#I used to dislike the character strongly idk why I wanted to draw him so bad suddenly
rikushka · 8 months
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"What if I drew teen chuuya he's cool-"
12 year old me taking possession of my body after I saw a few memes: "you spelt Ayato Kirishima wrong."
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indigo--montoya · 2 years
1 and 10?
Hi, thanks for the ask!!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?*
All of them? The concept of OTPs in general? Idk I'm a multishipper
So far as popular ships go, though, there's a couple I don't really get. The one I least understand is zukka. Literally where did its huge popularity come from, if you want to ship two guys (which so far as I can tell is one of the main draws?) then, well, both sokkaang and jetko have more canon basis. Is this partly just me being salty that two ships I love that have actual canon grounding are ignored most of the time (one more so than the other) in favor of something that is pretty much a crackship? noooo (yes)
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
This part got long enough that I decided to put it under a cut.
Hmm ok, so this is a hard one. There's a few arcs I have significant issues with. The one I think I dislike most strongly is Aang's arc, though. Like, they had most of an amazing growing up arc (emotional dependence to emotional independence, it could have been so cool) all done, and then just. Completely flubbed the ending!
They started setting it up in the very first episode, when Aang sees Katara and forms an instantaneous attachment. All through Book 1 it stays a healthy relationship, where they get closer and make mistakes and work through them. There's foreshadowing for what will come later, but for now it's a good, healthy friendship.
Then in Book 2, we get the first real signs of trouble. We're shown in The Avatar State that Aang's emotional dependence on Katara has grown- he'd needed her support before, for instance when he saw his mentor's corpse, that was a completely reasonable time for him to rely on her. But here she doubtless needed more support than he did since she'd just been buried alive, and had to turn right around and calm him down instead. As Book 2 progresses, this is not addressed, and his emotional dependence on her only grows.
At the end of Book 2 is another key moment in this arc, where he's forced to begin to confront the fact that he feels like he needs Katara specifically for emotional support, as opposed to friendships in general. Book 3 doesn't do as well with this arc (hardly surprising, given what Book 3 was like in general), but there's still enough support for this arc that it feels like they could have stuck the landing with a few tweaks.
But by the end, nothing is actually resolved here, at least not in a way that makes sense. We see Aang so close to a good end to this arc at the beginning of the canon finale, and then at the very end we see an Aang who seems like he could almost be the one at the end of this arc, but there's no character development in between, just a bunch of glowing. GLOWING IS NOT CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!
What really gets me here is how easy it would have been to make this an absolutely beautiful character arc, just by changing some of the details.
Change the focus from shipping to buildup for Aang learning not to use Katara as an emotional crutch, take away the kisses (especially if you want ka to be endgame), either remove Ember Island Players or completely rewrite it.
Show Aang realizing Katara isn't the perfect angel he built her up as in his head, show him beginning to accept that (the episode with Hama could be a great place to start this part, TSR is another good place to work on this stuff).
Keep him running away right before Sozin's comet, but for goodness sake give him some agency in it instead of having a lion turtle come by and hypnotize him. Have him choose to leave, with the intent to come back and fight Ozai, even kill him if he has to, but he's damn well going to try everything besides killing him first. So he waterbends his way out to a sandbar, bends himself a tiny island, and starts meditating.
He doesn't get quite the same answers from the past Avatars in this- I'm thinking Yangchen probably encourages him to look for an alternate solution, but reminds him to do what is necessary, even kill if he has to. He ends up using meditation to unblock his chakras, on a very visible time crunch because he headed to the coast of the Earth Kingdom to be sure he'd be there when Ozai arrived.
He's in the Avatar State during the fight, and in control, but it's not just ~magical glowing that does everything for him~ he has to actually fight. It's the hardest fight of his life so far- Ozai is powerful, and he's inexperienced. He's struggling, trying to hold Ozai off without killing or significantly injuring him, hoping against hope he won't have to use lethal force. Maybe at one point he hits Ozai hard enough to stun him and almost has a breakdown but then Ozai gets up.
Anyway, how the fight ends is he knocks Ozai to the ground and traps him like General Fong trapped Katara, all the way back at the start of Book 2. He doesn't use energybending and he doesn't need to, because with a little creativity (and embracing earthbending) he finds a nonviolent solution that we already knew was a thing that could happen. This should have been canon fight me
Oh and then if you're doing the ka version, instead of a kiss at the end Katara and Aang have a really sweet heart-to-heart where they both agree they're not ready for a romantic relationship yet, even though they both have feelings for each other they need more stability first and want their friendship to be a constant in a quickly-changing world. Because their friendship means the world to them.
End on a hopeful note with them holding hands, and boom! You've turned ka into something I actually like! Heck, you get the details right and you just turned ka into a ship I think about and write about and care about to a degree most would consider excessive!!
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janetsnakehole02 · 3 years
Y’all I wanna clarify when people say Loki in the show was WEAK no one is saying Loki’s softness/vulnerability is a weakness. Honestly I think there’s strength in that. I’ve seen a lot of people argue “well wouldn’t you change after watching your entire future in one sitting” and you’re not wrong, that’s why you clearly see Loki starting to become more comfortable in his vulnerability. And that’s great. I don’t think it was ooc for him to say he just wanted Sylvie to be okay in the finale. He’s admitted he’s cared before, he’s admitted he didn’t want the throne before, so this isn’t brand new information, it’s sweet that he’s willing to be vulnerable enough to admit he cares after everything he’s been through (which I did not interpret as romantic pls I am not a shipper ew also side note idk why so many people thought that Loki saying he didn’t want the throne/saying he cared was character development, it was a PARALLEL because he fucking told us the exact same thing back in Thor 1 like again y’all this is not brand new information). Emotions don’t make Loki weak. No, what’s WEAK is dumbing him down to make Sylvie look like the better variant.
The Loki we know is too clever to compromise his disguise on the ship the way he did in episode 3. Hell even in episode 1 he outsmarted B-15 and got the beeping tracking collar thing around her neck. That was AFTER he watched his whole future. He may have opened up more of his walls but it never got in the way of his intelligence. We got to see other Loki variants reach their full potential in terms of their magic but never our Loki. We get to see Classic Loki create an illusion of ASGARD. We get to see Sylvie enchant Alioth. And when I saw Loki using Lævateinn in the trailer I was expecting almost an explosion of magic from him but he was simply used as a distraction while Sylvie did the grunt work. I was expecting the season finale to culminate in our Loki realizing his strength and just reaching his absolute full potential, and I was honestly so underwhelmed by the minimal role he had in that finale. And to everyone saying that’s why there’s a season 2 - bitch PLEASE. I am NOT asking for too much when I want to see the full extent of Loki’s powers. We have been denied of this for 10 years now and we were literally promised by the creators of this show that we would get more of his magic. There’s nothing wrong with giving us his powers in the season finale and then building on that even more in season 2. Loki is incredibly adept, powerful, cunning, and skilled, but it just felt like we were being told that Sylvie is the more talented one because she taught herself magic, or she’s the more powerful one because she enchanted Alioth. And good for her, that’s great, but the show was never supposed to be about amplifying her powers, it was supposed to be about Loki’s.
