#I’m going to blush myself into a coma
quinloki · 5 months
💝 💖 💓
And then I’m gonna add my own
❤️‍🔥You’re too damn amazing
🤍send the autograph to me gonna frame it
Iccccccy my Heart \o/
I’ll send that autograph - gonna have Beckmann and Killer deliver it for me. Make sure my friend is taken care of properly 😎
Heart felt asks
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celtic-crossbow · 2 months
For You, I'd Bleed Myself Dry
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Setting: Early-ish Alexandria
Warnings: Suggestive (extremely mild); hangover
Summary: You're hung over and don't really remember how you got to Rosita's house the night before. Or what you had said on the way there.
A/N: Just a fun little drabble born of this incorrect quote. Suggested by @marvelcasey05
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You didn’t expect to find Daryl still home when you wandered in the next morning. He was always an early riser, and though everyone else still slept, he would usually be long gone and outside the gates. So, when you tip-toed through the door and into the kitchen, your heels in your hand, he nearly scared the life out of you. You flipped the lightswitch and:
“Jesus Christ, Daryl!”
The archer chuckled behind his coffee mug before tilting it the least bit more to take a sip. “Rollin’ in awful late.”
You shrugged “Or early, depending on how you look at it. Any left?” You nodded toward the cup. He gave a quiet mhm and got up to make you a mug. Your head was throbbing. You knew your makeup was a mess and your hair a disaster. You had slept in your dress at Rosita’s, so it was wrinkled and you were almost certain that it was only partially zipped in the back.The party hadn’t been that fun but the liquor had been flowing. That was why you went. Things in Alexandria had been stressful. Your group had been there a while. Long enough for so many problems to come along and be handled. The past week had been particularly eventful. Still, it had been handled and there had been some time to cut loose. 
So, you did.
You sat your heels on the counter and muttered a thank you when he slid the mug across the surface, narrowing your eyes across the rim as you readied for a drink. “Do you know how I take my coffee?”
“Guess you’ll need to take a drink an’ find out, won’tcha?” He was perching himself back on the island stool when you realized that Daryl Dixon was barefoot, wearing flannel pajama pants, and a faded Led Zepplin t-shirt. 
“You’re wearing people clothes.” You blinked, still holding the mug close to your mouth. 
Daryl smirked from behind his own cup. “M’a person, contrary to popular belief.” He took another sip, prompting you to take one of your own. He did know how you liked your coffee. Interesting. 
An ache in your left foot reminded you that you wanted nothing more than to go to your room and fall into a coma for a few hours. “I should probably take some—”
“S’behind ya. Got ‘em out earlier. Water too.”
There were two tablets on the countertop by the fridge, along with a glass of water. You warily picked them up, almost as if they would come alive and bite you. “Thank you?”
Quickly swallowing them, you downed the water because coffee wasn’t the best tool for rehydrating, but you’d be damned if you’d give up that mug for anything. Collecting your heels and your coffee, you started walking backwards out of the kitchen. “Listen, I’m gonna head upstairs and get off my—”
“Perfectly good chair right here.” 
“What?” Now you were looking at him as if he’d grown a second head. There were no other chairs in the kitchen. Carol had the only other stool piled full of kitchen junk she had yet to put away. “Are you sure you’re awake?”
“M’wide awake. How’d ya get to Rosita’s last night?” 
Wait. Was Daryl blushing? “She helped—” No, that wasn’t right. Rosita and Tara came back long after you did. You distinctly remembered grumbling at them to turn off the lights. “How did I get there?” You said aloud, though softly.
“I took ya.”
Your shoes hitting the floor echoed through the quiet house, causing both you and Daryl to flinch. After a moment, no baby cried and no adults yelled. You walked forward and placed your mug back on the counter. “What do you mean you took me? You weren’t at the party.”
Cause Daryl’s home. He doesn’t like parties.
He shrugged but the pink tint to his cheeks was now traveling a route up to his ears. “Was workin’ on the bike. Saw ya stumblin’ ‘round in the dark. Didn’t wantcha to get hurt.”
“Did I—did I say anything stupid?”
And if I see him right now, I'm gonna ask to use his face as a chair.
“Nope.” The archer was staring at his coffee cup, rolling the smooth sides between his hands. He absolutely knew what you had said but he was giving you an out. Goddamn that man. He had to be beautiful, rough edged, and chivalrous at the same time? 
“Good.” You nodded. “Good. Thanks for the coffee.” You turned to walk out, leaving the coffee mug behind. “And for—you know, getting me there safely last night.” 
He nodded with a small, tight smile but didn’t say anything else. Maybe he was just teasing you. No, Daryl wasn’t the type. Well, he was but not with things that were at his expense. He was definitely going out of his comfort zone if the red tint on his face was any indication. Did he want to do that with you? You certainly wouldn’t mind. You’d wanted Daryl for as long as you could remember. Even before he started treating the group more like friends than survival buddies. There was always just something about him that called to you, pulled you in like a magnet, but there was this invisible line that didn’t feel safe to cross. Was he toeing that line with you now?
You might never get the chance again if you were to shut him down.
“Hey, Daryl.” You called from the stairs, barely looking over your shoulder. Your heart was racing.
“There’s—there’s no chair in my—what’re you—hey!” You were over his shoulder and being hauled down toward his room in the basement before you could do much more than laugh.
“Weren’t no way ya could make any line ‘bout a chair work.”
“Got a bed, right?”
“Got a mattress.”
“That’ll do, Dixon. That’ll do.”
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sinsdaycorp · 6 months
What if… and hear me out here…
Wednesday is/was Enid’s bodyguard. And somehow, something goes wrong, and Wednesday ends up hospitalised, seriously injured, and Enid just spends the entire time by Wednesdays bed, reading to her, talking to her, just being there with her while she’s in a coma(?)… and when Wednesday regains her consciousness back, she’s forced to do physical therapy because she has to learn things all over again, and enid just, takes her to all her appointments, and makes sure she’s okay, and one day, Wednesday is having such a hard day in PT, because all her progress she’d been doing gets slid away, she slips and falls and hurts herself and Enid just barely catches her before her head hits the ground.
Wednesday is so damn mad that SHE’S the one being watched that she snaps at Enid.
“Why? Why do you keep coming back here and watching me and putting up with me? You have a life, go live it. I’m not your guard anymore, you don’t need to be here.” She’s so angry, but Enid, after months of learning Wednesday little quirks and facial expressions when they worked together, just smiles softly.
“You risked everything for me, you shielded my body with your own, Wednesday.-“ Wednesday goes to interrupt but Enid just puts a finger to the smaller woman’s lips, silencing her. “I know, you were getting paid to do it, but all that time with you, I saw you, I learned things about you that I don’t think many people know, and I’m so proud of you for pushing through everything you’ve gone through in these sessions to get even this far. You are doing amazing and I-“ Enid paused, her throat tightening. “I fell in love with you, during those months you were my guard. I fell in love with watching the way you moved, your sarcasm, your dimples- sh, don’t interrupt,” Enid quickly said when she felt Wednesday try to speak against her finger. “You, Wednesday Addams, are a light of hope, and you saved me from myself as much as you saved me from that-“
Enid didn’t even get to finish speaking as Wednesday batted the hand away from her face and shot up, pressing her lips to the bright blondes, the pain in her body, although it was flaring, seemed to fade to background noise as she felt like, for the first time since the accident, that she was free of pain, of the nightmares that wracked her body every night since she woke from the coma- dreaming of not having gotten to Enid in time, having to hold the dying blonde in her arms - Wednesday pressed against Enid, sitting up a little straighter as her arms pulled Enid closer, the blondes hands fisting tightly into the sides of Wednesdays shirt.
They slowly broke apart after a moment, their foreheads leaning together as they fought for their breathing to return to normal, tears in Enid’s eyes and those soft dimples on Wednesdays cheeks as her lips curved ever so slightly into the smallest of smiles.
“I believe, I have fallen for you too, Enid Sinclair.” Wednesday slowly pulled back a little further, looking into the crystal blue of Enid’s eyes, her thumbs coming up to swipe tears away from the rosy cheeks of the perky blonde as she cupped face between her hands.
Enid, speechless for the first time in her life, just made a noise in the back of her throat, showing her excitement before Wednesday glanced around and cleared her throat. “I should- get back to getting my legs working properly so I can court you properly, Ms Sinclair.”
Enid blushed and she stood, holding her hands out to help Wednesday up. She stood, with shaking legs and nodded her thanks before reaching to cup Enid’s cheek and press a light kiss to the edge of her lips once more and turned away to resume her body strengthening.
She had to plan a proper date after all. Her father would be so displeased to hear they’d kissed without any proper courting.
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dragonflylady77 · 4 months
Mr Steve and the Monster Hunter
Here is it! The last chapter of my fic for @bigbangharringrove
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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Steve has a lot of things to say
Chapter 6 - I'm all in
Steve is finally holding Billy in his arms and he doesn’t want to let go. He’s not sure where this urge is coming from but it’s all encompassing and he is not questioning it. His gut is telling him he is where he is supposed to be, and well, his gut has yet to steer him wrong. 
Strangely for someone who just spent a week in a coma, he is exhausted and very sleepy. He has no idea what time it is. Daylight is still coming through the open window but he vaguely remembers reading somewhere that the sun sets at different times in different parts of the country and he’s never been to California before.
Billy didn’t say anything when Steve told him he’d missed him, instead he gently wrapped his arms around Steve, careful of his injuries and various bandages. Steve knows he needs to explain, even if his brain still feels a bit scrambled.
“I know what you’re thinking.” Steve lets out a short laugh that makes his chest sting a bit. He brings his hand back up to play with Billy’s hair. “How can I miss someone I barely knew? But I did, Billy. Somehow, I really did. And then… then you were there, alive, somehow even better looking than I remembered, and so fucking full of life… Of course I jumped when you offered to answer my questions.”
“Not like I got the chance to do much of that,” Billy mumbles and Steve can feel his breath on his chest. It feels nice and he wishes they were wearing less clothes and weren’t on a narrow hospital bed so he could feel it more. 
Still, he can’t let Billy feel bad for running off when Eleven reached out for help. 
“Well that is hardly your fault, is it? Just like what happened to me isn’t your fault.”
Billy sits up at that and pierces Steve with a thunderous look. He looks fierce, and hot as sin, and Steve wants to trace that scar on his cheek with his finger… or his lips. His brain and his heart seem to be fully on board with that plan.
“Billy…” Steve starts, reaching out to take Billy’s hand again, happy when Billy lets him..
“No, Steve.” Billy runs his free hand through his hair with a sigh. “I know better. The rules are there for a reason and I shouldn’t have let you come with us. It was my mission. I knew the risks and—fuck!” Billy looks straight at Steve then, his eyes wet with tears and Steve feels something squeeze his heart at the sight.
“Steve, you nearly died because of me. Because I let my feelings get in the way.”
“I can’t… I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if something happened to you.” The chuckle Billy lets out is rough and raw. “I'm lucky Max hasn't come after me yet. I keep expecting her to come at me with Cindy to try and detach my head from my body.”
Steve was confused. “Who's Cindy?”
“My ax.”
“Okay...” Steve is sure Billy had a good reason to name his ax Cindy but it’s not relevant at this point. They can talk weapon names later. Steve is so going to ask for a tour of HellGrove when he’s no longer stuck in a hospital bed.
“Hey.” Steve links his fingers with Billy’s. “Forget about Max. And the rules. It’s like Robin said. I’m here. I’m alive.”
“You know, I did wonder how much of that private conversation you heard.”
Steve watches as a pink blush blooms on Billy’s cheeks and it’s the most wonderful thing he’s ever seen in his life.
“Let’s just say I heard Olivia ask you a question and I noticed you didn’t actually answer said question.”
“Jesus, Harrington. Don’t pull punches on my account.”
“You gonna tell me, Hargrove?” If Billy is gonna go back to last names, instead of his usual pet names, Steve is gonna follow suit. It brings back memories of high school posturing and what Steve can now see was Billy pulling his metaphorical pigtails at a time where being queer could get one in a lot of trouble, or worse. One glance shows Steve that Billy is still blushing and the neckline of his HellGrove tee stops Steve from seeing how far down it goes.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Billy says and Steve resists the urge to roll his eyes. 
Steve sits up, not paying attention to the slight sting on his chest when he does, damn bandages pulling on his chest hair, as he drags Billy to him by his hand, putting his other hand on the back of Billy’s neck to hold him there.
“Billy, the day after I found out you were alive, I went to see Robin and Heather so Robin could answer some of my questions.”
“I bet you had a few,” Billy chuckles softly.
“Hoo boy, yes I did. Then I even had questions about things I found out that day. About you. About Olivia. Then Robin said you were on your way back and I, um, I kinda freaked out.”
“Why? Steve, I’m not—”
“Oh, um, well, turns out I’m not very good at hiding things from Robin, and she said I definitely needed to have a chat with you or I would regret it.”
The laughter that peels out of Billy surprises them both. Steve thinks he looks so beautiful and happy. 
“That’s your first mistake, pretty boy,” Billy says. “You, of all people, should know you can’t hide things from Robin. She always finds out. And if she doesn’t, Heather does.”
“Heather scares me.”
“Oh my god.” Billy is still laughing and Steve wants to keep making him.
“She is fiercely protective of you and I don’t think she likes me very much.”
“Oh. yeah, um, about that…” Billy suddenly looks embarrassed and it’s not what Steve wants. At all.
“I, um, I’d like to change that.” He smiles. “Billy, I know it might seem sudden, since I only found out about you a week ago, but…” Steve stops and looks down at their fingers. Considering what Steve heard of Billy’s chat with Robin in the hallway, he doesn’t think it’s too much of a gamble that Billy will react favorably. Still, he’s been surprised before so it’s always better to make sure.
“I had a dream about you the night we met again,” Steve says, before he pulls Billy closer. “A very detailed, very private, kind of dream,” he whispers, his mouth so close to Billy’s he can feel his breath. 
“Oh, did you now?” Billy whispers back and their lips are pretty much touching now and Billy’s hands are holding his face and Steve closes his eyes and he nods and then Billy is kissing him and Steve can’t think beyond ‘BillyBillyBillyBillyBilly’. 
The kiss feels like everything he didn’t know he wanted and more. Steve feels Billy’s tongue trace the seam of his lips and he opens his mouth and the kiss gets better. Billy is kissing him like he’s something precious, all slow and slick, and it makes Steve moan and once again wish they weren’t on a narrow hospital bed.
Too soon, Billy pulls back. He licks his lips and Steve feels his body shudder at the sight. He definitely wants more of that. Everywhere.
Billy chuckles and Steve realizes he may have said that out loud. He shrugs, then winces because the movement pulls on the bandages and Billy gives him a worried look.
“I’m okay. I wonder when they’ll let me go home. Or, you know, get out of here.”
“What did the doctor say earlier?”
Steve doesn’t ask how Billy knows the doctor came to see him, the guy kinda owns the building after all. “He said they need to run some more tests but I should be allowed out in a couple of days.”
“That’s good.”
Something important suddenly clicks when Steve hears himself talk about going home. “Oh God. Billy, I've been missing work for over a week. How am I going to tell my boss I am suddenly in California?”
“Oh, Max sorted that out for you. You'll have to ask her. When the doctor gives the okay, I'll portal you back to your house and you can, um, you know, go back to your life.”
“That's the second time you've said that to me,” Steve notes, not liking the way Billy is now looking at some point over Steve's shoulder, like he was distancing himself from Steve.
“Is it?” Billy sits back, his hands dropping to the bed. 
“Uh huh.” Steve picks Billy's hand again and makes eye contact, locking gaze with Billy. “Billy, I…” Steve smiles. “I don't want to go back to not knowing. I love teaching, don't get me wrong, but I can do that anywhere. But this?” Steve gestures between himself and Billy. “This is way too important. You are too important.”
“Steve…” Billy looks away and tries to get his hand back but Steve holds fast.
“No, I missed my chance in high school because things got fucked up and I didn’t realise it until it was way too late. But now that I know you’re alive? Now that I understand what the things I am feeling really mean? There is no fucking way I’m going back to what I had before.”
“What’s that?” Billy asks, his tone bitter and sad. “A quiet life without monsters? A safe job in a nice school? School moms fawning over you day in and day out? What’s so bad about that life, Steve?”
“Well, for one, if you’re not there with me, I don’t want it.”
“You can’t mean that.” The dejection comes through clearly in Billy’s resigned tone. Steve wonders what happened to Billy to make him believe he doesn’t deserve this and more. He makes a quick promise to himself to spend the rest of his life showing Billy how cherished he is.
“I can, and I do.” He grins at the man he loves, because, yes, there is no other word to explain the warmth filling his chest when he looks at Billy. “It will come to no surprise to you that your daughter isn’t the only one who’s been eavesdropping, not that you and Robin were particularly quiet in the doorway before. Billy, holding you, kissing you, it feels like the last piece of the puzzle finally slotted into place.”
Steve notices the tears rolling down Billy’s cheeks and he can feel his face is wet as well, but he presses on. “You can have this. Have me. I want you to know that I’m all in. If that’s what you want.”
The longing in Billy’s eyes threatens to undo Steve completely and Steve can’t take it anymore. He pulls Billy back to him, once again ignoring the sting on his chest at the movement, and brings their mouths together.
Billy lets out a moan and melts against him. This time Billy ends up on top of Steve, obliterating Steve’s ability to form thoughts beyond ‘ohmygodohmygodohmygod!’ and there is nothing Steve would change about that. 
Not even when the nurse rushes in to check on the screeching monitor because Steve’s heart rate is going through the roof.
The feeling of a cold arm around his waist pulls Steve from his slumber, the cold chest against his back waking him up a bit more. He shivers when its owner pulls him closer, their legs tangling together.
“Fuck, your feet are freezing!” Steve exclaims sleepily, attempting to move away, but Billy wraps his limbs around him like an overly amorous octopus.
“Sorry, baby. Livi went to the bathroom and got scared of the dark once she woke up fully. We really need to get those nightlights we’ve been talking about to put in the hallway,” Billy says, his lips kissing a trail along Steve’s bare shoulder.
“Mmmm, good idea,” Steve replies, barely listening because the kisses feel too nice. When Billy nibbles on the crook of his neck, Steve lets out a soft moan and, damn, he wants more. He turns around in Billy’s arms, spreadings both hands on Billy’s chest, the tips of his fingers finding the familiar grooves of the scars covering the hard muscles.
Steve moves a hand up to bury in Billy’s hair, the golden curls longer now than they were a year ago, and pulls lightly. He finds Billy’s lips in the dark and licks into his mouth, swallowing Billy’s needy grunt. Steve starts a slow grind against the thigh Billy slotted between his legs as the kiss gets sloppy. 
He lets out a loud groan when he feels Billy’s hardening cock against his. Billy squeezes his ass in warning.
“Shhhh, Stevie, not so loud, you’ll wake the baby,” Billy whispers as he ends the kiss to nip at Steve’s jaw.
Steve bites his lip to stop the whimpers as Billy moves to his neck, licking the spot he knows full well makes Steve melt. “Billy, baby, you’re really not helping,” Steve bites out, trying to stay quiet when Billy pushes him onto his back and straddles him. “Fuck…”
Billy’s throaty chuckle against his ear hits Steve right in the dick. “That’s the idea, pretty boy.” He punctuates that with another nibble on his neck and a hard grind of his hips.
