#I wish I'd have friends to help me with that shit xD
nekrophoria · 7 months
Note to self: don't try to lift up a 2 meter closet all by yourself with your skimpy noodle arms. Being crushed by an inanimate object is not how you wanna go.
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jennyandvastraflint · 8 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep18
Xena wants foooood!
Gabrielle wants to go shoppinggggg XD
Oh they'll kidnap Gabrielle aren't they
She bought a scarf for two dinars
Gabrielle 🤝 Jenny Getting kidnapped :(
"Because I killed her, Xena" OI DON'T MAKE HER THAT ANGRY
Xena is ready for a fightttt
Who even is this guy... Am I supposed to know him? He seems to know about Draco and Callisto
Dude, stop damaging the stalls. You're gonna pay for all that
"What did you do with Gabrielle" Attack dog
He's delusional
"You got thirty seconds to tell me where she is"
Oh this guy is fucking annoying. Stab his guts. Slice open his balls.
I wish this show had no men in it
uhhhh... Why is there a portrait of Gabrielle...
Ew this is disgusting. DON'T SELL WOMEN TO GROSS MEN.
URGH FFS... Can dudes stop being like that to women
"I don't respond well to threats. However, I find pain quite persuasive..." 😂
Key between the boobs 👀
"No but I'm in a hurry and you'll be my eyes"
"And she's not going to like this forced marriage thing"
"I CAN'T I WON'T" "Hungry, my queen?" "Oh a few grapes..." XD
Well... Blind for life? I mean, Gabrielle can be her eyes
"That must be one friend..." 🏳️‍🌈💕
"You commanded respect" "No, I commanded fear"
Oh no...
"Lady Gabrielle" THE GUY COMING OUT-
Boobrielle- did they push her boobs to be bigger?
Her braid and hair looks pretty tho
Hmmmmm I don't like this
Oh they'll fall
She's fine(ish)
Urgh this dude is getting on my nerves
Yeah they're really pushing her boobs...
"Have you ever been in love?"
"a certain someone" oh he's queer isn't he.
"Now you know how I feel" XENA.
"Those aren't pleasant memories for me" SHE'S HAVING PTSD MOMENTS MY BABYGIRL
Gabrielle my love
"Cold hands" he's dead.
"Because all the men I get serious about end up dead" shfhshss
Xena climbing a wall blind ✌️
"Is your friend really worth all this?" "I'd die for her" Average lesbian relationship idk what you mean
Yea he's trying to pull the alpha male shit
Shfdhdhd the propped up king
Ough and Gabrielle tied up
"Give us a sign" Blergh. Xena will fucking murder him
"Your deadness"
Urgh leave Gabrielle ALOOONEEEEE
"You're right, this place is crawling with guards"
"She and the king are to be cremated" NUGHH Xena is so worried for her gf
Noooo, the guy realised she can't see
She's fighting by ear...
"I have that growing in my garden" shdhfd
"now that's a sight for sore eyes"
From a disability rep point I'd appreciate them not treating blindness as a THE MOST HORRIBLE FATE EVER
Awww he actually learned something...
"I think I'm gonna PRETEND to be good for a while"
"Can you courtesy?" 😂 I mean she learned for pretending to be Diana, didn't she
"I hate you. In a good way" 🏳️‍🌈
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Writerly Question Tag
I was tagged here by @i-can-even-burn-salad, and I'm actually going to do it :D thanks!
Open Tag for anyone who would like to jump on this. Under the cut bc its loooonng. There's a template at the bottom.
About You
When did you start writing?
Sometime in 2019/2020, before covid started. Late start, I know lol
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
No, not really. I am a fantasy romance girlie (gender neutral) through and through. It's really a rarity for me to branch outside the fantasy genre at all.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
I've not been writing long enough nor do I have a wide enough reader base to be compared to anyone lol. Emulate though 🤔 I don't know. I do know that certain writers leave an impression on me. Or I'll admire their style or how they did some bit of worldbuilding or torture. But when I'm writing, I'm not consciously trying to be like them or to even reference the stuff I was admiring to try and emulate it. That being said... I swear, C.L. Wilson, I was not trying to emulate you. I couldn't even approach the depth and mastery of your epic 5 book fantasy (this one). But I also can't deny the similarities that turned up in my book despite me not having read that series for multiple years before writing it 😂
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
My recliner in the living room or my (home) office. My office is the cooler option lol. I have a floor to ceiling built in bookshelf that my desk faces and a pretty ice blue rainbow backlit keyboard. However, I am having issues with both spaces currently. Nobody will leave me alone in the living room. And I'm in my office 8.5 hrs every goddamned day for work and really don't want to continue being in my office when I'm done. At least for a while anyway. It's smth I need to figure out so I can start writing again XD
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Uhhh. I wish I knew. Usually stuff will just hit me randomly and I have no control over when or where or why :')
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Most likely? In that it's just more work for me to write an environment that isn't close to the one I live in. But, it's fantasy, so. 🤷‍♀️
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Outcast/loneliness, finding a place to belong/found family, being enough, finding love without stipulations/compromises ... *deadpan* I'm so super surprised. Oh, and the suffering. We gotta have some of that :)
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Right now, it's probably Carr from Hidden Depths. Carr is so much fun to write. There is smth very freeing about writing a char that really truly doesn't give a shit :)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
I could be friends with Alaia, but I'd never be able to keep up with her. Carr would probably have no patience for me lol. Kadin would amuse and annoy me and I could probably only tolerate him in small doses. Darian would intimidate me. Maybe Resh? Provided I could learn their version of sign language so I could talk with him.
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Any of the bad guys XD
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Uh, they come up with themselves 😅
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
Most of them are neurodivergent as fuck, even the ones I wrote thinking I was NT XD
How do you picture your characters?
I don't? 😅 *cough* aphantasia Although, some of those artbreeder pics helped, along with the commission :D
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Because I can! Because I started and I don't want to stop! (current dry spell notwithstanding XD) Because only in writing will I probably ever get the things I want 100%
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Literally any comment. Any indication you read and enjoyed what I wrote. However that may come across, I treasure it :D
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
*side eyes this question* People would think of me? Why? I am not the story o.o
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Look, I am terrible at identifying my own strengths XD Maybe characterization? Someone told me I did a good job with that once upon a time <3
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Frequently lol. I need to write more 😂 See above. Apparently I cheated and borrowed from this question. I've also been told I do a good job with descriptions, like in a worldbuilding way. Which is fascinating to me, bc I can't see shit in my mind. I just make shit up and hope it works 😅
How do you feel about your own writing?
Depends on when I'm reading it lol. Honestly though, I can tell I've improved a lot from when I first started a few years ago. Mostly I'm proud of it when I'm not being embarrassed by the thought of someone reading some of the more... interesting... things I've written 😅.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
Probably. Only through writing can I fully characterize and flesh out the daydreams. Plus, it's a freaking treat to sit down with your own book and read it and enjoy it.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
I'm very influenced. I want to make my friends happy! But I also will write what I enjoy in the parameters of my chosen genre. I just might incorporate things I otherwise might not of thought of. And if it ends up making me uncomfortable down the road, I can always remove it.
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About You
When did you start writing?
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you’re often compared?
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)?
