silverstark · 1 year
A White Lie Extra
Surprise for 520, aka “Chinese Valentine’s Day”
Ficlet for A White Lie, a 2ha / The Husky and His White Cat Shizun au where Xia Sini claims to be Chu Wanning’s son. Read it on Ao3 (Registered Users Only). SPOILERS FOR FULL NOVEL.
Auuthor’s Note: This doesn’t necessarily fit into the “canon” of A White Lie because I didn’t think it over carefully enough to see if it messes anything up in my plot. However! I wanted to write something to celebrate 520.
Mo Ran woke up early so he could go check on his recovering shidi first thing in the morning. Having reassured himself that the child was looking well, he wrote a note of explanation for his absence.
‘I’ll be back soon to give you medicine! I will be with Shi Mei for a little while.’
It was just a precaution: Xia Sini was still fast asleep, and the medication would make him less likely to wake up early. Chu Wanning had always woken up very late when he was sick. Mo Ran expected that Xia Sini would take after his father, as he did in so many other regards.
Mo Ran laid the note upon Xia Sini’s latest boring book. This one was about rare poisons. Mo Ran could only approve of Xia Sini finding a safer way to pursue his ‘win at all costs’ drive than through sword-fighting, so he did not plan on asking about his interest in the subject. He then snuck quietly out of the room and shut the door behind him.
Shi Mei was surprised to see Mo Ran.
“Good morning, A-Ran.”
“Good morning, Shi Mei,” he replied brightly.
“Do we have early morning training today? I must have forgotten,” Shi Mei said apologetically.
“No, no,” Mo Ran said. “It’s nothing related to training.”
Shi Mei’s expression changed. He looked faintly awkward.
“Oh? Then…”
He stopped himself as he realized that he almost asked a rude question.
“I hope I didn’t wake you up early,” Mo Ran said hurriedly.
Indeed, he was fully dressed with his hair in near order. It seemed he had been quietly studying in his room, as Mo Ran had expected.
Mo Ran sighed in relief. “I’m glad. I was just hoping to ask you something…”
Here Mo Ran hesitated and scratched his head a little diffidently. Shi Mei seemed unusually reserved. Mo Ran had never interrupted his morning studying before to avoid inconveniencing him. Now he had, and on top of that, he was going to ask him another favor. He wondered if he should check whether Shi Mei had the time before asking him for the favor, or else Shi Mei might agree purely out of politeness.
Shi Mei watched him and suddenly lowered his gaze.
“Want to come inside?” he asked quietly.
Shi Mei rarely invited Mo Ran into his room. Mo Ran hadn’t been expected to be invited in today of all days.
“So we can speak privately,” Shi Mei said.
“Oh! Thank you, but I don’t really have time,” he said apologetically.
Shi Mei’s eyes widened slightly. Mo Ran couldn’t remember the last time he had declined an invitation to spend time with Shi Mei. Usually he wanted to stick to Shi Mei like sticky candy, as close as Shi Mei would permit, every moment he could get.
Mo Ran explained, “I have to— actually, that’s what I wanted to ask. If you have time.”
“What is it?” Shi Mei asked, puzzled.
“Will you teach me how you make wonton soup?”
Shi Mei blinked in surprise. Then he looked at Mo Ran with an expression like dismay. Mo Ran didn’t understand it until he remembered his poor timing.
“You don’t have to make it with me. If you tell me how you make it, I can just try it on my own.”
“…Why do you want to learn how to make wonton soup?”
“Little Shidi is hurt. I was thinking yesterday, that when I’m hurt, wonton soup always makes me feel better. I want to try to make Little Shidi wonton soup before he wakes up.”
Shi Mei frowned and seemed thoughtful, even a little uncomfortable. Mo Ran blinked at him in confusion. He didn’t understand why Shi Mei didn’t seem to want to want to share the recipe.
“I thought Shidi didn’t like spicy food.”
“I’ll make it without chili for him.”
Shi Mei hesitated another moment. Mo Ran gazed at him in befuddlement, trying to figure out what the problem was.
“Do you…want to keep the recipe a secret?” Mo Ran wondered.
Shi Mei held out another moment before sighing in resignation.
“Shizun will have to forgive me,” he said quietly.
“Um. What does Shizun have to do with this? It’s not like it’s his recipe,” Mo Ran said, laughing a little at the idea of Chu Wanning’s cooking skills.
“It is,” Shi Mei said.
Shi Mei watched him laughing. Mo Ran waited for him to drop the serious expression, but as time went on and Shi Mei failed to crack a smile, Mo Ran faltered. Then he stopped laughing entirely.
There was a tired look in Shi Mei’s eyes. The joke had been out of character; perhaps it was his way of distracting Mo Ran from something that was troubling him. Perhaps he had invited Mo Ran in wishing to tell him and unburden himself.
“What’s wrong?” Mo Ran asked gently.
Mo Ran tsk’d and took Shi Mei’s hand intending to lead him into the room so they could talk privately. Shi Mei allowed it.
“Tell me,” Mo Ran urged once the door was closed.
“There’s nothing wrong,” Shi Mei said. “It’s only that I can’t teach you that recipe.”
“That’s okay,” Mo Ran said. “I shouldn’t have asked you out of the blue like that. But that can’t be the only thing that’s wrong. It’s not like you to make jokes at Shizun’s expense.”
Shi Mei gazed at him with an unreadable expression. Mo Ran looked back at him sincerely, hoping that Shi Mei would see how much Mo Ran cared about him.
“That was not a joke,” Shi Mei said. “It really is Shizun’s recipe. He’s the one who has been making wonton soup for you. I didn’t tell you because he asked me to keep it a secret.”
Mo Ran stared first in disbelief, and then in horrified realization.
“Mo Ran?” Shi Mei asked.
His voice sounded far away. Mo Ran was far away.
Before, he couldn’t think of the wonton soup without feeling a warmth that seeped deep into his bones. And now, he was remembering those wontons rolling across the floor, thrown away by Mo Ran’s own uncaring blow. He remembered the expression on Chu Wanning’s face after. He remembered his own satisfaction in the vindictive cruelty.
“Mo Ran?” Shi Mei asked again.
He sounded concerned. Mo Ran gulped and tried to pull himself together. He couldn’t have a breakdown in front of Shi Mei without explaining.
“Ah, so it wasn’t a joke,” he said with an attempt at a smile. It crumpled into a grimace.
Shi Mei sighed. “Shizun feared that you would react like this. That’s why he didn’t want you to know…”
Mo Ran again remembered the look on Chu Wanning’s face after Mo Ran had strewn his wontons across the floor. Chu Wanning had feared his reaction. But he couldn’t have known…
Mo Ran sucked in a breath. He repeated to himself that he couldn’t have a breakdown in front of Shi Mei.
“Don’t worry,” Mo Ran said. “I won’t tell him.”
He didn’t have time for a breakdown right now. He had to go start making the soup if he wanted it to be ready before Xia Sini woke up. He muttered some polite farewell to Shi Mei and hurried to the kitchens.
Cooking always settled Mo Ran’s spirit somehow. Cooking for someone he loved was even better. He put special care into every step. He knew very well that he could not fix the mistakes he had made in his past life. What was done was done. But…perhaps he could do better in this lifetime. He wanted to do better by Xia Sini.
The soup was beautifully made. It was nothing compared to the soup Shi Mei had brought him just when he had desperately needed it. The soup that Chu Wanning had made for him and sent to him just when he had desperately needed it. Mo Ran remembered his overwhelming gratitude and the spark of love that had flared in the wreck of his heartache over the way Chu Wanning had treated him. He didn’t know what to make of this now. He didn’t know how to feel towards Shi Mei or Chu Wanning now.
The only thing that was clear was his feeling upon walking into Xia Sini’s room to offer him the wonton soup. Xia Sini was sitting up now seemingly reading the note Mo Ran had left. He startled at Mo Ran’s arrival and tossed the note like he was embarrassed to be caught reading it. Mo Ran grinned, feeling his heart light up with warmth and affection.
“You woke up early,” he noted.
Xia Sini looked at him warily. Mo Ran was a little surprised that he didn’t make some cranky comment.
“Does your wound hurt? Don’t worry, I’ll give you medicine soon, as I promised,” he said cheerily.
“It does not hurt,” Xia Sini quickly denied. “You can take that away.”
He gave the soup bowl a disgusted glare as he spoke. Mo Ran laughed.
“Won’t you even give it a taste? Your shixiong worked hard to make this!”
Mo Ran placed the tray close to Xia Sini and uncovered the bowl to reveal the soup. Xia Sini stared at the contents.
“What? Don’t you like wonton soup? I promise it’s not spicy.”
