#I wanna draw Kingsley
akitalockwood · 2 years
My favorite ace boys are enjoying some tea without having to deal with the end of the world 💜
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As usual, university made sure I won't have time to celebrate my babies T^T
I had to do at least a quick sketch tho cus I missed my babies so much
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designtheendless · 2 years
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Ay yo what’s up with Professor’s cat???
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gamebunny-advance · 9 months
I Gotta Say...
I love that the mamuta has essentially become a secondary character in the Pikmin comic.
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luddlestons · 5 months
Thank you for gracing us with Kingsley content, underrated (plank) king, forever waiting for his oneshot
Of COURSE! I find Kingsley fascinating. The idea of being a new incarnation of a beloved person, but also not him, but also inherently loved because you came from him—it is all incredibly fascinating and I would listen to a hundred hours of Kingsley Identity Struggles and Delights. I love him just as dearly as I love Mollymauk even though Kingsley’s fashion sense is horrendous. And I think about him constantly.
Anyway. Gotta get back to my wip where I’m writing -checks notes- more stuff about Kingsley.
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a little doodle with kingsley for valentine’s day
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sylusjinwoon · 8 months
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{ 124 }
peter parker x fem.reader
10 stages of love
notes: unedited; post no way home; no one remembers that peter parker is spidey; both the reader and peter are in their second year of university.
{ joy is the coldest lover i know | only because she never comes }
1. first sight
lab had kept you on campus for far longer than usual, and it was nearing midnight when you completed your research with your professor, dr. kingsley.
he kindly asks if you would like for him to walk you home, but you declined his offer, saying that it was best for him to head back home to his wife, that you would be just fine by yourself. after all, you had no reason to be afraid, since you went home alone almost every night.
despite how new york city was known to be a dangerous place, you considered yourself quite lucky to have never faced any problems or issues during your walk back to your apartment.
perhaps it's thanks to that vigilante... what was his name again? wait, it was spider-man.
as you crossed the darkened streets of the city, you allow your mind to wander, thinking back to all those videos you saw plastered all over the internet. lately, there's been sighting of a young man swinging around new york, dressed in a skin-tight suit that bore the motif of a spider.
whenever you could see him clearly from the video's blurry screen, you realize that his form was quite lean and lithe, and you figured that he was a hero that was just starting out. during your free time, you find yourself browsing through youtube and tiktok, just to see if anyone had caught any further sightings of spider-man.
the sound of some rowdy laughter makes you stop in your tracks, and you saw a group of guys standing on the sidewalk, blocking your usual path home. you purposely took a step back, not wanting to draw their attention as you turned around to search for an alternative way home.
with your hair whipping in the cold wind, a sudden whistle causes the hairs to stand from the back of your neck. "whoa, hey babygirl, you lost or somethin'?"
ignoring their catcalls, you quicken your pace-
only to bolt out into a run upon hearing their footsteps chasing after you.
their laughter was heard intensifying, taking absolute pleasure in your panic and fear. the weight of your bag that carried your school belongings was weighing you down, and you half considered tossing it at them to make a clear getaway-
but when you found yourself suddenly trapped, with all three men surrounding you, there was a feeling of despair felt in the pit of your stomach.
"p-please, just let me go, i'll give you all the money that i have."
"come on, don't be so scared and shy. we don't want your money, we just wanna have some fun with you."
you brace yourself, ready to scream for dear life when a rich chuckle was heard coming from just a few feet away from you.
"didn't your mothers ever told you assholes how to treat a lady right?"
your throat felt dry when your would-be attackers stopped gaining up on you, facing whoever spoke in that cocky tone as you saw spider-man standing before you.
it was undeniable that it was him, with the suit and all. his mask was all that was seen as he tilts his head to look at you. the three goons talk amongst themselves, not believing that this was the real spider-man as the quickly gained up on him.
"come on, there's no way this guy's the real deal, it's just some poser lookin' to get laid by 'saving' her."
you gasp, taking a step back once punches were thrown, and spidey dodged every single one of them. he manages to grab one of their arms and twist it back, kicking him away as another one tried to tackle him from the front.
being distracted by the two thugs, spidey was unaware of the third one, coming at him with a blade shining in his hands.
"spider-man, watch out!"
your warning came a second too late as the man manages to slash at spider-man's left arm. you hear him let out a hiss of pain before kicking the knife away. with your mind racing, you look onwards to see spidey managing to detain all three of the guys miraculously, even with his injured arm.
with your heart felt pounding within the confines of your chest, you look at spider-man, seeing him continuing to grip at his injured arm all while meeting your gaze from beneath his mask.
"are you okay?" spidey's voice was gentle, and you mentally cursed, jinxing yourself for ever believing that you could spend all your days remaining safe while in the dangerous city of new york.
2. introduction
"you're hurt." you ignored how shaky your voice came out, coming closer to spidey as you gingerly touched at his injured arm.
he replies to your statement with a strained laugh, "it's alright, i've experienced a pain much worse than this." the way his voice cracked near the end sent a sudden sharp pain within your chest, but you quickly ignored the feeling as you coaxed him to follow you home.
"wait, it's okay, i don't need any help...!"
