#I’ll update this is I remmeber
theamazingannie · 1 year
I turn 24 tomorrow so here’s the list I’ve compiled of songs that mention being 23 that make me not hate the idea of being 24:
right where you left me by Taylor Swift “she’s still 23 inside her fantasy” along with “did you hear about the girl who lives in delusion?”
What’s My Age Again? by Blink-182 “nobody likes you when you’re 23”
Late to the Party by Emei “21 without a Grammy or degree// too bad that’s sad maybe at 23” (spoiler alert: not doing so well at 23 either; in fact, I’m doing worse)
23 by Chase Atlantic-this whole song is depressing
I’m convinced there are no happy songs about being 23, so if anyone has any songs about being 24 that are a little more hopeful, I’d love to hear them
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kiliisaprincess · 3 years
This is just a reminder to be kind to everyone. And a small story time:
Yesterday morning I locked myself out of the apartment I’m staying in. When the matianence (I’m terrible at spelling apologies.) man came to let me in after unlocking the door a second time. (I locked myself out twice by leaving without the keys getting let in not grabbing my keys and then locking the door again.) He said well now it can only get worse from here. In my head I’m like dude I don’t need that energy I have anxitey please don’t put that thought in my head I already feel stupid for locking myself out twice. Before anyone says anything I’m aware he probably meant it as joke but if was hard to tell with the tone of voice he was using. Anyway I try to ignore it as I go get tea from a resturant down the street and let me tell you that walking in there and being greeted with a cheerfull Hey girl, how’s your morning? And what’s your day look like? Made me feel way better. Like it was a super simple greeting that I’m sure the man working there gives to everyone but after the conversation I had just had it just made things better. Also one of the other servers remembered my name even though I’d only been there like twice before. When I left after saying Thank you he was like Bye V. Thanks for coming or possibly have a good day something along those lines. (I don’t remmeber exactly sorry). After that exchange I instantly knew it was going to be a good day.
And it was. I was busy at the shop but every customer I had was super nice. I also got a plan worked out with a friend of my about a show we want to do together. I’ll keep you updated about that later. But yeah basically I just wanted to say that if you can please be kind to others.
Also they’ll never read this but shoutout to all the guys at Broadway Bites (the resturant I went to this morning.) for always being super welcomeing.
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joancallamezzo · 4 years
Sorry i died for a bit. OKAY Beck yes she is hot, BUT i say selfish, because didn't she cheat? She would also lie. Idk its been awhile since i've seen the show. Also wHY does she not have any blinds??? She is straight up having sex in front of the window (when Joe is stalking her) LOL. I like the tension/dynamic that Peach brought other than that, didn't care for her much. Oh yes, i forgot about Indiana Jones, very good ride! I do hate the heat, but California is my baby. Could never leave her.
yeah honestly i don’t remember much about you s1. it’s been like two years? almost since i watched. but i remember i was rooting for beck the whole time... when she found the proof of joe being a killer i was literally yelling at my computer for her to get tf out of that apartment omg i was STRESSIN. i never felt anything at all like that about love. also i don’t remmeber beck cheating? did she???  i keep saying i’m gonna rewatch it since i have nothing else to do but then i watch survivor LOL. i’ll update you when i do finally rewatch with my new updated thoughts on her.ya the blind thing is stupid but it’s a tv show about a stalker i can’t fault her for that it was just a necessary part of the storyline LOL. in one of my many boredom moments during nyc trips and my friend went to the apartment and i am happy to report that the people who live there irl do have blinds on the window. but yeah i just remember peach being annoying af but again i don’t remember much from that season. didn’t she like almost catch joe tho? i was rooting for that!!!! indy is so good!!! it’s a lot like a ride they have at disney world that i love just with different theming so it was a fun time. i want to go back so bad i’m so sad. ur stronger than me i do not think i could ever put up with the heat year round yikes. i feel that tho i always talk about wanting to move various places (mostly nyc) but like in reality i love chicago so much and the thought of leaving her? sounds simply AWFUL. and portillos? could never leave her either idk if california has any restaurants that are iconic but boy portillos alone is enough to keep me in illinois. midwest 4 life!!
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i agree. camp rock was just superior. hsm had a few bops, ie fabulous, but overall camp rock was the better movie and had the better music. ugh your frickin mind!!! wasn’t demi a judge when fifth harmony was on?? 5h on x factor.... iconic days. ah yes i remember. demi only like camila LOL. fun fact! my first ever tattoo was so fuckin stupid like simply the dumbest thing in the entire world but it was a demi tattoo LOL. love that problematic b*tch so much always will!!! i hope you get to see wicked too. the tour comes around to california pretty frequently. definitely more than it comes to chicago. would definitely recommend!! i want a full review if you ever do go!!!!
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so i love kbell with my entire heart and always have but for some reason i cannot get into any shows she’s on other than veronica mars (and parks but that doesn’t really count) i’ve never even bothered to try tgp cuz it’s not the type of tv i usually like, but even things like house of lies that i thought i’d like i just can’t get into sigh. is it worth it should i try???
btw i was going thru my inbox last night and i have a ton of messages i never replied to that i assume were from you and they were so funny i was dying laughing thank u crew anon for being so iconic and hilarious but also sorry for ignoring so many of ur messages
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stillheresanctuary · 5 years
I wanted to suggest a name for the unnamed Papy (I hope he's doing okay)! Since he can't remmeber his and likes to recite Robert Frost, maybe he could be called Robby? Just wanted to give you the idea and see if he likes the name.
