#I won't post anything about it afterwards since I know a lot of people won't be able to see it right away
cannellee · 5 months
pls i need alpha! Mikey rut hcs (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
ignore this if you’re busy though ヽ(´ー`)
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alpha! mikey x omega! reader
— mikey during his ruts
my masterlist : ☆
I don't remember when I received this ask but I know it's been a while and once again I'm sorry for the long long wait!!
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mikey is completely in phase with his alpha nature and feels his instincts so strongly.
he is an alpha through and through and nothing about him leaves place for doubt.
as a consequence, he lives his ruts intensely as well. it's like all his alpha traits are heightened for a week.
before his ruts hit, his protective instincts are entirely focused on his omega's well being and her safety.
while he doesn't really like it, he might allow you to go outside without him, but during this period, you know it's better to prepare for the week ahead of you.
you build your nest, assisted by mikey who honestly doesn't really add much to its realisation. he interrupts you every now and then to take a deep breath of your scent. he's always been obsessed with it but it gets worse during his ruts.
afterwards, he scents everything he possibly can and doesn't leave much the house anymore. you do the same thing, since leaving his side isn't really an option.
once his ruts hit for real, you're not going anywhere trust me. he's way too focused on you to let you go : his head is clouded with his desire for bonding and his omega.
I see him mindlessly hugging you tightly while inhaling your even more sugary pheromones. your scent tends to get way sweeter when he's in ruts, probably to answer to his own needs.
his scent also changes, it becomes more potent and to you, it creates an enticing and comforting smell that naturally calms you down. it serves as a subconscious signal of mikey's presence and protection.
however to others, it doesn't appear as soothing. the increase of his pheromones envelopes all of the place where you decided to spend his ruts at (usually at his). moreover, the powerfull scent is noticeable even from outside and is able to drive away potential threats that could set mikey on edge.
he's extremely more sensitive to other people approaching his omega and is likely to adopt a much more aggressive behaviour.
his natural possessiveness intensifies, he become more physically affectionate and tends to have tender but assertive touches, expressing his desire to mark and protect his omega during this vulnerable period.
during his ruts, mikey doesn't get as carried away with his omega as one would think.
his instincts lead the way obviously, which is why his libido is that high. he won't stop until he feels satisfied or that you seem too tired to keep up with him.
his desire for physical intimacy only strengthens the bond you already have. he understands he needs to be considerate and gentle with you, he isn't rough, just intense.
he will mark you though, and a lot. his possessive instincts are extremely high and he has this need to ensure his claim on his omega.
whenever you spend his ruts with him, it always feels like it's the first time he's touching you. he's feeling you, devouring you like a starved man and it makes you feel so loved and appreciated.
he's really attentive and listens to anything you have to say, he's lucid enough to not neglect you. his ruts are not about his pleasure only.
he's very passionate : like on impulse, he's driven by a desire to make his omega cum as much as possible and satiate his own breeding instincts at the same time. he won't let you go until he knows you're full of him.
his post-ruts offer a calm environment for his omega, it's like a reward after the intense days you spent.
expect a lot of affectionate cuddles, a clingy mikey and sloppy kisses and apologies to the freshly made marks and few bites he's covered you with.
he'll get you food and bath you, but you're still not leaving the nest!
he's still feeling a lot possessive and you'll have to stay a day or two together before he gets back to normal. for now, he's still defensive and wary.
you actually like the duality between his protective and gentle personality, his desire to care and provide for you during his ruts, never letting you lift a finger because his instincts command him to ensure his omega's comfort and happiness. and the undeniable contrast with his terrible hostility towards anyone foreign, or not.
he loves you so much and you can feel it so much during his ruts, when all of his focus is on you.
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cy-cyborg · 7 months
Disability Tropes: The Miracle Cure
The miracle cure is a trope with a pretty negative reputation in disability circles, especially online. It describes a scenario in which, a disabled character, through either magic, advanced technology, divine intervention or some combination of the three, has their disability cured throughout the course of the story. Sometimes this is literally, as in the disability is completely and entirely cured with no strings attached. Other times, it looks like giving an amputee character a prosthetic so advanced that it's basically the same as "the real thing" and that they never take off or have any issue with, or giving the character with a spinal injury an implant that bypasses the physical spine's break, or connects to an exoskeleton that allows them to walk again. Sometimes, it can even look like giving a character some kind of magic item or power that negates the effects of the disability, like what I talked about in my post about "the super-crip" trope. Either way though, the effect is the same: The disability is functionally cured and is no longer an "issue" the author or character has to worry about.
But why would this be a bad thing? In a world with magic or super-advanced tech, if you can cure a character's disability, why wouldn't you?
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[ID: a screenshot of Roy mustang from Full metal alchemist Brotherhood, a white man with short black hair in a hospital gown. In the corner of the screen is the hand of another person holding a small red gemstone. /End ID]
Well there's a few reasons. First, lets talk about the purely writing related ones. If you've been around the writing or even media critique communities for a bit, you've likely heard people voicing their frustrations with tropes like "The fake-out death" where a character is either implied to have died, but comes back later, or is explicitly shown to be dead and then resurrected. Often when this happens in media, it leaves the audience feeling cheated and like a character's actions and choices don't really matter if even the worst mistakes and consequences can be undone. In the case of the latter situation, where they die and are brought back, it can make the stakes of the whole story feel a lot lower, since even something like death is shown to be reversible, so the audience doesn't really have to worry about anything bad happening to their favourite character, and once you've used this trope one time, people will constantly wonder why you wouldn't use it every time it comes up.
The same is true for "fixing" a character's disability. It sets a precedent that even things as big and life-changing as disability aren't permanent in this setting. We don't have to worry about anything major happening to the characters, there's no risks associated with their actions if it can all be undone, and it will lower the stakes of the story for your audience. Personally, I also feel like it's often used as a cop-out. Like writers wanted to include a major injury the leads to something big like disability for shock value, but weren't sure how to actually deal with it afterwards, so they just made it go away. Even in cases where the character start the story with a disability and are cured, this can still cause issues with your story's stakes, because again, once we've seen you do it once, we know its possible, so we won't feel the need to worry about anything being permanent.
Ok, so that's the purely writing related reasons, but what if that situation doesn't apply to the story you're writing? What if they're "fixed" right at the end, or the way they're cured is really rare, so it can't be used multiple times?
I'm glad you asked, because no, this is far from the only reason to avoid the trope! In my opinion, the more important reason to avoid it is because of how the a lot of the disabled community feels about the miracle cure trope, and the ideas about disability it can perpetuate if you're not very, very careful.
You might have noticed that throughout this post, I've put words like "cured" and "fixed" in quotes, and that's because not every disabled person wants a cure or feels like their ideal to strive for is able-bodied and neurotypical. For many of us, we have come to see our disabilities as part of us, as part of our identities and our sense of self, the same way I, as a queer person might see my queerness as a part of my identity. This is an especially common view among people who were born with their disability or who had them from a young age, since this is all they've ever really known, or who's disability impacts the way they think, perceive and process the world around them, how they communicate with people or in communities who have a long history of forced conformity and erasure such as the autism and deaf communities. Many disabilities have such massive impacts on our lives that we literally wouldn't be who we are today if they were taken away. So often though, when non-disabled people write disabled characters, they assume we'd all take a "cure" in a heart-beat. They assumed we all desire to be just like them again, and this simply isn't the case. Some people absolutely would, and there's nothing wrong with that, but it's not as universal as media representation makes it out to be.
Another reason it's so heavily disliked is because this trope is often used in conjunction with other ableist and harmful tropes or it's used in ways that perpetuate misinformation about living with a disability and it can have ableist implications, even if that's not what the author necessarily intended.
If the miracle cure is used right at the end of the story for example, as a way to give characters a happy ending it can imply that the only way for a disabled character to be happy in the long run, is for them to be "fixed", especially if they were miserable all the way up until that point. If it's used earlier in the story as a way to get said character back into the action, it can also be read as the author thinking that disabled people can't be of use to the plot, and so the only way to keep them around is to "fix" them.
Of course, there's also the fact that some authors and writers will also play up how bad being disabled is in order to show why a cure is justified, playing into the "sad disabled person" trope in the process, which is pretty much what it says on the tin. Don't get me wrong, this isn't to say that being disabled is all easy-breezy, there are never any hard days and you should never show your character struggling, not at all, the "sad disabled person" trope has it's place (even if I personally am not a fan on it), but when both the "sad disabled person" trope and the miracle cure trope are used together, it's not a great look.
This is especially bad when the very thing that cures the disability, or perhaps the quest the heroes need to go on to get it, is shown to be harmful to others or the disabled person themselves. Portraying living with a disability as something so bad that it justifies hurting others, putting others at risk, loosing yourself or killing yourself in order to achieve this cure perpetuates the already harmful idea that disability is a fate worse than death, and anything is justified to avoid it.
I've also noticed the reasons the authors and writers give for wanting to cure their characters are very frequently based on stereotypes, a lack of research in to the actual limits of a person's disability and a lack of understanding. One story I recall reading years ago made sure to tell you how miserable it's main character, a former cyclist, was because he'd been in a car accident where he'd lost his arm, and now couldn't ride bikes anymore, seemingly unaware of the fact arm amputees can, in fact, ride bikes. There are several whole sports centred around it, and even entire companies dedicated to making prosthetic hands specifically for riding bikes. but no, the only way for this to resolve and for him to be happy was to give him his arm back as a magical Christmas miracle! It would be one thing if the story had acknowledged that he'd tried cycling again but just had difficulties with it, or something was stopping him from being able to do it like not being able to wear the required prosthetic or something, but it really did seem as though the author was entirely unaware it was even possible, which is an issue when it's the whole point of your story existing. This happens a lot more often than you'd think, and it's very clear when an author hasn't even bothered to google search if their character would be able to do something before deciding the only solution is to take the disability away.
There's also the frustration that comes from being part of an underrepresented minority, finally seeing a character like you on screen or in a book, only for that representation to be taken away. Disabled people make up roughly 16% of the population (though many estimate these numbers are actually much higher), but only about 2.8% of American TV shows and 4.1% of Australian TV shows feature explicitly disabled characters. In 2019, around 2.3% of films featured disabled characters in a speaking roll, and while it's slowly getting better as time goes on, progress on that front is very slow, which is why its so frustrating when we do see characters like ourselves and so much of their stories focus on wishing to be, trying to become or actually being "cured".
An finally, there's the fact this is just a really common trope. Even if we ignore the issues it can cause with your story's tone and stakes, the harm it can do to the community when not handled with care, the negative perceptions it can perpetuate and everything else. It's just a plain-old overdone trope. It shows up so often that I, and a lot of disabled people, are just getting tired of seeing it. Despite everything I've said, there are valid reasons for people to not want to be disabled, and just like how I made sure to emphasise that not everyone wants a cure, it's important to recognise that not everyone would refuse it either. So long as it's not done in a way that implies it's universal, in theory, depicting someone who would want and accept a cure is totally fine. The issue is though that this trope is so common and so overdone that it's starting to feel like it's all we ever see, especially in genres like sci-fi and fantasy (and also Christmas movies for some reason).
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[ID: A Gif of a white man in a top hat nodding his head with the caption "Merry Christmas" down the bottom. /end ID]
Personally, because it's so common, I find even the few examples of the trope used well frustrating, and I honestly feel that it's at the point where it should be avoided entirely where possible.
Ok but Cy, you mentioned there are ways to use this trope well, what are they?
So, like I said, I'm of the opinion that this trope is better off not being in your work at all, but if, for whatever reason, you can't avoid it, or it's use is really that important to the story you want to tell, there are less harmful ways to implement it.
Don't have your only disabled character take the cure
If you really must cure your disabled character's disability, don't make them the only disabled person in the story. Show us another character who, when offered the same cure, chooses not to take it. This at least helps push back a little against the assumption of "of course everyone would want this" that these kinds of stories often imply and doesn't contribute (as much) to disability erasure in the media.
