#I’ll always have a preference for lower male voices when it comes to male voices I think
vydumaj · 2 years
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luffyvace · 6 months
Heyooo :D
Robin's anon back (ngjfnjff this is so funny to type I hope you don't mind 😭😭), could I request Robin with a male s/o who always take care of the crew ? (He's either like a big bro or a father for some of them) For example : He always makes sure Zoro sleeps in a comfortable position whenever he suddenly takes a nap after training, he always brings to Nami new inks, maps, pens..., candies for Chopper (just like Robin hehehehe), food for Luffy... but in process he kinda neglects himself because he prioritizes the crew above all.
Thank you again for your kindness and I wish you an amazing day/night. ❤️😊
OH HIII ROBIN’S ANON!! i don’t mind you addressing yourself as that at all it’s how i remember you:) 😭!
AWW male s/o sounds so sweet! of course i’ll do this request!!
anytime anyday anon💗💗 you have a wonderful day/night as well <3
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your so helpful!!
“SNACKS! oh gee thanks m/n!”
”mmmm…huh? PUT ME DOWN?! oh..hmm…zzzz”
”come in! oh m/n, what’s up? is that for me?! thanksss m/n!! your the best! i was running out of paper actually!!….just for the record i don’t owe you any beri for this you know..😗”
”ahh! m/n! actually i need your help with something…i had usopp to build this shelf for my books only to realize it’s too high..could you get that red one down and..maybe make it lower? hahah 😅”
”ohhh! m/n! look! it’s my latest invention!! the only problem is..i’m missing a key piece…see here? it needs something to generate it! could you go back to the island and find something for me?? thanks a lot! i knew i could count on you!”
”m/n! i’m trying to cook dinner but luffy keeps pestering me! think you could wrestle luffy to go play outside or something?!”
”oi! m/n just in time! i need you to go help me test out this SUUUUUUPERRRRR new upgrade i’m making to the sunny! go unfurl the sails!”
”oh! whoops! i asked m/n to unfurl the sails so i could-“
💥💥 😓 😬 😡✊
(yes this sequence again)
”m/n!! how very good to see you! i’ve come up with a new song! would you like to hear it? very well—i shall play!”
you ran to the library as soon as you could and flopped into one of the chairs
a hand touched your shoulder and you wanted to just completely melt away from how tired you were
and yet you were gonna have to help another person
just robin:)
i mean you didn’t mind helping but…today’s been a long day
robin sits next to you
you air your complaints and get a lot of much needed stress off your shoulders
she sprouts two hands from your back to massage your shoulders and it felt really good
she gives you advice to start saying ‘no’ a little more and that it’s okay to take some time for yourself
she scolds you only a bit when you do this but only because she cares
and especially because she loves you
robin had a hand in the bathroom preparing you a hot bath while you vented to her
after you were done she told you about the shower
and boy it was a real steamy one
just what you needed
robin always knows just what to do when your exhausted
but would prefer if you’d simply solve the problem at hand
she lectures you about this and man does it drag on
oh well you’d much rather hear her soothing voice than overexert yourself
she recommends you things like meditation and reading
and maybe even to go to chopper about it
especially if things get physical like your back or arms hurt
zoros’ heavy ok?
spawns a bunch of arms to chop your back if that’s what you need
shes the best really
brings you drinks and honestly just caters to you until your feeling better
by then your ready for a hot meal and some sleep
which is exactly what happens thankfully
you two holds hands in your sleep and cuddle a little closer that night
these were shorter than my norm
it’s ok bc quality over quantity right?? you can always request more i’m just sleepy rn 😋
also this was in a slightly different writing style than usual so i hope you like!! it’s not permanent tho
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phxntomsdusk · 4 months
i really wanna come out to my mom, but i don’t know how. (more under the cut)
i’ve told my sister (she’s 11) and she supports me, even calls me my preferred name sometimes. my mom knows i’m not straight and is aware i’ve had crushes on girls. there’s just one problem; she doesn’t really think nonbinary is a thing?
i’ve talked to her before when i first experimented with gender, i concluded i was a trans male, and told her i wanted to go by skye which is my middle name. she supported me but everyone forgot about it because my dad didn’t want to accept it.
i tried again some time last year or late 2022. my dad flipped out and didn’t accept it, while my mom talked with to me about it once again.
my mom has had a coworker in the past come out as nonbinary, and she supported them, she was just confused.
the main problem with anything is she’s confused about it. she supports me and listens when i explain things, she just doesn’t fully get it. and then there’s my dad, where i don’t think i’ll ever be able to tell him because he’s against everything i do.
i cant cut my hair, dress more masculine, act more like a dude, purposely lower my voice, flip my hair so it looks short; because i’m a girl. i can’t wear makeup, have a dress and set of heels, be into really girly things, have dolls and stuffed animals; because that’s what girls do.
i know i can always talk to my aunt first about it, but one time she screenshotted my snap chat story and sent it to my parents (ended in a huge fight w/ my dad). so i don’t really know if i tell her cause she might tell them as well.
i just really need help with this because the sooner i tell her, the sooner i can get more things that make me feel comfortable in my body and my home. i can get more masculine clothing, i can maybe get a haircut, and possibly my mom could help me workout so my body seems more masculine rather then curvy and feminine.
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bnha-dumpster · 3 years
what if we added shindo to this cloud fest? I feel like he'd be a naga, constantly getting the farmer trapped in his coils, fucking them within an inch of their life, compressing them in this cocoon he's made with his tail. I don't think him and wolf bakugou would get along very well though - shindo is also very protective as well as a little obsessive over reader. I feel like he's more of a lurker, surprisingly adept at getting the drop on reader even though he's a huge fuckin SNEK .
grabby hands at anything shindo (thinks about their size difference being like this)
Pairings: Naga Shindo x Farmer Male Reader Content tags/warnings: non-human genitalia, size difference, inflation, belly bulge, oviposition/ovipositing, hemipenes, exhibitionism, aphrodisiac venom Word count: 1k
There’s always a risk of being pounced by one of your monsters when you do your midnight barn checks. You don’t like having to do them, but the incident of one of them managing to escape while you were asleep put you on edge. Now you’re forced to do a check to make sure none of them have escaped. Besides losing your sleep, you’re at risk of being attacked by one of the many horny monsters in the barn because of this. And tonight is one of those nights.
“Just the person I was looking for.” 
A large tail wraps around your torso and lifts you into the air. There’s only one resident of your farm capable of it and you sigh. 
“Shindo, please put me down.” You don’t squirm, you only stare at the Naga. “I’m not in the mood for this, especially not at midnight.” 
“But I’m in the mood, my dear farmer. Come here.” 
You don’t have a choice in it. Shindo plops you into his lap and you’re made aware of the two cocks pressing against your backside immediately. They’re hard and waiting for your attention. You can feel the heat through your pajamas as he grinds against your body. It’s clear that he’s pent up and was searching for someone to help relieve himself. He would’ve chosen anyone awake in the barn. You however, are his preferred person to help him.
Of course this isn’t the first time you’re dealing with the Naga’s antics. He’s been able to sneak up on you many times before, shoving one of his dripping cocks into your ass and fuck you. A few of those times he’s shamelessly laid his eggs inside you. Shindo is kind enough to help you push them out afterwards. He’s also kind enough to never actually cum inside you and fertilize the eggs.
“I’d like to do something different tonight.” 
Shindo hums as he tears your pajamas off with his claws, one hand coming to grab your limp cock and the other gently massaging your balls. He can get you hard from a few pumps easily, the pad of his finger pressing down and rubbing the slit of your cock. The fondling and light squeezes he gives to your balls only makes the process faster. A slightly harder squeeze gets your cock to twitch, making you squirm in your spot. 
The Naga continues to pump your cock while watching you, leaning over your shoulder to see it twitch and leak precum from his actions. He finds your weak squirming cute and your suppressed noises even cuter. 
“See,” Shindo lets go of your sac to press his hand against your lower abdomen. You feel his cocks twitch as he rubs small circles into the skin. “I’m going to fill you with my eggs and then I’m going to cum deep inside you. You’re going to take them properly this time.”
“Wait, what?” You try to turn to face him, stopped by his large hands gripping your waist to hover your body over his cocks. 
“You’re going to love it.” 
That’s what he says before he sinks his fangs into your neck and warmth rushes into you. It’s Shindo’s kind gesture, forcing aphrodisiacs into your bloodstream to numb the pain of him stretching you out. It makes the feeling of his cocks managing to sheath themselves inside your ass feel amazing. You let out a loud moan, waking up some of the occupants of the barn. Of course, you don’t notice.
“Fuck, Shindo-” He begins to move you up and down along his cocks with ease. The aphrodisiac continues to be pumped into your system until you feel like you’re nearly on fire. Your body is so warm and every touch sends pleasure through you. All you can do is hold onto his tail for dear life.
Your stomach bulges each time his cocks sheathe inside you fully, the two of them actually wiggling around. Unabashed moans leave you as pleasure assaults your senses. Finally Shindo unlatches his mouth from your neck and focuses on watching your hole swallow his cocks. He finds it amazing that your body can take so much inside at one time.
“Y/N, you take me so well. It’s like your body was made for this.” 
Shindo has to stop his movements to reach around your body so he can feel the bulge of your stomach. It’s an amazing sensation. The bulge of your stomach is wiggling slightly from the movement of his cocks and he can’t believe that he can actually feel it. He’s hyperaware of how he’ll be able to feel his eggs inside you once he’s done it.
Normally he’d last longer but the vivid image of you being stuffed full of his eggs is too much to bear. He moves you a few more times before pushing you down and keeping you there with his tail. One hand goes to jerk you off as it begins.
A groan comes from your mouth as one of his cocks swells inside you and begins to push eggs deep into you. The sensation is something you’ve experienced before so it doesn’t unsettle you. Rather, it’s actually quite nice. 
“Can you feel it? These eggs are just for you.” The Naga allows his tail to full restrict you on his lap so he can rub his hand on your stomach. He can feel each egg leave his cock and settle inside you. One... Two... Three.. Four... Five. “Time to fertilize them.”
The sensation of being full from Shindo’s eggs suddenly change when a new warmth fills you. Your abdomen bulges even more from the amount of cum that Shindo pours into you. It feels like it’ll overflow, but it somehow doesn’t. His cocks keep your ass sealed, nothing able to seep out of your hole as he holds you.
“Shit, I’m gonna-” Between feeling full and the diligent hand stroking your dick, you cum. You still hold onto his tail and shudder against it to try to ride the waves of your orgasm. 
You’re lost in a haze of pleasure and exhaustion until you feel a different clawed hand grab your chin to lift your head up. Red eyes glare at you and you immediately know who it is. 
“Who said you could go and fuck someone else?” Bakugou’s voice is rough and angry, but you’re way too tired to care. “I’ll be taking those eggs out of you soon enough.”
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wri0thesley · 3 years
nat something about toji drives me absolutely feral, can i have a scenario or something where he meets reader at a bar and they have a steamy one night stand i don’t know i just want this beeg beefy dilf to absolutely ruin my puthy (fem reader please!)
anon, i really hope you have a corruption kink
Favourite (So Far) - Toji x Fem!Reader (5k)
Toji sees you sitting alone at a bar; all quiet and soft and unsure, and absolutely begging to be ruined - and he decides he can help with that.
warnings: afab reader, fem pronouns. not sfw, mentions of murder. corruption kink, virgin reader, dacryphilia, fingering, coming inside, dirty talk. 
Toji normally doesn’t bother lingering after he’s held up his end of the bargain, but the money is burning a hole in his pocket and the minute he’d left the body of the man he’d been hired to kill locked in the back office of the bar, he’d remembered you.
He estimates he’s got a good half an hour before anyone realises the man is dead. If they’d wanted him to clear up after himself, they should have written it in the contract – still, with how awkward you’d looked and how your eyes kept darting about the place, Toji is pretty sure he’ll have you away from the bar and with his arm around your waist in . . . ooh, ten minutes? Fifteen, at a push.
He knows your type.
You’re uncomfortable, watching your friends go off and flirt and dance – pulling at your skirt (you’re uncomfortable in that, too), tugging your thin shirt up to cover your chest, ordering something non-alcoholic and looking morosely at it. Your eyes avoiding when men try and catch your gaze, your posture tensing – he’s pretty certain that you do not want to be here, and Toji is going to offer you an alternative that he thinks you might prefer.
You don’t notice him until he’s right beside you (people never do), leaning in against your ear, one of his arms slapping on the bar beside you, caging you in on your barstool. You start, moving back, blinking your pretty eyes at him in clear surprise, your mouth a soft ‘o’ – ah. Toji can tell you’re the kind of girl who isn’t used to male attention, who doesn’t think that you’re anything special. Shy. Probably untouched-- he’s grinning at you, and he doesn’t miss the little swallow, the flash of interest in your eyes (girls like you always like the idea of getting involved in something a little dangerous)--
“Can I buy you a drink, sweetheart?”
The voice is rough and low and dark, startling you from your reverie. Your friends have all, indeed, long gone – after sighing at you that you’re no fun, that they shouldn’t have asked you to come out with them anyway – you’re surprised by the man it belongs to, all raven hair and piercing green eyes and a scar on his lip that your eyes can’t help but trace the line of – how does somebody end up with a scar like that?
“Oh,” you bluster, feeling embarrassed and unsure by the way he’s looking at you, the easy way he throws out the pet name, the casual authority he’s emanating by how you’ve been caged. “I’m-- I don’t really--”
He chuckles.
“Me neither,” he says. “Lemme get you somethin’ soft, then--”
It would be easier, he thinks, if you had agreed – if you’d been softened a little bit by the buzz of alcohol. Still, he knows that what he gives off is heady enough that you’ll come with him anyway – he doesn’t drink himself, so he’s not exactly going to blame you for wanting to keep your wits about you. Smart thing, for all of how vulnerable you look in a short skirt and high heels and a low-cut top. He’s ordered something for you before you can refute – you can’t deny to yourself that it’s nice. It’s nice to have someone be interested in you. It’s nice, too, that said someone is rugged and six foot something with corded veins and muscle in thick biceps and forearms.
You’re staring at him, and Toji allows it, letting his own gaze crawl across your pretty face, your body, the way the cheap lights of this dive are picking out the shine in your eyes and the gloss of your lipstick.
“What’s a cute little thing like you doin’ on her own somewhere like this?” He asks you, lifting the glass to his lips. You try not to stare at them, though your stomach is twisting. You shrug, awkwardly.
“I got dragged here by some friends,” you say, inclining your head towards the dance-floor, where your friends are very much living up to their earlier assertion that they were going to have a wild time and if you weren’t going to join in, then you could just wallow in your misery.
“Ah,” he raises his eyebrows, eyes briefly brushing over where you’d indicated before returning to you. Something about the way that those eyes are pinning you like a butterfly to a cork board makes you squirm, heat curling in your lower belly. Nobody has ever looked at you like that before. This man is staring at you like he wants to take you apart, and it’s exhilarating. “You not the dancin’ sort, huh?” Another swallow. The bob in his throat is mesmerising. “Can’t blame ya. Pretty thing like you’s probably inundated with attention the minute y’get out there--”
You laugh, softly, heat rising to your cheeks. Toji can’t help but think how cute that is – you’re so obviously unaware of yourself. When he gets you on your back, he knows you’ll have that certain kind of naivety that never fails to get him hard and aching in his pants; wide eyes and bitten lips and breath dying in your throat at the touch of his teeth and hands and cock.
“Nothing like that,” you say, “I just--”
Your eyes catch something. Toji looks too, as you’re interrupted by a pretty girl tottering up to you both in an even shorter skirt and even higher heels. Her eyes linger on Toji, a fraction too long, before she turns to you and pouts and says your name, making you wince. There’s a whining tone to her voice.
She’s complaining that someone’s spilt a drink over her, and Toji sees now that her expensive-looking shirt is stained dark brown. He hadn’t noticed the scent of beer wafting from her because of the overall air of the bar is absolutely saturated in it, but now that she’s right there . . . he wrinkles his nose.
“You have to come home with me, nobody else will,” she tugs on your arm. “And you said you weren’t having fun anyway, so you can always stay there, but I need to change out of this--”
There’s a world-weary quality in your eyes. Something that suggests to Toji that you’re used to being the designated person to take care of your friends, to dropping things to clean up after them – those big eyes and the downturn of your mouth and the softness of your voice all suggest to him that maybe part of the reason you’re so demure, so . . . innocent . . . is because you haven’t had a chance to explore anything else.
Toji drapes a thick arm around your shoulders. You jump at the contact – but almost as if it’s against your will, you nestle into him. Closer to him. A prey animal knows when it’s being protected, after all – even if it doesn’t know, yet, that he’s the predator.
“We’re a bit busy here,” he says, keeping his tone affable with a knife-sharp edge. The girl opens her mouth, as if she’s going to protest – but Toji grins, his eyes darkening, his mouth tilting to show just a little bit too much teeth. He lets himself draw himself up a little taller, so that his breadth and his height and the taut muscles beneath his tight shirt are unarguable. Your friend falters, shoots you a look, and then shrugs.
“F-fine,” she says, “I’ll go on my own--”
She walks away, pouting, storm clouds rising off of her. You’re trembling imperceptibly (adorable) – he thinks this might be the first time you’ve ignored one of your friends. Eager to please little thing, he supposes – the kind of person who wants to be liked and will do almost anything to keep it that way, with big doe eyes and a trembling lip and your chest thrust out unconsciously.
Oh, he will ruin you, and you’ll thank him for it afterwards.
“Sorry if I’m oversteppin’ my boundaries there,” he says to you, and you look at him with your eyes big and wide and wet your lips, his cock giving an answering throb. You breathe very softly;
“N-no, thank you, it’s . . . it’s nice to not have to deal with them, for once--”
Toji leans further into you, his arm not leaving your shoulders – close enough that his breath tickles the shell of your ear, and your brain short-circuits at a handsome older man leaning so close and intimately to you.
“You don’t wanna stay here, though, do ya?” His other hand is suddenly on your leg, calloused fingertips brushing the soft skin of your thigh. Your heart skips a beat, your body reacting – threads of heat sewing themselves into knots between your thighs. “You wanna split?”
His eyes do not stray to the clock behind the bar, but he estimates it’s been about eleven minutes. Longer than he was expecting, but – as you bite your lip and stand up, letting his fingertips drag dangerously close to the part of you between your legs, Toji decides it’s worth it.
His place is nothing special. For a man as well-paid as he is, you’d expect something a little classier, maybe – but for a man with the kind of profession Toji Fushiguro has, he doesn’t spend much time in it. He’s too busy travelling to care about it beyond anything other than a place to crash, eat, and bring home his conquests. And you don’t seem disgusted by it as he pushes you roughly into the room, arm locking around your waist, mouth dipping to taste you – so Toji doesn’t worry about it too much.
You’re still trembling against him, your entire body thrumming with energy that you’re not used to – but that all works to his advantage. It works to the advantage of directing you into his room, until your back hits the bed with a soft ‘whoomph’ of air and Toji is kneeling over you, your eyes big and wide and blown as they look up at him.
You’d been so easy to convince back here. You’d made a couple of quiet whispers about how you shouldn’t, the way that good girls like you do – but his fingers had cupped your cheek and his body had pressed against yours and he’d smiled that dangerous knife-edge smile and you’d been putty in his hands, trembling kneed and so very adaptable as you’d walked beside him with your breath unsteady in your chest at your own daring.
Now, though, with a man’s bed behind you and a man’s cock digging into your stomach where he has you caged underneath him, things are beginning to feel far more real. You take another shuddering breath, not meeting his eyes as you whisper;
“I—I haven’t--”
Oh, fuck. If you knew what those little words did to him – if you could have heard the monster roaring in his chest at how excited he was that he’d not only get to utterly ruin you, but to get to be the first one to do it . . . He’d let himself hope, based on your way of holding yourself all demure and prim, that you’d be a virgin, but to hear it from your own lips with your skin rapidly heating up under the confession.
“That’s alright, sweetheart,” Toji practically coos at you, as his big fingers go to your shirt, tugging it off with expert precision. “I ain’t gonna break you—”
(Well. Not in any way you aren’t going to beg for.)
Breath caught in your throat as your bra is unclipped, the lacy garment dropped onto the floor. His own shirt follows – you can barely stop yourself ogling him, the firm abdominal muscles, the scars across his pectorals. You can tell, based on how many scars he’s bearing, just how dangerous the man above you must be.
The one like a starburst is a bullet scar, you’re pretty sure. The one wrapping around his side is too big to be anything but a knife or a sword – this is a man involved in something dangerous, something shady – and even that isn’t enough to get you to ask him to stop.
Staring down at your newly exposed breasts, Toji can’t resist leaning in; sucking one of your nipples into his mouth, dragging his teeth across the sensitive bud, lapping at it until your back arches and you whimper so prettily that it goes straight through him and straight to his cock. The wet kisses trail back up to your neck, blunt teeth tugging at your skin, sucking quickly stinging bruise marks into the skin so that everybody will know what this cute little virgin was up to last night--
A rough tug to your earlobe makes you moan. A nip to your lower lip makes you practically mewl. And his rough fingertips pushing up your skirt to your waist, letting his fingers dig into your plush thighs so hard that there’s no way you won’t be marked with fingerprints tomorrow – that makes you whine.
“You like bein’ pushed around a little bit, cutie?” The pet name, again, has blood rushing to your face and heat rushing to between your legs. You’re suddenly so very aware of how slick you are, how your underwear is clinging to the folds of your sex. How much of that is his fingers and how much of it is his voice and how much of it is how exposed you are in front of him, you don’t know – but you bite your lip and avert your gaze, and this just seems to spur him on. Both of you know the answer: yes. Yes, you do like being pushed around a little bit--
“These are soaking wet,” he tells you, as the matching lacy underwear to your bra is peeled off of you. He readjusts himself, grabbing your thigh and pressing your knee against your chest so that he can move his hips between your two legs as well as get a proper look at what you’ve been hiding beneath the tiny skirt – he lets out a low whistle, those green eyes greedily drinking you in like you’re a painting hung in an art gallery. “Well, look at you. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes?”
He sees how the compliment makes you squirm at the same time as it makes your cute little hole, exposed thanks to the stretch of your leg, flutter around nothing. He might break you if he doesn’t prepare you properly; you’re so small, and it’s been a real long time since he bedded a virgin--
One of his fingers drags through your slick with no preamble, brushing your fluttering hole, and the noise catches in your throat – halfway between a whimper and a soft sigh, a noise that does not serve to do anything but make him repeat the motion, gathering your glimmering arousal on the same thick digit. He brings it to his mouth, tongue darting out to taste you.
“Mm, you should taste yourself,” he says to you, eyes glinting. “You’re like honey, sweetheart--” Toji doesn’t wait for you to say yes or no. His finger pushes past your lips, so you’re forced to taste yourself on his fingertips, brushing over your tongue. His eyes focus very deeply on you, like you’re the only thing in his orbit worth paying attention to. “Why don’t you give my finger a suck, darlin’? You’ll want it as wet as you can get it--”
Not that you’re not plenty wet enough. But there’s something so endearing about the feel of your tongue hesitantly licking at him, the shine of your eyes. If he wasn’t hard enough to cut diamonds, he would have you suck his cock first, if only to see those pretty lips wrapped around his shaft and to hear you choke a little bit, to see your makeup go runny and messy and ruined--
“Atta girl,” he says, roughly, pulling his finger out (the trail of drool sends another of those throbs of heat through him). The finger drags over your slit again, parting the plump lips – and then, he’s pushing his finger inside you, your walls pulsing around him. You’re so fucking tight. He knows you weren’t lying about being a virgin – the gasp that dies in your throat, the hand that tangles in his bedsheets, the little lift of your hips to help him along – all of those are things that are entirely sensation responses, not in the least calculated, and Toji loves that.
The finger pumps in and out of you, helped along by your slick, until he can press another alongside it and scissor them gently, stretching out your channel in preparation for what you’re going to take in a matter of minutes. Your teeth keep digging into your bottom lip, as if you’re afraid to make too much of a noise – he chuckles as he brushes your swollen clit with his thumb.
