#I won’t survive summer 24
barbieaemond · 10 months
Very noble of HBO to hold back all the Aemond content given how we totally lose our shit with literally two frames. They care about our wellbeing aww
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
Eric Blackburn, number 4 of the Country Romps prompt list please.
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @4everademigod @totalstitchlover19 @doglover-24 @bravo4iscool
See It (NSFW) - Eric wants you to see exactly how he feels.
Scars - Eric loves every single part of you.
Thank you so much for the ask. Next time could you pop the full prompt in otherwise it’s a bit of a pain in the ass trying to locate it after a few weeks.
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You’re in the garden when Eric gets home, pegging out laundry in a white sundress that makes you look practically ethereal. Your hips sway in time to the country music that emits from the open French windows and it steals his breath away because never for a moment did he think he’d have this, a woman to come home to, one that loved him as much as he loved her. You smile when you look up, your eyes meeting his and in that moment he’s taken back to the first day you met, in a crowded briefing room, shoulders literally touching.
When you’d been introduced as his Intelligence Officer, he thought surely not. You were too soft, too pretty, too delicate but you’d proved him wrong. There’s a core of steel inside of you, a strength and a fire that won’t be dampened no matter how much shit they throw at you. He doesn’t say anything as he approaches you, he drops his duffle bag onto the grass instead before he kisses you.
You taste like strawberries from the jam you’ve been making in the kitchen, like summer and sunshine and everything else that feels like home to Eric. His fingers tangle in your hair and you sigh contently as his tongue delves into the confines of your mouth. Your fists grip his fatigues drawing him closer so that he’s flush against your curves.
It’s been three months since you last saw each other. He’s been on deployment in Afghanistan and you’ve been on desk duty, trapped on base, sifting through intelligence reports because you’re still recovering from the building that collapsed on you.
His thumb traces over the scar that winds down from your right temple and he thinks about how lucky he is that he didn’t lose you, that you managed to survive that nightmare and come back to him.
“Are you going to take me inside?” You ask him as he looks into your eyes his forehead coming to rest upon yours. “Or are you planning on fucking me in the garden?”
He laughs then because it’s that brashness he’s always been attracted too. You’re a little cocky, a little disrespectful and downright filthy when he gets you into the bedroom. You don’t even take off the sundress, just your underwear, which he uses to gag you with because the windows are open and he doesn’t want the neighbours to hear how good he’s fucking you. The thing is you get off on it, and he gets off on that.
It doesn’t take long, three months apart is too much to go without each other and before he knows it, your nails are scratching down his back as that sweet cunt of yours tightens around him. Being with you in that moment, looking into your eyes at the height of climax it sends him hurtling over the edge after you, spilling his release. He stays pressed deep in the aftermath, his lips chasing up the curve of your throat as you pluck the underwear from your mouth and toss them aside.
“I take it you’ve missed me.” You laugh as he finds that sensitive spot, the one just underneath the hinge of your jaw.
“Always.” He mumbles as he begins to guide the straps of your summer dress down over your shoulders. “I always miss you.”
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seriouslysam8 · 11 months
How serious do you think Dean and Ginny were during HBP? I like Dean but fandom is turning him into this casanova that was perfect romantic boyfriend and it’s actually starting to making me dislike him. There seems to be this trend of people thinking Ginny and Dean would have worked out if Harry wasn’t in the picture, but sometimes I wonder if they read the same book I did or if they’ve just mixed up fan theories with canon. Deans a great guy but I don’t think him and Ginny would have ever worked out in any world. I don’t think their relationship was ever got too serious because she always had deeper feelings for Harry, and I think he noticed that. She moved onto Harry within weeks of them breaking up. You don’t do that if you’re heartbroken. As much as people say Dean and her started dating in June I don’t count it until September because they didn’t see each other during the summer, that equivalent to an online relationship, and then they spent Christmas apart too. There’s no way Molly let her children out of her sight after what happened in DoM and with Sirius, the war was getting so serious. Dumbledore’s told Harry that he had to put extra security at the burrow and to not pull any shit and everyone thinks Ginny snuck out of her house to go be with Dean? How stupid do you think she is? She knows how dangerous things are she experienced in the CoS. During Christmas I’m pretty sure Ginny caught on that Harry had feelings for her and that’s when her and Deans relationship went to shit. She had quidditch, owls, and her own friends too and she doesn’t strike me as the type of girl that would want to be hanging around her bf 24/7. I do think she was conflicted if Harry did really like her and went back and forth if she should risk it. In the end I think she realized whether Harry and her ended up together or not she just didn’t want to be with Dean. It was unfair for him because he liked her a lot but she didn’t feel that way towards him. I don’t think she was ever in love with Dean or cried over him. I think once they broke up she felt free and was probably thinking to hell with boys and then Harry kissed her and she’s like 🫠.
I’m so glad you stuck hinny together sooner because the little cabbage deserves all love he can get. The kid was deprived of love his whole life, Dean wasn’t. He’ll survive without Ginny but our little cabbage won’t! I swear I don’t hate Dean, I love him, but I just think Ginny and Deans relationship is romanticized more than it was meant to be by fandom.
Wait. Wait. Wait. That’s really a fan theory?? That Ginny snuck out of the house to see Dean?!?! No. Just no. She wouldn’t do that, not after the diary. She knew how dangerous and serious the situation was. She was no dummy. 
Honestly, I mean, I like Dean as a character. There's nothing wrong with him. But I don't think he was the perfect person for Ginny nor was she for him. I think it was just a silly teenage romance where they snagged and went on cutesy Hogsmeade dates but it was never anything serious. I don't think they would had ended up together if Harry wasn't in the picture. I just can't see it. Maybe that's just because I'm a hardcore Hinny shipper and I adore Deamus as well.
But I agree with you. I don't think they were ever serious. I don't think they did anything other than snog each other's faces off. I think Ginny probably always was a little reserved with Dean and even Michael because... HELLO, HARRY! The heart wants what the heart wants.
I once saw an interview with JKR that said had Hinny not been interrupted during the Easter egg scene in OOTP, Harry would have noticed Ginny sooner. So, I went with that and ran. I made sure he saw Ginny at that moment in time.
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mariacallous · 9 months
Kyiv Post has discovered that Samuel Charap, one of the most prominent Ukraine skeptics among American foreign policy analysts,has been a regular visitor to the White House’s National Security Council (NSC) during the past three years of the Biden Administration. Charap has been a stalwart advocate of Kyiv negotiating with Moscow since the early days of Russia’s invasion in 2014 and a frequent voice in media and international political circles questioning the logic of arming Ukraine.
The NSC, which operates from the West Wing of the White House, is headed by Jake Sullivan, who is Biden’s point man on Ukraine, under whom Charap earlier worked at the US State Department’s Policy Planning Staff before becominga political scientist at the largely US government-financed Rand Corporation.
In the publicly available White House visitor log, one of Charap’s most recent visits, on July 17, 2023, was listed as an appointment with Jonathan Finer, Deputy National Security Advisor under Sullivan.
Here are some examples of his most recent writings, especially since Feb. 24, 2022. They clearly demonstrate an ongoing opposition to arming Ukraine and call instead for negotiations with Russia:
As hundreds of thousands of Russian troops amassed along the Ukrainian border in January 2022, Samuel Charap published an article for Foreign Policy titled, “The West’s Weapons Won’t Make Any Difference to Ukraine,” arguing that “US military equipment wouldn’t realistically help Ukrainians – or intimidate Putin,” which closely echoed previous statements from Charap.
Back in 2014, half-a-year after Russia began its illegal invasion and occupation of Crimea and the Donbas in Eastern Ukraine, Charap wrote a piece for Foreign Policy called “Why Ukraine Must Bargain for Peace With Russia: “The ‘let’s make a deal’ moment has arrived for Kiev [sic] and Moscow. But by pushing a hard-line agenda against Putin, the United States and Europe are only making things worse for Ukraine,” he said, contending that “Ukraine needs to make a deal with Russia if it wants to survive this crisis.”
In 2016, after the initial invasion had sunk in, Charap and Jeremy Shapiro authored “How to Avoid a New Cold War” for the Brookings Institute, in which they seemingly blame the West for Putin’s illegal actions: “The response thus far has seemed more focused on punishing Russia and its leaders for their moral transgressions than on addressing the problems in Western-Russian relations that led to this impasse.”
In the summer of 2023, as President Zelensky was thanking Denmark for committing to send F-16s to Ukraine, Charap published another opinion piece, “An Unwinnable War: Washington Needs an Endgame in Ukraine” criticizing the West for being more focused on providing military aid and economic assistance than a diplomatic resolution.
In “Should Ukraine Negotiate with Russia,” published by Foreign Affairs in July 2023, Charap argued, “But in international politics, one does not get to choose one’s interlocutors. And there is no plausible path to ending the war that does not entail engaging Moscow. So eventually, Washington, Kyiv, Berlin, and others will have to try. This would not be the first time the United States talked to a nefarious regime with a history of deceit in order to stop a war.”
The New Yorker magazine’s The Case for Negotiating with Russia in August 2023 quotes Charap as saying “It’s not necessarily that I think Ukraine needs to make concessions,” but “I don’t see the alternative to that eventually happening.” Meanwhile, in the fall of 2023, as US Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Gen. Mark Milley was touting that Ukraine had successfully liberated over 54 percent of Russian-occupied Ukraine and they continue to retain the strategic initiative.
Finally, Charap has been a vocal supporter of a Korean War-type armistice, where there is no declared end or victory. It should be noted, however, that an ongoing conflict would preclude Ukraine from qualification to become a NATO member, a central objective of President Zelensky’s government.
Given the controversial nature of Charap’s commentary over the years, there is plenty of reason for concern, as it becomes known that the White House visitor log shows him as visiting staff a total of three times in 2021, and nine in 2022. In 2023, he visited the White House at least eight times, however, not all 2023 records have yet been published by the Federal Government.
Most meetings were small. However, one meeting in August 2022 had 86 attendees recorded on the government roster, including President Biden.
What changes in US foreign policy Charap influenced is not fully known. However, as murmurs abound that the US has abandoned the “for as long as it takes” promise, potentially in an attempt to coerce Kyiv into a negotiating posture, the role that staunchly pro-negotiation Charap has played will come further under the microscope.
When Kyiv Post contacted Samuel Charap’s office with a set of questions, he largely brushed us off with the exception of a few responses like these:
Kyiv Post: Given past successes and failures for Putin with international agreements, why do you think an agreement with Ukraine now would be effective? And what would you see as an effective mechanism for punishing breach of contract?
Charap: It is not possible to assess the effectiveness of a hypothetical agreement before negotiations have even begun. There are a range of mechanisms that have been used to address non-compliance with international agreements. The snapback clauses in the JCPOA are one example.
Kyiv Post: For the US today, do you prioritize encouraging and supporting negotiations over supplying arms to Ukraine? How have your thoughts on this question changed since Feb 2022? Since 2014?
