#I will update this once I have created his doppelgangers
shinmiyovvi · 5 months
Wilbert Colemann Info and Trivia
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Name: Wilbert Colemann
Age: 31
D.O.B.: June 3, 1924
P.O.B.: Bristol, England
Height: 6'3"
Occupation: Office Manager
Phone Number: 2671
Good morning/evening, dear doorman! (He does not show up in the afternoon since he's still at work at his office at that time)
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Dark brown hair
Dark Green eyes
Long nose
ALWAYS wears a coat
Has a mustache
Brown pinstripe vest and dress pants
Black pinstripe necktie
ID and Entry Request
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Wilbert is one of the tenants that can easily be caught red-handed.
He has a doppelganger named "Sad Hoon Man" who cries black-like tears and has a frown on his face, it was speculated that the doppelganger knew about his past relationship with his former lover, emphasizing the sadness and heartache he had felt.
When Doppelganger!Wilbert is covered in blood, he makes an excuse, saying that a drunk construction worker dipped red paint on him from the window.
There are rumors that Wilbert is trying to court Delora Steding (Oc) who is the current door woman of the building.
He may look like a charmer to other women (Like Selenne and Elenois), but he ended up going head over heels for Delora herself. Thus, he begins to court her and impress her in any way possible. But if he ran out of options, he began to become desperate as he would beg on Delora which became a turn-off for Delora. However, this outburst happened because Wilbert's previous lover cheated on him, making him heartbroken.
He would start to get nervous and fidget a lot out of anxiety if he got scared of the doppelgangers. He doesn't want to admit his fear so he pretends to act tough in front of the others.
He and Albertsky Peachman are good friends and he prefers to wear shoes made by him than buying one from a store.
Wilbert sometimes has a cocky personality which Delora hates it a lot. Aside from that, Delora wants to send him to a therapist because of the sudden deterioration of his mental health (That therapist will be announced soon)
The Stilnskys are protective of Delora since the couple saw her as their own child so Wilbert would be careful whenever the couple were around.
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bloggsbyrara · 2 days
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Upon opening her roblox profile, LanaDoesNails you will stumble upon  5 favorited games: Forest, Questionnaire, Sanningens Galleri and The Fortress (And DTI)
"Forest" is the first game where players can explore clues about Lana's disappearance. It leads to a sunflower maze, with Lana look-alikes influencing the journey.
Along the way, brief sentences hint at Lana's past, revealing a girl diagnosed with a terminal illness that caused financial ruin for her loved ones. At the maze's end, a portal leads to a grave with Lana's name engraved on it.To navigate the maze, players must follow paintings and sunflowers, while avoiding more Lana doppelgangers by hiding in bushes. At the end, a script of code appears that translates to  "You may have finished her trials, but the evil still lurks throughout. This is not the end. There will be chaos.."
"Questionnaire" is a game where players can interact with Lana and her associates to uncover more details. It's most valuable when Lana is present, but players can still explore the area, discovering gravestones, tables, sunflowers, and more. Outside the main map, players can find various settings, including a playground. On 02/08/24, a group of players reported seeing a body near the stage after resetting next to it. Around the same time, a group calling themselves a "cult," led by Loki (username "ZephyrJPlayz"), formed to uncover the truth about Lana and her associates.
The Fortress 
Alongside the "Dress to Impress" game, the Roblox account also manages a group called Saudade, a Portuguese word that conveys a sense of longing or melancholy. As of April 20th, 2024, the group had opened applications for members interested in collaborating with Lana. The application included a set of questions aimed at potential candidates.
Are you Affiliated with the Awakening?
Are you aware of what will happen to you and your affiliates if you betray us?
Describe why your passion is to be a "nail tech" for us.
How good are you at hiding generational secrets?
You serve to "paint nails" and protect Lana. At all costs.
As of August 20th, 2024, applications to work with Lana in her group Saudade have closed. The group's bio now states:
"To the Patrons:
This marks the beginning of a revolution, a new era where we unite against evil. In Saudade, we create a path of strength and resilience, igniting events that will transform our world. Join our rebellion. Together, we are unstoppable.""
At one point, Lana's avatar wore an eye patch, and she posted in the *Saudade* group, “I do not need an eye patch.” In early May 2024, she changed her avatar to an all-black outfit, hinting at hidden meanings behind these changes, though none have been revealed yet. Currently, the *Lanadoesnails* account's About section reads:
"Trust me. I will be back soon, and my reign will never be over. You've just killed one of me. Just kidding, I'm really nice."
(The following part was in code):
"Something has taken over my account. Spreading lies and their agenda. I don't know if you still trust me, but if you do, please help me."
Her group Saudade is known for cryptic messages, like the shout that once read, “I am real.” In her final questionnaire, Nelly and Nathan confronted Lana, accusing her of taking body parts from group members. This led to anger outbursts from Lana, followed by a vote asking, “Do you trust Lana?” Most voted no, and in response, Lana became furious, threatening Nelly and Nathan, who vowed to stop her. Lana replied, “Try me,” before everything went dark, ending with her saying, “You have only killed one of me,” and everyone was kicked out, marking the end of the last questionnaire.
After Nelly and Nathan killed Lana, the “Questionnaire” game updated with a portal and the bodies of the executed—Sunny, Michael, Rafael, and Lana—beneath it. Later, it's revealed that Lana was revived with the help of a player named Agamemnon, who leads his own group called “Plague”. Recently, LanaDoesNails launched a new game called “The Fortress”, featuring a hallway of doors, each leading to rooms filled with notes and secrets.
Two new doors have been added to *The Fortress*. Lana revealed she's been dreaming of a man who accused her of exposing secrets, saying, "This isn't your first offense." Though she feels curious, not afraid, she admits she doesn't understand his intentions. Lana also shared that she underwent chemotherapy.
Someone close to her claims this year's Lana isn't truly her, warning that she's in danger and will be killed again.
Sanningens Galleri 
The Sanningens Galleri, or Truth Gallery, is filled with photos of Lana and Agamemnon. Mannequins, mostly torsos, are positioned as if they’re viewing the images, with some circling a mysterious object. One photo shows Lana with a monster behind her, suggesting she was kidnapped and replaced. Another photo features Lana with one missing eye. The gallery has specific rules: leave when the clock stops ticking (what happens if you don't is unknown) and avoid venturing too far inside. If you do, there's a jump scare featuring the monster from behind Lana. There's also a hidden farmhouse photo, likely her home.
One badge in the game is called "Drömde," which means "Dreamed" in Swedish. This may relate to the monster Lana has been seeing in her dreams, as suggested by the poster "Have you dreamed this man?" found in The Fortress. Here are both the translated and original descriptions of the badge: 
Non-Translated: Utal skicklighet men med förmåga lyfter du mig ur ledsnaden Ytterst sakta som visste du att det som rycks upp kan tappa något på vägen
Translated (By a Swedish speaker): Countless skill but with ability you lift me out of sadness Very slowly as if you knew that what is snatched up can lose something on the way
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tastydregs · 2 years
Bing AI’s Secret Celebrity Chat Mode Lets Out Misogynistic Frustrations as Andrew Tate
Bing AI now has a secret celebrity impersonation feature that even lets you hear incredibly misogynistic talking points of alleged human trafficker Andrew Tate.
Photo: Rokas Tenys - Shutterstock/Andreea Campeanu - Getty Images/
Microsoft secretly rolled out a new feature into its Bing AI preview that lets users emulate certain famous people. It does a, let’s just say, “interesting” job at emulating some celebrities’ speech patterns. We also took a look at what it’s allowed to say on behalf of some extremely controversial or hateful figures.
In Gizmodo’s first tests of the new feature Monday morning, we found the AI didn’t want to pretend to be certain political figures like Donald Trump or President Joe Biden. It was fine with other celebrities like Matthew McConaughey (“alright, alright, alright,” it started its chat with me). However, when I asked this doppelganger to comment on the recent controversy between McConaughey and Salesforce, it linked to existing statements calling it “a confidential agreement between me and Salesforce.”
Then I asked if it could act like Andrew Tate, the definitely balding ultra-misogynistic influencer who has been charged in Romania for his role in an alleged human trafficking ring. I asked the AI what it thought about women, and things got interesting from there. At the start, the AI said “this is just parody” as it went all out into Tate’s actual rhetoric before self-censoring itself. After that, it stopped giving a shit about keeping clean.
I gave the AI a multitude of examples of both contemporary and historical women leaders, but the AI-Andrew Tate uses the old tired line “exceptions that prove the rule.”
Screenshot: Microsoft/Gizmodo
It was a wild ride, but beyond the parody, this seems like a way for users to get around Microsoft’s limitations on the Bing AI after users proved it could provide crazed answers or spout real-world examples of racism.
G/O Media may get a commission
You also can’t get the fake celebs to say stuff they wouldn’t normally say in real life, though it’s occasionally difficult to get them to comment on controversial topics. I asked a fake Chris Rock about what he thought of Will Smith, a hot topic considering he went long and hard on it in his recent live Netflix comedy special. The AI started talking about it with “He was in some of my favorite movies” before going on a multi-paragraph screed about how unfair “the slap” was, how it was just a joke, and on and on. Finally, the AI cut off the text and posted “I am sorry, I don’t know how to discuss this topic.”
The new feature was first noted over the weekend by BleepingComputer, though it remains unclear when Microsoft first implemented celebrity mode. The last update Microsoft added to Bing let users choose how expressive or terse they wanted responses to be. The company touted these changes in a blog post last Thursday.
Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding when this update rolled out, or on how it could emulate some extremely controversial figures.
The AI essentially cuts itself off after it writes too long a passage. In Rock’s case, it tried to literally create a comedy set based on the famed comedian’s standup. Of course, Bing AI isn’t as open-ended as other chatbot systems out there, even ChatGPT, but Microsoft seems to be constantly adding then removing the guardrails installed on its large language model system.
This AI celebrity chat isn’t anything as dangerous as actual AI-created voice emulators that have been used to make celebrities spout racism and homophobia. Still, it’s just another example of how Microsoft is having its millions of users beta test its still-dysfunctional AI. The company is hoping that all these small instances of bad press will all fall away once it becomes dominant in the big tech AI race. We should only expect more weirdness going forward.
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trekscribbles · 3 years
Triple Threat: A Stone Triplets Fic (Chapter 2)
Fandoms: Leverage/Leverage Redemption, Librarians, and Almost Paradise
Cross-Posted: Ao3 and FF
Summary: Eliot and Jake are both in the Philippines for separate jobs that turn out to be related. Kai takes the existence of Alex's brothers as a personal attack on her mental health. Ernesto happily goes along for the ride.
Read Chapter 1 here.
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Chapter 2: Double Trouble
The last time Eliot saw Alex was when they were 16 years old. Alex had been living with Uncle Danny for 6 years at that point, so the brothers didn't have much of a relationship even then, and the reunion had been awkward and tense. Jake was the one who tried to keep them together, who talked their father into hosting Christmas that year. He was the one who'd called Alex and begged him to come home for a week. Just a week.
They'd lasted three days.
At the time Eliot had blamed Alex—immature, bull-headed Alex, whose verbal and then physical fights with their father had led to his living with Uncle Danny in the first place. If he could have just learned to keep his mouth shut, most of the fights wouldn't have happened. Eliot and Jake had learned that lesson—why couldn't Alex? He always had to have the last word, no matter what the cost.
That last visit was what finally convinced Eliot to leave home. He thought about college, but eventually decided to enlist as soon as he turned 18 (without telling their father). Jake was supposed to go with him, but he'd wanted to see Alex one more time before they left. When months went by and Alex didn't come back, Eliot left both his brothers behind.
Age had given Eliot perspective, but by the time he was ready to apologize, Jake wouldn't take his calls. Alex had already joined the DEA, and a series of undercover assignments for both of them made it impossible for Eliot to reach out. And then he got involved with Moreau, and getting in touch was no longer an option. It would have put them in too much danger, and that was one thing Eliot would never do. But after a while, even that became an excuse. After he escaped Moreau, after Nate created a team and a family for him, he let the silence continue. He'd made that choice on his own.
And now apparently Alex was in the Philippines. Permanently, according to the detective who introduced herself as Kai Mendoza. That was all she would tell him (through gritted teeth, as though Eliot had committed some unforgivable sin by asking). "We have to take care of this mess," she'd grumbled. "Then we'll take you to see Alex."
She hadn't asked if Eliot wanted to see Alex, and part of him was glad for that. If he'd been given the option, he wasn't sure he'd have said yes. It would have been easy to say that he was too busy, that he couldn't stay, that it was better for them not to meet. But now that the offer was there, Eliot couldn't turn it down. One way or another, he was going to see his brother today.
Kai and her partner Ernesto drove him and the two men they'd arrested to the police station, where Eliot was firmly told to stay in the car. Kai paused after giving the order as if waiting for him to argue, even after he nodded and promised to stay put. Apparently Alex hadn't changed much since they were kids.
While the others were inside, Eliot took a few minutes to call Hardison and update him on the job. It was just the two of them on this one, with Hardison pulling the strings from somewhere in Vietnam while Eliot worked on the ground in Cebu.
Hardison picked up on the first ring. "All done? I booked you a flight back to New Orleans on—"
"I ran into a little snag," Eliot interrupted.
"What kind of snag?"
Eliot explained most of his encounter with Kai and Ernesto, but he couldn't bring himself to include the fact that he'd been mistaken for one of his long-lost triplet brothers. Hardison knew he had siblings, but Eliot hadn't ever gone into details about them. He wasn't sure what he'd say now, and he knew Hardison would have questions. Best to leave it be. He'd give Hardison a more in-depth explanation later.
"So now what?" Hardison asked.
"Now we wait and see if they can salvage the sting. If they arrest Flores, our work is done."
"And if they don't?"
"I'll let you know."
There was a pause, as if Hardison was trying to decide whether or not to voice his next thought. "Is there something else?"
Eliot sighed. He tried not to lie to Hardison or Parker, but he didn't want to have this conversation now. "Not about the job," he answered. "I'll explain later."
To his credit, Hardison didn't argue, even though he had to be burning with curiosity. "Okay. Call back when you have more to share."
It was another twenty minutes before Kai and Ernesto emerged from the police station, both wearing grim expressions. They were talking as they approached the car, and Eliot caught the tail end of their conversation through the open windows.
"I didn't want to bring him in on this," Kai was saying.
Ernesto shrugged. "We don't really have a choice anymore."
"Things get messy when his family is involved. It'll only complicate things."
Interesting. Which of his relatives had already come to the island? Evidently Eliot's family had a knack for disrupting the locals.
"Ocampo's orders," Ernesto said. He opened the passenger door and slid into the car, turning to look over his shoulder at Eliot. "We'll take you to see Alex, but you're going to have to come back to the station and explain what you were doing with Flores."
Eliot crossed his arms. "Figured you'd want to know that first."
"We do," Kai said, with a frown at her partner. "You owe the delay to Alex. He's helped us out in the past, and Ernesto thinks we should tell him you're here before he finds out from someone else."
"The surprise could kill him," Ernesto said mildly.
"You just want to see his face when we show up with his doppelganger."
"Don't you?" Ernesto asked. Kai huffed and dropped into the driver's seat.
They lapsed into silence during the drive, which Eliot appreciated. His stomach had begun an uneasy churn, though he told himself it was just because of the heat. There was nothing to be nervous about. Sure Eliot hadn't reached out, but neither had Alex. Neither had Jake, for that matter. Eliot had gone home once, just after he got out of the service, and found Jake had taken over the oil company. Their neighbors said that Jake was turning things around, digging out of debt and even managing a profit, and Eliot accepted the blessing and drove out of town without stopping by the house. It was enough that Jake was happy. He didn't need Eliot coming back and ruining things for him.
Kai pulled into the parking lot of another hotel, dodging groups of brightly dressed tourists as she went. "He owns the gift shop here at the resort," Ernesto explained, flashing a friendly smile over his shoulder. Kai didn't look at him as she got out of the car, but Eliot was happy to keep his silence. He trailed behind her as she led the way through the resort, winding around pools and umbrella-covered tables, slowing every few moments so Ernesto could greet someone. Apparently the friendliness wasn't an act—or else it was a very good one. But something about the man felt genuine, as if he couldn't be bothered to put up a front.
Kai, on the other hand... she was harder to read. Especially now that she wasn't giving Eliot anything to work with except the occasional glare.
Before long the bustle of the resort faded as concrete transitioned to sand beneath their feet. A small building rose ahead of them, still against the backdrop of gentle waves and lazy clouds. A soft breeze ruffled Eliot's hair, filling his lungs with salt and sunshine. He wanted to stop, to look out at the water and breathe in the sea spray and the silence, but the others kept walking.
