#I want friends who live near me I love road-tripping but then I come back home and I’m alone again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
milo-is-rambling · 1 year
I love the internet for connecting me with people I probably wouldn’t have ever met in person but then also WHY ARE THEY SO FAR AWAY
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thefanficmonster · 4 months
Never Beating the Allegations
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Colby Brock x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing
Genre: FLUFF, Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: A compilation of Colby and Y/N being far too obvious with their feelings for one another for the entire world to see. Basically, a YouTube documentation spanning several channels that marks the history of this goofy relationship
"It's fucking nighttime already, dude! We're running two hours behind schedule!" Sam complains through a smile, shaking his head at Colby who's trailing behind him with bags full of snacks. "All because someone spent those two hours scouring a store!
They're currently in Canada following the filming of a couple investigations for Hell Week with Kris and Celina. As Sam said, they were supposed to be two hours along the road back home already - a very tiny portion of their roadtrip back, seeing as how they didn't get to buy plane tickets on time. So, they settled for a two day roadtrip and the adventure it would bring on.
Colby, not at all bothered by Sam's accusations, smiles at the camera, "I promised Y/N I'd bring back signature Canadian snacks for her. There is no chance in hell I go home empty-handed. She'd kill me." As if to prove he is serious about his quest, he lifts the two heavy looking bags for the camera to get a better shot of them.
Sam's smile falters, replaced by a highly offended frown, "So you're telling me we're not gonna eat any of those snack on the road?" Colby - folding with laughter, mind you - shakes his head. "Are you fucking ki-...."
* * * * *
"I'm almost done!" Y/N calls out from her spot in front of the mirror where she's been stuck for the past thirty minutes trying to even out her winged liner.
A groan comes from a far distance but is still picked up by her phone microphone and is heard by the audience of Y/N's Instagram live, "You keep saying that!"
Not ten seconds later, the door is thrown open, provoking a laugh from the girl. She lowers her hand and takes her attention away from her reflection to pay her roommate proper acknowledgement. "Give me a second, sheesh! Can't a girl make herself pretty in peace?"
Although he never enters the frame fully, the live chat is already flowing with cheers of Colby's name. Whether it was wishful thinking or an educated guess on their part is a mystery. Regardless, they're entirely correct, their suspicions confirmed when they hear his voice and see his arm come into frame, his hand cupping Y/N's chin to tilt up her face.
"You're always pretty." He says, causing her to roll her eyes. At that, he boops her nose with his pointer finger before withdrawing his arm, "You have five minutes to wrap things up."
Y/N's gaze lingers on him until he's out of sight. She shakes her head and catches the camera's eye in the mirror reflection, "The audacity on that man. Tsk
* * * * *
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@_y/n_dragonfly Fuck Valentine's Day @_colbybrock
Needless to say, the comments went wild, running with this post on Y/N's Instagram as unofficial proof of the ship the fandom seems to hold so near and dear to their hearts.
Hope dies last, after all. Maybe one day their ship might set-sail.
* * * * *
"Ok, so, update..." Colby chuckles, looking away from the camera he's currently holding blogging style to make sure he doesn't trip on anything, "We were supposed to go grab food before starting the investigation, but then...." He flips the camera to show the backyard of the abandoned house they'll be exploring tonight, "Y/N found a trampoline in the backyard."
As the camera focuses, both Sam and Y/N come into clear view - the former laughing at the latter who's too busy to care. She's too occupied having the time of her life on this raggedy looking trampoline, reveling in childlike joy as she hops around.
Colby sets the camera on the tripod Sam had left nearby, wanting to capture this wholesome moment, even if it didn't make it into the final cut of the video. Though he doesn't see why it wouldn't.
After adjusting the camera, he turns to find Sam has joined Y/N on the trampoline, far more hesitant than she is, though.
"You guys are ridiculous." He remarks as he approaches them, shaking his head with a bright smile on his face.
Y/N lands on her knees so she can be at least halfway at eye-level with her friend, offering him a beckoning hand, "Come be ridiculous too. Don't be a bore."
Colby scoffs and rolls his eyes. Still, he accepts her hand but instead of using it for support to climb up to join his friends on the trampoline, he tugs on it. Y/N lets out a little yelp as she's enveloped in his arms. Her legs instinctively wrap around his waist, unwilling to have a rather unpleasant encounter with the ground.
"Colby! Put me down!!" Put her down he most certainly doesn't, instead opting to spin her while securely holding her in his arms, eliciting mock terror-filled screams from her.
Eventually, he does get persuaded into joining her and Sam on the trampoline.
And the whole fiasco eventually makes it into the final cut and onto the internet.
And, inevitably, in edits.
* * * * *
It's an innocent, wholesome TikTok they filmed in the garden of the Conjuring house. Yes, the Conjuring house, no biggie.
Sam is the cameraman who much to his relief didn't even need to orchestrate anything. He just pressed the record button on his phone to capture the tomfoolery going on. The lighting is perfect, provided by the few remaining rays of sunlight before dark befell them. A little lighthearted fun was more than needed before they'd have to go back in the house to chat with spirits for the night.
The video captures Y/N in her natural element - dancing goofily with the pair of headphones they use for the Estes method on her head. The caption under the video reads: 'When the spirits drop a sick beat' and is quite the perfect depiction of the trio's dynamic.
Sam documenting the chaos. Y/N being the chaos. And Colby observing her chaos with heart-eyes from the sidelines.
Although Sam hadn't originally noticed his best friend's awed gaze accidentally captured in the video, the fans most definitely noticed. And, as per usual, they ran with it.
*sigh* These two are never beating the allegations.
@benbarnesprettygurl @jessy-shine @mushycore @richardsamboramylove55 @smuttiest-smuttt @honey-bees-13 @rei-ito
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too many teens whining for validation, this blog needs more weird and stupid so...
AITA for kidnapping my friend and trapping her in the cheesebarn?
Hear me out:
The story starts about a week before my (20 at the time ftm) 21st birthday. If you live in the US you know this isnt just some lame 7th birthday or 36th birthday, this is one of the big boy birthdays, the special ones. Its when you can legal buy alcohol and are therefore truly an adult in the eyes of the law.
Naturally my friends (20s) wanted to do something Big for our 21sts. So they asked me what i wanted to do and i said i didnt really care as long as I got a road trip somewhere with friends.
Everyone thought it was a fun idea but it was a little short notice for everyone to get time off from work, but my other friend we will call C also had her 21st exactly a month after mine to the day, and the two of us agreed to share our 21sts and not do much of anything on my actual birthday. This is important, bc it was a SHARED birthday road trip.
I agree to let C pick the destination and I provide the car. We didnt have much of a plan as we were going to meet up with C's old roommate who lives in the city we picked to show us a good time.
It was 5 of us total and about a 7 hour drive altogether there with not a whole lot on the way there. We get to the city she picked and meet the roommate and honestly the rest of this part is just standard 21st birthday shenanigans. Its when we start the drive home things really start.
Remember its a long drive with not much to see? Well that was a lie. On our way back we see it, the Real "Happiest Place on Earth" as far as places with a mouse for a mascot go:
Obviously me and the other people on the trip want to stop and see the magic, but unfucking fortunately C happens to be the only Basic White Girl ™️ in the entire world who hates cheese and isnt even lactose intolerant. This girl is notorious for making "petty" and "I hate Cheese" her entire personality. She would constantly make faces and gagging noises and talk about how gross and nasty cheese is if you so much as eat a grilt cheese near her.
Clearly she made it known that she wasnt on board with it. "NO! FUCK YOU ALL IM NOT GOING TO A PLACE CALLED A CHEESEBARN ON MY BIRTHDAY!!" were her exact words.
But i remembered i was driving, it was my car, and it was supposed to be my birthday too. So I put it to a vote. "Raise your hand if you wanna go to Grandpa's Cheesebarn!"
All hands raise but one. With C out voted we head to the cheesebarn.
Guys. This place is amazing. Its obviously making cheese its main draw, but yhere's so much more, its every shitty midwest tourist trap rolled into one glorious place. There's even a chocolate shop. We even got C's roommate to ditch work and come meet us bc shr heard "Grandpa's Cheesebarn" and knew she had to drop everything.
All in all a good visit, C even seemed like she had fun once we got there (she sure spent $300 on candies and dip mixes anyway). We go home. Things seem fine.
Then C drops off the face of the earth.
She wont respond to our calls or texts and at first we thought maybe she was giing through a rough patch or something and try to just keep reaching out but give her space. But then we find out that not only is she still hanging our with our other friends who couldnt make the trip with us. So clearly she's just pissed at us about something.
Finally one day a few months later i catch her at her job and just tell her "I dont care if you hate us, we'll never speak to you again if you dont want us to, but what the hell did we do to you??"
And she just looked me over and says "Well. You kidnapped me."
And she yells (bc this girl loves yelling at people) "YOU KIDNAPPED ME AND TRAPPED ME AT A CHEESEBARN ON. MY. BIRTHDAY!!!!!"
And i just said "Well it was my birthday too," and havent spoken to her since. Its been over a decade and "No ragrets" as we said back in the day, but uts baffled me for years that that was her reaction. "Im just over you guys" i can understand, and its not like she was shy about telling people she hates them and their out of her life ever before. And from what i ended up hearing from our other friends she kept talking with it really was about the cheesebarn and how we "ruined her birthday".
No but srsly AITA??? For making her go to a cheesebarn???
What are these acronyms?
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allwaswell16 · 8 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that show a healthy relationship dynamic as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please leave the writers kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
- Louis / Harry -
☁️ Of Mates and Men by @bananaheathen
(E, 630k, wedding) In which, Louis and Harry meet as best men for their best friends' wedding... well... sort of. Or, the one where Harry's just moved back from New York and Louis doesn't believe in romance. Or, I guess... the one where Zayn and Liam are getting married.
☁️ Relief Next To Me by dolce_piccante / @haydolce
(E, 333k, fwb) AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more.
☁️ Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
(E, 97k, road trip) Rather than spend the summer working at their desks, Louis and Harry are given the opportunity to crisscross the country together in a tiny camper, filming their adventures for a YouTube series.
☁️ No Control Club (series) by @sadaveniren
(E, 96k, bdsm) Harry, a popular BDSM blogger, writes a negative review about Louis’ club. Louis wants to have a chance to make it up to him.
☁️ My Kind of Rain by @lululawrence
(NR, 30k, musicians) the Tim McGraw/Faith Hill AU where Louis is Tim, Harry is Faith, and just when Louis thinks he is going to get some rest, his entire world turns upside down thanks to the man with curly hair and the voice that seems to sing right to Louis' heart.
☁️ The Sunshine Stays by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 15k, canon) They're enjoying a much more relaxed schedule the second time around, allowing themselves to bask in married life. Until, one day, Louis surprises Harry on vacation, and there are some surprising consequences.
☁️ Let Me Be Your Everlasting Light by Layne Faire / @laynefaire
(M, 11k, Northern Lights) Harry arranges a trip to Norway as a gift for Louis, but little does Louis know Harry is also hoping to make his own dream come true, too.
☁️ I Can't Hear You by kikikryslee / @flamboyantommo
(E, 9k, omegaverse) the one where Harry is self-conscious about his body because it's not the 'typical omega body' and Louis shows him why he loves that.
☁️ There's a Ring in the House by YesIsAWorld / @louandhazaf
(M, 3k, proposal) Louis knows Harry is going to propose. He's terribly impatient about it.
☁️ Changing Weather (For Worse or For Better) by @haztobegood
(M, 3k, established relationship) Five times it's raining and one time it stops.
☁️ I Choose You by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 3k, established relationship) Louis is exhausted during a busy time at work. After a long commute home, the last thing he expects is for Harry to have a surprise for him.
☁️ Gonna Dress You Up In My Love by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, humor) Harry decides to take up knitting. He's horrible at it. Louis wears everything anyway.
☁️ The Future's in Our Hands by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 2k, humor) Louis loves a good idea, a good invention. He's always ready to try out the next project. His husband would maybe just like him to wait until morning.
☁️ The Nearness of You by theweightofmywords / @lil0
(M, 2k, mpreg) Harry and Louis' baby is due any moment. Harry just wants pretty toenails, and Louis just wants to help.
☁️ If Wishes Were Dishes by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 2k, living together) Why is Harry doing his dishes? He must be mad at Louis. He must be absolutely livid at the way Louis is living his life as a slob.
☁️ Sugary Sweet by @neondiamond
(G, 1k, kid fic) Harry and Louis’ daughter knows exactly how to get what she wants, Harry is pregnant, and Louis is the best husband ever.
- Rare Pairs -
☁️ a little tenderness by @disgruntledkittenface
(NR, 10k, Niall/Harry) Harry’s never been around an omega in depri as bad off as Niall looks; most of the time, there’s an alpha friend or family member who can help out with scenting and physical contact. Oh.
☁️ two languages, one love by @nouies
(NR, 3k, Louis/Cillian Murphy) The three times Louis speaks to Cillian in Spanish, and the one time he finally gets a response.
☁️ Fine Line by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
(G, 1k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) Telling his family was always going to be a big deal, but doing it alone was a sacrifice he could make. He never thought they’d fall about laughing.
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
What are the sweetest, most fluffy, most tender fic recs you have? Hurt/comfort préférable but anything works
I'm a major angst reader so our definitions of fluff may vary! I'm adding on to these lists: Fluff & Hogwarts Era Fluff
Save My Wonders by @unmistakablyoatmeal(21k)
Immediately chocolate assaulted Draco’s senses. Warm melted chocolate mixed with his mother’s roses and… something else. Something new. Freshly scrubbed skin and maybe a faint sheen of sweat. It was so familiar… And it only intensified when Potter came up behind him.
Two of Us by @sorrybutblog (5k)
The gang goes to a gay bar. Or: five times Harry accidentally pretended to be Draco’s boyfriend and one time Draco told him to put out or shut up.
All Things Go by @sorrybutblog (32k)
Draco’s back at Hogwarts by court order. Harry’s back for no particular reason at all. Some things change, some stay the same. Neither expects to spend eighth-year living in close quarters, playing rugby (poorly), staying up late, sneaking around, and finally figuring it all out.
