#I’d wreck his shit ❤️
moonamite · 1 year
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Doing unspeakable things to him
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Little Sass Factory
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Word Count: 1.8K
Warnings: canon typical language, Logan being ruthless and Wade being a teasy asshole
A/N: LETS GOOO DEADPOOL AND WOLVIE FIC‼️‼️ I’ve been wanting to write for these guys ever since I saw the movie y’all have no idea I am so obsessed with them right now 😞 AND A PLUS BEING THIS DOESNT NECESSARILY SPOIL THE MOVIE SOOOO YALL CAN READ IT 🙌🏻🙌🏻
I really hope y’all like this bc I cannot stop thinking about them and yapping about them to my buddies 😭🙏🏻 Like as much as I’d love to wreck these two, I cannot stop thinking about them as a ler duo so have this :]
Tag List: @prairleedog (THANKS FOR THE TITLE INSPO POOKALOOKS 🙏🏻❤️) @kittenwhiskers @cherry-bomb-blush
“Y’know what? I’m actually real excited for this! Moony has been wanting to write a thing with us for a while now! Good on her for pushing through the writers block, that shit sucks ass.”
“…What the hell are you talking about?! We’re looking for the kid, remember!?”
And that they were. They’d been scouring the apartment for like… six minutes now trying to find you. But somehow, you’d been able to consistently switch hiding spots without them noticing.
How? They had no clue. The pair wouldn’t have been surprised discovering you were also some kind of mutant but with advanced sneakiness, if that was even a thing.
Wade was actually having a bit of fun with this, whereas Logan… he was getting pretty pissed. More so than usual.
“Kid, I swear to god, if you don’t show yourself in ten goddamn seconds, I WILL start tearing this fucking place down!”
Logan crouched, his claws instantly coming out, making Wade panic.
“Woaaah, woah, woah, woah! Easy, Peanut, we’re trying to find ‘em! Not kill them, which may sound a little rich coming from me-“
“I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to be angry. The kid decided to pull that shit on us and then split. And now we can’t find ‘em.” The older man growled, his claws retracting back into his hands.
“And this is the moment we start working together!” Wade announced, an arm slung around Logan’s shoulder that most likely would’ve been sliced if he hadn’t allowed the latter to shrug it off in annoyance.
However, Logan swiftly turned at the sound of a noise nearby, his eyebrow raising as he went to check it out, leaving Wade to keep rambling about nonsense he didn’t understand.
“God, where’s Peter Parker when you need him?? Actually, I don’t think I’d mind a lil bit of Miguel O’hara…” Wade let out a long whistle.
“…Ah wait, he doesn’t have that Spidey-Tingle , fUCK-!”
The merc suddenly yelped as he was grabbed by his collar, being yanked towards where Logan was moving.
Meanwhile, you were curled up, both hands over your mouth as you tried to shut yourself up, anxious titters threatening to give yourself away.
You mentally berated that stupid floorboard that just had to creak at the slightest bit of goddamn pressure.
“Ohhh, Y/NNNNN! Come on out now, we’re not gonna hurt ya!”
The sound of the merc’s goofy teasing made you snicker even more, but when you heard how close Logan’s voice was to the closet, you froze.
“Why the hell do you have to talk like that?”
“Whaaat? It turns up the fun knob a little bit! And I know they can hear meeeee!” Wade crooned in that same sing-song tone, followed by an unamused huff from Logan.
“We’re gonna getcha, we’re gonna getchaaaa!”
God, could they just get out the room?? You had to throw them off again and fast. During your panicked inner monologue, you were soon met with… silence.
You relaxed, knowing you must’ve had an opportunity.
…At least you did until you realised something. When the hell is it ever quiet when those two are together?
Then, you heard a hushed voice coming from outside the closet door.
“Ladies and gents, this is the moment you’ve waited for…”
…Oh, fuck.
Without warning, the closet doors were swung open by Wade, and the merc jokingly vocalised (very off-key too) while throwing his arms up with a flourish.
As you yelped in fear and dashed out the closet, Wade laughed and made a glance towards… well, air.
“If ya know, ya know!”
You quickly slipped past Wade, also laughing as you ran out the door to the room you’d been hiding in.
“Yohou’ll never take me al- ACK-!”
You yelped again as two strong arms wrapped around your torso, hoisting you up and off the floor.
“And just where do you think you’re goin, bub?”
“Wait, wahahait! Logan, hohold on-“
“No no no no no, I’m not waiting for anything.” Logan interrupted, carrying you back into the bedroom. “Not after you pulled that shit.”
“Oh, whahat? A little bit of water?”
“I wouldn’t say the rubber band on the sink trick counts as a little bit of water, Y/N.” Wade snickered, crossing his arms and smiling proudly at the fact you’d been caught.
“Come ohon, it wasn’t that bahAD-!” You yelped again as you were tossed onto the bed, still giggling. “Whahat’s the matter? Couldn’t shake the water off, kitty cat?”
The older hero scowled threateningly at you, ignoring Wade who sniggered at the joking insult.
“You heheard me!”
Just as Logan was about to full on lunge towards you, Wade grabbed him.
“Hey, hey! Easy now, boy.” The merc spoke like he was talking to a feral dog, making Logan glare at him and growl.
“God, what now?”
“We gotta approach slowly! It builds up anticipation…” As Wade spoke, he began slowly approaching, carefully clambering onto the bed. “And proves to this little prankster how royally fucked they are!”
And it was working. Your giggles soon turned nervous, and you curled up, attempting to shy away from Wade (but not actually putting a lot of effort into getting away, much to Logan’s surprise and Wade’s amusement).
“And theeeen I’m juuust gonnaaaaaa…”
Suddenly, the merc’s arms swiftly looped under your own, lifting and leaving your, well, everything pretty much exposed and unable to be protected.
“Go on, boy! Gettem! Gettem, boy!”
Logan’s fury was way too fuelled by Wade’s stupid comments to even allow you to get a word in edgeways, instantly lunging forwards before digging and vibrating his claw-shaped hands right into your ribs.
“OhoH SHIHIHIT-! L-Logan, gehet OHOHOFF-!” A squeal left your mouth as you burst into frantic giggles and tried to kick, only for the older man to firmly shove right back at your legs, rendering you unable to fight back.
“God, will you just- quit the kicking?” Logan growled, a surprising air of playfulness behind it as he shot his hands right down to your thighs, firmly kneading there.
Despite already squealing your ass off, you couldn’t help but make a quip.
“Mahahaking biscuits reheally isn’t gonna hehehelp you beat the kitty allegahations, buhud-!”
Another low grumble filled the room, before Logan turned his head to Wade.
“Shut the kid up.”
“Roger that!”
Wade did a dumb salute before unhooking his arms from under yours to wiggle his fingers right into your armpits.
“AAAAHHHHHAHA DAMMIHIHIT-!” You practically shrieked, your giggles instantly shifting into full blown laughter as you pinned your elbows to your ribs, trying to squirm away but failing thanks to that iron grip Logan had on your legs.
“Ooh! I think I got a killer spot here, Logan!”
“Hmph, that’s nothin. Watch this.”
Logan earned another screech by mercilessly drilling his thumbs into your hips, making you buck instinctively and cackle uncontrollably.
“Nuh-uh! Armpits are the killer!” Wade protested, the merc speeding up his tickles on your underarms.
“Fat chance! They’re like a banshee when you get ‘em here!”
You wanted to protest, but all you could focus on were those hands attacking your weak spots.
Eventually, you felt them thankfully let up.
…For now, anyway.
“Now, Y/N. There is a way we can squash this beef, y’know.”
Logan sighed at Wade’s words, never understanding this ridiculous slang he dropped into conversation like it was nothing.
“Maybe a simple phrase such as… ‘I’m sorry?’”
“I can do one better.” Logan interrupted. “How about ‘I’m sorry I was a jabbering little sass factory who had the audacity to pull a dumb fuckin prank on people who didn’t do jack?’”
While catching your breath, you sealed what was basically your death wish.
“Oh, yeheah, Captain Caveman? Wheheres your helicopter cluhub, you gonna hit mehe with it?”
Logan fell silent again… while Wade couldn’t help but let out a wheeze at the quip.
“Ohoh, my god! Baby’s first character comparison joke, I’ve taught you so well..!” Wade sniffed dramatically, wiping a fake tear of proudness from the corner of his eye.
However, he froze once he heard you mutter something else.
“Thahat’s right, Mr Clehean-“
A strong gasp of offence left the merc as he placed a hand on his chest, while Logan gave him a smug look at not being the only one who was insulted.
“I beg your finest fucking pardon?! You think that’s any way to talk to Marvel Jesus and his very hairy disciple here!?”
Logan gave Wade another unamused glare.
“Y’know what?”
Wade then swiftly grabbed you again.
“Give ‘em the whiskers, Peanut!”
“They’re not whiskers, they’re muttonchops, you dumb fuck.”
“Same thing! Or shall I pull the move and do a much better job as always?”
The older man snarled, lowering his head down.
“I’ll show you who does it better, asshole…”
“Okay, wait, wahait-! W-What mohove is thiHIHIS-?!”
You cut yourself off with yet another shriek as Logan suddenly blew a giant raspberry right against your stomach, the added sensations that his facial hair provided making you near silent laughter.
It was clear that Logan was basically taking out all his pent up annoyance at Wade on you, and good god it tickled super bad.
And Wade? He was being no help either, as usual.
“Awww, wook at the giggwy wittle baby! Are the Badger Berries making their tummy all tickly? And are they having the time of their life? Yes, they are! Yes, they aaare!”
…Asshole. (Even if he was right.)
You did pride yourself on lasting about five raspberries (Wade could only ever really handle two), but you eventually had to tap your hand against one of Wade’s arms that were still hooked under yours.
“Okahay, Logan. Give em a rest.”
Despite his annoyed hesitance, Logan leant back up, allowing you to get your breath back in shaky pants.
“Geheez… you twoho are juhuhust..!”
“We’re waiting, kid.”
The older man interrupted, giving you a playful but threatening look.
“Fihine… I-I’m sohorry..!” You sighed, your face red as anything as you blinked away little tears that had pricked in the corners of your eyes.
“There we go! That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” Wade teased, resting his chin on your shoulder, in which you just rolled your eyes.
“Anyway, we better get ready for round two, huh?”
…Uh oh.
“WHAT?! B-Buhut I apologised!”
Wade did a pretend ‘apologetic asshole’ wince.
“Yeah… but this attack was more only to get you to apologise. This one is to actually teach you a lesson!”
“But thahat’s bullshit-!”
“Well, it’s a good thing we don’t give a fuck.”
Logan shared a look of pure mischief with Wade.
“Let’s gettem.”
And just like that, you were screaming and laughing the apartment down once more, as Logan nuzzled his furry face right into your belly again, pretending to eat it and growling playfully while Wade wrapped his arms around you and blew a raspberry right into the crook of your neck.
Yeah… you were gonna be here for a while.
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rebelwrites · 10 months
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Six: What’s The Worst That Could Happen?
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till The Wheels Fall Off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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An awkward silence fell over the two of us, any confidence I found had now dissolved leaving me feeling like a nervous wreck. This was only meant to be some harmless flirting, not the guy I had been crushing on for years basically asking me out on a date.
“Well, what about now?” Charles said, finally breaking the silence. Letting out a shaky breath I looked up at him to realize he wasn’t joking.
Come on Nova think!
“What about your friend?” I asked, trying to buy myself a little bit more time, “you just gonna leave him?”