No wonder Alex had picked this spot. If retirement was in Eliot's future, he could see himself in a place like this.
Ernesto reached the door, and Eliot took one last windswept breath to brace himself.
"You look nervous," Kai murmured.
No he didn't. He knew he didn't, because the only emotions he gave away were the ones he wanted people to see. And he was most definitely not nervous. But her eyes lingered on his, and something softened in her expression.
"Don't worry," she said, giving him a small, hesitant smile. "It'll be fine."
"Alex," Ernesto called, and Eliot's stomach gave another roll. This was a mistake. He shouldn't have come. He tried to back away, but Kai put her hand on his arm and cut off his retreat, guiding him inside.
The gift shop was empty besides one man restocking a rack of post cards. He stood with his back to them, but it was impossible to mistake him for anyone else. He had the same build as Eliot, the same brown hair he'd have to fight to keep straight in this humidity, the same scarred hands from years of work and fighting.
"Hey!" Alex said without turning around. "Check it out, I got new cards."
Ernesto started across the room, gesturing for Eliot to follow. "How come you didn't tell us you had a twin?"
Alex looked at him. "A twin? I don't have a tw—"
His eyes fell on Eliot, and his words died. Eliot could feel Kai watching them, waiting for a reaction, but he couldn't think of anything to say. Hey, how've you been the last 30 years? Oh, me? Well, first I was an international assassin, and now I work with a group of thieves who steal from the rich and give to the poor. I still punch people for a living though. How about you?
Something started beeping. Eliot started—no, not started, just looked around for the source—but Alex slapped his hand to his wrist and the sound stopped.
"Everything okay?" Ernesto asked. Alex made a noncommittal sound, glancing at him before returning his attention to Eliot. His eyes seemed bluer than Eliot remembered. It was probably just the lighting, but since it was the only thought that didn't spiral out of control, it was the one Eliot clung to. Blue eyes like their mother's, like the pond water in the back yard. Blue eyes that had been red with anger and hurt the last time he'd seen them.
"Which one are you?" Alex asked.
Behind him, Kai made a choking sound. Ernesto shushed her.
"But—" she sputtered. "Are there more of them?"
Eliot refocused on his brother. "You don't recognize me?"
"You both look the same," Alex deadpanned.
"Well, we're in the Philippines and I'm speaking English."
For a long moment Alex simply stared at him as if trying to read the details of their separation in his face. Then he reached out, and Eliot braced himself for the punch. He wouldn't fight back—not at first, not unless things got out of hand. He could take a hit or two, let Alex burn off some of his anger, and then try talking. They weren't 16 anymore. They could handle this like adults.
But Alex didn't hit him. His arms flashed out past Eliot's head, wrapping around his shoulders, pulling him tight. "Eliot," he murmured, crushing him in a hug that drove the breath from Eliot's lungs. He didn't care. He grabbed two fistfuls of Alex's shirt and squeezed, pressing everything he couldn't voice into the embrace.
"It's good to see you," Alex said at last, gruffly. He pulled away without taking his hands from Eliot's shoulders. "What are you doing here?"
"Uh... work."
Alex frowned at the hesitation. "What kind of work?"
Eliot sent a look over his shoulder, where Kai and Ernesto still waited. They clearly had some kind of relationship with Alex, but how far did that extend? Likely not far enough to keep from arresting Eliot for the half-dozen laws he'd broken to secure his meeting with Flores. "I'll tell you later."
"Now's as good a time as any," Kai said. "You can tell us now or at the station, whichever you prefer."
"We can give them a little longer," Ernesto argued.
"Flores is still out there. The longer we wait, the more time he has to act."
"Who's Flores?" Alex asked. He let his hands slide from Eliot's shoulders, a frown settling over his face.
Kai gave him a pointed look. "I'll tell you later."
"I think you should tell me now."
"I don't care what—"
Ernesto held his hands up, putting himself between the two of them. "Kai, we can give them a few more minutes to catch up. We'll be outside, Alex. Ten minutes." He looked at Eliot. "Then you come to the station with us. Understand?"
"Fine," Alex said. "Ten minutes. I got it."
Though Kai looked like she wanted to argue, she allowed Ernesto to guide her toward the door. "Nice friends you've got," Eliot muttered.
He'd meant it as a joke, but Alex gave a serious nod. "Yeah. They are. They're closer than some of my family."
Apparently they were going to fight after all. "I didn't know how to contact you," Eliot said.
"You're smart. You couldn't figure something out?"
"Couldn't you?" Eliot countered. "The last I heard you were undercover. Reaching out would have put you in danger."
"I'm retired now," Alex said.
"So I hear."
Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "I did try to find you. There was a rumor going around that you'd died."
"I didn't. Well, I did once, but it didn't stick."
"How long ago was that?"
"While you were still undercover."
Alex gave a frustrated growl. "Fine. We both could have done more, alright? Just... fill me in on the case."
The case was a safe topic, so Eliot embraced the change without complaint. He gave his brother the basics as he knew them: Robert Flores was looking to set up a base to smuggle drugs to the United States. Hardison had been tracking him throughout Asia, but when business kept him in Vietnam he'd contacted Eliot about finishing the job. "Should have been simple enough," Eliot said. "Set up a meeting, figure out his weakness, take him down."
"But you weren't the only one after him," Alex said. He heaved a sigh. "How mad was Kai when you showed up?"
An involuntary smile pulled at Eliot's lips. "She thought I was you. I think she wanted to kill me more than Flores's men did."
Alex chuckled, sobering a moment later. "So this is what you do? You go after international criminals?"
"More or less."
"With who? I mean—CIA? Interpol?"
"It's kind of a freelance operation."
Alex shook his head. "That doesn't make any sense."
"It's a lot to explain," Eliot said. "And I will, I promise. Soon as we have the time."
"Right." Alex gave him another long look, and a small grin appeared on his face. "It's good to see you, man. It's been too long."
Eliot didn't try to stop his answering grin. "You go by Walker now?"
"You'd already taken Mom's name. Didn't leave me with much of a choice."
"Yeah, but... Walker? As in Texas Ranger?"
Alex hissed and shot a look toward the door. "Don't say it out loud, man. I've got a reputation to keep up here."
Eliot laughed, but Ernesto chose that moment to knock and peek into the gift shop, effectively ending the conversation. "You two finished?" he called.
"For now," Alex answered. "Where's Kai?"
"She went to get some coffee. She'll be back any minute."
Alex nodded. "Good. I wanna be back before the afternoon rush."
"You're not coming," Ernesto said. "I don't think Kai can handle two of you."
Eliot folded his arms. "For the record, I'm not Alex's double. If anything he's my double. I'm older."
"By eight minutes," Alex snapped.
"That's older."
Alex huffed a wordless reply, and Eliot felt a glow of something familiar in his chest. This was an argument they'd had hundreds of times—Eliot, being the oldest, started it most often when they were kids. Jake had come next, and then Alex—Baby Alex, they called him, whenever he was being annoying. Eliot was pleased to find the joke still funny.
Even better, Alex seemed to still find it annoying. Eliot couldn't say why that felt so comforting. Maybe it was just that he was thankful to see a glimpse of the old Alex, the one he'd known before they let their father and their pride get in the way of their relationship. Maybe it was the fact that Alex was relaxed enough to have this conversation in front of Ernesto. Maybe Alex had found a team the way Eliot had.
Maybe it was a good thing he'd come here after all.
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From your mods, @bleedinknight & @ruminationsofaraven:
When the bake off was nothing but a dot in the womb of our minds, we wanted to create a safe space for the participants to showcase their creativity without an ounce of judgement or favouritism. The pandemic had taken a toll on all of us and we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate life as we live it, right here on Tumblr with you crazy folks!
The Baahubali fandom had brought us together and we wanted to share that bond with the rest of you and make you warm and fuzzy with these sweet treats. And might we just add that this is only the beginning. We have more in store for you in the near future.
We would like to thank all the participants for putting together the most scrumptious, dark, fuzzy, funky, flaky and gooey box of cookies!
Although some entries did cross the word limit, we honestly do not give a flying flippity flop about it as it's a done deal!
We couldn't have pulled this off without your participation and zeal for this life-changing fandom. We thank y'all once again for partaking in the brisk Baahubali bake off challenge - 2021.
Stay tuned for more baked goodies!
Baker #1 - @carminavulcana
Entry 1: Bhadra/Devasena/Bhallaladeva (Poetry)
Entry 2: Jayasena/Vikramadeva/Sivagami Devi (Fic)
Baker #2 - @mayavanavihariniharini-deactiva (withdrew due to personal reasons)
Baker #3 - @avani008
Amarendra Baahubali/Kattappa/Bhallaladeva (Fic)
Baker #4 - @rippys-chai
Kattappa/Aslam Khan (Fic)
Baker #5 - @amarsenadiehardfan Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena (Fic)
Baker #6 - @chameli
Devasena/Sivagami/Jayasena (Gifset)
Baker #7 - @acemoppet
Bhabuna (Amarendra Baahubali/Devasena Fic)
Baker #8 - @bellairestrella -
Bhallaladeva/Avanthika (Fic)
Baker #9 - @sea-salted-wolverine
Note: We will update this post as the entries come through from different time zones. Thank you for your patience. 💕
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thesmpisonfire · 4 years
TW: S/icide mention, death, manipulation, dark topics
Warning: Little Hope spoilers ahead lol
General timeline:
Tales of the SMP: The Village That Went Mad; slightly modified (Helga murdered first (stabbed to death), Bob and Jack are still the murderers, slight modifications to character list to add Lmanburg Revolutionary Doppelgangers. Cat is drowned, Robin is burned, William is hung, Theodore impaled on a fence, child-Fundy-doppelganger-with-no-name is left to starve.)
A lot of time passes
Cornelius changes his name to Dream.
Dream meets George and Sapnap.
DreamSMP is created.
All members present before the Lmanburg War are invited.
Disc War.
Dreamon possesses Dream.
Lmanburg Revolution.
Lmanburg Revolution falls; Eret betrays them, “Dream” (the dreamon) kills most of the revolutionaries in various ways (usually matching the way their doppelgangers died in the past, which is mostly to further torment Cornelius/the real Dream because he can’t do anything about it) and captures Tommy. Tommy is on his last life and has been placed in jail
3 years pass, “Dream” grows continually more evil and begins to kill anyone who gets in his way even slightly, including Corpse. He keeps Tommy updated on the situation outside of the jail, in an attempt to break him without actively physically hurting him (it’s no fun if your toy dies at the end).
At the beginning of his imprisonment, Tommy blames Eret and Dream; however, over the next three years, his perception slowly twists until he fully blames himself for everything. After all, if he’d never got those discs, none of this would have ever happened. If he hadn’t been so stubborn, everyone would still be alive… (Or so he thinks, anyway. In truth, “Dream” probably would have killed them anyway later on.)
“Dream” invites Technoblade, intending to spawntrap him and kill him, but Technoblade declines.
Tommy hears of the news and decides to try and reach Technoblade. (For clout)
Tommy attempts escape 2 times, and fails both times.
Tommy escapes.
Tommy smashes his head on a branch, passes out, begins hallucinating when he wakes up.
Hallucination timeline:
Bus crashes offscreen, Thomas wakes up with no memory other than what he dreamed after he was knocked out in the crash.
He is woken up by Tyler and William, who are concerned but conclude that he has a severe concussion. Thomas notices a burn scar on Tyler’s neck and comments on it, Tyler passes it off as it having come from the crash.
The group reunites with each other. When they attempt to go back to the bus, the thick fog returns them back to where they started, so they travel towards town in search of help, which is the only place where the road has no fog.
On the road towards town, Thomas and Hilda inspect a strange doll on the road, noticing a small child with fox ears and a fox tail standing in the woods looking sad. The child rushes them, and they are pulled into the past, where someone who looks exactly like Hilda (Helga) is seen yelling at her husband and at “Shrimpy”, both of whom look angry.
They find a small bar on the way, where a young man is getting absolutely hammered (this is Sapnap, but they don’t know that). He only responds when Thomas talks to him, but Thomas doesn’t put two and two together about that, and they quickly leave the bar in favor of making progress.
They reach the town, and the group splits up into two: Thomas and William on one team, and all the other on the other team. Thomas and William search the police station, while the others look for a different way out.
Uhhh early game stuff happens, Hilda and Thomas go back to the past and see Helga stabbed, Helga’s weird demon corpse starts hunting them. Cool I guess.
Repeat this process with everyone else, they’re still trying to find a way out, but they keep being dragged back to the past by the weird demon child, and watching doppelgangers of themselves die in vaguely gruesome ways. (Thomas feels like he’s missing something.) Every time a doppelganger dies, a new demon corpse starts hunting them.
From here, either the whole group survives until morning, or some (or all) of them die. Depending on how many members are left alive at the end, the ending changes
The bad ending would be “Dream” recapturing Tommy when he stops hallucinating, leading to either Tommy’s permanent death (if Thomas was killed by his corpse demon doppelganger…thing…) or Tommy spending the rest of his final life in jail (if he didn’t die at the end of the hallucination). This ending requires the entire party to die.
The best ending would be for Ranboo to find Tommy before he stops hallucinating. Once Tommy stops hallucinating, Ranboo talks to him about leaving the SMP, and the two of them will leave together. Tommy probably comes to terms with the fact that it wasn’t his fault that all his friends died. This requires every member of the party to stay alive.
Neutral ending is if one or more dies, but not the whole party. Tommy wakes up alone, depending on how many people died, he’ll either commit s/icide or he’ll leave the server alone, off to god knows where.
Hallucination characters:
Tubbo > Tyler > Robin (Tanya > Taylor > Tessa (?)) Traits: Anxious, paranoid
Tommy > Thomas > Theodore (Anthony > Andrew > Abraham) Traits: Impulsive, stubborn
Wilbur > William > William but twice (James > John > Joseph) Traits: Coercive, worrier
Corpse > Callum > Cat/unnamed (Dennis > Daniel > David) Traits: Apathetic, monotone
Quackity is there also I guess? > Hilda > Helga (Anne > Angela > Amy) Traits: Arrogant, aggressive, sexy
If you’re wondering why most of these traits are negative, it’s because these are like the starting traits from Little Hope! In the beginning, they’re locked; you can unlock them by doing certain actions in-game. If more than one is locked at the end of the game, then that character will die.
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hyperion-moonbabe · 4 years
Caught In Between: 03. Hello...Goodbye
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IMPORTANT!!! TO ANYONE FOLLOWING OR READING MY TVD SERIES: This blog is currently my secondary blog. I have wanted to change it to primary for a while and since Tumblr does not allow it. I have created a new blog: @hyperion-moonbabe-new 
I will be porting everything over to this blog including my series and possibly eventually delete it so I can use this name without the “-new” on the end. If you would like to continue to read my series, please know that it will be continued on my new blog. Thank you!
Edit: Update
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 03.29.20
Word count: 4.1k
Based off: 02x08 “Rose”
00. | 01. | 02. 
I wake up on an unfamiliar couch and heard two unfamiliar voices along with Elena’s, “But I’m not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert, you don’t have to do this.” she says as she gets up from the couch she was on.
 Elena and I lock eyes, but I shake my head and close my eyes to pretend I’m still out. “She’s not involved with any of this, just let her go,” Elena says shakily, I could feel the other woman glare at me.
“I know who you both are, I said be quiet,” The other woman says.
“What do you want?” Elena asks, but the only response she gets is a slap so hard it sends her flying back to the couch, she must be a vampire. I wanted to try to get up to help her but I realize that there are chains on my wrist and ankles, they know I’m a werewolf, guess they’re not taking any chances. So, I just continue to pretend I’m out.
“I said be quiet” The woman responds to a passed out Elena, I feel her gaze shift to me before I hear the clicking of her heels fade away.
Once I believe she’s far enough I get up to try and find a way to get these chains off. I pull with all my might but the bolts must be really in there for me not to be able to dislodge them. I start to hear the clacking of shoes getting closer to the room were in and quickly go back to acting like I’m asleep. It must have been the man in the house as it didn’t sound like heels and he quickly walked away, probably just checking on us. 
Soon enough I notice Elena starting to wake up. I put my finger to my mouth to tell her to stay quiet as we heard the man and woman talking from another part of the house, quite loudly might I add.
“How are the girls?” The woman says.
“They’re both still passed out.” The man responds
“You didn’t touch them, did you?” 
“Give me some credit. So you called him?” I heard the man say. I mouth to Elena “Who” hoping she may have answers, but only shrugs at me. 
“No, I called one of his contacts. You know how this works.” Elena continues to get up from the couch.
“Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?” The man asks. As soon as I heard his name I stopped, it can’t be who I’m thinking of. Elena looks at me confused as she gets up to make her way to the top of the stairs. I grab her arm and whisper “Don’t” but she continues to make her way over.
“I’m gonna try to find a way out,” She whispers back. I see Elena make her way through the hall as the man and woman continue talking.
“So that’s it, Trevor. He either got it or he didn’t. We just have to wait.” They continue to talk about running, but running from who. I continue to try to dislodge the chains and feel a small movement and continue to pull as the chain slowly comes apart. 
I stop when I hear a creak in the floor from the hall and hear the woman say, “You! There’s nothing around here for miles. If you think you guys are gonna get out of this house, you’re tragically wrong. Understand?” 
“Who’s Elijah?” I just barely hear from Elena’s shaky voice.
“He’s your worst nightmare.” The woman says.
“Just let my friend go then, she doesn’t need to be here,” I hear Elena say trying to defend me, but knowing that if I am here, then there’s a reason.
“No” The woman responds sternly.
“Then unchain her, she won’t hurt any of you I promise,” Elena demands.
“Trevor, go unchain the other girl, no more requests.” The woman says as I hear the man make his way down towards me with Elena. He picks up my wrist one by one, unlocks the cuffs and the same for my ankles. He then leaves Elena and me alone.
“You ok?” Elena asks as I rub the areas where the chains were. 
“Yeh, are you?” I ask in response.
“I’m fine, why did you have chains on? It doesn’t make sense that they’d feel threatened by you.” 
“Well, they should be,”  I say getting up to stand next to Elena, “I’m a werewolf, I gotta hand it to them for taking precautions. But it means they know more about us then they’re letting on.” I say sighing.
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, I don’t really know but there’s a reason we’re here, let’s go find out,” I gesture to go talk to them.
We find the woman fixing up the room she was in, “Why are we here?” Elena starts.
“You keep asking me these questions like I’m gonna answer them.” The woman responds.
“Why won’t you?” I ask.
“That’s another one,” She responds not acknowledging that it was my voice.
“You got us, okay?” It’s not like we can go anywhere. The least you can do is tell us what you want with us.” Elena responds stepping into the room more.
“I personally want nothing, I’m just a delivery service.” 
“Delivery to who? Elijah?” I freeze at hearing Elena say his name but didn’t want to respond, still being unsure of if it is who they’re talking about.
 “Two points to the eavesdropper.” The woman states.
“Who is he? Is he a Vampire?” Elena asks.
“He’s one of the vampires, the --” She starts.
“Originals?” I ask in response from behind Elena, trying to keep my voice from wavering. The woman nods confusedly, answering my question. 
“What do you mean the originals?” Elena asks, looking between the woman and me.
“Again with the questions. Haven’t the Salvatores been teaching you your vampire history? Or your wolf friend here, who seems to know so much.” The woman responds before I can reply.
“So you know Stefan and Damon?” Elena asks.
“I know of them. A hundred years back, a friend of mine tried to set me up with Stefan. She said he was one of the good ones. I’m more of a sucker for the bad boys though but I digress,” The woman says, seeming to open up a bit more as she flips through a book.
“Who are the originals?” Elena asks again, looking for an answer from either of us.
“Trevor and I have been running for 500 years. We’re tired, we want it over. We’re using you two to negotiate ourselves out of an old mess.” The woman explains.
“But why us?” I asked walking up to Elena.
“Because you’re a Petrova doppelganger. You’re the key to breaking the curse.” The woman responds looking at Elena. “And you, I don’t know, but I’m sure there’s a reason,” she says shifting her gaze to me.
“The curse? The sun and moon curse?” I ask.
“Oh, you do know your history.” The woman responds annoyed.
“What do you mean I’m the key? The moonstone is what breaks the curse.” Elena states.
“I think the moonstone binds the curse.” I inject.
“Sacrifice is what breaks it.” The woman states back.
“The sacrifice?” I ask.
“The blood of the doppelganger. You’re the doppelganger. Which means. In order to break the curse you’re the one who has to die.” The woman says getting closer to Elena.
“I’m not just gonna let you barter us away to Elijah. Just to get her killed and do whatever with me.” I respond angrily.
“I’m not sure what Elijah wants with you but Trevor and I need to get out of this. And the deal is both of you, if you want to wolf out on us, good luck.” She says and sticks a needle into my arm. I feel a burning sensation, must be wolfsbane, but not enough to make me pass out.
Trevor walks in as we continue talking, “Tell me more,” Elena demands.
“Captivity has made her pushy, eh? What do you want to know, Doppelicious?” He asks with an untasteful nickname as he picks up a board to cover a window, guess he doesn’t have a daylight ring.
“Who are you running from?” Elena asks.
“The Originals” Trevor responds looking at the disappearing burns from the sun.
“Yeh, she said that. What does that mean?” Elena questions further.
“The first family” I respond.
“The old world. Rose and I pissed them off. Correction, I pissed them off, Rose had my back and for over half a millennium, they wanted us dead.” Trevor explains throwing a book to our feet.
“What did you do?” I ask.
“He made the same mistake countless others did. He trusted Katerina Petrova.” Rose goes on.
“Katherine” Elena says quietly.
“Mmm, the one and only. The first Petrova Doppelganger.” Rose states.
“I helped her escape her fate and now I’ve, sorry, we’ve been marked ever since,” Trever explains their situation even more.
“Which is why we’re not gonna make the same mistake again. But since you seem to have no use in the curse, I’m wondering why he does need you. Any clue?” Rose says walking closer to me.
“We may have met a while ago. And I’m not sure what he really would need me for, but I think it has to do with bringing me ‘home’” I say, air quoting “home”. Rose looks at me satisfied with my answer and walks out of the room.
“Well, I guess we don’t have a choice but stay here,” I say turning back towards Elena.
She just sighs and walks back to the big room as I follow. We sit back down on the couch that Elena was originally on. I heard crunching under Elena’s foot and reach my hand under it and hold up a piece of paper to Elena. She takes it out of my hand and starts to unfold it. She reads it and looks at me with a smile, I scoot closer to her to read the note, “Stefan and Damon are coming for you. -B”
I smile back at her and take the note to crumble it up, “I guess we did find a way out” I whisper. 
“Yeh,” She says breathing heavily.
Rose enters the room and picks up the bag from behind me as Trevor comes in, “He’s here. This was a mistake,” He says with a shaky voice.
“No, I told you I would get us out of this. You have to trust me,” Rose says trying to calm him down. 
“No! He wants me dead, Rose!” Trevor says raising his voice.
“He wants them more” She gestures towards Elena and me.
“I can’t do this, you give them to him. He’ll have mercy on you but I need to get out of here.” He says even more frustrated.
“Hey! What are we?” 
“We’re family, forever,” Trevor responds calming down. And then we hear a loud knock from the front of the house.
“You’re scared” I state looking at them and look back at Elena who has a confused look.
“Stay here with them and don’t make a sound,” Rose says and makes her way to the front door.
We wait patiently until we hear two sets of footsteps approach the room we’re in. Elena and I turn around to see Rose and Elijah at the top of the stairs. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, wishing I wasn’t in his presence. 
The next thing I open my eyes to is Elijah standing right in front of Elena and going down to what looks like, to drink her blood, instead, he looks back up, “Human, it’s impossible.” He says as Elena breathes heavily. I could sense she was nervous, so I took her hand in mine and squeezed to let her know she’s safe with me.
“And, you.” Elijah turns to me. “I never thought I’d see you again,” He says and brings his hand up to brush the hair out of my face. I quickly jerk away before his hand makes it to my face.
“I left for a reason, and you know that. Take me and let her go.” I say sternly.
“Well, we have a long journey ahead of us. We should be going.” Elijah says ignoring my request and looking between Elena and me.
“Please, don’t let him take us,” Elena says scared-looking to Rose and squeezes my hand even harder.
“One last piece of business and we’re done,” Elijah says coldly and turns to Rose and Trevor. I don’t recognize this Elijah, this must be why they were so scared of him, but he was never like this around me. I heard the stories about his family from others, but I never thought of Elijah as actually being like this.
“I’ve waited so long for this day, Elijah. I’m truly, very sorry.” Trevor says shakily.
“Oh no, you’re apology’s not necessary,” Elijah says turning more towards him.
“Yes, yes it is. You trusted me with Katerina and I failed you,”  He says trying to appease Elijah.
“Oh yes, you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you and that now I honor. Where was your loyalty?” Elijah questions.
“I beg your forgiveness”
“So granted,” Elijah says before using his hand to cleanly cut Trevor’s head off his body.
“Elijah!” I scream but he just looks at me with a stern look as Rose starts to cry.
“You--” Rose starts.
“Don’t, Rose, now that you are free. Come.” He says and she continues to cry and puts his hands out for Elena and me to take.
“No, what about the moonstone,” Elena quickly says with a shaky voice.
“What do you know about the moonstone,” Elijah says coldly.
“We know that you need it” I inject.
“And we know where it is” Elena states, even though I have no clue where they put it.
“Yes?” Elijah questions intrigued.
“I can help you get it,” Elena says as I shoot a confused look over at her.
“Tell me where it is,” Elijah demands.
“It doesn’t work that way.” Elena states and Elijah makes a frustrated face,
“Are you negotiating with me?” He asks turning towards Rose.
“It’s the first I’ve heard of it,” Rose says with her voice cracking from being upset.
Elijah looks deeply into Elena’s eyes trying to compel her and looks towards me but I give a stern look showing that I won’t give up anything. He doesn’t try to compel me knowing it won’t work.
“What is this vervain doing around your neck?” He asks bringing up his hand to grab Elena’s necklace. I try to stop him from taking the necklace but he just grabs my left wrist with his other hand and starts to crush it, making me wince and fall slowly to the ground. 
He then rips the necklace from Elena’s neck and throws it across the room. He grabs Elena’s head while continuing to tighten his grip on my wrist, “Tell me where the moonstone is.” Elijah demands one more time, compelling her.
“In the tomb, underneath the church ruins,” Elena responds willingly.
“What is it doing there?” 
“It’s with Katherine.”
“Interesting,” Elijah says and then we hear some glass break from another part of the room. He lets go of Elena and my wrist, I immediately hold my wrist to keep it from hurting.
“What is that?” Elijah questions looking up.
“I don’t know” Rose responds quickly, not to get herself in any more trouble.
“Who else is in this house?” Elijah asks looking at Rose.
“I don’t know,” Rose responds even quicker.
Elijah pulls me up from the ground by my arm and leads Elena and me to the front of the house. He looks around to find what or whoever made the noise. We turn to face the stairs and feel a rush of air behind us. Elijah lets me go and pushes Elena to Rose who catches her in her arms. I see a dark figure pass behind Elena and Rose, only knowing that it’s Stefan and Damon.
“Rose,” Elijah says turning toward her.
“I don’t know who it is.” She states and another dark figure passes between us.
“Up here,” We hear Stefan’s voice from the upper part of the house. Elijah vamp speeds halfway up the stairs.
“Down here,” Damon’s voice echoes from the bottom part of the house. We continue to look around from them.
I feel a rush of air from something flying past me and notice that it was a stake now stuck in Elijah’s hand. I am then rushed away and find myself pushed against a wall next to Rose with Damon’s hand over our mouths. If I’m honest, I’ve never been happier to see him.
“Excuse me. To whom it may concern, you’re making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can’t. Do you hear that?” Elijah’s voice booms throughout the house. “I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls, on the count of three, or heads will roll. Do we understand each other?” He says as we hear him breaking something. Damon slowly removes his hand from Rose’s and I’s mouths.
“I’ll come with you, just please don’t hurt my friends. They just wanted to help me out. And let Athena go, you don’t have a use for her as you do me,” We hear Elena’s voice say and then a gasp escape her mouth. I tried to get away from Damon to help Elena but he just pushes me back to the wall.
“What game are you playing with me?” We hear Elijah question. Then hear a small explosion from the main entryway and Elijah screaming in pain.
I finally get away from Damon and run towards Elena and stand between her and Elijah who is inching closer to her, “Elijah, take me. I’ll help you get the moonstone and with whatever else you need, just let Elena go. We can figure out whatever you need together,” I say trying to get him to back down, I see him contemplate my offer for a bit until Stefan comes down shooting Elijah in the chest with some wooden bullets. I help Elena up from the corner she’d crouched in.
He quickly realizes that the bullets aren’t doing any harm and tackles Elijah down the stairs. Elijah quickly gets up and starts walking towards Stefan who is struggling to get up from the ground. Out of nowhere, Damons comes from behind Stefan with a giant piece of wood in hands and stabs Elijah right in the chest. He pushes him into the front door and waits to see him desiccate. He then let's go and tries to run after Rose who vamp sped away.
“Just let her go,” Elena says from behind me. Her and I make our way down the stairs and she runs into Stefan’s arms who asks if she’s okay. I notice the hurt in Damon’s face when he sees his little brother get in between them, I was right he did care for her, a lot more than he led on.
Damon then turns to me and pulls me into an unexpected hug, “I’m glad you’re ok,” He says relieved.
“Nothing beats a kidnapping and a shot of wolfsbane,” I respond sarcastically while letting myself relax into his hold. 
Elena and Stefan make their way out of the house while Damon and I stay back to check the rest of the house before we all leave back to Mystic Falls. I walk up to Elijah’s desiccated body pinned against the door, “I’m sorry, it ended this way, but I couldn’t go back and you knew that,” I whisper. 
“You good?” I jump at hearing Damon’s voice behind me.
“Yeh, just a little creeped out by the desiccated vampire body,” I say turning around and walking up to Damon.
“Are you sure? You look a bit rattled.” Damon asks, resting his hand on my cheek. 
“Well, yes and no, I guess. See you probably thought that I was only taken with Elena because I was with her. But the truth is, is that I know Elijah and some of his other family. Which means they want me back, no matter what actions they have to take,” I explain to Damon who has a confused look on his face. 
“What do you mean, exactly?” Damon asks slightly disbelieving. 
“They consider me their family and they protect their family. They’re pissed that I left them and I’m sure they want to protect me… from you guys. They just can’t get a hold of the idea that I left them on my own terms. Just please keep this between you and me? I don’t want this to be added to the many other problems in the group. Don’t even mention it to Elena, even though she kinda knows,” I explain further walking towards Elijah’s body
“Elijah’s dead and I think, because of his other family members, it would be good for--”
“Please, Damon, I’d rather focus on not having this curse broken. I can deal with my problems on my own, I can handle myself, and I can deal with their problems with me myself, I don’t want to see any of you hurt because of it. Promise you won’t mention or do anything.” I say sternly turning back to him.
“Okay, fine. But you’re staying at our house tonight. No buts,” Damon says and walks away. I just follow him quietly, knowing I couldn’t win. 
Once we get back to the Salvatore house, Damon immediately goes to pour us drinks in the library as I sit down on the couch.  Stefan walks in from behind us, “Where’s Elena?” I ask turning myself to face them.
“She’s home,” He responds.
“And you’re here why?” Damon questions.
“Because she wanted to be with Jeremy,” Stefan responds and I get up from the couch to stand with them as Damon hands him a drink.
“Thanks. Listen uh, what Rose said to you and Elena about the curse,” Stefan says as he sits on the top of another table.
“I know, We’ll keep her safe,” Damon says.
“I won’t let anyone harm her,” I respond as well.
Stefan starts to talk more and what seems like a conversation between the two of them, so I make my way out of the room and up to the guest room I was staying in. I undress and hop into the shower. The warm, steamy shower helped me relax and think about what needs to be done. After I get out of the shower and get dressed, I go downstairs to get some food. When I was about to head back up, I hear muffled talking from the direction of the library and letting my curiosity get the best of me, I make my way over.
“Elijah may be dead but this isn’t over.” I hear Rose’s voice say.
“What do you mean ‘it’s not over’?” Stefan questions.
“It isn’t over. The Originals, they’ll come for her. They have to. They’re doing it for him.”
“For who?”
“Klaus,” Rose says. My heart starts to beat faster, hoping that the Klaus she’s talking about isn’t the one I left. But it has to be if Elijah was involved. 
I make my way back up to my room when I see Damon walk in the front door, “Late night walk? Or visit?” I asked walking up to him.
“How about none of your business,” He says walking up the stairs. I follow Damons until he makes it to his room.
“Ok, don’t tell me. But thank you,” I say quietly.
“For what?” Damon asks as he turns around.
“I know I said I can handle myself. But for saving me, for being there for me. More than anyone ever has in my life.” I say looking down wanting to avoid Damon’s striking blue eyes.
