#I was Very Shaken when I went to that area if you haven't noticed already
gierosajie · 2 years
Ngl, the area around King Deshret's mausoleum has similar vibes to the Dainichi Mikoshi, especially during the Three Realms event
I feel like the harsh lighting has something to do with it, not to mention the heartwrenching music that feels sad in a tragic way adding to that lonely feeling. The environment changes so much that it feels like witnessing the end of the world, desolate and alone.
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writing-fanics · 3 years
[ Mamoru x Fem!Reader ]
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a/n; i'm skipping when we first see sailor v, cause i'm lazy and I wanna get to when serenity is awaken so yeah.. 
[ Part IV ]
[ Time Skip ]
That night, she didn't get much sleep. She was too lost in her own thoughts, about Mamoru. She's never had these feelings before, they were all new to her. She snuggled her head, into her pillow. The broken pocket watch, close to her. 
She sat up in bed and, looked at the pocket watch. Her heart beating faster and, faster the more she looked at it. Her fingers touched it, they traced to broken pocket watch carefully. Touching it with such care, she had to give it back soon.  
As the two stood in the park, [Y/n] smiled, at Mamoru. Their eyes getting lost in each-other's gaze, she giggles happily. Until that moment was ruined,  
"Y/n is that you?" a voice said behind her and, her heart stopped taking her out of that moment between her and, Mamoru. Her heart stopped she slowly turned around and, gasped her entire body shaking. Mamoru notice this and, looked at her with concern. 
"Oh, it is you. It's been so long." 
[Y/n] backed away, from them. The person from her past the person, who abused her... Who poisoned her, almost killing her, was here standing right before her. Her adoptive mother...
"How are you doing?' She asks and, [Y/n] doesn't speak she couldn't she looks down at the ground. 
"Y/n?" Mamoru says, placing a hand on her shoulder and, she looks up at him. He noticed how frightened she looked, her eyes widened and, he took her hand. [Y/n] looked, over at her adoptive mother who was smiling, which that made her stomach turn. 
"I-I u-um I-I..." [Y/n] mumbled, she tightened her grip on Mamoru's hand and, he looked down at her. Mamoru, looked up at the woman standing there, 
"Excuse me, but we have some place to be." Mamoru says, holding [Y/n]'s hand and, them walking away from her. As they got further and, further away. [Y/n] wrapped her arms around Mamoru's arm, she was still shaking. They made their way, back to his apartment. 
 Mamoru noticed, how shaken and scared she was. When they tried to talk to her, [Y/n]'s face turns red, as she feels Mamoru's hand on hers. "Are you okay?" He asks, and she looks down, then at him. Her heart racing, pounding against her chest. "Yeah, I'm fine Mamo. Just seeing her, after all those years startled me." She says, looking up at him, smiling. 
Mamoru then pulled her into a hug, wrapping his arms around her. She gasp, her eyes widened. "M-Mamo?" She says, softly. He places his chin, a top of her head. 
"If you need anything, I'm here for you." He says, to her and, she blushes. She looks up at him, and wraps her arms around him.
"Thank you, Mamo." She says and, she looks up at him. And he looks down at her, the to stare into each-others eyes. She looks away, blushing and, plays with her fingers. She's never felt this way, about anyone before and, this feeling theses feelings she has for Mamoru felt so strong. 
"Wanna watch a movie, to get your mind off it?" He asks and, her eyes lit up she smiles and, nods. The two sitting on the couch, watching a movie together. As time went by, it became dark outside and, the movie was over.
[Y/n] looks out and, sees the stars. She smiles, as an idea pops into her head. She takes, Mamoru by the hand and pulls him up, "Come on, let's look at the stars." She says, pulling him out onto the balcony. She giggles, as they sit down on the balcony.
"I-I don't know much about stars." Mamoru says and, she looks at him. 
"That's okay, Mamo. It's for fun." She says, smiling at him. The two look up at the stars and, [Y/n] points out the stars and, constellations. 
"You sure know a lot about stars." He says and, she looks at him and, blushes.
"Yeah, sometime my mom would take me outside to look at them." She says, to him. Looking back up at the stars and, the two look up and both point at the same time. 
"Well I know that one the big dipper." He says and, the two stare look at each-other. Under the night sky, this moment between them felt so familiar. Like they've done this before, they blush looking into each-others eyes. As the two, slowly intertwine their fingers. 
As the wind blew it seemed, as if it was pushing them closer and, closer to each-other. To the point, where their lips were, mere inches away from each-other. They haven't known each-other for very long, but already know so much about each-other. And, this moment between them at this moment, felt so right. 
They close the gap between them, their lips touching. [Y/n]'s hand places her hands, on Mamoru's chest. This kiss between them, felt magical familiar as if, out of a fairy tale. Mamoru places his hands, on her waist. She didn't want, this moment between them to stop. 
Her back presses against the floor, her fingers running through Mamoru's hair. Eventually, they parted for air. And, the two stare into each-other's eyes. Their faces bright red, they both smile at each-other. T
"Y/n! We need you now!" Atlas says, sending a transmission. She gasps and, looks u at Mamoru. 