Don't make it a total cure
In real life, there are cures for some disabilities, but they rarely leave no trace. For example, an amputee's limb can sometimes be reattached if it was severed and they received medical treatment fast enough, but it usually results in at least a little nerve damage and difficulties with muscle strength, blood flow or co-ordination in that limb. Often times, these "cures" will fix one issue, but create another. You might not be an amputee anymore, but you're still disabled, just in a different way. You can reflect this in your fictional cures to avoid it feeling like you just wanted to avoid doing the work to write good disabled representation.
Do something interesting with it
I got a comment on my old tumblr or possibly Tik Tok account ages ago talking about their planned use for the miracle cure trope, where their character accepts the cure at the cost of the things that made her life enjoyable post-disability. Prior to accepting the cure, she had found other ways to be independent to some extent and her community and friends helped her bridge the gaps, but they were all taken from her when she was "cured" forcing her into isolation. Kind of like a "be careful what you wish for" sort of thing. The story was meant to be a critique on how society ignores alternative ways of getting the same result and how conforming to other people's ideas of "normal" isn't always what you need to bring you happiness. This was a genuinely interesting way to use the trope I think, and it's a perfect example of taking this trope and twisting it to make an interesting point. If you must use a trope like this, at least use it to say something other than "disability makes me sad so I don't want to think about it too much". Alternatively, on a less serious note, I'm also not entirely opposed to the miracle cure being used for comedy if it fits the tone. The Orville has some issues with it's use of the Miracle Cure trope, but I'd be lying if I said Isaac amputating Gordan's leg as a prank, knowing it could be reversed in a few hours did get a chuckle out of me.
If your villain's motivation is finding a cure for themselves, don't use it as justification for hurting people
Disabled villains need a post all their own honestly, but when a villain's motivation for doing all the terrible things they do is so they don't have to be disabled anymore, it's especially frustrating. Doubly so if the writer's are implying that they're justified in their actions, or at least that their actions are understandable because "who would want to live like that?" Honestly, as a general rule of thumb, avoid making your villains disabled if you aren't disabled yourself (especially if they're your only disabled character), but if they are disabled, don't use the disability as a justification for them hurting people while finding a cure.
So are there any examples currently out there to look at where the trope is used, if not well, at least tolerably?
Yeah, I'd say so, but they're few and far between. Two examples come to mind for me though.
The Dragon Prince:
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[ID: A Gif of Ava the Wolf from the Dragon Prince, a light brown, fluffy wolf who is missing her front right leg. /End ID]
The Dragon Prince on Netflix uses the miracle cure twice, but I still really enjoyed the show (at least I did, up until my Netflix subscription ran out, so I've only seen up to season 4). The first time the trope is used in the series, it's actually a fake-out. Two of the main characters, while looking for someone to help them heal the dragon egg they're carrying, encounter a young girl named Ellis and her pet wolf Ava. The two explain their egg is not looking good and they need to find someone to help it, but no one they've found had the knowledge or ability to do anything to help. Ellis says she knows a healer who can help them, and tells them that this healer even restored Ava's amputated leg when she was a pup. When we actually reach this "miracle healer" however, she is revealed to be simply an illusionist. She explains that Ava is still missing her leg, she simply made it look as though she had restored it because Ellis's parents were planning to throw the puppy out, believing it would not survive with its disability and would only be a drain on supplies. This was not actually true and Ava adapted to her amputation very well, she simply needed more time, and hiding her disability and making her appear abled gave her the time she needed to fully recover and adjust. When they return to the healer with the main characters, she removes the illusion and explains why she did it, emphasising that the real problem was never with Ava, but with how people made assumptions about her.
While I do feel it was drawn out a bit too long, I do appreciate the use of the trope as the set up to an overall positive twist. Disability does come with down-sides, it's part of the deal and it would have been nice to see a bit more of that, but for disabilities like amputation in particular, the worst of our problems often come from a lack of adequate support and people's pre-conceived ideas about us, and it was nice to see this reflected, even if it is a little overly simplified.
The second time this trope comes up in the series is when one of the antagonists, Soren, is injured during a fight with a dragon, becoming paralysed from the neck down. His sister, Claudia is absolutely beside herself, believing it was her fault this even happened in the first place, but Soren actually takes his new disability very, very well, explaining that he understands there are things he can't do now, but that there's a lot of things he can still try, that his previous job as a soldier just didn't allow time for. It's possible this reaction was him being in denial but it came across to me as genuine acceptance. He is adamant that he doesn't want a cure right from the beginning because he knows that a cure would come at a cost that he doesn't want his sister to pay, and that he is content and happy with this new direction his life will be going in. Claudia, however, is not content. It had been shown that she was already using dark magic, but this event is what starts her down the path of using it in earnest, disregarding the harm it will cause to those around her. She ignores Soren's wishes, kills several animals in order to fuel the healing spell that will "fix" him, and Soren is pretty clearly shown to be horrified by her actions. What I like about this use of the miracle cure trope is that it touches on something I've seen happen a lot to disabled people in real-life, but that rarely shows up in media - the fact that just because we accept ourselves, our disabilities and our new limits, doesn't mean our friends and family will, unfortunately. In my own life, my mum and dad were always accepting of my disability when I was younger, but as I got older and my support needs changed, my body took longer to heal and I stopped being able to do a lot of things I could when I was little, they had a very hard time coming to terms with it and accepting it. I'm not alone in this either, a lot of disabled people end up cutting contact with friends and family members who refuse to accept the reality of our situations and insist "if we just try harder maybe we won't be so disabled" or "Maybe you will get better if you just do [xyz]". Unfortunately however, some disable people's wishes are ignored completely, like Soren's were. You see this a lot in autistic children who's parents are so desperate to find a cure that they hurt their kids through toxic and dangerous "treatments" or by putting them through abusive therapies that do more harm than good. Claudia has good intentions, but her complete disregard for Soren's decision still harm them both in the long run, leading to the deterioration of their relationship and causing her to spiral down a very dark path.
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
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[ID: A Gif of Ed from full metal alchemist, a white boy with blond hair, staring angrily at a jar of milk on the table. His brother Al, a sentiant suit of armour, is in the background looking directly at the camera. The caption, spoken by Ed, says "So we meet again you little bastard" /end ID.]
The show does begin with Ed and Al looking for a way to cure their disabilities (which they gave themselves when trying to resurrect their mother as children went horribly wrong). However, when the boys discover that the object needed to do that - a philosopher's stone, can only by made through absolutely abhorrent and despicable means, and using one, likewise, comes at the cost of potentially hundreds or thousands of people's souls, they immediately stop, and shift their focus on finding the stones that had already been made so it can't fall into the wrong hands, and preventing the creation of new ones. The core theme of the show is that everything has a cost, and sometimes the cost is simply too great.
However, right at the end of the show, several characters are healed in a variety of ways. Ed gives up his ability to do alchemy to get his brother's body back, as well as his arm so he can save his friends in the final battle, but neither of the boys come away from this completely "healed". Al's body has not been used since he was a child, and so it is shown he has experienced severe muscular atrophy that will take a long time and a lot of work to recover from, acknowledging that he has a pretty tough road ahead of him. When we see him in the epilogue, he is still on crutches despite this being several months after getting his body back. Likewise Ed is not fully healed, and is still missing one of his legs even if he got his arm back.
The more... interesting use of the trope, however, is in the form of Colonel Mustang who was blinded in the final season. Mustang is shown to take to his blindness pretty well given the circumstances, finding a variety of ways to continue doing his job and reaching his goals. When other characters offer to let him use the philosopher's stone to heal himself however, he takes it, acknowledging that this is a horrible thing to do and that Ed and Al would be extremely disappointed in him if they ever found out. He uses it both to cure his own disability, and to cure another character who was injured earlier in the show. While I'll admit, I did not like this ending, I can at least appreciate that the show made sure to emphasis that a) Mustang was doing fine without the cure, and b) that this was not morally justified. The show spent a very long time drilling into the viewer how morally reprehensible using the stone was, and it didn't try to make an exception for Mustang - you weren't supposed to like that he did that.
When I talk about these tropes, I do try to give them a fair chance and discuss the ways it can potentially work, but I really do want to reiterate that this particular trope really is best avoided. There are ways to make it work, but they will still leave a bad taste in many of your viewer's or reader's mouths and you have to be exceptionally careful with your wording and framing, not just in the scenes where this trope is used, but in the lead up. If you really must use it, I highly recommend getting a few disability sensitivity readers and/or consultants (yes, even if you are disabled yourself) to help you avoid some of the often overlooked pitfalls.
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I know you've written HCs for the older brothers crying - so what about the younger bros? :00 (And possibly the undateables/Simeon, if it isn't too much trouble!) I'm just a sucker for reverse comfort content 😔✊
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crying hcs
gn! reader | older brothers dateables
a/n planning on doing the side dateables in another post! it'll take a while tho since school is kicking my ass /_ \
He rarely ever gets emotional enough for this to happen now that he's learned to control his wrath. He might cry because of a particularly sad story he's been reading or maybe a cat he's taken care of fell sick, and while he can deal with that, it's when he gets so angry his mind knows the only other way to let everything out is to cry-- that's when it hits hardest. He sobs until he's left feeling cold and desolate.
There isn't any sign to know when he's about to cry, it just happens. He could be throwing tables and chairs across the room, he could be sitting quietly reading and the tears just appear. He's always surprised when it happens, he brings a hand to his face and becomes shocked when he sees them. He tries rubbing them away but once it starts, it won't stop anytime soon. If he isn't already-- he'll run to his room or somewhere else private. There, he buries his face into his arms and just cries. He sobs untils he's completely numb.
He won't do anything to try and get you to leave if you enter the room but he scoots away when you get closer. Giving him a hug really helps-- it won't stop him from crying but physical contact grounds him in a way. Carefully wrap your arms around him, he'll slowly sink into your chest and hug you back as gently as he can, like he's afraid he might hurt you like this. You don't have to do much after that, just sit there with him until he calms down.
He reacts pretty similarly if his brothers were the ones to find him, except he actively tells them to leave once they enter. They almost never listen and they know he needs someone right now, so they comfort him in their own ways. He just needs a person by his side.
It's no surprise to anyone but Asmo cries a lot. He cries to guilt people into giving him what he wants, he cries when he thinks he looks even more beautiful than he usually does, he cries when he's happy, when he's sad-- and he's not ashamed of it. During these light-hearted situations, he still makes absolute sure to look beautiful. His bottom lick quivers ever-so-slightly, his nose turns just the tiniest bit red and he wraps his arms around himself. Afterwards, he can quickly fix himself up in no time at all. Just a small swipe of tissue and a bit of a touch up to his make-up and outfit, then he's back to looking pretty in pink.
It's when he's insecure that he cries the hardest, and it always happens in his room. He makes sure to bury everything in the deepest crevices of his heart, almost never surfacing for anyone to see but sometimes it does and he can never truly stop the tears from falling, and on top of that-- he thinks he looks hideous like this. His chin scrunches up, his eyes turn red and he starts hiccupping. He desperately tries to wipe the tears away and act like this never happened but it won't stop-- his hands start shaking and he wraps his arms himself to try and calm down. He subconsciously rocks back and forth and he vaguely feels like he wants to faint. He won't leave his room for the rest of the day.
If you find him at his darkest hour, he furiously tries to rub the tears away and act like he wasn't crying his heart out. He wants to tell you to leave in his usual light-hearted tone but the words won't leave him. His voice is stuck in his throat. Close the door, walk towards the demon and give him a hug. If you're there, he stops crying quicker than he would've alone. Softly pet his hair and whisper sweet nothings, he thrives off of compliments-- even now.
