#I wanted to reply with funny drawing but it took some time because of work!!!
fareehaandspaniards · 8 months
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beastofburdenxo · 6 months
Consider It Done
Tommy kidnaps his biggest enemy's daughter as payback. But, things aren't always what they seem.
Allusions of violence, mention of abuse, no smut.
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You woke up in what looked like a dreary basement. Your throat was dry, and your head felt funny. All you remember is just walking down the street and having a wet rag being shoved over your face from behind. Assuming that it was chloroform, because you were knocked out immediately after that.
You hear a door being opened and someone walking down the stairs. For some reason, you dash into a dark corner, thinking that it was going to save you. An oil lamp is turned on, illuminating the space and the man before you. "There you are love, glad to see you up and alert." A cigarette is lit. "Would you like a smoke?" You ignore the question altogether and respond with one of your own. "Who are you? Where am I?"
"My name is Thomas shelby Love, but you can call me Tommy. I hate meeting like this. It's nothing personal, really, just business. Your father owes me money and isn't taking me seriously, so I did what I had to do."
Your eyes bug out at this information. Of course, your asshole father has made another enemy. And the feared Tommy shelby, the devil of small heath, at that. "And you think taking me will loosen him up? He'd rather die than give up anything of his. To him, people are replaceable, money not so much. I'm sorry that you put in so much work to get me, but honestly, he's probably glad I'm out of his hair."
"Is that right? What a shame that is." Tommy draws off his cigarette. "Such a pretty thing, kidnapped and taken to the devil's mansion, thrown in a basement never to be seen again. Surely he loves you more than that, dear."
"The man killed all of my pets when I refused to marry one of his gross friends. He has burned my clothes before, locked me out of the house. Trust me, Tommy, he doesn't care. He has never liked me and I don't know why."
"You are like a wild horse that can't be broken, and your father can't stand it. You won't bend to his will like most and from where I'm standing, it's like you are his enemy and not his daughter. I'd take it as a compliment. If he liked you, that would mean that you two are similar. I have no desire to harm you, I'll behave if you do. Give it a couple of days, and if he doesn't budge, you are free to go. I'll even give you money for a ticket anywhere you want to go."
You think for a moment. "So you don't want to hurt me? You'd rather help me out?"
Tommy nods, "I see a lot of myself in you. In fact, you promise to be good, I'll let you out of here and into the house. Take it as a mini vacation, time to think. If your father does pay up, you'll still get that ticket out if you'd like. Regardless of what he does or doesn't do, it won't affect you."
You reach for a cigarette, and Tommy obliges. "I can't just leave my mom alone with his ass. He's mean to her too, Tommy. He needs to pay for his sins sooner rather than later."
Tommy chuckles, "You'd make one hell of a peaky blinder. Fiesty and headstrong. Are you looking for a new job, perhaps?"
"Tommy, I'm serious," you reply, "I'd say my mom would give anything for him to be gone. If you took care if it, you'd get your money and then some. It would have to be discreet of course."
"Kidnap victim asking her kidnapper to put a hit out on her own father? That's a new one for me, love. It does sound tempting, I will say. Never had much use for an abusive wife beater."
You stand up with a new sense of purpose. "Either you do it, or when I get out, l will do it myself!"
Tommy comes towards you like he's going to grab you, but he stops himself from touching you. "No, I can't have that. There's no need for an innocent to have blood on her hands. If you aren't successful, he will kill you, love. He won't think twice about it."
Tommy finally reaches out and gently stokes your face, "I don't want the fire to go out of your pretty eyes. Killing a man does that to a person, and you don't deserve that. If you want it done, consider it done. Consider yourself a partner in this and not a helpless victim. My only wish is that once this is all over, I can see you again. With permission, this time, of course. Let me do things the right way. Dinner?"
"Kidnapper asking his victim to dinner once she is released? That's a new one for me Tommy."
You take the cigarette from his mouth, since yours is long gone, and take a drag as if to think about it.
"Consider it done."
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moodymelanist · 1 year
Let’s Talk About You And Me
happy day 2 of @nessianweek everyone! today’s contribution is spice spice and more spice so I hope you have a glass of water nearby 😏
Summary: After their friends tease them for being relentless horndogs, Nesta and Cassian make a bet about how long the other can last without any sex.
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: Smut full-steam ahead. Edging, dirty talk, degradation, dominant!Nesta
Read on AO3 here!
✵✵✵✵✵✵ Nesta
It was the first Friday of the month, and that could only mean one thing: game night at Gwyn and Azriel’s place.
Once a month, everyone who was available gathered at Gwyn and Azriel’s for game night. For once everyone they invited actually showed up, so the living room was a little more crowded than usual, but that was alright. Nesta liked being able to see all the people she cared about at once, and this certainly made it easier. 
As usual, Nesta and Cassian had been the last to arrive, much to the assembled group’s amusement.
“Jesus, what took you two so long?” Feyre asked once they got inside. She and Rhys were cuddled up on the armchair, Rhys’ armed curled casually around her waist. “Actually, never mind. I don’t want to know.”
“Ha ha,” Nesta replied sarcastically, slipping off her shoes so she could claim her usual spot on the sectional. Elain helpfully moved out of the way so she could have some more room, though Nesta suspected being able to snuggle further into Lucien’s body was a strong motivator. “You’re so funny.”
“Feyre darling’s a real comedian,” Rhys jumped to her defense immediately.
“Maybe she should try better material,” Cassian replied, taking off his jacket before plopping down next to Nesta. “If you’re so concerned, there was a fuckton of traffic on our way here.”
“Traffic, he says,” Mor chimed in with a laugh. She exchanged a knowing look with Emerie before adding, “That excuse only works when there’s actually traffic on the road.”
“There was a huge accident on 395,” Nesta protested. Driving in DC wasn’t for the faint of heart, especially on a Friday night. “Turn on the news right now if you don’t believe me.”
“And even if we were fucking,” Cassian added, “it’s not like we’re the only ones that have run a little late because of it.”
“Respectfully, no,” Azriel replied over the others’ laughter. “You two are the worst.”
“What?” Cassian responded, playfully affronted. “We’re not that bad!”
“As someone who’s lived with you, I have to aggressively disagree,” Azriel answered. “No offense, but you’re the worst.”
“It’s true,” Gwyn chimed in, giggling as she came back into the living room with a fresh bowl of chips. “As someone who’s also lived with you, I can confirm.”
“So much for loyalty,” Nesta responded with a playful roll of her eyes.
“The truth is more important,” Gwyn told her primly, though she made sure to walk in front of Nesta so she could get first dibs on the snacks. 
“Our friends are such assholes,” Cassian muttered.
Nesta snorted. “I’ve been telling you that for years .”
“Okay, okay, that’s enough,” Elain said with a laugh. “Let’s pick a game now that everyone’s here. Luce, pass me the cards?”
The sex-related teasing died down once they started playing, though that certainly didn’t stop the game-related teasing as the night wore on. They’d assembled enough Uno cards for everyone to play even with a group as large as them, and once they’d sorted through the usual arguing about whether a draw two could go on top of a draw four and if they had to say uno out, Emerie and Lucien ended up winning the most rounds. 
By the time Nesta and Cassian made it back home, Nesta was more than ready to get ready for bed and hunker down with the next chapter of the latest Sellyn Drake release, but it seemed Cassian had other plans.
“Does it bother you?” Cassian asked as they stood next to one another in the bathroom getting ready for bed. He was gently pulling his curls into his usual pineapple while she washed her face, and the sheer domesticity of it all made something warm bloom in her chest.
Nesta finished rinsing and reached for a washcloth to pat her face dry. “Does what bother me?” 
“That our friends think we’re such horndogs,” he told her.
“Not really,” she answered as she swiped toner across her clean skin. If she was being honest, even though she was a private person, it wasn’t the worst thing in the world that everyone knew they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. “Does it bother you?”
“Maybe a little,” he admitted. He reached for the silk scarf he used to protect his curls and leaned his head down so he could wrap it around his head, gently tucking the ends in to protect his hair. “I don’t know. Do they think we’re just fucking all the time and don’t actually talk?”
“That’s idiotic,” Nesta said, reaching for her moisturizer. “We don’t need to have sex all the time to have a solid relationship.”
“Of course not,” Cassian said back. He stood back up and swiped her micellar water with a grin. “Don’t get me wrong, I love having sex with you, but…”
“But we don’t need it,” she finished his sentence. She reached out and grabbed her toothbrush, adding some toothpaste before rinsing it and starting to brush her teeth. “Exactly.”
“I mean, I think you get a little cranky if you’re not getting it on the regular,” he added, smirking, “but you’re dating me, so that’s to be expected.”
“Excuse me?” she replied, pausing her brushing to look at him with a raised eyebrow. “ I get cranky?”
“The evidence doesn’t lie, sweetheart,” he answered cockily. “You get all huffy if it’s been too long. It’s adorable.”
“Says the man who woke me up last night to have sex with me,” she fired back, scoffing. He thought she got cranky if they didn’t have enough sex? If there was one thing men never ran out of, it was audacity. “You’re unbelievable.”
“That was an emergency,” he retorted. He reached for his own toothbrush and quickly began brushing his own teeth, waggling his eyebrows at her via the mirror. “Doesn’t change what I said.”
If her boyfriend had stopped talking approximately thirty seconds sooner, maybe they could’ve gone to bed in peace. But instead, he had to open his big mouth and add, “I’m not the problem here.”
“If you really think I’m the problem,” Nesta began haughtily, briefly pausing to spit and rinse the toothpaste out of her mouth, “then it definitely won’t be a problem if I stop giving it up altogether.”
“You can’t be serious,” Cassian replied after a second of stunned silence, reaching out to try and wrap an arm around her waist. His mouth dropped open a little bit when she deftly avoided him and started walking back to their bedroom so she could put on her pajamas. “Nes. Come on.”
“Don’t ‘Nes’ me,” she tossed over her shoulder. He followed her into their closet and she pointedly ignored the way he leaned against the doorframe to watch her change into a tank and loose shorts. “If I’m the problem, then it won’t be difficult for you. Right?”
“Of course not,” he said, challenge gleaming in his eyes. “And when you come back begging me to fuck you, I promise I won’t be mean about it.”
“That’s adorable.” She tossed her worn clothes in the hamper and walked into their bedroom, not even giving him a spare glance once he started stripping. “I can’t say I’ll do the same for you.”
“Fine,” Cassian answered. He sauntered into their bedroom only wearing boxers, and while normally she would’ve shamelessly ogled him, she wasn’t going down easy. Instead of reaching for him, she loosely braided her hair for sleep and busied herself with making sure all her devices were plugged in. “If that’s how you want to play it, sweetheart.”
“Fine,” Nesta echoed. She pulled down the comforter and got under the sheets, taking an immense amount of satisfaction from the disbelieving look on his face. “Good night, Cassian.”
Cassian turned off the light before sliding under the covers, too. “Good night, Nesta.”
The next morning, Nesta woke up to Cassian plastered across her back as usual. She could tell he was awake from the way he was gently rubbing circles into her stomach, and while on any other morning she would’ve ground back into his morning wood, this wasn’t any other morning. 
“Good morning,” Cassian murmured into her ear, pressing a gentle kiss to the side of her neck. 
“Good morning,” Nesta whispered back. Her body was already responding to his hands and his lips and his voice – Jesus, he wasn’t even trying, she needed to pull herself together – but she wasn’t going down without a fight. “Are you going to shower first?”
“Shower?” he asked, clearly confused. It was a Sunday, so they didn’t have anywhere to be, and they usually spent them lounging around and catching up on chores after a few rounds of morning sex. “What do you mean?”
“To take care of that,” she answered, pushing back into him just enough to be a tease. “Unless you want to take back what you said, of course.”
“I don’t have to take it back when I was right,” he replied with a low chuckle. His morning voice should be illegal, she thought to herself. “But whatever you say, sweetheart.”
“Then I hope your hand feels better than mine,” she fired back. She wiggled out of his grip with a little more body contact than necessary, taking her time to stand up, turn to face him, and stretch in a way she knew emphasized her chest. “I’m going to eat something.”
Nesta made sure Cassian saw her smirk before she turned and made her way to the kitchen, feeling more than confident that she was winning this war as she poured herself a bowl of cereal. Her good mood only got better as she heard her boyfriend grumble all the way to the bathroom, and she was practically whistling by the time she finished eating and took her dishes to the sink so she could wash everything. 
She was washing her bowl out when Cassian finally emerged, dressed in a low-cut green tank top and a pair of black shorts. He’d pulled his curls back into a loose bun, a few strands escaping toward the front, and damn if the sight of him almost made her want to reconsider their competition. “Are you going to the gym?”
“Yup,” Cassian answered. Even though their kitchen had more than enough room, as he passed her he put his hands on her waist and made a show of grinding his front to her back. “Excuse me.”
“The protein powder’s in the other cabinet, idiot,” she told him, thoroughly ignoring how much he’d set her ablaze with just that one touch. 
“Oops,” he said sarcastically. He pressed himself against her again as he went to the right cabinet, taking his time to really make sure she felt every inch of his muscled body against hers before he grabbed the protein powder. “My mistake.”
She just rolled her eyes as she dried her now-clean bowl, moving to put it away on the second shelf of the cabinet where they kept their plates and bowls. “You’re ridiculous.”
“Need some help with that?” he asked from behind her, crowding her between his body and the counter. He reached out and plucked the bowl from her fingers, rocking his hips up as he put it with the rest of the clean dishes, and she had to bite back a moan at how good it felt. 
At this angle, it would be so easy for her to lean her head back on his shoulder and let him have his way with her. To let him hoist one leg up, pull her loose shorts to the side, and fuck her until she couldn’t walk. To let him—
Nesta mentally shook herself before she let her fantasies go any further. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours and she was already losing her cool like this? She needed to get a goddamn grip. 
“Thank you,” Nesta managed to get out without her voice giving her away. It was a relief when he backed away from her with a little chuckle, like he knew exactly what direction her thoughts had traveled in without her saying a word. “Have a good workout.”
“Thanks, sweetheart,” Cassian replied, still amused. He gave her a quick kiss on the temple before he finished shaking up his drink, grabbed a handful of snacks to hold him over, and moved toward the door. “Don’t break your vibrator trying to replace me!”
“Fuck you,” she called out. He laughed before shutting the door behind him, leaving her alone and thankfully distraction-free.
With Cassian out of the apartment for a bit, Nesta found it wasn’t nearly as difficult to keep her focus. She did her usual weekly cleaning, updated their grocery list, and started a load of laundry. By the time he made it back home, she’d done some yoga, showered, gotten dressed, and was in the middle of moving their laundry to the right place.
At the sound of Cassian’s keys opening the door, Nesta yelled her greeting from where she was bent over fishing clothes out of the washing machine so she could throw them into the dryer. “Hey baby!”
“Now that’s a sight for sore ears,” Cassian replied. She turned and rolled her eyes at the sight of him openly ogling her. “Don’t stop on my account, sweetheart.”
“There’s no more clothes to move,” she told him dryly. She tossed some dryer balls in with the wet clothes and started the drying cycle, already moving to fold the dry clothes from the first load that she’d tossed on their bed a few minutes prior. “How was the gym?”
“Good,” he answered, following her into the bedroom. “Sweaty. I’m gonna shower.”
“Have fun without me,” she told him with a smirk.
He winked at her before yanking his shirt over his head. “Oh, I intend to.”
Cassian’s shower didn’t even last ten minutes, so Nesta was still folding clothes when he emerged from the bathroom. She looked up from where she was folding one of his shirts and immediately did a double take when she realized he was completely naked, his usual oversized towel nowhere to be seen, and she swallowed thickly at the sight of him still glistening from his shower. 
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Nesta asked, trying and failing to keep her eyes on something appropriate. 
“My favorite towel is in the hamper,” Cassian answered with a smirk. It only grew as he watched her follow a droplet of water trailing down his abs and toward his rapidly hardening cock. “Not my fault, sweetheart.”
Damn. She hated that he wasn’t actually wrong, but she knew there were plenty of clean towels in their linen closet. “There’s still lots of towels in there, baby.”
“And use an inferior towel?” he replied with a heavy, put-upon sigh. “You know I have sensitive skin.”
“Yep,” she responded tightly. She couldn’t tell if she wanted to strangle him or sink to her knees and let the hard length of his cock in her throat strangle her instead, but she had to stay strong. “Which is why all our towels are Turkish cotton.”
“Hmm,” he said with false thoughtfulness. She nearly ripped through the lace underwear she was folding when he leaned against the doorframe and his cock shifted with the motion, leaking arousal and practically begging her to put her mouth on it. “You’re so good to me, Nes.”
That was playing dirty, and he knew it. Her body was practically conditioned to respond to his praise, her breath coming faster as she pressed her thighs together to try and ignore her arousal. It only got stronger as he took himself in hand, the obscene sounds of him stroking his hard cock threatening to break her like nothing had before. 
“Fuck off,” Nesta eventually snapped, forcing herself to break out of her trance. She grabbed as many clothes as she could carry and practically ran into the closet to start putting them away, knowing if she didn’t leave now, Cassian would never stop bragging about how he’d won. Even through the door, she could hear the sound of his laughter. 
But she wasn’t going down that easily. 