Quick as a Flash of Lightning, Unhurried as Eternity by @onbeinganangel (10k)
Can you fall in love with someone by simply watching them fiercely love another version of yourself?
Knead by @jovialobservationanchor (83k)
This is not a story about Harry renovating Grimmauld Place. This is a story about coffee shops and brewpubs, about Ginny and Luna on a farm with creatures, about magical Oregon, coastal road trips, flying, friendship, and Draco Malfoy's lean arms.
the treehouse near primrose downs by @softlystarstruck (14k)
Draco and Harry have been roommates for years, so buying a magical house in the countryside shouldn’t be a big difference. But in between fresh loaves of bread and beds of wildflowers, things start to fall into place.
you bring me home by @softlystarstruck (35k)
Harry is happy. He has his cat cafe and his hobbies. He has his friends, and Dolly Parton, and a shirt with a cowboy frog on it. It’s all a man needs, really. He doesn’t need to obsess over a magic-less, anxious Draco Malfoy coming into his cafe after disappearing from the wizarding world years ago. He doesn’t. Not even if the cats like Malfoy. Not even if Malfoy is soft, and funny, and a little bit neurotic. No matter how much he wants to obsess.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by @sugar-screw (22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
I Think I Want to Marry You by @phdmama (6k)
5 times Harry Potter asks Draco Malfoy to marry him and Draco doesn't answer. And then the one time he does.
Meddling, Menswear, and Magic by @writcraft (18k)
Draco Malfoy is working in a job he hates and avoiding the magical world entirely, but he really is fine. When a bequest from Severus Snape brings Draco back to a much-changed magical world, he must find his place within it and navigate his growing attraction to Harry Potter in the process.
Constellations on your skin by @orange-peony (56k)
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon. “Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks. “The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
Sweeten to Taste by @saintgarbanzo (51k)
It starts with Draco's buckwheat crepes with honeyed oranges. Or maybe it starts with his porridge with toasted walnuts and homemade apple butter. Or perhaps it starts with the cinnamon buns Draco made from scratch with mascarpone icing. Harry just knows he's hungry for more.
The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care by @digthewriter (9k)
Harry Potter is the proud owner of The Little Marauders Nursery and Day Care and his favourite student is Scorpius Malfoy. Scorpius’s dad might be okay, too.
Sourdough by @academicdisasterfic (17k)
Draco writes romance novels and doesn't leave his apartment much. Harry bakes bread and sells it to Draco. Draco is quite weird. Harry might like that.
The Courting by the Pureblood Who Only Has Five Milligrams of Romantic Intelligence and Thinks He’s Real Smooth by @cibeewastaken (19k)
Draco could grab Potter and shove him into a stall before proceeding to suck his soul out of his dick, but secretly, deep down, in the part of Draco that he will never admit to anyone, he is (everyone pauses to shudder) a romantic. Potter is not someone Draco wants a one-off with. Potter is — Draco’s beloved! So Draco decides to boldly go where no one has gone before: to put himself through scrutiny; their friends’ teasing and pranks; unsound romantic advice from a house-elf; wearing pretty clothes; all to try and win Potter’s heart through courtship. (An unnamed ginger bastard can be heard yelling from afar: “This is actually a detailed guide on how not to court someone!”) But who cares about the opinions of redheads? Literally no one.
Nice Things by aideomai (22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by @dorthyanndrarry (5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Stay (With Me) by @dorthyanndrarry (6k)
Harry and Draco have been seeing each other casually, whenever they bumped into one another at Galas and Balls and other social events, always keeping one another at a careful distance. But one step forward seems to remove all space between them, sending them crashing together with an almost inevitable gravity.
If It Takes All Night by @tackytigerfic (10k)
It's not the first time Harry's been the victim of a botched curse (that's one of the reasons he doesn't like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too. So they're bonded. That's ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm. But this isn't going to be a problem for their friendship at all. Is it, Harry?
Espresso Patronum by @tasteofshapes (15k)
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
The Charm Conundrum by dysonrules (8k)
Harry misplaces an interesting "self-help" manual. Draco finds it and discovers some fascinating insights into Harry Potter.
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by @greaseonmymouth (96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry. Features: Little League Quidditch, an abundance of bath bombs, happy endings, and gay robots in space.
Harry Potter’s biggest fan by @gnarf (9k)
Ever since Scorpius heard about Harry Potter for the first time from one of his friends, one could say that he was his biggest fan. So naturally, it would be the thing he needs to talk about while visiting his grandparents for Sunday dinner. Draco’s father could not hold back the comments on why he had to go through this again, and Scorpius understood just enough to know that his father actually knew Harry Potter in person. That’s when the pestering started. Not much later and Draco found himself face to face with Potter, all thanks to his son.
Sunseeker by @shiftylinguini (15k)
Harry is a struggling writer. Namely, he is struggling with: writing his next book, dealing with his agent, finding a decent tea strainer, fielding his friend's concern over the aforementioned book, and figuring out who the cat loitering in his garden belongs to. He also has a slight liking-Malfoy problem. Okay, he has a massive liking-Malfoy problem.
All Roads Lead Home by dracogotgame (14k)
Draco is strong-armed into spending the first Christmas after the War with the Weasleys. And Harry Potter.
Draco Malfoy Absolutely Does Not Need to Be Loved by Harry Bloody Potter by @nv-md (18k)
It’s not easy to be bonded to your childhood rival, turned fuckbuddy, who you also have extremely uncomfortable but repressed feelings for—just ask Draco Malfoy.
Nyctophilia by prolonged_autumn (107k)
Everyone's back for 8th year, and Harry and his friends seem determined to spend their last year in school running around at night, hyped up on coffee and alcohol and Honeydukes candy, doing all the childish things they didn't have the chance to do before. Draco watches as he's always watched: from afar, quiet and bitter and hopelessly in love. That is, until Pansy decides she's had quite enough of it.
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seren1tyhaze · 1 year
blue to orange
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PAIRING: jaehyun x afab reader x jaemin
WORD COUNT: 7.6k (this was supposed to be a drabble...)
SUMMARY: your break up leaves you with a plane ticket to Greece on a couples trip with your best friend and her partner. she convinces you to still come on the trip and you meet two strangers who leave you with memories of long nights under a stunning starry sky.
THANK YOU: I started this as a surprise gift for a wonderful friend, you know who you are and I hope this brings you joy <3 huge thank you to @strwbrysunday as always for beta reading and helping along the way, you know what I want to say without me having to say it, let's keep writing together ily
WARNINGS: explicit smut, drinking, smoking reference, breakup reference but no angst around that don't worry
PLAYLIST: Make A Wish by NCT U, ANL by NCT Dream, Sunny Road by NCT 127, Kiss by DoJaeJung
“You’re sure I won’t be a third wheel on the trip? You can easily make this a romantic getaway without me and I can just save my vacation time for the holidays,” you speak into your airpods softly as you walk your dog back towards your building.
“Don’t be silly! You just went through a breakup, the least I can do is support you on the sunny beaches of Greece,” your best friend replies and you can picture her eyes rolling as she speaks.
It had been six extremely long and tortured weeks since you finally ended things with Haechan and even though everyone knew it was a long time coming, it still didn’t make it any easier.
You loved your friends and had done a lot of couple things together in the past, but a romantic summer getaway as a third wheel sounded absolutely dreadful. You let yourself be convinced by the fact that you did in fact need a break from work, already had the time off scheduled, and the flights were getting towards the non-refundable window. Haechan had already cancelled his portion of the trip the minute things had started to get rocky between the two of you (which from your perspective, was a lot earlier).
Before you know it, you are curled up on a plush couch looking out the open balcony door of a beautiful villa near the ocean, many miles from your apartment still filled with memories and moments with him. Music is playing faintly on a speaker and you are catching up on a book that you had promised your cousin you would read and discuss together.
“I was thinking the two of us could go for a late lunch at that fancy hotel near the beach,” your friend offers, making her way into the living room and plopping down next to you.
“It seems expensive but lunch might be a little cheaper? And the photos of the food look amazing,” she tells you with a brush of your knee, pulling the book from your hands and sliding it on the coffee table.
You agree and try to find something that will be appropriate for the setting, slipping on one of the nicest dresses you brought with some heeled sandals. You had let your hair air dry that morning so you try to wrangle it with a large, pearlescent clip and dot some blush on your cheeks.
Walking into the stunning lobby of the hotel, you watch as expensive luggage rolls by on the marble floor and hushed discussions are held in foreign languages in the small groupings of furniture. The concierge greets you pleasantly, agreeing to check with the restaurant staff to check if they can accommodate you.
He confirms they can seat you and you and your friend follow him into a beautiful dining area that opens to a patio that blends into the beach seamlessly. You’re taken aback by the intricate painting design on the ceiling and suddenly feel yourself bump up into a firm chest.
Letting out a gasp, with a curse on the tip of your tongue, you look up to meet the dark eyes of an equally startled blonde man. He instinctively steadies your arm, gripping your bare skin lightly as his eyebrows knit lightly.
“I’m so sorry,” you manage, cheeks flushing in embarrassment as you meet his gaze.
“I was distracted by how beautiful this room is,” you add, flicking your eyes to the lingering hand on your arm.
“No trouble at all,” the man replies, dropping his hand and giving you a small smile. His lips tip up just at the corners, not revealing teeth, but still holding warmth.
He’s absolutely gorgeous, sandy blonde hair slicked back with a couple strands dangling in front of strong brows and sunkissed skin. He’s dressed in business attire, with a light gray suit and cream button up with one more button undone than you would expect, no tie. His other hand is casually dipped into his pants pocket, revealing an expensive leather belt.
“Are you staying with us at The Cove?” he asked, eyes narrowing as he smiled a flashing grin. 
“Oh no, no,” you stutter out, making a gesture to your friend who is looking at you with wide eyes from the table she had been escorted to.
“I’m just here having lunch with a friend, we are staying nearby,” you finish, pulling your hand up to your forearm to stroke it nervously.
“Ah, I see. Well I hope you have a lovely meal then…” he trails off, expecting you to reply with your name.
“Thanks!” you blurt out, overlapping the end of his sentence and brushing past him, your cheeks flushing deeply as you practically jump into the chair being held out for you by the waiter at your table.
The mystery man smiles again, shaking his head lightly and scratching at his temple before ducking into a booth in the back of the restaurant, out of your view.
“What was that all about?” your friend murmurs from behind the large menu. Her eyes are glittering and you know there is no way to hide how flustered you are from the brief exchange.
“Nothing, nothing, I think he works here,” you reply, before moving the discussion to what you plan on ordering, starting with a much needed glass of wine.
The well dressed waiter is soon at your table again with a bottle of champagne in his hand, wrapped in a white cloth.
“Oh no, we didn’t order any drinks yet,” your friend is quick to clarify, seeing the orange label on the bottle and your eyes widening at the expensive drink.
“No trouble, Miss, this is courtesy of the property staff to thank you for joining us for lunch this afternoon,” he replies smoothly, uncorking the bottle and pouring expertly into two waiting flutes.
You turn over your shoulder, scanning the room for the booth the blonde man had slid into and see him smiling at you, lifting his own glass of champagne towards you. In a moment of confidence, you take your own glass from the table and lift it towards him before taking a small sip and turning back around.
When you turn back around your friend raises her eyebrows before clinking her glass to yours, chuckling into the bubbly liquid.
After the most delicious meal you’ve ever had, your friend heads to the restroom to “not miss out on the chance to see what kind of bougie soap and hand towels are in there” and you once again find yourself standing in the marble lobby, feeling underdressed.
“I hope to see you again,” comes a low voice from behind you and you turn to find yourself face to face (well, face to broad chest due to the height difference) with the tall stranger again.
“Oh do you?” you ask with a smirk, stepping a little closer to him as you turn around, feeling the confidence bubble in your chest once again. You hadn’t dated much in the short time you’d been single, swiping a little here and there on some apps when the loneliness started to hit you hard and going home with a hot bartender from the corner pub by your office who said she had been trying to hit on you for years.
But something about this mysterious and to be completely honest, seemingly rich man piqued your curiosity. He seemed confident but not cocky, reserved but still warm, and might have lived on another planet with how far outside your normal life he was.
“In the restaurant, of course. We have a lovely brunch service on the weekends,” he replies with a wink, extending a hand with a small pearly green business card to you.
“Oh yes, for brunch,” you reply simply, taking the business card and examining it to find that he is the Director of Marketing for the company that owns the hotel property.
“And should I call you, Jaehyun, to make the reservation,” you ask with a smile, sliding the card into your purse.
“You absolutely can, you also can call me if you need anything else during your visit. I spend my summers here locally as there are many events my team manages during the busy season,” he replies with a small laugh, reaching up to tuck a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
You blush as his fingers brush against your cheek, resisting the urge to lean into the palm of his hand that seems to linger by your face.
Footsteps and a quiet throat clearing behind you indicate that your friend has joined you and you know that the best thing to do in this moment is to leave without letting this conversation wander any further.
You thank Jaehyun again for the champagne, offering your name and which villa you’re staying at down the road as small breadcrumbs, still knowing you still have the ball in your court with his business card.
Your friend is giggling your whole walk back, punching you in the arm lightly at the luck you seem to have, even on vacation.
The next night you are seated in the luxurious dining room again, across from Jaehyun, wearing a new dress purchased from a boutique in the small seaside town. A freshwater pearl necklace is draping deep into the low cut dress and silver bangles clinking on together on your wrist when you dot your napkin on your glossy lips.
You had let your friend help you get ready for the date, pinning up your beachy waves with a few curly strands hanging seductively by your cheeks. Light makeup adorns your cheeks and your bare arms aren’t cold after spending a day in the sun.
You can’t take your eyes off Jaehyun in his crisp striped blue and orange shirt, tucked into dark grey trousers with leather shoes that you know cost as much as your car payment. He looks more casual than he did the first time you met him, but still dressed appropriately for the high end setting.