If his brothers find him, he won't even bother acting like he's okay. He knows they'll see right through him, he just sits still as he weeps. Every brother has their own way of comforting him and while some of them are a bit unconventional-- the thought that they're trying their best to cheer him up makes it easier to silence his crying hiccups.
He's never been ashamed about crying. It's natural, so when he feels the tears come he lets them fall. He's always been one of the more emotionally intelligent of the brothers; he follows after Mammon in that way. He lets himself cry when he feels like it and he makes sure to comfort his brothers the best he can when he finds them sad as well.
He always starts by holding his wrist to his chest. He doesn't exactly know why he does it but maybe he just likes feeling small. He's big and protective, perfect to keep his family safe-- but sometimes he wants to be held as well.
If you find him like this, he'll appreciate a big hug. The ones where you squeeze with all your might like you want to wring out all the sadness away (he won't really feel it but he values the gesture). He'll hug you back, of course, and his hugs are known for being the best of the best. There, he'll tell you what's upsetting him, he trusts you-- you're his family after all.
It's pretty much the same when his brothers find him; a big hug and a long talk about why he's crying. He sometimes ends up sleeping in their room, feeling like they need to do more for their younger brother in times like this.
The opposite of Beel in every sense. He hates crying, loathes how weak and tired it makes him feel. Sure, he might fake some tears to get what he wants (his brothers were always a bit too lenient with him), but actually letting out the sadness, anger and guilt he burdens? He despises it but he doesn't exactly wish for it to stop altogether. The torment of feeling this way reminds him of Lilith, the memory of losing her is painful-- but it's still a memory.
His lower lip quivers just the slightest bit before the tears start falling, and from there, he buries his face into his favourite pillow. It can get gross, there's snot and tears spread all over and it's always a hassle to clean-- but it's better than letting anyone but Beel and you see him like this.
When you see his face smushed against his pillow, you don't think anything of it. He's probably just sleeping as usual, but the small shake of his shoulders and low sniffles give him away. He won't move if you sit next to him but he'd appreciate it if you rubbed his back and stayed with him as he calms down or actually falls asleep.
His reaction will change depending on which brother finds him crying. If it's Lucifer or Mammon, he'll yell at them to leave. He tolerates Levi, Satan and Asmo, but Beel is really the only one he wants there. The familiar smell of food and the joy in his heart when his twin offers him food in an effort to cheer him up never fails to make Belphie smile.
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hoesandnuggs · 1 year
It’s a Funny Story, Actually…
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Please be kind, this is my first imagine
When you had first got involved with Leah, you were both 15. You'd met at an England camp and became friends, soon becoming more as you both realised you cared for each other a little more than you did for others. By the time you'd both had your 23rd birthdays, you'd been together for 8 years, longer than some marriages last.
You knew from the moment you met her you wanted to be hers for life. So the conversations you had about marriage and your future life together weren't anything terrifying.
When Leah had been asked to do an interview about your relationship, she felt happy.
It's not like she didn't already share you with the world. She was so proud to be yours and never shied away from public affection. She'd happily post pictures of you both, as well as kissing you after games, or mentioning you in passing comments in interviews.
"Baby, I've been asked if we can talk about our wedding and stuff. Are you okay with that?" She'd asked you as soon as she'd found out what it was about.
"Yes my love, it's all okay. Just don't make me look bad," you joked, curling her into your arms even more.
"We've never really spoken about it before," she replied, a thoughtful look gracing her features.
"Its never been the right time I guess." You responded, kissing her cheek gently before finding her hand where her wedding band stood proudly.
"I never imagined getting married until I met you," she said, a smile forming on her lips as she looked down at you from her higher ground on your lap.
"Save all the nice things for the interview babe."
And she did.
She was upset that you weren't able to come with her as originally planned, but a meeting with your agent had sprung up last minute and you couldn't find a work around.
"Leah, great to finally meet you." The interviewer said, whilst the crew were setting up the cameras. She engaged in small talk, as a text from you finally came through.
Goodluck my love. I know you'll be just fine. I'll pick you up afterwards and we can go grab some dinner. You'll do fantastic as always. Miss you. Love youuuuu❤️❤️❤️
To: Lover🤍
Thank you love. Dinner sounds lovely, I'll hopefully be done by 7, but I'll text you as soon as I know anything. Miss you too. Love you toooooo🤍🤍🤍
Leah smiled as she put her phone away, waiting for the interview to start.
"So we're here today with Lioness Captain Leah Williamson, a different kind of interview than you're probably used to. Today we’re talking relationships."
"Yes so I've only ever had one relationship, the one I'm currently in. I met my wife when we were both 15 at an England camp, and we've never looked back since."
"So that's 10 years you've been together?"
"Yes, 10 years next month actually. "
"So you and your wife, Y/n Williamson, formerly Y/N L/N, got married 2 years ago?"
"We we're both 23, already been together for 8 years and we just knew it was the right next step. We got a lot of people commenting on it, saying we were to young to commit to the rest of our lives but when you've been with someone for that length of time, you just know, and we did."
"Did you propose or did she propose to you?"
"She proposed to me, although, it's a funny story actually."
You knew how close she was with her family. That was perhaps the only reason you stood outside the door of Leah's childhood home about to ask for her hand in marriage.
You were nervous, slightly. Amanda loved you, like her own, often telling everyone about her three kids, which brought a bit of confusion when they met you.
"Are you ever going to knock?" Amanda asked as she cracked open the front door. The smile on her lips wouldn't last long.
"No," her frown evident as she sat opposite you over the breakfast bar.
"We're ready." You tried, but you could tell that Amanda was stubborn with her choice.
"I won't deny that you are y/n, I know you're ready to take that next step, I just don't think Leah is. You're both only 23, you're still so young, you don't have to rush. Marriage is a big commitment, judt think about it some more," Amanda explained, but your heart had already shattered.
You weren't really expecting her to say no, and had the whole thing already planned out, the ring sat safely hidden away in your bedside draw, where you knew she'd never look. You knew Leah would love the date you had planned, and instead of wasting the cancellations you took her on it anyways.
Leah had butterflies from the moment you'd asked to take her out.
After your conversation in bed a month or two back, she'd been waiting for you to take her out and ask her to be yours forever.
The flowers that had arrived at her door were the first sign, the most beautiful bouquet of roses she'd ever seen.
And then you showed up at her door, dressed to the nines and a smile painted on your lips.
"God, you're so beautiful," you said with a smile, Leah's heart beating at a unknowing pace.
The compliments didn't stop there, and neither did the romance. Every stop in the journey, Leah waited for this to be the location you dropped to your knee and asked her you be yours.
But you never did.
As much as Leah loved the date, she'd also felt her heart break as it came to an end and she still didn't have a ring on her finger.
She didn't sleep that night, wondering if she hadn't been obvious enough in her approach. But you'd literally sat in bed on night and told each other that you were ready, that you'd only ever want each other. Maybe you just hadn't been ready just yet.
Her thought ran wild as she slept peacefully on her chest, her hand running through your hair.
"Are you sure you don't want to come?" Leah asked, hugging you from behind as you washed up the dishes you'd dirtied from breakfast.
"It's okay baby, I've got some things to take care of this afternoon. Maybe if you're still there at dinner I'll pop over." You smiled, giving her a kiss as she sighed.
It wasn't like you to miss family time. Especially when Amanda was making one of your favourites. Leah chalked it down to some of the stresses you'd had with your agent over the last few weeks, trying to cement a contract that you were worthy of at Arsenal, so you could stay with her.
"The pictures you sent me were lovely," Amanda said as she sat at the table with a tea in her hand, a juice for her daughter who still didn't drink hot drinks.
"Yeah it was amazing," Leah sighed, the frown that graced her forehead for a few seconds was not missed by her mother.
"Okay," she longed out, "that wasn't the reaction I was expecting."
"It was amazing, the most romantic date we've ever been on, and I thought she was going to propose, and she just-" Leah's heart sank, her head fell into her hands as she tried to contain her tears, therefore missing the reaction from her mother.
"She just what?" Amanda said, her hand squeezing lightly on her daughters shoulder in a weak attempt of comfort.
"She just didn't. We've literally spoken about it. I told her I only want her, that I'm ready. She said she was too and I guess I thought she meant she was ready now." Leah still hadn't been able to understand it, but seeing her mothers face made her question what she'd thought of you.
"Would you have said yes?" Amanda asked.
"Without a doubt. I don't want to wait another second." Leah replied.
Your phone buzzed a few seconds after your girlfriend had text you to let you know she was on her way home and that she'd pick up a Nandos for you both on her way back.
You assumed it would be Leah again, but was surprised when you saw Amanda's name on your screen.
"I'm sorry," she said before you even had chance to say hello.
"What have you got to be sorry for?" You laughed slightly, trying to hide your fear. What if she'd said something to Leah and she was coming back to end it.
"I said she wasn't ready and I was wrong, she is ready. You're both ready and I had no right to tell you otherwise. Go get the ring and do it." Amanda rushed down the phone, you could tell she was upset with herself.
"I've already got the ring, Amanda." You laughed.
"I'm home baby," Leah called, kicking off her shoes and heading straight to the kitchen to plate up your food.
"Babe?" She asked when you hadn't responded, only to find you stood in the garden, the fairy lights you'd hung up on the fence when you'd first moved in a-light.
"Darling, what's all this?" She asked as she made her way outside, confused by the roses in your hands.
"I love you," you started, as you handed her the roses. She gave them a sniff before she took in your nervous form. Placing them on the small outdoor table you had, she took your hands in hers, thanking you with a light kiss.
"I love you too." She said with a smile.
"This isn't what I had planned, but I can't wait another second." Still with your hands in hers, you dropped to one knee, only letting go to find the ring that was burning in your back pocket.
"I want to spend the rest of my life with you. 8 years is not enough time to have loved you, and I want to have the opportunity to love every single year you spend on this earth. You are my everything Leah and I-" you stopped when you felt a wet drop on your hand and looked up to find her crying.
"Please don't cry gorgeous," using your thumb to wipe away the tears on her cheeks.
"They're happy tears, I promise," she spoke through a sob. "Ask me." She demanded.
"Leah, will you make me the happiest girl alive and be my wife?" You ask.
She nods her head, slowly at first, but it quickly turns into a vigorous shake.
"Yes! Yes, yes," she said as she gives you her hand and allows you to slip the ring onto her finger.
She smiled at it for a second, before throwing herself into your arms.
"I thought you were going to propose the other day," she said, calming down enough to speak.
"It's a funny story actually."
To: Mum
She did it🤍
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403tarot · 11 months
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warning: description of explicit sexual content ahead.
notes: i wanted to do a nsfw alphabet since a long time ago and nothing better than do it with the man i take pairing readings the most: yunho. this list is based in a lot (like, a lot) of games that i took for yunho and several anonymous, plus a good bit of my intuition and personal perspective.
DISCLAIMER: this post is for entertainment purposes only. tarot is a game, this means it's supposed to have fun with it. take everything with a grain of salt.
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A — aftercare (how he is like after sex)
when it comes to aftercare, yunho is a king. he asks if you are ok, if you need anything from a glass of water to a cuddle and even helps you to take a shower afterwards. he likes to talk about what you both just did and to compliment you
B — body party (favourite body part of him and of his partner)
yunho's favorite part of his body are his hands. he knows they are beautiful and attractive to most people. he is skilled with them and loves to take advantage of his long fingers to hold you tight or to dip them inside you
yunho is a thirsty lover. he wants to touch and taste everything on his partner's body, especially the thighs. he likes to squeeze, kiss, bite and mark them... yunho loves it when you wear an ornament on the thigh, like a lace garter.
C — cum (anything related to cum)
yunho is not that messy. he's the type that likes to grip your hips tightly and cum inside. if he can't do that, yunho is content to cum in your mouth, ass or stomach.
