#I’d actually kms lmao
quercus-queer · 2 years
Now me personally, I wouldn’t be able to survive losing my family, my friends, my job, and my reputation all in one go… like what do you even do after that
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rayvern-sheep · 4 months
Update on my mental health: I am doing better! Just in case anyone read those concerning posts the past few weeks and was worried.
I have kinda long-winded advice sorta shit under the cut if you are thinking of top surgery but know you don’t deal w/ change well, or have got it but are wondering why you still feel like shit weeks later when everyone else seems to feel better. And then some more rambling in the tags if you’re into that sorta thing.
Oh boy it’s long under the cut… Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Some advice: if you have a hard time w/ big change, small change, any kind of change. Be prepared to have a hard time w/ top surgery recovery. The general consensus if you research it is that post-op depression is over by abt the fourth week, and that is actually deemed late by some sources. Many said the second or third week. If you are starting to feel worse after that point it does not mean you made a mistake! Don’t panic!
Even though I wrote several notes to myself before the procedure explaining that I did in fact want this, and I know I am bad w/ change, that did not help me when I was in the pits of a doom spiral. I’m ngl that was genuinely the worst I’ve been mentally in years. I had to ring a suicide hotline at one point because I thought I’d lost the point of life. Talk to someone you trust abt how you’re feeling. I just straight up sobbed into my mum’s shoulder abt how I didn’t understand anything anymore and I was terrified I’d made a mistake getting surgery. She talked me through it and reminded me that I’d wanted this for years, that I didn’t go outside w/out a binder on, etc. She reminded me that everyone deals w/ things at different times, just because most ppl feel perfectly fine by the one month mark it doesn’t mean I would. Then after that I just hung out w/ her. The day after that we went and did some chores outside the house. A little time outside is often a good idea, I do regret to inform you.
I’m not gonna say I’m all fixed and perfect now. I’m still low energy and back to hiding in my baggy hoodies (now I can get them on again yippee!!!) but I’m not pushing myself rn. And I wish I had some good advice other than idk have a good system of loved-ones. If you have a therapist talk to them. Don’t be like me and bottle shit up. I’m so good at bottling shit up that I do not notice smthn is getting bad until I’m at the very bottom of the fucking doom spiral and I look up and see how far I fell down it lmao.
I wrote a whole diff paragraph but deleted it. Better version though is just try not to put too much pressure on yourself. Surgery is exhausting, and feeling burned-out even after a month isn’t smthn to be ashamed of. Just focus on keeping yourself sane. If possible take it easy, do things half-assed and low-effort for a while if you can get away w/ it. Just while you mentally catch up to your new stuff.
For some ppl top surgery “fixes” all their problems, but for most it does not. Whatever mental or physical problems you had before surgery, you will still have. Now, my surgeon literally told me surgery would not fix everything. I knew this before going into this, before I even had my first conversation with him, and I still had a bad fucking time mentally. So don’t expect to feel perfect. I was in a weird surreal bubble for the first like 3(?) weeks where I was just physically recovering before my head fucking lost it.
I don’t wanna put anyone off, and tbh worrying abt how bad you’re gonna feel can be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. I just wanna say that it can get rough. But if it does, you are not alone!!! You’ve not ruined your life, it’s not the end of the world, you still have something to live for. Keep pushing through, take it slow, talk to someone you trust. Try to do things that comfort you and help you feel safe. You’re gonna get through it.
Idk man I just wanted to share my experience on this. Because in my frantic research from the bottom of the pit all I could see were smiling faces saying they felt the best they’d ever felt in their life. It was euphoria all day every day. And the only ppl who weren’t feeling perfect were the ppl unhappy w/ their results. But the thing is I love my results, everything looks as expected. It’s literally how I drew it lmao, couldn’t have gone better. Not to brag sorry. But the point was, nothing was wrong physically. The majority of the physical healing was done, but my brain hadn’t been healing at all during that time. It was just putting itself to the side while the body did it’s thing. And when even proper medical sources are saying that ppl usually start to feel mentally better after the fourth week, and I was actually starting to feel shitty by that point, it rlly made me worry smthn was wrong. I was frantically trying to blame something for what I was feeling. And it was likely a whole mess of shit, with the main culprit being my inability to process change. Dude I freak out when a loved-one gets a tattoo or a piercing or changes their fucking hair. I wish I was joking, but I’m not. It stresses me out. And although I always get over it eventually, I should’ve known that this was gonna happen. After those early weeks of the itchy haze, I totally should’ve known a mental spiral was on the horizon. But I was just so lost in the sauce that was the whole experience.