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
Your Characters
Would you please tell me about your current favorite character? (Current WIP, past WIP, never used, etc.)
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Which characters would you dislike the most if you met them?
Tell me about the process of coming up with your characters?
Do you notice any reoccurring themes/traits in your characters?
How do you picture your characters?
Your Writing
What’s your reason for writing?
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work?
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
How do you feel about your own writing?
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy?
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charmixpower · 1 year
Issue 3: The Boys from Red Fountain
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no hesitation, no mercy
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How did Tecna not immediately kill him for this
Also the fact that Tecna is offended that Timmy didn't have a good pick up line for her
You're going to quickly realize that Tecna of the comics is a VERY different person than Tecna of the show
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Everyone's face when Tecna didn't slap the shit out of him and actually helped him find the battery is amazing
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The comics have removed Musa's pick me energy but they made her a worse I can fix him girl so it balances out
Also Riven hanging out outside because he's an introvert we love it
All Riven says to Muss is "hi" btw before going on with his business
Stella basically calls Riven an asshole, which is very funny because she continues to say, you should find someone else if you want to get anywhere
Which implies her problem isn't that he's an asshole, but that he's an emotionally unavailable asshole. Amazing
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This is so adorable and YESSS an explanation for where Winx came from. We love love love it!!
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I love that the comics tell you where the fuck trolls come from and live. One of my major questions from the show XD
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Omg not Stella manipulating Musa's desire to have close friends right after they made a group name 😭😭 girlll whyyy
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Sky, in a world where most of the girls he's around are magical "He'll have to take care of everything himself! It's not like Stella fought off a troll by herself" shut up Sky
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Anyways I'm sorry I offended you" comics Sky is somehow worse than 4kids Sky
Which is actually kinda impressive, it gets worse from here
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I love that the Trix have more minions than just Knut, adds flavor
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Musa defending Stella's dumb decisions is so fucking weird when I'm so used to her always being the first to drag her filth
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I wish more spells had a strong negative effect on the users. Like Bloom should not be able to summon god with no physical consequences, I do not care, she shouldn't be able too
It would also be a good way to get certain Winx out of the game and raise the stakes of a battle. They use a super powerful spell and now have a migraine. The tide of battle has changed but we're down a member. It's very cost benefit analysis
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Stella is being stopped from transforming bc her ring is bent I love it
The comics made me so annoyed that the show brought up this idea and then ignored it for most of the first season!!! Like it's not all that interesting of a concept but the different ways Stella gets stuck is super interesting
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Stella said I'd do it again and now they're beating her with pillows I love the comic girlies so much they're so silly with each other
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sioster · 2 years
wheres my boys, Karo. Where are they. I need them
Where are your boys you ask? Well.. they're here!
The gifts will be posted as separate posts propertly tagged as fanart in the next days, so if you don't want to listen to my rambling, random tumblr user, come back in a few days.
oh my dear starclan theres so much oh mother please help me
Prompt 1: Mouse!Dream propaganda
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I used the Transformice AU since it has established designs and characters- here I drew a little mentor/student bonding moment :) TFM!Dream gets his little cape that he loves and cherishes <3
I don't really do backgrounds but I'd say that this one is not that bad and even quite thematic.
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TFM!Dream doodle page with a portrait. I really like how funky the colours on him are, little rat boy. Baby. Praying so that it's not shit on the blue light screens..
Pre-Armageddon design (the one with the same robe as Ratza)
Post-Armageddon design (violent, sad axe boy)
Along with a sketch with no particular design in mind and an obligatory thing for a TFM drawing: the iconic cannonball <3
Prompt 1 & 2: Mouse Dream propaganda & season 2 Discduo with a snake
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This is more of a joke-gift but c'mon look at them, so cute!
Aple (PS: thank you!!) helped me with this one by dressing up as S2!Dream while I was wearing the S2!Tommy cosplay. We took some selfies and I think these look the best out of the bunch.
Sadly we don't have too many items so the outifts don't look the best considering all ingame options but I think they still represent the characters well!!
Prompt 1 & 3: Mouse Dream propaganda & Dream and Wilbur being happy and friends
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I'm sorry for the quality of the scan, but it's a traditional piece scanned from my sketchbook and our printer is... older than me..? I think?
Another piece with the S2!design since it's so much scrunklier and cuter than the one from my AU xD Though, I'm sure that Ratbur would cuddle with him no matter the cuteness- looks don't matter in the end, only the % of scrunkly in one does.
Prompt 2: S2!Discduo with a snake
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The lineart might be a little crunchy since it was also scanned from my sktechbook, but the colours are digital so they're more vivid!!
I used the Basilisk!Dream design here since it fits with the topic- I hope it's okay!!
Also.. I don't think that Tommy is glad that his BFF is currently holding an unidentified snake that is possibly venomus right next to him. S2!Tommy is the one with braincells. Not Dream. Please be careful Dream, yes you are made out of scales, no it doesn't guarantee immunity.
Prompt 3: Dream and Wilbur being happy and friends
Well. Would you look at that. I made an oopsie and actually wrote something gherjsafsnrgu
Though I am so sorry that there's not more madduo prompt gifts ):
End Note
I hope that you like your gifts! I think that they're good enough..? Sorry if it didn't reach your expetations ouuh )):
but hei- the New Year of 2023 is here, and I wish you everything you need! Especially health and the time to enjoy the things you like. And more dreambur. Yes. More of them. Definitely. [feral animal noises]
-Karo Sioster_71 <3
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veersnz · 1 year
hello my dear i am so late but i have just seen you reblogged this andddd if you'd still like to: 💛 🔐🍌🌝 and if u want~ ⭐️ boop (yes, there's a yellow theme <33 to match ur blog~)
Hellooo!! Don't worry better late than never haha (and also that gives me an opportunity to fill the 💛 asked by that poor anon whom I had completely forgotten, I'm so sorry buddy I promise I was just very busy 😭) How cute and thoughtful ✨ - 💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? Not to sound like a narcissist, but I love a lot of stuff about myself xD (on good days at least lmao) I'd say my favorite is my hands, everyone compliments them at some point or another haha. They're very long and slender and even though I got shit for them (during the anon hate period for those who remember, they said they looked like a skeleton's hand xD) I still love them a lot~ it's just a struggle to find rings lmao - 🔐 something no one would guess about you That I'm bald !! Well maybe a few people know because of that picrew I posted a while ago but yeah I have no hair left lmao xD well I'm not completely hairless, I just probably have 1 cm left of hair (0,3 inches for our american friends~) I think it's absolutely not something people expect, especially when I'm wearing a cap or a beanie but I've been rocking that haircut for a year now almost and I still love it so much xD (this is the sign you're looking for if you wanna shave your head 😉) - 🍌 what is one talent you wish you had Play the piano ! Or any instrument honestly haha. I used to play the flute but I forgot how to and now I wish I could go back in time. I miss playing music. One day I'll definitely get back to it !!! - 🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone Oh god I have no idea cause I watch so much scary or weird stuff, most of the things I think about have trigger warning lists as long as my arm 💀 Perhaps a tamer one would be Love, Death and Robots ? It's a great show, lots of amazing episodes and while some episodes are a bit forgettable, some of them are mindblowing. Definitely worth a watch ! mention of eating disorder and mental health
- ⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you? Definitely overcoming my eating disorders. I struggled for a long time and after 8 years I'm finally free from this hell. It took a lot of work, dedication and sacrifices and I'm proud of myself for surviving and thriving today. It's important because someone close to me couldn't recover from it, to this day they're still suffering in the throes of an0rex1a like I used to be. We still call each other regularly and seeing me recover and have the life they could never have has made them feel a lot better. They will most likely never get better but at least they didn't see me fall victim to this horrible disease too. My recovery is bringing them the happiness they deserve. It's important for me and for them and in the end that's why this is my biggest accomplishment as it goes beyond my sole experience. I hope to one day share my story and help those beyond my circle of friends and family
Thank you so much Waterfall for all those asks 💖
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
WIP Ask Game Modern Tangled that is Dark?