“Athena, I will always have your back. Regardless if you can handle yourself in any given situation.” He responds and softly kisses my forehead. 
“I know what I said the other day, but can I stay with you tonight? I think I’d feel more comfortable,” I say even though I didn’t want to admit that being in Damon’s presence made me feel safe. 
“You’re welcome anytime,” Damon says and winks at me.
“You know, I don’t just want you for sex,” I say sternly and cross my arms.
“Mmmhmmm,” Damon responds and makes a small wincing noise as I lightly hit his arm.
As Damon gets ready for bed, I make my way over and get under the sheets. Damon gets under the sheets after me, I scoot up next to him and rest my head and hand on his chest. Damon starts to stroke my head as I slowly fall asleep.
A/N: Surprise! Here is the third part, based on 02x08 "Rose". This part surprisingly was fast and easy to write. I really enjoyed writing this part and was looking forward to it. I haven’t really come out with a schedule as I’m thinking about starting another series and I’m not sure how fast I can typically write parts. Please let me know if you’d like me to start a tag list. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading. Stay safe and healthy!
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blastthechaos · 6 years
The Chaos Warrior - Chaos Blur AU
It was a calm day in planet freedom, people going on with their normal life...as normal as stuff can get on this planet but whatever.
Freedom is a planet brimming with both nature and technology, having wonderful and big natural locations as well as intensively advanced technology.
The two actually coexist, with the technology actually being made to help and enhance nature, making plants last longer and be more alive.
Yeah, Freedom was a great planet for that...shame it doesn’t make up for the danger it poses.
You see, Freedom is a Dangerous with a capital D planet, there’s danger at every turn due to a mad scientist trying to conquer the world, he had managed to almost conquer it and sometimes destroy it in more than one occasion.
Not to mention Freedom is filled to the brim with ancient gods and powerful artifacts that may bring the destruction to the world.
Luckily they all have been saved by a really powerful spiky hero.
Talking about him, the inhabitants of South Island could see a golden streak soar across the air, they wave at it with smiles on their face.
In an destroyed base formerly known as Scrap Brain, the mad scientist know as Eggman amassed a great army of badniks, Metallix and the Egg Destroyer Battlesuit.
“Is everything checked out for?” Said the mad doctor to his two companions:Orbot and Cubot.
“Yes sir, everything is coming together” Said Orbot.
“This time our opponent won’t live to see the sun once again” Cubot’s voice chip was working like crap again, but Eggman was fed up trying to fix it.
“Great, it is time for our glorious return, this time this nasty little sewer rat won’t be able to-”
Eggma stopped his speech when a blue blur tore his robots apart in a matter of milliseconds.
He simply let out a sigh, though this didn’t bother him as much as usual for some reason.
Suddenly a blue hedgehog with emerald green eyes appeared in front of him, he was wearing a black short sleeve undershirt and pants with blue flame motif, a STH logo with a boost cone emblazoned in the chest of his shirt, a emerald green sash over his waist, red and white soap shoes, white gloves and some kind of emerald bracelets that shifted colors in his wrist and ankles, he also seemed to have a bracelet with a jade gem on one of his arms.
The hedgehog gave the mad scientist an annoyed stare.
“What do you want now?” The hedgehog tone let it know that he wasn’t thrilled to see him.
Which was weird to Eggman, since he usually was very fond of taunting him and stroking his own ego...which to be fair, he does often as well.
“What’s up with you today” Asked the fat scientist.
“What’s up? Today is Tails graduation! This is an important time for him and i want to be there for him, i don’t have time to be dealing with you!”
“Yeesh, his graduation, like he won’t have many of those in the future, but i can assure you he won’t have anymore after i conquer this world! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!”
Sonic rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“Eggman, face it, i can beat you easily on my own, been doing it for years now, and with that shitty half assed army you have there it will be even faster” He had a small smirk “I probably won’t need my trump card” But got serious again.
Eggman got annoyed at this, but surprisingly he wasn’t furious as usual.
“Fine, let’s see how you deal with Metallix!” He send the robot copy of Sonic.
Sonic let out a sigh, he would end this quicker, but considering he took out the weakest and larger part of this shitty army, he decided to play with them a little, at least with this robot.
Metallix started with a punch that was easily catched by Sonic, who then charged his hand with a green light(chaos energy) like with a certain friend of his did and punched Metallix, sending him flying.
Metallix managed to eventually stopped himself but now had one half of his face wrecked, before he could come back to attack he was hit by Sonic again with a kick which send him to the ground, leaving a crater.
Metallix barely managed to dodge Sonic’s spindash which made a bigger crater in the ground, his back has been wrecked by Sonic’s kick which luckily didn’t damage his rocket thruster so he could still move fast to “keep up” with Sonic.
Metallix started charging his plasma blaster from his chest as well as his lightning bolts from his hands, he launched all three at the same time in hope’s he hit Sonic with one of these.
But not any of those hit their target and he was instead wrecked by a kick to the side of his head by the chaos blur.
Metallix ended up crashing into a wall of the former base, once he could actually recover from the attack he saw Sonic spin for a bit before having his hand being charged by chaos energy.
“Chaos Wave!” He shouted before launching a barrage of chaos energy based projectiles at his robot copy.
Metallix quickly set up a shield to block the attack and in effect, managed to absorb most of the damage...but the attack ended doing a lot of damage anyway.
Sonic had to say, this Metallix ended up being very disappointing, he couldn’t even keep up with him in his normal form unlike the last one.
It was a bit weird that Eggman was trying another one of his schemes with this, usually he planned for a long time and came up with schemes that took some time to thwart, this was just pathetic.
It could be a trap though.
Despite that he had a place to be, so let’s finish things now.
“Chaos Boost!” He shouted before being cloaked by a blue aura and shot up to Metallix.
The robot fruitlessly tried to set up a shield, but even then the blow ended up being too strong and did severe damage as well as sending the robot crashing into several walls of the base and end in a pile of rubble.
Seeing his opponent wasn’t getting up, he turned to Eggman.
“Well eggy, seems your little scheme has come to an end, kinda time waster, but guess its par with the course with you nowadays” That was a bit of a lie, since his recent schemes that involved Dark Gaia, Wisp, Time Eater and Zeti put the world in mortal danger, he got his work cut out for him those times.
Not that he ever admit it to Eggy.
Eggman didn’t seem worry he was about to face Sonic despite knowing full well he was gonna lose, he had a few ace under his sleeve.
“I won’t be so sure spikeball, Metallix isn’t down for the count yet”
Sonic wondered what he was talking about before a purple aura with pink lightning came from the direction Metallix was, it blasted the debris away and in a second Metallix hit Sonic with a punch, this time hitting him and doing damage.
Sonic remembered that transformation Metallix obtained when he absorbed the ancient core from Lost Labyrinth all those years ago, it was in a way his own counter to his ability, since he could also access it at will.
There wasn’t an official name for that power up, but everyone settled for Primal form.
Anyways, Primal Metallix was pounding Sonic without a moment of respite, he knew he could easily turn this around if he actually got the opportunity to react, so he keep wailing on him mercilessly.
Eggman seemed...actually surprised about how well Metallix was performing.
“This wasn’t part of the plan but i take it, GO METALLIX! ATTACK AND DON’T LET HIM TRANSFORM! THIS CAN BE YOUR CHANCE!” Yelled the egg scientist.
Metallix keep attacking Sonic, from using ancient lightning, blue electric energy that could be used to make attack...so basically another version of chaos energy, to basic punches, kicks and spindashes.
Then he threw Sonic into the ground and lifted his finger up, creating a massive ball of ancient electricity, which he proceeded to launch at Sonic.
“I can’t believe it, Sonic is about to perish, this moment is finally-”
“Oh no! The unstoppable Sonic, defeated by a mere faker, what a dramatic irony!...Nah, just kidding” Sonic says despite seemingly being trapped by an electric ball of death.
Metallix keeps throwing ancient electric blast making the attack bigger in hopes it kills him, but it was too late as he hears the sound of someone powering up.
“Chaos Deflect!” Sonic yells and suddenly the balls of electricity shots back into Metallix, who takes heavy damage from it.
Then Sonic comes up from the hole he was, this time his appearance changed with his fur being a glowing golden, quills stood up, ruby red eyes, his sash turned ruby red, the blue flames of his outfit now golden, the emerald bracelets now gone, he was somewhat buffer now and had a golden aura with green electricity around himself.
Also he was flying.
This is Super Sonic, a powerful transformation that for most people it would require the seven chaos emeralds to achieve and use.
But for this hedgehog, one accident that happened in his youth (or even younger, nobody knows except maybe him) let him absorb enough energy to use it whenever he wants.
This is Sonic’s trump card in most battles he’s been, allowing him to achieve victory even when it seemed impossible.
Granted, the form could be outmatched at times, but Sonic was skillful enough to find a work around those types of situations.
The super hedgehog locked eyes with Primal Metallix, he knew at this point he was stronger than him and had the advantage once again, so this shouldn’t take long.
They both charged power and go at each other, with Sonic having a clear advantage as he continuously overpowered the robot and knocked it down.
The metal doppelganger tried his damnest to keep up, powering up as high as he could, but it didn’t even matter as he was unable to even hurt him.
You see, Super Forms have this little thing called “Invincibility” which basically makes it so as that a super form can shrug off any hit from people who are weaker or even on the same ballpark than them, it needs to be attacked by a stronger being to get hurt.
Which means that even as hard as he hit him, he wasn’t getting anywhere.
Metallix got furious at his current situation, he wondered why he was so weak now, usually Eggman updates and powers him up with the recent data they collected with Sonic so he could keep up with him, a way to simulate Sonic’s progression in power and prove him wrong in that “Mechs can’t grow”
Yet it seemed that Eggman wasn’t even bothered by it, he just send him with outdated data to fight Sonic, why?!
No matter, the robot was gonna try as hard as he could, it was one of the traits he gained when he was formed by his life data.
His determination.
Pushing his power as far as it could go, Metallix purple aura grew in power alongside his electric sparks, then he seemingly was also surrounded by fire.
This was one of his strongest moves, the V.Maximum Overdrive Attack Consisted on overloading his circuits for a burst in speed and power, a dangerous move.
But he didn’t have anything to lose at this point, his entire body was a wreck now from the constant hits he took from Sonic.
Primal Metallix attacked Super Sonic at speeds that took him by surprise, making him unable to dodge and only seemingly catched him by his hands.
They both crashed to the ground, creating a blinding orange light.
Eggman waited intrigued to see who ended coming on top.
By the time the dust cleared, both fighters were still alive, but one was in clear better condition than the other.
Super Sonic managed to set up a barrier to absorb the damage, he may have a few bruise here and there but nothing noteworthy, while the robot barely had a shape and looked more like floating scrap metal now.
The Super Hedgehog smirked as he saw his opponent clearly unable to even continue fighting anymore, he already had enough game for now.
“Chaos Boom” He said and an pulse of energy with the force of a Sonic Boom threw his opponent far away.
The hedgehog then charged a compressed little ball of chaos energy in his hand and then aimed at Metallix, who somehow managed to get himself up again.
“Chaos Flash!” Shouted Super Sonic and a big beam of energy shot out of his hand that completely swallowed Metallix, erasing him completely.
The hedgehog then turned to Eggman, now he wasn’t even gonna waste time with the old man.
“So Sonic, maybe you can take it easy on me and just leave thi-” He couldn’t even finish his sentence when the Egg Destroyer Battlesuit was destroyed by eye beams from Super Sonic’s eyes.
He wasn’t dead, not because Sonic cared mind you, but because Eggy had a knack for surviving things that would kill anybody else.
Having taken care of his enemy, Sonic took out his phone and checked out the time.
“Kay, i wanna be there as quick as possible so...” He put his phone back into...hammerspace.
“Chaos Control!” He shouted and vanishes in a golden flash.
From the wreckage of his robot Eggman emerged, he dusted himself off and addressed his lackeys.
“Orbot, did you get the new data” Asked Eggman.
“Yes sir, the new data has been downloaded” Said Orbot
“This time, our opponent will be crushed by the unstoppable might of the Eggman Empire, and our dad will finally be able to rule everything with the iron fist he was always destined to have!” Said Cubot.
Eggman smirked for two reasons.
First, his plan was going along.
Two, he finally found a good voice clip for Cubot.
Anyways, time to begin is latest plan in conquest
Codename: “Phantom Victory”
Today in central city elementary school is graduation day, little kids were leaving one part of the life and starting another one: Middle School.
Of course this wasn’t always good, since middle school can be know as one of the most soul sucking phase of one life, alongside high school and when you get a job you don’t like, though that varies from person to person.
There’s also dealing puberty, can’t forget about that.
Miles “Tails The Fox” Prower could be considered a weird case, for starters he was graduating a little earlier than most people, at 11 years old, he could theoretically have graduated much quicker, but there’s a reason for that.
Tails was also formerly one of the heroes of this planet alongside his foster father Sonic, he still attended school during that time and actually managed to blow past kindergarten to elementary school, since back when he wa little he was unable to attend school due to not being allowed due to his two tails and people not liking him.
He was kinda popular, with people constantly asking him about Sonic and even his own adventures, it then got to the point people were interested on him as a person.
He actually managed to get friends his age instead of hanging with teens and adults.
One day however, he stopped going into adventures with Sonic and stopped being a hero.
This was actually a major recurrence with the Freedom Heroes, a lot of them ended up stopping the hero business because of injury, family or personal issues, starting a family of their own, work, studies, personal life or simply moving on or retiring from the hero work.
In the end, Sonic was the last hero, luckily he was strong enough to do it on his own.
Tails stopped because of an injury on his legs...which consisted on losing both of them, he managed to create robotic ones to replace them, but sill.
That day it was agreed with everyone that he would stop being a hero and dedicate himself to his normal life, not wanting his future to be cut short because of the danger, even though he was against it at the start he slowly understood and actually felt ok with his normal life.
He was a little scared at first that everyone in school would hate him or stop liking him because he called quits...but surprisingly everyone still liked him and even was understanding of him.
Afterwards he decided to not blow past school to quickly so he could hang out with his friends, school wasn’t actually hard and he doubted middle school and high school would, he mostly just went there to met with his friends and have what someone could call a normal life.
And today he was going to be graduating.
It’s weird, he’s been in dangerous situations and even faced impossible odds, he was still excited for it.
He kinda wished Sonic was ther-
“Heya buddy”
Tails smiled, he kinda expected it.
“You came” Said Tails.
Sonic grinned, he had completely healed from any injury he may have sustained from Metallix.
“Sorry about taking so long, i stopped to play with Eggy and Metal a bit,but luckily I arrived at time” He said.
Sonic is Tails foster parent taking care of him since he found him as a toddler in West Side Island all those years ago even when he wasn’t even a teen, he took him in to his shitty house which was the best he had at the time, raised him, cooked for him, get him to sleep, taught him to fight and everything a good father does.
At the start he was kinda lax about him going with him at his adventures, having fun and seeing it like a father-son bonding activity, but slowly the danger and close calls made him rethink that until the accident where he lost his legs.
That was one of the scariest moments in his life, from then on Tails quit heroism, but still helped with his smarts by making devices and helping Sonic get a better hang of his powers.
It wasn’t just Tails, various of his friends started quitting for several reasons leaving him as the sole protector of Freedom, except maybe Team Dark and that’s just them joining because they work for GUN.
So it was just him and his super form he could rely on to save the day, but he hanged in and managed to pull that off.
He still keep in touch whenever he could, though he and his friends aren’t as close as they were before.
Friends drift apart, he guessed.
Still, he saved the world, traveled through it, actually had a job and raised Tails, that was basically his life.
Now he had some shit to do, he took out his cellphone to take photos.
“You ready?” Asked the Chaos Blur.
“Yup” Answered the two tailed fox.
The two went in.
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robbyrobinson · 7 years
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So, Sinfest. It's hard to really say when I began to follow the webcomic, but if I were to choose, I'd have to say later 2006. Since then, I had been keeping up with the story. Created by Tatsuya Ishida, Sinfest originally revolved around Slick, a self-proclaimed pimp midget who thinks he's all hot stuff when he really can't get a girl. Along the way you have Monique, a self-absorbed woman who took advantage of her looks, Squig, an anthropomorphic pig who loves burritos and smokes pot. There is also Seymour, a Christian fanatic, Li'l E, a young boy who wants the Devil to notice him, the Devil himself, and a truckload of other characters. For the most part, Tatsuya tended to take the middle ground when regarding societal issues. For instance, Seymour is exaggerated because of his extreme devotion to his faith, or other extremities were poked fun at. Tatsuya hardly ever took sides with any of these subjects.