It has been a while since I provided an update on our little poet, hasn’t it.
Well, first things first, we’re still having some trouble with communication, though not for lack of trying. It seems that the head injury, though slowly healing and being reconstructed, has left our little Papy at least partially deaf as well as entirely blind. From our estimations, he has about an 80 percent loss on his right side and a 30-40 percent loss on his left, which seems to be contributing to some of his balance issues. Halim and I are both looking into alternative means of providing hearing aid, since most assisting devices are either too large or too physically oriented to really work for a bitty, but for the time being, we’ve yet to really come up with anything.
That being said, the Papy type has been a very bright and optimistic little fellow, and has started to be able talk more consistently. He mostly quotes things, primarily poetry but he’s also sung some off key Queen and he parroted some Doctor Who while we were rewatching a couple episodes, but he’s getting better every day.
Name wise, he’s been responding to ‘Papy’ most consistently, though we’re fairly certain he’s responding more to the tone than anything else since he perks up whenever he hears a two-beat word. So far, we’ve tried Papy, Grassy, Gaby, Poppy, Bobby and Toby, which have all gotten some measure of response. I’ll give Robby a go next time we’re getting ready for dinner and see what happens, it might just stick.
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cheekymochiiii · 6 years
100 Year’s Quest Chapter 18-20 Tea Time
*camera pans to me sleeping on loveseat only to be woken up by my producer throwing a mug at my face*
Me: Mother*beep*! damn it Craig you *beep*! throw that at my mother *beep* face again and I’ll cut your *beep* off and shove it up your—
*screen displays message that says: please stand by*
*screen returns and shows me sitting with my cup of tea cool as a cucmber*
Me: *clears throat* Sorry about that. I haven’t been getting much sleep lately and as a result I’ve been *says through gritted teeth while glaring at Craig* very irritable.*relaxes* I realize I haven’t aired any shows since Chapter 17, but if you haven’t read the new chapter of Fairy Tail’s 100 Year Quest then that is your fault and I’m not bothering to put a spoiler warning right now. Despite my doubts to having a guest on today’s tea time, production—I mean I thought it would be best to have one anyway. Today we’ve got someone who is on Team Natsu and has had a front row seat to all the exciting *beep* that’s been happening in chapters 18-20.
Me: *gesutres to side of stage* Please audience give a warm welcome to the little braveheart Wendy Marvell!
Wendy: *walks in waving with her cute smile* Hi everyone it’s good to see you all!
Me: *admiring her adorable innocence and then remembers I have a show to shoot * Thank you so much for coming on the show Wendy it means the world to me.
Wendy: Well I heard from Panther Lily and Carla that you’re really...*hesitates to find right word* passionate.
Me: Awe that is a very accurate word to describe me, especially considering I’m a Pisces but sometimes I’m an Aquarius. It depends which website you read but for the most part I identify myself as a Pisces more than an Aquarius.
Wendy: *confused* you don’t look like two fish to me or like the terrifying Aquarius I know.
Me: *laughs at her innocence* actually Wendy here in my world our zodiac signs are given to us based on the month and day we are born in. Each zodiac is given a season in the year.
Wendy: then what happens?
Me: absolutely nothing. zodiacs are basically there just to make excuses for ourselves and how we act.
Wendy: so it’s like...alcohol?
Me: *considers this and shrugs* I mean you’re not wrong. Anyway we’re getting way off topic. Let’s focus back on what’s been happening in your world or at least in chapters 18-20. Most of these chapters were pretty *beep* short so there’s that but I’ll take whatever dose of Fairy Tail I can get.
*production tells me in my ear piece I need to stop cursing due to Tumblr restrictions and reminds me I could get flagged for being inappropriate again*
Me: *states outloud* that’s what the beeps are for you mother *beeps*
*production slaps forehead*
Me: Sorry for that interruption Wendy. My producers are being a bunch of *beep*
Wendy: *stunned at language*
Me: *continues casually* I’m not going to focus too much on Chapter 18 because I’ve already briefly talked about it in my last show. I want to give a simple summary of it. For starters I want to talk about you Wendy and what a bad *beep* you were for being able to find a spell that allowed the non-dragon slayers of Team Natsu to actually do some harm to the dragons y’all will be fighting. Naturally, I’m curious about how obtained this spell but I’m assuming you nor the creators will be willing to share that information with me.
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Wendy: *genuine tone* I’m really sorry but I can’t share that.
Me: Coming from you, I’m okay with it. So Team Natsu is officially in the battle with the Water God Dragon and boy are y’all struggling. He’s just really letting y’all have it with his magic and this is still only the first dragon y’all have to defeat for this quest.
Wendy: This Quest will definitely be the hardest one I’ve ever had to do.
Me: You guys have been through so much you barely got a breather.
Wendy: I like the adventures with my friends though. It makes my life more full.
Me: Awe
Audience: Awe
Readers: Awe
Me: You are so precious Wendy and you need to be protected at all times. I’m getting off topic again. Chapter 18. Team Natsu. Battle with Water God Dragon. *stops short statements* I mean, that’s basically it. *remmebers* oh yeah Touka defeated all of your guild mates back in Magnolia.
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Wendy: I know I was worried about them too. I still am since you guys haven’t figured out what happens.
