#I’ll make a part 3
sallow-slut · 10 months
“Please?” Part 2
Sebastian x F!MC
Intended for mature audiences! All characters aged up accordingly 🔞
Sebastian’s urgent plea through the door caused MC to freeze in place, the trousers halfway up her legs as she began to process exactly what was happening. Her heart began to beat loud enough she could feel it in her ears, the realization that he wasn’t mad settling in.
“Just a second!” She called out, hurriedly pulling the trousers up.
MC started considering her options here. He couldn’t just bust in on her in the bathroom should she chose to hide away, that’d be wildly inappropriate. If she told him she was having trouble on the toilet she might as well just crawl out of the window and curl up outside to die. Yet, if she opened the door she wasn’t sure what would come of them. What would he do? Against her better judgement, she shuffled to the door and swung it open.
Sebastian almost fell, stumbling forward to regain his footing. His eyes widened upon the sight of her in his clothes, the shirt loosely covering the top half of her while his trousers were being held up by one of her hands. Without explanation he kicked the door shut behind himself, letting out a deep chuckle.
“Took you long enough,” he told her, moving close enough so that he could inspect her face, “you’re looking a little red there, mind telling me what in Merlin’s beard were you doing in my bathroom, hm?”
If MC had been blushing before, she was even worse off after he called it out.
Sebastian took the opportunity to reach forward and grab the front of the shirt she presumably nicked from his wardrobe, pulling her close. To think she was in his cottage, with his clothes on, touching herself.. he couldn’t believe his luck. With his free hand, he adjusted the crotch area of his own pants to relieve some of the pressure from his growing erection.
“Nothing!” MC blurted, not willing to look down to see what he was doing, though she didn’t have to guess.
“Doubtful,” He replied in a low voice, “have you any idea how hard it was to listen to that? And I see you’ve helped yourself to my belongings… good thing, too, I’ll feel less guilty ripping them off.”
In seconds he was tugging at the shirt that kept her modesty, and MC lost any sort of control of herself as she let him. Playing dumb had seemed the way to go just moments before, but why? She had been fantasizing about him after all, she’d be a fool to ignore how incredibly hot and bothered he was making her. Her arms raised so that it’d be easier for him to slipped the clothing off, but he had already gripped it and pulled it with enough force to rip it from her body like he said he would.
“Off, now.” He commanded, ridding her of the remnants of his torn shirt. Sebastian needed her to pull those trousers down or he’d do it himself. He barely allowed himself enough time to drink in the sight of her half naked, his head foggy with a lust daze that he’d never experienced before.
MC got the message and quickly removed the only article of clothing she had left. Standing before him naked, she reached out to help him undress, only for her hands to be pushed away.
“No,” he leaned close to her and placed a hand on the back of her neck, “you were touching yourself, who were you thinking of?” He had an inkling but he wanted her to admit it.
“You.” She didn’t miss a beat, there was no point in hiding it.
That was all he needed to hear.
He used the hold he had on her to guide her to the wall, trapping her with his body as he placed either of his hands on her hips. His arousal was at a peak, his dick throbbing with need within the confines of his pants.
MC leaned her face upwards to pressed her lips to his but he pulled away just enough so that their lips couldn’t meet, she tried again but he didn’t relent. Frustration of her own began to form as she looked at him, seeing the lust in his eyes and not understanding why he wouldn’t just cave in already.
Sebastian couldn’t, he had her exactly where he wanted her yet he found himself surprisingly stuck in place as she attempted to kiss him. Everything about her in that moment was goddamn perfect; the blush of her cheeks, her bare skin against him, the way her eyes seemed to search for reason within his own. She’d find none, even he didn’t know why he wasn’t just picking her up and fucking her against the wall right there.
His fingers dug into her hips slightly, with every intention of leaving marks. With that in mind, he finally lowered his head to bury his face into her neck, biting at the sensitive flesh as she squirmed between his body and the wall. Hearing those whimpers slip out from her up close, could have sent him to heaven.
“You’re mine.” He growled into her skin, not willing to let go of her just yet or at all for that manner.
MC had already lost all sense of control, her body heated mess on the wall. His actions confused her, but damned if they didn’t feel amazing- he could bite the hell out of her and she’d let him. If he wanted she’d jump him now and make use of their privacy to finally give in to the repressed feelings they obviously had for one another.
