#I won't spam the fandom tags with this
the-heart-of-leo · 2 years
AO3 First Lines
Rules: post the first lines of your last 10 fics posted to ao3. if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics.
(I dislike tagging people but if you want to do this, go ahead! Also, I might end up using the first paragraph rather than the first lines as I tend to start my writing simple. I’ve also listed warnings pertaining to the fic)
1 - The Improbability of a Long Life -  Stranger Things/The Old Guard crossover
Eddie knew he thought about death more than the average teenager. Not in a goth ‘life is misery and death is the only escape’ kind of way but in the ‘if the party dies, what’s a good plot point to let them come back’ or, if he’s feeling bit evil, ‘how cool of a player death can I come up with’.
2 - The Stars in Their Eyes - The Sequel to ‘For Want of a Home’. The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky, Omegaverse Crusaders Era Fic, Non-graphic/implied rape and non-grapic/implied forced breeding toward the end of the fic
Al-Quds was burning.
Even now, with the sky as bloody red as the bloody sand beneath his feet, he could see the smoke rising up behind what was left of the walls.
Al-Quds was lost.
Yusuf sat on his knees and stared up at the smoke, the dark stain of it cutting into the sky as the city glowed in its fiery death. The air stank with the smell of blood, of smoke, of burning flesh…
3 - What is Lost and What Can Be Found -  The Old Guard/Diabolik fic that I probably should update sooner rather than later... as such, I can’t give any real warnings at the moment
Nicky hated interrogation rooms.
They were always cramped, cold, and incredibly boring, no doubt in the hope that when the security officer finally came around to ask their questions, their suspect would be eager to talk if only to break the silence.
Airport interrogation rooms were somehow worse. Smaller, duller, and made all the worse by the inconvenience.
4 - Before the Fall -  Waves/Wolf/Diabolik Kenzarelli crossover - Majid/Gabriele
Getting stabbed was one of the worse experiences Majid had ever had and that was saying something.
The wad of bandages pressed to his stomach and taped in place were doing a decent enough job of keeping his blood in his body but it did nothing for the pain.
"Your dad's a fucking psycho," he hissed at Gabriele. He pressed a hand over the wound to try and keep the bandage tight against his body, to staunch the blood more. "Who the hell just fucking stabs someone! He didn't even say anything!"
5 - For Want of a Home - The Old Guard, Joe/Nicky omegaverse Crusaders Era fic
The fabric was a deep burgundy, stuffed, quilted, and lined with beaded gold edging with tassels at the corners. It was a work of art and far more expensive than anything Nicolò could ever afford. Still, he gently ran a finger over the stitch work, following the line as it crossed over stitches until they formed a diamond in the fabric.
It was so soft…
It could be used as the floor of a nest or maybe even the ceiling if he found a way to hang it up so that it acted as a tent... but that would be so wasteful, not to feel the soft fabric, not to wrap it around them to keep the safe and warm and...
6 - The Sun and the Rose -  Lawrence of Arabia, Soul mark AU, has a graphic rape scene in later chapters
His soulmark was fairly small, only as big as the length of his thumb, but he always thought it beautiful in its simplicity. Gracefully arching lines wrapping around an empty center that made him think of blooming flowers — roses to be specific. Something beautiful and fragile that Ali never tired of seeing.
It was a shock to see the familiar design, pale on his dark skin, reflected in contrast on the sleeping man’s chest. The dark lines against skin still pale thanks to the unflattering uniform, so different from the pale pink, almost scar-like lines marking his own breast.
Lawrence was a confusing creature. Passionate, kind, and foolish in his determination and will. A creature the desert both loves and loathes…
And the one the desert has decided his soul belongs with.
7 - Of Truth and Blood - Lawrence of Arabia, Mild Ali/Lawrence, Character Injury, Past rape, trauma concerning everything really
The blood was spreading.
Ali was sure of it now.
It was on his side, easily hidden by his bisht, by the table, and now by the dim candlelight as the power had finally gone out. The dried blood on the filthy white thawb did a good job of covering most of it and, he was sure, no one else noticed it but him.
Aurens certainly gave no indication of being injured.
He never did.
8 - Persistence of Memory - Power Rangers: Dino Charge/Shattered Grid, Implied Koda/Phillip, Character Death, Character’s unhealthy coping habits
Once something is broken, it can never be put back together exactly as it was.
