#I yelled to find sweetheart of the rodeo at ALL I was so happy
rodeoromeo · 11 months
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RECORD FAIR HAUL! the Sweetheart of the Rodeo is an original pressing :)
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, romance, angst, fantasy
warnings: kidnapping, water deprivation (?), swearing, manipulation, eavesdropping, jealousy, betrayal (?), i think that’s it, but pls let me know if i missed anything triggering!!!
author’s note: sorry for the huuuge hiatus, i’ve been working on other things and also uni has been really hectic, i hope you guys enjoy this new chapter!
word count: 2.5k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️  chapter six ☠️ chapter eight ☠️chapter nine  ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter eleven ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ chapter thirteen ☠️ spotify playlist
You were trapped inside a fishnet. Everything was so dark and dry you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t tell exactly where you were, all you knew was that Soojin was nearby and she was screaming in a panicked way.
“Relax, Soojin, we’ll get out of here,” you tried to comfort your sister.
“HOW?” she cried out. “WE’LL DIE HERE!”
You attempted to not freak out and focus on what you knew. Someone had thrown fishnets at you two and you were now left without water. Which meant that this wasn’t Hongjoong’s ship. No matter how much he hated you, you knew that Seonghwa would never let Hongjoong do anything like this. But you were still positive that this was a pirate ship. What you couldn’t find out was who had taken you two and why?
Fortunately (or not), your questions were answered soon enough, as a tall figure approached, holding up a torch that lit up the front part of the ship, giving you a chance to examine your surroundings.
“Where did you get the ring?” the man asked Soojin as he pulled it out of her finger.
Soojin gulped nervously and even though you both knew it was Yeosang that given her the ring, to your surprise, she lied.
“I found it. Now will you let us go?”
The tall figure laughed darkly.
“No. Because you’re lying, you little thief.”
Shit. You were in big trouble.
“Let’s see how a week without water will do you,” he hissed. “Pathetic mermaids.”
“Wait,” you yelled after him, intending to tell him the truth rightaway. You couldn’t risk dying over this. But before you could open your mouth again, Soojin dug her fingernails into your hand, preventing you from speaking up.
“ROT IN HELL,” she screamed at the man as he was walking away.
“Oh, darling, I’m already in it.”
Once he was out of earshot, you struggled in the dark to focus on Soojin’s features.
“Why did you lie to him, Soojin?” you hissed in frustration. “You don’t owe Yeosang anything!”
“If I told him the truth, he would go after Yeosang!”
“And you’d rather die than let anything happen to your sweetheart, is that it?” you sighed.
“Yes, I’d die happy if I knew he was safe.”
“What about me, Soojin?” you groaned. “How is this fair? I don’t want to die here to ensure some human will live.”
“You won’t die. You said it yourself. We’ll get out of here,” Soojin tried to sound hopeful.
“If we don’t, I’ll haunt you in the afterlife,” you vowed threateningly.
“I deserve that,” she chuckled sadly.
You couldn’t tell how much time had passed. You felt so tired and hopeless and as if you were minutes away from drawing your last breath. Soojin was in a similar state. Your initial idea to claw your way out of the ropes had proven to be futile. Not only was that impossible to achieve, but the lack of fluids was weakening your bodies in such a way that you no longer had any idea if it was day or night. You promised to yourself that if the tall man who’d trapped you here appeared again, you would tell him everything about Yeosang. You didn’t want to die and follow Soojin on her suicide mission. But no matter how much time passed, the dark figure didn’t return. You were done for. And despite how badly you hated humans (pirates, in particular) in that moment, you still wished you could see Seonghwa once more. Let him know that you didn’t blame him for Ariel’s death. That the real monsters were the sea witch and his parents for separating him from his loved one in such a cruel way. But you couldn’t even do that. Couldn’t even hear his voice again…
Seonghwa’s POV
We were on a journey across the sea with no specific direction when suddenly, we ran into Mingi’s ship by accident. I wondered if he noticed us and if he would attack us. It had been a while since our last encounter when that bastard cut off Yeosang’s right hand. It had also been a while since the last time I talked to Y/N. I missed her and I was so mad at everyone standing in the way of our friendship. Imagine my surprise, when I spotted a large fishnet hanging from Mingi’s ship, tied up to the figurehead, tall enough so as to not touch the water. I squinted in order to see better and soon enough, realized that whatever was inside, was too big to be a regular fish. No. Fucking. Way. Were those mermaids? I didn’t know what came over me, maybe it was my gut feeling, but I knew I had to save them. Even if I didn’t know them, I couldn’t have another mermaid death weighing on my conscience. I hurriedly rushed to talk to my fellow mates and tell them what I’d seen. We had to make a decision quickly or else Mingi’s ship would sail away and then, it would be more difficult to trace him.
“Guys, I think Mingi’s trapped a couple of mermaids inside a fishnet!” I screamed.
“What? We have to help the poor creatures!” Yeosang replied, backing me up. I gave him a thankful wink.
“I agree,” Wooyoung added and pointed towards the fishnet that was still in our field of vision. “Look! That asshole is not letting them touch the water!”
“Oh, no, that’s horrendous!” San exclaimed. “I’ve heard that mermaids can’t last long without water.”
“All the more reason to save them,” I insisted.
“I don’t think this is a sensible idea,” Hongjoong argued.
“Please, whatever your ridiculous vendetta against mermaids is about, it can wait,” Yeosang complained.
“It’s not just about the mermaids, Yeo,” our captain responded. “The last time we fought Mingi, it didn’t end well,” he purposefully stared at Yeosang’s missing hand, as if to remind him. Yeosang gave him a dirty look and took his sword out, skillfully managing it with his left hand, as if to prove a point. “Mingi is too powerful and dangerous, if we confront him, we may risk losing not just a hand, but our lives.”
I pulled Hongjoong aside and whispered in his ear.
“Do you want them to know that you lied to Mingi? That you told him the mermaids killed the sea witch?”
“I did that to protect you,” Hongjoong hissed.
“Nonsense. You did that selfishly because you wanted to get rid of Y/N. Be very careful what you say next.”
“Come on, guys!” Wooyoung urged us to cut it off. “Mingi’s ship is getting away!”
“Yeah, make a decision already!” San groaned.
“It’s your call, Captain,” I addressed Hongjoong. “Choose wisely. You might gain something if you stop us but you’ll lose something far more important.”
“Are you threatening me?” Hongjoong furrowed his brows. “Don’t forget who’s in charge, Hwa.”
“I haven’t forgotten anything. It’s you who forgot how to show compassion to those in need,” I reminded him. “You saved all of us. That’s why we’re loyal to you. Why can’t you help us save these mermaids, too? Would it really kill you if you tried?”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes.
“Fine. But if one of you gets hurt, it’s not on me, it’s on you, Hwa. Remember that in case things go wrong.”
“We can take care of ourselves, thank you very much.”
And with that, we pulled out our weapons. It was time to attack Mingi’s ship and get those poor mermaids out of these fishnets.
Hongjoong’s POV
This was a terrible idea, but Seonghwa put me in such a position that it was impossible to refuse. We hurriedly threw ropes with hooks at Mingi’s ship in order to get on board. The plan was that Yeosang and I would confront Mingi ourselves, while Seonghwa, Wooyoung and San cut off the fishnets and free the mermaids into the sea. I knew that it was a big risk, but a part of me also knew that I was partially responsible for this happening. If I hadn’t been so petty to tell Mingi that the mermaids were to blame for the sea witch’s death, we wouldn’t be here right now. As we were looking for Mingi, I was surprised at how relaxed Yeosang seemed. Honestly, I admired him for his bravery.
“Hey, bastard!” Yeosang yelled as he stormed into the captain’s cabin. “Face me, you coward!”
Mingi was obviously taken aback by Yeosang’s recklessness and it took him a while to find his sword. While he was frantically looking for it, I grabbed him by the collar and hissed.
“You betrayed us and cut off Yeosang’s hand, Mingi. You’re not getting out of this.”
“What’s your problem? I thought mermaids were our common enemy, Hongjoong,” Mingi exposed my secret and I loosened my grip on him, ashamed by my actions.
Yeosang didn’t seem fazed at all, he simply pointed his sword towards Mingi’s neck.
“You had it all wrong, Mingi,” Yeosang informed him calmly. “The mermaids didn’t kill the sea witch. It’s humans you should be scared of,” he added, without specifying too much and attacked.
I was frozen in place for a couple of seconds, which was enough for Mingi to regain his composure and defend himself.
“You knew?” I whispered to Yeosang as the two of us charged faster against Mingi.
“I may have overheard your conversation,” Yeosang replied coldly.
“Why didn’t you tell us you knew all along?” I asked as I tried to hold Mingi off.
“Why didn’t you tell me yourselves?” Yeosang countered and disarmed Mingi.
“Go ahead, then! Kill me already,” Mingi incited us.
“No,” Yeosang refused. “I want you to live with the consequences of your actions,” he dropped the sword and once again took that damned ring from Mingi. “Tie him up, Hongjoong.”
