#I want to play Dungeons and dragons so badly
pocket-notebook · 1 year
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naya my beloved <3333
I really hope one day this dnd campaign actually starts-- I want to play her so bad :(
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tainebot01 · 8 months
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My first ever D&D character! - a human sorcerer with blue dragon ancestry, Clementine dreams of being an artificer but has terrible luck with her own inventions due to her magic interfering with the technology. She’s trying her best though!
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larperwithastaff · 11 months
Imagine: The bright sun and birds chirping have woken you up. You get dressed, sheath your sword, and leave your tent. You head outside and your friends greet you. They tell you that the kettle is on and pancakes are being made. Another friend comes by and tells you the adventures you're to go on today. You are at your favorite LARP. Life is good.
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tanoraqui · 3 months
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Let's Eat!
(That is, let's live, want, connect... oh, you know what I mean by now)
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I like how Yaad and the other living villagers can casually talk with the ghosts, because for all intents and purposes they were also ghosts... In fact, those who stayed and spent centuries going through the patterns of life even though all true meaning had been lost long ago were MORE "ghosts" than those who lost their corporeal forms because they wanted to escape so badly that they went wandering... That's so fuckin' good. I wanna eat this writing.
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Kabru just randomly walking out of the bushes the second Laios starts considering politics...love him. He was summoned. His PR spidey senses were going off.
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look at my boy, establishing his own authority.
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Lol this was me when we moved house last month, and my job was to just stand in the new living room and tell people where to put which box or piece of furniture. It's an important job in a task with a lot of people!
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fucking love the trope of "one savvy friend in the crowd who deliberately gets a supportive chant going." Of course it's Kabru.
Though it's important to note that the first thing someone called was, "The demon-eater's here!", and there was muttering while no one was entirely sure if that was a good thing or not... Kabru didn't start the rumble of the crowd; the rumble of the crowd is unavoidable, and you have to be aware of that. Laios has always been aware of that, he's just never known what to do about it, and so tried to avoid it. But he's not avoiding it anymore - so Kabru started the hype of the crowd.
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They're both right! In order to eat, you need to kill! A memento of a meal IS a spoil of war!
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They're unhappy bros... /laughing
Shown: man desperately reassuring himself, and psyching himself up to eat this stupid dragon meat
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DADCHUCK. Istg my father has said the same thing to me.
p.s. oh thank god he's fully dressed again. it was indecent.
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Marcille is so resigned to this, and so...determined to see it as her own choice. "We all agreed", "I've got to go" - and I'm sure she does see it as her own choice, in a way, because this is how the world has always worked and she knows that. She knew that going in. Those who do ancient magic are arrested by the Elves of the West, that's just the "natural" consequence. She might've gotten away with it if she'd gone undiscovered, or if she'd stayed in the dungeon forever, but she didn't - she chose to pursue her craft, to save Falin, and to do everything after that, too, and so she implicitly chose the consequence with it. If it's unfair, well, thinking that changes nothing, so it's better not to think it.
Until Laios is like, "Actually, I might have political power now? And I'm SO goddamn tired of myself and people I love being punished just for being different, and interested in unconventional things. Let's try something."
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WELL-FUCKING-PLAYED! GET THEIR ASSES, LAIOS! It's especially great because I'm pretty sure he knows the answers to all of this by now? Power move!
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Is she sitting there completely nude except for jewelry and a short robe. Icons only, honestly. Though "we have the luxury of time" feels like so much of a threat from an elf.
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Hey, you did objectively defeat him! Okay arguably the Lion did but Laios did it first, he just also then talked to him, and got grabbed by friendly vine-tentacles. You didn't kill him, but that's not what Delgal asked for anyway!
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thinking about that post that observed that Thistle's driving madness was specifically getting Delgal home for dinner, to eat all together as a family again, and he wakes up to the sound of the people of the Golden Kingdom eagerly inviting the (new) king to eat, and him responding...crying... What is lost is lost, but life will go on.
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The moment when a character decides to lie to another character for their own good is always so compelling. The little moral quandary microcosm.
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So Yaad did know something of what passed between Delgal and Thistle, that drove Thistle down the path to dark magic. He know what it was his grandfather blamed himself for.
This is SUCH A GOOD AND QUIET-SAD DEATH SCENE, but as a consummate fan of 'actually, living is much much harder than dying, and much more interesting too', I do like to think Thistle lives and has to...figure out what to do with his life. And that 'what to do with his life' ends up including ancient magic mad science with Marcille.
...But honestly, even though that'd be fun for me, it seems almost cruel to Thistle. He's been alive for so long. Those he loved most are gone. He held the demon back from the surface, trapped in those books, for so long, even if it was in no way whatsoever with the good of the world in mind. If anyone deserves this peaceful death in (what he thinks are) his brother's forgiving arms, it's him.
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Unfortunately, my love, as has been ceaselessly proven in this story: that's life.
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Marcille has caught onto one of the major themes! However, this story still isn't in favor of afternoon special Moral of the Story - not of letting the characters wrap things up with a bow, at least. You just go on living and wanting and learning about and connecting with and killing new things, forever! That's how it goes! You never know everything and you're always a little bit starving!
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I really love this grumpy old man, and I want him to stick around and be one of Laios's advisors. He's an old gnome, he'll die as soon as an average tallman would anyway.
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This is a) very touching coming from Mithrun, who is only just regaining his own will to live, and b) almost tautalogical in this story EXCEPT that it is also clear that merely "wanting" doesn't mean you get to continue to live, it only means that you're alive in this moment - you also need to want to live MORE than whatever's trying to kill you wants to live.
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And then it's so small, so small that she could leave it behind entirely but Falin is still so kind that she picks it up anyway! Falin who looks at everyone and everything - ghosts and brothers and mad mages and dead dragons, the latter of whom were both violently oppressing her soul - and thinkgs "I gotta help." She's so good!
I'm really going to need to write a like 2k post-canon character study about how Falin has part of the spirit of a dragon in her chest which unfurls while she travels abroad and curls up again and hides when she's home with Marcille and especially with Laios, and how it's a metaphor for her own independence but also literally there is the spirit of a dragon. At the end of it she figures out how to nurture and commune with the dragon enough to have her own flight-capable wings.
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fuck it, have a collage, because this bitch-ass website is about to cut off my photos-per-post. It can't HANDLE the sheet joy of Falin resurrection reunion hugs!!
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so many people love her, or at least are really emotionally invested in this now!! /sobs
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Laios: wracked with food poisoning because he ate raw walking mushroom Falin: great distress! Marcille: trying very hard to help, also thinking sooo hard that He Is An Idiot. [btw I love how it looks like she takes up holding her hair back with a band] Kabru: having his weekly moment, as he has for the past many years and will continue to have until he dies, of wondering if he shouldn't really have just killed this guy rather than let him become king
Kabru definitely wrote this whole ending narration btw. This is his press release from like 40 years in the future. And those kids! An orc kid and a kobold kid, and zooming out to show kids of other races, all playing together and going to lunch together!!
And then they all lived, and hungered and ate and killed and wanted and sought understanding and connected with one another and were part of the great circle of life, as happily ever after as one can get.
This story truly was delicious...in dungeon!
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wilwheaton · 9 months
Wil, I also met you at a con many years ago, and shortly thereafter began playing D&D, not knowing about your curse. I want you to know at the end of that campaign I crit so hard I one-shot a dragon. The whole group was stunned. It was the BBEG of the whole campaign, and our DM was displeased. So your curse does not spread to everyone you meet! I still play when I can, and I only roll badly when it's funniest for the DM. I hope my good luck rubs off a little of your bad!
Hey! That's great! I one-shotted a dragon, too! It was at True Dungeon at GenCon, and I hit it with a dragonlance. The DM of the room gave me the red d20 he used for the dragon, and told me, "You take its heart as a trophy."
But to the question of the curse: it's wily, and it works in mysterious ways none of us can ever predict. In your case, it used you as a vehicle to move from me to your DM.
So you're absolutely cursed, but it's asymptomatic.
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grimeclown · 9 months
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Do you struggle with creating plot hooks for your tabletop campaign? Want help finding ways to include tie-ins to the main plot through your mostly disconnected side quests?  Are you a player and just want feedback and suggestions on your character’s backstory? Well hi, my name’s Josie, I’ve been playing tabletop games for close to a decade and spend my time thinking of very little else.
Though my primary knowledge base of tabletop games lies primarily with Dungeons and Dragons 5e, Monster of the Week, and Pathfinder 2e, I’m more than willing to read up on a more niche game to help solve your problems; whether that means helping to understand a strange rule and help a DM come to a decision on a unique circumstance, creating magic items or other treasure tailor-made for your party or the story you’re trying to tell, or planning encounters with the BBEG and their goons.
Not a DM? Just looking for general writing advice? That stuff is transferable across games. I can give you honest critiques on your character backstory that your friends aren’t willing to give you. I can help iron out plot holes for your long-running disaster of a campaign. I can design side quests that feed into the themes of the overarching story you want so badly to make sense.
And I can do a hell of a lot else on request, such as designing NPCs, and even writing dialogue or short-form prose if you want something scripted for your game. I tend to charge $10 per large issue, but I offer sliding scales based on how much help you need, so don’t be afraid to shoot me an ask or a PM for a quote.
(Banner by @goatpaste)
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edoro · 5 months
dunmeshi spoilers below the cut, just thinking some thoughts about Thistle post-canon
i've seen more than one post about the idea of him getting back into the role of jester/musician for Laios's court, and while it's cute, the more i think about it the more i feel like... i don't think that he'd want to and i honestly don't think that he should
Thistle was, in many ways, objectified and used by the Melinis, and i think understanding that is important to understanding his character
from the very beginning, Freinag wanted an elven servant to make himself look more impressive. his advisors didn't want him falling under the sway of an adult, so they found a child who could be made safe and harmless and raised to be loyal to the court rather than having pre-existing loyalties, and they said, "here, having him as your jester will be impressive on its own."
Thistle was brought - most likely literally bought, and if not still given to the king as a gift - to the court to be a living status symbol. first and foremost, he was something exotic and cool that the king could show off. he was a conversation piece, a belonging, a pet. he was Freinag's son the same way my cat is my son; i don't doubt there was genuine affection there, but Thistle wasn't a person in that relationship.
being a jester is part of that objectification. it's another thing that made him safe and harmless. he's not a scheming elf or a potential threat, he's just a silly little guy wearing curly shoes and playing the lute. there's nothing to worry about, because he has no status or influence, he's just here to entertain.
and i don't know how much Thistle... liked that. he was deeply loyal to Freinag and Delgal and wanted badly to be useful and earn their regard, especially Delgal's. he definitely did seem to see Delgal as a little brother who he needed to protect and take care of, even when Delgal was a grown man. but did he actually enjoy being an object of entertainment?
it's hard to tell because he's spent 1000 years having holes eaten in his brain until his personality is incredibly warped from what it originally was, but one thing about Thistle is that i don't get the impression he likes to be laughed at or not taken seriously. that one bit during the dragon fight in his house, where he says he'll let Laios choose which dragon kills him and then gets mad when Laios says, "really?" - to me, that reads as if he thinks Laios is being sarcastic, and it pisses him off.
during that battle in the dungeon, when he has Delgal gather the residents of the castle and surrounding area and then sics monsters on their enemies, then heals that kid's dead dad and realizes everyone is staring at him, he seems nervous, suddenly aware of what he's just done and that the people seem fearful of him - it doesn't come across like someone who's comfortable being the center of attention, and it implies some very fascinating things about just how aware Thistle is of how suspicious the people around him are of elves in general, which in turn could imply some fascinating things about how he sees his role as jester and his own relationship with being Safe And Harmless -
but i digress a bit. the point is, we get a couple of indications that he's touchy about his own dignity, doesn't like being laughed at, and isn't necessarily comfortable in front of a crowd. we also know from extras (and just kind of his overall demeanor throughout the story) that he has no sense of humor and is terrible at jokes. all of this combines to, frankly, paint a picture of someone who isn't well-suited to being a jester at all
it's one thing to be fun and entertaining as a kid. he wanted to fit in, he wanted love, he wanted to be cared for, and he doesn't stop wanting those things as he gets older, but his sense of dignity and understanding of his position change and develop. being a pet curiosity as a child might not be so bad, but as a teenager? as an adolescent growing towards adulthood?
the Melinis used Thistle. Freinag used him as a status symbol and entertainment. Delgal used him as a confidante and magician and tried to make Thistle solve his fears and problems for him. Thistle destroyed himself trying to do what Delgal begged him to do.
so given all of that, i don't think that Thistle becoming a jester or entertainer for Laios would suit him well. it would just be trading one position of objectification for another. i think the best post-canon outcome for him would be to find a way to exist where he's not being used by anyone and he can explore and develop his own identity outside of the comfort and utility he brings to others.
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forays-into-fiction · 2 years
I Want You So Bad I Can’t Breathe
You met Eddie when you first moved to Hawkins, Indiana it was an especially difficult time for you and Eddie was the one to stand by you, becoming fast friends. But then he was moving on to middle school and leaving you behind only to forget about you. You admire him from afar until Hellfire Club where you finally reconnect.
 Request fill for @harringtonfan4​ hope you like it, sorry if I went too hard on the negative self-image/insecurity stuff 😅
Minors DNI
Contains: Dom!Eddie/Sub!Reader, Slight Perv!Eddie Virgin!Reader, PlusSize!Reader, Insecure!Eddie, Insecure!Reader, Loss of Virginity, Angst, Major Internalised Fatphobia/Fatphobia, Bullying, Daddy Kink, Spitting, Dirty Talk, Fingering, Praise Kink, Innocence/Virginity Kink, Unprotected Sex, Drug Use (Weed)
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Fat. It was a word you’d heard more than half your life by now at eighteen. The first time someone called you fat you were seven, she was supposed to be your friend… your best friend, but her snide little, ‘Why are you so fat? It’s so gross!’ stuck with you.