Charap: Please see [reference to a piece in Foreign Affairs], which says, in part:
“Starting talks does not require stopping the fight. Conducting negotiations is not the opposite of applying coercive pressure. In fact, negotiations are the means by which states can turn that pressure into leverage to accomplish their goals. As Thomas Schelling wrote in his classic ‘Arms and Influence’: ‘The power to hurt is bargaining power. To exploit it is diplomacy – vicious diplomacy, but diplomacy.’ Talks are an instrument for a warring state to further the same objectives it seeks on the battlefield. Historically, they have often taken place during periods of intense fighting. Nowhere in my article do I suggest that Ukraine would have to stop fighting – or that the West would have to cease supporting that fight – in order to start talks.”
Kyiv Post asked Tomasz Nadrowski, host of the “Tyranny Today” podcast to comment on Charap’s responses.
“The problem with both of Charap’s responses here is that they make too many general assumptions about geopolitical negotiations in general, and certainly too many assumptions when it comes to the triangle of relationships between the US, Ukraine and Russia,” he said.
The Polish-born US foreign affairs specialist elaborated:“First of all, Charap assumes that Putin is willing to negotiate in good faith. Second, he assumes that Ukrainians want to negotiate. He also makes assumptions about Russia’s willingness to commit to a set of achievable goals for negotiations; this is a problem given that Russia’s publicly stated goals for the conflict have changed over and over again from the removal of neo-nazism to fighting Western domination to expansionist plans to roll farther into Eastern Europe. Ukraine, on the other hand, had been steadfast in stating its goals with President Zelensky’s well-documented 10-point peace plan.”
Nadrowski, concludes: “Finally, I will say that it’s naive, given all I said above, to think that Ukraine and Russia should or even could participate in serious formal negotiations today. But there are certainly back-channel means for the two nations to hold discussions that could set the stage for future negotiations. In fact, I would be stunned if those back-channel conversations aren’t going on as I write this. On the other hand, if those back-channel conversations are happening, these views expressed by Mr. Charap on Ukraine/Russia negotiations, particularly when also stated in prestigious publications like Foreign Affairs and the New Yorker, might actually do a lot more harm than good.”
The White House could not be reached for comment.
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chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (May 24, 2023)
23:56 Pines Feat. Water Park - Tell Me 23:50 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 23:46 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 23:42 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 23:37 Be Svendsen - Andromeda 23:37 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 23:34 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 23:30 Faodail & Kakadu - Painting In Shades (Edapollo Remix) 23:24 Il:lo - Cynnes 23:20 Running Touch - Why Do I 23:16 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 23:16 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 23:12 Maxxim - Waterfalls 23:07 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 23:03 Diplo Feat. Rhye - Mmxx - Xii 22:59 Rocket Empire - Astoria 22:54 Beacon - Until Next Time 22:50 Elderbrook - The End 22:50 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 22:47 Elypsis - Open Your Eyes 22:42 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 22:39 Solomon Grey - Home 22:35 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 22:30 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 22:26 Disclosure Feat. London Grammar - Help Me Lose My Mind 22:26 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 22:21 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 22:18 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 22:14 Holen - Breathe 22:11 Charles Webster Feat. Shara Nelson - This Is Real 22:11 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 22:07 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 22:04 Flexible Fire - Amatista 22:00 Fkj Feat. Little Dragon - Can't Stop 21:56 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 21:56 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 21:52 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 21:49 Harvey & Oscuro - You're All I Want 21:44 Palladian - Zagara 21:40 Kelela - Enough For Love 21:35 Groove Armada - History (M3 And Bachelors Of Science Remix) 21:34 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 21:29 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 21:25 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 21:20 Alampa - Lush Dance 21:15 Two Lanes - Movement 21:15 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 21:12 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 21:08 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 21:03 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 20:59 Aparde - Know You 20:59 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 20:55 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 20:52 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 20:48 Parra For Cuva Feat. Kyson & Beau Diako - Ordel 20:44 Pableno - Heights 20:39 Massive Attack Feat. Hope Sandoval - The Spoils 20:39 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 20:35 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 20:32 Leisure Feat. Muroki - Summer Season 20:28 Approaching Black - New Life 20:24 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 20:21 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 20:20 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 20:17 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 20:14 Ben Bohmer Feat. Jonah - Home 20:10 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 20:06 Woven - Brushes 20:03 Emmit Fenn - --amman 20:03 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 19:58 Pines Feat. Akacia - History 19:55 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 19:52 Blonde Maze - Daydream (Otherwise Fine Remix) 19:49 Cannons - Loving You 19:45 Gramatik - Muy Tranquilo 19:45 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 19:40 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 19:34 Washed Out - Hide (Amtrac Remix) 19:30 Fakear - Crystal 19:26 53 Thieves - Lyd 19:21 Sound Quelle & Tailor - Where We Should Be 19:21 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 19:18 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 19:15 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 19:11 Shallou & Daya - Older 19:06 Billion Watchers - Rainman 19:02 Steven Weston Feat. Lapsley - Like I Used To 18:57 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 18:56 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 18:52 Sao Miguel Feat. Sebastian Reynoso - Hope In Balance (Wisternoff-grant Remix) 18:48 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 18:44 Chris Malinchak - When The World Stops Turning (Quiet Mix) 18:40 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 18:36 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 18:36 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 18:32 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 18:28 Farius - A Big Life (Sound Quelle Remix) 18:23 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 18:18 Double Touch Feat. Reigan - All I Want 18:18 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 18:13 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 18:09 Melosense - Nous 18:05 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 18:01 Everything But The Girl - Caution To The Wind 17:57 Shingo Nakamura - Focus 17:56 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 17:52 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 17:47 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You 17:42 Blank & Jones - Floatation 17:38 Satin Jackets & Panama - The Future 17:34 Maya Jane Coles - Weak 17:34 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 17:29 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 17:26 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 17:23 Eli & Fur - Wild Skies 17:18 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 17:18 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 17:14 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 17:11 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 17:07 Holen - Not Too Late 17:02 Nox Vahn & Marsh - Come Together 17:02 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 16:58 Alampa - Playoff 16:55 Emmit Fenn - What Falling In Love Is For 16:51 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson, Oli Hannaford - Yearn 16:48 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 16:44 Bob Moses - Enough To Believe 16:44 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 16:39 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 16:35 Blonde Maze - When You Move 16:31 Bonsaye - Kismet 16:28 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 16:24 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 16:24 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 16:18 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 16:15 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Before We Drown 16:10 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 16:06 Il:lo - Ink 16:02 Lapsley - Levitate 16:02 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 15:58 Westseven Feat. Angus Powell - Go Right Through (Sound Quelle Remix) 15:55 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 15:50 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 15:47 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 15:43 Melosense - Explore 15:43 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 15:38 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 15:33 Royksopp Feat. Pixx - How The Flowers Grow 15:29 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 15:26 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 15:22 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 15:22 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 15:17 Above And Beyond - Sun In Your Eyes (William Orbit Remix) 15:14 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 15:09 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm (Ben Macklin Remix) 15:05 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 15:01 Leisure - Be With You 14:57 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 14:57 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 14:53 Everything But The Girl - Forever 14:49 Christian Loffler Feat. Menke - Lys 14:46 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 14:41 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 14:37 Washed Out - Far Away 14:37 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 14:32 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 14:28 Kelela - Contact 14:25 Rocket Empire - Lima 14:20 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Oceans 14:20 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 14:16 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 14:13 Dreem - Miles Away 14:09 Embliss & Lumynesynth - Phases Of The Moon 14:06 Jones Meadow - Expect 14:02 Shingo Nakamura - Falling Off 14:02 C H I L L T R A X - Trans Europe Vocoder 13:56 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 13:52 Tsha - I Know 13:47 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 13:43 Armin Van Buuren & Matoma Feat Teddy Swims - Easy To Love 13:39 Morcheeba - Never Undo 13:39 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 13:36 Sum Wave - Milkyway 13:32 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 13:26 Baile & Haulm - Knows No End 13:22 Two Lanes - Movement 13:21 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 13:18 53 Thieves - Waves 13:15 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 13:11 Tomb - Unbound 13:06 Sumsuch Feat. Matty Eeles - Find Home (Vincenzo Remix) 13:06 C H I L L T R A X - Fresh And Fascinating 13:02 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 12:58 Jos & Eli & Eli & Fur - Riffs Of The Night 12:55 Emmit Fenn - The Chase 12:51 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 12:46 Classic Unknwn & Lipless - Be With You 12:46 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 12:41 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 12:37 Deep Sound Effect Feat. Svetlana Voice - Dreaming About You (Dj Aristocrat Remix) 12:32 Vincenzo - Chroma Rush 12:29 Cannons - Loving You 12:24 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 12:24 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 12:21 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 12:17 Indigo Eyes Feat. Kehina - All Over Again (Remix) 12:14 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 12:11 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 12:07 Vandelux - Tulum 12:07 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 12:03 Washed Out - Too Late 12:00 Flexible Fire - Amatista 11:56 Tep No - Say What You Wanted 11:53 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 11:48 Tycho - Receiver 11:48 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 11:44 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 11:39 Ross Couch - On Fire (Downtempo Mix) 11:34 Il:lo - Cynnes 11:31 Lapsley - 32 Floors 11:27 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 11:27 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 11:23 Rohne - Flicker (Faodail Remix) 11:18 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 11:13 Joy Orbison Feat. Lea Sen - Better 11:08 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 11:04 Blonde Maze - Night Light (Hessian Remix) 10:59 Northern Form - Mend 10:59 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel Redux 10:55 Sum Wave - Moments Of Sundown 10:52 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 10:47 Zhu & Yuna - Sky Is Crying 10:43 Lp Giobbi Feat. Dj Tennis & Joseph Ashworth - All In A Dream 10:40 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 10:35 Bob Moses - Tearing Me Up (Rac Mix) 10:35 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 10:31 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 10:27 Leisure - Take You Higher (Serebii & Arjuna Oakes Remix) 10:23 Heard Right & Fløa - Enough 10:18 A.m.r & Lumynesynth - Unfinished 10:18 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 10:15 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 10:11 Melosense - Nous 10:06 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Derek Luttrell - Lose Control 10:01 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 09:57 Bonsaye - Viaje 09:57 C H I L L T R A X - Parents Magazine Seal 09:53 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 09:50 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 09:46 Arto - Now You're Gone 09:41 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Julia Church - 9 Days 09:38 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Wildflowers 09:37 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 09:34 Approaching Black - Sensitive 09:30 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 09:26 53 Thieves - Heights 09:21 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 09:21 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 09:16 Mass Digital - Thoughts Of U 09:12 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 09:06 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 09:01 Monolink - Take Me Away 09:01 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 08:57 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 08:54 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 08:50 Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Aquadrop Remix) 08:46 Pableno - Heights 08:40 Roisin Murphy - Incapable 08:40 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 08:36 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 08:32 Cannons - Fire For You 08:28 Giants' Nest - Storm Trap 08:24 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 08:20 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 08:19 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 08:16 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 08:13 Henry Green - Realign 08:10 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 08:06 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 08:02 Royksopp - Me&youphoria 08:02 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 07:58 Little Dragon - Water 07:53 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 