After Nesta got a chance to calm down — and finish putting away their laundry — the rest of their Saturday night went quietly enough. They ordered Indian for dinner and spent the night in front of their TV, catching up on Heartstopper while they munched on naan and butter chicken, and Cassian only tried to get a rise out of her once. He only pouted a little when it didn’t work, but that didn’t stop him from cuddling up to her as usual when it was time for bed. 
In the end, it wasn’t the skimpy clothes or the innuendos or the sudden increase in bending over that did it. In fact, it happened when Nesta wasn’t even putting in any extra effort – which, in hindsight, she supposed was as wholesome as the two of them could get. 
When Sunday morning rolled around, Nesta woke up before Cassian for once, and she quietly slipped out of bed to make herself some tea so she could curl up with her book for a little while. Maybe it was playing with fire to read such filthy material when she couldn’t put all that restless energy to good use, but she’d been so preoccupied with messing with her boyfriend that she was falling behind with her book club.
Once she had a steaming cup of Earl Grey ready, it was easy to get cozy and lose herself in the morning light and the sounds of her pages turning. She was so immersed in her book that she didn’t even notice that she was being watched for a solid couple of minutes, and once that awareness slowly trickled in, she looked up to see Cassian leaning against their bedroom doorframe watching her.
“Good morning,” Nesta said pleasantly, reaching for her cup of tea and taking a large sip. From the way he was looking at her, she had a good feeling about how this morning was going to go, but she had to let him come to that conclusion on his own. “What did you want to do for breakfast?”
Cassian crossed the room in a few long strides, his eyes dark and intent on her. “You.”
“Not on the menu,” she replied. She reached out with her foot and stopped him in his tracks, doing her best to keep her composure as he grabbed her ankle and started rubbing circles into her skin. “Did you need something, baby?”
“Please, Nesta,” Cassian said, his eyes a little wild. “I can’t fucking take it anymore.”
“Is that the best you can do?” Nesta said back, doing her best to seem unimpressed. She knew nothing drove him crazier than when she acted like this, so it was only a matter of time before he completely caved. “Pathetic.”
“Sweetheart, please,” he replied. He gently let go of her foot and sank to his knees in front of her, crawling the last bit of the way until his hands were resting on her thighs. “I am so, so, so, sorry.”
“And?” she prompted. She made sure to slide her bookmark into place before looking down her nose at him, setting her book on the nightstand and out of the way. “What are you sorry for?”
“For acting like you were the problem,” he answered in a rush, his words almost running together he was so eager to get them out. “When it was me who couldn’t handle it.”
She leaned forward and sank a hand into his hair, thoroughly enjoying the way his breath hitched at the movement. “So what does that make you?” 
“…Very sorry?” he guessed hesitantly. God, she loved seeing him this way, all eager to please her and just desperate enough to do whatever she wanted. “Nesta, please . I need you.”
“Wrong answer,” Nesta said, pulling on the curls she had gathered between her fingers. “It makes you a needy little slut.”
Cassian inhaled sharply and tried to nod his agreement as best he could with her hand still pulling at his hair. “Yeah. Yes. Uh huh.”
“Why don’t we try that again, hmm?” she asked, though they both knew it wasn’t really a request. “What does that make you, Cassian?”
“A needy little slut,” he repeated quickly. He was breathing so quickly it was a miracle he was still able to talk. “Your needy little slut.”
“There’s a good boy,” she told him, deeply satisfied at the way his eyes nearly rolled back into his head at the words. “Why don’t you show me how good you are?”
“Anything,” he panted. “Anything you want.”
Nesta spread her legs and fixed him with an expectant look. “Do I have to spell it out for you, or are you smarter than you look?”
Cassian didn’t waste any time, thankfully understanding exactly what she was asking for. He reached for her pajama shorts and helped her wiggle out of them — and her underwear — before diving in with a vengeance. She dug her hands into his hair as he got to work, using the flat of his tongue just the way he knew she liked it and not wasting his time with too much foreplay.
Nesta moaned and leaned back against the couch, more than happy to relax and let him do all the work. She’d been so on edge that it only took a few minutes to push her over it. She came with a loud cry, arching her back and tightening her grip on his hair to get closer to his tongue. It had only been a few days since her last orgasm, but that was seemingly enough to make this one more intense than she was used to. 
More intense than the usual intense, anyway. 
“Bedroom,” she demanded once she’d caught her breath. “Now.”
Cassian nodded and scrambled to his feet, giving her a quick look at the way his hard cock was tenting the front of his pajama pants before practically sprinting to their room. 
Nesta took her time even though her body was screaming for more. She knew the anticipation would drive him even more wild, so what was the rush? She made sure to put her mug in the sink and grab her clothes before she casually walked toward their bedroom.
“Take off your clothes and lay down on the bed,” Nesta ordered after she’d stepped into the room. “Face up.”
“Okay,” Cassian agreed. He whipped off his pajamas and underwear, throwing himself onto the bed so fast it was a miracle nothing broke under him. “I’m ready.”
“Mhmm.” She pulled off her shirt and tossed her clothes toward the hamper, eyeing his hard cock with disdain as she walked toward the bed. “I can see that.”
The meaner she was to him, the more it turned him on. He was hard enough to pound nails, and while she normally might’ve savored the feeling of it in her mouth, she wasn’t feeling particularly generous right now. Instead of lowering her mouth, she got on the bed and straddled him, his hands automatically settling on her hips to keep her steady.
“You’re not coming until I say so,” Nesta said, slowly grinding against Cassian’s hard cock just to tease him. “You understand?”
“Y-yeah,” Cassian said back. They’d played this game before, and they both knew she’d stop if and when he said the word. “I understand.”
“Good,” she replied. She didn’t give him any warning before lifting up, grabbing his cock, and sinking down onto it in one long slide. “Fuck, I missed this.”
The sound of his whimper was like music to her ears. “God, Nesta—”
“You almost got me yesterday,” she admitted as she slowly rocked back and forth on his cock. She couldn’t believe she’d gone days without him stretching her out like this. “Walking around with your dick out like — fuck, yes, that’s it — like a fucking whore.”
“Couldn’t help it,” he panted. He bucked his hips up to meet her thrust for thrust and they both groaned. “Needed you so bad.”
“Then you shouldn’t have been so goddamn stupid,” she retorted, starting to speed up now. “But maybe you just like being stupid.”
“I’m an idiot,” he agreed. He groaned after a particularly well-timed thrust and his grip got that much tighter on her hips. “A needy idiot.”
Their pace sped up even more after that, Nesta leaning all the way forward so Cassian could get his knees under her and thrust upwards in earnest. She couldn’t help but kiss him then, moaning into his mouth as he really let her have it, their headboard slamming into the wall over and over again with every thrust. 
“Jesus, you feel so good,” Cassian moaned, shifting his grip so he could grab her ass and thrust that much harder and faster. “So fucking perfect.”
“You close?” Nesta asked. At his frantic nod, she pulled all the way off his cock so she could reach down and squeeze the base of it tightly. 
He hissed loudly. “ Ah — fuck, Nesta!”
“Just making sure you keep your promise,” she told him. When he’d calmed down enough, she let go and gave him a mean smirk. “Thanks for telling me, baby.”
“You’re trying to kill me,” he groaned. 
“I told you I’d be mean about it,” she replied sweetly, “so I don’t know why you’re surprised about that now.”
“I didn’t think you actually meant it,” he responded, only a little exasperated.  
“If only I cared what you thought,” she fired back. “Fuck toys don’t get to have opinions.”
Sitting as close as they were, Nesta could feel the moment Cassian’s cock twitched at the words. “You like that, hmm?”
“Yeah,” he breathed. “Love it.”
“Maybe next time I’ll gag you,” Nesta mused aloud, shifting to sit next to him so she could take his cock in her hand. “Then you really wouldn’t get to have any opinions.”
“Oh, shit,” Cassian gasped. His gaze flicked back and forth between her face and her hand stroking his cock, like he couldn’t decide what he wanted to look at more. “Nesta, please .”
“Maybe I’ll tie you up, too,” she continued, tightening her grip on him almost to the point of pain. He moaned and thrusted up into her hand, arousal leaking steadily from the tip and showing her just how much he liked this. “Use you like my personal dildo.”
At his full-body shiver, she let go of him completely and laughed at his look of utter betrayal. “What are we, fourteen? You’re not coming in my hand.”
“Of course not,” he answered through gritted teeth. He closed his eyes and took several deep breaths, only opening them when he could handle looking at her again. “Now what?”
Nesta chose to take pity on him and ignore his mouthiness. “Come here.”
Cassian sat up and let her tug him on top of her, settling between her legs where he belonged. Nesta reached down and guided his cock between her legs, both of them moaning when he thrusted inside her, and it didn’t take long before they were going at it like rabbits. It was all she could do to dig her nails into his back, wrap her legs around his waist, and hold on for dear life.
God. How had she survived going without this for so long? 
“Nesta, I’m so close,” Cassian panted into her ear. He pressed a series of open-mouthed kisses to her jaw and her neck that made her run even hotter than she already was. “Please, please— ”
“You can come whenever you need to,” Nesta finally told him. She figured she’d dangled his orgasm in front of him for long enough. “You earned it.” 
The words had barely left her mouth before Cassian was coming. He slammed into her one last time and stayed deep, his entire body trembling from the force of his orgasm as he moaned her name and rode it out. 
“Fuck, that was good,” he murmured into her hair. “You’re so good to me.” 
After they’d both caught their breath, Nesta found herself lying half on top of Cassian while he gently ran his fingers across her freckled shoulders. Their sheets were a mess and they both needed to shower, but she wasn’t going to move for anything. Now that she wasn’t practically vibrating out of her skin with how badly she wanted him, being in his arms was far more comforting than it had been compared to the last few days.
“So maybe we do need it,” Cassian eventually said.
Nesta just dug her face more aggressively into his chest, intent on enjoying her sleepy afterglow for as long as possible. “If you don’t shut the fuck up, next time it’ll be two weeks.”
“Shutting up now,” he replied, pulling a huff of laughter from her. He’d admitted how wrong he was many, many times already, so she didn’t even bother correcting him; they both knew how right she’d been. “I was an idiot. Let’s never do this again.”
“Best idea you’ve had all day,” she mumbled.
He laughed softly. “I love you, sweetheart.”
“Love you too,” she answered automatically. “But I really do need you to stop talking. That was exhausting and I need to nap.” 
“Okay,” he agreed, leaning down to press a kiss into her hair. “But after we nap, how do you feel about round two?”
tag list: @perseusannabeth | @bookstantrash | @charming-butt-insane | @oversizedbats | @melphss | @sv0430 | @podemechamardek | @autumnbabylon | @live-the-fangirl-life | @julemmaes | @that-little-red-head | @jmoonjones | @sayosdreams | @thewayshedreamed | @hiimheresworld | @brieq | @pearlfortears | @swankii-art-teacher | @nerdperson524 | @snickerdoodlechittybangbang | @imsointobooks | @nesquik-arccheron | @sweet-pea1 | @champanheandluxxury | @dustjacketmusings | @mrs-shadowsinger04 | @unlikelypersonalknight1 | @goddess-aelin | @arinbelle | @talkfantasytome | @simpingfornestaarcheron | @duskandstarlight | @letstakethedawn | @vidalinav | @c-e-d-dreamer | @dealfea | @katekatpattywack | @burningsnowleopard
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Mousey, I'm sure you've done the reaction of the vanilla and expanded spouses to the farmer's curse from Mr. Qi, but how about the rsv spouses? I'd be curious to see what they'd do about it ~~especially you know who *wink wink nudge nudge*~~ Also ngl I've been trying to come up with more silly ships with the vanilla and mod characters and having a blast in my mind. I've been throwing in Isaac, Jadu, Camilla, and Alesia there too for good measure because I think Isaac especially would suffer with certain characters 😂 istg it's like I'm a dog and he's my chewing toy
Hehee, I wouldn't mind hearing what other funny ships you have in mind 👀👀👀
Sorry for a long reply, it turned out WAY more than I had planned. Anyway, enjoy some headcanon, Lotus! And have a great day! 💕
RSV spouses react to the Qi fruit:
Ian had been standing still for about two minutes now, keeping his eyes on the strange blue fruit that was ripening in the Farmer's seedbed. Because he could have sworn that the fruit winked at him.... with 'glasses'! And the handyman thought he'd seen it again. But at the third minute, Ian gave up and reckoned he was just wasting time. "I really don't understand anything about farming," Ian told Farmer, kissed them, and went to work.
Daia isn't the type to be surprised by strange magical fruits, flowers and berries. The Ridge Forest alone is filled with interesting plants with unusual properties. But this 'Qi' fruit... Hmph, even she hadn't seen anything like it. Being around this smirking blue fruit makes the ninja feel a tingling sensation on her skin - a sure sign that magic is involved. Oh, she can't wait to ask her dear Farmer to give her the fruit to examine, because she's so curious about it! She wondered if it would interest her Lady too...
"Wow... I knew you are a true professional at farming, hon, but to do something like this..." Honestly, Jeric was delighted at what his partner had grown and horrified at what his partner had grown. Because on the one hand - fruit with a face and sunglasses, that's awesome! And on the other hand.... why? He certainly wouldn't have imagined something like this on his own little farm in Ridgeside Village. And it's unlikely he had the knowledge to grow something like this. "....So, what does it taste like?"
Bryle was ashamed to admit it, but the first thing he did when he stepped onto the farmhouse porch was reflexively draw his service weapon and prepare to defend himself. Because the Governor's slightly sleepy bodyguard mistook the blue-faced crops in sunglasses for invaders or even dark spirits. Having already recovered from his shock and seeing the calm Farmer watering this very crop, Bryle felt that by asking what it was, he would get more questions than answers. So he was like: "Nope, not today" and went back to the farmhouse.
When some time ago Irene had only seen the sprouts with the not yet formed blue fruit, she was even intrigued to see what kind of 'unusual fruit' Farmer had planted and what the crop would taste like. Sweet, or maybe with sour notes? Only when she got the ripe fruit on the kitchen table, the Amethyne's personal chef was no longer so enthusiastic. This... fruits looks like a head and was looking at her. Irene's afraid to even touch the 'Qi' fruit, much less taste it. Her Madame would definitely not want such an.... exotic crop for dinner.
Sean decided it would be a hilarious to wreak havoc in the local social media groups with this fruit. So, with Farmer's permission, he took a picture of the ripened 'Qi fruit', posted the picture to social media without any description, and waited. An hour and a half in and Sean and Farmer were dying of laughter reading people's reactions, all sorts of conspiracy about the harvest and even memes (lol). He was also hoping someone would leave a comment about what the fruit was, because Farmer's explanation of "blue fruit from blue seeds from a blue man" wasn't a very clear answer.
"Alissa, my dear. What is this?" Alissa can't give a clear answer to her mother when she shows her the unusual fruit. It seems to Alissa that her dear spouse Farmer themself does not know the answer to this question. The girl was utterly perplexed, and neither her own knowledge of farming, nor a single book from the library about crops, helped her to find the answer. She hoped that Farmer had not used something harmful to grow this fruit...
"What's this abomination growing in your garden? Why is there foreign magic coming from that thing?" Jio is in full earnest preparing for a defensive pose with his katana, because that 'Qi' fruit looks like it's about to pounce on him and Farmer. Elf doesn't trust this crop, whatever it is in the first place. And when asked how Farmer grew this stuff in the first place, the answer struck Jio like lightning. "You... took strange seeds from a suspicious man and thought it would be a great idea to plant them?" Yeah, It's going to be a long conversation...
Not even strength and persuasion from Farmer will be enough to keep their spouse Maddie from her determination to get into the Water Research Facility & Laboratory with this strange fruit. Because the ginger girl has to find out what it is in the first place! After all, the lab assistant was also watching the process of the Qi fruit's growth, for she was curious about what Farmer was growing. And when the already ripe fruit showed its face with sunglasses, Maddie wants to show it to Aguar to see how to even classify it. Sigh, not Aguar, if he found out there was magic involved...
"Whoa... So creepy... It's like some kind of comic book villain." Phillip kept twisting and twisting the "Qi" fruit in his hands, looking at the "face" of the crop, and even tried to take off the "glasses". It didn't work, however, because it was like they were super glued on. Oh, well. And although the physical therapist is eager to find out what this miracle fruit tastes like, he still wants to take precautions and find some information about the Qi fruit, because maybe it's poisonous???
Blair nearly died laughing when she saw the face of the ripe blue fruit. "Yoba, what a bogeyman!" And how on earth did her partner Farmer manage to grow a fruit with a face like that? Oh, she wants to take a few if Farmer agrees. To taste it? No, the young fisherwoman had thought of a more fun use for this crop.... Such an ugly fruit would definitely be a good way to prank Keahi for the last prank, hee hee hee... Just a harmless joke, Blair promises!
...Anton thought at first that he hadn't fully woken up in the morning, and that he had just imagined a blue face on the kitchen table. Except that when the architect came back from the bathroom already fresh and invigorated from a cold shower, the face had not disappeared from the kitchen table. ...Ok, and then what? How should he even react? And should he even be reacting to this? Because Farmer is not perplexed by the strange fruit in any way, they treat it like a normal apple or banana. ...Alright, then. Anton silently hopes he doesn't get "sunglasses" from this fruit in his portion of salad.
