#I was like lol… only the 8s man
4s needn’t ever worry about being unloveable because I can assure you there are hordes of 8s who are desperate for you and your craziness and will marry you on the spot just for being you
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archerygun · 7 months
What is it with wizards and Sixth Formers
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Like seriously, as far as media representation of Sixth Formers goes, nothing is as accurate as these two (Merlin from The Kid Who Would Be King - essentially a David Walliams movie with more swords and turning into owls, Douxie from Tales of Arcadia). They have so much post-GCSE energy and I have no idea how to feel about it.
It’s the “I’m the most unhinged person you’ve ever met but so dead inside and mid-giving up that it either balances out or propels me at 500 miles an hour into the nearest obstacle.” And the I-was-not-prepared-to-be-an-adult-but-now-I’m-in-a-room-full-of-secondary-school-children.
Like damn Mr. Pratchett you really were onto something with that “Sometimes you can only reflect reality with allegory.” shit.
(For reference, a little more information about this particular version of Merlin, because I know this movie probably didn’t reach many people but this version of him is absolute gold:
He ages backwards, do not think about it. Don’t think about it. Don’t think about the implications of that. Will he end up as a foetohgodIthoughtaboutitfortoolong.
He does not try at all to disguise himself or who he is. He is physically sixteen but walks into a class full of Year 8s and doesn’t bother with excuses, just gets chatting to the main characters. His fake name is Mervin or Marlin or something. And I mean, his philosophy is completely correct. Why bother trying? What fucking school senior staff member/Year 8 child is going to be like “You know….. I think he might be the wizard Merlin.”? Nobody’s gonna suddenly draw the conclusion he’s a magic man who’s older than the English language. And I love it.
He’s not even really trying that hard to stop the world ending (which by the way, it will if the main cast don’t stop it). He’s just like “Lol the world’s ending, you want McDonald’s?”
He turns into an owl when he sneezes.)
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sweetestpopcorn · 2 years
Hi!! I love your fic,The Blacks and The Greens is my favorite F&B fanfiction,specially your Rhaenyra,I’m in love with her! I wonder why you ship Daemyra if you think Daemon never really loved Rhaenyra in the book,I get where you come from but if I actually thought that I could never ship them,like if he was always using her and even less if he in fact ended detesting her and abandoning her and their family for a teen girl,I couldn’t ship them if I thought that was the case lol I would despise Daemon actually lmao
Hi there 😊
First, thank you so much for your very lovely words and I am very happy you like the story and how I write the characters! I do put a lot of thought in them so I am very pleased and especially that you are mentioning Rhaenyra because Daemon is usually everyone's fav XD
I am confused, however, when you say: "I wonder why you ship Daemyra if you think Daemon never really loved Rhaenyra in the book,"
Where exactly have you hear me say (write) this? I have never said this.
What I stress is the fact that from everything the books present us about Daemon I do not believe he would be able to love a woman let's say like his father Prince Baelon loved Princess Alyssa. That is just contrary to his character and to whom he is. But that in no way means I find him incapable of love and affection in any way. I don't.
I discuss Daemon's feelings for Rhaenyra at great lengths in here as well as what love meant for someone like Daemon. It's undeniable that he desired her, that she had given him things he wanted (sons especially), that she possessed many of the traits he was looking for in a woman, that he was adamant about being the only man in her life, that he remained loyal to her until the end and died for her cause -> make no mistake, Rhaenyra and Aegon III would have been beyond doomed. Not to mention that the two of them were similar people. Both of them are described as bold, charming when they wanted, slow to forgive, hot-tempered, Rhaenyra is described as proud and Daemon is shown to be proud through his actions. Both were shown to be arrogant and passionate... do I need to go on?
How strange is it that two people who have as much in common as these two had develop feelings for each other?
Not strange at all, and contrary to popular belief we usually do not stay with our opposites, we stay with our similars. Research shows that 6s stay with 6s and 8s with 8s. Yes, I am aware there are exceptions but research is usually conducted for the majority.
Back to your ask now, I at no moment ever said he didn't love her in the books and I do not believe it. Many "intellectuals" and "neutrals" have this take, and like i have said multiple times, a lie told too many times becomes the truth, and that happened with Daemon and Rhaenyra when I joined this fandom. The dogma was that Daemon's true love was Laena and that he had a complete personality shift when she came along, like he was Satan became Jesus, and then switched again when she died -> because of course that love changes people, said no one who ever took psychology 101 ever - and he was a terrible husband to Rhaenyra though we do not see any of this prior to mid-way through the Dance. In fact, he went into a lot more work to woo Rhaenyra than he ever did Laena, but that spoils the narrative so let's ignore it *wink emoji*
That was never my take on Daemon or on Daemon and Rhaenyra's relationship even because I do not see evidence in the text that supports such claims. "Oh but just because it isn't said doesn't mean it's not true." Ok this game again, then I can defend that Corlys had a secret twin brother. Yes, it's not said, but that doesn't mean it's not true. So prove to me good folk online that Corlys didn't have a twin brother? Oh, you can't? Exactly.
I enjoy the toxic aspects of their relationship as well. I enjoy the chaos, it makes them entertaining in fiction. To me they are the most interesting couple and I will again use the metaphor that to me Daemon and Rhaenyra are two people playing a game of chess that neither can win and they both know it.
All the best to you, and happy new year ☺️
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Hi Mongoose and Frog-anon! (Maybe I should just take up an identity now lol. Maybe Spectre-anon? I don't remember if anyone got that one. 8s) It's so funny that you started talking about who would have seen Batter's other side. I was thinking about this last night too! The situation with Jeb feels so spot-on, Mongoose! The Phobos one feels so true- just- oh man- if HE could see Batter's other side. I support it so much, haha.
If I could add my two cents on it, I definitely want to vouch for the Employers not seeing it. If they knew, they'd probably wouldn't have let Batter stick nearly as close to the Player. Their arrogance and dismissal of Batter prevents them from seeing it for a long time after, if at all. I kinda think of it as a Dedan situation. Hank is in the same boat, but even if he does see it, he doesn't comment on it. Batter could look like anything, and Hank doesn't care. Hank will only prove: he is better in every way-- especially in the threatening department.
San and Dei are grouped with Phobos, seeing the flickers. They can't explain it neither, just that SOMETIMES it's there. Asking the Player doesn't help much, since the response to seeing the weirdness is "oh yeah, it's fine," or "he's always been like that." They slightly relax at this, but will subtly pull the Player away from Batter when the flickering gets more active. It just puts them on edge.
2B isn't around Batter often to see it, what with frequently staying behind at the base and not wanting to interact more than necessary. He tries to scrutinize Batter for the anomalies in-person and via footage, after being warned by San and Dei. There is something off(//shot) … but 2B begrudgingly hasn't acquired concrete proof. It's a bit of a blow to the individual whose specialties relate to intel and observation.
Jebus sees it, and he's in the same situation as the Player in being able to actually control how he perceives Batter. Jebus doesn't really have a preference how Batter appears, as long as Batter continues to prioritize "protecting the player" above all. (Well, maybe the normal side... Jebus doesn't like imagining that THING hovering around the Player when he's not around.)
Tricky definitely sees it and screams "DUCK!1!1!! :D." Enough said. Lmao.
That's it for now. I just wanted to get this out there. I have the urges to draw so much of this. >8O
"ayo, it's frog anon! speaking about bad batter, how'd the main 4 react to him? cause i think if they knew the guy can look like a giant monstrous lizard, they'd hold it over his head constantly about how the player would react so negatively and hate him once they found out that their "favorite" puppet was a monster capable of hurting them. that is until the player either goes "ah, lizard monster, very cool :]" or "yeah i knew, still think he's neat though" giving the batter more to gloat with" - Frog Anon 🐸
Both of these asks are pretty similar, so I decided to group them together, hope you guys don't mind! 😅 Also, I checked and it seems Spectre Anon isn't taken so you're good on that haha. :)
So for how the other grunts would react to The Batter's more monstrous form, I think that Spectre Anon is right in who would be more concerned about this situation. Beginning with Hank, he wouldn't really care about what form the Batter takes or why. His main focus is on how to make it known that he's better than your puppet in every way possible, not what his competition's appearance is. It doesn't matter if they're humanoid or monstrous, if they want your attention he's going to treat them as a threat either way. Plus, Hank has great faith in your intelligence; if you'd been controlling the Batter for so long, why the hell wouldn't you know about this other form of his? He just assumes you're aware of it and continues with his efforts for your favor.