“Why are you suddenly giving the orders?” I complained but pulled Mingi close as I wrapped a rope around his wrists.
“I literally have one hand, how am I supposed to tie him up?” Yeosang groaned.
“That’s fair.”
Yeosang’s POV
“Soojin!” I cried out in relief as soon as I saw her back into the sea and freed from those terrible fishnets. I jumped into the water and kissed her. “Are you alright?”
“My love, what happened to your hand?” she inquired worriedly.
“Mingi, that bastard who trapped you, cut it off,” I informed her. “But don’t worry, Hongjoong’s currently taking him as a prisoner to our ship.”
“I don’t understand,” Soojin whimpered. “I didn’t tell him anything about the ring, why would he come after you?”
“I know you didn’t, my brave girl,” I reassured her and hugged her. “I’m just glad you’re okay now.”
“How did you know I was here?”
“Honestly? I’d like to say I was destined to find you, but the truth is we ran into Mingi’s ship by chance. Seonghwa saw the fishnets and realized whatever was inside seemed too big to be fish.”
“What did you just call me?” Soojin joked, pretending to be offended.
“No, I just meant that…”
“Relax, I was only teasing,” Soojin laughed. “Thank you for saving us, darling. Another minute without water and I probably would have died.”
“I’m happy we came on time, then,” I smiled at her and pressed my forehead against hers.
Seonghwa’s POV
The minute the mermaids were free from the fishnets and back into the sea, I realized we had saved not just any mermaids, but Y/N and Soojin. I jumped right after them, not even bothering to check if Mingi had been successfully captured and soon enough, Yeosang joined me to talk to Soojin, quickly informing us that Hongjoong had taken Mingi back to our ship and he would no longer be able to harm anyone.
“You’re safe now,” I hugged Y/N and whispered words of reassurance in her ear, immediately forgetting all about our last encounter and the fact that she might need more time to accept what she’d learned about me and Ariel. The only thing that mattered was that she was okay. “You’re alright.”
“H-how did you know we were t-trapped?” she stammered.
“It was by accident.”
“Thank the fates,” Y/N sighed. “We wouldn’t have lasted much longer.”
“Did Mingi hurt you?”
She shook her head.
“Other than the no water thing, no, he didn’t.”
“Good. I would have killed him but…”
“No more death,” she spoke gently. “I’m beyond happy to see you, Seonghwa. I missed you terribly.”
“So did I, dearest. Does that mean you’re willing to forgive me?”
“There’s nothing to forgive,” Y/N replied. “I can no longer bear being parted from you. Not even for a minute.”
Her words broke my resolve to respect her boundaries and remain loyal to Hongjoong despite what he’d done to me and I kissed her. To my utter disbelief, she kissed me back, her fingers holding onto my hair for dear life. When I finally pulled away, we were both out of breath.
“I’m so s-sorry, I shouldn’t have.”
“No! I wanted you to.”
“You did?”
“Of course! Seonghwa, I like you so much. And even though it hurts…I think Ariel would have wanted you to move on and to be happy.”
“Well, you make me happy.”
“Right back at you,” Y/N smiled fondly.
For the briefest of moments, we were in our own little world and I had forgotten all about the rest of the world with its problems. But then I made the mistake of looking away from her and I saw him.
Hongjoong’s POV
I couldn’t exactly interrupt them. I didn’t deserve it after all. I mean, not after being so harsh to Y/N, not after telling the secret about Seonghwa’s past to Y/N, and certainly not after lying to Mingi about the mermaids’ non-existent involvement in the sea witch’s death. I felt like a piece of shit for hurting them and yet, I couldn’t look away, either. It was no longer jealousy I was feeling. I knew I had it coming. It was so strange to me when I realized I felt perfectly calm to watch them embracing and kissing. I was even enjoying this, in some perverted way. And then Seonghwa spotted me. Soon after, Y/N did, too. I was so embarrassed that I had been caught observing them that I immediately turned around and started walking towards the inside of the ship, anywhere that would ensure avoiding them like the plague. They didn’t bother to yell after me and I was thankful for that. I was in no mood to explain myself or talk to them or anything. And despite the fact that she’d taken him away from me, I was glad that she’d survived. No creature deserved to be left without water for so long and I could only imagine how much worse such an ordeal would be to a mermaid. In any case, I was relieved that Mingi was in one of our cells now. Coming here wasn’t such a bad idea after all. Two lives were saved and we had finally defeated him. Our former friend, who was also our enemy and now, our prisoner. When had life gotten so damn complicated?
To be continued…
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ironmandeficiency · 4 years
mr. tin man
mr. tin man
pairing: agent whiskey / statesman!reader
word count: 4470
summary: communication is vital in a relationship, and the lack thereof resulted in you breaking up with jack after eight months of dating. when whiskey and bloody mary see each other again, it’s not quite the romantic reunion they deserved.
a/n: apparently writing for a cowboy while wearing a cowboy hat and listening to country music brings out my twang via text. but this song was my inspo, enjoy my first attempt at whiskey
warnings: implied smut, heartbreak, plenty of sad, implied torture, canon-typical violence, hurt/comfort, promise of a happy ending
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“so that’s it, you’re not gonna explain yourself?!”
“there’s nothing to explain, jack.”
“that’s bullshit and you know it!”
jack had no idea what had gotten into you. just last night the two of you were making dinner together with his record player singin’ george strait, following dinner with slow dancin’ in the living room. the rest of the night was spent in his bed, in his arms as he made you feel his love for you with every thrust and kiss, every word of praise whispered into your ear.
eight months was a short time to be so confident in his love for you. both of your jobs took you all around the country, sometimes the world, but you had always made it work. you both agreed very early on to not let work get in the way as much as possible, but sometimes it was like champ had it out for you despite not knowing that you were seeing someone.
i’m just- i’m grabbing my stuff and leaving, i can’t be around you right now.” your voice was cold and unyielding, nearly making jack think that the previous night’s lovemaking was all a figment of his wild imagination.
“i’m not letting you leave till you tell me why! what changed from last night to now?!”
“i don’t need to tell you a damned thing, now let me go!”
“sweetheart, don’t be like this!”
his eyes narrowed at you, face scrunching slightly as he continued. “like what, jack? a bitch?” your yelling was met with his silence. this silence only made you angrier with him, even though he had no idea what started this or how to fix it. “go on then,” you egg him on, “tell me what i’m acting like!”
“you’re acting like you don’t love me! you don’t treat someone you love like you’re treating me right now!”
now it was your turn to be silent. jack’s eyes were scrutinizing you and if asked to, he could pinpoint the exact second when your eyes lost the softness he crooned over and into rigid, obstinate stone. what was going on in that head of yours, and why wouldn’t you let him help you? why weren’t you talking things out like rational adults, the way you always did when there was a disagreement?
“well maybe i don’t love you.”
the only thing you heard was the blood rushing through his veins, trying to reach his heart and repair the damage you dealt before it was too late. but the second the words fell from your lips it was too late to save him, your cruelty laced with the venom of a thousand vipers as you spoke with no hesitation.
“tell me you don’t mean it. sugar, tell me you don’t-“
“i do, jack. i mean it. now let. me. go.”
you had no words to describe what you felt right then, the way your throat constricted and eyes blurred from tears and hands trembled as you grabbed what belongings of yours you could carry, choking on your pain but hiding it well. it wasn’t all of your things by any means, but he could do what he wanted with the rest of it. you had no intentions of returning for anything and you had the feeling you wouldn’t be welcomed back after what you’ve just done.
with your arms full and not a single glance over your shoulder, you walked out of the door he held open for you to walk out of. the slam of it reverberated through your body and you felt goosebumps when the breeze of the door blew against your back.
barely managing to open the door to your car, you let your things fall unceremoniously from your arms and clatter to the floorboard. eight months of life with jack had meant there were plenty of memories in the seat next to you and there would be far more waiting in your apartment. you weren’t ready for that, not right now. if you ever would be.
you moved to the driver’s side and got in, resting your head on the steering wheel as you tried to collect yourself. what you needed was a distraction, something to keep you from thinking about what you just did.
then your phone rings. one look at the contact name brings a bitter laugh from your throat, the sound broken and wet. this is the first time you’ve wished for work and unlike nearly every wish you’ve made in your life, you get instant results.
first question out of your mouth is about whether there’s an assignment that’ll keep you gone as long as possible. he says there’s nothing currently that doesn’t already have someone on it, but that there’s plenty of grunt work to be done that, when culminated and done all in a row, will keep you busy for nearly two months.
that sounds like heaven to you right now.
you tell him this and he chuckles, saying it’s not the first time he’s had an agent so desperate to be distracted. coordinates are sent to an airstrip eight hours away and even though you’re happy to drive the distance, you’re curious as to why the pilot couldn’t be assed to land at the one only three hours out. but before you’re able to voice this thought to champ, he’s already hung up.
you don’t want to, can’t find the strength to go back to your apartment. you can just buy the things you’ll need once you get to wherever and be done with it. the apartment was blanketed with landmine memories you didn’t want to go anywhere near right now, not before a mission. the moment one landmine is triggered, it’ll tell the others and send you into a blast that you honestly don’t think you’d recover from.
so with a sigh and a flick of the radio dial, you’ve got the saddest songs you know playing as loud as possible. you start your car and head toward the interstate and to the waiting plane, letting yourself go in favor of embracing bloody mary, the one that could handle pain and dish it back twice as harsh. it was time to forget jack daniels by using everything but.