Well done, Farmer, just great! Making Flor nearly faint because they decided to put some ripe Qi fruit on the dinner table before going to bed, without warning the red-haired spouse for doing so. The poor, sleepy girl wanted to drink a glass of water at midnight, but she ended up throwing it all on the floor and screaming, mistaking the fruit for human heads. Now Farmer is ashamed now... And rightly so - they shouldn't scare Flor like that!
Kiarra's face twisted at what she saw. "Honey, you didn't use any fertiliser or seeds from Joja, right? You didn't take anything from them?" Her first guess as to the origin of this strange fruit was immediately the much disliked greedy company with the blue logo. Joja always like to spoil pump vegetables and fruits with all sorts of harmful substances of unknown origin to make them bigger, and as a consequence - to sell them for more money. Even when Farmer explained to her that it wasn't Joja, the girl still remained sceptical. Because it's... not natural. Something is wrong.
Zayne thought that it would be at least tactless and rude of him to voice his first thought out loud when Farmer presented them with the 'fruit of their labours'. Especially since he loved his spouse and knew what a wonderful farmer they are, unrivalled in the entire Republic. But... What is it? The Amethyne family heir has seen some rather unusual and sometimes even strange delicacies on his own dinner table and on the tables of other noble families. But a fruit with a face... Someone, who apparently ordered Farmer to grow the fruit just so, has... a very specific flavour.
"Ew," was Ysabelle's only reaction, and to be honest - many would have agreed with her conclusion about the blue fruit with the snickering face and sunglasses. Even Farmer didn't argue with their partner's opinion about it. Really, ew (no offence, Mr. Qi). The girl simultaneously wants to ask what this fruit is and doesn't want to know anything about it, figuring it will be further questions than answers. People in the hotel have demanded stranger foods and delicacies, so the blue face fruit isn't too much of a shock to her. But still - ew.
"Hmm, why the face?" How does Farmer know, Paula? When they took the assignment from a, ahem, familiar person, they had no idea that the 'Qi fruit' would turn out to be exactly like this - a bit creepy, with a human face (but cool glasses!). The military medic wasn't too surprised by this weird crop (she'd seen much stranger food), and if the fruit wasn't poisonous and wasn't an allergy sufferer's worst nightmare, why not give it a try. "Heh, I wonder if anyone would dare to try this food on a dare"
"No, thank you, my soul. I'm good with an apple," June politely declined as Farmer, having harvested a ripe crop from the greenhouse, brought June a whole basket of different fruits and berries from all seasons to the farmhouse. His favourite apples, strawberries, oranges, pomegranate, a blue fruit with a face- Wait, what? Did he see that right? Yeah, the pianist's eyesight was not deceiving him. Later, he'll be asking Farmer questions about the blue weird fruit. In the meantime, he just wants to enjoy the apple.
When Faye thought of fresh fruit salad, she imagined cutting up a juicy and sweet mango, a ripe, with the sour notes pineapple, a delicious banana, and fill it up it with fresh orange juice. And at the sight of the Qi fruit, the waitress honestly lost her appetite. Is it... really a fruit? Why does it look so scary? It's also smiling... Oh, yuck! Farmer, that fruit winked at her! Brrr! No weird blue fruits on the dinning table, they're scary!
Shiro jumped up sharply, almost scalding hot, when he saw a field of a hundred blue smiling heads from the porch. Everywhere he turned his head, there they were: smiling, the light bouncing off their... Glasses? What the hell is that, anyway? "People want to buy fruit like that? With a scary face?" No, he's not going to try it, and the Farmer isn't advised to either. It doesn't look good, and it probably doesn't taste good anyway- No, Farmer, making this 'Qi' fruit into a smoothie isn't a good idea either... Just don't, please.
Corine never thought people could come up with something like this with crop. Well, she'd seen square watermelons, heart-shaped pears, and even star-shaped peaches on TV. But a melon-sized blue fruit that also had a human face..... Even she didn't expect that. Really, she doesn't understand why the Farmer glued it on. "Oh, I didn't glue the glasses on, dear, they grew with the fruit!" Sorry, the glasses did what?
"No offence, dear, but I'll probably pass." Oh, Farmer didn't grow this fruit for food, but for someone personally? Whew, what a relief... Um, Kenneth didn't mean to be rude or offend Farmer in any way, but the mere thought of that Qi fruit that very much resembled a head being cut with a knife made him cringe and disgusted. The inventor doesn't understand who needs fruit grown in this way, but he's not good at farming, so Kenneth will leave the matter to his spouse.
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere mha x Scarlet witch reader extras 3 : Big sister eri!
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(This is mostly a Platonic yandere eri and reader time)
Context: Mei wanted to test one of her inventions in you but it went wrong so while mei distracts the class big sister eri will take care of ya!)
"Are you sure this is gonna work?" you said while carefully sitting down and wincing at your broken arm "Yep! I've made sure the machine is safe and harmless without any harmful side effects!" Mei said determined to try on her machine while she got everything ready "Now all you gotta do is go wear this helmet and attach that arm band on the injured arm and hold very still that's it!" Mei explained putting on her goggles when she noticed how you were still a bit nervous but you trusted Mei you knew she wouldn't hurt you
"Ready?" Mei said "Ready," You said and took a deep breath Mei typed some codes and pressed a button and the machine started to shake a bit and suddenly ur broken arm started to hurt less but your body began to change as well you noticed how you're clothes were getting oversized "Uh Mei?!" you called in a panic by when she looked back it was too late in front of her was a toddler version of her beloved darling all still under your UA uniform "Ba?" you babble out confused of where you are "Y/n?!?" Mei said in shocked she picked you up to get a better look of you and yep it was you
"You're so cute!" She squealed while she cooed at you and tickled you making you giggle and make funny faces until she realized that your classmates were prob looking for you she scolded at the thought of it she wanted to spend time with you especially when you were this adorable and giggly! She tried making up a plan of how to hide you when suddenly She heard a familiar voice
"Excuse me Mei" Eri Came into the lab twiddling her fingers and looking around "Yes eri how may I help you?" Mei said while coaching down to Eric's level "Have you seen y/n recovery girl say that they were with you they promised that I could draw on their cast" Eri replied "Uhmmm. Well, they're right there...." Mei pointed at the toddler shoving their first in their mouth while cooing,
"Y/N?!?" Erik said with eyes wide open "What happened to them?!?" "Well I was working on a rewind machine so the injuries would rewind and heal but it worked a bit too well," Mei said nervously while scratching her head "But since you're here I got a job for you!" "What is it?" Eri looked at the pink-haired girl confusedly "You're gonna hi- I Mean watch y/n for a while so I can make an antidote on them" Mei lied doing a fake bright smile "But I don't know how to watch them what if I hurt them" Eri frowned looking down on the floor "You won't I promise you plus just imagine yourself being the Big sister!"
"Big Sister..?" Eri questioned "Yea you can protect y/n from bad guys!" Mei said punching her fist in the air meanwhile Eri was deep into her thoughts her being a big sister to you?!? It was a dream come true she can teach you things you taught her make you watch all her favorite shows and teach you how to be the greatest hero! Oh man, she can't wait "YAY! IM GONNA BE A BIG SISTER" Eri clapped her hands excitedly picked you up ran towards her room her room had a big toybox and her bed was a all might themed she had a bunch of plushies on the bed as well and a tv
"So y/n what do you wanna do!?" the toddler tilted their head and looked at her confusedly "You wanna have a tear party" "Ba!" you babbled exciting clapping ur hands "Great lemme go get the tea supplies"
Eri: and when I said "Mirio you can't have any of my candies their mine!" he said I had to SHARE
Baby y/n: *bangs hands on table and spits bubbles*
Eri: RIGHT?!
During your time with Eri she would make you play with a lot of her toys but had to stop when u kept chewing on one of her Barbie heads eri decided to show u a jack in a box but you ended up crying because of the jack looked scary so the 2 of you decided to watch cartoons suddenly Mirio, tamaki, and neijire came in
Miro: Hi Eri! Hows i- whos little baby is this
Eri: This is y/n!
Mirio: oh that's n- wait what
Eri explained how y/n got turned into a baby
"ahhhhh! Y/n San is so cute!" niejire was squealing and cooing at you while Tamaki tried to calm her down so she wouldn't scare you but she didn't blame her tho you were so small and adorable like a small little kitten "Eri can I hold them for a sec please?" Mario politely asked "Sure but hold her gently," Eri said sternly while Mirio chuckled "I will" When he reached his hands trying to wrap you around you did a grabbing position Mirio wanted to squeal right there but kept his cool and gentle demeanor not wanting to startle you
when he picked you up it was like holding a kitten you were so small and so cute! And the way you looked up and giggled at him he could just die right there "No fair Mirio let me hold them!" Neijire whined while trying to reach to you "But y/n promised me to play with me" Eri had a grumpy face while having her hands on her hips "Why dont we all play together and watch y/n while Mei makes the antidote" They all frown but reluctantly agreed
During those hours the miri, eri tamaki, and neijire, we're all trying to have their little time with you, Mirio was pretending to know what you said making dramatic fate expression making u giggle Tamaki had an I sea of watching cartoon together so you all watch your favorite cartoon as a child (Mines was baby estein) and somehow fall asleep then it was neijire turn she was putting you in all sorts of cute closes taking pictures for herself and the shrine she has did your hair in many cute hair styles with hair pins and bows and eri's idea was to play tea parties together
"I GOT THE ANTIDOTE" Mei yelled but was quickly shushed by the group because Mei saw you asleep in tamakis arms they took you to the lab and made you wear the helmet the machine Started to shake and your body started to grow back as your original self
"Y/n! Your back"
"wtf just happened.."
Safe to say mei explained to you what happened and at this point, you were just tired of them all "Remind me to never be a lab rat to Mei" "Hey I said they were no side effects" yea no BAD side effects "I still kept my promise!" "Don't be so dramatic you were so cute as a baby" Neijire ruffled your head mirio and neijire chimed in as well as eri "You all are not helping.."
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #10
Some speculation and feelings now that I've slept after a binge up to "Trial or Hair-or" and took a break, before I start anything else.
I'm not sure when I can next watch episodes, so please don't reply with spoilers.
Background Characters
I was really worried about Whispers Fred. I only read a small glimpse of the story bible / concept art page a year+ ago- I was pretty sure I remembered Winn and Whispers Fred, though I would not have been able to recite their names.
After recognizing them, I was expecting them to be glued to Hazel's hip. I thought I'd find Whispers Fred and his ASMR shtick really annoying, but he's actually totally fine and doesn't bother me at all.
I'm relieved, because "Writers trying to be cool and they think kids want ASMR, and also I'm pretty sure a kid trying to look this stuff up could easily go down an online route they probably shouldn't be going down at their age" has been my mental vision for the direction this show is going for the past, like, 15 months and I thought I'd have issues with him.
I really like him now because you can tell Hazel's classmates all have their own depth and running gags, which is a great improvement on most of Timmy's classmates.
I can definitely look back and name the shticks for Chester, A.J., Trixie, Chloe, Kevin, Elmer, Sanjay, and Francis. We knew them- You could write a 'fic with them in it and no one would question the lack of other characters, because that's a great cast.
-> But yeah, we didn't really know much about personalities or what they do, and many of those characters I listed faded away in later seasons. I like how we're starting off strong. It makes it feel very planned. We know Whispers Fred has a podcast, even. Impressive.
Throwing this out here because it's still hilarious, but there are at least two kids in Timmy's class who are confirmed godkids - He sees them at Cupid's party - but they were both mysteriously absent when Doombringer came in as a sub to start fairy hunting and it cracks me up.
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And that was all the depth we got to them, because it was never played up (and let's be real, they were thrown into Cupid's party from the character stockpile folder).
I like how Hazel is befriending people in her class. Some of them aren't fully fleshed out yet, but they don't need to be. We're getting enough that if I wanted to write a 'fic, I could way more easily play with the personalities of Hazel's classmates than Timmy's, and I love that.
[cnt'd below cut - Very long post, including things I wouldn't truly call negativity, but my vibe is discussing the things I like and the things that aren't working for me personally.
This post leans into things that aren't working since previous posts have been about what is working. Heads up for discussions of child abuse and nostalgic comparisons to the OG show. Proceed at own discretion
Reminder, I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or" at time of posting this]
Would I Be Watching This If It Wasn't Claiming to be FOP?
The show is very enjoyable; let's start with that. I like Hazel. I like Cosmo and Wanda. I like the set-ups and the kids.
I like watching the show, but... It doesn't feel like FOP, in the sense that I'm not seeing the things that draw me to the original show (Like... the child abuse? Or Crocker? Or the risk of losing your fairies? Or Timmy's struggle to keep his secrets from Vicky, his parents, and his friends?)
Hazel's made a vague mention that she has to keep fairies a secret, but we have no proof Cosmo and Wanda would leave her. No memory wipes either.
Maybe it's just me, but FOP without child abuse is... a WILD concept to me. lol. Dev seems to have issues and I suspect he's being set up for a future plot that delves into them, but it's still funny that our main character is, like... chillin'. No self-hatred? No dissociative issues or anxiety attacks? No sneaking around? Are you sure you're in the right show?
Okay, I guess Dev is bullying her, but he's not been nearly as bad as Francis, who caused physical harm. Heck, Tootie caused Timmy more stress than Dev's causing Hazel. Trixie literally treated Timmy worse than Dev is treating Hazel- she was launching him across the room when he spoke to her.
I'm liking the show, and I see potential in this world where I could set a 'fic... but what would that 'fic even be about? This place is fluffy; Hazel's not struggling much and there's not a lot of meat here for me to dig into.
I'm not seeing stakes, and I'm kinda "hm" about it.
And I'm kinda worried I'm watching a watered-down show that's been made more palpable to an audience looking for found family fluff. Which is fine! ... It's just that I'm here for Fairly OddParents vibes. Where's my child abuse?
I'm nostalgic. I miss my boy who kept a scrapbook with pictures of him in therapy. I miss the jokes that the court once got involved and appointed the family a child psychologist. I miss how he broke down in front of Trixie, wailing that he'll always love her no matter what his therapist says. He had a lot going on that we never saw onscreen, only the implications, and I love him <3
This was the boy who literally froze time for 50 years and told no one; he was messed up and they were not afraid to paint him that way.
I'm the target audience for "people who like seeing tiny details from the OG show brought back," but I'm not the target audience for fluff or sweet and innocent characters, so if that's what we get, I don't think I'll get giddy about it.
And I'll be 100% okay with that because I enjoy watching the show anyway even if it's different, and I'm just super grateful we've got something nice for the series after so many years of a difficult slide.
I write my 'fics and I've made worldbuilding posts for 8 and a half years, but I rarely main-tag anything, and I have unique blog tags for each character so they're harder for people to stumble on, because I was trying to lie low and avoid fandom negativity I kept seeing when I ventured into the tags. So... as much as I'm nostalgic and as much as I have my fingers crossed for the things I want to see, I'm super grateful this show is very enjoyable and seems to be bringing a wave of positivity and new viewers into the fandom.
Let's be clear- I'm REALLY enjoying watching this show, but I'm waiting to see if it adds stuff that fits my interests, that's what this post is.
Threats to Cosmo and Wanda's safety?
I want to start by saying I appreciate how Crocker isn't Hazel's teacher and her dad is not obsessively trying to catch her fairies. Danny's parents trying to catch ghosts worked perfectly fine in his show, but I'm glad this one is a different direction. It's nice to mix things up and not fall into a previous formula.
It's hilarious that her dad is like, seriously doing his paranormal job and it doesn't even affect Hazel, Cosmo, or Wanda yet (where I've watched up to). That's hilarious.
I'm hoping that it's going to come back, because I haven't seen a strong sense that it will. Hazel's dad has speculated there's a ghost in his house a little, but he's not investigated at all and we've not seen any tension regarding this. I hope we're setting up a big plot with confrontation, but there's not enough there yet to make me believe we are, so I hesitate to trust the pay-off is there.
Unclear how Cosmo and Wanda meet Hazel in the morning. Do they stroll over? I assume not- Her parents would think that's weird. They're not in animal form because they're neighbors, so are they poofing over? Do they wake her up like they used to wake Timmy?
Thus far, we've not seen signs that Cosmo and Wanda could be in danger. Jorgen's made an attempt to take them away, which was their fault for claiming a godkid they had no right to take tbh. I don't mind taking a break from Crocker's obsessions, but I do miss the tension he brought us. I miss the danger. I miss the angst implications- This show is pretty fluffy so far, and I can appreciate it, but that's not "FOP vibes" for me.
Jorgen implied Cosmo would get hurt when he fell off a tower, but otherwise we've not seen signs that Fairies can be hurt or killed. And I don't know if that's even a thing that carried over in this universe, so I have to treat it as 0 risk of death.
It would be 100% reasonable for Hazel's dad to shake C and W's hands and ask to interview them, which is fine - It's a new vibe than Crocker, Doombringer, and Leadly and we could probably use that - but I think I'd be disappointed if that was the payoff for emotional investment of implied danger.
C and W haven't expressed any fear in Hazel's dad since Episode 1. I really liked Episode 1 - a lot of thought went into it - but the rest of the episodes seem like they're using Episode 1 as a diving board, but not circling back to what we established there. Which is actually super frustrating right now.
You hooked me! ... So, where's the stuff you hooked me with?