Xia Sini didn’t look up.
“You…you made me wonton soup?” he asked uncertainly.
“Of course! Little shidi needs good food to recover.”
Xia Sini said nothing and made no move to pick up his chopsticks. Mo Ran looked at him in concern, but his lashes were low over his eyes and Mo Ran couldn’t read his expression.
“Do you really not like it? I can go get you something else...”
Mo Ran was a little worried. He would have no time to make something good before Xia Sini got hungry. It would have to be some plain, boring congee.
“No, don’t take it away,” Xia Sini said. “I like it.”
“Oh,” Mo Ran said, relieved. “Then what’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong. It’s just that no one has ever taken care of me like this.”
Mo Ran’s heart ached to hear those words. He had suspected it, but now he knew it was true. He reached out and gently patted Xia Sini’s hair. He didn’t understand how it could be that no one had cared for this precious, clever, kind child.
Xia Sini looked up at his touch and finally met Mo Ran’s eyes.
“Thank you, shixiong,” he said sincerely.
Mo Ran smiled even has his heart broke open, overfilled with affection. Light spilled out through the cracks.
“I said I would take care of you, didn’t I?”
Xia Sini blinked and stared. He said nothing, but Mo Ran thought he saw something small and fragile lighting up in his eyes. Mo Ran tucked a strand of hair behind Xia Sini’s ear.
He cleared his throat before speaking to be sure that it wouldn’t break.
“If you want to show your gratitude, you better start eating before it gets cold,” he chided.
Xia Sini lowered his head and obeyed. There was a little smile on his face. Mo Ran couldn’t look away from it.
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okay so in one of your quarantine drabbles you write about peter having a sensory overload i think and nat asks "how long?" and then she finds out it isnt long for peter and basically im saying id love to see the aftermath of peter's long episodes- maybe he like walks into a movie night where the other avengers are hanging and didnt tell him to try and let him sleep or something? idk it may be stupid i just thought it might be cute
Thanks for the prompt, babe! It’s been a while since I looked at that one ^-^ I hope you like it!
Read on Ao3
Pairings: Momma and Baby Spider. We love us some platonic Avengers. 
Warnings: aftermath of sensory overload episode, other than that, hella fluffy
Word Count: 1869
Pretty much every time FRIDAY pops up a panel in her room, Natasha doesn’t pay a lot of attention because typically it’s something she knows already.
Not this time.
The window pops up as Natasha comes out of the bathroom, twisting her hair into a braid. It shows Peter sitting quietly by himself on the couch in the common room.
“FRIDAY, is Natasha in her room?”
She expects Peter to get up and start walking towards the elevator but instead, he stays on the couch, twisting his hands together.
“…do you think she’d be okay with me going over?”
He still doesn’t get up. Oh, Peter.
Natasha sighs and tosses the comb back onto the sink. Once arriving at the Complex, she’d had a feeling that this might happen. Considering how Peter had vanished into the lab within five minutes of arriving and only now, three hours later, has he emerged, it’s less of a feeling now.
“Do you—“
“Stop stalling, Peter, and go.”
Thank god for FRIDAY, hmm? She’s pretty certain if anyone else had tried to say that to him it wouldn’t’ve worked. The screen closes as Peter gets up with an: “okay, okay, I’m going.”
Natasha sits down on the bed and presses her hands together under her chin. “How bad is it?”
“Bad,” the AI summarizes helpfully.
“Okay,” she breathes, getting up and going to the closet.
She opens the doors and reaches up, looking for the thick comforter. She pulls it down. Perfect. It’s nice and soft and thanks to being up on the top shelf it’s nice and cool. Spreading it over the bed, she straightens up just in time for the soft chime of the door.
Natasha pulls on the fluffy grey cardigan and goes to answer. Peter looks so much smaller standing swamped in his pink sweater than he did on the cameras.
“Ms. Romanoff?” Oh, dear. “Are — are you busy?”
“Come in, Солнышко,” she says instead, stepping aside.
Peter smiles — or at least the corners of his mouth quirk up a little bit — and walks through the door, glancing around the room. There isn’t anything Natasha can see, which means Peter’s not alright.
Obviously, we knew that, and we didn’t need the confirmation.
“Of course,” Natasha said. She closed the door. “What’s going on, Peter?”
'I just, um, wanted to see how you were settling in for the night—“
Peter freezes. Then he looks over at Natasha, and swallows hard. “…sorry, habit.”
“I know.” Peter hides very well behind civility and the service mask. It’s the hardest one to take off, especially when it works so well.
“…are you settling in okay?” Case in point. Natasha’s about to chide him when she catches sight of Peter’s face. “Please?”
Natasha’s known Peter long enough to know what he’s really asking. “I’m just here relaxing, Peter, you’re not interrupting anything. I just got out of the shower when you arrived.”
She reaches out, offering her hand. Peter nods. She takes him lightly by the arm and tugs him toward the bed. “Now, what’s wrong, Солнышко?”
Poor Peter looks like he’s about ten seconds from falling over. He tries to stand up and Natasha’s chest clenches when he wobbles terribly.
“Easy,” she murmurs, catching him by the shoulders and sitting him back down, “talk to me.”
“…it’s…it’s been a really long day,” Peter mumbles, “and I, um…it started at school.”
“I see.” So more than three hours.
“And, um…” Peter hesitates. Then his arms go tightly around his waist. He laughs. For one second. Then it turns into a hitched gasp. It settles like a dead weight in Natasha’s chest.
“Obviously it didn’t go as well as I would’ve liked.”
“…oh, Peter, come here.”
Every single ounce of Natasha’s body is screaming at her to cuddle the poor kid until he can’t cry anymore. She tucks Peter’s head under her chin and works her hand under the iron grip the kid’s got on his own waist to rest on his lower stomach, rubbing softly to ground him.
It starts tensing under her hand and the hitching of his breaths makes Natasha curl her arms around him. Damn, she wishes she were better at this. All she does is clutch Peter closer as he begins to shake, making soothing noises.
“I didn’t know it was gonna be that bad, I wanted—I wanted to get work done today but I couldn’t and I just wanted to—“
“Shh, shh, you don’t have to explain, shh, I’ve got you.”
It takes a while, to neither of their surprises, but eventually, Peter stills and buries his face in Natasha’s neck, nuzzling into the collar of her sweater.
“…thank you for understanding, Nat,” he mumbles.
“Of course,” Natasha replies automatically, running her hand through Peter’s hair. As she feels Peter start to slump, an idea comes to her head. Something to help him fall asleep.
“Hey, listen,” she says softly, giving Peter’s head a little shake, “sometimes when it gets bad for me, I have this ritual of sorts. Can we try it?”
“Um, what is it?”
“Will you lie down on the bed for me?”
It takes a second, which she doesn’t mind at all, for Peter to move out of her arms and crawl to the middle of the bed. He tugs his sweater around him and lays down on his back.
“Perfect.” Natasha smiles and moves closer, swinging a leg to lie over Peter’s calves, still checking that it’s okay. She reaches forward to tug at the edge of Peter’s sweater. “Can I take your sweater off?”
“What are we doing?” Peter blurts out, tugging the sweater closer around himself.
Natasha smiles sadly. Sometimes she forgets that Peter’s still in so many ways just a kid. Even though he’s in so many ways the exact opposite. And right now, he looks every bit the scared kid who just needs a hug.
“I know that you said there’s a bit after one of your attacks, especially a long one,” she murmurs, “where it’s hard for you to remember where your body is.”
Natasha leans forward and runs her hand over Peter’s cheek. “In my experience, being close to someone afterward and knowing they care about you, after everything, makes me feel a little more human, a little more like I know I..have a body.”
“Is that why you help Steve with the whole once a week thing?”
“You mean having someone take care of you and make you feel safe and loved which is very important?” Natasha smirks as Peter starts to fumble with his hands and averts his gaze. “Hmm? Is that what you’re asking me?”
“Yes. Also why I help Steve with it. Apart from the fact that he’s a big blond puppy dog with you, he’s very good at being very pure in his affections and he loves you. So much. We all do.”
And she does have to smile again with Peter giving Steve a run for his money with his puppy dog eyes.
“…what am I supposed to say to that?”
“That you love us too?”
Peter’s face changes to scared almost immediately and he scrambles upwards. “Of course I do, did I — “
“Shh, Солнышко, I’m teasing. Of course, we know.” Peter relaxes and lets Natasha lie him back down. “You don’t have to say anything.”
She can see how hard it is for him to feel like he’s okay to relax if he keeps talking.
“Or talk, if you don’t want to,” she amends.
