#I’m Emo
psipaka · 3 days
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Ehhhh whatever
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braverytattoos · 13 days
this is crazy
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whatifai · 30 days
i want to thank everyone here bc when members of 1d interact i become very emotional and hyped and overwhelmed and i start to think that it’s weird and people irl say that i need to calm down and so on. so thank you all here pretty people in my phone bc you make feel welcomed and we can all partake on the breakdown together and be crazy (crazy crazy until we see the sun) together and i love you all. thank you also for always clowning with me.
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lexithwrites · 2 months
Remus and Regulus being besties pre-transition, losing contact for whatever reason, and then Sirius introduces them to each other post-transition years later “Remus, meet my brother Regulus.” Neither of them realize at first, but they slowly put the pieces together as they get closer because it feels like they’ve known each other for ages. Then one of them finally lets slip that they’re trans (they both pass very well) and it just clicks and they live happily ever after.
This is such a cute idea Omg they’d be staring at each other like I fucking know you from somewhere WHO ARE YOU and then it’s like oh obviously we’re both gay and trans duh and then Remus asks Reg on a date and they’re both so shy but excited because they get to be their real selves now
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what-is-my-aesthetic · 9 months
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Every makeup on Athena P in 2023
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nacho-hargreeves · 1 month
No thoughts just Diego being the dad he wished to have
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the-raging-tempest · 8 months
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hogans-heroes · 7 months
no because my sister was sitting with me (who doesn’t watch the show) and she looked at me so confused when bucky was narrating the game in the first few minutes and all i could say is “yeah he’s losing it a little”
also the way buck comes out and says me and the boys wanted to know the score. like omg
It was such a painful scene 💔 he really is struggling and slipping more and more and it seems like he’s aware of it but doesn’t know what to do or now to express so he just gets more desperate. Buck coming out to check on him and ask if he’s ok was heart wrenching. And you just know Buck is trying to put on a straight face too.
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shima-draws · 2 years
Stoick, to Toothless: How’s our dragon warrior?
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9kylian · 1 month
The moment you realize Jude to Kylian is what Kylian was to Presko back in the day. My boy’s the big bro now.
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citronverveine · 1 year
ruoye is the incarnation of xie lian’s loneliness
when you think about it. it’s what xie lian covered his face with to not be recognized, physically hiding him from the world. it’s what his parents used to kill themselves and abandon him. it’s what he tried to end it all with. it’s the only companion he had that stuck with him for 800 years.
it’s wrapped around his body. his neck, his wrists, his arms, he’s wrapped in a friendly spirit that was once stained with his own blood and his parents’ blood. it’s haunted in the same way his body is haunted. full of memories with no tangible trace, it’s an endless reminder of the loss of his past, family and self, it’s a tool to harm himself that turned into his single friend
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jesuistrestriste · 19 days
sage as a frequenter of challengers tumblr, u are a VETERAN art girlie, and to me, ur THE challengers writer. of course you’re welcome here!!!!!
argghh you’re so sweet to say that 😭😭😭😭
i think my noggin just got a little overworked from life stuff over the past couple of weeks and so it started catastrophizing everything and making me feel weird n sad. not cool !
thank u tho anon <3 much much much love to u and i hope ur doing well and having a wonderful day/night
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brazilnt · 2 years
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here come the boys…
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mistylakeee · 2 years
Absolutely pains me that Inej is the one who fought through the poison because her hallucination was so unreal to her, so far from the reality to her, that she was able to wake up. It’s giving “he wouldn’t save me if I was broken” or whatever that heart wrenching quote from crooked kingdom was🫠🫠🫠
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thee-fool-of-hearts · 11 months
Listening to three cheers while playing the dark brotherhood questline is probably the best most inspired decision I’ve ever made
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crybabyddl · 11 months
Just finished my rewatch of jatp. My perfrct track record of not crying during Unsaid Emily remains untouched. I will say though, I was very close to shedding a tear this time. However, I didn’t even cry during Stand Tall! I always cry during Stand Tall!
Anyways, I couldn’t stop thinking about all the headcanons and theories that us tumblr fantoms created and the little easter eggs we discovered while watching and rewatching the series. It makes me really appreciative of the fact that we had a sense of community during a time where a lot of us were alone, scared, and uninspired. Just like Julie, I felt a renewed sense of purpose and hope. I think that a lot of people felt the same after watching the show. Julie and the Phantoms is what inspired me to learn the piano, the ukulele, and it led me to getting a guitar. When I learned how to play the chords for the soundtrack, I was playing those songs nonstop. It really helped me brave through the unsure feelings that came along with the pandemic. It made me forget my fears about the future.