“C’mon,” he growls, “don’t hold out on me. Lemme hear you--”
Oh, you’re so embarrassed – but you’re also, he can tell, the kind of girl who can’t resist an order. You let your mouth relax, drop open – and next time his thumb rubs firmly across your clit, the noise is caught only by the ceiling above you both. He makes some little noise of praise that you can’t fully discern, because now he’s started pulling forth your pleasure he doesn’t want to stop. Three fingers. His thumb, toying with your clit, rubbing firm circles with it as he feels your channel clench and quiver around his fingers. He rubs at the textured spot on your inner walls and you groan, your other hand gripping his forearm, your brow forming sweat. Your hips are circling, needy, in search of more stimulation.
“You gonna come for me, sweetheart?” Toji asks you, his voice like cigarettes and leather. “C’mon. Let me see-- let me feel your pretty cunt clench--”
Something about the dirty words pushes you over the edge and you tumble down a dark hole, fireworks exploding inside of you, stars bursting into being behind your eyelids as pleasure washes over you in great waves. You soak Toji’s fingers, your walls sucking him in deeper and deeper.
Your breath comes in great pants, the aftershocks of your orgasm still gently rippling through you even as Toji pulls his fingers out of you. You look up at the man as he adjusts himself with his other hand, as if in a haze – and as if in a haze, when he roughly pushes those three fingers back into your mouth, you suckle on them with your mind and thoughts all misty. All you can think about is him. That’s what he wanted, anyway – cute little demure virgin, cock drunk even without him fucking you properly – he breaks girls like you on the regular, but you might be one of his favourites.
He tugs down his pants enough to reveal his flushed cock, curving to lay against his stomach, hard and leaking precome from a reddened tip. Your eyes widen (he always loves that moment), as you realise why he took pains to prepare you with his fingers.
“Whaddya think?” He asks you, teasing, wrapping his fist around the shaft. Even his big hands around it do nothing to make it look smaller, and you barely realise that you’re staring until he slaps your thighs with it, streaking his own wetness all over you. “You’ll give a man a complex, sweetheart--”
“I-I don’t have much to compare it to,” you say, desperately, heated and needy even though you literally just came. You want him inside you. You never thought you’d be so easily broken down into wanting to be fucked, but here you are – something primal inside of you is awoken by the size of his cock and the glitter in his eyes and the sculpted muscle, and you want to be desecrated. “Y-you look big--”
He laughs at that. Yeah, you definitely don’t have much to compare it to if that’s your take-away. Still. It’s cute, how you’ve spread your legs a little wider, how you’re not hiding the fact you’re looking at him like he’s some kind of angel who’s finally granted you a taste of the celestial city.
“I feel big too,” he tells you, with a smirk that rattles you to your core. “Wanna find out?”
When you nod, he grins – those big hands take a hold of your thighs, pressing both of your knees to your chest this time. He takes a moment to enjoy you in this position – those wide eyes, the lewd splay of your legs revealing the glimpse of your cunt still tantalisingly shining with the remnants of your orgasm. You squirm under his hungry gaze, exposed – and that does nothing to quell the hunger that seems to be thrumming through Toji, with every clench and wriggle.
“Good,” he tells you, rubbing his cock through the mess you’ve made of yourself, making sure the head nudges your clit and he can see the way you shiver. “You’re bein’ such a good girl for me--”
He catches on your entrance and you let out a keen. With your knees pressed to your chest, you’re unable to get a grip on Toji’s shoulders, and you have to console yourself with fisting the bedsheets beneath you (rumpled even before you’d ended up there).
The position he’s got you in means that you feel every ridge of his cock, every vein, every throb – inch by inch, as he sheaths himself slowly inside you. He can’t help but watch as your jaw goes slack, as your eyes cloud with the feeling of him entering you – as tears bead in the corner of your eyes at the burn and stretch--
Oh, fuck, the tears. He wonders if you feel the way that his cock seems to harden at that, at how pretty you look all glassy-eyed and helpless and trying to take him. He’s maybe two thirds in and almost at the limit of forward motion, but you whimper, letting your head fall back--
“P-please,” you say, “I—I can take it--”
He laughs, low and dangerous. He leans in, brushes his lips over your sweat slicked forehead. His tone is syrupy sweet when he speaks, as he angles his hips just so that he sinks another aching inch into the sweet kiss of your tight cunt.
“Oh, I know you will, sweetheart,” he murmurs, sounding almost like a threat. His eyes flash downwards, to see how tightly you’re clinging to him – how big his cock looks, disappearing into your slick sex. How the glistening ring of your need coats him. Just a bit further – watching himself claim you is almost hypnotic.
He wants to see you on your hands and knees, watch his cock stretch you out that way. He wants to see you gag and choke and drool around his cock, wants to see your small hands wrap around him, wants to have you in every position until you’re so fucked silly you can barely move--
But for now, he hilts inside of you, his balls slapping against your slick skin. His face splits into a smile as his eyes travel back up, to the bulge in your stomach that he knows is from just how big his cock is, to your thighs trembling even with him keeping them prone against you. You’re so cute. The tears have spilled past the rim of your eyelids now, wetting your cheeks – they’re so maddeningly sexy, on your pretty face. He’s not going to last half as long as he wants to, he doesn’t think – not when you’ve been driving him to distraction since the moment he laid eyes on you.
He can barely remember he killed a man less than an hour ago.
That’s old news, unimportant compared to how your walls flutter around him as he pulls out. Unimportant compared to the arch of your back, the rock of your breasts, the great gasps of air.
He’s not a kind man, but he doesn’t go out of his way to be an asshole to his conquests – so he lets you get used to the rolling rhythm of his hips, slowly. He doesn’t piston his hips in and out of you, not at first. He lets the slow drag of his cock on your sensitive inner walls make you shiver, make you gasp and moan and whimper. And only after he’s earned the light hump of your hips against his, searching for the sensation yourself, does he let himself fuck you the way he wants to.
He wants to record the moan-squeak-whimper of surprise as he begins to pump his hips in earnest. It’s a noise he’s heard before, but coming from your pretty mouth it seems all the more potent. His hips jerk into you and out of you, the noise of skin slapping against skin very loud in the bedroom. The slick noises of his cock driving in and out of your tight cunt would be shaming if it didn’t feel so good, if you didn’t get a shock of want every time his body ground against your clit on the inner thrust.
You lose track of time, with the dangerous man you met at the bar bent over you. He mouths greedily at your lips, seeming to treasure every noise you make and swallow it down his throat like a sweet candy – he bites at your neck, at your throat, the grip on your thighs never faltering for a moment. You can do nothing but let yourself be folded in half, and let him fuck you like an animal.
That seems right. He’s rutting into you deep and hungrily, almost feral in his enjoyment of your body. He drops one of your legs suddenly, letting it hit the mattress, readjusting his hips so that one of his hands can dive between you and--
He’s playing with your clit again. The pads of his fingers are rough, and you wonder if he handles a gun like the one that gave him that starburst scar. You wonder how dangerous these fingers are, the ones that were buried inside you and are now coaxing your poor, swollen clit to another orgasm.
“Come on, baby girl,” he growls, pressing harder, making your thighs jump with tension. “Wanna feel you come with my cock buried in that pretty little cunt--”
You whimper, throwing your head to the side and letting a cry out into the pillow like a mewl. Toji would be mad that you’d stifled the cute little noise, if the sight of you submissively showing him your neck (one of your softest parts) hadn’t scratched an itch for dominance inside of him – and if the feel of your body clenching and pulsating around his cock wasn’t currently finally pushing him over the edge, making him judder his hips against you as he shoots rope after rope of his come directly inside of you.
Your shoulders are heaving with the effort of the orgasm that’s still ricocheting through you, your toes curling, your body clenching and soaking Toji’s cock with your orgasm. You don’t even realise he’s come inside of you until he pulls out slightly and you wince at the feel of that same come, his load far too thick and full to not have a bit of it trickling out of your stretched hole. Toji admires the look of it; darkened from his persistent thrusts, your syrupy slick mixing with the thick pearly white of his seed.
“Y-you came inside me,” you say, your voice half-clogged with the tears that are still glistening on your cheeks (a low pulse of heat in his groin. His refractory period has always been short – and with a cute little thing like you in his bed, who can blame him for wanting to fuck you again almost immediately?). “I—I don’t even know your name--”
Oh, shit. He’d quite forgotten. He knows yours from the girl in the bar (that already feels like a lifetime ago). He can hear the uncertainty in your voice, the kind of confusion that seems to say ‘good girls don’t do this, I would never do this, who is this stranger wearing my skin with a man’s come making their thighs sticky?’. It’s part of the process of breaking that Toji loves so much.)
“Sure did, darlin’,” he says, absent-mindedly scooping some of the come that’s oozed out of you and pressing it back inside. He wins a whimper for that, one that’s definitely not ‘stop’. “You’re still so sensitive.”
If you notice he doesn’t give you his name in response to your question, you don’t say anything. As his fingers gently circle your entrance again, as his hand brushes your thigh and you shiver, he sees that you unconsciously spread your legs even further apart for his explorations. Oh, you’re so cute.
One lone finger, gently grazing your clit, makes your hips jerk, your voice break in a way that’s all needy. You look at Toji through those tear-darkened eyes, your lips bitten to puffiness, your lipstick and mascara and eyeliner all messed up on your face from crying and biting your lip and drooling. Adorable. Girls like you always look best like this, their polish scuffed when Toji’s taken them to bed and stripped away all of their defences.
Girls like you, Toji always manages to get to move their hips against his ministrations. He always manages to have them gasp, whimper, break--
You’re not the first one in his bed, and you probably won’t be the last. But as he grins at you and asks;
“Well, sweetheart. I’ll give you a choice. Y’wanna take a shower and I’ll call you a cab or somethin’ and you can head off home? Or,” he drops his voice low, drags his eyes over your prone form, brushes his lips over your stomach. They flutter against the soft skin, his breath a hot wash that makes goose flesh prickle all over you. “Y’wanna spend the night?”
And you bite your lip before nodding, nervously running your hand through his hair, your body near trembling with need--
Well. As he asks that and you answer, he really does think you might be his favourite one ever.
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james-pottersimp · 3 years
Reward • James Potter
Summary : After James wins his quidditch game, you decide to skip the after party to give him little reward
Warnings : mommy kink, vaginal penetration, dirty talk, praise kink, oral (male receiving), maybe some degradation, I hope that’s everything
A/N : hi guys, this is my first time writing smut. A big thank you goes out to @bellatrixscurls for helping me again. I love you <3
Red and Gold on one side, Green and Silver on the other. People cheering for their team. Over all the cheers you could hear the voice of the commentator explaining what happens on the field. The atmosphere is tense as everyone’s eyes followed the players flying on their brooms, the seekers trying to catch the snitch while the chasers tried to get some points by throwing the Quaffel through the opposite goal.
Quidditch. Gryffindor against Slytherin.
You were sitting in the front row, your eyes following your boyfriend : James Potter. He was the Quidditch Captain and a Seeker. He was really close to catch the snitch and then
“JAMES POTTER CAUGHT THE SNITCH! GRYFFINDOR WON” the commentator yelled through his microphone.
Every Gryffindor started to cheer loudly, hugging each other while already taking about the after party. On the other side you could hear sounds of disappointment and sadness. You ignored everything while you were running down the stairs to get to your boyfriend.
“James” you yelled to get his attention. He was sitting on the shoulders of his best friend, Sirius Black, holding the Golden Snitch while grinning. You stared at you boyfriend, admiring him for a little while but quickly snap out of it.
“James” you yelled again finally getting his attention. His blue eyes looked down to where he heard your voice. His grin only grew when he spotted you. He asked Sirius to download it so he could go to you. Sirius nodded and helped James off his shoulders. As soon as his feet were on the grass, he ran to you. You opened your arms to him and he took you in his arms lifted you up and spun you around. You started laughing. Oh how he loved to hear you laugh. After he spun around three times he lowered you down, his hands resting on your hips. Now that you were standing in front of him he noticed your outfit. His eyes widened at the sight: you were wearing a red top with golden stripes that showed your tits. You also had a short black skirt that showed almost your entire legs. James was needy all day, but he couldn't do much because he had to practice before his game. It didn't bother him any more until just now
His thoughts started to get foggy and he slips into a headspace that you knew too well.
Sub space.
You quickly realize that James' mind was wandering and that he started slipping into another headspace. "Jamie what's wrong?" you asked your boyfriend whose eyes went back and forth between your eyes and your breasts.
"Needy," he whispered, sounding shy.
"Oh Jamie. How about we skip the after party and Mommy gives her pretty boy a little reward for winning the game" you whisper back so you don’t draw any attention to the two of you.
James nodded excitedly and tugged on your waist to get you to go. You just chuckled at his gesture and nodded. The dark-haired boy immediately grabbed your hand and pulled you towards his dorm, ignoring the questions of his friends just wanting to feel the pleasure your about to give him.
When you reached his dorm, he quickly opened the door, pulled you inside and closed it again.
As you looked into his blue eyes you realised how needy he was.
“Are you really this needy, pretty boy”.
James started to nod quickly.
“Use your words, please” you reminded him. He knew that he was supposed to always use his words but he tends to forget this rule very often especially when he is this needy.
“Sorry Mommy” he apologised quickly “Yes I’ve been needy all day” the boy answered your question.
“Poor Baby boy. It’s alright now. Mommy’s gonna give you whatever you want” you told James stroking his cheek softly. He immediately leaned into your touch.
“Whatever I want?”. James just wanted to make sure that he understood you. His big blue eyes looked at you expectantly.
“Whatever you want, baby. Why? Do you have anything in mind, my love” you asked also excited for what’s about to come. You loved to make James feel good and today he really deserved it. To be honest you were needy too and you had a wet patch in your panties already but James would find this out soon enough.
“Want to eat you out please. Wanna taste you, mommy and wanna make you feel good please. I wanna be a good boy for you. Mommy’s good boy” he pleaded. Everything he wants is to be your good boy. It’s the only thing he can think about right now. Unfortunately you decline his Request
“But it’s a reward for you, pretty boy. You should be the one feeling good, not mommy. Are you sure you wanna eat me out or would you prefer mommy sucking your cock and making you cum”
James really wanted to make you feel good but he was so needy all day so why would he decline your offer. So he nodded desperately pulling you closer to him by your waist.
“Now now, Jamie what did I tell you?” you asked him, removing his hand from your waist again. James quickly realised his mistake and starts to apologise
“M’ sorry mommy. You told me to use my words” the boy said quickly to answer your question not wanting to upset you.
“That’s right, baby. So tell me do you want to eat mommy out or do you her to suck you off?” you repeated your question. Your hand is still stroking his cheek, loving the way his soft skin feels.
“Want mommy to suck me off if s’ okay” he answers now really desperate to feel your mouth. His eyes are still wandering to your chest sometimes. He couldn’t help but stare at them : they looked so pretty in the top that you’re wearing. James wanting nothing more than to touch them but he knew that he wasn’t allowed to just touch without asking first. You put two of your fingers under his chin to make him look at you again, his blue eyes finding your y/ec ones.
“Of course pretty boy. How about you go and lay down for me while mommy undresses herself quickly” you told him while you already started to grip the hem of your top to pull it over yourself but a pair of hands quickly slapped them away. You looked up at James who was staring at his feet out of embarrassment.
“What was that for, Jamie? Don’t you want to see mommy naked?” you question, still surprised by your boyfriends actions.
“N-no no wanna see you naked, mommy b-but I wanna undress you. Don’t want you to do it yourself. Wanna help m’ mommy and be a good boy” he mumbled, his eyes still glued to his feet. Your hand found his chin again, making him look at you. His blue eyes were already slightly teary from being so needy. As he looked at you a little tear escaped his eye and you quickly wiped it away with the pad of your thumb.
“No need for tears, my love. If you wanna undress mommy you just have to ask nicely”.
“Can I please undress you mommy?”. With a firm nod you gave him permission and he instantly gripped the hem of your top and pulled it over your head. It landed somewhere on the floor, you could care less right now. James stood in front of you, frozen in place, his staring at your exposed chest.
“Jamie”. That seemed to make him snap out of it.
“Sorry mommy. Didn’t mean to stare. You just look so pretty”
“You look pretty too, Jamie. Now do you want to continued should mommy do it her-“
“No” James voice interrupted you, making you raise your eyebrows
“No s-sorry, mommy. Didn’t wanna sound rude but I want to continue please” he corrected himself hoping that you’re not mad at him
“There’s my good boys manners. Well, go on then” you stated, grabbing his hands and leading them to the waistband of your skirt. He started to pull down your skirt and your panties quickly exposing you fully. Now you stood fully naked in front of him but James still had all of his clothes on
“Now I think it’s a bit unfair that you get to see mommy naked and she doesn’t get to see her pretty boy”
Understanding that this is his permission to undress himself, he obliged taking all of his clothes off. You found yourself admiring the boy in front of you
“Good Boy” you praised him. “Now go lay down for me so I can make you feel good”.
James scrambled to the bad, laying down and looking at you expectantly. You slowly walked over to him getting on top of him, giving him a kiss on his lips. Your lips started to go down to his neck and then chest sucking a hickey from time to time. As you were finally there when he wanted you, he started to whine impatiently. You looked up at him, seeing him stare down at you with wide and teary eyes.
“Looking so pretty for me, laying there all splayed out Jamie. Such a good boy for me. Are your ready”.
“Yes yes ‘m ready m-mommy. Please pl-“ his pleading was cut off by a loud whine as you took him into your mouth and started bobbing your head. Strings of “thank yous” and “feels so good” started to leave his mouth besides some whines and moans. You hummed around his length sending vibrations through his body making him clamp his eyes shut. This earned him a light slap against his thigh.
“Keep your eyes open, want you to see mommy while she makes her pretty boy feel good. You understand that” you told him after you took him out of your mouth, stopping every pleasure he was feeling.
“I understand, mommy but please please don’t stop. Mommy please I’ll be a good boy” he begged needing to feel your mouth around him again. You nodded and started to take him down your throat once again. James Cock was big, so didn’t manage to take him in completely. You had to use your hand for everything that didn’t fit in. Pretty noises where leaving James mouth - whimpers. Oh how you loved to hear James whimper when you made him feel good.
“Making m-me f-f-feel so good Mommy”. That’s everything you wanted : to make your pretty boy feel good. You decide to play with his balls to add to his pleasure. This action made James throw his head back, desperately trying to keep his eyes open like you told him.
“Oh- oh mommy....so good”
It didn’t take long for his cock to twitch inside your mouth signalling you that he was close. James deserved his release but he knew that he had to ask you first or he would get punished. A punishment was the last things that James wanted because that would mean he is a bad boy and the only thing he wants is to be your good boy.
“M-mommy” he whimpered above you. You kept a steady and fast pace almost pushing him over the edge. His moans started to get louder with every second
“Close” James whined not being able to form a simple sentence due to the immense pleasure your giving him. You gave him a tight squeeze around his balls forcing him to ask properly.
“C-can I please cum mommy, please been a good b-boy for you. Mommy please, need it please please let me cum”. He really craved his release and why would you deny it. You stopped for second to tell him to cum then going down on him again increasing your pace on his cock.
“Gonna ....gonna cum, oh mommy oh” with those words James came down your throat. You swallowed all of it and took him out of your mouth slowly. His breath was uneven and his toned chest was rising rapidly.
“Thank you for making me cum, mommy”
You slowly got up to straddle his waist. Your fingertips traced his chest calmly, finding their way to his face stroking his cheek. He lazily smiled looking at you through dreamy eyes. Pearls of sweat traced his hairline and forehead. You pushed some of his damp hair strands out of his face, a soft smile playing on your lips.
“Mommy?” James said looking at you desperately once again.
“Yes, Jamie?”
“Can you ride me please?” he mumbled so that you could barely understand what he said. Lightly slapping his cheek as a sign not to mumble, you told him to repeat himself.
“Can you ride me please?”
“Oh you want mommy to ride you, baby?”
“Yes please, wanna make you feel good too, mommy. Wanna make you cum and be a good boy. Please ride me please” he begged frantically, his hands grabbing your waist.
“You’re already my good boy, Jamie. But to answer your question yes mommy can ride you” you told him while slowly raising your hips and lining his cock up at your wet entrance. James was a whiny mess beneath you while you started to lower your hips, taking him inch by inch until he was filling you up completely. Then you started to move your hips making James press his head into the pillow in pleasure.
“God, it feels s-so good” he whined.
“You’re making mommy feel really good too, Jamsie” you praised him. James was a sucker for Praise so you did it at every chance you got. His hands were still on your waist, gripping it so hard that you knew it would leave bruises the next day but you didn’t care.
You increased your pace making James moan out your names loudly. His eyes where about to fall shut but he forced himself to keep them open, wanting to see your tits bouncing up and down. One of his hands made its way upwards, reaching your breasts giving it a firm squeeze. Normally he would at least earn a slap on his cheek for this but because it was a reward for him you let it slide. Besides, it just added to your pleasure so there was no reason to stop him.
Your fingertips traced his chest lazily, memorising his abs. Then you started to feel a familiar feeling in your stomach. You were close. Very close. James cock started to twitch inside of you as his whines grew louder, letting you know that he was just as close.
“Close again” he whimpered so quietly that you almost didn’t heard it.
“Mommy’s close too, baby. You wanna cum with mommy?” He nodded vigorously at you offer, gripping your waist even harder.
“Alright, then you have to wait a second. Mommy’s gonna tell you when you’re allowed to cum”
James knew that he wouldn’t be able to hold it in much longer so he let go your breast and put his thumb on your clit instead. He circled his thumb, pushing you closer to the edge. This action made you throw your head back in pleasure and moan out his name loudly. You were also not able to hold it in so you gave him permission to cum.
James came hard filling up with his cum while moaning and whimpering, thanking you for letting him cum. At the same time your vision got blurry and you came all over his cock. Your moans sounded pornographic. You slowly rode out both of your orgasms, coming to a stop. James hand was still gripping your waist preventing you from getting up.
“Jamie, can you let me go now please” you asked him softly. He obliged, his hand leaving your waist so you can get off of him. You did exactly that, feeling empty again.
You lay down next to your boyfriend, leaving light kisses on his cheek. His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you close again.
“You did so good for me Jamie. Made me feel wonderful” you stated, praising him. Your hand found it’s way onto his abs again, tracing them carefully.
“Am I your good boy, mommy?”
“Yes you are. My best boy. But it’s not mommy anymore, my love. It’s y/n again” you told him beginning to get your boy out of subspace again.
“Y/N?” he whispered, his blue admiring you.
“Yes, my love?” you whispered back, looking up again to meet his beautiful eyes.
“I love you”You smiled lightly at this statement
“I love you too, James. Now come on it’s aftercare time”
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kingdaddydaichi · 3 years
One of my favorite stories I’ve ever read is “Lessons Learned”. So I would like to request something similar with a mixture of Hard dom/ Brat tamer Bakugou ❤️‍🔥 Take it in whatever direction you want, I know I’ll enjoy it however it ends up 😏
@ssplague, bestieeee! Tysm! 🥺💕 I'm sooooo fucking sorry it took me so long to answer your ask! It made me weak the first time I read it! I've got so many other wips I should probably be working on rn, but I finally said FUCKIT! I nEED this in my life rn!
I LOVED writing Lessons Learned - god! It was hard to get through tho. Nearly every time I sat down and started working on it, it always ended the same way and that's all I'ma say rn! 😈
Yes. I see your HardDom!BratTamer!Bakugou and raise you Jealous!Exhibitionist!Bakugou. 💅🏼💋
I hope it's worth the wait...
The Performance 💥 HardDom!BratTamer!Jealous!Exhibitionist! Katsuki Bakugou x f!reader 💥 NSFW
Warnings: slight dubcon, Dom/sub dynamic, possessive dynamic, exhibitionism, marking, circle jerk, creampie, absolute filth
Word Count: 2.9k
It was half past 9 when he walked through the door at the well-to-do club where you'd been enjoying down time with some of your friends. He kissed your cheek and sat down in the half-circle booth next to you, putting his warm, athletic arm over your bare shoulders.
"How long you been waitin'?"
"Maybe an hour?"
He looked down, grumbling. "Got here as soon as I could". He glanced at you with his bottom lip poking out.
You propped your cheek on your hand and smiled at him, rubbing his arm. "I know, babe. It's perfectly fine, I understand".
"Ay, Bakubro! You finally made it!", Kiri yelled from across the table.
Katsuki snarled at him. "Yeah! Some of us have to actually work for a living!"
