#I used to never do bgs
carnirot · 8 months
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OH NO (2018)
beloved Kairo <3
btw these are all "uglified" before posting here, I don't trust ANYONE! Especially not Anon!
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skunkes · 7 months
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cerubean · 22 days
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townies pt. #334298
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tamamorikun · 26 days
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Day 1 - First Meeting ✨
(Hosted by @minthe-drawings !)
The beginning of The Curse (tm)
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seuykn · 1 month
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sysig · 11 months
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Red Tape tied in a bow (P1 | P2 | P3) (Patreon)
Also decided to give a go to the caption thing again since this one’s rather dialogue-heavy!
[Panel 2] Peepers: Uhm...sir? Hater: What. Peepers: Could you- do you have the full paperwork on our health plan?
[Panel 3] Hater: Health plan? Peepers what in grop’s name are you talking about??
[Panel 4] Peepers: It’s really no big thing, I just wanted to see what was (and wasn’t) covered-
[Panel 5] Hater: Commander Peepers. Are you planning to commit insurance fraud on my dime? And you’re asking me how?
[Panel 7] Peepers: P- hahahaha! I would never dream of it, Lord Hater!
[Panel 8] Hater: Then-? Peepers: I just want to see what’s covered, sir. Like I said already...
[Panel 9] Hater: Hrmph. It’s all personally approved by me, so feel free to ask, Commander.
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Lord Hater#Oh I had an InOrdinate amount of fun with this lol#Bunch of quiet little inspiration pieces all clicked together into a full page in one sitting that was too fun to set down and go to bed lol#First of all doodling Peepers in a binder? Sparks joy completely#He's not satisfied tho - I considered angsting it up a little or having a discovery mini plot but I feel like those are so done :P#Rather just let him skirt the line and see how close he can get without tripping over it! :D#Hhhhh they're both so fun to drawwwww <3 <3 <3 Peepers with his expressive body language - his leg tucked behind the other in the second!#Also that BG >:3c Hater's room is cool haha#And then Hater himself ah ♪ His face is especially satisfying to work bit by bit until he looks like himself! :D#I was mostly striving for consistency in these so a lot of his expressions are quite similar to the preceding panels - hopefully noticeably!#The ones of him backlit and in profile tho were also very fun! ♪♫ Peepers' posing in the latter as well ahh :D#Even with that I still feel a bit restrained I wanna push him even further!! Cartoony!!! I get excited with every step closer hehe#Also thinking a lot around their early relationship ahh ♪ We never got to see their backstories ouq It's a shame#But we do see Hater and Wander's early dynamic and how Hater changes the more he's exposed to him lol so it's fun to extrapolate from there#A semi-serious paranoid evil electric skeleton man still getting used to having to depend on others <3 Until Peepers proves himself#I mean if he's already a Commander by this point he must've been doing something right but for Watchdogs that's a kind of low bar lol#It's fun to think he was motivated for his own selfish(?) reasons until he started seeing Hater as a proper comrade :)#But until then >:3c Trust very shallow all the way around! Awkwardness and uncertainty! Ah! <3
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violet-ram · 1 year
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It’s everyone’s favorite dysfunctional lizard and lemur couple! whateber i hate these two i hope they die (affectionate and mean)
*Click image for higher resolution!*
*iasip screenshot under cut*
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janiedean · 1 month
if that tumblr post with fucking licia ronzulli and her daughter is still going around someone inform people that she just said on tv that bodycams on cops at the end of it most likely show more abuse towards cops than abuse they actually dish maybe that'd get them to stop sharing that monstrosity
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wereh0gz · 5 months
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Coral cave act 1&2 mix playing in the bg
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laundrybiscuits · 6 months
(#50 please if you're still doing the spotify meme, and if not: hi!)
And I will not become / A thorn in my own side / And I will not return / To where I once was / Well I can break through the earth / Come up soft and wild
“That flight was absolute murder,” Nancy sighs, barging through their front door without so much as a by-your-leave.
She looks good. She’s wearing something casually fashionable, the kind of thing Eddie doesn’t even know the name of; it looks expensive, but knowing Nancy, it probably isn’t. She’s just got a knack for making just about everything look classy as hell.
“Hey, Wheeler,” says Eddie. “Can I get you a drink? An alibi, maybe?”
Nancy shakes her hair out of her face and laughs, reaching out to squeeze Eddie’s waist with one arm while she tries to wrangle her suitcase with the other. Eddie hugs her back and helps her lift the suitcase over the threshold. 
“Jeez, this thing weighs a ton. How’d you get it up the stairs by yourself?” he huffs. 
“I wasn’t by myself,” says Nancy. 
“Oh, did you bring the new boyfriend? Do we get to meet this one?”
Steve appears in the doorway, hauling another massive suitcase with a plastic bag hanging from his elbow. “Not exactly,” he says. “Ran into Nancy on the way home from the store—got back just in time to see her going head-to-head with the elevator.”
“Shit,” Eddie sighs. “I thought you told her it doesn’t work, last week when she called?”
“Oh, come on,” says Nancy, flopping down on the couch with a groan. “It’s been a long flight and I forgot, sue me.”