Ooh, Id' pretty much forgotten about this one!
If I'm honest, I should probably take this one out of the folder as I doubt it'll ever be completed for umm... Reason I can't disclose? (one person will know what I mean with this xD)
But it was a Tangled AU taking place in modern day where Gothel needed Rapunzel's blood for a medicine she needed to live, and when Rapunzel's parents said there child would not be used for that, she kidnapped Rapunzel and locked her in her attic.
Eugene and Lance are thieves running from the law and in a badly gone heist they break into this woman's house to hide and find Rapunzel.
Rapunzel is in pretty bad condition as she hasn't seen sunlight since she was a child, she's very skittish, underweight, terrified (this is why it's titled dark)...
Eugene and Lance unable to go to law enforcement break her out of the attis and bring her with them back to their hideout. A basement! What an upgrade for this poor girl...
Eventually Lance remembers he has this friend who's father is in the police and she's going through a bit of a rebellious stage so she might be a good option for getting information without having to reach out to the police.
Together they figure out who Rapunzel is and work to get her home safely.
Here's a snippet:
The sound of movement cause Eugene to turn around quickly and Lance to hide behind his friend. Fuck. Just they’re luck to climb into an attic with someone in it! People barely spent time in the attic and the window had been boarded up! But then out of the shadows stepped a girl about their age, green eyes wide and confused. Her hair was down to her waist, greasy and matted. Her skin was pale, and she was littered with bruises. Eugene lowered the weapon he was holding. The girl looked at him before stepping back. There was a clinging sound and as Eugene narrows his eyes, he realised the girl was chained to the ground. “Shit…” “She’s clearly a ghost. We’ve walked into a horror movie. I knew this was a bad idea,” Lance groaned. Eugene shook his head as he pulled out his lock picks. “I wish this were a horror movie, as our day just got a whole lot harder.” When Eugene started to move the girl rushed back, back hitting the wall. She shook her head. “It’s okay,” Eugene whispered, holding out a hand reassuringly. “I’m going to help you, alright?” Lance watched Eugene’s slow movements. The girl slid to the ground with her back against the wall, closing her eyes tightly as Eugene began to pick the locks. “Do you speak English?” She didn’t respond. “My name’s Flynn, that’s Lance.” Lance grinned. “Pleasure to meet you!” The girl opened one eye to look at the two then pointed towards the door. “Mother.” “Is she who looked you up here?” The girl looked at Eugene but didn’t say anything else. “Alright…” Eugene managed to free one wrist before moving onto the next. “Lance, we need to drop her off at a police station before heading home.” “What? No!” “No?” “We can’t drop her off at a police station.” “We don’t go in, we just leave her and run. The police can help her.” “They won’t help her Eugene, if she isn’t talking, they’ll throw her right into an asylum…” Lance held himself. “Trust me, they’re horrible.” Eugene frowned. “Well, we can’t leave her here.” “We could take her?” Eugene scoffed. “And do what, may I ask?” “Help her, of course.” “How?” “If I’d been locked in an attic, the first thing I’d want my brave rescuers to do is give me a delicious hot meal! You like food?” He asked the girl. “Food?” she asked. “Yeah!” Lance smiled. The girl smiled back and nodded. Eugene sighed. “Great… Two food motivated full grown kids for me to care for…”
As you can tell the tone is also very... off. I'd have to rework this fic a lot to make it work.
As always, thanks for the ask!
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anonofseasons · 1 year
Maybe it's due to not having spoons (fibro and the heat are getting to me bad), but my mood is up and down, and my feelings about Seasons are going up and down with it?
I'm like, "Oh this part is cute and I'm excited to share it!" and "Cal, shut up, please, you're being annoying. Keep it to yourself!" No one has said I'm being annoying. I just get super self-conscious now, bc... history of being told I'm annoying. Also, it's rather recent that I'd tell my now-ex that I was excited about something - that I'd finished a first draft or gotten a map drawn - and she'd respond with stuff like, "Did you see the witch Bath and Body Works diffuser?" (I had to beg her to congratulate me. I would do so for her when she had accomplishments, but mine? Meaningless.) Back to Seasons, though. I've been anxious that it's too long. I'm not out to set some arbitrary word count limit here. I mean "Was this really necessary, or did you just get too self-indulgent, and now you have too many loose ends to tie up?" (This is exacerbated by my writing out of order and fearing I'll forget something by the end.) That's just my brain, there. Worried that I was excessive and have made a mess, rather than a coherent story. I'm also worried that I sound so egotistical now that I'm finding joy in talking about my writing/characters. (This ties in with the first issue, that I should "shut up" haha...) I had such a weird process for years. I enjoyed the process of creation, but I... thought I was shitting out garbage. Characters, writing style, story, everything. Someone once told me years ago that I wrote nothing but man babies, and someone else later said the same thing. Second person also said my writing style induced their synesthesia so they couldn't stand to read my stuff. There have been other things, those are just some examples. It's so painful. I don't feel like I can become a better author if I don't have helpful criticism, but I've certainly had the destructive stuff launched at me. I'm still working on myself. I was only 13 months ago I got self-conscious and decided to stop sharing any of my writing publicly, so I locked up everything on AO3 in a private collection, I deleted or hid everything on google docs and other sites. And I struggled to finish Rascal (which I posted the final chapter just a few weeks before that and then ended up locking it up, haha), and now I'm struggling a bit with Seasons. I don't always struggle with ending stories, but... sometimes I do, and it definitely sinks my mood. I'm lucky in that some people have found my writing and been supportive. I'd be fucked if I didn't have @yume-x-hanabi being so supportive and nonjudgmental. She's a good writing buddy. And I have another friend who also just checks out my writing despite meeting her through fandom as well, even picked up Seasons despite the heavy content. ;A; That's a blessing. But sometimes I'm still working on saying, "No, I do love myself and these things. It doesn't matter what other people have said. They're a few people. They were mean. They don't define you or your work." Still, it sneaks up on me and leaves me scared that I have more work ahead. That I need to get better and better now, because if I want a career out of this, I'm going to have to bust my ass. And it's funny... I do enjoy the process of writing, I love building characters and writing stories and creating lore. I just wish after it was all done, I wasn't fearful that I just hot-glued a bunch of steaming shit together, and I refuse to see it...? XD; (Sorry that's a disgusting mental image, but... it wouldn't hold together, is my point.) Anyway, sorry if you read this for rambling so much. It's kind of negative. I gotta cheer up. ;A;
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eli-elien · 2 years
1, 3, 4, 5, & 17
[Sorry that it's so many, I couldn't resist asking a lot xD]
1. Show your most recent wip
A ref for another oc for a friend's book
A young man who was ran out of his own kingdom at 13 by his family due to his cursed power: Rot. He lived on the streets ever since, the rotting scar growing more and more, adding bandages and cloth to hide them.