“He will be fine,” Charles laughed, fiddling with the label on the beer bottle, “he’s more than likely going to have an early night, he is still pretty tired from traveling.”
I needed to come up with an excuse but my brain was drawing blank. I had been put on the spot, which was something I hated, it always made my stomach churn. “Squirt,” Jax’s voice called out from the other end of the bar, “thought I’d told you to go home and get some sleep?” he scolded, folding his arms across his chest with a cocked brow.
“Yes dad!” I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. Turning my attention to Charles I weakly smiled at him. I felt my already tired body slightly sagging in relief, “sorry, I’ve gotta go, Doctor Teller’s orders and all that shit.”
“See you around, Sunshine,” Charles smiled softly, lifting his beer bottle up at me.
Flashing him a smile in return, I swiftly slid off the bar stool, weaving my way through the bar. The moment I was through the staff only door I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
“Come here,” Jax hummed, pulling me into a tight hug, pressing a kiss to the top of my head, “did I hear Leclerc just asked you out on a date?”
“Yeah, you did,” I sighed, looking up at my older brother, “I kinda freaked out, told him I wouldn’t have time.”
“I hear what you are saying, Nova, but you need to put your happiness first for once,” Jax whispered, refusing to pull away from the hug, “you haven’t been truly happy for a while now have you?”
“Of course I’ve been happy,” I lied. The truth was I hated being alone, I wanted someone who loved me for who I was, someone I could go on cute dates with but also someone who loved my family as much as I did. Everyone I had ever dated turned out to be complete assholes, so for the past 3 years I refused to get involved with anyone. My heart was calling out but I just didn’t know if I could deal with more heartbreak so I shut myself off from the world keeping my focus on my family.
“Nova, you know you can’t lie to me. You have lost that sparkle in your eyes but I saw it when you were flirting with Charles,” he smiled, finally stepping back releasing me from the hug. “If he makes you happy then what's the worst that could happen?”
“Are you really asking me that?” I scoffed, rolling my eyes at him, “he’s only in town for the next four weeks, ain’t like he’s looking for something serious. He’s probably just wanting a townie to get some action. So what’s the use, he’s gonna leave and I’m gonna be heartbroken,” pausing when I realized that he was being a hypocrite right now, “hold up a minute. When was the last time you dated someone?”
“Just have a summer fling with the boy, it is blatantly obvious that he feels something for you, sis. You’re young, go have some fun, get laid, just live your life,” Jax smiled softly, placing a hand on my arm, “you might never get this opportunity again.”
“Still didn’t answer my question,” I hummed, nudging him with my elbow.
“I have a child who is my number one priority so things are a bit different for me,” he shrugged, I knew he was right, he didn’t just have to think about himself now. Elenor was always going to be his number one, nothing would ever change that. “Come on, I will drive you home.”
“I’m perfectly fine to drive,” I protested, but at that moment my body decided to betray me as a large yawn escaped my body.
“Course you are,” Jax laughed, swatting my arm away from my jacket pocket, swiping the keys for himself, “I won’t be able to focus if I don’t drive you home myself.”
“And what about the bar?” I asked, raising my brow, “you know damn well you can’t just abandon ship.”
“Chucky said he will cover me,” Jax smirked, wiggling the keys in front of me, “plus I will only be gone for like fifteen minutes, so get your ass moving.”
“Fine, you can drive,” I huffed, knowing that this wasn’t going to be a fight I was going to win.
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The obnoxious blaring sound of the alarm echoed around the room causing me to groan into my cloud-like pillow. I didn’t want to leave my bed, I wanted to stay in this safe comfortable cocoon that I had created. When I arrived home last night I dragged myself straight to bed, face planting the mattress not bothering to even change as I passed out. Jax was right, I needed a good night's sleep and for the first time in the last six months that's what I got but I still hadn’t woken up feeling refreshed, in fact I felt worse.
One good night's sleep wasn’t going to fix everything, it wasn’t a magic cure.
Running my hands over my face I took a deep breath before finally kicking the duvet back, moving my body so I was now sitting on the edge of the bed. Reaching for my phone I pulled the charger out letting it drop to the floor as I silenced the alarm.
Another day, another 5am wake up.
At least Nero would be joining me at the cafe to go through everything, learning how I liked things done. My mind was constantly replaying the events of last night, it was like I enjoyed tormenting myself. I just hoped I would at least have a couple of days before I bumped into Charles again but my gut feeling was telling me that wouldn’t be the case.
Finally, I pushed myself off the bed, quickly shooting Nero a text letting him know I was awake. The time I spent at home went by in a blur, like it did every morning and once again I was fumbling with the stupid lock on the cafe door. It was something I kept meaning to get fixed but it kept slipping down the list of things I needed to get done.
Once I had finally entered the building I winced at the sound of the alarm screeching through the room. I hated this thing, I knew we needed the security but I felt like you needed a degree to shut the bloody thing off.
“Jax really went all out on the security, eh?” Nero chuckled, appearing behind me.
“Something like that,” I scoffed, sighing in relief once I had managed to deactivate it. “I think it’s overkill but you know Jax, there's no changing his mind once he has decided something.”
“Come on then, mamacita, let's get this show on the road,” Nero grinned, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he guided me to the back room. It was such a good feeling to have him here, he was a life saver right now, he was taking a massive weight off my shoulders, relieving some of the pressure life was throwing at me.
The sound of someone knocking on the main door caused me to look up at Nero from across the room, “What time is it?” I asked, turning back to putting up the flyers for the fundraiser on the notice board.
“Twenty five past six,” he hummed, “want me to let them in?”
“Why not, it’s only five minutes before we open,” I shrugged.
I kept my back towards the door, I needed to get everything up on the notice board ready for the new week. The moment I heard his voice I panicked dropping the pot of push pins all over the floor, the sound of them scattering across the laminate caused Nero to rush over.
“You okay, mama?” he asked, placing his hands over my shaking ones, “Is that him?” My eyes were like saucers at Nero’s words, how the hell did he know? “Jax rang me last night and brought me up to speed,” he smirked, spinning me around pushing me towards the counter to where Charles was, “stop overthinking things, listen to your heart, chicka, you never know he might be the one.” he whispered in my ear.
“You live in cuckoo land,” I scoffed.
“Nova, you know me,” he smirked, taking a step back holding his hands in the air “I’m a Companionator,” he mouthed pointing at himself whilst walking away backwards.
Shaking my head at him, I took a deep breath before giving Charles my attention, “You stalking me now?” I laughed, leaning against the counter behind me, folding my arms across my chest.
“Sunshine, I didn’t know you worked here,” he mumbled, gripping the edge of the counter as he spoke. The sight of his ring clad hands caused my heart rate to triple, why did he make me so nervous?
“Yuup,” I nodded, popping the ‘p’. “Spend the mornings here and the nights at the bar.”
“Vous ne mentiez pas sur le fait que vous dirigiez deux entreprises. You weren't lying about running two companies,” he said softly, running his hand across his face.
“Pourquoi mentirais-je ? Why would I lie?” I said but the words came out a little harsher than I anticipated, the look on Charles face caused me to wince.
He dropped his eye contact as he rubbed the back of his neck, the tell tale sign of embarrassment, “Urm, I guess I don’t know,” he mumbled.
The sight of him fumbling over his words, warmed my heart. I’d never expect someone like him to be anything other than cocky and full of confidence yet here he was acting like a deer that had been caught in headlights. It was actually really endearing. The media always portrayed him as someone who had everything, even though he probably did, it was nice to see that deep down he was acting just as nervous as I felt.
“What can I get you?” I quickly asked, hoping that changing the subject could help clear the awkwardness that had fallen over the two of us.
“Urm, two coffees and a couple of blueberry muffins please,” he asked, his voice still quiet as he spoke. He had now moved from rubbing the back of his neck to fiddling with one of the many bracelets wrapped around his wrist.
“Coming right up,” I smiled, getting started on his order. My heart rate was slowly coming back down but the moment I passed him the first coffee, his fingers brushed against mine sending shockwaves through my body and in turn caused my heart to skip a beat. I had never felt this kind of connection with anyone before, although with Charles it was breathtaking. Soon enough the awkward tension around us had dissipated and the guy standing in front of me was the person who was confidently flirting with me in the bar last night.
“So Sunshine, what’s this fundraiser you were on about last night?” he asked, taking a sip of his coffee whilst leaning against the counter.
“It’s something we do every year, each time we raise money for a different charity. Funds from this event will be going to a dementia charity,” I smiled, feeling tears prick my eyes as I said the one word I always tried to avoid, “it’s something extremely close to mine and Jax’s heart.”
“Your Pops?”
“Yeah,” I sighed, finding myself fiddling with my necklace, “he was diagnosed about a year ago and since then things have started to spiral.”
“What does the fundraiser entail?” Charles asked, it was like he could sense a change of subject was needed.
Reaching behind me I grabbed one of the many flyers to pass to him, “it’s in two man teams and is basically a big scavenger hunt across town. Starts at 10 and you have until 5pm to complete as many tasks as you can, capturing photo or video evidence. Each task has points attached to it and the team with the most points wins,” I smiled, watching as he intently read the flier. Whilst he took in the information I moved over to the pastry counter, finishing off his order.
I couldn’t help sneak glances as I carefully wrapped the muffins, placing them in the brown paper bag. A wave of confidence washed over me, I had no idea where it came from but I found myself swiping the marker pen off the counter, scribbling my phone number on a napkin.
For a moment I stared at the white square, deciding if I was going to do this. My head and heart were screaming different things at me but Jax’s words from yesterday rang in my head, he was right, I was still young and this might be my only chance. Carefully I folded the napkin in half before slipping it into the bag.
“I don’t know if you and your friend will still be in town by then,” I said softly, mentally praising myself for continuing the act of not knowing who he was. Although I wasn’t sure on how long I would be able to keep the charade going, “but if you are, it would be great to see you there, Jax has the sign up sheet at the bar,” I smiled, handing over the brown paper bag.
“See you around, Sunshine,” he said, throwing me a wink, spinning on his heels, coffee and baked goods in hand as he left the cafe.
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @celestialams @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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kittonik · 1 year
Those eyes.
★ pairing: cody rhodes x fem!reader
★ genre: fluff
★ word count: 535 (short sorry ik😭)
i apologise in advance for this train wreck, this is my first time writing any sort of fanfiction and open for suggestions moving forward <33
You sat down at the café table by the large window looking out onto the streets. You saw couples walking together holding hands and laughing, staring into each others eyes lovingly. You sighed. “One day I wish someone looked at me like that.” You mumbled underneath your breath. You grew tired of feeling lonely from looking out the window so you put your focus onto the walls of the café fascinated  by the different types of paintings hung up on the walls. 
That’s when your eyes landed on him. He was staring at you. Intensely. You stared back trying to figure out what was going on behind those deep blue eyes that seemed to sparkle from the light coming in from the window above. You could feel yourself slowly drifting away getting lost in his eyes, they were so pretty. Were they hypnotising you somehow? He probably thought this was just a fun staring contest.  You could see his mouth move into a playful smirk, which lead you to study his whole face. 
“Wow he’s actually really hot.” You thought to yourself, your mind wandering off imaging other explicit things. Forgetting that you were still quite literally staring into his soul. You could feel your cheeks burning and you finally snapped out of it looking away from the handsome mysterious man, who still seemed to keep his eyes on you. 
While you gazed out the window again you felt a finger tapping you on your shoulder. You turned towards the place you were tapped jumping a little seeing how close  this guy was standing beside you. 