At that very moment, the cocktail waitress stopped by the table to take Katsuki's order and Mina yelled, "Yes please, for the love of god, get that man a drink!"
He growled at her before turning back to the waitress. "Four fingers of whiskey straight, no chaser".
She scampered off and everyone fell into the chatter and laughs they'd been sharing when Katsuki arrived.
You were on your way back to the table from the restroom when you felt fingers against your elbow and a voice behind you say, "Hey, (y/n)!"
"Oh hey!" It was a young man a few years younger than yourself who worked in the same office building as you. "Fancy seeing you here". He appeared to be with a couple of friends judging by the prying eyes peering from behind him, smirking.
"I know, right? I've been here a few times, but I don't think I've seen you here before".
"Really? I come here quite regularly and I've seen you here before".
"Oh, I'm sorry, I guess I just haven't been paying attention".
"Don't worry about it! I just thought I'd say hi this time".
"I'm glad you did! Maybe I'll see you again the next time I'm here". You waved your fingers at him and started back towards your table again only to see Katsuki's eyes about to burst into flames as he watched you approach.
When you sat down, he leaned in. "Who's he?"
You waved him off. "Just a guy who works in the same building as I do".
"What did he want?"
"Nothing, just wanted to say h-"
"Bullshit". He placed his hand over your thigh under the table. "When a guy looks at a woman the way he was looking at you, trust me baby, he wants something". His large, rough hand squeezed the meat of your thigh beneath it. It hurt and you gripped his wrist in an effort to keep the whine in the back of your throat from escaping. The rest of your party was too close in proximity...at least one or two of them would've heard you. "I don't like it when other guys look at you like that". He dragged his fingers upward, taking the hem of your skirt along with them.
"Katsuki, get ahold of yourself. They're just looking...it's not like they're touching me".
He put his mouth to your ear. "Fuck it. Let 'em look". His hand moved further up your skirt, parting your legs enough that you could feel the cold draft of air against your dampening panties. "It'll just give me every reason I need to show them who you belong to".
His eyes shifted away from yours and you followed them to see what he was looking at. The guy who had just been flirting with you was watching as your husband's hand worked between your legs. His eyes flicked to Katsuki’s whose dark, lopsided, toothy grin spread across his handsome face, pleased that he was making himself clear to the other man that he had already laid his claim on you.
His pinky grazed your clothed, wet slit and you squirmed in your seat, trapping his hand between your thighs hoping it would make him relent. "Stop it, Katsuki", you growled at him.
But he twisted his wrist until he was able to push your panties aside with two of his fingers. He sank said fingers between your inner folds, coating them with your clear slick before curling them upwards to flick them over your hardening clit. You shuddered under his touch as he locked eyes with the other man, making sure he was watching when Katsu raised his fingers to his mouth, sucking them both off at once.
You glanced down to see Katsuki's cock pushing against the fabric of his slacks, tight against him in his sitting position. Showing other men that you belonged to him had always put him in a rut. You used the situation to your advantage and knowing he wouldn't follow you with a half, but nevertheless large, erection for everyone to see, you stood up in one fluid movement, turning away from him and strutting to the bar.
As you waited for the busy bartender to take your order, you noticed the rather strapping gentleman who stood beside you, looking down at his glowing phone screen.
"What can I get for you ma'am?"
You looked back at the bartender, who'd finally spoken to you. "Oh, um- (favorite drink)-"
"On me", the man beside you said.
"Yes sir", the bartender said before turning to his task.
You looked again at the handsome man beside you - taller than Katsuki, but he didn't exude quite the same confidence he did. Then again, not many people did.
"Thank you, you didn't have to do that".
"I know". He gave you a smug, sidelong look. "I wanted to".
You tried to hide your smile, but fuck. His sexiness could easily go head to head with Katsuki's. You watched his eyes travel from your face down to your toes and back up again. You could almost feel your possessive husband's fiery eyes burning a hole in your back.
You turned to face the gentleman beside you, glancing over at the blond in the process. When you focused your gaze back to the man beside you, Katsuki stood up and started stalking towards you. His dick still wasn't completely soft yet, but he didn't care. He probably wanted the man next to you to see the bulge in his pants, using it to his advantage during the impending exchange at the bar. Not many men had a bigger cock than Katsuki and he knew it.
He wrapped his arm around your waist, squaring his hips off at the other man, most likely willing him to notice his size. "Let's go".
You pushed back against him. "Stop Katsu, I'm not ready to go yet".
He locked eyes with the man beside you and put his mouth right up next to your ear. "Would you prefer I fuck you right here on this bar to show everyone who your slutty pussy belongs to? Because I will! You're already wet and aching for my cock, aren't you, pretty girl?"
He was NOT bluffing. You knew your Dom. It had only taken him once before to show you that he was not above covertly pulling his dick out and pushing it inside your hot cunt while standing behind you at a crowded bar, much like the one you were standing at now.
The bartender sat your drink down on a small napkin, but Katsuki pushed it back to him and said, "Oi! Throw this one out and make her another one". He glared at the taller man beside you. "ALL of her drinks are on me, got that?"
He slid two thick fingers inside the plunging neckline of that little black number you wore, carding your hard nipple between them as he rutted his hips against your bottom. "Well?"
A part of you wanted him to fuck you then and there with the other man watching. But you'd never let it actually go that far. "Katsu, please go sit down and I'll be over after I get my drink since I have to wait longer for it now". You rolled your eyes.
He leaned back, his vermillion eyes searching yours until they locked onto the feminine form brushing past your shoulder. He reached out and stopped the cocktail waitress in her tracks, leaning down to her ear, whispering something. Without another word, he calmly walked away and sat back down at the table.
Stubborn as you were, you held your position at the bar. A couple of minutes later, out of the corner of your eye, you saw movement near the table where Katsuki was seated. The same waitress was now leaning down and whispering in his ear, her lips less than an inch from his face. He caught your gaze and smirked before turning his face towards hers. For a second it looked like he might actually kiss her. You were relieved for about half a second when she stood up and started walking away from him, only to watch him stand up as well and follow her up the stairs into the private VIP area.
Now it was your head that was about to explode. I know he did NOT just invite a fucking cocktail waitress to the VIP so he can fuck her! He turned the tables faster than a cheap hooker turns tricks on the streets of Vegas. You knew how other females looked at him. Hell, males too! That girl was probably 10 years your junior too, barely old enough to be serving alcohol. And now you watched as she led your husband up the stairs.
Drink forgotten, you marched your pretty, indignant ass right up to the 2nd level, ready to snatch a bitch up by her hair only to find Katsuki sitting on the couch, alone.
"Seems you're a petty, jealous asshole too".
Relieved, you plopped down on the couch next to your faithful husband, putting your arm over his waist as he pulled you in and kissed your forehead.
You lowered your head to his chest only to notice once again that his cock was pressing against the confines of his pants. You stroked him through the rough material as he raised up, pushing his erection closer to you, physically begging for more of your touch. You palmed him a couple more times before unzipping his slacks and pulling his cock out. He wasn't fully hard yet, but if you had anything to do with it, he was going to be standing at full attention in less than a minute.
You lowered your head further and pushed some spit through your ruby lips onto the angry head of his dick. He watched as you lowered your mouth and swirled your tongue around the smooth texture of his tip before sinking your lips down around him, taking as much of him into your mouth as possible. Not easy, but you're a blow job champ determined to take all of it for the team.
Only a couple of minutes passed by when Katsuki pulled you off his cock. You raised your lusty gaze to see the two men who'd flirted with you standing side-by-side, eyes as big as half dollars at the sight of your tits hanging out of your dress with a fat string of saliva hanging from your bottom lip. Your face snapped to Katsuki who had a shit-eating grin on his face. "What the fuck, Katsuki? Why are they here?"
"Because I had them brought here to watch and see under no uncertain terms who the fuck you belong to!"
Your protest was cut short when Katsuki flipped your body around so that you were facing the back of the couch. He pushed your skirt up around your waist and hooked your soaking panties with his thumb, pushing them aside and holding them against your ass cheek. "I suggest you hold onto something, you bratty cockslut!"
"Baby, no, I don't want them to see-". You averted your eyes from theirs.
Katsuki gave his thick cock a couple of strokes before pushing the head against your weeping entrance.
"Katsuki, you can't-". Your words failed you as he sank his meaty cock inside you.
He looked over at the audience of two, who were enraptured as they watched your husband pull himself nearly all the way out before gliding himself in balls deep again. He set a rhythm, making sure that the two guys who'd had the audacity to flirt with you could see the striations of your slick along his length as he fucked you. The younger of the two, the office boy, had been palming himself through his pants.
"Oh my god, Katsu! They're watching us!"
"I know, that's the fucking point!" Maintaining his pace, he looked at them. "You understand now that she's mine?"
Their mouths moved, but no sound came out. Katsuki pounded his thighs against you harder, a sharp clap ringing through all 8 ears. "Answer me!" The taller man's erection was now evident through the fabric of his pants.
"Y-yes, I un-understand", one of them mustered while the other one could only nod.
Katsuki's wet balls were slapping your clit now, and you whimpered "Katsu? Baby?"
He wrapped your hair around his fist, ignoring your mewl. He never broke eye contact with the men who'd made passes at you. "Tell her who the fuck she belongs to".
The younger one had pulled his cock through his open zipper, jerking off his smaller dick with his eyes locked on the point where your body met your husband's.
"Look at her!", Katsuki commanded. Both pairs of eyes met yours, their dry mouths hanging open. "SAY IT!"
They both jumped. "Y-you...belong to h-him", said the younger man who had been jacking off.
"The name's fucking Bakugou! Fucking say it!"
The same guy said, "You b-belong to B-Bakugou!"
By this time the taller man had pulled his dick out too, much larger than that of the other guy, but he still didn't hold a candle to Katsuki.
Katsuki's eyes darted to his. "Say my fucking name!" Your pussy was sucking him hard and his voice nearly cracked.
"That's right...Bakugou. It's her last name too, you fucking beta. Don't you ever forget!"
The man's eyes drifted over to your pussy just in time to see the pink ring of flesh around your husband's cock begin an undulating cycle of flexing and relaxing. "Nnn-Katsu! G-gonna cum!"
Your thighs tightened and your hips stopped rocking back against Katsuki's, but the clamping down of your vaginal walls only got stronger as you unraveled around your husband's weighty cock.
He pulled back on the fistful of your hair, still plunging himself deep within your quivering cunt. Smarmy as ever, he looked at the taller man again. "Who does this fucking pussy belong to?"
"Y-you! I-I mean, Bakugou!"
"You're goddamn right it fucking does". Katsuki's groan escaped on the tail end of his words.
You could feel his cock tensing up inside you, such was his size. "Katsu?" Your body had turned to putty as you tried to hold onto what little shred of dignity you had left. "Cum for me, Katsu!", you whimpered.
"Why the fuck should I?"
"C-uz I want y-ou to mark m-e!" Your eyeliner smeared across the leather material of the couch cushion.
"That's a good a reason as any", he said before shifting his eyes away from the small circle jerk and back down to you. "Ah fuck, baby, yeah. I'll fucking mark you alright!" His eyes darted back up to that of his audience. "Gonna make sure my musk saturates you so they can fucking smell me on you!"
Drool seeped from your open mouth against the cream-colored leather. Your tits swayed and your ass cheeks rippled from the sheer force of Katsuki's relentless thrusts.
"Ah fuck, baby, gonna fill you up with my seed! So fucking full of it you're not going to be able to hold it all in!" Katsuki's hips snapped against your ass one last time before locking up, his ass flexing, relaxing, flexing, relaxing, flexing.
The younger man who'd been jacking off whined quietly as he blew his load onto the carpet beneath him.
"Nn fuck", the taller one groaned.
Finished with his orgasm, Katsuki pulled his cock out, bouncing under its own weight. He pulled your hips around to put on display the creampie he'd left behind inside you. The taller man, still tugging on his cock, watched as your pussy clenched, causing some of Katsuki's seed to ooze out of you and drip onto your ankle. That's all he could take and he came rather loudly, his cum nearly hitting you on the first release, such was the power behind it.
Katsuki frowned at both of them. "She's fucking mine. Don't you ever fucking forget it. Now...get the fuck OUT!"
They barely got their sticky, softening cocks back in their pants before retreating downstairs to no doubt go straight to their respective homes and have existential crises because they just orgasmed while watching another man fuck and cum inside an attractive woman. Porn was one thing, but Katsuki's show of dominance had hit different. And they had to wonder if they were wrong for it somehow.
Meanwhile, your husband helped you pull yourself together at least enough to make it to the car to take you home.
And with the privacy window partially cracked open, the driver was able to watch as Katsuki lapped up both your fresh slick for him, as well as his own seed as it continued to leak out.
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spectre-fivee · 3 years
Over the Moon: Obi Wan Kenobi x Reader
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Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 8081 (wtf this is so close to Anakin’s secret password or whatever, also WOW this is easily the longest piece I’ve ever written)
Warnings: HEAVY smut, both male and female receiving oral, unprotected sex, lots and lots of dirty talk, heavy use of the word ‘master’, dom/sub play, slight brat taming, praise and humiliation kink, edging, slight force play & restraint
A/N: Hey yalllll I’m back with another smut LMAO this is a prequel to let me take care of you, my first obi-wan smut :DD this is LONG asf and includes a small backstory but I promise the majority of it includes smut scenes lol. I hope you guys enjoy and I love your feedback!! much love <3
You were over the moon when you found out that you would be accompanied by General Obi Wan Kenobi on your next business trip.
Literally. Quite literally, you were over the moon. You had just coincidentally flown over Centax-3 and were now in pursuit to Coruscant's surface in preparation for your oncoming journey, and you were so beyond excited that you found it hard to contain yourself around your personal guards. Just as you entered the planet’s atmosphere, you decided you had enough of the automated briefing and muted the transmitter on your arm. You were too focused on the fact that you were going to be alone with General Kenobi for an entire day.
Well, night really. You had managed to catch that part of the briefing.
You could watch it later. As you packed, perhaps. It was fine.
Feeling like a little girl as you basically pranced back to your quarters, you lugged a small bag out of your closet and began to fill it with necessities. 
Being a senator for so many years had forced you into countless situations with General Kenobi, but never such as this one. When you met the Jedi Knight in the beginning of your career, the two of you clicked almost instantly. Over time, your admiration of the man blossomed into something...different. 
Oftentimes the general would escort you from the Senate Chamber itself all the way to your office on the third floor. He had always been so well spoken and full to the brim with witty charm, enough to make you feel like a total schoolgirl when you locked yourself in your office, squealing and jumping up and down after your encounters with him. Sometimes, you would accompany Obi Wan on walks both inside and outside the building. One time, he was kind enough to show you the gardens outside the Jedi temple on Coruscant. Other times, you were simply by his side in the senate halls, holding your stomach as you just about died of laughter. It was all you could do to keep yourself from absolutely melting when he looked at you with those glittering blue eyes, his lips curved up into a smirk.
Butterflies swarmed in a vicious frenzy as you packed your bag, your cheeks so hot you thought you might explode just at the thought of General Kenobi. You looked up when you heard a soft knock at your door. “Come in,” You had said before a guard stepped inside and informed you that you were leaving earlier than the time scheduled. You nodded and rose to your feet swiftly with a polite smile.
“That’s alright, I’m already prepared.”
The only thing you had forgotten was to finish watching the automated briefing. 
Which, arguably, should have been at the top of your list. But somehow it had just slipped from your mind. Now, you were positioned in between General Kenobi and his commander, CC-2224, but you knew him as Cody. The two men remained quiet and Obi Wan tapped through the data pad in his hand. When you glanced at Cody, you couldn’t tell what exactly he was looking at or if he even had his eyes open under his helmet, he was so quiet. Either way, you cast him a polite smile when you glanced his way.
You felt kind of awful, really. This was, on your part, a mission regarding humanitarian aid, and you were the Galactic Republic’s representative in this instance. You didn’t know anything about this planet you were traveling to, only its name - Lelroth. You didn’t know the people’s conditions nor how much territory the Separatists occupied, that is, unless the citizens had decided to stand their ground.
A clone trooper’s voice came over the intercom of the transporter. “We’ll be arriving shortly.”
You tried to peek at Obi Wan’s data pad in hopes of receiving any information. “Have you ever been to Lelroth?” You asked.
He glanced up at you. “No. Frankly, I have no idea what to expect.”
“Well, that makes two of us.” You muttered quietly. His eyebrows quirked up as he stared at you.
“What?” You asked.
“You...received the briefing, correct?” He asked, and immediately your palms began to sweat.
“Of course I received the briefing.” You responded a little too defensively. He gave you a small grin before looking back down at the tablet in his hands.
You glanced over at Cody nervously as if expecting a response. You felt stupid after your eyes fell onto his yellow helmet, hearing Obi Wan step away and enter the pilot’s cabin.
“You didn’t watch the briefing, did you?” Cody asked, his voice hushed and amused.
“No.” You said. “No, I did not.”
You heard his chuckle through the moderator in his helmet as heat rose to your cheeks. You couldn’t help but smile and punch him playfully, giggling slightly. He leaned closer and began to fill you in quietly, and all jokes fell aside when you learned of the planet’s condition.
Few months prior, Lelroth had fallen under separatist control after the population had been forced under Count Dooku’s submission. The Republic Senate had been receiving reports of just about anything you could think of to describe a humanitarian crisis. You stumbled into Cody a bit as the ship landed.
“We’re here.” The pilot announced as the hatch lowered with a loud, steaming noise.
You squinted as bright sunlight poured into the cabin, raising a hand up to block the sun as Obi Wan stepped out. Lelroth’s atmosphere was thick and humid as you followed him, listening to the dirt crumble beneath your feet as you stepped out. You gazed around the enclosing woods with a small smile, the saturation taking you by surprise after being stuck on Coruscant’s smoggy surface for so long. Though it was muggy, the air felt clean and fresh as you took in a deep breath. You swore you could almost taste the moisture on your tongue.
“Preferably tomorrow morning, yes. I’ll be contacting the council tonight and…” The general’s voice came in and out of earshot as you glanced over at the assault carrier you arrived on. You watched as the clones nodded swiftly at the Jedi’s words, saluting him one last time before the hatch closed and the ship descended through the trees. It was gone almost as quickly as it had arrived.
Obi Wan sighed and pulled the data pad back out of the abyss of his dark cloak before tapping at the screen again. “Let’s make this quick, shall we?” He murmured.
You laughed slightly. “Is my presence such a bother?” The tablet still held his attention as he flashed you a grin.
“Oh, yes. That’s definitely the reason.” He joked.
A sickening feeling started to grab at your stomach after hearing Cody describe the condition on Lelroth. You were unnerved, and regardless of the fact that you had a Jedi Knight as your company, you two were members of the Galactic Republic isolated on separatist territory.
“We should get going.” You murmured. “They’ll be expecting us soon.” you watched Obi Wan pull his large hood over his head as he murmured something under his breath, stepping forward and heading deep into the thick forest with you on his tail.
The Lelrothians were a kind people. Their reaction to your arrival with the general was rather pleasant - they went so far as to throw a feast in you and the general’s honor. After meeting with the chief of the village you would reside in, you finally got a real understanding of the Lelrothians’ situation. You and Kenobi shared a grimaced glance as the chief went on to describe the state of his village alone.
He explained how a large percentage of the newfound members in his village were forced to flee the capital city after falling under a dark hand. You assumed the state of the capital was even worse than this small village as he reported substantial amounts of depleted resources. Running water had been cut off to many families and citizens could no longer supply food on their tables. The chief even mentioned the punishments some experienced for resisting - you weren’t surprised in the nearest after hearing tales of the wicked actions of General Grievous and his clanker army, but still...it was hard to hear.
“We were neutral ground,” You gazed over the chief’s descending head tails as he spoke. Dinek Kev was a twi’lek himself, his account thick and common amongst most of his species. When you glanced around the table, there had to be over fifteen different species in just the room alone. Sullustans, Ithorians, even a few Gungans and a Wookiee occupied a seat at the table. You smiled to yourself and returned your attention to the orange skin of Chief Dinek as he spoke.
“A peaceful people. Nearly everyone in this room is an immigrant or comes from one, somebody who was seeking peace. Other pacifist planets such as Mandalore seem to have been fine as they’ve remained neutral.”
“Believe me, Chief - Mandalore has been experiencing a great deal of their own internal conflict.” General Kenobi spoke.
“Forgive me, Jedi.” Dinek murmured quickly. “I’m just...desperate. I would have never taken the role of chief if it weren’t for Grievous and his army - I only want to protect my family and my home.”
You reached out and took Dinek’s hand, staring into his eyes sympathetically. “I’ll open it up for discussion in the senate as soon as I return to Coruscant. I promise you, Chief Dinek, we’re going to provide Lelroth with humanitarian aid and drive the separatists out of here.”
“I’ll speak with the council tonight.” The hood of Obi Wan’s cloak hung lazily around his neck as he murmured, stroking his beard in his typical fashion. His delicate blue eyes were glued onto his empty plate. Dinek squeezed your hand and began to thank the two of you profusely. You bit your lip, hesitant to discuss the requirements in order for any agreement to come through within the senate.
“Chief Dinek,” You started. “The villagers are going to have to learn to defend themselves.”
All you got from him in response was a simple blink,  a common reaction among those the Jedi come to aid. Most planets that fall under separatist control hold peaceful populations, those who don’t believe in waging war and therefore seeing no need for a military. You desperately wished it didn’t have to be this way. It was heartbreaking seeing simple, innocent lives dragged into the Clone Wars, and one day, you hoped that the galaxy would evolve into one where war could be completely evaded.
“Defend ourselves? You mean train us to fight?” Dinek asked.
“Yes.” You replied.
“That is why we’re here.” Obi Wan explained. The chief finally slid his hand from yours and seemed to recoil at the words spoken. “The Jedi can only aid so much, Chief. The Lelrothians need to learn to defend themselves in order to be sure of complete safety from the separatists.”
After a moment of watching the chief calculate in silence, he looked up at you two with an entirely different expression on his face. He glanced around the dim room and gazed over his people with a small smile curved upon his lips. His eyes darted to yours before Obi Wan’s as he spoke.
“You’re right. The Lelrothians are never going to evade this if we don’t take matters into our own hands.” You smiled at Dinek’s words.
“Good.” Obi Wan stroked his beard again.
“I’ll leave for Coruscant at dawn and begin discussion in the senate.” You announced.
“Yes, and that is when training will begin. Tonight I will get an idea of when reinforcements will arrive on Lelroth. We’ll have a very short timespan to train, I suspect.” The general uttered.
“General Kenobi and I will stay in contact and you’ll be the first to know the senate’s decision.” You concluded. Dinek took your hand again and smiled/ 
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” As he spoke, music began to sound from the instruments held by those up on a small, makeshift stage. The villagers began to cheer and rose to their feet, clapping along to the tune that billowed out from various horns. You grinned as the chief stood and joined his people, taking a woman’s hand delicately and spinning her in delight.
You looked over at Obi Wan with a smile. He looked up at you and met your gaze with the rise of an eyebrow. “What?” He asked.
“Wanna dance?” You giggled. He merely scoffed.
“That would seem a bit unprofessional.” You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Oh, lighten up, General. They threw an entire feast in our honor, surely we can dance with them.” 
He smiled at you sarcastically. “I’ll pass.”
“C’mon. You know you want to.” You pressed, nudging him playfully.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He answered simply.
“Just relax. It’s not like you’ll get kicked out of the order or whatever. It’s just dancing!” He glanced up at you in his seat as you stood, grinning down at him.
“You can be very nagging, did you know that?” He asked. You offered your hand, the same stupid grin plastered onto your lips. He scoffed again and reluctantly took it, rising to his feet slowly.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” He muttered with a grin as you pulled him over to the crowd and were instantly submerged by cheers, laughter, and celebration, having the time of your life with Obi Wan at your side.
The celebration soon came to an end and after a brief escort from Chief Dinek and a few of his men, you and General Kenobi arrived at the motel you would come to stay at briefly. The neon lights of the vacancy sign cast a bleached hot pink color onto the gravel beneath your feet. It crunched and crumbled as you stepped, tuning out of Obi Wan and Dinek’s conversation as you were led into the cramped lobby.
