#I want to see Kaito suffer more
tubbytarchia · 2 years
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arl-the-beloved · 9 months
Kaito having red eyes after he "broke" Pandora cause it needed a physical item to latch on to but now every time Kaito cries, his tears are the elixer of immortality
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detshin · 2 months
uhm, how exactly will gosho develop the cousin thing in the manga.
I mean, I wouldn't know, honestly. What goes on in the mind of that man only he knows (and sometimes I doubt even that).
My opinion under the
Personally, I've already stated many times that it's a trope I've liked and headcanoned for a long while now, and it's not like it's COMPLETELY out of the blue. The whole "they look the same" is a big factor, there have been references to them having some sort of "ancestor" in common, the Toichi and Yusaku tease was already there in the childhood case of Shinichi (where Toichi appeared and called Shinichi big bro btw 👀) and there was a time long ago that Gosho said something about it in an interview and that it was going to be talked about.
Anyway, point is, I could see this going in different ways. I would LOVE to see this being explored and dealt with nicely and seriously, but my hopes for that are low. He'll either just have it mentioned and never more explored or talked about (like with akemi and akai), or maybe in the mk manga now to talk about Toichi, I don't know?
Because honestly, I feel like people are getting hung up on the cousins thing and are forgetting about the confirmation of what we all have been fearing and it's that Toichi is indeed alive and both of Kaito's parents suck ass. And what scares me is the possibility of it being comedic or Kaito being okay with it or something when he deserves to have that be explored. He became a criminal because of it! And his parents know and aren't doing ANYTHING!
I've said this before, MK is not as shits and giggles as it seems. Story is pretty darn dark if you think about it. Kaito is one of if not THE most solitary (lonely) character of the dcmk universe. He is not as the fandom tends to represent him sometimes. That's not Kaito. The over the top, flirty, pompous one is Kid. It's a mask. A facade. Kaito is not like that, he is just a teen who is struggling to make real connections with people and who is terrified of being found out as a criminal and cannot for the life of him let people IN because they'll see right through him and whose "dead" dad taught him NOT TO SHOW HIS EMOTIONS.
Kaito NEEDS some support. Jii alone is not enough. His own parents have lied to him his entire life and he's constantly alone, grieving for something that is not real. He has Aoko, but he CAN'T let her in completely for obvious reasons. Hakuba's there, but same thing. And I'm sorry but Akako I don't really think counts either, he actively seems not to really even like her or whatever...
MY POINT IS. If Kaito can get some new family members that could support him... Why refuse it, no? I'm not talking about Yusaku because he's also been keeping him in the dark and all and hasn't really seemed to do anything about it. But Yukiko (yes I'm choosing to believe she's also oblivious to Kaito being put in that situation) and Shinichi? Oh, those two could do wonders for someone like Kaito, in my opinion. Because Yukiko is Yukiko (she was born to be the cool aunt), and Shinichi is... Well... Shinichi. He could understand Kaito and actively show him support and help. They COULD be amazing as family.
Now it's all just a matter of... Does Gosho WANT to go that deep into this? Or is he going to continue to disregard Kaito's suffering and not give him anyone to lean on?
Anyway, cousins Kaito and Shinichi rule!
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thequietkid-moonie · 9 months
Their cheerful friend says that they want to be dead
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Hanako, Shuichi, Ishida ]
[ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun ] [ Danganronpa V3 Killing Harmony ] [ A silent voice ]
⚠️ Hidden depression, masking the true feelings and even denying them
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I don't know if I had said this before but I been suffering depression for a really long time and I used it to hide it even from me, i used to smile all the time! So much that now I hate my smile
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Hanako is a really friendly and cheerful person, as long as you don't talk about sensitive topics or try to have problems with him he doesn't have reasons to don't be your friend
Since you yourself are pretty cheerful and friendly you two just match energy and can easily light up the room with your attitude, sometimes playing some jokes to each other or even others from time to time
However being happy all the time could be unhealthy and Hanako knows really well how it is to put a smile in your face and hide all the sadness and negative feelings from the world, he won't acuse you for it right away but there are some things that make him think that it could be something wrong, such as an extreme happiness or not being bothered by the problems in a not so healthy way
As much as Hanako likes your cheerful personality he can't help but feel nervous about it, however he constantly tells himself that is alright and he is probably only overthinking
He end up hearing you say that you want to be dead by accident, maybe he just over heard you when you were just talking to yourself while approaching to you, or maybe it was a slip from you for feeling really comfortable around him, in any case just by hearing those words he is shocked, he didn't expected this, or, at least, he didn't wanted it to be true
He is so shocked by your words that Hanako can't say anything, he just stand there looking directly at you while a quiet "what" escapes from his lips, if you see him and try to brush it off as a joke he will agree but is obvious that the thought haven't leave his head, however if you try to come up with a excuse or play innocent is more probably that he confront you right away
In any case, soon or later, he will talk to you about it, this is something really serious and it isn't common for people to talk about wanting to be dead for no reason, he will talk to you about it alone because this is serious and he will talk from his own point of view as a ghost, as someone who is already dead and, most important, as someone who had taken his own life
He understand if you don't want to talk about this with him or that you don't feel ready to said it out loud, he even understand if you aren't ready to even accept it to yourself but he can't just let this grow or let you all alone to handle it when he can do something to help you, so he will insist on talking to you. The more you try to avoid the topic or insist that is nothing the more desperate he grows, even reaching a point where he is being really pushy but is talking from his heart
Hanako won't force you to talk about this with anyone else but suggest on searching for help, even if is just asking him to be a shoulder to cry or someone to vent with he will be more than happy to do it
After this he will be paying more attention on you, he try to don't be too obvious but to don't let you alone, he continue being your cheerful friend but is constantly checking on you, directly or indirectly. Hanako even start to have little details with you that shows that he cares for you a lot and that he want you to be safe
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Shuichi Saihara
Shuichi is more the type to be quiet and go unnoticed, however with the help of his friends he grew more open and confident of himself so that could help for you two to be friends too
For him your cheerful personality isn't strange, he is already used to Kaito's loud personality and Kaede's optimism so it doesn't take him long to get used or to like your cheerful attitude, is pretty plesesnt and even funny having you around
However, Shuichi is observant and perseptive, he can notice things others don't and, even if you try your hardest to hide it or even aren't aware of it, is just matter of time for him to notice the little hints of the true feelings you hide behind that smile you always have, and he grows incredibly worried by it
At first Shuichi tells himself that is nothing, he was probably overthinking or drawing illogical conclusions and he tries to shake it out of his mind, although the bad feeling doesn't really go away and, even when he doesn't want to he can't help but pay more close attention to you, just wanting to make sure everything is alright with you
Getting to heard you say that you want to be dead it could be by accident or not, maybe he was just passing by in a wrong moment or maybe he was trying to find clues about what are you feeling when he had overheard you, but at the end it doesn't matter much how he get to heard you, he did and that is the important
This is something shocking, he never thought you will be feeling so bad that you actually think on dying, he can comprehend feeling down but he had never actually thought on death before (or at least never took it seriously) and knowing that you do make him feel uneasy, he wants to help you but he can't even put his mind in order to be able to say something (if you found him right after hearing you he will try his hardest to come up with an excuse, a terrible one actually)
He need and will think about this whole thing for a little while, your words repeat over and over again in his mind, pressuring him, making him feel like he has to do something and has to do it now, and yet he won't talk to you until he had clarified his mind (at least a little) because he wants to do this right
When he finally confront you he, first of all, apologize for overhearing you but quickly express his concern, he doesn't say more than the necesary about his worries since he doesn't want you to feel obligate to talk or judged, but he leaves clear that he is worried and he is here for you, you can rely on him or in your other friends, he is sure they will be happy to help you
If you aren't even aware of your own feelings he will try his best to help you realize it (probably slowly), he doesn't want to be pushy but this is something serious, if, deep down, you really wish dead is better to take care of those feelings now
He will offer his help, even if he can't do much he still offer you do the little he can do for you, as well he will constantly looking after you, unconsciously paying close attention to you. Shuichi knows pretty well how it is to feel depressed but also knows what is like having friends that help you grow, and that is what he want to be for you, he is determinated to help you because he apreciate you and care for you, he wants to see you smile, but with a sincere smile, one that is from true happiness
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Shoya Ishida
It would take Ishida a while to accept the fact that you two are friends, is just that it had been so long since the last time he had someone who he can consider his friend that he doesn't know what to do or even if he deserve it
Your cheerful and undying smile makes Ishida nervous but at the same time it make him feel more at easy sometimes, sometimes he is troubled by it because it could be a little too much (for how new is for him) but other times make him feel like is okay for him to relax and accept the friendship
Ishida sometimes wonder how you can be so cheerful and happy all the time, but he doesn't doubt you or question you for it, he just wonder, also that is why he could be easily tricked if you shows hints of not feeling really well but just brush it off, he prefers to don't say anything about it and just agree with you
However, the more he get to see or notice those hints of you actually don't feeling well the more he worries, at first he tries to don't think further on it, saying to himself that he is probably just overthinking or seeing things where there are none, but not matter what the worry persist
The moment he get to heard that you want to be dead is really shocking for him, he understand that feeling but it never crossed his mind the posibility of someone so cheerful as you, someone so different of him, could ever think something like that, let alone wish it. It doesn't matter if he overheard it or it slips from your lips for feeling comfortable with him
Ishida can't believe what he had just heard, or at least doesn't want to accept it, he is even doubting himself, wondering if he had heard you right and will try to convince himself that it isn't true if you come up with an excuse, however the thought of it will stuck in his mind for a long time
You are his friend and he cares a lot for you that is why he wants to help you, although he has no idea of what to do and will be pretty akward around you the next days, like if he is trying to say something but is embarrassed of it, until he finally manage to buld up the courage to talk to you about this (and yet he is being pretty nervous about it), saying that he had heard what you said but clarify that he doesn't judge you, he is just worried
He doesn't know much what to do to help you so he offer you to give you his fully support and learn together what to do in this situation, even admiting that he had wished the same in the past
Is pretty obvious how he tries to pay more attention to you and be more obvious with how he cares for you, constantly asking you how are you feeling and offers his help and to be a shoulder to cry
With time Ishida will grow a little more comfortable with the topic and he will be able to help you in ways that are more subtle but significant, and probably suggest to search for profesional help together
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kr-han · 6 months
White Rascals is Rocky's Coping Mechanism
My favorite character might be Cobra, but I have a soft spot for Rocky. Why? Rocky is the only SWORD's leader with clear childhood background. It's a personal thing for me because I'm studying child education including behavior, development, psychology, and so on; I could see how his childhood affect his personal trait as an adult.