“Oh,” he let out a little pity laugh. “Didn’t mean you scare you a little.” His voice was deep and a little raspy. He gave a quick genuine smile, and you noticed how perfect his teeth was. 
“I just wanted to say how absolutely beautiful you are.”
You stared into his eyes quickly pulling away seeming overwhelmed as you blushed again, turning your focus down onto your hands playing with your rings. You could still feel his eyes on you. 
You took a short breathe and mustered up the courage to look him back in his beautiful eyes.
“Thank you, that means a lot to me” You say with a smile playing at your lips. “You’re really handsome yourself might I say. My name is y/n, would you care to sit?” 
“I’m Cody, lovely to meet you miss y/n. I’d love to sit, who would ever pass up on an offer to sit with such a stunning girl like you?” Cody winked and took a seat opposite you, admiring you, he knew there was something beautiful that was going to come out of this. 
“Before we take this conversation any further,” you quickly spoke, his ocean eyes staring at your curiously. “Who would win batman or superman?” You said in a sarcastic like tone. 
He let out a cute little chuckle. This man was perfect and yet you hardly even knew him, but hopefully that would change. He had a comforting aura about him, like he’d be perfect to cuddle up with on a freezing day. 
Cody stared at you and smiled, “I mean the quite obvious answer is-“
i didn’t know how to end this shit so yeah i’m sorry lmfaoo. actually like criticise the shit out of this i was going to write smut but i didn’t want to drop something slutty as my first post yk 😍😍 i’m like new to this stuff and it’s like 2am but my love for cody is strong 💪‼️ anyways tysm ily pls pls pls give suggestions and stuff, thank you sweethearts ❤️
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italeean · 2 years
Hi, Elle! I saw you’ve written for BSD before and wanted to know if you had any tk headcanons for Ranpo? 🥺 If you’ve made any before, I’d love to be linked them to read!
Helloooo how are you? I wanted to start with something soft before diving back into my requests, and your hcs arrived just at the right timing!! I wanted to thank the amazing tumblr user @jettorii for helping me with these amazing ideas, and here I'll leave you the link to his own ranpo hcs, and trust me, they're A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Buona lettura 💚🩶❤ (Have a nice reading)
Ranpo Hcs
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Level of sensitivity: 9/10
His worst spots are his tummy and his ears
He totally has squeaky giggles, like a kid, and his laughter is contagious
He's a squirmer, and he kicks with his legs
He cannot handle people blowing in his ears, and Dazai always has some secret to whisper in his ear...
Sometimes he tries to ambush people, but it utterly backfires... especially with Yosano
Sometimes Fukuzawa uses tickling as a punishment (see the episode of bsd wan where Rampo ate Fukuzawa's cake, but I think that this scene has potential)
No matter how bad he gets tickled, he'll keep being sassy, witty and a little know-it-all
Sometimes the members of the Agency tickle him to tire him out when he eats too many snacks and goes on a sugar high... which is very often
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Two words: LITTLE. SHIT.
He's the type to laugh along with his lee, and make a fake low-pitched evil laugh... which makes the whole situation even more flustering
He's a playful ler in general, while Dazai and Yosano are more sadistic and evil
He uses his super deduction to find every single spot on his lee, paying attention to every spot he reaches and taking mental notes of every reaction
He's the only one who had the nerve to tickle Fukuzawa... and luckily for him, the President just laughed it off for once
When Atsushi joined the Agency, Ranpo picked on him all the time, making the poor weretiger screech under his pokes on a daily basis
He even wrecked Yosano once, when she tried to steal his snacks. Now people don't even ask him to share... they don't wanna be wrecked that badly
He's more likely to give squeezes and pokes, instead of light traces and scribbles (that's more Poe's style)... and he gives raspberries as often as he can
He loved tickling two lees at once as if he was playing piano
He wouldn't be that good at chasing people, because he has zero orientation skills. He he'll locate them in 2 seconds, but then he'll send someone else to get them for him
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atmilliways · 11 months
Wrong On The Money (52)
part 52 of 55 | 1894 words | Teen+
Blackmail fic on Ao3 | on tumblr
It’s been three days since Steve told Robin about the blackmail, and Eddie is a goddamn wreck. 
This is a mean place to leave off, but the next chapter goes up on Monday. In the meantime, enjoy your Friday the 13th. ❤️
It’s been three days since Steve told Robin about the blackmail, and Eddie is a goddamn wreck. 
Spring Break had left him with plenty of physical damage—scars that start on his left cheek and continue down to his thighs, deepest near his middle where he’d almost been eviscerated, and on bad days he still has a trace of a limp. 
There’s non-physical stuff too. Nightmares. He now has first hand experience with going to war against and being eaten alive by literal monsters, after all. And there’s Chrissy. . . . Always Chrissy. Those few but terrifying days had shattered his long-held beliefs in the difference between real life and fiction without any pause to let him pick up the pieces. What a mindfuck.
He still has nightmares, even with Steve in bed beside him; they both do. The comedown is easier together than alone, but it still happens. What surprises Eddie, though, is that his are about familiar things made horrifyingly unfamiliar. Running from the cops or angry jocks, for example, now supercharged with the cops pumping him full of lead and the jocks pummeling him to death, or coming at him with knives and stabbing out his entrails. Yeah, the bats and the blood and the fucking vines everywhere are in the mix too, but they’re horror movie props. They’re the spectators, the window dressing, even though every bullet or blow or knife feels like it has teeth.
Everything from Spring Break happened so fast, is the thing—even though the essence of it all is seared into his brain, his dreams never get the details quite right. All that Upside Down shit feels less real in the light of day, and like maybe he went crazy and imagined all of it. Sometimes the only way to make sure is to ask Steve, or Dustin, or any of his new monster hunting friends.
Worst by far, somehow, are the nightmares where those friends, the only people in this shitty town who had been right there in the trenches with him when public opinion screamed for his head on a pike, just . . . lose interest in him. Where they lose touch, slip through his fingers, and all he’s got to show from knowing them is a mangled torso and a tendency to jump at shadows. 
Lately, he’s been dreaming that Robin, the first fellow queer friend he’d knowingly made in this hellhole town, is the first to turn away from him, and he can’t even blame her.
“She’s making me sweat it out on purpose,” he groans, face-down on the floor in Jeff’s temporary room at his aunt’s house. It smells like dust and old cigarettes down there, but he figures it’s what he deserves. 
“Dude, you blackmailed her best friend,” Jeff points out. Unhelpfully, in Eddie’s opinion. “Not very well, but still. If someone pulled that shit on you I’d be out there slashing tires and egging their house.”
“You’re such a comfort,” Eddie mutters into the carpet. “I’m so glad I come to you with my problems.”
He can practically hear Jeff rolling his eyes. “Yeah, I am. She might be messing with you, but at least she’s not fucking with any of your shit. I know you consider the silent treatment to be the most hideous form of torture—”
Face still hidden, Eddie winces. Because Jeff’s not wrong, but Steve and Robin have been actually tortured for information by evil Russians and he’s a total wimp in comparison. 
“—But it could be a lot worse.”
It could be. He knows that. And Steve keeps assuring him that everything’s fine, that he talked it out with Robin and she’s calmed down by now. Eddie nods along but keeps gnawing his nails down to the quick anyway, because that’s with Steve. She’s fine with Steve, calm with Steve, and still her schedule has casually omitted running into Eddie in any way. As far as he’s concerned speaks for itself.
And it doesn’t help when he tells Jeff about telling Steve about telling Jeff—which, okay, fine, it sounds stupid when put like that—his best friend had rolled his eyes and said, “Really Ed? You only just now thought to mention it?”
One more thing for Robin to rip his head off over. And Steve probably won’t pick him over her, which makes Eddie want to crumble to dust. 
Well. He doesn’t think Steve should pick him over Robin. The actual ‘he picks me, he picks me not’ shit is something his guesses seesaw back and forth on all the time. 
The world hadn't stopped for the apocalypse, let alone Eddie nearly dying or Eddie freaking out. Thatcher Tire doesn’t want him back after the murder charges and the government payout won’t last forever, so he’s spent the entire day going from storefront to storefront in what passes for downtown Hawkins.
He knows that Steve is working at Family Video today, because he’d pried himself out of bed and Eddie’s starfish grip that morning for that very reason. He also knows that Robin isn’t on the schedule today, because he’s thought to ask before dozing back off for a few hours. So he feels no hesitation before sailing into the video rental store from the deserted parking lot and announcing with a flourish, “You are looking at Melvald’s newest stock boy, courtesy of one benevolent Joyce Byers!”
It comes out as a weird mix of triumphant and resigned, falling flat in the still air of Family Video. Because yeah, he has a job, but it came at the heels of a series of rejections and feels like a pity offer. Does it count as nepotism if it comes from the matriarch of their weird little unofficial monster-hunting family?
When his declaration goes unanswered, Eddie takes a moment to really take in his surroundings. He’d expected no one else to be in the store, and there isn’t; but it isn’t Steve behind the counter.
It’s Robin. 
The door has already closed behind him, cutting off the easiest escape route. He could open it again, but that would be going out of his way to run from danger, something he’s promised himself he won’t do anymore. And . . . Steve had sworn up and down to him that everything’s fine. 
The deliberately blank look on Robin’s face suggests that Steve was incorrect.
Eddie moves forward by sheer force of momentum, jamming his hands in his jeans pockets and clearing his throat. “Uh, hi.”
“Hello,” Robin replies, in a tone that implies that the rest of that sentence is ‘and welcome to Family Video, where the theater comes to your living room,’** or whatever corporate bullshit she and Steve might technically be required to say but never actually do. Eddie’s heard her customer service voice before, but never directed at him. He almost trips over his own feet hearing it now. 
“So. . . .” Eddie usually prides himself on knowing what to say, or at least being able to vamp for time and posture a lot until he figures it out. To have it happen with someone he knows well is absolutely excruciating. 
A tiny part of him worries that Steve had set him up for this, faked having work today or something to force this meeting and get it over with. But Steve wouldn’t do that.
“Is Steve around?” he asks finally, aware that the silence has been dragging and Robin, unusually, is making no attempt to put it out of its misery.
She narrows her eyes and jerks a thumb over one shoulder towards the door marked Employees Only. 
So, okay, Steve is probably on break and Eddie had just misremembered Robin’s schedule. That’s fine. That’s something, anyway. He can work with something. 
With a vague salute that he hopes to god comes across as inoffensive and casual, Eddie beelines for the break room. He’ll feel a little better with Steve at his back, or at least after he gets a chance to hiss “I told you so” and work some of the panicking out of his system.
The break room, however, is empty save for a flimsy card table, some shitty folding chairs, and a couch that's definitely seen better days. Eddie looks around, dumbfounded, and even ducks into the adjoining manager’s office to double check that Steve isn’t holed up in there for some reason. He hears the break room door swing open and shut again and darts out hopefully, but—
It’s Robin again. “Steve felt a migraine coming on a couple hours into his shift and called me to fill in for him,” she announces. “I just flipped the sign to closed. We, Eddie Munson, are going to have a talk.”
** I read the "Welcome to Family Video, where the theater comes tyo your living room" line in Cut and Changed and Rearranged by AidaRonan and could not get it out of my head, so it crept in here. And then I had to dig around until I found the fic it was from, because my memory for titles is like Swiss cheese. Anyway, great fic, highly recommend!
