#I’m crying Roland no buddy
davidgrandorder · 2 years
Me: so they’re probably going to do a ce with Charlemagne and Roland since they’re both new and it would make sense to just have them together-
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Me: o oh
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linawritesocs · 2 years
my ocs (+ ships) as palette names!
all palettes were assigned based only on the titles and not the colors! though some palettes (the (name)-core ones) do have my ocs' vibes ndjdkddk
avery: wishing to rant about fanfiction but not wanting to show how much of a nerd you secretely are, you can’t just ask a guy why he’s in love, some days i’m afraid i will cut my eyes by the sight of glass shards (yes i picked this one only bc of his surname jdksksdkl IT DOES HAVE HIS VIBES THOUGH)
vance: only the floor candy can sustain me (vancecore), the act of balancing a bottle of juice on your head, some days i feel like a lobster on a skateboard 
merrill: next time maybe don’t go into the forest at night hm buddy? just a thought, you are who we say you are because public opinion beats self worth every time, putting on a show to seem alive / when i don’t feel alive (wow these last two are SAD) 
allen: focus on me (ignore the blood), do you remember when you told me that you love me when you told me that you love me when you told me that you, murder and other expressions of love 
roland: stand still as the darkness grows roots in your mind, i loved you i did so how did we end up like this, men like us die alone because we think we deserve it (;w;)
fake!jay: hey quick question are we really about to commit arson? (literally his dynamic with allen), the doctor tried to check my heartbeat only to find out i don’t have one (a reminder that he's not really human!), the privilege of being born somebody else (THIS ONE. OH GOD THIS ONE) 
real!jay: the lack of self esteem i’ve felt since i learned how to read or write (;w; AGAIN), soda cans are great i love accidentally spilling liquid on myself, when i was a small child i held an iguana once 
austin: i’m always at least a little bit scared hopeless and frustrated, a classmate of mine once borrowed one of my pens and then decided it was such a good pen he’s just gonna keep it (austincore), crying because cats are cute and deserve the world 
minnie: this is the third time someone put strawberries in the bathtub who keeps doing this please stop (minniecore), the horrifying ordeal of having loud neighbours, unexplainable excruciating pain that started suddenly and will never go away 
hayden: an unhealthy relationship with one’s own identity (THIS IS LITERALLY HAYDEN), what flavour is your mind (a reference to him trying to understand other people's personalities more so that it's easier for him to manipulate them), the only thing greater than my ego is my impostor syndrome 
riley: i’m a weirdo who likes to eat chalk, have you found yourself or your loved ones suffering from a case of empty eyes, an overemotional state projected upon the unsuspecting public (LITERALLY HIS UNIQUE MAGIC)
angel: this will hurt you more than it’ll hurt me - and that’s okay!, the girl in a blue dress that lives in every village ever (angelcore), the magical princess’s strawberry-scented battle axe of infinite bloodshed 
bunny: wasting your life feeling like an underperforming tool in someone else’s hands (her relationship with angel..), the eye lips eye emoji face fills me with unbridled rage, what do you MEAN there was a fire 
seth: your house has no anomalies but i’m reporting you for bad taste in art (YEAH THIS DOES SOUND LIKE SETH), you love them now you’ll hate them later (sethcore),  i haven’t left the house in months (his backstory 😔)
and now, the oc ships!
avery x allen: what are you doing in my house / now now i don’t usually make it a habit to - stop yelling - break into people’s homes but as you can see sometimes i do, once again i am forced to ask what in the world did you bring into our home / what do you mean what did i bring it’s very clearly a radioactive waste barrel don’t pretend you don’t know that, the tall faceless lad out the corner of my eye who watches me sleep while pointing at the door 
vance x riley: the man who looked at me so sweetly in soft flavours of deep beige, wish me luck honey (i couldn’t ask for more), just friends but we kiss sometimes 
merrill x cater: can you help me find what’s wrong with me, men like us aren’t supposed to feel these things, it’s past my bedtime and i’m thinking of you (i don't talk a lot about this ship but trust me, i love them SO MUCH)
merrill x austin: of all the things you could be doing why are you romancing soda cans, wish we could go out for coffee but you hate me and i hate coffee, sorry that your rant about how the game i like ruined the whole series forever didn’t make me like it any less 
allen x nemis: my girlfriend said i eat corn weird which now that i think about it would explain why i’m consistently covered in butter (listen it does sound like them), look at her go biting everyone who comes near her like a champ, here’s cheers to the man who stole my heart away 
allen x hayden: let your tender hands rip me apart, what’s a little murder between friends, i’ve been chugging poison waiting for the day you inevitably take me up on my offer and take a proper bite out of me (THIS ONE. POWERFUL)
minnie x sebek: your love has brought me to the point of no returning, don’t try to tell me how i’m supposed to breathe, people ask me how i manage to think of you everyday and to be completely honest i never know what to say because it feels so natural 
hayden x elpys: i need you to understand that i really do want what’s best for you - and that simply isn’t me, you are a dream in a crowd of nightmares, you must have real self confidence mortal to attempt flirting with something all holy 
seth x riddle: dunks you in tea LOL, get your shoes off my bed you animal (these ones are chaotic and i love it), he to whom the cake’s dedicated 
seth x rollo: i touch you and my hands burn my hands burn my hands burn (what have you done) (yeah it was painful to type this one), give me salvation i swear i won’t bite, well first of all i am positive what you did is a criminal offense / and second of all why didn’t you invite me (hiii i love "seth x rollo as a villain couple" so much <3)
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“Building a Family” Chapter 16: One Special Night
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"Papa, why do I have to dress up to see Doctor Hopper?" Roland asked, tugging on the polo shirt Robin had put on him that morning. He looked like he wanted to tear it off and while Robin understood his son's discomfort, he still hoped Roland kept it on long enough for them to get through their session.
Robin knelt in front of Roland, gently removing his hand from his shirt. "There's going to be a special guest today and I want you to look your best."
"Who?" Roland asked, frowning. "Is it Regina or Sophie? I don't think I need to dress up for them."
He chuckled, knowing his son had a point and marveling at how quickly the Mills' women became enmeshed in their lives. Robin shook his head. "It's neither of them. We'll explain it to you once we get to Doctor Hopper's office, okay?"
"Okay," Roland replied, trusting him as they headed out to the car. Robin helped him into his booster seat and got him all buckled in before heading to the driver's seat.
As he started up the car, he glanced back at his son. Roland looked nervous and Robin frowned. "Roland? Are you okay?"
"I'm just confused," he said.
"I know," Robin replied, pulling away from the curb. "But I promise everything will make more sense once we get to the office, okay?"
Roland nodded, trusting him completely. As he headed to the main part of Storybrooke, Robin hoped that everything went well and that Marian didn't let them both down that day. She didn't have a particularly good track record, which was why Robin didn't want to tell Roland anything more until they got to Dr. Hopper's office.
It was a short drive and Robin quickly found a parking spot near the office. He helped Roland from the car and ushered him into the office, his heart hammering in his chest the entire time. Robin wished he could just jump an hour into the future to see how it went – if his son was able to meet his mother or if Marian had failed them yet again.
Dr. Hopper greeted them as they climbed the stairs to his office. "How are we doing today?" he asked.
"Good," Roland replied, "though I don't know why I have to dress up today."
"I told him we would explain everything once we got here," Robin told Archie, hoping the therapist would be able to help.
Dr. Hopper nodded. "Why don't you two come in and get comfortable so we can do just that?"
Robin released Roland's hand, letting his son enter the room and pet Pongo. He lingered behind, to ask Dr. Hopper an important question. "Have you heard from her?"
"I have," Dr. Hopper replied. "She called a little while ago to confirm my address and asked about parking. She said she would be here at the agreed upon time."
"Good," Robin said, relieved. "I was afraid she wouldn't come."
Dr. Hopper nodded. "I understand but I think this is important to her and she's committed to going through with this."
"For now," Robin replied, unable to help himself. He then paused before asking: "Do you think I should trust her more?"
"I think she needs to earn your trust and it's understandable that you're suspicious," the therapist replied. "You're just trying to protect yourself and Roland."
Robin nodded, feeling a bit better. "She's hurt us both before and this time it would be worse because Roland will remember it."
Dr. Hopper chuckled. "You don't have to convince me of anything, Robin. I understand why you feel this way."
"Thank you," Robin said. He looked inside the room. "Should we go and talk with Roland now?"
"Yes, let's," Dr. Hopper replied, motioning for Robin to enter the room first.
Robin settled next to his son on the couch while Dr. Hopper took his usual seat. He did drag it a bit closer to the couch and smiled at Roland. "So, are you ready to find out who the special guest is today?"
"Yes," Roland said. "Who is it?"
Dr. Hopper nodded at Robin, who pulled his son onto his lap. "Remember how I told you that your mama had to go away when you were a baby?"
Roland nodded solemnly. "Yes, she loved me but needed to get help to be a better mama."
"Right," he replied. "Well, your mama is back and she wants to see you again."
"And she's the special guest?" Roland asked, looking a bit hesitant.
Robin nodded. "Yes. We thought it would be best if you and she met here in Doctor Hopper's office so he could help you both with this meeting."
"Oh," Roland said, looking pensive. For the first time, Robin couldn't read his son's eyes and that unnerved him.
Dr. Hopper leaned forward. "How do you feel about that, Roland?"
Roland shrugged. "I guess I'm excited."
That didn't sound very promising though and Robin glanced at Dr. Hopper, who was frowning. "You don't sound excited," he said.
"I don't know how to feel," Roland admitted. "I know she's my mom but I don't really know her."
"That's okay. That's why you're meeting her here with me and your papa. We can help you figure it out," Dr. Hopper assured him.
Robin rubbed his back. "If you feel uncomfortable at any point, just let one of us know. We'll step in and make sure you feel comfortable again. Okay?"
"Okay," Roland said, sounding a bit more confident.
Dr. Hopper stood. "I'm going to go see if she's arrived. I'll be right back."
As he walked away, Robin turned to Roland. "I promise you I will be right here. You'll be fine."
"Okay, Papa," Roland said, climbing onto his lap. He leaned against him, looking up with wide eyes. "I love you."
"I love you, too," Robin told him, kissing his forehead. He hoped his son knew that no matter what happened that day, he would always love him.
Dr. Hopper stepped back into the room. "Okay, Roland, your mother is here. Are you ready to meet her?"
Roland nodded and Dr. Hopper motioned for Marian to enter. She walked in, clutching a stuffed Teddy bear with an apprehensive look. Once she entered the room, she stopped and looked over Roland. Her eyes filled with tears and she pressed her hand to her mouth. "You look so beautiful," she told him.
"You look like the pictures Papa has," Roland replied, tilting his head as he studied her.
She laughed, looking relieved. "I have a gift for you. Can I come to you?"
"Okay," Roland said, sliding off Robin's lap so he could sit on the edge of the couch. He watched her as she approached, kneeling to be eye level with him.
Marian held out the Teddy bear she held. "Here you go."
He took the bear and hugged it. "Thank you, Mama."
"You're very welcome," she said, tears filling her eyes.
Roland tilted his head. "Why are you crying? Are you sad?"
She shook her head. "I'm very happy. These are tears of joy."
"Oh," he replied. "I didn't know you could cry because you were so happy."
Everyone laughed and Dr. Hopper said: "You can cry for a lot of reasons. It's just the body releasing emotions."
"Cool," Roland said, making them all laugh again. He then looked at Marian. "Where have you been, Mama?"
Her smile dimmed a bit and she stammered a bit as she answer. "Well, I've been a lot of places, baby."
"Why?" he asked, looking up at her with big, doe-like eyes.
"It took me a long time to find myself," she replied. "And to find what I needed to be a good mom to you."
"Did you find it?" he asked.
She took a deep breath before answering: "I'm not sure, baby, but I think so. And so I'm here to start being a mama to you."
He looked hesitant, glancing up at Robin before looking back at Marian. "Can I stay with Papa though?"
"Of course," she replied, looking a bit disappointed. "I'm not going to take you away from him. We're going to work together and don't necessarily have to live together to do that."
"Like how Sophie lives with Regina but Papa and I visit her?" he asked, twisting Robin's stomach into a knot. He prayed Marian remembered both his and Dr. Hopper's warning about how much Roland loved his sister and how she was going to have to at least play nice for his sake.
Marian hesitated for a moment before nodded. "Right, just like how it works with your sister."
Robin let out the breath he was holding. It wasn't the best response as she didn't mention Regina at all and he couldn't miss the bitterness in her voice. But it was a start, he figured.
"Cool," Roland said, nodding.
"So, Roland, what do you want to tell your mother about your life here in Storybrooke?" Dr. Hopper asked him, gently giving him something to talk to start bonding with Marian.
Roland's eyes lit up and he nodded, looking up at Marian. "There's lots I want to tell you! Like the park! The park is really fun."
"I'm sure it is," she said. "Do you like the swings or the slide?"
"The swings," he replied. "I love to fly though I can't go as high as Sophie yet. She can go really high."
Marian's smile tensed up and Robin saw her eyes dim a bit. "I'm sure she can. But you will be able to go that high one day."
Roland beamed. "That's what Regina said too."
"Well, I guess that means it must be true," Marian said through gritted teeth. She didn't even try to hide her bitterness this time.
Roland recoiled a bit and Robin cleared his throat. He gave Marian a pointed look before sliding off the couch to sit next to their son. "Hey, buddy, why don't you tell Mama about how you are learning to ride a bicycle?"
"Ooh, yes," she said, sounding eager to discuss any topic that didn't involve Regina or Sophie. "Please do."
"Papa got me the bike for my birthday! He and Uncle Will have been teaching me how to ride it and I'm getting really good. Soon I'll be able to ride it without the training wheels, right, Papa?" he asked, looking up at Robin with bright eyes.
Robin chuckled, ruffling his hair. "You're doing great but I think you're going to need the training wheels for a bit longer, okay, bud?"
"Okay," he said, sounding a bit disappointed. He then turned back to his mother. "But I can go really fast even with the training wheels."
She chuckled. "You sound like a little speed demon."
"He is," Robin replied. "I blame Will."
"Why don't you tell me more? Has your father taught you how to shoot an arrow yet?" she asked Roland.
Roland shook his head before going on about everything he had learned so far hanging around Robin's camps. As his son talked, Robin tried to relax but he could not calm his nerves. While it was going well except for that one hiccup, he still was on guard where Marian was concerned. He just couldn't trust her yet but he still did hope she would be able to earn it back.
For Roland's sake.
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annalycheee · 4 years
episode 186
John’s backstory is over, and today’s episode was really, uh, fluffy.
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- You’re in a library my guy, shhh. Blyke needs to catch up on sleep, he does look kinda awful. 
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- Remi has restored my faith in humanity. To be honest, that kinda sounds like the clubs we have in school already, like those judgment, bully, and stress - free clubs where everyone just uses their phones or plays cards.
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- Not much to say except Remi’s face is just 💗
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- Let’s take a moment to appreciate Isen’s bizarre facial expressions. He’s really good at hiding too. I almost completely missed him.
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- Don’t listen to them, you’re doing great sweetie. To be fair, Isen has a good reason to hide, because his death probably follows within the coming days.
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- You’ll be missed my dude. Take cover, John is coming. I feel so bad for Isen, he’s so afraid of John, he can’t even write articles without freaking out.
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- You guys better take him seriously, that’s his last will and testament right there. BURN HIS LAPTOP WHEN HE PERISHES.
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- I’d put all my trust in Blyke, he literally went super saiyan like 8 episodes ago. Then again, John could probably copy his super saiyan move so, uhm, at least you tried Blyke.
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- Isen doing it for the greater good. We’ll miss you buddy ✊😔.
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- Yes, Wellston does need a Safe House. That name literally sums up everything that Wellston should have. The fact that kids are running around TERRIFIED for their life (like my baby Isen) should send a message to the school that something is very wrong. It shouldn’t just be up to the students to fix it, though I’m very happy with how the Royals handled the situation.
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- He still has his apple. That’s all I have to say.
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- My mans gonna die. I can’t wait to see this club happen. And imagine if they invite Evie, and she talks with Remi again, that’d be so cute and wholesome!
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- Remi, I love you but that’s a really stupid move you’re making right there. Please get down and find a ladder instead of risking your life, I’m crying in fear over here.
- Those decorations are cute, and now I want a safe house too. If Remi and Blyke were running it then hell yeah, sign me up.
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- I feel like Rei had the best mindset when it came to the hierarchy, the problem was that no one else did, which was why his plan never worked. I really miss Rei, he would have been a great character in the series and it’s such a shame he died to EMBER.
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- shsdfsgdfs oh my god it’s baby Arlo. Uru-chan this is a blessing, how can I ever repay you? 
- Reilo needs to be canon, I swear. Just look at the two! That’s so cute, and Rei’s smile while Arlo’s busy being all mad, it makes me wanna cry again.
- I think Arlo wanted to reduce the violence in the school but he had doubts about Rei’s way of doing it because of what he saw during Rei’s term. In the end, he still defends Rei’s actions, like when Cecile insulted him, so Arlo is still a good guy.
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- The fact that these two have stuck with her through everything really says something about their bond. Even now the three of them are working together to fix Wellston, even though the situation is so stressful.
- I hope they all have a great time during the club because these three really need a break after all the hard work they put in.
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- Wowie wow, what a beautiful panel. I might set this as my wallpaper.
- Look at all those students who are ready to help. The three of them are doing such a good job at getting the rest of the students to do something about Joker. With this OP squad they can take on anything.
- Look at Holden’s face, lmao.
- I love that Seraphina is still included, because Remi still looks up to her, and so do many of the low-tiers like Evie and Roland.
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- John, go to hell. I don’t need you ruing this perfectly happy moment for Remi.
- He literally insulted her dead brother. I don’t care if he didn’t know he was dead, you don’t just go around saying that, especially if you don’t know the person. You think if he knew who Rei was and what he died for, would he have said that?
- Probably, John’s too far gone.
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- My girl, I told you that was a bad idea. I bet Blyke’s gonna save her though and I’ll go nuts over it.
- The desks are falling too, that’s a dangerous situation :/
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- Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?
- No, my future boyfriend caught me.
- This scene is just beautiful. I’m crying. Blyke being a fairy tale prince is practically canon. I mean just look at that save. He’s a knight in shining armor, who drinks respect women juice for breakfast.
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- The way he’s holding her. Blyke is 10/10 husbando material.
- He’s definitely gotten stronger, that energy blast was frickin awesome. Somehow, Remi wasn’t hurt from it though, so maybe he has some fine control over it?
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- Look at how he’s STILL holding her. That’s so freaking adorable.
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- Blyke’s a bad liar. I can totally see that being true. That energy pulse was sick though.
- What if he tells Remi what he’s been doing? Would she be upset, because he told her to take a break from being a superhero, but he went off on his own to level up anyway?
- Would she be happy that he’s trying to get stronger?
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- I still think Remi is a little stronger. Keep in mind she’s probably been training too. Blyke could be a high tier now.
- I have a feeling his ability expands from just energy beams. Or that his passive is using energy to heal, like how the bruise got a lot better in the morning after his first rendezvous. 
- Maybe he can beat Cecile now? Would they have the same passive?
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- Zeke you dumb, *sshole.
- You have gotten beaten so many times yet you still wanna go out and piss someone off? smh.
- Now I actually WANT John to beat the daylights outta him. It would serve him right. Seriously Zeke, I feel bad for you. Just go, down a bottle of tylenol or something. Take a road trip to the Sahara Desert. Make a tinder account. Bothering John should not be one of your priorities.
Blemi and Reilo are both practically canon
Zeke’s stupidity knows no bounds
Remi and Blyke’s new club might really help the school’s environment
Isen is brave man, who will forever be remembered in our hearts
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starttheanarchy · 4 years
@thehandsomeasshole from x
Jack did smile at the little sass she threw his way, despite himself. “Well, empty, those things weigh nearly five tonnes. So, nice try. I guess.” He chose to ignore her initial comment about using the loaders for their designed purpose. There was not enough patience in Jack’s body to unpack all of that right now.
“Oh, the vaults are definitely a curse. But, once you get the ball rolling around here, there’s not really anything anyone can do to stop it.” Jack shrugged lightly, scanning through the first four pages while he spoke, “You just… gotta do what you can before another idiot comes along and screws everything up even worse than you did.”
“Nah, you’re right. Princess made me feel a little icky. How about… I- I’ll get back to you, I’ll think of something real good.” he laughed lightly, beginning to scribble down some notes on the papers before he continued.
“You sure as hell act like ‘em, you and your bandit buddies. Just exactly how many things or people have you killed since you got to Pandora? Hey, look, I’ll even give wildlife a pass cause- Well, you could kill a hundred skags one day and the next day there’d be two hundred more. Let’s just focus on people. Maybe you’re not running around screaming about meat bicycles, and maybe it is a little rude of me, but it’s also correct. You just don’t wanna admit it.”
