#I won't feel bad about it I prommy
neverendingford · 1 year
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17yearcicada · 3 months
to be honest i wish i had someone i could bitch to about [redacted] without them pulling the whole "ohhh that's so awful i'm so sorry you're going through that do i need to tell someone do you need to see someone" routine like it's not about that it's mostly just a minor inconvenience
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faineant-girl · 1 year
sillyness in my head today.
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bogos-bint3d · 5 months
Considering Yellow just came out, I'm curious how you interpret Justice!
Ok so I don't really know how to start so to get things going I'll begin with some pictures of them
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I have to say, they give me SO many feelings. I originally started work on them long before I even knew what undertale yellow was. My first attempts at drawing them (which you can see in the top left that were used for reference) were done back in June, but I was planning things for them several months before.
I remember them actually being pretty much the very first fallen human who I felt motivated to make something with, because I saw a comic of someone's own interpretation of them. I noticed how in that comic, they went to Mount Ebott intentionally, for the other humans or something, and that was sort of the beginning of my inspiration, but I felt like I could do more with it. So, starting off with that I kinda built on it. I wanted to do something different from what I'd seen before, where they wanted to get justice on the monsters FOR hurting the humans. I remember someone saying something along the lines of them thinking justice was a little bitch, which of course was a valid interpretation, and that's what made me sorta go in a different direction.
For me, I saw justice as someone who would've wanted justice for the MONSTERS, from the very start. They were the kind of person who didn't really believe the legend of humans and monsters, but of course knew Mount Ebott was a very dangerous place. And, yknow, believed monsters were just a legend, they loved to think about the fact that if monsters WERE real, they were probably trapped unfairly. Think about Chara for example. Though they were human themself, they still hated humanity, and felt connected to the monsters. They wanted the monsters to be free and to go against the humans. I imagine justice to have been something like that. Not as much hatred for humans as Chara maybe, but still knowing of all the bad that humans had done, and, being an edgy teen, felt genius for the concept that this ""old """"silly"""" legend"" would probably have been biased in favour of the humans. (which they were actually right about. Good for them 👍🏾)
Am I explaining this correctly? I'm not sure if I am lol
So anyways, yes my justice interpretation very much did not want justice on the monsters once they discovered the legend was true, but rather was very much on the side of monsters getting justice on the humans.
Let's see, what else is there... Ah so as I was explaining before, seeing that comic also sparked the idea for me that they went there looking for someone. They'd usually never even get near to Ebott, however, they end up having to. Ok this part is like it's own separate infodump so like take a breath. So this all ties in to one of my other fallen soul interpretations, integrity. I won't get too into them right now because that is like a WHOLE OTHER CONVERSATION, so for now I am going with the BARE ESSENTIALS. Justice went there specifically to go look for integrity, because in my little interpretation thing, they're siblings. I'll show some quick things about them then straight back to Justice I prommy
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Their name is Leo (I don't have a name for justice yet I'm so sorry Leo is like the only human I've named so far), and ended up on Ebott after a stupid dare by the rest of their ballet class. So anyways after justice finds Leo is like. No where at all. They have to go on over to Leo's dance class cause that's the last place they'd been and ask around the other kids to find out where their 10 year old sibling was because they'd been FUCKING MISSING FOR LIKE SEVERAL HOURS only to find out the other kids left them on MOUNT FUCKING EBOTT, where multiple other children have all DISAPPEARED upon going there. So now justice gotta go to death mountain to find their lost sibling no big deal
I feel much more nervous about talking about my fallen soul interpretations now than I would've, like, four months ago, simply because the presence of uty has had such a grip on the fandom that people have kind of accepted it as canon. I think it's actually a really stupid and petty thing to mad/sad about, because a lot of effort was out into it, and I'm sure it's very very good, but I just, well I guess we all just whish we were the best, right? I'm scared yellow will completely overshadow any other existing interpretations, and people love it so much, they won't care about my own. I REALLY hate myself for this, and I just want to say I think you should all keep loving yellow! It seems really good! This is just my own dumb fear shining through haha
But anyways, enough of that! I'll explain more about the souls another time because if I keep going on right now I might become physically incomprehensible. There is so much more about justice that I'll dump on you all another time, trust me, I just hope you all like what I've got so far ❤️ thanks :)
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tainoidiot · 2 years
If I may, can I request a jealous fic with any of the dork squad (jervis, riddler, or crane) 💕🥰💕
I think I'll do BTAS Jervis for this one!