Steve reaches out to squeeze her shoulder. “Long flight, huh? Let me fix you a drink, and Eddie can help put your bags away.”
“Oh, can I? Generous of you, Harrington,” Eddie grumbles, but he’s already pushing some junk around to make room in the hall closet. “Wheeler, I’m putting your stuff in here, so you’re not gonna be tripping over it in the living room.”
“Thanks, Eddie,” says Nancy. “And, um. For your information, the new boyfriend and I actually split up.”
“Sorry to hear that,” says Steve, coming back in with a glass in one hand and two beers dangling from the other. He passes the glass to Nancy, who smiles up at him; Eddie snags one of the beers and takes a slow sip. 
Nancy’s talking to Steve about the split, sitting up and becoming more animated as she gets into it. Her hair’s been flat-ironed down to a sleek, silky finish and she looks incongruously glamorous in their living room; Eddie can picture her just like this on some talk show couch, describing her thrilling memoirs or something like that. 
She’s always been a pretty girl, but New York’s turned her into something else. Eddie’d bet none of her fancy city friends can even smell the cornfields on her. She still looks like the Nancy Wheeler he’d known all those years ago, but she’s a version of herself that’s been polished to a bright shine. More certain of herself; happier. Strong but delicate in a way that Eddie will never be, not in a million years. 
The light of stars was in her bright eyes, Eddie thinks wryly, and goes to join them on the couch.
“I wonder if Nancy thinks we look the same,” Eddie says around a mouthful of toothpaste. 
Steve nudges him over to spit in the sink and glances up. “Like…that thing where people start to look like their dogs? Is this about me growing out my hair a little? Because I told you, it’s not gonna look anything like yours—”
“No, asshole,” says Eddie, sticking an elbow into his side to shut him up and also to reclaim the sink. “I didn’t mean the same as each other. But you should cut your hair. And wait, did you make me a dog in that analogy? Never mind. I just meant, I wonder if Nancy thinks we look like the same people we were a few years ago.”
“Are we…not the same people we were a few years ago?” Steve sighs. “No, okay, I get what you’re saying. Like how Nancy looks different now.”
“Exactly, yeah.” Eddie rinses out his mouth and leans against the counter as Steve does the same, casting a glance back out to where Nancy’s lightly snoring on the pull-out mattress in the living room. 
“I mean…she’s got a New York look, right? Maybe we have a Chicago look. We’ve been here longer than she’s been there. We’re, like, city people now.”
“Okay, first, stop telling people we live in the city, we live in a freaking suburb of Chicago and you know that. Second…it’s not the same, is it? I don’t think Nancy Wheeler would think it’s the same.”
Steve shrugs. “Sure, yeah. Sounds like she’s got a pretty exciting life out there. Except for the boyfriend. Jeez, that sounds like a mess.”
“Heartbreaker Nancy Wheeler strikes again,” says Eddie, taking aim with an imaginary sniper rifle. “Watch out, boys.”
“It’s—” Steve frowns, glancing away. “I know we haven’t—talked about stuff, or anything. But you know I don’t…you know I’m not gonna get back together with Nancy, right?”
Eddie looks at him then in the yellow light of their bathroom, and it turns out he does know, after all.
“Yeah,” he says, and takes Steve’s hand. Squeezes it once, like a promise. “Like she’d have you with that unkempt mane of yours, anyway.”
“Shut up, I’m not cutting it,” says Steve, but he doesn’t let go either.
Send me a number between 1-100 and I'll write a ficlet based on the corresponding song from my Spotify Wrapped! It will definitely be gay and may possibly be musical theater
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seilon · 10 months
every newer gen kpoppy who calls it revolutionary every time a big name bg member wears something vaguely skirt-like should be required to watch lee sungjong of infinite putting his whole pussy into performing coming of age ceremony by park jiyoon wearing the song's classic form-fitting black side-slitted dress with zero gimmicks way back in 2012
#its Required Material re: historical kpop genderfuckery#no but im 100% for real. this was in the middle of the era where bg members doing gg songs in drag and whatnot was a really#common gag at concerts and in variety shows and whatnot- especially using bg members who were/are considered the most effeminate#basically it was a big Joke and never taken seriously. alot of the time the dances would be exaggerated and whatnot and yeah they#werent like. REAL covers. werent usually respectful of the original gg/female idol's work and all that. haha man in dress type humor#i know if you're old enough to be following me and into kpop you probably know this already and im talking into space but whatever#anyway. sungjong said fuck that and fucking killed it with a genuine live cover (dance And vocals) of coming of age ceremony#which- as you can imagine based on the title- isnt just an iconic female idol song but one that's blatantly about female sexuality#and whatnot. wore the dress that's in the original mv (or something very similar) and didnt play it up with a wig or anything like that#(like what's usually the case when male idols cover gg songs to make it more clear that its a Costume and they are Crossdressing rather tha#just. being a guy and wearing a dress.)#did not shy away from the sexiness of the dance AT ALL to the point of riding the floor at one point more or less which. god fucking damn#but anyway. it's totally true to the original and is unapologetically sexy in an inherently orientation-fucking gender-fucking way and GOD#wish it got more attention than it did because THAT is revolutionary. thats the first performance i ever saw where a male idol did a#female idol song in the original female idol outfit live without any gimmick or even the implication that it COUNTS as drag. its SUCH a#big deal imo. and it helps that its really fucking hot but thats neither here nor there. anyway. i know its been years but i still have so#many feelings and opinions about sungjong's coming of age ceremony performance ghfgjhdgfdh WATCH IT#sungjong#infinite#kibumblabs
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ilikeyoshi · 6 months
never forget that botw/totk zelda is the best zelda of all time. she is SOOOOOOOOO PRECIOUS I AM FURIOUS SHE WAS WRENCHED 100% OUT OF THE CENTER STORY TWICE
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mg549 · 14 days
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happy Final Week of Mermay!!!! here's Renee, an Oceanracer Mer based on the White Marlin!