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You might hear it before but, yes, our childhood really affect how we act as an adult now. With a clear background in the plot, I could see it clearer than any other characters. It helps me understand him as a person. He's a fictional man, that's right, I couldn't deny that, but it's fun to learn about people.
Now, I'm going to try to elaborate how to understand his character. Disclaimer that English isn't my first language and I'm not fluent. I might have grammar errors, but I hope you could still understand what I'm trying to say.
So, let's go.
Rocky came from a broken family with an abusive and alcoholic father. His father abused his mom, sister, and I bet he himself too. It was hard for them. At the end of the day, his mom and sister committed to something I don't need to say. A whole fandom knew it already.
He was in elementary school, too young to look at the scene, and it must traumatize him. Although, he might didn't understand it. With his experiences and what happened to both his mom and sister which he loves dearly, he has a new goal: to save women. So that women don't have to suffer. So that no more women suffering like his mom and sister. He did it on behalf of them.
Coming from abusive father, his trauma might lead him to be someone just like or unlike his father at all. There's no in between. The good thing is, he is a polar opposite of his father. He devoted himself for the sake of women's well-being.
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I bet his mom is so sweet towards him despite the abuse she received probably every time his dad was around. Look at them, they're so cute.
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This scene is so sad. I don't need to elaborate anything. But when you're born into a dystopian city, being strong is a must. That's how to thrive.
Another thing that we need to highlight is where he grew up to be an adult. Needless to say, I assume with how his mom and sister died and the fact that his father is not capable to raise a child, he grew in orphanage. Perhaps.
He respects women, but he didn't really know how to treat women before. I mean, we can take a look on S2E06 when he immediately stops when he found out that Kizzy is a transwoman, and they went to save other women from Doubt.
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I mean, he grabbed women's wrist aggressively even though he said that he doesn't hit women (like his father), and Kizzy stopped him. I have a head canon that Kizzy has to lecture him on how to treat women.
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With Rocky, Kizzy, and Kaito (I might have to write about Kizzy and Kaito later), White Rascals was born. Anyway, this is how Koo reacted when Rocky told him about his past.
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The wound, the trauma, would still be fresh for him no matter how much time has passed. He needs therapy, for real. Please go seek some professional help. I beg you.
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But maybe, that's how Rocky cope with his trauma. He saves women, while he wishes he could save his mom and sister. He saves women, as he keeps remember about his mom and sister. He doesn't want any other women end up like his mom and sister.
White Rascals is his coping mechanism.
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woesunf · 1 month
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I know I keep posting abt cards but I literally can’t stop thinking about it or else I’m going to trip out 😭
I love this set a lot, it’s probably one of my fav niigo perms.
Ok so I can’t stop thinking about this analysis I saw on twitter right after samsa event came out (that I cannot find for the life of me)
And idk if it common knowledge so I just want to info dump :b
So basically this set is how Mafumom views niigo.
Kanade as someone who is trying to “keep her daughter away from her”
This one particularly makes sense since she actually met Kanade, and they’re whole convo (you can just read immiscible discord if you want to know I’m not debriefing 😭)
Mizuki and Ena are a bit more different since she’s never actually met either of them, she’s spoken with Ena on the phone, but she doesn’t know Ena is her “music friend” (since she lied to her)
Ena is shown to be sitting on a school desk with messy books and papers everywhere.
This is saying pretty much mafumom views niigo as a waste of time, or juvenile behavior, a distraction pretty much.
Ok so mizukis card relates to their identity as a transfem, their sleeves are rainbow on the inside, and they’re luring what we can assume is mafuyu, into a candy store, which candy is a commonly used for luring and kidnapping young children (at least in concept)
Basically mafumom is homophobic and thinks niigo will make her daughter a homosexual (😭)
Considering how, honestly I believe transparent, sekai is with mizukis identity as transfem, and how transphobia is commonly shown in the story, I think it’s very easy to imagine that’s what this card is referencing.
I mean come on the sleeves are rainbow 😭 that’s the only rainbow in this whole set
I love how sinister the cards make the niigo members look, I wish they made kanade a bit more sinister, but what can we do ig.
I just now had a thought about kaitos card hold up.
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Ok so Kaito.
I actually don’t have a reference point for this it just popped into my brain.
Kaito is the embodiment of Mafuyu’s anger and frustration toward her situation and possibly herself.
In this card he’s shown holding his face and death staring at the pov of the viewer, which I will say is mafumom bc I can 🤷‍♀️
However you can see he is upset, he’s not doing anything.
He’s sitting there.
(Also dam his body tea fr 😭)
So what I thought was perhaps mafumom was able to see her daughter suffering (obviously) but she knows she won’t do anything to her or about it.
Anyway yeah that’s all I got.
This set (next to bug set) changed my brain chemistry.
On the topic, I looked at Mafuyu’s bug card and it transported me back to that summer so insanely.
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dumping-ideas · 8 months
hihi!! i've been wondering whether tsukasa had known the sekai existed like wayy before the wxs main story (but he forgot abt it for some reason) idk mainly bc of the vs version of 88☆彡?? it really seemed like miku and kaito were singing to tsukasa (or younger tsukasa) maybe the sekai had been formed when tsukasa was only a child when he was suffering from loneliness and kaito and miku kept him company then!! just wanna hear your thoughts (,, . ̫. ,,)
I'm sorry for the late reply! (/□\*)
Nothing has been confirmed about when a sekai is created (including wonderland sekai), but it's a popular fancanon in both EN and JP fandom (that I also agree with) that wonderland sekai is created since Tsukasa was young. And 88☆彡 is also added as another evidence like you said. And I also agree that they want to snuggle the lonely Tsukasa with warmth just like Tsukasa did with Saki and Toya (and later on WxS)
Anyway, I agree with you that 88☆彡 is a song from WxS!Miku and WxS!KAITO for Tsukasa, both the younger and older him (because I think Tsukasa still had some "habits" from his childhood). Well, my headcanon is WxS!Miku is the imaginary childhood friend, a cheerful and fun big sister to cheer up young Tsukasa. When Saki's hospitalization keep getting longer and Tsukasa felt the absence of their parents more (specifically middle school), WxS!KAITO appeared as the imaginary adult proxy, a gentle and dependable big brother that young Tsukasa admired to be (because WxS!KAITO appeared at the half-end of the song).
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The shot of Miku standing alone before a lone piano and empty theater hall in the beginning is shown with the lyrics of "You smile/laugh". It kinda feels like Miku is seeing the old lonely Tsukasa, isn't it? I think I have written in this blog before how the piano is a symbolism/metaphor of the loneliness and sadness Tsukasa felt. And just like Tsukasa, Miku is the "pierrot" who never wavers to make everyone smile. Even if there was no one to hear her music, she could keep smiling.
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Another shot of the VS' backs, but this time Miku isn't alone! It feels like with age and experience, Tsukasa's world has expanded. And with it, another VS appears--KAITO, the troupe leader that embodies who Tsukasa wants to be. The lyrics "This isn't enough, right?"/"Of course, it's not." / "He can go further, right?" Just feels like the both of them have a conversation that wonderland sekai will keep expanding and they'll be watching over it with anticipation.
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But the piano is still standing alone in an empty theater hall, so Miku the pierrot brought KAITO the chairman to that place. Now we see KAITO to be the one to play that piano, to fill the emptiness and the silence just like Miku did. The older Tsukasa didn't want nor need Miku's childish tricks anymore to cheer him up anymore. He needed guidance and advice from a reliable older figure to move forward towards his dream. The stage is brighter, yet the seats are still empty like it was before. While we were shown how Miku smiled when she heard KAITO's, KAITO's face wasn't shown here, unlike Miku. I wonder if he could smile as well... What did he feel about the hidden loneliness and melancholy? KAITO embodies Tsukasa's feeling to keep moving forward, so I wonder...
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When we see his expression when he's playing the piano, he's smiling. However, the piano isn't in the dark theater hall anymore--it's in the middle of the colorful world that was born from Tsukasa's feelings. In Dazzling Stage, Tsukasa remembered his how lonely and sad he felt, yet he brought out those feelings to be able to reach for his dreams. No wonder we can see KAITO smiling here. He's happy that Tsukasa's loneliness isn't tucked away somewhere no one could see anymore. Tsukasa has grown enough to realize that he needed those feelings in his world.
And then this sequence appeared.
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All this time, Miku is always shown to be smiling. Whether she's alone, with KAITO, or seeing how the balloons fly freely to the sky, there's always a smile on her face. Yet the only time she's not smiling, the time her "pierrot" act breaks is because she's surprised that something that she's been "waiting for" finally "makes an appearance". And then she smiles again. There's always a fragile happiness to her smiles all throughout the MV, but her smile at the end is at first gentle, carrying a feeling of "he'll be okay", and then joy as she reached out her hand for the sun and the bright future now that those loneliness and pain are freed from isolation.
Just compare that sequence and the sequence with the same lyrics.
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She smiles when she knows whoever she has been waiting for makes an appearance, but the shot is kinda blurry---not everything has been in the open yet. The future was still filled with so much uncertainty. After all, she and the piano are still alone in that theater hall. But it's fine. When she opens her eyes, the shot isn't blurry anymore. She's the pierrot, so she can keep smiling even though the light that she reached out for were artificial... Only an imitation of the brightness of a blue sky.