You’re sipping champagne again, which Jaehyun has admitted is one of his guilty pleasures. When you sat down at the table, the server immediately brought over the bottle to pour for both of you, explaining the chef was preparing multiple courses, planned specially for the two of you. You merely shook your head at Jaehyun, slightly embarrassed by the fuss he went through for a date with a total stranger.
“Ah, Jae!” comes a booming and high pitched laugh, accompanying the toothy grin of a dark haired man.
Jaehyun places his glass on the table and stands to extend a hand to the man, who swats it away and wraps him in a hug.
“Taeyong and I just got here and are ready to party!” 
The man who you soon learn is Mark, a junior member of Jaehyun’s team and an old friend from college, exclaims, voice a little too loud for the hushed tones of the restaurant. He’s cute with a big boyish grin across his face.
“Well I was hoping you and Taeyong would be here and ready to work,” Jaehyun drones back, glancing at you, looking to be a mixture of embarrassed and amused.
“Oh come on, Jeong, loosen up! The season doesn’t really start until next week and the company just closed that huge deal, let’s go dancing tonight!” Mark continues, swiping a thin breadstick from the basket on the table and taking a bite off the end.
“I will have to see what my date wants to do, but I’ll text you,” Jaehyun says with a roll of his eyes, placing a warning hand on Mark’s shoulder and gesturing for him to make his exit.
Mark’s eyes widen and you chuckle into your napkin. It seems as if in this moment he finally realizes Jaehyun is on a date with you and he drags his eyes over you slowly. He stammers out some sort of excuse before bowing his head lightly and quickly walks away to join a steel gray haired man who is laughing at him near the entrance of the restaurant.
“Sorry about them,” Jaehyun mutters, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as he settles back in his seat.
“They mean well and are great at their jobs,” he continues as the waiter returns with intricate salads topped with fresh seafood.
“And they are two of my oldest friends, so I trust them to work for me and also keep me in check for when I need to loosen up a little,” Jaehyun adds before sliding a perfectly grilled shrimp into his mouth.
The dinner continues without any additional interruptions or excitement and your stomach jumps when he suggests meeting up with Mark and Taeyong at a nearby club. Tipsy from a few glasses but eager to see where the night takes you, you send a quick message to your friend checking in before following Jaehyun to a waiting shiny car outside the hotel.
A few shots of ouzo later, the four of you are on the dance floor and you’re currently losing a dance battle with Mark, while Taeyong is about to lock lips with a tall Greek man nearby. Mark is cackling with laughter as you start the chicken dance and he mimics your moves, doubled over at the waist and sloshing some of his beer on the floor.
You turn over your shoulder to lock eyes with Jaehyun, who is swaying slowly to the music, gripping his own drink and smiling at you lazily. His eyes are narrow and his grin stretches ear to ear. His shirt has become unbuttoned over the course of the night, hanging loosely and revealing his toned chest. The gel that once held his hair in place has lost its grip and the strands are damp from sweat.
“Getting tired, Mr. Marketing Director?” you tease, resting your chin on your own shoulder as you watch him and take a long swig from the straw in your drink.
“Oh I can do this all day, back it up, back it up,” Jaehyun unexpectedly purrs in your ear, gripping at the silky fabric at your waist, pulling you flush up against him.
You instinctively melt your head back into his shoulder, opening up a wide expanse of your neck for him to claim. Jaehyun dips down, lips brushing against your skin in a warm kiss, inhaling to take in the scent of your perfume and light sweat developing in the heat of the cramped dance floor.
You can’t hold in the moan that falls from your lips and despite the loud music and laughter in the club, Mark hears you, eyes growing impossibly wide once again and he blushes, dipping his head down and turning to head back to the bar.
Someone else hears you, making eye contact with you briefly before tipping his drink up to you and giving you a thousand watt smile. Your heart leaps briefly in your chest before he nods at you, as if encouraging you to continue. He has kind brown eyes and fluffy, curly hair and has a beautiful, tall, older woman wrapped in his arms as he dances in time to the music.
You take this opportunity to turn in Jaehyun’s arms, looping around his neck and drawing your lips close to his ear to whisper before he’s nodding and dragging you eagerly by the hand out of the club.
Your head is spinning as you stand in his massive suite at the hotel, still unable to believe how a few short nights in Greece have led to you spending the night with this man at a five star resort that you would never have the funds to visit yourself.
Jaehyun is behind you again, hands dragging down your sides and gripping at your hips, hiking your dress up to expose your thighs. He has his face nuzzled in your neck again and you begin to realize this position turns him on as you feel his growing erection press into your ass.
“As the head of the marketing department, it’s very important that I make sure every person who visits the property has a top tier experience,” he murmurs in your ear, capturing your lobe in his teeth and tugging lightly before releasing it.
“So this is the type of service you provide to all visitors? Or only young attractive, recently single ones?” you flirt back, reaching your hand between you to palm at his crotch.
He moans at your touch, sending vibrations along your neck and shooting sparks to your core. He never answers you but you know from the way he whips your dress up over your head, unclasps your bra with his teeth and pulls you into his lap at the edge of the bed, that he hasn’t gotten his dick wet in a while. You learn later that despite his team all being around the same age, he feels a sense of responsibility to focus on work, always available for a call or to hop on a red eye to meet with clients in another country. He was lucky to have this job, coming from more humble beginnings, and rising up the corporate ladder was a way for him to feel confident and accomplished.
Straddling him on the edge of the bed, now only wearing your lacy nude panties, you push his shirt off his shoulders before moving to his belt, dragging your tongue along his neck, painfully slow. He sighs into your touch, moving a strong hand to your upper back before pulling the tips of his fingers up and down your spine, stroking your soft skin tenderly. You rise up on your knees to let him push his pants and briefs down, pausing and looking at him straight in the eye once you are both naked.
“I promise, I’m not the asshole businessman you think I am,” he mutters to you, taking both sides of your face in his warm hands, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss.
You feel arousal begin rapidly in your stomach, thighs pulling together instinctively as he slides his tongue in your mouth. In a stark contrast to his gentle eyes and beautiful mouth that you moan into, his hands are back at your hips gripping the delicate fabric and ripping the underwear from your body, letting the soaked lace fall from his fingertips to the floor.
His hand is back on you, cupping your ass and pulling you down onto his crotch, a gasp flying out of your mouth as your core comes in contact with his hard cock. He feels so good and you want nothing more than to lift up so he can slide into you before mid-lust clarity floods back in.
“Does the not-asshole-businessman have a condom?” you chuckle into his mouth, tugging his bottom lip with your teeth as you give him an inquisitive look.
He laughs and nods gesturing to a small pouch on the bedside table, which you reach for from your seated position and let him slide it on. The tip of his cock is flushed with arousal and leaking precum, which you can’t help but lick your lips at the sight of.
As soon as the condom is on, he is pushing up into you, hands gripping at your waist in a motion you know will leave faint bruises. He’s quiet, not making many noises as he picks a steady pace as he pounds into you. Small grunts and quiet moans do escape his lips every once and a while and you find yourself trying to tamp down the noises building in your own chest. 
Your whole body is buzzing with pleasure as you arch your back when he presses up into your g-spot, your hardened nipples brushing against his chest. Your reaction clearly affects him as he pulls a hand up to press your chest closer to his and you swear you can feel his heart beating against your own.
You do your best to match the pace, thighs burning from the hours of walking in the town earlier and tonight’s dancing. His hands find purchase at your waist most of the time, occasionally cupping your ass after delivering a light slap. His eyes are shut tightly and you study his strained expression, seeing how close he must be to the edge. You know you won’t last much longer either, from the hours of drinks and a long day spent in the hot sun.
“So big,” you breathe out, panting as you desperately hope you can climax together just from this one position. It’s all you can manage to say, despite the paragraphs of praise flooding your brain.
At the sound of your voice he rips his eyes open, a hungry gaze settling on you as he grabs at you and falls back, moving you both up to the center of the bed in a swift motion. The switch in position almost sends you over the edge as you dig your knees into the plush duvet and continue bouncing on his dick at the same pace he had kept.
His movements start to become more erratic as he reaches up to grab your hair, tugging hard to force a scream from your trembling lips. The pain sends you plummeting into your orgasm, clenching hard around him as he releases into the condom.
You both slow your movements and you lean forward, steadying yourself with your hand on his chest, grinding slow circles on his aching and overstimulated cock as you come down from your high. When your face meets his, you press your foreheads together, folding your bodies into each other and can’t help but breath heavy sighs across his lips.
“Hope you leave us a good review,” Jaehyun murmurs lightly before pressing up into your lips, wrapping his arms around your waist gently, as if there is any more space between you to close.
His voice is still steely and low, but holds hints of an emotion you can’t quite place.
It’s late morning when you finally walk the shore on your way back to the villa, dress covering your aching and bare lower half, sandals dangling from your fingertips, and one of Jaehyun’s linen shirts open to shield your arms from the morning sun. Avoiding a small family playing at the shoreline, you walk up a small path and wander into a small cafe that hadn’t been open the other day when you had been at the beach.
You approach the counter, decorated with fresh flowers in short antique glassware and smile at the faint sounds of Edith Piaf floating over the speaker. You let your eyes slip shut briefly, breathing in the salty air and tinkling sounds of mismatched coffee cups the other patrons are sipping from at small circular tables.
“I’m guessing you need at least a double shot to help recover from that late night,” comes a warm voice and you quickly open your eyes, met with a smiling man with fluffy brown hair and glittering dark eyes. He is wearing a brown apron over a mesh crochet shirt and he’s already pulling a disposable cup off the stack next to the register and flipping some switches on the espresso machine.
“Oh, so you know my coffee order? And what I did last night, apparently?” you muse, leaning against the counter gently on your palms. You feel suddenly slightly self conscious, unshowered and the breeze whipping up every once and a while making you fear that the light dress might get caught up and leave you exposed from the waist down.
“Well I just know that after hours of dancing and staying out all night, I usually make myself an iced americano with four shots and no water,” he laughs back at you, starting to pull shots from the machine and filling the cup with ice.
“Four shots and no water?!” you ask, voice pitching up in shock. His bright and wide eyes give you the impression he wasn’t joking and that he had already had quite a few cups of coffee that morning.
As you take the cup from him and pull the straw extended from his other hand, you cock your head to the side lightly, studying his face carefully. He seems almost familiar?
“Wait, do I know you?” you ask, wracking your brain for where you could have seen him before.
He nods back at you in reply, drawing his lips up into a devious smirk. The same devious smirk you had been met with last night on the dance floor when you moaned loudly from Jaehyun’s mouth on your neck.
“The club…” you trail off, taking a sip from the straw and nodding in approval at the smooth and bold flavor. “I had had a few drinks.”
“You looked like you were getting a little more than tipsy,” he replies, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
You flush, gaze dropping down to the floor, taking the chance to take another sip of your drink. You’re unable to stop the tightening in your core at the thought of Jaehyun and his broad shoulders and the filthy drag of his cock on your walls.
“Looks like you had a good time though, I don’t know how a pretty girl like you wouldn’t,” he adds, walking around from behind the counter to lean against it.
“I’m Jaemin by the way,” he finishes, offering a bright smile again.
“I’m visiting Greece with friends, we’re here on vacation,” you reply, brain otherwise blank.
He’s kind and nice to talk to, telling an older woman arranging the pastries in the case that he’s taking a short break, walking with you out to the shore again, letting the morning tide lap at your bare ankles as you stand side by side. 
His hair is caught up by the passing breeze and everything about him is light and airy. The conversation moves so casually and quickly, you learn he teaches at a school for deaf children but during the summer works with his family at the cafe and spends his evenings swimming or visiting the different islands. You compliment his crochet shirt, learning he made it himself from recycled fibers from a yarn local shop and that he volunteers to collect ocean trash with some high school kids on the weekends.
Before you know it, you’ve been talking to him for almost an hour, the ice in your cup long melted but agree to come back for another beach stroll later tonight when he’s done working and running errands for his grandmother. He takes your coffee cup from you, gaze lingering on you as you disappear down the beach and towards your villa.
“Another date with another guy?!” your friend practically shrieks as you walk out of the bathroom wrapped in a fluffy towel.
“Oh hush, I’m on vacation, aren’t I?” you laugh at her, whipping your hair towel at her legs, causing her to feign injury and flop on your bed.
“Something’s gotten into my best friend, but I’m here for it,” she replies, clicking into your unlocked phone on the bed to see text conversations with both Jaehyun and Jaemin. They were both waiting for replies from you and your friend was so desperate to stir the pot that forwards the two phone numbers to her own phone.
Late that night, hours after you’ve had dinner with your friends, a beach stroll turns into sharing a bottle of red wine and a pack of skinny cigarettes on a blanket on a quiet part of the beach that Jaemin explains is “more of a local spot”. He’s giggly and flushed from the wine and you can’t help but stare at his lips every time he brings the bottle to them to take a long sip.
After you’ve finished the bottle, he proposes some more walking to take in the view of the night sky. You oblige him, watching him spin around with his arms open as he loudly tells you about the different constellations bright in the sky overhead. He’s giddy and in teacher mode, letting you repeat back the names as he points each one out.
“Wait, isn’t this private property?” you ask as you reach a recognizable patch of the beach area, looking up to see The Cove hotel up ahead.
“You mean this gentrifying, modern atrocity that they are planning on ripping down half of the beach-side businesses to expand?” Jaemin asks with a laugh, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you over to a small paved area with a fire pit. He places the wine bottle and blanket on a chair and lets his sandals drop to the ground next to them.
“That big company comes in, takes up some of the best views on the shore, and then charges ridiculous prices that only millionaires can afford. They don’t even let us collect trash from the ocean floor anywhere near where their guests can jet ski - which only makes it more dangerous!” he continues, peeling off his shirt and tugging at the string of his shorts.
“What are you doing,” you hiss, pulling your arms to your chest in the cool evening breeze.
“Let’s go swim,” he murmurs into your hair and you feel his nose scrunch up when he smiles, pulling his shorts and boxers down together as he runs towards the water’s edge.
Your clothes are on the ground faster than you would have liked to admit and you cover your chest with your arm as you run towards the ocean, pushing back thoughts that you’re about to be skinny dipping with a guy you haven’t even kissed.