"i'm not letting you say no, spidey. i have to help you or else... i won't ever forgive myself if anything bad happens to you. what if your arm gets infected and you get sick?"
your words manage to silence the young vigilante, making you break out into a tiny smile. "just... let me do this for you as a thank you, for saving me."
you see spidey give you a gentle nod, and you continue to lead him back to your apartment complex. the walk was relatively peaceful and silent now, and thanks to how late it was, not a soul was even awake enough to witness you taking spidey into your apartment.
you gesture at him to wait on your couch as you head to the bathroom and search for some neosporin ointment, cotton, and a roll of bandages. it wasn't much, but you hoped it would be enough to help out spidey and his pain.
returning back to him, you kneel on the ground and ask him to take his arm out of his suit. spidey remains silent, simply giving you a nod before freeing his arm. seeing the fresh cut on the side of his bicep, you apply the ointment on the cotton before gently dabbing at the wound. a light hiss escapes from spidey, and you softly apologize for hurting him.
"the cut isn't too deep, but it'll take some time to heal." once the ointment was placed over the wound did you finally wrap the bandage around it, making sure it was completely covered before sitting back with a laugh.
"perfect. i'm no doctor or paramedic, but i'm sure that you'll be healed in no time, spidey."
you hear him let out a soft chuckle, leaning forward as he reaches out to you with his uninjured hand. "if you don't mind me asking, what's your... what's your name?"
you blink up at him, finding yourself leaning into his touch when you tell him your name. spidey repeats those syllables, making your heart flutter even more at the sound.
a few moments pass, with neither of you saying a word. as if awakening from a trance, spider-man backs away from you, adjusting his suit once more when he places his injured arm back inside of it.
he coughs, standing back to his full height as he walks over to your fire escape. "uhm, thanks for helping me. i-i gotta go, so-"
"wait...!" you call out to him, your voice sounding hopeful as you prayed that he would tell you his true name.
"what's your name...if you don't mind me asking?"
you wait with bated breath, seeing spider-man still hanging from your open window. and even though you couldn't see him, somehow, you knew that he was smiling from beneath the mask.
"you can call me peter."
with that final phrase, spider-man left your apartment, and you knew that you would never be the same after such a fated meeting.
3. interaction
you were distracted, and you knew that you were.
but you couldn't help it.
you could not stop thinking about him-
about spider-man / peter.
despite your troubled thoughts, you did your best to remain completely and utterly normal throughout the entirety of your classes. yet none of your professors caught on to your less-than-optimal state. it wasn't until you went to do research with dr. kingsley that your inability to focus was made to be achingly obvious.
dr. kingsley calls out your name with concern, "are you alright? there's something going on with you, since you spent the last hour reviewing data we had already completed weeks ago."
upon realizing that your professor was right, you felt your blood turn ice cold. looking back at the desktop's screen, you chew at your bottom lip, upset that you had wasted so much time. "i'm sorry, dr. kingsley, l-let me pull up the right file and-"
"no no, i insist that you go home now." his voice was gentle when he takes a hold of your arm and forces you to stand up. "classes are getting tougher now that midterms are right around the corner, and i realize that it may have been selfish of me to require you to do all this work. tell you what, you may come back and do research with me after your midterms are complete. are we clear?"
"yes sir." you grab all of your belongings together, shooting a grateful expression at him. "thank you for your understanding, and i promise, i'll be back soon!"
dr. kingsley merely gives you a wave, wishing you luck on your midterms before going back to his lab. with a sigh, you head out of the building, craving for something warm and sweet to cheer you up. as you walked across campus, you felt the hairs standing at the back of your neck-
you look behind you to see a boy around your age standing several feet away from you. his features were indiscernible, but you figured it was just another student.
but just in case...
without glancing back, you dart away from the concrete path and into the grass, making a shortcut towards your university's café.
but when you heard footsteps still following you, you had a hunch that it was the same boy with brown hair. with a click of your tongue, you run towards one of the campus buildings, keeping yourself pressed against the wall in hopes of hiding yourself from him.
why does the world feel like messing with me all the time? first it was those three goons, and now this totally random guy was chasing after you.
when you caught sight of his brown hair was when you made your move, tackling him from the side as he landed to the ground with a grunt.
anger was felt sizzling through your veins as you glared down at the guy, only to feel it simmer down. the boy that fell to the ground looked... soft, achingly soft. he had matching, coffee brown eyes and full lips that were painted in a frown, still in pain. he struggles to get up, yet when you looked towards his left arm, you saw something that made your blood freeze up even further.
it was a bandage wrapped around his left bicep, letting you know just who this guy was.
he lets out a nervous laugh, standing back to his full height while brushing back his hair. "y-yeah. here and in the flesh... i didn't think we went to the same university."
4. attraction
your mind was spinning, unable to comprehend or even believe that spider-man was actually here. you couldn't believe that he was revealing yourself to you like this.
"come with me."
you quickly grab on to peter's arm, leading him towards the café while trying to hold back the heat that was threatening to dye your cheeks. for starters, you weren't expecting spider-man to be so cute, with his doe eyes and full lips parted in a half grin-
he was totally the type you would go for.
but one thing was bothering you-
why was he so willing to reveal himself as the spider-man to you? wasn't the whole point of being a vigilante to keep your superhero identity a secret?
so just why did peter basically out himself to you?
with the café in sight, you enter with peter in tow, making a beeline towards the further table in the back. letting go of his arm, you take a seat across from peter at the table, with you looking around to make sure no one would hear you or listen in.