That was the warning they had all been given when the multiverse was reinstated and when those who had been lost had found a way to return. Those whose power was stolen were given their second chance as well as something close enough to home to return to. The Solar Rangers, their purpose complete for now, had disbanded and joined their first families where they belonged.
For the most part.
9 - Propriety, Modesty, and the Lack Thereof - Power Rangers: Dino Charge, Koda/Phillip, Short fluff, play fighting turned fade to black times.
Prince Phillip had been taught many things growing up as a royal: proper etiquette, modesty, propriety, manners – whatever you wanted to call it, it was how he was raised. Always be well-dressed in flattering but neutral colors, always been well-groomed, to never raise one's voice, always present one's self as being in control: someone trustworthy and regal.
Princes did not rough-house. They did not allow themselves to be manhandled, carried, dragged, pushed, pinned, or any other thing that would insult the dignity of his station.
Which only made the embarrassed flush of arousal worse.
10 - Flowers Bloom in the Scars Left Behind - Detroit: Become Human, Simarkus, Kinda slowburn romance, a year in the life kind of deal, too many pairings to name, drug addiction, etc
It had been a little over two years since Simon had last celebrated a Christmas. His former owner, Amy, had loved Christmas and Halloween and any other holiday that required decorating the house. As soon as it became socially acceptable (and sometimes not), she would start setting things up.
To be honest, Simon had enjoyed it too.
At Jericho, there was no reason for celebrations, nothing to decorate or to decorate with. The holidays were a melancholy time for them all, bringing with them memories that were a mix of good and bad, depending on their previous lives.
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grxceful-ly · 1 year
peter bringing mayday with him to do spider stuff because yeah, he had things to live for before--but now he has a child and he is going to raise this child and be there for her and maybe if she’s there, strapped to his chest, he’ll be more careful. he’ll consider his life almost as precious as hers. maybe bringing mayday to work is a precaution. 
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bibyshitsuji24k · 1 year
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In the Victorian Era, daisies symbolized innocence, loyalty, and an ability to keep things secret.
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antipathiczora · 9 months
reblog for larger sample size, please!
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solarspectacle · 2 months
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I'll also forever be thinking about this line from Kam/al. How did you know his jaw unhinges. How did you figure that out.
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voorice-corp · 7 months
vtsom mutuals... please save me... vtsom mutuals
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romanticslimecreature · 8 months
20 Questions for Writers
Thanks to @organchordsandlightning for the tag! I'm going to use both of my accounts, tinytardismilkshake and LoyalMonsterFan, for this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
62! 49 on tinytardismilkshake and 13 on LoyalMonsterFan.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
36,951 (tinytardismilkshake) + 23,242 on LoyalMonsterFan, so 60,193 total!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Lately it's mostly been Malevolent! These characters have eaten my brain for the last two years. I am open to branching out - just waiting for something to grab me.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I'll just list the top five for both accounts.
- How Dare You Love Me Lile You've Never Known Fear
- Steal Me Softly From The Darkness
- My Heart Is Big Enough For You
- Heart to Heart, Hand in Hand
- In My Dreams I See Your Face
- A Game To Pass The Time
- You're Half of the Flesh and Blood That Makes Me Whole
- Recrown the Creation
- As Fast As Your Heart
- Now That It's You, Now That There's Us
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes, always! Even if all I can think of is a generic "Thank you!" XD
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Pitcher Plant! I wrote it for a horror exchange and it shows.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tricky one! I write a lot of hurt/comfort, and a lot of cute snippets that can hardly be said to have an "ending." I'm going to go with Holding Onto You! A kiss and an animal companion are great elements of a happy ending.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope! If I were in a bigger fandom I might, LOL. Small fandoms are fun.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes, and only on LoyalMonsterFan! I don't care who in the fandom sphere of the internet knows both are me anymore, but still - I feel like I can let loose a bit more on an alt account.
As for what kind, mostly body-sharing zex with some monster/human sex in there too. Fun stuff!
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I've only ever written one crossover, Malevolent and Monstrous Agonies. I had to put the Malevolent side into a modern AU for my idea, but I wouldn't call the crossover particularly crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Someone translated These Are Lonely Times, a Deltarune fic I wrote.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly. One time a friend if mine and I decided to each write our own fic based on the same idea, and that's how we ended up with A Game To Pass The Time (mine) and we're all just killing time (theirs).
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
I'm contractually obligated to say John/Arthur for the sheer impact they've had on my mind. I wrote my first smut for them!