I would not change the experience of top surgery for the world. I only wish I’d been more prepared for the dive my mental health would take so late in the game. I expected post-op depression. But as I said that’s usually only in the first couple of weeks. So when it didn’t happen I thought I was okay. But oooooo boy. I forgot how slow my brain is at processing shit. And hey, if I did “make a mistake” in getting my tits chopped off. If in the future I’m like “Hey I’m a woman now!” then so fucking what. There are titless women out there, and they’re no less woman than a woman w/ tits so big they break her back. Life is for living so fucking do that. I’ve not butchered or ruined my body even if my gender does change in the future. Get rekt transphobes.
ANYWAY… I think I’ve rambled enough. If I remember smthn I’ll prob add it in a RB cos this post is already long enough now. Thank fuck for the “read more” function. So I can hide all my stupid mushy shit under here and not clog up someone’s dash. Yippee!!
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thedeviljudges · 2 years
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I have a confession. I stopped talking to one of my good friends a few months ago because of the things they were drawing and posting on their side twitter account.
Me and my friend were both pretty deep into Hazbin Hotel when the first season dropped a few months ago. They’d send me their art sometimes over the years, but I’d never seen them post any of it on any of their accounts I was following them on. I suggested they should start an art account a few times in the past, but they always brushed it off.
Imagine my surprise when I stumble across one of those pieces they sent to me in private posted on Twitter. I forgot I was still logged in on my private account, and I realized that page had my main blocked. I scrolled through their art for a minute and very quickly realized why they had me blocked on my main. Most of the things they were posting there was NSFW art of Lucifer and Charlie (father and daughter), some of them of Charlie as a little girl talking about how sexy she was as a child and how Lucifer should have molested her. I’ve been very vocal about my disgust with similar art/accounts to them and I guess they blocked me preemptively, but forgot about my priv.
I confronted them about the account and they confirmed that it was them, and they said they just think it’s hot. I blocked them instead of responding. I haven’t talked to them since, and I don’t plan on it. It really hurts losing such a good friend, but I genuinely can’t look at them the same anymore. Knowing the things they’re into, I don’t feel comfortable being around them at all.
I know obviously this isn’t directed at me, but I still feel so betrayed. This isn’t the person I was such good friends with, or anyone I would’ve talked to at all if I would’ve known, and they knew I wouldn’t take it well considering they went out of their way to keep it from me. I feel like none of the fun memories we had together were even real, because I never would’ve even talked to them if I knew.
I’m very firmly against censorship and harassment over fiction, which is why I blocked them instead of responding. They have the right to post it I guess. But the fiction someone posts/enjoys completely changes the way I look at them. I can’t be friends with someone like this, and it hurts. I’d complained about loli shit to them many, many times, and every single time, they agreed with me. I’d say “just scrolled past porn of (insert underage character here), night ruined, gotta kms” and they’d say “yeah lmao ew.” I get why they didn’t, but I wish they would’ve just said “actually I think it’s hot” a long, long time ago instead of keeping it a secret. At least then I would be losing an acquaintance instead of one of my best friends.
Perhaps you should consider why they did not trust you enough to be honest and open if you two were the best of friends.
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winwintea · 1 month
and i was no where to be seen because uni is starting soon i’m gonna kms😿😿 also me an dmy brother are moving so busy with the new apartment stuff and all🙁 this is my last year in nyc then we are moving back to china (tears tears) BUT MY STEP-MOM IS GIVING BIRTH TO MY SISTER AFTER 3 WEEKS I’M NOT SAD SO LETS YEPPIE GUYS!!!
