#I wonder if these numbers are increased or decreased by the fact that my sister and I play together
carpisuns · 1 year
I’ve clocked 120 hours of totk play time in three weeks girl help
I haven’t even done much side stuff!! Just the main quests! google says you’re supposed to be able to do main quest in like 60 hours but I took twice as long 🫠 the curse of being…just not good at video games but still very invested…lol
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lepusrufus · 3 years
To bargain for immortality pt.2
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Finally, she felt well enough to leave the infirmary room for good. Her internal organs were at peace for the most part and she could keep some food down without the risk of seeing it for a second time. Her sinuses still seemed to refuse to recover though. Occasional nosebleeds would have her head spinning and the scent of blood so often present within the castle was somehow too offensive to her senses. Nicole couldn't help but wonder how exactly she got it this screwed up, but then again the first few days of the infection were a painful blur that she'd rather not remember.
For now she was content to sit in front of the fireplace with the rest of her family. They decided to have a movie night to break her out of the mopey state she had been in and, for the most part, it was quite the success. She wasn't paying much attention to the projector screen, some sappy scene from a movie chosen by Daniela playing at the moment. Instead, she was simply enjoying the close proximity to Cassandra that she so dearly missed in the last few weeks. Nicole was in the brunette's lap, with hands loosely around her waist and leaning against her shoulder. She was vaguely aware of Laura complaining about the poor life choices of one of the characters only to be unceremoniously shushed by the youngest sister. It made her chuckle.
Bela was passing the popcorn to her mothers when a knock on the main entrance reached their ears faintly. Lady Dimitrescu narrowed her eyes in the general direction of the sound, and listened. Soon enough the rapid steps of Alexandria, their Steward, reached them.
"My Ladies, Mother Miranda's assistant is here."
The whole family got up hesitantly and tried to look as presentable as possible, given their "lazy day outfits". For some like Bela that was a baggy shirt and shorts, while for the Lady it was one of her trademark white dresses. They made their way to the main entrance of the castle, where the assistant, a woman in her late thirties and the air of an annoyed teacher, was waiting. It was Alcina the one to ask why she was there.
"Mother Miranda wants to see um… Nicole was it? Yes, to take a look at the regenerative abilities."
"Why not do it here like last time?"
"Mother Miranda's laboratory is far better equipped for whatever she may want to test. Unless you have something to say against her wishes." She finished that with a raised eyebrow that would've gained her a talon through the skull were she not there as per Miranda's wishes.
Who's talons exactly was debatable.
"I'll come too," Cassandra spoke up from just behind Nicole.
That only got her a dismissive wave. "No, I was told specifically to only bring her. Come now, we don't want to make Mother Miranda wait."
With that, the woman turned around and started walking towards a carriage that would take them away. Nicole looked briefly at her family. They all had either confusion or mild concern in their eyes. All but Alcina who looked as if she'd like to protest and snap at the woman but was holding her tongue.
She reassured Cassandra that she'd be fine and started jogging after the assistant.
Needless to say, that was Nicole's first time stepping foot inside the underground network of tunnels. Not that she complained. Few people went there willingly and probably fewer left the same way they came in.
The ancient looking hallways were in such stark contrast with the occasional medical equipment and the pristine looking labs with doors left slightly ajar that Nicole had to wonder if the woman had no taste for a consistent aesthetic. At least Lady Dimitrescu kept all wiring and modern devices carefully hidden or blended in with the castle's decor. Here, the harsh neon lights illuminated worn out stone so dark it was almost black. Not to mention the smell of… old that seemed to ooze off the very walls she was walking by.
She was led inside a spacious lab, the bluish lights above being too bothersome for someone who got used to the warm or natural light in the castle. The room was rather long, numerous hospital beds lined up against a wall, some separated by white curtains and some left visible. An almost imperceptible whiff of an all too familiar foul odor reached her nose, but it was mild enough to be easily ignored. Nicole had a suspicion that the unmoving person laying in one of the cots further away could be the source, but she sighed and hoped not to join them by the end of the day.
Mother Miranda was sat at a desk, microscope in front of her together with a small stack of documents and a laptop. She was typing in what could probably be notes on whatever she was looking at, when icy grey eyes finally shifted to Nicole.
"Get changed and lay down," she ordered, not even moving from her spot.
The assistant that had brought her here, pushed a hospital gown that had been pulled out from a cupboard in her arms. At least she was allowed the decency of changing into a bathroom as opposed to stripping then and there in the middle of the room. The gown was surprisingly comfortable, fabric folding around her body and being held closed by a loose ribbon that she tried at the side.
Once she was back in the lab, she was ushered to one of the beds where she laid down, nervously waiting for whatever Miranda had in mind.
It was quite odd to see her without her usual attire, especially without the gold talons that Nicole was now far more familiar with than she'd ever hoped. The white lab coat looked far too normal on her and, were it not for the unmistakable cold eyes and regal posture, the woman would’ve been unrecognizable.
She finally got up, a few documents in hand, and approached her. The papers were handed over to the assistant, along with a few other objects and finally, Nicole had her full attention.
Mother Miranda bent down, scalpel in hand, and grabbed one of Nicole's wrists. Just like she did back during the first examination, the blade was dragged across the length of her forearm. Despite fully expecting it, Nicole couldn't help flinching at the pain, but she kept her eyes fixated on her arm, at the blood slowly starting to flow from the wound.
Soon the same tingling as before took over the pain and before their eyes, the skin started to stitch itself back together.
"Time," Miranda asked while wiping the blood to allow for a closer inspection of the now good as new skin.
"Five seconds."
"Three seconds."
Miranda hummed, seemingly pleased with the results. Or at least as pleased as the woman was physically capable of being.
"Hook her up to the cardiac monitor," she further instructed while moving to retrieve something from another cabinet.
The assistant, Emma, if the tag pinned to her lab coat was to be believed, stuck a series of electrodes to her chest and abdomen. Nicole bit her lip to stifle a yelp when one came uncomfortably close to the still sensitive skin of the scar.
In no time, the machine came to life, familiar beeping sounding through the otherwise silent room.
"I hope you're not afraid of needles," Miranda said while grabbing the same arm she had before, lips pulled into a faint smirk.
Nicole only shook her head as she saw the needle of a syringe attached to a transparent slim tube slide into her arm. How ironic would that be. The sting was close to imperceptible, taken over by the now familiar faint tingle. Unlike with the cut, it didn't fade away, most likely due to not being able to fully heal the small wound with the needle embedded in the skin and vein.
She looked away, in the direction of the other occupied bed in the room. It was far away enough that she couldn't make out any detail, only messy brown hair sprawled on a pillow. The face was turned towards the wall and body covered up to the neck. She grimaced and decided instead to focus on the beeping machine, mildly annoyed by Miranda's lack of properly separating her dead lab rats from the living ones. At least she hoped she'd stay living.
The numbers on the machine started out normal. With the slight uncomfortable feeling of blood being drained however, her heart rate started to slowly increase.
Alright. Normal enough. Especially when someone is clearly in a fucking blood draining mood.
Nicole decided not to look at exactly how much blood Miranda was drawing, keeping her eyes glued to the various color coded numbers. The heart rate kept increasing until Nicole could swear she could feel her heartbeat ringing in her ears. She gulped. Still relatively within the norm.
Two things were at odds however. First, the blood pressure remained constant, almost as if her body simply refused to acknowledge the fact that it was currently being drained. Secondly, the temperature rose from the normal 36 degrees to a staggering 41 in less time than it should have.
"What the fuck…" She couldn't keep her tongue at the weirdness of her situation, her brain thankfully choosing confusion and curiosity over the dread that it probably should've felt instead.
Mother Miranda didn't seem to care though as she turned to type something on the laptop that she brought over from the desk. She tapped her finger on the device for a few seconds and finally spoke up.
"The accelerated healing means the blood is being regenerated constantly, thus not decreasing in volume. Which explains the constant pressure." She narrowed her eyes at the monitor once again. "It doesn't, however, explain the heart rate and temperature. Any bright guesses?"
It took Nicole a second to realize the question was actually addressed to her. Miranda seemed in an oddly good mood. Not any less hell bent on causing her pain, mind you, but she also seemed genuinely curious. Being a biology nerd will do that to you, she couldn't help but think.
Nicole hummed and thought for a second. She tried to recall any information about the topic at hand that she had studied prior to running away.
"Heart rate could just be the normal body response that stayed even with the mutation. Like… like a reflex. It remains even though it's not needed." Then she tapped a finger on her chin trying to find a less random explanation. "Or maybe it's the body's way of making sure that even while healing all body parts remain at least decently functional. No idea about the temperature though," she shrugged.
Miranda once again typed something up and then, without warning, pulled the needle out of Nicole's arm. She flinched, barely holding in an angry protest as she turned towards the woman. Which was a mistake. She couldn't help the gag that raised in the back of her throat at the sight of the metal container full of blood.
No, no, blood did not bother her. That would've cut her career as a medical examiner short before she even stepped foot in med school. It was the knowledge that that was her blood that made her stomach churn. The container could easily fit three liters of liquid in it, and it was full to the brim. Not to mention the smell that assaulted her still messed up sinuses mixing oh so perfectly with mr. corpse over in the corner.
Miranda just chuckled at her sour expression. "Do you think your darling wife would like to have this?"
With a sneer, masked by Nicole turning once again towards the monitor, she couldn't help slipping an edge of snark in her reply. "No need, she likes it fresh."
The numbers were back to normal, all but for the temperature that was taking slightly longer to go down.
By this point her vocal cords were raw from screaming and each shuddering sob felt like clumps of spines in her throat. Nicole was curled in on herself, small frame trembling pathetically on top of the uncomfortable bed. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably, the tingling sensation feeling like needles constantly pricking at her skin around and under the wired leather cuffs wrapped around her wrists. The frantic beeping of the machine was grating to her ears.
An electric shock test.
Of course.
Mother Miranda decided to test out how the increased heart rate worked. Results? Her body vehemently refused to allow her to pass out. Even when the shocks traveled through every part of her body, causing the nervous system to short circuit. Even when damage to internal organs and muscles ripped painful sobs from her throat, that turned into gags as soon as the tingling turned to nausea. Even when she could feel her heart hammering against her ribcage so fast that she was sure the small organ would burst any second. But it didn’t.
Every muscle in her body flared up in a sensation of painful pins and needles when Miranda pushed the button to release another shock. The cardiac monitor started screaming again and Nicole brought shaky hands over her ears in an attempt to block out the sound. Her whole body was on fire while all the damaged tissue repaired itself, making her stomach turn painfully. She felt like throwing up. Not that she had eaten anything today, but bile and thick blood still coated her esophagus. It was all swallowed back with a disgusting gulp.
The nausea was oh so kindly accompanied by searing pain from her still damaged sinuses, who’s condition only worsened exponentially with the electricity. The blood that seemed to coat all the way up to the inside of her mouth felt horrible mixed with the putrid smell of death.
She swallowed again, but that proved itself a bad decision as now that same smell permeated the very inside of her nose and mouth and throat and the feeling of blood sloshing on her tongue behind clenched teeth made her head spin.
She lurched forward, a small river of dark blood flowing from her mouth and nose, into her palms that she instinctively brought to her mouth. Wet coughs made it splatter into crimson splotches on the white sheets, herself and anything else within proximity. It took surprisingly long to realize that, after the initial wave that rose up her esophagus, the rest of the blood was from her sinuses. It was cruelly invading her nose and sliding back into her throat only to come out of her mouth. Fuck fuck fuck-
“What’s wrong?” Miranda’s tone lacked any trace of sympathy.
Nicole simply coughed out the remaining fluid from her mouth and unceremoniously grabbed a piece of cloth from Emma’s hands. She pressed it to her nose, only to feel it soaked against her skin far too soon.
“Damaged sinuses, as you said,” she croaked, her voice sounding so unlike her own.
That made Miranda frown. She kept that same expression while noting down the previous results. “It should be healed by now.”
“Well they aren't,” Nicole spat. The blood and the horrid smell were clouding her mind and, as many knew, pain and holding her tongue did not mix well in her. “And did we really have to do this in the same room as a dead fucking body?!”
Nicole’s angry outburst gave the woman pause. Annoyance mixed with a hint of confusion on her face. She looked at her assistant, an eyebrow raised in a silent question.
“No. Just- just anestesia.” Emma answered promptly.
“What the fuck do you mean anesthesia? Anesthesia doesn’t make you smell like a goddamn decomposing corpse, do you have cotton stuck up your noses?!” Thankfully the bleeding was starting to subside, which meant there was nothing to stifle her steadily raising angry tone.
Miranda, now sporting a scowl, got up and grabbed Nicole’s chin between two fingers. It made her flinch back, but there was no escaping the iron grip.
“I can assure you that the man is not dead, simply under anesthesia and recovering from a bad infection.” She moved Nicole’s head from left to right, eyes scrutinizing as ever.
Afterwards, she turned back and wrote something down on a piece of paper and simply instructed Emma to wrap up and lead Nicole out. The sudden shift not only in demeanor, but also in her position from the bed to standing upright was mildly dizzying. She swapped the gown for her normal clothes as quickly as she physically could, not wanting to spend another unnecessary second in this underground grave.
While she was ushered out the door, Mother Miranda’s sickly sweet voice rang after her.
“I’ll see you in a couple days.”
Her stomach turned.
The trek home was short and silent, Nicole simply wanting to get home as soon as possible and get a damn hot shower and sleep.
She bid the young man that was accompanying her goodbye the moment the Castle’s entrance was within jogging distance, and hurried steps took her to the imposing doors. It was Alexandria to answer her knock, Nicole having left her own keys in her bedroom.
“Welcome back my la-” the polite smile was all but wiped off the woman’s face, replaced by wide eyes. “Are you injured?”
Nicole looked at her confused, then down at herself. A muttered curse escaped past her lips when she remembered the bloody mess on her skin. “I’m okay. Just-... just don’t tell anyone I’m here yet. I'll change first.”
Her plan went out the window when a set of hasty steps came booming toward them.
Cassandra’s voice died in her throat when her golden eyes landed on Nicole’s small frame, dried dark blood on her face and arms and her clothes stained. An angry growl slipped from between bared teeth.
“What the fuck did she do to you?”
Nicole was quick to answer, too tired to deal with anything other than a few hours of sleep. “I’m okay. I’m just-...” she shook her head, then turned to the Steward. “Alexandria kindly ask a maid to draw me a bath.”
“At once.” And with that the woman turned and scurried away, most likely also not wanting to be in the vicinity of an angry Cassandra.
The hot water felt like pure bliss on her skin. It seemed to make every muscle relax and get rid of the awful tension. She leaned back, eyes closed and hands idly moving through the water.
It was just mildly difficult to fully relax with Cassandra muttering and pacing back and forth in the same room though.
"I'm-... I'm not letting you do this again."
Nicole simply sighed and started to scrub away at dried blood. The miniature red waterfall from earlier had gotten blood all over her arms and chest, some splatters even getting on her legs. Her face was also a mess, trails of blood going from her nose and mouth to the chin with smudges and splatters.
"What did she even do to you?"
Before she had a chance to reply, a knock came from the door and a maid entered with a few clean towels and a change of clothes from Nicole's own bedroom. The girl didn't linger, simply giving them both a courteous bow and exiting the room.
Looking for something to change the subject, Nicole focused on the pleasant honey smell. Honey with a slight citrus-y undertone, maybe lemon or orange.
"Did you get a new soap?"
Cassandra stopped pacing, brows furrowed. "No? It's the same one."
Confused, Nicole brought a hand that had just been scrubbed with that very soap right under her nose and took a deep inhale. It was indeed the same one. Chamomile and mint. She sighed in annoyance and leaned back against the cool porcelain while Cassandra came and bent down on one knee to be somewhat on eye level.
"Nose still not working properly or…?" She said while gingerly tilting Nicole's chin up with two fingers. She grimaced at one yet to be washed trail of dried blood that made its way to her wife's thin upper lip.
Nicole simply shook her head and grabbed Cassandra's hand. "Can you… go get ready. I'm beyond tired and just want to lay down with you."
Cassandra pursed her lips but nodded none the less. With a kiss on top of red hair, she turned and left the spacious bathroom, door shutting with a heavy thud.
Left alone, she scrubbed every inch of skin again and took a few extra minutes to enjoy the warmth of the water. It felt so incredibly odd to not feel any actual pain after the day's events. Any trace of what her body went through had been erased by her newfound ability, not leaving behind even the faintest mark of a scar, nor blackened skin caused by electric shocks.
She pushed herself out of the tub, grimacing at the slight pink tone the water had taken. Body and hair quickly dried with the towels, she put on the clothes, a comfortable pair of shorts and a tank top, and finally stepped out of the bathroom too.
Cassandra was waiting for her in bed, velvety dark robes hanging loosely on her shoulders and eyes fixated on the window while her fingers were tapping furiously on the cover of a book forgotten in her lap. Book that was quickly placed on the nightstand when Nicole climbed in beside her and pushed her way into the brunette's arms. She was tired and absolutely not above demanding cuddles.
Her wife wasted no time in wrapping an arm around her and pulling the soft blanket up to cover them both. Nicole interlocked their fingers, absentmentally turning the ring on Cassandra's finger. The same ring she had, albeit in a smaller size. A golden band with intricate floral patterns engraved on it. It had no protruding gem, something they both opted for so that the rings wouldn't need to be taken off while working and wearing gloves. Instead, eight small ocre gems were lined among the minuscule curled leaves.
It took Cassandra about two minutes to take a deep inhale and open her mouth. New record.
"Are you… are you hurt?"
Nicole didn't look up at her, the concern dripping from her words alone were enough to squeeze her heart painfully.
"No. I'm all healed up, just tired." She could almost feel Cassandra's question of clarification, but not wanting to go over what had happened down in the laboratory so soon, she opted for something the brunette would hopefully be just as interested in. "We did get some odd results though."
At the lack of any interruption she went on. "Accelerated heart rate whenever I get hurt. Can't pass out." Which was both a blessing and a curse, depending on the point of view and situation. "Also for some reason my temperature gets really high."
"You get one hell of a fever?"
Cassandra tapped a finger on Nicole's hand, mentally going over possibilities. "Aren't fevers used against infections? Maybe that has something to do with it."
A small hum passed her lips. Could that have something to do with it? It was possible that her healing abilities caused a fever in order to fight off any possible infection before it even became one. Maybe it was her body's way of lessening damage as much as possible since, as the day's events showed, the old replaced tissue had a tendency to get purged. She grimaced at the memory of slowly choking on blood and went for something at least slightly more pleasant.
"Oh and… I can't bleed out. Blood volume stays constant."
She looked up at Cassandra with what could only be described as a shit eating grin. Her wife blinked, realization seeming to dawn on her together with the faintest hint of a blush on her cheeks. She coughed.
"Yeah well. I'll keep that in mind. For when you don't need to sleep."
"And deny me some fun now?" Nicole's pout was purely for dramatic effect and it gained her an eye roll.
Two slender fingers gripped her chin to keep it in place while narrowed golden eyes bored into her green ones. The pout slowly morphed into a smirk. Cassandra was not the kind of person who did not indulge in her own pleasures and that, although to a more careful extent, included drinking her lover's blood. A fact that Nicole was not only not complaining about, but also learned to use in order to push all the right buttons.
When Nicole turned her head in the uncharacteristically gentle grip to plant a small kiss on the soft palm, Cassandra finally gave in. Concern was momentarily put on hold in the name of the normalcy they both have been denied in the last few weeks. She bent down, their lips meeting into a kiss that soon turned needy with tongue slipping past sharp teeth and a hand scratching lightly at her nape. Soon Cassandra broke their kiss, but only to slowly trail her way across her jawline with kisses and small nips. She bit at the soft skin right under the jaw bone, eliciting a quiet groan right by her sensitive ear. Black painted lips took her down the neck and across collarbones, planting a kiss right in between them, at the base of Nicole's throat.
When she slowly made her way to an exposed shoulder, Nicole's hand at the back of her head guided her further up, right above where her pulse was. After an inquisitive hum against her skin, she spoke quietly.
"Since blood loss isn't exactly a problem… no need to avoid the neck really."
Cassandra hesitated for a moment, but ultimately decided to trust her wife. She placed a gentle kiss on the spot right above where blood was flowing in rhythm with her heartbeat. The same gentle kiss that was placed on the skin countless times before and that only Nicole had the privilege of experiencing.
Sharp fangs sunk into tender flesh, the warm blood invading Cassandra's mouth making her moan low in her throat. Being used to the feeling of the bite by now, Nicole simply closed her eyes with a sigh and let her body melt into Cassandra's arms. The familiar blissful ache was welcomed, even though, she noticed, it did not bring with it the lightheadedness she had grown accustomed to.
Although she wasn't aware of it, Cassandra was, in a way, a creature of habit. Every time she would drink her blood, her hand would come up to cup Nicole's cheek, thumb slowly tracing the jawline, right before she would pull her mouth away. Every time, without fail.
This time however, when that happened, Nicole kept her in place with the hand tangled in brunette hair, her voice coming out breathy when she spoke. "Go on."
Cassandra would never admit it, but her self control would always waver while feeding. Therefore, she didn't need much convincing, continuing to take mouthfuls of blood in between a satisfied groan. When she finally had her fill, she pulled back with a bashful look in her eyes. Concern quickly flashed on her face at the sight of the crimson mess on her wife's neck.
Nicole however, not wanting their moment to get ruined, took one of Cassandra's hands in her own and slowly placed a soft kiss on each knuckle. After that was done, and the downright ticklish sensation of skin patching itself subsided, she guided the fingers over the bloody skin.
"See? Healed," she whispered.
Cassandra gingerly traced her fingers over the spot, looking for no longer existing puncture marks. She smiled upon not finding them and turned to pull out a handkerchief from a small drawer of her nightstand. A ritual of sorts, one practiced more times than they cared to count over the years. Cassandra passed the white cloth over the skin, wiping away the crimson stains while her wife relaxed into the touch.
"Feeling good?" It was a remark meant to poke fun at how much Nicole seemed to enjoy herself, but the double meaning did not go unnoticed.
A smile tugged at Nicole's lips and she nodded.
In turn, Cassandra hummed. "You taste different." And, at her lover's furrowed brows and the slightest hint of alarm flashing in her eyes, she clarified. "Not bad. Just different. Slightly sweeter actually."
"Is that so," Nicole purred, the smile returning to her lips.
Cassandra discarded the cloth on the floor to be retrieved later and shifted both of them back down on the myriad of pillows.
"Yes. Now how about you get some sleep."
Nicole wasted no time in snaking an arm around her waist and nuzzling into her side. It would never cease to amaze her how Cassandra's presence could make her feel so at ease, as if nothing beyond the castle's walls existed. At that moment, she couldn't help but be grateful for her newfound ability, useful in far more ways than one.
She stretched slightly upwards, auburn hair like a small waterfall behind her.
"I love you," she whispered against cool ashy lips.
"I love you too," Cassandra replied, closing the almost nonexistent space between their mouths in a soft kiss.
It left behind a slight coppery taste on Nicole's lips, but she couldn't bring herself to care, instead readjusting her legs to tangle comfortably around her wife's thigh.
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seiin-translations · 4 years
2.43 S1 Chapter 1.1: Young Yunichika
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For this whole series, just imagine that everyone except Haijima is talking in dialect
Translation Notes
1. Itoko (従姉妹) is the Japanese word for cousin, so Kuroba’s itoko is Itoko, it’s a pun
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Continuing to fall almost nonstop since New Years’ Eve, the snow completely buried the school building right after winter break. It was just like a drifting classroom isolated in the gaps of space-time. The window glass that was pure-white with condensation cut off any connection to the outside world, and the air warmed by the stove amassed in the classroom without circulating. Steam rose gently from the brass basin that was placed on the stovetop, and the air near the ceiling appeared to flicker.
The old school building seemed to be creaking under the weight of the snow, and he was afraid that it was going to collapse, but it had held up every year without any problems. If only somewhere else in the school—like around the principal’s office—had been crushed flat, the talks of renovation would have proceeded quickly.
I mean, Grandpa can just make a donation. Should I try asking him seriously this time?
He thought that for a moment, but there was no doubt that he would have graduated by the time the new school building was completed, so that was a little silly. The middle school in the neighboring Suzumu City, which he had visited before at a town exchange event, was a new, clean, and sturdy reinforced concrete building, and the entire building was warm even though there were no kerosene heaters to be seen anywhere. He received a culture shock when he learned that the toilets were not cold.
I wanna be in high school soon, he thought vaguely. Since there were no high schools in town, you would have to go to Suzumu City for the closest one. However, the one year and three months until graduation was a length that could be called an eternity.
Fourteen years old. He had finally just started the third semester of his second year of middle school.
“The transfer student’s late, isn’t he?”
After performing the penance of opening ceremony in the frigid gym, Kuroba Itoko said and she hung her behind on the edge of his desk during the strangely slow waiting time after they returned to the classroom. “Heave ho,” she said as she wriggled her butt back to put her thighs on his desk, so Kuroba Yuni reflexively removed his chin resting in his hands on the desk and leaned back. This is just a bit embarrassing, oi… Even if all the female middle and high school students in the city did it, it was hard to understand why so many girls were shortening their skirts when the circumstances in this snowy country was different.
Itoko’s class was Class 2 next door, but she often made trips to Class 1. From entry to elementary school to middle school graduation, the faces in each grade didn’t change fundamentally, so everyone knew each other even though the classes were different. She seemed to have gotten some kind of information from the group of Class 1 girls who were still talking at the doorway even now.
That was right, a transfer student was arriving. There was no small amount of excitement in the air in Class 2-1 for the big event of the new semester, which was rarely encountered. It was a depopulating town where the number of people in school decreased, but rarely increased. What was more, apparently the transfer student was coming from Tokyo, so the expectations were high no matter what.
“I wonder if he’ll be cute. I hope he’ll be cute.”
“He has a normal face. Maybe a bit below normal.”
“You knew him until you guys were in senior kindergarten, right? He might have gotten cute.”
“I’m telling you, he didn’t. He’s going to be a pipsqueak with glasses who’s bad at sports. He became a wuss who’d get scared by this amount of snow...”
“What’s with you, are you sulking? You really are a little kid…”
“Shut up. I told you stop acting like you’re my big sister. The teacher’s coming soon so get back to your own class.”
As soon as he told her to stop, Itoko said, “Yes, yes, what a hopeless kid” with the utmost superior look on her face, shrugged her shoulders and jumped down from the table. Her short skirt fluttered lightly.
“I’m wearing underpants, so there’s no use peeking.”
“Did you make knitted panties? So ugly. I don’t get why you try so hard to look like that.”
“Being stylish is all about grit.”
Brushing aside the unintentional insult that rushed out of his mouth, Itoko slipped through the gaps between the messily aligned desks. Since she didn’t deny the knitted panties, did that mean that was true?
