEO ($47)
OTO3: FlexiSitesAI DFY Marketing Suite ($27)
OTO4: FlexiSitesAI Conversions ($97)
OTO5: FlexiSitesAI Reseller ($67)
OTO6: FlexiSitesAI Drive ($67)
OTO7: FlexiSitesAI Whitelabel ($247)
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FlexiSitesAI Review: My Unique Bonus Bundle
My Unique Bonus Bundle will be visible on your access page as an Affiliate Bonus Button on WarriorPlus immediately after purchase.
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And before ending my honest FlexiSitesAI Review, I told you that I would give you my very own unique PFTSES formula for Free.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Demo Video
Just Watch The FlexiSitesAI Demo Video Down Below To Get All The Details:
>>For More Details Click Here<<
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FlexiSitesAI Review: Money Back Guarantee
You Are Completely At Zero-Risk With Our Product!
Our fantastic FlexiSitesAI comes with a special 30-day money-back guarantee! If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase within 30 days, you may return it to us for a refund. There were no questions asked. We are primarily concerned about your satisfaction.
FlexiSitesAI Review: Pros and Cons
Easy to Use: Drag-and-drop interface and AI-powered features make website creation beginner-friendly.
Time-Saving: AI-generated content and image selection streamline development.
Cost-Effective: One-time payment model is attractive compared to monthly subscriptions.
Scalable: Create unlimited websites, landing pages, and sales funnels.
Multilingual Support: Expand your reach to a global audience.
You cannot use this product without an active internet connection.
In fact, I haven’t yet discovered any other problems with FlexiSitesAI.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Q. Is FlexiSitesAI truly for people with no coding skills?
Absolutely! FlexiSitesAI prioritizes user-friendliness. The drag-and-drop interface and AI-powered features eliminate the need for coding knowledge.
Q. Does FlexiSitesAI offer free trials?
While information about free trials can change, FlexiSitesAI often provides limited free plans or money-back guarantees. It’s best to check their website for current offerings.
Q. Can I create an online store with FlexiSitesAI?
Yes! FlexiSitesAI boasts ecommerce functionality, allowing you to create online stores complete with product listings, shopping carts, and secure payment processing.
Q. Is FlexiSitesAI SEO-friendly?
FlexiSitesAI offers features like clean code and mobile responsiveness, both important for SEO. However, optimizing your website content for search engines would still be your responsibility.
Q. What kind of customer support does FlexiSitesAI offer?
Customer support options for FlexiSitesAI may vary depending on the specific plan you choose. It’s recommended to check their website for details on available support channels.
Q. Is FlexiSitesAI GDPR compliant?
Data security is a crucial concern. While FlexiSitesAI claims to prioritize security, it’s advisable to research their specific GDPR compliance practices to ensure they align with your needs.
FlexiSitesAI Review: My Recommendation
FlexiSitesAI offers a compelling solution for those seeking a user-friendly and AI-powered website builder. While it might not be ideal for designers craving absolute creative freedom, its ease of use, time-saving features, and cost-effective pricing make it a strong contender for beginners and entrepreneurs. If you prioritize a smooth website creation experience and value the assistance of AI in content generation and design, FlexiSitesAI is definitely worth considering. However, be sure to weigh the potential limitations in design flexibility and third-party integrations before making your final decision.
<<>> Click Here & Get Access Now FlexiSitesAI Discount Price Here <<>>
Check Out My Previous Reviews: WP Defense Review, HostDaddy Review , Valor App Review, Crypto Cloud Review, $50 Billion Giveaway Review, AI eBookStore Review, Infinite Hub Review, Infinite Hub Review, Vidhive Review.
Thank for reading my FlexiSitesAI Review till the end. Hope it will help you to make purchase decision perfectly.
Disclaimer: This FlexiSitesAI review is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. Before making a purchase decision, we recommend conducting your own research and exploring the software.
Note: Yes, this is a paid tool, however the one-time fee is $17 for lifetime.     
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Revolutionizing My WhatsApp Marketing: A Review of the Fortschrittliches Ki- unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp Digital Membership Area
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In today's competitive landscape, standing out in the digital marketing space can feel like an uphill battle. For my business, WhatsApp has become a crucial platform for connecting with customers. But with limited resources and a constant struggle to personalize communication, I felt I wasn't reaching my full potential. That's when I discovered the Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp Digital Membership Area, and it's been a game-changer. Here's why I highly recommend it to any business looking to elevate their WhatsApp marketing strategy with the power of AI.
Seamless Chatbot Creation and Management
One of the biggest hurdles I faced was creating and managing effective chatbots. The Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp membership area completely transformed this aspect. The platform provides an easy-to-use chatbot creation toolkit that requires no coding knowledge. With a user-friendly interface and drag-and-drop functionality, I was able to build a sophisticated chatbot within minutes. The toolkit offers a variety of pre-programmed responses and branching scenarios, allowing me to cater to a wide range of customer inquiries without needing constant manual intervention. This has freed up my team's time to focus on more strategic tasks.