And i actually had a feeling minghao was gonna buy the theatre because yk he is stc ten 0.2 and mark SEE YALL‼️‼️ I DIDN’T SUSPECT HIM FOR NOTHING‼️‼️ i mean he wasn’t proven guilty as charged but he is kind of sus yk and his whole plot and sense doesn’t even make sense so what are you mark???
my new suspecting list:
jaehyun— bro is sus AS FUCK like i just know it you didn’t make him renjun’s ex for nothing AND OMG WAIT what if he came to visit renjun again and check up on him then he just DIES OMGOMG I’M IMAGINIG THINGS LIKE OMG🤭🤭🤭 maybe he isn’t on the suspecting list after all
renjun— don’t even ask why
jiung— same as renjun
and also everyone in the theatre is on the lost because everyone is just sus
I’m litreally so confused right now london…why did you mark such a bitch them kill him like at least make us love him then let him die such a tragic death also TARO NOOOOO THAT’S LITREALLY MY SON DON’T KILL HIM 😭😭😭😭 jeno was kinda playing mysterious and drak so i don’t reall caRE if he dies🙄 STILL NO NOT TARO😿😿😿 i’m gonna tell sungchan and taeyong on you and tell them how cruel you are to taro😞💔💔💔💔
ALSO SICHENG CURSING??!?!?!?!??! EXCUSE ME WHO MADE YOU LEARN BAD WORDS SICHENG UH-AH THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE ‼️I hope you don’t mind london because i’m putting your man on TIMEOUT‼️‼️ unacceptable from you sicheng😡😡
me going through this like oh damn girl 👀
this is so funny when uni starts for me next week i will become more free than usual, like unless there’s a test i usually just get my shit done and don’t have anything else to do lmao… my summers are lowkey so busy and packed but whenever i have school im so chill
also your family must be crazy rich… living in new york??? i could only imagine… and owning a house/apartment in china is crazy expensive too…
is your step-mom also chinese??? or just your mom (i feel like i’m asking very personal and invasive questions here but girl you got a crazy ass life i’m literally in shock)
no fr minghao is literally stc ten 2.0 (and you’ll see in a second mlvtw ten is stc dejun 2.0 life moves around in circles)
JAEHYUN WILL MAKE AN APPEARNACE SOON I PROMISE. he is essential to the y/njun lore
no fr… mark chill tf out
everyone sus !!!
taro, jeno, and mark? are they dead? you’ll find out tomorrow.. teehee (and @galacticnct will block me too i’m so ready)
see i apologize for making mark a bitch but he’s getting his own smau so 🤷‍♀️
sicheng getting put in timeout nooooo 😭😭
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kamiversee · 3 months
Idk abt that other anon lmao, i was originally afraid to read tfl until i saw a spoiler in ur asks that she ends up w choso and i was like BET I CAN READ IT NOW bc i was so afraid to get invested and she winded up with gojo lmfaooo 😵‍💫 If you were in reader's place, what would you do? Who would you want to end up with? 👀👀👀
REALLY? Y’know when I started writing tfl, I kept telling myself that there’s no way anyone would like Gojo by the end of the story so I knew from the beginning tht the reader wouldn’t end up with him! Thoughhhh, once I actually wrote the ending, I found tht there were still a LOT of girlies who liked Gojo— hence the sequel just <3
If I was in the readers place, I’d probably kms LMAOO but if I didn’t I’d definitely end up with Suguru :3
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yakultii · 3 months
Well, just a normal question. I don't want to bother haha
What would be the most awkward moment you've had when traveling (in your country or abroad?