The wallpaper was faded and chipping in the room surrounding the front desk. A small Sullustan woman sat in an organically shaped velvet chair with a book open in front of her. Dinek stepped forward and quickly informed her that you and Kenobi were the reinforcements sent from Coruscant. You listened as she told the chief that there was only one room available, in which you and Obi Wan shrugged off. She thanked the two of you, passed over the room key and sent you on your way. As you trudged up the wooden stairs that led to the second floor, you heard Obi Wan sigh.
“Tired from all that dancing, General?” You chuckled. “You sure know how to get down.”
“Yes, but you on the other hand…” He trailed off, and when you looked back at him with a dramatic expression on your face, he chuckled.
You smiled and swiped the key card through the slot outside the door. “Whatever.”
The two of you didn’t think much of the fact that there was only one room available. It didn’t matter to either of you, because all motel rooms generally contain two separate beds, right?
Wrong. Apparently, all hotel rooms except this one contained two separate beds. Your jaw wanted to hang open at the sight of it, really. Obi Wan froze in his tracks when he entered the compact room.
“Not even a sofa?” you commented. The door still hung open behind you when Obi Wan turned and met your gaze almost frantically.
“There has to be a mistake.” He said.
“She said this was the only room available. Dinek said this was the only lodge in the village.” You mumbled, finally shutting the door.
“Right, well.” The general uttered and stroked his beard once again, beginning to pace as he did so. “I guess I’ll sleep on the floor.”
You rolled your eyes. “Oh, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll sleep on the floor, you have to train in the morning.” You watched as he traveled over to the chairs seated at a tiny round table in front of the window. They were a brilliant orange in contrast to the faded, once flamboyant green walls.
“No. The chair will do.” He said as he sunk into the cushion. “See?” He planted his feet onto the stem of the table, pushing it back so it allowed him to stretch his ankles over the surface. You only stared at him with your eyebrows raised.
“It beats the floor.” Obi Wan shrugged. You shook your head, smiling as you sat on the edge of the bed. You were facing forward, looking at the painting that hung on the wall before you. The sheets on the mattress were an ugly plaid that was laced with oranges, reds, greens and browns. It was very dated, but at the same time it almost felt...homey.
“We’re adults, aren’t we?” You chuckled. “This is only a business trip, General. Stars, if we have to we can just build a pillow wall between the two of us.”
When you didn’t get an immediate response, you glanced over at him only to see the amused expression on his face. But it was the kind of amused look that nearly belittles you and makes you feel completely and utterly ridiculous.
“Yes, and a business trip it will remain.” He uttered. “I do hope you’re joking.”
Your cheeks grew hot in flustered embarrassment. “Uh - I mean, yeah. Totally kidding.” You darted your eyes to your feet and began to swing them back and forth childishly. You heard chuckling from the general’s end but didn’t dare look over at him. You didn’t need to, you already knew he was sitting back and staring at the data pad again.
Moments passed and you had nothing else better to do than sift through the dusty magazines that sat below the bedside table. The lamp atop the metal surface cast a warm, dim yellow light through the room. It made you feel almost cozy as you flipped through the old pages, reading the articles and gazing at some of the most beautiful alien models you had ever laid eyes on. “Wish they had a holonet in here.” You muttered, bored and wishing for some kind of noise instead of this awkward silence that hung in the air.
Time continued to drag on and it grew late enough for you to decide to head into the bathroom to change your clothes. You turned the handle and listened as the faucet began to run while staring at yourself in the mirror. The general seemed grumpy after your comment, and you weren’t sure why. It was easily played off as a joke, you thought...besides, you only wanted to save him from a little back pain and stiffness in the morning.
You were only trying to be polite. And, well...you were secretly hoping for a little more than that.
As you splashed warm water onto your face, you heard Obi Wan’s voice from the other side of the door and watched as his figure cast shadows across the tile you stood on. The automated voice of Master Yoda and Master Mace Windu echoed around the small room as the general began to discuss with the council.
When you stepped out of the bathroom and crawled under the covers, you tried your best not to eavesdrop on his conversation. You stared at the magazine in your lap blankly.
All he was doing was pacing, it was rather distracting. You wished this place had a radio or something, or that it was safe enough to take a short walk. The meeting between Obi Wan and the other Jedi Masters seemed to last eons as you found your eyelids growing heavy. You stared at the cover of the magazine, it showcased a twi’lek woman posing in front of a ship. You yawned, cast it aside and allowed sleep to take over completely.
When you woke up, it was still dark outside. The lamp beside your bed had been shut off by Obi Wan, but the one hanging above the chair he sat in remained lit as he set down the data pad with a sigh. You weren’t sure what had woken you up, and as you gazed at the general while you laid on your side, you didn’t really care. 
You could tell he was weary as he blinked slowly and ran his fingers through his hair. Glancing away, you felt slightly creepy as you stared at him for so long. But, I mean, could you really blame yourself?
After moments of silence, Obi Wan was the one to break it. “My apologies. I didn’t realize that the meeting would take so long.” His voice was deep and a bit croaky as it came out.
“It’s okay.” Was all you said as he reached for the light above him.
“Get some sleep,” he murmured.
“Are you sure you don’t want to share the bed?” You made sure it was apparent that you were joking as you smiled and chuckled, gazing at him as you did so. He paused for a moment, staring at you before his lips curved up into a grin.
“I see that pillow wall is still up for discussion?” He teased, and you laughed again.
“C’mon, it won’t bite. Besides, I’m only trying to save you from a little back pain.”
“Senator, are you implying that I’m old?” He chuckled.
“No, but I do understand that the dancing was already a step over the line for you.” You giggled, smirking. “Hurry up with that decision making please, I’m tired.”
Obi Wan laughed slightly before reaching up and turning off the light. To your disappointment, he didn’t stand up from his chair. You sighed softly and shut your eyes, letting go of the situation as you focused on falling asleep again.
Just as your mind began to wander, you felt a weight sink into the mattress beside you. Your eyes flew open as Obi Wan climbed into bed next to you, only to stare at the complete darkness that surrounded.
You grinned. “Did you change your mind?”
He sighed as he settled in. You could feel him, mere inches away from you as he relaxed. “Don’t make me regret it, Senator.”
You chuckled as darker thoughts began to consume you, reminding yourself that this was a business trip - strictly business. You wondered if Obi Wan thought the same, but you shot that down with another reality check as well.
You wanted to say something, but you didn’t. You couldn’t. You were worried that Obi Wan was actually trying to sleep, and you didn’t want to disturb him, or worse - make things even more awkward like earlier. Now, more than ever, you knew you were never going to fall asleep with Obi Wan Kenobi lying next to you.
“Are you alright?”
“I can practically feel how restless you are at the moment.” He murmured.
“Am I moving too much or is it your spooky voodoo magic?” You asked. He began to chuckle softly.
“Do you mean the Force?”
“Yeah, that.”
“It doesn’t take a Jedi to feel you staring at me.” The grin in his voice made you feel even more embarrassed as you rolled over onto your opposite side, your eyes squeezed shut.
Obi Wan hesitated for a moment before murmuring, “I never said stop, darling. I don’t mind.” His words ignited a spark that released trillions of butterflies swarming in your stomach, and you couldn’t stop the gigantic smile that was forming on your lips.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” As you responded, you felt the general’s weight shift behind you.
His voice came from above you now. “Oh, you didn’t hear me clearly?” You felt his hot breath against your ear as he spoke his next sentence. “I said, I don’t mind your staring. I just wish you would stare at me when I could see you doing it.” His mumbling spiraled into your ear and descended down your body, pausing right in between your legs. You crossed them tight in instinct, nearly gasping.
“I thought you said this trip was strictly business, General.” You breathed.
“Like you said, I already crossed the line when you forced me to dance.” He joked. “Besides, I think we’ve both waited long enough for this moment.” His voice was hushed and gravelly and Stars, sexy as it rumbled into your ear. You turned until you felt his lips were hovering over yours in the darkness, the mattress creaking as you did so.
“You didn’t seem to think that way earlier.” You mumbled, a fat smirk on your face as you teased him. He sunk himself closer to you and you swore you felt his lips brush against yours for a second.
“Nobody needs to know,” He whispered. A moment of silence passed before he dove his lips into yours, drawing out a small sound of surprise from you. You felt his forearm come down beside your head and he let out the tiniest of groans. You knew this was coming judging by your previous dialogue, but you were still in shock. For a moment, you seemed to be dead weight as Obi Wan crawled on top of you. The only thing that moved was your lips against his until realization finally kicked in.
It started with your hands, which rose up swiftly to grab the sides of his face. His beard felt scratchy beneath your fingers in the best way as you hooked your legs around his waist. You had always wanted to touch him like this, to feel and move with him as your mouths were connected and one was on top of the other. It was something you could only fantasize about for the longest time until you had to tell yourself it was never going to happen. But now, it was happening.
His lips were as soft and welcoming as the pillows beneath your head as he kissed you. It was deep and passionate and almost aggressive, and that alone confirmed to you that Kenobi wanted you just as much as you wanted him. 
Following your hands came your tongue as you pressed it between his lips gently, silently asking for entrance into the warm cave of his mouth. He granted permission and you felt his hand entangle in your hair when your tongues met. You sat up slightly, pushing yourself into him further as you dragged your teeth across the pink valley of his bottom lip. The grip nestled in your hair tightened in reaction and you giggled softly into him.
He tasted of fresh mint, and you found yourself wondering if he had brushed his teeth mere moments before this. He was dominating and absolutely thrilling as he rolled over, allowing you to straddle his waist and dip your chin down to his neck to leave a series of pecks down his flesh.
“Someone’s eager,” he commented, and in response you bit down slightly into his skin. He made a small startled noise in response before chuckling, abruptly flipping you onto your back. He left you breathless as his lips collided into yours again, and he groaned when you arched into him. His hands were absolutely everywhere. They ran from your jaw to your neck and then down to your forearms, back up to your shoulders and down to your breasts, down to your waist to grab at your hips...seemingly all at once.
He squeezed his fingers into the meat of your thighs and you groaned, raking your own through his hair. You felt like his touch was all you needed as your tongue slid against his. 
Darkness still engulfed the two of you. Obi Wan’s skin was on fire when he caressed you, the heat between your legs was set ablaze as he dipped his chin down, his lips traveling down your neck slowly. You wanted to see him, his face when he looked down at you, his blue eyes clouded with lust. You wanted to look into his eyes and absolutely moan his name, you wanted to -
Obi Wan’s lips left your skin just above the hem of your shirt. He paused for a moment, holding himself before you and panting. “What is it?” You asked.
“Take off your clothes.” He commanded. You felt him lean to the side and squinted when the lamp was switched on. You didn’t respond as your eyes adjusted to the light, you only peered at him rather dumbly. You watched when he dragged his tongue across his lower lip. His eyelids looked heavy when he stared down at you.
“Did I stutter?” He asked. Your heart picked up pace and you grinned when you grabbed the neckline of his robes and yanked him forward.
“Why don’t you take it off for me?” You mumbled, blinking innocently. You felt your wrists fly above your head, elbows bent slightly as they tied together under an invisible grasp. You were confused for a moment as the general began to run his hands underneath your shirt, caressing your sides and traveling over your breasts briefly. It took a moment before it finally dawned on you that he was using the Force as your restraint.
He slid the fabric up ever so slowly and stared at your stomach when it was slowly revealed. He continued, his big warm hands sliding up your skin and pausing just as your breasts were revealed. He murmured something inaudible before tightening his grip around your waist and pulling you down on the mattress so his lips were level with your nipples. You moaned quietly, biting your lip as he began to kiss them. Your cunt was throbbing at this point and the muscles in your arms grew tired from being in such an unfamiliar position. You shut your eyes, but all at once the sensation on your breasts was removed as Obi Wan straightened his posture and finished ripping off your shirt. It came over your head quickly and was tossed to the side as if it were nothing.
“Can I have my hands back?” You giggled, breathless as he gazed at you.
He left soft, sweet kisses on the inside of your arms, his eyes twinkling as he had you paralyzed by the Force. “Not yet.” He said, and you didn’t have time to read the expression on your face before his lips were on your breasts again. You pushed your hips up against his chest as he continued, whining as he bit down gently onto your nipples. His lips descended down the center of your stomach, leaving slow, wet kisses on your skin before pausing just above the waistline of your pants. His blue eyes finally blinked up at you, and he was smirking.
Your cunt was throbbing so damn hard you wondered if he could feel it at this point. “Please,” You breathed. “I want to touch you.”
“Not yet,” Obi Wan repeated before curling his fingertips around the hem of the fabric and dragging it down your thighs.
“This...isn’t fair.” You grunted as you tried to pull your wrists from their restraint. It was no use, it felt like your arms were paralyzed in this position. Your pajama pants were now being thrown to the side just as your shirt was, and the general was leaving small pecks up the length of your legs whilst holding strong eye contact.
“Please, general - “ your cunt felt like it was on fire when he lifted his chin to look at you.
“Did you...seriously just call me ‘general’ in this setting?” He paused, chuckling.
“Well, I - “ you were flustered and frustrated at this point. “I don’t know, what should I call you?!” You had snapped. He only grinned with a shrug before he continued, pulling at your skin with his teeth. 
He dug his fingers into your sides, and in between slow kisses, he said, “Doesn’t matter...whatever feels...most...comfortable.”
You thought about it for a moment. Yeah, you supposed referring to him as General Kenobi was a bit strange as he was actively stripping you of your clothing. But it still didn’t feel right calling him Obi Wan, either. You weren’t sure why.
Your wrists were finally released as his lips reached the corner of your inner thigh just below your flaming heat. Your panties still hugged your hips when Kenobi glanced up at you, seeming like he had forgotten to hold your arms in place.
Without giving him any chance of reaction, you slid out from under him and pounced on him like a fucking animal. You giggled and he shared your smile as you sat on him and began to rid him of his robes.
Once they were off and you finally got to shower every possible centimeter of his skin with kisses, but he was quick to flip you back over so you were trapped beneath him again. You struggled to get atop of him with a grunt, but it was useless. He was already pinning your wrists to the sheets again and barricading you with his own weight. 
“Behave.” Again, his voice rumbled right into your ear, hot and thick as he nipped at your earlobe. In response you arched your back into him and whined, digging your fingernails into his back.
“Let me touch you - “ you grunted. “I want to...to make you feel good. I can make you feel so good, Master.” You moaned, letting the words fall from your mouth without even a second thought. In an instant, his fingers were around your chin and you were being forced to look into his pretty eyes.
“What did you call me?” He asked.
You giggled. “You heard me.” 
A minute went by before he moved his hand from your chin downwards, slowly tightening around your neck. “Say it again.” You smiled and tilted your head back, shutting your eyes and moaning the word again.
He let out a sound similar to a growl before he rolled over, positioning yourself on top of his lap. You could feel his large erection beneath you, and it was in the perfect spot as you rolled your hips forward and crouched down, allowing your lips to meet his.
He kissed you aggressively, placed one hand on the back of your head and forced you into him while the other snaked underneath the fabric of your panties, finding your clit almost instantly. You whimpered against his lips and continued to grind against his cock before using your own hands to remove yourself from the barricading fabric. 
You were so desperate to feel him inside of you. He grabbed your chin again and forced your lips to part, staring at you with dark eyes and a wicked grin as he pressed the pad of his thumb to your lower lip. “So desperate for it, aren’t you?” He mumbled. 
You huffed and tossed your underwear to the side before pressing your lips against his ear and murmuring, “Can you feel how wet I am for you, Master?”
He grunted and moved his hands to your hips, forcing them down onto his cock. You rocked them forward, letting the tip slide over your clit and through your slick folds with a moan. Fuck, this felt good. You lapped at his earlobe and giggled before continuing. “Just imagine how good it’ll feel when you put it in, so warm and wet and tight - “
“You’ll want to shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work.” He growled, and a wild grin spread over your face before you positioned him below your entrance. 
You took him in slowly with a long moan and straightened you back, your breasts high and prominent for him to see. “Fuck,” you moaned. Your eyebrows furrowed as he filled you up.
Obi Wan grunted. “Stars, can’t you go any quicker?” He was frustrated as you giggled again.
“I think this feels fucking good.” You moaned again. “Your cock is so - “ you were cut off by his hand on your throat, forcing him down to his own face. He didn’t say anything, just silently forced your lips against his. It made you lose control of your pace, plunging down onto his entire length at once, drawing moans from both of you as you kissed.
“That’s better.” He mumbled against you. “Now do it again.”
You brought your hips up once more and slithered your tongue into his mouth, allowing them to fall back down, your cunt swallowing him whole in one stroke. Just as you started to kiss his neck again, you were flipped onto your back for what felt like the thousandth time.
“Would you just let me - “ The familiar grip on your chin cut you off, and your eyes were forced into his. With his other hand, he brought your knees to your chest and positioned himself at your entrance. He absolutely rammed himself inside of you without any issues, and your eyes widened when you gasped. 
“I thought...I told you...to behave.” Obi Wan grunted in between his thrusts. Your fingers found their grip in the sheets beside you. Your back arched and you moaned while he pumped himself in and out of your wet cunt.
“If this is what I get for misbehaving…” you panted, tears pricking at your eyes from them being shut so tight. “...then I guess I’ll have to do it more often.”
General Kenobi let out a low groan as he continued thrusting into you, remaining his quick, hard rhythm. Your eyes met his as the two of you moaned, and his hand found its way back into the roots of your hair as he muttered, “Say it.”
“Master,” you mewled as he tugged on your hair, his cock hitting the perfect spot as he thrusted into you. “Master, your cock feels so good - “ his thumb was on your lip again when he interrupted you.
“Such filthy words coming from this pretty little face,” he murmured. “You like being dirty, don’t you? You enjoy being choked when you misbehave, hmm?”
You didn’t respond, your eyebrows only curved up when you moaned. His hips rolled forward and his cock was still sliding in and out of your folds. “Answer me,” he demanded.
“Yes,” you breathed. “Yes, Master.” Your hand released its grip on the sheets and traveled down in between your legs to gently play with your clit, but Obi Wan stopped you, removing your wrist sharply.
“If you want it, beg for it.” He said slowly.
“Fuck,” you gasped. “Please play with it - Master, please just touch my clit and…” you trailed off with whine as you felt his thumb slowly circling around it, agonizingly slow and so, so hot. You whimpered and rolled your head back into the pillow, tangling your hair against the cotton.
“Does that feel good, darling? Tell me how it feels.”
“Yes, fuck, it feels so good,” You panted, your eyes squeezing shut again. “It feels so fucking good, I might...I might cum,” you continued in between whimpers and moans. “Master - please let me cum.”
“Good girl.” He rasped before removing his thumb completely. You let out a sob as he pulled his length out from you, watching as he began to stroke himself when he lowered his head between your legs. “Such a good girl, asking for my permission.” He murmured before sliding his tongue up your heat ever so slowly, stopping at your clit to circle around it.
You whined, bucking your hips against him, grinding on his face as you babbled. “Fuck...this feels so good, your tongue, shit, I want your cock again - “
“You’ll have to wait for it,” he mumbled against you. Whining, you sat up and propped yourself on your elbows as you panted. You were a mess, and you continued to plead with him until he had enough of it and grabbed you by your shoulders. He forced you onto the floor, sitting on your knees as he sat on the mattress in front of you.
“If you won’t shut your mouth, I’ll just have to do it for you.” He muttered before pushing your head down onto his large cock. You let out a satisfied moan and made sure he was staring at you, remaining eye contact. You lifted a hand to stroke the base as your tongue swirled slowly around the tip, bobbing your head back and forth steadily.
Obi Wan moaned and shut his eyes. “Stars.” He murmured.
You released the tip with an audible pop, allowing a string of drool to fall from the edge of your lower lip. “It feels good, doesn’t it Master?” You planted your tongue to the base of his shaft and slooooowly dragged it up prior to rolling it over the tip and taking him into your mouth again. His breath hitched in his throat.
“You’re so filthy, do you know that? You’re so...good at this, you must have...had - practice...Stars, pretty girl...how are you so good at this?” He mumbled, grunting and moaning between the words that spilled from his mouth.
Again, his shaft left your mouth and you spit on your palm before using it to stroke him up and down. You blinked at him all innocent and doe-like. “I like it when you talk to me like that. Will you cum on my face, Master?”
Obi Wan blinked and grunted, thrusting his hips up into your palm. “You’re obscene.”
“But you like it, don’t you?” You planted a kiss on his tip before gliding your hands along his thighs and rising to your feet. You leaned forward and lifted his chin using your index and middle finger, smiling. “You like seeing me like this. You like making me your dirty little slut, don’t you, Master?” You blinked again and smiled sweetly before swinging your leg around his lap, straddling him.
He was absolutely mesmerized. “Don’t give me that look.”
You did it again, smiled softly. “Or what?” You challenged.
Just as your cunt was about to swallow his length again, you were thrown onto your back strongly and the general’s hand was once again tightened around your neck. His lips were on your ear and his fingers were dancing around your clit as he rammed himself inside of you. Your eyes filled with tears when you cried out, savoring the sudden sensations engulfing you. You moaned, feeling your voice vibrate against his hand.
“I like punishing you, you know.” His voice was low, and you moaned as he licked your ear. “You’re such a good girl when you want to be.”
“This isn’t...much of a punishment.” You grunted. He bit down onto your earlobe and you whimpered.
“Oh, we haven’t gotten to that part yet.” He rasped into your ear. His pace quickened and his fingers felt glorious against your clit. Your movements synced with his perfectly. You could feel yourself quickly approaching your climax as he kissed the skin on your neck, hitting all the perfect places when he pumped into you. It was as if he knew exactly what you wanted and how you wanted it.
You felt yourself caving in and desire dripped from your tongue as you moaned, “I’m gonna cum.” Just as the words fell, everything stopped. Obi Wan’s fingers and his cock left your cunt all at once, and you let out a cry just before his eyes met yours.
“Like I said before,” his lips brushed against your own as he purred into your mouth. “We hadn’t gotten there yet.”
You already had come down almost completely from your previous euphoric state when his fingers glided inside of you. You writhed and moaned under his touch and Stars, this man sure knew who to put his hands to work. When he lowered his lips back down to your clit, you thought you would just about lose your mind. “Fuck.” You moaned. “Please, Master. Let me finish.” You pleaded.
“Quiet.” He muttered before continuing. You obeyed and only continued to moan under his force, biting your lip and rocking your hips against his face as he pleasured you. His free hand slithered up your body and intertwined his fingers with your own as he worked in between your legs. You squeezed his hand so hard that you thought it would just about snap off. Obi Wan finally paused, blinking up at you from in between your legs.
“Are you going to behave now, darling?” He asked, still slowly working his fingers in and out of your cunt as he spoke. You nodded quickly.
“Say it.”
“Y-yes. I’m going to behave, I-I’ll be a good girl for you.” You said then added, “Master.” The general chuckled before instructing you to get on your elbows and knees, to which you obliged and rested your front end onto a cushy pillow. You arched your back, ass raised, and giggled when you received a slap on your ass before Kenobi positioned himself.
He grabbed at and pulled your hair, raising your head so you could see him out of the corner of your eye. He planted a kiss onto your temple before murmuring, 
“Pretty, pretty girl.”
Then, he rammed into you so hard and unexpectedly that you gasp and cry out his name. He clearly doesn’t catch it, and you shut your eyes as a single tear falls, continuing to cry out and whimper beneath him. Fuck, it’s amazing, and it’s everything you had ever fantasized it would be. You swear you see stars as he continues, pumping in and out of you again, again, and again...this position seems so much better than before, you thought. His grip is so tight on your hips that you think it may leave bruises, but hell, you love it. You want him to leave marks on you.
You think of all the times before that were filled with nothing but harmless flirting and charm. Now, everything will be different. You giggled at the thought of changing in the morning and seeing the bruises he left on your skin. You could feel yourself approaching your climax just at the thought of knowing that in this moment, you were his.
You almost didn’t want it to end, but you were so desperate to finish after having it ripped from you at the very edge. You were sweating, panting, and groaning the word “Master,” over and over again. “I’m gonna cum,” you said heavily.
“Go ahead.” Obi Wan seemed to gasp. Another tear fell down your cheek and you cried out louder than ever before as you crashed down onto him, all around him, everywhere. Absolutely fucking everywhere, and if it weren’t for the Jedi’s weight holding you up, you would’ve collapsed down into the mattress already. It hit like a fucking train wreck, and he remained his steady pace as your walls closed in onto his cock. You assumed he could feel your shaking, and when your breath heaved in and out of your lungs as you slumped against the pillow beneath you, you smiled a lazy smile.