"is it really you, spidey?" you ask peter in hushed tones, with him answering you with a nod.
you look back to his arm, "does it still hurt?"
peter shrugs while smiling at you, "it's nothing a little ibuprofen can't fix. i'm fine."
relief was felt coursing through you, "that's great!" you tell him before clearing your throat, wishing to ask him this specific question, "listen, i just wanted to reassure you that your secret is safe with me, b-but i was just wondering, isn't it better to keep your identity hidden from anyone? w-why did you basically confirm that you and spider-man were the same person?"
peter gives you a deprecating smile, "you're a smart girl, much smarter than you let on..." he thrums his fingers against the table, as if searching for the right words to say.
after a few moments of silence, peter speaks once more. "i don't know, i guess i was just... tired to keeping this a secret. i didn't want anyone else i cared about get hurt from my dishonesty so... so i came clean to you right from the start."
he closes his eyes before leaning forward, placing his hand over yours. peter opens his eyes once more as a deep pain was seen settled within his gaze.
"i already lost everyone that once meant the world to me, and i guess i just wanted something to change, that's all."
peter gives you yet another smile, but this one was much softer, much kinder as he kept his gaze on you. with you sitting with peter, you felt as though you were the only two people in the world, allowing the strange warmth to take over as a new emotion began to blossom deep within your chest.
5. date
you were currently finishing up your essay when a series of knocks were heard coming from your front door. taking out your headphones, you stopped playing the music from your phone and went to answer the door.
but what you weren't expecting was to see peter parker himself standing in front of you with a bouquet of daisies in his hand. you take a step back, feeling the familiar warmth gracing your cheeks as you called out to him.
"p-peter, what's this?"
ever since your first meeting, you and peter had started becoming closer as friends. of course, you couldn't deny that you had one of the biggest crushes on him, but there was no way in hell you were admitting that to him.
sure, you had some study dates here and there, but this was the first time you saw peter standing outside of your apartment with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. and he was dressed kind of nicely, too, ditching that plain t-shirt for a sweater that fit him to perfection with a dark pair of jeans, completing his overall look with a pair of converses.
"hey, i-i was hoping you'd like to... go on a date with me...?" his words came out a bit slow, and you could practically see the anxiety shining within his eyes. he was afraid of rejection, but little did he know that you would never deny this chance to get closer to him.
"like, a date date? a real date?"
that's when peter flashes you a genuine smile, "yeah, a real date."
you look behind you, seeing your essay still displayed on your computer screen as you quickly ignored it, setting it aside to complete at a later date.
because there was no way you were going to say no to going on an actual date with peter parker.
6. holding hands
peter ends up taking you to a movie with a dinner afterwards. the date was completely casual, and you found yourself having the time of your life.
the sky had long darkened as stars littered across the expanse of the universe. your heart felt peaceful while you walked with peter.
"so... the city is not in need of any saving?"
your question earns a chuckle from peter. "nope, not tonight. i think the police can handle all the petty crime seen around the city for once."
you laugh with him, playfully running your hips against him as peter gave you a feign expression of pain. he rejoins you in your laughter, but this time, taking your hand.
this wasn't exactly the first time you had held hands together, but the emotion remained the same. the touch was so soft and benign, void of any urgency the moment peter interlocks his fingers together with yours. he smiles down at you, with you doing the same as you decided to walk closer to him.
keeping you by his side, peter takes your hand to press his lips against your knuckles, filling you with a sudden joy you weren't sure you had felt in a long time.
all you knew was that you never wished for this feeling, or this night, to ever end.
7. first kiss
you and peter spent the next couple of hours just walking around the city, talking about your lives and how you grew up.
you had parents who loved you, but desired to be a bit more independent, hence why you attended a university a bit further away from home.
peter didn't have anyone that was close to him anymore, telling you that his aunt had passed away a couple of years ago, that his death still stung him to this day.
you knew that this was just another part of peter that he was afraid of showing; the one who truly had lost everything within a blink of an eye. after he admits to how lonely he was to you, the silence returned, but only because the pain and empathy you felt for him was so raw that you didn't truly know what to say.
so you spent the next couple of minutes walking back home in silence, with peter still holding hands with you. with your lips pursed, you gently gave peter's hand a squeeze, catching his attention as he meets your gaze.
he gives you another tiny smile, squeezing your hand back in reply.
time goes by in a blur, and you found yourself standing in front of your apartment. peter remains silent, but you could see how shiny his eyes had become, alerting you to how he was having a difficult time holding back his emotions.
not saying a word, you take a hold of his face, framing it with your two hands. he looks at you, allowing a single tear to fall from his eyes before leaning in to softly kiss him.
he gasps, feeling him let out a slight hiccup before kissing you back. you allowed your lips to slot perfectly against his, tasting the saltiness of his tears when you deepened the kiss.
after a few seconds, you pull away from the kiss, gently caressing at peter's skin when you ask, "do you wish to spend the night here, with me?"
peter remains silent, merely wrapping his arms around you as he hugged your form even tighter to him, never daring to let you go as you invited him into the comfort of your apartment.