“The people who are still decent in this universe are few and far, kid. In my entire life, I’ve only met two people who were truly selfless.” One’s dead and the other’s… worse. “But, you do realise that if it wasn’t me up here, it’d just be someone else? Hell, Dahl and Atlas would still be plowing through planets like they’re big balls of paper and slaughtering everyone in their way while going off about fighting for those planets’ freedoms and peace.”
“Ooh, I love tyrant! Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Always considered myself more notorious, than anything else.” The sharp, almost humorous-sounding edge to his voice gave the impression he was teasing her, “Kid, it’s nothin’ I haven’t heard before. You really think I’m gonna be kicking it anytime soon, anyway? Nah. Nope, not happening! I got way too much to do.”
Jack’s brows knitted together and slowly raised in a mixture of surprise and confusion. Sure, maybe she didn’t care, he’d just never had a person who hated him ask for his side of the story before.
He decided not to express his shock.
“So, I’d been working on Helios since it launched, I was, uh-… A- a programming and engineering specialist for Hyperion for ten, fifteen years, maybe. I was in charge of most of the construction, getting together schematic proposals to give to my bosses, all that kinda shit.”
“The first time I met Lilith and Roland was when Dahl decided they wanted to massacre all the workers on Helios and take it over. They… They didn’t discriminate. If you worked for Hyperion, they’d gun you down without even batting an eye. They killed so many of the workers up here, I knew them all personally. We- we didn’t even have a real military then, for God’s sake! They shot workers out of the sky when they were trying to evacuate. That was the level of murderous psychopaths we were trying to deal with. We defended as best as we could, but even the freaking loaders weren’t weaponised yet, I had like… Six hours to get them into a position to defend themselves, and you bet your ass I did it. I guess that actually answers your earlier question, too. I used them for a job they weren’t made for out of necessity, the damn Lost Legion shot at them when they were running away, too. Assholes.”
“I managed to get the vault hunter’s I’d hired down to Elpis in a moonshot, think you’ve met a couple of them. They got to Concordia thanks to-” Shit. He hadn’t actually thought about Janey in a while. He’d ask Athena how they were both doing, but she’d probably curb stop his head before he could even say hello. “-uh, this mechanic. They asked Lilith and Roland to help cause, y'know, Dahl had stuck a jamming signal somewhere on that moon and I couldn’t work Helios’s defences until it was shut off. They knew people on Helios were dying, and they said no.”
“They only started to help when their lives were in immediate danger and Dahl got control of the moonshot laser and start firing away at Elpis. I really did trust 'em to help us, y'know? Like they promised they would.”
“I guess they kinda did. We managed to get control of the laser again and… They blew it up. They nearly took the whole space station down just because they didn’t want Hyperion having it. That stupid laser could’ve saved Pandora, you know. It could’ve- The blasts were so concentrated we could’ve wiped out an entire bandit settlement and their nice neighbours next door would’ve barely felt the ground tremble. I’d worked so hard on that laser. You have any idea how hard it was to make? How much progress they destroyed when they blew that damn thing up? A lot! A whole, freaking lot and-… Sorry. Off topic. Uh…”
He made a small noise, “Oh, yeah. Anyway, after that it was just a rush trying to get to the vault before anyone else did. Dahl was already there, but after what happened with those two I wouldn’t have been surprised if they got to the vault first just so we couldn’t.”
“But, we did. My vault hunters took care of the- The Empyrean Sentinel, I think they called it. Big bastard, more human than the other vault monsters. Freaky stuff.”
“So, the Sentinel was dead, and we finally got to the vault relic. It looked like… Nothing. Very underwhelming. Just a weird little floating vault symbol. I decided to touch it and-…” Jack went quiet for a while, his knuckles growing white with how tightly he was gripping the armrests of his chair, “And I saw… everything.”
He felt sick even talking about it. The pit in his stomach growing deeper and he knew if he didn’t stop soon he’d fall into a full blown breakdown. So, he took a shaky breath in and continued.
“Wasn’t long after that when Lilith made her grand entrance. She destroyed the relic and- blasted the fuck out of my face. You ever had your face branded by some freaky eridian technology? It sucks. Real bad.”
He let his head drop back, and he rubbed his eyes, “So, there’s my side. Think I can quit my day job and become a professional story teller?” Though he tried to make a joke, the fire in his voice seemed to have dissipated. He just sounded… tired.
A rumbling high pitched cry of a living creature, the soft hum of a laser heating up. Before the spiderant can fully leave the ground in its attempt to launch itself at the red head, a quick shot from the head of DT turns it into ash. Moments later the large floating torso of a robot moves its way over to where the rest of the spiderants are and begins clearing the area with ease. "To be fair DT is a floating robot, I should get props for him being able to lift anything over a tonne at all." Is all she can say as she watches her creation be used not exactly for what she had originally intended.
A noise of agreement left her as she nodded her head, this was a mess that she was playing catch up on. Every step revealed a new and sometimes old issues or problems, and untold horrors that would explain some of the residents insanity.
"Oh so what am I suppose to not fight back and die? Self-defense is a thing." She keeps her lips tight on the actual number of people, she knows it is higher then she ever wanted.
Another reason to the countless hours she was stuck away while the others rested. But that is a mental spiral that no one has seen yet even herself, and Gaige wasn't going to break that record.
"Do you realize that it doesn't matter who, I would still be here. I would cause just as much chaos even if it was Maliwan or Torgue, the company doesn't matter, it is the enormity of the actions that are taking place that I have a grievance against. So once I am done with this, I got a whole check list to work through."
A small tsk as her eyes roll once more, she could already feel the odd ache from rolling them too often. But to want the title of tyrant why trying to claim being a hero? And he was calling her a hypocrite, the gall. But then there is silence after her offer. It is enough to get her to move forwards, the area now clear of deadly wildlife, and to sit down on top one of the ridges. And she could hear him begin in her ear, truly starting fro the beginning.
Her hand goes to her vault buckle, slipping it off and clicking it open to show a hidden system of her own design. A small holoscreen flickered to life above it and she began to take notes, to be able to keep her questions to herself and not interrupt. But before she could really take much, she had to slowly turn her eyes back to that giant floating H as he began to talk about the first real blood shed the station ever saw. No one deserved that kind of fate, let alone those who can't even fight back. And she could understand why loaders were used for what they are, even if there had been enough time to design something new.
Through out the whole story she let out the occasional hum or tsk in reaction, but also to let the man on the other side of the echo understand she was still listening.
A mechanic on Concordia? Something to ask others later on, there couldn't be many considering the lack of them on Pandora. As well as to ask on the reason why for the initial no considering at that point the vault hunters as far as she was aware had no issues with Hyperion, let alone Jack.
And she was torn on the laser because she could understand the pain of such handwork just ripped away. And she had a vague idea on how challenging it was with the laser that rested inside DT's head. But at the same time, she would never want anyone to have a laser of that magnitude considering if it could do that to a bandit settlement. Well it would only be a few tweaks away from being able to glass planets.
She paused in her notes when he mentioned seeing everything, it was hard to believe but there was something in his voice that made her believe he certainly saw something he shouldn't have. Gaige was going to have to go back onto that one on a different day since she could tell that right now was a horrible time to do so. And even as he talked about what Lilith did and the reason why he wore a mask, she could head just how this was not the cocky Jack from earlier.
This was a person who was done but still going. Something that it seemed being near Pandora did to people.
"Well I would say quit your day job regardless and stop all this without anymore murder. But we both know we are too far in to be willing to stop." A small click as she closed the cover on the buckle to once more hide away her person little holounit that stored information that she kept only for herself. The notes saved for review for another day. "I do have questions, but you sound..... Rough. Would you rather a topic change? Or just end this call? I do have things to do, and I'm sure you have plenty of ill placed paper work to finish."
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miguel-manbemel · 4 years
Aspects & Fanfics Ep. 35: The Vacation Part 2: I Don’t Wanna Stop Loving You
Here comes the next part in the story I started in the previous episode. Before starting, I want to remind that the Remus that appears in this fic is an alternate version of the original. I know the original Remus is a lot crazier than how I’m depicting him here, but then again, his introduction here was completely different and he has a backstory that canon Remus does not, hence the differences. It’s just another take on him, which is the whole purpose of making an AU in the first place after all. I’m leaving you with the story, then, and hope you enjoy. Until next time.
SYNOPSIS: After the terrible misunderstanding at the beach, Remus has locked himself in his room and doesn’t want to see anyone. Janus and the others desperately try to get to him, to gain his forgiveness, and also fearing for him and his mental health.
WARNINGS: Angst, in the whole sense of the word. Some slight innuendo on behalf of Remus. Romantic dukeceit.
[the off-voice narration is mixed with flashback images from the previous episode]
ROMAN-NARRATOR: We all decided to take a week of vacation in the Royal Castle of Sandersia. The idea was to be all together in wholesome fun, so that Remus and Roland got relaxed and managed to befriend each other. I didn’t expect how bad this would turn out to be. We were at the beach, when suddenly…
[flashback scene]
IRA: What is going on here? [yelling, calling the others] Guys! Guys, Roland and Remus are missing! Guys!
[the others hear them and start looking in all directions, trying to find them. Roman swims next to the beach]
ROMAN: I hope nothing happened to them.
[suddenly, Remus rises up from under the water]
IRA: Look, there is Remus, he was diving into the sea. But where is Roland!?
[Remus swims calmly without any concern at all]
IRA: Why is Remus so calm!? Did he have anything to do with this? This is suspicious as heck!
ROMAN: Remus! Remus, come here at once!
NARRATOR-ROMAN: We all accused Remus of doing something horrible to Roland. It wouldn’t help that Roland appeared floating on the sea. I was so horrified I couldn’t help it. The words just came out of my lips.
ROMAN: [also horrified] Remus, what have you done?
REMUS: [in despair] I did nothing! I swear! You have to believe me!
[Roman swims to the place Ian pointed at, until he reaches Roland. He’s unconscious, floating on the water]
ROMAN: [horrified] Oh, my goodness gracious, Roland! No!
[when he touches Roland, he flinches and opens his eyes]
ROLAND: [scared] What!? What’s going on!?
[Roland sinks into the water, getting out as quickly as he can, then looks at Roman and takes some ear plugs out of his ears]
ROMAN: Roland, you’re alive! Thank goodness, you scared the sh** [bleep] out of me!
ROLAND: I’m… sorry, Roman, I was floating on the water, with my ear plugs so that water didn’t enter my ears. I guess I got so relaxed that I fell asleep for a moment. I’m sorry I scared you.
ROMAN: Then that means… [looking at Remus, who watches the scene from afar] Oh, Remus!
[Roman returns as fast as he can to where Remus and the others are. Roland follows him from behind]
ROMAN: Remus, I’m so sorry!
REMUS: [serious face] How could you honestly believe I could do that to you, even for a second?
IRA: Well, it wouldn’t have been, like, the first time you had tried to do that…
REMUS: [yelling in a sudden outburst of wrath] I’m talking to my brother, not to you! I don’t give a f… [bleep] sh… [bleep] about what you think about me, you fake doodle! But I do care about Roman’s opinion and…
[tears burst out of his eyes. Remus turns around, then gets out of the water and approaches the deck chairs, not facing the others, who follow him a few steps behind]
ROMAN: I have no excuse. I can only tell you that I’m sorry and that I should have trusted you from the start.
REMUS: Yes, you should have. But you didn’t. And it seems no matter what I do to be better, you’ll never fully trust me, right?
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Remus had all the right to be upset. It was our fault. He dressed up and decided to return to the castle all alone, but before he left…
[Remus walks two steps, then, with a broken voice, he looks at Janus, with his eyes wet and red, and speaks]
REMUS: What hurts me the most is that… even you, Janus, had doubts about me… Even you, my love, thought me capable of…
[before Janus can answer, Remus starts running towards the castle. They can’t see his face, but they all notice clearly that he’s crying]
NARRATOR-ROMAN: Then Janus decided to go after him. If there’s anyone that can make him speak, that’s Janus. I hope he succeeds…
[intro sequence]
[Janus is knocking at the door of his room]
JANUS: Remus! Unlock the door right now! We need to talk!
REMUS: [voice from inside] I said, leave me alone! I don’t want to talk right now with anyone!
JANUS: Not even me? I’m your boyfriend, I need you to talk to me!
REMUS: Right, a fine boyfriend you are, not trusting me in something as bad as this! Don’t make me laugh!
JANUS: That’s not fair! I was the first to claim your innocence, even before Roland appeared! Does that not count?
REMUS: You had to use your sixth sense to figure that out, and until you did that, you were just like the others! You also thought me capable of doing that!
JANUS: I did not! I love you!
REMUS: You’re lying. And even if you aren’t, no matter how many fairy tales Roman has told you, love isn’t magical and it can’t fix everything, certainly not this! Now, again, leave me alone!
JANUS: Well, this is my bedroom too! Where do you want me to sleep, in the hallway?
REMUS: You’ll come up with something! This castle is full of rooms, I’m sure you’ll find somewhere else to spend the night. Now, go away!
JANUS: [sighs with a sad face] As you wish. Good night, my love.
[Remus doesn’t answer. The others arrive at that moment]
ROMAN: Any luck, Janus?
JANUS: No, I’m afraid not. He’s locked me out and doesn’t want to open the door.
ROLAND: That’s odd, these doors didn’t have a lock, to begin with.
ROMAN: Well, Remus can mold Sandersian reality at his will as much as I can. He probably created the lock himself to keep us out.
ROLAND: I see… Couldn’t you just… remove the lock, then, Roman, so that we could open the door?
JANUS: I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Forcing him to see us right now, when he’s so upset, could be counterproductive. It will be best if we leave him alone for the night. Maybe tomorrow, when we all calm down, we will see things clearer. But I’m gonna need somewhere else to sleep, guys.
IRA: Don’t worry about that. I have an extra bed in my room that I can get ready in a minute. You can sleep there tonight if you want.
JANUS: Thank you, Ira. Always on the rescue as usual.
IRA: Of course. That’s what friends are for, buddy.
ROMAN: If tomorrow everything stays the same, Virgil and I can sleep in the Royal Suite and you can sleep in our room. That way you’ll be closer to him, even if with a wall between you.
JANUS: Thanks, Roman.
ROMAN: Well, I don’t think we’re gonna gain anything by staying here staring at the door. The sun is setting. Let’s go have some dinner, then call it a day. Maybe, with some sleep, our minds well be clearer, even Remus’.
[They all go to the dining room. Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Remus is lying on the bed, with his face on the pillow, which is soaking wet in his tears and stained with his makeup. The pillow drowns his otherwise loud whining sounds as he grabs the sheets with both hands in despair, almost tearing them off. Times goes by and it’s night. The corridor outside the bedroom is quiet, until Thomas and the Sides approach their doors to go to bed, saying goodnight to each other. A few seconds later, when all the doors are closed, Janus approaches Remus’ door with a plate of food, and knocks the door softly]
JANUS: Remus, it’s me. You don’t have to open the door if you don’t want to. I’m here to bring you some dinner. You haven’t eaten anything in hours, and if I know you, and by now I know you well, in your state you probably haven’t summoned anything to eat. Please, have some dinner, at least do that for me. [Remus doesn’t answer. Janus sighs with a sad expression] I expected this. I don’t know if you’re asleep or if you just don’t want to talk to me, but I’m leaving the plate at the door. If you’re awake, please, take it and eat it when I’m gone. Don’t see me again if you don’t want to, but I beg you, don’t harm yourself, either physically by starvation, or mentally by gloating in your own misfortune caused by our mistake, it would kill me. I love you. I’m completely honest when I’m saying that I love you, and that I’m sorry I failed you today. Good night, my love.
[Janus leaves the plate on the floor in front of the door, then, he touches the door with a face of longing and leaves the hallway. After a couple of minutes, the door opens, and Remus grabs the plate, then looks at the empty hallway with a sad face. His cheeks are completely covered in dry blue stains of crying his makeup away, and his mustache is tilted and half-off]
REMUS: I love you too, Janus. Sleep well, my love.
[Remus closes the door behind him. The night goes by and morning comes. As usual, when Thomas wakes up, all the other Sides wake up too. Remus, in his room, wakes up and looks at the empty spot at the bed where Janus would have laid. He sighs, then gets up. He didn’t even take his green suit off and slept the whole night wearing it, so it’s completely disheveled and wrinkled, with the green sash half-untied. He looks at the mirror and sighs]
REMUS: [ironic] Ready for the Met Gala, am I not? It’s ironic that, when I’m feeling most serious, my appearance is the most disgusting, and when I’m more in the mood of disgusting someone, my appearance becomes so regal… Well, we’ll have to fix that, Remus, don’t we?
[Remus snaps a finger, and his face and outfit look neat and clean again. He sighs again]
REMUS: Okay, Remus… the show must go on. I won’t give anyone the excuse that this all failed because I didn’t try hard enough. [forcing himself to smile madly] Time to shine again!
[someone knocks at the door. Remus points at the door and the lock disappears]
REMUS: [singsong voice] It’s o-o-open!
[Janus comes in]
JANUS: Good morning, Remus. How… how are you today?
REMUS: [with a mischievous smile and his usual tone of voice] Oh, a good night of sleep can do wonders on someone’s mood! I’m better than ever. Don’t you see me? I’m brighter than a star and ready to wreak havoc again!
[Janus approaches Remus. While doing so, he notices the plate he left last night, empty on a table. Then he looks at the bed and notices the stains of makeup and tears on the pillow. On the verge of crying, he looks at Remus, then hugs him by surprise]
JANUS: I’m really sorry, Remus. I’m sorry I failed you.
REMUS: [hugging Janus back, tapping gently his back with his usual mischievous talk] Okay, okay… easy, my sweet anaconda, don’t strangle me with your embrace just yet. It’s too early in the morning for that and I just got dressed…
[Janus looks at Remus]
JANUS: I know you’re pretending, Remus. I only hope I can amend all the pain I am causing you.
[a rictus of pain appears on Remus’ face and his masquerade falls apart]
REMUS: You are the only one I can’t fool with my acting. Yes, it still hurts, but it will stop, eventually. I know that your love for me is real, and I’m gonna fight for it, even against myself if I have to. Because the alternative… would be even worse, because… I don’t wanna stop loving you. [with a dramatic glance at Janus, breathing heavily] For f… [bleep] ‘s sake, I won’t stop loving you!
[Remus gives Janus a long kiss, then he hugs him, grabbing him as if he was afraid Janus would disappear if he let him off]
JANUS: I only hope I can make myself worthy of your love for me.
REMUS: [looking at Janus in the eye] Don’t say that. You are already worthy of it. Don’t base your own value just on how much love or hate you receive from others, not even me. It’s not a good path to walk by. Believe me, I’ve walked it myself and it’s not healthy, cause the first who has to value you is yourself. I could only start healing my soul when I understood that. You made a mistake. A terrible mistake, indeed, but a mistake nonetheless. And we all make mistakes, me more than anyone else. I have no right to demand you to be perfect when I myself am far from it. I forgive you and I hope you forgive me for kicking you out of our room last night. [hugging him again] How I’ve missed you, even in my sleep.
JANUS: That’s already forgotten, Remus. And I missed you too.
[Roman approaches the open door]
ROMAN: Good morning, guys. I’m glad to see that you… fixed things up. Sorry to interrupt you.
REMUS: Good morning, Roman.
ROMAN: Remus… I don’t know how to say I’m sorry. I accused you of a horrible thing without any proof and I shouldn’t have done that. I… I’ll understand if you want to leave right now and go back to your room in the Mind Palace. I won’t complain.
REMUS: What are you talking about, Roman? We still have six days left of vacation and I’m not giving them up! Besides, Thomas counts on us. Remember that quarantine was making him crazy and he needs these days of relax in the Mind Palace as much as we do. So I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying here and hope that you all stay here too as we planned.
ROMAN: Then, that means… that you don’t hate me? You’re not mad at me?
REMUS: Not so fast. I never hated you, Roman, but I’m still mad at you. You’re right, what you did was horrible, and it hurt me real bad… [noticing the stained pillow, he makes a subtle gesture with his finger to clean it magically before Roman notices it as he enters the room] … you’ll never know how much. But… You are my brother. You are literally the only true family of blood I have. I can’t hate you. Besides, it took me literally 20 years to gain your love and acceptance, and you’re gonna need much more than what you did yesterday to make me want to throw them away. I’ll let it all slide if you just…
ROMAN: What?
REMUS: Promise me that next time, if something like this happens again, you won’t jump to conclusions before listening to me and allowing me the chance to defend myself. It’s something that anyone would ask for, not just me. I know I’m a madman with a stick of deodorant and a mace…
JANUS: Not accurate at all.
REMUS: …but I would never ever do anything that would cause you true despair. I know you love your brother Roland. I even know you love him more than me.