hahaha this is such a good question !! … god knows there’s probably been so many but at the same time I’m such an awkward person in general to the point that I feel no shame about almost anything and it would be awkward for the other person to feel awkward bc it’s too far gone/I tend to make other ppl feel comfortable being their weird awkward selves around me or so I’ve been told !! I’ve communicated w so many diff ppl even when there has been a total language barrier and I’ve found that laughter overcomes just about any barrier even ones u wouldn’t expect :,) …now if we are gonna speak about moments that I cringe at a little looking back it would probably be when I coulda had me a Swiss gf by now but my brain was hella lagging and I was talking ab my ex fml I SAW the shift in her facial expressions and it was over LOLOL actually it wasn’t over cos she planned for us to meet up again like 9 months later in my city cos she was about to go home earlier than expected and I was too mentally ill to get outta bed and said I was sick and I think she thought I didn’t like her again but anyway turns out she was going home early to be admitted in the mental hospital for the next yr so maybe we had too much in common anyways miss her love her she’s so pretty hope she’s doin better …OR maybe my first time in Bali I got completely scammed and stalked except I knew it was happening before it happened but I almost always travel on my own so I was like ehhh oh well rite of passage and let them take my money lmao idiot :,) also not an awkward moment but a kinda funny moment was in jakarta this random old guy was like can I have ur shoes for my daughter and I was like yeah sure (cos I was going home the next day and I had just bought a cheap kmart pair before leaving aus) and so I literally took em off my feet and gave them to him in the middle of nowhere LMAO. OMG actually I just remembered a kinda awkward situation one time at airlie beach I was also on my own.. I had no card on me cos it was on my phone on Apple Pay, my phone had died like permanently because I got sand and water in it on an island and even the charger wouldn’t bring it back to life and it was night and I had to check in to a hotel within like the next 30 mins before they shut their office (it was like a hotel connected to the owners house) which I needed my phone for google maps cos I had no idea where it was and needed to pay them also and also had my plane ticket to go home the next day digitally on my phone, also hadn’t eaten all day and couldn’t buy food it was a disaster and I was running up literal hills to find this hotel and asking random people on the street and almost in tears and out of breathe and I finally got there like 2 mins before closing time and I had to like convince the owners to let me stay there overnight and let me pay in the morning bc my phone was broken and they were kinda cranky about it and by some miracle my phone turned on at like 2% and wouldn’t charge anymore the next morning but I was up and awake super early like 5am bc I was so hungry so I thought I’d go get breakfast and then come back before I checked out and then on my way to breakfast I ran into the owner of the hotel and it looked like I was scamming them omg
omg this also made me think of on that same trip to Airlie beach I was literally walking for a few km back to my accomm one night cos it was on the outskirts of town and it was in the dark already and my phone had died (this was before it fully broke it was just flat or maybe I just had no reception I don’t remember) I suck at directions and can never retrace my steps and I was just vibing and I thought I had to walk through these rich ass houses and ppl were driving out for a night out so the gate had just opened so I walked right in… uhhh turns out it was like a lil gated community type vibe which was a dead end.. so I turn around and the gate is fully automated locked up behind me like the highest fence like 3X my height with all those spikes on top of it..like noone was around to ask to open it and it was pitch black and I was on my own I was like fuck I’m not getting out of here but luckily I’m literally a ninja and somehow managed to climb up over the fence with all the security cameras looking at me I was like omg I’m gonna be on the news it looked so suss hahahahagot stabbed a lil bit but mostly it was overruled by relief and I jogged the rest of the way home literally through the bush land bro it was a scary time AHAHA …but not as scary as when I was stuck 5kms out in open sand dunes in a thunder lightening storm or on the edge of a muddy cliff in a rainforest inside a mini bus as we had to use human balance to get one person out at a time before the bus slipped down lmao ..ok none of these were awkward but I had to think cos I don’t remember nothing ever im sure some much crazier shit has occurred idek what I’ve done in this life actually I’m starting to remember many things I have so many travel stories none rlly awkward tho that’s just not a concept for me :,)
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
hope it's ok to pop in here about this but re your posts on destiel vs wincest. I love destiel but I made an entirely separate blog (this one) to post about wincest bc people are. less than forgiving about it on that side of the fandom. and like being personally against it is whatever, you do you, but like the amount of toxicity just got to be too much for me and I wanted a separate space to be "weird" about my interests ya know. also just wanna say I've found so far that the wincest community is so lovely <3
(also when will people open their hearts to wincestiel....)
yeah. i don’t actually dislike destiel much at all on its face. it’s just that the community surrounding it, the way it gets talked about, the narrow way you’re allowed to enjoy it…
none of that is enjoyable to me. for the brief period of time i engaged in destiel stuff after nov 5th, i felt like i was posting from inside a panopticon where if i so much as mentioned anything slightly outside the realm of acceptability, i’d be hunted like a dog for it. (not an unreasonable assumption on my part, because i was in the community, i saw people get harassed until deactivation for the incredibly minor “crime” of say. having a kudos on a problematic fic on AO3.) had fun for a month, learned how to perform that enjoyment to still be welcome in the community, got progressively more and more stressed because i didn’t feel safe talking about anything else i enjoyed about supernatural, and now that i’m out of there and can post freak shit freely, i’m a lot happier.