D — dirty secret
he likes to have angry sex, tension is a strong attraction for him. yunho likes it when you're a little stubborn or contraries him, because then he has a chance to make you submit and show you who is in control.
depending on your relationship dynamics, he won't be afraid to humiliate you and make you feel embarrassed for getting turned on by it.
E — experience (how experienced is him?)
mid experienced. still has a lot to try and discover. body count not that high as expected of a man who fits the beauty standards and is a celebrity.
F — favourite position
yunho really likes to see your fucked face, your eyes rolling back and your mouth while saying his name, so any position where you can face him. other than this, yunho can also like positions that highlight that he is physically bigger than you.
G — goofy (is he more serious or humorous in the moment?)
i wouldn't say he's primarily humorous but i feel that yunho is good at setting a comfortable atmosphere.
H — hair (how well groomed are him)
he's clean and mid shaved. doesn't really mind if you shave or don't.
I — intimacy (how he treats you)
yunho kinda analyzes the vibe and go with it. even so, he has a dominant nature and likes to take control; trying to get that out of him can be extremely extremely challenging.
he is a dom. he can be a cruel one that makes you cry and beg for a little grain of his attention or then can be a softer, communicative and attentive one. either giving you pet names or simply calling you cocksleeve, he'll make sure you love every second of it.
yunho adapts to his partner very well.
J — jack off (how often he masturbates)
not really often. he tends to prefer the real thing.
K — kink (one or more of his kinks) ! taboo ahead !
as I've already taken countless sexual dynamics with yunho and his preferences change according to the partner, it would be impossible to put here all the kinks that I've seen him perform, so I'll put the ones that come more often
breeding: he really enjoys coming inside and the thought of making you round carrying his babies. he'll make you beg him to fill you up.
size: he likes to be big and tends to prefer partners that are smaller than him. he likes to be able to move you with just one hand and feel the power that comes with it. get into the game and be his little pretty doll.
consensual non consensual: yunho is good at roleplaying (of course, he's an actor) and takes advantage of this. he likes it when his partner pretends not to be interested or to be totally against the act. he gonna hold you roughly, make you wet until you're dripping in his fingers and then shame you because of it.
somnophilia: there's no better way to say good morning to yunho than by waking him up with a good blowjob. he will also grin from ear to ear if you allow him to wake you up as he slides lazily inside you.
L — location (favourite places to do the do)
usually prefers to have sex in the bedroom. there is some imagination in trying to do it in other riskier places but as expected, he probably won't.
M — motivation (what turns him on)
yunho has no problem making the first move but he finds it really sexy when his partner does it for him. sit on his lap, run your hands over his body; feel the soft skin, muscles, press a wet kiss on the neck. move your hand down to his pants, outline his dick with your fingertips over the fabric. all while looking him straight in the eyes. show him what you want, tell how you want.
if you're confident, he'll be turned on by your attitude. if you fumble or are shy, he'll think it's cute. he'll end up fucking you stupid anyways.
N — no (something he wouldn't do)
yunho is very boundary conscious and would never do anything to cross lines he shouldn't. he likes to be in harmony with his partner and wants intimate moments to be fun and enjoyable for both of them.
also, i feel that yunho's style is more about mind games and control (like roleplaying and degradation) and that he doesn't really enjoy things like spanking or other physical tortures.
O — oral (if he prefers to give or receive, skills, etc)
yunho prefers to receive. he really enjoys see your mouth full of his dick and for him that's almost an unskippable part. he is impatient and likes to be taken rough, to hold your hair and see you struggling to take him in one piece
even so, he is great at pleasing his partner. he's the type to kiss every inch of your thighs with passion. yunho is playful with his tongue but quick to put it exactly where you want it and memorize the way that makes you moan the loudest. he slathers himself in your slick and is only satisfied when he feels you trembling coming in his mouth.
P — pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual?)
yunho likes to go rough but throughout the act his pace gets slower but steady. he prefers strength over speed.
Q — quickie (his opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, etc)
he's not against it and sees it as something that can be fun, sometimes done as an appetizer in anticipation of the real thing or just because he doesn't have much energy to do something more complex. yet he still prefers to have proper sex if he can.
R — risk (are they open to experiment?)
he is open to trying new things. likes to hear about your kinks and fantasies and does his best to try to fulfill them, although he has a clear idea of things he wouldn't do.
S — stamina (how many rounds he can go for, how long does he last...)
about how many rounds he can go i keep getting cards of number 2 and 3 so lol i'd say 2-3 rounds, depends on the intensity and of his partner. he is good at lasting for a long time but prefers you to come first so he can take his own time.
T — toys (does he own toys? does he use them on a partner or himself?)
tarot says he has >< it can be something that is used to restraining, such as handcuffs, strings or chains. since he is not very open to be restricted i feel he tends to use these kind of things in his partners.
U — unfair (how much he likes to tease)
yunho likes to tease, which doesn't mean he's actually good at it. he likes to hear you beg for him, but he doesn't take long to give you what you want. he has fun while conflicting about what might be more fun for him: hearing you desperately beg or hearing your satisfied moans when your requests are answered.
V — volume (how loud he is, what sounds he makes)
he is not loud, although he likes his partner to be. he's not much into moaning and more like heavy breathing, cussing or calling you names. the volume increases as he gets near his release.
W — wild card (a random headcanon with him)
since i'm doing this based in tarot i'll put here a slice of a reading that i made for him and one of my consultants:
he's in charge, totally dominant. right away there is a preference for dynamics between you: one in which you play silly, innocent and he takes it out of you with everything. he's rough and likes to play take things by force but mind games are also very exciting so grabbing you, holding you and making you scream would be things that would really mess with him. he would like to arrest you, and I don't see just a simple thing like handcuffs but immobilizing practically the whole body, like tying up a leg, an arm, making you feel like you have no control over anything and it's all his. he might like to put you on like a leash too, the kind with the chain on the front like a dog, but he'd use it more to like pull you to bed or make you look where he wants you to, stuff like that.
you would like to play hard to get, before the role of innocent you would be the quarrelsome type, who acts like someone who does everything to get out of the situation, runs, hides, pushes, the type that "is not taken without giving trouble first ". and it would be fun for him, because he's bigger and stronger than you.
X — x-ray (what's inside this pants uh...)
this blogger is a yunho big cock enthusiastic. however, being realistic is saying that his size is just a little bit more than the average.
Y — yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
when he has a fix partner it's mid to high, he gets used to doing it with a certain frequency. for him it can be difficult to go without for a long time, since it is a easy way to get out of the routine and de-stress
Z — zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards)
like i said before, yunho likes to do aftercare. he doesn't sleep fast because he usually likes to stay with his partner, but if it's after a tiring day he might end up sleeping after a while anyways (while cuddling!)
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deck used: rider waite-smith tarot
let me know your thoughts about this! i love chatting, specially about ateez! my ask is always open.
you can also request a reading with an idol of your choice. check my pinned to know more!
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Hii, so I have this idea where the reader and pablo are secretly dating and she is perdis sister so one day she invites her Friends to a pool hang out and the reader was whearing a red little bikini not knowing that Pedri was also inviting his friends over. So when pedris friends see you they start making comments about how good the reader looks in the bikini and other stuff like that , and then Pablo started to get jalouse listening to his friends talk about his girl right in front of him.you can write the rest and in don’t mind if you change anything
Thank you❤️❤️
Best Friend's Little Sister Pt. 3
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Pablo's POV
Another week have passed and we still haven't told Pedri that we are together. Whenever I think it's the right moment, something just comes up like trainings, a bad game or event. And I think I'm using all of that as an excuse cause I'm terrified of his reaction.
pedri: pool party at my house tonight. you coming?
I re-read that message over and over again knowing that she will be there..in a swimsuit nevertheless. And I am just supposed not to look at my own girlfriend? Ugh this will be torture!
pablo: yea sure. see ya
A few minutes before leaving the house, I checked Instagram seeing that she posted a new story. I opened it immediately feeling my swim trunks tighten at the sight of her...damn that bikini looked so perfect on her body.
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ready for the pool party!
Yeah, she was ready alright..but not for the pool party but for mission 'torture your boyfriend when you know he can't react' little minx!
I sighed knowing that I had to take care of my newly acquired problem before leaving so I texted that i will be a few minutes late. Damn in bombon!
Your POV
You've noticed people starting to show up, both your and Pedri's friends but there was no sign of Pablo. Was he going to bail last minute?
"Hey, is Pablo coming?" you ask Pedri who accepted that the tow of you because closer friends since you called the truce not knowing you did a lot more than that ;)
"Yeah, said he is going to be late a few minutes" Pedri answered joining Raphina in the pool and you smirked taking your phone and going into your room to text your man.
amorcito: I'm waiting for you papito..where you at ;)
pablitoo: it's your fault i'm late amor! that bikini!!
amorcito: just for you papi ;)) hurry up!
You smirked proud of yourself before joining the others at the party and soon afterwards Pablo joined as well wearing sunglasses which made him look ahh that much more hot! This won't be easy!
The boys were sitting on their own by the bar while the girls spent their time at the pool chatting about newest gossip that didn't intrigue you much. All you could think about is Pablo shirtless at that bar and then an idea popped into your mind.
This was your party and as every good host, you should ask them if they wanted any drinks. Like his personal little bartender ;)
"Can I get you anything to drink chicos?" you walked to them when Pedri left inside for a moment standing right besides Pablo and placing your hand on his shoulder. He tensed up and you smirked looking around and taking what everyone was saying.
Some wanted another beer, others cocktails but Pablo was staying quiet with his jaw clenched probably too focused on your hand on his body. You were playing with fire but it was so fun!
"And what would you like? Hm?" you turned towards him slowly stroking his shoulder and he gave you a warning look saying another beer would be fine as you gave him a teasing smile.
"Coming right up!" you walked away swaying your hips on purpose just to torture him and it was certainly working.
Pablo's POV
My dick was painfully hard and it didn't help that she was purposefully messing with me with that 'drink order' she pulled a few minutes ago.
"Mierda! She is hot as fuck!" Ansu was first to say it and suddenly all the guys started to talk about her body, her hair, her smile, the things they would do..it made me go crazy!
"I would let her bring me drinks every day.." Ferran added and Pablo wished he can tell him to shut the fuck up right now. He was taken for god's sake!
"Hmm I would let her do more than that.." Balde smirked and everyone but me laughed which made them a bit confused.
You're talking about my girl, cabróns! is what was running through my mind but I could exactly say that, could I?
"You're talking about Pedri's little sister..." was what I said instead and they rolled their eyes saying that rule he made was stupid and wouldn't last. Little did they know that I already broke it..
"Here are your drinks chicos!" she came back and they were all eyeing her up and down obviously imagining what was hiding underneath that little bikini but I cut their show short grabbing her wrist and pulling her inside quickly.
"Ow! That hurts!" she said and my hold relaxed while we went into her room locking the door behind us. I need to control my anger now but it was so damn hard!
"What the hell do you think you are doing!?" I yelled and she raised her eyebrows at my little outburst. Ugh! She was driving me mad!
"I wanted to talk to you!" she spat back angrily while I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. This hiding and sneaking around was driving em insane and I was so sick of it!
"Baby what's wrong with you??" she walked to me placing her hand on my cheek and other one on my abs..I sighed in annoyance.
"They were talking about you amor in front of me..about things they wanted to do to you..to my girl! All because you are wearing that and acting all.." but I stopped myself when I saw that she was starting to get mad as well.
Your POV
I couldn't believe he was acting mad when all I wanted was HIS damn attention! I don't care what other players say or think! I wanted to be with him today because he is the only one I want!
"Acting like what!? I wore this for you cabrón! I wanted only your attention when I asked for drinks! Gosh! I even stood and touched your shoulder!" I was frustrated and he was quiet clenching his jawline repeatedly. This boy was driving me mad!