 Looking back now you know you weren’t fat… you know it every time you look back, but you can never see it in the moment. And you weren’t fat you were just an average sized little girl with chubby little cheeks.
No matter how far back it’s always been ‘oh I used to think I was so fat back then, what I would give to go back to that size. But now, now I really am fat’
 Over the years this mindset had really impacted your life, you used to be more outgoing, you used to love to sing and dance, you used to live without constantly thinking about how everyone else saw you. Because no one wants to see the fat girl having fun, enjoying life right… better to hide away.
You had tried to lose weight, so many times… and you did, but every time you’d lose weight as soon as you’d hit a plateau your weight would sit there for a bit before slowly creeping back up and up and up. At least until you weighed even more than when you’d started.
 It wasn’t just your friend that had made comments about your weight, she was the first but she certainly wasn’t the last. You’d also had a bully around the same time, she had consistently tormented you every day. 
Day after day she’d drag you away from your friends, pulling you into a secluded corner to harass you verbally, physically, mentally… until one day you finally told someone. 
Your mum went off on that other girl, threatened her so badly every time you saw her since then she’d cross the road to avoid you… but the damage had been done.
You didn’t have to deal with the aftermath for too long, shortly after your parents had decided to move to Hawkins, Indiana to be closer to your grandparents. 
Your little brother was almost four now and they were going to need help taking care of the two of you, both of them working long hours and odd shifts just to get by. Also needed a bigger house to accommodate the needs of your growing family.
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You were eight when you first met him, he was ten both of you still in elementary school. You were new in town, that in itself already made you an oddity to say the least. 
Some kids had been picking on you, calling you names, pushing you around, you were on the verge of tears when he stepped in. He’d scared them off pretty easily, being both older and taller, buzzed head giving him a ‘tougher’ look.
 Once they had left, he turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder looking into your eyes like you were the only thing that mattered in the world, “Hey, don’t pay attention to shitheads like that, ok? I’m Eddie.”
“Y/n…” You reply shakily.
“Y/n,” He repeats, “that is a very pretty name. Nice to meet you y/n.”
“N-nice to meet you t-too.”
“Wanna have lunch with me?”
 You’d spent the rest of that school year by his side he’d introduced you to this game he played, Dungeons and Dragons. He’d jokingly criticised your taste in music, telling you he’d show you some real music. 
You pout and protest that just because he doesn’t like your music doesn’t mean it’s not real music, but begrudgingly you listen to his stuff and find you actually like it… not that you’d admit it to him, you’d never give him the satisfaction.
 If you were honest with yourself, you’d been smitten with him since that day, but you buried those thoughts and feelings deep down, tried to ignore it.
But then all too quickly he’s moving on to middle school, the two of you promise to stay in touch but you don’t. You don’t want to push it either, he’s probably moved on to something better… someone better.
 In his absence you became closer with one Nancy Wheeler. Your brother and hers were in the same playgroup and your families had become closer as a whole. Both you and her were the same age, you’d bonded over the little things and she was a good friend to you.
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It’s not until another two years later that you see him again, you’re starting middle school and he’s in his final year there. His hair is a bit longer now, no longer completely buzzed, still cropped short but growing out. 
You admire him from afar, he wouldn’t remember you… why would he remember you? You couldn’t risk embarrassing yourself by approaching him now.
 Your brother and his friends have discovered Dungeons and Dragons, the game has changed a bit since you first played but you sit in with them for a few sessions, Nancy also joins on occasion. 
You DM until Will asks to take over one session, then they all take turns at being DM, each running their own campaign with your guidance. As Nancy starts to lose interest in the game, you feel you should stick with her rather than intrude on your brother’s group.
 And time slips by the year is over, he’s moving on to high school, leaving you behind once more.
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By the time you see him again you’re both in high school, his hair is longer still, becoming a bushy mane around his head, he’s really embracing the ‘metal’ look from what you can see and it suits him you think.  
 You hear he’s started a D&D group here at the school, Hellfire Club it was called. You were tempted to join, you had really missed him all these years, you doubt he would have even spared you a second thought… who would? Why would he care about that fat, little weird kid who followed him around for a year?
 You ask Nancy what she thinks, “I kinda know the guy that runs it, we were friends for a little while. It was before you and I really started hanging out properly, but I don’t think he remembers me. What do you think, should I join? Would you join with me?”
 “I think if you want to join you should, and it seems like you do… but I don’t know about joining myself, I kind of outgrew that phase. I’m thinking of signing up for the school paper though.”
“Oh, yeah that’s great you definitely should!”
“So, what about you? You going to join that club?”
“Ummm… yeah, maybe… I do want to, but I’m a little nervous.”
“I thought you said the guy that runs it is a friend, just talk to him.”
“Yeah, but we haven’t talked in years, I’m sure he doesn’t remember me.”
“It’ll be fine if you are worried about talking to him directly, I’m sure they’d have some sort of sign-up sheet, just go put your name down.” She shrugs.
“Yeah. Yeah, ok that doesn’t sound too bad.”
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And they do have a sign-up sheet, it’s hung just outside the drama room, but you can’t see a pen anywhere. You rummage around in your bag for your pencil case, but then he appears beside you and you jump. 
He holds a pen out towards you with one hand, the other on which he’d drawn a silly, little face comes up and he makes it ‘talk’ with a funny voice, “Need a pen?”
“Ahhh… yeah, thanks…?” You take the offered pen awkwardly.
His silly face hand drops, internally he’s facepalming, ‘why the fuck did you do that?’ he thinks pressing on despite this, “Eddie. My name is Eddie.”
You shift self-consciously avoiding looking him in the eye, “Yeah, I uhh… I remember you, Eddie. You probably don’t remember me-”
A broad grin spreads across his face, “Are you kidding, of course I remember you, princess. Sorry if I scared you earlier, by the way. So, you’re signing up for Hellfire, huh?”
You shrug, “Yeah, if you’ll have me, I guess.”
“It’ll be just like the good old days. You still been playing?”
“Umm… not so much lately, but you remember my little brother?”
He nods, you continue, “He and his friends are really into it now. When they first started I DM’ed for them, at least until they got the hang of it.”
“Awww, princess DM’ing… I woulda loved to see that.”
“I mean you still could… if I’m joining Hellfire…”
“Oh, no… no I am the Dungeon Master there, princess no one else. And I run a brutal campaign… you better prepare yourself. I’m not about to go easy on you, just cause it’s you.”
“We’ll see about that won’t we Munson, I can take brutal, you know.”
He just about chokes on his words at that, but manages to contain himself… barely, “Uhh huh sure you can, princess.”
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The next couple of years after that the two of you reconnect, it was like you’d never been apart, but again he’s coming up on his final year, about to leave you behind yet again. And then… he doesn’t, he doesn’t graduate, he fails his senior year. 
You’re torn on the one hand it means you get another year with him, another year before he disappears again. On the other hand, you hated seeing him fail, you knew how shitty high school was for him, constantly being mocked and teased. You hadn’t had it any better either, but having him there helped and now you’d have him for another year.
 But now, now you’re eighteen, he’s twenty and he’s failed again. So, you get to share all your classes with him, you feel guilty about how happy you are to still have him with you. 
Your little brother and his friends are just starting high school and Eddie takes them under his wing, inviting them to join you at your table. You would have done so yourself, but he’d beaten you to it and it reminded you of the day you met him, the way he stood up for you, the way he still stood up for you.
 Your feelings have resurfaced… or maybe they’d always been there, just bubbling away in the hidden recesses of your mind. You hated yourself for it, it wasn’t for you to have a crush… nothing could possibly come of it, you’d seen the way he’d looked at other girls, prettier girls, skinnier girls… he’d never want you, why bother? And every day you dig yourself deeper into this hole, torturing yourself.
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He’s driving you to school one day when you find yourself humming along to one of the songs on his radio and he is very quick to call you out on it. “Hey, I thought you didn’t like my, quote ‘shitty metal’?”
You give him a shove, “Fuck off, you know I don’t.”
“Oh, yeah then why are you fucking humming Metallica hmmm?” He grins smugly.
“I dunno, I guess it grows on you… like a wart… or a skin lesion… or you.”
“Hey, you take that back!”
You giggle, “Never.”
“Oh, really is that how it is?” He glances over at you briefly, taking one hand from the steering wheel he begins poking at you “Take. It. Back.”
You squirm away from his prodding fingers, but then instead of getting your arm or your shoulder he misses and makes contact with the swell of your belly and you freeze.
He knows he’s done something wrong, when he glances over again, the way your giggles die on your lips, the way you won’t look at him.
“What’s wrong princess?” He asks seriously.
“Nothing. Nothing, just drive.” Your voice sounds almost empty, but he doesn’t push any further.
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Nancy knows, even if you won’t admit it at first, but she knows about your not so little crush. When you finally do admit it, she encourages you to do something about it, but you can’t… you couldn’t, could you? What if it ruined everything between the two of you… after all why would he ever look at you like that…
 It does no good to dwell on these thoughts, but they come up, every time you’re in his van, every time he looks at you with that glint in his eye, every time you’re sat in his bedroom… on his bed, smoking and laughing and forgetting who you are for just a split second. It gives you hope, but then it all comes crashing down around you.
 When he shows you how to roll your first joint, you can’t take your eyes off of him. You don’t hear a word he’s saying, it washes over you without comprehension. He sits facing you from the foot of your bed, you sit cross-legged facing him, leaning in slightly. 
You watch his nimble fingers working away, the way his tongue darts out to wet the paper, his eyes never leaving yours, making sure you pay attention. It makes you feel hot all over, squirming as he’s twisting off the end giving you a little grin, proudly showing it off, “… and that is how it’s done.”
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“Uhh cool, thanks.” You move to pluck it from his fingertips but he snatches it away.
“Ah, ah, ah don’t you know the rules… roller’s rights?”
You look at him in confusion, he explains, “The roller always takes the first hit.”
“Oh, ok.” You mumble and settle back down into the pillows. He lights up the end then takes a few puffs before passing it over to you, you take a deep drag and choke almost immediately. He laughs before smacking you on the back, before rubbing in soothing circles “Hey, take it easy… just breathe.”
He reaches across you to the water sitting on your bedside table, “Here take a sip, it’ll help.”
You take a few sips of water and steady your breathing before he continues, his hand still on your back, “When you take a hit it’s just a few little breaths in, slowly, lightly. Don’t try to take too much at once, it’s not the same as smoking a cigarette, ok?”
“Yep, uhh huh.” You croak out.  
“And hold the smoke in your mouth first, then breathe in from here…” he rubs a hand over his belly, up high by his diaphragm.
“You wanna try again?”
You nod humming in response and he nods back for you to go ahead.
You follow his advice and it goes better, you try again and it’s even easier.
“Alright, now pass it back.” He holds out a hand and you hand it over to him.
“There, now give it a few minutes before you try again, it’s your first time don’t wanna go too hard, too fast.” He takes another puff.
You giggle, teasing, “But what if I want hard and fast?”
And then he’s choking, spluttering, coughing up smoke.
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“Jesus H Christ… princess you can’t say shit like that, someone might take it the wrong way one day.” He gasps out.
You roll your eyes, “Eddie, come on no one is thinking of me like that, get real.”
He hesitates a moment, “What if… what if I told you I thought of you like that?”
“Haha, very funny…” you reply sarcastically, but he’s not laughing, “… wait a minute you’re serious?”
“Yeah, you got no fucking idea…”
“Are you sure that isn’t just the weed talking, I mean I heard it can make people-”
He cuts you off with a fierce kiss, pushing his lips to yours forcefully, nipping at your bottom lip gently, the joint burning down steadily in his limp grip. When he breaks away, he looks at you with lust clouded eyes, “Oh, I’m real fucking sure, princess. I have been crushing on you since God only knows when.”
You look up at him through your lashes, bashfully, “Ummm I’ve been crushing on you pretty much since the day we met.” You confess.
“Shit… can I fucking kiss you again?” He breathes out.
“Yeah… umm, maybe just get rid of that first.” You nod down to his fingers.
“Oh, right… yeah.” He mumbles reaching for his black metal lunchbox, snubbing out the joint on the lid and tossing it inside.
He looks back over at you, leaning in slowly, you don’t know why, but you’re blurting out, “imavirgin…” the words meld together in your embarrassment.
“What was that? Didn’t quite get that...”
You take a deep steadying breath, making sure to enunciate clearly this time, you repeat, “I’m a virgin.”
He lets out a guttural groan, “Fuck, princess is that true? No one… no one’s ever touched you before?”
“Umm no never… never been kissed before either…” You admit shyly.
“That’s quite a few firsts tonight, isn’t it? Do you wanna tackle a few more?”
You nod, pouting at him, “Please Eddie, kiss me again?”
“How could I refuse?”
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He swoops in capturing your lips between his own once more, you feel his tongue probing for entrance you let out a needy whine and it’s slipping in alongside your own. 
You tangle your hands into his hair you gasp as he lifts you into his lap, you pull away, “Wh-what’re you doing, don’t I’m heavy…”
“Oh no, you are just perfect, you sit right there, right on top of my cock.” He emphasises this with a roll of his hips and the hard bulge of his dick grinds into your heated core. You whine again at the sensation, feeling a wetness pool between your thighs.
He pulls you back in for another kiss, sloppier than the previous and you grind back against him with a moan.
“Did you mean it?” He gasps into your mouth.
“When you said you want it ‘hard and fast’… or was that just a joke?”
“I dunno… it wasn’t entirely a joke…”
“You think you can handle it hard and fast, do you think you’ll still like me after, if I’m rough?” He growls.
“Please Eddie, I want you. I want you so bad I can’t breathe.” You gasp.
“Ok, but we’re gonna start off slow alright? Then we can ramp it up to hard and fast.” He chuckles darkly.
As he resumes kissing you his hands move to lift your shirt and you pull away suddenly.
“You ok, sweetheart? You change your mind?” Concern laces his voice.