The room feels warmer with Peter here, like it’s trying to make itself into a nest. She takes the edge of the comforter and fluffs it, making it look like Peter’s sinking into the blanket. As she works, she starts murmuring softly.
“My ritual is to have someone else just stay with me for a little bit. Just to feel a little more human. So I just want to touch you. That’s it. Physical contact, safe, soft, from someone who loves you. Is that okay?”
She gets a nod, so she takes her hands and gently places them on the sides of his ribcage.
“…I want to touch your skin directly. It’ll help ground you. You can keep your stuff on if it helps. Is that okay?”
Another nod.
She starts peeling the sweater slowly away from Peter’s body, running her hands over the material, and placing one hand on the little bit of Peter’s waist that she can see under his shirt.
“I think I know where to avoid but if at any time I hurt you or make you uncomfortable you tell me,” she says sternly, “don’t just lie there and take it, alright?” Peter nods. “I’m afraid I’m gonna need a verbal agreement for this one.”
“Yes,” Peter says, “I promise.”
“Good job, Baby Spider.”
“Please don’t touch my wrists.”
“I won’t.” Peter takes the hem of his sweater and balls it up in his fist as Natasha’s hand starts rubbing small circles on his tummy. “You let me know if it gets bad again, okay?”
“I will.”
“Thank you,” she murmurs as she stretches to put Peter’s phone on the nightstand. “Do you want me to talk or stay quiet?”
“…don’t know.”
“Why don’t I start talking,” she says as she resumes rubbing little circles on Peter’s tummy, “and then if you want me to stop, you let me know.”
He nods.
So Natasha starts talking. If she’s being perfectly honest, she can’t really tell what she’s saying, she’s just kind of rambling. She’s much more focused on how her hands run softly over the scars and the marks left on Peter’s skin, and how Peter’s many masks slowly start to slip off, dozing under the warm light.
It’s somewhere in the middle of a story about something Clint did in the middle of their mission to Bucharest — not Budapest — that she notices Peter’s eyes are closed. She smiles softly and lets her voice trail off, only to frown when Peter blinks his eyes open and shifts.
“It’s okay, you can sleep. That’s part of it,” Natasha reassures, giving the upper part of his chest a little pat. Peter shifts back and his eyes close again, a sleepy little murmur quickly muffled by the comforter as Natasha tucks him in. “We love you, Солнышко. Sleep, now.”
“Good night, Natasha,” comes Peter’s little voice from the pile of blanket.
“Good night, Baby Spider. Sleep.”
Natasha continues to rub Peter’s arms softly and murmuring quiet words into the hushed room until Peter’s breathing evens out. She trails off again and this time, Peter doesn’t wake up.
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fizzyhosh · 6 years
Nothing Else Matters (Remus Lupin)
Anon: please write a remus x reader in which the reader is from a really old important pureblood family but on the down low isn't anything like them but comes across really cold (and like a bit of a mean girl) her and remus get paired for a project & he's all sweet & charming & she falls for him but gets mad & distant cause stupid remus & his stupid perfect face & stupid wit & stupid beautiful eyes running her plan to fly under the radar until she can get away from her family but happy fluffy ending
Warnings: angst, blood status prejudice, but like fluff at the end
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Slytherin!pureblood!Reader
Summary: When you get paired up with Remus for a project, you have to decide which is more important: keeping up the reputation of your pureblood family by never speaking to anyone, or flirting with the cute, charming boy from Gryffindor.
Word Count: ........like.......... 4.1k
A/N: This may have come out a bit more angsty than I wanted, or maybe not angsty enough, idk it’s hard to tell if it’s good after reading it through a thousand times so let me know what you guys think!!!!! Sorry it’s so LONG but I hate putting stories in multiple parts :///
Also, I feel like it’s confusing so idk but I really like this one :))
Also also #awkward it’s a sherlock gif but I’m watching it for the first time ever and wooooo I can’t find any better gif we love mixing fandoms 
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You didn't really have a lot of friends. It's not like you were a loner or pathetic or anything, you chose to be by yourself. If you ever had friends, they'd realize how different you were from your very well-known pureblood family, the (Y/L/N)'s. 
They were one of the oldest Wizarding families, and all your ancestors had become either very, important and successful authority figures, Death Eaters, or both. People expected you to be exactly like them because you were put in Slytherin as every single one of them had. You didn't like the idea of ruining the family name, something that had been burned into your mind since you were little.
Maybe it would be different if the sorting hat chose any other house. Every time you thought about the day you got sorted, your stomach turned with regret at the thought that you could have been wearing different colors, probably with actual friends. 
"Ah, yes, interesting. (Y/L/N)..." the sorting hat spoke softly upon your 11-year-old head. "I see you're determined just like the rest of your Slytherin family... you'll do anything to get what you want.... but I see you also have a heart of gold, you're loyal, you would do well in Hufflepuff. And, yes, you're also brave, very brave, like Gryffindors should be. Ah, and wise beyond your years, I see. You could prosper in Ravenclaw." 
You gulped as the hat hummed. 
"But what would your family say if you were anything but Slytherin?" it asked off-handedly. 
What would they say? They'd probably banish you, abandon you, or kill you. Maybe all of the above. 
"I see you have great doubts about the other houses. Better be... SLYTHERIN!" 
If only you hadn't doubted, maybe the hat would have chosen differently for you. That thought killed you every day. 
You never tried talking to anyone in your house or anyone in school. You kept quiet and stayed away from people. You worried what they would think about you and your family if they knew how close you were to straying from your family's path. 
The other pureblood Slytherins always talked so highly of their families and other pure bloods they knew, like it was a competition of who could go back the furthest in their lineage without encountering a half-blood or Muggle-born relative. It made you sick to hear them talk like they were higher than everyone else. 
You looked down at your hands as you sat at the end of Slytherin table. There was a good eight feet between you and the next person on the bench, so clearly no one else really cared to get to know you. You got looks from everyone, especially your housemates, that told you people thought you were a little weird or maybe even intimidating. 
"Isn't that a (Y/L/N)?" was a common question you heard whispered as you passed in the halls, often followed with an equally badly executed whisper of, "yeah, I heard she hates her life and her family. She might have pushed that first year down the stairs. You know, the one they say had to be sent to St. Mungo's and might die?"
That's just how your experience was at Hogwarts, and that's how you preferred it. You didn't talk to anyone and no one talked to you. 
Until one day, Professor Slughorn decided that apparently no one could research a potion on their own.
"We'll be starting a few very complicated potions and to ensure that everyone fully understands, we'll be working in pairs for the research and brewing portions. Everyone grab a partner."
It was one of the worst things that could have happened. Not only would you be singled out as not being able to find a partner, if you did manage one, you'd have to introduce yourself and they would either hate you and make you get a bad grade, or like you and want to be friends. 
Slughorn looked around the room as people stood up and switched seats so they could sit with their friends and new partners. You sat still but the girl next to you hopped up in a second. 
"Ah, Mr. Lupin, why don't you go over and partner up with Ms. (Y/L/N)?" 
Someone placed their books in the seat next to you and you felt their presence as they sat down. You turned your head slightly to see one of the popular Gryffindor boys. You cursed in your head. 
"Hi, I'm Remus," he said with a large smile and stuck his hand out. You glanced at him, then his hand, and looked back up to the front. His hand lowered slowly and he cleared his throat. "Alright..." 
Slughorn continued the lesson. "Now, we will be brewing these in class as pairs, but I want you to research each of three potions and write a four and a half foot essay on each by next Tuesday. It will be worth a very large grade, so it's in your best interest not to fail." 
After class was over, you stood up quickly, eager to leave before Remus tried talking to you again. 
"Wait, (Y/N),"
You turned quickly, eyes wide in shock and confusion. "You know my name?" 
His confidence faltered in your sudden speech abilities. "Oh, uh, yes? Is that surprising?" 
How did one of the super popular, hot Gryffindor boys know your name? Did that mean you weren't as secluded as you thought? 
You shook off the question and the thought about him being hot and raised your eyebrows to ask what he wanted. 
"When can we work on the project? I like to get homework out of the way." 
You crossed your arms and thought. "Library at three tomorrow afternoon."
He nodded and smiled lightly. "Works for me. I'll see you then, (Y/N)." 
He put a light hand on your lower back as he walked past so he could get by you and your breath hitched, your skin tingling where he touched. A few other girls in your year looked at you with their mouths open slightly before they started gossiping to each other in hushed voices. 
"How does he know her?" 
"Who even is she?"
"Isn't she that (Y/L/N)?" 
You rolled your eyes and turned to leave. Maybe you were more under the radar than Remus made it seem. Then why did he, of all people, know your name?