We're no longer getting C and W fumbling around the human world, we're no longer getting miserable Hazel, we haven't had any awkward neighbor interactions between C and W and the parents, and we're no longer getting the threats to C and W's safety. I feel a little cheated and I hope we see more threats later.
Please give me an awkward dinner party with the neighbors. Give me one of the parents coming over to borrow sugar and C and W have to poof away from Hazel and rush back home to maintain their facade.
Give me neighbors wanting to come to a party at C and W's and they have to protect everyone from accidentally wandering into Fairy World or using dangerous Fairy equipment. Give me C and W getting put in charge of a neighborhood event they don't know anything about. Give me Hazel's parents asking if C and W can babysit and they're so paranoid that they call constantly to check in while C and W try to act like everything is normal and they're not running around doing magical things.
I feel like we've given personality to the schoolkids, which is fine... but I'd love to see personality for the neighbors. To me, living in the same building as fairies who don't know how to be human is a fantastic plot set-up, and they're doing nothing with it.
In other words, I'm glad Hazel is delved-into as a character, but I feel like we've not seen anything about what's going on with Cosmo and Wanda.
-> Hazel's in her school arc right now, but maybe we'll have a summer break arc?
Here's my thought on that. Bluey does a really good job of balancing what's going on with the kids and what's going on with the adults. Yes, the show focuses more on the kids, but it's always clear what the adults are doing, like Bandit trying to talk to his friends while Bluey complains about him taking too long, and Bandit feeling sad when his friends leave so he can take care of Bluey.
Early in the series, we see the kids playing in the park ("Shadowlands") while Chilli and her friends talk about TV shows they like in the background. There's a constant sense in that series that Bandit and Chilli have interactions with other people- Heck, we even get an episode of Bandit struggling to make a new friend (and struggling with Bingo getting in the way of that).
I'm not getting that here. C and W do have personality, but do they have friends? Or coworkers? Or stakes? I didn't see a lot of depth to their brief interaction with Jorgen, nor does Cookie seem to be someone they know in any way.
For this show to win me over, I need them to interact with their neighbors and environment in a way they're not currently doing. Right now, they're just giving Hazel magic... but I'm starting to think they could be sexy magic lamps. I don't remember struggling with these feelings in the OG show, although back then I binged like 4 seasons before making any posts.
- It is not to their favor that they can easily spend an episode in object form and just chill. We used to have Crocker trying to sniff them out even in object form, and I kind of miss that. And yeah, they're retired, but I hope we get to see more character depth and relationship involvement in the future. - In the early season, we had background conversations like Wanda trying to lure Cosmo to the doctor, Wanda explaining to Cosmo that their "special alone time" wasn't meeting her needs and she wants more snuggles, or Cosmo being a pushover when Wanda's dad came around, or Cosmo sneaking his mom into their guest room, or Wanda blatantly telling Cosmo that she still thinks Juandissimo is intriguing. I miss the up and down of that dynamic. It's nice to see them fluffy, but... they're kind of flat. I liked the mail scene and how Wanda hugged Cosmo after he rescued Hazel in Episode 1, but again... it feels like most of their characterization happened in Episode 1. I have my fingers crossed we'll get some of that in the future, like Cosmo and Wanda cheering each other on when they learn things about the human world, or Cosmo sacrificing himself to save her from the Pixie takeover, or showing that when he stands up for his family, he's extremely powerful. tl;dr - I hope we get Cosmo standing up for Wanda. I'm glad they love each other, but I'm not seeing a lot to interest me in their ship. I'm more interested in Hazel's parents, tbh. They've got stuff going on in their "breadwinner therapist vs. paranormal investigator" vibe. And they play with Hazel and hold hands in the background. They're cute, and I want more of that for C and W. - Actually, Timmy used to get called out by his classmates for being "That weird kid who talks to inanimate objects." There don't seem to be any risks for Hazel yet. - If you were to ask me what the biggest threats are to this godparent relationship, I'd say it's either Cosmo and Wanda overstepping past Jorgen and upsetting him, or Hazel's dad finding out. But I'm not sure we're going to push those plots further, which saddens me. Holding out hope, though. - That is actually hilarious I don't see Dev as a threat to her right now, since that was Remy's whole thing. Good for him? Like, he's mildly annoying her in the background, but he's not a true danger at this time. - Jasmine has implied she's sus about Hazel, but it's been brushed off twice without her investigating. I don't think we're delving into it more, which is a shame. I want Jasmine to be weirded out.
Episode 1? Absolutely not lamps- Cosmo and Wanda were involved, they had depth, and there was tension. And the other episodes are fun, but their personalities have taken a backseat.
You can tell there was a ton of thought put into how Cosmo and Wanda interact with the human world in Episode 1. That seems to have gone away now, and they're even in reboots of their old outfits instead of their human disguises, so... it's nostalgic, but I kind of wanted to see how they'd changed over time. If you're going to give them new outfits, why not use them?
If C and W were, presumably, aging while on their time travel vacation that lasted 10k years and they look the same, what on earth was Jorgen doing that makes him look so aged after just a handful of years? I'm unclear where we are in the timeline.
We've had some nice Cosmo-Wanda-Hazel moments (like the seahorse and princess game where they were playing together), but I'm thinking the "Cosmo and Wanda nitpicking at each other" problem has been solved by taking away their conversations with each other- they're really just here to talk to Hazel.
That's fine, I guess. I just want to see more of them interacting with each other. Because I miss them.
It reminds me of when I critiqued Sparky vs. Chloe, because I felt Chloe fit really well in the dynamic while Sparky was interacting with Timmy, but not really Cosmo or Wanda. Chloe was a great balance of changing the entire dynamic (so was Poof).
I feel like this will probably change in the future when we're not pushing the "Gotta show Hazel is a well-rounded character and focus on her above everyone" direction, but since I'm liveblogging, I need to cite where I am and what I'm looking forward to.
I'm not seeing enough fairy biology going on. I like what Cosmo gave us regarding stretchy skin, but... what is life like for these people? Do they have to avoid touching humans?
Do Cosmo and Wanda pay rent? Do they pay taxes? Do they know their neighbors? Do they see other kids and get nostalgic for their past godkids? (I have to assume yes, since they took in Hazel).
-> I like the implication in "A Dinosaur in Dimmsdale" that Cosmo and Wanda have been around long enough to be familiar with the special event held at that time. I'd like more of that, but also deeper. And maybe that's asking a little much since the show is for kids and of course it's focusing on the kid... Idk, maybe I'm reading into this too much.
I like how Cosmo has twice struggled to hide his crown. That's a step in the right direction, but unfortunately I can't remember if his second time was also in the first episode.
That first episode was beautiful- everything I wanted. But the others don't meet the expectations and story hooks that lured me in.
I think what I'm trying to say is that my vision of Cosmo and Wanda in New Wish relies heavily on what I got from the OG series. I don't think I've seen much in New Wish to give them enough personality to stand their own.
I'd really like to see Juandissimo or Mama Cosma shake things up. I think by this point in the OG series(?), we'd seen them split in "Dog Day Afternoon" and "Apartnership." We knew Wanda wanted to be an author, we knew Wanda had friends in town, we knew Cosmo was a mama's boy, and we knew they were goofballs who were rarely apart and would totally crash into things when they were looking at the other.
We also knew Cosmo and Wanda had issues with being mistreated ("A Wish Too Far"). They were also goofballs who struggled to pass as human ("Transparents") and joke around ("Tiny Timmy"), and they'd make their own assumptions even if they weren't what Timmy expected (Stealing an alien prince in "Spaced Out" instead of making their own monster). Cosmo even pretended he was about to explode in "Same Game" to joke with Wanda, so she didn't believe him when he was actually close to exploding.
AGAIN... I am not far into New Wish. On one hand, it's great that Hazel's not mistreating Cosmo and Wanda, so we don't need an episode like "A Wish Too Far." I think we'll be getting more depth later in the series, but I'm liveblogging my thoughts so we can see if my opinions change.
-> I don't feel like we've learned enough about Da Rules. They were a big deal in the OG series and I'm very unclear on what Hazel does or doesn't know. I'm unclear which of the Big Rules are still in play. In the OG Season 1, Cosmo and Wanda had to grant wishes when Timmy talked in his sleep. I'd like a bit more of those rules showing up here.
-> Unclear to me if Cosmo and Wanda stay in Hazel's room at night.
I just still think they're a little "sexy lamp" for me and I want this to change. As annoying as they were (affectionate), I'd love to see Mama Cosma, Big Daddy, Blonda, Schnozmo, or Juandissimo mix things up. Because Cosmo and Wanda both have drastically different reactions to each of those people.
Maybe that's what's missing for me, because I've been writing 'fics where they ARE interacting with these people, so I'm used to seeing them have to juggle other people? In which case, that's unfair for me to judge, lol.
Blonda only had 2 episodes I think, and one of them was a cameo where she wasn't interacting with Wanda. It'd be super interesting to see her return and play a role as large as Mama Cosma's or something. I miss her too.
I am REALLY looking forward to seeing more of how Antony plays into Hazel's life. It's incredibly obvious that she cares for him (even sleeping in a bunk bed and wearing his hand-me-down shirts), so that's fantastic.
tl;dr - Cosmo and Wanda are just kind of there (imo). I'm pretty sure the episodes after the first would be basically the same if Hazel had no fairies, but was a witch who could use magic on herself.
I'm not seeing anything that makes me say "Yes, this definitely needed to be a show about godparents and not just any show about kids with magic." Give me a reason why we couldn't have a show about Hazel being a witch, having spy gadgets or tech, or having a genie. I want Fairy World! I want misery!!
Fairy World and Jorgen
I'm putting my faith in the idea that we'll return to Fairy World. I can't imagine that we wouldn't, but I have to say, our first glimpse of it didn't look too magical or dramatic.
I like how the OG series sets Timmy up as believing Fairy World is glittery and magical, so Cosmo and Wanda must goof off all day. In reality, Fairy World is big on rules and discipline. I think we take Jorgen for granted as a character since he's been around for 20+ years. It's easy to forget how funny it is that we have a big, buff, military-attitude fairy bossing people around a glittery magical world. That's hilarious!
Think of how "Old Black Magic" gives us a street made of playing cards or how "Odd Squad" gives us purple grass and cars without wheels. Some of their streets float and twist around each other. Their world should look "exciting and unfathomable to the human mind." We haven't seen the Rainbow Bridge either, really.
I have no drive to revisit Fairy World after "Department of Magical Violations," which was the 2nd episode. It didn't look magical or fun. You can tell Jorgen still has his characterization (Being strict but also liking to party), but... he wasn't contrasted against the magic of fluffy Fairy World. Without the contrast, he's just a guy.
I hope we see him again and he gets another chance to show his depth, because even though I went in knowing full-well who he is, I felt like we weren't given enough. I don't even remember seeing his giant staff.
-> He debuted in short episodes in the OG series, so it's not an issue of not being double length. I just think he wasn't utilized as well in such little time.
Give me the guy who used to turn Cosmo into a monkey during drills. Give me the guy who uses a jet pack because he cut his wings off. You don't even get to see his back in his debut, so it's totally possible new viewers might think he still has wings 😔
-> That might seem like a silly thing to be disappointed in, but after the effort that went into showing us details like Hazel's house number or how Cosmo and Wanda crawl across the floor, I feel like Jorgen didn't get the same fully in-depth treatment. He should be someone we're totally hyped to see, but he's... there.
-> Even in Season 0, we were introduced to Jorgen in a way that subverted expectations: the big, scary fairy who was such a contrast with the idea of a friendly godparent was intimidating his godkid (making him wish to live)... AND he's dating the Tooth Fairy. I just haven't had expectations subverted yet in this show and it makes me kind of sad, because that's Jorgen's biggest "selling point." He's funny in contrasting environments.
Maybe he just needs the right person to bounce off, like Binky.
I will say, I think there's nothing wrong with Jorgen not playing all his goofy cards in front of a stranger. He has a job to do and he's good at his job. But I miss him. I miss the doofus who cried for weeks when the Tooth Fairy broke up with him because she didn't like how he tried to forcibly remove Timmy's buck teeth for a wedding present.
I miss the guy who cried when he lost his job, and tried so hard at the other jobs Timmy set up for him, but he was bad at them because all he knew was to set expectations so he kept spoiling movies while selling tickets... and putting people in the hospital with his muscles.
I miss the guy who found out he was standing "in the same room as his cousin," looked at Cosmo, and then went full steam ahead into "Please let it be my invisible cousin Leonard!"
I miss the guy who used to throw pixies at his dartboard or chase them out of their own building because "He's the only one allowed to cause pain to fairies." I miss the guy who put grenades and barbed wire on pizza and gave it to a child. I miss the guy who works in his nana's cafe and covers his niece's shifts at the pet store. I wonder if he still does game nights with Mama Cosma.
I miss the guy whose idea of a good house pet disguise was a rhino in a fishbowl. I miss Jorgen. I love him, and I really hope we get to see more of his funky, goofy side, because he's such a great character.
I've only seen one episode with him, so I'm probably judging too harshly. I just think he has one of the strongest characterizations that's easy to work with because he's hilarious against a glittery Fairy World backdrop, so I miss him and I don't think the DMV was the best showcase episode for him. I'm nostalgic :(
The abuse & trauma?
I really like how the OG show plays with abuse. Yes, Timmy is an abused kid. We know this. It's made very, very clear without it being too scary for a little kid. The OG show is full of things that appeal to me as a kid (slapstick humor) and as an adult (Watching what Timmy's going through and the clever ways the show plays with the abuse angle without being too scary).
- I'm not seeing why Hazel is miserable? Which is okay, because as I said in a previous post, Cosmo and Wanda came out of retirement and befriended her of their own choice (defying instruction), so they're in a gray area with the usual gameplay rules. - I'm just unable to detect if the "godparents lose their fairies when they're no longer classified as miserable" rule is still a thing in this universe. Or "Hazel will lose her fairies when she grows up or reveals them." It's okay if those rules are gone- I'd just like to know so I can adjust my perception of what the stakes are. - Hazel avoided revealing magic to Jasmine in "Fearless," but it wasn't explicitly stated if she was told the rules or if she's just trying not to scare Jasmine with magic.
I'm a little confused that the writers for this show seem to have toned down the abuse and trauma, yet upped some present-day horror. Like, I legit would not suggest a friend watch "Fearless" or "28 Puddings Later" without a warning.
- Those were some VERY scary spiders for a kids' cartoon, especially compared with the goofy spiders from the OG canon. We had onscreen trypophobia (I think? - Not sure if there were enough holes in the cheese, but there were holes) and I used to have a friend who would've struggled with that part of the episode. And I get that swiss cheese is going to have holes- I'm just a little surprised we didn't go the route of making Jasmine a relatable character for someone with trypophobia and instead she faced all her fears as if they were nothing...? Or is that relatable- I'm not sure. I mean, it's a cartoon, so... idk what I expected. I know I wouldn't love being forced into a bloody environment, and a friend violating that after I told them no would possibly be a deal-breaker (and has been, actually, since I've had ex-friends ever since I was a kid stop caring about my boundaries and try to show me blood and/or purposely try to upset me with blood when they lost interest in me as a friend). But also, Jasmine is 10 and if she wants to try facing her fears, she can. I don't have issues with that. - "28 Puddings Later" had red lighting on the bodies and faces in a way that was a little much for my hemophobia, and I think I'm not going to be watching that episode again unless I do some prep. I was trying not to look for most of it.
It's... weird? Usually the Hartman shows go fine for me, although "T.U.F.F. Puppy" has like 2 episodes that jump my hemophobia, but they were... not drawn-out like this. Those were legitimately spooky things to watch (Saying this as an adult who wasn't genuinely scared, but was analyzing the execution and comparing it to other cartoons I watch). I think that's a great thing that sets the tone of the show... but that's not the tone I really want?
It's totally fine for New Wish to be its own thing, but it's not the FOP that drew me in years ago.