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munsonownsmyass · 1 year
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Michael Kinsella x reader
Authors note: I have been through the emotional ringer lately and after listening to a Hozier song today, I just felt I needed to put this down on paper.
Sometimes life is hard, but it's important not to lose hope.
Thank you to @e-dubbc11 for ensuring me that the first thing I've written in almost two months aren't shit. Love you hun ❤️
Warnings: Angsty, bad self image, a hopeless romantic feeling anything but love, hopeful endings, a smidge of fluff.
Words: 1.1K
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I never really thought I was worth anything and so far, life hasn’t really showed me anything to prove me wrong. This is not a sob story where I go into detail about how my parents didn’t have time for me or how I didn’t have any friends growing up. I won’t force you to sit through pages upon pages of me telling you about my countless wrecked relationships, how I’ve been ghosted more than a haunted house or about all the times I’ve thought to myself ‘This is it. I’ve found it.’, just to be proven wrong again. To once again have my heart shattered.
I know deep down that the problem might be me. I mean, all these things do have me in common. Maybe I’m just not worth it? Maybe I should just move to a cabin in the woods, get a bunch of dogs and live happily ever after as an author, alone and content… Given that my books could even sell, that is…
You see, my problem is that I’ve always believed in true love. Happily ever after. That one day I’d look into the eyes of another and find the missing piece of my soul and finally feel like I belong somewhere for the first time in my life. But I’m starting to believe that true love only exists in fairytales and that it’s never going to happen to me. I remain hopeful, but I wouldn’t bet any money on me finding my one true love.
You know that one person you’d want to look at every night before you go to sleep and can’t wait to see again in the morning as the sun shines through the blinds, falling perfectly on their face. Don’t we all want that all-consuming ‘can’t live without each other’ love? I certainly do and I remain hopeful… Or I try to.
Cause what is life without hope? Would it even be worth getting up in the morning? I go to bed some nights not sure if I even want to wake up the next day, but I still wake each morning, lying to myself that it will get better. That today might be the day that everything changes.
Okay, before I start sounding like I’m a depressed little person, I would want to say you’ve caught me at a bad time. Just got ditched again after thinking he was the right guy. I had already started mentally moving into a little cottage where we could grow old together, but alas… I was again proven that some men are just dicks or that I’m the problem… And I really don’t want to think about the last one.
So yes. Right now, I could curse every single man to hell, but who am I kidding? Give me 5 minutes and I will look into the eyes of a new stranger and fall a little again. As Hozier sings ‘I fall in love just a little bit every day with someone new’, cause I’m weird like that. I always see the best in people, and I always imagine how they might be like, what kind of music they might listen and if they are a cat or dog person.
This is my fault, I’m sure. If I really have to think about it. I fall too easily. So I’ll try to stop. This time I’ve promised myself I will not even look at another guy again. I’m better of alone.
So… It only lasted two days. I actually did manage to not even respond to that random dude who sled into the dm’s on my social media or the flirty guy at the counter as I hand him his coffee. I remained strong until he came in.
He’d been coming into the coffee shop for two months now, always the same solemn expression on his face. He’s always lost in thought, like there’s a million things going on in his mind. Whenever he comes in, I want to ask him what he’s thinking. What have caused him to have those haunted eyes so full of unspoken emotions. But I never do.
Today his pattern changes. He comes in, gives me that slight smile as he places his order and waits patiently for it go get done, but instead of going, he sits down in the corner. He’s always so quick to leave again, like he doesn’t want anyone to see him, yet today he sits there by the window, looking out.
He looks lost somehow, like he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Like life hasn’t exactly treated him kindly either. He looks… almost like me. I know I should leave him alone, but I wonder if a small act of kindness from a stranger could lift that veil of sadness. If maybe I could make him smile. I bet he has a beautiful smile.
Damn. I’m doing it again. I should have learned by now not to fall so easily. Cursing under my breath, I try to work and not look at him, which proves hard. He is just so beautiful. Those expressive hazel eyes, his plump lips encircled by that full beard and the tattoos on his arms. And he probably has a nice body under that shirt, considering how it clings to- No… I got to stop this. This is the kind of thinking that always gets me in trouble.
As he gets up from his seat, I already start looking forward to the next time he comes in. Maybe he’ll stay again the next time? Maybe even stay a little longer, so I could conjure up some courage to talk to him? But to my surprise, he doesn’t walk to the door, but comes back to the counter.
“I-” He starts but stops again. His eyes find mine and I feel my heart skip a beat, like it always does when he looks at me. “I’ve been trying to get the courage to ask you out for over a month now.”
The small smile grows into a nervous one, but all I can think is what this man has to be nervous about. Surely, he must know I’d say yes in a heartbeat. Which was almost exactly what I blurt out. Thankfully it makes him smile wider and I was right. A very beautiful smile indeed. ´
“Fine, then. Tomorrow at 8.” He says with a smile and for the first time, it reaches his eyes. The small wrinkles and the shine in his hazel orbs make it impossible not to smile too.
“Tomorrow.” I confirm with a giggle, barely able to speak without stumbling over my words. On his way out he turns to me, giving me a little wave with the smile still adorning his beautiful face. Once he is out the door, it takes several minutes before my breathing is back to normal and my heart is done making backflips.
I have a date. A date with Michael. And in that moment, I don’t even care if he turns out like the others and leaves me broken. But something tells me he isn’t like the others. That this time it will be different, because… We have to keep hoping, right?
Maybe I could fall again… Just a little bit?
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Tagging: @mindidjarin @itwasthereaminuteago @idrinkcoffeeandobsess @mattmurdocksscars @theradioactivespidergwen @chvoswxtch @pedrito-friskito @yarrystyleeza @murdock-and-the-sea @saintmurd0ck @boliv-jenta
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facewithoutheart · 1 year
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Thanks to @messofthejess & @forabeatofadrum for the tags and for everyone else who’s been tagging me lately ❤️❤️❤️ I’ve been an utter wreck these days so I’m taking a cue from @forabeatofadrum and sharing a bit from every fic that’s haunting me. It’s the WIP Night of the Fic-Dead.
A few tags up front for people who I think will care about one of the struggling WIPs: @ileadacharmedlife, @bazzybelle, @yellobb, @artsyunderstudy, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @raenestee, @thewholelemon & @bookish-bogwitch.
Clips under the break.
Fic commitment I need to get my act together on
From my unnamed COTTA, which is a pre-WWII fic that may or may not form a Captain America AU in future days:
I swipe under my nose, adding more red to already bloodied knuckles. “Really, Baz, I almost had ‘im.”
“Obviously,” Baz drawls, leaning into my space to dust off my hair, shoulders and chest. One hand lingers on my sternum, like he’s letting my weak heart prove it’s still beating.
I swat him away. “Quit your mother hennin’.”
“Be a better chicken and I will.”
Posted fics that need a new chapter
From the next chapter of All I Ever Wanted was the World, which I think about daily but never write:
“So what did you do to piss him off?”
Somehow it doesn’t feel right explaining. I’m sure we both come off wrong with it, but I don’t like speaking for other people. “Ask him.”
“Not really that interested.” Niamh pushes off where she’s been leaning against the counter. “Do you use those or are they purely for show?”
I glance at where her gaze falls. “My arms?”
“Don’t be stupid.”
From the next chapter of On Love’s Light Wings, that I never think about except to wince when I remember it exists unfinished:
My arms come up, pushing under the back of his shirt to feel his bare skin. There are moles here. I never touched them… when he was alive…
Last time…
He’s doing that thing. That thing with his chin. I’m a puddle. I’m his; I don’t even care that he’s not my Simon…
From Santa Baby, which I fucking swear I am trying but I actively hate this concept:
“It’s hardly a problem–” Shepard argues.
“What prob–”
“Shhhh,” Simon shushes me.
I drop my jaw. “Ex-cuse–”
“Shepard,” Simon whines, “I can’t just…”
“Did you just shush–”
“He’s a complete stranger.”
I scoff. “Hardly.”
From the next chapter of boulders turn into sand, which I have started and restarted and restarted and… you get the point:
My fists grip the back of his shirt, wrinkling his silk and I told myself I wouldn’t do this; I told myself this was a line I’d never cross. That I’d never take one night from Baz at the cost of our friendship.
But then he whispers, “Please, please,” against my lips and maybe I’m not taking anything.
Maybe I’m giving.
Other shit that buzzes around my head but never makes it to paper:
when your heart goes, my Padam Padam-inspired sequel to blame it on the spray which would cover sexy club dancing, Lamb, Baz biting Simon, and maybe some weird bond shit if I ever managed to clear my plate of unfinished stuff to write this just to see if I can.
The Real Ending, my The Real Tragedy sequel where we find out if Simon found Baz but, more importantly, whether Natasha can truly accept her son, which is why I haven’t written it. Because boooring.
Bad Wolf/Blue Lace, which I’ve decided if I ever finish it should be my last fic in the fandom. My insanely dramatic reverse Open Sesame moment where I lure you all in with cracky bullshit and then leave on the most personal note I can.
Baz Baby or Two Roommates and a Baby which, at this point, I’m only interested in writing so I can sneak in some kinky shit as a gift.
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simpleeticklish · 2 months
Heyyyy!! Saw in your pinned that you got requests open soooo I thought I’d send a little something! :]
Maybe a fic with switch!Wade and switch!Logan?
Wade gets Logan first, being all goofy with a bunch of baby talk, but Logan soon overpowers Wade and absolutely wrecks his shit xD
(This is ofc /nf, but I absolutely loved your headcannons for em and they honestly made me more obsessed w these two than I already was 😭❤️)
Aaaw, thank you so much!
I LOVE that idea and I’ll get started on the fic as soon as I can! Life got a bit…complicated for me last night, to say the least, but I’m hoping to have the energy to write when I get home from work!
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gretavanlace · 2 years
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Sugar (Part 8)
Josh&Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ only! Minors do not interact!
Warnings: graphic sexual content, aggression, unprotected sex, oral sex (f rec), language, safe-wording, etc. this one could be a little touchy for some
*sorry for any asks I didn’t answer about this chapter, a few of you were way on the money and I didn’t want to spoil anything, I love you all and would never ignore you for no good reason ❤️
The sun is warm on your skin, the wet sand below it even warmer. It’s bright. So bright that your eyes should need the shield of your hand casting a shadow over your face, but you’re fine just the way you are.
You gaze to your left through the feathery blue light of the beach and find it void of people aside from Danny and Sam. They stand near a pink ice cream truck that has no wheels, handing out melting treats to a gaggle of children crowded around them.
“That’s nice of them.” you sigh, snuggling your face closer into Josh’s bare chest. He smells of salt water and sex as he pets your hair and hums a strange tune that somehow has no melody. “Where is Jake?”
He pauses his odd, wordless, song. “He’s walking the dog. Look.”
You follow Josh’s outstretched hand and find his twin walking a large dog you’ve never seen before along the shore.
“I’d like an ice cream cone.” Your request is lazy and quiet as you watch Jake move gracefully, with his loyal companion trotting along beside him.
In a blink, Josh is holding out a waffle cone crammed full of mint chocolate chip to you as though it is a precious offering, a tangible token of his adoration. “Anything, mama...I’d give you anything.”
A soft noise pulls you out of your peculiar dream, and you find yourself in once again familiar territory. Squinting up at the guest room ceiling, you feel almost uncomfortably warm beneath Jake’s sleeping form, which is tangled up tightly around yours, cocooning you in his embrace. You assume Jake woke you, perhaps he sighed or snored lightly... until you hear the shuffle of Josh repositioning himself in the doorway.