ROMAN: Remus, that’s not…
REMUS: Yes, it is, and it’s only natural, you’ve lived with him all the years that you wouldn’t let me, so it’s natural that you love him more, and I’m not blaming you. The point is that I know that losing your brother would destroy you, and I would never do that to you. There was a time when my old bitter self would have done it, but you know very well I’m no longer that Remus. I don’t care what Ira, or the others, or even Thomas thinks about me. But I love you, Roman, I was part of you, literally. That’s why it hurt me so much that you could think I could do that to you.
ROMAN: I love you too, Remus. Much more than what you think. And of course I promise. So, could you please… give me a hug?
REMUS: [sighs] I really should just crush your skull with my mace, but a hug will work too. Come here, brother, but don’t get too effusive, we don’t want to fuse in front of Janus, do we?
[Roman and Remus throw their arms around each other and squeeze each other tightly while Janus watches the scene with a proud smile]
ROMAN: I was so worried about you, Remus. Last night, I thought I was going to lose you.
REMUS: Don’t worry about that. Bickering and fighting to death from time to time is what brothers do, isn’t it? They always survive their battles, and they don’t love each other any less because of that.
ROMAN: Yeah, you’re right. And now… let’s go have some breakfast. And then, the day is yours, Remus. You decide what we do and where. I’m dedicating my day to you and only to you. It’s the least I can do to compensate you for what’s happened.
REMUS: I’ll think about it while we have breakfast… Roland can come with us too if you want to. After all, the point is that we get to know each other, isn’t it?
ROMAN: It is, Remus, thank you.
REMUS: You come too, Janus. If these two insane guys try something against me, I want to have someone to defend me.
JANUS: [chortles] You dork… As if you weren’t the insanest guy in this whole principality.
REMUS: Touche.
[Roman, Remus and Janus get out of the bedroom, heading to the dining room to have breakfast. Later in the day, Roman, Remus, Janus and Roland get out of the castle riding horses. Janus, really scared as it is the first time he’s ever ridden a horse. The others are more experimented, so they ride more naturally. After they’ve only ridden a couple of miles away from the castle, Janus’ mare stops]
JANUS: [grabbing to the mare with the same panicked face a cat would sport if he was clinging to something to avoid touching water]I’m totally not scared at all, what are you talking about? Seeing a snake on a horse or mare is not the most ridiculous scene anyone could ever see, at all.
REMUS: Relax, Janus, it’s easier than you think. Just hold the bridle and try to communicate with your mount. Make her see where you want to go, be one with her, and it will all be fine.
JANUS: It’s easier said than done, Remus. All of you have had years of practice in horse riding. I’m a mess of a jockey!
REMUS: We’re still on time to turn back. Do you want to sit behind me on my horse?
JANUS: That’s the most ridiculous idea you’ve ever had, Remus… [begging] Please?
REMUS: Okay, calm down, Bowler Handsome, I’m coming to the rescue.
ROLAND: You could have said that you had never ridden a horse in the first place, Janus. We could have done anything else so as not leaving anyone behind.
[while moving to Remus’ horse, sitting behind him]
JANUS: I though it would be easier to ride a horse. I was wrong, and it was Remus’ idea, I didn’t wanna spoil it.
REMUS: It’s okay, now. [Remus creates a horseman riding Janus’ previous horse] Take the horse back to the castle.
[the horseman nods and rides the horse away]
ROLAND: [freaking out] He… appeared out of nowhere… Is that how you create people here in Sandersia, so easily? Was it that easy for me to appear, Roman? Just snapping your fingers and I was there? It makes me feel so tiny…
ROMAN: You aren’t tiny, Roland. You are my brother.
ROLAND: Only because you imagined me so, Roman. But if I appeared as easily as that horseman… what could have stopped you from imagining me completely different? Like a servant in the palace, or a farmer or a peasant anywhere else… This reminds me that I’m at your mercy all the time and that my life isn’t mine at all, if I ever had a real life at all. I call myself a prince, but I’m… so worthless…
ROMAN: Calm down, Roland. Your life is very real, and it is yours and no one else’s. I only imagined you the way you were at your beginning, but it was you who shaped your own life with your life choices, and nobody else will ever be like you because of that. Only you can be Prince Roland of Sandersia, no one else can be. That makes you unique, and valuable, not only for me but for anyone else who gets to know you, because there will never be two like you. That’s one of the many reasons why I and so many others love you, Roland. Don’t doubt it.
ROLAND: [sighs] Thank you, Roman… I’m sorry, everyone, it’s just that I freaked out a little bit when you did that, Remus.
REMUS: I’m sorry, I didn’t realize…
ROLAND: It’s okay. Let’s just go about our day, okay? Will you two be comfy in a single horse?
REMUS: Hold on to me, Janus. [wiggling his eyebrows with a mischievous smirk] You know I always love when you hug me like that from behind…
JANUS: [blushing] Remus! Shut up and don’t let me fall!
REMUS: Never… to both things.
[Janus sighs and holds tightly to Remus while he smirks. Then they all go on riding their horses. After some time riding through the forest, they find a huge waterfall. They all get down of their horses and sit on a nearby rock]
JANUS: This place is not beautiful at all…
ROMAN: I know, right? Roland and I used to come here to play when we were younger. Remember, Roland?
ROLAND: How could I forget? It was our secret place, where we always went when we wanted to run away from our responsibilities and have some time for ourselves. I can’t even count how many times we splashed water from the waterfall on each other. Then father always went furious when he saw us returning all wet. Remember, Roman?
ROMAN: [sighs] Seems like only yesterday.
REMUS: [also sighs, but with a sad face instead] It sounds so fun… At least, vanishing me far away allowed you to have such a wonderful life… A life I will never know…
ROMAN: Sorry, Remus, we didn’t mean to bring back ghosts from your past.
REMUS: Nah, it’s okay. I was just thinking out loud… as usual in me. Didn’t mean to break your nostalgic mood.
ROLAND: How… how was your life in that island… if I may ask?
ROMAN: I don’t think it’s a good idea that we make him remem…
REMUS: It’s fine, Roman, I don’t mind answering to that. After all, it is my life. It’s not like avoiding talking about it is gonna change the past. The first years… were tough. With the jewel that Roman gave me, I could make myself a little home. You took care to leave on the jewel just enough of your power to summon that and not a boat so that I could try and follow you. Then, I just learned to survive by myself. The island had resources enough so that I wouldn’t starve. It had trees with fruits and a little well with an endless supply of fresh water.
ROMAN: I left those there before I brought you. I couldn’t leave you to die of thirst or starvation, could I?
REMUS: We’re Sides of Thomas, Roman. That couldn’t kill us. But certainly, without those things, my life would have been miserable, as the feelings of extreme hunger and thirst would have been very real, and not pleasant at all, not even for me. So, I thank you for that.
ROMAN: You’re welcome. I wish everything had been different back then.
REMUS: But I meant that it was tough because… I still couldn’t understand. Everything I felt for you was love, an unconditional brotherly love. I revered you like only a brother can revere another brother. I was too young to understand what I could have done that could have upset you so bad that you would have wanted to get rid of me like that, and I tortured myself, day and night, trying to understand why. Now I do understand, but if only you had taken the time to teach me. If only you had had patience with me when I was so… destructive… everything could have been so much different. I eventually stopped making questions and just settled down with the fact that that was my life now, and I couldn’t escape it for the time being. A year or so after I was left in the island, I felt my summoning powers increasing. I started being able to summon bigger things. First, I turned my house into a manor, then into the castle you now know. I could also summon a boat, finally, but I had no way to know where to go in the sea to find you, so, it meant nothing for me.
[Roman, Roland and Janus listen to Remus, not saying a word, with emotional faces]
REMUS: You already know about when I started turning into a Dark Side due to Roman’s constant repression of me, and what I did with the infamous black cauldron that almost killed Thomas, so I won’t say it again. The point is that, when I finally turned into a Dark Side, that was a point of no return for me. It was one thing that you had left me in the island, but putting that curse into me – because I knew from the start that was your doing, Roman, even if you did it unconsciously – I thought it was an uncalled act of gloat on your behalf and… I guess that’s when my mind definitely clicked out in the wrong way. It was then when I started hoarding anger, and hatred, and thirst of revenge towards you, feelings that only grew stronger as years went by. And when, a few months ago, I suddenly felt the beacon sign that allowed me to know where exactly you were on the other side of the sea… Well, you both know the rest, right?
ROLAND: And that’s when it all happened… When you almost deleted me from existence, just as easily as you created that horseman…
REMUS: Again, Roland, I’m sorry. I won’t say that it wasn’t me who did that, because I would be lying and Janus would call me out immediately, but I changed and I’m very sorry for everything I did when I was in that insanely bitter state of mind.
ROLAND: For many months afterwards, I was afraid of your mere mention, as if you literally were the boogeyman for me. It scared me that you would want to come back and finish what you started. I never mentioned this before, not even to Ira, but I’ve spent whole nights without sleep, too many. I was afraid that, if I dropped my guard and fell asleep, you’d enter through the window and… I’d never sleep again.
[Remus sighs with a face of huge regret]
REMUS: You were right, Roman…
ROMAN: On what?
REMUS: My actions had consequences and I can’t move on from them until I face these consequences. And boy, how I am facing them right now. I never cared to be the bad guy… but now that I see how much of a bad guy I’ve been… I don’t like it. I’m so sorry, Roland. I really am.
ROLAND: Well, I guess that’s just how the story went. We can’t turn its pages backwards, I guess. I just hope that, by understanding each other better, we both can start moving on and driving our own demons away.
REMUS: Even if I am your demon?
ROLAND: For the conversations we’ve been having lately, I’m beginning to understand that you are not my demon anymore. My demon is the old version of you which I hope never comes back. If what you said about no longer being that Remus is true, I have no problem in considering you a friend, just like the other Sides.
REMUS: [heartwarming emotional smile] Thank you. It really means the world to me.
ROMAN: [also emotional] This is all I wanted to gain from this experience, and my wish is coming true. Thank you, to both of you.
REMUS: Happy to oblige, brother.
ROLAND: Me too, brother.
[both Remus and Roland hug Roman]
JANUS: Well, guys. I think it’s time to come back. I’m in the mood for having lunch with the others.
REMUS: You’re right. I’m hungry too.
[they all ride their horses again and go back to the castle. At the door, they find Thomas]
ROMAN: Hi, Thomas, what’s up?
THOMAS: Thank goodness you’re okay!
ROMAN: Wait, what? What’s wrong, Thomas?
THOMAS: I can’t find any of the Sides or Ira anywhere.
ROMAN: What? How is that so?
THOMAS: I don’t know, I stayed in my room for a few minutes, with my laptop, proofreading one of my new scripts…
ROMAN: Thomas, I told you we’re on vacation! You promised you wouldn’t work on anything during this break. You shouldn’t even have brought your laptop in the first place!
THOMAS: It was just proofreading, in a way it’s a form of entertainment too… Wait, the point is that when I came out of my room, I couldn’t find anyone. They were all gone.
ROLAND: Maybe they’ve gone out for a walk all together. It is a fine day, after all…
THOMAS: If they had done something like that, I think they would have asked me to join them, don’t you think? They wouldn’t have left me all alone in my room without at least warning me they were leaving. Besides, I asked some servants in the castle, and no one has seen them leaving the castle at all.
ROMAN: That’s odd…
JANUS: It’s true that this look suspicious. Where could they be? Roman, you said you could locate anyone on Sandersia. Can’t you check where they are now?
ROMAN: I can locate any character in Sandersia and bring them to my presence… but they’re Sides, I cannot sense their presence like that.
ROLAND: Well, if Ira is with them, maybe you can locate him? Inside Sandersia, he’s a character, or so you said.
ROMAN: Yes, you’re right, maybe I could try to locate Ira. Let me see… [Roman closes his eyes and concentrates. After a few seconds, he opens his eyes again] This is weird, I can’t locate Ira. And you are right, Roland, I should be able to locate him, or at least his Sandersian body around his real Sprite form. Maybe he left Sandersia and is somewhere in the Mind Palace as a Sprite?
REMUS: Roman, let me try too. I am also Creativity. My range of detection is not as great as yours, but here in the continent I can detect all Sandersians nearby. If Ira is in the continent, maybe I can find him.
ROMAN: Okay, Remus. Maybe you’ll be luckier than me.
[Remus closes his eyes and concentrates. After a couple of seconds he opens his eyes]
REMUS: I found Ira! He’s 20 miles northeast from here.
ROMAN: That’s weird! Why didn’t I sense him?
REMUS: There’s something else, Roman. I detected a strange aura around him… a dark aura.
JANUS: A… dark aura? What do you mean a dark aura?
REMUS: I don’t know, that’s what I sensed… [suddenly in pain] Aw! My head!
ROMAN: [scared] Remus, are you okay?
REMUS: It’s… like if… Ira was taking control of me… from a distance… I…
[suddenly, Remus grins evilly]
ROMAN: Remus?
“REMUS”: [with a totally different voice] So… you’ve found me? I don’t care, it’s too late already.
JANUS: You’re not Remus! Who are you!?
“REMUS”: Why, I’m Ira, of course. I thought you would have figured it out!
JANUS: Ira? Did you fly all the way here to bite Remus or something? What are you doing?
IRA: I don’t need to bite him anymore to take a toll on him. And don’t worry, I don’t need your crazy boyfriend other than for leaving you a message. Do not try to stop me. If you do, your friends will pay the consequences, starting with your dear Ian.
JANUS: I… you can’t be Ira, there’s something in you that tells me you’re not. If you try to do something to my brother, or to our friends, I…
IRA: You have been warned. It’s been quite difficult to fulfill this part of my plan, and you won’t spoil it. The Dark Master will return, and there’s nothing you can do about it! Mark my words!
[suddenly Remus loses consciousness. Janus grabs him before he falls to the ground]
JANUS: Remus! Remus, are you okay?
[Remus opens his eyes]
REMUS: I… I think so… Aw, my head… it still hurts…
THOMAS: [angry and concerned] Not again… Not him again! I thought we got rid of him, but he always returns and returns and returns!
ROMAN: Well, the original Light Master already warned us that there are still fragments of the Dark Master all over the Mind Palace, trying to set him free. Maybe one of those fragments took control of Ira, and it’s using him as a pawn for some plan.
ROLAND: What are we going to do, Roman?
ROMAN: You are doing nothing. This is too dangerous for you, Roland. It’s a mission for the Sanders Sides.
ROLAND: I’m not gonna stay behind when they’ve got Ira! He’s always been there to protect and assist me in everything I needed! I’m not gonna leave him when he needs me! And also, I’m the regent governor of this principality! It is my duty to protect it from its enemies too! And there’s also the fact that currently there are only three Sides available plus Thomas. You’re gonna need reinforcements. So don’t try to stop me, brother, because this is a battle that I’m gonna fight alongside you!
ROLAND: Don’t waste any more time trying to convince me, Roman, because you can’t. I’ve said that I’m going with you, and I’m going with you!
ROMAN: [sighs] Okay… I cannot stop you if you’re so determined. But you better be careful, okay?
ROLAND: I promise, Roman. Now, let’s go rescue our friends!
[to be continued, guys, gals and non binary pals]
[ending card]
[a few minutes later, the gang has been prepping and is ready to go after Ira]
THOMAS: Okay, how are we going to do this?
ROMAN: Well, we’ll just follow the signal Remus received. We’ll make a plan when we get there.
REMUS: They’re far away, though. Maybe when we get there, they’ll be gone. And I don’t know if it’s safe to try and locate them again after what he did to me. Of course, I don’t care about the danger, but I don’t want to ruin the mission, or, even worse, do something bad to you if he takes control of me again.
ROMAN: If only the carriages worked as they’re supposed to. Yet it is only safe to go that fast through the royal roads around Sandersia, where only royal carriages are allowed to transit. We wouldn’t want to run over some unaware Sandersian or crash on any unexpected building, do we?
JANUS: Well, for sure the slowest medium of transportation is the one we’re using right now, standing still until it gets dark. Let’s get moving already.
ROLAND: You’re right, let’s go. But we will make a detour and make a couple of visits around town.
ROMAN: Around town? Do you think it is wise to do that right now?
ROLAND: I do, Roman, because we’re gonna need reinforcements. And I’ve got a tactical idea.
THOMAS: What do you mean?
ROLAND: Well, right now most of the Sides are missing. I think we’re gonna need help from some Sandersians that would very well fit in in this mission.
THOMAS: I’m not following you.
ROLAND: If Patton is missing, we’ll recruit the Dad Guy. If Logan is missing, we’ll recruit the Teacher Guy. And if that isn’t enough, we’ll get Brain, Sleep Guy, Printer, and any other character you can think about, Thomas. We may not be Sides, and we may not be as strong as you are individually, but we are proud Sandersians, and we’ll defend our homeland from any intruders that threaten its existence. We can make one heck of an army if we set our minds upon it, and not even a figment of the Dark Master will defeat us if we get together into serious business.
ROMAN: I’m so proud of you, Roland. You make a heck of a leader.
ROLAND: [putting his hand on Roman’s shoulder] I learned from the best. Now, let’s go. We’ve got a lot of people to call.
[the gang then starts walking, heading to town]
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dreamlanddoll · 5 years
Your headcanons on the part of Cedric's life between the time he graduated Hexley Hall to the time he first met Sofia?
Cedric’s Life Between Graduation and Meeting Sofia 
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Upon graduating, Cedric was immediately pulled into training by his father to become Enchancia’s next Royal Sorcerer
There was a lot of pressure on him, more than he could handle. Cedric wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to live up to his father’s standards, or that of the future King’s 
Cedric was already somewhat accustomed to his fathers workshop, but since it would soon become his own, Goodwyn was obligated to show him how to operate everything in it (without letting him touching anything)
“And that is the crank you use to bring down the ladder- NO DON’T TOUCH IT!”
He knows how accident prone his son is and would rather not risk the mess (or injury)
One day, while doing regular apprentice chores in the workshop with his raven Wormwood at his side, and as his father was brewing potions, a small, unsupervised potion bottle on a stool nearby caught the young adults eye, and seeing that his father wasn’t paying attention to him, Cedric figured it couldn’t hurt to inspect it, right?
As he approached the stool, broom still in hand, all whilst his familiar was shouting at him to not do it inside his head, he heard his father ask, “Cedric, could you hand me my-?” causing him to startle and trip, knocking into the stool and spilling the potion all over the floor- as well as himself.
Lucky for him, Goodwyn turned his head just in time when he heard the crash to see what had happened- and before his very eyes was his son- now a small green lizard- helplessly freaking out on the ground.
Goodwyn rolls his eyes and mutters the spell to reverse it. In a whirl of magical dust and some, 18 year old Cedric re-appeared, knees tucked into his chest and hands on the floor to support his tense shoulders. He looks up at his father sheepishly. “Ehhh.. sorry father.” he chuckles. 
Goodwyn loudly sighs and runs a hand down his face. “What did I say about touching anything?”
Cedric looks at the floor, embarrassed. “Not to do it…”
“That’s right, son. Go take a break while I clean this up… then maybe I can finally get some work done in peace.” 
Cedric sadly retires as his father points him out the door, slouching all the way out 
“And straighten your posture, Cedric!” 
And so, the green-vested lad is sent to slink around and roam the castle halls aimless and bored 
Cedric grumbles to himself in a mimicky tone, hands shoved in his pockets while he glares at the marble floor. “Straighten your posture Cedric, don’t touch anything Cedric, cut your stupid bangs so they aren’t as curly, Cedric! G’ah! ” He grips his head, stopping at a large decorative mirror placed on the wall, examining himself sadly while playing with one of his wavy eye-length silver bangs. Recalling all the horrible memories of mummy attempting to dye them back to their original colour, and Goodwyn attempting to cast a cutting spell on them any chance he got. Cedric liked them long, thank you very much.
He sighs and looks at the ground. “Perhaps I’m just not cut out for this…. maybe I should’ve allowed Cordellia to be the Royal Sorceress instead. She’s older than me after all, I don’t see why she didn’t get it.”
He turns to his faithful raven. “What do you think, Wormy?”
Wormwood squawks in response, but to himself he was saying “I think we’d be better off as starving bards.”
As the years go by, and as Cedric grows and matures (kind of), at age 25, Goodwyn is finally ready (well, more like legally obligated) to pass the job onto his son 
Goodwyn gives him about a thousand reminders and responsibilities re call before handing him the key to the workshop.
“Make sure you hide this in the RIGHT Gargoyle claw, not the left one.”
“I know, father.”
“And don’t forget to dust the bookshelves weekly!”
“Yes yes I will.” (he doesn’t)
“And you mustn’t EVER open the window while casting a wind spell.”