You’ve waded out just far enough where the water is almost covering the tips of your shoulders, your hair half drenched as it floats around you in the moonlight. Jaemin’s big smile is visible even in the dark, and his hands are high on your waist as he pulls you towards him, slotting your lips effortlessly into his.
You sigh into the kiss, letting your legs wrap around his waist to keep you from dipping under the water as you relax into his hold. Just as you start to deepen the kiss, you suddenly are plunged under the water, Jaemin having dragged you under with him, before emerging with both of you gasping for air.
“JAEMIN!” you scream, swatting at his back as he holds you even tighter to your chest, kissing up and down your neck.
“I just wanted to get wet,” he giggles, voice lifting an octave as you bring a loud slap to his damp skin.
You are about to bring a snarky retort from your lips until you suddenly feel his erection brush over your clit, exposed by your position. A loud moan tumbles from your open mouth instead, grabbing at the back of Jaemin’s neck to crash your lips into his, biting down on his bottom lip aggressively. He returns the intensity by gripping your waist and reaching his other hand down plunge two fingers into your core, thumb brushing your clit expertly.
You gasp and bite down hard on his shoulder, overcome with the feeling of his long fingers pumping in and out of you relentlessly and the small waves forming around you in the night air.
Unlike quiet Jaehyun, Jaemin doesn’t keep his reactions bottled up. He’s groaning loudly in your ear, moaning out your name, and stringing filthy words together that would have made even your most sexually adventurous friends blush. You’re shocked that smiley-save-the-world-Jaemin has this dark and kinky side to him but not disappointed in the slightest.
He brings you to climax from his fingers alone and you’re soon wading towards the shore, hands all over each other as you get to the shallow water, dropping quickly to your knees and taking his massive cock in between your swollen lips. He’s standing above you, his muscled silhouette stunning in the front of the seaside view, pushing your soaked hair out of your face as you lap your tongue out at his tip, teasing his slit.
He clicks his tongue and moves his hand to the front of your throat, giving a confident but careful squeeze in the exact placement for the perfect balance of pain and pleasure. You gasp and dart your tongue along the vein on the underside of his flushed member, keeping eye contact with him the entire time, even as the sand begins to grind into your knees underwater.
“Don’t tease me, baby,” he says with a squeeze, his tone all you need to push him into your mouth fully and hollow your cheeks around his length. You moan for good measure, knowing the vibrations sent up his body are what forces his head back in ecstasy. He comes across your chest with both of you screaming in pleasure and you swim back out into the deeper water to clean off before putting your clothes back on your damp bodies and wander back over to your secluded spot further down the beach.
“I’ve never stayed up to watch the sunrise before,” you admit a few hours later, sighing as you drag your fingers absently over his exposed abdomen, shirt hiked up high on his chest.
“I wanna be your sunrise, girllllll,” he sighs out, sleepy as he pushes his head closer to you on the soft sand.
You turn your head to face Jaemin, taking in his relaxed face and bright smile. Reaching up, you card your fingers through his hair, resting your palm against the back of his neck to stroke the shorter strands there.
The horizon is burning a beautiful blend of reds and oranges, the glistening blue water dark and mysterious in contrast. The sun is illuminating Jaemin’s features in a glowy haze and exhaustion is settling in, pushing your eyelids down. You stand, pulling him up and letting him drag you back to the cramped room above the cafe where he has spent every summer since he was a kid. Your knees knock together as he pushes you down on the bed and has you moaning from just his fingers in seconds. 
You end up spending the rest of the day with him, letting him make you breakfast in the back kitchen of the cafe and greet his family members and only feel slightly embarrassed when his grandmother strokes your cheek and mutters something that you don’t understand, causing Jaemin to squeal and usher her out of the room.
He wraps his arms around your waist lazily, pulling himself closer to you as you are perched on the stool, dragging your lips up to his and sliding his tongue along your lower lip and you think you might combust right then and there.
When doubt and negative thoughts start seeping in, your own voice echoes in your ears, I’m on vacation, aren’t I?
The rest of the week flies by and your last evening is spent cooking up everything left in the fridge, your friend’s partner grilling shrimp and scallops on the small grill on the balcony and you chopping up fresh fruit at the small kitchen island.
A knock at the door of the villa draws an inquisitive glare from you as you shoot daggers at your friend who has her head in the fridge.
“What did you do?” you ask, wiping your hands on a towel and heading towards the door.
You pull open the door to find a smiling Jaehyun, looking absolutely ethereal in a knit orange sleeveless shirt, muscular arms accentuated by the cut of the fabric. It’s half tucked into mustard linen pants and he’s wearing some beaded bracelets and a necklace dotted with pearls and dainty charms.
“Hi,” he says quietly, pushing forward to brush his lips across your cheek, hand finding your hip naturally and squeezing gently.
You close the door with a shake of your head as you watch him slide his shoes off and move to the kitchen to present a bottle of expensive ouzo to your friend who is smiling huge at his arrival.
“I thought it would be nice for Jaehyun to join us for dinner on his last night here, don’t you think?” she asks, mischief clear across your face.
All you can do is smile and shake your head at her and let Jaehyun pull you closer to him as he sits on a tall barstool.
“Is it okay I came?” he asks softly, brushing his nose against yours after he speaks.
“Of course, of course it is. I was going to come by the hotel in the morning for breakfast before we left and bring you your shirt anyways,” you reply, leaning forward to capture his lips in yours softly.
You hadn’t quite figured out how to manage the week full of tender moments with the two gorgeous men you met on the island. But now Jaehyun stood in front of you, looking radiant and strong, stoic but still warm and you couldn’t help but feel your heart swell. Your mind flew forward years into the future, wondering what it would be like to date or even marry an executive at a luxury hospitality company, jet setting around the world and working for your company remotely, spending evenings and weekends with him in private dining rooms and lavish suites.
“I’m going to go clip some flowers from the front of the house for the table,” your friend offers, breaking into your foggy and far away mind, pulling you back to reality. You part from Jaehyun, moving to place the cold bottle he brought into the freezer to let it continue to chill and offer him a beer from the fridge.
“Well well well, look who I found outside,” your friend calls from the door as you pull your head back up, two bottles gripped in between your fingers. You almost drop them as Jaemin rounds the corner, a large bouquet of flowers held in his hands. He’s dressed casually, tan cargo shorts and a shirt that faintly says “Save the Turtles!”, hair damp and sticking to his forehead and back of his neck.
“Jaemin…” you start, catching one of the bottles as it starts to slip before Jaehyun moves towards you and takes them from you to open them. His eyes are narrow as he looks at Jaemin, steely gaze cold and unreadable.
You cross the kitchen and grip your friend tightly on her forearm, dragging her into your bedroom, offering little more than a weak smile to Jaemin as you brush past him.
“What the hell were you thinking?! Inviting them both here?” you ask her, wanting so badly to scream, but trying to maintain some level of control over the situation.
“Oh calm down, you know you wanted to see them both again before we leave and I know you. You would have sat here moaning and weighing the pros and cons for so long that it would have been too late. So I made the choice for you! And you can make the decision who you want to end the night with in your bed,” she finishes with a wink, dragging a finger under her eye to clean the smudged mascara there.
Dinner is far less awkward than you thought it would be, pleasant conversation being held by your friend and Jaemin, both extroverted Leos never happy leaving uncomfortable silence. Jaehyun chimes in every once and a while, making small comments and answering questions when asked, but mostly spending his time focusing his gaze on his water glass or making eye contact with you as he reaches out under the table to squeeze your knee.
Jaemin only makes a few jabs at Jaehyun’s expense, one about his company’s lack of focus on ecological conservation and another at his “bottle blonde bimbo hair”. You run fingertips lightly through said hair, muttering a soft compliment in his direction, to which Jaemin just smiles and asks if Jaehyun’s curtains match the drapes.
Jaemin is a few beers in and offers to get more salad from the kitchen for the table, returning to throw an arm loosely around the back of your chair. Jaehyun doesn’t even look towards the gesture, instead pushing up the fabric at your knee to rub small circles on your skin with his thumb, taking a long drink of water. Jaemin’s fingers are brushing across your exposed back, pushing your hair out of the way to let him caress you there.
You gulp audibly and take a long sip of wine, suddenly feeling like the room is a thousand degrees hotter as your friends bring frosty gelato out and the ouzo bottle is finally opened. Jaehyun’s hand is at your knee again and your legs are crossed at this point, thighs pushing together in desperate attempts to regulate your heart rate. 
Suddenly, you feel a second hand at your knee and you dart worried eyes over to Jaemin, who is beaming like the Cheshire Cat. You flip your gaze over to Jaehyun, who despite the fact that his fingers are now brushing up against the other man’s doesn’t move his hand and if anything, leans more into the touch. Just as Jaemin’s hand makes a bold move to slide under the hem of your short and flowy skirt, you clear your throat, causing them both to pull away.
“Maybe we can go down to the beach? Take the drinks there? It’s getting a little warm in here,” you croak out, meeting the cheeky gaze of your best friend across the table.
“I think we will stay in and clean up, but you kids go have fun,” she laughs out, sipping from her wine glass as her partner plants a kiss on her shoulder. You give her one final glare before following the two men (your two dates?) out the door of the villa and down the rocky path to the beach.
The sun has fully disappeared into the horizon an hour later and the ouzo bottle is almost empty as you each slam a glass down on the tray. Jaemin stands and says he has to pee, wandering off to a darker and secluded area of the beach as you wiggle closer to Jaehyun and he adjusts to let you sit in between his legs, facing him.
“Having fun?” he asks, voice even as he brushes a strand of hair caught on your eyelash.
“Are you? I’m sure this is way more than you agreed to when my friend invited you to dinner,” you reply, worry lacing your voice. You enjoyed your time with both of them this week and part of you was still afraid to make any sort of decision (as if a decision were needed during brief holiday flings) because you knew it meant admitting you liked one of them more than the other.
“Don’t worry your pretty head about that,” he replied, pulling your lips to his and kissing you gently. His hand finds your elbow and pulls you closer to him, drawing out goosebumps from your skin.
“Yeah, pretty girls like you should just be accessories on a rich man’s arm, don’t you know that, silly,” comes Jaemin’s loud voice from behind you, drawing a glare from Jaehyun as he breaks the kiss and pulls back.
You feel Jaemin behind you, dropping a strong hand down to your shoulder before moving it to your neck, tracing along the sides with his long fingers before finding that same comfortable grip that made your toes curl in his room a few nights earlier.
Jaehyun smirks at the sight, dropping his own hand to the hem of your skirt, sliding along your thighs and quickly finding the edge of your panties. You gasp as he slips underneath the fabric and traces slow circles along you, arousal building there and collecting on his soft fingers. Jaemin drops to his knees, pushing your shirt up to grope at your chest from behind you, dipping his lips down to mouth at your neck. The scents of the colognes are mixing together in perfect harmony, somehow working so well despite being opposite notes and undertones.
You blink back the urge to let your eyes flutter shut and sit in near silence, save the small whines that slip out of your parted lips as you are overwhelmed with the feeling of the two of you touching you at the same time. You had thought the brushing of their hands against each other at the dining room had been an accident and that both of them were playing it cool. That now appears to be far from the truth.
“Alright, Mr. Big Shot, I know you have some sort of big ass suite with a California King that will fit all three of us, so what are we waiting for,” Jaemin winks at you as he throws an arm around the other man’s neck, dragging his lips to Jaehyun’s waiting ones and running that wicked tongue against the roof of his mouth. Jaehyun kisses him back feverishly, gripping at his hip the same way he had touched you countless times before and even chases Jaemin’s lips when he finally pulls away.
“Oh so now you don’t mind coming to the capitalist hellscape that is the hotel bringing consistent tourism revenue to this town?” Jaehyun bites back, cupping Jaemin’s strong jaw and running his thumb along his bottom lip to clean the saliva that had gathered there from their steamy kiss.
You gulp hard, eyes taking in the sight of the two of them lip-locked and suck in a deep, centering breath. 
You knew that this night was far from over and that this vacation was one you would never forget.
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brrbrina · 1 year
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part: 2/?
pairing: joe burrow x og!c
warnings: cheating, angst, fluff (?), pregnancy (?) and i think that´s it.
The day after Joe left the house for the very first time, Kendall felt a wave of sadness take over her body. She was devasted, and tired, she constantly woke in the middle of the night as if the house she was sleeping in was haunted.
Every single part of that bed smelt like him, every part of her body was once kissed by the lips of a man who had kissed someone else and she despised that. She felt like her world stopped, when they met, falling in love was not on her plans, and falling in love with a man like Joe wasn´t what she wanted.
"I think we should go with the big backyard one," Joe said hugging her from the back, "This way our babies would have the space to run, and then the babies of our babies" he chuckled putting his lips against the back of her head, Kendall smiled and closed her eyes; it was one of the moments she felt like her life made sense in only a way love makes you feel.
Now, that memory pained her, she was tied to him for life, for two entries now, she didn´t know what to do. The night Kendall found out she was pregnant -again-, happiness took over her body, brainstormed ideas of how she would tell her big baby and the love of her life the good news. The night she confronted Joe became savory, the memory of her telling the news to the father of her son was stained by betrayal and insincerity.
"I made waffles and fresh orange juice" Joe smiled at her showing the plates in the breakfast bar, which was once planned down to the smallest detail. "I think you should go" Kendall sighed "Natalie has a friend coming over today for a playdate and I don´t want her to create a false story on her head in which you come back here and we live happily ever after".
"Who is Mat?" Joe asked her and Kendall looked at him with surprise, "You do know I'm the father of Natalie and that baby you´re carrying right? You are not messing up the mind of my children with that man coming and hanging with them..." Kendall stopped him "You have a lot of nerve telling me I´m the one "messing" with her mind when you were fucking someone else" Joe looked down.
"While Natalie was sleeping here, happy that her daddy won a game so she could tell her friends in school he was the best, you were putting your dick inside another woman, so no, I'm not messing anything up, you did" water filled her eyes and her voice trembled when she stopped "You took away the happiness of being pregnant with MY baby and turned into a grey cloud above me every single day" she felt her knees weak.