(Under a cut again because wow there's a lot of characters here)
Sanford, Deimos, and Doc see it differently though. For the former, it worries them at first. Nevada's not exactly new to weird elements like this, but for one of your companions from another world, it's concerning. There was no explanation for the monster that they saw in the place of the Batter in those rare moments, and the fact that the flickers happened so rarely made them think he was intentionally trying to hide this side from you. It made them more protective, and they tried to separate you from him more often. When they managed to do that, Deimos would definitely be the one to make little jabs at the Batter for his appearance. Trying to sew the seeds of doubt in his mind about how rational it would be for someone like you to want to be with him, perhaps even threatening to "reveal" this supposed secret of his. Sanford does the same in a way, but he hints at how disdainful your puppets "dishonesty" is, as if he were able to turn into a weird crocodilian thing it'd be one of the first things he told you. (Surprisingly enough, Hank also joins in on some of this but he doesn't leverage anything about your approval in it, it's literally just insults lol.)
Although it frustrates them greatly when the Batter has no reaction to their taunts or suspicion. Honestly, he doesn't care about their opinions; he has you already so what's the point in listening? It's not like those impure beings know him anyway, and the only person whose input actually matters to him is you. Deimos and Sanford wonder why it has no effect, but the answer would come after they finally managed to pry him from your side just long enough to tell you about his strange form. But instead of being surprised (or scared, for that matter) you're just like "oh, you see him that way sometimes? That's interesting. Kinda cool, isn't it?"
(And despite your nonchalant reaction, it actually is kind of intriguing that they see the Batter's "Bad Batter" form. Because that only happens if you see the Batter as something of an enemy. The Batter always looks like himself either way, but the only time you saw this other viewpoint of him was with the Judge's ending so you know something's going on. It seems the boys disliked him more than you thought.)
2B's suspicion of your puppet only increases with the form. He's not around you and the Batter enough to tell for certain what's going on, and his own attempts and investigation fell flat. While he'd loathe asking the others for help on matters concerning you (since they usually get defensive or suspicious of what he's planning on doing), he'll have to do so here, which irks him. But once he finds out that he wasn't just imagining things and that there really is something off (ahaha) with the Batter, it just makes him more wary.
To Doc, it doesn't matter if you're aware of its existence, just the fact that he has the capability of becoming that thing is unnerving. Surely something of that stature would have its own instincts and impulses? What if the Batter lacked his usual self-restraint with you around? What if he hurt you? It'd be easy to do with teeth like that, and even easier to overpower you if you resisted. Your safety is Doc's first priority, so he'll try to work with San and Dei to separate you as much as possible when these "flickers" start happening more often. Though he can't stop his lip from curling in disgust when he sees it. How weren't you even the slightest bit unsettled?
Moving on to Jeb and the Employers, Jeb's in a similar boat to Hank in not really caring about what form the Batter takes. However, he has a bit more control over how he sees him. Unlike the main four, Jeb feels less animosity towards your puppet, something that's reciprocated (a little, but still). This means that the flickers happen very rarely, so much so that he didn't even really notice the Batter could look different until you actually mentioned it. But any reservations he has against your puppet are removed by your reassurance, so he doesn't have much of an opinion. (At least not openly.)
The Employers also don't care, but they aren't given the chance to because of their own dismissal of the Batter as a legitimate threat to them. He's annoying; a mere pest to be rid of, but he isn't worth consideration beyond that. As such, he was never a monster to them. Besides, the Auditor is the embodiment of a "portal to hell", and all of them could be considered monsters in their own right, so it'd be hypocritical for them to think that anyway. Then again, it's not like they cared about that in matters concerning you anyway haha.
Finally, Tricky would probably just agree with whatever your interpretation is, and his opinion on threats to your love is generally the same across the board. Essentially, he'd think the Batter's form is cool because hey, big strong things with sharp teeth are fun to fight! And he is going to try to fight the Batter because that's what he does with all of his rivals. He's not really worried about the Batter's other form because he plans on getting rid of him either way, Ducky or no. (And yes, he would totally yell something like that the moment he sees him lol).
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disco-tea · 4 years
I think the season 1 character promos are very interesting because they’re both obvious and cryptic. They hint at characterization and plot points and I just really like them, so let’s take a closer look.
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Luther: space boy poster, vinyl record, gloves, food (the banana is just mean lol), model rockets with a paint set, his packet with the poem and the plea to send more food, soy paste (interestingly with an 05 on it), and a newspaper headline that reads “mars mission failure” ?????
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Diego: a grand total of 10 knives, boxing gloves, police radio, target/dartboard, instant noodles (ya his body is totally a temple lol. Joking aside, that’s probably all he can afford.☹️), cross stitch made by Grace, and a Prime 8s poster. I also like the little DH carving (+the knife scuffs) it makes me wonder if that’s something he does often.
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Allison: autographed poster, magazine cover from her childhood room, jacket, cigarettes, heels, 17 year old cola, movie clapper with 3s all over it, locket from Luther, glasses from 1x08, twist illustration (which is kinda similar to what she almost does to Leonard when she finds him in Vanya’s apartment) and flowers, roses specifically. (Perhaps a symbol of her acting career?)
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Klaus: clothes, drugs, alcohol, cigarette butts, chocolate that Hazel and Cha Cha eat, dog tags, sunglasses, ouija board, rehab bracelet, Walkman headphones, aaaaand, I have no idea what the red thing is. I think? a 30 day sobriety chip?
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Five: Delores, Academy uniform, coffee+donut, eyeball, peanut butter/marshmallow sandwich, chalk, Kennedy and Johnson pins, bloody butter knife from the diner, an ‘old’ picture of him, and a flask that I don’t think actually appears in the show?? I think it’s hilarious they have the ‘gouge’ illustration for him, not only because the eyeball, but also because he stabs that guy in the diner in the eye. His items are also all set to the backdrop of equations, which I think is a nice touch.
🐙 👻 📖 🖤 🎶 🌊 🍦
Ben: does not have one, heres some emojis instead. :(
Vanya: Sheet music, Violin+bow, typewriter, Extra Ordinary, medication, metronome, and the keys that Leonard stole from her to get her meds. 
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Reginald: pilot cap+goggles, monocle, spyglass, magnify glass (lots of objects that have to do with seeing), umbrella, bowler hat, pens, journal, umbrella pin, a picture of the Academy in front of the White House, a picture of the Academy in front of the Eiffel Tower, a newspapers about the Academy getting the key to the city, a 1992 award for the “one man moon unit concept.”
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Grace: clothes, paintings, lipstick, cookies, (Luther has one of said cookies in his poster), syringe, eggs and bacon in a smily face, pearls and...a set of rings?????????????
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tarotnoob · 4 years
Hello! If the second spot isn't taken, can I have a "short" reading on what my career would be like as a teacher? Thank you! I will provide feedback! - M, Aries
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You know what’s hard about tarot as a beginner or maybe other readers of any experience don’t talk about is... how much of a reading is specific to the question and how much is a message you NEED to hear that might not explicitly be about said question? Because a lot of times I think that it might be answering a question, but... it’s also going YEAH BUT ALSO YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS.