Of course during his first week on the job, Winifried was constantly checking up on him to see how her Ceddy-kins was doing, to which he always replied “Just fine, thank you mummy.” But his first day … Cedric’s first day as Royal Sorcerer is… tricky, to say the least 
not only that, but it was Roland’s coronation as well, and Cedric was expected to perform spells immaculately under the training he’d gained 
it doesn’t go all too well  
he ended up accidentally causing the curtains in the throne room to collapse, which caught onto the candelabra which caught the carpets and the curtains on fire as well as the thrones while everyone retreated away from the scene, panicking and putting attention into making sure the the future king was protected while servants attempted to douse the growing fire 
Cedric though, in his typical Cedric-y manner, wanted to fix it. He nervously scrambled in his words for a water spell, or an anti-flame spell, or something that would help! 
But before he could, the servants had taken care of it while he remained speechless, embarrassed and body inverting with cringe as his put a hand to his mouth, it was like Cordellia’s ball all over again! 
“Some Royal Sorcerer.” he heard come from a lady in a mocking tone.
“Doesn’t he have a sister that could’ve done this? I’m sure she would’ve handled it better.” Another voice, one of the male servants, uttered to his buddy. Who seemed to nod in agreement.
“Oh…” Cedric muttered, looking at the floor. “Merlin’s Mushrooms.” 
Later in his workshop, as he sulks over his desk with Wormwood attempting to console him, he sniffles. “That’s it, I’m quitting. Pack your bags Wormy, I’ll write to Cordy and tell her a position is open if she’s willing.” Cedric reaches for a loose sheet of paper he finds tucked between two of his books on the shelf, but one falls out and opens up on his desk to a very peculiar page. 
“What’s this?” he mumbles, leaning over to get a better look at the drawing of the large purple tear-drop shaped jewel that was on the page. There was small handwriting around it as well.
Wormwood squawks in curiosity, prompting Cedric to read aloud.  
“The Amulet of Avalor?” he read slowly. His eyes continue down the page. “The Amulet of Avalor is an ancient jewel with unlimited magical powers, carefully hand wielded by Maruvien sorcerer’s of the time, said to hold the power of all magical being and spirits of the Mystic Isles themselves…” Cedric said in a breathy, awe-strucken tone. He didn’t think such a thing could exist! But here it was he supposed, right inside a master spell book that his father almost nearly relied on in his day. 
Cedric internally scoffed, where could he possibly find something like that? And what on earth would he want with it? It’s power? …. Well… perhaps, it would be a big help with his spell casting he reckoned. 
Wormwood squawked once more, nudging the page over with his beak and turning Cedric’s attention to it.
“It says here that the Amulet of Avalor is powerful enough to create tornadoes, move mountains, and… concur entire empires?” It was then that he remembered something, an idea forgotten long ago after his younger days. Back when… the incident, first happened, little Cedric thought if he could become King, he’d be able to prove how great he could be! He grew out of that over time- obviously, but now, knowing that this jewel was out there somewhere… it didn’t sound like all too ridiculous of an idea anymore.
“Wormy… do you realize what I could do with a magical object like this?!” He turned to his raven excitedly, to which the bird tilted his head. 
“It means I could finally prove what a great sorcerer I really am!” 
Wormwood squawked happily, liking where this was going as he saw a mischievous grin creep onto his master’s face for the first time ever.
“We are going to find that amulet someday, and in the meantime, start thinking of ways that I can finally take over the Kingdom!” Following his deceleration was a long over-due, good old fashioned evil laugh, with his menacingly dark raven cawing along. 
From then on, they were scheming buddies. Cedric and Wormwood, an unbreakable pair of evil geniuses- well, at least Cedric thought so. 
The more he planned, schemed, and connived however, the later he decided to stay up, and the later he schemed into the night, the deeper his eye bags grew. Same with the creases at the sides of his mouth (though genetic), it was getting concerning..
Even Roland, now a proud King with two children on the way was growing concerned for his old friend- even though he didn’t act like it 
Upon the Queen’s death, it was hard on everyone- Roland more than anyone of course. But even Cedric became a tad depressed, out of everyone in the castle, the Queen was always the nicest one to him..
He stopped scheming for a while, feeling kind of bad. How could he plan on doing something so terrible to a ruler so kind- one that, now that he thought about it, took for granted?
Eventually Cedric gets back into the groove of his evil ways, but still carries a bit of guilt with him 
Refuses to interact with the children from age 1-5- not for any emotional or depressing reason- he just detests young children. Well, especially James and Amber- the spoiled little things. With their sticky-grabby hands, loud voices, no sense of personal space or boundaries, or caution for other peoples things- G’OH he just can’t STAND them! He actually doesn’t permit Roland bringing the children into his workshop, he either leaves them with Baileywick, or stays a step or two outside the door. It becomes a rule
 Once they get a little older and more self aware, they’re allowed inside- just no touching anything 
If they do though he doesn’t get angry- or even frustrated- something in him just goes “no, you mustn’t yell at them or they’ll cry and when they cry then you’ve got a bigger mess on your hands.” 
Cedric does not know how to deal with crying children- he still doesn’t to this day. He’d probably just start panicking and screaming 
He lets them kinda waddle around the place if Roland runs out of ways to keep them occupied. But he needs to keep a close eye on them- it’s very boring for him. 
However he gets the occasional inquiry about certain magical items- which he is most fond of answering for them. 
Amber and James actually liked Cedric a lot as kids though- with all his cool spells, different hair and funny clothes. Once Amber complimented him on his ‘dress.’ He would’ve corrected her- but she had no mal intent, so stopping himself he pats her head and says ‘thank you.’ 
He just hoped she’d learn it was actually a robe when she was older
Little James was always down for a mini magic show- and the wonder in his eyes and smile on his face whenever Cedric casted his spells was sometimes almost enough to make him turn good again.. but it was simple, trivial ones that he did easily in front of the children because they were.. well.. children. Kids are entertained if you flash a red dot on the wall. Or wait, perhaps that’s cats. 
Eventually Amber grew brattier and more superficial- interested in all the finer things royalty had to offer, and James grew more independent and rambunctious. Cedric had that coming, they were both 11 now after all. 
He greeted loneliness with open arms once more for a good year or two… until one faithful day. He was informed that King Roland was getting re-married, and along with his new wife was coming her 8 year old daughter- Sofia. 
Cedric groaned in annoyance. Delightful- he thought sarcastically. More small children. 
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elenajohansenreads · 5 years
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Books I Read in 2019
#73 - Magic Triumphs, by Ilona Andrews
Rating: 5/5 stars
It's over. It's over and it's beautiful. My ability to write an objective review of books in this series sailed a long time ago, so I'll just say, I was crying at the end, I was satisfied, Curran is the best, I'm happy with the way they solved their Roland problems, and DRAGONS. (Not that we hadn't already met Roman's dragon buddy, but still, DRAGONS.) I pretty much got all the small character moments I wanted to see, because a series this long has a lot of side characters to provide endings for, if they haven't already passed out of the story. And the epilogue sets up an interesting (potential) new story line to pursue (possibly.) If it happens, I'll give it a try. I wasn't that worried I'd be disappointed, because I am so emotionally invested, but the series has truly gotten better as it goes instead of getting worse. I was reasonably confident, but I'm thrilled to be proven right!
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So... for all two of you who know/read The Case Study of Vanitas ( and also for myself because I really wanna talk about it but have no one to talk to about it )... I have emotions over the 4th volume that I’ll tick off. ( Sorry not sorry for those that’ll have no idea what the fuck i’m crying about. )
Vanitas ties his loose fabrics on him into a bow because having them any other way makes him restless and that’s so fucking cute.
Noe genuinely cares for Vanitas and gets so concerned when it’s revealed that his parents were killed by vampires and he was used for experimentation. ( And when he says it in such a detached way. ) It’s really funny and sweet to see that compared to how adverse he was to him at the start.
Even though they’re being attacked and they should be protecting themselves, Noe is extremely against taking a hostage - Maria - and is even more against Vanitas hitting her even though it was in retaliation to being attacked. ( Such a gentleman omg. )
Vanitas losing his temper over Noe’s morals and how he’d rather explain themselves rather than just fighting against them. It wasn’t surprising given how he’s been in the previous temper, but it shows his character a bit more. ( Maybe he once shared Noe’s views and learned the hard way how that doesn’t always work and can get people killed? Is that what happened in the past with his brother? )
Also even though Noe can be a bit naive, he isn’t one to be underestimated or to have his intelligence dismissed.
Noe really forcefully pinned Roland down in order to explain to him that they did not kill the other chasseurs that they stole their outfits from and started off by shouting ‘NICE TO MEET YOU’ in this mans face. I adore him.
Roland and Noe are so cute, what the fuck??? As soon as he hears him out Roland is just ‘--- okay, so let’s be buddies!”
FINALLY some Vanitas flashbacks and some insight into how he took his name and obtained the book.
He has a younger brother??? That seemed to be really attached to the vampire of the blue moon?? Who may or may not have died??
Just... Vunerable Vanitas.
Roland was so happy at the thought of having a vampire for a friend; that was adorable! ( And like... Oliver’s hair tho-- )
--- doctor moreaus a creepy bitch fuck him ---
CONFIRMED!! Noe moves around in his sleep and tends to fall of the bed. And if you try to help him back up then he’ll cling onto you and make a ‘hug pillow out of you’. ( AND VANITAS WAS A VICTIM )
Holy fuck... Okay, so in the first chapter, Noe said in narration that he ends up killing Vanitas at the end of their journey together. But with Lord Ruthven fucking compelling him to follow any one order when he commands it.... holy shit holy shit holy shit what if that turns out to be the order holy fuck--
The whole Vanitas and Jeanne date was peak comedy
IS SHE’S A CURSE BEARER AND ENDS UP DYING I WILL FUCKING CRY ( even though it seems pretty confirmed she is )
Okay wheter Vanitas really does have feelings for Jeanne or not, the way he treats her - by assuring her that if she does loses herself that he’ll kill her because she hurts Luca, and letting her drink blood from him - is really sweet.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 48: Bakura Completely Fails to Murder The One Person He Was Actually Supposed to Murder
Yo guys, this is the last episode of the season.
I know. How exactly do you resolve ANYTHING in one episode? The secret is, you don’t. Like...one thing did get resolved but it really seems like this was a 2 season storyline they were really banking on doing so well it would stretch into season 2 but, according to bro, this show got hella cancelled?
I can’t believe it. Finally. I’ve been joking about it for like a year but it actually happened.
Now my bro is full of spicy headcanons about this show and I decided to look up on Wikipedia to see what the hell happened between Season 2 and 3 for him to say this but I saw nothing about cancelling anything, but he’s pretty certain that this happened. So, I’m gonna open it up to all of you guys who know way more about this show than either of us to set it straight--was there cancellation drama between Season 2 and Season 3 or is bro just remembering history incorrectly?
Anyways, this show is obviously around for Season 3 but bro says it gets distracted and everyone has hinted that we get a really great filler arc that is most people’s absolutely favorite arc in the entire world. I’m honestly shocked I made it this far. But, lets first get into the episode.
This episode starts exactly where I wanted it to, with Tea realizing that she’s not only wandered into Bakura’s room, but that, from her perspective, it has made Bakura so freakin uncomfortable that he hella left.
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Like imagine with me that your on a High school trip and you’re with all your buddies but then there’s that one kid who is a friend, but you don't know TOO well because he’s kind of awkward and also half a murderous ghost. Imagine he gets hella sick and then for some reason, you sleepwalk to his bedside, all draped across the sheets, and when you wake up he’s just...peaced right out of that entire awkward conversation that would have been.
Like...my reaction would have been completely the opposite of what Tea did.
Which was run straight to her somewhat-boyfriend Yugi Muto and tell him exactly what she just inadvertently did.
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Also, forgive me for this aside, but Yugi is like 16, so why is Yugi randomly kind of jacked all of a sudden? Is that little backpack he carries just full of lead?
Oh wait, yeah...necklace is solid gold. But even still like...this small boy shouldn’t appear this jacked. Like, I know a lot of preteen girls were into this show for the large selection of anime boys, but I prefer Yugi looking sort of like the human version of a Pekingese instead. Mostly because I’m an adult, I guess. Not that I never had a preteen anime boy crush phase, but we’re talking Tuxedo Mask, who was sort of developed to be a preteen anime boy crush. Like, Tuxedo Mask has literally no other reason to exist except to be a perfect husband who gets abducted a lot, but Yugi? Like..he sells cards, why’s he gotta grow up?
My bros current spicy headcanon is that he’s slowly becoming jacked because of being in the Shadow Realm so often, and that it beefs you up like when Goku goes to space and turns the gravity on super duper high, but sure bro, you do you. Bro’s got a spicy headcanon for every loophole this show throws at us. (and it is surprising which ones were actually correct and which were probably a fanfic he read in High School.)
(read more under the cut)
Anyways, Yugi thankfully puts on a jacket and they decide not to wake up Joey’s room to see if Bakura also joined the Boy Chamber after Tea kicked him out but like...while that would be the most reasonable place to look, they decided to see if maybe Bakura is sleeping in...the hallways? I dunno why they immediately thought Bakura was kidnapped. Now that the ring isn’t with him then...there’d be no reason for Marik to kill him.
Then again, maybe Bakura kind of wanders off and does ghost stuff so often, that these two are always checking up on where Bakura wandered off to?
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I guess these two just didn’t feel like waking anyone up. Or using the enchanted necklace Yugi just got. Or asking Roland the security guard. Or maybe, I dunno, ever asking Kaiba for help, who is still absolutely awake and doing literally nothing else with his time.
Like serious talk, a lot of this season’s problems would have been resolved if they had just gone to the guy in charge of the tourney and asked for him to use his endless resources to help out the tourney that he is hosting. Like, he would have done it. I know this is a bit of a stretch but I don’t think Kaiba wants people dueling to the death at 3AM. Especially if he can’t watch them do it.
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I appreciate that the blimp was so important to Kaiba that he rendered it in 3-D and has it just rotating there, weirdly CG while the rest of this screen is drawn. Also, Kaiba’s desktop situation is an absolute nightmare, this boy is somehow managing a company but he cannot manage a desktop?
PS are you ready for this outfit without the horrible spiky shoulder jacket? Are you ready? Because I wasn’t.
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he can’t seem to get away from that victorian gothic lady silhouette.
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And so Kaiba is faced with a problem, he’s only got a low win chance to get this card the fair way. This would be a great time to just arrest Marik right now, although it would be somewhat difficult since their duel to the death is halfway over, but like, Kaiba also really likes losing at cards. He says he doesn’t, but Kaiba seems to sprint to every opportunity he can get to absolutely lose or only just narrowly win because your Dead Wife Card sent you a weird hallucination that one time.
Like...of the times that Kaiba’s dueled solo we’ve only seen Kaiba win twice, right? And once was to a random guy on the street? Yeah. Kaiba’s only won a single time on screen.
I mean, of course, unless you count the time he threatened to commit suicide if he lost and Yugi was like “What the hell!?” but I don’t know if we should count that as like...a game.
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Despite the fact that Yugi has never once offered her even like...a coat in this freakin weather, Tea has decided that they’re official enough, that she will argue with him about how they now both...share a destiny??? This feels like jumping the gun a little bit?
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I don’t know what the hell she’s even talking about. But she’s been treating it like they’ve been married for like 8 years. Which...would require a little bit more...supporting evidence for me as a viewer that Tea and Yugi would actually be this much of an item at this point.
Like at least she’s not a reincarnated soul of his dead wife stuffed into a playing card--this show has pulled weirder random romance plots out of it’s ass--but it’s a huge leap to suddenly tell me “And remember these two???? This romance of the ages?????” at this point, this far into the end of the season.
And like...don’t be misled by my description of this conversation, they never once even come closer than a foot of each other.
Everything about this is kinda weird. No kinkshame of course, all ships are good and valid. But, assuming that Marik’s got a foot in both Tea and Bakura’s brain right now, these two are 6 people right now (2 are Bakura, if he’s still swimming around with Tea, it’s unclear), and 2(3) of those people has tried to kill both of them, but now are piggybacking on these guys’ bodies that are currently fumbling about how the hell to date even. Imagine how awkward Marik feels rn. Just imagine.
Or maybe he’s super into it, Marik’s a nut.
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Pharaoh just kind of rolled his eyes and walked through this mist door as Tea stood uselessly on the other side and it’s like, yeah, we feel you, Pharaoh, we don’t know why that conversation had to happen either.
Meanwhile, I’ve been skipping the card game portion which actually looked very nice. Again, it was the last episode, they upped their game, but that won’t come through in caps so just know--that was nice. but because Bakura decided to do the taboo of playing a God Card, it absolutely royally screwed him over. and then Marik fused his body to it like Final Fantasy and it’s like...sure why not. It’s the last episode. Fuse your body with a playing card, no one will question how that would have worked outside of a shadow game.
Anyways, Marik kinda saw that happen and was like, well damn. Didn’t know it could do that. Weird, right? Huh. So much for living in obscurity and being tortured underground and keeping the Pharaoh’s secrets for 5000 years, apparently we knew...NONE OF THEM.
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And then Bakura died, and even dropped us an iconic one liner as Marik sends him into the darkness while saying “enjoy the darkness!” or something like that. This was extremely 2000′s. It’s fine to be cliche if you’re...Bakura. You kinda have to be. That is the whole point of Bakura.
So he said, something like this
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Like the exact line was more like...”Did you forget, I AM darkness??” or something, but man, that sums up the whole of Bakura so well. Like, he doesn’t make sense. But, he doesn’t have to, because the point of Bakura is that he’s just a walking 00′s prototype and that’s what makes him great. Like if you could make the 00′s hot topic aesthetic (minus the meme shirts) into a candle and then burn it down to nearly the end of the wick--that’s Bakura.
Like I watch kids as a dayjob and the other day the 12yo was like “I drew stuff, do you want to see?” so I was like “Absolutely!” and she’s like “I warn you--it’s kind of messed up.” and I’m like “that’s fine” and she’s like “no but really it’s spooky, ok? I just want to warn you.” and I’m like “try me” and she flips open her ipad and in the apple version of MSpaint I kid you not it was
A happy face
crying black tears.
And I’m like “Wow.” and she’s like “I know, it’s pretty dark” and I’m like “well, not exactly, he seems pretty cheerful” and she was like “well this one is really really scary are you ready?” and I’m like “OK, because that one was pretty happy” and she’s like “no Rach this one is like reallllllly messed up. You’re going to think I’m crazy.” and I’m like “oh shoot” and she flipped open to the next page in her ipad and it was
A happy face
It’s eyes are bloodshot. (magenta blood. It was Magenta)
And I’m like “wow! He’s even happier!” and she was like “But this is the scariest thing I’ve ever drawn in my life!” because to a 12yo, that is scary. Like it’s funny to me because honestly, the way kids and even teens think of what is “scary” is so different than what is “scary” to an adult. And Bakura is sort of like the personification of an MSpaint happy face crying blood tears.
Like, he’s different than Marik in that Marik’s backstory was super well established, while Bakura...never needed one. Apparently he will get one, but he honestly doesn’t need it. He’s just a nightmare that a kid would have. I don’t really question the logic of what happens around Bakura vs everyone else because...he’s Bakura.
I do question that he somehow got beaten by Marik. That doesn’t add up for me, but honestly the other Marik kind of messed Bakura up so...you could say he was doomed to fail that. It was more that Marik beat himself and dragged Bakura with him.
And like, I’m not upset that I don’t have to look up Britishisms anymore and take notes during British Bake Off and then completely lose those notes when it comes time to write these. But wow, I will miss Bakura.
Didn’t know I’d miss you until you were gone, little gross disgusting buddy.
Didn’t realize how I’d miss you killing off random people all the time and pretending to be a good boy while leaving little cookie crumbs of a storyline that will apparently not even get picked up until like forever from now.
Ah, so lets pour a glass of fries that we call potato chips, pour some vinegar all over them and remember our favorite Bakura moments.
Like that time he straight up murdered everyone on this show and then inspired me to pick up bro’s idea to create this entire blog series.
Or that time he tried to possess Mokuba but then got stomach punched by Tristan while everyone else canonically thought Tristan was taking 4 hours to poop.
Or that time he decided “Screw this, I’m just going to use lasers!” and then never used lasers ever again.
Or that time they all walked in on Pegasus doing human sacrifices of living people and Bakura went “Oi, that’s a little much!” and then wiped everyone’s memories and dragged them back to their rooms, including Pegasus.
Or that time he decided to swing from the rafters of a warehouse and knock over Bandit Keith, and then say “Oi, all better” and then just walked away while the entire warehouse combusted into flames.
Or that time he just held up a recently used disembodied eyeball and then in the Japanese version, licked it clean.
I will miss you, you freakin weirdo, and will I ever get to write about him again? I actually have no idea. Season 5 is a really long time from now. I’ll keep the Bakura color palate saved in the corner of my Photoshop, but ah, it will be a forever from now before I get to click it again. If I ever do.
But congrats to his voice actor who now gets to take a very long drink of tea and fix whatever the hell talking like Bakura does to your vocal chords.