The sound of Obi Wan Kenobi grunting and letting out a long, high-pitched moan as he came undone inside of you was just about the sexiest thing in the entire galaxy. He collided into the bed beside you, panting as he stared at the ceiling. You finally allowed your hips to fall and rested on your stomach, you head turned to face him. Beads of sweat rolled across his skin when he looked at you, and your thighs still quivered against the sheets.
He dragged two of his fingers softly underneath your chin. “Beautiful,” was all he could make out as he huffed beside you. You shut your eyes, that lazy smile still plastered to your face.
“Do you...think anybody heard us?” You asked, opening your eyes again. You gazed over his beard and his strong features as he peered at you.
“Oh, without a doubt.” He began to chuckle.
“Whoops.” You giggled. He rolled over and pressed his lips to yours briefly before responding.
“If I’m being honest, I really couldn’t care any less.” His voice was husky when he smiled as you pulled him back down, kissing him again and again until you fell asleep in your blissful state.
Tags: @ifvckedurmom @thingsistan​ @lizajane3​ 
-please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist! I’m new to tumblr and everything to I don’t know who to add and stuff LMFAO so just let me know! <3
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deobitchxx · 3 years
synopsis: the jealousy in your boyfriend led to an unexpected sex warning(s): filth smut ig?? degradation, slight slapping, chocking, breeding, multiple orgasms and overstimulation to the point y/n squirted so minors kindly dni! <3 prompt(s): 83 - it's sir, understood? 88 - be quiet or i have no choices but let them know what a whore you are underneath me 89 - do you have fun teasing the shit out of me? notes: i get too carried on with the plot thus leading it to be quite long than usual </3 my apologies
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it was unprofessional of him to behave like this. to be precise, was it even your fault to begin with? it was your job as an idol and you can’t just say no to your manager. you needed the money and you were sure you could gain more popularity by accepting the commercial. it was quite new for a rising idol to be modelling for a lingerie company, but you were proud with your body proportions. plus, the thoughts of money flowing into your bank account can’t bring the smile on your face away. however, you weren’t informed that you’ll have a co-model for the month of promotion. you were shocked once you saw the quite provocative images by the side, the team expected you to pose equally the same or at least giving such vibes with your fellow co-worker. a male voice appeared as you turned to face the owner of the voice, seeing lee sangyeon, the leader of your boyfriend’s group. it was definitely an awkward situation for both of you, especially when sangyeon often saw you hanging around in their dorm during your leisure time. it was too late for both of you to back out and you knew it would only cause an unnecessary scene, leading to a heavy dark weird atmosphere in the studio. therefore, both of you decided to put all the thoughts behind and posed for the camera professionally.
you didn’t dare to bring the issue to your boyfriend, afraid that he would feel weird or distance himself with his leader. that’s the least you want since their group was busy preparing for their comeback. though both of you had busy schedules, there wouldn’t be a time where both of you would empty your time just to meet even though it was only for a few minutes. strangely, both of you had free time during the weekend. your company decided to give you a break during the weekend after your hard work during the weekdays while for your boyfriend, juyeon, the company decided not to pressure them too much. they gave them ample time to rest during the weekends though they still have to practise for plenty of hours. well, better than nothing right? juyeon appreciated everything the company gave to him, thus leading both of you to cuddle in his room. thanks to their recent success, the company managed to provide a new dorm for the members for their own comforts and some chose to have their own rooms while some choose to be roommates with their own members. for juyeon, he preferred being alone and since it was hard for idols to go out for dates, both of you often have your dates in his room. he wasn’t alone to begin with, some members apparently bring their significant others to their dorm too and they planned a conspiracy to not tell their managers. 
“how’s your week going?” his voice was so soothing, it almost brought you to sleep but you didn’t want to waste your free time with him sleeping. being in his arms as he cuddled you on his bed, you snuggled closer to his muscular body, getting a little bit comfortable under the huge comforter. the netflix show that was playing through the projector spontaneously became a music background, both of you weren’t paying much attention to what's showing since it was re-watched for the fifth time. since your arms were wrapping around his waist, you were drawing a circle on the naked skin, defining his packs. “nothing new, just as usual. how about yours? how was the preparation going?” it was your turn to ask him, looking up to face the beloved man in your life. with his right arm under your neck, casually landing his hand on your shoulder, he pulled you closer while rubbing your skin, “tired and stressed. preparing for a comeback would always be so bittersweet.” you nodded, understanding the feeling damn too well since you are an active idol too. “sangyeon leads us very well, i’m glad he’s the leader.” juyeon added, the day of you having a photoshoot with him suddenly flashed in your mind. starting to feel anxious, you fiddled with your fingers and the taller one noticed it. “something wrong?” 
“promise that you won’t get angry.” the doe eyes started to play its role, making juyeon soften by your expression as he gently caressed your hair, tucking them behind your ear before touching your ear. “i won’t promise, but i’ll try my best.” that’s what you like about juyeon. he wasn’t a good liar, nor good at being straight-forward but he’ll always choose the right words to not hurt you. exhaling the breath you didn’t know you held in, you cross-sitting on the mattress, leading the other to sit too while leaning his back against the bed frame. unlocking your phone and immediately going to the gallery, you showed him a few pictures from the previous photoshoot with sangyeon. “the lingerie company i’m currently modelling in just told me that i’ll be working with sangyeon starting from this month's promotion. i didn’t know about it, nor was it mentioned in the contract. both of us were informed right when we arrived at the destination.” you finally confessed the long ago things you’d been wanting to tell him, hoping he won’t be angry for the sudden confession. “i didn’t want to tell you yet because you were busy with your comeback. i didn’t want to make you more stressed, let alone having the intention to make you feel bad..” you bit your lips, head down as your eyes glued to your legs, suddenly found your legs attractive to look on. you expect for a disappointed sigh or the sudden raise in his voice, but instead you earned a chuckle from your boyfriend. 
looking up to face his reaction, it was true that he wasn’t showing any bad feedback at all. he rather gave you a smile before patting his lap and being the obedient girlfriend you are, you wasted no time in climbing to his lap.  “do you think i would get angry at this?” you nodded, earning another chuckle from him as his hands went to grab your chin, the sudden grasp startled you and he forced you to face him. “well you guessed it right. what gave you the right to think that i won’t be angry?” his fingers slowly tracing down to your collarbone, sensually touching them before landing his fingers on each side of your neck. “did you have fun doing the photoshoot with my leader?” you shook your head as a no, reducing the intake of oxygen as he pressed the sides tighter. it can’t be denied, angry and jealous juyeon is one of your favourite genres. “cat got your tongue?” he lowered a few octaves as you shook your head again, “n-no..” his other hand straight went to cup one of your breasts, earning a choked moan from his girlfriend. “i was already mad enough to know that you are modelling for a lingerie company but having sangyeon as your partner? that’s fucking pathetic.” he soon added, “whores like you sure like to play with my friends huh.” 
the sudden flip made you gasped, his strength never failed to impress you as he topped you, lips crashing with yours while fingers ripping every clothes of yours. as soon as your body was only covered by your undergarments, his lips went down to your neck, tongue casually covering your skin with his saliva. “fucking mad that you would agree with such stupid photoshoot,” he groaned against your skin, unclasping your bra to free your boobs and teeth sinked to one of your buds. “f-fuck juyeon-” “it’s sir, understood?” you nodded your head, so close to grip his hair but his hand was quick enough to pin your wrists on your head. “did i allow you to touch me? fucking needy slut who can’t keep her hands.” the pathetic whimpers that escaped from your lips produced beautiful melodies to juyeon’s ears, circling his tongue around your aroused nipples. the way he sucked into your nipples were quite hard to the point you were thinking if milk would suddenly come out but you knew it was impossible since you weren’t pregnant yet. after paying much attention to both of your breasts, his other hand cupped each of them, not wanting to leave it untouched while going south, facing your clothed cunt. letting out a sharp and loud moan, his hands now held your thighs, preventing you from moving much. 
“be quiet or i have no choice but let them know what a whore you are underneath me.” juyeon growled and you nodded, biting your lips from letting out another embarrassing moan. teeth holding onto the band of your panty, he slid it off and threw it somewhere around his room. the sudden emptiness made you whimper, blurting out incoherent words which juyeon assumed you wanted something to be done with your pussy. it was helplessly wet and you were too horny for a foreplay, but you knew you weren’t in control- especially when the angry juyeon was in between your legs. flicking his tongue against your folds, you held in the moan though you were sure soft moans managed to escape, hands gripping the bed sheet tightly. the sounds of your mewl began to reflect the whole room, whoever passing by juyeon’s room would surely knew what both of you were up for. “p-please..” you shook your head erratically, not wanting to get teased by the man beneath you but instead earning a cold silence as he slowly moved his tongue on your clit. “mmmff-” the bite on your lower lips got harsher, your fingers were finding anything that was impossible to hold onto. “sir please, no m-more mmmh,” you rolled your eyes to the back in sudden ecstasy as he left a long lick on your clit. maybe you were too horny or you were sex deprived, the liquid on his face maybe could explain it. 
“wow,” juyeon smirked, wiping the cum on his face with his thumb and licking it, looking up to face you as you were trying to easen your breath. “were you too fucking horny? i barely touch you,” the uneven breath responded to him, you can’t even form a proper sentence to the dominant one. “but above all of them, you came without my permission.” his tone got deeper as he reached for your neck, causing you to choke at the sudden grab. “and you know what sluts like you should do, right?” nodding your head off, switching your position as he now sat on the bed and you were in between his legs. “suck.” he demanded after you struggled taking his shorts off, greeted by the proudly standing wood right in-front of your face. licking the veins that stood out angrily as you pushed the tip into your mouth, slightly gagging at the sudden growth. you were taking too long and it wasn’t exactly what juyeon needed so he held your hair in a ponytail, pushing your mouth to the base and thrusting his hips up, causing you to gag. juyeon often informed you about the safe words and taps if it was getting overwhelming to you and since he didn’t receive any of them yet, he kept on forcing your mouth to his root, letting out a satisfied grunt by the warmth of your mouth. you knew that it was one of his favourite things in sex, well you liked it too, having his huge dick in your mouth. you preferred it more when he gets rough to you and that’s what exactly you got from him. 
bobbing your head according to the rhythm the latter just set to you, closing his eyes as his climax reaching soon. noticing it, popping out with the sound of ‘pop’ before circling your mouth around his tip with your fingers playing with his balls, dangerously close to his hole, deciding to tease him a bit and that would be the worst thing you ever chose to do on that day. tightening the grip on your hair as he yanked you off from his dick, forcing you to face him. “do you have fun teasing the shit out of me? do you think it’s cute to tease me?” you shook your head as a no but only to be responded with a slap on your cheek and hell, that fucking turned you on. “answer me, whore.” “n-no.” “no what?” the overwhelming pleasure was too much for you, pressing your legs tightly as the knot in your stomach was appearing again. “no s-s-sir.” a cheeky smirk could be heard afterwards as he threw you on the bed, hand still on your neck while the other reached to his dick, lining it up to your vaginal hole. “sluts like you should be put into their places back.” 
the sudden thrust into your hole caused you to let out another choked moan as he wasted no time in thrusting his hips against yours, the slapping sounds against wet skins were too obvious to be hidden anymore. following with your pathetic whimpers and sobs, you would have a hard time to face his teammates soon. knocking the breath out from you as he bottomed out, pulling out only to be slamming back into the tight hole of yours. the increase in speed led to another embarrassing moans of yours, incoherent words started to blurt out and the bed cracking against the wall surely left nightmares to whoever was in the dorm. “s-sir, s-sir mmmf sir please,” juyeon somehow managed to catch on what you were saying, raising an eyebrow as his hand went up to caress your hair gently, totally contrasting to the thrusts of his hips. “please what, kitten?” “anything s-sir, any-mmf fuck anything sir. just wanted to c-come,” the tears on the corner of your lips were getting clearer, the pleasures he gave to you were inexplicably good. “then come.” managed to get permission from your boyfriend, back arched as tears fell down, you screamed out loud as soon as you released, giving no fucks that he was still living with his members and some of them were probably having their rests in their own rooms. 
the pretty moan escaping from your lips was soon muffled as his lips caught yours, hips still not stopping from thrusting into you as it got impossibly faster and deeper. you swore you could see the bulge in your stomach and fuck, that made you wet again. “gonna cum in you,” juyeon whispered against your lips as soon as both of you parted off, the thought of breeding you making him insanely turned on and it could be proven by the changes in thrusts. “would you like that?” he asked as you once again nodded erratically, moaning a ‘please’ causing him to smirk, “of course, sluts like you should be breeded.” soon followed by him cumming into you as you could feel the long and thick ropes filling you up. you too were turned on by the thought of getting breeded, not realising that you just squirted on his dick. finishing riding his orgasm out in your hole, juyeon slowly pulled his dick off only to watch some of his cum dripping down to your thighs. the combination of your squirt and his cum on your thighs were putting him over the edge as he leaned in to lap the liquid off, earning a whimper from you as you grip his hairs, shaking your head. “t-too much. too much sir,” you squirmed but he ignored you and that caused you to have your orgasm for the fourth time. 
“good girl, my good girl.” juyeon praised you, giving endless pecks on your lips and forehead, “you did so well for me, princess.” ignoring the mess right in-front of them, he pulled you into a hug, pecking the crown of your head as you snuggled closer to him, finding no strength in moving at all. “did i went too harsh on you?” you shook your head as a no, wrapping your arms tighter around his well-defined waist and rested your head on his chest. “i’m sorry if i did, i got too carried away with my jealousy.” “it’s fine, juyeon. in fact, i like it.” you looked up to him and assured him with a peck on his cheek, responding to his smile. “next time, don’t hesitate to tell me if things like these happen again, okay? i promise i won’t be mad- at least, not like this. plus, you looked too hot for the shoot, guess i was too aroused by it.” you giggled at his sudden confession and nodded, pulling him closer to your body. “i love you.” “i love you too, my princess,” said your boyfriend as he pecked the top of your head again before putting both of you to a quick nap.
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idv-sunsxin3 · 3 years
Hello! Is it possible to request some Aesop Carl hcs with a mute (by choice) s/o? Preferible male, but I don't mind if it's g/n. I hope this ain't too weird–
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Aesop Carl with Selectively Mute! S/O
Header via Identity V Official JP Twitter
Gender Neutral! S/O
Aesop was always alright with you choosing to be mute.
He wouldn’t force anyone to not speak.
The fact that he didn’t like talking and preferred more the silence doesn’t count as a reason to him.
He almost jumped out of surprise if you have the habits to silently approach a person from behind- but he wouldn’t blame you…-
He would do that unintentionally as well to other survivors. X’D
You both would be the kind of couple who would silently watch other people behind the scenes-
At first, it may be a little complicated to communicate with each other-
Aesop cherished the chemistry between you and him, but the problem was that couples must have some communication in order to work certain things out together.
Such as how would Aesop know what do you need help with, specifically?
Aesop was not the type to invest his time on assignments that didn’t consist in embalming, but he would try to learn more communication methods for the mute during his breaks. Like the writing system Braille or sign language.
Of course, he would learn the basics first for important occasions and then learn the rest in baby steps-
That way, he would be able to maintain good contact with you during matches.
After years of being with you and learning more silent interaction tips, you both quite made some codes that you both only know.
You both would glance at each other, and Aesop would immediately know what you need after a second.
Studying your facial expressions and reactions over the years helped him learn to observe what things you seem to like and what are the things you dislike.
Both of you were very quiet people, so is a double trouble that your teammates may have issues with communication sometimes.
There were times Aesop wanted to know when a hunter is chasing you, so you both came up with idea of you bringing a whistle around your neck. That way, he may know where you are if you get chased by the hunter-
If you’re not far, he may try to approach and record your appearance before giving you the coffin when is an emergency.
He wasn’t able to Interact smoothly with many people yet, but he would help you as someone who speaks for you to people he feels alright to talk to, like Eli and Emily.
Y/N // *taps table 1 time softly*
Aesop// *notices it and holds your hand carefully*
Aesop// D-Dr. Emily..?
Emily// Yes, Aesop?
Aesop// Y/N would like to borrow a bandaid, they accidentally made a cut on their finger…
Emily// I see- at least is not serious! Give me a moment, I’ll come back with the bandaid.
Though, there are times when he just feels so done and would have the audacity to roast a loud, annoying person for you.
Y/N //… *taps table 3 times slowly*
Aesop// *notices it*
Aesop// Mr. Valden…
Edgar// ? ‘-‘
Aesop// Please, lower your voice…?
Aesop// You’re being unnecessarily loud around some people-
Edgar// *sweatdrops*
One of Aesop’s love languages was having a quiet, lovely moment with his beloved. There was no need to exchange words.
Having you sit next to him in a wooden bench, as you watch the flower petals fall was more than enough for him.
As a person who was mute by choice, you may be part of a friend group with Helena and Victor-
And Aesop may or may not get jealous of Victor when seeing you both writing quick, friendly messages to each other.
But if you’re not oblivious, don’t tease him please- he merely feels insecure that you may leave for someone who can become a better man unlike him…
To cheer him up, you can comfort him by giving gentle pats on his back and lean gently on his shoulder. Not to the point where he feels nervous by weight pressure.
He rarely asked a lot from you, but deep inside, he craved to hear your voice in his ear… he even wondered how would it sound like-
But if he heard your voice before, it still made him want to hear you more-
If you are not secure to talk to him, that’s alright to him! He won’t push you. qwq
At least write something sweet for him instead of using your voice, It will made his day greatly! uwu
Give Aesop some sincere words through letters that you will and always love him. Just like how he often gives you yellow roses as a way to tell he loves you,,, 🥺💕
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rocorambles · 3 years
Ok what about a tsundere reader (preferably male but if you don’t do male then females fine!) with yandere Oikawa, yandere Iwaizumi, yandere Matsukawa & yandere Hanamaki? Maybe (if male) their darling is on the team or something? Noncon maybe?
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Being on a sports team full of yandere teammates??? Easily one of the worst scenarios to be in. And a tsundere male on top of that who pretends he hates them, pretends he doesn’t return any of their interest? He’s just asking for trouble because Oikawa can sniff out that lie in a matter of seconds. 
Warnings: Yandere, NSFW, Non-Con/Dub-Con, Stockholm Syndrome/Mind Break, Humiliation, Anal DP, Overstimulation
You love volleyball, love the sound of sneakers skidding on the court, love the satisfying thud of a ball connecting with skin, love the view of a ball arching over the net. And you remember when you had once loved your team. 
In all fairness, you still love your underclassmen, love mentoring Kindaichi and Yahaba, love teasing Kunimi and Kyoutani. But when they’re gone, off to their respective homes, you only know apprehension and disgust. Although you don’t know who that disgust is aimed at...your fellow third-years? Yourself? Both? 
You know that whatever the five of you have isn’t healthy, finding false comfort in at least putting up a front of anger and irritation whenever Oikawa’s hand finds its way on your ass, whenever Iwaizumi slams you up against a locker, whenever Matsukawa insists on washing you off in the shower, whenever Hanamaki drapes his lean figure over yours. But Oikawa’s always been eerily observant and you know he doesn’t miss the way moans threaten to slip past your lips, the way there’s no real bite behind your half-hearted shoves, the way you find yourself more often than not so conveniently left alone with the four of them.  
And today’s no exception as you purposefully slow down packing your bag, cheerfully waving off your underclassmen, body instinctively tensing when the last of them step out of the locker room, the resounding click of the door echoing in their wake. 
Not a moment too soon as a chin hooks over your shoulder, Hanamaki’s hands tightly gripping your hips, his teeth playfully tugging on your earlobe. But before you can dig your elbow into his guts and snarl at him to leave you alone, another body towers in front of you and you nervously swallow as Matsukawa smirks down at you, his fingers pulling at the hem of your shirt, easily stripping you in practiced movements as his friend holds you still. 
“Time to shower.”
It’s a well-rehearsed play, your struggle and rejections, their forcefulness and coercion. But it always ends the same way and you sob as Hanamaki’s fingers meanly twist your nipples, one of Matsukawa’s digits lodged knuckle deep into your tight ass, Oikawa and Iwaizumi watching from the sidelines, towels hardly covering their interest as you see their generous bulges from underneath the fabric. 
But then you’re moaning, hands clutching onto Hanamaki’s shoulders for balance as Matsukawa brushes against that spot inside of you that has you seeing stars and all four of them laugh as your cock twitches in interest, your hips rutting into Hanamaki’s hand as he casually palms your growing erection. 
“All those mean and nasty words and for what? At least your body is honest.” 
Oikawa always prefers to sit back and let his teammates have their fun with you first, spouting some bullshit about how being a good captain is about delaying his own gratification. But in all honesty, you think he just gets off to your demise, to the way the other three take you apart, to the humiliation and broken despair on your face as you submit to your inner desires. And you glare at him as his sickeningly sweet voice echoes in the room. 
But you don’t have time to focus on other things and your head snaps back as you’re forced to your knees, squealing as the water still rains down on your head, almost drowning you as Hanamaki shoves his cock into your mouth. It’s hard to breathe, hard to think of anything other than the steady stream drenching your face, the way your mouth and throat are stretched around the obtrusive object, the way Matsukawa’s blunt head is beginning to push against your stretched out hole. Yet you’re grateful for the water, grateful that the sound of drops pattering against the tiled floors tune out Hanamaki’s moans, the slick sound of both your holes being used, Oikawa’s leering voice, and most importantly, your own garbled wanton noises as Matsukawa rails your prostate with deadly accuracy. 
You can feel a crescendo rising inside of you, your nails digging into the palms of your hands as you use every last bit of restraint you have not to touch your own throbbing cock, knowing there would be hell to pay if you do anything without their explicit consent. But you wail in frustration when hot sticky white liquid fills both ends and the two men step away from you, your own cock still bobbing up and down, pre-cum mixing with the water swirling down the drain as you beg and plead to cum, turning imploring eyes to Iwaizumi who looks at you with green eyes full of pity and lust. 
He makes a move towards you and you eagerly present your cream-pied hole, arching your back even more, wiggling your ass enticingly. But before he can touch you, a voice you’ve come to hate lances through the air.
“He has to work for it, Iwa-chan.” 
Dread fills you, but you know what needs to be done and you crawl on all fours to where Oikawa casually sits on one of the locker room benches, obediently kneeling between his legs, panting when he mockingly nudges your painfully hard cock with his foot. 
“That looks pretty painful. I guess I should be a good captain and help you out. Come sit in my lap.” 
And as demeaning as it is to spread your legs on either side of the brunette’s body, your chest pressed against his, your face hiding in the crook of his neck as you lower your fluttering hole onto his cock, you moan as your cock presses against the hard planes of his abdomen, subtly grinding against him like a dog in rut, only stopping when a calloused hand harshly spanks your ass, chiding you about being good and staying still. 
You wait and wait, unsure exactly what you’re waiting for, unsure exactly what Oikawa has in store for you today. But your head shoots up, eyes panickedly making contact with amused chocolate brown orbs when you feel a finger tug at your already stretched out rim, making room besides Oikawa’s cock inside of you. You try to stand up, escape, but it’s impossible when two sets of hands hold down your shoulder, keeping you seated balls deep on your captain’s shaft, and a new wave of tears threaten to spill as Matsukawa and Hanamaki sneer down at your terrified face. 
And so you’re forced to endure as Iwaizumi slips in one finger, two fingers, three fingers, stretching your puckered hole more than it’s ever been, mouth opening in a silent agonized scream as he finally begins to push in alongside his best friend. It feels like forever passes before he finally stops moving and suddenly breathing seems impossible as your mind tries to comprehend the fullness, the pain, the pleasure tearing you apart as your vice captain and captain’s cocks nestle inside of you. 
But then there’s only mind-numbing pleasure as Oikawa reaches down between the two of you, his hand firmly wrapping around your cock, stroking the length as Iwaizumi and him begin to bounce you in his lap, your prostate constantly stimulated by the sheer mass inside of you, Hanamaki and Matsukawa reaching down to tug and tweak your nipples. Your orgasm hits you like a tidal wave and you scream, wail, a crude animalistic sound that only eggs the men on, Oikawa using your cum as lube as he continues to insistently stroke your softening cock, laughing when your pleasure turns to overwhelming pain, tears streaming down your face when you beg them to stop, claiming it’s too much. 