She watched as he placed his face next to hers, turning her cheek to try and land a kiss again. Met with disappointment as he yet again kept himself just out of reach. She could feel the hardness below pressing into her legs, he’d just declared her as his own, why wouldn’t he kiss her?
“Sebastian..” Her voice carried the amount of need she felt, showing just how much she wanted him to lose himself with her.
“Fuck,” he muttered, “not in the bathroom, not right now.. if I kiss you.. I won’t be able to hold back.”
Despite his words, one of his hands trailed from her waist to her behind, grabbing a decent hold of her ass and giving it a rough squeeze. His hips involuntarily bucked and he groaned at the sensation of grinding his covered manhood to her leg. He could barely help himself, knowing that she seemed more than willing to get frisky in such a room.
MC was getting impatient, with him groping and grinding she saw no reason for them to move anywhere else. She was more than ready to give him everything, and she had been for a while if she was being completely honest with herself. She couldn’t take the torture of him teasing her like this, every second felt like a month as he denied them the release they both sought.
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pisscentral · 1 month
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local elias bouchard simp falls in love with a *different* evil, aging aristocrat
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whereismyhat5678 · 5 months
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I don’t even wanna separate these?? TAKE THE WHOLE SHEET I’M SO PROUD OF IT WHAT????
I was playing around with expressions and OMG, I think I unlocked something???
It was mostly from yesterday’s post, I liked the way I drew Pizza Head so I decided to try drawing him again (since it’s been a while) AND GOD I LOVE THESE‼️‼️‼️ Seriously started out rough but then I just kind rolled with it! I like it! I like it a lot‼️ 😆😆
Also since I drew Brick yesterday as well, I decided to change the way I draw him, just a bit 🤏
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Today was so fun AAAHHH!!!! 💞💞💞💞💞💞
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kennahjune · 7 months
(Hopefully the last part)
Tag list: @nuggies4life @waelkyring @goodolefashionedloverboi @forest-fogg @cometsandstardust @bird-with-pencils @y4r3luv @xxsky-shockxx @lil-gremlin-things @giopandaonice @hippieg1rl420 @yoyokiss97 @stucksolangelo (I love ur user) @pizazzmcjazz @samsoble @mugloversonly @how-about-nah-honey @newmoonydude @the-alpha-ursae-minoris @r0binscript @queenie-ofthe-void @myguiltyartpleasure @geekymagicalpotato @b-e-e-b-o-i @shunna @slitherynchiken @sweetheartprincess28 @tinyplanet95 @enoki-mushrooms @wrenisflying @pending-dope-username @gaelicblue @maya-custodios-dionach
Welcome to Part 3!!
Eddie watched Steve talk to Jonathan through the window of his car, checking to make sure he would be ok with Billy coming by. Apparently, from what they told Eddie, last time Billy came to pick up Max from the Byers’, he threatened to kill Lucas and gave Steve one of his worst concussions.
So fun.
When they finally drove off, Eddie and Steve stood side by side for a good minute, neither moving or even looking at each other, just standing. Until Steve made the first move to the bikes and Eddie followed.
They stayed in silence while they loaded everything into the back of the van. Mike’s bike first, then Lucas’. Then when Eddie closed the door, Steve finally spoke.
“I really am sorry about them.”
Eddie hummed and looked at him, but Steve was looking down and was biting his nails. Eddie hoped he realized it really wasn’t that big of a deal.
“No it’s fine— really, man. They weren’t doin’ any harm.” Eddie tried to reassure. Steve looked up at him skeptically, still chewing at his nails. Eddie really wanted to stop him. To pull his hands away from his mouth and hold them in his own instead. He bets Steve has soft hands.
“They really didn’t bother you? Like actually? Because I know they can all seem really pushy— even Will, in his own way— but I promise they don’t mean any harm.”
Eddie sighed, watching Steve’s eyes flit back and forth between his own. “Steve. I promise, they weren’t pushy or overwhelming or anything that might be going through that pretty little head of yours.” Steve paused and Eddie reveled in the pink that rose to his face. He smirked lightly. “If anything, it was sweet. They care about you a lot.”