...But talking about WxS!Miku song and its relations to Tsukasa, did you know about the the songs in SEKAI no Oto? Showtime x Audience is the WxS!Miku's image song and there are some interesting lines in it that maybe kinda hinted that Wonderland SEKAI has been around for a lot longer, one of them are the 2nd chorus (with a kinda rough translation):
最初っから全部わかってたのに 思い知らされて (Even though [I] know from the beginning, [I was] reminded)
一緒に面白がってくれた友達も “卒業”して居なくなった ([of] the friends who shared their fun together and has "graduated" and gone too)
続けることが一番難しくて 諦めたこと、たくさんあるよ ([I] have given up on a lot of things because keep going on is the most difficult [thing] to do)
後悔する時間もないステージだ (This is a stage where there is no time for regret)
It's a song about Tsukasa obviously, which I think span across from before the main story to Sky's Edge/Phoenix, but what of the friends who "graduated" and gone? Thinking of the song, this part is probably related to Dazzling Stage, and we know that it's the closest event where we know (a part) of Tsukasa's struggle in the past.
Most likely the things that Tsukasa used to make a show for Saki. I still didn't understand how he "had given up a lof of things to keep moving forward", but maybe because remembering them too much is painful?
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Some of the things in that sekai are the things Tsukasa had forgotten about like Usa-chan, some of the posters, and most notably the song the flowers like to sing that KAITO had said to be important for Tsukasa but when Nene asked him he said he didn't remember. He did remember some things, but there are also things that he had no clue about. So where did his strong feelings are related to those things came from? Well, the most probable answer is his childhood.
He was surprised at first when he remembered Usa-chan, but when he remembered some of the things in sekai he didn't look and sound surprised anymore, he was... upset? Definitely an unusual reaction. But it also tracks with the next line about how he "didn't have time for regret". It somehow tracks with how he forgot how lonely and sad he felt back in middle school and focused on wishing Saki to get well soon and cheering her up. He "gave up" on feeling lonely (among many things) so he could keep moving forward. Maybe the items in his sekai are related to those he need to discard to be able to presevere back in middle school.
L/N still remembered how some of the items in their SEKAI are related to their fond childhood memories together, so no wonder those items were there in Classroom SEKAI. But Tsukasa didn't. The most likely thing is that young Tsukasa cherished those things so much so they appeared in wonderland SEKAI but as he got older he forgot about them. The older Tsukasa clearly didn't have strong feelings for them anymore, so it's unlikely those items just appeared when he's a high schooler.
(My headcanon is that the plushies and other items/song keep Tsukasa company, but because those things reminded him of the lack of Saki & their parents at home he decided to throw/put them away to be forgotten. Or maybe there was a big cleaning time before Saki was discharged from her long-term hospitalization and Tsukasa threw them away cause they're old and might compromised Saki's health no matter how fond he was to them. Or maybe they are somehow related to bad memories at the end like maybe Tsukasa thought Saki was forcing herself to smile when he performed for her with thoae items and he felt like a huge failure because of it.)
.....and I'm rambling again lol.
So, yeah! SekaHaji, 88☆彡, and now Showtime x Audience kinda hinted that maybe, just maybe, Wonderland SEKAI is the oldest SEKAI (while the newest one might be Street SEKAI because they need Kohane to gain access/complete it).
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watashime-ciel · 4 days
more organized RH headcanons +picrews of their (human) designs !!
hello yes the title of this
there are headcanons i'd like to share but they're either too personal or too uh. idk what to call them but i would have to use a trigger warning a lot and i don't want that. i don't wanna include that here- (but just a note, if i ever post human DJ Yellow drawings, i am not putting a tw for his scars as they are healed. that's all)
this is VERY LONG so sit back and enjoy your stay
credits to the respective creators of he picrews! had fun using most of them (Cecil has elf ears because fuck you thats why)
DJ Yellow
or; Yotsuhe/Yellow, age 22
gay boygirlic (a boy who experiences feminity in a way that doesn't affects their gender identity; explanation i can give fron what i understood of the original definition), any/all pronouns (he doesn't cares at all)
he has freckles but only visible on the sun
surprisingly, can take headphones off. just don't ask him to do it, he might just ignore you. but it is now common to see him headphoneless
he lets his hair grow a lot and then refuses to cut it, but in reality he hates having long hair
the idea of being a famous DJ known all around the world like Skrillex or CHU² in RAISE A SUILEN doesn't makes him too happy. that's why he participates as a DJ in most of school events or in local parties. he prefers to be known for his VOCALOID songs/covers or his cosplaying or dancing, or even his MMD videos. being a DJ is more of a hobby for him so "why be known for it when i have something else that's my actual passion?"
sanest Hatsune Miku fan. buys all the cosplays he finds, the figurines, funko pops, dolls, wigs, posters, stickers, keychains, phonecharms, pins, decoration and plushies he finds. basically he is me when i see something Husk, Vox, TMNT or Wakfu related, but with Miku
Yellow knows a lot about VOCALOID and hates you forever if you mistake a VOCALOID with a SynthV etc. also hates you if you think vocal synthetizers are AI
Len Kagamine is like his second identity, as he learnt most dance moves from him, including the acrobatics. he now breakdances whenever he has the possibility. thanks Len Kagamine
Yellow needs glasses most of the time. the problem is that he loses them a lot so he's just. blind. too much roblox
he has three voices: his normal voice (voiceclaim: kokichi ouma english, kyo or yuu from zola project), his more childish or mocking voice (len kagamine soft, elmo or bluey. you read that right. elmo.) and his feminine voice for... uh. doesn't matter (marcille from dungeon meshi in latin spanish or amalia sheram sharm in french). the uses of the last two voices is unknown... for the public knowledge
silly picrew time:
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or; Katsumoto/Blue, age 21
bi male, he/shark pronouns, proud boygirlic protector
after years of dating, he was forced by Yellow to learn some dances for cosplay performances, even if he knows Blue suffers of social anxiety. it was enough for him to GO to a convention with Yellow. now imagine him cosplaying KAITO or Sebastian Michaelis and dancing Cendrillon. poor guy is exploding
number one germs hater. carries 70/30 alcohol+water everywhere, sanitary towels and tiny bags
don't leave him alone at home. he's the living Senshi but in blue. he's baking you 30 types of chocolate cake if you leave the house for 2 minutes
or, you can choose to leave him alone and surprise him singing, which he rarely does to the public. not even Yellow. but, what does he sing? something in spanish for sure, maybe El Cuarteto De Nos. or maybe he's choosing Atarashii Gakko? or maybe he's humming a Minecraft song. who knows
he enjoys drawing and animating, making really smooth animations
he has one voiceclaim for two situations: YOHIOloid for when he is singing, Hazu Kashibuchi for when he's talking normally
Blue has had his phase of long hair but soon enough asked for help to cut it out because the feeling was not letting him live normally. he wanted his "floor cleaner hair" (named like that by him) back
he is THE autism. and also a theathre kid. favourite musical is probably heathers or ride the cyclone
silly picrew time. do you prefer long haired Blue or bald
(needed an excuse to show the human djs kissing picrew)
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or; JayJay/Jason/Leo/Leonardo/Jay, age 24
bi male, he/they/she pronouns, jokingly responds with "my pronouns are i/ta/ly"
HE IS POC and you cannot say otherwise
he smokes, but smells like roses
screams in italian when he is overly exaggerating with his reaction. it's the perfect source of laughter for Cecil
he can also play the bass, being a 'support' when Cecil practices songs on the guitar
he can also sing, but thanks to Cecil's demands of him singing like an agonizing racoon he rarely does. "agonizing racoon" comes from the fact that J.J has an Ado complex and uses a lot of screaming and growling in everything he sings. Cecil is worried about his vocal chords, even if J.J knows what he's doing
she was an emo before switching his life style to visual kei until the end of time. no one knows how his eyes look like without makeup
J.J still lives with his parents, actually. he has his own department but fuck that. he uses that department for music purposes (or he goes there to cry). but he wants his momma
you can't call him a visual kei nerd if he is the visual kei. has played with Cecil's cousin in the past and formed part of Megamasso for quite a long time until he gave up with Ryou's "bullshit" and left the band. Later forming what we know as the Rockers, or as i like to call it, the Rhythm Heaven Watashime Slug thing. but i'm stopping there because i have all things planned for the Rockers and this Watashime Slug thing leave me alone i'm normal (i'm not)
his room is very clean, and he has many figurines around the shelves and desk. there's one in particular that doesn't fit the "vibe", and it's a dinosaur plushie. it belonged to his younger brother who passed when J.J was 15 and his brother was around 12-15. everything that belonged to him was sent to charity or to the basement, except for that dinosaur
for his voice i never got creative. but back in the day, his voiceclaim was Kaito from Danganronpa. back in the day when Cecil was named JAVID.