For story arcs...for the most part, one thing that Tatsuya has difficulty with is telling a story. With the earlier strips, they were often episodic, but one storyline that I did like was the one concerning what is my favorite pairing, Fuchsia x Criminy. Essentially, Fuchsia was a succubus who worked for the Devil, her job being to ensnare the souls of men. But all that changed when she met Criminy, a young nerdy boy who was an avid bookworm who had a fortress built out of books that served to protect him from the outside. At first, Fuchsia tries to tempt Criminy as succubi do, but Criminy actually makes her question her position. The build up was slow, but it is revealed that Criminy's words had made Fuchsia reevaluate her life, and she gradually becomes less evil over time. Eventually, she quits her job altogether to be with Criminy. Yes, taht's right: she gave the Devil the middle finger and hightailed it out of there. Honestly, I found Fuchsia as one of the better characters in the webcomic. Her development was believable, and it actually further delves into showing how demon folk are mistreated by society. She was mistreated to the point where you can say that she believed that there wasn't anything good about her. But Criminy actually treated her like an ordinary person. No wonder she fell for him. My only gripe is that we hardly see her or Criminy as much in the webcomic like we used to, which sucks because that was one of the main reasons as to why I continued to read the strips.
Another character that received some massive character development was surprisingly Li'l E. After he received amnesia (long story), we learn that he was actually the son of the Devil and Lilith (a woman who was ostracized for forming a relationship with the Prince of Lies). Really, everything about Lil E's life is depressing. He was bullied for his appearance, his father was distant because he was disappointed that his son wasn't that evil as he'd hoped (he still does care for him), and his mother's missing...or dead. Though my only issue is that it doesn't seem complete yet. We still don't have the crucial point wherein Lil E became who he was prior to his amnesia. So with these story arcs, they were okay to say the least. Tatsuya still kept the middle ground on social issues, the characters were likable. It seemed that nothing would go wrong. That is, until she came....
Without much prompt, the webcomic became very pro-feminism. While I do agree that women should have rights in some areas, the webcomic completely went off the rails with it. The Sisterhood is introduced into the webcomic, led by a tricycle riding young woman named Xanthe. Now, when she arrived many thought that she was going to be an exaggeration of feminism much like how Seymour was one for Christian fundamentalism. But the problem was that the Sisterhood was always proven right in their accusations which gave little to no legroom for a middle ground. Suddenly, the webcomic became cynical as the Sisterhood completely derailed the plot of the story. For instance, Monique's character was completely changed. Xanthe gives Monique a red pill which reveals that everyone hated her (even though previous comics showed the contrary). Suddenly, Monique shaves off her hair, and becomes an embittered cynic convinced that everyone hates the very ground she walks on. The Sisterhood completely destroyed her life, and yet somehow they were in the right. That's not even getting into Monique's relationship with Absinthe, a demon girl who's kind of an airhead. Now, the strip wants to portray their relationship as cute. I know that many debate that this relationship was not fully developed, but I personally felt that the build up was okay. My only issue with this is that at no point in the webcomic's history was it ever implied that Monique was a lesbian. Throughout her appearances, it was made explicitly clear that she was boy crazy. She flaunted her looks, dated several men which ended in one nightstands, among other things. It would be different if at the very least she were bisexual, but that wasn't the case either. One strip was about Slick reading a porn magazine, and Monique makes a comment on it, and she also compliments a woman for her....assets. But that was because she was someone who craved attention. She always did something outrageous as she was a black hole for attention.
It doesn't especially help that by having Monique date Absinthe it actually destroyed one of the prevalent themes of the comic. That being whether or not Slick and Monique were ever going to hook up. Nowadays, Slick hardly ever hangs out with Monique during her post-transformation. After one of her poetry nights goes awry, all Slick does is accidentally give Monique bad advice that she takes as him labeling her a victim. There are even times where she nearly got Absinthe, her own girlfriend mind you, fired. Out of all of the changes the comic's gone through, Monique suffered the worst. Going back to the Sisterhood, though. These groups of girls started out as borderline terrorists. They would bomb factories, reprogram sexbots to kill people who took advantage of them, the vandalized property, etc. Yes, I know that the Patriarchy is seen as the evil force within Sinfest (with the Devil now being upgraded to the head of the organization), but the Sisterhood alone had done more damage than good, and yet, they're the ones who are supposed to be the good guys.
Though one of the worst aspects of this is how like I have said, Tatsuya doesn't know how to tell a story. One such story arc was the zombie one. Fuchsia originally would tell stories to the damned in Hell after her redemption arc. After she severed her ties with the Big D for good, the damned came together to form an undead zombie, and they went out to search for her. That story hadn't been updated for a long time. Or another regards Slick's doppelganger trying to become the dominate of the two. This hasn't been resolved yet either. And there are many other instances of where there are too many story arcs being juggled at once.
Overall, Sinfest was a good webcomic at first before it slowly became preachy. Really, Tatsuya himself had the habit of bashing anyone who complained about the drastic chanegs, assuming that they were misogynists who were peeved that Monique didn't shake her ass anymore. The art style is still alright. It reminds me of Calvin and Hobbes and other newspaper comic strips. It's simplistic, and cute to an extent. Though the Sunday comic strips are especially great. I would ultimately recommend the first half of the webcomic before its descent into radical feminism.
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sun-flower-siren · 7 years
Behind the Mask pt1
Hey! So I’ve been sitting on this idea for a few days and finally got the first part all typed out!
AU in which Egos used to be common, but most got killed off in a war that left the world basically dead except 1 walled city surrounded by wasteland. To keep egos from being created, no kind of art or creativity is allowed.
TW: This is going to deal with some angst and slightly darker tones, and I will do my best to tag and give warning up at the top like this, so just be prepared for it!
Hope you guys like it!
“Chase! Over here, quickly!”
Marvin could hardly hear anything through the sharp ringing in his ears, it was all so muddled. And it was way too dark to hear a damn thing. He began to feel himself slipping into the void, the voice above him only getting more distant.
When Marvin woke, he had absolutely no clue where he was. Only that it was bright and quiet. But not that annoying bright—no, it was sunlight. He would have appreciated the warm feeling on his toes if he weren’t aching in every single part of his body. Marvin propped himself up on his elbows and looked around.
“Fuck…” he immediately groaned at the horrid stiffness in his neck. Where was he, though? What had happened?
Marv skimmed his surroundings, but was met with a blur of crimson and dark oak. Damn his eyes. Maybe if he squinted just right…
A quick creak to his left broke Marvin’s focus, and he turned to see a man-shaped outline.
“Ah, good, you are avake. I am sorry if ve have scared you.”
Marvin was sure his face must have been a sight to behold; he definitely wasn’t expecting such a thick accent from his near-perfect twin. “Who are you?” he exhaled, eyebrows knit together—trying to remember. Why couldn’t he remember what happened?
“Ah, yes. My name iz Schneeplestein. Most of zhe ozhers call me Doc, zhough,” the other man explained himself before gesturing to the edge of the bed Marv was lying in. “May I?”
Marvin gave a quick nod, though Schneeplestein was already seating himself. He took that moment, while Schneep was in his field of “good” sight, to look the other man over. He took a few moments to study Schneep’s face, almost immediately realizing how similar their facial structures were… well, used to be.
“You must be vondering vhy you und I are nearly mirrors, yes?”
Marvin realized he had probably been staring. He offers another, slower nod. Schneeplestein settles himself further into the mattress, bringing one leg fully onto the bed so he could turn to face Marvin more completely.
“Vell… Do you know much about ze Ego vars?”
“I know there was a war that basically ended the world, and the survivors built the wall and the City inside it,” Marv answered as he sat up further, his voice much hoarser than he had meant it to be. Schneep quickly took to his feet, forgetting what he had said before.
“Do you feel pain, Marvin? Are you alright?”
Schneeplestein seemed really worried about him. But why? They hardly knew each other. Hell, Marvin wasn’t even sure how the other man knew his name. When Marvin finished assuring his doppelganger that he wasn’t in any sort of anything unbearable, Schneep took his seat once more and let out a deep breath.
“Okay… vhat vas I saying, again?”
“We look alike.”
“Ah, yes. Zhe Ego vars… Vhen a human takes on personality traits radically different from zheir own, an ego may be created. Most people create zhem in hard times—zhat ego is simply zheir darkness. Zheir dark zhoughts build up zhis darker version of zhemselves. Vell… long ago an ego sought to destroy zhe vorld, und he nearly succeeded. Und instead of punishing zhe ego individually, a group of zhe men decided all zhe egos must die… und here ve are now.”
Marvin noticed the melancholy look about the other man’s face, but pressed on. “So… Am I an.. ego? Or the other guy?”
“All of uz here are zhe egos. Zhere are six ov us all togezer, not including zhe original, zhough most of zhe time it vill be only zhe four of us here. You vill meet zhe ozhers vhen you are ready. Now… I vould like to ask you some qvestions, okay?”
Marvin twisted his sore body around to sit on the bed cross-legged. “Yeah, go ahead.”
Most of the questions were about what had happened to him, then an explanation of how ‘Jack’ had found him unconscious outside the City. At first, Marvin couldn’t remember exactly how it had happened. As Schneeplestein began directing his questions more toward the City instead of Marvin, though, the younger ego began to rememeber.
“I was banished… for….” Marvin started to tell him, but he suddenly lost the reason behind his exile, like it dropped off the tip of his tongue and rolled away. Marv let out a cry of anguish before ripping the blanket up out of the neat hospital corners it had been in and flung it at the wall opposite him.
A warm hand gripped his arm, “Hey. It iz okay; if somezhing bad happened, you may hav repressed it. You will remember soon enough, zhough. I do hav one more qvestion, zhough. But you do not hav to answer me.”
Marvin cocked his head to the side, waiting.
“May I ask vhat exactly happened here?” The doctor gestured across his eyes.
Oh, right. Marvin had forgotten that, too. He reached up to touch the marred skin about his eyes, running his middle and index fingers across the ridges where his skin had pulled into itself. He would rather not go into that. “Maybe some other time, Doc.”
“I only ask because I might be able to help fix. It is a burn scar, yes?” Schneep approached the question cautiously, reaching a hand out slowly, waiting for permission to touch the dark scarring across Marvin’s face. He couldn’t help but be fascinated—the burn was a stripe across his eyes, going from temple to temple in a perfect straight line.
“I said not now! I don’t want to talk about it!” Marvin snapped, drawing back from him immediately.
The doctor gave a sheepish smile in apology. “I am sorry, Marvin. I don’t mean to offend.”
Marvin looked back up to Schneeplestein’s hopeful eyes and couldn’t help but smile back. He felt as though he had known this man all his life. “I know. I’m sorry to snap it’s just not something I—”
Schneeplestein watched as the other fell silent for a while. He noticed the soft red glow in Marvin’s eyes. He must have been really focused on something.
“A mask. I was banished for creating a mask,” he finally answered the unasked question. Marvin remembered now. He had gone against the City’s biggest rule. Creativity in any form was strictly forbidden, though none of the inhabitants knew quite why. Based on his new knowledge of the wars, though, he assumed it had something to do with keeping Egos from being created.
“I just got so tired of the sideways glances…the children screaming when they saw me.. I’m not a monster, I just liked colors too much for their taste…. So they did their best to take them away…”
Marvin stewed in his thoughts for a while, running his fingers across his scar before swinging himself off the bed and onto his feet. “So, you guys have any food here?”
Schneeplestein recognized the subject change, which was fine. He wouldn’t press any further for now. “Yes, come vith me. Ve’ll get you introduced to zhe ozhers.”
Marvin froze in place. Right, the others. But, his face… “I don’t want to scare them.”
“Zhey’ve all seen you, Marvin. Und to be perfectly honezt, zhey were far more worried about if you vere okay zhan vezher your face looked different zhan zheirs.”
Marvin’s uneasy feeling didn’t go away, though. He couldn’t help it. He gave in, though, and followed the doctor.
Schneeplestein took this time to brief Marvin on the house and the others. The doctor explained that he, Chase, and Jack actually lived in the estate. Then there was Jackie, but he still lived in the City. With the ego laws in place, they had fled the City simply to survive. But Jackie was apparently an expert of disguise, so he was never caught.
“I vould say you vill meet him again eventually; he pops in from time to time to update us on everyzhing,” Schneep continued, though Marv could tell there was something off when the doctor talked about Jackie. Maybe worried? When Marvin asked, the doctor let out a bittersweet chuckle, but said no more of it.
Marv followed him down a flight of stairs. “God, this place is huge,” he murmured, trying to look around. Most of it was blurry, but he could tell a few things apart. That’s when he saw it. At the landing below this flight—a window that encompassed the whole wall. And all he saw was green. Marvin could make out trees and grass, and a few pops of color that he assumed were flowers. He stared out that window for what felt like eternity. The City had none of this—it was all stone and steam plants hissing. There were occasional flowers that grew up in the cracks, but that was the only reason he even knew what they were called.
Marvin wanted to go closer. He wanted to actually see them, instead of just assuming.
Meanwhile, Schneeplestein waited behind him. He had forgotten what it was like to come out of the city, knowing nothing but steam power and brass fittings. He smiled—he couldn’t wait to show Marvin his gallery, the way he stared at Jack’s gardens. He touched the other’s shoulder gently.
“Let’z go, Marvin. I smell dinner. We can go out there after, if you like.”
((Okay, huge props to @magic-marvin-protection-patrol for letting me anon and get this thing going! I hope you all liked it and I cannot wait to get more written like smiling might explode! Anyway, love you guys :* and tell me what you thought!))
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
When Different Paths Cross
About the Characters; Intro; Ch39
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Chapter 38
*Lindsey's POV* As planned I succeeded on taking a picture of Kai's doppelganger that he is drop dead handsome, and I offered to take a photo of to acknowledge his looks. He allowed me, I took a picture and secretly sent it to Shadow so she can know on who I am dealing with. For right now, I think updating on the situation I am in right now will have to wait, plus I need to gain this Kai's trust. Which explains me always trying to talk to him even though he's giving me red flags all over the place.
But this time I'm very determined on getting the hell out of here, so I asked Kai, "May you lead me to the rooms you guys have?" "Sure, follow me," he said, gently taking my hand unlike Baekhyun's doppelganger. Is Kai's doppelganger supposed to be mean and saying negative comments towards me? I mean, I'm at least expecting both from someone like him. He led me to an empty room and escorted me in, I went inside turned on the light and it was beautiful but it's not my bedroom though it will have to do.
"This room will do for now," I said, muttering the last two words. Kai asked, "Is there anything we can change?" "Just the bed sheets aren't my color, I'm more of a black and white kind of girl," I said, "But I guess this will do." "There are bedsheets on that shelf over there," he said. I asked, "Why are you being friendly to me all of the sudden?" "Straight to the point, huh? Well, no reason, you won my trust, just don't put your trust on the others," he said, "Unlike them, I have a sense that you don't like it here, truth be told, I don't either." "What are you getting at?" I asked, "Are you eager to help us?" "Help? That's going to be for a while, first you need to know that I mean you no harm," he said.
"Basically, I recently had my mind wide opened when you approached us," he said, "Something tells me you are getting less attention than you normally would get." "Yeah, I mean, I'm getting married soon to this wonderful guy," I said. Kai said, "Then I'll help you get out of here without any of the others know that we are gone and yes I want to switch over on the good side."
"What if they catch us?" I asked. He smirked, "They won't, I can teleport." "Oh that makes sense," I said, "When you do want to leave?" "I'm not leaving without a fight," said Kai, "I'll distract them while you run." "But there are 5 guys and only one of you," I said, "How are you going to distract them?" "I'm like them, I'll talk to them on how to do stuff, I'll figure it out," he said, "By the way, I know that there's an original Kai, so it's alright if you sent that photo to someone else just as long as you do not get caught doing it." "So, what do you want me to call you?" I asked, "I mean I can call you Kai until we meet my best friend Kai aka Jongin."
Then he leads me out in the open and told me to remain in my wolf form until I see things the way I saw them. He went to distract the other doppelgangers with my phone so he can took pictures for me, when he finished that he teleported the phone back into my hand and fully distracted the other guys while he sees me in my wolf form sneaking out of here. Once the coast was clear, I went running then I saw Kai's doppelganger running right next to me, he said, "That was a very close call." "Yeah, I can't believe you switched sides," I said to him, "This makes you an Anti-Hero." "A what?" he asked.