You glanced up at the library door every 20 seconds or whenever someone walked in, hoping waiting for Remus to arrive. It was 3:17 and you were growing impatient. Part of you was excited to see him, but you didn't know why. You couldn't possibly like a boy you met the day before and even if you did, there was no way he'd like you back. On the off chance that he did like you back, you'd never date him because him being so popular meant people would start knowing you because of your association and you couldn't let that happen. 
A flustered Remus walked up to the table quickly and set down his bag. "Sorry I—"
"You're late," you said coldly. 
He hesitated. "I know, sorry. My friends were just—"
"I don't care. We have a project to do," you said in soft but strong voice.  You looked up when he didn't respond, expecting to see the classic deer in headlights look when you said things like that, but were shocked to see a small smile on the boy in front of you. 
"Wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, did you?" 
"I always wake up on the same side," you said as you looked back down. 
"Might wanna try the other side for a change. You seem a bit grumpy, (Y/N)." 
You looked up at him again. Why was he acting like you were old friends? "Excuse me?" 
He shrugged and pulled out his potions book. "So the first potion that we have to research is..." 
"The Draught of Peace," you mumbled and he glanced up at you. 
"Yes, right," he flipped through his book and you mimicked him, almost forgetting why you were there. 
Remus had proven to be a very good accidental distraction. 
While you two were writing, you heard Remus' quill slow to a stop and you felt his eyes on you. Without looking up, you said, "it's going to take us a lot longer to do this if you're going to keep staring at me." 
He didn't reply and you looked up, your face heating up when he didn't break eye contact. He smiled. "Sorry." He looked back down and this time, you were the one staring.
"I expect you're wondering why I'm not afraid of you?" he started, making you wonder if he could read minds. He glanced up when you didn't respond. 
"A bit. I hear what people say about me."
"Why do you assume I would be one of those people?" 
You shrugged. "Figured everyone was one of those people."
"Well I'm not afraid of you because I know what you're like." 
You scoffed. "No, you don't. I'm nothi—"
"Nothing like your family?" 
You stopped, your heart beating fast. How did he know?
He nodded and dipped his quill into his ink and started writing again. "So is my friend, Sirius Black. His whole family is pureblood Slytherins. Of course, I'm sure you've heard of them. Gave him a right scare to be sorted into Gryffindor. But he's nothing like them either." 
"What makes you think I'm not like my family? I'm a Slytherin just like them." 
He looked up again and you lost your voice again when his eyes met yours. "I've never seen anyone's sorting take as long as yours, especially not a pureblood and especially not a pureblood if they really are like their family. I expect that unlike the rest of your family, there was another option for you?" 
You nodded slowly and shyly. You'd never admitted that to anyone, but you trusted Remus for some reason. 
"Which house?" he asked, like it was a normal conversation. 
"All of them," you breathed, relieved to finally tell someone. 
His eyebrows shot up. "Wicked. You're the full package, then."
A large smile slowly grew on your face and he mirrored it. 
"Ah, so she smiles." 
"I've just... never told anyone that." 
You shook your head. 
"Well, I'm honored, (Y/N)." He smiled at you for another few seconds before he turned back to his paper and wrote some more. You bit your lip gently, trying to suppress an excited smile. Remus smiled down at his paper. "It's going to take us a lot longer to do this if you're going to keep staring at me, (Y/N)." 
You became suddenly aware of how often you passed Remus in the halls. It was hard to ignore his loud group of friends before, but now that you and Remus had met and he knew something personal about you, both of you had a hard time not staring at each other when you passed. 
"How come I hardly see you around during free time and such?" "Because we’re in different houses, I guess."
"I know you're lying." 
You hid a smile. "How's that?"
"You have a look." 
"You've only known me for a few days," you laughed. 
"Come on, how come I've never seen you?" He lightly kicked your foot under the table. 
You shrugged. "Because I stay in my dorm. I hardly leave."
"Afraid of getting into trouble?" 
"Partly, I think I would die if I got detention—don't smirk at me—but really, I don't have many friends."
His smirk fell. "Why not?"
"Believe it or not, people don't really enjoy girls who only say snarky things to them." 
He fake gasped. "No way!" He laughed and continued, dropping the sarcastic voice. "Why don't you just be nice to people then?" 
You shrugged. "No point. I'm afraid of people knowing how much I'm not like my family."
"You want people to think you'll most likely be a death eater?" You frowned at him. “Sorry,” he added. 
"No, it's just... I'm worried about disappointing my family. I don't want to be shunned or banished from the (Y/L/N) family. It's just easier to... not be myself, I guess."
"You don't agree with their morals and things but you'll fake it to be accepted by them?" 
"I know it doesn't make sense. I guess it's the other houses in me, internally fighting. I know what I want and what I believe, but I'm afraid of letting people down or confronting my problems. I'm trying to stay loyal to my family, no matter how messed up they are."
He nodded slowly. "Well, I like being your friend, (Y/N). Even if you are a... from your family."
"Why can't you say my last name?" You raised an eyebrow. 
"Because if you're not like them, I figure you don't want to be called one."
You smiled. He was exactly right. 
As the days went by, you were starting to like Remus more and more, which terrified you. You had gone so long without making friends and now that your friendship with Remus was so easy, you were worried that you'd get too close. You had been under the radar for so long and doing so well. You didn't want to give that up for some boy, no matter how charming and cute and funny and sweet he was. 
You tried really hard not to smile at him when you wrote your essays together. Honestly, you two would have finished a lot sooner if you hadn't subtly flirted the whole time. 
"Is it bad that I wish we were brewing love potion instead of the Peace Draught?" you asked. Genuinely, it was only because you wanted to know what it would smell like to you. You weren't trying to flirt, though you didn't mind the response you got. 
"You don't need it," Remus replied peering over his book with smiling eyes. You raised an eyebrow at him and he winked before turning back to his book. "But you do need a date for the trip to Hogsmeade next week."
He said it so casually that you froze. Did he realize he was asking you on a date? 
"What d'you say? Would you like to go with me?" 
You get your chest tighten. You wanted to go, but if you did, people would notice you and they'd talk about you. You couldn't have people talk about you and figure out you're nothing like your family. Your family was all uptight and never had fun, but you, the real you, were so bubbly and happy and cracked jokes all the time, Besides, none of our family would be caught dead hanging out with half-bloods and Muggle-borns. That's not what your family did. They were strict about their pureblood status. 
"I mean, yes I want to, but I can't." 
You shook your head. 
"Why not?"
"I just can't, Remus." 
"I get it, but why? Even for just an hour?" 
"It's not about because I don't have time, it's because..." 
"You have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" 
Your chest hurt so bad it was almost unbearable. You felt like you were being cornered but it was just you and a few other people in the library. "No, it's because it's...you." 
"Sorry... I just thought, you know... you liked me..." his voice faded with the saddest tone you had heard. It broke your heart. "Sorry, that's stupid, I don't know why I thought that—"
"I do like you."
"You're making no sense, (Y/N). Then why can't you go on a date with me?"
You paused, trying to breathe and not cry, both of which were not working out for you. What were you supposed to say? 
His face turned from concerned to completely relaxed, but not in a comforting way. His shoulders fell and he say up a bit straighter than usual. "Oh." 
"Oh, what?" you asked, hoping he was assuming a good excuse that you could go along with. Unfortunately, he was almost dead on with his idea. Almost.
"Nothing like your family, eh, (Y/L/N)?" he said softly but intensely as he stood up slowly and collected his things. 
You frowned. He never used your last name before because he knew you weren't like them. "Wha—"
"Can't be seen around half-bloods, or traitors, or Muggle-borns, can you?" 
Your eyes widened. "Remus, you know that's not why—"
"Why else then?" he tried, raising his eyebrows as your eyes filled with tears. 
"Okay, maybe it is. But it's not because I care, it's because—"
"It's because you're a (Y/L/N). You can't go ruining your reputation, can you?" 
"Good luck finishing that last essay, (Y/L/N), you might need it if you've just been using me to get a better grade." Your last name on his tongue sounded like nails on a chalkboard. It felt like some kind of accusation, like the worst thing he could call you. 
With that, he strode out of the library, leaving you with your teardrop stained parchment and short, labored breaths. 
The brewing part of the project took three days, each day you brewed one of the three potions that you had written the essay about. You could tell Remus dreaded those days. 
"You sure you still want to be my partner? Wouldn't want my half-blood germs in it," Remus muttered under his breath. 
"Remus, stop it."
"Sorry, you're right. As a pureblood, you have total authority over everything I do. I just had forgotten."
His words stabbed you with more pain than you had ever experienced, but you felt like it was deserved. After all, you did deny a date with him because of his blood status. 