Not hardcore on this one but... as a general thing. More cards than I’d usually pull, but I just felt like it. I’m not sure if that queen of wands was meant to be reversed but it was as i set it out and it kinda fits with with the oracles, so I’mma read it like that >.>
tbh for how many cards I pulled, this is all very positive...  the majors are star and empress...  
okay two messages - one is i think that you’ll have a successful career as a teacher because you are creative, kind, nurturing, patient, good with kids, easy to work with, intelligent, practical, logical, pragmatic. the other message seems to be maybe more to do with life in general but would also tie into career anyway. most of the oracles are about being your authentic self. so surrender is like hanged man, it’s letting go of stuff that just isn’t doing you any good - beliefs, people, jobs, situations, behaviors. attraction card is about manifestation - knowing what you want AND what you don’t want. fruition is kinda like the seven of pentacles meets the 9 of pentacles maybe, but basically putting the work in and harvesting the “fruit” of your results as well as... sharing that bounty, which to me makes sense as a teacher. the first tarot card to fall out was six of cups and not only is this about children (and past, and family, and inner child and doing what you like) but it’s also about generosity. usually this is a picture of an older (sibling) giving a younger sibling some flowers. and i saw the queen of pentacles about four back on the back of the deck... point being is... while you yourself may be a generous person, who you are/how you teach/what you show to the students and literally you teaching them is also like sharing from a harvest, right... old school harvests were about taking care of a community and such and i see teaching (younger kids) like that especially. but i also feel like this push about being the authentic you - we have express your individuality oracle, as well. so what i want to say is it seems teaching is your life path... not only will teaching lead you on this road where you become your authentic you, but you’re also meant to help other people and it’s sort of maybe this karmic cycle for you or that’s weird to say... i mean i could say your life purpose is teaching or helping or doing something...  but i also just feel like teaching is... who you are? murr.
we also got the new career card lol which is odd b/c sometimes this deck gives out the most random cards and yet this is the one that fell out. so it says “your work focus is shifting to a positive, new, and successful direction” and i feel like all the cards align with this. the only bumps i see might be a reluctancy at first to BE yourself, or maybe even some issues with confidence and asserting yourself due to lack of experience possibly... because queen of wands is the only reversed card and she’s next to queen of swords which, for me, is more about authenticity and truth... and queen of wands is confidence. so it’s like... a lack of confidence to completely show your true self and when the oracles are also suggesting this, it kinda fits...
the queen of the oracle cards are an 8, 8, and 10 which 8s i associate with coming into your own power and 10s are endings of cycles...  so as a GUESS there’s more confirmation of this life cycle being tied to self-empowerment. but you can also look up 8 in numerology... 8s also are like the infinity sign but for me that’s just more like... cycle, karma. but it’s different to anyone and i’m not a numerology expert >.> just like to point those things out. well and not only is 10 usually the end of a cycle, but added it’s 1... and 1 is the self >.> you get the idea. i just get the sense you’re building up a lot of good, consistent karma in this lifetime... i don’t think it’s a life that’s meant to be some huge karmic horrible lesson... with the star here and this attraction card, i also feel like you’re a great example of wuddaya call it... is it... divine action...  but when you manifest good stuff in your life it’s great to want it but you also have to put in the work and it’s not like i haven’t known people who majored in education and it’s fucking hard work. like to study it and to be a teacher. and i already know for the most part people who go into this field are rather hard working and dedicated and focused b/c if you weren’t you’d fail out of the program - what i’m saying is... your hard work does pay off. when you have a dream to do something and you work toward it, the universe should meet you half way and give you good stuff, too. and it will definitely come once you let go of any icky things you’re holding onto and... i can only SPECULATE that it has to do with... whatever’s getting in the way of being “authentic”. i don’t know if you feel you should present yourself one way bc that’s how other people have done it or told you to but if something is at war with how YOU want to do it - then i just think the goal is to... be more confident in how you want to do it... but i think that comes with time, right? just being more comfortable in a role and feeling like you can do what you want.
the star AND empress here makes me feel like you love what you do even when it gets tough... not only are you nurturing, but you’re passionate, creative, caring... the page of cups fell out with those two as well and we can see the page of cups as a younger person, message, creative energy....  let’s just look at these three together...  there’s strong fem energy here, the star (being a naked woman) can also be like stripping down everything and being authentic plus this card is the aquarius card and aquarians are like that one person who isn’t afraid to dye their hair purple and have some serious undercuts in high school and not care a bit about what others think. cliche example but it’s about being you without caring what others think...  i also sense some sensitivity...  i sense an upbeat attitude, even a bit... not naive or innocent but... like that... there’s a playful innocence or sweetness to these three cards together... and they were the last to come out...  i see the page as you more... just offering this (love) in the same way the empress would... 
and back of the deck happened after those fell out and that’s nine of cups, behind that is knight of cups reversed and five of cups and queen of pentacles...  on the one hand the knight of cups r and five of cups could read about like... grieving a romantic something that didn’t work out. i know that’s random and technically back of deck is 9 of cups (wish/emotional contentment) and queen of pentacles is nurturing... i’m just saying it’s odd unless i read it as...  again about your nurturing nature and desire to help others. because the visuals are a crying child and a reversed knight of cups can be self love or... but again that just fits the overall message of not only are you healing yourself through teaching but you’re helping others. i don’t know that YOU need to heal i’m still going back to how teaching is part of your purpose and this life, what you do and learn, might serve as a building block in a next life... that sounds weird and airy fairy but i guess i see each life as...  finding a piece of the soul puzzle... until you achieve the top tier final soul form, lol. the higher self or whatever... or maybe i just have a high opinion of teachers... it’d be curious to know your north and south node to see if teaching fits your south or north... like b/c my south node is sag and sag are known to be teachers or if that’s your north node... my feel is teaching is more related to your north node tbh which means... there’s a lesson to be learned this life - whether it’s about organization or helping others or sharing knowledge... you’ll have to let me know. 
six of cups could also mean that either it’s a profession you’ve wanted to do since a kid or perhaps someone in your family was also a teacher - sibling or parent or aunt or what have you. since as the first card there might have been some strong impression on you as a kid to make you want to teach?
or you liked to play school with siblings as a kid. three of pentacles - you’re still maybe in the process of education yourself...  or looking for work... or it’s just wanting to show six of cups plus three of pentacles equals working with children lol. or finding a job in your hometown or having someone you knew in the past as a coworker. and the queen of swords next to that can also indicate teaching. writing. intellect, logic, etc... like i said queen of wands upright is being bold, outgoing, confident... and i still feel next to queen of swords there’s still some disconnect with being the real you in front of others or as a teacher...  i don’t think these are other people even tho court cards can be... i guess you could run into an annoying fire sign but you’re an aries so probably it’s you. next to four of pentacles, this can be a fear of change or letting go (which fits the surrender) and also fits the notion of being able to or confident in being yourself or speaking your mind honestly...  it can also indicate a pause, it also makes me feel like financially you’re practical and would prefer to save money rather than splurge, and then next to knight of pentacles, again that earnest, steady, hard working vibe...  however eight of wands which can be like something that rushes in or online or communication.... it’s weird next to knight of p (altho some of these fell out in clumps but still), it might be a message not to rush anything... not to take any short cuts because the eight of wands is right next to five of pentacles which can be money issues or loneliness or feeling like you need help but you’re not seeing it even tho it’s there... it can be a bit like five of cups...
ways i’d read these cards together i’d think either... no shortcuts or... that feeling of being comfortable money-wise as well as as yourself... will take some time and work (like the knight of p).... it’s not going to be like bang success... you’re just going to have to keep at it and as you get more comfortable, you’ll ATTRACT more positive stuff.... because that’s when we hit empress, star, and page of cups which are all probably the positive things you’ll attract...
that sounds right bc when i look at the imagese on express individuality and new career... the lady in the first card has this bold crazy attire that makes me think of a queen of wands person. she wears what she wants and doesn’t care and feels confident and in new career there’s this light coming from the center of the angel and again we have these rainbow colors. both these cards are green too so (heart chakra) and we have empress and page of cups... which make me think of emotions and love...  
as another little note empress is taurus libra and i’m pulled more toward the taurus side and not only is taurus about stability and money but it’s about beauty and love, particularly natural beauty which is one more synchronicity with authentic-ness... and the star. like she’s livin’ her best life in the buff, can’t get much more natural than that...
as a timeline... i can’t really do a timeline but overall as a career...  i see a lot of success and (spiritual) growth for you. your mission is to help others and share what you have to share - by who you are as well as obviously your teaching skills and that knowledge. but also THROUGH this career, you will become more aligned with your true self, feel more comfortable with who you are and as time goes by learn how to express yourself more in line with... who your soul-soul is.