“No… no it’s not that… just, could we maybe turn the lights off…?”
It’s like a switch flips in his head, “Oh no, no sweetheart I wanna see all of you… every gorgeous bit. The things I would do to you…”
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He groans his hands dropping to your plump legs that straddle his own, squeezing them softly, urging you to move against him more firmly, “Wanna bury my face between these thighs… so fucking gorgeous… wanna do so much with ‘em, bite ‘em, suck em, kiss ‘em… push your legs together and fuck them.”
He drops one hand to cup your ass, kneading the soft flesh, he growls, “Oh and if you let me take you from behind, I could watch your ass jiggle as I pound into you, maybe slap it a bit if you’d let me… would you like that princess? Want me to slap that fucking glorious ass of yours? You have no idea how many times I’ve been distracted by just that… thinking about bending you over and just taking you…” You’re panting desperately at his touch, barely done anything and he’s already got you absolutely wrecked.
 He moves his hand up to your chest, groping your breasts he lets out a guttural moan as you whine pitifully, “And these tits, don’t even get me started on those… absolutely perfect… shove my face into them too, suck on your nipples, pinch ‘em ‘til you fucking scream… oh god, I’d love it if you held your tits together… let me fuck em ‘til I cum all over your pretty face, watch it drip down your chin…” his filthy mouth has you soaking your panties, grinding down into him.
You barely register that he’s popped the button on your jeans sliding them down slowly until he flips you over onto your back and you gasp, you never knew he was so strong, the way he was manhandling you like it was nothing. 
He kneels between your legs, towering over you, you yelp as he grabs your jeans roughly pulling them the rest of the way down before you can protest. 
You unconsciously tug the hem of your shirt lower to cover yourself and he swats your hands away, “Ah, ah sweetheart none of that I wanna see you… how about this, if I take off my shirt you let me take off yours?”
You bite you lip as you consider it, God do you wanna see him… bare chest, tattoos all on display… you nod nervously, mumbling “O-ok… b-but you first…?”
He concedes, “Ok, sweetheart me first.”
He hooks a hand into the collar of his shirt pulls it off and tosses it across the room blindly, your eyes rake over him, practically salivating at the sight, lingering on the sparse trail of hair peeking out over his belt. He’s smirking down at you as you pout up at him, “Pants too?”
“What about them?” He teases.
“Wan’ you to take yours off too… ‘s only fair…”
He grins devilishly, eyes glinting, “How about you take them off for me, princess?”
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You sit up and place a shaky hand over his belt buckle, your fingers just grazing the hair of his happy trail. You undo the belt clumsily and unzip his jeans before rolling them down his thighs slowly. His baggy blue and white chequered boxers do little to hide his erection as it tents the fabric there. 
Before you can do anything else he’s pushing you back into the pillows behind you, “Now, I seem to remember that the deal was… tit for tat, or rather tats for tits you may say…” he chuckles.
You giggle and resist the urge to fight him when his hands drop to toy with the hem of your shirt, he leans in easing your shirt up, trailing kisses over your belly, your chest, until he pulls your shirt over your head and tosses that aside too, diving back in to kiss you eagerly on the lips. He pulls away leaving you breathless, humming in appreciation, “Beautiful…”
“Eddie stoop…” You whine swatting at him.
“Never, I meant what I said and I’m gonna suck on those tits ‘til you’re begging me for more… there’s uhh… something I want you to do for me though…”
“What’s that?” You mumble curiously.
“Don’t call me Eddie. Do you think you could… call me ‘daddy’ while we…”
You gasp, “Fuck… yeah I can do that for you… daddy.”
“Yeah, just like that, sweetheart.” He moans encouragingly before ducking his head to the crook of your neck biting, kissing, mouthing on it as his hands wrap around you. Calloused, ringed fingers brush against your back as he fiddles with the clasp of your bra, he gets it loose and slips it off down your arms. 
He trails kisses down your chest until he reaches a nipple, sucking it into his mouth, laving over it with his tongue. His hands join his mouth, pushing your tits closer together, pinching and rolling the other nipple between his fingers. Your breath hitches at his ministrations and you let out a shaky moan.
“So, fucking responsive… love that I’m the only one who gets to do this to you…” He growls against your skin. He takes the hand closest to his mouth and caresses your mound, before dipping his fingers under the waistband. He runs his fingertips through your slick, teasing your entrance before dragging the up to circle your clit.
“All of this is just for me…” He murmurs, pulling away from you chest briefly.
“Yes, just you… no one else.” You gasp in response.
“God fucking damn, that’s right. I’m the only one that gets to touch you like this, isn’t that right?”
You mumble in assent, “Mhmmm that’s right… daddy, only you.”
“Fuck, princess gonna make me bust a nut and we haven’t even started yet.”
Your legs quiver on either side of him as he plunges two fingers into you crooking them against your soft, spongy walls. You can hear his rings clink together and feel them bump against your entrance, the sound met with a wet squelch as your cunt takes all he has to offer. 
His thumb moves to press against your clit in clumsy circles, you grab onto his shoulders tightly, there’s a tension mounting, coiling deep in your belly.
“That’s it princess, you gonna cum for daddy? Cum on my fingers for me.”
Something in you snaps and the tension is released all at once, your walls flutter on his fingertips, your release gushing all over them as you moan breathily.
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He grins at you proudly as you gasp for breath, “So, another first for you… what’s that now, first joint, first kiss, first orgasm from my fingers… what’s next my tongue or my cock.
“Jesus fucking Christ Eddie…” he gives you a disapproving look and you try again, “please… please, daddy.”
“Please what, sweetheart… use your words.”
“Please… fuck me…” You whine.
“How do you want it?” He asks firmly, “Tongue. Or cock?”
“Wan’ your cock, wan’ you to fuck me hard, show me I’m yours…” You whimper in response, weakly reaching for his boxers.
“You on any kind of birth control, sweetheart?” He asks in earnest.
“Mhhmm… yep I am.”
“Good… that’s good… now you’re sure about this, right?”
“Yes, never wanted anything more in my life… please…”
He ducks down and presses a kiss to your thigh before tugging your panties down your legs. He looks up at you with a little grin, panties hanging off his finger, “Mind if I keep these?”
“You can have whatever you want so long as you make me cum again daddy…”
He groans in response eyes squeezing shut briefly, and he palms at his cock. He drapes your panties over his lunchbox before sliding down his boxers to join his jeans. His thick, weepy length bobs up between his legs, precum bubbling up at the flushed tip. You gasp at the sight, “You’re so… big… can I touch it first?”
“Gonna gimme an ego sweetheart…” he mumbles as he reaches out for your hand guiding it onto his stiff length.
His precum slicks the motions of your hand, he controls the pace, running your hand along his length the way he likes. You devote all your attention to his cock while he watches you appreciatively.
When you swipe your thumb over the head on the upstroke, he growls lowly, “That’s enough now, princess. This time you’re gonna soak my cock with that tight little cunt of yours.” He looks into your eyes, his own dark with lust.
He pulls his jeans and boxers all the way off dropping them over the edge of the bed.
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He pushes you back down into the pillows with a hand on your shoulder before moving to sweep your hair out of your face. He grabs your hand, slick and sticky from rubbing his flushed cock and holds it in front of your face, “Look you got your hand all messy. Lick it clean princess.” He orders.
He pushes your own hand to your mouth and you swipe your tongue over your palm before wrapping your lips around your fingers with a low moan. “Such a good girl for daddy.” He hums, you can taste him on your skin you whine as you imagine what it would be like to suck on his fat cock. 
He smirks down at you while he grips his shaft at the base, rubbing the head through your glistening folds. Then another image springs to mind, one he’d painted for you, of him fucking your breasts, losing himself completely and cumming all over your face… how high would it splatter, would it get in your mouth, would it taste like this.
He pulls your hand away from your mouth leaning in for a kiss as he forces his tip inside your dribbling entrance. He swallows up all your little whines and gasps as he drops a hand between you to rub at your swollen clit. He sinks into you further and further until he’s buried deeper than you ever thought possible.
“Gonna give it to you hard and fast real soon princess, but we gotta get you a little warmed up for me first…”
He rolls his hips thrusting shallowly as you adjust to the sensation.
“Please… hmmm… fuck, faster please daddy. Feels so… mhnnn… feels so good” You pant out, hips rising to meet his.
“With pleasure sweetheart.” His hands move to grip your hips bruisingly tight. As he increases the pace, you feel his balls slapping against your ass, the room is filled with all sorts of obscene, wet sounds. 
You twist your hand into his curls, gazing up at his rosy face, sweat dripping from his brow, eyes blown wide with lust. When you give a little tug on his hair, he lets out a deep, rumbling moan.
He hooks his arms beneath your legs pulling them up over his shoulders sinking into you deeper with this new angle, “You like being filled up, sweetheart? Feel so good when daddy’s deep in you? You gonna let me cum buried inside you?”
“Please… god yes, want it so bad daddy, want you to fill me up with your cum.”
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He brings a hand up to your chin, thumb sliding over it ‘til it rests on your bottom lip as you whimper beneath him, he eases his thumb between your lips and you suck on it mindlessly.
“You’re gonna take everything I give you right?”
You nod, mumbling around his thumb in agreement.
“Then open.” He forces your jaw down with his thumb, you look up at him a little confused.
Suddenly he spits in your mouth, ramming his cock into you at the same time, you whimper.
“Now swallow.” He demands and you do so, your saliva mixing with his as it slides down your throat and your walls flex around him of their own accord.
“Oh, you liked that did you?”
“Y-yes daddy.”
“Oh, you’re such a good girl for me. You do like it hard, don’t you? Gonna fuck you so hard you can’t walk.”
“Please… fuck, please gonna cum again.”
“Then cum for me. Squeeze on my dick, lemme feel it. Cum for daddy.”
You wail, chanting “Daddy, daddy, daddy… fuck ‘m cumming.” Your back arches, head thrown back gasping as you clamp down around him, your release running over his cock in rivulets and he continues to pound into you, fucking you through your orgasm. 
You fall back limply still spasming around him when he reaches his peak, he growls, “Yeah that’s it princess, you’re gonna take all my fucking cum… take everything daddy gives you.”
He empties his heavy balls deep inside you with a deep, strung-out groan, you can feel his warm seed flood your cunt, drenching your already slick channel.
He collapses on top of you, sweaty bodies pressed together and he tries to nuzzle in even closer.
“God, that was good sweetheart.” He pants in your ear.
“Yeah.” You mumble in agreement running a hand over his back tracing random patterns.
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He sighs and you feel his breath against your cheek while his cock softens slowly slipping out of you. You can feel your combined fluids leaking out of your entrance slipping down between your ass to pool on your bed. 
Eddie rolls off of you wandering off naked, when he returns, he’s cleaned himself off, approaching you carrying a warm, damp cloth, he runs it over your body soothingly, between your legs cleaning you off. 
He stoops down untangling his boxers from his jeans slipping them on as he moves to your wardrobe rifling around til he finds some pyjamas. He helps you into them gently and wraps the covers around you and turns out the lights before slotting himself in behind you. He presses a kiss to your shoulder and wraps his arms around you with a sigh.
You melt into his embrace and he wishes you sweet dreams, you return the sentiment. The pair of you doze off smiling contentedly in your post-orgasm bliss.
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Eddie wakes in very early hours of the morning, still happy and content, girl of his dreams wrapped up in his arms. His thoughts turn sour as he lays there, the demons in his head tormenting him…
Jesus Christ what have you done, that was her first time you fucking pig… you told her to call you ‘daddy’ what is wrong with you… fucking freak… shit that’s what everyone’s gonna think the freak and the fatty, both of you together that’ll send them all into a frenzy and her oh, she’ll never hear the end of it, do you really think she deserves that… do you think you deserve to be happy…
And he’s slipping out from under the covers shrouded in his shame, careful not to rouse you he dresses and collects his belongings. He pauses briefly before pocketing your panties, one last little souvenir. Sick pervert. He shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts before taking off into the early dawn.
You wake up a few hours later, sore, mumbling his name, hands searching for his warmth only to come up with nothing. Eyes snapping open you look around in confusion, you find that all of his belongings are gone all evidence that he was even here gone. 
He’d be back, for sure he’d be back. Why would he leave…? But he doesn’t come back, doesn’t answer any of your calls. This continues for the rest of the weekend, you convince yourself it’ll be different when you get to school.
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Monday rolls around, your stomach twists into knots, did he regret it, wake up next to you with a sudden clarity, no longer horny or high and realise he didn’t actually want someone who looked like you. Or maybe he was just worried what other people would think if he dated someone like you… good enough to fuck, but not good enough to keep around. 
You can’t believe that you’d let yourself believe that it could be something more for even a second. Tears sting your eyes and you swipe them away angrily, you huff sulking off into the bathroom, don’t be so fucking dumb, of course he wouldn’t want you just deal with it. You splash cold water over your face and take a few deep breaths to steady yourself.
 You end up late for homeroom, only just entering the room as the teacher calls your name. Eddie isn’t sitting in his usual seat, instead he’s sat beside Gareth chatting away about something to do with the band and their show tomorrow night.
He doesn’t look at you as you pass him, you slink off to the last available seats, it’s fine, it’s fine… more tears threaten to slip out but you bite them back.
He avoids you for the rest of the day, you don’t even see him at lunch, but then you pass him on your way out of the cafeteria, you call out to him, “Hey, Eddie there you are I’ve been looking for you all day.”
But he walks right passed you, blank-faced, staring straight passed you. It’s like a knife to your heart, your frozen can’t move, can’t speak, the tears you’ve been fighting all day spill out. Someone bumps into your shoulder and of course it has to be them, “Watch it fatass.” 
And there’s giggles as they walk on you can hear them saying to one another, “She was fucking crying did you see her, what a fucking loser… not even the freak wants to be seen with her now.”