He finds himself afraid of intimacy for fear of killing others with just a touch and thinks of himself as a monster. The main character finds him endearing and slowly helps him accept this as apart of himself even if he doesn't like it.
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3. Least favourite things to draw?
mmmmm mechs and metals, funnily enough I love drawing weapons and armor but just can't deal with mechs esp ugh
that is why I love fantasy bc it usually don't have mechs lol also kyo and most shield hero characters bc holy shit they are so complicated esp that albino bitch
4. Favourite things to draw?
top 3 things would be Howl like characters (see what Elijah and William look like), environments esp greenery and skies, and expressions the way the eyes and how the nose crinkles when we're angry stuff like that very human and stuff :]
5. Anything you haven’t drawn yet but want to?
Animals in a less cartoony way I usually do also classical esqe paintings I always admired the way the skin looks so soft and how the hands looked esp regarding hands holding again the humanity within these paintings is so very mortally immortal idk thats how I'd describe it
17. What inspires you?
A lot, a lot and a lot of things. Could make an essay. Mind if I make an essay?
No? Eh you're still getting one lol
But I think life inspires me, humanity inspires me, my daily relationships even the smallest interaction with an acquaintance. It's love and the hate and the daily struggles and the tragedies we see in the world. And again at the end of the day it's love that inspires me.
And I know this is about paintings and drawings but writing is an art on its own.
And the things I want to write about are all of this including the grief of being human and the blissfulness too.
I'm gonna be real for a second and say this is also based off of my experiences with death and how I've dealt with grief especially since all three were different.
also just ye uh cw death and all that and it might go into some uhhhh ig traumadumpy territory but I promise it's related
One was of somebody that refueled my love of writing and making my own stories and he was honest to god my fucking hero and I wouldn't have gotten to where I am without him.
Thank you Technoblade for inspiring me and alot more people.
It was indirect and I didn't really know him know him, yknow I was just a fan and yet it hit so badly and it still does and just man grief just it never disappears and I can't put it into words yknow
Another was a figure from my childhood, somebody like Techno who I really looked up to and I wish to this day that he got to see me grow up and I could see him and remember him before he got sick and just its a grief of wanting to go back and spend as much time as I wished with him, he was sorta a second father to me
The last and most recent is someone who couldn't control themselves and needed help but the state didn't give it and bc they didn't get the help it ended up hurting the people around them too, tragic and painful and its just so fucked and really fuels my hatred for the state
Anyways after all of that I wanted to write and draw, create something to put all of my feelings about death and grief and my continuing love for life even if it can be shit into something so I wrote Reverie of The Axe Hero and have come up with similar ideas about the struggle of being plainly human
And I think once I'm done with Reverie I think I'll finally heal from this grief, and it may not ever disappear, it never does; but I'll be able to move on. Sorta my own stages of grief if you will.
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what-if-nct · 2 years
(this is sneeze, i changed my mains layout and also i figured i didnt need to use anon mode because everyone knows who i am anyways-)
awwww your new profile picture is adorable!!! I love those idiots so much, when Shotaro called Xiaojun 'sunbaenim' and Xiaojun told him not be so polite I love them
I'm afraid im getting off kpop even tho Mark will always have a special place in my anus heart. I love that guy he's amazing. And adorable. I love the way he laughs at stupid shit because same. He has worsened my humor. I'll always love NCT and SHINee and Stray Kids (although i have drama with all three fandoms xD) (not everyone tho, but most online friends who're stays turned out to be toxic as hell, but well who knows do they think like that about me). Changbinnie will always be my cute little pie.
(Striped part in next paragraph contains gore)
I bought rangers apprentice and the tgcf books and i am obsessed. There even is a month for my favorite ship which is FengQing (Feng Xin x Mu Qing) which is January and I've participated with writing. I literally loved writing those stupid little drabbles. Mu Qing canonically has a habbit of rolling his eyes and its hilarious. Also theres this guy who literally eats bodies and hangs them in trees to fucking look cool and hes my favorite character help-
How have you been? I wish i had more words to send you except my stupid obsessions, I want to be a good friend, really. Please be okay, alright? I dont know why I say this but I'd always like care for you because you're too sweet. Sorry I'm sorry for not coming here often, I really am. I love you so so so much!!!
Also someone commented on my first ao3 fic and I'm so fucking happy right now they were so nice help I'm gonna cryyyyy
Yes, I love Taro and Xiaojun so much it's the cutest picture of anyone ever! The header I had to I said Yuta's belly button piercing will return one day. Today is that day. Understandable. The kpop fandom is pretty toxic which is why it's just important to create a circle of people who you feel comfortable talking to and are chill and get you. I only really had one close friend who was into kpop. I have like three now! (Sorry I'm so annoying and suck at typing) And of course all of you guys! And honestly Stays kinda scare me. So I'll just be in my Stayzen corner. All other Stayzens please join. And that sounds like really cool. A little scary but cool. And im fine I did cry last night and this morning but I'm fine just had an issue with my hair. I had put in extensions the way I usually do it which is how it is on Instagram I think we follow each other there. But my aunt's friend wanted to fix it for me but she did it way to tight and I took it out last night and the front got pulled out from how tight it is. And I was so sad plus I don't like the color I dyed it red to match the extensions and I don't like it and I'm fighting the urge to buy green hair dye. Cause green will neutralize red. But I have to fade it first so it will get to a color I can dye over. And it's been a whole kerfuffle. But I'm fine. I'm a Leo so I'm dramatic over my hair. I'm okay. And thank you for caring about me. I have a horrible mindset of no one cares about me so it's nice being reminded there's people who do. I love you too. I hope you're doing well and you're having a good day.
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the-haunted-office · 21 days
Help! I need your advice! What are some good ways to get a good conversation going at a party? (I need some goofy advice from Doomsday please xD)
{ My character now has an advice column in a respectable periodical. Ask them advice on anything from romantic conundrums to windmill operation tips! }
Dear Tristan,
The best way to get a good conversation going at a party is to first know what a good conversation is, and that, of course, will depend entirely on what kind of party you are attending. Is it a Halloween party? A New Year's Eve Party? A graduation? A wedding reception? A wake? A birthday party? If so, how old is the person the party is for?
Notice how I didn't mention frat parties there. They aren't worth mentioning, except for here, which is to completely disregard them at all other times.
Now, once you discern which kind of party you are going to, you'll have a better idea of the kind of conversations that are acceptable to have. You can't go to a funeral and be cutting fart jokes, can you? I mean, you can, but you better be willing to lose some friends in the meantime, unless you can figure out how to wedge those fart jokes in there cleverly enough, but I wouldn't bet your friendships on it. At a funeral, you're better off sticking to conversations about the deceased's life, discussions about their accomplishments, making sure to highlight the things that made them the great and wonderful person that they were. Unless they were a piece of shit. And then you have to either make things up or scrape around the edges for whatever specks of goodness you can find. I wish you luck.