You raise your head away from the pillow and find him leaned into the frame, silently watching the two of you. Despite the fact that, were he a normal human being, he would be suffering from a massive hangover right now, he looks fresh and radiant as ever. Showered and dressed in a crisp white shirt and gray sweats, he looks adorably ready for a luxurious day of lounging around the house.
“Hi, baby.” you whisper, reaching your arms out to beckon him closer.
“Morning, mama.” he pushes off the door and strides into the room. “You snuck off and left me all alone.”
There isn’t a hint of actual hurt in his tone, so you grin back sleepily. “You were wrecked and taking up the whole bed.”
“Shhh...” Jake groans in annoyance, tucking into you closer. “Too loud. Too early.”
Josh opens his mouth to reply to his brother, but suddenly stops dead in his tracks, eyes narrowing down at you.
Without a word, he grabs your chin and tips it up, exposing your neck - and the angry purple bites that mar it in abundance - to his scrutiny.
“What the fuck is this?” his voice has dropped to a furious pitch.
Again, Jake merely groans. He knows what’s coming.
“Jake!” Josh’s hand darts out and smacks into the back of his brother’s head. “What the fuck did you do to her?”
“Fuck, man!” Jake smacks the air in his twins direction, warding him away.
“Josh...” you whisper, desperate to diffuse the situation.
“Shut up!” Josh snaps back, stunning you into silence. He’s never spoken so harshly to you before and it stings your heart enough that tears threaten in your eyes.
“Don’t fucking talk to her that way.” Jake is fully awake and upright now, looking just as angry as Josh.
Ignoring Jake, Josh grabs your arm and attempts to yank you out of the bed. His aggression shocks you into silence, and your body pulls away from him on its own accord. “Get out of that fucking bed. This shit is over. I can’t trust him with you.”
“What?” you and Jake gasp simultaneously.
“Josh, listen...” Jake begins, reaching out to stroke your arm calmingly.
“Get your fucking hands off of her! I’ll fucking end you!” Josh shouts so loudly you begin to openly weep.
On Jake’s end, however, there is no fury left, only fear and desperation. “Don’t do this to me, Josh...please. Don’t take her away from me. You can’t fucking take her from me!”
You cast your eyes up to his face and find tears to match your own. “Jakey...”
He stops you before you can touch him by wrapping his hand softly around your wrist. “Sugar,” his voice is even softer than his touch. “Don’t.”
Somehow he understands that watching you reach for his brother is the last thing Josh needs right now. It hadn’t crossed your mind, though it seems like it should’ve been an obvious conclusion to draw.
There is nothing but raw pain in Jake’s eyes. Pain because he has hurt his brother, and hurt him badly judging by Josh’s visceral reaction, and pain at the very real possibility of losing you forever.
Suddenly, Josh isn’t the only one fiercely seething. Rising to your knees, you reach forward and shove Josh’s hand off your arm. His eyes widen at the indignant breaths huffing out of you angrily.
“I want you to both listen to me very closely, because this is the only time I will ever say this. I am not a possession. You,” you stab a finger in Josh’s direction. “You don’t get to say ‘this is over’ as though I don’t have a choice in the matter, and you certainly don’t get to order me out of the bed. I’m not a child, nor are you my keeper.” Your finger swings around to Jake. “And you’re just as bad. ‘Don’t take her away from me’. It’s like you also think I don’t have a say here. Well I have news for you two, I will not be treated like a toy for two petulant little boys to fight over. Keep this shit up and I won’t be an issue for either one of you.”
You could never walk away from either of them that easily, but you trust they won’t see through your smoke and mirrors enough to call your bluff.
The twins stay silent, watching you as if their eyes are trained on a wild animal and they are unsure of its next move.
“Get over yourself, Josh.” you continue your tirade. “So he bit my neck and left marks, you act like he kicked a puppy. And Jake, don’t act so beside yourself, you knew damn well he was going to be pissed. You did it on purpose because you were jealous. So...” you throw your hands up and shrug, a silent ‘who the hell cares’.
Jake extends a hand. Whether it’s to comfort or to stop you, you haven’t a clue. Frankly, you don’t care all that much. You wave him away with a swat. “If I allow something, I don’t want to hear anything about it, Josh. If I hadn’t wanted him to bite my neck then I would’ve simply told him so. No one fucking tells me what to do...least of all when it comes to fucking.”
“You let him tell you what to do all the fucking time.” Josh argues back, gesturing at his twin, hand clenched into a fist like he’d very much like to punch him. “You let him call you names, and order you around, and fucking hit you, and you just smile and ask for more.”
Now you’re really livid and there’s no way you’re going to let that one slide. “He doesn’t hit me.” your retort hisses venomously and Josh flinches back as though you’ve physically struck him. “You know it isn’t like that and you need to take that shit back, right now. He didn’t deserve that.”
Jake draws a breath, likely to assure you that he hasn’t taken it personally, but you cut him off with an insistent shake of your head. “I said take it the fuck back, Josh.”
“Fine.” he acquiesces, but does so grudgingly. “I’ll take that back, but only that.”
“I let him do those things to me because I want them. Everything he does, he does for me, because I like it. That’s how we got here, remember? Because you just couldn’t bear the thought of fucking me like he does.”
The second it comes out of your mouth you want to reach out and yank the words back and swallow them down. It was a terrible, hateful thing to say.
Josh’s eyes- fiery fury burning there instead of hurt- trail your face, down to your bare breasts which are swaying slightly with your heavy breaths of exasperation. While you’re wrapping your thoughts around that, you feel Jake’s arm snake around your waist, and then, their chocolate brown eyes, almost exact replicas, but different as the night is from the day, lock together in a wordless exchange.
Also, without a word, Josh reaches out and holds your face in his hands.
He waits until your eyebrows tip up in question.
“Feeling brave, are we, mama?”
“Feeling pissed.” you correct, snapping your chin out of his grasp.
He leans in close “Yeah? Well so am I.”
You match his stare “I don’t care.”
In a flash of movement you don’t see coming, Josh’s palm is wrapped around your throat posessively, coaxing an involuntary moan out of your parted lips. “You think I’m incapable of fucking you the way he does? You must think you have me all figured out, right, love?”
You feel Jake’s hand ghost over your back as you stare his other half down. The way he touches you feels like he’s trying to gauge your emotional state.
“I think it’s time I put you in your fucking place, mama.”
Another sound of lust escapes you as Josh growls the threatening words into the shell of your ear, and the air rushes from your lungs completely when he reaches down, eyes still on yours, and twists your nipple until you’re sucking in a hiss through clenched teeth at the sting.
In a knee jerk reaction, you pull away from the ache, but he simply wraps his hand around the back of your neck and jerks you in toward him. “Fucking take it, sweet girl.” He spits the pet name like an insult, like it couldn’t be further off the mark.
“See?” Jake speaks to Josh when you whine like a kitten, but, in reality, his words are meant to further tease you “She likes when it hurts a bit. Our little girl is a dirty cock slut and she likes to be treated like a whore. Right, sugar?” he strokes your hair in soft contrast to his verbal assault. “You’re a whore for our cocks, yeah? For our mouths, and our hands, and all the awful words that make your pretty pink cunt drip...aren’t you, fuck doll? Say it.”
As your eyes travel over Josh’s beautiful face, trying to read his expression, you can’t find the words. That is, until Josh licks over your lips and then bites out slowly, “Say it.”
“I’m a whore for you both.” you whisper with a tremor of wanton need. “So you should treat me like one. Put me in my place.”
It’s as if you’ve screamed the words as quickly as they spring into action. Without warning, you find yourself flung down against the mattress, with Jake’s strong dexterous hands pinning you down while Josh’s mouth presses against your lips, tongue sweeping along your own hungrily, groaning into the kiss like he’s never tasted anything sweeter than you.
His hands are everywhere, roughly grabbing at your waist, and then shoving between your thighs. You fight around a bit, just for the struggle of it, and cry out in bliss when he shoves your legs apart roughly and growls “Don’t fucking fight me.” through a hot suck of your bottom lip.
“You want it like this, mama?” he taunts darkly when his fingers slip inside you, massaging the walls of your already very greedy cunt with his talented, warm, fingers. “Then this is how you’ll have it.”
“Curl them...” you order, grinding against his hand furiously. “You know where I want you to touch me, baby. You know where it is.”
He presses upwards, nudging your g-spot just right. “Right there, mama?”
“Yeah,” you nod urgently and press your hips onto his fingers harder.
Just as soon as he begins working into that blissful place inside you, he stops and pulls his hand away all together.
“Fuck, Josh...” you snap in needful annoyance. “Please...”
“Gonna give it to you from behind,” he rasps, straightening to yank his shirt over his head. “Roll over, and stop with your fucking attitude, unless you want my belt this time.”
You turn without hesitation and reach out to Jake, he slides closer and you begin licking and sucking at his stomach, you adore the slight softness of it, the plush bit of barely existent fat that softens his sides, the soft trail of hair beneath his belly button that leads to his cock. Your mouth lavishes soft suckles and nips of your teeth until you feel the tip of Josh’s hard-on nudging against your soaked entrance.
“Don’t you dare touch his cock. He had his chance with you last night. You’re fucking mine now.” he lands a furious blow against your outer thigh, sending you reeling to the side hard enough that you have to steady yourself.
“Jesus, Josh...you have to...” Jake abandons his thought and reaches out to soothe his palm over your searing flesh. “What’s your color, Sugar?”
“Green! Please...” you whine, begging Josh with a subtle, inviting shake of your ass. In one unforgiving thrust of his hips, you are stuffed to the hilt with his hot, hard cock.
You whimper his name and bite down into Jake’s hip to steady yourself. Without any lead up, he begins fucking into you deeply, shoving in to the thick base and then back out again until only the head rests within you, and then back, again and again, grazing your cervix, while pulling at your hair that is now fisted in his grip for leverage.
His free hand presses painfully into the swell of your ass, pushing and pulling you back and forth, each tiny movement of your cunt along his cock elicits a soft grunt from him and then his hips are snapping into you harder, faster, fingers tugging at your locks so unmercifully now it feels like fire.
Yellow. You think, unable to make the word form on your tongue. Breathing deeply, you draw the soft scent of Jake’s skin way down deep into your lungs in an attempt to steady yourself, to remind yourself that you’re there, with your beloved twins, and you’re okay, but it does nothing to calm your inexplicable panic.
“Sugar, hey...” Jake calls to you softly, perhaps picking up on the shift taking place silently inside you, but you can’t quite figure out how to make yourself respond.
This isn’t your Josh, it feels wrong - angry in the worst way. You gnash your teeth down into Jake’s belly and without a conscious decision being made, you find yourself tapping his side three times. Jake pulls back instantly and snaps his eyes down to you, making sure of what is happening. Number one, you could speak the word ‘red’ easily if you wanted. Number two, it’s Josh, and Jake would never imagine you needing to safeword with his brother.
“Josh, stop...” Jake has seen your eyes, even if you aren’t of sound mind enough to meet his gaze. “Josh!”
Jake moves to shove his brother back the moment you find your voice and shake out a trembling, “Red.”
As it should, everything stops and you curl to your side the second Josh pulls out of you, desperately trying to catch your breath and will the tears blurring your eyes to go away.
“Oh my god, mama...” Josh sounds as if he is suffering actual physical pain. He reaches out to hold you, but Jake's hand slams into his chest, stopping him dead.