silly picrew time, i promise i'll make more that look more... drawable or whatever
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whatever you say jason leonardo from rhythm heaven headcanons
or; Sou/Cez/Cece/Soushi/Cil-ly. age 23
pan nonbinary, he/they/ey pronouns
all his life he played the violin. it was at the age of 17 that he started playing the guitar with J.J
his mom is very much against the whole visual kei thing and him looking androgynous, but with time she has learnt to accept the differences™. as for Cecil's dad, he's a super chill adam sandler typa guy. adam sandler as in clothing. it was his dad who introduced him to the guitar world, with guitar hero lol
Cecil has a few voiceclaims for me but it's because i can't decide, only for his singing voice that's on my yt channel; fukase soft/normal. but for a spoken voice, i had Brandon from Team Hot Wheels in mind. but now i can't decide so bro won't talk. he shall sing
Cecil's very clumsy with his eyeliner so he always cries to J.J for help
he is Blue's best friend, and how they became friends is very funny actually. one time when J.J and Yellow were fighting, both Cecil and Blue decided to run away from the problem and hide somewhere until they were done. they were casually walking to the same place to hide. that's when Cecil decided to speak with "I suppose he talks crap about me to you too eh?...", to which Blue responds "...Yeah, but you don't look that terrible...". best friends forever the end
he is actually waiting for J.J to finally let go of his mother so they can go living on J.J department for music™, but that's not happening very time soon
Cecil cries very easily, actually. one time J.J was invited to play with his old band for a few concerts in another city and Cecil spent whole nights crying in call to J.J because he missed them. poor guy
he also enjoys animating, like Blue, but he has a more youtuber animation storytime type of style, more static and less movements depending of the situation. but he has a good hand with MMD
when him and J.J formed Watashime Slug, he spent hours not paying attention in class, writing the first song they recorded. half the school year lost, why ya askin
before singing in front of a lot of people he actually needs to kick or punch something while he hyperventilates. otherwise he id exploding
one of his vocal stims is quoting the life gives you lemons vine, with the voice crack and all
silly picrew time. CECIL ELF EARS JUMPSCARE and kissing rockers oh my god are they even real (they should be. i'm going insane)
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Red Woman
or; Connie, age 22
sapphic girl, she/her pronouns, also a proud boygirlic protector
Yellow's best friend from faaaaaaar. they cosplay, sing and dance together whenever they got the opportunity. one might mistake them for a couple for how close they are, but nope yellow likes mem and connie likes wemen
she prefers to sing metal rather than rapping. mainly she does it because she wants to growl and scream like Lena Scissorhands, her idol. of course J.J then wants to do sing with her. she's also a soprano. how cool is she dude she's the whole package
her voiceclaim is Ruby and v4flower from Vocaloid. Ruby for english, v4flower for japanese. with both she can talk lol
she made black kusanagi nene canon y'all it wasn't me it was connie
she's in a relation with Jenna (blue woman), but many people think she's dating MC Adore due to them being close. she has two situations where she's mistake by someone's partner but no one knows about Jenna lol
silly picrew time look at her gooooo yayyyy
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Blue Woman
or; Jenna/Jen. age 22
sapphic girl, she/they pronouns
i don't have much headcanons about her, but she's also a soprano and main choir singer for Connie
she has auditioned for some musicals but never got the role ever. her dream role is Jane Doe and Miss Argentina
her voiceclaim is CUL from v2 with a lower gender parameter setting. as for english and/or spoken voice, i'd probably say constance from rtc
she loves her gf. a lot. she has a lot of love to give
loves going out for walks, no matter what time is it
silly picrew AND KISS YAY it's the last kiss picrew i promise
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Red Rapper
or; Kohai/Ko/Red/parappa. age 22
transgender man, unlabelled, he/him
he has a cousin-like bond with Connie, as their parents are super close and they grew up together. unlike Yellow Rapper and Jenna, that they're actual family. specifically siblings
also Yellow's best friend and one that stayed most of the time on his side during difficult situations until he met Blue
a rapping voice he might have besides his og voice, is TOPHAMHAT-KYO's from FAKE TYPE. as for talking, i'd say tankman? the one that appears in fnf because i forgot his name so now you know *which* tankman i'm talking about... at least after training his voice. and as for his singing voice, ARSLOID is a close choice for me, but not sure
he has dated Yellow Rapper in the past, but it's not like they felt romantic feelings towards each other all the time? it was more sort of platonic, so they stayed as friends. but remember something...
kissing the homies goodnight
his name was actually gonna be something among John or Noah, but when he came out to his parents and was asked what name he went by, his dad interrupted him and told the story that if he was amab, his name was gonna be Kohai, a japanese his dad fell in love with after living in Japan for years. cuz yeah, Red's american, not japanese. Red found it cool and decided that's gonna be his name. boom. lore.
silly picrew that's actually silly!?!?!?!?!!! please please check this picrew out it's super awoowoo /silly
none have the same vitiligo but they're close to the one i draw
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yes he likes lemon demon
MC Adore
or; So'ra/So/Adieu/Amore. age 23
pan polyamorous female, she/her
her dream was to be a model, actually. but got an emotional attatchement to the imagination movers once, and thus made her insanely interested in music, evolutionating to rap music. then she built her persona, a serious but chill and fancy woman, collaborating with other rappers and artists around the Tengaku school (the biblically accurate rhythm heaven school where everyone with a bit of rhythm and coordination can study no matter how old they are. but that's for another day)
her singing voiceclaim is Merli and IA from vocaloid. for talking, back in the day ive chosen Agatha from O Surreal Mundo do Any Malu, but today i'd say Leslie Kritzer as Miss Argentina (or Delia) or Rosie from HH
as a joke she would smooch Connie until Jenna sees them and gets slightly angry, just to get a laugh. it's just kissing homies which is not gay btw🙀
many years ago, her and Yellow dated as they were the top famous at school, and big fanatics shipped them!? so they were like "...are we supposed to do somethkng about it or-". it was kind of forced, of course, and obviously they broke up because they actually didn't feel anything. textual words of Yellow: "thank God, i was just about to tell you i like men and boobs scare me"
mc adore picrew jumpscare
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or; Peach/Pitch/pinkie. age 19
transgender girl, bi with female preference, she/her
she has a crush on Reporter and hs been there for a long time now, but can't get Reporter's attention on that
she's extremely shy and insecure, but So'ra approached her once to share lunch and she became her friend. so if she feels in danger sometime, she just hides behind the first person that was nice to her: So'ra
she wants to be recognized for playing baseball but doesn't sees any progress on her. so she gets frustrated easily and would stop going to the practice to stay home and do it on her own time
she once got the role for a musical because Reporter signed her in, but she never played the role, as she felt she was going to faint. the reason reporter signed her in was her harmonious voice that could be perfect for Lydia Deetz, Sky the Scout or Heather McNamara. but she simply couldn't
voiceclaims for her include Kaai Yuki and Otomachi Una sugar for singing, two childish, girly and soft voices. for spoken voices, Himiko from Danganronpa and Luo Tianyi are my target options
Peach is super fluid in chinese, and doesn't gets the big chilling (bing xiling) meme at all. "what's so funny about ice cream?"
basic ahh picrews but it's better than nothing
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or; Debbie/Debs/Bee. age 19
unlabelled, strictly she/her pronouns
voice claim for singing is Megpoid GUMI Adult/AdultMellow. for talking, the pilot Charlie from HH or April O'Neil 2018
she's very bubbly and talkative. open to everyone and direct with her opinions even if they sound a little harsh
runs a fan blog about wrestling and otaku culture news, proclaming herself a celebrity
she enjoys dancing a lot, even if she's a bit clumsy
there's no way to make her shut up if you mention something related to sports or if she hears an incorrect fact about otaku culture
she bought most of Peach's outfits, helping her get more feminine and soft clothing that helped her feel better
has a little job working as a babysitter to most of the children living in the area, having a lot of tiny little friends wanting her attention and storytelling. she also teaches them english if they behave properly, so they have a little language their oarents don't understand that they can use when they play
president of the school newspaper. makes sure everything's perfect
you know what time it is. THAT'S RIGHT
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age 16
questioning female, she/her pronouns
adoptive daughter of Annie and Mark, the two sciencists of Love Lab. there was a language barrier, as both sciencists were still learning japanese, but nothing beats the language of love... and Google translator
she met DJ Yellow when she was a child in the Tengaku's dance club, Yellow being a support teacher for kids that got frustrated easily, finding her pouting in a corner of the room. they developed a sibling-like relation, Yellow obviously being the older one, and to this day they call one another sister and brother
she always skipped class to go looking for her parents around school, as they were physics and chemistry teachers until something happened with Annie. maybe another story for another day but don't worry she's still alive
Mako loves dancing, singing and colouring. she's Tengaku's youngest 'idol', even if she didn't want to he one. but she finds it fun
voiceclaim for everything is otomachi una spicy/sugar !!
she's very fashionable, and loves uniform-like outfits
but she also loves sleeping, and spends most of the day in pajamas. she also makes sleepovers with her friends every once a month
her favourite animal are monkies and she's not sure why. she recalls a stuffed animal of a monkey back when she was waiting to get adopted, that she liked very much. she suspects it all started there
drum rolls YAYYY picrew time
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isn't she the cutest don't you wanna pet her head because i do she's so skrunkly
AND WITH THIS we conclude the longest fucking post i've ever made. i'm missing out on Haruka and Akira (Girl and Boy from double date) but honestly i'm tired and for them i just include music. for example, Haruka plays the piano like PAREO from RAS and she can high kick when she catches the rhythm on metal and rock. or Akira is good at freestyling. very basic shit
these are the bases of whatever headcanons i make of them, specially the rockers and djs. remember that if you don't like a headcanon, do NOT hate. instead keep the commet to yourself or comment your view in a respectful way🫶🏽 because none of these hurt you, although i get it if it somehow makes you uncomfortable to see a headcanon be different from your own, because it happens to me very very often. but let"s respect everyone's imagination and enjoy the community instead !
i hope yall liked these mfs
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greenscreen-dress · 11 months
Vocalsynth doodle page!! I haven’t doodlepaged in ages!!! ^^ Started off with No plan, Song of Eared Robot came up on the playlist so i drew Tetobot, then i just kept going w the singing robots bc they’re the miracle cure for my artblock apparently. Only stopped bc while drawing Po-Uta I made the “mistake” of listening to his demo song and after that I was too busy sobbing /pos to pick a new synth :’D
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If the colour saturation is Way Too Much on any of these uuh blame my computer screen, as always it tells naught but lies but I’m too tired to doublecheck on my phone x). Also i might go back n shade some of these properly, so if i do i’ll tweak the saturation while I’m at it ^^;
Closeups, rambles & more song links below the cut! 
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Kasane Tetobot from the absolute banger Song of the Eared Robot
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Tetobot SV design attempt, it has potential but i’m too attached to the clunky charm of the OG ^^. Mostly listened to this UTAU cover while drawing her, but everyone should check out this masterpiece by suzie with the SynthV VB
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Miku go ooeeoo. No comment no thoughts head empty just :D
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THE GUYYYY :’) if he looks like he’s crying it’s bc i was, see above :D (also suffering bc his hair shape was a pain to draw but MOSTLY bc of the gorgeousness of Humansongs... & then Circus’s banger Right As Rain... and then The Surface by Eggtan which i just discovered today, so nice to find a new original song & it’s so prettyyy... i’m getting sidetracked)
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...Girl if someone stuck me in a trenchcoat long jeans knee-high boots and a SCARF as my default outfit my character item would be ice cream too. o7 for the blue boi, I don’t think i’ve ever drawn Kaito before and that absolutely has to change. Also TIL how to draw fans i guess!