"But I can't enjoy you properly! Not when we are here and your brother is right outside! I have to sit and listen to everything my friend's want to do to you! I can't even kiss you!" Pablo yelled and you felt your eyes watering knowing that this secret was destroying all beautiful you had.
"Pablo.." you said but he just sighed saying he should go home not really in the mood for the party anymore. You rushed to stand in front of the door to block his exit.
"Please, Pablito don't go..I'm yours.." you snaked your arms around his shoulders playing with small hairs while he closed his eyes enjoying the sensation for a few moment..this was all her wanted since he came to the party..just to be with you!
"But I can't claim you out there..I can't shut them up my grabbing your ass and kissing those sweet lips of yours..I can't do that!" Pablo was mad and you were turned on blushing at his words while looking at his lips.
"But you can do that here papi.." you whisper and he clenched his jaw kissing your lips passionately while spanking your ass squeezing it roughly making you moan into his mouth.
After fifteen minutes of making out on your bed, you were on top of him pulling back and sitting up on his lap while he looked at you with a smirk on his face.
"Mm forget about their stupid comments, because you are the only one I would let do all those things to me..only you" you kissed his jaw to his lips before getting off and fixing your hair up.
Pablo's ego was certainly stroked and he got up as well going behind you and kissing your shoulder before fixing his own hair which you messed up badly during your make-out session.
"You ready to go back amor??" you asked and he pulled you closer again kissing your lips before nodding his head feeling much better.
"You go first..and um I'll wait for you in the pool to join me" you smirked and he did as well pecking your lips one more time before walking out and making sure nobody noticed he just walked out of your room.
Pablo's POV
I was in the good mood again knowing that all they can do is wish for what I have..she was mine!
"There you are hermano, everything good?" Pedri brought me back from my thoughts and I nodded knowing that I had to tell him soon, it was getting stupid to hide it any longer especially when I plan to have her be mine forever.
"Let's grab a beer" I suggested and he hugged my shoulder's walking towards the bar again. Pedri was a good friend, he will understand..right??
We both joined the rest of the guys who wouldn't dare talk those things in front of Pedri and I noticed her walking out as well winking at me while getting into the pool.
"It's hot. I'll go freshen up" I said after a few minutes leaving the boys who were busy talking about next games anyways getting into the pool meeting her gaze.
We were talking to each other and to anyone at distance we looked friendly, but the moment nobody else payed attention we went underneath water kissing passionately.
"We're crazy.." I said when we got up for air and she giggled with her red cheeks and sparkling eyes.
"Crazy in love.." she whispered to me before we both smiled at each other not caring how corny we became..from worst enemies..to biggest love story.
"I'm going to tell him.." I said and she looked at me with raised eyebrows not expecting those words to come out of my mouth so suddenly. But I was determined..I loved this girl..I will fight for her..and I will be honest with my best friend about it.
"Are you sure now is the right moment Pablito?" she asked me but I knew that never will be the right moment. We both left the pool and I sighed walking towards Pedri who was standing by the bar still with a beer in his hand. Here come nothing..
"Hermano..." I said and he turned and so did all the other guys who were standing there.
Oooo what will Pedri say??? Comment!
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slaviclore · 1 year
cheatsheet to your slav folkloric downfall
Since several people had questions about the lore that inspired this poll, I'll jot some notes down about what I was thinking. All of these have long and complex tradition that can't possibly fit in a tumblr post, but there's tons of great content on tumblr alone, so pls feel free to scroll through my tags for more info (you may like "demons", "witches", or "original art" for contemporary interpretations of the lore...) or use this post as a springboard for more research.
Because much of Slavic folklore was passed down orally and not written down, and because it covers a wide geographical range and is told in different languages, there are many versions of common stories, tropes, characters, etc.
Baba Yaga is a witch, super popular, tons of great lore about her, historical and contemporary. She was never just one single entity, but rather a version of herself in many different stories (more like fanfiction than like canon). Her character is inherently unpredictable, existing outside our societal rules and moral compass, and the variability in lore makes her even more impossible to predict. A young woman named Vasilisa did manage to perform all of Baba Yaga's tasks to her instruction, but not without her own magical help. Sometimes Baba Yaga is helpful and reasonable, and sometimes she will just casually eat you like a handful of berries. You never know what you're going to get.
The fern flower is a beautiful mythical flower that offers its holder immense knowledge and magic. It blooms very briefly only once a year during Noc Kupały (in Polish, the EN is Kupala Night). If you want to find it, you'll probably grab your boyfriend (gender neutral) around dusk and poke around your local woods for a while before giving up and just making out and then meeting up with your friends afterwards like "did you find it?" "no we didn't find it :( did you find it?" "nooo :(". Really, this is about seducing the boy you like, since you probably need magic just to see the flower anyway. If you do manage to find it and pick it, tons of greedy demons will appear and chase you to attempt to take it from you (and your life). You have to outrun or outsmart the demons. The demons may be metaphors for the corrupting forces of great power.
There are tons of ways to get lost in the woods. Some people help themselves by tying ribbons to trees as they go, but anything can spook you -- you can run into a demon, a werewolf, a ghost, a witch, a cat, anything -- and if you have to run away, you will most likely lose your way in the process. More specifically, if you have annoyed a leshy (a forest spirit/god-type thing who protects nature), he will use magic to confuse you, and even if you're very good at Not Getting Lost In The Woods, you're kind of screwed. You think YOU won't piss off the Leshy? Oops you just stepped on his favorite beetle -- screwed. Leshy can be placated with offerings of food and drink, but sometimes he needs something bigger...
There are actually lots of hot girls who live in lakes, much to the delight of about 20% of you, but probably the most common are the rusalki -- dead girls who experienced some tragedy in life, probably ending in drowning, and are now exacting revenge on the living, especially men. They will seduce you, take you into the water, and drown you with their hair, or possibly tickle you to death. Baby marry me, amirite? The original rusalka lore was probably nicer to them, treating them more like water spirits than vengeful ghosts. Rusalki are not mermaids and appear as women with legs. We do have mermaids, but usually these are river or sea beings -- the most famous is probably Syrenka Warszawska (the Warsaw Mermaid) who lives in the river Wisła and will not attempt to kill you unless you're trying to invade Warsaw, but also she's a warrior queen and you have no shot.
Slavic mythological entities love riddles, and if you're good at riddles you are really going to help yourself, but you don't want to get into that situation unless you have no other choice. A common demon you meet on the side of the road will probably not give you a hard one, but Poludnica (the Slovak name) will find you at high noon while you're working hard in the fields and the sun's been beating down on your head since dawn and you're feeling woozy and dehydrated, and she'll give you the hardest riddle you've ever heard, and you're going to blow it, and she's going to cut off your head with her scythe or give you heat stroke. If it's any consolation, she may be hot (pun intended). Pro tip: you may also wield riddles to your advantage. Demons are as egoistic as you are and can be enticed into solving your riddle. If you stump them, you may assure your safe getaway.
Human characters in Slavic lore tend to be young and naive, representing the listener of the tale, since they can't use magic or navigate the world they are entering. Knowledge and magic are two sides of the same coin, so if you want to survive, you will need to gain some wisdom (learning some riddles will help). Being nice is not good enough, but! If by being nice you manage to seduce someone who has access to knowledge and magic, or get adopted by a bored witch with an axe to grind, you'll really help yourself out.
The path to the endless dead wood is guarded by a giant magical cat, whose name I never knew but have recently learned that the Russians call him Baiyun (latinized name, obvi). If you ask Vasilisa, she'll tell you that sometimes he lives with Baba Yaga, but generally he hangs out on the boundary to some other dimension. Probably, if you go to meet the cat, it's because somebody sent you there to get rid of you, so if you survive the cat, whoever is trying to kill you will probably keep trying so fyi. Baiyun will purr or tell a tale in such a soothing way that you fall asleep, and then he'll eat you. If you manage not to fall asleep, you may attempt to catch him and earn magic. But probably you're cat food.
There you have it. If you learned your story differently, let me know! And if you're ever lost in a Slavic forest, you can put your clothes on inside out and maybe that'll break the magic. Good luck.
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30 Day Writing Challenge; Day Seven, Xiao's NSFW alphabet
A/N: howdy everyone, apologies for not posting on my 30-day challenge recently, I won't make excuses for not posting. I've just had writer's block recently for Xiao. Although I haven't been posting as often as I should, rest assured that I have not given up on this little project of mine, nor will I stop halfway. Anything worth doing is worth doing till the end.
Anyways also, I wanna know y'alls opinions: What are some of the music artists y'all like? I've been wanting to branch out to new genres and artists. Currently, I've been listening to a lot of Ashnikko and the Crane Wives (complete opposites I know lol.)
Summary: Just an alphabet of Xiao's nsfw preferences lol.
Warnings: smut, all fem/ male/ enby/ etc. readers welcome (anything specific to gender has been labeled), praise kink, oral, femdoms, maledom, pegging, anal sex, masturbation, face riding/ face sitting, bondage, overstimulating, oral sex, toys, teasing, hair pulling, mommy kink.
A = Aftercare
Xiao's inexperienced so I feel at first he would need you to teach him what proper aftercare looks like. After a few times of cleaning up and cuddling, he'll catch on pretty quick and make sure to take care of you afterward. He really likes cuddles after sex since it makes him feel cared for (poor baby hasn't been given much since his archon war days so please smother him in love)
B = Body part
On you, it'd be your hips. I cannot stress this enough, he loves hips. guys, girls, enbys, etc, he has no preference. He likes all kinds. He just loves being able to hold them while hugging, cuddling, and riding him. He's just obsessed.
On himself, his favorite part would be his hands and his eyes. He's not entirely sure how you're attracted to him as he doesn't have the ability to see himself in that light, but he's always liked how his hands looked and his eyes always seem to melt into your own gaze.
C = Cum
Personally, I think he prefers coming inside, only because he doesn't seem like the type to want to make a mess. At least not normally. The only exception would be cumming on you after a handjob. He would enjoy seeing how the liquid coats your hands.
D = Dirty secret
He has a secret fantasy of you domming him. If you're afab then he has a fantasy of you tying him down and riding his face. If you're amab, then he has the fantasy of you pushing his face into the pillows while you drill into him. Though he would never admit to these fantasies, so you'd have to be the one to bring it up to him.
E = Experience
None. Nada. Zip. Of course, he knows what sex is, but he's never gone much further than that. Before you, he always thought that it was only for reproduction, but once you come into the picture, take the opportunity of corrupting him to the max.
F = Favorite position
He has a few actually! If you're domming then it's either cowgirl or doggy style (him underneath). If he's domming you then it's a mating press.
G = Goofy
Deadly serious. It's already difficult (almost impossible) making him laugh outside of the bedroom, so there's almost no chance of it happening in the bedroom. though I will say, he does get really nervous and shy. also if you fuck him to the point of overstimulation he does smile blushing like crazy <3
H = Hair
In the beginning and before you he personally only trimmed and cleaned down there, but he'll ask your preference. He isn't picky about how he's kept down there as long as he's clean so whatever you prefer is what he'll go for. also the same goes for you, he isn't picky as long as you keep clean.
I = Intimacy
At this point, you've been dating him for a while. He doesn't let people into his heart or inner circle easily given his trauma, but if you've made it this close he won't hide from you. He's very romantic but without the over-the-top gestures. It's more of an "I wanna make you feel like the only one on teyvat with me" Look in his eyes and feeling in his actions.
J = Jack off
He doesn't really masturbate. He's never done it before for a few reasons. The first is that he's never felt attraction before meeting you (with the exception of heat cycles), and the second is that if he ever needed attention, he'd just ask you for help when you both would have time. He would do it for you if you wanted to watch him though.
K = Kinks
Praise: tell him how good of a boy he is for you and he will literally melt. When he has this positive affirmation, it makes him feel better and more confident in his abilities.