Me: *waves and says nonchalantly* I’m sure by the next chapter we will. *wonders internally have I been spelling Touka’s name wrong this whole time?*
Wendy: What makes your so sure?
Me: We’ve been focused a lot on Team Natsu these last few chapters, so I’m going to assume with the screaming-into-pillow ending the creators gave us. The scenery will most likely change come next chapter. Anyway, now it’s Chapter 19 and we are still worried about the favorite team in the world, Team Natsu. Y’all are putting up a good fight but it’s not doing much good. In fact, Natsu tries very hard with all kinds of new and secret spells he’s been holding back from us to defeat the Water God Dragon. However, it nearly becomes too much for our favorite pink haired weirdo hero and he begins to be sucked up into a deadly looking whirlpool created by the Water God Dragon.
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Wendy: *nods at the memory* I remember. We were all worried about what was going to happen to Natsu.
Me: *sideglances* even Lucy?
Wendy: *doesnt get what I’m hinting at* yes of course she’s always worried about Natsu on missions and if he might get hurt. Natsu too. They both want to protect each other.
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Me: *grinning* most interesting *sips tea* Natsu nearly gets sucked into the whirlpool when ta-dah! *makes spirit fingers* a scaley hand snatched Natsu from it. I had a strong feeling from that ending that the hand was extremely reminiscent of a certain dragon we all love...loved.
Wendy: *nods solemnly* Natsu’s father Igneel. All of us lost our parents that day too unfortunately but not in the same way Natsu lost his tragically.
Me: *trying not to cry* I hear that *sniffles* so that’s how we are left in Chapter 19 those bastard creators. *pauses* hey why wasn’t that bleeped?
*production informs me that bastard isn’t that bad of a word compared to the ones I had been using and reminds audience that this show is for mature audiences only despite the bleeped out words because beeping everything is a struggle for the editing team*
Me: okay now it’s on to the most recent update, Chapter 20. We find out that scaley hand that rescued Natsu is indeed a dragon! We, being the readers, also notice how incredibly and unmistakingly similar this dragon and Igneel look.
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Wendy: We were all honestly terrified when this dragon revealed himself. We didn’t know whether he was there to help or hurt us.
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Me: Understandable I mean look at that thing. However we find out he’s mostly there to motivate Natsu to defeat the Water God Dragon and ultimately decides the best way to help Natsu is to set the fish city on fire using its own fire. While this seemed discouraging the dragon wants Natsu to consume the fire so it will help him defeat the Water God Dragon. The dragon also says he wants to fight Natsu at his best himself. So why does this mysterious Igneel-looking dragon want to help Natsu and also fight and defeat Natsu? Well that’s what the big reveal of this chapter was.
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Me: *takes dramatic pause*
Wendy: *smiles knowingly*
Audience: *holds breath*
Readers: *yawns*
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Wendy: *nervously sips her tea and realizes why Panther Lily and Carla called Me intense*
Me: *still raging* I JUST CANT BELIEVE IT! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING AND IVE GOT A FEELING ITS GONNA BE GOOD *relaxes and sits back down* Just wow Wendy I cant wait for what this Quest has in store for us because we are only 20 chapters in and it’s been ridiculous.
Wendy: *still smiling* I know it’s an exciting quest and adventure that truly tests the feelings, will, and strength of our team.
Me: *tearing up* I can only imagine. I can’t wait to get to the end of this long and winding road but I also want it to last forever because I don’t want Fairy Tail to end.
Wendy: *stunned* what do you mean, end?
Me: *saddened* we originally weren’t going to find out what happened to y’all on the 100 Year’s Quest but then, thanks to this super cool and awesome fandom, we were able to push the creators to continue the manga.
Wendy: Wow we really owe a lot to our fandom then
Me: *nods respectingly* yes yes we do. I know I owe a lot to my followers here on the blog, er, show.
Wendy: Why’s that?
Me: Apparently 500 people like my blog, I mean show, enough to follow me for every time I post something new. *begins meaningful speech* I couldn’t be more happy or thankful for every single one of them. I never imagined I would have this many followers because I started with 0 followers and had no connections or friends on here who already had followers and give shout outs to me, right away of course, but now people seem to like what I post and I literally couldn’t be more thankful for them. I post for them.
Wendy: *tearful* that was a really lovely speech.
Me: thanks Wendy. I suppose I should make an edit dedicated to all of them.
Wendy: that’s a nice gift and very kind of you.
Me: no *shakes head and looks off into the distance* how kind of them.
To be continued...
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islareeveswriting · 6 years
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Harry was nearly asleep himself when the credits rolled up the screen.
The comfortable familiarity of one of his favourite movies had lulled him into an almost hypnotised state, and it was only when the iconic theme tune began playing that he even really realised he’d gotten to the end of the film. However, it had only been playing for half an hour when Harry had felt Molly start to go limp in his arms. They’d curled up on top of her duvet before Molly pressed play, and as the opening scene played out, they only got closer, arms ensnaring one another, Molly’s head atop Harry’s chest as he laced himself around her.
Slowly Molly had fallen asleep, and she got closer to Harry as she did so. Her body had twisted into his more, and Harry only gripped her tighter for it. One of her legs had knitted itself around one of his, and he’d allowed it. Each time he thought maybe he should untangle from her and leave her to sleep, but her face only crinkled with displeasure when he attempted to move away. She was as comfortable as he was, so Harry stayed, resting his head on hers every now and again and inhaling deep lungfuls of her freshly washed hair and laundry detergent that his sense of smell had come to know quite well. He vowed to himself, at the end of the movie he’d get up.