Personalized Messaging Made Easy
Prior to joining the membership area, my WhatsApp marketing relied on generic messages that lacked a personal touch. The Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp program changed that entirely. It offers a comprehensive library of pre-designed, personalized messaging templates for various scenarios. Whether it's a welcome message for new contacts, a targeted product recommendation based on past purchases, or a friendly reminder about an upcoming promotion, the templates provide a strong foundation for personalized communication. These templates are easily customizable, allowing me to add my brand voice and tailor them to specific customer segments.
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Data-Driven Decisions with Powerful Analytics
In the past, measuring the success of my WhatsApp marketing efforts was a challenge. The Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp membership area provides a comprehensive data analytics dashboard that changed the game. This real-time dashboard displays key metrics on customer interactions, campaign performance, and engagement levels. I can easily track open rates, click-through rates, and overall customer sentiment. This data empowers me to make data-driven decisions and optimize my campaigns for maximum impact.
Targeted Audience Segmentation for Focused Communication
One of the most valuable features of the membership area is the targeted audience segmentation tools. Previously, my messaging approach was a one-size-fits-all strategy. The platform allows me to segment my audience based on various criteria such as demographics, interests, and purchase history. This enables me to create targeted messaging campaigns that resonate with specific customer segments. For example, I can send new product launch announcements to customers with a history of similar purchases, or offer birthday promotions based on customer profiles. This targeted approach ensures that my messaging is relevant and engaging, leading to higher conversion rates.
Beyond the Tools: Expert Guidance and Support
The benefits of the Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp membership area extend far beyond the provided tools. The program offers access to a team of experienced marketing professionals and AI specialists. They provide valuable guidance and support, helping me navigate the platform effectively and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. Additionally, they offer ongoing training and educational resources to keep me updated on the latest AI-powered marketing trends and strategies.
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A Catalyst for Sustainable Growth
Since implementing the Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp Digital Membership Area, I've witnessed a significant improvement in my WhatsApp marketing efforts. Customer engagement has increased significantly, with higher open rates and click-through rates on my campaigns. This has directly translated into increased sales and brand awareness. The ease of use, the focus on personalization, and the data-driven approach have empowered me to create a more effective and sustainable WhatsApp marketing strategy for my business.
In conclusion, if you're looking to leverage the power of AI to elevate your WhatsApp marketing, the Fortschrittliches Ki-unterstütztes Marketing über WhatsApp Digital Membership Area is an excellent option. The combination of user-friendly tools, targeted functionalities, and expert support makes it a valuable investment for businesses of all sizes.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 2 months
Top 3 Cover Letters and Templates for Plumbing Services
Plumbers use their skills to set up and fix things like water pipes and heating systems. If you like working with your hands and solving problems, plumbing could be a great job for you. A good cover letter can help you stand out when you apply for a job.
In this guide, we'll teach you how to write a strong cover letter for plumbing jobs. We'll also list important skills to mention and give you three templates you can use. When you're ready, you can update your resume and start applying for plumbing positions.
How to Write a Cover Letter for Plumbing Job
Writing a cover letter has become easier. You can achieve this by either providing a prompt to a rewording generator to paraphrase an existing template, or by following various key steps to customize it according to your needs.
1. Start with a greeting: Address the letter to a specific person if you can. If not, use "Dear Hiring Manager".
2. Introduce Yourself: Begin with a brief introduction that mentions your background and your interest in the plumbing position.
3. Highlight Relevant Skills: Mention the key plumbing skills you have that match the job description, such as experience in installing piping systems or repairing leaks.
4. Provide Examples: Include one or two specific examples of past plumbing projects you've completed successfully.
5. Explain Why You’re a Good Fit: Discuss why you're interested in the position and how you can contribute to the company based on your skills.
6. Close with a Call to Action: End your cover letter by expressing your enthusiasm for the role, and suggest a meeting or call to discuss your application further.
7. Sign Off: Finish with a professional closing, such as "Sincerely," followed by your name.
Top 3 Cover Letters and Templates for Plumbing Services
Here are the top three templates for writing a cover letter for entry-level, experienced, and general plumber positions. These examples will help you write your next proposal or give you ideas for writing one.
Template 1: Entry-Level Plumber Cover Letter
John Doe
123 Maple Street
Anytown, CA 90210
April 16, 2024
Jane Smith
ABC Plumbing Services
456 Oak Avenue
Anytown, CA 90210
Dear Ms. Smith,
I am writing to express my interest in the entry-level plumbing position listed on Indeed. With a recent certification from Central Technical School, I am eager to apply my learned skills in a practical setting.