“Wait.” he warns, “We’re gonna let her breathe, let her think...and then we’re gonna go slow and ask, right sugar?”
You nod, absentmindedly, he sounds muffled and distant as you tuck your knees under your chin.
“You’re alright, pretty girl...” he soothes, “Just breathe, sweetheart, in and out.”
“Mama...” Josh chokes out again, “I’m so sorry. What happened? What did I do? I...fuck...”
Once more, Jake steps in. “Stop it. This isn’t about clearing your conscience, right now. Let her calm down.”
“No.” you shake your head and wipe the tears rolling down your cheeks. “It’s okay, c’mere.” You reach for Josh and he hurries to collect you into his arms.
“Baby...” his voice sounds small and riddled through with holes of guilt. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry...” hands shaking, he holds you pressed up close against him.
“Josh, shut up.” Jake whispers. He then turns his attention to you. “Can I touch you, sugar?”
You nod, and his hand cautiously caresses your calf...but when he notices you beginning to zone out he shakes his head. “None of that, pretty girl. Gotta stay here. Tell us what happened. Stay with us and talk, okay, baby?”
Once again, a nod is your response.
“Words, sweetheart.” he presses gently.
Josh has chosen to take a backseat, silently loving you with a gentle touch, while Jake softly talks you back to the here and now with.
“I’m okay.” you finally sigh, feeling a little dramatic now that you feel calm and safe.
“That’s good, sugar.” Jake graces you with a soft, heart-stopping smile and strokes his thumb over your forehead, when you articulate how you’re feeling out loud as he’s coaxed you to. “That’s real good. That’s my girl...missed your voice. But what happened, love? We’ve gotta talk about it, I’m sorry sweetheart, but we have to. So it doesn’t happen again.”
“That’s the thing.” you begin, shakily finding your voice. “I’m not sure I don’t want it to happen again. It just, I don’t know, maybe because it was born of anger...Josh,” you cast your eyes up to him. “You just seemed mad all of a sudden, like you were taking something out on me. You were touching me, but it didn’t feel like you...”
“Mama,” his call to you is wracked with self loathing. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, and I wasn’t angry anymore, I was...” he hangs his head in shame. “Jealous. I wanted you to be mine, and you aren’t just mine anymore. Sometimes I don’t know how to handle that. Sometimes I fucking hate that he can give you something I can’t.”
You squirm yourself around in his arms until you can see his face clearly. “First, you didn’t actually hurt me, hurt me, I was just...well, I don’t know what I was. Second, so what if he gives me something you can’t? You give me things he can’t. You each have all these wonderful, beautiful, loving, pieces of yourselves that make my heart whole. You don’t have to be everything for me. Stop trying.”
You slide up into a sitting position, resting your head on Josh’s shoulder, while Jake wraps around you carefully from behind. Curling his fingers into the muscles of your shoulders with the lightest touch, kissing an airy trail along your neck. “You’re okay, sugar.” He secrets into your ear. Josh nods, seconding the sentiment, and apologizes again a dozen more times for good measure.
It all seems surreal now. The panic and the fear...how could you have ever felt anything but cherished and protected with these two? It just doesn’t seem real at all.
Your left arm unravels from Josh’s neck and reaches back to pull Jake’s mouth to your neck as you gloss your lips with a sweep of your tongue. When your back arches to press your nipples into Josh’s chest, tightening them further, Jake speaks up. “Too soon, Sugar. Shhh...”
“It’s not too soon.” you insist, grinding yourself down into Josh’s lap. His eyes look up into yours with trepidation, but you shake your head. “It’s not, baby.”
“Come on, pretty girl...” Jake nuzzles into the crook of your neck. “Lie down and I’ll play with your hair. He’lll sing to you, won’t you, Josh?”
He addresses Jake, but keeps his eyes on yours, “She doesn’t want that right now. You know what she wants.”
“I said it’s too soon.” Jake argues quietly, mindful of the calm atmosphere they have cultivated for you.
“And I said it isn’t.” You remind them both, steadily rocking your core against Josh’s hardening cock. “Come on.” The plea rides past your lips on a needy sigh.
Jake shakes his head against your shoulder “I won’t touch you that way right now.”
“I will.” Josh asserts. “Move.” his hand darts out blindly, waving his brother away with his eyes never wavering from yours.
You feel Jake’s form moving reluctantly away and settling down on the bed. You can feel his stare as well, burning into your skin as he keeps a watchful gaze on you, carefully clocking your well-being.
Josh cradles you as though you’re something fragile and precious, and lowers you down onto the bed. “I love you, mama.” he kisses your ear and then brushes the tip of his nose down your jaw. “Gonna show you how much. I’d give you anything.”
You’re reminded of your dream - he said the same thing to you then - as he works his way down your body with his beautiful mouth, making love to your skin while you pant softly and beg for more.
Jake has moved in closer, to pillow your head in his hands. He pulls one of your hands up to rest over his wrist “You tap if you want to stop.” he whispers to you. “You don’t even have to say anything...you just tap, alright sugar?”
“Mhmm...” you nod, brushing your thumb over his warm, silky skin as Josh skates his lips over your navel. The love these two make you feel is indescribable...they are the world and all the world holds.
“Do you want to cum?” Josh’s voice floats up like a warm, welcome breeze from between your thighs.
A slow nod is your only response, but his eyes are cast up, gazing at you softly, and he sees it.
His hand moves to touch you. He simply rests the heel of his palm over your clit and allows you to grind yourself against it with tight circles of your hips. You watch with white hot lust as he tucks his bottom lip between his teeth when you moan quietly.
“Please...” It trembles out of you, eyebrows tipping up with want while you stare down at his gorgeous face between your legs.
“Please, what, mama?” You can tell he isn’t asking to further escalate your need, he simply needs to know you still want this.
“Put your mouth on me...” you beg, and Jake exhales with a tiny groan. “I need it, Josh...so badly.”
He hums his approval and sucks your clit lightly, giving in as though he can sense that you’re nearing your breaking point. That you feel ready to split into a million little pieces.
“Oh my god...” you whimper, thrashing softly in Jake’s hands. “Yes, fuck...that feels so good, baby. Don’t stop.”
Your fingers have found themselves tucked into his wild curls, and you realize that already, you’re grinding up against his mouth, chasing your release obscenely. You calm yourself with a deep breath and relax back down onto the mattress.
He shakes his head, sending his lips swaying back and forth over your clit. “Keep going, mama. I like it.” His voice is low and gravely as, once again, you set your hips loose against his face.
Jake pulls one of your hands back up from his twins head and places it back over his wrist, still concerned with the taps, should you need them.
You writhe up into Josh’s kiss harder and pant out curses and moans into the otherwise quiet room. “Are you gonna cum for me, sweet girl?” he murmurs into your wet heat, looking up into your eyes.
“Yes...” your voice is less than a whisper.
“Come on, love.” he guides, flickering his tongue rapidly over your pulsing clit. “I wanna make you cum. That’s all I want.”
“Do it...” you moan, frantically squirming and shaking, lifting up into his kiss even harder. “Make me cum...right on your pretty face, I’m so close.”
That does something to him, and with a pained growl low in his throat, he goes in for the kill.
He throws his forearm over your hips with absolutely no force and speeds his licking, deepening the suction on your clit until you’re teetering right there on that beautiful edge. His name hitching from your gasping lungs on repeat like a scratched vinyl as you near that gentle, pink, sparkling release...his soft, wet mouth guiding you through to the otherside.
Your eyes lock in on his, he nods, and you break. Melting in his mouth...writhing and flailing about for something to hold on to. You land on Jake and dig your nails into the flesh of his arm. He whispers sweet things to you, keeping you there in the present with them as Josh slows his mouth, working you back down as you fight to catch your breath.
Your heart stutters at the amount of love that looms golden and tangible in the room, and you can hardly believe it’s all for you. It doesn’t seem possible.
He crawls back up your body, dropping innocent pecks of his wet lips here and there along the way until once again, they have you nestled in your favorite place in the world...warm and safe between them.
They baby you until you fall into a deep, exhausted sleep.
Were you awake, you would see them slip carefully out of bed and into the hallway, each keeping one eye trained on your slumbering face.
You would notice the electric waves of fury that spark into the air around Jake, and you would hear his hushed threat rush out through his tightened jaw.
“If you ever fucking do that to her again, I’ll beat your fucking face in. Mom won't even recognize you, I swear to god. You have to watch her, you have to be aware of every little thing, every move she makes, every sound...”
“I...” Josh sounds miserable, but his brother couldn’t care less, and doesn’t want to hear his excuses.
“A safeword is for show in my book, she shouldn’t ever need to actually use it, you never push her that far and you better fucking figure that out real quick, fucker.” his finger jabs into Josh’s chest. “Never again. Do you fucking understand me?”
“We also need to talk about how we’re going to tell everyone. She wants to.” Jake offers, sounding slightly less pissed off.
Josh nods and drops his head, Jake grabs his shoulder and shoves him back into the room where they slip back into bed beside you exactly the way they were before. When you wake, you’ll never know anything has even transpired between the two of them.
Taglist: @gretasintrees @gardenofgreta @greta-van-chaos @moonlightbrekker @theweightofstardust @celestialfauna @kdarling1 @s0livagant @groggyvanfleet @kiszkathecook @shesalrightshesouttasight @brokenbellz @llightmyllovee @doodle417 @gretasmokerising @tripthelightfandomtastic @tripthelight-fanfic @mckenna4 @trplshotofdopamine @sarakay-gvf @theweightofjake @dakotadovato @joshsmama @sammysvanfeet @kiszkashorizons @weightofdreams-gvf @imdepressedaf1996 @alisonwonderland29 @agirlwithmanytastes @gretavanfleas @gretavangroove @janegvf @sparrowofthedawn @xserenax-13 @b3l1nda @pardeeinsaginaw @tripthelightjaketastic @jakeslovehandles @loofypoofy @heatmyfleet @sammiboo162 @age-of-nyahh @ohgotthisfeelingthatyoucantfight @prophetofthedune @gretavanflowerpower
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pentechnics · 3 years
OLAT Drabbles - Missy
Ch. 4 - Challenge
Series Masterlist
Summary: Din’s POV of the check-in following the frog incident.
Notes: Okay, this wasn't formally requested but @literallydontlook commented on chapter 4 saying it'd be great to see Din's POV of this moment and I agreed!! I literally ran and started writing it right away, I was so excited! And I think it's the best one of these drabbles so far. And it's definitely the longest lol. I'm so excited to share it with you all!
Please let me know what you think, thank you all so much for the continued love! ❤️
Taglists under the cut; let me know if you'd like to be added/removed!
Din sat across from you at your desk, stance relaxed. It had been some time since he’d seen you, and given Grogu’s recent incident, he should’ve expected you’d be nervous. It was a change nonetheless; up until now you’d been so cool and collected around him — something he wasn’t used to, but appreciated.
“I’d like to begin by apologizing for the other day.”
Your voice sounded even for the most part, but Din could pick out a prickle of anxiety. Your ever-persistent consideration was something he admired, yet it was sad to see it have this effect on you. He waved a hand in an attempt to downplay the situation.
“Believe me, he was completely fine. LIke I said, he’s done that before.”
And that was no lie. Flashbacks of his less-than-smooth trip all that time ago, catching Grogu eating his fill of the poor Frog Lady’s eggs in the Crest’s wrecked hull, flashed before his eyes. Your little chuckle regained his attention.