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Heehee hoohoohoo the sillay the child the creatura the Otomachi Una. Wanted to see if i could doodle her delightful deviantart OC-lookin design off by heart and I think i mostly got it right? The only major thing i forgot were the horns on her hat, & she felt so wrong once i noticed that i had to add them ^^; I love her somuch :D
Ogh dingus fcuk it’s 1:30 a.m uuuh whoops i go zzz now. The art creativity juices are there, mainly i don’t drawn bc I just take so LONG to get Literally Anything Finished, even a doodlepage like this takes me 7+ hours so i just. don’t sit down & draw if i know it’s gonna eat up my entire day lol. SCHREEPTIME. NOW. :D
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silverteacups · 6 months
The Metamorphosis and Nightcord at 25
Part 2
LYRICS "How do I look like now? Am I unsightly? Of course I am."
This doesn't just represent Mizuki, but Mafuyu. This is also why they were the two to sing Villain - and no, I'm not talking about the trans Mafuyu headcanons. I'd love for that to happen, but I don't think that's what it's about. For Mizuki, it's about how people feel about their secret. They disgust people by being themself, and if Mafuyu were her "true self", she'd probably do the same. A lot of people - namely her mum - accept as the person she's forced to be, not the person she is. In the 3DMV, Mizuki holds up their hand, looks at it, then faces the camera and smiles. I am still human. I am still myself. I can see it clearly. What do you see that I don't? ""I beg you, please don't throw the apples at me." They Lock up, Lock up to themselves-""
In The Metamorphosis, Gregor Samsa's father throws apples at him. One badly injures him, and this line is referring to exactly that. Don't hurt me. Don't turn your backs on me. Don't treat me like filth.
"Of course, I couldn't even have a proper fight with you."
This, obviously, refers to Mafuyu and her mum. When it comes to Gregor Samsa, it might refer to how he can't even communicate with his family. He has no way to defend himself, to explain what he's doing, to explain how much he's struggling. He is suffering, his family is pretty much shaming him for it, and he can't even tell them.
"It's not a joke! Don't eat my dreams away!"
Ena and Mafuyu both got the full line, just to clarify (+ KAITO). I'm not gonna link it to Gregor this time, just point out how this links to Mafuyu's mum not letting her have the career she wants, and Ena's dad discouraging her in terms of her art.
"It's as if you're biting into the apple, Sa-sa-Samsa."
Again, Mafuyu and Mizuki both sang the full line (+ KAITO). Gregor never took out that apple, I don't think - he left it to rot. To me, this symbolises self-sabotage, feeding off something that has hurt you beyond repair. Mafuyu and her mum, for instance - despite everything leading up to the events in Immiscible Discord (and then Saying Goodbye to My Masked Self), she can't hate her. In fact, multiple times before this event, Mafuyu has tried to make it clear that she still very much loves her.
"Even if I'll become a shadow of my former self, I'm right here."
Kanade got this line, but I still think it suits Mafuyu more. Even if she's not the person she acted like she was, even if she'll never be seen the same way, she's still Mafuyu. She can change her name, she can change her appearance, whatever she wants, but that shouldn't change how people feel about her. That shouldn't make her mum turn on her. That shouldn't change anything. In the 3DMV, for this and the next line, the focus is on Kanade and Mafuyu only. These lines are about them. What I've said about Mafuyu, but also Kanade's determination to save her.
"Even if I'm poisoned by the fringed iris."
I spoke about this here. TL;DR: The fringed iris (otherwise know as the butterfly flower) is poisonous and was used around castles to slow enemies. Here, it could refer to Mafuyu's mum again. Putting up walls to protect herself will only do so much, and eventually they'll come crashing down, and it'll only hurt her more. In the 3DMV, she also does a motion like eating an apple, which links back to the biting into the apple point I made. "The light is there, at 25:00 (1 a.m.). Now drag along your tail, Sa-sa-sa-sa-Samsa."
Again, the Samsa is sang by everyone at the same time. Gregor Samsa, as time goes on, finds it far harder to even move. Struggle through your pain, basically, because you'll find that light at the end, at 25:00 - when their group meets up. Again, probably a reference to Kanade trying to save her. Also, During her line, Ena's the only one shown reaching for the light. This could be because she's the only one who's been really and truly saved. Does her art frustrate her? Does she still encounter hardships? Of course she does. But she can face them now, properly. She doesn't have that desire to disappear anymore. Look at I nandesu - she sees beauty in the world, in herself, in love, in her art, in everything.
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I've already pointed out the fringed iris, but also that it could be a japanese iris, which represents hope. Then you have Mafuyu, the butterfly. Unlike Samsa, she hasn't changed into a "hideous" creature. She's a beautiful one, in fact. There are other butterflies put on display. I don't think this represents Mafuyu's true self - it shows her "masked self". The one that everyone admires. In this event, Kanade is trying to save Mafuyu from her mum, but from the perspective of her mum, she's not doing that. She's only holding her back. Trapping her. The way I see it, this set is seeing them the way Mafuyu's mum would. Kanade, the charwoman, with her white hair and the almost completely vertical feathers in her hat. At first, the charwoman is the only one not disgusted by Gregor, the only one who has seen the worst and isn't fazed by him, but she turns his room into a dump. A cave. That's what Mafuyu's mum is seeing - someone with good intentions, maybe, but she is ruining Mafuyu's life by making music with her and distracting her from her studies, and Mafuyu sees it only as kindness. Also, unlike the charwoman, she's kept the furniture there. She's keeping what makes Mafuyu comfortable, even if (at least in her mum's eyes) it restricts her.
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When Mafuyu's mum interacted with Ena, she actually got a good impression of her. Ena had to force herself to mention her dad. She told her mum she'd be using Mafuyu as a model. Ena doesn't represent someone from the Metamorphosis, I don't think. Rather, she draws what Mafuyu's mum can't see - her daughter's pain. The fringed iris that keeps her mother from her true self. The apples she's thrown at her so many times. The mirror that Mafuyu has looked into so many times, and seen the same thing each time. She draws these in books, because Mafuyu's studying, the pressure from her mum, all of it, that's where a lot of that pain comes from.
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Don't think they've ever interacted with Mafuyu's mum, but if she knew their secret, this is what she'd see. Someone who seems like a friend, trying to poison her. The opposite of Kanade, basically. This is also a good way to show how people in general see Mizuki, or, certainly, trans people. Mizuki and Mafuyu are both Samsa, and Ena and Kanade are both the charwoman (if you ignore the part where she dehumanises Gregor and such). Also, note the spider necklace. Ena is the only other one with this, with some sort of insect. Gregor finds, at some point, that he can just climb up walls and onto ceilings. In fact, he quite enjoys it. Even then, though space would help, part of him didn't want to have the furniture taken because he's still attached to it. He's still human. That's the thing here. Mizuki has been dehumanised. Mizuki has disgusted people for being themself. They're no less human, yet people continue to act like that's the case.
Samsa, Mafuyu and Mafuyu's Mum
Mafuyu's mum is everyone, really, who isn't Samsa. Maybe not all to start with, but definitely towards the end of the story. I'll go through the list:
Grete, his sister - she started to see taking care of him as a chore, and was the one to propose letting him die.
His dad - after a series of events, he mistakes Gregor's actions for being harmful, throws the apples at him like I mentioned previously. He never cared about his son - he cared about the man who made them money, who provided for them, who was a human. Not the man who didn't appear human, nor the man who loved him even if he couldn't say so, even if he could do nothing to show it.
His mum - so desperate to see him, but disgusted when she did. She loved him still, but she didn't grieve his loss. Rather, she was relieved.
The charwoman later on - She's blunt. She doesn't care about how Gregor feels, because he's been reduced to just a thing. He's dead? Happens to every other insect. No big deal.
And then Mafuyu, of course is Samsa.
Even if other people can accept who she is, what about her parents? Her mum, especially. Will she ever see her the same? Will she ever love her again? Will she ever get that approval again? What happens if she stops meeting the high expectations she set? What happens when she tries to run, when she tries to talk, when she tries to rebel? Will she die thinking of her mum, still, rather than those who truly care for her, and herself? Will her mum continue to hurt her? Is it even intentional? If she could just speak properly, find the right words, could that solve everything, or will it never be enough? If she gives herself away, does that erase any chance she ever had of coming back from it, if that chance was even there to begin with?
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neerons · 18 days
I hope you don't mind me answering you in the Ask section 😅 I find it easier this way, and I think our discussion can be interesting for other fans of MK!
I could be wrong, but from what I remember, Kazuomi already checked his birth certificate and it was written that his "mother" was his birth mother. However, like he said, his father might have falsified the document. So in the end he couldn't know the truth.
Kazuomi never trusted his father, and I kinda understand, because from what we saw, his father was a shady man, a red flag and a bad husband. Also, can we really call him a father when he didn't fulfill his role as one? No wonder Kazuomi didn't like him 😅
Besides, we know that Kazuomi said he doubted that his "mother" was his real mother because he didn't look like her at all. He is a copy of his father, and thanks god it's only the looks, not the personality 🙏
By the way, my first reaction to this information was : "Kazuomi... You know, in fiction it's quite common to see a son who is the spitting image of his dad. So your mother might really be your mom. You don't have to look like your mom for her to be your birth mother. You want an example? Eisuke's genes are so dominant that his 3 sons look exactly like him lol. I know that your father had many mistresses, so I understand your concern, but still..." In the future, if Kazuomi and the MC have a son who look exactly like him, I hope he won't doubt that the MC is the mother of his child 😂
More seriously, yes, it seems Kazuomi also felt betrayed by his mother because she was showing him affection, but only because he's the spitting image of his father. In the VIP room, his younger version says that the love he received might have been false love... It's just his assumption, but we can't deny what he was feeling (he was lonely and wasn't feeling loved). Also, I think the possibility that his mother might not be his "real" mother (birth mother) broke his heart even more. It also broke my heart because he deserves love 🥲 Unfortunately, we don't choose our parents, and not everyone is fit to be parents...
Okay now I'm curious, what is your recurrent thought about his past? It doesn't matter if it turns out to not be accurate. We're here to theorise haha.
As always, thank you for your reply ❤️
(I'll send you a DM for Ikemen Prince! I'll write in French because it'll be easier haha)
Hi again, and no worries 🤗
Indeed, he checked his birth certificate and he saw on it that his mother was stated to be his actual birth mother, but knowing his father, Kazuomi expected that he falsified the document so that Kazuomi wouldn't learn the truth.