* I'm finally not sick anymore, and all my schoolwork is finished so istg I'll post more I prommy-
BTAS Jealous!Jervis Tetch x Reader
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+ "Alright! How do I look, my love?" Jervis asked you, showing off his signature indigo coat and tophat to you with a wide grin. All you could do was shrug and laugh, grabbing at his coat. "You know this is just a potluck my friends are hosting, right?" Jervis huffed, placing his hand on top of yours "I like making a good impression on people. And the first step with that is a fetching outfit!" He smirks, to which you shook your head and giggled "Baby, you look like an undertaker for clowns.."
Jervis faked a gasp, pushing you away "From my own beloved! I won't have it, I won't!" Placing his hand on his forehead and doing a dramatic fall onto the couch. You took his hand and smiled "Come on, we're gonna be late. Let's get going."
+ Jervis sat at the park bench, nervously tapping his foot as he looked around. You had wanted to introduce him to your friends for a while now, but seemed to have forgotten that he wasn't really sure what to talk about around people. He didn't want to start going in on the lore of Lewis Carol, but he also just hated sitting there...
That's when he caught a glimpse of you talking to one of your male friends. This made him feel even worse, being that Jervis already felt pretty bad about his own image. Is this someone who could snatch you away at any second? Oh god, they're so attractive too! Why are you dating him when this guy was so perfect?! That's it! He won't take this!
Jervis got up, practically giving this guy the death stare as he walked over. As soon as he got to you, Jervis wrapped his arm around your waist. You jumped, not noticing him at first. "Jervis! You scared me!" You chuckled and smiled at him "Hm, yes.. my apologies." He growled, making it very clear how he felt in the moment. Catching onto this, you decided to excuse yourself from the conversation and pull him to the side.
"Is everything okay? You sound off." You asked with concern in your voice. Jervis shook his head and.. stopped. God, this entire attitude of his was silly wasn't it? He sighed and bit his lip nervously "Yes.. Yes everything is alright. I apologize for taking you away from your conversation." But it didn't take long for you to piece together what that was about. "Wait a second.. Jervis, are you jealous of him?"
"I can't exactly help it! He's so incredibly attractive, and you look like you're having such a nice time alongside him. Why would you want me when you could have that kind of man on your arm?" He asked, his voice squeaking a bit. You frowned and took his hands in yours "Jervis, no way do I want to be with him when I have something so much better." You explained. "But I'm older too. You already get looks from people from that, plus my reputation.." you could almost see him shrinking. It broke your heart.
"Baby, no way. Do you remember when I told you I loved you?" He nodded. It was dark, cold too. But you both made time out of your busy schedules to meet up and talk. It didn't take long for you to realize that you loved him, mostly because it was the first time you felt wanted by someone. He wanted to be with you, and it made you feel wonderful. "No guy can ever top that." You reminded him, wrapping your arms around him into an embrace. He smiled and reciprocated.
How silly of him, indeed.
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puppygirlf4g · 1 year
You know, you're cute so I'm going to give you two options: you can suck my cock before I use your ass like a fleshlight, or I can just skip to using your ass. Oh, and don't even think about trying to get off on my cock. If you even think about cumming I'm going to beat your ass so bad you won't be able to sit for weeks. I'll want to finish in your mouth too, so be a dear and choke on my cock for a bit after I ruin your ass. If you're good I might decide to smack you around after you swallow my girlcum <3
ueaiujhbnfdkjafsldkjhnadflhad i-i'll be a good girl and suck you off first... so that i get to taste and smell u... and i prommy i won't cum, nonnie!! i'm a good puppy so i know that my pleasure doesn't matter at all!! maybe could you beat my ass anyway though?? i bruise really nicely... >////< and pretty please use my throat after?? being made to taste my own ass on a girl's cock always makes me feel sooooo humiliated 😵‍💫
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not-a-space-alien · 1 year
K&J x MMSS 3: Kane & Valen Part 3
Chapter 3 of the third crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
Content warnings: Torture, burns, GORE GORE GORE, craniotomy (with a circular saw), mention of rape, emeto
I prommy this timeline is going to have a RIDICULOUSLY fluffy and happy ending, but things are going to get much worse before they get better.