Steve grabs Billy’s thighs with both hands and digs his fingers in. “Billy!” he warns with an urgent whisper, knowing full well it will only spur Billy on. Billy rolls his hips again, making Steve gasp.
“You fucker!”
“Aww, baby, don’t be like that,” Billy says against Steve’s collarbone as he sucks a hickey Steve knows he will need to hide under a high-collared shirt tomorrow. “You know I’ll make you feel good,” Billy adds, hands snaking between them, fingers tangling in the thick mat of Steve’s chest hair.
Steve knows what’s coming and he is powerless to stop it. Billy pulls and Steve’s hips arch off the bed, his teeth biting down on his bottom lip in a mammoth effort to stay quiet. Steve knows exactly what look Billy is giving him right now even if it’s too dark to actually see it. That look that says he’s proud of himself but only getting started…
“Billy, please…” Steve isn’t sure what he’s asking for, but if the past year loving this man has taught him anything, it’s that Billy will deliver.
“I got you.” Billy gets off of him then and Steve feels the loss of his weight on him keenly.
A shudder goes through Steve when he feels Billy’s hands on his hips, sliding in towards his crotch, and he spreads his legs to accommodate his boyfriend. He bites down on a moan when Billy settles between his thighs. 
“Shhhh,” Billy whispers as he mouths Steve’s hard dick over his pants and Steve slams a pillow over his face because there’s no way he can stay quiet, especially not when Billy reaches under the waistband of his pajama pants, his fingers extracting Steve’s dick and giving it a squeeze.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” Steve whispers, panting already, and trying—really trying—to make as little noise as possible. 
When Billy licks a stripe from root to tip, Steve’s free hand grabs the bedding next to him, clutching the sheet with desperate fingers. 
When Billy sucks on the head of his cock, Steve’s breath stutters, then his entire body bows from the effort to stay quiet when Billy takes him all the way down.
It’s too much, too wet, too tight, too warm, too good, and Steve knows he’s not gonna last very long, not with the way Billy is going to town on his dick from the word go. Steve wishes there was more light in the room so he could watch because it’s a sight he never tires from.
He feels Billy’s fingers leave his hip and slide inward, brushing past his balls, then further south. The moment Billy’s fingertips touch his rim, it’s all over. The fingers digging into his hip are the only thing anchoring him to the bed as Steve bites down on the pillow he’s still holding over his face in an attempt to keep from waking up everyone on their street.
He’s only vaguely aware of Billy climbing up his body and removing the pillow, allowing him to catch his breath. He’s pretty sure Billy sucked his soul through his dick and somehow melted every bone in his body as well.
“You okay, pretty boy?” Billy asks and Steve can hear his grin.
“Uh huh.” Steve can’t make words right now, he’s pretty sure his brain leaked out his ears or something. RIP last brain cell.
Billy wraps one arm around him, pulling him close, and Steve manages to roll onto his side to rest his head on Billy’s chest. He hums happily, his fingers playing idly with the scar on Billy’s chest. 
“Billy?” Steve asks, breaking the comfortable silence they are lying in. He's glad they didn't wake the baby up. He doesn’t regret offering Robin and Heather a weekend off parenting so they could get a break, but keeping the noise down when Billy does unspeakable things to him is exhausting. 
“Do you think…?”
Steve stops then, trying to articulate the thought he just had, even though his brain wants to sleep because he just had an orgasm and it's the middle of the night.
“What is it?”
“Do you think you'd want to get married on a beach?”
“Pretty boy?” Billy asks, his hand stopping mid stroke on Steve’s arm.
“I mean, I know it's not legal or anything, not yet anyway, but one day…”
“If that's your proposal, it needs work, princess.”
Steve drops a kiss on Billy's chest. “Nah, just wondering. When I propose to you, you'll know for sure.”
“What if I propose to you first?”
I did some doodles for this fic, because I could... (chapter 1 and chapter 4)
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the-fiction-witch · 4 months
I hope you wake up soon
Media The Artful Dodger
Character Jack Dawkins
Couple Jack X Reader
Rating Smut
Warning Abuse / trauma / violence / coma/ pregnancy / birth
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I sat on my bed and tried to get some sleep, even if every inch of me hurt. Sore bruises and burning pain across me, no matter how I lay or moved. I heard the door creek open and I shivered under the sheets. His heavy footsteps walk through the house and grow closer and closer to the bed. The scent of whiskey came with him, leaving a sour scent in the room. I felt the weight of him on the bed the sheets suddenly ripped from my body causing my skin to tremble. His soft hands stroked across my skin and my nightgown his hands reached for my breasts and my thigh I tried to push his hands away but he pulled my arm so hard I felt my shoulder be shifted out and I screamed. But he covered my mouth with his hand before he forced me down on my stomach no matter how I whined, how I cried, now I screamed out in agony. 
I pushed myself out of the bed and pulled my underdress onto my body slowly, I dressed myself without use of my arm. Once dressed I headed out without a word and walked through the dusty port victory streets until I reached the royal hospital. I pushed open the door and headed in doing my best to hold my arm. The entryway was clean with the chemical scent hiding blood and bile that it always had, and I didn’t even need to say a word.
Doctor Jack Dawkins stood by the outpatient desk with some paperwork in hand from his time on the ward this morning. He must have just finished his rounds with his usual laced brown shoes and dusty brown trousers, his stained white shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows, his blue textured waistcoat too short for him revealing a peak of his suspender clips, his moth-eaten green tie around his neck, his dirty blonde hair all swooped to one side. He looked up from his paperwork his brown eyes looked me up and down, from my Y/H/C hair to my brown boots, before he pinned my Y/e/C eyes with his own brown eyes giving me nowhere to look but back at him. I did my best not to blush to smile as I saw him as even in my pain he was a comfort. He didn’t speak, he simply glanced at the patient room closest to the door. I nodded and headed in sitting myself on the bed and he followed me closing the door behind me. 
“Let me guess? You fell down the stairs?” He asked his hands in his pockets, 
“I fell out of bed.” I lied, 
“You are a clumsy little thing aren’t you Y/n,” He chuckled as he gave my forehead a gentle kiss, 
I blushed hard barely able to look him in the eye, 
“Can I touch?”
I nodded but quickly spoke up, “The window.”
“Right of course,” He nodded, “How could I forget,” he said as he locked the door, pulled the blinds on the inside and outside windows, “There. Secret doctoring.” He laughed, 
I giggled a little but I tried to hide it, “I’m sorry-”
“It’s fine, you’re a very secretive little thing,” he chuckled, “I am going to take a guess and say Simon doesn’t know you're here?” he asked as he began to check me over,
“Does he know you’re hurt?”
“...I can only assume so.” 
“Alright,” He sighed, “Your shoulder is dislocated.”
“...I see.” I gulped,
“Y/n.” He began my body trembling, “You can’t dislocate your shoulder falling out of bed,” 
“I- I am a clumsy girl. A stupid, clumsy girl.” I explained my eyes welling up with tears,
“Is that what Simon tells you?” he whispered, “Cause I admit Y/n I’m impressed, you're quite the ventriloquist. You open your mouth and Simon’s words come out.”
“Y/n, I know you're scared of him.” He said his hand on my cheek, “but it’s tearing me apart to keep seeing you like this.” he whispered, “Please… if you're not safe if you don’t feel comfortable if you're afraid of what he might do. Tell me.”  
"I- I'm fine." I lied, 
"Alright," He sighed, "Let's get you fixed up," 
I nodded and he quickly fixed my arm up even if it hurt me for a moment, 
"There we go," he cooed kissing my shoulder, "Better?"
"it is better," I nodded,
"Anything else you're not showing me?"
"... no." I lied,
"Y/n." he warns, "Please..."
"I promise Jack," I told him, 
"Okay..." He sighed, "I am deciding to trust you. But if you've lied to me, you'll be in big trouble little thing," He warned playfully tapping my nose, 
"I know," I nodded
"Good," He smiled, "How about tonight I take you out for dinner? or even just for a walk by the water? So you can get out of that house for a while. A little time just you and me?"
"...I... I can't Jack,"
"I promise I'll keep you safe,"
"I know you would, but... I can't I need to be home for when Simon gets back,"
"Alright," He sighed, "...But you know where I am, no matter what I am here and I'll take care of you." 
"Thank you, Jack," I smiled,
"You're welcome Y/n," he smiled, 
"How much?" I asked, 
"You're usual," He shrugs, 
I blushed hard but couldn't hold back my smile as I leaned up and kissed his lips softly, he happily kissed me back for a few soft sweet kisses.
"That's my girl," He cooed, "Go on get yourself home, and look after yourself you clumsy little thing." 
I stood in the kitchen cooking up some soup for dinner the scent of the food filling the little house. I heard the door creek open and I began to tremble and shake as I heard him slam the door and his heavy steps walk through into the kitchen. 
"Dinner." He demanded, 
"Just ten minutes Simon," I told him, 
"Now." He demanded, "I am hungry. I want my food. So do as I say or else."
"It- It's not ready Simon..."
He grabbed my neck and tightened choking me so I began to claw at his hand, "How dare you speak back to me," He growled tightening his grip on my neck and moving my head forcing it down towards the heat and flames of the stovetop, I wanted to scream but I had no air to do so, "You. are. my. wife." He said forcing me so close my hair began to singe, "You do as I say!" He yelled moving me even closer still and I screamed out in pain as the heat of the stove burnt my skin. 
He let me go and I hit the floor, he took the food and headed to his study leaving me to cry on the floor. 
I slowly forced myself to my feet and looked at my face seeing he had burnt my cheek and my eye, I did my best to clean and wrap it all up. 
When the morning came, Simon went to work so I snuck away to the hospital doing my best to hide my face as soon as I got in Jack saw me as he came out of the ward. He ushered me into the room and locked the door closing all the blinds before he stood in front of me.
"Let me look, Y/n," he begged I nodded and he slowly pulled back my bandages, "Ohh... My sweet little thing. What's he done to you." He whined his eyes tearing up, 
"I... I tripped in the kitchen." I lied, "I'm just so clumsy,"
"Y/n. You are a clumsy little thing." He said, "But you're not that clumsy, tell me the truth."
"That's all I need to know." he said, "You can't stay with him,"
"I have to... I- I can't imagine what he'll do-"
"But you're not safe Y/n," He told me, "Wouldn't you rather be with someone who loves you?" he asked holding my hands, "Someone who would never dream of doing this to you? Someone who thinks you're the sweetest most beautiful little thing in the world? Someone who wants to come home to you just to see your sweet smile? Someone who wants you... for all that you are." He explained, "Becuase I do. and you know Simon never will... And you can't expect me to sit back and watch the woman I love be tormented by a monster." 
"What choice do I have..."
"Come with me. Pack your things, and come live with me. I'll keep you safe and stand guard over you every night if I have to. Sneak away with me in secret, and once everything calms down we'll get married, and I'll give you the life a girl like you deserves to have."
"I- I can't Jack it's not safe."
"I will build a twenty-foot wall around our house by hand if that is what it takes to keep you safe." He muttered, "Please... I can't let you go back to him."
"... I- Okay."
"Okay." I nodded,
"That's my girl," he cooed kissing my forehead, "Now let's get you all fixed up so you can start to heal that pretty face." 
I smiled as I stood still getting used to the little house, cooking up some roast chicken for dinner in our cosy little kitchen. I heard the door and for a second I trembled to hear the door shut but it didn't slam, it didn't shut softly and I remembered as I heard the slight almost silent steps over the stones and the strangely comforting scent of blood in the air. He took my hand in his callus grip and spun me across the kitchen into his arms where he dipped me like a princess as we kissed, 
"Hello my adorable little thing," he cooed, 
"Hi Jack," I giggled,
"How is my lovely secret wife?" he asked as he let me stand back up,
"Happy? Just happy?"
"Very happy,"
"I'm glad to hear it," he smiled kissing my cheek, "Oooh what's my sweet little thing making me for dinner?"
"Roast chicken,"
"Ooohh I am very excited," 
"You are?"
"Course I am. I'm excited for whatever you cook for us." he smiled as he cuddled me resting his head on my shoulder as I cooked, 
"any news on-"
"No." He quickly said, "Not a word, but that's good. We can hope it's over and we can finally get married."
"We can hope," I giggled, 
"You think soon I could see that beautiful gown you've been working on?2
"Soon? Aww please?"
"Not till our wedding,"
"Fine, teasing little thing, aren't you?" he smirked, 
"Could you please go set the table for dinner please..."
"you don't have to beg me, Y/n, you've been cooking all afternoon of course I'll set the table for us," he smiled, 
He went and set the table up for us and I brought us dinner over, "Oooohh beautiful," he cooed, "I am very excited," 
"You always say you're so excited about my food," I laughed sitting in my chair,
"Becuase I always am, how can I not be excited? Coming to my cosy house, with my beautiful secret wife, a fantastic tasty dinner," he smiled, "I look forward to coming home to you as soon as I leave in the morning, Y/n," 
"That's very sweet Jack," 
We had our dinner and got tucked up by the fire having a soft cuddle on the sofa his arm around my waist his head against my own, 
"So? What did you do today?"
"A couple of surgeries, some little problems from the ward, Sneed being a snail, nothing that interesting." He shrugs, "What did you do today?"
"No, no I wanna know what did my smart little thing do today?"
"Just some cleaning, cleaned the bathroom, and the bedroom, I did some gardening and then started on dinner."
"You're such a sweet little thing," He cooed, "I think you should be rewarded for all your good work," 
"It wasn't anything that impressive,"
"The house is clean, the garden is beautiful and I am full of tasty dinner you deserve all the rewards, Y/n," He smiled tugging me a little closer and rubbing his nose against my own, "May I?"
"You may," I blushed,
He smiled and kissed my lips softly and sweetly I happily kissed back wrapping my arms around his neck, as we kissed deeper and deeper, his tounge slid across my lip making me gasp opening my mouth and allowing us to make out heavily until finally, he pulled back. "Upstairs?" He smirked, "Shall we my sweet little thing?"
"I - I'd like that."
"You would? You're sure?"
"I'm sure," I nodded, "I would like that,"
He smirked and picked me up in his arms like a bride making me squeal a little as he carried me all the way upstairs to our bedroom sitting me softly on the bed. He quickly moved between my legs and kissed my lips with the same passion he had downstairs, "May I Y/n?"
"You may" I blushed, 
He smiled softly as he gently and slowly helped me remove my dress kissing each part of my skin that he exposed fluttering kisses and compliments into my bruised scared skin, "you're so beautiful." he cooed, “So gorgeous, stunning, ravishing, exquisite, captivating, ravishing, attractive, irresistible, Perfect.” He muttered until I was laid naked on the bed, “Uhh… Y/n,” he groaned “How am I meant to resist you when you look like this every day,” He muttered, “May I?” He smirked eagerly his hands stroked my breasts so I nodded and he wasted no time, he grabbed my breasts squeezing me and fondling my breasts in his hands
“Jack…” I giggled enjoying his thrill and attentiveness, 
“Uhhh! Y/n my seductive little thing,” he smirked nuzzling close to my chest mostly to have his head in my breasts giving them little kisses, before moving his hand stroking my mound softly finding every nook and curve I possessed “May I?”
“You may Jack,” I blushed,
He smirked before he began  rubbing on my clit in soft little clockwise circles as we kissed often stroking my hands across his skin as he worked before his hand slipped down to push inside me, 
"Uhhh!" I gasped rolling my head back, 
He smiled and gently moved his fingers at a decent pace until he pulled back "May I Y/n?" he gave my lips a soft kiss before moving between my legs and pushing my thighs up until I spread my legs for him as far as they would go,
"Absolutely," I gasped,
"Perfect my love," he smiled before he kissed up my inner thigh I blushed a little as he moved closer softly kissing my skin being gentle and soft with his kisses until he reached my clit where he was more than intense at first giving me merciless kisses before then sucking and licking my clit so harshly and passionately I was lost in a world utterly my own holding my hand over my mouth to stop my screams being heard as he worked so hard and so skillfully before I squealed and reacted my orgasm squealing under my hand as I felt the toe-curling wave of pleasure rush over me. Which caused him to pull back “I love making you cum… how could any man ever think this wasn’t important? Wasn’t needed. Look at you… you’re irresistible when you cum for me Y/n,” he smirked, 
I giggled as I gasped and tugged at his pants undoing them enough to reveal him completely stiff and slender with not much girth to him but his veins desperate for attention, “May I?”
“You don’t have to do that for me-”
“I want to,”
“Well…. Alright,” he nodded, “who am I to deny what my gorgeous girl wants,” he smirked holding his base and giving himself a few gentle strokes before I moved and gently took him into my mouth "Ohhh fuck-" he groans grasping my hair, "uuuuuuuhhh uuughhhh! You too good to me Y/n!" he gasped and groaned rolling his head back “Ugghhhh! Ooohhh god! Y/n! Enough enough-” he said as he pushed me away,
“May I my love?” he smirked gently moving me back to lay flat and stroking his tip against m clit, 
"Of course" I smiled, “But,” I giggled moving us over so I could move onto his lap and letting him wrap his arms around me giving him some little kisses 
“You sure that’s what you want… you know you don’t have to.”
“I know. But I like to like this,”
“Then I am a very lucky man, and I am never gonna tell you no Y/n,” he smirked before moving and gently letting him slip inside me, "uuuuuuuhhh! Uughh! Ummmm" he groaned gripping my hips hard trying desperately to focus,
"Uuhhh" I gasped holding his hair as I tugged his face into my chest and feeling as each inch of him made its way inside me I had missed this so badly, I made sure to be slow and very very gentle as I slowly moved my hips watching him utterly fall apart his head on my shoulder almost lost to the world as I slowly sped up my movements and found myself a pace and path that seem to suit him even if he was groaning seemingly uncontrollably only ever stopping to kiss me, He got faster running his hands over me as soon enough his hormones took over his body working mindlessly to move back and forth causing a fair amount of noise from us both I knew I was close it was obvious he was trying so hard just to keep himself contained just a little bit longer wanting to savour this moment even if his hips didn't seem to give a shit and wanted his orgasm as quickly as possible
"I adore you, I worship you, I want you... I need you!" He groaned, "Ughhh I'd be a wreck without you, you're the only girl in the world who makes me feel this good! How any man could be cruel to you is madness to me… how any man couldn’t want you is insane! You are an angel… a gorgeous gossamer angel! Fuck- fuck- I'm Ughh!" was enough to tip us both over I squealed and held him tightly and he completely lost it moving fast and hard as he groaned burying his seed inside me before he pulled out and we completely collapsed on the bed beside me gasping hard, “Uhhhh…. I love you so much,”
“I love you too Jack,” I whispered before pulling him into a slow sensual kiss full of moans and passion, 
“Now… I think my beautiful girl deserves another.” he smirked, “so? May I Y/n?”
“You may,” I giggled eager to start all over again as usual but we both jumped,
My blood ran cold as I heard the door open and close with a slam, panic ran across our faces as the sound of heavy steps ran up our stairs, we tried to move but we had no time as the door flew open and there in the doorway stood Simon.
His clothes were dirty, his face of pure anger as he saw us together, impossible to hide what we had been doing. 
"You Bastard! you think you can just steal my wife!" He yelled, "And you... you godless vile little whore!" He yelled grabbing me by my hair and throwing me off the bed and into the wall where I screamed,
"Leave her alone!" Jack came to my defence jumping out of bed and getting some trousers on, The two began screaming at each other, kicking, punching, slapping, I think even biting at one point until he forced Jack to the floor and stood his boot on his chest forcing him to stay down as Simon grabbed me and took out all of his rage. I screamed and cried but left my body as he kicked, punched, twisted, and slapped anything he could just to cause me pain before one final bow as he grabbed my Y/H/C hair and forced my head into the dresser's wood. I went silent the world dark the last thing I heard was Jack overpowering Simon before everything faded away. 