“We don’t allow quitters on our team. There’s no such thing as too much. That just means you need to push yourself harder.” 
And push you they do, breaking past limits you never even thought could be surpassed, breaking your body and mind over and over again, molding you and rebuilding you into their perfect teammate. 
But you can’t find it in yourself to really mind as Iwaizumi gently cleans your cum-covered body, dressing you in your clean change of clothes, and drags you back home, the four of them easily chatting away as if they hadn’t just used you as nothing more than a post-practice stress reliever, only Iwaizumi’s heavy hand on your lower back a reminder of the predicament you’re in. 
You love volleyball. You love Aoba Johsai. You love your underclassmen. And maybe, just maybe, you might feel something for your fellow third-years, you think, as you tuck yourself into Iwaizumi’s side, a finger hooking into the pocket of his team-issued jacket. 
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chillassimagines · 3 years
Press (Nick Mara Smut)
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REQUESTED: Can I request a Nick Mara smut please 😋 loved the one you did before 💗💗💗 after an award show and some interviewers were flirting w her infront of him
The MTV Music Awards show was one that PRETTYMUCH had been anticipating since releasing their newest album. Nick insisted on getting matching clothing to wear on the carpet and coordinating pieces for while you were in the crowd during his performance. You had totally spaced on the idea of paparazzi until you arrived. You had been so focused on your looks, the timeliness of your arrival, Nick’s emotions, and the overall performance that press was the last thing on your mind until you were standing surrounded by them with Nick’s hand on your waist.
“You two look quite cute together this evening, Nick and Y/N.” You both smiled sweetly at the woman interviewing you. Her male counterpart nodded in agreement.
“100 percent agreed, Y/N, you’ve never worn something so well fitted, and it is gracing us on this carpet.” At his statement, you felt a little flustered.
“Thank you so much. When choosing the clothing for tonight, Nick actually tore a piece of the dress in the back. It caught on his jacket zipper, so we had to lower the back a bit further. A lot of self love and preserverance went into this look for tonight. I wanted to make sure I felt confident and that I was naturally comfortable. In short, I agree it is a change of look, but it’s growing on me.” You rambled a little much, which you mentally face palmed for, but you were nervous.
“She’s such a beautiful woman and no amount of clothing would cover that beauty up.” Nick stated, nearly monotone, besides when he called you beautiful. The female interviewer awed.
“Nick, what was the vision behind your looks for the evening?” A smile immediately returned to his face and you noticed.
“We didn’t want to be completely E.T., but we wanted an element that spoke of otherworldliness. Y/N encouraged me to be more comfortable in doing new things in style. Creating a style even.” He gestured to the light galaxy inspired makeup along his hairline. You smiled widely at his statement and it made you feel warm inside.
“She surely knows how to dress and it’s benefited the both of you.” The male interviewer spoke up and Nick’s hand tightened on your waist. Your heart skipped a beat as you can sense his short tempered ticks.
“And at the end of the day, I am here to support Nick, PRETTYMUCH, and make sure everyone makes it home in one piece.” You leaned up and pressed a kiss to Nick’s cheek, hoping to ease his darker feelings. The female laughed at your statement.
“Speaking of PRETTYMUCH, how’s it living with everyone, Y/N?” You laughed and grabbed Nick’s free hand.
“I love Nick and I adore the boys, but we’re moving out as soon as we can. I’ll put it that way.” You spoke jokingly. Nick rubbed his thumb against your hand as a sign of appreciation. You smiled a little more at that.
“Whatever the lady decides.” Nick surrenders. Both the interviewers laugh at that.
“When she’s happy, which she deserves, I can say from experience that it improves quality of life, Nick. Thank you both for speaking with us and everyone at home can catch Nick onstage with the rest of PRETTYMUCH tonight, at the MTV Music Awards.” The male interviewer faces the cameras with his partner, so that’s our cue to move onto other duties of the night.
“Did you hear that prick, guys? Talking about Y/N like that, and I was standing right there!” Nick low key raged when you all came back home and chilled in the living room. You all had decided that the after party wasn’t worth the trouble when they had to be on a plane at 7am.
“He was definitely doing a bit too much with his eyes and less with his mouth.” Zion added fuel to the fire as he sparked up. Nick nodded and threw his hands up.
“Like, the fuck? And she would even try to deflect it and he’d keep coming back. Like catch the fucking hint, bro. Old ass dude too.” Nick grumbled by the end of his ranting. You approached him from behind and gingerly placed your hand on his shoulder.
“Nick, we gotta be up early, babes.” You knelt down and kissed his cheek before standing up straight and waving to the others with your hand. “You all should get some sleep after the big win and amazing performance. It’s only up from here, PM.” You smiled, reminiscing about the nights events after the red carpet. It was truly a success. Nick sighed and stood up, taking your hand in his.
“Goodnight guys, see ya in the morning.” He groaned jokingly before laughing with everyone. They all said their good nights in response before everyone went to their separate rooms. Once inside of your shared room, you were quick to remove your clothing from the night in the bathroom with the door open. That’s what usually happened after a night like this, very routine.
“I take it you didn’t like that guy much either.” Nick grumbled, bringing it back up. You sighed and shook your head.
“You gotta shrug it off, babes. He’s a man we probably won’t see again and if we do, we’ll know his game. Interviewers are meant to be interesting and even stir the pot. Otherwise they wouldn’t exist. I’m not gonna let someone like that bother me and you.” You said stepping out of your heels and grabbing a night robe. You began your night routine.
“So you think he’s interesting?” Nick questioned. You splashed water against your now clean skin and patted it dry.
“No, Nick. I do not think he’s interesting. That’s why I would like to not talk about him anymore. He doesn’t need a spot in our conversations.” You leaned against the bathroom counter with your ready toothbrush in your hand.
“Fine.” He said shortly. You watched as he finally stopped pacing and began taking off his watch. You shook your head and brushed your teeth. After this, you left the bathroom light on and walked into your room to grab a hair tie for bed out of your drawer. “I think he needs a spot in our conversation, babes.” You felt Nick’s presence behind you and you sighed, putting your hair up lazily.
“Nick, it is not that serious-” Nick’s hands abruptly squeezed your ass cheeks, pressing you against your dresser.
“I’m not unreasonable, princess. I enjoy having you go out in clothing you’re comfortable and confident in. Especially when you look good enough to eat. But, the way he was looking and talking to you…princess, you know you’re mine, right?” You mentally groaned, knowing Nick was feeling insecure. Though, you were not even remotely attracted to anyone else but him, he always struggled with that. But you never called it insecure to his face, it was possessive, jealousy, and envy. Because those terms he associated with intimacy.
“Of course I do. And I’ll allow you to keep me for as long as you like.” Your second sentence descended to a lower tone of voice.
“Is that right?” You hummed in agreement and slight excitement. Nothing like a good piping to go to sleep. You encouraged him to do his thing by wiggling your ass against him.
“All yours.” Nick’s hand reached around to the front of your robe and pulled on the loose knot.
“Look at you, something no other man will see.” Nick nodded towards the mirror above the dresser you stood in front of in this moment. Nick’s hands both crept up your torso.
“Please, Nick, I need you.” You whined softly. His fingers began their games with your heaving breasts. You looked at him in the mirror and moaned while keeping eye contact. You knew that he was enamored with eye contact, you used it to motivate him to get a move on.
“Giving me them eyes, princess. Put your leg up.” He ordered and pinched your thigh. You quickly put your leg on top of your dresser. This movement caused your robe to fall. Nick smirked at you before pressing a few soft kisses against your back.
“Nick, I love you.” You brought your hand up to curl your hand against his head. He only sunk lower to his knees, kissing you along the way.
“I love you too.” His lips were against your pussy lips, spread open for him. You arched forward, your forehead tapping against the mirror on the wall.
“Nick! Oh my god…” Your moans trailed off into incoherent messes of words. Nick’s hands were busy either holding you in place or taking a dip inside of you currently.
“Good enough to eat out.” He snuck in before resuming his own feast. You began rocking your hips back and forth against his face and he welcomed the movement; you could feel his desperate tongue following your movements of rotation.
“I’m gonna cum, Nick!” You cried out, knowing you couldn’t hold it much longer, and Nick preferred to cum with you after eating you out. You knew your man and what he needed during intimacy to get him to feel pleasure too.
“Such a sweet girl, considerate to wait for me.” Nick flicked his finger on your clit a few times and your eyes watered at holding back your orgasm. You heard the drop of his pants and knew that he wasn’t waiting. You felt the protruding member against your entrance one second and fully submerged the next.
“Fuck me!” You cried out, grinding your hips back against his thrusts.
“Oh I am, babes.” He teasingly grunted, his strokes going strong. You smacked your hand against the dresser and legitimately screamed. You had never screamed during sex, but Nick was pushing how long you could withstand it all. “Cum, I’ll get there.” He whispered in your ear. Another deep thrust inside and you could feel your body clench so hard around Nick. This was further proven when you heard his gasp and begin breathing extremely rough.
“Shit…” You exhaled, your body naturally relaxing, but tightening once more as Nick released inside of you. You looked into his eyes and shook your head.
“You can’t move can you?” He asked sweetly. You nodded and allowed Nick to help you to the bed.
“Goodnight baby, you were great tonight.” You said with a smile.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
Okay rockstars, settle down
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rockstar!bucky barnes x assistant!reader x rockstar!loki laufeyson / masterlist
summary; having previously worked for loki, it causes a heat to burn within bucky’s already accumulated hate towards the musician / warnings; threesome, smut, mxf and mxm sex, mentions of sex with other characters, oral sex (male and female receiving), creampie, unprotected sex, double penetration, degradation, swearing, orgasm denial, cum eating
“Can’t believe you worked for that wanker.” Snarked Bucky as an image of the well known, musically spread, and acoustically acclaimed, Loki Laufeyson was shown on the screen of the dressing room television, as the other artist stretched his clothing bare arms across the back of the couch. “Come here sweet cheeks.”
At his command, you dismissed the paper work for a moment, trailing over and straddling the inked hunk’s chain belted lap, digging your manicured set of nails into his shoulders, as you seated yourself over his crotch. “I’m happy I work for you now Buck, you treat me so good.”
Punctuating your words, you pressed your teeth into your bottom lip, giving it the appearance of being more plump, as you batted your dark eyelashes up at your employer. “I do, don’t I?” He rhetorically asked, skimming his fingers across the length of your arms, before moving them to sloppily cup your jaw, ensuring that you would not look away from his wild and dilated pupils. “Tell me what I do better than the lead singer of the god of mischief.”
At his words, a small yet peaceful contortion of uncomfortableness split a skin grafted line through the centre of your forehead, stating that you had no wish to do so. And thus, as punishment for your self aversive silence, Barnes braced his knuckles into your skin, causing you to keen out, and tap his shoulders in verification for surrender.
In turn, you lowered your hands, dragging the tips of your nails, absentmindedly running them down the expanse of his waxed chest, conveniently passing the silver hoops that were attached to his nipples on the trail to a less dominant ground. “I prefer the way that your songs have a heavier bass and-“
“Uh uh uh, not the music. Think of something that has you, let’s say, screaming, but definitely not in a crowd. Though, we may have to try that one sometime; show the world how hungry you are to assist me.”
“You, James Bucky Barnes,” he loosened his grip to your relief, which lead to you hugging in spite, “are the best fuck I have ever endured. Loki has nothing on you, he deems himself a god of the arts, but he doesn’t see how you paint me so perfectly with your cum, nor how you bend my body to your whim, as though I am a tool in the midst of your creations, useful, but disposable.”
“I like the sound of that doll. Disposable, now that really does you make you sound like my personal cum dump.”
“That’s was certainly interesting to listen to...”that voice had your body jolting in shock, and it appeared that Bucky too was surprised by the presence, though, he steadied his well versed hands on your hips, claiming you to the intimate spot.
“What the fuck are you doing in my dressing room you greasy haired weasel?” Bucky sneered, his nose turning up at the sight alone of his competition in the lyrical world. Loki, he had graced you with his presence, and you had to look away; he admittedly looked good.
His shirt was open chested, leaving you with the memorable impression of all the times that you had left crescent marks upon that particular surface, a few times you had even drawn blood, but that had only fuelled his mission to fuck you into a propeller of urgency.
“Our new album Laufey has just been released, I can confirm my dear, you shoulda stayed around and knelt in our success. The records are certainly going to have more sales than what was it called again? Ah yes, the red star. I could tell it was about this one, so much passion, a sultry tune, that did little to justify what it means to be with her.”
Loki’s hands waved around as he spoke, and you could only picture the past whence he penetrated your with those long and talented fingers of his. He had drawn orgasm after orgasm out of you, resulting you to be nothing more than a withering mess, as he digressed the option to simply stop. There was nothing simple about him, nor the time that he demanded that he shared you with his brother.
That thought alone had you mindlessly grinding upon Bucky’s covered cock, plucking at your lip with the keys of your teeth, though Bucky’s voice brought you back to reality, causing you to pause your movements embarrassingly, venting a clear out of your head to process the situation that was before you. The two were bickering like two teenage girls, and it was quite exhausting to listen to.
“Answer the question trickster, else I’ll have you fed to the infamous black panther, and let’s just say that he is the best bodyguard I have ever hired. So, are you going to speak, or will I have you dragged out of here like a damned serpent with a noose around its neck?” Bucky threatened, gritting his teeth together, his nose straining in frustration, drawing more attention to the small stud on the right side of his nose.
“Looks like she needs me Barnes, perhaps your reputation does not proceed you. But to answer in full, my band have made quite the rise, and I thought it would be... fitting to pay you a visit. Though I had no idea that this wonderful woman would be here, pining on your lap like some feline in heat. I see she’s fucking you now, after all my suspicions are never wrong. Or we’ll, Heimdall’s train of thought always ends up at the right station.”
“Can the pair of you stop, for one goddamn minute!” Your hands obscured a path into your hair, as you glared back and forth between the pair of rival rockstars. “I am here, dammit! Stop talking about me as though I am not here, a part of me wishes that I wasn’t so I didn’t have to listen to your bitching.”
Without any thought, you clambered from your perch on Bucky’s lap, walking towards the raven haired gentleman, pointing your finger in his face as you accused him. “You’ve got your point across, but I’ll tell you something. If you don’t leave, Heimdall will see me putting my foot up your ass.”
“Does she speak to you like this Barnes? I thought she had loosened up in more ways than one when I allowed Thor to stretch her cunt, but it appears that that mouth of hers has gotten a little out of hand also. You should do something about that, or else you’ll lose her to someone else like a did. Who knows, could be Romanoff, heard she has a thing for brats.”
Natasha Romanoff, a diverse woman in her ways and songs. She was the queen of the rock culture, tormenting her workers with her verbal abuse and it would undoubtedly be no different for her assistant. If you were to be under her employment, it was certain that you would not get out alive, nor work for another talented person for the rest of your life. To cross her, was a vow to sign your own death certificate, it was plain stupidity, yet people still hustled with her and her limits, resulting in their chances of ever getting hired for any job, vastly slim to none.
At the lack of defence that Bucky provided you, you felt small, your shoulders slacked as you were tortured with Loki’s cold and silky gaze, more so when the man stood up, pressing his bare chest against your back. You could feel the rings that hung off the buds that adorned his chest coil and dig into your back, shrouding your demeanour substantially.
A part of you wanted nothing more than for Bucky to abuse Loki’s face with his fist, specifically the right, since it was the bearer to a chunky silver ring. It’d leave quite the print, however, the unexpected unravelled as his enquiring tone was aimed not at you, but Loki instead.
“You let your brother fuck her, hmm. Maybe she should learn her manners by being shared, that way her retrospective spattering of bullshit may be contained, to a limit of course.” It was unbelievably, you could not believe that Bucky was conferring with the enemy! And not only that, they were talking about experiences of having you literally become speechless from their unprofessional administrations upon your body. “I’d get T’Challa in here, but I know she’s already fucked him. Can’t quite fire him for it though, because who could ever say no to those pretty eyes, and that mouth, god, it is definitely one of her most persuasive attributes.”
“Bu-“ you didn’t even get to finish imploring his name off your lips, about to defend yourself and your previous actions, though, you were interrupted, starved from the opportunity of coming up with an explanation.
“No.” Loki told you, the roles now reversed as he was the one with his index finger aimed at you. He tapped your nose with it, as he began to pace in the room, his wild locks remaining in their place as he spun, before facing Bucky, a sly tranquility of a truce veining out from the pools of his evergreen orbs. “You don’t speak a word to me y/n, not whilst I’m having a conversation with James here.”
James. It was too far a polite way for him to address your boss. They were all hot and ready to tear out each other’s throats a moment ago, and now here they were, having a silent conversation without your inclusion. It had you reeling your mind as to why, until Bucky gathered your hair in his hand to the side, sliding you y/h/c locks over your shoulder, and finally deemed it acceptable for you to hear his voice.
Though, he still was not directing his tensive words in your direction. “Since you had dealt with this subordinate behaviour from her, perhaps you’d like to join us; help me train her to become more...” His breath fanned your the top of your ear, making your skin crawl by not only his warm and inviting breath, but also the offer that he had supposed to the other man.
“Obedient?” Loki asked in turn of his wispy ended offer of optimism, his leather, sharp tipped boots taking a prominent, heart clenching step towards you. He reached his finger out, grasping a loose strand that had fallen out of Bucky’s grip and before your face, tugging lightly on it, as his lips came dangerously close to your own. “Rules aren’t your forfeit, are they my dear? The best assistant I ever hired, with all those unique ideas floating around in that independent head of yours, but you’ve always been troublesome. I remember the time that you bit my cock that day you had attitude. I reckon Bucky here could do a better job.”
“Then why doesn’t he?” You hissed as said man tugged on his handful of your hair, instantly making you regret your phrase in the moment. To a halting surprise however, Bucky released you, lightly shoving you to cause you to fumble forwards, and away from him.
“Maybe I will.” He dared, earning a nod from Loki, whom seductively began to unzip his loose trousers, as Bucky descended to the ground, his hands running up his rival’s thighs, as the material dropped around Loki’s ankles. It would seem, that he had gone commando, and as Bucky grasped Loki’s shaft, you felt a pull in your chest inherently demanding that you play some part in this fornication.
“Wait.” Your hand shot out, as though you had some force to stop them from continuing with their war path to exact all of their developed spit onto you. “What about me?” You were ss
“Oh no doll, you are not pulling any strings here, if you wanna do something useful, come here and warm my cock, you can watch me blow your old associate.” A slither of a whimper fell from your lips, it wasn’t exactly what you were prying towards, but you sure as hell were not going to refuse the contact that Bucky was obliged to give you.
Thus you wandered towards him, your pinkies curling around one another, as you sashayed to the ground beside him, watching as he paid Loki no mind for a moment, ruthlessly in a desperation fuelled motion, unbuckled his thick belt, and shoved the material of his leather trousers to be held accountable against his lower thighs, just above his tense knees.
He too, as their exteriors supposed, had forgone the extra layer that kept his cock tucked away, though it was exposed as he tugged those tight trousers down, and the sight of both his and Loki’s cocks bobbing in the same vicinity had you close to quivering.
It was somewhat of a dream portrayed in the viscous space of reality, the two men half undressed in then proximity of yourself, it was something that you had always imagined, even before you had left Loki’s side, and opted to work for Bucky, but the idea was definitely short lived. They hated each other, but apparently they were willing to put all their issues aside to prohibit you from freely running your mouth.
Bucky’s cock twitched as he patted his own thigh, ordering you without the aid of his voice to commence it as a servant’s throne, or in your case, a stool for you to rest on as he tended to intimate needs of the man that you had once worked for. Finally, with the decision of better judgement, you allowed your grey jumper dress to slide down your body, leaving you nude, and the aspect of the two men’s unforgiving and locked gazes.
“No underwear, and you wonder why your men have no difficulty in her allowing them to fuck her.” Bucky took ahold of his cock, squeezing his cock with one hand, whilst his other aided you in sitting on his muscular legs, as he lightly growled up at the opposing rockstar.
From the stiff grip that Bucky affirmed around his sceptre, Loki gasped, his pale lips instantly shutting once the sound wantonly abandoned him. The last thing that he wanted was for Bucky to see him in vulnerable poise, though with that said, it’d be rather difficult considering the smutty circumstances.
Bucky took Loki’s long, alabaster prick into his mouth, starting from the primrose tip and descending down, reciprocating the action that you did yourself as you sheathed yourself onto his cock, but instead with his lips. A grunt rendered along Loki’s length as the man bit back a whimper, the vibrations running through his veins like a transpiring pulse of sorcery.
Bucky opted for bobbing his head, as you endured the liberation of his very slightly gyrating movement inside of you. Though, despite him being almost completely still and leaving you full to the brim with his thick length, his balls resting against the partition where he was delved into you, you remained transfixed.
The motion image, recording first hand through your own eyes, of him blowing Loki was sinful, but you were drawn to it. If that made you a sinner, one endorsed by the graphic scene, licking your lips from the sight of Bucky running his studded tongue up the length of Loki, dipping the ball of silver metal into his slit, then so be it.
Your heart raced as you were met with an opportunity. A globe of saliva, strung by the lapping muscle of Bucky’s tongue dropped down; you practically saw its fall in slow motion. It was done before you could register your actions, you had leant forwards, catching the trickle of spit in your mouth, thinking not for a moment as you gulped the subjective liquid down.
Bucky’s pace increased, he gagged lightly as he jolted him further down his throat. Loki hummed, harshly grabbing Bucky’s dark brunette locks, biting his lip as he reimagined your little catch. It had him feeling close, and just as he was about to finish, precum furiously pooling out of his tip, Bucky pulled back, a smirk marking his features.
“You’re not cumming in my mouth, I don’t mind sucking dick, nor swallowing, but I have to practically listen to you jizz over your own talent, and prowl over my girl.” The name he labelled you with had your heart fluttering, but not nearly as much as when he lightly pulled out of you, infuriating you with the lack of any pleasurable esteem. “Don’t you worry babes, you can finish with me inside of you, like always.”
That used to be him, Loki thought with a brewing rage in his chest. Though he instead shrugged out of his dull patterned striped shirt that was already loose on his shoulders. The fabric hit the floor, leaving all of you barren to the subject of nudity.
“Always doesn’t suppose the past Barnes.” Loki stated, referring to all the various times that he had found refuge in your spongey walls, you willingly clenching around him, and pleading for him to hit a deeper spot within you. “And I do not prowl, I don’t need to. The evidence is there between her legs, coiling in juices surrounding her ever so willing folds, that are prepared to endure the harshest of penetrations.”
“What are you trying to do, write a fucking song about this?” Scoffed Bucky, rolling his crystallised orbs at the guts that this man had. If he so much as wanted to, he could stop this passage into a three way all together, but he did not, at least he had yet to. He was enjoying the way that you were squirming to yourself, thinking that he didn’t notice, squeezing the sides of your thighs together in an aroused matrimony.
“A fucking song would’ve the correct term - literally.” Was the affirmed words of Loki, as he shoved Bucky to be sat beside you, tilting his messy brush of crazed hair, his untrustworthy eyes drifting to you. “Who’d you want to fuck you, you fangirling slut?”
It was truthfully a difficult decision. “Both.” You admitted, your bones jumping as Bucky pinched one of your erect nipples, continuing to hold a sturdy clasp of his pads around the sensitive flesh; you couldn’t jut choose one of them. Not when they were both in such close range, bore in nothing more than their birthdays suits, talking about your quivering and diversely accepting cunt.
They knew that you couldn’t possibly refuse one or the other. You were vastly too hungry to be filled like you had never been before, shagged by two of three most well known artists in the industry, earnestly and mindlessly earning yourself a title within the circle of uptight yet simultaneously chill performers.
Perhaps, if Bucky we to ever potentially fire you, there would be another pursuer for your articulating talents on standby, awaiting for the moment that you walked out of his complex door to swoop you up as though they were a predatory falcon, flying off into a stationed sunset, those around seeing you as nothing more than a shadow of the ambient orb, but the one who had employed you finding you to be a sufficing inspiration.
Large hands swallows your hips, firmly controlling their angle as they grasped you in their strong, almost super human hold, lifting you so that you were tentatively tucked in a reverse cowgirl position on Bucky’s lap. It was the third time that you had been this close to him, it would almost be intimate, if your legs weren’t strewn in an open, all revealing splay, so that Loki could see your boss tease his tip around your entrance before sliding you down his length, extracting a strong wail from your churning throat.