That’s the final straw, you don’t even bother collecting your stuff from your locker you just… leave. You walk all the way home blindly, the tears stoped at some point leaving your eyes puffy and stinging, your nails dig into your palms leaving little half-moon impressions.
You let yourself in trudging to your room, stripping off your clothes and pulling on anything that’s nearby before crawling into bed burying yourself beneath the covers.
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Your mum wakes you when she gets home, you brush her off telling her you’re not feeling well, trying to pass it off as really bad period cramps. You tell her you might not go in to school tomorrow, she offers to bring you something to eat and a hot water bottle you nod mutely, you don’t really feel like talking much.
 You spend the next few days like that in a haze, numb to the world but acutely aware of the stabbing pain in your chest and the sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. By the fourth day Nancy stops by to check on you, it’s not like you to miss so many days of school, let alone walk out in the middle of the day.
She enters your room tentatively calling out to you, she sits on the edge of your bed as you groan from your cocoon of blankets.
“You wanna tell me what happened?”
You give a little grunt, she brushes your greasy hair behind your ear gently, “Want a hug?” She offers.
“No, ‘m all gross.” You mumble pulling your self to sit up at the very least, but then the tears flow anew, that’s exactly why he doesn’t want you… fat, ugly, gross, loser… every insult ever hurled at you streams through your brain.
Nancy wraps her arms around you despite your attempts to push her away.
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“You know I can’t help if I don’t know what’s wrong. Your mum said you haven’t been eating properly, won’t come out of your room, i haven’t seen you like this since… well in a really long time.”
You breathe in shakily trying to stem the flow of tears, “I’m a fucking idiot that’s what’s wrong.”
“Hey, hey that’s not true, tell me what actually happened.”
You shake your head pushing away from her, “Can’t.”
“Tough ‘cause I’m not leaving ‘til you do.” She folds her arms over her chest giving you a determined look.
“Well, be prepared to stay a while then.”
“Don’t be stubborn.” She chides.
“You don’t be stubborn.”
“I’m just trying to help.”
“Fine, Ugh fine…”
“Go on I’m listening.”
“He doesn’t want me, doesn’t want anything to do with me now.” You can’t bring yourself to look at her while you speak.
“Who’re you talking about?”
“That’s not possible, that guy looks at you like you hung the moon. What happened? Did you tell him how you feel or…”
“No… well yes, but… ok, so he came over Friday night. You know how my parents went away?” She nods as you continue, “So, I asked him what it was like to smoke weed, like we always smoke together when we’re at his place, but never that and he was showing me how to roll a joint and god he looked so hot and I made some dumb joke about wanting it ‘hard and fast’ and he kissed me and told me he had a crush on me and I told him as well… and one thing kinda led to another and we ended up having sex and…” you trail off uncertain of how much detail is too much detail.
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“None of that sounds bad so far, where did you get the idea that he doesn’t want you if he’s already slept with you.”
“When I woke up in the morning… after… he was gone, he didn’t answer any of my calls the whole weekend but I thought I’d give him the benefit of the doubt… I dunno, whatever. Anyway then at school on Monday he acted like I didn’t even exist, walked right passed me and they had to see it, had to comment on it.”
You hazard a glance at her and you can practically see the steam billowing out from her ears, “I’m sorry he what?!”
“I just I don’t wanna talk about it anymore, the year’s almost over and just like before he’ll be disappearing from my life again… this time just a little sooner than planned.”
“I’m gonna talk to him.” She says firmly.
“What? No! Nance don’t… please don’t… promise me you won’t.”
“I…” she falters at the look in your eye, “Alright, fine I won’t.”
You shoot her a stern look, “Really, I promise I won’t.” She insist.
“I mean it don’t.” You finish firmly.
“Ok… have you eaten today? What did you have?”
“I did, I had tea and crackers.”
“Is that it? All day that’s all you had?”
“Yeah, it’s fine, it’s not like I’m doing anything today other than wallowing in bed and it’s not as if I’ll starve to death.”
“You know starving yourself is just as bad as overeating, neither of which is going to help you right now. Come on get out of bed go have a shower, I’ll make you something to eat and we can watch a movie… we haven’t had a girl’s night in a while you know.”
 You give in to her pestering and it does help to take your mind off things for a bit. She makes you promise that she’ll see you up and about next week.
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Nancy doesn’t break her promise at first, not exactly but she does go straight to Steve right after your little ‘girl’s night’.
“You want me to what?”
She rolls her eyes, “Oh, relax it’s not that big a deal just talk to the guy.”
“Why me? If it’s not such a big deal you talk to him.”
“I told you I promised y/n I wouldn’t so I’m not.”
“Still don’t get why it has to be me.” He grumbles.
“What are you scared of him or something?” She teases.
“No! It’s just weird you want me to talk to him about his sex life, c’mon that’s weird.”
“Hey, y/n is your friend too and she’s really hurting right now, just talk to the guy.”
“Why couldn’t it be one of those Hellfire guys instead?”
“Well, I don’t really know them, I know you… but I guess we could talk to them too. Maybe they could help, we can ask Mike where to find them.”
 That’s how they find themselves grouped together with a couple of the guys from Hellfire Club, on Eddie Munson’s front porch. Nancy knocks on the front door and Eddie tumbles out to greet them “Wheeler? Harrington? The fuck are you two doing here?”
He spots Gareth and Jeff just behind them, “Emerson… what the fuck is going on?”
Nancy pokes him in the chest angrily, “Inside. Now, Munson.”
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He holds up his hands in surrender stumbling backwards inside the trailer.
When everyone is inside, he tries again, “Right, so is anyone gonna fill me in here? What the fuck is going on?”
The boys let her go off on her tirade, her promise to you forgotten amidst her anger, “Don’t play dumb Munson, we’re here about what happened with y/n.”
“Shit… yeah I know I took things too far but tell her it’s ok, I’ll stay away from now on.”
“That is exactly the problem, why are you staying away?”
“Just imagine what people would say about us, the freak and the fatty…”
Gareth speaks up taken aback, “What the fuck man since when do you call her that?”
Eddie sighs “I don’t, it’s just what people would say and she doesn’t deserve that, she doesn’t need people judging her and they would if we were together. Why would anyone want to be seen with the freak nah she doesn’t need that.”
“Since when has that stopped her before, she’s with you all the time?” Jeff counters.
“Yeah, but that’s different it’ll be so much worse for her if we’re dating, this is for her own good, she’d be better off without me all together.” He protests with a tone of finality.
“Shouldn’t you let her decide that for herself? You don’t think you’re hurting her right now… acting like this. Imagine what she’s feeling, what she’s thinking. She’s alone in her room, hasn’t left for days, hasn’t been eating, torturing herself over why you’d do this.” Nancy attempts to reason with him.
Reality comes crashing down around him as he realises what he’s done, “Oh fuck I’m… shit I’m a fucking asshole. I let my own fucking insecurities get to me I didn’t stop to think how she’d feel, how she’d see it… fuck, fuck, fuck.” He paces back and forth tugging on his curls anxiously. His head snaps up, locking on to Nancy, “What do I do… what can I do?”
Steve speaks up for the first time, side-eyeing Nancy as he does so, “You fucking apologise man, take her flowers, beg for her forgiveness… whatever it takes.”
“Right… right.” He mutters to himself before his head pops up again, “You guys uh wanna like leave, or…?”
“Yeah, we’ll go.” Steve replies leading the way out of the trailer.
Nancy lets the other two go first before turning back to Eddie, “You fix this Munson… and I was never here, ok?”
He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “Uhh… yeah ok.”
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He stands beneath your bedroom window tossing rocks at it til one connects. You peek your head out at the noise and see him standing there, arms laden with flowers and candy. You don’t quite trust yourself to speak first so you stare down at him expectantly.
He finally breaks the silence, “Can I come in? We gotta talk.”
Your despair solidifies into bitter anger, “Oh, now you wanna talk… fuck off.”
“Please… please just hear me out.” He calls back desperately.
“Why the fuck should I? I gave you so many chances, why now?”
“I’m a fucking idiot, I know that and I’m sorry I’m so so sorry. Please just let me in, let me explain and then I’ll go if you want, I promise.”
“Alright, fine. You better make it quick though… you know the way in. Come up.” You slip back into your room slamming the window shut.
He takes the stairs in leaps and bounds when he gets inside, hesitating outside your bedroom before steeling himself and opening the door.
The second he steps inside it’s like all moisture is wicked away from his mouth he stands there for a moment in silence. You prompt him to begin, “Well? You gonna actually speak or-”
He blurts out, “I love you…”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Yeah, sure you fucking do… not falling for that one again.”
He persists, “I’m really, really, really sorry, you have no idea. I uh got these for you.” He thrusts out the flowers and a box of candy in your direction.
You eye them sceptically, snarling, “And what some flowers and chocolates are gonna make me just fall right into bed with you again… ‘daddy’?”
“I never should have… I took things way too far for your first time I am so fucking sorry. I really do love you though.” He says in earnest.
Your voice cracks, “Why did you leave? Why do you always fucking leave me?”
“Because I was a dumb fucking piece of shit too wrapped up in my own insecurities… thinking I don’t deserve you, don’t deserve happiness… worried about what people would think of you if you were dating me, the things they’d say…thought you’d be better off without me.”
“It’s not on you to make decisions like that for me, you ass. The things people would say about me because I’m dating you… fuck that’d just fly right over my head ‘cause I’d be with you. And that shit about you not deserving happiness is just that, absolute shit… of course you deserve happiness. And by doing this you deprived both of us of a chance at happiness.”
“Is… is it too late… can I… can we try again?” He stutters out hopefully.
Your resolve slips, “You really hurt me Munson…”
His face falls, “I know, I’m so sorry… and I will spend the rest of my fucking life making it up to you if… if you’d let me?”
“It… it wasn’t too far you know, umm I actually really liked it… all of it.”
His eyes search your own desperately, “Does that mean…?”
“Yes Eddie, it means we can try again.”
His face lights up and he drops the flowers and the candy onto your bed, he moves towards you but stops suddenly, “Can… can I kiss you?”
You give a small nod and he dives in kissing you slowly, deeply, with purpose. He pulls away and asks breathily, “Can I stay the night?”
“Don’t push your luck.” You warn.
He gasps, “No! Not… not like that… I mean not that I wouldn’t want that, but… I mean, just let me sleep here, that’s it just sleep, cuddle a bit. Then in the morning I’ll show you how it should have gone the first time, like this past week never happened.”
“O-ok, yeah we can do that.”
“Thank you.” He hums pulling you against him, nuzzling into your neck.
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And true to his word that is all you do that night, falling asleep wrapped up in one another, peacefully. He wakes you in the morning with a sweet kiss, he says he’d offer to make you breakfast but the best he could do is cereal so he takes you out to the diner instead.
When you tell Nancy what happened she doesn’t seem too surprised, “Good I’m glad the two of you worked that out, I’m happy for you really… but if he ever does anything like that again you tell me straight away. I’ll sort him right out.”
You shoot her a suspicious look, “Nance, did you talk to him?”
“What? No! No, I promised I wouldn’t… it was Steve and a couple of your Hellfire friends I swear.”
“Uh huh and how did they know about it?” You probe.
She folds easily, “Alright fine I talked to him, I’m sorry but-”
“No, it’s fine. Actually, I’m glad you did, thank you.”
“No problem… so, now can we talk about it… what’s he like in the bedroom?”
You gasp mock scandalised, “Nancy Wheeler, how dare you…” you can’t maintain it for long and burst into giggles, “He is gooood I’ll say that much, very generous in every sense of the word.”
She raises a brow, “You mean…” and indicates size with her hands.
You nod “Oh, boy do I, and he knows what to do with it.”
She chuckles at your response, you ask about her, “How’re you and Jonathan?”
“Good, we’re good…”
The two of you chat long into the night, you’re glad of a friend like her, glad she stepped in when she did else who knows how things could’ve gone.
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jayecrockerdaily · 2 months
not sure if you’re up for dungeons and dragons at all but how’d you think jaye (and whoever you choose) would go about a session?
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024 - 07/11/2024
(i would recommend clicking the image for better quality)
calliope is the dm. roxy loves the roleplay aspect and is very used to playing dnd (so she's the most comfortable multiclassing). jaye has fun with the roleplay and gets help with combat. dirk is not allowed to help jaye with combat because he min-maxes the fuck out of everything. jake struggles with the roleplay aspect but jaye gives him help but he loves combat. my other option for him was wizard but they do not have a healer unless calliope is playing her character and they need a tank. the other option for jaye was druid or sorcerer. the other option for dirk was half elf.
guys i really want to have a group to play dnd with. i want it so badly.
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fallloverfic · 6 months
Me: I read/watch Delicious in Dungeon for The Plot The Plot (spoilers for S01E13: Red Dragon III/Good Medicine, and CW: blood):
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Thank you Trigger for adding this, this was not in the manga, blessings be upon you and your families. I did not know that last episode Chilchuck asking if they'd never escape the crotch would be prophetic alkdjalj
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Listen, if I told you how many screencaps I took of Laios in his civvies/pajamas... well. He looks beautiful. 15/10 great job, Trigger, thank you.
I am also still soft for the siblings.
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He is so worried about her.
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Laios do have a lovely back, though.
Shoutout to Trigger for keeping all the times Senshi and the other characters faceplant in each other's crotches for this whole little arc lol I took so many screencaps of Laios though, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for them to animate this.
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Unconscious luggage Laios is the best. Love how Senshi carries him (and that all three guys are standing behind Marcille, who is protecting them).
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Just laser-focused for me.
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And the party pile alkdjlaj I was waiting for this so much alkdjalj Poor unconscious Laios, with Senshi squishing his crotch. Poor Marcille, stuck beneath both their tank and their bulky damage dealer and their rogue, all after fighting an army of blood dragons and using ancient magic to revive someone. Life's never fair for the mage.
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I always loved the way Chilchuck just lifts up Laios' leg alkdjlaj The tall-man is literally too tall for him aldkjalj
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I have been specifically waiting for them to animate this for months lakjdlaj This whole sequence is one of my favorite parts of the manga and ahh they did such a good job!!!
