#I woke up from a weird dream I have been having weird dreams for the past week or so
luckykiwiii101 · 1 day
hiii I wanna tell my story to someone so here it goes.
I've been listening to subs, affirming and persisting for a while in entering the void and going to my better CR but I got to the point where I need to be there before next Saturday.
I've been doing a sunni method meditation (for shifting) with some subliminals layered in the background, since I got a lucid dream in the first try. Sometimes I did it complete, sometimes i forgot, and sometimes I fell asleep halfway through but nothing seemed to happen, other than very vivid dreams.
Last night, however, I put my meditation with my subs but I was too tired so I kept zoning out and it was so hard to focus on the instructions, until I fell asleep. Then I woke up (at 1:30am) and my meditation had ended and some other video was playing. I was like "ok fuck it" and played my afftape instead, then went to sleep again.
While sleeping I had some weird and vivid dreams including me struggling to put my overnight subs on my computer (so real) and then teleporting to my aunt's bedroom (I think this is important cause lately I've been thinking of making a waiting room out of her house).
Suddenly I felt like I was being shaken, pulled, spinning, all that stuff that people experience when they do awake methods, but I was asleep so idk. Then I kind of woke up in other position (sitting up in my bed) and my body felt tight and a little numb but I could tell it was different (like my desired body), and I touched my face and it felt different. I was like "omg it worked I'm in my DR !" and I could still hear my afftape coming from my computer but then it randomly stopped (it happens sometimes) and I was back in my CR body which was sleeping on its side. I woke up fully and it was barely 2:15am so I stared at the ceiling like ok what now? then I went back to sleep but I'm so excited, hopefully I'll post my success story soon cause I feel like I'm so close !
WOAHHH YOU SHIFTED?! THIS IS AMAZING!!! Proving to yourself that you can really do anything!!!
You’re not close because you already have it. You’re already at your destination. Keep going!!!
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ashmp3 · 25 days
my hater moment for the day yes it’s 8.30 in the morning but whatever like if you have a skinny narrow nose from the front in my head your nose is not big like at the very least it’s at the bottom of the big nose pyramid
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sallytwo · 8 months
alright time to guess about what my dreams are about tongith
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I really wish I could stop having dreams about school :/
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izzy-b-hands · 4 months
If ur waiting on a reply from me (and i know a couple of folks are rn) thank u for ur patience in waiting. I'm working on typing things up but today is just. idk how to put it but i keep winding up grumpy and my replies i feel are suffering for it. Pls know i do wanna chat and exchange ideas, I'm just trying to make sure the Grumpasaurus Rex side of my brain that's v loud today isn't mucking them up before i send them 🫂🫂❤️❤️
#text post#like it's genuinely nothing just bad takes online some shitty messages in my inbox on here and reddit and not sleeping well at all#attempted a nap i woke up from like tenish minutes ago and it was all a realistic nightmare#in which ct house was somehow connected to nd condo & i kept getting caught on one side or the other at a time#unable to touch or talk to anyone until i was fully on either 'side' for a good while#made the flow of time feel fucked up and i fully expected this to have been a longer nap considering how time felt in there lol#but yeah. I'm trying and im v grateful to y'all waiting for being patient with me. thank u & i promise ill have my shit together soon#(aka might take an edible and just. idek. bake maybe? my brain isn't happy doing anything rn but cookies are always good)#have a potential call with mum later i need to prep for#...worst case scenario i try to nap a bit more and hope i don't wind up stuck in that weird hallway from my dream again#worst bit was the nd cats and my mum and ct cats and Housemate on each side both trying to get me out but couldn't#really don't wanna feel as stuck as i did in this dream but hey!! maybe it's trying to tell me something lmao#not entirely sure what but that's nothing new for me lmao#normally wouldn't post like this for replies but everyone waiting follows me so i figure this reaches everyone easily enough#& hopefully is better/more useful than me going radio silent bc my brain is being a baby abt shit that means nothing lmao
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wibble-wobbegong · 1 year
ok so like. like Edward right . ok but also Son victor. what if they’re fr like this 🤞
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giddlygoat · 6 months
uh oh i’ve developed both a hyperfix on customizing rubber ducks and argos and mr plant within a matter of hours. on top of ttcc. how am i going to be able to sleep with all this adhd energy dawg
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eldenringle · 1 year
My surgeon gave me medical grade honey to put on my problem nipple and the urge to lick the applicator after every dressing change is so so strong....