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jack didn’t know how to process what just happened. after eight life-altering, blissful months of being together, you just left. no real explanation except for the lingering “i don’t love you” he’s desperate to forget he heard spill from your mouth. he has no idea if he had done anything to drive you to leaving. if you would just tell him what he did, he’d repent for that and every other wrong thing he’s done in his life, if only it meant holding you in his arms again.
he let it ring for a moment, his heart clenching at the fact you pulled the rhinestone cowboy stunt one last time before you walked out of his life. at this point he was hesitant to change it because then it would mean that you’d never do it again. you knew how much he despised the song and you went out of your way sometimes to remind him of its existence, but he could never grow tired of your wide smile when watching him react.
he barely schooled his voice before greeting the voice on the other line. “whiskey.”
“whiskey! good to hear from ya. listen, i got a job for you. won’t keep you gone for long, just a simple in and out, i know you’ve got places you’d rather be.”
last night he would have loved to hear those words come from his mouth. “give me everything you’ve got, champ. i don’t wanna be back for a while.”
the older man could sense that something was off but had the lick of sense required to not bring it up. instead, he told whiskey of some undercover work he needed someone on right away. two months, possibly more. the silver pony is waiting at the private airstrip three hours away and that he’ll be briefed on the plane. where exactly he’s headed isn’t of any consequence.
he packs a bag of his own clothes and a few of yours to help him sleep at night, preparing to submit himself fully to the agency. it wasn’t like he had someone to come home to anymore, no reason to do anything but work.
this undercover mission was gonna be his salvation.
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you have a lot of regrets, a lot of things you’ve done that had you close to repenting. but when two months pass and it feels like you never left his apartment, you want to scream every atrocity you’ve ever committed at the top of your lungs if it meant holding him again.
not a word that came out of your mouth that morning was meant, but his safety was priority. it didn’t matter how your heart was bleeding, begging and pleading for you to not go through with breaking him. selfish is what you were, spending one last night in his arms and able to pretend that you could have something good happen for once in your life. he deserved more than that, he deserved all the love this world has to offer and more.
but that’s not how life goes.
so you kept your nose to the grindstone and worked till you bled and then worked till it scabbed and bled again. champ, thank god for champ, has been keeping jack as busy as he could reasonably ask to be. it kept you from thinking of jack and the way his dark eyes haunted your dreams. the way dream-jack would cry, voice cracking as he begged you to stay and tell him how he could fix whatever broke between you.
but there wasn’t anything jack had the power to fix. someone found his address and knew that he was yours, sending photos and calling you to make threats about getting revenge for their boss you killed on your last mission. you would rather offer yourself to the bastards on a silver platter than let anyone hurt your cowboy. if he was pulled into statesman business because of you, you don’t know what you would have done besides the fact that you could not be held responsible for your actions.
but what could you do, tell your boyfriend that you weren’t really in marketing after eight months together? that you killed people day in and day out, had the blood of hundreds on your hands and smeared that blood on his body when you came home to him?
you could just imagine how well that would go down.
you decided to make him hate you, convince him that you didn’t love him. that he wasn’t the motivation to keep going during missions, to stay safe because you didn’t want him to learn the truth about your work through news of your death.
you were many things, liar being on top of the list these days.
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jack didn’t want to be in that house any longer than he needed to be. packing quicker than he had in nearly a year. he decided he’d leave his heart behind, damning the organ to seep into the floorboards, echoes of its beating permeating the air with every thunk of his boots against the hardwood.
if that house wasn’t where you were when “i love you” was spoken for the first time, he’d have sold it. if that bronco parked out front wasn’t the one you’d ride shotgun in, singing loudly to every song that sang through the fm dial, he’d have wrecked it.
jack found himself in a conundrum; he wanted to forget you and everything that made him fall in love with you, but he didn’t want to lose the only pieces of you that he had left.
the clothes you left here lost your smell far sooner than he thought they should have, and seeing every hanger in his closet in use, every garment accounted for, skewered him more than he thought it would.
when you spent the night there was always one hanger empty, and when he’d investigate as to the missing shirt’s whereabouts, it would always be on you. didn’t matter if you wore it buttoned or unbuttoned, or if you simply had it draped around you because it was another way to feel closer to him, even if he were only in the other room.
you were suffocating him in your memory and his heart and brain couldn’t choose whether to fight to breathe or let himself succumb.
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it was another two weeks of light work when champ called you with a mission a bit more important than anything you’ve had in a while. a fellow agent sent to the badlands of montana hasn’t been making contact for far too long and it was your job to bring him home.
“mary, he’s one of our best. bring him home in one piece.”
“wouldn’t settle for less, champ. who is it, anyway? i’m hoping to god tequila isn’t who you’re thinking is one of your best.”
he chuckled and you could picture him shaking his head with a smirk. he was well aware of the somewhat friendly competition between the two of you and sometimes it was plenty amusing. other times, not so much. then he cleared his throat the way he only does when he’s dealing a harsh blow and your hair stood on end in preparation for what he was about to say.
“it’s whiskey, mary. we think his cover was blown.”
well, that was anticlimactic. “you say his name as if it’s supposed to mean something to me, champ. i’ve never met him a day in my life.”
he sputters for a second and isn’t sure whether he should call you on your shit or go along with your naivety since, if it were real, would be helpful in keeping you from making any rash decisions in the field.
see, champ caught on real early to the relationship statuses of two of his best agents. in the beginning he debated on whether or not to separate the two of you, but after a few months passed by and the quality of your work didn’t depreciate, he decided against it. let them have the happiness they earned, he figured, it wasn’t getting anyone killed.
for the sake of this productivity, he just pulled strings to keep the two of you from being assigned missions together. since the two of you never brought it up with him, he just assumed that you both agreed with his decision.
now he wasn’t so sure that either of you even knew that you were both statesman. oh fuck, this was gonna be fun, especially when they find out that he’d been knowing about the two of you, oh well, nothing to be done now. you were the only one he could trust with this operation and besides, it’s high time the two of you were completely honest with each other.
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one thing jack’s learned during his capture, it’s that time was a social construct. the room he’s been in had no windows and the guard rotations were deliberately sporadic, purposefully switching shifts to fuck with his head. the minutes and hours and days blurred by pain and agony as they used nearly every possible torture method trying to get information from him that he didn’t know, stopping just short of killing him each time.
outside of his own blood pounding in his ears and the voices of his captors when they beat him, it was complete silence until a strained phone call was made outside of the door to his personal hell.
“your boss didn’t say he was statesman! i lost several good men on this operation, you owe me big time!” jack assumed they were talking about him, but wait a minute. didn’t they go after him because he was statesman? didn’t he slip up somehow and that’s what got him in this situation?
he doesn’t remember much from the fight he lost that ended with him in the very chair he was in right then, he just remembers them mentioning what he thought to be a name: bloody mary. he didn’t recognize the name from around the agency, so maybe instead of alluding to the beverage, they were hinting at the ghost that haunted mirrors. he didn’t like either option so he pushed it away, unsure of what this bloody mary had to do with him being here.
they’d been asking him about her ever since he got here, and for the first time he was honest during an interrogation. they still hit him, somehow convinced that he was involved with this mystery woman. what was even stranger was that they didn’t even give him some cockamamey evidence, doctored photos that could “attest” to his involvement.
“no! you send your men to come get him! and bring more to replace the ones your idiocy cost me!” a long silence from the man who’d led his interrogations, and a sigh. “have someone send the photos. he’s still not giving information… it’s been a week and he’s near dead, we push too hard and we lose any chance of getting the information… alright. let me know when they’re close.”
oh, they’re gonna bring photos pretty soon. finally he’ll have some sort of explanation as to why he’s here.
but then he hears gunshots outside of his little prison and his senses are immediately on edge. “secure the prisoner! secure the prisoner secure the-” the frantic shouts of one of the guards was cut off by a gurgling noise jack could only guess was his own blood.
this meant two things: someone was here to take whiskey and he had no idea whether he’d prefer a statesman rescue or for whoever his captors were trying to deliver him to. if the latter happens, maybe he can get a read on what kind of threat this “bloody mary” poses.
he’s never longed more for his whip and lasso and his revolver, to go out there and kill every single one of them that fucked with him. but he could barely stand or move as it was, leaving this room was a death sentence right now. stay put, he decided, and see what life has in store for him now.
he was never one to admire fictional characters all that much, but in that moment his mind wandered to the wizard of oz. he remembers watching it with you one night on your couch, you having won a bet that ended in you choosing the movie for movie night.
the tin man stood out the most to jack. here he was, an impenetrable force that yearned for a heart despite the weaknesses such an organ possessed. hypothetically, if the tin man were real, he would offer the man a bargain: your armor for my heart.
now jack wasn’t a con man. he wouldn’t say he was selling a fully functional heart all in one piece. no, he’d tell the tin man straight, that his heart was in pieces and has been pretty worn down over the years. after all, it isn’t like that armor of his hasn’t seen better days.
yeah, jack would be willing to do far too much to get just a scrap of that armor.
he’s too busy entertaining this idea through his hazy delirium that he doesn’t notice the door opening and one of the men approaching him in haste, hands beginning to grab at him, probably to take him away from whoever is attacking his prison.
they both hear the sound of footsteps from the doorway and whiskey’s vision is blocked by the man that was about to move his aching body from its crumpled position.