you will give and receive a lot of love through this career. with hard work you will manifest the things you want in life - it may take time to come or it may just be that if you’ve wondered about any shortcuts to some type of success - there are none and even if it’s not to say success but like “being a good teacher” how can i just be a good teacher - well it takes time, experience, and becoming comfortable with who you are so you can share all that you-energy with others and that energy will impact them in whatever way the universe has planned.
another possible extra message is that there may be a point where you... have a sudden bout of bad luck... with money or... feeling alone or isolated...  but someone may come in to give you a pep talk - could be an earth sign, particularly taurus but could be an aquarius. 
and finally looking at back of deck again the 9 of cups may represent all these things that you desire at once like i mentioned this need to be SUCCESSFUL FROM THE GET GO or some impatience or maybe even a tendency to get hung up on the tiniest setbacks because perhaps you’re sensitive to criticism or a perfectionist...  but maybe... rather than be overly emotional and sensitive, let those things slide off of you since behind that is queen of pentacles who is someone perfectly capable of handling her own shit while taking care of others. and perhaps the thing you need to let go of are any insecurities or sensitivities like that and go with the flow and maybe fall asleep to some positive affirmation videos on youtube or have an affirmation journal or wake up and read some affirmation quotes or rewire any tendency to be hard on yourself if something goes wrong. just... go through it and tomorrow’s another day. it seems to me you’re well suited for this career and if you stick with it, you’ll see a lot of personal growth and that you can do a lot of good for other people. :)
p.s. oh and to add... i mentioned the green as heart chakra, but there’s a lot of blue (throat), and even a little red. so we have focus on heart, throat, and root chakras. throat would make sense if you need to be more authentic or communicate something, confidence issues could be root as in... need of grounding, issues with change, anxiety. heart could be compassion toward others and self or self love. it’s not to say all are blocked or underdeveloped. i’d leave it to you to research these chakras and see if anything comes up as a strength or weakness in particular to those for self work or things you’re already doing confidently/comfortably.
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dwtsfun · 6 years
Dancing with the Stars: Season 27 Week 8 Review and Week 9 Predictions
Yeah, I’m sorry about this being so late. I’ve been working on a paper all week and just turned it in last night. And I’ve been busy doing everything that I put to the side for that paper, today. So here I am. Late on Friday night, typing this up to try and get it out to you all before it hits midnight on the east coast. I’m probably gonna fail, but let’s see.
As for Monday, I have few thoughts about the show as a whole. I just don’t care too much at this point. I mostly checked out after Tinashe was eliminated. I pretty much lost all ability to truly care after DeMarcus left last week. And between Joe really stinking it up and knowing that he shouldn’t be there and not wanting to be in it anymore, Bobby being fake, rude, obnoxious, immature and a chore to watch and Alexis and Alan’s stupid show showmance, I have been over this season. I want it to end now. But we have one more day. After Monday, we’re done. We just gotta last that long and that is it.
So a few things before I start. 1) I’m going to structure this by going from 4th to 1st. 2) I will talk about Juan Pablo and Joe at the end. 3) I will be saving most of my comments about the judges for a future post. So don’t worry about that.
4th Place. Alexis and Alan.
I really don’t understand how the viewers fell for this fauxmance-showmance. It was random, completely out of the blue and made absolutely no sense. But here we are. It managed to get them to the finals so I guess it did what it was supposed to. Just a note, I don’t dislike Alexis. I see some of you claiming that I do, but that is not the case. I really don’t even need to explain myself because if you’ve been here for a while, you get where I’m coming from. But here we go. I HATE SHOWMANCES. Unless I can tell that the couple is actually falling for one another (and it is easy as hell to do this. And Alexis and Alan are not that), I never want to see them. They’re annoying. Periodt. Now I do think that Alexis is sweet and nice. But I don’t see her going further than 3rd place. And at this point, 4th just seems more reasonable. Her dances on Monday night were fine. The waltz was better than her jive. I actually think her waltz was her best dance of the season. I just don’t think it deserved 10s. Her jive definitely didn’t deserve 10s. Probably 9s and 8s. At least they’re doing their Argentine tango again. That’s the only dance of theirs that I truly loved. So hopefully they improve upon that and nothing goes awry. The fs will probably be a bunch of showmance-y bs, so they can more than likely keep it.
3rd Place. Bobby and Sharna. 
It hurts to put these two here. I wish I didn’t have to rank them at all. He should’ve been gone in week 2. Right after Joe. I don’t think there’s a contestant that I have despised more than I despise this man. He really thinks so highly of himself and it just doesn’t make sense to me. He really is a mediocre white man that complains about not getting what he thinks he deserves, even though he has done nothing to earn it. He reeks of entitlement and arrogance. And every week, it pisses me off. Both of their dances from Monday were not good. The jive was better than that wretched salsa, but still. It didn’t deserve 8s. Idk what their redo dance is but their freestyle is going to be a steaming hot pile of garbage.
2nd Place. Milo and Witney.
So Monday night for these two was a bit understated. I think they were screwed by both of their songs, especially for the Argentine tango. I wish the show would go back to giving people either very classical tango songs or the modern songs that are clearly inspired by tango music. Giving them that song put them at an inherent disadvantage. I thought the cha-cha was slightly better. But it didn’t have the impact that is probably necessary going into the finals. His Charleston next week is definitely going to be good. I’m kinda nervous for the freestyle, but it kinda doesn’t really matter this season since we find out the winner on Monday night. But I’m willing to bet that the judges give both him and Evanna perfect 60s. Milo just doesn’t have the momentum that Evanna seems to have. So that is why I have him in second place. However, I can totally see him winning.
1st Place. Evanna and Keo
What a season this has been for these two. And they are peaking at the right time to take it all. I really liked Evanna’s contemporary. She moved really well and I thought that was some of Keo’s best choreography. While their foxtrot wasn’t as good as their contemporary, I still really enjoyed it and thought that they did a fantastic job. I can’t wait to see their tango again. There were some small problems that I think can easily be corrected to get that 10 from Len. I’m also most excited to see their freestyle. As far as why I think they are going to win, there are a few things. First of all, like I said earlier, they are peaking at exactly the right time. And while Milo seemed to stumble a bit on Monday, Evanna soared. I think Evanna’s journey has been the most compelling to watch of anyone this season. And finally, Keo has not won before.This has helped Lindsay and Emma. So I think it might help Keo out in this situation too. And really, let’s face it. Keo has grown in ways that no other current male pro has done. If I’m being honest, he’s a strong #2 on the male side of things. And he didn’t start off that high. So watching him figure this thing out over the years is so great. Watching all of the extra time he spent outside of the show working on choreography and teaching pay off and seeing him really take the judges critiques to heart has really been a joy. And watching Keo get emotional on Monday night’s show really spoke to me. I have also been in that place where I’ve been doubted and underestimated. He has been validated and has proven that he deserves to be a pro too. And I think it finally hit him that people are actually taking him seriously for the first time during his 4 years on this show. I feel like that moment may have won them the trophy. Again, I could totally see Evanna and Milo switch places. But considering all of the factors, this seems like the most likely scenario.
So that’s that for my predictions. As far as the eliminations go, I am not surprised at all by Juan Pablo leaving. Last week we heard people talking about everyone else except for Juan Pablo. That is never a good thing. I think i may have even said that he may have gotten lost in the shuffle. Though his dancing is nowhere near as good as the judges made it out to be (he’s good, but he’s not top 5 or even top 10 male celebs with experience and neither one of his dances on Monday deserved perfect scores), he still deserved a place in the finale. I’m glad Joe left. He was over it. That was clear. And he didn’t take the spot from someone who actually wanted it. Now I would’ve been fine if he and Bobby swapped places. At least he’s not obnoxious and he has a sense of self awareness that Bobby could never even dream of.