- I want more psychology- and trauma-themed underlying jokes, like Cosmo panicking when Timmy's parents babysat Poof because "Those two have no idea how to raise a child!" followed by panning over to Timmy. - I want more bits like Timmy standing up to Imaginary Gary and saying "When I was 8, I learned what a real monster was like" and introducing Gary to Vicky. I want to be asking "Kid, are you okay? Hey, what was that??" and gushing over implications. -> I've seen the tiniest taste with Dev so far, but not enough to catch my interest this early on. I'm hoping that goes somewhere, but if I'm struggling to see the depth in Cosmo and Wanda, I don't have the highest hopes. Like, childhood trauma was a huge thing in the old show (I would argue it's the main theme), and every time those glimpses of Timmy's genuine struggles came up, I lost my mind. I'm not seeing that with Hazel. I like this show for the magic, sure, but I really liked this show for the underlying trauma themes that made you want to explore character backstories with a 'fic. And I'm sure there are plenty of people who want to explore Hazel's relationship with her brother with a 'fic, and Dev seems to have stuff going on, but Hazel doesn't do for me what Timmy and Chloe did. I discussed Timmy above, so let's talk about Chloe. Chloe had serious mental health struggles. She had multiple dissociative spirals. She committed fraud. She broke into Timmy's house to steal from his dad's toy collection because she was jealous. She lied to authority figures for literally no reason except to make herself look better (Not even to cover up magic- She just straight-up lied). When she was upset, she would pull all-nighters and plot revenge (And that was like, her 3rd episode). She lived in denial even when things went wrong. She also wouldn't stand up for herself sometimes, so Catman pushed her around. She also stole from Kevin Crocker while he was passed out (lol), went on power trips, bribed people (including Crocker) to like her, sold out her friends for extra credit, backstabbed Timmy by turning him into a monster who couldn't speak so he couldn't unwish the wish, and it was very clear why she needed godparents. This child mostly raised herself on Fair Bears cartoons for 50 years of the frozen timestream. She has parents who are rarely home, and when they are, they completely violate her boundaries. Timmy literally has to stand up to them for her at one point because she's spiraling into her second dissociative episode since her parents came back to Dimmsdale- she was strugglin'. Chloe's canon is that without Cosmo and Wanda, she would've led a gang (giving us one of my favorite lines in the series, "I can't believe you found 6 kids with eyepatches"). She couldn't handle watching kids for 1 day without screaming at them, calling them "monster children with evil in their hearts," and making them so miserable, all 3 kids got assigned godparents. At the end of the series, she nails Crocker's bed to the ceiling. She's... a lot. On some level, I enjoy that Hazel is not suffering abuse right now. Hazel is very likable, but I feel like the show is going for a different vibe than what I'm looking for in an FOP show. I miss the trauma undertones. That's why I like this show and why it's deeper for me than many cartoons. This is a show that's been a massive part of my life for 8.5 years, so... I miss those hooks that draw me in. I hope we get something like that for Hazel (or Dev?), but I'm not seeing anything that would draw me into this show if it weren't advertised as a continuation of a show I already really liked. It reads like a show I would put down and walk away from. Well, things did draw me in, but... I don't see them being carried through.
And going back to "Fearless" and "28 Puddings Later," I get it, about the spook factor. It IS pudding. I get the joke we're making here, with how funny it is to think of it as a zombie apocalypse. I'm totally onboard- It's not them, it's me. You just can't make my brain settle down, because it sees what it sees and I have to deal with that.
This feels like FOP without all the things I like about FOP.
I'm just... Where's the kids' show I liked to fawn over because it was fluffy and slapstick on the surface, but secretly playing with trauma underneath? I enjoy the ride New Wish is taking me on, but I think I'm only watching this show because of its FOP connection. If this were some non-reboot (just a brand new Nick show about a kid with some kind of magic), it would be kind of "meh" to me so far. I don't think new viewers or kids would be bothered at all, but I miss the OG.
New Wish kind of gives me Star vs. The Forces of Evil vibes. I enjoyed that show's first season, so I don't say that as a bad thing- I just mean "Star had her own wand and didn't need godparents." Except Star got to explore the responsibility and danger of having a wand and Hazel's not giving me that either.
I like how we've gotten callbacks to the OG series. I get excited by the references and I'm very grateful we finally have a reboot that's taking the show seriously and with love. I hope we can lay it to rest when New Wish is over so it ends with a pleasant memory for people.
I like it, but it's not one of those hidden gems I've stumbled on in the past that I've gotten hooked on (Ex: I randomly stumbled across the Carmen Sandiego 2019 reboot, All Hail King Julien, and Kick Buttowski, and every single one of those blew me out of the water as a hidden gem I fell in love with). But... I feel like I'm watching New Wish more to avoid the risk of someone spoiling it for me (and because I want to see allusions to past episodes) than because I'm truly captivated by it, which is a shame.
I love it as a reboot, but I don't think I'd watch it as some standalone show that just dropped. And that's probably fine, because it's not trying to be a standalone- it's trying to be a nostalgic reboot with a fresher take, and that's totally okay.
- But consider... Send the toddlers back to Lightning Walrus Hell while Foop begs to be spared and frantically tries to claw his way out of the vortex after Poof's been vaporized, then rewrite time so they never existed. THOSE were stakes, and THAT was the messed-up stuff I love. lol. - (Do not actually do this- new things are good and if Poof and Foop had to relieve their own childhood trauma regarding the Hocus Poconos, I would die. Also, that was the Season 8 finale and New Wish is only in its first season with chill episodes, so it would be wild to expect that much drama straight out of the gates. Also, it takes time to establish things before we can have that kind of drama. I'm willing to be patient.)
I will say, I do think we're matching some early-series vibes. We had episodes in the early days where Timmy bonded with his friends, and I really like that Hazel's taking her time to meet new friends (something we didn't get to see with him until Mark Chang's Season 2, 3, and 4 appearances). I think that's going 100% fine. I like what I like, but I'm getting increasingly anxious about the things I miss.
I do feel nostalgic for Remy. I miss Juandissimo and Mama Cosma and Vicky and Mark. Nothing wrong with not pushing them in if Cosmo and Wanda have moved past that life drama, but I still want someone or something to cause tension. Shake things up.
-> They don't have to appear personally, but I miss The Vibes.
I will say, I love that Hazel hasn't had a love plot yet. We have no clingy fans like Tootie (or that newspaper girl from "Fairly Odder"), and Hazel's not in love with someone who hates her. I won't be mad if we get a romance plot, but I hope it's something fresh (and not one person pining after the other despite being told that person's not into them, which I find uncomfortable especially in a kids' show if said show plays it as cute or "kids will be kids" without going into how frustrating it is to be the person who wants to set boundaries).
-> Please let me live vicariously through a main character who's not dealing with "Just give them a chance!! :) They really like you! They may seem creepy, but they're probably nice!" vibes.
It's also really nice that no one's immediately attracted to the new kid when she's only been here a few weeks or months. It's nice that she's building friendships. If a relationship blossoms over time, that's fine, but I'm glad no one is currently in love with her and pining for dates (as in, straight out of the gates).
-> I genuinely cannot figure out who they're setting Dev up to be, so if he's a future love interest, I hope he does some serious work on himself. He's got issues and he's mean, and Hazel also seems to think he's mean, so based on my current understanding of his character vibes, it'd be weird if she conveniently forgot how mean he is and developed a crush on him. I need to see more facets of him.
But it's very funny that he follows people and tries to make bigger and better things. That's exactly what a bratty 10-year-old Dimmadome would do. And honestly... I think I can see him developing a crush on her over time. Like... I genuinely do think that would make sense for his character based on what little I know about him right now.
I think Dev is super jealous of how Hazel just arrived and is gathering friends- which I really like, because we're seeing how it takes Hazel some time to make each new friend, and Dev has the same amount of time and opportunity, and is choosing to be a jerk.
It really showcases this idea that Hazel is making an effort to learn to be nice (and even needs to learn not to try changing people to be what her brother was to her). She's working hard on herself and she's trying to make friends. She didn't show up and have people fawn over her immediately. She's here, she's nice, and she's working to understand friendship and boundaries.
And Dev, who is used to things coming easy to him or just buying what he wants, HATES that.
I think jealousy is fueling Dev right now, but Hazel IS a nice person. I can totally envision him growing more fond of her someday and letting down walls. I can tell he's important to the writers, but I'm wary he's being set up as a future love interest and I don't currently know anything about him that would justify Hazel being attracted to him because all I've seen so far is him being grumpy and her glaring at him.
-> Also, I'm getting the feeling that Dev doesn't have a healthy understanding of relationships, family life, or boundaries, and I would be afraid for Hazel.
I think I forgot to say it, but everyone's phones had a D logo implying they're a Dimmadome product, which I like.
I feel like Dev needs some healthy relationship modeling from Cosmo and Wanda (or Hazel's parents). I'll be curious to see if we go in that direction.
Where are we in the timeline?
I love that this is a show about Hazel. I'm really enjoying this- I think I'm glad we're not getting a "children of the main cast" cliche (and we didn't get a total reboot where we redo Timmy's childhood and pretend the OG series didn't happen). This is very funny for me.
Since Dale was older than Timmy, I'm getting the vibe that we're a few years before Tommy and Tammy get their godparents. So... are they gonna show up, or is Timmy gonna be single with no kids if he ever appears, which I'm betting he will eventually. Or do I have my timeline wrong?
"Channel Chasers" future is canon in my Cloudlands AU, and this is generally the accepted future for the series. Keep in mind that's the angle I'm talking from here.
Assuming CC is canon, it's confirmed Timmy has his kids really young (20 years after he buries the time capsule at age 10, his kids dig it up and they seem to be close to his age, so somewhere between, like... 7 and 10), so Timmy would've been 20 to 23.
It's not unreasonable for Dale to have his kids at a much older age, so I will totally accept Hazel being either older or younger than Tammy and Tommy; it doesn't matter to me (although if they're retconned out of existence by having Timmy show up as a childless man combined with clearer timeframe confirmation, I'll be surprised).
I also want to be clear upfront that my canon for Timmy's future in Cloudlands AU is that he has his kids with Molly ("Wishing Well"). They later split, leaving him open to marry either Trixie or Timmy (but it's ambiguous in my 'fics so the reader can decide). That way, I get to enjoy Molly, Tommy and Tammy get to be in a rough patch when Cosmo and Wanda show up, Timmy's struggling emotionally but he's not a terrible dad long-term, and fans of Trixie or Tootie can have the endgame because I don't mind. tl;dr - Timmy has been shipped with Tootie in some other spin-off media, like the "Fairly Odd Summer" trilogy. I don't treat that trilogy as canon in my 'fics, but we know from "Channel Chasers" that it's implied Timmy has Tommy with a black-haired person or Tommy's adopted, and the latter seems unlikely since both kids look so much like him. So if New Wish has Timmy show up and heavily implies he's with either Trixie or Tootie, that's totally fine within Cloudlands AU canon. But he does flirt with Molly in my 'fics and they are so cute and making her Kevin's step-sister was one of the best ideas I've ever had because it makes family vacations fantastic, so get wrecked <3
But I feel like they're really baiting us with Timmy stuff (Showing several adults that look like Timmy, but confirming behind the scenes "That's not Timmy," putting him on posters, using him as a school mascot, etc.) It's very in-character for this universe since even in the OG series, Timmy's likeness was sometimes used by other characters, but... I'm a little nervous.
Cosmo and Wanda didn't seem to look back on their time with Timmy as fondly as I would've expected. I'm glad we're getting a fun cartoon with a new person, but I hope we're not going a "nudge, nudge, Timmy was a horrible person and fans are dumb for looking at him fondly or wanting him around" angle.
-> That kid was 10, working through childhood trauma, and struggled a lot in life. That's literally the point, and expecting him to be as well-adjusted as Hazel would be asking a lot of him- Their backstories and home lives are very, very different.
I'm getting the sense that we're making allusions to the old show (even obscure ones that surprised me, like a Flappy Bob cameo, super specific Fairy interior design details, or "Terrible Twosome" throwback). The writers have done a good job of picking out the parts they liked and using them as their canon, but I get the feeling we're not going to have references to Sparky, Chloe, Roy, or Viv.
Which is fine, because I understand they were late in the series and a lot of people didn't receive them well (Me included). I just hope they're not treated like they're dumb or something to be erased from history, y'know?
I have absolutely no issues with them not showing up. I do expect a Timmy cameo someday, but it would not bother me at all if we didn't see Chloe. But like, I don't want them written out of the canon IF we specifically look back at the canon. If for some reason we recapped every godkid Timmy had interacted with and we were mysteriously missing Chloe, I'd give you a really weird look, slkfdj.
-> If our canon is that Roy and Viv didn't happen, I'm fine with that because it's a spin-off. But Chloe was mainline canon and this show has already made clear it's grabbing canon from across the whole series (including seasons as late as 9) and not just focusing on the early seasons, so... I'll just have some questions if we write her out of existence, lol.
New personalities? Anti-Fairies?
Where I'm at in my binge, there have been no Anti-Fairies. I'm expecting them to show up because it seems likely we'd get a Friday the 13th episode. I feel like the Anti-Fairies have regularly been the most popular characters of the series in the fandom and they played a big role in later seasons, so I'm sure that writers who have done so much research that they've found details I consider obscure to the average viewer are gonna give us Anti-Fairies. I can't imagine they wouldn't.
And I'm NERVOUS, lol.
So, one thing that I've always thought is that Anti-Fairies were planned to be one-off characters. After their Season 2 debut, they don't appear until Season 5. My personal thought is that Anti-Wanda got slapped with a "cheap and easy" personality without a lot of thought behind it; compare her recolored design with Anti-Cosmo's fully detailed fleshed-out design. I'm super curious to see if she'll get rebooted to be a better parallel of Wanda.
I've played her in my 'fics as being grubby to parallel Wanda's mob upbringing. I still write her with what from the outside may seem like lower intelligence, though in my 'fics I specifically have her being raised in an Anti-Fairy zoo enclosure until her young adulthood, and grew up fluent in her people's native language. It's not that she's stupid, really... She just grew up with limited contact with the outside world, so converting her thoughts for a bustling society is a struggle. I try not to make her a statement of intelligence, though she can be self-deprecating when she compares herself to others.
Like, I can literally see this going either way. I would be totally in favor of giving Anti-Wanda a reboot, because I love her very dearly and tbh I kind of prefer her over Anti-Cosmo... but I will always support taking a second look at the "idiot Southerner with a drawl" stereotype. If she gets freshened up so she's not played as so dumb, or still dumb but less Southern, I'd be fine with that. It's... not a great trope.
Nerd alert incoming - Yes, it's mostly me rambling about how much I love the Pixies & Gary and Betty because I want my feelings written down before any chance of them showing up.
-> Once upon a time, I would not have dreamed my faves might show up, but now that we've gotten a Flappy Bob cameo, I have to prepare for anything.
Okay... so. It's Anti-Cosmo whose potential reboot personality concerns me most, and for purely selfish reasons 😂. In my personal opinion, fanon Anti-Cosmo is surprisingly different from canon Anti-Cosmo. I'm pretty sure they're going to reboot him as a sexy evil villain, because that's what the majority of people think he is. Even though he's a total dork and rebooting him as a suave, confident smooth-talker feels incorrect to me.
Riddle's unpopular opinion: The personality I've seen many people portray Anti-Cosmo with in fan content feels closer to the personality the Head Pixie has than it feels to Anti-Cosmo. If H.P. were younger with the exact same personality he has in the OG show, people would give him the "sexy bad boy" treatment they give Anti-Cosmo. They just don't because he's old </3
Yes, H.P. is ALSO a goofball. He likes cosplay, breakdancing, and he's often either at a rave or bemoaning that he's not at a rave. He only has a few episodes and his love for raves and clubbing comes up in at least 3 of them. But he's the one doing the classic "evil villain" stuff like signing contracts, pulling puppet strings, torturing people with shock collars, and finding loopholes.
H.P. sets up long-term plans. He's calculating, meticulous, and he's one of the sassiest and most confident characters in the entire series. Happy Peppy Gary and Betty literally have a direct phone line to Sanderson, presumably under H.P.'s influence since he's the boss.
Like, that is explicitly canon and it's my favorite background detail in the show. The Pixies thought ahead and gave them a phone. Gary and Betty were in on the plan and knew about magic. At bare minimum they knew they were working for people called Pixies.
Sidebar: Even in their episodes before the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty know more about magic than the average human. They had laser-eyed unicorn mobiles that formed cages. They somehow got from Florida (implied by Gary's use of the word "gator" and confirmed by this episode's script) to California (Dimmsdale's confirmed state) before end of workday, implying they returned through non-human means. -> Also in their debut episode, they literally went to outer space with Mark, were chill about it, and offered him snacks; idk what to tell you. They're my everything. H.P. seems to have meticulously set up a lot of things and it's so funny to me. -> Also this is very non-canon in the finalized series, but in the OG script of the Musical, it's implied Gary and Betty took the Pixies hostage, and also they seem to be friends with Imaginary Gary. They're heavily implied to sing his villain song with him (where he blatantly reveals he's Imaginary Gary), and it's HILARIOUS. Can you even imagine? He was their boss in that version of the script. I can't deal. That's so funny; he's like 5. Was he even paying them or did they just think he was fun? I just need all the lovely new followers I've gained since I started posting about New Wish to understand how not normal I am about the Learnatorium crew. If you've ever wondered why I write about them so much... I just think they're neat! <3 -> Btw for anyone wondering, you can find some early-season scripts on Fred Seigbert's Scribd. It's painfully difficult to navigate, so I suggest Scribd's search bar instead of his profile. For easier reading, I keep screenshots of the things I find most interesting on my blog, tagged #original script. I figure if you've read this far, you might be into quirky FOP lore, so run... be free. I think I've read them all, so all the funny moments are on my blog. There are some lovely gems in there... There's a deleted scene from "Totally Spaced Out" where Gary and Betty tried to ditch their jobs and flee to Mexico, a deleted scene of Mark and Vicky lovingly holding hands in the nursing home while he's in squid form, and a deleted scene from "Oddlympics" of Jorgen, Anti-Cosmo, and H.P. dressing up as cowboys and in dresses. Juandissimo has early lore about his fear of Cosmo. There's a storyboard for "Anti-Poof" in there somewhere.
Anyway, the point is, I enjoy H.P. a lot. Listen, I've been a huge fan of this guy for 8 years; I love him to death. He's very sassy. He purposely messes with Jorgen's head and Jorgen loses his temper over it. He jumps through hoops to do things right, he wields loopholes to do things wrong, and he tortures people because, in his own words, "It's hilarious."