(i was joking earlier about how i’ve only been insulted on here by destiel fans, but it is like. you know, between the community that was so proud of itself for being about a revolutionary gay ship and the community of people getting freaky with the blowjob brothers, i’ve only been called a slur by someone from one of those groups. hell if i know whether there’s scientific basis for a correlation of how morally righteous someone thinks their ship is and how comfortable they feel sliding into someone’s DMs to say insane shit, but anecdotally? ain’t the brotherfuckers who have told me to kms.)
putting all that seriousness aside lmao, i’m glad you’re having a good time being free to do some wincest on the side. it really is a hell of a lot of fun, and also there’s so much to get into, you know? i mean, wincest is a foundational modern ship. it was big enough in the early 2000s to shape the landscape. there’s an abundance of fic and fanart and meta that’s really just got us spoiled.
also so real so true. the world would be a happier place if people let wincestiel in. we could achieve balance in the force. two houses both alike in dignity…. they should make out sloppy. what can i say, im a threesome shipper where i see it, and castiel might be the only character in the whole show who could be in the eye of hurricane winchester and survive there.
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saetoshi · 1 year
— help omg are you really a sae stan if you didn't start as hating his guts to eventually warming up to him LMAO 😭
i hate him ( affectionate ) and i also can't stop writing for him </3
SO REAL ACTUALLY LMFAOAOAOA i hated him so much like so genuinely bc as a younger sibling myself, if my big brother did to me what sae did to rin i’d kms 😭
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boneless-mika · 1 year
nothin gbaout being cis and aroace is queer. lol. and you cannot be bi and aroace. so. congrats on being a waste of everyone/s time.
While you were writing this hate message where you couldn’t even be bothered to check you’d actually used an apostrophe, providing you meant to say “everyone’s”, I cleaned my kitchen and went to sleep.
I used to be told to kms over the fact I expressed I was suicidal on the internet (yeah that was very disturbing in hindsight) so being called a “waste of everyone/s time” really does nothing to me (also like just don’t look at my blog if I’m a waste of time like that’s fully within your control)
Unfortunately your words cannot stop me from being bi and aroace which is a complicated identity I decided I wouldn’t bother explaining to strangers a long time ago. Being cis is not queer no, but being aroace most definitely is (I mean even the “cis heteroromantic aces aren’t queer” people way back when generally accepted that aroace people are (because functionally we used to be included under the bi umbrella though I admit I’m not an expert on queer history) but maybe you’re one of the people who think I have a “medical condition” and could be cured lol)
This is honestly kind of hilarious to me. Did you really think you were going to change the mind of someone with the aroace flag in his icon? Telling me I’m a waste of everyone/s time would make me see the truth of how everything y’all did to asexuals (not you specifically, ace discoursists in general) was totally justified?