And that’s it. It is 11:05 pm in Denver. So I failed lol. But at least I got it up. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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laketaj24 · 6 years
Queens of Odin’s Eye: Ch 11
A collaboration piece with the lovely bad asses: @courtrae89 @grungyblonde @imgoldielikehawn
Catch up HERE
Warnings: SMUT, Language 
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“Harder. Oh, fuck yes.” I pant raking my nails down his back. Ubbe obliges thrusting up into me. Finally, some personal time with him. He seemed distant for some reason, but this was heaven. He groans in my ear rocking his hips once again and my body winds against his greedily.
“You like that?” He says gripping my thighs pulling my body closer to him. My walls clench around him and I can feel my orgasm building. “Fucking shit Kia.” His hips snap against mine again and again.
“Fucking yes.” The vibrations from the cell phone start and I want to hurl it at the wall as he stops reaching over and grabbing it, still nestled between my legs.
“Hvitserk,” He moves in me smiling. “This better be good.” I can hear the sobs through the line. “Wait! what!” Ubbe jumps up on the side of the bed and quickly slides on his pants. “Hvit!” He yells. “Where the fuck are you? We’re coming! Hvit-,” he looks at his phone the call screen gone. Ubbe dresses quickly sliding his gun into the back of his pants. “Babe, get dressed.” He growls.
“What happened?”
“Kia, get fucking dressed! For fuck’s sake just do what the fuck you’re told for one second.” He’s flustered his eyes watering and his hands shake as he reaches for his clothes. He slips into his cut walking out of our bedroom. “Hvitserk is hurt, holed up at the warehouse on Eighth. I need you to head to the clubhouse.”
“I can help.”
“You were literally in handcuffs three weeks ago. You aren’t even supposed to be fifty feet within another felon and you want to help?” he raises his eyebrow at me.
“Court handled him okay? I can do whatever you need me to do.”
“Get dressed please babe, I can’t even fucking think right now okay.” He kisses me turning into the kitchen dialing some numbers on his burner phone.
I dress throwing the mess of my hair in to a low ponytail and grabbing my helmet. I didn’t know where he wanted me to go or what he wanted me to do but I hoped that I could help him. Hvitserk might have been a pain in the ass but he was still a brother.
Ubbe takes me to the clubhouse where everyone is waiting. Ivar slams his hand against the steel door letting out a ferocious growl. “That fucking cunt!” he yells. “I want her fucking dead. A bullet to the damn head was right.’
Ragnar pulls Ivar’s arm. “We’ve sent in the police department. We’re just awaiting the news. Court said she would call Floki once she has eyes on him and we can head to the hospital. Everyone remain calm, being pissed off is only going to make it worst.”
Brii sat down next to me. Her arm brushes mine and she stills turning to me with humorous eyes. There is worry on my face but mostly just frustration. “What?”
“You mad you didn’t get to finish?” she chuckles.
“Bitch, if I didn’t love you I would lay your ass out. Stay out my head.” I further down the couch. “Gray has to fucking die. All she ever does is stir up shit. Bitch gets dick down and she still takes more pleasure fucking the club.”
“Well, we will get her.” Brii swigs on the beer looking over to Bjorn. “Some shit went down the other night.” She whispers.
“I heard you in the damn bathroom throwing that ass back, I ain’t gotta be psychic to see that shit.” I mock her careful to not touch her. “Was he worth it?”
“I mean, yes.”
“Alright then, you got your nut and fucked Bjorn over. I like it.” My eyes shift over to Ivar who is frustratedly talking to his father. It was maddening how he was the only person that I could think about sometimes.
A few minutes pass and Floki’s phone rings. He places it on speaker quieting everyone down. “Court.”
“It was an ambush.” She huffs. “The 8s were there holding Hvitserk. They released him, but a few got away. He’s bleeding out bad, I mean horribly, and he’s head to Kattegat Memorial Hospital. I have to do some questioning but it’s safe to say it’s fucking war between them now. I would get people to safe houses and work out a plan.”
“Thank you.” Floki hangs up looking to Ragnar. “Well.”
“I told all of you this shit would blow back in your faces! I gotta call my ladies they’ll for sure be coming after anybody that associates with you asshats.” She growls. “I’ve a damn flight to catch.
Ubbe growls. “There are not enough safe houses in the fucking world.”
“I thought a meeting was scheduled. Huh?” Ivar stares at Ubbe. “you all were supposed to have a fucking sit down with these fuckers. What happened?”
Rollo shrugs. “Every call made to them was denied.”
“I had bigger issues.” He says looking over to me.
“Get in touch with Roderick somehow and schedule a fucking sit down. If my son dies, I’m going fucking kill him.”
“You get upstate with Helga, Uriah and mom are already headed there.” Ubbe hands me the key to the charger. “Once this all blows over you can come back.”
“I’m not hiding. If Brii can stay so can I Ubbe. It shouldn’t be hard to help you guys out.” I watch him grow more frustrated. “I will not argue with you about it Ubbe. I want to be with you. I can’t sit idle.”
“Then sit down and shut up until it’s settled, okay. I don’t need you tagging along, you slow me down.”
Ivar interjects. “She’s a hell of a shot. She rode with me and Rollo. She could be useful.”
“I didn’t fucking ask you Ivar.” Ubbe grabs his keys. “I’m going to the hospital. Kia, when I come back you need to be gone. Prospects! Make sure she gets upstate.”
They nod and everyone starts to leave the clubhouse. We were all spread out like some fucking cowards. Rollo clutches my shoulder. “Ignore him, he’s just frustrated about his brother. He wants you safe.”
He leaves the room and it’s just Ivar behind the bar. “Are you okay with the way your husband talks to you? Disregards all of your strengths at times when you are being a crazy woman and good ass shot are useful.” He smiles trying to get something out of me. But this day was fucked. He hops the bar walking over to me.
I shouldn’t be smoking weed, likely not the best thing given my new parole officer but fuck it. I light the blunt and take a few hits off it. The smoke clouds in front of me. “Go visit your fucking brother, Ivar. I don’t need you comforting me.”
“No, you have a husband for that.” He says shaking his head. “Hvitserk will be fine, just a touch of karma for him trying to fuck us over for some pussy.” He takes the blunt from me inhaling a drag and then handing it back. “I can take you upstate.”
“fuck off.” I say placing it in the ashtray and walking away from him. Ivar follows me, nearly heel to heel. “What did I say huh?” I push him and he catches my hands clamping them down beside me. “Ivar.”
“I miss you and yeah I see you here every day. But you’re so fucking angry all the time. I miss the old you that laughed and made this place lighter.”
His hands are like vice grips. Pinning me against the wall. He smells like sandalwood and that damn deep cologne he always wore. I shift shaking my head. “You don’t think it’s fucked up how you do this to him.” Words are pointless with him. It’s in his eyes that he doesn’t care. He shakes his head kissing me. It’s a like a release once our lips connect, I breathe heavily kissing him deeply. Ivar Sinks to his knees unbuckling my pants before I can even object and he kisses thighs. He drapes my legs over his shoulders and his tongue laps at my clit over and over. He sucks and thrust and works his magic sending me to a headspace I’d only dreamed about of late. My hands are in his hair tugging and pulling until the wave of euphoria drifts me to the fucking stars.
And then the door opens.
“She has eyes on Gray!” Ragnar says and then I see him throw his fist into the wall. “Get the fuck up. Here you are fucking around! Your brothers are busy saving lives and shit, while you’re fucking your brother’s wife. Ivar, the meeting is set with the fucking Eights. Go scout the meeting place, Now!”
Ivar shakes his head stepping back. He says nothing rolling his eyes. “I’m out.”
“Take her, you said she was a good shot.” Ragnar sighs. “We need all the fucking help we can get. Just keep your fucking clothes on.” The door slams with Ivar out. Ragnar’s eyes cut to me. “I get it.” He says running his hands through his hair. “I understand your feeling for him. But it’s not the time.”
I shake my head leaving with Ivar. Ivar hands me my helmet not making eye contact with me. “That shit can’t happen again.” I yell. “Do you understand me?”
“Whatever,” Ivar says rolling his eyes.
“No! You don’t understand me. What me and Ubbe have isn’t perfect but that doesn’t mean you can take advantage of it. Our shit works, no matter how fucked up it seems. You don’t do it again!” I say with his face inches from mine.