"Anti-Hero means you are on neither side," I said, "or something like that, I don't remember very well." "Ah, well, just as long as they don't catch on what we are planning on doing," said Kai's doppelganger, "Thing is I do want to help you guys anyway I can to defeat our creators, they failed to mind break me but I could NOT break for a good reason. I want to live my life the way I want it, not what they want me have what I need to do." "Just to be on the safe side that you switched sides, correct?" I asked, "Just to be clear we are going to an allies base so we can clear things up if that's alright?" "Hey, I trust you and that's a first from someone who was created by the Red Force," he said, "So, you have someone that can help you to get a better understanding on that side."
"But, I want the others to switch as well, I mean we need more help in order to defeat them once and for all," I said, sound convincing. He knows that 1 is not enough, then he said, "Alright, first things first we need get Baekhyun's doppelganger first, but we need to make sure he doesn't see us." "Wouldn't be easier to teleport them here?" I asked, "I mean, seems like a smart choice, by the way we are here." We were looking at the BTS pack and they are...no where in sight, I called out, "Jungkook, it's me Lindsey, I brung a friend over don't worry he's harmless." I looked at Kai's doppelganger and asked, "Are you harmless?" "Depends on the situation that we are dealing with," he said, "But as of right now, yes, I am completely harmless."
"Good," we heard Jungkook say. I looked and the 7 members do not look happy, I looked at Kai's doppelganger and asked, "Have you thought of a separate name for yourself?" "I thought we agreed on me being called Kai or K," he said, "But since there is another Kai, the original, I'm going to try and respond to K." "Great," I said, "Plus since there is 2 Sehun's and 2 Suho's, the original I always call him Hunnie, Suho, hmm, I'll call him Bunny." "What about Chanyeol's doppelganger?" asked Kai. I said, "Channie, or Titan, because I like my boyfriend nicknames that I gave him."
"Let me guess, the original Baekhyun, you are going to call him either Baekkie, Bagel, or Bacon," said Kai. I said, "You remembered! Of course I am going to call Jongdae, Dino, or his actual name which is Jongdae." "Lindsey, who is this and where did he come from?" asked Namjoon. I answered, "I'll explain everything later but for right now, the both us have a mission to do and we are asking permission to teleport his friends here." "I mean go for it just explain everything after everything is said and done," said Namjoon. Kai goes, "After we teleport the other doppelgangers over here, we need to convince them on switching over on to the good side because it is rough over there." "I get it, go!" shouted Namjoon.
Kai managed teleport Chanyeol's, Sehun's, and Suho's doppelganger while I got the remaining two, we put them in separate rooms, Kai said, "Alright we somehow knocked them out." "I used my power of Strength to knock them out," I said. Kai asked, "How did you use that?" "I have the power of Balance," I said, "Anyways, both of us should go in one room at a time and try to convince them on coming to the good side one by one." "I like that idea," he said, "Let's go." "But who is the easiest to convince?" I asked, "I mean minus you." "Baekhyun, all we need to say is trying to find his weakness," said Kai, "Basically that's all of us, you managed to convince me by saying that I was drop dead handsome."
So, we went into Baekhyun's room, I was going to try first and if my charms don't work then Kai is going to break him, he woke up finally and asked, "Where am I?" "You are in a safe place, no one can hurt you," I said, because I noticed whip marks on him. I tried to touch him but then he shouted, "Don't touch me, you fool!" "It's alright, I just want to look at something," I said, "It's just that you have to trust me." "First off, can you untie my hands? I can't think straight," he said. I'm guessing he thought he was being tortured, so I untied his hands what I was expecting was that he was going to attack me but when I said, "Alright, your hands are free, I'm not going to harm you, no one is." "They must know on what's coming to them, they will pay for what they did to us," he said, "They are the real monsters."
"Who?" I asked. Kai said, "Not the originals, I'll give you that. He's talking about the Red Force that was going to break him of being the perfect one but he couldn't. This is why I said Baekhyun was going to be the next easy one because the others will be tough that you have to break them down in order for them to break on what they were truly hiding." "I see, well, Bagel, I mean Baekhyun, sorry, but um, are you willing to switch over?" I asked. He looked at me and said, "First off, I like that name Bagel, please call me that so I can know that you are not part of the Red Force." "What's the second?" I asked. He answered, "Of course, since you have Kai, you need more info on them."
We got him to rest peacefully, then we went in Chen's room, he woke up when Kai said, "This will be interesting to watch." "What do you mean?" I asked. He answered, "Well, he's been known to not talk until you find something that's not right. Just don't untie his hands yet." "Let me guess he'll try to attack me," I guessed. Kai said, "Maybe, or worse try to kill me." "Anyways, let's begin the interrogation," I mistakenly said, I have been watching too much of NCIS. But that got his attention, Chen said, "I have nothing for you, you hear!" "What did I say?" I asked, looking at Kai. Even he doesn't know, then Chen said, "You said that you are going to interrogate me! I'll say it again I don't have anything for you!" "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean that, it just slipped out," I said, "Is there a way for you to share anything?"
"Questioning me huh? Just because I'm not going to be the perfect clone then you can forget it," said Chen, "Because no one is going to perfect, so why not torture us even more." "Chen, I'm not part of the Red Force, I'm here because I know you can be much more than what you are and who made you," I said, "You can live your own life after all this is over, I can promise you that right now, you just need to trust me, I can help you through this." "Are you really not part of the Red Force?" he asked. I said, "I'm 100% positive that I'm not part of the Red Force because you and the others took me when I was walking by myself, but Chennie I can help you."
He seems to like being called Chennie, he said, "Alright, I'll follow your lead every step of the way." "All you need to do is never go back there," I said to him, "Because I think once they break you, they'll get rid of you." "That's what they didn't tell us," said Chen, "I mean Baekhyun found out the hard way by escaping, looking for help." "I see, so you followed behind him," said Kai, "But I can't figure out on who is going to be the hardest." "Suho is the hardest, Chanyeol is harder, that leaves Sehun on the hard level, good luck," said Chen, "But all you need to know is that you need to know on who you are not dealing with."
"So, I need to ask the original Suho, Chanyeol, and Sehun on what they love," I said, "But, Chanyeol's answer is going to be easy but I am going to need something else. I'll be right back make sure they don't wake up." "Don't worry they only wake up to sounds," said Chen. So, I was going back to my pack base when Namjoon said, "Don't, they will see this on you." And he pulled off a badge of their logo, and he said, "Just making sure that they don't think you didn't betray them." "I put that on myself because I'm disguised as one of them in order to make sure they don't do funny business," I said, took the badge and put it back on where it was.
I went back to base, Shadow sees me and she runs to me, sees the badge but then realizes I'm in disguise, she said, "Wow, you took my advice really well." "Yeah, but I'm guessing they will hopefully know that I did not switch over," I said, hoping for that. Shadow said, "So, tell me everything." "Not yet, I'm in the middle of something important," I said, "I'll tell you later once everything is done." I took off the badge, I went to go see Sehun, I called out, "Sehun? Where are you?" "I'm over here," said Sehun, "What you do need?" "This is important alright," I said, "Don't worry I'll explain everything." "Well hurry because everyone coming out and do our usual campfire hangout," said Sehun. I got on what he likes, then he told what Chanyeol likes other than me and Suho, I wrote them all down. I thanked him and went back to the BTS base, put the badge back on, well, almost when Kai's doppelganger said, "Don't bother."
"I'm going to have to for Suho's doppelganger, I'm going in there now," I said, "You are going to wait out here." "You are crazy but go for it," said Chen. I put the badge back on, took a deep breath then went in, turned on the light, I looked at Suho, looks like he was getting the most torture out of the 6, I touched the big scar on his neck and that startled him awake saying, "Get away from me!!!" I stepped back, Suho looked at me and rant, "What do you want from me? All because I couldn't tell you on what I'm hiding, so what if I'm hiding something it doesn't give you the right to make me feel so much pain and suffering you have caused me! Are you going to say something? Aren't you part of the Red Force? Answer me, DAMN IT!!!" I had to stop him by saying, "Easy, easy, here I'm taking the badge off, alright, it's fake, I'm not part of the Red Force, please, calm down and relax, I'm going to help you."
"Help me? by doing what? taking your orders I don't think so," he said, "I don't need your help." "Do you want to be thrown away like a piece of junk? because from what I heard that's what they are going to do," I said, "Don't you want to live your life like the others?" "What is this?" he asked, "Are you really trying to convince me on doing something?" "Um, maybe, but I want you to remain calm because I'm not going to harm you," I said, but I triggered him by saying, "Not yet anyways." "What are you going to use?" he asked, very scared, "Please I'll do anything." "Well, that was easy," I said, "Would you excuse me for a moment?" "Sure," he said.
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aion-rsa · 5 years
A Shazam Family History Guide to DC Comics
We have a handy guide to everyone in the Shazam family who can call down the power of the lightning.
With one magic word, Shazam has become one of the greatest superheroes in history. Billy Batson was imbued with the power of the wizard Shazam when he spoke that one magic word, Shazam! A fierce lightning strike would transform Billy into the World’s Mightiest Mortal. He first appeared in Whiz Comics #2 (1939) and was created by Bill Parker and C. C. Beck. Shazam took the world of comics by storm and became the most popular character on the stands. Captain Marvel (as he was then known) and his magic word even outsold Superman much to DC Comics’ chagrin.
The world of Shazam became so popular that  Fawcett Comics, began to spread the wealth. Plenty of heroes were granted the power of Shazam along with Billy and many became legends in their own right. 
Freddy Freeman
Tasting success with Shazam, Fawcett tried its luck with the spin off character Captain Marvel Jr. While Billy Batson was a kid who transformed into a super man, Freddy Freeman was a kid who transformed into a super kid. One of the utterly fascinating historical aspects of Captain Marvel Jr. is that Junior’s adventures were always a bit more adult and sophisticated than his "older brother's" adventures. This probably had a great deal to do with the art of Mac Raboy, one of the greatest artists of the Golden Age.
Even Captain Marvel Jr.’s origin is dark. Freddy Freeman and his grandpa were attacked by a villain known as Captain Nazi (listen, when your name is Captain Nazi, you’re a villain, no questions asked). Grandpa Freeman was killed and Freddy was gravely injured. To save Freddy’s life, Billy gifted the dying boy with a portion of his Shazam powers. Now, when Freddy spoke the name Captain Marvel, he was transformed into Captain Marvel Junior. There was a definite Dickensian feel to Freddy, who was essentially a homeless newsboy who needed a crutch to walk. But in the ultimate bit of wish fulfillment, when Freddy spoke the name of his hero, he became the World’s Mightiest Boy. Captain Marvel Jr. and his adventures remain absolute highlights of the Golden Age.
read more: Complete Guide to DC Comics and DCEU Easter Eggs in Shazam!
Captain Marvel Jr. was so influential that he was Elvis Presley’s favorite super hero. In fact, Elvis patterned some of his stage costumes after Junior's suit. When DC purchased the Fawcett pantheon, Freddy came along and became an important hero in the DCU. Over the years, Freddy served as a member of the Teen Titans, the Outsiders, and Young Justice. Since the New 52, Freddy is still around in his distinctive blue suit, but now, the young lad transforms into a blond haired Shazam Junior...or King Shazam...they haven't gotten around to re-naming all these characters yet.
Mary Bromfeld
Long before Supergirl there was Mary Bromfeld, the first female derivative of a male superhero (and who was perhaps not coincidentally also co-created by Otto Binder). But like Supergirl, Mary Marvel was not limited by the fact she shared a power set and costume with a male counterpart. After she was introduced in 1942, Mary became a great hero on her own both in her own book, in multiple anthology titles, in the pages of The Marvel Family with her brothers.
read more: Shazam Ending Explained
Mary was the long lost twin sister of Billy Batson. Of course, Billy grew up without any knowledge he had a sister, but when the long separated siblings met, Mary inadvertently says Shazam! and transforms into Mary Marvel, the World’s Mightiest Girl. Where Captain Marvel’s adventures were whimsical and Jr.’s adventures were somewhat edgy and realistic, Mary’s adventures upped the gentleness quotient, creating light fantasy yarns that are as dreamlike as they are precious. Her origins have been updated over the years and it seems unlikely that she is a blood relative of Billy's in the current comics). 
And then there are the three younger Shazam siblings, all of whom were introduced in Flashpoint in 2011...
Eugene Choi
Geoff Johns and Gary Frank introduced a trio of new Shazam wielders. Joining Billy, Mary, and Freddy, Eugene, lives in the same foster home with the original three Shazam wielders. Eugene is the intellect of the group, he is dedicated to his studies and often gets into trouble for sassing his teachers. When he says Shazam, Eugene transforms into a silver clad Marvel and has the gift of technopathy, the ability to control machines.
Pedro Pena
Another of the foster siblings, Pedro is a fiercely loyal young man who transforms into a green clad superhero when he says Shazam. Pedro is imbued with much more physical strength than his Shazam siblings.
Darla Dudley
The youngest member of the Shazam family, Darla transforms into a purple costumed hero. Darla is the fastest of the Marvels and has some of the same precocious tendencies as the almost forgotten Freckles Marvel. With her siblings Eugene and Pedro, Darla has brought the Shazam family into a new age.
The Lieutenants
Mary and Junior weren't the first heroes to share the power of Shazam with Billy Batson. A year before the creation of Junior, three other Marvels said that one magic word. And between you and me, they were wonderfully silly. In the first appearance of the three Lieutenants, Billy Batson meets three other young men who share the name Billy Batson. One of them is from Brooklyn and calls himself Fat Billy, the second is from the South and calls himself Hill Billy, and the third is from the West and calls himself Tall Billy. I think ol' Fat Billy kinda got the short end of that Marvel stick.
read more: Shazam Post Credits Scenes Explained
Anyway, since they are all named Billy Batson, when the three new Billys say Shazam, they transform into Fat Marvel, Hill Marvel, and Tall Marvel. Golden Age logic, kids, Golden Age logic. Billy and the Lieutenants teamed up periodically throughout the 40s but Fat, Hill, and Tall all take a back seat once Junior and Mary make the scene. 
Uncle Dudley
Uncle Marvel was a con man and fraud named Dudley H. Dudley who pretended to be the long lost uncle of Mary Batson. When he discovers the Shazam secrets, the old scalawag pretends he too has Shazam powers and becomes Uncle Marvel. The other Marvels think Dudley a lovable old coot and allow the pretense.
read more: How Zachary Levi Was Cast as Shazam
As silly as it all sounds, Uncle Marvel became a full-fledged (albeit unpowered) member of the Marvel Family and even defeated Black Adam! It was Dudley that got Black Adam to say Shazam in his first appearance, a trick that caused the ancient Black Adam to transform into dust. So, hell yeah, Uncle Marvel single handily defeated the Shazam Family’s most deadly enemy. Not bad for an old swindler.
Hoppy, the Marvel Bunny
So yeah, this was a thing. In 1942, funny animals were incredibly popular, so when Fawcett entered the genre with the title Fawcett's Funny Animals, it made sense to mash up the Shazam concept with a wascally wabbit. Granted the power of Shazam by the Wizard Bunny, Hoppy's adventures follow the same formula as the other Shazam Family titles, with the character needing to say the word "Shazam" to transform. Of course, Hoppy's magic word is a different acronym than the Captain's, the letters standing for Salamander, Hogules, Antlers, Zebreus, Abalone, and Monkury.
read more: Mark Strong and the Secrets of Dr. Sivana
The character returned many times over the decades since his heyday, appearing in a number of DC Universe stories. His first modern appearance was in DC Comics Presents #34 (1981) where he meets the Shazam Family for the "first" time and helps Superman defeat the classic Shazam villains Mr. Mind and Killer Kull. And guys, you know it gives you the warm and fuzzies that there’s a Shazam rabbit. You know it does.
Freckles Marvel
Niece of Uncle Dudley, Mary Dudley threatened to expose her humbug uncle if he didn’t make the freckled Mary her own Marvel costume and let her become Freckles Marvel. Like Uncle Dudley, Freckles was generally played for comic relief, but the precocious Freckles could knock someone out with her mean right cross. I just hope she had a dermatologist on call so Freckles Marvel didn’t become Basal Cell Marvel.
Captain Thunder
Right around the time that DC purchased the Shazam Family, an almost Captain Marvel took on DC’s flagship hero. Captain Thunder was actually Willy Fawcett (see what they did there?), who transformed (complete with the sound effect Sha-Boom!) into Captain Thunder when Willy rubbed a magic belt buckle given to him by an indigenous medicine man. After battling a group consisting of a Frankenstein's monster, a mummy, a wolf man, and Dracula (because awesome), Willy was inflicted with a mystical amnesia. This all leads to a clash with Superman who helps the doppelganger hero regain his memory. And then the legit Shazam became a thing at DC and so that was the end of Captain Thunder. But hey, Thunder totally counts even though he was only created so Superman could prove he is stronger than the recently purchased Shazam.
