#I will see you soon I’m sure
ssreeder · 1 year
ALSKFJG to be fair Reedy i for one am not complaining about the length over here, there's a thrill to each update. Idk if I've mentioned before that the first thing i do when I'm scrolling through ao3 is to set my filters tl show only complete works. I'm not strong enough to deal with uncompleted works, but at the same time, if i go on too long like that, i end up missing the thrill of just... Going along for the ride, checking when there's an update, hyping myself uo when there IS and I'm not ready to deal with it, taking a moment to breathe after i read it, get lost in the possibilities of what's to come until the next chapter comes out
Like... It is fun, to be able to enjoy a story to it's fullest extent, and there's a certain joy that can't be replicated by reading it all in one sitting, a joy that comes from having to sit with what you have and *wonder*
And BOI am i fucking wondering what's going to happen, i have a ticking time bomb stressing me out constantly in the form of a somewhat unhinged but ultimately baby 14 year old called Azula, and meanwhile zuko is sneaking into sokka's bedroom and I'm just here sitting watching reading knowing that's just BEGGING for trouble bc WHAT IF SOMEONE COMES IN, and also toph absolutely knows bc she literally can feel the extra heartbeat but she minds the business that pays her
I hope it's that, anyways, and not toph waiting for the moment to bully sokka, which i WOULD appreciate but... I wouldn't wish to be sokka for that if that's the plan. And talking about bullying. JET JET JET JET. You've got me over here stressed out for jet waking up bc like... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. PAIN. I WANT HIS PAIN. I CRAVE HIS SUFFERING. I NEED TO SEE WHAT HE'LL DO NOW. Reedy what have you done to me. You have me rooting for jet. In a twisted backwards way but still
And katara deserves the world, she has no idea what's coming and god will she hate it but she's doing her best she deserves some vacations. They're not coming tho. Bc as soon as jet wakes up to cause problems on purpose she'll probably find out zukka is a thing and she still doesn't like zuko so the poor girl is bound for whiplash and then the water tribe is getting into ba sing se but not for long! Because Azula is a menace and she's out for blood and i oove her but that kid needs to be adopted soon before she burns the world (is she going to get adopted? Puppy eyes over here begging for her to be adopted. She'd look great in water tribe blue) (i know that's not what this story is about but a guy can dream ok?)
Anyways. This is what you do when you leave me to think about the future of the story for too long. The possibilities are simmering in my brain
-Fragile heart
Hahaha - well we are officially on this journey together pal! Im glad you hopped on before we got to the end lol.
Im confident a certain earth bender knows that a certain highly strung fire bender is sneaking in through the window at night. Im sure she is just waiting for the right time to commence the teasing.
Jets awakening won’t be next chapter but the one after that! (I couldn’t fit it all this next chapter haha) but it’ll be a mess I can assure you that.
Katara isn’t getting a break anytime soon! & no I’m sure she won’t be THRILLED to find out about zukka mostly because her interaction with Zuko doesn’t go so smoothly next chapter ha……. Oops
As for azula…. Hmmm….. we’ll see ;)
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tariah23 · 17 days
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White people are miserable, racist losers period. They’ve even been getting mad at Japanese people for correcting them about Yasuke as well.
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ohitslen · 11 months
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Kiss gun!
Based on this tweet!
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ebonytails · 3 months
Hey everyone! this is where the zebra is currently with the design.
It has knee braces!! I will most probably be drawing the zebra usually with them on, but it’s no requirement, for example if anyone else wants to draw the zebra :-]. I always like to make sure an animal design has official colors underneath any clothing and accessory anyway. I think this will be final! thank you everyone for your feedback!
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As a reminder, aside from why the zebra was requested for this flag, this is also just a zebra with the disability pride flag on it. It’s just a deisgn to fit the flag, with input from other disabled people in our community. It doesn’t mean other animals can’t have designs with these colors, too! I don’t mean this design to be the only mascot for all disabled people. It’s just a silly series i do of pride animals, and at the time, during disability pride month, I wanted to see what everyone wanted me to start off with for this flag!
