frenzymutt · 8 months
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Here's another art post of Cragger and Crooler! I'm a bit nervous about how active the Chima tags are right now but also really happy to see people get into the fandom! Welcome everyone, I hope it hasn't been too chaotic for you guys.
Also this took an annoying amount of time, for something I feel is simple but oh well, I'm happy with it. All follows/reblogs are loved but I'm not forcing! :D
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skylinx2o · 5 months
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Heck yeah! First Chima OC finally done! Meet Laveche! Fun fact, I named her after wind. Literally typed wind names in search bar, this popped up, and it sounded perfect lol
She's been reworked from one of my first Legends of Chima OCs. The fanfiction never came to be, but I'm keeping the story, and it went as follows: someone from below Chima comes up to steal chi from them, and they go to a land below and get caught up in yet another conflict. The leaders down there was a Lynx tribe, led by matriarchy. Laveche was the princess (technically a queen since her mother went missing) of the lynx tribe. She's cool, I liked her, younger me was on to something with the characters I made
Also remembered I used to ship her with Cragger, so have a bonus piece:
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Average sibling behaviour (from what I know, I'm an only child tho) Also got lazy and only drew Cragger's and Crooler's heads...
I'll draw the new moth OC next. Gotta feed the local moth man
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theriseofleon · 18 days
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Pages 213-219...
Crooler shares her thoughts outloud finally...her father deserves to hear her here. And the battle between the Empire and Chima is here!
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jasper-the-menace · 8 months
Tales of Chima as Text Posts, part 7
Now with 50% more ice!
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And we'll go ahead and add my toxic sapphics to this post too.
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olivescales3 · 4 months
Pride Month Chima Icon sneak peek...
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I need to practice more on how to draw the Crocodile heads... They're wider than I expected!
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You give off older sibling energy
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transformersfan20 · 9 months
Crooler lesbiana(headcanon)
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Epilogue 1: Date night!
It’s been a couple of months now since me and Cragger had found ourselves in that realm. I hadn’t really thought about it honestly, all my duties as a king have really been keeping me occupied as of lately. Today was my first day off in weeks so I decided to finally go on that Date with Cragger. I told him a couple of weeks back that today would be my next day off so that’s when we can have our official first date.
I found myself pacing about my room, indecisive on what I was going to wear for tonight. I really didn’t know what I was going to do, this was my first date in a year and frankly I was panicking. I wanted it to be perfect, I just wanted everything to be perfect. No king duties, no issues, just me and Cragger. I turned around and saw Eris standing there patiently waiting.
“AH- Oh hey Eris.” I waved at her and went back to pacing around the room.
“Laval are you alright?” She asked concerned, looking over the possible outfits I had picked out for myself. “You told me to come over yesterday and you still haven’t told me why.”
“You’ve been on dates before right?” I asked her, looking at her with a serious stare.
“Yeah with Rogon like loads” Eris giggled to herself before continuing “But I don’t get why-” Her eyes widened as it clicked in her head. “LAVAL YOUR-”
“Dating again?” I laughed, I gave her an embarrassed smile“Yes I am. Now which outfit do I wear?” I held up one of the options, which is the outfit I normally wore but with some light blues and a red cape “Would this do?”
“Laval I-” Eris looked at me with an expression of kind-of shocked but kind-of not surprised “This is sudden. Whose this person might I ask?” I looked at her stunned, I didn’t expect her to ask this. Me and Cragger expected she would catch on and discussed telling her loads, we both agreed we’d tell her at some point but we didn’t know when. I sat down on my bed and sighed.
“You promise not to tell anyone?” I asked, “Not many people know.”
“Laval, you have my word.” She responded and took a seat next to me. “I won’t say a word to anyone. Not even to Cragger.” I sighed.
“That’s the funny thing” I laughed a little bit, “He’s actually my boyfriend now, He’s the guy I’m dating.” The words came out more confident than when I was coming out to Lavertus. Although that could’ve been due to the situation and or my friendship with Eris was more sibling-like. There was an awkward silence for a little bit before Eris gasped.
“Whoa.” She muttered, giving a sort-of ‘yeah I kind of guessed’ look, “How long have you loved him?”
“I…” I thought for a moment, I didn’t have an exact answer. “Well, I think it changed after what happened the day I found the crocodile beast and Crunket. We were having this short moment together before you and everyone else arrived, I don’t know why but in that moment I just felt… different about Cragger and I didn’t know why.” I stopped for a moment to think some more, “After me and Li’Ella agreed to break up and stay friends. I just felt a lot happier when I was with him.”
“When did you realise you loved Cragger?” Eris asked, placing her hand on my shoulder.
“It was actually shortly before we were taken to that other realm.” I replied, “We were just speedor racing and I was thinking that I just wanted to spend rest of my life with him.” I smiled, getting all flustered in the process.
“Who else knows about it?” Eris asked cautiously, I understood the amount of questions. Her best friend just told her that he’s dating someone who she thought was their best friend.