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Marik picks up the ring although I’m not sure that it matters and now I’m very confused as to where the hell the absolutely never-washed eyeball went. Maybe he saw it rolling around down there and was like “I’ll have to come back with a ziplock baggy for that.”
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We started this season with Yugi being late and arguing with Tea about being late and now we end the same way. It all came together.
Yami could have done something, but there wasn’t enough time in this season, so he just let Marik walk free.
I swear, Yami.
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In her defense, maybe this is what jammies actually are when you live underground?
And then, to make things even more complicated, Marik has decided to show up to Ishizu as...Tea.
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Also, miracles of miracles, this plot thread actually paid off:
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And then for I guess 2 Seasons Bakura just plays with Yugi’s Tomogachi’s and does calf raises on all these stairs. I would say he’d have to avoid running into Pharaoh, but I feel like Pharaoh only really hangs out in the one room at the entrance. He doesn’t seem to really care about these doors anymore.
At least someone was there for the Tomogachis, in the end. Mine has been dead for 20 years, but Yugi’s will live on apparently eternally. The immortal Tomogachi (which was apparently featured in Season Zero?).
Stepping away from the Yugioh Tomogachi headcanon, lets see what Marik’s up to. Oh that’s right, that thing he keeps trying to do.
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And just when I thought this episode was finally over, get ready for it, get ready for this massive plot dump that just comes right out of no where so quickly I didn’t even get to fit it all in one cap.
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That’s right, this season ended with a cliffhanger of Seto saying along the lines of he stole his father’s company (OK?) and then his Stepfather got super pissed and fled here and then Kaiba built a huge ass phallic tower on it and like...it was a lot for the last 1 minute of the show.
Anyways, it ends with Kaiba being like “NOW DO YOU UNDERSTAND, WHY WE’RE COMING HERE, TO THIS ISLAND, TO PLAY CARDS!?” and it’s like no, no one understands, Kaiba. Your brain doesn’t work right. This is weird.
This is so freakin weird.
Kaiba was giving the Ishtars a hard time about their family issues being resolved with his tourney, and it was because apparently he was ALSO using this tourney to resolve his own family issues the entire time.
Anyway, I never expected for Kaiba to become such a dominant character on this show but we are going to Kaiba island. Another freakin island.
So Season 3 is apparently way different and my bro was like “we can just skip all that filler? We can skip like 20 episodes.” and I was like “That is not the point of this blog. We are watching the filler.”
Now, just FYI I’m gonna take a break for a bit between seasons, probably for about 2 weeks or so. I’m probably going to make a little buffer because life stuff will inevitably pop up and I’d hate to go too off schedule now that I know Pharaoh wears PJs in season 5. Like, I enjoy doing this blog, it’s incredibly nice to do something that isn’t art related and has zero expectations assigned to it, but it is a side project, so I gotta prep accordingly.
That being said, thanks so much y’all for reading these, and all the nice comments (which I am very bad at responding to, especially since it really feels like tumblr doesn’t...have a response ability built in). I was really only making these with bro to cheer him up when he hated his job and was quitting--and then he quit and we continued to make them because last year was pretty stressful (like I don’t talk about it here because this is a happy blog but damn I’m glad 2018 is in the trash) That other people seem to enjoy these rants was fun and unexpected. So thanks for reading and putting up with the fact we know very little about this series. Well, now I know an awful lot actually. Scary how much I know about Yugioh now. Eh.
I got a graveyard post I’ll probs put out there around next weekend, in the meantime, but, other than that...I’ll see y’all in Season 3.
And if you just got here, this is a link to read the recaps in chrono order from s1 ep 1
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runningonmarvel · 6 years
little things in be more chill
Act 1
-the subtle lyric changes throughout. I was skeptical but they were good
-the intimacy of the theater. every single seat was good and we were all so close. it was such an experience. add to that the fact that there were only 8 or so actors and it was just amazing
-the band in the background at first. they were awesome
-Will Roland’s facial expressions were killer. and his high notes/head voice were so so good
-the huge cheer when Michael came on
-I LOVE GEORGE SALAZAR. just putting that out there
-the gay pride patch on Michael’s jacket
-after the Boyf Riends backpacks Michael saying “my moms would be proud” and it was the sweetest ever
-all of Christine in I love play rehearsal
-and her green flower dress
-Christine almost kissing Jeremy before she starts running around screaming 
-“and today… that dream dies”
-Brooke humming do you wanna ride
-“parting… is such… sweet..”
-christine being appreciated by Jake. can this be a regular thing please
-jake dabbing while describing how sad juliet’s death was
-getting zapped by the squip :(
-rich slapping himself when he lisps
-he was almost crying when he said “so suicidal”
-the hand dance I love it okay
-and then everyone was doing it in the background
-two player game aka the iconic boyf riends bop
-their knees were literally touching oKaY
-soft smile when Jeremy says “you know that you are my favorite person”
-Michael’s concern when Jeremy gets mad at his dad: he was so worried and you could see it on his face
-controller flips™
-the apocalypse of the damned screen around the edges
-honestly the whole set. the screens were so cool and versatile and the sliding pieces and they did so much with so little and honestly I should make a whole post about it
-the sketchy payless man gives me life
“well what does it taste like?” “LiKe gHoSts”
-the squip’s ICONIC entrance: the signs all slide off and he steps in with that suit like damn son
-I won’t rant long but his voice okay. his voice. and his mannerisms. and his— I need help
-brooke sliding her straw into her cup very vigorously in do you wanna ride. plus the dance moves
-the squip checking out chloe (several times). I’m uncomfortable but same tbh
-BMC part 2 breaks me every time. jeremy is so sad. it’s awful
-the squip looking out into the crowd before more than survive part 2
-and then tucking in jeremy like okay
-all the squip’s super quick costume changes give me life
-“Hello?” *silence* a beat… *shrugs and grabs laptop*
-the entirety of More than Survive part 2 for this reason and this reason alone: the awful look on Michael’s face. he kept mouthing “Jeremy” but Jeremy never once noticed him. and he already looked so torn apart
-rich being nice finally. and them being friends while Michael has to watch alone
-iAMbic PENtamETer (thanks brooke)
-jenna slaying the play. theater kid yes and thank you. with her iconic outfits
-christine and jeremy were dancing during a guy that i’d kind of be into and jeremy’s hands on her waist was the cutest purest thing ever
-jeremy adamantly saying “I want Christine.” buddy. she’s a person.
-“pursue…. other options” *brooke dances in*
-“I don’t know why I’m crying” yup me neither jerry
-jeremy and brooke making out alright then
-christine didn’t get her ad lib but her confused-shocked expression was on point
-so the squip got jeremy’s lines about “Tried to be genuine and true. but now it’s time for something new” and etc. which i think actually makes sense. and then we got to see everything from Jeremy’s point of view
-seriously the stage was clear just him. it was kind of awesome
-UM THE WHOLE NEW SONG??? “Loser Geek Whatever”- those notes at the end and his power oh my god
-noooooo the optic nerve blocking
-it was awful because Michael looked so happy that Jeremy was back and then the cover just flew down over him and it all went black
-and then the squip’s costume oh my gosh
Act 2
-the halloween decorations
-THE HALLOWEEN COSTUMES. Jenna Rolan as a huge clown is the mood of the year.
-“a loaf of bread will do” *swings baguette*
-jake, rich, brooke, chloe, and jenna being such a squad
-“I—I’m Juliet”: heartbreak
-Jeremy’s costume was really cool honestly
-Christine being so out of place at first but then everyone’s dancing and she’s found her place
-chloe crawling like a baby oh my god
-jake coming in the window
-Michael’s trash costume
-when Jeremy called Michael a loser I broke
-all of Michael in the bathroom. George has perfected it and he was crying real tears
-rubbing his eyes the way real people with glasses do
-everyone knocking on the door but then they all left because no one cared about him
-who was that abominable snowman though
-Christine and Jeremy were such cute little nerds at the party awww
-with their little grunting or whatever
-rich’s squip is a girl so yeah that’s a fact
-it was so sad when he got out the gasoline. he had nothing else to do and he would rather die it was awful
-the smartphone hour was genius
-and Jenna’s riffs omg I loved her actress so much
-that selfie of jenna with the house literally burning down but it’s fine
-their silhouettes again wow
-jeremy in the all black outfit. I know he’s in trouble but wow
-they put the pants song before pitiful children but it worked so well
-“smoking…. incense”
-“do you love him?” *caught red-handed, with the whole audience staring you down while not wearing pants* *coughs* “uh… what?”
-his face was red and everyone in the audience just knew -michael got to sing, by himself “when you love somebody, you put your pants on for them.” and if that’s not boyf riends idk what is. he loves Jeremy. it’s canon
-decorating rich’s locker
-“I’m a person, you know.”
-the squip’s last costume with the streamers and the wig
-“What’s wrong with me now?” THANK YOU CHRISTINE
-ATHENS, georgia. Center for Disease Control
-so they also changed pitiful children: the squip wanted to possess everyone in order to make them all happier which would stop christine from being sad and stressed out. and it worked better than just squipping the whole school because
-“Michael, call Michael” *kicks phone away*
-MICHAEL MAKES AN ENTRANCE is the most iconic thing ever don’t change my mind
-“wait, you came to see me in the play?” gets me every time
-“great, give it to me” “sure— NOPE”
-Michael demanding an apology because he knows his self-worth
-“I’m jealous that you care!” “Yeah, well I’m jealous that you don’t!” genius
-their fighting while the squip shadowboxes
-and the sad parallels to two-player game
-everyone getting zapped except Michael and his confusion
-the hilarious play costumes
-the changed part between Christine and Michael: “I’m not— she is”
-he sacrificed everything for her
-Michael joining in on the screaming
-and then the squip was alone on stage. and it was fitting because he got wiped away the same way Michael was in Act 1
-and then the screens all go black
-and then the be more chill colored pixels
-and then black
-rich with all the broken bones
-and rich being an iconic bi
-Michael to Rich, suggestively “I’m sure you’ll find a *very* special friend.”
-but then he runs over to Jeremy and his faced was concerned so idk what to tell you
-chloe and jake totally being a thing at the end
-jenna and brooke *totally* being a thing? It was hard to tell
-jeremy giving christine the cutest, most awkward kiss of all time and her pure cinnamon roll surprise and shock
-and then they kissed again and it was adorable
-the na na nas
-everyone getting off stage except Jeremy, Christine, his dad, and Michael because those are the three most important people in his life
-and Michael was last to leave may I mention
-and then it was just Jeremy, as it should be. and his smile was everything
-the cast having a dance party after the final bow
-Jason Tam (the squip) and Will Roland were dancing and it was hilarious 
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theonceoverthinker · 6 years
OUAT 4X03 - Rocky Road
Will Ingrid succeed in ICE-olating Elsa from our heroes?
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Shut up! That was funny!
Hit up my review below the cut to find out what we think of her cold con (And to see if I make any more bad puns)!
Main Takeaways
Kristoph and Elsa’s friendship runs the show here and it does so very well. It was a really smart idea tackling the unconventional ways that the both of them grew up as a means of having them bond. And as I’ll go over later, I like the use of trust as a theme in this segment.
Beyond that, apart from a just really solid story, there’s not a lot to talk about here. So onwards!
I remember when I was just a lurker in this fandom, people for some reason were up in arms about why Ingrid froze Marian’s heart and for me, it always made sense. Elsa was getting to be buddy-buddy with the heroes and would soon be welcomed into the town. Because of that, while there was still time for people to be suspicious and doubtful of Elsa, Ingrid froze Marian’s heart so that the ensuing fear of the townspeople could combat the trust that the heroes had in her and give Elsa that sense of rejection. Like, while I don’t like this arc in the sense that it quite literally fridges Marian, it does make sense in terms of Ingrid’s motivations. It’s actually a genius plan on her part and really sets up the type of villain she is. She’s complicated in that she wants her sisters to come to her willingly, but has no problem using her control over memories to manipulate exactly what “willingly” entails.
Snow’s story is really good. I know a lot of people feel like Baby Neal should have more focus, but I feel the opposite. He’s a baby. He’s gonna poop and cry and most of the interesting content regarding him is the reaction of his parents and sibling to his presence. I feel like all we really need are to see glimpses of Snow and David parenting every now and then and this was probably the best of them. That’s because it got right to the heart of the matter: Snow is afraid for Baby Neal because of what happened with Emma. She lives in Storybrooke, Maine, the land where danger goes to have a fucking bar mitzvah! That fear is something clear and understandable and I’m happy that it got the attention it deserves.
Operation Mongoose is born! ...Well, officially now! I like how Operation Mongoose is portrayed as an operation that is in some ways extremely flawed in the places that it’s coming from, but also that involving Henry allows for it to refocus it into something good! It adds a nice layer of complexity to this operation and serves as a reflection of the Regal Believer dynamic!
There are so many good dynamics here, and besides my front runner for favorite dynamic, I really have to give credit to Emma and Regina’s here. While I don’t like the upcoming resolution to their conflict, what I do like is the buildup here. Regina, still angry with Emma, is back to making cutting and snippy remarks and Emma, while not taking them sitting down, does let those words get to her in a way. Those feelings of inadequacy, while the basis of which is wrong, are valid feelings for her to have and how they’re brought up and affect Emma throughout the episode is brutal.
...It should say a lot about how little of an impression Will Scarlet left on me that I kept forgetting that this was his first episode in the main series. I just...I just don’t get it. Well, I get that apparently, Will’s actor was still under contract and thus needed to be part of the main series, but to trap him in Storybrooke in such a tragic way, one that went presumably unsolved until the end of the series (Which was one hell of a jump) was just awful. I loved Will in the Wonderland spinoff and his friendship with Alice so to know that he loses that connection as well as his relationship with Ana really hurts! And to do what? Something that maybe another one of the more sidelined side characters could’ve done in his place? They just did him dirty. That all having been said, within the context of this episode and the arc, he’s...serviceable. He’s himself and Will Scarlet is an enjoyable character. He has good chemistry with Emma and David.
BUT let’s move aside from that to touch upon Ingrid and Emma’s dynamic! I love how just Emma’s appearance is enough to distract Ingrid from her plans. Like, she’s honestly about to freakin’ win and Emma pulls her from victory!
All Encompassing
Trust is the big theme of today’s episode and it gets a nice deep exploration. Elsa puts it best: “When you have the weight of the world on your shoulders, it can be hard to let people in, to trust them. Even when they want what’s best for you.” And this applies to several characters in this episode, namely Elsa in the flashback, Emma, Snow, and Rumple (A weird example, I know, but I’ll explain).
The thing that these four have in common in the context of this episode is that they think they know best, when that’s not necessarily true, if at all. I think in the first three examples, they’re rather self explanatory in the episode. Snow doesn’t want to trust anyone with Baby Neal because of the weight of raising a child again is something that scares her. Elsa doesn’t want to trust anyone else with her mission to get the urn because she feels that as the queen, she should be able to take care of this herself and later that she -- as a magic user -- should be able to use the urn herself to find out more about other magic users. Emma doesn’t want anyone coming along on her current mission so that she can save the day and regain her sense of purpose.
As for Rumple, I think this sentiment applies to him in the sense that the weight of the world for him now is his power and Belle. With Bae (And by extension, so much of his purpose in life) gone, Belle and his power is all he really has left. With the weight of his unhindered power now on his shoulder as it’s a possibility thanks to the hat, he doesn’t want to trust Belle with that information because he knows that if she knows the cost of it, she’ll try to deter him from pursuing his goal (And rightfully so, both with how Belle would act and how just that is). But especially after having his powers manhandled for a year, he doesn’t want to lose his chance of being free of the dagger.
Stream of Consciousness
-”And ice cream.” You know, a lot of people have all sorts of HC’s about Roland after he and the others go back to the EF and I love them, but if I may contribute my own, I want Roland to bring ice cream, the sweetest magic of all, back to his home!
-”Please mom? Regina let me.” Roland, you adorable and conniving little boy! You are going to run the world through three scoops of ice cream and a smile that can melt them!
-I also just realized that with the context of Marian being Zelena, I’m sure she’s just THRILLED with someone else comparing her to Regina! XD
-Marilena, order the carrot ice cream! It will surely leave you STONED! XD
-”There is no problem that can’t be solved with a little ice cream.” This may be my favorite opening scene in the show! XD
-”Any Given Sundae” is one of my favorite puns in this series, and given how much I love puns, that’s saying something!
-”Well, an all too common affliction around these parts.” ...It really is!
-Gotta say, Rumple’s counter to the super power was fucking great! Like, he had that down to a science! I actually HC that he may have given that to her. On some level, he knew she’d be on her own, so he decided to give her some aid in the form of her super power so that she could have a little help.
-”But I wish you the best of luck finding her.” Yeah...I refuse to believe that no one outside of Killian found that one specific line fishier than Ariel in her grotto.
-I’m very glad to know that Storybrooke is anti-wall! :D
-”I’m not worried about the wall. I’m worried about who made it.” I just love this line! XD
-I LOVE Regina’s outfit in Granny’s! Look, I’m a sucker for short sleeves and the vest part of it just seals the deal for me. This is a comfy cozy Regina! Also, Lana is ROCKING that ponytail!
-Regina, you have great taste in comics! Also, you’re kind of as subtle as a brick with your goals, but it works out really well! :D
-I love the slam down of the painting! Regina is 100% right. As someone who just gushed about that office, that painting completely messes with the colors and has got to go.
-”People like me?” “With magic.” I like how Kristoph wastes not even a second before ensuring Elsa that he doesn’t mean “people like me” in a bad way. He really gets his sister-in-law and knows that such talk has the potential to upset her deeply and as soon as he sees an inkling of that, he springs to action.
-Elsa and Killian also have a great dynamic here! XD
-”What are you going to do?” “Something drastic.” I think he was looking for something a TWINGE more specific, Regina! XD
-Okay, so I don’t often like to pick apart plot holes, but why wouldn’t Killian have Elsa secretly listen in on their convo and then tell Belle herself? Like, he promised Rumple “his” silence. He said fuck all about Elsa! XD
-You know, if magic can never be destroyed as Rumple claims, than when his own curse broke, did the darkness equilibrium that I’ve hoped for for so long just sweep the land?! Because I hope so.
-Any Given Sundae has really strange hours of operation! XD
-David, you may be “fine,” but your shirt needs an iron STAT!
Favorite Dynamic
Golden Hook! I’ve waited FAR too long to gush about this rivalry again and now I can!!! This episode is I think one of the bests for their rivalry and I mean that usually, Rumple has far more of a pull over Killian than vice versa because of his magic, but here, it really feels equal because Killian’s win comes from a sensible place. Killian’s been tracking down Rumple and his weaknesses for a century and thus, has an understanding of the man. And so, he’s able to have a real and tangible advantage in this moment, one well prepared. It’s a stupid, dangerous, and even kind of selfish, but it does work out this first time around and it’s fitting of Killian’s character. There’s an actual clash and seeing that confrontation is so engaging.
We’ve got one veteran writer and one newbie today, David Goodman and Jerome Schwartz, as they enter into Season 4. And damn, what a start! What we have here are several really solid narratives that are well paced and balanced. Nothing here felt like a character was being given too much or little focus. Additionally, the conflicts and dialogue make sense for the unique positions of our characters, making this episode feel quite organic.
Golden Apple. This is a fairly layered episode! Its main draw for me are the fantastic dynamics that we get to see fleshed out as well a theme that is powerful but not too overbearing. All in all, it comes together nicely to deliver a really satisfying episode!
Flip My Ship - The Home of All Things “Shippy Goodness”
Captain Swan - I really do like the exploration as to some of Emma’s distance in starting up hers and Killian’s relationship. By this point, romance has on three occasion spelled doom for whoever she’s been with and she’s nervous about Killian too. She had little control over the fates of Graham, Neal, and Walsh due to her lack of knowledge about the truth of her fairytale background and the danger that comes with it, but Killian’s different. She can make that choice and with all the facts, she’s nervous to make that step. But Killian gets to have a say in this as well. He’s survived so much of the fairytale dangers and his existence is proof of that. And that bit of information, alongside Killian’s just straight-up dedication to her and her growing feelings for him (Anyone else hear the hesitation in Emma’s voice when she pushes aside that she wants a man?), is what finally allows for her to be willing to give them a real chance. It’s no wonder that the ensuing kiss is one that enraptured the fandom and why the line beforehand stuck with us so hard. It’s an optimistic that follows this couple until the end of the series and really feels so equalizing for them. Emma and Killian are trying to help each other, but in different ways and this kiss doesn’t signal the end of that by any means, but that they’re going to change tactics so that they can help each other and be together. And that swell of music makes the moment so triumphant and beautiful.
Thank you all for reading (If you do...honestly, I’m never sure, but if you do, I’m really grateful for you for doing so)!!! Shoutouts as always to the fine folks at @watchingfairytales and to my super amazing buddy @daensarah! Happy New Year!!!