the goal with my pride animals is to take requests and make people feel happy and seen.. that’s all <:-)
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stinkypeanutbutter · 2 months
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Have some Taylor !! I love her aoosois much she’s such a cutie patootie :33
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mattodore · 8 months
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this is what i do when i'm having bad days 🤺
#river dipping#mattodore as a coping mechanism 🧘#i'm actually having a better day than yesterday i'm just grumpy atm from lack of sleep 🚆🚶#i stayed up last night watching old jerma streams yk how it is#made a character page yesterday but i’m not sure if i want to keep it… the character pics are TEMPORARY!!! btw.#i gotta take new plain bg cas pics for it but i was thinking abt making my own cas poses first 🤔#finally went back to finish writing the [redacted] scene with mattodore#have been super slowly adding more aesthetically pleasing images to theo’s text heavy board 🚬#also this picrew having a blue and red background option 😋#anyway… that’s my little update 🫡#i’m going to make theo’s custom beauty marks today and then i’ll get in blender to make this mattodore pose that is.#just. dog motif. you know. you understand the dynamics i don’t need to say anything else.#i’d show it off but for some reason matthias’s ripped sims all are missing his teeth cc…? so. can’t. the teeth are important to the pose ☝️#i’ll share pics when i actually go in-game later#‘later’ <- when i feel like turning on my desktop#i should do it soon tho that way i can slap new pics onto that oc page and see if i like it or not#i decided to try it out since it’s mobile friendly like my actual blog theme#like if you open up a browser on your phone and type in my blog or this character page’s url they both look nice !#i hunted for my blog theme for agesss but i found this character page pretty fast#it’s nice… it’s relatively simple looking (the code isn’t tho lmao) which i like. sometimes character pages are just. a lot.#and i think i prefer simple over complicated atp
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macabreblublu · 2 years
Long time hyperfixations are coming back
And guess what that is?
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Yes, non-humans again
Specifically Aliens
Yautjas :)))
Also that pic above is nice but that didn’t do it justice
Lemme just
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Good good, but needs a lil close up
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Ok I couldn’t find perfect photos but basically I just wanna see these beautiful hunks😩👌🏼
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*me checking off Yautja on my hyperfixation list
Anyways yeah, art for these dudes are coming-
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orowyrm · 7 months
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anyways. do you guys like my sea monkey setup. i’m personally pretty proud of it i hope they do well
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superbattrash · 3 months
Sometimes I see a take so bad that I have to physically put my phone down and do breathing exercises to make sure I do not become One Of Those People
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, everybody is entitled to their own opinion, everybody is entitled to their own opinion eVEN WHEN IT IS SO FUCKING WRONG
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writings-on-the-moon · 10 months
I don’t know if it’s a headcanon for the sake of angst, or if people genuinely believe this: but where did we get the idea that Morro starved Lloyd to make him easier to possess?
At least, when I look at this dialogue.
“This armor, it weakens me. At the same time, Lloyd is fighting my possession.” - Stiix and Stones.
“Lloyd's spirit continues to fight my possession. He's getting stronger.” Peak-a-Boo.
“Save your strength, because I'll be needing it.” - The Crooked Path.
This whole Possession has been a double-edged sword. Now especially that last line? That’s the main reason I highly doubt Morro was starving Lloyd. Whatever Lloyd feels, so does he. If Lloyd is hungry, hurt and weak, that’s not going to be helping anyone. Not saying this makes Morro a nice guy, just that for all that he’s got a list of wrongs; starving someone likely isn’t one of them.
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ssreeder · 9 months
They Ssreedy i know it’s been a while, I hope your doing well. I was just wondering when your going to post another chapter? No rush of course bc I myself have been extremely busy with school work and sports. I haven’t even realize how long it’s been since the last chapter the days seems to pass by soo quickly now 😅. I definitely miss your updates on tumblr and the too lovesick boys as well ,hope to see you soon!!
Hiiiii!!! Omg it has been a while (longest between updates everrrrrrr) I’m glad you’ve been distracted so I don’t feel as bad... (I still feel really guilty ahhhh)
I’m done with the next chapter I’ve just been super busy & I was going to post it yesterday but I got sick & lost all motivation. Ill probably post it Friday now!
Good to hear from you<3
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winemom-culture · 3 months
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Check out this cool friendo living on our garage. Should I killmyself?
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marshmellowtea · 8 months
tbh greatly confused by the fact that my party down fic, aka the fic for a tiny, basically dead fandom, is doing better stats wise than my who’s lila fic, a fic for a small but currently semi active fandom. like how does that work 😭
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warden-melli · 7 months
Incredibly unpopular opinion but I actually wouldn’t mind if tumblr had some sort of “stories” feature so that I could post wips and silly stuff, and not clog up tags, or bother people with unfinished/random pictures
Stuff like this
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No influencers trying to sell stuff, just random snippets of someone’s day, artists and writers posting wips, and pictures of cats and stuff
+ me and some Melli’s (and Sabi’s too I guess)
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ghost-proofbaby · 1 year
looking at the original ideas doc for twenty four hours and realizing it started out like a comedy instead of whatever it’s become
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whentherewerebicycles · 9 months
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