#I want my blog to be accessible
olkarrion · 8 months
First batch seemed to go over well so sending in backup supply aka 5 more Katrick pictures <3
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Aaaaa i love him so much! heres some pics of my boys
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Humphrey is on the left and Kylo is on the right. I have a discussion post due tonight, so im gonna take a nap to regain some energy. If anyone want to send me pics of their pets or if yall want to see more of my guys, just shoot me a message! I really appreciate you, friend. 💜💜💜 Thanks for all the floofs, i hope you have a low pain day <3
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whumpacabra · 7 months
Writing Accessibility PSA
Please avoid using long strings of characters as line breaks in your writing - these are not screen reader/TTS friendly!
Every ‘°’ will be read as ‘degree’ - can you imagine how long it takes to read out a string of 25? Let alone more complicated combinations of characters (eg. imagine listening to TTS read out ~*~ |°| ~*~ multiple times per line break)?
A good rule of thumb is to stick with short, 2-3 character line breaks (eg. I don’t find — or *** too egregious to listen to). Your readers can tell there’s been a scene change whether you use two or twenty em-dashes, but if you use twenty, some of us might have to listen for 30 seconds to read the next scene. If you’re more concerned about aesthetics, you can insert an image of your aesthetically pleasing line break with alt text simply reading ‘line break’ for accessibility.
Don’t feel bad if this is something you’ve never thought about before - now you know better and can make your writing more accessible moving forward!
I would like to invite any other screenreader users to add their own thoughts or preferences to this post. We’re not a monolith and there’s a variety to how different softwares interact with repeating character strings and images with alt text, so there’s bound to be some conflicting opinions on what I’ve suggested above. Let’s try to make the stories we share accessible for everyone :]
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dahyun · 19 days
i’m really sorry to post this, but i am struggling a lot right now and i could use some help. my job search has come to a standstill because i no longer have a reliable means of transportation. i have been using what little money i have left to help buy food for my family. i don’t know what i’m going to do once it’s all gone
any little amount will help immensely and if anyone can share this i would be extremely grateful!!!
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(here is a pic of hazel as a token of apology lol)
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uncanny-tranny · 7 months
The thing that gets me about history and humanity is that you never know what is immortalized, and the things that will be immortalized are things you would never think.
I saw a person sharing a new tattoo, and it was one of Onfim's drawings. A boy who lived so long ago he is barely a blip now, but his drawings meant so much to people that somebody is now permanently marked in their skin with one of those drawings. Do you ever look at the things you make and just sit there and wonder if this is the thing that future people look at? Do you ever look at your art, your writing, your schoolwork, or anything that is yours and just wonder who will find it, who will fall in love with a piece of your humanity and become overwhelmed with emotion over? It's not unlikely. It's not totally unlikely that somebody will find a piece of you in the distant future and devoid of any other context of who you were will still love you because you were here. You were here, and you are still here, even hundreds or thousands of years later. Treat yourself with the same love that so many have for dear Onfim.
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shepscapades · 29 days
Will you remember to Pin your Master post so it is easy to find?
I don’t know why, but I prefer not to have a pinned post— however, the master post is linked in my blog bio! Along with the general dbhc tag and my art tag!
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axolotlclown · 3 months
I have a lot of followers that don't give a shit about MCYT and especially anyone related to the DSMP.
But I do hope that you might take the time to hear Shubble's story all the same. She talks about domestic abuse that may seem more subtle. She also discusses warning signs and manipulation. I feel that she has a very important story to share, and there is a lot of value in hearing it.
Here's the vod on YouTube. She begins talking at 1:45. I unfortunately could not find it on Twitch, but here is her Twitch in case you wanted to support her.
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thigh-inspectors · 15 days
oh no, accidentally awake at 4am which means it's feel-weird-about-things time 🤡
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mittysins · 2 months
I'll say it again because apparently people don't read Pinned Posts.
If you like/make incest content,
If you like/make underage NSFW content,
If you like/make rape content,
Do not follow me.