The movie was finished now, but still Harry didn’t want to move.
They both knew what they were looking for when they’d clambered up onto Molly’s bed and curled up as close as they could. They both knew Harry had called Molly out on not admitting her feelings, and neither had flinched from it, like it was an obvious truth they’d both been aware of all along. They both inhaled one another when they embraced, and shivered when Harry placed a kiss on Molly’s head.
They both knew exactly what they were doing, and neither of them seemed to care to hide it anymore.
There wasn’t a single, miniscule, part of Harry that wanted to unravel himself from Molly. He was entirely tied up with her, in every way he thought it was possible to be, and undoing it would be far less comfortable, than the sweet contentment he found himself in lying on Molly’s bed with her. If he had his way, he’d stay there all night, pull the duvet over them both, get cosier, and wake up in the morning in just as much of a knot as they were in that moment, sleepy and groggy as they came to, side by side. Despite how close they were though, Harry knew they were still taking baby steps, taking it in their gentle stride. He wasn’t pretending he liked it that way. In fact, Harry was more than happy to take it at a snail's pace, less room for mistakes.
Less room for regrets.
No matter how much he wanted to stay there though, in that moment though, Harry knew he had to unwind from Molly and leave her to sleep alone. So he did. Slowly and steadily, he took his arm from behind her, easing so she could get comfortable without him as a pillow and unlaced his leg from hers. With his free hands he held her head gently, so the difference between him and her cushions wasn’t so obvious. Gently he let her head down onto the pillow and grabbed the blanket at the foot of her bed to cover her with. They’d put on the fairy lights wrapped around the bedhead, so Harry flicked them off and headed quietly for the door.
Downstairs the lights were still on, and Harry could just about hear the TV coming from the living room. Harry felt like he was on a come down as he stood in the hallway listening to the muffled sounds of the TV and wondering if Molly would miss the support of his arms when she woke, as much as he was missing the weight of her head on his chest. With a sigh Harry stepped away from Molly’s closed door, and decided to get himself a glass of water to take to bed, where he could really miss being so close to Molly.
At times it felt like they’d gone from zero to one hundred in no time at all. Sat in his car, stood in his nan’s hallway, moving around his kitchen together, it all felt like more than what they went to bed with each night. Even his flat was home to remnants of Molly recently, silly little things, a hair tie, a pair of her socks, nothing significant, but in a way that felt more intimate. It always broke down though, back to what they knew, back to their safe place, where they didn’t wrap themselves up in each other’s arms and inhale each other until their lungs burned. As much as Harry was happy with the pace, he couldn’t help but want the next thing, to take the next step, to stop breaking back down to what they knew worked.
Harry snuck through the downstairs of the house like an intruder, not wanting to disturb whoever was still awake, watching TV. He felt like a stranger, and he supposed he was. No matter how close he laid to Molly, in her childhood bedroom, whilst her parents sat downstairs and watched nighttime TV, he was a stranger in the house.
The kitchen was mostly dark when Harry pushed the door open, save for the spotlights under the wall units that set a glow across some of the countertops and cast shadows over the room. It was as he stood on the tiled floor, cold through his socked feet, that he realised he had no idea where the glasses were. Without any rational plan of attack Harry worked his way through the cupboards until eventually he found the collection of glasses and filled a large soda glass with water from the tap, before heading back up to his room as quietly as he’d left Molly’s.
The bedroom that had been set up for him, felt slightly colder than Molly’s had. The radiator was on, but it was the unused feel that made it feel like there was a chill in the room. It was sterile somehow, too perfect, the bed too well made, the cushions too perky and plump, the smell too fresh. It didn’t feel like home, not like Molly’s room had.
Harry just sighed to himself as he flicked the bedside lamp on and placed the glass of water down beside it. The curtains were open, and he left them that way. The back of the house looked out to miles of fields, and beyond that a thick line of trees. There was no one for miles. It was Harry’s dream to live somewhere so rural. But stood in that room, that night, he felt the familiar pang of loneliness that he thought he’d learned to get along with. Facing the window Harry began to get undressed, starting with his t-shirt, peeling it over his head and chucking it to the floor, moving to slide his shorts down his legs but halting as a knock on the door sounded. He turned his head to it, as Molly stepped round the door slightly, half hiding behind it, but visible enough he could see the baby pink and white striped shorts she’d changed into, and the long sleeved grey top.
“Where’d you go?” Molly asked quietly, her voice mostly a gravelly whisper, slightly intoxicated from the sleep she’d been in. Her auburn hair was frizzy and messed from the pillows, and her face was a little blotchy, her cheeks rosy red, but still Harry’s stomach tumbled at the sight of her.
“You fell asleep, love.” Harry told her, his hands finding his pockets, trying not to notice the way her eyes scanned over his bare torso. It made him fizz a little, his limbs tingle, like he’d had too much caffeine. Really he was just high on the buzz between them that they couldn’t run from.
“Was sort of hoping you’d stay.” Molly told him, the red of her cheeks only intensifying as she did so. Harry’s breath hitched for a second and it felt like time stood still as he stared back at her.
“Oh, right.” Harry breathed, his lungs deflating as he let out the air he’d held in tight. There weren’t any other words, he didn’t know what else to say. Of course he’d wanted to stay with her, but now they were stood in one of the spare rooms, with a perfectly made bed, Harry shirtless and Molly in pyjamas, and it felt like there was a little more to ask, and it wasn’t quite as simple as just falling asleep curled up around one another.