I don’t feel as hopeful about things as I did back then, but JATP will always be a land-marking point in my life. It represents newfound joy, reignited passion, and abundant vivacity. As someone who loves and is extremely passionate about music, this silly little netflix show really hit me in the most sensitive places. And while I remember having a bout of serious depression after finishing the series, (along with intense rage that while I was dealing with my depression at its lowest point, the cast of jatp was living what felt like my dream) the lessons I learned from the show were far more significant. It literally brought music back into my life, no joke.
The friends I made because of JATP will always have a special place in my heart. A lot of them don’t use tumblr anymore, and I don’t use it nearly as much as I used to, but I’m still so grateful to have been introduced to such kind, accepting, and funny people. The stories, theories, headcanons, fanfictions, moodboards, inside jokes, memes, and fanart we created will always be remembered and cherished. I’m still pro-cheesecake, I’m still highly allergic to sleeves, and every time I see an unnecessary or fake zipper, I think of my fellow tumblr fantoms.
I don’t think I’ll ever truly “get over” Julie and the Phantoms. It was the first thing that truly resonated with my spirit as a new adult. I was 19 and had dropped out of college, feeling completely lost and like I had nothing going for me. Going into lockdown because of the pandemic didn’t help with any of that, and I was aimlessly, endlessly scrolling on social media, hoping to find meaning and purpose. And one day, my friend posted a clip on snapchat of what she was watching on netflix. The guy was cute and it looked like him and the girl he was next to had a nice connection so I asked what show it was. That’s how I discovered JATP, almost 2 weeks after its release. I also just have an unhealthy attachment to the show and the characters so I refuse to let this media that speaks to my soul die.
All that being said, we really deserved another season. I think it would cure me entirely, if I’m being honest. Even if it was just a little Christmas special where they decorate a tree and do those mini stories like filler episodes of a cartoon series. Hell, I’d settle for an animated JATP episode. I just think we all deserve it after what we’ve been through not only as a fandom, but as human beings. I will never forgive netflix for it’s terrible job at promoting, because they only failed when it came to this show specifically. They managed to keep every other show, even ones far less deserving of acclaim and attention, afloat during and after the pandemic. The only reason JATP managed to get anywhere was solely the cast, creators, and fans. Paul Becker was on fucking overdrive, churning out BTS videos WEEKLY. Fanfiction writers were bursting at the seams with multi-chapter series and one shots about every possible scenario. We got things trending on twitter during the two most chronically online years. Fanart was being shared like crazy, and we had the instagram fantoms so confused by the memes that they retaliated and claimed they were superior.
Meanwhile, tumblr was in its shadowbanning era, and fantoms were in the TRENCHES trying to get their content to reach beyond mutuals and taglists. We received barely any appreciation, except for when we trended on twitter asking to renew jatp and on tumblr for jatp appreciation week. Let’s not forget when we thought Owen had a secret tumblr and we all started accusing each other of being him. I will never forget when we all rallied to get Madi to 1 million followers because we didn’t want her to become overshadowed by the boys and all the attention they were getting. We all watched their instagram lives and I will always love the tumblr fantoms who made gifs of the cutest moments from those. Everyone saw me shamelessly simp over Charlie with facial hair wearing a santa onesie. We created a whole Carrie redemption arc out of thin air, we created origin stories for Rose and the Petal Pushers, and we forced the creators of JATP to give us the official last names of Reggie, Alex, and Flynn (This adventure SPECIFICALLY!!!) We were ruthless in our efforts to uncover their last names. We used breadcrumbs to make theories and speculations, only to end up begging in every comment section and dm inbox we could to get Reggie Peters, Alex Mercer, and eventually—though much, much later—Flynn Taylor. We gave Willie more crop tops, we basically storyboarded a second season, complete with episode titles and songs! We uncovered the Sunset Curve EP using the grainiest photos in existence, we created a loose timeline surrounding everyone’s birthdays, deaths, and significant events. We orchestrated a fucking CONCERT TOUR for this band. Oh, and let’s not forget when Kenny and the boys went to Hawaii. That Hawaii trip was so eventful for the fantoms, you have no idea how serious I’m being unless you were there for it. That was something unlike anything else for so many reasons. There’s a lot more, but that’s the stuff that came to mind immediately.
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