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
The next morning, Nick comes down around midday. There's some occasional noise upstairs that would seem to indicate other people are in the building. Nick asks some others to come downstairs, but he gets two or three rejections before he gives up and comes down alone.
Kane manages to catch his keeper's name when one of his peers rejects him. This information is useless to him, but now he knows.
"Well, #1," he says, the cold, emotionless mask back up. "Looks like you're off the hook today, since nobody is willing to come supervise me." He sits in the chair at his desk, loading his notebooks onto it, as though it weren't the scene of unspeakable violation a few hours ago. He clicks a pen. "Now, #2, I'm going to ask you a few questions. Please describe to me what sunlight feels like."
Kane immediately panics at the question. Not the sun, anything but the sun. He almost starts begging, before he catches himself.
Nick said he would repeat the thing he hates the most over and over and over. He can't let him know this is it. He has to somehow stay calm.
"The sun..." he starts with dread, "It feels like being eaten alive by fire. It's bad. And, and it takes a very long time to heal from." He hopes this tidbit makes Nick reconsider. He seemed concerned about healing speed.
Nick nods. "Thank you, this is very useful. I can't get direct quotes from #1. We've known for a long time that vampires hate the sun, but it's been very difficult to figure out a way to use that effectively, since vampires generally just avoid coming out during the day."
Kane listens incredulously as Nick talks. You raped me last night and now you're talking to me like everything's normal, he wants to say, but of course he doesn't.
Nick goes over to a shelf and takes out a device that has a light bulb in it. "This emits UV rays which mimic sunlight, but I'm still trying to quantify how it compares. Hold your hand out for me."
It mimics sunlight. Kane shudders at the thought. He holds out his hand obediently, but it's shaking badly. "P-please, mercy, sir," he begs. "Please." 
Nick's hand freezes with the device over Kane's skin for a moment. "Perhaps you misunderstand," says Nick dispassionately. "This is not for a punishment, or for my own pleasure. This is to gather information. There is no mercy, or lack of mercy here, #2. There is no cutting it short or extending it out. There's only experiment parameters, which need to be followed." He turns it on.
What the fuck is wrong with this man? Kane thinks, and then his hand lights up in burning pain. He screams, yanking his hand back protectively as it audibly sizzles, the familiar smell of his own burnt flesh emanating.
It's not as bad as regular sunlight, nowhere close, but it's still horrible. It's worse than silver, and silver is already bad. "It's- it's gathered, sir," he tries to insist.
"The information?" Kane suggests hopefully, showing Nick his burnt hand.
Nick sits down at his desk and clicks his pen. "Describe it to me."
Was that actually it? His old hunters would have dragged this out forever, if they had that device at their disposal. Maybe it won't be so bad during the day. That would be a first.
"It's... worse than silver, but not as bad as the real sun, sir," he answers. Kane feels his gut twist at the thought that he's aiding the tormenting and killing of his own kind, but he doesn't have much of a choice. "But... any vampire who gets hit with this will be stopped in their tracks, regardless of the fact that it's not like the real sun. It's bad enough for that."
"Excellent, that's very useful, thank you." Nick walks over and unhooks Kane from the ground, and has him sit down in the chair. He then secures Kane's arms with leather belts to the arm rests. "That's good qualitative data, but I'll need something quantitative now." He sets a timer on the desk.
Kane whimpers, but does not resist, determined to be good. He hopes Nick sets it to count down instead of up, so he'll know how much time he has left. He hopes Nick avoids his face. "Yes, sir."
He glances briefly at Valen, wondering if he can judge how bad this is compared to the normal here by the other vampire’s expression. 
Valen watches resignedly, cringing a little bit.