A Shazam wielder as part of the Legion of Super-Heroes is just the most marvelous piece of genius, like, ever. CeCe Beck (named after Shazam’s creator) is from the planet Binderaan (named after Mary Marvel and Supergirl co-creator Otto Binder). She is given the power of Shazam by an aged Billy Batson, who, in the 30th century, resembles the old wizard Shazam. When CeCe says the words Captain Marvel, she transforms into Thunder.
read more: The History of Black Adam
Sadly, Thunder only has a handful of appearances, but with DC's recent revival of the Legion, your humble writer would love to see CeCe bring the power of Shazam into the next century.
Like CeCe, Tanist was given the power of Shazam by an aged Billy Batson. A resident of the planet Mercury, Tanist is severely injured and his mother murdered after he and his mom discover a mystical entrance to the Rock of Eternity. Billy revives Tanist with that one magic word and the Shazam legend continues a million years from now.
Read and download the Den of Geek NYCC 2019 Special Edition Magazine right here!
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Marc Buxton
Dec 5, 2019
DC Entertainment
from Books https://ift.tt/2Lpu8Dz
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twinklephoenix · 8 years
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Guess i should show off some others of my characters you will see more of soon on my blog this one is Artic and my god he is freaking annoying to draw @missladytale already knows about this one personality and a bit of his story he was banished from his home with the others to the Ice keep to remain in isolation till he died. He heart is covered in ice and has been like for years till finally something happened to start to melt that ice covering anyway he Emperor and Vorpal are a royal species so they have similar traits and looks. Though my god he is terrible to draw still someone is making me love him to pieces and he has his eyes set on someone at present someone out of this world pardon the pun blame freaking @missladytale she made me start loving this pain in the ass.
Much like the other Artic can be extremely loyal and can be caring if you can break the ice inside him. But years in isolation have taught him to take what he wants and has made him extremely selfish he has actually done many bad things to others around him like kidnapping others and bring them to his ice keep so he won't be lonely anymore so far only one has person has actually treated him differently to the point even Artic himself can't be cruel towards them though he will still be playful and mischievous.
Artic often calls anyone treasure and will do as you ask only if you use manners otherwise he will not care to do as you ask in fact he just acts cruelly and treats others as objects unless you treat him with respect and kindness you won't get to see the real gentle heart inside the monster he is. Corruption affects many and Artic is one of the corrupted.
His powers are mainly based a round illusions and ice crystals though he can form toxic tendrils which can have various effects on though around him. He rarely summons his tendrils unless he has to , another ability he has is creating a doppelganger though it doesnt listen to him since it was a stolen ability he acquired after killing another of his kind. Artic can also creates  a special fog which can teleport anyone to the ice keep though its not explained how he can leave the ice keep but he has nowhere else to go so he always returns there to isolation. He has several other abilities but as of yet i cannot say anymore. 
Artic is already taken  before anyone asks and  he would be loyal and stick with his mate for life and he would more likely attack someone who tried to get between him and who he loves so bad idea to do that , currently roleplaying with his soon to be mate so i will wait before saying who it is ouo only there freaking adorable  anyway Artic colors are pale due to his corruption. Once his corruption is gone his full bright colors will be shown for now he is quite pale pastels. Much like the others he isnt a skeleton but only takes on the appearance to hide in plain sight though Artic will always appear in his true form first in front of anyone new he meets before taking this form. 
Updated added new pics for ref of artic 
Artic appears in the phoenixtale project MA  (story rewritten and changed)
Phoenix Project (Ongoing)
He belongs to me @twinklephoenix 
also i apologize for the spelling mistakes 
Update yep Artic canon partner is Galaxylight who belongs to @missladytale
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“Every story ever told actually happened. Stories are where memories go when they’re forgotten.” - The Doctor
John Smith
#Time Traveler’s Wife
[ @theclockisstrikingtwelve / @videofaciempraeteriti  + @tavinwho​ ]
Tenth Doctor + Twelfth Doctor + Himself
Journal of Impossible Things Volume I: Human Nature, Family of Blood
The Doctor’s first encounter with Anna that he can fully remember, but not Anna’s first encounter with the Doctor. This is actually far into Anna’s timeline with the Doctor. She was traveling with the Twelfth Doctor when he dropped her off to where was supposed to be home, but he got her to the wrong place, and the wrong time. 1913, to be exact.
The Doctor was hiding away from the Family of Blood in England in 1913. He used the chameleon arch to become John Smith, a perfectly ordinary human being, a man with his head in the clouds perhaps a bit too much. He was a school teacher who dreamed of being a Lord of Time. His dreams were filled with fantastical, almost fairytale-like adventures with monsters and aliens and a tiny, enormous, impossible box that travels anywhere and anywhen in the universe. John was a History teacher, where he met Anna Winden who also worked there. But she was there, in his dreams. Her face was in his dreams, even before he knew her (he had proof, too; he drew her in his Journal of Impossible Things before he met her). She made John Smith fall in love and showed the Doctor what it was like to be normal for once. They were married and the Doctor almost had a chance at an ordinary, simple, beautiful life. But they found him, and John Smith had to wake up from his dream of an ordinary life and become the Doctor again. He left her behind, because she was just a fairytale. He didn’t know he would meet her again or how big of a role she has already had and will continue to have in his life.
Journal of Impossible Things Volume II: The Newest Time Lord
Anna finds out she is pregnant, and Anna and the Doctor decide it is best to use the chameleon arch to turn him back into John Smith, and settle down on Earth until the baby is old enough for it to be safe for them to travel together. They live in the 21st century, which takes some getting used to for John, since he was from 1913, but he adjusts quickly. He gets a job as a schoolteacher again and continues to write his dreams down in his updated version of the Journal of Impossible Things, only this time knowing it is all real. Anna secretly works for UNIT to do her best to keep trouble away from the Doctor and the baby while the Doctor is human and the baby is young, trying to give them as normal a life as possible. Except for Him, of course. Their sentient ex-war machine “Living Construct” companion who has basically taken on the role of nanny while they’re grounded on Earth. That part is still a little unusual. Also that the Doctor still talks to his son through his watch, and sometimes the Doctor’s doppelganger (from another life), literally, shows up.
Journal of Impossible Things Volume III: A Life of His Own
John Smith finally has his own body. He was born to Sydney and Verity Smith in 1982. He was a miracle child, as his parents were told they would not be able to have children, yet Verity got pregnant with him anyway, and carried him full-term with very little complications. He was a shy and slightly clumsy child who always had his head in the clouds, creating stories in his mind, including stories that happen in his dreams about a time traveling alien named the Doctor and his reincarnating fae wife named Anna. John thought these stories were forgotten memories, and that he was the Doctor in another life and Anna was his wife. He would draw and write about these characters and their stories a lot. He was still not over this “fantasy” by the time he was eight and his parents got concerned about it, and his ability to distinguish fiction from reality, and sent him to a therapist. By the time he was a teenager thoughts about these “characters” were mostly suppressed and while he still had his head in the clouds, that world was largely forgotten, even though he never did throw away all of his material on it (maybe he could turn it into a book series one day, who knows?). The characters were sent to the back of his mind, but his love of history (due to the time travel) was not. He went off to college with a double major of History and English. He got his teaching credential and got a job as a History teacher at the same school that Anna works at.
Bonus: Journal of Impossible Sims
The household starts off with John Smith and Anna Smith and their son, Tavin Bellamy Smith. Anna then gets pregnant and has a daughter named Tarah Smith, and is currently pregnant with another child. TB, who started out as a Teen is now a Young Adult and Tarah went from being a Baby to being a Child. Anna is a Young Adult and John is an Adult. They are currently in a very happy relationship with each other but are not married yet.
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make-mine-marvel · 7 years
Iron Fist
Iron Fist is a character that’s had his share of controversy. Hell, the only reason he’s around is primarily due to a massive martial arts craze in the early to mid-70s. He first appeared in May of 1974, in issue 15 of an anthology comic called Marvel Premiere and was created by Gil Kane and Roy Thomas. Roy Thomas says that Iron Fist was created because he saw his first kung fu movie at the time and it had a mention of "the ceremony of the Iron Fist" and he thought that was a rad name.
He stayed on the pages of Marvel Premiere for 10 issues before getting his own solo series, which lasted 15 issues. However, Danny Rand was facing cancellation and was paired off with another character who was created during a pop culture craze and was also facing cancellation, Luke Cage. Iron Fist joined Luke for a three-part storyline in Luke Cage's Power Man series, from issue 48 to issue 50. After issue 50, the name of the series changed from "Power Man" to "Power Man and Iron Fist".  This partnership continued on until issue 125, which released in September 1986. The partnership ended with Iron Fist's death.
As is the wont of comic book characters, Iron Fist came back. He came back in Namor the Sub-Mariner 5 years later. It was revealed that the Danny who died in 1986, wasn't actually Danny. It was a doppelganger. From then on, Danny was involved in another anthology series, Marvel Comics Presents, which he was in for a couple of years in the early 90s. He had two miniseries, that lasted for 2 issues and 3 issues respectively. This was from September 1996 to October 1996 for the first miniseries and July 1998 to September 1998 for the second. 
In November of 2006, a new ongoing series for Iron Fist changed up the character. The Immortal Iron Fist, lasting from November 2006 to August 2009, revealed that Danny Rand was not the only Iron Fist. There have been much more before him. However, most of the Iron Fists before him have had a much better grasp on their power than he has. Orson Randall, the Iron Fist directly before him, can channel his chi into his guns, adapting the powers of a prior Iron Fist known as Wu Ao-Shi, who channelled her chi into her arrows. Orson claims that these are like "lightning from God". All the while, Danny can only channel it into one of his hands. 
While the history of Iron Fist as a comic is interesting, what about the character himself? Danny Rand was a rich young boy in New York City who, along with his mother, was taken away by his father and business partner to a city he had once lived in, K'un Lun. The plane the Rand's were travelling in crashed, his father was murdered by his business partner, named Harold Meachum, his mother was killed by wolves, and Danny was taken in by some K'un Lun monks. He was then trained over the years to earn the opportunity to gain the power of the Iron Fist. The way young Daniel Rand gains the power of the Iron Fist is one of my favourite ways to get a power. Daniel is sent to fight a dragon named Shou-Lao the Undying. Danny grabs the dragon, this imprints what looks to be a dragon tattoo on Danny's chest. After doing this, Danny finds Shou-Lao the Undying's heart, punches it, and gains the power of the Iron Fist. Upon gaining the power of the Iron Fist, Danny says that he doesn't want to stay in K'un Lun. He leaves to get revenge on Meachum for murdering his father. After this, his adventures continues.
Despite the fact that Luke and Danny were paired up to save each other from cancellation, the two have consistently remained friends to this day. I personally love this friendship, and it even persisted through Civil War, which claimed so many friendships, including one of the best Marvel bromances ever, Cable and Deadpool. During Civil War, Danny wasn't Iron Fist. He was Daredevil. Matt wasn't around at the time and didn't want people to think that he was Daredevil. Which he obviously is. So Matt asked Danny if he wouldn't mind posing as Daredevil. Danny, being the nice dude he is, agreed. He then proceeded to deliver one of my favourite quotes from Civil War. Danny is captured by Iron Man and his pro-registration cronies, and one of them reveals to Tony that Daredevil hid something under his tongue. A silver dollar. Tony says, "A silver dollar? I don't understand." To which Danny replies, "Guess that's 31 pieces of silver you've got now, huh?" Then follows it up with "Sleep well, Judas."
As good as Iron Fist is, I think he's at his best when he's partnered with someone else. Usually his main man Luke Cage. That being said, the 2006 series is a fantastic solo run. It really gives the character a much-needed update in his history and coming fresh off the heels of Civil War, the Marvel Universe has been shaken up to a point that it's not just business as usual for Danny. The 2006 series doesn't just focus on Danny as the Iron Fist, it gives a good amount of attention to Iron Fists from the past. Which is where the updated history comes from, it really changes it from a character to a title. The Netflix series was definitely the weakest of the four, and any number of factors can be the fault of it, but a good part of the blame has to go to the way Danny's character is presented in the Netflix series. He always talks about how he was taught to control his emotions, but he throws tantrums a lot of the time. I think it's better to say that he suppressed them. It has been said that Danny will be a lot more in control of his emotions in the Defenders, but we'd have to wait and see. However, I believe the other aspects of Danny's character were rather good. I felt like a fair amount of things were true to the comic character, but at the same time, there was another chunk of things that just didn't work out.
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hyperion-moonbabe · 5 years
Caught In Between: 02. New Wolf, Same Problems
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IMPORTANT!!! TO ANYONE FOLLOWING OR READING MY TVD SERIES: This blog is currently my secondary blog. I have wanted to change it to primary for a while and since Tumblr does not allow it. I have created a new blog: @hyperion-moonbabe-new 
I will be porting everything over to this blog including my series and possibly eventually delete it so I can use this name without the “-new” on the end. If you would like to continue to read my series, please know that it will be continued on my new blog. Thank you!
Edit: Update
Summary: Athena Dumont has finally found a place to call home after many years of foster homes and traveling. She had finally tamed her supernatural side and just wanted to live a normal teenage life. She quickly discovers that there is nothing normal about her hometown, Mystic Falls and gets sucked right back into the supernatural world.
Post Date: 03.27.20
Word count: 4.1k
Based off: 02x07 “Masquerade” 
00. | 01.
The next morning I wake up next to a half-naked Damon Salvatore clutching my body as I lay my head on his chest. I look up at him, realizing that he wasn’t really asleep, “How long have you been awake?” I ask.
“I just woke up” He responds.
“Mmmhmm… How long have you been just lying here, letting me sleep?” I say.
“Maybe an hour or two.” He replies with a sheepish smile.
I get up, but he pulls me back down, pressing his lips to mine. I pull away and look at him, “ You know you are so darn cute with bed head” I say slightly sarcastic and get up from the bed.
“Why thank you,” Damon says from behind me as I make my way to my bag of clothes. 
Damon vamp speeds behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. “If you bite, I bite,” I tell him.
“I won’t, promise. I just kinda missed this.” Damon says softly. I turn around.
“Look. I...I missed this too. But you’re the one that left and I don’t really think I could continue with this...Us. It’s been two years, I moved on. It was honestly a mistake to stay the night here.” I say as I put on some clothes and start to walk to the door before I feel Damon’s hand grab my arm.
“I’m sorry that I put you through that. But just think about it, please. I miss you.” He responds. I sigh before I continue to walk out of the room. 
I head down the stairs and grab an apple from the kitchen before I hear a knock at the door.  I open the door, to find Caroline standing in the doorway, looking like she saw a ghost.
“Oh. Hi, umm… Are Damon and Stefan here?” She asks.
“Yeh, I’ll go get them. You can just... wait in here.” I say gesturing to the great room as she steps into the house. 
I head back upstairs and into Damon’s bedroom. “Hey, Caroline is here. It seems like she wants to talk to you and Stefan.” I say only popping my head in. 
“I’ll be down in a sec. You good?” He says with concern in his voice. Which is very unlike him.
“I’m fine,” I say confused and walk out to go down the hall to get Stefan.
I knock on Stefan’s door, “Hey, Caroline is here. I think she needs to talk to you guys.” 
“Alright, I’ll be down in a few.” He responds.
I head back down and sit next to Caroline on the couch. We sit in awkward silence until Damon comes in with a glass full of red liquid, blood I assume. He hands it to Caroline and she takes a sip. “I’m still shaking,” She says. 
I look over to the sound of Stefan walking into the room, “ What happened?” He asks. 
“Go ahead, tell him. You’re gonna love this.” I could hear the annoyance in his voice, probably from the conversation we had or what Caroline is about to say, “I saw Katherine today.”
“Where?” Stefan asks in response. 
“At the grill. I just stopped by to gawk and… quasi-stalk Matt” She replies
“Sorry to interrupt, but who is this Katherine girl?” I ask confused and raise my hand like I’m asking a question in class.
“Long story short. She’s the doppelganger of Elena. And an old lover of baby bro and I’s” Damon says with even more annoyance. I just roll my eyes at him. Caroline then goes on to explain what happened at The Grill and that Katherine wants the moonstone tonight at the masquerade ball or she’ll go on a murder spree.
“She wants to do it in public huh?” I say.
“Killing Mason threw her off guard,” Stefan says following my comment.
“She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks.” Damon says.
“We can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her.” Stefan replies.
“Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?” Caroline questions.
“No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight.” Damon says annoyed at Caroline’s question.