Kuroba Yuni and Kuroba Itoko had the same family name, but they were not siblings. It either made it confusingly similar or easy to understand, but…Itoko was his cousin. (1) They had the same grandfather and their fathers were brothers. She always acted like his older sister, but they were the same age, and since Kuroba was born in September and Itoko was born in October, he wanted to assert the fact that he was the one who was older.
She turned her miffed face away and rested her chin in her hands again. Kuroba’s seat was at very back by the window—until today. When he came to school today, a brand new desk and chair was brought in behind him.
He wiped the condensation on the window with his palm. Even when he cleared away the white film, all you could see beyond it was a blanket of white snow. The snow had stopped for now, but heavy snow clouds remained in the sky, and it wouldn’t be unusual if it started snowing some time again. There was a narrow path created from the school gate to the building sandwiched between walls of snow, but since the snow removal operation in the early morning, it had gotten buried again by the continuing snow.
He squinted outside the window to see if there was anything visible in the white. He was a slow and clumsy kid, so I hope he didn’t get stuck buried in the snow or something…
The truth was, Kuroba took pride in the fact that he was looking forward to the transfer student more than anyone else, a hundred or a thousand times more than Itoko or his classmates. Even though he was supposed to have finished moving house during winter break, he showed no indication of coming over to his house to show his face, so he was just a little frustrated about that and his excitement went down. They parted with each other in senior kindergarten, so it had been eight years. He wondered if he had been thoroughly steeped in Tokyo and forgot about this place.
Although, it wasn’t as if Kuroba remembered a lot either. He could remember meaningless episodes like what he did to get injured or what he did to get scolded, but as soon as he tried to systematically trace his memories, they became hazy. Like a snow scene that became misty with a glass that was already clouding over again—
In the midst of the white, he could see a flicker of something black moving.
Surprised, he half-rose to his feet and pasted himself to the window. There were two figures walking in the gorge between the walls of snow that seemed like they could collapse at any minute.
“…He’s here!”
He unintentionally exclaimed, and the miscellaneous chatter that filled the classroom quickly faded. There was a beat, and then shouts of joy rose. His more than thirty classmates surged towards the window and lined their faces.
The smaller figure, dressed in a stocky blouson down coat, was an old lady when he looked closer. So that means the other, bigger figure was…? Wait, how can he be that big…He was confused for a moment because he didn’t match his image of that kindergarten kid.
However, as soon as he strained his eyes and looked into his face, a warm-colored lantern lit up the snowy landscape of his white hazy memory, and a fresh image appeared in his mind.
“I’ll never forget you, Yuni… But, goodbye…”
Certainly, there was the face of a crying kindergartener who came to say goodbye to him while sobbing eight years ago. His pale face was drenched with tears, and even his glasses were wet. No matter how much he wiped them with his hands, large drops of tears continued to run down his cheeks, so much that he was worried that he was going to squeeze all the water out of his body.
That’s right, the glasses. He was already wearing glasses in kindergarten, and that might have helped giving him an introverted and quiet impression. Glasses and short and bad at sports. That was exactly his impression at that time. Once he remembered one thing, the vivid parts increased one after the other. One lantern lit a new lantern, and it became brighter and brighter.
Immediately, he stopped caring about how he didn’t come to see him over winter break or any of those small grievances. With impatient hands, he unfastened the screw lock on the window frame and threw open the window. The cold wind blew in and his classmates reproached him with “It’s so cold—“, but everyone’s voices bounced off him. Fine snowflakes blown up together with the wind struck his face. He shook his head and brushed away the snow.
He leaned so far out the window that it looked like he was about to fall down and raised his voice.
The figure stopped and looked up. His eyes met his through thin-framed glasses. How will he react at first? His heart was beating fast from the anticipation.
He just reacted in such an indifferent way, like he just happened to exchange lines of sight with a stranger. He moved his face down without changing expression and disappeared into the shade of the eaves of the school entrance. The old lady who was left behind bowed slightly like she was troubled and followed after him, her snow boots making crunching noises.
Huh…? Did he…forget me?
Feeling let down, Kuroba stood stock still near the window. The two footprints that continued from the school gate were swept away by the white snow-mixed wind as the hanging lanterns that lit his memories went out with a puff.
“Haijima Kimichika-kun came from Tokyo. It seems that his grandfather’s house is in town, and he lived in Suzumu City until kindergarten. Perhaps some of you might know him.”
The gazes of everyone in the class was focused on the gangly school uniform standing at the teacher’s podium. How tall is he, it looks like he’s about the same as me? Kuroba thought absentmindedly as he stared at the small tip on the first stroke of “Hai” from the family name that was written vertically on the blackboard by the homeroom teacher. From among the three past elements of glasses, being tiny, and bad at sports, the glasses remained and pipsqueak disappeared. The remaining unknown was his motor skills.
He had a pale, smooth face and a rather neat set of features. If he had to decide between strong or weak, he would say they were weak. Depending on how you looked at it, they might look reptilian. At the very least, the characteristics of an idol-like pretty boy that Itoko had sweetly hoped for were nonexistent. To be frank, he seemed unfriendly. He still hadn’t smiled even once since he entered the classroom. He didn’t even try to look around at his classmates’ faces, just pursing his lips together and staring at his feet. Hmm, shyness?
Suddenly called on by the teacher, he made a stupid “Yeah?” sound.
“Haijima-kun played volleyball in his last school, so he will be joining the volleyball team. Please teach him about the team activities. Also, Haijima-kun’s eyesight is not good, but as you can see, he is tall, so you will move a seat behind. He will be the second from the back by the window.
Still without saying a word or even making a sound, Hajima nodded, took his bag and descended from the podium. Everyone’s interested gazes moved with his movements. As he turned twice at right angles and walked over to him without hesitation, Kuroba hurriedly got up as though to jump out of the way, and he put his bag on Kuroba’s seat with a thump before sitting down.
“Oh,” When Kuroba started to talk to him,
He glared at him with a sideways glance, looking suspicious. What he placed on his desk was a somewhat stylish dark red backpack that looked like something from a school in the city, and had a somewhat stylish, unfamiliar school emblem embroidered on it.  
“No…it’s fine.”
Kuroba took the seat behind his, thinking, Well, if he’s fine with it, then I guess it’s okay. Unlike his desk, which had scribbles carved all over it with a cutter, the desk prepared for Haijima was still brand new, the surface shining brightly.
“Hey, how tall are you? You’re seventy, right?”
He leaned over the desk, poked the back before him and started talking to him. Kuroba was 173 centimeters. He had heard that the average height for second-year middle school boys was around 160, so he was on the considerably tall side.
Haijima turned around, looking like he couldn’t be bothered. His narrow eyes glared at him again. A gaze where you couldn’t feel anything like charm or friendliness at all, as if all the temperature was absorbed while passing through the thin lens of his glasses.
“Your position?”
That was the first sound he made since entering the classroom. Similar to his eyes, the way he spoke made you wonder if he had thrown away all his charm and friendliness at a station on the express train ride here from Tokyo. His voice finished changing…maybe? He had a low voice that carried well. It was just a bit frustrating.
“On the volleyball team?”
Haijima raised his eyebrows and repeated his words when Kuroba was just staring at him vacantly. Huh? His intonation felt strange. He was speaking in standard Japanese. Has it always been that way? It shouldn’t be like that, though.
“Oh, oooh, that’s what you meant by position?” This guy talked in a way that lopped off the context before and after his words. “Well, let’s see, I feel like we didn’t really decide them…”
“You didn’t decide? What do you do in matches?”
“Matches? Ah…”
He hadn’t heard that word in a long time. After gaping like it was someone else’s problem,
“We’ve never been in a proper match. It’s a club of guys who only belong to it in name only, and the practice days are whenever. Look, you have to join a club here. Don’t you know that?”
An expression that actually looked like an expression appeared on Haijima’s face, it looked like. Though it was only slightly, his narrow eyes widened—is this shock? And then his eyes suddenly lowered, his mouth turning down at the corners. Is this sadness?
“Oh, was your old school really strong?”
Crap, I might make him cry. He didn’t really understand, but he felt that he said something wrong, and when he panickily tried to stay on topic,
He heard that. No way, did he click his tongue just now?
“So you’re just uselessly big?”
He heard a sudden, unbelievable insult from the mouth of the transfer student, who one would think would be generally burning with the desire to build good relationships with the people at his new school. With that, Haijima abruptly faced forward and started emitting an aura of “Don’t ever talk to me” from his back. Kuroba could do nothing but stare at that amazingly obstinate back with his mouth wide open.
“I’ll never forget you, Yuni… But, goodbye…”
Which station did you lose the “Chika” from eight years ago who was sobbing because he didn’t want to say goodbye?
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minmotl · 4 years
Chapter 46: Tang Fan Spends His First New Year with Sui Zhou and Ah Dong
Context: Nothing much really happens between Chapter 44 and 46, except that Tang Fan’s teacher disagrees with the Emperor on a particular topic and is sort of demoted/sent away to some faraway province. Tang Fan and Pan Bin are not sure how to advice their teacher on this - on one hand, they know that their teacher is stubborn and has his reasons for his views, but Tang Fan, despite knowing how his teacher is, tries to persuade him to make peace with the Emperor and his teacher gets angry. He tells Sui Zhou of his dilemma, but they also agree there isn’t much that can be done and Tang Fan sends their teacher off with the rest of the students. 
This chapter doesn’t have much link to Chapter 45. We begin with the imminent Lunar New Year and how the Tang and Sui family prepare for it. Sui Zhou turns up at the end, and it’s more of Tang Fan and Ah Dong in this, but it was cute and I thought I’d translate it anyway.
Introduction Post | Masterpost
Highlights under the cut
Tang Fan cannot remember how long it has been since he got to spend the New Year properly and fully. His parents died early and after his sister married far away, the importance he placed on such a holiday decreased. Being an official all by himself in Jing city, he has spent the holiday in increasingly colder and lonelier fashion. He is already used to staying in his house alone, relaxing as he reads his fiction novels and keeping warm by the fire.
However, even though it is already a habit for him, in reality, when Ah Dong gleefully and very obviously begins to hang up chun lian and eating fruits, the memories that have long been hidden somewhere deep in his mind resurfaces.
Even though Ah Dong is still young, she is after all a young lady and knows how to dress up with her clever hands. She is much more meticulous and can think of a greater number of things, so she’s responsible for everything inside and outside of the house. Aside from putting up chun lian, men like Tang Fan and Sui Zhou will never think of hanging up some red lanterns at the corridors to increase the festive spirit, for example.
Closer to the end of the year, the affairs that Shun Tian Prefecture has to deal with has also gradually lessened, but the Northern Administrative Court on the other hand, is only getting busier. Sui Zhou leaves the house early and returns late every day, so only Tang Fan is able to go home early to help out.
However, he is obviously not the type to excel at housework. He can even lose the cloth he’s using while he’s wiping at things and Ah Dong pushes him outside, looking down on him, “Da-ge, don’t make things even messier than they are. Go and write a pair of chun lian, and don’t forget to write the word for ‘prosperity’. Every house has to have one!”
Tang Fan laughs, “I’ve already written them and stuck them all up. Even my sister isn’t as naggy as you are!”
He ends up leaning against the pillar and watches as Ah Dong busies herself, scrambling about. His heart is all warm, “How about I boil some water for you? Or wipe the pillars? The pillars are so tall and you can’t reach them, I have to end up doing it, no?”
Ah Dong is currently wiping at a chair and once again, she rolls her eyes in detestation, “As long as you don’t end up losing my cloth somehow later, I’ll be thanking the heavens already!”
Tang Fan doesn’t get angry and is instead rather delighted at this.
“Didn’t we end up finding it? Besides, Ah Dong, why do I feel like you’ve become much more hardworking recently? You haven’t been eating as enthusiastically anymore too, are you trying to help me save on provisions and food?”
Ah Dong sticks out her tongue at him, “That’s not it. Sui-dage chided me the other day.”
Alarmed, Tang Fan asks, “What did he say? Why don’t I know about this?”
Ah Dong snickers, “It’s not much really. He said you work very hard at the courts and reminded me not to just think about going out to play and end up neglecting you.”
Tang Fan did not expect Sui Zhou to still remember this. He has obviously taken the incident when Tang Fan sat at the back door, sitting there as the cold winds blew and ended up ill, to heart, and that is why he went to speak to Ah Dong secretly.
He also knows that Ah Dong didn’t stop cooking for him because she was playful, but because during that time he was so busy that he ended up collapsing in bed immediately the moment he got home. Every time Ah Dong cooked, he ended up eating outside and not eating when he came home, and the food was wasted. This happened a few times and Ah Dong didn’t know when he was going to come home for dinner. Hence, she stopped cooking, but now that they’ve moved past those days without any routine, everything has returned to normal.
Hearing Ah Dong say that, Tang Fan feels a little sheepish because Little Ah Dong has turned into a scapegoat for this incident, “I’ll speak to your Sui-dage some other day.”
“You don’t have to!” Ah Dong continues to grin, “I know that Sui-dage treats me as his little sister and that’s why he scolded me. If I was someone who didn’t matter to him, he wouldn’t even bother to say so much! I may be young, but I know who is truly good to me. Like previously, the old lady from the Li family, Ah Chun-jiejie and the rest, everyone who has been good to me, I remember them all!”
Tang Fan teases, “So who’s not good to you?”
Ah Dong shakes her head, “I forgot! I was sold to the Li family as a slave previously, and the sellers were not good to me, but I can’t even remember how they look like now. Da-ge, didn’t you say, we should remember blessings and forget grudges, that way we can be happy everyday!”
“That’s right! Aiyo, as your da-ge I am very happy that you remember every word that I’ve said. Seeing that you’re so heartless, I thought you only think of food everyday,” he laughs.
Rolling her eyes again, Ah Dong says, “Eating is our priority, and everything else is secondary to that, this is also something that you taught me.”
Tang Fan rolls his eyes at the retort, “Since when did I teach you something like this, wouldn’t you be a rice bucket already if I did?”
“Yes, you are!” Ah Dong snorts.
The people work hard every year as they busy themselves, all so they can reunite at home and peacefully sit down for a good reunion dinner. If they can have an additional plate of fish and meat on the table, then that is the greatest reward they have earned this year.
In a small three-sectioned house in the north of the city, there is the addition of Ah Dong this year and Tang Fan no longer needs to spend the new year alone.
Although Sui Zhou has moved out, his parents are still around and naturally, he has to go home for reunion dinner as well. He did invite Tang Fan and Ah Dong to accompany him to the dinner, but Tang Fan refused, saying that he and Ah Dong have not spent the new year together yet and this year is their very first year, so as siblings they need to spend time with each other properly.
Since he said that, Sui Zhou of course did not press and headed back to the Sui family home for dinner, while Tang Fan and Ah Dong stayed behind to get through the new year together.
Initially when Tang Fan adopted Ah Dong as his younger sister, he did so at Ah Dong’s behest, because Tang Fan could not bear to see her get sold to another family. She is a fine young lady that was forced to become a slave, and so Tang Fan destroyed her slave contract, returning her freedom to her, then adopting her, so that this young lady could have someone to depend on in the future.
Of course, if Ah Dong’s personality was terrible or if she was unable to get along with him, Tang Fan would have simply returned her slave contract to her, or found another family to settle her in. He never would have let her stay at his side, so at the end of the day, this is still considered affinity between them.
And yet, since having Ah Dong around, Tang Fan really does not need to do anything anymore. Even for their reunion dinner, because he wanted to help cut vegetables but ended up making a whole mess, he was chased out of the kitchen while Ah Dong mocked him for being born with a silver spoon in his mouth. 
Tang-daren could only stand at the side and help to bring her bowls and ingredients. He is after all a judge, one who has firmly argued with the Western Depot’s chief and managed to hold his own facing him, but today, he is being ordered around by this young little girl. However, his heart is warm, feeling a sense of gleefulness at this.
Once the skies have completely darkened, the ba xian table is already filled with dishes.
The two siblings chat happily with each other and after their dinner, they start clearing away the bowls and chopsticks and begin the custom of getting through the night to the new year.
Most people sleep early at night but there are exceptions as well. On the night of new year’s eve, both the old and young in the family have to stay up till midnight. This is a custom that has been passed on from olden times, and it has remained unchanged until today. The night is long, and the children can play with sparklers, while the adults have to think about more activities to pass the time.
There is only Tang Fan and Ah Dong in the house, and it is such a wonderful new year’s eve night, so Tang Fan does not want to read his fiction novels to pass the time either. The both of them end up looking for some games to play.
Forgetting about playing Chinese chess — aside from the fact that Ah Dong is still young and doesn’t understand the game, even if she does, she would have only just grasped the basics. The skill difference between them both is too huge and even if they did play, it wouldn’t be any fun, so Tang Fan finds a vase and some bamboo sticks. 
The both of them start to play toss and betting on who can get their more sticks to go into the vase. Five throws a round and whoever wins two out of three rounds is considered the winner. The loser will have to stand at the door and bark like a dog.
Tang Fan still has a childlike heart despite his age, and he excitedly begins to play the game with Ah Dong.
After one round however, he realizes something is amiss and asks, “Why are you so accurate with your throws, were you naturally gifted like this?”
Ah Dong is confused, “What is that? I didn’t eat that!”
Tang Fan says, “I think we can increase your daily studying tasks. What I meant is, were you naturally so good at tossing?”
“Not at all, it’s only after I troubled Sui-dage to teach me martial arts and he passed me a small bow. He asked me to shoot at leaves everyday, and whenever I can hit one I pass.”
“Then have you managed to hit any leaves yet?”
“I did, but out of ten tries I only manage to hit two, and it was because I got lucky,” she says, embarrassed.
“… I feel like I’ve made a mistake the moment I suggested tossing with you.”
Ah Dong’s eyes go wide, “Da-ge, are you trying to get out of this?”
Helplessly, Tang Fan says, “I’m not, but can we have a discussion about this, how about doing away with the bet?”
Ah Dong seems very dim at times, but when it counts, she is still rather crafty and so she replies, “No. Da-ge you said before, as a person we have to make our words count, and a promise is worth a thousand taels of gold!”
Tang Fan pats at her head, huffing in annoyance, “I don’t see you being so smart when you study, but you’re now reciting idioms! These three rounds have not yet ended, it’s difficult to say who will end up the winner or loser!”
His competitive spirit has been ignited, but physical deftness is also something considered a natural gift and is hardly something that can be had just because Tang-daren is trying his best at it now. His struggles are futile, and after the round ends he still loses. Two out of three wins, this is a rule he set, and now he’s paying for it.
Ah Dong laughs out loud, “Da-ge, those that are willing to take a gamble must bear the consequences of losing!”
Tang Fan is not willing to be looked down on by this little girl, and he thinks, there is no one outside right now on the night of new year’s eve, so what if he opens the door and barks twice? Even if other people hear him they would think some other house’s dog is barking, and so he says, “I am naturally willing to bear the consequences of losing. Your da-ge’s words count, since when have I reneged on my words? You must really learn these virtues of mine!”
Ah Dong makes a funny face at him praising himself, and follows quickly behind him to be entertained by Tang Fan making a fool out of himself.
Tang Fan opens the door and outside the door hangs two red lanterns. Their surroundings are illuminated slightly, the very picture of happiness and prosperity.
Steeling his resolve, he immediately barks, “Woof! Woof! Woof!”
Before he barks for the last time, someone appears before him, nearly scaring Tang-daren to death.
Looking closely, Tang Fan realizes that it’s Sui Zhou.
Tang Fan, “…”
Sui Zhou, “…”
Tang-daren feels like he has lost all his face.
He complains first, “Why are you here, not even a single sound of your footsteps!”
Helpless, Sui Zhou responds, “I have always walked without much noise, what are you doing barking at the door?”
Behind them, Ah Dong’s laughter echoes and Tang Fan’s face goes red, “He made a bet and lost!”
Sui Zhou nods and goes ‘oh’, “What were you playing?”
“Tossing,” Tang Fan replies, and then it dawns on him, “What are you doing back so early? Aren’t you staying the night over there?”
The both of them walk inside the house, one in front of the other as Sui Zhou says, “No, I’m not.”
He does not elaborate but with Tang Fan’s intelligence, he knows that surely some conflict has arisen at home and so Sui Zhou decided to come back after dinner. Without asking any more questions, he smiles, “It’s an opportune time for you to be back. It’s only interesting to play chess with three people, if I play with only Ah Dong, I cannot do it because it’s too easy to win!”
Ah Dong sticks out her tongue at him again, “That’s right, that’s why you chose tossing, the most difficult game, and you ended up losing anyway!”
“You!” Tang Fan schools his expression into an angry one and raises his hand, pretending to hit her and the young lady only giggles before running off, “We have to stay up tonight, I’ll go boil some water and make tea for you both!”
Seeing the both of them make such a ruckus, a hint of a smile emerges on Sui Zhou’s face and he thinks, it is good that he came back. Without saying anything, just looking at them like this, he feels happy.
If this is the first interesting new year Tang Fan has experienced since his family was broken, then it is the same for Sui Zhou and Ah Dong. The three of them have different experiences in life, but have gathered together due to fate.
It is said that they have to cultivate ten years worth of fate to be able to experience life on the same boat. For them to have ended up under the same roof together, they must have at least cultivated fifty years worth of fate or more.
The three of them start with chess and with the addition of Sui Zhou, everything becomes slightly more interesting. Everyone is relaxed and Tang Fan does not go in for the kill, so they take their turns to lose and win. Amidst the chatter and laughter, time passes quickly.
Midnight nears and the sound of firecrackers from both near and afar going off becomes more frequent. Firecrackers are lit not only to welcome the new year, but to also do away with the old, so many families will not only light the firecrackers after midnight, but will also light up another round before midnight to symbolize erasing the old and bringing in the new, welcoming a fresh start for everyone.
Tang Fan and the rest of them have also bought firecrackers. Sui Zhou goes out to light some up and Ah Dong lights up sparklers in the courtyard. The loud popping of the firecrackers echo in the alley, the sound ringing in their ears at intervals. Coupled with the vibrant sparklers, the entire courtyard is awash in light temporarily. Ah Dong laughs, shouts and claps, and even though there is only the three of them, the atmosphere created is both jubilant and lively.
Setting down the firecrackers and the sparklers, Ah Dong runs into the kitchen to cook some dumplings.
The dumplings have already been made, filled randomly with white cabbage, minced pork meat and prawns. The white and tender dumplings bobble up and down in the boiling water. She scoops them all up and plates them. Sui Zhou takes a brief glance and is stunned speechless.
There are prettily made, high quality dumplings in the plate, but there are also flawed ones that have been made in odd shapes. Some of the skin on the flawed ones, once put in boiling water, are torn, the filling inside exposed, and it is truly hard to look at.
Tang-daren is truly very thick-skinned as well, as he laughs, “Haha, it must be that the fillings want to see who are the people eating them, and so they could not wait to come out!”
Sui Zhou and Ah Dong turn to stare at him, and even without saying a word, their gazes both say: Shameless!
Tang-daren pretends not to see their looks and picks one up, dipping it in vinegar before putting it in his mouth. He does not forget to praise his own work, “It’s really delicious! You can see how skilled the person who made the dumplings is. You guys should eat too! What are you looking at me for? Come, come!”
Tang Fan has certainly reached a new realm and level of being thick-skinned.
The other two have nothing else to say and all they can do is bury their heads and start eating.
Suddenly, Ah Dong goes ‘aiya’ and spits out a coin from her mouth.
Tang Fan laughs, “You’ve struck fortune! You’ll have good luck in the coming year!”
Ah Dong is rather happy, and buzzing with joy, she wipes the coin clean and places it on the table.
After a while, Sui Zhou also bites on a coin. Tang Fan and Ah Dong repeat the same congratulatory words to him.
After a moment, Tang Fan himself also manages to hit one.
This repeats a few times.
Finally, Ah Dong is mad and disparages, “Da-ge, exactly how many did you put in there?”
There are thirty-odd dumplings in a plate and subtracting the flawed ones from the mix, the three of them have found a total of almost thirteen coins. Putting these coins in the dumplings are typically used to find some sign of good fortune in the coming year, but look at them now, every once in a while they are hurting their teeth on a coin like this.
Tang Fan and Sui Zhou are paying a little more attention, so it is not as bad for them, but Ah Dong almost shattered all her teeth on one and begins to groan and moan pitifully.
The heartless Tang-daren laughs at her misfortune seeing her like this, “I didn’t get to eat that many coins when I was young, so I’ve put more this time in case we don’t get to eat any, who asked you to bite so hard?”
Ah Dong is unwilling to show any sign of weakness and the two of them start fighting again, until Sui Zhou returns from clearing away the bowls and chopsticks. The young lady is finally drowsy. She rubs at her eyes, but the expression on her face shows that she has never been more content in her life.
“Da-ge, do you think we can still spend new year like this again in the years after this?” Ah Dong lies against Tang Fan as she sits, waiting determinedly for midnight to befall them.
“What do you think, Guang Chuan?” Tang Fan caresses at her head, looking up to ask Sui Zhou, who has just walked through the door.
“Mnn,” Sui-baihu agrees, his answer short but affirmative.
*春联 chun lian
Lunar new year couplets! Often written on red paper during the new year and comes in pairs. The words written usually have to do with fortune, prosperity, luck and riches and are written either in typical black ink or in gold ink nowadays, since gold ink was made available.
*八仙桌 ba xian zhuo
Considered a traditional Chinese furniture, it is a square table that sits two people on each side, totalling eight people just like the eight (ba) deities (xian), which is why the table has been named as such.
*守夜 shou ye
We still practise this today - it is said that the later younger members of the family stay up, the more fortune they are accumulating for the elders of the family (for example, for their longevity and good health). A lot of people stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing mahjong and what not on the eve of Lunar New Year. Of course, this is not really strict, and most people do go to bed after midnight.
*天赋异禀 vs 天赋异饼 tian fu yi bing
Both four-character words are pronounced as tian fu yi bing, with the first being the more commonly written phrase, meaning someone who is naturally and generously gifted with skills etc. The last character 禀 bing was misheard and misinterpreted by Ah Dong, who thought the 饼 bing was referring to the character than meant ‘pastry’ or ‘biscuit’, and that is why Ah Dong thinks that Tang Fan is asking if she ate some kind of pastry when he asks if she has always been gifted with tossing accuracy in the game.
*丢脸 diu lian
In Chinese culture, being embarrassed or humiliated is described as losing face. There is nothing more important than having and keeping face for the Chinese XD
*脸皮厚 lian pi hou
Thick-skinned, to describe someone without any shame.
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goodomensenthusiast · 5 years
Pleasant Surprises
After the Apocalypse-that-wasn’t, Aziraphale and Crowley found themselves adjusting to a new kind of normal. Left alone by their former sides after the body switch, both angel and demon were feeling a little aimless with no one to report to after 6000 years. If they were another angel and demon, they would be mourning the loss of their fellow associates, but Aziraphale and Crowley were not other angels and demons. Currently, they were doing something both Heaven and Hell would deem inappropriate.