Femdom: for my fem lovelies, he likes being dommed by yall. Once again, he won't bring this up since he's a little embarrassed about wanting to be fucked silly by a mortal, but archons how he loves it. The first time you both tried it he nearly came after only a few minutes.
Face riding/sitting: Once again for my afab readers, please sit on his face. He will literally start whimpering for you to ride his mouth. He loves the way you look and sound as you use him like this. Especially if you're also giving him a handjob while riding his face. He'll be weak in only a few pumps.
Pegging/ anal: He loves being fucked in the ass. He also wouldn't admit to this, but it makes him feel heavenly. He absolutely loves it.
Bondage: both being tied up and tying you up. If he's tying you up, trust me you will not be walking for the next few days. It's just not happening. now if you tie him up, he will literally beg for you to fuck him until he blacks out.
Overstimulation: continuing above ^^ he loves the way he can't think after the nth orgasm. It's his way of escapism even if it's not very often. Moments like these he doesn't have to think about all of his trauma. He can put that all away for the time being and focus on begging for you to let him cum.
Mommy kink: (for fem readers) This one might be a stretch but I can see him as having a mommy kink. He wants to feel loved and taken care of in the bedroom (though he will always put your pleasure first). Actually, a funny story, the first time you found out about this was during peak orgasm he accidentally moaned the name out, immediately feeling embarrassed. At least until you told him to call you that again.
L = Location
I feel that he's a little more traditional with this, so I would have to say bedroom. After some time he might be open to exploring a little bit, but usually within the confines of your home or the inn. expect most of your mischievous adventures to take place in the sheets.
M = Motivation
When you're assertive. He sasses you? Sass him back. You had a shitty day cuz some asshole came up to you being rude? Come vent to him while being pissed off. (He would wholeheartedly want you to bring that into the bedroom. "Take it all out on me, mommy. I can take it")
N = No
Being degraded. If you want to be degraded he would be alright with that, but I feel like his trauma makes it hard for him to handle having to be called names or treated poorly himself.
Non-con roleplay. he. will. not. do. this. Even if it is a role play, the idea of that makes him beyond uncomfortable. He will roleplay anything but that. He also won't do anything to physically harm you severely either. He'd be fine with spanking, but anything above that and he'd be too worried that his yaksha strength would hurt you.
O = Oral (giving vs receiving)
He'd prefer giving. If you're amab, he'll happily suck you off for hours. He loves the feeling of you twitching in the back of his mouth. If you're afab then he loves the way your hips buck into his mouth. in fact, he's pretty skilled in giving head to someone with no experience. He's a very fast learner and he'll memorize all the right spots from the first time and use that to his advantage.
P = Pace
It really depends on the mood. He likes being fucked fast and rough since he is able to focus on that and leave his brain a pile of mush, but if he's fucking you then he'll go slow, deep, and hard. He wants to tease you just enough to make your orgasm as blissful as possible, but if you ask him he'll absolutely rail you until you can't even get a sentence out.
Q = Quickies
He doesn't like them that much. He'd much rather spend the time with you, and make it as pleasurable as possible. He really doesn't see the appeal in trying to fit what normally takes hours with him, into fifteen minutes.
R = Risk
Give him a chance to get used to the basics and he's willing to try just about anything (with a few exceptions). He probably won't tell you if there's something he wants to try. He'd try and keep it to himself since he doesn't want you to think that he's putting his needs above yours. Just reassure him and ask if he wants to try it with you. Although I said earlier that he'd prefer to be in a private place, he will leave the door unlocked "accidentally".
S = Stamina
Hours. If he were to go until he was out of stamina, you'd spend an entire day in bed. It's part of being an Adeptus, his stamina is impossibly high and he can definitely go an ungodly amount of rounds.
T = Toys
He's pretty indifferent to toys. To be fully honest, he doesn't know very much about them. But he's more than willing to learn more if you want to bring them into the bedroom. eventually, after trying it, I feel like he'd really like anal vibrators and cock rings.
U = Unfair
He's pretty fair...unless you try and be a little shit. Then you're screwed. he's not normally super super dom-like, but you keep teasing him? You keep pushing his buttons? oh, ohhhh you're actually gonna regret it. That's one of the few times he'd tie you down and tease you until it hurts.
V = Volume
If he's domming then you won't hear too much from him. You might get a few grunts and pants for sure. While he's cumming there'll be a few moans, but not overly loud. If he's subbing then he'll be a whimpering, sobbing mess. It takes a lot for him to moan very loud, so for the most, it's quite pleas and whimpers.
W = Wildcard
He likes being marked. He likes both being bitten and having scratch marks on his back. He also likes having his hair pulled.
X = X-Ray
5" in length, 6 1/2" when he's hard. Larger in girth, cut, and he's got veins running along his length. Also, he has a slight curve. Very sensitive.
Y = Yearning
I feel like his drive is slightly lower. Now he does have heat cycles, so he gets needier during those, but overall his drive is very dependent on your needs.
Z = Zzzzz
He doesn't really sleep that often, so he'd stay up either with you or after you've fallen asleep. Every once in a while he'll wear himself out enough to fall asleep.
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melanieph321 · 2 months
Fermin Lopez x Reader - You or Me Part 2/4
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
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Request - my request is something like you are best friends with fermin (or gavi) and he’s madly in love with you but you don’t know about it so when you start seeing someone (possibly another footballer) he gets jealous and does something outrageous like posts a story with a photo of yours which is odd considering he’s never done it before and the person you’re seeing gets mad and you also get mad because it’s obvious he’s doing it for another reason and have an argument with him when he confesses his true feelings in a moment of weakness which causes you to take a step back but you soon realize you’re actually more into him than you knew and go to him late at night and make out
The bus arrived at the hotel around lunch time. After a light lunch the first training session was already in motion, with none of the players given a chance to unpack. You enjoyed it though, the session wasn't too harsh but you still learned a lot. After training you and Camilla had a chance to relax in your hotel room before dinner. Another training session awaited after that.
"Fuck it, I'm going out tonight:" Camilla said, examining herself in the bathroom mirror.
"Like out to town?" You asked, gazing up at the sealing as you lay on your back in bed. You were still wearing your training kit and so was Camilla, since there was no point in changing.
"Yes. A lot of players are doing it."
"But we have another session this evening." You frowned. 
"Yes, but everyone's going afterwards."
You set up in bed. "But won't it be too late by then? Don't people need to sleep and recover ahead of tomorrow?"
Camilla poked her head out of the bathroom. "Oh Y/N, you're so sweet. You've always been so dedicated."
"And you've not?"
She shrugged. "Not like you. No wonder Manchetser United wants you and not me. All I'm saying is that Boot Camp is supposed to be fun, so….I'm having a little fun."
You chuckled. "Let's see how fun you'll have tomorrow playing hungover."
Fermin felt like he had been on the road forever, all because Gavi wanted to show off his new car to his old academy friends.
"Man, are we there yet?" Fermin groaned.
Gavi smirked behind the wheel. "Soon mi hermano. Very soon."
"Well soon isn't soon enough."
"Don't worry. They're probably still training and you know how Y/N gets, she won't give you a second glance if you try flirting with her when she's playing football. Haven't you learned anything from that time she shot that ball in your face."
Fermin chuckled at the memory. Gavi however, shook his head in disbelief. "I don't even know why you still have a thing for her. She's obviously crazy. Besides, we play for Barca now, the best team in the world. You can have any girl you want."
Yeah but Fermin didn't want any girl in the world, he wanted Y/N. The love of his life since their first days in the academy.
Gavi's car pulled up to the Boot Camp hotel late in the afternoon. The two of them were expected to hold a seminar after the team dinner that night, but instead of heading up to his hotel room and freshening up like Gavi, Fermin headed straight to the football field in search of one person and one person only.
"Where is Y/N." He asked a girl. One of the players from the academy.
"Well hello to you too." The girl said. She looked terrible, like the days training session had involved physical torture.
"Hi, hello." He stammered. "You're Y/N's friend right, Rita? Have you seen her around?"
The tired girl rolled her eyes. "My name is Camilla not Rita. Who the fuck is Rita?"
"Oh, sorry."
"It's not like you don't know who I am..." The girl continued. She seemed very upset.
"I'm sorry Camilla, I really am. I was just in a hurry to see Y/N. I have something to tell her."
The girl's eyes searched his face, eventually giving in. "Well, you'll find her where I left her."
"And where is that?"
She smiled. "On the football field of course."
"Great, thanks."
Fermin was heading straight there. But Camilla's words stopped him in his tracks.
"Just a heads up." She said,
"If you're going to ask Y/N to be your girlfriend don't bother, she's unavailable anyway."
"Unavailable?" He frowned. "H...how do you know?" And how did she know that he was going to ask Y/N to be his girlfriend.
Camilla shrugged. "She told me that she's been going out with this guy she met in the summer."
"What guy?" Fermin felt his heartbeat raise.
"It's funny, you might even have heard of him. Alejandro Garnacho?"
"WHAT? That idiot?" Fermin was trembling from top to bottom. How could any of this be true? He had kept in contact with Y/N ever since he left the academy. Sure she didn't always reply to his DM's, but never had she told him off when he was clearly flirting with her. Telling him off is what she should have done if she has a boyfriend, no?
"Yeah. Apparently Y/N spent the summer at his house in England, doing God knows what."
"But...but..." There were no words to make sense of the situation. Fermin was beginning to feel sick to his stomach.
"Sorry." Camilla shrugged. "But you know how Y/N is. A part of her thinks that she's too good for Barca. I've heard that there's even been talks of her transferring to Manchester United. I guess she wants to be closer to Garnacho."
That's it. Fermin thought. He was going home. He was getting Gavi and they were going home.
"Sorry." Camilla repeated, with a smirk on her lips. "I guess you came all this way for nothing. That is..." She raised her brow. "If you're not looking to party with myself and some if the other academy girls?"
Fermin's eyes narrowed. "A part, when?"
"After the seminar, bring Gavi."
"Fine." He nodded, searching his pocket for his phone "Text me the details." He handed Camilla the phone. She typed in her number, adding a heart emoji after her name.
"See you later Lopez." She winked, handing him back his phone before making her way back to the hotel.
Fermin looked back towards the football fields. There he could spot Y/N, practicing her penalty shots.
"Idiot." He snorted. "I'm such a fucking idiot."
Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
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strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
I have quite the angsty request if you don’t mind 🥸
May I request the brothers reacting to an MC who’s died multiple times yet comes back to life due to a curse (let’s say it was supposed to be a ‘gift’ from Lilith to protect them) and they’re pretty passive/unhinged when it comes to dying? Like how the bros or some other demons would threaten to harm/kill MC and they’re just like “Stop talking and do it then” or “Not like it‘s the first time I died that way ☺️”
Disclaimer: MC isn’t suicidal but they just have no care/concern of their life since dying so brutally a lot and dealing with a lot of bullshit may have driven them insane over the years.
Hello! Thank you for waiting, I'm sorry I took kind of long. Here you go, enjoy!
The brothers with a Mc who is reckless with their life
important: Like the requester said, there is no theme of suicide present in this fic. However, I am aware that it might translate to it for some people. That's why I recommend you stay away from this if you think this post might upset you.