I managed to get out of his grip just as he used his strength on Y/n, I forced him to the floor and began to punch over and over letting out all the rage of the years of seeing everything he had done to her. Luckily the screams drew attention and officers came in quickly cuffing Simon and forcing him away before he could do more damage, so I rushed to Y/n and took her bleeding body in my arms picking her up no matter how much it hurt me and carrying her to the hospital. I laid her sweet body on the theatre table and grabbed everything I would need, I got some clothes on and covered her up with a sheet as I worked tirelessly on six cups of coffee and pure love. I cleaned and sewed, and fixed her broken bones doing everything I possibly could to fix her up. I found scars I never even knew about, it was like going over her and seeing a storybook of the years of torment she had suffered but I did everything I could to heal the old and the new trying to erase any memory of that evil man. 
I got her up in my old room and I never left her side, she was sleeping in my old bed in the nightgown I brought from her for her, I wanted her at home where I could take care of her but I know here in the hospital is best for her. She'd been comatose since the incident and ever since I had barely left her side and if ever I did to go home, or to work I made sure a nurse never left her. I held her hand sweetly as I spoke to her, I don't know if in her stare she could hear me... but I still wanted to talk to her. 
"Hey, I hope you're okay my sweet little thing," I cooed, "What did I do today? Well... I had an amputation this morning, some business on the ward, Sneed being a snail as usual." I explained fighting back my tears, "I'd give anything to come home to your sweet cooking right about now," I smiled, "Simon... hung today. I didn't go see I didn't think you'd want me to. But it's nice... to know it's over. that you're finally safe my love." I smiled, "You look radiant. So beautiful my love. I... I hope you wake up soon." I told her as I stroked her swollen stomach, "I hope you wake up to meet our baby," 
I stood beside the bed looking down at Y/n in what was the stranges situation of my career, she had been comatose since the incident even if we had tried many things to raise her and none had worked. Not long into her Coma I soon discovered she was pregnant. And now... after all these months she was giving birth her body working on its own even if she was comatose I had Hetty and another nurse to help me while Sneed worked downstairs, it was strange everything normal for a birth wasn't there. It was deathly quiet, she didn't move or fight, and I kept asking her to push and then remembering... right... coma. And it all went strangely smoothly part of me was curious if we should put all expecting mothers in a coma it was way less stressful for all involved. The nurses began to clean her up while I held our little girl in my arms, and I was in love. 
She had sweet pale skin, little Y/e/C eyes, and a fuzz of Y/H/C hair... just like her mother. But she had my nose and my smile, and as I bounced her she giggled with the cutest little voice I have ever heard. I got teary as I sat down beside the bed. 
"It's a girl." I cried, "It's a little girl Y/n... And she's beautiful," I cooed, "The most beautiful little thing I've ever seen. I wish you could see her. Hold her. kiss her." I cried as I kissed the baby's little head,
"Who..." a voice spoke up weak and broken, 
I jolted my head up and saw Y/n's eyes flicker open revealing the sweet Y/e/C that had been hidden from me all this time, and I burst into tears holding her in my arm as tight as I could, "You're okay.... you're okay!"
"...I'm okay Jack,"
"I love you so so so much,"
"I love you too," 
"I was so afraid I'd lose you forever." I explained, "Ohh I probably need to-"
"I heard you,"
"You- you what?"
"I heard you. Everything you told me."
"You, you really heard everything I said?"
"I did," she nodded, "Thank you for taking care of me Jack, and for talking to me"
"Of course, I love you. I wanted to tell you everything, So... this is our little girl."
"She's perfect," she smiled, "May I?"
"Gently we don't know how strong you are yet," I chuckled as I gently handed our little girl over, seeing Y/n hold her was enough to cause me to sniffle and hug them both in my arms. "What should we name her?"
"hum I don't know, I have just been in a coma for over nine months not sure I should be in charge of anything,"
"Good point," I chuckled, "...How about... Melody?"
"I love it. Little Melody," she smiled,
I kissed Y/n's head and then little Melody "I love you both so much, beyond measure. and I swear I will do anything to keep my girls safe."
"I know you will Jack, we both will,"
"I love you, Y/n,"
"I love you too Jack,"
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a/n: this is all @bolontiku’s fault. Blame her. It’s been a while since I watched The Losers so... mistakes are mine, but I also think Jake Jensen is a soft, romantic at heart who covers by being a goofball. word count: 1765
tags: @tiku-tiku, @rampant-salamander
15 years ago…
You thumped your head against your locker, once, twice. The third time you tried, your head landed in someone’s hand. You opened your eyes, and looked over to see who was trying to save you from yourself.
“Jake, let me concuss myself into a coma. There’s no hope,” you pleaded. He gave you that awkward smirk of his, and shook his head.
“No way. I have an essay due in Lit and I need your help,” he laughed. You sighed heavily and stared him down. The smirk softened, and his head dipped. And then the bastard looked up through his puppy-dog eyes, magnified by his glasses. “Please?”
You were sitting at a table in the library, stepping Jake through his essay. 
“I don’t get it, Jake. You’re so smart. Why are you struggling with this?” He knew the material, and he had no issue when it came to writing, so you were at a loss. He shrugged.
“I can’t organize my thoughts the way I’m supposed to?”
A trio of popular girls sat at the table opposite you, and opened their textbooks. One of them noticed you, and gestured to the girl nearest you. She turned in her chair and tilted her head.
“Why are you hanging out with this loser? I mean it? You could be so cool, you could hang out with us, come to all the good parties?” She pointed her pencil at Jake when she said loser. You furrowed your brow, and looked between her and Jake.
“Jake’s nice,” you answered.
“So am I?” she retorted.
“No, Crystal. You’re not.” You looked over at Jake, who was blushing. You weren’t sure if it was from the hurt of being insulted or from your compliment. “You’re killing math this year, can you help me? Maybe after school?”
You tried not to notice as the trio slammed their books closed and stormed out of the library. Jake rubbed the back of his neck.
“You just committed social suicide,” he commented. You took in his concerned features. He’d grown tall in the last year, and the rest of him hadn’t quite caught up, so he was still a little gangly, but you could see that his shoulders were starting to broaden. He’d always been a cute kid, right from when you met in grade two. You’d always thought it was the glasses that softened him from a normal kid to adorable, but taking in the features of his face, you second-guessed yourself. Jake was actually turning into a really handsome guy. More importantly, you’d been friends since boys had cooties.
“As if I care. My entire goal in life is to leave this shithole town. Help me with Math. I’ll get you through Lit. You can take me to prom, and then we’ll be done with this place,” you said.
You weren’t sure what you were doing in your childhood bedroom, but your mother had insisted that attending your high school reunion would help her in her bid to become mayor. Seemed a little ridiculous, but for some reason, you were getting dressed. It was only four hours. You could survive.
“Oh, sweetheart, you look lovely!” Your mom cooed over you as you walked into the kitchen. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “Mark’s brother-in-law is going to be here to pick you up any time now.”
“Mark’s brother-in-law?” You asked. “You mean Jake?” The doorbell cut off your mom’s answer.
Just as you’d suspected, Jake had filled out. He had broad shoulders and a trim physique and despite the ridiculousness of his goatee, it suited him. A better woman might not have drooled. You were not a better woman. 
“Damn,” you breathed. Jake let out a low whistle at the same time. 
“My lady, your chariot awaits,” he winked, and offered his elbow. 
The reunion was exactly what you’d expected. Cheap decorations, lackluster food and a bunch of popular kids who hadn’t exactly been aging well. Jake sat down at the table beside you, and handed you a beer.
“It was beer or that wine that made you barf at prom,” he laughed. You cringed and felt the embarrassment of that recollection hit you. Your brother, Mark, had bought you cheap wine. Jake had been determined to give you the Hollywood prom experience, and had genuinely made everything perfect. It was two losers having the night of their life, right up until you vomited in the lap of his rental tux.
“How do you think that night might have ended? I mean, if I hadn’t puked all over you?” You asked.
“I was definitely planning on kissing you,” he teased. You swatted him.
“You were not! Jake, we were best friends, you wouldn’t have!” You caught a slightly hurt look flash across his face and realized he was serious. “Oh?”
“It’s stupid, forget it,” he shook his head and took a long draw from his beer. “This is empty, be right back.”
No sooner was his seat vacated than a woman sat in it. She was familiar, but most of the people at the reunion were. You glanced at her name tag. Crystal. Of course.
“Who is that hunk you are with? Where did you find him? Your mom said you weren’t married yet, so is it serious?” She fired off the questions like she was a police interrogator.
“He’s not my boyfriend,” you started, “actually -”
“Oh my god, is he single?”
“I think he’s -” Crystal was gone before you finished speaking, and she wasn’t even subtle about making a direct line in Jake’s direction. “- somewhat married to his career.” You trailed off.
Before he was able to protest, Crystal had dragged him onto the dance floor, right as a slow song started. She snuggled into him and you caught his eye. He made an unhappy face at you and you sighed and rose, heading out onto the dance floor.
“Where were you hiding in high school?” A body blocked your progress. You glanced at the name tag - Dave - and realized it was the quarterback from the football team. He still looked strong and still had the boyish appeal that had all the girls swooning in school, but he’d never once noticed you, despite sharing all his classes in senior year with you.
“Usually sitting two seats ahead of you,” you replied honestly. He placed his palm on the small of your back and led you out to the dance floor.
“Then let’s get reacquainted,” he insisted. You threw a disgusted look Jake’s way and he gave you a smug and satisfied one in return. As you scrunched up your nose to make a face at him, you caught his hand moving Crystal’s off his ass and let out a surprised snort of laughter. Dave looked down at you curiously.
“Sorry,” you apologized. “It would appear my date is being groped.” Dave followed your gaze over to Jake and Crystal and held you back when you attempted to head to save Jake.
“He’s a big boy, sweetheart, he can handle her,” he chuckled. You felt twin spikes of irritation and jealousy shoot through you.
“That may be the case, but the point of a date is that I’m the only one who should be handling him.” You gave him a bright, fake smile, and pulled out of his arms. Jake saw you heading toward him and extricated himself from Crystal’s grasp, reaching out with a broad smile.
“Babe, you remember Crystal, right?” He pulled you into his side.
“Of course,” you replied. He laughed.
“Remember when she called you a loser for hanging out with me?” He asked. He pulled out a hotel key from his back pocket. “She slipped this in my pocket. I guess I’m not a loser anymore?”
“Wait. Jake? Jake Jensen?” Crystal asked. He leaned forward and slipped the hotel key back into Crystal’s cleavage.
“How do you like me now, bitch?” He asked, with a wink. You slapped your hand across your mouth to cover the cackle that was erupting from you, but weren’t quite fast enough to smother it. Jake linked his hand with yours and led you away from the dance floor and out to the parking lot, both of you laughing at the way Crystal’s mouth had gaped open at his revelation.
You leaned up against his Jeep, out of breath from following his longer strides in heels and laughing. He laid a hand against the window beside your head and leaned it, suddenly quiet and serious.
“I meant what I said. You know, earlier,” he started. You tipped your head and took in the seriousness of his expression. You shook your head.
“We were best friends, Jake, you’re letting nostalgia fog your memories,” you protested.
“Nostalgia is remembering Cyrus McIntyre pushing you down in the playground in second grade and seeing the ruffles on your panties when your dress flipped up.” His laugh was soft. “Or the time you wore your hair in french braids for half the year because you’d cut your hair yourself and it was so uneven the only way to hide it was to braid it.” He slipped his hand into your hair as he spoke.
You let out a soft laugh at the memory. “Stop.”
Jake shook his head, leaning in closer. “Nostalgia was seeing you in that seafoam green puffed sleeve abomination at Prom and thinking you were the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.” His lips were so close, you could feel the warmth of his breath on your cheek. “Or when you tried to be brave when I went to Basic, but I saw you crying in your car after you thought I’d stopped watching.”
Your eyes met his at the words, “but -”
“I almost got off the bus.” He pressed his lips against yours softly, and he stepped in, boxing you between him and the jeep. You pulled back, breathless. One tiny kiss, and you were breathless. “I tried to move on, I tried to let you go. When Mark married Sarah, I took a mission so I wouldn’t be able to make the wedding because Sarah said you were in a serious relationship and I just -”
“You talk too much, Jake. Always have.” You pulled him back to you and pressed your mouth against his. He groaned and took control, tongue pushing past your lips, teasing yours. Your breath hitched as his hand tangled deeper in your hair and his hips ground against yours. You managed to pull away again, flushed and panting. “Take me home, Jake.”
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Gates to Heck Chapter Three
Teru woke up on his couch with a headache and dry mouth, which would have been normal enough if it weren't for the fact that someone had removed his jacket. It was folded neatly on the coffee table next to his makeup kit. Then the hushed conversation coming from the genkan finally made it past that funny ringing in his ears.
He squinted against the too-bright overhead lights and barely made out Shigeo and Reigen. Teru relaxed the yellow power that had started to build between his hands. Shigeo hadn't noticed the change in his aura. He was reaching out a hand to steady Reigen, saying something about "-the wall above the bookshelf."
Reigen was standing with one foot in the genkan and the other in the air as he tugged off a shoe. He turned around to look into the living room and would have fallen over if Shigeo hadn't steadied him. Teru shut his eyes again.
"Psycho Union… Espers…" read Reigen. Teru could hear them approaching the bookshelf. "I'm sensing a theme."
"You're right, Reigen-shishou. I didn't even notice. Maybe he's renaming the Awakening Lab." The frown was audible in Shigeo's voice. "Oh, and I accused him of-"
"I don't think so," Reigen interrupted. "They're not exactly Extermination Club material."
Teru tried to even out his breathing so it wouldn't catch when Reigen snapped his fingers and said, "Is he still doing that Kaijin thing?"
"You mean when you sent me out to patrol the city at night in tights?"
"Don't put it like that."
"I don't think so," Shigeo said slowly. "He said nothing ever happens in this city."
"Was that before or after we dismantled a psychic terrorist organization?" asked Reigen.
"Before," said Shigeo, "but… they're… dismantled now. Right, Shishou?"
"Which means the ones that didn't get arrested are probably getting bored instead. Or angry."
Shigeo sighed. "Oh, Teruki," he said, and of course, that made Teru's breath catch.
Teru opened his eyes. Reigen and Shigeo had definitely heard him. He wouldn't have been surprised if the old lady from next door had heard him.
"Hanazawa-kun, how are you feeling?" asked Shigeo, and Teru already missed the sound of his first name in that voice. At least he could blame his blush on the fever.
"Fine," he said, sitting up. "I'm sorry."
Now he could see Shigeo's frown. "What for?"
Teru hadn't intended to laugh at Shigeo. He definitely hadn't intended to laugh so hard he passed out again, but the question had caught him off guard. For one thing, it seemed like he hadn't shaken his old urabanchou status after all.
For another, he hadn't exactly formed that gang.
Three months into his middle school career, Teru had finally hit back with his powers instead of his fists and broken Edano's nose.
Edano had threatened to turn him into the principal unless Teru agreed to go on-call for any fight more serious than rock-paper-scissors. Teru doubted the impending parent-teacher conference would have a good outcome if only half of the parties were present, so he became the shadow leader of Black Vinegar Middle School. By the time Edano's nose had healed, being an urabanchou had gone to Teru's head. At least Teru could win those fights.
By then he was winning most of his fights against Claw too. He'd always been stronger than them in terms of psychic powers, but it helped that he was no longer young enough to get two black eyes from one punch.
Teru just shrugged. "What's Reigen-san doing here?"
"Mob'll have to start heading home for dinner soon," said Reigen, before Shigeo could answer. "Unless you want Outoto-kun to make that headache of yours worse."
Teru tried to glare, but his squint probably ruined the effect.
"That doesn't-"
"You have a concussion, right?" Reigen interrupted. "You're not supposed to be alone in case you slip into a coma and die."
Shigeo looked alarmed, but Teru just glared harder. "I all know about concussion checks. I can do them myself."
"You-" Whatever carefully-controlled thing Reigen was doing with his face slipped out of place, and for a moment he looked genuinely confused. "How?"
"Balance test, cognitive function, visual tracking," Teru ticked them off his fingers. "I know what I'm doing."
"That's not as comforting as you think it is." Reigen's voice was faint.
"Please listen to Shishou, Hanazawa-kun," said Shigeo. "He thinks you should go to the hospital."
"Hospital?" Teru had been starting to list back against the pillows, but at that word, he jackknifed into a sitting position. "I don't need to go to a hospital!"
Hospital trips meant phone calls to his emergency contacts, which meant phone calls to the Seasoning City Child Guidance Center when his emergency contacts didn't pick up. He'd made that mistake once before and learned most of his acting skills the hard way putting out the resulting dumpster fire.
"Seriously, kiddo," said Reigen. "You don't look so hot. I think it would be a good idea if you got checked out by someone with an actual medical degree. The cab's waiting outside, so why don't we just-"
Teru didn't mean to teleport.
One second he was on his couch, and the next he'd been dunked ass-first in a rice paddy somewhere significantly more rural than Seasoning City. Without his shoes or coat.
He felt his fever go up a couple more degrees.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Oh could I request Volo and adaman? I just think those two had to have gotten bored waiting for the protag to get to the lakes ykwim.
Oo, these two! I haven't written for Legend Arceus in a hot minute! I've gotcha covered, anon! :)
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps)
Adaman gasped awake, eyes wide as he sat up, feeling his chest, his shirt, his hair. “How long has it been?”
Volo, who had been sitting by with his Togepi, gave him a bored stare. “Five minutes, Adam.”
“Pfft- no fun. You can at least pretend with me.” Adaman groaned, falling back into the grass with a huff. He and Volo had been waiting for what feels like centuries for Akari. She was a sweet, dedicated girl.
So dedicated in fact she was notorious for being incredibly, almost unforgivingly late.
Okay- not true for the most part. Important events and meetings were there on the dot, if not a few minutes too early. She never left Adaman waiting if he needed to see her asap. Really- it was his own fault for not specifying this meetup was important.
It wasn’t- but it would have gotten her here faster. Now he and Volo had to wait for her to finish catching whatever pokemon a villager required. He prayed to Arceus and back it wasn’t a female Combee. They’d be there for days.
Now they were here, waiting for Akari to arrive so they could get their Pokemon battle going. Adaman was slowly but surely losing ways to entertain himself. He tried teaching his Pokemon to sing, laid on his back and patted a song against his belly. He tried taking a nap, but the sun was too bright and he had too much energy. He then tried pretending he was waking up from a 1000 year old coma, he and Volo the last remaining survivors of this foreign land.
Yes he was an adult and the leader of the Diamond Clan. He could act like a kid when he wanted to!
…Arguing with himself didn’t ease his boredom either. Damnit!
Volo decidedly ignored the last verbal comment he made, turning his attention back to Togepi. If he was bored, he sure knew how to hide it. His expression was calm, hands busy as they tossed a little ball to the Pokemon and back. Adaman figured waiting around was part of the Merchant game.
That’s great for him, but he was losing his mind!
“Hey, let’s play a game.” Adaman rolled onto his belly, grinning at the blonde. “Truth or Truther.”
“Isn’t it Truth or Dare?” Volo raised a brow, blinking at the other curiously.