They were celebrating.
In Aziraphale’s backroom, the two celestial beings looked quite like a picture of two drunk men high on life. Aziraphale was trying-and failing-to sit properly in his chair, while Crowley sprawled on the couch, one foot hung off the arm rest, the other off the back, and his head off the seat. Crowley’s hands cupped a glass of wine on top of his chest.
“So, Aziraphale, now that we’ve been let go, what’ve you been up to? Fallen into any temptationsss?” Crowley teased as he shifted his head to sip from the wine glass, not expecting an answer.
Crowley noted how Aziraphale’s face pinches up in an expression much like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, “Well, er…” Aziraphale stammered.
Crowley flung himself upright, and his sunglasses flew off his head, “No, angel, you couldn’t have!”
Keep reading, or it’s also on Ao3
Aziraphale frowned and said, “Don’t interrupt, my dear,” with the petulance of a much more sober person, “Now, as I was saying, I have indulged in a cup of cocoa everyday since we,” his voice dropped into a whisper, “switched bodies.”
Crowley deflated and set his wine glass on the table, “Angel, you did that normally before the end of the world didn’t happen!”
Aziraphale flushed, “Well, it's not like I have to thwart your terrible wiles anymore! You’re always gone during the day, but you never do anything evil!”
“And exactly how would you know that?!” Crowley accused.
“I feel a decrease in joy and well-being,” Aziraphale countered, “In fact, whenever you go out, happiness in London increases. It is almost as if you were doing good…” the angel trailed off.
Crowley mumbled something that Aziraphale couldn’t quite hear, but sounded an awful lot like, “So what if I am?”
Aziraphale froze, and the alcohol left his blood stream, “What did you say, dear boy?”
Crowley stood and shouted, “So what if I am!” He swayed, still drunk.
Aziraphale, ever the curious one, especially when it came to Crowley, decided to bait the not-so-demonic demon, “ What did you do? You couldn’t have fed the homeless or given them money to help them get back on their feet. That would just be so kind of you.”
Crowley stepped towards Aziraphale, but then looked indecisive.
Aziraphale urged him on, “My dear, do you have something to tell me?”
Crowley took another step, standing right in front of Aziraphale, and slumped his shoulders, “I was hoping you wouldn’t figure it out,” Crowley chuckled weakly, “But how can I keep it a secret from you?”
“Keep what a secret?” Aziraphale looked up as Crowley dropped to his knees, his head coming to rest in between Aziraphale’s knees, shocking the angel, “Crowley?”
Crowley inhaled, but said nothing. Aziraphale let them sit in silence, waiting until the demon decided to say something.
“Humans are kind, angel. And I wanted to show the ones down on their luck that it will all be okay again. So I did a couple of things. Y’know, the giving things, to the ones who needed it. The ones who have tried everything in their limited human power to give themselves a decent life, and they’ve failed due to reasons outside of their control. It’s just so unfair. I can’t help myself, Aziraphale. I go to the grocery store and the person in front of my has their card declined and I just have to pay for it,” Crowley shifted, and removed his weight from his knees when he sat firmly on the floor.
His voice cracked, “I have to pay for it, because they need those batteries for their baby monitor, or they need that chicken for dinner tonight, because their parents are coming over and they don’t want to appear like they need money, because they’re trying. They’re holding down three jobs and they still have barely enough to pay for rent, and they were so nice to the cashier when he dropped the strawberries, which was really so kind, because the cashier was just tired from taking care of his sister, since their parents died and he needs the money because he doesn’t have enough gas to get home, yet, even with all of the stress in their lives, they’re all so kind to each other.”
Aziraphale placed his hand in Crowley’s hair, practically petting him, but he doesn’t seem to notice.
“I don’t want to be that guy who makes their lives just that much more difficult anymore. Not when I don’t have to report back Down Below. Not when they’re really quite fascinating creatures, and they’ve all been so kind to me. I gave them the M25, and their children give me flowers to put in my hair.”
Crowley smiled and looked up at Aziraphale for the first time in his speech, and Aziraphale was shocked to find tears streaming themselves down Crowley’s cheeks.
“Do you remember that one time in St. James’ when a little girl gave me a hug, almost hitting her head on my belt buckle?”
Aziraphale did remember, although it had been many years ago. A little girl, a toddler really, ran up to them as they stood along the edge of the pond and fed the ducks. Typically, whenever a child, or an adult for that matter, spotted the pair, they usually found the angel’s lighter clothing and all around happy demeanor more welcoming than the demon’s frown and model walk. So when this child came up to them and hugged Crowley as fiercely as she could and refused to let go, it left the two dumbfounded. Then a man with a large camera jogged over and started to explain how sorry he was for the intrusion and how she normally doesn’t do this . I’m really quite sorry about this , the man, presumably her father, continues, it’s just that we’re new in town and she’s gotten used to hugging new (to her) family members, so she figures that any strangers are family. Crowley calmed the man down with, Oh, it’s alright, she’s just really friendly. You can’t fault her for that. Good thing she picked me, and not my friend here! Who knows what could have happened. Then Crowley winked as Aziraphale found his words again and started to talk to the father, who was a kind man, if not a bit frazzled.
Crowley made the child release her hands, What’s your name? The girl replied with, Victoria Rose Sullivan. I’m three! Or at least, that’s what Crowley thought she said. He was great with children, but his three-year old speak was rusty. He laughed and picked her up, handing her back to Mr. Sullivan, Here she is, all hugged out. As if on cue, Victoria yawned. Mr. Sullivan grinned, Thank you! Oh, am I glad I ran into you guys. Mr. Fell was just telling me of some nearby stores for baby clothes. And you’ve kept her happy, Mister, er… Crowley pulled out a card, Crowley. Here’s my number if you ever need help in London. Then Mr. Sullivan had a novel idea to have their picture taken. He handed his camera to a passerby and asked them to take a photo of the four of them. The passerby did so, they all had cordial goodbyes, and then the Sullivans walked out of their lives, or so Aziraphale thought.
“What about the little girl?” Inquired Aziraphale, speaking for the first time since Crowley started to talk.
“Well, I saw her the other day, all grown up. She’s twenty now, and a student at university.” Crowley started crying in earnest now, and hugged Aziraphale’s calves, “She said she recognised me from the photo. She said Thank you for all of those wonderful things you did, Mr. Crowley. I never saw you, but I knew it was you who paid for my father’s hospital bills, funeral, and my tuition. She said, My dad left me that photo and your card and a note he had written to you. Here it is. Now goodbye, Mr. Crowley, you’ve helped us in so many ways. Thank you. And off she went to her class. Do you know what that note said?”
Aziraphale shook his head, and Crowley released his calves to reach into his pocket, removing a note.
“It said:
March 17, 2016
To Mr. Crowley,
I am not sure when you will ever get this note, but I know that I won’t be the one to deliver it. Currently, I am in hospital, waiting for a heart transplant, but none are available and I fear that my time is up. But I feel at peace. Mr. Crowley, to this day I still have no clue why you would be so kind to Rose and I as you have been. I can’t say thank you enough for helping with our rent those first few months, or finding a babysitter for Rose whenever I had to work odd hours. (She had a funny name. Nanny Ashtorch? Nanny...something or another.) I don’t know what we’ve done to deserve your kindness, but we appreciate it so much. Rose, oh funny, funny Rose, she claims that it was the power of her hug, but a hug can’t warrant this kind of kindness to a couple of strangers, can it? Maybe you do this to everyone you meet, or maybe you took pity on us. But whatever the reason, Mr. Crowley, I thank you. You’ve done so much for us, and we only wish that we could do the same for you.
I wish you and Mr. Fell the best,
H. Sullivan
By the time Crowley finished reading the note, Aziraphale had joined him sobbing his heart out, “You’re so kind my dear, it’s one of the reasons why I love you.”
Crowley stiffened and tried to push him away, “You can’t mean that.”
Aziraphale embraced him into a hug, and practically pulled him into his lap, “No, Crowley, let me say my piece, then you can decide whether or not to leave.”
Crowley relented and laid his head on Aziraphale’s chest.
“I’ve noticed that you’ve done things like this before, dear boy. You make people feel seen. You support them, even without saying a word. Oh, I’m sure that you explained it to your bosses as ruining the natural flow of the economy, but you help made them feel like people cared about them.” A breath, “That you cared about them.”
Aziraphale lifted Crowley’s chin to look him in the eyes, “And I want to make you feel as special as you made them feel. As you’ve made countless others feel. As you’ve made me feel every time I have the pleasure of your company. I want you to stay with me. I want to make you breakfast every morning. I want to take you to the Ritz every week. I want you to lounge around the bookshop, soaking in the sun. I want you to feel accepted in my arms, every part of you. And I would do anything to ensure that.”
Crowley’s serpentine eyes filled with more tears, “But I was, am, a demon! I don’t deserve-”
Aziraphale cupped his face as matching tears rolled down his face, “You’ve done so much for others. You deserve so much more than I can give you. But let my try? Let me take care of you for once.”
Crowley nodded, “Could I… Could I have a kiss?”
Aziraphale laughed, relieved, “You can have as many kisses as you want.”
“One more thing, dear?”
“Yes, angel?”
“Nanny Ashtorch?”
“Oh come off it, Aziraphale, I had to test out names!”
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theatricks · 5 years
New Year’s Greetings! Great Fortune Operation 2019
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Videos: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Full translation below the cut!
A New Year's Greeting
[New Year's Morning, Siegfeld Lesson Room] Shiori: Huff...huff... Now, a pique turn...! Shiori: (Good... Now, a chaîné turn! Chaîné, chaîné, pique, pique...) Shiori: Pose! Huff, huff... One more time... Akira: Individual practice on New Year's morning, you're working hard. Shiori: Yukishiro-senpai!? I thought you returned home yesterday... Akira: I had some free time before greeting my relatives. There's work I want to complete without delay, so I came to the Institute, but... Akira: It looked like someone was in the lesson room and when I came to check, here you were. Akira: Those turns just now were quite good. You've developed the awareness to keep your pivot leg steady at the pelvis. Shiro: Th-Thank you very much...! Akira: However, I think it'd be best to rest a bit more in between. All your preparation will be meaningless if you're fatigued. Shiro: Yes! Michiru: Ah, there you are~! Happy New Year♪ Shiori: Michiru-senpai was here, too, I see. Happy New Year. Your furisode really suits you! Michiru: Thanks, Shiori♪ It's my favorite! Akira: Michiru, why are you here? Shiori: (Huh? Did Michiru-senpai not come here with Yukishiro-senpai?) Michiru: My mom drove me here. More importantly, you didn't compliment my furisode, Akira. Akira: ...Right. It's splendid. Michiru: Is that really what you think~? Well, whatever. Let's go make our first shrine visit of the year, you two. Shiori: A shrine visit? Michiru: I just heard this from my mom yesterday, but there's a shrine that favors the performing arts and there's interesting omikuji there. Michiru: Well, it's not so much the omikuji itself that's interesting, but what you do based on the result. Akira: Sakurazaka Shrine, is it. Akira: There are many shrines that favor the performing arts, but as for characteristic omikuji, it must be that one. Michiru: Correct, Akira! Shiori: Sakurazaka Shrine... So there's a place like that. What kind of omikuji are they? Michiru: Fufufu ♪ You'll see if you come along! My mom will drive us there, so let's hurry and go! Shiori: Ah... She's leaving. Will Mei Fan-senpai and Yachiyo-senpai be coming along, too? Akira: No, Mei Fan's on her way home. Yachiyo also said she'd be busy at home when the new year began. Michiru: Hurry up and get changed, you two♪ It'll start getting crowded soon! Akira: Honestly... So boisterous on New Year's day.
Michiru: We're here~♪ Shiori: There sure are a lot of people. Also--- Student A: "Is that true!? If so, then name it without calling it good fortune!" Student B: "It's a lie! The proof is in the fact that you came here to Sakurazaka Shrine!" Shiori: What exactly are they doing...? Akira: An improvisation, huh. Michiru: That's this shrine's omikuji♪ Shiori: This is an omikuji...? Michiru: On the omikuji, something like 'there's good luck in doing such and such' is written, you see? Michiru: So everyone who comes here on New Year's day will do what's written on the omikuji to increase their luck in the performing arts. Shiori: ? So you're saying 'there's good luck in doing an improvisation' was written on their omikuji? Michiru: Right! Surprising, isn't it~ Apparently, they were originally regular omikuji, but... Michiru: Looong ago, a nearby school would come to the shrine and perform prayers associated with the omikuji's contents. Michiru: They began to gain fame little by little and gradually the contents of the omikuji changed as well... Michiru: Nowadays it's exclusively the performing arts column where things like doing an improvisation is written. It seems the school in question that started it doesn't do it anymore, though. Shiori: I see... So it has that kind of history. Shizuha: Oh? Lalafin: Ah! It's Siegfeld's...! Michiru: Shizuha-chan, Tsukasa-chan, Lalafin-chan! Happy New Year~! Michiru: Tsukasa-chan, your furisode's so cute! I was considering wearing a fluffly shawl, too~♪ Tsukasa: Happy New Year. Thanks, it is New Year's day, after all. Michiru: I know right! The color and pattern really suit you, and that attractive hairstyle is nice, too♪ Tsukasa: Yours is really vibrant, too. A yellow furisode is perfect for the cute Otori-san. Michiru: Ehehehe, thanks~♪ Michiru: Also, I'm glad to see you! I've been thinking I needed to properly apologize sometime. Tsukasa: Apologize...? Michiru: Last year you went through the trouble of writing us an invitation to see "Captain Twins", but we couldn't, I'm sorry! Lalafin: Eh... You remembered!? Even the name! Michiru: Of course~♪ Michiru: The truth is, Akira decided to reply to the invite herself before I could even see it~ Tsukasa: Then the one who wrote "We have no time for the likes of Frontier" was... Michiru: It was all Akira's doing! Geez~ So troublesome~ Akira: ............ Michiru: So, would it be okay for us to see it this year? The play you made! Shiori, you want to see it, too, right? Shiori: Yes! I've heard Frontier's plays are really creative, so I'm looking forward to it. Tsukasa: We'd gladly welcome everyone from Siegfeld. I'll send another invitation, then. Michiru: Yeah, we'll be waiting! Michiru: Well then, we should get going now. Lalafin: Okay! See you later~! Shizuha: Yukishiro-san, let's have another great year. Akira: ...Right.
Michiru: You're the same as ever, huh~ It's New Year's day, you should be more festive. Akira: You're festive enough for us both. Michiru: I'm not so sure about that~ Michiru: But, I wonder if there's no ill feelings from last year now? Michiru: I don't know how much it mattered to them, but if we're going to be standing on the same stage at the Performance Festival, it's good to clear the air. Shiori: Ah...! Michiru: Hm? What's wrong, Shiori? Ichie: Huh? Tamao: You are... Rui: Siegfeld's...!
Carrying Out a Tradition
[New Year's Morning, Tokaso Dormitory] Rui: Tamao-senpai... Is this okay? Tamao: A little tighter is fine. ...There, like that. Tamao: Rui-chan, thank you for helping me put on my furisode. ...How does it look? Rui: I-I-I-It looks really nice on you! No other Stage Girl looks as good in a furisode! Tamao: I think that's a bit of an exaggeration... Rui-chan? Rui: (To think I'd be helping Tamao-senpai change so soon into the new year, it's like a dream come true! Her waist is as slim as ever~) Tamao: Rui-chaaan? Rui: Ah, I'm sorry. I was just thinking how your waist is--... Tamao: M-My waist? Did I gain weight over the holidays, perhaps? Rui: Nonono! If anything it decreased about 5 millimeters! N-No, I mean! I-It's slim like normal, don't worry! Tamao: R-Really? I guess that's fine, then... *ringtone* Tamao: Oh? It's from Ichie... Hello? Ichie: "Tamao, mooornin'!" Tamao: Ichie, Happy New Year. Ichie: "Ah, that's right! Happy New Year and stuff~☆ What are you doing right now?" Tamao: Rui-chan was helping me put on my furisode. We'll be making our first shrine visit of the year after this. Ichie: "A shrine visit!? That'll be nice~ Which one!?" Tamao: You might've heard of it. It's called Sakurazaka Shrine, a god of the performing arts is enshrined there... Ichie: "Oh, I saw it on a TV special yesterday! Apparently, people are going crazy for its weird omikuji right now!" Tamao: It seems that's what it's become famous for nowadays. But, originally, it was the site of an event for the Rinmeikan Performance Department. Ichie: "Eh, really? They mentioned on TV that it had a long history, but Rinmeikan was never mentioned?" Tamao: Apparently, the "Sakurazaka Pilgrimage" was an important event that everyone participated in during my grandmother's time at Rinmeikan, but... Tamao: With the decrease in the number of students, they stopped going, it seems. Tamao: But it's an event with valuable history to it. Ichie: "So, then, you're going to go do that...Sakurazaka pilgrimage or whatever!?" Tamao: Yes. I finished changing quickly thanks to Rui-chan, so I was thinking we should get going soon. Ichie: "Then, I'll go, too!" Ichie: "Mama~! I'm going to visit an interesting shrine for a bit with my friends! I'll go right to grandma's place and meet up with you all after!" Tamao: Eh? Ichie, if you're gathering with your relatives, you don't have to--- *click* Tamao: Ah... She's her usual self right from the new year. Rui: So Ichie-senpai's coming, too. With everyone returning home, I held back inviting them, but... Rui: Should we call Yukko and Fumi-senpai, too? Although, I think Yukko probably won't come. Tamao: Yes, I'm sure Yuyuko-chan's fully enjoying the New Year's holidays at home... Fumi's house is far, so I don't know if she could make it. Let's go with them another time. Tamao: By the way, Rui-chan. Are you really okay with not wearing a furisode? Rui: Y-Yes! It'll take time, too, so my uniform is fine! Rui: (As long as I get to see Tamao-senpai all dressed up, I'm good! Even just spending time changing is a waste!)
[A Few Hours Later] Ichie: Huh? Tamao: You are... Rui: Siegfeld's...! Michiru: Wow! It's Tamao-chan, Ichie-chan, and Rui-chan! Happy New Year♪ Tamao: Happy New Year. Let's have another great year. Michiru: Such a wonderful furisode, it really fits you. Exactly like a Yamato nadeshiko♪ Tamao: Yours is a fitting color for New Year's day, it suits you well. Akira: ............ Tamao: Yukishiro-san, thank you for that time. I'd like for us to both use this year to cultivate ourselves. Akira: ...I see. Rui: ...We're not who we were before. Ichie: Rui, clam down, whoa there☆ Rui: But, Tamao-senpai went out of her way to greet her... Michiru: Ahahaha, sorry about that~ This is basically how Akira always is. Tamao: It's fine. I'll interpret it as Akira-san's way of cheering us on. Akira: ...Let's go. Michiru: Ah, wait up, Akira. Well, then, let's have another great year~ Shiori: Ah... Umm... Uh... Shiori: No, it's nothing. Excuse me! Ichie: ...? What was that about? Rui: It seemed like she wanted to say something. Tamao: (That girl... She's Fumi's little sister, I believe...?) Tamao: ...She must have been nervous. I'm pretty sure she's still in middle school, right? And being surrounded by high schoolers...you see? Ichie: Ah, I see, gotcha. Okay, next time we meet, she'll get a dose of Ichie-senpai's kindness☆ Rui: Well, should we go draw an omikuji for the Sakurazaka pilgrimage? Tamao: Before that, let's pray at the shrine. It's over here.
Rui: At any rate, it sure is crowded. Tamao: Even reaching the shrine is difficult, to say nothing of the omikuji... Ichie: Tamao~! Rui~! Let's go! Tamao: Ichie, it's risky to go alone~! Rui: Let's chase after her!
Rui: We were able to visit the shrine somehow... Ichie: That was tiresome even for me~... Tamao: Let's rest over there a bit. Rui: Let's! Ichie: Ah! Look, it says omikuji here! Come on, let's go☆ Rui: Eeh! Ichie-senpai! We'll be separated! Please wa~it! Tamao: Th-They're so energetic...
Three Sets of Three
[New Year's Morning, Frontier Main Gate] Shizuha: Lalafin, thank you for helping with the "Mochi Pounders VS Badminton Players New Year's Party". Lalafin: Yeah! I ate a bunch of mochi at home, so I wanted to move around! Shizuha: We finished quickly thanks to you. Shizuha: By the way, Lalafin. Do you have anything planned after this? Lalafin: Nope~ Tomorrow's when we all gather together at grandma's. Is there somewhere you wanted to go!? Shizuha: Well, would you like to make our first shrine visit of the year together? I heard there's a shrine that favors the performing arts. Lalafin: A shrine? Shizuha: I saw it on TV yesterday---
Lalafin: Yaaay! Omikuji, omikuji~ Shizuha: Fufu. Such high spirits. Tsukasa: At any rate, I never thought Siegfeld would come here. They don't seem like the type to ask anything of the gods, I was surprised~ Lalafin: You're the one I was surprised to see~ Shizuha: That's right, I didn't expect we'd meet up with you here. Tsukasa: I thought you'd all returned home, so I came here by myself... Tsukasa: Now that I think about it, you're wearing your uniforms--did you pay a visit to the school? Lalafin: To prepare for the "Mochi Pounders VS Badminton Players New Year's Party"! Tsukasa: So they're doing it this year, too~! Last year's was super exciting. Shizuha: Yes. Lalafin helped out a lot, so the preparations were completed perfectly ♪ Lalafin: It'd be nice to invite Aruru and Misora to visit the shrine, too~ Shizuha: It's a bit too late to have them come now, so let's do our best with the omikuji for them as well. Tsukasa: Let's. ...Oh, it's says the omikuji are this way. Lalafin: Omikuji, omikuji~
Lalafin: Arrival! And before my very eyes, the omikuji...! Tsukasa: They might be right in front of us, but this is no small crowd... Tamao: Oh? Ebisu-san? Everyone else, too. Tsukasa: Oh, it's Tomoe-san. Lalafin: Ichie~! Ichie: Lala-cha~n! Both: Happy New Year and stuff~! Shizuha: Fufu. Perfect sync. Tamao: They must be on the same wavelength. Tsukasa: Aren't they a little too similiar... It's kind of dizzying... Shizuha: Oh, that's right. The truth is we're holding an event we call the "Mochi Pounders VS Badminton Players New Year's Party", if you'd like, do you want to join us? Ichie: Mochi pounders and badminton players!? What kinda event is it!? Lalafin: Everyone separates into the 'mochi pounders' or 'badminton players' team, kinda like a sports event, I guess! I'm sure you'd like it, too! Ichie: That's Frontier for you! It sounds pretty amazing! I wanna hear more about it, but for now...the omikuji is before our eyes! Tsukasa: Oh, so you're goal in coming here was the omikuji, too. Tamao: That's right. We'll need courage to face that crowd of people, but we should go soon. Shizuha: Yes. I'll text you the details about the event, in case you're interested. Ichie: I wanna meet up with Aruru-chan and Misora-chan, too, so I'll go! Even if no one else does, I will~☆ Lalafin: You definitely should! It'll be fun!
Tamao: Phew... I'm glad I managed to draw it... Rui: Tamao-senpai! Ichie: Tamao~! Tamao: Good, you're both--... *crowd noises* Tamao: Kya!? Ichie: Hyaah!? Did something just start or what!? Wawah, it's...it's a wave of people~~! Tamao: Kya~! Rui: Tamao-senpai's being swept away...!? I'll save you right away! Ichie: Ruiii, Ichie-senpai's being swept away, too, y'know~!? Eeek, save me~☆ *loud crowd noises* All: Hyaaaaah!?
Rui: Ouch! Shiori: Kya! Rui: E-Excuse me--...! Shiori: ! Rinmeikan's...! Tsukasa: Oh, you two are---
Rui: I wonder if Tamao-senpai is okay... Shiori: What should I do... Getting separated in a place like this... Tsukasa: (These two seem really helpless... They were separated from their senpai, I guess it's understandable.) *ringtone* Tsukasa: (Oh, it's Shizuha.) Tsukasa: Hello? Tsukasa: We were swept away by the crowd, too, all the way to the center of the shrine... Tsukasa: It might be hard to meet up again like this... Tsukasa: And, you're... I see. Okay, go it. I'll see you later, best of luck. Bye bye. Rui: U-Um... Do you know where the others are? Tsukasa: Yeah. It seems Shizuha, Tomoe-san, and Yukishiro-san are together. That leaves--- *ringtone* Tsukasa: Oh, a text from Lalafin. ...Look, she took a fun photo together with Otori-san and Otonashi-san. Shiori: Michiru-senpai... I'm glad she's safe. Tsukasa: It seems everyone's okay for the time being. Tsukasa: Oh, is there anything you want to say to Otori-san? You'll have to rely on Lalafin to tell her, though. Shiori: N-No... I'm fine... Tsukasa: Then, Akikaze-san, is there anything you want to tell--- Rui: I-I'm fine, too...! Rui: More importantly, we should go meet up with the others...! Tsukasa: (Huh~? It kind of seems like they're avoiding eye contact with me?) Tsukasa: (...It couldn't be that they're scared of me, right?)
Ichie: Lala-chan, Michiru-chan! They're selling takoyaki over there! It smells sooo good. Michiru: Oh, you're right~! I'm pretty hungry, I want a bite♪ Lalafin: I'm starving, too! Ah! I propose we buy takoyaki! Ichie: Totally agreed~ Let's buy it and take another commemorative photo! Michiru: Ah, just a second. Before that, I need to send Akira a text.
Tamao: ---So, I wanted to try what was written in the performing arts column of the omikuji, but... Shizuha: I'll participate, if you don't mind. Yukishiro-san, do you not have much interest in this sort of thing? Akira: Right. Sorry, but--- *ringtone* Akira: A text? Who...? Nn. Michiru: "Frontier's representative Shizuha-chan and Tamao-chan who brought Fumi back to the stage..." Michiru: "We've been interested in them for a while, right?" Michiru: "This is a rare chance, so spend some time with them and ascertain with your own eyes what kind of people they are." Michiru: "If you decide to return to me on your own...I'll be angry, okay?" Shizuha: Yukishiro-san, is something wrong? Akira: No, it's nothing. ...I'll participate, too. Tamao: Eh, but--... Akira: Let's finish this quickly. Tamao: Sorry to bother you two with this... Akira: It's not a bother. Our interests aligned just now. Shizuha: Tomoe-san, don't worry. I also came here for the omikuji. Akira: So, what's the task? You have the omikuji there, correct? Tomoe. Tamao: Yes. I haven't opened it yet, I'll look now!