“Well I told Lavertus a couple of months ago.” I sighed, “And I told Sho and Asriel first. But since they aren’t here now I guess it’s just Lavertus and you that know.” Eris looked at me, I could tell she had one million questions in her head. But instead of asking them she just chuckled to herself.
“Well.” Eris smiled and proceeded to stand up, looking over the clothes I had picked out “Do you want me to help you then?”
“Yes!!” I shouted in relief “Thank you Eris! Thank you!” I hugged her, however I soon let go and looked over my options.
Later I soon found myself in an outfit that I overall liked that had a blue-ish cape and cyan tunic, however my nerves were getting to me. I had found myself sitting on my bed worrying, Eris was sitting next to me.
“I don’t know Eris, what if he doesn’t like it?” I asked her, worried.
“Don’t worry Laval, he's going to love it!” She reassured me, making final adjustments to the outfit and polishing my golden chestplate. “I guarantee you he’ll not think any less of you, even if he doesn’t like the outfit.” I smiled.
“Thanks bird-brain, that means a lot.”
“Your welcome furboy. Anything for my best friend.” She responded. I stood up and put my mane into a ponytail with the hair-tie that Sho said I could keep. I looked in my mirror taking a deep breath-in.
“I’m ready.” I muttered, taking one good look at myself in the mirror. I wasn’t the same lion I was before going to that realm, but to be honest. I was happier this way, I had an amazing boyfriend. And with my dad making a steady recovery and the nurses feeling confident that he’ll wake up soon, I feel the time where I can spend more time with Cragger is fast approaching!
“You alright Laval?” Eris asked me.
“Yeah. Yeah I am.” I responded, stretching my arms. I left my room with Eris following behind me. I soon ran into Lavertus who noticed the clothing choice I was wearing.
“So what’s the special occasion?” He asked, “Are you going out on a date or something?”
“Exactly that!” I responded with a grin, I walked past Lavertus who shouted “Good luck!” as I hopped onto my speedor and raced off. Me and Eris continued talking until I reached close to forever rock.
“Well, good luck with your date Laval.” Eris waved me goodbye as she flew away. I waved at her before parking my speedor and hopping off. I looked around wondering where Cragger was. I stood by the rock and waited, just thinking to myself and what we had planned for the date. Soon, Cragger appeared and he was wearing some sort of formal crocodile armour. I could feel my cheeks turning red as I looked at him.
“You look amazing!” We both said about each other's outfits, we both roared with laughter.
“I like what you did with the cape,” Cragger commented, examining the cape with curiosity. “It feels very…what’s the word…you?” I laughed at Cragger’s confusion of words.
“Thanks Cragger,” I responded with a smile. “I had to get some help from Eris on my outfit though. She also knows about us by the way” I looked down at the floor, “Sorry for telling her.”
“It’s fine Laval honestly.” Cragger grabbed my hand and I became flustered again, “She would’ve caught on sooner or later. Plus like I said a couple of months back before you came out to Lavertus, I don’t care what people think seeing us together.” I smiled at him, the genuine care in his voice was cute. “So what do we do on a date?”
“Hm..” I thought for a moment, “I actually don’t know. This isn’t exactly the fanciest first date area. Plus this is completely different to the dates me and Li’ella went on.” I could tell Cragger was thinking for a moment.
“Well, why don’t we do what we normally do?” Cragger responded, “Why don’t we play-fight?”
“Oh you're on!” I jumped back and soon me and Cragger were play-fighting at forever rock. Cragger’s moves were somewhat easy to dodge however they were much more improved upon since the last time we did this. However I came out victorious, and Cragger was on the floor. “Ahaha! I win mudlover!”
“Think again furboy!” Cragger jokingly shouted, tripping me up with his tail. I found myself laughing with Cragger joining in.
“How about we call it a tie then?” I asked while still laughing.
“Agreed.” Cragger responded, we both stared up at the sky. Smiling as we did so, I shuffled myself closer to Cragger and we both laid there cuddling for a while. It just felt nice to hangout with each other.
“Not much has changed has it?” I asked Cragger, looking at him.
“Hm?” Cragger took a second to register what I had just said, “Yeah I think I have to agree. We’ve just done what we’ve always done.”
“Yeah, but there’s now a lot more romance stuff.” I said with a smirk.
“Romance stuff?” Cragger looked at me confused.
“Yeah like this.” I pecked Cragger on the lips and when I pulled away we both became all flustered, both of us going red.
“Ohhh so that type of stuff?” Cragger jokingly asked.
“Yeah.” I responded with a smirk, we both moved and laid by the rock with all the points on them. I rested my head on Cragger’s shoulder and hummed, “Would you like to kiss more often?”