“Yeah, but if we start getting into dares, we might just forget about Akari. Besides, I wanna know more about you.” He grinned a classic cheshire cat grin, eyes twinkling as Volo squirmed. “Nervous I'll learn something juicy about you, Merchant?”
“Hehe…no, I’ll be fine.” Volo cleared his throat, sitting back. “Alright. Who’s gonna start?”
“I’ll go. What’s your type?” Right for the jugular.
“.....Normal?” Volo blinked, looking at Togepi. “Also Psychic I suppose.”
“No, no- I mean; what’s your type in people?” Adaman almost laughed at how obtuse Volo seemed. It was strangely endearing. “Like- what do you find attractive?”
“Oh…Oh!” Volo blushed, both from embarrassment at missing the question and just…the context. “I erm…I guess I like all kinds of people…maybe more so those who are interested in mythology and history…”
“Ah, a nerd.” Adaman nodded appreciatively. “My turn. I like tall blonde merchants who sell good stuff and are also into history.”
Volo blinked, face red and eyes widening. Adaman wagged his eyebrows.
“Ugh, you’re awful.” Volo laughed, hiding his face in his hands for a moment. Pushing his hair out of his face, he gestured to Adaman. “Okay, your turn. Ugh…any weaknesses?”
“Tall Blonde Merchants-”
“Real weaknesses?” Volo waved him off with a snort.
“Hmm….” Adaman hummed, thinking about it. “I overwork myself. When I get into something, I don’t stop until I’m done with it completely, so I tend to take breaks and rest.” He laughed, leaning into his arms. “Got a little real there.”
“I like it.” Volo smiled teasingly. “It’s the real you.”
“Ugh, you’re gonna make me blush.” Adaman grinned. “What about you? What’s your weakness?”
Volo hesitated again- he did that alot, the Clan leader started to notice- like he had a lot of thoughts but was selective in the ones he shared.. Gnawing at his lip, he sat in consideration for a few moments before speaking. “I’m ticklish.”
“Come again?” Adaman blinked.
“I’m ticklish.” Volo said again. “Does that bother you?”
“No, no not at all, just…I think you’re the first person I’ve ever met who just…admitted it.” Adaman blinked, taking it in. “Most people try to hide it, yeah?”
“Sure, but I’ve learned not to bother.” Volo shrugged, a teasy smile on his lips. “Not when a certain clan leader before me is way more ticklish than I-”
He was gone. When’d Adaman leave?
“Adam?” He sat up, blinking as he looked around. That’s when he felt it, a cool and devious presence behind him.
“Should have kept it a secret, Volo.” The voice spoke in his ear, making him jump. “Now I’m curious.”
In hindsight, Volo was rather shortsighted.
He figured Adaman would be stunned long enough for Volo to get the jump on him- or at least come from the front so he could grab his ribs- Adaman was pretty bad there if he recalled.
And yet- he forgot one simple detail.
Adaman was tricky.
“Ahehahhahaa! Wahhahahait, whahahhahahait hoohohohohoohohld ohoohohohhohon!” Volo cried, squeaking in laughter as fingers attacked his sides, pressing past his layers and going right for the ticklish spots across his ribs. “Adahahahhhamahahahahn!”
“Why wait? Don’t you like being tickled, Volo?” Adaman cooed at him, grinning from ear to ear as he worked his fingers along his torso, pinching his waist and giving his armpits the occasional prod, making the blonde yelp and snort. “Aww, aren’t you a cutie! Look at how much you’re smiling!”
Volo squeaked, doubling over as he tried blocking out the hands working towards his belly. “Ahahahahhadaahhahamn, plehaehhahahahse! Gehahahahahhahaa not thheheehehhehhere!”
“Aww, why not? Does it tickle that bad?” Adaman asked, daring a few jabs and earning quite the laugh. “Man, you were so confident earlier too! I bet you thought you could trick me, huh? Poor ticklish Volo- as if you could ever defeat me.” He grinned gently pushing the other over so he could sit on his hips, fingers flying over his belly and making him squeal. “Can’t fight back, can you? You’re just to ticklish for your own good, you cute wittle ticklish guy, you!”
“Nohohohoohoohoho! Dohohoohn’t you dahahahhahre!” Bright red, Volo covered his face with his hands, a gesture that lasted only a second before they shot back down, trying to block out Adaman’s hands as they wiggled past his shirt and jacket. “Ahahahhahahdamahahahhan! THehehehehhey’re coohohoohohld!”
What are my hands? Well, warm them up for me!” He grinned, laughing as Volo flailed beneath him, feet kicking against the grass and back arching. His hat tumbled off at one point, spilling liquid gold across the green earth. That combined with his rosy he looked, Adaman swore Volo looked like some fallen angel.
Damn- he’s got it bad.
“Gehahhahahhahahhaha! Oohoohohohokay ohohoohohkay! Stahhhahhap ihiihhihiiht!” Volo pleaded, grabbing Adaman’s hands within his own, pushing them up and out of the way. Gasping for air, he glared some, his face half hidden in his hair. “Thehehere…”
“Hmm…alright. But I want one more thing before I stop for real.” Adaman grinned, starting to lean down. Volo looked confused, then panicked.
“No! Nohohoohooho, don’t you dahah-AAHAHAHAHHARE!” Volo all but shrieked when Adaman pressed his face against his belly, blowing a loud unforgiving raspberry dead center. All of Volo’s strength left his body, leaving him drained and exhausted in helpless giggles.
“Pfft- Bahahaha! Oh man, that was great!” Adaman tittered, falling off the other and into the grass beside him, grinning cheekily. “We need to do that more often!”
“Leheheht’s not…and say whehehe did.” Volo groaned, making the clan leader laugh harder. Once he’d calmed himself, he reached out, brushing a few loose strands of hair out of his eyes.
“Golden hair, silver eyes. How pretty.” He mused, making Volo blush deeper.
“Shush.” He went to swat him away, but Adaman caught his hand, letting their fingers intertwine. Volo didn’t fight back. They laid like that for a moment, something quiet yet growing brewing between them. Adaman felt himself start to lean in-
“Hey! There you two are!” They shot apart, Volo sitting up flustered while Adaman rolled away, posing at the last minute. Akari blinked as she came up the hill, furrowing her brows. “Did something happen?”
“Just uh- Pokemon ambush.” Volo cleared his throat, pulling hair back into a bun before plopping his hat on. “Speaking of, how’d your hunt go? Anything good?”
Akari lit up as she went into details about her search, telling Volo all about it while Adaman watched in the background. Something soft lit the blonde’s face as he listened, or perhaps it was just how the sun hit it in that moment.
Yep. he definitely had it bad.
Thanks for reading!
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susie-dreemurr · 2 months
(Was out so liveblogs of where I stopped in HXH election arc up till beginning of ep 144 were written in notes app. It’s long .)
Lmaooo even Hisoka is like “bitch you think Killua loved you? Tf is wrong with you”
Oh my God Pariston is a fucking influencer
Let’s fucking go
Gon is LITERALLY IN THE SAME TOWN as Gin but he can’t go see him because he’s in a coma. Fuck everything and FUCK GIN
Please Leorio win this election it would be so fucking funny. If not you then Morel because Bisky is too cool to be president as wel so
HELP “Gin Freecs o vagabundo dos Zodíacos. Foram votos de pena que o colocaram aqui?” Quem quer que for o comentarista (não posso ouvir a voz mas acho que é o feijão verde) te amo.
Also I never mentioned it before but. Everyone but Killua deadass misgendering Alluka. Zoldyck family (aside of Killua and Alluka herself) will be killed in the gender war.
Btw Ginger Hisoka is strange to see can your hair go back to being pink-ish. Also can’t believe he’s the tamer one out of tbh he two Illumi really is unhinged
… did hisoka intentionally rile him up to show people Illumi is here. Because as soon as he found out there were rules Killua knew, maybe he’d be hoping then that Gon would be able to be saved after all. He wants to fight him so bad— HEP THE SHOW LITERALLY STATED THIS RIGHT AFTER. Unfortunately I know Hisoka well enough to tell.
“Alluka, if I were the only person in the whole world who loved you, would you be alright?” Fuck he’s asking that because he knows. He knows they don’t love her. At the very least, they don’t show it not even a little bit.
And yet all Alluka can hear is that there is someone in the world who loves her. All she can hear is she’s loved, after all.
Btw given that “you could have fought the president or those ants had you not been playing tag with Chrollo” so I’m assuming that the reason Kurapika isn’t going to Gon is because he’s back to hunting the Phantom Trouoe
NAOOOOOO GOTOH PUTA QUE PARIU. Tem algum jeito dele sobreviver com esse pescoço não :((( uma das duas únicas pessoas boa pro Killua nessa casa….
You know I was thinking to myself more jokingly that I was so starved for girls in shonen interacting that Canary and Amane are yuri to me, but… “You’re cute when you let lose a little” 🤨🏳️‍🌈? Canary do you have something to share with the class. (And then Amane blushes.)
HELP. Illumi and Hisoka “need more people” but neither of them have any friends aside of MAYBE each other so Illumi has to resort to brainwashing. Ok the cringe & fail duo
Ok is it bad that I’m rooting for the Anti-Netero faction. Like they make a good point (the exam allows to many crazy ass murderers in) … although their speech isn’t good, but like. Politics.
Fucking. Hisoka trying to sabotage Illumi with a fake map but Illumi having a real one so Hisoka is just like “ah. Never mind.” Anyway fucking insane that we have to rely on Hisoka of all people
Btw I’m like 99% sure Amane is the “spy” Illumi is talking about so RIP my Yuri. Oh well, what fictional gay couple didn’t betray each other at least once, right?
Oh Tsubone was the spy. Nvm.
HES CRYING NOOO KILLUA :((( also fucking creepy too Illumi godamnit
Hisoka don’t you dare do what I think you will. Get this murder card OUT of the hospital
Oh thank God it wasn’t gonna target Gon or Morel
Lets go call Gin’s ass out Pokémon character looking girl
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Chapter 14: The Battle of the Outlands.
I woke up the next morning and groaned. Alright today was it. I thought to myself, grabbing my glasses and placing them over my eyes. Either we fail miserably or we stop Crooler. I looked around the room thinking to myself for a moment, a part of me still hoped this was some sort of dream that I was in a coma when the machine exploded. However that wasn’t the case, this was real. I was going to fight in a battle in a couple of hours, I got out of my bed and looked out at Chima. I didn’t realise how beautiful it was. The past couple of days have been so stressful and taking this moment to breathe and take in the scenery was just great. Soon I heard my door open and turned to see Laval standing there.
“How ya feeling Sho?” He asked me, he walked next to me and began looking outside with me.
“I dunno to be honest.” I responded with a sigh, “I’ve just been so stressed the past few days that I just need a moment to myself before this battle”
“I understand what you mean.” Laval looked at me, “I used to do this alot during previous wars. Mainly when Cragger was under the persuader plant.” I looked at Laval, I sat on my bed.
“Really?” I asked curiously, one question lingered in my mind. “Did…Did it hurt fighting Cragger?”
“Huh?” Laval seemed somewhat taken aback by my question, he smiled painfully “Yeah… Especially now that I realised I love him.” He turned to me “But I’d rather not focus on the past!” He grinned, “Cragger has clearly made up for what happened.”
“Yeah” I smiled. That was awfully wise coming from Laval I thought, “Yeah I guess you're right.”
“Yeah. Why are you asking this anyways?” Laval turned to me, “Is this about Asriel?”
“Yeah..” I responded looking away from Laval, “I…I dunno it’s just that I’m worried about what happens today..” Laval sat next to me and patted my back.
“It’ll be alright Sho.” Laval muttered, “Asriel will be alright.” I rested my head on Laval’s shoulder like a little kid would do with an older sibling. Frankly I was scared, and I’m sure my facial expression conveyed that enough. I didn’t know what was going to happen, Laval took notice of this and decided to change the subject. “You know the first thing I’m going to do once all of this is over?”
“What?” I murmured, looking at them with curious intent in my eyes.
“Go on a date with Cragger when I have the free-time to do so!” He grinned although I could tell there was a slight blush coming through their cheeks “And I mean a proper romantic date! Not like speedor racing or anything, plus it’d be a break from all the king duties”
“Really?” I asked, I honestly felt proud of them both. “That’s great!” I smiled.
“Thanks Sho.” Laval responded, “Anyways, what’s your love life like?” He turned to me with genuine curiosity.
“Eh, I’ve always been more of a third wheel.” I answered, shrugging my shoulders. “The whole ‘boyfriend-slash-girlfriend’ thing never really interested me.”
“Oh.” Laval responded, somewhat pleased with my answer. “I mean understandable, that sort of stuff isn’t for everyone.”
I nodded my head, “Even when I was younger I always found it weird, it's something I never understoo-”
"Laval? Is Sho up?" I heard Lavertus shouting.
"Yeah give us ten seconds!" Laval shouted, "C'mon Sho, we have a long day ahead of us."
I lept off the bed and nodded as I I held my hand out. Laval grabbed it and jumped to their feet with a little wobble. Laval embarrassedly grinned and I just chuckled. We both left my room and went to find Lavertus. We found him in the throne room and he seemed to be hiding something behind his back.
“Uncle Lavertus, you wanted to see us both?” Laval asked, trying to peek behind Lavertus' back.
“Yes yes!” Lavertus said with a grin on his face, he seemed to be working on something almost in a world of his own. Lavertus began to take some measurements and I just looked at him confused as he turned around to back what he was doing “Hmmmmm, you both are similar heights…”
“What’s this about Lavertus?” I asked, trying to peek at what he was doing.
“No peeking Mr.Sato!” Lavertus responded, covering up whatever he was doing. “You both need to wait. Although I’m almost done!” I sat by the pool of chi orbs, patiently waiting for Lavertus to finish whatever he was doing. Soon he called us both back over and me and Laval stood there waiting to see what he did. “So! I’m sure Laval that you know that I’ll be battling in the shadowind armour.”
“Yeah you mentioned this to me last night.” Laval responded, I looked at them both confused.
“Well, I thought of something brilliant!” Lavertus responded, He revealed two suits of armour similar to what he was wearing. Almost identical copies, the only difference is that they were modified. I looked at Laval whose eyes were gleaming with excitement whilst I looked puzzled. "I thought since they'll probably target Sho why not have three Shadowinds running about?"
“Wait what hold up-” I looked at Lavertus confused “Why are you doing this exactly?”
“Well.” Lavertus said in a David Tennant-esque way, “I believe that the soldiers will try and target you if they find out you are fighting. So I created replicas of my suit for you, then I realised that we are completely different height-wise so I decided to also make one for Laval!” He gave me and Laval the armour “Try them on please!” I looked at Laval who was staring down at the costume in awe, I looked at it slightly puzzled. But I thought that the points Lavertus had brought up were good ones, I would be targeted for my lack in skills with a sword so anything would help. So I left for my room and walked upstairs as I observed how to get the outfit on in the best way possible. I removed my jacket, although I did feel slightly weird without it on, and gradually got the armour on. Though it was slightly big it did work and I placed the helmet on top of my head, which tinted everything in a cyan colour which took some adjusting to. I left my room, being careful not to trip on the red cape that followed me behind. “How does it fit?” Lavertus asked, looking at me with a curious look in his eyes.
“It’s alright” I responded, taking a seat and removing the helmet “Just tryna adjust my eyes to the cyan lenses you’ve used.”
“Oh they do take awhile to adjust to.” Lavertus responded, taking a seat next to me “However I think everything looks nicer in cyan personally so I’m not complaining about it.” This made me chuckle, though I kind of disagreed with his point of everything looking better in cyan. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Cragger up-ahead. He walked up to us and took immediate notice of what I was wearing.
“Whoa Sho! You’ve got your own Shadowind costume?!” He gasped, looking at me in awe.
“Not only me.” I responded as I stood up and stretched, “Laval also has one, and to be honest I think it’ll look better on him than me.” I looked at the helmet, which was shaped like a lion head, yeah this will definitely look better on Laval. As I thought this I saw Laval walk into the room, and yeah my assumption was correct. I looked back over and smirked as I saw Cragger’s face, he looked flustered by seeing his boyfriend in the suit which made me laugh to be honest.
“How does it look?” Laval asked, not noticing Cragger behind him. “It fits doesn’t it?”
“Yeah it does” Lavertus affirmed, adjusting the outfit slightly. “And I’m also not the only one who thinks that.” Lavertus pointed behind him and began to laugh. I soon began to laugh alongside Lavertus as Laval turned around and saw Cragger behind him, both of them got incredibly flustered over this which honestly I found funny. Laval removed their helmet to reveal that their cheeks had gone bright red.
“Hey Laval.” Cragger muttered, covering the blush on his cheeks with his tail and yet failing to do so as the redness on his cheeks was obvious to make out, “You look good.”
“Thanks mudlover.” Laval responded, placing a careful kiss on Cragger’s forehead. He then turned to me and Lavertus, taking time to compose himself before speaking, “Also Sho you should take this.” he handed me a satchel full. I grabbed it and looked at it carefully.
“What do I need this for?” I asked, looking at Laval as he continued to compose himself.
“If your going to be looking for Asriel inside of the base then you might as well get some chi to the prisoners” said Laval, he had a very strict sounding voice which sounded quite similar to Lagravis actually. He walked over to the chi pool and picked up some orbs. Placing them carefully into the satchel, I took one out and looked at it carefully.
“What’s the use of chi exactly?” I asked as I placed the orb back into the bag.
“Well…” Laval thought for a moment, “We’ve based our entire society around chi basically. They can also be used to power ourselves up, giving us more energy and or power.”
“Oh so like Adrenaline.” I said briefly “Wait then why does Crooler want it then?”
“That I don’t exactly kno-” Cragger placed his hand over Laval’s mouth.
“She wants to seize chi for herself and take out the lions.” He said bluntly, “She’s always had something against the lions, even since we were younger.” He then looked at Laval with a sorry look in his eyes “She used the persuader plant on me to try and take out the lions. But Laval honestly helped me snap out of it. Multiple times in fact.”
“And again you're welcome.” Laval said jokingly before turning to me, “Do you understand why she’s such a threat now to our way of life?”
“Yeah I think so.” I thought for a moment, “But why is she like this though?” I looked at Cragger, as he seemed like the one to answer this. Cragger yet again had a sorry look on his face.
“Well, I was kinda the favourite twin.” He’d mutter, “Which caused Crooler to be sort of neglected.”
“Oh.” I said as I looked down at the satchel. There was an awkward silence, though the information was somewhat useful it was actually kind of upsetting. Though I don’t understand Crooler’s motivations, maybe I could talk to her. Lavertus tapped my shoulder and we all looked at him.
“Get your masks on. I think the lion army is about to begin setting off.” He stated as armed forces began walking out of the temple and to their respective vehicles.
“Right.” Laval muttered as we all put our helmets on, bringing back the cyan tint from before, “Let’s get going, Sho you’ll be hopping into the lion tank with me.”
“Oh alright.” I answered, as I followed Laval out to the lion tank. The suspense was tense and I didn’t know what to expect going into this battle. Laval and Cragger were seasoned fighters whilst I was a kid whose biggest battle was trying to get a bargain at the shops and my first and practically only lesson on sword fighting was yesterday. I sighed, but then I saw Laval turn to me and smile.
“You okay Sho?” He asked as we continued walking, their eyes showed concern but also confidence.
“Yeah… just worried that’s all.” I responded, “Just never been in a battle that’s all.” Laval sighed and looked at me, I could tell he was struggling with what to say.