Tsukasa-senpai's Gyaru-ific Counseling Center
Tsukasa: Umm, since we're here I thought we could try what's written on the omikuji, but... Tsukasa: Akikaze-san, Shiori-san, what do you two think? Both: ............ Tsukasa: ...I'm just curious, are you two afraid of me or something? Rui: I-I-I'm not afraid! Rui: I've meet you a few times at the Performance Festival preparatory meetings... Rui: It's just...I've never really mentioned it, but I'm pretty shy around strangers... Shiori: So am I, a bit. I'm fine with people I'm familiar with, though... Tsukasa: I-I see, then it can't be helped. You don't have to push yourselves, okay? Rui: Um, Ebisu-san!! Tsukasa: Wah!? Wh-What is it? Rui: S-Sorry for speaking loudly all of a sudden. Rui: Before you said Tamao-senpai and the others she met up with were doing the sakurazaka pilgrimage...Ah, I mean, completing the omikuji's task. Tsukasa: Yeah, seems that way. Rui: Then, I think I'd like to...do what's written on the omikuji here, too... Rui: Oh! Only if you're okay with it, though, of course! Tsukasa: I'm glad, but, you really don't have to push yourself, okay? Rui: I'm not! Rui: I'm sure if Tamao-senpai were here she'd cooperate with you. Rui: So, I'd like to, also...! Shiori: Please let me participate, as well. Michiru-senpai's text said to help you out. Tsukasa: I see. Thanks, you two. Tsukasa: Then, let's all do our best!
Tsukasa: Actually, I've already opened the omikuji, so I know what the task is. It's not that hard, so don't worry! Rui: Is that so...! Shiori: Can even I do it? Tsukasa: Yep, you definitely can! Here's what was written in the performing arts column... Tsukasa: "There's good luck in making friends with someone on the grounds today"! Rui and Shiori: "There's good luck in making friends with someone on the grounds today"...? Tsukasa: Meaning, if we become friends here, we've cleared the task. Easy enough, right? Tsukasa: Please be friends with me♪ Rui: I can't! Tsukasa: Eh!? Rui: Being friends with more than one senpai... It's far too much! Tsukasa: No, I mean, we don't even go to the same school and we're only a year apart in age. Hey, Shiori-san, you agree with me, right? Shiori: Umm... Tsukasa: (She averted her eyes...!) Tsukasa: Look, everyone else from Siegfeld is older than you, right? It's not surprising anymore, is it? Shiori: I suppose...that's true. Tsukasa: Right? Besides, Shiori-san. ...Umm, your sister and I are the same age, so it's not like you're not used to handling people older than you, right? Shiori: Um, I haven't seen Onee-chan recently... Tsukasa: Oh, I see... Tsukasa: ...Well, I don't know the details, but if there's anything troubling you, I'll listen. Shiori: Eh... Tsukasa: Ah, well, it's like how if you don't know the other person very well, sometimes it's easier to open up, right? Shiori: ............ Shiori: Um, it's not exactly troubling. I've just been wondering how to get close to Onee-chan again. Shiori: I...was scared and didn't return home this year. Because she might hate me... Rui: ...Um, I... I don't think that's true! Tsukasa: Akikaze-san? Rui: When Fumi-senpai talked about returning home, she seemed a bit sad. Rui: Just like...you do now. Shiori: R-Really? Rui: Yes. That's the limits of what I know, but I think Fumi-senpai really treasures you. Rui: When she's talking about your family or recollecting the past... During those times she always has a really warm expression. Shiori: ...Onee-chan. Tsukasa: I haven't heard your sister's circumstances, so I can't say for certain, but... Tsukasa: The two of you are both Stage Girls, so I'm sure you'll be able to understand each other, one day. Shiori: I think that'd be nice. Tsukasa: Yeah. This is only my opinion, but I don't think bonds are broken that easily. Rui: Bonds... Tsukasa: To be honest, there was a time when I left the stage... But, I was able to return. Tsukasa: I'm sure it was because I had a bond with the stage, and friends there who strengthened it. Tsukasa: In Shiori-san's case, the bond of sisters is very, very strong. And I'm sure the stage will strengthen it. Shiori: The stage will... Tsukasa: The stage has amazing power. Maybe it's easier to imagine if I call it energy? Tsukasa: Fiction and reality mix together to create a whimsical but very real world that can only exist on the stage. Tsukasa: The tales woven there, comedy and tragedy alike, so lifelike you could touch them, spread out as a wave of emotion in the audience's heart. Tsukasa: You two may be standng on different stages, but that world is connected. Don't you think that's an amazing thing? Shiori: ...I do. Tsukasa: Yeah. That's why I think you should continue to improve as a Stage Girl. Tsukasa: If you polish your technique until it shines, then every time you stand on another stage, your connection to your sister will grow stronger. Shiori: Yes...! Rui: Uuu...Ebisu-san! Tsukasa: Wh-What's wrong? Rui: I'm so moved! Please listen to my worries as well! Tsukasa: Eeh!? Sure, but all I can really do is listen, you know...!? Rui: That's fine! I'd like to hear your opinion in your words...in your expressions! Tsukasa: Fufu, if you're going to say that much, then I guess I'll have to. Rui: Thank you very much! Shiori-san, would you like to listen, as well? Shiori: If you're okay with me, I'd be glad to! Tsukasa: (Hehe. I kind of feel like I've suddenly gotten two little sisters.) Tsukasa: (It's a different feeling than with Lalafin and Shizuha, or Aruru and Misora. I wonder why... But--) Tsukasa: (Would it be okay to call this friendship? ...I'm sure it's fine, right?)
Michiru's Calculations
Ichie: Phew~ Amazake's so tasty~☆ Michiru: Really? Let me have a sip, too♪ Ichie: Here, take a swig~ Michiru: Yay! *Gulp*...*gulp*... Mmm♪ It tastes and smells like rice, but it has a nice texture~ Lalafin: Sounds good! I want a sip, too~! Ichie: Go on, drink up~ Lalafin: *Gulp*...*gulp*... Ooh, a mature taste. Michiru: Lalafin-chan, amazake is made from malted rice, so there's no alchohol, you know? Lalafin: Eh! Really!? I always thought it was sake! Ichie: I know, right~☆ It makes you think, 'I can put formalities aside for New Year's and drink this, right?' Michiru: Even putting formalities aside, you shouldn't drink sake. Save the alchohol for when you're twenty, okay?♪ Lalafin: I promise~ Wait...huh? Ichie: Hm? Lala-chan, what's up? Lalafin: Promise, promise... Ah! I told Shizuha we'd all do the omikuji's task together. Ichie: Ah! Now that you mention it, I told Tamao the same! Michiru: Well... Michiru: Ta-daah♪ Lalafin: Ah, an omikuji! Ichie: So you had one. Michiru: I drew it before I was separated from Akira and Shiori. Since the three of us are getting along, let's take a look at it♪ Lalafin: Yay! Can I open it? Michiru: Go ahead~♪ Ichie: Then I'll give the drum roll. Announce it when I say, "clang!"☆ Lalafin: Roger! Ichie: Darararara... Michiru: Dararararara... Ichie: Darararara... Clang! Lalafin: Announcement! Our chosen mission is... "The person you are waiting for will not arrive!" Ichie: That ain't right! Michiru: Ahahahaha! Not the 'person you're waiting for' column, the 'performing arts' column! Lalafin: Ahahaha! Ummm... Performing arts, performing arts... There it is! Lalafin: "There's good luck in forming an idol group today"! Michiru: An idol group? That's quite the theme. Ichie: Idol... Uu, it aches, my right arm! Lalafin: An awakening!? Ichie, are you awakening!? Michiru: Ichie-chan, you were an idol in the past, right? Ichie: Eh!? Michiru-chan, you knew? Michiru: Of course~ Don't underestimate my research abilities♪ Lalafin: So that means? Eh, Ichie, you were an idol!? Ichie: In the past♪ Lalafin: Amazing! Michiru: I know a bit about Lalafin-chan, too. You were a sought-after child actress and kid's model while affiliated with an agency. Michiru: Your full intoduction to the stage was in middle school, and since that time your model work appears to have decreased. Lalafin: Wow! You researched me!? Michiru: Ahahaha, it's not a big deal~ It's just a second-hand account from a magazine♪ Michiru: But... This could work, the three of us as idols! Maybe I'll produce us♪ Lalafin: P-Produce...! Ichie: This is getting interesting...! Michiru: By the way, if we're going to do it, we'll be seriously aiming to be Top Idols♪ Ichie: Wait...! If I'm aiming to be a Top Idol, will I have to quit Rinmeikan!? Michiru: No worries! Michiru: These days, idols who excel at specific things are strong! So we'll be aiming to be idols who can sing, dance, and act! Lalafin: That seems pretty cool! Michiru: Is there anything you two want to try after becoming idols? Ichie: Oh, me, me, me! There was something I wanted to do while I was an idol, bur couldn't! Michiru: Go ahead, Ichie-chan. Ichie: A tie-in with a horror movie! I want to sing the theme song and play one of the roles! Michiru: Nice~ What about you, Lalafin-chan? Lalafin: I think it'd be good if I was given each of the catchphrases! Michiru: Catchphrases are part of acting, too--nice, nice~♪ That sort of thing's important! Ichie: Michiru-chan, what are we going to do about our group's name? Lalafin: Ah, that's important! Michiru: Something unique to the three of us would be nice. Let's take a bit and share our opinions. Ichie: Leave it to me! This sort of meeting is so exciting! Lalafin: Yeah, yeah! Unique to us, unique to us~♪
Michiru: Well, everyone, here we go~♪ One, two, three! All: We are "Mirai☆Resume"! Lalafin: "Mirai☆Resume"! It's easy to say and pleasing to hear! Michiru: The 'mi' from Michiru, 'ra' from Lalafin, and 'i' from Ichie--Mirai. And resume can mean summary... Michiru: The charm of three Stage Girls who express themselves through song, dance, and acting--an idol group of the future! Ichie: And that's why we are--- All: "Mirai☆Resume"! Michiru: We've yet to begin our activites, but our formation is complete! Our task was achieved♪ Lalafin: If we could start our activites on a day off or something, that'd be nice! Ichie: Fufufu. My day to shine again as an idol draws near~☆ Michiru: The three of us should go shopping or something this year. We can invite the Seisho girls eventually, too♪ Ichie and Lalafin: Sounds good~♪ Michiru: ...Fufu♪
Tamao's Pride
Shizuha: ---"There's good luck in taking a vow on the shrine ground's stage". Shizuha: That's what's written. How interesting. Tamao: Something we would vow... If it needs to involve all three of us, then it'd be to succeed at the Performance Festival, I guess. Akira: Success at the Performance Festival is a given. There's no need to take a vow. Shizuha: But, while you may say it's a given, I think declaring it before the gods has meaning. Akira: ...I have a vow of my own. Shizuha: Then... How does this sound? Shizuha: First, we'll all vow to succeed at the Performance Festival. And, in addition to that, we'll each make a vow of our own. Shizuha: I'm sure we all have a hidden desire, as well. Our individual vows should be from the heart. Tamao: My... ~flashback~ Tamao: ...They've invited all of us to take part in the Performance Festival! Tamao: Congratulations, everyone! Yuyuko: Whaaat? You serious!? Ichie: We did it! We've cleared the first hurdle on the way to our dream! Rui: This is wonderful! We're going to the Performance Festival together! Fumi: Tamao's dream-- No, the whole group's dream... Now it's mine, too. ~end flashback~ Akira: Very well. Tamao: ...Understood. Shizuha: It's decided, then.
Tamao: So this is the shrine ground's stage... Clerk: ---The stage is ready for whoever is next. Shizuha: Are you both ready? Akira: ............ Tamao: ...I'm fine. Shizuha: Let's go. Student A: Look! The person who just stood on stage, isn't that Siegfeld's Yukishiro Akira!? Student B: And Frontier's Kocho Shizuha! Student C: But, that other girl in the furisode, who is she again? I think she's from Rinmeikan... Tamao: ............ ~flashback~ Tamao: Part of me started hoping that maybe Ichie was right, and qualifying for the Performance Festival would miraculously save our department. Tamao: That was a mistake. Eveything was going so well, and I got too greedy. Tamao: Reality isn't so forgiving. Tamao: But that place filled with dreams and hope, a place where a miracle just might happen... Tamao: I loved that place. ~end flashback~ Tamao: Rinmeikan Girl's School, Performance Department Second-Year, Tomoe Tamao. Shizuha: Frontier School of Arts, Stage Expression Course Second-Year, Kocho Shizuha. Akira: Siegfeld Institute of Music, Acting Department Second-Year, Frau Platin... Yukishiro Akira. Shizuha: We say this now. Shizuha: To succeed in this year's Performance Festival--- Tamao: I vow. Shizuha: I vow. Akira: I vow. Crowd: Waaaaaah! Tamao: ...... Shizuha: Now for our individual vows... Akira: Everything is to demonstrate the pride of the Ruler! For the proof of Siegfeld's superiority! Tamao: ! Akira: Yukishiro Akira will push forward to the center! Walk trembling through the path I clear! Akira: We will display what makes us Siegfeld at the Performance Festival! Shizuha: Even though I said the vow should be from the heart... Are you perhaps saying...the stage is all there is? Shizuha: The path of the absolute Ruler, standing above all. That is not our ideal. Shizuha: I will create the greatest stage, together with the reassuring strength of 23 comrades. Shizuha: Yukishiro-san, your acting ability is truly a magnificent thing, but you don't have to shine alone. Shizuha: ...These are actually Aruru-chan's words, but today I'll vow in her place. Shizuha: A radiant stage with all 24 of us... That's the stage we at Frontier aim for. Shizuha: That's what we'll show you at the Performance Festival. Tamao: ...... Shizuha: Tomoe-san, how about you? Akira: ...What do you vow? You, who couldn't even reach my feet, what do you desire? Tamao: I-- My desire is--- ~flashback~ Tamao: We must stay in the show. We can't let it end here... Akira: Save your speeches for when you're on stage. The curtain has already come down. ~end flashback~ Tamao: I... Rinmeikan's tradition, Rinmeikan's radiance... Tamao: All that is the Rinmeikan Performance Department! I will carve it into this Performance Festival! Tamao: Rinmeikan's tradition, history, radiance. Tamao: Before I even entered Rinmeikan, I inherited them from my mother and my grandmother before her. Tamao: ...I want to make that eternal. So! I will show it to you all! Tamao: On stage at the Performance Festival, Rinmeikan's resolution! Tamao: That is all! Shizuha: ...It seems the desire we all hold for the Performance Festival is genuine. I won't lose either. Akira: Hmph... Rui: Uuu~ Tamao-senpai~! I'll follow you for life! In all ways! Tamao: Rui-chan... To think you were all watching... Ichie: We heard your wish loud and clear☆ Shiori: My body became tense when I heard your words, Yukishiro-senpai. Please join me for our winter vacation practice, too! Akira: Very well. I'll put my all into accompanying you. Michiru: Hehe♪ Both Akira and Shiori are motivated, I'm glad we came. Tsukasa: Siegfeld's pride and Rinmeikan's tradition were both amazing, but our Frontier spirit didn't lose. Lalafin: Shizuha, Frontier spirit~! Shizuha: Fufu. We'll cultivate ourselves together and show everyone a new sight. Tsukasa: Hey! This is a rare opportunity, so let's take a commemorative photo together! It's too bad we can't do it with all the participants, though... Michiru: We'll just have to take that one when we make the Performance Festival a success♪ Ichie: Oookay, "Mirai Resume", assemble~☆ Lalafin: Heeere♪ Shiori: Yukishiro-senpai, is it okay...to take a photo with everyone? Akira: ...... Rui: Tamao-senpai, do you know how to use the self-timer? Tamao: Yes, I'm good. Press this button and... Tamao: Everyone, here we go! What do mice eat~? All: Cheeeese!
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I’ll be back
Chapter 2. The women don’t it often, but they need it too.
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“Good morning Y/N” Chloe’s sweet voice awoke you. You slowly opened your eyes and looked the alarm clock on the bedside table that showed 5:30 am. You after finished the profiling course proposed by FBI after the Bachelor’s degree, you returned to live with your brother in his home. You got up and went in the kitchen and saw Elijah looked your glasses.
“You don’t have to tell me anything?"he said watched you with his blue ice eyes.
"No, why?"answered you confused.
"Really? Why your glasses are scratched?"he asked while he was putting back glasses into them box, after fixed them and probably upgraded them, while you were creating an excuses to tell your brother.
"Y/N, why your stress level are near to 50%?"demanded Chloe.
"Okay, yesterday I took on my first case where an android was involved that hit with a knife my arm and took me as hostage. You didn’t need to feel worry about me, I’m fine.” you told.
“Are two android, anyway Richard’s told me everything."said Elijah.
"You should be more careful and more alert, I know that Richard has precise instruction, but remember: he can return, but humans don’t come back.” he said before you went to answer to the phone.
“It’s Gavin, there are new cases. See you soon brother."you said quickly after escape from him.
"Where fucking are you?"Gavin said looked his smartphone, you smelled do alcohol mixed with masculine scent.
"Sorry detective"you answered and confused looked to Richard that he started to analyse everything in the crime scene.
"He has a slightly high alcohol level, but nothing disturbing, he was drunk rotten last night.” Richard whispered to you.
“You go out with him???"you said surprised and started to dream up.
"I need a signature for the report of the case."Richard answered.
“Oh”you said disappointed 
The case of that morning wasn’t as interesting as yesterday afternoon. So after reported the last things you, Gavin and Richard returned to the police station.
"Yesterday I didn’t remember that your tongue was cut by the android."Gavin said while you were reading the last news about Detroit.
"My brother gave me a talking-to"you mumbled, Gavin laughed and turned to you, he smiled and you not.
"Did you watched the match yesterday?"you asked.
"Yes."he answered while he was looking his phone, probably chatted with someone and you noticed a little smile on his face, it’s cute.
"Detective Reed chatted with a woman, who gave him the number last night, he called her Lucky Girl."informed Richard while he was driving the car.
"Oh well for him"you said disinterested.
"Anyway, your dear plastic boyfriend came to break my balls last night for a fucking signature. I almost got her in bed."Gavin answered while Richard parked the car in the place reserved for the detective in the car park.
"He isn’t my boyfriend. I don’t like the android in that sense"you answered cold before get out of machine. You stood a little anger from the little argue having with your brother.
"Y/N"said a voice that you had never forgotten.
"Connor my boy, my beautiful boy” you said, running to him. He took you and hugged you, you feel more happy and relieved and less angry, beside him you noticed an old man, you left Connor and decide to introduce yourself.
“Detective Y/N Kamski, nice to meet you…Lieutenant."you said, holding out your hand to shake his hand.
"Hank Anderson, but you can call me Hank. I heard you answered Gavin, you teased him and you risked hitting."he said.
"Oh I thought that no one knew it, in fact I hoped it would."you answered, looking your shoes, you were a bit embarrassed.
"Anyway his testosterone now is decreased a little, but especially his ego."he said touched you shoulder.
After talk with Hank and Connor, you decided to left them and go to the break room. You know that you won’t find any salad or fresh sandwiches but you will find the best friend of police officer, the donuts. When you arrived, noticed that they are finished and you sighed and took a cup of coffee and you went to the desk. Gavin noticed you and asked to Richard to go to the booth.
"Where is he going?"you asked when you sit down on your desk, Gavin didn’t answer you and you started to write the report. You heard Gavin laugh while he’s looking his smartphone, you overlooked him meanwhile you started to feel somenting, which you decided to ignore because it maybe only anger or hunger, whatever you ignored it.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"he said a bit worried, you didn’t dedicate any attention and continued to write when the hunger started to increase. Richard returned with a salad inside a white plastic container, you knew that the salad because written on it.
"Oh thank Richard."you said surprised and happy at the same time.
"I just obeyed an order"he answered and you looked Gavin that he had stood up and went probably to the toilet.
"You must admit if he doesn’t order me I will never go, because I didn’t noticed that you are hungry"he said and it sound as apologize.
"Don’t worry, I will asked you after the work."you said while Gavin was coming back from the bathroom, he seemed relaxed.
"I relived a trace of sperm in your short nail"Richard stated.
Oh my God.
"Thanks Richard for the information, I remember you that we are in a police station and I’m eating in this fucking moment"you said embaraced and disgusted by the information.
"Language!"Gavin said.
"Oh look who’s talking"you observed.
"Everyone need sometime to masturbate, it is healthily. It increases the white blood cells and immune defence"Richard explained.
"The women don’t it often, but they need it too. Do you need to masturbate?”
Gavin started to laugh and you instead would rather be in another place than then.
“Stop talking about it, I’m hungry and I want to eat."screamed after swallowing the first salad forkful.
Hank and Connor had invited you to go out with them for a drink and you decided to go, while Richard went to Cyberlife and Gavin had his date with the lucky girl.
"So you’re Elijah’s sister. He’d never talked about you to anyone."Hank said taking a sip of beer.
"Maybe because I’m slightly smarter than him and I didn’t choose to follow in his footprints"you alleged while you looked your glass of whiskey.
"And why you didn’t follow him?"he asked curiously.
"I just used my intelligence to analyse the criminals."I answered before drinking the whiskey inside the glass.
"Who did you put this idea in your mind?"he demanded.
"Carl Manfred, he was my mentor. He believed that my intelligence I wouldn’t have to build android but take care of the people. He said that I had too much empathy, to be like my brother. He is like a father for me"you answered while shaking the glass to tell the barman that you wanted another one.
You’ve always held up the alcohol well, but tonight you didn’t want to go over, because it was out with colleagues.
While Hank and Connor told you about the cases they solved together, your phone starts vibrating you asked to yourself who could be at 2 am, so you looked at the screen and red your brother’s name. After you apologized with Hank and Connor for the interruption, you went out of the bar to answer the phone
"He is dead"Elijah said in a dark tone.
"Who, who is dead brother?"you asked a few worried.
"Carl, Carl Manfred. He is dead this evening at the 10 o'clock and I’m sorry” he answered before you closed the communication.
You stood outside the bar, while many memories of Carl through in your mind, as if they were fresh, you began to feel an almost unbearable pain, what you humans call sadness.
After a couple of minutes, Connor came out of the the bar and saw you on the sidewalk crying soon after he called Hank as soon as he went out and when he saw you he hugged you without wondering why.
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A Great Time to Update Your Estate Planning
Across the give up of each 12 months i really like to take an stock of myself, what I did inside the past year and what changed over that point. There had been new additions to my circle of relatives; i've grown toward some pals and greater remote with others; we have moved to a brand new residence; and in standard things have changed notably. With all the trade, it is an ideal time to replace my property plan to mirror those and different modifications that have came about due to the fact I carried out my property making plans documents almost 8 years ago.
I need to update my files and you probable do too; otherwise you want to create an estate plan in case you do not have one already. Some questions which you need to ask yourself in figuring out whether you need to replace your property making plans documents are below.
1. Do you've got an existing property plan?
If your answer is sure, then i will direct you to impeach wide variety 2. In case you solution, no, then please read on.
I from time to time have human beings tell me that they have a will but it simply hasn't been signed. My answer is short: "then you definately don't have a will." In Oregon, a will is most effective valid if you sign it and it's properly witnessed.
I additionally ask them in the event that they have a long lasting power of legal professional and increase fitness care directive. Either a will or agree with will form the spine of your estate plan, however you must also have a long lasting energy of attorney for price range and improve fitness care directive to finish your property plan.
2. Has the size of your property changed?
If the scale of your estate has accelerated then you may need a brand new property plan to cope with the growth for estate tax motives or from a monetary planning point of view. Even a decrease to your estate may necessitate a change when you consider that tax making plans for your preceding estate planning documents can also no longer be vital or ok.
3. Have you ever divorced or married?
Once finalized a divorce robotically revokes your will. If you failed to update your existing estate plan after the divorce then you definately need to achieve this as soon as feasible. If your will is revoked then your estate can also bypass through intestate succession except you execute a new will or trust.
No longer most effective is your will revoked however most payable on dying designations naming your ex-partner as a beneficiary could be mechanically revoked too. But, you want to trade the ones designations so that a bank or other financial institution does not mistakenly make a charge to your ex-spouse.
In Oregon, like a divorce, marriage revokes any will entered into prior to the marriage (until the desire states that it become made in contemplation of marriage). But, the beneficiary designations on most payable on death accounts (financial institution bills, brokerage bills, and so forth.) and retirement money owed remain unchanged. As an instance, you could name your sister as the beneficiary of your IRA, get married, and neglect to trade your partner to the number one beneficiary. You skip away 10 years later, still fortunately married. Your sister gets your IRA, no longer your partner - the only you and your partner have been living on.
Executing a new estate plan following a divorce or marriage is important to avoid this end result.
4. Have you moved to a new state or united states of america?
For the most part property making plans files executed in Oregon are valid inside the different forty nine states. However, you may need to replace your existing documents to reflect your new nation's legal guidelines. Normally you'll want to execute a new durable strength of legal professional or health care directive to conform along with your new nation's laws. Despite the fact that it may not be important, new estate planning documents might also make it less difficult to address monetary institutions and scientific carriers on your new country.
5. Have any of your trustees, non-public representatives or other fiduciaries moved, died, end up unwell, grown remote, or otherwise become not able to function a fiduciary?
As beneficiaries change, so do your fiduciaries - together with personal representative, trustee, lawyer-in-truth and health care agent. With more youthful couples, oftentimes they name their parents as trustees of a trust installation for the couple's minor kids. The kids develop up and emerge as financially accountable. The couple's parents get older and bypass away or emerge as unable to manage budget.
Co-fiduciaries get divorced (suppose your son and daughter in law) or have a falling out (siblings named as co-trustees) such that they are able to no longer serve together. Pals named as trustee or private consultant grow distant and also you now not talk or see them. Banks exchange arms and names such that the small, intimate local bank, is now owned by way of one of the massive countrywide banks.
As these changes manifest, the fiduciary designations on your property plan want to alternate too. The update can be fairly simple.
6. Have you ever funded your trust absolutely?
Many people sign their accept as true with, placed the originals of their safe deposit container and then flow on. They by no means reflect onconsideration on the believe once more. They buy and promote belongings in their own names, in no way shifting the property to the accept as true with or buying new assets beneath the agree with's call. Many clients will refinance their domestic and to do so the financial institution calls for the couple to take their assets out of their consider and refinance it of their names as husband and wife. Once the refinance is entire, they do not put the property again into their accept as true with.
One of the principal motives to use a trust is to avoid probate. If all of your own home is not transferred on your trust or owned by your believe then probate may be required. Probate is an expensive and well timed manner this is regularly needless, assuming your accept as true with is fully funded.
7. Does your current plan cope with your incapacity?
A few humans have a will but do not have a long lasting power of attorney for budget and enhance fitness care directive. Each of those documents are vital to keep away from unnecessary and high-priced guardianship and conservatorship court cases during your lifetime. Many human beings that use do-it-your self wills run into this trouble.
The truth of the problem is that guardianship and conservatorship proceedings decrease your assets faster than a probate proceeding will. Yet humans frequently ignore these documents in planning or fail to update the documents to address changes during their lifetimes.