-> In my mind, HE is the manipulative schemer that Anti-Cosmo often gets remembered as. Where's my sexy bad boy H.P. fanart? Surely it was someone's job to show me that /jk
And there is nothing wrong with portraying A.C. as a sexy bad boy. They can both be sexy bad boys. I'm explaining how I read him in my incredibly specific take, but others might not read him this way. A.C. does a good job of pretending to be a sexy bad boy, but I personally enjoy when he's also portrayed as a dork and I want to talk about that because it's my post.
So, honestly... I think Anti-Cosmo is scared of Jorgen. He never challenges people directly, instead using disguises or hiding behind social events like the "Oddlympics." He lets H.P. take charge in his own castle. He can barely discipline his own son (and when he does, Foop ignores him). A.C. throws temper tantrums on the ground, kicking and shrieking and breaking stuff when things don't go his way. And I LOVE him for it.
But he's not a suave bad boy in my mind, lol. I mean, he tries, and sometimes he pulls it off, but he's definitely not sweet or charming. He's a tantrum-throwing baby who yells at his wife <3 and only holds her hand during "When Nerds Collide" if you pause in time to catch it.
You know how I said Jorgen is a twist on expectations? Anti-Cosmo's whole thing is that people think he's cool and smart, but it's a façade. In his debut episode, Timmy outsmarted him very easily. It doesn't surprise me at all that Anti-Cosmo took a step back in later seasons and Foop became our main Anti-Fairy. Because it's totally in-character for Foop to go looking for trouble, and it's totally in-character for A.C. to... not do that.
A.C. is an introvert who needs a reason to leave the house. Foop likes running around, causing trouble. It's great. You can see so much of Anti-Wanda in Foop and it's funny to me.
I like how A.C. sometimes wanders off and forgets what he's doing. I mean, that's how Timmy defeated him in "When Nerds Collide"- His friends coaxed him into meandering off on his own. He charges headfirst into things despite consequences. He throws things, including his wand. He runs away from confrontation. He jumps on tables. He makes paper airplanes. His wife mocks him for having dorky X-ray goggles he bought from the back of a comic book. He's a goofball.
Again, they are both goofballs- A.C. and H.P. Every villain is a goofball: Norm spends his time out of his lamp eating ice cream and getting his dry cleaning handled, H.P. likes to party, A.C. can't sit still, Sanderson prioritizes music above villainy, Crocker is more silly than spooky, Foop is a baby who needs naps and playtime, and Kevin ping-pongs between self-deprecation and giddy overconfidence.
Anti-Cosmo does come across as a bad boy sometimes. I'll be very surprised if we don't see Anti-Cosmo's return since he's a popular character and I think people are into his British bad boy vibe, but like...
Since it's my speculation post, I just really need to say that if they change his personality so he's now super charming and sassy with no signs of the temper, dorkiness, or cowardice that's always lurked in him, I'll be sad... because I like my tantrum-throwing baby who shakes his wife up and down when he's stressed. And this man was not the sharpest tack when it came to sass, sdfklj.
I totally suspect New Wish will reboot him as a total sexy, suave villain because honestly, that's probably the way he's remembered. Which is okay, but if he does return, I will miss my silly comics-loving geek who can't stand up to a newborn, writes notes with brightly colored pens he changes every sentence, and jumps on tables during fancy dinners. He's so goofy. I hate him (/affectionate).
-> And if we bring back Anti-Fairies, but throw the Pixies aside because "Eh, they're boring," it will be a crying shame. I will accept it, but you will find me standing with a confused look on my face as I swing my hands to gesture between Anti-Cosmo and H.P.
-> There's nothing wrong with bringing back A.C. and not H.P.! The Anti-Fairies are beloved and stick in people's memories well, I'm sure. But also, H.P. is my favorite in the whole series. He's incredibly sassy, manipulative, meticulous, and hilarious.
Where else can I find an old man who drops the line "The only thing you'll be eating is my dust!" before jumping on a scooter and blasting off with a shout of "Later, dude!" Or the old man who gets distracted because he'd rather be at a rave. Or elbows Timmy in the side with a smug smile and asks if his pizza tasted better than "Jorgen's slice of pure rabbit droppings."
This is the man who danced and sang "Go me, go me, it's my birthday." It's heavily implied the main reason he's a villain is because he's too obsessive compulsive to watch the world fall apart around him. That's hilarious. He literally took over the world and the first thing he did was go home and get drunk. He's a fantastic character and I should say it.
-> I'm not gonna be mad if we get an Anti-Cosmo reboot and kick the Pixies into the sun. I'll just be /pensive emoji about it. Also, I rambled about this mainly because I've gained a surprising amount of new followers recently, and if you're new here... I just think you deserve a warning about what you're getting into with my blog. I love him so much.
In conclusion... IF we get the Pixies and H.P.'s been reduced to a dull and boring stereotype who lost his snark and love for parties, I'll be devastated and I'd rather have them not show up :')
... Also if H.P. is dead and Sanderson is now in charge because it's "the future," my head will be in my hands. If that happens, you can unfollow me right then because it's all I'll talk about /lh. I want my super sassy bossman, please and thank you.
I would miss the old H.P., but I would also be grateful for any Pixie scraps I'm given because they're my favorites. I cannot believe we got a Flappy Bob cameo in New Wish. Definitely not on my bingo board.
Well... There we go! My thoughts so far. I'm looking forward to seeing where the show goes, and I hope we get to see more of the things I want. These are very early thoughts!
Again, please don't spoil anything since I'm only up to "Trial or Hair-or," and please no grumpiness in my replies or inbox.
These are personal liveblog opinions from a long-time fan who's been avoiding spoilers since New Wish was hinted over a year ago. My opinions may change later if the show goes a new direction. I AM enjoying the show, but I also wanted to share what I like about the OG and what I'd like to see in New Wish's future.
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lambertdiary · 1 year
Jealousy, Jealousy
"Sorry Won't Fix This" Masterlist
A/N: So I posted part two a couple of days ago and I had a few people asking for a part three, and I'm not gonna lie... I got a little carried away lol, so definitely I'll post a part 4. This was really fun to write and hopefully it'll be fun for you guys to read it! PLEASE let me know what you think 🫶🏻 Also I was watching an Andrew Garfield movie so keep that in mind.
Word Count: 2.1k+
Warnings: angst, language, jealousy, Dalton being shitty (again)
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After Dalton left, Y/N just stared at the door trying to hold her tears in. She was doing a good job, until Chris walked through the door and asked her what was wrong. She broke down immediately, but Chris stayed with her comforting her all night. She cried until she couldn't anymore, and all that was left was a raging headache. 
Y/N told Chris everything, she had been avoiding that subject but letting it all out made her feel a lot better. She felt bad for Chloe, she really did, but at this point she just wanted to detach herself from the whole situation and just Dalton in general, so her next step was moving on.
“You need to forget about him Y/N, he’s not worth it” Y/N nodded agreeing with her friend, but a part of her still felt like she lost someone really important.
“I know I do” She sighed deeply before continuing “I guess the last time we broke up I thought we would somehow find our way back to each other, you know?”
“Y/N, I love you and I know what you mean, but I just want you to think of all the times he did something shitty, and then tell me you still want him”
Y/N laughed a little, admitting to herself stupid her feelings were “You’re right”
“I know I am, dude. Go out, have fun and meet guys who are not gonna kiss someone else in New Year’s”
After a minute of silence, Y/N finally built up the courage to ask “Did you know?”
“Know what?” Chris asked in confusion.
“That Chloe and Dalton were like together together”
Chris thought about her answer for a moment, but ultimately decided there was no point in hiding it anymore “Sort of… I mean I knew he was getting invited to her parents’ house and hanging out with some of her friends” Y/N just nodded, a sad look still on her face “But it doesn’t matter because you’re over him now”
Chris encouraged her to go out with someone. Y/N wasn’t the type to approach a guy and ask for his number, so Chris offered to introduce her to one of her friends she thought Y/N could get along with. 
She met Andrew a couple of days later, and she was surprised when they immediately hit it off. He was cute and funny and really easy to talk to, so Y/N was excited when he started to take her out on dates. They were seeing each other almost every day, and Y/N even took him to her favourite coffee shop, telling him that she got her best work done there and how it was the best coffee she ever had. He chuckled at her statement but agreed with her, sharing his love for coffee too.
⋆ ★
Dalton didn’t tell Chloe what happened that night, of course he didn’t. He kept seeing her like nothing happened and she couldn’t be happier about it. 
The thing is, Chloe felt like she didn’t have him for a number of reasons, even when they started dating he was barely any special towards her. Sure, she would spend a lot of time with him and he would seek her attention, he even drew her for an art project but that was before they became a thing, and the portrait was just somewhere in his dorm. 
She would go there with him and see the wall with a bunch of paintings and drawings of Y/N, and before he told her about them she had no idea they used to date, but she couldn’t help but feel jealous that she never made the wall. 
So one day she decided to ask him to put it up “I’m your girlfriend now, don’t you think it’s time you put the drawing of me on your wall?”
“Uh” He looked at his art displayed on the wall, realising a lot of them were Y/N “I will” He simply replied, thinking he could maybe do it later, but the look Chloe gave him made him understand that she meant right now. So he did, he stood up and removed a few portraits, making space for the new one. He couldn’t bring himself to actually get rid of them, so he decided to just leave them on his desk. That was weeks before he told her about his past with Y/N.
The day after Y/N rejected him he concluded it was officially over, so his relationship with Chloe got a little more serious. Chloe properly introduced him to her parents, they started to have more dates and they even had ‘romantic’ weekends.
Days went by and Dalton tried his best to keep Y/N out of his mind, constantly telling himself that he was with Chloe now and that it was for the best. He wanted to be a better boyfriend for her but he sometimes forgot to put in the effort.
One day Dalton decided to get coffee after class, buying one for him and one for his girlfriend who was waiting for him in his dorm. After receiving his order, he turned around and was ready to walk out, but a familiar face stopped him.
He saw Y/N sitting at one of the tables, talking and giggling with some other guy. Dalton stared at them for a moment, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the cups he was holding. He decided it would be better if he left, but just as he started to walk again he noticed the guy stand up and make his way to the washroom. 
Before he could think about it, he found himself standing in front of Y/N, giving her a questioning stare, as if she owed him any explanations. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked in a demanding tone.
Y/N was both surprised and annoyed at his question. She scoffed and crossed her arms, giving him a bland tone to make him feel like she didn’t care about him “What kind of question is that?”
“I know you’re here with someone, I saw him”
“Why do you care? Aren’t you still with Chloe?” Y/N asked him, pointing at the cup with her name on it. Dalton shrugged and thought about something else to say. She had a point, he was with Chloe now so he shouldn’t care, but he did “You should probably take your girlfriend her coffee, it’s gonna get cold”
“We need to talk”
“There’s nothing left to talk about”
Before Dalton could say something, someone else joined the table “Hi, I’m Andrew” He said, sitting across from Y/N. 
“Dalton” He replied, pressing his lips together.
“He was just leaving” Y/N quickly added.
“Oh” Andrew immediately suspected she didn’t want him there “Well, nice to meet you man”
Dalton clenched his jaw, he didn’t say anything else and just gave them a quick nod before leaving the coffee shop. He was walking to his dorm and the whole time he wished he had said something clever to Andrew.
When he got to his dorm, he was received with a sweet hug and kiss from Chloe, telling him how much he has missed him. As usual, they sat on his bed and talked about their day before moving on to schoolwork. 
“So, my birthday party is this Saturday and I was thinking we could wear the same colour” Chloe said out of nowhere.
Dalton tried to hide the fact that he forgot about her birthday “Uh- yeah, what are you wearing?”
“The dress I bought last week. I told you it was for my birthday, remember?” She asked, hurt and mad he forgot such an important detail. 
He nodded his head quickly “I remember baby, I’m sorry” Dalton brought her closer to him and gave her a reassuring kiss “We’ll both look phenomenal in pink”
⋆ ★
Y/N wasn’t surprised to see Dalton, it was impossible to avoid him completely given they lived in the same building, but anytime they saw each other they just pretended the other didn’t exist, it was working just fine for Dalton until he saw her with someone else. 
Her feelings towards him definitely changed, while she still felt like she lost someone important to her, she was also disappointed at how much he had changed since the party, so they were a mix of many different things. Often she couldn’t help but wonder how different things would be if she tried harder when they were together, but at the same time she resented him for not always showing that he loved her the way she wanted him to.
“How long do we have to wait?” Andrew asked, holding his hair away from his forehead so the face mask wouldn’t stick to it.
“About 20 minutes” Y/N was smiling down at him, finishing up with the thick paste on his cheeks.
He opened his eyes and smiled back at her “Do you have like a hair thing I can borrow?”
Y/N chuckled and reached for another headband, carefully sticking all of his hair back “This is a great look on you” She joked.
They laughed as he looked at himself in the tiny mirror “I guess you’ll have to style me more often”
“I mean, you already look great all the time so I don’t think you need my help”
She watched as his smile went shy, almost sure he was blushing under the face mask. Andrew handed her the mirror and she put it back in a small vase that had a few makeup brushes in it.
“Did you make that?” Andrew asked, paying close attention to the drawings on it, recognising Y/N’s favourite flowers.
“The vase?” She asked and he nodded “Yeah, last year in a pottery class”
“A pottery class?”
“Yeah. I mean, I only went like 3 times but this is great, isn’t it?” She picked it up and examined it. It had been a long time since she did.
“May I?” Andrew grabbed it and looked at all the different colours on it “And you drew these?” He asked, pointing at the beautifully painted flowers.
“Not really, my- uh friend helped me with those, but I still did most of the job” She clarified.
“Oh…” He faked disappointment “And you had me over here thinking you were an artist”
She scoffed playfully as he took the vase from him “I am, did you see the one at the bottom?” Y/N showed him a smudged spot of paint that looked like it was supposed to be a flower “You wouldn’t get it, it’s abstract art” Andrew gave her a frisky look that made her blush  “Are you an artist?”
“Born to be but my lack of skills didn’t allow it, very tragic” Y/N giggled at his dramatics as she scooted closer to him “I can’t really draw… I mean I can, but it’s not very good” Andrew laughed “Why? Do you have a thing for artists?
A strange feeling took over her heart, but she just shook her head and forced a smile “No, just for guys that look good in headbands” She teased. Andrew felt his face get hot again and an impulse made him lean over, getting really close to her face but Y/N stopped him.
“You don’t wanna taste this face mask, it’s gonna linger for days” Andrew shrugged his shoulders and took a quick look at her lips, and then back at her eyes.
“You already have that effect on me”
Y/N was speechless. For a moment they stared at each other intensely, Y/N almost gave in, but the door swinging open made both of them jump.
“Oh- sorry to interrupt” Chris said slowly, dropping her things on her bed.
They turned red and quickly got away from each other, trying to cover their embarrassment “You didn’t, we’re just doing face masks”
“Without me?” Chris joked.
The three of them stayed there for the rest of the afternoon, and as soon as Andrew left Chris couldn’t help but tease Y/N about what she almost witnessed.
“So, I see you two are really getting along”
“I guess” Y/N replied, unsure of how to feel.
“What? Do you not like him?”
“I do… I think I do” She stopped to think about it for a moment “It’s been great but honestly i don’t know if I can take it any further”
“Y/N he’s like perfect for you” Chris stared at her friend, waiting for an explanation “Why not?”
“Because he’s not Dalton”
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
#69 with Vil Schoenheit because I want to see the world burn
Hi anon! I am so sorry for posting this late! I was busy with school but now I'm done. This one is shorter than my previous works, but I hope that you enjoy! 😁
Note: Yuu/Reader is not the Prefect, canon divergence, fluff?, real life references
Word Count: 845
Warning: not beta read, possible ooc characters, and a poor explanation bout memes
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"Hahahaha!" Vil rolled his eyes and continued typing his email.
"Oh my gosh! This is hilarious!" Vil started tapping his foot impatiently against the floor.  
"AHHAHAHAHA!" The blonde felt a vein pop out of his forehead as Epel laughed loudly from the next room. The lavender-haired boy had been like that for days now.
"That's it!" Vil exclaimed, and he immediately closed his laptop. Vil left his office to lecture Epel again (re: for the fifth time that day). The blonde rounded the corner to see Epel sprawled out on one of Pomefiore's sofas, laughing at something on his phone. Vil gracefully strode to Epel and took his phone.
"Hey! That's mine!" Epel attempted to grab the phone, but Vil dodged his advances by holding it up high. "Why are you lookin at my stuff anyway? There's nothing good." Epel jumped and internally cursed Vil and his heels.
Vil's only reply was a criminally bombastic side-eye. "Tsk. You would not understand Baby Potato. You laugh so loudly that you could attract a hyena to this dorm. I need to confiscate your phone so this dorm can have peace." Vil's eyes landed on Epel's screen, and the boy's eyes widened.
"Wait! That's-"
Vil only blinked. "Is that…me?" The boy asked, scrolling through the phone's contents, which had many memes of him. Usually, Vil did not mind this, but these memes were-
"UTTERLY PERPOSTEROUS!" Vil's scream caused Epel to close his eyes at the intensity. "Why does this one have so many unnecessary colors? And that font makes me want to vomit! These are not memes!"
Epel frowned. "What do you mean? I thought that one was hilarious. In fact, whoever makes them has been for a while, and they are always targeting you. Some are funny."