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have one called "Alive in Full Bloom" that's been in draft purgatory for over a year. It's about Arthur exploring gender nonconformity with John and John being a good friend to navigate this with since he isn't bogged down by human societal rules. By now, it's been long enough that I'm not sure mine will ever see the light of day. Luckily, some other writers have written great takes on the same premise!
16. What are your writing strengths?
My favorite complimemt I've ever gotten on my writing style is that my fics seem "lived in." (Thanks, Croik!) I write short fics, and I'm told I can pack a lot of feelings into a small bite.
At the risk of bragging, I also like my character voices and how I describe eldritch things. It's really tricky describing the undescribable, but I've worked at it and I'm proud of the ideas I've conveyed.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Plot! The fics I write are so short they're usually just one scene. Any time I try to write something with plot and an arc I'm practically tearing my hair out and I still end up with something under 5k. I like my short fic! And I am really proud of the ones I've managed to get over 4k with some semblance of an arc. I just wish I also had the power to give some of my ideas the 10k+ length they deserve.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not nearly fluent in any other languages, so I'd worry about it sounding wrong. I'd have to ask a native speaker if I ever wanted to use another language for dialogue.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who! Unless you count the Phineas and Ferb "episodes" I wrote as a young kid that are not published anywhere on the internet.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Cambiare! My beautiful longfic (4,840 words) full of introspection and character development and monstrous philosophy. Even though it didn't turn out as long as I plannd/hoped, I'm really proud of the end result.
I'll tag: @croik @kahtiihma @digitalis-obscura and anyone else who wants to participate!
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visdiefje · 1 year
Went from 150 to about 40 drafts AW YEAH
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tuiyla · 2 years
I wonder sometimes if glee was one of the last gasps of TV that wasn’t primarily streaming driven. The another anon made a doctor who comparison and I think that’s apt - that being a show who’s ratings have been so changed by the shift to streaming, something fans never stop arguing about. Game of thrones, maybe, is another? But glee was *so* huge, mainstream wise for five minutes.
Yeah that checks out. Coming to think about it, streaming got bigger and bigger just as Glee ended. Sometimes I think about season 6 and how different the world already was, a contrast to the first season's 2009 immediate post-Obama election vibe.
Doctor Who is a fascinating example because of its longevity but also the fact that it constantly changes, and fans often conflate the reasons behind (lack of) viewership with the show's content. Sometimes it's just the world changing around the show. You'd think something like Doctor Who is uniquely equipped to adapt to that but, well, depends on your perspective how successful that has been.
I think the main reason Glee is hard to compare to another media property is because it was, by all means and despite initial intent, a teen show. GoT with its explicit violence and high fantasy is literally a different world, and so was everything else even nearly as popular. I don't know if I'd say Glee was the most popular teen show of the 2010s but it certainly... occupied a unique space in the mainstream, in the zeitgeist. One that the likes of Gossip Girl or PLL or The Vampire Diaries could never. Maybe it was the musical thing, maybe the dramedy, maybe just this unique cocktail. But it was so insanely ubiquitous and though it did drop off a lot people's radars in later seasons, there's a reason it is still talked about in the mainstream today. The tragedies, yes, the scandals, sure, but also because the grip it had on pop culture never really went away.
Like, when Pitch Perfect came out? Everyone went "oh like Glee." Rachel Bloom, when doing initial promo interviews for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, had to clarify again and again that, not exactly like Glee, these were original songs. Can't imagine what branding Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist must have been like. And then, of course, the teen show right of passage of being compared to Glee in some way or another.
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wild-karrde · 9 months
Y'all... I cannot stress enough how you need to interact with things in order to maintain a fandom community.
I have seen absolutely abysmal interaction with everything I've posted lately, and it is IMMENSELY disheartening. Of course, I create it for me, but I choose to share it with everyone and want to get excited about it WITH YOU. And it seems that every other artist/writer/creator I know is experiencing the same thing.
If you're one of the people that regularly interact or just have hit a bit of a speedbump lately, then please know I'm not talking to you. I'm also not talking to other creators that have to choose between engaging or creating (and sometimes just don't have the bandwidth). I'm talking to the blogs that ask for more and then never comment or share. I'm talking to the people that sign up for tag lists and then are never heard from again. I'm talking to blogs that spam like but haven't reblogged anything since 2022. Y'all, this site thrives off of interaction. That is how it works. You have to help things circulate, and it is so frustrating to see the entire place in a collective slump. I have been blocking blogs left, right, and center that do not share things, and I will continue to do so. But it is such a freakin' bummer to see the state of things at the moment.