During my training, I gained hands-on experience in both residential and commercial plumbing systems, focusing on installing and repairing pipes and fixtures. For instance, I completed a project that involved a full installation of kitchen and bathroom fixtures that were praised for efficiency and compliance with local codes.
I am excited about the opportunity to bring my dedication and diligence to ABC Plumbing Services. I am enthusiastic about the chance to contribute positively and learn from esteemed professionals like those at your company.
Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing how I can contribute to your team. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience to schedule an interview.
John Doe
Template 2: Experienced Plumber Cover Letter
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]
Dear [Recipient Name],
With over [Number] years of experience in the plumbing industry, I am excited to apply for the position of Senior Plumber at [Company Name], as advertised on [where you found the job posting]. My background includes extensive work in high-pressure plumbing systems and emergency repair response.
In my previous role at [Previous Company Name], I led a team in a project that revamped the water system of a large residential complex, which improved system efficiency by 30%. My commitment to ensuring accurate and compliant plumbing solutions has consistently resulted in reduced operational costs and increased client satisfaction.
I am eager to bring my expertise in advanced plumbing techniques and team leadership to [Company Name]. I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team and enhance the service quality your company is known for.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I am looking forward to discussing this exciting opportunity with you.
Best regards,
[Your Name]
Template 3: General Plumber Cover Letter for Contract Work
[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip]
[Email Address]
[Recipient Name]
[Company Name]
[Company Address]
[City, State, Zip]
Dear [Recipient Name],
I am reaching out to express my interest in providing plumbing services for [Company Name] on a contract basis. With a strong foundation in various plumbing systems and more than [Number] years in the field, I am well-equipped to handle diverse plumbing challenges.
One of my notable projects involved designing and implementing a comprehensive upgrade for an aging plumbing system, which resulted in a significant improvement in system reliability and efficiency. My ability to quickly diagnose and resolve complex plumbing issues ensures minimal downtime and disruption.
I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to collaborate with [Company Name] and contribute to your projects with my professional skills and proactive approach. I am confident that my background and dedication will be an excellent match for your needs.
Looking forward to the possibility of working together.
[Your Name]
These templates are designed to be adaptable depending on your specific qualifications and the job you are applying for. Be sure to customize each letter with your personal details and the specifics of the job advertisement to make a strong, tailored application.
Moreover, by following all the guidelines and reading the full article, you will find the best way to write your own cover letter for providing plumbing services.
Related Information:
●      How to write a blog to promote your plumbing services
●      How to write a home improvement contract
●      5 tips for deciding which contractor is right for you
Bottom line
It's really important to write a good cover letter when applying for plumbing jobs. This article gives you three different templates you can use, whether you're just starting out or have lots of experience.
By using these templates, you can show off your skills and stand out to employers. Make sure to read this guide to help you write a great cover letter and get closer to landing the plumbing job you want.
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jcmarchi · 3 months
30+ Best InDesign Business Card Templates
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/30-best-indesign-business-card-templates/
30+ Best InDesign Business Card Templates
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In today’s fast-paced professional environment, the value of a well-designed business card cannot be overstated. These small pieces of paper go beyond just sharing contact information; they are a tangible extension of an individual’s or a company’s brand identity. They play a critical role in networking, facilitating the exchange of information, and leaving a lasting impression that can significantly influence professional relationships.
InDesign’s robust features and flexibility make it an ideal tool for creating business cards. The applications’s templates offer a head start in creating these essential networking tools. They save time and ensure consistency, yet provide enough flexibility to customize and make each design unique.
These business card templates will help to streamline the design process, allowing for the efficient production of high-quality, professional-looking cards. They cater to various styles and business needs, ensuring that anyone, regardless of design expertise, can create cards that reflect their brand’s personality and values.
Minimal InDesign Business Card Templates
With clean lines and understated designs, these business card templates convey a sense of refinement, perfect for those aiming for a minimalist aesthetic that speaks volumes.
Clean Business Card InDesign Templates
These business card templates are ideal for professionals who prioritize clarity and sophistication in their branding. Whether you’re a freelancer, entrepreneur, or corporate entity, these InDesign templates offer a polished solution to make a lasting impression in any business context.
Colorful InDesign Business Card Templates
These business card templates, with their bold hues and dynamic layouts, will infuse energy into your brand. They are perfect for businesses looking to make a memorable statement.
Typography InDesign Business Card Templates
From elegant serifs to modern sans-serifs, these templates leverage typography as a focal point, conveying professionalism and style. Elevate your brand identity with designs that command attention through their exquisite type arrangements.
InDesign Business Card FAQs
Can I use InDesign templates if I’m new to the software?