Nick sets the timer for five minutes, and turns the device on, setting it above the hand that was already burned. 
Kane wails, staring desperately at the timer. Five minutes. That's not so bad, all things considered. It could be so much worse. But it burns, burns, burns, the skin of his hand crisping up agonizingly underneath the horrible light. His screams break off into pained sobs as the minutes drag on, his eyes not leaving the ticking numbers.
Nick turns the device off when the timer reaches zero. He then writes "5 minutes" on a piece of paper and slides it under Kane's hand, then stops to snap a photograph.
He then sets the timer for five minutes again.
Kane's breathing quickens as the horrific realization dawns on him. "How, how m-many, sir?" he asks, voice small.
Nick looks at him coldly. "How long would you estimate it usually takes to reach saturation for a burn?”
"I don't... know what that means. Wh-what's saturation?" he asks, panicked. Please let it be something that happens fast.
"The point at which the maximum damage has occurred, and further burns make no significant change to the condition."
"I've n-never, never timed it, but... not too long, sir? Maybe twenty, th-thirty minutes? But that's with... the real sun." Kane is sure it'll be less than an hour before he reaches saturation, but it's going to be an extremely painful less than an hour.
"It will probably be between 20 and 30 repetitions of 5 minute intervals, then. We needn't go on longer once there's no visible change between rounds." He turns the machine on again.
That's at least two hours, Kane realizes with dread. He tries to remind himself it's better than all day and it's just my hand, not everything, but it's awful.
He lets out a blood-curdling scream when the machine turns back on. It's worse this time.
His screams die out by the 6th repetition, his voice hoarse from overuse.
After the 10th repetition, Kane asks, his voice raspy, "C-can I please have a break, sir? Five m-minute break? Please?" Some hunters have granted him this, though not many.
Nick clicks his tongue. "Unfortunately, no. That would introduce confounding factors into the data if the time between isn't uniform."
There's footsteps on the stairs. "Nick, for god's sake," says a man's voice.
Kane snaps his mouth shut, remembering his orders. He silently wills the hunter not to make Nick angry. It's always worse when hunters are in a bad mood.
"What is it, Bailey?" Nick says.
"Is this really how you're going to do it?" says the newcomer. "Just having him scream all day?"
"I can gag him if the noise is disruptive."
"That's not--that's not what I meant. Isn't there....I dunno, some other way to do it?"
"...Is there some other way to measure burns on a vampire, other than burning a vampire?"
"Man, I don't know. Like, with the other one it wasn't so obvious you were hurting it so badly."
As soon as this man- Bailey- makes it clear he dislikes hurting badly, Kane looks up at him with big, pleading eyes. Help. Please help me. Please.
"I can make it less obvious, if that would make you feel better,” Nick suggests.
"That's--that's not what I meant."
"If you have a problem with my work, take it up with the director. He's given me permission to do this."
The second man mutters in disgust and goes back up the stairs and out of the basement, shutting the door.
Of course he won’t help. He's a hunter. Kane supposes he's gotten his break, and mentally prepares for the second half of his torture.
It goes much the same as the first half. Once they start hitting 20, he looks at Nick hopefully each time, desperate for it to be the last one.
After repetition #22, Nick thoughtfully flips through his notebook. "All right, that seems to be all the use we'll get out of this setup. Now we have to use natural sunlight on the other hand to compare the progression."
Kane sobs loudly. "P-please no, please please please, n-not the sun! Please, it hurts, anything but that, please!"
Nick gives him a withering glare. "You already know we can't stop." He undoes the restraints keeping him to the chair and grabs the handle on his collar, dragging him upstairs.
Two hunters upstairs on the couch watch Nick drag Kane past them to the patio on the back. Sunlight has started creeping onto the cement patio. Nick sets him on the ground. "You may choose whether you want to be restrained, held down, or do it freely yourself. Just know that if we break the same pattern from earlier, we'll have to start over, probably on your forearms, for the sake of consistency." 
Kane wails in despair the entire time he's dragged to the patio, crying profusely. He leans as far away from the sun as he can, sobbing.