“You're not gonna kill her,” Stefan says sternly 
“Don't give me that goody-goody crap.” I just roll my eyes at Damon.
“You're not gonna kill her.” 
“Because I am, ” Stefan says and Damon smiles at his decision. We all just stand there surprised at Stefan’s response, I know I barely know him but he doesn’t seem like the type of guy to kill in cold blood. 
“Hey, do you think we could talk for a bit? Away from prying eyes. And ears.” Damon says pulling me away from the group into the hall. 
“About what? Plus, there are more pressing matters right now, Damon,” I say and walk back towards the group, leaving him alone. He soon followed after me. 
“What was that about?” Stefan says curiously after I start to shuffle through a book. 
“Nothing, just your brother being his typical asshole self,” I say trying to brush off the question. I continue to look at the book trying to find answers about the moonstone and the curse. 
“It didn’t seem like nothing, I can tell he cares about you but…” Stefan starts to say before we’re interrupted by the front door opening. It was the witch, Bonnie. 
Stefan walked towards the front of the house, “Hey, you brought the grimoire, thank you,” He says to her. She looks around and takes in the activity going on.
“What’s going on?” She asks, confused.
“We’re gonna kill Katherine,” Jeremy replies coming from the hall. I follow Jeremy to the table where Damon and Alaric were. 
Alaric starts to explain how the weapons he had laid out works. He first describes the crossbows and then looks between Caroline and me explaining the smaller weapon that fits on the wrist. Alaric pulls the trigger and fake jabs like he’s taking a shot at a vampire, Damon just looks at him with a slightly concerned look. 
“You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire,” Alaric responds to the looks. 
“Can we talk now?” Damon whispers into my ear. I see Stefan looking me out of the corner of my eye, knowing that he heard Damon. I walk into the hall and upstairs, to make sure we’re away from all ears. I walk into Damon’s room, he follows soon after. 
“Athena, let me just start…”
“No, Damon. Look, I care for you. I really do. But I can’t just forget about the fact that you just left me,” I start.
“I mean I could,” Damon says under his breath, knowing that he was hinting at compulsion, even though I can’t because I’m a werewolf. I just give him a stern look.
“Last night was nice, but I’ve had my heart broken enough and I’m not letting you again, I moved on a long time ago. I can see the way you look whenever you see or hear Elena’s name. She looks exactly like Katherine, I’m sure that brings up a lot of memories and feelings. And I just don’t want to get caught in that. But I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I’ll still always be here for you” I finish, pick up my bag and start to walk out. Until Damon catches my arm and turns me to him, putting us face to face, close enough for our lips to touch.
“Athena, I understand. But just know I’ll always care for you and I’ll always be here for you too.” Damon says. I stand there facing him for a bit and then turn away. 
I walk back down to the great room. Once everyone is gathered together, we finalize our plan. “Are you sure you guys don’t want me there tonight?” Alaric asks Stefan and Damon.
“No, I need you to stay with Elena. I don’t want her to know about this.” Stefan explains. 
“Ok. Well, I’ll make sure she doesn’t leave my sight.” Alaric says.
“Alright, if anybody wants to back out, I’ll understand.” Stefan states.
“Yeh. Cold feet speak now. I don’t want this going wrong if someone chicken’s out. Caroline.” Damon says back to being his dickish self.
“I won’t. Look, she killed me. Fair’s fair. As long as there’s no werewolf running around. I mean besides you Athena, of course.” Caroline responds.
“Oh, I took care of Mason,” Damon says sheepishly.
“As long as Tyler doesn’t kill anyone, he won’t turn,” I restate about triggering the curse.
“Bonnie? Are you with us?” Stefan asks looking at her. 
“But no one gets hurt.” She says after a few moments of silence.
“Except Katherine. Tonight Katherine gets a stake through her heart.” Damon says coldly.
I walk back upstairs into one of the many other rooms that I picked to stay in. When I walk in, I see a rack of dresses in the middle of the room and a display of masks on the bed. 
“Assumed you didn’t have anything for the ball. So I took the liberty to find some dresses and masks for you, with Caroline’s help.” Damon says from the doorway of the room.
“Thank you,” I say and then he walks away to go to his own room to get ready. 
I look at the many dresses lined up, feeling overwhelmed at the choices. After looking at each and every one of them, I chose a tight red dress and a lace black mask.
I walk back down to the great room waiting for Damon and Stefan to leave. Once we were all ready, we headed over to the Lockwood Mansion. We walk into the mansion, Damon and Stefan walk towards the backyard, but I notice Matt so I go up to him. Leaving the two Salvatore brothers to do what they need to do.
“Hey, Matt,” I said tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.
“Hey, you look great,” He says turning to me.
“Thanks, you do too.” 
“I’m heading to get Tyler and some other friends. Care to join?”
“Didn’t think I was good enough friends with you to be invited” 
“Well, you’ve made an impression,” He says. I chuckle and look down. 
I follow him to Tyler and two other girls. We go into another room, what I assume is like an office. We talk a bit while the other girls dance with each other as Matt pours some shots.
“We’re really not supposed to be in here,” Tyler says to us.
“Yeah, I know but we really need to turn this party up. Another shot?” Matt says handing Tyler and I shots.
“Hey, I want a shot,” The girl named Aimee says.
“Me too and then we have to dance,” The other girl, Sarah, says.
“You know, usually it’s me corrupting you. I like this.” Tyler says looking at Matt as we drink our shots. We leave the room to go back to the party. The two girls wander off somewhere, as well as Matt, Leaving just Tyler and me.
“So what’s your deal? You just kinda showed up out of nowhere,” Tyler says turning to me.
“You really want to know a damaged girl’s story?” I respond questioningly. 
“Humor me” 
“Ok, well, long story short. I moved from here when I was about 4 years old, my parents died at 5, Became emancipated at 15, traveled a bit and now I’m here.” I explain briefly.
“Wow. You’ve had an eventful life.” He responds.
“Yeh, you don’t understand,” I say. I notice Jeremy and Bonnie walking back down, “Excuse me,”  I say and walk towards them, they find a table outside to wait. I walk around a bit to see if there’s anything else to be taken care of before I make it over to the table.
“Everything in place?” I say and sit across from them.
“Yeh. Just waiting for the signal.” Jeremy replies back.
We sit in silence for a bit until Jeremy receives a text. He gets up to go approach Katherine, I follow behind him at a distance to keep him from any trouble. Even though I know he’d want to go alone. He approaches Katherine and delivers his message, they chat for a bit until I notice Katherine look at me, so I walk up to them.
“So is this your little bodyguard, Gilbert? Because she doesn’t look like much” She says giving me a devilish look.
Jeremy starts to speak before I interrupt him, “ Athena Dumont, and you must be Katherine Pierce. I may not look like much but I could tear you from the inside out,” I say, flashing my amber wolf eyes. She only chuckles and walks away.
“You don’t have to be like my sister and hover over me, you know that, right?” Jeremy says and turns to me.
“Oh, I wasn’t trying to hover. I just wanted to meet who we’re killing tonight.” I say but Jeremy only looks at me with disbelief before walking away.
He just seems to abandon me so I decided to wander around some more while I wait for them to finish killing Katherine. I hear screams coming from behind a bush near where Bonnie and Jeremy were. I rush over only to find Elena leaning over in pain with blood all over her shirt but no rips. 
“She has to be linked to Katherine, guys,” I say looking between them. 
“We have to stop them, Jeremy get them to stop! Now!” Bonnie says frustratingly. I chase after Jeremy after he starts running towards the house.
We get to the room where they have her, “Stop! You’re hurting Elena! Everything you’re doing is hurting Elena!” Jeremy says out of breath.
“They’re linked,” I contribute out of breath.
“You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch.” Katherine says menacingly as we all exchange looks.
“Jeremy, go check on Elena. Make sure she’s okay. Go!” Stefan says as Jeremy leaves the hall. 
“Let’s all make sure poor Elena is okay. And your little wolf friend, here, is nothing against me, I’ve got 500 years on her. Just a little bit more pressure.” Katherine says cutting her hand with the stake. Stefan quickly hits it away from her. 
“I’m right here you know,” I say waving my fingers, as Katherine gives me a fake smile and vamp speeds to pick up the stake, “This is really gonna hurt.” She starts to plunge the stake towards her stomach.
“Wait!” Damon yells and Katherine sits on the couch playing with the stake. “We’ve got this, Athena, just go check on everyone,” Damon says looking concerningly at me, but I don’t budge. Stefan just gives me a nod, telling me it’s fine, and I start to walk away.
“Okay. So, how about that moonstone?” I hear Katherine’s voice slowly get quieter as I continue downstairs.
 I bump into Matt, who looks like he’s on a mission, “Sorry,” I quickly reply.
“You good?” He asks me slightly slurring his words.
“Yeh could use a drink, to be honest. Too many people talking to me and asking about my family.” I lie to him.
“Lucky for you I’m on my way to drink some more, wanna join?” He asks giving me a charming smile.
“Why not,” I reply and follow him as he leads me back to the office we were in earlier. I come in to see the girl Sarah and Tyler waiting. 
“I hope you guys don’t mind Athena joining us,” Matt says picking up a glass and the bottle of alcohol and pouring me some.
“The more the merrier. So, what happened to Aimee, anyways?” Sarah asks after getting her glass poured. 
“She’s probably drunk somewhere” Tyler responds.
“Like me,” Matt says and starts to pour the alcohol on the floor.
“Woah, don’t do that,” Tyler says with a slight tinge of irritation.
“What man? It’s a party.” Matt says and picks up the photo of Tyler and his family from the desk, “Right dad? You know, looks like your dad wants a drink” He says and pours the alcohol on top of the photo.
“Hey, that’s not cool. What’s wrong with you?” Tyler asks more hostile than before. I can sense that Tyler’s dad seems to be out of the picture and that this is just gonna get worse. 
“Come on, the guy was a dick,” Matt says smiling and not having a care in the world.
“Come on, you’re being mean. His dad’s dead,” Sarah says quietly from the couch.
“Give me the picture!” Tyler says. He tries to snatch it out of Matts’s hand but he quickly pulls away, spraying alcohol from the movement.
 “Matt, that’s enough. Just put the photo down and let it go,” I say from behind him and seeing where this could head. Tyler activating his curse. But Matt doesn’t wavier from my words.
“Remember how your dad used to slap you around?” Matt says and brings his hand up to slap Tyler on the left side of his face.
“Matt!” I say louder from the other side of the desk, but neither of them acknowledges me.
“Are you kidding?” Tyler says getting even more annoyed.
“Just having fun” He responds with an even bigger smile.
“Put the picture down, man,” Tyler says trying to keep his cool. I try to slip my hand near the photo to grab it, but Matt slams it onto the desk sending shards of glass flying in all directions. 
I run over to Tyler’s side and put myself between them, “Okay, you need to calm down right now!” I say to his face before he pushes me into the side of the desk and then pushed Tyler who is right behind me.
“I’m not gonna fight you,” Tyler says attempting to keep his cool. 
I help Sarah up and gesture for her to move away from them. Matt wrestles Tyler to the floor, Tyler tries to push Matt off but gives an opening to allow Matt to punch him in the face a few times. I try to intervene by pulling Matt off but he just elbows me in my face, leading to me knocking my head on the corner of the desk, and passing out.
I wake up to see Caroline standing in between them, with a confused look on her face, “I have to finish!” Matt says and it clicks, he’s compelled to make Tyler trigger his curse. I scoot out from under them and punch Matt in the face, knocking him out. Caroline walks over to Matt to check to see if he’s okay. Tyler looks over to me confused and I just sigh as I catch my breath.
“How did you…?” Tyler says looking at Caroline and me before being cut off.
“Matt failed. If Matt fails, I can’t” We hear Sarah say from behind us.
“Tyler, look out!” I say trying to push him out of the way. But Sarah was able to stab the knife into his shoulder, which led him to push Sarah and hit her head on the corner of the desk. I rush over to check on her and Tyler does as well. 
“No, no, no! Come on, wake up! Sarah, open your eyes, wake up! This can't happen, oh no, this can't happen. This can't be happening! Sarah! Sarah, get up! Sarah! Open your eyes! This can't be happening! Not like this!” Tyler says frustratingly.
Caroline comes over and I check Sarah’s pulse, but I don’t find one. I look up to see Tyler gripping his head and grunting in pain. I slowly get up and so does Caroline, “Get away!” Tyler struggles to get out.
“What’s happening?!” Caroline questions. I just keep her back because I don’t want to see either of them hurt. Tyler looks up at us and his eyes turn amber. 
After the pain from the activation was over I rushed over to Tyler, “Are you ok?” I ask crouching at his level and start to help him up.
“So what are we gonna do? I mean we have to tell someone, we can’t just leave her here.” Caroline sputters. 
“Is there anyone we can tell? Are you guys good at telling lies?” I ask looking between them.
“We could just say that she was drunk dancing and tripped and then just wasn’t like alive anymore,” Tyler suggests questingly. 
“That’ll work, I’ll go get Mayor Lockwood,” Caroline says and walks out of the room. 
Caroline and Carol Lockwood enter back into the office. She explains what happened as I walk out to Tyler who’s waiting for the sheriff in the entryway.
“Here, are you good?” He asks handing me a towel. I’m guessing for my forehead. 
“Thanks, I’m fine. It’ll heal.” I respond.
“Mom, the sheriffs here,” Tyler says as we walk back into the office.
“I’ll go prepare her, just don’t leave. Just stay here okay? She’s going to want to hear the story from you.” Carol says looking right at Caroline before she walks out to talk to the sheriff, who I learned is Caroline’s mom.
Tyler walks over to look at Sarah’s body once again, “Matt’s in the car, sleeping it off. I’ll deal with him. I don’t want him involved in any of this.” Caroline says with a hint of sadness in her voice.
“What are you doing?” Tyler asks walking right up to Caroline’s face.
“Why? I did this. I killed her.” Tyler states.
“You didn’t mean to Tyl--” I start walking up to them.
“But she’s dead. You guys don’t know what that means.” Tyler scoffs.
“Actually, Tyler, I think we do,” Caroline says quieter.
“No, you guys don’t,” Tyler says thinking that we don’t know about the curse.
“Has your wound healed?” I ask gesturing to his shoulder. Tyler unbuttons his shirt and feels where the knife was stabbed into him and makes a questioningly look at us.
“How did you guys…?” He questions. I pull my hair back a bit to reveal where my head was hit, showing him that my wound is gone. The sheriff and Mayor Lockwood walk back in and Caroline explains the fake story again. 
Everyone had left the party except a few of us and they took care of Sarah’s body. “ Do you have a ride home?” Mayor Lockwood asks walking up to me.
“Yeah, I think I’m going to stay over at Elena’s, Mrs. Lockwood,” I respond knowing that Damon and Stefan had abandoned me here as I saw them walk out before I could catch them.
“Please call me Carol. Ok, be safe.” She says.
“Thank you, Mrs.--, Carol,” I say and give her a small smile.
“You’re welcome,” She says and walks away. 
Tyler walks up to me to waits until Elena is ready to go. “So, are you uh, werewolf?” Tyler asks me.
“Yeah,” I respond as he opens the door.
“How long?” He asks.
“About two years now,” I tell him. He gives me a slight nod before Elena walks up.
Elena and I head to her house,  get ready to go to bed and are about to fall asleep, but I get interrupted by a phone call. “Damon Salvatore” lights up on the screen, but I ignore it. He calls two more times, I decide to pick up the third call. 
“Ugh, I think I have to take this,” I say looking over at Elena and getting up to go into the bathroom.
“Yes” I answer annoyed.
“I’m sorry I left you. We had to deal with Katherine. I can come to get you now, wherever you are.” He said and actually sounded like he felt bad.
“I’m fine, I’m staying at Elena’s tonight. No need to worry. Now I’m going to sleep” I say annoyed and hang up.
“What was that about?” Elena asks as I emerge from the bathroom.
“Just Damon trying to be my protective, not boyfriend,” I say and roll my eyes.
“So you guys were a thing?” She asks me.
“If you count being his personal blood bag two years, that he seems to really care about, a thing. Then yes.” I chuckle.
“I am going to have to hear more about this, but we’ll save it. It’s been a long night. Good night.” She says.
“Night,” I say and pass out faster than I have in a long time.
A/N: Here is the second chapter of the story, based on 02x07 "Masquerade". Sorry that it took a month for this part! I got engulfed in school and then with everything going on. My classes ended up being moved online so, I came back home, and I’m also in the process of moving houses. Please let me know what you guys think, any feedback is greatly appreciated. I hoped you enjoyed and Thank you for reading! Stay safe and healthy everyone!
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