“It’s ok I’ll see you in-”
“No,” Harry cut in, stepping forward as Molly turned to leave the room. She froze and looked back at him. “Let’s just, I’ll, you could, shall we just…” Harry swallowed and took a deep breath, preparing to ask her to stay with him, his hands free of his pockets and begging to reach for her.
“Stay here?” Molly finished for him, when he didn’t say anything. Harry just nodded softly, and absentmindedly scratched at an itch he didn’t have on his hips, over the ferns that covered the skin there. Molly stepped gently into the room. “Kay.” She almost whispered, closing the door as the carpet gave way under her bare feet and she moved closer to him. Harry felt like he was strung together by nervous energy, fire flowing through him as his stomach knotted and his toes curled into the carpet with anticipation to feel her again.
They stepped closer to one another, and closer to an edge they hadn’t really even glanced over. The drop was just ahead of them, and Harry felt like he could free fall from it without fear based on the look in Molly’s eyes as she rolled her lips together and took him in, reaching for his hand and stepping closer to the bed, like he was the only safety net she needed.
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EEEEEE hehehehe thoughts? I bet some of you have got some?
Remmeber no update on Friday but am around to answer messages and enjoy your thoughts and theories so send them over. Hopefully this makes up for it.
Enjoy I x
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starboyjxmin · 6 years
So.. I made a Patreon and it is currently under review. I am only doing this because I seem to be super active all year long as in how many of you read and like and reblog my post but as dor my self, I seem to ber this very active person int he summer in regards of updating and writing the fanfics so I habe made two options in it. One is paying a dollar simply once for saying thank you for wiritng, it is a one time thing and you will never have to give me a dollar again. There is also a $5 option where you can actually subscribe to me so you can stay on my ass to actually update the fanfics you all love and read late at night (I see y’all) every week or two. This is a monthly one for 2-4 updates a month on all fanfics.  So yeah, I’ll have that up soon and even if you can’t give a dollar, liking and reblogging is just as much as helping me. I’m not goin to sit here and give y’all a sob story like many writers do because yes we do have lives and struggles but so do you, the reader, and it is pretty unfair to push that narrative on y’all because it does create this sense of pain because you can’t help someone who you enjoy in terms of their writing. But yeah, that’s all I wanted to say and I will be starting to write Angel, Japansese Denim, Starboy, Serendipity, and my Hoseok one which I can’t remmeber for he life of me. Lol I’m so bad, dont give me your money for this. I will also be updating the songs inspired one shots too. Have a wonderful night/day to you all who actually read this! 
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knightofameris · 4 years
hhhh hello!! any event u do i will (try to) participate in >:3 but seeing your friends take over your blog would be HELLA FUNNY fhdjsndkd brain no work but i do hope u received more of my good vibes bc i will NOT STOP SENDING THEM 💖💓💝💘💞💕 -🧸
(p.s. pls pass some tissues? i just finished assassination classroom tonight. i am sobbing :)!!!!!!!)
(p.p.s. use this ask as a place to ramble abt anything hdjsjs i love seeing u ramble!! honest!!! and i feel like the convos died down a bit eeee)
AWWW if u do I’ll appreciate it but if you don’t that’s okay too!!! My friends and I all have no brain cells and if one of us is responsible it bounces between all of us but usually. No. AHDIAJJD a few of them have tumblrs and follow me here so that’s fun
omg I’ve never watched assassination classroom I remmeber I wanted to but then,,, I just never did,,, but I’ll throw u some tissues rn
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deductionfreak · 7 years
@pixlokita replied to your post “[[MOR] And with that, it’s finally done. This was a wild ride to...”
*ahem* UvU *breathes in* 0A0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA aaaaaaaa aaa ok lemme just tell you how much I've loved this arc. A.LOT WHOLE LOT THATS HOW MUCH AND THEN YOU COME TO MY HOUSE AND PROVIDE WITH KOALA CONE SNUGGLES WITH ANGEL RAN i can feel the warmth of this scene in my soul boi but lemme go back and tell ya tho how much i cry big tears when you make ran cry and it breaks my heart because this actually does capture her character very well and she would rea - as i was saying.. .you always capture her personality really well whenever you portray her as well as Shinichi. This is why it's always killed me when you draw comics that are angsty man I feel like it would happen in canon and it destroys me hahah xD I really am enjoying this entire arc and oh man the cognac art and arc itself destroys me too i get so worried when you update hfjdnskdb because i fear for the cone xD but dude you are great at drawing comics and story tell   - JESUS TUMBLR KEEPS CUTTING ME OFF FUCKJBJHH. ughhgg ok anyway i love your stories OH I REMMEBERED ALL NIGHT GANG TOO GOSH I LOVEGHAT ONE TOO oh man i better not ramble I'll be cut off again..... in short I guess :v wulfie senpai I admire you and I love your art and AUs please keep up the great work it inspires me and I'm sure it inspires many others as well ;v;<3
wow you hit me with a curveball and I’m not sure where to even begin responding jdhfhddhjf It took me a while to formulate a response
I’m really glad you enjoyed my portrayal and see it as something that could happen. I try hard to get them down pat and I know sometimes I won’t - but I’m glad it comes across as in-character. Making Ran cry or upset is always so painful, though,,, I don’t want her to be sad or upset but due to the nature of this arc, well... haha