"On my way!" She says, into her watch. She stands up and, kisses Mamoru on the cheek. 
"I-I have to go the others need me!" She says, to him. And, she quickly leaves. Running to Tokyo Tower, to meet up with the others. Everything was pitch black dark, she noticed the others and, transformed into Sailor Luna. 
"Sorry guys." She says, running next to them. [Y/n] gasps, as they begin to move up towards the tower. They they notice Kunzite, "So you've come." He says, his arms folded. 
"Sucking up energy! That's something even a god is forbidden to do! pretty guardian of love and justice, sailor moon has arrived, and in the name of the moon we'll punish you!" Sailor Moon says, then grabs her Moon Stick, along with Sailor Luna. 
'Moon Healing Escalation!' 
"Lunar Healing Escalation' 
The girls shout, but [Y/n] falls and, is caught by Tuxedo Mask. She gasps and, looks him in the eyes. She wraps her arms around him, holding him. 
"It's dangerous here! We'll defeat the enemy. You go as far away as you can!" She shouts at him, pressing her lips against his, even though the two have shared a kiss before.  She backs away and, stares into his eyes. 
"I'm not watching someone I love, get hurt." She says, as she goes back up towards Kunzite. "Sailor Luna!" the others shout, seeing her come back up. 
"Supreme thunder!" Mako shouts, sending it towards Kunzite. But it didn't work, it only gave him more energy. "More! Give me more energy! And I can give it back to you hundreds of times over! I will blow Tokyo off the map!" Kunzite shouts,
"Run! Hurry!" [Y/n] shouts, at them. She uses her star stick, to make a protective forcefield around the other scouts, 
"Sailor Luna' Minako shouted, 
"We have to protect Sailor Luna now!" She shouted. 
Kunzite then sends a powerful beam down towards Sailor Luna, time seemed to go by so fast. Cause the next thing she knew, was that Tuxedo Mask had jumped in front of her, taking the blunt of the energy blast. Her eyes widened with horror, as she caught him in her arms. 
"Tuxedo Mask!" She screams, tears running down her cheeks. 
Tears running down her face, as she cups Mamoru's face in her hands. She brings her forehead to his, her tears hitting his cheeks. "Please, Mamo!" She cries, tears running down her cheeks. As she holds him close, ,
'Tuxedo Mask! Open your eyes' Mamoru hears, Y/n cry out for him. 
'Someone is calling to me.' He says, looking at the vast empty area that surrounds him. 
'Long hair....That shimmers like the stars above. The one who calls out to me in my dreams is it you?' He asks, looking at her a apparition that looks alot like [Y/n] appears in front of him. 
'Sailor Luna?' He looks up at her.. 
'You're sad. A face such as yours should never be sad.' He says, to himself. Tears run down [Y/n]'s cheeks, as she holds him. 
'Why are you crying?' 
'Wait! Something like this has happened before.' He remembers and,.
'Endymion!'  Princess Y/n, cries looking down at him. 
'Endymion! Endymion!' She cries out, in anguish. 
Mamoru looks up, finally remembering his true name, 'Endymion? That's my name? I was reborn here on Earth as Mamoru Chiba.' He remembers,
He weakly brings his hands up, looking at [Y/n] who looked down at him worried, tears in her eyes. 'I remember now, I came back to be with you again. I found you, Y/n." He says, his hand going limp.
"My...Star." He says, and [Y/n] looks down at him in shock, tears streaming down her cheeks. [Y/n] shakes her head, and screams in anguish. As she wraps her arms around Mamoru, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
"No!"  She cries, holding him. As she screams in anguish, Her tiara shatters and, a crescent symbol appears on both her and Usagi's forehead. Their outfits turn into dresses and, their hair becomes longer. [Y/n] looks down and, sees the broken pocket watch. 
As it seems to be going backwards, everyone begins to remember their past lives. 
"I remember! I remember you" She says, placing her hand on his cheek. 
"I remember my beloved.." She says, looking down at him. 
'My memories are coming back to me one by one, he had the same eyes as you with a deep color..' 
'you could just sink into.' 
'The same deepness as the blue world in which was hidden all our possibilities and hopes.' 
'Long ago, I looked at that blue planet from the moon I loved it...' 
'And... this was my secret watching the Earth's prince and heir.' 
'that matchless That marvel Endymion!' 
'I descendant to the planet time and time again hoping to catch a glimpse of him Endymion' 
"But we mustn't meet like this anymore." Princess [Y/n] said to him, tears brimming her eyes. 
"Why?" Endymion asked, holding her close looking into her eyes, that shined like the stars. 
"Denizens of the Earth and Moon are forbidden to fraternize. That's god's law... I mustn't fall in love.. but it's too late.'" The two share a kiss, underneath the stars. 
The moon kingdom and earth kingdom, were in the middle of a war. "We will taake the Kingdom of the Moon and make it ours, the legendary silver crystal will be mine. Prince, will you be a traitor to Earth this is all for Earth's prosperity" Beryl shouted, at the prince. 