But it wasn't like that. It was because of your family’s opinion, not yours. If it was up to you, you would have been in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff and you probably would have been dating Remus for at least a year. Things would be so different. 
After the last day of the brewing project, Remus packed up his things quickly and left with his friends. You ran after him, stopping him in the hall. 
"Remus, please," you felt tears slip down your face as you looked at him. "I'm s-so sorry, I didn't mean it. Please let me explain—"
He just stared at you with the least amount of expression you had seen a person have, or not have. "Don't worry, I'm used to being disappointed by others, believe me." 
He turned and you heard his friend whisper quite loudly to him. "Wasn't she your partner for the project?" 
"Yes. But that's all."
"What'd she do, mess up the potions?" he laughed.
Remus turned to look at you over his shoulder. "Something like that." 
He turned the corner and disappeared. You didn't know what you had to do. Did you have to stand on a table and profess your really really strong like for him? You let out a breath you had been holding. It seemed like that just might be what you had to do. 
Your trip to Hogsmeade was like any other, except this time, you had to avoid a boy in order to not cry. Other than that, it was lonely and quick like usual. All you needed to buy was a few sweets from Honeydukes, where you almost literally ran into Remus, and you were gone. 
You didn't even try to talk to him, knowing he wouldn't care to listen. 
By the end of the day, you had finally mustered up enough courage to go and talk to him and tell him that you actually cared about him, not his blood status. 
It was dinner at the Great Hall like always, except this time, you were anxious for more than one reason. You sat facing the Gryffindor table, in direct line of sight to Remus and his friends, though his back was turned to you. 
Dumbledore had finished his speech and everybody was eating happily when you stood up and made your way to Remus. People watched as you passed, curious about why you were getting up from the table. The Gryffindors near him looked at you and whispered. 
You tapped his shoulder. “Remus?” Nothing. Sirius, who sat across from him, kicked him under the table and nodded toward you but Remus just shook his head lightly. 
"Remus? Can I please talk to you? It's really important." His friends looked at you sympathetically but you stood your ground. "I'm not leaving until you talk to me."
He turned around and looked up at you, giving you the most fake smile. "Fine, what’s up? How's your day? Brilliant, so was mine." He turned back to his friends. "Bye, now."
You stepped back and took a deep breath. Filch spotted you by the Gryffindor table and eyed you. He starting walking towards you, ready to use any excuse to get any student into trouble. 
You put your hand on Remus' shoulder and he turned to yell, until he realized that you were using his shoulder to give you a boost to get up on the table. 
"(Y/N), what are you—"
You saw Filch hobble towards you quicker and all the Gryffindors were staring up at you as other tables started to realize what was happening. You were only looking at Remus, who looked like a worried mother. 
Sirius glanced up but accidentally saw right under your skirt and giggled immaturely with James. Remus kicked both of them and looked right back up at your face. 
"Remus John Lupin!" 
"(Y/N) you don't have to—"
"I stand before you and our entire school, asking for your forgiveness!" you said in a dramatically poetic and totally not serious way.
He was red, his eyes not breaking contact with yours. 
You lowered your voice from a shout to a desperate but still confident level. "I don't care what anyone thinks. Not anyone in the room, not my family, not Filch," a few people around that heard you chuckled as the old man approached you, but Remus was still focused on the 'family' part, "and not you, Remus. I don't care what anyone thinks." 
"About what?" he snapped. 
"I don't care what anyone thinks about me anymore. I, (Y/N) (Y/L/N), like you, Remus. And I don't care who knows it. In fact, I want everyone to know!" 
His face dropped. 
"And if you don't believe me, just look at me," you put your arms out and a small smile creeped it's way into his face. "I'm standing on a table in front of hundreds of people, confessing my feelings, seconds away from being sent to detention. That's three things you know I'm afraid of and I'm doing them for you." 
He was full on grinning now. 
"What I did was terrible, and I didn't mean it. I was afraid of letting down my family so I always stayed quiet and in the back of the room. But then you walked in with your stupid perfect face and stupid, funny jokes and stupid beautiful eyes and you were so charming and smart and sweet and you made me feel like me. So, Remus. Please accept this as my apology, and please, please, be my friend again. 
He stood up and grabbed your wrist, pulling you down to his level again. Once you got to the ground, he grabbed your face and stared at you for a moment. "I'll do more than be your friend." He smiled and kissed you hard, beyond happy that anyone would do anything so romantic for him. "You should be in Gryffindor just for that, love." People were cheering around you but all you could hear was Remus' voice. 
Someone cleared their throat behind you and your turned quickly to see Professor McGonagall looking down at you over her glasses. "Hallway, both of you," she said sternly and you quickly followed her out. 
As soon as the door closed, Remus spoke. "Professor, please don't give (Y/N) a detention, it's my fault, I ignored her and she had to do that so I would talk to her." 
"Your fault? Are you claiming that you blackmailed her to stand on the table?" 
"Well, no—"
"Then perhaps used the Imperius Curse?"
"Did you even ask her to stand on the table?"
"No ma'am," he said softly. 
"Didn’t think so. Then it is not your fault, Mr. Lupin. Ms. (Y/L/N) is entirely responsible for her actions. Now, as touching as it was, it is my job to give you a detention!"
"Yes Professor." You looked at your feet. 
"But whether I have to is entirely my choice." 
You looked up hopefully. 
"And as interruptive and frankly unsanitary as it was, I have never heard you speak more than four words to me. I was pleasantly surprised to see you give such a speech." 
Your face got hot. 
"But please, in the future, try to refrain from standing on tables when you need to speak. A raised hand in my class will do just fine" She gave you a reassuring smile and turned to go back into the Great Hall. 
Remus turned to you and grabbed your hands. 
"Remus, I'm really sorry. Seriously. I should have never let my families beliefs affect my own. I don't care what you are. Pureblood, half-blood, Muggle-born, muggle, even a werewolf," you laughed, "I'd still like you." 
He smiled and wrapped his arms around you tightly. "I like you too, (Y/N). I'm sorry for yelling at you." 
"You had the right."
"No I didn't. I should have listened to you."
"Stop blaming yourself. It just came out wrong when I said it."
"Oh for the love of Merlin," James groaned. 
You turned and saw him, Sirius, and Peter by the door. 
"Just kiss already, would ya?" Sirius asked.
You looked at Remus and smiled, put your hands on the back of his neck, and pulled him down to kiss you. 
You knew this new thing you so had going on would attract a lot of attention. People would know that you weren't anything like your family, because a (Y/L/N) was dating the popular Gryffindor half-blood and she spoke her mind when she was around him and she participated in school events now. You knew you'd get a howler a week later from your mum or dad and probably not be allowed back home. 
But you didn't care. 
None of it mattered, except for Remus.
Remus Tags: @knowledgeisthebomb @the-best-fanfition-ever @harrypotterimmaginaa @stateofloveandvedder @gryffindorprincess379 @finnofamerica
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matronaa · 6 years
Jungkook “fuckboy?” drabble
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Word count: 1,637
Genre: Fluff/mentions of smut?
Okay look its about 1 in the morning while im writing this and i just got done literally scrolling thru @jungshookz  e n t i r e page and honestly ive been delusionally laughing over her stories for like an hour and a half like the tattooartist!jungkook fic legit killed me i love it  and i’m probably going to force my friend to check her out because legit i love it so much and she seems like such a funny person and if she sees this 1) ily and ur writing and i wanna be friends but idk how to start a conversation because im a awKwARd bEan and 2) im sorry for probably spamming ur notifications with likes okay i couldnt help it so now im inspired for the first time in a while to write but im way to loopy to put together an actual fic so enjoy this ig
Okay i should stop rambling (okay just note that im so sleep deprived that i had to google ‘words for excessive talking’ to remember the word rambling because im an idiot and i cant think and ooo its 1:11 am rn make a wish b*tches)
Okay im sorry ill begin~
A/n all of this is completely unedited and if bad grammar annoys you srry not srry
Lets talk about what fuckboy!jungkook is oki
I feel like in reality there are just a bunch of rumors about him but hes so smol and hes the quiet type so he doesnt have the energy to dismiss them
Like im sorry soft jungkook is way to good in my mind rn okay #cuddles4days im not in the mood for him to strangle me with his amazing biceps
you never rlly met him in the 4 years of going to the same highschool as him (since you’re in those smart people classes like humanities) until senior year
You and him had the same AP Lit. class lmao english class is  l i t
Which surprised you bc of the rumors like i thought he was a badboy ?? arent those normally idiots ??