Oceanracers: These mers possess super-speed, and often use it to save people from drowning before racing back off again. They can often be found racing against each other or dolphins in open ocean waters. Known for being very talkative with humans and unafraid of their secret being discovered, as they don't view it as a secret to keep. However they are still selective of who they reveal themselves to, as they are aware of the threat certain encounters could pose. Their tails resemble fast-swimming fishes such as swordfish, marlins, and scombroid fishes.
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
Idc anymore i think i'm a good enough writer that i can say that when i noticed the pattern in what exactly makes a book "good" on booktok (and, bc of that, what makes it popular and top bestseller lists), it feels almost demeaning and denigrating to the entire craft. Idk if i should blame the way tiktok-esque social media has utterly rotted everyone's ability to concentrate and read more than three sentences, but literally none of those books are objectively good.
(Yes, yes, art is subjective. HOWEVER. Art is subjective when you look at style, at themes, at motifs, at plots and characters. Art is still a craft, it still requires skill. I've seen beyond the tiktok quotes of these books. Not even their editors are good given the amount of typos/spelling mistakes. That is not something that you should find in a traditionally published book.)
You look at these books, and you know the only reason for their existence is to make money. I cannot and will not accept that as art.
(I'm on Tumblr, of course I have to explain every point. Artists who make money off their art =/= people who only create art meant to be profitable. There is a difference between an artist who hopes to monetise doing what they love, who creates what they wish to see more of and who happens to then create something that other people wish to see more of, and a person who looks at what's trending and decides that making an unholy frankenstein's monster of a book that mashes all those trending tropes and motifs together would get them rich quick. The fact that a lot of these booktok books become popular because of nepotism is just the cherry on top. It's soulless.)
And to finally say what I wanted to say, it's because none of these books have any deeper message or even artistic value to them. You will find a few out of context quotes or paragraphs, ones written specifically so they'd look deep and beautiful when taken out of context, so that people would post them, so that people would buy the books. Entire books written just so those few lines could become viral and make cash. It cannot even be compared to a hook line writers would post to get people interested in their works, because in booktok's case, those are the only lines of quality and in the context itself, they are often out of place and forced.
I just hate booktok, i hate what modern social media has done to art. It's all created to be quickly consumed, for the few ☆aesthetic☆ glances, and then discarded. Just to make more money for those who are already nepo babies. As if artists needed more obstacles to jump over.
#of course historically it's always been the same#people with free time to create (rich powerful) created#very rarely did you see someone from a humble bg make it as an artist#which is why killing maiming everyone saying Shakespeare was actually a rich guy btw#but like it makes me angry personally#before you call me just jealous - i don't have any wish to monetise my art#my career ambitions lie in a different field (tho adjacent i suppose since i'm a linguist)#i'm saying it makes me angry for other writers who want to make money doing what they love most#it's always been hard. you've always had to have connections or fight tooth and nail for a chance at being published#why? because of how SUBJECTIVE it is#but at least if your skills distinct you and if you bring a truly unique concept you'd have better chances#then modern social media rolled around and no longer can we just publish and disappear no no#WE have to market our works. on twitter on instagram on podcasts on the radio and tv it's up to the authors#i already found that demeaning enough as an introvert#but now it's not even that. publishers no longer look for unique and distinct#they found out booktok is the real cash cow. they look for colleen hoovers who publish fifty books a year#all of poor quality but with enough aesthetic lines that they can easily be marketed thru#the youth who uses AO3 tags and ''omg it's so girlboss!'' and ''it has representation! (not really it's always piss poor rep)'' to market#it to others. who take the same line over and over and go ''omg... this is so deep'' but the lines never look good in context
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robo-dino-puppy · 1 year
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rabbit in the moon (vertical version below the cut!)
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smilesrobotlover · 9 months
Got a new cgm and pump.
Pros: I don’t have to insert my blood sugar into it anymore. I just press a button and boom, bg there. I also use the old version of this pump so I’m used to the pump.
Cons: I hate the cgm. For some reason it’s been hurting my arm and idk if it was put in a bad spot or if the cgm just hurts my arms cuz I’ve had this problem before with the older cgm and I’m an active person so it’s bad.
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