07:48 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 07:44 Alampa - Playoff 07:40 Rohne - Ceres 07:40 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 07:36 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 07:31 Genix & Zashanell - All I Want (Chill Out Mix) 07:27 Rocket Empire - Astoria 07:22 Mango - Skyline 07:18 Elderbrook - The End 07:18 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 07:14 Tescana - Benissa 07:10 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 07:06 Kc Lights Feat. Leo Stannard - Cold Light (6am Remix) 07:02 Fakear - Crystal 06:57 Above & Beyond & Marty Longstaff - Gratitude (Aname Pm Mix) 06:53 Evelynka - Letting Go 06:53 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 06:48 Zaven - Passive Activity (Evren Furtuna Remix) 06:45 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 06:40 Teemid - L.a. 06:37 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 06:32 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 06:27 Washed Out - Hard To Say Goodbye (Lone Remix) 06:27 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 06:24 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 06:20 Tep No Feat. Starzun - Hold Me 06:17 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 06:13 Drama - Don't Hold Back 06:13 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 06:09 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 06:06 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 06:02 Blonde Maze - A Break In Continuity (Forty Cats Remix) 05:57 Phello - Timelapse 05:53 Two Lanes - Ascend 05:53 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 05:48 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 05:45 Zimmer Feat. Panama - Make It Happen 05:40 Billion Watchers - Rainman 05:36 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 05:31 Vok - Figure (Wax Wings Remix) 05:31 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 05:26 Jones Meadow - Fences 05:23 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 05:19 Edapollo Feat. Akacia - Run 05:16 Dreem - Miles Away 05:16 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 05:13 Forester - Saint (Shallou Remix) 05:10 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 05:04 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 05:01 Cannons - Hurricane 05:01 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 04:57 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 04:53 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 04:50 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Spell 04:46 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 04:40 Royksopp - Something In My Heart 04:40 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 04:35 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 04:32 Mansionair & Kim Tee - Next High 04:28 Arto - Para Mi 04:24 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 04:19 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 04:19 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 04:16 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 04:12 Embrz Feat. Abroad - Rise 04:07 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 04:03 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 03:59 Flume Feat. Emma Louise - Hollow (Logic1000 Remix) 03:59 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 03:55 Avira & Nourey Feat. Tom Bailey - Favourite Game 03:51 Flexible Fire - Amatista 03:47 Attom & Kwesi - Rogue 03:43 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 03:38 Slow Hearts - Endora 03:38 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 03:32 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 03:29 Drama - 3am 03:26 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 03:22 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 03:17 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 03:17 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 03:14 Aether - Jupiter & Saturn 03:10 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 03:07 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 03:03 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 02:59 Jones Meadow - Need You Now 02:59 C H I L L T R A X - Trans Europe Vocoder 02:53 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 02:50 London Grammar - Lose Your Head 02:45 Blank & Jones - Floatation 02:41 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 02:36 John Monkman Feat. Liz Cass - Open Frontier 02:36 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 02:31 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 02:28 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 02:22 Syml & Zero 7 - Symmetry (Zero 7 Remix) 02:18 Melosense - Nous 02:18 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 02:15 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 02:10 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 02:07 Odsen - Retrospective 02:02 Double Touch Feat. Reigan - Greatest Day 02:01 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 01:58 Cannons - Loving You 01:53 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 01:49 Catz 'n Dogz Feat. Jaw - Time 01:46 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 01:40 Lane 8 Feat. Lulu James - Loving You (Moon Boots Remix) 01:40 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 01:35 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 01:31 Nightcap - The Two Of Us (We Only Need) 01:27 Valante - Eio 01:22 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 01:18 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 01:18 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 01:14 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 01:08 Nicolas Godin Feat. Cola Boyy - The Foundation 01:05 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 01:02 Holen - Not Too Late 00:58 Edapollo - Standing There 00:58 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 00:54 Hoki - Memories Of Love (Dsf Remix) 00:49 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 00:44 Darius Feat. Benny Sings - Rise (Darius Remix) 00:40 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 00:35 Leaving Laurel - Take Your Time (Extended Mix) 00:35 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 00:31 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 00:27 Vok - Skin 00:23 Palladian - Zagara 00:19 Emmit Fenn & Shallou - Hollow 00:14 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 00:14 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 00:09 Deep Lo - Lost In You (Soire Remix) 00:05 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 00:02 Chris Malinchak - Cellophane
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circusgoth-dotcom · 1 year
The trouble, it might drag you down / If you get lost, you can always be found
Ship: Curtis x Oz
Word Count: 659
Summary: I've been writing this fic off and on since I initially watched Mississippi Grind, which was probably like a year ago now since I watched it last summer, so! Long time coming, finally decided to slap an ending on it and call it a day. Curtis & Oz run away together because Oz's homelife is shitty. :'0) CWs for homophobia, brief violence, fighting, and food mentions. | (title)
Tag List: @canongf @futurewife
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Oz could hear them arguing from his room.
“You turned my sister into a dyke!”
“First of all, that’s not how that works in any sense, second, he’s trans and attracted to men, and there’s nothing wrong with that!”
“Nothing wrong with…? Curtis, listen to yourself… unless you’re in cahoots with those-”
“Curt, let’s get out of here before things get violent,” Oz spoke up as he tore past the scene, suitcase in tow. Curtis threw a final glare at his once-friend before following his boyfriend out the door.
“Yeah, that’s right, get lost, freaks!” Tony finally yelled after them, throwing a beer bottle out the door as the couple ducked into Curtis’ car. The two were silent, almost holding their breath as they drove away from Oz’s only home. The tension was only broken when Oz began to sob.
“Oh, Ozzy, Ozzy, Ozzy,” Curtis sighed, pulling into the parking lot of a 24-hour diner and leaning over to cradle his partner in his arms. “We’re gonna get you some ice cream. And I’m gonna make sure everybody knows you’re a man. And nobody, Tony included, nobody is gonna hurt you anymore.”
“Curt, even though he hates our guts, Tony was the only family I had left… and, and I love you, but what if I, I can’t survive without him??”
“Baby, you don’t ever want to go back to somebody like him. I’ll prove it to you, c’mon.”
Curtis got out of his car and strode to the passenger side to open Oz’s door. Reluctantly, Oz stumbled out of the seat and followed Curtis into the diner. A steady arm wrapped around his shoulders, Curtis led Oz to the counter and the two sat down. As Curtis examined the dessert menu, Oz kept his head low, attempting to hide his tired, reddened eyes from the equally exhausted-looking waitress behind the counter.
“What can I get you boys?”
“Just a coffee with creamer for me, but ah, how about a brownie sundae for my friend here, hold the whip. You don’t like whip, right, buddy?” Curtis gently nudged Oz’s shoulder and he nodded. “That’s what I thought.” He smiled at the waitress who nodded tiredly and turned to prepare their order, holding back a sigh.
“What happened to him?”
“Family troubles. Nothing some ice cream won’t fix, right? Are you the only one working tonight?”
“You get a lot of traffic past six?”
“Not usually. Truckers drift in during the wee hours of the morning, between one and four, usually, but even they’re sparse.”
“Then why keep the diner open twenty-four-hours at all?”
Oz quickly tuned out the conversation, his head filled with TV static. Curtis liked people. He could start a conversation with just about any stranger he met on the street. Oz, well, not so much. Even before he had learned cruelty, he had never been good at the typical social graces. Perhaps that’s why he and Curtis were so close. Curtis was the one person who didn’t judge Oz for his “odd” behaviours and was now the only person he could be almost completely open and honest with, considering he had most certainly severed the connection he once had with his brother Tony.
“Eat up and cheer up, Oz,” Curtis’ voice, softened just for him, cut through his mental spiralling. Shaking himself, Oz sat up straight and picked up the fork from the bowl set in front of him.
“Thanks, Curt,” he croaked out.
“Anything for you, sugar pie.” Curtis glanced, assuring himself the waitress hadn’t heard, and gave Oz a loving smile. “Know that I mean that with my whole heart.” Internally, he vowed to himself he would never bring Oz back to his hometown if he could help it. He was going to show Oz a whole wide world, where he would find places he was accepted for who he was. Whatever he had to do to make that happen, so be it.
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maximuswolf · 1 month
[Discussion] Halo the next generation
[Discussion] Halo the next generation TLDR: For you old farts who replayed CE with your kids, or kids who had their first playthrough with their dads, what is the best way to play?This play through has too much meaning for my life, and I am afraid it won’t live up to the hype.Almost 24 years ago, my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I spent the entire summer home alone while she was in treatment, as well as the next few years, playing a lot of Halo. She survived, but it was rough.I only played co-op with my dad a few times, and he was horrible. Motion sickness, couldn’t aim, but it was a blast. Very memorable, and I wished we played more together.Now, my son is just turning 13. We have not let him play shooters yet, and we agreed he could play Halo on his 13th birthday. He has read all the books 3+ times, and we have talked about this for a while.I’m currently finishing my basement, and I have the following:1. Great surround sound system2. Two TVs3. Three cheap laptops that are two years old4. A PS4My budget is about $1000, which should be enough for two Xboxes, accessories, and games. What would you buy to play through Halo? Two better laptops and play on the PC? Older Xboxes?Also, any suggestions on sequencing? Play a bunch of CE, skulls on, or play through all of the games, then build new memories on new games?Thanks. Submitted August 27, 2024 at 07:07AM by EngineerVsMBA https://ift.tt/It0bVoZ via /r/gaming
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It’s a couple of things that keeps me going in this pitiful world… my son, my only love, my only reason to live if it wasn’t for him. I’m sorry lord, I just could not continue to survive any longer. I thought I was discovering self love until I allowed to myself to stop practicing to be dragged down by family, friends, too depressed to go to work and a selfish entitled self absorbed, coward of a being (boyfriend). he for surely carries traits or narcissism it’s so scary. Gets upset about it to even notice or is lowkey/highkey offended once you call him out on his bs bc he’s a terrible liar it’s vomiting to watch someone looking nervous bc they forgot they told you the truth and they are searching for a lie. I’m the dumbass entertaining it and cried more than happy in this relationship. His excuse was “I really liked you too though” “what was I suppose to tell you that so you can leave”(yes this is all the words from a 34 year old man…)Making it clear because of just that.. he was never going to stop unless I ended it that’s why he asked “why are you with me” bc he even knows he’s lair, if he wasn’t no one will take being question. He’s insecure man, I can tell. He even aware how much better I can do that’s why he gaslights/manipulates. How are you so comfortable going to bed at night knowing you’re fake af &children are involved. It seems sociopathic. If someone cup is filled enough they won’t leave you. Unless, you aren’t filling their cup with love respect, boundaries so they can live inpeace. It’s proven the main reason a woman cheat or leave is bc something is lacking in the relationship from their (lovers). They start craving to get it where they can take it. I’m sick of being depressed, I’m sick of humans adding on to my depression to make themselves feel good. I’m not Jesus for fuck sakes. All I did was cry, be confused, doubt myself, if I don’t have faith in my instincts how can I protect myself and be a good mom?too sick to go to work bc I’m always having anxiety bc I feel stuck .. family-less and shitty friends. So, now I have to go to work&school, survive to see the sunshine the next day broken/depressed. I can’t give up it hurts for now but I’ll make up for it. I might have to do it on my own. Thank you Ashton, I won’t stop until I give my baby a house, a trust fund that he will never at least struggle& hustle in ways I had to be fucked up to do. I will teach you abt morals& not allow someone to ignore your boundaries, even if you know you’ll be alone again. Love doesn’t hurt. Being alone in a new state is better than being mis treated. We forget we are the teachers of the next generation but some continue to be shitty bc they think it’’s not towards their children. Not aware children’s are always listening or even reading text?!That’s why it hurt so bad on sad days/being left by your ex. The universe knew you could hurt someone just as bad. It gave you the pain you deserved. Then, after I step back you use those moments to cheat instead of feeling bad?I know it wasn’t just that one person in May. Entire summer of sleeping on your phone, entire summer of being sneaky, entire summer of begging someone with insomnia to go to bed so you won’t feel too bad bc you never felt bad. You’re just ashamed you got caught& cant even handle my pain, my healing and lack of empathy as 2 years of torture was easy to take? You didn’t care so you cheated infront of me. 10/4/24 Your heart was out of your chest as I tried to sneak your phone. If it was just that one time in may you wouldn’t have stated maybe July bc it happen many times you cannot pinpoint. That’s huge gap may-June-July? All those months on your phone even in October?coward. I might dumb myself down but I would never be a coward like you. Everything is so depressing I never been beyond upset with I. Then I remember.. for a split. I always have a reason to smile for once. It’s my son’s face I’ll never put myself in this position again I’ll love me again. It’s so hard sometimes but thank you so much for making it bareable🧘🏼
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breatheinbitedown · 1 year
i’m getting my bug out bags organized. one for my car (best case scenario) and one for my room (fallback if i can’t get to my car).