Season 3 Total (29/230)
Writer Scores: Adam and Eddy: (9/60) Jane Espenson: (10/40) David Goodman and Jerome Schwartz: (10/50)
*Links to the rest of my rewatch will no longer be provided. They take posts with links outside of searches and I spend way too much time on these reviews to not give them that kind of exposure. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they still can be found on my page under Operation Rewatch.
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The PyeongChang Triple (13/15)
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It’s the Olympics. The. Olympics. And Emma’s running out of post-it notes to write schedules and plans on and there are more games and more expectations and not enough time for any of it. She’s fine. Totally. Absolutely. If she could just sleep. Or stop feeling as if her knees are going to give out every time she stands up. Or get Ruby to stop staring at her like that. It’s fine. After all Killian Jones, captain of Team USA, keeps promising it will be.
He’s going to win. Again. At the Olympics. And Killian’s not nervous. Not about that. It’s hockey. He could play hockey in his sleep. Probably. He’s never tried that. But he probably could. And, sure, there are expectations and games and schedules and barely any time for what he wants to actually be doing, but winning a Gold medal isn’t bad. After all, Emma Swan, temporary New York Rangers Olympics team social media manager, keeps promising it will be.
They’re fine. They’re going to win. Together.
Rating: Mature. Swearing, hockey-type violence, lotsa making out. Word Count: 8.7K of surprises and lettuce. That’ll make sense.  AN: The final three chapters are future-type things of absolute tooth-rooting fluff. On fluff on fluff on fluff. This is no exception. And also very similar to my own experiences in real life and maybe Emma’s entire thought process was my thought process. Write what you know, you know? As always I can’t thank you guys enough for continuing to read all the words I keep throwing at you. It’s the best. As are @laurnorder​ & @distant-rose​ who made this story a story.  Also on Ao3 and FF.net
“What if we just...got married?” Emma took a step into the room, pushing her hand into her lower back and appreciating the slightly stunned look on Killian’s face. He pulled his feet off the coffee table they’d been resting on, turning slowly to stare at her. “What?” he asked incredulously.
She shrugged, tugging her lip in between her teeth and maybe this was a bad idea. She hadn’t really thought it through.
No, that was a lie.
She’d thought about nothing except it for the better part of the last week. And the last five months if she was being honest.
She wasn’t really being honest.
Five months after the Olympics and South Korea and they hadn’t really done anything wedding related – much to Mary Margaret’s dismay. There, quite simply, wasn’t time. There was a season to get back to and a Cup defense to stage and they’d have to buy a brand-new apartment if only to fit the ridiculous number of trophies they were collecting on the counter.
“Swan, sit down,” Killian said, nodding towards the empty space on the couch next to him. He’d been as good as his word – stupid worried and ridiculously overprotective and Emma couldn’t think about that for too long or she’d absolutely start to cry.
Or something.
“I’m perfectly capable of standing,” she argued, not entirely certain why she was arguing when her back felt like it was about to snap in half. Her feet hurt too. Constantly. Nonstop. Even when she sat down.
Killian sighed, running a hand through his hair and glancing up at her with enough concern that Emma felt her resolve slipping immediately. “Swan,” he muttered, pulling her hand away from her back to replace it with his own, thumb pressed against the base of her spine.
“Jeez, that’s not even fair,” she mumbled, forehead falling against his shoulder before she could stop herself.
“Sit down, love.” “All I do is sit. I am bored.”
She whined out the last few words, dragging out the syllables against the fabric of his team-branded t-shirt and it wasn’t really true. She wasn’t bored.
There hadn’t been time to be bored.
They hadn’t left the apartment for those three days post-Olympics, had turned their phones off and pulled several wires out of the wall, Killian promising he was certain he could fix that, eventually, but when the three days were up, there were hundreds of messages and e-mails and David had shown up in front of their door demanding proof that they both hadn’t been murdered at some point.
There was still a season to play.
They won. Again.
Nearly two decades without a Stanley Cup in New York and now this stupid team had won back-to-back years and set an NHL record for wins in a single season and Killian was on some kind of fast track to being the goddamn greatest player to ever wear a Rangers jersey.
And she’d resolutely refused to miss any of it – despite the collective efforts of the New York Rangers entire goddamn roster for her to sit down. She was the most stubborn person in the world. Or so Killian promised.  
The tabloids had, collectively, lost their minds – as if that was something tabloids could actually do – when she started to show, rumors swirling somewhere around the start of the playoffs and Ruby, suddenly, had two jobs – dealing with media requests for the hockey dynasty she had on her hands and shutting down every single demand for a comment about Cap’s kid.
That’s what they kept calling him.
Cap’s kid.
Emma, at least, appreciated the alliteration.
Killian still hadn’t moved his hand, drawing out tiny circles on Emma’s back until she exhaled against and she could feel him shift underneath her, trying to move his hand to brush across the swell of her stomach and he kept doing that too.
God, she was happy.
And she wanted to get married.
That day.
She was, almost, mad they weren’t married already. Almost. It would have been irrational to actually be mad.
“Swan, sit down, please,” Killian muttered and she could tell he was trying to be stern, but then he kissed the top of her head and that all kind of flew out the window.
“There’s three more months of this, buddy. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack. I can only imagine what your blood pressure must be like.” “My blood pressure is fine, love,” he countered, pulling back to stare at her meaningfully. Ah, they were back to stern. “It’s yours I’m worried about.” “Oh my God, you’ve got to stop reading all those books.” “They’re not books.” Emma rolled her eyes, shrugging for added emphasis and she couldn’t really move – at least not when he had her locked in between his arms and his hand really did feel good on her back. She couldn't seem to ever get comfortable.
Three. More. Months.
“Forgive me,” she corrected, sarcasm hanging off every syllable. “You’re right, they’re not books. They’re websites. Let’s be as specific as possible.” Killian quirked one eyebrow, smirk settling on his face with practiced ease. Emma tried not to sigh too loudly when his thumb shifted again, pressing into a knot she hadn’t been able to completely ignore for the better part of the last forty-eight hours. “Testy this afternoon, huh?”
“That’s because you’re not listening to my plan,” Emma said, squeezing her eyes shut when he moved to her shoulders and the back of her neck. “You are cheating, Jones. I came out here with a very specific type of schedule.”
“You know I feel like I should be offended by these accusations of cheating. Face of the league and whatnot, the NHL can’t afford those kinds of things to just be thrown around like that. What if it makes it way into a headline?” Emma groaned, but he was clearly enjoying himself – eyes just a bit too bright to completely ignore and maybe if they sat down she could figure out a way to stretch out her calves and kiss him. Definitely kiss him.
“Idiot,’ she grumbled, tugging on the front of his t-shirt to pull him back down towards the couch as she fell into the corner. Killian shot her a glare, mouth set in a frustrated line, and Emma huffed dramatically, crossing her arms tightly over her chest. “I fell into a mountain of pillows,” Emma said, leaning back into the small collection that didn’t quite fit in the bedroom. “There is, literally, nothing for you to be worried about.”
Killian made a face, but he didn’t actually argue and Emma knew she’d won. “You are sitting down,” he reasoned and it sounded like he was trying to convince himself it was fine.
“You worry way too much. Heart attacks. Blood pressure.” “Swan, I worked out this morning.” “Does skating with Roland and Henry count?” He widened his eyes meaningfully – as if to say it should have counted several times over. “Would you like to double check on the state of my several dozen bruises?” This was a distraction. She knew it. He knew she knew it.
He knew she knew he didn’t care either.
Or something.
“What’s the matter, Cap? Can’t keep up with Henry and his checks? Will’s fairly convinced he’s going to take over the league any day now. Just graduate high school and take over his job as defender of the Rangers first line.” “That would require him to be in high school first,” Killian pointed out. “And, no, not Henry. Roland. You know he scored on Jeff today. And not just because Jeff was trying to let him. He actually scored. I thought Locksley was going to explode with pride.” Killian grinned at her – eyes just as bright as they’d been when he was teasing her, but there was a note of pride there as well and something else Emma couldn’t quite name.
It sounded a bit like hope.
Cap’s kid.
“We’re going back in a couple of days,” Killian added, tugging Emma’s legs up over his as she sank further into the mountain of pillows. “Liam's been demanding he get a chance on the ice too.” “The twins will be thrilled.” Killian hummed in agreement, tracing out patterns against the side of her stomach and the top of her thighs and for half a moment she thought he’d forgotten entirely about the plan. Or her attempts at a plan.
It wasn’t really all that thought out.
She just wanted.
“They’re going to ask about wedding planning too,” he muttered and Emma grinned at the note of frustration in his voice. “El’s got several opinions on color schemes.” “She’ll have to go through Reese’s and Ruby first. Hey, maybe they can stage some kind of color-off in the back corner of the restaurant and they can just decide...all of that.” Killian’s eyes flitted up towards hers and the frustration was replaced with amusement. “You don’t have to answer them, love. It’s not as if we haven’t had other things going on.” “No, no, I know,” Emma groaned. They were straying – a distinct lack of focus in the conversation that was treading dangerously close to wasting time.
Anna had been at the brownstone for three days already – Emma’s phone the unlucky victim of her return stateside and plans and ideas and suggestions that weren’t really suggestions. And she wasn’t really overwhelmed.
That wasn’t the right word for it.
She wanted – as much as she had during the Games and those three days after the Games that had been somewhere in the realm of perfect – but she was a bit selfish too and while Emma knew exactly what she wanted. She wished everyone would leave her alone to go get it.
She wanted to get married and she didn’t care about color schemes or appetizer choices or anything that wasn’t signing her name on the license that let them file joint tax returns.
Killian shifted underneath her, hissing slightly when he hit his back against the top of the couch and she’d stolen all the pillows.
“But,” he said suddenly, glancing at her expectantly and Emma probably shouldn’t have been surprised that he knew.
“Should that have been a question?” He shook his head, tongue pressed on the inside of his cheek and eyebrows drawn low. “No.” Emma grimaced, dimly aware of her phone vibrating somewhere. It was probably underneath all the goddamn pillows. “But,” she repeated. “I don’t want a dozen appetizers.” Killian’s eyes widened for half a moment, smile inching across his face slowly and he leaned forward to brush his lips against hers before she was entirely prepared for it. It left Emma chasing after him, knocking several pillows on the floor as she tried to move or, at least, sit up straighter.
“That does seem excessive,” Killian admitted, slinging his arm around her shoulders as he tugged her back up against his side. “And I can tell Banana to shut up.” “You don’t have to do that.”
“Swan, I can feel your phone vibrating through the couch. She’s got to take a deep breath. Mary Margaret too. I know she’s trying to help, but a dozen appetizers is just insane. No one needs that many choices.” Emma sighed softly, resting her head on his shoulder. “I just…”
“What?” “I just want to get married,” she whispered, mumbling the words against his t-shirt. Killian’s arm tightened slightly, fingers carding through the ends of her hair and his left hand kept finding its way back to the side of her stomach.
“When?” Killian asked and Emma jerked back slightly at the urgency in his voice. He didn’t say anything when she moved, just stared at her like she was the center of the goddamn universe and maybe they didn’t really need a plan.
Maybe they could just get married.
Emma licked her lips quickly and biology or whatever was the absolute dumbest thing in the entire world because she was crying before she could stop herself, Killian’s thumb brushing across her cheek as soon as the first bits of emotion fell from her eyes.
“When, Swan?” he repeated, just a bit softer that time and the ends of his mouth ticked up. Hope. It was absolutely hope.
“Tomorrow,” Emma said slowly, stretching out the word like she was nervous he’d argue before she’d finish getting the syllables out.
He didn’t.
Of course he didn’t.
He kissed her, surging up quickly and easily and she was six months pregnant – it shouldn’t have still felt like everything. It felt a bit more than that.
Hormones were the absolute worst.
She kept her hands in his hair when his tongue traced over the curve of her bottom lip, tugging back slightly and Killian sighed against her, sending a shockwave down Emma’s spine. Her shoulders heaved when he pulled away, pupils blown wide and mouth half hanging open and he was still gaping at her like he couldn’t quite believe she was there.
“Tomorrow,” Killian repeated. “You want to get married tomorrow?” “You have to wait twenty-four hours after you get a marriage license before you can actually do it. Unless you get some kind of judicial waiver, but you’re not, like, being deployed or something, so it seems like bad karma to even try for that. I think we can survive twenty-four hours. Right?” Killian clicked his tongue, shaking his head. “Maybe,” he muttered and Emma felt a flush of happiness shoot through every single one of her veins and maybe her arteries and she really didn’t know how biology worked.
“So,” Killian continued softly, tracing his thumb just under her engagement ring. “We go get a licencse and we...what?” Emma shrugged. “Get married?”
“Tomorrow.” She nodded, tugging her lip in between her teeth tightly. “Yeah. And we avoid the appetizers and the color schemes and seating charts and we just...do this.” “Seems only right Matthew’s parents are married before he shows up,” Killian grinned, moving his eyebrows quickly when Emma groaned. “Scandalous otherwise.” “Tabloid worthy.” “You know I do like the idea of you being my wife, love.” Emma rolled her eyes, but her heart leapt at that particular word and she’d only let herself consider that in the most abstract of situations. It sounded better when he said it.
“Then we’re doing this?” she asked, not quite sure if she was looking for confirmation or acceptance or a bit more enthusiastic making out in the corner of the couch.
Killian nodded. “Ask again, Swan.” “What?” “Again,” he repeated and she’d never be able to quite decide the best way to describe the way he kept looking at her, a mix between wonder and joy and that want she felt in the very center of her. Emma was fairly certain she moved, something that might have been a jerky nod or a quiet yeah, ok, but it all felt a bit breathless and he kept calling her Swan. Still.
“What if we just got married tomorrow?” she asked. “Just us. You and me and the head of lettuce.” Killian beamed at her. “Perfect,” he said, moving slightly, but he didn’t kiss her the way she expected. He ducked his head instead, brushing his lips across her stomach and she could feel his smile through the fabric of her t-shirt.
The worker at the City Clerk’s office recognized them – or, at least, recognized Killian, eyes going wide and mouth going slack when their number was called.
“Shit,” he mumbled, dropping the pen he was trying to hand Emma on the floor and Killian rolled his eyes. Emma laughed, some kind of weird, giddy sound that didn’t match up with how much her back still hurt or how goddamn swollen her ankles were and the website might claim Matthew Jones was the size of one lettuce head, but he felt a bit like a bowling ball settling on her pelvis.
“Not a word,” Killian said, voice low as he leaned over to grab the half-forgotten pen, but there was an edge to his voice that left the clerk nodding slowly, an unspoken understanding reached right there under the florescent lights. “Is that understood?” The clerk nodded again, holding his hand out for their driver's licenses. “Yeah, yeah, of course,” he muttered. “Mum’s the word, Cap. Nice shot in the Final, by the way.”
“Thanks,” Killian said, not sounding even remotely thankful and his eyes darted around the room like the half a dozen people around them were all plotting different ways to sell them out to Page Six.
Emma smiled as the clerk mumbled something about processing and notary and right back, resting a hand on the front of Killian’s shirt. He’d changed out of team-branded. “Blood pressure,” she reminded him and he sighed against her, tugging her back against his side.
“I know you’re reading websites too, Swan,” Killian said, kissing the top of her head lightly when the clerk returned with processed papers and explanations of how this works.
They nodded, far too aware of the rules already – as if they both hadn’t scoured the City Clerk’s website on the car ride downtown – and did their best to smile when a pile of paperwork was pushed their direction.
“So, that’s it,” the clerk finished. “Twenty-four hour wait period and you guys are good to go anywhere in the entire state of New York. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Jones.” Emma blinked once, stiffening slightly against Killian and she heard his breath catch in his throat, arm tightening just a bit when he gripped her shoulder. The clerk looked nervous again, smile just on the wrong side of forced and they should have been gone, walking away from the cubicle with paperwork in hand.
They still had to find rings.
But that was the first time Emma had heard that out loud and it sounded a lot better than she expected it to.
“Let’s go Rangers,” the clerk muttered, practically tripping over the words and Killian nodded deftly, grabbing the licenses without a word.
They didn’t say anything until they were back on the sidewalk – jam-packed with tourists and suits and people who didn’t quite understand New York once they got off the midtown grid. Emma took a deep breath, grimacing slightly when she was hit with the distinct scent of street-car hot dogs and that seemed to wake Killian up, snapping his head around towards with a wide-eyed expression that was bordering somewhere close to panic.
“Swan,” he said slowly, tongue darting out between his lips and he looked like he couldn't quite catch his breath. “I...” She wasn’t sure what did it – the shaky way he trailed off or the way he couldn’t quite hold her gaze for more than a few seconds or how much she absolutely hated the smell of street-cart hot dogs – but Emma took two steps forward before he could keep talking, wrapping her arms around his neck and tugging his head down until he didn’t really have any choice except to kiss her back.
“Deep breaths,” she muttered, still lingering in his space and she could just barely make out his smile.
“He shouldn’t have just assumed.” “He was star-struck. You can’t really blame him. And uh….” She trailed off too and, well, maybe this wasn’t the best place to have this conversation. She’d been hit with four difference briefcases and one rather aggressive shoulder blade already.
“Swan,” Killian said, the question in his voice obvious and she just nodded down to the paperwork he still had clutched in between them.
It was obvious as soon as he saw it – jaw practically landing on the sidewalk and his knees wobbled slightly. They hadn’t really discussed it. Although to be fair, until a few hours before, they hadn’t really discussed anything to do with a wedding and it was some kind of spur-of-the-moment thing.
She’d probably blame hormones.
“Are you sure?” Killian asked softly. He barked out a quick hey when someone bumped against them, pulling Emma against his chest and she rolled her eyes at the movement. If they managed to do this without the entire city figuring it out, it would be a goddamn miracle.
“I mean,” she started, leaning back to meet his cautious gaze. “It did sound pretty good when the guy said it.”
She appreciated the slightly stunned look on his face, the way he nearly tripped over his own feet when he backed away from her, dropping her hand so quickly she was half certain he’d been actually shocked by the meaning behind her words.
Emma Jones.
Didn’t sound horrible. She’d checked the box.
“Swan,” Killian said again and Emma got the distinct impression he couldn’t come up with another word. “Honestly? You’re sure?” “Well, I mean I checked the box already. So unless you want to go back in there and deal with Rangers superfan again, then I think you’re stuck with me. As it were.” “I’m not stuck with anything, love,” he argued, taking a step back into her space and he still couldn’t really look at her. “The other way around, if anything.” “That’s stupid.” “A rather pointed opinion.” “An honest one,” Emma said easily. “And, you know, I was thinking. It only makes sense really. If we’re going to do this and the lettuce is going to show up and it’d just be a lot of effort to explain to him why I have a different name than either of you and that’s kind of a conversation I don’t really want to have….” She was rambling, frozen solid on the sidewalk in the middle of downtown Manhattan with the sun beating down on her neck and, God, it was hot. They still had to buy rings. She had to find something she fit in to wear.
They were going to get married. Tomorrow.
They were going to spend a small fortune on cab rides downtown.
“Emma,” Killian interrupted and she widened her eyes, rolling her head onto her shoulder. “I know, I know, that’s cheating. Just...stop talking for two seconds.” She glared at him and she was absolutely sweating now, beads of moisture falling down the back of her neck and there was a pool of something decidedly disgusting settling on the small of her back.
“I mean, we can go back inside if you want. I just thought…” Killian groaned, throwing his head back and his feet were so close to hers that Emma was almost nervous he was going to step on her toes when he rocked towards her. She stopped worrying about her toes when he kissed her – everything neither one of them had been able to say poured into one movement and whatever noise they both kept making in the back of their throats.
“Someone’s going to see,” Emma mumbled, swaying slightly and Killian’s hand shifted from her back to her side, brushing his thumb across fabric.
“I almost don’t care.” “They’re going to be mad that we did this on our own.” “Who?” “Every single person we know.” “I absolutely don’t care about that.”
Emma pulled back slightly and, at some point, the feeling in her stomach was actually a feeling in her stomach that, more often than not, seemed to match up with particularly emotional moments. There was probably a reason for that. Maybe she’d look it up.
Killian probably knew.
He smiled at her, soft and supportive and she should probably time how often he kept his hand trained on her stomach. It was probably an absurd amount of time. “I just want something that’s ours? God, that shouldn’t be a question," Emma asked softly. "Just something that’s you and me and the lettuce. And family is so cliché and stupid and, you know..feel free to cut me off whenever.” “Why would I do that when I want the same exactly thing?” Killian asked, twisting his eyebrows and the lettuce flipped over.
“Yeah?” “Without a doubt, Swan. You, me and the lettuce. Although the website claims he’ll be an eggplant next week, so we better get this wrapped up before he evolves into a totally different vegetable.”
She needed to stop crying.