8. relationship
your relationship with peter was something that was still growing, yet already there was some rockiness felt along the way.
for starters, peter had gone back to his vigilante duties, often leaving you on read each time you would send him a text to check on him. but regardless of how his silence and distance hurt you, you knew it was only because peter was busy saving people.
but that didn't make it any easier.
each night, you found yourself aching for his presence, with all of your texts piling up with each day. you knew peter could see each and every one of them, but had yet to make an effort to even call or text you back.
truth be told, you were hurt. couldn't peter spare you even just a few minutes of his time? can't he call you so you could talk; so you could hear the sound of his voice? and why, whenever you search for him on campus, was he always nowhere to be found?
why did he feel so far away now, when things haven't even begun?
as the days morph into weeks, you decided to burn the sadness that was felt in the pit of your heart. you turned that sadness into anger, stopping all of your contact with peter as you went on with your life.
if he wants to give up on our relationship, then fine. it's better now when we're barely a few months in than suffer in the longterm.
thanks to your spite, you end up blocking his number, cutting off all contact with him. you refused to allow the guilt to fester within the pit of your stomach and tried to move on.
it continued on like this for a few more days, with you feeling the tiniest bit better without having to stress about peter and what he was doing. even if you were still hurting, you wouldn't force yourself to go through such unnecessary pain ever again.
and just when you were so confident that you could do this; could leave peter at a blink of an eye-
it all came crashing back down on you.
when you came home, you expected your apartment to be empty-
not to see peter parker himself settled on your couch with the utmost look of defeat on his face. he was still dressed as spider-man, and you were left flabbergasted, unable to react or respond as you looked from him to the sight of your open window, the one that lead out to your fire escape.
"get out, right now, just what the fuck are you even doing here?" you spat out with as much venom as you could muster, only to wince when peter's head fell.
"i'm sorry, you have every right to be mad at me, b-but, i can't do it. i can't let you go."
peter sounded like he was going to cry again, and the sound of his pain was enough to push you forward.
"i know that my life is a fucking mess, that everyone is probably better off without me. i realized that i was being selfish when i tried pursuing a relationship with you."
"b-but, i was so happy being with you that i forgot all about that. all i wanted was to fall deeper for you, but my stupid thoughts prevented me from making you happy. i'm just... so scared all the time."
feeling your own tears welling up within your eyes, you come closer to him and join him on the couch, wrapping your arms around him as you allowed your lips to brush against his unruly locks of hair.
"it's okay... it's okay. i get it, i do... all you need to do is just... trust me, peter." peter then clings to you, hiding his face within the curve of your neck while letting out a sigh of your name.
"it's just... you won't ever forget about me, right?"
"never ever."
you seal your promise to him with a sweet kiss, knowing now that you could never leave this boy with a heart of gold behind at all.
9. love
you and peter both lay back in bed, with you resting your head against his chest. you simply spent the entire day basking in each other's presence. as you listened to the gentle beating of his heart, you reach out to grab a hold of his hand, linking his fingertips together with yours before giving it a squeeze.
peter let's out a soft chuckle, taking a hold of your hand to press a lingering kiss at the back of it.
after you and peter finally communicated about your mutual feelings, you came to a mutual understanding. with your relationship growing stronger, you knew that you could never truly leave peter, that this boy who lost everything deserved to have a happy ending for once in his life.
as if reading your thoughts, peter takes a hold of your chin and leans closer to you, giving you a kiss that made your mind turn blank. you end up relishing the warm that he exuded, kissing him back with as much fervor to show him how you truly felt.
he pulls away first, staring deeply into your eyes while tracing at your bottom lip with the pad of his thumb.
"i've never felt so happy before... i can proudly say that this is the first time i have felt so much joy in my life-
"and it's all thanks to you, i love you." peter completes his statement by pressing yet another searing kiss against your lips, the sensation of it all enough to make your heart burst with happiness in response.
"oh peter parker, i love you, too."
as you and peter continued to lay in bed together, you knew that sharing this type of life with him would not be an easy one-
but you loved him enough to try, knowing that it was all going to be worth it in the end.
10. commitment
peter held your hand, leading you to the graveyard with a solemn expression on his face. knowing that this was an important day for him, you remain silent, just keeping your hand interlocked with his as you prayed that this would be enough to ease his pain.
you follow him throughout the cemetery, only stopping when he stands in front of a gravestone. he was silent, giving you a moment to read what was engraved:
here lies may parker...
"hey may, it's been a while." peter's voice breaks, and he sharply inhales before continuing, still giving your hand a tight squeeze. "i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry about me anymore..."
"i know how i told you about ned and michelle forgetting all about me, and for the longest time, i was stuck in such a deep darkness, one that i wasn't even sure i could even get out of."
"but... i ended up escaping that darkness, and it's all thanks to her." peter looks over at you with true love shining within his eyes. "i met her due to certain circumstances, and i was so happy i was able to protect you that night."
you could feel your tears forming, but no words would come out, instead, you mouthed the word i love you to him, basking in his sweet smile.
"i just wanted to tell you that you don't have to worry anymore, may. that i found someone who truly is my soulmate, who makes me happier than anyone in this world."
peter looks away from you briefly to stare at the bright morning sun, "so if you're up there, please know that i am happy now."
no words were spoken, but you swore you felt the sun warming your body as a gentle wind goes through your hair, the sensation making you let out a soft giggle as the sound catches peter's attention. he looks down at you with his own grin, saying your name when he reaches down to touch at your lips.
and as you were caught in his embrace, you were unaware of how brightly your golden wedding bands shone from beneath the intensity of the sunlight.
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a.n. - it's been roughly 2 and a half years since no way home's release, and i was finally able to write a comfort fic for peter parker 🥹 he deserves his happy ending.
i apologize for any errors in this story, but i hope you readers enjoy this anyways.
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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Random lark headcanons
random lark head canons because i may create fanfiction i may not we'll see.
also why does everyone always give them gendered pronouns I just want one fic where they all have they/them pronouns I swear its not confusing
• Tooth gap, slightly insecure about it.