“Fuck you, Kia. Keep up.” His bike roars to life and I follow his lead. The eights are posted outside their clubhouse heavily strapped in public. This shit could not be real. Ivar parks and helps me off my bike leading me to the corner.
“They are fucking loaded today.” I say.
“The guy I killed was the President’s Son. I just found it out a few days back.” He pauses. “We should lay low and let them the others know it’s likely no damn negotiations.”
“All this shit is too much.” I say stepping back feeling someone behind me. I turn around seeing the man with his gun aimed to my temple. “Fuck.”
Ivar cocks his weapon and in an instant it’s knocked to the ground and a black sack is through over his head. Then it all goes black with the sudden crack over my head.
  Taglist: @ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash @whenimaunicorn @akamaiden @siren-queen03 @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @greennightspider @tomarisela @scumyeol @raindrop-dewdrop @naaladareia @vikingsmania @readsalot73 @oddsnendsfanfics @amour-quinn @wheredidallthedreamersgo @unsure-but-trying @leaderradiante @microsmacrosandneedles @valynsia @captstefanbrandt  @therealcalicali @lol-haha-joke @b-j-d @cinnabearice  @tephi101  @killmongersmistress @readsalot73 @soaimagines @mostlikelypantsless @ivaraddict @dangerousvikings @kitkat1690 @starrmoondaisy
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haiky-u-lously · 5 years
April fools success stories.
Hello all! As a teacher, you find joy in the little things of daily life. As a teacher in another country you get to help expand students knowledge and understanding of different cultural events and holidays. Today, I got the chance to teach about 200kids the joy of a good April fools prank.
Details below(:
So my first class of the day was a group of 8th graders. We were supposed to have social studies today, but as I also teach them a transitional math class and that class was cancelled due to an early weekend, I made today be math class. This was funny if only because I am primarily a math teacher and am only teaching S.S. because my school couldnt find a new teacher for the whole subject. Add to this that instead of doing new material like we should have, we played bingo with the math symbols they had a test on two weeks prior.
My second class was a group of 10th graders. And before I get into this one let me explain what led up to it. My coworkers and I decided we wanted to switch classes to mess with the kids. I see 10S 4th and 5th period and the music and drama teacher sees 7S 5th period. Me and him decided to switch our 5th blocks. Now. When 10S walked in for 4th period, I told them "the school wants me to test yall, cause I guess I dont do it enough. You have an instruction sheet that you must read entirely and follow. Good luck" I reminded them to read the instructions 4-5 more times...most did not. But basically, this was a geometry class that had never had English statistics or a real stats class taking a test meant for a stats class well into the year. They only got 10min to do it, I collected to page and then went over the instructions with them. Where one read "do not do anything and you will get a 100". None of them listened heheheh. Then! Our international teacher department head came in and sent me to the principal. Where I "stayed" for 5min "having a talk". Came back in full blown tears saying that I had been fired and they had to leave so that I could pack up. (Mind you the boss man was in on it). So he led them to the music and drama teachers room, who the kids have literally never had a class with because he only teaches grade 7s and 8s lol.
Then his class came in and I started teaching them the 10th grade content. Mind you these 7th graders do not have a high English level if any in some cases. So they got really really scared. I only did it for 5 minutes though, then pulled an older kid to translate the rules of bingo and played that with them. Then! The 2 troublesome kids that always give the music and drama teacher trouble, I made go to the front and have a pretend wedding, where I took pictures and sent to their homeroom teacher hehehehe.
Okay okay. Then came the 9th grade class. And they were late from the class before mine, so I sat there "writing up denetention slips" for every single person. And they kept saying "no but teacher held us late!" And I kept saying they didnt tell me, (they had). Then I gave them the same test I stumped the grade 10s with. Same result heheheheheh. THEN! I told them all I had lied about writing them up because the teacher had told me! Their faces were priceless! I wish I'd had my camera up for it. So then I'm just talking with them because we do not have too much time left of class and I tell them I ordered a cake to make up for being so "mean". And this one kid goes, "no teacher. No believe you anymore" and so i show them the message of the delivery making it's way, it's in English so they still dont believe so I show them the other one in Chinese and the picture of it and they are like "!?!?!? Wasbi cake?" Because it's a western cake so real frosting and no fruits drowning it and its green ombre. And I'm like no it ain't wasabi and they dont believe me until they came back at the end of the day to eat it.
So all in all I got some great pranks in today. And even though I was so mean to my kids, I also rewarded them and everything is good and dandy. Now...how to plan for next year...😁😁😁
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zuslomanfe1971-blog · 6 years
But people have literally torn JS in half before and in these comments and it stays up. The hypocrisy of this sub is hilarious.TheDeviousSandman 2 points submitted 5 days agoIn short: Your body uses daylight to help it know when to sleep. Blue light at night can disrupt the cycle because your body is receiving more than it should be at that time naturally, meaning your body isn telling you to get tired and sleep.Blue light filter helps reduce that amount of blue light.Extra info: Blue light is close to UV light (on the light spectrum) which as you probably know is harmful and why we wear sunglasses. Eye makeup! I gotten pretty fast for how much I have to do, but still, it a lot :/ It takes like five minutes to do it all, and thats a lot when you only have 20 minutes and you wanna do a full face of makeup lol. I usually put in contacts, eye primer, cream eyeshadow, powder eyeshadow, black pen liner, smudge it out with a black shadow, mascara (sometimes), top false lashes, bottom false lashes, then line the bottom of my eyes with brown pen liner. It a real process and I often forget steps in a rush, lol. While the standard six cylinder engine returned unchanged, the optional engine at the start of the 1958 model year was the 181 bhp version of the 272 cid V 8. Halfway through the year, this engine was replaced by the 292 cid V 8 rated at 186 bhp at 4,000 rpm. Although not listed in specifications at 영월출장샵 the time, some 312 cid V 8s found their way into these trucks to cover short supplies of 292s.. So when I became an adult and made something of myself, I made sure to spoil the crap out of him. That man had everything and anything he wanted. I sent him on trips, and would regularly just pick him up and take him out someplace fun. 33 points submitted 19 days ago4 years since my uncle committed suicide (the same week that my sister was in an inpatient psych unit for her own suicidal ideation/attempt) and no matter what has happened to me since, that is still the worst week of my life. Just thinking of it brings me back to that dark place. I can't fathom what LVP is feeling right 영월출장샵 now. I take his order and I ask for a name to put on the order. He chuckles and says "Chris". Why did he chuckle? I didn know at the time. I couldn't pass on the price when it's $86 at Sephora. I've only used it for a couple of days so it's too early to notice a difference. It could just be my mind but I do feel like my skin feels more plump.Nectar Blue Light Blocking Wayfarer: I got these in black. The armada that was responding to all the comments really turned me off. Every comment that stated that they don like the palette or the layout or the similarity to the Morphe stuff were attacked and made it sounds like the brand and its owner are a reformulated new Jesus, while shading the person by hinting at each other like high school bullies while the brand owner supporting them. And not everyone will like what you come with, people criticize Path Mcgrath, Viseart, and any formula out there, still, these brand are successful.. I had a brief fling with skincareish things in high school (occasional wash off masks and a short cleansing/moisturizing routine) but it fell to the wayside with fashion/makeup in general when my life took a turn for the worse. I effectively started from scratch once I started getting into it all again. During my time experimenting in high school I decided that because I got the occasional (non inflamed) whitehead and was a teenager I was obviously oily skinned; this informed my skincare choices for a long time.