Your own hand resented down, applying swirls of pressure down on your clit; it appeared that they were willing you to continue without interruption. Bucky lightly, despite the power that he was promoted to in this position, began to bounce you on his shaft, spewing small mewls out from your agape mouth.
Fisting his cock, Loki approached, Bucky reachin this seen hands down to spread te lips of your pussy, so that the other man was guaranteed a crude glimpse of you being stufffed. Though, you weren’t quite filled enough, for Bucky raised a brow and prompted Loki to allow himself to be pulled closer by your axed and whining aura.
He brushed his tip languidly against your buzzing clit, dragging through your slick and jab i at your delicate fingers before probing at the base of Bucky’s cock, and pushing inside, right along his rival’s length, the pair moaning out in a pleasured union. On the other and, you had tears falling from the crescents of your eyes, the stretch so much that it was a blistering pain to your cunt.
“Don’t go all meek dear, you and i both know this is far from the first instance where you’ve had more than one cock in this nasty, betraying cunt of yours.” Loki taunted, gripping the vulnerable expanse of your throat from behind, his icy glazed skin sending provocative shivers down your spine, making your pussy pulse from the chill that ran through your body.
And then, i a split instant, both cocks began to piston into your walls, as though you were nothing more than a rag doll, meant o be thrown around and handled in a disorderly fashion. They ere ruthless, groaning out symphonies in the cursive air around you, as your walls engulfed their pricks more than snugly.
You felt so wide down there, they were taking a pirating toll on your body stealing every breath that dared wither from your lips, tweezing their nimble fingered around various parts of your body, all in due retrospect or coerce you into fucking them back, making all actions in the mass of bodies a mutual effort.
Loki lowered his head down meeting Bucky for a sloppy, brash kiss. It was clear they were simply doing that part to fulfil a greedy desire in your stomach, but you were not one that minded. It was, like the rest of their frenzy of collaborations, a competitive mess. They nipped harshly at each other’s lips, ravenously all in the meanwhile ploughing your body with their har girths.
“Fuck, that’s hot.” Your tongue dribbled, earning satisfied, lust induced smirks from both parties that were currently penetrating you, making you writhe harder against their lengths a new flow of moisture weeping out from your hole, lubricating their movements further, it encouraging them to do nothing more than continue what they were doing, despite their better judgements.
The truth was, they were rockstars. They had no better judgement, which is why everyone like them needed someone like you. Their thought were clouded with one mission, and for once in their spent lifetimes, it was not to beat the others, at least not to a certain extent anyways. It was their assignment, delivered by their own hands, to bring you to the edge, and that’s physically what they reformed to do.
One of them were groping your nipples, whilst the other confined the same treatment to your ass cheeks. Loki found your Rocky enables of positive feedback to be icicles and they were beautiful, he stared at them, as though they were divine ploys extracted from the mythical kingdom of Jotunheim, their residence in the realm to be the peacemakers of all bountiful creatures, much like himself and Barnes.
A rich euphoric groan exuberated from Bucky as he allowed himself to spoil, but he tutted whence he watched Loki’s features suppose that he was to follow shortly behind. “Not inside of her.” Bucky growled, sufficing Loki to roll his eyes, and pull out, the man behind you furiously replacing your hand, rolling our clit in his grasp until a sinful scream enveloped the air, commencing them all to the fact that you had just came.
Loki found the show to be unfair, and instead, spilled his priceless seed onto the huffing skin of your stomach, you eyes fluttered shut at the warm feeling pooling onto you. You leant back, drawing your neck into a crooked angle as you swiped your tongue wordlessly over the piercing on Bucky’s right nipple, metal providing a relief to the heat that your body was and had been swarmed with. “ Last chance you’re gonna have t taste her sweet cunt.”
“You do certainly have some faith in this one Barnes, but I do doubt that it will be the last instance in which i am todo so.” His silver tongue pried at your cum soaked flesh, drinking up all the essence that you had to offer, onshore the flavour that Bucky had brought to the table, i the form of a succulent drizzling of Snow White cum.
As Loki finishes swabbing his tongue over your cunt, Bucky adoringly kisses you, much sweeter than he has before. It was sort, and almost chaste, but his blue eyes roamed your face, delicately observing the high points of your face, that were covered with a sheen of great force making you as he would put it, glow.
The pair of you weer exhausted, there was still some swollen was to his lips from where he had sucked off Loki. His hands cradled you around your waist, his feet kicking Loki back as you whimpered from opaque sensitivity. “I guess that was you bidding me a dew.” Sneered the trickster, fishing for his clothes, as he spared you a spark filled glare, to which you ignored.
Once he was situated back into his attire, he left the sex scented room,a hollow smirk chapping his lips as he strutted th a purpose out into the hallway, taking a left instead of a right, and creeping into barnes’ studio to see what the man was working on in the midst of his enduring tour/ He was always the trickster, and nothing different was to ever be expected out of him.
“That was good.” You mumbled, rubbing your ode lovingly across the scruff that coated his jaw. His fingers made small circles upon your tummy, humming contently as he remained sheathed inside of you. He had to admit, he preferred it when it was just him, but his lonesome, sheathed within your walls, feeling the small trembles of your walls around him. It was practically heaven, and he would say so if he believed in such a place.
A deliberate knock ruined the moment, as the man entered,he quarrelled with himself where her to casually look in the direction of the pair of you or to avert his sight around, and blankly at the all. “What is it T’Challa?” Grumbled the man inside of you, quirking a thin brow at the timing of his presence.
“Loki; he managed to get into ur data, and he’s leaked a whole bunch of your music.” Of course, Loki would not come here to simply gloat, there was alas something extra up his green sleeve, and now it was revealed.
“Son of a bitch!” Bucky made a move to stand, but instead prohibited a whimper out of you as hi ships jutted angrily tip on instinct. “Get Odin on the phone, we’re going to have a little chat about his slippery hands son!” Barked Bucky, prepared t do anything to bring his greatest threat down, compiling him into the put of hate industry, until he was forgotten about, unable to ever produce new music again.
“Talk to Sif.” You whispered, becoming the image of his assistant once more, even if his cum lathered cock was prevailing within a rut of required stress relief, growing in the conjunction of your wall with his body guard there. “She loathes him, and rightfully so. He got her kicked out and she has dirt on him that nobody else has ever heard. If you want to take I’m down, she is your in.”
The strict tone grammatically supported by your logical information was definitely turning Bucky on again. He could handle you more than fine without Loki’s aid, he was just a means to an end, as it was clearly shown in his priorities.
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Frailty, thy name is woman! {1}
Warnings: noncon sexual acts and rape, masturbation, mentions of miscarriage, depression, and suicide.
This is dark!doctor!Steve Rogers and soft!Peter Parker and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You have an illness that can’t be seen or named. Doctor Rogers is your last chance at a cure as your loving husband tries to rediscover the woman he married.
Inspired by this ask
Note: So this went a little long and I split it into 2 but you can just pretend it’s a one shot lol. It’s set in the 1900s so keep that in mind! I hope you all like it.
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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Another cold morning. It started like any other. You woke in the bed, wrapped in the same woolen blanket, in the same dress you’d been wearing for more than a week.  In the same spot you hadn’t left for nearly as long. You didn’t have the strength to do anything but wallow, trapped in another episode of melancholy.
You wanted to be normal, you wanted to be happy, you wanted to get up and go tell your husband to stop messing around in the kitchen so you could do your work. So you could be the wife you were supposed to be. But that desire could not fill the endless pit you felt deep in your chest.
You listened to the clink of heavy dishes and the bubbling of water over the hissing gas burner. Peter moved around in a series of groans and creaks from the floorboards. You pulled the blanket tighter, sickened by your own odor, and sniffed. You wouldn’t cry again, you couldn’t. You always felt as if the tears would fall at any moment but they never came. You just laid there, staring at the wall, curled up against the drafts that blew through the rattling window panes.
You heard the hinges and winced. Worse than letting down your husband was looking in his face and seeing it. He came around your side of the bed and sat on the edge, just against your stomach. He set down a bowl on the boxy night table, steam curling from its brim as he set a spoon against the side and clinked a cup down next to it.
You turned your face into the pillow and he touched your shoulder as he turned and bent his leg up on the mattress. He rubbed your arm gently but you felt nothing. You shivered and knotted your fingers together.
“Hey, you need to eat,” he coaxed, “please.”
You grumbled and shook your head. “I’m not hungry.”
“You said that last night,” he ran his knuckles over your cheek and bent over you, “you haven’t eaten in two days, dear.”
“I don’t care,” you pouted into the feather pillow.
“Well, I do,” he stretched his fingers over your head and rubbed your cheekbone with his thumb, “I care about you, dear. Even after everything that’s happened.”
“Why?” you asked weakly.
“Because I will always care for you. I love you, you’re my wife and we will get through this together, so please, sit up and eat for me.” His voice was brittle and threatened to shatter in the air. Your heart squeezed and you rolled onto your back. 
You looked at him grimly, “I’m sorry.”
“No, you don’t need to be sorry,” he pulled open the blanket and hooked his arms under yours to pull you up. He sat you against the metal headboard and took the bowl. “Just eat. I put some cinnamon in the porridge, just like you prefer, and milk in the tea. I promise, it’s not sour this time.”
You accepted the hot bowl and nestled it in your lap. You stared at the oats and wiggled your nose. “I… you shouldn’t do all this. You shouldn’t have to,” you held the bowl with your legs and covered your face, “I want to do it all so badly but--” you blinked away the tears and wiped your cheeks as you dropped your hands back to the dish, “I’m so sorry.”
“I know you want to,” he grabbed the spoon and scooped up some oats, “and I want to help you do that but I can’t unless you help me.”
You let him feed you a mouthful. Just like everything else, it was bland, you barely even felt the heat.
“I’m trying--”
He hushed you and fed you some more. He focused on the task until the bowl was empty and your stomach felt painfully heavy. He placed the bowl back beside the porcelain and handed you the tea.
“I need you to listen to me, dear,” he said, “please and understand this is for your own good. To help you be the wife you once were.”
You held the cup with both hands and watched him over the brim. You gulped. Would he send you to one of those sanitariums where women never came back the same, if at all?
“Please, don’t send me away. You can’t! Please,” you begged and nearly spilled the tea.
“No, no, I… couldn’t,” he touched your elbow gently, “but I’ve been asking around and I’ve found a physician.”
“A physician? Oh, Peter, the last one laughed me out of the room,” you moped, “and the one before him yelled at me so horribly. I cannot do it again.”
“I know, I know,” he played with a fold along his sleeve, “but this one specialises in women’s issues. I’ve heard positive things about him and I think you should talk to him.”
“I don’t know,” you sipped the tea, it was acidic but thin.
Peter was silent as he hung his head. He grasped his knees and his jaw ticked. He heaved and closed his eyes. “I can’t let you die in here. I can’t--” his voice cracked, “please, just try this for me, dear.” He opened his eyes and looked at you, his warm brown irises were desperate, “It would kill me too.”
You lowered your chin and peered into the mug, errant leaves floating in the tea. You exhaled and gulped.
“I’ve made the appointment for noon.”
“I… I’m unready. My hair, my dress… I am unbathed.”
“You have time and I will help you,” he ran his hand up your leg smoothly, “and if you want me in the office with you, I will be there, and if you want me away, I will go.”
You thought and took another drink. You leaned back on the whiny headboard and blinked at Peter. 
“You really think he can help me?”
“I’ve got to hope. It’s all I got,” he said as he opened his hands helplessly, “I believe in you. You’re still the woman I fell in love with.”
Peter helped you wash and dress. You picked the grey dress with the buttons down the front and the straight sleeves. You hid your hair under a black hat and teetered on the low heels of your boots. You felt like an imposter, like anyone could see through your disguise to the horrid creature beneath.
He drove you uptown in the one-horse buggy and the old steed moved slowly through the mud and cobbles. 
You felt a sudden storm of guilt as he drew up to the brick front of the office and tied up the horse. He did everything, he worked at the laboratory as an lowly assistant, expected only to dispose of the refuse and wipe the countertops, then came home and did your chores for you. He worked hard for the little money you had and now he was spending it on another doctor to fix your irreparable mind.
He helped you out of the buggy with his hand on yours and you pulled your short cape closer as you huddled down against the collar. He led you to the front door of the shared offices and up the three flights to the door marked ‘Dr. Steven Rogers, physician’. 
You wrung your hands as you entered and glanced around as Peter gave your name and the time of your appointment. You were surprised to find that your husband was the only male in the room. He led you to a bench and sat with you, his hand on your arm as he comforted your doubts.
You listened as names were called and after more than an hour, yours finally rose from the nurse’s lips. You stood as Peter did too. “Do you want me here or with you?” he asked.
“I…” your heart raced as you looked between him and the nurse, “I suppose I should do it myself.”
“I’ll be out here. You send for me if you need,” he squeezed your hand one last time and watched you go.
The nurse smiled at you but you couldn’t return the gesture. You were terrified. You had seen so many doctors and each one gave the same answers; there was nothing wrong with you, you were only lazy, you were conjuring it all in your head, you were just another woman without sense.
You were shown into the sterile room and the nurse left your chart on the desk. You stepped up the stool and sat on the metal examination table covered in pure white linen. You waited in suspense, arguing with yourself not to flee and go back to your blanket and bed. When a knock came, you squeaked and the door opened slowly.
A man peeked inside cautiously and cleared his throat as he spotted you. “I’m coming in, miss.”
You nodded and he entered, the door clicking behind him. He greeted you with a handshake and read your name off the chart as he gave his own; Dr. Steven Rogers. He sat on the tall stool by the desk and looked at you. 
His blond hair was as neat as his suit and his blue eyes were penetrating but placid. His white jacket hung from his broad shoulders and a stethoscope rounded his neck as his posture put him above most.
“You can sit on the sofa if your are more comfortable,” he gestured to the leather seat along the opposite wall, “this is just an introductory appointment, I won’t be doing any examinations.”
You pursed your lips and shifted off the table. You went to the sofa and sat, your leg shaking wildly as you tried to still it with your hand. He smiled patiently and dipped his pen in the well.
“So, we will start easy, how old are you?”
Your eyes rounded. You sputtered before you got the answer out and he nodded and scribbled on the paper. He went down a list; an previous health issues, height, weight, current prescriptions. When he finished he set aside the folder and looked at you fully.
“That’s all just formality and I don’t like my patients to feel like they’re being interrogated so we’re just going to talk. Would you like some water?”
“No, no, I’m…” you smoothed a wrinkle in your dull skirt and stared at your lap. 
“You need a moment?” he dipped his head as he tried to catch your eye, “take a breath, I know it’s a lot.”
“No, I’m just… pathetic.” you murmured.
“Now, we don’t talk like that in this office,” he girded, “so why don’t you tell me why you’re really here?”
You sucked in a breath and your hands crawled over your skirts nervously, skittering like spiders. You could feel the dread rising and the air was thick in your lungs. You began to pant in shallow breaths and gripped the arm of the couch.
“Ma’am, ma’am,” he stood slowly and neared you, “may I sit with you?”
“Oh, oh, oh,” you moaned as you began to shake, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” you wetted your dry lips with your tongue, “yes, doctor.”
He lowered himself lightly onto the cushion. He leaned forward and looked you in your face as you tried to hide from him and struggled to breathe. “I’m going to count and you breathe in time; one, two…”
You focused on the numbers and rocked back and forth until your heart slowed and your gasps petered out. He stopped his count and sat up. He stayed where he was, his hand on his thigh as you felt his gaze on you.
“So, what has been happening in your life, ma’am?” he asked.
“I’m sure my husband--”
“No, I don’t speak with husbands, I want to hear from the women themselves. You see I run a practice for women and their troubles and I cannot treat these troubles if they come from the lips of men. So you explain, in your own way, in your own time.”
You raised your shoulders and exhaled. You folded your hands and nodded. You tried to sort through all your thoughts, the blurred days, and the frightening nights.
“Today is the first I’ve left my bed in more than a week. It’s not the first time, either. It keeps happening and… I just don’t know why,” you’re voice quivered as you shrunk down in shame.
You waited in silence. You peeked over at him as you expected him to speak.
“Go on, just pretend as if you were speaking to yourself. No one else is here, you’re just going through your thoughts aloud. Sometimes when we hear them, they are clearer to us.”
“I don’t understand--” you clapped your hands.
“Close your eyes and keep talking.”
You swallowed and let your lids shut. The room disappeared and you mustered your voice. You didn’t know where to begin. So you went back to the day you married Peter. From the wedding day, to the first episode, the second, the third, you gave a brief map of the three years you’d been together. Then you braced yourself for it, the “I don’t know” and “nothing’s wrong”.
“Hmm,” he stood and you opened your eyes. He paced to the other side of the room and leaned against the table. “That’s not everything. You… have to be honest with yourself. This isn’t about me and what I think, it’s about you. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me everything.”
“I don’t know what else to tell you,” you gulped.
He nodded and crossed his arms. He dropped them when he saw you frown and resumed his seat on the stool. He sat straight and watched you but held no anger or malintent in his gaze.
“Alright, then we shall go through some questions and answers. Many of my patients find a dialogue more helpful,” he said. “Now, I might ask some personal questions but remember that your answers do not go beyond these walls.”
You bit into your bottom lip and hummed your agreement. He clicked his tongue and smiled again.
“You said you’ve been married for three years, thereabouts, so when was the last time you were close with your husband?”
“Close?” you stammered.
“Intimate,” he prodded.
“Uhhh,” you squirmed and looked away.
“You are married, there is no shame in it. So?”
“Months,” you confessed, “I don’t know how many. And it isn’t as if he doesn’t try but I can’t.”
“Mhmm, and you said you have no children?”
You tensed and couldn’t answer. Your heart sank and you bent over as you hugged yourself.
“You… you’ve lost a child?” he asked softly.
You nodded and batted away tears with your lashes. You shook and grunted in frustration. You stood suddenly and stomped your foot.
“I need to go,” you hissed as you marched to the door.
Doctor Rogers was quick and held the door closed before you could reach it.
“Did he know?” he asked.
You sneered and shook your head.
“Just one?”
You trembled and tried to push his arm down. “I can’t--”
“Hey,” he grabbed your shoulders and edged you back from the door, “I’m trying to help you. You’re here to repair yourself and your marriage, you need to try and it won’t be easy but it would be worse to wallow in all that grief alone.”
“Please, Dr. Rogers, I have to--” you shoved on his arms as you sobbed, “I… I… he is my husband and I can’t give him the most precious thing he ever wanted. I can’t make him happy no matter how I try. It would be a gift if I were to die in that bed. He would be free--”
“No,” he said sharply and guided you backward, “we don’t speak like that.” He sat you down and knelt to look in your eyes, “you don’t speak to yourself like that.”
He sighed and dropped his hands to yours. He held them gently as you sniffed back the tears and hid behind the brim of your hat.
“When was the last?” he asked cautiously.
“I lost it a month and a half back. I abstained from my marital bed in hopes it might survive,” you quavered, “It did not.”
“Is there pain?”
“At times, but in my soul,” you said.
He let you go and stood, “and how do you sleep?”
“Not much. I cannot. I only lay and stare and wish.”
“Mm, well, I have some things for you to do but they are easy and I do not want you to stress yourself. If you cannot do all, then some.” He sat on his stool again and picked up a small pad. “I will prescribe you a medicine you can put in your tea, it will aid in your sleep and that it the foundation of healing. Then, there are only small things; when your husband comes to you, affectionately, you will let him kiss you, just on the cheek if you wish, but if he cares as you say, you will let him.”
You listened and fidgeted as he spoke.
“And you will do things for yourself and for your children. If you feel like you can make a dinner, do so, if not, you will take a journal and write. These words are only for your. You will write about those you’ve lost so that they may rest and you will too. For every chore you cannot complete, you will write one sentence, or one page, or as many as you need to.”
“What do I write?”
“Whatever you think. Whatever weighs on your heart at that moment. And you will come back to me in two weeks to go over all you’ve done and I have faith that you will make great progress.”
He stood and tore free a page. He neared and held it out to you. “Take this to the apothecary and they will fill it. One drop in your tea, two if it is an especially bad night.”
You took it and rose. You folded it and tucked it into your handbag. You looked up at him and adjusted your cape.
“I’m sorry, doctor, I will try.”
“You will start by not apologizing for yourself. You have a right to feel and be. And try is all I ask.”
He smiled and turned to stride across the office. He opened the door and bent his head. 
“Now, I hope a peaceful day awaits you and don’t forget, two weeks. You will make an appointment at the desk before you go.”
The drive through the city was quiet as Peter watched you worried from the corner of his eye. He didn’t dare to ask how it went as you hadn’t yet said a word but to tell him to stop at the pharmacy. With the vial in hand, he took your home and sat you at the table as he made another pot of tea.
He sat with you and sipped his own cup as you stared at the reddish brown brew. You lifted the vial and read the hand-written label. It was too early to sleep. You put it down and looked at Peter.
“It was… not bad,” you said slowly.
He perked up and sat forward on his chair. “Was he nice?”
“Very nice,” you felt the hot porcelain, “he listened.”
“And the medicine?” he looked at the vial.
“For sleep.”
“That’s good,” he uttered nervously, “you’re going back, right, dear?”
“Yes, two weeks,” you said, “I hope. I…” you looked at him glumly, “I’m going to try. I want to try.”
“I know,” he reached across the table and took your hand, “and I can help. I only want to help.”
You nodded and squeezed his hand. It was rough against your dry skin. You felt as if your body was falling apart from neglect. Your nails were peeling and cracked at the tips. You turned his hand so you did not have to see them.
“Can I kiss you?” he asked.
You lifted your head and searched his face. You tried to smile but it was small. 
“Please,” you whispered.
He came around and bent to kiss your forehead, then your cheek. You stood and shyly looped your arms around him. He held you tentatively and as you leaned into him, he relaxed. You were relieved to find the warmth was still there.
That night, Peter put you to bed and laid beside you. You wore a proper nightgown and the tincture dragged you down in a deep dreamless slumber. When you woke, you didn’t want to get out of bed but if you stayed, you’d feel worse. You dressed and Peter didn’t hide his joy as he readied for a day at the lab.
You ate together, more porridge and he left you with another kiss. When he was gone, you stared at the wall. You took the dishes and boiled water to wash them in the basin. There were only a few so your work was easy. You thought of wiping down the stove but once more felt the lethargic weight on your chest.
So you went to the bedroom and dug out the old recipe book your mother bought you as a wedding present. You hadn’t used it so the pages remained blank but for a single list of ingredients for stuffed duck. You tore out that page and wrote the date on the next.
You sat at the vanity you never used. Peter bought it after your first episode, thinking it might help you to have the mirror and place to store your toiletries. You held open the pages and dipped the pen into the shallow well. Most of the ink had dried up. You made a blotch on the paper as you tried to think of what to write.
You stayed like that and inked the pen again. Then you wrote the name. The name of the daughter you lost. Peter didn’t know that name and you never dared to speak it. She was the first one, at least, you wanted it to be a girl. You wrote that you wanted her to have Peter’s eyes and his sweetness. You wrote about him holding her and smiling down at her. Then, you shut the book and dropped the pen.
You began to sob and leaned on the vanity. You let out horrible, draining wails. You quaked until you had no strength left. You stood and watched your feet as you went to the bed and fell onto it. It hurt so much.
You tried to follow Dr. Rogers advice, tried to keep to your chores and your writing, but your renewed vigour faded by your next appointment. That morning wasn’t as hard as the first but Peter had to convince you to leave the house. He couldn’t wait for you as he was due at the lab but he gave you coin for your ride back..
You sat in the hushed waiting room and stared at the wall. The other women chatted with their neighbour or read the penny weekly’s left out for the patients. You rubbed your gloved hands together and counted your breaths. You felt that tidal again, the rising wave of nerves rising within.
When your name was called, you were taken to the same room and the same chart was left on the desk. You sat on the sofa but your restlessness had you back up on your feet and pacing. When the door opened again, you turned and stopped as Dr. Rogers entered with a knock.
“Hello, again,” he offered another stiff handshake and you accepted it meekly as you crossed the room, “and how are you this morning?”
You let out a breath and shrugged, “well as I can be.”