Steve scoffed and turned away, walking around the van to get in, but he could see the smile on his face. Eddie chuckled and followed him over to the passenger side. When Steve hopped up and got in Eddie held the door open and leaned closely.
“What? Don’t believe me?” he smirked. The pink on Steve’s face darkened and he desperately held back a smile. “They were all over me, sweetheart. Asking questions about why I wanted to help, how I knew you, how we went to school together.” Eddie listed.
Steve scoffed again and turned away. “Get in the van, Munson.”
“Oh so I’m Munson now?”
“I swear to god—“
Eddie cackled and ran over to his side. Steve closed the door while Eddie jumped in.
The ride was really fun. Eddie expected it to be somewhat awkward and quiet but Steve was quite the talker. Eddie was content to listen while Steve went on and on about the kids; one in particular named Dustin, who was apparently at a summer camp.
They dropped off Mike’s bike first, Steve stopping in to say hi to the Lady Wheelers before popping back out and into the van. This time with a sticker or two on his face.
“Holly,” he said, as if that explained it all.
“Ah,” he responded, and started driving.
Lucas’ was next, Steve being greeted outside by Mrs. Sinclair and apparently Lucas’ little sister Erica.
Mrs. Sinclair took the bike while Steve argued with Erica about something or other, Eddie wasn’t really paying attention to anything other than how hot Steve was when he had his hands on his hips. Those shorts did wonders for his ass, Eddie had to admit.
When Steve finally got back in the car after a hug goodbye from Mrs. Sinclair Eddie was smoking a cigarette out the window. Steve eyed his curiously. “You alright?”
Eddie finished his last drag and nodded, putting his cigarette out in the ashtray he had in his cup holder.
As Steve buckled up and Eddie pulled out he asked “Where to now, baby?”
When Steve didn’t answer for a good couple of seconds, Eddie looked over.
Steve was red in the face. Like— really red. His eyes were wide and Eddie could see a bit of green mixed with the hazel, exposed by the dying sunlight. “You alright?” he asked skeptically.
Steve nodded slowly and swallowed. He turned his head to look out the window and brought his feet up on the seat to fold against his chest. He mumbled “Your place for my car” before he folded one arm against his chest and the other against the window to pillow his head. Eddie smiled giddily and started to the trailer.
“Baby”. The only thing that was going through Steve’s head right now.
When was the last time he’d been called any sort of pet name? Let alone something so intimate? Short answer: never. Steve was always using the pet names in relationships— both platonic and romantic. So hearing Eddie Munson, in his western accent and deep, rumbly voice, call him “baby” had sent him spiraling off kilter.
Steve closed in on himself best he could while being confined to the van. He could suddenly feel everything on him; where his shorts slightly rode up, how his shirt brushed against his shoulders oddly, how the stickers on his face from Holly stabbed slightly at his skin, everything. It was a little overwhelming.
He didn’t even notice when they pulled onto the street of Eddie’s trailer, or when the van pulled into the driveway, or when the van stopped. He jumped and nearly hit himself in the face when a hand landed on his thigh.
“Sorry!” came the rushed apology from Eddie, who quickly retracted his touch. Steve mourned the loss the of the warmth. “We’re here. You were hella zoned out so I didn’t think you noticed,” Eddie hastily explained.
With a moments pause Steve studied Eddie carefully. He studied the rosy blush on his cheeks, his ruffled hair, his dark eyes, his pretty pink lips. Steve cleared his throat and thanked him before jumping out of the van.
“Hey, man,” Eddie called to him before Steve could reach his own car. “You wanna come in for a bit? It’s only 3 and you look like you could use a nice beer.”
“Oh— I don’t want to intrude—“
“The King? Scared of intruding on a simple peasants home? How the times have changed!” Eddie placed a hand over his heart dramatically while smirking at Steve.
Steve watched him for a moment, smiled so wide his face hurt, and finally accepted. “Fuck it. Sure, I could use a beer.”
And that’s where they were now, sitting in Eddie’s room, drinking their beers and sharing their silence. Steve didn’t think it was awkward, but the more beer he drank the more he felt the urge to fill the silence that settled comfortably between them. He always was a talkative drunk.
“Hey, Eddie.” Steve placed his beer on the crowded bedside table and rolled over on his stomach. “Thanks.”