"R-restrained, sir," he chokes out. He won't be able to do it by himself, and the thought of Nick holding him down after last night makes him want to throw up.
Nick retrieves a stake from inside the house--metal coated with silver, not wooden--and sets up a small blind to create shade just big enough for Kane's hands to be in. He pounds the stake into the ground through the chain holding Kane's wrists together, and then removes the blind, allowing the sunlight to hit his skin after starting the timer. He keeps the blind low enough that Kane's already damaged hand is still in the shade, though.
They proceed as they'd just done, in five minute intervals. It's much quicker this time, only taking 5 or 6 repetitions. Kane howls like a banshee, and this time he writhes, desperately and unsuccessfully trying to get away.
There is more begging this time. "Make it s-stop, please make it stop, please, I can't do this! It hurts, it hurts, please p-please please no more!" he cries, to no avail.
Nick snaps a final photo. "All right, I think that's all I need for now."
The glass patio door opens behind them. "Nick, what the fuck are you doing out here?"
"Like, do you think it's a good idea to have that thing screaming its head off outside? Use your brain, man. I'm sure whatever you're doing you don't need to put it in the actual sun."
"I do," Nick snaps. "Take it up with the director if you don't like it." He grabs Kane's collar and drags him back inside, back into the basements, shutting the door and muttering. He deposits Kane on the floor and goes to his desk, writing things down, doing calculations on a calculator.
Please not the actual sun again. Please take it up with the director, if that means no more sun. Again, Kane looks up at the hunter with pleading eyes, and again, nothing happens.
He curls in on himself, holding his ruined hands to his chest protectively as he sniffles and cries. He doesn't like the implications of this experiment. He's going to try to make it worse, make the device closer to the actual sun. Why? He can't possibly see how that would aid in hunting. It's bad enough to work already.
"Is- is it over for today, sir?" he asks hopefully. He just wants to rest.
Nick ignores his question for a few moments, holding up his notebook to appraise the calculations. Then he says, "Now this is interesting. You burn 3% slower than #1 does." 
Kane wishes he burned faster, so he could spend less time in the sun.
Nick closes the notebook. "That's all the sun for today. But lucky for you, I need to check the reproducibility of one of the most important experiments I've conducted on #1, and that ends with you being unconscious." 
Kane is incredibly relieved to hear that, nodding vigorously. "Unconscious, please," he whimpers.
Nick has Kane sit in another chair--this one is covered with an alarming amount of dried blood, especially near the headrest, but unfortunately it's not human blood. Nick straps him in at the arms and legs, then kicks a lever to recline it, having Kane lay faceup staring at the ceiling.
He then roots around in his shelves of tools, and comes out with a circular saw, which has been jury-rigged to remove the safety guard.
From the blood on the headrest and Nick's comment about being unconscious, Kane is pretty sure Nick is going to root around in his brain. He's glad for this- if it's bad enough, he won't wake for days or maybe even a week, and his hands will hurt less by then.
"H-how long did it take with... #1, sir?" he asks anxiously. Please, please be fast. 
"Till about 40% removal. It will be done by weight, not time." He revs the circular saw. "Feel free to scream as loudly as you want. It will help me more accurately judge when you fall unconscious. Now lie as still as you can."
He pulls on some gloves, a heavy, bloodstained apron, and a face shield. He lays out his tools on a small table beside him, a shallow metal pan sitting among the scalpels and things that looked suspiciously like ice cream scoops. "This is ostensibly one of the more viscerally unpleasant things to watch, but the brain itself has no pain receptors, and should be fairly painless once the cranium is opened. I don't know why everyone makes such a fuss about it." 
He starts the saw and lowers it into Kane's skull.
Kane has been vivisected before several times, but his old hunters never opened his head. Maybe because of what Nick said about it being unpleasant to look at.
He screams as the saw tears into his head, but somehow, somehow, he holds still. He's overcome with the feeling that moving with the saw in him would only make everything hurt that much worse. He sobs, vision blurry with tears, holding onto the fact that he'll be unconscious soon.
Valen, still shoved in the corner, watches long enough to see the exposed brain matter start to appear through the red mist of blood being kicked up by the saw, and then turns away, unable to look any longer.