Thank you so much, though! A thing of note is that Efune was definitely part of All Night Gang, though hahah... unless you meant it as in the first part jkjdfj
Thank you very much for your words, they meant a lot to me
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kickasswireup · 5 years
Normally this would be where I put “hello again” as if I was talking to an audience but it’s only me and there’s no perceivable time gap between posts if you’re going through a blog or archive
I’m back at it again! On keto. Meditating, cold showers, wim hof, gym (reduced), running (more relaxed I guess?), cookin!!!!!!! actively trying. I got my apprenticeship application turned in, and today is the first day (sept. 3 after labor day holiday) that I may hear from them! I fear the recession and may end up selling my stocks. I think I will do that around the time where I buy my first car, if I get the apprenticeship.I will sell them on a particularly good day! I am excited. I messaged Sam again (you know lmao) and was vulnerable and I think dramatic and kind of mean? peak autism there buddy. Anywho at first I expected no response but now I’m really hoping. Dreams have a real impact on your feelings. I can’t beleive it was all a dream. ugh. I’m listening to new music again as well! Oh I have actual real work again today! Yay! First of my Tuesday 8 hour shifts! And Addie is treating me to something tonight. I have so much to look forward to! I ended up deleting tumblr to sway away from the social medias but now i just don’t follow enough people for it to be really interesting so I can update this blog more frequently and feel good about my social use. I’m happy! Can’t wait for my cold shower honestly. Also I have never felt so full in my life except today and yesterday, my god. Sugar really really fucks with your hunger and satiation. Crazy! All the best. Adios
I sold all my stocks and that money is laying around waiting to go towards a car. Sam did not respond and I hid the messages away. Not going back there, and I’m not sure I’ll be going back to front desk Sam either btw. not much compatibility for anything there. o7 you can’t win em all. I can’t believe how fast I spiraled from “yay more work” to “I want to die” oh shit yeah I forgot I was still with Addie when I wrote this lmao. Is this the night we broke up? we watched lightning (beautiful) and did trampolining. oh this is probably the night before my keto flu lmao that was awful
Hey remember this? and remmeber how you stopped doing this very quickly? yeah buddy take it slow take it easy. be easy baby; be easy.
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( I missed the 100 and 200, so better late than ever. )
!!!! AAAHHHH first of all: Thank you SO SO much for all the support in thse past three months. This was the first time I actually put my heart into a Tumblr RP account and I’m loving each an every minute of it. I was so skeptical about my dear Jonathan and the way I write him, but I am so glad I got so much positive reactions to my dear Master of Fear !!!!   I genuiely adore writting The Scarecrow and I am so glad to have all of my writing partners and I can’t wait to see the one’s I’ll find later on as well !!!
Because I’m a sucker, I want to use this post to make a shout out and a bit posotive spreading for my loves !! If I, for some reason, forgot your user, please don’t be sad !!! I love you as well, and I’ll probably update this multiple times. Remmeber my IMS and inbox are always open, and I love to meet new people !! I don’t bite !!
THE MASTER OF FEAR ;; @fearsomescarecrow  — starting on with the Crow, of course. The way you write Jonathan, such cynical, mysterious and amusing Jonathan is simply amazing, and the interactions our little scarecrows have are simply amusing and wondeful to write !! I can’t wait to see more of these two nutjubs !!
THE SON OF THE DEVIL ;; @obituariies​ — Ah, yes, my true and only biological son.  Those silly messages of our always put the biggest, silliest smile on my face. I love the relantionship between Tate and Crane-o-boy, and I am always looking forward to talk and RP with you. Your Tate is amazing and I love your Gotham verse, keep bein’ you kiddo. 
A LITTLE SOUTH BIRD ;; @finclegirlsx / @swcctcrcaturc  — My dear and sweet and wonderfull Poppy. The way our little birds interact gives me both the happyness and the angst™ and I fuckin’ love it. I know we haven’t interacted in a while but we goota change that !! I can’t wait to see what future holds to these two blushing idiots and I can’t wait to figure it out with you !! KEEP BEING THE WONDERFUL CREATIVE POTATO YOU ARE !!
A PRINCESS IN HELL ;; @goldenprincessofgotham — WELL HI THERE STRANGE WOMAN, IF YOU DON’T MIND I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU HOSTAGE LIKE THREE TIMES AND THEN OFFER YOU TEA IN HOPE YOU DON’T CALL DA POLICE !!! Despite this being tue, I LOVE YOU. You are one of my oldest RP partners in this blog and I want to thank you so much for that, and thank you Molly for handling the Spoopy boy. You have an amazing charather and I can’t WAIT to see more of her.
RIDDLE ME THIS ;; @this-cunning-linguist​ —  Again, other person I don’t RP in ages but still and deeply adore this Edward, from his face claim to his writting and interpetation. One of the first Edward’s I’ve EVER interacted since my old crappy poorly written OC days, until today, and still one of my absolute faves. LOVE YA LOTS !! 
THE ‘I’M GOING TO STEALL ALL OF JONATHAN’S COFFE’ HATTER ;; @jollyteatime  — I AM SORRY FOR THE TERRIBLE NICKNAME BUT SINCE I READ YOUR LAST REPLY I HAD TO !! Okay but jokes aside I would be lying if I said I didn’t stalk you : since you were on my dash I adored and still do adore your Hatter, and it’s such a pleasure to be able to roleplay with you !! OOC, you seem like a wonderful person and always be yourself, and I can’t wait to interact more with you !!