“turn around and step away from him. now!” the new voice shouted. it was a woman, he realized. what if this was the bloody mary in question? his broken mind could only imagine the opportunities that are falling at his feet.
the man turns, hands raised and whiskey could faintly make out the rapid breathing of the man scared shitless of the looming figure. “b-bloody mary, i-”
“save it. you’ve made a mistake crossing me, thornton. did you forget what happens to the men that dare fuck with me?”
there we go. this was perfect, exactly the woman he wanted to see. he had no idea what his future held, but getting an escort out of here by a woman who clearly wasn’t planning on leaving here without him (and wouldn’t hesitate to kill to ensure that outcome) was like a gift from god.
there was a silent screaming in the back of his mind that told him to pay more attention to the next time bloody mary spoke, that he was missing out on a critical detail by allowing himself to slip into near comatose.
“b-b-but i was gonna g-give you half the money once i handed him over! i swear it!”
“i don’t want your money, thornton. what i’d like back is the time i wasted tracking your slimy ass, but this will do.”
he hears a thunk and suddenly he’s covered in red and thornton’s body is crumpling to the ground, an arrow between his eyes and blood quickly pooling around him. before he passes out, he risks a look at the face of the crossbow-wielding woman who holds his life in her hands.
it’s you.
he has to be delusional. you can’t be here, splattered in blood and dirt and picking him up in your arms. his angel clad in crimson, one foot pressed to the dead man’s head as you yank the arrow out with force he didn’t think you had. you can’t be the one who asks him where his weapons are, jack lifting a trembling hand towards the trunk in the far corner as you pull out his trusted whip and lasso
you can’t be going back one by one to the men you left alive and ending their lives with barely contained rage as you guide him out of the prison he’s been trapped in for god only knows how long. and what was in the canteen you were emptying as you walked through towards the doors?
there was no way on god’s green earth that you were the one flicking open a zippo before tossing the chrome lighter on top of the puddle of what his brain is now telling him is lighter fluid, carrying him bridal style towards the cherry red ford edsel convertible as his hell went up in flames.
he feels himself be gently laid down in the back of the car, a soft hand coming up to cup his cheek and stroking away a tear jack didn’t realize he shed. it really was you, he realized as he met your eyes, eyebrows wrinkled in fear that he felt guilty for giving you.
“you’ll be alright, jack. we’re gonna get you some help, you’re gonna be okay, i swear it baby,” his heart clenched when your voice cracked at the end, his vision going black before he can say or do anything to soothe the ache he knows you’re feeling.
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“you son of a bitch, you knew?!” jack knows that voice.
“of course i did, i wouldn’t be doing my job if i didn’t! and you two weren’t slackin off so i thought-” jack knew that voice too. but why did it seem as if they knew each other?
“so when it became apparent that i didn’t know that jack was a statesman, you didn’t think to tell me?!”
“it could have jeopardized the mission if i told you then!”
a loud slap echoes through the room as you loudly call champ a motherfucker, the insult followed by a demand for privacy.
a door clicks shut and for a second jack’s body is preparing him for another hit from an assailant or sparks of electricity from the car battery they electrocuted him with a time or two. his muscles tense all the same when instead of pain, much to his surprise, the touch is feather light and tender.
“jack… baby i’m so sorry, for everything i did. for leaving, for saying such hateful things,” he hears you sniffle and if he could move his body right then he’d wipe away the tears streaking your dirty face if he could move one. they had him so doped up on muscle relaxers and painkillers and whatnot that he was still unsure of whether you were even here.
“i didn’t mean any of it i swear, fuck i love you jack and-” you cut yourself off with the beginnings of a sob, taking a few heaving breaths before you were able to continue.
that is, until he felt your lips quivering against his in a kiss unlike any you’ve shared in the past. every kiss with whiskey was confident, whether it was the passionate connection of kiss-swollen lips as you made love or the gentle pecks when you were just being, cuddling during movie nights or when swaying around the kitchen while cooking. it was a confidence born of two people who knew they were meant to be together and would continue to be. that confidence was gone now.
the anxiety buried behind this kiss burned worse than the cigarettes his captors put out against his skin. you were scared he’d turn you away, tell you that he didn’t want you anywhere near him after how you broke his heart.
you flinch when he pushes his face closer to yours, trying to tame the way your lips shook because he loves you, he misses you, he forgives you. your eyes widen when he does this and your hands are immediately cupping his face and wiping away the tears that were starting to drop from his eyes.
“hello darlin’,” he chokes out. “it’s nice to see you.”
you let out a wet laugh at his reference. of course jack’ s gonna start singing conway right now. “it’s been a long while, you’re just as lovely as you used to be.” your hands hold his face firmly as you bend lower and let your lips linger on the ones you’ve been without for the past two months.
“will ya lay with me, sweetheart?”
“always, jack.”
you maneuver your body around jack’s in the bed he was laying in, humming in content when he kisses your forehead. there’s a lot of obstacles ahead for the two of you, but it’s not anything two statesman agents can’t handle with their hands intertwined.
jack was never happier to not have traded his heart for armor.
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kayleebreanne09 · 4 years
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“Popcorn, my ass!”
Drew Starkey x Reader
“Babe!” My boyfriend bounded in the living room looking very happy, practically hopping from foot to foot in excitement. “Hey baby” I said smiling up at him from the couch. I was laid out on my phone scrolling through random tik toks. I patted the spot beside me & he plopped down grinning over at me. “You should know that your handsome boyfriend is now a bull rider” he said while looking thoroughly pleased with himself. “While I think that’s insanely hot, it’s also insanely dangerous. You could get seriously hurt!” I told him. His eyes softened hearing the fear in my voice. “(Y/N) I would never do anything that would seriously hurt me. I got cast as Cole in the new movie Rodeo nights!” he explained. “Oh Drew, that’s amazing. I’m so proud of you sweetheart!” I said pouncing on him & engulfing him in a hug. “I’m making plans & we are going out to celebrate” I told him as I took off into my room already researching on my phone & thinking up cute outfits to wear. I came from a little town in Arkansas & almost my whole family did some sort of rodeo events. My specialty was poles & barrels. As soon as Drew told me about the movie role, I had the grand idea of surprising him by taking him to see some real bull riding. I saw online that there’s a rodeo in town tonight. Tonight was night 2, the final night. “Perfect timing!” I thought clapping my hands. I dug around in my closet & pulled out a dark green button down. I threw on an old pair of wranglers that had come with me during my move. I slipped on my boots & strolled into the living room. Drew’s eyes went wide as he took in my outfit...“Well yeee-haw” he said chuckling. “Go get dressed babe!” I ushered him towards the bedroom. He came about ten minutes later wearing a red plaid button down shirt rolled up at the sleeves showcasing his muscular forearms. My eyes drifted down to his tight fitting wranglers & my cheeks suddenly went red. “Like what you see?” He teased. He spun in circle, showing me his outfit from all angles. “One finishing touch.” I said running back into the bedroom. I grabbed two of my cowboy hats off the top shelf of the closet & took off back to the living room. I stood on my tip toes as Drew slightly bent down. I stuck the hat on his head admiring how good he looked. “That boy can rock the cowboy look” I thought to myself. “Let’s go!” I said grabbing his hand & leading him out the door.