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They kept the chest push, just incredible. Bless.
I just love how Kui really explored how races of different sizes and heights interact with each other and how it changes different things. Laios is literally a tall-man and the tallest member of their party, and the buffest in a different way than Senshi is (Senshi is sturdier and generally far stronger, but Laios is their tank for a reason). And despite Senshi's strength, and Laios being badly injured, they still cannot fully compensate for the fact that Laios is still the biggest of them all.
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Also they added this alkdjla And I love it so much alkdjaj In the manga, Laios has his left leg pulled back a bit to make room for Chilchuck (or maybe just because it's how he sits down after Senshi and Chilchuck finally push him over), but here he's literally between Laios' legs in part because Laios is just so tall and Chilchuck is just very small by comparison.
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I just ahhhh Chilchuck trying to keep him seated just kills me...
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Ahh these shots just end me. They all look so good and I love how they're arranged. I love how desperate Chilchuck is to appeal to him, because Chilchuck doesn't want him to die T-T He knows how much Laios is hurting over Falin, both mentally and physically (he is still recovering from when she hit him), but...
Overall this was a phenomenal episode, and it was adapted really well. I loved how the characters played off each other, the voice acting and music were wonderful, the animation was excellent, just... ahhhh
Other delicious Plot:
The Plot in Episode 3
The Plot in Episode 7
The Plot in Episode 9
The Plot in Episode 11
The Plot in Episode 13 (you are here)
The Plot in Episode 14
The Plot in Episode 15
The Plot in Episode 16
The Plot in Episode 17
The Plot in Episode 18
The Plot in Episode 20
The Plot in Episode 21
The Plot in Episode 24
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babybluebex · 2 years
amnesia | eddie munson blurb
eddie survives the demobats by the skin of his teeth and, when he wakes up, he doesn’t remember you. (remember i told y’all that this is short lmao)
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You were thankful that you were able to get him to a hospital. It was a miracle in itself that you and Dustin had managed to get Eddie out of the Upside Down by yourselves, and it was even more impressive that you were able to get him into the van and to the hospital. The nurse asked you for a lot of information when they first took Eddie back for emergency surgery, and you had said that he had gotten hurt during the earthquake. It made sense to you, and the nurse didn’t ask any further questions about it, so that was what officially happened. As you tried to sleep in the hard chairs of the hospital waiting room, that was what you willed into truth; no bats, no Vecna, just an earthquake. 
The doctor pulled you back into his room several hours later, and you were beyond relieved that he was awake in the bed. He definitely seemed out of it, probably hopped up on pain meds and everything, but you grabbed his hand and stroked the back of his palm as the doctor talked. “Head trauma,” he said. “Concussion. He might have memory issues for a few days, but it’ll all come back to him soon.”
“Oh, good,” you sighed, looking at Eddie. He was looking at you with confusion, like he didn’t know who you were, and your heart sank. Oh God. “Eddie?” you asked carefully. “Do you know who I am?” 
“No,” Eddie replied. “Should I?” 
Yes, you wanted to tell him. I’m your girlfriend, I’m the reason you went into the Upside Down in the first place— you only wanted to protect me. We’ve been together for three months, since Christmas. I steal your cigarettes and you steal kisses. Remember me! Instead, you only sniffled and wiped your nose on your wrist. “No,” you told him. “Don’t worry about it, sweetie.”
“I-I feel like I should know you,” Eddie said, his words slurring slightly. He had only just gotten out of surgery maybe an hour ago, hardly awake from the anesthetic, and you figured that that probably contributed to his memory lapse, along with the concussion, but it only hurt your heart. “I know you, I call you something silly…” 
“Well, you call me all sorts of things,” you chuckled lightly. “Sweetheart and baby and princess, all kinds of… Of silly stuff.” 
Eddie’s eyes widened a bit, and he looked down at his hand in yours for a moment before he said, “Are you my girlfriend?” 
You sniffled again. “Yeah, bud,” you replied. “I’m your girlfriend.” 
“Oh my God,” Eddie said. “Wow! I have a girlfriend! I never thought I’d have one of those…”
“Aw, Ed,” you whispered, and you reached up, carefully brushing his hair behind his ear. You always did that before you kissed him, admiring his dark eyes before you leaned in. “Well, you have a girlfriend. How does it feel?” 
“Real good,” Eddie said. “And you’re so pretty too! Do you play Dungeons and Dragons?” 
You laughed. “Yeah,” you said. “That’s how we met; I joined the Hellfire Club and got a huge crush on you.”
“Do you like metal?” he asked next, still gazing at you in wonder. It’s like he couldn’t believe that you were real and in front of him, and you couldn’t help your giggle. 
“I mean,” you shrugged. “I’ll listen to it if you put it on. You know what I did for your birthday, though?” 
“What?” Eddie asked.
“I got you Ozzy tickets,” you told him. “And Metallica was opening for them. The concert was supposed to be last night, but…” 
“But what?” Eddie asked. “Is that why I’m here? I got hurt in the pit or somethin’? Most metal ever!”
Your heart thumped at the repetition of the same words he had said after, truly, one of the most metal performances ever, and you swallowed thickly. “No, Ed,”you said softly. “I’ll explain more later—“ The doctor hadn’t left the room yet— “But there was an earthquake last night, just before we were supposed to leave for the concert. You got hurt. I was worried that… Well, that you had been hurt really badly. That you were dying or dead or…” You sighed, and you said, “I’m just glad you’re okay. Your memory will come back, and everything will be alright.” 
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shivunin · 6 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you for the tags @pinayelf @inquisimer and @greypetrel! Most of what I'm working on is secret for the moment, but I have been playing with this little piece c: Tagging back @ndostairlyrium @daggerbean @vakarians-babe @ruthvelyan @dungeons-and-dragon-age @idolsgf @nightwardenminthara @bitchesofostwick @zenstrike @star--nymph and @transprincecaspian, no pressure!
From a piece about Adhlea (Cullen and Emma's daughter) and Leander (Fenris and Maria's eldest):
Adhlea was almost certain she was being punished for something. 
She wasn’t sure what—she’d been very good ever since she’d finally gotten a little sister—but these stiff clothes and pinchy shoes could only mean she was being punished. It really didn’t make any sense at all. She’d told her mamae as much before they’d left the house and her mother had laughed. 
“It is a tradition, ma vherain. This is important to your Papa, so you must do your very best to sit still and pay attention. Here—if you have any questions, you may write them down in this little notebook and save them for later. I think it is rude to talk during services. Ah—here is your papa now. ” 
Well, Adhlea could feel the notebook knock against her leg while she kicked her heels in the foyer of the lady Hawke’s manor now, but she had no interest at all in writing anything down. 
“But why will we have to be sitting for the whole time?” she asked, peering up at her Papa. He tugged at the cuffs of his shirt, eyes tilted up at the corners, and opened his mouth to answer. 
“Because the Mother gets to be taller than everyone else,” a small voice piped from the doorway, and Adhlea grimaced.
“Ta said so,” Leander went on, sauntering into the room with his nose in the air. “He said it’s a sign of respect. And respect means we got to sit down.” 
“Hello, Leander,” Adhlea said begrudgingly, summoning something like a smile. She was trying. Hard. She was.
“Also,” Leander went on grandly, as if she hadn’t spoken at all, “there is going to be smoke. On purpose.”
“I know that,” Adhlea said, the smile crawling away from her face. She couldn’t help it; her mamae and papa wanted the two of them to be friends so badly that they didn’t seem to notice how hard Leander always worked to irritate her. 
“Well then, where does it come from?” he asked, his eyebrows squinching up in that way she hated. Always asking her questions he knew she didn’t have the answers for—always! 
“It is time to go,” the boy’s father said, appearing in the doorway with little warning. Adhlea took a step back, feeling the warmth of her father’s hand at her shoulder. 
“Messere Hawke,” Papa said, squeezing her slightly before bowing. “Where is the Ch–ah—is your wife not planning on joining us?”
“Hawke needs to rest,” the shorter man said gravely.
While his attention was focused on her father, Adhlea took the opportunity to peer up and up at him. Leander’s father was brown like her mamae and marked all over like her mamae, but Adhlea had been expressly forbidden to ask about the blue lines the way she asked about her mamae's vallaslin. It is private, her mamae had said, and Adhlea knew what private meant, she did, only they were very interesting lines and once she swore she had seen them light up and she really did want to know what they were and—
“Young Lavellan,” the man said gravely. Adhlea ducked her head at once, squirming in her shoes. Her papa nudged her gently and she remembered herself. 
Manners, he had told her often, always matter. 
“Good morning, Messere,” she said, executing a neat bow of her own. “Thank you for coming with us to the Chantry.”
Leander scuffed his bare foot on the tile floor and Adhlea grimaced again. It was unfair that he never had to wear shoes and she did—yet another thing Leander could hold over her head. Ugh. And now she would probably have to sit with him for the whole service. Who knew how long that could be? Years, probably, and her stomach was already gurgling. She should have tried to eat more of her breakfast, but it had seemed too hard. 
“Yes,” the man said at last, “of course. Well?” 
“Let’s go!” Leander said, and barreled past her for the door. 
Adhlea realized with no small amount of satisfaction that he had to stand on his toes to reach the handle properly. She was taller than him, at least; she would have to make certain he knew it as soon as possible.
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laugtherhyena · 7 months
Ok I'm finished with Dungeon meshi.
Wow, what a ride.
For a manga i had zero expectations on that i only really picked it up out of seeing people posting about it everywhere + seeing a silly ass cat girl in it this was an absolute treat, full of surprises too, when i was reading the last parts i was yelling OH MY GOD every 5 minutes or something because the puzzle pieces were coming together in my head and it was just joyous. Honestly, the final 20 or so chapters before they actually defeat the lion were SO HYPE, like i was speeding through them and going back and forth because i wanted to see why would happen next so badly but i also didn't wanna miss anything leading to it.
Great ending in general, which is not something i can say for a lot of stuff i read/watch/play, so that's awesome. I wouldn't say i like it more than Chainsaw man or Sakura ganbaru (the last two manga I've read prior to it) but i definitely like it way more than Beastars or Demon slayer.
I think my absolute favorite part of it was definitely the world building, not even hearing about the monsters themselves, more like how the politics of the world worked and especially how the dungeons function with their dungeon lords and the demons behind it all. I absolutely ADORED all that.
As for what i didn't like, i still think the start is really slow and kinda boring, i only really got into it after they killed the red dragon and that's like? 20 or 30 chapters in? It's definitely a manga like Demon slayer to me where watching the anime is way more enjoyable than reading the thing itself, since I've been watching the Dungeon meshi anime and it doesn't feel like it's taking as long to get through things as it did when i was reading it.
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chronotsr · 3 months
No. 8 - B1, In Search of the Unknown (1979)
Author(s): Mike Carr Artist(s): David C. Sutherland III (Cover), David Trampier (Original Cover) Level range: 1, preferably party size 4+ players Theme: Tutorial Dungeon Major re-releases: Original Adventures Reincarnated: Into the Borderlands
A quirk of early DND that people sometimes forget is that you had to learn how to play this game. The assumption, prior to the Holmes Basic set being released in 1977, was that you knew a guy who knew how to play, in a kind of 1970s & Gary Gygax version of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Holmes had obviously made a big dent in this, but still there were complaints about the game being confusing and hard to learn. In steps Mike Carr who made the following bold proposal:
What if we made a paint-by-numbers DND module to train new GMs with?
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In 2024 you might scoff at this, because it feels an awful lot like they just sold you half a module and told you to finish that. This is an unfair read, but this is a genuinely good habit to instill early into a GM. Too many times have I seen a new DM just, run books entirely stock and then be confused why it went badly. This breaks the back of that habit very, very early.
For those of you that remain unconvinced, in the OAR re-release of Into the Borderlands they included three stocked versions of B1 (I recommend Version A). But: keep in mind! You could not tune into Critical Role, there was not a DND club at every major school, and the discipline of TTRPG design itself did not exist yet. This was a stab at teaching DND entirely via text, so we will see in time how good a stab they took at it.
Oh, and before I exit the intro blurb, let's say it explicitly: this is the first standalone Basic Dungeons and Dragons module. It was a pack-in with the Holmes basic set (which means you got the Tower of Zenopus AND B1, a pretty tidy bargain), alongside some depressing little dice chits, a little blue rulebook, and a coupon for some dice that are bad-in-a-highly-charming way. We are spoiled for dice now, back then you had to ink your own in CRAYON.
ANYHOW, let's begin.
Firstly, Carr begins with explaining some broad principles to an aspiring new GM, like the concept of keying, minions, xp, difficulty, GM arts, et c. He also recommends narrating the party as having already arrived at the dungeon, a conceit I think more GMs should entertain -- we all know that "we meet in a tavern" is a little played out, but I think it's played out mainly because it's done badly - meeting in the tavern served no purpose because the GM ultimately wanted to just hurry up to the dungeon.
The adventure proper starts with a quick blurb about two famous characters who in the wayback times built a stronghold, did some adventurin', fought some wars, but are now long gone. A separate account of this is included in the player-facing section (whatever happened to player-facing sections?).
We are given ol' reliable, a rumors table, where we learn very little of interest: The dungeon is called Quasaqueton -- a real place in Iowa, apparently the duo were slavers, and apparently the dungeon itself talks. It's generally wet and miserable here, and wandering about are a variety of very standard enemies (orcs, kobolds, trogs, rats). That's, basically all we get on the dungeon itself, so let's enter the highlights reel:
The very first thing that happens in the dungeon is simply adorable. Two magic mouths demand the party to defend their treasure-hunting ways, and then promptly tell them they're going to die oooOoOOOOooOoo! in a sufficiently melodramatic way. It also bugs you every time you revisit, which will turn it into a comedy on revisit. There is also the grisly remains of a previous party, as if to imply that these newbies are about to get HAZED. Given that this was likely the new GM and players' first go, I'd call even odds on it being a slaughter.