Eddie eyed him oddly and took another swig of his own beer before reaching over Steve to place it down. Steve preened at the closeness of Eddie reaching over him and rolled back into his back. When Eddie sat back down he asked
“Thanks for what?”
Steve exhaled silently. “Thanks for helping me yesterday. Most people would’ve just left. Hey— I also need to thank your friends. Jeff and Gareth right?”
Eddie paused and looked at Steve. Steve swallowed and felt his breathing pick up slightly. Beer makes it hard for him to conceal emotions. Not that there was anything he was hiding.
Eddie smirked. “You can tell them yourselves tomorrow. I planned on stopping by the store for a bit to get the ice cream I never got yesterday.”
Steve scoffed and smacked Eddie’s leg. They’ve never really spoken to each other before this. Fleeting looks in the halls, catching each other’s eyes in the cafeteria, but never speaking. If they spoke during high school then they threatened to break whatever spell was over them.
But this; this is different. This isn’t them being scared to interact. This is them taking every risk, every threat, and hitting it head on. This was Steve leaving his comfort zone to find something better.
But there wasn’t anything else to it.
(Who is he lying to?)
A sudden thought hit Steve. “Hey, do you still have that club? That DND one?”
Eddie startled a little too hard and coughed. Steve panicked and sat up, patting him on the back and yelling to “fucking breathe”.
“Holy shit.” Eddie coughed/laughed out. “His highness is acquainted with the farmer boy’s game.” He smirked.
Steve huffed and folded his arms, leaning on the headboard. “I’ve never played it myself. But the kids are all really obsessed.”
“Even Max?”
“No, just the boys.”
“Ah. And you brought up Hellfire, why?”
“Because I was wondering if you could take them in next year. They’re starting their freshman year and I want them to be as comfortable as they can. Hellfire will do that for them.”
Eddie regarded him closely, and Steve felt himself go stiff under his gaze; his shoulders rose and his arms tightened against his chest.
“You really care about those kids, huh Harrington?”
Steve exhaled. “Yeah.” his response came out barely above a whisper.
It was near 4 now, according to the clock on Eddie’s dresser. Steve really should be going. The kids would blow up his walkie if he took any longer.
But he didn’t want to move. Steve was caught in Eddie’s gaze; wonderment, curiosity, hunger. It was endearing and Steve didn’t want it to end. When was the last time someone looked at him like that? He doesn’t think Nancy ever looked at him like— even before everything went to shit.
He took in a deep breath when Eddie’s eyes flickered to his eyes and then his lips. His eyes then his lips. His eyes then his lips.
Steve sat up slowly, not knowing what else to do.
“Um—“ his voice cracked and Eddie smirked. “I have to— I have to— um, uh—“
“You have to leave?” Eddie supplied, raising an eyebrow.
Steve nodded vigorously. Gods he could feel the heat in his face while Eddie continued to smirk.
He had a lot to think about as Eddie guided him to the front door, talking lowly as to not disturb the quietness they’ve contained for the past hour. Eddie also had a hand on the small of Steve’s back, guiding him down the hall and through the living room. Steve chose not to say anything; he liked the warmth of Eddie’s hand on his back.
Eddie sees him to his car and all the while he’s talking very quietly, the cadence of his voice soothing and calming. Steve loved the way it reverberated through his skull in a soft thrum.
Steve doesn’t remember much about driving to the Byers’, he remembers pulling out of the trailer and turning on the radio, Take On Me playing quietly in the background as if letting his thoughts take front stage. He didn’t know how to feel about anything. But he knew he needed to get to the Byers’ before Max left.
Only when he blinked into reality did he notice the blue eyes in the blue Camaro staring at him intensely. Steve gulped. He couldn’t deal with this, not after such a bad migraine. Not after what happened last year.
But to Steve’s confusion, when Billy got out of his car and Steve did the same, there were no words exchanged. No death threats. No “I’ll kick your ass”. Nothing. In fact— Billy seemed headstand around Steve. And with a fluttering sensation in his gut and a small pick-up in his heartbeat, Steve thought for a moment that maybe Eddie said something to Billy yesterday to make him back off.
He disregarded this thought almost immediately.