And that drives this back to my main issue with the second half of the show which is that once Sylvie was introduced Loki turned into a plot device used to advance her journey. I loved her when they first introduced her but as the show went on I began to have mixed emotions about her portrayal and how she didn’t really have many defining character traits besides anger. I don’t hate her, I do strongly dislike some of her actions but I don’t hate her, I just think she could have been developed better instead of being defined simply as an angry revenge-hungry shero love interest. Many people are drawing comparisons between her and Thor 1 Loki which is fair, they were both in the same position, but at least with Thor 1 Loki we got a proper glimpse into his emotions and his psyche that drove the decisions he made. We got a flashback for Sylvie, sure, but we didn’t get much of Sylvie being introspective on her own about her past, and they could’ve done that without taking away from Loki’s spotlight, the same way they did for Loki in Thor 1 without taking any of the spotlight off of Thor. They could’ve done this instead of wasting time trying to show us that Sylvie is the “superior” variant.
Sorry I know it’s been over a month since the finale but I’m still just so irked with the second half of this show, maybe it’s on me for expecting so much. But it still pisses me off how in the finale we just got Loki right back where he was at the beginning - heartbroken, betrayed, and helpless. Which reminds me, it was also WEAK to put his happiness and well-being on the backburner. He’s been through enough in the MCU lemme give you a reminder in case you forgot - found out he was adopted KIDNAPPED, attempted suicide and survived, tortured by Thanos and put under mind control, imprisoned in his own homeland by his own “father” - and he just watched his entire future AND DEATH in 1 episode. I know that trauma can be crucial to character growth but viewers can tell when it’s becoming too much. And it’s clear that the writers (or rather Waldron) don’t care much about Loki’s issues, I mean Waldron himself said he thought Loki was using his trauma as an excuse to be selfish and if that isn’t the most cruel gaslighting bullshit I’ve ever heard. As someone who has heard this way too many times I can attest that it really fucking hurts and it is such a dismissive thing to say. If the writers are treating the main character of their show so callously how can I not be upset? In Loki’s own words I just want him to be okay is all. And it was WEAK to put him through this much pain alright there that’s all I have to say
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Survey #315
“can’t breathe to scream  /  suffocating in this dream  /  long way down”
Who was your first big crush? I would probably say this guy in high school named Sebastian. We sat beside each other in Art, and I definitely liked him a lot. Man, my freshman-sophomore years honestly involved a handful of crushes before Jason popped into the picture and I lost all romantic interest in everyone else. Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? N/A Is it a blue sky outside right now? No. All North Carolina has known for weeks on end now is rain. We've had very rare sunny days, but for the most part, it's just gray and gross. Was your last breakup a bad one? Nah, I'd say it ended maturely and with a mutual understanding of "why." When was the last time you were surprised, in a pleasant way? Hell if I know. Is there an ice-cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? Yeah, like strawberry. What was the last sitcom you watched? No clue. ^ Do you have a favorite character in that sitcom? Why is that character your favorite? N/A What does the last group you joined on Facebook concern? I am 90% sure it was this group I joined that is literally just about cute yet dangerous animals lmao, mostly reptiles and invertebrates. "Misunderstood biteybois and where to befriemd them" or some stupid shit like that. Has there been a spider in your house at any time recently? Not that I've seen, no. Do you like wearing make-up? Not at all. I only like wearing it for pictures and then taking that shit off. ^ If so, how old were you when you first started to wear it? I started consistently wearing it my freshman year of high school. Then some time later I just showed up one day without any, shocked all my friends, and then only wore it when I felt like it. What foods are you craving lately, if any? Nothing, really. What were some of your favorite foods as a child? Chicken nuggets of course, as well as spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, just the typical stuff that kids tend to enjoy. When you were younger, did you ever have a friend that your parents hated? No. Have you ever talked in your sleep before? That's very normal for me, especially now that I have nightmares like every goddamn night. What was the last song you heard, that reminded you of someone? Well, not a real someone, but "The Ordinary World" by the Hit House is 110% one of Fetch's soon-to-be themes. What has brought you joy today? Nothing brought me "joy," really. When was the last time you won a prize in a raffle? What was it? I actually recently won an art rafle on deviantART hosted by a truly amazing artist, like I thought I had no chance, and she's going to be drawing Moondust!!!! :'''') What is the next non-essential item that you intend to buy for yourself? I'm still paying the bulk of my tattoo in May. Is there anywhere in your town/city that's rumored to be haunted? Oh, I'm sure. When you were younger, did you ever think that a certain place was haunted? Bitch I still do lmao. What were your school meals like? Did you enjoy them? This really depended on the menu for the day. My school lunches were nowhere near as bad as some people make theirs sound, but most things still weren't great. I think school pizzas are the most notoriously bad. What kind of granola bar did you eat most recently? I had a cashew bar earlier today. Do you have any books on your shelf that you've read multiple times? I never reread books. What did your last post on social media concern? That I personally wrote, something regarding subtle racism still being racism, pretty much. How do you feel about people using graphic images as a scare tactic to promote their beliefs? (i.e.: PETA, abortion…) I have mixed feelings on this. Like sometimes seeing the brutal side of certain things is definitely useful in opening someone's mind to things they don't want to see/think about, but then there's that, too: it can just be so invasive and unexpected, and thus very upsetting and even scarring. I'd say I'm most for the "appropriate" social media route: using censorship that the viewer can decide whether or not to remove. But you obviously can't do that in like, a public protest with a sign, so idk. Which is harder for you: writing creatively or academically? Honestly, both are pretty easy for me. I enjoy writing creatively far more, though. Do you think gender neutral bathrooms are a good idea? I think it's fine to have them as an option. When was the last time you voluntarily went outside of your comfort zone? Just talking about stuff in group therapy recently. Would you ever use a dating site that costs money, like Match.com or eHarmony? Have you known anyone who had good experience with such sites? No, and yes. Do you think it’s fair that people are able to make a reasonable salary and live comfortable lives just by making YouTube videos? Yes? It takes charisma and talent in some area (humor, education, etc.) as well as consistency for it to be a reliable career, and just consider how often you hear about creators burning out. That happens for a reason. Entertainment is a valid job category and should not be seen as an unfair joke. Whether you’re in college or not, do you become fearful about whether or not you’ll find a good job? Story of my life. What is something you can only understand if you've experienced it first hand? Deep heartbreak. Do you think it's a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it's assault? Obviously. Abuse knows no gender, and hitting another person is just that. I do, however, believe in self-defense, also regardless of gender. In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important... Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. This requires too much thinking, haha... but I do know the quality of my honeymoon would be most important to me, given that that's personal time with my new spouse and not a public celebration. I feel like what goes on behind closed doors is more important and heartfelt than how you act publicly. Do you have a go-to small talk conversation topic? Probably video games or music, idk. Define "small talk." Does anyone owe you money? Do you owe anyone money? (Besides credit cards) Mom does. She just a few days ago had to borrow $100 for rent. If someone was going to buy you any practical gift (anything except a house or car), what would you choose? It'd be dope as fuck if someone could pay for Venus' next terrarium, but that's a big purchase that I'd have a hard time accepting. How many people do you know with the same first name as you? At least one, but her name is spelled differently. What in your opinion is the best love song ever written? I'm not sure, but I can tell you that "When It's Love" by Van Halen has always been high on the list for me. Was your mother married when she had you? No, actually. I thought she was until my most recent bday, I think. It was just part of a conversation. How old was the first person you kissed? He was a few months into 18. The first person you were in a relationship with, do you still care about them? Of course, he's a sweet guy. We don't talk or anything, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. So, what if you married the last person you kissed? That'd be pretty rad. What are you listening to at the moment? "Long Way Down" from the The Evil Within soundtrack. It's funny, like I've loved the game for many years, but I'm now in a serious semi-obsession phase after watching another let's play of it. Have you read the The Hunger Games trilogy? I only read the first book. I loved it, but just never continued. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Who is the person you dislike the most? That I personally know, probably a former best friend, oddly enough. Do you text your parents often? If Mom's not home, it's not unusual for us to text. I don't text my dad much because he's not a fan of texting. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Pretty much always. Do you know anyone with celiac disease? Sara, my aunt, and my cousin. Those are the ones I know of, anyway. Do you currently have any alarms set? No. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Barely even two. If someone else is here, they usually just park where the road meets the sidewalk of the cul-de-sac. Do you have the ashes of a family member or a pet? Of my dog Teddy, yes. Have you ever been involved in a car crash? Yes, as a kid. Do you prefer flash or no flash on a camera? Definitely no flash. It's more natural, and especially with people, it obviously prevents red eye. How often do you use hashtags? Just about never. Have you ever had whiplash before? No. Have you ever given another person or an animal a bath before? Pets, yes. I could never bathe another human. Is there a birdbath in your yard? No. Weirdest place you’ve ever had a cramp? Nowhere weird, I think... How many lamps are in the room you’re in? How many are actually turned on? Technically three, if you count my snake's heat lamp. Right now that's the only light that's on. Are there any activities you enjoy doing, but can only do for a short amount of time before you get bored or tired of them? Yeah, reading comes to mind first. Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you're looking forward to? I'm not up-to-date on this stuff at all, not even video games. What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? I know Girt's recommended me music I haven't been a fan of. We like the same general stuff, but there are specific sub-genres we differ in opinion about. Can you unwrap a Starburst in your mouth? ... There are people who do this to even know in the first place??? What is the last thing you ate? Popcorn. Who is your favorite person to spend time with? Sara. Do you know how to grill a steak? I don't know how to cook, period. Do you have a large dog? We don't have a dog currently, but Mom is looking for one pretty intently. We don't know the size it'll end up being. Do you like walking places? Absolutely not. I can't walk far at all without my legs starting to scream at me because leading such a sedentary lifestyle led to muscle atrophy in my legs. It's incredibly embarrassing. Are you a fan of bands most people don’t know of? That's not uncommon for me. Have you ever sent an X-Rated picture to someone? No. Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? It's deeper than the average woman's. Do you have a pool? No, but I really, really want one... Given how easily I sweat, I would love to use swimming to strengthen my legs. I could also stop the very moment I feel I need to; it in general sounds like something I could quite easily do. How many times have you been on a plane? Ummm including the trips going back, at least six times. Favorite ice cream flavor? Oh my gooooood, if you haven't tried Ben & Jerry's "phish food"... fucking try that shit. It is innnnnncredible. Do you have a TikTok? Nope. Do you enjoy driving? Fuck no I don't. Your favorite store as a teen? Hot Topic was and still is my fave, ha. Favorite YouTuber? There's this one called Markiplier that I think's pretty cool. How many online accounts do you have? A LOT. My whole life is essentially on the computer, so... .-. Do you tend to always be in some sort of drama? Quite the opposite. Do you collect quarters from every state? No. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? Not since we moved into this place. When you were little did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney or Nickelodeon more? Disney probably topped Nickelodeon. I didn't watch much CN. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek? Either my niece or nephew when saying bye. Have you ever seen a magic show? Yes, as a kid. I even had a magician for my bday once. When was the last time you vomited and why? It's been a year or so. It would've been a side effect of starting a certain med that I didn't stay on because it so consistently made me sick. Where do you usually sit when you eat dinner? Either in my bed (I know) or at the dinner table if Nicole is here to eat with us. What time do you usually go to sleep at night? It's typically around 7:30-8:30, occasionally a bit later. I can't believe as a teen, it was my "rule" that I couldn't go to sleep before 10:30 because it was "too early." Nowadays, I can barely imagine regularly staying up that late. Do you avoid using public restrooms? As best as I can. I've seen some nasty shit. What’s your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. How basic.
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hamliet · 5 years
Fly My Dark Butterflies Fly
Or the one in which I braved the MTL translations for 2Ha and finished, so here’s the updated review (SPOILERS below):
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It’s a good story that I thoroughly enjoyed and that made me *feel* things, which is primarily why I read stories. That said, it was thematically... a mess, and so I’m going to rant a lot in this, but please also note that I did enjoy and like the novel and would recommend it.
Can everyone be redeemed? Or are you born good or bad? The author seems to imply that yes is her answer through the first third of her novel, and then kind of... chickens out? It’s hard to tell (and again, not reading in the original is likely part of this impression in me) whether it was well set up or not, but by the end I felt like her answer was closer to either you’re blessed or you’re not, sucks to suck. Which was disappointing. Despite the fact that the author does rightly indict society for failing people and thereby them turning out evil, she doesn't really get into the notion of society being responsible beyond a surface level. It’s acknowledged, called out even, but not explored as it is in, say, all of MXTX’s works.
I was severely disappointed to find out Mo Ran was really good all along and poisoned into doing those things, even if it sometimes pointed out that hey, we all have those desires but we have self-control and the poison only amplified them. Which would have been fine if this was better explored, but again, it’s kept surface level.
This plot twist also seemed pointless to me: like, by that point, anyone still reading reading is firmly empathizing with Mo Ran despite how evil he was in the past. Good. MAKE us uncomfortable with our empathy, as it seemed the novel initially set out to do--it was brash and exploring the limits of redemption and forgiveness, boldly so, but this seemed to suddenly draw back on that: "hey look it's fine you were empathizing because he was more or less innocent!" (Well, it's complicated. But I prefer it when, like Wei Wuxian in MDZS, the author is unflinchingly honest that despite the circumstances he *fully* made his poor choices on his own.) No, I am not reading this kind of novel if I want to be comfortable, Author.
I really disliked how the Butterfly Bone Beauty Clan was treated as well between Hua Bainan and Song Qiutong; hence, my title for this. Honestly like, eat the entire world, my dark butterflies.
Song Qiutong in particular.... I am baffled as to why the author had such animosity towards her. What is the worst thing she did? Accuse Ye Wangxi of rape? Yeah, that was really terrible and she was punished for it, as she should have been (like Nangong Si dumping her). However, why weren’t her circumstances and background considered like they were when the characters do similarly unforgiveable things? Song Qiutong was rescued from being sold as a pleasure slave/to be eaten and she had deliberately been set  up to look as if she was cheating on Nangong Si to provoke her into accusing Ye Wangxi. Which she did. Yes, it was still 100% wrong to do that.  But why does the narrative sympathize with Mo Ran when he's pushed to his limits and does evil, giving us his whole agonizing backstory, but not with Song Qiutong? Idk, but a girl who has been so dehumanized that it's only logical she'll be fearing that she's about to be cast aside (ie which, given her heritage, would likely mean being subject to rape and being eaten alive) trying to save her life is tragic, not scheming and evil. Was it because Mo Ran was self-sacrificial and Song Qiutong wanted to sacrifice someone else? Do you not remember your own words, Author, about how you wouldn't blame someone for wanting to live? That's a literal line in your novel. Or does it only apply to your MCs?