Who stood in front of [Y/n], "Stop! Lay down your arms! Stop this futile war!" Endymion shouted, at them. Beryl was possessed and, tried to attack the princess Endymion was quick and, protected his lovers life. 
'Endymion!' she cried. 
"Talk to me... Open your eyes please!" She cried, holding him. 
"We were reborn, and I finally saw you but again but.. is this to be our fate Endymion! Tuxedo Mask." She cried, holding him in her arms. 
"I love you please, come back to me!" She cried, cupping his face in her hands. As she cries, her tear crystalizes and, a bright light emits from it. 
"I can see it! This light.. us Y/n-chan's tear crystallized and shining." Ami says.. The bright light blinds, Kunzite then Beryl appears. A bright light emits from the crystal and, comes out of it. It goes into Mamoru's chest, and then the light goes out and, the crystal falls into her hands. 
Then Kunzite attacks [Y/n] who screams in pain, then the Sailor Scouts who are also protecting Usagi now Princess Serenity, jump in front protecting [Y/n]. She holds onto Mamoru, holding him close. Then feels his grip leaving hers, she looks up and, gasps. 
"Tuxedo Mask!" She screams trying, to reach out towards him. The guardians holding her back, as she cries trying to reach out for him. 
"No please! Let me go! He's taking Tuxedo Mask away!" She pleas, tears streaming down her cheeks. 
"Luna! Artemis! Atlas! Can you hear me?! We have to go transport there! Help us out!" Ami shouts, 
"Nooo! Tuxedo Mask... MAMO!" She cries, crying as she watches as they take him away.
They were at the Crown Game Center, their secret hideout. [Y/n] was crying her arms wrapped around Usagi, who was comforting her. 
"Sailor Luna, Sailor Moon... I mean, Princess Serenity and Princess Y/n, you remember don't you?" Minako asks and, [Y/n] and Usagi, both look towards her. 
"About me, Sailor Venus too? And about how Sailor Venus was actually the leader of the Sailor Guardians assigned to protect the princesses?" and About our kingdom SIlver Millennium?" She asks and, both girls nod. 
[Y/n] looks down, remembering Endymion. 'That time before we were reborn, when we were so happy. When you asked me to be your princess and, I said yes.' Back when the Earth was it's own KIngdom and the Moon was separate kingdom.' 
'then....just as now..I was unable to save you'  she says, as she begins to feel dizzy. It was all too much, losing Mamoru, the same day the two shared a kiss. And, finding out she's actually the moon princess from the story her mother told her many times as a child. 
She placed her hand, on her head. And fell to the ground, passing out. 
[Y/n] gasps, waking up from a nightmare. She brings her hands, to her face and, cries. Sobbing into her hand, she's been through so much in her life and, now this. "M-Mamo, I-I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." She cries, she looks out at the stars. 
She shakes her head and, grabs both curtains and, covers the window. She falls onto her knees, "I'm so weak..." She whimpers, wrapping her arms around herself. She looks down at the broken pocket watch and, holds it close to her chest. 
She clenches the sheets and, cries. Atlas jumps up onto her bed and, gives her a sympathetic look. He nuzzles his head into her hand and, she looks down at him. 
"Atlas, I love him so much....E-even if I am some princess, I just want to live a normal life! I just want one without some evil forces coming after us all the time. I want a life with Mamo... That's all I want.." She cries, her body shaking. Atlas nuzzles his head, once more. 
"Y/n...I promise, we will get Mamoru back. It's going to take time, but we will. I hate seeing you this upset." He says, she looks down at him. 
"We all do.." 
[Y/n] looked up at saw Rei, with the others Usagi along with them. She looks down, "We all hate seeing you cry, Y/n." Usagi says and, [Y/n] looks at her. 
"H-How can I not be sad, when the enemy stole the man I love!" She cries, sobbing into her hands. She looks up slightly, 
"In this life, I've never been in love. I was usually a loner, after the things I've been through. That changed, when I met Mamoru. There was just something about him, that- that.. Changed me, slowly yet surely I fell in love. I had already fallen in love with him before I knew he was Tuxedo Mask." She says, looking up at the others. 
"He was the first person who, I ever fell in love with. And then I lose him and, I couldn't even protect him because I'm weak!" She shouts, clenching her blankets. 
"That's not true." Ami says, with a smile on her face. 
"You're not weak." Mako said, waking over to her and, placing her hand on her shoulder. 
"You are strong, stronger than you know." She says, to her. 
"Tuxedo Mask, sacrificed himself because he loves you Y/n." Minako say and, [Y/n] looks at her. 
"He wouldn't want you to be crying, he'd want you to stay strong." Rei says, placing her hand on [Y/n]'s hand. 
"That's right and, like Atlas said. We'll help you get him back." They all said and, tears brim [Y/n]'s eyes as she cries. Tears of joy, lucky to have such great friends. They all wrap their arms around her, comforting her.
no sneak peek this chapter.. but we are almost done with season one of sailor moon be prepared get your tissues two more chapters left for season i then season ii....
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