The saw stops, and there's a sickening suction sound as Kane's scalp detaches from his cracked open cranium. 
Nick sits on a stool, taking scalpels and scoops from the table, out of Kane's field of vision. At periodic intervals, naked brain matter, red with blood, appears and plops into the shallow metal pan.
Kane's voice gives out even quicker this time, after his earlier ordeal. He shudders violently as Nick scoops his brain out piece by piece. He throws up, but his stomach is empty, so it's just spit and dry heaving. He loses his vision rather quickly.
He falls unconscious in around the same amount of time as Valen did.
K&J x MMSS crossover taglist:
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rapidhighway · 11 months
Dying to hear your thoughts about knuckles being possessed by the chaos emerald
Everyone else can close their eyes this is for Nahla lmaooo
You mean master emerald? Cause the master emerald oh boyyy WELL
Okay cmere (pats my bed foryou to sit next to me) this will make no sense probably but I've had many specific thoughts about this idk if it's any good
umm i won't lie I have a whole ass au in the making rn skcnkdkdkd but im very unsure about many things so I'm not going to go into this stuff much. However I've been thinking about this for quite some time and what I think is that a scenario like that would require a new villain (or one that already exists but I'm not versed enough in sonic lore and idk them). LISTEN IDK anything about enerjack I WILL I prommy I will and I will scream about ittt But. A villain that is interested in Echidnas, Angel Island and stuff, someone knowledgeable and with big big ambitious. I don't see it being Eggman cause I feel like the most Eggman would do with the Master Emerald is powering some big ass robot or a giant laser or something. And this should be personal. This should be about Angel Island and the Echidnas and about Knuckles' life and his mission. Knuckles doesn't go super, he doesn't use the emeralds, he doesn't use the Master Emerald, he just guards it. So to get him to actually use it, get corrupted by it, it would have to be something powerful and something that plays on all bad parts of his life. I don't really see Knuckles as someone who angsts a lot about his situation, he's unsatisfied by it but I don't think he's going to cry about it. He's proud of being the guardian of the Master Emerald even though it has big big downsides. The things that would actually be painful would be failure as guardian (not just of the ME but his friends too)loss of Angel Island, loss of something big, very important to the echidna culture, stuff like that, idk I'd have to think it through haha. I don't think Knuckles being corrupted by the Master Emerald should be anyone's end goal. It could be something of a side effect, perhaps Knuckles trying to protect it from destruction or corruption or something would get corrupted himself and entangled with the Emerald's power. All very cool he needs a very cool form. Personally I think the tactic for his defeat could be more than one person using the chaos emeralds to become super, this way let's say Sonic takes all the punches (gets punched out of his super form like the master can do) and for example Tails and Amy (I need them to go super pls pls pls) could blast Knux to smithereens lmao. You know what I mean. I think? But basically, this is a very cool concept but I NEED it to be so good and big and dramatic. This is NOT a one shot idea for me okay, I need a 50k story at least.
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outeremissary · 11 months
18 and 19 for Caina and Balthazar >:3
So this has actually been discussed before in my TTRPG party due to my reputation as "the asshole who keeps making the sad backstories," so I have a small screenshot enclosed at the end.
18. Imagine meeting your oc. What would you want to say to them or do with them?
Leave. I would leave. I would want to leave. With both of these. I don't want to be in this situation. It's dire.
But to not dodge it... I suppose that I would want to give Caina a hug, apologize, and super duper mega pinky promise it totally will get better for realsies. Prommy. It will. It really will. And I know my little guy needs that hug. Really though I feel very bad about this situation and I don't want to face it.
As for Balthazar. Ignoring the Allegations. I really don't even know. I mean, I cooked that guy's brain pretty badly. Uhh. Sorry. But a little less sincere. Awkward pat.
19. How might your oc react to finding out you are the one responsible for their life?
Badly!!! Really badly!!! Like I said, it's dire!!!