for now i’m sleeping with my key fob hidden in a specific spot in my bed to give me easy access and to make it hard for someone to slip in at night and take my keys. it’s next to my knife, just in case. hopefully soon i’ll have a taser i can keep on me instead rather than only having my knife to rely on.
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the plan is to save the zipper pocket boxers for sleeping. one pocket will be for my car fob in a case so i can’t set the alarm off in the middle of the night. the other pocket will have the key to my padlock in it. that way i can sleep with them on my person, even in my unventilated room in the bama summer heat. when it’s cooler i can go back to sleeping in street clothes and keeping things in my pockets.
today we installed a latch system on my bedroom door. i wish i could use it 24/7 but the potential consequences put me in a body bag so for now it’s only there for emergencies. it should hold him off long enough for me to drop out of the window and make it to my car (or far enough from the house that they don’t know where to start looking immediately).
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the trunk and the padlock are exciting. i can keep my emergency shit (important documents, highly sentimental items), the shit my dad likes to steal (my medication, money, wallet), and my “mind your business” shit (sex toys, my vape and smoking shit, my journals), and my devices (laptop, switch, my second phone that i *should* have in a couple of weeks). if i need to bail out quick - not emergency bug out quick, but get the hell out of dodge and figure out the rest of my shit later quick.
for now i’ve been staying out of the house from the moment i wake up til 1-2am. now my partner and i use discord to video call from my laptop overnight while we sleep (or try to sleep) to deter my dad from making his way in here at night. they’re working on getting obs set up to screen record the whole call so it’s like security footage almost. i’m case something happens.
the big thing now is that i’m not a minor. i’m a fully grown adult and i have a lot more going for me when he does things. my word is just as powerful as his because i’m not a kid anymore. on top of that, i have more eyes on things now. my partner, my mother in law, and my aunt (who my parents respect and are mildly terrified of).
my bedroom is directly off of the kitchen. the lights in the kitchen always stay on. i have my mugs on a rack over my bedroom door. so when my door gets opened, my mugs clang loudly and the room gets flooded with light. it’s like it’s own alarm system. there’s a box fan i keep on directly in front of the door, so anyone who tries to walk in has to stop and move it out of the way. it gives me a second to get my bearings before i have to potentially fight him off.
only a few more months. i’ll be out for good this time. i’ll be on my own phone plan and i’ll have a new number they don’t know. i’ll have the car title in my name. i’ll get my own car insurance. i’ll have my own health insurance. all of the things they refused to let me off of so they could keep me dependent. im not asking this time. i will never have to see any of them again. so i won’t. im so close. i survived worse i can survive this.
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sleepyivoryrose · 1 year
Persona 3 Reload, and now the new .hack// merchandise...I’m eatin good these days! qwq
But one thing after the other: I’m doing a bit better. Not in terms of lifestyle, per se, today I only slept 2 hours and these days I’m eating (food wise) not that great but...there’s always room for improvement. At  least my morale is high after this!
Persona 3 Reload- what a time to be alive. I don’t feel like Persona 3 was that long ago, but it is actually well over 10 years now, incredible. The art and the style looks reeeeally good, it actually is Persona 3 if it came out like, five years ago. I like that they expanded upon the social links (Bebe in HD! qwq Minato in HD! qwq) it seems, Maybe it’s time to reread My Life Is A Goddamn Mess again! 
They also have a full-on new voice cast. They’re great voices and absolutly professionals but...I kinda got used to the old ones, you know? Well, I probably watch the Lets Play anyways, because I sure as heck aint gettin an Xbox only for that game, but...I’m so happy to see one of my favorite videogames ever remade in such a wonderful fashion. 
I will miss the Aigis social link though, it was emotive. Maybe DLC? Maybe? Who knows. 
Aaah, I can’t wait to see everyone again. 
And today i found out that the .hack// anniversary was yesterday, I think? Anyways, new merch!! They can’t ship to the country I live in, though qwq I guess I will have to stare longingly throught he screen qwq The plushies are A-DORBS!! SO FRIKKIN CUTE HDFSHIOH I want a kite and a haseo one qwq And the little charms!! look at them in their tiny suits!! haseo is grinning like he knows exactly what he’s doing. That little bastard, I love him so much. No dice on an Endrance or Elk one though, only the protagonists from different media. 
There was an image from hosokawa with mia and elk tho!! Elk, my bby, my little ball of rainy day, my lonely tear in a vast lake..:! I don’t know why I associate him so much with water and ice when his element always has been wind...
- clutches her halloween chibi kaorus- i have to survive off of crumbs...that’s why I get for liking a side character comic relief of an ancient videogame...
Oh, and in a few days I managed to catch two shinys in pkmn!! One in Violet, a Mudbray which I dubbed Pinata (He’s yellow, so cute qwq) And I shiny Litleo in Y, I called it Dimitri! Only the best for the royal sinammon bun. 
Right now I’m trying to get a Farfetched and a Riolu...they’re both quite rare (not quite as rare as MY SHINIES THOUGH; OOOOHHHH) 
someone should do a gangster rap, just that it isn’t about money, but about pokemon shinies
it probably already exist, everything has been already invented at least once, as proved AI, which bases everything of off things on the internet
It’s way too hot out here...i am very much so in the mood for ice cream, but I have to get my shti together...sweet stuff isn’t good anyways when it’s warm, it produces only more heat...so much craving...i should go outside and move, get my natural vitamin D, yet...I bet all the benches are full when it cooled down a little...global warming be damned
Maybe the world will turn up like in Nier:Automata in a few thousand years and there won’t be a night anymore, or it will be 24/7 summer, like in the Canary Islands...my chair is sticky...
Okay, enough bitchin around. Positive thoughts! Sunshine! Warmth! Happiness! Reaggeton! Power to me! HAAAAAHHHH!
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dailychapel · 2 years
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Mark 13:1–37 NLT - 1 As Jesus was leaving the Temple that day, one of his disciples said, "Teacher, look at these magnificent buildings! Look at the impressive stones in the walls." 2 Jesus replied, "Yes, look at these great buildings. But they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!" 3 Later, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives across the valley from the Temple. Peter, James, John, and Andrew came to him privately and asked him, 4 "Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to be fulfilled?" 5 Jesus replied, "Don't let anyone mislead you, 6 for many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Messiah.' They will deceive many. 7 And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don't panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won't follow immediately. 8 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines. But this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. 9 "When these things begin to happen, watch out! You will be handed over to the local councils and beaten in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers. But this will be your opportunity to tell them about me. 10 For the Good News must first be preached to all nations. 11 But when you are arrested and stand trial, don't worry in advance about what to say. Just say what God tells you at that time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit. 12 "A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be killed. 13 And everyone will hate you because you are my followers. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. 14 "The day is coming when you will see the sacrilegious object that causes desecration standing where he should not be." (Reader, pay attention!) "Then those in Judea must flee to the hills. 15 A person out on the deck of a roof must not go down into the house to pack. 16 A person out in the field must not return even to get a coat. 17 How terrible it will be for pregnant women and for nursing mothers in those days. 18 And pray that your flight will not be in winter. 19 For there will be greater anguish in those days than at any time since God created the world. And it will never be so great again. 20 In fact, unless the Lord shortens that time of calamity, not a single person will survive. But for the sake of his chosen ones he has shortened those days. 21 "Then if anyone tells you, 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There he is,' don't believe it. 22 For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones. 23 Watch out! I have warned you about this ahead of time! 24 "At that time, after the anguish of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will give no light, 25 the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. 26 Then everyone will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with great power and glory. 27 And he will send out his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the world--from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven. 28 "Now learn a lesson from the fig tree. When its branches bud and its leaves begin to sprout, you know that summer is near. 29 In the same way, when you see all these things taking place, you can know that his return is very near, right at the door. 30 I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene before all these things take place. 31 Heaven and earth will disappear, but my words will never disappear. 32 "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows. 33 And since you don't know when that time will come, be on guard! Stay alert! 34 "The coming of the Son of Man can be illustrated by the story of a man going on a long trip. When he left home, he gave each of his slaves instructions about the work they were to do, and he told the gatekeeper to watch for his return. 35 You, too, must keep watch! For you don't know when the master of the household will return--in the evening, at midnight, before dawn, or at daybreak. 36 Don't let him find you sleeping when he arrives without warning. 37 I say to you what I say to everyone: Watch for him!"
Lord, just like Moses, I boldly ask that you will show me your glory. Reveal yourself to me in deeper ways, and allow me to experience your power, glory, splendor and abundance. You are awesome and holy, and I praise your name!
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thaoilations · 2 years
this is so bleak sorry i was listening to comfortably numb by pink floyd when i wrote this i’ll go back to writing happy and normal ones tomorrow gbdye
They’d been driving the truck for a few hours. It was silent, the two of them still processing what they’d just gone through. It was daylight now, a grey but hot and muggy day. Mimi stared out the window at the brown unattended grassy fields stretching on for miles as Thao drove along the dusty roads, not a soul in sight— the only thing resembling a human for miles being a walker tearing into someone who was not so fortunate on the side of the street, only lifting their head for a moment to lazily growl at the truck passing before going back to their mauling in disinterest.
Less than 24 hours ago, they’d had a group. A dad and his 17 year old son, a hippie woman in her 50s, 3 girls a year older than Mimi who were friends from school, and an old man who wasn’t much use besides his skills in controlling the radios and operating the tower. They’d been staying together in an abandoned summer camp site since the start of the outbreak, when the world went to potty. They’d worked hard to make the place safe, boarding it up— assigning roles to scavenge and keep the place liveable. Thao was one of the few who’d go out to hunt for supplies, never letting her girlfriend join her— who’s role was to prepare the food for everyone and scrape together the best meals possible for the survivors with the supplies provided. It was the one day Thao had decided to take Mimi to drive out somewhere to spend time alone, away from everyone — and when they returned hours later, the camp site had been raided, supplies stolen, inhabitants dead and walkers storming the gates. They grabbed what they could, got back in the truck and just drove. They’d been driving since.