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: (mentions of) death, mentions of injury, lesson 16 spoilers, self deprecation, not eating
he is not letting you try anything funny around him
you might be immortal, yes, but that doesn't change the fact you can get seriously hurt
also, lucifer doesn't want to watch you 'die' again
mammon is very upset about it, and he lets you know
'why you gotta go get yourself ended in some way, mc? ya know we gotta still watch it, right?'
every time mammon sees one of your 'deaths', he gets reminded of that day you died in his arms
sometimes, he lets you do it
after all, it's only understandable you'd want to after wasting your time with sonebody like him, right?
but that doesn't change the fact he hates this behavior, but he doesn't know how to express it
'no, mc, that is not happening'
sometimes he wonders if he's stopping you because he hates seeing you hurt, or he hates the effect it has on him, maybe both
he tries to keep an eye on you though, so you won't try anything
every time you announce something related to dying, asmo comes up with some excuse on why you shouldn't do it
like, he'll say it's bad for your skin or something
really, he does not want to see you die, and he will get frustrated if you don't seem to realise that
beel will do everything in his power to prevent you from doing anything
there have been times where he literally had to drag you away from the place you were about to try to 'die'
he hates seeing it so much to the point he doesn't eat for a while afterwards
he still feels guilty for his past actions, isn't it ironic he hates watching you 'die'?
belphie feels like he has no right to try stopping you, but he still does
he would melt down on the spot if you were to ask him to kill you again
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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House party scenes 2/5: River and Panam and Kerry and V
Simply given the fact that River and Kerry are the two love interests that always stay in Night City after the canon endings of the game, I think River is the one of V's friends that Kerry gets to know first and knows best. I mean, I even wrote that oneshot where they're invited over for dinner at River's, and I think it just becomes a more or less regular occurrence after that. River and Vince got along good from the start, both having an inquisitive nature and good heart under a hard exterior, despite Night City continuing to try its best at teaching them that compassion is futile. Vince is fully supportive of River doing his own thing, helping him out where he can with his P.I. business once it's up and running, and River remains an important contact to Vince's Afterlife operations as well.
Panam's and Vince's relationship is quite different and a lot more complicated than that (and damn, one day I gotta make a long post about it bc yeah, I won't be doing it justice in this context here xD). Like, they have so much in common actually, careful and mistrusting at first, have a hard time opening up to others, but deep down, behind the loud and gritty exterior, they also just wanna connect to others and be loved. Given the circumstances at the time, and adding Vince's misconceptions about the nomads as a whole, he and Panam didn't really develop a deep friendship over the course of the game's events. To Vince it really just was a "You scratch my back if I scratch yours" relationship for a long while, and he assumed Panam thought the same. By the time they reached a point where they could both openly talk to each other finally, the Aldecaldos were about to pack up and leave. They stayed in contact afterwards though and I think only then started to develop a real, deeper, long-distance-online-only-friendship (sidenote: I absolutely love Panam's text messages in game, how you can talk to her about the other main NPCs for example, I wish there was something like that with everyone).
The birthday get-together is the first time they see each other in person since the Raffen attack on the camp, and yet it's not nearly as awkward as either of them would have feared. Panam is accepted as part of the group right away, probably a bit awestruck still by Kerry just being there and talking to her like normal. She can finally put faces to all the names Vince always talks about, too, River and Judy and Takemura, and so on. If she's ever stranded in NC for whatever reason, Vince's home is her home and safe place, the same way she's offered it to him with the Aldecaldos camp numerous times.
And finally, I wrote before about how Kerry and Vince have this little routine of making up all kinds of batshit stories of their first meeting when people they don't care about ask about it. V's friends though get to hear the real story, even though it's probably even crazier than anything they could come up with.
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jedi-enthusiast · 11 months
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Since this post about how Anakin treats people in TCW is starting to gain a little traction again, I'm coming back to this reblog (I'm making a new post because, again, the last one was getting long) to explain a little more of my thoughts.
Now firstly, personally, I don't think it's particularly odd or out of character for Anakin to put people at risk because he's arrogant instead of him doing it for his attachments because he's shown in the movies to be extremely arrogant.
He thinks he's better than everyone on the Council, he thinks he knows better than everyone on the Council, he always wants to be in control in some way (which ties into a lot of his decisions in TCW), and he obviously doesn't like following orders--and therefore not having control (again, which ties into a lot of his decisions in TCW).
That's what I see in the movies and that's what I see again in TCW. The only difference is that in the movies he makes his bad decisions mostly out of attachment and some out of arrogance, while in TCW he makes his bad decisions mostly out of arrogance and some out of attachment. It's just flipping the sides a little to showcase a better look at Anakin's Fall.
Second, I do agree with you that any other Jedi wouldn't have just left someone to die in the situation that they were in, but I pointed it out as a sign of Anakin's selfishness/attachment because it showcases one of his main problems in the Prequels.
Think about what he says when Palpatine tells him that they might die if they don't leave Obi-Wan behind:
"Then his fate will be the same as ours!"
Let's just say, for a moment, that Palpatine isn't a Sith Lord and a piece of shit and he really is who he pretends to be--the Chancellor of the Republic, genuinely trying to help the people as best he can.
And let's just say that, in this scenario, he's absolutely correct--for some reason, whether that be time or whatever else, if they bring Obi-Wan along with them then they 100% will die and the Republic will be put at risk with its Chancellor's death.
Any other Jedi in this scenario would be able to let Obi-Wan go and accept that they can't save everyone. They would be sad, they would mourn, they would probably feel a little guilty afterwards for not being able to save him--but they would be able to let go of someone they cared about for the greater good.
Anakin, on the other hand, in this scenario would not be able or willing to let go of his attachment to Obi-Wan and would gladly put the Republic and the rest of the galaxy at risk for the sake of one person. He would kill himself and the Chancellor, just so he didn't have to go on with life without Obi-Wan and/or so he wouldn't have to face the guilt of not being able to save everyone.
Now, while I'm sure that might seem like a good thing to some people (and I'm gonna make a separate post about that later), it's really not something that should be seen that way.
Once again, this shows that Anakin is incapable of letting go of his attachments and is willing to sacrifice anything and everything just so that he won't lose them/have to live life without them.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
So imagine that after the Slate is destroyed all people who had their memories erased by the Rabbits gradually start to regain them. Of course this includes Honami. And since she's the only remaining (blood) relative of Anna she probably should (or could) get legal custody of her. I think Kusanagi and Homra won't mind this. But what if Honami didn't wanna stay in Japan where all of this happened, her brother and his wife were killed, she got her memories erased and her little niece was tortured and suffered so much. Given that she's an English teacher I could see her wanting to move to America since she knows the language. Then what would Anna do in this situation? Would she want to go with her aunt? Or would she want to remain together with Homra? I know that things aren't the same after the Slate was destroyed and the Homra members would gradually drift apart, more or less. That presents us with quite the peculiar situation. So what do you think will happen? (sorry if the ask is all over the place, I'm writing it on the go before I forget)
There was a short comic I saw right after ROK aired that had Honami remembering and immediately running to Homra to hug Anna, I like imagining that was canon (and actually Gora did say at one of their K events that Honami may remember Anna post-ROK). I think things would be kinda awkward with Honami remembering, especially since Kusanagi would presumably have to explain both why Honami forgot and why they couldn’t tell her anything afterward. Honami would probably be pretty shell-shocked in the aftermath, finding out about Kings and the Slate and Anna’s powers (they might hold off on adding that Anna is Red King, so they don’t overwhelm her), and even hearing all this I could see Honami being upset with herself that she was able to forget something so important as Anna. Honami asks Anna to come home with her and I could see Anna saying yes but it’s worded in such a way that neither Honami or Kusanagi (or even really Anna herself) knows if this is just a visit or if she’s moving in totally. 
After a couple nights together Honami sits Anna down for a talk. She thinks Anna has been through a lot and after all this maybe it would be best to put all this fighting and sadness behind them, suggesting that the two of them together move overseas. I kinda imagine this immediately sparking some tension between her and Kusanagi, Kusanagi knows that Honami wants what’s best for Anna but he also doesn’t like Anna being put in a situation where she has to choose between her two ‘families.’ I imagine him trying to talk with Honami and Honami is also upset herself, because she feels like she couldn’t protect Anna all this time and she just wants to give Anna a normal life. Kusanagi can understand that because he wants the same, but he also wants Anna to choose what she herself wants and is worried Anna will be pressured by not wanting Honami to be sad.
Ultimately I feel like this is where Honami gets the revelation that Anna is Red King. Anna goes to talk to Honami and her fire wings appear, Honami is struck speechless. She remembers what Kusanagi told her about Mikoto’s fate but Anna assures her that it isn’t a problem anymore, no one else will die because of the Slate. But the Slate is also the one who brought her all her precious people and gave her the power to protect them, and she includes Honami in that. Anna doesn’t want to lose any members of her family, not anymore, and so she will protect everyone. Honami says Anna shouldn’t have to do that, they should be protecting her, and imagine Anna just hugging her and saying that because everyone protected her she was able to reach this point. She wants to stay in Japan with Homra and she wants to stay by Honami’s side too, so she wants Honami to know that there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore. In the end I imagine Honami giving in because she does love Anna, maybe they do end up taking like a short overseas vacation together so that they can catch up and Honami can spoil Anna a little but ultimately they come back. After this Anna just goes between staying at Homra and staying with Honami and everyone’s on good terms, it’s less like two separate families and more like Anna’s family just got a bit larger.
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punklorde-hunter · 2 months
So 2.1, just like the previous patch SO much happened, and To no one's surprise, It blew everything we saw in 2.0 out of the water! And since i did something similar during 2.1, I'd thought it make sense to do the same for the next part. So without further ado!
Spoilers under the Cut!!!!
Of course the start of 2.1's story has to end right where we left off, in the room where we found Robin's dead body O_O. But i like the direction they go, where after we split off form Aventurine and meet with the Express, we get to see multiple POV's, kinda like how they did with Dan Heng on the Luofu but more complex. And man did it work wonders!
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While I know there were people meming and a bit disappointed Duke Inferno never got to appear in game, I did like that Acheron at least remembers his last stand. Man stood by his principles and went out fighting (even if he' prob won't be playable)
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I also like how they handled Acheron & Welt together. Like I said before never got to play Honkai Impact 3rd, but I did get to read a lot of the supplementary material like Second Impact, so it was nice to see that side of Welt from there. And that's while Acheron isn't his Mei it's nice they shared a kinship
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What a fun Greek Myth ref to match the HI3 Ref
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I got nothing to add to this the sand pit was hilarious as hell! The NPC walking into walls and clipping into floors made me lose it. The devs had way too much fun in that area lmao.
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Siobhan give em one more chance 🥺
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the straight Up Pikachu ref sdjaldsadkklds
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The little detail of Aventurine's & Dr. Ratio's shoes was pretty cute, the lil' spades on Aventurine's sole and Ratio's sandals, it's nice!
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Nice Unlimited Blade Works ref there Star Rail
This next parts more on the serious side, so I'll give a little heads up that rest of the post is prob about to touch on really dark topics like Enslavement, genocide, su1c1de, and not so nice things like that so be warned.
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Aventurine / Kakavasha's backstory....
there's so much I could say but they really did a excellent job fleshing out his character. From how he was "lucky" from birth but everyone he ever loved wasn't so lucky, how his reckless gambling with his life was there even as a kid, him feeling he's never been truly free only going from one master to another, mans got trauma and it's no wonder he thinks everything comes at a cost.
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I haven't seen a lot of post about the part where Kakasvasha says his last goodbyes to his sister, right before the Narration explains that the small rebellion ended in the Avgin clan's extinction (it's vague if the Katacins survived, but considering how the story paints them, not many people are gonna miss them). over 6,000 deaths and over ,000 casualties, all on a planet that was barely survivable. And while his sister sends him off after one final prayer to Gaithra Triclops, it left him alone with no one, and we know how he ended up afterwards.
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Not to mention the fact even when Aventurine killed his old master by STRANGLING HIM WITH CHAINS, he would've been arrested by the IPC had Jade not taken an interest in his bet. Man has been through it. No wonder he recklessly bets his life in gambles, it was either that or he dies.