Nah my bby is a smart nugget, he just likes to look hella bf 25/8
First day of school cliche where you show up late to class and have to sit next to him because i  d i e  for those plots okay
But you dont know thats him because you’ve never seen him, so you’re confused on why most of the girls keep glaring at you
But soon enough you catch on and you’re like fml
And then the professor is like “where you are sitting is your assigned seating for the rest of the year” and you’re like f m L
He ends up introducing himself to you because i mean like table buddies
But hes really nervous because hes a cute little bean and you’re hella cute cuz lets be honest ur probably wearing like basic black leggings and a hoodie with your hood over your head to hide the bed hair you didnt feel like brushing that morning
Oh, just me? Okay…
He likes ur name because it rolls off the tongue and he thinks it suits you even tho he doesnt know you
Yet ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You dont really think hes a fuckboy because he seems so nice and he has the cutest lil bunny smile sEE
That is until after school u end up getting to ur locker late because u left something in one of your classes
And u see him pinning a girl against the lockers down the hall
And ur like well shit nvm
And u quickly get ur shit and go because das  a w k w a r d
But then he sees u run off and hes like awh crap i dun fucked up
A few weeks go by and u notice he barely really comes to class so u usually sit alone
On days he does come his chair seems extra close to yours and he’s basically smothering you
But u dont mind because he smells nice
And on the days he does come you get kinda excited because
1) you get a partner who doesnt expect you to do all of the work
2) this boy cute when he gets all intelligent
Ur  like “yes pls continue speaking about the essay we are writing that i have no idea is on because i kept getting lost in the sound of ur voice”
He notices when u zone out because you start staring at his lips when hes talking and he thinks its the cutest thing
One day u get assigned a week long project and ur close enough friends with jungkook to basically scold and force him to come to class all week
But only if he can force u to come to his house to work on it after school
Which you’re low key nervous of because ur going to a ‘fuckboy’s house’ by yourself
And u dont wanna do the dirty because ur a pure child haha not for long
But you agree anyway
And honestly even after the project is done (which you got an A on) you continue going over to his house because his bed is comfortable and he always has snacks
And his mom loves you
Like legit on days you dont go the next day you do she’s like “wheRE WERE YOU”
When the semester is over the professor lets you pick seats but you both enjoy each other’s company so you stay seated together.
finally ur at his house one day and ur just laying on his bed scrolling thru insta and he’s sitting on his bean bag in the corner on his phone and u look up at him and realise
You like him
Like a lot
And u mentally face palm because this was not supposed to happen
But it happened and you’re too far down the hole to climb out
Sometimes u end up napping at his house after school because his bed is more comfortable than yours and one friday night u wake up in his arms
And its like the best feeling ever
Its so warm and hes so cuddly hes like latched onto you
You stay under the warm blankets before you question when he even got in bed since he was playing video games before you fell asleep
And then his phone lights up and ofc you check it for him bc ur a nosey bitch
But not before you observed how adorable he was while he was sleeping
Nope not creepy at all
its his friend tae texting him (you didn’t really know his friends since you had different friend groups)
You check it and its smth like “stop staring at y/n while shes sleeping and reply u creep”
And you’re like w a t
So you scroll up and see that while u were sleeping jungkook went on a full rant on how cute u are and how whipped he is
And ur like holy fadoodles dis boy likes me
And so u decided to text tae like “this is y/n, does he actually like me”
Which turns into you both having a convo on how thirsty jungkook is until he wakes up
Hes like wtf r u doing and he snatches the phone and reads through your messages with tae while u like sit up to stare at him
And he’s still half asleep so it takes him to realise whats going on
“Omfg y/n i can explain-”
He starts rambling about how long he had been crushing on u and that he didn’t want to tell you because you seemed uninterested so he kept it a secret and never told anyone
And honestly he was freaking out because the onE tiMe he tells anyone that he likes you, you find out
But while he’s rambling you’re coming up with an excuse to text your mom that you’re spending the night at his house, so you just say he’s not feeling well and his parents are gone for the weekend.
Lmao she doesnt care she’s just like “lmao ik ur lying but have fun dont get pregnant”
Or Maybe thats just my mom idk
You have to shut him up by snatching his phone out of his hands and kissing him
When you pull away you’re just like “you talk too much lmao”
You explain to him that you like him too and u just get under the covers again and snuggle up next to him, and he wraps his arms around you
And you stay like that for a while before hes like “its late you should get home”
And you tell him you’re staying the night whether he likes it or not
And he is so down for that
But then you end up just spending the weekend there because why not his parents love you
And every night is just filled with cuddling, watching netflix, making out, late night snacks, etc.
Saturday night he gets a lil touchy and soon enough ur like straddling him and grinding your hips against his
But then he’s like “Ive never done this before” and you c o m b u s t
Ur like aren’t you like the school fuckboy how have you not done this
And he tells you its all just rumors and hes too lazy to set the record straight
And you basically decide to take things slow that night since it was you’re first time too and honestly it was so cute
It wasn’t really steamy rough sex it was more soft fluffy love making that is filled with giggling and exploring and appreciating each other
That was definitely the night you fell in love with him
Which is big because you thought love was gross
The next day you’re cuddling and he’s like “you know ur my gf now”
And ur like duh
You start going on cute dates after that like going to cafes or amusement parks
He loved taking you to the beach during the summer because u looked gr8 in a bikini
You found out you were going to the same college with was fantastic, so you decided to rent an apartment together nearby the campus instead of living in a dorm.
Which normally you’d be against because moving in together so quickly ?? but you felt different like this relationship was going to last
Lmao jk gotcha bitch
My baby is too pure and innocent to cheat
Well innocent until you both get into bed and then oh lord it gets steamy
He wants to experiment with like e v e r y t h i n g and honestly you were down
But ofc you set some boundaries.
There were lines he couldn’t cross
I mean sometimes he tried but you shut that down real quick
Overall your relationship was perfect and you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend
I mean he brought you pizza rolls and dr pepper to ‘study dates’ how could you not love him.
Oml it took me over an hour to write this its like 2:30 am why am i awake anyway imma go to bed now, idk ur name jungshookz but pls write more fanfics i need more to read late at night okay gnite
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wlwhc · 7 years
Tumblr media
Anonymous said: what about a raven x reader, where the reader is the only one helping Raven fixed the ship before praimfaia , and due to this, the reader has to do a lot of work. Idk I just want some angsty but fluffy at the end
(A/N): I’m sorry that I’m writing things after ages, I’m pretty busy latetly, and writer’s block is killing me. Also, this is pure shit, sorry :(
Warning: swearing
Words: 3494
Gifs are not mine, I found them on google. Credits to whoever made them
Being one of the only mechanics and engineer on earth , it is a pretty big deal. Sinclair made sure that you knew everything you need to know to fix the whole ship in case that he died, and thanks to your brain, you were able to study both things at the same time, earning a nice reputation among the young and old people of Arkadia.
Even though you are a mechanic and engineer, for the 100, you’re just one of the sky people, useless. They have Raven, the zero-g mechanic and Sinclair , your boss. It was pretty hard for you to make them listen to you, specially Raven, that girl didn’t accept anybody’s help.
They didn’t care about your theories and ideas to fix the ship, or better ways to fix the cars, no no , they made you hunt, and work on the plants, sometimes even the med-bay and you didn’t even know how to treat a small cut.
Luckily, Sinclair remembered your presence on the Ark and ask for your help on a project, a project that you had to end in a week and you finished it in three days. That made the cocky 100 interested on you, specially the grumpy Mechanic.
Before you could even protest, Sinclair had put you to work with Raven. Since she’s pretty ..aggressive sometimes, you decided to become mute, in order to prevent her to throw something at you. The days went by, only making a sound when you needed her to give you something. Truth be told, Raven was getting crazy with all the silence.
She thought that you were too shy to even make a human sound, so she tried to get a little closer to you, on her own way of course.
She started giving you harder works, works that she would finish in a week,in an attempt to make your talk or ask her for help. But you somehow manage to finished them in three days, how? she didn’t know, but she was really impressed, in fact, she begin to talk about you with her friends out of the nowhere, even Abby was getting tired of it.
You didn’t mind the extra work, it keep you occupied and you also knew you were helping them and giving Raven a few hours of sleep. Your stay in her workshop had provide you with a special view, it let you see the sweet side of Raven, she wasn’t always so aggressive and grumpy, she was also kind, funny af and really caring. She may think that you didn’t notice , but you did notice everytime she would leave cups of warm water for you to drink, or small portions of food, and let’s not forget the times where she would put her jacket over you when you fell asleep on the workshop. Small details that took a tone of importance in your heart, it made you feel a little bit less alone, like someone actually care about you.