Yes, InDesign templates are user-friendly and suitable for all skill levels, offering a great starting point for beginners.
How customizable are InDesign templates?
Extremely. You can modify color schemes, typography, layouts, and graphics to fit your brand perfectly.
What should I include on my business card?
Include your name, job title, company, phone number, email, website, and social media handles, keeping the layout clean.
What’s the best way to print my InDesign business card?
Use a professional printing service to ensure your design meets its dimensions, bleed settings, and resolution specifications.
Can I print business cards at home using these templates?
Yes, you can print them at home if you have a high-quality printer. Make sure to use premium paper for the best results.
How often should I update the business card details?
Update your design whenever your contact information changes or if you want to refresh your brand’s look. Generally, reviewing your card design every 1-2 years is a good practice.
Creating Professional Business Cards
InDesign templates offer a streamlined, efficient approach to creating business cards that are both professional and memorable. They’re invaluable for anyone looking to make a strong impact through their branding and networking efforts.
The flexibility and customization options available ensure that your business card can truly reflect your unique brand identity.
Investing in the right business card design is not just about sharing contact information; it’s about leaving a mark and opening doors to future opportunities. Let InDesign be your ally in navigating the path to creating a business card that truly stands out.
More Adobe InDesign Templates
Browse our curated collections of InDesign Templates, including brochures, flyers, proposals, stationery, resumes, portfolios, lookbooks, magazine layouts, and more.
More InDesign Templates
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jjlawidaho · 7 months
Estate Planning Attorney in Boise and Nampa ID Debunks Common Myths
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Estate planning attorney can help you know the best ways to safeguard your wealth
Estate planning attorney in Boise and Nampa ID can help protect your wealth. Estate planning is a crucial aspect of securing your legacy and ensuring your loved ones are taken care of when you're no longer around. However, misconceptions about estate planning abound, and falling prey to these myths can have serious consequences. In Idaho, where state laws play a significant role in shaping estate planning strategies, it's essential to separate fact from fiction. Let's debunk some common estate planning myths to help you make informed decisions.
Myth 1: "I'm Too Young for Estate Planning"
One of the most pervasive myths is that estate planning is only for the elderly. In reality, everyone, regardless of age, should have a comprehensive estate plan. Accidents and unexpected events can happen at any time, and having a plan in place ensures that your assets are distributed according to your wishes.
Myth 2: "I Don't Have Enough Assets for Estate Planning"
Estate planning is not just for the wealthy. Regardless of the size of your estate, having a plan in place can prevent potential disputes among heirs and provide clear instructions for asset distribution. In Idaho, estate plans can encompass various assets, including real estate, investments, and personal property.
Myth 3: "A Will Is Sufficient for My Estate Planning Needs"
While a will is a crucial component of an estate plan, it may not be sufficient on its own. Idaho residents should be aware that a will goes through probate, a court-supervised process that can be time-consuming and costly. To streamline the distribution of assets, individuals may want to explore other tools like trusts, which can help avoid probate. Speak with your estate planning attorney in Idaho to explore the most favorable solutions based on your needs.
Myth 4: "Estate Planning Is Only About Distributing Assets"
While asset distribution is a significant aspect of estate planning, it's not the only consideration. Health care directives and powers of attorney are essential components of a comprehensive plan. Idaho residents should be aware of state-specific requirements for these documents to ensure they are valid and enforceable.
Myth 5: "I Can DIY My Estate Plan Using Online Templates"
While online templates may seem like a cost-effective solution, they often lack the specificity required by Idaho state laws. Estate planning is not one-size-fits-all, and relying on generic documents may lead to unintended consequences. Consulting with an experienced Idaho estate planning attorney ensures that your plan is tailored to your unique situation and complies with state regulations.
Myth 6: "Once I Create an Estate Plan, I'm Done"
Estate planning is not a one-time task. Life circumstances change, and it's crucial to review and update your plan regularly. Marriage, divorce, the birth of children, and changes in financial status are all events that may necessitate adjustments to your estate plan. Idaho residents should work with their attorney to ensure their plan reflects their current wishes and complies with any changes in state laws.
Myth 7: "Estate Planning is Only for the Wealthy"
Some individuals mistakenly believe that estate planning is only necessary for the wealthy. In Idaho, regardless of the size of your estate, having a plan in place can help minimize taxes, streamline the distribution of assets, and provide for your loved ones. An experienced estate planning attorney in Idaho can guide you on the best strategies to protect your assets and minimize tax implications based on your specific circumstances.
Myth 8: "My Spouse Will Automatically Inherit Everything"
While Idaho has laws in place that address intestate succession (distributing assets when there is no will), relying on these laws may not align with your wishes. Without a valid will or estate plan, the state determines how your assets are distributed, and this may not reflect your intentions. To ensure your spouse inherits as you desire and to avoid potential complications, it's crucial to have a clear and legally binding estate plan.