“Look Sho.” He muttered, “I can’t promise you won’t get hurt, but I do promise that Asriel will be alright. We’ll make sure no harm comes to him.”
“Right…” I responded again, with less confidence than before. I’m guessing Laval could sense my confidence getting lower as he went silent for a moment before speaking again.
“You know there’s this thing that Cragger said once that for whatever reason I still think about today” Laval turned to me, “‘Water is like friendship, it only pulls you down when you fight it. Let it flow! and it shall lift you up and carry you along to all the places you ever wanted to go.’. Something along those lines,  whenever I’m going through some sort of rough patch relating to friendship I just think of those words and they help.” I smiled a tiny bit.
“What’s with the water comparison?” I asked curiously.
“Oh! Well I nearly drowned and Cragger used a comparison of friendship to describe swimming” He laughed, “But I’d rather it be said with the term friendship in mind.”
“Yeah, that fits better.” I grinned, though my mood was still rather down about everything, however Laval’s words did help. And made logical sense too surprisingly even though he used the comparison incorrectly it still made me hopeful. We both soon got to the tank and hopped in. I took my seat and took off my helmet and looked down at it, with hope that this battle wouldn’t end with my death.
We soon found ourselves going through some sort of jungle area, but it was a lot more dangerous and we were overall rushing to get through the area as fast as possible and to the hideout that Lavertus had found. He was leading everyone to the area which seemed to have been cleared out of any dangerous plant-life from what I heard Lavertus saying as we rushed to the area. This was proven to be fact by the time we reached Crooler’s base, as it seemed most of the surrounding area was chopped down for this base to exist. Laval and I both got out of the tank and walked up to Laval, I placed my helmet on my head again and took a steady breath.
“We all know the plan right?” Lavertus looked at me and Laval, “We all know what’ll happen?”
“Yeah.” I muttered in-between breaths, “Rescue the captives first then find Asriel.”
“That’s right Sho!” Lavertus responded, “This feels like I’m looking in a mirror or something.” I heard Laval laugh while I chuckled. “Sho you wait over there until the battle starts, when you hear Laval roar sneak inside and give the satchel to the captives so they can join the battle. We have spare swords for them.”
“Oh alrighty.” I responded, “I’m gonna get going. Wish me luck I guess.” I waved goodbye to Laval and Lavertus and walked up to the base and stood by the wall. Just waiting. Waiting… I can’t believe I’m about to do this. I thought to myself, I’m about to fight in a battle to try and rescue my best friend. I’m sure Laval has felt these exact feelings when he was battling Cragger but… it hurts. It hurts a lot. I don’t want to hurt Asriel or anyone frankly. I sighed. “I’m really gonna do this aren’t I..?” I muttered to myself before hearing Laval roar. I looked towards the entrance of the base and saw a couple of different animals exit through there, many looked ready to fight in this battle. Once most if not all of them ran past, I slipped in. I didn’t know the general direction but I wandered about just looking for the prisoners. It was taking what felt to be around two hours but soon I came across this prison area, most of the animals in there were in fact lions. Many of whom looked like they haven’t eaten in days, one of them came up to the bars. She looked to be a lioness wearing almost a worn out tunic attire.
“Guys someone’s here!” Rest of the prisoners turned towards me, “Lavertus, you came to help us!”
“Lavertus?” I laughed a tiny bit, “That’s a first.” The lioness looked at me confused, “I’m guessing your Li’ella then?”
“Yeah.” She muttered, “Wait, if you're not Lavertus then who are you?” I took my helmet off and threw it onto the floor.
“I’m Sho Sato.” I said as I took the satchel off my shoulder and handed it to Li’ella “And Laval told me to give this to the prisoners.” I looked as she opened the bag, revealing a blue glow on her face. She looked back up at me as she took one of the orbs.
“Thanks Sho.” She smiled, she plugged the orbs into some sort of chestplate. Then a ginormous version of herself appeared for two seconds then disappeared, revealing that blue glint that Lagravis had. She soon began to pass around the chi.
“Don’t worry, I’ll pick the lock. I ain’t no Akemi but-” Li’ella reached round the lock and with her own hand alone, shattered the lock almost effortlessly, “WHOA-” I gasped. Chi is so powerful, I thought to myself as I placed the helmet back on my head.
“Thanks Sho.” Li’ella said as she ushered all the captives out, “And also, Asriel is somewhere in the base. I don’t know why Crooler decided for him to stay here but I can’t read her mind.”
“Alright. Thanks Li’ella.” I muttered as I ran, looking for Asriel. I placed a hand on my sword, my nerves were getting the better of me again. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around as I unsheath my sword. Only to be face-to-face with Asriel.
“Sho. What are you doing here?” He asked as he summoned a chaos sabre, I looked at his eyes and that red glow was still there. He was still under the control of the persuader plants.
“I’ve come looking for you!” I responded, my voice began to tremble, “Asriel this isn’t who you are man!”
“It is and we both know it.” He answered threateningly as I took the helmet off as Asriel seemingly knew it was me, “This is my destiny! To always be some sort of antagonist.”
“Asriel we both know that isn’t true” I shouted, “You aren’t a bad person man!”. Asriel began charging at me as the chaos sabre and sword connected making a silencing clashing sound.
“You lie Sho!” He shouted at me, “Crooler’s right all you do is lie your way out of things!”
“I-” I was astounded, Crooler made up these things about me not only to keep Asriel in her little trap but to also try and push me away. I, however, stayed firm and kept Laval’s words in my head. “Water is like friendship, it only pulls you down when you fight it.” I looked at Asriel, “Asriel that’s Crooler getting to you man! Don’t let her!”
“You're lying to me again?!” Asriel grabbed my neck and held me up in the air, “You're just a pathetic liar Sho. And I don’t need that.” Asriel gripped tightly on my neck, I was sure he was going to choke me out if I didn’t say anything.
“Asriel…I’ve spoken to your parents.” I muttered. “What..?” He dropped me as my sword fell on the floor next to me, “You're lying again.”
“Would I lie about this though?” I asked him, “Asriel, our realm and chima are connected and gaster used a signal booster to contact me.” I could tell Asriel was thinking.
“Sho….” I looked in his eyes, as I saw the red glow flicker.
“Asriel I get that you miss your family.” I said, standing up as I took deep breaths, “I miss mine too. And they certainly miss us, so please Asriel…fight Crooler’s control.” I could tell Asriel was fighting the control of Crooler and honestly I was scared, all my defences were down and one good slash at my chest could kil me.
“Sho…” Asriel muttered as the red glow in his eyes disappeared, “Sho what have I done…?” I hugged Asriel as I began to cry. To be honest I’m not the one that’s supposed to be crying but this is the first time in what four days I’m actually talking to Asriel. The Asriel I know, and frankly I was happy I had someone who I considered my brother back.
“I sososo sorry Asriel!” I wept into his shoulder, “I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you I’m sorry for causing any of this!”
“Sho..” Asriel hugged me, “None of this is your fault. I honestly don’t blame you for anything.” He then looked at what I was wearing, “What are you wearing?” He asked.
“Something that Lavertus made for today…” I muttered with a slight smile.
“Well it fits nicely” Asriel complimented as he stopped embracing me.
“Asriel what are you doing?” I heard a voice and turned to the direction of it. Crooler. “Asriel you were meant to kill him, not hug him. Are you insane?” stepped in front of Asriel.
“What is your problem?” I asked, trying to keep myself from punching her, “Why are you like this man?!”
“It’s my destiny!” She responded, snapping her jaw at me, “It’s my destiny to control all of chima!”
“You shouldn’t put all your hopes into destiny!” I answered back, “Destiny can be changed and or be wrong all-together depending on the interpretation!”
“Wrong…?” Crooler muttered. I can tell she was confused.
“Look Crooler, I know what you went through.” I said with a tremble in my voice. I could sympathise with her. “And I get it. I also wasn’t given the best hand at life, but I didn’t make it my whole personality and based my aspirations on it. Our childhoods don’t dictate who we are.” I can tell she was thinking.
“But…I…” She shuddered, “This is all I’ve known!” She snapped at me, “All I know is neglect and favouritism towards Cragger!”
“And I get that it sucks Crooler.” I said bluntly, “And blame your actions on Cragger, on Crominus and Crunket. I don’t care. But all of this, that’s your choice my friend!” I could tell Crooler was thinking, and I didn’t blame her. She just had her entire philosophy and motives broken down by a random sixteen year-old human.
“Into the fort!” I heard Lavertus’ voice and me and Asriel turned our heads in the direction of it. However when we both turned our heads back to Crooler. She had vanished, I didn’t know what to say. I just wiped my eyes of any emotions I had and just looked at Asriel. 
“We should probably find Laval.” I muttered, as we both began walking.
“Yeah..” Asriel responded. We both exited the base as celebrations occurred. Crominus and Crunket both walked up to me and Asriel.
“Is Crooler with you two?” Asked Crunket with concern, “Is she alright?”
“No she isn’t.” I responded, “She actually disappeared, we didn’t see where she went. And FYI, you two need to stop playing favourites and love your children equally. Cause that's what motivated Crooler.” Me and Asriel walked away to find Laval and Cragger, leaving Crominus and Crunket rather shocked at my response.
“Asriel you're alright!” Cragger shouted, walking up to us both with Laval following behind. “And not too injured I see too!”
“Yeah. Sho didn’t put up much of a fight really.” He responded, “I just want to go back to the lion temple..”
“Right.” Laval answered, “We’re all about to begin heading back anyways if you two want to hop into the lion tank.”
“Wait before you do.” Cragger tapped my shoulder, “How’s Crooler..?” I looked at Cragger.
“She’s…alright I think. She disappeared.”
“Alright…” Cragger sighed regretfully and let me, Asriel and Laval walk to the lion tank. Laval and I helped Asriel into the lion tank as we both got in. Laval started driving the tank as sat next to him. I looked at Asriel who looked overall worn out and decided to take a photo of him to send to Gaster.
3pm Sho sent a photo. Sho: Too tired to call but Asriel’s alright. Gaster: Okay Sho. I’ll tell Toriel, Asgore and Frisk immediately. The machine needs at least a day of charge before we can get you two home. Sho: Alright Gaster. See you tomorrow.
“Asriel we have one more day here before we can go home.” I muttered, looking at him.
“Alright.” He responded briefly before resting his head. I decided to do the same, resting my head on Laval’s shoulder.
“That was so scary…” I muttered as I yawned.
“Don’t worry Sho it’s over.” Laval responded almost parent-like, “I’m proud of you man. It's not everyday a kid can just rescue his best friend like that. That's honestly something you should be proud of Sho.”
“Thanks Laval.” I answered as I gradually fell asleep, with a smile. Which frankly hasn’t happened in awhile, just knowing Asriel was safe and that I would be going home soon gave me something I haven't felt since Asriel got kidnapped.
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This chapter actually came out quite nicely, even though it is a bit Steven Universe-Esque. I wanna focus on one specific part of the chapter actually, the moment between Laval and Sho actually not the fight itself between Asriel and Sho (even though I think it came out quite nicely as it showed Sho's almost inability to fight his friends.). Throughout the past couple of chapters I've been building up Sho and Laval's friendship but realised they only really had one moment togehter, that being chapter 3. And I didn't have a somewhat decent way to peak their relationship so I wrote this moment where Sho actually opens up a bit to Laval. And even though it's short I absolutely love it, two characters who I think are too kind for their own good (I'll develop Sho more in Halcyontale btw dw abt it) that are so similar yet different. Just opening up to eachother. Laval opens up about S1 and Sho opens up about his worries about Asriel, it all works nicely!
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domripley · 6 months
Happy Birthday, Steve
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff/Male Reader; Steve Rogers/Male Reader
Warnings: Established Relationship, Dom/Sub, Come Eating, Unsafe Sex, Pegging, Mommy Kink, Dom Natasha, Dom Steve, Sub Reader
Summary: Steve wanted to have a threesome with both Natasha and you for his birthday, and of course you’re okay with it. Having been Natasha’s submissive for a good year now, you were willing to be a good boy for her.
But, lets be honest here, you also think Steve’s really fucking attractive.
Steve sat in the chair across from you, his eyes never leaving you for even a second. The moment you had come into the room, you knew the night was going to get a lot more interesting. Of course, Natasha had walked out of his room to grab a few things, leaving the two of you alone.
“So, tell me about you and Nat?” he said, and you figured he was trying to fill the silence in the room.
“Well, when I joined the team, she took an interest in me, and two months in, she approached me.” You blush, looking away from him.
“You’re her submissive right?” he asked, crossing his legs as he waited for a response.
“Yes,” you whispered as if you were in a crowded room. “Yes, Sir.” you cursed yourself, knowing that Natasha would spank you each time you messed up.
Although, she would cut you some slack, you weren’t used to subbing for men. As well as, he wasn’t going to be called ‘Mistress’ or 'Mommy’ like you were to address Natasha. Steve was new to you, but you trusted him completely, being a part of his team, you trusted him with your life.
“Good boy,” he praised, beckoning you to get on your knees for him. “I’ll keep that mistake to myself, especially for someone so cute.”
You nodded, “Thank you, Sir.” Looking into his eyes, you wanted to be fucked as soon as you could. Natasha had said she’d be back soon to go over things, and you’re body was already responding to just his words.
“You’re welcome, come sit next to me on the couch, Nat won’t be back for another ten minutes.” he smiled, standing up. Reaching a hand out, he helped you to your feet.
By the time Natasha had come back to Steve’s room, the two of you were deep into a conversation on horror movies. He hadn’t enjoyed the original Friday the thirteenth as much, instead he really liked 'Part Two’ even more. Someone had recommended the movies a little over a week after he had awoken from his coma. You were more of a Halloween type person, and he told you he’d put it on his list.
“Happy birthday, Steve,” Natasha smiled, kissing him on the cheek as she made her way around the couch.
“Sorry to keep you waiting, Mistress, we were in a really good conversation.” you smiled shyly, tensing up as Natasha’s hand went to your thigh.
“No need to apologize at all, baby. We can get started as soon as we go over your safewords, and your limits.”
“Alright, we’ll do his limits first, if that’s okay with you, Nat?” Steve asked, looking at Natasha. The two of them turned to look at you, so you moved to get on your knees. “Good boy.”
“I don’t like fisting, or sounding. As well as bodily functions. Other than that, I like almost everything and willing to try anything!” You smiled,and Steve ran his hand in your hair. “My safeword is 'Hill’,”
“Alright!” Steve said, looking down at you.
“What would you like for him to do?” Natasha asked, looking at the man who’s birthday gift was to have a threesome. Which you weren’t complaining - pleasing Natasha, and Steve? A dream come true.
“If I’m being honest, I really want him to sit on my lap so I can get him nice and hard.” he admitted, his cheeks going a bit red.
“You heard him, be a good slut, and get undressed for us.” Natasha said, unbuckling her own belt. Steve’s eyes widened when she pulled down her pants to reveal her strapon that she had been packing all night. Your favorite one she owned - in fact. The third time she fucked you, she used it, and since then, it was your go to when you were able to choose which one she used on you. The length was a little over six inches, but what you really loved about it, was the width. The feeling of it stretching your ass, as she whispered praises into your ear.
“Don’t worry, this isn’t for you Rogers.” Natasha rolled her eyes. “It’s for him.” she nodded her head towards you as you finally got your pants off.
“Such a good boy, a pretty little thing.” Steve cooed, pulling you on to his lap.
Pushing your briefs down to your thighs, Steve took your cock into his hand. His hands seemed a lot more bigger around you, as you looked at Natasha. She had a satisfied look on her face, which made you happy. Your thoughts being pushed aside as Steve moved his hand faster. Feeling yourself grow harder, your eyes pleaded with Natasha.
“What do you want, slut? You’ve got to speak up if you want something.” she said, her tone was unreadable at the moment, your brain flooded from the pleasure that was building in the pit of your stomach. You closed your eyes as the older man removed his hand to add spit. Going straight back to working your cock.
“Want, want your mouth on me, Mistress-” you were cut off by Steve shoving two of his fingers into your mouth.
“Oh? Is that so?” Natasha mocked you.
She had moved closer to both you and Steve, you were hoping that she’d give you what you wanted. Removing his hand off of your cock, he watched as Natasha bent down.
Wrapping her hand around the base of your cock, she looked up at you and smiled. “Do you think you deserve my mouth on your cock, slut?”
“No, Mommy.” You blushed as she began to stroke, occasionally squeezing ever so lightly. Her calloused fingers rubbing over the tip of your cock.
“Mm, you don’t,” she laughed, pulling her hand away. “However, I want to see Steve face fuck you. You’d love that wouldn’t you? Him holding your head still as he roughly face fucks you? Does that get you nice and hard?”
“Yes, yes, please. Want him to use me for his pleasure, wanna be a good boy for you.” You cry out. Natasha helped you down on your knees as you waited for Steve to make the next move.
“You wanna suck my cock? You think you can take it all?” he said, standing up.
You watched as Stevel pulled his pants down, his cock pushing against his tight briefs that were way too small for home. You noted, telling yourself that you’d buy him some later as a thank you.
“Beg me for my cock, pretty boy,” he breathed, palming himself. You knew this was going to be a challenge - your bratty side wanting to come out for him.
“Please, Sir. I wanna see your cock, I want to feel it, want it down my throat, please!” You whined, looking up at him. Natasha watched you closely, her boot coming to sit between your legs, and without thinking, you slowly grinded against it.
She didn’t seem to mind, your cock grinding against the faux leather of her favorite boots. You were growing harder, but all you wanted was to please Steve.
“You come on my boots, you won’t be getting fucked. You’ll watch Steve fuck me, understood?” she asked, you nodded, biting your lip to suppress a moan.
Without saying a word, Steve pulled his cock out of his briefs. You knew it was a lot bigger than any toy Natasha used on you, but you were willing to go the extra mile. Before you could continue grinding on Natasha’s boot, she pulled it away, telling you that his cock needed all of your attention.
You leaned in, licking the tip of his cock teasingly, looking up to see his face relax. Wrapping your lips around him, you used your other hand to stroke the rest of his length. Pulled away to breathe, your hand began moving faster. Steve’s breath caught in his throat as his hand roughly gripped your hair.
“Come on, get your mouth back on my cock, slut.” he moaned, and you almost lost it. He guided you back onto him, filling your mouth more than you thought you could take.
Natasha got up off the couch, moving behind you as Steve picked up the pace. You tried your best not to gag, you looked like a mess, but at that point, you didn’t care at all. Natasha telling Steve to fuck your face harder brought you back to the present, where she held your head in place as saliva got all over you and her left hand. Her hand came down to your throat, holding you still as he used your face. Pushing your head down further than you usually could take, you choked on his cock. Eyes watering, and nose running, Steve still looked at you were the prettiest thing in the room.
“Fuck, take me deeper, that’s i-it, good boy!” Steve cried out, coming down your throat. When he pulled out, you swallowed it all, opening your mouth to show the both of them. The blonde bit your neck, calling you her good boy.
“Wanna watch you fuck him, Nat.” he said, laying back on the couch. You were already close to coming, but with Natasha fucking you, she was definitely going to make you hold it.
“You got it birthday boy,” she winked, standing to her feet. You waited for her to instruct you to get up.
“Bend over the couch, gotta prep you.” she said, reaching over the couch to grab a bottle of lube. “You want my fingers in you, slut?”
“Yes, Mommy,” you cry out as she rubbed the pad of her thumb against your ass.