It is at about room V where I realize why roman numerals died off, as trying to figure out where room 5 is when there's many, many rooms with a V marking. Letters are preferable to roman numerals but truly it was a good day when we switched to circled Arabic numerals.
There is just something inherently funny about going into a wizard's closet and discovering that said wizard was a boring person with normal clothes and a bunch of mundane books about weather and plants. We also find out Zelligar has been absent for 30+ years from his closet-bookkeeping.
Teaching the kids early that wizards are assholes, in Zelligar's practice room there's a permanent illusion of treasure. It doesn't kill you like a Gary treasure would, it just makes you sad.
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There is a weirdly elaborate table of jars? And one of the jars is a living black cat in suspended animation? The purpose of this room is, and I quote, "to surprise and/or mystify the adventurers, as well as to provide some fun for the DM". There is no treasure or monsters pre-stocked in most any of these rooms (as per the conceit) but I think it would be GM malpractice to not put SOME kind of fucked up jarred magic item here. That there is no potions in this room feels particularly odd?
There's a riddle in the wizard's lab that, isn't actually a riddle? It's just talking funny. Large swaths of this dungeon feel like they should be a funhouse and have loot pinatas scattered around, this is one such room. Instead, it's…just kind of a self-aggrandizing sign, like a weird motivational poster.
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I know the conceit of the dungeon is that this is someone's home and stronghold but it kind of just feels like someone's Minecraft fort? I really feel like we're going to walk into a room full of chests contain 94 doors and 4,000 grass seeds any minute now. And I guess that food is 30 years old? The inscrutable letter codes make me long for a dAlphabet.
It feels kinda weird that fire beetles fell out of use. "Magic lightning bugs that infinitely fuel lanterns without igniting in swamp gas" is a super handy conceit.
We have a super classic portcullis trap with a elegant twist: because the lever to lift the trap is strength-based (sum of strength scores), it almost definitionally separates the squishies from the tanks. The downside is, unfortunately, that it's functionally a save or die trap despite not instantly killing you?
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It's also really interesting how the fantasy of bending the bars went away. That used to be such a big thing in the superman tv show era. I have yet to have a modern player even consider it. Not surprising it stopped being in rulebooks though.
There is one of the regulation early DND troll traps, where a mapping party is to be intentionally tricked and given false descriptions because a doorway is also a teleporter. It is explained somewhat poorly, which is particularly unfortunate for a tutorial dungeon, but the jist is that once they pass through the doorway you should rotate your map and act like you haven't started describing rooms turned 90 degrees. Because early DND kind-of assumes the party moves as a blob while in dungeoncrawl mode, you can't get split up by this, despite the fact that "realistically" it would totally do that. A weird quirk of this description is that, I have no idea when they bold words. You think they're bolding for emphasis but it's acting like they're bolding keywords, but prior to this they only bold spell names and the bar-lifting. Afterward it's mostly spells and a sole keyword.
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I'm getting mixed messages here. I get why it's here, but come on.
The coverart is a reference to a specific garden room which has overgrown in the wizard's absence. It is, ultimately, just a pretty room with a slight hazard if a random encounter happens there. "The room on the cover is inexplicable and unrelated to the rest of the dungeon" is funhouse-y behavior IMO, but the rest of the dungeon is a series of vaguely plausible rooms assembled in a maze-y way. Which is as good a segue as any to briefly talk about the overall layout.
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This is a bad layout. This is a layout you come up with when you are just procgenning maze dungeons over and over again. As we have demonstrated in previous posts, this is just kind of how it was in the 70s. This kind of works as a mapping challenge, but mostly it comes across as tedious for everyone involved. Who would make a living space like this? Even the most cooked adventurer on the planet would not install multiple maze corridors for…no reason? AND THE EXCESS OF SECRET DOORS. A friend described this as "a map you could almost make in Wolfenstein 3D", which is actually a great metric. If I can make your map in Wolf3D, it's bad.
There is a genre of dungeon room I like to call "gambler's traps", which is when the room contains like 10+ weird things that you can poke, and if you happen to poke the right ones you get some nice things, and if you poke the wrong ones you get pain. Invariably, you will have a player who tries to poke every one of them, offsetting the whole room. Pools of stuff are traditional, so we get pools. Tragically, every pool with a conceivably fun effect magically stops working outside the pool (come ON Carr!) and many are just pointless A few of them are totally devastating (one of them silences your voice for d6 hours), a few of them are slightly good. In what is a complete dick move, there is an acidic pool with a key at the bottom that does absolutely nothing.
Sigh you find the guy who advised the building of Quasqueton's room, with documents about the construction of it, but explicitly no information that could possibly help adventurers. One of the few magic items in this dungeon is locked in a drawer, but odds are it's nothing interesting (pray for your +1 Ring of Protection)
So the big maze corridor has a regulation spring-loaded trapdoor, which dumps you downstairs sans inventory into freezing cold water. Kinda mean but, sure. Traps are kind of an underrated artform, I feel like GMs as a group have just given up on them. That being said, traps like this one…do not sell me on traps as a concept.
Finally, we go to the lower level, which is not worth talking about in detail. Essentially, these egotists made a museum to themselves down here (for who?), there's a magic rock that if you eat it (??) has a d20 table of permanent effects skewing positive, and another pit trap. So, how to feel about B1 on the whole? It's not really remarkable. Really its most famous quality (you will key every single room) is its sole interesting quality. It's an early 70s dungeon that is starting to feel dated by 1979. I think that 5e-ers would benefit from a B1-like paint-by-numbers module, really. B1 is no Tower of Zenopus. I think we will all be much happier come B2, that (while far from perfect) has a strong identity and a comparative cohesiveness.
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eddiemsworld · 1 month
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Eddie Munson: Chapter 1. Fascination
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of drugs. Slow burn.
This does not follow season 4, however is set in 1985/1986.
It was yet another pep rally in the Hawkins high auditorium. You and Robin take your seats, Robin wasn’t in the band today which you were grateful for as you didn’t want to sit completely on your own. It was first day of school after summer break, both you and robin are now Seniors. You grabbed your notebook out of your bag and your favourite pencil and started to sketch. What you didn’t know is Eddie who is sat a few seats away from you is watching you.
Eddie kept looking over at you, he watched as you pulled your notebook out of your bag and started to sketch something. His eyes continued to wander.. his eyes trailing down and stopping when he noticed your legs, they looked so smooth and perfect. Eddie continued to silently watch you...he just couldn't pry his eyes away from you.
“Hey, Y/N, you have someone staring towards your left.” Robin whispered in your ear making you chuckle and carry on drawing.
Eddie overheard the conversation, his heart skipped a beat when he heard Robins words 'was she talking about me?' he thought to himself. He couldn't help but continue to listen as bad as it sounded.
"Don't be silly Rob, why would anyone be looking at me whilst theres cheerleaders literally right there?" You chuckled to yourself, continuing to draw your new character that you dreamt last night.
"Are you drawing that boring dragon game you play?" Robin questioned looking at your piece of paper making you pause for a moment to talk.
"It's not boring! You didn't even allow me to get you to play with us!" You exclaimed looking at her before continuing to draw.
"That's because I don't want to be playing a game with a bunch of ten year olds!" Robin said defending yourself, that made Eddie chuckle to himself.
"One day I'll prove how good D&D is." You said and you heard Robin laugh at your statement. You knew Robin meant no harm by laughing.
Eddies eyes widened what he just heard. Did he hear that right? It was a bit loud over the cheering, he would not of guessed that someone as popular as you would be into Dungeons and Dragons. Eddie smiled at the thought of you playing the game, he wanted to shout and say 'Hey, I play D&D too!' But he held back not wanting to create a scene and embarrass himself.
"Did you finally level up? You were raving about it to me the other night." Robin asked curious but she noted the grin on your face looking proud so she knew the answer.
"Yep, I'm now a level 16." You said as if it was nothing, it was a pretty big deal to you seeing as you can only level up to 20.
Eddie's eyes widened when he heard you mention level 16. 'Holy crap, 16? That's impressive.' He thought to himself. Eddie wanted to chime in and say he was also a level 16 but decided against it. He so badly wanted to talk to you, Eddie loves to talk, everyone knows it. But talking to you? No, he felt shy like how he was as a kid. You wouldn't think it now but Eddie was a timid kid, but things happen and change to shape who you are today.
"Before I forget Y/N, I can't come to the movies today after school. I picked up an extra shift tonight." Robin admitted looking guilty.
"Oh don't worry about it, I know you're saving up to buy yourself a car." You smiled, shutting your notebook and putting it in your bag.
Eddie felt an odd mixture of disappointment and excitement when he heard that you wouldn't be going to the movies. Part of him wanted to go with you himself... 'Don't be ridiculous Eddie, she wouldn't want to be seen with a freak like you.' He put himself down, knowing it was probably true. You are popular, sweet, kind, even the teachers loved you. He wasn't popular, he thinks he is kind towards his friends at least but the teachers hated him.
"I should be saving up for the new dice I saw in the shop window a few weeks ago. It was so beautiful." You sighed thinking about the dice that you've seen a few weeks ago.
Eddie saw you looking at the dice during the Summer but he didn't piece it together until now. He just couldn't believe this is all happening, it's like the universe finally has gifted him luck. Eddie was excited, he so wanted to burst out and tell you that he has so many sets of dice you can have. Eddie had to force himself to calm down, he was getting like an excited puppy.
"Is it the fire looking one? The one you showed me whilst we walked past?" Robin asked recollecting seeing it briefly.
"It's so cool Rob! It looks like there's fire inside!" You exclaimed a little too loudly amongst the game which was almost finished, you were one of the loudest voices in that moment.
Eddie chuckled silently to himself upon hearing your response. Feeling secondhand embarrassment the moment people turned in your direction, he saw you mouth 'sorry' and slouch down in your seat. Eddie saw your cheeks heat up and thought you looked quite cute. Not that he would admit it to anyone.
"How embarrassing." You mumbled to yourself. You can't help being passionate and when you do, you get loud. Robin patted your shoulder trying to comfort you, knowing that you hated being the centre of attention.
The pep was over before you knew it, you and Robin made your quick escape out of the gym doors and to the lockers before class starts.
Eddie remained a few paces behind you, listening to the friendly conversations you and your friend were having. A small part of him secretly wishing it was him you were chatting to. He continued to quietly follow behind you on your way to the lockers...occasionally looking around and making sure no one was watching him. Eddie did feel like a stalker.
Whilst you were looking for your stuff in your bag, you didn't notice your notebook fell in the process as it was quite loud by the lockers. You grabbed a textbook from your locker and quickly shut the door. The bell rang and you and Robin walked to math class.
Eddie spotted your book and picked it up, he looked around making sure that no one was watching. The urge to flip through the book and see your drawings was too strong. Eddie decided against it and put it near your locker, hoping no one else would pick it up. He quickly followed behind as he also had math class, luckily he made it in time. He was tempted to sit near the two of you...but he feared it would be too obvious that he was eavesdropping. instead, Eddie picked on an empty desk a few seats behind.
"Right class, I am Mr Wood and I'm your new math teacher for this semester." The teacher began, writing his name on the chalk board. "Right I have looked through last year's work and have decided to give you all seat partners." He finished making the class groan.
You and Robin shared a look, you got nervous thinking of being paired up with someone who you hardly knew. Eddie on the other hand was hoping he'll be paired with you.
"Eddie and Y/N."
Eddies eyes widened in surprise upon hearing the teachers words. His heart started to race...had he heard him right? 'Eddie and Y/N.' Mr Wood had assigned him and you partners. He couldn't believe it.
Robin gave me a look of disappointment as we usually sit together when we have classes and I always help her with her work.
"Now I assigned this way specifically hoping it will help with your grades. Some of you really need it." Mr Wood explained to the class, looking at Eddie in specific.
Eddie was ecstatic by the teachers choice...he couldn't believe his luck. Now he had a reason to sit next to you, he was actually excited for math. Eddie tried to hold a smile, he couldn't believe today could get any more perfect.
Math class flew by, which you enjoyed as math wasn't your favourite subject. Mr Wood paired you and Eddie? You haven't spoken to him but you've seen him briefly and he seems like a cool guy.
The bell rang and you were putting your textbook in your bag and you've noticed something was missing, your notepad. How did you not realise it was gone sooner?
Eddie noticed the distressed look on your face, his heart aching with empathy at the realisation on your face that you couldn't find your notebook.
"Shit." You said out loud, thinking of all the possibilities of where your book might be. You just pray that it's somewhere safe. You grab your bag and tell Robin that you'll stop by at your locker as you think you've left your notebook there.
Eddie was still lingering around, feeling bad. He knew he should've just picked it up and handed to you instead of putting it on the floor where someone could find it. Eddie was about to say something to you but decided not to as it sounded creepy. 'Hey I saw you drop your book but I waited till you left to pick it up then I left it on the floor.' Yeah that did not sound good at all.
He watched as you rushed out of the class and into the crowded hallway and followed you. He couldn't help but hope that it's still there for his own peace of mind.
You put your combination in and searched your locker, trying to find your notebook. You searched around but couldn't find it. You suddenly slammed your locker in annoyance.
"Y/N!" A voice shouted at you.
You spun around at the sound of your name and to your surprise it was Dustin. He reached for his bag and took out your notebook. A rush of relief washed over you as Dustin handed your book to you. Suddenly, Eddie felt a bit of jealousy bubble inside of him seeing your notebook in the hands of Dustin and not himself.
"Thank you Dusty." You ruffled his hair affectionately making him roll his eyes in a sibling-like way. "I'll catch you later?" You asked making him nod. You walked away with a sigh of relief knowing your notebook was with you once again.
Your art class went swimmingly, you were talented in art and the teacher always loved your work. He frequently complimented you, which always made you smile. Meanwhile, Eddie's class went by too...he sat quietly the whole time thinking about you.