I’ve decided to give you the benefit of the doubt because you might be a 14 year old who still is likely to change their opinions because your writing style really doesn’t read my age to me and I’m guessing this is how the kids talk but like maybe don’t go around calling people a waste of everyone/s time
I don’t mean to mock anon for misspellings, I’ve written subtitles when I meant credits before, but I think I can have some fun if they’re going to send me rude anons
Also like are you just checking my blog frequently to see my response or do you follow me? Because I’ve posted about being aroace and queer a lot before. It’s not a secret. Well, my theory is you found my original post because you search for ace discourse I guess specifically to annoy asexuals?? Because you cannot have been following me and not known I consider myself both ace and queer (refer once again to the aroace flag in my icon)
And why do you feel the need to hide behind anon? Surely just reblogging my post would be easier? Or are you afraid I’d block you (I know you at least used to be able to block anons but I don’t know how and I’ve talked about how I don’t know it before)? Or are you afraid your followers would find out you’re an aphobe? Because I would be, it turns out a lot of people think aromantic and asexual people are queer and harassing us is wrong
I don’t care if anon thinks I’m a waste of everyone’s time. They can’t stop me from existing lmao
Sorry to expose y’all to ace discourse in 2023. I really thought it was over (guess I was wrong lol)
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hi i think i’m gonna start being active on here again! i’ve missed tumblr and my moots (if any of y’all are still on here)
i wanna vent/just update for a min so ignore this if you don’t wanna see that :]
tw for super slight mentions of sh/ed/suicide/depression/cancer
i’m clean from sh woohoo! about 9 and a half months, but i’ve been wanting to relapse so very badly recently.
i’ve also been struggling with my body again. i hate my body so fucking much, and for so long i was doing so well in my ed recovery but i just can’t do it anymore.
i graduated from high school, which i never thought i was going to do. i always thought i’d kms before graduating lol. i’m really struggling with how to live life outside of school, because the first 18 years of my life were so so focused on academics.
i’ve also been having some health issues, honestly they’re pretty minor but there’s definitely something going on and i can’t figure out what it is and it’s stressing me out.
i’m also super lonely (if you saw my last post lmao). i’m 19 and don’t really have any friends, i’ve never been in a relationship, the person i talk to the most is my mom, i don’t have a job, i’m not going to university. i just feel like i have no one who actually gets me, who i actually enjoy talking to, and i’m just so sick of being isolated and alone. i don’t really talk to any of my friends from high school, which i’m kind of okay with because i don’t really like most of them.
someone i graduated with (and was friends with from kindergarten until like grade 11, i had a crush on her for years during middle school, and then we just grew apart) was just diagnosed with terminal cancer. and i can’t figure out how to cope with that. she’s going to fucking die. i’ve known her since we were literally five years old and she’s just going to be gone.
i’m starting to hate my brother i think. i love him, he’s my brother, but he’s turning into everyone i hated in high school. i’m so jealous of him, he’s popular and skinny and doing alright in school and mentally stable and he has a good friend group and a nice girlfriend. i don’t want to hate him.
i think that’s everything i had to update. i forgot how nice it feels to just vent everything on here. if you got to this point ty for reading :]
if you read all of this thank you, i hope you’re doing well :]
i think my depression is getting worse, i’ve been struggling to keep up with any of my interests. i only have one hyperfixation rn and i miss my old hyperfixations, i just want more than one thing to enjoy. nothing is fun anymore, even my hyperfixation is starting to sour but it’s the only thing i can think about.
that’s pretty much everything. i forgot how good it feels to just vent about everything. if you got to this point thank you for reading, i hope you’re doing alright.
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era Thoughts (Episode 5)
Good news for retro ALDC fans—I have the 2003 program book in my collection! I’m pretty sure I have the link to my drive somewhere on tumblr but if not I will pin it!
As usual, spoilers under the cut :-) Additionally, there is an emetophobia warning during the competition so keep in mind
* “Every week, Audrey’s the center of some huge drama” oh the cons of being the favorite
* Wow Bella actually got a lower third already? It took Gianna so long to get hers
* Why tf would Gina even be on the top of the pyramid 😭 then again Glo is…well
* “Then they should work harder!” So should you 💀
* Leilah absolutely reading Glo is making me giggle. She might be my favorite rn
* Someone tell Mina and the other kids they don’t suck. God I’m so sick of this formula
* Wow Audrey’s actually where she belongs?? Did someone check Glo’s temperature??
* ASHLAN’S ON THE TOP WERK! She genuinely deserves it. That trio was phenomenal.