Once I pulled into the parking lot, Drew was like a little kid bouncing around in his seat. He was looking all around, taking it in. We got out & our hands found each other’s, almost like magnets drawn together. I pulled out my wallet to pay admission & suddenly Drew swatted my hand, making me drop my whole wallet. “Hey!” I said glaring at him. When I’d retrieved my wallet, & straightened back up, I realized drew had just handed the guy a $20. “Damnit Drew, I wanted to pay!” I said sulking. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I let my smoking hot girlfriend pay for me?” He gave me the puppy dog eyes that he knew I couldn’t resist. He put his arm around me & speed walked to the bleachers beside the arena. We scooted into a spot right on the front row. “This is so amazing!” Drew said looking over to me. I noticed he had that mischievous spark in his eye. “I wanted to do something you’d enjoy. I’m so proud of you & how hard you work to make it in the film industry. You’re going to be an amazing pretend bull rider” I said squeezing his hand. “Hey! You want some popcorn? I’m dying for some popcorn” he said jumping up. “I’ll just steal some of yours. I could go for a coke though!” I told him. He nodded & took off. I watched the last couple of barrel racers while he was gone. “Alright folks, now it’s time for our daredevils. Give it up for these crazy men & let’s see some bull ridin!” The announcer yelled, doing his best to pump up the crowd. “First we have a greenhorn named Drew Starkey. Y’all make him feel at home & cheer him on as he takes on the bull named Heartless!” As soon as I heard the announcers words, my heart stopped beating. I ran to the arena side & clung tightly to it. I didn’t know what to do. I started to climb the damn thing & go to the chutes myself just to get my boyfriend off that damn bull. But as soon as I got one foot up the panel keeping me out of the dirt arena, I saw my idiot boyfriend. He was in the chute, plopped down on the bull, getting his rope warmed up & about to ride. He grinned over at me & mouthed “I love you!” “I love you” I answered. All that was left to do now was pray & cheer his crazy ass on. He nodded, the chute opened, & Heartless came roaring into the arena. He threw his feet high in the air then twisted to the side only to buck again. It would have really been a beautiful thing if I wasn’t terrified of losing the only man that I’ve ever truly loved. The time was up to 5 seconds & still counting. “Cmon baby, you got this!” I hollered. The bull was bucking harder & harder trying to throw him but Drew was hanging on, looking the most determined that I’d ever seen him. I focused on his face looking for any hint of terror or regret only to find none. “BEEEEEP” the buzzer blared. He’d done it! He’d rode out the 8 seconds. He jumped clumsily from the bull as the rodeo clowns chased it away from him. The crowd was going wild. “That’s my man!!!” I yelled jumping around & clapping like a crazy person. As Drew climbed the chute to get out of the arena, I was already off & running towards the back alleyway. “Well looks like we have a beginner to watch for guys. That’s Drew Starkey riding out the full time. Let’s wait for his scores!” I rounded the corner at the back only to see Drew walking towards me wiping the dirt off his hands onto his pants. I took off & launched myself into his waiting arms. “God you idiot.” I breathed out, squeezing him tightly. Maybe if I just never let him leave my arms, he’d always be safe. “Shhh. It’s okay baby. I’m fine, see?” He said pulling me back & letting me look him over. “Drew, you could have been killed” I said, a small tear rolling down my cheek. “I know. I’m sorry. But I rode the bull!” he smiled widely. “Yeah you did. You rode the hell out of it, you pro. Just don’t ever do it again, unless it’s on the movie set.” I said while staring him down.
“Yes ma’am” he said saluting. He pulled me to him & ducked down, going in for the kiss. My hands tangled in the back of his hair & his hands gripped my hips. It was one of those hugs where we put all of our love & emotion that we couldn’t put into words into action. “I love you” he whispered. “I love you” I answered. He took my hand and together, we walked to the car. “Popcorn, my ass.” I muttered, rolling my eyes, still irritated that he’d chosen that excuse to sneak away & ride a bull.
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holylulusworld · 6 years
Missed Opportunities – Part 1
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Summary: Reader met Sam at Stanford. They were friends until Sam chose another girl over her. Years later the Winchesters need her help for a hunt.
Pairing: Sam x Reader, Dean, Garth (mentioned)
Warnings: language, sad reader, angst, arguments, mentions of loss of virginity, language, sad reader, angst, fighting, drunk Dean, blood, arguments, flirty Dean
Sam Winchester, god, why does it have to be him? You never got over the rejection since he left you for Jessica. Well, he not really left you. You were his friend during his time in Stanford and you had two dates before he gave you the boot for Jess.
The hurting made you turn your back on him. Not that he tried to save your friendship. He was too busy to please his new girlfriend. Who cares about the loser in love – right?
What you didn’t know back then was that he was a hunter too, just like his brother and father. The Winchesters are legends but yet here they are and ask for help with a hunt.
They are hunting a Shōjō and need a blessed Katana, and you’re the only hunter possessing one, so Garth asked you for help. Here you are now staring up at Sam. Seven years have passed and you still feel the butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey Sam, long time no see,” you say smiling.
“Huh? You know her Sammy?” Dean asks surprised.
“I…guess. Can’t tell you from where. Did we meet last year?”
Hearing Sam saying he can’t remember you hurts more than you could ever imagine. All these years you wanted to see him again and here you are and he doesn’t remember you.
He was your first and he doesn’t remember you…
“No, we met at Stanford. Forget it. Not important. I guess you already know that only those who are drunk can perceive a Shōjō.
“Shit, that’s the reason no one else except the victims saw the monster,” Dean mutters.
“Yeah, if they were drunk,” you say trying to ignore Sam’s boring looks.
“They were. What now? We can’t fight while being drunk,” Dean curses.
“I’m much better with a Katana than any of you, I guess. One of you gets drunk and tells me where the monster is and I’ll kill it,” you say avoiding looking at Sam.
“Alright, then let’s get drunk,” Dean states grinning and you can’t hold back a giggle.
When you give Dean a high five your necklace falls out of your blouse and Sam freezes.
He remembers that necklace; you always wore it in Stanford. He remembers talking with you for hours. He remembers the party…he remembers you and him…he took your virginity.
One week later Brady introduced him to Jess and he began keeping his distance until he told you he’s with Jess.
Sam remembers the hurting in your eyes and the tears you tried to hold back. You simply nodded and then you ran away.
He remembers you tried to stay his friend but Jess didn’t like you so he avoided you every day more. In the end, you never talked to him again until Dean told him John was missing.
“Okay, one of you gets drunk. I’ll sleep a bit. Call me when you’re drunk enough,” you say before almost running out of the room.
Wiping away a single tear you curse yourself. Stupid, so stupid. How could you believe he would remember you? He fucked you once and you meant nothing to him.
Opening your trunk you grab your duffle bag and the blessed Katana. You can’t risk that someone steals it before you kill the Shōjō.
You can hear Dean chuckle in their room. He seems to be a nice guy. A bit rough at the edges but with a good heart.
You try to push the hurting away…he didn’t even remember you. You were so unimportant to him he completely forgot about you.
Shrugging you decide to forget about him too. Now you finally met him again and he didn’t remember you it’s time to move on.
Not that you expected anything but at least you hoped he would be happy to meet you again, but he wasn’t.
“Well, fuck you Sam Winchester,” you mutter.
Leaving the bathroom you freeze to the spot. Sam is sitting on your bed looking at you with wide eyes.
“Is Dean already drunk?” You ask.
“No, thought I should apologize for not remembering you right away.”
“It’s fine. I mean that was seven years ago. We weren’t a pair or something. I was just someone you talked to for a while and then I got dumped. No biggie. I only remembered you as the Winchesters are famous among us hunters, so it’s really no big deal you didn’t remember me.”
“I should’ve remembered you…I was your first,” Sam whispers.
“That was you? Oh, I can’t remember much from that night…shit, I thought it was Cody,” you lie.
“Why are you lying, Y/N?”
“I’m not lying. If you would excuse me now, Sam. I need to get dressed and prepare myself to kill the Shōjō.”
“Listen I’m sorry that I never talked to you again, Y/N but Jess…she didn’t like you.”
“As I said no big deal. I should thank you for dumping me after you had what you wanted. I would be dead by now. Good thing you chose Jess. Sorry, that was kinda rude…I guess she was nice…”
“I didn’t dump you!”
“Can we stop talking about that shit? That was years ago. I fucked a million guys in the meantime and all dumped me after they were finished, so just drop it.”
“I hurt you, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t give me that look. Won’t work. Can you leave me alone now?”
“Why did you…with me back then?”
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Fine. All other guys were idjits. You were nice and smart. You actually talked to me without trying to get in my pants. After we were friends for months and our dates I thought you’re the right guy but I was wrong. You were the same. Can we now concentrate and solve the case so I can get away from you?”
“But we finally met again. We could talk about…”
“About what Sam? How you fucked me after the party? How you dumped me one week later. Ignored my calls and messages only to tell me two weeks later you’re with Jess? Thanks, but no thanks. No move your ass out of my room. We fucked once and that’s it.”
“We are friends!”
“No, we aren’t friends. You ended our friendship as a chick wanted it so. Don’t act like you enjoyed our friendship or that you cared about me!”
“We could try to be friends again, Y/N.”
“No, let’s called it by its name…missed opportunity…we will never be friends and we never were friends now out of my room!”
Leaving you room Sam sighs. He remembers how he enjoyed talking to you. No other girl ever listened to him like you.
Maybe he can change your mind?
“Did anyone ever tell you that you are beautiful?” Dean slurs and you shake your head.
“One guy, but he didn’t mean it, I guess,” you whisper.
“I bet he meant it. Look at you! You’re a goddess!”
“Nah, he dumped me for someone else after he had what he wanted. I’m not beautiful, Dean. I was just available until he found someone better.”
“Then that guy was not just an asshole he was a blind idiot!” Dean states.
“Dean you are beyond drunk. Let’s find that monster and put you into a bed.”
“Will you join me?”
“No Dean, I already had my rodeo with a Winchester and it ended badly,” you whisper in Dean’s ear.
Eyes widen the older Winchester stares at you. Shrugging you take the Katana out of his sheath.
“Wait…Sammy and you? In Stanford? Then why didn’t he remember you?” Dean slurs.