A MAN ON HIS STUDIES ;; @fearsomestudies​ — STARTING BY SAYING THAT THEIR CRANE IS REALLY UNIQUE AND HAS AN AMAZING CONCEPT AND THE MUN DRAWS AMAZING ART AND THAT YOU TOTALLY SHOULD CHECK THEM OUT !! Mun seems like such loving and caring person, and has so much creativity on their mind it’s astounding, if you ain’t following them, you should go RIGHT NOW.
THE STAR OF THE SHOW ;; @babydxhl  — AHH, Dahl !! Finding you was an absolute blessing and roleplaying with your wonderful, wonderful Mary is simply a BLESSING !! The complicity of these two is so magnificent, the way they both make little plans to scare peple, I just love it, KEEP WORKIN’ ON YOUR WONDERFUL BABY DOLL !!
MAD AS A HATTER ;; @hypnohatter​ — Even if we don’t interact in a while, I still adore you and your sneaky, crazy Jervis !! Roleplaying with you has been such a blast, and ya’ll should really check this Hatter out !! They have such a talented writting and interpetation of Tetch and ya’ll just love it.
THE MAN IN GREEN ;; @riddlethat — We have few interactions and they are all recent but I goota include you in this because you have such a wonderful Edward I’m always  !!!!  when I get your replies. I can’t wait to talk more and interact more with you and your precious riddle boy !!
A BIRD OF A FEATHER, AND A BLOODY WOMAN ;;@moralsofajackal / @veniials — LAST BUT DEFINETELY NOT LEAST, MY OWL !! AAHHH I can’t even START to say how much I adore you, my dearest. I need to thank you for your support and love, that means so much to me !! You are an absolutely talented person, and deserve all the recognition in the world. Your charathers and our interactions never cease to amaze me and I eager for each of them !! Always be yourself, my little non-sleep owl.
PLEASE REMEMEBER I MAY FORGET SOME OF YOU, and I apologize deeply for that !! For those who ain’t here  — I STILL ADORE YOU AND YOU’RE DOING AMAZING !! Thank you all so much.
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mbaljeetsingh · 7 years
An Example of Form Validation with Vue.js
I was a bit torn about today's blog post. When it comes to form validation, I'm a huge fan of validating via HTML attributes. In fact, I just ran across a great post today on the subject by Dave Rupert, "Happier HTML5 Form Validation". However, I know folks have issues with HTML validation, and it doesn't cover every use case, and finally, I thought it would just be plain good practice for me to write up a few quick examples. With that in mind, let's get started.
First Example - Super Simple Form
For my first example, I wanted something as simple as possible. Given a form of three fields, make two required. I began with the HTML:
<form id="app" @submit="checkForm" action="/something" method="post"> <p v-if="errors.length"> <b>Please correct the following error(s):</b> <ul> <li v-for="error in errors"></li> </ul> </p> <p> <label for="name">Name<label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" v-model="name"> </p> <p> <label for="age">Age<label> <input type="number" name="age" id="age" v-model="age"> </p> <p> <label for="movie">Favorite Movie<label> <select name="movie" id="movie" v-model="movie"> <option>Star Wars</option> <option>Vanilla Sky</option> <option>Atomic Blonde</option> </select> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form>
Let's cover it from the top. The form tag has an ID that I'll be using for my Vue component. I've got a submit handler that you'll see in a bit, and my action is a fake URL that would point to something real on a server someplace (where you have backup server-side validation of course).
Beneath that I've got a paragraph that shows or hides itself based on an error state. This is a personal preference of mine when building forms. I like a nice simple list of errors on top of the form. You may like error handling by the fields themselves. Use what works. Also note I'm going to fire my validation on submit rather than as every field is modified. Again, this is a personal preference.
The final thing to note is that each of the three fields has a corresponding v-model to connect them to values we will work with in the JavaScript. Now let's look at that!
const app = new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{ errors:[], name:null, age:null, movie:null }, methods:{ checkForm:function(e) { if(this.name && this.age) return true; this.errors = []; if(!this.name) this.errors.push("Name required."); if(!this.age) this.errors.push("Age required."); e.preventDefault(); } } })
Fairly short and simple. I default an array to hold my errors and set null values for my three form fields. My checkForm logic (which is run on submit remember) checks for name and age only as movie is optional. If they are empty I check each and set a specific error for each. And that's really it. You can run the demo below. Don't forget that on a successful submission it's going to POST to a non-existent URL.
See the Pen form validation 1 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
Second Example - Custom Validation
For the second example, I switched the second text field (age) to email and decided to add custom validation. My code is taken from the StackOverflow question, How to validate email address in JavaScript?. This is an awesome question because it makes your most intense Facebook political/religious argument look like a slight disagreement over who makes the best beer. Seriously - it's insane. Here is the HTML, even though it's really close to the first example.