Vil stopped scrolling and just stared at Epel. "Like what?"
"Well, if you scroll up, there is one of you commanding a bunch of potatoes." Epel scooted closer and pointed at the device. "Another one where it has a man crying, and the caption is about you not being a villain. Oh, and this is my favorite one." Vil stopped scrolling. On the screen was a drawing of him lying still on the floor with a purple puddle surrounding him while a purple blob with arms and legs stood nearby. "You dying after drinking a Grimace drink." Epel could not hide his snicker. 
Vil gave Epel another bombastic side eye and shoved the phone back in Epel's hands. "This is too much. I need to rest my eyes." Vil sighed and strode off, only stopping when he was at the door. "Oh, and Epel. I am going to increase your training by tenfold. We will start when I wake up."
Epel gulped in fear.
"Monsieur Pommette? What are you doing?" Rook asked, causing Epel to freeze right before he could step through the portal connecting to the Mirror Chamber. 
Epel slowly turned to the blonde. "Oh, Rook, I did not see you there. I'm just going…" Epel trailed off. "On a trip?"
Rook raised an eyebrow, focusing on Epel's apple-shaped suitcase. "Oh really? Where to?"
Epel laughed nervously and looked anything but Rook. "Uhh, places…"
"AHHHHH!" Vil's scream echoed through the dorm, causing the other two to stop. 
"I wonder what that's about?" Rook asked aloud, briefly looking away and giving Epel enough time to run for it. 
Meanwhile, Vil was ready to throw his hand mirror at the wall. He had a bright red and angry pimple on his beautiful face that needed to be gone now! 
"If only I did not see those disgusting memes. The stress is getting to me…" Suddenly, a lightbulb flashed in Vil's head. He quickly grabbed his phone and dialed his manager's number. 
"Mira? It's me." Vil smirked evilly. "I have a job for you."
"Welcome back to NRC Gossip, everyone! It is your host Cay-Cay with none other than Yuu!" Yuu nodded to the crowd and turned to Cater. "So, tell me about your success?"
"Well, I like Vil Schoenheit but not like a huge fan. I thought, what better way to express it than through memes? That is the general gist of it." Yuu explained, ending her statement with a smile. 
Cater laughed and nodded. "You have to explain more, but first, I have a surprise that I want to show you."
Yuu's eyes lit up, and she shifted in her seat. "Really?! Is it a kitten?"
"Better." Cater made a motion to someone backstage behind Yuu. “Say hello to the Vil Schoenheit!” Vil walked out with an evil smirk, his amethyst eyes set on Yuu. 
Yuu felt the lights and whatever Cater was saying fly past her. She felt embarrassment and some fear grow inside of her, which only made Vil smile victoriously as her confidence faded away. Yuu's mind was telling her to run and get as far away from the man before she got a lecture about what not to post on the internet. Her body felt like lead, and her mouth only said one thing.
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©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
A/N: Tell me why I picture Vil walking in like the Eric Cartman Tiktok 😂
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
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wanderingjedi77 · 2 years
First Meeting (Bo Katan x Fem!Reader)
The first time you met Bo-Katan, the Empire had been in power for five years. You weren't Mandalorian, like she was. Sometimes you barely felt like a person.
You're family had been killed in the Clone Wars, caught in the conflict between the Republic and Sepratists. You were orphaned and alone, and drifted from place to place until you found work at a little droid repair shop on Naboo. In the heart of the Empire.
You worked hard, and didn't speak much to anyone except your co workers. You didn't want to draw attention to yourself because that was bad. You didn't need to be recruited or arrested. You just wanted to live you're life.
But you don't think you did until you met Bo.
She came into the shop with three of her Nite Owls, looking for parts to fix some old units they had when you were working there alone. You were startled at first, because Mandalorians didn't usually come here, but when Bo took off her helmet you were speechless in a different way.
"How soon can you have these parts?" Bo asked, giving you a curious look.
"Less than an hour." You blurted out, blushing. "Uh..." you weren't sure how to address her.
"Mand'alor." One of the others said.
"Mand'alor." The word sounded funny in your mouth and the woman laughed, looking amused. "Please wait here. I'll get everything ready for you." You said, nervous. You went to the back and started digging and checking inventory for everything you needed.
It actually took you forty five minutes to find everything, but you took am extra fifteen to calm the hell down.
You let out a deep sigh and brought the items to the front of the shop, putting them in a container as they watched you. When you finished, you closed the lid and looked at them expectantly.
"Here." The woman handed you a pouch of credits, and you smiled. "This should suffice."
"It's plenty thank you." You tell her.
The woman nods, pleased. "My name is Bo-Katan Kryze." She tells you, "If you wish, we could use more of your services in the future."
A steady income? Yes please.
"That would be great!" You blurted out, excited. "I'd be more then happy-"
"You really should learn to lock your door when doing unsavory business deals."
You stopped talking and felt her breath catch. Of course, Lieutenant Lawson would show up now.
You watched as he approached, slicked back brown hair and an air of superiority about him. Bo stepped away from you, just off to the side; and tapped her hand against her leg as the others with her tightened up.
You clenched your fist and frowned.
"I help anyone who comes to this shop." You reply, and you step from around the counter. "You know that Lieutenant."
"Even Rebels?"
"Their Mandalorian." You correct him, and Bo glances at you.
"Girl, do not tell me what they are!" He yells at you, and you flinch, putting your eyes down. You hated being yelled at.
"Maybe we should show you what we are." Bo snaps back and puts her helmet back on her head in one quick motion before she draws her blaster.
The Lieutenant looks at you sharply. "Traitors! You think you can get away with this-" He lunges at you and you jump back, hitting your back against the counter as a blaster shot rings out, followed by two more as you sink to the ground, covering your ears.
The lieutenant and his two bodyguards drop to the ground, unmoving, and you swallow hard, hands shaking as you remove them from your ears.
You had seen death before, but not like this.
"Hey, are you alright?" Bo is in front of you, blocking your view. Her helmet is off again, you realise. She kneels down in front of you, and starts checking you for visible injuries.
"Look at me! Look at me! Did he get you?" The woman, Bo, asks you, and she grips your arms with her hands. It's not hard, but enough to draw your attention.
You share your head. "No no. He didn't. I'm sorry. I'm-"
"Hey, it's okay." A female Mandalorian tells you. She's standing behind Bo and takes her helmet off. "I'm Koska. That's Axe-" She nods to the surley looking man.
"I'm y/n." You say, and you take some deep breaths to calm down. "Thanks for coming to my rescue." You thank them, but your looking at Bo.
Bo nods and helps you stand. "Do you have a safe place you could go?"
"No. I don't have anyone. I'll be okay, though." You try to smile at them, and Bo frowns.
"She could come with us Mand'alor." Koska says.
"She is kinda brave." Axe offers next.
"Alright." Bo, let's go of you. "I guess I'll keep you." There's a teasing tone to her voice, and you blush; feeling shy.
"Too bad Axe, looks like Bo has eyes for that one." Koska whispers to him.
"I'm fine. She is cute, though." Axe whispered back, and Koska smacked him on the chest.
Bo looked at them and turned to you,her eyes were softer now. She clearly didn't want to scare you. "If you want to, you're welcome. I wouldn't leave you to face the repercussions of our actions."
"I just need to get some things." You tell her, "I'll go. With you, I mean. You saved my life so I'm in your debt Mand'alor."
Bo watches you and gives you a smile. "Quickly then." She orders, and you comply.
By the time you're flying away from Naboo, your heart rate has slowed. It feels safer. For now, you have a new home.
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diy-fire-water-pups · 3 months
(( I feel the need to come here now and ask some people to be more considerate. ))
(( I created this blog for fun on my SPARE time, which is little to none because I need to worry about getting money constantly so I can eat. Not to make it everyone's problem but I literally haven't eaten anything today yet and it's currently 6:30 PM as I'm publishing this post right now. There is food at home but it's just one option, which I'm so tired of eating it constantly for being one of the cheapest things to buy, it doesn't satisfy me anymore and we're just halfway through the month. I don't have any source of secure income and I got four other mouths to feed ASIDE OF MY OWN. I am constantly overworked with my underpaid part time job as English teacher because neither my father or younger brother can help me checking these homeworks or exams, they don't know English language like I do, and I still need to balance that with drawing for commissions, which are the only way I got to get money during the month. My father is too old to get hired for anything. My brother is still finishing college, if only that shit would end their strike to continue classes so he can graduate still this year and look for a proper job, which will also probably take some time, it's not easy to get a job here.
And it takes a lot of time for me to draw and answer the asks in this blog, usually over 1 hour and half, up to two hours or even longer when there's all three pups + something else they're doing or for the background - that is, if I work on it non-stop, because I usually draw a sketch, it sits there for a few days, until I stop again to clean it up and draw the lineart, then wait a few more days until I go and color it to finish and publish the answered ask. I have some drafts with a doodled answer waiting for a week or even two, still waiting for me to finish the art and post them. I'm having fun with these on my own time.
WITH ALL THAT SAID, I cannot afford Magic!Anons that demand for specific amounts of asks to be worked on, no matter how many. You gotta understand it: If I would start the M!A effect tomorrow, the first ask with that effect would show up like, one whole week AFTER or so. It just does NOT work here. Besides, I have some stories going on in the blog, like this entire thing about Marshall's incoming deafness, which took me what, let me see... Two weeks and half since I replied the first Anon who started it and it's still not done completely yet. I still got another interesting story to start and entertain you all with it, this other one has been waiting sitting in this blog's drafts for literally ONE MONTH now. I'm not gonna interrupt them with side effects.
If you want to dare my pups to do something funny or silly, that's cool! But it'll go for only your dare ask and that's it. I'm not gonna disturb other asks or RPs. Magic!Anons are to be fun and short and sadly I do not have the time to have anything going on for too long like that, not when it's something that changes appearances, or whatever like that.
I am not mad, or angry. I'm just asking for consideration. I am an exhausted and probably currently underweight old artist who just wants to have fun and have some food to go by every day. I'm not a tireless art machine. I'm doing this for fun, every day I wake up I'm glad to have started this askblog and see how much you guys enjoy it and enjoy my portrayal of these pups we love so much, it always makes me smile and feel like I can do some more and keep going, despite all things being against me. But sometimes I need to be firm and say no as well. I have my limits.
Thank you if you read this far. And please, don't ask who was it or what happened, I don't want anyone going after who tried to push this specific M!A here. They're a very nice person who just happened to insist on something I said no before, and I do not condone people attacking others on someone else's behalf, as much as your intention is to defend someone, that's just shitty attitude!
Let's go back to this blog's usual business, shall we? Though now I gotta get back to checking those exams answers, Idk if I'll get time to draw any other reply for tonight, maybe past midnight. I still need to stop and get up to go eat, ugh. ))
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rebelrobin86 · 2 years
Valentines Day
(Robin Buckley x Fem!Reader)
Robin was anxiously tapping on the desk of Family Video, impatiently waiting for a distraction. Steve noticed his best friend and work colleague was worried about something. "What's wrong?"
"It's Valentines Day tomorrow and I have nothing for Y/N." Robin sighed. "Y/N's amazing and I really want to give her something special, but I have no money and I don't wanna lose her!"
"You couldn't lose Y/N, even if you tried, she loves you. She'll understand." Steve attempted to reassure Robin. "Seriously Rob, don't stress over it. Are you both still coming to the fair with us?"
"Yeah." Robin responded, unconvinced.
You walked through Hawkins Valentines Day fair with Robin, Nancy, Jonathan, Chrissy, Eddie, Steve and his date. Admiring the different rides and stalls.
You enjoyed walking round the fair with your friends, but you were so happy to finally get a moment alone with Robin. "Happy Valentines Day Robin." You smiled, giving her a card and a small wrapped box.
"Thank you." Robin read the card and then opened her present. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a heart pendant.
"I wanted to give you my heart, Robin Buckley. Will you be my Valentine?"
"Yeah. This is beautiful I really love it." Robin smiled, as she put the necklace on. "Thank you."
Nancy ran over to you. "Hey guys, we're all doing the loop rollercoaster, you coming?"
"No." Robin answered immediately. "But you should go, I know you like rollercoasters?"
"Yeah, okay." You replied, not sure why Robin didn't want to go on the rollercoaster, but didn't question it.
"See you later Robin." Nancy smiled, as you went to queue for the ride, ready to have fun with your friends.
Steve stayed back with Robin, while everyone else went on the rollercoaster. He comes back from the food stall, after finishing some churros, as he sees a frustrated Robin attempting a basketball game at the stall.
"What are you doing?"
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to win won of those giant bears for Y/N, because like I expected, she got me the best present ever and I have nothing!"
Robin continued rambling. "Actually, nothing would probably have been better, because all I got her is a stupid handmade card. I feel like the worst girlfriend ever."
"How much money, you spent on this?"
"Too much!" Robin whines upset as she uses both hands and launches the basketball, which bounces off the net.
"Give me the next ball." Steve confidently says and he grabs the ball. Robin takes a step back and watches. Steve perfectly got it in the first time. "That's how it's done."
Robin points at her favourite bear "We'll take that one please?"
Robin carries the bear. "How'd you do it?"
"You forgot I used to play basketball. Don't worry, you won the bear remember? I just watched you do it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, now you can actually enjoy the fair with us, instead of murdering one of America's favourite sports."
You come off the ride, seeing Steve and Robin holding a teddy, almost as big as them. Hearing them both laughing and joking, you happily run over to them.
"The ride was so fun! It was really funny, Chrissy screamed so loud!"
Eddie added "And crushed my hand from squeezing it too hard." Chrissy laughed.
You squeeled. "Oh wow, you won a giant bear, that's amazing!!"
"I won it for you actually." Robin smiled.
"For me?" You excitedly replied, your eyes lit up as Robin gave you the giant bear. You held and hugged the bear, then hugged your girlfriend.
"This is the best present and Valentine's Day ever! Thank you, Robin."
"Happy Valentines Day! Hey, wanna go on the big ferris wheel?"
"Sure!" You exclaimed as you took Robin's hand and ran over to the ride with her. You two even get your own private pod.
Robin gave you a homemade card she drew bees on saying "bee my valentine" You giggled at the cute drawing and pun, you tell Robin how much you love the card and your new bear, that requires their own seat.
The sun sets as you reach the top of the ferris wheel. Robin smiled leaning in and kissing you at the top of the ferris wheel.
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
hiiii lychee :))
as you can see I have too much free time on my hands. but I have a decent amount to say today, so prepare yourself
I’m gonna try and keep this organized and maybe short so 1: do you have any more thoughts on the avatar mako au to share because it’s been rolling around in my brain a lot and I want to know what you have to say about it bcs the way your brain works is so. hajdhskapxn/pos
2: mako learning to draw by engraving his parents’ faces in the dirt of an alleyway over and over and over for years even as he starts to forget their faces. mako who wishes he could’ve afforded paper and charcoal at eight to put down something permanent, something accurate. mako getting their family photo from yin and giving her the scarf, redrawing the picture on the nicest paper he can find to give to her as well. artist mako,, save me artist mako,,,
3: more fem mako thoughts but makorrasami love triangle/eventual polycule(?) except they’re all girls. I just feel like the pining after your team captain who you now do know is gay except it’s because she’s dating a rich girl who’s also very hot is just a whole lot more fun than what they had going on in canon because. girls but sports au. sooo in love w that. also I don’t think makorra would get together in b1 like canon did for a couple reasons. for one, the girl trauma in addition to general trauma of being a homeless orphan. touch and gestures of affection from a person she doesn’t know well yet would probably be a no-no, and korra seems like a very touchy person, just in the natural way that her space is yours and your space is hers. also her energy? like obviously mako would come around but korra in b1 is so much more excited about the world than mako and I think that would kind of, like, intimidate her. (<-also reasons makorra could’ve worked later on but not when they happened) but as the series progresses, korra mellows and mako gets used to her. it works.
but then how does masami happen so early? because asami is the moon to korra’s sun. she’s calm and a careful thinker and after korra’s exuberance breaks down mako’s walls a little bit, asami would be able to slip in being everything mako imagines herself wanting. also more than financially stable. so masami becomes a thing, and korra is jealous, but she’s not sure of who which I personally think is so funny
but yeah that’s basically it. I always love how you take my silly little commentary and give actual thoughtful replies, it makes my day 😭
with love
snailon! good to see you here haha i totally didn't die for like two weeks what fjsgjhjkgfhs (i'm so sorry i took so long that you thought you imagined this ask hhh)
okay i actually have not thought about it for a hot minute but get this… i get like 40 hours a week back because no more percussion! so i have so much time!!! dude i'm going to rewatch lok AGAIN and then brainrot some more. avatar mako's love hate relationship with the entire fucking world is the only thing about it in my head. i'm sorry i don't have a lot to say about this au right now :(( it'll happen,,, one day,,,,
oh! (sobbing!) personally i am a fan of aspiring writer mako but also artist mako is extremely valid and i love the hc's you've built around it :)
girl for girl for girl makorrasami is really the best version of it tbh! love all your thoughts and actually that's a hilarious angle of korra getting the Sapphic Confirmation but it's not a good thing bc the love interest is actually dating a girl who is NOT korra except oh shit this girl is also super hot and attractive. what the fuck is this. korra my favorite girl in the world ever you're allowed to like all the girls in the world if you want and no one has the right to fault you for it.
anyway thank YOU for always sharing your thoughts with me!! i love to hear it and i'm sorry there was such a delay bhjfjgfh i'll get to your other ask soon promise. my commentary is a little bit dead today but i wanted to get this out instead of leaving it rotting in my inbox forever because i promise i have been turning it over in my head for a minute now :P have a good day snailon!