(The same issue was present in Rong Jiu's treatment. You can't make these points about how unfair and cruel it is and then be like "random coincidence they have no hope and Mo Ran does because he's loved, sucks if you're not!" That... isn't hopeful, and the problem is that the novel seems as if it is trying to be hopeful.)
Now, returning to the BBB Clan. WHY are the two we get to know evil? Seriously, you present a group as being persecuted but every single character you introduce from them is manipulative and evil? I just... no...(though, it is possible this isn’t the case. The MTL language was vague enough that I wasn’t clear on whether or not Mo Ran was also Butterfly Bone Beauty or some other demonic race).
Okay, there. Rant over. Now I can discuss what I loved.
Despite that, it's to the author's credit and utter talent that I still rooted for Mo Ran and Chu Wanning, because usually blatant protagonist favoritism makes me hate the protagonist. At that point, though, they had suffered too much and to their credit, taken responsibility for their actions, so I was glad they got their happy ending.
Xue Meng’s development, too, was fantastic, and I particularly enjoyed his relationship with both Mei Hanxues (who were actually decent twin characters, in that they were very very different from one another and had their own complex motivations!). I totally did not see the twist about Xue Meng’s origins coming at the end, and was pleasantly surprised.
The entire Xue family--Sect Leader Xue and Lady Wang--were wonderful, and it was amazing to see great parents in the story, because I totally did not expect that coming into it. It’s actually interesting to me how complex the parental figure were--Mo Ran’s mom was a good mother, and Ye Wangxi’s foster father was by all accounts a bad person but a good dad. No matter his motivations, he did love his daughter. Not only that, but Nangong Si’s love for Nangong Liu despite his father’s failings were quite moving, because it was realistic--you can’t just started hating someone you loved all your life even if you despise everything they stand for. (Nangong Liu, also, was another decent redemption, and I wish more had been done with him.)
Ye Wangxi was also the epitome of a great female character. I adored every development related to her, and her relationship with Nangong Si was a highlight. Every time she was on page I was like “kick his ass baby.”
The villain reveal... well, I was right about it, and I do think it was well done. There was enough set up to see it coming yet enough emotion involved to make you be like NOOO at the same time. Additionally, their connection to the butterfly bone sect was also hinted at not too strongly, but enough so that I had wondered, so the author is pretty great about setting up surprise twists.
Overall, I would rate the novel a 7/10 (same as I would rate FGEP) but feelings-wise an 8/10. I enjoyed 2Ha more than FGEP because it provoked my emotions more and was better written prose-wise (even in the MTL), but FGEP had much clearer themes despite other elements of shoddy writing. MXTX continues to be in a league of her own when it comes to narrative. 
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yaboylevi · 4 years
KS [1] Thanks for the swift reply! I'd like to go private but I don't have a tumblr account, honestly don't feel like doing one if you don't mind. If you don't feel like talking about snk anymore, I understand! If it only causes you bitterness, why bother? I still do it just because it doesn't and it's going to end soon anyway. Regarding your reply, yeah I too meant that the bird was Eren's conscience or connection to nature and not him literally, I just didn't have enough space XD [...]
Hiii...it’s been almost 3 weeks I am so sorry. But between real life being absolute torture, and finding respite in stuff different from snk, I completely forgot to come back to this. I really do not enjoy talking about snk, so I was really overwhelmed by your messages (that I didn’t even receive in full, and that’s one of the reasons why I’d prefer to move the conversation elsewhere - but I don't really wanna have conversations about snk atm anyway. ‘cause you see, I agree 100% with you, it sounds like I wrote these messages myself, but at the end of the day they just remind me of how much I’ve come to dislike the series...so, not really productive, or healthy for my mindset right now (i repeat, real life is just...trying to kill me apparently)).
Anyway, so I’ll just reply quickly to your messages, because you spent a lot of time typing them up, but yeah...this is not the best place or moment to have such long discussions about snk, I believe.
[2] I was wondering more on the implications to that, because thinking about it, I remembered many scenes in the anime's past seasons with birds flying, and it got me thinking if it really was all decided from the start? Maybe by some superior entity? I hope like you that little Ymir isn't just a plot device and has a role to play together with Zeke. I hope this isn't the last we see from Eren pov as well becuase those shots of little him saying 'this scenery' really worried me. [...]
I was thinking birds, besides a white one possibly meaning hope and a black one usually connected to death, are part of nature, just like all things connected through paths. Titans are connected to nature, there has been a lot of discussion about this in fandom for years, so yeah. Also, hope = freedom & life, death = despair. It all plays on the dichotomy that is Eren: he doesn’t want to kill but he doesn’t want to die either. I wonder if one of the morals of the story will be that death is just part of a natural cycle, hence you can be free in death too (but I hate this, because it’s really negative if applied to SnK).
Re-reading some stuff also made me hopeful about this not being the last of Eren’s pov, as far as explanations go. Like, there is clearly more (Liberio, for example, the WHT, etc). As for child!Eren, I think he is totally disconnected from reality, hence he doesn’t see what’s happening, and if he is, he’s also trying to convince himself that, like 19!Eren said in chapter 121, as a child he would take freedom away from people who tried to take his freedom away with little to no remorse - of course, it isn’t the case for adult!Eren, as we saw multiple times.
[3] I just hope we get to see more from him, like War Hammer titan and King Fritz memories, and there's more with Historia as well. I don't really care about shipping so I don't mind if we get EH or if Eren is the father, at least it would make sense for the pregnancy thing to be this dragged out. I just found the Armin/Annie conversation really baffling? What with the timing and the tone of the chapter? What was the point of that? To make us feel sad for Armin if Annie dies? [...]
I feel a couple, in particular a couple with Eren, would be too out of the blue and ruin Eren’s character (and the other party of the pair). Besides, romance has never been part of Eren’s character arc. If it’s just to follow the shonen manga’s trend of the protagonist ending up with [insert female character], then this will finally put snk in the trash bin for me.
I was watching a japanese youtuber’s analysis about the latest chapter and he said something very interesting about the Annie/Armin scene: just like we have child!Eren being happy vs adult!Eren despairing, their little talk repeated the same 2 povs: childhood vs adulthood. Armin’s ““declaration of love”” felt really childish and, as Annie rightfully pointed out, was that really the time for it? People are getting crushed and Armin thinks about such innocents stuff? You could say it’s the same dichotomy of hope - despair, beautiful - cruel, innocence - what Armin later admits: he is not innocent, he also killed people and children in cold blood, ever since the beginning of the story.
I personally don’t think either of them will die, but as the youtuber pointed out, usually these romantic overtones bring one of the pair to their death (I was pleased he brought up as an example yumihisu ahah), so I get why you might speculate as such.
[4] And Eren's pov got me really confused. I kind of understand what the author was going for and I agree with your analysys about his inner conflict and desperation but to me it came out of nowhere? Like you said, it doesn't really make sense for his character. This is what we get by having his thoughts hidden for so long though. At the start of the manga we got those moments where we could see he was somewhat twisted but then he grew out of it and was pretty normal, and now all of a sudden[..]