One of the more frustrating parts of my practice occurs whilst someone has a legitimate durable electricity of attorney however the appointed attorney-in-fact has exceeded away or is not able to serve as lawyer-in-fact and a successor isn't named within the file. The report is basically vain and you may need courtroom involvement if you emerge as disabled.
8. Does your current plan distribute your property: (1) to whom you need; (2) whilst you want them to acquire it; and, (three) inside the manner you need them to get hold of it?
If you can't solution those three questions affirmatively then you definately possibly want to update your estate planning files.
Own family dynamics alternate unexpectedly. You can have had an wonderful dating together with your son at the time you completed your will in 1990 however on the grounds that that time your dating has deteriorated a lot that you have not spoken to him in 10 years. Do you continue to want your son to acquire all your estate and if so do you need his percentage to be held in agree with for his benefit in the course of his lifetime with the remainder going immediately to his youngsters.
Has a beneficiary become disabled because you remaining completed your will or trust? Has a beneficiary advanced a gambling dependancy or spending habits that you could disagree with?
Beneath those varieties of situations you'll really need to replace your will, believe and other estate planning files to cope with these changes.
The purpose of estate making plans is to cope with how you would really like to be handled in the occasion of your disability and the way you would love your property to be treated after you skip away. Failing to replace your property planning files can bring about fallacious control of your finances in the course of your lifetime and your private home being disbursed to humans or organizations that you no longer wish to acquire it.
These questions are non-exhaustive. Please name our office to agenda an appointment to check your current estate making plans files and discuss modifications which you would like made.
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americanmysticom · 3 years
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Daily Study Daily Tanya Igeret HaTeshuva, beginning of Chapter 8 Shabbat, 23 Tammuz 5781 / July 3, 2021
download audio; https://www.chabad.org/multimedia/filedownload_cdo/aid/945854
Daily Wisdom
Shabbat: Weaning Ourselves from Materiality Seventh Reading: Numbers 29:12–30:1Tuesday, 19 Tammuz 5781 / June 29, 2021
Special communal offerings were sacrificed every day of the seven-day holiday of Sukot. But as whereas the number of rams and lambs offered up remained constant throughout the seven days, the number of bulls decreased from 13 on the first day to seven on the seventh day. On the following day, the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, only one single bull was offered up.
Authority וְהִקְרַבְתֶּם עֹלָה. . . פָּרִים בְּנֵי בָקָר שְׁלֹשָׁה עָשָׂר וגו': (במדבר כט:יג)
[G‑d instructed Moses to tell the Jewish people,] “
You must offer up an ascent-offering [on Sukot] of 13 young bulls [on the first day] . . . ”
Numbers 29:13
If we indulge the “animal” side of our personalities, always giving in to what it insists are its “needs,” it will quickly learn to assert itself and make increasing demands on us. Instead, we should accustom it to make do with the minimum, while we strive for greater and greater fulfillment in spiritual areas. On the other hand, if we try to change our animal side too abruptly, it will simply refuse to comply. We must accustom it gently and gradually, showing it step by step how spiritual fulfillment is even more satisfying than material satisfaction.
Once our material drives have been trained in this way, we can make a quantum leap and wean them entirely of their material orientation, just like the quantum leap from the last day of Sukot to Shemini Atzeret, when the number of bulls offered up drops from seven to one.1
Yamma Ensemble - King David - biblical Hebrew translated and pronunciation subtitles
[When I say that the world was not made for religion - it was made for G-d, I hope that people understand that I am not criticizing sound religious practice, quite the contrary. For the purpose of UNDERSTANDING among several points of view I find it necessary to make this statement. The ONLY high source of all things is G-d. The second fact is that the only source of life within, that for any individual can hope to support a life in the next world to come, is the spirit of G-d already within. In making these two preconditions my choice of reasoning is , I believe, the basis of collective understanding is contained in this the statement I am making that precludes any preference of religious perspective.
Judaism is clearly the more tested, detailed expression and understanding of what it takes to build a relationship with G-d - who is far beyond anyone's ability to understand, let alone claim total exclusivity.
Christianity, is a wonderful bridge to the core basics of Judaism, and Christ demonstrating miracles of Healing, Demonic exorcism, and personal transformation/transfiguration into the body of light, along with personal eyewitness counts seems a clincher that He is still alive and sits at the right hand of G-d Almighty. He is indeed G-d’s firstborn, and savior.
Granted NOT AN IDOL TO BE WORSHIPED unless you are worshiping G-d as is within all people, as Christ admonished was our ability to FOLLOW HIM in his example leading us unto G-d Almighty, himself declaring that we are his brothers and sisters in the FAMILY of G-D.
G-d maintains his relationship with all people on this earth because he is within all peoples of this earth, and indeed the UNIVERSES. Judaism even asserts that all souls will be resurrected, so why are we fighting is my question?
And again we have an answer - it is the spirit of folly.
There is certainly no lacking of examples of people afflicted with the spirit of folly. I’m not even going to go into it - I’d say look at mainstream media but that would be unwise.
Be larger than the forces of evil that would enslave you by their inflated sense of self-aggrandizement, greed and bad habits; stop cold the spirit of fear that are the many ill-wishing spirits of doubt, a small view of G-d; grow fearless roaring in the clear shining love and light of faith, real brother and sisterhood, the strong truth of that light that grows within every being - that is G-d our loving Parent - ever alive in us.
My advice is to learn Torah and pray twice a day because the Jewish Masters are quite correct - there’s nothing quite like G-d presence in full force, and the wealth of knowledge you gain by first-hand involvement with the powerful spirit of Grace that secretly inhabits and makes alive every moment and every place throughout all of creation.
Then I suggest you take Christ at his words and proofs and take him as the finest example of a man, G-ds own firstborn, who was able to embody the teachings even unto death and then BEYOND.
Importantly, I suggest that what is crucial to the Jews in maintaining the finest of their culture, is important for every culture, that is, to hold onto your language, preserve the wholesome teachings of your ancestors, parents and culture as they are precious in the sight of G-d. As all His children are.
G-d does not want a clone army, he wants living breathing unique, gifted expressions that can only be possible of a wondrous and totally un-explainable un-namable, un-tamable Beautiful Living Loving G-d]
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When the story begins
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The recap of oogamisan dadamore desu makes the story look universal. But as its core is, the journey of the major personality is really distinctly produced. Right initially, I would certainly have offer a 7/10 to the storyline, however it increases to be entitled to a lot more and also 9 is my last score. My suggestions regarding checking out Chinese manga is: Each time turns into one worth experiencing and also attempt to power through the stereotypical xuanhuan parts, after that decrease near to completion of the first quantity, when guide really starts to glow. For that reason, the startis cringe-worthy, nevertheless the account gets better with time. Initially, the training progression is really boring it's discouraging, but it becomes fascinating within the Xiantian world. The battles are fantastic, displaying today understanding and also objectives of the MC, as well as the relationships, out and in of battle, in fact make guide protrude among its kind. The story of oogamisan dadamore desu has more reality points than the majority of Chinese manga. Although training to get a high levels is really important, people notice that it isn't the only real means of measuring not, and energy the finish-all to obtain a team to be successful. Although they are trained to put the family over the individual family participants truly look after each other, as well as their communications with people outside their household are generally more complicated than considering everybody to become trash. Numerous characters are flat. The primary personality in oogamisan dadamore desu is really usual to get a while, however he gets level, and he ends up being intriguing with time. When the story begins, the major char is twelve years of age and it has previously grown for fairly time, so he is neither as well tiny to take seriously or the standard 15 or 16-year old child who's accomplished absolutely nothing in spite of his age and also can quickly begin obtaining upto and exceeding his buddies. Him does not change into an implausible master, except within the concerns of farming. Although it plainly influences his worldview, their farming, subsequently, enhances his calmness although not the rest of the aspects of his preparedness. He is fairly childlike, and also it is wonderful to figure out a im a neet and my elder sister is perverted establishing grower truly doing based upon his age. For a number of times the main char is an uber-grower, he lacks experience beyond farming, that leads to flaws when getting together with others: he is extremely socially awkward, manipulable, as well as low-empathetic, that are smart individuality problems to get a teenager whois invested most his living in solitude, as well as never ever also his growing phase as well as assumption could entirely secure him in the boring. Their selections are not simplistically inaccurate or correct, yet are brought on by character and his knowledge. Finally, this manga is a terrific combination between mangas like TTNH and also WoC, and also kinds like MGA as well as Wu Dong Qian Kun. It's definitely not reduce or as challenging -paced whilst the former, or as meaningless and uninspired since the last. It is a terrific story concerning training, obtaining stronger as well as lots of things else. Provide this manga online a shot if you haven't yet. You won't be let down. If you would like to learn more, please visit: https://jocelynhonore8910.wixsite.com/learnaboutmanga/post/tfcadwtwk8v1dtroilfkc1615309011
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thegoodleague · 4 years
Is It Illegal to Buy CBD Oil Online
Not all diabetics take insulin. Most Sort 2 diabetics use oral drugs and food regimen to regulate their blood sugar ranges. So what do you do when you could have a excessive studying and must deliver it down fast? Attempt one of many following suggestions and convey your CBG again to regular. Is It Illegal to Buy CBD Oil Online
No. 1: Drink 1-2 eight oz. glasses of water: Water dilutes glucose within the bloodstream and helps your CBG studying to go down. The additional water in your system may also trigger urination. This can flush your kidneys and take away the surplus glucose out of your physique. Don't exceed the 1-2 glass rule, to forestall a speedy drop in blood sugar. Recheck CBG in 15 minutes.
No. 2: Train for at the least 10 minutes. Train causes the physique to make use of the available sugar for vitality. To ensure that the train to be helpful, it's essential to transfer constantly for at the least 10 minutes. You solely want to make use of gentle to average train. Bear in mind to check your self afterwards, an excessive amount of train can ship your sugar degree down low.
No. three: Have a protein snack. Protein is a blood sugar stabilizer, slowing the physique's absorption charge. By slowing the absorption charge of glucose, protein prevents the highs and lows of a fluctuating blood sugar. Available sources embrace peanut butter, cheese, or final evening's leftover hen. All you want is only a tbsp. of peanut butter or 1 oz. of cheese or 1 piece of hen don't overdo it. As at all times, test your self once more in 15 minutes.
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No. four: Eat an apple. Apples function one other supply of blood sugar stabilizer. Nobody is certain what makes the apple so good at its job, however relating to reducing your CBG, one is all you want. In actual fact only one apple a day will help enhance your glucose management. Some folks consider the pectin in an apple is the important thing, whereas others consider the malic acid is the glucose stabilizer. Both means consuming an entire apple will decrease your CBG studying.
It is rather vital to recollect to retest your blood sugar 15 minutes. after utilizing one of many above suggestions. You'll be able to have a rebound impact and drop too low, particularly after extended train. The very best safety in opposition to excessive CBG's is to check usually, take your treatment as prescribed, comply with your advisable carbohydrate plan, and train every day.
The journey of CBD (Cannabidiol) started in Texas with the passage of the US Farm Invoice in late 2018. This invoice legalized the farming of hemp in the US and was the precursor of particular person state legal guidelines being handed to legalize the farming of hemp and the shopping for and promoting of Cannabidiol merchandise, which doesn't get you excessive. Texas adopted the Farm Invoice with a invoice of its personal, which handed in the summertime of 2019. It too legalized the rising of hemp and the shopping for and promoting of Cannabidiol merchandise. Texas farmers are trying ahead to rising their first hemp crop in 2020, pending the approval of the Texas Division of Agriculture's publication of its guidelines and rules for farmers who register to develop hemp.
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A number of different states, together with Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, North Carolina and Kentucky, to call just a few, are forward of Texas by a few years and farmers there have been rising and promoting their hemp to processors, who extract the Cannabidiol and promote it as tinctures, topicals and edibles for people, in addition to pets. Farmers have switched from rising different crops, resembling tobacco and cotton, into rising of hemp, with the guarantees of creating double the income from the newly authorised crop.
Why is Cannabidiol not a felony anymore? What modified? The issue was that hemp seems and smells identical to its sister plant, marijuana, the notorious plant utilized by folks to get excessive. Consequently, hemp, together with marijuana, was outlawed within the 30's by the US as a result of legislation enforcement and others couldn't inform the distinction between the 2 vegetation so that they threw out the newborn with the bathtub water. It was not corrected till 2018, when the Farm Invoice was handed, reestablishing the legality of the hemp plant.
Essentially, marijuana produces smaller quantities of Cannabidiol than hemp. And hemp produces smaller quantities of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol), the chemical that will get you excessive. Consequently, the Federal authorities has decided that Cannabidiol is authorized so long as it's.three % or under in each Cannabidiol product that you just buy. You'll be able to confirm that quantity via Certificates of Evaluation (COA's) from third social gathering, impartial labs which might be printed by the producers and sellers of Cannabidiol.
What's all of the fuss about CBD? Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive compound that's extracted from the hemp plant, that has actually wonderful properties, resembling anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-nauseate, muscle relaxant, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety and lots of different qualities. It has been proven to scale back ache, help in therapeutic accidents, assist with sleep and enhance total well being and wellness in each people and animals. Anecdotal proof in addition to scientific research have proven the potential and effectiveness of taking Cannabidiol to assist with these maladies and enhance well being and wellness. Extra research are underneath means and lots of extra research have to be accomplished to enhance our data of Cannabidiol and its results.
Moreover Cannabidio, there are various different compounds, like CBN, CBG and lots of terpenes which might be related to flavors and smells that come from hemp. It's a tremendous plant. Historians say that hemp is among the oldest, if not the oldest, vegetation to be farmed by man. Archeologists have discovered hemp fiber within the damaged shards of pottery in Taiwan from 10,000 years in the past. In China, rulers used an extract of hemp for abdomen and muscle tissue aches and all through historical past, hemp was used for rope, sails, constructing supplies and hemp seed was used as a dietary complement even as much as current time.
All of those compounds which might be extracted out of hemp can be utilized collectively as a really potent healer, referred to as "the entourage impact". The sum of the elements are higher than every half individually. This is the reason scientists and entrepreneurs are so enthusiastic about Cannabidiol and its potential.
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Proper now, we're within the very early phases of hemp cultivation and Cannabidiol growth. This "inexperienced rush" might be in a ten to twenty yr development cycle. The Federal Drug Administration has but to make a ruling on the classification of Cannabidiol so new developments shall be occurring all the time.
I first began taking CBD about two years in the past. I've struggled with nervousness and sleep points on and off for a number of years of my life and after I heard about Cannabidiol, I attempted some 500 mg full spectrum tincture (a dropper full every evening) and after a few weeks, I seen that the nervousness had weakened and my sleep high quality was improved. I used to be getting extra Fast Eye Motion (REM) sleep and was awakening extra refreshed and able to meet the day's challenges. After a month, I did not even discover the nervousness.
Subsequently, I've used the Cannabidiol Freeze Roll On for ache aid on my ankle and shoulder with nice outcomes. I even have launched 500 mg Cannabidiol Isolate to my ten yr previous Golden Retriever, Riley, who was beginning to endure from muscle and hip ache. I simply put one dropper of the Isolate tincture in her water every morning and he or she appears to be extra frisky and runs round within the again yard as soon as once more.
This brings up the query of dosage. How are you aware how a lot of the Cannabidiol do it's good to be efficient? In Cannabidiol shops and E-commerce websites, I've seen dosages from 20 mg to 3000 mg of Cannbidiol in a one ounce bottle of tincture. The low dosages from 20 mg to 100 mg. most likely do not do a lot for you. 30 mg is one mg per day, which is nearly nothing. I've discovered that you must begin off with a small to medium dosage, round 500 mg of Cannabidiol, and see how that impacts you over a two to a few week interval. If it appears to be working for you, then your dosage might be proper. In case you really feel that nothing is occurring, then enhance the dosage to 700-1000 mg. Till extra analysis is completed on dosing, it's actually a "attempt to see" technique for every particular person.
In abstract, the CBD business is quickly evolving on the planet. We're shifting out of the darkish ages, the place the compound was wrongly categorized as a felony and into the awakening of a brand new period the place the potential advantages of Cannabidiol are increasing and the alternatives for employment are accelerating every day. It's time to overlook in regards to the misplaced fears of the previous and soar onboard the brand new practice of well being and wellness.
Michael Burns has spent the final fifty years within the telecom business, working for the Bell System and founding 4 firms within the name middle and teleconferencing areas. In 2019, Mr. Burns co-founded Gulf Coast Extractions with Robin Fisher, with the preliminary model and E-commerce website of the CBD Well being Membership. Mr. Burns makes a speciality of content material growth and wholesale gross sales to CBD retail shops, distributors and white label resellers.
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pilotrebeccasmith · 4 years
Want to become the next musical star? Move over Dance Moms, TikTok is here
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Charli and Dixie D’Amelio. Chase Hudson. Addison Rae. What do these names have in common? Theses 4 teenagers are mega-popular American creators on TikTok, the 2nd most popular app of 2019, with over 1.5 billion downloads worldwide since its creation in 2016.
Developed in China, TikTok has quickly become one of the most popular apps for those under 30, with a US study showing that 49% of American teenagers have used the app in the month prior to the study. Overall, the app has 800 million monthly active users. Why are so many people attracted to the app? Well, the premise of the app is to create short videos, up to one minute long, and add another user’s prerecorded audio on top of the recorded video. This makes TikTok the ideal platform for lip syncing videos, dance trends, and reactions.
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TikTok users can post an unlimited number of short videos per day in hopes of going viral. The largest star on the platform, 15-year-old Charli D’Amelio from Connecticut, caught the “hype” in 2019, and in a matter of months has amassed almost 50 million subscribers. Charli’s MO is to create brief dance trend videos while sipping on her Dunkin Iced Coffee, something which has landed her recognition, free merchandise, and brand deals. In fact, Charli’s most liked video posted in April 2020 is a ‘How I make my Dunkin Coffee at Home’ Quarantine Tutorial. In total, Charli has 3.1 billion likes on her videos on the platform. 
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Charli’s sister, 18-year-old Dixie, is also a star on the platform, and her funny videos and dances have gotten her modeling and talent contracts, plus the ability to take lavish vacations with her family. Charli and Dixie, along with Addison Rae, a 19-year-old from Louisiana, and Chase Hudson, a 17-year-old from California who goes by Lil Huddy, have pooled their TikTok clout and joined the Hype House, a house of 20 of the biggest TikTok stars in the world. Together, they rent a mansion in Los Angeles to create, film, and edit TikTok videos together. Having so much hype in one house has lead to a large number of paid brand deals for these stars, as companies get the influence of all 20 TikTokers instead of just one. 
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While it may seem like a far-fetched dream for a normal high schooler to become one of the nation’s most famous teenagers overnight, TikToker Haley Sharpe made this dream a reality. She choreographed and posted a dance to musician Doja Cat’s song ‘Say So’. Her dance took off and became a huge trend on the app, eventually leading to Doja Cat performing the dance in the official music video for ‘Say So’ and inviting Haley to have a cameo in the music video as well. Since the premiere of the music video, Haley’s dancing career has taken off, with her announcing college admissions and scholarships on her TikTok account because of her clout.  Members of the Hype House have also collaborated with Jason Derulo, David Dobrik, and James Charles, and have become neofluencers to the world through their sponsorships and promotions on the app. 
Typical highschoolers have the ability to create a future for themselves on TikTok and have even shown more success than the stars of the hit reality TV show Dance Moms. Dance Moms Dancer Mackenzie Ziegler’s 16.4 million subscribers pale in comparison to Addison Rae’s 33.1 million. Future dance stars are able to showcase their talent and market their abilities to major stars on the app. Up-and-coming artists can also use clips of their songs to gain traction on TikTok, just like rapper Lil Mosey did with his song ‘Blueberry Faygo’. Just since February 7 of this year, ‘Blueberry Faygo’ went from an early single from an unknown artist to having over 2.2 million videos featuring his song on TikTok, over 175 million streams of his song on Spotify, and peaking at number 19 on the Billboard Hot 100 charts. Without his effective use of TikTok as a self-marketing campaign, it’s unlikely Lil Mosey would have developed the fame he needed to hit number 19 on the charts himself. 
With the creation of TikTok, aspiring performers no longer need to move to LA, attend thousands of calls, or spend years trying to make it into the business. All they need is a smartphone, originality, and a desire to succeed. However, TikTok is not appealing to all users. Since it is very easy to create an account and start posting, there is a very large threat of new entrants to the self-marketing industry. Also, the large number of users creates a lot of competition between hopeful performers and it also poses the threat of not being deemed ‘original’ or being a ‘content stealer’. This is why the TikTokers with the most consistency and highest volume in their postings are the ones with the most success. 
But, will large brands find success in advertising on TikTok? With teenagers as the main target audience on the app, interested brands will need to branch out from their typical marketing style to advertise on with video on the app. Additionally, I wonder if an increase in paid promotions with TikTok stars on the app, seen as fake and not genuine by users, will decrease the number of subscribers that said TikToker has. Only time will tell, and as the free time users have increases due to the pandemic, brands who want to advertise on TikTok should do so soon to expose their product to the maximum number of users. 
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keena-kapu · 7 years
Vocal Practice - Monochrome Oneshot
Pairing: Blake/Weiss (Monochrome/Checkmate) Words: 8′474 AU: @dashingicecream‘s RWBY!Rock AU Content Warnings: NSFW Summary: After a drunken one night stand with Blake, Weiss is left wondering why she couldn't get that evening out of her mind. Unfortunately for her when she phones for a repeat session, the Schnee singer realises she's not quite as quick to head into things than she was when off her face.
The more she thought about it, the crazier it seemed. All bands had their after party celebrations, some drinking and ending up hooking up with a fan or the nearest available person; but the last thing Weiss expected was going down that path. And especially not with Blake, their own band’s Bassist!
It’d been a few days since and she couldn’t get it out of her mind still. The evening, what she remembered of it, was fantastic. Considering how much they’d had to drink, she was surprised she could remember the hookup part between her and Blake. She knew for a fact it happened, and it felt good. And she remembered how she had the best night’s sleep she’d had in years in the aftermath of it, and even the small shock in the morning when she woke up to see Blake’s figure laying by her side. Sure, Weiss made it clear it was just one night where she let her hair down and had some fun with someone she trusted, no strings attached.
So why did she want to do it again so badly?
Weiss had been staring down at Blake’s number on her scroll for nearly ten minutes, thumb only just avoiding the call button while she ran through it all in her head. How would she even ask for this? Was it best to set up some sort of activity together and hope it trailed on to more, or was it best to just ask outright? Even if she was needy, she didn’t want to seem like it.
Throwing caution to the wind and swallowing her nerves as best she could, she thumbed the call button.
Bringing the phone to her ear, Weiss only hoped the outgoing tone could drown out the thudding of her own heartbeat. She hadn’t even rehearsed what she was going to say, or how she was going to say it! The last thing she wanted to do was seem desperate, or offend Blake in some way by making her think she was only useful for that. Maybe she should have written something down and looked at it before-
No time. Swallowing once again, Weiss had to force herself to keep going. Even if she didn’t know what to say, she wouldn’t let it dissolve into an awkward silence. “H-Hey, Blake! I-I was just… Wondering how you were, what you’re up to, thought I’d give you a call, you know...”
There was a small chuckle from the other side. “You could have just texted me.”
“W-Well, u-uh… M-Maybe I wanted to call you!” Smooth. So much for doing this calmly and not seeming clingy.
“Huh… Fair enough.” Blake didn't seem to mind, or at least didn't seem so from what she heard. It was hard to tell without seeing her face to face. “Well I’m good, I’m just reading in my room. Hotel doesn’t really have much around but I’ve got a decent book. What about you?”
“Oh, I’m good as well! I don't really have anything at the moment so I’m enjoying some ‘me time’.” So far so good, that didn’t sound all too awkward, but she had yet to ask. Biting her lip for a moment, she took a short breath in before starting. “I wondered if… you wanted to come over. Practice isn't for a good five hours, I thought maybe we could… enjoy one another’s company?”
For a short moment Blake was silent again. Either she was turning a page or she didn’t know what to say. Weiss assumed the first, when she only responded with “You want to hang out with me? I thought you and Ruby were best friends?”
“No! I mean, yes we are, I guess; but that’s not-” Sighing, she decided to truly risk it. Last time it happened there was no script, and everything went just fine. Having one now seemed pointless, and at this point it couldn't get any worse.
“Okay, let me be straight with you… This is more about… you know, that night.”
“Oh… right.” Sighing gently to herself, Blake spoke softly; “Look, I seriously don't mind that you don't want a relationship or anything. I admit, I had a lot of fun. It helped me blow off some steam, but I really am cool with it being just between us and never happening again.”
“It was a lot of fun, and it helped me blow off some steam too. I don't think i’ve done that in a… long long time.” Weiss agreed, leaning back against the headboard as she looked up at the ceiling. Moment of truth. “So, I got thinking… if it was good for the both of us, and we both really enjoyed it… why should it be just one time when we’re both completely drunk?”
Taking advantage of Blake’s additional silence, she explained further. “And… perhaps; if you were interested in that happening again… I have a free room for a good few hours we can… take advantage of?”
That last moment of silence was the worst. That moment was where things clung in the balance. She had either offended Blake so much she didn't want to speak, or she’d got her seriously thinking about it. The longer it went on, the louder the thudding in Weiss’s ears got. What if she ruined their friendship forever in one poor choice of words and just made it awkward?
But it seemed not so;
“What’s your room number again?”
“Oh…” In the back of her mind, she didn't expect Blake would go for it! But that confirmed it. “It’s room 603, floor above you.”
“I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Y-yes! Fine! S-see you in a few then!”
Before she could embarrass herself any further, she quickly hung up the call. While that was probably the most awkward Blake had ever heard their lead singer, Weiss couldn't help but bring her phone against her face in the sheer shock of what just happened. Blake did want to do it again. She really had just organised another rendezvous with their mysterious bassist for no strings attached fun.
Now she had to swallow her nerves long enough for her to get there.
Ten minutes and nothing. That wouldn’t have been much for her to worry about, if Weiss hadn't been panicking about the whole thing making the minutes seem longer. What was taking Blake so long? Did she back out at the last minute without notice? Or even worse, maybe she went to Ruby or Yang’s room to make fun of her for being so needy. Panic made her think of all kinds of scenarios, each one increasing in craziness and decreasing in likelihood.
Knock knock knock
It nearly made Weiss jump out of her skin, but at least it stopped the train of thought taking more wild turns. Quickly checking the peephole, she sighed with relief. Blake hadn't bailed after all. Rather quickly she opened the door, narrowing her eyes at her for a moment.
“You certainly took your time!”
“It’s not my fault I didn't realise I ran out of… supplies.” That was left vague, but given that she was clutching her handbag, it was probably something essential. Brushing some stray strands of hair behind her ear, she asked; “Are you gonna let me in or are we having the corridor watch?”
“Oh, just get in here.” She could chastise Blake for longer, but given that she was already anxious about things happening again, the fear of someone knowing wasn’t something she wanted on top of that. Once Blake was inside, she took the time to flip the sign on the door to the ‘Do Not Disturb’ position before she closed it. “I thought you’d bailed on me for a second to laugh at me or something.”