“He certainly had no regrets,” you paused, your smile falling. “But I still apologize. You asked me to keep him away from the pond and I wasn’t able to do that.”
Your tone was sad, almost remorseful. Din didn’t like it. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so cryptic with his initial warning to you. But then again, he didn’t know you as well back then; he had to make sure Grogu would be as safe as possible. He’d never been above scaring others to make sure that happened.
“It was the only thing you asked of me. I want to make sure you know I’m keeping myself accountable for it.”
He didn’t know what to make of your words. Something so minor in his head seemed to be a large wrongdoing in yours, and he wanted to fix that. He wanted to soothe you somehow, reassure you he meant it when he said it wasn’t a big deal.
Even so, this display gave him relief. Knowing you took Grogu’s safety this seriously helped ease the anxiety of being away from him for so much of the day.
“I appreciate that, but-” he cut himself off, wondering for a moment how to go about finishing that sentence. “But I mainly said that for the sake of the creatures in the pond. If given the chance, he’ll eat everything in there.”
Not a total lie. Was the local frog population really his first concern? No. But was it on the list, at least? Yes. Because Grogu would indeed eat them all if he could.
Din sat up a bit in his chair as he gauged your reaction; he was hoping it’d get a laugh out of you. Even though it didn’t, your smile still satisfied him. His cheeks grew warm under the already stuffy helmet. He decided to try shifting the mood, if only to keep himself from melting right there.
“It surprised me the first time I saw it, too. I told him to spit it out but he just kept going.”
“He’s quite the little rascal, isn’t he?”
There was a tiny hint of glee in your voice. Not a laugh yet. But now he knew exactly how to get it. He leaned forward, resting his gauntlet on your desk.
“You have no idea.”
Din told the story of his sublight trek from Tatooine to Trask, with the Frog Lady and her offspring in tow. He couldn’t get enough of the look in your eyes, curious and attentive, eating up every word he said. He found himself relaxing, putting in hand movements to emphasize certain parts of the story and make it more theatrical.
He inwardly praised himself when he detailed catching Grogu with the eggs, and the shit-eating grin the little guy was wearing, which finally got you to laugh. He couldn’t stop staring as you covered your mouth with your hand; your eyes and nose crinkling in the cutest way.
It made his heart flutter. His head fell to the side as he admired your expression.
“But what did the mother do when she found out?” you asked.
Din’s chipper attitude dampened just a bit as he considered his answer. As funny as the situation was now, he still carried guilt for just how many eggs Grogu ate. Especially after the Frog Lady and her husband helped him out as much as they did.
“I don’t think she ever figured out just how many he ate,” he started, “but there wasn’t much she could do about it at that point.”
Din looked down. Memories of the Frog Lady’s story played through his mind. That entire trip was a disaster; Grogu aside, she was close to losing all of her eggs to the bitter cold and threat of krynka.
“I think she was just happy that any of them survived that trip.”
He took a deep breath in an attempt to recenter his emotions. That was a long time ago, he’d done all he could. And as far as he knew, the babies that survived were prospering beautifully.
“So,” came your sweet tone. Din looked up, attention recaptured by you.
“Other than the incident with the frog, there aren’t any major updates-”
You cut yourself off, eyes still glued to your notebook. Din studied the shift in your energy, relief filling his system when your lips pulled into a grin. He tilted his head while he admired the view, waiting for you to reveal what popped into your mind.
You looked a bit startled when you looked back up. Din suppressed a chuckle; you were precious.
“I was just remembering something. After I took him to the nurse and talked to him about trying not to do that again, he asked me if I was scared.”
Din leaned in closer, intrigued. Grogu was very sensitive to the subject of fear; it was rare for him to bring it up by himself like that. He ate up every word you said, from telling Grogu you were indeed scared, to his gesture of tapping your head to take the fear away.
Din didn’t know what to think. That was the very same way he would talk Grogu through a scary situation. His breaths grew a bit more labored as he thought about his little boy tackling this in such a way. Glee fluttered around in his gut, like a swarm of butterflies.
“Children around his development stage are mirrors of what they experience,” you went on, “so that little moment told me that he has a very good support system around him that helps him when he’s afraid. He’s learning from it and using it to help others.”
Din was bustling with energy. His gaze traveled to your desk, fingers tapping it in an attempt to calm his senses. He couldn’t wait to get home and tell Grogu how amazing he was.
His breath hitched a bit when your voice suddenly sounded much closer.
“You must be pretty proud of him.”
When Din looked up you were leaning towards him, eyes and mouth curled in a sweet smile. He took a deep breath to try and ease his suddenly racing heart.
“I am.”
Din’s throat was drier than the sands of Tatooine. The response barely made it out of his lungs. What was it about you that was able to so easily deconstruct his executive functions?
Especially that smile — damn, that smile. It grew as you leaned away, your pretty teeth showing through your lips.
You went on to tell him about other games and activities Grogu had partaken in that week. Din was surprised at how quickly Grogu’s eagerness grew, but was also relieved. That meant he was comfortable, and that’s all Din wanted for him.
He scoffed when you mentioned teaching the kids about Banthas.
“No wonder,” he whispered.
He gave a light shake of the head as memories of Grogu coming home, excitedly chattering about random Bantha facts until he went down for his nap, entered his mind. It was such an adorable display. He’d always tell Din about his day at school — an occurrence that quickly became Din’s favorite time of day — but this time was especially passionate.
Din looked up and waved a hand at your cutely confused expression.
“He came home one day and wouldn’t stop going on about Banthas. I guess now I know why.”
“Those were a class favorite!” you said with a giggle. He nodded, memories of parading around atop the beast back in Mos Pelgo entered his mind.
“They are nice to ride on.”
“You’ve ridden a Bantha?”
You sounded surprised. And that surprised him as well; it didn’t seem like a big deal to him, yet here you were, eyes glowing with that lovely curiosity once again.
“I have,” he said after a moment. “They’re slow, but at least they’re not like Blurrg.”
He scowled to himself as his mind wandered to being tossed around by a Blurrg on Arvala-7.
“That’s an interesting comparison.”
Din mentally chuckled and leaned back in his chair.
“Let’s just say it’s warranted.”
“Well, you’d know better than me. I’ve never ridden either one.”
He took in your grin. Your gaze was cast downward, your face listful, a sudden sense of wanderlust filling the small silence. Something about the way you spoke made Din want to give you that experience, to replace the wonder in your smile with satisfaction, perhaps even nostalgia.
Damn, he thought. Did you know the power a single look of yours could hold?
“Maybe that’ll change one day… if it’s something you want.”
He shrugged when you looked back up at him, trying to play off his jittery gut. The way you stared at him wasn’t helping, though.
He stared right back into your eyes, so bright and full of life. They tugged at something deep within him, made him want to give you whatever you may desire and more. Anything to keep you looking at him like this, trapping him in a loop of suffocating bliss. He suddenly felt short of breath until you broke contact.
He listened to you talk about the field trip as he quietly regained control of his lungs. Your voice had shifted back into full teacher mode: full and bold with that air of professionalism. It felt pleasant in his ears.
“Here’s a breakdown of what the day will look like. We’ll all leave together in the morning, spend a few hours at the zoo, then be back by the end of the school day.”
He took the offered paper from your hands and glanced at the schedule as you spoke. His attention was divided between the printed words and your voice; something about a show and animal feeding passed along his sight as you described the day’s structure.
“Depending on how many chaperones we have we may be able to split into groups if the kids want to see different creatures; otherwise we’ll just be herding all fourteen around.”
That mental image made him snicker. He raised his head to look at you once more, now devoting his full attention to the words spilling from your lips.
“As a chaperone you’ll mainly be helping me keep an eye on the children throughout the day. And you’ll be given a list of students that you’ll be especially accountable for as an extra safety precaution. The number of students on your list will also depend on the number of chaperones we have, so I’ll be giving you that info on the day of the trip.”
Something inside Din lurched. He hadn’t thought this through at all.
He was so focused on making sure he could be there to look after Grogu that he hadn’t considered what else would come with the position. But then again, he also hadn’t even looked at when the damn trip was before signing up to take part.
He was no stranger to taking care of kids, that much was true, but the idea of being fully responsible for multiple at once made him a bit nervous. After all, he’d just confessed to you how the last time he was trusted with a similar responsibility went. Granted, these children were much older than Frog Lady’s eggs, but the desire to not let you or any of the kids down suddenly weighed on him.
“Do you have any questions?”
Din stayed quiet, momentarily paralyzed by his swimming thoughts. He was grateful that you didn’t pry, instead giving him space to take in a breath and absorb all the new information. He tapped his finger against your desk once his mind had begun to clear.
“... Nope.”
He proceeded to fold up the paper, fingers a bit clumsy as he tucked it away in his pocket. He looked down to ensure it made it inside the fabric.
“Will looking after a group of small children be something you can handle?”
His head snapped back to you. What. Did you just say? And in that tone?
Then you had the audacity to giggle. So sweet and cute, yet dripping with mischief. A glimmer in your eye he’d never seen before. Something in him enjoyed this display, yet he also felt the need to push back. His brow arched under the helmet.
“Is that a challenge, Miss?”
“Maybe, if you’re up for it.”
You leaned forward with a spectacular show of impish confidence. This was also new; in the short time Din has known you, he hasn’t seen you be playful in this way. It pushed all his buttons, causing a hint of good-natured frustration.
He liked it.
And he wanted to play along. He wanted to see if he could push you back. See if you really knew what you were getting yourself into. See how much you could take before he got a rise out of you.
He leaned forward and closed the distance between you, the gauntlet already on your desk now supporting the weight of his upper body as he tilted his head to stare down at you. Your eyes widened as they stayed fixated on him. Somehow, it felt as though you were looking directly at him. Right into his actual eyes. He smirked as he watched you gulp under his gaze, confidence slowly ebbing into something else.
“Have you ever challenged a Mandalorian before?”
You were silent, giving the tiniest shake of your head. He bit down a chuckle.
“It can be a very brave decision… or a very reckless one.”
The gorgeous irises of your eyes twirled about as you blinked. He stared deeper into them, memorizing every little crevice he could make out. Satisfaction filled him as he took in your dazed expression.
“I guess we’ll see how this one plays out for you,” he breathed.
A surge of electricity flowed through Din’s veins when your eyes trailed lower. It was only for a second, but it was enough to set him ablaze. He bit his lip as he waited for your response.
“... I guess so,” you squeaked. He wished you could see the grin on his face. A strong sense of triumph took him over, knowing he had aggravated all the right parts of you, just as you did to him.
After another long moment of staring into your beautiful eyes, taking in your breathless look, he leaned away and slouched in the chair once more. Your face was a beautiful shade of red, filling your cheeks and stretching up to your ears. Din smirked once again.
“Well,” you cleared your throat. “I think that’s all I had for you this week.”
Your voice was so airy and aloft, as if you hadn’t been breathing. Din liked it.
Your feeble demeanor vanished once more a moment later when you looked back at him. He saw the fire return to your eyes, sparked anew. Maybe you were playfully annoyed, just as he had been with your earlier snarkiness.
‘Gotcha,’ he thought to himself. What sweet vindication.
“Did you have anything else you wanted to speak about?”
“No, ma’am. I don’t believe I do.”
He couldn’t hide what this situation did to him. Something about teasing you made him feel on top of the world, like he’d accomplished the impossible. You were such a patient person; he reveled in breaking you out of that space in this innocent, if slightly devilish, way.