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
and it is fun he remembers yes and did not say did not try and then now..oh hahahah it is like the orb and funny really funny the light bulb survived did not burst from teh trip or excess power supply and lit up the agdru jihads eye adn awakened him..the Kraken or Super 8.  and odd they ahd something else to toss there but it would work and they would all be dead it was quickly disabled by the emp as he predicted...lol.... and hilarious to some who figure it out after a time. and trump thinks he got it Zues Hera and we did.hahah lol the light hahaha is still on, and hahaha motel 8 not six lol and haahahha the light is still on and we see motel 8s are his hahah lol motley crew your on and bja your band metallica and of course van halen...we see.  we try it   all gllued or bolted down lol h ahahah damnit  hahaah aerosmith you are welcome we send passes and for a year, but we dont think ou should try. lol ok ok we wont steven tyler and really it si worth it to  try no. its vulgar lol ahhhaha. ok. ok we might by accident  no worries we fix it foryou its like epilepsy to rockers oh no fun ok. haha.  and gene you too one year andto the otherbands. we can yes transport we do that and have ellies college mate do it ugh..gross.  maithay oh the spelling ok oh...well your the college girl and for teachers...and oh ok teachers lol. man this blows you tards suck are out we ravageyou idiots soon and the light on his eye lol hahha damnf unny ghwb says now we party up in New Vegas adn have Islamic beer it is an Ogdru Jihadist party and costumes are welcome of the super 8 we sell them onliine ad trillons at the door and changing rooms were installed. tons of them all temp. and we seeyes . and of the demons from Hellboy and Hellboy costumes and more Legand costumes and make up and we have pro makup couners and hundreds upon hundreds of statoins..and huge dance competitions and likeness contests..a.nd free tix to areas of interest  and they all want in.  tons of people tons ride on kikker now and it is  a respected bike and his harlye is sought but woody has it lol woody haerlson and not great Hera ok ok it happened and at theat campgroudn and yuk this is gay sh  no no only an analogy woody and then homo cide..kill homos. and ok not bad.  i see.  lots of energy from him how abou tou let him alone ok guys.no the idiot brad says and will die shortly.  and oh. dead..yup.  by macs orders. and an odd noise prior ti taking him a slow low growl as brad did so many tmes near him and he would say hey whats up you sick...and brad wouls smileno.  sure you are ok youur sick and got real close aernt youo ok you look it..and brad would meow like a pussy cat.  a real one. does so now wont shut up either. and we hit you dingaling. hard flatten you.  he is superb at yelling will yell tonight nope. is out today. and the party is a Sith party ad Star Wars too...and it is huge.  and tower wear not much they get beat up badly fast too. cant survive it. and lots and lots of Star Blazers.  all for sale at the door tons buy and we setup thousands of check outs all over and haul tons in  and it is a massive crowd of it and the gear is new and relatively functional. most storm troopers are of soid plastic these are with a coatiing of carbon steel. and shine like madness. aare ool and deflect some blaster hits.  and it is on we see they sayand the Super 8 costue is houge for six footers or better and is anamatron.  can be used for lots of houselold chores lifting higu u cleaning gutters. and more. and we see you caahaha lol and funny.   and this is the deal we are upto it and tonight a special night Allah and Goddess Wife have brought thier Wicked Ale versions to the usa and yes they do drink there and lots a s you know all of you.  tons  and it is on you say Hera Zues we like it fun adn fast and in and done.  we use the Speed Museum tonight andmore to house the Darth Maul Lady Maul Darth Maul Darth Talon bikes and moer ours too Sasquatch and Female Sasquatch are modified harelys adn we use it too. tons of stuff you idiots say.  we are in shorlty. to um check. Thor Freya
0 notes
Don Fuckin Jon
Just finished watching 'Don Jon' and boy did I get a good fuckin look in the mirror. This year was a Don Jon year for me. This year had so much pussy and drama steeped in it that I'm completely off the rails now. OFF EM! I cant look women in the eyes any more. I hear an upset female voice and I get spiritually convulsive.
I haven't heard a content womans voice since 2011. No matter what you buy them, how great you treat them, how good you fuck and love them they want more more and then, some more. I thought it was a old wise tale. I thought, 'Hmm maybe for other guys except me. I dont got those problems and never will cause I actually love woman and those guys don't, and that'll manifest itself' type shit.
Now I know kids, that I just got lucky my first years in the game. I was in the right places with the right girls and I should have struck while my iron was hot.
So back to Jon. I too am a bartender. I too attract 8s & 9s (though I'll always love low hanging fruit) and I too fuck woman and still watch porn. I've even snuck it on while I was having sex. Sometimes its a home vid of another girl or ex. I admit, its the smuttiest thing about me but for the other 99% of life I'm a stand up thude. (Clearly)
I'm guessing you have your phycho analysis machine churning in your head by now. From your patients (me) POV (nice) woman have lost it. They lost what it is to connect sexually. They just want their guts ravaged and their throats cut and its nice and all but thats nice for a hot session after a fun night out; NOT the o-so-common scenario where they talked to me online, then we met up, then they "act shy" the entire time were out even though they're eye fucking me, so I break the ice with a kiss, and 30 min later you want me to basically rape you?? (cause that's what if feels like I'm doing) ......... Tf ladies.?!?
Anyway theres no connection in that. As a man that has had sex over 400xs, if you dont bring the sexy I need, my phone will.
And I always have hope. Every girl I tangle with I be prayin she knows wat tf she doing and who tf she messing with. Like how Scarlett Johansson was throwing her ass back on Jon with her dress on and made him cum in his pant 😌😌 that's fuckin GOLD to me. Fuckin GOLD. I punched the air, bit my pillow ... Can you do that??? Can you go out and make a female or male cum in their fuckin pants? HUH??
I did it once ☺ lol but yea watching that movie really gave me perspective. 9/10 I'm only human
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darkenedmammal · 8 years
A tag
[1] drink: water [2] phone call: march 8th or 9th... [3] text message: wifi password to my mom [4] song you listened to: build our machine - a bendy and the ink machine fan song by DAGames [5] time you cried: thursday or friday i think sometime last week
HAVE YOU EVER… [6] dated someone twice: never dated [7] been cheated on: never dated [8] kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed [9] lost someone special: not sure [10] been depressed: eyyyuppp [11] gotten drunk and thrown up: i think i got tipsy like once but no
LIST 3 FAVOURITE COLOURS: [12] purple [13] teal [14] anything monochrome
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… [15] made new friends: yes [16] fallen out of love: not sure i think so [17] laughed until you cried: yeup [18] found out someone was talking about you: not me specifically [19] met someone who changed you: nnah [20] found out who your true friends are: ha! i always knew  [21] kissed someone on your facebook list: nnope lol
GENERAL… [22] how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them [23] do you have any pets: no :( [24] do you want to change your name: god yes, dexter is sadly not my legal name (yet) [25] what did you do for your last birthday: went rollerskating with my squad!! [26] what time did you wake up: 9:21
[27] what were you doing at midnight last night: texting my friend
[28] name something you cannot wait for: living my life as an adult [29] when was the last time you saw your mother: like 4 o clock pm today? [30] what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: no mental illness would be nice [31] what are you listening to right now: still bendy and the ink machine - build our machine [32] have you ever talked to a person named tom: you know, im not sure. [33] something that is getting on your nerves: acne [34] most visited website: tumblr prob [35] elementary: the grade 8s were terrifying [36] high school: scared / excited [37] college: scared / excited [38] hair colour: dirty blonde [39] long or short hair: long af lol [40] do you have a crush on someone: not sure, cant tell if its over or not yet [41] what do you like about yourself? i think my hands are pretty...
[42] piercings: zilch
[43]blood type: idk [44] nickname: dex, eloon [45] relationship status: single af  [46] zodiac sign: capricorn [47] pronouns: they/them  [48] fav tv show: hhhhhhhhh too many to pick i like dexter and house md tho [49] tattoos: gimme gimme [50] right or left handed: left
FIRST… [51] surgery: n/a so far but hope its gonna be top surgery  [52] piercing: n/a [53] best friend: @qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq @flwoey @thatoneblogtm  [54] sport: uh, taekwondoe i guess [55] vacation: somewhere pretty and rural [56] pair of trainers: like...shoes or....