Yeah, his father was barely there for him, as he mostly cared for his business... And I agree that the genetics in otome games are usually quite strong 🤣 Eisuke's sons, except for maybe Kaito who looks a bit like MC, all look like him. I find it so funny to have a mini army of the LI as if we didn't see his face enough 😂 But it's cute in the end.
Also, I do often see this line in Kazuomi's VIP room yes! I feel really bad for him. I can't imagine how much he suffered from not feeling loved by his own family.
Thank god he had Zack later. He's probably the father he wished he had in the first place, and Zack made Kazuomi grow so much ❤ He is the Kazuomi Shido he is now thanks to him. I can't wait to see how everything will play out next
My theory about Kazuomi's past
[TW: mentions of potential SA]
Okay so this is meant to be taken with a grain of salt because I might be overthinking this. This is also going to mention triggering topics similar to Kei's story so avoid reading this if you're not comfortable.
This is only a possibility among many other possibilities, so in a way I hope I'm wrong and I most probably am.
I'm going to assume in this theory that Kazuomi's mother is not his actual birth mother to make it a bit less horrible. There were many ingredients of the story that made me reach a recipe darker than I would have liked, to be perfectly honest 😅
So, we have a woman who is probably not even Kazuomi's mother, completely head over heels with her husband, Kazuomi's father.
Sadly, her husband has many mistresses and doesn't "giver her the time of day". He's often out, and when he does come home on rare occasions, he spends time with shady men and still doesn't care about her.
On the other hand, there's Kazuomi, the child her husband (possibly) had with another woman, who looks exactly like her husband. He's young, naive, yearns for attention and consolation, and vulnerable.
Her husband is often away and she has many opportunities to spend time with Kazuomi.
My brain made me reach a potential conclusion that, and I hope it's not true, it's not impossible that this woman used Kazuomi to satisfy her desires since she was longing for her husband.
But then again, my brain sometimes reaches very dark theories so, again, I'm hoping for something different so my heart could be spared. And if I'm honest there are so many other things we could imagine other than this. I feel kind of bad for putting this thought out there 😢
Even if she didn't use him sexually, at least we know she used him as an emotional replacement, so this theory isn't so far from the truth technically speaking.
Anyway, thank you for the ask again!
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this was supposed to be longer but i got tired (and realized maybe this wasn't such a good idea) so i kinda bs'd this to just finish it up. sorry it doesn't look all that good lol
transcript of my shitty handwriting + more rambling under cut
panel 1:
len: rin, just leave him—
rin: NO! i'm not going to give up now—
len: i know you're upset, but all you're doing is—
panel 2:
rin: i know he still remembers, he has to...
panel 3:
rin: kaito-san, it's me; rin. you tried singing one of len and i's songs the other day. you got the melody right, remember? meiko-san's birthday is soon. remember her? a few weeks ago you said you needed to buy her a present. what were you going to get her? do you remember? tell me.
aight yea so this is what yall get for picking that ❄️📺❔🕚💾🪦 option on the poll (which btw was related to this drawing)
i'll just keep it simple: basically kaito gets dementia (or i guess the robot equivalent of it??). yeah.
not sure if this takes place on the cusp of v3 happening and just this specific kaito v1 module was unable to be updated for some reason? or if they're all still stuck in v2 and v3 hasn't happened yet/will not happen for a while... but i do know its def before v4 happened, so people like fukase and una don't exist yet
anyways though as you might expect, it pretty much sucks all around for everyone involved. not just the other 5 cryptonloids watching their close friend so previously full of life deteriorate into a husk of his former self, but for kaito himself too. he suddenly can't remember things like where he is or who the people around him are, and its incredibly frustrating b/c he knows he did have the memories at some point, its just as if they got misplaced... there's random bits of recollections that do come sometimes but as much as he tries to hold onto them they flicker and fade away just as quick as they appeared. left sinking back into a feeling of hopelessness that then becomes pure emptiness, as you can feel how you're losing yourself but there's quite literally nothing you can do
visually the static is used to represent a lot of that "foggy" feeling as things become more and more unclear, and given the robot/android nature it makes sense i guess? it's not really seen here but just as an actual machine might be when breaking down, his visual + audio processors begin to malfunction, causing a literal static overlay on his vision with faces/objects he can't recognize occasionally glitching out as well as constant white noise in his hearing and the sound of people talking to him becoming garbled and unintelligible. as time goes on he also loses his own ability to synthesize speech so aside from becoming withdrawn and quiet out of fear he'll say something that makes no sense, he then literally just becomes incapable of responding at all
again (as you might expect), the other cryptons aren't doing very well as this is happening. rin and len see kaito almost like a father, so watching one of your parental figures slowly march towards death is... not great. rin (as seen here) is still trying to hold on, because she swears kaito has had a few good days where he does recall more, where he seems much more like his old self, and maybe, just maybe if they wait a bit more he'll get better [tbh she's speedrunning the 7 stages of grief but goes between being stuck in some of the earlier stages its... not good]. len's grief on the other hand is manifesting itself in a way more similar to meiko's: he's not as distant as her, but he has already recognized that there's pretty much nothing that can be done and just wants to minimize kaito's suffering. len's just as shattered as rin though, but he's not showing it openly, figuring he has to accept it, as fighting against the grief like his sister won't help anything.
i just mentioned meiko so speaking of her: this is also probably extremely difficult on her, as, yknow, the counterpart v1 to kaito. she's withdrawn herself away from kaito, as she doesn't want to cause him pain in case he happens to recognize her, remember something about their relationship, but not comprehend what it means and just become confused/distressed. at least, that's what she says; it's more or so she can't bear to see him in this state, as he slowly loses more parts of himself, so she isolates herself in hopes the pain will be somewhat less when its all over, for having seen him less and not having false hopes of his recovery. that being said though she has definitely still been around him and tried to keep her composure... from kaito's pov, in moments of recollection, its disheartening seeing your wife close friend suddenly ignoring you, almost like she's mad or sad about something, but you can't remember why. did you forget to do the laundry? is it something unrelated? you want to ask her but she won't tell you; why? did she already and you just forgot? why...
miku's usual cheeriness has also crumbled, as even with rin's attempts, she can't find anything to be optimistic about in this scenario. she just feels this immense guilt, that she should've done something about this; she has influence as the most popular of the entire group, surely she could do something to make it all better. but aside from the arguments and indecisiveness regarding ethics and not wanting to do something without everyone's collective decision, she does know deep down its not her fault. maybe someone like one of the technicians or programmers would be more at fault, but she doesn't want to blindly throw accusations either, because surely they hadn't foreseen this happening either; nobody would intentionally throw in such a cruel fate for someone, it was an unfortunate system glitch that they were working to fix, but even if they did come up with a patch for it, it would be far too late for kaito at that point. she doesn't want to dwell too much on the logistics of it, miku just wants to be there for everyone else, because she knows how deep in despair the others are—she is too—and doesn't want their whole group to fall apart after such a devastating event.
as for luka: i would assume we're kind of actually seeing everything from her perspective, so as an audience lens she'd be more objective about presenting everything as it is without putting too much of her own bias/thoughts into it. but she's not completely unfeeling either. she tries interacting with kaito quite often, despite some of the others warning her about doing that too much. she tries talking to him about random things, not necessarily aiming to get him to remember anything in specific, though if any of his memories do surface in conversation she'll def address them and ask if he recalls anything more (and if not that's alright too). on some occasions she's been accused of being insensitive, but she doesn't want his death to be this huge tragedy, she would want him to be somewhat happy in his last moments. after everything that's happened, he deserves to leave in peace, in her opinion.
i've mentioned death a few times and there's a literal gravestone in the original emoji combo so safe to say, yeah, he dies. unfortunately the damage to his hardware is beyond repair from the critical/fatal errors and glitches, and it's decided that it'd be best to ultimately just deactivate him and delete all his files to not prolong any pain he might've been in for any longer. not exactly sure what would happen afterwards (aside from an obvious aftermath of the grief): if this is before/on the verge of v3 happening, there's the situation i thought about of them receiving a new replacement v3 kaito module, which has its own angst w/ it: its almost like seeing a fucking ghost, but it's not the same one they all remember, nor does it have all those memories. and this v3 kaito himself experiencing conflicted feelings as someone who was brought in to try and give back happiness to this group, only to seem to cause more despair for being so similar to someone long gone that he'll never truly replace. again though i'm not sure if i'd actually have that happen for the sake of everyone involved's sanity but it is something interesting to think about
i've been typing this for like 3 fcking hours now and i have no idea if this makes any goddamn sense lolol uhhh. like all my things it sounds way better in my head than when i actually put it on paper 😭 but congrats if you actually went thru the effort of reading all this. i might do more explanations like this of my things if anyone's interested, like of the other poll options, but we'll see
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In oiled up twerking contest, Shuichi which girls make the top five for you?
The twerking competition is such a rare event and opportunity that we haven't experienced it happening so far. So, in the oiled-up competition, the hottest five girls in the academy should be at the top...... However, I want to put Kaede on the list; I know I'll always be biased towards everyone since Kaede will always have my heart; either way, back to business. I can only see her willing to twerk if she is affected by the lust virus <Who am I kidding? Everyone in Hopes Peak is suffering its affliction, including me. At least, I'm fully aware of it as a detective. I'm just out here, preventing my urge from turning me into feral; now it's hard not picturing them all oiled up for twerking> anyways, let's get to it:
5:- Celestia Lunenburg: The reason why I think she is going to be one of the top girls at twerking competition. Because she does it for money, and she'll give it her all if that means attracting many customers. Including me, I'll be out here contemplating, would she go so far as to get paid by her customers for a one-on-one twerk dance? I would say yes; she is the type of woman who would charge you extra and want you to be there watching her twerk just for you "In private." And I know for a fact things will get extra spicy with her backside; she will be eager to let you hold her oiled ass as when she's bouncing and grinding against my crotch. And get her ass groped and smacked to make her go faster. And who knows if her customers are entertaining her. She would extend the session for them to watch her bounce and twerk for extra hours. Hopefully not; I would go feral here and there.