I think the inner conflict has been there, always throughout the story and in Eren as well, but for me, the problem lies elsewhere, in the sense that there is still no connection (or good enough transition) between “i don’t want to kill people but since i don't wanna die i guess i’ll kill them”. We’re talking about Eren, who wanted to die because people died because of him...who got so angry about being unjustly threatened with death, who stood up against bullies, against all sorts of injustice because he strongly believes in the intrinsic right of being free (WHICH IS THE RIGHT TO BE ALIVE). I get it that the other side wants them dead, but it still feels stupid that he would convince himself to kill the innocent majority, suddenly refusing half of what he has always believed in. If Isayama is going for “hey look, isn’t this tragic? What despair pushes people to do?” like UGH it’s just so annoying, because WE KNOW, snk is ALL about that, but what bothers me in this case, in particular, is, if Eren gets no redemption at all, then fuck off @ this story. See, I’m getting angry.
[5] he has like regressed to his childhood self? If he really hates doing all this, why does he do it? And I think you're right about Eren being demonized by the narrative: the writer made possible only 2 options and forced Eren to choose the rumbling and to him to be the psycho final villain, what with all those exaggerated expressions and shadows to draw him. If he was going with that from the start he should have done it constantly throughout the manga. And I won't even talk about [...]
And yes, the point is Eren changed throughout the story!!! For god’s sake!! Then all that progression was just so that Eren had a more nuanced view of the world so that he could suffer for this choice in particular? Wow, I didn’t know I was reading Tokyo Ghoul...... /s
[6] the predetermination stuff. Did Eren really surrender to the future he saw? Is he really just there in his titan sleeping and wallowing? LOL If Armin turns out to be the hero who can change the future... bleargh. I probably dislike the alliance as much as I do because the narrative is so biased in favour of them. I put my hope in Zeke for that! Please! Let him be the key if Eren is defeated! On the other hand I think it's not so obvious that he will lose as well. on that point, [...]
This is the last one I got, I’m sorry. Anyway, idk if it’s predetermined, or just like, the moment you think of something, the future changes. That would explain how Eren blames himself for this future: only because he dared think of this, then it happened. In any case, I doubt Armin ends up being the hero, I think it’ll be a group effort...remember Isayama was impressed by GotG’s ending....
Finally, Zeke, my lovely bitch, where are you??!?!?!?
He’s late to the party like a true queen.
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spacenintendogs · 5 years
Star Fox - what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
hm, this is honestly tricky for me bc I?? don’t rlly know any ships that most people like that I actually HATE or at least strongly dislike. the ships I do hate idk if they’re actually popular (such as wolf/////////james) like... 
I suppose I could talk about what people tend to ship the most, which is nowadays from what I see, wolfox. and it’s a version of wolfox I am not a fan of and actively dislike. i’e talked abt that in the past as well but I can talk abt it again. the version of them where wolf is this dominating, alluring sex god with fox dropping onto his knees and drooling. I get everyone has their fantasies and tastes but it’s just not for me, what really gets me is when people ship wolf and fox by making wolf into a r*pist and then saying later fox “enjoyed” it and dubbing it as “noncom” (I think that’s the term?)
but I don’t hate wolfox, if anything they’re one of my otps. so idk if that counts, so i’m going to talk about wolf///james,
I get everything is based off personal headcanon when it comes to this because wolf has no canon age you can really make him any age you want, whether you want him to be closer to james in age or fox. (I personally make him closer to fox in age bc idk if he’s around like, peppy’s age why is he deciding to be lifelong rivals with an 18 year old kid lmao but that’s just me it maybe could work but him being 6 years older makes sense to me)
but what always kills me, is that wheneve3r I see wolf////james, it’s used as a way for wolf to be obsessive or attracted to fox, or they make wolf barely an adult and james is already a father with fox. they draw wolf like he’s a teenager to make him clearly younger (even if he is an adult) and have james being flirty and sexual with him and it just makes my stomach twist. because they portray wolf as a young and naïve adult, maybe still even a teenager, and have james mccloud, who was certainly in his late 20′s or early 30′s and already has fox, even showing wolf holding baby fox only for wolf to be lusting or “falling in love” after james dies because he reminds him so much of james. it makes me feel so anxious and I hate that it’s mainly because wolf is my comfort character and I project onto wolf probably way too much
wolf/////james is the reason why I hc wolf and james never met face to face and only had one dogfight: the dogfight when star fox was surprised attacked on venom and the only one to escape was peppy. yes, in zero wolf says “I haven’t had this much fun since I fought your father...” but that doesn’t mean he fought james more than once. 
that being the one and only time wolf fought james, and it was the most adrenaline-rushed filled, most spectacular fight wolf had ever been in and had yet to get the same adrenaline rush until fox mccloud and only to find fox mccloud is even better than his father.
it’s all entirely personal for me, and whether or not that’s okay, idk... this doesn’t make any sense and i’m probably overreacting but... yeah
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hisband · 5 years
3 , 8 , 9, 38 !!
 meme: carling shares her honest opinions. || status: no longer accepting.
3. what current rp trend do you hate?
   i find that the rpc as a whole has gotten a lot more… idk, picky & shallow about which characters they interact with? of course, no one is obligated to interact with anyone and i would never guilt-trip anybody for not being interested in specific muses of mine or not following me back. but i have notice a shift over the last four years that i don’t particularly like.
   to give you guys a better idea what i’m talking about, let me give you an example. i roleplay captain spaulding from r.ob zombie’s firefly f.amily trilogy on my multi @mnstrsqd. he’s currently my longest running muse; i’ve been writing him publicly since spring 2015 and have moved him across multiple blogs. spaulding, despite being a chubby, ill-tempered, unhygienic guy in his late 50s / early 60s ( what can i say, i have a type ), was once my most popular character. not because he was pretty to look at or digestible, but because i was told he was interesting. people were drawn to his personality. for that reason, i wasn’t afraid to approach people on him or to follow first ( though i tried to be mindful because he Is a clown character and there are people on this website with coulrophobia, which i completely understand ). it wasn’t difficult to get interactions on him at all.
   nowadays? i’m fairly reluctant to approach people on characters that are considered unconventional, like my main horror muse belial or half the roster on my multi or even murdoc himself, because it seems like the rpc has devolved in the sense that the majority of writers on here ( based on my Own Personal Experience, at least ) are looking for characters that are easy. easy to get along with ic, easy to ship with, easy on the eyes. my buddy ruben made a much more detailed post on that here if you guys wanna check that out, but yeah. shallowness ( or perhaps an extreme reluctance to go outside one’s comfort zone ) is a rampant problem on tumb.lr these days, and it wasn’t like that at all when i first started out. people were a lot more willing to give others a chance no matter how fucking weird or obscure their character was, and i miss that a lot. had the community not been so accepting when i first joined, i probably wouldn’t have stuck around.