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crazysodomite · 3 months
when it comes to web design and modern websites i wish there were certain things people acknowledged.
there's certain reasons modern websites changed to look like they do now. there's definitely something to be said about how nowadays the internet looks uniform and several big corporations control how the internet looks because they need more seo engagement and money.
i often see people shit on responsive and mobile-friendly websites. "i'll never make my site accessible to mobile users/idc about mobile/im proud that my website is not accesible on phones". are you sticking it to corporations or are you sticking it to people who can't afford their own computer/don't have space for it/etc... you don't HAVE to make your site responsive or mobile friendly. but what is there to be proud of? how is that a 'cool' or welcome thing in the 'indie web'. do whatever you want but i wish people stopped to think about this whole thing.
same with accessibility. there have been lawsuits over corporations not making their sites accessible. modern-day practices of making websites do often take into account accessibility and the uniformity of modern web may be connected to that. now i'm not saying the modern web is especially accessible but it's certainly something we should pay attention to if we critisize the modern web.
it's cool when sites Look Cool. but are people interested in accessibility and responsiveness at all? do people who Need accessibility features and don't have a 1920x1080 computer resolution not deserve to participate in indie web?
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Oneshot Friend Profiles: The Barrens
All friend profiles are laid out as follows: Name/title at the top, arrows at the upper corners to switch friend profiles, a large block of text in the upper left (with a scroll wheel if the text's length exceeds the box size), sprites underneath the text, and art of the character along the right.
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ProphetBot: ProphetBot is a nice and friendly robot that lives in the outskirts of the world, waiting for the messiah. One day the messiah showed up! That was a very good day for Prophetbot.
When the messiah is not around, ProphetBot likes to spend his time standing around waiting for the messiah to come back.
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Silver: The Barren's head engineer, a rather morose robot living alone near the mines. It's her duty to oversee operations and maintenance of the world's industrial heart, where metals and resources are pulled from the earth's clutches and rendered into usable goods.
...at least, that's how it used to be. Since the evacuation, only a few active robots remain under Silver's care, holding out on reserve power and waiting for the messiah to appear.
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Rowbot: A little robot attached to a rowboat, rusted in place by the ocean's mist. Once part of a fleet that transported passengers across the ocean between the Barrens and the Glen. That fleet has been largely disbanded since people fled the Barrens when the sun was extinguished. Only this bot remains, dutifully stationed in case there's ever need for one more trip to that distant shore.
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rurifangirl · 20 days
Who’s your new blorbo. I kind of want them
OKAY so remember when i was vry in love w the hades game and wanted a character carnally??? Well basically it's the same character in the sequel game (tho it's only early access for now BUT I actually have It)
Chaos Hades 2 save me
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grapecaseschoices · 11 months
dear tumblr i dont want to see my mutuals/people i follows likes. please do not clutter my dash. if they have their likes visible, i can go to their blog and stalk said likes like a normal person. ty.
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creaturefeaster · 9 months
eyes just peeled open. idea emerges. assuming tumblr blog layouts still let you make custom html pages... maybe i should invest in making a information directory for colorquesht
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spongejuice · 3 months
Tumblr is breaking
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fobnsfwdoodles · 8 months
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judicent · 19 days
Yeah, I did fill 4 sketchbooks in 4 months so far this year. Huh? Am I gonna post even an ounce of it? Well, you see, I am allergic to my phone, so you will have to come CATCH ME
#da#nooo but I am so saddd it's so much easier to show stuff off irl 😭#if it could look even halfway decent I've considered doing flip throughs of sketchbooks on video#except I draw in pencil and cameras hate that and want me to explode#idk it is truly just better to somehow gain access to my terrible trove of sketchbooks#no but man that sounds like such an ideal hang out. get all my oc lore by sitting on my floor with me as we go through the archives#gosh I should count how many I've filled up at this point#I love that the number increases exponentially as the years go on#like I think 2018 began the precedent of 4 a year minimum which was kinda wild#another ridiculous difficult project I have given a lot of thought to: combing through every sketchbook and either redrawing#or printing off important story related bits and compiling them all into a convenient binder. maybe binding them into a book.#anyway it's pretty much all a drag no matter how you slice it#come to my HOUSE and look at my CREATURES#u don't know this bc I've learned to be silly sneaky but I have stayed up wayyyy too late AGAIN#but I've scheduled this to post at a normal time so you'll never know. unless you read the tags. but that's its own punishment isn't it#hey bonus enticement to look at my boo stuff that doesn't get on the blog. there's smut. and you KNOW I'm a coward who shan't ever post that#actually we'll be lucky if I'm not the same coward in real life too#it's only Dick and Vinny. they get rights. i don't care if anyone else has sex. I don't care if I have sex.#the one song I hope I don't have sex. I hope we both don't have sex. that's actually Vinny though.#I'm more sex favorable and sex positive than he could ever be#y'know this is a very 4am convo to have and actually how prepared am I for this to live in a pm afternoon time#welp. maybe I should stop being addicted to tags and letting loose all my secrets#I shan't grow I shan't do better and I shan't ever change. this is the da promise <3
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