You do not have a family, your family died long ago when a flu attack one of the districts, leaving you alone. Sinclair was the one taking you under his wing and basically raise you, at least until you could look out for yourself. So when you arrive to the ground, and everyone was getting reunited with their child and family, you were one of the few standing awkwardly on a side, looking at the skie with glassy eyes.
Knowing that someone cares about you made your heart a little bit warmer, Raven didn’t know about this, she barely knew you, the only things that she knows is that you’re incredibly smart, shy and cute. That are the things she knows, and she wanted to change that.
The next day you went to work, you found Clarke giving orders to a very grumpy Raven, the blonde didn’t seem to let the mechanic breath, so you step in.
“I can do that” You said softly, hoping that they heard you.
“No offense hmm…” You rolled your eyes when Clarke didn’t seem to remember your name. Raven smirk at this.
“Y/N” You said at her, a little bit harsher that you planned
“oh yeah, Y/N, I don’t think you would be able to fix this, that’s why I need Raven to do it! , we don’t have much time”
“why would I not be able to do it? as far as I’m concerned I already fix half of the ship by myself while you were ordering Raven to fix your gun” Raven was trying not to laugh at Clarke’s face, the blonde was surprised.
“I-I needed it my g-”
“there's a group of people, in the armory, that are more than capable to fix your stupid gun, in this workshop there’s only Raven and me, we are the only ones with the enough IQ to fix this damn ship, and here you are, ordering Raven to fix...what exactly?” You asked Raven, which she answer you smiling.
“a radio”
“a fucking radio, we already did 20 of those for fucks sake!” You said exasperatedly. Clarke looks at Raven, but the mechanic only nods at your words, knowing that you were saying the truth.
“okay fine! I’ll ask Monty!”
“Oh that’s not necessary, gimme” You said, and Raven gave you the Radio, you could feel Clarke’s glare on you but you didn’t pay attention, you open the radio and a minute later, the little device came back to life.
“if it wasn’t such a big deal, then you should-”
“I’m trying to make a point here, Raven has enough things to worried about, if you have any other stupid and unnecessary job for her, send it to me, I can handle it” Clarke left after sending you another glare. You walk to your table and begin to work again. Raven walked to you, the same smile still hanging on her face.
“you made the princess pretty mad” She said.
“she’s really annoying sometimes” You said, focus on your work.
“you shouldn't have done that, now you’re going to have more work-”
“Sinclair told me to keep an eye on you, she was giving you too much work, I can handle it” You said, not daring to look to her, afraid that she may see through your lie, which she did. The smile on her face got bigger.
“Sinclair? Sinclair told you that?” Raven said, in a playful tone, already knowing that Sinclair would never do that, he knows she can take care of herself.
“yep”  Raven didn’t push it further and got back to work, with the sweet taste of knowing that you cared about her.
Since that day, your relationship with the mechanic grew. It started with little talks, Raven was the one initiating those, a few jokes and sometimes she would even drag you to take a drink with her. You met the rest of her friends, Clarke had grown on you and somehow ended up as your friend too. Things were just getting better each day.
Until you realize how pink and soft Raven’s lips look, or how sweet the color of her eyes are, how tanned and smooth her skin is, or how fast your heart would pump when she was near you. That’s when you realize that you were screwed, Raven only sees you as a friend, she would never understand your feelings, she is very important to you, just the thought of losing her made your heart tremble. If you only knew that Raven’s heart begun to beat at your own pace since you step into her workshop. That she finds your shyness the cutest thing on earth, that every time you bite your lip out of frustration she has to leave the room, that she knows how much you hate being yelled at, and every time you defend her she can feel those stupid butterflies having a party on her stomach. If you only knew, how much she needs you by her side, that without you on that workshop she can’t properly function, that the nights without you by her side, are getting colder and darker. She needs you, and she’s going to get you.
It wasn’t till you got seriously hurt when Raven spit the beans.
It was a hectic week, you had a lot of work, and a lot of pressure on your shoulder knowing that the acid rain was going to get here in any minute. Raven and you didn’t have many volunteers, many of the sky people were getting drunk and just lazing around, waiting for their deaths, leaving you and Raven to do all the work.
“ahg! I forgot that I need to weld the ceiling-”
“I can do that, you should go and take some rest” You said to Raven, grabbing the welding machine and the helmet. Raven had dark bags under her eyes, the girl needs some sleep.
“no no it’s fine I have to fix-”
“Raven go get some sleep, I can do it, please” How can she say no to that face? She gave you a tired glare and sighs deeply.
“just 30 minutes” She said, walking to the bed in the workshop. You turned around and find her already sleeping.
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Already outside, you climb the ship, put on your mask and begin to weld. The task was taking you longer than you thought, the sun was shining bright, it was pretty hot outside, plus welding while climbing the ship’s roof wasn’t easy. The sun was started to make you a little bit dizzy, that and the fact that you didn’t have the time to sleep yesterday and you didn’t eat very well.
“how much time had she been there?” Clarke asked Bellamy, that was currently helping around. The Blake boy had been secretly watching you, since you almost fall a few times, and the worst that could happen, is losing one of their mechanics and engineers.
“Too long, a few hours I think, it was pretty early when she got up there, she almost fell a few times, it seems that the ship is more broken than we thought” Bellamy said to Clarke, the blonde was worrying more about you than the ship. Raven may not notice, but Clarke knows that every time Raven is asleep, you would take her jobs so the mechanic can rest a little longer.
“she needs to get down, it’s pretty hot down here, I can’t imagine up there”
“hey! Y/N! Get down here! Take a break!” Bellamy screams at you. You turn to look at him. The height difference making you feel vertigo.
“I almost finished!” You said, putting the mask on again and securing the ropes around your waist, making Bellamy sigh, he has to deal not only with Raven, but with you too now, great.
“fine, I’m going up there and-”
“guys have you seen Y/N? I told her only 30 minutes!” Raven said walking to the pair, rubbing her eyes, she was glad to sleep a few hours but that also means that she had to do her work faster.
“she’s up there, fixing the ship” Bellamy said to the mechanic
“That’s my job!” Raven exclaim.
“yeah well she actually did all your jobs” Clarke said with a smirk on her face
“she hasn’t gone down, and I’m pretty sure she didn’t take water with her, she’s under the sun, it’s pretty hot, she could faint” Clarke said, now with a more serious tone. Raven huff at this, you could be such a smart person for some things, but for other things, like taking care of yourself, you are very stupid.
“Hey! Y/N get down or I’ll kick your ass!” Raven screamed
“I said I’m almost done!” You answer her, Raven send a look to Bellamy, and he sighed.
“I’ll go get her” He started walking to the ladder but stopped when you talked.
“I finished! I’m going down!” You take off the helmet, the air was getting thinner, and you could feel your hands shake a little. You took a deep breath and begin to feel the dizziness from earlier returned.
“everything okay Y/N?” Bellamy asked, seeing you not move.
“u-uh...yeah!” You said shaking your head a little, trying to get rid of the dizziness, but your hand was beginning to feel a little bit numb, you drop the welding machine, and grabbed your head, a big headache was making you wince.
Raven and Clarke noticed this and begin to freak out.
“Bell go get here!”
“she’s going to faint!”
Bellamy got quickly on the ladder, climbing as faster as he could, while you were starting to lose consciousness.
“Y/N! hold on!”
Right were you everything went black, Bellamy caught you.
“I got you, I got you Y/N” He secured you on his arm, making sure that the rope around your waist was okay, and slowly climb down the ladder with you on his arms.
Once he got you down, Clarke was fast on checking your symptoms, while Raven was trying her hardest not to freak out.
“is she okay? Clarke is she okay?!”
“yeah, she’s probably dehydrated, we should take her to my mom” Bellamy didn’t need another word, he began to take you to the med-bay.
“she has a heat stroke, she will need to stay here for today” Abby said applying a piece of cloth with cold water on your forehead, Raven was the only one in the room beside Abby, Clarke had to go, same as Bellamy.
“is she going to be okay? did you che-”
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“she’s going to be fine” Abby said, grabbing Raven’s hands. The Doctor knew about Raven’s feelings, not that Raven had told her, but Abby knew. Raven took a seat beside your bed, stroking your hair,
“when are you going to tell her sweetheart?”
“tell her what?”
“that you love her”
“I-I don’t-Abby what the hell?”
“Clarke lost her chance to say those three words to Lexa, she will always regret that, that knife will always be stuck on her chest, I don’t want you to get through the same-”
“what if she doesn't feel the same uh?-”
“for being such a smart kid, you're being really stupid right now, tomorrow she may not be here, tell her” Abby said.
“I’ll go get more cold water, she needs to hydrate and lower her temperature”. She said, leaving the room.