• Constantly nervous, bordering feeling on-edge.
• Likes people watching in the way old people feeding ducks at the park do.
• Routine is great in some aspects of their life.
• I see a lot of people hcing them to have stage fright. I can see them having it when they first started the Lark, but I don't see them with it their entire career. But the mask helps.
• Likes it when Pierre braids their hair but won't ask unless offered.
• Absolute boss at chicken fighting, whether they're carrying someone or not.
• Likes physical affection in medium amounts but will never admit it.
• Sleeps like a rock but likes having a lot of pillows.
• Designed the structure for everyone's masks & gave Cole advice on how to paint their guitalete.
• Goes non-verbal & cleans when mad.
• Learned how to braid from Clementine.
• Moves in their sleep a lot.
• Naturally sneezes a lot. Likes counting them. Once sneezed 27 times in a row during a show.
• Will argue just because they're a bit bored. Will knock it off if it becomes a serious issue.
• Loves tic-tac-toe.
• Really bad at apologizing but makes their point known.
• Verbally stims a lot through accents or repeating a sound. Oddest stim is walking on their knees. (I'm projecting a lil bit on this one)
• Curls their hair around their fingers while bored.
• Cuddly sleeper.
• Watery eyes when even slightly upset.
• If they had a super power they'd wanna fly.
• Listens to Kingsley yap late at night when the other two have gone to bed because they have too much energy to sleep just yet & Clemmie doesn't mind staying up a bit later than normal.
• Favorite random group activity is playing tag.
• Family bonfires at least twice a month where they critique each other a bit & think of new songs. Most of the time, Cole will play a tune while Pierre freestyles to it as Clementine & Kingsley dance. Clementine may sing with Pierre sometimes. (I believe that Kingley's a bad dancer on purpose, & just kinda behaves like Bingo in that episode where the kids wouldn't walk normally while cleaning up the blanket fort.)
• Every once in a while Kingsley will wanna sleep with someone, normally Clemmie. Likes Cole the best since they're a cold sleeper.
thank u 4 reading & if someone draws clemmie in a bonnet I will literally owe you my life ty bye bye
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impishtubist · 8 months
Prompt: Three times Sirius almost murdered someone in public over his fame and one time he tried to use his fame to his advantage (and failed) - bonus points if he was trying to bone someone😬
So, confession time: I actually started writing this prompt when you first gave it to me, without the boning part, so now I feel weird that the "failed" portion of the ficlet involves a child and does not involve boning 🤣
That being said, I think that someone *cough cough* could write a 5 + 1 ficlet about Sirius trying to get laid, and he fails 5 times because no one is impressed with his fame, and succeeds once because, idk, Kingsley is more famous than he is. ANYWAY. Here is your fic. It's very dumb and unedited. Enjoy.
“Mr. Black!”
“Lord Black!”
Shit. Sirius shoves his list into his pocket and pops the collar of his coat in an effort to shield most of his face from the cameras. He’d purposely come to Diagon at ass-o’clock on a Sunday, hoping to get his shopping out of the way before the crowds arrived. He’d managed to get gifts for everyone on his list, too, except for Harry.
Harry is the one he always has the hardest time shopping for, because the gifts have to be perfect. He accepts nothing less for his son. 
And now the paparazzi have spotted him, which means that he has to put off shopping for Harry until another day. He briefly contemplates setting the street (and the reporters) on fire as a distraction, but that would only draw more attention.
Instead, he ducks down an alley and Apparates home.
Harry glances over his shoulder, and quickly pales. “Uh, Sirius…”
“Don’t tell me,” Sirius sighs.
“We’ve in the fucking Maldives.” 
“They have reporters in the Maldives.”
Sirius glares at him, and Harry gives him an innocent smile. “They’re here for you, too, Potter.”
“I didn’t get voted Sexiest Wizard Alive by Witch Weekly this year. They’re here for you.” 
Sirius twirls his wand between his fingers, eyeing the approaching reporters warily. “Do you think I can transform them all into rabbits?”
“I don’t think Remus will bail you out of jail again. Aunt Andy said she wouldn’t, either.”
“Kingsley might.”
“Yeah, because he’s asked you to marry him three times and you keep turning him down. He’d do anything for you.”
“He would, wouldn’t he?”
Harry’s nose wrinkles. “Gross, Sirius.”
Sirius winks. “It’s the Black charm, Harry.”
“Yeah, well, can the Black charm get us out of here unnoticed and without any murder? I want some lunch.” 
Sirius steps into Remus’s office, and the whole room falls silent, sixteen pairs of eyes staring at him in astonishment.
“Er,” he says eloquently, “hello.”
Pandemonium breaks out after that, students clamoring for his autograph and his photograph and wanting to shake his hand. If he’d known that Remus held office hours at six o’clock on a Thursday of all days, he wouldn’t have stopped by to visit his friend after the Board of Governors meeting let out. 
“I’m going to kill you,” he mutters under his breath at one point, while three awestruck first-years try to get his attention. 
“No, you won’t,” Remus says cheerfully. “You need your best man intact for the wedding.”
“Mummy, I can’t see!” 
“Shh, darling.”
“But I can’t. He’s too tall.”
“Here, Melinda, why don’t you sit on Mama’s lap? That will help you be taller, won’t it?”
There’s some shuffling, and then a huff. “I still can’t see.”