“I knew you were reading websites, you giant weirdo,” Emma mumbled and Killian hummed, kissing her cheek lightly and lacing his fingers through hers.
“C’mon love. None of this matters if we don’t get rings.”
They bought the rings at some hole-in-the-wall jeweler in the Bowery, silver bands that absolutely were not silver and would probably leave both their fingers with green ring around them the next day. It was perfect.
They didn’t tell anyone, so there was no way to give credence to pre-wedding superstitions and Emma fell asleep with her head on Killian’s shoulder and his voice in her ear and something that sounded a bit like Mr. and Mrs. Jones echoing in her memory.
She owned one white dress – and it didn’t fit.
“God damn,” Emma sighed, staring at the closet and rolling her head back and forth between her shoulders. Her neck hurt. Her back hurt. She wanted to wear the one white dress she owned to her wedding.
“Swan,” Killian called from the other side of the door, knocking lightly on the wood and they’d fallen asleep together the night before, but he’d been adamant about doing at least one thing according to tradition. “Are you alright, love?” “Perfect,” she bit out, scowling at the bitterness in her own voice. Killian didn’t say anything else, but she could hear him in the short hallway outside, the floor creaking slightly when he shifted his weight between his feet.
He probably looked good.
He probably looked great.
God, he was probably wearing a suit. In the middle of July. Because they were getting married.
And there it was – the one thought to help the frustration dissipate just a bit and maybe work out that one nerve in the corner of her back that felt like it was being held in a particularly aggressive vice.
They were going to get married.
Emma reached forward, grabbing the one dress she knew didn’t just fit, but still looked pretty fucking fantastic all things considered and maybe perfect wasn’t a total lie.
“I’m fine,” she said, answering a question Killian hadn’t actually asked. “Just, uh, give me two seconds.” The dress was blue.
She took a deep breath before she swung the door open, trying to keep the tears in her eyes and away from her makeup, but her heart felt like it was trying to work its way out of her chest and her knuckles were white around her ring by the time she stepped into the living room.
He was sitting on the couch again – feet swung up on the coffee table with a hand already running through his hair and that was good, maybe that meant they were on some kind of even emotional footing.
“Hey,” Emma muttered, trying to smile and not entirely certain it worked the way she wanted.
It did.
Killian’s head snapped up, hand falling back to his side with an audible thump and his shoulders sagged noticeably when he looked up at her. She was totally going to fuck up her make up, pulling her lip in between her teeth and she didn’t know what to do with her hands, twisting them in front of her and behind her and it felt like an eternity before he finally moved.
It felt like they were moving in slow motion, cautious steps towards each other and hands brushing on fabric with wide-eyed gazes and slightly open mouths and Emma wasn’t convinced either one of them was breathing.
Killian swallowed, exhaling loudly as a muscle in his jaw ticked. She’d been right – he looked good and great and several other adjectives Emma would have acknowledged if she was getting enough oxygen to her brain.
HIs tie was blue.
“Swan,” Killian mumbled, eyes tracing across her face like he was trying to take inventory of her, making sure she was there and she still hadn’t taken a deep breath.
“Ok?” “Perfect.” “You keep using that word.” “So do you.”
She was still biting her lip, sure she was close to actually biting it in half and, at some point, he’d grabbed both of her hands in his, pulling them up to his lips to kiss along the line of her knuckles. He lingered just under her ring, nipping slightly at the bend in her skin and if her heart wasn’t already trying to work its way out through her ribs, Emma would have been positive it had stopped completely.
“I love you,” Killian whispered. It was silent in the apartment – or as silent as it could ever be in Manhattan, a siren in the distance and a horn honking on the street outside and Emma could barely hear him when he spoke.
She didn’t answer at first, emotion taking up residence in the back of her throat as she tried to blink back tears and that didn’t really work either. “You want to go get married, then?” Emma asked, pulling her head up and he grinned when her eyes met his.
“More than anything.”
There was a line when they made their way back to the City Clerk’s office and the same guy was behind the closest desk when they walked in, nearly jumping off his stool when he spotted them. “Cap,” he shouted, grimacing when he realized what he’d done and half a dozen head spun in their direction.
“Perfect,” Killian muttered, pulling Emma closer to his side and she would have grumbled something about overprotective if she weren’t so goddamn charmed by it. He nodded in the direction of the clerk, smile not quite reaching his eyes and a camera shutter clicked loudly in the waiting room.
“As fantastic at under the radar as always,” Emma laughed. She laced her fingers with his, twisting her arm behind her when three people nearly knocked their chairs over in an attempt to let her and Killian sit down. “Jeez, I’m surprised they didn’t roll out some kind of red carpet.” “Blue, Swan. Obviously.” “I should have called my guy.” “Ah, next time.” “Were we going to do this more than once?” Killian shrugged. “Nah, just once is good.” “Deal.” He signed two autographs and posed for one picture before their number was called – swearing fans to secret for, at least, forty-eight hours and they’d all agreed enthusiastically shouting Let’s go Rangers before walking away.
And it was going as perfectly as planned, their hands still wrapped together when they walked to the far end of the lobby with matching smiles on their faces when it all, rather suddenly, seemed to crash down around them.
The marriage officiant – a short man with thin hair and wide eyes – glanced down towards Emma’s wrist, as soon as he realized who they were. “Do you two have a witness?”
“What?” Emma asked, eyes darting towards Killian and he shrugged in response. “Isn’t that you?” “I’m the officiant,” the man said. His name tag claimed he was Zach. Zach the marriage officiant, sent from some rule-abiding hell. “You need someone else to serve as a witness.” “But there's no one else here. We’re kind of doing this on our own.”
Zach held his hands up helplessly, throwing a cautious glance Killian’s way like he was nervous he was going to check him into a cubicle. “I’m sorry Mrs...uh, Emma. Ms. Swan? I just, well, those are the rules. Go Rangers, though!” “Go Rangers,” Emma repeated numbly, hand going limp in Killian’s grasp. She felt her shoulders droop, all the air rushing out of her lungs and she was so disappointed she was practically shaking with it.
“Yeah, no, we’re not doing that,” Killian said suddenly, the determination in his voice catching her off guard. “You want to get married, right, Swan?” She nodded quickly and she wasn’t sure how her mind caught up with his so quickly, but she could almost feel the idea click into place. “What’s his name?” she asked, nodding behind her and Killian made a noise in the back of his throat.
“I have no idea,” he admitted.
Emma glanced back at Zach – who still a little wary of Killian's expression – and did her best to smile encouragingly in his direction. “That guy, up front,” she started. “The clerk guy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, yelled Cap when we walked in?” Zach nodded. “What’s his name?” “Um, Evan,” Zach answered slowly, confusion settling into the space between his eyebrows. “I don’t know what his last name is.” “That doesn’t matter,” Emma promised, spinning on her heels and jogging towards the lobby. She ignored Killian’s quiet sigh when she moved.
Evan dropped another pen when she skidded to a stop in front of his desk, mouth falling open a questionable amount. “Uh, hey,” Emma said brightly. “You got, like, ten minutes?” “Ten minutes,” he repeated slowly, sounding like he was hearing the words for the first time.
Emma nodded. “Tops.” “Uh, yeah. I can do ten minutes.” Killian crossed his arms when Emma jogged back towards him, eyebrows pulled low in disapproval and she grinned in response. “This is Evan,” she introduced. “He loves the Rangers and, probably you, which is convenient since this is all about that and he’s got ten minutes to spare, so, you ready to go, Zach?” The two men gaped at both Emma and Killian – stunned just a bit by the distinct lack of romance in any of this and, well, that was exactly where they were wrong.
It was...unconventional, sure, but it was so them that Emma was sure when the lettuce became an eggplant and then, eventually, became an actual real, live, human baby, it would probably be the first story she told Matthew Jones.
Because it had always been this, as easy as skating, falling into a rhythm on the ice and scoring a hat trick in the gold medal game of the fucking Olympics and they might have been set up, but they’d found something in the set-up too – as simple as breathing and just as important.
They’d found home.
There wasn’t much creativity to the vows, Zach reading from a card gripped tightly in his hands and he didn’t lift his eyes up once. It didn’t matter. Emma didn’t look away from Killian once either, smile tugging on one side of his mouth and his hand back in hers, thumb rubbing circles on the side of her hand.
“Killian Jones,” Zach started and a chair scraped loudly when another person realized what was happening at the far end of the hall. Emma laughed when Killian rolled his eyes, squeezing his hand slightly and he pulled her fingers back up to his lips.
“False start,” Emma mumbled and he grinned against her hand.
“I’m not a centerman, Swan.” She made a face and Zach coughed uncomfortably, shifting on his feet and finally glancing up from his index card. “Sorry,” Emma sighed and she could feel Killian smirking at her. “That was totally his fault though.” Evan laughed next to them, not quite able to turn it into a convincing cough quickly enough, and Killian didn’t let go of Emma’s hand when Zach tried to restart their vows.
“Killian Jones,” he repeated. “Do you take Emma Swan to be your wife? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect her, forsaking all other and holding only unto her?” Emma tried to will her hand to stop shaking, but it didn't and Killian didn’t blink when he looked at her, eyes blue and meaningful and staring straight at her with a sense of wonder that left her just a bit off balance.
And then he smiled.
And the world felt like it shifted just a little, rotating on its axis or something that astronomers would promise was scientifically impossible.
Emma was never entirely convinced.
“I do,” Killian promised, sliding a not-quite-silver ring onto her finger. He stared at it for half a moment before Zach coughed again and if there were comment cards, Emma was probably going to mention that.
“Emma Swan,” he said. “Do you take Killian Jones to be your husband? Do you promise to love, honor, cherish and protect him, forsaking all other and holding only unto him?”
She wasn’t sure how she got the words out, certain she’d lost the ability to speak as soon as the word husband echoed in her head, but Killian squeezed her hand, a quiet encouragement and promise and, suddenly, it was easy to promise indefinitely.
“I do,” Emma said and they’d have to get new rings eventually. Killian’s might have been tin.
Evan beamed at them and they’d drawn a small crowd at some point, a mix of tourists and soon-to-be married couples and even a few city workers on their break, or, maybe, not on their break. Emma barely noticed.
“Then,” Zach said pointedly. “By the power vested in me by the city of New York, I now pronounce you, officially, husband and wife. Cap, you may now kiss your bride.” Killian widened his eyes, a flash of something that was probably somewhere in the realm of euphoria in his gaze and Emma giggled before he pulled her against him, one hand in her hair and the other on her stomach and he kissed her like it was the start of everything.
There were cheers and camera clicks and someone had started a Let’s go Rangers cheer while a couple next to them actually started singing the goal song.
And it was so perfect Emma was slightly terrified she’d dreamt it, had come up with everything, the set-up and the engagements and the lettuce, and she’d wake up in an empty apartment in Los Angeles only to watch a Western Conference Finals loss and get fired.
“I love you, Swan,” Killian whispered against her lips and her eyes snapped open. This was real. This was her life.
“I love you too,” she echoed, resting her forehead against his as Evan signed off on the legality of all of it.
Emma Swan had just married Killian Jones.
And people were still cheering.
They posed for more pictures on the way out of the office – some on their own phones, but most of them were fans and city workers and Emma’s jaw was starting to cramp by the time they made it back outside.
“We’re going to be late,” she said as Killian hailed a cab, swinging open the back door for her with a smile on his face that practically announced how little he cared.
“We’ll come up with some excuse. There’s a lot of blocks between here and the restaurant.” “You want to spend all those blocks coming up with an excuse?” Emma asked, twisting her eyebrows and dragging her hand up the top of Killian’s thigh. His breath hitched in his throat. “Because that seems like a distinct waste of time.” “Why, Swan,” he said slowly, twisting slightly until dragged his mouth against the curve of her jaw. Emma sighed or maybe groaned and they’d have to give this cab driver an absolutely ridiculous tip to make up for this. “Are you propositioning me in the back seat of a cab?” “No,” Emma answered easily and there was something to be said for confidence when you knew what you wanted. “I am trying to make out with my husband in the back seat of a cab. There’s a definite difference.” Killian’s eyes widened, flickering from her face and her lips and down to the ring on her left hand and his answering smile was the only warning she got before he started kissing her – for the entire cab ride.
“Twenty minutes,” Ruby shouted as soon as they got out of the cab, waiting for them, apparently, on the front step of the restaurant with an almost visible air of frustration hanging over her. “You know how long I’ve been waiting for you guys? Twenty fucking minutes. Listening to appetizer options and baby options and have you picked a color for the nursery yet? Because El has a few options she’d like you to look at when you get here, Em.” Killian mumbled under his breath, something that sounded a bit like not now, Lucas, jeez, but it didn’t hold quite enough acid to sound particularly threatening and they were both still smiling too much.
Ruby narrowed her eyes, the mind three steps ahead already and Emma resisted the urge to roll her eyes or just push her way into the restaurant. She could already hear Anna shouting.
“What happened to your hair, Cap?” Ruby asked, crossing her arms over her chest and leveling Killian with a knowing gaze.
“Windy,” he said simply and Ruby’s face didn’t change.
“That so?” “Yup.” “Come up with a more convincing lie before you walk in there.” She was gone half a moment later, a flash of black hair and red highlights and Killian sighed loudly, kissing the top of Emma’s head like he was trying to remind himself she was still there.
“Ready to face the firing squad, wife?” he asked and Emma smacked against the front of his button up when he didn’t even bother to try and keep his voice down. They hadn’t changed. They were already twenty minutes late.
“Seems awfully possessive, don’t you think?” Emma countered.
Killian hummed in the back of his throat, glancing at her out of the corner of his eye and someone shouted for them from just inside the door. It was Anna. “Just a fact, Swan,” he said. “And blue. Or red. Or a mix of both.” “Wait, what?” “Matthew’s room. Red and blue. I mean just straight blue is almost too obvious, don’t you think?” Emma nodded, something fluttering in the very center of her and maybe eventually she’d collapse in some puddle of emotion, but at that point she couldn’t quite move past happy and Killian kept tracing his thumb underneath her ring.
“Obviously,” she said softly. “And you keep doing that.” “What?” “You keep calling me Swan. Still. I checked the box.” Killian turned on her, back to the restaurant doors and the demands of their immediate presence and Emma nearly backed up when she saw the weight of feeling in his eyes. “Ah, well, old habits and whatnot. And maybe I kind of like it. Still. Although I’m not entirely impartial to Mr. and Mrs. Jones.” She pressed up on her toes to kiss him, heels popping out of her flats and there wasn’t really that much space in between them, but his arms worked around her anyway, pulling her flush against his chest when he mumbled my wife against her lips.
“Guys, oh my God,” Ruby groaned, swinging around the doorway as her hair fanned over her face. Emma sprang back, trying to pull her hand away from Killian’s neck and it didn’t really matter – Ruby was far too focused on getting them inside to care about recently acquired jewelry.
It took ten minutes of hellos and have you picked a nursery color yet and you need a color for a nursery and Emma, what do you think about the All-Star break, there’s something romantic about winter, don’t you think and Killian groaned when they made it to the back corner of the restaurant, grabbing a stool and nodding towards Emma.
“Sit,” he said, shaking his head when Mary Margaret handed Emma a possible menu that she and Eric had come up with as soon as the playoffs were over.
“What do you think?” Mary Margaret asked, enthusiasm in her voice and Emma was actually surprised she hadn’t started jumping up and down at some point.
“Mary Margaret,” Killian warned, but she brushed him off quickly, excitement practically rolling off her in waves.
“We’ve got it, Killian. Now, Emma I know you didn’t want a dozen, but I was thinking maybe half and if we do the February thing like El was thinking, that might be better because it gives us a chance to do some more savory ideas and no one wants too much of that…”
It went on for an hour – and Emma tried to smile and nod and hide her left hand as much as humanly possible and she’d never wanted a drink more in her entire life.
She'd never wanted to scream we just got married, psych more in her entire life.
Neither one of those things were particularly responsible.
In the end, it didn't really matter. Anna figured it out. An hour into wholly unnecessary wedding plans and Emma’s vision was starting to go spotty when Anna let out a screech that wasn’t entirely human, hand flying to her mouth and finger pointing traitorously at Killian.
“Oh my God, KJ,” she yelled, leaping up and down and swatting at whoever was closest to her. It was Liam. He grabbed her around the middle without a word, holding her arms down with his and only barely keeping her shoes on the ground.
“Breathe, Anna, you’re scaring the kids,” he said.
“Aren’t you seeing this?” Anna snapped, ignoring Liam completely. “El? God, where’s El? El are you seeing this?” Elsa pushed through the crowd, Roland and Henry trailing behind her with Robin bringing up the rear and it felt like an avalanche of realization – everyone gasping and shouting and Mary Margaret might have actually cursed under her breath.
“Emma,” she said breathlessly, tugging her left hand away from her side and staring at the two rings on her finger. “Oh my God.” Emma shrugged slightly and Killian laughed, kissing the top of her head as she leaned back against his chest.
“When?” Anna yelled, voice going hoarse as Elsa tried to press a glass of water in her hands. “And, well, when?” “You mentioned that twice, Banana,” Killian pointed out. Anna glared at him, pulling his hand away from Emma’s side with a force that took them both by surprise. “Jeez, Banana, you’re going to pull my wrist out. Relax.” “You need better rings.” “Yeah, it was kind of a quick decision.” “How quick?” Elsa whispered and Emma tried to find a face that wasn’t staring at her with a mix of disappointment and awe. She found it half a dozen feet away – a smile on his face and pride practically radiating off him and David might have had tears in his eyes when she looked him. He nodded at her.
“There was a reason we were late,” Emma said and it sounded like the roof actually blew off the restaurant, more shouts and screams and Will yelled holy shit before Robin could punch the side of his arm.
Mary Margaret had started crying at some point, hands pressed flat against her cheeks like she was reenacting a particularly famous work of art and her head kept snapping between Emma and David.
“You’re going to get whiplash, Reese’s,” Emma warned, leaning forward to pull one hand away and Mary Margaret gaped at her hand, sniffling softly before nearly tugging her off the stool. Killian made a noise in the back of his throat, keeping his hand trained on Emma’s back and they were some weird, triangle hug that was more a tangle of limbs and a bump of lettuce, but Mary Margaret didn’t let go.
“I’m so happy for you,” she whispered in Emma’s ear, squeezing slightly and reaching around to grip Killian’s hand as well.
There were more hugs and demands for a detailed description of the afternoon and pictures and then more pictures and Emma felt like her head was on a swivel by the end of it all, passed around from Ranger to Ranger for the remainder of the night.
“We should toast don’t you think?” David yelled at some point, a half-full glass of something clutched in his hand.
Robin shouted here here and Will couldn’t quite sit straight on his stool, in the midst of a detailed discussion with Liam over bets and the college game while Belle kept her hand on his shoulder to steady hm.
Emma leaned against the edge of the bar, an arm working its way around her shoulders almost immediately and she felt herself practically melt against Killian’s side. “Go ahead, Dad,” she shouted and David smile could have powered the entire city for several weeks.
He made a face, but nodded towards Eric anyway, glasses passed around and Killian had hardly opened his mouth before Eric promised sparkling and handed Emma her own champagne flute.
“Deep breaths,” Emma muttered. He kissed her again.
“Once upon a time, Emma showed up at our loft with one suitcase and the promise that she absolutely did not need Mary Margaret to plan the Swan-Jones wedding,” David started and Emma squeezed her eyes shut tightly, that emotion that had been threatening to overwhelm her on the sidewalk rearing its head again.
“And Mary Margaret never really listened,” David continued, shooting a glance his wife’s way. She rolled her eyes. “But it didn’t really matter anyway. Because, as with most things Emma, she figured it out herself and she took control of this team and the city and the captain of the best team in the entire goddamn league.
So, we didn’t really have to do anything. Emma’s always been the most determined person I know and she might joke about being our kid, but she’s actually the glue that kept all of us together and her showing up in New York changed everything. So, uh,” he stuttered slightly, blinking quickly and Emma could feel the tears on her cheeks. “To Emma and Killian.” “To Emma and Killian,” the crowd echoed, clinking glasses and nodding in their direction and Emma downed her drink in two gulps.    
“To us,” Killian whispered, brushing his lips just below her ear and Emma did her best to force the memory of it into every corner of her mind.
She was exhausted by the time they left the restaurant – several more toasts and photos and the crowd was almost entirely focused on nursery talk and Matthew Jones’ draft stock by the end of it all – and Emma nearly fell asleep against Killian’s shoulder in the back seat of the cab.
“We’re home, love,” Killian muttered when the car skidded to a stop in front of the building.
She wasn’t sure how they made it out of the car, let alone into the elevator and through their front door, Killian supporting her weight with every step, but his smile didn't falter once.
He pulled her back against him as soon as the door closed, tracing his thumb across her cheek and down her jaw and the slope of her neck, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake.
“We got married today,” he said softly, a sense of awe in his voice that left Emma breathless just a few feet inside their apartment.