"I hate you so much Joe, I hate you because a part of me needs you like a drug I'm addicted to, and I hate you because you destroyed the life WE built together, my kids will grow up in a broken home and the worst part of all is that I will never tell them what you did, that´s the difference between me and you. I´m putting them on top of everything and you didn´t even think twice about the damage you would cause" She said sobbing, and Joe felt his blood drop to his feet.
He left Kendall´s place and drove to the condo he was living in at the moment, he found no motivation in anything, he missed the chaos of his past life. He remembered clearly when he and Kendall got married.
"... You have filled my life with colors and turned it into a musical every time you´re near me. I promise to love you and take care of you and the family we will hopefully soon start. There is not a day where I take you for granted, waking up beside you it´s a pleasure and something I will love to grow old with.
You are the woman of my dreams, the best road trip partner, and the comedic duo made for me, I will make sure to remind you that I´m the man that I am because of you. That every mole on your body holds a million I Love You´s you will hear forever. I´m so happy that I´m becoming Mr. Carter" Kendall chuckled "I know you´re the designer but you´re the muse of my life, of every romantic, naughty, or funny thought that comes to my mind you´re the one I see. I love your laugh and I will try my best to come up with the biggest dad jokes so I can crack a small out of you. Here´s to a lifetime of love, I love you, Kenny."
He didn’t have the guts to admit when he stopped loving her because he wasn't sure if he ever stopped.
People always say you don´t know what you have until it´s gone and he realized that too late, when he met Jackie, he loved the adrenaline of starting a romance again. But now it was painful, he missed everything about Kendall. The way she always made him choose the color of her nail polish or how the pantry was always stocked with Joe´s favorite candy.
How was he so naive to lose his soulmate, the mother of his kids, the love of his life but also his best friend. He hated his life now, a life without her or his kids was a living nightmare, his baby was about to be born, and he hadn´t seen a single eco photo of him. Kendall was sad and blue all the time, the only thing keeping her going was her babies and the company she worked so hard for.
She missed Joe, she couldn´t forget him, and she was tired, she was about to give birth and her life would be upside down once again.
"God I miss you so much" was the first sentence that came out of her mouth when she boldly called Joe at 1 am, she had been crying nonstop, and as much as she hated to admit it, he was the love of her life.
He showed up that night, and he stayed there. It was pointless for him to go home when his pregnant ex-wife was almost about to give birth.
The next few months were a roller coaster of emotions, their baby was born, Joe wasn’t there when he arrived to this world. He was on a work trip when baby burrow arrived and everything happened too quick. Kendall went into labor at 7 am and her baby came out of the womb right away. He looked so much like Joe, it was a very strange feeling, when Natalie was born. He was there, he held her hand as she was pushing their baby girl into a world in which they would do anything to make her happy. That was the only promise Joe made to Kendall that she was sure he would keep.
The new baby mama had been crying nonstop, she wasn’t sure of how she would manage her life now as a single mom with a soon to be a 6 year old.
“How are you doing?” Joe said entering the room with ballons and flowers, Kendall started to cry again. They weren’t in bad terms now, they will share the most important thing on their lives forever. There are science fairs, dance recitals, birthdays, christmas and thanksgiving they will have to share.
“I’m not gonna lie, i’m very scared” Kendall said holding her tears. “Kenny you’ve done this before, you are the best mom ever, Natalie and baby are so lucky that you’re their mother” Joe said smiling with teary eyes. “I know i’ve done this before but i wasn’t doing it alone you know?” The guilt eat Joe alive every second of the day. “Hey, i’m not going anywhere, i can stay home until baby is a bit older” Kendall chuckled, and then start to cry again “What’s wrong?” Joe looked at her concerned “Everything Joe, our baby is here and we don’t even have a name for him, and Natalie keeps asking when is her daddy coming home and i’ve run of ways of explaining her why he’s not” She cried “I hate my new life, I hate going grocery shopping alone and carrying everything by myself, i hate driving everywhere and i really really miss you Joe” he was crying when she said that.
“I know I fucked up, and no amount of sorry’s will mend what I did, we can work this out, for the fourth of us - “ He was interrupted by the nurse entering with baby burrow after checking that everything was okay with him, Joe saw him for the first time and started crying, he held him in his arms and the nurse walked out of the room. “He looks so much like Natie” he whispered and Kendall giggled as she wiped her tears away. “Both of them look like you it’s not fair” she said crossing her arms “We can always try and make one that looks like you” Joe smirked and Kendall’s mind went numb, she didn’t had and expression on her face “Sorry maybe that was too much” he cleared his troat.
“I will make you fall in love with me again, I promise my love” he kissed her forehed and that was the last thing Kendall heard before she fell asleep. And she was so happy to hear that.
a/n! Hiii, i hope you like this chapter, i think the next one it’s the last one of our little series. :) I’ll try to post over the weekend but i don’t promise anything. If you want to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments. And i would love to hear you thoughts on this chapter and how do you expect the next one will be!!
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surferblues · 2 years
dom austin cooing at you “such a dirty slut,,,, poor baby..” AUGHHH im so in love with him
it's only fair | a.b
pairings frat!austin butler x gender! neutral reader
warnings 18+ only minors dni, daddy kink, slight praise kink, dumbificaton, oral, cheating, boyfriend's! best friend austin, throat fucking, dom!austin, and ofc sexual themes.
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The music blaring was making you feel absolutely dazed. Your roommates had promised a small get-together—some weed, a case of cheap beer, and a few of the frat boys from down the road.
Whatever was happening your in your living room was certainly not that. Your boyfriend's arm was heavy against your shoulders. The weight makes you even more irritated than you already were. He had been ignoring you the whole night, eyefucking dazed girls right infront of you the whole night.
at least you have been subtle about what you were doing, it's not like you making it known that you were eyeing austin from across the room ever since this shit show started.
You quickly finished your beer, face scrunching in disgust at the bitter taste - why must beer be something frat boys enjoyed?
"Hey, babe, get us a drink will ya?" Your boyfriend asked you. Was he fucking serious? Asking you to get a drink for him and this random girl.
you heard giggles coming from the tipsy blonde girl who clearly saw you, you offered you best counterfeit smile and said in a peppy voice, "Sure, why not." You walked through the crowds of sweating bodies, being careful not to trip on anything or anyone that was on the floor.
you weren't going back to him tonight, you sure as hell weren't getting him those drinks.
your current destination had been far more important. you saw Austin standing across the room, redcup in his hand while his eyes sparkled with nothing but amusement.
he was your destination, getting towards that smug asshole was your goal. i mean, it was only fair. you boyfriend got to sleep with any girl he wanted, shamelessly flirt with girls infront of you - it was only fair that you got to sneak around with his best friend.
luckily, he had been by himself sipping on cheap beer - out of sight from anyone who could grow suspicious to you and him. you grabbed the red cup from his grasp, and moving it towards your lips.
"what do you need?" Austin says with a innocent tone, implying that he was ever so oblivious to what you wanted - but he sure as hell knew. "help." you ashamedly spoke against the cup rim, rasping with hooded eyes .
"help? baby, you gotta be more descriptive." he poked his tounge at the side of his cheek, titling his head as he looked at you dumbfounded - best at what he was, playing dumb.
a blessing and a curse at times.
"because i help you with a lot of things, yeah?" he cooed out, his finger hand nearing your face - his patterned fingertip grazing against your glossed bottom lip.
he was lucky he was so perfect. the perfect way he wore his hair. the way his white tee perfectly showed off every muscle had hadn't been tried to hide. as said, a blessing and a curse.
"Austin, please... " you lowly spoke, moving your body away from his before you two ended up getting caught by someone - as if anyone would actually notice with how drunk everyone had been.
he took his blue eyes offaway from you momentarily, glancing towards your boyfriend and the blonde girl that was flirting with your boyfriend infront of you moments ago.
Austin wasn't dumb, and he wasn't also so forgiving. he knew the first time he saw you crying over the first time you and your boyfriend broke up - he had to do something.
even if it included a few shared sips of vodka, a few shared whispers, and a few shared kisses - it did more than make you stop crying.
ever since then, this little arrangement had been ongoing.
"oh, baby, c'mon... y'gotta speak up, tell me what you want." he chuckled, his hand traveling towards the strap of your dress that had been hanging dangerously low. your breath caught in your throat, an embarrassing arousal throbbing its way around your body, settling in the pit of your stomach.  
"you, upstairs... please." you murmured pathetically, your eyes darting towards the crowded steps leading up to dark rooms where nothing but obscenities were happening.
"upstairs , and ill help you with whatever you want, okay." he rasped so dangerously, causing you to shudder with the intensity and danger that came from him as he spoke. it sounded like a command more than anything, but, who were you to disobey?
"it'll be just me and you, would you like that?" he panted with full genuineness - his finger tips stopped playing with the thin strap of your dress and lifted it on your shoulder. even though you weren't his, technically, he couldn't help but get mad at the thought of another man looking at you like this.
and you sure as hell would like that, that's probably the reason why you rushed upstairs as soon as he told you to.
walking into the dark room, where you would be awaiting his arrival. luckily, it was empty and not occupied with reckless lovers - yet.
your began peeling off the lace underwear that had been collecting every drop of nectar Austin's teasing actions caused - he had pocketed too many of your panties already, causing your asshole boyfriend to get suspicious.
you put your lace and your small purse, before sitting on the neatly bed that rested in the middle of the dark room. as soon as you did so, you heard three rhythmatic knocks on the bedroom door.
but, when the door knob turned you jumped on your feet. "i said, this room is occupied." you grunted out, opening the door before the other person could - but instead you were greeted with the smug face of Austin.
"oh, sorry, should i go?" he cockily grinned, lips curving as he tilted his head - arm shutting the door. but before he could even get a few inches away, you grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in the room.
"get your ass in here, austin." you grunted tiredlesy as you gripped his collar, your tone surprising you. he widened his as you began pulling his heavy weight upon you. you slammed the door shut as he entered the room.
he wasn't the one to let you take charge, no, he always made sure of that. "baby, shh, im here to take care of ya'" he whimpered, cooing at you as he pushed you against the wall.
while his other arm was on the wall, pushing against it, his other hand drew near your lips. "Atta girl,” Austin said, smugness dripping from his words, “So eager to be good for me, hm?” he cooed, his finger toying with your pink lips before he put in on your tounge.
"you're pretty little mouth is magic, could fuck it all day if i had the chance." he murmured, watching you and letting out breathless whispers as your tounge toyed with his finger.
“Oh?” You feigned innocence, you let out a fake gasp, letting go of his finger and causing a satisfying pop to be hear. Austin cocked an eyebrow at you, his other hand rubbing your ass roughly through your dress. “On your knees,” he instructed. You grinned, a coil of excitement in your stomach as you sunk down, knees hitting the carpet.
You watched greedily as he undid his belt buckle and unbuttoned his jeans before helping him slide his pants and boxers down and off, allowing them to look on the floor beside you.
Austin's red tip, slick with precum sprung out boldy infront of your face. “don't be scared baby, daddy's got ya',” Austin growled, guiding the tip of his cock along your lips before pressing it onto your tongue.
you easily edged your hands towards his dick, so you could take it in more than you could handle - and Austin sure as hell noticed your pathetic attempts.
"such a dirty slut...poor baby.." he panted out, his veined hand gripping your hair and making a shapeshift ponytail. You could only nod as Austin's cocked filled your mouth, its weight heavy on your tongue. You hollowed out your cheeks, taking him further, until your throat clenched around his tip and he groaned even louder.
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azol-otl · 2 years
Random Jason Hijinks I either wish would happen someday or find amusing to think about.
Rose and Jason break Eddie out of hell and steal his soul back from Neron. Jaime is dragged along by Rose because he and Eddie were “friends a few reboots ago”. Jason asked Roy who sent him Connor who is suffering™.
Pre-Red Hood Jason and Pre-Green Arrow Connor first meet up back when Jason was part of the All-Caste hunting a demon. It’s a one-shot adventure and the things you have to know are:  
a) this is before Jason’s growth spurt so he’s over a head shorter than Connor.
b) Connor isn’t a cape so excuse him for not understanding demons and fucking up hilariously a few times.
c) When Jason tries to kill the demon who is possessing the human, he and Connor fight about it. The fight ends when the demon explodes out of the person like the Pus of Man from Dark Souls 3.
d) Talia is the one who finds and picks up Jason from the adventure (Connor thinks she’s his mom and Jason just didn’t inherit the melanin) and is also the one who gives Connor contact information for Jason because she wants him to have some sort of friend.
e) They never actually learned the other’s name so anytime they’d hear about Red Hood or Green Arrow they literally don’t know it’s that guy they met as teenagers.
Jason decides to actually dust off his mystic training when Dick walks in and Jason gets hit with so many bad vibes he’s genuinely worried something is wrong with Dick.  
Jason: “Did they not fix the Brother Blood mind control thing fully? Did Raven miss something? Isn’t Dick friends with a million people? How have they all missed this????”
It ends with bringing Danny Chase back to life and the only person remotely happy about it is Jason and even that’s a stretch.
Rose, why are you part of the Wild Hunt?!!!
What do you mean Biz got taken by the fae?!
Roy, why is this werewolf saying he’s your husband?!
Eddie, why didn’t you tell me you were a prince of hell? What do you mean that one of Trigon’s sons is buried in Gotham?!!! No wait, you still haven’t told me how you’re a prince of hell!
Jason and Talia's road trip where Jason comes to the uncomfortable realization that he views Talia as a mother/aunt figure.
Bonus Artemis suffering Jason’s Mom Has it Going On.
Jason gets a new dog named Ellie and he loves her and Dog very much. What do you mean she’s a Blue Lantern!?
Ellie is short for Elpis and she’s absolutely Hope Corgi.
Roy finds out that he has a whole-ass checking account under one of his aliases that he never knew about. Turns out Jason created it for him years ago and Roy’s actually under W.E.  employed as an independent contractor and he’s been making 6 figures for years because Jason never bothered telling anyone that he still owns Wayne R&D.