Hell, I started a sideblog for Fandom Friday (@fandom-friday), and have only received a handful of submissions after getting asked numerous times when it would be coming back. IT'S BACK. IT'S HERE. WHERE IS EVERYONE????? I figured after a few months' break, that people would have plenty of submissions stacked up, but that has not been the case AT ALL.
Fandom communities are such incredible places, but it's felt like a ghost town around here lately with the writers and artists just screaming into the void to PLEASE INTERACT WITH OUR STUFF. Please show up for one another because it is so very soul-crushing to watch everyone I know just feel completely disheartened. I cannot tell you how depressing it is to spend hours and hours carefully crafting something, being genuinely excited about it, and get almost no interaction or response other than a few likes and comments.
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aspec-mafia-official · 4 months
Just what I suspected, worried, and predicted.
Greetings, darlings!
I just found a post that pointed this out.
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The tags include #acespec mafia.
Earlier, I had made a prediction. Since #acespec was popular, it was flooded with bots. The prediction was that #acespec mafia was going to become popular, and suffer the same fate, being overrun by the bots.
Notice how this doesn't even tag #acespec and/or #aspec. The tag has become unpopular and so the bots won't use it. And funnily enough, one of its tags is #spam bots, which is honestly hilarious, a spam bot tagging itself as a spam bot.
The solution isn't to run, because running makes an endless loop.
Acepec, to Acepec Mafia, to Acespec Gang, to Acespec, it will just keep going.
The solution isn't just to run and create new tags, it's to fight.
Report every bot you see, make posts about it, spread awareness, contact [tumblr], do everything and anything in your power to report the bots. And not just on the #asexual and #acespec and all those tags, do every tag there is and address the problem.
The problem is that they aren't on our tags, the problem is that they are here at all. Tell everyone about these bots and to report them. I've seen bots not on ace-related tags, I've seen them on many popular fandoms, and even niche ones.
Make [tumblr] deal with them. Let's fight together as the mafia, and hopefully we'll gain the attention of the boss.
- Daydream
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veryturtlekitten · 3 months
Haiiiii ^_^ hi!! hiiiiiii <3 haiiiiiiiii hii :3
Welcome to my blog :3
(pfp by @defnotdeimos )
(if you don't like me, i don't like you either)
(i won't bite you if you don't bite me first)
New account because my old account got deleted and don't even ask why...
(tumblr was a bitch, and probably deleted my old one)
-my name is Olivia
-i'm 16 years old (turning 17)
(older in the drawing so that anything legal)
-my bday is on 7th november (plixie month)
-my prononus are:
she/her and they/them
(but i prefer she/her prononus)
-i'm bisexual and fictiosexual and hypersexual and demigirl
-(I am no longer abrosexual...and i will never be again...)
-pochodzę z Polski (🇵🇱)
- boobs and ass are cool for me~
-digital/traditional artist (mostly digital)
-multi-fandom bc yes
(i mostly make fanart but sometimes... I draw my ocs when i'm bored)
-i mostly make sfw art but sometimes i making suggestive and Gore art
(pls, don't hate me)
-do not copy/trace/repost my art and Animations (anything!!)
(reblogs,inspirations and edits are allowed, but pls tag me)
-spam likes and reblogs are fine, i don't mind
-I'm fucking minor lol
-i'm kinda tall (162cm)
-i use ibispaint to draw and flipaclip to animate
Pls dni if:
-Under 13
-izrael supporters
-person who make jokes about rape and s/a
-skidibi toilet fans (i hate This fucking Shit)
-Zoophile/animal abuser
(leave them Alone)
-or if you just bad person, i won't talk to you anymore
⚠️pls dm me if i follow someone bad⚠️
13+ only (16+ sometimes)
Also do not reblog this, bc that's my rules
-remember that whatever I say...it's just a stupid fucking joke and it shouldn't be taken seriously
and if you don't understand my jokes (my humor) pls get the fuck out...
also google translator is a bitch, but i use it anyways because my english is very bad...