* “I guess they made up at the breakfast table” is so funny given additional context
* Mina getting a solo amidst the Gina v. Audrey showdown: :D
* Mina’s interview about the group 😭 these kids are so silly I love them
* Poor Smiley. Not everyone can turn well but that doesn’t make her any less of a dancer. It sucks to see her so defeated
* Domenica crying in front of her kid lowkey gives me the ick but I get it at the same time
* Omg Rachelle Rak’s in this episode werk
* Them making snow angels before rehearsal is so cute
* “Elvis…” *starts moonwalking* “Wait that’s Michael Jackson” me too queen
* “Priscilla was only 14 when she met Elvis?…ew” good girl Audrey lol
* That zoom into Tammi in her interview took me clean out
* Gina’s doing a solo she already knows and the kids are going feral as expected
* Aww Mina and her Teddy 😭 stop it. Leave her teddy alone
* I find it so hard to believe this kid can be a brat lol
* This costume is rly cute
* “She’s doing the group dance” without the group is insane. Also YES GIRLS you get into that solo rehearsal
* Poor Smiley works so hard only to be benched :/ at least
* “Why did I have to join the team?” MY HEART
* Mina basically saying “idgaf” about her teammates is wild
* “Dan how much time do I have left I need to go poopy?” These interviews man lol
* Why tf would Gina and Jing say no to and opportunity from their teacher 💀 y’all need to be so serious
* Tammi playing a game with the kids to get them away from the drama was rly smart and I have a lot of respect for her now
* The juxtaposition of them playing mid fight is also rly funny thank you tammi
* Holy shit vomit jumpscare 😭
* “Welcome Gina” girl I’d fucking kms
* If your child is getting actively sick about the idea of giving away her security item then maybe don’t rush her into giving it up! There’s a fucking concept! Take her to a child therapist or something (:
* Ok so I had to switch to youtube mid episode so I had to watch Mina’s solo in PURE SILENCE LMAO. She still ate tho idc
* Mina’s emotional execution for her age is phenomenal
* Ok update we have the SLIGHTEST bit of audio for Gina’s solo but the quality is so bad lol
* This kid genuinely dances like an angel
* Audrey smacking the camera…real asf
* That veil is cool as fuck. I also love her costume
* I cannot get past these audio cuts the youtube version has LMFAO
* The aerial at the end was not needed but she ate that emotional execution UPPPPP
* Poor Gina getting no kudos from her friends makes me sad. She did so beautifully too and she needs told that
* Glo’s voice was fighting for its life LOL. Also s/o to her for giving Gina SOME praise lol
* Level of unbothered: Smiley eating snacks bc she’s cut from the dance
* I love these costumes
* I knew Gina was gonna get the overall lol. She was so good
* Audrey…baby…it was just better choreographically. Tone it down
* They got first place group we’re so back
* “Nobody lost!” Omg all the solos got first? Work
* If Gina coming in causes a girl to get benched every week then your teacher isn’t good at her job. Follow me for more hot takes.
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leafysharky · 1 year
vent again sry just ignore!!
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tw for su1cide and sh stuff xd rawr meow
man!! every day i am closer and closer and closer to killing myself!! i think this school year might be the year that i do it??? i’m surprised that i got thru the summer, this is such a weird thing to say but i rly genuinely think cutting helped me thru it?? i mean like. when i get/got super suicidal (aka every day at night 💀) i literally can just cut myself a bunch instead of actually committing?? like my blades too like basically broken for me too kms with (unfortunately LMAO) and i cant get a new one BUT ANYWAY. it helped i guess. i mean like i’d RATHER be dead but ig to others technically life would b the more valuable thing i guess!! anywayyyyyyyyyyy lalala i wanna die lalala boring vent typical stuff kalalaaa!! wish it would come easier arf!! saying goodbyes is hard and i don’t wana just like ghost my online friends (LITERALLY ghost HAHA bc i’ll b a ghost omg) but at the same time it’s like wtf do i say?? abd will they b more upset by me never saying or posting anything again or by me saying goodbye first?????? it’s like, i wanna ask them this but i’m pretty sure that would cause stress sooo i don’t wanna. man!!!