“I was unimportant I guess…”
“Shit, I need to kick his sorry ass!” Dean mutters.
“Nah, just forget it.”
“I’m sorry. Normally I’m the asshole breaking a girl’s heart,” Dean admits.
Smiling at his adorable behavior due to his drunken state you kiss his cheek softly.
“It’s okay Dean. That was years ago. I’m a grown woman now. Who cares about their first guy?”
“He was your first? Son of a bitch! Now I really need to kick his ass!” Dean mutters.
Laughing you shake your head. Helping Dean to walk straight you look for any signs of the Shōjō.
“Can you see the monster somewhere?” You whisper.
“Not yet. You really are beautiful. Sam is an idiot.”
“I’m not beautiful or lovable. Guys always choose the ‘easy’ girl. No luggage, ya know.”
Humming Dean gives you a knowing look. He’s the same, a lot of heavy luggage.
“Same. Luggage and dirt…”
“Alright, let’s do this.”
“You really had sex with Sammy?”
“Dean, can we concentrate on the case?”
“Was he good? Gentle and all?” Dean slurs.
“We really should change the subject now!”
“Come on. Tell me!”
“Yeah…he was…at least that night. One week later he ignored me and another week later he dumped me for Jessica. After that, he ended our friendship too…”
“Fucking shit! I really need to kick his ass, Y/N!”
“Not so loud Dean,” you scold.
“Wait, there’s a chick with long black hair and … eek, an ugly face.”
“Next to the shelf. Right in front of you.”
Trying to stab the Shōjō you fail. Hitting your chest she smashes you into the nearby wall.
Groaning you try to get up. But an invisible force pushes you back down. Blood is dripping down your forehead and you try to get hold of your Katana again.
Before you can reach it Sam is already grabbing the sword to stab the Shōjō. Seeing the monster flicker you lose consciousness.
“How could you forget about her?”
“It’s just…so many things happened and I tried to forget about Stanford,” Sam mutters.
“Really? Obviously, she didn’t forget about you, Sam. After all those years she finds you and then she realizes you don’t even remember her.”
“She was just…”
“What? A random chick? Not really your style. At least not your soulful version’s style.”
“Listen Y/N was…”
Flinching you feel your head pounding and someone yelling. Not someone, Dean is yelling at Sam.
“Guys, could you not be that loud? My head feels like it wants to explode.”
“Sorry Sweetheart,” Dean says.
“Did we kill it?”
“Yeah, Sammy killed it but you got hurt, I’m sorry.”
“Nah, I’m used to get hurt. Hunter. Remember?”
“Not while you hunt with me!”
“It’s okay Dean. I should get going then. It was nice to meet you, Winchester.”
“Wait. Do you want to leave? Already?” Dean stammers.
“The job is done. No need to hang around here any longer.”
“We have another case you could tag along,” Dean suggests.
“Listen I really appreciate your offer. I really do, but I rather stay on my own. Sooner or later you want me gone. I rather take my leave now, Dean. You really are a good guy. Stay safe.”
“Wait! Is it because of Sam?”
“No. I always work alone, Dean. Depending on someone else is…stupid. I learned my lesson.”
“Sam?” Dean asks.
“I was a hunter back then but I tried to well give ‘normal’ a shot. I started studying, met people, made friends … well, one friend and then he dumped me. I realized that ‘normal’ wasn’t my thing and I started hunting again.”
“Because of me?” Sam whispers.
“Don’t think you’re that important.”
“You said I dumped you and you started hunting again!”
“You’re not the only reason. The fire…I investigated it and found out that demons caused it. It made me see that the monsters are everywhere. That I’ll never be able to escape this world.”
“So will you tag along?” Dean asks again.
“The answer is no, Dean. You’re a good guy and from what I heard one of the best hunters but I can’t tag along, sorry.”
“This was years ago and has nothing to do with hunting,” Sam grunts.
“I don’t team up, okay. Nothing personal, Sam.”
“But you helped us,” Dean insists. “Sam, fix this.”
Leaving the room Dean gives Sam a glare.
“Listen what I did back then was…”
“Forget it. You fucked me; I was obviously bad in bed so you ditched me. Or I was just an easy lay. Maybe you lost a bet and had to bang the boring, ugly chick. I don’t want to know, Sam.”
“I didn’t lose a bet and you weren’t an easy lay to me.”
“Bad in bed then…”
“No, it’s just…Brady…he was a demon and he introduced me to Jess.”
“Oh, now the bad demon is the culprit. Great move, Winchester. Call it by its name! You fucked me and then you found someone better. Now leave me alone.”
“I really liked you. No other girl ever listened or talked to me like you before or after you. I missed our conversations. We talked for hours…”
“And yet you ditched me for a hot blonde chick. That’s just how it is. The guy never goes for the nice girl whom he can talk to. He will always choose the hot chick, not the nerdy girl with glasses.”
“Did you feel good? That night?”
“Yeah, but the next day I felt like crap and the next days were even better as you started to ignore me. You obviously regretted that night. I felt like…forget it.”
“I didn’t regret it. I just needed time to process I had sex with my best friend and then I met Jess and…”
“Forgot about me for a hot chick…It’s fine. That was years ago, Sam. I’m a grown woman and know when I guy just isn’t into me, ‘kay. Save you breath and drop it.”
“We could try to be friends again.”
“No Sam, you missed that opportunity years ago.”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22 , @curly-haired-disaster-deactivat, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13,  @strayrosesbloom , @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18,   @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana15, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @wayward-gabriel, @fandom-princess-forevermore
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dropsights · 5 years
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monsta x ‘we are here’ world tour @ amsterdam 190703
my concert/hi touch experience (vip)
i was attending the show with a couple of friends and they’re a mess too when it comes to mx and just...us being together...chaos. i left the house early in the morning and first had to get to a friend who lives in the hague and drop my sleeping bag there and then we’d leave for amsterdam together and meet with our friends. on the train i spilled coffee on my WHITE tshirt but luckily we had to switch trains in utrecht so i quickly bought a new tshirt and food because i. really didn’t want to meet them in a coffee stained outfit and we were on our way again
we arrived at the venue around 1pm and started queueing for the merch stand. i bought a tour tshirt and a shopper bag (i’m a happy brokebebe now) and we were looking for wonho’s fansite everblooming because my friends reserved a slogan set frm them but because we couldn’t find them we went to a nearby bar and sat there until like...5pm? we’re not that fond of queueing all day so we just waited while drinking our nerves away. we went back to the venue and picked up our vip wristband and lanyard and joined the queue. i met a twt mutual i’m close with after two failed attempts at crush in berlin and xxx’s cancelled show in amsterdam so i was so happy to finally see her!! i also met her again after hi touch and cried while hugging her LMFAO
the show itself was INCREDIBLE. they started right on time and i’m gonna be honest and say that this is my least favorite setlist of the three world tours that i attended but the subunits...the outfits...the old and new mondoongies in the crowd...the vcrs...JOOHEON DRUMMING...life changing. i think my favorite songs were myself (mx), hero, party time, sweetheart, no reason, jealousy, honestly, play it cool, rodeo and myself (hyungkihyuk unit). we were standing not too far away frm the stage but not that close either but i personally find it more important to have enough space to jump and dance around than be close to the barricade. also minhyuk was so sexy during that lalala part of party time too bad i didn’t record it
so last yr the boys were standing in front of a backdrop during hi touch but with their faces towards the queue in the foyer but this time they did it the opposite way so u only saw the backdrop and had no idea in which order they were standing...but i did feel like hi touch was organized a lot better than it was last yr because there was a lot more security/venue staff involved in terms of them telling the ult vip/vip pit where to sit and wait until each row could enter the foyer...yet the hi touch was extremely rushed so they didn’t really give u a chance to say more than a quick thank you/i love you. i think it’s because they also had a sendoff for ult vip ticket holders after the hi touch so they probably had to shorten the time period of the hi touch. ANYWAY
BRO the way i panicked because he was the first one while i KNEW he was the first one from a distance. his hand...soft. that smile...even softer. he was wearing a hat so i couldn’t really look him in the eye sadly i hope he’s okay because during the ending ment he didn’t really show his eyes either and i was afraid he was feeling sad/sick
handsome!! his hair looks amazing he’s tall he’s so beautiful (esp with longer hair) so it was too intimidating to look him right in the eye. also his hand is HUGE
we actually didn’t miss each other’s hands with our high five this yr and i’m so proud of myself!! i don’t really remember shownu that well this time around but i can recall that i heard security yell something abt going faster and stop stalling dnsjdjdhdg
his smile is always so genuine and his hand is really soft and small. like a paw. like i high fived him and his smile felt so comforting i really love kihyun sm he has this aura that just tells u don’t worry it’s okay without him having to say anything i think that’s what made me feel so comfortable to look him in the eye. kihyun is so angelic the entire show i was in awe of how beautiful his voice hair and smile was and he’s unreal when he’s right in front of u...