“If the map is correct there’s gonna be an Amazon warehouse up ahead. We can tear open some packages and hope there’s something useful in there.” Thao noted, and Mimi nodded, silent in thought. T glanced at the girl who just stared ahead, pale and drained— the once bubbly girl now pensive and scared. She felt a pang of guilt in her chest, as if the world ending had been at all her fault. “Won’t last forever. Just gotta survive til it’s over.”
“I don’t see how it’s ever gonna end.” Mimi responded, eyes now on the warehouse in the distance in interest.
“Their bodies are rotting. One day they’re not gonna be strong enough to walk and bite. They’ll just wither away, I mean they’re corpses.” Thao yawned.
“But they’re gonna keep biting people who still have healthy bodies. It’s a cycle.” The brunette argued, picking at her nails.
“But it’ll happen less and less because all of the original walkers are dying. People are smarter now. We’ve adapted.” Honestly, Thao wasn’t sure if she had full faith in what she was saying — but if it helped her girlfriend sleep at night she had to convince her that they’d be okay— and that they were going to essentially rebuild the world. Mimi nodded, seeming to believe her point and she felt a little more satisfied by this as she pulled into the empty lot of the warehouse. “Atleast I don’t have to worry about paying for parking anymore.” Thao comment, meant to be a joke.
She parked up, and the girl with faded red hair turned to the younger girl, who was reaching into the back for her bag.
“What weapons do I bring?” The brunette bit her lip.
“What weapons do you think you’re the best at using?” Thao didn’t miss the opportunity for a teaching moment. Mimi thought for a moment, sticking her hand in the bag and pulling out the hand axe. Thao scrunched her nose in disagreement, taking it out of her hand and putting it back in the bag, pulling out the machete instead.
“Axe is too short distance. Machete will put some distance between you and the walker.” She explained, grabbing her katana that was laying along the back seats and slid it into her back strap, climbing out the truck. Mimi followed, and she then handed the girl her pistol, who fastened it into her thigh holster and Thao pushed hers into her back pocket. “Alright, let’s go. Keep your wits about you.” T nodded and Mimi followed her, the two of them looking around as they approached the building’s doors. As they walked, Mimi’s stomach growled and she sighed.
“Cant believe we used to not eat on purpose.” She comment and Thao sniggered, peering through the glass doors.
“Dumb as fuck.” She responded before pushing the doors open. It seemed people had been in there, as the doors had been left unlocked— but due to dumb luck thousands of parcels wrapped in brown cardboard still flooded the shelves. “Nice.” The older girl raised her eyebrows, the two of them remaining quiet for a moment as they listened for any growling or shuffling of feet. It seemed the coast was clear, and the two of them head down an aisle, tearing open parcels— finding sacks and pocketing whatever was useful, which was few and far.
“We should keep a couple of these unopened, and keep them until christmas so we have presents to give eachother. It’ll be funny especially if the package is just useless junk.” Mimi mused with a chuckle as she tore into a parcel, raising her eyebrows at a pack of vitamins and she checked the sell by date before pocketing them in her sack. Thao chuckled, but shook her head.
“Nah. Not gonna carry around a load of shit we probably don’t need. Also there might be something in one of them that could save one of our lives and we’d just be carrying it around not using it.” She protested and Mimi nodded in agreement. “Plus, we won’t even know when it’s christmas.” They laughed.
After a while, the two of them spread out through the warehouse— trying to figure out if the packages were organised or categorised in any way for efficiency. They tore open packages aisles apart, and as Mimi was tearing into a square box, the shuffling of feet caught her attention. She glanced, expecting it to be Thao but jumped back— seeing a decaying corpse slowly limping towards her in a faded blue Amazon polo.
“Shit.” She let out a shakey sigh before picking up her machete and approaching it and swinging, the blade sliding right into the centre of its skull as it reached out to her with exposed bones that were once fingers. She tried to pull the machete out as it fell to the ground, but she struggled having wedged the blade in too deep. Mimi grunted as she tried to pull it out, suddenly hearing a growl and snapping of jaws right by her ear behind her. She gasped, throwing herself forward and turned around letting go of the machete— seeing a group of walkers exiting what appeared to be a staff room, five of them stumbling out a door in the wall.
“Thao!” Mimi called, unsure if she would have heard her a few aisles down. But it wouldn’t matter, because she pulled out her pistol and she was certain to hear that. She took it off safety, aiming and shooting down two of them before her glock clicked empty. Her heart dropped, and in the knick of time Thao came running down the aisle. Mimi turned around to her and she pulled out her gun.
“Head down!” She commanded and Mimi dropped into a ball as Thao blasted all the walkers down. Mimi stood up again slowly, ears still ringing from the blasts and turned to look at the now completely brain dead group. Thao caught her breath, boot coming down on the first walkers skull and crushing it beneath her like a tin can as she yanked the machete out her skull, handing it back to her girlfriend.
“Two bullet rule, Mimi.” She lightly scolded, walking over to her and pulling her every which way, checking her for scratches and bites — stepping over to the pile of walkers to check they weren’t still alive after she was certain Mimi was okay.
“I know. I forgot to check before I came in, sorry.” She sighed, now pulling some spare bullets out her pockets and loading them into her pistol. The two bullet rule was a bleak one, coined from the start of the outbreak — the two of them agreed to always have two bullets loaded between the two of them incase one of them gotten bitten, and worst case scenario had to shoot the other and then themselves.
“Grab some packages, the noise would have attracted more so we should hit the road.” Thao shoved some packages into the rest of the space in her sack and gestured for Mimi to do the same. She stuffed some packages that looked promising into the sack before they left, heading back to the truck.
“Now we know where this place is we could always come back.” Mimi shrugged and Thao nodded, turning the keys in the ignition — checking the gas. There was still enough in the tank to last them a little while, and they kept a few jugs of it in the boot.
Not long later, they found a house and checked it before boarding it up— cooping up for the night. Thao brought in some logs and lit a fire at the fireplace and they snuggled up together on the couch to attempt to get some sleep for a few hours before they’d refill their tank and head out again.
Mimi stared at the burning embers and relished in it’s comforting smell and warmth, pulling the blanket further up to her chin as Thao sat up a little behind her.
“Hey.” The red head tiredly got the girls attention and she sat up reluctantly so she could face her.
“Whats up?”
Thao dug into her pocket, pulling out a dark blue velvet box. She placed it into Mimis curious open hand.
“Found this for you today.” She offered and Mimi pried the box open, inside sitting a silver necklace with a pink heart stone in the centre. In this world, materialistic finds were pretty much worthless if it didn’t keep you alive— but god did Mimi miss the simplicity in getting dolled up. She gasped with a happy smile and pulled it out, instantly handing it to Thao and turning around, pulling her hair out the way so her girlfriend could fasten it around her neck. The red head clipped it on and Mimi turned around smiling down at it.
“Its so pretty.” She cooed and Thao leant on the backboard of the sofa. The brunette suddenly posed seriously. “How’d I look? As gorgeous as the day you met me?” She joked, bursting into laughter knowing she was dirty and tired looking now.
Thao laughed too but still said “Yes.” And there was some element of seriousness in her tone. Mimi smiled at her before pulling her back down to lay in a hugging position.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
0 notes
atlanticcanada · 2 years
New Brunswick mum on details for new out-of-the-cold shelter
Hailey Hachey-Robichaud has been living on the streets for nine years.
The 24-year-old spent last winter at a makeshift homeless shelter inside a former fire hall in downtown Moncton, N.B.
That facility will not be used again this year, and Hachey-Robichaud knows a new space is crucial to survive the brutal cold.
"Temperatures can drop to minus 40 without the wind chill. And with wind chill, that's even more freezing. Most of us, the only time when we're camping out, the only things we've got for heat is maybe the four or five candles that we got by either stealing or buying or somehow [otherwise] obtained," said Hachey-Robichaud.
St. George's Anglican Church in Moncton was also an emergency warming centre last winter, but Father Chris VanBuskirk has already said it won't be used again.
He said a new cold shelter facility is an absolute necessity.
"What happens to us as a society, what happens to us as a person if I let people freeze to death? Although shelters are not the long-term answer, there will always be need for some shelter spaces for those folks who are not ready for housing," said VanBuskirk.
"To have something that is multi-functional and gives room for people to be able to drop in, have a coffee, sleep for a bit, maybe do their laundry and have a shower, there's a great need for that."
Around 160 of the estimated 400 homeless people in Moncton reside inside the House of Nazareth or Harvest House shelters.
"There's so many people living on the streets," said Jamie Mills, the operations director at Harvest House. "Once the temperature drops we're going to see them coming out of their campsites and there's probably at least 200 that I'm aware of and there's probably even more than that."
Harvest House and the YMCA of Greater Moncton submitted a proposal for a new cold shelter to the provincial government this summer with a Sept. 15 deadline.
The province asked for the deadline to be extended to the end of September.
In an email to CTV News, a spokesperson for the Department of Social Development said it has reached out to set up a meeting with the proponents of the cold shelter to discuss the project.
The YMCA didn't comment on the current situation.