Myth 9: "I Can Gift Assets to Avoid Estate Taxes"
While gifting can be a valuable estate planning strategy, it's essential to be aware of the potential tax implications. In Idaho, there are both federal and state estate tax considerations. Consulting with an estate planning attorney can help you navigate the complexities of tax laws and implement effective strategies to minimize tax burdens while achieving your estate planning goals.
Myth 10: "Estate Planning is Only About Death"
Estate planning is not solely about what happens after you pass away. It also encompasses plans for potential incapacity or disability. Documents such as a durable power of attorney and an advance healthcare directive are essential components that designate someone to make financial and healthcare decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Considering these aspects ensures that your wishes are respected, even if you are unable to communicate them. Dispelling these estate planning myths is crucial for residents of Idaho who want to safeguard their assets and provide for their loved ones. Working with an experienced estate planning attorney in Idaho is key to creating a comprehensive and legally sound plan. By understanding the intricacies of Idaho state laws and addressing common misconceptions, individuals can navigate the estate planning process with confidence, ensuring that their wishes are honored and their legacy is protected.
Hire the best estate planning attorney in Boise and Nampa ID
Jacobson & Jacobson Law Firm, since 1982, is committed to serving the Boise and Nampa, Idaho areas for your top Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Business Law, Estate Planning, Family Law, Immigration Law, and Litigation needs. Contact us today to get started. For a free 30-minute consultation, book here: https://calendly.com/jfj-1
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ahrreviews · 8 months
Affirmations Profit Kit Review — DFY Graphics That Revolutionize Your Success!
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Welcome to my comprehensive Affirmations Profit Kit Review. I’m here to provide you with an honest evaluation of this product. I will help you to make an informed decision about its potential to transform your online business efforts.
“Affirmations Profit Kit” is a comprehensive resource. Say farewell to content creation challenges with over 2500 professionally designed Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates. This kit offers a vast content library covering Affirmations, Positive Manifestations, Gratitude, Mindfulness, and Motivation.
Whether you’re building your brand, engaging your audience, or boosting profits, it provides simplicity, versatility, and consistent messaging. Customize every design with our Editable Canva Templates to align with your brand’s identity effortlessly. With the Affirmations Profit Kit, transform your content effortlessly.
In this review, we’ll explore the features, advantages, drawbacks, usage guidelines, FAQs, pricing, bonuses, and more of Affirmations Profit Kit. Let’s get started!
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Overview
Creator: Michael Pitta
Product: Affirmations Profit Kit
Official Website: Click Here
Front-End Price: $17
Bonus: Huge Bonuses
Niche: Social Media
Recommendation: Highly Recommended!!
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —What is it?
The “Affirmations Profit Kit” is an exciting new product designed to spread positivity, empowerment, and boost profits. It offers a rich collection of 2500+ Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates, making it easy for your audience to tap into the power of positive thinking and personal development. This kit covers a wide range of categories, including General Affirmations, Gratitude, Motivation, Success, and more.
It likely includes carefully crafted affirmations and guidance on how to effectively reprogram beliefs related to money and abundance. Educational materials, exercises, and tools support users in setting and achieving their financial goals through affirmations.
The primary goal of the Affirmations Profit Kit is to help users develop a more positive and empowered mindset regarding financial matters, enabling them to overcome limiting beliefs and attract greater prosperity into their lives. While specific contents may vary, the kit’s aim is to empower individuals to manifest their financial desires through the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Features & Benefits
Over 2500+ stunning Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates created by professionals
Easy and fast content creation process, freeing up your time and energy
Cohesive style and message across all your content, enhancing your brand identity
Editable Canva Templates for simple customization to fit your brand perfectly
Flexible content library for growing your brand, engaging your audience, and increasing your profits
Unlimited use rights on designs and templates, giving you creative freedom
Empowerment to access, customize, and share amazing content with ease
A solution to content creation challenges, turning struggles into successes
100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Try the Affirmation Profit Kit risk-free and witness the transformation yourself!
Diverse affirmation library covering various financial aspects
Guided visualization exercises to enhance affirmation effectiveness
Customization options for personalized affirmations
Progress tracking tools for motivation
Audio affirmations for daily reinforcement
Insights and advice from personal development experts
Access to an online community for support
Potential money-back guarantee for risk-free trial
Regular content updates to keep information current
Real-life success stories as proof of effectiveness
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Pricing & OTOs
Front-End (FE):
Affirmations Profit Kit: 2500+ DFY Designs & Templates – $17
Instant access to the Affirmations Profit Kit, your ultimate transformation resource.
Over 2500 professionally crafted Canva Affirmation Designs, offered in PNG and JPG formats.