“Yeah.” Cragger responded. We both looked at eachother, then we both kissed again. Similar to what we did a couple of months back in my room but now sitting on the floor at one of my favourite places in all of Chima. Once both of us had pulled away we just looked at eachother then began giggling, I felt safe. I felt reassured. I felt in-love. All because of this goofy mudlover. I looked up at the sky as the sun was setting and we both sat there watching it set.
“Hey Cragger.” I muttered, “Want to have a sleepover at the lion temple tonight?” I saw his mouth grin from ear to ear. Well one side to another in this case.
“Of-course Laval!” He shouted, jumping up at the prospect. We both raced to our speedorz back to the lion temple and parked them just outside the temple. By the time we got back to the temple it was late with only guards out at this time, me and cragger walked past the lions and snuck up to my room. I smiled at Cragger as we both climbed into my bed and began cuddling. The rhythmic beating of his heart filled my ears as I rested my head on his chest we also 
occasionally traded kisses on each other’s cheeks. I could feel myself gradually fall asleep as I murmured the words “I love you Cragger.”
“I love you too Laval.” We both fell asleep, I felt confident that he’d always be by my side. No matter what happens, he’ll be there for me for all my ups and downs.
<-Previous Chapter
Epilogue 2->
What I basically did for the epilogues was split them up into an Halcyontale side and a LOC side. I decided to do the LOC side first since I had an acc idea for what I wanted to do for it, so this is just Laval going on a date with Cragger (+Eris popping off with the third wheel role). It's just a sweet sweet epilogue which makes up for how short the second one is.
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fenth-eiria · 1 year
Alright, some official Oc kids..
Longtooth X Leonidas: Lithal, Lydia, and Louisa
Laval X Eris : Ephron, and Lily
Lennox X Crooler : Lenny J, Crystal
Lagravis X Lillian (three of their children is canon): Lyzren (adopted, bio mom is Luxon who is @xxgiganmasterxx's oc), Lucas
Lavertus: Levitan (Part skeksis who lives with his mother Vol and her partner, and yes a crossover, which is probably the only acknowledged one at the moment.)
Crominus X Spinlyn: Crysis (Crominus and Crunket's last child, but Crominus took custody of him for safety reasons.)
Li'ella X Eglor: Lavender
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ghostenluvs · 8 months
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previous | next
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maverickcanine · 4 months
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who wants more crooler x windra propaganda
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rayeverydangday · 10 months
Man if I had a nickel for every time a Lego show had a twin sister who wanted to take the throne from another family member/sibling all sneaky like
I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice
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guaca-and-her-sonder · 5 months
Chimay day 5: "Crocodile" (List by Leo Alcado)
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For the croc side character (or antagonist in this case) I decided to draw Crooler! She had so much potential tbh it's a shame she got kinda ignored near the end lol
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theriseofleon · 28 days
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Pages 195-198...
Making it to the Lion Temple in order to speak to the tribal leaders, so that information and plans can be shared. First though, the tribes have to believe Crazz...
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jasper-the-menace · 8 months
Tales of Chima as Text Posts, part 3
Last one for tonight, I promise.
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olivescales3 · 9 months
🔥 character arcs? idk something with characters
Thank you mutual for the ask!
LoC's character arcs are amazing. I know that they're badly developed in the show, where they're either stretched medieval style or rushed to the extreme, but the show's arcs had a lot going on, each with their own unique endings and moral lessons that I've yet to see in any other LEGO theme.
Seriously! Cragger tried to commit species cleansing against the Lion Tribe because of his trauma; sounds kind of edgy at first, until you learn that he was spoiled throughout his entire childhood— meaning that he not only was almost never taught how bad Chi was to minors, but also never learned to have self control—, which led him to consuming Chi at a young age, followed by his parents dying shortly after while he was under the substance's influence.
Of course, all of this was thrown out the window immediately in favor of flattening both Cragger's and Crooler's characters because writing complex characters takes a lot of work. Mind control is one of the laziest scapegoats for lazy writing (not that the trope is bad in itself, it's just used like that a lot).
Taking about Crooler, she herself has her own arcs, too! She has a superiority complex due to her being ignored by her parents— something that, following the show's explanation, happened because Cragger had almost died in his egg, when, in reality, it was most definitely an intentional negligence coming from both parents, as they said to Cragger before 'dying' that his sister was not to be trusted, and something along the lines of her being evil. She was rightfully angry, since she was the first one to be born and the heir to the Crocodile Tribe's throne. However, her character was flattened as annoying, spoiled and bratty, when that's not supposed to be the case at all.
Crooler has shown to care for her brother in a few middle to late episodes. It's not like she deeply cares about him, but it's more like her resentment isn't totally personal against her brother; it's against the world. Everyone wants Chi, and she also wants it, because that's how she'll show others that she's the queen, she's in command now.
I could ramble about the later seasons, but I'm procrastinating a lot on my TFLOC stuff, so I'll leave it at that, but if anyone is interested in learning more, please send me an ask!! I'll reply to it later down the line (probably after episode 3 releases).
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