Now he and Billy stood side by side on the Byers’ porch. Steve stood idly by, not wanting to get too close to Billy and risk having bad attitude rubbed off on him.
“Well?” Billy snapped after a moment. Steve loathed the way he jumped in his skin. “I’m not fucking knocking.”
“I didn’t know you knew what the hell that was,” Steve uttered while giving four sharp knocks to the door. Billy growled. Call animal control, Steve thought silently to himself.
“Clam it, Harrington. Just cause you have Munson on your side doesn’t do shit to save you. I’ll have your ass down and folded in seconds if I really wanted to.”
On his side?
“Talk all you want Billy, you’re all bark no bite. You scream and you talk and you say shit and yet when was the last time you followed through with something, huh? Does the new King find himself in a pickle? Or did everyone finally leave the damn kingdom.”
Billy looked ready to murder and probably would have had Jonathan not opened the door right at that moment. Billy eyed him cautiously, less in fear and more in “you know things you shouldn’t”. You know, the way Jonathan’s typically eyed.
“Steve, hey. Hargrove.” Jonathan nodded to them.
“Hey, Jon.” Steve smiled. Billy tutted and huffed, his arms crossed.
“Just get the girl already. Neil’s gonna have my ass if she doesn’t he out here already.”
Jonathan eyed Billy silently. Everyone seemed to be eyeing each other today. He nodded and went back into the house. When Billy noticed that Steve had made no moves to go inside as well, he raised an eyebrow and seemed to close in on himself even more.
“The hell are you waiting for, Harrington? You going in or not?”
Steve shrugged. He really wasn’t going anywhere until he saw Max and Billy drive away. He knew Billy wouldn’t try anything if he knew Steve was watching, and Steve was determined to keep Max as safe as possible— even if for a few seconds.
“I’m waiting for the boys. I’m dropping them off.” Which wasn’t an entire lie, really.
Max emerged from the house at that moment, eyeing Billy warily, as if he might shatter in a moments notice. Steve huffed a barely audible laugh. Max’s hair was sticking up in every-which-way; she must’ve taken a nap.
Billy stalked off the porch without a word. Jonathan was in the doorway now as well, watching Max step up to Steve and hug him before running off to the car.
“Stay safe, Red!” Steve called after her.
Max waved and called back “I will!”
Steve waved to her the entire way down the street until she and the car were gone. When he turned back to Jonathan, the latter was smiling at him. Steve blushed to the tip of his ears.
Jonathan snickered. “Nothin, man. Get the hell in here.”
Mike and Lucas were hounding him the moment he stepped into the living room. Will clearly had something to say as well but kept his distance. To Steve’s pleasant surprise, El and Hopper were there as well.
Steve told them how they dropped the bikes off and explained the star and smiley stickers on his face. But he kept everything else to himself.
Hopper huffed and put his cigarette out. “Watch yourself around him, kid. Munson’s trouble.”
Steve scoffed. “Eddie couldn’t hurt a fly. He’d run in the opposite direction. You’re just wary cause he’s Hawkins’ best dealer.”
Hopper huffed and rapped his knuckles on the coffee table. “That’s exactly it. I don’t none of you kids getting involved in that shit.”
“And we won’t, you old man,” exclaimed Mike from where he sat between Will and El. “No one here is interested in that shit and I doubt he’d sell to any of us.”
Lucas and Will nodded. El had no idea what they were talking about.
Steve snorted and shared a look with Jonathan and Joyce.
“Anyway,” Steve interrupted before Hopper and Mike could chew each other’s heads off. “I better get Mike and Lucas home soon.”
Everyone groaned, including El.
“Why not have a sleepover?” El asked slowly, piecing together the sentence.
Steve shrugged. “I have no objections. But you’d all be going home early cause I have work.”
“Why couldn’t we go to work with you?” asked Mike. Lucas and Will nodded while El looked at him and Hopper expectantly.
“Um—“ Steve looked at Hopper.
“Steve, El. Kitchen please.” Hopper stood up and walked off, expecting them to follow. Steve gulped and followed with El. Oh what the fuck?
Eddie was positively floating the next day. He was convinced he actually had a chance Steve Harrington of all people. And no one was telling him otherwise.