8. name any three things about the rpc that bother you.
   besides what i mentioned above? let’s see…
here’s a controversial one: people who feel the need to go around blocks and demand to know why you cut them off. like, dude, all you’re doing is proving to me that i made the right call by removing you from my social sphere. i find this behaviour incredibly entitled & invasive and i don’t like it one bit. i don’t like the idea that you owe people explanations as to why you left, especially if the person in question has been exhibiting abusive or triggering behaviour ( unknowingly or not ). just accept you’re no longer welcome in that person’s life and move on. the length of time you’ve known that person - or favours you’ve done for that person in the past - should not be used as bargaining tools to keep them around. you can tell someone why you’re ending a friendship or writing partnership, but you shouldn’t have to.
on the flip-side of this, i don’t like vague-posting. i try not to follow people who vague-post unless they have a damn good reason to do it ( i.e. trying to warn people about a past abuser but not wanting to say the person’s name for the sake of their own safety, or somebody else’s ). i strongly dislike when vague-posting is done for the sake of guilt-tripping others or making them uneasy. that’s passive-aggressive, petty & not at all a mature way to deal with conflict. if you’re having issues with someone ( and yes, there is a Huge, Huge Fucking Distinction between miscommunications in a relationship and legitimately toxic and abusive behaviour ), talk to them or else the issue is never going to be resolved. don’t drag everyone else down because you’re feeling upset or frustrated with one person.
people making assumptions about other people’s characters seems to be a problem that’s on the rise. just… don’t do it, even if you truly believe you know the other mun’s character. even if you’ve been writing with that character for years. even if you’ve written that character before yourself. it’s really rude & disrespectful, and most writers i know don’t appreciate someone else coming in and telling them how to portray their own muse, or acting like they know them better than they do. if you’re not sure about something in regards to a partner’s character, just ask. it’s that simple.
9. what is your opinion on exclusivity? do you practice it? why / why not?
   i don’t mind exclusivity & have never seen it as a big deal! if you’re really attached to a friend’s portrayal ( and i personally get very attached to the way my friends write their characters ), i think it’s fine to stick with their interpretation and their interpretation alone. the only time it’s ever been a problem for me is when i’ve written in really small fandoms ( i.e. the fire.fly family trilogy ) and felt the need to give everyone a chance. i think that’s a little bit different than when you’re developing a whole ship or story arc with one specific character, y’know?
38. what advice would you give to someone new to rp?
   don’t make rp your only hobby - that can turn unhealthy super fast. if you rp because you like to write, as i do, find other ways to write if you ever reach a point where you don’t wanna rp but still need a way to express yourself artistically ( and believe me, this Will happen ). if writing isn’t cutting it, then try something new, like drawing, or podcasting, or scrapbooking, or arts & crafts, or even cooking. these are all creative hobbies with very similar pay-offs! 
   don’t become too emotionally dependent on rp. i understand getting invested in characters & ships - believe me, i do - but when it becomes your only source of happiness or when you can’t see yourself being able to function without these things in your life, there’s a problem. similarly, don’t become too emotionally dependent on your friends & writing partners. that isn’t fair to them; they aren’t objects or bots here to cater to you, they’re living breathing people, usually with multiple things going on at once. no one’s life should revolve around one thing or one person, period. that’s recipe for disaster.
   and please, please, don’t treat rp like a job. don’t beat yourself up over things like not writing fast enough, or not writing enough threads, or not writing with enough people or not being online enough. this is a hobby, and should be treated like a hobby, and should absolutely not take priority over things like finding / keeping a job, doing well in school, taking care of your responsibilities & spending time with loved ones. the sooner you stop taking tum.blr rp super-seriously, the happier and more fulfilled you’ll feel. promise.
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ladyinthebluebox · 7 years
11 questions (strike back!)
Aaand another 11 questions from @bitter-stella Thanks for tagging me!!
Aaaand again I’m sorry for the wait. For the last couple days I’ve been pretty consumed with trying not to cut or glue my fingers together ^^’’ that’s a poor excuse, tho, I know. Again, answers under the cut ’cause it got extremely long.
Is there a particular country you know a lot about despite never having visited? I know A LOT about Ancient Egypt but that doesn’t count since it would require a time machine. Although Egypt, in general, is on my ‘to visit’ list since basically an eternity, so... it counts? A little at least?
What elements (to you) make for a fantastic or compelling story. Is it about the character interactions? The action or adventure?  The over-arching plot line? What makes or breaks a story for you? I think that the characters are the most important part of a story. If I get to like them I immediately get invested in whatever the plot has in stock for those fictional people. The interactions are a part of it too, I guess... Action and adventure definitely do their part. (unsurprisingly) I’d say that boring/unlikable characters break the story for me. You can put someone like this in the middle of the best, mindblowing story and I won’t be able to get into it... What makes a good character? Well, that’s a whole different story xd
If you had to go back and re-do your degree, what would you choose instead? If you haven’t completed your degree, what are some areas you have considered pursuing? First off, I’d probably wait a year or two before going to uni and give myself time to think about what I want to study. Maybe I’d go for journalism straight away then or decide for some artsy one... Idk. And I still plan to do master degree in new media journalism... maybe?
What is your ideal breakfast and who would you share it with? Banana pancakes (or any other pancakes) in the company of my bff for instance. Although in her company any breakfast is perfect... She also makes the best pancakes. XD Coincidence?
Has there ever been a scene in a movie or television show that has stood out for you? (As in, it really made an impact for you.) Tough question... I’d go for the scene from Doctor Who. In the last episode of the second series (counting the one from 2005 as a first; gee DW is fucking complicated) Doctor (played by the wonderful David Tennant at the time) and his companion, and also heavily implied LI, Rose get separated forever. There is a scene when it seems like they are on the opposite sides of the wall but in truth, they are in the completely different dimensions. She’s crying (obviously), while he just sticks his ear to it like he’s listening what’s happening on the other side and after a short while just walks away, knowing that he won’t ever see her again.  Basically, it’s an awfully sad scene... I rarely cry when watching movies/tv shows but good god, I cried crocodile tears while watching it. It was the first time I’ve got so invested in the tv show really. Tennant’s performance, how likable his Doctor was, the music... If you watch this scene alone it won’t have that much of an impact but when I watched two seasons, one episode after another and it happened... I was devasted like never before... And it’s followed by a scene with a line “I’m burning up the sun just to say goodbye” that just makes everything 100 times worse. 
When do you feel happiest? When the people I care about are happy and when my art/writing attempts are going right.
What are your main hobbies, and how did you initially come across them? Arts & crafts - I’ve always been an artistic kind of kid. I used to draw on everything I could... I guess we still have some old books that have my ‘cars’ in them (which were basically like two circles for wheels and a third, bigger, kind of oval shape that served as the rest of the vehicles xd). I loved coloring books and all that jazz... It was always in me those things. Writing - I got into it thanks to my friend from the middle school, I think. It was the Potter-mania time and we used to write or/and plot stories together so that would be how it all started for me.
What was your first fandom? First OTP? It wouldn’t be too much of a surprise but the first fandom was the Harry Potter one I guess (although I was active only in like a ‘Polish part of the internet' then). I used to have a blog and write a fanfic about the Marauders. Crazy days xd  I think that didn’t really have any OTPs (or I just don’t remember them... that’s totally possible) until I stumbled onto Mass Effect a couple years ago... Shakarian owns my heart ever since. ❤️
Name a character that everyone seems to love but you cannot stand. Explain what it is you dislike about this character. Idk if I have a character that I’m allergic to and cannot stand them... But I don’t share the DA fandom’s love for Anders... I don’t even understand it to be honest. Mostly ‘cause I strongly disagree with what he did. Blowing up the chantry wasn’t exactly a good way of convincing people that they shouldn’t fear mages, that they should walk free and Circles are a bad thing or whatever. I just... Just no. But I don’t hate him... He’s a video game character and there is no reason to waste my energy on hating fictional people.