Oki i Think its a all bye ^^
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myfandomrealitea · 2 months
Was your Safe Spaces post discord-(or any closed forum I guess) specific, or do you think the same should go for fandom-themed blogs on tumblr? Like, if I follow someone for Doctor Who content, I'd rather they didn't put real world issues on my dash, but otoh, it's their blog and they get to decide what they post on it (preferably tagged so I can curate). I've observed that people that run themed blogs that become popular often seem to feel an obligation to use their platform for activism (or, in the case of crypto-radfems, deliberately built their platform to recruit), and it stresses tf out of me for the reasons you mentioned, but it's not like the maintags are much safer because there will be spam relating to real-world issues, or antis trying to relate fiction to real world issues.
Realistically; the same outlook can and could be applied to any social setting. Be it online, private, public, face to face, ect.
Your point about obligation in terms of platform scale is something I've also noticed and have been dabbling about raising. Mostly because you see it a lot with celebrities or public content creators who receive a large following. Its often less that they feel obligated and more than they're usually bullied into it.
For example; I follow a trans (FTM) vlogger on Instagram. His entire online presence is based around being trans and helping to educate people and support people in regards to learning about being transgender, transgender health, his personal transitional journey, ect.
He's got a modest following, nothing ridiculous but I think right now he's sitting at around 75,000 followers.
And as of late, there are random people who don't follow him and aren't at all interested in what he has to say flooding his comment section with things like:
Why didn't you mention anything about Gaza?
All these followers and no shout outs for smaller creators?
What are you doing to raise awareness for X?
All these views could've been used to raise awareness for X.
And its fucking ridiculous. People are pressuring a middle class trans man with 75,000 followers to accept responsibility for counter-responding to a literal war when there are actual celebrities and billionaires with both the actual reach and money to make a difference who simply refuse to because they won't personally benefit from it.
I used to run a really popular fandom blog here on Tumblr. For an actual fandom, not just what I do here and now. It started off small, but I eventually grew it to the point where my follow count was creeping toward 10,000. Which for Tumblr and for a fandom-specific blog was not at all insignificant.
And the moment my notes count started going up, the demands started flooding in. People expecting me to reblog their donation links, demanding I share their friend's aid post, asking why I wasn't reblogging awareness posts or donation drives, ect.
Its largely because its easier to harass accessible people over it than it is to harass someone like Kim Kardashian, but its also because again: we have such a skewed understanding of what is actually effective in terms of activism and circulation of information.
Most of it comes down to shaming people and trying to assert that they're a bad person for having the privilege and benefits of a large following but not doing anything for other people or to 'deserve' that following. They're 'a bad person' for having 75,000 people's attention and not using it to force them to be aware of X.
A good example of proper audience targeting and activism is the page We Rate Dogs.
We Rate Dogs will share awareness posts and donation drives.
About dogs.
Because their followers are there for the dogs. Their followers like dogs. They want to enjoy dog content and help dogs.
If they started sharing posts about war and death and rape, the people who are following them to see cute dog videos will simply unfollow them.
They're using their targeted platform properly.
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anti-terf-posts · 2 months
Got a real piece of work for the blocklist, allwomenjointhe4bmovement. A terf among... other things. And you won't believe how I found this one either. I was browsing the Cult of the Lamb tag and got jumpscared by this blog. Like, what is this person doing there? Is it the canon nonbinary characters? What??? And the content of the post was of course completely irrelevant to said fandom and also tagged with Venom for some reason.
i’m crying what 😭😭 if their post is was irrelevant, you could probably report them for spam
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argylemnwrites · 20 days
Anyone Still Here?
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So... it's been a while. I had a baby. I traveled with her internationally for a wedding. She turned one. I built a house and moved into it. I had a dental emergency a few days before my closing. Everything in the new house is now toddler proofed... until she thinks of a new way to get into a dangerous situation. I think that many life events safely defines my hiatus as "extended."
The Choices fandom is, I'm guessing, dying. I've not been on Tumblr or even the Choices subreddit with any regularity in over a year at this point, so I don't know this as a fact, but I have my suspicions. The mass culling of PB staff, the acquisition of PB by an AI company, former talent from PB starting a competing app would tend to indicate trouble on its own.
But a dying fandom is one that is more worth coming back to, though. I firmly believe that. When the original content is floundering, when fan engagement is dropping, that is the time that fan works matter the most. So, knowing that my readership is likely going to be non-existent and that my series have probably been written off as dead for quite some time, I'm looking to come back.