Abby’s words were ringing inside Raven’s head, maybe she was right, maybe , just maybe, you felt the same, but if you didn’t, then she would end up with a broken heart, and that’s something she can’t fix no matter how hard she tries.
Raven had spent the day by your side, helping Abby applied cold water so your temperature can go down, the mechanic was getting impatient, she needs you to wake up, she already had prepared a whole speech!
“ow crap” Raven heard you and turned her gaze to you, finding you waking up. Abby walked to you.
“Hey there, how are you feeling?” She said, checking on you
“like shit” You said, wincing when Abby used her flashlight to see if you were lucid.
“She’s lucid, You scared us, you had a heat stroke, you need to hydrate, so drink a lot of water and stay in bed for the day okay?”
“I can’t stay here, I have to go back to work” You said trying to get up, but Raven’s hand stopped you.
“Yeah, you’re not doing that, you’re staying here” You tried to get up anyway, making the mechanic sigh.
“Y/N I swear to god!”
“we have work to do!”
“you’re staying here!”
“You two stop!” Abby walked to you, sending a look of “calm down” to Raven.
“looked at me Y/N” You said what she orders. “I’m going to let you go to the workshop, I know that there’s a bed there, you’re going to stay in that bed, and drink a lot of water okay? no alcohol, no welding the roof, nothing that would require a lot of work okay? you’re going to take a break every 20 minutes” Abby’s tone was very motherly, it somehow made you behave. You nod at her, not daring to disobey her.
“she’s all yours Raven” Abby said, leaving you alone with the Zero-g Mechanic.
“you’re really stupid you know that?” Raven said glaring at you.
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“that’s my charm”
“you should stay here-”
“no! just hear me out, you should stay here, Clarke already told me that you finished all my work, you shouldn’t have-”
“I wanted to, you needed to rest-”You sit up on the bed, your legs hanging on the bed, and Raven was standing between your legs.
“Yeah, but you also need to rest! I care about you” Raven said,  resting her hands on your shoulders.
“Well, I care about you too! you don’t sleep and barely eat sometimes” You said, making Raven scoff.
“You do the same!-ahg just...you need to take care of yourself”
“I do-” You said looking everywhere but at her, she was pretty close to you.
“No Y/N, you don’t do that, you’re busy taking care of me and I don’t need that, I’m a big girl I can take care of myself” Raven said, grabbing your face by your chin with her skinny fingers, your eyes met yours, making you shiver a little.
“It is a crime to take care of you?” Raven smiled at your words.
“no is not...I care about you too...I would be devastated if something happens to you” She got a little bit closer to you, it was too much for you to handle, you are going to kiss her if she doesn’t back away and that’s not going to end up very nice.
“what have you done with Raven? I want her back” You said, turning your head to the side. Raven smiled at this, finding your shyness really cute.
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“Promise me you will take care of yourself” Raven grabbed your face on her hands, her thumbs softly rubbing your cheeks. Your heart was jumping out of your chest, and when you looked at her worried gaze, you knew you were going to screw this up.
“I will...if you do the same” You said, trying so hard not to kiss her.
“I will” Raven said, surprising you when she began to lean in, her lips only a few centimeters away from yours.
“w-what are-” Your voice got trapped between Raven’s soft lips. She was kissing you, Raven Reyes was kissing you. It took you a few seconds , but when you finally realize what was going on, you returned the kiss, every fiber of your body not wanting to let her go, Raven didn’t want that either, her hands somehow ended up below your shirt, her fingers wandering on our skin, making you shiver.
“Hey Raven how’s-Oh crap…”
“Seriously Griffin?!” You tried not to laugh but you couldn’t help it.
“now I know that she’s fine, she’s more than fine~” Clarke said raising her eyebrows and smirking.
“fuck off Clarke!” Raven said, shoving Clarke out of the room.
“I’ll tell my mom!” she said making Raven rolled her eyes. Once she manages to close the door, she turned around smiling at you, and slowly walked to you, positioning herself between your legs once again.
“Where we were?” She said with a playful smirk on her face, already feeling confident. You didn’t slap her so, that’s something right?
“remember that I need to rest and I can’t do anything that would require too much work” You said, with the same playful tone.
“oh you won’t even have to move” She said, burying her face in your neck, leaving little pecks on it, making you tickle.
“Raven-” You said, chuckling lightly
“I can do all the work~” She said, her hands sneaking under your shirt once again.
“We’re in the med-bay-” you said, grabbing her face with your hands. Her playful smirk change with a serious face
“okay...let’s go to the workshop-” She said, making you chuckled
“no Raven-”
“what about my room?” This time she raised her eyebrows and later lower them, making send her a playful glare.
“I’m kidding~...am I?”
“...idiot” You said, putting your hands on her waist, she wrapped her arms around your neck, smiling softly at you.
“...your idiot...if you want of course” She said, getting a little shy.
“..I do want that” You said, this time you were the one leaning in, capturing her lips with yours.
You didn’t know if it was because of the heat stroke, but right now, your heart is warmer than ever.
Shittiest end, I know, and I’m sorry :(
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luxintima-a-blog · 7 years
1-15 for the min shipping thing
                           The shipping meme that @shieldoftheprince​ just pilfered.
1. OTP(s) for your muse?
The Polyship Roadtrip and all permutations of that, NyxNoct, and something I’m missing
2. NOTP(s) for your muse?
Honestly, none? There are some I personally can’t ship, but the art is nice to see.
3. Which canon muse(s) do you currently ship with?
I ship with 1 Gladio, 3 Igni, and IDK if my Promptos consider them ships. Technically a Drautos too… IDK if the ship I had with a Seifer counts cause I don’t think they want to ship with Noctis anymore but sure, there was an attempt at that.
4. Are you oc shipping friendly?
I am… but given how I’ve been treated by OCs in the past, I’m extremely unlikely to do it without serious talking first
5. Do you currently have any oc ships?
Nope. Like I said, I’ve been burned by someone in the past purely because I had the muse for a thread that happened to be racy after they constantly dropped our other threads, shipped for more than a year, and suddenly I was only after smut. Sorry, you have to prove it now cause of that douchewad.
6. Do you have an OT3 for your muse? Are you open to polyshipping?
See answer #1! Absolutely I’m down for polyship. Small spoon!Noct is my jam, just all of them cuddle the fuck outta him please.
7. Is your muse difficult to ship with?
If you aren’t his friend? Yes. Noct is Demi-Pan ( sexually attracted to any gender, assigned or not, but only with a strong emotional attachment first ) so you have to be friends before he will even so much as date you.
8. Does your muse get jealous easily?
Jealous, no. Lonely, depressed, cynical, self destructive, quiet. Yes. Even in polyships, Noct knows he’s not the center of attention, but he wants things and has been raised in a way that he won’t ask for them. Ask for someone to follow an order? Sure. But give him affection or give him some time because his father is busy and everyone else has things they are doing that could easily be postponed because the prince summoned? No.
9. Are you multiship?
Yes, unless you and the other mun specifically talk it over with one another and then with me. Part of being Poly is allowing my ship verses to fuse with one another if the muns really want to do stuff like that.
10. A ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
Promnis is fucking adorable ok? All Prom’s issues and Iggy’s mothering nature is just so nice? Like Gladnoct is always gonna be that weird sexually charged stuff, Promnis is just sweet and fluffy unless its AU
11. A ship in your fandom that you dislike (that does not include your muse)?
Gladnis? I don’t really understand it, but certainly go for it if you like it. I’m sure the reason that I don’t like it as much is something petty I haven’t realized yet. That and all the cute art is Gladnis and I can’t find something similar with Noct for any of the ships so its another thing. Did I say petty yet?
12.Do you believe rp’ing a ship adds to character development?
Absolutely. I can tell you in speaking with shieldoftheprince, Noct has went from ‘emotionally stagnant because he can’t show it at all because people will see him as weak’ to ‘I have no problem being the half of this relationship that cries because you are too emotionally stunted to do it.’ Noctis has picked up hobbies and things because partners have mentioned that theirs does something and it’s not something you’d associate with princes to start but it definitely fits his personality. Like cooking and baking.
13. Do you get jealous of your partners other ships?
Sometimes? A lot of issues with RPing royalty is that people put them on pedestals. Abusing my muse in threads is near impossible, and it happens a lot in threads I see with other muses. I want those things, but I’ve hit a point in my RPing career where I know that if I want it I’ll likely have to do it on my own in a drabble.
14. How many ships is too many?
15. Is there a ship or type of ship that you will never write, no matter what the circumstances are?
I have genuinely tried to give people the family ships… like incest in aus where they maybe aren’t even related but its just poisoned in my head.
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