If I have to be more specific. Then I have always felt that for Caina this would be a significant breakdown situation. He's always carried a lot of guilt about all his actions, and learning that all the fine clockwork of his life's misery was set for no greater purpose than to entertain, not even truly the product of his own will, would just destroy him. He's lost everything, he's been cast out of the sight of the gods, he's been a wanderer and an outcast, and all for nothing. Any feeble work he's made towards redemption and forgiveness in the eyes of the divine has been for nothing because a capricious being could have snapped their fingers at any time and ended his suffering. I could have returned him home. Everyone could have lived. How do you live with the weight of that? What is there left to believe in or hope for? Anyway I think after the shell shocked horror I get stabbed by a terribly lethal trained killer who's much much stronger and faster than me
For Balthazar there isn't really an in between period. Here they are. The Specific asshole divine entity that wrecked his fucking life. *Calistria voice* And what do we do when someone wrongs us? We get revenge! In this case perhaps with violent fury. It's joever, man. Balthazar is pathetically weak, but I... am even more pathetic. And shorter. And scared of even having my toes stomped by somebody's heels. I think this would be painful and I do not think it would be quick. As it happens though there have been times that I wrote some new Bad Thing into Balthazar's life and then a little bit later it happened to me, so sometimes I think that this is ongoing and he really is putting some kind of curse on me. But I won't give in. Two can play at that game. And thus the cycle continues unbroken.
Anyway. The promised bonus screenshot.
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Actually one more thing. Sometimes when I'm adding an especially heinous song to a Balthazar playlist I feel some kind of undisguised malice at my back.
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
local follower that barely interacts with you until now:
I Feel bad for your situation with all the comments from some anons you're getting. But I can agree with you on a slight lower level. I love DCA, the fics, drawings & all, yet sometimes I question how the hell we got from a goofy looking DCA character from security to very, & I mean very suggestive stuff. It doesn't bother me, but yeah, I understand your reasons.
I apologize that this is happening to you when you are only giving out your opinions. Continue on your journey here on Tumblr, Twitter, and any other places. I've love your creations on art for a while, so continue & have fun!
Sorry if i didn't fully understand here & there, i had just found your post on the suggestive stuff but haven't fully read it yet :')
Thanks for the kind words!! Unfortunately it's hard to understand what people mean over the internet. I think it also doesn't help that I leave a lot of comments in the tags akhdjs. Like for example saying one of the reasons it makes me uncomfortable is bc everything is very catered to people who are attracted to men and so they make the DCA masculine in a very cis man way. Which leads to my uncomfortable feelings as a lesbian. Which are my feelings alone and I understand that I'm an outlier in the fandom so a lot of posts ARENT for me. Honestly I just want it all to go away already so I won't be answering any more asks about it. Thanks again hun!!! I prommy I'll get back to creating as soon as I get motivation 😅
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muckmage · 1 year
My bad, sorry, didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, that's the last one, I prommy
I won't reveal myself tho, so I guess it's goodbye :,( in anon asks, at least.
-the checkmarker
P.S. your face is very nice
hang on no i'm not really uncomfortable at least not in a bad way, don't feel bad gahHjkdkf
flustered isn't uncomfortable, and i'm just more worried about other people being annoyed than anything else >.<
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summae · 3 months
I prommy this isnt discourse but when you said an excuse to be bigoted in your last ask what did you mean?
I meant that "problematic" themes are Everywhere and that policing them altogether is not the right way of facing the issue, but rather we should try to tackle them in a way that means something, without falling into social prejudices.
Dealing with heavy topics shouldn't mean I condone them. If I write about a father abusing his son I'm not saying it should be normalised, or that suddenly everyone needs to like it. It seems rather silly to me that people are asking me this when I've been profusely talking about a podcast in which people are tortured, experimented on, and killed! Do I think the writers of RV do this on their Friday nights? Do I think they're saying we should feel bad for the abuser and not the abused? RV is actually a great example for this, because even the most depraved characters are still written as humans, and this will force the listener to do some uncomfortable reasoning.
Without digressing too much, the point is also: should we only write about puppies and butterflies? Can we never explore power imbalances, societal structures and dogmas? My answer to this is no, of course we should. The "not being bigoted" part comes from my issue with many writers and artists hiding behind the facade of fiction in order to perpetrate actual prejudices, especially when it comes to racism & transmisogyny. These are important topics that should be dealt accordingly.