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fagrights · 1 year
the missing 3 years and the entire house I don’t remember is like my own brain grown torture device
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queer-chnospinci · 1 year
Maybe theatre related dreams are not the worst thing actually, be careful what you wish for etc
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galariangengar · 1 year
I’ve had 3 weird dreams over the past couple days… and I don’t have dreams that often tbh, especially this many in a short amount of time
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lilgynt · 2 years
the dreams i’ve been having on the flu meds have been very vivid and weird but i love last nights where it was like my shitty ex is trying to take the hannibal posters in the divorce and im trying to make sure he can’t
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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the stare of judgemental confusion is real—
#inedible blubbering#very long and *very* incoherent ramblings in the tags coming right up—#maaaaaan today sure was a weird as heck day…#i started the day off at around 7.30am when i woke up laughing at a *very* ridiculous dream i had.#in it there was some guy who was eating huge cucumbers whole while another guy shoved a huge pencil into a gigantic electric sharpener#their actions were completely in sync. like dude 1’s cucumber chomping synced up with dude 2’s gigantic pencil sharpening#then they turned to look at each other and their eyes bugged out of their heads and that’s when i woke up、laughing in disbelief.#and after that… well. i finally got a call back from the job that seemed to have ghosted me 2 weeks ago…#…and i got not 1 but 2 emails from the person i ✨destest✨ the most in the world. i just ignored them though lol#the rest of the day kinda passed in a blur though… how insignificant.#then a few minutes ago my brother just randomly said ‘happy birthday’ aloud and i was like ‘👁👄👁 is he talking to me?!!!!’#but when i peeked around the corner a la the mona above… he was looking at his phone. and so it will forever remain a mystery ig…#it’d be nice if it was actually meant for me though… it’s been like 10 years since he last said it i think…#oh goodness. 10 years… where has time gone??? (ʘ‿ʘ)#aaaa man… if he really was talking to me… it’d be the first time in over 10 years when all the dudes of my immediate family wished me… ಥ‿ಥ#though the one thing that’s really been hitting me hard about my age and stuff is the fact that my younger brother is no longer a minor…#…and the fact that he looks physically older than me ಠ‿ಠ not cool bro ಠ‿ಠ#oh!!! and!!!! don’t go mistaking me for a brocon ok!!! ಠ‿ಠ i’m not one!!!! seriously!!!!! really!!!!!!!#hm. if anyone happens to be reading this… heyy👀 go drink some water ok👀👀 it’s good for you!!! yay for hydration!!!
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
me when I'm normal <- experiences an hour long on-and-off sleep paralysis
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thethingything · 2 years
guess who managed to sleep until literally the hottest part of the day and had a wild absolutely incomprehensible dream in the process that I can only imagine was the equivalent of a fever dream but caused by external temperatures - 🍬
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agelenopsis-potteri · 2 months
woke up from a dream about a family not accepting a trans kid for who they are to a text where my dad deadnames me :I
#not only that but it was a quote from a friend of his using my deadname which means he's been using it with her#when i thought he was. trying at least#and it was that friend asking me to do an art thing for her (the quote. cuz she doesn't have my number)#and when i said 'that's not my name' he was like 'i know. i forgot' no apology or anything but he makes *her* apologize to me??#he just kinda has no sense of responsibility in this shit. like 'remembering' is all you have to do but that's harder than actually trying#it's harder to Just Remember especially with adhd which he has. i just want to know he's fucking trying#and my sibling's trans identity is more important to them than mine is to me so if he tried with them i know it'd mean something to them#so that's most of the reason i'm upset. but also because. nobody calls me that anymore it's just weird#not even my mum who is notorious for mixing her kids' names up#oh btw the dream was pretty interesting actually#it was like i was playing a video game of someone else's life. it was mostly about this one uncle who won't accept this kid for being trans#and tries to convert them on a little fishing trip to being cis and catholic. and they call their dad cuz they feel unsafe#and their dad is like 'what's he saying put me on speaker' and he just makes fun of the uncle#but then they're still in the middle of nowhere when they get back to shore so they have to go back to the uncle's house#and they go into the room where their older brother is and discover he's staying with their uncle still. which makes them realize#that when their uncle asked if they wanted to stay and not be themselves or go away and be themselves they opted to leave#but their brother would rather pretend to not accept them and stay. and they get into a physical fight. anyway i woke up after that
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