If it's a birthday party, well, you're in luck! You have a lot more leeway there. Of course, it all boils down to the age of the birthday party. You can't be all up in there talking about how hot Sally-Anne's mom is when Sally-Anne just blew out the ten candles on top of her Princess Ariel birthday cake. I mean, you could, but that's generally not socially acceptable. Now, if it's Sally-Anne's mom's birthday party and she just blew out her 37 candle birthday cake and you want to start a conversation about how hot she is, then you better either make sure you're her husband or that her husband isn't around and that every other person in that room is on your side, otherwise there might be some problems. Read the room, right? Otherwise you might want to stick to topics that are safe to talk about, which would be anything but the fact that Sally-Anne's mom just turned 37. I don't know, but women apparently don't like to talk about their age and it's considered rude, which is ridiculous to me because we're all aging, right? I'd say just tell her she's not better than the rest of us and to get over her middle-aged self and eat the damn cake and move on, but if you aren't comfortable with that, just call her hot and maybe start talking about sports or something.
Perhaps the best place to have a conversation is somebody's wedding, because you have a tremendous, and I mean a tremendous amount of power in your hands there. You could ruin someone's entire wedding. And not just their wedding, but their entire relationship. Imagine that! You, one person, one teeny tiny little person, with one brain, one mouth, and just a few minutes of time allowed to speak your piece, could wreck someone's entire relationship and lay waste to the thousands of dollars they spent on a capitalistic representation of said relationship. You could know all their secrets, couldn't you? You could even make something up. You could get up there and say whatever you want and they could do nothing to stop you. You could take the whole reception by storm simply by getting up on that stage or table or whatever there is and starting the conversation of the century, and the most they'd be able to do is yell at you to stop. Or maybe call the police, but what are they gonna do? Arrest you? For what? Speaking the truth? Disturbing the peace? You were invited! They invited you to their wedding! Awfully rude of them to ask you to give a speech and then call the police on you for giving it. At any rate, keep that in mind. The things you say at a wedding have weight. They could ruin. Or they could mend.
Anyway, Tristan, I hope that helps give you some insight. It all boils down to what kind of party you're at and what sort of person you are. Are you an utter piece of shit bent on causing as much chaos as possible? Then say the most off-the-wall shit you can think of to get the party roiling! Or, are you a soft and gentle soul, looking to keep the peace? If that's the case, then read the room and say whatever is socially acceptable at the time.
Hope you found this helpful! Best of luck!
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OMG hiiii dw abt it at all! your answer is long enough and im so sorry :( i hope you feel better now/soon!!
thank youu omg well im in my first year so we do a bit of everything! some coding like coding websites and stuff and some written computer problems as well! (i would explain but it's kinda hard to and i suck at explaining so asdhkjasdhjh) its a bit of everything! programming (practical) and theory!
ahsdjkahsdkj owning two trousers is so real lmao i think i only own one pair ajskldsjad and they are flared so not fit for all weathers ajksdhkjsah they sound sooo cute! if you wouldnt mind sharing them, i'd love to see them! but thats totally up to you! i dont want to make you uncomfortable at all so the choice is yours! im just a lil nosy hehe
omg same when i was a kid i once ate like an entire chocolate egg in a day! the time after that was hell i was sooo sick but its worthh itttttt and yes exactly!! like whenever i was young i had school assemblies and they were all like 'i dont play to draw i play to win' and like yeah so real! as long as no ones too mean and harsh while being competitive then go nuts! i love a little competition!! stardew valley is more of like a relaxing game for me! also animal crossing but like i get so frustrated when i cant catch a fish asjkdhaskj fishing is HELLLLLL in animal crossing alksdjlksj
awww thank youu! your hair sounds beautiful the compliments are most definitely soo valid! my hair never reached that point when i was young tho bc its like SOOOO frizzy and fluffy it almost grows outwards rather than down askjdhkasjh so it was always kinda short and super fluffy ajsdskjh
i think stuff abt the modern day world i really hate is that almost everyones so pretentious nowadays like you see someone and youre like oh theyre nice speaking out abt this and turns out that its all hypocritical and shit but also that feels like its not exactly modern? so ill give another answer and that is INFLATION! everything nowadays is soooo expensive oh my god! and yes governments is so reall
hmm, smth in the next five years... this is sooo not related at all and im totally twisting the meaning of your question but my online friends ajsdhkajsdh okay but serious answer? i wish to see less labour! like yk sites that use fast fashion and stuff that force labour onto people and children and i want that to be addressed and reduced bc like. no. labour is bad how is it acceptable for people to pay such horrible wages to their workers who make them so much money!! that feels so cruel! what about you?
and my question for you: what is something in/from a person that makes them absolutely unacceptable in your eyes? (i dont think that makes sense lmao) basically if you were friends w someone, whats one thing they could do to make you immediately see them as a red flag or like not like them/block them immediately (apart from them saying the r word!)
byee have an awesome day!
-swiftie spring exchange anon!
Hello again! I am doing better atm - I've basically had like, one long bug for three weeks, and like...I'd start feeling better. Go to work. Get worse from the exertion. Have to miss work. Get better slightly, so go to work...yeah XD I do seem to be on the mend now, I've just got a bit of residual pain and cough, and some of my underlying issues are being a bit unpleasant. But I'm taking it XD I had to take almost a week off work last week but I think the prolonged rest helped.
And hey that sounds really cool though!! So guessing you're in uni then? How's that going? Where I am it's starting to come up to exam season, so the people that I know are in uni at the moment are all quite stressed, bless them.
I don't mind showing you them like, privately, but due to my style being quite...unique (by courtsey of making a lot of it) I try to keep it off public tumblr to some extent, just because anyone who knows me would know immediately this was me. Tbh it's not a big deal if they did, but since I work with kids I feel the need to be more careful with social media these days.
And ok but see, I have very straight hair, and I've always wanted frizzy/fluffy hair!! Sometimes I fear we just want what we don't have XD
I think the hypocrisy is related to the modern world however! Social media kinda encourages a very black and white thinking of things, and most things are not so black and white (I mean like, obviously if someone's like. "Haha, I want to murder babies"...that's not a black and white issue. But you get me XD) So you end up with people being like "x is always bad". Then they'll later be like..."this thing that's basically x is fine"?
Inflation is SHIT. Look when I moved into my current place my phone bill was exactly 10 quid a month. It's not like 13 something!! It's not the biggest hike, my energy bill has freaking doubled, but by nature of it starting at a solid 10 I can see the inflation so much easier. It's a 30% increase!!
And see I am very lucky, I have seen a few online friends! My gf and I met through tumblr, and I've got two close friends that by thankful virtue of being in the same country I've been able to meet quite a few times...I met one who I've since lost contact with sadly, but I'm hoping to meet a couple more! OH and one is in a ldr with one of my close friends so I'll see her when she comes here (well I should do) but idk when that would be yet.
And look I have SO many fast fashion complaints. A big reason why I do so much thrifting and sewing is because I just hate fast fashion. I know it's sorta popular in some circles to talk about the shit quality, but it's shit because companies are paying people like a penny a piece for it -.- I refuse to use places like shein and temu...