The bell rang signalling lunch time. You didn't realise just how hungry you were until the sound of the bell broke you from your thoughts. You met Robin and she told you that she cant join you for lunch as she needs to study for the test next period. You offered to help but she declined saying it's her mess and you should eat.
You waited anxiously in line wondering where you would sit, you grabbed your tray once you got food and scanned the different tables. Chrissy noticed and asked for you to sit with them but you didn't fancy sitting with Jason and his goons. Chrissy is sweet but you can't stand her friends and boyfriend.
Eddie noticed this happening where he sat and felt shocked and stunned that you turned down to sit at her table.
"Woah, did Y/N just turn down Chrissy?" Dustin exclaimed in adoration as he also noticed what had happened. "Hey we should invite her to sit with us! Y/N!" Dustin waved you over without hesitation and didn't wait for the others to respond. Eddie grew nervous.
You turned to the sound of Dustin and smiled at him and began to walk over. People took notice of you approaching the table with Dustin's friends, whispers and laughs fluttered around the cafeteria. You took no notice and walked and sat down next to Dustin.
As you sat down at their table, Dustin greeted you with glee, clearly happy that you have joined.
"Hey guys, I'm Y/N. I hope you don't mind me joining." You sweetly spoke, making Eddies heart race seeing your smile close. You already knew Dustin's friends, Mike and Lucas and you knew who Eddie was.
Everyone introduced themselves and was happy that a girl was at their table and intrigued by you. 'Eddie's quiet.' You noted as you've heard he can be a loud character especially at lunch.
"Dustin told us you play D&D, is that true?" Gareth asked, making all eyes at the table turn towards you.
"Yes. Why do you guys play then or something?" You asked making the others chuckle at your cluelessness. Eddie thought your innocence is cute, and how you were literally sat at the Hellfire Club table and with himself being the Dungeon Master which you had no idea.
"Oh we play alright! Eddie is our Dungeon Master!" Dustin pointed out and tucking into his lunch. You looked up towards Eddie and gave him a smile, you had no idea.
Eddie's heart stopped when you looked at him, he felt a blush creep up on his cheeks when you gave him a smile. 'Man I need to get myself a grip.' Eddie thought to himself silently telling himself to pull together.
"That's cool! I taught Dustin how to play D&D." You admitted feeling somewhat proud of yourself and happy that he found friends in school because of that game.
The guys couldn't believe what they were hearing, they didn't know if it was true that you play D&D but to of taught Dustin as well was the icing of the cake.
"Eddie, you've been quiet." Mike pointed out taken notice of the fact that Eddie hasn't chimed in at all during your conversation.
Eddie's eyes jolted a bit at the sound of his name being mentioned..he froze for a second and began speaking. "Uh-I-...sorry I was zoned out..."
"Did you smoke too much?" Gareth snickered making the table laugh as well.
Eddie rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh but secretly his heart fluttered at the fact that you were sitting right across from him...watching and listening.
You were aware that this group apart from Dustin and the rest smoked weed...you even smoked on the occasion. No one knew that apart from Robin and Steve. Your parents would go ballistic if they found out considering they work in the police force.
"So Y/N, we were wondering if you wanted to play with us as we've got a campaign coming up?" Mike suggested to you, making your heart skip a beat.
"Really? I'd love to. When do you guys play?" You questioned, feeling happy to have got invited.
Dustin and Mike asked if you could join them earlier which Eddie accepted loving the idea of you joining, but he didn't let them know his eagerness. 'Yeah sure, it wouldn't hurt to have another member.' He replied with trying to act like his heart wasn't trying to jump out of his chest.
"We play every Wednesday after school!" They replied with happy to hear that you could possibly be joining them.
"O-Okay that works with me." You replied with smiling, finishing your lunch.
Eddie sat across from you, continuing to watch as you ate. He glanced down at his untouched food, but honestly he wasn't really hungry...his focus was all on you...his eyes locked onto yours you ate, studying your features and observing everything about you. He was truly captivated as you were still a mystery to him.
The guys at the table were engrossed in their own conversation, talking amongst themselves all excitedly. While they weren't focussed on you anymore, Eddie secretly continued to watch you, his eyes glued to you as you pulled your notebook out of your bag.
You flipped through the notebook to the page that you needed and took out a pencil to finish your character, your focus being on your task while the guys were still chatting amongst themselves. Meanwhile, Eddie continued to observe your every move intently...his fascination with you growing by the second.
"Wow Y/N that's so awesome!" Dustin said complimenting your art.
"Thank you, I only started it today after a dream I had last night." You truthfully responded.
Dustin seemed fascinated by the fact that you had only started to draw it today. He leaned forward to get a better view, clearly intrigued about what your dream was about that gave you the inspiration to begin this drawing.
You began to explain your dream to him which inspired your character. Dustin suggested you should show it to Eddie as it looked almost complete, Dustin thought it looked amazing. You were a bit hesitant at first, you weren't sure what Eddie would think of the drawing and you suddenly felt self conscious.
You were about to show him when the bell rang signalling that lunch was over. The guys began to pack their stuff and get up from their seats, leaving you to put your things away as well.
To be continued...
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Lucky At Games, Unlucky In Love [One-Shot]
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Summary: You and Eddie have never had the best of luck when it comes to relationships, but what happens when the two of you meet on a double date?
Warnings: swearing, fluff
Eddie never had the best of luck when it came to relationships. Mainly because of his love for Dungeons and Dragons. It started with Michelle. Eddie was supposed to go on a date, but was late because the Hellfire meeting overran. He tried making it up to her. “I’m really sorry,” Eddie began to apologise, while holding a bouquet of flowers. “The meeting got intense and we couldn’t just pause it.” But Michelle wasn’t having any of it. She threw the bouquet at him, before slamming the door in his face and destroying the bouquet.
Then there was Lyndsey. She was nice, but all she wanted to do was make out, and it didn’t help whenever Eddie tried to write his campaign or paint his figurines, or even try and do his homework. Then one day when she kept kissing his face as they sat on the couch, Eddie begged her to stop, as he was trying to write his campaign. “Look, I like affection as much as the next person, but I need to finish this Vecna campaign.” Lyndsey huffed, “Fine! I hope you and Vecna are happy together!” She stormed out of the trailer and never came back.
He thought things would be different when he met Josie. She had joined Hellfire after Spring Break. Not long after, her and Eddie began dating. It was going well...that is until the party lost to Eddie, killing off Josie’s character. “Princess, it’s okay.” Eddie said as he comforted her. “You can still create a new character-“
“No!” Josie sobbed. “I worked really hard on my character!” Although Josie played the game, she didn’t take losing well.
“I quit!”
As she stormed out, Gareth blurted, “And this is why we don’t have girls in Hellfire.”
Erica cleared her throat and glared at Gareth, when Eddie gestured her to hit Gareth, smacking him in the back of the head with her clipboard.
One day, Eddie was doing a deal with Chrissy in the woods. During the exchange, a concerned Chrissy noticed how miserable Eddie was. “Are you okay Eddie?” Chrissy asked. “You don’t seem yourself.” Eddie sighed, before telling her about his failed relationships.
“And I thought Josie was the one. I mean, I had more stuff in common with her than I did with the other girls, but not only did she quit Hellfire, she dumped me, all because I killed off her character.” Eddie groaned, as he hit his head on the picnic table. He then lifted his head up, before saying to her, “Maybe I should just give up on relationships and stay in Wheeler’s basement and play D&D for the rest of my life.”“Come on, Eddie,” Chrissy replied. “There’s somebody out there for you. You just need to keep looking.”
“Yeah, well. Harrington’s dragging me to a double date tonight.” Eddie scoffed, before telling her. “I can’t see that ending well.”
Later that evening, Eddie and Steve were standing outside of Enzo’s, waiting for their dates. “You owe me for this, Harrington,” Eddie said, scratching an itch from the material of the dinner jacket he borrowed from Steve.
“Just remember not to talk about Dungeons and Dragons so much,” Steve told him.
Eddie kept pulling the back of the collar when Steve told him, “Hey! Quit pulling it.”
“Seriously, Steve. What material is this shit?” Eddie huffed as he sorted out his low bun.
Before he could respond, you and your cousin, Carly came around the corner. Carly waved at Steve, whom she had set you up with.“Remember, don’t talk about video games, and don’t play with your handheld when you go to the bathroom...actually, just don’t play with it at all,” Carly told you.
“As long as you don’t flirt too much with your date,” you retorted.
“I swear, if my date leaves me with the bill or sticks his tongue down my throat, I’ll kick off,” you told her.
You haven’t had the best of luck when it came to dating. Mainly because your love for video games. Your friends had set you up on a few dates and most of them ended badly.
First there was Ethan. All he did was talk about himself. He talked so much that you nearly fell asleep during the date. At one point, you had to tell him that you needed to use the restroom, but really, you just wanted five minutes peace to play on your Game & Watch. Then five minutes turned to half an hour. By the time you rushed back, you were left with a hefty bill, which resulted in you staying in the restaurant and wash the dishes so you could pay back what you and Ethan owed.
Then there was Declan. Wasn’t very talkative, but when you started talking about the latest video game, wanting to hear his thoughts about it, he just stuck his tongue down your throat. Your first instinct was to kick him in the shins.
You thought things would be different with Micky. He loved videos games as well, which was perfect, because you didn’t have to worry about talking about gaming constantly. On your second date with him, you went to the arcade. The date went well until you had beaten his high score on Dig Dug, as well as the other games you both played. After your date, you asked him, “So, what do you want to do next time?”
“Nothing,” Micky coldly replied. “I don’t think things are gonna work between us.”
“Why not? I thought things were going great between us.”
“They were, but...”
“But what?”
“I can’t date a girl who keeps beating me at videos games.”
You glared at him, as you told him, while walking away from him, “Fine. Your loss.”
“Hi!” Carly greeted them, as you silently waved at them.
Carly introduced you to Steve.
He gave you a peck on the cheek as he shook your hand. As he let go of your hand, Steve began to introduce Eddie to you both. “This is my friend Eddie.”
As Eddie shook yours and Carly’s hand, you couldn’t help thinking about how handsome he was. Not that you didn’t think Steve wasn’t good looking, but there was just something about Eddie that caught your eye.
“So, shall we go inside?” Steve asked, before you all went inside. Steve went through the door first when Eddie held it for you and Carly.“Thank you,” you said to Eddie, as you smiled at him.
“You’re welcome, Milady,” Eddie replied, as you went inside, with him following you. After Steve asked for a table for the four of you, the waitress grabbed some menus and asked you to follow her. As you made your way to the table, you heard a female voice calling out Eddie’s name.
“Hey Chrissy,” Eddie replied, waving at Chrissy, who was sitting with Jason.
You noticed Chrissy gave him the thumbs up as the four of you got to your table.
You wanted to say that the date was going well, but it was no better than your previous dates. Steve was a nice guy, and it was going well, until he started mentioning his ex girlfriend, Nancy. Every time you talked about something, Steve would mention her. For instance, you talked about an upcoming Tom Cruise movie, something that your cousin told you to talk about. After mentioning it, Steve started going on about the time when he and Nancy dressed up as the main characters from Risky Business. As you tried to listen to him, you turned to Carly, who was twirling her hair, as she blatantly flirted with Eddie. However, you noticed that Eddie was busy scratching his neck to notice the flirting. “Sorry, this jacket’s irritating me,” Eddie said to Carly, as he was about to grab a fork to scratch the itch, which grossed Carly and Steve out.
“I’ve got some cream if you need it,” you told him, stopping him from using the fork, before you grabbed your bag from the floor. Eddie thanked you, as you took out a few bits, including your handheld until you found what you were looking for. You passed him the tube of Aloe Vera cream, before putting everything back in your bag. For a split second, you almost forgot to put your handheld away. You quickly put in your bag, before Eddie gave the cream back to you after applying it to his itchy skin. As you put it back, Steve, who noticed the handheld before, began to ask you, “So, uh...you like video games?”
“Yeah, I’m currently playing Donkey Kong.” You replied enthusiastically. “But Dungeons and Dragons is one of my-Ow!”
You felt something kick your leg. You realised that Carly was the one who kicked you, as you saw her shaking her head. You cleared your throat, telling him coolly, “Yeah, I...I like them.”
“Wait,” Eddie began to speak with his mouth full. He swallowed his food, before asking you. “Did you just say Dungeons and Dragons?” You nodded, before telling him. “It’s one of my favourite electronic games.”
“I’ve got the handheld too. It’s pretty good, but you can’t beat the good old tabletop game.”
“I’ve never played the actual tabletop game before.”
“Well, we have a club for D&D called Hellfire...”
“Here we go.” Steve muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes, as Eddie explained to you about Hellfire.
“You should come and play with us sometime,” Eddie continued to speak.
“Yeah, I’ll definitely consider it,” you told him.
Throughout the date, you and Eddie kept talking about Dungeons and Dragons, as well as games and music, even talking about his band, Corroded Coffin. The two of you spoke for such a long time that you didn’t notice that Carly and Steve were no longer at the table.“Where did they go?” Eddie asked.
“I’ll check in the bathroom for Carly,” you replied. “I’ll see if Steve’s around too.” You quickly got up and went to the bathroom.
You called out her name as you checked the cubicles, when you opened one door and caught Carly and Steve making out.
“Woah!” You exclaimed, turning around and covering your eyes. “Woah, okay.”
As Carly and Steve composed themselves, you said, as you were walking out, “Don’t mind me, you two carry on.”
You tittered as you made your way to your table. As you sat down, Eddie looked around, while eating some garlic bread. “Where are they?” He asked with his mouth full.
“Let’s just say, they’re...preoccupied right now.” You snickered.
Eddie started choking on his bread, hearing what you said.
“Sorry,” you apologised, as you poured a glass of water for him. Eddie silently shook his head, before taking a sip. He caught his breath, before telling you, “It’s okay, sweetheart.”He then cleared his throat, before asking you, “When you say ‘preoccupied’, you...?”