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my HONEST reaction 😈
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callilouv · 1 year
I Fr need update my app icons cause I deleted some of them☹️, but literally this has been my theme since I got this phone so like a year I think? It actually got featured in the yearbook LMAO
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I also have a cinnamaroll background on my watch, and I have it set to cycle through a few different pictures each time o turn it off and on :>
Now I’m off to take a shower and attempt to go to bed since it’s getting late (haha😆 I have to wake up early tmmr to!! So funny- I’m gonna kms)
Night from my end Cal 🫶🫶
AAA IT LOOKS SO CUTE OM<3 cinnamoroll is evrything wwww man if i had the time to change my phone theme i’d be changing it every 0.0001 seconds /j FHJSHX
good night zo!! may u have a nice day tmr :3
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a letter to the person i thought i’d be spending the rest of my life with —
what we had was the closest thing to what i thought a perfect relationship would be like. disagreements were simply disagreements, our fights resolved with actual work put into compromising and working towards a life together. the inside jokes, being able to understand each other so easily without having to try that hard. being around you was what i enjoyed the most, and it was always what i looked forward to. cheesy as it is, at the point we were at i still had so much love to give and i was genuinely looking forward to whatever the future in this matrix / timeline had in store for us.
accepting the cheating ripped a hole in whatever i thought was the reality of our relationship. i was horrified that something like this could happen when i thought we were in a good place, were we not in a good place? perhaps i was perceiving it all wrongly. i still wonder what part of what we had was actually real. were we just cosplaying as an emotionally stable couple? were you cosplaying as an anti cheating ambassador? i wonder what therapy actually did for you since you were already cheating even at the last session. i realised i probably didn’t know you as well as i thought i did, to think that i’d never imagine something as rancid as this behaviour coming from you, to think that i stood up for you all the times my friends had doubts. you truly were a lesson to just listen to the people who know me best.
i know my worth, and i know that i gave you my best. but knowing that my best was nothing to you kinda hurt lmao. it also hurt realising you actually didn’t give a flying fuck how i actually felt. all that empathy was just some form of pretence, articulating some sort of script of understanding to make me feel like i was heard, to make me feel like you actually loved me. you really got me good this time lol.
i actually worked on my childhood trauma to make this relationship work and i’m literally ten steps behind where i was before i even entered this relationship lmao. how the fuck is this fair sia.
the fact that i had to hold space for you when we broke up and every subsequent interaction after we broke up when i was the one being hurt and the one who shld b wanting to kms was a real fucking stab in the chest. you really didn’t care what i was feeling, you just wanted to prioritise whatever you were feeling in that moment, you wanted me listen even though you already destroyed whatever we had for the rest of this life. my heart in pieces but you still wanted to make me listen to your fix, your solutions to what clearly cant be fixed. i’ve never been with someone who prioritised themselves so much during and after a breakup. i was hurting but you wanted me to know you were suicidal, victimising yourself and wanting me to care even though i was thinking about killing myself the entire time since discovering what happened. i wondered if it would have been better if i had just died at 25, to never have met you, to never have started this business, to never have to feel the pain i’m living through now.
do you remember when you said friendships are more fragile than relationships with your partner? you’re fucking wrong bro, friendships are so much sturdier because they fuck up and say dumb shit but they never betray and break my trust like this — they would never treat me this shitty. i’m actually considering working on my relationship w sasa after this now that you’ve proven me right all over again. our relationship was so fucking fragile, i didn’t even realise it was falling apart right in front of me. how can you even say that your partner should be your support system when you cant even look only at her.
i don’t know if i’m ever going to recover from this because the only way i’ve been able to actually cry about this was to write this stupid letter. but i know you don’t give a fuck about how i feel, because if you did you would know that this would break me and i wouldnt even be in the right space to deal w you wanting to kill yourself when you’re the one who hurt me. who the fuck are you to kill yourself when i’m the one you hurt, fucking live and suffer the consequences bro. live through the hurt of destroying two years of relationship building because i wna be dead by my 30th birthday so i don’t ever have to remember going through this again.
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henrysglock · 2 years
Listen no no no no... no. My blood pressure just fucking dropped. Not Vecna posing as Mike to trick Will lmao stop i cannot do this shit anymore i just.... if that happened i might actually kms /jk (not really)
i’d end it all divorcing stranger things for real this time if that happened
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