I think in the next five years...generally I'm wanting to see a shift in climate change. I have a lot of climate anxiety, and I'm hoping that we start getting actual change in how politicians and companies approach the issues?? I want more eco changes. More bikes, cheaper plant based food, less fossil fuels, etc...I also want my government to stop making life harder for no reason. They recently decided people who have visas to work in the care industry over here can't have their kids come from overseas too?? Like there are people who now have their kids in other countries cause of this shit??? If they're working here, they deserve their kids to be here. How is that not the default idea!!
Less generally, I'm hoping to see improvements in my personal life XD I want to see a couple doctors to get some shit sorted out, and I want to improve my art further, and sort out where exactly I'm going with my career.
And nah that makes perfect sense! Honestly I'm a bit of a pushover, I'll take a lot from people. I think mainly the things that will really make me go. Hm. I mean, if you're outright a really terrible person (like if you told me you murder babies for fun, to use my "terrible person" example from above XD) I'm not gonna be interested in talking to you, but that's kinda obvious. But I think the things that make me go "red flag" are usually more personal things based on past experience. For example, I knew someone once who would move my mobility aids away from me, and I'd be like...right well I can't. Move now. Please give them back. And they're one of the few people I've cut contact with. But tbh I feel like I probably need more boundaries, I just get like...what if I'm being too harsh on this person XD
What about you tho??
See you again soon, hope your day has been well when you see this!!
EDIT: I forgot to ask a question back!! D: If you could make one trivial change to the world what would it be? Has to be something small, like...renaming strawberries to be fluffleberries, or making bananas rainbow XD
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w1tchm0ther · 1 year
Being with me feels good
The week away from human interaction feels like it's doing what it's supposed to. I'd even stay away from shops, but I really want some chocolate. :D
I'm crying a lot. Happy tears, sad tears, angry tears, grateful tears. A lot of tears, basically. Just the way a Cancer Rising is supposed to. I'm doing my birth chart proud this week.
I'm by myself a lot
But I'm rarely WITH myself. Really with me. Listening to my every thought - that's exhausting, do not recommend! xD - and every feeling. Letting it all run through my body. Shaking or dancing sometimes. Rocking back and forth other times. Taking in my surroundings. Both inside the house and when I'm on the dog walk. Seeing everything clearly, not through a lense of what I need to take pictures of. For the gram or otherwise. I mean, the heron yesterday morning was really cool and I wish I DID have a picture, but I'm sure I'll see it again.
Long story longer... living alone means I'm by myself most of the time. And I enjoy every second. Yet being with myself like this week feels very special. As if I'm meeting a long lost friend and we get to catch up.
I need way more of this
Here's my plan that I hope will work. I want to work one week, have a week off to myself (like this week), then work another week and then have a week off to meet friends and go out there *GesturesWildly*. Then I want to have three, ideally four, months a year completely off of work (not consecutively). Just time for myself, my friends and for living without the pressure of producing anything. Content or otherwise.
In some ways, that may require a little more work when I am working because I would want to schedule some content. I know I technically don't have to, but I enjoy doing it and I love when it keeps ticking along even when I'm not there to witness it all.
In other ways, it will nourish my soul so much that I'll probably tap into my creativity way more than I do now. Well, I haven't really been tapping in at all. If I wasn't producing for the sake of producing, I numbed myself with social media, Netflix and other pursuits that aren't helpful or supportive for me.
Processing shit
One thing that happens in these times and will happen more is processing shit I have shoved so far down it breaks out violently sometimes. Even physically. There has been one thing already coming up and I'm still resisting it, but I know it's really time to get it out. Or rather in. To integrate it like the shadow it has become for me. I feel terrified but also excited. I'll be back with the results at some point. Probably in May.
The terror I feel also comes from not knowing what else I might uncover once I've processed the obvious things that I've shoved away. What else is underneath that? Even deeper and more unconscious? Will it destroy me? (Probably not.) How will it affect me? (Massively is my guess.) And how will I integrate it?
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Rant on the fujoshi/yaoi whatever...
I second all those confo.
Of course there will be "mlm yaoi fetishist" but come on. I'm a yaoi fan since my early teens and let me tell you I'm nearly 40yo. I've seen some cringy shit (and lord knows I love a good cringy yaoi like in my teens, it's like watching American Pie all over again XD) and you can straight away see if it's weird fetish as in eewww hetero-ppl-disgusting eyeroll or just two gay characters. Often the fetishism as you call it comes from very young persons who didn't have yet the time or possibility to process their own orientation. As in, it's new, it's different, I like it, let's go crazy !
We need lgbtq representation, like yesterday. And this is why, my good dudes, fanworks lately have seen a huuuge spike on bi and trans representation. Because it's starting to work ! And as a cishet woman, I'm really happy for this. Why ? Because I like diversity, and it's not because I'm that cishet girl that I can't enjoy works with a lesbian or trans romance ya know ? And I also love a good steamy sex smut, so it's not exclusive or whatever. People need to learn and process that Lgbtq is not inherently sexual, as much as hetero is not inherently romantic. There's plenty of relationships out there. Why do yall think hurt/comfort and sickfics and coffee shop AU have been the shit for years ? Because we crave love and care and gentleness. We also crave representation, to see different things that are maybe or maybe not allowed in our life, our country and so on.
If people still think anything gay is obligatory sexual, it is because of our upbringing and societal norms, especially religious : gay bad brrrrr ! It has been so drilled into us that people forcibly see lgbtq matter as SEX. Newsflash : it's not. Why a hetero work is ok, but not a gay work ? Please, take the time to reflect on this.
I mean, I didn't see anyone dissing Twilight or 50 shades of grey back in the day when those books were at their peak. It was hetero, so it was ok, even though there was quite a lot of problems in there. Give me a gay Twilight that had the same dynamics ? No way it would get famous. Moral guardians would shit a brick.
Yaoi was initially written by women for women, it was an escape from a too-constricting society. It was also a defiance. This genre, in itself, is a lot of things you cannot just put into "FETISHIT BOX DO NOT OPEN". I don't have the will to expand on this, but know that it helped girls and boys alike to escape and find other representations in life where you had to be married before 25yo to not be considered worthless. And Japan isn't the only country like this, thus the wide following, the fanworks and so on. Today when being woke and offended is the new black, some people will go after you telling you it's offensive. But everything is offensive for those guys ! It's wild. Yaoi and their readers is so much more than that. And sometimes, it's just an incredibly bad sex scene or steamy photo of 2 dolls touching their dong (I've yet to see one with the anaconda lol). So what ?
Then again, works with gay pairing are as old as time and were erased as much as possible... I mean, could we maybe speak about Achilles and his good friend Patroclus ? I'd die with laughter on this one, and it's juste the more famous.
Anyway, I could write a fucking book on the subject with plenty of tangents, so don't think that is all I would have to say on this, because the subject is wider than you think. It touches on escape, wishing for something different than what the world has to offer you, feminism, representation, and simply, just enjoyment.
(I don't use fujoshi to describe us because it is a mysoginist slur, even though it had been reclaimed in the last few years. I've been there before, and I don't reclaim it, but more power to you if you do)
Rant ended, I just needed to get it out even if it's not the more articulated. Publish it or not Mod, I send all my love to you because you really need love to put up with crazies like us !