Natasha pulled her hand away to squirt lube on her two fingers, rubbing them against your tight hole. You whined as she pushed the tip of her pointer finger in teasingly. Steve held your head up, wanting to see your face as she fucks you. Once her finger was fully in, she reached around to stroke your cock.
“Such a good boy, your cocks so nice and hard for us, maybe if you behave, you can come more than once.” Natasha cooed, adding her second finger.
You closed your eyes, trying your best not to come - but with Natasha’s fingers in your ass as she jerks you off, and Steve’s hand around your throat, it became too much.
“Oh you’re about to come, aren’t you?” Natasha mocked, pulling her hand away from your cock. “You come, you get punished.” she reminded you, smacking your ass hard.
“Yes, Mommy-” you began, but cut yourself off as she slowly pushed the tip of her third finger into you.
“Such a good boy, taking my fingers so nice,” she praised.
Steve leaned in, kissing you roughly as the blonde’s fingers fucked you harder. You heard Natasha tell herself that you were ready for her strapon, but was too busy focusing on Steve’s mouth to respond.
Whimpering when Natasha’s fingers left you, she got onto her knees on the couch. The lube bottle reopening pulled you back to what was going on again. She had squirted some on her hand this time, making sure to get enough on her strapon.
Lining the tip of her strapon to your ass, you tried to relax as much as possible. Natasha asked you your color, and when you told her 'green’, she pushed it in. You hadn’t been fucked in a week, so as she kept teasing the tip in, it was a sensation you needed to get used to. But it was one you absolutely loved.
Natasha pushed in deeper, and made sure you were as comfortable as you could be. Steve kissed your cheek, hand reaching to take one of your nipples between his fingers. You gasped, thankfully his left hand around your throat kept you up on your knees. Once her whole strapon was in you, she gave you time to adjust to it.
“Color, (Your Name)?” she whispered, biting your shoulder.
“Green, Na-Mommy, please fuck me.” You whimpered.
Moving her hips slowly, she gave you exactly what you wanted. All you could focus on was Natasha’s movements picking up, and Steve’s hand now on your cock. You weren’t going to make it, but when Natasha leaned in, whispering, “Come as much as you want, shlyukha.” you lost it.
Coming all over Steve’s hand, you couldn’t look at him as Natadha continued to fuck you. Your cock not softening up, and you knew you were going to come more times even before Steve was going to get to you.
Opening your eyes to see Steve start to suck on his fingers, you cried out. Natasha chuckled in your ear, telling Steve to give her a taste, and he did as he was told. Sticking his finger out for her to taste you, Steve moaned as she cleaned it off. You weren’t sure if it made you harder, or if it made you even more embarrassed.
“He tastes so good,” she hummed, licking her lips. “Just like candy.”
Natasha began her moments once again, this time harder than before. Taking a hold of your neck, Natasha pulled you further so that your back was on her clothed chest. Your cock was hard again, and with each thrust, it sprung up and down. Closing your eyes, you focused on the pleasure she was giving you.
“Fuck, Mommy, right there.” You moaned.
She used her free hand to hold your arms behind your back, taking her hand off your neck to get a better grip. Her hips ramming into you at a bruising pace, you wanted more, but the words that were forming in your head, weren’t coming out. Steve’s hand wrapped around your shaft, his movements matching Natasha’s. Each thrust, his seemed to move faster than what he had been doing.
“You wanna get fucked by Steve now, Printsessa?” she asked, not bothering to let up her movements. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, yes-oh god, so ready.” You cried, gripping your own cock as Steve let go.
Natasha pulled out of you, and was quick to undo the harness. Dropping it to the ground, she made a mental note to clean it later when you were napping. Taking her time with taking the rest of her clothes off, it gave Steve some time to get things situated.
Maybe fucking on the couch wasn’t a good idea after all, you thought to your
“You gonna be a good boy and make Nat come as I fuck you? Hm?” Steve asked, lubing up his cock, as well as wiping the rest on your ass. Natasha’s strapon was enough to stretch you out for him, but if you needed more lube, he’d be quick to get more.
He pushed the tip of his cock in slowly, and you let out a whimper. Steve was much bigger than anything you were used to - you figured the serum had something to do with it. But as he pushed himself in an inch at a time, he bent you over so your head was between Natasha’s legs. You hadn’t realized that she got back on the couch, but when your lips wrapped around her clit, you focused on her.
“You look so fucking good when you moan, holy fuck.” Steve whimpered, slowly picking up his pace.
Reaching underneath you to stroke your cock, you dipped your tongue into Natasha. Natasha’s hand gripping your hair, you weren’t allowed to tease her, but you still did anyway.
“Fuck, you’re still so tight,” Steve moaned. His pace faster and much more rough, you cried out as he gripped your waist for more leverage. “Good. Fucking. Boy.” Each word that came out, his thrusts got harder.
“Stick out your tongue, I’ll use it.” she instructed, and you did as you were told. “Don’t even think about coming until I do.”
Natasha grinding on your face helped you out - you were never one to focus on a few things at a time. But when it came to her pleasure, you had it covered. You had stopped stroking yourself to help get Natasha even closer to the edge. Lining up your finger, you pushed in on Steve’s latest thrust, earning a small gasp from her.
“Add another,” she demanded. “Good slut.”
Steve’s hand came down hard on your ass cheek, his thrusts grew sloppy as he fucked you harder. Each thrust sending you into Natasha. His noises sending you teetering on the edge, knowing that you weren’t allowed to come yet.
“Mommy-please, need to come.” You cried out, unable to keep a steady pace.
“Mm, you’ve been such a good slut. Go ahead, come.” she moaned, and if you said you weren’t surprised, you’d be lying.
“Th-Thank you!” you moaned, Steve reaching around to help you along with your orgasm.
You continued to fuck her with your fingers - if you’d stop, Natasha would have Steve stop. Her breath began to pick up, as you sped the pace of your fingers up. Pulling at your hair, Natasha came with a quiet moan. Legs shaking as you pulled your fingers out, he brought your fingers up to her mouth. Cleaning them off as she watched Steve fuck you even harder, never breaking eye contact with him.
Steve’s fingers rubbed at the tip of your cock, sending you over the edge. Coming with a shout, Steve held his hand up to your face. “Clean, slut.” he moaned.
Doing as you were told, your tongue licking your own come up, Steve hummed as you finally took his fingers out of your mouth. Movements picking back up, he held onto your waist as he fucked you at a bruising pace.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Steve groaned, his own orgasm growing closer to the edge.
Pushing back onto his cock, he came with a grunt. As he pulled back, you whined from the feeling of being empty. Natasha pulled you on top of her.
“Such a good, good boy.” she praised, kissing you on your cheek. “You made me proud, gave Steve a good birthday present.”
When Steve returned, he lifted you up with ease, and carried you to Natasha’s room. Getting behind you, Natasha wrapped her arms around you, while Steve got in front of you.
“Such a good boy, taking my cock. You impressed me, baby.” he smiled, caressing your cheek.
“Would you ever join us again?” Natasha asked, kissing you on your shoulder.
“A hundred percent, if (Your Name) wants that.”
“Definitely.” You smiled softly.
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feather-rose · 1 year
Move in, with me? Part 1.
Tenten(Nudged him by the elbow as she was sitting next to him, feeling him jump up a bit.): So, what do you say? After Naruto and Hinata’s wedding, wanna move in with me?
Neji(Clears up his throat and scratches the back of his neck, looking a bit nervous, here.): Well, I haven’t thought about it, till you’ve said it now..You know, with the war and all--(Looks away.)
Tenten(Looked a bit worried to hear him say no.); Why? Think it’s too dangerous to move in with me?( Wouldn’t he?)
Neji(Defended himself here as he looked back at her.,): I’ve never said that! And it’s never dangerous to be around with you..(Never it had been, after all she had his back, for the longest time, he could remember.)
Tenten(Felt uncertain): But?
Neji(Still convinced.): No buts here! It’ll be interesting to be and to move in with the person I love and respect the most, here. If you want to know.(He caught up her callosed hands over his.)
Tenten(Blinks up a bit, here with surprise): Love? You mean with me? Neji..
Neji(Nods up at this reply.): I mean it, Tenten. I do love you here and I want to move in with you.
Tenten blushes back at that sentence as Neji released one of his real smiles towards her. As his eyes brightened with happiness. And only to her, here.
Tenten(Chuckles teasingly.): Aww. I do love you too, Neji. And it’s about damn time, you noticied coming, here. You idiot!
Neji softly chuckled here and nodded back to her reply as he pushed himself closer to the kunochi here. And nervous as he seemed to be when he felt his heart beating so fast against his chest, when he had seen her eyes getting closed up and himself leaning over and to kiss her lips--
When an sudden hurricane and tornado had interrupted their almost kiss onto the training ground of the times where Team Gai used to unite, here.
Rock Lee(Screaming very loudly.): NEJI!!!
The poor couple had broken up their moment away as they’ve held up their shaken breath together when they’ve heard and seen their teamate jumping in, like a spreading up green bird who had been flying far too much with insanity, lately ever since the war had ended.
Poor Neji and Tenten.
Lee(Kept onto screaming and jumping back and forth like a maniac.): Neji! Neji!
Neji(Wondered what was going on with Lee, here, looking confused but annoyed.): Yeah, Lee?
Tenten(Lecturing up or more like she scolded him like she often used to.): What has gotten into you? Trying to give us a heart attack or what?(After all, that idiot had interrumpted an important moment of her own lifetime, and it was to make Neji kiss her, here. But no thanks to Lee.)
Lee( Confided in with a hand onto his closed up his eyes with a confident smile.) : Oh no! Nothing of the sort, Tenten. Oh no! News has been great! Nothing better but amazingly perfect! I can’t even tell how happy I am, today. That I’m about to push myself and do---
Neji(Cut him off, getting a bit irritated, here.): Just spit it out, Lee! (He and Tenten had gotten up onto theirs feet, looking a bit annoyed.)
Lee: Well, I wanted to thank you about something here, Neji..
Neji(Dumbfounded for a second. Since when, Lee had ever thanked him about something?):Me?  About what? What did I do?(He pointed himself, here with question.)
Lee: You came into my dream! And told me what I should’ve had done from day one for Naruto and Hinata’s wedding!! How unyouthfull haven’t I thought about it--
Tenten(Cut him off, annoyed.): Lee, just what’s going on?
Lee: Tenten, believe it or not, but Neji had come up to my dream and had put mind at ease--No, wait, crazily at ease!
Tenten(Rose an eyebrow.): How so?(She didn’t quite wanted to believe whatever crack she had to hear from Lee. Cause whatever crack comes out from Lee, it would be hard for the guy to go back away from his word..)
Neji(Felt his eye twitching up a bit.): Uh? I did that?(Unless, I was into an induced coma and felt my soul traveling around, or so.I wouldn’t remember saying or do anything crazy, here.)
Lee(Puffed himself up as a strong and muscular man would do by testing his muscles up with such confidence and proud of.): Physical strength over endurance! Physical strength over endurance! I couldn’t quite place it together at first, until IT CAME THROUGH MY MIND!!
It just left the couple in such shock as theirs jaws dropped down onto that sentence. While Lee was brightening up with such powerfull confidence and strength.
Why Me? Why Us?
Tenten(Still not trying to buy it, but went along with it, while Neji just stood up into shock.): Which it was?
Lee(Still smiling with confidence due to their shock.): Do an thousand lap over to the hokage’s mountains! And get these weighting ankles bracelets for both of them!( And brought up the proud Gai’s smilling and thumb pose up, much to Neji and Tenten’s defeat, here.)
The heck?
Tenten(Gives an warning glare to her new boyfriend, here) Neji..
Neji(Just sweatdropped back up when his petrified lavender eyes had meet her back, looking uncomfortable as he smiled nervously..): How about moving in today, Tenten?(And then, later, he’d kill Lee.)
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girl8890 · 2 years
R Town | Ch.16
Jungkook x M (FemOc)
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POV: Jungkook
Warnings: Pining, Heavy petting, Domestic abuse (implied), Rough sex (implied).
Index | Ch.17
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I feel like these past few weeks weren't real. Like I was hit by a bus and put into a coma, so now I'm in a forever dream of all things M.
M has been coming by every night to the game store. Playing video games and us reminiscing about the past. From now and then, I'll even pop into the club - when her husband isn't there - just to see how she's doing. I'm always greeted with the most amazing smile and the warmest of hugs every time I see her. I feel like a teenager when describing her, but it's really how I feel. All gooey and shit.
Us getting closer and getting back to the way things were before she left happened so easily. Except, unlike before, there's an underlying tension between us. Not a bad tension by any means, but every so often, I'll catch M staring at me from afar or go into her own little world while staring at my face if I'm talking to her. I do the same to her, I won't deny it, but I've known my feelings for her for years, so the fact that she could be having the same secret longings as me gives my stomach butterflies.
But those butterflies often lose their wings when I remember her husband. During a town meeting a week ago - which was more like a way for the rich bitch Taehyung to flaunt his wealth - M and Felix were there. Every time I glanced their way, Felix was all over M, and it seemed like she wanted no part in it. I had to hide my anger by clenching my fists together in my lap to stop myself from doing something drastically out of jealousy.
It also felt very weird talking to him. Trust me, I didn't want to talk to the guy, but town meetings involve - well, talking. We didn't say much, and he didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me in the first place, but since we were at the same stupid board meeting for the town, we had to exchange some words with each other.
I sometimes hate being one of the now three business owners in this town for this exact reason. Having to hang around people like Felix and Taehyung.
Although, the conversation between Felix and I was this short:
"Names Felix. You are?"
"Jungkook Jeon."
"You own the game store?"
That was it. End of scene and end of the conversation. 
He walked away and dragged M with him everywhere after that. Not letting her out of his sight, and I wasn't able to exchange any words with her because of it. It was almost like he was purposely avoiding me, which I didn't understand one bit.
There haven't been any occurrences that I've seen him in person after that, though. I don't need to see the man to be reminded of him. Sometimes M's wedding ring gleaming in the light, or it hitting against something metal, is enough of a reminder for me. Or how about the fact that his club is RIGHT NEXT TO MY STORE!
Even though M being married is constantly rubbed in my face, I enjoy the moments I have with her. I enjoy being around her and throwing in little flirts during conversations to see her face heat up.
This brings us to the present...
"You really know how to handle a joystick, don't you M?" I say right in M's ear as we're battling it out on one of my game machines.
Her jaw drops, but her eyes never leave the screen. I laugh at her reaction and the blush that comes with it. "Jungkook, you little..." She doesn't finish her sentence because instead of saying anything, she opts for smacking me in the arm, making me laugh twice as much.
Both our screens turn black, and then it announces the winner. I do a little victory dance and see M pouting. "Aww, look at you pouting." I squish her still blushing cheeks and make her look like a squishy fish. "You know, you would look really cute as a fish."
M swats my hands away from her face, but now she's joining me in laughing. "Your cruel, you know that?" M says while walking away from the machine and messes with another one right next to it.
"How so?" I fake innocents and walk over to her. Putting both my hands on either side of her and cage her in between me and the game. I know I'm playing with fire right now by getting so close, but it's so hard for me to stay away sometimes. I know if M ever asked me to back off, I would and never do it again, but she never does. She just... lets it happen.
"You saying, 'your so good with a joystick.'" She rolls her eyes. "You know nothing, Jungkook Jeon."
I process her words for a second, and the first thing that comes to mind is, "Did you just quote Game of Thrones?"
I hear M laugh, and her back bumps into my chest when she does, stepping back. I have to hold her by the waist for a second, so she doesn't topple over in laughter. After a few moments of me listening to her beautiful laughter, M eventually gets a hold of herself and then turns around to face me.
I don't move away from her, and she doesn't push me away. Our faces are now way closer to each other than two friends' faces should be.
"Yes, I quoted Game of Thrones, but my words still stand."
"But I don't get-" It's then I realize the comparison, and I swallow the lump that just formed in my throat by what she was implying. For any non-game of thrones fans out there, she's saying she very much knows how to handle a "joystick."
M giggles, and now it's her turn to squish my face because of the blush that has formed on it. I haven't blushed this way in years, red all over and not being able to hide it, but I guess it's because the only girl that ever made me shy like this was away. "Aww, Kookie. You're getting all blushy."
I don't know what it was. Maybe it was the fact that we were only inches away from each other, her touching my face and calling me Kookie, or maybe even the dirty talk she was just implying, but I took my shot. I took my shot, and I'll never forget it for the rest of my days.
I hold her hands on my face and then dive in to capture her soft lips with mine. At first, I think she's going to pull away. I think she's going to rip herself off of me and then smack me in the face for this, but she does neither. After a moment, to my surprise and satisfaction, she melts into the kiss.
I move her hands to hold my neck, and I place my hands on her sexy hips that feel even better than they look. It feels like I'm kissing a goddess as our lips move with each other. I feel M pull my neck, and I gladly reply by deepening the kiss. The kiss becomes even more incredible as the seconds tick by.
I'm already in heaven having and feeling M this what, but because I'm a selfish bastard and always want to know the taste of her, I then slip my tongue into her mouth. Her tongue tasted like sugar and was just as addicting. But what's more addicting is the sweet, tiny moan that escapes her when our tongues touch.
I have to pull away, as much as I don't want to, but M is thinking the same thing as me because once our lips detach, she's glancing around the store. Luckily, most of my customers are on the other side of the store, so I was the only one fortunate enough to hear her little moans for me.
I don't want to stop here. As I said, I'm fucking selfish, and anything that involves M, I just want more and more and more! If there was a way I could keep M in a box for only me to have, and she would still be happy, I would do it. And now that I've tasted her... I want to experience everything with her. I want to learn how her body works and figure out different ways to make those little moans become screams of pleasure. I want to hear her cry out my name and find out what faces she makes when she cums.
While M is still glancing around in a panic, I gently nudge my nose against the side of her face. "We can go somewhere else."
I look down at her throat as she swallows, wondering how that part of her skin tastes, and then she hesitantly turns to look back at me. Her hands are still holding the back of my neck, but I feel them move around. Her trying to decide if this is a good idea or if this could be the stupidest thing she's ever done.
I promise it will be the latter, and I try to say this through my eyes. I pour my heart and soul into my eyes - not wanting to pressure her but really trying to convince her to take my offer without words.
With only one more hesitating moment, she says, "Lead the way."
。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。 。・°°・°°・。
The office door only just shuts behind M when I pin her against it and start kissing those incredible lips again. It's only been three minutes since I kissed her last, but three minutes was far too much.
I can't remember the last time just kissing someone felt this good. I push my pelvis against her, grinding against her front, and M whimpers from the friction. The friction made my already hard dick want to rub against her again, but this time I also bit down on her lip, pleased to hear another beautiful small moan escape her because of it. I know I'm going too fast and acting too wild for many people's taste, but I'm addicted.
I'm addicted to the feel of her skin under my hands as I put my hands under her shirt. Touching the bottom half of her stomach and feeling her quiver under my touch.
I'm addicted to the noises coming from her, making all the hairs on my body stand on end. Wanting to hear every sound she can possibly make.
I'm addicted to her and all things her... So beautiful. I'm an addict for M, but I can't try the best of highs with her yet. Not in this office, at least. I don't want the first time I'm fully with her to be in this office where I've brought so many other willing girls I've never given a shit about.
No, M deserves to be the first girl in my bed. The first girl I share my space with and take my time with. My dick is jumping in my pants just thinking about it. But I want to make her feel good now. Even though I won't go all the way, I want to make her feel so good in other ways. Ways, I hope, she'll never forget.