#4: Akane Owari. Now, with someone amazingly athletic, I think she would be phenomenal; I can picture her doing it with the least clothes possible. If anything, she will invite you to watch her twerk super closely against your groins; she can throw her massive globes against you. Eliminating the distance between you and her, knowing her skin is all oiled up. She is the type of woman who spice things up and fuck you on her first date. You can leave some shading red mark on her fat rear, and she'll still twerk for you. Know if this ever happened to you. She'll just want to get dicked down hard. She is the type of woman who openly lets everyone fondle her heavy, fun bags; now, imagine how much you put into her in the mood when you get to play with her all day with no strings attached. That makes me want to do it all, playing with her breasts, pounding her if she keeps twerking her tanned, thick skin against me. I know she is asking for this. She is an animal, and so do I when I get feral..; and she got nothing against me using her pussy like a cock warmer for my thick shaft. She hobbyist and a twerker. And if you feed her right. She'll go a few more steps beyond your imagination to take her for yourself.
#3: Maki is one of the exceptional cases; nothing is better than watching your close friends twerking for you all day/night. A perk for being her close friend. She was even practicing all day and night; with her substantial delicious wobbling ass. I can already tell. Maki wondered how to impress Kaito, so she came to me first. Since she is very cautious with her body, suppose her ass was too thick. I wouldn't lie to her; she is freaking hot. She needs to put her heart and soul into shaking her ass.. then I told her to do it for me; she didn't mind twerking against me all day and night if that's what it takes to improve. And she got my pants so stiff with how hard I got, encouraging her to get creative and play against my pole using her solely. She was such a good girl. I even had to spank her ass to increase her rhythm and speed; then, I told her to close her mind and get oiled up. And shake her perfect ass for the show. <I just realized they will get oiled up in the twerking contest. My goodness, these girls will make me R O C K H A R D if these girls are highly oiled up twerking for me as a group.
#2:- Ibuki: I don't know why I have thought of her, but she is better at attracting more customers than Celestia Lunenburg, but the question is if she is willing to wear super short ripped jeans to show off her seat. She is upbeat, loud, and speaks to herself in the third person. She is absolutely a beast in twerking, given she is touring around the world. And twerk for millions of people watching her. She leveled her performance. She would twerk for you so hard, surprisingly harder than Akane, you would hold to her for your dear life. So I say Ibuki can and will be a different beast if she twerks for us solo, and with the loud music bursting your ears, she will twerk a lot faster; with how thick and round her posterior is, she will make you daydream, and lights out if you're feeling too good in her twerking skills. Here's what I learned: the louder the music is, the harder and faster she will go. You can ask her for a private dance. But I assure you that your soul will leave your body, and she won't stop even if you are far gone. Now imagine her fucking you harder while her body is all oiled up? I don't know about you, but Ibuki can spice things up
#1: Kaede: her body jacks all trade; she had one of the fastest oily rears in the competition; each of her heavy rumps can block one seat; I'm not kidding when I said she needed two seats for her ass to sit down. Her voluptuous ass is twice bigger than Celestia and Maki combined; it made me so rock hard I needed an onahole asap to get myself back to normal. Twerking that ass alone, clapped her asscheeks against each other, making shockwave after shockwaves; the sounds were so mesmerizing I couldn't wait to take her backstage. It all feels so... surreal. She teased me for the whole contest, and it worked because my biological urge spiked up so hard; I spent most of the time hammering and fucking Kaede's down south so hard we ended up connecting on a grand piano I was devouring with each kiss; I kept howling, playing with her voluptuous body making her ass ripple with each of my bruting thrusts, I felt I was a tearing a planet when I was invading her; I couldn't I craved her this much after the end of the show. I was so pent-up; I'm glad the show was over. Cause we took a ride on the bus, and as soon as we got back into our dorms, we had the longest breeding sessions. I ended up fucking her and cummimg inside of her. Our skins never left each other. We spent most of the day sleeping in her dorm. I got to do everything I wanted with Kaede and some more. It was wild; I couldn't wait to get for to get up for another round ♡~
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vampirecatsw · 5 months
Hi! Here's my ask with drawings (of various quality, you can see as I drew more I got more into the swing HAAHHAH. That's what I get for being so rusty - I don't actually draw that often.) The colours I used are ones I associate with the characters!
ft. my very informal writing style, probably like a thousand typos because I'm typing this at 1am, and many shoutouts to amazing dcmk creators 🥰
Also, please check out Anna's ask! https://akai-anna.tumblr.com/post/739521989281234944/hey-there-my-lovely-mutual-3-3-i-love-when-you
Anna, you're so lovely, fr. I hope this makes you giggle and swing your feet, I had such a fun time thinking about them! I added my own flair with my drawings <3
Feel free to ask me to decipher any handwriting
P.s. That character with the hat you'll see is my sona! I'm calling him Sol because that's another online name I seem to take up often. Feel free to call me Sol as well!
(Shameless plug: Check out my art blog - cyndraws - if you like my art! Also, it has some au ramblings too ^v^. https://cyndraws.tumblr.com/)
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Bingo count: 4 (well, If I ticked only more more box, I could have extra bingos for almost every extra box I ticked haha...)
The art: I gave up at first and just drew him as a stick figure. Then I added clothes to him, that's why he's so proportionally off,,, My beloved blorbo, I feel like I did you so dirty 😭
Fun challenge: Guess what I was inspired by when I drew Kaito's and Aoko's outfits.
I'm literally in love with him no joke. The love is too intense aughhdfk. What kind of love? Yes. I would do anything for him. I'd be so clingy fr.
Headcanons? Sooo many. Not even a joke. They're too integrated into my brain at this point so yeah haha
His HANDS. Slim and very fast and flexible. They have callouses - screw smooth hands. Callouses as a sign of his hard work throughout his entire life.
Fox? He's a fox. So silly, little trickster. https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/739418480470851584/look-me-in-the-eyes-and-tell-me-kaito-isnt-a-fox
Let's just link my simping art here too: https://www.tumblr.com/cyndraws/739224275061456896/im-such-a-simp-help-me-kaito-simps-unite-pls Please let me squish his cheeks please...PLEASE
Bonus: Old character opinion bingo for Kaito: https://cyndraws.tumblr.com/post/739190201679757312/everyone-if-im-going-to-expose-myself-as-a-kaito I got over the fear 👍 It's from a while back, like maybe... 2022? idk
I love unhinged Kaito
Gender? Please. I'll take any masc at this point HAHAH
Canon isn't real - Like it's amazing but also like... underwhelming. *Shakes it vigorously* GIVE ME MORE. MORE EKODA GANG. MORE SUPPORT FOR KAITO. LET KAITO CRY. I WANT MORE WORLD BUILDING ON AKAKO AND TO SEE THE KUROBA FAMILY MORE (+ a billion more requests.) PLEASE GOSHO IM BEGGING
(It's ok, I got the fics for these cravings 👍)
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Bingo count: 0
Wow. I realised just how little brain space I dedicate to her... but she's also so silly. I love her so much. She's a great character to pair up with Kaito (for any relationships, I love when they're having fun together.) She doesn't need more suffering <3
I love sm how in MK1412 they added extra scenes of the Ekoda gang! And Aoko looks so cute in it! (everyone else? ... it varies)
Snowball fight! ^
Now this is a hella hot take but I personally think KaiAo is much more interesting than ShinRan (for me). And fun too, because I've always been drawn to fun and teasing dynamics like these over the more romantic ones (if you get what I mean by more romantic). KaiAo and Shinran both are such wonderful couples though. *Bangs fists on table* THEY'RE BOTH SO UNBEARABLE CUTEEE
Someone told me I have very similar vibes to Aoko and I've been reevaluating myself XDD. No but I can see it. I think we have a similar energy (in my brain at least, I'm much more tired when I go out) and even preferred fashion.
Would give her a kiss anytime. Definitely. Let's go out on a picnic and have a fun hangout. We would be good friends.
Aolele theory by alizardjae: Please check it out!!! https://alizardjae.tumblr.com/post/134111960564/alright-finally-got-around-to-writing-this-thing Basically it's the summary I wrote up there. I whole heartedly believe in it, because it's a fun theory and I've done it before myself (...ehem annoying relatives) - so it's definitely believable. And I love the idea of Aoko Holmes being carried over from Nonchalant Lupin (<- Prototype of Magic Kaito. It's a fun read!)
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Bingo count: 4
Drawing was inspired by that scene where Conan gets suspicious of Hanzawa-san (from The Culprit Hanzawa, a spinoff of dcmk.)
Ok, so the thing is, I have a very strange relationship with him.
He's so silly, right? He so fun, he's adorable, so caring and well meaning, but I'm scared of him. I wouldn't want to meet him. I'm terrified even though he's so nice 😭. So I'd rather observe from a distance (hence the drawing ^ but I'd definitely set off his senses a lot.)
(What does it say about me that I'm scared of Shin/Cone but not Kaito? I'm working on overcoming my fear of Conan/Shin, I promise *on my hands and knees* I REALLY AM)
(My irl friend understands why I'm so terrified, I've explained the crazy stunts he's done and his very illegal spy equipment to them... they actually got a nightmare about Conan that night. He's such a law breaking little gremlin (affectionate)) So...no kisses for you, detective... only because I'm too intimidated 😭 But I'll gladly make content dedicated to you and fawn over you <3
If it's not already obvious, Kai > Shin/Cone for me. But he's definitely a close second.
Shin's/Cone's aesthetic? So peak. His detective work and general vibes with the series is so banging. That clean formal attire - I love wearing more formal stuff out. Being judged for it? At this point I don't really care hahaha. His mismatching outfits are so endearing, but I don't really vibe with them.
Canon is kinda frustrating for me. Well, as usual, I love to pick out the pieces I love and keep them dear to my heart. Ugh I want more identity issues and character relationship focuses. And more Shinran, this is literally ridiculous for slowburn lol.
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4. RAN
Bingo count: 0
I drew a masterpiece for her. As she deserves 🥰. (Fun fact, this is the first time I've drawn her properly.)