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tetsunabouquet · 11 months
Basic Instinct Chapter 23
Masterpost Rima dialed Masaomi's number, and was absolutely infuriated when she got his voicemail. She hung up and called again, intending to call him until he would answer the bloody phone. By the third time, Masaomi picked up. "Okaa-san, I am sorry, but I am in the middle of some important bussiness." "Does that important business involve tracking down your son who has been missing over 24 hours?" She could hear Masaomi pause for a moment on the other line of the phone. "I take it he's with you, then." Masaomi's voice was strained with emotion, he sounded like he had a lot to say but was trying to refrain himself. Good, Rima was glad to hear it actually seemed to distress him that Akashi had run off. "Yes, the servants on my payroll brought him to me, considering your actions." "My actions? Has Seijuro told you what he has done?" Masaomi sounded a bit more offended and angry then he probably would have liked. "You mean, has he told me he got swept up in the moment and thinking it was private, he decided to kiss the girl he loves? Do not tell me you have never done this, I still remember you being all over my Shiori when the two of you should have been preparing for my brother's birthday party!" Rima hissed, angry at the hypocrisy. "You don't understand the situation, that girl is trouble and she isn't right for Seijuro! She is shameful, pathetic and she instigates Seijuro to show ill behavior constantly!" "I perfectly understand the situation, you are biased against the girl Seijuro fell in love with because she is a commoner with low self esteem due to her unstable upbringing, instead of the daughter of one of your bussiness partners. What are you thinking, trying to arrange a marriage between him and the Niragi girl?! I have seen her at parties and she is nothing more but a spoilt brat who thinks the world revolves around her." "Tsukiko is a wonderful, intelligent young lady and a far better match for Seijuro then that girl." Rima could hear the disdain in his voice, and it made her blood boil. "Wonderful? She is a nasty piece of work. Have you ever even met y/n?" "She is not worth my time, and if you'd see her you'd understand." That, made Rima chuckle. "Funny you'd say such a thing, considering she and Seijuro are both staying with me for the time being, and I happen to find her quite lovely. You should have seen them at the breakfast table, I've never seen Seijuro that happy before." She could hear Masaomi choked on his breath in surprise, a rare occurence. "You took her in?" "Yes, Seijuro was concerned about her, and felt so guilty for getting her in trouble with her mother, I had my servants bring her over so her mother could cool off a few days. Seijuro will be staying permanently with me though, it is what he wishes and I do not want to turn down his request. You have been controlling every facet of his life, and it has made him so horribly unhappy to the point of growing mentally unstable and you still won't stop! You've been merciless and cruel, and Shiori would be ashamed of you if she were still around." That wounded Masaomi, and Rima knew it. Just as she knew, that it was the truth, which made her words sting even more. Masaomi was silent for a long time, before he replied with; "Tamamura-san will be returning from her vacation shortly. I will send over some of Seijuro's belongings with her to you. I will give you two months, to see if you can arrange something for Yukimaru, or else I will have to sell him off. I will contact you in the future, okaa-san. I do have to return to my bussiness now." Then he hung up, not giving Rima any time to say something but she figured he was too much of a coward to apologize or admit to his wrong doings. At least he didn't put up a fight to keep Seijuro, but she figured Masaomi didn't wanted to draw too much attention and make a scene. Sometimes, trying to keep up appearances did have its advantages. Now, all that was left was to inform Seijuro of her conversation with his father, and to contact the nearest horse ranch if they had a stable for her grandson's horse.
In the meantime, Masaomi was hunched over at his desk, and far away from where anyone could see, he allowed himself to cry and be hurt by his mother in law's words, and the fact his son no longer wanted to live with him. He had truly gone about this the wrong way. He should have listened to Fujioka's warning, but he didn't take the butler seriously, for he was just a butler. Perhaps, Masaomi really did misjudged the people below him too much.
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artistcaptainbendy · 1 year
I see that you have alot of Captain Underpants aus, so if you don't mind, can you tell me about all of them and the differences between them and canon.
Hey sorry for taking a while to reply.
I can't really remember everything AU I made but I'll try my best.
Let's start with what I think was the first one, smartypants Au. It's basically what happens when instead of the boys making krupp, the captain, it was Melvin. Of course the biggest difference here is that krupp is the silly one and the captain is the smart one. Melvin was tried of how dumb krupp was and so taught him a lot of info to try and make him smart (by editing the boys comics), when that didn't work he hypothesis him and made him captain smartypants. Now at first I was going to have SP!Krupp's chaotic nature just be something he does, but later on I decided to have it be his part cosmic chaos demon because it sounds funny, so now he has a reason to be chaotic he needs it to live. Now I believe almost everything I've drawn is technically Canon, sp can travel to other Aus and interact with other krupps so stuff like that happens.
Now let's go to Bendypants au. Just what happens when I take a horror game and blend it with the CU universe. George and Harold being joey and Henry, Melvin is sammy, krupp is boris, edith is Alice, of the star of the show himself! Captain underpants is bendy. Now some relationships I had to change for the characters but the story is basically the same. Now what I say isn't Canon is of course any of the funny side things I draw like them celebrating holidays together or when they all went to space or anything that happens with Beetlejuice. Its more of its own side au where it's the same characters but different vibes. AU BP is different from persona BP with is me even if I use some of the same story beats. Now I'm realizing I've drawn more things for the silly side au then the official one hahaha.
Side timeline au time. Criminal SP krupp, if what happened to sp in high school made him a worse person instead of better and he became a Criminal. He uses his chaotic powers to steal and rob places, one day after saving two teens, they wanted to join him. At first he wanted nothing to do with them but after a while he finally let them be his crew. Now I haven't drawn much for this one but most of it is Canon. Even the silly.
Imaginary friend AU. Again not much drawn for this one so all is Canon. But it's what if the OG, PP, and SP captains were Imaginary friends to their krupps who are kids. I still have no explanation as to how there are three krupps but eh.
Sp jekyll and hyde AU. Same story as the play version but with some changes, so I guess not that similar. But instead of murder it's pranks, and smarty doesn't cheat on edith. George and Harold are two orphans who hyde SP took and smarty decided to adopt. Now I'm not sure what to have not Canon so that's up in the air.
Vampire SP. Gosh there are lot of sp krupps. Ok it's sp but Vampire and smarty is his twin brother who somehow is a werewolf. Sp doesn't want to drink blood but has to so he doesn't go crazy, so his former caretaker works at a blood bank and sneaks him some "food". He had a girlfriend 100s of years ago and now has found a woman who looks a lot like her, this being Edtih. Hmm everything Canon, even when helped fight Beetlejuice.
And lastly (because I might of forgotten the other aus I might have) is the lumberjack Au! Krupp is a lumberjack......that is all (jk). His a lumberjack that lives in the woods in a small cabin, people thought he was some odd creature till the boys found him and saw he was just a lumberjack who might have been in the woods for too long. They befriend him and now once in while hang out with him. Now this more of a cozy au nothing too crazy happens in it, there might be sometimes when it does, like when krupp upsets the sprite of the woods, but hey who doesn't do that. Not much art for it yet but mostly all Canon, and the side horror thing with him as the protagonist is separated. But I'll leave you with a fun fact.....in this universe lumberjack krupp's parents are actually the smartest people in the world, like world class scientists levels, and he doesn't like talking about them and hopes no one realizes his their son.
What? I can't make a krupp who doesn't have issues it's impossible! Make a character who's just happy with life and has no worries ? Never!
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livfastdieyoung69 · 1 year
Bones, Body, Soul.
A Jeff Hardy Story. (Ch.5)
“Jeffrey Hardy?” A nurse yelled into the hospital waiting room. In response, Jeff quickly walked over to the woman and began following her as she started to walk him to Lemmy’s room. “Dallas is all set to go home. Will you be the one staying with her?” After earning a nod, she began to speak again. “Well, that's good. Poor kid’s been asking for you the whole time.”
“Really? They doin’ alright?” The nurse let out a giggle, not at his concern but the reminder of Lemmy’s behavior.
“Oh, they're doin’ just fine. I gotta say though, they sure are a funny one. Hasn’t stopped talkin’ sense the moment they woke up. Here, see for yourself.” She pushed the flimsy door aside after a quick knock, revealing a fuzzy-eyed Lemm talking to the nurse fixing some kind of equipment next to them, before their attention was moved to the creaky door, the dopey smile pasted onto Lemmy's face greeting Jeff.
Lemmy's hand reached out to him as he drew in closer, reaching under his shirt and wrapping around his waist before he could take it into his own hand. Giggles spilled from his chest, a blush rising up his neck to match while attempting to push Lemmy's head away from the spot they had claimed on his stomach.
“Lemm…” His voice was sympathetic, and maybe a little teasingly, understanding that Lemmy was searching for comfort in him but also knowing they would feel a lot better out of the hospital. Lemmy did nothing but smile into his skin, making no effort in moving.
“Missed you. All the pretty ladies told me you were gonna be here real soon but it didn’t feel like real soon. Felt like forever.”
“Yeah?” Now he was definitely teasing them.
“Yeah.” And they definitely couldn’t tell. Their silence returned like it always seemed to do, each enjoying the blatant happiness that coated the both of them in bliss. Lemmy's free hand latched behind Jeff's back with the other while Jeff's own moved to settle on their neck. “You should get a belly button piercing.”
“What?” Jeff's giggles returned at Lemmy's absurd request.
“It would make you even prettier and you always got your stomach out in those little mesh shirts anyways. Give everyone somethin’ to look at.” They explained as if it were completely reasonable. because it is.
“I think we should get you home before you decide on some other body modifications,” Jeff joked, but he couldn't help but feel a rush of warmth at Lemmy's compliment. He leaned in to press a gentle kiss to Lemmy's forehead, feeling their fingers tighten on his back in response.
The nurse cleared her throat, drawing their attention away from each other. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we do need to do some routine check-ups and monitoring before Dallas can be discharged. It shouldn't take too long."
Jeff nodded in understanding, not wanting to leave Lemmy's side but knowing they needed to follow the hospital's protocols. "Of course, whatever they need."
As the nurse began her work, Jeff pulled up a chair next to Lemmy's bed and took their hand in his once again. They spoke about nothing in particular, just happy see eachother again after Lemmy's lengthy surgery.
Eventually, the nurse finished her tasks and gave them the all-clear to leave. Jeff helped Lemmy get dressed into an old Pearl Jam shirt they had definitely stolen from him and a pair of sweatpants, probably also his before making sure they were comfortable and ok to start the journey home.
They settled in on the couch together after the long ride to the Hardys’ and a quick phone call to Steve, Lemmy snuggled into Jeff's side, as they watched the much promised Hellrasier trilogy. "Thanks for being here, Jeffro."
"Always, Lemm," Jeff replied, pressing a kiss to their temple. Lemmy's smile was soft, filled with genuine, natural love.
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Months had passed, yet still not enough. Physically therapy was tiring and left Lemmy aching yet in the best ways knowing that every session improved their knee and their ability to wrestle once again. The uncomfortable cast turned into a slightly more bearable brace as time went by. Though they still weren’t all the way recovered, they had gotten to the point where it was time to start discussing their future in WWF.
Lemmy walked into the confrence room, their brace clicking with every step. They tried to keep their head held high, despite the nerves that were starting to creep in. Vince and many others, including the creative team, were sitting around the large table, quietly conversing as they waited for Lemmy.
“Sorry about the wait, still a little slow with this thing.” Lemmy pointed down to the clanking brace as they spoke, moving over to the only open seat.
“No worries, Dallas. Let's get right to the point, yes? This is the company's very own creative team, I’m sure you've met a few of them. I’ll let them take over for a few while I get all sorted out.” Lemmy nodded and moved their focus over to the group of creatives at the table, interested in hearing their ideas.
“Well,” An older man, at least in his late 40s, spoke up first. “We know that the fans already love Stone Cold, so we were thinking of doing some sort of story line to bring you into the WWF universe as his unassuming kid, and maybe have another wrestler flirt with you so that Steve gets mad at him and starts a whole thing. That way, fans would already know your gimmick and be more interested in the character.” Noticing the uneasy look on Lemms face, Vince spoke up.
“And of course, after that story, we can always pull you away from the Stone Cold gimmick. It will simply be a way to introduce you to the fans.”
“No. I’m not going to just be Stone Colds kid. I love my dad, and I love Stone Cold but that’s not who I am or how I wrestle. And I’m certainly not going to stand back and let you make me into another nice body for fans to fawn over. I wrestle. I have worked to wrestle, I have the body to wrestle, I am going to wrestle and I’m going to do it my way, not my dads.”
“You think you’re going to get whatever you want because your father works for me?” Vince was clearly angered at Lemmy putting up a fight, and even angrier at the way they were talking to him.
“I understand that I am here because of who my father is, but I don’t want to profit off of him. I want the fans to choose if they like me based on my gimmick, not my father's.” Vince leaned back further into his chair at their worlds, crossing his arms.
“And how exactly do you plan on doing this?”
“It's my dream to wrestle, do you really think I haven’t thought about this? I know exactly what I want to do.”
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i still cannot believed that i wrote all of this today. well most of it, i wrote like probably three paragraphs last week. anywyas, i love it and im super excited to introduce lemms gimmick and ive already got them a theme song picked out im so excitedd there gonna be so cool 😁😁 couldnt stop myself from metioning jeff in those slutty little mesh shirts 😋 i also could not stop myself from making him such a bbg and makin him giggle hes just so cute
also if i ever take 3 months to start writing again, yell at me you mfers!! like seriously i dont have any concept of time i fr thought i posted like a few weeks ago or something @joeyfilth <3
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itsm3m00n · 1 year
Gasp if this is too personal you can ignore me but you're in a relationship? What kind, who, when, how, are they as wonderful as you also do you have any cool stories about them or a past relationship omigosh spill.
its funny, because me and my partner literally have a whole backstory and i am about to unleash it upon you
Let me tell you The Story Of Space Potato
a long, long time ago, i was seven years old, and taking swim lessons at my local YMCA. in my class, was a kid who we'll call Kase (the german word for cheese) Kase and i were like every other seven year old who was put in a close vicinity with another their age, and quickly became friends.
while we took these brief YMCA swim lessons, the two of us played a game we dubbed "Space Potato" which is where you stand in the shallow end, jump up, curl into a ball and bob around like a, well, potato.
that swim practice session ended, and just like you do with all other playground friends, i completely forgot about Kase's existence.
flash forward a few years later and i graduated from YMCA swim lessons onto an actual swim team. now, this was funny because my mother was extremely excited to tell me that Kase's younger sibling, Krankenhaus, was on the swim team as well.
i remember my mother said to me, "do you remember Krankenhaus? they did swim lessons at the YMCA with you!" and so forth.
i had quite literally never heard of Krankenhaus before in my life.
however, when i came to practice on the first day, i was in a lane (lane 2) with several people, one of which was my classmate. we all got along fairly well, being fourth grade females.
one of the children in my lane introduced themselves to me as Kase. we werent the closest in our lane, but we were what the children nowadays refer to as "homies"
a good few practices in, and one day i say to Kase, "hey, want me to show you this thing i came up with called space potato?"
Kase's reaction was something like "broh i made that up" and suddenly we remembered the swim lessons at the YMCA.
the year progressed, and Kase and i were slightly closer than before, but not really at "close friend" level. we would talk during practice, and at meets, but it never really meant anything.
quite some time later (like a lot of years) and it was the end of the swim season, and Kase asked for my number. this is a normal thing to do, as we were friends and wanted to communicate.
i remember literally one of the first texts Kase send me was a gif of Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows, which really got us off on the right foot.
swim years came and went, and i was trying to figure out what my next school would be, as i had graduated. Kase was going to go to a school their mother worked at, and told me that i should apply.
i applied to Kase's school, got in, and chose it over my other two options, a horse girl school and a bunch of barns.
now the summer before i would go to this new school, i was at a theater camp doing stage tech and set design, it was a week long camp and i remember distinctly that on tuesday night, me and Kase were texting, as people do.
now i had been questioning my feelings for about a month now, because i was unfamiliar with the special condition known as Not Straight that i was dealing with.
on this tuesday night, we were chatting about random things. the two if us have a lot in common, we had read the same books, liked to draw, so on. and in a moment of idiocy, i texted something sort of like "brooo are we like soulmates?"
and then immediately regretted it because like actually who says that
but this moment of panic grew to extremes when i got no reply. i stared at my phone screen, not even the three dots showed up. i actually almost cried.
turning my phone off, i pulled a blanket over my head to wallow in my own self pity. desperate, i opened my messages and lo and behold, there were several texts, the last few being things like "where did you go?" and "did you like die or something"
turns out my FUCKING PHONE didnt send the messages through at the most horrible moment possible.
the funny thing is, the conversation turned from being best friends roommates (oof) to us spamming the word "mooses"
we also signed a soulmates contract.
however, this is not the actual story of how we got together. i might write a part two later, but my fingers are tired of typing
To Be Continued
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