Maybe you should make a list with the dead horse cyclic confos : Culvr, Yaoi, M3lonpan, Is it racist to have a black doll, American hobbyist are mean, European are stupid and so on, shall I pay F&F, Will D0llshe send their dolls. I would have a blast ! But I'm a gremlin, so don't mind me.
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alirhi · 3 years
10 Sebastian roles as boyfriends
Because... I'm bored and I feel like it. 😂 Probably some spoilers for, like... everything? So yeah... That.
Putting it under here for easy scrolling:
10: Chase Collins
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Who doesn't love a goofball? In the first half of the movie, Chase is basically perfect. He's sweet, funny, not all caught up in his ego, and actually pays attention to what the girls around him are saying, not just to what he wants to hear. If not for the whole... it was all an act to get close to Caleb and try to steal his magic thing, Chase would actually be a damn good high school boyfriend. He's adorable and would be a fun date, but he's also only 18 so best not to start making long-term plans lol. Also, y'know... the whole psycho revenge/power grab thing.
9 Jack Benjamin
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Y'all. Y'all. Words cannot describe how much I love Jack. Pretty sure I've made this clear. As a person/character in general, he's absolutely in my Top 3 - not just of Sebastian's characters, but any character ever. ❤ But as a boyfriend? Boy's got baggage. It's what makes me so protective of him, but seeing as how he's trapped in the closet thanks to his overbearing homophobic family and the insane expectations heaped on him, as the show left him, he can't handle an honest relationship. He's too easily influenced by all the wrong people, poor babe.
8 Chris (Destroyer)
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On paper, undercover cop sounds cool and exciting, but even if you ignore the fact that he, y'know, dies... Chris got in too deep and kinda lost the mission, so to speak. Best case scenario, you're his sexy partner and in on it all with him and end up on the lam for the rest of your lives. Worst case, this man lies for a living, so can you even trust him? And... yeah. The whole dead thing. Chris is hot af but getting involved with him is a recipe for disaster.
7 Ben
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Min and Hathor have mercy, I love Ben! He's smart, he's snarky, he's caring and loyal... he's an absolute disaster. He's another one who seems allergic to honesty, until his lying and avoiding nearly kill his girlfriend. Not exactly relationship goals lol. Everything before totally was, though! Ben's adorable, and I love how he stayed up all night to protect his girlfriend (from a ghost/demon thing... with a baseball bat. I said he was smart, not perfect, okay? XD points for effort lol)
6 Mickey Henry
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I. LOVE. MICKEY. Oml I love Mickey. He's a spazz and - even more so than Ben - an absolute disaster of a human being, but I love him. Pros for dating Mickey Henry: he's fun, he's carefree, he'll cook for you even though he's kinda bad at it lol, he loves his son and wants to be a good dad, he wants his partner to be happy and to love life as much as he does. Cons, and the reason he's not higher on the list: He's a pushover; easily influenced by the toxic people in his life, and it gets him into a lot of trouble. Being easily influenced by toxic dumpster fire of a human being Chloe almost lost him the partial custody of his son that he barely even had. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he's a complete man-child, and dating him would often feel more like raising him.
5 Frank "Suffer Buddy"
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Come on! You know he and Mickey had to be back-to-back - they're practically the same character! 😂 Frank is Mickey... slightly more grown up. He's still a disaster, but he's respectful of boundaries, he's caring, he's funny in a dry, witty way that I just adore, and hoo lordy that man is a giver! 🥴🥵 Honestly, if he didn't smoke and didn't ditch Daphne in the middle of a party hours away from everything familiar to her surrounded by strangers to go do drugs, I'd call Frank perfect. He listened, he respected her wishes, he tried to keep some distance between them when he found out she'd gone on a date with his best friend (it failed utterly and brought us to the "damn that man's good with his mouth" portion of the movie lmao but still)... I don't have a whole lot of experience with men who actually give a shit, okay? So Frank is like a goddamn unicorn to me lmao. But that drug thing... That keeps him at the bottom of the Top 5 for me. Sorry, bb
4 Bucky
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I can already hear everyone on here raging at me for placing Bucky so low on this list, but hear me out: I love this man. I love all four iterations of this man. Flirty 40s Bucky was a doll (fun date, not commitment material). Post-POW camp 40s Bucky had a fire to him that set me on fire. The Winter Soldier can choke me any damn day. Unf. And TFATWS Bucky... Oh, lady above, 2023 Bucky is a gem! He's sweet, snarky, and broken. He feels utterly, wretchedly alone in the world, and everyone around him, including his only friend, is telling him to "man up" and "make amends" for shit that was never his fault to begin with, rather than helping him come to terms with all that he's suffered and all that he's survived. Bucky needs and deserves love. A relationship with him would be so solid, if he found the right person... But it would take a fuck ton of work. He needs someone strong, patient, and more stubborn than he is to prod him until he finds a better therapist and actually opens up, and to keep him on track because even good therapy comes with homework. He does have to "do the work," Sam was right about that much, but he was way off base with what that "work" is. Bucky needs help and understanding, and he would be an amazing boyfriend... if he found someone with the strength to help him weather his nightmares and flashbacks, and help pull him out of this PTSD pit he's been in since 1943.
3 Chris Beck
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Big brains turn me on, okay? 😂This man is an astronaut and a surgeon! Yes, please! Come here, you sexy genius! He's smart, he's funny - pretty sure Sebastian is incapable of playing anyone who's not delightfully snarky lol. He's pragmatic when he needs to be but there's also nothing he wouldn't do or risk for the ones he loves. This man is husband material and I cannot be convinced otherwise! So why isn't he #1? Cuz of the whole... spending years in space, thing. Super cool job and I'd be his biggest fan on the ground, but god damn, I would miss him while he's away!
2 TJ Hammond
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Look, I'm gender fluid and he's a little bit bi 😂😂😂 Let me have my fantasy, okay? TJ's definitely got a lot of shit to work through, but love brings out the best in him. Before that fucking closeted shitbag broke his heart and stomped on it for good measure, TJ was clean and sober for months, he was happy, he was playing piano again, he was pulling himself together. Not only would he be an amazing boyfriend, but his partner would get the extra joy of getting to watch their love and devotion to him be the thing that saves this beautiful man's life. It's not healthy overall to tie your self worth and will to live to a relationship, but if he found the right person who would be there for him through all of life's shit and stick it out, I think he'd be okay. Even after his lowest point and without the support of his family, TJ still had a dream and he still chased it. He's not just the sweetest person to ever grace our screens, but he's ambitious and business-savvy, too. Keep him off drugs and watch this man take over the world, I'm telling you!
So why is TJ only #2? Well, besides the fact that he's like 99% gay and I have no bits he'd be interested in lmao, there's also the fact that this guy owns my heart:
1 Will Franklyn
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And not just because we get to see him wet and mostly naked lol. Will is fucking perfect. I would die for this man... because he's already shown that he would die for his love. He almost fucking did, and they weren't even together yet! He's smart and very aware, he's a writer so we'd get to bond/geek out over books together, he's not all full of himself (self-deprecating humor ftw!) and he's willing to help a total stranger despite actual mortal peril, just because it's the right thing to do. Fierce, intelligent, sassy, strong-willed, and a flawless moral compass? YESYESYESYESYES! Forget boyfriend - let me MARRY this man! 😍🥰
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astersofthesky · 3 years
I decided to reread the MHA LN Chapter 4, you know, the canon bkdk angsty slow-burn fanfic 😌😌 Spreading the BKDK LN agenda because WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS MORE !!