Drawing inspirations:
Sakura Class! It was so adorable. I loved seeing the povs of both Shin and Ran. The Sakura couple,,, 🥺🥺 why are they so cute
LavenderTowne! Her art is amazing and her art tips are always so helpful: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD4XIm3ZFhT72WjqhIXMN9w
In particular, I used these two tutorials: Easy Background: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Zw5oB-ir5R0 Easy Lighting: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/shWoTarp_Vk
*ehem* Back to our ask now
Ran is so lovely! Such a queen, so adorable, such an icon! Have you seen her puff out her cheeks in chapter 1120? (+ many other instances of her being cute of course.)
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(^ well, now you've seen it)
I love her with sass! It's so funny and fitting for her. And paired with her badassness? Wow. She's amazing. She has such a big heart too <3
I can see how Shinichi fell for her at first sight, she really is so pretty and cute. Her smile was such a direct hit to his heart XD
Obligatory shoutouts!:
Amazing Shinran analysis by rabbitsrants: https://www.tumblr.com/rabbitsrants/737479648281329664?source=share
Really REALLY cute Shinran art by detshin: https://www.tumblr.com/detshin/734222664310358016?source=share https://www.tumblr.com/detshin/734913462286909440?source=share Their blog also has really cute Shinran content!
For some reason, I associate the english localised names to the more sarcastic and witty characterisations in the funimation dub. That's why I wrote Rachel.
Maybe it's because of halfpenny_jones's amazing characterisation: https://archiveofourown.org/users/halfpenny_jones/pseuds/halfpenny_jones/works?fandom_id=964594 Please check out their works too!
That's the end~ Thanks so much for asking! It was so enjoyable to ponder and draw. And I'll always take opportunities to talk about them.
Feel free to chat again whenever you feel like it <3 And also, feel free to ask about many other things too, like more character bingos or aus if you find them interesting. I hope you also enjoy them if you go through them.
See you next illusion~
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17 notes · View notes
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*pant!* *pant!* *pant!* *pant!*...*pant!*...
*While on the run from Shuichi and his group, Tsumugi finally comes into a fairly large open area with many tables and machines in it. She hurries over to the table and starts throwing things off it, desperately looking for a particular device.
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Where is it...! Where is it...!?
*She pushes things aside on the table until she finds one. A pair of glasses on top of a medium sized tub.
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*She hesitantly reaches out for it.
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I didn't want to do this...I swore I'd never do this...But...
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What the hell...!
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*Kaito shoulder tackles the door, and everyone charges in alongside him. Maki, Kokichi, Kirumi and Rantaro all ready their respective weapons.
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Alright Tsumugi! The jig is up! We've got you!
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Uh...What are you doing?
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Huh? Oh, sorry, I just forgot that I left my burger in here before things ended up going south.
*She takes a large chomp out of the burger and starts talking with her mouth full.
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Grd Brgur! Bsht ing Hishima. Jsht fugrd culdn't let it gr tr weste.
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Careful...She's acting really overconfident right now...
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Which means she's plotting something...Yeah, I get it...
*Tsumugi finishes eating and leans against the wall.
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This factory is more important to me than you think, you know...Not only is it my home, but it contains the products of everything I've spent all these years working on...
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A lifetime of memories and work...And now you're here, threatening to destroy it.
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Hey girl...YOU struck first...
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Oh really? When did I come into your home and try to destroy it?
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How about the time you and Zetsubou put a big toxic cloud over the country we live in? Or the time that you threatened to destroy the planet we stand on.
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THAT...is not your home. You and I and we don't BELONG here...! This is NOT our home! So why should I care what happens to it?
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This place is even more of a home than the world we came from was! Quit talking out your ass!
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And even if it wasn't, what makes you think that gives you the right to just...DESTROY all of it!?
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*Rantaro steps forward.
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WHY are you doing all of this!? The Killing Game's aren't real in our universe, but they ARE here! What makes you think they want to see another tragedy!?
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Do you think I CARE what people think? I'm the leader of the Ultimate Despair! You think I give a second thought about how innocents are suffering!?
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Ah, yes, how could I forget...Tsumugi Shirogane's greatest feat ever accomplished.
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Copying a fictional character that she will never be as influential or powerful as...
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Tch...! ...I don't want to hear that from the Supreme Leader who doesn't even have an organization.
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Oh, you mean the character that you TURNED ME INTO?
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The only thing that I ever knew growing up as a kid was ABUSE! Danganronpa gave me an outlet to show other people in that...sick...twisted world suffering...!
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Only do I know now that they weren't real people, even if they were played by actors who were none the wiser...That kind of game SICKENS me...!
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So while the name "Kaito Faker" would sound horrible, anyone else think it's kinda strange that neither of Dr. Faker's kids have the same last name as him? Their last names being Tenjo implies they're named after their mother, who is never seen, heard, or mentioned once throughout the entire duration of the show (unless I'm forgetting something super small, in which case tell me)
But who IS their mother? I'm sure plenty of people have talked this one to death already, but the idea of her being from Astral World has become kind of a favorite fan theory of mine considering Haruto looks like this...
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There's no way he's not meant to resemble an Astralite
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He and Astral both have those round head things, and his outfit resembles the line markings that Astral has on his body. Haruto has gold eyes, while Astral's got silver and gold, which I guess you could chalk up to him being like... Artificially created? If I'm remembering right? I haven't watched Zexal in so long help sodkdmdk
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Blue seems to be a very common eye color for Astralites, with colors like gold being a rare exception, since the only ones who seem to have it are Enna...
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And Eliphas, once again with the heterochromia
Why is he the only one other than Astral to have like,,, defined eyes by the way? No one else is good enough to get pupils and all that? They just have the entire eye be one color unless they're special? Mister "I'm the will of the entire planet so only I get to have special eyes" smh.
Seriously I want to understand their biology so badly someone please tell me what all these little details about their bodies mean
ANYWAYS I got distracted, but going back to the whole Kaito and Haruto are Astral hybrids theory, the only issues with it are the canon timeline of events. Faker wasn't shown to have started getting involved in this whole other world business until 5 years before the start of the show, meaning Kaito would have been 13 when his dad met Vector and agreed to destroy Astral World. Him having an Astral mom would need to have been a thing even further back than that, which would require Faker to have met an Astral being at least 13 years before he ever met Vector. But what would an Astralite be doing on Earth if they didn't have a mission to be there? After all, Earth is full of primitive beings who like chaos, so why would anyone go there?
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This is all just me throwing ideas out there, but what if it were Enna? For one thing, she's shown protecting the children on her planet in a lot of her scenes, so she kind of gives off that motherly figure energy.
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For another, she's also the only adult woman we ever see on that planet, as everyone else is either a child or Eliphas.
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Enna is also like. Pro chaos, which is a very human thing (also a very Barian thing all things considered, but since Faker was still very much the dad, we'll keep going under the assumption that he and Enna could have been a thing.) Like she was very much for chaos being used to heal the residents of her world, which was kind of a radical viewpoint for her to have considering all the centuries they've spent casting it out completely. Accepting chaos seems to be a very outside way of thinking for her people, and while it is entirely possible that she simply saw people suffering and came to the conclusion on her own that getting rid of chaos just wasn't helping anyone, it'd be kinda cool if she picked that perspective up on a trip to Earth.
At this point this is becoming more of a "wouldn't it be cool if" type of post rather than a theory, but... I mean, wouldn't it be cool if Faker's role in Zexal I had been trying to connect Astral World and Earth so that he wouldn't be galaxies away from the mother of his children? Idk, I think that'd have been a way neater plot than him trying to destroy it to help his sick child, and you wouldn't have to change around Too much of the plot to make it happen. Kite would still be hunting numbers, albeit for a different reason, but still a reason related to his family. Vector likely wouldn't appear until the very end of Zexal I and could have been a boss fight. In the original plot, he had that deal with Faker that he'd heal his sick son in exchange for destroying Astral World, but you could either nix that entirely, or have Faker agree initially with every intent of double crossing Vector and having his true intentions be to get Haruto home with his other parent where he'll be safe, regardless of what happens to him as a result.
Once again, my opinion, but. I think it'd be better than what they actually did with Faker's character, having him seem cruel and evil up to the very end, not seeming to care about his son and in fact seeming to enjoy hurting him, only for a last minute reveal that he doesn't actually hate him despite all his actions showing otherwise, he had his best interests in mind the whole time, no really stop laughing. A rewrite like this would actually show him willing to do anything to keep his son out of harm's way, regardless of what might happen to him after Haruto is out of danger, and would make him far more deserving of the redemption the show tried to give him (which really was not deserved in canon all things considered, and it didn't even come from the right person, it came from Yuma, someone not part of the family he'd been hurting, but that's another separate rant.)
Like... I don't know man, I feel like Zexal gave us too many hints about Haruto not being from this world, what his his whole deal in season one, his appearance, etc, and then they just kinda let it fall flat? They set up a possible reveal for him that they just never really followed through on. :/ And I haven't even talked about his brother yet.
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Kaito doesn't bear as strong a resemblance to your typical Astralite, or if he does, it's more... Subtle.
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I've seen others point out that both Astral and Kaito have hair that curves up, but given that it's just these two who have that trait while all the other background citizens on Astral's home planet seem to have hair that either spikes outward or flows down, I'm not sure if that's a strong point for or against the possibility that they share a common background... Kaito also has blue eyes, which we've established as a common color for Astralites, but since it's also a common enough human eye color, it feels like a bit of a reach to call that proof, too. His dad's got purple eyes, so he definitely didn't get the color from Faker, but it's also Yugioh, so relatives having completely dissimilar characteristics isn't exactly uncommon... The two traits Kaito has that could link him to being from Astral's world could just as easily be a coincidence.
You know what's weird about Kaito? Photon Transformation. I mean, where does he even get that ability from? It's never fully explained how he'd able to do it, he just does it, and whatever it does to him, somehow hurts him to use it. That could possibly point to him not being fully human if the other half of his heritage is able to pull off something like that naturally, but we once again know so little about Astralites that it winds up being speculation again.
I haven't actually watched Zexal in a very hot minute btw, so if anyone wants to chime in to correct me on something I got wrong/add in something I missed, go right ahead!
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