Jason slowly but surely claims Park Row and the surrounding areas as his territory. It has the unforeseen consequence of magical folk moving into the neighborhood because Gotham is a nightmare to live in normally, Magic Gotham is even worse and the only people who can survive are big hitters like Blood, Zatanna, and Ivy or small fries like the kitchen witch near Leslie’s. Welcome to the big leagues, Jason.
Jason keeps getting mistaken for Jason Blood and it is annoying. One day some demon hunters threw something at Jason and did anyone know Jason used to be in heaven because he sure didn’t and these angel wings are a fucking nightmare.
Rose busts a gut laughing because she somehow became friends with the least demon-y demon Eddie and Jason as an angel.
Jason, Ivy, Sideways, and Impulse (Impulse voice: “Why am I even here?”) vs the Madness Wavelength in Arkham.
Jason kills Joker and finds out that he cannot. Not as in “He doesn’t die” or “There will be a new one” but a secret third option, “The universe literally resets the day every time he’s killed.” Instead of being a tragedy, it becomes a comedy as killing Joker slowly becomes Jason’s go-to when shit goes wrong/killing him is good stress relief. Stephanie discovers what happens because she’s had to write the same essay nine times once. Instead of being horrified they (and then Helena, Tim, Duke, etc.) make killing Joker a gag. The only ones not allowed to kill the Joker are Dick and Bruce because then the universe decides it’s the bad timeline instead of just resetting again.
Tim: *drops his latte on a hot guy and then embarrasses himself in public trying to apologize and becomes a meme.*
Tim: I guess I have to kill Joker now.
Jason and Kory remeeting and wow it’s really awkward that we only got close because of a universe meddler and then you dipped and never contacted me again even though I was a hundred percent serious that you were one of my first friends and are very important to me.
Oh no. Not the talking. Not communication! Kory take mercy on me and just drop me like a bad memory don’t have us open a dialogue where we reconcile all of the bullshit that happened to us and the fact that we did genuinely get close at very low points in our lives and be willing to try and be friends again!
Give! Kory! All! The! Friends! She doesn’t care if you think it’s a bad idea, it's her life!
Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club (GVTC) featuring Jason, Tim, Stephanie, Duke, Helena, and Harper. They each get a turn as dm and every one of them brings in a different game.
Why is Damian’s friend (Colin) asking me for love advice? I’m a gay disaster ask anyone else please. ??? I guess I can try to help??? Who’s your crush?
It’s Lian and Jason regrets agreeing to help because Roy is going to murder him.
Countdown 2 Electric Boogaloo. Except for this time they were all shoved into the dimension separately and by separate events and there is no danger. It is just a multiversal road trip with the people who vexed you greatly but are slightly grown up now.
Bonus scene includes Jason’s gleeful face when he realizes he understands what all of those words Donna keeps muttering under her breath mean because Artemis was a bro and taught him Themysciran Greek.
#I didn't mean for all of them to sound like comedies but sometimes that just happens#People may hate on the all-caste for not being Jason enough or whatever#But have we ever stopped to think that Damian is related to an immortal cult and Duke is the son of an eldritch being#And Dick is related to an unrelated cult and just all the weird shit that happens in Gotham anyways?#Why can all these exist and Jason not also have mystic monk training he never uses#Listen I don't know much about Gotham's magic population but I'm pretty sure the place is awful to live in with the nine different curses#So having a dude that's basically a mage-killer claim a territory can only be a good thing for their safety#Plus I'm positive that magic folk would keep property values low because who would go looking for magic users in Park Row#Everyone was written terribly for rhato but Jason and Kory had the potential to be a really interesting relationship#Just this lack of judgement and ability to not have to shave down all of your sharp edges for one another#also I do really like the idea of them trying romance or sex and then deciding that they need friends more and then staying friends#Gotham Vigilante Tabletop Club my beloved#Look Duke and Tim canonically play tabletop games and if dc would finally acknowledge that Stephanie and Jason are nerds they would too#I miss Colin and the idea of him and Jason being disaster siblings or disaster guardian-child is important to me#I don't know if it's canon but considering linguistic drift Themyscira should either have its own language or dialect#and Donna should use it to say mean things under her breath#Jason Todd#I am not tagging anyone else their tags deserve to be Bat-Free#oh boy do I love how I can't make indents in even in html. Sorry for the eyesore whoever reads this mess#Azol's words
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herefortarlos · 8 months
Nice Ask Week! Desi, I have two questions for you. First, you get to live in a different country for one year, all expenses paid. Which country do you choose?
Second, you’re going on a cross country road trip with 3 Lone Star characters. Which characters would you want to accompany you and why?
Awww thank you for the ask, Anne! 🥰 I loved both of these questions!
Ohhh 1 year is a long time but I think I would have to pick Japan, especially with all expenses paid! Can you imagine?? I have a good friend who has visited 3 times now and still wants to go back, again, so there has to be a reason for that! And being there for a year would give me plenty of time to live between different cities and the more rural country side! Japan has been the number one country I have wanted to visit for more than 10 years and it will happen some day!
Thank you for giving me the choice of 3 characters, because you know I am choosing TK and Carlos every time 😆 and I think my third choice would probably be Paul! Not only do I love their dynamic and think that would be a very fun group to be on a trip with, I would very much enjoy not being responsible and in charge for once and leaving that to Carlos and Paul, while TK and I can be in charge of the music and snacks 🤣 unless an emergency comes up then TK can take his rightful place and be a competence king who works well under pressure! And most importantly, they are my favorite lone star characters and I would do damn near anything to be able to go on any kind of trip with them!
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shuinami · 1 year
"Gwendy + Peter Pan" nickname origin (excerpt from a scrapped WIP)
Not sure I'll get around to writing the fic, it was a cart before the horse kind of thing for my little AU or whatever that I'm working on but yeah, I still thought the part where Hobie teases Gwen about her crush on Miles was cute lol
wc: 622
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"So, where are we going?" Gwen asked from a few paces behind.
"First stop's meeting my bassist."
"Cool... is it, like, near anything I would know...?"
"Oh yeah. She actually lives in Buckingham Palace. Mad, innit?" Hobie snickered at his own sarcasm, "You ask a lot of questions, y'know."
"Sorry, I'm not the best at... conversations."
"How's your storytelling?"
"Cause I heard you're one of them lot that got into multiverse trouble a while back. What's all that about?"
"You know about that?"
Hobie shrugged. "Spider streets talk. I heard a bit, I know 'bout Kingpin and his machine and whatnot but Count Dracula don't really like us talking about you man too tough. Especially not, uh... was it 16...10?"
Gwen said the name in such a dreamy voice that Hobie was taken aback. He was no stranger to the feeling, as masterful as he was at hiding it - he knew a nasty case of love sickness when he saw it.
That was the first true aberration from the punk Gwen Stacy he had built up in his head; all he had heard made Spider Gwen seem like a real rebel, just like London's had been, but punk Stacy would never come off so head over heels. It seemed to always be about the fight with her.
"Miles, ay? Well, tell me more."
"Where do I start?" she said, mindlessly pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, "He- oh, right. You mean about the collider thing, don't you?"
"What d'you think I meant?"
Hobie looked back at her, incapable of hiding his smirk. The girl was as red as his mask.
"I'm just pulling your leg, love. Speed through the Kingpin stuff and then tell me about your little what's-his-name if you want. I love a good bit of goss."
There wasn't much speedy about her retelling of the events but Hobie was happy that Gwen seemed to be more comfortable talking. Childishly, he was struck with spikes of disappointment at certain points in her story, a little frustrated that 'Gwen Stacy wouldn't have done that', 'she wouldn't say it like that'. Each time he found himself holding his breath, Hobie actively had to remind himself of Jess' words: this wasn't just an American Gwen Stacy... who was alive. This Gwen was her own person - nobody to him, yet - and that was perfectly okay.
"As for Miles," Gwen continued with a sigh, "I don't know. I haven't really done the whole 'friends' thing for a long time... but Miles was different. We just clicked, it was nice to find someone like me, you know? Well, like us, I guess but, I don't know. We're close in age."
"What about the other girl... Peni, was it?"
"Well, yeah, but... Miles and I are both New Yorkers and we met first, I guess, and our personalities just... mesh. When we talked, I didn't feel like I had to be Spider-Woman, it was just like being a regular kid."
"Annnnd, conveniently, he's just your type," Hobie teased, leading Gwen into a jumbled defence of why, though Miles was not not good-looking, it definitely wasn't like 'that'.
She continued to trip over her words as she followed Hobie across the road without paying much attention until he turned around and stopped her with two firm hands to the shoulder.
"Relax, G. I get it. He's your Peter Pan."
"My Peter Pan?"
"That's right, Gwendy. He flies around all cool like," Hobie explained, gesturing to emphasise his web-shooters, "he makes you feel like a kid again and..."
He trailed off, holding off on his poking as he reached a row of run down lock-up garages, one of which was leaking music despite being closed.
"And what?" Gwen asked, arms folded.
"And... youwannakiss'im,"
As Gwen started to protest, Hobie cleared his throat and couldn't help his grin of amusement. "Right! We're here."
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naturiisms · 2 years
if you’re hearing CAN U MEET ME THERE by ISSADORA AVA playing, you have to know AYANNA TAHERI (SHE/THEY; NONBINARY) is near by! the 23 year old has been in denver for, like, TWO MONTHS. they’re known to be quite UNPREDICTABLE, but being CHARISMATIC seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble KHADIJA RED THUNDER. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PILES OF BOOKS ALL OVER THE PLACE, AN ICED COFFEE ON A SPRING DAY, FROLICKING THROUGH FLOWERS AND CONNECTING WITH NATURE vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around THE WOODS long enough!
full name: ayanna taheri
nicknames: yaya, yanna, sunny
birthday: february 2, 1997
hometown: ann arbor, michigan
occupation: social media manager at Green Thumb Cafe
hobbies: taking care of her houseplants, collecting books she'll never read, biking, hiking, and ceramics.
lives: the woods
ayanna grew up in a typical suburban family with an older brother and two loving parents to dote on her. coming from a stable family gave ayanna the opportunity to hone their creative talents and push herself to become the best version. starting in ballet at 7, moving to gymnastics at 10, then flute and piano at 12, until they took their first art class at 14 where they realized this is where they could truly express themself. change is not an issue for ayanna if it means going after what she wants.
her next four years of high school were something she only imagined happened in movies. crossing the canadian border to visit art museums in ontario with their friends, going to local farmers markets on the weekends, submitting their art to competitions hosted by the school. finding the next adventure was always first on the list for her and her friends, academics usually falling second. they didn't do bad in school, but definitely had no interest in going to university since they'd only want to pursue art, anyway.
after graduating high school, ayanna found herself moving from her cozy suburban town and leaving all of her friends to go "find herself" on a cross country road trip. their parents bought and converted a van for her, and she set off on her drive to washington. along the way they stayed in various cities for different amounts of time, working odd jobs here and there. each city they went to, she found an art studio where she was able to continue creating and often left the pieces behind for the studio to share with others.
about a year into the road trip, still meandering through the country while they slowly made it to their destination, she found herself stopped in arizona where she parked her van for 2 years. it was here that they met their long time ex-partner, who they would finish their roadtrip with. they met at a ceramics studio, where she realized she was actually really good at it. after the first date they were practically inseparable, alternating between staying in her van or her partner's apartment. eventually, they downsized lyla's apartment and started the roadtrip to washington where they lived in a tiny house until they broke up a year ago.
after the breakup, ayanna spent the first few months renovating her van that hadn't been used in quite a while; only for camping trips or little roadtrips they planned. after she'd started picking her pieces back up and using renovation as therapy, they decided it was time to pick up and start a new adventure. this is how they ended up in colorado, spending 6 months in colorado springs before driving the van to denver 2 months ago. currently, she parks her van outside of their apartment at the woods where they plan to convert it into her own ceramics studio.
ayanna got her job at Green Thumb Cafe by parking her van there the first two weeks she was in denver. she'd go inside every day for a little breakfast or lunch and eventually her and the owner got talking about the photos she'd taken of the cafe and the plants he could see from their van. she started a clipping trade day through instagram and has been the social media manager since.
they are seriously afraid of dogs but have a pet tarantula. logic? not here
favorite colors are sage green and lilac
she grows her own herbs and tomatoes and strawberries
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damnslippyplanet · 1 year
Slippy Rewatches ATOTS, Episode 3
Previously on ATOTS: Brat-taming.
Oh, we’re starting on a flashback!  Tian and his friend Tul are playing badminton and planning a big US road trip.  Tian is like, huh, I sure do get tired easily, good thing that’s not foreshadowing!  And then immediately passes out.
Smash cut to: Tian and his parents in a doctor’s office being told that his heart sucks.  I mean, there’s technical terminology involved, but basically his heart sucks.
His parents: Oh, okay, so he can have a heart transplant right now, correct?
Long-suffering doctor: We don’t actually have heart donors cloned in vats ready to go, this might take a while.
Tian: Dissociates for a while, asks how soon he’s going to die, and then just starts bawling, which: fair, my dude.  
And now: Phupha takes Tian to where Kalae’s family is doing a blessing ritual situation to drive away any bad spirits lingering around from the whole near-drowning thing.  The village shaman, Joma, wants to read Tian’s palm.  Weirdly enough, Tian’s palm basically says “you have the very specific palm of someone who had a near-death experience and is only alive because someone else died.”  Tian doesn’t feel great about it.
He does try to apologize to Kalae’s parents but they’re not super interested in talking to him right now.  Also fair.
Doctor Nam is also there and prescribes some pills for Kalae to help keep any fever away, because this is a village that believes in both shamanism and medical science, which is nice.   Kalae does not want to swallow pills, but Tian convinces him that grown-up men swallow pills.
Phupha, hovering in the background, has the most incredibly expression of simultaneous “He’s actually kind of good with the kids when he’s not trying to kill them” and “...I would like to hear more of his thoughts on grown-up men and swallowing.”  It’s very good.