right before we went up to the foyer where the hi touch took place i asked my friends what i could say to minhyuk because i literolly forgot that u actually get the chance to say something to the loyl!! i usually blurt out i love you’s with tears in my eyes but i wanted to say something to minhyuk that i would never forget myself and my friends said i should say YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE and i didn’t forget? when i was in front of him? so i said you are my sunshine and held his hand one extra millisecond longer and he smiled and said something back but I DON’T KNOW WHAT BECAUSE I COULDN’T HEAR IT NSKEJWKSFHEJDHE security started yelling again. it was tragic but atleast he didn’t st*re that intensely and get that close again because i wouldn’t have survived it . i love minhyuk...babie. the absolute loml
this is another shownu situation where i did remember my interaction with them last yr but this yr is a whole blur i have no idea what i did? what did he do? i’m sorry changkyun i feel so bad
the last one!! i held his hand extra long because my mind kept telling me the hi touch was over after him so i didn’t let go until i heard security yell again and i told him i loved him a lot and u know...jooheon really follows your moves until you let go and have to leave? also his dimples...smooch
after the hi touch u immediately have to leave the venue and while my friends were crying i was...blank. like i couldn’t talk or do anything i was just walking behind them with my hand clasped over my mouth until we were outside where i finally broke down into tears it was so dramatic that even a friend said i wasn’t like this last yr and she had never seen me cry like that before
long story short i just wanna give mx my entire heart and during the show they kept saying we love amsterdam sm the scenery is so beautiful and we had a really good time here going to museums, going on boat tours, just walking around the city and i’m stressed because shownu will have to enlist soon but if he says that he’ll be back next yr i believe him ! i love my monsta boys my best friends my seven angels
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taeyongdoyoung · 4 years
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summary: you are a mermaid and you save a handsome man from drowning but little do you know it’s not his first rodeo when dealing with mermaids. seonghwa, a former prince, is currently hongjoong’s first mate and boyfriend. hongjoong is the captain, the pirate king of the most savage crew across the seas. and you want nothing to do with them. not because they’re pirates, but because they’re humans…
ship: mermaid!reader x prince/pirate!seonghwa x pirate!hongjoong
genre: little mermaid!au, pirate!au, romance, ANGST, fantasy
warnings: suicide mentions, murder mentions (rip ariel), depression, panic attack, threats, someone loses a hand (bc let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be a pirate story without hooks), manipulation, betrayal, kidnapping
author’s note: mingi has a cameo, i made him a huge asshole (so sorry, irl mingi), just a reminder that everything i write is completely fictional! mingi is a a total sweetheart, i just needed a villain for the story to develop lmao
word count: 3k
chapter one ☠️ chapter two ☠️ chapter three ☠️ chapter four ☠️ chapter five ☠️ chapter seven ☠️ chapter eight  ☠️chapter nine ☠️ chapter ten ☠️ chapter eleven ☠️ chapter twelve ☠️ chapter thirteen☠️ spotify playlist
You finally felt ready enough to face Seonghwa and let him explain himself. It was only fair, after all. You couldn’t take Hongjoong’s word for it, considering how he felt about you. You had to hear Seonghwa’s side of the story in order to make a proper decision. So, when you swam back to the ship all by yourself (because you didn’t want to deal with Soojin’s cheerful remarks right now), you were happy that Hongjoong wasn’t anywhere to be seen. You assumed he would drown you himself if given the chance. Luckily, you saw Yeosang nearby.
“Yeo!” you whisper-yelled. “Can you call Seonghwa for me?”
“Y/N!” Yeosang seemed surprised to see you. “I’ll get him for you rightaway.”
“Great, thanks!”
“Are you…okay?” he was obviously concerned.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” you lied, because you didn’t feel like getting into it in front of Yeosang.
“Just asking,” Yeosang replied vaguely and went to call Seonghwa.
Soon enough, you were faced with him. It had only been a week of no contact with the gorgeous man and you felt like you had missed him for an eternity. You quickly reminded yourself of the reason you’d come here. You couldn’t go easy on him.
“I need to talk to you,” you stated directly.
“I understand,” Seonghwa sighed. “What about?”
“You know what,” you observed. Judging by how guilty his pretty face looked, he knew very well. And he’d spent many sleepless nights considering it. Serves him right, you thought.
“Do you want me to deny it? Because I can’t,” Seonghwa’s voice broke. “It’s true. I knew Ariel and loved her and she died because of that. You have every right to hate me. What more can I say?”
You looked away, overwhelmed by the painful realization Hongjoong had been telling the truth. But he’d left something out, you knew it.
“Tell me the whole story,” you insisted. “You didn’t kill Ariel yourself, right?”
“Of course not!” Seonghwa cried out.
“Then give me a reason to forgive you for keeping this a secret!” you continued. You couldn’t imagine Seonghwa to be the bad guy. You just couldn’t.
“The local tales have got it all wrong,” Hwa admitted. “I was going to marry Ariel, I didn’t give a shit about that princess my parents were trying to set me up with. See, the thing is…they just couldn’t let me be happy. They bribed the sea witch into turning Ariel into sea foam. When I found out, I was so heartbroken I considering ending my own life. But I had to avenge her death, first. So, I tricked the witch into transforming her body into an exact replica of mine. Her greed was so big she really thought I was just going to hand her my kingdom on a plate. After she was done with the magic, I killed her. I made sure my parents would find the body, because I wanted them to suffer for what they’d done to Ariel. By the time I was done executing my revenge, I didn’t want to die. I knew I had to keep living. For her.”
Your eyes were welled up with tears. Seonghwa’s story was completely devastating. And looking at him now…you knew that was the whole truth. You couldn’t have it any other way. But you also couldn’t bear staying. Not yet, at least.
“Seonghwa…I appreciate you telling me all this,” you murmured. “But I’m going to need some time alone, okay? I loved Ariel, too, you know? And this is just…a lot to take in, yeah?”
Seonghwa nodded sadly.
“I’m going to respect your decision. If you want to talk again, you know where to find me, right?”
“Right. Take care, Seonghwa,” you closed your eyes and sniffed lightly.
“You too, Y/N.”
“Remember I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”
And with that, you swam away.
Seonghwa’s POV
This shit hurt like hell. I thought my heart had been at its limit when I found out Ariel had been turned into sea foam. Or when I realized Hongjoong had betrayed my trust. I didn’t think it could take any more heartbreak. But here it was. Still beating despite everything I’d been through. I remembered the time I’d wanted to kill myself. Put an end to all my suffering. I felt that wish slowly returning to me. But I couldn’t imagine inflicting such pain on Y/N or my crewmates. Not even Hongjoong…Because even though he stabbed me in the back, I still cared for him deeply. I also thought about Y/N’s last words to me. She didn’t hate me. Despite all I’d had done, she couldn’t hate me. I kept repeating that to myself. She just needed some time to figure things out for herself. If she could potentially forgive me…why couldn’t I forgive myself?
“Hyung, your hands are shaking!” Yeosang interrupted my distressing thoughts all of a sudden. He grabbed them tightly. “Just, breathe, okay?”
I tried to do as he said. But I felt so numb. So weak. So…alone.
“Everything will be fine, hyung, I’m here,” Yeosang kept repeating until my hands stopped shaking. Then, he held me while I fell asleep without saying a word. I was too weak to even open my mouth. What had become of me? I needed to pull myself together.
In the morning, I couldn’t find Yeosang in the room. I was just about to thank him for everything he’d done for me. I was feeling a lot better and wanted to cook him some chicken to show my gratitude. When I came out of the room, I asked Wooyoung and San if they had seen him, but they said they hadn’t, which was slightly troubling. Me and Hongjoong still weren’t on speaking terms, so I didn’t bother looking for him. I would find Sangie myself. After an hour, I had searched the whole ship. And there was no trace of Yeosang. Which was extremely distressing. Where could he have gone? Without telling anyone? Not me, not even his best friend Wooyoung. Well, desperate times called for desperate measures. So, I found myself forced to reach out to Hongjoong.
“Have you seen Yeosang?” I asked him without even knocking on his door.
“Oh, so now you want to talk to me?” Hongjoong scoffed.
“I don’t want to,” I groaned. “But I’m worried about him. No one’s heard from him for the past hour. I couldn’t find him anywhere. It’s weird.”
Hongjoong put a hand on his forehead in a tired but unsurprised manner. He obviously knew something I didn’t.
“Hongjoong, where is he?”
“Set the course for Mingi’s territory, I’ll explain everything once we get Yeosang back.”
“WHAT?” I yelled, completely terrified for Yeosang’s life. “WHAT WOULD YEOSANG BE DOING IN MINGI’S TERRITORY?”
Yeosang’s POV
In retrospect, coming here on my own was a very bad idea. But when I woke up in the middle of the night found a note next to my pillow, saying “Come alone if you don’t want your friends to get hurt,” signed with Mingi’s name, I just couldn’t refuse the challenge. I thought I could take him down once and for all. After he’d sold us out for more treasures and a bigger ship, I wanted nothing more than to get rid of him. But I had overestimated my abilities.
“Where is my ring, Kang?” Mingi roared angrily the minute I set foot on his ship.