Explain a situation when you knew you were in the wrong, and yet you refused to back down. Do you regret your actions? I don’t know if I ever been in a situation when it would be something big and regrettable... But it happens sometimes with some sort of small things, I can’t really remember anything specific right now... I might feel guilty for a while afterward, tho.
Have you ever sent someone nasty hate mail? If so, why? What spurred you to do this? If not, have you ever been tempted to? No, and seriously I’ve never been tempted to do it. I don’t like engaging in some sort of futile arguments that usually don’t lead anywhere.
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athena1138 · 5 years
The OC question thing, all 50 answers bc I’m bored. 
Some OC questions
1. Your first OC ever? Vikara Amarina Nellenryll. I’ve had characters before, but she was the first one who really stuck, who got a background and everything. She was my go-to oc for everything.  2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? Alena Fanelis-Lavellan (dragon age)  3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?Nah 4. A character you rarely talk about? Seirein Xavier (adopted by Charles,) my X-Men OC. Her power is that she can make anyone do anything with her voice, so she’s resolved to be mute. She and Logan end up together.  5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?  Alena. Or idk, Belladonna Hawke. There aren’t enough Varric x Hawkes out in the world. I love both those bitches. 
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? Most of my Hawkes look similar tbh. I try to make them different, but I’m a slut for a strong-nosed, big-lipped, tawny-skinned woman.  7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? AHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Yes. Hands down. Most of my Dragon Age OCs are already in stories, or are at least mentioned because I have them set up in specific timelines. Alena is getting her own goddamn biography. Belladonna is 5 chapters into her own story. My FenHawke is 37 pages into her story. I’ve got a oneshot posted with my Hawkebela. (Da2 is my fav game tbh.) My non-DA OCs have a few stories, too. Seirein is one chapter down in hers, my Sole Survivor has more than a few oneshots down, etc.  8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! No. I’m uncomfortable with RP since a friend destroyed it for me a long time ago. I used to be super big into it, but now it just makes me squeamish.  9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? Fight me. (Maybe Rastig. He’s a little shit.)  10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? Idk what that means. A physical design? Most of them just get scars. I mean, Anna Hawke is deaf in one ear. Genevieve is blind. Idk. Most of them have fully fleshed out backstories so that’s about as complicated as they get.  11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? Brilla Aeducan. Gemma Cadash. Missella Surana.  12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot On AO3, there’s a FenHawke series that I legit sat and read for 3 days straight. Literally didn’t even turn on my TV. (It’s here ) I really like this Hawke.  13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?  Depends on how you define troublmaker. As in, a douche? Rastig. As in, mischievous? Kalam Adaar, Titania Shepard, Jack Ryder, Belladonna Hawke. 
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory HAHAHAHAAHHAAH Who doesn’t have one? Alena is the most fleshed out. She was born in Redcliffe, taken to the Circle at age 6, broke out with Anders at age 16, got separated from Anders, went to Denerim, was taken in by Cyrion and his family, was caught up in the slave trade, was sent to an abusive master in Kirkwall, killed him to escape, was caught by Cullen and taken to the Gallows, broke out of the Gallows, found Anders again, Anders was crazy, got help from Hawke (Belladonna) to get to the Sundermount Dalish clan, was taken in by them, found them all killed in year 7, was taken to live with Clan Lavellan, hated it but didn’t want to be alone so she allowed them to give her vallaslin even though she didn’t want it, Conclave, Solasmance, Solas broke up with her, finally Cullenmance.  15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? Idk. Kinda? Kinda not though. I get shy really easily. I like talking about them. But with other people? Idk.  16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? Marina Shepard 17. Any OC OTPs? Among just my OCs? No. I don’t ship my girls together. But each of them is specifically designed for a specific romance.  18. Any OC crackships? Nah 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) Vikara has been with me through a lot. I’ve had her for like... 7 years now? She made it through a bad breakup, high school graduation, and all of college.  20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? Genevieve Hawke sings frequently at the Hanged Man. She’s a Mezzosoprano if she really gets going and she tends to get throaty with it, kinda like Christina Aguilera or Gaga. Marina Shepard can sing but she’s a bit shy to do it. If her friends can boost her up enough, she will for them. She’s a tenor.  21. Your most artistic OC Vikara Lavellan writes poetry. Brilla Aeducan draws/paints (she painted Leliana fireside one night.)  22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? People think Anna Hawke hates Sebastian, but that’s not true. She’s just threatened by him because she’s a mage, and he’s very vocal about turning in her mage friends. (She used to feel the same way about Fenris, but she fell in love too fast.)  23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? Most of them.  24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? Genevieve Hawke. She’s a very strong, proud woman.  25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) Tbh, most of my OCs are just re-coded versions of myself. Except Rastig. But I guess Anna Hawke. The story I mentioned with her is focused on her weight issues and how Fenris helps her learn to love herself (and vice versa.)  26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? I mean, I’ve had Vikara for 7 years. Not all game platforms allow for the same character customizations.  27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? Nah 28. Your most dangerous OC? Rastig Brosca and Titania Shepard.  29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? Alena is actually about to fall into a well and ponder her death because she didn’t tell anyone, so, her.  30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? Asena Adaar. Josephine thinks they’re darling, and they talk about their dolls together.  31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) Marina Shepard is all about the memes, man. She’s nothin’ but jokes, nonstop, though once in a blue moon, she might reblog a picture of a nice ass (tastefully, of course.)  32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? Kalam Adaar doesn’t get scared. She just cracks jokes until she feels better.  33. Your shyest OC? Anna Hawke. 34. Do you have any twin characters? Yes! Belladonna Hawke was a twin to Garrett Hawke (who is deceased.)  35. Any sibling characters? Beyond Belladonna, no. Though, Asena Adaar and Gemma Cadash are quite close. (Multi-inquisitor AU, but only Gemma has the mark. Asena is just part of the inner circle.)  36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? Nah. I’m a solo-OCer 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human I mean. I only have any human DA characters because I didn’t get a choice with Hawke. Even my queen is, in my lore, an elf because I really don’t like humans. Every single OC would be non-human if I had the choice.  38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? Jack Ryder.  39. Introduce any character you want I have a Labyrinth story I started.............a longass time ago. The main character is Jacqueline (the French, not the American,) and she’s the daughter of Sarah. She is mute for most of the story because she was driving in an accident that killed her father. Sarah contacts Jareth and asks him to help fix Jack, help her overcome her guilt and trauma, so he takes her to the Labyrinth.  40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! Not really. I love them all, the wee babs.  41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) Nope.  42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? Titania Shepard. It wasn’t a huge leap for her to go from Shakespeare (where she supposes her namesake comes from) to mythology.  43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess I like big noses, strong cheekbones, brilliantly colored eyes, and scars. Lots and lots of scars.  44. Something you like about your OCs in general They’re like my friends.  45. A character you no longer use? Psh. I can’t even remember. If I don’t use them, they’re lost forever.  46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? Not yet 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? IRL, nah. In games, most of my Shepards are bonded strongly to their krogan teammates, and then there’s Seirein who’s literally adopted.  48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure Brilla Aeducan 49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes Kalam Adaar and Titania Shepard 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want If you want, you can tag your ask answers with #yetanotherOCmeme so I can check them out too `v´9 I just really fking love them all. The biggest struggle is that I have so many I’m so invested in but I obviously can’t do anything with them all in one go. I have to focus on one then another then back to the one and it gets so frustrating because I have so many ideas and stories to come up with but so little time. 