A spokesperson for the City of Moncton said they didn't have anything to share at the moment, but did expect to hear back from the province soon.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/OKLbtei
0 notes
chrancecriber · 1 year
Chilltrax (May 27, 2023)
23:56 Forty Cats & Arentis - Zen 23:53 Cannons - Loving You 23:47 Cubicolor - Wake Me Up 23:44 Jimpster & Oliver Night - Ascension 23:39 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 23:34 Boerd - Blind 23:34 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 23:30 Monolink - Turning Away (Parra For Cuva Remix) 23:26 Leisure Feat. Muroki - Summer Season 23:22 Jones Meadow - Fences 23:17 A.m.r - Sailor's Cry 23:17 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 23:12 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 23:09 Dreem - Miles Away 23:05 53 Thieves - Lyd 23:00 Northern Form - Mend 22:56 Edapollo Feat. Kendl - Afterglow 22:51 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 22:47 Blonde Maze - Something Familiar 22:42 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 22:38 Sg Lewis - Lifetime 22:34 Telepopmusik, Juicy Cola - Breathe (Juicy Cola Remix) 22:34 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 22:30 Odsen - Retrospective 22:25 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 22:21 Cri - Stranger 22:15 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 22:15 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 22:11 Farius - A Big Life (Sound Quelle Remix) 22:07 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 22:04 Giants' Nest - Heart Void 22:01 Elderbrook - All My Love 22:01 C H I L L T R A X - Retsyn 21:57 Alampa - Playoff 21:53 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson, Oli Hannaford - Yearn 21:49 Pines Feat. Fractures - Rewrite The Ending 21:44 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 21:40 Rufus Du Sol - Hypnotised 21:40 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 21:37 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 21:32 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Let's Get It Right 21:27 Two Lanes - Reflections (Il Lo Remix) 21:23 Everything But The Girl - Forever 21:19 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 21:19 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 21:16 Flexible Fire - Amatista 21:11 Bonobo Feat. Jordan Rakei - Shadows 21:06 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 21:03 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 20:59 Cannons - Fire For You 20:53 Sons Of Maria - Close To Me 20:49 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 20:45 Andrew Nagy & Joel Winterflood - Little To None 20:42 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 20:37 Be Svendsen - Day 3 20:37 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 20:32 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 20:28 Otr Feat. Au/ra - Broken (Rac Mix) 20:23 Blank & Jones - Floatation 20:20 Blonde Maze - When You Move 20:16 Cinnamon Chasers - Surviving The Fire 20:15 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 20:10 Dim Kelly - Nocturna Animal 20:07 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 20:04 Shallou - Heartaches 19:59 Il:lo - Cynnes 19:56 Tep No & Noak Hellsing - I Won’t Need You 19:51 Odesza Feat. Olafur Arnalds - Light Of Day (Parra For Cuva Remix) 19:51 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 19:46 Alan Cerra - Radiant 19:41 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 19:38 Drama - Dark Rain 19:34 Passenger 10 - Voices In Her Head 19:31 Melosense - Nous 19:26 Christine And The Queens - Tilted (Paradis Remix) 19:26 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 19:22 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 19:18 Kelela - Contact 19:14 Tomb - Unbound 19:10 Faodail & Plya - Strangers Gone Missing 19:10 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 19:06 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 19:02 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 18:58 Leisure - Be With You 18:54 Elderbrook - The End 18:51 Duckmaw - Habits 18:45 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 18:41 Darius & Amaria - Faded 18:37 Palladian - Zagara 18:33 Attom & Kwesi - Rogue 18:27 Zero 7 - On My Own 18:27 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 18:24 Holen - Breathe 18:20 Satin Jackets Feat. Tailor - Somewhere In Paradise 18:16 Tagavaka - Oxygen 18:12 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 18:12 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 18:07 Sons Of Maria - Are You 18:03 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 17:59 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 17:55 The Knocks Feat. Foster The People - All About You (Equal Remix) 17:55 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 17:51 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 17:48 Lipless & Blue Noir - Alone 17:42 Rodriguez Jr. Feat. Liset Alea - What Is Real (Deep In The Playa Mix) 17:39 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 17:34 Royksopp - Compulsion 17:34 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 17:31 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 17:27 Andre Aguado - Through The Night 17:23 Chris Malinchak - Control 17:19 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 17:15 Phello - Timelapse 17:15 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 17:12 Ben Macklin Feat. Emma Brammer - Stay With Me (Fvhm Remix) 17:09 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 17:05 Emmit Fenn - --amman 17:02 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 16:58 Woven - Brushes 16:54 Avira & Nicholas Gunn - Sensing You 16:51 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 16:45 Shingo Nakamura - Come Closer 16:42 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 16:38 Daniel Avery - Hazel And Gold 16:37 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 16:33 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 16:30 Cannons - Hurricane 16:26 Rocket Empire - Astoria 16:22 Blonde Maze - Night Light (Hessian Remix) 16:17 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 16:17 C H I L L T R A X - World Comes To Chilltrax.com 16:13 Satin Jackets - For What We Have 16:08 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 16:04 Session Victim - The Pain 16:00 Duckmaw - Distant Worlds 15:57 Lapsley - 32 Floors 15:54 Jones Meadow - Expect 15:54 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 15:50 Feathervane & Oreonic - Overcast 15:46 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 15:40 Ultraista - Mariella (Zero 7 Remix) 15:35 Darius Feat. Benny Sings - Rise (Darius Remix) 15:32 Dreem - Miles Away 15:27 Parra For Cuva - Paspatou 15:27 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 15:22 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 15:17 Deep Sound Effect Feat. Svetlana Voice - Dreaming About You (Dj Aristocrat Remix) 15:14 Approaching Black - Sensitive 15:10 Feiertag Feat. Tessa Rose Jackson - Riptide 15:10 C H I L L T R A X - Slurry Toh 15:07 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 15:02 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 14:57 Sons Of Maria - Always 14:52 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 14:47 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix) 14:43 Chris Malinchak - When The World Stops Turning (Quiet Mix) 14:39 Billion Watchers - Rainman 14:34 Royksopp Feat. Astrid S - Just Wanted To Know 14:29 Bob Moses - Days Gone By 14:29 C H I L L T R A X - Chilltrax - Chill Out Piano 14:24 Jones Meadow - Fences 14:20 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 14:15 Boerd - 2far 14:10 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 14:10 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 14:06 Vandelux - Tulum 14:02 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 13:58 Il:lo - Ink 13:54 Tycho Feat. Rum.gold - Run Away 13:54 C H I L L T R A X - Jimpster 1 13:50 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 13:45 Royksopp & Susanne Sundfor - Oh, Lover (Nto Remix) 13:41 Pines Feat. Akacia - History 13:37 Farius - Coming Up (Hold On) (Dokho Remix) 13:33 Washed Out - Face Up 13:33 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 13:29 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 13:24 Mass Digital - Thoughts Of U 13:19 Jean Caillou - Signs 13:16 Cannons - Loving You 13:12 Fabio Vee & Mike D' Jais - Consolation 13:12 C H I L L T R A X - The Chillout Channel, Chilltrax 13:09 Flexible Fire - Amatista 13:05 Shallou & Daya - Older 13:02 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 12:59 Holen - Not Too Late 12:55 Lapsley - Levitate 12:49 Marsh Feat. Leo Wood - Over And Over 12:46 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 12:42 Olan - Wake And Return (Little Dragon Remix) 12:39 Jones Meadow & Clara Mendes - Em Baixo 12:35 Thievery Corporation - Guidance 12:34 C H I L L T R A X - Wonderful Tan! 12:30 Reel People & Muhsinah - Something New (Kraak & Smaak Remix) 12:27 Eli & Fur - Wild Skies 12:22 Arto - Now You're Gone 12:19 Sebastian Davidson Feat. Lewyn - Second Hand Love 12:15 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 12:15 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 12:10 Electronic Bodyguards - Stronger (Pete Herbert Remix) 12:06 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 12:01 Monolink - Take Me Away 11:58 Pableno - Heights 11:53 Sons Of Maria - Don't Tell Me I Can't Have It 11:49 Chris Malinchak, Kiesza, Malin - Tree 11:49 C H I L L T R A X - Be Svendsen World Comes 11:45 Vintage & Morelli - Once Upon A World 11:42 Alampa - Playoff 11:36 Rüfüs Du Sol - See You Again 11:33 Lost In Pacific & Hanging Valleys - Escape 11:29 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 11:25 Henry Green - Another Light 11:25 C H I L L T R A X - Take Me Away! 11:20 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 11:16 Eloi El - Stick Together (Blonde Maze Remix) 11:13 Rocket Empire - Lima 11:08 Sofi Tukker - Swing (Mahmut Orhan Remix) 11:08 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Freesound 11:04 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 11:01 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 10:57 Mango & Cloudcage - More Than This 10:53 Satin Jackets Feat. Mandy Jones - In This Life 10:50 Edapollo - By The River (Faodail Remix) 10:45 Elderbrook - Wasted On You 10:41 Pines Feat. Water Park - Tell Me 10:36 Blank & Jones - Floatation 10:32 Giants' Nest - Crema 10:26 Disclosure Feat. Jamie Woon - January (Finnebassen Remix) 10:26 C H I L L T R A X - Street Life Worlds Cc 10:22 Heard Right & Fløa - Enough 10:18 Everything But The Girl - Forever 10:15 Drama - Don't Hold Back 10:11 Melosense - Nous 10:11 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 10:08 Tep No Feat. Starzun - Hold Me 10:05 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 10:01 Sum Wave - Milkyway 09:58 Cannons - Bad Dream 09:58 C H I L L T R A X - Parents Magazine Seal 09:53 Eli & Fur - Better In The Dark 09:49 Sound Quelle Feat. Daniel Robinson - Tempest 09:45 Christian Loffler Feat. Menke - Lys 09:40 Leaving Laurel - The Family We Find 09:36 Tycho - See (Beacon Remix) 09:36 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 09:33 Jako Diaz & Leyet - Only You 09:30 Forester - Saint (Shallou Remix) 09:26 Logic1000 - 21 09:23 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 09:17 Nicholas Gunn Feat. Chris Howard - Thought Of You 09:17 C H I L L T R A X - E-chilled-music 09:14 Dreem - Miles Away 09:10 Alampa - Lush Dance 09:05 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 09:00 Sons Of Maria - Outbound 08:56 Leisure - Take You Higher (Serebii & Arjuna Oakes Remix) 08:51 Blonde Maze - Being Pulled (Polar Inc. Remix) 08:48 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 08:44 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Malou - About You 08:40 George Fitzgerald & Syml - Mother 08:36 Rohne - Twelve 08:36 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 08:32 Xixi Feat. Kwesi - Close To U 08:28 Henry Green - Shift (Edapollo Remix) 08:23 Il:lo - Cynnes 08:20 53 Thieves - Waves 08:15 Evelynka - Letting Go 08:15 C H I L L T R A X - Ct The Backward Chillout Channel 08:11 Valante - Vana 08:07 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 08:04 Faodail & Kakadu - Painting In Shades (Edapollo Remix) 07:59 Fakear - Crystal 07:55 Mansionair & Kim Tee - Next High 07:50 Dj San & Sebastian Moore - In Your Eyes 07:50 C H I L L T R A X - Escape The Noise 07:46 Maxxim - Waterfalls 07:42 Heard Right & Oracle - There For You 07:38 Charles Webster Feat. Shara