Blake was already making herself comfortable when Weiss turned around, sitting herself on the edge of the bed and taking off her shoes. “Yeah, you caught me; I left you high and dry to go to Yang’s and laugh about you.” When that wasn’t met with a laugh or any form of response, she clarified; “That was a joke.”
“Ha, ha.” Weiss was unamused. At the very least she wasn’t alone with her own thoughts, but she didn't appreciate being the butt of a joke when this was so fresh to her. “What supplies were so urgent you left me hanging, anyway?”
“Let me give you a hint; this is a booty call.”
“I know that! But what’s so important you have to put off- oh.” Finally the penny dropped. Condoms. That was more than enough reason to make Weiss wait considering what could happen if they weren't so safe. Running her hand down her face in embarrassment, she tried to hide how truly flustered she was.
“You could have texted me.”
“I thought I would be a few minutes tops.” Blake tried to laugh, clearly getting flustered herself. She might have been one of the quieter members of the band, but she’d had her fair share of flings to know to be safe. She just didn't expect those flings to happen with someone else in the band.
Sensing that Blake was just as nervous as her, she scratched her head gently. Weiss wasn’t good at easing the tension, she never knew how the sisters managed it so easily. Shrugging her shoulders, she decided to voice the questions on her mind. “So… I have to ask; did you run out of supplies when you and me…?”
“Yeah, pretty much.” Shifting her weight to get more comfortable on the bed, she rested her bag on the bedside table. They’d be needing it soon enough after all. “I usually make sure to have a couple on me for if I ever get lucky, I’m pretty sure we used them both.”
“Oh, I see. That’s very responsible.” She chastised herself inwardly. That sounded so patronising! Quickly she changed the subject again, attempting whatever she could to make some small talk related to the subject; “Did we… do it twice? That night is still hazey to me.”
Blake could only scratch the back of her head, ears twitching lightly with her nerves. Goodness did Weiss think those ears were cute…
“I’m pretty sure we just did it the once,” Blake clarified, “But given how drunk we were, I probably fucked up the first one putting it on wrong then got it on the second. But I remember definitely using one.”
“Okay, great. One less worry off my mind.” Shifting her weight to the other foot as she leant against the wall, she asked; “What else do you remember? Of us… canoodling?”
Laughing lightly to herself, Blake ended up blushing even more. Weiss could barely believe she’d gotten Blake to laugh so easily, but it was music to her ears. Everything that came from her mouth was.
“Canoodling? What century are you from?” But as the laughter died down, she thought about that. And really thought about it.
“I remember wandering back, barely able to keep our hands off each other…” While she was simply answering Weiss’s question, it seemed she had an ulterior motive, given that her voice began to lower in tone, and she seemed to be smirking in her direction. “We made out the instant the door opened, and I remember you pushing me down onto the bed and pulling my shirt open…”
“So far drunk me sounds like Yang.” Weiss had to comment. Unfortunately for her, Blake’s plan was working. The poor girl’s cheeks were beginning to glow red and warm.
Just as Blake planned, and intended to continue. “I don't remember how we started, but then I remember how into it we were. You yelped and shivered when I kissed at your neck. I think I still have the scratch marks on my back from how you tried to get a grip.”
“GOD!” Weiss couldn't even look at Blake anymore, having to turn around as she covered her face with her hands. She never expected someone who was usually so quiet make her feel so hot and bothered.
But all Blake could do was laugh to herself quietly, patiently waiting for her to turn back around so they could get back to it. Even encouraging it. “Okay, I’ll stop. Sorry, it was too much fun to fluster you like that.”
“You know I don't usually do these sorts of things!” Only just turning back around, she still struggled to look at Blake. Before all this she never gave Blake a second thought. Blake was just Blake, a skilled but quiet bassist and Yang’s best friend. Now her perspective was completely shifted. The quiet girl was now a fine figured woman who ticked all of Weiss’s boxes. Tall, mysterious, had killer legs; She must be doing something right to get this lucky. “I’m amazed you even went for it in the first place. I thought out of everyone in the band, Yang was more your speed.”
“Eww, no. Yang’s my best friend, that would be like… screwing my own sister or something.” She shuddered at the thought.
“That’s fair.” Finally smiling again, she shrugged her shoulders. “And, you came when I suggested doing it again, and now I’m standing here rambling…”
“Weiss,” she interrupted, sighing gently and shrugging her shoulders. She could tell how nervous Weiss was, and even if she felt similar, she had to say something. “If you don't want to do it, that’s totally fine you know. We can just hang out, watch TV or whatever.”
Sighing outward, she internally debated. Blake was so understanding and sweet, even when she expected something completely different for their day. She really was lucky even now. Stepping forward, she sat herself down on the edge of the bed next to Blake, telling her honestly; “But I do want to. I just… argh.” Looking up to her eyes directly, she asked. “How do you even start? This was so much easier when I was too wasted to care.”
“Well…” Blake punctuated that word with a smaller action. She brought her hand onto Weiss’s thigh, rubbing up and down gently. Not what Weiss expected from someone so quiet. “That depends what you wanna do, I guess. I assumed you had some kind of idea?”
It caught her off guard. This might have been what she wanted, but it wasn't what she expected. Then again, she didn't even know what she expected when she had no experience to begin with. With a shaky breath, she clarified, “I didn't think that far ahead. I know I want to… you know what, but that’s as far as I thought.”
“Okay, then let’s just start with...” Leaning in toward Weiss, Blake’s eyes gently closed as she captured the singer’s lips. Soft and tender, she cautiously kneaded their lips together, gently rubbing her thigh all the more to add into the sensation.
It was working wonders for Weiss. She knew what she was doing with kissing, and eagerly returned Blake’s actions. Easing her mouth open, she couldn’t help but sigh with joy when she felt Blake’s teeth capture her lower lip, raking over them gently. As the speed began to increase, the corners of her mouth began to perk up. Now things had started moving, she found the bravery to go further. And started by shifting herself forward up against Blake’s body instead, hanging onto her shoulders and seating herself on her lap.
Things heated up a lot further from there. One hand held the back of Blake’s head to keep her in place as she kissed deeper, nuzzling her mouth open more with her own. She felt the hand that was on her thigh leave to loop around her back instead, holding her safely.
Once more Weiss received a shock when she felt another tongue brushing against hers. It took a lot to stop herself squealing or instantly pulling away, but nothing could stop the shudder of pleasure when she gave into it, matching Blake’s slow and sensual movements. ‘But why stop there?’ She thought. Blake’s tongue was wonderful to feel, but she called her here to feel something a little lower. Something she had to work at to wake up. Lightly smirking into the kiss, she teasingly rolled her hips forward against Blake’s, allowing one of her eyes to peek open to see the reaction.
Blake’s eyebrow furrowed. She hummed with pleasure against Weiss’s lips, finding her knees shuddering lightly. That was the signal to keep it going. Closing her eyes once more, Weiss rolled herself forward again every so often, moving the hand from her shoulder to her side, where she stroked up and down.
But her lover for the day returned the favour. The feeling of Blake’s gentle fingers stroking her spine was pleasurable, even with a layer of clothes in the way of her bare skin. How Weiss wished she had the confidence to make that dive and be the first to remove that barrier. Perhaps if this kept going…
“Mrff-!” After another few thrusts forward, Blake pulled herself back from their kiss, taking a moment to catch her breath again before she whispered. “Damn, you know what you’re doing! You’re gonna have to stop if you want me to last.”
Already? For saying she had little experience, that was a great ego boost for Weiss. Perhaps a little too much given that she didn't move off Blake’s lap. In fact, she rolled forward once again, leaning in closer to Blake’s ear. “You think you can go twice?” She whispered teasingly.
“Hnn…” Now there was an idea. Weiss said from the start they were both free for a good few hours, that was more than enough time to regain her energy and go again should she keep going. And Blake did want to keep going, she was so agonisingly close she didn't want to say no.
“... Yeah.”
With a mischievous grin, Weiss took that cue. She pulled back from Blake’s ear and gave a small push to her shoulders, enough to shove her onto the bed properly. And that wasn’t the end of it. She took both of Blake’s hands, holding them down above her head before she reconnected with Blake’s lips again, this time far more frenzied than before.
She was thrusting herself forward at a much higher speed, holding back her own sighs of pleasure when she felt the heat between her legs rubbing up against the ever hardening bulge in Blake’s jeans. From her new position, she could feel her lover’s girth fully, making her groan with anticipation against Blake’s lips. She could not wait to get started.
After a few minutes of such crazed movements, there were the telltale signs that Blake was done for. Her arms and legs both began to quiver, her back arced up away from the bed as she closed her eyes tightly. The instant Weiss backed away, she gasped sharply for breath, feeling the length between her legs throb as white hot pleasure coursed through her veins. There was no possible way that could be anything but a finish.
And Weiss witnessed it all first hand. One of a few orgasms she’d be having this evening. Even if she didn’t share in Blake’s happy ending, she certainly didn't mind. Seeing and feeling Blake in this way was almost as satisfying a climax anyway. Almost.
“Sounded like you had fun…” She teased as she removed herself from her lap.
“Hah… ah…” Still seeing stars, Blake could barely respond in a way other than panting, only having the strength to nod in response. Mustering her strength together, she sat herself up enough to look down toward where Weiss was rubbing, before sighing in annoyance. “Probably should have guessed to bring more undies.”
Looking down with her, Weiss couldn't help the heat building in her cheeks. Somehow just knowing that Blake had messed her underwear thanks to her actions was a huge turn on. Something she never considered before. Still, biting her lip gently, she shrugged her shoulders. “I guess it gives us the incentive to remove them?”
“... You’re not wrong.” Blake agreed, sitting herself upright fully. It would be a little while before she’d be ready to go again, but all the more time for her to return the favour. If she was going to go multiple times this evening, Weiss would too. She’d make sure of it. With that in mind, she began to unzip her jeans, shuffling side to side as she pushed them and her underwear off in one go from under her. And yet all the while, she could feel Weiss’s gaze.
“You know, it would speed things along if you got ready too.”
Still red as a tomato, Weiss noticed she’d stopped pulling off her jeans the rest of the way, keeping what she was eager to see for herself hidden. She had to use all her effort to shift her gaze to Blake’s eyes instead. “Sorry,” She nervously said, “I just realised I… never really got a good look before. I-it’s… interesting to me.”
Hesitating still, Blake was trying her hardest to hold her own nerves. It wasn’t anything she was particularly cautious of showing, they’d passed that hurdle before; but now that Weiss was giving it such a good look…
Swallowing her nerves, she pulled them off the rest of the way, throwing both her jeans and underwear alongside her boots.
“Ooohhh…” There it was. Maybe it wasn’t to the full length she could feel when she’d been grinding against it through clothing, but it was still a sight that made Weiss smile. For some reason, the word ‘cute’ came to mind, seeing it in this softer state. In fact, seeing it that way first was a bonus. It was far less intimidating to see that first before jumping straight into the deep end. “It’s… different to what I imagined. Not that I could tell you what that even was.”
“Thanks?” Blake seemed unsure if that was a compliment or not, but to keep them going, she shuffled further up onto the bed again, sitting herself up against the headboard instead before she progressed further. Wasn’t fair she was partially naked while Weiss remained fully clothed. “Quit distracting me, anyway. You’ve got to catch up still.”
“Do I?” When Blake simply nodded, she huffed in defeat. As much as she wanted to sit and inspect her for a few more minutes, it really wasn’t fair to keep her waiting. To return that favour, she stood up, crossing her arms across herself to pull up either side her top, sliding it up and over her shoulders and throwing it aside.
But that wasn’t all. Rather than remove her bra right away and have one half of herself bare to be even with Blake, she already began to unzip her own jeans, and made short work of them as she pushed them down and off, kicking them among the pile of Blake’s clothes with her too.
If being nearly naked in front of Blake wasn’t enough to make her blush before, the small purr she could hear in response certainly did. So she was enjoying the sight after all. That small boost of confidence was enough to push Weiss past the final barrier. Reaching behind her back, she made quick work of the bra strap, unclipping it and allowing it to fall down her arms and to the ground below.
The gaze she was met with when she checked for Blake’s approval was one of awe. She couldn’t say a word, only able to look Weiss’s form up and down, perhaps lingering a little too long on the newly exposed chest.
Clearing her throat, Weiss broke such a silence between them. “When you’re done staring, would you mind moving over so we can continue?”
Lightly laughing under her breath, Blake did as she was asked. She shuffled herself over to the furthest side of the bed, watching eagerly as Weiss climbed back on. But she couldn’t be silent any longer. “Sorry, you’re just… well, you’re really attractive, you know that?.”
“And you’re not so bad yourself. Despite the mess you made in your underwear.” When Weiss shuffled up against the pillows, she began to think about that again. Just her kisses and grinding were enough to make Blake finish before she’d even seen the thing, that was a hell of a compliment. Quietly, she asked; “Is it wrong I found that I found that… hot?”
“Great, you have a humiliation kink or something?” But it seemed Blake’s lighthearted comments were to mask her own arousal, no matter how obvious the blush on her face made it. As she tucked herself up against Weiss, she rested her head up against the pillow at her side, staring her in the eye and starting to smirk. “Well, I’m not letting myself be the only one with messed up undies.”
A shaky sigh fell from Weiss’s lips. Blake’s hand found its way to her inner thigh, and began petting it up and down, mere inches from her underwear. Perhaps from here Blake could already feel the heat that had been building, a heat that was practically burning Weiss’ very core the longer it went unsated. She hungered for more Blake.
And more Blake she would receive. In addition to the petting below, her head moved forward. The soft lips she had a taste for earlier made their way onto her neck, lavishing it with a long, firmer kiss than normal, giving her no choice but to lean her head to one side to allow her the room. Mixed into that was an occasional grazing of teeth, each time threatening to clamp down as she sucked harder on her skin. It didn’t take a genius to figure it out; she’d be needing a scarf or something later.
Once Blake’s fingers made contact with her underwear, Weiss let out a long, quivering moan. One that increased in pitch when the fingers pressed in further, causing friction to her heat at long last. The fingers ran up and down, rubbing the fabric directly against her crotch with each stroke. Feeling her eyes drop closed, her breath picked up in speed with every movement.
But Blake could sense she was holding back far more than she wanted to. To try and encourage something louder, she opened her mouth wider against the neck, and clamped down with her teeth firmly.
It worked. To Weiss’s surprise, the bite goaded a much louder moan from her, and many more to follow. Any hopes of her possibly slowing down to take a moment were dashed away when she felt the fingers against her heat increase in speed, pleasure and pain both mixing into something that was driving her wild. All that she could do was grasp the sheets below firmly, already finding her legs quivering in response to all the attention.
The sounds were affecting Blake too. A few times she had to shuffle her body where it lay as her own heat grew intense yet again. But the biting on her neck remained. Even if they’d both agreed this would go no further than the occasional lay, it gave her great satisfaction in knowing there would be a mark when they were done. Something to tell the world she’d been there.
A vocal reminder was soon provided too.
“Blake…!” That was the last word uttered as she clung to the sheets for dear life, the quivering intensifying in her moans and legs as she too found her finish. She could feel her muscles below throbbing as her rendezvous lover dragged her fingers against the underwear over and over, squeezing as much of a good experience from her they could get.
Gradually the moans began to die down, and the quivering began to stop, but it was difficult to think with so much joy flowing through her. But as that died down too, she could feel the pain of the bite coming through.
“Hah…” Weiss managed to rasp out, weakly reaching to pat her lover’s cheek in an attempt to get her to release. “You’re hurting a bit.”
For a brief second Blake’s eyes opened wide when she realised. She’d been enjoying her moans for so long she had forgotten she was still clamping down on her skin. Releasing at last, she shuffled a few inches away and wiped her mouth.
“Sorry, I got carried away,” She too was panting for breath, but her eyes opened wide once more when she stared down toward Weiss again. Specifically to where her mouth had just been. “Holy shit…”
“What?” Bringing her hand to where Blake had just bitten, she slid her fingertips over the skin; and could already feel the grooves where her teeth had been. That really had been a hard bite. Had she really been so overwhelmed with pleasure she hadn't noticed? Needing to see the damage for herself, Weiss quickly reached for her scroll on the bedside table, opening up the front facing camera to have a look.
“Oh my…”
The area around the bite was tinted a deep purple, already forming a bruise that the whole world could see. Even if she suspected she’d be marked, she never expected it to be as bad as it was.
Yet… it wasn’t a bad thing. If she wasn’t already blushing from her recent finish, it would have come back with a vengeance from the sight. A reminder that her and Blake had been together that would last for a week at least.
“You really did get carried away.”
“You don't mind then?” When Weiss shook her head in response, Blake sighed with relief. She sat herself up and back against the cushions properly, scratching her head nervously. “Sorry I didn't ask. I just kinda… went with instinct there.”
“Well, your instincts served you well.” Weiss complemented, shuffling up by her side as she continued to catch her breath. But in their brief moment she took the time to gaze up and down Blake’s figure again. And at one particular area, Blake’s now hardened length. “It looks like another instinct is kicking in.”
The heat returned to Blake’s cheeks once more as she looked to where she gazed, before nodding in agreement. She well and truly was ready to go again if Weiss was, and even leant in toward her to leave a kiss on her lips. “Looks that way. Want me to get a condom?”
But Weiss’s interests turned elsewhere, shown when she stroked her hand up Blake’s chest slowly, before toying with the collar of her shirt. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Hesitating, Blake looked down at Weiss’s hand. The small smile she had faded away in that time, expression turning more into that of concern.
Confused, Weiss asked; “What’s wrong?”
“It’s just…” Blake sighed sadly. Her feline ears ended up folding back. ”I’m covered in tattoos from my White Fang days. I know that’s a dumb thing to care about when we were probably naked that first night but… this is different.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking back up to her eyes again. “The marks I have from while I was still in that band aren’t exactly as nice as the ones I can put on your neck, you know?”
It tugged at Weiss’s heart. While she knew vaguely of The White Fang’s reputation and Blake’s connection to it, the reminders of that toxic band were a part of her forever, plastered all over her body from a time she thought it was the best thing in the world. It was horrible to imagine that the art once brought her joy to look at was now tainted in the shadows of who she was.
She began to realise also; her and Blake had never truly talked. Yang and Ruby were usually present when they had their nights out, and they were on good terms; but that talking was never one to one. Blake was a whole book of her own that Weiss was just figuring out how to read. One that she was ever eager to finish in more ways than one.
“Hey…” she reassured, moving her hand to her shoulder instead. “I don't care. You said you were a member, and now you’re not. You can't help it if you got tattoos back when you were a member, right?”
“No, I suppose not.” Still hesitant, she kept her shoulders raised. “I just don't like how it makes me look weak or something.”
“It won't.” Petting at her arm instead, where she assumed most of the tattoos would be, she smiled reassuringly. “They’re who you were, and the White Fang is a part of who you once were. But you moved forward, you survived. So… you should see them in a mirror and be proud you did that. Be proud you’re so brave.”
They were back to awkward silences once more. In that time, Weiss honestly thought Blake would tell her where to go, or that she’d get up and leave. But her fears were put to rest when her hands first went behind herself to unstrap her bra, then came to the buttons on her shirt. One by one, she undid each one, and then pulled her shirt open, sliding it and her bra off each arm and then tossing them to one side.
She wasn't kidding. The tattoos did stand out instantly on Blake’s pale skin. Particularly the purple symbol on her right shoulder, the White Fang’s emblem. No wonder she didn't want to take off her shirt straight away when it was so prominent.
But Weiss didn't mind. In response, she stroked over her arm again lightly, petting over the emblem and looking at it intently, then back to Blake’s eyes.
“See? That makes you look strong. Like you fought to overcome what the mark was.”
“You make it sound like a battle scar or something.” It seemed Blake was grateful however, shown as she reached for the singer’s hand, petting it softly with her thumb.
A part of Weiss was saddened to see Blake so torn about her past, to see the usually confident, if a little quiet, bassist so down on herself and needing of approval. But if she could help her overcome that fear, she would. It was strange how much she was realising she’d do for Blake when taking into account they didn't usually talk.
“It is a battle scar.” She smirked instead, “and you know what they say about scars, they make you look stronger. And sexier.” In the hopes of getting Blake in high spirits again, Weiss tried to change the subject back to what they were doing, and moved her hand from the tattoo down her side instead. All those curves looked even better now Blake was completely naked, and now she could have a good look. Blake really did tick all her boxes.
The distraction seemed to be working, and Blake instead looked back into their singer’s eyes again, finding a smile coming back to her face. “You sure you’re not just saying that because you want round two?”
“Maybe I was saying it as well as wanting round two.” Looking back down Blake’s body again however, she spotted one flaw in pulling that off straight away. In their conversation, it seemed Blake’s length had ‘lost its steam’. But that wasn’t something that would be a chore to resolve. “How about you? Maybe I can start helping you build some better memories of the future?”
“Hmm…” When Weiss’s hand slid it's way down to her softened length, Blake couldn't help but purr with joy. And that purr continued when said hand cradled it, holding her and running a thumb over the soft skin there. Now Weiss’s confidence was clearly building, she was curious of how she’d get her going again.
As was Weiss. An idea had stemmed into her head while she looked down at the delicious skin below, but it couldn't easily be performed from this position. Releasing it again, she instead shuffled back and stood up, patting the sheets where she just lay. “Sit at the edge of the bed, I have an idea.”
Blake willingly obeyed. She shifted herself over rather quickly, draping her legs over the edge of the bed as she was asked and sitting herself up. Gentle hands made their way onto her thighs, pushing them apart and leaving her exposed.
Such a sight had Weiss blushing once more. It was one she couldn’t get enough of, no matter what she thought of before all this! And it was hers for the taking. With that in mind, she had no problem at all with getting to her knees between Blake’s, staring toward her goal with half closed eyes.
She softly grasped Blake��s member again, eyes looking up at her’s again to see her reaction as she stroked.
Blake bit her lip, letting head fall back as Weiss had her way with her. It took no time at all for the length to grow again in Weiss’s grip, soon going back to the firmness she witnessed a few minutes ago. That was another compliment Weiss took in her stride; if Blake was so easily turned on by her actions after such a short amount of time, perhaps she ticked all of Blake’s boxes too.
Knowing just how she could test that, she moved on to the second phase of her idea. Craning her head forward, she took the head of the hardened member into her lips.
The bassist gasped as she felt the warm tongue lavishing her member. The more Weiss’s head bobbed up and down, taking more of her into her mouth, the tighter she found herself grabbing the sheets. Still staring at the ceiling, her breathing was getting heavier as pleasure flowed through her body for the second time this evening.
But just as quick as it was there, Blake felt the cold air again when Weiss withdrew her from her mouth, looking up to her with a mischievous smirk. “I’d keep going, but I don’t want to miss out on all the fun.”
Groaning in frustration, Blake released her grip on the sheets again and looked down at Weiss. Heavily breathing and blushing to the high heavens, it was a sight made from heaven. And that would only get better once they started. It seemed Blake had that in mind when she asked; “Now do you want me to get the condom?”
Weiss nodded in response. Standing and moving out of the way so Blake could get to her handbag, she then looked at the bed a moment. Now it was happening. The teasing and toying had lead up to this moment. Only question was; how was it happening?
From what she could barely remember, their last time was a simple missionary position. Scratches on Blake’s back like she described seemed to make that obvious. Maybe this time they should do something else. Sitting on her lap was out, considering that was how she’d wound Blake up not even an hour ago. Perhaps she could be on top, pin Weiss down and take charge, or at least try to. But for her second time, she wagered she wouldn’t have the confidence for that just yet.
As she crawled on the bed, a different idea formed. Maybe they could do it from behind. From what she’d heated in the girl’s gossipy evenings before, it supposedly felt good. At least that’s what their drummer kept saying before. That wasn’t the only thing that was appealing either. The idea that Blake would have the control, the ability to just freely move Weiss to however she wanted and gaze down at her was getting her hotter and hotter by the minute. She’d be treated both as a cherished lover and as a pet for Blake to freely use. Neither feeling was unwelcome.
With that in mind, she simply waited there, looking back over her shoulder at Blake. Now with her member wrapped and ready to go, she looked over to where Weiss was positioned. Her eyes were very obviously looking up and down Weiss’s form, taking in the sight before her. It was another obvious sign that Weiss was doing something with, especially when Blake licked her lips.
“So eager…” Blake complemented, crawling onto the bed behind her and stroking the skin of her thighs gently. Already the reality that Blake would be the one with all the view was kicking in, making Weiss feel even warmer as she felt the soft fingertips stroke over her back in places, tracing over the beautiful glyph symbol that resided there. In more than one way, Blake could gaze down at art as they got into things.
“Can you blame me?” Weiss asked quietly, looking ahead instead and closing her eyes. “You’ve been looking so good, it's no wonder drunk me ended up in bed with you.”
Still wearing a smile, Blake seemed to hesitate in thought on that comment before she answered. “Perhaps that was a good thing. Else we wouldn't be back here, doing this again…” another moment’s hesitation, until Weiss felt a pair of soft lips between her shoulder blades, planting a single soft kiss there. “You really are a catch.”
That sentence seemed to echo in the Schnee’s mind. She knew she was perhaps attractive, but to be considered a catch? That meant a lot to her. Especially from Blake, someone who today she’d found a lot more attractive than she first considered. Having that compliment returned meant something to her, a lot more than just a meet up to blow off some steam.
Perhaps she’d think on that more when she wasn’t so desperately needy, and when a hard length wasn't sliding against her wetness below.
“Let’s just do this.” She whispered, facing ahead and moving her hips side to side against Blake’s to entice her. “I’m ready if you are.”
Weiss felt the member leave her wetness as Blake drew back. She felt one of Blake’s hands resting on her back to steady herself, and the bed move as she shuffled into a better position behind her. Then the covered head returned, pressing up against her folds and finding its goal. A desperate groan was the only sound that fell from Weiss’s mouth as she pushed inside.
A groan that was echoed by Blake. She was no louder in the bedroom than she was in normal conversation, the only real noise coming from her breath picking up. With each thrust forward there was a half-pant half-moan that followed them, enough to make it clear for the singer that she was having a good experience.
Grasping the sheets, Weiss kept her eyes firmly closed throughout. From their position, there was nothing worth seeing, but god she could feel it. The difference between having it in her hand or mouth and having it inside her was incredible, it felt so much bigger than she first assumed. With each thrust filling her, coaxing moan after moan from her every time Blake’s hips met her rear. She didn't want it to end.
But another thing adding to the experience was Blake’s noises. On the odd thrust inside, when she hit the walls just right; Blake let out a low toned moan of her own. Everything was good alone, but Blake’s voice, lathered with the pleasure she was clearly experiencing, was making it perfect. As time went on between them, Weiss knew both in her head and her heart; this couldn't be a one off thing.