Sirius can’t help it. Curious, he twists around in his seat to find a young girl glaring at him. She can’t be older than Lily Luna, and she’s dressed in a frilly princess dress for the show. Her mothers gape at him.
“Oh!” the one holding Melinda exclaims. “Oh, Lord Black, I am so sorry--”
“It’s quite alright,” he says, giving Melinda the patented and dazzling Black smile. She remains unmoved. “I am very tall, aren’t I?”
“I wanna see the dancing,” Melinda pouts.
“Why don’t we switch?” Kingsley suggests, and he swaps seats with Sirius. 
“You’re too tall, too,” Melinda informs him. “Mummy, can I sit on your shoulders?”
“No, baby, I don’t think the theater would like that very much.”
“But how am I supposed to see Clara?” Melinda demands. “And the dancing?” 
“We’ll switch seats with you,” Sirius says, and both of Melinda’s mothers look mortified.
“Oh, no, Lord Black--”
“We couldn’t possibly--”
“I insist,” he says, getting up, and Kingsley follows him. The two women get up after a moment’s hesitation and take their seats, Melinda on one lap. “Is that better, my lady?”
“Yes,” Melinda says, not sparing him a glance. 
“Melinda,” one of her mothers scolds. “What do we say?”
Melinda turns around to look at Sirius. “What’s your name?”
Her nose wrinkles. “That’s a funny name.”
“Thank you, Sirius,” Melinda says primly, and then she turns around again, Sirius utterly forgotten.
Her mothers are bright red. Sirius leans forward.
“My granddaughter is five,” he says to them. “I've never been so humbled in my life.”
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elyonblackstar · 1 month
You know, it be preferable if certain Jily artists would bother to tag their art with poc/desi james potter tag. Cause not all of us consider that headcanon to be ‘canon’. The author is problematic and all, but that doesn’t mean race swapping existing white characters is any better/makes y’all superior. It works for Hermione because she’s a muggleborn and the added subtext of her being picked on by a racist, pureblood white prick like Draco and the garbage Malfoys. And this doesn’t fucking mean Jily=Dramione! Fuck no. If anything, James being the reverse of Draco, but similar in he too was a white, pure blood privileged boy raised and pampered but was actual taught to not be a complete dick to those who’s blood status isn’t pure. Changing his race to fit a certain headcanon is bs and makes Dursleys hypocritical and worse(but skin color logic, they should hate Kingsley too). And it’s always James & Harry. Never Sirius, Remus, or Lily(who has the most reason to be race swapped). So overall, this fandom is a joke
This message has been a wild ride ngl 😂😂😂😂 thank you I needed to laugh at some nonsense today!
But just to be clear: idgaf if you specifically don't like an hc of mine and no, I'm not gonna tag it like it was a trigger or something. This is literally a fantasy series set in a country that actually has LOTS of POC but somehow we only encounter like... 3 into the wild. So it's only natural people would like to see more and share their preferred hc for characters race and look. Many of us also change the canonical Pansy pug-face and make her basically a top model, don't see people complain about that uh! 😂
If you don't like a certain way people draw a character it's fine, everyone has the right to enjoy things the way they like it. But that doesn't give you also the right to come to random people and tell them 'oh you feel superior bcs you race swapped the characters!' and all of this load of crap. Learn to curate your online experience better, block the people/things you don't wanna see and move on. Life's too short to argue about fictional characters
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 2 years
Prompt! (because i love your exploding snap fic!)
The first exploding snap match after the war is over?
Anon, you inspired another chapter of Love's a Game, Wanna Play
Read Chapter 1 here | Read Chapter 2 here or below
It all became too much.
Going to Hogwarts run by Death Eaters in the midst of a war was hard. Coming home from Hogwarts without a brother was so much worse. 
Her family sought comfort from their grief in a variety of ways. 
Her dad spent hours at the Ministry, working with Kingsley and a variety of important names that Ginny recognized, but never met. One night when sleep would not overcome her; her mind too loud, her room too warm, her body too tired, she crept down the stairs only to overhear her father and mother’s whispers. Her dad admitted he felt as though it was his fault that all of the muggleborns who entered the Ministry this year were never seen again. That he could have done more to protect them.
It was one of the two times Ginny had seen her father sob. The other was her brother’s funeral.
Her mum went into “Molly Weasley” hyperdrive. Constantly working in the kitchen. The oven was turned on more often than not, fresh breads and treats constantly being pulled out. Charlie and Ginny often were assigned to drop off fresh baked goods at random households because even with all of the Weasley mouths to feed, there still was too much food.
Ginny wished she could say no to her mother when she was asked to deliver more food to another parent who lost their kid in the Battle of Hogwarts. The parents of another dead classmate of hers. 
Families would be grateful, invite her in for tea, and share stories of their kids. Ginny choked on her own tears telling Sophie’s family that she held her hand as she died underneath the rubble of the castle, pleading that she just wanted to go home. 
Sophie’s last words crept into Ginny’s nightmares most nights and stayed heavy in her heart throughout the day.
Where Percy was loud in his grief, trying to make up for 3 years lost of being a prat, George was somber, staying hidden alone in his room or away at the shop working endlessly to keep his mind numb.
Bill and Charlie were hardly home. Bill and Fleur went back to Shell Cottage at night and would visit throughout the day, and Charlie hated the house more than Ginny did. Always running errands. Counting down the days until he could run back to Romania. 