I won't expand on this further than this, because it genuinely drains my energy, but I highly suggest people learn the word nuance and apply it to real life, because there often isn't a straightforward answer.
That being said, I still won't stand for any harassment or dogpiling. If you're uncomfortable with something that isn't straight up harmful then just block. Take care of yourself.
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ranvwoop · 4 months
tumblr ate an OC ask game from my drafts from forever ago that I'd been picking at which is RUDE but cvwoop be upon ye
@mairen-marionette asked: 1, 3, 4, 5 for the pop culture asks?
[ask game link]
1, 3, 4, 5 — cvwoop
1. Was your OC inspired by any particular fictional character?
— Vwoop's kind of supposed to have very Maya Fey / Trucy Wright vibes. It'll be your government assigned weirdgirl. It has the range. Its backstory is also inspired by the worst bad-faith reading of the "found family" genre, particularly like, Mandalorian, TLOU + TWD (game). Picking up some Thing and becoming a dad will fix you, prommy. The patriarchy is awesome. You're a strong father and the world wants to take your child away from you. Have fun! (What happens after, when your child-thing can't fix you anymore? Ehhh, well, that probably won't happen...)
3. What genre would your OC do badly in but it would be hilarious or interesting to watch?
— cVwoop deathgame. It would not be very good. It is a fighter except even with all the horrors it's had it still doesn't quite understand the concept of to kill or be killed. It knows that killing is Rude. It's kind of like a vague threat alluding to real death, but is mostly a slap on the wrist and a way to move you — you will respawn somewhere that Isn't Here. Killing is rude, and people don't like to talk about real death, and it can't quite conceptualize Real Death (and doesn't believe it for where it is, since it lives in KeepInv servers), especially not for itself and is very wishy-washy about its feelings. So... well. It would not go over super well in a death game!
4. What media does your character like?
— cVwoop is canonically a DSMP viewer. It's a Ranboo stan. It carries around a Ranboo plush sometimes, and its actually like. Incredibly relevant, unfortunately, as an in-character story that it tries to apply its own life to (especially in backstory stuff -- Ranboo is like Imagery for it.)
It also reads other books. Nondescript books. I think it has the possibility to Have Read In The Past anything regarding MCYT as like journals or essays or newspapers and The Like. It knows what a speedrunner is. As well as just... actual books. It makes references.
It also has a Gameboy Advance. It can play any game that's funny (except for Pokemon. It can't know what Pokemon is). I think its default is the Sonic Advance + Sonic Pinball Party combo pack. Specifically. I tried to find a good game for it to play and got stuck playing Sonic Pinball Party for like a week one time so I think it's just mindless fun enough for cVwoop.
5. OC songs yaay
— well better than the alternative will wood has been on its playlist Since inception and I'm still like yeah :3.. the world ends with you by newgrounds death rugby is a newer candidate but I think this tracks
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makiswirl · 2 years
K and Q for the ask game?
☆ fandom ask meme!
i mostly dont directly interact with the fma fandom! i used 2 interact /w it a bunch more but whoo boy there are some bad apples in every community i guarantee you.
it's always EXTREMELY bad for my mental health so i guess that's an answer in of its own? there's a lot of debate in this fandom on touchy topics due to how old it is(?) and the concepts it tackles and there's just... a LOT of bad takes i've seen from people who aren't in those marginalized areas like i am, along /w some others!
i certainly won't say any names but while i do think a lot of the fanart and fics are great, so many people are bitter about so many things and i try to ignore that as best as i can because all the people being mean and debating certain things to the death kinda suck and i wouldn't personally want to associate with that sort of constantly-negative-and-at-war persona ^_^
however i WOULD directly love to interact /w the fandom more! pls if we're mutuals and u want to chat send me a dm i don't bite i prommy (^_−)☆
i don't think i've actually abandoned any ships? i'm usually pretty ride-or-die with them! like i'm genuinely trying so hard 2 think i usually don't get that invested in shipping and when i do i'm just stuck with them little bitches (/_\)
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