Blake’s other hand fell to her shoulders, and the weight shifted. She was leaning further forward, using Weiss to lean on as her thrusts got deeper within her. It took all of Weiss’s energy to not lean forward with her, but she used that pent up energy to grab the sheets harder.
“F-fuck…” Weiss was struggling to keep herself composed, biting her lips to stop the moans from getting louder and embarrassing herself. But Blake wasn't about to allow that it seemed. A hand moved from her back to Weiss’s other shoulder, using it to balance as she leant in toward her.
“Stop holding back,” She teased, trying to coax more out of her as she stroked over her lover’s body. How on earth was Blake, by far their quietest member of the band who she never thought to look at twice, having this effect on her? Such a quiet voice was like music to her ears, willing her to do anything. Especially when she leant down to Weiss’s ear, whispering huskily; “It turns me on when you moan…”
Her wish was Weiss’s command. No longer concerning herself with how needy she’d look, Weiss let herself completely lose. It was a mixture of moaning and calling that followed from her, louder than anything that’d come from her yet today. To be expected from the lead vocalist of a band perhaps, but this wasn't a song she’d sing for many people.
“Ah! F-Fuck!” She called a lot louder, bracing herself against the sheets again as Blake picked up the pace. It was getting difficult to think of anything other than pleasure, so she didn't. She kneaded the sheets beneath her and focused on all that mattered in that moment, not even hesitating to call out what she was thinking.
“Fuck me!”
Blake seemed just as shocked at that leaving her lips as Weiss did. It made the thrusting slow for a short while, for the duration it took to process, but soon enough she was thrusting just as hard, and just as fast again. In fact, it was even faster. This time though, it was a louder set of breaths and moaning that came from Blake herself. The moans really were turning her on.
All too soon, it was over for her though. Before she could bring Weiss to her end, the thrusts were pushing as hard as they could against Weiss’s backside, but slowing right down to a halt. Then came a louder, much more pronounced moan from Blake while the member within her body throbbed, again and again, until that came to a halt too. For a short moment, she remained there, hands still supporting herself on Weiss’s back while she got some of her breath back.
Not for long however. The job was only half done. She leant to one side, asking Weiss softly; “You’re not finished yet, are you?”
Finally opening her eyes again, Weiss looked back over her shoulder as best she could. Blake was exhausted, yet still concerned about her own well being before her own. Or perhaps there was selfish intent, given how she’d begged for Weiss to moan louder a few minutes ago. Giving an honest answer, she whispered,
“N-no, not ye- HNN!”
Not even before Weiss could finish her sentence, Blake slid herself out, and was replaced with something else. Three fingers. Straight away they were being pushed in a pace that was just as pleasurable, making her squeal and moan just as she had been doing throughout their moment. Blake didn't allow for Weiss to be left high and dry, she only cared about her partner’s happiness and made sure she shared in as much joy she did. That was it, Blake really was the perfect fuck buddy.
As it was, she had been close in the first place. It took a little over a minute for her to reach the same end Blake did, letting out a loud, dwindling call as her lower regions quivered with joy. She felt her muscles below clamp down on Blake with all they could, only intensifying her pleasure when they felt her still there.
Once the shudders were over, Blake withdrew her fingers. Both women took their moment at last to recover, panting loudly as they moved back to the pillows, taking a break to figure out what had even just happened. At least that was what Weiss was doing. As she leant back against the pillows, she did so with a huge smile. That was the most intense experience she’d had in her life, and she could never leave it at one.
Blake however, had other ideas. She looked over to Weiss and smirked;
“‘Fuck me’ huh?”
It took the singer a moment to realise what Blake meant, but when she did, she looked away with wide eyes. The blush was practically burning her face when she remembered just how much she yelled in the midst of their madness, and all she could do was try to cover it with her hands. “Oh my god I did say that…”
Suffering a secondhand embarrassment, Blake laughed nervously. She scratched behind her ears, admitting with a soft voice; “I thought it was sexy…? You were obviously having a good time.”
“Yes but not… I don't… argh!” She covered her eyes instead, too embarrassed to show her face to Blake. “It’s still embarrassing!”
“Oh psh, what’s the point in sex if you’re not gonna have some fun with it?” Blake tried to reason with her. Once she’d sat up again, she removed the condom, leaning over to quickly trash it before she shuffled up closer to Weiss again. She right away extended one arm for her to lean on, patting the space on the bed next to her with the other to invite Weiss closer.
“Hmph.” Although grumbling, Weiss shuffled into Blake’s arms with no hesitation. It felt natural for her to wrap one arm around her in return, and to lean into her shoulder while they lay idly in one another’s loose grasp. Behind there already was a lot more calming than being alone, neither could really explain why the feeling of the other’s heartbeat was a comfort.
But it truly was. When Weiss instinctively nuzzled closer, that was all she could think of. She simply couldn't believe she never considered Blake an option before, even when she was there the whole time. But now, it seemed like the only option worthy of consideration.
Blake was not only a phenomenal lover, and an attractive person in general, but she was sweet and kind, determined that everyone would get their own fair treatment. Out of everyone she knew, she had the most ‘girlfriend potential’ out of anyone.
The arrangement they had for now though, was perfect. No strings attached, testing things out and finding out their likes and dislikes. It was more or less the same thing, but without the label, right?
Either way, it was exciting to find out. Looking up at Blake, she smirked; “You do realise we can't leave this as a one off, right?”
Blake could only laugh in return, stroking Weiss’s arm idly.
“You know, I was kinda hoping you’d say that.”
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mayquita · 7 years
Call Me (15/?) Pictures of Reality
After several months it’s finally here! I'm posting unbeta'd since I didn’t want to delay it any longer, besides, I'm going on vacation soon. This chapter originally was longer, but it was becoming a monster, so I decided to split it into two parts. This time we have Emma POV. One more week and Killian will be back...
@saraswans, thank you for everything, as always :)
Summary: Emma loses her phone after a chase, but she finds a phone in a cafe just when she needs it most. Killian forgets his phone in a cafe when he is about to take a flight to Ireland. Killian makes a call to his own number hoping someone answers on the other end of the line. What will happen when Emma answers the call?
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter14
It had been two weeks since Emma found Killian's phone and according to him, they had to celebrate it in a special way. She wondered if Killian had planned a new date, but he had been totally secretive about it, refusing to give her any clue. The only thing he had asked was to have her laptop close in their daily night talk. So here she was, in her living room, her laptop on the coffee table, waiting. Her heart pounded in her chest, and her stomach clenched in knots in anticipation of what was to come.
Her fingers tapped on the coffee table while she checked the time on her phone. It was early, Killian would still take a while to show up as the Joneses had a family dinner today.
She was going to have to look for a distraction to keep her mind occupied. Sighing as she shook her head, Emma opened her laptop, determined to do some research on her new case. Her determination lasted only a few seconds, though. Her gaze began to wander without paying attention to what appeared on the screen as her mind traveled thousands of miles across the ocean.
The memories of the previous days came to her mind like flashes, preventing her from concentrating on anything but the experiences shared with Killian throughout the week.
Emma leaned back against the back of the couch as she grabbed her cell phone. Since the afternoon didn't seem to be productive in other respects, at least she would allow herself to relive those pleasant memories. Her phone was her ally in that regard. Her finger slid across the screen with a clear goal, her photo gallery. Her lips curled into a wide smile as she scrolled through the screen until she reached all the photos shared from the moment the mystery was finally revealed.
Five days ago…
To Emma's relief, once the masks fell, everything went smoothly. Further, she felt that Sunday afternoon as a kind of déjà-vu, reminiscent of what she had experienced the previous Sunday. With subtle differences, though. Or not so subtle actually.
Killian went out again with his friends, soccer—football— afternoon and beers in a pub. She also got a group photo, although this time with an addition, Killian himself. He seemed comfortable and happy surrounded by people who cared about him. Her heart fluttered a little at his carefree smile, a beer in one hand while his other arm rested around his brother's shoulders.
Emma also received some messages in the group chat from Killian's phone, the compliments sent by his friends getting her to blush.
That night the conversation was short. Killian came home late and, although it was noticeable that he was doing his best to stay awake, Emma soon took pity on him and sent him to sleep. He did, but not before sending her one last photo, a selfie of himself lying on his bed in shadows, his features barely visible except for his bright smile, something to which she had already used to in just a few hours.
Emma woke up with renewed energy, her good mood pulling her lips into a smile even with her eyes still closed. The first thing she saw when she managed to open them enough, was an image of Killian, hair tousled, eyes slightly swollen and his lips curled into a smirk. In front of him, a succulent Irish breakfast. The best breakfast ever —His words.
Her mouth watered at the delicacies the bastard was showing her, so once again, before beginning her workout in the gym as part of her surveillance work, she went through Granny’s, her craving for any greasy and caloric food too powerful to ignore.
Her new friend Ruby welcomed her the moment she entered the room. She almost shrieked in pride when she realized that her intuition hadn’t failed and Killian was, in fact, a hot Irishman.
This time it was Emma's turn to share her breakfast through photographs, earning a little reprimand from Killian that made her eyes roll.
I can not believe you're going to eat all that right before you go to work out, love.
At Ruby's insistence, she took a selfie of the two together and sent it to Killian. Emma flatly declined to include the message she wanted to add, referring to the confirmation of her suspicions.
"No way, I will not contribute to feeding his ego."
The session in the gym was almost fruitless, but at least it worked for something. The discharge of adrenaline allowed her to not only maintain her good mood but increase it. She felt a euphoria she had not felt in a long time. The perp didn’t appear, but she had full confidence that sooner or later she would catch him. The very idea of hunting the guy and putting the handcuffs on him made her whole body vibrate in anticipation.
Throughout the day, Emma received and sent numerous photos and messages, as a way to share her little everyday moments with Killian. She couldn’t be more pleased to have decided to take that small step forward in their relationship. The fact that they had revealed their identities had made the connection between them even much closer.
The topic of the conversation that night was Ruby and their recent friendship. She bared her soul a little more, telling him all her insecurities about her relationship issues. He, as always, was a constant supporter, encouraging her to continue opening up, assuring her that he already liked Ruby and couldn't wait to meet her in person.
"Should I be jealous?"
"I'm afraid I have a special predilection for blondes in leather jackets who know how to use handcuffs, love."
Emma woke up with a good feeling, convinced that today would be the day when she’d finally catch the elusive bastard. Her good mood still persisted, and she was certain that some of the blame was on the several pictures sent by Killian Jones. Like the one who welcomed her as soon as her eyes adjusted to the morning light. Killian tasting an ice cream with his sister-in-law Elsa —whom she had finally been able to put a face—next to him in what looked like her ice cream shop.
Her good mood decreased throughout the day, though. After spending a couple of hours working out in the gym, the perp hadn’t yet made an appearance. She was about to give up, wiping the sweat from her forehead with a towel as she walked towards the exit of the room but just then she glimpsed him out of the corner of her eye.
The guy, a man in his forties, rather corpulent, and arrogant in appearance, was now entering the room. She couldn’t pass up the opportunity to establish at least a first contact with him.
After a few seconds of hesitation, she managed to bump into him and began an impromptu conversation, with the excuse of being new to the place. Her lips pressed into a fake smile to disguise the repulsion she felt at the man's attitude. The bastard fixed his lascivious gaze on her breasts without bothering to look into her face. Oh, the satisfaction she would feel when she could finally use her handcuffs on him. That thought was the only thing that stopped her to punch him in the face.
The topic of conversation that night with Killian was, of course, her adventures and misadventures as a bail bonds person, sharing both laughter and their usual banter. After two hours of talking, they ended the call, not before Emma giving up to Killian's insistence, who had strongly urged her to take a photo as a proof of the good use of her handcuffs in that bloody bastard —His words.
Once located, catching the guy was much easier than she thought at first. The next day she waited patiently for him to leave the gym, leaning against his car with her sight focused on the front door. As soon as the guy appeared, he barely had time to show a lascivious smile when he noticed her. The next second, he found himself chained to a bench, his eyes and mouth widened in shock. As soon as he realized the implications of what just happened, his face became a grimace of rage as he began to throw insults at her. Far from intimidating her, she directed him a wide smirk, making the guy angrier.
Maybe it was inappropriate, maybe she was violating some kind of law, but Emma couldn't care less. The sensation of triumph ran through her body, adrenaline rushing through her veins clouding her reason. Without pausing to think, she grabbed her cell phone directing the camera at her and making sure the guy she'd just captured was also on the screen, along with the handcuffs she had chained him to the bench. The insults and threats of the dude didn't stop her from pressing the button, immortalizing the moment. Then, ignoring the damned bastard who threatened to report her for violating his privacy or any other nonsense, she sent a message to Killian accompanied by the photo she had just taken.
As you can see, I have already put my handcuffs to good use.
You’re bloody brilliant, Swan.
Later that day, she allowed herself the indulgence of enjoying a relaxed afternoon. She had earned it after the success of her last case. As soon as she got home she prepared the bathtub with warm water, bubbles, and essences, ready to take a relaxing bath while listening to her favorite music.
Emma closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the water and the softness of the bubbles caress her skin, managing to relax her muscles. The melody from the phone wrapped around the room as her mind recreated the lyrics of the songs. The tranquility didn’t last long, though. The music was cut off abruptly by the tone of her phone announcing incoming messages. A groan of frustration escaped her mouth. Damn Killian.
She tried to ignore him at first, squeezing her eyes shut. The messages kept coming, though, interrupting the song over and over, until Emma gave up. Exhaling an exasperated snort, she wiped her hands on a towel and grabbed the phone placed on a shelf near the bath tub.
In other circumstances, she'd be happy to receive any photo or text from Killian. This time, however, she was looking for at least ten minutes of peace and quiet. Still, she couldn't keep the corners of her lips from rising slightly as she checked the contents.
There was a picture of a few women having a conversation. Around them, a few children in what appeared to be the living room of the Jones House. A text accompanied the photo.
Swan, help! My friends have abandoned me and I'm surrounded now by ladies and children. I need a distraction to keep me from dying of boredom, love.
A giggle bubbled in her chest,  even though she still felt a little irritated by the interruption. His ability to dramatize even in the most ordinary situations had the capacity to make her laugh. She was now in a position where she could help quite well to distract Killian. So without thinking too much about the implications, she sent him a text back.
Is it enough distraction if I tell you that I'm taking a relaxing bath? Or at least it was until your interruption.
You can't be serious, love.
You wanna a proof?
The three little dots on the screen appeared and disappeared continuously as if he didn't finish deciding for an answer. Emma bit her lower lip, suddenly nervous about the implications of the game she had just gotten herself into. She felt her cheeks burning, and the reason was not only the warmth of the water.
Finally, a simple word appeared on her screen.
No way she was going to send him any explicit photos, let alone when he was surrounded by his family, but that didn’t mean she could not tease him a little, right?
She put her cell phone on the shelf for a moment and then reached into the bathtub, trying to draw all the bubbles around her, so that only the most innocent part of her cleavage would be exposed.
Then, careful that the bubbles did not disappear, she dried her hands with a towel, grabbed the phone again and shot a couple of photos. When she was satisfied with the result, she sent the picture to Killian.
Bloody hell love ... you know that I have a rather vivid imagination, right? How am I supposed to act now in front of all these ladies and children?
Oh, my innocent bubble bath has affected you? Dirty mind, I tell you.
His response did not come immediately so Emma began to think that maybe she had gone too far with the banter. Within a few seconds, however, a new message popped up on the screen.
Apologies, Swan, I was interrupted by a crowd of children who wanted to know what was so funny on my phone.
Her eyes widened and she almost dropped the phone into the tub by surprise and sudden embarrassment. But before she started to freak out even more, Killian continued.
I had to improvise with an image of... swans. But I think it's time to let you enjoy your relaxing bath. Thanks for the distraction, love. Talk to you later.
After putting the phone back on the shelf, Emma leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes. The still warm water and her favorite music playing back in the room, all she needed to relax. Her mind, however, had other plans. Damn Killian Jones and his interruption. The image of the Irishman surrounded by women and children while finding an excuse not to betray her audacity had settled in her head and there was no way to get rid of it.
Another thought burst through her head, making her smile. Whatever the moment she wanted to take a soothing bath, either of the two Jones brothers decided to interrupt her. Less than two weeks ago it was Liam, and now it was his younger brother's turn. Despite the interruptions, however, she couldn't be more grateful that the Jones brothers had come into her life. She hoped they would stay for a long time.
Later that night, Emma learned that the reason Killian had stayed home while his friends and brother were hanging out was, in fact, his own decision. His niece's birthday was the next day, and since the previous years he stayed back in Boston, this was indeed the first birthday he could attend, so he was more than willing to be a part of all the preparations.
Her stomach fluttered with any mention of his nephews or niece, especially now that she had graphic evidence of the mutual adoration between the children and his favorite uncle. After so many years living alone, she didn’t know that kind of longing to see a happy family could have a place in her heart. But that longing to finally belong to something was becoming more powerful. And Killian talking about the birthday of that adorable little girl with bright blue eyes and blond hair, did nothing to mitigate it, rather the opposite.
That day Graham brought them a new case, so Emma spent most of the time in the office, as she began her first investigations. At lunchtime, both Graham and Leroy asked her to join them. At other times, she would have rejected it flatly, claiming any excuse. This time, however, she agreed without a second thought. To her surprise, no sign of anxiety or nervousness appeared, her decision to open up to others stood firm and things flowed more easily.
She even took a couple of photos with her two coworkers before ordering their meals and sent them to Killian, following their established routine of sharing their lives through messages and photos.
Should I be jealous of your boss?
Emma had never thought of Graham as a potential love interest, but the truth was that when they met for the first time, he began to show an interest in her beyond the professional. She was aware that Graham cared about her. Her heart, however, did not bear his name. Beyond her walls and her fear of making a relationship, there were no butterflies fluttering in her stomach, nor was her heart racing to see him. But that didn't mean she couldn't open up to him and make room for a friendly relationship.
Still, this was the perfect excuse to tease Killian a little.
Uhm ... an Irishman with blue eyes, a scruff and a leather jacket ... It's familiar to me. The difference is that one of them is here and the other is thousands of miles away.
Maybe I could help you with your choice, love.
Her eyebrows went together as she narrowed her eyes, confused by his unexpected answer. After waiting a few seconds without any new text, she shrugged, set the phone down, and turned her attention to her two partners.
A moment later, though, the phone buzzed again, and although they were about to order, her curiosity won, so she grabbed the device ready to find out what was Killian in hand this time. The picture she saw when she unlocked the screen left her speechless. A shiver ran down her spine, her mouth fell open as her eyes widened, unable to look away. That bastard...
Following your example from yesterday, I also just had a relaxing bath that will help me face a birthday party full of children. Here's the proof.
In fact, it seemed clear that Killian had just gotten out of the shower. At least he had taken pity on her somehow since the image showed only his upper torso at the height of his pectorals. But that was enough to make her mouth water and not precisely because of the food. A strand of his soaked hair fell on his forehead, his sinful gaze seemed to stare at her. Her gaze drifted to her collarbone first and then to the drop of water immortalized in its course sliding down his well-defined pecs… Dear Jesus, this man was going to be the death of her without even having met him in person.
"Emma, are you okay?"
Graham's voice filled with a mixture of concern and amusement broke the spell. Emma pressed her lips together in a tight line as she shook her head slightly, noticing how her cheeks burned.
"Yeah ... it's just ... hold on a second." She murmured, avoiding his gaze.
Once she overcame the initial shock, a growing anger began to overtake her. The damn idiot had done it on purpose so she shot a quick response, her fingers tapping hard her phone’s keypad.
You, bastard, I'm in a public place, surrounded by people.
His response was almost immediate.
So was I yesterday, Swan. I gather from your reaction that your impression has been good enough...
Emma clenched her jaw, her embarrassment increasing as she thought that Killian was right. She started playing with fire and now she was getting close to the flames. She noticed without needing to look up, as Graham kept his gaze fixed on her, perhaps waiting for an explanation.
I'm not talking to you right now.
Without further ado, she locked her phone's screen and put the device back down on the table. When she finally dared to look up, she met Graham's curious gaze, a half smile on his face, his head tilted slightly to one side, as if he were studying her.
"Was he your friend? The Irishman?" He asked with what seemed like a genuine interest.
"Uh-huh..." She managed to respond, keeping her look somewhat evasive.
"Lucky guy..." Graham's words came in so a low murmur that Emma thought she had imagined it. But before she had time to think about what his words might entail, Leroy interrupted them.
"Are we going to order our food now or not?" He grunted, showing his impatience in his characteristic grumpy tone.
Emma focused on the menu, though her mind devised the various ways in which she could take revenge on Killian. She also tried to decide if the fact that he was one of the sexiest men she had ever met in her life was actually something good for her or not.
They did not talk on the phone that night. The reason was not Emma's anger, though, but the birthday party. Her annoyance toward him grew thinner as Killian shared photos of the party with her, each one more cute and adorable.
The previous event had been soon forgotten — who was she kidding? She couldn’t erase from her memory the image of a wet Killian and his sinful gaze — and was replaced by the images of a happy family, all smiling and bright gazes. She marveled at the happiness Eileen irradiated for having her uncle on her side for the first time on that very significant day for her. She noticed also the eagerness of the girl while blowing the candle and making a wish.
She couldn’t be more grateful to Killian for engaging her, even through photos, in a family event with the ability to melt her heart and leave her yearning for more. Family, that concept so strange to her that she was now learning to value through these people, almost unknown. They gave her the opportunity to experience the true meaning of the word she still didn’t dare to voice aloud.
Killian's intention had been to stay awake to talk to her. But the last picture he sent her showed a fretted face. The party was over and he was helping to clean up the mess in the living room. He looked tired but happy at the same time. Despite his insistence, she did not budge.
Go to sleep, Jones, I mean it.
Okay, Swan, you win. If I were not so tired, I would rebut you, but you're right, it's time for me to sleep for today. Goodnight.
She was about to write her reply back when a new message appeared on the screen.
I almost forget it. I have something special prepared for tomorrow. It's a surprise. You just need to know that you should have your laptop handy. Sleep well, love.
Friday. Present Day.
The ringing of her phone brought her back to reality. She had been so self-absorbed remembering the last week that she had lost track of time. Straightening, she let the melody sound a little more as she ran her hands through her hair and then pinched her cheeks. Now that they shared photos she should appear decent enough. After a deep breath, she grabbed the phone and answered the call.
“Hello, love and happy anniversary.”
She rolled her eyes. “Really?” Why didn't that surprise her? Even so, her stomach fluttered a little in anticipation.
“Well, it's been two weeks, right? Two weeks since we met. And since we already had a celebration last week... "
 "...You've thought of celebrating it too this week, of course." She continued for him. Since Killian announced he had something prepared for today she hadn’t stopped asking him, getting silence by an answer. As soon as the subject appeared in the conversation, she could not help herself and the words came out of her mouth hastily, in a clear sign of her impatience to know what he had in mind.
"We're impatient, aren't we?" His amused tone did not help at all.
"Just curious, that's all." She had already insisted a lot throughout the morning through messages, even sent him a selfie with begging eyes and her lips forming a pout. Negative result. Her pleading level had already reached its peak, so by no means she was going to start over.
The answer was an absolute silence on the other side of the line. Seriously? She rolled her eyes at Killian's childlike behavior and also remained silent for a few seconds, but her curiosity finally won.
After a deep exhalation, she gave up. "Oh, come on, spit it out, Jones." "Ha, I knew it." His triumphant shout nearly ripped through her eardrum, also causing an increase in her level of annoyance to him. He was so insufferable at times. "Remember that I still have your phone and that it may have an unfortunate accident." She had not needed to use the threat of the phone in the past few days, but now it seemed a fitting enough time.
"Whoa, whoa. Calm down, I was just teasing you a bit, Swan. There's no need for anything bad to happen to my phone." After a brief pause, he continued. "Besides, it's not a big deal, really..." Was she imagining things or did Killian seem a little hesitant now?
“I’m listening.”
"I've thought that since our looks are no longer a mystery, it might be a good idea for us to explore a new mode of communication." No, it was not her imagination, there was a slight hesitation in his voice, but Emma didn’t have time to appreciate the reason. The moment she realized the meaning of Killian's words, reality hit her hard.
Her gaze traveled to her laptop as the realization of what was about to happen began to take hold. A video call. That was Killian's surprise. Her heart hammering in her chest and her hands began to sweat, she was not ready for that. She hadn't even thought of this possibility, although once the mystery was revealed, there was nothing that separated them except the physical distance. Still...
She reacted at the sound of his voice, shaking her head in an attempt to pull herself together. “You want to use Skype, or Facetime or any of those video call applications."
"Well, love, it seems appropriate that this is the next step in our unusual relationship. First the phone, then the photos, now the video call..." Little by little his voice was gaining confidence, causing the flutter in her stomach to increase. "We should take advantage of the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to experience as many first times as we did before meeting in person." At this point, any hint of his previous hesitation had vanished. The way his tone of voice lowered to almost a murmur with the words first time was not helping to mitigate her state of agitation.
But he had a point. What they were experiencing was something unique. After a deep exhalation, she turned on the laptop. A tug of anticipation settled into her stomach. The reality was that, in spite of the initial shock, the idea of getting at the same time both his suggestive voice and his moving smile was too attractive to ignore.
"Okay, let me turn on the laptop. Hold on a second, I'll be right back." Without waiting for a reply, she dropped her phone on the couch and rushed to the bathroom. It was a silly thing, really, because during these last days they had already shared millions of photos, but she felt the need to be as attractive as possible for their first time. First time of video call. That is. “Get a grip, Emma!”
Quickly, she applied a touch of lip gloss and made sure her hair was on point. She smiled at her image in the mirror realizing that she was wearing, the same T-shirt she wore when she sent him her first photo. The one that was too large that slid down leaving her shoulder exposed. Good.
Emma went back to the living room, sat down on the couch and picked up the phone again. "Okay, Jones, I'm ready." After sharing their respective usernames, the incoming call sound through the laptop wrapped the room. Emma closed her eyes for a few seconds and after a sigh, she pressed the answer button.
The image of Killian filled her screen at once, causing her heart to skip and her stomach to flop. Damn it ... It was happening.
He leaned against his headboard and wore a white v-neck t-shirt. His features were relatively shaded, the only sources of light seemed to come from a lamp on the nightstand and from the laptop screen itself. Despite the lack of illumination, she didn’t miss the way his lips curled for the first time in a small, hesitant smile.
"Hi again, love." Her eyes followed the movements of his lips as he formed the words, keeping her completely hypnotized, unable to look away. She bit her lower lip as she tried to keep her breathing steady It was too real. It was too much.
"Hi." She managed to murmur, her brain unable to form any more elaborate words.
"Hey, Swan, you can stop talking on the phone, we don't need it anymore."
Her mind still took a few seconds to process his words. But then she realized that she was still holding the phone to her ear as she stared at the computer screen. "Oh, shit." She dropped the phone on the couch as she felt her cheeks start to burn with embarrassment, wanting a hole to open beneath her feet and carry her away.