I've been "writing" in my mind on my commute again lately. Found myself missing engaging with these characters. Most of all, I want to finish my current WIPs. I don't know if literally anyone who was reading them before is still around. But if anyone is, I want to know if you have preferences about how I go about tackling finishing up my two unfinished TRR canon divergent series - Why Are We Still Waiting? and Fight or Flight. (And yes, I still remember how they both end, hahaha)
Not sure there are enough people to warrant true polls, so just going to post this here:
Do you prefer that I alternate between my two ongoing series, or is tackling one first, then moving on to the other preferable? If the latter, any preference on which series I start with?
Do you prefer I post as I have a chapter done without any regular schedule, or would waiting longer for me to finish the series so I am able to guarantee posting dates be better?
Would links to AO3 be acceptable if I find myself getting annoyed with Tumblr formatting, or will you only read on Tumblr itself?
If you have opinions, I want to hear them. If you've left the fandom, I hope life is treating you kindly and don't worry, I'll be posting a tag list clean up post before I start posting any writing again so you won't get spammed. If you've straight up forgotten who I am, no worries. It's been ages. Trying to find my most recent tag list is a joke at this point. I think this is my "up to date" version for my TTR stuff at least, but sorry in advance if you either should or shouldn't be included and weren't/were respectively.
Perma: @forallthatitsworth @mom2000aggie @kingliam2019 @lovingchoices14
TRR/TRH: @motorcitymademadame @iplaydrake @princessleac1 @twinkleallnight @marshmallowsandfire
@axwalker @sirbeepsalot @iaminlovewithtrr @marshmallowsaremyfavorite @hedgehogs-dilemmas
Drake x MC: @rubiwalker @walkerdrakewalker @petiteboheme @mskaneko
ICWAM: @sunnyxdazed
FoF: @burnsoslow @monstercyclops
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cupofcappuccy · 7 months
Masterpost + ROTTMNT aus
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Hello silly person viewing my blog! The only thing I do here on Tumblr is spam like my mutuals or post whatever I draw (and definitely [not] the biggest Raph/Leo kinnie you'll ever meet <3)
I prefer to be called Dee/Lee if you ever wanted to come up and say hi! (I actually have more names...)
Tcest/proship/pro-isreal/racist/ terrorists/pedo apologists/transphobe/biphobe/homophobe ect dni. I don't care for tcesters much but I don't want my work to be interpreted as tcest! So please dni and don't tag my art as tcest, thank you!! Personal opinion on tcest if anyone wants to know what I think of them >^_^<. Also please DNI if you ship the Rise turtles with Casey Jr. That's considered proship too. If you ship the rise turtles with April, I won't mind much. But if you ship her with 2003 or 1987 turtles, DNI! I don't care for Kendra x Donnie shippers 'cause I am one so if you don't like that, DNI! PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 13 DNI
I DON'T TAKE ART REQUESTS! Well, sometimes I do
I am a MINOR! Please refrain from getting too comfortable when talking to me!
#Meshilover 🍖: @wren-fest
#Ratz loverz 🐁🍪: @belovedrat
#Freak out buddies 🦈: @atomic-rattz
#Dees' nuts ☂️🌙: @urplepurplegurgleturgle
#Owo lads 👻🔮: @ghosty-0w0
#Cocoapowder 🍫🪓: @coco-idfk
#Secret agents 🧀🦐: @turtles-hurtles-with-gurtles
#Au squad 🦑🌌: @au-not-alternate
#Pathetic queers 🌈: @vaudeville-moggie
#Emotional support 🔍: @magsterdragster
#Purple goobers 🔮: @splatting-stampede
#🍒Rosamango🥭: @rosewashereyt
#Donnie's wife 💜🌙 (I am NOT sorry): @billcipherismywife
If you're a moot, you can ask for a tag if you want :D
DO NOT REPOST MY ART ANYWHERE. DO NOT TAKE INSPIRATION FROM MY AUS. Credit me if you use my art as pfp/banner!
Rottmnt/tmnt au(s)
But Does That Really Make Things Better or Worse?
Comic: 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 6 _7
Fic: Still writing!
The current fandoms I'm in are:
Will Wood And The Tapeworms | Tally Hall | Hollow Knight | TMNT | Dungeon Meshi | DC & Marvel | Vocaloid (Utau, Synthv) | Murder Drones | Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World | SpongeBob SquarePants | Adventure Time/Fionna & Cake | My Little Pony | Class Of 09 | South Park | Gravity Falls | Steven Universe | Skullgirls.
Trigger warning: some posts include sensitive topics such as self-harm of any form. These posts have warnings!
(Rise! Mikey & Donnie are literally my wives' TFYM??)
My art falls under the "#my art" tag (very creative, I know)
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