Nelson - This Is Real 07:34 Kelela - Enough For Love 07:29 Two Lanes - Movement 07:29 C H I L L T R A X - Tcc Warm And Tender Ocean 07:24 Max Cooper - A Model Of Reality (Tor Remix) 07:20 Cannons - Tunnel Of You 07:15 Ghenwa Nemnom - Story Of A Battle (Chris Zippel Remix) 07:11 Diplo Feat. Rhye - Mmxx - Xii 07:11 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 07:06 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 07:03 Finding Mero - In Loving Memories 06:59 Alex Hook Feat. Rene - You Showed Me 06:54 Northern Form - Mend 06:50 Jones Meadow - Paint 06:45 Eli & Fur - Where I Find My Mind 06:42 Harvey & Oscuro - You're All I Want 06:37 Palladian - Zagara 06:34 Morcheeba - The Moon (Kutiman Remix - Version B) 06:28 Zero 7 - Destiny 06:28 C H I L L T R A X - Comes To Chill Out 06:23 Emi Ca - Just Breathe 06:19 Alampa - Playoff 06:16 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Before We Drown 06:11 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 06:11 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Dzihan 06:07 Nightcap - The Two Of Us (We Only Need) 06:04 Fløa (Floa) - Pictures Of You 06:01 Flexible Fire - Marea Turquesa 05:57 Aparde - Know You 05:57 C H I L L T R A X - Magnifyingglasssogood4u 05:53 Kx5 & Sofi Tukker - Sacrifice (St Mix) 05:50 Blonde Maze - Daydream (Otherwise Fine Remix) 05:45 Parra For Cuva Feat. Kyson & Beau Diako - Ordel 05:41 Rocket Empire - Astoria 05:37 Goldfrapp - Moon In Your Mouth 05:37 C H I L L T R A X - Glitchy Toh 05:32 Nicholas Gunn & Alina Renae - Angel Eyes 05:29 Nils Hoffmann Feat. Gordi - No One Else 05:26 Giants' Nest - Flower Burst 05:22 Floa & Phonic Youth - Falling Away 05:18 Che Jose Feat. Jodie Knight - Freedom (Mass Digital Remix Edit) 05:18 C H I L L T R A X - Worldschilloutchannnel Orbit 05:15 Aftruu - Falling Asleep 05:10 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Oceans 05:06 Feiertag - Didn't Know Why (You Lost Your Soul) 05:03 Sultan Shepard - Sirens 04:58 Embliss & Lumynesynth - Phases Of The Moon 04:52 Washed Out - Hide (Amtrac Remix) 04:48 Sons Of Maria - It Takes So Long 04:43 Jean Vayat & Evelynka - My Soul 04:39 Two Lanes - Searching (Ct Fixup Mix) 04:36 Melosense - Lost In Gruvv 04:36 C H I L L T R A X - Something I Should Tell You 04:32 Everything But The Girl - Run A Red Light 04:27 Double Touch Feat. Reigan - All I Want 04:22 Volen Sentir & Makebo - Into The Stars 04:18 Above & Beyond & Marty Longstaff - Gratitude (Aname Pm Mix) 04:13 Elderbrook - The End 04:13 C H I L L T R A X - Chill Out Chilltrax 04:10 Elypsis - Open Your Eyes 04:06 Jan Blomqvist & Malou - Alone 04:03 Solomon Grey - Home 04:00 Dex 1200 - Ongea Nami 03:56 Royksopp - Me&youphoria 03:52 Phello - Timelapse 03:52 C H I L L T R A X - Organ The Chillout Channel 03:48 Approaching Black - New Life 03:44 Cannons - Loving You 03:40 Blank & Jones - Alone In This Rhythm (Ben Macklin Remix) 03:36 Satin Jackets & Panama - The Future 03:33 Flexible Fire - Amatista 03:27 Be Svendsen - October Letters (Page 2) 03:27 C H I L L T R A X - Cleanliness Don't You Agree 03:22 Arley & Sirolf - One Day 03:18 Edapollo - Standing There 03:14 Odsen - Retrospective 03:09 Eelke Kleijn Feat. Diana Miro - You 03:09 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Cymbal Roll Bass 03:06 Lp Giobbi Feat. Caroline Byrne - Another Life 03:01 Zaven - Voliere Amplitude 02:58 Zero 7 Feat. Danny Pratt - 400 Blows 02:58 C H I L L T R A X - Toh Moon Boots 02:54 Vandelux - All I've Ever Known 02:49 Mango - Skyline 02:45 Shingo Nakamura - Focus 02:41 Alampa - Playoff 02:37 R Plus & Faithless Feat. Amelia Fox - It's Enough (The Last High) 02:37 C H I L L T R A X - Escape 2 Music 02:31 Leaving Laurel - There Is Beauty When You Allow Yourself To See 02:27 Ross Couch - On Fire (Downtempo Mix) 02:22 Alison Goldfrapp - The Beat Divine 02:17 Eric Hilton Feat. Brian Jackson - Something For Byrd 02:12 Blonde Maze - A Break In Continuity (Forty Cats Remix) 02:08 Ben Bohmer Feat. Jonah - Home 02:05 Chill Cole - Liquid Life 02:00 Chris Malinchak - Saving My Love 01:56 Everything But The Girl - Forever 01:56 C H I L L T R A X - Cool Refreshed Smooth As Can Be 01:52 Kidnap & Pinkpirate - Things Change 01:47 Joy Orbison Feat. Lea Sen - Better 01:42 Billion Watchers - Rainman 01:38 Heard Right Feat. Phoebe Tsen - Pulling Me Under 01:33 Ry X & Olafur Arnalds - Colorblind (Whomadewho Remix) 01:33 C H I L L T R A X - Backward Rvb Where World Comes 01:29 Sao Miguel Feat. Sebastian Reynoso - Hope In Balance (Wisternoff-grant Remix) 01:25 Sebastian Davidson - Nomads 01:21 Two Lanes Feat. Kwesi - Another Time 01:16 Blank & Jones - Floatation 01:12 Tep No - Deep Sin 01:08 Wassu & Mimi Page - Within Me 01:08 C H I L L T R A X - Twcc High Standard Of Quality 01:04 Bonsaye - Kismet 01:01 Reel People & Paula - Vibe (Moods Remix) 00:56 Zhu & Yuna - Sky Is Crying 00:53 Odesza Feat. Maro - Better Now 00:50 Lar - Collide (Jody Wisternoff & James Grant Remix) 00:45 Rhye - Feel Your Weight (Poolside Remix) 00:45 C H I L L T R A X - We Are The Music Makers 00:39 Steven Weston Feat. Tae - Same Dream 00:36 Boerd Feat. Stella Explorer - Another Life 00:32 Rocket Empire - Lima 00:28 Tsha - I Know 00:28 C H I L L T R A X - Valante Io Toh 00:23 Booka Shade & Satin Jackets - Fusion Royale 00:18 Cahelo - Bananaquit (Mass Digital Extended Remix) 00:14 Flume Feat. Emma Louise - Hollow (Logic1000 Remix) 00:10 Khotin & Tess Roby - Fountain, Growth 00:07 Giants' Nest - Storm Trap 00:02 Morgin Madison & Ryan Lucian - From The Start (Mm Chill Remix)
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kiefbowl · 2 years
Congratulations on your job!! I wonder if you have any advice: I’m 24, graduated during the pandemic with a BS and have been working full time from home for the last 1.5 years. I didn’t love what I studied but thought it would lend itself to law school or med school but I really don’t think that’s what I want to do. I want a good paying job and my family is pushing me to do computer science which I think I wouldn’t like or would be too stupid to do (same with medicine). idk what to do I don’t want to hate my job but I also think it’s silly to say money isn’t important and run off to Hollywood to be an actor. i just don’t know what I like and am afraid of spending money on a degree I won’t enjoy or be good at. I’m also just so lonely and unhappy I feel like I’m waiting for my life to get better or actually start but idk what to do! I feel paralyzed by fear of the future and fear of failure that I don’t actually do anything, whether that’s career stuff or even hobbies that I want to try! I’m so frustrated with myself like ugh why can’t I just do things!!
keep in mind, any work experience you get is a building block. Having a job now doesn't mean it's your job forever, or your career. 24 is a perfect age to be "funemployed" and take a lower paying, lower stakes job so you can prioritize taking stock and having some fun. and who knows, that lower paying, lower stakes job could turn into a career. every coffee shop needs a manager, every delivery job needs someone running logistics. I have friends who have been bartending for over 10 years now and that's their career, and there are downsides and perks. they have months where they make bank and make more than me, and the longer you work industry jobs, the more ritzy places open up as options. the brief time I did apartment leasing (I made 0 money and quit lol), everyone who was making a career out of it made their money in the summer (a lot) and then gig jobs the rest of the year. They had such amazing flexibility in their lives but also they were running themselves as a business and had to manage their own taxes.
The point I'm making is your job/career needs to support your life, and it's okay if it feels overwhelming because you're young enough to not really know all the ways you want your life to be. There's a balance of stability and flexibility, and there's a balance of working for someone and working for yourself. But the longer you work, no matter what you're doing, the more opportunities open up for improving skills, getting promoted, learning more of the industry and business. And every job you do has transferable skills, so doing six months at really shitty place can feel like a lifetime but eventually it's over and you move on and that was the job you learned some canned phrases for dealing with shitty customers or whatever. Through working, though starting at the bottom and working hard (or hardly working lol), you'll learn more about what makes you comfortable at a job and hitting that mid career level doesn't actually take that long. Get a couple promotions at one place and you can start putting "supervisor" "manager" "consultant" etc on your resume, and start creating the promotion for yourself by getting jobs at other places. No matter where you are in your career, it always takes time and you're not going to snap your fingers and get a new job the second you want it.
Don't fear failure because failure's going to come to you in one way or another, and then you survive it. Make sure you're keeping in touch with people because friends are great ways to get referred into companies, and ask people in their 40s/50s/60s what their career path has been. Every single one of them is going to have a different story, and they'll have choices they had to make, planned decisions, and also some dumb luck. People will say I was doing data analysis for 10 years at the same company, I thought it was so boring, so I decided to become a dentist at 37. Or someone will say I was bouncing from bar to bar, and then my friend needed someone to copywrite at their new startup and so I helped them out for a couple years and one thing lead to another now I'm an editor. Or someone will say I knew I wanted to be a lawyer like my mom since I was five, so I did that I never stopped doing that. But it's great listening to these stories you realize how many ways there are to live and so much of it is in your hands.
So good luck, keep your head remind yourself some of this can be fun and be your own number one cheerleader.
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clarissalance · 3 years
Hints of something more
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Albedo x fem!reader
Warning: Slight suggestive language at the end. 
Word count: 2k7
Summary: Apparently, visiting Albedo in Dragonspine has somehow opened a new door to your vague, no-label relationship. And Kaeya won’t stop teasing you about it.  
Before leaving for Dragonspine two days ago, Albedo told you to bring him some canvas, a few pencils and a paint set of watercolour. However, he failed to mention which brand and type of watercolour he wants you to bring. Is it a set of 24 colours? 48 colours or the 12 colours set? Furrow your eyebrows, you stared questioningly at the shelves, hesitating to pick one up. Knowing how picky Albedo is if it is not up to his standard. The man would refuse to touch the paint. 
What would he choose usually? You can’t seem to recall his watercolour preference. Funny how it is, he usually encourages you to follow your instinct. Human instinct is the best to study. He would say something like this out of nowhere. Sometimes they make a really questionable decision that I can’t decipher. Definitely one of his catch-on phrase. 
 Drilling holes on the shelves for too long is not the solution, so you finally choose the most expensive set of 48 watercolours in the store. You cross your fingers and hope that he doesn’t question your choice. There it goes for half of my salary. Far away, you can faintly see the outline of the money fairy waving at you, flying toward Celestia. I hope he will like this one. 
 Packing up the last few things inside your backpack, you prepare for the adventure to the Dragonspine to meet with the chalk prince. The bright sun on the blue canvas is almost halfway to the top. The weather would be lovely for a small picnic, too good to waste over climbing to Dragonspine. Dragging your body toward the front gate, you lazily hope to hitch someone carriage. It would be best to start early than arriving at the lab late.  
 The journey takes an hour by feet to walk from the city to the foot of Dragonspine and then takes another 2 hours to walk to Albedo’s lab on the mountain. It would be much faster if you can actually have combat fighting skill to head-on with the cryo mitachurl, but life is much a sadder reality. You don’t have a vision nor a combat skill to solo a whole camp of hilichurl. However, with your brain and your gifted survival (escaping) instinct, dodging a few camps and distracting a few of them isn’t very hard. 