“What ring?” I played dumb and gave him the most innocent smile I was capable of.
“The ring you stole from me, you bastard!” Mingi hissed. “Fight with me again. Winner keeps the ring.”
“I don’t have your ring,” I admitted. How could I? I had given it to Soojin…But I would never tell Mingi that. I couldn’t risk him going after my sweet angel.
“You lost it?” Mingi screamed in frustration.
“Whatcha gonna do if I did?” I smirked mischievously. I shouldn’t have asked, damnit. Shouldn’t have provoked him.
Mingi lunged at me with his sword. I pulled out mine quickly and fought back. But fuck me, he was faster and more skilled than the last time I’d faced him. He’d been working out, too. Why did I come here again? Ah, yes, thinking it would be noble to sacrifice myself. As long as my friends were safe, right? Well, guess what, dumbass. If I died, what’s the guarantee Mingi wouldn’t come after my friends, anyways? I fought him as hard as I could but I was so tired…I hadn’t been sleeping much the last coupled of days, because I was too busy comforting Seonghwa and making sure he wasn’t going to do something stupid to himself. And now, all these sleepless nights were taking their toll on my sword performance. One moment of distraction and I would be dead. Mingi could spot my frailness and took advantage of it. So far I was managing to give as good as I get. But I knew this couldn’t last forever. I had come totally unprepared for a fight. When Mingi cut off my right hand, I could barely register what had happened. I just stared at my bleeding arm and the limp hand lying on the ground. Mingi was staring, too. He couldn’t believe what he’d just done.
“Fuck!” I screamed in pain and no sooner had I said that than Hongjoong and Seonghwa appeared from out of nowhere and attacked Mingi’s ship with guns blazing. Thank God. Then, I passed out.
Hongjoong’s POV
“Shh, let him rest,” I whispered to Wooyoung who was being way too loud once we had safely returned to our own ship. Recap: we took Mingi by surprise, which is why we were lucky enough to succeed in disarming him and snatch poor Yeosang away from him. Mingi had not expected us to find him so quickly but the thing is, I knew him all too well. So, locating him hadn’t been difficult. It was watching the consequences of my mistakes that was hard. Because of my softness, Yeosang had lost his hand…If only I had killed Mingi when I’d had the chance. But he used to be one of us. I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. We’d almost gotten executed by the army for being pirates because of his betrayal. And for what? More treasures? A bigger ship? Insignificant things when compared to having a purpose in life, having a family. But who was I to judge him? After all, I had been guilty of treason myself. The way I hurt Seonghwa…I could never forgive myself, even if he, by some miracle, did. I was such an incorrigible asshole.
“What happened?” I heard Yeosang’s weak voice pull me out of my self-deprecating thoughts.
“Well, for starters, you lost a hand,” I informed Yeosang, thought I doubted my input would be of much help.
“I can see that, jackass,” Yeosang rolled his eyes. “How did you get me out in time? How did you beat Mingi?”
“We were just lucky, that’s all,” I lied. I was doing an awful lot of that recently. Yeosang didn’t have to know what I’d given up in order to get there on time. It would break him. And he had already been through hell.
Yeosang narrowed his stare in suspicion, but didn’t push it.
“Where is Seonghwa?”
“He’s resting,” Wooyoung responded. “You should, too, pal, you look like shit.”
“Thanks,” Yeosang groaned sarcastically.
“Listen, Sangie…I know you probably don’t want to hear any of that right now, but this is just a reminder that we’re here for you. And this isn’t the end. You can always learn how to use a sword with your left hand and…”
“You’re right, Cap,” Yeosang cut me off. “I don’t wanna hear it.”
I nodded in understanding.
“Get some sleep, yeah? We’ll talk again…once you’re ready.”
Wooyoung gave his best friend a supportive squeeze of the arm and we left Yeosang to his own devices. He’d be okay. He was a strong one. But me? I was way past saving…
Seonghwa’s POV
“You promised you’d explain everything once we get Yeosang back,” I grabbed Hongjoong by the collar of his shirt. “We got him back. How did you know he would be on Mingi’s ship? And how on earth did you make the ship move so fast?”
Hongjoong closed his eyes to hide himself from me. But I wasn’t going to let him. He would tell me the truth or he would have to say goodbye to me. For good.
“No, Hongjoong. You will tell me everything right now or I’m walking out of here, you hear me?”
Hongjoong opened his eyes, fear evident in them.
“Where do you want me to start?”
“At the beginning.”
“But you have to listen without saying a word. Telling you all this is going to be quite difficult for me. If you have any questions, ask me after I’m done. Can you do that for me?”
I nodded.
“So…you know how Yeosang stole this really pretty ring from Mingi back when he betrayed us? But what you don’t know is that this ring was the only thing Mingi had left from his lover. Now, I don’t know her identity but whoever she was, she meant the world to Mingi. See, the problem is…Yeosang gave that ring to Soojin. And I somehow…suspected that Mingi would find out the ring was missing. That he would come looking for the ring. And I was right. It’s just a miracle we got there on time.”
I tilted my head slightly. Something didn’t add up. I didn’t trust Hongjoong’s bullshit explanation. He was keeping something from me. Again.
“You suspected it? A miracle? Do you take me for a fool, Hongjoong? What are you not telling me?”
Hongjoong bit his lower lip as if it to keep his precious secrets from spilling.
“Mingi’s lover was the sea witch you killed. The same who turned Ariel into sea foam.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I hissed angrily.
“I wish I was. A couple of hours ago when we were on his ship, Mingi confronted me about it. He said he knew she wouldn’t just disappear from him without a trace. I told him she was dead. I’d buried her body. Well, your body. ”
“Hongjoong…” I clenched my fists and gave him a warning look that was self-explanatory.
“I didn’t tell him you killed her, of course,” Hongjoong replied quickly. “But I did tell him it was mermaids who killed her,” he announced proudly. What the fuck?
“You didn’t…” I said in vain, even though I already knew he did. He was that big of a dumbass. “What if he comes after Y/N? After Soojin? They’re innocent, Hongjoong! How could you involve them like this?”
“Was I supposed to let Mingi come after you? We barely escaped him...”
I shook my head in disappointment. He was insane. Then, it hit me. He was still hiding something. Something bigger.
“How did we get there so fast?”
Hongjoong gulped nervously.
“Don’t make me…” he begged.
“Make you?” I laughed maniacally. “You dug your own grave, sweetheart.”
Hongjoong flinched as if I’d struck him. Had I gone too far? Maybe. But he started it.
“I won’t tell you,” he was adamant about it. “I’ll tell you anything else but not this.”
“Then, we’re done here,” I turned around and started walking away.
“No, Hwa, please,” Hongjoong begged and tried to take my hand but I shrugged him off.
“You don’t get to keep things like that from me, to betray my trust again and again, and then ask me to stay,” I whispered.
Reader’s POV
“How long will it take you to forgive Seonghwa?” Soojin sighed, exasperated.
“What’s it to you? You can go see your precious boyfriend whenever you want,” you snapped at your sister.
“Yeah, but it’s way more fun when we go to our pirates together!” Soojin explained.
You laughed sarcastically.
“Since when are they our pirates? They are humans, Soojin, not property!”
“Okay, okay,” Soojin lifted her arms in the air, surrendering. “But seriously…we should go talk to them again. I have a bad feeling…I don’t know how to explain it, I just…I’m worried about Yeosang. Please?”
You agreed reluctantly.
“But if everything’s alright, I’m going back here,” you announced.
Soojin nodded excitedly. The two of you swam up. Once you reached the surface, you realized Soojin had picked an awful time to check up on Yeosang. It was too dark. And as you approached the ship, you were overwhelmed by a gnawing sensation. Soojin had been right. Something was awfully wrong. The ship seemed exactly like Hongjoong’s…And yet, there was something strange you couldn’t quite place. Did it look bigger at night? How was this possible? You had seen it at night when you’d saved Seonghwa from drowning…And it did not look like this. Had your memories deceived you? You could tell this was certainly a pirate ship. But why were you doubting it was the pirate ship you’d been looking for? What were the odds to run into other pirates in the middle of the night? You were fairly certain you could recognize Hongjoong’s ship anywhere. And yet…
“Yeosang!” Soojin started screaming mournfully. “Where are you?” You could tell by her voice that she was worried sick about her pirate boyfriend. And for a good reason.
“Shh,” you pressed your hand against your sister’s mouth. “Quiet. Something’s not right.”
She blinked at you in confusion.
“What do you mean?” she mouthed.
“I don’t know,” you mouthed back. “But before we found out, can you keep it down?”
Soojin nodded, obviously trusting your judgement. She was uncharacteristically anxious, too. Instead of her usual cheerful self, she was being very jumpy.
“Listen…let’s come back here when it’s daylight, okay?” you suggested. “I’m sure Yeosang will be fine.”
“Just let me try calling his name one more time, yeah?” Soojin murmured hopefully.
“Soojin, no!” you tried to stop her but it was already too late.
“YEOSANG!” Soojin cried out.
It was in that moment the fishnets fell upon you.
To be continued…
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