<form id="app" @submit="checkForm" action="/something" method="post" novalidate="true"> <p v-if="errors.length"> <b>Please correct the following error(s):</b> <ul> <li v-for="error in errors"></li> </ul> </p> <p> <label for="name">Name<label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" v-model="name"> </p> <p> <label for="email">Email<label> <input type="email" name="email" id="email" v-model="email"> </p> <p> <label for="movie">Favorite Movie<label> <select name="movie" id="movie" v-model="movie"> <option>Star Wars</option> <option>Vanilla Sky</option> <option>Atomic Blonde</option> </select> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form>
While the change here is small, note the novalidate="true" on top. This is important because the browser will attempt to validate the email address in the field when type="email". Frankly I'd be tempted to trust the browser in this case, but as I wanted an example with custom validation, I'm disabling it. Here's the updated JavaScript.
const app = new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{ errors:[], name:null, email:null, movie:null }, methods:{ checkForm:function(e) { this.errors = []; if(!this.name) this.errors.push("Name required."); if(!this.email) { this.errors.push("Email required."); } else if(!this.validEmail(this.email)) { this.errors.push("Valid email required."); } if(!this.errors.length) return true; e.preventDefault(); }, validEmail:function(email) { var re = /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/; return re.test(email); } } })
As you can see, I've added validEmail as a new method and I simply call it from checkForm. Nothing too crazy, but a good example I think. You can play with this example here:
See the Pen form validation 2 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
(And yes - before someone comments, I'm aware of the issues of validating emails and even a valid email format doesn't necessarily mean it is an email address that points to a person. Let's just chill, shall we?)
Example Three - Another Custom Validation
For the third example, I built something you've probably seen in survey apps. I'm asking the user to spend a "budget" for a set of features for a new Star Destroyer model. The total must equal 100. First, the HTML.
<form id="app" @submit="checkForm" action="/something" method="post" novalidate="true"> <p v-if="errors.length"> <b>Please correct the following error(s):</b> <ul> <li v-for="error in errors"></li> </ul> </p> <p> Given a budget of 100 dollars, indicate how much you would spend on the following features for the next generation Star Destroyer: </p> <p> <input type="number" name="weapons" v-model.number="weapons"> Weapons <br/> <input type="number" name="shields" v-model.number="shields"> Shields <br/> <input type="number" name="coffee" v-model.number="coffee"> Coffee <br/> <input type="number" name="ac" v-model.number="ac"> Air Conditioning <br/> <input type="number" name="mousedroids" v-model.number="mousedroids"> Mouse Droids <br/> </p> <p> Current Total: </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form>
Note the set of inputs covering the five different features. Note the addition of .number to the v-model attibute. This tells Vue to cast the value to a number when you use it. However, there is a bug (imo) with this feature such that when the value is blank, it turns back into a string. You'll see my workaround below. To make it a bit easier for the user, I also added a current total right below so they can see, in real time, what their total is. Now let's look at the JavaScript.
const app = new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{ errors:[], weapons:0, shields:0, coffee:0, ac:0, mousedroids:0 }, computed:{ total:function() { //must parse cuz Vue turns empty value to string return Number(this.weapons)+ Number(this.shields)+ Number(this.coffee)+ Number(this.ac+this.mousedroids); } }, methods:{ checkForm:function(e) { this.errors = []; if(this.total != 100) this.errors.push("Total must be 100!"); if(!this.errors.length) return true; e.preventDefault(); } } })
I set up the total value as a computed value, and outside of that bug I ran into, it was simple enough to setup. My checkForm method now just needs to see if the total is 100 and that's it. You can play with this here:
See the Pen form validation 3 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
Fourth Example - Server-side validation
In my final examlpe, I built something that made use of Ajax to validate at the server. My form will ask you to name a new product and I want to ensure that the name is unique. I wrote a quick OpenWhisk serverless action to do the validation. While it isn't terribly important, here is the logic:
function main(args) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // bad product names: vista,empire,mbp let badNames = ['vista','empire','mbp']; if(badNames.includes(args.name)) reject({error:'Existing product'}); resolve({status:'ok'}); }); }
Basically any name but "vista", "empire", and "mbp" are acceptable. Ok, so let's look at the form.
<form id="app" @submit="checkForm" method="post"> <p v-if="errors.length"> <b>Please correct the following error(s):</b> <ul> <li v-for="error in errors"></li> </ul> </p> <p> <label for="name">New Product Name: </label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" v-model="name"> </p> <p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </p> </form>
There isn't anything special here. So let's go on to the JavaScript.
const apiUrl = 'http://ift.tt/2kb7EYn'; const app = new Vue({ el:'#app', data:{ errors:[], name:'' }, methods:{ checkForm:function(e) { e.preventDefault(); this.errors = []; if(this.name === '') { this.errors.push("Product name is required."); } else { fetch(apiUrl+encodeURIComponent(this.name)) .then(res => res.json()) .then(res => { if(res.error) { this.errors.push(res.error); } else { // redirect to a new url, or do something on success alert('ok!'); } }); } } } })
I start off with a variable representing the URL of the API I have running on OpenWhisk. Now look at checkForm. In this version, I always prevent the form from submitting (which, by the way, I just remembered I could do in the HTML with Vue as well). You can see a basic check on this.name being empty, and then I hit the API. If it's bad, I add an error as before. If it's good, right now I do nothing (just an alert), but you could navigate the user to a new page with the product name in the URL, or do other actions as well. You can run this demo below:
See the Pen form validation 4 by Raymond Camden (@cfjedimaster) on CodePen.
Wrap Up
As always, remmeber I'm still learning, and I'm sure there are a multitude of different ways of doing what I've shown above. I'm sure there are whole libraries of Vue components you can import and go to town with. But I hope these examples are interesting and if you're still considering whether or not you want to learn Vue, they may help.
via Raymond Camden on Raymond Camden http://ift.tt/2j3Jwuo
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