And that look on your face — eyes narrowed and mouth turned upward — was his grand prize. Worth it. Even if it was only for this moment, Din was tasting the sweetest nectar of victory. His eyes followed your slow movements as you stood from the desk and held out your hand, stance and voice dripping with that same sense of ‘how dare you.’
“Well then, I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.”
Time to deliver the final blow. He stood and shook your hand with a solid grip, taking in your fiery gaze as it pierced against his own, like a mental joust.
He kept your hand in his, sweeping his gloved thumb over your soft knuckles while he leaned into your space.
“As am I, Missy.”
He wished he could capture your face at that moment. The wide eyes, the parting of your lips, the raise in your brows, the dust of pink on your cheeks. It was a work of art.
Oh- he was definitely going to say that to you again. No doubt about it. He loved this look on you way too much.
Din sat at the edge of his bed, freshly showered after coming home from his meeting with you.
And he was freaking out.
He couldn’t stop thinking about the playful interaction you two just had. He’d been so in the moment that he’d forgotten entirely who you were, and where he was. You were Grogu’s teacher, and the two of you were having a meeting in your classroom. And he had the gaul to act that way around you. The most inappropriate scenario that situation could’ve resulted in, and he did it.
He wondered what you thought of it all. Were you going to report him? Would he need to find a new school for Grogu? How was he to face you after such a display?
It had been ages since anyone plucked out his inner flirt like that. That version of him was buried so deep inside, deprived of necessity for more years than Din cared to count. And then boom — one sentence from you and it was suddenly alive, breathing, and taking over his actions like it’d been there all along.
He buried his burning face in his hands while the memory of you, so awestruck and pretty pink under his gaze because of his teasing, played through his mind once more.
Next time he was due to see you, aside from picking up Grogu after school, was the field trip. And he’d be with you for upwards of six hours. If he couldn’t control himself for half an hour, how was he supposed to do that for a whole day-long outing?
He sighed. He just showered, and was already sweating up a storm.
Yet despite it all, he couldn’t help grinning.
‘My, my, Miss… What are you doing to me?’
OLAT taglist: @dincrypt @anrimdjarin @kodye1018 @persie33 @janebby @allmahfeels @onomatopoetic-aesthetic @queen-since-97 @tobealostwanderer @darlingotaku @fangirlalexia @justdrawings101 @onebrownoneblue @440mxs-wife @what-iwish-you-knew @luxmundee
perm taglist: @booksarekindaneat @bluemacaron @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @whataenginerd @christina-loves @librariantothejedi @the-little-ewok
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trappergirl · 2 years
hi baby can i have the ship questions for the leverage ot3 and the character questions for our king john doggett?
added the read more!!! ur welcome beloved mutuals ❤️
when i started shipping it if i did: well i knew about them when i started watching cause of you but. maybe it was the 12 step job that really solidified it for me. just those hugs at the end, and eliot and hardison pretend dating with the sole purpose of helping her. love that episode
my thoughts: soulmates. made for each other. never seen a more literal use of the hands/head/heart trope.
what makes me happy about them: they care about each other so much. they're all obsessed with each other's quirks. also, comedic value <3
what makes me sad about them: that it's not like, properly properly canon? u know i haven't seen the revival yet but. let hardison and eliot kiss in 2023, cowards
things done in fanfic that annoys me: don't think i've read enough fic to have anything
things i look for in fanfic: realistic eliot and parker dialogue? i imagine they're not so easy to write well
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with: eliot and parker can fight over who gets sophie when nate dies of alcohol poisoning
my happily ever after for them: aren't they already practically married lol. i think they should buy & move to a ranch together
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i don't think either of them (esp parker. she's less of a spoon & more of a weighted blanket) are quite used to sleeping with other people. too many levels of self defense that don't allow that. but i think it really depends on who needs what at the moment. they are nothing if not flexible
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: uhm. heists. duh. annoying the shit out of eliot because they know he won't bite :o)
all the people i ship romantically him: i'm not answering this one. iykyk. it'd do mulder some good if they got a quick hate fuck out on that oil rig, though
how i feel about this character: i love him so so much. no words for how much. begging for u to take my hand wreck my plans that's my man etc
my non-romantic otp: dana his friend dana <3 if they had met at school he'd leave valentine's in her locker
my unpopular opinion: i wholeheartedly believe this man is a homosexual
one thing i wish had happened in canon: he deserves more. like, in general. i just want him to be happy. give my man closure.
my otp: (o:
my cross over ship: he needs someone passionate, and stubborn as hell, and driven, and maybe in need of mellowing down. he has a soft spot for those who need protecting. he is such a gentleman. do with that what you will
a headcanon fact: he loooves classic rock. he's such a dad. he plays it loud (not loud enough to bother the neighbours of course, and not on a sunday, and not between 2 and 4) and sings along. he does air guitars and uses a spatula as a mic. van halen, journey, zeppelin, all of those.
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jeyramarie · 4 years
Love yourself first- JJ x Reader
summary: Y/N tries to show JJ that he has to love himself first before entering a relationship.
warnings: curse words, angst? i guess?
a/n: so i got the inspo from a post made my @jjaybank and its reglog from @obxmxybxnk and i thought it was important to acknowledge the fact that you should always put yourself as a priority first before taking the step to love someone else ❤️ but anyway as i always say, happy reading everyone 🦋
p.s: idk if this good... i hope y’all like it 😂
Tumblr media
It has been endless nights of flirting and making moves and get Y/N and JJ weren’t a couple yet. He couldn’t understand why, he’s done everything he usually does to get a girl to go out with him. One night the pogues were hanging out at the Wreck, eating the food that was left and when everyone else was talking about god knows what JJ took the opportunity to sit next to Y/N. He quickly threw his arm around you making you look up at him.
“What are you doing J?” Y/N chuckles making his smile.
“I don’t know, figured i’d make another move till you date me.” you immediately took his arm from around your shoulder and turned to him with soft eyes.
“J.. we’re not ready to date.... we’re not even close to that.”
“Wha-what? i don’t get it.” he stuttered making Y/N sighed.
“We’re not ready J... we’re just not.”
“What do you mean not ready? we’re old enough, we’re smart enough to be in a relationship. What’s the problem?”
“I can’t talk about this here, i’m gonna go.” you said while standing up and walking out of the Wreck without uttering another words to the pogues.
“What just happened?” Kie asked looking at JJ.
“I don’t know.” he said taking a sip from his soda.
A couple days went by and the pogues were blowing up your phone, specially JJ. You saw all of it, the texts and the calls but you just needed some time to yourself. You were sitting on your house’s dock seeing the sunset when you started hearing footsteps towards you. When you turned, it was JJ with his baseball cap backwards and his hands on his pockets. He sat next you in comfortable silence, watching the sunset as the clouds turned a beautiful shade of pink and orange.
“What do you mean we’re not ready?” he asked finally breaking silence.
“We... need to love ourselves first.” you whispered not wanting to look at him. You took a deep breath knowing that you had to explain everything to him at some point.
“I have a lot of insecurities that i have to work on.... and you do to.”
“I don’t have insecurities.”
“J, your dad hits you... and you think you deserve that shit but you don’t.” you said raising your voice a bit, you took a breath trying to calm down.
“You don’t deserve that J... you deserve so much happiness and love and hugs and kisses and everything good in the world. Stop thinking that you are everything your dad tells you... cause you’re not.” you said while your voice was breaking. Silence fell upon you again but JJ still had questions and you knew that, specially since there were questions about you.
“Look I... i hate how i look and sometimes i hate my hair cause it doesn’t fall the right way.” JJ was about to talk but you cut him off.
“And i sometimes hate how i’m such a selfless person... people hurt me because of it J.... i put other people’s priorities before mine and for once in my life i wanna put myself first.” you said while your eyes got watery and you were trying really hard not to cry. The tears started falling and the sobs started being heard making JJ panic.
“I wanna be with you.. i really do but i have to love myself first J... and you have to as well. I don’t wanna be with you to ‘fix’ you... i wanna be with you to be able to give you everything you deserve... but you have to figure that out first...” you sobbed and JJ pulled you into his chest, wrapping his strong arms around you.
“I’m always here for you okay?” you muttered into his chest while sniffling, he nodded, wiping a stray tear that was rolling down his cheek.
“Same here, babe. I’ll always be here... no matter what.” he said and kissed your forehead. You both stayed there for the night until JJ said it was too late so he had to go. The goodbye hug was always the longest, you wrapped your arms around his neck and his around your waist, squeezing each other in the most loving way. You pulled apart and he started walking towards his bike.
“I’ll wait for you... till you’re okay.” you said fiddling with your fingers feeling shy all of a sudden.
“Really? You’re willing to wait?” he asked in disbelief, you started smiling and nodded.
“Yeah, i’ll wait until the day you know and understand how fucking amazing you are and how you deserve so much more than this world could give. I’ll be waiting here for a big passionate kiss.” you chuckled, making him chuckled too. He stood there thinking about that day, he bit his lip and then passed his tongue over it.
“I’ll make sure of that babe.” he got on his bike and turned the engine on, filling the quiet street with a loud roaring sound.
“Goodnight.” he said looking back.
“Night, J.” you smiled while he left your driveway, making his way home or the Chateau. You both laid in your beds looking up at the ceiling thinking about that future kiss and about how you should show some self love first before giving it to someone else.
p.p.s: please tell me if you like it 😬😂 extremely nervous about this one 👀
taglist: @obxmxybxnk @o-b-x @a-wari @teenwaywardasgardian @a-golden-sunflower-vol-6 @x-lulu @jewel25 @the-unloved-person @sunsetsofanemoia @sexualparkour @lust-for-pan
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frostbitepandaaaaa · 5 years
For the ‘Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut’, Jon and Dany’s picnic date in Thumbprint Scar, please? It’s one of my favourite bits from the whole story (which is my favourite Jonerys fanfic), and it never fails to make me feel light whenever I read it. Thank you! ❤️
sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this, my friend. i have been a) moving b) emotionally wrecked by the shit show that was season 8 and c) mentally/emotionally exhausted and just all around listless and way too busy for my own good.
so, anyway–
that picnic scene is actually inspired by a Real Life date that my now husband and i went on years ago. it was so very sweet and romantic, but he had also forgotten many of the ‘essentials’ and it became something of an inside joke.
Thumbprint!Jon is an amalgamation of Jon Snow, Max Rockatansky, and my husband. basically, my three favorite men in the world. so, the way this picnic played out was just so very Jon/Max/my husband. very much genuine and sincere, but grounded in the fact that they were perhaps a bit… ‘out of practice’ when it came to dating, and were not very good at the more flashy displays of romance and affection.
one thing i’ve always kind of griped about (in a very superficial manner) in Jonerys fanfic (modern AUs especially) is how fucking suave Jons Snow is usually portrayed. Jon Snow is not fucking suave. he’s sincere. there’s a huge difference, in my opinion. suaveness and ‘coolness’ is, again, in my opinion, inherently superficial and insincere, so it’s always struck me as slightly cringey that he would so often be portrayed as such in fic. i kind of wanted to show how romance and affection actually grows more… organically and stronger from ‘mishaps’ or things not really going perfectly. Jon Snow arranging a picnic date, after not being in the dating game for sometime, for a woman he probably thought of as out of his league, would absolutely not throw it off without a hitch– and that’s perfectly okay, because him and Dany are so well suited for one another. 
anyway, is that what you were looking for? if not, i’d be more than happy to clarify. thank you so much for the ask, my friend, and i’m so glad that you enjoy Thumbprint so much!!
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