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Survey #471
(from yesterday)
Is there an ice-cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? Strawberry, for one. Have you met somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with? I could see it happening, but it's way too early to determine something like that. Who was the last male you talked to? Does he have facial hair? My boyfriend, and a very little bit. Name a band you like, that starts with the 2nd letter of your name. Rammstein. Have you ever dressed up as a Disney character? Which one? Not to my recollection. Have you ever played chess? If so, are you good at it? No. Name an alcoholic beverage that you dislike. Wine. Is there anyone who sends you messages to say good morning/night? Girt does most days. :') Is there anyone you interact with often on social media but not in person? Yeah. Do you own any adult coloring books? What kind(s) do you like? Yeah. Ones with animals. Which of your friends do you confide in the most? Sara. Is there anything you haven’t done lately, that you’d like to do soon? Draw, especially a larger project. How long is your driveway? Not long at all. Are there any TV shows you keep up with religiously? No. Would you ever meet someone in person that you met online? I've already done that and would again. Not just anyone, of course, but there are a good number of friends I would absolutely take up the opportunity to meet irl. What are your neighbours like? I don't know either of them. What accent is your favorite? British. If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? Nah. What was your most recent reason for smiling? :) Girt called me a cutiepie. ;;____;; <3 Name one person you’d take a bullet for: The first person to come to mind is my mom. Do you get the feeling something good will happen in your life soon? I don't know, man. What’s your crush’s/boyfriend's/husband’s name? Donald Jr. is his real name, but I don't call him that. Also, not everyone dates boys, shocking as that may be. And their occupation? He works at a tire company that I won't name. Are your teeth naturally straight? I had braces, so obviously not. Did you go to the beach this year? No, which I'm content with. Have you been to McDonald’s in the past month? Yeah. Have you ever slept over at your best friend’s house? Yep. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. If you had to study something for the next year, what would you study? My initial reaction was to think "photography," which I guess I realistically would go for, but I'm still unsure. I don't know how much longer I can cling to the photography dream, so, y'know. If you were a fantasy character, would you be a warrior, a mage, or a rogue? Mage, I guess. Who is your favourite movie villain? Red Pyramid Thing/Pyramid Head. He has different names in the games and movie universe, so take your pick. Have you ever calculated whether you get enough minerals and vitamins in your diet? No. When you buy/receive new clothes, do you instantly wear them or wash first? I wash them first. Do you hate using public restrooms? Does ANYBODY like using them? I avoid them as best I possibly can. Did any characters from TV shows scare you as a kid? Which one(s)? Motherfuckin' King Ramses from Courage the Cowardly Dog aklsdfkaljdsfka like I had nightmares y'all What’s the saddest thing you’ve heard on the news recently? The drone strike on Afghanistan killing citizens (children included) versus terrorists. I could write ten pages worth of why this whole thing pisses me the fuck off, but I'll avoid getting that political. Do you believe that acupuncture works? No. How long does it take before you trust a person? It varies person to person. Do you know anyone with a lisp? Not off the top of my head, anyway. If you were to break a Guinness Record, which one would you try and beat? I dunno. Are you scared of clowns? No. Are you listening to music currently? "Scum of the Earth" by Rob Zombie is on currently. Did your last kiss mean anything? It meant a lot. Have you ever been sung to personally? Some of the song, yes. If so, what song did they sing? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Do you think you’re brave? Eh, it depends on what I'm facing. Do you like Paramore? Yeah. Were you afraid of heights as a child? No, but I am as an adult. What’s your favorite movie battle scene? I dunno. I guess the very brief one between Nala and Simba because T E E T H. Have you ever been to a same-sex wedding? No. What’s the most difficult experience you and a significant other have gone through together? Distance when we really needed each other's company was definitely difficult. What’s your favorite recipe you’ve come up with? I don’t have any. Have you ever attempted to pick a lock? Did you succeed? No. How many times have you donated blood? Once. How many times have you had surgery? Twice. When was the last time you were at the beach? What did you do there? Years ago when Colleen and I were still friends. I swam a lot because the water felt FANTASTIC, then I also just chilled with Colleen, her husband, and their young son with snacks and stuff under their tent. It was fun, save for getting horrible sun poisoning... Who was the last person you spoke to online? How do you know this person? Girt and I have been using Discord to message each other. We met in high school. Who was the last person to visit your house? What were they there for? Also Girt. We were just hangin'. If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be and why? I wish I had a fit stomach because I feel hideous with mine. How do you feel about dreads on women? I don't care. Do whatever you want with your own hair. Do you feel like your life is moving forward? Very, very, VERY slowly, and only in certain contexts. Would you let your kid smoke weed? Seeing as it's illegal in my state, there's no way because I'd be terrified of them facing jail. If it was legal though and it was for medical purposes, I would be okay with it. I'd be nervous about my kid smoking anything with the risk of lung cancer, but. If they were at least 18 I'd say, I wouldn't force them to do as I say in regards to this topic. Do you feel like you connect more with animals or other people? Animals, for sure. Can you swear in a different language? Of course I would know "shit" and "fuck" in German lmaoooo Have you ever been banned from anywhere? No. Have you ever had a UTI? Many times, actually, because I don't and never have drank enough water. Have you ever intentionally trolled? No. Do you know anyone with a serious anger management problem? No. Who last held your hand? Girt. Do you know anyone who plays heaps of sports? Possibly? When was the last time you had chocolate? Yesterday. Girt, Mom, and I made s'mores together. Do you have any pets other than dogs or cats? Yeah, I have a snake. What is your favorite type of seashell? Idk the names of different kinds of seashells. Do you love 3-D movies? Yeah. When’s the last time you had a hamburger? Last night, actually. That was dinner. Are there any fake tattoos on you? No. Do you own a fish tank? No. Do you own a feather boa? No. What do you usually drink at meals? It varies. Did you pull any pranks on April Fool’s day, or vice versa? I never do. I don't really like the idea of the "holiday." Have you ever seen the last person you hugged naked? No. Where did you get your favorite shirt? Cloak is an online business. How would you react if your mom got a lip piercing? I'd find it metal af tbh, ha ha. Have you ever suspected that your last ex was cheating? Why? Not at all. When’s the last time you used the microwave? Yesterday, to make a dinner bowl from the freezer. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever done? Oh GOD, I don't want to even try to imagine. I'll save myself the embarrassment. What do you do when you’re sad? It's pretty common I'll sleep if I'm extremely sad, sometimes I'll cry it out, or listen to music... Are you excited for anything? What? I'm REALLY hype for Halloween. I mentioned in another survey that I wanna make some awesome plans with Girt, and I realized Halloween is on a Sunday this year, which he should have off from work, so I'd say it's likely!!! Do you have playlists on your iPod? I do, for varying moods. I pretty much never ever use them, though.
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