Ron was quiet for the first time in his life. Wordlessly helping everyone with whatever they needed, somehow knowing what a person was going to need before they could ask for it themselves. 
Hermione was staying at the Burrow since she could not go home to an empty house without her parents there. Only the first night, Hermione slept in the same room as her. Screams of terror woke Ginny up in the middle of the night coming from the cot on the floor. Ever since then, Hermione snuck upstairs to Ron’s room to sleep.
Ginny never asked what Bellatrix did to her to warrant those screams.
Harry would come into her bedroom at night after Hermione left. His arms wrapped around her tightly, drawing her into his chest. The sound of his heart beating comforted her knowing that he was alive and well. Having Harry close soothed her senses, giving her the peace she craved. 
When she didn’t have Harry, she had the sky.
When everything became too much - her thoughts too loud, her skin itching from anxiety, her pulse rapidly increasing, her breath shallow from the suffocating feeling of grief - flying was the thing that could calm her. 
Physiologically, it did not make sense. The adrenaline of quick turns and steep dives should have fired her up more, but it made her think straight. 
And Merlin, she needed the sky now. 
A late-May thunderstorm had brought all of the Weasley’s indoors. The drip of the rain water through a hole in the ceiling that had yet been repaired reminded her all too well of the drip inside a Hogwarts dungeon. Flashbacks of the last year crept out from the mental cage Ginny tried to keep them locked behind. 
The kitchen was overwhelming with loud bangs of pots and pans of her mum cooking another feast for too many. Charlie was forced to be home today because they canceled Hogwarts clean up, so he was sulking down in the living room. Not even her own room was free as Hermione had set up all of her Australia research. 
She was going to crawl out of her own skin if she could not get space soon. 
Fuck it. Ginny thought. Quidditch is flown in shitty weather all the time. 
Tightening her hair in a ponytail and grabbing a pair of joggers, she headed to the backdoor. 
“You’re going out in this?” A voice from behind her asked.
Ginny whipped around to see Harry sitting on the back porch, dry despite the weather. A small jar of flames sat next to him.
“And you aren’t even of age to cast a warming charm on yourself.”
“Don’t remind me,” Ginny replied. 
Harry canted his head to the side, inviting her to join the empty spot next to him on the swinging bench. Ginny sat down next to him, legs pressed against his thigh. Letting Harry take over her already overwhelmed senses.
“Since you can’t play Quidditch right now, do you want to play a different game?” Harry asked.
Ginny gave a slight smile, “I would love that.”
“Accio Exploding Snap cards,” cast Harry.
“Stupid of age wizards,” Ginny scoffed, “Always showing off.”
“The Ministry owes me, I could talk them into letting a certain witch the ability to perform underage magic,” Harry said, catching the deck of cards flying towards them from the back door.
“I am sure Romilda Vane would love that,” Ginny retorted. 
Harry snorted but didn’t say anything more. He dealt out the cards from the mixed deck of their respective Christmas presents a year and a half ago. They never got back around to splitting their decks after their game in the Burrow kitchen. Ginny smiled at the memory of them being two carefree teenagers. A memory that felt like a lifetime ago.
“No cheating,” Ginny threatened.
“I would never,” Harry replied. 
Ginny gave him a pointed look.
“Again.” Harry corrected, “I would never cheat again.” 
Smiling at him, Ginny grabbed her dealt cards and started to organize them by pair. She hadn’t played in over a year, the free time she had at Hogwarts was spent organizing a revolution and trying to survive. 
Ginny was pulled away from her thoughts of the days in the Hogwarts castle when Harry pointed his wand at the deck to start the game.
Cards shuffled between them. Ginny laid down the first pair, but Harry quickly responded with his own matching set. Alternating turns, the game was close. Ginny would collect a pair only to be beaten by Harry laying down a set of four.
Frowning at her hand, Ginny drew a card from the deck. The face of a massive black spider stared up at her.
Harry continued laying cards down in front of him, but Ginny could not move. She just stared down at the Acromantula card in her hand. 
Memories of detentions in the Forbidden Forest flooded back to the forefront of her mind, her senses overwhelmed with memories. The darkness of the night under a new moon. The sound of the clicks of the spiders chasing her and Neville. Tripping over a root, scuffing her hands and her knees. The fear she felt.
The explosion of her cards in her hand pulled her out of the dark thoughts bouncing around her head.
The feeling of her skin crawling slowly started, traveling up her arms, squeezing around her heart, tightening her throat, and blurring her vision. Unable to stop it, tears began to pool out of her eyes.
“Shit, Ginny.”
Harry shoved the deck of cards on the ground, pulling her into his arms. Sobs wracked her body, shoulders uncontrollably shaking, and her throat burning with tears. Harry pulled the tie out of her hair, letting the red strands cascade down her back. His fingers stroked her scalp as she continued to cry. 
“How do you do it?” Ginny choked out between sobs, “How do you keep going on when everything becomes all too much.”
His lips pressed against her hair, breathing in her scent. “It’s not easy,” Harry replied slowly, “But I’ve learned time makes the pain lessen, and having Ron and Hermione, your family,” Harry paused, looking right into her wet eyes, “You. You all helped.”
Ginny gave a watery smile up at him, “You do help me too, you know.”
“I know,” Harry said before leaning in to capture his lips with hers.
Ginny pulled back slightly. “You don’t want to kiss right now, I am sure I have snot and tears all over my face,” She said, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her sweater. 
Harry chuckled, “It’s very hot.”