RIGHT NOW… [57] eating: n/a [58] drinking: water [59] i’m about to: look at dresses cause of my bro’s wedding  [60] listening to: still build our machine [61] waiting for: the end of the school year [62] want: to be happy  [63] get married: sounds nice i guess [64] career: either something that includes writing or photography or something
[65] hugs or kisses: hugs [66] lips or eyes: eyes [67] shorter or taller: idk 
[68] older or younger: same age  [69] romantic or spontaneous: romantic [70] nice arms or nice stomach: all arms n stomachs r nice what r u talking about.... [71] sensitive or loud: anything but loud [72] hook up or relationship: relationship [73] troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
HAVE YOU EVER… [74] kissed a stranger? never kissed [75] drank hard liquor? nope [76] lost glasses/contact lenses? eyup [77] turned someone down: never been asked :’) [78] sex on first date? im a sex repulsed ace minor, what do you think. (read: no) [79] broken someone’s heart? god i hope not [80] had your own heart broken? yes
[81] been arrested? no lol [82] cried when someone died? yes [83] fallen for a friend: : “ ) only people i’ve fallen for
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… [84] yourself? depends on when you ask me. rn; i guess so [85] miracles? no [86] love at first sight? no [87] santa claus? no [88] kiss on the first date? depends [89] angels? no
OTHER… [90] current best friends names: the blogs from up in the question before [91] eye colour: green [92] favourite movie: iron man
tag whoever wants to do this, gotcha covered
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Ok, there I said it. This is my confession. So I am going to be just brutally honest about my issue. Sorry If I offended anyone. This is a throwaway account. If this post is not appropriate for this community I also apologize.I (24f) am an asian girl living in an asian country whole my life. 99.9% of people I see are asians. I only have a couple of non asian friends and they are female.I have been always attracted to white male because I have been a huge fan of american/british music and tv shows since young. Also I only watch 'western' porn.I dont find asian men ugly or unattractive. Tbh, I find them esthetically the most attractive. The average looking asian men (the ones from my country) are just fine and the good looking ones, men they are HOTTTTT.The problem is, even though I find them hot and attractive, my desire of seeing a white guy doesnt disappear. Even when I am dating an asian man, I always secretly think aboit a white guy. I just don't feel satisfied.I just like this idea of dating a white guy, you know. Blond and blue eyes. Speaking English or any European language. Germanic language is preferred.But I am not stupid and I know most of white guys who are here in Asia are not the most desirable ones. I am not talking about physical-wise. I am talking decent guys who are worth dating. It is also very hard to find 'nice' white guys here. I cannot find them on apps, right?? Most of guys there only look for hookups. Also when white guys come here in Asia 5s become 8s and super gorgeous asian girls will date them before me so... there is a stuggle.I am not even specifically looking for dates. I want to start with being friends with them. You know, average to good looking white guys. But ummm where do I even start.Right now I am seriously considering moving to another country, probablly some white country so I can meet white guys (lol) and befriends them. I am seriously just not happy and satisfied with my life because I have always wanted to be friends and have dates with white guys and I cannot here. via /r/dating_advice
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cchsctv · 7 years
Stn Nationals 2017
Wow. I can't believe it's over. My second Stn has come and gone, and it fully lived up to my expectations. As I'm sitting here on the plane back, I can't help but smile and think about all of the amazing memories I've made. About Crazy 8- Boy was it crazy. We called 13 places and all of them fell through. We finally went to the transportation center and found a story. Security kicked us out 3 times, but every time we went back to film. Getting back to base, we edited and turned in our news pkg, it was great to make deadline. Watching Lian edit the show was awesome. I knew we were in great hands, and she performed so well. We we finished and the show exported, we all followed Lian, yelling "Ooo ooooo ooooo ooooo". It was pure awesomeness. Alexa - Sis, you were awesome. I think we worked so well together, we really meshed. We had fun and at the same time go the job done. It felt great editing with you and I think we really compliment each other. I can't wait for the many more memories we're going to have. Casey - Casey Chapter. You crazy kid. You're such amazing scripter. You help us convey the story by adding a whole new element to our show. Beyond that, you're so I knowledgeable behind the camera. I love working with you, and I love how much you care. Individuals- Movie trailer I woke up so excited to start my comp. We got to the table early and we were one of the first to receive our prompt: "Incognito". We had 3 hours to film and 3 hours to edit. Becca, Andrew, and I came up with Ideaa for the prompt. The idea was that Lian was an agent on the case of the infamous "incognito killier." She chases the killer, only to realize it's herself. Fillomimg went smooth. We all worked in tandem and it flowed really well. Andrew got beautiful shots and Becca added so many aweome scenes. As we went to the edit room, I was so ready to dive in. I picked out sound tracks while Andre did cool after effects. He did this amazing red eye effect and tv effect. After a long time of editing, Andrew and I were ready to export. Watching it load on the the flash drive was beautiful. We ran outside found Becca and the rest of Ctv cheering us on. It was an amazing feeling of relief, exhaustion, and happiness. What made it even more special was that everyone made deadline!!! Andrew- holy crap man. You've got something special. You're just naturally good at what you love. And because you love it you have a drive that I've seen up close to perfect your craft. You've got special skills, not may people have them, and you can make special things. You did aweome in the editing room, the aftereffdcts were fire. Just keep being humble, and good thing will come. Your a hell of man my friend, and I'm so glad we've gotten closer. Becca- You're my soulmate and we kicked butt. All I can think about is your passion for Ctv, and it makes me so happy. You care so much, and you're not afraid to show it. You make the group laugh and you always put us in a good mood. I'm so glad we got to work together, laugh together, and make so many memories. Closing Ceremonies - This is it. This is the real deal. A million things were racing through my mind as we stepped through the doors. Individuals were announced and no one placed. We all were down a little bit, but it gives us something to improve upkn next year and step up our game. Then the big finale, our chance to show Stn who we were. It seems our Crazy 8s were appropriately saved for last. Honorable mentions came and went. And they announced third place.... Cooper City High!!! We went wild, it was the feeling I'd been waiting for. We cried and hugged and cried even more. We came to win and thats what we did. Room Gang Harris- Duude. Roomies again and it didn't disappoint. We had so much fun laughing and and just hanging out. You're my bro Doug- Douggg!!! We had so much fun lol. All of our jokes and everything else we did made the tripe even better. You're an awesome dude and I'm happy we got closer Ashton- I have so much fun with you. Being in Anaheim with you was an awesome experience and it was so much fun. You're a stud bro Jessica- I'm so happy we got closer, you're such a fun and outgoing person and you made the trip even better. Anna- We always have a good time together, no matter what! I love sitting at dinner or waking around the hotel with you. You've alleays for something so funny to say, I'm glad we spent so much time together. The Presidents- I honestly can't describe my admiration and respect for all of you. Lian, you're our rock, our leader. You destroyed any expectations and showed everyone how good you are. Through all the challenges, you still rose up to the occasion and performed. I'm so happy to have you as my president and as a great friend. I love when we make each other crack up, and all of our jokes. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being a great leader. We are all lucky to have someone like you. Lexi- you are such an amazing Ctver. You're one of the most talented filmed and editor I've ever seen. You're always there for us, and you have our back. I love how you're always smiling, your optimistism is infectious. You're a great leader and teacher, and you give us such a great example to follow. Isy- What would we do with out you. You keep us organized and bring so much life and spirit into our Ctv family. You're so strong willed and I respect you so much. I think we spent spent of time together and I feel we got even closer. You are a great reporter and editor and you bring an aweome sense of confidence to Ctv. To Future Newbies- After going to my second Stn, it only remifoces what Chardo and tthe oldbies say. Practice practice practice. Work with your group memeber, get as my Pimental as you can. Practice gimmicks and every area of your competition. As Mr. Pichardo for any aadvice and talks off of his tips and criticisms to heart. He knows what's he's talking about. Also, listen to your oldbies. They've been there , they know the ropes.the have valuable experience that they can share with you, don't be scared to ask. To my fellow Ctvers of next year- we can't forget the feeling of this. Let's continue on and show everyone who we are. We'll be cbacn and ready to kick ass again. Let's do it Mr. Pichardo- thank you so much for everything you've given to us . I look up to you so much, and I have such great respect for your hard work and dedication. You're an amazing advisor, and you care so much about us. it makes me love Ctv 'even more. Stn was such an amazing and exhilarating experience. It totally surpasses the hype and I loves everything about it. We came and did what we came to do. We showed everyone who we are and why we were there. It was an amazing experience and andwinning as family made it even better. Until next time Stn blog, Jakob Wolk
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