Designs that are not only ready to use but primed to reshape your life.
Editable Canva Templates for seamless brand customization.
Plus, unlock 5 incredible bonuses that will further enhance your success!
$3 discount coupon.
One-Time Offer (OTO1):
Shortcut to Success: Affirmation Workbook & Exclusive Content – $27
Unlock the Shortcut to Success OTO, your ultimate companion to the Affirmation Profit Kit.
Receive a comprehensive Affirmation Workbook & Guide to supercharge your affirmation journey.
Gain access to an Exclusive Content Library packed with valuable resources to amplify your positive impact.
One-Time Offer (OTO2):
Reel Profit Accelerator: DFY Videos & Personal Growth Library – $47
Your affirmation journey gets a turbo boost with our Reel Profit Accelerator.
Enjoy DFY Affirmation Video Reels, tailor-made for captivating your audience on social media.
Receive a Personal Development eBook Bundle with Private Label Rights (PLR) as an added bonus, empowering you to share valuable content and establish your authority in the personal development niche.
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Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Bonuses
Bonus 1 # Canva Pro Access [First 50 Customers Only]
Here’s what you get with Canva Pro:
Access to Premium Content
Advanced Design Tools (including AI tools)
Brand Kit for Consistency
Transparent Backgrounds and Animations
Stock Resources
Resizing and Social Sharing
Background Remover Tool
Bulk creation tool
Bonus 2# 250+ Affirmation Designs
Three more categories of Affirmations to expand your reach; especially during the upcoming holiday season.
Bonus 3# Watermarking Software
Quickly watermark all your Affirmation Designs in Bulk. No need to use any graphics software.
Bonus 4# Watermarking Software Tutorial
Learn exactly how to watermark your images in bulk.
Bonus 5# 100+ Premium Backgrounds
Personalize your Affirmation Designs in Canva with these HQ image backgrounds.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Who Should Buy it?
Affirmations Profit Kit is designed to cater to a wide range of users looking to elevate their social media marketing game, including:
Affiliate Marketers
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Blog Owners
Product Creators
eCommerce Store Owners
Local Business Owners
Artists/Content Creators
Product Coaches/Trainers
Agency Owners
Social Media Managers
In fact, anyone aiming to park high-ticket clients and enhance the growth strategies can get significant benefit from Affirmations Profit Kit.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —My Opinion
Here are some motivational points on why one should make the purchase:
Effortless Content Creation:
The Affirmations Profit Kit simplifies the often challenging task of content creation. With a vast collection of 2500+ Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates, you can effortlessly produce engaging content that resonates with your audience.
Time and Energy Savings:
No more struggling with the relentless grind of content creation. This kit is designed to save you precious time and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters for your business.
Consistent Brand Identity:
Maintaining a cohesive style and messaging across your content becomes a breeze. The kit’s versatile content library spans various categories, ensuring that your brand identity shines through in every piece of content you create.
Creative Freedom:
Enjoy unrestricted use rights on all designs and templates, providing you with the creative freedom you deserve. You can customize and tailor your content to suit your unique brand and vision.
Business Growth:
By nurturing your brand and engaging your audience with impactful content, you pave the way for business growth and increased profits. This kit is a valuable tool to boost your business’s success.
Satisfaction Guarantee:
The creators of the Affirmations Profit Kit are so confident in its potential that they back your purchase with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, they’ll refund your investment without any questions.
Make a Positive Impact:
Beyond business success, this kit enables you to make a positive impact on the world. You can change someone’s life for the better through the transformative power of affirmations.
Establish Authority:
As you consistently create and share compelling content, you’ll establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Your audience will trust your message and guidance.
The Affirmations Profit Kit is not just a content creation tool. It’s a pathway to business growth, personal satisfaction, and the power to positively influence others. It offers an opportunity to simplify your content creation process, save time and energy, and elevate your brand’s impact.
With the added security of a satisfaction guarantee, this kit is a step towards a more prosperous and impactful journey in content creation and business. Don’t let content creation hold you back any longer; embrace the Affirmations Profit Kit and watch your business thrive.
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Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Last Words!
The Affirmations Profit Kit is a game-changer for content creation and business growth. With a vast collection of designs and templates, it simplifies content creation, saves time, and ensures a consistent brand identity. The added bonus of a satisfaction guarantee makes it a low-risk, high-reward investment.
Beyond business success, it empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the world. Embracing this Affirmations Profit Kit is a step towards effortless, impactful content and thriving businesses.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —FAQs
Q: Can I use these designs and templates on different platforms and for different purposes?
Absolutely! Our designs and templates are versatile and adaptable, suitable for various platforms like social media, websites, email marketing, and more. They’re perfect for multiple purposes, including content creation, branding, and marketing.
Q: Do I need a Canva subscription to use these templates?