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Tian is in his classroom. His students, notably, are not.  He’s so deflated that even Phupha passes up the chance to make fun of him and sits down for a chat about pedagogy and how to define a good teacher.
Phupha’s definition of a good teacher is apparently “Tian”, which nearly made me do a spit-take with my Diet Coke.  I love Mix, i would murder for Mix, but Tian is not at this juncture of this story a good teacher.
Even Phupha walks this back, which is very funny, clarifying that what he means is that Tian is a UNIQUE teacher.  He thinks Tian should lighten up on himself a little - these kids aren’t preparing for exams or graduate education, their lives aren’t going to require in-depth academic knowledge.  What they need and what he thinks Tian can give them is an understanding of the world outside their village.  “Just be a big brother to them” is his advice.  
I’m not at all sure he’s wrong but I *do* think the teaching foundation probably should have some sort of like…mission statement, or broad goals, or something to set Tian in the right direction. But they didn’t, and “be like their family” is the closest thing anyone’s given Tian for advice on how to teach, so he brightens up and stuffs some papers off the desk into his bag, and sets out to “visit his family.”
Aww.  A nice moment!
Tian sets off on a montage to visit all of his students at home and learn about their families. The kids are mostly delighted to see him and to show him stuff like how to hold a chicken.  (He’s bad at it.  I have held chickens! It’s not that hard!)  The parents and grandparents are less thrilled but you get a general sense at least a few of them are like…eh, the city boy is making an effort and that’s not nothing.  One of the grandmas teaches him how to embroider, eventually he pesters another family into showing him how to pick tea leaves, and eventually some of  the kids come back to class.
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But not all!  So he has to go on another question to find ringleader Ayi, who is with his family because it’s the big day when people from the city come to buy their tea leaves.  There’s a whole weighing system and it turns out the villagers are getting cheated because none of them know how to read the scale numbers, so they’re getting paid for less than they’ve actually harvested.
Tian, a good hearted boy who does not understand how anything works, *immediately* fucks the village by calling out the tea-buyers on the spot and pissing them off so much they decide not to buy any tea at all.  That was…not the best idea, my guy.
And then just for fun they beat him up and pull a knife on him, he gets in one punch, and then the rangers show up with guns drawn to defuse the whole thing.  The tea buyers drive off, Phupha looks at the single line of blood on Tian’s otherwise unharmed face, and I remember fondly when i didn’t know how fond Thai BL was of wound-tending.
Phupha is pissed.  The villagers are pissed.  Tian’s whole montage of relationship-building, undone in a moment.  Drama!
Back at his house that night, Tian broods and reads Torfun’s journal about how picking tea leaves is harder than she realized.  He’s been cleaned up so I guess we’re not getting the horny wound-tending after all.  Ah, well.  Maybe another episode.
….lol, I lied, I hit pause too soon, Phupha immediately shows up with some salve from Dr. Nam and every intention of personally applying it to Tian’s mouth.  I can’t believe I played myself into thinking that wasn’t going to happen.
Tian squirms, Phupha pretends he’s not getting off on the caretaking, a single horny flute plays, the moonlight does obscene things to Earth’s cheekbones, and my soul leaves my body.
For his next move, Phupha orders Tian to take his shirt off so he can check for wounds (which Tian does not do because secret cardiac patient), and then announces he’d better sleep over in case the Tea Bandits come back to beat Tian up again.
I can’t believe I thought this show wasn’t that horny the first time I watched it.  I just didn’t understand Thai BL horniness at the time.  This rewatch is realigning my entire worldview.
Speaking of which, they crawl into the mosquito netting to bed down for the night, and Phupha makes big eyes at Tian, tells him he wants to talk and get to know him better, and then explains that Tian is just so disobedient and Phupha’s basically forced to be strict with him.  He would *like* to go easier on Tian, if Tian would just be a *good boy*.
Tian and I both swallow our tongues.
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My guy.  My GUY.
And then they tuck each other in and brush pinky fingers and talk about what they had for dinner.  UGH.  It’s so CUTE.  I hate them.
It’s morning, Tian slept in, and now he’s awake with sweaterpaws and eating a breakfast Phupha left for him, and sucking the sticky rice off his fingers.  Phupha could not be hornier unless he were doing wound care simultaneously.
Oh wait, nope, it got worse.  Tian’s out of clean clothes so Phupha has to give him a ranger t-shirt to wear.
Tian: Isn’t it illegal for me to wear this shirt?
Phupha: Oh, IDK, the other rangers’ wives wear their shirts all the time.
Tian: …..
Me: …..
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I’m so angry.
So they go to visit Khama to borrow laundry stuff.  Khama offers for his wife to do Tian’s laundry, which, my dude, how does your wife feel about that? 
Anyway, Tian and Phupha both protest that they can do their own laundry, and Khama is like, Chief, you wouldn’t have to do your own laundry if you had a wife!  Tian should help you find a wife!
Tian, standing there in his wife shirt, has six emotions about that and then gives Phupha the brattiest side eye in the world and claims not to know what Phupha’s type is.
And then they go do laundry in the river and Tian ends up wet in the river again and shenanigans music plays while he pouts. 
“Don’t know his type” my ass.
And then Tian for some reason is walking back alone clutching his laundry bucket, and everyone is side-eying him, and because I have completely forgotten the tea plot already I think to myself, “wait, are they being homophobic about his wife shirt? Tian wife rights!”
But no, I forgot that everyone in the town has no money now because Tian fucked their harvest.
But he gets back to Khama who for some reason is *not* angry - does he even know his whole village is broke now?   Khama is cheerful as hell, notes that Tian and his wife shirt are both soaking wet, and announces that Chief told him Tian needed a traditional outfit.  Luckily, Khama’s son Longtae (Longtae, my love, when will you appear??) is the same size, so Khama just hands over some of his clothing.
Tian tries to apologize for the tea thing, and Khama tells him to come to the village square for a formal talk that evening.  He’s very cheerful about it but it’s fully when your boss sends you a weird meeting request and won’t tell you what it’s about and you’re worried it’s layoffs.  Tian is worried even if he IS the Chief’s wife now. Being the Chief's wife will not protect you from corporate downsizing.
So later that evening, Tian ponders the traditional villager shirt for a while and has a flashback to when he was a fancy boy with too many fancy designer shirts to choose from.  He looks much happier in his village shirt and it’s very cute.
Also cute: Rang shows up and calls Tian “Nong Tian” and compliments him on his shirt.  Apparently he’s there to take Tian to his layoff.  So they start walking along the dark path with only their lantern, and then suddenly Rang peaces out because he forgot to turn off the generator.  
“You’ll be fine, just turn down that shortcut through the dark woods!” he announces, and basically shoves Tian into the forest and runs away.  
Tian is not DELIGHTED about this but he goes into the forest, and finds a path of torches to light his way, and everyone is waiting in the village square to meet him because it’s not a layoff, it’s a WELCOME PARTY.   The village is having a blessing party for Tian because he’s a good boy who is trying hard!  It’s VERY sweet.
Tian: but I caused you so much trouble!
Khama: Everyone can see that you meant well and were trying to help us and we really do appreciate knowing we were getting cheated, and also, Chief’s going to spank you about it eventually so that’s fine.
Phupha: *smirks*
Seven or eight people tie blessing bracelets on to Tian and somehow only Phupha makes it look like a collaring ceremony, so that’s fine too.
They have a very sweet conversation about how neither of them really had a place that felt like home until they came to this village, and it’s maybe the least antagonistic/bratty they’ve ever been to each other.  And then we do some party montage for a while.
But now.  NOW.  It’s finally time for LONGTAE.  We didn’t know who Khaotung was when we first watched this and now I’m so happy to see him!
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Longtae is ADORABLE.  Yod is TRASHED.  It is time for PRODUCT PLACEMENT.  All the drunk rangers pass around prominently branded snack mix.  (The villagers have mostly gone to bed at this point. Snack mix is forbidden in the Cloud Recesses.)
Karaoke happens.  The less said about it the better.  Tian’s into Phupha singing love songs, though.
And then Phupha manhandles Drunk Tian home and into bed.  They drunk-babble a little, it’s very sweet, and then Tian passes out and Phupha tries to get him comfortable.  Which involves pulling up his shirt, and then we just go full Psyche and Eros here with the candle and the Seeing Things You Weren’t Meant To See. 
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Whoops, big heart surgery reveal’s out!  End credits on Earth being pensive.
But to soothe the pain a little, a tiny post-credit sequence of the drunk-stumbling-home where Tian pulls an absolutely classic “get up close to your crush’s face, tell him he’s beautiful, and then puke on his shoes instead of kissing him” maneuver.  Perfect, no notes.
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shaunsummers · 1 year
Reunited, and It's in the Woods!
"Fleetwood Mac alright?" One hand on the wheel, another on her battered leather CD case, Shaun rifles through her collection as they made their way down the road. Of course, still surfacing often to keep her eyes on the road. Meeting the look on Lilith's face, she can only laugh.
"What? You should expect this by now, being friends with a dyed-in-the-wool dyke. Plus, it's a road trip. Can't go wrong with a little Americana." Before Lilith can protest, she wiggles the 'Rumors' album from its case, sliding it into the console. "Blame Casey for lending me the vinyl."
Glancing across the aisle, though, she can only crick a slight smile; the further they got from Williamsburg, the more Lilith seemed to uncoil and relax. Shaun had only gotten to see her once—she'd made good on that 'make-up' night, and cuddling was an understatement, not that she'd minded—so it was nice to see her again, knowing the stress of everything could be put on pause for a weekend. "Lucky you, I got the window fixed. So you've got an out if Stevie Nicks isn't worth living for."
Shaun just amplifies the pain by cranking up the volume, pausing to rifle for a cigarette. "Really, though...I'm glad we could do this." Though, surely to Lilith's chagrin, it only gets worse as 'Second Hand News' fades into 'Dreams'. Usually Shaun wasn't too forward in bursting into song, but she'd be remiss to not give into the good vibes that were already circulating. A pleasant weekend away in the woods, a full cooler of booze and steaks, and the company of wayward friends. She couldn't help to take a bit of joy in it.
"Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom Well, who am I to keep you down? It's only right that you should play the way you feel it But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness
Like a heartbeat, drives you mad In the stillness of remembering what you had And what you lost And what you had And what you lost
Oh, thunder only happens when it's raining Players only love you when they're playing Say, women, they will come and they will go When the rain washes you clean, you'll know You'll know"
While at first the sameness of Williamsburg transitioned to that of the city outskirts, it too eventually faded into smaller and smaller towns and taller and taller trees. As the towering of distant mountains moved closer, Shaun knew their drive was nearing its end. And thank god for the truck, for the dirt road curling around the sierra's base wasn't as closely maintained as she'd figure. She couldn't help but wish Tek the best of luck in her little beater. But as shit as the way up had been, she couldn't help but to find the quaint, old log cabin quite charming. Among a smattering of maples and oaks, the climb straightened out into a small jut of straight land before spilling downhill towards the lake. With its green tin roof and layer of red paint plastered over the door, and the distant shed with a weathered canoe tipped against its wall, she couldn't help but to think "L.L. Bean cover".
"Shit. Good job, Lilith." Shaun chuckles, pulling past the overhanging porch to leave room for the others. "I didn't know you were into Deliverance chic. It's even got one of those fancy fire pits." In the back, a swing, some wooden lawn chairs, and an overturned log circled the metal grate in its center, leaving plenty of room between it and a charcoal grill. "Want to christen the place? Check for badgers? I can start unloading." She cuts the engine, sitting contentedly in the cooler air gifted by the elevation for a moment.