“Oh shut up.”
Harry laughed as he pulled Ginny back to him, murmuring against her lips, “I don’t care.”
At that moment Ginny didn’t care either. Not about the snotty kiss or about the fact that she now had a losing record against Harry in Exploding Snap. She was just content that after all the magic and madness, she had Harry to help her through.
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hippie-self-shippie · 7 months
i went to a stand up comedy thing tonight and now i’m thinking gay shit about kingsley again… i wanna draw something with me and him i wanna be faggy
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dent-de-leon · 9 months
Caleb, when Lucien acts like that: "You wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid."
yES asdkfdflh Caleb knew exactly what he was doing when he told Lucien to behave and be a good boy. Tell me this isn't a man who knows exactly how to make this tiefling fall for him:
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What really kills me is the line, "That's dangerous." Because it's joking and playful, but it's still Lucien admitting just how much of an effect Caleb has on him. And it is dangerous, isn't it--when Lucien goes in for the kill, but then he and Molly both experience excruciating pain at the mere thought of ever hurting their Magician. When Lucien thinks of his last moments with his lover, and it bleeds into a memory of Molly kissing Caleb on the forehead instead.
It's Caleb being a thorn in his side for the entire final fight, being the one who really breaks through to Mollymauk again and again. He's dangerous alright--one of Lucien's most formidable opponents, I think. Because he's so determined to get Molly back at any cost, thwarts Lucien's attempts to control him again and again. He believes so fiercely in Molly, and he's able to bring out that shattered part of his soul so easily. It really terrifies him, I think, that someone could hold that much power over him. That deep down, he must realize his heart and Molly's are one.
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Also, just...I don't think I'll get over when the Nein sit down for that talk with Lucien. Caleb admitting the truth, as simple and painful as it is, "Well, it's a lot of coincidences, really. We were quite fond of our friend. So that alone does draw us in a bit." And Lucien? He hears that the pretty wizard has a certain fondness for him, and he just can't resist teasing him. Matt doing that little hair flip when he says, "Well, it's hard not to be fond of this."
And that more than anything is what makes it all click for Caleb, cements his belief that yes, Molly is still in there. Lucien flirts with him, and it's simply all the confirmation he needs to know that his Circus Man isn't gone. "You're not entirely different from the friend we know." It's like when Beau and Jester are both relieved and excited when Kingsley starts flirting with Caleb, takes it as a sure sign their friend is still there. Truly soulmates in every life--
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atmosphericalz · 1 year
guys i wanna make both a daily elliot kingsley and katrina giyatiene drawing acc because i both love them BUT DO I MAKE THEM A DUO AND MAKE IT BOTH OF THEM THEMED OR ONLY DO ONE OF THEMbwbbw !2!3!1?2!2 PLEASE
elliots my all time favorite character from vw (this is clearly obvious) BUT I LOVE KAT TOO SO LIKE??1!2?1!2?2??
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cupcaketrickster · 2 years
{[ the night is quiet and still around them. the evening’s peace draws sharp contrast with the windswept, rain-battered, and wounded former crew of the nein heroes. a thick cloud of sorrow hangs overhead. fjord has one respite: he takes jester’s hand in his own and places his other hand on her cheek. “i'm so glad you’re alright.” his voice is smaller, quieter than intended. ~~~ @falchioned! ]}
it is not the first time that she has been lost in the unwavering feeling of helplessness. she tries to smile, she is a helping hand, following along kingsley and fjord and orly as she tried to help the other crew with what she could. her mind, though, wanders as her mind often does, but unlike normal in a little bit of guilt for both so easily falling to the ground so quickly and there fallen member. she knows it is no one's fault, but the heavy weight is one she struggling to lower to the ground and leave behind--- that perhaps she could have done more should she have remained up and aware for just a few moments longer and fjord would not seem so... off ( perhaps, selfishly, it is easier to focus on them than the fact that she almost died, that she failed them when they needed her most ).
she notices it before the half-orc comes to her, but she does not intend to speak on it now, instead just glad for a quieter moment with just them to try and bring fjord what solace she can. fjord, though, speaks before she does, he holds onto her hand and without hesitation jester squeezes his back tightly, with a vice grip, all the while leaning into the hand on her cheek. " i am. thanks to you. " she would like to imagine it flows through her still, his healing magic, warm and grounding, pulling her from the cold nothingness, comforting... it is something that he needs to hear too, seeing the look in his eyes ( hopefully he cannot read her own- but she knows he can. he always could ). leaning into the hand, she presses a feather light kiss to his palm, her hand that was not holding his moves to cup his cheek for a moment, trying to get his eyes to meet hers. " i am glad you are alright too. that... whew, it really went from like we got this to uh holy shit... " she jokes a little, a weak, off thing, but she's trying, feeling a slight disconnect with her own words. at least physically, emotionally... well it is not difficult to know he is far from that. it is one of the things that pulls her to slowly let go of his hand in favor of holding his hand that already held hers.
" wanna sit for a moment? " help was on the way, everyone else seemed somewhat settled, she wants to at least get him to as close as she can there. help is coming. now they can breathe and wait.
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casukaga · 3 years
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love ya, mighty nein.
last live doodles of the campaign 💕
🌟 Instagram | Twitter | Youtube 🌟
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prim-moth · 3 years
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New @northern-passage hunter! He’s short & full of rage!!!
Also Lea-mancer with probably half the time how their arguments end (dating ver)
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