It’s not mandatory. You can utilize the Affirmations Profit Kit with a free Canva account, allowing you to enjoy these valuable resources without any additional cost.
Q: Can I use these designs and templates for my clients or within my agency?
Yes, you can! The Affirmations Profit Kit is a fantastic resource for agencies and freelancers. You can use it to create content for clients or enhance your agency’s offerings, making it a versatile tool for your business growth.
Q: Are there any hidden fees or additional costs after purchase?
No hidden fees here! Your one-time purchase grants you full access to the Affirmations Profit Kit, and there are no recurring costs or surprise charges. It’s a straightforward, all-inclusive package. 
0 notes
azmalhossen · 8 months
Affirmations Profit Kit Review — DFY Graphics That Revolutionize Your Success!
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Welcome to my comprehensive Affirmations Profit Kit Review. I’m here to provide you with an honest evaluation of this product. I will help you to make an informed decision about its potential to transform your online business efforts.
“Affirmations Profit Kit” is a comprehensive resource. Say farewell to content creation challenges with over 2500 professionally designed Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates. This kit offers a vast content library covering Affirmations, Positive Manifestations, Gratitude, Mindfulness, and Motivation.
Whether you’re building your brand, engaging your audience, or boosting profits, it provides simplicity, versatility, and consistent messaging. Customize every design with our Editable Canva Templates to align with your brand’s identity effortlessly. With the Affirmations Profit Kit, transform your content effortlessly.
In this review, we’ll explore the features, advantages, drawbacks, usage guidelines, FAQs, pricing, bonuses, and more of Affirmations Profit Kit. Let’s get started!
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Overview
Creator: Michael Pitta
Product: Affirmations Profit Kit
Official Website: Click Here
Front-End Price: $17
Bonus: Huge Bonuses
Niche: Social Media
Recommendation: Highly Recommended!!
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Affirmations Profit Kit Review —What is it?
The “Affirmations Profit Kit” is an exciting new product designed to spread positivity, empowerment, and boost profits. It offers a rich collection of 2500+ Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates, making it easy for your audience to tap into the power of positive thinking and personal development. This kit covers a wide range of categories, including General Affirmations, Gratitude, Motivation, Success, and more.
It likely includes carefully crafted affirmations and guidance on how to effectively reprogram beliefs related to money and abundance. Educational materials, exercises, and tools support users in setting and achieving their financial goals through affirmations.
The primary goal of the Affirmations Profit Kit is to help users develop a more positive and empowered mindset regarding financial matters, enabling them to overcome limiting beliefs and attract greater prosperity into their lives. While specific contents may vary, the kit’s aim is to empower individuals to manifest their financial desires through the practice of affirmations.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Features & Benefits
Over 2500+ stunning Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates created by professionals
Easy and fast content creation process, freeing up your time and energy
Cohesive style and message across all your content, enhancing your brand identity
Editable Canva Templates for simple customization to fit your brand perfectly
Flexible content library for growing your brand, engaging your audience, and increasing your profits
Unlimited use rights on designs and templates, giving you creative freedom
Empowerment to access, customize, and share amazing content with ease
A solution to content creation challenges, turning struggles into successes
100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Try the Affirmation Profit Kit risk-free and witness the transformation yourself!
Diverse affirmation library covering various financial aspects
Guided visualization exercises to enhance affirmation effectiveness
Customization options for personalized affirmations
Progress tracking tools for motivation
Audio affirmations for daily reinforcement
Insights and advice from personal development experts
Access to an online community for support
Potential money-back guarantee for risk-free trial
Regular content updates to keep information current
Real-life success stories as proof of effectiveness
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Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Pricing & OTOs
Front-End (FE):
Affirmations Profit Kit: 2500+ DFY Designs & Templates – $17
Instant access to the Affirmations Profit Kit, your ultimate transformation resource.
Over 2500 professionally crafted Canva Affirmation Designs, offered in PNG and JPG formats.
Designs that are not only ready to use but primed to reshape your life.
Editable Canva Templates for seamless brand customization.
Plus, unlock 5 incredible bonuses that will further enhance your success!
$3 discount coupon.
One-Time Offer (OTO1):
Shortcut to Success: Affirmation Workbook & Exclusive Content – $27
Unlock the Shortcut to Success OTO, your ultimate companion to the Affirmation Profit Kit.
Receive a comprehensive Affirmation Workbook & Guide to supercharge your affirmation journey.
Gain access to an Exclusive Content Library packed with valuable resources to amplify your positive impact.
One-Time Offer (OTO2):
Reel Profit Accelerator: DFY Videos & Personal Growth Library – $47
Your affirmation journey gets a turbo boost with our Reel Profit Accelerator.
Enjoy DFY Affirmation Video Reels, tailor-made for captivating your audience on social media.