Anyway, I FOUND ANOTHER TRANSLATION but sadly OP haven't finished it yet 😢
And since I need an emotional outlet so I can scream at how they're so canon, Im'ma do it here ahwjdhfjsh 👀✨
Warning: Long post; potential manga spoilers
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– I forgot that this chapter literally started with the angst 😭 Deku saying that he can't imagine having lunch with Kacchan is like a pain in the gut. He just wanna be friends with his Kacchan again 😢
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– One word, ✨SOULMATES ✨ afshshahah PLS, even the universe can't help but ship them together 😩✋ they're fruityness is on whole a new level I CAN'T 💚🧡
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��� I see what you're doing Bakugou 👀 You really can't leave your sweet broccoli behind huh?? Also, crybaby Macchan and aggressive Takkun?? 🤔 Do I need to say more? 🧐
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– If that's not flirting then idk what is 🤷 also, "In front of my soba? Really?" (Todoroki, probably)
– There's no ss but I just wanna give a special mention to jealous!Bakugou. No cos srsly, implying you're not friends with Deku as if you're not dying to hold his hand then getting irritated over Todoroki claiming the "friend" card 😩 Just, Bakugou, don't @ me ☺️💢
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– The angst had reached full force it seems ಥ‿ಥ The line was cut but it actually says "Not friends, just childhood friends" 😭😭 and I am telling you Im'ma throw my brand new book when Bakugou explicitly acknowledges Midoriya as his boyfriend. Because before they were rivals, Bakugou and Midoriya were first friends. And I'm not saying that they aren't one now because we as readers, can definitely see they care for each other. But the question is, do they already see the other as a friend and not just a mere rival? They don't cos they're boyfriends your honor
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– Tbh, It still haven't sinked in that this is kind of canon 🤧 This is such a cliched romantic scene like wtf?? So what's next? The full moon is illuminating half of Bakugou's face, red eyes glowing and face soft from the natural white luminescence or something sappy like that?? 😩😩 I love it
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– Izuku in this LN chapter whenever he talks about Bkg: ✨ THEIR RELATIONSHIP ✨
– I know, I get it. You don't have to shove it my face every single time Deku 😌 and pls, why are you still flirting at the middle of the night?? Or was it pining that I see 🤔 i mean comparing each other to their kid parallels 😕 hmm a severe case of mutual pining indeed
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– Yes yes, of course you're only looking for food stalls Mr. Bakugou "Tsundere" Katsuki, I completely don't believe that you're worried about the kids. No! of course not! Who says you want the kids to reconcile so they wouldn't experience the pain that you and a certain green had gone through?? Hahaha I mean It's not like they're your parallel what??hmmm no no, go on, look for takoyaki or smthn ☺️☺️
– Wait, did the last part say '"Bakugou grabbed Izuku's face and pushed it away..." Aksfksjdhdisjs what in the actual gay fanfic is this??!! Or wait, is this what Bkg usually do to Deku in the official art he's like, I love agressively gripping your head as I entangle my fingers on your soft curls but no homo💀
Since OP's translation isn't complete, I'm going to use Lau Ren's translation and yes I'm continuing this shit even though Tumblr mobile only lets me post 10 pics per post
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– Bkdk domesticity with children pt. 95736 💚🧡 They love kids so much 😩 Yk I'd donate my kidney just to see this ANIMATED ✨ like this has so much fluff potential 🤧 Or at the very least a drama CD. I'd ascend 😭
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– WHAT THE FUDGE ?!! I'M SCREAMING 😭 I SAY IT AGAIN 💞 SOULMATES✨ and pls, it has my favorite fic trope, Bakugou Katsuki is Bad at Feelings. Anyway, I need a minute to collect myself cos I can't move past the "With the said person himself nearby, Kacchan thought his fate had gone crazy" ( ≧Д≦) dammit Katsuki, why r u so gay. Izuku loves you, you emotionally constipated gremlin
I have reached my 10 picture limit so I'm just gonna copy paste some of the twts 💀 I hope I don't get in trouble lmao Xd
- Kacchan fixed his gaze to Deku who looked relieved. "He..."
- Somehow, Kacchan remembered the fight they had after All Might's retirement. It was the first time they were able to let out their conflicts sincerely. Although his fear towards Deku had decreased since then, there was still a feeling of disgust about Deku being a hero who save others residing in Kacchan.
- He couldn't understand it. But he knew, there will always a being whom he cannot understand
– Bkg rlly said 👀 on Deku while having angsty thoughts ಥ╭╮ಥ Looking back on this tho, I just can't help but be proud when I remember 285. Bakugou is loud but he is very rational in battles. He thinks of a plan on the spot meaning he's mind is on work 24/7.
– When he had his "My body just moved on its own" moment, Katsuki had understood Deku and his nature to "Save to Win." It'ss that Katsuki must not analyze it with his brain, but instead feel it with his heart 💚🧡 And this is the reason why I badly want to see him on the manga 😭 that was some MAJOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT I'm ahwjdhfjsh
– Takkun and Maachan's pinky swear deserves their own mention. They're so pure 😩✋
- He said he still hasn't done hatsumoude so Kacchan can go first, but Kacchan refused and wouldn't let Deku do hatsumoude before him.
- Kacchan tried to take a head start, but in the end, they ended up visiting and praying together.
– AND WE'RE BACK with the gays 😌 hsjdjajs they compete with every single thing it's honestly cute. Also YES THEY PRAYED TOGETHER and shoujo scenes with the main couple praying on the shrine but make it BKDK flashed before my eyes 😖✨
- After finishing their prayers, Deku looked at Kacchan, "What did you wish for?" "Shut up."
- Even with Kacchan's sulking expression seen from the side, Deku felt that they had wished for the same thing.
– DEKU YOU'RE BEING TOO LOUD!! I just can't with these two 😩✋ Both of them are down so bad for each other and you can't tell me otherwise 💚✨🧡
- With those serious eyes, Deku knew they were aiming for the same thing. Win to save, save to win. To be the best heroes.
- Deku knew well that he and Kacchan are polar opposites. But even so, Deku couldn't imagine a world in which Kacchan doesn't exist.
– Deku just went 😍 on Kacchan and thought "I CAN'T IMAGINE LIFE WITHOUT YOU 🧡💚" (insert Imagine by Ben Platt)
– I can't even stress how much I love this line, y'all this is so misleading I-- this is too much 😭 Anyway, I believe this go both ways. Bakugou can't also see a world without Deku in it, and since Deku decided to be the self-sacrificing person he is, I'll just SCREAM IN CH. 304 ( ≧Д≦)
- Seeing the two praying side by side, he commented, "so you've become good friends now, huh."
- Both of them immediately opposed, and Kacchan threatened to explode Shoto's mouth for saying such a disgusting thing.
– Let's go Todoroki, best wingman 🤣 And flustered Bakugou makes a reappearance hdjsja Dammit half n' half I ain't flirting with Deku fvck you
And this is where it ends afshshaha anyway bkdk canon 💚🧡
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