I lift M up by her ass, and she gasps as she wraps all her limbs desperately around me. I giggle, I fucking giggle, as I bring her over to the desk. I sit her on the desk and plant my body between her legs. I press my forehead against hers and hold her hands. I want to do this, but only if she's okay with it. So, I wait there until she finally looks up at me, and my heart jumps in my chest when I see her smile. Her dimpled, white teethed, goddess-worthy smile.
I can't help myself. I dive back into kissing her, and luckily she was expecting it, so no teeth clattered together awkwardly. I'm still keeping it passionate but slowing down a little because I can admit that before, I was being too greedy. My body wants to continue to be greedy, but that isn't about me. This is about making M feel just as good as she makes me for just existing in my life.
I put my hand back up her shirt, but instead of rubbing her stomach, I slowly crawl up further. I cup both of her bra-covered breasts in my hands and squeeze them gently. M moans into my mouth and grabs onto my biceps to steady herself. It's a good thing, too, because then I trail my kisses to her neck, licking and nipping at her soft skin there that tastes like honey and everything sweet, as I push my thumbs into her bra, finding her nipples and rubbing circles around the sensitive buds.
"Huh! Jungkook!"
I growl into M's neck, and I have to shift my body away from her. The way she just said my name almost made me cum in my pants. Not to mention I have M's boobs in my hands! That's not helping my situation at all!
God, I want to fuck her so badly... No! Self control, Jungkook!
I somehow find my control and remove one of my hands from her chest. The other one stays occupied playing with her nipple, and it pleases my ears to hear her sweet whimpers because of it. I move my other hand to run my fingers across her thigh until it gets to the hem of her skirt. I kiss back up her neck, capturing her lips with mine once I get to her face and lapping at her tongue.
I feel electricity course throughout my body as my hand goes under her skirt, finding new skin I've never touched yet. I moan into her mouth when I feel her knee rub against my dick, me unknowingly getting closer to her again and bumbling into it.
M and I are now kissing like it's a race. A race to explore every part of each other. Only pulling apart to kiss other parts of each other, then smashing our lips back together. All the while, my hand under her skirt is slowly traveling up her thigh. The pornographic noises I make into her mouth as I finally get to her itty bitty thong, I will never admit to. I feel my dick now dripping with pre-cum as M starts to rub her knee against me harder. It's not super rough, but it's enough to have me grinding against her knee like a dog.
I can't take this anymore.
Unlike my movements before, I rip her panties to the side, and M gasps into my mouth. I smirk and then touch her pussy for the first time. It was just the surface of her, I didn't go inside or aim for anything specific yet, but before I could explore her wet crevices, M suddenly shoved my hand away and yells out, "Ouch!"
The mood not only went down, but I went from extremely horny to extremely angry. Not because M pushed me away, of course not, but because when I heard her yell out in pain, my eyes went straight to the area. Me, thinking I hurt her in some way, but it was me who hurt her. I didn't see all of her, but what I did see made me want to punch a fucking wall.
Her skirt is risen high enough to reveal her panties... and a ton of bruises. All different deep colors and sizes. It's not, sorry, I went a little rough, babe, type of bruises either. They're the type of bruises that were put there because the perpetrator wanted to inflict pain. And there's only one person who could have done it.
M connected the dots pretty quickly on why my mood suddenly changed. Glancing down at her center, then back up at me multiple times. I see the tears pool in her eyes, and I want to go kill Felix and comfort M at the same time. Before I had time to debate which one I was going to do first, M was running out the door so fast I felt like my head spun.
"M! Wait!" I yell after her, but she's already gone.
I'm now fuming at this point. Not because of M, even though I don't understand why she left so quickly. Maybe because she's upset, I caught what she's been hiding about her husband, but even with that, I could never be mad at M, especially not about this.
No... my anger is directed at one mother fucking person. I punch the office door's archway, and I watch the splitters of the wood go everywhere. I then slam the door shut, scaring everyone in the store, and it just pops back open because I probably just broke the fucking door.
I'm pissed. I'm really, really pissed!
I've never wanted to kill one person and cuddle another person more in my life.
Index | Ch.17
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paralyzation-angel · 1 year
Leon Kennedy X Fem!childhoodReader
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It was a late night in Georgia in a small town. Leon was sent to investigate some strange activities in the area. Staring down at a map as he chewed on an apple. There was a small hospital, A few neighborhoods, A bank, police station, library and school. Don't forget a local park and super market. However the streets were empty and nobody was seen for miles. Leon scoffed at the sight “Really... A fucking ghost town...” He made his way towards the hospital first to see what he could find there. Walking through the empty halls. Hand on his gun and flashlight. Looking around examining a couple rooms, When the last one he laid his eyes on had someone inside sleeping. Slowly going inside, Leon approached the woman laying. Looking down at her with a grimace. Lifting her hair up to examine her face. She seemed familiar, However she was asleep, He slowly tried shaking her awake and slightly smacking her face to see if she would. But nothing. She had a pulse though, Glaring he looked around before finding her clipboard, He looked at the analysis seeing she was in a mere coma before his eyes travelled to the name. His eyes widening slowly. Looking over at the girl before at the chart. “Y/f/n Y/l/n... Why are you back in my life again...?” He spoke softly looking at the clipboard, Y/n was a huge deal in his past. He was head over heals for her  the day they met. They were childhood friends. Went to school together throughout highschool as she soon pursued her path to become a doctor to help others.  Leon went into college for criminal justice. Not seeing each other since till the mission with the crazy people. He found her in a cell in a cellar deprived of food and water. He got to her in the nick of time and saved her life. He loved her through out their entire childhood, He had a hard time forgetting her when they separated but it was for the best with the line of work he was going into, Then she reappeared...  Now here she was in his life again years later. 
Leon looked down at her before sitting on the bed next to her. “Damnit, I cant get rid of you huh..” He spoke gently as his fingers grazed her face brushing her bangs back. How much she had changed since then. She was defiantly a lot sexier, Like she wasn’t before but now, Seeing her after all this made his dick harden slightly. “Oh, not now, “ He glared down before hearing movement coming from his side seeing her stirring awake. Looking down at her, as her eyes lifted open. “W-Where am I... “ her voice was a lot more honey like and mature since then too. “You are safe now... Y/n...” He spoke softly with a touch of gentleness. His head laying in his hand that was propped up by elbow on his lap. “Safe.. “ Y/n snapped her head towards him as her eyes widen. The beard that displayed his jaw line. His dazzling blue eyes. “L-Leon... You’re alive... I thought” She was clearly confused the last she seen him was when she fell asleep that one night. When she awoke she was in the safety of a car with other people. Leon no where in sight, They told her he died protecting her as he requested. Which left a heavy scar on her heart. She cared about for as long as she could remember. Seeing him now, Nearly brought tears to her eyes. “Leon... I thought you were...” Sobs escaped her lips as Leon leaned in slowly shushing her. Pulling her into a deep hug “I’m not going anywhere now... Don’t worry, I’m here..” He whispered to her softly. Her sobs continued muffling in his shoulder. “D-Do you know how hard it was to try and forget about you?! To forget about my only friend the man who saved my life. Every time I was in danger, Life or death. Dumb or stupid shit I got myself into.. You were there to save me each fucking time. My fucking hero dying on me like that. “ Y/n  spilled out as she sobbed. Leon didn’t say anything as he just held her close. “I’m sorry, I told them to lie. I just..” He looked away with a faint blush on his cheeks. “Didn’t want to see you hurt anymore... S-So I thought.. That it was best to push you away from my- Rather dangerous lifestyle.” He admitted as she slowly calmed down. “I don’t care if its dangerous, Leon... You are my best fucking friend, Ever since childhood. I don’t want to see you hurt. I Care about you deeply. “ She spoke to him gently as he nodded gently. “Just promise me, You wont leave again...” Y/n asked him hoping he wont ever leave. “Y/n... “ He slowly cupped her cheeks slowly, Looking down into her eyes. “I promise, I won’t go anywhere... I can’t now. Not anymore, I can’t push you away anymore... I just can’t...” He slowly spoke to her as she leaned in slowly kissing his lips softly.  Pulling away hesitating if she should continue, When his lips pressed into hers. They kissed slowly yet deeply. Their arms slowly wrapping each other together. Into a deep hug as they passionately kissed. Pulling away finally for air he looked at her. “S-So.... Promise me... You won't ever get yourself in a situation like this again" he gestured to the rather empty hospital room. "No promises Mr Kennedy... I have a thing for being a damsel in distress for you~" she giggled lightly as they soon shared yet another passionate kiss.
0 notes
strawbearymishake · 3 years
Abner Krill x gn!Reader
Reader visits Abner in the hospital after the mission on Corto Maltese. No pronouns used for reader. 
~3.5k words
Fluff, Unedited. All the Polka-Dot writers’ requests are closed so I had to do it myself. I’m very rusty so I apologize. Also the theory of how Abner survives can be credited to @quartings . Thank you for your service.
The song is Heavy Rope by Lights. I recommend the acoustic version for the purposes of this fic.
For the past eight days, you’d found yourself sitting in the window seat of a sterile hospital room for at least six hours a day, sometimes from the beginning of visiting hours to the bitter end. You were the only visitor Abner had so you took your role very seriously. You hoped to be there to greet him when he woke up from his coma. Until then, you’d read books, watch reruns of The Golden Girls and Big Bang Theory, and scroll through social media. 
You had already been knocked unconscious when Starro stepped on an unsuspecting Polka-Dot Man. Your teammates had been sure he was a goner, but upon impact, Abner had been pushed entirely into the polka dot dimension only to be violently spit back out a moment later. Starro’s push had given the man some internal organ damage, brain included, as well as a few broken bones.
As the ten years off your sentence left you with no more time to serve in Belle Reve, you were free. You were going to keep the promise you made to Abner on the mission that you’d visit him in prison until he got out, outright rejecting his death wish.
You watched the pale man, power dampener around his neck to keep the colorful disease from complicating things further. The slightest dismay tinted his features. He’d looked that way all day, but it was a new development, the nurse had agreed with you. You wondered what might be causing it as you stared out the window at the midday New Orleans skyline. Barely thinking of it, a melody carried itself out on your breath.
Strange hands, taking my wrist again
Somehow, I'm still alone
Voices, shaking my steps again
I, follow
I'm a, little bit on the edge
Hold up, hand out of reach
I can't, hear much of what you said
Come for me
Your eyes automatically change focus at some unrecognizable movement. It fell upon Abner’s reflection in the window. The troubled crease in his brow had been relaxed, his expression one of peace. Cautiously hopeful that your song had reached him, you continued.
Don't let me tumble away
Into the throws of the shadowy bay
I cling to the rock, and it's crumbling off
Toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Coming to sit in the chair beside the bed, you took Abner’s hand, cool to the touch, in your warm one.
Come bail me out of this godforsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this godforsaken precipice
You brought the hand you were holding to your cheek and closed your eyes before finishing the song. You remained like that for some time. Minutes, an hour, who knows, before Abner’s thumb moved unambiguously to stroke your hand. It repeated. Your eyes shot open and met Abner’s sleepy gaze. The ghost of a smile tugged on his dry lips as he took you in.
He tried to speak but didn’’t croak a syllable before he stopped to weakly cough. You quickly rose to bring him your water bottle. After helping him drink and taking your seat, Abner began again.
“You have a lovely voice,” he said softly. You thanked him through a shy smile.
“If I had known that’s all it would take to wake you, I’d have sung to you from day one.” You told him.
“How many days… has it been?” the realization visibly came over him.
“Nine including the flight from Corto Maltese. Starro is very much dead. Flag and Peacemaker… are, too.” There was a pregnant silence as Abner quietly soaked in the revelations.
It was a moment before Abner continued his query. “You’re free, now, right?”
You nod. “You’re free, and yet… you’re here.”
“Abner, I know you bumped your head but don’t you remember the promise I made you?”
Abner gets some color back in his complexion as he looks down bashfully.
“I’m gonna see you as a free man someday, and until then I’ll visit you here and at Belle Reve.” Your determined face and involuntary lean forward brought the first laugh from the black-haired man since he woke up. You blushed and relaxed your posture before looking back at Abner. He was already looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
“What?” you asked, tilting your head in query but returning the smile.
“I’m just glad you were here when I woke up.”
A warmth returned to your cheeks. You grabbed Abner’s hand, lacing your fingers, and brought the back of it to your cheek once again. You met his affectionate gaze with a soft smile.
“Me too.”
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luvlysangi · 2 years
dream prince :: yeosang
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*.~ pairing: joseonprince!yeosang x fem hs student y/n & bestie yunho
*.~ warnings: hints of insomnia, depression, a bit of narcolepsy, death, grief, coma
*.~ genre: romance, angst ooh lots of angst, soulmate au
*.~ ost: say goodbye by ha yea song (hotel del luna ost)
*.~ masterlist
*.~ sign up to be notified for future fics
*.~ taglist:@oficialhwa @tannie13 @so-nyeon-dan @sansszn @littleparkseonghwa
Lots of people say that I sleep too much. I oversleep so I’m late for everything and I take naps that are too long. Of course, I wasn’t always like this. I wasn’t like this until after...I met him in my dreams.
His very existence is only in my dreams and I don’t think my brain is the one creating him for me. I believe it’s something more. I believe he’s from a different universe and the only way fate lets us meet is through our dreams.
How can I explain that to people? They’d only think I’m crazy or blame it on the sleep. That’s why I keep my reasons for dreaming to myself. All that matters to me is that I’m in love with him...and he’s in love with me.
The big and bright lunar moon is up in the sky tonight in my dream. This means it was nighttime in my world and also in his. The stars are also present around the moon. I woke up in a field of tall grass and I begin walking out of it.
I’m more familiar with this world now and I know where the lake is nearby here. That’s where he told me to meet him. He’ll wait under the big oak tree. I hear the sound of a flute and I follow its sweet pitched melody.
When I finally push my way out of the tall grass, I arrive at the area where the lake was at. There he is, sitting against the oak tree, peacefully playing his bamboo flute. My heart pounds in my chest as I get closer to him.
Under the moon’s rays, he’s so ethereal. He has gorgeous long blonde hair that goes down to his waist. A dark blue bandana was tied around his head. His clothing is more traditional than mine as it’s a beautiful dark blue and purple hanbok. One of the most important features that got me attracted to him was his sharp jawline, his pretty lips, and dark brown eyes.
When he finishes his song he brings his flute down and looks at me with his loving smile.
“You’re here.” He sweetly says in his, deep voice.
I smile back at him and he gets off of the tree to come and gives me a hug. Our hugs can last a bit long but we don’t mind. We spent our whole day apart.
When we pull from the hug he kisses my hand making all the butterflies flutter in my stomach.
“Shall we have that boat ride now?” He asks me and I give him a nod.
We go over to the small rowboat that was sitting in the grass by the water and I get In. He pushes the boat onto the water before getting in himself. Yeosang grabs the ores and begins rowing the two of us down the lake.
At some point, we arrive at the middle of the lake. He stops rowing and I look around the dark waters. The stars and the moon reflect in it making me feel lighthearted at the sight.
I hear my prince let out a hum of amusement making me turn back and face him.
“What? What is it?” I ask him and he smiles widely at me showing me his pearly whites.
“Nothing it’s just, you’re beautiful when your eyes light up to the world around us.
I blush at his sweet compliment, a common reaction for me whenever he does that to me.
“You’re beautiful too. Especially under the moonlight, you glow.”
His ears turn red after my compliment and he pushes a strand of his hair behind his ear, “I suppose we’re even now.”
I chuckle, “yeah, we are.”
We remain silent for a few moments but within those comfortable silent moments, he holds my hands in his.
“Do people judge you where you’re from because you...sleep too much?” I speak up and ask him.
His smile fades and he gives me a small yet serious nod.
“They say I’m a useless prince because of that. My parents put me through so much work just to keep me active and awake but that only exhausts me and makes me sleep more. It’s gotten so bad that out of my older brothers they’re deciding to send me to a different kingdom.”
“A different kingdom?!! Y-yeosang...”
“Yes, but not just any random kingdom. I was trying to avoid telling you this but...”
His soft eyes get glossy as they get filled with tears. He looks down at his lap to avoid his gaze with mine. I felt so bad, I could feel his pain.
“T-They set me up to marry this princess from our allying kingdom and that’s where they want to send me. I was all fine when they left me alone but now...I-I feel so miserable. I have to marry someone that isn’t you. I have to marry someone not because of love. I-I have to face the reality, but I don’t want to!”
My poor prince starts crying and my heart breaks to his pain. If only we didn’t live so far apart from each other, I could save him. I didn’t even know what to tell him.
I carefully move to the seat between us to sit closer to him. He takes his hands and places them in my lap before also putting his head down on my lap. I caress his head while my other hand gently rubs his shoulder.
Since I didn’t know what to tell him, I hum a song instead. I hum a song my grandma used to sing to me when I’d get sad. Yeosang stops crying as he listens to the melody of my song. As I continue, he sits back up and he looks at me with his tear-stained face. I smile at him as I hum the last few notes of the song and wipe the remaining tears on his cheeks with my thumbs.
It then comes to me for what to say but it also hurt me as well. However, I know he needs to understand and know I do as well.
I hold his hands and kiss his tear-stained cheeks as well as give an extra kiss to his birthmark under his right eye before speaking.
“I only want you to be happy and I understand that you must feel happiness is with me, here in our dream because I feel the same too. But, we live in two totally different universes and we’re miserable in them. We don’t have to live like that though. I think...that’s where our love can come in.”
Yeosang looks at me patiently as he listens to every word I try to explain to him. I also try to hold back my own tears as the truth makes me emotional.
“What I’m trying to say is, whatever your parents are making you do, do it with love. Share the love you have for me in whatever you have to do. Even whoever you have to marry. If you do this then...I think you can finally be happy where you are. I have to learn to do this too in my world.”
“But Y/n, you are my happiness.”
“And you’re mine too and that’s okay. But, only in our dreams. We can really only be happy in our worlds if we spread that love that happiness that we feel for each other into our daily routine. Do you...get what I’m saying?”
He gives me a smile and wipes the tear that had fallen down my cheek, “You were always a smart girl. I understand. Then, everything I’ll do, I’ll do for you and do because of you.”
“I’ll do so as well.”
Yeosang cups my cheek and leans in to kiss me. I could feel my heart skip many beats from the taste of his sweet lips. Deep down, I was selfish. I didn’t want him to marry some girl from his world I just want him to stay here with me and be mine. But, the reality still stands and we have to face that. But I believe we can face that if we keep each other in our hearts and not just in our dream.
He pulls from the kiss and rests his forehead against mine.
“I have to wake up soon, y/n. I’ll remember and do everything you told me.”
“So will I. Should we meet during nap time?”
“Not today. Let’s try to make today a happy day. If I know I can see you tonight then I’ll push forward with my day with happiness for that.”
I smile at him and kiss his lips once more.
We pull apart and I kiss his forehead, “I love you, my prince. Have a good day.”
“I love you too, my love. I’ll see you in my dreams tonight.”
His body starts to disappear and I woke up from the dream.
“What’s up with you today? You look more...awake? More...focused? I mean you’ve never asked if you wanted to study for the class together. ”
My best friend, Yunho watches me in utter bewilderment as I take notes from the textbook.
“Well, I can’t keep letting you give me the answers to our homeworks and classworks.”