Speaking of reckless gambling, the entire sequence after Sunday does his Harmony suggestion we get that oh so nice interactions with the young Aventurine and his shadow the true self other Aventurine that rags on him the rest of the way. The shadow Aventurine lays it in him that underneath that bravado is a man whose so scared to lose more and yet doesn't care if his own life gets taken in the process since all he has is that. Not even with all the money in the universe. Dr Ratio's "betrayal" was supposedly an act, but he still thinks on some level the doctor hates him and it was real, he has no one to confined in or anything.
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But with the younger self it's different. The way his young self still has light in his eyes, how in the hallucination he's at the theme park with his family, who are dead. First he denies that there are any Avgins since they were all dead right? But then he shows a kinder side he would never show to anyone, much less himself. And it accumulates in the scene where he decides to live on a bit longer and says a final prayer to his past, to Kakavasha. I was choking up all through that final part.
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I know the patch mostly focused on Aventurine, but even what we learned of Acheron is also sad. She's not really a Galaxy Ranger, because her status as an Emanator of Nihillty, a "Self-Annihilator," is tragic enough, means she'll forget precious memories, senses, untill there's nothing. So it's sticks out to me that Acheron is the one to give Aventurine the nudge to live on, she she also has lost so much but chooses to walk on in life. Plus Dr. Ratio's note to Aventurine was very Ratio, no-nonsense but also wants him to live on despite their differences. The Aventio fans are eating it up but it's still a nice gesture from Ratio.
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Speaking of Sunday, I said I wanted him to get his revenge as a treat but I wasn't counting on him almost killing Aventurine with whatever Harmony power he put on him. Sure the man lost his sister to an unknown murderer, and the light cone memory of them of a simpler time is sad. There's still a few unanswered question about him and Robin's relationship, like if Robin's fondest memories of are the pretend concert between her and Sunday, why is ti as adults she only just got back to Penacony, and why the Harmony isn't in sync anymore that caused her voice to lose it's tune. Also Sundays controlling attitude and his raven bird watching in every scene he's in makes me think the once closed siblings may not be as close anymore
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Also with the reveal of what "Gallagher's" role in the story is, the drink he made for my Trailblazer fits a bit TOO well. I don't completely believe he's working alone, but his association with the Something Unto Death meme has me excited for his role next patch. Let my chill bartender man be a bit shady as a treat. Truly the "most normal human in the game of werewolf" (Thanks Shaoji)
Also to no one's surprise, Sam & Firefly are one in the same. While I am interested on how the last Stellaron Hunter is gonna be like and what their deal is, it's a shame most people like em were spoiled by the twist since it makes Firefly and Sam SO much more interesting.
But overall 2.1 has been AMAZING in terms of characterization and with 2.2 being set to be the "climax" of Penacony's Story I can't wait to see what they do with the plot threads they have been cooking up.
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aleksanderscult · 7 months
I have loved your other metas. Can I make a request too? I wanted you to analyse the Grisha vows with respect to Aleksander and Alina. No problem if not. Good day.
Of course you can!
Literally anyone can ask me anything and there's nothing to be shy about. ❤️
So. We're finally doing this, huh?🥲
We're going to analyze THAT scene?🥲
I'm assuming you mean Aleksander's and "Alina's" funeral (if that's not the scene you mean then please tell me!😭) and I'm not gonna lie, I was avoiding writing a meta about it because it's SO painful🫠
But at the same time I've got some things to say here as well.
(Btw, I had already made two drafts about this scene commenting on some things. HOW DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS KNOW WHAT I'M SECRETLY CREATING??😭😶‍🌫️. But now that I'll write a meta about this scene, I won't post them until many, many weeks later)
Okay. Not gonna stall anymore. Let's do this.🥲
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Gonna start from here because I don't have anything to say about the previous lines (but if there's something in particular you want me to analyze before this, dear anon, then just say so❤️).
This line by itself is extremely sad.
The imagery that comes to your mind.
After four hundred years of existence full of war and battles, the Darkling is dead.
And Alina could easily say "You know what? Burn his body somewhere else. Not beside mine."
No, she wanted their bodies to burn side by side.
That says a lot by itself.
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When a fan asked Bardugo who truly tended to the Darkling's body, the latter refused to answer saying that she's leaving that for the readers to guess.
My personal guess, after what happened in Nikolai's duology, is Sankta Elizaveta. If the duology never existed then I would say a random otkazat'sya woman. I don't know, it just fits.
Apart from this, it's really heartbreaking how here the Darkling is described neither as a powerful Grisha nor as a cunning warrior. But as a handsome boy that fell in battle and now in death he looks so innocent. So peaceful at last.
And Alina wants to know. Cares to know. Who treated him so gently?
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Just like I said before, Alina decided this. Not for the people, not for Nikolai, not for Mal.
But for herself. And I bet for the Darkling too. Perhaps she didn't want him to be alone in his funeral pyre either. 🥲
The crowd was complaining 'cause for them the Darkling was the villain, the man that frightened them and put them through too much.
What did an evil man do to deserve a funeral pyre beside a Saint that was so beloved and revered?
But for Alina (right now) he is just the boy Aleksander Morozova and he deserves this funeral alongside her body.
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I'm kinda confused here.
I understand why the Soldat Sol attended the funeral since they were devoted to the Sun Saint but I expected for the Grisha to be mentioned more here.
Two of their leaders are dead.
The Darkling, that was their General for God-knows-how-many-years, and Alina, who also led them from a point afterwards.
I'm not saying that I expected them to mourn the Darkling. But where are the Etherealki? The order that the late Aleksander and "late" Alina also belonged to? They should be at the front lines, right?
Why aren't the Grisha mentioned at all in this scene?
(I swear Leigh created the Grisha, gave them a sad, violent history and then threw them into the bin😭)
Also, I wouldn't be surprised if some Grisha really felt sad about the Darkling's death. For some he really represented an end to the constant Ravkan wars and bloodshed. The man that would give them freedom from all of these. He was their safety, their leader, a guardian even. And the fact that so many (supposed) Darklings existed for centuries now, that feeling of safety was only enhanced 'cause he was a constant presence to the Grisha's side.
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It's kinda cringe to me that these people mourn Alina even though they had never truly known her. They had touched her and prayed to her name but they didn't know her truly. As a person. They mourn an idol.
Also, the fact that Alina doesn't want to be recognized particularly from the Apparat. If she still had her powers she would use the Cut to him LMAO Those bitter feelings haven't left her. (And I agree with her, he was a creep and a jerk).
(Also, how the FUCK is Nikolai immaculate 24/7?? NIKOLAI WHAT'S YOUR HAIR AND SKINCARE ROUTINE??😭😭)
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It's kinda sweet how Nikolai searches for Alina and her approval to begin this.🥹
These two🫶
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The crowd is weeping and yelling for Sankta Alina. The polished, idolized version of her that they created. For them she was a Saint that they considered a legend.
But with Alina here it's different. She's mourning for a person that she truly knew. Not a Saint. Not an idolized person created by dreams and fantasies, no. But for a boy that she knew and loved and killed out of mercy and that no one else mourns but her.
It's that contradiction for me.
The crowd mourns a holy person that they never knew but glamorized in their mind.
And Alina mourns for a flawed human being that she knew, loved and felt pity for.
The crowd also showed their grief loudly. While Alina did it in her own quiet and private way.
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Alina's name was chanted again and again loudly in a showy manner.
But Aleksander's was whispered with genuine care by a girl that loved him. She said it as a final goodbye to him. From a girl that the Darkling trusted to give his name. And she, in turn, respected it by keeping it a secret and paying tribute to it one final time.
Now she's the only person in the world that knows that name.
I love that scene so much but at the same time it just hurts.so.much.
But just like I said I loved the contradiction between the devoted followers who grieved loudly about a woman that they barely knew and a girl who cried soundlessly, mourned in silence and paid tribute to a boy that she loved and he loved her in return and made sure to honor all his final wishes even after he died.
"No grave. For them to desecrate" = She burned his body.
"Someone to mourn me" = Mourned him in his funeral.
"Speak my name once more" = She did in his funeral as well.
"Don't let me be alone" = He didn't let him be alone in his funeral pyre either.
Gonna go cry now.✌️
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Ikemen Villains Prologue: Chapter 2
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
???: Wait!!
An angry man and a young lady suddenly sprang out before my eyes, they seemed to be having a conflict.
Young Lady: That hurts!
The necklace in the young lady’s hand was shaking and glimmering.
(A thief—?)
Man: I’ll make sure you can never use this hand again!
The man raised the fire poker in his hand.
(Her bones will break for sure if he hits her with that—!)
In the spur of the moment—
Kate: Wait.
— I reflexively called out to them.
Man: Hah!? Whaddya want?
(I shouldn't be interfering, but…!)
Kate: P-Please return the item you stole. I’ll listen to what you have to say afterwards.
Young Lady: Ggh!
Man: Ouch!
The young lady kicked the man’s arm and vanished into the crowd.
Man: Stop right there, you thief—! Damn it. Look what you’ve done!
Kate: I- I’m sorry…
(I didn’t expect her to kick him and escape.)
I regretted ever interfering with their business.
Man: That necklace she stole was expensive! Are you going to pay for it!?
Kate: Yes, I will!
I tearfully took my purse out.
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Black Haired Man: … I see. A fine little robin, indeed.
Kate: Ahh… I really messed up this time.
(To that jeweler, the young lady is a bad person for stealing from him, but I didn't think it was fair to fully blame her for stealing. She might've had her own reasons for doing so and was desperate.)
Everyone knew that there were many people living in poverty here in the east side of London.
(I couldn't possibly watch and do nothing about her getting hurt, without finding out why she had to steal.)
(And yet, the jeweler was the one who suffered a loss and that young lady got away with it.)
Kate: … I don't know if what I did was considered good or evil.
Kate: But one thing's for sure is that now I don't have enough money to watch this month’s play.
It was a small hobby of mine to watch a play once every few months with my savings.
(I was supposed to have enough after making today’s deliveries… but I guess I won't be catching the play this month.)
Kate: Oh well, crying about it won't solve anything. I’ll just have to earn that money back.
Kate: I’m back.
Chief: Kate! Perfect timing… wait no, the streets can get dangerous at night…
Kate: Is something the matter?
Co-Worker: You see, we’re a little short staffed at the moment, so there's no one to do the night deliveries.
(Night deliveries… that’s it!)
Kate: Please let me handle them.
Chief: Oh? I appreciate your offer to help.
Chief: The delivery area is in a relatively safe neighborhood full of townhouses, just don’t wander around unnecessarily.
Kate: Okay!
(Thank goodness, this means that I can make up for the money I lost!)
(It’s my first time doing deliveries at night in this neighborhood… I guess it should be fine, as long as I’m careful.)
Black Haired Man: Well then— are you ready, gentlemen?
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Cat-Like Man: Of course, Victor. It's been a long time since we last went on a mission together. How exciting.
Aloof Man: Calm down a little. Getting too carried away will only result in you being hurt.
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Man Carrying A Shotgun: I mean, I can patch you up if it's not a serious injury. But if you die, that just means I have one less person to help me with my research.
Cat-Like Man: Thanks, Roger. As expected of a former doctor.
Blond Man with Blue Eyes: … Al. Do I really have to take part in this?
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Gentlemanly Man: Yes, seeing how it's such a lovely evening. There might also be something you'll like at the target's mansion.
Blond Man with Blue Eyes: Really...? Fine.
Sinister-Looking Man: Then can we get going already? Unlike you nobles, I don't have a lot of free time on my hands.
Tall Young Man: But you don't have any business meetings scheduled for tonight.
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Sinister-Looking Man: Tch... will it kill you to be less honest? Shut it.
Red Eyed Man: — Looks like 'Crown' is ready, Victor.
Black Haired Man: Ahaha! Good. You lot are so carefree and wonderful as always. Well then, shall we begin?
Black Haired Man: Tonight — we give in to the evil in our wicked hearts.
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