As promised to Steve the previous day, Eddie was back at Scoops Ahoy. He was tagged along with Jeff and Gareth just as yesterday— but with the new addition Brian finally joining them.
(Idk if I gave him a name in the other parts so he’s Brian now.)
Just as Eddie opened the door to walk in, it burst open and he was surrounded by four familiar kids. There was a new face who lingered towards the back and Eddie waved at her. She waved back, but didn’t smile. It kind of threw Eddie off.
But Steve was inside the shop with Robin, talking animatedly to Jonathan, and Eddie felt right at home.
Man, when did that happen?
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foundationsofdecay · 8 days
In this st fan bubble we appreciate and uplift the underrated tracks
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ifyoucandaniel · 2 months
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hey guys, it’s ya boy, queen of never finishing anything because i hate my art and spent too much time on the sketch and ran out of motivation 😎
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. 🌎 . ☆ Earth Imagery Dump (again LMAO)
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rubysundaey · 4 months
got bored a few days ago and decided to make blinkies of all the phighting characters :3
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puppyeared · 1 year
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mars-wuz-herez · 1 month
Part two!!
I wake up.
I feel the grass on my back, the sun on my face. I cover my face with my hands to keep the sun from hitting my eyes. Oh man my body aches like crazy.
I open my eyes and see the blue sky. There are a few small clouds scattered. I notice one of the clouds doesn’t exactly look like a cloud. I squint and see that It’s whatever remains left of…..the…..ark…..
The ark
I sit up and a flood a memories hit me. Everything I’ve been through the last few days and the most recent-
Us using Chaos control. Him falling me catching. Him trying to push me away. Me not listening.
Him kissing me….
…and him falling.
I stand up, my aching body screaming at me to lay back down. But I won’t. I can’t.
“Shadow” I say, my voice cracking.
I try walking but I end up leaning against a tree. My legs hurt so much but I don’t care. I need to find him.
“Shadow!” I screamed my voice sounding less cracked and more worried.
I need to know if he’s okay. I need to know that he’s not….
“SHADOW!!!” I scream louder as that thought enters my mind. He can’t be gone. Not because of this. Not after I made him that promise not after….
not after…..
I force my legs to walk, using the trees to balance myself. I look at all angles hoping to find him
Please please please
My legs give up and I fall. I grab the tree to stand up again but then I see it.
His ring
I crawl over and pick it up.
No no no no no no
It can’t be true. Please don’t be true.
and then I see him
Shadow the hedgehog laying on the grass
“Shadow!” I say half relieved. He’s okay. He’s here.
I stand up and run over to him, ignoring the pain of my body.
He’s lying on his side. I turn him over.
“Hey man wake up”
I shake him but he’s not responding
“This isn’t funny! Wake up” I say worry returning to my voice.
I shake him even more
but he’s not responding.
I hesitate before putting my ear on his chest.
I don’t hear a heartbeat.
to be continued….?
*I made some edits hope you guys don't mind*
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honnelander · 9 months
friends….i have some news….i think part 3 of go fish! will be the final chapter of that mini series 😶
it’s going to be so 🤌🏼✨ fluffy and intimate that it just makes sense that the confessions will just come out then….but maybe i’ll change my mind idk 😜 sometimes the characters have a mind of their own
so….be prepared 👀
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the-moons-ace-card · 3 months
Griffin being the best character for about another three minutes
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whispering-woodlands · 3 months
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Don't bite your lip or grit your teeth
Just count to ten and try to breathe
You stupid bitch, can't you see
The perfect one for you is ME
Lyrics from You Stupid Bitch by Girl in Red, also here’s a closeup on Rinzler’s disc plus the repurposing/clu messing with rinz’s code effects
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little-lost-canary · 1 year
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Uhhhh I feel this speaks for itself. Sorry?
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Featuring: Cmdr. Sophie Shepard, Maj. Kaidan Alenko, Lt. James Vega, and Dr. Liara T'Soni Sophie, I don't know what you are- or who. Not since Cerberus rebuilt you. For all I know, you could be their puppet- controlled by The Illusive Man himself. Mass Effect 3: Legendary Edition (2021)
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kuroosdarling · 9 months
hello friendz !! i am packing my bags and moving to @tetzoro !!! please come join me if ya want ^_^
back to navi.
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