“They’re making out in the bathroom.”
Eddie blinked before replying, “Shit, that’s awkward. Both our dates ditching us to make out.”
“It doesn’t bother me to be honest,” you confessed. “I didn’t even want to go on this date in the first place.”
“Wait? You didn’t want to go on this date either?”
“No,” you giggled whilst shaking your head. “Carly forced me to go on this date.”
“I get it,” Eddie guffawed, “Harrington practically dragged me to this date.”
The pair of you laughed, before Eddie looked around and asked you, “Hey, um...Do you want a ride home?”
“What? And ditch them?” You asked.
“Well, they ditched us first.”
“True,” you laughed, before telling him, “Yeah, thanks.”
You both got out of your chairs, before Eddie took off his dinner jacket, leaving it behind on the chair. You began walking to the door when Eddie opened it for you, letting you leave first. On the way home, you and Eddie were talking about your previous relationships. “Seriously? I can’t believe the guy got pissed off because you beat him at some games,” Eddie told you.
“I still can’t get over the fact that the last girl you were with dumped you for killing off her character,” you replied. “It’s not like you sacrificed her cat or something.”
A moment later, you both had reached your house. “Thanks for the lift,” you said, as you took out your house key from your bag.“Anytime Sweetheart,” Eddie replied. “I’ll let you out.”
Eddie got out of the van and opened the door for you.After he helped getting you down, he made his way back to the driver’s seat when you asked him, “Hey! Do you want to come in and hang out for a bit? Maybe play a couple of games or you could teach me how to play Dungeons and Dragons properly?”
Eddie grinned at you, replying, “Yeah, sure.”
You smiled as you both walked to your door.
Ever since that night, you two became good friends. Eddie taught you how to play Dungeons and Dragons, and you would join the Hellfire meetings from time to time when you weren’t working. He even accompanied you to the arcade. He would often take the younger Hellfire members, as well as his neighbour, Max there, but he had an excuse to stay and play with you. The boys would often tease their Dungeon Master when he played with you. Once, you and Eddie were playing Space Invaders, and he kept tickling you while you were beating him. “Eddie! That’s cheating!” You cackled, as he continued to tickle you, while back hugging you.
“If you really want to distract her, just kiss her,” Dustin chuckled as he stood next to Max, who was in the middle of playing Dig Dug.
“Don’t put ideas into his head, Dustin,” you told him as Eddie had let go of you, before you continued to play the game.
During those two months, you enjoyed each other’s company, even if Eddie was just writing a campaign and you were playing on your Game & Watch, while you both talked about various things, including Eddie’s upcoming gigs as well as your work.
One day, you were sitting on your bed, playing your Dungeons and Dragons handheld game when Eddie had put down his campaign book, asking you, “Can I have a go now?”
“In a minute,” you replied, concentrating on the maze.
“Oh come on, you said that half an hour ago,” Eddie whined.
“You can play one of my other handhelds if you need a break from campaign writing.”
You were focusing on the game when Eddie started tickling you, making you squeal.
“Eddie, no! Let me finish and then you can have it!” You both chuckled, as Eddie tackled you on the bed.
You moved your handheld away so he couldn’t grab it, when suddenly, Eddie fell on top of you. Your laughters died down, as Eddie moved his head to face you. You both gazed at each other when Eddie leaned down to kiss you. At first, it took you by surprise. But, you shut your eyes, letting him carry on kissing you. You were so deep into the kiss, that you didn’t notice Eddie moving his hands up to yours, reaching for your game. As he got hold of the game, he broke off the kiss, and gave you a smug smile, before getting up with the game in his hand.
“You-“ You began to speak. But you stopped and giggled. As Eddie triumphantly continued to play the game, you grabbed one of your other games and started playing it. However, after that kiss, you couldn’t focus on playing.
A couple of weeks had passed since that kiss. You noticed that Eddie didn’t touch you anymore. You wanted to know why. You also wanted to know why he kissed you, if he did it just to get to your game or if there was something more, but you never had a chance to. Until one day, when you were hanging out with Eddie at his trailer. He was sitting at his desk, painting one of his figurines while you were sitting on his bed, playing Donkey Kong. However, you couldn’t concentrate on the game.You had put down the handheld and rubbed your eyes, when Eddie turned around to look at you, noticing that you weren’t playing.“You okay, sweetheart?” He asked with a concerned look on his face. You nodded, before replying, “Yeah, I’m just bored of playing I guess.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows, as he said, “You? Bored of playing games? That’s not like you. You haven’t been possessed by the Mind Flayer, have you?” Eddie chuckled, when he noticed your vacant expression. He got off his chair and squatted in front of you, feeling your forehead to check your temperature, “You’re not getting sick, are you?” He asked.
“No, I’m not,” you replied, as you gently moved his hand away.
“Well...” He cleared his throat before asking you. “Do you...want to help me paint? Or, I can read you some of my new material for my campaign-“
“Why did you kiss me?” You interjected.
Eddie silently gazed at you, before asking you, “What?”
“A couple of weeks ago, you kissed me. Why?”
“Well because I...” Eddie bit his lip, and stood up, before he sat back on his chair. He sighed, before replying, “I don’t know.”
He turned back to his figurines, when you replied, “What? You don’t know?”
You huffed, before continuing to speak, “Eddie, you don’t kiss someone and say you don’t know. I’m not sure if you did it to distract me or if you wanted to. These past two weeks I’ve been feeling so confused. You don’t even hug or touch me anymore.”
Eddie winced as you continued to ask him, “I mean, what are we exactly?”
“We’re friends,” Eddie coldly, without looking at you. “Just friends.”
You felt your heart break, as you quietly repeated, “Just friends?”
You tearfully gazed at him, watching him paint one of the figurines. Eddie sighed, as he continued to paint when he heard the front door slam. He turned to the bed, finding you’ve left. There was nothing left of you in his room, except your game. He got up from his chair and walked over to the bed, picking up the handheld. He groaned, as he asked himself, “Jesus Munson, why couldn’t you just tell her?”
A moment later, you entered your home, and dropped your bag on the floor. You were wiping your tears when you were startled by Carly and Steve, who were in sitting in the living room, watching a movie. They both turned to greet you when Carly asked, “Are you okay?” You silently ran upstairs and ran into your room.
“I’ll go and check on her,” Carly told Steve, as she lightly patted his thigh. Carly got up and was halfway up the stairs when the bell rang. She went back down the stairs and opened the door, finding Eddie standing outside, with the handheld in his hand. He asked her if you were in. Carly folded her arms, replying, “She’s just come in. In tears.”
A guilty Eddie bit his lip, as she asked him, “Did it have something to do with you?”
“I need to see her.”
“Maybe she doesn’t want to see you-“
“Please...just let me talk to her.”
Carly sighed, before telling him, “You know where her room is.”
Eddie thanked her, as he ran upstairs. When he reached your door, he gently knocked on it, before opening it when he heard you say, “Leave me alone, Carly. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Eddie looked around the room, seeing where your voice was coming from. “Sweetheart?” He called out.
You poked your head up from the other side of bed, wiping your tears. “What you doing here?” You asked.
Eddie waved his hand, holding the handheld as he replied. “You left it on my bed.”
You turned away from him, resting your chin on your knees, when you heard the bed squeak. Eddie sat down on the end of the bed, as he placed your handheld on it, nearer to you, before apologising, “I’m sorry for what I said, sweetheart.”
“What, for saying that we’re just friends?” You retorted. “That’s all we are, right?”
“We are, but...I don’t want us to be just friends. I wanted to be more than that.”
Your eyes widened, as you turned to him. “What?”
Eddie sighed, as he sat on the floor next to you before confessing, “I don’t know what came over me that day. It just...happened. At first, I did it to distract you so I could grab your game. But ever since then, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I wanted to say something before, but-“
Eddie paused as you silently gazed at him. He sighed, as he scratched his head before telling you, “We both know that we haven’t had the best of luck when it comes to dating, and knowing that I’m falling in love with you, it scares the shit out of me, because I didn’t want to ruin what we have. I just...” Eddie huffed, before confessing, “I don’t want to lose you.”
You started to process what he had confessed, when Eddie suddenly got up from the floor, as he told you, “I’ll see myself out.” Eddie walked up to the door and put his hand on the handle, when you got up off the floor and called out, “Eddie, wait!”
Eddie turned to face you, when you rushed up to him. You then cupped his face and passionately kissed him. Eddie gasped, as you moved your hands to wrap your arms around his neck. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around your waist, as he reciprocated. You moved backwards whilst kissing him, bringing him to your bed. You laid back on the bed while Eddie straddled you, as he deepened the kiss when he accidentally kicked your handheld off the bed. You both broke off the kiss, looking where the handheld landed. “Shit,” Eddie muttered, before telling you as he was about to get off the bed, “Sorry, I’ll go and get it-“
“No no, leave it,” you panted, as you cupped his face again, pulling him in for another kiss. Eddie spun you, so that you were on top of him. You both moaned as you continued to kiss. You were so lost in the kiss that you didn’t listen to Carly calling for you, “Are you okay in there? I heard crashing-Oh!”
You and Eddie broke off the kiss, looking over to your door, seeing Carly standing in the doorway, with her head turned away from you both. Carly cleared her throat, before asking, “I take it that you two have reconciled?”
You buried your face into Eddie’s neck, trying to hold back your laughter. “I’ll leave you guys alone,” Carly told you, before leaving your room, closing the door behind her. After she left, you and Eddie giggled for a moment, before Eddie softly asked you, “So, where were we?” You giggled, before he leaned towards you to kiss you again.
After that day, you and Eddie had decided to give the relationship a try. You still hung out like normal, but you were able to kiss whenever you wanted, as long as you weren’t distracting Eddie from his campaign writing. The same applied to Eddie so he wouldn’t distract your game playing. You even had arranged date nights playing Dungeons and Dragons. There had been times that Eddie would kill off your characters during your D&D dates. However, that didn’t make you love him less. “I’m starting to run out of character ideas. At this rate, you’ll end up dating Tiamat,” you joked as you wrote on your character sheet, while sitting on Eddie’s lap, as he kept kissing your shoulder and neck. There were even times when you had beaten him at various video games, Eddie would bow down to you, constantly praising you, “How can a guy be proud of his girlfriend beating him at a video game?” You both heard Keith say, as he walked past you both at the arcade one time. You both brushed off the comment, as you both carried on playing Dragon’s Lair.
Even when Eddie was late for your dinner dates, due to the Hellfire meetings overrunning, you were never mad at him. “Sweetheart, I am so sorry that the meeting overran,” Eddie apologised, as he came inside your house one time, holding a bouquet in his hand. “I should’ve called you-“ You smiled and silenced him by kissing him. After you pulled away, you took the bouquet from him, thanking him for them. “I just need to boil the vegetables and then I can dish the dinner up,” you told him, before finding a vase for the flowers.
After you filled the vase with water and added the flowers, you placed it on the table and made your way back to kitchen to started boiling the vegetables. You were getting the plates and cutlery ready when you felt Eddie’s arms around your waist, hugging you from the back. You smiled, as you felt Eddie resting his chin on your shoulder, hearing him say softly, “How did I get so lucky?”
You softly chuckled, “You ask me that every time, Eddie.” You both laughed before you turned to him to give him a tender kiss. You turned your attention back to the vegetables, as you asked him, “Can you help set the table for me please?”
“Anything for you, sweetheart,” Eddie replied, as he leaned forward to kiss you, before grabbing the cutlery.
After you had finished dinner, Eddie offered to do the washing up, After he had finished washing, drying and putting everything away in the cupboards and drawers, you grabbed a D20 dice from the table and gave to him. “Okay, Eddie the Banished. Roll for a dessert,” you told him.
Eddie chuckled, as he shook the dice in his hand and threw it on the counter. The dice fell onto the floor and slowly stopped rolling. You kneeled down and checked what he had rolled. You looked up and smiled, as you told him, “Twenty.”
You picked up the dice, and stood up, as you asked a gloating Eddie, “So, what do you fancy for dessert tonight?”
“Well, there’s something...” Eddie cheekily began to reply, before he leaned forward and hungrily kissed you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, when he grabbed your buttocks, lifting you up. You squealed as Eddie carried you upstairs, taking you to your room.
Almost four years later, the two of you were still together. Every year on your anniversary, you and Eddie would have dinner at Enzo’s, something that he would save up money for. However, he had decided to take you there a couple of months earlier than your actual anniversary. “Eddie, this is lovely, but you do realise that our anniversary isn’t for another two months, right?” You asked him, as you both were having your meal.
“I know, sweetheart,” Eddie replied. “But I thought we could celebrate something else.”
You gasped, before asking him, “Did Corroded Coffin finally get a record deal?”
“I wish,” Eddie chuckled, before replying, “Nah, it’s actually four years since we first met. Do you remember?”
“How could I forget?” You giggled. “It seemed like only yesterday that I caught Carly and Steve making out in the ladies.”
Eddie chuckled, before telling you, “Yeah, but if they hadn’t ditched us, I wouldn’t have got to know you more.”
You smiled, as a nervous Eddie asked, “Sweetheart, you know that every year since we got together, that I would save up for us to come here and you would save up for our vacations?”
“Yeah?” You looked at Eddie with confusion, when Eddie confessed, “Well...this wasn’t the only thing that I saved up for.”
Eddie rummaged through his jacket pocket and took out a small jewellery box, as he got up from his chair and suddenly got down on one knee.
“Holy shit,” you gasped, as you clapped your hand on your mouth, trying not to cry.
Eddie said your full name, while he opened up the box, revealing a diamond ring inside, before he asked you, “Will you marry me?”
You sobbed, as you nodded. “Yes, I will.” You leaned forward to kiss Eddie, as you heard other customers in the restaurant clap and cheer for you both.
You and Eddie never had the best of luck when it came to dating other people, but your luck had definitely changed after finding each other.
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