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naturecoaster · 10 months
Richloam General Store Brings Back Sweet Memories
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I recently discovered a wonderful piece of Florida Flatlands history: the Richloam General Store. This quaint little out-of-the-way gem is nestled near the town of Webster, Florida, east of I-75 off SR 50. About five miles before the eastern border of Hernando County, you���ll come to a milled paved road called Old Clay Sink Road. The Richloam General Store is about a half mile south. As you’re driving down Clay Sink Road, you can feel the clocks turning back. It looks and feels like a road leading to nowhere, but a wonderful surprise awaits just a half mile ahead. The Richloam General Store has been run by the same family since opening in 1926. According to the history section of their website, “Richloam General Store was built and founded by Sidney Brinson on June 28th, 1922. The building served as the Express office, the Post Office, and the general store for the community of Richloam until January 31, 1936. In 2016 the building underwent a major restoration project and reopened in 2017.” You can see the labor of love that went into restoring this wonderful piece of living history. The current-day proprietors are Eric and Donna Burke and. Eric is a direct descendent of the first pioneers who built the store. Eric’s mom helps out in the store. Eric grew up in Richloam and still lives on the land where he was raised. When Eric was a young boy, the store was a fort where he and his friends would play.  If you’re up for a nice Sunday drive, this is the perfect destination to take a step back in time.  The first thing I noticed as I pulled up to Richloam General Store were the antique gas pumps and vintage soda machine. Image by Dorothy Pyritz. The first things I noticed while driving up were the antique gas pumps and the vintage soda machine. If you love learning while experiencing a bit of history, Richloam General Store is a great day trip. The original doors from 1926 are still there welcoming you inside.  But before you take a step, stop and look up at the original sign. Will you notice the bullet holes from when the sign was used for target practice as the old trains drove by? There was a 30-gallon pickle barrel and the wonderful smell of fresh coffee greeted me as I walked in. It was welcoming, so I walked around and began exploring. I found Amish-made canned goods, cast iron pans, jams, jellies, vintage toys, a giant glass-bottled soda collection, as well as a wide selection of high-quality cast iron. If you’re looking for heritage seeds you won’t find any better than Richloam’s. The aroma of fresh coffee welcomed me as I stepped inside the Richloam General Store. Image by Dorothy Pyritz. Have you seen a real squirrel cooker? For those that don't know what a squirrel cooker is, it’s an accessory made of cast iron that you skewer a squirrel or a rabbit on and then set it across a cast iron frame over the fire. Now you can evenly roast your squirrel by rotating the squirrel cooker over the fire until dinner is done. I recall seeing these back when I was a kid watching Daniel Boone.  The glass bottle soda collection makes your mouth water, along with the old-fashioned candy display. That candy display made me think back to when I was a small child. My father would take me to the corner store and we would fill up the little brown paper bag and then have it weighed to pay the cost of the treats. After retiring from a successful law enforcement career, Eric Burke set out to refurbish the historical landmark to its original condition. The Richloam General Store originally opened in 1922 but burned down in 1928. It sat alone and abandoned for over 80 years.  Eric spent hundreds of hours researching, wanting the store to be as close as possible to the way it was over 100 years ago. He’s done a tremendous job. On October 12, 2017, the United States Department of the Interior placed Richloam General Store and Post Office on the National Register of Historic Places. Have you ever seen a squirrel cooker? Image by Dorothy Pyritz. While we were talking, I noticed a jar of homemade ketchup called, ‘Big John's Ketchup.’ Big John Wesley Brinson was Eric’s father. “Towering at 6’ 3” and weighing 277 pounds, he was often referred to as Big John. John was raised in the saddle, in the flatwoods of Richloam, Florida.  As a true Florida Cracker, he developed a love for BBQ. John spent years developing and perfecting his BBQ Sauce recipe. He kept his recipe a closely guarded secret. It was always John’s dream to bring his sauce to market. Big John passed away November 9, 2016, before he was able to make that dream come true.” Eric carried out his dad’s dream and brought Big John’s sauces to the market. His mother still helps out in the store.  Her eyes light up as she tells the wonderful story about the picture of a man sitting horseback on the label. That picture is Eric’s father, Big John, sitting atop his horse named Alpo. Eric's mom sews aprons and quilts that are offered for sale in the Richloam General Store. Image by Dorothy Pyritz. Here’s where it gets good. Big John purchased Alpo from a semi-truck headed to a dog food slaughterhouse. Eric was a little boy when Big John brought home the wild horse that had not been broken. Big John knew what he was doing and took the horse home.  Young Eric wanted to help his father break the horse in. Big John told him he wasn’t ready but Eric persisted. Big John put young Eric on the horse and was promptly bucked off. Eric was on the ground. After the initial shock, Eric told the horse that he could have been dog food.  Big John then named his horse Alpo after the dog food company and always had a joke or two about it. Alpo was a beloved member of the family for the rest of his life. Eric has a plethora of stories to tell about growing up in Florida Flatlands. I could have sat for hours listening to him and his mom. He’s written a wonderful book called Florida's Flatwoods "The Story of Richloam."  Amazon describes Eric’s book as, “Discover the rich history of Florida's Flatwoods with this captivating book. Filled with vintage photos and fascinating stories, this book takes you on a journey through time, showcasing the unique heritage of this beautiful region. Immerse yourself in the captivating tales of the people who shaped the Flatwoods, and gain a deeper understanding of the local culture and traditions.  Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about the area, and its past, this book is a must-have. Explore the pages and let the captivating images and stories transport you to a bygone era. Order your copy of Florida's Flatwoods Book today and embark on a nostalgic journey through time.” You can visit their website at www.richloamstore.com. Should you decide to take the drive on a day journey that is likely to leave you filled with joy, the store’s address and hours are Richloam General Store, 38219 Richloam Clay Sink Road, Webster, Florida 33597. Call (800) 915-8027 Or email [email protected]  The Richloam General Store is open daily from 10 am to 4 pm with holidays off. Read the full article
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casspurrjoybell-25 · 1 year
November - Chapter 7
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*Warning Adult Content*
- Cooper -
Cooper’s time spent not focusing on Oliver didn't last long.
The next morning, he got a text from him.
Hey, sorry to keep bothering you.
Brad doesn't want to go to Sol Duc Falls, so I'm heading there by myself.
Do you want to hike together again?
If not, no worries. :)
I know you might have better things to do.
Cooper couldn't help the grin that spread across his face.
Of course I'm up for another hike! I'll meet you there.
As he quickly got his stuff together, humming with excitement, he packed some of the cookies that Annabelle and he had baked last night.
It had turned into quite a project, they made two different sets of s'mores cookies, one with a chocolate base and the other with a graham cracker base.
Cooper hoped Oliver would like them.
He showed up at the trailhead parking lot a few minutes before Oliver did.
Since it was a Wednesday, there were only two other cars and Cooper watched the road with anticipation.
It made him happy that Oliver wanted to hike with him again.
He knows that he was the only person the young man knew out here but if Oliver didn't like being around Cooper, he wouldn't have asked him to join him, right?
Oliver finally arrives and parks right next to Cooper who gives him a huge smile.
When Oliver smiled back, Cooper swears he got butterflies in his stomach.
"Thanks for hanging out with me again," Oliver says.
"When I asked for your number on the plane, I promise I wasn't intending to be this annoying."
Cooper laughs.
"You're not being annoying. I've enjoyed hanging out with you."
"It's starting to feel like I'm seeing more of you than Brad on this trip," he joked.
"What's his deal anyway?"
Oliver rolled his eyes as he gets his back-pack out of the car.
"He didn't feel like hiking today. Or driving an hour each way to see this waterfall. It really sucks, since he's been working a lot lately and this trip was supposed to be a chance for us to spend more time together."
"I'm sorry. Is this typical of him?"
Oliver puts his pack on and they both walk over to the trail.
"I guess it is when I think about it. Sometimes he cancels our dinner plans because a friend came into town last minute or there's a networking event or something else happening," the young man shakes his head.
"I shouldn't complain about him to you. That's shitty of me to do, especially if I don't make a point to balance it out with the good things he does."
Cooper doubted there were any good things Brad did but he didn't say that.
"We all complain sometimes. And I think most people vent about their partner once in a while."
"You're probably right. What about your boyfriends? You said it's hard to date out here."
"Yeah, it is. I've had three relationships and none of the guys lived here. One guy lived in Olympia and the other two lived in Seattle. It's a lot of driving and committing all day or all weekend to see each other, which means it doesn't happen every weekend. The guy from Olympia lasted about year but the long distance got to him when I was on a fishing job. No one wants to go months without seeing their partner."
"That would be tough. Have you ever thought of moving closer to the city, or did any of the guys show interest in moving out here?"
"I've thought about it but I love it here and I want to stay near my family, so I'm not ready to make that kind of sacrifice. But most people don't want to live out in the middle of nowhere."
Oliver shrugged.
"I think it's pretty and very peaceful."
"It is but living here can be challenging. There aren't a lot of restaurants, big grocery stores or department stores or much to do if you're not into the outdoors. That keeps a lot of people away."
"Well, I hope you find someone," Oliver told me, looking over and giving Cooper a shy smile.
"Maybe one day the perfect person will come along."
Cooper smiled back but deep down he wasn't feeling optimistic about his odds.
Wanting to change the subject, he points out some sun rays filtering through the trees.
"Look, we got lucky today. The sun is out."
"Wow, it's gorgeous. I'm never going to get tired of seeing this."
After Oliver takes pictures of the sun rays, Cooper motions for him to walk ahead on the trail.
"Go stand in the light."
"Here?" Oliver asked, trying to position himself directly where one of the sun rays was hitting the ground.
Cooper takes a few pictures of him, working on getting different angles.
‘Oliver is so photogenic.’
"I'll text these to you once we're back in cell tower range. Also, I've got a surprise for when we reach the falls."
"Oh yeah?" Oliver smiles, his dimple deepening.
Cooper looks over at him, know that he wants to keep making this cute young man smile, no matter what it takes.
- Oliver -
The trail was beautiful.
They eventually pass a small log cabin shelter and then the falls came into view.
Large, moss-covered boulders split the river into four separate waterfalls.
"I don't think I'm ever going to stop being impressed by everything I see out here," Olivertells Cooper.
"Southern California is pretty but it's got nothing on Washington."
Cooper smiled at him like he had praised him, rather than the state he lives in but the young man is starting to realize how much Washington means to him.
His enthusiasm for the place he lives in is infectious.
His enthusiasm in general is attractive and it crosses Oliver’s mind how much he missed that with he and Brad.
Oliver’s boyfriend had been sweeter and more friendly when they had first met but as time went on, it was like Brad’s emotions towards Oliver had dulled.
Oliver forced himself to stay in the moment and focuses on the stunning waterfall in front of him.
They step onto the bridge over the river and Cooper offers to take Oliver’s picture again.
He was even enthusiastic about that.
"Turn to the left a bit more and look towards the waterfall like you're gazing at it."
"What am I, a model now?" Oliver asked, laughing.
"You're pretty enough to be one. Look at me now and look serious."
Oliver happily played along.
He had always felt good about himself and his appearance but Cooper made him feel amazing.
"Let's switch places. You be the model now," Oliver tells him.
"I'm definitely not cut out to be a model," Cooper replies, chuckling.
"Not true. You've got the hot lumberjack thing going on.
To Oliver’s surprise, Cooper blushes a bit at that remark.
Before the young man can give the hot lumberjack any direction, Cooper faces the waterfall but then stretched one arm out along the railing, sticks his ass out and turned his head to look at Oliver, putting one finger over his lips in an exaggerated sexual pose.
Oliver immediately cracks up laughing but still manages to take the picture.
Cooper then puts one foot up on the railing and hiked up his pant leg, revealing a hairy calf as he slowly ran his hand up his leg, staring at the camera like he was trying to seduce someone.
The image of this huge, bearded man doing these sexy poses was hilarious and Oliver couldn't stop laughing.
"You are ridiculous."
Cooper grins at him.
"My goal is to entertain."
"You succeeded. These are amazing," Oliver replies, swiping through the pictures on his cell-phone.
"Let's get one together."
Like when we were at Marymere Falls, we took one serious picture and one silly picture.
At this point, Olive had more pictures with Cooper on the trip than he did with Brad.
"Let's eat a snack while we watch the waterfall," Cooper says.
"The snack I prepared, is the surprise."
He pulls a plastic container out of his back-pack and when he opens the lid, the scent of chocolate and sugar waft into the air.
"That smells amazing." Oliver says, leaning in closer, trying to see what Cooper had in there.
"Annabelle and I made cookies last night," he said, offering Oliver the container. "They're all s'mores cookies. The dark ones are a chocolate cookie with graham cracker pieces and marshmallows mixed in and the light ones are a regular cookie but with graham crackers crushed into the dough. They've got marshmallows and chocolate pieces mixed in."
"Woah, that's elaborate," Oliver says, taking one of each.
"You weren't kidding when you said you liked to bake with her."
Cooper grins.
"I hope you like them. I thought I'd return the favor after you shared your peanut butter cookies on the plane."
"You and Annabelle are probably much better at baking than I am," Oliver says, taking a bite of one of the cookies and chewed slowly, taking in all the flavors.
"Yep, this is delicious. Definitely better than mine."
"If you were staying here longer, I'd invite you to come bake with us."
"I'd love that," Oliver replies, truly meaning it.
"Which place are you going to see tomorrow?"
"Hurricane Ridge, as long as the weather's nice."
"I love Hurricane Ridge. It's great for sunrise or sunset or anything, honestly."
Oliver laughs.
"Is there anything in Washington that you don't love?"
"Probably not," Cooper says, grinning back at him.
"Well, I'm excited about it, especially now that I know it's Cooper approved. I just hope Brad won't back out again. I don't like heights so I'm a little worried about driving up the road to get there."
"The road is totally safe. And hey, if he does back out, I'll drive you up there, okay?"
"Cooper... that's nice of you to offer but I don't want to keep taking up all of your time."
“It’s not a problem and I don’t want you to miss out on anything that you’ve obviously planned and saved for.”
"Yeah, you're right. It took me a long time to save up for this, so I want to make the most of it."
"Brad really wouldn't help you out with this trip? I know you said he rarely pays for things but it sounds like he makes a lot more than you and it wouldn't be difficult for him to cover more of the cost."
Oliver sighs, thinking that exact argument.
"He makes twice as much as me. I'm happy for him and I know I'll earn more eventually but sometimes it's hard to keep up with him on my salary. We live in an expensive area and his condo is definitely on the luxury side."
"His condo? Does he own it?"
“It's not paid off yet but yeah, he bought it a few years ago.”
Cooper’s eyes narrow again.
"And he makes you pay rent?"
"I wouldn't expect to live there for free. I pay half, just like everything else. I'm not with him for his money and I don't want him to think that.
"But if he makes double what you do, why are you paying half the rent? I understand equality and everything but it just doesn't work when there's an income disparity like the two of you have. You should be paying less than him. And he could easily pay for the condo himself, so you're basically lining his pockets while you struggle. That's not right, at all. He's taking advantage of you," Cooper says, on a roll now, shaking his head and gesturing with his hands as he rants.
"You're trying so hard to prove you're not with him for money because he wants you to prove that and instead he's taking you for everything you're worth. Love doesn't do that."
Oliver was taken aback by Cooper's words.
He hadn't ever thought of it that way before, that he was saving Brad money by living with him and contributing to his mortgage payments.
"I'm sorry," Cooper said, closing his eyes.
"That was so out of line. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay," Oliver replies, speaking slowly as he thinks about what Cooper had just said.
"Because you're not wrong, now that I think about it. It's a valid point."
“But it's none of my business. I'm not in the relationship and I don't have all the information. Gee... I barely know you."
"I'm not offended and I kind of made it your business when I started talking about it," Oliverassured him.
"So, we're good? No hard feelings?" Cooper asked, giving the young man a half smile.
"Yeah, We're good. Here," Oliver says, handing Cooper one of the chocolate cookies.
"Have another cookie."
"The last thing my fat ass needs is another cookie," he replies, rolling his eyes as he still takes it.
"Hey, you’re not fat, you're solid and muscular," Oliver tells him, reaching over and squeezing Cooper’s bicep.
"You need to be big and strong to do all of that hard yakka that you do."
"That's a very nice way of putting it," Cooper admits, chuckling.
Oliver smiles at up at his handsome new friend but  at the back of his mind, the young man can't help thinking about what Cooper had said about his relationship with Brad.
And Oliver knew he'd be thinking about it for the rest of the day.
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