“Please, sit, and we can go over the last two weeks,” he waved to the leather bench and sat on his stool. He ignored the chart as he slung one leg over the other. He waited for you to lower yourself onto the couch and watched your hands you wrung them, “would you like some water? A tea?”
“No, thank you, Doctor,” you tapped your heels nervously.
“You’re anxious,” he said. You nodded and he did the same, “why? Did our last appointment go so poorly?”
You shook your head and stilled your fingers, “I don’t know why I am alight, but I am.”
“Mhmm,” he tapped his fingertips on the desk as he leaned his arm against it, “and your home life, has it changed at all?”
“I… I try to do more but it’s difficult,” you admitted, “I get so overwhelmed.”
“Have you written at all?”
“Some but… it makes me sad,” you explained as you folded a wrinkle in your skirt, “I find myself as I was, in bed with a hole in my heart.”
He considered and scratched his chin, his clean shave smooth beneath his fingers. “Your husband, he is… affectionate?” When you affirmed the question, he continued, “and you have made yourself open to him?”
“Kiss, hand-holding, embraces, but… I cannot…” you squirmed, “I cannot even make him feel as my husband.”
“You have a lot of emotions but speaking of them makes you uncomfortable, doesn’t it?” he uncrossed his legs and sat up straight.
“They feel like excuses, like a delusion I’ve made up to escape my life,” you stared at the floor, “like I’ve lied not only to myself but the man I love.”
“You’ve seen other physicians for your maladies?”
“Several, yes.”
“And what did they tell you?”
“They told me I was healthy and that my emotions were of my own failure,” you poked your palm with your nail, “and I couldn’t claim they were wrong for I don’t know myself.”
“Do you take exercise?” he asked.
“Not often, not anymore,” you replied evasively.
“You go out in the sun? Open the windows?”
“No,” you muttered, “no…”
“I would suggest thought it is with your own will to take it that you leave the house once a day, for a few minutes, for an hour, whatever you can do, and just walk. You don’t have to go anywhere but I want you to see the sun and keep your blood moving.” he stood and cleared his throat, “perhaps you cannot see it or you will not accept it, but you are doing well. You’ve made progress. If I am being quite honest, I did not expect a second visit and that in itself is a feat.”
You pressed your lips together and shifted. He went to the end of the examination table and looked you over.
“Now, as this is our second visit and we’ve gone over the basics, it is my usual practice to administer a physical exam but if your are unprepared, we can delay it until your third appointment,” he said cautiously, “but as you’ve disclosed your difficulties with conception, I do think it pertinent that I rule out any biological barriers.”
Your eyebrows shot up and you sucked in air. The only man who had ever seen beyond your dress was your husband and even with him you were shy. Still, he was a doctor and he might be able to help. You doubted yourself knowing that if you had time to think on it, you would refuse it altogether.
“If you advise it,” you stood rigidly, “I would permit it.”
He bowed his head and pulled the corner of the sheet taut on the table. He backed away and smoothed his white jacket as he went to the door.
“You only need remove your under garments and I will return in a moment. You will lay on the table and I will do a brief exam of your anatomy,” he guided, “Is this to your acceptance.”
“Doctor,” you said and watched him go, releasing a sigh when he was on the other side of the door.
You removed your leggings and drawers and folded them. You climbed onto the table and laid on your bad, your legs clenched together as your skirts felt thinner. You waited and tried to ease your nerves. The knock at the door spiked your pulse and you assured Dr. Rogers you were ready.
He entered and you listened to him move around. You squeezed your eyes shut and he neared the table. You quivered as he came near and his hand settled on the hem of your skirt. He stood at the foot of the table and his shadow coloured your eyelids.
“We’ll take it one step at a time, I will let you know everything I do before I do it,” he assured you, “now, I’m going to have you bend your legs.”
You nodded and kept your eyes closed and bent your legs. He touched your knees through the layers gently.
“Now part them,” he coaxed.
That was harder and as you obeyed, you felt a rush of air slip up your skirts. Your dress rustled and Dr. Rogers held the hem firm.
“I will now have a look,” you heard metal and flinched, “and I will use a special tool to do so. You will feel perhaps a cold touch and some pressure inside but I will be quick.”
You only nodded and gripped the sides of the table. He lifted your skirts entirely and you gasped. You felt the metal instrument on your most intimate part and he pressed it until it was slightly inside of you. He bent over you as he opened you up with the tool and removed it almost as suddenly as he’d applied it.
“Well, I see no abnormalities,” he set the instrument aside and fixed your skirts, “nothing which would cause difficulty.”
You sat up and turned your legs over the edge of the table. You felt your cheeks burn but he seemed entirely unbothered. You reminded yourself how usual the practice must have been for him.
“I would also recommend smelling salts if you do not already use them for when you feel faint or overcome and I will have a diet plan for you to take with you. Those might help improve your condition as well. I think for now,” he neared the door and paused with his hand on the handle, “that is enough change. It isn’t about pushing yourself, it is about little steps.”
“Thank you, doctor,” you said.
“And if you require anything, you needn’t wait for your next appointment. If you have questions, you may come in and ask,” he turned the handle slowly, “along with all we’ve gone over today, you will continue on with what we established since our first appointment.”
“Yes, doctor.”
He smiled and left you again. You slid off the table and reached for your undergarments. You dressed quickly and as you stepped out, Dr. Rogers bid you farewell. You hoped he could help you, that this wasn’t another lost cause.
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tunafishprincess · 3 years
Darkening Seas
A DFO Secret Santa gift for Moon_Lantern
Izuku feared many things in his short sixteen years of existence.
As a child he feared the wails of ocean storms, huddled in bed with his mother as rain and wind pounded their small home, a common monster for the children of his small village. She would whisper spells of protection as he clung to her form, as if the storm itself were trying to get inside.
It wasn’t until he didn’t receive his mark that he learned that there were greater fears, the kinds that haunted him to this day. Fears of losing friends, for one. For another, fear of the village’s suspicions whenever something bad happened. The Markless weren’t a common bunch and in his childhood home, he was the only one in several generations not to be blessed by a god.
In spite of all the fears he had, however, there was always hope. His mother, even on her deathbed, always promised him a better tomorrow. Even if today was bad, there was always a chance that the next day would bring a better outcome. She was right in a way. It was hope that brought him to All Might, a hero beyond compare that bestowed his own Mark onto the boy, a power that still hummed beneath his skin.
His muddy fingers rose subconsciously, patting at the tattoo on his shoulder. Traveling with All Might had been a dream beyond comparison.
Sadly, all dreams must come to an end.
As a teen, he learned to fear more than village discrimination. At fifteen, he discovered that not all gods bestowed gifts.
All Might taught him to respect the old gods, but not to bow to their whims. When the sea attacked the land, Izuku followed his mentor to the battle, ready to die a hero. Instead, his mentor had been swallowed by the sea and Izuku---
Well, death would have been preferable at this point.
Another itch broke out near his neck. He scratched at the spot but the move did little to soothe the real problem: he needed a bath.
Begrudgingly, he stomped out the rest of his fire, gathering his things to make the small trek to the lagoon he’d been eyeing days before. There wasn’t much to pack, though he wasn’t sure whether he should be thankful or not about that. His food rations had dwindled considerably these past few weeks, his fear of exposure outweighing his need to resupply. He still had aways to go before he got back to the great city of Musutafu. Even if his ailment could not be cured he at least had friends who would care for him there.
His throat bobbed. Well, he hoped he still did.
He arrived at the lagoon within a few hours time, the area as empty as the first time he’d spotted it. It set him on edge.
As beautiful and blue as the seawater seemed, the Kamino sea lay just beyond the exposed shoal.
He licked at his cracked lips nervously. His skin ached to be cleaned and he knew he probably smelled horrendous from so many weeks on the road without washing. Peeling off his dirty clothes, he set them aside from his bag, hiding both in-between the rocks high above the waters.
Goosebumps ran up his arms as he approached the waters. The sun was still high enough in the sky, though a few clouds did beckon across the skyline, the promise of rain both a blessing and a curse with his current predicament.
Hopping onto a large rock, he observed the depths before finally taking the plunge.
Fire traveled through his veins as the curse took hold. He closed his eyes to avoid it, but he felt the changes, bones cracking and reshaping to the curse’s preference. Where once were two average feet now had melted together like butter, soon followed by his calves and thighs until it was all one limb. His nails transformed into claws as he clenched his fists. Tiny pinpricks of pain erupted across what were once two legs, the formation of scales and webbing overwhelming to his enhanced senses. By the end, he was a shaking pitiful mess, his now alien tongue running along the rows and rows of teeth inside his mouth as he took in his first breath of seawater.
He hated how much he had craved this.
His ears flipped back and lowered as far as they could go, a subconscious response to his predicament.
Old Gods be damned, he inwardly cursed, lowering himself down to the sand. He brushed his body with the coarse material, ridding himself of the dead skin and grim he’d accumulated. Moments later he rolled over on his back, repeating the process for several minutes until he was clean.
The first transformation he had cried, mourning the loss of his mentor and fearing the loss of his humanity. Now, on his fifth time, he just wanted to get it over and done with, hating all the strange sensations he had now as one of the very creatures his mentor fought back into the sea only a few months prior.
He blinked, second eyelids a half-second slower than his first, observing the underwater world around him with interest. He didn’t have much time to enjoy his surroundings, however.
The scent of food captured his stomach’s attention. Before he even had time to think his body began to move, less the awkward teen he was and more of the predator he had become.
On a normal day, he would not have been so adventurous, but Izuku had finished his last meager rations two days ago and hadn’t had meat in an even longer time. It would be fine, he reasoned, he was still in the lagoon and the sun would be up for several more hours.
The pristine sand landscape slowly transformed into a dense rocky forest of dead coral. It was a beautiful but haunting reminder of how cruel the sea could be, giving and taking away life like the gods who ruled them.
The water tickled his hair as he swam down the slope of the lagoon, the scent growing stronger as the light began to fade.
He hoped it was something edible, perhaps a glow whale like the one meal All Might introduced him to so many months ago after his first battle. His lips pulled upwards at the memory. Even the tough skin of an Armored Squid or a greasy Floor-Feeder Fish would taste like heaven at this point. His stomach gurgled, instincts driving him further and further away from shore.
Strangely, the slope seems to be reversing the further he swims, ascending until he spots a familiar group of rocks he had come across but only a few days before. The problem was, he thought with a nervous gulp, they had been part of the shoal that protected the lagoon.
He shook his head. No, no that couldn’t be right. That would mean the waters had risen by several meters and Izuku would have felt that.
But what about the high tide, the logical part of him pointed out, sending his mind into a frenzy.
His gaze flickered to the sky, noting the sun’s position with alarm. Had it truly been more than an hour? He returned his attention to the rocks. It could be his mind playing tricks on him. It wouldn’t be the first time. Paranoia had been a constant companion since he lost his mentor. The small fading hope that All Might was still alive had battled with the fear of the old gods wrecking further vengeance upon the teen for stepping into their domain.
His stomach ached. This was no longer a want, but a need. His hand glided over the Mark on his shoulder. The warmth pulsed beneath his palm. He would get the food and get back to shore as soon as possible. His tail swished impatiently as he drew out the energy of One for All. Veins of light traveled down his scales. With one kick he was zooming past the white rocks, deeper and deeper into the watery expanse.
The first change he noted was the life in this part of the waters. Tiny fish (not edible, he thought grimly) danced between colorful seaweed, the warm waters giving way to a refreshing coolness as he followed the scent.
The scent ended as he approached a dense forest of red coral, jutting out like tall trees from the seagrass. At the center of the grove, the corpse of a small glow whale lay between two rocks. His teeth sharpened, the needle structures in his mouth extending as he approached. Still, he held back from digging in.
It was a fresh kill. Strangely, however, there was only one cut on the creature’s body, a thin slice between its thick blubber. He scanned the area. It had been out here for as long as he’d been in the water at least and not one scavenger?
His stomach gurgled, overriding his thoughts. Flexing his claws, he cut off a piece from the broken skin, taking a small bite.
He almost groaned. So delicious. He took another bite, then another.
He ate as if on autopilot, human manners forgotten as the creature’s hunger took hold. He was almost halfway through his meal when he noticed it.
The hairs on his neck prickled. A shadow danced across the sands. He froze. The Mark on his shoulder burned, blisteringly so.
He looked above.
The mers he and his master fought were minuscule in comparison to this one. The creature’s tail is the first thing Izuku noticed, four meters in length and the same color as the coral surrounding them. How...how long had it been here? As it drew closer the teen took in its human features. The mer was male, he thought, judging its large upper body that was covered in scars. Most of them were old, but they all told Izuku everything he needed to know: this creature was dangerous.
He drew away from the meal, hands waving frantically as he apologized for taking its food. He hadn’t known it was his. His Mark sent pulses of pain down his arm, urging him to continue his retreat.
“Once again, my apologies,” he said, hoping his words were understandable underneath the water. “You are welcome to have the rest. I’ll just leave you to it.”
He doesn’t get very far. The creature blocked him with his tail, tilting his head as he asked in an oddly deep voice, “Where are you going?”
The sound echoed through the waters, sending a shiver down the teen’s spine. He never should have swam out this far, food or not.
Izuku lied, “My master is waiting for me.”
A dark, foreboding smile played across the creature’s lips. He caught a glimpse of several sharp teeth as he spoke, “Your master?”
“Yes,” he affirmed, pulling away as fast as he could. The more distance he put between them the better. “I have to be going now.”
“Do you now?” The mer inched closer, never allowing the teen more than a meter of distance. “Why not stay? Come. Eat.”
“I can’t. I’m really sorry. I don’t want to worry him,” Izuku replied hurriedly. His Mark sent a burst of adrenaline through his blood. Hopefully, it would give him enough energy to get back to shore.
“He won’t be worried,” the mer said, drawing uncomfortably close as he continued to circle Izuku.
“No, he really will be,” he insisted.
“He can’t be,” the creature stated into his ear. “The drowned do not feel.”
Ice filled Izuku’s veins. Without a second thought he swished his tail into the sand, drawing it up to blind the now familiar monster.
He didn’t stick around, the roar of anger more than enough to drive the teen back through the way he came.
One for All bleed through his being, the lines of light providing him distance. Unfortunately, in his panic he had lost sight of his original path, now swimming blind as the light above was fading. How long had he been eating? His breathing grew labored.
That was All for One. It had to be. He remembered those eyes, back on the day his master was swallowed by the sea, staring him down from inside the waves. He had been a lot bigger then, an unseen force of nature that belaid a constantly changing shadow of otherworldly horror.
Of course an old god could take the form of one of its creatures. Izuku would have hit himself if he weren’t swimming for dear life.
His mind worked through realization after realization at breakneck speed. So long as he held the Mark of One for All, All for One would come for him. That was why he’d cursed Izuku in this form. It had been to get him back to his domain.
Black tendrils shot up from the sand. He avoided them by twisting into a narrow group of rocks. He eyed the surface. His energy would only last so long. He needed a direction back to land.
Inwardly, he grasped onto the power All Might bestowed upon him, mumbling a prayer to god. Like an arrow he shot up from the rocky formation, too fast for All for One’s tendrils.
He gasped as he broke through the surface. The sun had been overtaken by the earlier clouds. Faintly, he could smell an incoming storm. Turning about, he frantically searched for land.
Desperation gripped his soul. Nothing but dark gray seas surrounded him. No, he couldn’t have gone out that far. The distance he’d covered was short, unless…
Unless someone intentionally made it so.
His heart rate skyrocketed. The lagoon must have been submerged into the Kamino Sea when he was under the waves. The shoal had been the first clue. How long had All for One been planning this?
The water shifted beneath him. Izuku’s eyes widened as a dark shadow spread out beneath him, steadily growing and rising from the depths. In one last ditch effort he poured the rest of his energy into escaping. He doesn’t get very far.
A tendril grasps his arm, jerking him back. Another joins on his opposite arm. Izuku frantically shifted about to shake off the tentacles. Fear gripped his soul as a hand from the depths shot upwards to grab his right fin, tight and unyielding.
Izuku struggled to escape the old god’s grasp, yet the hold on his tail dragged him deeper and deeper into the depths. Another sharp tug brought him into the monster’s arms. Izuku clawed and bit at the offending limbs. To his dismay, the skin was too tough for him to break. A low vibration from All for One’s chest began to slow his movements, muscles no longer working for him but rather against him, falling limp to the soft hum. Was the old god laughing?
“This has been fun. I haven’t had a good chase in quite a while,” the elder god chuckled.
Izuku growled. Despite how terrified he was, he refused to yield. “Let me go.”
“Now, why would I do that?” The arms tightened around the teen.
“You can’t have One for All,” he ground out.
“Oh? But he’s right here, isn’t he?”
Large fingers grasp his shoulder. His body bucked as the burning from the Mark exploded. Flashes of color invaded his vision. One moment the monster had on a younger face, unblemished by scars and cruelty. The next moment the face returned, though it had been tempered with a layer of curiosity.
“Does it hurt?”
Izuku gasped as the aches continued through his body. “Yes.”
A cruel smile danced across the old god’s face. “How interesting. Even now my little brother continues to resist me.”
They sank deeper, much to Izuku’s horror. In the distance, he heard an unnatural roar, followed by more and more, until the sound nearly overwhelmed him. The teen tried to cover his ears but the elder god pulled them down, refusing to give him relief.
The depths took on an uncomfortable chill. He shivered.
“Where are you taking me?” He asked between breaths.
All for One buried his mouth in the teen’s hair. The needle-like fangs were unnervingly close to his scalp. “We’re going home, my little guppy. Where you always belonged.”
Izuku blinked, energy leaving his body as he thought over the monster’s words.
“My home is on land,” he mumbled.
“Yes, it was. Once,” he whispered as the rest of the light faded from view. “But not anymore.”
The low hum returned. Izuku’s body loosened and relaxed, even as his mind and Mark screamed at him to move. All for One seemed to sense this, pressing him closer to his body so as to block any attempt at escape.
Amidst the blackness, he made out a great shape, a mockery of the castle he and his master once visited. The miasma surrounding it made the teen’s stomach roll with disgust.
“Welcome home, Izuku.”
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inkrabbit · 3 years
Hello! So I was wondering if you could write a Sean macguire x male reader where reader replaces Karen during Sean’s welcome back party. Except, reader is sober and when Sean first says ‘I love you’ and kisses reader, reader stops him. And then tells him to find him when he’s sober. And the next morning, when reader thinks Sean’s forgotten all about it, Sean approaches him. And when reader tries to start up a friendly conversation, Sean dramatically dips and kisses him in the middle of camp. Everyone who sees claps and whistles and all that stuff. You can decide what happens after.
Hopefully this is good. I went back and watched the scene a couple times and came up with this. I hope you like it <3
The party had been rather pleasant, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't happy Sean was home, safe and sound. His drunken speech had put a smile on your face, but you decided it was best to not linger around the Irishman. You knew how he could be when he drank too much; you had the “pleasure” of getting to know the man in his drunken state when you first joined the gang. He was handsy and hovered around you, shouting compliments from across camp whenever he saw you working. You weren't sure what you preferred more: the affectionate drunk or the story-telling idiot.
You knew he was a joker, always saying something to get a rise out of people. A true, some of the things he did say would make you smile, or even chuckle on the rare occasion. But the one thing that always perplexed you was how he would talk about you having feelings for him. Sure, he would joke about the women in camp having some sort of soft spot for him, and that they'd all probably fight for his hand in marriage, but you were the only man in camp he would make these jokes about. You never brought it up, positive that he would laugh at you for not being able to separate joke from reality. Still, the comments would replay over and over in your mind whenever you laid down to sleep at night.
He's stumbling as he walks over to you, bottle in hand and a toothy grin on his face. You had tried to ignore him, too lost in thought to even want to give him any sort of attention while you tried to sort things out on your own. Still, his hand planted itself on the tree you were leaning against, and he leans forward just that bit so he's just mere inches from your face. You half expect him to start chastising you for not drinking like the rest of the members to welcome him back, or even poking fun at you for having tried to isolate yourself from the rest of the party.
“Admit you love me...” he slurs out, and you're surprised to hear the desperation in his voice. “Admit it, and I'll stop annoyin' ya.”
“Sean, what're you talkin' about?” No, this wasn't the first time the Irishman had said something that had caught you off guard, but this surely wasn't the topic you expected him to try and cover.
“You love me,” He grin seems to grow as closes in on you, invading more of your personal space and forcing you to move back. He reeks of whiskey, making your nose crinkle up.
“I don't know what's gotten into you, but you need to move back.”
“Come here...” The world almost seems to fall away as he grabs your hand, a lot more gently than you would expect, pulling you against him. Before he can lean in and press his lips against yours, you move your head back, planting your hand at the base of his neck and prying him away.
“Stop playin' around, Sean,” You're quick to walk back, avoiding the questionable look you catch from Arthur.
“He's been pining for me, that boy!” Sean's voice grows distant, but you can hear the smugness in his voice as he talks to the older man. You can only shake your head as you move farther into camp. Maybe a bottle of whiskey of your own would help calm your nerves and running mind.
By the time you're halfway done with your drink, some of the camp members have already settled down to sleep. Only the more rowdy bunch were still awake, burning the midnight oil as they drank and shared stories or even sang songs. You had kept your distance from them, politely declining their invitations to join them. You'd rather wrestle with your thoughts; try to make sense of everything regarding Sean. You couldn't take him seriously – you wouldn't. You wouldn't let that man make a fool of you, and you wouldn't fall into some sick trap just so he could complete a silly joke.
Still, as the night went on and you came to no solid conclusions, you felt like you were finally starting to wind down and decided to walk your way across camp, back towards your old tent. That's when you hear it.
“Oh there he is!” Sean calls out. You can see him standing beside John's tent, swaying back and forth. No doubt he's drank more since the last time you saw him earlier this evening. “The finest man I know!”
“Now don't you start again, Sean,” You try to hold your ground, but he's walking forward, sounding the slightest bit assertive as he reaches out, this time grabbing your wrist. He doesn't hold you like he did last time, but he does stand close.
“What? You hate me so much you gotta keep harassing me?” You're not sure where the accusation comes from. Maybe it was the months of pent up confusion and irritation you suffered from his jokes, and you had finally snapped. Still, the look in his eyes are akin to a hurt puppy, and his hand grabs yours, holding it like you're the most precious thing in existence.
“I love you,” His voice is different now, genuine and firm. The way he looks at you, a desperate glint in his eyes as he searches yours. Your heart flutters and the beats falter for just a moment.
“Ya don't mean that, Sean. You're always off, talkin' 'bout the other girls. Seems like you're pokin' fun at me. Like you're calling mea girl.”
“Well that's how you take it lad. If you'd just listen to me-”
“I ain't gonna listen to some drunk. You come find me when you're sober.”
Your hand slips from his grasp and you waste no time turning your heels and continuing to your tent. You hear him call out to you, the same desperation in his voice, but you ignore him. Love. The word almost makes you scoff. He was drunk, he didn't know what he was saying.
And just like every other night, you fell asleep with Sean's voice replaying in your mind.
The morning seems to come soon, and you're almost surprised when you see most of the members are already awake and bustling about, eating breakfast and sipping on coffee. You stretch and snatch up your shirt, slipping your arms through the sleeves and doing the buttons. The sun's almost too bright, making you squint.
“Y/N!” And there it is, the old familiar Irish voice that. He seems to have a pep in his step, that same old toothy grin. He must've forgot about last night. He had to with how cheerful he looks, his happy-go-lucky attitude finally returning. With a smile, you give him a small wave.
“Morning, Sean. How'd you sleep?” You expect him to respond with anything. Still, he doesn't stop walking until he's right in front of you, and a small yelp escapes your lips when he grabs you. With one arm supporting your lower back, he tips you, similar to the dips you saw Dutch do to Molly when they'd dance. However, he doesn't pull you back up. Instead, he leans down and pulls you into a kiss. It's not as sloppy as you would've expected, and you reach up to hold onto his jacket for support. You can hear the other members in the background, some whistling while others commented about it being time Sean finally acted on his feelings.
When finally pulls back, he's smiling down at you, his lips still brushing against yours.
“Ya believe me now, love?” he breathes. You let out a soft scoff.
“That kiss wasn't so convincing.” you challenge. There's a laugh and he comments about being the luckiest man alive before he presses his lips against yours again.
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