Receive a Personal Development eBook Bundle with Private Label Rights (PLR) as an added bonus, empowering you to share valuable content and establish your authority in the personal development niche.
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Bonuses
Bonus 1 # Canva Pro Access [First 50 Customers Only]
Here’s what you get with Canva Pro:
Access to Premium Content
Advanced Design Tools (including AI tools)
Brand Kit for Consistency
Transparent Backgrounds and Animations
Stock Resources
Resizing and Social Sharing
Background Remover Tool
Bulk creation tool
Bonus 2# 250+ Affirmation Designs
Three more categories of Affirmations to expand your reach; especially during the upcoming holiday season.
Bonus 3# Watermarking Software
Quickly watermark all your Affirmation Designs in Bulk. No need to use any graphics software.
Bonus 4# Watermarking Software Tutorial
Learn exactly how to watermark your images in bulk.
Bonus 5# 100+ Premium Backgrounds
Personalize your Affirmation Designs in Canva with these HQ image backgrounds.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Who Should Buy it?
Affirmations Profit Kit is designed to cater to a wide range of users looking to elevate their social media marketing game, including:
Affiliate Marketers
CPA Marketers
Video Marketers
Blog Owners
Product Creators
eCommerce Store Owners
Local Business Owners
Artists/Content Creators
Product Coaches/Trainers
Agency Owners
Social Media Managers
In fact, anyone aiming to park high-ticket clients and enhance the growth strategies can get significant benefit from Affirmations Profit Kit.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —My Opinion
Here are some motivational points on why one should make the purchase:
Effortless Content Creation:
The Affirmations Profit Kit simplifies the often challenging task of content creation. With a vast collection of 2500+ Canva Affirmation Designs and Editable Templates, you can effortlessly produce engaging content that resonates with your audience.
Time and Energy Savings:
No more struggling with the relentless grind of content creation. This kit is designed to save you precious time and energy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters for your business.
Consistent Brand Identity:
Maintaining a cohesive style and messaging across your content becomes a breeze. The kit’s versatile content library spans various categories, ensuring that your brand identity shines through in every piece of content you create.
Creative Freedom:
Enjoy unrestricted use rights on all designs and templates, providing you with the creative freedom you deserve. You can customize and tailor your content to suit your unique brand and vision.
Business Growth:
By nurturing your brand and engaging your audience with impactful content, you pave the way for business growth and increased profits. This kit is a valuable tool to boost your business’s success.
Satisfaction Guarantee:
The creators of the Affirmations Profit Kit are so confident in its potential that they back your purchase with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied, they’ll refund your investment without any questions.
Make a Positive Impact:
Beyond business success, this kit enables you to make a positive impact on the world. You can change someone’s life for the better through the transformative power of affirmations.
Establish Authority:
As you consistently create and share compelling content, you’ll establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Your audience will trust your message and guidance.
The Affirmations Profit Kit is not just a content creation tool. It’s a pathway to business growth, personal satisfaction, and the power to positively influence others. It offers an opportunity to simplify your content creation process, save time and energy, and elevate your brand’s impact.
With the added security of a satisfaction guarantee, this kit is a step towards a more prosperous and impactful journey in content creation and business. Don’t let content creation hold you back any longer; embrace the Affirmations Profit Kit and watch your business thrive.
<< << << GET IT HERE >> >> >>
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —Last Words!
The Affirmations Profit Kit is a game-changer for content creation and business growth. With a vast collection of designs and templates, it simplifies content creation, saves time, and ensures a consistent brand identity. The added bonus of a satisfaction guarantee makes it a low-risk, high-reward investment.
Beyond business success, it empowers individuals to make a positive impact on the world. Embracing this Affirmations Profit Kit is a step towards effortless, impactful content and thriving businesses.
Affirmations Profit Kit Review —FAQs
Q: Can I use these designs and templates on different platforms and for different purposes?
Absolutely! Our designs and templates are versatile and adaptable, suitable for various platforms like social media, websites, email marketing, and more. They’re perfect for multiple purposes, including content creation, branding, and marketing.
Q: Do I need a Canva subscription to use these templates?
It’s not mandatory. You can utilize the Affirmations Profit Kit with a free Canva account, allowing you to enjoy these valuable resources without any additional cost.
Q: Can I use these designs and templates for my clients or within my agency?
Yes, you can! The Affirmations Profit Kit is a fantastic resource for agencies and freelancers. You can use it to create content for clients or enhance your agency’s offerings, making it a versatile tool for your business growth.
Q: Are there any hidden fees or additional costs after purchase?
No hidden fees here! Your one-time purchase grants you full access to the Affirmations Profit Kit, and there are no recurring costs or surprise charges. It’s a straightforward, all-inclusive package. 
0 notes