“Good idea, huh?” Emma asked. She pressed her palms flat against his chest, tugging lightly on his tie and it all felt a bit familiar, if not entirely new, all at the same time.
“The best, Swan.” “Respectable parents for Matthew Jones. Just in under the buzzer.” “Ah, we would have gotten there eventually. I don’t think he would have minded.” “That confident, huh?” Killian smirked at her, hands still tracing over every inch of her and she couldn't quite believe she was still standing. She wasn’t as tired anymore. “Nah, hopeful. There’s a difference.”
“We’re home now,” Emma said and it didn’t really make sense, but she couldn't come up with anything else to say. She knew he understood as soon as the smirk turned into a smile and he kissed her, leaning back against the door to trace his lips against hers, a mess of tongue and teeth and they got married. “You know, for someone who was all intent on me sitting down all the time, you’re awfully cool with me standing up now,” Emma muttered.
Killian’s eyes flashed, hands inching dangerously low and tugging on fabric that made it incredibly difficult to stay upright. “You bring up a very good point, love,” he laughed. “I wouldn't want you to be over-exerting yourself.” She never got a response out, the slightly sarcastic retort getting caught on her tongue as soon as his lips landed just above her collarbone and it was some kind of miracle neither one of them tripped over the other when they moved down the hallway, leaving a trail of clothing in their wake. They fell asleep eventually – tangled up in sheets and limbs and promises of indefinite lingering in the air.
They got married.
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10 Years Later... {Chapter 3}
The day they graduated high school Robin Locksely broke Regina’s Mills heart. 10 years later and it’s still his biggest regret. He’s thought of her everyday since but now it’s time for their high school reunion. Regina Mills is back in town and Robin has one chance to undo the worst mistake he’s ever made.
This chapter was written for #OQPromptParty2018. Prompt #31. Robin’s backstory for any story or as a stand alone for the one we were promised.
Read the full story on AO3.
10 years before…
Rushing down the street, Robin kept a tight grip on the garment bag he’d thrown over his shoulder. He’d just picked up his cap and gown for the graduation ceremony and he couldn’t keep the smile off his face. One more week and he’d finally graduate from high school.
Though a part of him was feeling nostalgic about Storybrooke, more of him was excited about all the things to come once he left. He’d be going to college. It was just a state school, barely two hours from the town where he grew up but still he was the first in his family to go. His dad couldn’t be more proud of him, saying so whenever he got the chance.
He just hoped his father was equally excited about the next big step he’d be taking.
Robin knew they were young, he knew it was crazy but he also knew there would be no girl more made for him than Regina Mills. She was smart and funny, sexy as the devil. But most importantly she made him want to be better than he was. Everytime he looked into her brown eyes all he could think about was how much he wanted to give her the world.
That’s why he wanted to marry her.
He was going to ask her after graduation. While everyone else celebrated he’d steal her away, take her to the lake where they spent their nights, get down on one knee and ask her to spend the rest of their lives together.
He knew he should be more nervous, that he should be more worried about what she would say, what their futures would look like but he wasn’t. Everytime he thought about it, he just felt more certain. Regina Mills was his future.
He just hoped his father agreed.
Walking through the door of the family bar, he found the place empty as ever but that was unsurprising for a Thursday afternoon.
“You’re late.”
A voice called out from behind the bar and he saw his father standing there wiping down glasses. Practically a mirror of his son, they both carried the same sandy brown hair and dimpled cheeks, the only difference being the stern look the older man had etched onto his face.
“Pretty sure they won’t teach punctuality at college,” he chided.
“That’s okay,” replied Robin, shrugging his shoulders, a grin still on his face. “I’ve still got plenty of time to learn it from you.”
His father tried to remain stern but his face cracked into a smile at his son’s wit.
Robert Locksely was a hard, sturdy man who could melt at any moment. He’d gone to war, been through hell, could handle himself in a fight and wasn’t afraid of anything or anyone. He was also the first person to laugh at a stupid pun and the last to lift his hand in violence unless necessary. Growing up Robin couldn’t have asked for a better father.
“Sorry I’m late, dad,” he apologized. “I had to pick up my cap and gown.”
“Oh yeah?” Robert smiles. “How’s it look?”
“Exactly the same as everyone else’s,” says Robin, rolling his eyes and taking a seat at the bar. “Just like a blue garbage bag.”
“Well I’ll be taking fifty pictures of you in that garbage bag just so you know,” said Robert.  
Throwing his head back, Robin groaned. “Really dad? C’mon…”
“Hell yeah I’m taking pictures,” he replied, a grin appearing on his face. “It’s your high school graduation. I won’t get another chance to be this proud of you until you graduate college. And on that day I’m taking even more pictures.”
Flashing his dimples, Robin laughed at his father’s pride. He might joke about it but it felt good to see his Dad in such good spirits. He’d been more than a little lethargic lately.
Reaching for another glass, Robert let out a wistful breath. “You know your mother would’ve been so happy to know you were going to school.”
“I know,” Robin softly agreed, turning a little solemn.
His mother had died when he was ten years old. Car accident on a rainy night, there’d been no one to blame but fate. When it happened he’d felt like his whole world shattered. He’d had no idea how they were gonna make it but his father had kept things together. Made sure the house was still running, that the bar was okay and still somehow finding the time to make sure Robin knew that he could always count on him. He’d never understand how he’d been able to do all that.
Clearing his throat, wiped his palms against his jeans. “Speaking of Mom, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something.”
Stifling a cough, Robert raised his eyebrows curiously. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” said Robin. “I’ve been doing some thinking about me and my future and I…”
He trailed off, knitting his eyebrows together curiously as his father launched into a coughing fit. “Dad are you alright?”
Robert waved him off still coughing into the sleeve of his shirt. “I’m fine son. What did you want to… talk about?”
He pressed for his son to continue but Robin just watched wide-eyed as his father’s coughing fit grew worse, shaking his whole body, echoing through the bar.  “Dad?”
Still coughing and gasping for air Robert just shook his head before falling to his knees behind the bar, his mouth still smothered into the crook of his arm. In a flash Robin was out of his seat, running behind the bar to kneel at his father’s side. Concern in his eyes, he rested a hand on his father’s back waiting for his fit to subside.
“Are you okay?” he asked, his voice soft with fear. Kneeling next to him, he took a good look at his father face, taking in details that had previously gone unnoticed. Details like the dark circles under his eyes and the thinness of his cheeks. Rubbing his hand down his father’s back he realized that his shoulders bone felt more prominent than they used to do.
“I’m alright Robin. I’m fine,” his father said in a gravelly voice, as he lowered his arm.
But Robin wasn’t listening to him. He was too busy staring at the crook of his father’s arm. At the patches of blood that had started to sink into the fabric of his shirt. For a moment he thought his father must’ve cut himself on the counter. Then he realized… the blood was there because he coughed it up.
His father looked up at him, his blue eyes screaming with guilt and sadness.
Throat growing tight, Robin spoke, his voice coming out small and scared. “...Dad?”
“Son there is, uh, there’s something I should tell you.”
David Nolan had loved high school.
It wasn’t the best time of his life but he’d be lying if he said it hadn’t ranked pretty high. He’d been captain of the football team, had dozens of friends and even met the love of his life in his freshman math class.
For all these reasons and more, he’d been psyched for the reunion. It was a chance to catch up with all his old friends and relive some of the glory days. Last night’s kick-off event at the bar had been a success and he was looking forward to the women vs. men softball event taking place that day.
Of course, he couldn’t say the same for his cousin Robin.
Even from across the room he’d seen what happened. Regina Mills, ghost of ex-girlfriends past, had materialized right in his cousin’s face.
He had to admit he was surprised. From what he’d heard Regina had a decent life in Boston and he hadn’t expected her to come back to town ever, let alone for their high school reunion. After what happened between her Robin who could blame her.
A part of him still couldn’t believe that Robin had been so stupid as to let her go but it made sense.
The two of them hadn’t exactly been close growing up or in high school but after his Uncle Robert sick things changed. He and his parents had done everything possible to make things easier for Robin and his father. Then when he died, they were all he had left.
It was after Robert’s funeral that Robin revealed what he’d done. He’d been piss drunk that night, crying, mourning his father and wishing for the one person in the world who might’ve actually been able to make him feel better. Shame, he’d already pushed her away by then. When the morning came and his sobriety return David tried to convince him to go after her but Robin stone solid in his resolve. It was too late.
And he could only imagine what seeing her must’ve felt like the night before.
After everyone had left and the bar had closed up he’d tried to talk to him about but Robin refused. He just said things were what they were and that he didn’t want to go to the softball game the next day. He’d said there was no point.
He’d still allowed them to take Roland along though.
As he and his wife, Mary-Margaret, pulled up to the softball field he smiled back at his six-year-old “nephew” in the backseat. “Alright buddy! Are you ready for the game?”
His question yielded immediate cheers from Roland and Mary-Margaret, both of them shaking the poms in their hand colored with Storybrooke team colors.
The three of them exited the car to find the softball field teeming with alumni all dressed in their high school colors. David immediately spotted a few of his old buddies stretching out on the field preparing for the game. Hand over his head, he waved to them not watching where he was going. Out of nowhere another body crashed into his.
Immediately he started to apologize profusely before realizing who he’d run into.
“Regina,” he breathed, staring down at her.
“David,” she mumbled looking back at him, surprised. “Um… good to see you.”
He softly agreed, leaning down to give her an awkward hug hello. Releasing her, he let out a stiff breath as Mary-Margaret greeted her with an enthusiastic hello. While they shared a much more relaxed hug, David looked her over silently noting that age agreed with her. She looked different, older but even more beautiful than before. Happier even.
“So…” she ventured, gesturing toward the two of them. “I heard you guys got married. Congratulations. I’m not surprised at all.”
“Nobody was,” laughed Mary-Margaret, beaming up at her husband. They’d been together since freshman year and had been connected at the hip all through high school. When they’d gotten married two years after graduation all anyone had said was that “it was about damn time.”
“I am surprised to see your son though. Nobody told me about that,” she said smiling down at Roland, who shyly ducked behind his uncle’s leg.
“Oh,” mumbled David, reaching down to lift Roland up and set him on his hip. “He’s not ours. He’s uh…”
“He’s Robin’s son,” Mary-Margaret stated, trying to rip off the band-aid as quickly as possible.
As soon as Robin’s name was mentioned, he saw her go breathless. Her lips parting in awe, as her eyes widened taking another look at the six-year-old in his arms. He knew she was noticing the dimples in his cheeks and the curl of his hair, the only attributes his father could rightly claim.
“Oh, well, that explains why nobody told me.” She tries to laugh it off but it’s clear she’s become uncomfortable. Possibly, even a little hurt.
As if things couldn’t get more awkward, a wave of boldness suddenly strikes his nephew.
“You know my Daddy?” he asks.
Regina forces a smile to her before nodding. “I did… a long, long time ago.”
The group is silent for a beat, all three of them unsure on how to proceed now that Robin’s name has been mentioned. Thankfully, his wife gracefully takes the lead.
“So how have you been?” she asks Regina. “I heard you moved to Boston.”
“I did,” said Regina, nodding enthusiastic. “It just felt like the best place to be after I graduated college. I found a job in the city and things are going pretty well right now.”
“That’s good,” replies David, genuinely pleased to hear that she’s doing well. Knowing that she’s alright helps to assuage some the vicarious guilt swelling up in his chest. “Is there anything else new going on with you?”
A smile spreads across Regina’s face. “Well…”
As if out of nowhere a boy runs up and joins their group. Immediately Regina wraps her arm around his shoulders. “Hey now what’s the rush?”
A grin appears on Mary-Margaret’s face. “Mom? Oh my god, is this your son?”
“Yes he is,” said Regina, nodding her head proudly. “This is Henry.”
“Oh like after your father,” David says, looking down at him curiously.
Regina’s son waves up at them and says hello, clearly a little bit bored. He’s got the same black hair as her with a pair of round hazel eyes and an angular nose. Already reaching her hip, he’s pretty tall for his age which David assumes is older than Roland.  Taller than any other kid at the field, in fact.
Looking up at his mother, he asks. “Can I have five dollars for the snack bar? I want a hot dog.”
“Sure I’ll go with you,” she says.
Henry looks up at her, an almost preteen look of annoyance on his face. “You don’t have to come with me, you know. I’m nine-years-old, I can make it to the snack bar and back on my own.”
Regina’s jaw drops in feigned shock. “For the record mister, I am coming because I want an ice cream cone. Not everything’s about you,” she quips, sending a wink his way.
“Okay,” laughs Henry, rolling his eyes, clearly not believing her.
Still chuckling, she pats his shoulder before turning back to her old friends. “Well I gotta go. It was good to see you guys.”
“Good to see you too,” David mumbled, the gears in his head slowly turning.
Watching them walk off Mary-Margaret hums thoughtfully. “They look cute together.”
“Yeah they do…” he mumbled. Turning to his wife, he curiously tilts his head. “How old did Henry just say he was?”
“He said he was nine,” she said nonchalantly. Her smile dips as the math suddenly hits. “Oh my god… he said he was nine.”
“Nine,” David repeats, feeling his heart start to race.
Their eyes widen at the same time and he knows that they’ve come to the same conclusion. As calmly as possible he passes Roland off to her and tells her to find a seat in the bleachers while he makes a quick phone call.
He’s certain that he’s never dialed a number as fast he dials Robin. After three long rings his cousin finally picks up.
“Hey Robin, look I know you didn’t want to come to the game but you have to get down here…. I know that you don’t want to see her but you have to…. Because she showed up here with a son and I think he might be yours.”
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
Staying together verse. "Where the fuck did that baby come from?"
Takes place 15 years before the start of this story.
Also on AO3
15 minutes ago, Robin was a single dad of one, headingto work.
Now, he was apparently a father of two and there wasno way he was heading into work that day.
The baby wasn’t crying, she was pretty quiet…quite thecontrast from how Roland had been.
(Oh God, how was he supposed to explain this to Roland?)
Zelena was just supposed to be a one night stand. Itwas his first night out in forever and he had a few drinks with his buddies.The next thing he knew, they took a spin around the dance floor and were backat her apartment. They grabbed some breakfast the next morning, but that was that.Robin wasn’t devastated, she didn’t seem like soulmate material.
Then, she had just left this baby on his doorstep witha note saying that she couldn’t do it anymore. She had tried to make it workfor 2 weeks, but she was tired.
Robin hadn’t lifted the baby from the car seat, notyet. He was terrified. What if this was all some trick? What if the baby was someoneelse’s? Zelena never seemed that responsible, could it really be true.
Yet, he couldn’t deny that she had his nose and hiseyes. Leaning forward, he bent down and picked her up into his arms. She letout a soft noise before producing some spit bubbles. Robin had nearly forgottenhow small a baby could be.
“You’re a quiet little one, aren’t you,” he whispered,bouncing her a bit. “I’m sure you’ll have me pulling out my hair soon enough.”
The door opened and a moment later, his best friend Willwalked into the room. He nearly stumbled over his feet when he saw the sightbefore him.
“Where the fuck did that baby come from?”
“Oh, ya know, I’m just opening a daycare now.” Robinrolled his eyes. “What have I told you about cursing around here?”
“Roland’s not home and it’s not as if this one will berepeating me any time soon.” Will sat next to him, tilting his head. “DidRegina and Emma finally have another?”
“No, I think Henry’s about all they can handle fornow. Do you remember that night almost a year ago? You and the guys took meout?”
“Oh yeah.” Will laughed. “You hooked up with that redhead…” He trailed off and then winced. “No.”
“Apparently this is the result.”
“You didn’t use a condom?”
“I did. I guess it didn’t work.”
“Damn. She just left her with you? What did she say?”
“Nothing, she just left her on the porch and ran, sheleft a note behind.” He handed it over and Will scanned it.
“She named the kid, Robin? After you?”
“She wasn’t planning on telling me, she wanted her tohave a piece of me, I guess.”
“Well…what are you going to do now?”
“Get a DNA test, but the timing does add up. She wasborn exactly 9 months after the night we hooked up, according to the birthcertificate she left in the bag.”
“How are you going to tell Roland?”
Robin bit his lip, adjusting the baby girl in hisarms. He didn’t even date. Part of that was the fact that his heart was still withMarian, but the other came from his fear of explaining a girlfriend to Roland. Ifhe wasn’t ready to explain a girlfriend, how was he supposed to explain a baby?
“I don’t know. I think I’ll have John watch him tonight,try to get some stuff together.”
“I’ll cover your shifts for the next few days.”
“Thanks, Will.” Robin briefly smiled.
Will shrugged. “We were all there for you when Mariandied, this will be no different. And hey, congratulations.” He patted him onthe back. “You’re a daddy again.”
Robin’s gaze went back down to his daughter, who hadfallen asleep. “Yeah…I guess I am.”
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splat-dragon · 4 years
when you're broken on the ground, you will be found ~You will be found, Ben Platt, Kristolyn Lloyd, Will Roland, Laura Dreyfuss
‘I’m never leaving my alley again.’
 She froze, legs locked, unable to move.
 She’d been turned into a dog. She’d met Captain America. Spent well over half an hour being petted by the Hulk.
 But robots? It was robots that broke her.
A blast struck the one tumbling towards her, and she started making the same whining sound that she had when she’d been trapped with the Hulk.
 “Dammit dog! Get the hell out of here!”
 Iron Man stopped in front of her, making a motion as though to say ‘shoo! shoo!’ and she spun and bounded off with quickly increasing speed, body built for rapid sprints - goddamned Iron Man. That’s three off her bingo card, then.
She skidded around a corner, stumbled, and rolled with a high pitched squeal, came up in a run. “Ow ow ow my paw!”
 The air crackled with ozone, and she barely managed to throw herself to the side, vision going white with pain, as one of the robots - fucking robots - crashed to the ground, crackling with electricity, a woman clad in black leather wrapping her arms around its ‘head’ and yanking back, snapping it off.
  ‘Well, there’s the Black Widow square,’ she thought, whirling about and racing down a side-street.
 And then, of course, a man crashed to the ground, landing in a squat, and nearly squashed her.
 The shock wave that his hammer sent out though, did knock her off her paws.
 She groaned and stayed where she laid. Clearly, someone had it out for her. “Just kill me. Please, please, just kill me.”
 A big, meaty hand grabbed her by her scruff and lifted her up, setting her on her paws. She looked up at Thor, eyes wide and pathetic, and he nodded down the street “Get out of here,” before spinning his hammer around and launching off into the air.
 It looked a lot less dumb in real life than it did in the movies.
She hauled ass down the street, each step making her paw throb but she could hurt later. At least until the goddamn Hulk slammed into her at full speed.
 When she hit the pavement, she didn’t bother even trying to get up. Everything hurt, and goddammit everything sucked, so she closed her eyes and passed out.
 Vaguely, she was aware of a massive hand scooping her up and cradling her close. Was very much aware of a swooping feeling in her stomach, wondered idly ‘am I on a rollercoaster?’ and oh god she was gonna hurl she wanted off Mr. Bones’ Wild Ride and made a pathetic sound and
 Oh. Okay. That abrupt stop was. Not fun.
 “Hey big green, what’ve you got there?”
 The light that hit her eyes then made her want to scream, but she could only settle for a whine. “DOGGY HURT. HELP DOGGY.”
 “Aw, he’s not dead is he?” oh, that was Hawkeye, wasn’t it? She liked Hawkeye, he was nice. “He’s my buddy!” never-mind, he touched her head and fuck that hurt fuck Hawkeye he can burn in hell.
 “HELP DOGGY!” oh god oh no Hulk please, it felt like the world was shaking around her as the Hulk waved his hand in emphasis, was this how that poor fish felt in Finding Nemo? ‘No I don’t wanna go belly up…’
 “Okay, okay big guy don’t shake the dog!” sorry Hawkeye Iron Man’s her favorite now, and Hulk seemed to like him too seeing as he listened, unfurling his fingers so she could get a nice, long look at that golden face peering emotionlessly down at her. Wow. That was creepy.
 A voice called out not far away, and ‘oh where’s he going?’ Iron Man vanished from her sight, but not without a dry laugh, “all this fuss over a dog.” though his voice was more amused than disdainful.
 Just another day in the life of the Avengers, after all.
“Well, hey there boy,”
  ‘Oh hi Steve, fancy meeting you here,’ although he could have been a bit more gentle picking her up, she rather thought, crying out in pain as her ribs screamed and when had they started to hurt? and he was tall goddamn but even still he struggled to carry her, finally slinging her over his shoulder as he broke into a jog, heading down the street.
 The vet’s office JARVIS guided him to, of course, was the only building in a block’s radius that hadn’t taken any sort of damage. The secretary’s face when Steve Rogers, Captain America suit and all, came jogging in, a massive black dog slung over his shoulder, was camera worthy.
  ‘...not a boy.’
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