He smiles at me and waves it off, “Hey I don’t mind, you’re my best friend. I just don’t want to see you fail.”
“I appreciate you, Yunho. I’m sorry I don’t do that enough. You’re the only one who doesn’t think I’m crazy.”
“It’s alright, really, y/n. People don’t believe in fate nowadays but you’re lucky I do haha~ I’m glad because of him you’re willing to do better and be happy when you’re awake. I mean before today you couldn’t wait to take naps or you’d doze off in class and miss lessons. I was always worried for you but I understood why you let yourself be tired and sleep. I just want you to be happy, you know.”
I’m really thankful I met Yunho. When I first met Yeosang in my dreams I felt so empty when I was awake. I slept everywhere. It was one day in class when I was sleeping and Yunho gently woke me up.
He gave me a bright and friendly smile and shared his notes from class that day. He told me he took them for me. Ever since that day he had given me his notes and the answers to our homeworks. All he wanted in return was friendship. That’s how it started. He never judged me or anything when it came to my sleep, instead he just helped me make sure I survive school and don’t worry my parents at home. His happy-go-lucky personality also gives me energy in the day to keep me awake. I don’t know what I’d do without him.
I smile at him, “Thanks Yunho. You’re the cause of my happiness when I’m awake.”
And with that we continued our study session, cracking jokes and having fun along the way.
“How was your day today? Did you try to be happy?”
I smile at the thought of my day as I braid Yeosang’s long blonde hair.
“It was great actually. I surprised a lot of people today because I was more awake and focused. Haha, even Yunho was surprised but he was happy for me.”
“I’m glad you have him. He’s a good support to you, to us.”
“That he is! I actually look forward to school tomorrow for once. I have both you and Yunho to thank for that.”
I finish braiding his hair and I put it over his shoulder. He turns around to me, admiring the beautiful long braid I did for him.
I gasp in delight, “It looks cute on you! Omg, I should try pigtails on you, that’d look really cool with your long hair!!”
He laughs making my heart melt at his sound.
“Then tomorrow, you can come and do as you please.”
I cheer excitedly making him laugh again.
“So, Yeosang, what about you? How was your day?” I asked him.
Yeosang pats his lap, gesturing for me to come over and rest on him. I do so, scooting closer to him and laying my head down on his lap. He looks down at me lovingly and caresses my head.
“I remembered your love for me and I had the strength to do my best today. I was given a lot to do today but I believe I handled them well.”
I smile at him and reach up to cup his soft cheek, “I’m proud of you. I know you can do just as well tomorrow!”
He just smiles at me but I can see in his eyes he's unsure about something. There’s something that happened today and he seems unsure to tell me further.
“Yeosang...is there...something else that happened today?” I ask him gently.
His smile fades and he reaches up to hold my hand on his cheek.
“My parents sent me to the other kingdom tonight. The ride was going smoothly until this wagon purposely crashed into my palanquin and bandits started stealing the goods and fighting with the guards. I was stuck inside the broken palanquin, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t feel anything. I think...I fell asleep from the overwhelming pain. I don’t know...if I can wake up. I think...I’m stuck here, y/n.”
“Oh, Yeosang!! You’re unconscious in your world right now??”
He bites his lip and nods, “I believe so. I-I don’t know what’s going on right now. I-I don’t know if anyone came to rescue me or my guards, I don’t know if the bandits got me, I don’t know if I’m in an infirmary getting treated or not. The only reason I’m not scared is because I’m here with you.”
“So...if I wake up, you’ll be stuck here alone...”
“Our dream world is very safe and beautiful though. I’ll be alright.”
Tears slide down my cheeks, “No, I’ll stay here with you. I-I can’t just leave you here while you’re stuck here.”
He gives me a reassuring smile and wipes my tears, “You need to live your life for the day. I promise you I’ll be fine here. Please, no more crying for me my love.”
It's not hard not to be sad. He’s hurt badly in his world and he’s not here because he’s asleep he’s here because he’s unconscious. It’s always times like these I wish I could be with him in his world.
Yeosang pouts, still seeing my sad expression. He gently sits me up, hands wrapped around my waist.
“If I kiss you, will you cheer up for me?” He asks me.
Before I could even answer, he does so anyway. My slow heartbeats pick up the pace as I melt into his soft lips. My hands go around his neck and I deepen our kiss. I do admit, it was working as the sounds of his soft breaths whenever we pulled away drove me crazy.
“God, I love you...I'd marry you if I could.” he breathes to me making me smile as I caught my breath.
“You can marry that princess, just don’t kiss her the way you kiss me.”
He smiles and nods his head, “of course. I’m yours. I won’t give her any of me.”
We kiss once more and he leans into me making my back land in the grass as he gets on top of me. My heart races in excitement at our new position. I knew these last few kisses would be goodbye kisses as I knew my body would wake up from the dream soon. I knew it would be okay as long as my prince will be here with open arms waiting for me.
“It’s been a month now...is he...conscious yet?”
Yunho stops swinging on his swing as he looks over at me in concern.
I stop swinging on my swing and I shake my head, “no, not yet.”
Yunho sighs and brings his hands down from the swing chain, “I’m sorry about that, y/n. He’s definitely in a coma at this point. The accident must’ve been really bad.”
“Yeah. Then again if he is getting treated, his world doesn’t have the modern medicine we do. If he was here, he would’ve been better within 2 or 3 days. But there...I don’t know.”
It was then I feel my lip quiver and my eyes get watery. I look over at my best friend with a pout.
“Y-Yunho...c-can I have one of your warm h-hugs?”
He gives me a small smile and gets off of his swing. He pulls me off of my swing and pulls me into his warm chest. That’s where I sob. I let everything out. I want to be brave for Yeosang and I’m trying to but it’s hard. He acts normal in my dream but in reality, he’s not waking up. What if he...dies?
Yunho rubs and pats my back letting me cry into him. I cry and cry until my nose got too stuffy.
“Better?” He asks me and I nod.
He pulls away from the hug and he goes over to his backpack on the ground. Yunho pulls out a small pack of tissues from his backpack and he hands it to me.
As I clear my nose he pats my head, giving me his warm smile.
“Hey, he’s gonna be okay. I know you’re worried for him but he’s got you. He could be so much worse but you support him already just by being by his side in your dreams. I’m sure he’s very thankful for you. Just continue to love him like you’ve been doing. Okay?”
I look up at him and give him a small smile.
I toss the used tissues into a nearby trash can and Yunho comes over to me with my backpack in his hand.
“Come on, I’ll walk you home.”
Tonight we lay in the grass and looked up at the night sky. There are billions and billions of them and they look so beautiful. The planetarium at home could never compare to this. We lay there and talked about many random things.
“Do you remember the first time we met?” I ask Yeosang randomly.
“I do." he responds with amusement in his voice, " We thought it was just a one-time dream. Then when we realized it wasn’t, we were so confused.”
“Haha yeah. Those were the days we slept the most just so we could keep testing if we were dreaming or if we’re real.”
He turns his head to me with a soft smile, “Regardless we became friends very quickly.”
A grin rises on my lips after feeling the gentle poking of the grass under my legs, tickling it a bit, “Oh yeah. We’d ask each other many questions just to get to know one another. One question I asked you was, if you got reincarnated, what would you wanna be? You didn’t have an answer back then but, do you now?”
“I do actually. I thought about that question for a long time. But, when I fell in love with you, it became very clear to me.”
Yeosang’s fingers intertwines with mine and I turn my head to look at him.
He looks over to me with a smile, even under the moonlight, he's still glowing, “I wanna be reincarnated to your world. I want to be someone close to you, then maybe I could love you again in that life.”
I can feel my heart race with excitement at those words. If we could have that chance, it’d mean a lot.
As I look at Yeosang, his body fades then comes back and he looks so exhausted.
“W-Woah what happened?? Are you waking up?!”
He squeezes my hand tight and he shakes his head, “no. My...body is dying. It’s been happening lately these days when you’re gone. I can feel it...I don’t have much time.”
I immediately sit up and start crying and Yeosang sits up as well. He quickly pulls me into his chest and i cry into him.
“P-please don’t go!! W-what am I supposed to do without you?!! Y-Yeosang I-I love you...”
He gently pats my back and shushes me, “I know, I know, my love. But, you must promise me to stay strong. You must continue your life without me. I want you to do well in school, at home, and I want you to start dreaming happy things when you sleep. Don’t come to this world looking for me...I will not be here. Regardless, dream up something happy. Can you promise me these things, y/n?”
Yeosang pulls from the hug to look at me. He had tears streaming down his cheeks but regardless of his own, he wiped mine. As much as I wanted to promise him those things it won’t be easy for me to just do them. All I want is him. He fades again then comes back.
“Yeosang please...”
He squeezes my hands, “Y/n, promise me first.”
I just nod my head and he gives me a small smile.
“Good. And tell Yunho I said thank you for taking care of you. Tell him to continue to do when I’m gone.”
I nod again, my throat feels dry, I can't speak.
“Please don’t cry too much, okay. If fate allowed us to meet and love each other then maybe it can bring me back to you.”
We kiss and hold each other tight. Tears streamed down both of our faces. I take in his lips as we kiss deeper. I want to remember everything about his touch, his taste, his love, his everything.
Yeosang pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.
“I love you, Yeosang...” I tell him.
“I love you too, y/n. Thank you for the beautiful dream.”
With his tear-stained lips he kisses me goodbye once more and then, his body fades away and he disappeared from me forever.
I woke up from that dream and I screamed and cried all night.
It’s been weeks since Yeosang passed. I’ve been in a dark and deep hole since then. I feel so empty and I’ve lost the happiness and interest in life. How could I when he brought it in me? My love, my prince, my one true soulmate...gone.
I used to love sleep and sleep every chance I had. Now, I avoid sleep. If I sleep, I dream and he’s not there. No matter how tired my body is I force myself to stay awake.
At this point my parents don’t even know what kind of therapist to send me to next. First, it was one to help me stop sleeping so much, now it’s for grief and depression. But now, they’re considering one to help me sleep.
As for Yunho, he tries reaching out to me and he tries to cheer me up but I’ve grown so numb to feel anything anymore. All I can do is small talk with him.
I feel stuck. I’m still grieving over him but at the same time, I know I shouldn’t. He wants me to move on he wants me to be happy, but how can I?
I heard a gentle knock on my door and I look up to see Yunho slowly opening the door.
“Hey, y/n. You missed a lot at school today. Don’t worry though, I have the answers for the homeworks and classworks for you. May i...come in?”
I give him a small nod and he comes inside my room, gently closing the door behind him. He comes over to my bed and sits down at the end, putting his backpack on the floor.
“They had your favorite dish at the canteen today. I’m sure you would’ve loved it.”
I continue to look down at my lap as I just listened to him try and talk to me.
“You know, speaking of food...I know you have little appetite but you have to try and eat something. Your parents told me you’re skipping every meal they’ve been giving you.”
Silence fills the room again.
“Hey, I know what might cheer you up! Hehe, should I do my Spongebob impression for you?”
Yunho does his silly SpongeBob expression for me. Although I don’t laugh, I felt a corner of my lips curve slightly before returning back to its frowning state.
“I saw that!~ hehe so you do have the ability to be cheered up! I knew it! Should I do another impression?!”
I immediately frown and look away from him, “No. Please. I’m not in the mood.”
Yunho’s smile fades and he bites his lip giving me a nod.
I feel bad, he's only trying to cheer me up, it’s who he is.
“I’m sorry...you were only trying to cheer me up.”
Yunho shakes his head, “Oh, no, it’s okay. I’m in no hurry to get you to cheer up because I understand it’s not easy. Healing wounds takes time. People may not understand what you’re going through but I’m willing to be patient for you. You're doing your best already. You being here still is proof. I'm proud of you.”
For once in a few weeks, a small smile rises on my lips. He’s the best, truly he is.
I scoot over on my bed and pat the spot next to me.
“Can you cuddle me? I need your warm hug.”
He grins, “one warm cuddle coming right up!~”
Yunho gets under the thick covers next to me I cuddle into his chest as he hugs me. His warmth relaxes the tension in my body, giving me comfort and melting my emptiness away.
“I still love him...”
“Who said you had to stop loving him? It’s okay to still love him.”
“But...he wanted me...to move on.”
“True, at some point you do have to move on, but you can take your time. It’s okay.”
He caresses my hair, continuing to relax my tired body.
My eyes droop but I shoot them back open and shake my head, “I don’t want to sleep. You’re making me sleepy.”
“But y/n...you need to rest your body. Please, sleep. Hehe, it’s ironic how now I’m practically begging you to sleep. I’ll be here with you until you wake up. You won’t be alone, I promise.”
He begins to softly sing a sweet song to me, relaxing me even more. My eyes get heavy like weights. I listen to Yunho and for the first time in many weeks...I was able to fall asleep.
This time, I didn’t dream of the world I’d meet Yeosang in. Instead, I dreamed of love and the different forms I’ve been receiving it in.
My parents worry about me because they love me. Yunho goes out of his way to help me and comfort me because he loves me. Yeosang brought me out of my loneliness and helped me learn to find happiness in life because he loved me.
He’s gone but I’m still being loved in other ways. If I can just learn to hold onto that with those I have now, maybe, just maybe, I can learn to move on.
Maybe, just maybe, I can be happy again.
3 years later...
Loud chatter fills the halls as I leave the lecture hall after having my last class of the day. I’m so over college honestly but I’ve got one more year to go and I’ll be free.
As I walk, I hear a familiar voice call my name making me turn around. I see Yunho run toward me with a wide grin on his face. He comes over to me and hugs me tightly as I laugh at his greeting.
“Geez, you are full of energy every single day.”
He pulls away from hugging me and he puts his hand on top of my head making me pout to our height difference.
“You call me Yunhogizer for a reason!~ OMG! But guess what!? I got my project grade back from class annnddddd, I PASSED!!!!”
“I PASSED!! I PASSED!!” He cheers while holding my hands and jumping us up and down.
I scream in joy and hug him tightly. I’ve seen how hard he’s worked on his project and he’d always come to me to worry about everything on it. I feel so proud to see that he’s achieved it.
He grins, “We should celebrate!! Can we go out for ice cream?! Such a sweet victory should be celebrated with a sweet treat!”
“I’m down! Before we go I wanna go to my dorm first to drop off my books and my bag.”
“Then let’s do that first!~”
Yunho walks with me to my dorm building and he tells me he’ll wait outside for me. I take the stairs up since the elevator is being worked on this week. On my way up, some guy in a hurry runs down the steps and bumps into me, making me drop my bag.
“Ah!! I’m so sorry!! I’m running late for my job!!” He tells me and he helps me get my bag from the floor.
“It’s alright, thank you!”
When he looks up at me I freeze as I recognize his features. I only took note of his short black hair, chiseled jawline, and strong cheekbones. He had an ethereal essence to him, almost statue-like. Of course, he only looked up briefly before he continued speeding down the steps, but something told me that I knew him. That...we’ve met before.
He looks like Yeosang...could he have- no...I’m getting ahead of myself. It’s because a part of me still searches for him in other people, hoping that maybe he reincarnated. It’s silly.
I sigh and put my bag over my shoulder before going up one more flight of steps to my floor. Once I drop my bag down on my bed in my room, I make my way out of the dorm building and meet up with Yunho.
“Alrighty! So where are we going for ice cream?”
Yunho grins at me, “my new friend, Mingi told me about this new ice cream cafe that opened up just nearby the school! He told me they have the best rolled ice cream there! I really wanna try it!~ I think you’ll like it too! After a long day, you look like you could use some ice cream haha!~”
“Alrighty, sir!~ lead the way!”
Yunho and I walk over to the ice cream cafe his friend talked about. When we enter it looks really cute! It seems pretty crowded here too. Yunho and I walk up to the counter and we stare at the menu trying to decide what flavor to settle with. They have so many, I didn't even know some could be turned into rolled ice cream.
“You know what you want?” Yunho asks me.
“Uhh, well since it’s my first time here I’ll go with something simple. Strawberry rolled ice cream.”
“Ooh, gotcha.”
Yunho orders for the two of us. I tried to pay but he insisted that today is on his treat. We get our order number and we search the cafe for seating. We found two chairs and a table by the white wall with a neon ice cream cone sign.
While waiting for our order, I decide to tell Yunho about the guy who bumped into me earlier.
“So um...on my way up someone ran into me.”
“Oh my god, are you okay? Did you get hurt?!”
I immediately shake my head, “Oh! No, no! Nothing like that. He was in a hurry but...I got a short glimpse of his features. Something told me that I knew him.”
“Well, maybe you did. I mean I bump into old faces all the time. Hey, remember our class president from high school? Kim Hongjoong?! He goes to our university! I had no idea honestly.”
“Oh! That’s cool! But I mean, with that guy, when I say I felt like I knew him...I don’t just mean some random person from my past. No, like, I knew him. Like, from my dreams, knew him.”
Yunho’s eyes widen in the realization of what I was trying to hint, “You think that dude you bumped into might’ve been...Yeosang?”
“Yeah...crazy right? I’m still searching for him in other people. Geez, this is why I can’t move on yet.”
“I don’t think you’re crazy. Also, you move on when you're ready to move on. I've told you before!~ It's okay!~ take your time, love yourself first.” He tells me reassuringly.
Before I could answer Yunho back, I stop when I heard the waiter call us.
“Order number, 1024? Strawberry and cookie dough?”
Yunho and I look up to the guy who has our ice cream order.
“Oh, yup, that’s us. Thanks, man.” Yunho confirmed and took the cups and spoons.
My eyes widen and my heart sunk in my chest. It’s....him...
The guy locks eyes with me and everything clicked instantly as I looked at his face. His familiar dark brown eyes, his strong jawline, his familiar smile, the birthmark under his left eye, his blonde hair is black now and shorter than it was in my dream, but it’s definitely him.
“It is you!! It’s me...y/n!! Remember me? From your dreams?”
He looks at me in confusion but it was when I reached for his hand he froze as he looked at me. His hand, it feels just as it did in my dreams many years ago. Soft and warm.
I remember the nights we held each other so tight we didn’t want to let go. I remember the conversations we shared about our days, our lives. I remember his sweet lips whenever he kissed me. Tears streamed down my face and they did so on his as he gives me his familiar smile.
Yunho looks between the both of us in bewilderment, “No way...h-he did reincarnate!!”
“Y/n? I-I’m remembering...” Yeosang tells me and I don’t hesitate to embrace him.
He hugs me back and we both cry tears of joy.
“My prince...you, you came back...”
“My love...you waited so long for me...then I forgot who I used to be in my past life, my apologies.”
I shush him and pull from the hug to look at him, “You’re here now. It’s okay.”
He smiles at me and wipes the tears on my cheeks, “Let’s talk more after my shift today. We have so much to catch up on. I also want to properly introduce myself to your best friend here.”
“Okay. We’ll wait.” I tell him before letting him go back to work.
Yeosang gives us both small smiles and waves before walking back to the counter.
Hours later we met up with Yeosang after his shift. He and Yunho finally met and Yeosang and I reunited.
There’s a reason for everything in life. Maybe there was a reason I’d sleep so many years ago just so I could meet my soulmate in my dreams. Maybe the palanquin accident and Yeosang passing had a reason so eventually he could come back to me in my world.
With some patience and some hope, it’s worth seeing where life takes you. Sure, it’ll be one heck of a twisty rollercoaster ride. There’s gonna be good times and bad times. But, you may never know along the road you finally meet someone who will show and give you love. That’s when you know, it was worth the wait.
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