Killian chuckled, but she could not see his movements since she covered her face with her hands and refused to look at the screen.
"It's okay, Emma, don't hide, let me see you." Killian pleaded, though his voice didn't hide his amusement.
So much for a first time. She thought.
Emma dared to peer at the screen through the gap between her two fingers. "Can we ignore what has happened and start over?" She asked, hating the pleading of her voice.
"Of course, love, if that's what you want. By the way, I found your little confusion quite lovely." Though she still did not look at him directly because of her embarrassment, she could detect the genuine smile in his voice.
"Just forget it, okay?" She finished the call and collapsed against the back of the couch, still slightly mortified. Within seconds, however, she began to laugh at the absurd situation. She didn’t know what was worse, whether her initial confusion with the phone or her subsequent reaction. She attributed it to the nervousness she felt at the unexpected idea of Killian.
"Okay, let's go for the second time." She infused herself with the confidence she needed.
This time, she left the object of her embarrassment away and restarted the call. Again, the image of Killian appeared on her screen, wearing the same genuine smile.
"Hi again."
"Hi, love. Better?"
"Yeah, but I still find it odd that we're talking through this medium. It feels very real, doesn't it?"
"Aye." He nods and his tongue peeks out to the corner of his mouth.
They stared at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds. Then, they restarted the conversation, tentatively at first, but little by little, Emma gained security. Within minutes they were both chatting animatedly, just as they did during their interminable telephone conversations.
There was a difference, though. His body language endowed with an even greater meaning to his already expressive verbal language. She no longer had to settle for his static smile. Now she could see his lips curling into a smirk with forming dimples on his cheeks. Now his innuendos and his suggestive voice were accompanied by the dancing of his eyebrows, increasing the meaning of his words. It was too real. And dangerous. And such a little too addictive.
Killian began to make a reference to her t-shirt, showing that he recognized it from her first photo. At that moment, though, something happened that caused his gaze to drift beyond the computer. Then a small figure appeared on the screen and curled up beside him. Was she his niece?
Emma remained enthralled, staring at the screen and following every move. He held the little girl in his arms as he spoke sweet words to her and gently stroked her back. It seemed that Eileen had had a nightmare and had come to her uncle's room for shelter.
A feeling of vertigo washed over her. Her heart skipped a beat, overwhelmed by what she saw on the screen. The tenderness with which Killian treated his niece could melt even the iciest heart. And hers was not going to be less. Why did he have to be so damn adorable? She swallowed, suddenly uncomfortable to witness the intimate moment between the two of them, but unable to look away.
"My apologies, love, this little lass has had a nightmare, but everything is fine now, I'll escort her to her bed, I'll be right back."
The moment Killian disappeared from the screen, Emma let out the breath she had been holding. It was too much. She did not know the reason, but seeing Killian share family moments, especially with his niece and nephew, had a strong impact on her. As much as she struggled to ignore it, she surrendered to the evidence, she was falling fast and hard for that man. And that terrified her. She needed to calm down before she panicked.
At that moment, she noticed her phone and without thinking twice she grabbed it as if it were a lifeline and shot a quick message to Ruby.
I'm keeping a video call with Killian.
Cool. And tell me, is your Irishman as hottie in motion as he is in pictures?
If you only knew... She thought. Instead, she went straight to the point.
 It feels too real.
Okay, I get it, but is that a bad thing? He's coming back in a week, Emma, you better get use to it.
She knew she was being ridiculous, but the instinct to protect her heart was still ingrained in her.
I'm not good at this.
Honey, no one's telling you to jump into bed with him the moment you meet him. There is nothing wrong with continuing your friendship with him when he returns.
Now that she had been able to open up and give the friendship a chance she did not want to ruin everything just for fear of what might arise. But even though she was new to all this, the way her body and heart reacted to any aspect of Killian probably had a deeper meaning. And that scared the hell out of her.
Wait a minute, why are you texting me while you keep a video call with him?
His niece had a nightmare and he has accompanied her to her bed. I'm waiting for him to come back.
Oh, really? How adorable!
 It was a cute moment. —Too much for her own good, she thought.
And what?
Is there a problem with that?
This time Ruby took her time to write. Since Killian had not yet returned, Emma settled down against the back of the couch, waiting while her heart kept pounding in her chest.
Don't go up your walls now. The connection created between you two is unique, don't miss the opportunity. Enjoy the moment, let yourself go. And if when he comes back you need to get your walls up again, do it. He will take care of knocking them down again.
Ruby's words had an immediate calming effect. She took a deep breath and decided not to anticipate events but to get carried away. One week. One more week to experience this idyllic relationship where there was hardly room for frustrations or disappointments. She hoped she could control the panic that still lingered in the pit of her stomach.
Ok. I’ll do my best. But I've only known him for two weeks, we have not even met in person and still feel like too much.
You and I have been friends for a week. I mean, I'm not complaining at all. But look at you, just a week ago you almost didn't talk to me and now you've decided to trust me. And I'm grateful that you did. Trust him too. And enjoy the view, now that you can, darling.
Emma snorted as her lips curved into a smile. Just then Killian appeared again on the screen.
"What's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing, I was texting Ruby while I waited."
"Good things, I hope. Say hello to her from me."
"You can never expect good things with Ruby, Jones." Her grin widened, matching Killian's. And at that moment all her worries disappeared. One week. She still had one week. "Wait a moment, I'll be right back with you."
Emma sent a quick text to Ruby.
He’s returned. I'll talk to you later. Thank you.
Anytime, Emma.
Emma dropped her cell phone on the couch and her gaze focused again on the screen.
"Is she okay? Your niece, I mean."
"Aye, it was just a nightmare." She did not lose sight of the way he ran his hand through his hair, making it even more disheveled and causing a need inside her to run her fingers through it as well. "It doesn't happen often to her. I guess she was still nervous after her birthday party from yesterday."
"She's adorable.You're lucky, Jones." She said softly.
He gave her a look that was perhaps too intense. "Yes, I am."
After a few seconds of holding their gazes, Killian finally spoke again, his solemn expression giving way to something more amusing. "And for that reason, as luck seems to be on my side, I have something more to propose to you and I know you're going to say yes."
"Oh, don’t push your luck so much, buddy."
Killian chuckled. "I can assure you that the plan is too tempting to reject it."
Okay. He had managed to win her interest. "Let me judge for myself. I'm all ears."
Killian scratched behind his ear and looked away a little. Was it possible that he was nervous? This was interesting. "My nephew Connor and I have a plan for tomorrow afternoon. We're going to start rewatching the Star Wars saga, and I thought you could join us."
Emma frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well, a movie afternoon, each of us watches the movie on our respective TVs while we share a video call. What do you say?"
"As on a date? You know that I don't do pillage and plunder until the third date, right?" Emma regretted the moment the words came out of her mouth. What are you thinking? She thought as her cheeks began to burn.
But at least she'd gotten a reaction on Killian. She felt his eyes widen a little, even she could see, despite the dimness, that his cheeks also blushed, his facade of bravado disappeared for a moment.
"Ehm..." He mumbled, scratching again behind his ear. "I did not intend to consider this as a date since we will be accompanied by my nephew, but if you put it this way then yes. This will be our second date, Swan. Which means that there is less left for the third one." He had recovered soon from the impact of her words, his suggestive voice and his tongue darting out to wet his lips had the ability to make her knees weak.
Remembering Ruby's earlier words, she decided to ignore her inner voice screaming danger and got along with it, glancing at him from beneath her lashes. "Okay, since you're picking the second date again, you'd better be worth it, Jones."
"This will be an advance. The third date will be when the fun begins, love."
"And can I have popcorn?"
"Whatever you want, Swan."
Her heart skipped a beat. It was an innocent sentence, but Emma did not miss the true meaning of his words, especially the way he was looking at her. It was a look full of promises.
"Okay, we have a date then." His smile grew larger, accentuating his dimples as the butterflies in her belly fluttered furiously.
Even though he was still smiling, she could also see the signs of weariness on his face. Casting a quick glance at the clock, she realized that it was already too late for him.
"And now it's time to go to bed, Jones, it's late for you."
"I do not know if you noticed, love, but I’m already in bed." His eyebrows arched playfully and she could not help but roll her eyes, earning a chuckle from him.
"You know what I mean. Go to sleep. I don’t want to see you yawning in front of me."
"You know? That is one of the drawbacks of video calls, love, I can’t hide the yawning. Even so, the incentives are much greater. Like seeing the way you roll your eyes or how you frown when something bothers you. Quite adorable."
"Oh, shut up, Jones, I'm closing the window. Goodnight."
"Good night, Swan. Sleep well."
Her hand moved quickly over the computer mouse, closing the window with determination without looking back at the screen. Otherwise, she would have fallen surrendered to his charms again.
Within seconds, her phone buzzed, notifying incoming message. Emma was not surprised, since she was sure it came from Killian, in what had become a routine after their endless conversations.
I forgot to tell you, Swan. It's been a delight to see how you are even more stunning in movement than through a static image.
Damn bastard with the ability to make her hands tremble and her heart speed up. She had lost count of the times he had got her cheeks flushed since they know each other.
You are not so bad yourself. May the force be with you.
Despite the ridiculousness of the comment, She could not help giggling.
Really, Swan?
What? I was just getting into the role.
Good night Emma, or should I say Princess Leia?
I'm rolling my eyes right now.
I didn’t expect anything less from you, Swan.
Go to sleep, Jones. Good night.
Thank you for always following me in my ideas. Remember, we have a date. I'll see you tomorrow, literally.
So it was happening. They had a new virtual date, or whatever. And also with his nephew, which meant that she was going to be a witness of more cute moments between uncle and nephew. Great. But she couldn't wait to see Killian again and continue discovering everything this relationship could offer them before they get to know each other in person.
Emma leaned against the back of the sofa, unable to stop a smile from forming on her lips. Despite her initial fears, everything had gone well. She continued to ignore the warning voice inside her and decided to be guided by Ruby's words and what her heart felt.
Thanks for reading :)
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cupnoodle-queen · 7 years
CHASING SUNS: Chapter 9 Family
3,083 words
So yeah. This was a fun one. Also!! Raine and son Lucas from @nifwrites story We Intertwined make an appearance! I love the Scientia family c:
Cam sat perched on the railing of the armory, grinding a wet stone against the edge of her sword when her phone went off. She freed her hands to take the call. “Hey, Greyson.”
“Hi Cam, hey can you pop over to the admin office when you have a sec? Dave called a quick meeting.”
“Will do, be there in five.”
Her weapons sheathed across her back Cam headed for the office, nodding at several familiar faces along the way. She’d become a recognizable person at HQ, due in part from the sheer amount of hunts she turned in to date and Gladio may have let it slip that she disarmed him. Couple that with her form-fitting leather armor and pants and she gave them a reason to stare.
Cam knocked on the door to the office and was let in seconds later by Greyson. “Hey, we’re just waiting on Prompto.”
Dave leaned against the desk, reading through a list of jot notes until Greyson resumed conversation with him. Gladio gave Cam a lazy wave as she entered the office and she took a seat next to him, just as Prompto all but hopped into the room and pulled up a chair beside her. The room went quiet as everyone looked to Dave to speak.
“Thanks for coming, all. As you probably know, our research scouts detected some spikes in infrared readings just north of here.” He paced around the room as he continued. “They’ve also received reports of increased daemon sightings in the area. We’ve reason to believe the security here in HQ could be compromised, and soon.”
The air of the room was uneasy. Dave looked at Greyson. “I got the guys at Culless to double our order for this week-”
Greyson’s thick eyebrows shot up. “Double??”
Dave nodded. “With the recruits from the city getting trained plus the estimated threat level, we’ll need the extra stock for sure. I’m already looking into our armor vendor increasing next week’s order.
“That being said, due to the larger than normal load I’d rather have an experience provisioner transport the goods, and you three-” he motioned at Cam, Gladio and Prompto, “-are on guard duty. With increased daemon presence comes chance for looters and poachers, something we can’t afford to incur. Budget’s already tight as it is even after double supply run orders…”
The group nodded in unison and Prompto sprang from his seat. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road.”
“Right now?” Cam checked her phone. Half-past five in the evening. “Kinda late, don’t you think?”
Greyson considered it. “Actually, we could make it there and back tonight, easily. Dave, can you have some guys available to unload say, for eight-ish?”
He pulled out his phone, tapped the screen and replied, “Consider it done. Take the twelve-footer, gonna need the hauling power.”
“No way,” Greyson scoffed, “that thing is ancient, how is it still in commission?”
“It’s still running fine, just go easy on the brakes.” Dave pulled a set of keys from a safe and tossed them to Greyson. “Call me if there’s any issues.”
They left for Lestallum with the addition of Ignis, hitching a ride back so he could visit his wife and two year old son, possibly stay home with them for a while especially if a difficult situation with the daemons was potential. As they reached the outskirts of the city Prompto dotted on the subject. “So, Iggy, family life treating you well?”
Ignis replied from the back seat. “Certainly has decreased my chances of inevitable death. Though challenging even during the best of times, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I often wonder what I’d ever done to deserve a woman as remarkable and clever as Raine.”
From the front, Prompto turned back and gave Ignis an incredulous look, despite the fact that he couldn't see it. “Dude, you existed. That’s all that mattered.”
Cam scrunched her brows together. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Beside her, Gladio spoke up. “Iggy and Raine are soulmates.”
Cam tensed at the word, struggling to keep her heart rate steady, the electricity buzzing between her and Gladio. “Oh, I see.”
Once at the gate outside of Lestallum, the guards opened the doors to grant access without needing to stop and they drove through, slowing to head down into the parkade, taking the spot on the end due to the large size of the vehicle. They piled out and Greyson made a call to his supplier. “Yeah, we’re in the parking lot. Head on over when you can.”
The weapons dealer pulled up in an equally large truck, popped the hatch and they got to work loading the truck with crate after crate of knives, guns and ammo. Ignis stood off to the side chatting with the supplier before pulling his phone out and calling his wife, announcing with a smile that he was back in the city for a spell. Cam overheard part of their conversation and it gave her a pang of grief. She missed having someone to come home to. She missed having a home to come to, period.
Greyson packed the last crate on the truck, closed the hatch and wiped his hands on his pants. “Alright, done and done. Ignis, join us for a bite or?”
Ignis smiled, tucking his cane under one arm to adjust a glove. “I appreciate the offer, but I must take a raincheck. Nothing would make me happier than spending the evening in with my family.”
The group headed across the street and into the city hub, Prompto commenting on how he was expecting more people to be out tonight. Cam had to agree, the pedestrians roaming about were in far less numbers than when she was living here. And lucky for them, the main restaurant in the centre of town had some free tables. They’d have to snag those as soon as they came back through.
On the way to Ignis’s house, Gladio pulled out his phone and called someone. Cam noticed his voice was softer as he spoke to the person on the other line. “Hey, Iris. I’m in the city, you want to meet up with us for dinner?....Awesome, yeah that’s the place, we’ll meet you in a few.”
Prompto overheard and piped up. “Iris is joining us?”
“Yeah,” Gladio replied with a serene smile. “Be good to see her again.”
Must be family, Cam thought. Steph would murder anyone else who came near him.
They passed the old market square location and Gladio noticed Cam looking on from the distance, a mixed expression of melancholy and bittersweet thoughts. He felt for her, or at least something made him feel for her. It was as if a switch flicked and he could detect the anguish in her mind. Strange. Invasive.
A short ways onwards and they reached a set of separate houses, Gladio leading the way towards a specific one from the group, one with a white exterior and blue door. He guided Ignis to the proper one, knocked, and waited.
Moments later a stunning young woman answered the door, a small toddler seated in her arms. His eyes lit up instantly. “Dadda!”
“Ah, Lucas.” Ignis set his cane down and his wife and son pulled him into a tight hug, the innocent lilting of the child’s laughter and joy at seeing his father again warming Cam’s steeled heart. She’d wanted children someday, and had shit not hit the proverbial fan she might have gone through with it, but Nolan declared he could never bring a child into a broken world, and so they gave up on that lifelong dream of hers.
Gladio felt a wash of heartache without reason, followed by a muscle spasm at his hip. Automatically he looked up at Cam and noticed a second too late that she had tears in her eyes. She turned away, furiously wiping her eyes and trying not to draw attention to herself, pacing off to the side. Was it possible they’d synced up so well that their emotions were affected by each other?
No, he thought. Not possible.
“Cam?” Ignis called out behind him.
Cam shook her head, forcing a smile on her face as she approached the Scientia family. “Yes?”
“I’d like to introduce you to my wife, the love of my life, mother of my so-”
“Okay, okay,” Raine interjected, chuckling lightly. “Name’s Raine, pleased to meet you. Cam, right?”
Cam nodded. “Short for Camellia. My parents weren’t very creative with names so my mother just picked her favourite flower. I hate it.” She felt several eyes on her. “Just call me Cam.”
Pretty name, Gladio thought.
Raine helped Ignis inside and turned back to the group of hunters. “Thanks for dropping my husband off, it’s impossible to get out of the city these days, obvious reasons.” She eyed down to the small child, who was now clinging to her leg, shyly peeking out every now and then. “I appreciate it.”
“No prob, doll!” Prompto beamed at the woman. “We’ll have to visit for some of those amazing cookies soon.”
They left the Scientia house and headed towards the restaurant, which thankfully still had some free tables. They grabbed one and pulled up an extra seat for their expected guest.
Said guest was approaching them now. “Gladdy!”
Cam whipped her head around towards the voice. A young girl in her later teens but still very small, with cocoa hair that dusted her shoulders. She could tell a definite relation to Gladio, had to be his sister.
Her suspicions were short-lived. “Iris, Cam. Cam, Iris, my little sister,” Gladio introduced them.
Iris’s eyes widened. “You two look so alike!”
Cam’s face scrunched up. “I beg your pardon?”
“Your faces,” she wagged a finger up and down over her left eye. “You match.”
Gladio chuckled. “Yeah, she thought mine was cool so she got on-” A well earned smack to the bicep from Cam cut him off.
They ordered food and chatted about this and that. Iris had taken up a job at the clinic there, learning first aid from a retired doctor. She stayed with some members of the Crownsguard, but was getting bored of her day-to-day. “I feel like I’m helping out, sure,” she clinked ice around in her empty glass with a straw, “but I don’t feel like I’m really doing anything, like I could be doing more.”
Gladio tensed, giving Iris a look of warning. Apparently this was a topic of  previous conversations, because he replied simply with, “No.”
“Come on, Gladdy,” Iris groaned, setting her glass down with a clank. “I’m not a child anymore and there are hunters out there younger than me, and I’m seventeen!” She pursed her lips into a hard line. “I thought if you would train me I’d learn from the best, and you’d trust me more.”
The table settled in awkward silence, Greyson texting on his phone and Prompto looking around, anywhere but towards them. Cam picked at a fingernail, trying to drown it out, but she felt...rage? Why would-
“No means no, Iris. End of discussion.”
Iris growled. “You aren’t the boss of me!”
All eyes turned to Cam, who’d brought her fist down on the table so hard that the plates bounced and clattered. Cam’s eyes widened, her hand stinging from the impact. “Uhhh, Cam?” Prompto whimpered.
Cam scanned their faces, all in different degrees of confusion and shock. Gladio, however, looked...afraid.
“Um,” Cam stuttered, “S-sorry about that, not sure what came over me there…”
When they paid their bill and headed down to the truck to take off back to HQ, bidding Iris a strained goodbye on the way, Gladio fell into step with Cam. “What the hell was that all about back there?”
Cam sighed. “I-I don’t know, okay? I just, felt really mad for no reason at all. I don’t even remember doing it…”
His voice softened, and he stopped her in her tracks, “I’m not… great with talking. But, if something’s bothering you, talk my ear off. I insist.”
This was new. “Oh, um…” Cam wasn’t certain how to proceed, mixed emotions in his eyes. She leaned to the side, crossing her arms. “I’m okay, I think…”
Gladio sighed. “Y’aint invincible, Cam. Thought I taught you that already.”
“I know,” she replied, keeping eye contact, the sun flaring at her side. “I guess...if anything, it’s seeing everyone’s families.” Feeling her eyes sting, she shut them to prevent tears from spilling over. It was no use; they fell from her cheeks and onto her collarbone. “I-I just, I just-”
Without another word Gladio wrapped Cam in a hug that surrounded her, completed her, heat enveloping her body and soul. He had a jacket on and Cam slid her hands around his back beneath it, holding him as if her life depended on it. In some way, it did; he gave her a life worth living, the strength to survive in this wasteland, light where there was none.
A sun when the sky was black.
Cam felt his chin rest on top of her head and a hand brush the loose hair that fell from her ponytail behind her ear. “Cam, I-”
“We need a mechanic.”
Cam pulled away from Gladio at the sound of Greyson’s voice. “Truck’s toast. Transmission’s about to give out, and the radiator is overheating and I haven’t even taken it out of park yet.”
“Shit,” Cam breathed. “Any around town?”
Prompto joined the group, panting from running up the flight of stairs. “Cindy’s in Hammerhead for the night, just texted her. She can’t make it in tonight.”
The group looked around, uncertain what to do next. Even if they called someone to pick them up, they couldn’t just leave the goods there, and the other supply truck they had would need at least three trips to get everything.
A sign caught Cam’s attention. “Say we book a night at the Leville and get the truck looked at tomorrow.” She checked her phone. “It’s already seven-thirty.”
“Not a bad idea,” Greyson replied, turning to Prompto. “Have Cindy meet us in the morning. I’ll call Dave and tell him what’s up.”
They were lucky to get a room in the first place. The single bed, starter suite was not suited for four adults, the queen sized bed and sofa the only means for sleeping. Cam flat-out refused the bed, recalling the stiff mattress that murdered her back during her stay there. She called dibs on the sofa instead, and Greyson and Prompto joked about sharing the bed. Gladio took the floor between the two options, the hotel staff kind enough to offer extra pillows.
Prompto was flipping through the channels on the television, the same re-running broadcasts and played-out shows on screen. Greyson was turned over, out already.
Cam laid on her back scrolling through her gallery in her phone, far passed the daemon bounty kills. She found a set of photos from her stay in Galdin Quay with Nolan, back when the sun was still around. Vibrant pastels and sharp hues of red, pink and purples blotted the sunsetting horizon, breathtaking. Alive.
Cam missed color.
“Nice view,” Gladio croaked from the floor below her.
Cam scoffed. “Rude to look at someone’s phone without permission.”
“Sorry, just…” He sighed. “I miss it, too. Fucking darkness is getting to me.”
Cam flicked to the next picture, a selfie with Nolan and her. She tried to go to the next one, but he’d already seen it.
“D’you miss him?”
Cam swallowed, hard. “Sometimes.”
“You’re saying sorry too much, stop it.” Cam looked down at him, giving him a jestful warning look.
He blinked up at her. “...sorry.”
Cam rolled her eyes. “You’re terrible.”
Prompto turned the TV off, the only light in the room spilling in from the bathroom, a strange orangish wash from the sconce painted everything in a warm hue. He tucked under the covers and adjusted his pillow. “Night, guys.”
“Night,” Cam and Gladio said in unison.
The room was so quiet it made Cam’s ears hum. She looked down at Gladio again; he was staring at the ceiling. “What are you thinking about?” she murmured, low enough that the other boys couldn’t hear her.
Gladio exhaled through his nose. “I was thinking about what you said earlier. About...family.” His eyes flicked to hers. “Iris is, the only family I have left. Knowing she wants to learn how to hunt? It’s...not easy.” He rested his hands behind his head. “I can’t control her, either. Eventually she’ll do what she wants either way. But...dammit. She’s all I got, so…”
Cam could detect his internal struggle, because she began to feel it as well. “Look, you’re right. She will someday do as she wants, and you won’t be able to stop her.” Cam rolled over onto her side to face him. “The best thing you can do at that point is support her. You’re… all she has. And, what she needs is you to back her up.”
He considered her words before letting out a long sigh. “You’re right. I hate it, but you’re right.”
Cam checked her phone. “Okay, we need to get some sleep.”
She pocketed her phone, adjusted her pillow and laid on her back. “Night, Gladio.”
“Night, Cam.”
Gladio stirred several hours into the night. He repositioned himself, the pillows beneath him bunching up awkwardly so. Once comfortable he set in to go back to sleep. But not before catching a glimpse of Cam, lost in a dream, her face relaxed and almost childlike.
Her hand was dangling off the side of the sofa.
Why he did what he did next, he’d never know, but he gently slid his hand underneath hers, their fingers interlacing.
Gladio’s hip ignited, but it didn’t bring pain; the warmth that radiated at his side was like sun shining on his skin...something he’d missed for so long. Something he’d trade a thousand days of night for, for this single day of light...
His heart swelled, her touch bringing him a comfort nobody, no woman, had ever made him feel. The calmness spread throughout his fingertips to every inch of his body, sleep claiming him without hesitation, a small smile on his lips.
Cam’s eyes opened, well aware of Gladio’s hand in hers.
She flexed her fingers and held onto him through the night, hoping he’d never let her go.
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Inside 4-5 business days you can foresee all new pack at your doorstep. Keep away from enduring broken seal and adjusted pack.
What are the requirements?
Peau Jeune Cream Moisturizer is simply sold at online mode likewise, swear off glancing through it at neighborhood greatness stores
It isn't proposed for under 18 and men
This supplement C against developing condition isn't proposed to break down, fix any disease and distress
Ladies who are starting at now under helpful treatment and have veritable skin affliction should advise dermatologist before using this formula
Store all new condition under cool dry spot, away from direct light
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Tips for best result:
Keep you body hydrated by drinking at any rate 7-8 glass of water as it assist flush with harming from the body
Eat well green vegetables, and new natural items
Go without smoking, drinking and affirmation of dealt with sustenance
Acknowledge authentic rest as quality rest assist convey with shining to skins
Winnie; Peau Jeune Moisturizer Cream is a blessing from my smooth skin. I use to have an unreasonable number of skin break out spots, skin was ending up being darker bit by bit then I endeavored this stand-out cum dynamic formula after my sister proposition. Also, by and by you yourself can see the change in my underneath when pictures. Feel respected and satisfied."
To whom and why the all new Peau Jeune Cream is proposed?
Ladies who are more than 30 and worried of their skin quality can without quite a bit of a stretch use Peau Jeune Moisturizer Cream. This supplement rich condition can be used before the beautifying agents as base, suit the smooth, dry and fragile skin also. Its upgrading cum inquire about focus attempted fixings are the sole reason for its amazing wrinkle clearing result.
Does Peau Jeune Anti Aging Cream have any responses?
By no means, the new skin patching up formula is incredible in restricting hardly noticeable contrasts, fore whole head lines, defects and diminish spots in like manner, probability of having unwanted indications or harm is absolutely zero. In reality, even the extra fixings are liberated from fillers, spreads and GMO.
Visit Here - https://peaujeunecream.com/
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