 The weather in Dragonspine is much better than what you anticipated. The sky deep and clear, the veil of fog has thinned enough. The air is crisp, mist rises and slowly dissipates after each exhales. The sheer cold is as brutal and sharp knife-like as usual. You can’t understand how Albedo loves the weather in this place enough to set up a lab in here. A summer person like you refuses to set foot in this area unless for commissions and Albedo’s related purpose. Hnng, you are starting to regret coming here.  
There are a few more camps of hilichurl than usual on your way to the mountain, so you decide to take the longer route. At least meeting with a few Fatui is much more comforting than getting hit by an ice mitachurl shield. 
 By the time you get to the camp, the sun is standing proudly on the top. You get here an hour late, and much to your dismay, Albedo wasn’t in his lab. He is going out to look for more sample again. Heaving exhaustingly, you drop the heavy backpack thud on the ground. Scampering over the fire, you let out a satisfying at the charing fire. A pyro vision would be convenient to have in this weather. 
 With the sound of wood cracking under the desiring heat, the frost bearing breeze slowly finds its way into the camp, cooling the scorching radiation from the glowing fire. Warmth slowly crawls and sinks in on your dry skin, soothing the icy air. Exhausted, your eyelids slowly pull themselves over, threaten to extinguish your consciousness. A nap wouldn’t hurt anyone, right? You let out a long yawn, curl into a fetal position and use the bag as a pillow. Darkness comes within a second. 
 You are woken up by the warmth on the hand caressing your cheek, running through your hair. The familiar smooth hand resting on your face doesn’t know you have woken up, the thumb fiddling with your soft skin. Nuzzle lovingly at the palm, you let out sigh contentment. The hand is big enough, gently and carefully tracing your face outline like it’s treasuring a gift. This familiar feeling tickles you like a feather. 
 Groggily, you peel your eyes open and greet with a stunning sight. Albedo is sitting next to you, the fluffy blond hair softly falls on the cheek, some being tucked under his ears. The teal eyes focus intently on the notebook in front of him, glimmering with interest and dedication, his long lashes fluttering like a butterfly wing on a flower petal. The golden diamond on his neck glimmers faintly under the flicker of light, stand out on his creamy white skin. His warm slender fingers still lightly touch your hair soothingly make you feel so relaxing. Letting out a satisfying purr, you press your plump lips on his wrist, successfully gets Albedo attention. 
 “ How long have you been up?” His soothing voice has never failed to calm your nerve. You yearn up a little bit, trying to peek at the notebook on his lap. It’s so far away, you can’t catch a glimpse from here. 
 “ A while.” You hum. “ Long enough to get drunken at your handsome features.” 
 His eyes widen a little bit, not expecting that coming out from your mouth. 
 At the corner of his eyes, he catches your cheeky grin. Beaming widely at him, you internally cringing at your cheesy remark. You don’t even know what gives you the courage to slip the embarrassing words. 
 Albedo smirks at your blatant flirt, his reaction opposite what you look for. He returns his attention back to the notebook. His eyes still remains a hint of amusement. You want to dig a hole and jump in it. 
Slowly rise up, you rub your eyes tiredly, and notice Albedo’s coat on your body. Did he put it on you? You glance at him curiously, trying to seek an explanation, but he remains quiet, focuses on the piece of paper. The sound of pencil rustling on the parchment eases you somehow, like waking up in a small cottage with your loved one. 
 “ What time is it? ” You let out a big yawn, voice thicks with sleep. His light coat somehow is warm. Maybe you should ask him where he got this. 
 “ It’s around 3.” Albedo mindlessly points out. “ You can sleep more. Put my coat on if you're cold.” He reminds.  
 “ I shouldn’t be sleeping longer. Let me help with your work so I can get back to Mondstadt on time.” You scratch your head, your body is numbing over the sheer cold. Throw on Albedo coat, you hope the thin layer can keep you warm a little bit longer. His coat smells like frost and Cecilia. Inside the pocket, you find a heating pack. Maybe this is what kept you warm when you were sleeping.  
  “ M almost finished.” The sound of paper rustling each time he turns a page. “I can accompany you back to the city.” 
 “ But I haven’t done anything?” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, hands folding at your chest, trying to saviour some warmth. “You’re sure you finished?” 
 “ Yes, just a few more retouches, then we can go back.” Albedo nods, his eyes still glued on the piece of paper. Abruptly, he stops and looks up at you, waving his hand, signalling you to get closer. Obediently, you walk toward him. When you are an arm-length from him, the man gestures at the chair put closely next to him. He wants you to sit down?
 You sit down quietly, trying to take a look at the drawing he is working on. Hmm, is that you? Did he draw your sleeping form? On the paper is the portrait of you curl like a fetal, your long hair splaying on the floor. Each stroke of pencil depicts the gentleness you have in your face when you are sleeping. The drawing is mundane somehow, you feel comfortable and relax when looking at the piece. 
 Suddenly, you felt a warm hand slotting in your palm, elbow nudging yours. His slender digits are weaving tightly with your fingers, warmth tingling on the tips of your fingers. . Look up from the drawing, you see a tint of pink on his ears. So he can also get embarrassed. 
 “ You look cold.” He mumbles, eyes avoiding yours, his cheek flush furiously. “Sit closer.” You gladly shift closer, your hand and shoulder touching his. Albedo picks up the pencil and returns to his drawing. This time he turns to a new page, start to draw another specimen. Looking at the sketch, you guess he is trying to sketch the abandoned ruins. The comfortable silence envelopes the two of you. 
 Being so close to him, you can make out the whiff of fresh Cecilia and pine. Engulf by his coat and, now next sitting next to him, you are bathing under his signature scent. It would be nice if I could feel him more. Blushing at the thought, you try to push away those not-so-innocent thoughts. Obviously, he is trying to be a gentleman. You should be grateful, if not because of him, you're going to freeze to death.
 Albedo is much warmer than you, his body radiating heat like a furnace after a while. Silently, you pick up a book you left here last time on the table. Most of his books are either textbooks or ancient language book about the alchemist, which you think you are qualified enough to read. Waiting for him in silence is a form of torture if you don’t do something. Your attention removes from his body and to the novel on your hand. 
 After what feels like two hours, Albedo finally puts down his pencil and stretches. His long limb knocks your hand a few times, your knees bump with his. He let out a tired yawn, cracking his knuckles. 
 “Finished?” Your eyes still glue on the thick book. You hear him let out a hum, his hand remove to clean up the mess on the table. 
 “ What are you having for dinner?” Albedo casually asks, hand dusting the enormous amount of eraser dust on the paper before dumping them in the trash. His voice wavers a little, but you aren't sure why. 
 “Hash brown and cream stew. I have a brownie for dessert.” You notice Albedo never makes small conversation like this. He is the type who would get straight to the point or request. Perc up from the book, you are faced with his back at you. He is arranging the bookshelves.
 “Do… you want to join me for dinner? ” After it felt like a while, you finally break the silence, your voice laces with uncertainty. If you read the atmosphere wrong, it can cost you quite severely.  
 “Sure.” He shrugs nonchalantly, continues sorting the stacks of books on the ground. Somehow you can feel the tension in the air is lifted, and he seems more relaxed than before. 
 “These are some observations and speculations I made in the last few days in here.” The chief alchemist hands you a folder. 
 You flip through the files, they are mostly pictures and drawing of large camps of hilichurl. At the end of the file is a map marked with their locations. The Abyss Order's activity has increased rapidly in this month. Commissions have been sent out continuously, yet many of them haven’t been sorted out properly yet. It seems like the sheer cold of Dragonspine can't prevent their enthusiasm. On your ways here, you have met 4 more camps, hence the reason why you choose to be acquainted with the Fatui instead.
 “I will give this to the Adventurer Guild. Thank you for this.” You exhale, fingers rubbing your eyes tiredly. The next few days are going to be very busy. 
 “If you are done, then pack up. We are going back.” He announces, returns his attention to pile on the ground. Fold the corner of the page, close the book, prepare the pack-up for the leave. You can’t wait to leave this devastating sheer cold and return back to the realm of fog and wind. Shuffling through your backpack, you put the art supplies Albedo asked you to buy on the table neatly. You didn't take anything out, so no need for packing. Basically, you are done. 
 “ Let’s go back.” 
On the way back, you both walk in silence. Most of the camps are cleared, barrels and boxes shatter into tiny pieces scatter on the ground. Seem like our dear traveller has their job quite well. The place is almost spotless, even with the Fatui camp. You are impressed with their productivity.  
 It takes less than 2 hours walking back from Dragonspine, now that your bag is lighter. Walking comfortably next to Albedo, your hands grazing past each other a few times. You watch the sunset etches widely on the blushing hues orange sky in Dragonspine can be so romantic. 
 Suddenly feeling so motivated, you gently slip your index into his palm. Albedo freezes but still complies, his fingers caught your hand, slowly interlocking yours. Your heart thumps loudly in your chest, heating creeping up your cheek. Shutting your eyes, you mumble incoherently something about how unfair life is. 
 He let out a breathy snicker, with your fingers interlock, sharing the heat in the harsh weather. Look up the fading orange, slowly disappear behind the layer of thick snow, you blow out warm air, fog gathers and dissipates in the air. Sunset in Dragonspine can be arguably one of the best scenes in Mondstadt. 
    “I’m going back to my office to put this away.” When you arrive at the gate, Albedo decides to head to the HQ of the Knight of Favonius. He motions at the package in his hand. 
 “ See you later at dinner.” Nonchalantly, he plants a kiss on your cheek, hand ruffles your hair a little bit before head off in the opposite direction. 
 You stand there, still trying to comprehend what just happened a few seconds ago. The peck on your cheek is too short, too light, like feather brushes. He can’t do this to you. Your cheek is blazing with fire, and if not careful, a spark can ignite an explosion right here. You turn your head sideways, trying to saviour and recall the feeling of his lips. 
 “ Tch tch.” The sound is coming from the nearby alley, the click-clack of boots coming closer. You whirl your head toward that direction, just to realize the source of the sound is all-mighty Calvary Captain of the Knight of Favonius. 
 “ Love is really in the air.” He comments sarcastic, hand waving around to shoo away those imaginable ‘love’. 
 “ Living this long, I have never thought I would be able to see our Alchemist Chief giving someone a goodbye kiss.” Kaeya smugs at you, his deep blue eyes gleaming with mischief. Oh, you really can't wait to wipe his shit-eating grin off his face. 
 “Stop being a drama queen, Kaeya.” You shot back. “ He gave Klee one too, don’t treat this as such an abnormal supernatural act.” Internally, you have to say that Albedo giving affection is kind of a supernatural incident too. Kaeya eyes at you like you grow another head, shaking his head.  
 “ You know what I meant.” The captain shrugs, his voice ringing with a hint of smugness. 
 The man suddenly walks closer, his gloved hand pats your shoulder, squeezing it lightly. “Must have been really cold in Dragonspine for him to give you his coat.” He winks at you, his eyes slowly drag down your figure. You cautiously look down. Shit, you totally forget this. 
 “We have a meeting at 8 tomorrow at the HQ. Please tell him to not stay up too late.” The cryo user whistles teasingly, heading toward Angel Share, his hand waving in the air. Your face flushes furiously, smoke almost come off your burning face. Now you realize why people have been giving your pointed gazes when you first enter the gate. Damn it, Kaeya, it is not what you think it is.  
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